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The Pomeranian Review August 1979
rutSJJtotUlLI yUAKltKLAUGUST 197American Pomeranian Club, nz.PIWDAKin^KI t^kwOSWrmJm 2\SSfrCH. RANDY'S GEORGIA HOTSHOT OF JOLLY WEE BEST IN SHOW WINNING SON OF CH. RANDY'S JOLLY WEE PEPPI Shown winning Group at Kingsport K.C. under Judge Heywood Hartley Hot Shot is handled by Carroll JamesIN THIS ISSUE1979 STUD REGISTER\s.3lliTESiOEii s messayeSophie H. Mayes 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 1 9380 215-793-1912Your Editor Pat Lewis is certainly to be ongratulated on her first issue of the Review We look forward to many more jnder her guidance. It is a great treat to be ible to have such large pictures at no idditional cost - a boon brought to us by he change to offset printing.The Board of Directors has been busy nanaging the Club's affairs. We held a very worthwhile meeting on June 2nd. This will trobably be reported in greater detail by he Secretary, but I do want to reassure ou readers that we discussed the problem of overtrimming of Poms for the show ring ind the apparently increasing number of udges who say they are penalizing some fogs for "too much coat". We decided to end out once again to all judges licensed for our breed the Directive on Overtrimm- ng previously mailed out in 1975 and pub- ished in the AKC Gazette, with an additional reminder included, emphasizing the PROFUSE COAT asked for in our breed standard. The original directive can be found on Page 150 "of the Anniversary Issue. Your Parent Club can only ask judges to adhere to the provisions of the Standard - and cannot instruct them on OUR interpretation of some of the features making up a perfect Pom.The only alternative to this approach is to revise our Standard, adding the major faults in the appropriate paragraphs and making it very definite that the Pom coat should be abundant, profuse, untrimmed and natural in appearance - and that overtrimming should be penalized. Any revision must be voted by a two thirds majority of our membership, and last year's voting on the addition of the major faults did not get this percentage of support. If some members feel very strongly that the faults SHOULD be added, they can get a petition signed by 20 of the membership to that effect and send it to the Board. This obligates the Board to send out another mailing on the matter.Readers will find both a Trophy Pledge and a Show Catalogue Advertising Pledge inserted in this issue of the Review. Because the Review now comes out in August instead of July, very little time is left before the deadline for pledges for our most important event of the year, the Annual February Specialty Show. It is sad but true that only a scant one-third of our total membership have in the past given their support to this premier Club event. Nobody can contribute to EVERYTHING, but surely it is not too much to ask that members either take an ad in the show catalogue or donate a small or large amount to the trophy fund.By the time this appears in print, our Summer Specialty in Wisconsin will be over. As I write, I am looking forward to this event and to the opportunity of meeting many midwest members.NOVEMBER KENNEL VISIT HEADS WEST TO JEAN SCHROLLThe Review Staff is happy to announce that our November Kennel Visit is to be with Mrs. Jean B. Schroll of Oregon City, Oregon. As Jean has stated, she is not a big breeder in the sense of many litters and many dogs and her dogs all live in her home with her. But, due to her quality breeding, her long support of the P.C.A., her exhibitors participation and her unfailing support of the Review, she is considered an ideal person to honor at this time with a Kennel Visit.Support the Review and Jean with your November adsTHANKS FOR A JOB WELL DONEThe Review Staff wishes to thank Pat Brooks for the fine job she has done in the past as Circulation Manager. This is an exacting job and one for which there is normally small thanks.We appreciate Pat's fine work in filling this capacity for us.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Elub, Jnr.President.........................First Vice President..........Second Vice President...Recording Secretary........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB........................................................................................Mrs. Sophie Mayes.........................................................................................Mr. Thomas Daniels........................................................................................Mrs. Eleanor Miller......................................................................................Mrs. Jacqueline Klein........................................................................................Mrs. Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway, Bristol, Va. 24201 ...................................................................................... Mrs. Goldie MandleyMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Sally Baugniet Mrs. Julia Brumback Delegate to AKC....................................BOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Randall Freeh Mr. Tony Short Mr. Sam Zaneoff.......................Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager....................................Mrs. Elton Pat Lewis, Rt. 1, Box 105-M, Terry, MS 30170Assistants..............................................................................................................Annie Juanita Harvey, Elton LewisCirculation Manager..........................Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston, SC 29405Published quarterly at Terry, Mississippi by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. of May, August, November and February, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 8.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text..............................75.00Inside front cover.................................................. 40.00Center Spread, 2 pages....................................... 80.00Full page............................................................... 35.00Three-quarters page............................................. 30.00One-half page....................................................... 20.00One-quarter page vertical only........................... 10.00100 copies full page ad.......................................... 9.50Charge for reproduction of pictures, up to 5 x 7 inches, 6.00. No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, September 15th for November issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEWSUE 50 44BristolGODDARDLee HmmVVA 2A201 Weare pleased to welcome the following new membersOur officers and board of directors had a meeting on June 2, in Pennsylvania. Fortunately we had a quorum and were able to accomplish a large amount of pending business. One of the most important items on our agenda was the needed effort to curb expenses. Mounting inflation has caught up with us and we felt we must try to decrease expenses in every way possible, by cutting printing costs, establishing guidelines to expenses in hiring specialty judges, telephone expeditures, and in any other way we can find.Another item of general interest was the continued complaints regarding judges penalizing heavily coated dogs and the tendency we are seeing towards excessive trimming. These complaints are being heard from coast to coast. As a result, we have voted to again send out the directive to judges regarding our standards position on permissible trimming and calling attention to the fact that our standard does call for a profuse coat. Hopefully it will be read and heeded.After appoximately six hours we adjourned and all went to a nearby restaurant for dinner and relaxation.Frequently, I get calls and letters from people that have been referred to me by AKC requesting information on where to locate breeders in their area. I send them a list of those in their locale. Our Constitution does not allow me to rec- commend one over another, so they just receive a complete list. If you are con- ise try to be as helpful as j if you dont have what they n for perhaps you can suggest ho does.Mrs. Christa G. Bare 915 Oak St.Elizabeth, Tenn. 37643Mrs. Lorinda Cincurak 97312 Cordova Ave.Akron, Ohio 44320Mrs. Kristina E. Collins 292 MarkGlendale Hts., Illinois 60137Ms. Lois Anne Garner821 Dickinson St.Flint, Michigan 48504Mrs. Vesta Ann Hall Rt. 2 Box 397 Elizabethton, Tenn. 37643Mrs. Dora Hendersen 2501 E. Karen Dr.Phoenix, Arizona 85032John Prokepec, Jr.52 Mountain View Ave.Avon, Conn. 06001Mrs. Carol L. Sherry 3614 Bon Park Ct.Dallas, Tex. 75228Mr. Mrs. Mark Walsh Rt. 4 Box 342 Antioch, III. 60002Fred Patricia Whitaker 403 S. Fall St.Paxton, III. 60957Judith B. Williams822 Parkside Blvd.Claymont, Del. 19703POMERANIAN REVIEW 20VER STGRYjWe take great pleasure in presenting our latest Group and Best in Show winner, Randy's Ga. Hot Shot of Jolly Wee".Hot shot is sired by our top producer Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi" out of a Peppi daughter, "Randy's Jolly Wee Georgia Peach". From this combination we have had eight puppies,- seven males and one female. Two males have finished and three others are very near finishing. The female we are going to breed very soon.Hot Shot is the type of Pom we wish we could produce all the time. He is a solid 414 lb. bundle of pure mischief. He has the short back, lovely head with very tiny ears, high tail set, good sturdy bone and very profuse stand-off coat of proper texture. And I must say I do like a Pom with lots of coat,.We hope to use Hot Shot in our future breeding program. He is proven, having sired one puppy for Ethel Richardson. We hope he will produce like his famous father. Peppi is now the sire of fifteen Champion children including two "Best in Show" kids. He also has some beautiful grand children in the show ring. What a great little dog he has been for us.Getting back to Hot Shot, we wish to say we are very proud of his show wins, he has 10 Group First and of course, his Best in Show. He is handled by our good friend Carroll James. We wish to thank Carroll and Mary not only for their expert handling of our boy but also the loving care they always give him.We hope we can continue to show Hot Shot and that he will do more winning in the future. We wish to thank the judges who have given him his very nice wins. And we sincerely appreciate the nice compliments from Breeder-Judges Dorothy Bonner and Darrell Baker. And a very special "Thank You" to Judge Mr. Jerome Rich for his first Best in Show.See you all in the show ring.NEW CIRCULATION MANAGER ANNOUNCEDTheReview staff is happy to welcome Mrs. Judy Blocker of Charleston, S.C. as the new Circulation Manager.Judy has assumed the duties formerly taken care of by Pat Brooks. These duties consist of keeping complete records of both members and subscribers and sending out copies of the Review to all those who wish extras or those not receiving current copies, Judy also still has a supply of the Anniversary Issue for anyone wishing a copy at the price of 7.95 each.If you do not receive your current copy of the Review please contactMrs. Judv Blocker2226 Dunlap St. - B-28Charleston, S.C. 29405COVERS AVAILABLEWe are happy to report that all covers have been reserved through the January 1980 issue. Those persons wishing a cover after this date are asked to hold for a few months in making your reservations so that we will have a chance to better project our coming covers, reservations, etc.We thank those members who have sent their reservations and made plans for their future ads.Both the inside front and inside back covers for all publications are, at this date, still available for reservations. Also the center spreads and back covers are still available at this time.DID YOU KNOWDOGS ARE GOOD...TOYS ARE BETTER... POMS ARE BESTPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5q visit to HawaiiWITH STANLEY and CLARICE OGANEKU AT WOODROSE KENNELSAloha mai, mai Hawaii nei...Welcome to Hawaii, and to the Woodrose Pomeranian Kennel, home of Clarice and Stanley Oganeku.This visit by the Pomeranian Review is a first for Hawaii, and in my estimation no finer a selection of kennel than Woodrose could have been made. Clarice and Stanley are honored to feature their kennel as well as to acquaint you with Hawaii's Pom circle of activities. . r . i .. -. - . ' ..............Ch. Rosewood's Miry Sweet o Timsun, first Pom champion for Woodrose deceased.To appreciate the fine reputation that Woodrose Pomeranians have amassed in Hawaii is to acknowledge the methodical, conscientious, and dedicated efforts of the Oganekus on behalf of the breed here. Their introduction to the little 'fuzz balls' started in 1967 when they purchased their first male locally from Janet Cox out of her Ch. Khani Sun laukea. Before too long, their addiction to the breed took hold, so that in 1971 they bought two bitches from Janet - Yuriko's Golden Tresses, who is the dam of Ch. Woodrose's Free 'N Easy, and Rosewood's Mity Sweet O'Timsun Puddin, who at the time had 13 points one major and in 1973 became Wood- rose's first champion.Puddin was a daughter of Ch. Reeves Buster Boy, long admired by Clarice, and she possessed the characteristics that Clarice hoped to perpetuate. Thus, there began an extensive search for a mate for Puddin and for her breeder. It was through Nina Epps, a long-time correspondent of the Oganekus, that Clarice learned of Maryby Lurline KimokeoHammond who later offered Rosewood's Whing Ding Whirl, a four-month-old, red, typey male that garnered 10 points 2 majors while he was being shown here. With the continuing support of Mary Hammond, a year later they increased their stock by acquiring Rosewood's Little Don Juan pointed, Rosewood's Dragonfly Angel now a champion, and Rosewood's Bit of Little Eddie dam of Ch. Woodrose's Tuff Stuff, all of Great Elms and Van Hoozer bloodlines. Mary Hammond's genuine concern for and interest in furthering the efforts of a novice was not lost with Clarice and Stanley, for they obliged by producing three homebreds. Their first, Ch. Woodrose's Shooting Star owned by Chris Omoto, was followed by two others who dominated Hawaii's toy group during the past two years in particular - Ch. Woodrose's Tuff Stuff, 1977 Top Toy, and his daughter, Ch. Woodrose's Free 'N Easy Owned by Betty Aona, 1978 Top Toy.But the ravages of time and other complexities have taken their toll at Woodrose and many of the beginning stock are gone.i.... -.T A lAt one of our beaches My son, Darren, is holding Ch. Woodrose's Tuff Stuff and Yevette, holding Ch. Creider's Bold Venture.To blend with their existing bloodlines, Woodrose is currently working together with the renowned Creider Kennel of6 POMERANIAN REVIEWOklahoma. Norma has provided, amongst others, Ch. Creider's Bold Venture son of BIS winner Ch. Sundot's Ramboling Man, Ch. Creider's Ebony Masterpiece black, and soon will send two more bitches. There already is a promising orange sable male, Woodrose's Shadow Dancer Ch. Venture x Creider's Amy of Shadowdance pointed, that Clarice will introduce in the show rings this spring. I expect there to be more out of this outstanding kennel and news of its further accomplishments in the future. The Oganekus' reputation amongst Hawaii's "doggie" people is not limited to their distinction in the breed and extends, on behalf of their 14-year-old daughter, Yvette, to the area of junior showmanship. At the age of 7 Yvette began competition, winning top honors with such consistency so as to beg out about a year ago. There is no denying her natural talent and ability with dogs, large and small. Her achievements in junior showmanship, as well as ringside, at so young an age are amazing and it is not unusual to see her running from ring to ring to meet the demands for her handling expertise. You will always find her in Group and BIS competition. Other than Poms, Yvette proudly owns a boxer, CH. Box M's Mona Lisa, that she handled exclusively. She also finished their formerly owned Maltese, CH. Sun Canyons Willy. Clarice, an accomplished handler herself, is Yvette's teacher and greatest critic. Stanley will pitch in when in a bind, that is when Clarice and Yvette are showing their Poms, but always with complete confidence. The only member of the family not completely "in" with dogs is-............... .1 JJL41rrKennel Area- This is where uc put our Poms out during the day and at night they come into the house to sleep.Darren, their 9 year old son but whe knows, perhaps he, too, will join them ai ringsideTheir home is located on the windwarc east side of the island of Oahu in the rural residential community of Kaneohe The property includes eight runs used by their 13 Poms and Boxer, and a swimming pool where their dogs are exercised. There is also a hothouse complete with automatic sprinkler system designed and built by Stanley to house their tropical plant nursery operation. All of their dogs occupy a seperate room in the family home for sleeping quarters. With the goings on at home on a daily basis, it's a wonder that Stanley has time to devote to the Honolulu Community College where he teaches autobody and painting, and, I might add, is continuing his advance education. In addition to all that, he still finds time to preside over the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii which currently consists of 24 members.Most of Hawaii's Pom breeders are included in the club and make up the core of its operation. Clarice is a co-founder of the club which began in mid-74 and was recognized by AKC in late 1976. Since then, theTirtSif--- A'.Exercise Area This is where the Poms get their exercise including my daughters has held eight B matches and about a year ago had the distinct pleasure of having as judge, Ed Bivin. This was the first opportunity for our little group to meet with and obtain comments from a former Pom breeder. We have also been priviledged by visitations from Dan and JoEllen Mercer of Prairie Wind Poms, Nebraska Joyce Orthman, Joda Kennel and Pauline HughesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7of Point Loma Poms, California. Many of us are still in contact with the Mercers, Joyce, and Pauline, as well as Ruth Dotson of Sundot Kennels, California, and Lennis Raines of Tennessee.Having mentioned our valued mainland breeder friends, we would be remiss in not conveying our gratitude to them for allowing us the ownership of their Poms. Without their trust, our progress in the breed, V VVH Woodroses Dream of Perfection pointed at 8 weeks of age.would be unattainable. A significant consideration that these breeders have had to weigh is whether or not to let their dearly loved Poms endure the rigors of travel for as many as 4,000 miles and, at the end ot the journey, of initial confinement in surroundings which one could term "impersonal." Their personal sacrifice and the inconvenience to our Poms are recognized, but we can offer no better an alternative on introduction to Hawaii. Our hands are tied by a State law that requires quarantine of animals for 120 days as a safeguard for the people of Hawaii which is rabies free. The attendant cost of confinement is vested on us, so that we, too, must be wary when we inquire abroad. But as long as there are breeders who ane sympathetic to our needs and acquiesce to our restriction, Poms in Hawaii will have a greater future.Woodrose is showing us how it's done with their "where there's a will, there's a way" lifestyle that is blessed withunquestionable integrity. Evidence is their seven champions five Poms in a period of about five years, because Hawaii, when Woodrose began competition, had but two licensed all-brred shows annually, the four in 1975, and now six With as few litters that Woodrose has produced over the past few years, their earnest desire for improvement of the breed in Hawaii is apparent in their having released three of their five champions to other Pom breeders.I am priviledged to be able to write of Woodrose Poms and the Oganeku family whom I admire and respect for their all- around good neighborliness. Aloha and Mahalo.A t one of our Pom Club meetings L to r - Clarice Oganeku, Lurline Kimoke and Ellen Takayama.ilChampion Tuff Stuff8 POMERANIAN REVIEWomeraniansWELCOMES TO HAWAII.....Ch. Creiders Ebony Masterpiece, BlackToy Group WinnerCreider's Touch of Class, Orange Sable Creider's Peaches N' Cream, Orange Creider's Peppermint Patti, Red Orange Creider's Lolo of Woodrose, OrangeTHANK YOU, NORMA, FOR THESE LOVELY POMSYvette and myself can't tell you how much we both enjoyed our trip to Oklahoma and the beautiful hospitality showered upon us. Many thanks to the Creiders, Hoods, Abjornsons, Bassetts and others whom we shall miss dearly.Many thanks, Lurline, for doing this lovely write-up of our kennel.CLARICEGREAT ELMS KENNELS, REG.Nothing For SaleI breed very few pups and sell them before I can be sure how they may turn out.