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The Pomeranian Review April 1977
American Pomeranian Club, inc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY APRIL, 1977mw fr HMbest of BREED0R VARIETYhiFAYETTEVILLEKENNEL^tfLUBOCT.24,1976CHAMPION CHIPS OF DIAMOND Bred and Owned by Morris and Betty Carson Shown going Best of Breed under Mrs. Wilma Hunter Handler, Marlene ScottIN THIS ISSUENEW YORK SPECIALTY Club News BREED STANDARDThoughts On Whelping by Elma Manies Two Vignettes by June Moore2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEBy DARRELL W. BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586Greetings and special thanks to you, the membership of the parent Pomeranian Club, for the confidence you have indicated in electing me to the office of President. You can bet I will try to bring to this office the experience you need, expertise you want, and interest you expect. This Club is special to me . . . and to you . . . each of us has a special desire that it succeed, grow, conduct business efficiently and do what a Club is expected to do. Work with me, all of you I will give you my best and will welcome your fine support and cooperation.New York was, as always, an excitement. Olga and I have come to expect this as a highlight of each year, and it indeed was. The show at the Lowes Summit Hotel was perfect. I will not distribute laurels at this time ... it has been done and there is no way to be adequately appreciative of the fine work members did on this show anyway. The success of this show only serves, in my opinion, to reflect the talent, skill and cooperation of incredible and extraordinary people. Boy, am I inheriting a fine bunchClasses at the show were unbelievable. It was fun to watch Judges expressions . . . first, Mr. Chuck Reynolds at the Sweepstakes when he was faced with an impossible huge class of fantastic pups. Then, I appreciated a well-known judge of the calibre of Mr. Joe Faigel looking at a huge Specials class and announcing loudly, with his quick wit, Wouldnt some one else like to do this The showC isbeing reported elsewhere in this issue, so I wont give show reports. I prefer to use this space and time to once again let our Past-President, Marlene Scott, know of the gratitude we all feel for her service to this organization. For those of you who missed the after-show dinner in New York, let me capsulize the warming, gutsy, profound speech this little girl delivered. Marlene spoke of ethics, sportsmanship, petty jealousies, ridiculous rumor - spreading, inane political shenanigans within healthy clubs that render them UNHEALTHY and sometimes result in dissolution. Marlene had an interested audience and, in her carefully worded speech, she hit at sensitive areas and I, for one, was in total agreement, since I happen to be one of those who sees the good side of dog worlds and feels quite secure and comfortable with this avocation I have chosen and like to enjoy . . . thus I am in total agreement with this little gal. My special overview of dogs and dogs shows . . . my philosophy . . . completely concurs with Marlenes . . . appreciate and enjoy the good . . . ignore and forget the bad. Believe me, it WORKSI said I wasnt going to do it but I cant let it go . . . thank you, everyone . . . Tommy, Bill, Pat, Mike, Jessie, Barbara, Sam, Goldie, Marlene, Sally, Thelma, Kathryn, Rick, Ruth and Jackie ... you ARE THE GREATEST To everyone . . . this is YOUR Club . . . let me know your wishes for it.WESTMINSTER WINNERSWINNERS DOG, Morenos Mr. Sweet Pickles owned by Mike Meyer and Dr. Pat Scelso.WINNERS BITCH BEST OF WINNERS, May Morning April Luv owned by Gloria Setmayer.BEST OF BREED, Ch. Millamors Marketta owned by Edward B. Jenner.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED, Ch. Julies Star Brother owned by Donna Megenhardt.The judge was Mr. Herman Cox.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Elub, Jnr.President ...................................First Vice President Second Vice President . Recording Secretary ... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer .................................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB............................................................................ Mr. Darrell W. Baker..............................................................................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn.................................................................................... Mrs. Ruth Dotson................................................................................ Mrs. Sally Baugniet............................................................ Mr. Anthony R. Skip Piazza125 Stonecliff Dr., Rochester, N.Y. 14616 ........................................................................ Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyBOARD OFMrs. Kathryn Birk Mr. Thomas Daniels Mrs. Jacquelyn KleinDelegate to the A.K.C.........................................................DIRECTORSMrs. Sophie H. Mayes Mr. Richard Megenhardt Mrs. Eleanor W. Miller ............................................. Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ..........................................................................................................................................Mrs. Sophie PI. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380Assistants ....................................................................... Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Mrs. Thelma M. DunnCirculation Manager................................ Mr. J. Michael Meyer. 194 Carroll St., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231Published quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., S.OO for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada. Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription. 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text................................55.00Inside front cover ................................................... 30.00Center Spread, 2 pages .......................................... 60.00Full page ................................................................. 25.00Three-quarters page ................................................ 20.00One-half page ......................................................... 15.00One-quarter page vertical only ............... 7.50100 copies full page ad............................................. 7.50Minimum charge for cuts up to l3Ax2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTBy THOMAS E. DANIELS 72 Davis Road Southwick, Ma. 01077In the January Review, I said Goodbye as your Corresponding Secretary, but due to a Tie resulting in the balloting for a new Corresponding Secretary, I have been asked to continue until such time as we can re-vote for this position. Hopefully, by the time that you read this, we will have a new Corresponding Secretary, but the Review deadline makes it impossible to include it now.As we go to press Dr. Morris Carson lias withdrawn his name as a candidate for the position of Corresponding Secretary. Our new Secretary for 1977 will he Anthony R. Skip Piazza, 125 Stone- cliff Dr., Rochester, N.Y. 14616.At the Annual Meeting the following Officers and Board Members were electedPresident__________ Mr. Darrell Baker1st Vice-Pres............. Mrs. Thelma Dunn2nd Vice-Pres...............Mrs. Ruth DotsonRecording Sec...........Mrs. Sally BaugnietTreasurer________ Mrs. Goldie MandleyBoard of Directors Mrs. Kathryn Birk Mr. Thomas Daniels Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein Mrs. Sophie Mayes Mr. Richard Megenhardt Mrs. Eleanor MillerCongratulations to all of our new Officers and Board Members. I want to thank the APC Members for your vote of confidence for my Board Position and I look forward to working in this position.The report of the Annual Meeting will be found elsewhere in this issue. H. W.Bill Pottebaum remains as our AKC Delegate.Miss Barbara Young, Loudon Ridge Road, Loudon, N.H. 03301 has been named as our new Columnist for the AKC Gazette, and I know that she would appreciate hearing from you with ideas of what you would like to see and read in her columns.On behalf of the Officers, Board and APC Members we would like to welcome the following new membersMrs. Louis CainP.O. Box 346, Metomen St.Ripon, WI 54971Ms. Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Road Nokesvile, VA 22123Ms. Zola Coogan 194 Carroll Street Brooklyn, NY 11231Mr. Gilbert Dodge 125 Stonecliff Drive Rochester, NY 14616Mr. Mrs. John Manthos 33 Creekside Summerville, SC 29483Mrs. Helen Payne125 London Bridge DriveDanville, VA 24541Lennis Raines Rt. 2, Box 205 Morristown, TN 37814Pauline Wamock P.O. Box 341 Goffstown, NH 03045SUMMER SPECIALTYOur Board has just approved The Summer Specialty to be held in conjunction with the Harrisburg, Pa. K. C. Show on August 27th. The judge is not yet approved.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5rn\3ocft om0 mO iomjid Co CPresentsA DOUBLE FEATUREddilua oCade id ad id ad cJderoLj. idtProduced byDunns Little Tomstopper De Des Little Miss Muffet, C.D.STARRING Leroy BrownrownDirected by Larry Johnson Dianne JohnsonPod Script ddtandinc^ aVationProduced byCh. Great Elms Timstopper Image Edneys Miss PattycakeLeroy BrownBWD Upper Marlboro Virginia Sivori BOB Rock Creek Match Michael HagenSTARRINGSAMULEReviewsDirected by Larry Johnson Dianne JohnsonSamuleBest in Sweepstakes A.P.C.Chuck Reynolds Toy Group 1 NCBFC Match Charles EdwardsFan Mail2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, Md. 21234 301-661-7289Check Local Shows For Personal Appearances6 POMERANIAN RE, . JWCOVER STORYBy MORRIS CARSONCh. Chips of Diamond on the cover is our first homebred Champion. He weighs 34 pounds and is a clear orange. For years we had tried to buy a little male like Chip but did not have any success. It was our good friend Bob Goodrich who gave us the start we needed to