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The Pomeranian Review January 1979

American ^Pomeranian Cluti, 3fnc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY, 19794 3mCH. HONEYCREST RAZLE DAZLE DANTE Bred and owned by Jodi Hudspeth. Handled by Toddie ClarkIN THIS ISSUEGEORGIA SPECIALTY SHOW Tattoo Clinics YIPS YAPSWhat to Wear to a Dog Show by Erin Hundley GODDARD GRANT HEYDE HUNDLEY MILLER2 POMERANIAN REVIEW1 lPRESIDENTSMESSAGEBy DARRELL W. BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586I got the distinct impression at the APC Summer Specialty in Georgia on October 28th that someone was trying to impress someone Well, impress everyone they certainly did, and I extend my most sincere gratitude to Sue Goddard and Randy Freeh for coordinating all plans for this remarkable weekend. My wife was task-ed to write up the show, so I wont detail it in this column. Thank you for a job well done Im sure many were responsible and I wish only that I had names so each individual could be properly credited.Even with the activities and socializing and dog show in Atlanta we were able to conduct a Board meeting and to take care of quite a lot of important business for the Club. Eight 8 new members were voted in and, most importantly, a new Editor was selected for the POMERANIAN REVIEW, Mrs. Elton Pat Lewis of Mississippi. The REVIEW under Pat will have a new format which, from samples presented, looks very good. I feel the Board, from consideration of several different people and organizations to publish the REVIEW, has made a wise decision on Pat Lewis and believe everyone will be very happy with the new REVIEW. Sophie Mayes, as Editor, has contributed much to the Club and to Poms in her many years of service. I am sure none of us realize just how much work has been involved. The Board and all POMERANIAN REVIEW subscribers say, Thank you, Sophie, for a job well done.Next item and this one is tricky. It seems appropriate for me to notify the membership that I have received as President of APC telephone calls, personal contacts, and more recently an excellent, comprehensive letter from a well-known breeder judge plus another personal contact from an equally well-known breeder judge. The concern voiced by these people is for two things that seem to be rearing ugly heads these days1 A positive color preference being exhibited by Pomeranian judges.2 Not only judging evidence, but also personally voiced opinions of judges of Pomeranians that a dog was penalized for QUOTE having too much coat.I want each of you to note at this point that this represents in no measure or fashion my personal opinion. As a matter of fact, in honesty I must state I have found this to be no problem. However, I continue to receive complaints, many backed up with definite evidence, of judges remarks that this must now be considered an ongoing problem and should be stopped in whatever way seems most practical. I cannot take position as President of APC without concurrence of all the membership. I am not certain as to appropriate action on this matter. I do know however that on this subject the standard at NO point makes reference to too much coat or too profuse. Its as simple as that. A Pomeranian is a hairy dog . . . nothing says just HOW hairy he should be. Perhaps some of you may wish to comment on this. If so, please address your comments to the Secretary of the American Pomeranian Club. At the next Board meeting we will consider your wishes and consider whether or not the parent club should in fact take action toward eliminating an apparent practice of penalizing a Pomeranian for an overly abundant coat.The same holds for the preference-incolor syndrome. This one Ive heard for many years. It may be impossible to do Continued on Page 4POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran JJnnwanuut ttlitb, Jttr.President ...................................First Vice President_________Second Vice President .Recording Secretary ________Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.......................................................................... Mr. Darrell W. Baker..............................................................................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn.................................................................................... Mrs. Ruth Dotson.............................................................................. Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein.................................................................................... Mrs. Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway, Bristol, VA. 24201 ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Sally Baugniet Mr. Richard MegenhardtMr. Thomas Daniels Mrs. Eleanor MillerMrs. Randall Freeh Mr. Sam ZaneoffDelegate to the A.K.C.......................................................................................................... Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Elton Pat Lewis, Rt. 1, Box 105-M, Terry, MISS 39170Assistants ............................................................................................. Annie Juanita Harvey, Elton LewisCirculation Manager..........................Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Published quarterly at Terry, Mississippi by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................75.00Inside front cover ................................................... 40.00Center Spread, 2 pages .......................................... 80.00Full page ................................................................ 35.00Three-quarters page ............................................... 30.00One-half page ........................................................ 20.00One-quarter page vertical only .............. 10.00100 copies full page ad ............................................ 9.50Charge for reproduction of pictures, up to 5X7 inches, 6.00. No charge if usable negative is on file.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYBy Jodi HudspethOn the Cover again this month is the Dazzling Duo, Ch. Honeycrest Razle Dazle Dante a very special Special and his handler, Toddy Clark, receiving the Best in Show award at the Pensacola Dog Fanciers Association show from Judge Donald Sandburg.The magic number is now seven allbreed Best in Shows and 23 Group First and 17 other Group placements in only seven months.Dazzles superb typeyness and outstanding soundness have been recognized and awards made by some of the nations most renowned judges including Mr. Joseph Faigel, Mr. Henry Stoecker, Mr. Heywood Hartley, Mrs. Erica Huggins, Mrs. Thomas Gately, Mr. Frank Oberstar, Mr. William Guevera, Mr. Emil Klinkhardt, Mr. Raphael Schulte, Mr. E. W. Tipton, Jr., Mr. Melbourne Downing, Mrs. Miclele Billings, Mrs. Jane Kay, Mrs. Joan Alexander, Mr. Langdon Skarda, Mrs. Wilma Hunter, Mr. Gus Wolf, Mr. Ed Dixon, Mr. Edd Bivin, Mrs. James Hampton, Mrs. Ann Stevenson, Mrs. Thelma Brown, Mr. Ruttledge Gilliland, Mr. Louis Auslander and Mr. Theodore Wurmser.I feel Dazzle has a fantastic temperament and have to give credit to my retarded son, Johnny. Johnny adopted him when he was barely weaned as his baby and showered him with love. As Dazzle matured into a beautiful Pom, it was very difficult for me to take him away to show and later to put in the hands of a handler, but Johnny took it in his stride and whenever the ribbons and trophies and photos come in, Johnny takes pride in saying, My baby won.Dazzle is the second generation homebred champion and group winner, and from the looks of his get, it wont be long before the third generation comes along.We have moved Please note our new address5960 Rosewell Rd.Atlanta, Georgia 30328 Phone 404-252-6540PRESIDENT Continuedanything whatsoever about this, since judges do indeed have preferences in color and, good or bad, that judge will take that preference into consideration as he judges. Even if the parent club took action to abolish this type preference, how can you totally erase this preference from a judges brain Again, your comments will be most welcome.Seems impossible, but it is time to begin thinking about that wonderful trip to New York in February. Wouldnt it be fine if we could see many of you who dont routinely go to New York each year . . . start thinking in that direction.Well see you there. It is a great way to spend a cold weekend in February.Congratulations to all those lucky winners in Atlanta.Till next time.ANNIVERSARY ISSUE WHERE IS ITPromises, promises In retrospect, it was probably just too big an undertaking for an amateur staff and a small printing shop. Early in the endeavor, we had to seek a new offset printer for our color pages when the original choice tried to give us a raw deal. There have been unavoidable delays all along the line. Every time we thought we could make a firm committment on delivery, something happened to make another postponement necessary. Now, as we are about to go to press with the January Issue, I can tell you that the Anniversary Issue has 232 pages, including 22 beautiful color pages. But I still cannot predict the mailing datePOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Roc-Lyns Pomeranians IntroducingiLenniss Creme-De-Co-Co-A Thanks, Lennis Raines for this Chocolate DollWatch for her With Handler Marlene Scott Special Thanks Wilma Jean Brown for Browns Prince Charming.Esther Fields 1-405-943-86676 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYS REPORTBy SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Highway Bristol, VA. 24201At our annual meeting last February 1978, the members voted to repoll the membership regarding the judge for the specialty of 1979. Many felt that Mrs. Grybinski and Mr. Casey should be invited to judge, due to the fact that they were unable to get to New York to fulfill their assignments because of the snow. The membership had already voted Mrs. Michele Billings as their first choice for 1979 prior to the specialty, so a re-vote was felt to be the most appropriate choice. Unfortunately no re-vote was taken, and at our telephone conference in June, the board decided to ask Mrs. Grybinski and Mr. Casey to judge in 1979, and Mrs. Billings in 1980. Mrs. Grybinski had a conflict in dates and Mr. Casey declined. Mrs. Billings also had a conflict as far as 1979 was concerned, therefore a quick decision had to be made and it was decided to ask the person who had been a close second to Mrs. Billings in that previous vote, Mr. Forrest McCoy. Fortunately Mr. McCoy was able to accept that assignment and we are expecting AKC approval. Mrs. Jacqueline Klein was the choice to do the Sweepstakes Classes, and we do have AKC approval for her at this writing.There are some errors in addresses and phone numbers in the 1978 Annual Report. If you see an error in your address or phone number, please report it to me, so these can be corrected in the annual report of 1979.The additions and changes to the Constitution and By-laws have been sent to AKC for approval and as soon as we have word on that, they will be reprinted and mailed to the membership.At the same time that these amendments were mailed for your vote, an additional vote was taken to include a list of faults in our standard. It was reported that this vote failed to pass by the required 23rds majority. Also we have learned that AKC is no longer approving standards which include lists of faults. The standard describes the perfect Pom and any deviation would be considered a fault.As you may know, I took over this position by Board vote in late June. For some time after that I did not have the materials in my possession. Some former letters etc. are still not with me, so if you had written requesting applications, sent in applications, or anything that you did not get reply to, please try again. Ill try to answer all correspondence. Please be patient.We have recently voted into membership the following personsMrs. Marlene Balcerak 824 Liberty Rd.Elderburg, Md. 21784 Mrs. Katherine Davy Star Route West Danville, Ark. 72833 Mr. Tim Goddard 5044 Lee Hwy.Bristol, Va. 24201 Mrs. Mary Nell Hansard Route 1Rome, Ga. 30161Mr. and Mrs. Elton PetersonRoute 1, Box 77AScottsbluff, Ne. 69361Ms. Carla Prewitt988 Peavy Rd.Dallas, Texas 75218 Mrs. Grace Smyth 29394 D. Drive So.Albion, Mich. 49224 Mrs. Luda E. Swartz 125 19th Ave. S. E.St. Petersburg, FI. 33705 Mrs. Dorothy L. White 3095 Old Pidgeon Roose Rd.Byhalia, Miss. 38611POMERANIAN REVIEW 7SCOTIA KENNELS, REG.Poms of DistinctionSpecial thanks to all those folks who me a helping hand at the Specialty- in Kennesaw, Georgia Alsothose people who worked so hard ike the show the success it was.OfferingMany champions at stud and some real promising youngstersand maybe a Champion or two.Edna Girardot Floral City, Fla. 32636P.O. Box 646 Ph 904-726-2001ft-gaveScotia Dandys Precious Ceetato all to mt8 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY MARIETTA, GEORGIAOCTOBER 28, 1978By OLGA BAKERVwiifI _______iSfe_Judge Ms. Virginia Sivori is shown taking the Specialty Best of Breed Winner, Ch. Funfairs Pinto O Joe Dandy, all the way to Best in Show at the Kennesaw Kennel Club event. Pinto is owned by Robert Koepple of New York and handled by Joy Brewster. Photo by Dick Alverson.I was asked by one of the Ram- Rodders of this fantastic event Sue Goddard to do a write-up of the affair and to critique the specialty. I love the term, Ram-Rod as weve learned over the years that such events as this require 1 A Plan 2 Agreement to Proceed With the Plan and 3 RAM- RODDERS the more the merrier. This plan for hosting the 1978 APC Summer Specialty was blessed with two of the finest RAM-RODDERS of them all RANDY PRECH and SUE GODDARD, supplemented with two neat cooperative husbands, PAUL FRECH and TIM GODDARD. What superb hosts and hostesses these lovely people were. Somehow they made every individual feel that heshe was super-special and super welcome. Now, THAT is hosting, my friends.Speaking on behalf of my husband, Darrell Baker, for the American Pomeranian Club the Club was proud of thatweekend. He said the entire weekend was a credit to the parent club and everyone associated with it should be commended publicly. CONSIDER YOURSELVES COMMENDED, PEOPLE OF ATLANTA.I must report the weekend in two parts. First, the hospitality and socializing were unexcelled and most deserving of our remarks. Then of course, Ill review the actual specialty show as best I can for you.The plane hit the ground in Atlanta, we rented a car, checked into the Squire Inn, and high-tailed it out to the Freehs everyone had been invited there for pre-show gathering. Nestled in the middle of forests and lovely wilderness was the Freehs estate not just a home or house, but a real estate. We tromped into rooms full of beautiful people from everywhere North- South, East, West good neat familiar faces, one of thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 9most lavish of displays of food and good things upon which to feast, drinks provided by handsome bartender and sometimes kennel-help, Paul Freeh. Randy and Sue were equally lovely and charming, in spite of bone-deep weariness, bless em. Everyone chatted, loved seeing one another, talked dogs, caught up, ate, drank, visited, laughed, and did all the things dog people do in our private version of togetherness. End of evening thank you, Randy and Paul.Next day DOG SHOW Who could envision a gorgeous 8 or 10 course culinary feast for lunch at a dog show For 20 years plus we have dined on cold, half-green hot dogs, or those cooked- a-few-days ago hamburgers typical dog show fare, designed to hit a happy medium between ptomaine and nourishment. Then suddenly those wonderful people had everyone in at half-time of the specialty show for a banquet of beautiful casseroles, pungent vegetables, hot breads and butter, salads of every type imaginable, and then DESSERTS, hot coffee, iced tea EVERYTHING. We cannot possibly determine how they managed to keep hot things hot, cold things cold, jelled things jelled, everything lovely and delicious. Again, we redundantly say to everyone responsible THANK YOU, DEAR PEOPLE.The end Most certainly not. That night everyone dressed up in their best skivvies, and we dined at the Squire Inn banquet room on marvelous prime rib, several folks made mini-speeches, and some did a little boogie-dancing after dinner. The band was truly extraordinary and we thank Paul Freeh for arranging for the nice personable guys in the band at a kinfolks price Im sure. Weary but happy Pomeranian people drifted away to their rooms and piled into bed to rejuvenate adequately to go to the Athens show next day.I wish I could name all tlhe famous Pom-people present but if I tried, sure as the world I would omit someone. Suffice to say that EVERYONE was there.I must of necessity omit coverage of the Athens show. The drive over to Athens was, however, lovely and pleasant, the outdoor show very nice, affording us all opportunity for one more quickie visit with fellow Pom people prior to departure for home. At this show the little Champion, Pinto, shown by Joy Brewster, took Best of Breed, to repeat his big win of the preceding day. Time and space prevent my fully covering the show. Darrell and I zoomed back to Atlanta to catch a plane and get our tired-but-content bodies back to Houston. While we are certain no one really CARES whether or not the Bakers had a fun-time, we decided after discussing the entire weekend, that we had enjoyed that weekend in Atlanta more than any dog-show- weekend in lots of years including even New York. This was not a unique opinion by any means. We heard at the time and have had lots of comments, letters, calls, etc. since then that this was precisely as Specialty Shows SHOULD be.Thanks, dear people in Atlanta. We are genuinely embarrassed that we dont know names of all those responsible for having everything perfect. May we trust you, Freehs and Goddards, to individually thank those good-guys for usWHEN CAN WE DO IT AGAINNow, just watch me get official, folks. I have given comments on the marvelous hospitality and social events associated with the APC Summer Specialty now I shall attempt propriety and a business-like manner in reporting the actual show. If however I get a little unbusinesslike on occasion, please consider the source.SWEEPSTAKES Boy, arent sweeps delightful This one was particularly wonderful. Judged by the ever-so-charm- ing Mary McCoy, this sweeps was B-I-G. For clarity, class at a timePUPPY DOG 6-9 Winner, MACS MISTER BEAUX JANGLES, owner Mrs. B. G. McDonald. Ever see a win that everyone agrees with This was that10 POMERANIAN REVIEWtype people drooling and making spectacles of themselves over this stunning red puppy. All felt we would see much more of him soon RIGHT we did indeed. Bred by nice Opal Mosher of Waco, Texas, BEAUX was heavily- coated, strong-boned, showy, perfectly arranged everything. The McDonalds were doing a lot of grinning, nice people.Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Mary McCoy awards top placemeut to Macs Mister Beaux Jangles, bred by Opal Mosher and handled by owner Mrs. B. G. McDonald. Dick Alyerson photo.PUPPY DOG 9-12 Nice class of four. Winner, Randy Freehs nice little light orange, JOLLY WEE PISTOL PETE OF PEPPI, a contender for surePUPPY BITCH 6-9 Nadine Hersils aggressive little showy puppy bitch took this one right home with her beauti- fult coat for this age, cocking her head so cute, very sound and lovely. Her name D-NEES DIS ONE HERE.PUPPY BITCH 9-12 Edna Girardot had this winning entry, SCOTIA DANDYS PRECIOUS CEETA, a beautiful baby-faced small light orange, very popular with ringside and with me, too. . . and seemingly, with EDNA alsoWell someone must win Mary McCoy seemed sure of herself, knowledgeable, gentle and thorough with the puppies especially appreciated, and confident in her selections. She selected for her BEST PUPPY the McDonald entry, BEAUX JANGLES not really an unexpected win. The pup literally asked for it and deserved it cute little guy with delightful wooly legs we all love and work for. BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX went to the little Puppy Bitch 9-12, handled by Edna Girardot, SCOTIA DANDYS PRECIOUS CEETA.NOW TO THE BIG TIMES.Virginia Sivori judged the regular classes. Virginia looked lovely this day, so friendly, professional, competent. The Club was fortunate to have her judge their event, and everyone extends thanks to Ms. Sivori. She remains one of those who obviously appreciates our breed and enjoys working with them and judging them.Regular Classes, class at a timePUPPY DOGS 6-9 Same winner as in sweepstakes, McDonalds MACS MISTER BEAUX JANGLES. Excellent entries were in this class, by the way but this pup seemed to shine both to ringside and to the judges.PUPPY DOGS 9-12 A very beautiful pup won this class, LENNISS HUNTER OF ICERAMA, owned and shown by Anthony Piazza.BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS Winner, JOLLY WEE PISTOL PETE OF PEPPI, repeating his win in sweepstakes, a lovely light orange little dog, owned by Randy Freeh.AMERICAN BRED DOGS JOLLY WEE MR. CHIPS OF PEPPI, owned by Randy Freeh and Sue Goddard, shone and took the blue ribbon in this class, handled by the Goddards daughter, Zanna. A very heavily coated typey sable with very cute face.OPEN DOGS, RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLE MACS LITTLE RASCAL OTOMANOLL, another winner bred by Opal Mosher and handled by Estelle McDonald. And, hey, how bout this all in the family so to speak this one was a Peppi son, very nice. In this gigantic class, a close second was a dog named DIXIELANDS LITTLE BIT STORMY, owned by Mrs. H. B. Hansard. A real attention-getter, red, short, typey, and a strong contender in this big class of lovely males.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11a-Ms. Sivori finds her Winners Dog and Best of Winners in the Open Any Other Allowed Color Class, Bussells Fox Flame Foxee, an unusual beige or biscuit color, bred by Vera Bussell and owned and handled by Edna E. Girardot. Dick Alverson was photographer.OPEN DOGS, ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR Only dog in its class, an interestingly colored greyish dog, sturdy, big-coated, owned by Edna Girardot. This dog went on to Winners Dog, and Reserve went to that puppy again, MACS BEAUX JANGLES. Congratulations to all those with winning boy-dogs. Ednas entry was named RUSSELLS POX FLAME FOXEE.And now for the girls PUPPY BITCH 6-9 From a huge field of puppy bitches, Edna Girardots little sweet girl, SCOTIA CLEMS SUGAR NSPICE, asked for it and got it, won this puppy class.PUPPY BITCH 9-12 A very pretty orange sable girl, handled and owned by Gloria Setmayer, THE PINES WITCHES LACE, won this class small, cute face, very worthy.NOVICE BITCH MYWAY P NUT BUTTERCUP, a sweet little light orange girl, handled and owned by Camelia W. Soprano, a lovely girl from Louisiana that we get to see often at our Texas shows.BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR BITCH Thewinner, POMIRISH IMA SPIT N IMAGE what a cute name for a winning little girl-Pom owned by Sally Baugniet, with a great big coat Big field of Bred-Bys with close second going to an equallyworthy little female, CHLOES APRIL DOLL. Both these girls worked for the win and asked for it, and Judge Ms. Sivori seemed to have a tough time of it on this decision.AMERICAN BRED BITCH Winner, DIXIELAND ROXANN OF MILLAMOR, owned by Margaret Tankesley by the way, we heard Margaret ALMOST got to attend this show we are so disappointed we didnt get to see this lovely Pom-lady.OPEN BITCH, BLACK, BROWN BLUE Winner, RANDYS JOLLY WEE EBONY DOLL Sue Goddard with a black Pom My, my, my a nice one to boot She won this class, cute little girl, black or not. Anyone detect a note of prejudice Also, she was VERY VERY PREGNANTOPEN BITCH RED, ORANGE, CREAM, SABLE Winner of this class was TIMOTHYS HOPE ARIEL, with nice coat, orange with a few dark hairs across the shoulders, most expressive little Pom owned by Jane K. McDaniel, cute, sound and ready to win. Runner-up in this big class was ROSSKEARS PROMISED LAND owned by Davonshire Kennels, also a good one.I aSally Baugniet handles her Bred by Exhibitor entry, Pomirish Ima Spit N Image, to Winners Bitch under Judge Ms Sivori. Alverson photo.WINNERS BITCH Couple of nice surprises here from the Bred-By- Exhibitor class, and seemingly a popular12 POMERANIAN REVIEWwin for Sally Baugniet, FOMIRISH IMA SPIT N IMAGE, with Reserve going to the second place bitch in that SAME class, CHLOES APRIL DOLL, owned by Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Williamson of Louisiana. That fine Bred-By-Class the viewing ground for dog breeders congratulations to these breederexhibitors.VETERAN DOG CLASS Winner was SPUNGOLDS FREDDY ARISTOCRAT, owned by Sherry Veasey, an extremely pretty 6-year-old dog, sweet, young-looking, quite a boy.VETERAN BITCH CLASS Winner here was Katherine Probsts CH. SCHON- HEITS SURPRISE, a precious 12-year- old girl that looked for all the world like a teenager. She had huge coat and showed like a dream.Ms Virginia Sivori finds her Best of Breed from a class of 20 gorgeous champions. She gives the coveted win to Ch. funfair's Pinto O Joe Dandy, owned by Bobert Koepple and handled by Joy S. Brewster.Photo by Alverson.BEST OF BREED COMPETITION WAS AN EXTRAVAGANZA Judge Virginia Sivori pulled out several magnificent Poms from a field of about 20 dogs all famous and topwinning dogs in their own rights, each worthy and each claiming special virtues and attributes and each asking for this big win. After much deliberation, Best of Breed was awarded to CH. FUNFAIRS PINTO O JOE DANDY, handled by Joy Brewster, and owned by RobertA. Koeppel of New York. Congratulations. To further enhance the excitement of this big specialty, PINTO went on Group First and Best In Show that evening.Best of Winners went to Edna Girar- dots nice male grey dog, RUSSELLS FOX FLAME FOXEE. Best of Opposite Sex went to Estelle McDonalds CHAMPION MACS LITTLE BIT OF PERFECTION, very beautiful and deserving.Mrs. McDonald takes heT Ch. Macs Little Bit of Perfection to Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed under Specialty Judge Ms. Virginia Sivori. Dick Alverson was the photographer.Those specials literally took your breath away. Darrell and I are firm believers that when the day comes that you can view 15 or 20 champions of your own breed, each having special things good about it, each having achieved at least the title of Champion, with some having gained much more than that when you see such fine creatures and fail to get excited and cant look at them objectively, seeing GOOD things in each rather than BAD you really probably have no place in the world of dogs any longer. WOW HOW IS THAT FOR A LECTURE Didnt mean it to be that of course. Its true when dog shows cease to be pure fun and become a source of trouble or dismay or anguish, knock it all off and do something else.Oh boy I almost did it. Failed to mention the most spectacular array of trophies I have ever seen EVER, ANYWHERE. Darrell put it very veryPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13well when he stated upon seeing that humongous trophy table There must be at least 8 or 10 BEST IN SHOW trophies there The trophies were very very exceptional, and I kept wondering where on earth all that trophy money must have sprung from. Someone worked hard, and we think we know who. They were positively dazzling.. iThe outstanding trophy display.We loved it all everyone loved it all and top of the list of credits must be RANDY FRECH and SUE GODDARD. If youll do it again, well come back.The overall quality was excellent however, I feel the Dogs had a slight edge over the Bitches.The Puppy Classes were outstanding, especially the winner of the 6-9 Months Puppy Dog Class, which I subsequently awarded Reserve Winners Dog. The future of any breed is seen in puppies, and the quality was quite evident in these classes.My Specials Class was a glorious sight I cant recall ever seeing so many beautiful Poms at one time in one ring. All entries were worthy of their title, and this indeed made my decision a difficult one. It was finally narrowed down between four dogs, and eventually one lucky Pom took the rosette.One of the attractions was the Brace Class, which consisted of an extraordinarily matched Pom pair they were a picture in type and performance.On the whole, the exhibits were very typey. This is certainly a credit to the dedicated breeders and their fine breeding program as the Poms today certainly surpass the Poms of yesteryear.Again, it was a privilege to have judged your Summer Specialty.COMMENTS BY JUDGEVirginia E. SivoriIt was an honor and a pleasure to judge the Summer Specialty Show of The American Pomeranian Club, which was held in conjunction with the Kenne- saw Kennel Club Show on October 28, 1978.First, I would like to thank the Officers and members of the Club for inviting me to judge. Much credit is due Randy Freeh for the exceptional job she did in making this such a special event and for the magnificent trophies. And above all, I wish to thank the exhibitors for assembling the high-quality entry of 87 Poms 23 Dogs, 43 Bitches, and 21 Specials.Since I do not believe in critiques, I will convey some of my thoughts in general.SWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUEby MARY McCOYA good old southern time was had by all in Kennesaw, Georgia for the fall specialty To those of you unable to attend, you have no idea what you missed. You had to see it to believe it. Hospitality, food, music, many beautiful Poms and their human friends. A volunteer committee of three hardworking Pom gals, Pat Brooks, Randy Freeh, and Sue Goddard went all out to see that nothing was left undone. I was able to thank Randy and Sue personally and tell them how much their labors were appreciated by APC members. Pat, I couldnt do this for you as you were unable to be with us so to you also, a big thank you. We missed youI have never seen a trophy table that would compare in any way to the one14 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELS Pomeranians Norwich Terriers Irish SettersPOMIRISH IMA SPIT N IMAGEIma went WB at the Kennesaw, A.P.C. Summer Specialty for 5 pts. Thanks to Judge Miss Virginia Sivori.Two weeks later Ima went WB for 4 pts. under Judge Ken Miller.Ima is a linebred daughter of CH. SISSY OF LENETTE, an Image daughter.CH. POMIRISH WINNIES TUF TIGGER TUFFYCongratulates his first offspring ANADORS RHAPSODY IN ORANGE. Orange went BB over Special from Puppy Class at Minneapolis, K.C.She is a line-bred Scotia bitch.We have some Tuffy pups available What a studShip North Central Airlines to Manitowoc. I am now available to handle your Poms professionally.Dick Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Ph. 414-755-2994 Mishicot, Wi. 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW 15POMIRISH KENNELS Pomeranians Norwich Terriers Irish SettersCH. SQUIRT SON POMIRISHSWEET N SOURGherkinCH. POMIRISH BUBBI.ES EIL SQUIRTCH. SQUIRT is now an American and Canadian GROUP WINNERGherkin finished at Lake Shore KC BW for 4 pts. under Judge Ken Miller Our 1st attempt Father Son went BEST BRACE IN SHOW at Waukesha, K.C.Two show quality males for sale.POMIRISH TIGGERS HUNY BEAR N Gt. Elms-Scotia wh. 9-26-77. Fantastic stud Shows like a charm.4V2 lb. Lt. Orange.POMIRISH POOHS GIVIN STUFFIN Scotia-Duke, CH. SQUIRT SON wh. 11-24-77, 4 lb. orange. Very cobby.Other pups available sired by CH. SQUIRT and his sireCH. RANDYS POMIRISH SUPER SPORTDick Sally Baugniet Ph. 414-755-2994Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wi. 5422816 POMERANIAN REVIEWset up next to our conformation ring. It was truly beautiful. Jon Manthos as chairman did a great job. He was assisted by many Pom lovers, and I understand these three hard working ladies went all out in this area also. And last but not least, the show chairman, Jim Barnett, of the Kennesaw Kennel Club, put in many additional hours and worries to make the APC Summer Specialty a memorable occasion. To all of these individuals and many others who assisted in many ways THANK YOU.The Sweepstake classes were outstanding and I have never seen a lovelier group of Pom puppies. In many cases in my placings they were so close I was almost separating hairs to make my decision. If each of these puppies continue to maturity as they look now, we will soon have a lot of new Pomeranian champions over the country. I saw excellent prospects for Group and Best In Show winners. Many exhibitors had been working extremely hard as almost all of them were showing like old pros.In the Puppy Dog 6-9 class, all had good deep orange coloring and excellent coats. Their overall conformation was outstanding and they each moved well. I gave the first place position to a stunning little fellow, Macs Mister Beaux Jangles owned and shown by Mrs. B. G. McDonald. More on this little fellow later.The Puppy Dog 9-12 class was another outstanding class, although one was not quite up to the liking of a show ring, which is understandable with puppies. Here again, good coloring, excellent coats and good movers. Jolly Wee Pistol Pete of Peppi, owned and shown by Mrs. Randall Freeh had the best over all quality and was handed the blue ribbon.The hardest class I had to judge was the Puppy Bitch 6-9. They all had good coloring and coats, most all moved well, alert in showing and had good conformation. To pick my winners of this class of 10, I had to really pick them apart the decisions were very close. The number one spot was given to D-Nees DisOne Here, owned and handled by Nadine Hersil.Puppy Bitch 9-12 was another nice class. At this point I was beginning to wonder how all of these puppies were carrying the huge coats for the time of year we were in This group was excellent movers and show except for one, and for some reason she just didnt like our game. Colors were very good with some nice sables in the class, and they all had excellent overall conformation. My number one choice was Scotia Dandys Precious Ceeta, owned and handled by Edna Girardot.For my Best in Sweepstakes I chose Macs Mister Beaux Jangles, one of the most gorgeous puppies I have seen in a long time. I could not fault him Excellent deep orange colored coat, good tail set on a firm cobby body, excellent legs and moved well, beautiful head, showed like a dream and was groomed to perfection. I soon found out he was not only my choice but was the choice and the apple of everyones eye in attendance.I dont intend to be taking away from my Best of Opposite Sex choice as she was an outstanding specimen also. She was very cobby, good orange color, very alert and had a lovely head and groomed well. I predict Scotia Dandys Precious Ceeta will be a champion very soonI wish to thank the many exhibitors who took the time and effort to bring their puppies for me to see and thank those who were responsible for giving me the opportunity to judge the sweep- stake classes. I had a ball and I loved every minute of it.ALL PICTURES NOT YET RETURNEDAll pictures not yet returned from the October, January and Anniversary Issues will be mailed out right after the first of the year. Didnt want to get caught in the Christmas rush as I was too busy to mail them earlier.