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The Pomeranian Review July 1976

American Pomeranian Club, 5nc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY, 1976BocEssaaCHAMPION WHEELERS BON PEPPIS BUTERCUPGroup and Best In Show Winning Daughter of 1974 Top Toy Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiIN THIS ISSUEDALLAS-FT. WORTH SPECIALTY 1976 STUD REGISTERVisit to Pomirish Kennels of Dick Sally Baugniet BERMAN - BIRK - GRANT - HEYDE - MILLER - YIPS YAPS2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCEDARWOOD KENNELis Proud to PresentCHAMPION CEDARWOODS WEE BIT OROBINDrtuiiu Iz PVPPt f4 s-ISEBJAVv' ,Iv rWINNERSphotoSHAFERWe wish to thank Joyce Apple for her capable training and showing of Robbieto his championshipA SPECIAL THANKS to all the Judges for his wins.To Anna Katherine Nicholas for his win at the Westminster Show.To Mrs. George Dow for his win at Greenville, S.C.Robbie now has 2 BOB To Wilma Hunter for Group 1 win.And THANKS to Ruth Beam and Bob Goodrich and all other good Pom friends.CEDARWOOD KENNELRoute 5, Box 505 High Point, N.C. 27263 431-2998Anne L. RiddickPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian Eluh, 3ttr.President ...................................First Vice President_________Second Vice President .. Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ...................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.................................................................................. Mrs. Marlene Scott............................................................................ Mr. Darrell W. Baker............................................................................ Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn................................................................................ Mrs. Sally Baugniet................................................................................ Mr. Thomas Daniels72 Davis Rd., Southwick, MA. 01077 ..........................................................................Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OFMrs. Kathryn Birk Mrs. Ruth Dotson Mrs. Jacquelyn KleinDelegate to the A.K.C..........................................................DIRECTORSMr. Richard Megenhardt Pasquale Scelso, II, D.M.D.Mr. Sam Zaneoff........................................... Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants .............................................................................. Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Miss Cathy LasotaCirculation Manager........................... Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn, 3400 Carvale Dr., Aberdeen, Md. 21001Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 6.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 1.50. Canada, Mexico, 6.50, Foreign 7.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 3.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text ...............................55.00Inside front cover .................................................... 30.00Center Spread, 2 pages ............................................60.00Full page .................................................................. 25.00Three-quarters page ............................................... 15.00^One-half page .......................................................... 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............................... 7.50100 copies full page ad.............................................. 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to Ix2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEW9PRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyMRS. MARLENE SCOTT Rl. 2, Box 178-C Raleigh, N.C. 27610It is with a sad heart that I write this message. Since your last Review, we have lost two beloved members, Mary F. Casey and David George Cowie. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to their families. I know that everyone knew Mary Casey, a great Pom lady. George was the husband of Anne Cowie, a long time breeder of Poms and presently anA.K.C. judge. Their deaths are a great loss to the Pom world.The upcoming big event for the Pom Club will be our Summer Specialty to be held in Des Moines, Iowa, Labor Day weekend. Our show chairman is Mrs. Henry Hochstedler, Box 117-B, Kalona, Iowa, 52247. Contact her if you need information concerning room or camping accommodations. We always have a good time at our Specialty Shows, and I hope you will support this one with entries and trophies.I had a very frightening experience with one of my Poms at a show last month. I want to pass it on to you mainly to prevent its happening to another Pom. I do not normally feed the dry, small packaged dog food, which looks like ground beef, of which there are several kinds on the market. Although I usually feed a kibble with beef mixed in it, I used to keep the other kind of dog food just to take to shows, because all the dogs like it and will eat it when they will not eat any other kind. I had a Pom who didnt like the kibble, so I fed her one-half package of the dryfood. A heavy water drinker anyway, this little Pom drank a great deal of water after the dry food. The water puffed the food up to twice the size it was when taken into the stomach. This condition is called torsion, and is the same thing as bloat in cattle. The little Pom went into shock and would have died if the Vet had not given her the proper care. Several other handlers have had dogs die from torsion, brought on by feeding this type of food. The bad part about torsion is that it is very difficult to diagnose, so be careful of this dry food, especially if you have a dog who drinks a lot of water.Let me hear from you. See you at the shows.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.CLUB PINSSome of our newer members may not know that Club Pins are available for purchase from the Treasurer Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, 501 Dover Rd., Glen Bumie, Maryland 21061. These are very attractive enamelled replicas of the Club Seal in the Club colors of Blue and Gold, and they cost just 5.00. Make check payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and send with order. Only CLUB MEMBERS may purchase and wear pins. Size is 78 of an inch, not too big for men to wear as a lapel pin.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5PRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Mercers Young Duke of Tim Sue Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Gay ButterflyCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollPictured above is our Duke along with his latest show boy pictured below. This little puppy is extremely nice for his age. At this point he is living proof of an outstanding pedigreee and what it can do for a breeding program. He is also consistent proof of our Dukes siring ability. He repeatedly throws short backs, tremendous coats, good legs and showmanship.Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sues Gay ButterflySilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Mercers Dash ODukeCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Mac's Four on the Floor of OKala McDougalls Gay Misty Junior Tomanolls Tiny Tinker ToyCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron Of OKala Tomanolls Tiny TiffanyCh. Tomanolls Wee Go-Go GirlWe also offer for stud our brand new Silver Meadows Wolfgang. He is 11 months old. A very heavily coated son of Jackie Kleins beloved Ch. Highland Sunflash. His dam is a daughter of Ch. Tim Sues Love Bug. He will go with our breeding program perfectly. He will begin his show career this spring.Dan Jo Ellen Mercer Box 145, Rt. 1Ph 308-889-3109 Evenings M.D.T. Big Springs, Neb. 69122j-MDASHER'itCh.Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue 4Vz lbs. Brilliant Orange Stud Fee 100.006 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTby THOMAS E. DANIELS 72 Davis Road Southwick, Ma. 01077As this is written, I am still trying to recover from the shock of Mary Caseys death. On May 8, Mary was in the ring at the Springfield Show when she suffered a Cerebral Hemorrhage. She passed away 2 days later. Mary started me in Poms about 6 years ago and had been my mentor ever since. For me especially and all of those who knew her, Marys passing will leave a void. May she Rest In Peace.The Board has approved the following Specialties Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club September 18, 1976. Proposed Judge Mrs. Peggy Dillard Carr, Nashville, Tennessee. For information, please contact Mrs. C. A.. Ellis, Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club, 325 S.E. 9th St., Grand Prairie, Texas 75050. The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston will hold their second Specialty in conjunction with the combined Specialties on Saturday, October 9, 1976 at the Albert Thomas Convention Center in Houston, Texas. For information, please contact Ms. Sherry McNemey, The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston, 3423 Roaming Woods Lane, Spring, Texas 77380.The plans for the Summer Specialty on September 5, 1976 in Des Moines, Iowa are shaping up. Ken Miller will be the Specialty Judge. The Show on September 4 to be held in Newton, Iowa, will be judged by Keith Browne. For those who wish to attend both shows, transportation will be provided from Des Moines - Ramada Inn - to Newton. For Premium Lists for these shows, pleasecontact Jack Onofrio, Superintendent, P.O. Box 25764, Oklahoma City, Okla- home 73125. If you have any questions, contact Tony Short, 2850 E. Douglas, Des Moines, Iowa 50317 tel. 515-266-8995.Speaking of Shows the date for the Parent Club Specialty is February 13, 1977. This year, we are moving to a new location The Loews Summit Hotel, 51st Lexington Avenue, New York City.The Breed Judge will be Mr. Joseph Faigel. Sweepstakes Judge will be announced later. More announcements regarding advertising and trophies are contained elsewhere in The Review. Your support and cooperation for the 1976 Show was great and we hope that it will continue for the 1977 Show.The Annual Report was completed and mailed in April. I hope all members received their copies. If you did not, please contact me and I will forward a copy to you.Please refer to your Members Address Listing and make the following change Charles Jacqueline Liddle DELETE New Mexico NM. CHANGE to read Minnesota MN. Street address Zip Code shown are correct.All Club Members and Pomeranian Review subscribers were advised by letter 6-13-76 that Sophie Mayes has reconsidered resigning and withdrawn her request. She will continue on as Editor of The Pomeranian Review. If you did not receive a copy of that letter . . . heres a short recap. The primary problem was misinformation especially re the Board voting to censor all Editorials. This was discussed but not so voted. We have discussed all of this with Mrs. Mayes and the mutual feeling is that we now put this matter aside and get back to working together for the progress and the good of our Club. We are pleased that Sophie has reconsidered.The next Board Meeting is scheduled for October 13, 1976 The Loews- Summit Hotel, New York City.Continued on Page 24POMERANIAN REVIEW 7AURORA POMSOffers Congratulations to Sally Baugniet on Her Kennel VisitAnd PresentsOur Newest ChampionsCh. Auroras Crown JewelShown here at Davenport, Iowa under Judge Boris Boshell going WB for 5 pts to finish 5-15-76. Thanks to Nadine Hersil for the last 5 points.Thanks also to Gus Wolfe, 3 pts.Ed Jenner, 4 pts., Dorothy Bonner, 3 pts.1WtCh. Aurora's Crown Jewel Subject to AKC approval Ch. Aurorar's Mighty Sampson X Auroras Lucent BellaCh. Star Brights Tiger Rag Shown here at L.O.L. 6-6-76 going WD BOW for 3 points under Judge Raphael Schulte.Dracula finished 6-13-76 at Chain O Lakes under Frank Oberstar, 4 points.Always owner-handled.Thanks also to Derek Rayne, 1 pt.Gus Wolf, 2 pts., Michelle Billings, 2 pts. William Nixon, 2 pts., Charles Kellogg,2 pts.INQUIRIES INVITEDBEST OF WINKERSLAND 0' LAKES K.C.OLSON PHOTO gCh. Star Bright's Tiger Bag Subject to AKC approval Star Bright's Stanislaus X Star Bright of Idlewild.Jackie Chuck Liddle R. R. 4, Box 280 Prior Lake, Minnesota 553728 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOYER STORYBY JODI HUDSPETHLike a buttercup in the springtime, so my bouncing, sailing Buttercup, lifts my heart all the year round. The bright orange charmer on the cover is Ch. Wheelers Bon Peppis Buttercup, shown going Best in Show at the February 20th, Valdaosta Kennel Club All Breed Dog Show under Judge Ed. Bracy. Buttercup is a 5 lb. solid Pom with a proper stand off double coat of correct texture and cant be beat for soundness. She finished her title at eleven months with only one defeat from the classes, and now has thirty-four BOBs and twenty group placements. This hasnt turned her head though. If you come to visit us, she will greet you with her cha-cha-cha and a smile and a kiss.Buttercup was sired by that great little Pom, TOP Toy 1974, Randys Jolly We Peppi. Peppi is also the sire of two lovely little males that live with Buttercup. They are Honeycrest Moonraker and Honeycrest Ruth Tutn Rasbery. Moonraker caught the eye of many at the American Pomeranian Specialty in New York in February as he took the puppy class. This beautiful golden cream, with his royal carriage has 9 pts. from the puppy class and should finish soon.Rudy Honeycrest Rutn Tutn Rasbery set the Tarheel Circuit to buzzing as he twice went over two BIS Specials to Best of Breed, and went on to a Group Two, and for an encore, a week later went BW for a 5 pt. major at the Chicago-Western Pom Specialty. My cup runneth over.Buttercup, Moonraker and Rudy and seven other Poms live happily with several Yorkies and Shih Tzu, at home in Marietta, Georgia just out of Atlanta. We love company, so if you are ever in Georgia give us a ring and you all come.I wish to thank all the wonderful Pom people Ive met for their friendship and help, and all the great judges who have been so generous to Buttercup and the boys.CONGRATULATIONStoDick SallyGAMLAN POMERANIANS Mary Ellen HendricksonRoute 1, Box 25 Mayer, Minnesota 55360 612-657-2380BACK ISSUES of the REVIEWSend for List 1.50 each, plus postage. Some are rare, hard to find. Francis J. Casey 60 Wilbur Street Raynham, Mass. 02767POMERANIAN REVIEW 9Something NEW In CanadaThe very first Canadian Pom Prints Magazine will soon be out, in mid- September, and promises to be a really unique publication, with articles from Pom people all over the world. The first issue is available. Sample issue - 1.00. Subscription Rate 6.00 per year - four issues.CANADIAN POM PRINTS MAGAZINE 98 Park St.,Truro, N.S.Canada B2N 3J3ULUELL'S POMERANIANSsendCongratulationstoPOMIRISH KENNELSon their Kennel Visit ALSO CongratulationstoNadine Hersil on herCH. D-NEES DARIN DINADAN Best In Show WinatMason City, IowaFOR SALE Show Quality Female, VA lbs. Very Light Orange with White. Com Duke Grand Daughter, 1 year old.ALSO Orange Male, 5V2 lbs., Corn Duke Bloodlines, Champion Sired,Whelped August, 1975.LUELLS POMERANIANSRT ' ROY RqsBURLINGTON, WISC. 53105444-357-2681 After 510 POMERANIAN REVIEWMARY F. CASEYMary Casey suffered, a cerebral hemorrhage in the ring at the Springfield Show on May 8 and died without regaining consciousness two days later, the evening of May 10. The Pom fancy was stunned. Mary was such an active and vital person, it was almost impossible to visualize her as being ill, and now she was gone. She was only 51 years old. Her devotion to the breed dates back to 1960, when she received a pet male Pom as a Christmas gift from husband Francis Case. They decided to get him a companion the next spring and purchased a female, to have just one litter, sired by a champion stud. As many of us know from personal experience, after that first litter, you are hooked and one thing just naturally leads to another. The many outstanding Poms produced through the years bearing the Caseys prefix Topaze made their kennel one of the most prominent in the east. We are happy to hear that Case will continue with the kennel operation.Wise choice of early breeding stock, a dedication to producing and exhibiting always the best, soon made Mary well- known among the New England dog people and led to her involvement in a number of all-breed clubs as well as the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club. She was elected to the Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club, served faithfully for many years during which monthly meetings were held in New York City, and became President on a ticket dedicated to making the Parent Club truly national in scope. Following her two terms in office, she remained on the Board where her advice was much sought and heeded. She served as Show Chairman two years in a row for the February Specialty Show, and finally as Corresponding Secretary. Forced to resign this office last year because of her husbands serious illness, Mary never refused to give help and advice when needed by the relatively inexperienced Club officers and committee chairmen.fiSSSS.SLMary F. Casey, is seen in this familiar and typical pose, handling Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen. Her smiling- face not only shows her enjoyment of onr sport, but illustrates her favorite motto Remember, always keep smiling.Meanwhile, closer to home, Mary served 9 terms as President of the Bay Colony Pom Club. This club had become quite inactive, but she reorganized it and instilled the membership with new enthusiasm. Many match shows were successful and their Annual Specialy has continued to draw an excellent entry. When she left office last year, both she and Case were made Life Members of the Club, as recognition for their efforts.She belonged to the South Shore Kennel Club, was a past President of that organization and currently serving on the Board. She also belonged to thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 11in jHemortamWe announce with deep regret the death of Mary F. Casey on May 10, 1976Former President and Secretary and long time Board Member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and a tireless worker for our breed. She leaves a void impossible to fill.The Review Staff joins the Officers and Board and entire membership in sending deepest sympathy to her husband Francis J. Casey.Hockamock Kennel Club and served on that Board for several years and then became delegate to the Pure-Bred Dog Breeders Referral Service a New England-wide service to advise potential purchasers of ethical breeders with stock available, to combat the puppy mills and pet shops selling substandard puppies. Mary was the founder of the Referral Service and served as its President until her death.She was also a co-founder of the Pilgrim Pekingese Fanciers Club and continued as a member, although no longer breeding Pekes. She was slated to serve as Match Show Secretary for their first Plan A Match.She was an active member of the Board of the Yankee Miniature Pinscher Club of the Bay Colony. She was to serve as Show Secretary for their upcoming first Specialty Show.Still another first was the founding of the all-toy club, the Classic Toy DogClub, a New England organization of which she was President.With this tremendously long list of achievements and her