produce Ch. Chips of Diamond.We are indeed grateful to Bob Goodrich and the Model Kennels for allowing us to purchase Chips mother, Models Solid Gold, whose sire is Ch. Models Son of Fun and dam is Models Bewitched. Chips father is Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond and grand sire is Ch. Models Sparkling Diamond.Chip finished his Championship at fourteen months of age. He was going from open class to Best of Breed sometime bef ore he finished. He finished with two majors coming from Mrs. James Edward Clark and Mr. Robert Reedy. We would also like to thank Mrs. James Edward Clark, Mr. Kenneth Miller and Mr. Edd Bivin for group Placements.As you can tell by now, we are very proud of this little fellow and love him dearly. After the Florida shows, we have brought him home to shed his coat and do as he pleases for a while.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR ADVERTISERSAt their February Board Meeting, the Board voted to demand absolute enforcement of the Conditions For Advertising in the Review, as always printed on page 3 at bottom of the page. All ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and MINIMUM SIZE CUT IF ANY. Bill will be sent for larger cuts .. .The Advertising Manager has been a little lenient, and if advertisers failed to send payment for a minimum size cut usually with the note that they did not know what size cut would fit in the space ordered, ads have been accepted and bills sent for the cuts after publication. THIS WILL NO LONGER BE DONE.If your ad includes one or more pictures, and we do not have a previously used cut on file for that picture, you MUST send at least 6.00 for EACH picture to be reproduced. The Review is printed by the letter press method, and a half-tone engravers cut has to be made for the pictures. A 4 inch cut about the size of our Cover Pictures is 10.00.Regional Club Specialty Best of Breed pictures are printed FREE. ALL OTHER pictures of winners, trophy table, etc. are 6.00 EACH for 1 col. size.If advertisers fail to send payment for at least a minimum size cut, or if they have not paid any balance due on previous ads, THEIR AD WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. Enforcement of this rule is made necessary by two delinquent accounts no response to several billings and very slow payment by one Regional Club.BEST IN SHOWCh. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dots went all the way to B.I.S. at Laramie, Wyoming K.C., March 6 under Judge John Rejholic.She is owned by Mrs. Arabelle Hodges.POiS .Iranian review 7POST SCRIPTS CROWDPLEASERIWallyruss is shown going BW at the A.P.C. SpecialtyWe wish to thank Mr. Chuck Reynolds and Mr. Joseph Faigel for his winsand Mrs. Sadie Ray Edney for showing him so nicely.Wallyruss congratulates Post Scripts Standing Ovation and owner Dianne Johnson for his Best in Sweepstakes win. Also Silvamere Fizzies Fault Wallyruss half brother and his owner, Barbara DeBaugh on his win.Since the Specialty, Wallyruss has heen purchased by Mrs. Walter Jeffords and Mr. Michael Wolf. We wish them continued success with this little guy. Watch for himRepeat breeding on both litters due early summer.POST SCRIPT POMSRose Keller Rt. 1M, Box 84 CTaneytown, Md. 21787 301-876-35288 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWBy THE EDITORPinch Hitting for the Appointed ReporterA mid-February thaw brought a welcome break in the record cold winter, here in the east, just in time for the Specialty. Ice packs in the Delaware and Hudson Rivers and even in the Atlantic Ocean had been an unusual sight. Even swift flowing Brandywine Creek which marks one boundary of our kennel property had six inches of solid ice from bank to bank. The few warm days cleared the ice out of the rivers and gave us a chance to gird our strength against the next six weeks of winter weather that has been predicted not only by the Groundhog.A February date for our New York Specialty and Annual Meeting is always cause for concern weatherwise. Were it not for the traditional day before the Garden date, there is no doubt the Specialty would benefit from a change.Our new location on the East Side, forced upon us by the refusal of the Hilton to rent us the same room, proved very beneficial in all ways but one. For those using railway transportation, it is certainly not as convenient. Our gate was down this year. With specialties now scattered all over Manhattan on the same day, and out-of-towners perhaps in doubt how to find us, this was not unexpected.The Loews Summit Hotel proved to be a more economical, a friendlier and a cleaner spot. The show room was amply large and the adjacent garage was a boon to those driving into the City. Our only disagreeable experience was with the waitresses in the Coffee Shop, but that is beside the point.Our Hospitality Room was never empty except Sunday during the Show itself. I guess someone slept in there, but Im not sure just when It could have been a much larger room, but