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The Pomeranian Review November 1979

American Pomeranian Club, 3nt.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY November I9T91 ftsiWa v paiii 10 n nmr,- S Hi'BESTOFBREtOCEDAR RAP'PS197923JUNEPHOTOOLSONCH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND 1978 SPECIALTY WINNER andNADINE HERSIL, HANDLER-AGENTIN THIS ISSUEA VERY SPECIAL ARTICLE ON ETHICSIN THE SHOW RINGALUUIX rumunnmrtnv . ____________________________________ __________CH. Pomirish Yankee Doodle DandyCONSISTENT GROUP PLACER AND WINNERx V'ev -J f \jfmmmiTViDANVILLEkennel CLUE first i 80UPYANKEE" WINNING GROUP UNDER EDNA JOEL 6-30-79Thanks to all the judges for the many BOBs and Group Placements in the toughMidwest Toy Group.Sired by Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadin, the Summer Specialty winning Stud Dog."Glad to help you, Pop"Many thanks to Nadine Hersil for all her help with our first show POM. As new members of the APC, we look forward to a long and lasting friendship with all exhibitors andbreeders in the APC.ALDON POMERANIANSSCHIPPERKESPat and Fred Whitaker 217-379-4728403 S. Fall Street Paxton, Illinois 60957Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAntmran Pomeranian QUnb, Jnr.President..........................First Vice President...........Second Vice President...Recording Secretary_____Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer..........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB...........................................................................................Mrs. Sophie Mayes...........................................................................................Mr. Thomas Daniels..........................................................................................Mrs. Eleanor Miller........................................................................................Mrs. Jacqueline Klein...........................................................................................Mrs. Sue Goddard5044 Lee Highway, Bristol, Va. 24201 .........................................................................................Mrs. Goldie MandleyMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Sally Baugniet Mrs. Julia Brumback Delegate to AKC.....................................BOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Randall Freeh Mr. Tony Short Mr. Sam Zaneoff..........................Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager.....................................Mrs. Elton Pat Lewis, Rt. 1, Box 105-M, Terry, MS 39170Assistants..................................................................................................................Annie Juanita Harvey, Elton LewisCirculation Manager..........................Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston, SC 29405Published quarterly at Terry, Mississippi by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of May, August, November and February, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S.,10.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.50. Canada, Mexico, 11.00 Foreign 12.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................75.00Inside front cover.................................................... 40.00Center Spread, 2 pages........................................... 80.00Full page................................................................. 35.00Three-quarters page................................................ 30.00One-half page......................................................... 20.00One-quarter page vertical only............................ 10.00100 copies full page ad............................................. 9.50Charge for reproduction of pictures, up to 5 x 7 inches, 6.00. No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, September 15th for November issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own- and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEW0.riPresident's Message xSophie H. Mayes 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 1 9380 215-793-1912Another successful Summer Specialty took place in Wisconsin on August 11 and although "coming and going" - via the soon-to-be-discontinued Broadway Limited - took a big hunk out of my 4 day vacation, the show and all events connected with it turned out to be even BETTER than anticipated Congratulations indeed, and many thanks to the Kenosha County Pom Club, our hosts, and Show Chairman, Nadine Hersil and her hard-working Committed. It was just GREATYou will find the show writeup elsewhere, and pictures of some beautiful Poms all in lovely coat for August. Wonder how they managed that All mine were right in the midst of shedding down to their "underwear". Both the judges gave careful consideration to every entry. The two were notin complete agreement- what two judges ever agree what two judges ever agree But with so much quality in evidence, decisions were close.The Kenosha Club leaped into the breach at the last possible moment and consented to host this summers Specialty. They want to go on record as saying most emphatically thata regional club wishing to host an A.P.C. Summer Specialty should apply to the Board at least a year in advance of the expected date. The Board in turn would like to say that we hope any regional club, whether fully AKC recognized or not, desirous of playing host to one of these rotating summer Specialty shows, will contact the Corresponding Secretary and ask for a copy of our Guidelines for putting on such a show. These are in the process of being revised and updated. Also, write to the Chairmen of the last three Summer Specialties for words of advice on cost to the regional club and pitfalls to watch out for, etc., etc.In my August column, I gave some true but unwelcome statistics on member participation in Club affairs, most especially concerning our AnnualSpecialty in New York in February each year. Each year, our Trophy appreciation list and advertisers listed in Show Catalogue COMBINED show a total of less than 13 our membership contributing. Frankly, we feel that this is a disgraceful situation. If each member would send a small trophy donation, even if nothing else, we would happily take a second pageto print the list Perhaps after the "lecture" of last time, our pledges showed a higher percentage of participation. All should be in by now, but if anyone missed the boat on the trophy pledges, an immediate mailing should still get an ad in the Catalogue Send to Tony Short - address and phone number on page 14 of the August Review, upper left hand side.To strike a more positive note, we are anticipating another record entry in February, and hope all our past exhibitors PLUS a raft of new ones will join us for a gala weekend. Save your money, fill all the teapots with quarters and dimes, sell a couple of Poms, hint to your family that you need cash gifts for Christmas - do ANYTHING but one way or the other, be sure to get there Your officers and Board will play host in the Hospitality Room. If anyone wants to contribute snacks or mixers, same will be gladly accepted.Back to the subject of MONEY. Cant seem to get away from it, this time. Members have recently received their bills for Annual Dues, showing the increase voted by more than 23rds of the membership, and so badly needed in our Treasury. We hope all members will stay with us. We need you all Please send in your dues as promptly as possible, and when you get your ballot for elections, dont forget to vote.Still on the same subject - we have found it necessary to increase subscription rates for the non-member subscribers to the Review, effective immediately as each one expires. The Board decided to hold the line on members subscriptions for 1980, since4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF S GREATER HOUSTONOLGA BAKER 207 Shirleen Dr. Seabrook, TX 77586 713-334-2250figrTexans have a grossly "un-earned" reputation of trying to do things in a BIG way trying at times to out-do others -- even it is rumored trying to impress their friends with the magnitude of their efforts These are obviously rumors only -- and certainly not typical of Texas behavior just wanted to make that perfectly clear.WE IN HOUSTON JUST COMPLETED THE BIGGEST, MOST SPECTACULAR, MOST IMPRESSIVE, MOST EXCITING, MOST COMFORTABLE, MOST CONVENIENT, DOG SHOWS WEVE EVER SEEN The Astrohall Series of Shows was held in Houston in early August with three allbreed clubs and one Combined Specialty Club joining efforts to provide a really find Club joining efforts to provide a really fine event 4 shows in 4 days, all at the same huge air conditioned Astrohall. The Pomeranian Club was included with our 5th Annual Specialty Show, most successful with excellent entries, gorgeous trophy display, lots of time for the much-desired socializing that is a part of dog-showing, and big major points every day shared by several good dogs. Our Sweepstakes was judged by Ms. Karen Holder, former Houstonian, and long-time Pomeranian breeder and friend. For the purposeof this column, I shall note only major winners in our own show. Space and time will not permit more extensive coverage of ail the shows. Best Puppy in Sweepstakes was TOMANOLLS I GOT LEGGS, owned by Opal Mosher. "Leggs" was quite an attention getter all through the event and we noted he was never far from Opals lap Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps was Lu Colliers precious little DUTCHESS. Then the well known Pomeranian friend and judge, Mr. Fred Bassett of Oklahoma judged the regular classes. Everyone was happy to see Fred and his judging was efficient, friendly, and seemingly popular. Winners Dog was PEDRONS MARK OF THE DRAGON owned by Pete Galindo of El Paso -- finishing this fine dogs Championship, and planting smiled on Petes face for the remianing days Winners Bitch was ROSSKEARSPROMISED LAND, owned by Davon Shire Kennel of Florida -- very lovely and very deserving. Best of Breed went to the popular little OH. MACS MISTER BEAUX JANGLES, owned by B. G. McDonald of Dallas. Lots of you will remember him from his visit to New York in February remember "the pup" everyone was talking about Thats the guy This beautiful little local dog note how I manage to refer to him as "local" -- but then, Dallas is not too very far from Houston - has been doing nice winning and now it appears some nice producing also. Double the pleasure Congratulations to his happy owners and also to the owner of Best Opposite Sex CH. GOLDEN WINDS LILTRINKETand Carla Prewitt, also of Dallas.In an effort to keep the column within reasonable length, I shall not detail individual work by members toward making our show successful. Suffice it to say to worked wonders, and we thank you.While I do not presume this to be earth-shaking, or even really notable, information, still I take the opportunity to quote excerpts from a letter I have just sent to our Club Secretary"Many years ago, at the time of formation of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston, the then members elected me President of the newly formed organization, and I have served in that capacity ever since that time...etc..etc., the Club seems reasonably healthy at this time in its history, and it is my feeling at this time that I should resign the Presidency and have the members entrust the leadership of the Club into another good members hands. This decision is firm, t will of course continue to work with the Club and to be of assistance at any time and in whatever capacity is required, and Darrell and I will work in any ways we can to insure its continued growth and success. Respectfully Submitted,...Olga."Officers and Directors for the coming year will be elected, as always, in October at our annual meeting --and I am holding firm -- truly feeling it is now someone elses turn and it is a nice challenge and a rewarding office to hold. Its sure fund to take an infant thing and "grow it up", pulling it up by its boot strings from time to time but always enjoying it and taking pride in it. LOVEthe Pom Clubs ail of them.Till next time keep nice -- smile a lot.Olga Baker, EditorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Nadine HersilIt is with sincere gratitude and appreciation that I write this column. As chairman of an event such as the APC summer specialty held in conjunction with the Cudahy KC all-breed show on August 11, one has no idea what to expect. All activities and meetings of our clubheld since February when we were awarded the hosting of the specialty have been devoted to one thing AND YOU KNOW WHAT THAT WAS The only complaint I have is the time factor. Hosting this specialty would have been much more enjoyable had we had an entire year to prepare instead of 6 months. Believe me, its not hard to pull athing like this off with cooperative club members and the proper time element. I certainly had the cooperative