involvement in so many different club activities, it is no wonder that we say her passing will leave a void difficult if not impossible to fill. Besides all this, Mary was a true and concerned friend to those who knew her, always ready to help with sick dogs or other problems. Her pleasure in exhibiting her beautiful Poms was obvious and well-known to all dog shows were her hobby and more than that, her only recreation. It is fitting that she died in the show ring, where she was happiest.We are indebted to Mrs. Marianne Grybinski for the details of Marys activities in New England. Mrs. Grybinski wrote I miss her so terribly, Im really lost, we were so close. We were as close as any sisters could be. We talked every day and were always going to various clubs together.12 POMERANIAN REVIEWDELEGATESREPORTby H. W. POTTEBAUMThe Annual Meeting of the Delegates of The American Kennel Club was held on March 9, 1976, at which time the Officers and Board for 1976 were elected. The American Kennel Club Officers areChairman of the Board____________________Alexander FeldmanPresident____________John A. LaFore, Jr.Executive Vice President __________________William F. StifelExecutive Secretary______ Roy H. CarlbergSenior Vice President _____________________Leonard Brumby, Jr.Vice President ................Norman J. FurberVice President.............. Norman R. SchatzelSecretary.............................. Mark T. MoodyTreasurer..............................August BelmontThis was the first meeting that I have attended as Delegate, and it was an honor to represent the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Prior to the meeting, a luncheon was served and this gave me a good opportunity to put some faces with the names that I have been hearing through the years. During the course of the meeting, a lot of business was transacted it is my feeling, however, that I should limit this report to the areas that are of importance to our Breed, Specialty Shows and All Breed Shows. If anyone is interested in a complete set of minutes of that meeting, I will be happy to see that you get them. A complete transcript is also published in the Gazette.During the course of the meeting, the 1975 Show Statistic were released which I would like to share with you.In the Obedience area, the Pomeranians really performed with 35 completing their C.D. Degree 8 completing their C.D.X. degree 2 completing their U.D. degree. In addition, 4 Poms went all the way to highest Scoring Dog In Trial. If you havent worked Obedience, try and spend some time around the ring watching the dogs work. To train and work your dog through to its degree is perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of showing.In the Breed ring, another good year was evident with 122 Poms receiving their Champion of Record award. Group First awards went to 103 Poms, and 19 of these went all the way to the coveted Best-In-Show Award. Congratulations go out to all of these Pomeranians and their owners. Lets hope that this trend continues and grows for 1976.At a recent show, the problem of entering in the wrong color designation came up. This resulted in a dog winning that was incorrectly entered. After hearing this, I spoke with The American Kennel Club and found that nothing could be done after the fact, but to help prevent this happening again, I wanted to caution you on filling out your entry forms. The majority of All Breed Shows use the designation AOAC Any Other Allowed Color. In this case, any color can be entered in the Open class. At Specialty Shows, the Open Class is usually broken down into 3 three areas Black, Brown, Blue Red, Orange, Cream, Sable and Any Other Allowed Color. In this case, you would enter by color, specifying this on your entry blank. In a few cases, we are beginning to see this breakdown at All Breed Shows, so please . . . read your Premium List to prevent any problems.If you arrive at a show and find a dog entered in the wrong color, immediately locate the AKC Representatives and call this to hisher attention. Dogs entered in the wrong color should be excused. This must be done before the final judg- Continued on Page 38POMERANIAN REVIEW 13IN MEMORIAMMARY CASEYA lover of the breed and a dear friend. She left me many fond memories. Eleanor HycheIN MEMORY OFMARY F. CASEYHER CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BREED AND CLUBWILL LONG BE REMEMBEREDTony and Betty Short14 POMERANIAN REVIEWHONEYCRESTPresentsHONEYCREST RUTN TUTN RASBERYRudy is shown going BW at the Western Pomeranian Specialty, Chicago, March 26, 1976 under Judge Edward Klein, at 9 months.Owner-Handled By JODI HUDSPETH HONEYCREST TOYS270 Hilderbrand Avenue Atlanta, Georgia 30328Phone 404-252-6540 973-8381\wI' rBOOTHPHOTO-'j .POMERANIAN REVIEW 15BUTERCUPIagAnother Group I for Ch. Wheelers Bon Peppis Butercup.Huntington, W. Va. Kennel Club Judge Howard H. TylerOwner-handled PhoneJodi Hudspeth 404-252-6540270 Hilderbrand Ave. orAtlanta, Georgia 30328 973-838116 POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS - FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBBy JEWEL ELLIS, SecretaryThe club has changed, the date of its fiscal year to April, therefore election of officers were made at the April meeting as follows Douglas Baynham, President Mildred G. Patrick, Vice-President Jewel Ellis, Secretary-Treasurer. New Board Members are Mrs. B. G. McDonald, John D. Metz, Rosemary Wise and Opal Mosher.We were very pleased with the success of our Specialty of March 19, 1976 although entries were down having an entry of only 45. There was an entry of 16 in the Puppy Sweepstakes, and I wish to add that I have never seen a more beautiful group of puppies.Our Sweepstakes judge, Mrs. Lucille Meystedt, gave Best in Puppy Sweep- stakes to Dorothy D. Bonners BONNERS STARCREST COQUETTE.JMr. G. B. McDonald holds the Challenge Trophy as Judge Harold K. Bishop awards Best of Breed to Ch. Sunrays UT Beaver, owned by Theodore Dickinson, Jane Smyth Carol Partain and handled hy Beverly Griffiths. Twomey photo.In the breed classes, judge Mr. Harold K. Bishop placed the wins as follows Winners Dog went to Opal Moshers TOMANOLLS TINY TORNADO OMAC Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex and Best in Puppy Classes went to Dorothy Bonners BONNERSSTARCREST COQUETTE this was a gorgeous 7 months old bitch Best of Breed went to CH. SUNRAYS LIL BEAVER, owned by Theodore L. Dickinson June Smyth Carol Partain.Our after-show dinner was very relaxing and enjoyable and as always it was a pleasure to visit with our many friends. There were 40 who attended the dinner.We are now making plans for a fall show and hope it will be equally as successful.Poms recently finished by club members are ROBINHOODS CHULA DARK FLAME, and GADS FROSTIS LOVE O DRAGONFLY, owned by Norma C. Gad POM SHADOWS WING DING DANDY, and POM SHADOWS HAPPINESS IS, owned by Peggy J. Bush Luara L. James.REMINDERWe received 3 different ads intended for the Center Spread, this time, and another 3 for the Inside Front Cover. Both spaces had already been reserved so, of course, four advertisers were disappointed. These choice spots are available BY RESERVATION ONLY, although no prepayment is required. As we go to press, inside front cover and Center Spread are available for October.NOTICEWe hope to get back on schedule with the October issue, so even though this issue is so late, we will stick to our usual August 20 deadline for October material. Anything coming in AFTER the deadline will be used at our discretion that is, convenience. Otherwise, will be held for January. If you are waiting for a picture or have a last-minute Big Win, contact the Editor by phone for permission for late arrival. DO NOT mail anything Special Delivery or by Certified Mail as it has become increasingly difficult for the Editor to get to the Post Office.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17IN MEMORY OFTRIXIECH. SOUTHLAND DIXIE QUEENOUR FIRST CHAMPIONSHORTLINE POMERANIANSTony Betty Short 2850 E. Douglas515-266-8995 Des Moines, Iowa 50317BEST WISHES and CONTINUED SUCCESStoDick and Sally Baugniet of Pomirish Kennels18 POMERANIAN REVIEWOUR FEBRUARY 1977 SPECIALTYThis information was received fromShow Chairman Thomas E. Daniels.Our February Specialty will be on Sunday, February 13, 1977 and as usual will take place the day before the Westminster Show. We have changed the location to Loews - Summit Hotel, at 51st and Lexington Avenue, New York City. We were forced to make a change because the Statler Hilton no longer wishes to host the various Specialty Shows which have been located there, and in accordance raised their fees to a totally exhorbitant and impossible level.We feel the new location will actually work out to our advantage as the ballroom where we will hold the show is spacious, and rentals for that and the bedrooms are more reasonable.The date and location has been approved by AKC and the Specialty Judge Mr. Joseph Faigel has also been approved. We are awaiting a decision on our Sweepstakes Judge and will let you know in October who it will be.As most of you know, our 1976 entry was by far the largest since the Independent Specialty was reinstituted in 1960. We ran the show ourselves and managed to actually make a PROFIT, instead of going deeply in the hole. Enthusiasm ran high and carried right through the entire day of judging and the Annual Meeting and the Dinner afterwards. We hope to crown success with GREATER SUCCESS and our goals are high in all facets of the undertaking.We list the names and addresses of all Committee Members below for your informationShow Chairman Thomas E. Daniels, 72 Davis Road, Southwick, Ma. 01077Show Secretary H. William Pottebaum, 72 Davis Road, Southwick, Ma. 01077Trophies Dr. Pat Scelso and Mr. Michael Meyer, 194 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231Advertising Mrs. Jessie Young and Ms. Barbara Young, Loudon Ridge Road, Loudon, N.H. 03301 Dinner Chairman Mr. Sam L. Zaneoff, 10 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 Trophy and Advertising pledges are enclosed with this issue of the Review. No others will be mailed. This is vital to save postal expenses. Please remove these and send them in just as soon as possible. If you cannot send yours in right away, be sure to put them where they will not be lostOUR SPECIALTY WILL BE DEDICATED TO THE MEMORY OF MARY F. CASEY Z. 1ACh. Sun-Dot's Ramboling Man is shown winning Best of Breed at the San Diego Pomeranian Clubs Specialty Show on May 15, 1976 under Judge Mrs. Kay Finch, at the Cabrillo K.C. event. Ramblor was handled by John Thyssen. Photo by Joan Smith.LATE NEWS FLASHCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man has chalked up two moreBEST IN SHOWSReno, Nevada on May 30th Long Beach K.C. on June 27thPOMERANIAN REVIEW 193n JflemoriamWe announce with deep regret the death ofCommander David George Cowie, U.S. Coast Guard Retired on March 13, 1976The Review Staff joins the Officers and Board and the entire membership in sending deepest sympathy to Mrs. Anna E. Cowie and daughters Nancy and Joan.EMCEES POMERANIANS Wantedwishes to congratulate We are looking for a male Pom,our friend, Bob Goodrich,BONNER background, for breeding purposes.on his newest champion.He will be shown if suitable,Models Fun Bug although serious consideration would be given to an older dog.Sire Ch. Models Son of Fun He would be kept as a house pet.Dam Ch. Models Lady BugMIDAS POMERANIANSMorris Betty Carson Jon Roberta Massey6208 Pochins Pathway 7801 Sugar loaf TrailAshland, Virginia 23005 Minneapolis, Minn. 55444804-798-7882 Phone 612-566-821420 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO POMIRISH KENNELS With Dick and Sally Baugniet and Boys in Mishicot, WisconsinWe finally have a day off from dog shows and teaching and gift shop business. What a horrible thought congratulations on a Kennel Visit and no one homeI loved dogs so much that I got one from my husband for a wedding present. When Fritz our Dachshund died, we bought a Pom, then bought two more, because I decided to raise them. After studying the A.K.C. standard for Poms, we gave two of them to good homes and decided that if we were going to raise Poms, we would raise the best ones we could.w 4Jjj 4 1.. uThe Baugniets house and front yard with new kennel beside it, on left.A puppy bitch, bred by Edna Girardot, was purchased from Varneys.My self-education program began I read all I could on the standard, grooming, handling, dog shows, etc.When Bubbles was six months two days old, she went in her first show. Each show was an education for me. I watched what others did and asked lots of questions, and made lots of mistakes.Fourteen months later my first Champion finished completely owner handled.We had purchased a nice brood bitch with a beautiful pedigree from Edna, a puppy dog and a bitch from RandyFreeh and a puppy dog from Sheila Marion. From this stock, we now have seven Champions, Bubbles now has her C.D. also, four others are pointed and some nice looking puppies are running under our feet.Cream Puff now pointed at 2 mo. of age.irCream Puffs litter sister, Bear N S. These two pups are from a repeat breeding of Donna Smoky. The previous litter produced 2 champions.Dick and I have four boys ages 15-20. Bob is the oldest. When he is not working as a cook at Fox Hills Inn and Country Club or not away to school at Stout University in Menomonie, Wisconsin, he helps with the dogs. He showed a Pom while I showed Bubbles and showed his first Irish Setters in an AprilPOMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELSIrish Setter PupsmiSV'.J- . IM 4 , i 1 j-vNorwich Terrier PupsPomirish Finally A Manshown at 8 monthshalf-brother to Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiCongratulations to Nadine Hersils BEST IN SHOW winner Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan and another Group 1st at Winnegamie K.C.We have some of DINADANS sons for sale, ex. Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Also son of Ch. Bubbles C.D. and Ch. Sport other Champion bitches bred to Champions.Dick and I will always remember the Caseys N.Y. hospitality. Condolences to Casey Marys loss will be felt in the Pom World.Dick Sally Baugniet Phone 414-755-2994Route 1, Box 99 Mishicot, WI. 5422812 POMERANIAN REVIEWHatch. Rick, Jr. 18, Chris 17, and. Hike 15, all help feed the dogs and nan the shovel and hose.Dick spends most of his time seeing that the mink ranch runs smoothly. When breeding, whelping and pelting time comes, he doesnt have time for building and fixing things for me, but in some of his not-so-spare time he sees that the dogs are taken care of and the house stays in an upright position when I am teaching or at dog shows.Dick had the new kennel built and made all of the outside rims and inside pens himself. There are twelve pens which can house 2 dogs each and two large Pens which can accommodate older puppies or an Irish Setter in the new kennel. The older kennel has five Pom pens and an Irish Setter pen. The Irish are usually in their kennel below the hill, where Dick fenced in a large running area.pressure hosed down for convenient cleaning.The kennel was made with electric mats in the cement floor of the inside pens. These are on a thermostat which is regulated to keep the cement in the pens a luke-warm temperature. An electric wall heater keeps the kennel between 55-65 degrees F. in the winter.- - -LTwo Norwich Terriers Ch. Sugar and Ch. Alice."v.Here is the newly completed Pom kennel.The Poms and Norwich Terriers are in the new kennel which has a storage room, a two section sink with draining room on each side, a small hot water heater, refrigerator, two trophy cases and lots of cupboard space where grooming, food supplements, medicinal and whelping supplies, etc. are kept.There is a drain in the middle of the floor. All pens can be taken apart so the whole floor can be scrubbed andThe dogs can go in or out at will through plastic swinging doors with metal pieces at the bottom edge and magnets in base of the opening.The kennel is built under some large Maple and Box Elder trees which keep the Poms cool in summer. All windows and doors have screens on them and the brisk west winds provide plenty of ventilations as they whisk over the golf course and up the hill to our Pom Paradise.My interest in animals and genetics causes me to spend hours studying pedigrees. I have many breedings planned on paper via a pedigree. Some never come to be, but the results of those that did come to be are fun to observe as the little balls of puff develop and become what they are some champions, some breeders, some pets.Many thanks go to the people who have helped me and have become my friends in the wonderful world of Poms especially Nadine Hersil, Edna Girar- dot and Randy Freeh.POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.congratulates Sally and Dick Baugniet and their POMIRISH POMS on their Kennel Visit.Also CONGRATULATIONS to Nadine Hersil and her CH. D-NEES DARIN DINADAN on going BEST IN SHOW atMason City, Iowa on April 10, 1976We would like to encourage everyone to participate in the Summer Specialty at Des Moines. Lets support them with entries and attendance.I POMERANIAN REVIEWThanks to the good Lord for giving me family who trys to understand what lakes me tick and puts up with me, the Dg shows and all of my furry friends.This may be a dream, but there is a ttle pup running around out there .ght now out of my very first Champion Bubbles C.D., sired by my second hampion Sport. I call him my Best i Show dog. Even Nadine calls him rat. Time will tellA,Sally with Lickrish, Candy and their dam, Ch. Miss Lick.KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will be to the Chula Kennels of Norma C. Gad in El Paso, Texas. Time is short, due to our late issue in July, but we know all Texas Pom breeders and owners will want to support this upcoming visit and also let us know about their own gorgeous PomsSUPPORT YOUR AREA COLUMNISTSOur faithful area columnists whose columns are headed by their photos are constantly complaining about lack of news. Dont you like to see YOUR name in print Send in your show news, problems, better way of doing things, etc.SECRETARY ContinuedOn behalf of the Board and Members of the APC, we welcome the following new members. Please add to your Members ListingChristine Cullen 98 Park Street Truro, Nova Scotia B2N-3J3 Sponsored by Francis Mary CaseySylvia Goldman 55 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, N.Y. 11226 Sponsored by Dr. Pat Scelso Michael MeyerShirley Ann Hoffman 4840 San Pablo Dam Road Richmond, California CA 94803 Sponsored by Mrs. Ruth Dotson Dudley RoachJodi Hudspeth 270 Hilderbrand Avenue Atlanta, Georgia GA 30328 Sponsored by Marlene Scott Mrs. Randall FreehAlicia L. Kvamme 2706 152nd St., E.Tacoma, Washington WA 98445 Sponsored by Nora Higbee Mrs. Helen KrafcikMorian Morrill 40 Dunham StreetBrockton, Massachusetts MA 02402 Sponsored by Mrs. Janet Boda Thelma DunnBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Road Pasadena, Maryland MD 21122 Sponsored by Goldie Mandley Thelma DunnThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. welcomes any comments from Pom Clubs or APC membership re any issues brought before the Board.POMERANIAN REVIEWDanny Goes ALL The Wayss aBE5TU^H0VCh. D-Nees Darin DinadanThanks ........................My