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The Pomeranian Review July 1975

American Pomeranian Club, 3fncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY, 1975vV-,VifCHAMPIONLITTLE EMIRIN THIS ISSUESTUD DOG REGISTER CLUB NEWS SPECIALTY REPORTSEndocrine Problems Show Training by P. DeLoughary, Part IIIVisit To Riggin Pomeranian Kennel by Margaret Klingbeil BIRK HEYDE JONES KLINGBEIL MATHESON MILLER2 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, 3nc.SPECIALTY SHOWHosted ByThe Ohio Pomeranian Club In conjunction with The Ravenna Kennel Club August 23, 1975 Judge, Dr. Harold HugginsFor Further Information ContactRichard Megenhardt, Show Chairman 8026 State Route 43 Kent, Ohio 44240Chagrin Falls Kennel Club Show August 24 Judge Not Yet ApprovedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Elub 3nr.President ..................................First Vice President ________Second Vice President ..Recording Secretary_______Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.....................................................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott............................................................................... Mr. Darrell W. Baker............................................................................ Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn....................................................................................Mrs. Dianne Walsh............................................................................Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon St., San Francisco, CA, 94115 ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Sally Baugnlet Mrs. Kathryn Birk Mr. Thomas Daniels Delegate to the A.K.C.........................Mrs. Ruth Dotson Mrs. Randall Freeh Mr. Sam Zaneoff ............Mr. Kenneth E. MillerPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ......................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants ............................................................................. Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Miss Cathy LasotaCirculation Manager .................. Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, 3400 Carvale Dr., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 6.00 for four quarterly Issues individual copies 81.50. Canada, Mexico, 6.50, Foreign 7.00 In U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 3.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................ 55.00Inside front cover .................................................... 30.00Center Spread, 2 pages ........................................... 60.00Full page ................................................................... 25.00Three-quarters page ............................................... 20.00One-half page .......................................................... 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............................. 7.50100 copies full page ad ................................................ 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to 1 x 2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts.No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMRS. MARLENE SCOTT Rt. 2, Box 178-C Raleigh, N.C. 27610I hope the weather is as beautiful wherever you are as it is here. It is just right, in the seventies, and I wish I could stay out in the yard all the time instead of cleaning the house, cleaning the kennels, and all the other evils to keep things running. By the time you read this in July, I am sure it will he hot and I will be wanting the Spring back again. Sounds like I am never satisfied, doesnt it. With summer on the way, the next big event for The Pom Club is The Summer Specialty to be held in Ravenna, Ohio, hosted by the Ohio Pomeranian Club. Our judge will be Dr. Harold Huggins. The Show Chairman is Richard Mengen- hardt with his wife Donna as assistant. Their address is 8026 State, Rt. 3, Kent, Ohio 44240. I hope you will support the show with your entries, advertising, trophies, and treat yourself to a trip to Ohio. We are going to have a good time. Rick and Donna said there will be a surprise for everyone who attends the Dinner. I already have my reservation in. I love surprises.The plans are underway for our 76 Specialty in New York. Show Chairman is Thomas E. Daniels, and Show Secretary is H. W. Pottebaum. We have a Show Secretary this year because we are going to superintend our show. This is a tremendous undertaking for Tom and Bill, you will be hearing from them, and their committees soon. As soon as our judge is approved by A. K. C., well let you know.If you are lucky enough to be on the mailing list of long-time Dog Fancier, Braxton B. Sawyer, as I am, you have already read this article. If you have not read it, I know you will enjoy it. The Origin of Dog Shows, is the title. The first officially organized recorded dog show ever held was in England in the Town Hall Newcastle-on-Tyne, on the 28th and 29th of June, 1859, under the general management of Mr. John Douglas. This show was limited to two classes 23 Pointers and 27 Setters, with three judges to each class. Judging the Pointers were Messrs. J. Joblin, T. Robson, and J. H. Walsh. Judging the Setters were Messrs. F. Foulgar, R. Bailsford, and J. H. Walsh. Mr. R. Brailsford, who judged in the Setter class, won first prize in the Pointers, and Mr. J. Jobling, who judged in the Pointer class, won Best in Show with his black and tan Setter named Dandy. No, the exhibitors were not all happy. One of the judges, J. H. Walsh writing in his book four years later, says, From their institution at Newcastle in 1859 there has been a growing feeling of dissatisfaction with the awards of the judges. Animals which have been successful under one set of judges in obtaining first prize, have been altogether overlooked by another, not even obtaining a commendation, though in equally good condition at both places, and often with the same or nearly the same competitors.The first illustration or picture of a dog show ever uncovered is from the February 8, 1851 edition of The Illustrated London News. I sure did get a good laugh out of that. If you think the judging today isnt what it should be, how do you like the results of the first recorded show, your ancestors were pretty upset, too. We have come a long way, dont you thinkJust for the record, if you bought one of our beautiful club pins, it is washable. I left mine on a blouse, and dropped it in the washing machine. When I took the Continued on Page 71POMERANIAN REVIEW 5DENDYS POMERANIANSi. .'5T OF BREED or VARIETYfHOTCCH. DENDYS MIRACLE BOY Grandson of Ch. Great Elms Little BuddyMickey, as he is called, is a 4 lb. orange, shown finishing under Dr. Allen T. Kirk at the Roanoke show in Salem, Va., with a 5 pt. major.Mickey is shown exclusively by Marlene Scott.Mickey is siring some promising puppies.Stud Fee 75.00 3 litters due in MayMost of my Poms are Great Elms.Mrs. Ethel A. Dendy1508 Moose Road Ph. 704-932-5855Kannapolis, N.C. 28081 Stud Service call 919-772-68806 POMERANIAN REVIEWCORRESPONDINGSECRETARYMrs. Mary F. Casey was forced to resign her position because of her husbands illness and her many other committments, and the Board has elected Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner to fill the vacancy. Please address ALL CORRESPONDENCE except that concerning the Review toMrs. Dolly B. Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA. 94115Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley was elected to the position of Treasurer.PROPOSED ADDITION TO STANDARDAt the April meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board voted to send out the following proposed addition to our Standard for consideration and approval by our membership, prior to asking for A.K.C. approval of same. If any member has suggestions for additions or changes to this proposal, please contact the President so such changes can be brought up at the next Board meeting.Add The foregoing description is that of the ideal Pomeranian. Any deviation from the above described dog must he penalized to the extent of the deviation.The following is a list of Major Faults which must be heavily penalizedRound, domey skullLight pigment on nose or eye rimsUndershot mouthOut at elbows or shouldersDown in pasternsCow hocks or lack of soundness inhind legs and stiflesSoft, flat or open coatWhite chest, leg or foot on a wholecoloreddog except whiteOvertrimming Beyond location andamount described in the Standard.When you receive your ballot, be sure to vote.BRETTWOOD POMERANIANSoffers condolences toDiane McKeever Ward on the loss ofChampionSungold Rebels Rowdy Command andcongratulationstoDolores Riggin on her kennel visitCONGRATULATIONStoLes and Dolores RigginMay you have many more champions Tom and Norma ORourke and all the Poms at Tonos401 North Amburn Texas City, TexasPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7Top Show Billing Goes ToCHAMPION SUNDOTS RAMBOLING MANPBEST IN SHOWOlympia Dog Fanciers Association, May 4, 1975 Director-JudgeMr. Zane Talent Director-HandlerJohn Thyssen Producer-Breeder-OwnerRuth DotsonRamblor Was Bred To WinHe is Watch for himHe was bred to produceHe is Watch for them Shown only three months as special His credits to date18 BOB including 2 Pom Specialties, 1 Group 4, 6 Group 3, 2 Group 1And 1 BISAt StudFee on Request Pedigree in Behind New ChampionsOwner Ruth Dotson7430 Antelope Rd. Phone Area 916Citrus Heights, Calif. 95610 725-5234 or 967-25428 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORYChampion Little Emir, bred and owned by Mrs. Vincent Matta, is still considered by many Pom fanciers to be the best Pomeranian ever bred. A close study of our Cover Picture will tell you why. Consider the compact body, the lovely true Pom expression on the wedge - shaped head, the tiny high set ears and the almond shaped eyes. How often do we see these attributes todayBetween 1927 and 1930, in the days of very few all-breed shows and exhibited only where his owner could travel by public transportation, usually by train, from Long Island, Little Emir met and defeated every Toy dog of note in the east. He was Best of Breed 23 times and won the Toy Group 23 times Nine times he went on to Best In Show, including the prestigious Morris and Essex Show. At this famous show, there were 3 judges for the Toy Group and 5 to pass on Best In Show He also won Best of Breed at the Pomeranian Specialty several times.Mrs. Matta was famous for putting her Poms in the ring in fabulous condition, and when Little Emir was shown, he walked into the ring like a king that had no equal. He weighed 4 lbs. and his coat was a Pom breeders dreama gorgeous, heavy standoff coat of a brilliant golden orange color that made him look like an animated golden puff ball. He stood on tip-toe on tiny catlike feet, and his huge plume as you can see for yourself covered part of his head when he posed.Emir was from a famous family. His sire, Twilight of Pomona, was the sire of 5 champions and his dam, Little Houdina Girl, was the dam of 5 champions, 4 of them sired by Twilight. He had a brother, Ch. Little Ra, who won Best In Show at 10 months but unfortunately died soon afterwards. Another brother, Ch. Little Rajah, was almost as famous as Emir and was the winner of four Best In Shows. A sister, Ch. Little Lady Melba, won the Pomeranian Specialty.Ch. Little Emir was the sire of Ch. Little Effendi, Ch. Little Lady Emir, Ch. Little Emirs Lady Valencia and Ch. Little Lady Valentine, as well as many other winners that were sold and retired from the ring.CHANGE OF OFFICERSEdward Wheeler, elected to the position of Second Vice President, found it necessary to resign his position due to personal reasons. The Board chose Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn to take his place, and Thomas Daniels to fill her position on the Board.NEW ASSISTANTMrs. Sadie W. Edney finds it impossible to continue as a Review Assistant, due to family committments, and we are happy to welcome Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley as a replacement.STARLITES SUNRAE SireCH. RIGGINS KRISTOL BOMBER BEST WISHES Dolores and the Riggin Poms on your Kennel Visit STARLITE KENNELGayle L. GriffinRt. 1, Box 98 Amity, Oregon 97101POMERANIAN REVIEW 9CH. BROWN'S GAMBLING MAN- ^Isv WxmmMmmViXShown completing his Championship at Hoosier K. C., Mar. 23, 1975 under Judge, Mrs. Erica Huggins. Handled by Mrs. Lorraine Heichel.My appreciation to the following JudgesMr. E. W. Tipton Massillon, Ohio 1-4-75 ........................Mr. Tom Stevenson Canton, Ohio 1-5-75 .........................Mrs. Dorothy Nickles Marion, Ind. 2-16-75......................Mr. Joseph Paigel Louisville, Ky. 2-23-75 .......................Mr. Kenneth Miller St. Louis, Mi. 3-1-75 ........................Mrs. Winifred Heckman Battle Creek, Mi. 3-8-75 Mrs. Erica Huggins Indianapolis, Ind. 3-23-75 ..PEDIGREE IN BEHIND NEW CHAMPIONSMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Phone 317-247-9644 Indianapolis, Indiana 462342 pts.-BOS 2 pts-BOS 2 pts.-BOB . 2 pts.-BW . 3 pts.-BW 2 pts.-BOB 5 pts.-BW10 POMERANIAN REVIEWSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUBBy Pauline B. Hughes, Pres.The San Diego Pomeranian Club held its Specialty with the Silver Bay Kennel Club this year on Feb. 23, 1975, with a nice entry of 25. It was held indoors in the Bing Crosby Hall at the Del Mar Fairgrounds just few miles from me for a change.The trophy table was beautiful with silver and many ceramic beauties mostly handcrafted by Fran McPhie. BOB and BOS were 9 inch Poms. BOW was a gold medal donated by Julie Moreno of San Bruno, Cal.cOur Bill Francis photo shows Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man going Best of Breed at the San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty Show on March 23, 1975 under Mrs. Joan Gordon Alexander. He was handled as usual by John Thyssen for breeder-owner Buth Dotson.Our judge this year was Joan Gordon Alexander from New Orleans, La., a very- competent person according to the say of the SDPC members, and most interesting to talk to at the party at my home following the judging. She seemed to understand the structure and fine points of the Pomeranian better than many judges who have some other breed as their main interest. She has bred many a fine Pug in the past. We all agree that a Pug and a Pom are not very much alike.The picture hy Missy Yuhl shows Spun Fancy Butterfly, bred and owned by Buth E. Becker and handled by Daisy Austed going WB and BOS at the San Diego Pom Specialty under judge Mrs. Joan Gordon Alexander for a 4 point major.We were fortunate to find that Dorothy Bonner was on the judges slate for some of the other Toy breeds so were delighted that she could come to the party too. It was fun talking to her. As a hostess my duties were easy as our secretary, Carla Hively and her parents Mr. and Mrs. Martinez had taken over the catering job. The food was scrumptious as only a professional chef Mr. Martinez could produce.Wouldnt you know it My little Pica- dilly started to labor before the party ended five days early, so the guests knowingly made their departures. Three puppies arrived before 11 P.M. a red male, cream female, and a black boy. The bitch is one which allows any color. It is interesting. The red sire, Willie had won RD that day.Continued on Page 12POMERANIAN REVIEW 11GADS CHULA POMERANIANSHome Of Future'V.-IAChampion Queenaire Gamboling1 ManStud Fee 100.00Salutes His SonCH. SUNDOTS RAMBOLING MANOn his two Specialty Wins BOB at N. C. P. C.BOB at Silver Bay And his numerous BOBS over Specials, and Group Placements And of course, his BISw mi'5till'u lfinns fit' f Gambler also sends loving regards to his daughter, Gads Chula Gamboling Tanta, owned by Lee Grunewald, who is beginning her show career with a nice RWB at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club Specialty We are especially proud of Tanta, as hers was an outcross breeding which we have wisely repeated FLASH We have just received word that Tanta has made Gambler a proud grandpa, of a beautiful black and tan baby boyNorma C. Gad 5908 Westside Road915-584-0942 El Paso, Texas 79932Member Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club and Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston12 POMERANIAN REVIEWSDPC Specialy Show Winners Joan Alexander, judgeBOB CH. Sun Dots Ramboling Man, Ruth Dotson J. Thyssen, handler.Major pts. BOS Spun Fancy Butterfly, Ruth E. Becker D. Austad, handler.Major pts. BOW WD Shawnee of Point Loma, Pauline B. Hughes.Reserve Dog Willie of Point Loma II Hughes.Reserve Bitch and Best Puppy Meri- lita of Point Loma HughesAm. Bred Dog Edans The Commander Joann VestallOpen Dogs, black Joshua Yehousua Linda OCullOpen D. AOC Shawnee of Point Loma Hughes to finish Ch.Puppy Bitches Melita of Point Loma HughesOpen Bitches AOC Spun Fancy Butterfly BeckerVeterans Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma HughesBrace Class Franks Easy Golden Girl, and Franks Easy Ms Miry Oku Harly R. FrankFive Champions were entered for BOB. John Thyssen seemed to have the edge with Rambling Man Lil Elmo, at 8 years of age from the Veterans class gave him a run for his money every second. However, Ramboling Man was the better choice to represent our breed in Group so I was happy to see him get the nod. Being in the ring made it hard for me to see the other champions for comparison but they tell me they were all beautiful.Next year wont you join usSupport Your Specialty ShowsREMINDERMake ALL CHECKS and MONEY ORDERS payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Please write it out IN FULL as we have a rubber stamp with this endorsement.OUR FEBRUARY SPECIALTYThis year, we are having a Show Secretary instead of a Superintendent, doing all the work ourselves in hopes of making a profit, or at least breaking even. The huge deficit of the past three years CANNOT CONTINUE. Wont you all DO YOUR PART to make this show a success We have the acceptance of a TOP JUDGE, well-known and well-liked by all, whose name cannot be published pending A.K.C. approval. We hope to have a record-breaking entry Meanwhile, we ask the readers of this magazine, members and subscribers alike, to help the promotion of our favorite breed by supporting the Parent Club Specialty.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.NOTICEThe Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. does not approve the use of the phrase, Member of American Pomeranian Club in a commercial connection, i.e. in advertising. While we are certain that members who have used the fact of A.P.C. membership on their ads have done so out of pride in supporting the parent club, and not in any sense as an implication that their Poms are better than others, we have deleted the phrase from Review ads.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13MANIES'S POMERANIANSCh. Adonis Of Point Loma Ch. Twin Oaks Billy The Kid Twinkles Of Spungold Ch. Showtime ShindigCh. Lindas Firecracker Rumbles Hill Gypsy Star Jato Queen Of Sheeba Ch. Tinklers Lil Play BoyMaster Yogi Go-Puff of Sharlyn Go-Puff-GoCupid's Cutie Pie Tinklers Loli-PopWee Teddie OScotch Martins Funny BunnieBergstroms Tiny Tinkertoyh "cCh. Tinklers Lil Play Boy Subj. A.K.C. Conf.Play Boy is shown winning at the Sacramento Show Judge Marguerite McDonald. Shown to all points by Betty Evans, Play Boy finished his wins with a three and two four point majors. See Pom Review Pg. 47 April 1975Our thanks to the Judges who saw the qualities in Play Boy that we do, they were Keith Browne, Marcella Bingham, Dorothy Nichels, Gus Wolf, Marguerite McDonald and last, hut not least, Mrs. Clark.Many, Many thanks to Jon and Jan Renee, Anchorage, Alaska, for bringing Play Boy to us.Play Boy Will Be at Stud. Fee 75.00PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYMrs. Elma Manies Redding, Ca. 960011375 Old Alturas Road Ph 916-241-875614 POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMRS. JEWEL ELLIS. SECRETARY 325 S. E. 9th St.Grand Prairie, Texas 75050The Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Specialty of March 21, 1975 was a great success. We were very appreciative of everyone who participated as everyone went all out in supporting this show. We had a lot going for us along with the Puppy Sweepstakes, Parade of Champions and especially the beautiful Challenge Trophy which was donated by the many Pom breeders in memory of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly who was owned by Darrell and Olga Baker as everyone knows. Our judge, Mrs. Nell Berry, really did an excellent job of judging the many beautiful Poms of which there was an entry of 60.Our Twomey photo shows, left to right, Judge Mrs. Nell Berry, handler Ray Wine with Best of Breed winner Ch. Dragonflys Happy Talk hred and owned hy John Metz, Darrell Olga Baker with the Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Memorial Challenge Trophy, and finally Club President John Metz.Best of Breed went to John D. Metz Ch. Dragonflys Happy Talk who also had the honor of a win on the Challenge Trophy. Best of Winners and Winners Dog went to Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Macs Pour on the Floor of OKala. Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch went to Norma ORourkes Tonos Sting- erette Michelle. Best in Puppy Classes went to Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Macs Bit of Love.Best in Puppy Sweepstakes was Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Macs Bit of Love and Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweepstakes was Sunrays Lil Beaver owned by Ted Dickinson and Fern Rodrigues.Poms recently finished by club members are Bill Kennedys Count de Shawn, John D. Metz Johns Chatterbox and Mrs. B. G. McDonalds Macs Four on the Floor of OKala.We have come to the end of another fiscal year. We had nomination of officers at the May meeting and will have election of officers and board members at the June meeting. The clubs annual picnic will also be held at this time, an event which all members look forward to. We hope this picnic will be as enjoyable as the last one and we are again looking forward to seeing our out of town members which alone is a great pleasureWe are looking forward to holding a Fall Show and are awaiting A.K.C. approval of the date. We hope to be able to hold two shows each year which will give exhibitors an opportunity to put extra points on their Poms. Another incentive for Pom breeders is the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houstons first point show which will be held in October. This will give us three Specialty Shows in Texas each year, which will give us a great deal to look forward to.KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will take us to League City, Texas to the Myway Kennel of Molly and Linda Miller. All you Pom breeders in the Second Largest State and surrounding territory please take notice. We know you will want to support this visit and also advertise your own excellent stock.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15Wary 3. pleased to offer . . .ruKtKSO-rtfrYOUR CHAMPIONSHIP CERTIFICATE, OBEDIENCE DEGREE, SHOW PICTURES, PEDIGREES. THAT SOMETHING SPECIAL ... A PHOTO IMAGE PERFECTLY AND PERMANENTLY PRESERVED IN ALUMINUM BYTENNESSA ENTERPRISESReady for proud display in your den, office, kennel, anywhere. Cannot fade, rust, tarnish or chip. All material can be enlarged or reduced. Original document returned intact with order. Tennessa Enterprises can use any document or picture, black and white or color. Plates are mounted on 6 x 8 wooden plaques. Standard copy color is black or gold wood finishes ebony or walnut.14.95 for each plaqueAdditional copies of same picture, less 3.00Submit your order and remittance to Mary Casey, 60 Wilbur St., Raynham, Mass. 02767. Add S1.00 per order for handling and shipping. Mass, residents add 3 sales tax. Allow 2 - 3 weeks for delivery. No C.O.D.s.16 POMERANIAN REVIEWENDOCRINE PROBLEMSIn response to numerous requests over the years, we announced a Forum to look into possible causes and cures for the loss of coat by many Poms, thought to be a problem connected with endocrine gland misfunction of some kind.Unfortunately, although we all know this problem exists and is widespread throughout our breed, written communications were received from only two people, even though we extended the inquiry to the July issue. We had several telephone conversations which led us to believe we might get more contributions.We quote below the two articles we did receive. Because we feel this is a very much misunderstood and a very serious problem in our breed, we have appended an outline of possible causes taken from veterinary literature of recent publication. As we do not have permission to reprint or quote directly from these articles, and as we feel strongly that all such health problems should be handled only by each Pom owners own veterinarian, we have not given any medical advice or suggested any specific treatment for the condition.CASE 1My Pomeranian had what is often called Elephant Hide When he was 18 months old, his coat started falling out, so he was put under care of our veterinarian, who treated him for Red Mange. After a year and no real improvement, I tried a different veterinarian, who took bloodtests and decided the problem was Thyroid and still no improvement. Another wasted year. By this time my Pom had very little coat and most of his skin had turned black so most of his time was spent hidden away from our visitors and I was at the point of having him put to sleep, but just couldnt do it, as he was siring outstanding show type puppies, first daughter being a champion. This Pom never passed this problem to any of his pups or any grandchildren, so inhis case it hasnt proved to be inherited.Last May 1974, I ran out of the vitamins I normally use on my Poms, so for a week I put all my Poms on 707 Horse Conditioner I had used it on my large dogs for several years in a few days, I noticed a difference in my male Poms hide the black skin was peeling off, so my veterinarian told me to continue using the 707 Conditioner, as it had something in it this Pom needed. I have used the conditioner for 6 months and his skin slowly turned pink, then all the old coat fell out and over a few months a completely new coat has come in. So at the time Im writing this, my male is in close to full coat and I hope this spring I will be able to make this male my next champion. I have now taken my pom off the Horse Conditioner and he is on Ultra Mend and Ultra Glow and with no setback, so it has whatever he needs and anyone can easily get Ultra Mend and Ultra Glow advertised in Dog World, it is certainly worth a try on any dog with Black Skin.CASE 2I saw the article about Endocrine Imbalances. I dont know if this applies to my dog or not, but if it does you are welcome to print in the Review what I was told about it and how my dog was cured.First of all the veterinarian told me that my dogs problem was with his thyroid Ed. hypothyroidism. He put him on SYNTHOID, 0.5 mg. twice a day. He said I should give it to him all the time, or stop giving it to him when he was in full coat. I have not stopped giving it to him yet, he still needs more coat, but I dont know if this is due to his condition or he is just one of those who wouldnt have a heavy coat anyway. So far, he hasnt passed this on to his puppies.The Endocrine System in the dog is variable in what is considered normal function, size of glands, etc. not only from one breed to another but even inPOMERANIAN REVIEW 17ENJAYS POMERANIANSFor those who have askedPuppet is cream, about four pounds. Has a short cobby body, beautiful face and wonderful temperament. Puppet is a dominant stud. He has sired four Champions to date.A son only needs a major to finish.A daughter has a five point major from the A.P.C. Specialty in N.Y.Other sons and daughters are being shown at present. Many promising puppies are coming up. Watch for his kids in the ring. Thanks for the many inquiries. Keep the cards and letters coming. si We Wish To CongratulateLyda L. Ramirez Fajardo of Puerto Rico on finishing a Puppet daughter, Ch. Enjays Puppette Delight, handled to finish by Professional handler, Bill Trainer. Also, congratulations on her Group win and placements.Daniel Dwyer Norma Jenkins on finishing a Puppet daughter, Ch. Enjays Good Mornin Starshine, handled to finish by Professional handler, Sharon Griffin Dwyer. Also, congratulations on her group placements.Norma J. Lloyd E. Jenkins, Jr.1449 Shelton Avenue Area Code 804Norfolk, Va. 23502 855-0965Ch. Enjays Puppet on a String18 POMERANIAN REVIEWindividuals within a given breed. The function of each gland is related to and depends on the function of the other glands, with the anterior lobe of the pituitary acting as the main regulating body.Although to a Pomeranian breeder or most especially to an exhibitor at dog shows, the most noticeable symptom of malfunction of the endocrine system is probably the hair loss visible to all, a more careful evaluation of the dog will show other symptoms far more serious to the health of the animal. Laboratory tests which are described in the various texts and available to your veterinarian MUST be used to accurately diagnose each case, as because of the interlocking nature of endocrine gland function, many of the clinical symptoms are much the same for quite different ailments.HYPOTHYROIDISM. Many veterinarians and dog owners have assumed that drastic hair loss alopecia is caused by hypothyroidism and that treatment by thyroid medication will cure the problem. However, it now is known that hypothyroidism does not always cause hair loss, that there are other more prominent symptoms of low thyroid activity, and that there are other causes of hair loss.It is normal for a dog to shed his coat periodically and for new coat to grow as a replacement. The hypothyroid dog may have a coarse, dry, lifeless haircoat which does not shed. The retained hair eventually breaks or is rubbed off most of the dogs body. The skin may become thickened and inelastic, darkly pigmented and cool to the touch.The most prominent symptom of hypothyroidism is lethargy, followed closely by signs related to low metabolism slow pulse rate, sensitivity to cold, low body temperature and increased body weight. There may be delayed or abnormal es- trous cycles in the female or lack of libido in the male.The truly hypothyroid dog shows a change in attitude from lethargic tolively and alert within a week after initiation of thyroid replacement therapy. Improvement in metabolism and changes in skin and haircoat will take from 3 to 6 months.HYPERADRENOCORTICISM Cushings syndrome. The primary symptom is excessive thirst with accompanying increased urination. The skin and hair at first show a lightening or decrease in pigmentation black hair may turn brown or red, red or orange hair have a bleached appearance and the skin is thin. The hair falls out until we frequently see total bilateral alopecia, with hair growing only on head and feet. Eventually the skin turns black. There is a weakening of the muscular system, most frequently noticed as a pendulous abdomen, and the skin may show circular macules. This malfunction of the adrenal glands may be primary or may be caused by a tumor of the anterior lobe of the pituitary. It may also be caused by excessive medication with steroids. If the latter, cure is to discontinue the medication. However, if the cause is functional, the only successful treatment to the present time is surgery. A new drug now in experimental use gives great promise, but has yet to be released for general veterinary use.HYPERESTRINISM This disease can come from Sertoli-cell tumor in the male or cystic ovaries in the female, or can be induced by feeding excessive levels of estrogen in geriatric vitamins or coat conditioners. Symptoms include, in the male, feminism, sexual attraction to other males, mammary enlargement, and bilateral alopecia. Castration is the cure and improvement in haircoat will be dramatic.ACANTHOSIS NIGRICANS Elephant Hide Most authorities feel that this disease is not connected to endocrine malfunction. Seen most commonly in Dachshunds, this condition begins with a discoloration of the skin in the axillary and groin regions. In time, there is aPOMERANIAN REVIEW 19LENNISS TAR BABY OF GREAT ELMSAn outstanding3Y2 lb.Black Tanson ofCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image.Tar Baby started his career with a B.O.S. in Nashville and a B.O.W. in Oak Ridge with a Group 3.A special thanks to the Judges who put him up proving Black and Tan is beautifulA special thanks to Ruth Beam for letting me have little Tar Baby.Several litters sired by Tar Baby, out of red and orange females some pointed. Also, litters planned by Tar Baby out of DAKK chocolate females.Litters sired by Lenniss Cavilier Tigger pointed orange sable, very stylish. Producer of blue, orange, red and black and tan.3 lb. chocolate male at stud Fur samples of chocolates Stud fee on requestLENNIS RHODES615-581-8947Rt. 2, Box 205 Morristown, Term. 37814very marked thickening of the skin, extremely black pigment accompanied by a smelly seborrhea. It seems probable that dog owners have become confused by the increased pigmentation seen in the other ailments and have mistakenly used the name Elephant Hide for other problems.Chronic Skin Diseases of the Dog, Mike D. Lorenz, D.V.M., N.Y.S. Veterinary College, Ithaca, N.Y. Pages 4-6.SOURCESCurrent Veterinary Therapy V, Small Animal Practice Kirk. Pages 448-454, 783-786, 791- 797.Merck Veterinary Manual Fourth Edition. Pages 184, 187-190, 194-196.See You At Ravenna Get Your Ads In Early20 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO THE RIGGIN POMERANIAN KENNELby Margaret KlingbeilIt is an honor and a pleasure to do this write-up on the kennel visit to Dolores Riggin and her handsome husband, Les, in Tigard, Oregon. I have known Dolores and Les for some six years and have gained much in this friendship, and also in the knowledge of bloodlines which Dolores has so generously passed on to me.Tigard is a small and thriving city a few miles south of Portland, and is almost a suburb of Portland. The rules and regulations concerning dogs are strict and stringent in Tigard but the fifty some Pomeranians at the Riggin kennel are thriving, nonetheless. Luckily, their kennel was established before their area became a part of the city so they are allowed to keep their dogs on a non- conforming basis. They pay through the nose, however, as they are required to have a kennel license, pay personal property taxes on the dogs and to have rabies shots before their license is even granted.This, then, is the Riggin home and kennel a new and modern house with an oversize, cyclone fenced yard divided into a front exercise area and two big backyard runs. Everything is arranged for the convenience of the dogs, so Dolores and Les, along with their three teenage sons and a married daughter and two grandchildren who visit occasionally, take second best.Dolores kennels started in California a number of years ago with German Shepherds, and then one day she happened to see a cute little Pom. It was love at first sight, and led soon to the purchase of their first little pet. She was loved and enjoyed for ten years, and then, after her death in 1961 a small red-orange bitch was purchased from Helen Palmer and Peggy, as she was called, became a part of the family.Peggy was bred for the first time at five years of age, and two of her daughters were kept. Then the show bug bit Dolores, and, realizing that the Poms they had at the time were not show quality they decided to make a study of bloodlines and to start contacting some of the top U.S. breeders.Tile Riggins Doberman, Holly plays with one of the Riggin Poms in the exercise area back of the house.About this time the family moved to Oregon, and then in Sept, of 1968 Mrs. Tankesley of the well known Dixieland Kennels in Tennessee shipped a seven months old son of her Ch. Dixieland Style Stepper to Dolores. The pup was named Riggins Style Steppers Pepper Pepper for short. He was everything Dolores was looking for, with the short back, baby doll face, good legs and coat, and bright orange color. Because his dam had bitten off two of his toes and part of his tail shortly after he was whelped Pepper could not be shown, so he was purchased as a foundation stud. He proved his worth in the very first litter he sired, as the orange male that survived, Riggins Tennessee Plow Boy, became his first champion offspring. At this time Dolores, still new at showing dogs, and very unsure of herself, was helped and encouraged by breeder exhibitor Jacques Perkins of Vancouver, Wn. who persuaded her to enter TennyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 21in some shows after his year old shed. Tenny proved the Riggin Breeding programs was on the right track as he finished in five shows with three majors, undefeated.A.. .Ch. Riggins Tennessee Plow Boy, finished his championship in 5 shows with 3 majors.With the show hug still hiting hard, and with an even more intense desire for good breeding stock, another male was purchased, this time from the Bonner kennels in Texas. Bonners Sunkris Kristol, a Pepper Pod grandson, soon joined the other Riggin Poms, followed shortly by a bitch. Two of the Riggin bitches were eventually sent to Mrs. Bonner for breeding and this provided Dolores with the nucleus for her breeding program.About this time she realized that all her eggs shouldnt be in one basket. Chocolates were of interest to both Dolores and Les so part of the breeding program branched out into color breeding for chocolates. With chocolate, of course, blacks always come along, too, so these colors became a challenging sideline while still trying to stay within the family lines. By this time several studs and a number of broods were residing at the kennels. Many of these were offspring of the original pairs and some were grandchildren. Some were stud service puppies that were kept if of the right quality and bloodlines. And, ofcourse, there were many puppies in various stages of growth.At this time Dolores and Les realized that space was at a premium. A double size city lot can get crowded with more than fifty Poms, a Chihuahua and a Doberman Pinscher sharing facilities. Although there was a kennel building in the back, more room was needed for expectant and nursing mothers, young puppies and show prospects in training. It was decided that the big attached garage which opened into the living room would be remodeled into a puppy room and nursery. While the whelpings usually take place in Dolores bedroom the mothers needed their own quarters after the first critical week or so. The young prospects in training were kept mostly in the house and front yard, and this worked out quite well. Les would grumble occasionally that there were more darned dogs in the house than there were in the kennel but he didnt really mean it.1Ch. Riggins Stylish Pepper of la Moda, was Best in Match at 8 mo. Owner-handled to championship, he has Group placements, also.The breeding program, meanwhile, was shaping up. Three different bloodlines were established in the kennel, including Dixieland, Bonner and Van Hoozer. These lines were joined in several combinations as well as staying within their own family. The original Dixieland male,22 POMERANIAN REVIEWPepper, being a great-grandson of Pepper Pod, was used extensively with the bitches in the Bonner line. The sable Van Hoozer male, a son of Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch, was used with many of the different bitches and produced coat and quality but none of the sables Dolores wanted. I got all of those Another disappointment to her was to get nothing but males from a bitch she had purchased from me. It was doubly disappointing to her, I think, because the litter sister I kept produced nothing but girls. However, the second champion to finish for the Riggin kennels was a male from that bitch so they did have that consolation. Ch. Riggins Stylish Pepper of La Moda was the second champion for the Dixieland male, Pepper, and was bred by yours truly.mARiggins Krisweet Joy, pointed and now being shown. At first show, went from classes to B.O.S. over Specials, owner handled.At this time a new threshold was reached. The desired improvement in almost every litter, and holding all the better pups to see how they developed still left them with a problem of space, or, more properly, a lack of it. It was decided to dispose of the chocolates and blacks to people wanting to color breed. A few of the older dogs were given to good pet homes, others were sold, and a program of strict culling was put into effect, all this to give the necessary room for the better pups coming along. Oneyoung show male was sold in Canada and took a five point win at his first show, going Breed over the top winning Pom in Canada. He made his championship in short order, and is Dolores first champion from Bonners Sunkris Kris- tol.'fDolores Riggin with her hnsband Res, owners of The Riggins Pomeranians being visited in this issue.Riggins Kristol Bomber finished shortly after Sylish Pepper of La Moda, making him the second champion offspring of Bonners Sunkris Kristol, who also has four other pointed get. Bonners Sunkris Kristol, unfortunately, died shortly after Christmas when he choked on a piece of meat, and Riggins Style Steppers Pepper also died tragically when he was killed recently by two visiting males who got out of their pen. It is hard to compensate for losses like these, but Dolores is fortunate in having a number of offspring from these two males and will carry on.POMERANIAN REVIEW 23RIGGIN'S POMERANIANSOffers at StudCH. RIGGINS BRISTOL BOMBERCH. RIGGINS REBELS SO-BIGCH. RIGGINS TENNESSEE PLOW BOYCH. RIGGINS STYLISH PEPPER OF LA MODAShow Potential Puppy For SaleSire Duke Grandson Dam ShowstopperWe want to Thank Margaret Tankesley for letting us have Dixielands Bountiful, son of Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper.Several litters due in MayBonner, Duke, Showstopper, Great ElmsInquiries InvitedDolores Riggin11790 S.W. 98 PhoneTigard, Oregon 97223 503-639-502424 POMERANIAN REVIEWLast but not least, Ch. Riggins Rebels So Big, out of the Van Hoozer line, made his championship quite rapidly, and his half brother, Riggins Rebels Roustabout is pointed. This makes five homebred champions for Dolores and Les since 1971, with several others having points, including majors. Most of these dogs have been owner handled, as Dolores enjoys showing her own dogs. Her first champion was handler shown because of Dolores qualms about competing against the experienced exhibitors and handlers, but once the ice was broken it was a different matter.Ch. Biggins Beheis So Big shown finishing his championship by going B.O.B. over Specials and on to Gronp 3.but each mistake and each lesson learned is one more step toward that goal. Dolores and Les have indeed come a long way since that first little pet.