then some people dont mind sitting on the floor.9 A.M. Sunday morning came all too soon for some of us who had talkedmuch of the night away, but after a hasty breakfast most people congregated in the show room in time for the Sweep- stakes. And I feel sure most of us were very glad we were not in Chuck Reynolds shoes as sixteen 6-9 mo. puppies flocked into the ring for his approval. With all the assurance in the world, Chuck passed judgement on the large class of extremely typey and attractive puppies, finally awarding first place to an eye-catching red dog bred by Rose Keller and owned and shown by Dianne Johnson, Post Script Standing Ovation. This little fellow just pushing 9 mo. later won the grown-up American Bred Class. The 9-12 mo. Class of eleven was won by a lovely sable bitch Topaze Mary Friskie, bred, owned and handled by Francis Casey. Standing Ovation got the nod for Best in Sweepstakes, with Mary Friskie Best of Opposite Sex. It certainly was not a cut and dried decision as there were half a dozen of the younger puppies very much in the running, and almost as many of the older ones these latter at a slight disadvantage because of their stage of developement, past the puppy bloom but not yet mature.Our photo by Chuck Tatham shows Sweep- stakes Judge Chuck Reynolds awarding Best In Sweepstakes to 6-9 mo. puppy dog, Post Script Standing Ovation bred by Rose Keller and handled by Owner Dianne Johnson.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9It is always a pleasure to show under Mr. Faigel or to watch him judge. Most of our Specialty judges have heen exactly what we expected them to he gracious, knowledgeable, thorough and satisfactory in every way. But Mr. Faigel gave the impression that he was simply delighted to he there with us, to have the opportunity of passing judgement on our Poms and to lighten the tension with humorous remarks from time to time. Although it was not easy to follow his method of judging, as he tabled all the dogs in a class and then went back and gaited them individually, he evidently has a prodigious memory and knew exactly what he was looking for. Where the classes were large and competition strong, he examined and re-examined before making his decision. I feel sure every exhibitor was satisfied that his Pom had been most thoroughly gone over.I must apologize for not commenting on the individual Poms as you have come to expect in our Specialty write-ups. Every year, a knowledgeable person is asked to write up the Specialty in detail for the Review, and we have had some talented and interesting reports. I saw our reporter watching intently and taking notes, and although I sat at ringside and watched the judging and second guessed the judge all afternoon, I was also busily talking to my sister-in-law whom I see once a year on this occasion, and did not take notes myself. The writeup never arrived, and no word has been received to explain why not.Winner of the 6 to 9 mo. puppy dog class was Post Script Crowd Pleaser, a cobby little orange dog most ably handled by Sadie Ray Edney for breeder- owner Rose Keller. This puppy was whelped just four days before the Sweep- stakes Winner. Imagine hitting the jackpot twice in one week Of course one cant predict what newborn puppies will look like nine months later.As class followed class, a consistent pattern emerged. Most of the winnners were small, orange and in full coat and showing well. The Winners Class came in the ring. After some deliberation, Mr. Faigel announced, Ill go with the puppy It was a close decision between Crowd Pleaser and the Open Dog bred, owned and handled by Eleanor W. Miller, Millamors Rock Montegram who was awarded Reserve. Ray Edney laughed, cried and embraced the judge. He took it all in stride.rJudge Joseph Faigel finds his Winners Dog and Best of Winners in the 6-9 mo. Puppy Dog, Post Script Crowd Pleaser, handled by Sadie Ray Edney for Breeder-Owner Rose Keller. Trophy presenter is Show Chairman Thomas Daniels. Tatham photograph.s KMrs. Doris Craig handles her Open Bitch to Winners under Judge Joseph Faigel. Thomas Daniels holds the trophy. Chuck Tatham took the picture.10 POMERANIAN REVIEWThere were thirteen in the open Bitch Red, orange, cream and sable class, and Mr. Faigel spent some time in comparing and re-examining them. This was the largest class except for the Best of Breed competition of 15. The eventual winner and his Winners Bitch was a small orange, Models Truly All Gold, bred by Robert Goodrich and owned and handled by Mrs. Doris Craig. She was pressed very hard in the Winners Class by the Bred By Exhibitor Winner, Scotia J D Treasure Chest Wendy, bred, owned and handled by Edna Girardot. Wendy was Reserve.X' V - MX irOutgoing President Mrs. Marlene Scott on left presents the Presidents Trophy as Judge Faigel picks Ch. Millamors Marketta as his Best of Breed. Marketta is owned by Edward B. Jenner and handled by Georgia Murdock. Francis Casey holds the Best of Breed Trophy as photo