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Stud Fee 75.00Timstopper's Image is no longer offered at stud. Sometimes he can and sometimes he can't.RUTH L. BEAM Pineville, N.C. 28134P.O. BOX 937 Ph. 704-889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEW 9IT IS WITH GREAT PRIDE THA TCWooJrose onieramansPRESENTIwy7fSLTO BBpH0T0 Bv ChijnWOODROSE'S SHADOW DANCER3 lb., orange sableCH. CREIDER'S BOLD VENTURE X CREIDER'S AMY OF SHADOWDANCE ptd."Shadow" is shown winning his second major at 8 mos. from the Puppy Class. We would like to thank the following judges who liked him Nick Calicura, William Bergum and Dr. HaroldSpira.FLASH WOODROSE'S ITSI BITSI BONUS..."Shadow's" younger sister won Toy Group 1 at 32 mos. her first show on June 10, 1979, at the HKC all-breed puppy match. 'Bitsi' is a cobby, orange sable female with a good set of legs and tiny ears.STANLEY CLARICE OGANEKU 45-232 Lilipuna Rd.Kaneohe, HI 96744PH. 808 247-533210 POMERANIAN REVIEWHAWAIIS TOP TOY 1978ALANI'S POMERANIANS congratulates their first Champion Woodrose's Free N Eas' Breezy on completion of her Champioship on Oct. 10, '78 at Hilo Hi. Breezy wal capably handled through her show career by Bradley Odagiri.Congratulations to Stanley and Clarice Oganeku of Woodrose's Pomeranians on their kennel visit and third home-bred Champion Breezy.-C''V i.SPECIAL THANKS TOThe judges who place Breezy Cookie Inocencio for Flam 'N Sun's ThunderboltShown by BradleyBETTY RAY AONA89-554 Farrington Hwy. Nanakuli, HI 9679211POMERANIAN REVIEWOULD YOU use your letterhead type in your adSend us a copy of your work in your adIt can be had BUT your ad must be submitted at least 2 weeks before the current deadline, or better still, supply your own pen and ink line drawing of what you want in the actual size so that we can use your art as paste-up.EMEMBER, THERE'S ONLY ONE OF ME...AND SO MANY OF YOUFLAMN SUN POMS1st in^ LImaprovLENNIS'S NATIVE DANCER"Booley" on April 29, 1 979, under Mrs. James Ciark won the Toy Group his first show at the West Oahu KC Fun Match. He is handled exclusively by my good friend, Betty Aona. Thank you, Lennis, for letting us have this lovely Pom.We would also like to thank Ann Cannon for our newest pom, "Aanon's Grease Lightning". We want to congratulate our good friends Stan ancf Clarice on their kennel visit and sincerely wish them continued success.ANTHONETTE RICHARD INOCENCIO Wahiawa, HI 967861897-A California Ave. Ph. 808621-565512 POMERANIAN REVIEWALOHA AND CONGRATULATIONS TO STAN, CLARICE, YVETTE DARREN ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT- 1,9VwAitFrom the Mercers, Dan, JoEllen, Holly, Danelle, Nathan half of our Poms. Not and inch of space left for anyone else in this pictureAlso, of the times we have visited the Oganekus in Hawaii we say, Thanks for all the good times".We really enjoyed ourselves.SJLSLSLSLSLSLSJLSLSLSL3JLA T THE PRESENT TIME WE HA VE A FEW PUPPIES FOR SALE. WE CURRENTL Y HA VE EIGHT OF OUR FINEST FEMALES BRED AND BY FALL, HOPE FULL Y WE WILL HA VE SOME NICE PUPPIES TO OFFER FOR SALE.DAN JOELLEN MERCER Rt. 1, Box 147308889-3109 Big Springs, Nebr. 69122POMERANIAN REVIEW 13 N O T I C E jFROM THE BOARDIn the past few months some Pom people have been receiving flyers advertising a new monthly Pom publication and also the compiling of a new book about the Pomeranian.The APC has not received any requests for help or information about our Breed.Check into any project before you invest. We suggest if you have any doubt, write to the Better Business Bureau or the Consumer Affairs Bureau in the state where the flyers came from.FOR INFORMATION CONTACT TONY SHORT 2850 E. Douglas Des Moines, IA 50317 515-266-8995TnrsTTrrjrriTOTirsxirsTYTrsTrrinrBWCONGRATULATIONSandBESTWISHESCLARICE, STANLEY YVETTEOGANEKU and oTHIER BEAUTIFUL W00DR0SEPOMS OoIT WAS A PLEASURE TO HAVE YOU VISIT US SOFUNFAIR POMERANIANS oKatherine R. and John R. Probst 268 Parkwood Acres ^New Port RicheyFla. 33553 BROWN'S POMERANIANSOFFERING FOR YOUR CONSIDERATIONSTYLISH MALE Whelped 7-17-1978 - BRIGHT ORANGE4 LBS. HUGE COAT AND COBBY SHOW AND STUD PROSPECTSire Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dam- Brown's Stylestopper Darlin PointedYOUR INQUIRIES ARE INVITED PICTURE COMPLETE PEDIGREE AND DETAILS ON REQUESTCHAMPION STUD SERVICECongratulations to Mrs. Oganeku on her Kennel VisitMRS. Wl LMA JEAN BROWN 8820 Rockville Rd.Ph. 317271-4954 Indianapolis, IND. 4623414 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Scotia Foxxy's Golden Nugget shown finishing at Oklahoma City, April 14, '79 under Judge Mrs. Schlintz by going BOB over Champions.SCOTIAKENNELS,Reg.POMS OF DISTINCTIONVi4 m.pjm i-y.d .rCh. Russell's Fox Flame Foxee shown finishing at Hutchinson, KS April 2, '79 under Judge Ed Bivin. Litter brother to Ch. R. Foxy Fagan.CONGRATULATIONS TO MRS. CLARICE OGANEKU AND FAMILY OF KANEOHE, HIMANY CHAMPIONS AT STUD AND SOME REAL PROMISING YOUNGSTERS.Please state exact wants in first letter and enclose stamped addressed envelope.EDNA E. GIRARDOT Floral City, FL 32636P.O. Box 646 Ph. 904-726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 15ICERAMAS POMERANIANS ' TfCH.WILWYN'S TEDDY BEARSEE PEDIGREE IN STUD REGISTER AT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHES WITH AGENTLENNIS RAINES RT. 2 BOX 205 MORRISTOWN, TENN. 37814SHIP KNOXVILLE, TENN. AIRPORTCONGRATULATIONSTO MRS. CLARICE OGANEKU ON HER KENNEL VISITOWNER... SKIP PIAZZA405 6th St. Atco, N.J. 08004 Ph. 609-768-255716 POMERANIAN REVIEWICERAMAS POMERANIANS,\\BEST SEX0DHrfTfriOFVSILVER MEADOWS HAPPY TALKShown taking a 3 pt. major from the Puppy Class under judge Mr. Thomas Baldwin. Happy also took a 3 pt. major at the Bucks County KC show under Dr. Boshell. would like to extend thanks to my very good friend Jackie Klein for letting me have this outstanding puppy.Watch for Icerama's Kristi of Great Elms - soon to be campaigned.PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYANTHONY SKIPPIAZZA 405 6th St.Ph. 609-768-2557 Atco, N.J. 08004POMERANIAN REVIEW 171979 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1979 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following pages - and in some of the display ads - are stud dogs that, for the individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register is very complete. May we request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention "I saw your stud card in the Review."mGoforth's Ebony Knight Goforth's Little Black Shadow Goforth's Magic Enchantment Myway Chien NoirCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Myway Celae En NoirCh. Jo-May Jennifer Going Myway Ch. Czar Nickolas Tribble Stansoe Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Tono's at Midnight Adoralee's Brenda Myway Sooty Put a FootCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Myway Misty Dawn C. D.Jeribeth's MoonbeamCh. Czar Nikolas Tribble Stansoe Huge Coat, Sound Body Personality plus Beauty To Approved Bitches OnlySTANSOE KENNEL Nora E. Stanley 8401 Vanna Biloxi, MS 39532jjt . r 7-A. ,s- ys mI-' l Z y'-mm5tmMercer's Toastmaster to Duke Soon to be shown, pictured at 10 mos., massive coat Fee 75.00Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sue's Gay ButterflySilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Mercer's Toastmaster to DukeBonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Jeribeth's Toast to DukeCh. Tono's At Midnight TonosToastie MeliPat-tee of Point LomaDan Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 Ph. 308889-310918 POMERANIAN REVIEW99 9Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Rare opportunity to breed this close to Dragonfly. Sire of Chs. Gr. Wnrs. Fee 125.00Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Bonner's Prettytune Precious Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Jeribeth's Bitty Bonus Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Tim Sue's Gay Butterfly Ch. Milamor's Music ManSilver Meadow's Gay Lil Music Gold To^'s Gay Lil DollDan JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 Ph. 308883-3109I4AMercer's Dash O Duke14 pts., lacking majorSire of Ch. and Pointed offspringFee 100.00Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Tim Sue's Gay ButterflySilver Meadow's Gay Lil Music Mercer's Dash o DukeCh. Duke's Lil Red Baroh of O'Kala Ch. Mac's Four on the Floor of O'Kala McDougall's Gay Misty Junior Tomanoll's Tiny Tinker ToyCh. Duke's Lil Red Baron of O'Kala Tomanoll'sTiny TiffanyCh. Tomanoll's Wee Go-Go GirlDan JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 Ph. 308889-3109^3-- . i I Mercer's Touch O Duke11 pts., producing fabulous puppies,orange.Fee 75.00Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Tim Sue's Gay ButterflySilver Meadow's Gay Lil Music Mercer's Touch O DukeCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Bonner's Starlyn PrissypuffBonner's Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod Ch. Bonner's Starcrest MinetteCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Bonner's Starlyn Modette Bonner's Styletess ModisteDan 81 JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 Ph. 308889-3109POMERANIAN REVIEW 19Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Bright Orange 4 lbs. Siring Quality Puppies Stud Fee 100.00Ch. Brown's Gambling Man Orange 3Vz lbs.Huge Coat - Cobby Sire of Champions Stud Fee 75.00T4l IB1Ch. Brown's Li'l Brown Jug Tuggie Bright Orange 4Vz lbs. Producing Show QualityCh. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Phil's Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamor's Moon RockCh. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Li'l Music Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's Little Judy Dixieland's VeronicaCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Millamor's Melody Box Millamor's Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Ph 317-271-4954Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Ch. Brown's Fancypepper Mark Bonner's Fancypepper Ch. Bonner's Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonner's Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Brown's Gambling ManCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeth's Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeth's Honey Bee Millamor's Magic DragonCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamor's Magic Box Millamor's Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Ph 317-271-4954Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Ch. Brown's Fancypepper Mark Bonner's Fancypepper Ch. Bonner's Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonner's Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Brown's Li'l Brown Jug Tuggie Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeth's Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeth's Honey Bee Millamor's Magic DreamCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamor's Magic Box Millamor's Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Ph 317-271 495420 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Chips of Diamond 334 lb. Bright Clear Orange To approved Bitches OnlyCh. Enjan's Puppet on A String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Boda's Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Model's Truly a DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Model's Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Red Amber Model's Solid GoldCh. Model's Magic Timstopper Model's BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair WindemereEMCEE'S POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005r ^ V Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond 434 lb. Bright Clear Orange To Approved Bitches Only 804-798-7882Ch. Enjay's Puppet on A String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Boda's Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Model's Truly a DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Model's Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Red Amber Model's Solid GoldCh. Model's Magic Timstopper Model's BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair WindemereEMCEE'S POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005Lou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynn's Tiny Karla Ch. Topaze Sunny InterludeBonnitol Little Dutch Boy Ch. Cynna-Lou's Keene Tut Boda's Diamond Bonnie Topaze Little SissyBonner's Wee Lollipop Dancer West's Shamrock Lady of Topaze West's Kerry DancerEMCEE'S POMERANIANS Ch. Topaze Sunny Interlude Morris and Betty Carson42 lb. Clear Orange 6208 Pochins PathwayFee on Request Ashland, VA 23005804-798-7882-AyV- vPOMERANIAN REVIEW 21L.Jeribeth's Idol Beaver Beau Brilliant Orange, Massive Coat Winning - Near Championship Interesting, Excellent PedigreeMajor Dink of Sunray Ch. Lancer of Sunray Sungold's Lolly Ch. SunRay's Lil BeaverMajor Dink of Sunray Sunray's ReginaJo Art's Golden Lady Jeribeth's Idol Beaver BeauCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jo Art's Put Up Your Dukes Jo Art's Golden Lady Jeribeth's Idol BakerCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Toast to Duke Tono's Toastie MeliDARRELL OLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Dr.Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250AT STUDJO ART'S PUT UP YOUR DUKESSorry - No Photograph Available Lovely Orange - Huge Coat, Dense Undercoat Soft Expression and Good Head Pointed, but was shown only limitedly.LAST SON OFCHAMPION CORN'S DUKE DRAGONFLYCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Weepepper Preshus Bonner's Pre'ttvtune Precious Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Jeribeth's Bitty Bonus Jo Art's Put Up Your DukesCh. Matchmaker of Nanjo Jo'Art'sTreasure of Nanjo OiubcuPoinciana Enchanting Jo Art's Golden LadyNap's Chief Oratan Happy Tyke's Little Miss Muffet Fluffy Little Chi-ChiDARRELL OLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Dr.Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250AT STUDJERIBETH'S IZZISITSorry - No Photograph Available"Izzie" is result of our "Miracle Breeding". Contrived with ONE purpose - future stud use for type, soundness, coat, quality - preplanned A very small dog, fine aggressive stud, with siring ability being seen as anticipated. An added bonus - consistent extreme baby faces.A stud dog of which we are extremely proud.Bonner's Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Molly's San Dee Due, C. D.Bonnyer's Fancy-Q Lil Bit For Molly Jeribeth's IzzisitCh. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Phil's Sparkling Dragonfly Jeribeth's Cheers to DukeCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Toast To Duke Tono's Toastie MeliNote astericks on pedigree, indicating key DARRELL OLGA BAKERposition of CH. CORN'S DUKE DRAGONFLY 207 Shirleen Dr.for miracle breeding plan. Seabrook, TX 77586713 334-225022 POMERANIAN REVIEWV,Am. Can. Ch. Jabil's Simply Smashing Group Winning Sire of Champion and Pointed Get 4 lb. Orangewr.S '.MAm. Can. Ch. Jabil's Dandy Lion, C.D. Multiple Group Winner, Sire of Several Major Pointed Get 434 ib. deep orangeCh. Jabil's Chester P. Honeyhugger Group Placing Sire of Several Major Pointed Get Red Orange, 4 lbs.Lou-Lan'sToken of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynn'sTiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabil's Simply SmashingAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabil's Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah, C. D.Ch. Roanoke's Bank BoxJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H.03301 Tel. 603435-8731Lou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny.Sun Dance Thelcolynn'sTiny Tyeca Thelcolynn'sTiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabil's Dandy Lion, C. D. Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavalier Ch. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabil Petite Delilah, C. D.Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanoke's Band Box Scotia Jimmy Jet's CricketJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H.03301 Tel. 603435-8731Lou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn'sTiny Sun Dance Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynn'sTiny Karla Ch. Jabil's Chester P. Honeyhugger Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavalier Ch. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Adkins' Star of Band BoxCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanoke's Band Box Scotia Jimmy Jet's CricketJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 Tel. 603435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEW 23Ch. Randy's GA Hot Shot of Jolly Wee 434 lb. Deep Orange Best in Show Son of C. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Stud Fee 150.00Ch. Mac's Fancyduke Look I'm A Dandy Randy's Dandy Wee TuffyCh. McDougall's Gay Samantha Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiCh. Corn Duke Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke's Wee Wendy McDougall's Lady Fandv Ch. Randy's GA Hot Shot of Jolly Wee Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Mac Fancyduke's Wee Wendy Randy's Jolly Wee Georgia PeachCh. Mac's Fancyduke's Look I'm A Dandy Randy's Wee Dandy Delight Randy's Dandy Wee SallyPAUL RANDY FRECH 733 Booth Rd.Kennesaw, GA30144 Ph. 404926-6011Jolly Wee Pistol Pete of Peppi Pointed 4 lb. Light Orange Stud Fee 125.00Ch. Mac's Fancyduke Look I'm a Dandy Randys Dandy Wee TuffyCh. McDougalls Gay Samantha Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiCh. Corn Duke Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougall's Lady Fancy Jolly Wee Pistol Pete of PeppiRandy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Mac Fancyduke's Wee Wendy Randy's Jolly Wee Georgia PeachCh. Mac's Fancyduke Look I'm a Dandy Randy's Wee Dandy Delight Randy's Dandy Wee SallyPAUL RANDY FRECH 733 Booth Rd.Kennesaw, GA30144 Ph. 404926-6011Ch. Randy's Topper's Red Robin 434 lb. Deep Orange Stud Fee 125.00Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Randy's Dragonfly Top of the Line Ch. Corn Duke Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke's Wee Due Duchess McDougall's Lady Fancy Ch. Randy's Topper's Red Robin Ch. Corn Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randy Duke of Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke's Wee Wendy Randy's Bright Star of DukeCh. Corn Duke Dragonfly Mac.'s Starduke's Gay Bunny Qamtut'sStar of DisheroonPAUL RANDY FRECH 733 Booth Rd.Kennesaw, GA30144 Ph. 404926-601124 POMERANIAN REVIEWAm. Can. Ch. Sissons Amberino Joe 5 lb. OrangeCh. Sungold's Gay Cavalier Ch. Scotia Cavalier's Billy Joe Brelands Little Sandra Billy Joe JoeCh. Ken-Gay Milo Peanut Ken-Gay Merribell Peanut Ken-Gay Merribell Am. Can. Ch. Sissons Amberion Joe Ch. Scotia Cavalier's Billy Joe Billy Joe JoeKen-Gay Merribell Peanut Tiny Teardrops 11Lil Doodle Bug of Highland Sun Didle Bug Warrens ApplaAnadors Pomeranians Ann Gene Welshinger Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, Wis. F4880 Ph. 715399-2702t-ififelCh. D-Nee's Darin' Dinadan BIS - Specialty Winner Producing ChampionsCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Creider's Sable Dandy Creider's Miss Maggie Creider's Molly B Ch. D-Nee's Darin' DinadanInt. Ch. Queenaire's Scotch N'Soda Ch. Queenaire's Jigger O' Scotch Creider's Vicki Ch. D-Nee's 'Dorable Dazzler Ken-Gay Laddy of Milo D-Nee's 'Dorable Dolly Snow Baby White FluffNADINE HERSIL 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy,Wl 53110I 9Can., Bba., Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Multiple BIS Winner Top Pom in Canada '78 Champion ProducerCh. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Phil's Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamor's Moon RockCh. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Lulabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Can. Bda. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Ch. Dixieland's Stylestepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Millamor's MarrilynnLou Lan's Token of Friendship Lou Lan's April Gold Models Gold PieceCHRISCENDO Chris and John Heartz P.O, Box 1259 Truro. Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2POMERANIAN REVIEW 25vs^Ch. Pomirish Bubble's Li'l Squirt pictured with Ch. Son. 3 lb. orange. Mulitple Group winner, owner handled. Sire of Group Placing ChampionsCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randy's Duke of Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke Wee Wendy Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Mac's Stardukes Gay Bunny Pamtuf Star of Disharoon Ch. Pomirish Bubble's Li'l Squirt Ch. Model's Son of Fun Ch. Roanokes Malanie Magic Little Bit of Honey 11 Ch. Varney's Bubbles up, C.D.Ch. Scotia Caviller's Dream Boy Scotia Rare Coins LollypopCh. Scotia's Cavilier's Rare CoinSally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228I -Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport 5 lb. huge-coated orange sable. Group placer. Sire of Champions including our Group-Winning "Squirt"Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Randy's Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Mac's Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougall's Lady Fancy Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Mac's Starduke's Gay Bunny Tuffy of Disheroon Pamtuf Star of Disheroon Pamela of DisheroonSally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228CH. POMIRISH LI'L GUY 3 lb. ORANGE. VERY COBBY. SIRE OF PROMISING PUPS PICTURED ON PAGE 52Ch. Great Elms Little Buddy Ch. Scott's Little Buddy Buddy Dixieland's Little Doady Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Coble's Little Buddy Goldie Jones Horne Trudy JoyCh. Pomirish Li'l GuyDendy's Little Man of Jilltara Ch. Apple's Travelling Buddy Dendy's Miss America Traveler's Ka-TinaTimstopper's Shadow Gay Jewel's Shadow of Gidget Gidget's JewelSally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 5422826 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SCOTIA CAV'S BIT O' HADLEIGH 5 lb. ORANGENO PICTURE AVAILABLECh. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadley Golden Trixie Ch. Lund's Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Elsie's Little Yogi Bear Lund's Adorable Chubby ElsiesThumbelina Doll Ch. Scotia Cav's Bit O' Hadleigh Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cav's SpectacularCh. Sunset's Personal Conquest Scotia Double Gr Da O' Cavilier Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cav's Lay-A-Wey Brochure Ch. Scotia Golden FantasySally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228CH. POMIRISH FINALLY A MAN 42 lb. ORANGE HEAVILY COATED - COBBY SIRED BY Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi's SIRECh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Mac's Fancyduke's Look I'm a Dandy McDougall's Lady Fancy Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Pom Pom Susie's Boy Ch. McDougall's Gay Samantha Pamtuf'sStar of Disheroon Ch. Pomirish Finally A ManCh. Randy's Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport Mac's Starduke's Gay Bunny Pomirish Golden MoonCh. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Brochure Scotia Double Gr Da O'Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cav's Lay-A-WeySally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228AZMCh. Randy's Jolly Wee Spunky QrVz lb. SableStand off coat...beautiful head... four great legsPoinciana Sun Fun Ch. Roanoke's Ace of Clubs Hayden's Mona Lisa Kit-Kel's Black TobiasCh. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo Penny of Da-Kirk Andersley Awanderess Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee SpunkyCh. Bonner's Stylesong's Gold Toy Ch. Stylefancy Wee Tiger McDougall's Lady Fancy Randy's Little Lady in Black Andersley Ajet Stream Andersley Audry English Import Andersley A Chocolate WendySigyn Lund 130 East 67th St.New York, N.Y. 10021 212-794-2052POMERANIAN REVIEW 27Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Creider's Bit O' Distinction Ch. Robinhood's Duplicate CopyCh. Creider's Golden Riptide Creider's Chitty Bang Bang Creider's Scarlet O'Hara Ch. Wilwynn's Teddy Bear Aristic Gay Playboy Ch. Jan's Little Red PodAmber's Ginger of Shady Grove Mac's Terrific DollCh. Terrific Topper O'Shady Grove Terrific Wendy of Shady Grove Aristic Jan's CherrybelleCh. Wilwyn's Teddy Bear Skip PiazzaClear Orange 405 6th St.Fee 100 Atco, N.J. 08004To Approved BitchesPLEASE SUPPORT THE KENNEL VISITS IN YOUR AREA - IT MEANS A MORE COMPLETE AND INTERESTING REVIEWLLL FANCY GOLD MELODEE B nearly finished at 10 months with 3 pt. major INT. two four pt. majorsTHIS GROUP AVAILABLE TO SERIOUS BREEDER-EXHIBITOR CH. JODA EPHIBUS D4-18-75,3 lb. red orange, height 7, very short back, high tail set. Sire Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge BIS Dam Bonner Point Loma DeliCH. LLL LIL GOLD MOONSHINE B2-3-75,4 lb. cream baby doll, ht. 74.., very short back, cobby. Daughter of Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge BISTIARA B2-8-76, 5 lb. copper orange granddaughter of Ch. Lil Gold Dancer. Crossed with Ch. Joda Ephibus makes the miracle breeding which I tried and was whelped 579TRICKS B7-7-75 5 34 lb. shaded orange solid body, excellent coat and brood, free whelper --3pups litter.Males from spring litters - 2 heavy coated blacks with small ears - one out of Melodee's dam. 6 orange or red-orange Ch. sire or double champion. 250 up.THESE DOGS ALSO AVAILABLE INDIVIDUALLYJANICE LUGIN3LAND R.R. 1Americus, K 66835 Ph. 316-884-5157POMERANIAN REVIEW 28OH WHERE OH WHERE HAS MY LITTLE DOG GONEwith her tail over her back while she heeled by me, quite free, she slipped under the fence and was gone, yes ser yre.Losing a dog you love is a sad experience. Finding the dog is tougher. I can really appreciate what politicians must go through in order to reach the people. That's also what you need to do in order to get your dog back. Too many people think a lost dog is a stray and do not try to find the owner.First, of course, look for the dog immediately. Take a photo of your dog with you. Descriptions don't always work - a picture tells a thousand words. Stop and talk with the cildren in the neighborhood. They seem to know more of what's going on than the adults, however do talk to them also.Put an ad in your local newspapers. Visit the dog shelters in your area and the bordering areas even a small dog can travel a great distance when lost. They keep dogs only three days - then some go up for adoption, while others are put to sleep. The shelters have a lost and found log of found dogs being in people's homes. Do not only call the dog shelter, but visit them every other day.Find a clear photo of your dog tape it to a piece of paper with a description of the dog list your phone number and a reward. Get about 100 copies run off at a printing store for a modest fee. Pass these out to everyone you see, especially the children of the neighborhood. Put them on store bulletin boards, and local laundramats. Don't forget the mailman, milkman, etc. Do this at different times of the day, people come and go at different times. Mail some flyers to the veterinary hospitals in area, too.Try to stay home during this time in order to be near the phone. Be sure to do it all within two weeks of losing the dog. Don't say the dog is stolen because it may offend some people. Check out all leads, but don't completely believe them. I can speak from experience, because my obedience Pom was lost. After going through the procedure that I've just shared with you, I had several reported sightings. I checked them out but found that the person who had my dog saved her from a big dog in front of the house next door and it took them four weeks and two days for some reason to find out where the dog lived and to catch me home. Do not give up and Good LuckMARILYN HAWLEY San Diego Pomeranian Club3HELP MAKE NOVEMBER A GALA HOLIDAY PUBLICATIONDid you ever wish you could say "Happy Holidays" to all the wonderful Pom people who subscribe to the ReviewAre you owned by a special 'little someone' who you know would like to be presented to everyone at this gala time of the yearWould you like to present your ad as a Christmas Wish or a special salutation to all your friends at a nominal cost and not have to go to all the time-consuming effort and expense of individual mailingALL THESE WISHES CAN NOW BE YOURSJust send in your ads to us - as early as possible - along with any special greeting, drawing or favorite verse. We will then endeavor to make your ad into a holiday greeting that you will be proud to send to everyone. Remember, we can combine art or drawings along with your favorite photograph to make your ad an interesting and pleasing one.THIS IS NOT MANDANTORY We will present your ad in any way that you would like. This is merely a suggestion to you to try and make our publications a little more interesting to you, the advertiser and subscriber.POMERANIAN REVIEW 29iiliiby ANN R. WINTER Rosskear Pomeranians, S. WalesI was intrigued by a brief article printed in the October Issue of your Pomeranian Review by Jean Schroll, regarding over- trimming of Poms. Her comments apparently apply not only to dogs being shown in the States, but are also based on her observations at Crufts this year.I met Ms. Schroll at Crufts and found her a most interesting person, but cannot help feeling that she is somewhat mistaken when she claims so vociferously that at Crufts "Every Pom there was trimmed all over making it difficult to tell what kind of coat they had". I accept that poetic license has prompted her to exaggerate to a degree but as one of the Pom exhibitors at the show I would like to assure our American friends that our dogs do NOT fall victim to over-enthusiastic scissor-happy ownersIt has been my privilege to make up several Champions in the UK, and to own the top winning Pomeranian Kennel for 1977-78. I handle all my own dogs, as do 90 of the British dog showing fraternity, and I also trim my own dogs for the show ring to the best of my ability. I am a Championship show judge of the Breed, and feel that I am in a position to make valid comment.I would dearly love to see a Pom which has, to use Ms. Scholl's own turn of phrase, "been trimmed from head to toe, every hair on its body having been cut off". The mind boggles Surely no-one in their right minds would trim any dog, least of all a Pom, to tnat extent. I know from experience that occasionally novice exhibitors who are inexperienced in the art of judiciously tidying-up the outline of their Poms, may get carried away and produce a rather severely barbered end product, but whereas I can't speak for Poms on your West Circuit, certainly few of the British Pomeranians receive more than the most minimal amount of hairdressing - and when they do it is in keeping with the allowances of our Breed Standard.Ms. Scholl quotes from the AKC Breed Standard and I would have thought that the paragraph regarding trimming was crystal clear. The beauty of the perfectPom which we all strive to breed is its overall balance, its daintiness, its neat ears which give it that unique expression, and above all the so-individual "orange like" overall appearance. When we show our dogs obviously we want them to look their very best, and anything which we can do to improve their appearance in accordance with the Standard must surely be welcomed. Speaking personally, all my dogs including the three Champions which Ms. Schroll enthused over at Crufts, receive the following "trimming" throughout their entire lives tidying up around the ear tips, and tidying up stray hairs beyond the general outline of the ruff trimming of excess hair around the anus for hygeine as well as aesthetics, around the feet and also up the hind legs as far as the hock so that unruly skirt hair does not unbalance the overall appearance. I don't honestly think that this system in any way contravenes either your or our Breed Standard.I don't know quite waht is meant when Ms. Schroll claims that "We severed our ties with England over 200 years ago . I am delighted to say that I regularly send Rosskear stock to various parts of the USA and am even more pleased when I hear of the results of stock bred from a careful blending of British and American lines in the USA show ring. Surely both nations can learn from the other, and mutual exchanges between fanciers with a common interest can only for the good.I would not venture to assess the relative merits of the British and the American Pomeranian, but would suggest that any American enthusiasts who were sufficiently interested should visit a UK Champioship show to see for themselves these "trimmed all over" spectacles in our Pom rings. Trim in accordance with the Breed Standard, is my motto, and make the best of your dog. Judging by some of the photographs in your Pom Review, perhaps a little expert trimming could do wonders for Poms across the AtlanticKeep up the Good Work with your excellent magazine. Must close now - I haven't scissored my Poms today30 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEE'S POMERANIANSwN.N'sOrbestK.COOUH'nSCOTTA979XIW\MPHOTOolsohCH.EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND"Tico" extends his appreciation to his handler Nadine Hersil for the TLC she is giving him, for helping him get a Group II at Scott County KC, Dewitt, Iowa under Judge Dorothy Welsh, and for all his other wins.CONGRATULATIONS TO MR. MRS. C.W. STEVENS .x UPON FINISHING CH. EMCEE'S TRULY SOLID GOLD in jxSH- 8 STRAIGHT SHOWS. He finished with 2 - 4 point majors T'-' and a group 2 placement.OUR CONGRATULATIONS TOMargaretand John McKee on their 2 new champions Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CD and Ch.Great Elms Idelwyld Jewel CD.Evelyn and Russell Churchill for owner-finishing their Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Tamboywith a 4 pt. major and a Group III.MORRIS AND BETTY CARSON 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, VA 23005POMERANIAN REVIEW 31THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF l GREATER HOUSTON figMlOLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Dr. Seabrook, TX 77586 713-334-2250Houston pomeranian people have been loing all the background work toward onduct of our August 10, 1979 Specialty how. Trophy and Advertising Chairmen Carolyn Crockett and Kathy Flanakin, espectively have done their work WELL - xophies are not only to be exceptional in ype and quality, but plentiful At last ally-up, Carolyn reports advertising com- ng in nicely. We expect a very fine entry For a very fine show this year - appeal for our specialty is supplemented by the practicality of having 4 shows in 4 days in one location. We are hearing rumors that this practice may gain increasing favor among area clubs due to fuel crises that have developed recently and are expected to be with us for a while. While you are possibly knowledgeable about this type plan, I will briefly explain. The idea for a co-show or mutual show or whatever it might be called is for several kennel clubs andor specialty