club members The specialty is written up in another article so I will not go into the details other than to say that everything was just as I prayed it would be. The grounds and show site were super and even the weather cooperated. Thank you one and all.The show season is in full swing here now in the Midwest and without driving too far you can go to a show every weekend. Since the forming of this club 8 - 9 years ago, the majors have been plentiful in this area, and our clubmembers have happily shared them pretty evenly. Consequently, quite a few of our members have new champions or some dogs lacking only a few points to that magic "CHAMPION" title. Congratulations go to Jackie Liddle and "Ch. Perkins, Sally Baugniet and "Ch. Sprite", Elinor Lucius Luccasand "Ch. Stormy." Almost there are Carol Mark Walsh and "Carmel", Duane Gaulke and "Rocky",Hank and Marie Jatczak and "Star", Carmen Glanderand "Buttercup", and Kris Collins and "Sampson". Im sure I missed a few but at least you get a general idea of the winners. With September comes our annual election of officers and a renewed faith and devotion to club affairs and the expectation of our annual dinners with certificates for the big winners.The biggest news concerns Sally Baugniet and Ch. Squirt. Besides racking up American Canadian groups and specialty wins, she and Squirt now have a Canadian BIS under the renowned judge Ed Bivin. This delightful duo are certainly making their appearance felt in the tuff Toy Group competition in this area and Squirt is just coming INTO coat. Our congratulations and continued good wishes go to Sally and Squirt.BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBARBARA YOUNG 204 Loudon Ridge Rd. Loudon, N.H. 03301cm\rOur Annual Meeting and Specialty Show were held -September 1, in conjunction with the South Shore Kennel Club in Hingham, Massachusetts. Entries were down, perhaps due to the gasoline situation, but the major held in bitches. Best of Breed and Group 4 was Robert Koeppels Ch. Funfairs Pinto O Joe Dandy. After three years retirement, Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D., had a ball winning the Veterans Class. Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex was a homebred of Chris Heartz from Nova Scotia, Can. Ch. Criscendo Coy Coquette, a lovely, showy bright orange. Reserve Winners Bitch was a nine month old red, Win-D-Nols Sweet N Sassy, owned by members Bob andJanet Claar. BCPC members collected the placings in Dogs. Nancy Vayos eleven month old homebred, Donayo Double Duce, was Winners Dog. An eight month old bred and owned by Jessie and Barbara Young, Jabils Simply Sinful, was Reserve.After the judging members gathered under the trees for the annual dinnerand meeting. Claire Flesner and committee are to be commended for a lovely buffet. Award plaques were given to members whose dogs attained a breed or obedience title during the year, and new officers were installed. After four years presidency, Jessie Young handed the office to Gladys Dykstra of Springfield, Massachusetts.Our next B-OB Match is scheduled for October 7, and results will be in the next Pom Review.FEBRUARY DEADLINE DECEMBER 15, 19798 POMERANIAN REVIEWwe just increased the annual dues. Our Editor, Pat Lewis, is doing a great job in putting out our favorite magazine, and she is trying hard to hold the production costs to the bare minimum, BUT....I feel sure you are ail familiar with INFLATION and the ever-escalating cost of EVERYTHING.When we switched over to offset printing, we received a "bonus" of larger pictures at minimum cost, and reproduction of pictures is better. At the same time, we were forced to raise all advertising space rates to compensate for increased printing COSTS. We expected some resistance to these rate increases just at first, although by any possible standard of comparison, Review ads are very reasonable. We hope advertisers will overcome any lingering reluctance to advertise in the Review, for several very valid reasons. I wont say "IF" we want the Review to continue, because of COURSE we all want the Review to continue Since the fledgling Canadian Pom Prints died after three years because of LACK OF SUPPORT, the Review is once again the ONLY publication devoted exclusively to Pomeranians. But the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., is not financially able to subsidize a large Review deficit. We don't expect the Review to make a profit, but we do and must expect it to break even or nearly so. In order to do that, our ads must pay about 95 of our printing costs. We rely on our income from subscriptions and sale of back issues to pay all other expenses of production, including postage a huge item these days, shipping, mailing envelopes, office supplies, etc.So, Reason S1 to advertise in the Review is to support the Review and help make it possible. Reason s2 is to sell top stock to people who know and appreciate top stock. If you have pets to sell, advertise them in that all-breed publication that boasts of the largest circulation of any dog magazine. Their ads are very expensive and potential buyers do not seem to want to pay more than 100 for a perfect Pom with a lifetime guarantee Yes, a monthly gives you more exposure, but dollar for dollar, I feel you will do far better through the Review. The sale of just one Pom of show or breeding quality will more than pay for your full page ad with picture in every issue Reason s3 is again to your direct benefit - to keep your name, your kennel name and your winning Poms in front of the only "Public" that really matters, the Pomeranian Fancy.Im afraid I have somewhat exceededsuecoooMA special members meeting was held immediately following the judging at the summer specialty hosted by the Kenosha Pomeranian Club. Members had the opportunity to air their views and make suggestions for the improvement of the club.The board of directors held a meeting following the members meeting. They discussed guidelines to employ as far as maximum amounts to allow for judges expenses in an effort to reduce costs. Discussion was also held on ways to reduce the printing costs of the Review. The board welcomes your views and you may address any suggestions to me.We are pleased to welcome the following new membersRalston and Carol Riggs RD. 1, 25 Skyline Dr.Oakdale, Ct. 06370Mrs. Carmen Glander 1519 North Avenue Round Lake Beach, IL 60073 Mrs. Connie Femrite Rt. 1Blue Mounds, Wis. 53517 Mrs. Karen L. Broyles 1511 74th St. Kenosha, Wis. 53140 Mrs. Jane Lehtinen Rt. 1, Box 210 Gilbert, Minn. 55741my allotted space, this time. Hope Pat remembers that my last column was short Thanks in advance for your cooperation and your financial support- and dont forget NEW YORK IN FEBRUARYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5EOVERjSTQRYjlTICOS TALE by Morris CarsonA breeder can at times note that a puppy, even at a very early age, is special due to its having a distinct but inexplicable quality which sets him apart from other also-beautiful pups. Such was the case with Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond, "Tico". This rare quality has been apparent to all throughout Ticos show career and is reappearing in many of his progeny.Ticos very first introduction to a show ring occurred at the Charlottesville- Albemarles Kennel Club sanctioned match in May 1977. At just under 5 months of age, Tico went Best in Match - even over adult dogs A little over a month later Tico founds himself entered in Open Class my goof at Skyline Kennel Club. There, at 6 months and 1 week old, Tico took his first 2 points. Three weeks later Tico attended the Mountaineer Kennel Club show - this time correctly entered as a puppy. Although he was not yet 7 months old, he went Best of Breed over Specials and wound up with a group 111 placement.Of course, Tico has had some expert help throughout his show career. Our friend Maynard Wood, who showed Tico to his rapidly-won championship, comments that "Ticos loving but arrogant personality endears him to all, especially when he walks into the ring as ifFEBRUARY KENNEL VISIT GOES TO THE MIDWESTMrs'. Carol A. Galavich, who resides in the mid-western state of Ohio, will be the recipient of the February, 1980 Kennel Visit. Carol is recognized by the Review Staff for her fine sportsmanship, excellent breeding program and sincere appreciation of a "good" Pom. Support her visit with your say, Here I am wnat are tnose omei dogs doing here" Ticos qualities and Maynards expertise paid off when, at the Charlottesville-Albemarle Kennel Club show on January 22,1978, Tico took Best of Winners for a 4 point major, thereby adding that coveted Ch to his name.The next month Maynard and I decided to show off our new Champion, so we headed for the Big Apple and the A P C Specialty. Again Maynard and Tico had the winning combination, as Judge Darrell Baker awarded Best of Breed to Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond over a field of 14 beautiful champions.Since the Specialty Tico has spent most of his time "earning his keep" as a stud, except for a brief fling during this past summer when he re-entered the show ring with another expert, Nadine Hersil. In a short period of time Tico chalked up 12 BOB and 4 group placements. Nadine states that, "at first sight Tico appeared quiet and unsure of himself but that demure behavior did not last long once the show ring was at hand. Put him into an X-pen and you have a veritable tiger with brilliant orange coloring. His personality and spark were not to be extinguished when pitted against other Specials or that one-in-a- million class dog It is a pleasure to show this bundle of vitality and one can easily see how his reputation preceeds him."Both Maynard and Nadine have commented on Ticos value as a quality producing stud dog. He is the sire of the APC Summer Specialty Reserve Winners Bitch taken from the 9-12 month puppy class. Another pup took a 5 pt. major at about 9 months of age, and many others are at varying stages in show careers still other beautiful pups are yet too young to show. As Nadine states, "As a young dog, let us hope that Tico can continue his winning ways and produce puppies his heritage and bloodlines will be proud of."NEW ADVERTISING RATES AND INSTRUCTIONSALL ADVERTISERS please read page 3 before sending in your ads Because of increased printing costs, we have had to raise the rates for all sizes of ads.Please note that all ads are to be PREPAID and that all copy is to be TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED. DOUBLE SPACE ALL COPY.6 POMERIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club SPECIALTYSATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1979 By TONY SHORTThis year the Summer Specialty was held in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, August 11. The show was hosted by the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club.We left Des Moines for the Specialty Thursday shortly before tornado warnings were broadcast for our area. The wind and rain got so bad that we had to stop after only fifty miles and spend the night. We still arrived in Oak Creek Friday afternoon in plenty of time to be among the first into the Hospitality room, the hub of any specialty. The Kenosha Pom Club went all out to provide the very best of everything. The hospitality table was filled with all sort of goodies with the main dish being Smoked Lake Trout. The table never lacked for food the entire weekend. We cant forget to thank our two bartenders Mr. Lucius Luccas and Mr. Chris Noland who were always there to provide us with a drink soda, beer, or mixed drinks. The hospitality room was open except when we were at the show and needless to say we spent many hours there.Sweepstakes started at 900 A.M. so everyone arrived at the show grounds early and were greeted by Jackie Liddle and Sally Baugniet who had their motorhomes set up just outside the ring. They served coffee and rolls which really hit the spot for those of us who had closed up the hospitality room the night before. Tom Daniels started judging Puppy Sweepstakes of 20 dogs right on time. I for one would not have wanted his job of placing these nice looking puppies and having to pick one as best. But Tom knows what he likes and did an excellent job of selecting his winners.Robert Will judged the regular classes of 76 dogs including 15 specials The puppies in general were well trained. Most of them were very showy. Most all the Poms were in excellent coat. The most popular color was clear bright oranges, although there were a few cream, black, and sables.Mr. Wills Winners were as follows6 to 9 Puppy Dog Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance, Breeder-owner Sally Baugniet, a very showy, heavy coated cream.9 to 12 Puppy Dog Browns Rock N Robin, Breeder-owner Wilma Brown, this typy, sweet faced, heavy coated puppy went all the way to Best of Winners.Novice Dog Gamlans Riverboat Pirate, Breeder-owner Mary Ellen Hendrickson, a nice red sable.Bred-by-exhibitor Jolly Wee Tippy the Tiger, Breeder-owner Mrs. Randall Freeh, a very cobby orange with lovely epat and head.American Bred Dog D-Nees Dandy Don Meredith, Breeder Nadine Hersil, Owner Ross Liddle Nadine Hersil, a very showy orange.Open Dog Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi, Breeder-owner Mrs. Randall Freeh. This typy orange won over a tough class of 10 dogs and went on to Reserve Winners Dog.6 to 9 Puppy Bitch Pomirish Imag Gin Lil Me, Breeder-owner Sally Baugniet, a very showy orange.9 to 12 Puppy Bitch Emcees Solid Tange Gold, Breeder Lennis Raines, Owner Morris Betty Carson, this lovely orange is definitely a winner and went on this day to Reserve Winners Bitch.Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitch Gamlans Summer Caprice, Breeder-owner Mary Ellen Hendrickson, a nice orange in good coat.American Bred Bitch Little Muffins Image, Breeder Jean Janning, Owner Patty Withhart, a very nice heavy coated orange.Open Bitch, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Scotia Braum Chintilly Lace, Breeder-owner Edna Girardot..Edna our grand little old lady of Pomswhoseemsto show up at every Specialty, showed this beautiful sized orange all the way to Winners Bitch.Veteran Dog Ch. D-Nees Call Me Wart, Breeder-owner Nadine Hersil, had very good type with a good tail set.Stud dog class was won by Nadine Hersils Ch. D-Nees Darin Diandan, her beautiful Best in Show Pom.Brood Bitch class was won by Lucius and Elinor Luccas' Luells Finally a Timstopper, a nice brood with twoPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9beautiful puppies.BEST OF BREEDCh. Randys Ga. Hot Shot of Jolly Wee, Breeder-owner Mrs. Randall Freeh, an extremely cobby little orange that demanded to be number one. Hot Shot went on to win a well deserved Group 3.Following judging we were all served lunch. Boy was it good I will not go into the menu, but if anyone failed to get enough to eat it was their own fault.The Banquet was a fitting end to aperfect day. The Prime Rib Dinner was done to perfection. A wine glass with the inscription "SUMMER SPECIALTY 1979" and a hand painted Pom was given to each dinner guest. These glasses were painted by Kris Collins.One thing I know for sure, we cannot give enough thanks to the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club members for the delightful Specialty weekend we had in Wisconsin...SWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUETHOMAS E. DANIELSTo be asked to judge Sweepstakes at a Summer Specialty is indeed an honor and a challenge. I want to express my thanks to the Members of both the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club and the American Pomeranian Club for inviting me.When I received the Judging Schedule, I was pleased to see an entry of 20 for Sweeps, this being the largest collection of Puppies I had seen since New York. Leaving New England in a Thunderstorm, it was indeed a pleasure to land in Milwaukee with blue skies and sunshine.The day of the show was spectacular both weather-wise and Dog quality. The show site was excellent and the Trophy table was outstanding. Couple all of this with a friendliness that was all around and you knew that you were going to have a great day.My Best in Sweeps was D-Nees DLishos Dambrosia, owned by Sharon Mariner and Jacqueline Liddle and was from the 6-9 Class. An excellent show lady, cobby, typey and with real substance.My Best Opposite was Browns Rock N Robin, owned by Wilma J. Brown. He wasfrom the 9-12 Class and was medium sized, well coated, short in back and here again an excellent show dog with style.It goes without saying that making the final decision was not easy as all of the entries were of high quality and acreditto the Breed. I wish all of them well in their show careers.My thanks also to the Stewards and everyone else for making my judging run so smoothly.That evening we had a very nice dinner, which I know was enjoyed by all the members and guests, as was the Hospitality Room, which was well stocked with Food and Drink, and ran so smoothly.Special thanks should go to all the Members of the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club and especially Nadine Hersil, who put this all together, without a hitch. Everything was perfect from the time you stepped off the plane until you were on your way back home.Again, my thanks to all for allowing me the pleasure and opportunity to judge the Sweeps and also for giving me the opportunity to meet so many people that I only knew by a name and address.REMEMBER DOGS ARE GOOD - TOYS ARE BETTER - POMS ARE BESTVsI'LL BE HAPPY TO SHAPE My T0Y6- WANT TO PLAY10 POMERANIAN REVIEWftBYTCHWINNERS1SSBEST IIM SWEEPSTAKESD-Nee's Delishus Dambrosia, owned by Sharon Mariner and Jacqueline Liddle and handled by Jacqueline Liddle.WINNERS BITCHScotia Braum Chantilly Lace, owned and handlec by Mrs. Edna E. Girardot.N.r''best ot breedr. \ I BEST OfCUDKHTRL.imm LUGUSTVU9791nums- PHOTOOLSONBESTOF BREEDCh. Randy's Georgia Hotshot of Jolly Wee owned and handled by Mrs. Randall M. Freeh."r"ill-v'mmbest oe ownersEES' Vmr.T\DNWMFIJ\WINNERS DOG AND BEST OF WINNERSBrown's Rock N Robin, owned by Wilma J. Brown and handled by Elinor Miller.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh. Cissy of Lenette, owned by Sally Baugniet and handled by son, Robert Baugniet.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY WINNERSCLASS ENTRIES JUDGE, MR. ROBERT G. Wills Puppy Dog - 6-9 MonthsPOMIRISH CR PUFF'S ONLY CHANCE..................................................... Sally BaugnietPuppy Dog - 9-12 Months Winners Dog - Best of WinnersBROWN'S ROCK N ROBIN.......................................................................Wilma J. BrownNovice DogGAMLAN'S RIVERBOAT PIRATE.................................................Mary Ellen HendricksonBred By Exhibitor DogJOLLY WEE TIPPY THE TIGER...........................................................Mrs. Randall FreehAmerican Bred DogD-NEE'S DANDY DON MEREDITH...................................... Ross Liddle and Nadine HersilOpen Dog Red, Orange, Cream, Sable, Reserve Winners DogJOLLY WEE FANCY DUN OF PEPPI................................................Mrs. Randall M. FreehPuppy Bitch - 6 - 9 MonthsPOMIRISH IMAG GIN LI'L ME......................................................................Sally BaugnietPuppy Bitch - 9 -12 Months and Reserve Winners BitchEMCEE'S SOLID TANGE-GOLD.................................................. Morris and Betty CarsonBred By Exhibitor BitchGAMLAN'S SUMMER CAPRICE..................................................Mary Ellen HendricksonAmerican Bred BitchLITTLE MUFFIN'S IMAGE............................................................................ Patty With hartOpen Bitch Red, Orange, Cream, Sable and Winners BitchSCOTIA BRAUM CHANTILLY LACE.........................................................Edna E. GirardotVeteran DogCH. D-NEE'S CALL ME WART.......................................................................Nadine HersilBest of Opposite SexCH. SISSY OF LENETTE.............................................................................Sally BaugnietBest of BreedCH. RANDY'S GEORGIA HOST SHOT OF JOLLY WEE..................Mrs. Randall M. FreehStud Dog ClassCH. D NEE'S DARIN' DIANDAN.....................................................................Nadine HersilBrood Bitch ClassLUELL'S FINALLY A TIMSTOPPER.............................................Lucius and Elinor LuccasBrace ClassPOMIRISH IMAG GIN LI'L ME - POMIRISH LI'L GUYS DOLL....................Sally BaugnietPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE, Mr. Thomas E. DanielsDogs and Bitches 6-9 Months and Best in SweepstakesD NEE'S D'LISHUS DAMBROSIA B............................Sharon Mariner and Jaquline LiddleDogs and Bitches 9-12 Months and Best Opposite SexBROWN'S ROCK N ROBIN D.................................................................Wilma J. BrownOBEDIENCE - JUDGE, Mrs. Dorothy E. VettelHigh Scoring Pomeranian - Novice B ClassSTUBER'S FANCY LUCK................................................................................RuthStuberSecond High Scoring Pomeranian - Novice B ClassSTUBER'S JAMIE YU TANGI TING................................................................ Paula MalikThird High Scoring Pomeranian - Novice B ClassWATTS LITTLE ITSI DARLING..........................................................Sharon King Hiemenz12 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENNEL VISIT WITH JEAN SCHROLL By Bea GeorgI would like you to come with me for a little visit a few miles out of Oregon City, Oregon to Jay Jay's Kennels at 12950 S. New Era Rd., the home of "Ch. Holders a Lil Red Flash" known to all of us who treasure his friendship as "Texas". Living with him are his proud owners, Jean and Jimmie Schroll, three Champion sons, "Free", "Robin" and "Irish and only a few others at the moment. As Jean sees "Texas" he is the most perfect Pom she has ever seen and from his show record many other people had this same idea. I would like to tell you in more detail about this fabulous dog and then we shall get back to the kennel. Jean first started in Poms in 1964. After four years of looking for a dog she felt a good representative of our breed she settled on a cream male bred by Mildred Robinson Graff. Unfortunately he came to her at a bad time due to her first session of kennel cough. Most of us who show dogs, Im sure find this a very hard thing to escape entirely. Because of this she wasnt able to get him out enough, so he wasnt the showman that he could have been. Hedid finish and made a number of group placements, plus finishing easily in Canada. A few years went by, during which time she did some limited breeding and all the while looking foranother really good show quality Pom. Jean is a professional handler so has had the opportunity to study the breed extensively. She made a trip to Texas in the late 1960s and visited most of the Pom people, leaving word with every one that she was looking for a really good male Pom. No one had one to offer at that time but not too much later she received a letter from Barbara Holder McLaughlin asking if she still was looking for a show male. She said she sure was and Barbara said she had this little 2 month old boy that looked very promising. Jean and family were in the process of moving into the home where she now lives with "Texas" so she asked Barbara to hold him till he was four months old, at which time he was shipped. When she received him at that age, he of course was going through as I call it, the awkward teens, horribles, uglies, or however one might see this time when they go through their first coat change. Im sure it is the only really "unglamorous" time in a Poms life and by no means do they all go through it, but "Texas" did. The soundness was there 100 so all they had to do was wait awhilefor coat. It came of course to perfection being a clear deep Orange. He has a shor level back, a high tail set, tiny little ear and sound on all four legs. He wa showman in every sense of the word an isnt able to put his feet down wrong. Hi loved to show and never let Jean down. A ten months "Texas" was shown and wen RWD for'his first two shows. Next the went to San Francisco for thi Northwestern California Pomeraniai Club Specialty summer show. It was atwACh. Holders a Lit Red Flash with trophies, ribbons and weekend. At Richmond Dog Fanciers "Texas" went BOW, for 4 points, then on to the specialty where he again went BOW for 5 more points. This at 11 months of age. The next weekend home again for BOB and group 3 and another 3 points. The following weekend another show and another great big 5 pointsand a group 2. At three days past one year "Texas" was finished. I might say here that "Texas" personality is equally as great as his showmanship. Sweet, loving and most outgoing. If you have your old Pom Reviews he may be seen on the cover of the April 1971 issue. A beautiful dog for sure. I did not know Jean at this time so did not know "Texas personally in his young life but Ive sure enjoyed him these past few years and am privileged to own sons and daughters of his. I am not sure exactly what his record was as he wasPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13being campaigned but he has 95 group placements and 4 Best in Shows, which is a most impressive record. I shall never forget my first visit to Jean's home and my unbelief upon entering her living room and observing one entire end wall of a large living room from table level to ceiling, plus a huge fireplace mantle on the other wall, completely covered with trophies, rosettes, ribbons and the various silver, crystal, etc. All belonging to "Texas". Being rather new as far as showing was concerned it was almost beyond comprehension that one dog could have earned all that recognition. Im sure there arent too many with such a record.ww^nmJean with an armful of love.Texas is now ten years old, going strong and to date has 12 Champion children and two more pointed. Jean has been very selective who she has used him with consequently he has not been used extensively so this is a very impressive record. There have been severalshows that Ive attended that most all the winners had "Texas" breeding in the background. He is everything one could ever hope for in a Pom and Im sure can never be replaced in Jeans heart. She keeps looking and hoping foronetocomealong that would be somewhere near as good but so far none. I really think he is a oneft4 .