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17JOLLY WEE KENNELSProudly PresentsAnother Peppi SonftzsBEST OF WINNERSCHARLESTON KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 1318J\PHOTO BY BONNIEJOLLY WEE PISTOL PETE OF PEPPIShown here going W.D. under Breeder Judge Mrs. Dorothy Bonner.Pete is a very typey 4T lb. sound little dog. He is a lovely cream color with good pigment. Sound movement and good coat.At eleven months of age he has 6 points and we think he will finish in the near future.Pete is handled here by Mary James.Paul Randy Freeh Kenneswa, Ga. 30144733 Booth Road 404-926-601118 POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSTakes Great Pride In The Georgia Peach't BEST OF , OPPOSITE SEXCHARLESTON KENNEL CLUB HOVEMBEH I9T8moTO bi BONNIEi 22.....................RANDYS JOLLY WEE GEORGIA PEACHShown here going W.B. and B.O.S. under Breeder Judge Mrs. Dorothy Bonner. Peaches is a 5 lh. excellent brood bitch. She will be 3 yrs. old in Jan. 79, and is the mother of 8 really nice Poms. Including the two pictured in this issue. Two have already finished. One only needs two points. Two others are now being shown. Two are five months old and will be in the ring in the Spring. One female that is expecting her first litter.Peaches is another Peppi daughter, and a breeders delight.Paul Randy Freeh Kennesaw, Ga. 30144733 Booth Road 404-926-6011POMERANIAN REVIEW 19JOLLY WEE KENNELS We Are Very Proud Of The Georgia Hot ShotraCHARLESTONkennel clubNOVEMBER 1918 photo bv BONNIECH. RANDYS GA. HOT SHOT OF JOLLY WEE Shown here going BOB over five Beautiful Specials, under Mrs. Dorothy Bonner. Hot Shot is another Peppi son and his Dam is the Georgia Peach.He is our latest Group Winner and we have high hopes for this one. Hot-Shot is handled by our good friend Carroll James.Paul Randy Freeh733 Booth RoadKennesaw, Ga. 30144 404-926-601120 POMERANIAN REVIEWOUR ANNUAL BANQUETBill Pottebaum is Chairman for our Annual Post Specialty Banquet on February 11, 1979. For information on cost and reservation deadline, contact Bill at 72 Davis Rd., Southwick, Mass. 01077 or by phone at 413-569-6879. We hope details will be in the Premium List.CIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, S.C. 29456 803-871-0239IMPORTANT NOTICE FEBRUARY SPECIALTY ROOM RESERVATIONSIf you have not yet made your Room Reservation at the Loews-Summit for our Specialty Show WeekendHURRY The Summit has NOT set aside any rooms for our use, so a scarcity is predicted .SPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSAsk the photographer to send the picture DIRECT to Pat Lewis as TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE Send your ad copy IMMEDIATELY or contact Pat by phone for an extension.EXCELLENT ADVICE ON NUTRITIONHere is a new book very favorably reviewed in the Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. It is a 96 page softcover book by the name of Dr. Terri McGinnis Dog Cat Good Food Book, written, need we add, by Dr. Terri McGinnis. This book is written for the layman and discusses the specific requirements for nutrients in the diet, the amount to feed, how to analyse the label on pet food containers, how to adjust the diet for puppy, adult, pregnant or obese animals, etc. and etc. It is available from Random House, Inc., 201 E. 50th St., New York, N.Y. 10022 for the price of 3.95.SEE YOU IN NEW YORKPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION8.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 Mar. 61963 Oct. 31968 Jan. 2, July 3, Oct. 7Available at 1.25 Each1969 Apr. 2, Oct. 21970 Jan. 2, Apr. 1, July, Oct.1971 Jan., Apr. 3, July1972 Jan. 2, July 12, Oct. 1Available at 1.50 Each1973 Jan. 3, April, July 31974 Jan. 1, July 71975 Jan., Apr. 1, Oct. 11976 Jan., April, July 11Available at 2.00 Each1976 Oct.1977 Jan. 8, Apr. 2, July, Oct.1978 Jan., April, July, Oct.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21OBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Something really wonderful is happening in the Pomeranian fancy, and its getting better and better Word about new obedience titles C.D., C.D.X., U.D. AND T.D. keeps coming in, and not only that, but the scores are consistently high. This means more than that a lot of people have been having fun training and showing their Poms, winning prizes, proudly earning those degrees, etc. it means to all breeders, purchasers and onlookers in general that this breed of dog has good temperament and although tiny and adorably so is sound in body and mind and ready and willing to perform all of the obedience exercises asked of it.Claudia J. Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, WI writes We Pom fanciers in Central Wisconsin have been busy with our Poms in obedience this last summer. Paula Malik a young lady in my obedience class has been working with her two little Pom boys. Her PAULAS BUTTONS VON MISCHIEF is a little go-getter and easily earned his C.D. in three straight shows. He had placed in several fun matches previously and topped the C.D. with a very nice score of 196V2 and second place in a class of 57 at Badger Kennel Club show in Madison in July. Paulas second Pom is STUBERS JAMIE YU TANGI TING, who has just begun his turn in the ring. So far he has earned a match first and second high in match at a Green Bay show with a score of 192 and a third with a 192V2 at the match our group, The Wisconsin Rapids Kennel Club, held in September. Both Paulas Poms, Buttons and James work with enthusiasm abounding. James is an especially wild fellow leaping throughthe air on the fast time and doing the recall not just at a gallop but at an all- out dead run. They will be fun to watch at upcoming shows. Paula is also interested in conformation showing and has just recently acquired a nice show bitch and dog and will soon be seen in the breed ring too.After my Gala earned her C.D.X. earlier this year we began Utility work. She now has a general idea of the exercises and seems to be really enjoying the new and varied exercises especially the treats for learning something new. Her daughter Viva SILVAKRESS VIVA, T.D. earned her first C.D. leg in October 1978. In a Novice B class of 46 at Twin Cities Obedience Training Club Trial in Minneapolis, Minnesota she received a score of 196V2 for a fourth place behind a three-way tie for first place with 197. Besides the fourth place she received awards for Highest Scoring Toy Dog, Highest Scoring T.D. Dog and Highest Scoring Dog With Championship Points. She competed with her bright eyed enthusiasm, which is what makes it all worthwhile to me. She is a super eager worker and an absolute joy to train. We were very pleased when she placed first in a large sub-novice class of 50 with a 158 score out of 160. She followed that her next times in the ring with two Highest Scoring Dog in matches with the same scores of 197. The Badger State Obedience Association, of which I am a member, will be sponsoring next years Gaines Regional in Milwaukee. They have also sponsored something else new the Wisconsin Championship. This is set up similar to the Gaines shows but only Wisconsin residents may participate . . . We will participate and are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. Another event this group is sponsoring is a Training Symposium. One of the two featured trainers will be Kay Thompson, who has UDT Dachshunds one has an OTCH, and she will be presenting ideas on small dog training, which I have not seen in previous clinics. Personally I am glad to see the mushrooming in the last22 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. TINKLERS LIL PLAY BOY, CJD., OWNED BY ELMA MANIES, 1455 Victor Ave., Redding, Ca. Bred by Mrs. Marvin Tinkler.HIn spite of his Novice Owner-handler's help, our Lils Play Boy has added the title of C.D. to his accomplishments. We are very proud of "Play Boy and are so very happy to own him.Play Boy was the 1st place Veteran Dog. and 1st place Stud Dog at the Northern Calif. Pomeranian Specialty in Feb. 1978. His daughters were 1st place in the brace and one of these daughters was the Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at this same specialty.His puppies occasionally. Stud Service.few years of clinics and symposiums. Also on the increase are special events such as the tournaments, scent hurdle competition, etc. Many thanks and congratulations to Claudia, Gala and Viva.Pat Fife of North Branch, Minnesota writes I thought you might like to hear what is going on at Hillroad. We certainly would, and here it is Hillroad Tiny Tyke, C.D. has had a very busy year even though we did not compete for any title this year. Weve been busy preparing for 1979 Tyke went High Scoring Dog in Match two times in Wisconsin with a 197V2 and a 199. He also scored 199V2 at N.C.D.T.A. match last summer in Graduate Novice. Hes not consistent enough yet on the broad jumps so Ive decided to wait until spring to try for his C.D.X. and possibly a Dog World Award. He has started some of his Utility exercises, and we will work more on that during the winter. Tracking was started last summer, and what a class six German Shepherds, four Dobermans, one Rottweiler and one two and a half pound Pom I will say he is willing enough, but sometimes his body says different like the time he disappeared from sight when he tumbled into a big rabbit hole, or when he was on a track and the red ants attacked his nose, or when he got hung up by his harness ona dead-fall on a hillside, and there he was swinging in the air with all four feet off the ground. He has easy going on shorter grass, but rough, heavy terrain gives him trouble. He runs into thorns, gets his line caught on bushes, or disappears entirely when he tunnels through the grass. Hes done some trailing and has found the lost person in the woods when the others had missed. The results of his training remain to be seen in 1979. Heres hoping Weve tried the Brace Class this year and have really enjoyed it. I needed a second obedience Pom of course, so I started training JULIET OF BONITA last February. With limited showing at matches she has won seven trophies in pre-novice and NoviceB. I started the two dogs together last Spring as a brace and they have won six first places and two seconds. Their highest score averaged 197V2 and the lowest 194. They make quite a team Hope to get Tykes C.D.X. and T.D. and also Juliets C.D. in 1979. A final note in ending Hillroad has an up and coming obedience fan starting to train this winter Kimberly, my ten year old daughter, has done some Novice work and has shown one of our Poms to a blue in Junior Showmanship at her first 4-H show. We have now acquired a puppy bitch for her very own dog and she canPOMERANIAN REVIEW 23SUNSWEPTPRESENTSANDREWS WEE RED LAIRD, C.D.subj. AKCx' asFCh. Andrews Pics Jimbo X Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tisket A-TasketPictured taking 1st place in Novice B tied for Highest Score in Trial Olympic Kennel Club under Judge Marie Rathman. Score 19914His other two legs195 3rd Place Samammish Kennel Club, Judge Harry Thomas 19314 Washington State O.T.C., Inc., Judge Keith CoyneA very warm and heartfelt Thanks to my friends Clyde and Phyllis Andrews for letting me own this fantastic little dog.I am also very proud to introducea new haby girl, whelped 8-28-78SUNSWEPT WEE KATIE OF ANDREWSAndrews Wee Ked Laird, C.D. ex.Andrews Impromptu DebutanteP.O. BOX 233 Redmond, Washington 98052Linda Blouin206-833-320824 POMERANIAN REVIEWhardly wait to start working. Look out, Mom, here comes trouble. Good luck to all of you. I think there will be a lot to write about Hillroad in 1979.Ruth Potts of Niles, MI was good enough to tell us about BUFFYS LITTLE VALENTINE CANDY. Candy is owned by Carl and Delora Moore of Pittsburgh, Pa., and shown by Delora Ruths daughter completed her C.D. with first place in Kitanning, Pa. last May. Candy and her owners were especially proud of her 197V2 points because one year earlier she really blew it in Kitanning when she shied at the judges approach. Her other scores were high, but she had to prove at Kitanning that she could walk away with the prize if she wanted to. Candy is now practicing the Open routines and plans to out-do her mother, BUFF TITANIA, C.D. Ruths dog. Buffy has had several puppies who have earned their C.D.S and although she enjoys doing the jumps and dumbells with Candy, she is now retired in her tenth year. Congratulations to all of you, and hope to hear of a newC.D.X. soon.Debbie Jones of Alhambra, CA. never fails me, but always comes up with some good news. This time its that her Tillie- Murdoch brace won first place at Pasa- nita Obedience Clubs trial, with a score of 189. They had only been worked two or three times in the weeks before the show, but like elephants litte Poms like elephants they never forget. They got a big round of applause and many admiring coments from ringside. Debbie says that this was their first show in nearly six months. They werent practicing during that time, and although it doesnt affect their winning, she has found that Tillie in particular seems to need to be worked for her own sake. If weeks or months go by without a show or at least a good work-out session she gets listless. But bring out the show crate and its dance, dance, dance.Do you remember I do in the summer of 1975 Linda Blouin happilyput her little Pom METROS LOVIN SPOONFUL through C.D. and was all ready to go on to advanced work However, tragically just as he was ready for Open work he was killed. Our sincere sympathy to Linda most of us know what a blow it is to lose a Pom. But now we have another letter from Linda, and are truly glad for her. She says, I wasnt sure at that time if I would buy another Pomeranian. Then Phyllis Andrews offered me a nice five month old male and I decided to take him who could resist one of these lovable balls of fur I havent regretted a moment of the time I have spent training Buttons ANDREWS WEE RED LAIRD. He was a real challenge to begin with, always wanting to do everything HIS way. He is a very outgoing dog, not afraid of anything or anyone. We had some real heart to heart talks during our training sessions. At times I wondered if maybe I was wasting my time, he seemed to be doing a better job of training me than me him. Then one day he finally decided that what we were doing was FUN In fact, it was so much fun that he was going to tell the world. A person couldnt hope for a more perfect, precise working dog. His sits are perfectly straight, his heeling exactly right, his recalls snappy. However, there is one very slight problem ... he BARKS happily through each heeling exercise. It is clear to anyone watching that he loves his work, but the judges feel his exuberance is a little out of line and deduct points accordingly. Going for our last leg and possible Dog World Award the judge told me that he would give anything for his dog to work as perfectly and happily as Buttons but that he simply had to deduct points for the barking. We ended up with a score of 193V2. There is more to this story however. Going back to December of 1977 when I first began training Buttons, he was a bouncer. What I mean is, he used to leap off the ground as high as he could to show you how happy he was. During one of his leaps he apparentlyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2EIDLEWYLDS OBEDIENCE TEAM9'"V-GOLDEN TIAKA DA1VIBEASXIE, C.D.TiaraGREAT ELMS IDLEWTLD JEWEL, C.D.JulieTiara is Gems mother. Tiara and Julie are shown as a brace in obedience. Recently, Tiara was 2nd in Graduate Novice, and Julie and Tiara were 4th in Brace at RDOC Trial, 11-4-78Julie and Gem are also pointed in conformation. Recent wins include Gems WD at Langley K.C. and Julies WB BOS at Roanoke K.C.... -h^. gHSSiSSIDLEWTLD GEMSTONE, C.D.GemMargaret and John McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, Virginia 23225 804-272-931826 POMERANIAN REVIEWcame down on a rock or uneven bit of ground, and broke his front leg.. Then, only three weeks later, favoring the bandaged leg, he jumped off a curb and broke the other front leg No one looking at him today would ever believe this little livewire could ever have had anything this drastic happen to him. Now we are working on the Open exercises. So far he is only jumping 10 inches he will have to go 16 inches but he is retrieving beautifully and loving every minute of it. Working with and training this little guy has been truly rewarding. We understand each other perfectly and are partners as well as best friends. This is what makes obedience training such a wonderful sport, and only by training a dog can we ever fully appreciate him. Buttons record in attaining his C.D. is as follows Tied for high in trial, won three way run-off for first place at Olympic Kennel Club, Judge, Marie Rathman. Score 199V2. Won three way run-off for third place at Samam- mish Kennel Club. Judge Harry Thomas. Score 195. Washington State Obedience Training Club, Inc. Judge Keith Coyne. Score 193V2. Good work, Linda and Buttons. Incidentally, they hail from Redmond, Washington. Congratulations on those good scores.We were so glad to hear from Bunny Noble of St. Cloud, Mil., saying Once again my little dog has lived up to her name BUNNYS PRIDE SHEBA. This time she did it by earning her Utility Degree and making me an even prouder Pomeranian owner. After Sheba earned her C.D.X. in July of 1977 we started right in with her Utility training. Unlike Open work which she disliked very much at first, Utility seemed to be fun for us. She took to the scent articles right away and within a few weeks was working them like a pro. The rest of the exercises were more work but everything seemed to fall into place for her without much trouble. During the winter we had very limited quarters to train, but fathifully did so every day. When weather permitted we worked outside and sometimes I wondered if it was all worth it. In spring we started going to the matches so we could both get used to the new exercises in a formal situation. We had good luck in the shows so entered the first trial in April in Virginia, Minnesota. Had it rot been for a poor handler the dog would have done a much better job, but she did earn her first leg and took second p^ce with a score of 182V2. Two weeks later at Granite City Obedience Clubs trial at St. Cloud, Minnesota, Sheba earned her second leg and that day placed fifth with a score of 191V2. Then ws ran into a long dry spell with little problems such as wrong jump wrong glove etc. We just kept training and showing and on August 26, at Indian Head Kennel Clubs show in Chippewa Falls, Wiscon- in, Sheba put it all together and not only completed her degree but did it by taking first place in a combined Utility Class. To make it even better this was an outdoor show with less than favorable conditions. The weather was very hot and humid and the ground not best for a small dog. However, Sheba thought it was great as she was used to working in fields when we trained so took it all in stride. The next day she was in another outdoor show and placed fourth in her class. We finished off the year with placing third in the show in Rochester, Minnesota with a score of 193V2. All in all it was quite a year and well worth all the work. You dont see many toys in the Utility ring, and they sure draw a crowd. The most heard comment after we would come out of the ring following the long stand was that people didnt think those little dogs could do all those things. I must admit that sometimes the glove did look pretty big in her mouth as she came back across the ring. Looking back over the past three years of showing brings to mind all the good times we have had. There was a lot of hard work and many times I came out of the ring wondering why I kept at it but always looked forward to the next show. Now I amPOMERANIAN REVIEW 27GREAT ELMS KENNELS, Regd......