clubs in one general area to pool efforts and resources to arrange to have their shows together when possible i.e. - a show Friday, Saturday and Sunday. My own personal recollection of this practice in the past is that A.K.C. did not always support such plans - possibly for good reasons, but I am not familiar with that. That is, however, hirtory. There are very good "mutterings" now about these mutual show events and clubs are trying hard to maintain the good image, properly conducted shows, adherence to all regulations, keeping in mind A.K.C.'s fine standards for all its licensed clubs. Things seem to be working well - and our last year's event received most glowing favorable reports from judges, exhibitors and other clubs. There are of course anomalies in any system,as indeed there may be to multi- show events however, happily Houston seemed to work out the minor difficulties with ease following the 1978 event, and everything is running amazingly well now. Our members are going into the hibernatorystate that hits us all in the summer time - many vacation, others just 'lazy' around in Texas sun, kids and teachers spend the entire summer desperately trying to recover from one another and in our area dog shows are at a standhill. The Poms mischievously go now into beautiful blooming coats, plotting for about August for devastating coat drop-outs so that they can all be buck-naked for the fall shows This is their bratty little way of letting us know who is bossYou are of course bored with people's personal experiences - but I've one item of recent Pom puppy raising that might be of interest. Exhilarated from having just bottle raised an adorable female puppy whose mother detested her following the Caesarian, I had a second chance quite unexpectedly and quite undesired to do it again with three little orphaned Pom babies whose mother died of surgical shock during her Caesarian. This one was really tough - due primarily to my full-time job as medical secretary to a doctor. This is a dreadful constraint to raising dogs Being away for each full day makes it difficult to provide feedings as often as they really require. The day of the babies' birth, and loss of the mother, I enlisted the aid of a little pom who had just 9 days before aborted one tiny dead puppy. She was scrubbed up and polished a little and instantly wrapped around these tiny babies, claimed them as her own, and performed all the motherly duties, bless her. We literally PRAYED for, and did rain dances for, her to develop MILK - bits of colostrum were still present at the time clear rather thick fluid in the breasts - puppies nursed a little with my help for the first day or two, but real nourishment was provided by me with the usual Nip Pet Nurser and Esbilac. Getting up through the night every 2 hours is tough at best - but when you must then get up early and bounce off to work all day, it is doubly difficult. Worthwhile, but still exhausting. For years I have read of mother creatures instantly developing milk when babies are presented to nurse - humans too, I am told. Stories are common of mothers who had not even recently given birth - suddenly having the milk spring forth as dictated by need. Sadly, this did not happen. I talked with my veterinarian after 3 days to see if any type Continued on page 3432 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIANS145, . M FBEST OF WINNERSTHE WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 12-13. 19791 ASH8ETCH. CAMELOTS TINY TOAmos is my first homebred Champion. He finished in just seven shows, handled all the way by his proud owner, Mrs. RobertEisner.THANKS TO ALLTHE FOLLOWING JUDGES FOR HISWINSMrs. John Marshall Jones from the puppy class, Philadelphia, WD 3 pts. Mr. Charles Kellogg, K.C. of Northern N.J., WD 3 pts.Mrs. Joan Alexander, Westminster K.C., WD 4 pts.Mrs. Geraldine Hess, Rockland County K.C., WD, BW, BB, 4 pts.Mr. Frank Landgraf, Saw Mill River K.C., WD, BW, BB 4 pts.Congratulations to his sire, Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney on yet another Ch. son.Amos is at home with this owner at 847 Navesink River Road, Locust, N.J. 07760 Pedigree can be'seen in Behind the New Champions.Watch for his litter sister Camelot's Wilful Li I' Lady, now being shown.GERTRUDE JACOBY Burlington, New Jersey 08016775 Columbus Road, 609 386-3503POMERANIAN REVIEW 33nett zjooobntsPOMERANIAN calendars, notepaper, greeting cards, and moreSend 50 cents and S.A.S.E. for illustrated brochure toBrettwood Arts P.O. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354POM CLUB GREATER HOUSTON...Continued from page 32hormonal medication might help - anything His answer was that he felt it impossible unless something like that was undertaken within 3 days following birth. Somehow to me this did not ring completely true. Any comments from anyone Just curious.Bottom line of the story is that these little angels are now 4 plus weeks old, doing beautifully, just beginning finally to eat from a dish, but battle is apparently won. Our little surrogate mother is still taking care of the little brats, loving them, warming them, snuggling them, NOT feeding them, teaching them the things mommies teach, guarding them, and constantly cleaning and licking little bottoms.Guess I can't complain too much. While i am bone weary from feeding puppies so often, warming bottles, mixing food, etc. etc. etc. - at least, thanks to her, I DON'T HAVE TO SPEND SO MUCH TIME LICKING LITTLE PUPPIES' BOTTOMS YUK--------------------Noshow news - no special member news this time - keep nice - smile a lot.KNOW your dog s ancestryYour dogs pedigree handsomely documented on deluxe parchment, typewritten, colors, birthdates, champions and titles in red.4 gen - S3.005 gen S5.006 gen 10.00Mailed rolled. Your satisfaction guaranteed.Send complete data from AKC registration certificate toGENERAL CANINE Box 453N, Phoenixville, Pa. 1946034 POMERANIAN REVIEWSUNRAY POMERANIAN KENNELS PAYS A BIG TRIBUTE TO A GREAT PRESIDENT,CH. SCOTIA PRESIDENT JIMand all his Children and Grandchildern owned by Joy and Art Davidson CH. SUNRAY'S GOLD GEMS PRESIDENT Thank you Claire Hendrix New Champ and Adrian AlfordCH. SUNRAY'S BULLET OF SUNRAY CH. SUNRAY'S HALOS LIL LORD CH. SUNRAY'S LIL BEAVER CH. SUNRAY'S LIL ROSETTE CH. SUNRAY'S BALLERINA CH. SUNRAY'S LANCER CH. SUNRAY'S CUPIE DOLL CH. SUNRAY'S LANCER'S LISA CH. SUNRAY'S KIMBIE OF LK MATHEWS and especially MAJOR DINKand many more Without you none of this would be possible.WE LOVE YOUConsistently Producing Show Quality and Line Bred - Occasionally PetsSUNRAY KENNELS 8122 Royal CirclePhone 1-714-443-9946 El Cajon, Calif. 92021POMERANIAN REVIEW 35ANOTHER HOME BRED CHAMPIONic\r1s.WINNERS BALTIMORE COUHTT KENHEL CLUBB'EBERT PHOTO\CH. DAWNS HUGGY BEAR O DARKNESSBaltimore County K.C. - 42279 - Judge, Iris Bueno THANK YOU GLORIA SETMEYERFor the lovely win finishing her with 4 majors. Huggy Bear is the half-sister to our Ch. Flemington Jack's Little Pepi and the niece of our black bitch, Ch. The Pines Shadow of Darkness. Huggy is also the dam of Gloria's Cinder - The Pines Witches Lace who has done us proud with her Breed wins and also her younger sister The Pines Breeders Folly who has started her show career this spring.W\NS'-Huggy'shalf-sister The Pines Waltzing Matilda owned by Maggie Worden took 2 majors and a breed win this past weekend at Wilmington and Penn Treaty and she's just 9 mos. oldLOIS L. KRAEMER Hengeli DriveBordentown N.J. 08505DIANE E. TAYLOR 609-298-728436 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNOUNCING YET ANOTHER CHAMPIONxjBEST OF WINNERSWINDHAM COUNTY KENNEL CLUBNAY 19TBASHBEYCH MORROCOS BENJISHOWN FINISHING WINDHAM CO. K.C. MAY 13, 1979 JUDGE- JOSEPH ROWE BREEDER CHARLES EDWARDSA special thanks to his breeder who had faith in us and in our little man Benji gave his heart at every show for his owner Diane and showed all the way to his back-to-back majors and the breed win that finished him.Thank you, the many judges who have seen the quality in our Poms.It's to you we owe our thanks for their winsPUPPIES BY BENJI DUELOIS L. KRAEMER 609-298-7284 DIANE E. TAYLORPOMERANIAN REVIEW 37ivBEST OF BREEDPENN TREATY KENHEL CLUB APRIL 1879ASHSETTHE PINES WALTZING MATILDAWE ALSO SELL OUR GOOD ONESOwner IZORA NORDEN Handler LESLIE WORDENI wish to take this time to thank the Pom breeders who let us aquire their good ones.Listed in order of finishing- CH. FLEMINGTON JACKS'S LITTLE PEPIKennel FLEMINGTON JACKS Breeder JACK PAHUTACH. BEV NOR'S UNTOLD GLORY CANDEEKennel BEV NORS Breeder Beverly NorrisCH. THE PINES SHADOW OF DARKNESSKennel DARKNESS Breeder MARY FINKCH. DAWN'S HUGGY BEAR O' DARKNESSKennel DARKNESS Breeder MARY FINK LOIS KRAEMERCH. MORROCO'S BENJIKennel MORROCO'S Breeder CHARLES EDWARDSAnother Pom that needed 1 pt. to finish when we aquired him and finished in our name.CH. SILVER MEADOWS DASH OF JILLKennel SILVER MEADOWS Breeder JACKIE KLEINLOIS L. KRAEMER Hengeli Drive 609-298-7284DIANE E. TAYLOR Bordentown, N.J.0850538 POMERANIAN REVIEW'Donny'VKVDanny4 1 99Ch. D-Nee's Daffy Don QuixoteCh. D-Nee's Darin' DinadanAND ALL THE REST OF MY MUTTSwish to thank all those who supported the 1979 APC Summer Specialty either with trophy donations, advertising, their magnificent presence or with just well-wishes The response was tremendous and I was overwhelmed with the support of the Pom people allover the country.THANK YOU AGAIN ONE AND ALLThree Cheers to Pat Lewis for accepting the challenge and most of all for over-coming that challenge.Congratulations to Lois Abjornson's CH. POM CHRIS'S TYNEE RED CHIP and Sally Baungiet's Group I with CH. POMIRISH BUBBLES' LI'L SQUIRT.NADINE HERSIL 3128 E. LuzerneProfessional Handler Cudahy, Wl 53110POMERANIAN REVIEW 39-------------------Behind The New Champions ---------------------------CH.MYWAY COUNTRY CANDY CANDY, a cream bitch, bred, owned and handled by Molly Miller, finished her championship with back-to-back majors at the large Galveston and Houston shows. Candy is now awaiting her first litter. She is a breeder's delight.' ACH. CAMELOT'S TINY TOOrange Sable Male Breeder Gertrude Jacoby Owner Mrs. Robert Fisner Burlington, N.J.Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Molly's San Dee Sue, C.D.Ch. Myway Memory MakerCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Celtan Mistletoe Magic Myway Bonner's Pixietopper O'Celtan Ch. Myway Country CandyCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Tono's at Midnight Adoralee's Brenda Myway Country GirlCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Myway Misty Dawn, C. D. Jeribeth's MoonbeamCH. MORROCO'S BENJI4 lb. MaleBreeder Charles J. Edwards Owner Diane E. Taylor Bordentown, N.J.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee o Edney Ch. Blair's Solitare Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Camelot's Tiny ToLittle Kissin Teddy Bear Edney's Midnight Spirit Fabulous Brandy Scorpio's Midnight Madness Peter's Tinker Toy Little Miss Muffin XX Majestic MistyCH. DAWN'S HUGGY BEAR O DARKNESS354 Lb. Orange Sable Female Breeder Mary Fink and Lois Kraemer Owner Lois L. Kraemer Bordentown, N.J.Ch. Tomahawk's Comanche JoJay'sSunny Apollo Blair's Sweet Cindy Ch. JoJay.s Little Sir Valintine Bauman's Black Prince JoJay's Ebony Nix Peter's B-B Black Ch. Morroco's BenjiCh. Thelcolynn's Showstopper Blair'sSun DancerBlair's Adorable Bit O' Gold Lyndicoo's Sun DollyLittle Rascal's Kidder Blaze Jolly Dolly of Lyndicoo Kris K's Susie LouCH. GOLDEN GLOW PRINCE Owner Mrs. Jessie StephensCh. Trademark of Nanjo Am. Si Can. Ch. Stylemaker of Nanjo Nanjo Jubilant Jack's Red Gypsy Timmy Darke's Little Gem Ruhls' AbbyWondering MissyCh. Dawn's Huggy Bear O Darkness May Morning Wizard Blue Brian O'Bairn'May Morning Midnight Folly Lady's Darkness at Dawn Elfin Toy Tiger Lady MadonaElfin My TreasureGolden Glow West's Best Host Golden Glow Jon Jon Ballerinas Pricilla Golden Glow TigreGolden Glow West's Best Host Golden Glow Patti Cake Ponderosa Miss Patticake Ch. Golden Glow PrinceCh. Sacramentos I nnkeeper Golden Glows West's Best Host Golden Glow Honey West Barts Norwegian Princess Golden Glow Jon Jon Golden Glow Darlene Fa-Robs Darla40 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SCOTIA FOXXY'S GOLDEN NUGGETOwner - Handler Edna E. GirardotFloral City, FLCH. RUSSELL'S FOX FLAME FOXEEOwner - HAndler Edna E. GirardotFloral City, FLCh. Sungold's Gay CavalierCh. Scotia Cav's SpectacularCh. Sunset's Personal ConquestCh. Scotia Specky Happy G's ReturnCh. Hadleigh Little RobinCh. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy Girl Scotia Cavalier's Big MammaCh. Scotia Lucky Nadine ReturnsCh. Lund's Just Dandy of HadleighCh. Scotia W Girl Joe DandyCh. Scotia Cavalier's Wonder GirlScotia JD's Wonder Girl NadineCh. Hadleigh Little RobinCh. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy Girl Scotia Cavalier's Big MammaCh. Aristic Wee Won's SuncherubCh. Pearl's FriskyCh. Aristic DesireRussell's Fox Flame MuffRussell's Fox Flame Gay Pepper Russell's Fox Flame Fanci 11Russell's Fox Flame FanciCh. Russell's Fox Flame FoxeeCh. Aristic Gay PerfectionRussell's Fox Flame Gay PepperVera's AngeliqueRussell's Fox Flame Ce CeCh. Pearl's FriskyRussell's Fox Flame FanciVera's Blonde BombshellCH. SCOTIA LUCKY NADINE RETURNS Owner -Handler- Edna E. GirardotFloral City, FLCAN. CH. GOLDEN GLOW TUCKOwner Mrs. Jessie StephensCh. Pearl's FriskyRussell's Fox Flame MuffRussell's Fox Flame Fanci IICh. Russell's Fox Flame Foxy FaganRussell's Fox Flame Gay Pepper Russell's Fox Flame Ce CeRussell's Fox Flame FanciCh. Scotia Foxxy's Golden NuggetInt. Ch. Rhapsody of HadleighCh. Hadleigh Little RobinHadleigh Golden TrixieCh. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy GirlCh. Sungold's Gay CavalierScotia Cavalier's Big MammaSealand's Little SandraGolden Glow West's Best Host Golden Glow Jon JonBallerinas PricillaGolden Glow TigreGolden Glow West's Best Host Golden Glow Patti CakePonderosa Miss PatticakeCAN. CH. GOLDEN GLOW TUCKCh. Sacramentos InnKeeperGolden Glow West's Best HostGolden Glow Honey WestBarts Norwegian PrincessGolden Glow Jon JonGolden Glow DarleneFa-Robs DarlaCH. BEV-NOR'S SADIE RAY'Red Sable FemaleBreeder Beverly NorrisOwner Beverly NorrisPasadena, MDCH. BEV-NOR'S TAR-ZANRed Sable MaleBreeder Beverly NorrisOwner Mr. Michael WolfOxford, PARandy's Dandy Wee TuffyCh. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiMac's Fancyduke Wee WendyBev-Nor's Peppi Mint TwistMay Morning Little Red Rascal Thelduns Billy's Lil Paty CakeMeyers Princess Pat IICH. BEV-NOR'S SADIE RAYCh. Great Elm'sTimstopper's ImageCh. Lennis'sTAR-BABY of Great Elm's Great Elm's AngelCh. Tom-Cin's TAR-ZANNA of LennisLennis's Cavalier TiggerLennis's Little LovePepper Pods Baby LoveRandy's Dandy Wee TuffyCh. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiMac's Fancyduke Wee WendyBev-Nor's Peppi Mint TwistMay Morning Little Red Rascal Theldun's Billy's Lil Paty CakeMeyers Princess Pat 11CH. BEV-NOR'S TAR-ZANCh. Great Elm's Timstopper's ImageCh. Lennis'sTAR-BABY of Great Elm's . Great Elm's AngelCh. Tom-Cin's TAR-ZANNA of LennisLennis's Cavalier TiggerKebbus's Little LovePepper Pods Baby LivePOMERANIAN REVIEW 41JULIES POMSOFFERS AT STUD CH. JULIE'S CH. MODEL'S STAR VEGA PUPPIES OCCASSIONALL YCUSTOM ARTWORK - ALL BREEDSCongratulations to Margaret McKee on finshing JULIE and GEM to their conformation Championship Both already hold the title of C.D.SINCERE CONDOLENCES to Bob Goodrich on the loss of his beloved little DINKYJULIE BRUMBACK 1187 NELSON DRIVE HARRISONBURG, VA 22801 PHONE 703434-1804IF YOU PARTICIPATE WITH A HOLIDAY AD IN NOVEMBER REMEMBERIf you want us to do art work on your ad it must be sent in at least 2 weeks prior to the deadline date of September 15...this means your ad.will be due in to the Editor on Sept. 1 or sooner. There can be no exceptions to this date as there will just be no-time to ready your ad for publication.Ch. Idelwyld Gemstone, C.D.Orange Sable MaleBreederowners Margaret R. John R. McKee Richmond, VACh. Blair's Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great ElmsTimstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Ch. Idelwyld Gemstone, C.D.Wee Danny StarAm. Can. Ch. Wilma's Golden Party Boy Wee Red Lady Star Golden Tiara Dambeastie, C.D.Windfalla of Highland Pixie's Hello Dolly Ga lavish's FrancieCh. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel, C.D.Orange Sable Female Breeder Ruth L. Beam Owner Margaret R. John R. McKee Richmond, VACh. Mac's Fancyduke Look I'm a Dandy Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy McDougall's Gay Samantha Tuffy's Wee SnookyAce Hi's Stylesong Toy Skipper Ace Hi's Sugar's Wee Samantha Ace Hi's SugarCh. Great Elms idlewyld Jewel, C.D.Ch. Great ElmsTimstopper Again Ch. Great ElmsTimstopper's I mage Great Elms Linda Canupp's Red GingerSwain's Tar Heel Tedy Jr.Princess Lew of Chatmoss Cinderella Lew42 POMERANIAN REVIEWCALL US CHAmPIOflSire Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Dam Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Breeder Opal MosherBEAR ALREADY HAS 7 BOB PLUS 3 GROUP PLACEMENTSCH. TOMANOLLS TINY TEDDY BEAROUR KENNEL IS COMPOSED OF A BLEND OF ARISTIC AND QUEENAIRE LINES.A FEW PUPPIES AVAILABLE.Sire Ch. Holder's A Li'l Red Flash Dam Bradley's Spicy Ginger Snap Breeder Shirley BradleyPANDORA FINISHED WITH ONE 5 PT. and TWO 4 PT. MAJORSCH. BRADLEYS PANDORA SURPRISE Pending AKC Confirmationv'BRADLEY'S POMERANIANSSHIRLEY CATHERINE BRADLEY 16111 78th Ave. E.Phone. 