\. iVisitors in the back yard.and only and she will have to settle for a bit less. The 3 Champion sons she has are very lovely dogs as well.We made a trip to England to Cruft Show in 1978 and had hoped to maybe find a couple of nice dogs there to bring a little new blood in but no success. Their dogs were quite small and Jean believes a Pom should be a sound five pound dog. These little dogs are "Cute" but rarely make good broods or studs. Just too much risk in my opinion.Now that I have told you about "Texas", the hub of the wheel around which most of the Jay Jays Kennel revolved, Ill tell you a little more about this rather unorthodox kennel. The reason I put it this way is because of the fact that they have a modern kennel in all respects a hundred feet from their house but this is too far from where Jean can keep her eye on them. Her dogs are housed with them and consider themselves "people". Fortunately she has a large utility porch, in which they built a wall of pens which are used at night. From this service porch the door opens into a large fenced, grassy backyard wherethey can exercise to their hearts content. The living room is large and has several baby play pens in it which are used for new mothers and puppies. Because of this "Togetherness" her dogs have very nice personalities and rarely do you see one that isnt quite outgoing. I dont think Jean ever had more than five or six bitches at any time but they were good dogs and- NA small rest in the food dish.produced many fine puppies. Jean spent eleven years working for a Vet so has a lot of knowledge about the problems to watch for and what to do about it. This is both good and bad in as much as, attimes,I think she is overly cautious. During these years of breeding, their daughter Shirley lived with them and was equally as14 POMERANIAN REVIEWwrapped up in the dogs. This made it possible for Jean to make her show circuits knowing that all would be well. Shirley was very competent whelping the mothers, etc., so Jean had no worries. But as daughters have a habit of doing, her "Prince Charming" arrived on the scene and mother lost her kennel helper. She tried for a while to hire help, but as you know this is just about impossible. You perhaps can find someone to clean etc. but to personally care for the dogs as you like - no way. Jimmie runs the boarding kennel which they have and that keeps him quite busy.During that period my husband Wayne and I had become acquainted with the Schrolls thru our dogs and Jean felt we were breeders that she would feel secure in placing her bitches with. Having to be away as much as she is, it would have been impossible to carry on a breeding program, so we made an agreement satisfactory to both of us and we took over the bitches and have carried on with her breeding program these past three years. We raise about twenty puppies a year I wouldsay and feel we can be quite proud of the quality we are offering our customers. Jean hopes one day to be in the position to do some breeding once more so she wants to keep her line going.TSmL3JSCh. Flash contemplates his wall of ribbons and trophies.The Schrolls latch string is always out and nothing dotheyenjoy more than folks dropping by. Their place is so beautiful you feel you are in a park. They have about two acres and they utilize every bit of it. They raise a fabulous garden every year with vegetables to share with neighbors and friends. Jeans particular liking is trees and she really has some beauties of many species. They maintain a lawn almost like a golf course so it alladds up to beautiful grounds. They may well be very proud of all they have. So really at the present time I think she has only about a dozen dogs at home, four of which are Champions. They are very special to her and do have more less the run of the house except for the living room. When it comes bedtime, Im not sure how many rate a space on Jeans bed, but I know "Texas rates the number one spot and Im sure there are others. If they live a dogs life so to speak, Id be glad to join them any day.FramedAnother little thing Id like to add is a word or two about Jeans handling of the dogs. When on circuits, Ive made a number of trips with her and the number one thing at all times is the care of those dogs that have been entrusted to her. They are never left alone very long at a time in the motor home and when in the exercise pens you never hardly turn your back on them. Always the care and comfort of the dogs comes first and from there you consider your own needs. I find this a very commendable attribute as this is not always the way it is.She is also a very dedicated person regarding the standard of our breed. She tries to breed for this and becomes quite upset at times when animals are put up that are so far from thestandard. I know of a number of letters she has written concerning this situation so she doesnt sit idly by allowing our breed to go down hill. We find it hard to get majors here in the Northwest which proves our breed has lost some of its popularity for the moment. We must work to correct this as all we proud owners of Poms know they are the greatest little dogs in existance. I did say owners, which I shall correct. MyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 15saying being, "I have never really owned a Pom, they all own me."As a last thing I would like to say, thank you Jean and Jimmie Schroll for a lovely friendship and all the help you have given us along the way in our breeding and showing of our beautiful breed - - The Pomeranian.CongratulationstoJEAN SCHROLLon your Kennel Visit anda Big wish for your continued successfromCHAR-MURS POMERANIANS Muriel L. Gunthee 4314 S.E. Raymond St. Milwaukee, Oregon 97222Covered back yard.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Stud Fee 75.00GREAT ELMS KENNELS, Reg.Congratulations to Jean Schroll on her November Kennel VisitWe also wish to congratulate Woodrose and its owners Stanley and Clarice Oganeku for their very interesting August Kennel Visit and also to Lurline Kimokeo forthe nice write-upRUTH L. BEAM Pineville, N.C. 28134P.O. Box 937 Ph 704889-923316 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. HOLDER S A LIL RED FLASH7r 9 sire of. nCH. JAY JAYS RED ROBIN.sP CH. JAY JAYS RED RASCALFCH. JAY JAYS FLASHY IRISHOWNED BY JEAN SCHROLL12950 S. Nun Era Road Breeder of these 3 champion sonsOregon City, Oregon "Texas" has 9 champion children owned by othersPOMERANIAN REVIEW 17WE REMEMBER MAMMA AND GRANDMASUNGOLDS TOP HERDied Sept. 11, 1979Owned and loved by Rita LaVerne and Phil and Erin HundleyMother of six, Two who became Champions, Ch. La Ritas Troubles of Sungold, Ch. Maryanns Bambi Chip of Sungold, and a pointed daughter, La Ritas Treasure of Sungold. Three grandchildren and four new great grandchildren, listed belowOne boy two girls by Que Sera Spirit of La Rita X Que Sera Sassy Lass of La Rita, born August 23, 1979. One boy - one girl -for sale.One boy by Que Sera Spirit of La Rita X La Ritas Fancy Dancer born Sept. 9, 1979.Born Jan. 31, 1968Bred and loved by Anna La Fortune.IIw r- i. rvvQUE SERA SASSY LASS OF LARITAWB BOS VANCOUVER KENNEL CLUB JUNE 3, 1979Congratulations to Jean Schroll on her kennel visitespecially from Am. and Can. Ch. Scotia Dollys Dancy Sybil "Dingbat Dolly"Que Sera KennelPhil and Erin Hundley 1-206-568-228119101 67th S.E. Snohomish WA 9829018 POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIAKENNELS,Reg.POMS OF DISTINCTIONQVfIB1anewvjwher^CUD MW K.CA979AtAUGUSTliPHOTOOLSONiWnYiSCOTIA BRAUM CHINTILLY LACEWinning WB at Summer Specialty in Cudahy Wl, Judge Robert Wills. Repeated win next day at Racine. Two 5-pt. majors in one weekend.Congratulations to Jean Schroll on her Kennel VisitMANY CHAMPIONS AT STUD AND SOME REAL PROMISING YOUNGSTERS.Please state exact wants in first letter and enclose stamped addressed envelope.EDNA E. GIRARDOT Floral City, FL 32636P.O. Box 646 Ph. 904-726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 19CH. QUEENAIRE DOUBLE SCOTCH salutes his champion children finished thisyear^ r ai,. 1 \'t -East -upIntroducing the exciting young 3-34 pound male QUEENAIRES WHITE TIE N TAILS. Watch for him in theCH. QUEENAIRE AUTUMN ORANGE winter Sh0WSAutumn acquired a group 2 on ner way to her championship. She was shown as a special six times. She won six BOB, a group 2 and a group 4.CH. QUEENAIRE TRIPLE SCOTCHSCOTTY finished his championship in short order-two and a half months. He is now being specialed by Mr. Adrian Alford. Scotty is owned by Mrs. Gayle Boadway.CH. QUEENAIRE CALLING CARDCALLING CARD finished his championship in seven consecutive shows from June 3 to July 27. He is owned by Mrs. Regina M. Kruger, RN.We have five good bitches bred to Ch.Queenaire Double Scotch, Ch. Models Red Sultan, and Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude. All these puppies will be for sale. Inquiries invited.Congratulations to Jean Schroll on her kennel visit.Many thanks to our handlers, Phyllis and Jeff Greer.We wish to extend our thanks to Mrs. Anne Riddick for allowing us to purchase two ofher beautifully bred bitches.Wanda Dudley Roach 612 Woodrow AvenuePhone 209-529-5270 Modesto,California 9535020 POMERANIAN REVIEWScosv arrbectsuai Xeru^As2acclcu^ tyiAAeA aJlft '7m 4 14 CHAMPION POMIRI8H YANKEE DOODLE DANDY"Yankee is a sound, spirited 4 lb. orange male with light sabling and movement that excels. A proven.stud at stud to approved bitches.Congratulations to Mrs. Jean Schroll on the November Kennel Visit.Good Luck to Jan Gully with her "Yankee" daughter."Yankee" has over 20 BOBs and 10 Group Placements while being owner-handledsince February.ALDON POMERANIANSSCHIPPERKESPat Fred Whitaker 217-379-4728 403 S. Fall Street Paxton, III. 60957Look for "Yankee" sons and daughters at the upcoming shows. Inquiries accepted.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21[BROWNS POMERANIANSj-WM X.11mt wCH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMORRocky congratulates his son Ch. Browns Rock N Robin on completing his championship at the APC Specialty in Cudahy, Wisconsin and BOS in Sweepstakes. Also his daughter Browns Little Dixie Gal placing third in Sweepstakes and second in 9 to 12 mos. class.He has other pointed children and siring quality puppies. Rocky is at stud to approved bitches. I am only moments from Indianapolis International Airport. All girls are met and given tender loving care.Congratulations to Jean Schroll on her Kennel VisitMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville RoadPhone 317-271-4954 Indianapolis, Indiana 4623422 POMERANIAN REVIEWBROWN S POMERANIANS. v . '\i .-l-M-KWCWStW^JlBtST Si .OLSON euOTO..^v.-vCH.BROWNS ROCK N ROBIN ROBBY"a iShown taking WD and BW at the A.P.C. Specialty in Cudahy, Wisconsin Aug. 11-79 and completing his championship at 9 months of age. He finished undefeated in five shows. Robbys show career began at 6 months to the day winning a 4 point major and going BB over three lovely Specials. His wins include two 4 point majors, one 5 point and a Group 3. All wins were from the puppy class and he was owner handled except for the Specialty win and he was shown by Eleanor Miller.Thanks to Judges Mrs. Lorraine Heichel, Miss Dawn Vick, Mrs. Gately, Mr. James Nickerson and Mr. Robert Wills for making this possible.PEDIGREE BEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville RoadPhone 317-271-4954 Indianapolis, Ind. 46234POMERANIAN REVIEW 23BRADLEY'S KUM tl"f AINIAINSCongratulations to Jean Schroll on her kennel visit and a big thank you for all the T.L.C and excellent handling youve given our dogs. They love you, Jean a i r-s,'C Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy BearGoing BOB enroute to Group 3 at the Intermountain Kennel Club at Salt Lake City, Utah. The Judge is Dorothy Carson with Jean Schroll handling.SHIRLEY CATHERINE BRADLEY 16111 78th Ave. E.Phone. 