^ 'r. Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Stud Fee 75.00It is next to impossible for me to answer letters.You may call me after 1100 P.M., when rates are cheaper.Nothing for SaleRuth L. Beam P.O. Box 937Pineville, N.C. 28134 PH 704-889-9233KNOW YOUR DOGS ANCESTRYYour dogs pedigree handsomely documented on deluxe parchment. Typewritten, colors, birthdate, champion and titles in red.4 gen. 3.00 5 gen. 5.00 6 gen. 10.00Mailed rolled Your satisfaction guaranteed.Send Complete Data from AKC Registration toGeneral CanineBox 453NPhoenixville, Pa. 1946028 POMERANIAN REVIEWalready looking forward to next season when I will have my second Pom ready to show and hopefully campaign Sheba a hit too. Sincere congratulations to Bunny and Sheba it was a job well done, but please dont stop now.In October of 1978 the Associated Obedience Clubs of Northern California held an inter-club competition to pick the Northern California team for the North- South competition leading up to the Super-Dog competition. Yes, there was a Pom in there, second alternative in Utility, John Derhams WINDYS SPARKLE PLENTY, U.D.This late news came in from Claudia Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin. I thought you might like a word about the Annual Wisconsin Obedience Championship held this last weekend. The location was the K-9 Club grounds in Menominee Falls, Wisconsin a town near Milwaukee. It was sponsored by the Badger State Obedience Association and was set up like the Gaines Regionals with a Red, White and Blue show in two days. My Silvakress Viva, T.D. has had very little work compared with the many great dogs in competition who had been showing for some time and in most cases had C.D.s and were ready for Open. Anyway, Viva was the littlest girl or boy there and earned 193, 196 and 195 for a 195 average. We were very proud of her, even though she didnt make it into the top 5 group. She did make it into the TV newsclip, however, and was introduced to a local TV sports star and the show. We had an enjoyable weekend and we are already looking forward to the spring shows.COYERNext available cover is October, 1979 Send check for 75 to the Editor to reserve it.NEW ADVERTISING RATES AND INSTRUCTIONSALL ADVERTISERS, please read page 3 before sending in your ads Because of very much increased printing costs, we have had to raise the rates for all sizes of ads.Please note, also, that as NO CUTS can be used in offset printing, you must send a photograph if a picture is to appear in your ad. The charge for reproducing your picture is 6.00 REGARDLESS OF SIZE up to 5 X 7 in. Your photograph will be returned but the printer will keep the negative on file. The SAME PICTURE can be used on future ads AT NO COST, and of course you do not need to send the photo back.BE SURE to specify the size of picture desired. If you are not sure what size will fit with your copy wording, you can ask for the largest picture that will be possible with copy submitted. Or if you would be willing to have some of your copy omitted in order to have a larger picture, be sure to indicate the part you would want deleted.For good reproduction, please send a CLEAR PHOTOGRAPH, preferably Black White Glossy. Color can be used but may not reproduce as well. Size should be at least 4X5 with larger sizes preferred.Please note that all ads are to be PREPAID and that all copy is to be TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED. DOUBLE SPACE ALL COPY.NEW DEADLINEThe new deadline will be the 15th of second previous month, i.e. August 15 for the October Issue. This deadline applies to ALL ADS and ALL COLUMNS and ARTICLES. Only the Editor can grant an extension.DEADLINE FOR APRIL FEBRUARY 15POMERANIAN REVIEW 29EMCEES POMERANIANS.r, i- .CH. CHIPS OF DIAMONDChip is shown with his handler Marlene Scott. As of date Chip has 23 B.O.B. and 14 group placements. 2 group firsts.Chip is at stud to approved hitches only. A few Chip puppies will be available in the Spring. Inquiries invited.Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Virginia 23005804 798-788230 POMERANIAN REVIEWYOUNG'S CHEROKEE POMERANIANSmm 9-Youngs Cherokee Belle A DondiCh. Kobinlioods Duplicate Copy X Tonos Dr agonf lower of YoungShown going Winners Bitch, Norman, Oklahoma, Oct. 8, 1978. Belle has 7 pts. to date.Breeder-Owner Janice Young 1080 Carl St.St. Clair, Mo. 63077 314-629-2754Handler Bill C. Allen7021 N. Sooner Rd. Edmond, Ok. 73034 405-341-9399POMERANIAN REVIEW 31BOULDER RIVER POMERANIANS- f t.'-ii mm UcWnei-'Natencctt2" in Group ^ t Can.Ch. Boulder River Carbon CopyDitto is pictured going Group II under Howard Tyler at Kitchener, Ontario He was handled to his Canadian Championship by Warren Langley.Ditto is pointed in the U.S. taking the breed at Kalamazoo under Mrs. J. H. Daniell-Jenkins Our thanks to Sophie Mayes whose dogs figure prominently in Dittos pedigree.Her friendship and advice are valued greatly.Just arrived a colorful litter of four,Brown, Deep Chocolate, Beaver and Black sired by Ditto. Another litter due in December.J. L. M. M. Gorman Fraser, Mi. 4802631134 East Wind Ph 313-294-392732 POMERANIAN REVIEWTATTOO CLINICSBy Claudia FrankIn our area, we are exposed to Tattoo Clinics sponsored by a kennel club or humane society. We are fortunate to have Phyllis Cook, of the Washington County Humane Society, available as tattoo artist at many of these clinics. She does large numbers of dogs and has the practised hand that a veterinarian may lack. With the darling and lovable appearance and personality of our little Poms, I wish to mention the tattoo as a permanent method of identification to prevent theft or loss.May I relate my experience taking my two Poms, two Shelties and a friend with her two Golden Retrievers for their tattoos My friend was not tattooedOur dogs were all obedience trained and accustomed to handling and being on a grooming table. The dogs were placed on the table and laid on their side one by one. I held the front legs together with the shoulders slightly off the table so they could not resist. Another person held the left leg up and another person held the right leg flat. The right thigh is shaved with an electric clipper and cleaned. Then the tattoo is made by an electric tattoo gun, writing on the owners Social Security number. On the Poms, the number took up 2 lines. The dogs showed very little sign of pain or distress from the actual tattoo process, but were more concerned about the restraint necessary. With our dogs, there werent any negative side effects either mentally or physically.Once the dog carries the owners Social Security number, this number is registered with the National Dog Registry. After the initial fee of 25.00, as many animals as are owned and tattooed by the same owner are included. It is a one-time fee. The NDR has a 24 hour service for anyone requesting the name and address of tattooed animals. I also have placed signs warning that the dogs are tattooed on their crates, kennel gateand car window to deter any possible theft.I am thoroughly sold on the value of this permanent identification method. Further information may be obtained from the National Dog Registry, 227 Stebbins Rd., Carmel, N.Y. 10512.IMPORTANT NOTICE ABOUT CUTSStarting with the April Issue, the Review will be printed by an Offset Process. This is a photographic process, and NO CUTS will be used, the pictures being reproduced directly from your photograph or negative.I have 13 cartons of cuts on file in my possession not all full. These cuts have a limited shelf life and are subject to corrosion and pitting. But more important, in this day and age, fine- quality Letter Press Printing is seldom used for ANY publication. Thus, it is difficult to see how the owners of these cuts which I have on file could find any future use for them.Nevertheless, any of these cuts on file will be returned to owners upon request. Notice has been printed and unused cuts destroyed once a year otherwise I would have twice the number on file In general, cuts still on file are All cuts used in 1978 issues and the Anniversary Issue. All cuts used in ads or Stud Cards during last 2-3 years, if used repeatedly. Some old cuts of special interest.I will keep ALL CUTS until March 1, 1979, after which date everything will go out with the trash man Please let me know before March 1, if you want your cuts returned.SUPPORT YOUR SPECIALTY SHOWPOMERANIAN REVIEW 33CH. SNOWFIRES PECAN SANDYVBEST OFbreedvSandy is shown winning the Breed under Mrs. Anna Cowie Sandy is now a proven Sire His Stud Fee is 100.00 Please call on first day of SeasonWatch for Sandys sister Snowfires Apricot BrandyWe would like to take this opportunity to wish everyoneA Very Happy New YearIn Residence with owner Co-Owner BreederJackie Rayner 239 Pennington Road Hopewell, New Jersey 08525 609-466-3130Gilbert L. Dodge 102 Old Egg Harbor Road Gibbsboro, New Jersey 08026 609-627-304434 POMERANIAN REVIEWMASONS POMERANIANSri'iMasons California Sunshine Masons Tinker Toy Boy Hartmans Tittle Dutchmaster-SireMasons Tinker Toy Boy 12 weeks old and looking goodWe have just completed a move to our new home in Perris, California from our home in Cherry Hill, New Jersey. We now have a brand new 500 sq. foot Kennel and lots more room for more quality Poms.I wish to express at this time my thanks to several people for all their help and understanding. Without it, I would not be where I am todayMrs. Rosa H. Hartman Breeder Westmont, New Jersey. Thanks for all the knowledge and experiences you shared with me, but most of all, I thank you for Sharing your Marguerite Dolan bloodlines with me. It is one of the best to come out of the East. Ch. Hartmans Little Dutchmaster is father to several of my breeding stock.Mrs. Evelyn Jackson AKC Judge retired Thanks for teaching me what you could about Poms.Betty Jo Mason 590 E. Orange Ave.714 657-8166 Perris, Ca. 92370POMERANIAN REVIEW 35MASONS POMERANIANS''IiUelTs Golden Dreamer ODuke Masons Image of the Duke Dreamer SiredMr. and Mrs. Luccas Breeders Burlington, Wisconsin Thanks for letting me have 3 of my foundation dogs. Luells Golden Dreamer ODuke is the backbone of my kennel.Thanks to JoAnn Vestal of Edan Kennels for my lates acquisition Ch. Edans Firecracker He will fit in well with my breeding program.Thanks to JoAnn Vestal of Edan Kennels for my latest acquisition only be an excellent Stud Dog, but I hope to get him into the ring in the near future.I will have pups for sale from the above Dogs and good Bitches. I have White, Cream, Red, Black, and Orange colors for breeding. Please state your needs as to brood, pet or show.Betty Jo Mason 714 657-8166590 E. Orange Ave. Perris, Ca. 9237036 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 15.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 9.50.CH. BEV-NORS PRIDE N JOY, Sable female owned by Mr. Charles Stevens and bred by Beverly Norris.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Sire Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Creiders Little Red Rascal, C.D. May Morning Little Red Rascal May Morning Sugar N Spice Thelduns Billys Lil Paty Cake Bam May Morning Social Lion Meyers Princess Pat II Thelduns Cara JeanneCH. SCOTIA RENEES NOEL V. WATTS 4 lb. Orange female Breeder Edna Girardot Owner Dolores A. Watts Brandywine, Md.Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavillers Jungle Jim SireCh. Sungolds Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess Atonya Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavillers Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Scotia Tootsie Tottles Story DamAll Stars Blossom View Flame All-Stars Tootsie Tootle Golden Little FlickaJABILS SIMPLY SULTRY4 lb. red femaleBreeders-Owners Jessie Barbara Young Loudon, N.H.Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am., Can., Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply SmashingSireAm. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun Goddess Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Sungold Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Adkins Star of Band Box DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band Box Scotia Jimmy Jets CricketTHE OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.WISH ALL READERS A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL NEW YEAR MAY 1979 BRING EACH OF YOU THE POM OF YOUR DREAMSPOMERANIAN REVIEW 37Behind The New ChampionsCH. BONNER S STARLYNMOD REVELERBright Orange male Breeder-Owner Dorothy Bonner Co-owner Roberta Massey Racine, WI.Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Boners Darlastye Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Sire Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Bonners Styletess Modiste DamCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Peppertess Bonners Tompom Wee GirlAM. CAN. CH. BONNERS STARLYN PRISSY PUFFCream maleBreeder-Owner Dorothy Bonner Co-Owner Roberta Massey Racine, WI.Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Sire Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful Ch. Bonner's Pep-R-Wee Beautiful Aristic Gay Pepperette Bonners Pep-B-Sun Prissy Pod Dam Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepper-K Sunkiss Aristic Mighty CutePARKS POMERANIANS Has sold out, except for 3 Adults and 3 Pups. I will still breed but on a very small scale. My very dear friend Martha Orman has all my Poms, including Gorrin Chaco of Great Elms If interested contact Martha atDakota Kennels 9016 Cedar St.Bellflower, Ca. 90706 Ph 213-531-1572Fern Parks 26107 - 126 Ave. EGraham, Wa. 98338 Ph 206-893-329738 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. MILLAMOR'S MARKETTAV7A1q rTOYGROUP -fWINDWARD GROUP FIRSTWINDWARD HAWAIIAN DOG FANCIERS ASSOCIATION September 24, 1978 JUDGE James Vaughters, Sr. MARKIES record to date 33 BEST IN SHOW 104 GROUP FIRSTSBreeder Eleanor W. MillerPOMERANIAN REVIEW 39HAS GONE HAWAIIANWlN. mGROUP FIRSTORCHID ISLAND DOG FANCIER CLUB INC.October 8,1978 JUDGE Inez Hartley HANDLED BY YVETTE OGANEKU for ownerMrs. George A. Joyce Bransford P. 0. Box 1056, Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 9674040 POMERANIAN REVIEWOUR CODE OF ETHICS IS IT WORKINGOur Code of Ethics was adopted by vote of a large majority of our membership in 1974, over a small but vocal minority protest. Several of the Protestors, all well-respected, long-time members, dropped their memberships rather than sign the Code. Most of the others managed to overcome their objections and did sign in order to remain members.One of the objections to the Code was that it was un-enforceable, that breeders who were already completely ethical in their dealings would not be affected one way or the other, but that breeders who were not so ethical would blithely sign the Code and continue to indulge in various shady practices now shielded by a cloak of respectability.From time to time, the Review has been the recipient of complaints against breeders. Often, sincere letters were published in Yips Yaps with names of breeders withheld. We published two letters as recently as July of this year. Readers will remember that both breeders DID live up to the provisions of the Code in fact, one leaned over backwards to replace a puppy when not obligated to do so. This happy outcome is in contrast to a great number of unresolved complaints in years past, some resulting in lawsuits.We believe that the Code has proved to be a valuable guide for our members and a deterrent to questionable conduct. We also remind you that the Board can resort to at least two methods of censure, if warnings to un-cooperative breeders are not heeded, without considering the drastic actions of suspension or expulsion. The Board has in the past refused to allow certain people to advertise in the Review when their conduct was deemed unethical. In one case, a lawsuit was threatened and both the legal department of AKC and our own attorney held that the Board has theunquestioned right to deny permission to advertise in our Club publication, with or without cause. The other option available to us is to withhold recommendation, when inquiries are received from would-be purchasers in the erring members geographical area. These inquiries are received in large numbers by officers and Board Members, by the Review Staff and of course by members who might be asked to refer other breeders, if they did not themselves have suitable stock available.THANK YOUDuring the twenty years we have had the Review, there have been only 4 printers for the undertaking. The same printer in Maryland did the magazine for Jim Arima and Ruth Bellick. When Vicky Sweeney took over as Editor, she worked with a printer in Norwalk, Connecticut. When I became Editor in January of 1969, I used a printer in West Chester. This endured I use the word advisedly until January 1972, when we discovered the Kennett Advance Printing House in Kennett Square, Pa.Only a person who has struggled through years and years of trying to teach the correct way to set up pedigrees, to see that legs or feet are not cut off the dogs in making the cuts, to perfect a fool-proof system of getting Eleanor Millers picture on her ad instead of switching hers with Mrs. Gottshalls remember, Eleanor only such a person can truly appreciate a printer who can usually do things right the first time and not only very seldom makes a mistake but can be counted on to correct yours, too It has been a pleasure to work with all the people at Kennett Advance. Without their expertise and cooperation, I feel sure I would have resigned long agoDONT MISS THE NEW DEADLINEPOMERANIAN REVIEW 41CINQUAY AND JEWEL-KEN POMERANIANSweve merged til Spring IN BLACK WHITESireJewel Ken Shining Flambeau See pg. 52 July 1978 Pom Review DamWee Hadleigh Gypsy of Cinquay 3 lb. BlackTWILIGHT FLAMBEAU OF CINQUAYlove in a color we fancyRepeat of breeding that produced Crumpet and several white color breedings available soon.July '78 issue pg. 52 for Crumpets pedigreeThe NewsBeau Produces type JEWEL KEN CRUMPET N CREAMAt Stud Contact Carol Galavich 1-614-458-1705se 5js Litters sired by Beau Jamie July 78 issue pg. 52 for pedigreesMost everything will be for sale as the Seams are poppin I Due to Cindys ill health Cinquay Poms have moved to Jewel Ken for the winter. Please contact Jewel Weber for puppies Stud Service.Jewel Weber Jewel Ken KennelsPh. 