is taken by Chuck Tatham.Judge Joseph Faigel awards Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed to Ch. Acarusims Wee Ben of Topaze owned by Sally Misuraca and Mary Casey and handled by Francis Casey. Tatham photo.15 Specials entered the ring. 2 others were absent. With the Winners Dog and Bitch, the large ring was crowded, but Mr. Faigel announced that he wasnt going to dismiss any. He examined all, then lined up the top contenders and re-examined them. Best of Breed went to Ch. Millamors Marketta owned by Edward B. Jenner and handled as always by Georgia Murdock. Marketta was in glorious full coat, with skirts trailing the ground as she gaited. We in the east had never seen her in coat and realized what a difference it made She stood out in that crowded ring like a queen confident of her beauty. There were 13 male champions in the ring and decision for Best of Opposite Sex finally narrowed to two. Ch. Acarusims Wee Ben of Topaze, bred by Sally Misuraca and owned by her and Mary Casey, handled by Francis Casey, got the nod.The Annual Meeting was well attended and minutes will appear in the Annual Report and Membership Roster. A Board Meeting was held immediately afterwards by the newly elected Officers and Board. Like Cinderella leaving the ball, your Editor had to skip the festive Dinner Party and travel homeward. From all reports, the Dinner was a grand success.SHOW CHAIRMANS REPORTBy THOMAS E. DANIELSWell, another Specialty is over and again this year, THANKS TO YOU, it was another great show. We had 91 dogs for a total entry of 120.I say THANKS TO YOU, because without all of your help and support none of this would have been possible. The final figures are not all in as yet but I am happy to report that we again made a profit.This year, as you know, we were forced to move to a different location, and I feel that the change was certainly an improvement over some of the places that we have been in the past. We werePOMERANIAN REVIEW 1]SPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Judge, Mr. Chuck Reynolds BEST IN SWEEPSTAKESPost Script Standing Ovation owned by Larry Dianne Johnson BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES Topaze Mary Friskie owned by Francis J. Casey CLASS ENTRIES Judge, Mr. Joseph Faigel PUPPY DOGS, 6-9 MO.Post Script Crowd Pleaser owned by Rose Keller PUPPY DOGS, 9-12 MO.Charismas Happy Chula owned by Jack Beti Trussel NOVICE DOGSQuinz Copper Token owned by Thomas D. Adams BRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGS Pixies Golden Party Boy owned by Carol A. Galavich AMERICAN BRED DOGSPost Script Standing Ovation owned by Larry Dianne JohnsonOPEN DOGS, BLACK, BROWN BLUESilvamere Fizzie's Fault owned by Barbara Roller Debaugh Dianne Johnson OPEN DOGS, RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLE Millamors Rock Montegram owned by Eleanor W. MillerVETERAN DOGSCh. Topaze Little Toto owned by Bertha M. Yeaton WINNERS DOG BEST OF WINNERS Post Script Crowd Pleaser owned by Rose Keller RESERVE WINNERS DOGMillamors Rock Montegram owned by Eleanor W. Miller PUPPY BITCHES, 6-9 MO.Scotia MD's Treasure Star Brite owned by Edna E. Girardot PUPPY BITCHES, 9-12 MO.Jabil's Liza With A Z. Owned by Richard F. Sedlack BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES Scotia J D Treasure Chest Wendy owned by Edna E. Girardot AMERICAN BRED BITCHES Silver Meadows Jewel owned by Philip A. Lubertine OPEN BITCHES, BLACK, BROWN BLUE Sel-Sal's Little Plum owned by Jose R. Selles Hernandez OPEN BITCHES, RED, ORANGE, CREAM SABLE Model's Truly All Gold owned by Mrs. Doris Craig WINNERS BITCHModel's Truly All Gold owned by Mrs. Doris CraigRESERVE WINNERS BITCHScotia J D Treasure Chest Wendy owned by Edna E. GirardotBEST OF BREEDCh. Millamors Marketta owned by Edward B. Jenner BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED Ch. Acarusims Wee Ben of Topaze owned by Sally A. Misuraca Mary F. Casey12 POMERANIAN REVIEWthe only dog show in the hotel, which made it even nicer. I hope that everyone enjoyed the choice of the Summit.Elsewhere in the Review you will find a listing of the winners and a write up of the show, so I will not go into that here, but I do want to take this opportunity to express thanks and appreciation to everyone connected with the show for all of their work and getting it all put together.It goes without saying that the Judges have the hardest job of all, and I feci that this year they probably had to work harder than ever. The dogs presented were certainly exceptional and both of our Judges, Chuck Reynolds for Puppy Sweepstakes and Joseph Faigel for Regular Classes certainly proved that they were professional judges in every respect. All of us owe them a vote of thanks for a job well done.The Trophies this year were again provided by Mike Meyer and Dr. Pat Scelso, and as usual they outdid themselves. The trophies this year were hand etched head studies, on crystal and for the Puppy Sweepstakes they used a Puppy head study and