206848-4813 Puyallup, Washington 98371POMERANIAN REVIEW 43MARGARET R. McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225SETTING READY TO GO TO THE SHOWSWell, the die is cast. Youve mailed off our entry form and fee. Now you have 24 to three weeks until the show or obedience trial. If youre a novice, oerhaps you dont know how to get ready to go. Or maybe youve been showing for awhile but still manage to arrive at ringside, late and flustered. Perhaps the following hints will give you some ideas on making your own schedule, one that will get you there on time and help you enjoy the shows.As soon as youve mailed entriesBegin contacting friends to try to get up a car pool. If several of you can travel together, you can save money on gas, tolls, and motel rooms. With the energy situation the way it is , car pooling or motor home pooling is a necessity for all of us.Arrange for baby sitters for kids and dogs. Inform spouse of plans.Check your wardrobe for appropriate clothes, shoes, foul weather gear.Make motel reservations.Plan route to take. Estimate times, distances, cost of gas and tolls. Remember you wont be able to do 55 MPH the whole way.Get any maps you may need. A good travel atlas is essential to proper planning. The Rand McNally Travel Atlas has a map in the front which shows not only the distances between major cities, but approximate travel times. Ive found these times both accurate and very helpful.If the dog really needs a bath, I like to get the bath in 2 or 3 weeks before the show to allow time for the oil to build up again in the coat. However, there are some coats that seem to do better ifbathed a day or two before. Experiment on this before you enter.When the judging program arrivesNow you can fill in the details on your schedule. First estimate your showing time. In conformation, AKC figures a pace of 25 dogs per hour. In obedience, the rate is 8 dogshour in Novice, 7 dogshr. in Open, and 6 dogshr. in Utility. However, Ive found most obedience judges to be a little faster than this. Of course, absentees speed things up even more, and it is very hard to predict how many absentees there will be. In any case, its better to be there too early than too late If you arrive after your class is completed, you cannot be judged. Now count back from your showing time the amount of time youll need to groom, in order to find the time you should arrive at the show grounds. I allow a minimum of one hour per dog. Add extra time if youre not familiar with the show site, if weather is likely to be bad, if its a very large show where unloading facilities may be crowded. If youre showing only in obedience, you wont be doing as much grooming, but you will want to exercise your dog thoroughly, let him get used to the show sights and sounds, and locate your ring.Now count back your estimated traveling time. Be sure to allow time for rest stops for any trip of 2 hours or more. Also it is a good idea to allow time for getting lost or for a flat tire. Knowing what time you must leave, you can decide whether to leave in the early morning or go the night before. If leaving in the a.m., Ive found I must get up two hours before Im due to leave. Youre probably more efficient and can get ready faster. Experiment to see how long it takes you. My two hours include44 POMERANIAN REVIEWbreakfast, packing cooler, getting dressed, and putting crates in car.You now have a schedule which shows for each show dateTime to get up, time to leave, time of arrival at show site, judging time, time to leave show and ETA at home. Notify babysitters and traveling companions of any change in plans based on this schedule.Make lists of everything youll need to take with you. Check to see that you have everything and that it is in good repair. The following list, for a trip of several days and showing in conformation, can be a starting point for making your own lists.Schedule, maps, entrypasses and judging programs, moter reservations, CB, camera, a large flashlight, money-in addition to credit cards, youll need cash for tolls, tips, catalogues, meals, and emergencies, crate for each dog, well labeled, X-pen, newspapers, grooming table, folding chair, tack bag or box, containingLeads and collars, scissors, thinning shears, brushes, comb, powder, spray bottles, cotton swabs, dry or waterless shampoo, tissues, wash rag, bait, diarrhea medicine, eye ointment, small first aid kit, antibiotic ointment, liquid acetominophen, water, dog food, dishes for food and water. Small plastic margarine cups are handy. Small bottle of sugar water in case of stress, lots of terry towels, suitcase-your clothes. One complete outfit for each show. Knit separates are practical. Low-heeled non-skid shoes. Try to figure the vagaries of the weather and be prepared. Make-up kit--includes cosmetics, soap, deodorant, toothbrush and paste, hairspray, brush and comb, electric curlers or curling iron, razor, shampoo, conditioner, aspirin, hay fever pills, sun tan lotion or sunscreen, nauseadiarrhea medicine, mirror, alarm clock, shower cap, cologne, hand lotion, bath powder. I keep mine packed all the time, with junior or sample sizes, ready to go. Thermos of coffee, cooler, containing ice, canned soft drinks, fruit, sandwiches, cheese or other sandwich fillings, candy bars, food box-1 like to spend what little money I have on entry fees and grooming supplies. Food atdog shows is scandalously expensive unpalatable, and hard on the digestive system. Fast food restaurants are onl slightly better. Flence, I carry my owr food.Loaf of bread, crackers, Breakfasl Squares, Breakfast Bars, instant coffee, cup of soup, instant oatmeal, noodles prepackaged in foam cup, small electric coffee pot for heating water, plastic spoons, forks, knife, can opener, styrofoam cups, cookies.In the car, I keep a basket containing paper towels, spray cleaner, disinfectant spray, first aid kit, and moist towelettes, fire extinguisher, flares, blanket and pillow, foul weather gear- plastic jacket with hood, plastic trousers these come packed together in a plastic envelope for about 3.00, boots, extra first aid kit.Five or six days before showTrim toenails.Trim ears and feet. This is best done when youre not nervous. You can touch the trimming up the night before the show and still avoid that raw, just done look.Brush dog out thoroughly. Look for any skin lesions, any mats, any evidence of fleas. Treat these now. It is assumed that you have been training and conditioning your dog for months before you even considered entering him.Four days before the showClean teeth and ears.Treat eyestain. This tip is from a vet via Morris Carson. Mix 4 tsp. flour with tsp. of ^hydrogen peroxide. Work into eyestain gently. Allow to dry. Brush out with a soft toothbrush.Two days before showWrite itinerary with as many addresses and phone numbers as possible, to leave with babysitter, dogsitter, or spouse. Wouldnt it be nice if judging programs included a phone number for show sites to be used for emergenciesBegin packing.Give dog a half bath. Bathe belly, penis, and skirts. Empty anal glands.Continued on page 60POMERANIAN REVIEW 45TWO NEW CHAMPIONS AT IDLEWYLDti.CH. GREAT ELMS IDLEWYLD JEWEL, CDTuffy's Wee Snooky ex Canupp's Red GingerJulie is a flashy 3 lb. orange sable, with lots of vitality and showmanship. Thanks, Ruth Beam, for this dynamite little girl. Her second litter is planned for this summer.High points of her career12879 - Charlottesville-Albemarle KC, WB 4pts., BW, BOB over specials under judge E.W. Tipton, Jr. and Group IV under judge Merrill Cohen.4779 - Virginia KC - W8 3 pts., BOS under judge Robert C. Graham pictured4879 - Langley KC - WB, BW, BOS 4 pts. judge Merrill CohenKS1CH. IDLEWYLD GEMSTONE, CDMay Morning Social Lion ex Golden Tiara Dambeastie, CDGem. our first homebred, is a very sound 41i lb. orange sable male He is at stud to approved bitches21179 - American Pomeranian Club Specialty - First, Bred-By-Exhibitor Class, judge Forrest W. McCoy.21779 - Piedmont KC - WD 3 pts., BW under judge James A. Nickerson, Jean Lade handling. 32579 - Fayetteville KC - WD 3 pts., BW, judge Mrs. Thomas Gately shown above4879 - Langley KC - WD 4 pts. judge Merrill CohenIDLEWYLD POMERANIANSMARGARET R. and JOHN R. McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road804272-9318 Richmond, VA 2322546 POMERANIAN REVIEWWHAT A FINISH1Langley Kennel Club, Sunday, April 8, 1979 Judge, Merrill Cohen left Julie-WB, BOW and BOS right Gem - WDBoth were owner-handled at this show.WE WARMLY THANK JEAN LADE, PHA, WHO HANDLED THEM WITH LOVE AND SKILL WHEN I COULDN'T GET TO THE SHOWS. THANKS, JEANWE POINT WITH PRIDE TO THE FACT THAT BOTH DOGS COMPLETED THEIR OBEDIENCE TITLES BEFORE THEIR BENCH CHAMPIONSHIPS. WE FEEL THEIR OBEDIENCE TRAINING ENHANCED THEIR PERFORMANCE IN THE CONFORMATION RING. BOTH DOGS FINISHED WITH THREE MAJORS EACH. YOU CAN GET BEAUTY AND BRAINS IN ONE WELL-BALANCED PACKAGESEE PEDIGREES IN "BEHIND NEW CHAMPIONS".CONGRATULATIONS TO JEAN AND SONNY JENKINS ON FINISHING "MANNY" AND TO SUE AND ZANNA GODDARD FOR FINISHING POLLY".LOVE AND CONDOLENCES TO BOB GOODRICH ON THE DEATH OF HIS BEAUTIFUL LITTLE "DINKY".WE SALUTE MAY MORNING SOCIAL LION. THELMA DUNN'S "TIMMY" IS THE SIRE OF MANY CHAMPIONS, INCLUDING OUR CH. TRINKET AND CH. GEM. HE IS ALSO THE SIRE OF OUR PRODUCTIVE BROOD "CHATTER" MAY MORNING SMALL TALK.IDLEWYLD POMERANIANSMARGARET R. and JOHN R. McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road804272-9318 Richmond, VA 23225POMERANIAN REVIEW 47GAYLE S SUN POMERANIANSProudly Announces Our NEW CHAMPIONoPsrlr, j ACH. QUEENAIRE TRIPLE SCOTCHCh. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch 'N Soda Creider's Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire Double ScotchCh. Queenaire Scotch 'N Soda Creider's Sip 0. Sherry Creider's Scarlet O'Hara Ch. Queenaire Triple Scotch Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch 'N Soda Creider's Diane of Queenaire Creider's BrendaCreider's Sable Dandy Creider's BallerinaCreider'sStarette FinaleMany thanks to Dudley Wanda Roach for giving us this fantastic little 3 lb. male - we really love him.And our deep appreciation to all the judgesWe also wish to thank Al Marianne Alford for the expert handling and Loving Care they give "Scotty".DON GAIL BOADWAY 376 East Ave. 'L'Phone 714795-4409 Calimesa, Calif. 9232048 POMERANIAN REVIEW^s^lnclreivd f-^omeraniandCH. ANDREWS IM UMBOS ME TOOx.FINISHED WITH A FLAIRBREEDER-OWNER HANDLED - WHIDBEY ISLAND KENNEL CLUB JUDGE-ALFRED TREENBOB OVER TWO LOVELY CHAMPIONS AND ON TO A GROUP FOUROur little "Too Too" was a joy to show. She finished with either WB or RWB and only one third place in her rise to fame. She was BEST PUPPY at the COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY in1977 under Judge Darrell Baker.Thanks again go to EDNA GIRARDOT, for she shared two sons and a daughter all champions of that great CAVILIER with us. Cav is this little bitches' Great Grandfather three times and Great Grandfather once - THANK YOU EDNA Line breeding IS THE WAY TO GO, WHEN YOU HAVE GOOD STOCK TO LINE BREED FROM. WE DID AND WE DO."TOO TOO IS OUR PROOF OF THAT PUDDING".CLYDE AND PHYLLIS ANDREWS7915 224th St. Tel Area 206Woodinville, WA 98072 486-7301POMERANIAN REVIEW 49PACIFIC NORTHWEST^-------NEWSAND VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 19101 -67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290Nothing is as much fun as getting the Review and flipping the pages and seeing your ad and your picture and your pom in black and white for all the world to see and admire, unless it is going back through and reading about all your friends and what they have been doing. To see who has been winning and where. The new Review was a pleasure to me as the old one was. Even the fact that Mary Rosenbaum was given credit for The Northwest News and Views, and I was credited with the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Report, did not diminish my admiration for the Northwest woodsy caption to the column.To Sophie Mayes I say welcome as President. Thank you again for all the help you gave me while I learned to type and to put together a proper column for you to read. Sophie and the Review meant American Pomerian Club to me.The Northwest has some bragging to do. Two lovely ladies completed the A. K. C. requirements for their championships recently. Bradleys Pandora Surprise, finished at the Intermountain Kennel Club Show, May, 20th 1 979, in Salt Lake City Utah, under Judge Dorothy Carson. Pandy is a deep red true sable, with black tips on every hair, very sound moving. Bred by her owner, Shirley Bradley and shown by Shirleys Daughter Catherine Bradley. The Bradleys recently moved to a new larger home on a few acres in Puyallup. They formerly lived in Tacoma.Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too, also bred by owners Phyllis and Clyde Andrews finished at the Whidby Island Kennel Club Show, May 5, 1979, under Judge Alfred E. Treen. Judge Treen named Too Too his Best of Breed and she later placed Fourth in The Toy Group. Too Too is deep orange, self colored, sound and typy.Both Pandy and Too Too are the results of years of planning and carefulbreeding. The owners concientiously picking just the lines to start with that came closest to the ideal pom as they saw it. Then as they progressed, going out to bring in new qualities or improve the existing ones. They chose different lines, but they had the same goals, to breed and show pomeranians that reflect the standard.Some very sad news must also be reported. You all remember the Higbee bunch who have done so well in the obedience ring, and who also own and love Ch. Jambos Ringo Kid of Andrews. The bunch is smaller now. Robbie, aged sixteen was drowned in an acident in a lake near their home last Tuesday. Their loss is our loss. Robby is best remembered with his Vickie, cheerfully going through their paces, and for his cheerful acceptance of life. We will all miss him. To Nora and Ray, who opened their home to four foster children when their own family was grown, and to Bobby, Collette, and Lisa, Robbys brother and sisters, we offer our prayers and love.The Columbia Pomeranian Club is planning a B match for July. Rita La Verne, well known to many older Pom Lovers, has agreed to judge. I hope we can go down for the match, even though I may not have anything to show. It is always a pleasure to see Rita and especially to see her back in the ring in any capacity. Her background in handling, grooming and breeding Poms qualifies her as a judge. Good luck to all exhibitors and spectatorsB SUPPORT YOUR BREED SUPPORT YOUR CLUB SUPPORT YOUR ANNUAL SPECIALTY SHOW mil50 POMERANIAN REVIEWWINNERS DOGWHIDBY ISLAND KENNEL CLUB SHOW MAY 5,1979QUE SERA SPIRIT OF LA RITASire La Rita's Takesonetoknowone Dam La Rita's Top Doll By KashJudge Alfred E. TreenOUR LIL GUY DID US PROUD AT JUST ONE YEAR OLD. HESHARESTHE GLORYWITH HIS HALF SISTER QUE SERA SASSY LASS OF LA RITA formerly shown as QUE SERA DELILAH OF LA RITA. SHE WAS WINNERS BITCH AND BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX AT VANCOUVER JUNE 3, 1979, JUDGE, LESLIE ROGERS.BOTH JOIN THE REST OF US AT QUE SERA IN SENDING CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ANDREWS AND I'M JIMBO'S ME TOO AND THE BRADLEY'S AND BRADLEY'S PANDORA SURPRISE, AND TOMANOLL'S TINY TEDDY BEAR FOR COMPLETING THEIR CHAMPIONSHIP REQUIREMENTS. ALSO TO BERNARD AND VIRGINIA NIEHOUSE FOR THE WINS OF THEIR NEW PUPPY ANDREWS LASS BY LADDIE. "CANDY" WAS WB AND BEST OPPOSITE SEX FROM THE 9-12 MO. PUPPY CLASS AT TACOMA SUNDAY, JUNE 10, 1979 UNDER JUDGE BETTIE KRAUSE.TWO NEW LITTERS AT OUR HOUSE Andrews Mr. Continental ex Am. Can. Ch. Scotia Dolly's Dandy Sybil One girl not for saleCh. Golden Glow Nip ex Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow Three Girls - one may be for salePHIL ERIN HUNDLEY19101 67tfi SE 206-568-2281QUE SERA KENNEL Snohomish WA 98290POMERANIAN REVIEW 51rommsHNORWICH TERRIERS POMERANIANS IRISH SETTERSAnother Group Win For Squirt59-\photoOLSONnv GROUPCH. POMIRISH BUBBLE'S LI'L SQUIRTPOMIRISH GLORY'S HALLELUEJA DWh. 9-22-78, Sired by SQUIRT'S SIRE, is for sale.5 lb. huge coated orange Duke - Great ElmsWe may have a couple of male pups available - We will be keeping some Whelped in April and May.IN MEMORIAMCH. POMIRISH WINNIE'S TUF TIGGER 5-21-76, 5-28-79DICK SALLY BAUGNIET Rt. 1, Box 99PH. 414-755-2994 Mishicot, Wl 5422852 POMERANIAN REVIEWrommsn MmhkzxsNORWICH TERRIERS POMERANIANS IRISH SETTERS3 NEW CHAMPIONSCHAMPION No. 17'i 4 m CH. POMIRISH LI'L GUYfinished with back-to-back 4 pt. majorsCHAMPION No. 19yivCHAMPION No. 187S.J\_ya.-7XvViCH. POMIRISH IMA SPIT'N IMAGB finished with a 5 pt. major over A bitches at the A.P.C. Summer Georg Specialty and 2 - 4 pt. majorsCH. POMIRISH CHERRY FILLEDB finished with 4 majors. Shown by her co-owner Joanne DinsmoreDICK SALLY BAUGNIET Ph. 414-755-2944Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wl 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW 53REPORTSUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Hwy. Bristol, VA 24201J ^ I am writing this on my way back from a very warm weekend of shows, and am in favor of air conditioned buildings-the energy shortage or not It is a lot to expect the coated breeds to show in temperatures of 85 degrees with 90 humidity.Edna Girardot has been keeping the roads hot with her travels. She never fails to amaze me and I do have enormous respect for her. Edna hit Kansas like the tornadoes for which they are famous, finishing two more Champions in May shows. They are Scotia Fowys Golden Nugget and Russels Fox Flame Foxee. Just prior to that she had finished Scotia Lucky Nadine Returns, Edna tells an interesting story about this girl. She had sold her as a puppy and for some reason the lady who bought her found she could not keep her and offered her back to Edna. She said, You may not want her, because a mutt bred her last season and she had seven puppies, so I guess she can never have purebred puppies. Edna is looking forward to breeding her.Margaret McKee is justifiably proud of her two new Champions, Idlewyld Gemstone CD and Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CD. They finished the same day and both have obedience degrees as well An obedience trained Pom is a joy to show in conformation, responding to heel" and stay. I have a couple that Id love to know those commands- however they would most likely be obedience school rejects. Margaret had two loveiy girl type puppies with her this weekend sired by Julie Brumbacks Ch. Star Vega. We will be seeing them in the ring in a couple of months.Another recent champion is Miss Kitty, the darling little black female who was Winners Bitch in our Feb. 1978 Specialty. Congratulations to owner- breeders, Bee Bassler, and Virginia Davis.Last, but not least, we now have our first champion bitch with Wee Love Polly. Although we have bred a number of champion bitches, I have never finishedor owned one myself, most being pointed, then bred and never returned for finishing points.We rebels welcome former Yankees, Ken and Eleanor Miller to the south Florida.Word is they hope they never see snow again The Coys, who have been Florida residents several years now are building a home in the same area, so they will enjoy each others company. It is a beautiful area near Lakeland about 40 miles East of Tampa with most of the lots being over an acre hard to find in Florida.Jodi Hudspeths Ch. Dazzle has added more BISs to his record, and now Randy Freehs Ch. Hot Shot has taken a BIS at Winston-Salem N. C.We are hearing what seems to be an unusually large number of complaints regarding breeding and selling practices. Most of us realize that breeding Poms can never be a truly profitable venture and so it has been a hobby for most of us, into which we pour out far more than we recover, hopefully subsidizing