Poppa Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat My Momma Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler Judge Gus Wolf, for my Group 1st at Mason City, Iowa AndJudge Derek Rayne for my BEST IN SHOWAlso.........................All the Poms here at D-Nees, wish to congratulate Sally and Dick Baugmiet of Pomirish Kennels on their kennel visit.See you in Des MoinesNadine Hersil AKC HandlerD-Nees Poms3128 E. Luzerne Ave. Cudahy, Wi 53110 Phone 414-481-555626 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHANKS THANKSto my many friends remembering my birthday was in April, and for those lovely cards and good wishes. Getting old isnt so bad after all. The month found me up in Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, and Pennsylvania for some shows, seeing many old friends, for remember, I have been showing since the year 1929, and Poms since 1959.CONGRATULATIONS AND BEST WISHES to Pomirish Kennels of Dick and Sally BaugnietSTUD SERVICEMany champions of Cavilier, Hadleigh breedings, and others.State your needs.SHOW BREEDING LOVING PETSEdna E. Girardot Phone 904-726-2001Scotia Kennels, Reg.P.O. Box 646 Floral City, Fla. 32636POMERANIAN REVIEW 27POMIRISH KENNELSJUST PASSED UP A CHANCE TO GET A MINI-MOTOR HOME FOR THISWe just purchased the stock from Ken Griffith of Lenette Pomeranians Kannapolis, N.C.All are GREAT ELMS line except one.One is an "Again daughter. Two are Image and two are Buddy daughters.We also have CH. SISSY OF LENETTE Sire Image and CH. GREAT ELMS BUDDY OF LENNETTE Sire Image ex Great Elms line-bred daughter 4 lb. red male. Buddy has sired some beautiful puppiesincludingLendy of Lenette, a pointed 8 month old daughter.Ch. Buddy is available for stud along with Ch. Sport Corns DukeCh. Spunky Scotia-Hadleigh and Smoky Moreno-Hadleigh Both Sport and Smoky have produced pointed and Champion girls.MaIes whelped 5-21-76 offeredCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular ex Ch. Pomirish Winnie the PoohDick and Sally Baugniet Ph. 414-755-2994Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, WI. 5422828 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSBY MARGARET M. GORMAN 31134 East Wind Fraser, Mich. 48026A knee-high nylon stocking put over the head of a difficult bitch will prevent bites to you and your stud dog, according to Cindy Keller of Wyoming, Michigan. Because of the nylons consistency, the bitch is able to breathe without difficulty, but she cannot easily pull the stocking off, if it is brought behind her ears. We tried this hint ourselves recently and found that it worked very well.Pat DeLoughary of Westland, Michigan suggests giving a few drops of sugar water to Poms before going to the show to prevent a hypoglycemic attack brought on by the stress of showing.We use the moist liver flavored cat food as show bait. The dogs love it, and it's convenient to use.The kitchen is an excellent place to socialize puppies. Puppies which are used to hearing running water, clattering dishes and banging cupboard doors exhibit little fear at unusual sounds at a dog show. Lead training should include walking over various surfaces, cement, grass, carpet, tile and wood floors. A puppy that gaits flawlessly over these surfaces will not be surprised by anything he finds at the dog shows.Feeding a hard meal to puppies will help loosen the baby teeth, according to some breeders, who feel that a too soft diet contributes to retention of baby teeth and faulty bite.Chlorophyll tablets given a bitch in season will prevent anxiety among the kennel studs by masking odor. The tablets do not interfere with breeding.Do you have a hint that will make taking care of our Poms easier Please share it with us. Ill be waiting to hear from you.EDITORIALAt the May Board Meeting, as most readers know, the majority of the Board reaffirmed their belief in a Free Press and voted to ask your Editor to reconsider her resignation and continue with the Review. We are glad our Board has gone on record as backing the right of every reader to express his or her personal opinion, even though it may differ from that of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. as represented by the Board. This was certainly a factor in the decision to reconsider, but the one thing that above all made it almost impossible NOT to continue was the tremendous number of letters and messages, both to the Board and to Yips Yaps, supporting the principle of a Free Press and backing the right of the Editor ANY Editor to express a personal opinion in print.The Board wishes to make perfectly plain to all that a motion was never made to censor the contents of the Review, and no official action was taken on this, although discussion did take place along these lines.I feel sure readers will understand why none of those wonderful, supporting letters are printed in Yips Yaps. The past is over and done with, we hope, and we should all turn our head forward to our September Specialty in Iowa, to our February Specialty in New York and to all activities benefitting our breed and Club.OUR MISTAKEJackie Klein asks us to say -that she did NOT give Chip" the Champion title prematurely in her April ad on page 17, it was added by one of us in typing up the copy. At this date, he has finished and is now entitled to be called Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Chip.SEND IN YOUR TROPHY PLEDGE TO-DAYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 29Congratulations toSally and Dick Baugniet and their POMIRISH KENNELS on their Kennel Visit.Also toNadine Hersil and her Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan on his BIS at Mason Cityand toElinor Lucius Luccas and their Luells Kukla Boy of Dukeon his major at Davenport handled by Nadine Hersil.We are expecting Duke, Showstopper and Timstopper litters in August.Thanks to Marge Gorman for our new chocolate girl Nolans Boulder River Mocha Mist and to Pat Clark for our new black Victoria Ebony. We also have a new homebred white c cream .Chris Odette Nolan 312-623-604041 Wisconsin Ave. Waukegan, 111. 60085BOULDER RIVER POMERANIANSBlack colorbred litter due in June,Sired by Boulder River Basic Black Out of Boulder River Dark N DustyBlack and chocolate puppies expected later this summer. All our chocolates have the correct dark chocolate pigment.At StudBoulder River Basic Black, 414 lbs., heavy bone, siring typey puppies.Boulder River Poco A Poco, 314 lbs., dark red-sable, very typey, Poco carries the chocolate gene. A good choice for color-breeding, and type improvement.Inquiries InvitedJ. L. and M. M. Gorman 31134 East Wind Fraser, Mich. 48026Phone 1-313-294-392730 POMERANIAN REVIEWRANDYS TOPPER RED ROBINOur latest WinnerShown winning BOB from the classes over beautiful specials. Under Judge Miss Iris Bueno and A Group 4, under Judge Heywood Hartley.Robin is a deep orange with good coat and sound movement. We hope to finish him in the near future.Congratulations to Dick and Sally Baugniet on their Kennel Visit. May you have continued success in breeding and showing your lovely Poms.Owner Handled Route 2, Booth RoadPaul Randy Freeh Kennesaw, Georgia 30144POMERANIAN REVIEW 31CH. RANDYS JOLLY WEE PEPPI. ,-i rPeppisends congratulations to his beautiful winning childrenCh. Wheelers Bon Peppis Butercup on her many BOBs, group wins and BIS, owned by Jodi Hudspeth of Atlanta, Georgia.Ch. M Coys Precious Kristine on her big wins at both the summer and New York Specialties and Westminster. We are expecting great things from this lovely bitch. Kristine is owned by Vickie McCoy and J. Coy of Louisville, Kentucky.Honeycrest Moonraker a lovely pointed cream male that will finish his championship in the near future.Honeycrest Rutn Tutn Rasberi a beautiful little orange male. Rudy had gone BOB over special and on to group placements from the puppy class. This little fellow is almost finished. Both Moonraker and Rudy are owned by Jodi Hudspeth of Atlanta, Georgia.Honeycrest Foxfire lovely deep orange bitch that is very near championship. Foxfire is owned by Jo Anne Jones of Dublin, Georgia.Look for our own Peppi offspring in the ring soon especiallythe KillerPaul Randy FreehRt. 2, Booth Road Kennesaw, Georgia 3014432 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB INC.ERIN HUNDLEY 2813 176th S.W.Lynnwood, WA 98036The Puget Sound Pomeranian Clubs B-OB match held last March 13 at Totem Lake Shopping Center, Kirkland, Wash, was a great success, thanks to a lot of hard working committee members headed by Chairman Bernard Niehouse. We thank the exhibitors and our capable judges, Shirley Landa, Conformation and Valerie Robbins, Obedience. In spite of a brisk wind, all the poms looked good, Shirley Landa gave Best in Match to Alicia Kvammes Cedar Glens Point Blank and best puppy to Harbinss Indestructible Jim owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin and shown by Sylvia. Best Opposite Sex went to So Hi Gala Jubilee shown by owner Bernard Niehouse.Robbie Higbee of the Higbee Bunch put his Andrews Sensational Vickie through her paces for Judge Valerie Robbins and earned the Trophy for highest scoring Pomeranian with 188^ points.Trophys for Best in Match, Best Puppy, Open Bitch, Open Dog and Best of Opposite Sex were lovely silver candy and butter serving pieces donated by Marianne Melville. All other trophys, donated by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews, were wood base Winged Victorys.After the match we all enjoyed dinner at the local Pizza Parlor. Ralph Harbin and Robbie Higbee topped off the celebration with Super Sundaes at Baskin Robbins Ice Cream Parlor. I dont know where they put them after all that good dinner.Our match chairman, Bernard Niehouse does other jobs well. Virginia gets to all the meetings because Bernard is a willing chauffeur. He has served as club Treasurer in 1974 1975 and has been showing their own So His Gala Jubilee Mollie at many local shows and matches.We had a wedding in March on Wed., March 17. Darlene Pugh married WilliamMacCune at St. Philomeans Catholic Church. It was a beautiful ceremony attended by many club members. The reception followed at the home of the bride. Mac has applied for membership in our club and has volunteered his services as club Historian.Florence Ryals is a proud owner these days. The beautiful Ch Skylark Cinnamon Banner, she bought from Shirley Hoffman recently returned from a three day weekend in Victoria, B.C. Three Dog shows sponsored by the Shoreline Kennel Club, 3Best of Breed, 2 Group Seconds on the 26th and 28th of March and Group 4th on the 28th. This gives him 9 points and almost his Canadian Championship. Congratulations to Florence, Shirley and Jean Schroll who handles him.Irene Harbins Scotia Madonna of Harbin was Winners Female on one day of the same weekend.The Andrews are pleased also these days. Andrews Pics Jimbo was winners dog at Kitsap County KC. He went on to take Reserve at Spokane and Palouse Hills, Winners Dog and Best of Winners at Richland and Yakima. This matches the record set one year ago by his uncle Ch. Jambos Ringo Kid of Andrews CD.Erma White in Alaska took home honors in March also. Shannon Melad placed second in Puppy Class and Andrews Pics Jimson placed first in American Bred Class. Name of show not reported.Correction I goofed in last issue. I said Alicia Kvamme was a charter member of our club. The Kvammes did not join until several months after we organized.COVERThe October Cover has been sold. January Cover is available. Send 55.00 to the Editor to reserve it.POMERANIAN REVIEW 33JODA EPHIBUSBEST OF YAKKERS BShown winning first major under Mr. Raphael Schulte Handled by Dorthy LohmannI have been unable to attend many shows this spring so Dorthy is showing Mouse for me and doing a beautiful job. At deadline date he now has both majors with 13 points total.Congratulations and Best Wishes toSally BaugnietJoda Kennel Route 1Mrs. Joyce Ohrtman Bouton, la. 50039Phone 515-676-2316REPRODUCTION OF PICTURESOur engraver can make a BETTER CUT by reducing size from a 5x7 or 8x10 show picture than if you send us a wallet size copy. If a larger picture is available, send it. Small copies, snapshots, Polaroid prints CAN ALL BE USED, but you may be disappointed by the results.COMING IN OCTOBERReport on the Michigan Pom Club and Bay Colony Specialties. An original crossword puzzle by Audrey Humphrey. More advance news of our February, 1977 Specialty in New York.SEE YOU IN DES MOINES34 POMERANIAN REVIEWICERAMA POMERANIANSZ2S-It Ch. Iceramas Mi-Lo Mischief ChadChad finished in a few shows, completing his championship as a puppy. This little guy is a pleasure to own and has made me extremely proud.A.P.C. Specialty, N.Y.C......................................................................... 5 pts.Onodagra K.C......................................................................................... 3 pts.Trenton K.C............................................................................................ 5 pts.Carrol K.C............................................................................................... 3 pts.BOS in Puppy Sweepstakes at New York Specialty under Mrs. Olga BakerChad is handled as always by Sharon Griffin Dwier.Watch for Chad and Sharon in the ring.Chads is now co-owned by Daniel Dwier of Lakeside Kennels 609-424-1768Stud ServiceNew AddressSkip Piazza 123 Stonecliff Dr. Rochester, N.Y. 14616 716-621-3867Puppies OccasionallyCo-Owner Daniel DwierLakeside Kennels Rt. 73, Marlton P. O. Kresson, N.J. 08053POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS PRESENTSi'4kaimBEST OF WINNERS MATTAPONl K.C197615MAYCh. Lenniss Tar-Resia PerfectionCh. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms X lenniss Cavilier TangleShown going Best of Winners at Mattaponi Kennel Club. Many thanks to Judge Janies G. Reynolds.A special thanks to Judge Virginia E. Sivori for giving Tar-Resia her 5 pt. Major the first time she was shown.Our sincere appreciation to Lennis Rhodes for allowing us to have Tar-Resia, and to Marlene Scott, Tar-Resias most capable handler.Thanks to Judge Thomas Gannon at the Upper Potomac Valley Kennel Club for giving Lenniss Tar-Resia Perfection her second major which completes her Championship subject to AKC approval.Morris and Betty Carson 804-798-78826208 Poehins Pathway Ashland, Virginia 2300536 POMERANIAN REVIEWGORKINS POMERANIANSAT STUDGorrins Dusty Shadow 4 lb. Black TanGorrins White Nifty 4 lb. WhiteGorrins Chaco of Great Elms 5 lb. ChocolateGorrins Little Squeek Box 2V2 lb. CreamCh. Purtee Skoshi Tom Tom 4 lb. SableGorrins Im A Danny Too 4 lb. OrangeReady for stud in early winterGorrins Chocolate Yum Yum 4 lb. ChocolateBreeding For Quality And Color Puppies AvailableFern Gorrin Bellflower, California14744 Cabell Ph. 213-867-8654GALEN POMSHAVE MOVED TOMadeline Salzmann Raymond119 Cathy Court Jackson, New Jersey 08527201-928-1574-r. i\s Ch. Galens Geisha Girl Sire Ch. Artlyn little Prophet Dam Galens little lisaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 37LLL POMERANIANSProudly announces the purchase ofCH. FANCY GOLD DANCER OF OAKRIDGE SkeeterBest In Show Specialty WinnerIntroductory Fee 100 to approved bitches.Our 3 Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Babbie daughtersCh. LLL Lil Gold Sunshine Subj. AKCDam LLL Happy Go Lucky TammyLLL Lil Gold Moonshine nearly finished Dam LLL Happy Tanya granddaughter of TammyLLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Sunshines litter sister proven free whelper Bred to Skeeter.Watch LLL Happy Lil Bit of Honey B with Rena Martin.Male and Female show and breeding prospect pups.All inquiries answered with evaluations of pups.Janice Luginsland R.R. 1, Americus, Kansas Ph. 316-884-5157FLASHLUELLS POMERANIANS Proudly Presents Our Newest Home-Bred Champion CH. LUELLS KUKLA BOY OF DUKELucius Elinor LuccasRt. 5, Box 395Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 Ph 414-537-2681Shown to Championship hy Nadine Hersil in following showsFLASH FLASH19i5-9-76 Tri County Kennel Club, Marianne Grybinski ______________ WD BOW 5 pts.5-15-76 Oshkosh Kennel Club, Katherine Gably___________________ .WD 3 pts.5-16-76 Winnegamie Kennel Club, Ed Bracy .............................................WD BOW 4 pts.5-23-76 Illinois Capitol Kennel Club, Jane Kay____________________ .WD 2 pts.5-30-76 Stone City Kennel Club, Martha Ablett____________________ WD BOW 3 pts.38 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SALLY BAUGNIET, Corresponding Secty.Rf. 1, Box 99, Mishicot, Wl. 54228We are having a sanctioned A match on June 12. Our second Annual Awards Banquet will be held after the match. Since the deadline for this issue is May 20, I will give you the results in the next issue.A fantastic accomplishment happened to one of the members in our small club.Nadine Hersils Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan did what we all dream of doing Danny took Best In Show at Mason City, K.C., Iowa under Judge Derek Rayne.Danny also took Gp. 1st at Winne- gamie K.C., Appleton, WI. He took his first Gp. 1st exactly one year ago at the same show under a different judge.Danny is owner bred and handled. Nadine well deserves the A.K.C. Professional Handlers License granted to her. She is doing a beautiful job in showing her and others Poms And Shes OursCLUB REPORTSWe hope for quarterly reports from ALL regional Pom Clubs, whether AKC recognized or not, and will devote as much space as requested to reports of regional specialties, with BOB cut FREE if sent in. Note that in this issue we have a report from the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty, but we wish we also had reports from the San Diego Pom Club Specialty which took place in May and the Western Pom Club Specialty which took place in March.DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER AUGUST 20PLEASE MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO THEAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.NOTICE The Kenosha County Pomeranian Club has asked that I inform the readers of the Pomeranian Review of the fact that a former member of K.C.P.C. is selling show quality puppies whose ear leather has apparently been trimmed as very small puppies so as to make the ears smaller than they were bom with.This is in direct violation of A.K.C. rules on altering the natural appearance of the dog.One of these puppies was entered at our A Match by an unsuspecting buyer and the puppy was disqualified by the judge. A complete report of this match will be given in the October issue.We have Veterinarians written proof of this having been done to three puppies from this breeder. There may be more we do not know about.There are other violations pending.This breeder is not a member of A.P.C., but is advertising in the Pomeranian Review.Sally Baugniet Corresponding Secretary K.C.P.C.DELEGATE Continueding. If you have any problems with this, please let me know.I cannot let this column pass without mention of Mary Casey. Marys help, direction and friendship will be very much missed by myself and others. At this point in time, I cant seem to make the words say what I feel. But to those of you who knew her, enough said . . . to those of you who did not know Mary, you missed a real person and a true lover of Pomeranians.PICTURESWhenever possible, order a black and white copy of your show picture. It is not expensive and will reproduce