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The Pomeranian Review May 1979
SHEAA-.'f-.r.m'fXmCH. POMIRISH SWEET N SOUR and sireCH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRT Breer-Owner Handled BEST IN SHOW BRACEI IN THIS ISSUEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1979Lrf. rniiMcn imiud i lui uhXOv,US' a LkSibest ofOPPOSITE SEX--A B.O.S. YESOVER BIS - WINNING SPECIALSJudge - FLORISE M. HOGAN LAKELAND-WINTER HAVEN K.C.At stud to apporved bitches, with his exclusive handleragent MARLENE SCOTT, P.H.A.P.0. Box 405 Troutville, VA 24175 Phone 703563-5397BITCHES MET AT ROANOKE, VA AIRPORTOwner DOLLY B. TRAUNER2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, CA 94115POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Club, Jnr.President..........................First Vice President..........Second Vice President...Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB........................................................................................ Mrs. Sophie Mayes.........................................................................................Mr. Thomas Daniels........................................................................................ Mrs. Eleanor Miller......................................................................................Mrs. Jacqueline Klein.........................................................................................Mrs. Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway, Bristol, Va. 24201 .......................................................................................Mrs. Goldie MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Sally Baugniet Mrs. Julia Brumback Delegate to AKC.....................................Mrs. Randall Freeh Mr. Tony Short Mr. Sam Zaneoff.........................Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager.................................... Mrs. Elton Pat Lewis, Rt. 1, Box 105-M, Terry, MS 30170Assistants...............................................................................................................Annie Juanita Harvey, Elton LewisCirculation Manager...............................................Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Published quarterly at Terry, Mississippi by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of May, August, November and February, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text.............................. 75.00Inside front cover.................................................. 40.00Center Spread, 2 pages....................................... 80.00Full page............................................................... 35.00Three-quarters page............................................. 30.00One-half page....................................................... 20.00One-quarter page vertical only........................... 10.00100 copies full page ad.......................................... 9.50Charge for reproduction of pictures, up to 5 x 7 inches, 6.00. No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, September 15th for November issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3 Presiieit's MeseigeSophie H. Mayes 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 19380Once again, our Annual Specialty took place between snow storms. Our total of 11 9 Pomeranians in 1 69 entries was by far the largest since 1 960, when the February Specialty was reinstated after an interruption of many years. A full write-up follows, so I wont go into detail, however I do want to say that in my opinion the overall quality was excellent, the best for several years. Sincere thanks to our two judges whose jobs were the more difficult because there were so many, many beautiful Poms in the ring. Our Sweepstakes entry of 48 was in itself a record for size.My thanks, also, to all who supported me in the election. I will do my best to live up to your expectations. Most of the board Members have had one or more years experience on the Board if not in the same office, while we have three new members to perhaps bring a fresh approach to solving problems and managing Club affairs. I can assure you that we are all interested in the welfare of the Club and the betterment of the Breed, and individually and collectively we stand ready to listen to your problems, ideas or complaints.All formal correspondence addressed to the Board should of course be sent to our very competent Corresponding Secretary, Sue Goddard.My schedule is a busy one, even though I am no longer Editor of the Review, so the best time to contact me by phone is after 1 0 p.m. eastern time.Speaking of the Review, it was with a huge sigh of relief that I finally and at long last accepted delivery of the Anniversary Issue on Friday night, February, 9th, in time to take a supply with me to New York. I hope you have all received your copies by now and that you think it was worth the long wait215-793-1912At the Annual Meeting, the Club presented me with a perfectly beautiful plexiglass platter hand-etched with a gorgeous, typey Pom and the words, Dear Sophie, in appreciation, ARC, Feb. 1979. Sam Zaneoff, who had done the leg work in ordering this gift, presented it with an unexpected kiss Thank you all - I love it.The amended By-Laws will be printed and mailed out as soon as changes mandated by AKC have received the approval of the membership - a mere formality, but necessary. Please sit down and READ the By-Laws, when you get them, and refresh your memory on the purpose and goals of the American Pomeranian Club to which we all subscribe, and the duties and powers of the officers and Board, etc. There have been a few areas of misunderstanding in the recent past, with some people expecting the solution of problems that it is not within the province of the Board to pass judgment on or even to consider.I am looking forward to our Summer Specialty in Wisconsin and hope to meet many of our midwestern members who have been known to me in the past only by their Review ads and articles. We plan not only a Board Meeting there, but a Special Members Meeting for the purpose of general discussion, a give and take on everything and anything of concern regarding the Club and the Breed. Well be waiting to hear from youMeanwhile, I will leave you with this final word, please give your utmost support to the Review in the way of reports, articles, letters and of course those essential ads.DID YOU KNOWDOGS ARE GOOD...TOYS ARE BETTER...POMS ARE BEST4 POMERANIAN REVIEWGQVER5T0RYby SALLY BAUGNIETWe received more applause and comments when we showed our Father-Son Pom Brace. Most had never seen a Pom Brace before and wondered why more Poms weren't shown in a Brace. We went BIS Brace our first time out at Waukesha K.C. That first time was absolute precision. Father, Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Li'l Squirt became a 1978 Group winner and Son, Ch. Pomirish Sweet N. Sour Gherkin became our 16th Champion going Group from the classes. Our first Champion in 1973 was his Grand dam Squirt's dam Varney's Bubbles Up C.D.Squirt's daughter ex. Ch. Sissy of Lenette Image dau. Pomirish Squirt's Fizz is keeping family tradition. She is a ham in the ring and brood size - worth her weight in gold Our other Ch. Sissy daughter, Pomirish ima Spit 'N image went WB at our Summer Specialty in Ga. and got her seco second major two weeks later.Squirt's newest offspring 2m-1f ex. a Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again daughter Ch. Sissy's dam are my bindles from Heaven as Annie is old and I didn't think it would be possible. She free-whelped hope- for a great future for Pomirish Kennels. She is a retired Senior Citizen to be pampered for her ramaining years.We have worked to combine three great bloodlines. The breeder of Squirt's dam is Edna Girardot Scotia. His sire Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport, a double grandson and Great Grandson of Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly. Sport's breeder is RAndy Freeh. The third is Ruth Beam's Great Elms line.Of course there are other great lines. Some combinations work and some don't.I don't feel that I can work successfully if my line becomes too cluttered with a hodge-podge of lines. We have had more success concentrating on developing the best we could with the combination of carefully studied line breeding inbreedingNEW PUBLICATION DATESNo - your May issue of the Pomeranian Review was not a month late. According to action taken by the board at the February meeting in New York, our publication dates have all been moved forward one month. New dates are as followsCopy Deadline December 15 March 1 5 June 1 5 September 15Publication Date February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1We, your Review staff, hope that this does not invonvenience anyone and will work out to better advantage for us all. In my work, December is my heaviest month and this will work out much better for me. If you have a special event and want to get your copy in let us know, we will alot a page and make arrangements to expect your report. But, REMEMBER, once you make a special commitment, hold to the deadline date Otherwise, you can throw the entire publication late and this is something we wish to avoid at all costs.COVERS AVAILABLEBoth the May and August 1979 covers have been sold. As we go to press, the Nov. cover is available. Send check, photo and cover story to the Editor to reserve cover.WI 10HAVE ANNIVERSARY ISSUES FOR SALEYES- we do have some extra copies of the Anniversary Issue for sale. If you want an extra copy - a copy for a friend - or your first copy - just send your check in the amount of 7.95 payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. toMrs. Patricia D. Brooks Circulation Manager 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, So. Carolina 29456and out-crossing, always taking the phenotype and genotype into consideration. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't - but we try our bestPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5sug0DDhA"vDThe American Pomeranian Club welcomes the following new membersMrs. Jeri Lea Hooks Rt. 4, Box 1398 Los Lunas, N,M. 87031Mr, and Mrs. Neal N. Parlier Rt. 1, Box 91A Hampton, GA 30228Mrs. Nora Stanley 8401 Vanna Biloxi, MS 39532Mrs. Fern DeLoughary 35731 Glen St.Westland, Mich. 48185Mr. Oren L. Chandler2156 LeBlancLincoln Park, Mich. 48146Mrs. Dorothy Tinkler 5120 Gayhurst Ave.Baldwin Park, Cal. 91706Camelia W. Soprano 100 Gates Dr., Apt. 5 Franklin, LA 70538Mrs. Nancy Bartholomew Rt. 1, Box 182 Ola, Ark. 72853Jane A. McDaniel 425 Rockborough Ter.Stone Mountain, GA 30083Mrs. Christine McClung 929 South Holly Drive Oklahoma City, Okla. 73110Mrs. Nellie Sprunger 555 Frahm Pike Celina, Ohio 45822Mr. Mona Mae Caldwell Box 747Estes Park, Colorado 80517Mrs. Annie Juanita Harvey 104 King Richard Rd.Brandon, Miss. 39042Mr. Wm. L. and Virginia H. Davis 4 Gilbert Cr.Pensacola, Florida 32506Mrs. Bee Wilson Bassler 616 Silvershore Dr.Tampa, FloridaMrs. Pat Forst 4414 N. 48th Ave.Phoenix, Arizona 85031Margaret Ruman 420 Branchpoint Ave.Oceanport, N.J. 07757Ruth Lynn Waller 420 Branchport Ave.Oceanport, N.J.07757Thomas and Jessie Stephens 55 Lingan St.Halifax, MA 02338George and Nannie Krohn 824 Englewood Dr. Chesapeake, VA 23320Mrs. DaLoyd M. Clinton Old Stagecoach Rd.Old Lyme, CT 06371Charles William LedbetterKronthaler Weg 146236 Eachborn 2, West Germany6 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club SPECIALTYSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1979 by MARGARET M. GORMAN"N.Y.C., What is it about you" The tune from 'Annie' kept running through my mind as the American Pomeranian Club Specialty Show was about to begin February 11 at the Loews Summitt Hotel in New York City. The joy of seeing all those lovely Pomeranians was an experience I'll never forget, entry of 169, with 119 in regular classes was the largest in over half a century, a fact the judges and show committee can well be proud of.Jacquelyn Klein started the day bright and early, judging Sweepstakes. My seat was behind Ron Klein and when the first lovely group of puppies filled the ring, I whispered, "How's she ever going to do it"Where does one begin to choose the best of 6-9 month puppy when there are thirty entries, and the majority are very promising After thoughtful consideration, Mrs. Klein chose Bev-Nor's Tar-Zan, a real flyer, bred by Beverly Norris and owned and ably handled by. Michael Wolf.The seventeen 9-12 puppies were well presented, but the spectacular Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles undoubtedly deserved first as well as Best in Sweepstakes. Beaux Jangles was owned and handled by Mrs. B.G. McDonald. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes was the stylish puppy, Idora's Diamond Finch of Velmar owned by Marsha Bucken- dorf.The sensational Sweepstakes ended all too soon, and although the decisions were not easy, I'm sure many of these Pom youngsters will finish their titles.The breed class entries were judged by Forrest W. McCoy. In the Army there is the expression that something or someone is STRACK, which means ramrod straight shined shoes and perfect uniform - the soldier's soldier. Mr. McCoy is definitely 'strack' but a more gentle man with Pomeranians would be hard to find. He seemed to be looking for soundness with type.The 6-9 month Puppy Dog was again the showy puppy, Bev-Nor's Tar-Zan, bred byBeverly Norris, owned and handled by Michael Wolf.The winning 9-12 months Puppy Dog was Hazelwood's First Time Out a jaunty puppy bred by Diane Gaulke, owned by James and Sharon Mariner.The Novice Dog was Pomirish 'Given' Stuffin', bred and owned by Sally Baugniet, a red that should finish.The Bred by Exhibitor Dog was a fast-moving, red-sable Idlewyld Gemstone C.D., bred and owned by Margaret R. and John R. McKee.The American Bred Dog was Ruler's First Edition, an amply coated Pom, bred by Mrs. Randall Freeh and owned by Margaret A. Ruman.Open Dogs, Black, Brown and Blue was won by Silvamere Fizzies Fault, a typey black, bred and owned by Diane Johnson and Barbara DeBaugh.Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable was won by that orange showman, Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles, bred, owned and handled by Mrs. B.G. McDonald.Open Dogs, Any Other Allowed Color was won by Camelot's Tiny To, a heavily coated red-sable.Winners Dog was Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles with Reserve going to Bev-Nor's Tar-Zan. Puppy Bitches 6-9 was Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray, a typey red-sable bred and owned by Beverly Norris. Sadie Ray is named for Ms. Norris' good friend, Sadie Ray Edney, and is a IiTter sister to Michael Wolf's Tar-Zan.Puppy Bitches 9-12 was won by that bouncy puppy. Golden Glow Preshus II bred by Elva U. McGilbry and owned by Jessie M. Stevens and Elva U. McGilbry.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches was a stylish Pom, Tim Sue's Wee Love Polly, bred and owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.American Bred Bitches went to Devonshire Timsue Bit o Love bred by Devonshire Kennels. This peppy, heavily coated girl is owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.Open Bitches, Black, Brown and Blue wentPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7to the deiignttuny, aarK rosi scripts Mum. Jemima bred and owned by Rose Keller.Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable was won by a girl whose name adequately describes her color, Ace Hi's Peaches 1ST Cream, bred by Mrs. H. A. Richardson and owned by Curtis A. and Lenora F. Richardson.Open Bitches, Any Other Allowed Colorwas Bonner's Starcrest Trillette, a striking beige bred by Dorothy D. Bonner ancT owned by Karen S. Holder.Winners Bitch went to Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray and Reserve was Post Script's Aunt Jemima.Veteran Dog was won by the still youthful, Ch. Flemington Jack's Little Peppi, bred by Jack Pahuta and owned by Lois L. Kraemer.Veteran Bitch was the light and bouncy Ch. Smith's Beautiful Honeybee, C.D., bred by Clarence Smith and owned by Marsha D. Berkendorf.The Best of Breed Competition took my breath away. I would not have like to make the decision with so many worthy candidates. Mr. McCoy, aftercareful deliberation, chose Ch. Lennis' Tar Lacy Foxfire bred by Wanda Paxton, owned by Edward B. Jenner and shown to perfection by Susan Fisher. Foxfire went on to repeat the win at Westminster, as well as the Toy Group.Jangles and Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed was Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray.The Stud Class featured Ch. Bonner's Kris- pris Golden Comet, and outstanding showman with two stylish offspring. Golden Comet was bred by Dorothy Bonner and is owned by Lois L. Kraemer and Mrs. Shirley Grube.The Show Committee headed by Mrs. Jessie W. Young, the Officers of the Club and the Show Chairman. Mr. Fred C. Bassett all deserve our thanks for the hard work for the success of the Specialty. Mrs. Young also served as trophy chairman and chaired the Advertising Committee. The trophies were lovely. The annual dinner was planned by Mr. H.W. Pottenbaum and was, without a doubt, the best dinner I had in New York. The socialization with all those wonderful Pomeranian people was an unforgetable experience. At the dinner it was mentioned that Mrs. Edna Girardot was attending her fifty-first Specialty Show. Her youthful appearance belied the fact. The time went too fast for all the discussion and Pom talk. It was wonderful. The end of the song came to mind answering the question, "N.Y.C., What is it about you You're still the champ Amen, for N.Y.C.".JUDGES COMMENTSby FORREST W. McCOYThe American Pomeranian Club winter specialty of 1979 will long be remembered by this writer. To be asked to judge at this event was an honor and to be complimented with a record entry was tremendous.I was very pleased with the overall quality. The dogs I thought were a bit better than the bitches overall. The puppy classes were very impressive in both sexes. It is impossible for me to offer a detailed critique of each class, so will pass a few comments on the ultimate victors.Winners Dog - Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles, a very honest specimen with a wonderful coat of proper texture. Sound as a dollar once was and very responsive. Seemed to tire some at the end of the day.Reserve Winners Dog - Bev-Nor's Tar-Zan, a lovely puppy which will certainly be heard from in the future. On his toes and asking for attention all the time.Winners Bitch - Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray, another outstanding puppy of proper type and soundness. Showed to perfection and never let down for one minute. I was told this is a litter mate of the Reserve Winners Dog. If this is true, that makes quite a sister-brother act.Reserve Winners Bitch - Post Scripts Aunt Jemima, a lovely black bitch of excellent type. Well coated and sound in all respects. Could use more animation. Not sure she is in love with the show game.Best of Breed - Ch. Lennis's Tar Lacy Foxfire, a truly gorgeous dog of excellent type and soundness. Lovely head, proper action going and coming, coat of proper texture and an abundance of it. Showing like a dream on this day.My Best of Winners ribbon was given to Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles with Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray receiving the Best of Opposite Sex honors.It is always a treat for me to see the vet8 POMERANIANREVIEWTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBSpecialty WinnersSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1979 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX new YORK CITY, NEW YORK WINNERS DOG BEST OF WINNERSA S4s'BEV-NOR'S SADIE RAY BEST OF BREED MAC'S MISTER BEAU JANGLESCH. LENNIS'S TAR LACY FOXFIRE.Sofl -v BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES SWEEPSTAKES BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXt'aSUMAC'SMISTER BEAU JANGLES IDORA'S DIAMOND FINCH OF VELMARPOMERANIAN REVIEWSpecialty Photos by Charles Tatham9erans brought out for these shows. They seem to enjoy themselves so much as if they are reliving days of their past glory. The two we had were no exception and to the owners I extend my thanks for allowing me to see them.The one stud dog present along with his get was a pleasure to see and he certainly has put his stamp on those puppies. Thank youso much for their presence.To say that I enjoyed the show would be a gross understatement - I HAD A BALL When I walked to center of ring for Best of Breed competition has to be one of the most exciting moments of a rather lengthy career in dogs. My thanks to the American Pomeranian Club for inviting me and I certainly hope to do it again someday.SWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUEby JACQUELYN KLEINIt was a trerhendous honor to be asked to judge the Puppy Sweepstakes classes at the 1979 APC Specialty, held Feb. 11th at the Loews-Summit Hotel in New York City.The very large sweepstakes entry was unprecedented in recent years, and was truly impressive, not only in numbers but also in quality. Because the classes were so large, the decision was made to divide each age group by sex, with the top contenders from each class of males being put on hold" until the females from the same age group were judged, and then returning to the ring for final selections from combined sexes. This may have resulted in some confusion by exhibitors and spectators alike, but will be prevented at future shows by catalog sex division in Sweepstkes.In judging large classes, where much quality is evident, it can beome a real scramble to sort out 'best' - 2nd 'best' - and so on. There are so many aspects to be considered, and then weighed in importance to the total picture each individual presents in comparison to its' competitors. With these things in mind, my placements, and briefly, the reasons for same, were as follows6-9 mos. Dogs and Bitches1st - 123 Bev-Nor's Tar-Zan, bred by Beverly Norris, owned by Michael Wolf. This darling puppy was so stylish as well as extremely sound, his attitude said "Look at me. I'm the one"...every minute. With his rich sable coloring, extreme shortness of back, soundness of movement and perfection of grooming, he was a stand-out. He went on to Reserve Winners in the classes.2nd - 90 Silva Lade Grizz Wooly Bear, bred by Larry and Diane Johnson,owned by Lennis Raines. This jet black puppy was difficult to fault. He possessed really goodbone for a little guy, was very cobby, an excellent mover standing well up on his toes on 'stocky' legs. Just all-over nice.3rd - 63 Idora's Diamond Finch of Velmar, bred by Dora Henderson, owned by Marsha Buckendorf. This very young bitch had a certain elegance and a look of class about her. Besides being a nice size and build, and extremely sturdy, with excellent legs both front and rear, she had a bright and pretty face with smail well-set ears and good wedge muzzle. She later was my 'Best Opposite in Sweepstakes.'4th - 47 Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray, bred and owned by Beverly Norris. This very stylish girl went all the way to Winners Bitch in the classes. She looked like a match to 123, and I learned later that they were litter mates. A mating worth repeating9-12 mos. Dogs Bitches1st - 6 Mac's Mister Beau Jangles, bred and owned by Mrs. B.G. McDonald. This beautiful boy is a picture of near-perfection, from his bright orange color, gorgeous head and expression, excellence of coat and soundness of movement, to his obvious zest for life and the situation at hand He was my Best in Sweepstakes choice, and we went on to Winners Dog in the classes.2nd - 103 Pomirish Squirts Fizz, breeder- owner Sally Baugniet. This lovely orange female was a "breeders bitch" - the type that can show AND breed. She was the right size, sturdy of body, nice type, with very sound legs. Adding to her cause, a bright friendly disposition and plenty of showmanship.3rd - 68 Post Scripts Aunt Jemima, bred and owned by Rose Keller. A gorgeous black female, one that could not put a foot down wrong Like 103, I would call this girl a breeders bitch. She exhibited all-over excellence and would be a strong contend10 POMERANIAN REVIEWer in any class.4th - 51 Edney's Moe Best Special Order, breeder Sadey Edney, owner Terri A very stylish youngster, with plenty of coat, flashy bright coloring, very high tail set, coupled with sweetness of face and expression, he was a most appealing Pom.There were many really nice representatives of our breed in the Sweepstakesclasses. I'm sorry that I could not have awarded more placements , as several were very deserving. It was a pleasure and a priviledge to have the opportunity to go over each one. I want to thank each and everyone who made this experience possible for me. It was surely one of the high points of my lifeMayes cr\D a ind inci i hamcFOR A JOB WELL DONE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB MEMBERSIn the rolling hills by the picturesque Brandywine River is an historical marker commemorating the Revolutionary War. Along the path to the house, perhaps another marker should be placed, "May Morning Pomeranians". Like the first sign, the words on the second would provide the merest glimpse of the situation. A more thorough investigation is required. In many Pomeranian Kennels one sees the usualsome of the contributions Sophie Mayes has made to the American Pomeranian Club.Sophie has been active in training Pomeranians for both obedience and conformation for many years. There have been numerous champions, obedience degrees and contributions from which all have benefited.Sophie agreed to take "The Review" on a-r Viytlb.'SrrIarray of trophies and championship certificates. At May Morning the trophies are replaced by antique toby mugs, a real captain's chair, and pictures of ancestors lining lining the walls. Perhaps this is the hint that this person is made of sterner stuff than most.Where do we begin to discuss Sophie, at what point or in what role editor, advertising manager, dog breeder, obedience trainer, advisor, exhibitor, friend It is with special pleasure that I attempt to writetemporary basis which grew into a permanent arrangement for a number of years. During that time, she turned out a professional and scholarly quarterly that mirrored her own high standards and ethics.Her breeding program reflects the Standard set by the American Pomeranian Club. Sophie does not stoop to fads nor someone elses idea of what's cute and winning at the moment. From year to year, hercolorbred and linebred Poms and their offspring, have been consistent winners with type and11POMERANIAN REVIEWsoundness.Showstopper has been associated with a number of famous Pomeranian breeders. Perhaps, no one deserves more credit than Sophie for taking that prepotent genetic material and molding it into the "Show- stopper Line" of today, long after the original dog is gone. Those of us fortunate enough to have her years of experience behind our dogs, value her vision. I am reminded of the breeder of many champions who came to us for stud service. Flattered, that he'd chosen our dog to breed to and hoping for a bit of praise, he was questioned why he'd chosen us. "Your pedigree is mostly Sophie's breeding, and you're closer than Sophie." It was indeed, praise.Looking back over past "Reviews" it is exciting to see the progress the breed and the breeders have made. Because of Sophie we are a more knowledgeable Club. Wenave naa controversy, our it rias questioning by both sides, and hopefully, insights into solutions. Sophie has never demanded we accept her solution to a problem. Many times she has presented a problem, printed the discussion of the breeders and withheld her comments entirely.In appreciation for Sophie Mayes' contributions as Editor and Advertising Manager of the "Pomeranian Review", the American Pomeranian Club presented her with a large, crystal plate with a Pomeranian etched figure. The artful design was chosen by Mr. Sam Zaneoff who presented the award at the annual meeting February 11, 1979 at the Loews-Summit Hotel. It is with pleasure that we anticipate Sophie Mayes' continued interest, guidance and participation in the American Pomeranian Club.WHAT IS A POMERANIAN What is a Pomeranian It's a small bundle of love. A tiny ball of fur with big almond eyes that watch you lovingly, every minute. A little miniature pet that walks with the grace of an angel. Legs straight out, then down. Head held up high. What a thing of beauty it is.What is a Pomeranian Most of the time a sweet little angel. But once in a while the old devil takes over. But then, when the angel in your Pom comes back, and she looks at you with those big innocent eyes, you forget and forgive. Just like she knowsyou will.What is a Pomeranian A little doll faced animal whose most important goal in life is only to please you in every way, who follows you around, so as not to miss any great adventurous thing you might decide to do. A sweet little thing that will always love you, no matter what.What is a Pomeranian Just the most beautiful and loveable animal in the whole wide wonderful world. If you don't believe me, just ask anyone who has ever had one.AUGUST KENNEL VISITThe August Issue of the Review will make a Kennel Visit to Mrs. Clarice Oganeku of Kaneohe, Hawaii. We know that the story of Pomeranians and their kennel in the beautiful islands will prove to be most interesting and informative to allWe fell that other Pom breeders - both on the mainland and in the islands - will want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Oganekus and to present their own Poms to the public. Aloha until thenDEADLINE FOR AUGUST ISSUE - JUNE 1512 POMERANIAN REVIEWAW.ecia innersPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES - Judge, Mrs. Jacquelyn KleinBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESMac's Mister Beaux Jangles owned by Mrs. B.G. McDonald BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Idora's Diamond Finch of Velmar owned by Marsha BuckendorfCLASS ENTRIES - Judge, Mr. Forrest W. McCoyPUPPY DOGS 6-9 MO.Bev-Nor's Tar-Zan owned by Michael Wolf PUPPY DOGS 9-12 MO.Hazlewoods First Time Out owned by James and Sharon Mariner NOVICE DOGSPomirish 'Givin' Stuffin' owned by Sally Beauniet BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSIdlewood Gemstone, C.D. owned by Margaret R. and John R. McKee AMERICAN BRED DOGS Ruler's First Edition owned by Margaret A. Ruman OPEN DOGS, RED, ORANGE CREAM SABLE Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles owned by Mrs. B.G. McDonald WINNERS DOG AND BEST OF WINNERS Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles owned by Mrs. B.G. McDonald RESERVE WINNERS DOG Bev-Nors Tar-Zan owned by Michael Wolf PUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MO.Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray owned by Beverly A. Norris PUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MO.Golden Glow Preshus 11 owned by Jessie Stephens and Elva McGilbry BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES Tim Sue's Wee Love Polly owned by Tim and Sue Goddard AMERICAN BRED BITCHESDavonshire Timsue Bit O Love owned by Tim and Sue Goddard OPEN BITCHES BLACK, BROWN AND BLUE Post Scripts Aunt Jemima owned by Rose Keller OPEN BITCHES RED, ORANGE, CREAM AND SABLE Ace His Peaches N' Cream owned by Curtis and Lenora Richardson OPEN BiTCHES, AOACBonner's Starcrest Trillette owned by Karen S. Holder WINNERS BITCHBev-Nor's Sadie Ray owned by Beverly A. Norris RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Post Scripts Aunt Jemima owned by Rose Keller VETERAN DOGCH. Flemington Jack's Little Pepi owned by Lois L. Kramer VETERAN BITCHCH. Smiths Beautiful Honeybee C.D. owned by Marsha D. Berckendorf BEST OF BREEDCH. Lennis' Tar Lacy Foxfire owned by Edward B. Jexaer BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray owned by Beverly A. NorrisPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13ALOfiGmYWAYMOLLY MILLER P.O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573In my correspondence with Pat this month, she mentioned the recent controversy on the quality and length of coat a Pom should carry and suggested I give some space to this question. If this debate is as wide spread as it appears, it is a topic to which each of us as Pom fanciers must give some thought and on which each must develope an opinion based on our breed standard and our APC directives.The Pomeranian coat is probably the most distinctive and attractive feature of the breed. It is the feature which first attracts the attention of would-be fanciers. However, its very obviousness causes it to be the whipping-boy of the breed. If an exhibitor's dog loses, it is because it has tootoo much coat or not enough coat. If a judge iacks the knowledge to access the breed in its entirety, he often mentions coat when explaining his placements. These comments leave the less experienced Pom fancier confused. Perhaps it is time that the American Pomeranian Club speaks on the subject of coat to all who are licensed to judge our breed, and each of us as Pom fanciers speaks to those who ask about the subject of coat.Of course it is ridiculous to even think that a Pom can have too much coat. For years I thought "superflous coat" was a standing joke - like the vaudevillian chicken crossing the road. Now I find some have not heard the joke and have taken the comment seriously. Perhaps coat should be studied.I find it almost impossible to discuss coat separately from