1-618-282-2722 Rte. 3, Box 210Red Bud, Illinois 6227842 POMERANIAN REVIEWf ""i..\....fcL........HELPFULHINTSMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Rd. Richmond, VA 23225This is the obedience issue so lets concentrate on tips for training our Pomeranian. First, lets once again try to slay that old dragon Obedience training ruins a dog for conformation showing. Nonsense Absurd and stronger terms. It simply is not true. There have been and are many Pomeranians with titles at both ends of their names. I have two CJD.s that Im currently showing in conformation, and ringsiders frequently comment on how good their showmanship is. If obedience training is done properly, it makes the dog easier to show. It does not break his spirit or make him less perky or vivacious. Our standard says a Pom should be alert, and obedience requires that they be alert. I have literally non from the obedience ring to the breed ring and back to the obedience ring without any confusion for the dog. There are lots of little clues that let him know which ring he is in whether you are carrying bait or not, whether hes wearing a showlead or collar and leash, how you walk and carry your shouldersand therefore which behavior is appropriate. He wont want to sit in the conformation ring because youve taught him a command and signal for stand.I believe every Pom should have some obedience training, whether you want to show in competition or not. And the earlier the better. Most obedience schools and clubs now offer KPT classes Kindergarten Puppy Training which will take a puppy as young as two months old. The main purpose of these classes is NOT a well-trained little robot, but an agreeable, happy, outgoingdog. Obedience training makes any dog easier to live with. If you have a shy one, training can give him the confidence he needs. If you have a hyper or obstreperous dog, training will make him more manageable. It is crucial that the training be done right gently, patiently, with lots of love and praise. Do join a class, rather than work at home alone. The socialization is invaluable for a young dog. There is more knowledge and help available through a class than in any book.A frequent comment or excuse heard is, Id love to try obedience but I just dont have time. It is true that obedience training does take time. But every single dog you own deserves some individual attention every day. If you are actively training a dog, it takes about 20 minutes a day. That doesnt have to be all in one chunk. While youre waiting for the water to boil, practice some stays. When you walk from one end of the house to the other, have him heel with you. In the beginning, keep training sesions short but frequent, several times a day. Make them funNow to some specific hints. I think a nylon choke collar is best. Put it on only while you are training and take it off again when you are through. It can mat the fur and could be very dangerous if it caught on something. I too use a very small nylon leash with a fishing leader looks like a safety pin for a clasp or hook.Be very careful about falling into the habit of carrying your Pom around. He has four feet you only have two. Let him walk, unless it might be dangerous as at a crowded all-breed show. Recently at a trial we were appalled by the following sight. A tiny Maltese went thru the novice routine nicely, but her handler picked her up and carried her between each exercise. What a silly way to get disqualified. A Pom is a real dog. Dont spoil him by catering to him and giving in to him.If at first your dog seems reluctant to walk on a leash, dont drag him. TryPOMERANIAN REVIEW 43MIKE-MAR POMERANIANS Proudly Present pICh.Bonners Starlynette DestinyMultiple group winning Destiny, was bred by Dorothy D. Bonner. Our thanks for parting with him.,V Ch. Post Scripts CrowdpleaserBest in Show winner before one year of age.Wally will soon be back in the ring.Bred by our good friend Rose Keller.FLASHTo be handled in the future by Georgia Murdock. Watch for this exciting new team at the coming shows.MICHAEL WOLF R.D. 1, Box 332A Oxford, Pa. 1936344 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NOR POMS andCH. THELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE'- Tki . CONGRATULATE DAUGHTERSNEW CHAMPION Ch. Bev-Nors Pride N Joy owner, Mr. Charles Stevens.Ch. Bev-Nors Untold Glory Candee 9 points on her Canadian Championship. Owner-handled by Diane Taylor, Lois Kramer.AGAIN OUR BLACK GIRL Bev-Nors Witchy Woman of Lennis, WB, BOW,BOS under Ken Miller, Harrisburg.UPCOMING LITTERSCh. Bonners Starlynette Destiny x Ch. Bev-Nors Peppi Mint Paty.Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi daughterCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Ch. Tom-Cins TAT-ZANNA of Lennis.Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms daughterWATCH for CH. TAR-ZANNAS first offspring Bev-Nors Tar-Zan Bev-Nors Sadie Ray, named after a very special friend Mrs. Sadie Ray Edney.Bev Bill Norris Pasadena, Md. 211227747 Meadow Road 1-301-255-1343POMERANIAN REVIEW 45Watch Out Here Comes Delii4Tm.i"Best of Breed Group 46 mo. old First time shownOwner Co-Owner BreederKeke Blumberg Beverly Norris848 Winter Rd. Handler-Agent Emily Gunning 7747 Meadow RoadKydal, Pa. 19046 215-433-2004 Pasadena, Md. 2112246 POMERANIAN REVIEWbending over and wiggling your fingers in front of his nose. Or turn around and run backwards away from him. Hell soon get the idea, and hell be a happier worker if you havent had to force him. Once he is walking along willingly, set a brisk pace. Poms can keep up. The best way to encourage lagging and a lackluster performance is to walk too slowly.Never use your feet to make any sort of correction on a Pom. A Pom can become foot-shy all too easily, and then youll have a worse problem than what you were trying to correct. Keep your feet close together on all turns you dont want your Pom heeling wide in order to get out of the way of your feet.Most instructors will tell you that you should wear slender slacks or put a rubber band around your ankle over your pants. Wide pants legs will cause a small dog to heel wide, they say. This hasnt been true in my experience mine all heel close. The rubber band is unnatural. I dont wear one around the house. Obedience training is supposed to help the dog adapt to your lifestyle. On the other hand, I am very opposed to big, heavy, clunky shoes. I insist that my trainees, regardless of the size of their dog, wear low heeled shoes with non-skid soles. You dont want to risk tripping or stepping on your dog. Heavy shoes are also noisy, which can frighten a tiny one.Throughout your training, insist that your Pom watch you. Demand that his attention be riveted on you. This makes for a better all around worker and later, greatly simplifies the signal exercise.Instead of giving the command stay before leaving for the recall or before throwing the dumbbell, I use wait. I found with my first Pom that once I said stay, he wouldnt move for anything. Wait means Im going to give you another command wait for that. It is temporary. I also use a left-handed signal with wait, a right-handed signal with stay.If you are training a Pom 6 months or older, you may find that he has learned that come is optional, that he may come or not, if he wants to. Try using a different word such as front for the recall where he must come, every time.It is amazing to me how many people enter obedience competition without ever reading the rules. Thats crazy Any judge will tell you that many novices lose substantial points because of handler errors. These errors can easily be eliminated and one way is to know the current rules thoroughly. A copy of the Obedience Regulations is free from AKC at 51 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10010. Also ask for a copy of Guidelines for Obedience Judges, which is enlightening too. The score sheets most judges use are available from your local obedience training club or from Ralston Purina. These show in graphic form which errors will bust you and which are just points off. Before I go to a trial, regardless of how many times Ive shown in a particular class, I get out the rule book and memorize the rules for each class Im showing in. Dont let a judge catch you on sheer ignorance. Then, get a knowledgeable friend or instructor to scrutinize your performance in a ringlike situation. You may be doing something with your hands or head that youre unaware of. Another good way to pick up helpful pointers is to steward in the obedience ring. Most obedience judges are very kind about pointing out errors or answering questions for stewards.Before you take your Pom to a trial or even a match, be sure he is well groomed. When a Pomeranian is in the ring, everybody watches because they are so unusual and cute. He is representing your breed and you want him to look his best.For real fun, try a brace of obedience Poms. All you need is two Poms who can do the novice exercises, a brace coupling, and a little extra practice. It helps if the two Poms are the same size,POMERANIAN REVIEW 47but isnt absolutely necessary. Put the faster Pom on the outside. You probably will have to make your own brace coupling, I used a center metal ring, two fishing leaders, and sewed them together with heavy bias tape. AKC says the minimum overall length of the coupling must be six inches, so you want it as light-weight as possible so they wont trip over it.Jealousy works wonders on Poms. When Im practicing in the front yard with one, I make sure the others are in the back yard and aware of whats going on. At a trial, the one whos going into the ring next sits in a crate while I hold another in my lap or fuss over my breed entry. It definitely produces better attention and sharper performances.Watch your temper when you train your Pom. You cant teach him a thing if youre angry. If you feel yourself starting to get mad, quit. End the session on a happy note and play his favorite game. Obedience is supposed to be FUN, for both dog and handler. It is. It is challenging, demanding, frustrating, addictive, fun, and very satisfying and rewarding. So get out your leash and give it a tryAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.SUPPORT YOUR BREEDBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBy BARBARA YOUNG Loudon Ridge Rd.Loudon, N. H. 03301Our September B-OB Match was held at the Foxboro, Mass, home of Charles and Amy McKay. Judge Jacqueline Reilly selected Topaze Candy Kisses, a precious 3 month female, bred and owned by Francis Casey, as Best Puppy in Match. Her choice for Best Adult and Best in Match was a black female, Jabils Electra, bred and owned by Jessie and Barbara Young. High Scoring dog in Match was from the Novice B class, Jabils Razzle Dazzle, owned by his Breeder, Jessie Young.Gladys Dykstra took time this summer to give demonstrations with her Poms at nursing homes and schools for handicapped and retarded children. She demonstrated obedience work with her Poms, and was assisted by Carol Sousa with her Tuffy, and Jennie Martin with Chiper and her new puppy Nicki. The people and children whole-heartedly enjoyed the experience, and especially enjoyed being able to touch the dogs.The B.C.P.C. also participated in the National Dog Week display at one of the shopping malls in Massachusetts. Club members Claire Flesner and Bertha Yeaton headed the project, which kept the Pom in front of the public for six days.Some club members have done well at recent shows. Mike Meyer and Pat Scelsos homebred male, My Pats Northern Spy, finished his championship this fall. He is their first puppy to finish. Jessie Tom Stephens had a few males in the winners circle. Jestoms Red Robin was W. D., B. W. and BOB at the Wam- panoag K. C. Show, his first time out. Also, their orange male Golden Glow Prince was W.D., at Vacationland, and W. D., B. W. and BOB at Springfield.Continued on Page 5048 POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELS Wishesto send congratulations to Dudley Wanda Roach on finishing their Red Male Models Red SultanHope they get many Good Poms from him AlsoCongratulations on their informative Kennel VisitMODEL KENNELS P.O. Box 3004Bob Goodrich Hampton, Va. 23663JUBILEE KENNELS OF CALIFORNIA Cream, white, red, orange, Sable puppies for show, or breeding, byCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Models Red Sultan Queenaire HeadlinerPuppies reasonably priced. Pictures and pedigrees on request.All inquiries answered.Handler Connie BungartLorene Bradbury Turlock, Ca. 953807406 W. Bradbury Rd. 209-632-0248POMERANIAN REVIEW 49Q,ueencure ^J.ennelsproudly announces a new championCH. MODELS RED SULTANWe sincerely thank Sophie Mayes and the Review Staff for ten years outstanding effort on behalf of The American Pomeranian Club, the Breed and all the readers.We look forward with eager anticipation to the Anniversary Issue.Dudley Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave.Modesto, California 95350 HandlerPhone 209-527-5179 Phyllis T. Greer50 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBBY MARY ROSENBAUM36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, Washington 98003Irene Harbin is getting together the information for our specialty and so if you will bear with me I will be keeping you abreast of the show results for our area. June 11, 1978 at Tacoma Kennel Club, Winners Dog, Best of Winners, Best Pom Golden Glow Luckie owned by Elva McGilbry. Winners Bitch, Best Opposite Sex So-His Gala Jubilee owned by Virginia Niehouse. Reserve was Bradleys Naughty Noisemaker owned by Shirley Catherine Bradley.Mt. Baker Kennel Club on July 2, was Winners Dog, Best of Winners Best Pom to Tomanolls Romeo owned by Shirley Bradley, Winners bitch, Best of Opposite Sex to Que Sera GiGi of Golden Glow owned by Erin Phil Hundley. Reserve to So-His Gala Jubilee owned by Virginia Niehouse. Clark County Kennel Club winners are Best of Breed, Winners Dog and Best of Winners to Harbins Indestructible Jim owned by Irene Harbin. Winner Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex to GiGi of Golden Glow owned by Erin Hundley. At Longview Kelso we had Best of Breed to Ronaldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. Charles Wilson. Winners Dog to Harbins Indestructible Jim owned by Irene Harbin. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners to La Modas Timstop- per Tiara owned by Virginia Wainwright Best of Opposite Sex Golden Glow Tam- mie owned by E. McGilbry I. Harbin. In the winners circle at the Seattle show was Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear owned by Shirley Catherine Bradley, Bear was Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite was Que Seras GiGi of Golden Glow owned by Erin Hundley.The Olympic Kennel Club was Winners Dog and Best of Winners to Bradleys Naughty Noisemaker owned by Catherine Shirley Bradley. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite was Que Seras Gigi of Golden Glow owned by ErinHundley. Best of Breed was Ch. Rona- oldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. Charles Wilson.Sammamish Kennel Club was Winners Dog to Harbins Indestructible Jim owned by Irene Harbin. Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite to Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too owned by Clyde Phyllis Andrews. Best of Breed to Ch. Ronaldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. Charles Wilson. Our current show wins are Peninsula Dog Fanciers Winners dog, Best winners Best of Breed to Harbins Indestructible Jim owned by Irene Harbin. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex to Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow owned by Erin Hundley.We understand the win at Inland Empire Kennel Club finished the championship on Golden Glow Lucky owned by Sally McGilbry. Congratulations Sally. Also Congratulations to Linda Blouin on Andrews Wee Red Laird for finishing his CD title in three obedience trials. As I finish the show results I realize that Ive been missing for about 5 months at ringside. So now that my girls are starting back in coat youll be seeing me this fall. This will give me a chance to keep up on all news and so forth. So see you at ringside.BAY COLONY ContinuedJessie Youngs red male, Jabils Razzle Dazzle, earned his first leg toward his C. D. with a first place score of 195 at the Saccarappa Obedience Trial. Jessie Barbara Young had two homebred bitches finish their championships Ja- bils Emily and her niece Jabils Simply Sultry.The B.C.P.C. will hold its 1979 Specialty Show in conjunction with the South Shore Kennel Club, as we did last year. However, instead of holding its show indoors in April, the SSKC has changed its date and location. The show will be outdoors over Labor Day Weekend. Circle Saturday, September 1, on your calendar. There will be more information at a later date, but New England is gorgeous in late summer, and this is a two-show weekend.POMERANIAN REVIEW 51CH. JABILS SIMPLY SULTRYAbby is our latest Champion. She is the first puppy sired by Group winning Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing, and is the second Champion for her dam, Adkins Star of Band Box. Her full younger sister, Jabils Simply Sarah, will make her debut this winter.See her pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Roadalit603 435-8731 Loudon, N.H. 03301i52 POMERANIAN REVIEWWATTS POMERANIANS proudly presentCH. SCOTIA RENEES NOEL V. WATTS'mOPPOMy Second ChampionNoel shown finishing her championship with a 3 point major at Rock Creek Kennel Club on 15 October 1978, under Mr. R. W. Meyer. Again, a heartfelt thanks to Mrs. Sue Whaley Momma Sue, who handled Noel to her finish, capturing 3 majors and B.B. over Champions.Acknowledgement is also made to her judges Mrs. Sue Harper, Mr. A. E. Maurer, Jr., Mr. Adamec, Mrs. David Crouse, and Mr. Meyer.Noel is expecting puppies in the middle of November, having been bred to CH. WATTS LITTLE PEPPI JOE. She is a granddaughter to the late Ch. Sungolds Gay Caviller, adding still another Champion to his list of grandchildren.