better than the color picture.POMERANIAN REVIEW 39MANIESS POMERANIANS"Twinkle, handled by Betty Evans, is shown winning 3 points at Shreveport, Texas 61676under Judge Dorothy Nickles.B.O.S. Yuba City, California 10-11-75 Judge Gus R. WolfBW and B.O.S. Shreveport, Texas 3-16-76 Judge Dorothy Nickles BW and B.O.S. San Fernando, Ca. 4-11-76 B.O.S. Intermountain, Utah 5-16-76Maniess Twinkle ToesCh. Holders A Lil Red Flashs granddaughter. Twinkle is a proven free whelper, now on the sidelines, but she will he hack this fall.Maniess Micro MiteWe are offering for sale4 lb. Black Tan female born 12-2-755 lb. Black Tan male bom August 75 3V2 lb. Black Tan male also born August, 75 he has two winners dog ribbons at 10 months.Oranges and Reds for pets.Snapshots and pedigrees on request.CH. TINKLERS LIL PLAY BOY AT STUD-FEE 75.00Elma Manies 1375 Old Alturas Road916-241-8756 Redding, Ca. 9600140 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE DENVER-METRO POMERANIAN CLUBBy DAN MERCER Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, Ne. 69122We had a nice turnout for our spring fun match in Denver. It was a beautiful spring day and everyone was glad as it has been a long winter this year. By the time this is published the Colorado Centennial Canine Circuit will be history. We are looking forward so much to this event as well as being able to meet the many people who have written that they plan to attend.Mona Caldwell of Estes Park, Colorado was voted unanimously to serve on the Board of Directors. After the meeting and lunch we started the match. Matches are always fun as we all bring out our promising puppies and give them a turn in the ring. Most of us start them at 8 weeks. Our little 3 month old male puppy, Mercers Dash ODuke was best male puppy. Pat Clarks Patri-Arks Singin Travalette was best puppy and Clara Wieses Buddy again was best in match with Mona Caldwells Sundots Yuletime Angel going open bitch. Both Buddy and Angel are pointed now. Angel needs but a major to finish Buddy is just starting his show career with a 4 pt. major two pts. so far.It has been a very busy spring at our house. We have a new bom in April, Nathan Daniel, he is welcomed by his two big sisters Holly and Danelle. Plus we have had our usual spring crop of puppies before after the big event. Speaking of whelping puppies I recently found out a new procedure of delivering breech puppies handed down to me by our very good friend Millie Reese in Denver. It worked so well for us thought I would pass it on. Before a bitch whelps I can usually tell if it will be a breech or not by gently feeling for the puppys head. When she is ready for delivery and you can see the back feet, immediately getthe bitch on a table. If two people are present it is best as one can hold the bitch on her feet and the other person is able to deliver the puppy. Now after you get a good hold on those back feet dont let go of them with a non-slippery cloth pull until you get the tail out then take another dry cloth and pinch the skin just above the tail base get a good hold pull down. If you can come all the way out do so. If not, the next step is to grasp with both hands on each side of the rib cage pinching the skin again with cloths pull all the way out. The puppy will just pop out and you will not injure the puppy by pulling with the skin. I feel I have killed many puppies by pulling too hard and snapped the spine as you must get them out fast or they die anyway. By pulling with the skin you are less apt to injure them and somehow they come easier and also you dont squeeze the life out of them. If you are by yourself you can still do it with one hand. You have to pinch the skin on the back and pull instead of the side as you need the other hand to hold the bitch.Also as this is the stud issue, I would like to touch on another subject. This is when you are planning on sending out a bitch for service. Be sure to check her daily to see the exact day she starts her season. We have had several bitches sent for service this year that the owners didnt know for sure when she started. This really puts the stud owner in a bad position as we try everything possible to insure the person of getting puppies and sometimes this means giving four breedings to make sure we caught her and this is unnecessary. I know a lot depends on your stud but ours seems to be overly aggressive and will breed the first day if you will hold the bitch. Most of the bitches sent for service will fight the dog anyway so you really cant tell for sure on her actions either. So check your bitches regularly and this way you will know for sure. It could mean the difference between a miss and a hit. This of Continued on Page 88POMERANIAN REVIEW 41JERIBETH'S POMERANIANSTop Winning Bloodlines Stud ServiceOur stud force of Duke sons now available to serve your needs for your females girls received at Houston Intercontinental Airport.fa Jo-Arts Put Up Your Dukes 4 lb. son of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. Lovely pedigree, proven stud. Fee 75.00. Light orange, good pigment.fa Winemakers My-Fly of Tim-Sue 4J2 lb. orange sable son of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. Proven. Deep concentration of Duke bloodlines. Fee 50.00.These two young men are the last two sons sired by Duke we are very pleased to have them with us.Olga Darrell Baker 207 Shirleen713-334-2250 Seabrook, Texas 77586FLASH FLASHCH. FARSIDE VICTORIAhas joined the breeding program at the PLA-MOR POMERANIAN KENNELS.Thanks to Dorothy Lohmann from Iowa Lhasa Apso breeder for letting me have Vicki.Picture will be in the next issue.PLA-MOR POMERANIANSRt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, Alabama 3521542 POMERANIAN REVIEWGADS CHULA POMERANIANSHome of Future Champions1mmmiSfo ,.VCh. Queenaire Gamboling Manis Proud of His son Ch. Sundots Ramboling Man BOB at the 1976 New York Specialty BOB and Group II at the Gardenand his Granddaughter Queenaire Foxey LadyWinner New York Specialty, Puppy Sweepstakes BW, BOS for 5 pts. at Santa ClaraFor Carrying on His Winning WaysGambler is the 3 lb. Big Daddy at Chula, retired at 5 yrs. of age, and the Benevolent Boss of all he surveys. He rules with a velvet Touch and a heart full of love.At stud to approved Bitches Pedigree in the Stud RegisterMrs. Norma C. Gad El Paso, Tex. 799325908 Westside Road Phone 915-584-0942POMERANIAN REVIEW 43GADS CHULA POMSHome of Future Champions is proud to announce Two More Championsm _imCinder finished with 4 Major wins on the Tough Texas Circuit. Our thanks toMr. Frank E. Oberrstar ______________ 3 pts.Mrs. Maxine Beam ................................. 4 pts.Mrs. Dorothy Nicols _______________ 3 pts.Mr. Louis J. Muir__________________ 4 pts.Mrs. Robert F. Tranchin_____________ 2 pts.Cinder is Verna Hoods Good BreedingCh. Robinhood Chula Dark FlameLove finished less than 3 weeks after Cinder taking her Majors back to back, in one weekend.Mrs. Wilma HunterBOB ___________ 3 pts.Mr. Frank Hayes BurchWB ________ 3 pts.Finished the following weekend and Thanks toMrs. Erica Huggins and Mr. Burch for her minor wins. She is home bred, a full younger sister to Ch. Doll. Love finished with 3 BOB wins JCh. Gads Frostis Love O DragonflyBoth of these Pom-chillun were presented faultlessly, by our Good Friend and fellow Pom breeder, Mr. Bill Kennedy, of Dallas, Texas.Next into the ring, this fall will beGads Chula Ima Little Duke already proven and producing gorgeous puppies.Gads Chula Ima Lil Doll-Mist has 2 RWBs on Majors one 4 pt one 5 pt. Gleaned while training.Litter-Mates, from Ch. Doll and Ch. Mister, they are 3-way, 3rd generation line breeding on Duke. Watch for them they are lovelyMrs. Norman C. Gad El Paso, Texas 799325908 Westside Road Phone 915-584-094244 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONbyJEANNE KERTH GRIBBEN 11 059 Timberline Rd.Houston, Texas 77043Club HappeningsThe Purebred Dog Association recently- sponsored a Breeders Showcase, held at the Coliseum here in Houston. Fifty breeds were represented and the public was invited. The proceeds were sent to the S.P.C.A. Our club had a very nice booth set up replete with pictures of local Pomeranians both stylish formal shots and cunning candid ones, a table bedecked in velvet, a lovely floral center- piece, representative trophies, informative brochures published by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., congenial club members to greet and chat with the interested visitors and last, but by far the most important ones in our showcase, the Pomeranians themselves We had eight lovelys on hand all the way from Champion Dragonfllys Happy Talk to Myways Cookie Monster, five colors represented.Parades of the various breeds were held and also a parade of champions. Obedience exhibitions were well received and conformation practice and criticisms were offered with replay on television.It was apparent that the Breeders Showcase was enjoyed by exhibitors and visitors alike from all the Ohs and Ahs and general applause.We have had some very excellent programs of late, thanks to our program chairman, Betty Anderson. Linda. Miller gave a grooming demonstration and included a good general health program for the Pom which was appreciated by old hands and novices alike.A movie made by Mrs. Dorothy Bonner of Aristic and Bonner dogs of the past was quite a highlight of a recent meeting. Once was not enough for the eager crowd and so they happily had a second viewing and savored every moment. What a delight to see so many fine dogsordinarily seen in name only on pedigrees. Many thanks to Mrs. Bonner for filming them and to Karen Holder for getting them to us.Show TalkThis is a delight We have ever so many nice wins to report this time. All the folks in the club are getting those cuties out into the limelight of the ring where they obviously belong when the wins are reviewed.Leo Lee owned by Florence Lawyer and handled by Gary Deorge went Best of Winners for three points in Lafayette, Louisiana and then took Best of Breed over a nice group of Specials. Congratulations to all.Betty Anderson, owner of Dukes Wee Luck O the Irish was so pleased when this little fellow took Winners Dog in Beaumont, Texas for two points out of the puppy class. Thats wonderfulRobinhoods Replica Replay owned by Norma ORourke stepped out at Lake Charles, Lousiana and earned Winners Dog for two points. ExcitingMyway Troublemaker owned and handled by Molly Miller went Winners Bitch in Austin, Texas for two points, Winners Bitch and Best of Winners in Lake Charles, Louisiana for two points, Winners Bitch and Best of Winners in Beaumont for two points, Also taking Best of Breed at both Lake Charles and Beaumont. Now, Thats very nice.Myway P.R. Trae owned by Karen Holder and handled by Molly Miller went Winners Dog and Best of Winners for three points in San Antonio, Texas this spring. Really good to hearJo-Arts Put Up Your Dukes eo-owned by Art Davison and Olga Baker stepped out in Corpus Christi, Texas and went Winners Dog for two points. Isnt that fineKennel VisitOur kennel visit this time is with the Harts of Alta Loma, Texas, and I shall let you read it as received. No need for any composition on my part. It speaks for itself . . .POMERANIAN REVIEW 4MILLAMOR'S ROCK MUSICIi .frhPictured here winning the Toy Group at Flint, Michigan on March 4, 1976 under Judge Mrs. Jane Kay. Music won the breed from puppy class at TV2 months on this day. tie is sired by multiple Group Winner Ch. Millamors Moon Rock.MILLAMOR KENNELEleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 Ph. 614-397-9268POMERANIAN REVIEW16CH. SUNRAY'S U'L BEAVERMBEST OF BREED at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Specialty under Judse HAROLD K. BISHOPOwnerTheodore L. Dickinson San Diego, CaliforniaCo-owners June Smyth Carol Partain Yuma, ArizonaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 47CH. SUNRAY'S U'L BEAVERtV1LsS msr.VoTOYGv JPToy Group First at Galveston, Texas under Judge Dr. FieldsBEAVER has placed in group consistently since beginning his specials career in November. In just six months he has 30 Bests of Breed and 27 group placements 11 group firsts, which places him in the position of NUMBER ONE POMERANIAN and Number Four toy dog for the first quarter of 1976 Kennel Review SystemFLASH Best in Show, El Paso 5-13-76 All BreedHandlerAgent Beverly Griffiths Ph. 714-463-9006P.O. Box 517 Bonita, Cal. 9200248 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPOTLIGHTING A MEMBERDianna and Ray Hart began, as most dog people do, with a Pomeranian pet, Little Bit that they acquired from pet people and learned through this wonderful little creature the joy of having a Pom be a part of your family. Dianna, with Rays full cooperation and interest, began the most concentrated of study of backgrounds, bloodlines, qualities, breeders, and breed good's and bads. Today she maintains two libraries of pure Pomeranian information . . . 1 files of Pom pedigrees that would be the envy of any Pom breeder 2 a brain filled with all kinds of good stored- up Pom information. She says this latter library always serves her quite well in remembering the breeding of various dogs, but frequently FORGETS things like when to pick up one of her 3 daughters from school, what Rays work schedule is about, and WHEN to fix dinnerDianna became interested in dog showing right away, and began working toward that goal of getting good poms into the ring and breeding better and better ones. Concentrating her breeding program almost completely around the Aristic, Showstopper, Mayken, Bonner, and Duke Dragonfly bloodlines, she began acquiring her foundation stock. Dianna says that the help and guidance offered by other breeders has been so valuable to her . . . working particularly closely with Olga Baker, and Ken and Edith Rose Mayes, Dianna was able to buy, lease co-own, and breed to the point she has reached today. While Dianna was busy using up lots of dollars for acquiring the Poms she wanted, Ray was busily doing the same thing with his cattle and horses Today the Harts live in Alta Loma, Texas, near Houston in what they call their dream place . . . lovely acreage on which their home, kennel, cattle and stock bams and buildings, exercise areas, etc., sit.Dianna admits to this day that her very special love was beautiful little Tim Sues Sparkling Butterfly who seemedjust the one she had been waiting for. With her shew career just beginning, Sparkle met an early and heartbreaking death from medical problems. The Harts soon acquired the lovely male, Maykens Bee Beautiful of Naona, who began -their first streaks of winning in the ring. "Bee finished his Championship soon, and all members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston watched gleefully as the Harts experienced the excitement of finishing their first Champion. Folks still talk about how Dianna was bouncing off the walls and ceiling when that happy event occurredActive workers in the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston, Dianna and Ray are enthusiastic, interested in the future of our breed, and actively breeding quality Pomeranians. They says they will never, ever, be without poms around . . . and find it difficult to understand anyone who DOESNT feel the sameWE REGRET TO REPORT THE RECENT DEATHOFTOP PRODUCERSdff, -13. 'Intl Ch. Queenaires Scotch N SodaThe Review sends condolences to his breeders, Wanda and Dudley Roach and to his owner Mrs. Norma Creider.POMERANIAN REVIEW 49WOODROSE POMERANIANSCONGRATULATESWOODEOSES TUFF STUFF WOODEOSESS SHOOTING STABOn April 25, 1976, under Mrs. Merle Smith Tuff Stuff took BOB, Group III and "Star BOS for 4 pt. majors at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Assoc. All Breed Show.We would also like to congratulate our other winners, Woodroses Dream Machine Tuff Stuffs litter mate owned by Lois and Byron Shimotsukasa and Woodroses Status Symbol on going RWD and RWB at the same show.FLASH Star owned and handled by my very good friend, Chris Omoto, on March 14, 1976, took BOB and Group 1, under Judge Mr. Stanley Hansen receiving a 5 pt. major.We would like to thank Peggy Bush and Laura James for sending us Shadows Finesse OWoodrose Fussy. She will be starting her show career this coming Fall.Stanley Clarice M. Oganeku Kaneohe, Hawaii 9674445-232 Lilipuna Road 808-247-533250 POMERANIAN REVIEWENJAY'S POMERANIANSCONGRATULATIONSRobert L. Goodrich of Hampton, Virginia for recently finishing father and son Ch. Majestics Sparkling Diamond Ch. Models Truly A DiamondFor Those Who Have Asked We Have Three Litters Due In August1. . Ch. Enjays Molly Mischief bred toCh. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi2. Enjays Buttercup bred toCh. Enjays Puppet On A String3. Enjays Marionette bred toCh. Majestics My Man Mr. ChipNorma J. Lloyd E. Jenkins, Jr.1449 Shelton Avenue Norfolk, Virginia 23502 Phone 804-855-0965POMERANIAN REVIEW 51MODELS NEW CHAMPION 3EpCH. MODELS HIGH VOLTAGE Handled by Pat Shackleford Sire Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Dam Models BewitchedPedigree under New ChampionsWe wish to thank Judges for his MajorsMrs. Mary Brewster Mr. Edward Kline Mr. Peter Knoop and finishing under Mr. Charles Kellogg shown in pictureFLASH JUST FINISHEDMajestic Sparkling DiamondModels Fun BugHampton, Va. 23663 804-723-3702R. L. Goodrich 204 Yukon Street P.O. Box 300452 POMERANIAN REVIEWCONGRATULATIONStoCH. MODELS HIGH VOLTAGEon the completion of his titleIfrom his first bornCAPEHEARTS VIRGINIA REELJoyce H. Dailey 3121 Camelot Blvd.804 485-3825 Chesapeake, Va. 23323DANZIGOffers for Sale1 Brood Show Prospect 1 yearBest in Show Sire Orange 4 lbs.1 Litter Sire Little Joady of Chatmoss Dam BIS Show Sire Great Elms Lines Due June Best to writePatricia D. Brooks 102 Jefferson Ln. Ladson, S.C. 29456Phone 803-871-0239 or797-0264POMERANIAN REVIEW 531976 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1976 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. Eut with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register, this year is very complete. May we request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud card in the Review.Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Dion Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabil Petite DelilahCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Group Winner - U.S. Canada Loudon, N.H. 03301Ph 603-435-8731SIAAm. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion 4V2 lb. Bright OrangeJabils Chester P. Honeyhugger 12 pts., 1 major to date Deep Red Orange 4^4 lbs.Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Jabils Chester P. HoneyhuggerCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Adkins Star of Band BoxCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 Ph 603-435-873154 POMERANIAN REVIEWACh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Group Winner38 BOB Stud Fee 75 Sire of 6 Championsr-iCh. Dubmars Trump Play 4 lb. Orange sable Stud Fee 50 All studs return service if pups die within 3 weeksmmTittle .Toady of Chatmoss 4 b. Clear Grange Siring many top quality pups.Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Great Elms Little DuffieGreat Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Gem Great Elms Little SusieGreat Elms Ninos BlondieGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N.C. 28134 704-889-9233Wee Wons Golden Glow Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Aristic Daintiness Great Elms Little DuffieCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Dubmars Trump PlayCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms Lady JudyCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of DixielandGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N.C. 28134 704-889-9233Aristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Little Joady of ChatmossCh. Great Elms Sunny Boy Ch. Great Elms Sunny Boy Great Elms Ninos Blondie Bonnie Girl of ChatmossSwaims Tar ell Tedy Jr. Princess Lew of Chatmoss Cinderella LevGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Ruth Lowry BeamPineville, N.C. 28jlo4 704-889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEW 55fl_Silver Meadows Tom-Tom 4V2 lbs. Deep Orange Pointed Half Brother to Ch. Silver Meadows Til Fee 50.00Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Jitterbug Millamors Red Mist Silver Meadows Joey OMillamorLou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold Piece Silver Meadows Tom-TomCh. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland SunflashHighlands Ristic Petite Cli. Silver Meadows KatydidSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Crickett Oak Hills CrickettGloria Setmayer 496 Cedar LaneChief Paramus, N.J. 07652SUPJ AJfe.'37Ch. Enjays Puppet on a String Group Specialty Winner Sire of Champions Fee 100.00Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Trademark of Nan jo Nan jo Tempest Ch. Copyright of Nan joCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Enjays Puppet on a StringCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Roanokes Dancer of Givenwood Scotia Jimmy Jets Cricket Roanokes Sun ButtonRoanokes Robinhood Roanokes Gold CertificateRoanokes Sunbeam StardustNORMA J. LLOYD E. JENKINS1449 Shelton Ave.Norfolk, Va. 23502 804-855-0965SSHEiglBss" BO - NSl Bl - n-.nDOB,,Ch. Majestics My Man Mr. Chips 4V lb. Brilliant Orange Fee 75.00Ch. Trademark of Nan jo Ch. Copyright of NanjoThelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Ch. Enjays Puppet on a StringRoanokes Dancer of Givenwood Roanokes Sun ButtonRoanokes Gold Certificate Ch. Majestic My Man Mr. Chip Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am.. Can.. Ber., Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Bodas Topaze Merry GoldCh. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Bodas Diamond Gypsy Jan Bodas Diamond TanyaNORMA J. LLOYD E. JENKINS1449 Shelton Ave.Norfolk, Va. 23502 804-855-096556 POMERANIAN REVIEWmCh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Stud Fee 100Sire of Specialties and B.I.S. WinnerCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Smokypepper Chico Bonners Primorosita Bonner's Pep-R-Kute NightfireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonner's Pepperkute Sungold Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Queenaires Gamboling ManInt. Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy KitchInt. Ch. Queenaire's Scotch 'N Soda Creider's Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire DoodadCh. Creider's Ebbtide of Queenaire Blossom Views Gold Princess Messer's Blossom View GoldieNorma C. Gad5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-094241LCh. Robinhood Chula Dark Flame Proven Producing Show Quality Stud Fee 75Gorgeous, huge coated, solid dog. Good body, proven, beautiful pups. Fee 50.00 until finished. Should he a flyer on the fall circuit.Gold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creider's Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Starette Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Creider's Sable Dandy Creider's Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. Robinhood Chula Dark FlameCh. Great Elm's Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creider's Miss Maggie Robinhoods Creme De MintCh. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch Queenaire's Ginn Fizz of Hoods Queenaires Orange PeppinChula Pomeranians Norma C. Gad5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths His HiNess Hopper Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Tonos Just Call Me MisterCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Duke's Wee DesirePat-Tee of Point Loma Gads Chula Ima DukeCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darlin' Doodle-Bug Jeribeth's Honeybee Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O Dragonfly Aristic My Loves Pretty Boy Aristic Frosted Gold Model Aristic Ginger CookieNorma C. Gad 5908 Westside Rd. El Paso, Tex. 79932 915-584-0942POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Tiny, typey red doll.Short back, high tail, tiny ears and baby faced.WiU show this fall.Stud Fee 50.00Naps Little Rogues Red Don Brandy21 points inc. a 5 pt. major Stud Fee 50.00Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths His Hi-Ness Hopper Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Tonos Just Call Me MisterCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dukes Wee DesirePat-Tee of Point Loma Gads Chula Ima Lil DevilCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle-Bug Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O Dragonfly Aristic My Loves Pretty Boy Aristic Frosted Gold Model Aristic Ginger CookieNorma C. Gad 5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-0942Van Hoozer Cream Puff Ch. Naps Van Toots Puff Perrines Toots Ch. Naps Little RogueCh. Naps Van Toots Puff Naps Luck LadyJerans Frosty Croquette Naps Little Rogues Red DonCh. Naps Van Toots Puff Ch. Naps Little Duke Susie Que XV Naps Little Burbon Queen ZaryNaps Little Hope PilaJUDY KONE WHIPPLE348 East 6340 South Murray, Utah 84107 801-486-0641Wild Acres Allstar n Brandy WD and BOS for a major while still a pup in the open class at the 4 Cs showsInt. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadleigh Golden Trixie Ch. All-Stars Hadleigh Bit O Robin Evans Red King Lady SpitfireRays Precious Tinker Bell Wild Acres Allstar N Brandy Ch. Naps Little Rogue Naps Little Rogues Red Don Naps Little Bourbon Queen Sinshines Cinamon Bear Susins Tiny Tim Tinker Toys Dolly Johns TrixieJudy Kone WhippleP. O. Box 7353 Murray, Utah 84107 Ph. 801-486-064158 POMERANIAN REVIEWVCh. Topaze Sunny Interlude subj. AKC Conf.4M lb. orange Stud Fee 50 804-798-7882m,4Ch. Dragonflys Happy Talk Winner of Specialties Sire of Champions Stud Fee On RequestCh. Daniels Pistol Pete 4Vz lbs. Clear Orange Unbelievable showman Fee 75.00Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Kan jo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Topaze Sunny InterludeBonnitoi Little Dutch Boy Ch. Cynna-Lous Keene Tut Bodas Diamond Bonnie Topaze Little SissyBonners Wee Lollipop Dancer Wests Shamrock Lady of Topaze Wests Kerry DancerEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Virginia 23005Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Conners Weepepper PreshusConners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonf ly Manorborn Dandj Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Dragonflys Happy TalkAristic Little Gold Chip Ch. Macs Gay Terrific Jans Little Mica Gay Mystic Fire N IceKings Wee Conquest Topaz Tasha Jill XTUJAY POMERANIANS J. K. Gribben C. Downman11059 Timberline Road Houston, Tx. 77043Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Dorns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Daniels Scampering Scotter Bonners Fancypepper Bonners Gorgus Mighty Miss QuinneCh. Daniels Pistol PeteBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Daniels Panda BearPlatinum King Hynes Sugar BabeMartins Candy KissesTUJAY POMERANIANS J. K. Gribben C. Downman 11059 Timberline Road Houston, Tx. 77043POMERANIAN REVIEW 59v- 'V-ri'5tfSfc,a'V 'v ....Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger 5 lb., bright clear orange Stud Fee 100.00r-\'-V"-VfeBaCh. Silver Meadows Lil Chief 4 lb., deep solid orange Stud Fee 100.00rCh. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub 1975 Specialty Sweepstakes Winner SVz lb. Very Light Golden Orange Stud Fee 100.00Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Ch. Sunwink of HighlandCh. Highland Flashalong Aristpretty of Highland Highland Miss Muffet Ch. Silver Meadows TigerCh. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadows Lady TaffyCh. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Silver Meadows Lady of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay Lady PeggySilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs. N.Y. 14550 716-237-5473Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Jitterbug Millamors Red Mist Silver Meadow Joey OMillamorLou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold Piece Ch. Silver Meadows Lil ChiefCh. Great Elms Timpstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. ighland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CrickettSilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron and Jackie Klein Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-5473Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristic Terrianna Ch. Highland SunflashCh. Bonners Pepperkorn Highlands Ristic PetiteBonners Highland Cheripuff Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae CubCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. My way Duke Celou Celae Mollys San Dee Sue Ch. My Way Dae DreamCh. My way Duke Celou Celae Myway Dawning Delightful Dae Myway Misty DawnSilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-547360 POMERANIAN REVIEW\Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Best In Show Winner Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Great Elms Little Tlmstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creider's Sable Dandy Creider's Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanInt. Ch. Queenaire's Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire's Jigger O Scotch Creiders Vicki Ch. D-Nees Dorable UazzlerKen-Gay Laddy of Milo D-Nee's 'Dorable DollySnow Baby White FluffD-Nees Poms Nadine Hersil3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110Ch. Macs Four on The Floor of OKala 4M lb. Orange Group Winner Sire of Champion and Pointed Get Stud Fee 100.00Bonner's Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron Of OKala Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Cherubs Wee Cherry Aristic Cherry Fireglow Ch. Macs Four on the Floor of OKala Aristic Adorable Little Duffy McDougall's Little Wee Peppi Pamtufs Star of Disheroons McDougalls Gay Misty Junior Boo-Boo Ricky's Baby McDougalls Misty Mistake LoulouROBWEST George O. Robason 2031 Vinton Avenue Memphis, Tennessee 38104 901-272-1926aJpS' SSKfCh. Julies Star Vega Fee on Request Ph 703-434-1804Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son of FunCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Julies Star VegaCh. Great Elm's Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Julies Starlight SusanCh. Models Son of Fun Julie's Stardust AndeCh. Cavilier Starlight StarbrightJULIES STARS Julie Brumback1187 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, Va. 22801POMERANIAN REVIEW 61S V"ICh. Browns Fancypepper MarkCh. Bonners Stylepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Dixieland Little Miss Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Ch. Browns Fancypepper MarkCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Conners FancypepperCh. Bonners Peppersweet Fancy Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-BCh. Bonners Smokie Pepper Chico Bonner's Firetopper Wee Flame Bonners Showstopper FarriOrange 3Vi lbs. Sire of Champions Stud Fee 75.00Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644"-'vCh. Browns Gambling Man Orange 3Vz lbs. Sound-Cobby Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Borwns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Gambling ManCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644rCh. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie Orange 4Vi lbs.Siring Quality Puppies Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-964462 POMERANIAN REVIEWs\Ch. Millamors Jazz ManBrilliant Orange 3 lbs. Stud Fee 100.Ph. 614-397-926SCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Dixie Flame Of Thelcolynn Ch. Millamors JitterbugCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ringmaster Millamor's Red MistCh. Millamor's Gold Flame Ch. Millamors Jazz ManCh. Gold Toy's Red Flame Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Millamor's Gold Spice Lon-Lans April GoldCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Models Gold PieceModels Lady EthelMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050l-mV Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Bright Orange 34 lb. Group Winner Stud Fee 125Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Orange Stud Fee 100 Winner of 10 GroupsCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Pretty tune Precious Ch. Dixielands Style StepperA Lil Mischiefs Towntalk Dixielands Little JudyDixielands Little Belinda Ch. Millamors Mark Of DixielandBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribths Miss Cricket Dixielands Dragonfly DeliteCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red MistMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield. Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Ch. Jeribeths Silver SparkleCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Bettys Suzie Belle Wong Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Millamors Lullabye of Tim SueCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollMILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller 14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050POMERANIAN REVIEW 63'll. Toy Towns Dandy Corn DukeDonny Boys First Edition Ch. Tiny Tumble Toy Pams Golden Honey Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Ch. Gold Toy's Elfin Idol Gold Toys Tiny Patricia Mapletons Toy Patricia Ch. Toy Towns Dandy Corn DukeBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Darlin DragonCh. Tono's at Midnight Tonos Bonne Miss Bebbe Pat-Tee of Point LomaHes 5 lbs., Baby Faced and producing Champions Stud Fee 75.00LUELLS POMERANIANS Lucius Elinor LuccasRt. 5, Box 395 Burlington, WI. 53105 414-537-2681DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER REVIEW IS AUGUST 20thLate material, articles, columns and ads, will be held for January if they arrive too late for us to edit and process. Check with the Editor by phone, if in doubt as to acceptance. We will stretch the deadline as much as possible.INTRODUCING SCAMPYThelduns Tiniest Social LionSire May Morning Social LionDam Teddys SindraziScampy and his co-owners send CONGRATULATIONS to Scampys full sister, CH. JUST A TRINKET DAMBEASTIE on completion of her champonship.Scampy currently being shown by co-owner Thelma M. DunnCo-OwnersRobert T. Harris304 E. Schuyler Road Silver Springs, Md. 20901Thelma M. Dunn3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 2100164 POMERANIAN REVIEWGOLD GEM POMSPresentsOur Home Bred Upcoming Star GOLD GEMS FIRE DRAGON DARLINWinning- his first 3 pt. major out of a puppy class, first time ever shown 9Yz months Judge Mrs. Kay. Shown by good friend Marge Morrison at Del Mar, San Diego, California.Shown going BOW 3 pt. major at Sun Maid Show at Fresno, under Judge Frank Oberstar AKC handler Tony GwinnerShown going BOW, Fas Vegas, Ne. under Judge Mrs. D. Carson. Handled by Tony Gwinner.FLASH He just went BOW at Del Sur Show. Judge Mrs. V. Olmas-Olliver. Handled hy M. Morrison.We wish to THANK ALL who made it possible. A VEKY SPECIAL THANKS to the named Judges.Two litters expected out of Corn Duke line-bred bitches by Dragon.Claire Hendrix P.O. Box 12714-463-6754 Jamul, Calif. 92035POMERANIAN REVIEW 65OAKCREST POMERANIANSIntroducesMAY MORNING APRIL LUYPictured going WB from the Puppy Class for 3 pt. major at Chester Valley KC Show.April also went WB BOS over Special at Monmouth City KC from puppy classes.wuMay Morning Moonwalker X May Morning Sugar 'N SpiceSo proud of my Ch. Galens Little Sheba, I have owned her from the age of seven weeks. She finished at the Pom Specialty, Westchester in 1966 at 114 years of age, WB BOS. Won Veteran Bitch class 10 years later, Pom Specialty 1976 at 1114 years of age. She also has 6 Canadian points but never went back to finish there.At Stud Silver Meadows Tom-Tom, 8 pts - 2 BB - Grp. placement Pedigree in Stud Register this ReviewOwner HandledGloria Setmayer 496 Cedar LanePhone 201-652-9327 Paramus, N.J. 0765266 POMERANIAN REVIEWRINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315NUTRITION, Part IIAt the time that this copy should, be in preparation, yours truly will be in the British Isles. As I arrive home the day it is to be in the hands of the Editor, a guest columnist, Joan Chapman, will prepare the article.I have known Joan for many years, and believe me, she is an authority on nutrition. Some of the results on heavily coated dogs, you would have to see to believe.Joan was born in Highland Park, Illinois. Her apparent love for dogs was known at age five, when she was given a Cocker puppy. The family moved to Connecticut when she was in her teens. At that period of her life, Joans father imported two Mastiffs from England. These she showed in the Garden, in the late 1920s. Before moving to Florida, in 1963, she had owned and shown Mastiffs, Collies, Shelties, and Toy Poodles plus horses and ponies. After college graduation she worked in boarding and show kennels, learning the ins and outs of kennel management and dog care. With this background, she went in business for paying guests. On retiring to Florida, again took in a limited number of outside guests, and caring for her present breed, Australian Shepherds. In all the years in the dog care, breeding and boarding, she always fed natural foods ... NO COOKING ... NO PACKAGE FOODS and . . . NO CANNED FOODS. The balance of the article is the writing of Joan.As the distressed lady was leaving the veterinarians office she asked "But Dr. what shall I feed my dog "Any goodcanned dog food was the answer. After the client left, I turned to the vet who was a very good friend of mine and asked "... why dont you put clients onto a wholesome natural foods diet The response was . . . for two good reasons. One, people just dont want to spend the time preparing meals for their dogs as you do and second, if they did, we would soon be out of business. Sounds unbelievable Really its not. It is simply feeding a diet of raw foods.A dog in his natural state never had his food cooked for him, a can opened for him or commercially made vitamins, minerals or calcuim prepared for him. When he killed for food, his instinct was to go for the vital organs which contained the vitamins, minerals and nutriments, finishing off with the meat skin and hair. Yes, hair which made up the roughage he needed. Later, he would partake of various grasses, herbs and berries.But you say . . . no way would I give my little Toys a whole rabbit or chicken No, youre not ready for this However, a diet of raw foods will be most beneficial. No longer will you be troubled with obeseness, poor appeties and poor litters. The change will be improved muscle tpne, bright and alert little dogs.The most important requirement of this diet' is RAW meat. No not hamburger or top round ground but a combination of nourishing meats such as liver, tripe, kidney, heart with some lean meat. Preferably, this meat should be fed in small chunks as it keeps the stomach muscles toned up and the digestive juices flowing. For roughage, replacing the hair, the use of a small amount of raw bran such as is fed to horses should be sprinkled over the meat.The need of vitamins comes with the greens. Any one or a combination of very finely chopped fresh parsley, water cress, celery tops or carrot tops are needed. Onion or garlic is most beneficial as they have the properties of sweetening'POMERANIAN REVIEW 67FUNFAIR POMERANIANSOffers for Sale 1 male, 1 female, 3-8-76 Show Prospects All inquiries will be answered promptly. Dam is under 4 lbs. Free Whelper 4 puppies.Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin 6 Chs.Ch. Lund's Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lund's Adorable Chubby 2 Chs.Ch. Scotia W. Girl Little Joe Dandy SireCh. Sungold's Gay Cavilier over 66 Chs.Ch. Scotia Caviliers Wonder Girl Diva Little Wonder Girl 3 Chs.Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier 66 Chs.Ch. Scotias Cav's Spectacular 10 Chs. - 5 BISCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest 14 Chs.Funfair Speckys Petra-O-Prise DamD.D. Guys Toy Ch. Schonheits Surprise Francis Red BirdJohn R. Katherine R. ProbstRt. 8, 268 Parkwood Acres, Hicks Rd. Phone 813-868-0810New Port Richey Florida 33552and disinfecting the stomach. If you live Shredded wheat is excellent being aswhere the dandelions grow, you are in near to being natural as possible. Thisluck. They are great Sea kelp is most goes for Rye Crisp also. We use the Ryevaluable as it is marvelous for pigmen- Crips for the Toys. The cereal should betation containing trace minerals as well mixed with milk or vegetable juice withas iron and iodine. Some form of oil a little oleo. Raw honey added to thisshould be introduced such as olive oil. meal is most beneficial as it has greatCereal too is needed. As grain is not cleansing properties and is easily dieasilydigested by the dog, it must be gested. Now and then we puree carrotssemi digested . . . slightly processed. and add to the cereal feeding.68 POMERANIAN REVIEWOur feeding schedule these many years has beenPuppiesfrom weaning to four months 800 a.m. Milk and honey not dried milkNoon, Cereal, milk with oleo 500 p.m. the main meal raw meat, bran, greens, olive oil, kelp and garlic, egg shells ground to a powder is a natural source of calcium.8C0 p.m. raw meat alone.4 months to 7 months Same as above omitting the 800 A.M. meal7 months on throughout adulthood Noon meal and the 500 p.m. main meal In proportion, it should be one third cereal feeding to two thirds meat meal.Puppies are fasted one half day once a week with one full day once a month. Dogs over seven months old should have all food withheld once a week. Of course plenty of fresh water should be available at all times EXCEPT for one hour before meals and one hour after. This will help do away with regurgitation and even bloat.Here I might inject an important factor. When our dogs go off their feed or become ill, we NEVER force them to eat. Rather we fast them. Withholding food at this time gives the stomach and digestive system a chance to combat the problem whereas food overworks the system. Plenty of fresh water is beneficial as it cleans out the toxic material leaving the digestive tract clean. Following a period of fasting we give honey and water, with garlic given once a day.If one is willing to try the natural foods diet, Im certain he will find great improvement in the dogs overall condition.SUPPORT YOUR CLUB SUPPORT YOUR SPECIALTIESSEE YOU IN DES MOINESCANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT 302 - 5th Ave., N.W. Portage la Praire, Manitoba R1 N-OE3, CanadaFirst let me say how pleased I am that the board has refused Mrs. Mayes resignation, and that she has reconsidered and is continuing as our editor. I sat on the sidelines last August as a hard working group worked on the next issue and can really appreciate the amount of work, time, and enthusiasm necessary to get this magazine ready for us to read, and the fact it is always such a worthwhile publication says to me that she has to be the perfect person for the job.This time I have a much more promising report on the future for a Pom fanciers union in Canada. We are not forgetting our main aim of an organized club, but because of the enthusiasm and ambitions of a very capable lady in Nova Scotia, we have every hope for a good Canadian Pomeranian magazine which I feel should be the instrument of our eventual union. I believe it is advertised elsewhere in this issue, and I urge your support via subscirptions, advertisements, and articles.Someone has been spoiling things for the rest of us again, this time in the shipping of dogs via airplanes from the United States into Canada. The authorities in Vancouver found a shipment of drugs in a dog crate and you can imagine how they check into every cage now. One result is that incoming dogs must be cleared through customs at the first airport that the plane lands, regardless of its eventual destination. If you cannot meet the flight then it will be necessary for you to have arrangements made for a broker to clear customs for you. The papers necessary for this are the rabies vaccination, dated within one year ofPOMERANIAN REVIEW 09SILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANSiCh. Silver Meadows Baby Crickett 4 lbs. Deep Red-orange See pedigree behind New ChampionsBaby Crickett finished owner-handled at Finger Lakes K.C. by winning her 4th B.B. from the classes, in very limited showing. Here she is, sans coat, back in the swim of things here on the farm.Also picture p. 17, April 76 P.R.We got such a kick out of the following poem that we asked permission to share it with the Pom Review readers.Reprinted from TheI thinkThe most painful word That I have ever heard Is RESERVE It should be flung From the English tongue RESERVEThey ought to know at any show RESERVE is sure no ballA dozen dogs you beatAnd for this featYou get no points at allSpecial. February 1976 Issue Someday if I have the dough.Ill give a hundred bucks a show To RESERVE.For winners need no cash that day They took home the points I say Don't you think that one deserves Something else besides the word RESERVEThat stilling, chilling Second Billing Word which leads to Mercy Killing RESERVE RESERVE SheltieRon and Jackie Klein West Lake RoadPh 716-237-5473 Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550date of entry, and health certificate. I suggest any who might be shipping into Canada to thoroughly check routes, and airport routines before making final phone calls to the recipient of the dog.While on the subject of bringing dogs into Canada I want to go into our system of tattooing for identification. As a CKC rule states that if a shipment consists of more than one dog, each must be tattooed and the information noted onthe export, or shipping papers, then it will help to know how to be sure the tattoo is the right one. The new owner of the dog must apply for his own tattoo letters to CKC. No other owner may then use these letters. An imported dog is marked with this combination, and the number denoting the number of dogs imported by that same owner. For example my new Finnish Spitz from England is GJN 7, on his left flankeither70 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms wishes to send congratulations to his daughter Lenniss Tar-Resia Perfection and her new owners, Morris and Betty Carson Emcees Pomeranians, Richmond, Va., on the 5 pt. Major taken her first time out with her handler, Marlene Scott.To Tom and Cindy Keller MichiganWe had a great time and enjoyed your visit. Thanks for our new orange hoy, Lenniss Tom Cins Tobie. We think he will help in our chocolate breeding. You-all come againTo those who have askedWe have never bred Ch. Tar Baby to any of our chocolate girls until April of this year. We will let you know what we get.Most of our chocolates were purchased from a breeder friend Lon Caudill Kentucky, 2 years ago.Litters due sired by Ch. Tar Baby Mid-June.Lennis Rhodes Rt. 2 Box 205615-581-8947 Morristown, Tenn. 37814flank or either ear may be used. These same letters are used by the breeder for individual marking of each puppy for registration. For these dogs an extra letter is added denoting the year of birth. If you bought a Pom, and found a tattoo GJN 17 F, then you would know I was the breeder, it was born in 1974, and was my 17th puppy that year. This identification must be done before thepuppy leaves the dam. A breeder can noseprint instead if wished, but I personally feel the tattoo more efficient. Remember, however, the Canadian Kennel Club rule about this for they are very firm about not registering those not tattooed as the rule states. It will be common knowledge for many of you that our Canadian Kennel Club registration department has a reputation for beingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 71MEGS POMERANIANSPRESENTSCh. Megs Jamie of Love BugJamies had 4 pt. and 5 pt. majors included in his wins. He is pictured winning B. of B. at Pittsburgh, Pa. under I. De La Bueno. Thanks to all of the judges who saw the excellent qualities of this fine Pom. Thanks Sue Goddard and Tim Sues Lil Love Bug who is Jamies sire. See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsJulies Star BrotherIntroducing J. B. who is near to his championship. This bright red orange boy has both majors, also a Group 4 placing under Dr. Kirk at Toledo, Ohio.FLASH J. B. won a 5 point major and B.O.B. at the Michigan Pom Specialty under the judging of Kenneth Miller.THANKS Julie Brumback for breeding this fine boy.CONGRATULATIONS Bob Goodrich for top producing stud of 1975 CH. MODELS SON OF FUN who is J.B.s sire.Puppies Stud ServiceRichard Donna Megenhardt 8026 St. Rt. 43 Kent, Ohio 44240 216-626-436872 POMERANIAN REVIEWTIMMYMay Morning Social LionPROUDLY CONGRATULATESHis DaughterCH. JUST A TRINKET DAMBEASTIE and owners John Margaret McKee on completion of Trinkets championship.His SonsTHELDUNS ALMOND FUDGE and owners Bill Beverly Norris for Fudges BOW Harrisburg Kennel Club and BOS Lancaster Kennel Club.THELDUNS TINY TOJO and owners Tom and Cindy Keller for all of Tojos wins a total of 10 points towards his championship.His GrandsonCJS MASKED BANDIT and owner Gerald Kripak for Bandits BOB Penn Treaty Kennel Club.And Last But Certainly Not Least His GranddaughterNEW CHAMPION Subj. AKC Conf. THELDUNS WEE BONNIE TAMMYand owner Goldie K. Mandley for Tammys 5 point major as WB at the Bay Colony Specialty to finish under Judge Kenneth E. Miller.Thelduns Pomeranians, Reg.Thelma M. Dunn 3400 Carvale DrivePh. 301-879-5397 Aberdeen, Md. 21001POMERANIAN REVIEW 73WE PROUDLY PRESENTuCH.JUST A TRINKET DAMBEASTIETrinket finished with baek-to-baek 4 point Majors at Virginia Kennel Club, under Miss Martha Jane Ablett, and Langley Kennel Club, under Mrs. Winifred Heckmann, April 3 and 4. She is a very cobby 4 lb. red sable with great legs.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsBig THANK-YOUS go to Robert T. Harris, Breeder, Thelma Dunn, owner of Sire, Marlene Scott, who finished her, and all those wonderful Pom people who were so generous with their encouragement and support.Ours are PETS first, SHOW DOGS secondIDLEWYLD POMERANIANS Margaret and John McKee7660 Idlewyld Road Tel. 804-272-9318Richmond, Va. 23225 804-320-740474 POMERANIAN REVIEWquite slow in the processing of documents. I thought you might like to know that things are really looking up, and it becomes easier all the time to look a buyer in the eye and say, Yes, Madam, this dog is registered. If an applicant is careful when filling out the forms, then a litter can be registered within three weeks, and the individual papers back before the puppy is old enough to sell. Transfers of ownership are known to be processed within two weeks, and requests for paper supplies can be answered before your desk is ready for them. The additional fact that fees have gone up by leaps and bounds is not easy to accept, but probably we will have to admit that it is the reason for the accelerated documentation. I wonder myself if it isnt because the number of applications has dropped as many puppy mill breeders break our livestock act and dont bother to register their pups now it costs moreEnough of that, lets talk about dogs Poms of course. The Manitoba Pomeranian Fanciers, an informal group, has managed to get together and organized a booster at the Portage Kennel Club shows in July. I hear the entry is quite good, and the trophies really worthwhile. I have all my hopes set on the obedience one at least as I am going into the ring with my 6V2 year old girl who has not been worked for over two years, but came back into her refresher course, fresher than I was She is entered in an unofficial class, graduate novice, but intends to steal the show. I can only hope the class dogs, and specials live up to her fine example as they usually do.Chris Cullen in Nova Scotia has a girl that is doing well and which might be finished even as I type this. A Sunnyvale girl, owned by the Smiths of Saskatoon, finished her championship at the Regina shows in May, and a WeeMite male I am showing is going over all class opposition and even over the special and on to Continued on Page 88BEVERLEY C. BERMAN Rt. 3, Braeburn Rd.^ Barrington HillsI-'--' , Algonquin, III. 60102VOn March 26th, the Western Pomeranian Club held its specialty show at the Ampitheater in Chicago. The judge was Mr. E. R. Klein. The Bicentennial motif was carried out in the red, white and blue table decorations supplied by Ray Radzinsk and his family. Lovely yam flowers bloomed in tri-colors and tiny Poms pranced across the table covering with saucy yarn tails. It was a very fetching display.However, a display of quite another variety marred the event. After going over the open red, orange, cream and sable class, judging was stopped when three dogs entered as any other allowed color, all professionally handled, came into the ring. All three were orange with some sprinkling of solid black hair in the coat. The question of color classification was debated with one professional unleashing a torrent of verbosity that could be heard across the ring sans any electrical amplification. The show superintendent was called, but not the AKC rep who was seen observing. How is an orange wth black hair classified Clearly it is not sable. What then but a poorly colored orange is it If all colors are to be judged equally, why all this splitting of hair color Is color more important than say body structure that the open class must be dividedAt length, the judging proceeded, after the show superintendant left it up to the judge to decide what to do. So the second open class of orange dogs was passed on by the judge. The repeat of this problem came in AOC bitch classPOMERANIAN REVIEW 75OUR TAMMY_mThelduns Wee Bonnie TammyShown taking Best of Winners at Shawnee Kennel Club, for a 4 point Major, under Mrs. Sue Woodle.Congratulations to Beverly Norris, on her Best of Opposite Sex, for Thelduns Almond Fudge.FLASH Our Tammy finished at the Bay Colony Specialty June 26 with a 5 point major under Judge Kenneth E. Milter Subj. AKCGoldie K. Mandley 501 Dover Rd. Glen Burnie, Md. 21061when 2 light orange bitches entered the ring, again professionally handled. This time the judge proceeded without delay to judge this second class of orange. Now if the professionals are so confused as to classification, how are the poor obtuse breeder-exhibitors to make such decisions Clearly here is a strong case for some standard revision. It is my opinion that if all colors are to begiven equal consideration, there is no need for a divided open class. It would speed up the judging procedure considerably and do away with confusion. At Tri-City Show judging was again delayed over a similar incident but this time it was the show superintendant who made the error of entering a black and tan in the wrong class.The clubs courageous stand on over76 POMERANIAN REVIEWANOTHER MAJOR WIN^ 'CJs MASKED BANDITBandit is shown going BOB at the Penn Treaty Kennel Club, for a 3 pt. major, under Mrs. Mildred Heald. 4-25-76Sire Ch. Thelduns Max For Snax Dam May Morning Prim N ProperPuppies Expected Mid AugustCJs Masked Bandit x Thelduns Hollywood SwingerOwner Handled throughout byGerald J. Kripak110 Maple Street Conshohocken, Pa. 19428215 828-4506POMERANIAN REVIEW 77BEV-NOR POMERANIANS PresentingThelduns Almond FudgeftShown taking Best of Winners, for a 3 point Major, Harrisburg Kennel Club, under Mrs. James Edward Clark.Shown taking Best of Opposite Sex, Lancaster Kennel Club, under Miss Anna K. Nicholas.A Special Thanks to Thelma Dunn for letting us have him and for all her help. Congratulations to Goldie Mandley on her Best of Winners for Thelduns Wee Bonnie Tammy in Winchester, Va.Puppies Available OccasionallyBill Bev Norris7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, Md. 21122 1-301-255-1343PuppiesAvailableOccasionally78 POMERANIAN REVIEWtrimming and the use of cosmetics on our Poms seems to have fallen hy the way-side. The exposing of a bare tail bone, clipped like a Poodle, the use of hair spray and shaped coats were not given given a second thought at the specialty, all were in evidence and seemingly ignored. The judge was just out of the hospital and not in peak condition and I feel certain that the unseemly ring behavior didnt add to his day.Some of the familiar faces were missing at this show. Ted Lawson who has stewarded for many years was at home recovering from surgery. We also missed Edna Girardot and her bouncing Poms. However, I did get to chat with Jodie Hudspeth who came up from Georgia and Edna Voyles and their lovely dogs.BOB went to Ch Laceys Baron Von Ray, owned by Raymond Lacey and handled by Carolyn Coughlin. BOS to Jodi Hudspeths Ch Wheelers Bon Pep- pis Butercup bred by Carolyn Wheeler. Best of Winners to the 9-12 puppy dog, Honeycrest Rut N Tutn Rasberi bred and owned by Jodi Hudspeth. Reserve dog to the import Redmond Koala Bear owned by Gold Blackacre Kennels, bred by Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Clucas. Reserve bitch to Me Kameys Cavaliers Jennifer bred and owned by Mrs. Norris Me Kamey. Thirty six dogs were entered with 5 absent.At the Tri City Show held in Davenport, Iowa, the Hodsons Ch. Masterpiece took the breed and a gp 2 under Mrs. Marianne Grybinski. I have always liked this lovely little fellow and have followed his progress in the ring from puppy- hood. At this show, a contingent of Oregon fanciers were present and it was so nice to hear that they were looking forward to exhibiting to my husband when he does his Vancouver show at the end of the month. I just wish it were possible for me to accompany him but with my mother ill from a heart attack my shows are far and few between. My dear friend from Australia will be coming to visit next spring and generously has offered to sit our dogs so we can make our trip to England. Doggy friends are the best in the whole world, I think.From the Mail Bag comes news that Nadine Hersil has had a BIS at Mason City, Iowa under Derek Rayne with her homebred, Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinaden. Gus Wolf put him Gp. 1. Many congratulations. The Tri-City Show saw our Pap Ch. Stouravon Benedictine take a Gp 4 going up over the other special entered. While I have never made it a point to tout my own dogs, I am very proud of our Cardy whose first American son at the Huntsville, Alabama show not only took a five point major from BBE class but also went Best of Breed over specials and then on to a Gp 3rd. Cedar- winds Effervesence owned by the Urbans accomplished this at the tender age of 10 months, owner handled by Frank Urban. No matter how great a show record, the proof of -the puddin still is in what a winner can produce in his get. Records speak for themselves and no amount of publicity bought in the magazines can ever equal the fact that a dog is only as good as what it produces. The prestige of a big win does help to point up that the Toys as a group are currently being given more consideration when it comes to BIS competition and that is as it should be. In Poms, the breed is indeed fortunate to be able to point to big winners who did indeed leave their stamp behind on their winning get.Re the Raspberry Tea response has been overwhelming. In fact, so much so that I would appreciate a stamped self- addressed envelope with further correspondence as my postage bill has mushroomed out of control.I would call upon the entire fancy to re-evaluate the present standard, make color a matter of preference and drop the division of the open class. The only way to stop the illegal trimming, etc., is to put teeth back into the standard and make it a disqualification liable to proPOMERANIAN REVIEW 79CIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. THELMA M. DUNN 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTIONS6.