206848-4813 Puyallup, Washington 9837124 POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSpresents their latestBEST IN SHOW ANDSPECIALTY WINNERCH. RANDYS GA HOT SHOT OF JOLLY WEEw km4CSJSON OF THE FANTASTIC MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOW WINNER CH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPIWe are reducing our kennel and have some choice select stock including a Ch. Corndukes grandson offered for sale. No letters, phone inquiries only, pleasePAUL RANDY FRECH 733 Booth RoadPhone 404926-6011 Kennesaw, GA 30144POMERANIAN REVIEW 25CANADA AND AMERICAN CHAMPION SKYLARK CINNAMON BANNERss04ir. vBEST IN SHOW JUNE 16, 1979 YUKON KENNEL CLUB, WHITEHORSE, CANADA JUDGE - NIGEL AUBREY-JONESOWNER - FLORENCE M. RYALS AGENT - JEAN SCHROLL PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYHQyafo Pomeranian aFlorence M. Ryals 7811 Leschi Road SWPhone 206-584-0231 Tacoma, WA. 9849826 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEE S POMERANIANSv .4 M l\mCH. CHIPS OF DIAMONDShown taking another BOB at Fort Steuben Kennel Assoc, under Judge James P. Cavallaro.vr ' j iSiJABILS STEPHANIE OF EMCEEShown taking a 3 pt. majorfrom Puppy Class ts months at Fort Steuben Kennel Assoc, under Judge James P.Cavallaro. We thank Jessie and Barbara Young for our "Stevie", a beautiful 412 lb. dark orange female.FLASH A Tico daughter, Emcees Solid Tange-Gold, went Winners Bitch, from Puppy Class at Greater Des Moines Pom Club Specialty for a 5 point major.Thank you,"Nadine", for a job well done.MORRIS AND BETTY CARSON 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, VA 23005POMERANIAN REVIEW 27ETHICSIN MAKING A CHAMPIONby Sally BaugnietCongratulations, you have a new Champion If you have played the game the best you could with good ethics and goodwill toward your fellow exhibitor, the congratulations are sincere and memorable. This article is meant to help the new exhibitor and remind the old. We all make mistakes, but if we learn from those mistakes and take steps to prevent them from happening again we surely can be forgiven. Believe me, I have'made some dooziesAsa review for the beginner, here are some basic American Kennel Club rules that pertain to the requirement for making a Champion of Record.A.K.C. requires fifteen points, including two majors, each earned under two different judges to have your dog become a Champion of Record. A major is three to five points earned in a show. The number of points is calculated according to the number of dogs or bitches that are shown in your breed at the particular show.If your dog goes Best of Winners, it has the highest number of points available in that show for your breed. For example That day there are four points in dogs, two points in bitches. Winner's bitch goes Best of Winners and is therefore judged to be better than Winners dog and earns the same number of points as Winners dog.A.K.C. has no provision for extra points wJien a class dog or bitch goes Best of Breed or Best Opposite Sex over a Specials dog or bitch. Nor are there extra points for ijroup placement, except for first in Group where you are given the highest number of points available to any breed in that group for that show. You should be so lucky. A class dog going Best in Show is awarded the most number of points available to any breed in that show.Dont hold your breath for that one.Keep in mind that you need fifteen points including two majors under two different judges. Anymore points than that does not make your dog more of a Champion Occasionally you may have a dog that needs one or two points and earns three to five points in the last show. The dog then finishes with more than fifteen points, but this is ethical.I feel that it would be unethical for ahandler, be it owner or professional, to put more than twenty points on the dog. It may cause hard feelings, because you are depriving another dog of points. This day and age with the unavailability and expense of gasoline, plus higher entry and handling fees, it makes it even more important that a dog not compile unneeded points.When a dog needs both majors and has nine points, or needs one major and has twelve points it would be considered poor ethics to show that dog in a one or two point show unless an exhibitor asks you to show it to hold the points.After you have finished your dog you no longer show it in anything except the Specials class. Many times the dog was already entered in the classes in two - three weekends of advance shows. Unless you are asked by other exhibitors to show your dog - dont. Wait to enter it in Specials class or if the other entries havent closed, change the entries to Specials class, and show it from the acceptable class for your finished dog. If your dog has just finished and you feel he is Group or BIS material, it surely isnt going to hurt him, or you, to wait until he can be entered and shown from the Specials class.Occasionally an exhibitor miscounts the number of dogs in competition or forgets about onethat was disqualified, or for some reason thought there were more points than there were. This is why ethically you can allow a couple of points beyond fifteen. This is also why it is a good idea to check the duplicate of the judges book available at the Superintendents table. You should keep good records of your dogs wins. Write the name of your dog, the name and date of the show the win and number of points earned at that show. These should be double-checked against the published wins for each show in the A.K.C. official publication, the A.K.C. Gazette.If you hire a professional to show your dog, make sure it is a dog worthy of being shown. Ask if they are showing another dog or bitch of that breed. It might make a difference and you might want to wait. Tell them that you dont want your dog shown out of coat or ungroomed Let them know that fifteen Continued on Page 4528 POMERANIAN REVIEWWHAT IS A POMERANIAN What is a Pomeranian It's a small bundle of Love. A tiny ball of fur with big almond eyes that watch you lovingly, every minute. A little miniature pet that walks with the grace of an angel. Legs straight out, then down. Head held up high. What a thing of beauty it is.What is a Pomeranian Most of the time a sweet little angel. But once in a while the old devil takes over. But then, when the angel in your Pom comes back, and she looks at you with those big innocent eyes, you forget and forgive. Just like she knowsyou will.What is a Pomeranian A little doll face animal whose most important goal in life i only to please you in every way, wh follows you around, so as not to miss an' great adventurous thing you might decid to do. A sweet little thing that will alway love you, no matter what.What is a Pomeranian Just the most beau tiful and loveable animal in the whole wid' wonderful world. If you don't believe me just ask anyone who has ever had oneDID YOU KNOWDOGS ARE GOOD...TOYS ARE BETTER... POMS ARE BEST Aeefv il unce' auso AadBrettwood Arts has added fourteen NEW Pom greeting card designs sPom Christmas cards in eight styles - order nowBirthday greetings in six designsFive choices of Get Well wishesPom notepapers in eight selectionsLitter announcements just for PomsPom pedigree forms with lots of roomCustom design servicePom portraits make great gifts - order earlyOur notepapers make great trophies For new brochure send 50P and SASE toIBxsttcvoodP. D. Sox 957 JWLton., hflja. 9 S354POMERANIAN REVIEW 29CHAMPION MAY MORNING LIFE OF THE PARTY"T-BIRD"A-v1y iiThis brilliant red male is shown going B.O.B. under Mrs. Susanne Rowe and on to Group II, Miss Ablett judging - from the puppy class.Finished as a puppy, exclusively handled by Gloria Setmayer.See Pedigree In Behind The New ChampionsWe have repeated the breeding, litter is due September 18.SEVERAL RECENT LITTERS ARE HERE - WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES May Morning Social Frolic Black X May Morning Masquerade Black1 Black Male, 1 Black FemaleMay Morning Stage Door Johnny X May Morning Social Whirl' Both Sable1 Red or Sable MaleVino Edelweiss V. Haus Gohfeld White Import X May Morning Orange Blossom 3 White or Cream Litters Expected in OctoberMAY MORNING POMERANIANSSOPHIE H. MAYES West Chester, PA 193801574 Camp Linden Road Ph. 215-793-191230 POMERANIAN REVIEWDAY0N-SP-8SRE REG. Since 1947ROSSKEAR PROMISED LANDwSi433WINNERS BITCH HOUSTON POM. SPECIALTYTHIS LOVELY ENGLISH IMPORT NEEDS ONLY 3 POINTS TOFINISH.We have a few young puppies from our English lines available, also stud service from our all Hadleigh male and Ch. Rosskear males.DavonShire Kennels 5726 Farragut StreetPhone 305-987-5126 Hollywood, Florida 33021POMERANIAN REVIEW 31TIMSUE POMERANIANS9 -- X- 'isSfefN VSwV'A K vv f-vMvimri 1nusuAs i^ato 2aickufA'ancA ActAAeAs mcuris fiaso tAes 'yVeufr QecuoTIM SUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Hwy.703466-2937 Bristol, VA 2420132 POMERANIAN REVIEW-'-X A - - i5swAl-KVyr'Sfiis'.fsa v-'WSif ' 'jfimt-L4J \Ay a , ' \v. - V vov\jp4 ' l fwCUoWpKX'h putlR Zpl" ANDOcoPatricia E. and Elton Lewis Rt. 1, Box 105M Terry, MS 39212Annie Juanita Harvey104 King Richard Road Brandon, Mississippi 39042POMERANIAN REVIEW 33Lermis3 Pm 03010 arcs3NO. 1 TOYr1 rrtp f -,1 ^si 3 kC F Skfitr - ,vCh. Lennis3 Tar Lasy Pn Fire B3S winnerShown winning the Toy Group at the GARDEN Sire - Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great ElmsOwner - Edd JennerHandler - Susan FisherWe wish to thank Ruth L. Beam for our very special puppy - Lennis' Jody Girl of Great Elms sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. She has the style, type and soundness we all strive for.Watch for our youngsters in the ring, sired by our BIS winner.Ch. LennisTequila Sunn- Rise. At this time we have a few special puppies for your consideration. Colors red, orange, sable, black, black tan.Rt 2, Box 205Lennis Raines Morristown, Tenn.615-581-8947 3781434 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCENEWSEMMA HEYDE170 Chicago Way ffiSan Francisco, CA 94112 With great pleasure we report another Pomeranian C. D. degree. This is SILVAKRESS VIVA owned by Claudia J. Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, Wl. The real joy is that this little one already has her tracking degree, and is now a C.D., T.D. She is doing so beautifully, we wonder if she will be the very Erst Pom U.D.T. for us to announce She must be very good - read on from Claudias note "My little Viva has recently earned her Companion Dog degree. In fact, she earned five C.D. legs with two class placings in the stiff competition in Minnesota and Wisconsin.I was extremely pleased with her consistency qualifying all 17 times in Novice competition with eight placings inII times in class competition and three high in matches. Her score for 11 of the 17 times were 195 through 199. Besides her vivacious performances, she thoroughly enjoys training and showing, and we are moving along in Open very quickly. Vivas dam, Gala ROCKYS FLUFFN PUFF.C.D.X is still working along in Utility and we are almost ready to get our feet wet in the Utility match ring. I really like the look of the new Pom Review format and am looking forward to all the future issues." Sincere congratulations, and keep up the good work.A charming letter was received from Kay Page of Cincinnati, Ohio, which starts out with "I just received my first copy of Pomeranian Review. Boy, what I have been missing all these years" Kay has two Poms, PAGES LADY DARLING,C.D. and SHEBA,C.D.X. Sheba is now training for Utility. She was shown five times in Novice and was No. 10 in the obedience Delaney System. Kay hopes to have her ready for Utility in thefall shows, and we certainly wish her lots of good luck and fun with those Poms. She sent me a picture, and they really are both adorable.