-TT7y fuRiggins Krismay Preshus, now being shown. Best of Winners at the Columbia Pom Specialty Oct. 27, 1974 for 4 points, owner handled.PIERCE COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBMembers of the Pierce County Pomeranian Club wish to announce the formation of a local Pom Club devoted to the protection and advancement of the Pomeranian Dog and to help and encourage newly interested as well as devoted fanciers in owning, breeding, and showing Pomeranians.Just before Christmas in 1974 Dolores fell and broke her ankle. This necessitated a stay in the hospital and a couple of months on crutches so the show dogs were again turned over to a handler. Fortunately, after two months of crutches and more months of therapy the ankle was back to normal and Dolores was again on the show trail.Dolores kennel of Poms is one of the largest, if not the largest, in the Pacific Northwest. Quality is of prime importance in this kennel and every breeding is done with this in mind. Rome wasnt built in a day, and mistakes do happen,Our first meeting was held in January of 1975 and our elected officers areMarilyn Cope President Nora Higby Vice President Alicia Kvamme Secretary Helen Krafcik Treasurer Vilma Bartolat and Marilyn Cope Newsletter Pom Prattle.We plan to hold our first fun match late this summer and we are currently attempting to support the fun matches of other local clubs.POMERANIAN REVIEW 25CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES TODOLORES RIGGIN ON HER KENNEL VISITFOR SALETwo 6 mo. females, 1 black, 1 Black Tan GreyTwo 5 mo. orange females, show prospects Other promising younger femalesAT STUDCh. Scotia Cavillers SpectacularScotia Cavillers Trails EndCh. Little Robin of HadleighCh. Lunds Just Dandy Of Hadleigh Robin sonCh. Robins Even Steven of Scotia Robin sonCh. Scotia W. G. Joe Dandy Cav. grandsonScotia Leaders Axion Central and others.Special thanks to those who sent birthday cards.Scotia Pomeranians P. O. Box 646Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla. 32636Ph. 904-726-200126 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBy MRS. NANCY A. VAYO 174 Main Street So. Portland, Maine 04106As you can see from the heading, our column has changed hands. With such short notice to meet the deadline, I am afraid I didnt have time to collect our member show wins.The Club is looking forward to its annual Specialty Show on June 28th in conjunction with the Hockamock K.C. Show in Norton, MA. As in the past, club members will bring their Specialty Dish for our delicious luncheon after the judging. We look forward to a good turnout of entries this year, as there are quite a few young Poms in the area being shown and others getting ready for their dehut. Results of the judging will be published in the next issue.We have again started a club newsletter Editors Mrs. Claire Flesner, 38 East Aldea St., Lowell, MA. 01851, and Mrs. Amber Bums, 48 Washington Park Dr., Norwell, MA. 02061.The club has welcomed new members during the past year, people relatively new to the breed and show ring. Their enthusiasm is catching, and the club is beginning to be more active. A fun match was held in Oxford, MA on March 23rd, and it was refreshing to see so many members and guests exhibiting their Poms in breed and obedience. At the meeting following the match, a nominating committee was appointed, and I will have the new slate of officers for the next issue .The show season is begining, so lets see those Poms out there winningBEST IN SHOWCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge owned by Mrs. Joyce Ohrtman went B.I.S. at Grand Forks, North Dakota May 31, under Judge Maurice BakerPOMERANIAN CLUB OF HAWAIIOur new officers for 1975 areRoland Adameck, President Steve Me Whorter, Vice President Lurline Kimokeo, Secretary Betty Aona, Treasurer Fern Wyse Charles Teixeira and Gloria A. Dias, DirectorsWe presented our first Fun Match on February 16 with ribbons, trophies, etc. and we were very pleased to have 12 entries.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXEva Bryant Smith, a founding member of the Club, passed away on February 4, 1975 leaving her husband, Clarence and two daughters, Mrs. O Dell Woods and Mrs. Sara Kemp and seven grandchildren.Eva served as Secretary for the Club and many of her articles on the care and breeding of Poms, as well as the history of the Pomeranian breed can be found in past issues of our newsletter, Pom Flame News.She also held membership in a Phoenix Writers Club and had a number of songs, stories and poems published. The following poem, reprinted from the October, 1972 issue of Pom Flame News, must have been written about her beloved Gold Flame top scoring obedience Pom.MY DOGShes a wonderful little companion, Devoted and faithful to me.She couldnt care less if Im rich or poor, She only cares for me.She really is eager to do her best To obey my every commandShe only desires in return The kindly pat of my hand.My dog gives love and comfort,Her love is not bought or sold.She is a loving treasureWorth more than her weight in pure gold.POMERANIAN REVIEW 27TOM-CINS POMERANIANS IntroducesTom-Cins My Sweet Mandy Mandy is a real little show-off Prom Bonner and Golden Glow lines Mandy is not for sale She will be shown soon.Bright orange male obedience prospect for sale Aristic and Adora.We wish to thank Thelma Dunn for our two beautiful Theldun Poms, both Showstopper linebred. We are thrilled to have them in our breeding program.Puppies in the fall. Inquiries invited and promptly answered.Tom and Cindy Keller 700 Marcia S.W.Ph. 616-538-1304 Wyoming, Mich. 49509Mandy at 3 monthsCREIDERS POMERANIANSTwo more Champion Daughters for Scotch N Soda.Creiders Bit O Perfection finished with a 5 pt. win at Galveston, Texas. Her Dam is Ch. Creiders Bit O Distinction.Handled by Sandy Tremont.Started at 9 months of age, Creiders Naughty Nanny finished in 6 shows. Her major wins were Western Pom Specialty, Chicago, BW, 5 pts. International Chicago, WB, 4 pts. and Green Bay, Wise., WB, 5 pts. Her Dam is Creiders Miss Maggie. Handled by Lorraine Heichel.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, Okla. 74107mIntl Ch. Qneenaires Scotch N Soda28 POMERANIAN REVIEWOHIO POMERANIAN CLUBDONNA MOHN, ASSISTANT SECRETARY 2016 Penn Rd.Toledo, Ohio 43615The calendar pages keep turning and turning and soon it will he too late for you to make your reservations for the summer specialty at Ravenna. Dont let that happen to you Stop right now and send your dinner reservation in toMrs. Donna Megenhardt 8026 State Route 43 Kent, Ohio 44240We hope that you will enjoy a very pleasant and relaxing weekend with us in Ohio at the end of August. Pom headquarters will be at the Holiday Inn Akron-East.The trophy table is silver and crystal and awaiting many Pom winners. Lunch is ready at the tent. The banquet table is set. Your dogs are eager ... so why not get that reservation in right away.Hospitality, silver, prime rib, a surprise too . . . look at all youre missing if you dont take in the specialty before school begins and the winter snow and wind descends again.It is proving to be a very interesting and exciting experience planning and working on the show details. Cooperation is great from all parts of the country. Jean Morgan gives an example as she thanks Rick Megenhardt for volunteering to carve the turkey at our last dinner meeting with the electric knife that Loren and Mary Straslicka thoughtfully brought from home.RememberCircle the calendar Remember the dateArrive early------------stay late.The American Pom Summer Specialty ShowWill be held in Ravenna in August youknow.Well host Pom exhibitors at a luncheon thats free,But thats not all as you will seeIf you reserve your meal for Saturday night,Youll receive a surprise thats a unique delight.Now read the directions, and make your plans soonSo that your reservation will be made for a room.See you at Ravenna August 23, 1975POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER DES MOINES, INC.byCorresponding SecretaryBETTY SHORT 2850 E. Douglas Des Moines, Iowa 50137It seems that we have our matches just a few days before the deadline of the Review. So here I am setting up late just so we can get this written and in the mail.Our second B Match was a great success, with an entry of 33 dogs. We had a beautiful day in the mid 70s with a light breeze. As always we all went back for seconds of the pot luck dinner provided by the members. At 100 the judging started Mrs. Julia Chambers judge Puppy dogs, adult bitches, best adult, and Best in Match. Mr. William Chalmers judged puppy bitches, adult dogs, best puppy and Junior Showmanship. The winners were Puppy Dog 3 to 6 Months Indian Pow Paw Mrs. Leona Rhodes, 6 to 9 Months Gold Sugar Nugget Mrs. Leona Rhodes, 9 to 12 months Me Kameys Cavalier Patrick Mrs. Norris Me Kamey. Puppy Bitches 3 to 6 months Millers Red Copper Amanda, Mrs. Patricia Miller, 6 to 9 months Shorts Hey Look Me Over Mrs. Betty Short, 9 to 12 months Joda Wild Wood Weed Mrs. Joyce Ohrtman. Bred By Exhibitor Dog Pom Puf Golden Dancer Mrs. Gwen Hodson, Bred By Exhibitor Bitch Pom Puf Style Fashion Heather Gwen Bonnie Hod- son. Open Dog Me Kameys Just a HoneyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 29We Proudly Present LA MODA FANTASY OF STARLITETongue and All1.....V.vAt age 10 months, she has three Match Group 1 placings and one Best in Match. Columbia Pomeranian Club.Our Sincere Congratulations to Dolores and Les Riggin and Their PomeraniansLA MODA KENNELS, REG. Margaret Klingbeil 4185 Monroe Avenue N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301Mrs. Norris Me Kamey, Open Bitch Pom Puf Master Melody Gwen Hodson Mildred Grimm. Best Puppy went to Betty Short with Shorts Hey Look Me Over. Best Opposite Sex Puppy went to Mrs. Norris Me Kamey with Me Kameys Cavalier Patrick. Best Adult and Best in Match went to Gwen Hodson Mildred Grimm with Pom Puf Master Melody. Best Opposite Sex Adult went to NorrisMe Kamey with Me Kameys Just a Honey. Junior Showmanship Terry Short 8-11 years, Jeff Ohrtman 11-17 years Best Junior Handler.The members of our club hope to see all of you in Ohio at the fall specialty.Make August 23 and 24 part of YOUR vacation.30 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONbyJEANNE K. GR1BBEN 13511 Westport Lane Houston, Texas 77024Club HappeningsOur cup runneth over We have received permission from A.K.C. to hold our first point show on October 11, 1975. Darrell Baker is serving as Show Chairman and has appointed all his Committees well in advance, with Linda Miller serving as his Special Assistant. The beautiful part is that everyone is eager to cooperate to the fullest and make our first point show so fine, that in the future we will be able to use it as a model, to be either equaled or surpassedIn line with the up-coming Specialty, the need for money-making presented itself. The first venture, a Case of Cheer raffle was held, plumping up the Treasury a bit more. Enough to cover a few of the shows ifs, ands, or buts at the deadline hour. During the summer months to come, we will strive to add more coinage, through other yet to be determined projects.At this point, I think an invitation to each and every one of you should be extended, so that you can have your entries decided upon in advance. We would be most delighted to have you visit with us in Houston and promise you a full share of Texas hospitality.Show TalkMyway P. R. Trae, a lovely, peppy, young male owned by Karen Holder, took Winners Dog and Best of Winners at San Jacinto, Texas and Beaumont, Texas this spring. He was handled most ably by Molly Miller at both shows and showed like a little trooper for her. Both Molly and Karen are very pleased with this little lad.A new Star is among us Champion Lorettas Lucky Star Darling, owned byLoretta Jones, earned a four point major at Austin, Teaxs and finished the following weekend at San Antonio, Texas with another four point major win Darling is a perfect picture in the ring. Molly Miller deserves much applause for her sensitive, professional handling of this beautiful bitch. They seem as a single unit in the ring and we know there is much love and respect between them. Congratulations to all.Dianna Hart and Kenneth Mayes are justly proud of their new Champion Mayken Bee Beautiful of Naona, who added a four point major win to his credit at San Antonio, Texas and the following weekend at Galveston, Texas went on to complete his championship, by adding still another four point major. He is a strong, well-structured, brilliant red, and is at his best with John Metz of Dallas who handled him most adroitly throughout his campaign. Heartiest congratulations.John Metz is also very proud to announce that his own new Champion Johns Chatterbox finished this spring which certainly points out that John is not only an expert handler but a competent breeder as well. Sincere congratulations to him.Tonos Stingerette Michelle owned by Norma J ORourke has been quite in the limelight herself this spring. She has amassed 11 points in near record time, having gone Winners Bitch at Shreveport, Louisiana, Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at the Dallas-Forth Worth Specialty in Dallas, Texas and Winners Bitch at Tulsa, Oklahoma this spring. Bill Kennedy of Dallas handled Stingerette with great expertise and she showed for him like the perky little dream she is. She has taken off a bit of time for maternal duties but just temporarily you can be sure.Tonos Tujay Dixie Love Dance, owned by Cynthia Downman and Jeanne K. Gribben went Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at Lake Charles, Louisiana. Cindy took her in the ring herself andPOMERANIAN REVIEW 31CHAMPION POMPUF FANCY DUKE MASTERPIECEDID IT AGAINBest of Breed under Judge Roy CohanlFIRST IN GROW1975MMPHOTOOLSOHGroup First under Judge Joe GregoryGwen R. and Bonnie HodsonRoute 3Indianola, Iowa 50125 515-961-2989handled her so very nicely. I believe I can conservatively say that both are darling dolls, Lovee and Cindy, that isJeanne K. Gribben and Cynthia Down- man, owners of Daniels Pistol Pete, proudly announce his first four point major gained at Lawton, Oklahoma. John Metz, the inimitable, handled Pistol and both received many compliments. He is topdog to us and obviously more than a few others.Mini-SpotlightInstead of featuring one of our members this time, because of our many area show wins, please let me again remind you of our Specialty. Remember it will be held in Houston, Texas on October 11 and the welcome mat will be out. Our weather is quite wonderful at that season so do plan an Indian Summer vacation for yourselves and your purty Poms. Yall come down now, Hear32 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.By ODETTE NOLAN 41 Wisconsin Ave.Waukegan, 111. 60085Since I blithely worked, through the deadline for the April issue of the Review during the WILDEST income tax season I have ever seen I will go back a bit to our first Sanctioned A Match. It was held Jan. 25, 1975 at the brand new boarding kennels of Lucius Elinor Luccas . . . near Silver Lake, Wisconsin. Nadine Hersil did a bang-up job as Match Chairman, and Judge Del Glodowski did a fine job of choosing from among the nineteen Poms exhibited. Then we had a surprise in the attendance of the AKC Representative Mr. John Seiler. All in all everything went surprisingly well considering it was our first A Match, it rained most of the day, and The Luccas must have worked around the clock to get the building at just the right point of construction to hold a match.Mr. Glodowskis choice was as followsPuppy Dog 6-9 mo.Luells Kukla Boy of DukeLucius Elinor Luccas.Puppy Dog 9-12 mo.Nolans Lovn Gold Rocky ODenverChris Odette Nolan.American Bred DogZeydens Cardinal SpunkyCornelius Beverly Vander Zeyden.Open DogZeydens Cardinal Prince IgorC. B. Vander Zeyden Puppy Bitch 6-9 mo.Varney's Cavalier StarliteBetty Varney Puppy Bitch 9-12 mo.Pomirish Sports Fancy FreeSally Baugniet American Bred BitchCeeraes Cute HoneyRaymond Radzinski Open Bitch Luells Wee Pixie of Millamor L. E. Luccas Best Puppy in Match was Varneys Cavalier Starlite owned by Betty Varney. Best Adult was Zeydens Cardinal Prince Igor owned by the Vander Zeydens.Then followed a Parade of nine beautiful Champions, after which we all went to a bountiful table at Ken Hanleys Supper Club in Milwaukee. Then our President Sally Baugniet presented Award Certificates to the owners of new Champions, Nadine Hersil for becoming a licensed handler, to our club member judge Harvey Berman, and to our own private photographer Charles Walker.Congratulations to Lucius Elinor Luccas on finishing their Luells Wee Pixie of Milamor subpj. AKC app. at Lexington, KY May 4, 1975. Handled exclusively by Rena Martin.Raymond Radzinskis Ceeraes Deliteful Copy went BOB and on to Gr. II at Terre Haute, Ind. April 19, 1975. Then went on to complete his Championship May 4, 1975 at Qunicy, IL subj. AKC app. handled by Marjorie Lewis. CongratulationsWe also wish to extend our Congratulations to our PresidentSally Baugniet on being on the APC Board of Directors. Also to Mrs. Norris McKamey on her bitch Willowgayles Red Copper qualifying as a 1974 top producer July Kennel Review.COMING IN OCTOBERReport of the Columbia Pomeranian Club Independent Specialty. Report of the Bay Colony Specialty. Report of the Michigan Pomeranian Club Specialty. Winners of Best of Breed pictured FREE, all other placements can be published at a charge of 6.00 for making the cut yours after publication. You owe it to your winners to publish their pictures where it will impress the people who count the most Pomeranian Review Let us all see what you are breeding and exhibiting.DONT MISS THE DEADLINEPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3JSHORTLINE POMERANIANSIntroducesJENIFIEROur Newest Champion Subj. A.K.C. Conf.. m' mBEST