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada. Mexico 6.50 Foreign, 7.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 3.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional S2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1982March, December 1963October1966 October1967 April1968 AprilAvailable at 1.25 Each1969 January, October1970 July, October1971 January, April, July1972 January, April, July, October1973 JanuaryAvailable at 1.50 Each1973 April, October1974 January, April, July, October1975 January, April, July, October1976 January, AprilMIDWEST Continuedtests. I have even today heard some judges remark that they dont give a fig how a Pom is groomed as long as it looks good Enough of this phoney baloney It is time that all faking was stopped once and for all. It is not just in our breed alone and one can always hear stories of tricks done to win, paint on a mask or a blaze or dye a white face, anything a particular breed needs to win with that nature has not provided. In this Bicentennial year, I would hope there would be a resurgence to the basic truths and freedoms that our country was founded upon.Judy Gunderson has requested anyone with information on the beaver color in Poms, to please contact her, Box 16, Barronett, Wise. 54813.KENNEL VISITSDue to rising postal costs, we no longer mail post-card reminders to area members and subscribers about kennel visit supporting ads. Wont you all please take it upon yourselves to support Kennel Visits in your area or visits to breeders who own your stock andor whose stock you have purchased80 POMERANIAN REVIEWCALONGMYWAYbyMOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573In my area shows come in seasons spring and fall. As the first show of a season approaches, I find myself wondering what the competition will be like. How did last seasons puppies develope What wil leach breeder be showing, etc. Also, of interest is the question, which of last seasons novice exhibitors will be with us I did not think much about the transition from novice to seasoned exhibitor until I realized in a flash that I have never been to a show or match at which at least one person did not con- fied, This is my first dog show. What makes some people grow and develope in their knowledge of the art of breeding and presenting dogs, while so many others fall by the wayThere are many varied reasons. Often experienced breeders and exhibitors are cautioned to assist the novice, and this of course is needed by both the novice and the sport of dog shows. But some novices are much easier to assist than others. As a result some novices are left to flounder helplessly while others are quickly accepted into the dog showing fraternity.I was just plain lucky when I first began to attend shows. I could not afford a dog nor did I have a place to keep one. As a result I spent almost three years as an observer. I read all that I could find when I went to the shows and watched for the various things type, movement, show procedure, etc. that I had read about. It is amazing how much one can learn sitting at ringside listening. One soon learns to ignore the loudmouths and to concentrate on the quiet thoughtful observations. It is probably helpful during this period if one attends shows by himself. He cannot hear if he has a friend talking to him. During this period one learns how to ascertain all types of structural strengths and weaknesses. He also learns handling and grooming techniques, and ring procedure by watching and listening. He learns to read a catalogue and count points. I sometimes feel that a person should be required to log X number of hours at shows before he is even allowed to buy a show prospect puppy.Unfortunately it is not always possible for a novice exhibitor to plan his entrance into the world of pure-bred dogs several years prior to the fact. Once he has a show prospect he is eager to begin to show, and he should however, it is during this period of time that he can alienate the experienced exhibitors from whom he needs assistance. Most experienced exhibitors I am grouping breeders and handlers together. like to help novices, They love dog showing and realize that, through helping novices, they are helping their sport. Also, it is flattering to be sought for advice. However, the novice needs to use common sense in the way and times that he presents himself. Preparing dogs for the show ring is time and energy consuming. At certain times during the show day the dog deserves his handlers undivided attention. During the beginning of my show career I was extremely fortunate in that I met several exhibitors who did not mind telling me in a straight forward manner this is done and that is not. Perhaps my age of twenty-one helped. As I was the age of several of my friends children, they rather naturally instructed me. I have noticed that older novices are often allowed to flounder because most people hesitate to correct their elders. An older novice needs to make it clear that he wants criticism.The novice should learn to ask his questions when it is convenient to thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 81exhibitor to answer. If the novice wants to ask a queston about his dog to be shown that day, he should arrive early and present his queston when the exhibitor is not preparing his own dogs for the ring. In the case of the handler, the question should be timed during a period between his breeds. If this is done, the exhibitor has time to properly evaluate and consder the question and is happy to answer it.Physical space as well as time space is valauble at most modern dog shows. Many novices may not realize that exhibitors go to the show building the night before and move in their equipment so that they will have an adequate space in which to work. If the novice moves his equipment into a pathway or blocks the openings to an exhibitors crates or in some way interrupts the flow of his work, he has placed an added burden on his would-be-friend. An exhibitor must work to love those who cause him trouble. The novice may find his most difficult early task to be learning to look 360 and place his equipment so that it is convenient to himself and not an obstacle to anyone else.When the novice has located himself well in both time and place, he may begin his day. His best tool is silence. Listen and learn. A novice risks two great dangers if he expounds on a theory 1 he is boring his audience by repeating what is already well known, and 2 he is saying things that he will desperately wish to recall in a few years. When he asks a question, a novice would bend all of his powers on remembering the answer. He may and should ask several people the same question but never the same person twice. If an exhibitor is repeatedly asked the same question by the same person, he realizes that no attention is being paid to his answers. He then feels Why bother with that oneAccepting an answer seems to also be a problem for many novices. All honest critiques whether on dogs orhandling contain some praise and some criticism. Both are needed if one is to improve. The novice must remember that the fact someone does not like his dogs front or the way he holds a lead does not mean that the person loves him or his dog any less. In fact he may be the one who does love them for, although a diet of praise is sweet, it will keep a novice a novice forever by allowing him to retain his errors by not acknowledging them.Thus far we have only discussed the novice as accepting help from the exhibitor. He is not restricted to this inferior position. He can and should be a friend who adds as much as he takes from the relationship. There is much to do at a dog show much of which does not require experience.An exhibitor showing several dogs would relish having extra hands to transport dogs to the ring or swap them at ringside. A marked catalogue is a luxury at the end of the day when an exhibitor would rather put his feet up than hang over pink and blue slips.If a novice has been particularly aided by a busy exhibitor, he may make the exhibitors day more pleasant by appearing with food and drink at appropriate times during the day, exercising or watching the dogs while the exhibitor takes a break, etc. The numbers of ways to be a friend are endless.That is the clue. The relationship need not be novice-exhibitor. It may be a friendship with each friend giving of those things which the other needs. During the course of several years, many litters, and some very active bitches and puppies, I have developed a very simple litter box that is effective for me. Since Pom bitches are light in relation to their puppies weight, I have not found crush rails to be needed as they are with the larger breeds. As a teacher I have a never ending supply of heavy cardboard boxes sized 17 x 11 and 17 x 14. These are the sturdy82 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSWE CONGRATULATEMay Morning April Luv owned by Gloria Setmayer for her 3 pt. major from the Puppy Class at the Chester Valley K.C. her second time in the ring.Also May Morning Happy Chappie and owners Ken and Katey Lefferts for continued success.Flash As we go to press, Happy finished subj. AKC conf. with a 4 pt. major at Riverhead K.C. under Judge Albert MaurerBoth are double grandchildren of Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Sired by two different Bing sons out of two different Bing daughters.Vi1We also note with great pride a number of ads in this issue picturing or describing winners whose parents andor grandparents were purchased from May Morning Kennels as foundation breeding stock.We are not able to get to many shows due to numerous conflicting obligations but would like to announce our WB and BW at the Delaware Co. K.C. show with May Morning Pie In The Sky in one of our few showings.We plan to campaign Phoebe in the fall.We also hope to have a couple of promising youngsters in the ring soon. sis Most Previously Advertised Puppies Rave Been Sold Just a Few AvailableVery nice, stylish 3V2 lb. red orange female whelped Nov. 23,1975May Morning Moonwalker X May Morning Legacy of Jonnie Full sister to ''Phoebe" Showable but probably not breedable.5 lb. litter sister to above, a red orange brood prospect.We will sell as we have another full sister for breeding.Red orange Stud Prospect with excellent pedigree, whelped 13076May Morning Social Climber X May Morning Red Flame Showstopper and Great Elms both sidesMay be a "late bloomer", but presently NOT a Show Prospect.Please see other page for younger puppies possibly available later.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEW 33MAY MORNING POMERANIANSThis is Frosty Kathryns Frost Tee 3 lb. white male New PapaWE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES ON THE FOLLOWING YOUNG PUPPIESFrom a litter of 4 whelped April 18,1976May Morning Spicy Timstopper X May Morning Tessie Dark cream2 have been sold, keeping the white male a cream brood prospect is for sale. Lovely head and black pigment, perhaps a bit long in body for show.1 white male, 1 light cream male 1 white female whelped May 19,1976May Morning Pinoechio. C. D. X May Morning White HopeTiny, tiny very typey red male whelped May 23,1976May Morning Spicy Timstopper X May Morning Sassy Lassie 9 pts. Echo's sister. Big as a Minute Cute as a Button Any good Time will tell.Tiny Black Male and Even Smaller Black Female whelped May 26, 1976May Morning Benjamin X May Morning Fun N Frolic2 White Females with Excellent Black Pigment whelped June 16,1976Kathryn's Frost Tee X May Morning Shes A Livin Doll, 34 lbs.Right now. we guess breedable mature size. We will keep the better one.NOT FOR SALEDark Red Female whelped July 1, 1976May Morning Moonwalker X May Morning Alice Our last and only chance to double on the Pomwin line.We Hope For Another Showstopper Litter and Another Black Litter in August.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-191284 POMERANIAN REVIEWboxes that duplicator paper comes in, but many other kinds would work. I cut away the flaps that form the top and tape them together to form a false bottom. I cut a small hole in the real bottom, and run the cord of the heating pad through it. I then place a few layers of newspaper on top of the false bottom and wrap papers and false bottom in a heavy towel. The false bottom is then tightly wedged over the heating pad. The tight wedging protects the heating pad from even an active bitch. The taut towel gives excellent footing and can be easily washed, and the newspapers replaced and provide an exact heat control.sic Most vets and breeders agree that puppies who move to standard dog food early in life do better. However, some toy puppies are simply not strong enough to crunch regular dog food. I have found that dry kibble can be run through a kitchen blender to create a baby cereal which mixes easily withother foods. Meats for small puppies can be aproblem as they must be cut into such small pieces. These meats may be pressured in a pressure cooker and then run through a blender to form a meat spread that mixes readily if fowl or fish is used, it may be pressured bones and all. One hour will yield bones that can be crushed in ones fingers. Thus the puppies gain the added bone meal. Wild fowl have harder bones. Be careful of them. If you are ever in the mood to cook for your dogs try these homemade dog biscuits. Mix 4 cups of com meal, 2 cups of liquid water broth, etc., 1 T liquid shortening, 1 egg, and any meat scraps, vegetables, etc. pressured meats are great. Bake for 25-30 min. in an oven of 375. Cut when cool. My dogs love them better than any biscuits that I have ever bought for them. If you try any of these items, I would like to know how they work for you.OBEDIENCERINGfayEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112A note from Jon and Jan Renee of Anchorage, Alaska tells about another Pomeranian up there now making his bid for C.D. RENEES WEE WARRIOR CHARLEY, owned, trained and handled by Betty Webley of Anchorage. Warrior scored 187 at his first show The Dog Obedience Training Club of Anchorage on March 28, 1976 to earn his first leg in Novice. He was top scoring Pom and high scoring Toy in the trial. Betty has plans for showing him in obedience again very soon, and by this time he may already be a C.D. Oh, no, they dont stop there at his first outing in the conformation ring at Alaska Kennel Club March 21st he was Reserve Winners. Who said you cant show successfully in obedience and conformation at the same timeJohn and Rose Derham of Redwood City, California proudly report another U.D. Pom to their credit WINDYS SPARKLE PLENTY completed her U.D. handled by John at San Mateo Kennel Club on November 30, 1975, where she was third in the class with a score of 195. Their latest C.D. was acquired by SPARKLES STARSHINE also handled by John at Sir Francis Drake Kennel Club on April 18, 1976. Her scores towards the title were 187^, 189^2 and 193.Debbie Jones of Alhambra, California is keeping us up on Pom obedience news in Southern California. She writes We went to Southwest Obedience Clubs match April 4. Talk about April showers It rained all day, drizzled on Tillies Utility long stand she stood,POMERANIAN REVIEW 85tho, and poured during Murdochs Novice sit and down. He looked as though someone had been mopping the floors with him. But he not only stayed he won second place with 194, only point behind the first place dog another Pom, JIMMIE, owned by Eula Roy of Los Angeles. Incidentally, when I got chem in out of all that rain I found that although they appeared to be thoroughly drenched, their heavy undercoats had kept them nearly dry at the skin. They fared better than some of the larger single-coated dogs. The following week "Tillie and I went to San Fernando Kennel Clubs licensed show and trial. She was reserve winners bitch her second. breed show ever and, just to prove that you can show in breed and obedience at the same time she went and got a 192 in Open B. On April 19 Tillie went to San Gabriel Valley Kennel Clubs show and trial and again went reserve winners and qualified with a 197 in Open B obedience. Debbies Poms are FERSHOFFS TILLIE TOYLER,C.D.X. and SEABRIGHT ATILLA THE HUN-EY.Obedience Poms everywhere Yes, they seem to pop up just about all over. Weve heard about them from far and wide Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, and now this charming letter from Angie Ruiz in Puerto Rico. I wrote this letter to tell you about my experience in obedience training. I have a Pomeranian named LIZA. I trained her myself. She was quite smart learning the obedience lessons. I showed her six months after training her and wasnt sure of making a qualifying score because I hadnt trained her with other dogs. The day of the show came May 16, 1976 and she made a qualifying score of 181 She stayed the one minute sit and three minute down without moving although she had two big dogs beside her. The points she lost were because I didnt know the obedience rules. Because of this I suggest that before showing in obedience, learn the rules. I love Angies last sentence "Before finishing, three words Poms are greatSHEILAS LITTLE RAGAMUFFIN, owned and trained by Nancy Rynewicz of San Jose, California, now has his C.D. Muffin finished at Oakland Dog Training Club on May 16, 1976, with a score of 195. Needless to say, says Nancy, I was very pleased. They have now started Open training and are both enjoying it, so we should hear more soon.Marvelous news from Claudia J. Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, WI. Her sable Pomeranian bitch ROCKYS FLUF N PUFF call name "Gala has earned her C.D. degree. She completed the degree in three straight shows in two consecutive weekends with scores of 193, 190 and 195. The first two legs were earned under very terrible weather conditions where at the first show, because of heavy continuous rains, the show building was so packed that the only time her feet touched the ground was when she was in the ring, and the second leg was earned directly outside with cold biting winds which caused the exhibitors to wear snowmobile suits. She came through all this with a happy wagging performance and was fun to work with all the time.She always draws a crowd and really enjoys the competition and spectators. Now she is taking a break to have a litter by Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan. Then she will continue with her open work. She already loves to jump and hurdles a stick in grand style when we do exhibition work. The dumbell doesnt seem to present any problem either. After working with Shelties and Kee- shonden for many years in obedience, I am convinced that the Pom is really the clear deal for this type of work. They are very smart and the ones I have experienced have stable, outgoing temperaments and their size makes them easy to travel with and handle at shows.I received several replys after you printed my name in conjunction with Continued on Page 8886 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the shows career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is S4.50.CH. DANIELS PISTOL PETE, a 4V6 lb. ball of fun, finished his championship wth a 5 pt. major at the October Houston Specialty, admirably handled by Molly Miller, to our delight and that of his breeder, Merle Daniels. Owned by Jeanne K. Gribben Cynthia Downman, Houston, Texas.Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss Cricket Ch. Daniels Scampering Scotter SireBonners Fancypepper Bonners Gorgus Mighty Miss QuinneBonner's Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Daniels Panda Bear DamPlatinum King Hynes Sugar BabeMartins Candy Kisses1weCH. MODELS FUN BUG Orange sable male Breeder-Owner, Robert L. Goodrich Hampton, VirginiaCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Son of Fun SireCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Model's Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Models Lil Bit of Style Ch. Model's Golden Girl Ch. Models Lady Bug DamCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic SpellCH. MAJESTIC SPARKLING DIAMONDDeep Orange Male Breeder, Dorothy Johnson Owner, Robert L. Goodrich Hampton, VirginiaCh. Trade Mark of Nanjo Ch. Copyright of NanjoThelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String Sire Roanokes Danger of Givenwood Roanokes Sun ButtonRoanokes Gold Certificate Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Ch. Nanjo InterludeThelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Bodas Topaze Merry Gold DamCh. Kniffins Jack-O-Diamonds Bodas Diamond Gypsy JanBodas Diamond Tanya NinaFOR A SUCCESSFUL FEBRUARY 1977 SPECIALTY WE ASK EVERYONE TO SEND IN TROPHY AND CATALOGUE ADVERTISINGPLEDGES RIGHT AWAYPOMERANIAN REVIEW 87CH. JUST A TRINKET DAMBEASTIERed Sable female Breeder Robert T. Harris Owners Margaret R. John R. McKee Richmond, VirginiaCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social Lion SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Ch. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Wee Teddy Go-GoMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Teddys Sindrazi DamNowlins Wee Willie Winkie Ne-Nes Jappo Styraja Irenes PebblesCH. MEGS JAMIE OF LOVE BUGOrange Sable male Breeder - Owner Donna Megenhardt Kent, OhioBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug SireCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil Doll Ch. Davis Weegold Boxie Davis Weegold Boxie DandyDavis Weegold Boxie Watusi Davis Weegold Betsy Bee DamRossmoyne Gold Pride Ch. Davis Weegold Goody Goody Rossmoyne TeressaCH. SILVER MEADOWS BABY CRICKETTRed-orange female Breeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, N.Y.Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland Ch. Sunwink of Highland Aristipretty of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger SireSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Lady TaffySilver Meadows Lady of Ken-Gay Ch. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadows Crickett DamBonners Pepperking Oak Hills CrickettBonners Suncharm Honey BeeCH. GADS FROSTFS LOVE O DRAGONFLYRed femaleBreeder-Owner, Norma C. Gad El Paso, TexasBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodlebug SireFoxfire Herman Jeribeths Honeybee Foxfire Dixie Aristic Little Model Man Aristic My Louis Pretty Boy Aristic Ginger Cookie Aristic Frosted Gold Model DamCh. Bonners Tiny Showstopper Aristic Ginger Cookie Aristic GigiCH. LUELLS KUKLA BOY OF DUKEOrange maleBreeders-Owners Lucius Elinor Luccas Burlington, WisconsinCh. Tiny Tumble Toy Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Gold Toys Tiny Patrician Ch. Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke SireCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sues Darlin DragonTonos Bonne Miss Bebbe Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle Bug Jeribeths Honey Bee Toy Towns Cuppi of Jeribeth DamInt. Ch. Sungolds Maverick Ch. Sungolds Mavis Sungolds ChristyCH. MODELS HIGH VOLTAGERed Sable Male Breeder-Owner Bob Goodrich Hampton, Va.Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image SireGreat Elms Little Duffy Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Sue Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Magic Timstopper Ch. Models Magic Spell Models Bewitched DamCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Jillz Lyra Altair V. Windemere Jillzs Fancee Fantsy88 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsCH. ROBINHOOD CHULA DARK FLAMEOrange Sable Male Breeder Verna Hood Owner Norma Gad El Paso, TexasGold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Sire Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creider's Miss Maggie Robinhoods Creme De Mint DamCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Queenaire's Ginn Fizz of Hood's Queenaires Grange PeppinCANADA Continueda second in group at Mid-Canada. However, Hurricane, owned by Mitchells is continuing to hold his own most shows, and usually places in group, often first. I have been told he placed as third highest winning Pom in Canada in 1975, blit have not been informed of the names of the first two. He is trying for another best in show, and looks as if he could do it.The trend in our area is for boys, lovely and loving, but too many, so hope this is not too wide spread a trend.See you at the showsMERCER Continuedcourse, does not apply to bitches with abnormal seasons or ones that never show color. If this is the case, arrangements should be made with the stud owner to give several breedings.OBEDIENCE Continuedtracking and made many new friends. Thanks. We will continue work with this aim after the pups are whelped and gone. A book by Glen Johnson on tracking, recently acquired, is a valuable aid in understanding the hows and whys of tracking. He lays out a step by step schedule of lessons for obtaining the coveted TD, and we are really looking forward to beginning this method.I whole-heartedly agree with the remarks about each individuals attempts to remove obedience from the stepchild category. It is hard work, but if something is worth the effort a person should really try. Our local kennel club consists of only 35 actual members but the members plus obedience class participants who are not members equal well over half that. We are small but active. At a recent all-breed obedience trial we won Highest Scoring Toy, and the trophy offered was much larger than most high in trial trophies Ive seen. ^Kennels.POMERANIAN REVIEW 89YIPS YAPSMRS. JUDY GRAF GUNDERSON Box 16Barronett, Wise. 54813For those breeders who may be interested in color-breeding ... I have a line-bred beaver-colored male puppy, whelped April 9th. There are probably other breeders who are trying to breed this color, or, have bred them unknowingly. I would like to use this opportunity in your Yips Yaps to ask them to write to me.A CONCERNED POM FANCIER Name WithheldI'd like to congratulate Gayle Griffin for her article in the April issue of the Pomeranian Review. She is so right about judges not seeing crippled movement in the show ring. And I do believe they should be more conscientious on finding slipped stifles. It is something that should not be overlooked. Unsoundness should be grounds for disqualification. After all. arent these dogs in the show ring supposed to be for best breeding and upgrading of the breed And how can breeding unsound dogs be an asset to the breed Large-dog breeders seem to be much more careful with their problem of hip-displasia. Pom breeders sometimes seem to want to keep their stifle problems a secret. They should be much more careful with this matter. We should try to lessen this hereditary defect rather than breed into it. Judges should be much more aware of this problem and should excuse any Pom with poor stifles in hopes to get better soundness and movement in our Poms. Hereditary defects we should try to eliminate, not promote There are too many champions that do not deserve the title because of this defect that can be carried to their offspring. So judges and Pom fanciers PLEASE WAKE UPGLORIA SETMAYER Paramus, N.J.Would like to tell Beverley Berman who wrote the column on raspberry tea for easy whelping and said she would like to hear from others who may have had any experience with it I bred a six lb. bitch and gave her raspberry tablets, imported from England, they cannot be purchased in the U.S., same as raspberry tea only in tablet form. They came from the Denes Vet Lab. in England who are great believers in the natural way of feeding dogs. She was given these tablets daily and given double dosage during the last two weeks, nevertheless this female had a SECTION, which may I add, was not done unnecessarily, she went into labor, the water bag appeared and that was it, she did not dialate and had to- be rushed to the Vet for a Section, so this is a case where raspberry did not prevent a section also would like to mention that out of the three puppies whelped two were lostI would also like to voice another opinion at this time. I feel that judges, clubs, AKC, or whoever, should give more thought to the way the bite is examined in the show ring. I mean the practice of judges going from mouth to mouth with their hands to examine the bite. This is not allowed in Canada, the handler must show the bite, for in Canada they feel that the other method invites more chance of passing on diseases of any sort from one dog to another, not that people purposely bring ill dogss to shows, but sometimes one does not know when an animal is coming down with an illness he may be harboring. I have attended one cat show and was so impressed with the precautions taken there, on a table beside the judge there are bowls of disinfectant and piles of towels, the judge washes her hands in this after examination of EACH cat I do not expect the dog fancy to go this far, but really feel the process of going from one dogs mouth to another should be changed What do you think Has your dog ever come home from a show and become ill and you didnt know whyThink about itELINOR LUCCAS Co-Chairman of Kenosha County A-MatchBeware A midwest breeder is suspected of cutting newborn pups ears to alter ap- perance. Apparently, pups are born with jackass ears and instead of breeding to correct this fault, she has found she can cut leather of ears off at birth. Two dogs were shown in our Kenosha County A-Match and Judge Ed. Klein disqualified both dogs for altered ears. Dogs were purchased through an ad found in Pom Review.Editor's Note We feel sure that MOST advertisers in the Review are honest, ethical people, however in answering ANY advertisement in ANY publication, the buyer should be prepared to investigate thoroughly and have all agreements IN WRITING, before purchasing stock. If a case such as the above is subsequently PROVEN to be true, all future advertising from this source will be turned down.90 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageOLGA DARRELL BAKER............................................................................................................... 41DICK SALLY BAUGNIET ..........................._........................................................................ 21, 27RUTH L. BEAM ______ ________________________ _________________________________ 54PATRICIA D. BROOKS ______________________________________ __________________ 52WILMA JEAN BROWN ...................................................................................................................... 61JULIE BRUMBACK ______________________________________________________________ 60MORRIS BETTY CARSON ............................................................................................... 19, 35, 58FRANCIS J. CASEY ______________________________________________________________ 8CHRISTINE CULLEN .......................................................................................................................... 9JOYCE H. DAILEY _______________________________________________________________ 52THEODORE L. DICKINSON, JUNE SMYTH CAROL PARTAIN ___________________ 46, 47CYNTHIA DOWNMAN JEANNE K. GRIBBEN ......................................... ............................ 58, 86THELMA M. DUNN _____________________________________________________________ 72PAUL RANDY FRECH .............................................................................................................. 30, 31NORMA C. GAD ._____________________________________ _________________ 42, 43, 56, 57EDNA E. GIRARDOT ______________________________________________-....................... 26ROBERT L. GOODRICH ___________________________________________________________ 51POMERANIAN REVIEW 91INDEX TO ADVERTISERS ContinuedPageJ. L. M. M. GORMAN ...................................................................................................................29PERN GORRIN ........................................................................................................................................ 36ROBERT T. HARRIS THELMA M. DUNN .................................................................................... 63MARY ELLEN HENDRICKSON ..................................................................................................8NADINE HERSIL ............................................................................................................................. 25, 60JODI HUDSPETH ........................................................................................................... COVER, 14, 15ELEANOR HYCHE ........................................................................................................................ 13, 41NORMA J. LLOYD E. JENKINS, JR........................................................................................... 50, 55KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC............................................................................. 23RON JACKIE KLEIN _______ ____________________________________ ____________ 59, 69GERALD J. KRIPAK ............................................................................................................................. 76JACKIE CHUCK LIDDLE.................................................................................................................. 7LUCIUS ELINOR LUCCAS ............................................................................................... 9, 37, 63JANICE LUGINSLAND ....................................................................................................................... 37MARGARET JOHN McKEE ........................................................................................................... 73GOLDIE K. MANDLEY ....................................................................................................................... 75ELMA MANIES .................................................................................................................................. 39JON ROBERTA MASSEY ................................................................................................................ 19SOPHIE H. MAYES ................................................ ......................................................................... 82, 83RICHARD DONNA MEGENHARDT ............................................................................................. 71DAN JoELLEN MERCER ................................................................................................................ 5ELEANOR KEN MILLER ............................................ ............................................................ 45, 62CHRIS ODETTE NOLAN ............................................................................................................... 29BILL BEV NORRIS ____________ _______________________________________________ 77STANLEY CLARICE M. OGANEKU ............................................................................................. 49MRS. JOYCE OHRTMAN ...................................................................................................................... 33SKIP PIAZZA ........................................................................................................................................ 34JOHN R. KATHERINE R. PROBST ................................................................................................ 67MADELINE SALZMANN RAYMOND ............................................................................................... 36LENNIS RHODES _______________________________________________________________ 70ANNE L. RIDDICK __________________________________________ ___________________ 2GEORGE O. ROBASON _____________________ _____ _............................................................. 60GLORIA SETMAYER .................................................................._................................................ 55, 65TONY BETTY SHORT_________________ _______________________________________ 13, 17JUDY KONE WHIPPLE ....................................................................................................................... 57JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG ........................................................................................................... 5392 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, 3nc.INCFALL SPECIALTYDES MOINES, IOWA, SEPTEMBER 5, 1976 JUDGE MR. KENNETH E. MILLERHOSPITALITY SUITE and PRE-SHOW DINNER RAMADA INN-DOWNTOWN 929 3rd St., Des Monies, Iowa 50309The Des Moines Pom Club will not serve ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES in the hospitality room. Everyone is welcome to bring their own, mix and ice will be available.Due to the OVERWHELMING GENEROSITY of members and friends of the American Pom Club, there will be trophies plus cash awards for all placing of each regular class.Dont Forget Newton, Iowa, September 4 JUDGE Mr. Keith BrowneThe Des Moines Pom Club will provide transportation to and from Newton.Mrs. Henry Hochstedler Show ChairmanRt. 2, Box 117-B Kalona, Iowa 52247319-656-2005