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club, Inc. of Seattle, Washington, has a truly talented member in obedience trainer Linda Blouin. Virginia Niehause, editor of that Clubs newsletter, was kind enough to send me a copy which contained an excellent article by Linda, and permissionto use any part of it. I wish we could include the whole article right here and now, but will try to write up her method of starting a dog out using a long 30 foot line, just as soon as possible. If you must have this method immediately, please contact me. The article begins "You first need the proper collar and lead. I have found that locating the proper collar for obedience training a Pomeranian is no easy matter. A regular chain collar will destroy a Poms coat. A light weight nylon slip collar is very easy on the dogs coat, but, in my opinion, is useless for training as it will not loosen properly after you have made a correction. Try to locate a tight linked jewelry chain collar. These give proper release after corrections and are supposedly easy on the coat. It will probably help to spray your dogs ruff with an oil-based coat dressing before putting the collar on. The leash is a much easier matter. You want to use the lightest weight snap possible on a thin lightweight strap. A good lead can be made at home using a fishing swivel for a snap and any good lightweight line or cord. Incidentally, your lead should be six feet long."My own Poms have recently been performing what I believe is a really worthwhile service - that is by coming with me to visit at a convalescent home. We go from one person to another most are in wheelchairs, and it is heartwarming to see how they are received. Almost everyone has had a dog at one time or another, and of course most of these people never get to see one any more, let alone touch one - and do they ever love to hold the Poms. Maybe you can get your obedience club to put on a little demonstration, as I did - it can mean so much to a lonely person.FEBRUARY REVIEW SALUTES THE OBEDIENCE POMERANIANSFebruary will see us saluting that hard working group - the Obedience Poms and their people. We will have special obedience articles and - we hope - some ads from these, the smartest of canines - ourOBEDIENCE POMSHOW TO WIN FRIENDS AND INFLUENCE POM PEOPLEA subscription to the Pomeranian Review makes a perfect gift for a Pom Person - on any occassion...or no occassion at all. Wouldn't this be a good way to show your appreciation to that Pom friend of yours We'll send it in your name.POMERANIAN REVIEW 35Trillis Duncan and Karen S. Holder sadly say goodbye toCH. BONNER S STARCREST TRJLLETTEAugust 21, 1975 to July 27, 1979TrillI called her "Misty" after a famous grandmother. But as her name denotes, she was a "Star" that flickered briefly in our lives. She came to us, as a 3 month old bundle of fluff, and we had her 3 years all of which we loved her dearly. We sentherto Karen to further her career. She left us 3 daughters by Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue. We will always love and miss her.KarenI love all my Poms dearly but never has one touched my heart the way Trillette did. Trill Duncan decided to share her with us and sent her to us in November 1978. Never has more love danced into my life than the day I gotTrillette.Trillettecameto me with a four point major and I entered her in seven shows. She won four of those. I want to thank my dearfriend, Donna Megenhardt, for showing her at the Specialty for me and for putting a four point major on her. Her record of wins is4-4-2-1- 4. I miss her desperately. She was a deeply loved pet. Our home will never be the same again.Trillettes childrenCh. Windy Acres Li I Trinket, Female Winday Acres Peaches N Cream, Female Windy Acres Bit O Duke, Female Bonners Tribute to Trillette, Male Bonners Memory of Trillette, FemaleWe wish to thank Dorothy Bonner for breeding Trillette and to acknowledge Trillettes two litter sisters - - Ch. Bonners Starcrest Minette and Ch. Bonners Starcrest Coquette.Karen S. Holder Cheelan Pomeranians 19077 Quail Hollow Strongsville, Ohio 44136Trillis Duncan Windy Acres Pomeranians Route 2 Box 600F Rapid City, South Dakota 5770136 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIANS'tr O'\ yftBESTOF WINNERS SvLANCASTER kennel club4CAMELOTS WILFUL LIL LADY BONNIEBONNIE312 lbs of something specialA great big thank you to Judge James Cavalaro, K. C. W.B., B.W..B.O.S. 2 pts. Judge Suzanne B. Rowe, Plainfield K. C., B.W., B.O.S. 2 pts.Bonnie sat out the summer but she will resume her show career soon. Congratulations to Camelots Bashful Dude on his recent win. His first point show at 7'A months, and to his owner Patty Withhart. Nice Going Pattyasitl as ^yVeajis ^easofeams loameal astcA al tAes osns AicAisGERTRUDE JACOBY 775 Columbus Road,Burlington, New Jersey 08016 609 386-3503POMERANIAN REVIEW 37BEST in SHOW CH. TARZANNA 5AYSI'm a proud momma, and we here at BEV-NOR POMS are proud also, a BEST IN SHOW son, and GR. PLACING daughter.Littermateo, her 1st litter.JSt4HI' f-- ofBESOF-vn1979 New York Specialty 7'A Months Left - Ch. BEV-NORS SADIE RAY WB BOS N. Y. Specialed briefly 7 times with 5 BOB 2 BOS. She retired at 9 mo. and presented us with a gorgeous little boy, which we have high hopes for, sired by BIS Dog Ch. Post Scripts Crowd Pleaser.Right -CH. BEV-NORS TAR-ZAN ONE BEST IN SHOW-10 GROUP I- 6 GROUP II plus many other Group placings, undefeated as a special in TOP eastern competition. All this at the tender age of 14 months.SPECIAL CONGRATULATIONS to our good friend and CH. TAR-ZANS ownerMichael WolfCongratulations also to Ellen Harmon on her 2 recent wins with BEV-NORS Ebony A Mour, a black, and Patty Withhart on her recent wins with Camelots Bashful Dude,which we co-ownEXPECTANT LITTERSCH. BEV-NORS TAR-AN x CH. BEV-NORS Peppi Mint Paty Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x BEV-NORS Sweet N Sassy repeat of CH. DELT BEV BILL NORRIS 7747 Meadow Rd.1-301-255-1343 Pasadena, MD 2112238 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMANDA GOES BEST IN SHOW not once, but TWICE--Tvf\ ..mmh ITS.... ii1CH. CHRISCENDO COY COQUETTECh. Millamors Rock Medallion ex Ch. Chriscendo Dancing StarlettShown winning her 2nd All Breed Best In Show in a month, under Mr. Knut Egberg, owner handled. She has been shown 13 times in Canada as a Special and also has to her credit, 9 Group Firsts, and 4 Seconds.Flash Amanda wins WB, BW and BOS at Bay Colony SpecialtyWe would like to send Best Wishes to all for a very happy Floliday Season.Ship via Halifax Int'l AirportChriscendoCHRIS and JOHN HEARTZ P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Phone 902 895-7427POMERIAN REVIEW 39Merry Christmas from ShowboundiI offer for saleScotia Trails End Dark Folly Scotia Cavillers Trails End xCh. S Robins Ley Wey Sweet Charity^ rrtfiPs VOur Sincere Condolences toNora Stanley and Family on the loss ofCH. CZAR NIKOLAS TRIBBLE STANSOE "Tribble"Folly is being shown and is a true orange sable with a harsh thick coat, good movement and a sweet little face. An added bonus He is a grandson of Cavilier, making him valuable in the right blookline. He is valued at s800.00 and there are several terms available. Picture and pedigree on request.Paula Malik Phone 715-423-0669R. 5, Box 386 Wisconsin Rapids, Wl 54494died during the day after the recent hurricane hit the Mississippi coast. His loss is keenly felt by all of us who had such high hopes for him and his offspring in our future breeding programs.Our best wishes to Nora with the limited few offspring that we have from this wonderful little guyPAT ELTON LEWIS - JUANITA HARVEY PAT-EL POMERANIANS MISSISSIPPIPLA-MOR SUGAR PLUM FAIRYVBOB at Cahaba Valley Saction Match Aug. 5 and BOB at Birmingham Kennel Club Match Aug. 29, too hot for Sugar to stay for the Puppy Group.Congratulations to Wilma Jean Brown in finishing her male puppy Browns Rock n Robin at the Wisconsin Specialty.dlaccduA' adfeosnsS^ecinojo and 0as0an 0cRt. 12 Box 2003omenzncanA'Birmingham, AL 3521540 POMERANIAN REVIEWChampion Czar Nikolas Tribble Stansoe1975 - 1979Cossack boots, a laughing smile furry underwear winning everyones hearts a Cassanovastrutting proud, Royal Tsar, putting on a show a hamA champion through beating all the odds Hot blooded father careful protector Spending last hours cheerful rebel smile Faithful to the end.Michael Preston Bledsoe 9-14-79STANSOE KENNEL Nora E. Stanley 8401 Vanna Biloxi, MS 39532POMERANIAN REVIEW 41I am sure a full report of the summer specialty held at Cudahy, Wisconsin, will be included in this issue, so I will touch on it only briefly. We did have a grand time and perfect outdoor show weather. The picnic that was hosted by the Kenosha Pomeranian Club was fabulousWe Rebels had some good wins with Randy Freehs Ch. Hot Shot leading the way with Best of Breed both days. Edna Girardot had lovely double barrelled wins, too, with Scotia Braum Chantilly Lace taking Winners Bitch at both the specialty and the next day as well. Mary Nell Hansard brought home a big major on Dixieland's Little Bit Stormy, with Winners Dog at the Racine show, after second in a big open class at the specialty. I believe he needs 1 major to finish and a very deserving little guy he is. Randy, Mary Nell, and I had to be rescued when we managed to get ourselves locked in Randys motor home. Tony Short was our knight in shining armor who repaired the lock.Once more our "Charlie" chose the motor home "en route" to have puppies. She is the same one who did this in Floridaback in Jan. These were born in Kentucky. Poor Charlie will get a years rest now as she has both raised her own and then for the second time is playing foster mother to a second litter. She is worth her weight in gold.Randy just finished another Peppi son, Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi. This dog was open class first at the specialty and reserve at Racine.Entries have been way down at area shows, with shows that have held majors last year dropping down to single points. One upcoming pair of shows has two specials as the total Pom entry.I do think clubs should be encouraged to hold the line on entry fees wherever possible, and applaud the clubs who cut fees for puppy entries orthe less popular classes, as this does encourage more entries and in the long run makes more money for the clubs.Happy holidaysTDIt EPORTSUE GODDARD 5044 Lee Hwy. Bristol, VA 24201YOUR OPINION COUNTS Climb on your soap box and write your thoughts to YIPS AND YAPSWI BCDHAVE ANNIVERSARY ISSUES FOR SALEYES- we do have some extra copies of the Anniversary Issue for sale. If you want an extra copy - a copy for a friend - or your first copy - just send your check in the amount of 7.95 payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. toTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBThis club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pome eranian and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the "Review" contact the circulation manager.MRS. JUDY BLOCKER 2226 DUNLAP ST. B-28 CHARLESTON, SC 29405IT GOES TO SHOW IT'S NOT SIZE THAT COUNTS... IT'S QUALITY42 POMERANIAN REVIEWSUNGOLD FOMS 'v,rm____AM.INI. WORLD CH. SUNRAY'S LIL BEAVERShown winning BB underwell known breeder-judge Dr. William Field, Jr., at the Houston K. C. show August 11,1979.We at Sungold congratulate Beavers latest Ch. daughter - Ch. Crystal of Point Loma and her owner-breeder Pauline Hughes of Pt. Loma Poms.Beaver is at stud to approved bitches Fee 100.00No charge for airport pick-upOWNERS HANDLER-AGENTTED KIM DICKINSON BEVERLY GRIFFITHSBox 517Bonita, Calif. 92002 Ph. 714 463-9006POMERANIAN REVIEW 43AM. CAN. CH. JABIL'S SIMPLY SMASHINGA Group winner, "Toby" is proving to be a valuable sire, producing puppies of consistent quality. We congratulate these "Toby" children, winning points while still puppiesJabils Jewel Song of Penru, owned by Rosalind Goltz, Scarsdale, N. Y. 6 points, inc. one major.Jabils Stephanie of Emcee, owned by Morris Betty Carson, Ashland, Va Winners Bitch for a major at her first show.Jabil's Simply Sarah, owned by us, Winners Bitch, BOW and BOS for two points at her first show.Jabils Simply Sinful, an inbred Toby son owned by us, Winners Dog and BOW for his first point, at his first show.All of these puppies were owner-handled to their wins.Tobys first puppy, Ch. Jabils Simply Sultry, has been bred to Ch. Funfairs Pinto O JoeDandy.Jessie Barbara Young 603-435-8731Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H.0330144 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST^--------------NEWSAND VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 19101 - 67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290One of the most familiar faces in the Northwest show rings is that of Jean Schroll, who is being visited for this issue of the Review. We are proud to know her. i have enjoyed Jeans comments and advice ever since the day many years ago when she practically yanked me back into the ring to compete for reserve.I recently went down to visit Sally and Vance McGilbry. They still keep going in spite of illnesses which confine them to home most of the time. Vance is recuperating from an attack of Inflamatory Arthritis, which had him hospitalized almost two weeks this Summer. Sally still smiles and continues to plan and breed and show her dear friends, the Poms. Vance aids and abets her, even though his first love will always be his German Shorthairs. They still are winning for him, too.We talked of many things, including the size of Poms today and of the 1940s when Sally owned Ch. Dromore Bombardier and his son Ch. Golden Glow Dandy. Many people comment about the large size of Poms of the old days. Sally pointed out that Dandy weighed 32 lbs., Bombardier 4 lbs. Ch. Toppers Little Corkie was a solid 5 lbs. Corkies son, Ch. Riders Sparkling Gold Nugget, the greatest winning Pom of all time, weighed in at 312 lbs. She reminisced abouttheday shejudged him andgavehim winnersdog and offered to buy him. The next day he won the breed and first in Toy Group, from the puppy class. Porter Washington bought him and showed him to that incredible record which has never been equalled.The Columbia Pomeranian Club Match was held at Kennelworth Park in Portland, Oregon, Sat., July 14, 1979. A beautiful sunny day. Tall trees shaded the exhibition area. Rita LaVerne judged each and every Pom carefully and thoroughly. I dont know the names of the winning dogs, but I do know the owners. Muriel Gunthershowed a nice maleto