of WINNERS]NEBRASKA K.C._an.CH. MILLAMORS JEN OF DIXIELANDSOwner handled for this win.Sincere Thanks to Carolyn Coughlin for finishing her, and to Eleanor Miller for this Bright Red Lady.Tony Betty Short 2850 E. DouglasDes Moines, Iowa 50317 Ph. 515-266-899534 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.PHYLLIS M. ANDREWS 7915 224th St.Woodinville, Wa. 98072We have had visitors from the far north in our area this past three months. Namely, members Donna Harris of Cordova, Alaska and Mr. Mrs. Burress White of Anchorage, Alaska. Donna was here due to her fathers illness and the Whites were making a vacation trip including shows and kennels visits while enroute. Friendly get-to-gethers were planned and much fun had by all who could attend.Shows have found our club members out en mass with wins being picked up by Bob Higbees Jambos Ringo Kid of Andrews now having all but three points for his title and his CD is now a fact approved. Alicia Kvamme picked up a nice major at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club with her male, Cedar Glens Troll of Ryals. Marylin Copes little female had a nice start with a win there also. I dont have the name of the dog handy but know it is one of Hazel Groses breeding and a nice typy little female. Hazel has been a long time breeder and has produced many quality Poms so she has reason to be proud of this one. She was a showy little thing.Our own, Andrews Ima Jim-Dan-dee, made his debut at two Canadian shows and on his second day picked up two points going on to third in the group. This was a fun trip shared by myself and member Terri Moen.We extend our sympathy to members Irene and Ralph Harbin on the loss of their little female Presidents Lady and also to Diana Ward on the untimely death of her Ch. Sungolds Rowdy Command. Each of these Poms were hit by cars. Needless to say this has been warning to each of us to not let our dogs out even a second without a lead on them. Each of these were freak type accidents but it does point out our needto be extra cautious for the Pom is so fast in its movements and can be away before we know it. Irene and Ralph Harbin have filled the empty spot with a typy little male from Edna Girardots Scotia kennels. They have hi hopes for him but know that no matter how their Little Baby Ben turns out he will be perfect in their eyes. We wish them much luck with him for they love the Pomeranian whole heartedly.TRAVEL HINTS FROM A.K.C.Taken from the April, 1975 Gazette1. Have a veterinarian checkup for your dogs before starting out.2. An essential item is a crate wire is suggested for ventilation with a padlock. This is for safety when leaving the dog in the car or motel room. We suggest a chain to padlock the crate to part of the car, as a Toy Dog is easily stolen crate and all. The Editor heartily endorses the idea of having all dogs ride in crates in the car, or in the case of large dogs, be trained to ride in the back seat. Many remember the tragic incident several years ago, when Mrs. Mary Jane Wilson lost control of her car and was badly hurt and her Best In Show Champion Scotia Atonyas Commander was killed, because her unrestrained puppy leaped in her lap. A loose Pom in the car, no matter how well-trained, can become a projectile and fly through the air and land against the instrument panel with fatal results, if a sudden stop becomes necessary.3. Take along a pooper-scooper and supply of plastic bags to clean up after your dog in parking lots at restaurants and motels.4. For a list of motels permitting dogs, send 50 cents to Gaines Dog Research Center, TWT, P.O. Box 1007, Kankakee, 111. 60901 or send for Mobile or AAA travel guides.POMERANIAN REVIEW 35Cecil Price and his Poms at MECKLENBURG KENNELS AKCProudly PresentCH. TRAVELERS TRIGGEROutstanding young Pom, ably campaigned and handled by Marlene Scott. Finished at Hampton, Ga., April 12, 1975 under Mrs. James Young. Sired by Ch. Apples Traveling Buddy x Jewels Shadow of Gidget, with double Timstopper bloodlines from Ruth Beams famous Great Elms Kennels. Proven, producing quality progeny consistently.FEE 75.00TRIGGER and MarleneArAnd our newly acquired small, cobby, full- coated black Pom,CH. SPANKEY II, C.D.Very small, lovable, aggressive, with heavy undercoat. Teriffic stud, won a 4 pt. major first time shown. If you need an excellent Black stud, Spankey is your answer.FEE 75.00SPANKEYAlso available for StudTimstoppers Little My-T-Myte, C.D., sired by Great Cassius of Craig,Grand Sire Great Elms Timstopper Again. Fee 50.00 Very small, 3 lb. Orange, throws nice puppies from good bitchesCan keep your bitch up to 3 days at no charge for board ... ship via PIEDMONT AIRLINES to Kinston. Will meet plane.CECIL W. PRICEP. O. Box 3382 Ph NightKinston, N.C. 28501 919-527-6819Ph Day 919-523-159836 POMERANIAN REVIEWCRYPTORCHIDISMThe term monorchidism, commonly used by dog fanciers to denote dogs with only one descended testicle, is thus used in error. Monorchidism means one testicle, whereas the correct term is unilateral cryptorchidism, as a second testicle almost always exists although it is hidden.The overall incidence of cryptorchidism is thought to be 0.1 in the dog population, but in Toy breeds and in certain families of other breeds it is much higher. Unilateral crptorchids should be fertile, but bilateral cryptor- chids are sterile.Some authorities now believe that there can be examples of cryptorchidism caused by either a virus suffered by the bitch during gestation or by some medication given to the bitch at this time, but there is no doubt that most cases are inherited. Cryptorchidism is believed to be inherited as a recessive character. Thus it will be manifest only when both parents are carriers or are affected. A carrier trait is not expressed.Assuming a litter of 4 puppies, the inheritance of cryptorchidism should follow the pattern of the chart given below, and a close study of this chart will disclose the danger to ones breeding program that results from the use of cryptorchid dogs or carriers of either sex. If a number of cryptorchid malesNormal X normal ................................................Normal X carrier..................................................Carrier X carrier ..................................................Normal X cryptorchid .........................................Carrier X cryptorchid...........................................result from matings in a given family of Poms, there is no doubt the problem is genetic. Test breedings are not only time- consuming, but with such small litters as are frequently encountered in our breed, the results are inconclusive. We feel sure that members of the American Pomeranian Club, signers of the Code of Ethics, would not ever use a cryptorchid male at stud. However, to eliminate this problem from your breeding program, the parents of cryptorchids, the litter mates of cryptorchids and the offspring if any, male or female of cryptorchids should not be used. If an animal is thought to be a carrier, he or she might be test bred to an animal of the other sex felt to be normal, and the offspring of that union which appear normal bred back to the supposed carrier. Results may or may not demonstrate the status of the original carrier.In a larger breed, both testicles are often present in the scrotum at birth or shortly afterwards. If not descended by 8 weeks of age, there is reason to suspect that the retained testicles will not descend. In a Toy breed, certain aspects of development take longer, for instance eruption of permanent teeth. One or both testicles may not descend until the age of 6 to 8 months, but although it is not unknown for the second testicle to descend even later than that, it is cause for alarm if both are not in normal position by at least 8 mo.NORMAL CARRIER CRYPTORCHID4 2 2 1 2 1 4 2 2COYERThe October Cover has been sold. January 1976 Cover is still available.DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER IS AUGUST 20, 1975POMERANIAN REVIEW 31Nolans Oregon Style ORiggin and her daughtersNolans Dixie Au Revoir To Lad and Nolans Lads Last Tune To Dinah wish to congratulate Dolores Riggin on her Kennel VisitLitters expected in JulyCh. Toy Town's Dandy Corn Duke X Myway Misty Bayou Dragonfly Buell's Red Pepper of Dixieland X Blackorby's Wee Sugar Babe Nolans Cardinal Dragonfly X Nolans Oregon Style ORigginAt StudNolans Cardinal DragonflyNolans Lovn Gold Rocky ODenverNolans Scotch Darin of D-NeeChris and Odette Nolan 41 Wisconsin AvenuePhone 312-623-6040 Waukegan, IL 60085Members of KCPCWILOWAY POMERANIANSICh. PineHaven Mr. President Subj. ARC Conf.Fee 75Corky finished with 4 majors. This handsome son of Ch. Bonners Sunwag Sensation is siring lovely pups of outstanding quality.My thanks to all the judges who gave the nod to this lovely Pom.Lou NotiWiloway Poms290 Lark St., Albany, N.Y. 518-462-902538 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 4.50.CH. SILVER MEADOWS ECHO OF FUN. We proudly present Topsy, 5 lbs. of deep red soundness. Finished with 4 pt. and 5 pt. majors, she is already a proven producer of quality. Her first litter gave us Ch. Lil Chief her second, Lil Echo now being shown. Breeder-owner Jacquelyn Klein, Silver Springs, N.Y.- Z Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son of Fun SireCh. Great Elms Little Buddy- Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland SunflashHighlands Ristic Petite Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid DamSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Crickett Oak Hills CrickettCH. SHAWNEE OF POINT LOMA. 3V4 lb. cream male. Breeder-Owner Pauline B. Hughes, 1726 Crest Drive, Encinitas, Cal. 92024. Finished at Silver Bay SDPC Specialty with his third major. He had many single points at small entry shows. Sturdy and full of vitality, excellent stud. Sire of one Champion, Sno-Bunny ofPoint Loma.Am. Can. Ch. Roguelands Im A Warrior ToCh. Adonis of Point Loma Goldilocks of Point Loma Ch. Shawn of Point Loma SireCh. Adonis of Point Loma Roxana of Point Loma Sweetie Ronzone Ch. Daddy of Kela Alvas Little Percy Alvas Petunia Alvas Rebecca DamCh. Sungolds Maverick Nelsons SonjaNelsons Wee BirdieVOLUNTEER NEEDEDWe would like a Volunteer to take over the Helpful Hints column. Please contact the Editor.The reason computors can do more work than people is that they dont have to stop to answer the phone. Right, ThelmaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 39CH. SUN-DOTS RAMBOLING MAN4V2 lb. Orange Sable male Breeder-Owner Ruth Dotson Citrus Heights, Cal.Ch. Bonners Smokey Pepper Chico Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man SireInt. FCI Mex., Am., Can. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires DoodadBlossom Views Gold Princess Ch. Van Hoozers Wee Dan Dee Mex.. Am. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchStevens Saucy Susie Ch. Queenaires First Lady DamCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creider's Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders DebbieCH. DORADO JET SETBlack female Breeder-Owner Carol A. Fama Greensboro, N.C.LaRita's Johney Come Lately Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight Beachs Midnight Angel Ch. Kavillas Flash of Ebony SireGoldpaz Ebony Boy Goldpaz Ebony PrincessCh. Goldpaz Mischief Maker Nicholas of Point Loma Ch. Buffs Good TimesMaChere Tyrolass Topsy Dorado Tiffany Distinction DamPomerania Pompous Pongee Mi Darleen of Va-LeeMelodie's Julie of Va-LeeCH. SCOTIA IM MOLLY-FOLLOW MEOrange female Breeder-Owner Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla.Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavillers Toby Tyler SireAristic Adorable Little Duffy Ch. Scotia Spot CashBelands Little Sandra Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Wee Coquettee of Shawn Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy DamCh. Scotia Pot of Gold Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Scotia Pumpkin EaterCH. BROWNS GAMBLING MANOrange ZV2 lb. Male Breeder-Owner Wilma Jean Brown Indianapolis, Ind.Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Sire Bonners Fancy Pepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeth's Honey Bee Millamors Magic Dragon DamCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistAM. CAN. CH. J AND H WINNIE THE POOH BEAROrange maleBreeder-Owner Hazel I. Grose Longview, Wa.Hadleigh Little Jo Jo Ch. Elsies Little Yogi Bear Elsie's Peaches N Cream J and H Yogi Bear Mr. Jeff SireToy-Towns Danny Sensation Whispering Pines Jody Palmers Daisy Buttons Hadleigh Little Jo Jo Ch. Elsies Little Yogi Bear Elsies Peaches N Cream Ch. J and H Yogi Bears Lil Phyllis Dam Toy-Towns Danny Sensation Whispering Pines Jody Palmer's Daisy ButtonsCH. DIXIELANDS HEATHERZV2 lb. FemaleBreeder Mrs. E. L. Tankesley and Eleanor MillerOwners James and Carolyn Garbe Gadsden, Al.Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Jitterbug Millamor's Red Mist Ch. Millamors Jazz Man SireLou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold Piece Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Dixielands Dragonfly Design Dam Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red Mist40 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsCH. SNO-BUNNY OF POINT LOMACream 4 lb. female Breeder Walter and Virginia Duckworth Owner Pauline B. Hughes Linda Orlando Encinitas, Ca.Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Shawn of Point Loma Roxana of Point Loma Ch. Shawnee of Point Loma SireAlvas Little Percy Alvas Rebecca Nelsons Sonja Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Sailor Boy of Point Loma Wendy of Point Loma II Wee Bambi of Point Loma DamGorrin Pixietown of Hadleigh Candys Peaches of Hadleigh Countess CandyGeorge and Toni Meyersofferfor your consideration2 Red Sable females breedable sizeI Whelped 82973. Sired by Dunns Little Tomstopper X Thelduns Cara Jean 2 Whelped 5874. Sired by May Morning Social Lion X Thelduns Cara JeanneDirect inquiries toThelma M. Dunn3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001 Ph 301-879-5397EDITORIALAt this time of the year, we add still another chore to our long list of obligations. Once or twice a week, depending on the rainfall and rate of growth, we mount our trusty steed, the lawn- mower, and cut our approximately 2 acres of lawn. Lawn it is not One part is our front yard, dotted with trees, hidden tree stumps, hills and dips and such interruptions as the baby jack-in- the-pulpits, young ferns, white violets you name it, they have to be saved. So, slowly we mow in low gear, keeping alert for the precious or hazardous spots in our path. The entire middle section is divided into dog runs 6 for the Poms of various size from the puppy enclosure of about 6 X 8 ft. to the main exercise area 210 X 20 or 25 ft. Only the back part of two runs contains grass, the rest is gravelled, but the lawn mower must be maneuvered through the two gates and backed and turned ad infinitem in accomplishing this task. Then the halfacre plus completely fenced for the four Dobermans, where the sun warms and the rich earth causes an abnormal spurt of growth, it seems each spring, interlaced with the criss-crossing pathways made by the Dobes as they go about their daily routines. Here, we can finally get out of low gear and rush merrily along the straightaways. Behind that area and through a locked gate, another half acre or so mostly grown up in lush weeds and honeysuckle, but saved from total return to the jungle by periodic mowing.Very nice, you say, but just what has all this to do with Pomeranians Just this, my friend. Summer is a busy time for all of us. Few dog fanciers live in condominiums or penthouse apartments most have grass to cut, gardens to plant, vegetables to freeze or can, the back porch to paint, the fences to mend you name it and it has to be done. It not only demands our time, but gobbles up our money, too.Right now, our minds are as busy asPOMERANIAN REVIEW 41our hands with summer chores, hut we have noticed that the older we grow, the faster time flies by. Before we expect it, fall and winter will return unwelcome perhaps but inevitable. One highlight of the winter season is our Annual Specialty in New York in February. Plans are in the making and the Committee is hard at work. But YOUR PART is vital. Without your contribution to the trophy fund, your show catalogue ad and your entires at the show, we cannot succeed.We wish fervently that all members could have the experience of a trip to New York to take part in the Specialty. We know that for many, that is just not possible. There are many others who really have very little spare cash, although we hope they will find a dollar here and a dollar there to contribute to the trophy fund. Of course, what we like to call a generous contribution is also welcome but in the long run it is the many smaller donations that make our trophy display a source of pride and satisfaction. Wont you all try to pause in your busy day, when the trophy pledge arrives in the mail, and send your check PROMPTLY, large or small. The deadline will be here before you know itOBEDIENCE PROSPECTWe notice an increasing number of ads offering male Obedience Prospects for sale. We wonder if these are bona fide top obedience prospects OR just males that are too large for the conformation ring andor dogs whose second testicle has failed to descend To be a top obedience prospect, a Pom should first of all be extremely outgoing in temperament, should be absolutely sound in limb, should be very alert and smart. We do believe that the medium to larger size Poms do better in obedience for obvious reasons but we also believe that the average female Pom is far easier to train than the average male, and we have not seen Any female Obedience Prospects offered for sale recentlyOBEDIENCERINGbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112Are we ever proud of our Pomeranians in obedience We should be just take a look at the following At the Obedience Training Club of Hawaii All Breed Obedience Trial November 24, 1974 two Poms were tied for first place in Novice A with scores of 197T. Takakis MARPESSA KEN JEAN and D.S. Okayamas FIFI GISELLE. Marpessa won the coveted plus in the run-off, thus going on to be highest scoring dog all breeds in the trial. There was still another Pom which qualified in that memorable Novice A Class Mrs. D. L. Smiths TJS BRANDY YOUNGER, who scored 183. Congratulations to all three.Its truly a thrill to report that CORBINS EBONY LADY, who just finished her C.D. in a blaze of glory, has to her credit a perfect 200 score and two Highest Scoring Dog in Trial awards. Arenda Corbin of Overland Park, Kansas, says her little Black Pom is an adorable worker and everyone really watches her, and although it took four shows to make it she is now a proud C.D. All legs were in Novice A. The first was at Kansas City on May 10, with a score of 188 the second on April 27 at Ozarks KC in Spring- field, Missouri, where she scored 200 and was first in Novice A and Highest Scoring Dog in the trial the third leg as Lawrence, Kansas, Lawrence Jayhawk KC, on May 10 score 196 and first in Novice A and Highest Scoring Dog in the trial again. Arenda and this good little obedience dog now have eyes on the C.D.X. title. Congratulations and good luck in the future.A42 POMERANIAN REVIEWPat Forst, Recording Secretary of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix, sends the good news that her PATS SMOKIE MOJO is now a C.D. He earned that title in three straight shows making two legs in Albuquerque, New Mexico with scores of 194 and 193 in May of 1974, and the third leg in July 1974 at Orange Empire in California with a score of 192. At the time of making his first leg he was the highest scoring dog in Novice A and also highest scoring Toy Dog in the trial. Pat is working very hard towards C.D.S on two more of her Poms and on Mojo for C.D.X. He must be a terrific worker and has picked up some nice trophies in Graduate Novice.Working along with Pat is Clarence Smith of Arizona who now has four obedience titled Poms SMITHS GOLD FLAME, C.D.X. SMITHS LITTLE RED, C.D. SMITHS PEPPY HOT PEPPER, C.D. and SMITHS COPPER GLOW DANDY, C.D. This last little fellow has quite an interesting story. Quoting from the Pom Flame News of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix, Arizona When Copper came