our habit in some other way, grooming etc. to make ends meet. Let us hope that the drive to make money on Poms, doesnt cause us to lose sight of fair and honest practices. After ail, we have only our good reputation on which to stand or fall.Again, no one sends me news, last time this happened I wrote about our the cat has three kittens. Unless you want to hear more about the kittens, SEND ME YOUR NEWSIT GOES TO SHOW IT'S NOT SIZE THAT COUNTS... IT'S QUALITY54 POMERANIAN REVIEWYES Wee Do - - - Love POLLYft.Xl4BEST OF BREEDSKYLINEkennel clubJUNE I8f9ASHBET5Pictured going Best of Breed over Specials Handled by daughter Zanna to finish with a BANGTHIS SHOULD BE OUR YEAR FOR THE ERA AS WE HAVE SEVERAL GIRL DOGS POINTEDAND WAITING THEIR CHANCETHIS SHOULD BE OUR YEAR FOR THE ERA AS WE HAVE SEVERAL GIRL DOGS POINTEDAND WAITING THEIR CHANCEWATCH FOR Tim Sue's Beauty Mark 7 points from the puppy classDavonshire Tim Sue Bit 0 Love pointed from Davonshire Kennels, thanks to Norman JeromeTim Sue's Galesea Lil Red Rose with thanks to Eileen Waegelein Tim Sue's Minnie MousePLUS ONE BOY Tim Sue's King of the RoadTIM SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Hwy.703466-2937 Bristol, VA 24201POMERANIAN REVIEW 55HOW TO BREED FOR BLACK AND TANby MARGE GORMANThere has been a great deal of interest in the black and tan color in the Pomeranian. Along with interest there has been misinformation about how to go about breeding for this distinctive pattern. While I do not consider myself an expert on the black and tan color, I can give you some basic information that I have obtained working on rare color breeding. Our first black and tan was a complete surprise the second one was a mystery, and by the time the third one arrived, we had started to unravel the mystery of the black and tan gene. It has been our experience that black and tan is a recessive color gene. If a dog carries only one of these genes, he will be a color other than black and tan, but he can pass the gene on tosome of his offspring...but not all of his offspring. In our case the gene was hidden for years until it came out was paired with' another black and tan in close family breedings, father to daughter and half-brother to half-sister. When we found out which of the individuals carried the gene, then we could plan breedings to encourage it to show up again. What are the chances of black and tan showing up where neither of the parents are black and tan. but both carry the hidden recessive A red-sable bitch who had previously produced black and tan was bred to her half brother who is black. They had fourpuppies, one clear red, two blacks and one black and tan. In this case the books were right. There was a 25 chance of black and tan showing up, and it did. With our small litters it may be necessary to try a breeding more than once to see if the black and tan gene is there. If one of the parents is black and tan and the other carries the hidden recessive, 50 of the litter should be black and tan. In a recent breeding of this combination, two out of five puppies were black and tan. If you breed two black and tan Poms together, the entire litter should be black and tan. If one of the parents is black and tan, no matter what the color of the puppy it will carry the black and tan gene as a hidden recessive and produce the color if bred correctly.Rumors we have heard Two sables will give you black and tan, if each one carries the hidden recessive, but not all sables produce the color. It is all in the genes.Black and tans are all the same shade. The black and tans may vary in intensity and depth of color just as two black dogs in the ring may not be exactly the same shade of black. We have seen the tan points on black and tan vary from pale gold to rust.There is no secret in colorbreeding. It is time consuming but can be a rewarding challenge. Good LuckV ---------------------------XV vv--------------------------------------------------------------------------stw sATTENTION CANADIAN MEMBERS - ADVERTISERS - SUBSCRIBERSYOU MUST SEND US EITHER A CHECK DRAWN ON A U.S. BANK ACCOUNT, AN INTERNATIONAL BANK DRAFT OR A POSTAL MONEY ORDER PAYABLE IN U.S.FUNDS ONLY.IT IS NOT SUFFICIENT TO WRITE "U.S. FUNDS" ON YOUR CHECKS, AS THIS SIMPLY DOESN'T MEAN A THING TO THE NEW YORK BANK WHERE IT GOESFOR EXCHANGE.56 POMERANIAN REVIEWSILVER MEADOWSA sincere Thank You to Dorothy Bonner for sharing Ch. Bonners Lisaster Legacy with us for the past year. Webster defines "Legacy Anything handed down from, or as from, an ancestor, a bequest." This very special pom is living up to his name, with a legacy to Silver Meadows of several very special-looking youngsters.WE OFFER AT STUDCh. Silver Meadows Tiger 5 lb. brilliant orangeCh. Silver Meadows Lil Chief 4 lb. bright orangeCh. Silver MeadowsFrostee Cub 4 lb. creamSilver Meadows Starmister 4 lb. dark sable pointed Silver Meadows Lil Red Echo 4 lb. deep solid red pointedALL FEES 100RON JACKIE KLEIN West Lake Rd.716-237-5473 Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550BONTON POMSFormerly Penny Lite PomsTHANKS SUE GODDARDFORCHAMPION TIM SUEPOINCIANA STARBONNIE ANDERSON R.D. 7, Box 143Latrobe, Penn. 15650OFFERING FOR SALE 5 MONTH OLD SHOW PROSPECT MALEORANGESTANSOE'S CONCERTO BY CZARCh. Czar Nikolas Tribble Stansoe i ex litter mate of Ch. Myway Country Candy pg. 31 May7 times Corns's Duke Dragonfly iSTANSOE KENNEL Nora E. Stanleyx 8401 VannaBiloxi, MS 39532.xXPOMERANIAN REVIEWX57SUNGOLD POMS\.-_ S.f'm"9 wm mAM. INI. WORLD CH. SUNRAY'S LIL BEAVERShown winning BOB under renowned breeder-judge Mr. Darrell Baker at the Mesilla Valley KC shows 5-15-79.Beaver placed in the Group each day on the Tumbleweed Circuit, won Group 11 under Judge Mrs. Dorothy Carson at Alamagordo, N.M.OWNERS HANDLER-AGENTTED KIM DICKINSON BEVERLY GRIFFITHSBox 517Bonita, Calif. 92002 Ph. 714 463-900658 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEAVER4PROUDLY CONGRATULATES HIS 'KIDS'WHO ARE NOW WINNING IN THE RINGAND THE PEOPLE THEY OWNCH. McPHIES MINUET OF SUNRAY............................................................. Jack and Fran McPhieJERIBETHS IDOL BEAVER BEAU..............................................................Olga and Darrell BakerJERIBETHS IDOL BEAVER BINT............................................................... Olga and Darrell BakerCRYSTAL OF POINT LOMA......................................................................................Pauline HughesKUKLA'S DIAMOND OH-SO....................................................................................Dora HendersonI DORA'S DIAMOND FINCH OF VELMAR..........................................................Marcia BuckendorfBOS Pom Specialty - Puppy Sweepstakes - New YorkSUNGOLDS SHADY LADY.....................................................................................Beverly GriffithsSUNRAYS ON TARGET...............................................................................Irene and Sue SwiggertMILLBROOK'S MELITA OF PT. LOMA....................................................................... Barbara PaineWinner Northern California Puppy SweepstakesMILLBROOK'S LOLA GRACE...................GOLDSUN'S DELIGHT OF BEAVER BEAVER'S INSTANT REPLAYSUNRAY'S FIRE CHIEF..............................SUNRAY'S LIL'CHARMER...............................................Barbara PaineDan and Margaret Ontiveros......................Ted Dickinson.........................Linda Evans......................E.M. SummerAND MUCH LUCK TO HIS TWO DAUGHTERS WHO ARE NOW PART OF JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG'S POM FAMILYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 59PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBMARY ROSENBAUM 36520 28th Ave. SouthorFederal Way, Washington 98003We have had some large entries in Poms here in the ring and have had some good wins towards championships on several. On February 10, 1979 at Longview-Kelson Best of Breed, Winners Bitch was Que Sera of Golden Glow owned by Erin Hundley and Winners Dog was Bradleys Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear owned by Shirley Bradley. On February 24 25 at the Seattle Kennel Club Best of Breed was Ch. Skylarks Cinnamon Banner owned by Florence Ryals, Best of Winners and Winners Dog was Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear owned by the Bradleys this also finished Bears Championship Best of Opposite Sex to Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ owned by Mary Rosenbaum and Winners Bitch to Bradleys Pandora Surprise owned by Shirley Bradley. March 10, 1979 at Chintimini Kennel Club the winners were Best of Breed to Harbins Indestructable Jimmy owned by Irene Harbin, Winners Dog to Que Sera Spirit of LaRita owned by Hundley and LaVern and Winners Bitch to Andrews Im Jimbo Me Too owned by Clyde Phillis Andrews. On March 11, 1979 at the Willamette Valley Kennel Club the winners were Best of Breed to Harbins Indestructable Timmy owned by the Harbins and Best of Winners, Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex to Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too owned by the Andrews. March 25, 1979 Peninsula Dog Fanciers found Best of Breed being awarded to Ch. Ronaldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. Chas. Wilson. Winners Dog and Best of Winners to Golden Glow Peter Pan owned by Elva McGilbry and Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex to Harbins Golden Glow Sally owned by Irene Harbin. Second in group to Ch. Ronaldo of Point Loma.On May 4, 1 979 at the Puget Sound Pom Clubs Sanction Match I had the pleasure of judging this match and picking the two dogs that would go up for points at Whidbey and Olympia in the next two days. I awarded Best of Breed, Best Puppy and Best Bitch to Andrews Lass by Laddie owned by the Niehouses and Best Male and Best of Opposite Sex to Que Sera Spirit of LaRita owned by the Hundleys. On May 5, 1 979 Best of Breed, Best of Winners along with a group 4th plus finishing her championship went to Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too owned by Clyde and Phillis Andrews. Best of Opposite Sex to Ch. Harbins Indestructable Jim owned by the Harbins and Winners Dog to Que Sera Spirit of LaRita owned by Hundley and LaVerne. May 6 winners were Best of Breed to Ch. Harbins Indestructable Jim, Winners Dog to Varneys Cavalier Top Choice owned by Pat Heath and Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex to Andrews Lass by Laddie owned by Virginia and Bernard Niehouse.So that gives us two new champions for our area and I want to say congratulations to Cathy and Shirley Bradley on Ch. TomanoHs Tiny Teddy Bear and to Clyde and Phillis Andrews on Ch. Andrews Im Jimbos Me Too.HELPFUL HINTS...Continued from page 44Towel dry and brush out whoie dog.Have car serviced. Check oil, batteries, tires, transmission fluid, air conditioner. Fill gas tank.Day before showFinish packing.Load as much as possible into car.Groom dog completely.You dont want to feed dog immediately before leaving, to avoid carsickness. Plan his meals accordingly.If you plan carefully, and do as much as possible ahead of time, you should have a comfortable and enjoyable trip.DEADLINE DATE NOVEMBER REVIEW SEPTEMBER 15 ADS WITH SPECIAL ART SEPTEMBER 160 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANS WE CONGRATULATE OWNER - HANDLER GLORIA SETMAYER AND HER NEW CHAMPION MAY MORNING APRIL LUVx The small Black Female Advertised in May Has Been Sold But We Have Repeated The Breeding - Litter Due August 2, 1979No Other Litters Till FallWe Have A Large Kennel of Pensioners" and A Small Kennel of Producers Many Times In Answering Inquiries We Have To Say We Have Nothing Available Of The Particular Quality, Sex Or Color Wanted.OUR DOGS ARE NOT AT PUBLIC STUDWe Just Do Not Have Enough Hours In The Day For Everything. Special Arrangements Are Possible For Bitches Brought To The House.INQUIRIES INVITEDRed Sable Brood Prospect Whelped 32079 Black Male is Promised.Sired by May Morning Sportin' Life Black ex. May Morning Merry Widow Black1 Red Sable Male, 1 Dark Sable Male Whelped 4379 - Both Look Good May Morning Little Imp Black ex. May Morning Calamity Jane Dark Sable2 Red Sable Males Shed by Moonwalker ex His Daughter "Trilby"Too Young To Evaluate - Should Know More When You Read ThisWE STILL HAVE1 - Apricot Cream Male Wh. 121278 By May Morning Spicy Timstopper 314 lbs.1 - Red Sable Male Wh. 11979 By May Morning Social Lion Ex May Morning ImogeneSOPHIE H. MAYES West Chester, PA 193801574 Camp Linden Road Ph. 215-793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEW 61THANKS TO YOU...THE SUBSCRIBERSI would like to take this opportunity to thank all our members and subscribers for the many letters, cards and phone calls about the May Review.There was both lavish praise and constructive criticism in all this correspondence and it really helps and gives us an insight into what you, the subscriber, wants in his or her ad.I cannot personally answer all the would be humanly impossible... but rest assured that it was appreciated and note has been taken of your likes and dislikes. Thanks again and don't hesitate to let me hear from you at any time.The EditorManiess Pomeraniansk ^ m -e-Y.--rA V V.-STOFBEST-- ,^"Jm ^DONphot_MANIES BLYTHE SPIRITShown winning Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at Sacramento, CA, with judge Edd Embry Bivins and BreederOwner Elma Manies, for a 3 point major.We are offering some CH. Tinkler's Lil Play Boy, C.D. get to show homes only. Pedigree and details on request.MRS. ELMA MANIES 916 241-87561455 Victor Ave. Redding, CA 9600162 POMERANIAN REVIEWJ3ev-Wor Pom.5Ch. Bev-Nors Sadie Ray EmilyNrIff m\iii iflIfc O25xSt"xCH.BEV-NOR'S SADIE RAY saw her 1st shows as a SPECIAL at 9 mo. old in Kansas going BOB at all 3 shows over 4 lovely Specials, then Florida 2 more BOB. She was SPECIALED briefly 7 times winning 5 BOB and 2 BOS Group Placings. NOW an expectant mother, we are anxiously awaiting puppies sired by BIS DOG, CH. POST SCRIPT'S CROWD PLEASER. Special thanks to her superb handlef EMILY GUNNING.CH. BEV-NOR'S SADIE RAY says CONGRATULATIONS BROTHER CH. BEV- NOR'S TAR-ZAN owned by Michael Wolf finished from puppy class going 5 times BOB over lovely Specials with 3 Group I placings. He is now being specialed also.BEV BILL NORRIS 1-301-255-13437747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122POMERANIAN REVIEW 63DALLAS - FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.JEWEL ELLIS, Secretary 325 S.E. 9th St. Grand Prarie, Texas 750510rOurSpring Specialty of March 23, 1979 was another most enjoyable experience. We had an entry of 44 with 16 entries in the Puppy Sweepstakes. Our judges, Mr. Charles J. Smith who judged the Sweep- stakes and Mr. Darrell W. Baker who judged the Regular Classes did an excellent job and both made a very good impression on everyone.Our Show Chariman, Douglas Baynham, who can always be depended on to get the job done did just that. He handled every detail to perfection.The trophy table was spectacular. The trophies were perfectly beautiful with each one having a perfect Pomeranian figureine on the top. Our trophy committee which included Gertrude Howell, Carla Prewitt and Rene Lunday really outdid themselves in selecting the trophies.Our advertising committee which included Bill Kennedy, Chance West and Mike Austin did a great job in obtaining advertising for the catalog.Our ring stewards, Rosemary Wise and Susan Ferguson, who can always be relied upon performed their duties expertly and efficiently.We were pleased and honored to have the privilege of meeting and visiting with some of the members of the American Pomeranian Club, namely, Pat Lewis, Anthony Skip Piazza and Jacquelyn W. Klein, as well as others from other states and of course from all over Texas.Puppy Sweepstakes Winners wereBest in Puppy Sweepstakes Silver Meadows Star Mistee, owned by Jacquelyn W. Klein.Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweep- stakes Shadow's Rhythm Maker, owned by Peggy J. Bush.Class Winners wereWD Wee Peppi Corkie of Pom Haven, owned by Darlene Hartstack.RWD Tomanoll's I Got Leggs, owned by Opal Mosher.WB Aristocrat Satin Doll, owned by Bill Kennedy.RWB Chloe's April Doll, owned by Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Williamson.BB Ch. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles, owned by Mrs. B.G. McDonald.BW Aristocrat Satin Doll, owned by Bill Kennedy.BOS Ch. Wagner's Golden T-Pring, owned by Charles F. Dorinda R. Wagner.Best in Puppy Classes Tomanoll's I Got Leggs, owned by Opal Mosher.\ \Judge Darrell W. Baker awards Best of Breed to Ch. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles, handled by owner Mrs. B.G. McDonald.The show ran very smoothly and everyone was so friendly and congenial. We shall be looking forward to seeing everyone again next year and hope to make it pleasant and enjoyable for all.The club dinner which followed was the climax to a "fun evening". Several of our members were very late in arriving at the dinner as they got lost but finally made it. After everyone was introduced, our President, Mildred Patrick, called on each judge to make any comments they wished to make. Mr. Charles J. Smith, the Sweep- stakes judge, expressed his pleasure at seeing so many good puppies and complimented the club on the show catalog which he thought was well put together and said that whoever was responsible did a great job. Then our judge, Mr. Darrell W. Baker, complimented the club on its well organized and well conducted show, and stated64 POMERANIAN REVIEWthat he was very impressed with the overall quality and complimented everyone. He also complimented the club on the beautiful array of trophies.Our President then presented Mrs. B.G. McDonald with a beautiful plaque honoring her Best in Show Win with her 'Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles' which was donated by a friend in the name of the club. Needless to say Mrs. McDonald was pleasantly surprised and proud of this honor.Then much to my surprise and disbelief Mildred Patrick had everyone to stand and give me a standing ovation. She then had everyone to open a scroll which was placed by each service which turned out to be a tribute to me, Jewel Ellis, with a picture of me and one of my champions along with a write-up of my association with the club in serving as Secretary for 21 years and a short history of my kennel. This was an honor which I shall never forget. Some club members went in together and presented me with a gift in appreciation of my services rendered. I appreciated very much their thoughtfulness and generosity as well as their confidence in me.It was very relaxing for everyone to sit down and enjoy a good dinner, which we look forward to every year.New officers and board members elected at our April meeting were as follows President, Mr. B. G. McDonald Vice-President, Douglas Baynham Treasurer, Carol Sherry Recording Secretary, Rene Lunday Corresponding Secretary, Jewel Ellis. Board Member, Gertrude A. Howell and automatically included was our past president Mildred Patrick.The following Pomeranians have recently finished their championship .Ch. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles, owned by Mrs. B. G. McDonald.Ch. Gold Gems High Interest, owned by Buress P. White.Ch. Patrick's Miss Dina Mite, owned by Mildred G. Patrick.Ch. Rey's Super Special VIP, owned by Agustin Rey, Jr.We are looking forward to another successful year in exhibiting and breeding for better Poms, and hope for the same for other breeders everywhere as well.THE SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUBbyGLORIA CARLINPublicity ChairmanGreetings from the San Diego Pomeranian Club ,We recently held our first FUN MATCH this year on Sunday, April 22, at Holiday Park in Carlsbad. Our judge was Jackie Grundman, a woman from the Los Angeles area. We had an excellent entry of over 30 Poms - of all sizes and colors.We began the afternoon with a potluck with our judge being the honored guest. Following lunch, the judging began. There were many gorgeous puppies - I know it was not an easy job choosing the winners. Jackie went over each dog thoroughly before making her decisions. I will share with you a list of the big winners. We divided the entries into two classes - junior and senior, in all fairness to the puppies. Our BOB Jr. Dog was Fresco of Pt. Loma, owned by Pauline Hughes. BOS Jr. Bitch was awarded to Sunray's High Society owned by Gloria Carlin. In the senior division, Roy a Muffin captured the BOB honors. He is a black and tan owned by Elaine Jackson. BOS went to sweet little Goldsun Delight 0 Beaver, owned by Dan and Margaret Ontiveros. Our winning brace was Carmel Puff and Misty owned by Karen Cartey and Louie Rensberger. The high scoring obedience Pom of the day was talented little Memish owned by Marilyn Hawley. The-day ended with a 'fun class' with categories such as least coat, most coat, biggest and smallest earsshortest and longest tail, best head, legs and longest and shortest body. Everyone had a chance to win in this class - no matter what our Poms looked like We enjoyed ourselves so much that we're already planning another match for the autumn season of this year.Our new club officers for 1 979 are Adrian Alford, president Pauline Hughes, vice president Marianne Alford, secretary Gloria Carlin, treasurer and publicity Marilyn Hawley, trophy chairman. Our club has grown in membership this year. It's exciting to have new people come to our meetings - some are professional and some are amateurs. The overall quality of Poms here in San Diego is getting better every year. I have a feeling that you will be hearing more about our Poms in the near futurePOMERANIAN REVIEW 65JESTOMS POMERANIANSUii2Vi'V.mU1r'GOLDEN GLOW HEIDI - Columbia Pom Sp. 1977 - B.Puppy, WB, BOW, 6-9 Puppy Class - 4 pts. Now with both majors - BOB -12 points.GOLDEN GLOW PRESHUS II - 6-9 Puppy Bitch American Pom Spec. New York, 1979 - Now almost finished.mAM. CH. GOLDEN GLOW PRINCE - Finished with 3 majors and Group I from the classes - Gorgeous coated dog, with all the essentials, with temperament Plus.Our grateful thanks to all the judges who saw fit to help us on our way. Frank Haze Burch, Dorothy Bonner, Tom Stevenson, Connie Bosold, Floris Hogan, Mr. Vaughters, Mr. Reynolds, Mrs. Sari B. Tietjen, Forest McCoy, Mrs. Wilma Hunter.Our thanks also go to Mrs. Sally Cohen McGilbry of Golden Glow Pomeranianswho made all this possible.Also housed here are Can. Ch. Golden Glow Tuck, finished with BOB and GR. II Jestoms Red Robin, beautiful son of Great Elms Tar Baby, BOB from the puppy classes.MRS. S. McGILBRY 8900 NE 239th St. Battleground Vancouver, WA 98604 Tel. 206-687-2165ENQUIRE FOR STOCK TO EITHEROR TOM JESSIE STEPHENS55 Lingam St. Halifax, Mass. 02338 Tel. 617-294-868066 POMERANIAN REVIEWcyVIedallioriCh. Millamor's Moon Rock exMillamor's Marrilynn4 M HE IS BRED TO WIN...AND HE ISMedallion is a multiple BIS, was Top Pom in Canada for 1978 and this year he continues to win. He is currently one of the top Toys in the country, with 40 Group Firsts and 6 BIS. Medallion's pedigree can be found in the Stud Register.HE IS BRED TO PRODUCE...AND HE ISFrom his first two litters, Medallion has a daughter, Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette Amanda who did so well as a puppy, and is now doing some very nice Group winning for us, Amanda is also pointed in the U.S., going BOB from the classes. Her younger brother, Chriscendo Causin A Commotion Andy has already won a Group from the Jr. Puppy classes and is within a few points of his title. We also wish his owners, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baxstrome, the very Best of Luck with him, and we are sure you'll hear lots more from this one.Ship via Halifax Int'l AirportChriscendo ^CHRIS and JOHN HEARTZ P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Phone 902 895-7427POMERANIAN REVIEW 67ALOflGVYJ^TnYMOLLYMILLER P.O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573I wrote this column several months ago and then set is aside. Due to my strong feelings on the subject, I cannot remain objective however, as I thought of the impact of the problem on the breed, I decided to give you my opinions as food for thought.A heinous activity is not criminal unless there is a law against it. Unfortunately, many acts against dogs fall into this category. There seems to presently be a rash of brleding bitches who are themselves still babies. No bitch is ready for motherhood under one year of age. Many are not ready until later. Aside from being flagrantly cruel, breeding babies is an unsound breeding practice. A bitch who is herself still a puppy needs the body building nutrients for herself. Her body and the growing fetuses must fight each other for needed food. Even if extra nutrients are added to her food there is a maximum that her bloodstream can carry. It may not be enough. All of the involved bodies may be permanently deficient in various areas which may not be quickly recognized or may be attributed to other problems. There is also a psychological factor. The bitch is still a puppy. She has a right to be a baby, even if she tries to care for the puppies, she is not as stable as she will be at maturity. I have seen mature bitches do a- mazing things with puppies. Some will hold a weak puppy with their paws as it nurses. I even saw one knowledgeable bitch pick up a puppy and shake it to clear its breathing, put it down, listen, and repeat the shake. The breathing cleared, and she cuddled it in to nurse. I could hardly believe what I had seen, but it had happened. No such judgment can- come from a baby. Assuming that somehow both the puppy bitch and her puppies survive with little noticeable damage, is all well I think not the bitch has been robbed of her puppyhood, and this can never be returned to her. The time in whichshe should be adjusting to people, dogs, and the world around her and finding her place, is gone. Of course this robbery is not a crime-there is no law against it.Who does this thing and why I have asked many questions recently and have spent several nights trying to think of what we can do. There seem to be three types of breeders who breed puppy bitches. One group breeds any bitch in season. These people do not care what they do to either the breed or the unfortunate individuals in the breed or the unfortunate individuals within their grasp. They care only for the money that the puppies may bring. These babies are sold as soon as they can be often they are poorly weaned and no shot protection. As much as I hate to admit it there is little that we can do with these breeders except educate the public to evaluate what they buy. This means we may have to spend hours with pet buyers when we do not have a pet for sale, but we can help the buyer find a healthy baby. The second and third groups are the ones to whom we should turn our attention. 1 am amazed at how many new breeders do not know that breeding a puppy is a poor practice. Usually these people love their Pom and do not want to be unfair to her. The stud owner should help them to understand and encourage them to spend the intervening months learning the breed. There is much to learn. I hope no stud owner is so eager for a stud fee that he will willingly damage another's bitch to gain it. Of course the stud owner should be interested in the puppies that his stud produces. If he is, he will talk with the bitch's owners and together they can plan for the best of the future litter. It is at this time that the bitch's age, breeding record, and quality of production if any can be discussed. These people, if given proper guidance, can become valuable breeders their desires are Continued on page 7068 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNONS POMERANIANS6mi'he'j- - S ZlS' S PRESENTSANNONS WEE WILLIE WANKA 3 lb. orange sable maleSire - Annon's Beaux Ami Dam - Meyers Mandy MistANNONS TAN-TAR 3 3 4 lb. Blacktan femaleSire - Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis Dam - Annon's Mischief SpiritANNONS MACHO MAN FROM LENNIS3 lb. black maleSire - Ch. Lennis's Tar-Baby-of-Great-Elms Dam - Lennis's Sweet 'N' Sassy BreederCo-Owner- Lennis RainesWILLIEOUR SINCERE APPRECA TION AND THANKS TOLENNIS RAINES for her hospitality and Annon's Candy of Great Elms, a beautiful orange puppy bitch who is a tremendous addition to our breeding program.RUTH BEAM for letting us have Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis, a stunning 4 34 lb. orange sable male who is siring get that would make his Daddy proud Ch. Lennis's-Tar-Baby-of-Great-Elms.PUPPIESYoung males stud and show prospect qualityMost colors including black, balck and tan, chocolate and cream.ALL INQUIRIES ANSWERED PROMPTLYANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Road703-368-1341 Nokesville, VA 22123POMERANIAN REVIEW 69OBEDIENCENEWSEMMA HYDE 170 Chicago Way SSan Francisco, CA 94112Congratulations to Jan Biroth of Clarksville, TN, and her J-MACS SMOKEY THE BANDIT, who is now an American and Canadian C.D. What a thrill it is when your very first Pom does something great for you like getting a C.D. In two countries, yet Jan writes Bandit is my first Pom, and oh, how he has changed our lives. I had never trained or shown a dog before him. I hadnt even gone to a match or a dog show. Training Bandit was so much fun as he learned so very fast. He would do anything to please me. We started obedience classes in February 1 978 and in September went to Canada for his title. He did really well 19712, 19414 and 186. We then made a trip to Indiana for two legs with scores of 189 and 187. Before we could go for our third leg Bandit had an accident and had to have leg surgery, but after months of no work at all I decided to try again. I was amazed at how he remembered and in March we went to Nashville where he got his last leg with a score of 1 94, which also won him high scoring Toy.The good news from Claudia Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, Wl is that her Viva SILVAKRESS VIVA, T.D. made her very proud at Hiawatha Valley Kennel Club Match in Tomac, Wise, in March. Viva scored 199 for a High in Match from the Novice Class. She says, It was one of those days that everything felt right, and I was just so happy with her prancing performance. Claudia, as we all know, is an excellent trainer, and she was kind enough to pass on a few tips that have worked for her in training her Poms. She writes My Poms and I especially 4'2 lb. Viva make a rather strange picture, I am sure, as Im nearly six feet tall. The drawback with the height only seems to come when the dog sits after the recall. If they look at me they tend to sit a little far as they arelooking up at a very steep angle. From several clinics, books and just fooling around I use several ways to get them closer.Offer a treat on recall by bringing the arm around your leg so the treat comes between your ankles.Practicing fronts with the lead going between your legs to your hand held in back of you.Placing a stick, lead or line on the ground so the dog will have to walk across it and then sit.Placing a treat on the ground between your feet.Having someone else manipulate a long lead coming between your feet.The first two worked well for both my dogs and the others worked well for one but not for the other. Id like to hear what innovations other exhibitors have come up with. I use treats a lot as they really want to learn the game then - also use toys so they really enjoy training sessions.Thank you, Claudia, and again congratulations.ALONG MYWAY...Continued from page 68good. They just have not been given the help that all beginners need. The third group is more difficult to help, but not hopeless. Some people seem to want to do everything yesterday. They expect instant success-well, after all, they have instant rice These people breed a puppy bitch because they "cannot wait". I have yet to meet one who planned to die within the next six months. I wonder why they cannot spend a few months studying lines, care, conditioning, etc. These people must win, I suppose, to support their egos. Nothing is as important as winning. I have found that it does little good to talk to them about the bitch's welfare, but discussions , of planning and study and research as to when a bitch produces best, do move them.There is definitely a population explosion in purebred dogs as well as mongrels. There is no room in the world for just some more registered puppies. Each must have a purpose if he is to be valued. Each of us must do our part to help the breed that we profess to care about. There is lit- contiuned on page 7170 POMERANIAN REVIEW^wwwwxTHECANADIAN SCENEJOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C.VOA IHO, CanadaAAAAAAAAMAs I signed off last time, I was talking about the February Calgary shows, and I have to report now that,the entry was not very special, and nothing exciting happened, unless the fact that my boy could, and did make the noises I expected him to, and although I expected them, I still wasn't ready to shush him up. No one scolded me about it, but the folk in the bleachers sure all looked our way.Since then I have only attended shows on two weekends, one three day weekend in Winnipeg, where Millamor's Rock Medallion took breed every show, and one in the United States at Spokane, then Lewiston. Wish I could announce that I came home with the wins, but I had a great time anyway.I do have a few bits of show news from various parts of Canada this time. Two new champions, one bred and owned by Shirley Charrette of Edmonton, Alberta, Char- rette's Luckyfox Hope, female and the second one bred and owned by Nancy McPhee of St. Thomas, Ontario, Darcy's Wee Coquette female. A puppy of Matt Heindl of Sudbury, Ontario, has come home with back to back 'Best Puppy in Show' awards, and a group second. Matt's first show dog, and a homebred one at that. As the dam of this puppy is one of my breeding I am hoping that maybe I did something right when I produced her. And a new-comer to Poms and shows has the award for Best in Match at a sanction match with her male bred by Joan Zavaglia of Vernon, B.C. This proud owner is Darlene Dale of Williams Lake, B.C.Now - Special Greetings to everyone from 'Peacock' - mascot of the newly reformed Pomeranian Club of Canada, and assistant editor of the newsletter of the club, 'Peacock Sez'. Peacock has been caught in various poses by our club artist, Michelle McDonald, none of them too risque, but who knows what the future poses will be ftwho knows what the future poses will be Membership of the club is not great yet, but all are enthusiastic and active, so we have great hopes of it being successful. The constitution has been revised, and the club will try to operate as a really alJacross Canada club. Our executive is a good start with the President, Frankie McDonald, living at 14 Palisade Place, Halifax, Nova Scotia, the vice-president Ann Fulton, living in Guy, Alberta, Box 226, the secretarytreasurer, Joan Grant, living in Golden, B.C. Box 1423, one director, Jessie Carr, in Troy, Ontario, R.R. 1, and the second one, Marilyn Harder, living at 8603 North Kelly Road, Prince George, B.C. If you want any more information, contact any of the board members.The mail arrived as I sit typing with more news of Poms, holding their own in the Canadian show rings. In the Maritimes, four Poms have the distinction, of yvinning the group lately Ch. Dusomes Flashback, owned by Mrs. Betty O'Neil, Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion, owned by Chris Heartz, Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, also owned by Chris, and Chriscendo Causin a Commotion, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boxstrome. Too, the puppy of Matt Heindl's that I mentioned earlier is a champion, Too, after only four shows, with a group first and a group third and a total of 8 best of breeds, as well as the other awards. He sent a photo and I am impressed by this youngster, as well as by his record. The puppy's name is Ch. Bavenew Nakoa-Koa.Til next time I will keep busy with my litters of Finnish Spitz puppies as well as a trio of females in the Pom nest. It sounds as if it should be a fun summer. Drop inALONG MYWAY...Continued from page 70tie protection for Poms other than what our educational efforts can giye them. I am not trying to dictate to you, but please do consider these aspects of our breed when you plan your breedings, talk with bitch owners about your studs, and work to educate new breeders.