Best Adult in Match. Mary Rosenbaums puppy bitch was Best. Jr. Puppy and Best Puppy. A nine month old Male puppy who was bred by Mary Rosenbaum, and co-owned by my son Chuck Hundley and I, was BestSenior Puppy. A Pot Luck Lunch followed the match. We were all ready for that.The news that Joy LeComptes husband passed away the day before, saddened everyone. I had never met him but I understand that Lou was a real Pom lover, the kind that stays at homeand love his little babies, building little beds and other nice things to make caring for the dogs easier. He would hold them and love them. He also gave Joy moral support. For those of you who have never met Joy,she is best known for her work in obedience, and for breeding Am. Can. Ch. Goldpas and for breeding Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight, a sound, clear black. Joy also has judged many matches, including two for the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club. We send her our love and prayers.Phil and I enjoyed our trip, particularly because "Rainey" was best Sr. Puppy, but also because we were trying out our new camper which was purchased especially for dog show trips. Hope we can afford the GasETHICS...Continued from page 28 points is enough to finish your dog. The professional sends you your ribbons, marked pages from each show in which your dog was entered - and - the bill. Be sure you hire an ethical professional. Belonging to a Professional organization does not necessarily mean every member is ethical. Some handlers, be it owner or professional, have different standards of ethics.Each owner - handler and professional - handler should take the responsibility of setting a good example for the novice exhibitor and keeping this sport - a clean one.Good ethics and common sense makes dog showing more enjoyable.FEBRUARY DEADLINE DECEMBER 15, 1979POMERANIAN REVIEW 45MEGS POMERANIANS Proudly PresentsThese 3 recently finished ChampionsLEST WINNERSOFCh. Megs Jack of Chip JackCh. Julies Star Bug Bugm3 .VCh. Megs Liberty Bell of Flair LibbySubject to AKC confirmation"Jack" "Libby" are home bred kids."Bug" was bred by Julie Brumback Thank you Julie for this nice sable boy.All 3 were entirely owner handled.Thanks to the judges who saw their merits.Donna Richard Megenhardt _ _. , _8026 SR43 Puppies Stud ServiceKent, Ohio 4424046 POMERANIAN REVIEW2aucuf feosrv 0amAThanks to all the buyers of LLL Poms all the way from Hawaii to Canada. You all are grand and I treasure your acquaintance.I SIMPLY MUST REDUCE MY POMS TO AT LEAST 15. Meaning 35 have to go Honest, accurate descriptive listing of each dog. Priced according to quality, pedigree, and quality of produce or get if proven. Priced as is - no guarantees Preference given to show-breeding homes and those who will pick up dogs or meet me at show. Every dog reduced.4449Lw'P.-FOR SALELLL Mite of Gold Patsy Bred org. ht. 7" Lots of showmanship. 3 pt. major and several nice RWB wins.Sire Ch. Joda Ephibus-son of Ch. Lil Gold Dancer BISDam LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny- daughter of Ch. Lil Gold Dancer. Also dam of Ch. Gina and Ch. CricketFOR SALECh. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine B, 4cream baby doll, baby face, personality plus. Has had c-sections.Sire Ch. Lil Gold Dancer Dam LLL Happy TanyaV.VJANICE LUGINSLAND R.R. 1Americus, KS 66835 Ph. 316-884-5157POMERANIAN REVIEW 47AURORA presents. . . ."PERKINS"PANCAKE HOUSEy i'CEREST OF YIWHC.RSjl PLPER C\T\ESJUNE 30,T979TaPWOTO OLSON V,CH. AURORA S PRETENDERCh. Auroras Inaminit Dinadan Ch. Auroras Crown jewelPerkins finished at 9 months with 4 BOB over specials all from the puppy class. Well let him grow up a bit, then watch for him as a special.proud breeder, owners Chuck Jackie Liddle Jackie LiddleProfessional Handler, all breedsAurora Poms 15630 Ridgemoni Ave SE Prior Lake, WIN 55372 S12-447-4901Congratulations to Sharon Mariner for D-Nees Dlishus Dambrosia Best in Sweeps at the Summer Specialty and Sally Baugniets Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Li I Squirt on his Best in Show at Lakehead K.C., Thunder Bay48 POMERANIAN REVIEWANADORS POMERANIANSProudly present a new ChampionTo JosephineThe joy of Poms is that we learn There is something new at every turn.Their breeding and care are a special trust Great expectations are a must.Sadness and joy have come our way Patience and endurance we need each day.As weeks turn to months and then to years The Poms fill them up with smiles and tears.Its all worth while when out of the dreamComes our first homebred Champion - our Josephine'...K7JChampion Anadors Amberino Josie Joyby Am. Can. Ch. Sissons Amberino Joe x Paradise Miss Pride JoyJosephine finished her Am. title at the DKCShow, going BW July 15,1979, under Judge E. W. Tipton,Jr., ownerhandled. She is now being shown in Canada and has 6 Can. points to date.Ann Gene Welshinger 1-715-399-2702R-2 Box 448 Superior, Wl 54880POMERANIAN REVIEW 49CIRCULATIONMANAGERtrPOMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 - Mar. 21961 - Mar. 2JUDY L. BLOCKER 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S. C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTIONAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 - July 15, Oct. 681971 - Jan. 40, April 35, July 11 1971 - Jan. 1010.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 11.00 Foreign 12.00 in U. S. dollar instrumentAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.BEHIND NEW CHAMPIONSCH. GOFORTH MY TIMMY BOY. Deep, Dark Orange. Owner and Breeder, Violet Goforth, San Luis Obispe, Calif.Ch. Betty's Sir Ray Ch. Damata Midnight Cowboy Ail Star's Blossom View Ch. Walshana Skook-Y-DukeCh. Tono's Just Call Me Mister Daniels Just Call Me Prissy Tono'sToastie MeliCh. Skylark Bronze Banner Skylark Wee BonanzaSkylark Tiny Tnagerine Goforth My Preshus Lil MinxGoforth's Gay Rebel, C.D. Goforth's Little Bo-PeepGoforth's Magic EnchantmentwV118..S.Available at 51.50 Each1973 - April 72, July 31974 - July 771975 - Jan. 70, April 1, July 4Oct. 101976-Jan. 115, April 61, July 9, Oct. 27Available at 2.00 Each1977 - Jan. 6, July 139, Oct. 711978-Jan. 23, April 34, July 36, Oct. 12 1979 - Jan. 39, May 5850 POMERANIAN REVIEWoaiiiiu nit ixcw viiuuipiuna TheReview will print pedigress of new champions -finished by APC members only - at no charge. Non-members or members may purchase an ad with photograph 13 page for a total of 15.50.CH. ANADORS AMBERINO JOSIE JOY4V4 lb. Orange Female Breeder-owner Ann Welshinger Superior, WisconsinCh. Scotia Cavalier Billy Joe Billy Joe Joe KenGay Merrible Peanut Am.Can. Ch. Sissons Amberino Joe Billy Joe Jo Tiny Teardrops II Sun Didle BugTimmies Tuff-E-Nuff Simmons RustyCan. Ch. Dare Devil Denas Miss MuffetParadise Miss Pride JoyCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dare Devil Can. Ch. Dare Devil Denas Miss MuffetTiffany's Dare Devil VickiCH. JULIES STAR BUG Sable MaleOwner-Handler Donna Megenhardt Breeder - Julie BrumbackCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Models Fun Bug Ch. Models Lil Bit of Style Ch. Models Lady Bug Models Red AmberCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Julie Starlight Susan Ch. Models Son of Fun Julies Stardust Ande Ch. Cavaliers Starlight StarbrightCH. MAY MORNING LIFE OF THE PARTYBrilliant Red Male Breeder-Owner, Sophie H. Mayes West Chester, Pa.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie C.May Morning Social Lion Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin BusybodyCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Mav Morning Sudie C.May Morning Naugnty But Nice Ch. Models Magic Timstopper May Morning Trudi May Morning AliceCH. MEGS JACK OF CHIP Orange Male Breeder-Owner-Handler Donna MegenhardtDavis Little Wiggles Davis Weegold Pepper Mint Ch. Davis Weegold Tena Ch. Megs Chip of Pepper Mint Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland Ch. Certainly Sweet of Highland Aristimaid of HighlandCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Merriminx of Highland Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Aristimaid of Highland Highland Sweet BonnieCH. BROWNS ROCK N ROBIN Orange Sable Male 312 lbs. Breeder-Owner Mrs. Wilma Jean BrownIndianapolis, IndianaCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Veronica Millamors Melody BoxCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Ch. Browns Fan-Magic Skeeter Gal Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Millamors Magic Dragon Ch. Millamors Magic BoxPOMERANIAN REVIEW 51 JULIES STARS QHonors our aging 8 yrs. and retired brood...Julies Starlight SusanSusan send congratulations to her latest Ch. son, "Julies Star Bug" and Donna Megenhardt. Star Bug is sired by Ch. Models Fun Bug.Also congratulations to her granddaughter Ch. Pixies Sweet Magic and Carol Galavitch.Susan was sired by Ruth Beam's Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again.Sympathy to Joy Le Compte Goldpaz on the loss of her husband.Congratulations to Bert and Marlene Halsey.JULIE BRUMBACK 1187 Nelson DrivePhone 703-434-1804 Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801KNOW your dog's ancestryYour dogs pedigree handsomely documented on deluxe parchment, typewritten, colors, birthdates, champions and titles in red.4 gen - S3.005 gen S5.006 gen 10.00Mailed rolled. Your satisfaction guaranteed.Send complete data from AKC registration certificate toGENERAL CANINE Box 453N, Phoenixville, Pa. 1946052 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAJACS EBB TIDEw.-Supibest of j BREEDSCHOOLErs MOUNTAIN f KENNEL CLUB k SEPTEMBER 1979 I ASHSEY Ir- V - Mi n iIf14 pts including both majors Litter brother to CH. MAJACS STORMY WEATHER Sire of Majacs Bundle of Joy - below'-J'- '\RT '5 BEST OF WINNERSmMID-HUDSONkennel clubJUNE 1878ASHBET11BreederOwner Jacqueline McGivney 320 Smithtown Blvd. Ronkonkoma, N. Y. 11779Majacs Bundle of Joy - 10 pts. 11 mosMajacs Poms always handled by Gloria Setmayer AKC Licensed AgentHandler Gloria Setmayer Paramus, N. J. 201-652-9327POMERANIAN REVIEW 53SfeaAosv JxGAYLE L. GRIFFIN Phone 503-843-215115615 West Perrydale Road Amity, Oregon 97101PRESERVERS IMPECCABLE IMPORTPRESENTS HIS KIDS INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CHRISTMAS PUPPIESmSTARLITES FLAMING STAR STARLITES IMPECCABLE SHOW OFFDam-Dau. of Ch. Jillz Rigal Raz of Starlite Dam-Dau. of Ch. All Stars HadleighsShowoffIN MEMORIE TO A GREAT POMERANIAN OURDEEPEST SYMPA THY TOMR. ROBERT BOB GOODRICH ON THE LOSS OF HIS GREAT POMMODEL'S MIDAS GOLD"DINKY"We All Loved Dinky So Very Much He Has Left So Many Sad HeartsMRS. L.L. "MEDIA" WINSLOW1332 LAKESIDE RD. VA. BEACH, VA 2345554 POMERANIAN REVIEWARC SPECIALTYFRED BASSETT1980 Annual Specialty, February 10, 1980, Loews-Summit Hotel - New York CityNew York specialty time is fast approaching - time to start making plans to attend. We expect a fabulous show this year, and hope to see all of you thereJudges Mrs. Michele Leathers Billings, Regular and non regular classesMiss Nadine Hersil, Sweepstakes classesWe will have a hospitality suite this year, hosted by your board of directors. We will all be bringing snacks, and plenty to drink - and any contributions you may wish to bring along will be greatly appreciated. We will open the suite following the board meeting on Saturday afternoon and look forward to renewing many old acquaintances, and meeting lots of new Pom people.In this issue you will find a banquet reservation form and a hotel room reservation form. Im sure we can count on Sam Zaneoff to line up a delicious dinner for us all - we hope you will plan on attending. Get your reservations to Sam early, before you forget or misplace the form.The club has blocked fifty hotel rooms this year, so reservations should not be a problem as long as you get them made in plenty of time. Theclub block will be held until January 19th. After that, rooms will be subject to general availability -- so dont procrastinate Room rates are 50.00 single or double occupancy, plus taxes, and the hotel is going to try to keep us all together - preferably on the second floor.Jessie and Barbara Young have some beautiful trophies lined up for us. Most trophies will be crystal, with an etched Pom figure. The lucky owners of Winners Dog and Winners Bitch will be getting original oil paintings done by Julie Brumback.By the time you read this, advertising will probably be closed for the catalog. Closing date is November 15th. Contact Tony Short if you need more information.Premium lists will be out in mid December. We are cutting down on the number of premiums lists we mail this year in an attempt to cut costs. They will be mailed to all members, Pom Review subscribers in the northeast area of the country only, and anyone else who hasentered the specialty in the last three years. If you do not received a premium list by January 1st, and want one-contact the show secretary. Better yet - save the club the postage expense and send your entry in on an entry