to Velmar Kennels Mr. Smith had already started his obedience training. We continued with the training and also were showing him in the breed ring. He went reserve at Sahuaro State KC show prior to our taking him to Las Vegas shows. We showed him in the obedience trial on Saturday, where he qualified with a 192. Then on Sunday he qualified with a 194 and placed fourth in his class. I was very proud when the judge told me he was a beautiful breed dog. These shows were followed by Orange Empire where Copper decided to quit working. He dreamed up a dozen things to do wrong. It was just like he didnt know what to do. I decided one day Copper needed a change of scenery so I let a daughter of one of my students take him home to work with him and love. She did a splendid job, I might say. She is about 11 years old. She then showed him at Superstition KC to put his third leg andhis C.D. degree on him with a 189 score. Copper is now working on his C.D.X. work as well as being shown in the breed ring. He is at home with us now and doing very well. We would like to see more dogs out in obedience and in the breed ring.Rose Hansen Highview Pomeranians of River Falls, Wisconsin, writes that her first Pom attained a C.D. late in 1973, but sadly they lost her soon after. It was then that Rose started training her GYPSY who just finished her C.D. Congratulations Rose says, It took her a little while to get the three legs, but she did Since Gypsy gets car sick we dont like to take her too far and that is how she got her first leg, car sick and all. First it was at Duluth, Minnesota. Her score was 193, tied for third place, took 5th place on the run-off. The next obedience trial was in Sioux City, Iowa score 192. Then winter came and up here there are no winter shows. In December, however, Gypsy had two nice babies and was busy with her family. Then spring, a refresher course, and on May 3, 1975 she scored 191 for her third leg and the C.D. So, its onto the next set, and good luck to all who show Poms in obedience.Carol Jean Anderson LaCalvados Pomeranians of Fayetteville, North Carolina, is a new convert to the joys of a Pomeranian in obedience, and no wonder her first little girl, ANDERS LA CALVADOS KELLY made a score of 193 during her sixth week of training in obedience school. Very likely she has C.D. by now, or at least a leg or two. Please send along the good word, Carol Jean. She says, We plan to train all of our Poms in obedience it is so rewarding to see these little dogs perform, and that since starting to show their Poms in obedience they seem to enjoy them so much better.A very pleasant note from Nora Higbee of Spanaway, Washington is all about her delightful family of four youngsters all training Poms in obedience Bob, 15POMERANIAN REVIEW 43Collette, 14 Robby, 12 and Lisa 11. I am tempted to call them The Higbee Bunch. God love themTheir latest C.D. is JAMBOS RIN GO KID OP ANDREWS, trained and handled by Bob Higbee. They finished at Washington State Obedience Training Club March 23 with a score of 185. The other qualifying score were 18814 and 18114. This little dog is now also working toward and is very near to his Championship. At this writing he has two majors and needs only three more points to finish. Bob is pretty sure he will have the first Champion C.D. Pom in Washington State. Collette has finished HIGBEES TAFFY KISSES to a C.D., and both she and Bob are working their dogs toward C.D.X. Bobby and Lisa are showing their Poms trying for C.D.s and could possibly have them by the time this goes to press. All four of these youngsters show their Poms in 4-H and to explain what the A-H-ers do. She herself is very active in this, now instructing a group of 25 meeting once a week, with a waiting list. They work on both obedience and on fitting and showing, which is similar to Junior Showmanship. In the obedience all youngsters start out in Novice Y and if at County Fair level they earn a blue ribbon judged as AKC with scoring 190-200 they must go on to Novice. Pure-bred dogs are not a requisite, but Nora says that most start out with a mixed breed and get so involved that they go to a pure-bred and show in AKC shows either in obedience or breed. In the Fitting and Showing end of 4-H the children are judged on their appearance also. They are scored on a maximum 200 points 50 for neatness, 50 for dog grooming, 50 for attitude and 50 for handling the dog. Each of the four Higbees has a Pom which they show in Obedience and Fitting and showing at community fairs, County Fairs, and with luck the State Fair. The best of good luck to all the Higbees, and may we please hear a lot more about them.I received a letter from Lilian Zentgraf. Warrington, Pennsylvania which I would like to share with you. Lilian writesI am very proud to be owned by May Morning, Hes A Rowdy, C. D. X., otherwise known as Piccolo.It is so much fun to tell about Piccolo, because to Piccolo, life is one glorious experience after another. If daily events dont take place promptly, he lets me know in no uncertain terms. The morning walk and breakfast must be on time regardless of the day of the week, and the check-up of the cats dishes must follow immediately.He places people in definite categories dog-people and non-dog-people, and adults and children. Non-dog-people and children are not included in his circle of friends, which he makes quickly wherever he goes. A non-dog-person or a teenager may look innocent and mature, but after Piccolos disdainful look or warning growl, we inquire and find out the one has never owned a dog and the other is in truth a child.His weekly visits to dog school, my hairdresser and very often dog-shows are highlights. He knows every left or right turn in the road to the hairdresser, and his joyous yaps increase in tempo and volume as we approach the salon. He gets tidbits from his adoring friends there.His excitement rises to high pitch as we get the big car out of the garage for dog-school and obedience trials. He ignores the little Toyota. For these are fine place to find canine girl friends, and Piccolo is an unabashed gigolo.However he has learned to control himself when necessary and has won two run-offs for the ribbons. His first was with a Sheltie for his 3rd leg in Novice, for 3rd place, score 194 and the other for his 3rd Open leg, for second place with a hugh black Great Dane, score 194. Winning these two run-offs were memorable events for all concerned.He made his Novice title in 3 weeks in 5 shows, and his Open C.D.X. title in 344 POMERANIAN REVIEWweeks too, in 4 shows, the last leg on March 8, 1975.Now he is having a hall with Utility, and has already learned to zoom out a full 50 feet, and sit for the directional jumping.To anyone who wants a good little obedience dog and a marvelous companion, I would highly recommend a dear little Pom.May Morning- Hes A Rowdy, C.D.X. is pictured with his Sheltie friend Lied Roc Peerie Lad of Linmar, U.D. Both are co-owned by Margret and Lilian Zentgraf of Warrington, Pa. and trained by Lilian. Rowdy, better known as Piccolo, is now being readied for Utility.OBEDIENCE NEWSWe would like to feature obedience trained Poms once again in the January issue. Lets make this an annual eventTo save face,try keeping thelower half closed.HELPFUL HINTSbyRUTH POTTS2538 Reese Drive Niles, Michigan 49120First, a word about the skin problem I mentioned in the April column. The hexachlorophene - alcohol preparation cleared up the dark, crusty spots, but Tawny continued to be bothered by patches of white, itchy dandruff. Our vet suggested that we add a half-tea- spoon of com oil to his daily meal. It worked We have leveled off to a couple of drops, but his skin is completely free of problems at present. The treatment was remarkably easy, effective, inexpensive, and it did not upset his system at all.For those who are planning to take a trip with your pets this summer, there is a delightful book, Travel with Your Pet by Paula Weideger and Geraldine Thorsten Simon Schuster, 1973. It should be in your local library. In addition to all kinds of travel tips, both American and foreign, there are lists of airline, train, and bus specifications as to pet travel, information about camping in state and national parks with pets, and a general discussion of motel- and hotel-policies.There are many valid reasons why you may prefer not to take your Poms you have too many, the lady is in heat or pregnant, the gentleman hates to travel, you have a comfortable and reliable place to leave them, or the kind of vacation youre planning is a no-pet type. But if you have only one, two, or even three Poms whom youd really like to take, the trip can be very enjoyable.Let Scamp have some trial runs about town first. As he loses his anxiety about riding, lengthen the trips. Dont take him after a feeding he may become nauseous. Take the children, too, so thatrPOMERANIAN REVIEW 45PRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSMERCERS MUFFIN OF DUKEM^11 .MEROEBS DANDY DUKE 7 weeks For SalePresenting two more of our Youngduke puppies. Dandy is a cream with jet black pigment and carrying a nice, heavy, thick coat. For you cream fans he should make a nice addition to your kennel. We are keeping Muffin as she is needed in our Duke Program.Congratulations to Mrs. Janet Cox of Hawaii on her purchase of Mercers Sun Duke see Jan. ad for picture. Sunny went WD on April 13, 1975 at Denver, Colo, from the puppy class.Also, Best Wishes to Mrs. Fern Wyse of Hawaii on her purchase of Mercers Windflash, who is sired by Ch. Wieses Flash of Timmie Again and her dam is Ch. Windsweet of Highland.UPCOMING LITTERSCH. LIU GOLD DANCER OF OAKRIDGE X CH. TIM SUES LOVE TUNE CH. MYWAY DUKE CELOU CELAE X MERCER'S SUNDOLL OF CORN DUKE MERCERS YOUNGDUKE OF TIM SUE X CH. WINDSWEET OF HIGHLAND MERCERS YOUNGDUKE OF TIM SUE X MERCERS KRISTIN DARLA sired by CH. BONNERS DARLASTYLE XMAS TOYDan JoEllen MercerBig Springs, Nebraska 69122 308-889-310946 POMERANIAN REVIEWthey and Scamp can learn how to he comfortable and amused on the ride.When our daughter lived in Texas, we made many enjoyable 1300 - mile trips with both dogs. Air-conditioning helped, of course. Buffy liked to curl up between us after a period of traffic-watching, but Tawny always likes to check on ALL activities and was inclined to fidget. Too short to see anything unless he stood on a lap or jumped on a window, he thought he had a problem. There are car-platforms made especially for dogs, but you can make one. We used a strong, corrugated fruit box with a fitted cover. We removed the cover and glued it to the box-bottom so that each part was open, like a nest. We ran strong rope through holes and tied the boxes to the seat. With his bed-pad in the box, Tawnys cozily elevated high enough to see the world and safe in his own seat- belted travel-bed. It is easily untied and removed when leaving the car.Take a thermos of water and your dogs dishes and grooming kit. We also take a supply of individually packaged, moist towelettes for clean-ups. The balanced burger dog food is nice to take, as it doesnt need refrigeration and is neat to use. Try it at home. Scamp may have a brand or flavor preference, and you wont want to try too many new things on the trip. Let him wear identification and rabies tags.Try to take comfort stops where Scamp can stroll away from the excitement of passing traffic. In Pennsylvania we found a service station with a tree-shaded, bush- lined Doggy Lane, replete with a flagstone people-walk and a tiny waterfallMost Holiday Inns not only permit pets but have free kennels. These are outdoor kennels, and we prefer to leave our dogs in the room with a Do Not Disturb sign on the door. Ramada, Master Hosts, and Howard Johnson usually accept pets, too you may need to sign a liability clause. The Automobile Association of America publishes a directory of chain and private motels andhotels, as do the Mobil Travel Guide series both are available at bookstores, and their listings usually indicate the pet policies of the establishments.If you do take Scamp, youll find him a real conversation piece almost everyone will want to chat with you about him in particular and pets in general. If your children walk him, theyll make instant friendships with other children, all bashfulness lost in a common interest. Your Pom can enhance your vacation trip. Good luckWE ACCEPT WITH REGRETWe have received a letter from Ruth Potts stating that return to full time college teaching and committments to her free-lance publishers will make it necessary for her to give up the Helpful Hints column. We thank her for a most well written and helpful year of hints and accept her resignation with regret.ZODIAC POMERANIAN KENNELCongratulates Don Thatcher For bringing TopperVarneys Cavalier Ringmaster to titleOwner handled.Richard Betty J. Varney 2600 Duffy Lane Deerfield, 111. 60015 Tel. 321-945-8311POMERANIAN REVIEW 47ROBINHOOD and CHULA HAVE A NEWSTARmRobinhood Chula Dark FlamePictured going WD for 3 points at Springfield, Mo. on April 27, 1975 under Judge Prank E. Oberstar handled by his breeder, Verna Hood.One week later at Mid-West City, Oklahoma judge Maxine Beam gave them WD and BW for 4 points.Thank you, VernaNorma C. Gad 915-584-0942GO CINDER" GOGads Chula Poms5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 7993248 POMERANIAN REVIEWBOULDER RIVER POMERANIANSIntroducesBoulder River CinnamonPedigree in the stud cards Watch for Cinnamon at the shows CinnamonCinnamon congratulates his litter mate,Boulder River Marianne on her recent wins and points.Marianne is owned hy Val Platsko of Winnipeg, Manitoba.Black litter expected in mid-June Inquiries invited.J. L. and M. M. Gorman Ph. 301-272-8577622 Jennifer Lane Aberdeen, Md. 21001P. C. is shown going BOB under Mrs. Suzanne B. Rowe at Port Myers, Fla., April 19.Handled by Ray Wine.To date, P. C. has 2 BOB, 5 BOS and a group placement, as well as 3 Reserves one of which was at the Dallas-Fort Worth Specialty.See his pedigree in the Stud Register.Eleanor Hyche Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, Ala. 35215Spungolds Freddy AristocratPOMERANIAN REVIEW 491975 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Review's 1975 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register, this year is very complete. May we request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud card in the Review.K1PWCh. Enjays Puppet on a String Group Specialty Winner Sire of Champions Fee .100.00Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Trademark of Nanjo Nanjo Tempest Ch. Copyright of NanjoCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Enjays Puppet on a StringCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Roanokes Dancer of Givenwood Scotia Jimmy Jets Cricket Roanokes Sun ButtonRoanokes Robinhood Roanokes Gold CertificateRoanokes Sunbeam StardustNORMA J. LLOYD E. JENKINS1449 Shelton Ave Norfolk, Va. 23502 804-855-0965asnemSSS IBIHCh. Majestics My Man Mr. Chips 4 lb. Brilliant Orange Fee 75.00Ch. Trademark of Nanjo Ch. Copyright of NanjoThelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Ch. Enjays Puppet on a StringRoanokes Dancer of Givenwood Roanokes Sun ButtonRoanokes Gold Certificate Ch. Majestic.-My Man Mr. Chip Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am.. Can., Ber., Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thel'colynns Tiny Tyeca Bodas Topaze Merry GoldCh. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Bodas Diamond Gypsy Jan Bodas Diamond TanyaNORMA J. LLOYD E. JENKINS 1449 Shelton Ave.Norfolk, Va. 23502804-855-096550 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Tim Sues Til Dove Bug Fee 100.00B.I.S. winner Sire of ChampionsAm. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Dion 1 It lb. Bright Orange Group Winner - TJ.S. Canada Stud Fee 75.00JabiTs Chester P. Honeyhugger pictured at 10 mos.8 pts., 1 major to date Deep Ked Orange 414 lbs.Ch. Arlstic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper PreshusBonner's Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeth's Bitty Bonus Ch. Tim Sues Dove BugCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamor's Music Man Millamor's Red Mist Silver Meadows Gay Dil MusicCh. Gold Toys Bonnie Buttonbox II Gold Toys Gay Dil DollGold Toys Gay Dil HoneyTim and Sue Goddard 13145 87th Avenue North Seminole, Florida 33542 813-392-0947Dou-Dans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Dion Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabil Petite DelilahCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young R.F.D. 8, Box 204, Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 Ph 603-435-8731Dou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny TyecaThelcolynns Tiny Karla Jabils Chester P. HoneyhuggerCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Adkins Star of Band BoxCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young R.F.D. 8, Box 204, Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 Ph 603-435-8731THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 51ftCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Group Winner38 BOB Stud Fee 75Reduced fee after 3 services-ACh. Dubmars Trump Play 4 lb. Orange sable Stud Fee 50 All studs return service if pups die within 3 weeksA",'V. vmssEittleJoady of Chatmoss 4 lb. Clear orange Stud Fee on Request Siring many top quality pups.Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Great Elms Little DuffieGreat Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Gem Great Elms Little SusieGreat Elms Ninos BlondieGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Lowry Beam Pineville, N.C. 28134 704-899-9233Wee Wons Golden Glow Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Aristic Daintiness Great Elms Little DuffieCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Dubmars Trump PlayCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Lady JudyCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of DixielandGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Lowry Beam Pineville, N.C. 28134 704-889-9233Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Little Joady of ChatmossCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Ch. Great Elms Sunny Boy Great Elms Ninos Blondie Bonnie Girl of ChatmossSwaims Tar Hell Tedy Jr. Princess Lew of Chatmoss Cinderella LewGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Lowry Beam Pineville, N.C. 28134 704-889-923352 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWI . 1 \ A - 3Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Stud Fee 100Sire of Specialties and B.I.S. WinnerCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Primorosita Bonners Pep-R-Kute NightfireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Queenaires Gamboling ManInt. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire DoodadCh. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Blossom Views Gold Princess Messers Blossom View GoldieNorma C. Gad 5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915 584-0942Robinhood Chula Dark Flame Showing - Pointed with 2 majorsGADS CHULA IMA LIL DUKE4V lb. brilliant orange puppy. Huge coated, great legs and angulation.Beautiful head and face. Personality PlusGold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Robinhood Chula Dark FlameCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Cre.iders Miss Maggie Robinhoods Creme De MintInt. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchQueenaires Gin Fizz of Hoods Queenaires Orange PippinNorma C. Gad 5908 Westside Rd.El Paso, Tex. 79932 915-584-0942Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths His HiNess Hopper Jeribeth's Honeybee Ch. Tonos Just Call Me MisterCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Duke's Wee DesirePat-Tee of Point Loma Gads Chula Ima Lil DukeCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeth's Darlin Doodle-Bug Jeribeth's Honeybee Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O Dragonfly Aristic My Loves Pretty Boy Aristic Frosted Gold Model Aristic Ginger CookieNorma C. Gad5908 Westside Rd.El Paso, Tex. 79932 915-584-0942THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 53Gad's Chula Ima Lil Devil 3 lb. Red orange Typey and very solid.Sweet faced with four on the floor stance, bouncing andCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths His Hi-Ness Hopper Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Tonos Just Call Me MisterCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dukes Wee DesirePat-Tee of Point Loma Gads Chula Ima Lil DevilCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-Bug Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O Dragonfly Aristic My Loves Pretty Boy Aristic Frosted Gold Model Aristic Ginger Cookieaggressive gait.0IMay Morning Social Lion Pointed Red Sire of Champions Stud Fee 50.00Dunns Little Tomstopper Pointed kVz lb. Red Sable Sire of BIS Winner Stud Fee 50.00Norma C. Gad5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-0942Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Blair's SolitaireBlairs Adorable Bit OGold Ch. May Morning Bravo BravoEng., Am., Can., Ber. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh May Morning Susie QMay Morning Waltzing Matilda T.D. May Morning Social CionCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II May Morning AlicePomwin Tiggie Pomwin BusybodyModel's Lady EthelTHELMA M. DUNN3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001 301-879-5397Ch. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Showstopper Wee Wanda of Thelcolynn Ch. Blairs SolitaireCh. Adora Sun Toy Blairs Adorable Bit OGold Blairs Petite Cherie Dunns Little TomstopperCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Sweet Mary AnnCreiders Little Red Rascal. C.D. May Morning Honey Chile, C.D.May Morning DebutanteTHELMA M. DUNN3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001 301-879-539754 THE POMERANIAN REVIEW- mLCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Group Winner Sire of Champions Fee 100.00SCh. Myway Memory Maker Outstanding Showman Puppies now training Fee 75.00MYWAY PUKKA pointed Fee 50Pukka is a very light cream double grandson of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. He has a very harsh and profuse coat. His pigment is jet black, and his black father and cream mother make him an interesting color choice.Ch. Arlstic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper PreshusConner's Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Mollys San Dee Sue, C.D.Bonner's Fancypepper Bonners FancyL Bit for Molly QuinneMolly and Linda Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847Bonners Weepepper PreshusCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Mollys San Dee Sue. C.D.Bonner's Fancy-Q LBit for Molly Ch. Myway Memory MakerBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Celtan Mistletoe Magic Myway Bonner's Peppersong Pixie Bonners Pixietopper OCeltan Bonners Showstopper FairriMolly Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847Bonner's Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Tonos At Midnight Knowles Kasey Adoralees BrendaDemi Tasse of Point Loma Myway PukkaBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Myway Misty Dawn, C.D.Noles Little Apache Chief Jeribeth's MoonbeamNoles Little Apache PrincessMolly Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 55mmi85iCh. Browns Fancypepper Mark Orange 3Yz lbs.Sire of Champion Stud Fee 75.00vvtCh.Browns Gambling Man Orange ZVi lbs. Sound-Cobby Stud Fee 75.00mXj ..mBrowns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie Orange 4Vz lbs. Proven Pointed-Group Placement Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Dixieland Little Miss Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Ch. Browns Fancypepper MarkCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners FancypepperCh. Bonners Peppersweet Fancy Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-BCh. Bonners Smokie Pepper Chico Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Bonners Showstopper FarriMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Gambling ManCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Browns Li-l Brown Jug TuggieCh. -Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Milamors'Magic DragonCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-964456 THE POMERANIAN REVIEW,Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man 1 Vi lb. Orange Sable Best In Show Winner Stud Fee on BequestCh. Bonners Smokey Pepper Chico Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManInt. FCI Mex., Am., Can. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire's DoodadBlossom View's Gold Princess Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling ManCh. Van Hoozer's Wee Dan Dee Mex., Am. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchStevens Saucy Susie Ch. Queenaires First LadyCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creider's Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie Ruth Dotson 7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, Cal. 95610 Ph 916-725-5234 or 967-2542Vttj1Ch. Cin-Dees Tiny Tim Champion Producer Stud Fee 75.00Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol Sire of Champions Group Winner Fee 75.00Goforths Peter Piper Goforths Ebony Knight V. G. Little Tar Baby Little Black TimmyCh. Roguelands Im A Warrior Too Golden Glow Sweetheart Golden Glo Mel O Dee Ch. Cin-Dees Tiny TimPattikins Black Privateer The Nonpariel OPashadonl Black FlossieBlossoms Views Black Cindee Missouri Wings Reiters Tootsie Queen Madam QueenRuth Dotson7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, Cal. 95610 Ph 916-725-5234 or 967-2542Ch. Sungolds Gay CavalierCh. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Scotia President JimCh. Scotia Cavs Nikki-Tee Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Mastins Annette Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol Am., Can., Mex., Ber. Ch.Twin Oaks Billy The Kid Ch. Twin Oaks Rockin Robin Twinkles of Spungold Sams Rockin Red CharmerNaps Happy Gin Boy Mammal's Tinker Belle Ponocha Lucky PennyAgent Ruth Dotson7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, Calif. 95611 Ph. 916-725-5234 or 967-2542THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social lionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Boulder River CinnamonLa Peres Leo The Lion Fleishmans Tom Terry, C.D.Wee Jewel Bronze BabetteSheffields Nicodemus Fleishmans Golden RetaSheffields Little Lucky LadyBoulder River CinnamonDeep Red3 lbs. Ph. 301-272-8577J. L. and. M. M. Gorman622 Jennifer Lane Aberdeen, Md. 21001zSpungolds Freddy Aristocrat 9 points to date Fee On RequestCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepper Song Red Elf Bonner's Cancion Feliz Bonners Spungold PrettyelfCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Cheri Prettypepper Aristic Adorable Mitzie Spungolds Freddy AristocratCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Rushings Gay Don Showstopper Blairs Adorable Bit O Gold Inger of SpungoldCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Spungolds Katy of Millamor Millamors Miss FancyEleanor Hyche Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, Ala. 35215Sunny Bun 14 points Red-Orange, Heavy CoatedPh 715-425-9416Armstrongs Wee Hi Jinks We Danny StarArmstrongs ScooterAm. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy Mils Bobbi Do Do Wee Red Lady Star Burkholders Sheila Sonny BunRoguelands Dream Boat Wilmas Luel In Dream Cup Leta Buttercup Wilmas Golden Honey Bun Wee Danny Star Wilmas Dark Darling Burkholders SheilaHighview Pomeranians John Rose Hansen Rt. 3, Box 239-A River Falls, Wise. 5402258 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWmy4Ch. Morenos Gin Rickey 414 lb. Red Stud Fee On Request206-357-9508mmBlossom Views Sir Lancelot 414 lb. Red orange Stud Fee On Request 206-357-9508Tiffanys Soda Prince of Roban 4 lb. Bight orange Stud Fee On Request206-357-9508Ch. Van Hoozers Wee Dan Dee Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie FIC Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Creider's Golden Riptide Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie Ch. Morenos Gin RickeyCh. Van Hoozers Wee Dan Dee Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie Morenos Orange Sand Pebble Messer's Jolly Joe Wylies Little Twinkle of L.P.K.Wylies Lucky Pom BelefonteTiffany Pomeranians Helen M. Krafcik1303 So. 117th Tacoma, Wa 98444Gold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toy's Gay Starette Ch. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Eng., Am., Can. Ber. Ch.Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh Ch. Creider's Pixietown Melody Creider's Son Star Senorita Blossom View's Sir LancelotCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Shirman Oaks Golden Timsun Great Elms Pride and Joy Messers Blossom Views Goldie Messers Short Stop All Stars Fancy Mee All Stars DolitaTiffany Pomeranians Helen M. Krafcik 1303 So. 117th Tacoma, Wa 98444Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch F.I.C. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creider's Diane of Queenaire Creiders Navajo BritchesCreiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Mollie B Tiffanys Soda Prince of RobanCh. Bonners Smoky Pepper Chico Bonners Pep R Kute Night Fire Bonners Pepper Kute Sungold Robans Boni QuiAristic Pepper Pot O Gold Queenaires Bit O Fluff D Bon Qui Messers Blossom Views GoldieTiffany Pomeranians Helen M. Krafcik 1303 So. 117th Tacoma, Wa 98444THE POMERANIAN REVIEWV- ^mm wCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Ch. Sunwink of HighlandCh. Highland Flashalong Aristipretty of Highland Highland Miss Muffet Ch. Silver Meadows TigerCh. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadows Lady TaffyCh. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Silver Meadows Lady of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay Lady PeggyCh. Silver Meadows Tiger 5 lb., bright clear orange Stud Fee 100.00im.'o-u Ch.Silver Meadows Lil Chief 4 lb., deep solid orange Stud Fee 100.00J rSilver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub 1975 Specialty Sweepstakes Winner 3Vz lb. Very Light Golden Orange Stud Fee 100Silver Meadows Pomeranians Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-5473Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Jitterbug Millamors Red Mist Silver Meadow Joey OMillamorLou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold Piece Ch. Silver Meadows Lil ChiefCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CrickettSilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-5473Ch. Bonner's Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland SunflashCh. Bonner's Pepperkorn Highlands Ristie PetiteBonner's Highland Cheripuff Silver Meadows Sun-Dae CubCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. My way Duke Celou Celae Mollys San Dee Sue MyWay Dae DreamCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Myway Dawning Delightful Dae Myway Misty DawnSilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron Jackie Klein Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-547360 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWN5-. xszzWm AL\Mercers Toungduke Of Tim Sue 4Vz lb. Brilliant Orange Fee 50 PointedCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Mercers Youngduke Of Tim SueBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Gay ButterflyCh. Millanors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollPRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANS Dan JoEllen MercerBig Springs, Nebraska 69122 308-889-3109NEWS FLASH We have been notified that Ch. Dendys Miracle Boy, owned by Mrs. Ethel A. Dendy and exclusively handled by Marlene Scott won Best In Show at Winston-Salem, North Carolina on June 1. In 7 times out as a Special, Miracle Boy has 5 B.O.B. and 5 Group placings, besides his B.I.S.Ponieranicui Hole p ap erHandsome adult Pom in show pose orCaptivating Pom puppy head studyPlease indicate preference Adult Pom Pom puppy head Deep gold Petal pink Mint green Baby blue AssortedPRICE 2.50 per 30 sheets includes postage and handlingPlease make checks payable toVilma J. Bartolat, P.O. Box 129, Milton, Washington 98354Pom pedigrees in various styles and colors also available. Send stamped, self-addressed envelope and 25 cents for samples.THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 61RINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315Two years ago in this column I asked that you all support The American Dog Owners Association Inc. Since that time it has proven to he even more worthy of your support. One would assume that with the large numbers of fanciers in this country it would not be difficult to generate support. Unfortunately this is not correct. To all of you members of A. D. O. A. please don't forget to pay your dues.Your dues and contributions are currently being used to help defray costs related to the Air Transportation of Animals program. A.D.O.A. members are aware from the bulletins, that the Civil Aeronautics Board is planning to conduct a trial of this matter in the next few motnhs, depending on progress in Pre-hearing conferences. During the past approximately three years, the A.D.O.A. has conducted its efforts on this program using its own personnel, however, all of our adversaries INCLUDING THE PUPPY MILLERS, have been represented by law firms throughout the proceedings. It became apparent that A.D.O.A. retain council for the actual hearing and has employed one of the leading firms in the United States. While the fees are relatively high, the potential gains for all of us interested in the fancy and purebred dogs, warranted obtaining the best possible assistance.Hopefully the results will be Minimum shipping age, Minimum crate standards, health certification, regulate number of animals in crate, space and care requirements for puppies not picked up, notification of flight crew that they have live cargo aboard. None of the above willadversely affect us as fanciers because they regulate only items which WE ALREADY DO ... It will SIGNIFICANTLY effect the shipping costs to COMMERCIAL BREEDERS.In the rush of day to day caring for our dogs, participating in club activities and exhibiting, the fancy may sometimes lose sight of things going on which are remote to givine individuals. Such as helping in the dismissal of a law suit by a DOG STORE for 75,000.00 against a BREED CLUB and 100 of its members. The A.D.O.A. serves as a vehicle for protecting the fancy and purebred dogs, but it is only a vehicle . . . this all takes money . . . money . . . money.LEGISLATION A.D.O.A. has gone to the aid of the fanciers in the Vancouver area regarding a recently passed ordinance which contains, among other things, an unconstitutional search and seizure clause. A.D.O.A. is prepared to take this matter to the United States Supreme Court.A.D.O.A. was in Tallahassee, Florida . . . Results The vote of the House Criminal Justice Committee was unanimous in making participation at an organized dogfight exhibition a Felony.REMINDER ... A few of the things YOU have helped to accomplish Well along in ending the abuse of animals in transportation. Stopped Montgomery Ward, Gimbles and others from selling purebred dogs by mail. Caused a substantial number of very bad puppy mills to be raided. Caused the F.D.A. to rescind a prior judgement that Kal-Kan should be permitted to use contaminated whale meat in dog food. Filed complaint with Federal Trade Commission for false advertising by dog food companies, resulting in a cease and desist order by F.T.C. YOU did take legal action to protect the fancy and YOU are bringing to an end the incredible inhumanity of dogfighting.It is very difficult for an individual, or even a club, to undertake a meaningful Continued on Page 62V 62 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTERN ROUND-UPiFfcKEN MATHESON 14314 Nova Scotia St. San Jose, Ca. 95124I guess I have been remiss in writing for the west coast. I know I have received calls and comments from several people out here asking why I hadnt written an article. All I can say is, when I dont receive information from anyone, I have nothing to put in. Last year was a very poor year with Poms at the shows. Entries were unbelievably low. It looked like this year was going to be the same when I saw the Golden Gate Kennel Club show entry. It was only six Poms. The Northern California Pomeranian Club NCPC Specialty drew 47 Poms, Silver Bay, Santa Clara, Oakland, Sequoia, Sun Maid, Kern County, and Sacramento dog shows had exceptionally high entries. It looks like our two year slump in majors is over.I have heard from some of our Northern California exhibitors about their wins. These dogs started at the NCPC Specialty. Shirley Hoffmans Skylarks Cinnamon Banner came from Puppy Dogs, 9-12 to go WD at the Specialty in February of this year, and is now finished as a champion subject to AKC approval. He is not yet a year old. Mrs. Irene Weltz also reports that her Palmers Blossom View Omega got her first points at the NCPC Specialty and also finished her championship subject to AKC approval. Both had finished in two and a half months and each has four majors to their credit.Ruth Dotsons Ch. Sun-Dots Rambol- ing man was shown his first time as a special at the NCPC Specialty and went BOB. Ruth reports that Ramboling manhas been shown 18 times as a special and has 14 BOB, Two group 1st, 5 group 3rds, and a Best in Show in Washington the. first week in May.All-Stars Hadleighs Show-Off owned by Elsie Burriesci has been doing well for himself since the first of the year also. He has 7 BOB, Four group 2nds, and a Group 3rd.I also attended the NCPC 15th Anniversary meeting and dinner. There were many members attending to honor the eight charter members who helped to organize the club and have worked very hard over the years to improve the breed. I think that is good for the 15 year history of the club to have eight charter members still active.We lost more of our California Pom people to Texas, Art and Joy Davison are locating in Texas. Chuck Reynolds has moved from Newcastle to Fairfield, California.BIRK Continuedprogram on behalf of the fancy or the welfare of dogs. The accomplishments of the association warrent your support. Only 6.00 a year clubs 25.00 will bring you a newsletter quarterly, you may help in electing officers and directors and help decide priority of efforts by the organization . . . BUT MOST IMPORTANT . . . You will help A.D.O.A. help the dog. For membership applicationsAmerican Dog Owners Association Inc.P.O. Box 13918Sacramento, Ca. 95813... Or send check to me, Ted is on the Board of A.D.O.A. and we send in application forms every week or so.Hope this reaches you in time. The annual meeting of A.D.O.A. will be held July 12, 1975 . . . 100 P.M. . . . Ramada Inn Atlanta Airport 845 N. Central Ave. . . . Hapeville, Georgia. Anyone may attend. Duncan Wright, President, answers all questions.THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 63MAY MORNING POMERANIANSPlanning For The FutureDue to the age of many of our broods we found it advisable to keepmost of the females whelped in 1974We did sell severalthat we wish we had keptUnless we have a change of plans, we will keep for our breeding program May Morning Calamity Jane, 5 lb. dark sable whelped 102974May Morning Social Lion X May Morning Fun N FrolicMay Morning Pie In The Sky, 4 lb. orange sable whelped 112074May Morning Moonwalker X May Morning Legacy of JonnieAs well as the white and cream femalesMay Morning Make Mine Vanilla, May Morning Tessie May Morning White Lightninand Chubby, as yet unregistered.Possibly Available Inquiries InvitedMay Morning Moonlight N Roses, litter sister to Pie In The Sky42 lb. red orange, brood prospect, no major faults Lacks that certain something for show.YOUNGER PUPPIES AWAITING EVALUATION2 white males, 1 golden cream male whelped 11875 One white is promised. 1 bright orange male whelped 2475 Linebred Showstopper, will be small. Tiny cream male, very pretty cream female, off-white female whelped 3675. 2 black males whelped 41575 sired by May Morning Duke of Styx Dam is Alice, our Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again daughter.We expect 3 litters out of Bing daughters and a white litter, June-July.