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsDolores A. Watts Brandywine, Md. 206134800 Floral Park Rd. 301-372-8782POMERANIAN REVIEW 53HAPPYTYME KENNELSIntroduces3 mU33.RS BITCH JCh. Smyths Tar-rific BeautyInky as she is known by those who love her, is shown finishing her championship at Annapolis, Maryland, August 20, 1978, under Judge Michele Leathers Billings. MANY THANKS to Lennis Raines for letting me have this beautiful BLACK and TAN girl.Also a BIG THANK YOU to Marlene Scott for handling her and to her son, Mark for the loving care he gave her.PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYGrace Smyth 29394 D Drive, So.Albion, Michigan 49224 517-629-464654 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.By SALLY BAUGNIET Corresponding Secretary Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wi. 54228Officers for 1978 arePresident ........................... Nadine HersilVice President ................ Judy ZurkowskiTreasurer ........................... Elinor LuccasRecording Secty...........Carmen GlanderCorresponding Secty. .. Sally BaugnietAward winners from 1976 and 1977 were honored on July 29. Certificates for Champions finished were awarded to Lucius and Elinor Luccas, Mrs. Norris McKamey, Duane Gaulke and Sally Baugniet.Two special traveling awards Plaques were instituted honoring the members whose Poms have won a group and those members whose Poms have gone Best in Show.The First member to accomplish this was Nadine Hersil in 1976 with Ch. D- Nees Darin Dinadan. Judge Derek Rayne awarded Danny BIS at Mason City, la.Danny also went Group 1 in 1977 and is now on the Special Group winning plaque for 1976 and 1977. A trophy with the breed figure was also awarded to the winner to keep.Door prizes were awarded and chances were available on 2 Pooper Scoopers and a grooming arm.Chairman for the event was Sally Baugniet.On September 29 we had another B match. Chairman was Roberta Massey Judge Mrs. June Mastrocola. A special obedience demonstration was given by our Junior member, Kim Keeman. A pot luck supper and barbeque followed a meeting and election of officers.The results of the judging were as followsPuppy 2-4 mo. 1st Pomirish Candys Taffy Apple S. Baugniet.Puppy 4-6 mo. 1st. Pomirish Squirts Fizz S. Baugniet. 2nd. Pomirish Christopher Robin S. Baugniet.Puppy 6-9 mo. 1st. D-Nees Dis One Here N. Hersil. 2nd. McKameys Cavaliers Samson K. Collins. 3rd. Luells Flickering Flame K. Broyles.Puppy 9-12 mo. 1st. Pomtown Silver Dollar Queen M. Jatczak.Best Puppy D-Nees Dis One Here.Am. Bred Dog 1st. Luells Cajun Dragonfly E. Luccas. 2nd. Keenans Tuff Guy K. Keenan.Open Dog 1st. Pomirish Lil Guy S. Baugniet. 2nd. Pompuf Silver Sand Dance M. Jatczak. 3rd. D-Nees Devilish Diablo N. Hersil. 4th. Luells Tornado Tommy E. Luccas.Am. Bred Bitch 1st. D-Nees Dat One Dere N. Hersil.Open Bitch 1st. Luells Lil Suzette OKukla E. Luccas. 2nd. McKameys Enchanting Star K. Collins. 3rd. D-Nees Nchanting Nimue N. Hersil. 4th. Nem- racs Elegant Buttercup C. Glander.Best Adult Pomirish Lil Guy.Parade of Champions CH. Luells Stormy Nite OCardinal E. Luccas.Nadine Hersil finished D-Nees Dis One Here on 11-5-78 at Rock River K.C.Sally Baugniet finished Pomirish Sweet N Sour on 11-11-78 at Lake Shore, K.C.OUTCROSS BREEDINGOutcross breeding is the mating of two unrelated Poms. This type of breeding is favored by novice breeders who are prone to breed to the Big Winner of the moment, regardless of his suitability to their bitchs pedigree. Strengths and weaknesses of the two individuals are seldom considered, and of all methods of breeding, this one carries the biggest gamble.Offspring of an Outcross Breeding are frequently above average in excellence, and the novice is firmly convinced that this is the way to go. The crux of the matter is, Where do we go from here The next and following generations will Continued on Page 72POMERANIAN REVIEW 55THE PINESLois L. Kraemer Diane E. Taylor'BEST SEXOPPOFMORROCOS BENJIShown at South Jersey K.C. under Judge Merrill Cohen, Benji picked up two more points and a BOS to our Special Ch. Candee. Benji then picked up another point at Union Co. K.C. for a total of 7 points to date. Benji is a true Red Sable with proper coat texture and lovely rear angulation. A 4 lb. showing fool that will win the hearts of everyone who sees him.FLASH Ch. Pepi and Ch. Candee both back from their Honeymoon sporting Bermuda Champion points. Ch. Plemington Jack Little Pepi 5 pts. 1 major. Ch. Bev-Nors Untold Glory Candee 3 majors total 9 pts. . Pups due Christmas Day.Hengeli Drive Bordertown, New Jersey Bordentown, New Jersey56 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 19101 - 67 St. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290Forty-two Pomeranians Can you believe it. All in one show The Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty is coming up on December 2nd., 1978. That is a big entry for the Northwest. Everyone is grooming and training, especially me. You will have to wait till later to hear the results.The most exciting happenings around here in the last few months couldnt have involved nicer people. I dont know which to put first, so I will go alphabetically.Andrews Wee Red Laird with Linda Blouin on the end of the lead, finished his obedience title of Companion Dog recently. Linda is very happy with Buttons as she likes to call him. The only mistake he makes is mimicking the judge as he gives his commands. The judge says Forward and Laird says Woofard, At the command Right Turn, Laird looks up and barks, Warf Turn Slow, brings a Slarf, from our happy little show off. Buttons really did not say the words, but he was thinking them, and everyone who saw him knew that there was nothing else in the world that he would rather do than go to the show and do his thing quickly and with his tail wagging. Thats what obedience is all about, a oneness between dog and trainer that is a joy to behold. It is also a joy to have a well trained dog around. My dear old Girl always amazed everyone by coming at a dead run from wherever she was when she heard me call, Girl Come. What joy.Am. Can. Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner, owned by Florence Ryals, of Tacoma, Washington, was named Best in Show, at the Alaska Kennel club show last July. Florence, a member of the Pierce County Pomeranian Club, is truly delighted with Banner whom she purchased from Shirley Hoffman about four years ago. He was a Grandsweeps winner at 9 mos. the first time he was shown. He was an American Ch. before he was a year old. A Canadian Ch. before he was two. His wins include 8 Group 1, Group placings, over 35, Best of Breed Over 62. Banner has been shown by Jean Schroll to all of his Group wins and Group placings. And now she has shown him to a Best in Show. What more can you ask forNews Flash Harbins Indestructible Jim, breederowner, Irene Harbin and handled by co-owner Sylvia Harbin, finished at the Whidby Island Show on November 19. Judge Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen also placed him Best of Winners. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex was So-His Leading Lady bred and owned by Virginia Niehouse and handled by Bernard Niehouse, while Best of Breed went to Am. and Can. Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner owned by Florence Ryals and handled by Jean Schroll.The future holds big things for all of us. If all goes as we hope the Columbia Pomeranian Club will be hosting the American Pomeranian Club Specialty in Summer of 1980. The plans are being made and schedules being worked out. Start saving up your pennies so you can come out here to the great Northwest and find out what living really is.I have been very busy for the last five months. The State Highway Dept, could find no other place in the country to put a big interchange, than right through my house. They didnt even ask our permission, they just said move. We looked and looked for something readymade to move all of us and the Poms into. No luck. So we are building, and building, and building. It seems that it is taking Continued on Page 72POMERANIAN REVIEW 57QUE SERA AND LA RITA SALUTELinda Blouin Andrews Wee Red Laird, C.D.Title earned in 3 trialsWe have puppies coming. Some will be for sale.Andrews Mr. Continental XLa Ritas TakestwototangoAm. Can. Ch. Andrews Pics Jimbo XAm. Can. Ch. Scotia Dollys Dandy SibylAndrews Im a Jim Dan Dee XCh. Scotia Leaders Bunny Hon BunAndrews Im a Jim Dan Dee XLa Ritas Fancy DancerAm. Can. Ch. Andrews Pics Jimbo XSungolds Top HerRiders Ricky Dink of Dink XLa Ritas DaphneQue Sera Kennel 19101 - 67th S.E.Note New Address206-568-7444Phil Erin HundleySnohomish, Wash. 9829058 POMERANIAN REVIEWTIFFANY POMERANIANSDue to continued poor health, I am unable to breed or show my Poms, so I am offering most of my good breeding stock for sale to Breeder Exhibitors and to someone who can appreciate the quality and pedigrees behind them. Select linebred on Creider, Van Hoozer, Queenaire background.We offer for your consideration 2 all Aristic bred puppies Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist grandchildrenSire A Starmist son ex Ch. Maykens Handsom Playboy pointed daughter 6 young bitches raised for my own breeding program. 4 Studs from top bloodlines Ch. Morenos Gin Rickey, Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner background W2 year old Black Tan Granddaughter of Ch. Great Elms TimstoppersImage and her 2 puppies 1 male, 1 female Free whelper. 1 Red, 3 lb. 10 mo. Ch. Ricky Son. Show Quality. 19 mo. Sable male, nice Ch. Bonner Kristin Starmist grandson. 6 lb. Sable double Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Great whelped 4 puppies her first and only litterAll sound, with no major faults. Many showable, at fair prices for the quality offered, no culls. Priced from 250 to 500. An excellent start for the beginner, with the quality established breeders look and hope for.Helen M. Krafcik 1303 - So. 117th Tacoma, Wa. 98444POMERANIAN REVIEW 59d^est lyUiji GS j'OF Cl ^ dfcijljJLj ClAJ'or a trappy.CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO COY COQUETTEecir1METROPOLITAN -T ^cureKtHNiLGROUPBESTfufft1978Can. Bda. Ch. Millamors Bock Medallion ex Ch. Chriscendo Dancing StarletteAmanda finished her Canadian title at the tender age of 714 months with several Best of Breed from Jr. Puppy classes, group placements and 2 Best Puppy in Show 5 Best Puppy in GroupPictured winning Second in the Group and Best Puppy under James G. Reynoldsat Canadas prestigeous Metropolitan Show in Toronto, handled by John.Amanda is now retired from the ring and will be bred to her grandfather,Multiple Group Winner Am. Ch. Millamors Moon Rock sometime in 79.a ridcendoChris and John Heartz Truro, Nova ScotiaP. O. Box 1259 Canda, B2N 5N260 POMERANIAN REVIEWtiiNVALONG MYWAYBy MOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573I have noticed a strange phenomenon. If ones opinions remain static on a subject, and he remains in the field for long enough, he will ultimately find himself on the opposite side of an argument for the sides change as time passes. I began thinking of this last week-end at a show when a breeder-judge and a judge now seeking Poms as one of his breeds were discussing the bitch I was showing. The breeder judge commented that she liked the bitch. The other agreed that it was a nice bitch but too large. The breeder judge maintained that Pom bitches should be large enough to have some degree of safety in whelping. The bitch weighs 4 lbs. 10 oz. slightly fat. I personally like this size. To me it is small enough to be refined, stylish and pretty, but large enough to have the stamina to show tirelessly and probably whelp well. This column, however, is not a discussion of the proper size for a Pom. Every breeder has his own ideas of that and the Poms often do not adhere strictly to his wishes anyway. I do wish to discuss the danger of allowing the dogs surrounding a dog to sway ones opinion.In the years I have been showing Poms, sizes have fluctuated. I have determined the size Pom I like best to do the things I ask of it show, breed, live a long life, etc. Occasionally I have shown Poms larger or smaller than my desire. In showing the size that I desire, I have some seasons found myself in the ring with the smallest Pom present. Other seasons I have shown the largest Pom in the ring. For example the bitch that was considered too large by the judge hopeful is the same heightand within a few ounces of her grandmother whom I finished six years ago. At the time she was showing, the older bitch was usually the smallest one in the ring. She once was placed third in a class by a judge who said she was too small. What a difference the surrounding dogs makeThe same thing is true with any characteristic. What is a large coat, a short back. etc. in one year or one part of the country mav not be in another. This is the check and balance effect that prevents any one element from moving to a dangerous extreme however, it can be alarming if a breeder does not see the normal flux within the breed. A breeding program can be destroyed by a breeders trying to follow each new fad. Rapid changes destroy the chance to develop a consistency within a program. Only when a degree of consistency is established can the prevailing strengths be maintained and the faults be eliminated. Change, if change is needed, but do so by a careful study of the standards description of an ideal pom. The standard is the guide. Do not be overly impressed with one seasons show results. Study the results of several years.Also, at recent shows two incidents brought my thoughts back to the need of extreme care in sending a toy to a show with some one else handler, friend, relative, etc. Truly the owner is placing that dogs life in that persons hands. Show wins are nice, but no one wishes to trade the dogs life for them. I recently made a change in my evaluation of a toy handler whom I had previously considered very good. As she left a show site pulling her dolly a crate fell off the top of the stack. A male Chihuahua fell about five feet. The dog and crate were picked up, upside down by the way, finally righted, and replaced on the stack. The dog was not removed from the crate to be examined, nor was the crate secured in any way. Of course I marked in my mind one more person that none of my dogs will ever travelPOMERANIAN REVIEW 61MIDAS POMERANIANSWe are pleased to welcome the following new girls to our familyCh. Bonners Modstar of Pinehaven BIS winnerCh. Pine Haven Peg O My Heart Modstar daughterCh. Bonners Luvcharm of Pine HavenWere indebted to John Johnston of Pine Haven Pomeranians for sending the girls. Peg and Luvcharm have been bred to Ch. Bonners Starlynmod Reveler litters due on Thanksgiving and mid-December.See pedigrees of Ch. Bonners Starlynmod Reveler and Am. Can. Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff in Behind the New Champions both subj. to AKC conf..Both boys finished by going Best of Breed over Specials. They are owned by Dorothy Bonner and Co-owned and shown by us. Previously co-owned by John Johnston and handled to many wins by Bob Campbell.Jon Roberta Massey 1209 Carlton Drive414 639-6885 Racine, Wise. 53402with, but what of that dogs owner Will she be wondering about an unexplained leg problem, or a pressure on the brain, or a spinal problem and searching for the answer in her breeding programAt another recent show many dogs were left in exercise pens near R.V.s The weather was lovely all should have been well. However, when the peopleleft two teenaged boys armed with slingshots came and began to shoot the trapped dogs. Serious injuries were prevented by two young girls who saw and reported the boys. Fortunately the incident did not occur when any toys were out or a death would probably have resulted. As the matter stands the show career of some of the dogs is in doubt.62 POMERANIAN REVIEWOn a happier subject, I have recently had the pleasure of watching twin puppies mature. I am not speaking of fraternal twins which of course any two litter mates are, but identical twins puppies developed within the same placenta. Slightly over a year ago Linda Miller had a startling experience. A proven bitch whelped one puppy in her usual fashion. Time passed, and she seemed to be having some sort of problem. Feet appeared and a head could be felt. Suddenly Lin realized the problem. There were hind feet being followed closely by a head. At first she tried to convince herself that she was not right, but even at 300 A.M. there is a difference in rear and front feet. A little investigation revealed that the two puppies were nested with the head of one pressing into the soft abdomen of the other. This position probably allowed the two to move along the birth canal together, but it did not allow enough flexibility for them to come through the pelvis. Lin held the feet and slipped the second puppy backward until the first puppy was freed enough to slide out followed immediately by the second.As these two puppies grew they looked so much alike that to distinguish them we had to keep the ears trimmed on one and not the other. They were hauntingly similar in all that they did. Occasionally one would begin a phase sooner than the other, but the other soon caught up. They even began and ended their first seasons on the same days. We saw the problem often seen in human twins of a dominate twin developing. At this point we sold one, but she is where we can keep a watch on her continuing career. We are anxious to see if the two twins, now separated for several months, continue to function the same. Remember I said there was a third puppy in the litter. It too was bitch, but she only served to accentuate the twins similarity by being different from them in all ways.In speaking of our twins, I have heard of two other sets of twin toy dogs. Another Pom breeder told of having a large puppy born and when she removed it from the sack, a tiny puppy was curled against its abdomen. The tiny puppy was not alive.A Chihuahua breeder still laughs at his first twin experience. The bitch had to be sectioned. When the vet opened her, he exclaimed come and look, you do not see this every day When the breeder looked at the placenta, he saw a mass of churning legs. His first thought was its a monster and its alive. The confused vet said, Well dont you think we should get them out and lifted out two strong wiggling babies.During the time I have been piecing together this column, I have received word that The Pomeranian Review is to have a new editor. I would like to say good-bye to Sophie, who has done a wonderful job for us for many years. The Review has grown and prospered under her editorship. When I look back over my fourteen years of Reviews the improvement is obvious. Thank you, Sophie, for a job well done.For those of you who do not know Pat Lewis, try to meet her. I met Pat several years ago, and although our paths do not cross too often, I always enjoy it when they do. Pat loves a good Pom hers or anyone elses. She enjoys a dog show and, like all of us, loves to discuss breeding and training plans and problems. I think what I enjoy most about Pat is that her cheerful friendliness does not change before or after the judging no matter who has won or lost. Let us all now get behind Pat and help her continue to improve The Review for the pleasure of the Pomeranian world.APRIL ISSUEHelp support the New Review by sending in your ads and articles. All clubs should send their news.POMERANIAN REVIEW 63TRIBUTE TO MILLAMORS MAGIC DRAGONMACKIEPictured in her youthWhile much is said and written about our champions and studs I think too little credit is given to our precious little broods. I am very proud of Mackie and would like to share her record with you. This 4 lb. lady has produced 23 puppies. 