form from any other premium list you have available. Just change the name of the show and date, and mail your entries toFred C. Bassett, Show Secretary 2713 South 111th East Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129 Open classes are divided as follows for dogs and bitchesBlack, Brown and Blue Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Any other allowed color Puppy classes and sweepstakes classes are divided as follows for dogs and bitches6 months and under 9 months 9 months and under 12 months Entry fees are10.25 for first entry of a dog in regular classes10.00 for each additional entry of the same dog5.00 for sweepstakes - entry in regular classes required.Checks should be made payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Entries close 1200 noon, Wednesday, January 23, 1980.See you all in New YorkSUPPORTOURSPECIALTY WITH YOURADS...TROPHY DONATIONS.... ENTRIES... PRESENCE...POMERANIAN REVIEW 55'CH, GOFORTH MY TIMMY BOY"rM . ivi 4t SIft 5 SsW^13i fS^j"8,siV. r3vtrivJudge Mrs. B. Brookins - Handler John BrownIN RESIDENCE with...DARLIS FLAATA Show Time Kennels 5405 Cartwright N. Hollywood, CA 91601 1-213-766-75-6Owner, Breeder... Violet L. Goforth 635 High Street San Luis Obispe, CA 93401TIMMY IS AT STUD TO APPROVED BITCHES. See Darlis Flaata56 POMERANIAN REVIEWMARGARET R. McKEE 7660 idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225There are many cliches which are bandied about among dog fanciers. Some are sadly overworked, some have lost their original meaning, and some may not be true, the truth or helpfulness of a cliche depends on the context in which it is used. Here are some of my favorite cliches, and anecdotes to illustrate them."Never give up keep on trying" and variations thereof. In this day of instant coffee, instant soup, instant everything, we tend to want instant results with our dogs, too. Often, novices see Pomeranians being finished from the puppy class, and think that this should always be the case. But frequently we must wait for a dog to mature. Many dogs dont coat up until theyre two years old. I finished a bitch last spring who was a month short of her fourth birthday, and I know of one Pom who attained his championship when he was about sevenMany an owner can tell funny tales of long exasperating hours spent trying to get a male to breed for the first time. With one of mine, we began working on the 11th day of the bitchs season. We finally succeeded on the fifteenth day. Amazingly, she conceived. While there are a lot of little tricks to training a stud, starting when he is young is vital - the main thing is to sit on the floor and keep after him."Expect the unexpected." Just when you think youve seen it all, something new happens. Or when you think youve got the routine or pattern figured out, along comes something to blow your mind. I can safely say that everyone of my big wins have come on days I expected a second or third, and - moan - vice versa.I have a bitch who had refused her first litter after a C-section. Her second litter died immediately. When she had to be sectioned for her third litter, I expected her to refuse the babies again. She did, but not as vehemently as the first time. She didnt seem to be afraid of them she just didnt want to fool with them. After the third day, I gave up on her. Somewhere Id gotten the idea that if they didnt accept them by the third day, they werent going\to. So I was astonished when, on thesixtn day, she took them over completely Although her milk production was poor by then,and I had to continue to supplement,she was a very devoted mother. This story would also fit "Never give up.."Morris Carson had a litter of two, born by Caesarian section, that looked peculiar when they arrived. The veterinarian said they were dehydrated Too weak to nurse, they were hand fed sugar water. The vet urged the breeder to feed them until they looked like they might pop, and to do it frequently. An enema would also have gotten fluids into their systems rapidly. After 48 hours, they had gained enough energy to be turned over to their dam. "Where theres a will theres a way." I had one litter of puppies that seemed to be unable to have bowel movements on their own in spite of their moms licking and my massaging. The only solution was daily enemas. Butwhatdoyou use on a4ounce puppy I found an old stomach feeding tube attached to a 20 cc. syringe was ideal. It is soft, tiny, and easy to insert. I think it is safer than a hard medicine dropper or syringe. I used only warm water, beginning with 3 cc.s and gradually increasing to 10cc.s by thetimethey were about four weeks old. Once they were moving around and exercising, the problem disappeared.Mrs. Ruth Doctor of Fort Wayne, Ind. sent the following I had a motherthat did not have milk for almost a week. The three pups held their own but didnt gain nor grow. The vet had me change to a moist food -- no difference in milk supply. Then he told me to take about 15 miniature marshmallows and met them in 1 cup of milk, let it cool and gave it to herto drink. I did this in all her milk for 2 weeks. Her milk came in and all three puppies really grew." On thinking about this, it is probably the protein-rich milk which stimulates the mammary glands and the marshmallows get the bitch to drink it. Perhaps melted ice cream would work equally wellPlease send in your hintsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 59\ 0 \JCh. Twin Oaks Billy the Kid Ch. Showtime Shindig Rumbles Hill Gypsy Star Ch. Tinklers Lil Play Boy, C.D. Go-Puff-Go Tinklers Loli-Pop Martins Funny BunnieLorraines Wee Dolar Hatchs Little Teddy Bear Thackers Copper Queen Hatchs Peppie of Shasta Blossom View Sable Satan Hatchs Pandoria of Shasta Kellys Tidy LadyBEST OF BREED 4 Times and Group 2 Teddy has 12 pointsBabes Teddy Too Dog4.V.' yf\ r AManiesBlythe Spryte BitchA full, but younger sister to Teddy 41579 Sacramento K.C. WB BOW BOS 6279 Reno KC Winners Bitch and BOS 61679 Best of Breed at Chico KCBlythe has 5 points including a 3 pt. majorMANIES BLYTHE SPRYTEDUE TO UNFORTUNATE-CIRCUMSTANCES THESETWO LOVELY POMS, AND ALL OF THEIR KENNEL MATES ARE BEING OFFERED, PREFERABLY TO SHOW HOMES. INCLUDING OUR CHAMPIONS THIS IS YOUR CHANCE TO GET AN ENTIRE GROUP OF SHOW, AND SHOW QUALITY PRODUCING POMERANIANS.Mrs. Elma Manies 1455 Victor Avenue916-241-8756 Redding, CA 9600160 POMERANIAN REVIEWPresentingMY FIRST CHAMPIONril H WINNERSWESTCHESTERKENNEL CLUBSHERRY PHOTO VCH. MCKAMEYS IDEAL STYLE FASHIONPENDING CONFIRMATIONShown finishing Sept. 9, 1979 at Westchester K.C. with her second major. She was handled to this special win by Gloria Setmayer.Thanks toMrs. Norris McKamey for letting me have herThe judges who liked her - especially James Nickerson and Tom Stevenson for majorsThe many helpful people in Poms for encouragement and adviceand especiallyGloria Setmayer for handling her to that elusive final major2afafau^Ay and Aind ^Veaty ^Aean aA cfaennv fay adlFran Bosmann 516-698-211531 Washington Hts St Selden NY 11784POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Queenpleased to announce the acquisition ofLax _\ '' 'aCH. QUEENAIRE CALLING CARDfromMr. and Mrs. Dudley Roach of Queenaire KennelsAm. Mex. Can. FCI Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch Am. Mex. Can. FCI Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Sip O Sherry Creiders Scarlet O HaraHadleigh Flash of Gold Blossom Views Proud Promise Blossom Views Gold Judy Queenaire Luvy Duk Cuddles Tiny Bubbles Queenaire Dark Velvet Pretty Pepper PodCalling Card finished his championship in seven consecutive shows begining June 3 and ending July 27. He received many gracious comments from various judges concerning his type and soundness.Mrs. Regina M. Kruger, RN7937 Wetherly Street Handler Phyllis T. GreerLa Mesa, California 9204158 POMERANIAN REVIEWTommsH Kzntttx,NORWICH TERRIERS POMERANIANS IRISH SETTERSA CANADA BEST IN SHOW WINNER\'Beitd hShinvBmn G'wiipHi VHOTv\ V ^ AM. CAN. CH. POMIRISH BUBBLES LIL SQUIRT Subj. C.K.C. Conf.Wins Two Groups and a Best in Show at Thunder Bay, Ontario. Thanks to Judges Mr. Aubrey-Jones and Mr. Edd Bivin. Thanks to Jackie Liddle who handled him while I judged a match in Wisconsin.Ch. Squirt has since won Groups and a SpecialtyBreeder - owner handled.Group 1st Marquette K. C. 9 - 2 - 79 Group 1st Central Iowa K. C. 9 - 8 - 79 Group 2nd Des Moines K. C. 9-9-79BEST of BREED - POMERANIAN CLUB of GREATER DES MOINES 9-7-79 where POMIRISH CR PUFFS ONLY CHANCE went WD BW from the 6-9 mo. puppy dog class for 5 pts.Thanks to Judges Mrs. Brookins, Mrs. Hess, Mrs. McManus Mr. Treen.Pups available from litters sired by POMIRISH CR PUFFS ONLY CHANCES Sire, POMIRISH TIGGERS HUNY BEAR N.1 m - wh. 6-4-79 ex CH. LENDY OF LENETTE 2m- wh. 5-10-79 ex Pomirish Sports Fancy Free same sire as Ch. Squirt Ch. Sprite1m- wh. 5-7-79 ex Cavaliers Rare Treasure litter sister of Ch. Squirts Ch. Sprites damWe may have some adult dogs bitches for sale if I can force myself to part with them Dick Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Phone 414-755-2994 Mishicot, Wi. 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW 61The new Review is excellent. Pictures, paper, everything. Hope you stay as Editor for many years.Happy to see you tell "Name not Withheld" August Review, Yips Yaps the Review will continue to print complaints. Several that have appeared in the Review have been taken care of because of the right to be aired in the Review. And only because of this right.I know two breeders that have had a litter of seven. I wonder if they feel the complaint was aimed at them. Of course, they werent written up in the Review.Keep up the good work,Ann KiserIts obvious after reading letters from the respected and esteemed people in our Pom world that they feel very strongly about over-trimming and the tendency of judges who do not come out of our breed to fault an abundant coat.People like Dorothy Bonner, Dr. Fields, Darrell Baker and Randy Freeh have made it very clearHaving bred Poms for some years then handling them for many more, I feel the Parent Club must take some action.I read with interest in Sue Goddards Secretarys report that a directive will again be sent out to the judges.Much as I appreciate the clubs effort to do something about this, I am doubtful it will solve the problem.Judges will probably glance at it, then forget it. I really believe it is going to have to be made plainer within the standard One judge suggested the reference to trimming be capitalizedAlthough as a handler I hope it will be resoJved one way or another - as a breeder I hate to think of our beautiful Poms becoming a shaped outline such as the Poodle or Bizon.I dont think Mr. Isidore Schoenberg would mind me quoting something he said to me a long time ago -for Ive never forgotten it"A good Pom when viewed from the side should fit within a circle, when looked down upon he should be a short Pear."If our Pom is put together correctly, he will do this - without being shapedSincerely,Beverly GriffithsBonita, CaliforniaCORRECTION TO AD PRINTED IN AUGUST REVIEW, PAGE 69 FOR ANN CANNON, NOKESVILLE, VIRGINIA 22123. OUR APOLOGIESOUR SINCERE APPRECIATION AND THANKS TOLENNIS RAINES for her hospitality and Annon's Candy of Great Elms, a beautiful orange puppy bitch who is a tremendous addition to our breeding program.RUTH BEAM for letting us have Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis, a stunning 4 34 lb. orange sable male who is siring get that would make his Daddy proud Ch. Lennis's-Tar-Baby-of-Great-Elms.62 POMERANIAN REVIEWnuuernser s maexBaugniet, Dick and Sally 61Bosmann.'Fran 57Bradley, Shirley and Catherine 24Brettwood Arts 29Brown, Wilma Jean 22, 23Brumback, Julie 52Carson, Morris and Betty fc, 27Davon-Shire 31Dickinson, Ted and Kim 43Duncan, Trillis 36Freeh, Randy and Paul 25General Canine 52Girardot, Edna E. 19Goddard, Tim and Sue 32Goforth, Violet L. 56Griffin, Gayle L. 54Harvey, Juanita 33, 40Heartz, Chris and John 39Holder, Karen S. 36Hundley, Phil and Erin 18Hyche, Eleanor 40Jacoby, Gertrude 37Kruger, Regina M. 58Lewis, Patricia and Elton 33, 40Liddle, Chuck and Jackie 48Luginsland, Janice 47McGivney, Jacqueline 53Malik, Paula 40Manies, Elma 60Mayes, Sophie H. 30Megenhardt, Donna and Richard 46Norris, Bev and Bill 38Raines, Lennis 34Roach, Wanda and Dudley 20Ryals, Florence M. 26Schroll, Jean 17Stanley, Nora 41Welshinger, Ann and Gene 49Whitaker, Pat and Fred 1FC, 21Winslow, Media 54Young, Jessie and Barbara 44POMERANIAN REVIEW 63American omeraman Club, 3ncNCSPECIALTY SHOWFEBRUARY 10, 1980Loews-Summit Hotel 51st and Lexington Avenue New York CityReservations 212-752-7000Make Your Reservations EarlyRegular ClassesMRS. MICHELE LEATHERS BILLINGS Sweepstakes MISS NADINE HERSILEntry FeesRegular Classes, 10.25 - Sweepstakes, 5SEND ALL ENTRIES TOFRED C. BASSETT 2713 South 111 th East Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74129ENTRIES CLOSE JANUARY 23, 1980