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-191264 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIAN CAPERSby DOROTHY JONES Box 57, Salmon River Drive Darthmoufh, R. D. 1, N. S., CanadaIt is with infinite sadness I must announce the death of Robert B. Lasky, Honorary President of the Canadian Kennel Club, all breed judge, handler, breeder and gentleman. Most of this article will be devoted to Bob one of Canadas most respected dog men.Somehow, I must capture for all of you the true essence of the man. Because he was one of US, we have a right to feel pride in his accomplishments and a sense of loss with his passing.First let us share the legacy he left, not a financial one to be sure, but, rather a philosophical belief which enabled him to live a full eighty-nine years, loving every day God saw fit to give him, planning for endless tomorrows, yet ready to answer the summons from our Master at any moment.At Christmas this year he summed it all up when he said, I envy no man, I am content with my lot and grateful for every day of life.Bobs life could be considered sad in many ways. His formal education ended early due to financial need, yet his knowledge of subjects including history, music, geography, literature, dogs and all sports was awesome. His memory and recall defied belief. On the negative side, hed been bom with an open pallet, which made speech difficult, until one became accustomed to it, a little hard to understand. Rather early in life his hearing failed yet I never heard him complain.While a small man in stature only, he lived a lifetime watching his precious few pennies. However he could always be counted upon for trophy donations and free judging for a young club. All the while this money could have been used to buy a few small luxuries. Rather, he bought day old bread and attendeddog shows carrying cheese sandwiches I can still hear him say, They keep so well. Nothing in his manner would suggest these homely economics. Others save by not buying a catalogue. Bob always bought and marked two one for himself, another for a friend who couldnt attend the shows. Sadly, Bob won every award, but a Best in Show. Let me tell you of his reaction after a heartbreaking miss. The Pom had won the group easily and the two of them were moving as one down to the lower end of the diagonal for Best in Show judging. Some children, in childish mischief upset two chairs with a loud crash on the cement floor. Down went the Poms tail and came up only as they waited in line for the final decision. To my dismay I saw one of the clean-up folks drop a large wooden box on the floor just behind the Pom. Down went the tail again, another dog got the nod. At another show the judge told me he had had some difficulty selecting the final winner, once the Pom was out. Bob shrugged it off saying, The winning dog was a good dog too.Now I must not allow my admiration and affection for the man to picture him as super human. He also had the little foibles we all possess. His fine attributes so outweigh them there is no demand we make him greater in death than he was in life.At home, we have a large collection of his letters written over the past years. I mentioned this and he replied, Youll not find an ill word about anyone in them The idea interested me, upon checking I found this to be true. I wonder how many can make this claimBob had a second heart attack in early July, but by stretching the last of a tiny endowment hed received at eigthy-three, he was able to make one more trip to Bermuda, There are folks there Id love to know and thank sincerely for the kindness they extended to Bob. The whole trip was a super delight to him.THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 65J-^ixie 5 . Jlilfcrest ^J\enn efdmvrAM. CAN. CH. WILMAS GOLDEN PARTY BOYBOBBILitters Sired By BobbiCream Male Whelped. 4-3-75Dam Pixies Honey Glow CavalierWhite Male Whelped 4-14-75Dam Frostys Little Spunstopper Great ElmsCream Female Whelped 5-12-75Dam Galavichs Francie1 Black Female. 1 Orange Female, 2 Red or Orange Males Whelped 5-11-75 Dam Pixies JoyOther Litters Due Inquiries InvitedCarol A. Galavich Route 1Powhatan Pt., Ohio 43942 614-458-1705Wherever you are, whoever you are, a very warm, Thank you. This trip was possible only because he took a bus to and from New York, rather than flying a necessary economy, but hard on a cardiac patient.A happy Christmas was spent in his little apartment, gaily decorated with cards from all over the world. In February he shared a birthday party with my mother. Since we moved to Halifax,seven years ago, it was difficult to see as much of Bob as wed like the distance being about three hundred miles.March brought two attacks in one day. We rushed to him through a terrible storm. The folks in Intensive Care sent us right in to see him at 1000 P.M., and we found a spunky little man, hooked up to all sorts of machines . . . but who managed a request for dark chocolate and ice cream the next day. When we66 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWleft two days later, his Kleenex hox was covered with handling and grooming hints for us . . . he, for once, had no notepad handy.While in the hospital, Boh asked a friend to go to his apartment and get the following poem from his address book. He sent it to me from Intensive Care. I want to share it with you.LordMake me an instrument of Thy peace, Where there is hatred, let me sow love Where there is injury, pardon.Where there is doubt, faithWhere there is despair, hopeWhere there is darkness, lightAnd where there is sadness joy O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console To be understood, as to understand,To be loved as to loveFor it is in giving that we receive.It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, And it is in dying that we are born To eternal life. AmenIn two weeks Bob was out of the hospital, at home, in his sunny apartment. We came home to Saint John again and had two happy last visitssharing my birthday cake and all the doggy news. We also brought along our new male puppy. There and then, Bob decided to go back into handling as his old eyes twinkled beholding the lively youngster. Such happiness and hope for tomorrowOne week later, while watching his favorite sport, hockey, the final call rang out. Bob was able to reach the phone, summon a friend nearby, who rushed over finding him barely conscious. Quickly, he slipped into the fatal coma, from which he never awoke. His last conscious moments were spent with a friend, and an adored Pomwould any of us ask for moreWhen news of this latest attack reached us everything was dropped, while I raced from Halifax, praying a well loved voice might yet reach him and call himback. The black angel had already claimed him, even as I sped homeward.There is one final sadness from which we perhaps, can learn a lesson. The Canadian Kennel Club had just voted Bob Honorary President, but delayed wiring or phoning the news, rather waiting till the Provincial Director returned, to make the announcement. Bob was unconscious when the news arrived. Let this never happen to our Pom Club. If we show appreciation to our senior members, lets do it now. Tomorrow may be too late.While going through Bobs letters a second poem turned up with the notation, Think this of me. . . . Boh. Ill share this with you, too, he was ours, weve shared his triumphs, his loss, and now the consolation he very definitely planned to leave.I cannot say, I will not say That he is dead,he is just away With a cheery smile,And a wave of the hand,He has wandered into an unknown land, And left us dreaming how very fair It needs must be,Since he lingers there.And youO you, who the wildest yearn For the old-time step And the glad returnThink of him faring on, as dear In the love of There.As the Love of HereThink of him still, as the same, I sayHe is not dead,he is just away.We cherish the young puppy Bob was to show and hope he lives up to his early promise. Rather than bearing the combined names of his American and English grandsires hell become Onabrooks Laskey Legend.The shows go on as before. I find myself half expecting to see a little man busy marking catalogues, that was yesterday, and yesterdays gone It must be my imagination, but the North Star, the guiding star, seems to shine just a bit brighter these days.POMERANIAN REVIEW 67CIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. THELMA M. DUNN 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001'.POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 6.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 6.50 Foreign, 7.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 3.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 3.00 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 March, Dec.1963 March, Oct.1964 April, July1966 July, Oct.1967 April, July, Oct.1968 AprilJONES ContinuedNow let us share some happy news with you. Anne Knowles of Milton, Mass, sent me an excellent report of the show wins of her two Poms litter mates. It is most complete giving the names of the judges and even the ages of the dogs. Come on folks, I need the help of our Yankee cousins. Let us know when you come to see us and how we treat you. Im hoping to see much more of you in the fall even if I have to call it an educational trip and bring my class of thirty children along.Back to Anne. Wak Little Robing of Hadleigb went to Canada first in May 1974 collecting points and breed wins under Irving Diamond, Lt. Comdr. D. Anderson, Mrs. Evelyn Kenny the lady who heads the standards Committee for the CKC, Maxwell Riddle, Roy Montague, Harvey Gratton and Mrs. Yan Paul. On August 18, 1974, at one year, three months he became a Canadian Champion. Meanwhile, Waks Little Diamond Doll attained her championship at the Maritime Toy Dog Club Specialty, at the same age. They have picked up two group thirds and two seconds. Not idle in the USA, where they are both pointed they also won the brace classes at Boston, and Elm City Kennel Club, New Haven, Conn. Finally, in Bermuda the bitch claimed five points, and Robin boasts of two. Well done, thank you for the news.Happy days, everyone, safe trips home.Available at 1.25 Each1969 Jan., Oct.1970 July, Oct.1971 Jan., April, July1972 Jan., April, July, Oct.1973 Jan.Available at 1.50 Each1973 April, July, Oct.1974 Jan., April, July, Oct.1975 Jan., April68 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby Margaret Klingbeil 4815 Monroe Ave., N.E. Salem, Oregon 97301As any columnist can tell you, it is sometimes hard to write a column. It is especially hard on the columnist when the people who make the news the breeders and exhibitors cant be bothered to send in their news, views and tidbits of information which they all surely must have. It is even harder on the columnist to know that the inevitable gripes will be coming in a roundabout way most of the time from those who cant be bothered to send their news. Another alternative which does happen is some of the other breeds is for the columnist to fill the pages with her own news and views. So, you people who live in the Pacific Northwest who breed and show and love Poms, if I am not at the show and you dont let me know about your wins, dont gripe If you want your show wins reported, let me knowI need the name of the show, the name of the judge, top show wins only, major points or Group placements, or a win that finishes a Pom. Also, to report it I must have the names and points won in both sexes. This is a rule of the Board of Directors. If you have some good ideas about raising and showing Poms, which you surely must have, I cant write about them if I dont have them.The Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty Show will be held on July 19, 1975 at the Oak Grove School on the outer edge of Portland, and the Club is quite busy with preparations for the show. The judge will be Mr. Harvey Berman of Algonquin, 111. Mr. Berman, as we all know, is a Pomeranian breederjudge and his wife, Beverly, is a columnist for the Review so the names are familiar to us, although this will be Mr. Bermansfirst assignment to our area. Lets give him a good entry of good dogs.T-he Peninsula show at Bremerton, Wn., home of the U.S. Navys Big Mo, saw Gayle Griffins lovely little bitch Ch. Star- lites Rigel Miss Magic taking the Breed over a male champion. Miss M. J. Ablett chose Jeribeths Dragon Killer as Best Opposite. He is owned by Joy Davidson and Ellen Michel, and shown by Joy. I dont have a complete report on Winners Dog or Bitch, or Reserves, so will omit them although I believe this was a major for males.I also have only partial reports for the shows since Bremerton, so I am giving you only the Best of Breed and Best Opposite placings the Walla Walla RichlandYakima circuit in Eastern Washington gave Ruth Dotsons new Ch. Sun Dots Ramboling Man the Best of Breed wins for all three days plus a Group 1 at Walla Walla. Best Opposite at Walla Walla and Richland went to Gayle Griffins Ch. Starlites Rigel Miss Magic. The last show, at Yakima, gave the Best Opposite win to Elva McGilbrys Golden Glow Bridgett. Alfred Treen, Rutledge Gilliland and Martha Olmos- Olivier judged in that order.The Sunday show at Yakima was outside and was quite cold, with 65 mile per hour winds to make it even more miserable. When dogs the size of Irish Setters couldnt stay on their feet you can imagine what it did to the small dogs. I always am concerned first about the little dogs, but it must have been pure torture for those poor judges and their ring stewards.April 27th in Anchorage, Alaska was another big day for Pomeranians. Judge Mrs. Peggy Dilard Carr placed Riggins Kristol Image for Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed for a four point major. Image is owned by Wilma Taylor and was bred by Dolores Riggin. Reserve Dog was Alaskan Red Devil Up, bred and owned by Sandra Hagen. Winners Bitch for a four point major, also, was Taylors Wee Golden Tiffany, bred and owned by Wilma Taylor. TaylorsTHE POMERANIAN REVIEW 69Pixie Pooh Bear was Reserve Bitch. Best Opposite went to Ch. Taylors Little Cissy Britches, bred by Carolyn Bulling- ton and owned by Wilma Taylor.This looks like a clean sweep for the Taylor dogs. Our congratulations to Bill and Wilma Taylor. Incidentally, the weather right now May is very nice, with blue skies and sunshine in the Anchorage area. Their Spring seems to have arrived, although we are still waiting for it here in Oregon.Jon Renee of Anchorage, who has been very dependable about sending me the news concerning Poms in Alaska tells me he underwent stomach surgery just before the show and missed his first home show in two years. He is home from the hospital now but will be on the inactive list for six to eight months. He says that the next shows for Alaska will be on June 21st at Fairbanks and June 29th for the new Kenai show.Several of the breederexhibitors in our Pacific NW area have lost some of their valuable Poms in the last few months. Diana Ward of the Seattle area has just lost her Ch. Rowdy, which must be a real blow to her. Also in that area, Ralph and Irene Harbin, just getting started in raising and showing Poms, lost their show bitch, Presidents Lady, when she ran into the street to meet her mistress. She had been trained to wait on the curb but disobeyed for this one fatal time. Two other valuable dogs belonging to Dolores Riggin have also died, as reported in the Kennel Visit. These losses hurt, whether they are show dogs, champions, valuable studs or just dear pets. We extend our sympathy to each of you.In a recent conversation with friend Joy LeCompte of Goldpaz Kennels here in Salem, we learned that her old black foundation bitch, Beechs Midnight Angel, had had to be put to sleep. This grand old gal, fifteen years young, had had several bouts with surgery in the last few years but always came through Continued on Page 72ALONG MY WAYbyMOLLY MILLERP.O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573The spring Texas shows filled the rings with lovely Pomeranians. The entries in the week-end shows were over fifty. Many fine dogs finished their championships, and many others garnered points which will place them in a position to finish soon. I had the pleasure of finishing Ch. Lorettas Luckystar Darling for Loretta Jones. Darling finished with back to back four point majors and was truly a pleasure to handle. The following weekend Dianna Hart had the pleasure of seeing Ch. Mayken Bee Beautiful of Naoma owned by herself and Kenneth W. Mayes, finish handled by John Metz. One week later Sandy Tremont guided R. J. Pananos Ch. My Boy Joey of Hara to the completion of his championship. Shortly thereafter John Metz put the final points on his Ch. Johns Chatter Box. Congratulations to all of the happy owners of these new champions.I would also like to commend Leslie Parker on her April column. Although we would rather think of lovely new champions and happy owners, there is a more serious aspect to the world of pure-bred dogs. How do we protect our dogs from those who are inhumane in their treatment of loving trusting creatures I do not have the answers, but by recounting a few of my recent experiences perhaps I can at least put you on your guard so that you and your dogs will not be caught unawares.The fact that a person has been in dogs for a number of years does not mean that he is morally responsible or even humane in his treatment of dogs. Recently a seven month old Pom bitch was shipped across the country. Thec70 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWPUF lN' STUF KENNELSWe proudly presentCH. DIXIELANDS HEATHERA Special Thank You to all the judges who liked Heather, especially to the judges who gave her majorsMrs. Anna E. Cowie Raleigh, N.C. March 22, 1975Mrs. James Young Atlanta, Georgia April 12, 1975A sincere Thank You to her handlers, Houston and Toddy Clark, for doing an exceptional job as they presented her to the judges.A very special Thank You to Mrs. Margaret Tankesley for letting us have Heather. She has been very helpful and encouraging to us with our Poms.PUF N STUF KENNELSJim and Carolyn GarbeRt. 