the other aspects of the Pom. To me it is one of the many aspects which must be present to make a lovely Pom however, since it is the aspect currently under fire, I will try to address myself to it alone.The satndard, our guideline for the perfect Pom, states ",the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair"."Profuse" in my dictionary means "1. great or abundant in amount plentiful." Nowhere in the standard is a maximum quality of coat mentioned. The key to a good Pom coat is the type of coat. It must standoff from the Pom and be harsh enough and dense enough to maintain this standoff conition. An extremely dense harsh coat can maintain the standoff condition on a very long coat. A coat less dense andor less harsh can not stand off at the same length. Often people who see a limp hanging coat blame the grim effect on "superflous coat" when actually the problem is lack of undercoat andor texture.Looking at pictures of the great Poms of the past, I see profuse coats. These coats did not make the dogs great, but they added that extra touch of quality that is the difference in a good dog of his breed and a great dog in all breed competition. If the Pomeranian breed is robbed of this sort of glorious coat, it will be robbed of one of its greatest assets in the group and best-inshow rings.Why would anyone wish to remove beauty from this breed This question puzzled me for a long time. Slowly the answer came. We humans are lazy. It is easier to breed and groom an inferior Pom coat. A shorter coat does not need to be as dense nor as harsh to stand-off. The only problem with such a coat is that it is not attractive when placed beside an abundant one unless the owner of the scant coat can convince the world that the abundant coat is not correct.To the breeder the need to consider length, texture and density add three additional selection points for planning breedings, and unfortunately they add three additional points on which show prospects may fail to meet the mark. If these three points are lessened in value production of "show prospects" is easier, but the quality of our breed is lessened. If a breeder finds Continued on page 1614 POMERANIAN REVIEWA MESSAGE FROMDarrell BakerSomeone named Naomi Uemera made a profound observation which later became a very famous and much-used quote"FOR ME, AN END IS JUST THE BEGINNING"This is appropriate as I passed the presidential gavel to the new Club President, Sophie Mayes, at the annual meeting in New York. It has been an exhilirating experience, serving as your President, and I take great pride in the beautiful work you have all done for me and for the Club during my tenure and I empathize with the new President. I hope I have thanked each of you individually at some time when I had a chance to see you or correspond with you - if I missed you, consider this my personal thank-you. I received from the entire membership exactly the fine cooperation we have come to expect of Pomeranian People. I shall continue to believe Pom People are the TOP OF THE LINE. Without seeming boastful, I unequivocally state that the club has had a measure of growth, progression, modernization and success in the past few years and we are all pleased.I hope I have added some enhancement to the American Pomeranian Club and its work. Thanks for asking me - I got over the "hurdles" and enjoyed it very much indeed.Now though - for the beginning. There are still many things to be done. On a personal basis I will be giving lots of time to my judging assignments and the associated travel - plus, under the newer judge licensing procedures, I must dig out the books and start studying. AKC is requiring more overall knowledge of breeds we judge - not only knowing the Standard thoroughly, but also some knowledge of the breed's history - outstanding breeders - outstanding dogs, etc. It becomes "homework time". However, when a day comes in the future when I judge possibly EVERY breed, I know without a doubt - Pomeranians will always be my "Major".Let's all keep moving ahead and, even more importantly, enjoying it I speak from experience when I say that the longterm dog breeders experience high's and low's - we fall into a bit of a slump now and then, not really enthusiastic about any particular event, breeding, pedigree or dog - then suddenly a blast of dynamic excitement grabs us and we all get excited again. Haven't you all noticed this Olga and I always find that this "blast" hits us particularly hard when we just get home from our annual February New York trip. This year is no exception. We go up - see gogs we want - dogs we would have loved to have bred - puppies we want to buy or steal, etc. Then we dash back to Seabrook, Texas - ready to go study pedigrees some more, eagerly await dogs coming into season - arrange for the exact stud dog we need or whatever is required. Then in our minds we envision the end product. Can't decide that those New York trips do, but it is something akin to what some of those strange pills people eat - or strange powders they sniff - do to some folks. Ever heard of a "Pom Trip High."Let's give our most excellent cooperation to Pat Lewis, Our new POMERANIAN REVIEW Editor. Looks like she is going to be a real jewel, and she needs our help. We wish her great success in her efforts and eagerly await the first issue.Keep in touch - sure nice to have seen you all in New York. We'll see you same time next year or maybe before, we hope. Think about coming to Texas in August for the big shows in Houston - we'll welcome you.Personal regards and thanks to everyone - it's my pleasure to have served you....X-------- SIX------- XHOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE POM PEOPLEA subscription to the Pomeranian Review makes a perfect gift for a Pom Person - on any occassion...or no occassion at all. Wouldn't this be a good way to show your appreciation to that Pom friend of yours We'll send it in your name.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15ALONG MYWAY...Continued from page 14the Pom coat to be not to his liking, he should consider one of the lovely shorter coated breeds.To the handler, a shorter sparser coat is quicker to prepare for the ring. In the ring the shorter coat does not move as much so less brush work in the ring is needed. The handler does not need to be as alert nor does he need to bend as much. In order to achieve this ease of handling some have recently begun to scissor the Pom coat. This is in direct opposition to the standards direction on trimming and detracts greatly from the beauty of the Pomeranian breed. If one wishes to scissor, he should choose one of the breeds whose standard condones such preparation. There is a breed for every taste in preparation however, the Pomeranian breed requires an abundant coat.There have been recent reports of judge's commenting on not being able to see the movement of a Pom due to its abundant coat. No knowledgable judge would say and mean this. Perhaps he is saying to the exhibitor, I do not like the way your odg moves. Any good judge can tell the way a dog moves by the movement of its coat in addition to the movement of its feet and legs. The coat, particularly a long coat that moves with the dog as does a Pom's coat, accetuates the movement of the dog. Test this for yourself. Have some one move dogs for you in a manner so that you can not see the dog's feet. You will find that you can ascertain all movement problems by watching the coat's movement. Anyone trusted to award championship points should be able to do this. In the ring judges have feet, leags and coat to watch to ascertain movement in addition to the tactile exam on the table. An abundant coat simply is not a judging problem.I personally would hate to see the Pomeranian breed lose its distinctive coat. Years of work have produced this coat. We have it now on at least some of our dogs. If we turn our backs on its, we will lose it, and our breed will take a step backward for it will lose the beauty and glamour that an abundant coat adds to the structurally sound Pomeranian of the type described in the standard.I personally would hate to see the Pomeranian breed lose its distinctive coat. Years of work have produced this coat. We haveit now on at least some of our dogs. If we turn our backs on its, we will lose it, and our breed will take a step backward for it will lose the beauty and glamour that an abundant coat adds to the structurally sound Pomeranian of the type described in the standard.There is however no reason for alarm if we all work together. The APC can voice the correct criterion for judging a Pomeranian, bu the burden of education will rest on each Pom fancier - after all who is the APC The strongest moving force in any breed is the wins records of fine dogs. Each of us must show our dogs in correct coat and be willing to take the time to explain to any who are interested why this presentation is preferred to the scissored look whether naturally short or cut off. Learn to talk as you groom, eat, rest, etc. We are each ambassadors for our breed and our breed clubs's ideas. Do not be shy when you are right.BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBARBARA YOUNG 204 Loudon Ridge Rd, Loudon, N.H.03301We were blessed with a record-breaking entry at our March 11 match. Obedience entries soared, and several new faces were in evidence, with Poms that should be able to get their CDs this summer easily. High Scoring Dog in Match was a lovely worker and his nervous owner, Sharleen Manchester. Her 'Rusty' earned a score of 109'A in Novice A. Best Puppy in Match was another 'Rusty', a 3y2 month orange male owned by Jessie and Barbara Young. This puppy went on to Best in Match. Best Adult was Jabil's Harold P. Honeyhugger, owned by David Brenda Thomson.We are eagerly planning our Labor Day weekend Specialty, a new date at a new location. Our Specialty Show will be held in conjunction with the South Shore Kennel Club Show, which is going to use the site that has been so marvelous for it's matches. The Hihgham High School athletic field is easily reached, and has plenty of room for exhibitors. As usual, following judging we will have our annual meeting and picnic". Make your plans now to attend16 POMERANIAN REVIEWDOG SHOWCASEby ELMA MANIESWe should take the time, always, and even make time available to educate the public about the Pomeranian. The reaction of the general public when they meet a Pomeranian is quite amazing. The joyous puff-ball bouncing about with sparkling eyes and happy face will stop a hurrying passerby dead in their tracks to remark, "What a darling puppy". We are always amazed to have someone ask, "How old is this one" and hear their surprised comment when you tell them the dog is a couple of years old. They were sure it is a puppy. We sometimes hear a passerby tell their companion as they hurry along, "Oh, that is a Pekingese, my aunt has one of those."It is because of this lack of knowledge on the part of the general public that breeders and dog club members should make definite efforts to educate people about dogs. The local kennel club I belong to has been fortunated enough to be invited by our local Malls every year to present a "Dog Showcase" on a weekend of our choice. At a "Dog Showcase" our dogs are not offered for sale, nor are they in any kind of competition with each other. They are our best dogs of that breed and are shown to introduce the different breeds of dogs to the public. If we do have dogs we wish to sell we may give any interested parties our card and advise them to contact us later at our home.Our city of Redding, CA has two malls. These Malls consist of more than 50 businesses in each, the streets of which are all covered just as if you were in one large building. There are islands of shrubs and flowers up and down these streets with artistic seats of hardwood or cement benches spaced along the way for weary shoppers to rest on, or just plain people watch. Most of the stores have wide open fronts and the entire mall is air cooled in hot weather and heated in the winter.The kennel club members invite the local dog training club members to participate along with us in the showcase. We set up our exercise pens with water proof material under them between the seats and gardens. Some places there is woom for several exercise pens in a row which allows us to leave our dogs with another member on watch for us while we go for arest period or snack at a local restaurant in the mall. I am lucky as I can put in a half dozen Poms and most of my friends can only put one dog in a pen.On the day of the Showcase we arrive at 1000 a.m. and we stay until 400 p.m. We may display our show ribbons and trophies if we wish. We usually hand out literature regarding our breed. We often demonstrate grooming techniques. We do not offer anything for sale. We set up a show ring at the "street intersection" inside the mall and better quality dogs are individually paraded around the ring as the announcer advises the public as to what breed they are looking at and gives a short resume' of that breed, which has been supplied by the owner or breeder. Then the training club sets to work with dogs trained in obedience work and the public often sees its first demonstration of obedience dogs at work. We put on these little demonstrations in the morning and again in the afternoon. We usually have a good turn-out of breeds and at least all groups have some representatives there.We always go home tired but happy. The Pomeranians actually enjoy all of the attention they get. The Poms are always a big hit with everyone. The children spend a lot of time sitting or lying on the floor reaching through the bars of the pen just to pet the Poms or allow the Poms to 'kiss' their fingers. The children are very understanding when told no, they can't hold them or pick them up. We always take along a crate that the Poms can go into to sleep and rest in. We hand out Pomeranian literature we have had mimeographed and answer a million questions from children and adults alike. After the showcase is only a faint memory to us we have someone calling wanting to purchase a Pom for a they had seen the Pomeranian at the showcase months before and they didn't forget it.Not all cities have these covered malls, but arrangements could be made in most cities to set up exercise pens in front of store buildings during more favorable weather. These "showcases", if advertised by local merchants actually draws the public to their stores and is beneficial to them also.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17JOLLY WEE KENNELSPROUDLY PRESENTSCH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI TOP PRODUCING POM - 1978What a pleasure this little dog has been to usFrom the exciting days when we watched him in the show ring and what a great little showman he was winning the hearts of Judges and bystanders alike. Until he made it to Top Toy in 1974.PEPPI is continuing to prove his greatness by his offspring. Now the SIRE OF TWELVE CHAMPIONS with several more almost finished.Needless to say, Peppi is tops in our hearts, ruler of our home and truly a once in a lifetime pleasure.PAUL AND RANDY FRECH 733 Booth Rd.Phone 404926-6011 Kennesaw, GA 3014418 POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSPRESENTSANOTHER GROUP WINNING PEPPI SONaTHE GEORGIA HOT SHOTCH. RANDY'S GA. HOT SHOT OF JOLLY WEE shown winning his SEVENTH GROUP FIR ST under Judge James VaughtersWe wish to thank Carroll and Mary James for the expert handling and Loving Care they give Hot-Shot.PAUL AND RANDY FRECH 733 Booth Rd.Phone 404926-6011 Kennesaw, GA 30144POMERANIAN REVIEW 19ACE HIS POMERANIANSr1 j- 9^r - r" - v- "kifk . ____ .__ _ ACE HI'S PEACHES N CREAMInt. Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Mr. Skipper andAce Hi's Scarlet LadyTaking 1st in Open Bitch Class at Pomeranian Specialty New York - February 11, 1979PUPPIES OCCASIONAL. YOwnerC.A. and LENORA RICHARDSON 43437 6th St. East Lancaster, California 93534 805948-3397Breeder and Handler ETHEL RICHARDSON 760 Booth Road Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 404926-497120 POMERANIAN REVIEWTIM SUE POMERANIANSIS PROUD TO INTRODUCE THEIR NEWEST AND BRIGHEST STARe NV-'TIM SUE'S WEE LOVE POLLYPICTURED TAKING BOB AT 9 MONTHS OF AGEThree majors to date including a Best of Breed over specials and group placement. We feel that Polly comes the closest to being what we have been striving to breed for 18 years. Special thanks goes to her illustrious sire, Ch. Randy's Jlooy Wee Peppi who is top sire for 1978. Also much appreciation to her dam, Poinciana Love Melody, who has kept us in something to show for several years now. Melody is a Love Bug daughter.Congratulations and best of luck to Bonnie Anderson, of LaTrobe, PA and Penny- lite Poms on her purchase of Ch. Tim Sue's Poinciana Star.We have some good show prospects and several litters due. Your inquiries are invited.TIM SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Hwy.703 466-2937 Bristol, VA 24201POMERANIAN REVIEW 21PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBMARY ROSENBAUM 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, Washington 98003orBoy Wouldn't you know, our favorite local show, "The Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty", and we had to stay home.I was caring for a fading puppy and didn't dare leave, but lost the puppy anywas, and missed the show tooVirginia Niehouse did go to the show and wrote of her experiences for the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club News Letter, "Pom and People", and has agreed to share with's Virginia"After a lot of discussion, my husband and I finally allowed ourselves to be talked into the trip to Portland, and the "Pom Specialty" there on December 3, 1978. We carefully decided which of our Poms to enter, then after their acceptance, we care- fullygroomed, practiced, and waited for the day to arrive. We decided to spend the night in Portland, since Poms were being shown at 900 A.M. on Sunday morning.After arriving in Portland, we got lost, as usual, but finally after two stops and wandering back and forth across town, finally found our motel. We went to find the Colesium after checking in and unloading our dogs and luggage. We were told it was less than a mile away, just down the street. HA Following all of the instructions, plus the street directions, we still managed to get lost, before finaliy stumbling upon just the right place. So, the next morning we were sure we knew just where to go, but in spite of our run-through the previous evening, we still had difficulty finding our way, but we finally did.When we got out of our car, you could sense the feeling of excitement around us. When we had finally found our way into the building, we had to search out the Pom section, which turned out to be against a far wall. But what a beautiful display the section was The members of the Columbia Club had decorated forty some cages, each with a patchwork stocking with dog and candy canes with ribbons on them, and on top of each cage a large colorful hat with Santa Claus on it. One heck of a lot of work went into all of those decorations,you could tell.We found our cages, put in our Poms, then set ourselves up for a long day, for in a bench show you can't leave with your dogs before 600 P.M. or until excused. We saw many familiar faces, our own members such as Sally MGilbry, Sylvia and Irene Harbin, and others we know locally such as Alicia Kvamme, Cathy Bradley, and the Poms from the kennels of Clyde and Phyllis Andrews, Erin Hundley, and Florence Ryals. Other faces we hadn't seen for some time, so we had a nice time renewing aquaintances with Margaret Coleman, Averill Asbeck, Bea and Wayne George and the Griffins'. Of course, also present were the faithful, Dolores Riggin, Jean Schroll, and various handlers seen at other shows. Presiding over all was the very nice Muriel Gunther, who was everywhere, making sure that everyone was happy and that everything was going alright.It was a long day, but an unusual one too for us, because we saw the Bradley Kennel take the winning male and the winning female, both to 5 point majors, something we had never seen done before. Everyone was most delighted to see this young gal make these wins, and of course, she and her mother were too happy for words. Our sincere congratulations to Shirley and Cathy Bradley.A rainy, foggy drive back to Seattle concluded our trip to our first "Pom with no big wins for us, but a heart-warming experience visiting with all of the people who share our interest in our beautiful breed, the Pomeranian."I want to add my congratulations to Cathy Bradley, a fine young handler, and her mother Shirley. Their "Bradley's Pandora Surprise", a home-bred Red Sable, was Winners Bitch for 5 points out of 13 bitches.My "Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow", bred by Sally McGilbry and handled by our good friend Sylvia Harkin, was a RWB."Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear" owned by Shirley and Cathy Bradley, was WD and BOW out of 14 dogs. "Bear" was bred by Opal Mosher and handled by Jean Schroll.RWD "Riggin's Gragonfly Flash" was bred, owned and shown by Dolores.Best of Breed went to "Golden Glow Pepper", bred and owned by Sally McGilbry and shown by Sylvia Harbin.Continued on page 6022 POMERANIAN REVIEWFRANKS POMSFOR SALE2 Females, Good blacks, 4 Lbs. whp'd MO-78AKC REGISTERED SHOW AND PET QUALITY1 Male, Orange-sable, 5 lbs. whp'd 3-21-781 Female, Orange-cream, 20 oz.super-tiny, whp'd 10-24-78 1 Female, Red. 24 oz, 10-29-78 a tail-waggerPOMERANIAN PUPPIESXSMOST COLORS - ORANGE, BLACK, BLUESTUD SERVICERed, Orange-Sable, Chocolate, Black and TanInquires invited, please send stamped envelope.WRITEREBECCA BECKWITH 454 Lytle St. MEMPHIS, TN 38122HARLEY ELLEM FRANK24942 Gould St.San Bernadino, CA 92408 714825-5843TvCALL901452-2825TAILSANDTRIVIAINTRODUCINGA new book, with lots of cute pictures and stories on the experiences of being a Pomeranian breeder. By June Moore.Send 2.50 plus 40 cents postage toTAILS AND TRIVIA1716 E. MECHANIC, INDEPENDENCE, MO 64050POMERANIAN REVIEW 23HELLOMy name is Patricia Lewis...and I am the new Editor for the Pomeranian Review. I have been asked to tell you, the membership, something about myself and even though it makes for rather dull and inconsequential reading, I will do so.My professional qualifications are well-rounded in that I have a B.A. in Fine Arts from Mississippi College, 4 years as Art Instructor for Forest Hill High School and nearly 25 years in the graphic field. I have had very complete training and much experience in all phases of art, layout, typesetting, stripping and four-color process work.As for my experience in the field of dogs, I am a 22 year member of the Miss. State Kennel Club in which I have held the office of Secretary, Vice-President, President and Board Member. I have chaired each show committee from 'Measuring'to actual Show Chairman. I have taken an active interest in the young people of our area and have worked closely with the Junior Handlers and the 4-H members. I have held a handlers license for nine years with AKC for 16 Breeds until the recent ruling out of licenses.In 1963 I was awarded the National Dog Week Award for Mississippi and honored with a banquet and plaque presentation.I have owned, bred and shown Collies, Shetland Sheepdogs, Beagles and Keeshonds. In 1972, after an accident which left me with a partially crippled foot and leg, my husband and I sold our entire kennel of Keeshonds and purchased some Pomeranians. Having no one in this immediate area to advise us, we made quite a few mistakes in our breeding and in some purchasing of our Poms. Since joining the P.C.A. and becoming completely addicted to the Pomeranian Review, I have learned much, met new friends who have been invaluable to me and at last feel that I may one day 'make my mark' with the Pomeranians as we have done with other breeds in the past. II am not a political person and take no stock in personal squabbles. I have been appointed to do a job and this I will do to the best of my ability as long as I am able. If you have a special request about something in the Review, please let me know. I expect your criticism when I make a boo-boo... I expect your support when I have pleased you.24 POMERANIAN REVIEWROMEf^ANiANSPOTLIGHTSMULTIPLEBest Brace in ShowSHOWN 4 TIMES...BEST BRACE IN SHOW 3 TIMESis j i IT'rPAT-EL TRIBUTE TO SON LONESOME LADYBUG-HAVE YOU SEEN THESE POMERANIANSThey were stolen from our kennel on Dec. 19, 1978 in Terry, Mississippi. We have reason to believe that false papers have been supplied and that these dogs will be used for breeding. A SUBSTANTIAL REWARD IS BEING OFFERED FOR INFORMATION LEADING TO THEIR RECOVERY - NO QUESTIONS ASKEDtlr'1a-.- v-"SON3 lb. 6 year old male, bright orange, right front leg has been broken, no limp.BUBBLES'4z lb. 112 year old female, dark sable with a light patch just between forelegs on under body.'TARA'4 lb. 7 mo. female, bubbling personality, orange with patch of dark hair at left corner of mouth.Patricia E. and Elton LewisRt. 1, Box 105M Terry, MS 39212 Phone 601372-2391Annie Juanita Harvey104 King Richard Road Brandon, Mississippi 39042 Phone 601825-6295POMERANIAN REVIEW 25ANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERCh. Corns Duke DragonflyCh. Macs Fancydukes Look Im A Dandy McDougalls Lady FancyRandys Dandy Wee TuffyPom-Pom Susie's BoyCh. McDougalls Gay Samantha Pamtufs Star of Disheroon Bonners Wee Pepper PreshusCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss CricketMacs Fancydukes Wee WendyPom-Pom Susies BoyMcDougalls Lady Fancy Lucky Girl IICh. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Multiple Best in Show Winner Top Stud 1978JOLLY WEE KENNELS Mrs. Randall M. FreehRfd. 2, Booth Rd. Kennesaw, GA 30144Above is a sample of an entry in the Annual Stud Dog Register which will appear in the August issue. The Review is pleased to award this sample Stud Card to Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi, Best in Show Winner and Top Stud of 1978.It is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for one's broods, the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is an outstanding example of the breed himself and which as sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country of ours, and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.Cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 9.50 for the first entry, plus the cost of the halftone picture if you do not have one the proper size, and 8.00plus cost of halftone photo for second and each subsequent entry of the same owner. Also, dogs may be entered without photos, if none are available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Photos must be no larger than 2" square and new ones from your glossy print will cost 6.00. Description beneath photo is limited to 20 words. An advertiser sending three stud card entries will also have the opportunity of ordering 100 copies of the page on which his entries appear for and additional 9.50.Because of extra work involved in typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as early as possible. Glossies and pedigrees will be returned.ABSOLUTE DEADLINE JUNE 15, 197926 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN STANDARDAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a fox-like expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lippiness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set wide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.NECK AND SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. The Pom os not shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high.BODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight andparallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes.TAIL The tail is characteristic of thebreed. It turns over the back and is carried flat set high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick, undercoat, with longer, coarse, glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, and solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color dis-' tributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on the head.MOVEMENT The Pomeranian moveswith a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first jointtrimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is permitted. Dew- claws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed. Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.POMERANIAN REVIEW 27Ltr7 sSIiRHOADS KENNELSPROUDLY PRESENTSRHOADS SANDY SUNSHINESandy is shown winning Best of Breed under Mrs. Michele Leathers Billings. He won his 4th major at the Chicago International and his Championship is yet to be confirmed by AKC. His wins also include 3 other Best of Breed and he is exclusively handled by Marie Morlan.Our other Champions are CHAMPION FRAZER THE LION and CH. RHOAD COUNTRY BUMPKIN. We have 3 other pointed males in our kennel.LEONA RHOADS Box 341Ph. 515856-2098 Numa, IA 5257528 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHEBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWWill be held in conjunction with the SOUTH SHORE KENNEL CLUB show, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 1, 1979.The new, outdoor location is convenient to the Boston Airport, and you are guaranteed BAY COLONY HOSPITALITYSH3S SSH3For more details or Premium Lists, contactMrs. Jessie Young, Louson Ridge Road, Loudon, NH 03301IforomisttKmmtsPOMERANIANSNORWICH TERRIERS IRISH SETTERSPOM CHAMPION 16CH. POMIRISH SQUIRT'S SWEET 'N SOUR Gherkin went Gp. 2nd at Marquette K.C. under Judge Mr. H. Cox from the classes. Pedigree in "Behind the New Champions". Thanks to Miss Ablett. Mr. Ed Klein and Mr. Ken Miller for his majors.I am available to professionally handle your show quality Pomeranians.Some promising pups available.DICK SALLY BAUGNIET Phone 414-755-2994 Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228 ' Iv S3maJPOMERANIAN REVIEW 29OBEDIENCENEWSSan FranciscoEMMA HYDE 170 Chicago WayCA 94112\ "AJLIt looks like all of the Pom obedience news this month comes from California. Fine, but surely there are many more degrees being made all over the country. Let's hear about them - but do remember that the new deadline is the 15th of the second previous month, so don't delay.Janice Galandri of Rio Linda, CA is justly proud of the EBONY TEDDY BEAR, who just completed his C.D. while only 10 months old - still a puppy His first leg, at Cal-Expo, Sacramento K.C. was earned at nine months of age, and he placed fourth in a class of 48 - score 19214. His next trial was at Lodi, CA where he scored 192 and received the Highest Scoring Toy award. The third leg towards his degree, at the ripe old age of 10 months, was accomplished at Vallejo, CA. Congratulations, Janice, hope you are training for Open.Elma Manies of Redding, CA is also the owner of a new C.D., and this one is a Champion Her "veteran" CH. TINKLER'S LIL' PLAY BOY completed his C.D. in 1978. He finished his championship in 1975 and was then only campaigned seven times, winning BOB five of those showings. Then he was retired to the kennel, siring many show quality offspring. Elma says, "He was taken out of retirement and we started obedience training in 1977. I really felt a bit sorry for him as he could not understand being left behind on a stay. I also had a bit of trouble getting him to heel close enough to my feet as he had been trained to stay out farther from me in the show ring. 'Play Boy' was actually easy to train except for these two things, and if I had just taken more time to train with him he would surely have scored higher than he did. His scores were 19012, 186 and 186. This was my first time through obedience myself." Many congratulations to both of you. Incidentally, "Play Boy" was first place Veteran Dog at the Northern California Pomeranian Specialty in 1978 and he was also First Place Stud Dog at this show. His daughter was Winners Bitch and Best ofWinners and sne ana ner sisLei wpic me winning brace at the N.C.P.C. Specialty in 1978.It is with sadness that I report the death of my beloved MAXIMILIAN OF POINT LOMA, C.D.X. "Maxie" was 13 and in very poor health. I know he is at rest now, but his passing left such a hole in my life. Friends said, "Will you get another Pom now" I said no and it looked as though my little KEM'S GOLD FLASH, C.D. would be without a pal.Then wouldn't you know it, two months later a friend called saying that a lovely little AKC Pomeranian desperately needed a home, and would I please take it. So, here we go again with BOJO XI, who really looks as though he will do very well in obedience.WHAT IS A DEADLINEWHY OBSERVE ITA DEADLINE IS OF THE UTMOST IMPORTANCE If we do not closely adhere to these dates we can be in for some real trouble. Our deadlines have not been just pulled out of a hat but have been closely worked out with the layout artist, the typesetter, the printer and everyone concerned with the project. An ad or article that is 3 weeks early is certainly one that is much more appreciated than is one 3 days late. On the deadline date, the magazine is laid out, with a dummy going to the printed. An ad or article coming in 3 days late has no place in the layout therefore will be returned to the sender. Don't be guilty of this crime Send in your ads well ahead of the published deadline or make arrangements with the Editor for a short extension date.KNOW TO WHOM YOUSHOULD ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCEYour officers and Review Staff receive a mountain of mail - much of which is addressed to the wrong person. Please make sure that you send your inquiries to the person who can help you.Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager.All requests for Anniversay issues should be addressed to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads, along with checks or money order in full payment for same payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Names and address can be found on page 3 of all publications.All formal correspondence to the Board should be sent to the Corresponding Secretary.30 POMERANIAN REVIEWMYWAY KENNEL1xVMYWAY COUNTRY CANDYCANDY received the WB points from Dr. William Field in Austin 3 pts. from Miss Maxine Beam in Galveston 1 pt., and Mr. Clark Thompson at the Bexar show in San Antonio2 pts..Several exciting litters are planned for late spring and early summer. Several nice puppiesshould be for sale this summer.FLASHCOUNTRY CANDY...FINISHED CHAMPIONSHIP...HOUSTON, TX... SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1979MOLLY MILLER LINDA JEAN MILLERP.O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847POMERANIAN REVIEW 31TOMANOLLS TINY TEDDY BEAKSIRE CH. TOMANOLL'S TINY TOWN TALK DAM CH. TOMANOLL'S JULIETIfmh---PUYALLUPDOG FANCIERSJANUARY 14, 1979WINNERS DOG - BEST OF WINNERS - BEST OF BREEDBEAR NOW HAS 13 POINTSJUDGEMR. NICK CALICURAHANDLER JEAN SCHROLLBRADLEY'S POMERANIANS16111 78th Ave. E. Puyallup, Washington 98371SHIRLEY 8i CATHERINE BRADLEY Phone. 206848-481332 POMERANIAN REVIEWBKADLLY S PANDORA SURPRISEA "Texas" daughter Jean Schroll's Ch. Holder's A Li'l Red Flashr'd-7tVr je t cPORTLAND K.C. SPECIALTYDECEMBER 3, 1978WINNERS BITCH - BEST OPPOSITE SEX 5 POINT MAJORPANDORA NOW HAS 9 POINTSJudge MR. WILLIAM A. HARVEY Handler CATHY BRADLEY Owner SHIRLEY BRADLEYBRADLEYS POMERANIANS 16111 78th Ave. E.Phone 206848-4813 Puyallup, Washington 98371POMERANIAN REVIEW 33BEST Oh BKfctD A i LONGVIEW - KELSO \4X9O.JQUE SERA GIGI OF GOLDEN GLOWPictured at nine months - BOS at Seattle Kennel ClubWe wish to thankJudge Elsworth Gamble, who picked GiGi over 2 Specials and a lovely Winners Dog as his Best of Breed, Sunday, Feb. 11, 1979 Sally and Vance McGilbry who trusted us with her Rita LaVerne for all her advice on grooming Jane Bennett for handling classes and Jessie Stephens who advised us to buy her. Also the Puget Sound Pom Club for their moral support.Gigi says, "Hi, Jimi" to CH. HARBIN'S INDESTRUCTIBLE JIMI Subj. AKC conf., "Sparkle Plenty" to us at Que Sara. Congratulations to his owners and handlers, Ralph, Irene and Sylvia fromThe Hundleys and Their Poms at QUE SARA KENNELERIN PHIL HUNDLEY 19101 - 67th SEPhone 206 568-2281 Snohomish, WA 9829034 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNIVERSARYISSUEAt deadline time, the ANNIVERSARY ]] ISSUE is FINALLY ready to mail By the'] time you read this, we hope everyone will ]] have received them, but they are being sent ]] BOOK MAIL, so we do not know how long ]] that will take. WE DO HAVE PLENTY OF EXTRA] COPIES, as of this date. Send check in ]j] amount of 7.95, payable to American ]] Pomeranian Club, Inc., to Mrs. Patricia ]] Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, S.C. 29456. Specify Anniversary Issue. XSUPPORT YOUR BREED SUPPORT YOUR CLUBf SUPPORT YOUR ANNUALSPECIALTY SHOWT T T T T JMIDASPOMERANIANSWe are expecting puppies sired by CH. BONNER'S STARLYNMOD REVELERAlso available is a full sister to Ch. Midas Touch of Serenity. She was whelped 9-11-78 and will be good breeding size. Recent additions to our breeding program makes her available.JON ROBERTA MASSEY1209 Carlton Drive Racine, Wisconsin 53402 414 639-6885.AJUi^ltS' STAR VEGA IJULIES POMSOFFERS AT STUDSTUD FEE 100r 9k2CH. vftODELS FUN3UGy-'-vBOTH ARE SONS OF CH. MODEL'S SON OF FUNSEVERAL PROMISING PUPS NOW AVAILABLE JULIE BRUMBACK 1 187 NELSON DRIVE HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 PHONE 703434-1804POMERANIAN REVIEW 35LUELL'S POMSARE HAPPY TO ANNOUNCE ANOTHER FINISHED CHAMPIONLUELLS STORMY NITE O CARDNLWe would like to thank the following Edward Klein, H. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Stevenson, Heywood Hartley and Kay Radcliffe also Rena Martin Handler.VStormy is sired by CH. Conner's Krismay Cardinal and his dam is CH. Luell's Darlin' Duchess. His color is dark sable with a clear face. He has sired several litters and seems to be throwing his striking color and baby face.We have added a large addition onto our kennels and we would like to invite all Pom lovers to come and visit. We have puppies available for possible show and breeding.LU ELINOR LUCCAS Rt. 5, Box 395 Burlington, Wl 53105 414-537-2681Maniess PomeraniansTHANK YOU SOPHIE MAYES FOR TEN WONDERFUL YEARS OF POMERANIAN REVIEWBEST WISHES TO MRS. PAT LEWIS AND HER STAFF FOR THE COMING YEARSWE OFFER TO SERIOUS SHOW HOME ONLY Three Champion Sired Males.A lovely Orange Male He has 9 points as of 22879. He needs both majors. He has gone BOB twice and Group II. Bom 11275.A Tiny 3 lb. Red-Sable Male Bom 81277 has won BOB in matches. Never shown in point show.A lovely Light Orange Male Bom 3878. Trained, but never shown yet.ALL THE ABOVE SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE.MRS. ELMA MANIES 1455 Victor Ave.916 241-8756 Redding, CA 9600136 POMERANIAN REVIEWX'fiNS s'. ...... iSSsSfiSsSKAMERICAN AND CANADIAN CHAMPION GOLDEN GLOW PEPPER BEST OF BREED Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty Portland, Oregon 1977-1978CONGRATULATIONS TO GOLDEN GLOW WINNERS- CH. GOLDEN GLOW PRINCE CAN. CH. GOLDEN GLOW TUCKGOLDEN GLOW PRESHUS will be shown soon Pepper Daughter Owner - Tom and Jessie Stephens Halifax, Mass.QUE SERA GIGI OF GOLDEN GLOW is now winning in the Northwest - owned by Erin Hundley, Seattle, Wash.Pepper congratulates his brother finished in 1978 CH. GOLDEN GLOW LUCKIEOUR THANKS TO HANDLER - CATHIE PHILLIPS, Clackainas, Ore.- Os sA Su rELVA D. McGILBRY 8900 N.E. 239th St.GOLDEN GLOW POMS Battle Ground, Washington 98604POMERANIAN REVIEW 37R EPORTSUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Hwy. Bristol, VA 24201The shows in our area began with the Florida Circuit in January. Entries were down in classes, but had almost as many in the specials classes with 5 and 6 champions competing in these shows. Taking the points in dogs each day was a lovely orange male bred by Mrs. B. G. McDonald and owned by Lennis Raines. His name is Wilwyns Teddy Bear. The girls took turns with Edna Birardots open bitch, Nadine, winning twice. Mrs. Esther Fields chocolate, Lennis De- Creme-E Co-Co-A took points once. Sue Goddards DavonShire TimSue Bit O Love, and Tim Sues Wee Love Polly each had a turn, and Bev-Nors Sadie- Ray took a win for her owner Bev Norris.Best of Breed honors were split between Ch. Funfairs Pinto O Joe Dandy, Ch. Lenniss Tar Lacy Foxfire, Ch. Randys Georgia Hot Shot of Jolly Wee and Ch. Bev-Nors M.S.T.O.F.Y. Elegant Lady.The weather was grand and we hated to head back for the snow country. I went back with one more than I came with, a puppy born going down the interstate in Randy Freehs motor home ... we call him King of the Road.The next shows that I had an opportunity to attend were the two in Fishersville and Charlottesville, Va. This year at least they werent snow bound. Best of Breed went to your columnists puppy girl, Tim Sues Wee Love Polly on Saturday and to Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel C.D. on Sunday. This little doll is owned by Margaret McKee . . . fun wasnt it MargaretNext of course was the New York Specialty. We certainly enjoyed the trip except for the return trip flat and coincidentally also flat spare, in the snow yet . . . but good Samaritans yet live, as we found one and without too much delay were again homeward bound.The weekend after New York found us in Charlotte, N.C. where Wilwyns Teddy Bear earned what I understood were finishing points. Bev-Nors Sadie Ray took winners bitch and Ch. Randys Georgia Hot Shot took breed and group One. The next day, points in dogs, anice major was won by Idlewyld Gemstone C.D. owned by Margaret and John McKee and winners bitch to Tim Sues Wee Love Polly. I wasnt entered at Greenville, but understand W.D. was Nan Ks Red Jasper owned by new APC member, Nannie Krohn. Best of Breed at both the Sat. and Sun. show was Ch. Lenniss Tar Lacy Foxfire, owned by Ed Jenner, who went on to back to back Best In Show wins. The Ashville show was cancelled due to snow . . . that must almost be a first . . . cancel a dog show . . . un-heard of. BUT then, word reaches me that the Pensacola, FL dog show was cancelled due to floodI also understand that Jodi Hudspeths Ch. Honeycest Razzle Dazzle Dante has added a couple of Best In Show wins recently.Poms are certainly doing their share of winning in our area and entries just returned from the Tar Heel shows have 5 and 6 specials entered each day . . . makes for lots of excitement.Over the past few months I have heard repeatedly of dogs being penalized for excess coat, but hadnt run into this until quite recently, when one of my entries was criticized by the judge for too much coat. His suggestion was that I trim her all over . . . WOW doesnt anyone out there read the directives we send out to the judges asking them to penalize over trimmed dogs. Personally I never cared how much trimming anyone else wanted to do, just was afraid that I wasnt clever enough to do an artful job myself. . . but please judges dont penalize a dog that is not excessively trimmed. Also personally I have never seen a Pom with TOO MUCH COAT Granted it should not be a hanging soft coat, but as long as the texture is there with that stand off appearance, how could there be too much. A Pom is a coated dog and most of us have worked long and hard to get and keep good coats.Continued on page 4838 POMERANIAN REVIEWLLL POMERANIANS presentsSire Ch. LLL Lucky Gold Trumps Dam LLL Happy Tanya- also dam Ch. Moonshine BSMOKEY is a stylish, up-headed Pom with four good legs, good gait, perfect scissors bite, short back with high tailsetting. A pleasure to show.FOR SALELLL DANCING GOLD SMOKEY D ptd.ALSO FOR SALE - Champion male and female nice selection of good free whelping broods open and bred, some young stock. Few breeding age males. Few show prospects. Priced 150.00 up.LLL LUCKY GOLD HOLLY prefers to be owner handled. She started back in shows by going WB, BOW, BOS for 2 pts. at St. Joe, MO. Gidget and Ginny will be out with Jackie Liddle. Melodee and Patsy awaiting their turns if not sold first.CH. LLL HAPPY TWINKLING TIKIww-IrTiki is a Ch. Tippy daughter exemplifying his type of pups. Tiki was my favorite Pom to show in 1978. Full of boundless energy - finding the smallest bit of liver, digging a hole the fastest, winning your heart the quickest. Beautiful stand-off coat with tiniest ears and excellent legs. Expecting pups, we hopeJANICE LUGINSLAND R.R. 1Americus, Kansas 66835 Phone 316884-5157POMERANIAN REVIEW 39MARGARET R. McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225Ah, May and spring at last. Time to look forward to summer, and extra precautions to protect our furry ones in hot weather. Never, never leave dogs in closed cars It shouldnt be necessary to remind you, but it is. Dogs are still dying in cars, even at dog shows. Thats appalling. No matter what the inconvenience to you, dont take any chances with your precious beastie.One helpful heat fighter are my strange-looking plastic bottles, They are roughly rectangular-914" X 14" X 2" - and flat. Reagents for chemical analysis come in them, and I get them from a friend who works in a medical laborabory. After washing and thoroughly rinsing them, I fill them with water and freeze. They do fit in the freezer of my side-by-side. They also fit in the bottom of my cooler, taking up a minimum of space. At a show on a hot day, I wrap this slab in towels and either put it in the bottom of the crate, or set it on the ground, put the dog on top, and give him a Down-stay. These last much longer than a regular ice bag, and also provide a source of cool drinking water.Heat exhaustion can occur in your own backyard. Learn to recognize the symptoms. On a day that was not particularly hot, one of mine had been racing up and down beside the fence, barking. Fortunately, l was sitting in the family room and heard heavy pating through the door. She was lying next to the door, panting frantically, a dull look in her eyes. My tack bag is kept right next to the door, so I took her temperature. When it hit 104F, I didnt wait to see how high it would go. I put her in the kitchen sink and immersed her in cold water up to her nose. The fact that she didnt object to the water was a further indication of her distress. She recovered rapidly, fortunately. I guess\the answer is constant vigilance.Back in January, Sue Goddard, Ann Simms, and I were discussing the use of heating pads with puppies. Sue had recently lost a litter and felt she had overheated them, curdling the milk in their stomachs. She feared she had cooked them to death. Ann said she knew of Dobe pups lost to chilling. We finally agreed that orphan pups must have some source of heat, but preferably not a direct one. Some breeders put the heating pad under the box. If mom is there, the heating pad should be used only if the room is unusually cool. See Hints column and Manies article in Oct. 78 ReviewA friends toy poodle recently had a large litter that the little mother was having trouble coping with. She wasnt thoroughly efficient in cleaning up the rear ends. So the clever breeder smeared the whelps with margarine. Now the pups are immaculateWith small puppies, or any dog that likes to shred newspaper, avoid use of any newspaper with color on it. The colored inks contain lead, which is poisonous. It is also not a good idea to burn them in your fireplace.I now routinely have my expectant bitches X-rayed one week before whelping. Ive found it is money well spent. If its a sigleton, I may decide to schedule a C-section. I once lost a single 5 oz. puppy because the bitch had to labor too long to produce it. Never again, I hope. If there are several pups, I know exactly how many to wait for. If the bitch becomes exhausted before delivering the last puppy, and that pups presence is undetected, it could easily die. Study of the X-rays has been pretty reliable in predicting occurrence of breech presentations.If you want to make a vaginal examinaContinuedon page 6140 POMERANIAN REVIEWHARBIN'S POMERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENTS OUR FIRST HOME GROWN - HOME SHOWN CHAMPIONHARBINS INDESTRUCTIBLE JIMSire CH. SCOTIA CAVI LI ER'S JUNGLE JIMDam FOXY LADY III1aBESTocpwAJUDGE FRANK OBERSTAR HANDLER RALPH HARBINJUDGE W.L. DAWSON HANDLER IRENE HARBINVimtm.fJUDGE CONNIE BOSOLD HANDLER SYLVIA HARBIN"JIMI" has been nicknamed "ol' Sparkle Plenty" by local exhibitors because of his style, flash and the way he loves to show. On his way to becoming a Champion he acquired 6 Best o1 Breeds, 4 over Specials. He is a continual joy to us and we always knew that he was a Champion. "JIMI" was shown by and took points for all of us at least once before Sylvia took over as sole handler. "JIMI" will be specialed for awhile and we have two of our ladies reserved for him.The Harbins and "JIMI" wish to thank all the judges who appreciated him. Also we wish to thank all the Exhibitors that helped hold his two majors and supported us at the shows. A SPECIAL THANK YOU to Mr. Edd Bivin, your interest meant a great deal to us, also to Tom and Jessie Stephens - Glad you were here to see him finishRALPH, IRENE SYLVIA HARBIN 206 362-748610759 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle, Washington 98125POMERANIAN REVIEW 41EMCEE'S POMERANIANSPRESENT1978 SPECIALTY WINNERiAl ' W ' Ml.M5SUt ABi.ySV fJ ,iMW-.V-.CH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMONDTicoTico is at Stud to approved bitches only.A few of Tico's puppies are for sale occasionally.Watch for Tico in the ring soon with his new handler.MORRIS AND BETTY CARSON 804 798-78826208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 2300542 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEE'S POMERANIANSmgsCH. CHIPS OF DIAMONDCongratulations to Tom and Sarah Williamson on finishing their first home-bred champion, Forget's Chips of Buttons Ch. Chips of Diamond x Tar Baby's Buttons and Bows.T.-A\1s i3CH. FORGET S CHIPS OF BUTTONS412 lbs. - clear orangeBetsy finished in 7 shows with two 3 pt. majors and one 4 pt. major. Thanks to all the judges who liked this showy little girl.MORRIS and BETTY CARSON6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEW 43Behind The New ChampionsCH. POMIRISH SWEET N SOUR4 lb. Dark orange male Breeder-Owner-Handler Sally Baugniet Co-owner son, Robert Baugniet Mishicot, WisconsinCh. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lii Squirt Ch. Roanokes Melanie Magic Ch. Varneys Bubbles Up C.d. Scotia Rare Coins Lolly Pop Ch. Randys Duke of Dragon Fly Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Ch. Pomirish Candy CaneCh. Bonners Krismay Cardinal Ch. Pomirish Miss Lick Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilierCH. BLACKBEARDS BLACK BISHOP Black MaleBreeder-Owner Kendra Shaw Gardiner, MaineCh. Nanjo Masterpiece Am. Can. Ber. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Ch. Topaze Pumpkin SeedArtistic Pepper Pods Gorgeous Am. Can. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze Holders Suncrystal La Rita's Bonnie Duke Can. Ch. Ebony Warlock of Jay Moda Sharons Black Velvet Sunnyvale Blackbeard TwilightLa Ritas Johney Come Lately Goldpaz Penny Black Beachs Midnight AngelCH. THELDUNS TUFF LIL TIGGEROrange Male Breeder Thelma Dunn Owner Carol A. Galavich Powhatan Pt., OhioCh. Blair's Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin BusybodyCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Moonwalker Pomwin Busybody May Morning Moon MaidenAm. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight May Morning Legacy of Jonnie May Morning Kissin CousinCH. LUELLS STORMY NITE OCARDNLRed Sable MaleOwners Lucius Elinor Luccass Burlington, WisconsinCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Ch. Bonners Krismay Cardinal Maykens Lil Nip of Ly-Bel Maykens SmokieCh. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Ch. Toy Town's Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Luells Darlin Duchess Toytowns Cuppi of Jeribeth Ch. Sungold's MavisCH. BEV-NORS M.S.T.O.F.Y. Elegant Lady DELI Sable female bred by Beverly Norris, owned by Keke Blumberg and Beverly Norris finished in 7 shows with 4 majors ai 8 months of age while still a puppy with BOB Group 4 at her 1st show. At 9Vz mo. she has 5 BOB to her credit.VCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Theiduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Ting Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Lenniss TAR-BABY of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Lenniss Tom-Tom Brittons Little Miss Muffet Lennis's Spungold Julie44 POMERANIAN REVIEWrzeftcjooobhI iVPOMTOWN POMSWISHES TO THANK POMPUF KENNELS, DONALD, GWEN BONNIE HODSON FOR LETTING IS HAVE POMPUF SPARKLING STAR 14 Points AND POMPUF SILVER SAND DANCE.M. MARIE JATCZAK 121 Morris Ave. Bellwood, ILPOMERANIAN calendars, notepaper, greeting cards, and moreSend 50 cents and S.A.S. E. for illustrated brochure toBrettwood Arts P.O. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS8SS8SSSSS8SS8SSSSSSSS8SSSSSSSSSSSS8SSSSSSSSSSSSMAY MORNING POMERANIANSOur New Year Started Off Very WellA Bumper Crop of BabiesNEW LITTERS2 - Apricot Cream Males Sired By May Morning Spicy Timstopper 1 - Pure Snow White Female Sired by Our Import, "Vino" - Not For Sale 2 - Red Sable Males, 2 Red Sable Females Sired by May Morning Social Lion ex May Morning Imogene, our Ch. Great Elms Image Daughter 1- Red Male Sired by May Morning Sportin' Life ex May Morning Social Whirl 1 Red Female Sired by May Morning Moonwalker ex Half-Creider bitchIN WHELP - DUE FEBRUARYMay Morning Social Lion ex. May Morning Fun 'n' Frolic BlackMay Morning Social Frolic Black ex. May Morning Happy New Year WhiteMay Morning Social Lion ex. May Morning Busy body Moonwalker daughterStill have Cute Jet Black Female whelped Oct. 15, 1978 - 2 Lbs. 3 Mo.OTHERS DUE IN MARCH - ALL INQUIRIES ANSWEREDSOPHIE H. MAYES West Chester, PA 193801574 Camp Linden Road Ph. 215-793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEW 45skVWWWWMTHECANADIAN SCENEJOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C.VO A I HO, CanadaAAAAAAAAXI think the big news on the Canadian scene is the united effort of a few enthusiasts who are endeavoring to re-organize the Pomeranian Club of Canada. It will be kept very simple, and will depend on volunteers to get it working, but already research has begun into the earlier club, and the existing constitution, and whether it has been registered with the Canadian Kennel Club. Until such a club is organized, under the new rules of the C'K'C' no boosters or specialties may be held, other than those held by 'toy breed' clubs. Too, no work on the standard will even be considered by the C.K.C. unless it is presented by an official organization. My encouragement to the volunteers involved will be tangible. Another bit of news I have is not Canadian, but of interest to us particularly because of our standard, and the English standard, for the breed discourages black and tan color. When in England last summer, the Pom people I spoke with were up in arms as a black and tan entry had been awarded a first, in fact two of them. An official objection had been sent to the Kennel Club. I learned in August Issue of Dog World, it was announced that the Kennel Club had rejected this complaint. I quote 'the committee confirmed that the judges decision which should take into consideration the breed standard, is a personal opinion and consequently the judge was perfectly in order to award the black and tan two first prizes.The article goes on to note that 'some breeders are now asking for the breed standard to be tightened up'.I was quite discouraged earlier in January when a novice breeder told me that she had been advised not to ever listen to other breeders. I sincerely hope she listens to this advice long enough to apply it to the originator, then discards its. I have been listening to the comments, advice and tales of experience of other breeders for years.not only Dreeaers or toms, Dut ot oiner dog breeds, cattle and even vegetable seeds.I cannot say that everything I hear is applicable, or even taken in complete belief, but all so invaluable that I just cannot understand the statement. My recent visitor from Michigan has taught me more than I could ever have learned on my own, just stumbling along with books, and life. She is a breeder of Belgian Sheepdogs, and a Pom lover, and had decided that the things she learned about the one breed just helped her know the other better. If the only thing that this communication does for one, it is the lifting of depression when it hits, and the renewal of enthusiasm. If you weren't ready to listen to other breeders where then would be the fun in visiting, as I have done in many areas of the United States, most of Canada, England and Scotland everywhere made so welcome because I was ready to talk 'dogs'.The comments in the last issue of the Review about the code of ethics, prompts me to admit that it is framed and hanging immediately over my typewriter, for I need to be continually reminded of my good intentions. I have every hope that any full organization of the Pom Club of Canada, would include such a code, expecially the item numbered twelve. Am I wrong to feel that too often money matters firstI would like to wait to mail this so that I could include the fun of the Calgary winter whows, which are usually the largest, by entry, in Canada, but if I do then it would not make the deadline. I have heard there is a really unusually large Pomeranian entry. Now I will learn if my boy with the piercing chatter, embarasses me as I lift him to the table. It does usually sound as if I have really hurt him and it isn't easy to convince others that he is just noisy that wayTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBThis club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pome eranian and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the "Review" contact the circulation manager...address on Page 3 Review.46 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.ANNOUNCES ITS FALL SPECIALTY WILL BE HELD IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE SACRAMENTO KENNEL CLUB THE SECOND WEEK IN OCTOBERTHERE WILL BE THREE SHOWS IN THREE DAYSCHICO - YUBA CITY - SACRAMENTOPLAN YOUR CALIFORNIA VACATION NOWGREAT ELMS KENNELS, Reg.NOTHING FOR SALEMy Best Wishes to Pat Lewis as the new Editor of the Review.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Stud Fee 73.00A BIG "THANK YOU"To Sophie Mayesfor helping me so many times with my ads.RUTH L. beam Pineville, N.C. 28134P.O.Box 937 Ph 704889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEW 47DALLAS - FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.JEWEL ELLIS, Secretary 325 S.E. 9th St.Grand Prarie, Texas 75051The foremost item scheduled for the club at this time is the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Specialty on March 23, 1979. By the time this goes to press the show will be over. The club is making every effort to make this show something make it a big success. We welcome our many friends and breeders to this show and will make every effort to make their stay- with us pleasant and to show them a good time. As usual there will be an after-show dinner to end a most pleasant evening.By the time the Pomeranian Review is distributed our club will have elected new officers and board members.Our club has been very active in spite of the severe weather we have had which seems to always be worse on meeting nites having to either postpone or cancel meetings.Since our last report the following members have put several points on their Poms. Agustin Rey, Jr.'s "Rey's Super Special VIP" Norma C. Gad's "Gad's Chula Wee Fire 'N Ice" and "Gad's Chula Brandy John D. Metz' "John's Enchanted Eve'ng" with a Group II win Buress P. White's "Gold Gems High Interest" Frances Freeman's "Lucky Elf's Charm of Pom Grove" with a Best of Breed win Mrs. B.G. McDonald's "Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles" with a Best in Show win at 9 months Carla Prewitt finished her "Golden Wind's Lil Trinket" and Ed Nancy Wharton's "Baerle of Baron won 7 BOB, 2 BOS, oneGroup II and one Group III.STUD REGISTERPLEASE SUPPORT OUR ANNUAL STUD REGISTER IN THE AUGUST ISSUE - A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR YOU, A VALUABLE FEATURE FOR THE REVIEW.KtBtL ntrutt I ...Continued from page 38Often when studying old pedigrees we see some dog that appears prominently, but is not a champion and does not have a prefix that we can recognize, so we may write that one off as someones pet. Sometimes knowing the facts can be of great interest. Such a dog is one that appears in most of Randy Freehs Jolly Wee pedigrees. The dog is Pom Pom Susies Boy, undoubtedly someones mediocre pet . . . not so Pom Pom, as he was called was bred and owned by a Mrs. Nadine Pa- jeket, who was born in Russia, educated in Germany and married a French diplomat. They lived in Paris where Mrs. Pajeket raised her Poms. After the second World War, Mr. and Mrs. Pajeket and their Poms imigrated to the U.S. and lived in Atlanta. Randy said that her dogs were gorgeous, and she bred only a few, selling them mostly to non-dog showing friends. Pom Pom was shown three times only in Atlanta earning nine points with 3 Bests of Breed. He was not taken into the group. He was about 4 pounds, a brilliant orange with huge coat. That he has given his influence to Randys present dogs is unquestionable.I am sure there are others living in the South that could tell us interesting stories regarding some unheralded dog who does deserve some credit. Ill look forward to writing about another one next issue.Apologies to Edna Girardot for not including her lovely bitchs full name, but in the catalogue I am using for reference ... the dog is listed as Edna E. Girardot with the number following and unless Edna has one named Edna this has to be an error.REMEMBER...WE DO NOT HAVE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHS OR NEGATIVESWe have no photos and only the negatives of pictures printed in the May issue 1979 of the Pom Review. New photos must accompany your new ads NO - a continuous tone negative will not work - we must make offset half-tone negatives from your photographs.48 POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.POMS OF DISTINCTIONNadine needs only a major to finish. She is a double Cavilierand Hadleigh breeding. She started her show career in Bermuda November 1978 winnigg a major.0f- .WINNERS THE WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARt 12 -13. 1979ASH8ETTSCOTIA LUCKY NADINE returns going WB at Westminster, Feb. 13, 1979. Joan Alexander.NOTE The picture in the Anniversary Issue on page 140 is Cavilier winning BW for 5 pts. at the APC Specialty in Westchester, Sept. 1959. I received Cavilier only two days before he was shown by the late Frank Ashbey. A later and more mature and familiar picture of Cavilier appears in the Anniversary Issue on Page 78.OFFERINGMany Champions at stud, including Ch. Joe Dandy Pinto's Sire. Also some promising youngsters and possibly a Champion or two.EDNAGIRARDOT Floral City, FL 32636P.O. Box 646 Ph. 904-726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 49jfcfagpy it GOES TO SHOW...VEITS NOT SIZE THAT COUNTS...VjT ITS QUALITYNEWDEADLINE DATESCH. GOLD GEMSFIRE DRAGON DARLINHe'd Only Just Begun"It is with great sorrow and a very saddened heart, that we announce the loss of our Great, Little, Beautiful...our first 3 yrs. young Ch. 'Dragon Darlin'.He died Feb. 11, very suddenly and quickly of a rare pancreas problem from which he chose not to let us even know he was uncomfortable. Which was his nature. To know him was toDECEMBER 15MARCH 15JUNE 15SEPTEMBER 15love him for he loved everyone he met.His loss was so great because he had just begun to prove his great potential with his last 5 litters. The most uniform and beautiful puppies I have seenNEWPUBLICATION DATESanywhere. To date he left, out of his first two litters of one each, Ch. Edans Puff the Majic Dragon and Ch. Gold Gems Ruffle'fril Dragon and GoldFEBRUARY 1MAY 1AUGUST 1NOVEMBER 1Gems Fire Red Dragones for us to show."We love you Dragon, and we'll always hold you dear and close to our hearts".JOHN, CLAIRE, JOHN II JUSTINEGRAN D POMSWE ARE EXPECTING A MAY LITTER OF BLACK TANSARISTIC FEMALE...GRAN D SUGAR N SPICE BLACK AND TANSIRE BOULDER RIVERS CARBON COPY SHOWSTOPPER PRODUCER OF BLACK AND TANSSMlANOTHER MAY LITTER Sire CH. GRAN Ds RE-PETE OF ADORA OrangeDam- MYERS BEVERLEE GIRL Red-SableGINA DONAHUE 8200 Heyden St.313584-0104 Detroit, Michigan 4822850 POMERANIAN REVIEWSILVER MEADOWSNEWS UPDATEWe finished the '78 Show Season with three gratifying wins. At her first two shows, our puppy bitch "Princess" a Ch. Tiger daughter went BW at Susquenango in Nov. for her first major then at Western Reserve in December she took WB and her 2nd major Also at Western Reserve - his very first show - our male puppy entry " Li I Red Echo" went all the way to BOB, obtaining his 1st major.A nice start for both youngsters Sorry, no pictures available.With a little luck, we should have the results of a few very special planned matings, by the time this is in print. Inquiries invited.FOR SALE Linebred Corn Duke grandaughter, orange, 5'A lb., proven free whelper and excellent mama, 3A years old, has produced three litters, each of three living puppies. Sound, lovely temper ament.RON JACKIE KLEIN 716237-5473West Lake Rd. Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550TAKE THAT VACATIONEXPERIENCED HELP10 YEARS OWN KENNEL ALL-POMERANIAN KENNEL TRIMMING - Florida2 ALL BREED KENNELS - DE, NJRESERVATIONS REQUIRED IN ONE TWO WEEK PERIODS DE, PA, NJ, MDMS. GAIL B. NIPER 302999-966570 Delvin Ter Wilm, DE 19805POMERANIAN REVIEW 51KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB , INC.Corresponding Secretary SALLY BAUGN1ET Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228oWe are enthusiastically preparing to host the A.P.C. Specialty in August in conjunction with an All-Breed show in the Milwaukee area pending AKC approval. The day following, AKC has approved the Aug. 12 Racine K.C. Show just 20 miles South.COME NORTH IN AUGUST - Take a vacation in beautiful WisconsinCome further North visit Dick, me, our Poms and Norwich Terriers and come with us to our cottage in Door County. We can show you a good time in Vacationland. Ask me about shows the weekend before and week following our planned Summer Specialty.We need you TROPHY DONATIONS. Please send them to Mrs. Charles Liddle, 15630 Ridgemont Ave. S.E. Prior Lake, Minnesota 55373.Come and try our NORTHERN hospitalityThe A.P.C. Board of Directors has reinstated the recognition of members who have finished Pomeranian Champions during 1979.Any member who has a new Pom Champion published in the Gazette during 1979, please send the Registered name and date of publication to Sally Baugniet, Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot. Wl 54228.MEETTHE ASSISTANT EDITOR...JUANITA HARVEY 104 King Richard Rd.Brandon, MSThis is just a short note, I haven't written anything since school days. Born and raised in Mississippi, I'm sure you can refer to me as a 'Rebel'.In Norfolk, VA 6 years ago, I saw, fell in love with and purchased my first Pom, a male. Back home in Mississippi I went to a pet shop and bought a female. Yes, Iknow I did all tne wrong inmgs muvci using the ensuing pups for sale, I was called by Pat Lewis...THAT STARTED ALL THIS.She inquired about blood lines, etc. I could only answer. "I don't know". These were my first registered dogs and I barely knew there was such a thing as a Dog Show.Needless to say I did not have show stock but with a lot of teaching from Pat I'm beginning to know what to look for but I still think all Poms are lovely. I've shown a few times - no Champions yet but I'm working on it. Some points...lots of ribbons...lots of pleasure...good luck, and yes, bad luck, tooWe have even had some freak-out and really hair-raising accidents, too.One of the freakiest has to do with heating pads. I know everyone needs heating pads with new puppies but please, keep those cords out of the Poms reach I learned the hard way Getting up at 4 am one cool morning, I found my bitch - who had 4 pups a few days old - apparently dead. She had bitten into an electrical cord that I had carelessly left near and it was still in her mouth. Snatching the plug out of the wall I started CPR Cardio Pulmonary Resusitation on her. After what seemed an eternity I was about to give up when I saw an eyelid twitch. Renewing my efforts I was soon rewarded with a palpable pulse and respirations. Today the bitch has a hole in the side of her tongue but she suffered no other ill effects from this horrifying experience. After a few days of careful feeding and tending an extremely sore mouth she was cleaning her pups and carrying on her regular duties like the wonderful little mother that she is. A happy ending indeed but it could so easily have been just the opposite. Sometimes a little precaution taken is worth a million curesI hope to serve you well in the capacity assigned to me. This is a new and exciting experience for me - one which I am enjoying to the utmost and I will endeavor to do a good job for you.Hope to meet you all soon at the showsNEW DEADLINE DATE FOR AUGUST JUNE 1552 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTUBERS AND GAULKES POMERANIANS WISH TO THANK THE FOLLOWING JUDGES FOR LIKINGCH. TRIBUTE OF STUBER'Sa LUCKY sonCH. STUBER'S WEE SHERRIa LUCKY daughterbest of breedBEST OF WiUhEHsCOULEE CDULUTH tLC1977JULY.PHOTOLSOH--tfV.SHOWN FINISHING UNDERRAPHAEL SCHULTEMRS. DANIEL JENKINSMRS. SARI BREWSTER TIEFJENDR. LEE HUGGINSFRANK E. OBERSTARDR. FRANK R. BOOTHMAXINE BEAM FRANK OBERSTAR GUS R. WOLF EDWARD R. KLEIN MRS. TOM STEVENSON STEWART MAKLEY EDD BIVEN---------------------------- CONGRATULATIONS TO ----------------------------------------JimWanek for a 3 pt. major on GAULKES ROCKY HIGHVIEW and GAULKE'S HONEYit- Margaret Session for finishing a LUCKY daughtertg- j iJohn and Rose Hansen for 5 pts. on HIGHVIEWS GAULKES FUZZ BUSS and their CH. HIGHVIEW'S CHARSONi r 3 1A Very Special THANK YOU to Nadine Hersil for showing TRIBUTE to his ChampionshipStud Service and Puppies For Sale bySTUBER'S NUGGET CH. TRIBUTE OF STUBERCH' GAULKE'S JINGLE JANGLES DUANE GAULKERUTH E. STUBER GAU LKE'S ROCK Y HIGH VI EW 8 pts. 112 Mankato AvenueEttrick, Wisconsin Winona, Minnesota 55987Phone 608582-2488 Phone 507452-9006POMERANIAN REVIEW 53OUR CHAMPION TAR-ZANNA Presents her first litterA DOUBLE HEADERV .TilV oI h,-X1979NEW YORK SPECIALTY WINNERS AND A VERY PROUD BREEDERLeft BEV-NOR'S SADIE RAY, owned by Beverly Norris Handled by Emily Gunning. 4th place 6-9 mo. Puppy Sweepstakes Jackie Klein. Under Breeder-Judge Forrest McCoy, 1st place 6-9 mo. Puppy, Winners Bitch, 5 point major. BOS to Best of Breed.Right BEV-NOR'S TAR-ZAN owned by Mr. Michael Wolf. 1st place 6-9 mo. puppy sweepstakes, Jackie Klein. Under Breeder Judge Forrest McCoy - 1st place 6-9 Mo. puppy class and Reserve Winners Dog.FLASH BEV-NOR'S TAR-ZAN, BOB and GR II MARCH 3, and BOB and GR I MARCH 11. BOTH OF THESE WINS FROM PUPPY CLASS OVERSPECIALSWe wish to thank both judges for the placements of this litter, and also many thanks to all the wonderful people for their comments on these two special puppies.BEV AND BILL NORRIS 7747 Meadow Road3012551343 Pasadena, MD 2112254 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NOR POMS PRESENTSBev-Nors Sadie Ray Emilyat 7 months, 1 week old in New YorkHailm til' m mji io -8V,'XSLV1 979 NEW YORK SPECIALTY - Bev-Nor's Sadie Ray went from 6-9 mo. puppy class to Winners Bitch and BOS for a 5 point major. She is handled exclusively by Emily Gunning PHA. At lVz Mos. old she already has 12 points.NEW CHAMPION - CH. BEV-NOR'S M.S.T.O.F.Y. ELEGANT LADY DeliFLASH - Ch. Bev-Nor's M.S.T.O.F.Y. Elegant Lady Deli - BOS to BOB at Westminster the gardenWatch for Bev-Nor's Love of Great Elms nextBEV AND BILL NORRIS Pasadena IVID 211227747 Meadow Rd. 1-301-255-1343POMERANIAN REVIEW 55WHAT'S MEW AT BOULDER RIVERblack and tanSire Can. Ch. Boulder River Carbon Copy DittoDitto has sired eight colors so far pale gold, orange, red, sable, beaver, black, chocolate and black and tan.Thunder's new owner is Sharon Strike, Isanti, Minn.MYWAY ADRIAN ADAIR, a Group III winner has joined Boulder River. Our thanks to Linda Jean Miller for Adrian, a gorgeous, haevily coated, linebred black. His interesting color pedigree is an asset to our color breeding program. Adrian and Ditto are at stud to selected bitches. BOULDERRIVER THUNDEROur third litter of four in a row has arrived. Sire May Morning Little Imp out of Ditto's mom, Goblin, 2 boys and 2 girls. One boy will be for sale. Black.Puppies in May for discriminating color breeders by both Ditto and Adrian.J.L. M.M. GORMAN 31134 E. Wind313294-3927 Fraser, Ml 4802656 POMERANIAN REVIEWGOLD GEM INTRODUCES OUR NEW CHAMPION "JIM GEM"feIATo add to the list of Chs. by Scotia President Jim 1214 yr. old and still sir A veryspecial old "Gent" for us. Thanks, "Fury" "Jim Gem", a very dark red, 4 lb. male, started in July under Judge Art Davidson, Long Beach, California, WD and BOW. Then in Ariz. Saturday 3-4-79 under Mrs. Wm. Lehnig, WD, BOW for 4 point major, Sun. 3-5-79 Sahuaro, Mrs. Wilma Hubner WD for 4 point major to finish.A warm thanks to all the judges and a very special thanks to his co-owner and expertise handler, Mr. A. Alford for Jim's care and for finishing him.Watch for his daughter, Gold Gems Ruffles Buttons' Bows - W. and WB at 7 mos.CLAIRE HENDRIX GOLD GEM KENNELS713931-1509 Gen. Del. Montgomery, TXPOMERANIAN REVIEW 57LITTLE DOGS GONEby PATRICIA LEWISWe wish to thank all the many member who have so graciously called and written offering their sympathy at the losss of our dogs last December. So many of you have asked that I relate our experience in the Review so that all may know of this person or persons who would stoop to such a low, under-handed thing.On December 19, 1978, I came home from work in the afternoon and went, as usual, stright to my kennel to let the dogs out for their ususal run in the large exercise yard. Upon approaching the kennel from the side where the indoor-outdoor runs are located, I noticed that all the runs were not occupied. I opened all the end gates and called, but with no results. Three of my ve very best dogs simply were not there I tried to remain calm and went into the kennel, opening beds and going into all the runs from that side - still nothing. I began to get rather frantic and went into the yard calling loudly to the dogs by name. Everyone else came up and reported but these three.As soon as my husband arrived home a short time later we made a thoroughcheck of all the grounds and gates. There were signs later seen by the deputy sherrif who came out of someone pulling up into the drive and backing out and taking off so that they spun gravel for a good way.The thieves had taken my dogs that I was showing and a young puppy purchased especially for her bloodlines to be bred back to the male that was taken. Since the persons responsible for this act left very salable young puppies and some brood bitches in season we can only suppose that this must have been done by someone who knew exactly which of the dogs they wanted.We are living under the assumption that the persons taking these dogs have since added false papers to them and have either sold them under assumed names or still have them hidden out in a kennel that we have so far been unable to locate. We believe that the dogs will be used for breeding under assumed names as they are just too good to go to waste.All the dogs are pictured in our ad on page 25 with a short description of each of them. Anyone having recently purchasedContinued on page 63mTHELDUN S POMERANIANSMay Morning Social Lion Sire and May Morning Moon Maiden Dam Timmy MinnieSEND CONGRATULATIONS TO THEIR SONCH. THELDUN'S TUFF LIT TIGGERA big "THANK YOU" to owner Carol Galavich for handling and finishingTigger to his Championship.THELMA DUNN 301-879-53973400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001POMERANIAN REVIEW 58iJ^LxLz d LpomzTianLanPROUDLY ANNOUNCES A NEW CHAMPIONP,J"W ' nV ' ' f rtf Jtfl 1vMSCHL THELDUN'S TUFF LIT JIGGEROur "Tigger" is a joy to own and a delight to show. We extend a special thank you to his breeder, Thelma Dunn, for letting us have him. We feel he is a real asset to ourbreeding program.See his pedigree in Behind the New Champions.We sincerely thank the following judges who saw his meritMarianne Grybinski Rudolph G. NedvedDr. Frank Booth Louise C. ClelandCynthis Guzevich William McCoyAnna Kay Nicholas Merrill CohenMelbourne T.L. DowningFOR SALE 2 beautiful females sired by Ch. Tigger.One red orange whelped 101178, possible show and brood prospect.AND Pixies Lil Red Trinket, show quality, bright deep red 4 lb. bundle of energy - whelped 4878.Also several show prospect males sired by Ch. Pixies Golden Party Boy and Ch. Silver Meadows Alexander pictured in the new anniversary issue of the Pom Review on page 175. Also 2 cream males too young to evaluate.INQUIRIES INVITEDCAROL A. GALAVICH Route, Box 37Phone 614-458-1705 Powhatan Pt., Ohio 43942POMERANIAN REVIEW 59NEWS AND VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 19101 - 67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290The Pacific Northwest has had its share of storms this year to the point of immobilizing some of us from the shows. At least, this is what happened to me for the Whid- bey Island show on Nov. 19, 1978, but for those of you who made it thru the snow, here are those wons. BOB to Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner owned by Florence Ryals. BOW to Harbin's Indestructible Jim owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin and BOS to So-Hi's Leading Lady owned by Virginia Niehouse. RWD was Andrews Wee Red Laddie and RWB was Adrew I'm Jimbo's Me Too owned by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews. This win for Harbin's Indestructible Jim finished his AKC championship title. Congratulations Irene and Sylvia. Also, I understand that Delores Riggin was hurt in a car accident coming home from this show, we do hope that the accident wasn't too serious. Our next show was December 2 and 3, 1978 in Portland along with an ice storm. This was the Columbia Pom Club's Specialty and BOB was Ch. Golden Glow Pepper owned by Sally McGilbry and BOW was Tomanoll's Tfny Teddy Bear along with Bradley's Pandora Surprise taking BOS both class winners are owned by Shirley and Catherine Bradley. RWD was Riggins Dragonfly Flash owned by Dolores Riggin and Reserve Bitch was Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow owned by Erin Hundley.Puyallup Vally Dog Fanciers held their show on Jan. 14, 1979. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear was BOB and BOW that day and owned by the Bradleys. BOS was Bi-Mar Happy Troubles of JJ owned by Mary Rosenbaum. RWD was Jay Jay's Flashy Irish owned by Jean Schroll and RWB was Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow owned by the Hundleys. This is the show news for this time.It was nice to be going the to dog shows again and I define dog shows because if I'm not there I'm at the horse shows. Also had a chance over the holidays to visit with many of the Pomeranian Fanciers out here,and I was able to drive down to Sally McGilbry's to see Jessie Stephens who was spending a few weeks with Sally and helping out when Vance was in the hospital. Jessie brought with her a home movie film of some of the East coast's top winning Poms which I enjoyed very much. Vance is doing fine after his trip to the hospital. Had a chance to chat with the Harbins and Erin Hundley at the Puyallup show and it was good to see Helen Krafcik along ring side. I also know that Phyllis Andrews has some nice up-coming show prospects for the ring. I'm sure that some of you remember Viola Childrens who has been breeding Poms for a long time and will be glad to know that she is still active with her kennel.Well, spring is just around the corner and so are the dogs shows, so see you thereB SUPPORT YOUR BREED . ^ SUPPORT YOUR CLUB Bd SUPPORT YOUR ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOWMMPUGET SOUND POM CLUB...Continued from page 22Best Opposite Sex "Bradley's Pandora Surprise", owned by Shirley Bradley.Best Puppy was taken by "Jay Jay's Ounce of Bounce", breeder-owner Jean Schroll.The award I enjoyed hearing about most was for best decorated bench, went for the 3rd year in a row by Columbia Pomeranian Club.Judge William Harvey, as usual, helped all the exhibitors enjoy showing, even those who were not 1stSee you all at the shows...60 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTS...Continued from page 40tion of a bitch, Julie Brumback suggests that you cover your finger with a plastic sandwich bag, then smear that with vaseline.Julie sent me a fascinating article on Puppy Survival by Bill Tarrant from the April 76 Field and Stream. Do see if you can find a copy in your library, and read it for yourself. Among the interesting facts in it is the importance of liver in the diet of the pregnant bitch. A liver supplement to commercial feed saves pups, especially in the toy breeds. The article recommends giving liver three times a week. I use pork liver its highest in nutrients, lowest in price.Beware of giving honey to young puppies. Honey contains botulism spores, and has been implicated in the sudden deaths of several human infants. Apparently, the immature digestive system does not have adequate defensesagainst the botulism and it grows. It is not currently thought that honey represents any threat to human adults. If honey could be dangerous to 7 pound human infants, it might be even more lethal for tiny Pom babies. You might want to substitute corn syrup if youve been using honey.Whether you show your dogs yourself or use the services of a professional handler, your crates should be thoroughly labeled. Not only should you include your name and address, but also your phone number, including area code, and the dogs call name. If you have to ask a friend to grab Joe out of his crate and brush him out, friend wont have to ask, Which one is Joe Your handler will always have your phone number handy to let you know of that big win.Please send in your hints. Dont wait til you see me at the shows. If I dont hear from you, I may have to start writing fictionNOTICETO MEMBERSIn accordance with our By-Laws, the President will schedule a Special Member's Meeting in conjunction with the Summer Specialty Show in Wisconsin. Purpose of the meeting General discussion on all matters concerning the Club and the Breed. A Board Meeting will also be held, before or after the Member's Meeting.Non-members are invited to attend the Member's Meeting as spectators only. All members are also invited to sit in on the Board Meeting, but non-members are not included in this invitation.TirrirririnrTrBTnnrirrinrinnnrGTSTnrtriririrrtnrinrBTTrsTrtrsTStt^WELCOME NEW EDITOR PAT LEWISTHE POMERANIAN WORLD IS PLEASED TO WELCOME YOU AS THE NEW EDITOR OF OUR IMPORTANT BREED MAGAZINE, AND WE WISH YOU SUCCESS DARRELL AND OLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586713334-2250 Houston Area -SUUL2JLtJL5LSLSLLULJLLSULlJUULUULSULU^^POMERANIAN REVIEW 61CIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, S.C. 29456 803-871-0239r LPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION8.