16 have survived. She is the Dam of Ch. Browns Gambling Man, Ch. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie, Ch. Browns Pan-Magic Skeeter Gal and Ch. Browns Magic Princess. She has other pointed children. She is also the grandmother of Ch. Browns Billy The Bandit. Mackie was shown to 10 points but was so busy with motherhood that she did not finish. At 8 VS years she will retire from breeding and live her life care free. I dont know whether or not she is a record producer but I think a good average. I am hopeful for her last litter whelped 10-4-78 and sired by Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor. To Mackie a big THANK YOU. Also, to her breeder Eleanor Miller for allowing me to have this little jewel.Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Ind. 46234 Ph 317-271-495464 POMERANIAN REVIEWREBELREPORTBy SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Highway Bristol, VA. 24201Of course my big news is the tremendous success of the 1978 fall specialty. As this will be amply covered by other writers, I will not go into detail. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who supported the club with their entries and attendance. I think we set some records and I know we had a great time. Everyone owes the success of this show, for the most part, to the hard work of Mrs. Randy Freeh and to Paul as well. She opened her home to all the Pom folks and was ultimately responsible for all the arrangements. Although so many helped to make it a success, the one whose club hosted us and who lived in the area was the one who naturally had the biggest job. Randy, we cant thank you enoughWe missed Pat Brooks and John Manthos who helped with the preliminary plans and publicity. Poor Pat . . . i she was so disappointed when her ride evaporated at the last minuteThose of us who worked most closely with this show can really appreciate what goes into hosting a specialty and believe me, we will try to support others who have this job in the future with more understanding and support than we have given in the past. I believe that everyone should consider exactly why we have these two parent club specialties each year. In my opinion we have them as a show case, so that everyone can see what we as individuals are doing for the betterment of Pomeranians. We can see where we need to improve and appreciate the success we and others have had. We have specialties to support the club. We have the opportunity to meet newcomers to our breed and to meet the people that have hitherto been onlynames to us. We have the chance to compare experiences. We have the time to renew acquaintances and the marvelous chance to visit with old friends. If by chance we get a nice win, then it is frosting on the cake. As club members, we OWE our support to the specialties.I have not received notice of any exciting wins or new champions, in fact I havent received any news ... Now last time I wrote about our cat and I may think up something even worse, if you good Southerners dont send me your news.1979Pom Ed ieScj ci fem en l Cdafendt arSSend 500 long, stamped self-addressed envelope for illustrated brochure toBrettwood Arts P. O. Box 957 Milton, Washington 98354ALL COLUMNISTSWill all columnists whose photograph appears at the top of the column please send in a picture the same or a different one, when you send your article. This also applies to the President, Secretary and Delegate. This is a one-time request, negatives can be reused. The Club will pay for reproduction and your pictures will be returned.POMERANIAN REVIEW 654"Ch. Randys Gentle Jim of Jolly WeeWe are so proud of Jim. He is a very stylish ZV2. lb. bundle of energy and is certainly a joy to show. Jim is bright orange with an ultra short back, good tail set and four good legs. We believe that he will be an asset to our breeding program.Thank you Randy Freeh for letting him come into our lives, and thank you Paul Freeh for deciding to part with him.We have for sale a nice bright orange male whelped in April 78 and ready for showing. He is sired by Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi and out of Poinciana Love Melody, a Ch. Love Bug daughter. He has excellent bone and type . . . not small. He should be a good addition to someones breeding program. As nearly everything I have is down out of Melody, we dont need him.Tim and Sue Goddard5044 Lee Hwy. Bristol, Va. 24201 713-466-293766 POMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaIf you were to take notice of spongy ear plugs on a ledge very handy to the special kennel where the actual mating of Poms usually takes place, you might wonder at their use, for it is so often quite peaceful in there. But then there is my exception.In the first place he hasnt really begun to understand that when I stand with my head slightly inside this box with its five solid sides, that I am there to assist and calm his lady friend, not himself. His habit of giving me orders, to move her to the right please or j'ust a hit further hack etcetera, are delivered in such a piercing yap that I have finally resorted to ear plugs to control the echoes. I know they are likely to confuse sounds, but as I am not sure just how accurately I am interpreting him, it doesnt matter anyhow.I have put a few miles on my wee Toyota this past while and have visited quite a number of Pomeranian fanciers. I am enthused with tomorrow, for each and all of them have either a youngster that they expect great things of soon, or a litter on the way that is hoped to be the epitome of all litters yet, or a mating planned that they have always felt was just the right one. And this is the way it should be, of course. The sure way to pick oneself out of the doldrums of everyday existence is to start talking to breeders. One very dear friend, who had celebrated her 80th birthday just before I arrived for a visit, told me she was considering a move into an old folks manor. In the next breath she was wondering aloud which mate would be the best for a girl, just coming into season.As I said before, I came home from all my visiting, enthused with tomorrow.For this column, each kennel gave me a hint to pass on, some of them without realizing it. Bryan Mitchell, Valacey Kennels, has his building situated across the yard from his kitchen view. This was especially planned so they could overlook the dogs all the time without making special trips outside. However, it did backfire a bit, for the dogs could also overlook them, inside the kitchen, and quite often set up a barking discussion, just because of this. The window is now covered with the plastic film used to keep the summer heat out where it belongs, and all day the dogs cannot see through, although viewers can see them easily. An added bonus was the lowering of the summer temperature in the room, for it is a western side, and in the winter less cool air is felt near the glass than before. Ruth and George Lowe, Panda- low Kennels, had young puppies playing in the kitchen, mostly with a number of nylons, tied in knots, that they tugged, shook, and generally terrorized. Linda Stanger, who only raised a litter from her two show dogs for the fun of it, had a curtain hanging in front of the nursery box, which was in the bottom of a closet, as this enabled the mother to go in and out as she pleased, but stopped her from getting so upset when things happened within her area. Yvette Gesell, Clendary Kennels, has a wire barrier at the bottom of the basement steps, which could be difficult to step over, except this one has a gate built into it. I caught Jessie Carr, Wee Mite Kennels, rubbing Silvikrin pure, not the shampoo into her girls coat, which was just beginning to come in heavy, and long. At the Kathe Wilsons, Kathe Kennels, I likely could have taken down lots of good ideas. Two I took particular note of were the archway barrier, and a whelping box. For the barrier, her husband had welded two fridge racks together, and then had welded legs on each end so it could not be tipped from either side. All one needs is a handyman, or handywoman and thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 67barrier fits the situation. The whelping box was husband-made too, and very efficient and safe. Two open end boxes made with 6 boards, 16 by 20. The lower one has an edging on so the top one sits safely inside it. Through one side of the lower box a light has been installed, in which Kathe finds a 40 watt bulb is sufficient for whelping and the first week, then she reduces it to a 25 watt bulb. Just above this, a tin lid from a gallon can is nailed to prevent the bulb from scorching the arborite bottom of the upper box. In the upper box the bedding, or whelping material is placed. If the upper box is made with 8 boards instead of 6 then the front can be just a 4 board, with angle irons on the corners. Then as the puppies become active and too ready to crawl over, a second 4 board can be added. This means that when the bitch first whelps she does not have much of a jump to get in. The last step, which again is especially considerate of the bitch is a ramp, a board just the right size to fit as a cover for the top box when not in use. This is held in place at the top edge of the lower box on L shaped hooks. If there is danger that the electricity supply cord can be reached by sharp teeth it can be built in. Otherwise place the assembly so the cord is right out of sight.I am still not finished. At Carol Sumners, Sumplace Kennels, a snug-bed which might be a trade name was being used. Her praise for this furry material is doubled by myself for I find it without par to this date, for both my Pomeranians, and my Finnish Spitz. Hers came from England.At the Edmonton shows I had a few minutes talk with four other Pomeranian breeders and a handler who specializes in Poms. I just know that if I could only have managed the time for house visits I could go on and on with new ideas, and good oldies. Ann Fulton, Chinookwinds Kennels, started to tell me about her latest import from Skylark Kennels, but I forgot to write it down. Shirley Charrette, Charrette Kennels, isstill corresponding in an effort to locate the Pom she wants. Mrs. Allen, Windy- hull Kennels, had the reddest Pom I have seen yet, with her at the shows. I met Mrs. Horton, Horton Kennels, for the first time, but she didnt manage to get many words in between all of mine and the other breeders. Susan Wright, handler now, but previously raising Poms under the Sunwrighs label, had the lovely Ch. Kathes Johnny Chinook as her special charge, and was very pleased with a group second. The wee dog has been a constant winner this year. In Kamloops, I renewed friendship with Marilyn Harder, Burntwood Kennels, and we discussed kennel run surfaces for she has been finding that the sand she has in hers is not the best answer. Here too I met another new owner, with a male she had imported with Point Loma background. If I can only locate where I stored it, I will let you know her name another time.All in all it has been a busy summer, and it was sure nice to have so many Pom contacts after such a long while without. Perhaps the best result is that an effort is now being made to reestablish the Canadian Pomeranian Club, with volunteer executive ready to see what can be done. We mustnt get too excited about it, but any start is better than just sitting back waiting.Happy holidaysYIPS YAPSANN WELSHINGER Superior, Wi.I have just learned of the death of Mrs. Paul Helen Landreville of St. Paul. She died last April of cancer at her home in St. Paul. Helen was a Pom Club member for many years and did quite a lot of showing and winning in the sixties and early seventies. She owned Ch. Foxfire Chips and Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Dare Devil, among others. I knew Helen from the time I purchased my first show puppy Pom from her. Can. Ch. Dare Devil Denas Miss Muffet. She was a very fine lady and helped me on each occasion I talked with her. giving me helpful ideas on raising and showing Poms. I will miss her and perhaps some others will be concerned to hear of her passing. All her Poms were put to sleep at the time of her death.68 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSSends congratulations to Ch. Windy Acres Lil Trinketowned by Trill Don Duncan of Rapid City, S.D.i\ 4WendyWendy is a bVz lb., huge coated Group Winning Pom. It has been a pleasure to show her. She is the type of dog that never lets down. A breeders dream. We wished that we owned herWe would also like to congratulate Earl Hilary Soares of Hamilton, Bermuda on the Championship of Ber Ch MERCERS LIL SARA OF DUKE, another nice Pom. Both of the females were sired by our Ch Youngduke of whom we are so proud.At this writing we have a few new puppies for sale and may offer some older female puppies.Dan JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147Ph 308-889-3109 Big Springs, Nebr 69122POMERANIAN REVIEW 69WINDY ACRES POMERANIANS PRESENTSCH. WINDY ACRES LILL TRINKETSubj AKC Conf31c7UWendy is pictured winning Toy Group 1st under Judge Raymond Beale to complete her Championship. She is a clear orange and weighs bVz lbs. We have great hopes of her being a valuable asset to our breeding program. We thank all the breeders and judges who recognized her qualities not only as a beautiful show Pom but also as a brood prospect. She is sired by Ch Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue. Handled by Dan Mercer.HAPPINESS IS A WINDY ACRES POMPuppies OccasionallyTrillis Don Duncan Rt. 2, Box 600 PPhone 605-343-0626 Rapid City, S.D. 5770170 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSDAN JOELLEN MERCER Big Springs, NebraskaMany thanks to Randy Paul Freeh, Sue Tim Goddard for showing us and everyone else a terrific time at the Fall Specialty. It should be a real inspiration to every Pom Club in the country to know that it CAN be done. How this few of people could do this much was hard to believe.CAMELIA SOPRANO DOROTHY AL WILLIAMSON Pineville, La.My daughter, my wife and I would like to again thank everyone concerned for Kenne- saws Fall Specialty. The hospitality was wonderful, the food was delicious, the weather was perfect, and even the countryside cooperated. The fall colors had to be seen to be believed. I even heard Opal Mosher remark that she couldnt understand why her ancestors left there to move to Texas, and for us native Texans that borders on treason I must admit I agreed with her, though.It was nice seeing so many of our regular competitors there, renewing friendships with those we see only occasionally, and meeting many that we knew of by name only. Wish time had permitted meeting everyone, as Im a firm believer that Pom people are the nicest people there are.This was our first National Specialty, but it wont be our last. To see that many lovely Poms all at one time made all those hours of driving worth it. Being chosen Reserve Bitch helped a lot, too. We had a good time, folks, we enjoyed it, and to paraphrase McArthur, We shall return.LOIS KRAEMER AND DIANE TAYLOR Bordentown, N.J.YAU Come. And we did. We didnt win but had one good time. Oh, yes, we did take a first home with us. The Pines Witches Lace, bred by us and owned by Gloria Setmayer, won her class over 10 beautiful puppies 9-12 mo to do us proud. She acted like a real pro.Carrying 10 dogs and 1000 miles from home is an experience in itself, and we managed quite well. We had our problems though, but even a toilet backing up at 4 A.M. couldnt dampen our spirits. Pun intended Squire Inn was very apologetic, but picture this- Diane in her P.J.s and the night clerk running from room to room trying to find another bathroom that didnt have the same problem for us to use. And you should have seen the look on Glorias face as she half asleep stepped into two inches of cold water.Now we have all stepped on wet spots, but this was some shocker, and we laughed about it for hours.Randy and her gang really worked hard, even so we know from past experience things do go wrong beyond your control. At the banquet, she left her own dinner to correct the situation so that everyone would have a good time. She is to be congratulated.The food and drink at Randy's buffet was superb, to tempt the most ardent gourmet not to forget the food the next day at the show. With trays of food and cakes that were out of this world, I gained 10 pounds and you could always find me by the food table.We met many new friends and were re- aquainted with old friends, and the lovely dogs were a sight none should have missed. Everyone was so helpful and friendly it made our trip worth coming these many miles. Thank you again Randy, Sue and Pat and their team for making it a show and weekend to remember.YIPS YAPS EDNA GIRARDOT Floral City, FloridaI feel it my duty to talk about the specialty in Kennesaw, Ga. Without doubt it was superb. The committee headed by Randy Freeh and husband Paul, with Sue Goddard and family as runners up and with still many others helping, deserves to be complimented for handling of this event. Hospitality could not have been better.I arrived at the Squire Inn