12, Box 275, Gadsden, Al. 35901 Phone 205-442-6897puppy was refused at the airport and doomed to over 36 hours in a crate. No breeders would want a dog of his to be kept by a buyer who did not like the dog, but he would expect a person who is supposedly a supporter of the breed to at least be humane enough to allow the dog to eat, drink, and rest a little before being returned. In this case the puppy happened to be a good eater and with the help of kind flight attendants,survived her ordeal. Another less stable dog might not have. The callousness of some reportedly respected breeders is often amazing.Recently driving home from a show I saw a locally well-known breeder of another toy breed riding in the cab of a pick-up truck. To my horror I saw the toys in open crates in the back of the pick-up and some dogs of a larger breed even riding loose It does not take muchTHE POMERANIAN REVIEW 71imagination to think of what would happen to a dogs eye if struck by a loose rock or piece of dirt at such speeds. Children have even been killed when riding in open trucks by rocks striking the eye and continuing into the brain.Fine show and breeding stock are not the only ones subject to such cruelties. I was recently shocked to have a man knock on my door on Sunday morning and offer to give me his pet Cairn male. He had just decided that he did not want it any more. I suggested several methods of finding a good home for the dog including the local SPCA which does a great job in placing dogs and has some of the best kennels conditions that I have ever seen. My methods of advertising took too long and the SPCA was too far away It would have taken him 40 minutes each way. according to this man. I do not know what happened to this little pet. I wonder if his breeder envisions him in a happy homeHow do we protect dogs, in whom we have invested much money and time, from such persons I do not know. I do suggest selling only to those persons whom one has checked on as carefully as possible. There will be some errors which will haunt the breeder for years but for the sake of loving, feeling dogs, do select buyers as cautiously as possible.PRESIDENT Continuedblouse out and put it on a hanger, I discovered my pin on the blouse. As the blouse is drip-dry, I didnt put it in the dryer, so dont try drying it in a dryer. I dont know if that would work or not.See you at the shows. Let me hear from you.HOUSTON POM SPECIALTY October 11Onofrio SuperintendentSHOW TRAININGBy Patrick DeLoughary LEAD TRAINING PROBLEMS Part IIIThe show lead has a somewhat different meaning to your lead trained dog than what a collar and leash means to a neighbors pet. The lead trained show dog will have learned that he must stay in position and not be running from side to side, keep up with the pace you are setting for him, stop when you do and stand where you stop him, that he is not supposed to sniff tracks or investigate the friendliness of other dogs, that tail chasing spins are disallowed, and that leg lifting and other relief maneuvers are unmannerly. He will have learned that his attention, alertness, and good behavior are required, that moving on a lead is serious business, and that your appreciation of a good performance will be forthcoming.In contrast to your show dogs lead behavior, the collar and leash to the neighbors pet means his daily walks for exercise allowing him to do many of the things that your dog was taught he should not do. It does not require him to stay in any position other than the distance allowed by the length of the leash. He is even allowed to tug on the leash for an extra arms length of tow- line. He is not required or expected to stand alert or to keep his attentions on his master. He is allowed to sniff and investigate what he chooses. He is encouraged to select a spot to relieve himself, etc. Therefore to avoid confusing your dog it is advisable for you to allow him to have his exercise periods off the lead, preferably in a fenced yard or kennel run, instead of walking him in the. manner of your neighbors pet, unless you can teach him to be dependable in the show ring regardless of what his lead privileges are otherwise. It is much easier to avoid letting your dog develop an undesirable habit than it is to72 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWcorrect it after he has developed it. For instance, if his track sniffing instinct is dealt with at the time of his very first attempts at it, he will not have to leam that while he is on the show lead, sometimes it is allowed and other times it is not allowed, and you will thereby eliminate any confusion about it.A habit that usually is hard to break once a dog has acquired it is his spinning around when he is supposed to be standing still. Here again preventive measures are easier and more effective than corrective training. To better understand this problem we should consider its cause. Any dog might be inclined to develop this habit, but in most cases it is usually by-passed without any notic- able effort. It is more likely to be acquired by the dog that is high-spirited, nervous and impatient. In starting him on the lead his mind is preoccupied by you and his rewards. But when he has passed this phase of his lead training he has more time to do some thinking on his own, so when in gaiting him you come to a stop and make him wait for you to start him again, he becomes unrelaxed, ambitious, and impatient with a feeling of all dressed up and no place to go. Knowing his emotional impatience is straight-jacketed by the lead, his final outburst reaction is to turn around in place. If the emotional release proved successful he will do a few repeats and finally the spin. Its his way of finding something to do. A few more unchecked rehearsals and the habit is pretty well on its way toward being established. By understanding his state of mind in advance and with a little closer observation to his behavior and a few premediated plans for meeting the challenge, he too can by-pass the spin habit. Here are a few suggestions you might tryBefore putting the lead on him for a practice session, you can let him wear off some of his excess energy in advance, by a good run in the back yard.Don't gait him so slowly that he hasplenty of time for fast turns between steps.Make his halts shorter than you ordinarily would, but more often, so that he has less time to become impatient, then gradually work up to longer standing as his attitude improves.Keep his mind and attention on you and what he is supposed to do, especially while he is standing and most apt to try the spin.Be ready to interrupt his first spin before he completes it with a quick easy jerk on the lead. Being off balance when he should be ready to move will sometimes discourage his desire to spin.If you can anticipate his thinking and you are prepared to act accordingly and if you can see to it that he is unsuccessful in any of his spinning attempts, in due time he will have by-passed the probability of acquiring the habit.KLINGBEIL Continuedwith flying colors, and had more pep than some of the younger retirees in Joys kennel. She was the dam of Joys late Am. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight and the granddam to numerous other champions from Joys line. We know she will be missed.PLEASE MAIL EARLYMany advertisements came in a few days late this time. All those that were received on or before the 24th, our Working Day, were accepted. We cannot guarantee to accept late material for the October issue as the entire staff hopes to attend the Ravenna Specialty, so time for preparing the material will be drastically reduced IF AT ALL POSSIBLE get your material to us by August 16 . . . PLEASETHE POMERANIAN REVIEW 73YIPS MARGARET McKEE Richmond, VirginiaMy subscription to Pomeranian Review is one of the best investments I ever made. It is interesting and informative from cover to cover, and gets better every issue. It is particularly helpful to us novices. Those fillers such as how to check angulation are a gold mine.Some suggestions and questionsHow about an article expanding on exactly what you mean by soundness What does a novice look for in a puppy, or in an adult, to decide if a dog is soundHow to evaluate a Pom bitch to decide whether to breed her length, weight, ageWhat is the procedure for becoming a member of APCIs the entry at Specialties dropping I read somewhere that the N.Y.C. Specialty in 62 had an entry of 100. Why Is this bad for the breedWhy no commercial advertising Do you think it would lower the tone of the magazine I, for one, would welcome a source of information on where to buy Pom stationary, jewelry, Pom size collars leads, etc., other than at the shows.How does an individual or group go about forming a regional clubEagerly looking forward to the July issue Keep up the good workThe Editor answersQuestion one on soundess we do plan an article on this whole subject in the near future.Deciding whether to breed a bitch Our personal opinion is to breed only those bitches over 1 year of age. We seldom breed on the first heat, unless this occurs after 1 year, finding most bitches still very immature before then and actually still filling out in body and maturing mentally. Breeding a very small bitch, say under 4 lbs., may result in a free- whelped litter if the pelvic dimensions are adequate. This should be checked by either your veterinarian or an experienced breeder.Any bitch used for breeding should be a good specimen of the breed, physically sound and of good temperament. Unless the bitch has excellent qualities of her own to contribute to the litter, do NOT breed her.The procedure for becoming a member of APC is published in almost every issue.Several factors have contributed to a general dropping of the entries at the New York Specialty. 1. There are many more regional Specialties than there used to be, with large entries. 2. It has become much more expensive to attend the New York Specialty since 1962. 3. On alternate years, Toy breeds areYAPSshown on Tuesday at the Garden, making a much longer stay necessary, if planning to enter both shows. 4. Many members and others who would like to attend the Specialty cannot take time off from work at that time of year nor find competent baby sitters to take charge at home. We feel sure there are other reasons, such as the state of the economy, the energy crisis of February 1974, fear of bad weather, etc. The fact is that entries have always fluctuated, a bit over 100 was reached several times and there have also been low entries of around 60. We are hopeful that the 1976 Specialty will again draw over 100 top quality Poms to New York.We do not discourage commercial advertising, and in fact two advertisements will be found in the present issue. But the average commercial establishment will not bother with a magazine whose circulation is so small.A group interested in forming a regional specialty club should write to AKC and request their booklet on the procedure required. We hear rumors that the American Pom Club may print a booklet on this subject, but in the meantime the AKC publication will be found very complete.Hope this answers your questions.EDNA E. GIRARDOT Floral City, FloridaIt has been a fun year so far, many shows, much travel and a few wins. Getting to New York in February is a must for me, and my appearance at the Specialty in Chicago and International next day, a treat. Now if I can get to Ohio for the Summer Specialty, it will be the frosting on my cake.A very special thing for me, were all the birthday cards I received. This avalanche was the result of Phyllis Andrews page add in the last Review. At this age in life, these little things do mean so much. Thanks folks and I am hoping to be right in there pitching the same time next year.I am ever conscious of the work that is done by the officers and members of the club and especially the putting together of the Review by Sophie Mayes. I feel that the club would not be half as strong if we did not have this publication. How Sophie does this and her kennel and her work, I will never know.I am also aware of the improvement of the poms over the years I have been exhibiting and breeding, especially for the last two years. Poms are on the upgrade and getting their share of the top show wins. It is you, you, and you that is making this possible, so keep up the good work. I feel so lucky to be here to see these changes.74 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSCINDY KELLERWyoming, MichiganSIZE OF STUD DOGBeing fairly new to the Pom fancy, I am always anxious to learn all I can from the more experienced breeder. From the day one, when I purchased my first little Pom, all of the breeders I have been acquainted with stressed to me how necessary it was to have a small stud, the tinier the better. It seemed the tiny males were highly prized and drew the majority of inquiries for stud service and so I was to soon learn had some mysterious advantage in the ring.During the past year however, I became more aware of what I myself preferred in a Pom. It was through a dear friend that I was introduced to a wonderful reputable breeder, whose Pom's were equally beautiful in type as well as sound in structure. I purchased a female from this breeder and was not only thrilled and proud to be the owner of such an attractive youngster but very fortunate for her pedigree was proof of how well she had been bred.A few days before this past Christmas," I lost my little stud of 4 lbs. unexpectedly. After the shock wore off, I knew to whom I would go to get a new stud prospect since we were so pleased with the female from the same. I inquired about getting a male, somewhat larger than the little stud I had lost, since studding seemed to wear him down more than I cared for.Once again I was thrilled to get the same qualities and beautiful pedigree as before with the female. He was, as I hoped, larger but as he continued to develop, I felt because of all Id been told in the past about the smaller studs, that he had matured a bit too large to be used at stud. I wrote to the breeder-friend to whom I owe most of my success thus far and mentioned that I was doubtful I would use this male at stud because of his size, approx. 6 lbs.Thank goodness she was a good enough friend to set me straight in no uncertain terms, since I knew this male to be of excellent breeding, and had seen pictures of both parents and several of the grandparents and further back and knowing that this line consistently produced quality offspring, why would then, his size frighten me How would I ever know what his precious bloodlines could do for me if I never used him She went on to tell me that I should never judge what any male will produce by his size alone, being that his genetic makeup determines what qualities will be reproduced in his offspring.I am ashamed to admit how mislead I have been on this subject and wonder how many others rush to use the tiniest of males because of his title and size rather than working toward a goal of type, beauty, and soundness that certain bloodlines will give us.I am not saying that we should not use the smaller males, so many are of excellent breeding and are known to produce champion upon champion, what I am saying is not to overlook the beautifully bred and sound male simply because of his larger size.Editor Amen.POMERANIAN CLUB OF BIRMINGHAM ALABAMAIf anyone in Alabama wants to join our local Pom club by all means contact Carolyn Garbe or Eleanor Hyche, our ads are elsewhere in this issue. We need members who love their poms and are anxious to better the breed. Even if you have none but love them well put you to work.ELEANOR HYCHE Birmingham, AlabamaIf you want to run into old friends you can do it at a dog show. After moving South, I went to the local shows for eight years doing the same thing, buying a catalog looking for a familiar name in Poms. I finally gave up, made new friends but still hoping against hope Id see someone. It finally paid off in Pensicola, Florida. I went down in March with my Pom, got a catalog and saw Edna G.irar- dots name. She was entered and I thought, oh, she wont come and then I saw her, my heart skipped a beat and we hugged, we were so glad to see each other. Our next meeting was in Montgomery on Mothers Day weekend. All we needed was a couple more familiar faces from the Northeast and it would have been like old times. It was a good week-end for us and we enjoyed it.THE POMERANIAN REVIEW 75INDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageCLYDE PHYLLIS ANDREWS .......................................................................................................... 76VILMA BARTOLAT ............................................................................................................................ 6, 60RUTH L. BEAM ...................................................................................................................................... 51MRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN .......................................................................................................... 9, 55MRS. NORMA CREIDER ....................................................................................................................... 27MRS. ETHEL DENDY .............................................................................................................................. 5RUTH DOTSON ................................................................................................................................... 7, 56THELMA M. DUNN ............................................................................................................................... 53NORMA C. GAD ...................................................'............................................................ 11, 47, 52, 53CAROL A. GALAVICH........................................................................................................................... 65JIM CAROLYN GARBE ..................................................................................................................... 70EDNA E. GIRARDOT ............................................................................................................................. 25TIM SUE GODDARD ......................................................................................................................... 50J. L. M. M. GORMAN .................................................................................................................. 48, 57GAYLE L. GRIFFIN ................................................................................................................................... 8JOHN ROSE HANSEN .................................................................................................................... 57GWEN R. BONNIE HODSON ........................................................................................................... 31PAULINE B. HUGHES ........................................................................................................................... 38ELEANOR HYCHE ............................................................................................................................ 48, 57NORMA J. LLOYD E. JENKINS .................................................................................................. 17, 49TOM CINDY KELLER ....................................................................................................................... 27RON JACKIE KLEIN ................................................................................................................... 38, 59MARGARET KLINGBEIL ..................................................................................................................... 29HELEN M. KRAFCIK ............................................................................................................................. 58MRS. ELMA MANIES ............................................................................................................................ 13SOPHIE H. MAYES ................................................................................................................................ 63DAN JOELLEN MERCER ............................................................................................................ 45, 60GEORGE TONI MEYERS .................................................................................................................. 40MOLLY LINDA MILLER ................................................................................................................. 54CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN .................................................................................................................. 37LOU NOTI ................................................................................................................................................ 37TOM NORMA OROURKE .................................................................................................................. 6CECIL W. PRICE .................................................................................................................................... 35LENNIS RHODES ................................................................................................................................... 19DOLORES RIGGIN ................................................................................................................................. 23TONY BETTY SHORT ....................................................................................................................... 33TENNESSA ENTERPRISES ................................................................................................................... 15RICHARD BETTY J. VARNEY ......................................................................................................... 48JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG .............................................................................................................. 5076 THE POMERANIAN REVIEWomercimunS^y^lnclrewd f^tintroduced two dond ojdli. Scotia davalierd ^unc^le ^indndrewd f-^Lcd djimloout ofCan CL.______dfndrewiCxc^uisiteddeLutanteHandled byEugene Hahnlen_Undrewd ima ^Lm ddan-ddiout ojdm., Can. CL. Scotia Cavi-d-OiiLet_4-daiLeteePhoto in Oct. 72 and April 73 Breeder-Owner handledf These two boys are just starting out debuts in Canadian shows. Each shown at age of 9 months. Now resting between coats. We thank each judge and especially Edna Girardot for sending us their sire. Our Tish has proven herself now in both the show ring and her get. Our Pixie too is doing great both places, as she now has one major and two other wins, stateside, as well as her Canadian titleCUe PUL JU,trewd7915 224th St. Woodinville, Wa. 98072Tel. Area 206 486-7301