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail Canada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBER S SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerNEW ADVERTISING RATES AND INSTRUCTIONSALL ADVERTISERS please read page 3 before sending in your ads Because of increased printing costs, we have had to raise the rates for all sizes of ads.Please note, also, that as NO CUTS can be used in offset printing, you must send a new photograph if a picture is to appear in your ad. The charge for reproducing your picture is 6.00 REGARDLESS OF SIZE up to 5 x 7 inches printed size. Your photo will be returned but the printer will keep your halftone negative on file. The same halftone negative can be used in future ads at no cost and of course you do not need to send the photo back.In laying out your ad your picture will be made as large as possible to fit with the overall layout unless you otherwise specify.For good reproduction, please send a clear photograph, preferably Black and White Glossy. Color can be used but will not reproduce as well as a BW. Size should be at least 4x5 photograph.Please note that all ads are to be PREPAID and that all copy is to be TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED. DOUBLE SPACE ALL COPY.Available at 1.00 Each1962 Mar. 61963 Oct. 31968 Jan. 2, July 3, Oct. 7Available at 1.25 Each1969 Apr. 2, Oct. 21970 Jan. 2, Apr. 1, July, Oct.1971 Jan., Apr. 3, July1972 Jan. 2, July 12, Oct. 1Available at 1.50 Each1973 Jan. 3, April, July 31974 Jan. 1, July 71975 Jan., Apr. 1, Oct. 11976 Jan., April, July 11Available at 2.00 Each1976 Oct.1977 Jan. 8, Apr. 2, July, Oct.1978 Jan., April, July, Oct.NEWDEADLINE DATESDECEMBER 15 MARCH 15 JUNE 15 SEPTEMBER 15NEWPUBLICATION DATESFEBRUARY 1 MAY 1 AUGUST 1 NOVEMBER 1STUD REGISTERPLEASE SUPPORT OUR ANNUAL STUD REGISTER IN THE AUGUST ISSUE - A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR YOU, A VALUABLE FEATURE FOR THE REVIEW.62 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONOLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Dr. Seabrook, TX 77586XV713-334-2250THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON news column for the POM REVIEW will continue, perhaps with less excellence, with a new Editor to replace our Jeanne Gribben. Jeanne has served as columnist for the Houston breed club for quite some time now and hers was one of the columns much read" -- not only by those involved the area people, but also receiving nice compliments from other parts of the country almost every time. Jeanne seemed to have the special knack and style of saying things briefly, comprehensively, and cleverly -- just the right combination for an Editor. Conversely, I find myself ANYTHING BUT BRIEF, mostly INCOMPREHENSABLE most of the time, and FAR FROM CLEVER But you have me folks - be gentle please. I'll try to write newsworthy items -- refraining when possible from obscenities, libelous statements, undue frivolity - and like that. The members of the Houston Club do wish to publicly thank Jeanne Gribben for a really wonderful column - maybe she will do it again sometime soon.Dog shows are in full swing in Texas right now, and we should have some dog-win-- news everything is much too premature for publication right now. We do know Molly and Linda Miller finished their beautiful little "Country Candy" just yesterday I happily picked up another fat major on my "Idol Beaver Beau" a son of Ch. Sunray Lil Beaver - Carolyn Crockett piloted Claire Hendrix' Squire to another major win and - let's see, did I forget someone This is quite general, but all we have right now. Not a member, but a fine acquaintance and friend of Houston the McDonalds of Dallas have been chalking up some really super-duper wins on their young male that finished in New York remember him - 'Beaux Jangles' has a couple of Group wins behind his belt to add to his nice list of achivements. Everyone loves to see a nice dog be recognized appropriately -- and most especially, a Texas dog On the "new acquisition" list are 1 A beautiful male pup. 'P.J.' purchased by new members, Jeanne and George West, from Carla Prewitt of Dallas another dog friend and long-time Pom breeder. Decidedly a show prospect and 2 Ruth and George Winston also new members just purchased a Champion mother and young show prospect daughter from John Metz of Dallas also a good friend of the Houston pom world. Everyone is bubbling with excitement and the enthusiasm we deem essential to a good working Club. When talking with others, do you ever wonder where the line is drawn between just general talk and bad old "gossip" Someone said, "Gossip is identified as something that person would probably NOT want discussed. Simple, huh Catch yourself once in a while and DRAW THAT IMPORTANT LINE Hey, be happy - smile a lot - keep nice.Love ya'all.OlgaAN IMPORTANT CHECK LISTGET YOUR ADS IN EARLYAUGUST KENNEL VISIT S GOES TO HAWAII VISIT WITH THE AGANEKUSAUGUST IS STUD REGISTER MONTH SEND IN YOUR PEDIGREESAND PHOTOS AT ONCENEW DEADLINE DATE FOR AUGUST JUNE 15LITTLE DOGS GONE...Continued from page 58dogs that fit the description of these from anyone in our area would earn our undying gratitude if they would contact us at the number listed in our ad.We feel that a person who would perpetrate a crime such as this should be forever barred from the dog-world and even barred from possessing a dog of any description.POMERANIAN REVIEW 63vc v\m------ ... --------------m.VT-JrcufeeTJPROUDLYPRESENTSCH. BONNER'S KRSS PRIS GOLDEN COMET PRISSYAND GETSHOWN WINNING STUD DOG CLASS AT THE NATIONAL SPEC.THE PINES JACK IN THE BOX centerOwner Leslie Worden THE PINES LIL PRISSY DOLL Owner - BreederBoth these pups and their litter brother and sister The Pines Golden Comet and The Pines Waltzing Matilda did well at the Specialty placing in their classes. All four pups are from the litter sister of our black Ch. The Pines Shadow of Darkness. Lady's Darkness at Dawn is also the mother of our present winner Dawn's Huggy Bear of Darkness who sports 9 2 majors.Prissy is owned by Lois L. Kraemer and co-owned by Shirley Grube and stands at stud at the Pines Kennel.FLASH Jack was Reserve Winners Dog from Puppy Class at Elm City and NorthernNew Jersey ...and a major at that............Matilda was Reserve Winners Bitch from PuppyClass at Saw Mill...also a major.LOIS L. KRAEMER Hengeli Drive609-298-7284 Bordentown, N.J. 0850564 POMERANIAN REVIEWViys DOROTHY BONNER San Antonio, TexasInstances are increasing where Judges are penalizing Pomeranians in the show ring for having "too much coat". In my estimation, having too much coat is impossible, and the penalty should be for too scant a coat. Since long-ago standards specified that coat counted 25, breeders have been striving for the ideal, ultra-profuse, stand-off, with crispy textured guard hairs. Let us not progress backward.After my last judging assignment, I was accused of placing the Pomeranians according to quantity of coat, which was not entirely true. With a great deal of quality before me, those with insufficient coat were eliminated, my choice being one with type, soundness and coat. In the older standards, coat counted 25 and breeders worked on the theory that a Pom could not have too much coat, a fact that many judges are ignoring. Several quality specimens in the Texas area have been put down by Judges who gave the reason of too much coat, which situation requires, in my estimation, instructions from the American Pomeranian Club. A notation stressing the importance of coat should be sent to all who judge Poms.Mrs. Bonner encloses a clipping from the Oct. Kennel Review which you might wish to refer to but which we have been unable to get permission to reprint.These are Mrs. Bonner's comments- The enclosed clipping was taken from the Oct. Kennel Review, by Ben Burwell and seems contrary to procedures advocated in the stand. ard.Most of the top winning Poms now more resemble the English type in trimming, and one untrimmed thusly has little chance with the judges, especially with a naturally profuse coat. Will the American Pomeranian Club challenge this trend or ignore itTHELMA R. BROWN LA MESA, CAI received the Pomeranian Review, Anniversary Issue, several days ago. As I am a newly licensed judge for your breed, though licensed in other Groups, I had been most anxious to familiarize myself with Pomeranians.I had found that other than a couple of English books and one pet type U.S. book there was almost nothing available about Poms. Receiving your Anniversary Issue was like suddenly opening a treasure chest. Such a wealth of valuable infor- matio I I am now going back and re-reading after going thru from cover to cover. I can's begin to tell you how much I've learned from that one issue, as well as enjoying every bit of it.My sincere thanks for the pleasure and information you have made available. I only wish otherbreed publications would at some point do likewise. Your Anniversary Issue of the Review will have a permanent spot on my library shelf in the Toy section, for ready reference.ALICIA GOVERO MINERAL POINT, MOI have just received the Anniversary Issue of the Pomeranian Review. I have only known about the Review for the past four years, but since subscribing to the publication dedicated to the Pomeranian I have read every issue many times. You can's imagine the pleasure I am getting from the Anniversary Issue.I have always had Poms since I had my first one when I was nine. Four years ago, I had not had a Pom for several years. I had lost Terri, a beautiful red-orange boy. He was 17 years old when we lost him to-old age and heart failure. I decided I was ready for a Pom and you would not believe the difficulty I had finding a Pom breeder in our area. I finally purchased "Dog World" and wrote to every breeder listed. I wrote a dozen or more letters. Most were not answered.I did receive a lovely letter from Mrs. Norris Me Kamey, McKamey's Sundawn Kennels. She was so very helpful and sent me a complete list of what she had for sale and description and pedigree on the Poms. I went to Iowa and picked up a lovely daughter of Ch. McKamey's Cavalier of Gold.I wish that I could have known Mrs. McKamey years ago. I would have loved breeding Poms and showing them. I have loved Poms all my life. I never knew anything about the American Pomeranian Club all those years. I really feel like I have been cheated. I wonder how many Pom lovers in the world are still in the dark like I was.I want to thank the staff of the Review and all the members for all the issues I enjoy so much and especially for the beautiful Anniversary Although I am not a breeder or member of the APC, I will continue to support the breed in anyway I can. I only wish there were more unselfish, helpful breeders like Mrs. McKamey.YOUR OPINION COUNTS Climb on your soap box and write your thoughts to Ypis and YapsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 65This was sent to us by Mr. Paul Landreville of St. Paul, Minn, who tells us that Mrs. Landreville was a breeder of Poms since 1939. Her maiden name was Helen Balwin. We offer our sincere condolences to Mr. Landreville.In memory ofHelen LandrevilleDate of Birth APRIL 24, 1907 Date of Death APRIL 21, 1978 ServiceO'HAUORAN MURPHY SNELLING AYE. CHAPEL 575 Snelling Ave. So.MONDAY APRIL 24, 1973, AT 230 P.M. ClergymanTHE REV. ROGER TORNESSIntermentOAKLAND CEMETERYMRS. JUDY WHIPPLE BLUFFDALE, UTAHToSophie Mayes, Thelma Dunn and Goldie MandleyThe entire intent of this letter is to let you know just how delighted I am with this Anniversary Issue of the Pomeranian Review. The amount of information and educational quality is invaluable to both the novice and the professional I have looked for years to find some of the photos in this book. Also the comments made by breeders and Judges are very revealing to those of us who don't make it to many ringsides, and when we do are'to shy to introduce ourselves to the 'greats' of dogdom.I liked my own ad very much, I thought all the advertisements were in good taste and I am sure that you who put it together had a great deal to do with that also.Bravo, Bravo on a job well done Perhaps in the next twenty years we can look forward to another Anniversary Issue with as much enthusiasm - I might ad - it sure was well worth the waitNAME WITHHELDCongratulations to all that had anything to do with the 1979 NY Specialty - most of all to the Judges Jackie Klein and Bill McCoy for the admiration and respect commanded by them of Pom people all over the country that enabled them to draw the required number of dogs to make this one of the biggest and best specialties ever Everyone as always was most hospitable and the informative Pom talk is always appreciated and educational. Enough of the praises of the NY Specialty - now to the problem. We all know that some of the top winning Poms in the country are grossly over-trimmed scissored or shaped or whatever you wish to call it. Up until this time, I thought these dogs were with handlers, and as handlers they must do anything, including over- trimming, to insure that their dog would win. Some may say that this is excusable - so be it. Needless to say, it is again the problem of reeducating the judges as to the limits of trimming which appears to be an endless struggle. It is up to us as breeders - which by the way make up more than the majority of the Pom exhibitors in this country - to uphold the standard and exhibit dogs that come as close to our printed Standard as possible. Therefore, when I see puppies in the developmental stages, striving to grow a coat deserving of the breed, hacked and chopped up to alter bodies which indeed need no altering at all, I could just throw in the towel - and the worst part of this butchering is that breeders in good standing with the APC are at the other end of the scissors. Please let our puppies grow and develope as nature would have it and let God decide their coat length. AMENNAME WITHHELDI guess that this will ruffle some feathers but here we go.I have known this party casually for about 4 years. In the last part of 77 and the first part of 78 l traded 2 nice females for 2 hopeful show males. The one male was a disgrace so I sold him for a pet. The other male I kept even though he was doubtful. It took me much hounding to get the papers for the one I sold as pet at a low price but for the one I kept I got litter registration papers . I sent in to AKC to register this male which was supposed to be out of a litter of seven. AKC rejected it and informed me that this particular litter was of 2 males and 2 females, and 2 males had already been registered. AKC told me to contact the breeder on this matter.I have sent her the papers and letter from AKC and she said she would straighten out this matter. It's been two months, I have called many times and she is either too busy to come to the phone or she is in bed at 6 P.M..I thought by her being a popular breeder she would be reputable.Since I have been having this trouble, I have heard of other people who have had the same trouble, same breeder.We have been breeders just as long as she has and we have never run across this trouble before.We are sorry to have to write about a breeder of our breed, but I feel that other people should know of this. We are STILL WAITING FOR PAPERS.66 POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertiser s IndexBAKER, Darrell and Olga 61BAUGNIET, Sally F.C., 16BAY COLONY POM CLUB 19BEAM, Ruth 47BECKWITH, Rebecca 23BRETTWOOD ARTS 45BRUMBACK, Julie 35CARSON, Morris and Betty 42,43DONAHUE, Gina 50FRANK, Harley and Ellen 23FRECH, Paul and Randy 18, 19GALAVICH, Carol A. 59GAULKE, Duane 53GIRARDOT, Edna 49GODDARD, Tim and Sue 21GORMAN, J.L. and M.M. 56HARBIN, Ralph, Irene and Sylvia 41HARVEY, Juanita 25HENDRIX, Claire 50,57HUNDLEY, Erin and Phil 32,33,34JATCZAK, Marie 45KLEIN, Ron and Jackie 51KRAEMER, Lois 64LEWIS, Patricia E. and Elton 25LUCCAS, Lu and Elinor 36LUGINSLAND, Janice 39McGILBRY, Elva 37MANIES, Elma 36MASSEY, Jon and Roberta 35MAYES, Sophie 45MILLER, Molly and Linda 31NORRIS, Beverly 44, 54, 55NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POM CLUB 47RHOADS, Leona 28RICHARDSON, C.A. and Lenora 20STUBER, Ruth E. 53TAILS TRIVIA 23TRAUNER, Dolly IFCIT GOES TO SHOW...IT'S NOT SIZE THAT COUNTS..B55IT'S QUALITYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 67AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. SUMMER NATIONAL SPECIALTYHOSTED BYThe Kenosha County Pomeranian Club, Inc. Second weekend in August Pending AKC approvalALTHOUGH WE ARE UNABLE TO ANNOUNCE THE SWEEPSTAKES AND JUDGING PANEL AT THESE TWO ALL-BREED SHOWS, WE ARE CERTAIN ALL POM FANCIERS WILL ENJOY BEAUTI FU L SOUTHEASTERN WISCONSIN IN AUGUST. IT'S A GREAT TIME FOR A VACATION ... BRING YOUR SWIMSUITSSHOW HEADQUARTERS Ramada Inn, 6401 S 13 ST., Oak Creek, Wl 54154 Telephone 414764-5300 Sgl 30 - Dbl 37Other motels within a one block area are Holiday Inn 414764-1500 Red Roof Inn 414764-3500 Mini Price Motor Inn 414764-2510THE HOSPITALITY ROOM WILL BE AVAILABLE FRIDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING AND ALL DAY SATURDAY. A BANQUET WILL BE HELD SATURDAY EVENING. MORE INFORMATION REGARDING THE BANQUET LATER. PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS AS SOON AS POSSIBLE SINCE THAT IS THE WISCONSIN STATE FAIR WEEK. TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM THE MILWAUKEE AI RPORT AND THE SHOW SITES WILL BE AVAILABLE. BOTH SHOWS ARE BEING SUPERINTENDED BY ROY JONES.Any other questions, please contact chariman NADINE HERSIL 3128 E. Luzerne AV Cudahy,Wl 53110 Res 414481-5556 Off 414 545-0216