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71n itiiWmVi Yttpby ROBERTA J . FEARY Liberal, KansasI wanted to tell you how much I like the new format and paper for the May '79 Pomeranian Review. It looks beautiful, and is so much easier to readETHEL RICHARDSONKennesaw, GeorgiaIt is so nice to be back in Georgia and to renew old friendships. We miss all the wonderful friends we left in California , especially the Pom fanciers. People like Dorothy Tinkler, Pauline Hughes, Beverly Griffin, Bob Clegg and the Hel- wigs will always be remembered, as will their beautiful Poms. Also, we'll never forget our wonderful Vet. J. J. Sloan. Nor will we ever forget an especially wonderful Aileen Martellos, hubby and their welcoming committee of petite Sturkean Yorkies.We have had no time to relax and reminesce. Living in a new home with no furniture. Moving across country and traveling with a Dobie, York- ie, and more than 20 Poms is a memorable experience, especially for a lady driving by herself. The rewards were great, though. We arrived in time to share the wonderful experience of Randy French's hospitality for the Pom specialty. The specialty was the nicest bunch of Poms and friendliest people to be found anywhere. Southern hospitality just can't be beat.Our present pleasure is presenting Ace Hi's Peaches N Cream. Peaches shares accommodat- tions with our son and family in Lancaster, California. Curtis and Lenora were reluctant to let Peaches visit so far from home. Peaches is enjoying a fine visit and doesn't have time to be lonely.We plan to be ringside often in the future, so tap us on the shoulder and be our friend also.GEORGINA LANE Lake Park, FloridaI am not sure if we have met or not, but I do know officers and Board of Directors in the Pom Club.I have noticed no notice in magazine of an old timer, Violet Munz, Kavilla Kennels, Sacramento's death in January of this year. She lost touch with many old friends as she lived her last six years without sight.She bred many B. I. S. Poms and for many she interbred with my dogs - one dog I owned from her stock also took B. I. S. I do not believe she left any family but a kind friend answered my letters to her. 1 value an oil she painted for me as a gift, and like others, I will miss her.I no longer due to judging own a Pom, but my lovely Minado's lively face hangs on wall before me. I enjoyed the Poms at Crufts this year.JANICE LUGINSLAND Americus, KansasI generally think the Review is better. Pictures are sharper, etc. Print clearer. However, I do not like the outlines pic of the dogs. I would prefer them in a small circle rather than outlines or square or rectangle. Confusing you, I prefer them in square or rectangle or small circle without pic being taken back to the coat, etc., outline on the dog. Just my opinion however.You are doing good work. Hope the load doesn't get you down.RANDY FRECH Kennesaw, GAThis is my first letter to Yips and Yaps to express some of my views on our breed.In Darrell Baker's last column of the Review, he mentioned letters he had received about Judges putting down poms because of too much coat. I hope all the breeders will write either to this column or to our club President expressing their i- deas on this subject.I have been breeding Poms since 1961, and I have yet to see a pom with too much coat. What can be more beautiful to a breeder's eye than a typy Pom with a tremendous standoff coat.I don't mean that type or soundness is not to be considered first. I mean that a Pom that has soundness and a gorgeous coat should not be penalized because of his Coat.Also, we have heard all about overtrimming. The judges have all had directives sent to them a- bout this. But it still goes on. I for one don't care how anyone trims his or her dog. I feel that is everyone's own choice. But when a judge tells a person in the show ring that her dog should be scissored, that the dog has too much coat, I think it is time the breeders should speak out.Let's hear from the breeders of years standing, from the newcomers, from breederjudges on what they all want to see in the show dog.For myself, I just want to breed for quality Pomeranians. I want Type, Soundness, Coat - all the coat I can possibly get. And I hope when I go in the ring the judge won't put me down because I'm fortunate enough to have a really good Pom with a beautiful coat.I want to bring up another subject that I think we all can agree on. "The Anniversary Issue." What a beautiful job Sophie and her staff did. I will enjoy this book for years to come. Thank you, Sophie, for a tremendous job well done.I also want to thank all the wonderful Pom people who came to Georgia last fall for the fall Specialty. I really enjoyed co-hosting this affair with Sue Goddard what a great gal to work with and Pat Brooks who after all our efforts just couldn't get here. We'll send a car after you next time, Pat.72 POMERANIAN REVIEWAfter putting this Special together and hoping, and maybe saying a little prayer for a good entry, I made a pledge to myself. That in the future, no matter where the Pomeranian Specialty was being held or who was judging, I would give it all the support I possibly could. Not only because of all the efforts people go to , to make a successful Specialty Show, but because it is truly a breeders showcase, where one can view all the good poms from all parts of the country. Where we can meet wonderful people that we have read about, or met on the telephone. So here's hoping to see all of you in Wisconsin in August. Let's support Sallie Baughnut and her club and make it the best Summer Specialty ever.Congratulations, Pat, on your first issue of the Pom Review. I was really pleased with the way you handled my ad. Have heard lots of nice comments from others, too. So take pride in a job well done and keep up the good work.EDITOR'S NOTEIt is our firm belief that EVERY READER has a right to his or her views in the Yips 'n Yaps column, with the following exceptions...unsigned letters, malicious or nonsensical letters will NOT be considered. As space permits, we will print letters of complaint aswell as letters of praise and more positive subject matter. We do, however, reserve the right to edit, not changing the meaning of, but shortening the length if neces- ary to fit our space requirements. The Parent Club and its publication. The Review, have a duty to protect our breed as well as work for improvement, and to uphold the Code of Ethics which all members have signed. By the same token, we will be happy to print any replies to letters, as we realize there are two sides to every issue.Therefore, the following letters are printed, in their entirety, in answer to a complaint printed in the May Review.NAME NOT WITHHELDLENNIS RAINESNorristown, T ennesseeI have never felt it necessary to write a letter to Yips and Yaps until now. As a matter of fact, I have always felt that most of the articles were the type that never should have been printed. I was under the impression that the Review and the APC were for the betterment of the Breed, and not for crude, tasteless, one-sided gossip. I am specifically referring to the Yips and Yaps article in the April Review.I am, as most of you know, the breeder of the litter of seven. Several months ago, a former acquaintance approached me and came to my home and asked if he could trade a female for a male puppy since he needed a male for breeding and had no money. The bitch he wanted to trade had lost 90 percent of her teeth at six years of age. Since he needed a male and had no money, I agreed to help. I had several three month old males. He made his choice, and we made the swap including papers. At no time was Name Withheld under the impression that his puppy was from the litter of seven. The litter of seven was eight months of age when he chose his puppyand he knew it. When he mailed the litter registration to AKC, they returned it saying that there had been a mistake in the number of males in the litter and to contact me as the breeder for correction. When it was mailed to me, I, in turn, mailed to AKC an explanation and my check for correction, I never heard from AKC or Name Withheld for many weeks. So, naturally, I thought everything had been corrected. In the meantime. Name Withheld moved three times, once out of state. At least ten weeks later, I received two letters ten days apart from AKC. The first one stated that the litter number and the records had been corrected. The latter one stated just the opposite --saying the correction had not been made and the litter number was completely different. AKC had assigned two different litter numbers for the same litter. This mistake probably was made since three different people from AKC were handling the correspondence. Knowing this, I then wrote a letter to AKC explaining the long-time problem. I stated that there were two litter numbers assigned to the same litter. I sent copies of the two letters from AKC and a copy of my check for correction. It has been over six weeks and since I haven't heard from AKC or Name Withheld, I once again assume that the correction has been made.Name Withheld has voiced dissapproval only in Yips and Yaps with the development of the puppy. If he is a breeder, he knows that no one can foretell how a three month old puppy will mature. He had several males to choose from and he made his OWN choice. It seems to me that he expected to get in Best in Show male at three months of age for a six year old bitch with ho teeth and this is the root of his whole gripe. I bred his two bitches to my Champion and have never received any kind of payment. But I felt that this was a matter between us and not the kind of information for Yips and Yaps.As a member of APC, I feel very strongly that this situation is a prime example of vicious, untrue, one-sided gossip which should never have been printed. I feel the APC should stick to the business at hand - the betterment of the Breed. To have to waste my time to write an answer to a situation that is no one's business is uncalled for.I will wait and see if my letter in its entirety is printed and steps are taken to stop this sort of thing.RUTH BEAM Pineville, N.C.I certainly don't intend to get involved in disputes between breeders and their customers, but in the case of the letter to "Yips and Yaps" in the May Review on page 66 on the lower half of the page signed, "Name Withheld", I consider this letter unfair and in very poor taste.In my opinion, a letter of this type should not be printed in the Review as only one side is presented. In this case, it is very unfairto the one who has been so well identified by mentioning "a litter of 7 puppies", especially when, it is my understanding, this person did not even get a puppy from this litter but must have felt sure the breeder would be identified by mentioning this particular litter.POMERANIAN REVIEW 73A half truth can be vicious as it can convey a completely different meaning to the truth.1 have found, over the years, that some customers are very unreasonable in their expectations and demands I could give many examples but it would take pages which is one of the reasons I will not ship nor will I sell a gorgeous young pup as definite show type. Life is too short to go through the hassles that may come up by guaranteeing puppies to please or they may be returned.Right now, I too, am having a problem trying to get a litter registration from AKC. My cancelled check with the litter number printed on it is dated Oct. 7, 1978. I wrote to AKC in January about it and haven't heard a word from them. I have written again and sent a copy of the check. I have also had other problems with them that was not my fault, but some customers just won't believe that AKC could be at fault.I would think letters of this type should be written to the APC officers and board, names called and letters signed and only then should letters from both parties be published in Yips and Yaps" if at all. I dare say, letters of this type would disappear from the Review if the writer could not hide behind "Name Withheld '.In regard to the other letter from "Name Withheld", I too, am very much against overtrimming and I don't mind anyone knowing it. The sad part in over-trimming, is the fact that some judges want over-trimming. They either don't read the standard or they disregard it.YOUR OPINION COUNTS Climb on your soap box and write your thoughts to YIPS AND YAPSNEW PUBLICATION DATESNo - your May issue of the Pomeranian Review was not a month late. According to action taken by the board at the February meeting in New York, our publication dates have all been moved forward one month. New dates are as followsCopy Deadline December 1 5 March 1 5 June 1 5 September 1 5Publication Date February 1 May 1 August 1 November 1We, your Review staff, hope that this does not invonvenience anyone and will work out to better advantage for us all. In my work, December is my heaviest month and this will work out much better for me. If you have a special event and want to get your copy in let us know, we will alot a page and make arrangements to expect your report. But, REMEMBER, once you make a special commitment, hold to the deadline date Otherwise, you can throw the entire publication late and this is something we wish to avoid at all costs.wi mxDHAVE ANNIVERSARY ISSUES FOR SALEYES- we do have some extra copies of the Anniversary Issue for sale. If you want an extra copy - a copy for a friend - or your first copy - just send your check in the amount of 7.95 payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. toMRS. JUDY BLOCKER 2226 DUNLAP ST. B-2S CHARLESTON, SC 29405THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBThis club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pome eranian and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the "Review" contact the circulation manager.74 POMERANIAN REVIEWAdvertiser's IndexAnderson, Bonnie..........................................................................................................57Andrews, Clyde and Phyllis......................................................................................... 49Aona, Betty and Ray........................................................................................... 11Baker, Darrell and Olga.................................................................................................22Baugniet, Sally and Dick............................................................................. 26,27,52,53Beam, Ruth L...................................................................................................................9Boadway, Don and Gail ..............................................................................................48Bradley, Shirley and Catherine.....................................................................................43Brettwood Arts..............................................................................................................34Brown, Wilma Jean................................................................................................. 14,20Brumback, Julie............................................................................................................ 42Cannon, Ann................................................................................................................. 69Carson, Morris and Betty.................................................................................... .21,31Dickinson, Ted and Kim........................................................................................58, 59Freeh, Paul and Randy.........................................................................................FC, 24General Canine.............................................................................................................34Girardot, Edna E............................................................................................................15Goddard, Tim and Sue.........................................................................................55Goltz, Rosalind.............................................................................................................BCFleartz, Chris and John.........................................................................................25, 67HersiI, Nadine......................................................................................................25, 39Hundley, Phil and Erin................................................................................................. 51Inocencio, Anthonette and Richard.............................................................................. 12Jacoby, Gertrude....................................................................................................... 33Klein, Ron and Jackie...................................................................................................57Kraemer, Lois L........................................................................................................36, 37, 38Luginsland, Janice........................................................................................................28Lund, Sigyn.................................................................................................................. 27Manies, Elma............................................................................................................... 62Mayes, Sophie H..........................................................................................................61Mercer, Dan and Jo Ellen.................................................................................13, 18, 19McKee, Margaret and John...................................................................................46, 47Norris, Bev and Bill........................................................................................................63Oganeku, Stanley and Clarice.................................................................................9, 10Piazza, Skip..............................................................................................................16, 17, 28Probst, Katherine and John...........................................................................................14Stanley, Nora E......................................................................................................18, 57Stephens, Tom and Jessie............................................................................................66Sunray Kennels.............................................................................................................35Taylor, Diane.E.........................................................................................................36, 37, 38Welshinger, Ann and Gene........................................................................................... 25POMERANIAN REVIEW 755eJVH M5ZMPROUDLY PRESENTSBEST OFBREED OR VARIETYLONG ISLAND KENNEL CLUBSHERRY PHOTO4CH. PENRU'S CALDOAK CHANSONNETTEWendy is shown going Best of Breed over specials under Judge Marianne Grybinski. She finished with 3 majors at under 13 months of age.She is sired by Ch. Funfair's Pinto-O-Joe Dandy and is out of Caldoah Penny Wise.A special Thank You to her breeder Pauline A. Caldwell and to Joy S. Brewster who handled her to some of her wins.ROSALIND GOLTZ 70 Sulgrave RoadScarsdale, N.Y. 10583 914 725-5159POMERANIAN REVIEW