about 2 P.M. Friday and immediately there were Patricia and Elton Lewis of Mississippi to help me. Was fortunate to get a very large room so even with 6 dogs, had plenty space. Adaline Teachout who is my neighbor now, was with me and she is so much help. In no time our large cooler, play pens and equipment were unloaded and set up. People started coming in and collecting in our room so it was drinks, goodies, fun and doggie talk til time to get dressed for the cocktail and buffet party at the Freeh home.Elton Lewis drove Mary Jane Wilsons car and she. Pat, Adaline and I went with him to the Freeh home which is a beautiful colonial mansion. Little difficulty getting there but when we did we found a house full of Pom folks from far and near. Socializing was in evidence and Paul was a gracious bar tender knowing his stuff. Never saw so much food and so delicious. It was with reluctance that we felt we must leave and return to our dogs. Stuffed, happy and talked out, we finally got to bed.Saturday morning found us at the show site early to partake of a scrumptus breakfast prepared by Randy and her committee. SweepPOMERANIAN REVIEW 71LLL POMERANIANS PRESENTS 1978 CHAMPIONSCH. LLL HAPPY TWINKLING TIPPY DCH. LLL HAPPY TWINKLING TIKI B Tippy daughter CH. LLL FANCY GOLD GINA B BIS Ch. Skeeter daughter CH. LLL FANCY GOLD CRICKETT D Ginas full brotherAlso four others pointed.FOR SALESire CH. LLL LUCKY GOLD TRUMPS Pic July ReviewSMOKEY D 11-5-77 It. org. 4Jc POINTEDDam LLL Happy Tanya dam Ch. Moonshine BSire CH. LLL HAPPY TWINKLING TIPPYTROOPER D 3-13-78 bright org. mature 5 show qualityDam LLL Terrific Fantango dam Ch. Tiki BSire LLL Happy Lil Hop-A-Long 3 haby dollTIARA B 2-8-76 cooper org. 5 free whelperDam LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny daughter BIS Ch.Babbie dam of Ch. Gina B Ch. Cricket DSire Rosewoods Standing Ovation sire of ch. his sire BIS Ch. Models Son of FunSANDY B 3-16-77 Orange, 5 lb. free whelper, short backDam LLL Happy Mama Cass dam of 2 championsSire BIS CH. FANCY GOLD DANCER OF OAKRIDGE SkeeterMELODEE B 6-10-78 org. mature 414, show prospectDam Monkee huge coated org. lovely head, tiny earsSire CH. JODA EPHIBUS son of BIS Ch. BabbieMINNIE B 4-2-78, orange, mature 6, very cobby, heavy coatDam Trick 5 org., heavy coat, excellent matronSire CH. JODA EPHIBUS ht. 7, 3, red org.STARDUST B 7-27-78 org. or cream, short back, lovely headDam Sandy see above info, tiny ears, huge coatSire CH. JODA EPHIBUS short back, high tailsetPATSY B 8-10-78 red org. mature 414, show prospectDam LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny see above infoSeveral new litters too young to evaluate at deadline time. Also champion male, bred open females, pet males.Janice LuginslandAmericus, Kansas 66835Route 1Ph. 316-884-515772 POMERANIAN REVIEWstakes started at 10 and what a nice entry, 30 total. Then there was a break for lunch, again prepared by Randy and her helpers. Good . . . Ill say it was and all anyone could eat. This put us in good mood and anxious to get going in the regular classes. 66 entries in regular classes, 2 Veterans in dogs and 2 in bitches, and 21 Champions in Specials. 91 dogs, and in spite of early predictions, that entries would be down at this show. There were a few absentees but no more than usual. Over all it was a Specialty that will long be remembered. Trophies were beautiful and most of them very useful. I took home some lovlies and in fact I almost defeated myself with 6 entries. I did have much voluntary help getting me unloaded and into the building and getting dogs to ringside. The same good help with getting loaded. I will ever be grateful to ail that gave me physical support. Dont think I wil ever take that many entries again but I guess I was prompted to do so this time because I had been recently made a Life Member of the APC and I just wanted to show off and prove that I was worthy of that honor.The social hour before the banquet Saturday evening, the feast and the music was all so delightful. It was through Randy and Paul that we had such beautiful music. I dont know why more did not get up and dance. John Metz of Texas graciously asked this Senior Citizen to dance twice and so I did and loved it.Would like to say that those that did not attend this event could never realize what they missed. I only hope I will be given the opportunity to attend many more of these Special shows. Too, I wish to express my personal thanks to those that made this event such a huge success.I no more than got home and got my feet on the ground than Adaline and I were off for the Bermuda shows. This is something I had wanted to do for many years so I decided it was now or never. A different experience to be sure. Saw many people I knew and met many new ones. Another experience under my belt that I shall never forget. With this I hope to see many friends down here in January and if not then, at N.Y. in February.OUTCROSS Continuedrapidly deteriorate, if further and constant Outcrossing is continued.There is an old English saying Inbreed twice, then outeross. For the novice who nine times out of ten has already done his outeross breeding, the future must include several generations of close linebreeding or, if quality of the individuals warrents it, inbreeding.YIPS AND YAPSSALLY BAUGNIET Mishicot, Wi.It is always fun going to the Summer Specialty. This one was extra special. Paul and Randy Freehs hospitality was above and beyond the call of duty.The committee had everything utterly fantastic The trophies were beautiful and as usual so were the Pom People and their Poms.The view going to and from Georgia just took my breath away. I had been down I 75 many times, but never in Fall. The trees were like a carpet of flowers, covering the earth. I hated to head back to Wisconsin when the sign, "By Pass to Florida stared us in the face.This was one Specialty that was something special for me, because we came back home with the winner's bitch, beautiful trophies and 5 pts. To put it mildly, I was very pleased My Poms had never been judged by Miss Sivori before. I thank her from the bottom of my heart.Thanks to Randy, Sue and all who helped with this special Summer Specialty.A big thanks goes to Sophie Mayes, Goldie Mandley, Thelma Dunn and Pat Brooks for consenting to do this one more issue so there can be as smooth a transition as is possible in the change of editors and staff.They have done a tremendous job and built a quality publication. They will be a tough act to follow9 BHHRMKINwI WmmmNORTHWEST Continuedlong enough to build three homes but it is almost done. They say we will be in by Christmas. I will be doing the next report from my new desk in my new house. I hope I never have to move againPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73MAY MORNING POMERANIANSA Happy and Prosperous New Year to All Pomeranian Lovers EverywhereWe Eagerly Await Our First Litter In Mid January Sired ByOur Snow White German Import Vino Edelweiss V. Haus GohfeldWE ARE CURRENTLY WATCHING SOME YOUNG PUPPIES INQUIRIES INVITED1. First Litter Sired By May Morning Social Frolic Casper BlackMay Morning Social Lion X May Morning Fun N FrolicDam May Morning Red Flame Brilliant Red, ShowstopperGreat Elms There were 2 females in this litter. The adorable but tiny red sable already sold. We have a dark BLUE girl left, probably breedable.2. Sire May Morning Social Frolic Black See above.Dam May Morning Masquerade Onyx Also Black 1 small, typey Jet Black female3. Sire May Morning Stage Door Johnny Red sable, his first litterBoth parents ShowstopperGreat ElmsDam May Morning Late Date Zoe Black, her first litter.Dunns Little Tomstopper X May Morning Midnight Flirt1 Very Dark Orange Sable MaleEXPECTED Cream or light orange litter mid-DecemberHOPED FOR, JANUARY1. May Morning Social Lion X May Morning Imogene Ch. Image daughter2. May Morning Moonwaiker X May Morning Little Lulu Double Bing3. May Morning Sportin Life Black X May Morning Social Whirl3X Bing, 2X Ch. Black Magic and 2X Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie MidnightSPECIAL OFFER To Serious Obedience Trainer Only. A 4V lb. outgoing, aggressive, sound-legged BLACK male Show Quality except for one retained testicle. Now 11 mo., this boy has excellent obedience potential. Low price or Co-ownership to the RIGHT PERSON. Will be castrated prior to sale.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-1912Vino74 POMERANIAN REVIEWWHAT TO WEAR TO A DOG SHOWBy Erin HundleyReprinted from the Nov., 1977 issue of Poms People By permission of the EditorIt all depends on what you want to show. At a recent show, a beautiful young woman was showing her dog. It was one of the larger breeds, so the handler was running. Dressed in well tailored, close-fitting white slacks and black boots, she gaited gracefully. She had good angulation and trotted easily around the ring neither toeing in or toeing out. I was fascinated. I cannot remember the breed she was showing. I asked my husband what he thought of the dog. He replied, What dog WHO was being shownIn the early days, before dog shows became big business, ladies and gentlemen dressed in the latest fashion, walked their dogs in the park and vied for each others attention to see who could best fit into the fashion mode, copying the fashion leaders both in choice of animal and in dress. As time progressed, the exhibition evolved into the formal dog show, still with owners showing their finest animals, and dressed to show their pride in owning these excellent specimens. Early pictures of dog shows reflect this. As assistant designer and head pattern maker for a large outer wear manufacturing company, it has been important for me to be aware of suitability to activity in clothing. No one should wear a long skirt to play tennis or a sun dress skiing. We should apply the same rules to showing dogs, but not forget that styles change, not always abruptly, but change they do, and our beautiful Poms deserve to be shown by beautifully and appropriately dressed exhibitors.Now to look a little at what happened to clothes in recent years. Skirts became shorter and shorter. Before the advent of panty-hose, bending over to stack a dog or pick one up became a contortionists nightmare. With panty-hose it becomes a little easier, if not more attractive. Bending over still showed all the way to Hawaii.Fortunately, pants suits became acceptable and the short skirt problem gave way to the short tight pant problem. Remember the capri pants and the tor- reador pants Capris were snug-fitting and ankle length. Beautiful, and years ago. But again the styles changed the best look in pants is when they are full at the hem and almost touching the floor. Any length between the bottom of the foot at the heel and the floor is acceptable. Unfortunately, some people only adopted the fuller cut leg without adding the length, and we see wide legged pants flopping around the ankle at capri length. Note new look pants tucked into boots.Relaxed customs in dress have brought more changes. The blue jean takes on a new fashion look. Well tailored pantsuits in denim have given a whole new look to modern dress and are accepted everywhere. This is not to be interpreted that farmer jeans or work jean provide a proper background for your future champion.Skirts have grown longer again and are pleated, gored and flared, making for comfortable walking and ease in showing dogs in the ring. Those who never changed their skirt length from a conservative just below the knee length will soon find themselves with the shortest skirts around. Shoe are probably more important to our hobby than any other item of clothing. Comfortable, easy-to- walk-in shoes are the most practical. The high platform shoe is high-style anywhere else, but could be a hazzard in show areas. If you have ever stepped on a pebble or on an uneven floor in high platforms, as I have, you know how far down the floor is and how hard you fall. Picture your dogs, or worse, someone elses dog getting in the way. New shoes sometimes distract a small dog. At a recent show, one exhibitor in new white tennis shoes found her puppy so fascinated by the shoes that even liver couldnt get her to look up.POMERANIAN REVIEW 75Since many of you show your own in neat white slacks and black jacket.Poms, as I do, I know how you love And the lovely orange Pom whose ownerthem and want to give them every wore blue. Each used her good taste inchance to look their best. A fine exam- clothes to make the most of her Pom.pie of this was a little black Pom with Each knew what she wanted people to a white lead, being shown by her owner look at you do, tooINDEX TO ADVERTISERSVilma Bartolat, Brettwood Arts ............................................................................................. 64Dick Sally Baugniet ................................................................................................. 14, 15Ruth L. Beam .......................................................................................................................... 27Linda Blouin ........................................................................................................................... 23Keke Blumberg ......................................................................................................................... 45Lorene Bradbury ....................................................................................................................... 48Joyce Bransford ............................................................................................................ 38, 39Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown ......................................................................................................... 63Morris Betty Carson ........................................................................................................... 29Trillis Don Duncan ............................................................................................................. 69Esther Fields .............................................................................................................................. 5Paul Randy Freeh ......................................................................................................17, 18, 19General Canine, Nancy McBride ........................................................................................... 27Edna E. Girardot ........................................................................................................................ 7Tim Sue Goddard ............................................................................................................... 65Bob Goodrich ......................................................................................................................... 48J.L. M.M. Gorman ............................................................................................................... 31Chris John Heartz ................................................................................................................. 59Jodi Hudspeth ................................................................................................................ COVERPhil Erin Hundley ............................................................................................................... 57Lois L. Kraemer Diane E. Taylor ...................................................................................... 55Helen M. Krafcik .................................................................................................................... 58Janice Luginsland ................................................................................................................... 71John Margaret McKee ........................................................................................................ 25Elma Manies ........................................................................................................................... 22Betty Jo Mason ............................................................................................................. 34, 35Jon Roberta Massey ........................................................................................................... 61Sophie H. Mayes .................................................................................................................... 73Dan JoEllen Mercer............................................................................................................. 68Bev Bill Norris ......................................................................................................... 36, 44Fern Parks ............................................................................................................................... 37Jackie Rayner .......................................................................................................................... 33Dudley Wanda Roach ......................................................................................................... 49Grace Smyth ........................................................................................................................... 53Cindy Thomas Jewel Weber .............................................................................................. 41Dolores A. Watts .................................................................................................................... 52Michael Wolf .......................................................................................................................... 43Janice Young .......................................................................................................................... 30Jessie Barbara Young ......................................................................................................... 5176 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, 3nc.INCSPECIALTY SHOWFEBRUARY 11, 1979Loews-Summit Hotel 51st and Lexington Avenue New York City Reservations 212-752-7000There is a shortage of rooms in New York City So make your reservations earlyRegular ClassesMR. FORREST McCOYSweepstakesMRS. JACQUELYN KLEINEntry Fees remain the same as last year Regular Classes, 9 Sweepstakes, 5.SEND ALL ENTRIES TO FRED C. BASSETT 2713 South 111th East Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129Entries Close January 24, 1979 t