for the Regular Classes they used an Adult. It is my feeling that without question we have the best looking Trophy table that I have ever seen. It takes a lot of effort and thought to make this table that beauiful, and they deserve a lot of credit for this. My thanks to both of them.Three people wore two different hats for this show, that of running the Gate and Catalog Sales and also hosting the Hospitality Room on Friday and Saturday. In accepting the job as Hospitality Room Hostesses, they were required to wear costumes provided by the Show Secretary, but they declined. In case you didnt recognize them out of costume, they were Thelma Dunn, Sadie Edney and Goldie Mandley. A very special thanks to them for everything.Another person wore two hats and that was Sam Zaneoff. Sam was Chief Steward and kept the show runningsmoothly throughout the day. Sam also was our Dinner Chairman and provided us with perhaps one of the finest meals that I have ever enjoyed at any Specialty. Every last detail was complete and I know that everyone enjoyed themselves. Thanks Sam for your usual fine job.After the dinner, everyone returned to the Hospitality Room where Mary Jane Wilson and Edna Girardot treated us all to a display of cold cuts and assorted goodies that will not soon be forgotten. My thanks to them.I think that it goes without saying that without a Show Secretary it just doesnt happen. We all know the kind of job that Bill Pottebaum has done for the last two years in this position and I want to add my thanks to him for making it all work.I have saved the Advertising Committee of Jessie and Barbara Young for last for two reasons. First of all I want to thank them for doing such an excellent job. We had another Banner year with our advertising and this goes a long way in helping any show make a profit.Secondly, and I think the most important is that they have agreed to take over the job of Show Chairperson and Show Secretary for our 1978 Specialty. Jessie will be Show Chairperson and Barbara will be Show Secretary. Both of these positions are very demanding and the club owes them a big vote of thanks for undertaking these jobs. I know that they will do an excellent job and with all of the clubs support and cooperation, we will have another super Specialty.In closing, both Bill and I want to thank everyone for letting us have the opportunity to try and do it ourselves. It is always a little sad to leave a job, but we are both looking forward to being able to show again at the Specialty and with Jessie and Barbara at the helm we know that it will be enjoyable.Thanks to everyone for everything.DEADLINE IS MAY 20POMERANIAN REVIEW 13Great Elms Kennels, Reg.Nothing For SaleCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Stud Fee 75.00Congratulations to Rose Keller, breeder and Larry Dianne Johnson, owners of the Sweepstakes Winner Post Script Standing Ovation.He is the second puppy sired by Image to win the New York Specialty SweepstakesRuth L. Beam 704-889-9233P.O. Box 937 Pineville, N.C. 28134SILVAMERE FIZZIES FAULTcongratulates his half-brother Post Script Crowdpleaser on his recent win atThe American Pomeranian Club SpecialtyRight on WallyrussSILVAMERE POMSBarbara DeBaugh Riderwood, Md. 211391909 Old Court Road 301-296-267414 POMERANIAN REVIEWDELEGATESREPORTBy H. W. POTTEBAUMThe regular meeting of the Delegates was held on December 14, 1976, with President John A. Lafore calling the meeting to order with 187 Delegates present.Mr. Lafore stated that the AKC had received many inquiries regarding the support of research in the commercial area of purebred dogs, and he felt that the Delegates should be kept up to date on the projects. He then called on Haworth Hoch, a Board Member and also Chairman of the Dog Health and Education Committee for 'a report.Mr. Hoch reported that the AKC for a number of years has made an Annual contribution to Cornell University for various research work in the diseases of dogs. Several years ago the funds were specified for research in Canine Brucil- losis, but that recently funds have been provided to enable Cornell to use these where they feel that they are most needed.In addition to this contribution, several years ago the AKC made an initial grant to the Medical University of North Carolina, for work in the study and control of heart worm in dogs. Subsequent grants from the AKC and Shell Oil Company have enabled them to complete the research and take a long step forward in the treatment, control and hopefully the eventual elimination of the parasite.Within the past two years they have also funded a project by Dr. Olsen at the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical School in connection with thecauses of canine infertility.Perhaps the most interesting research being conducted at this time deals with the use of frozen semen. This research is being conducted by Dr. Seeger at the Institute of Comparative Medicine in Houston, Texas. Thru his research work Dr. Seeger has now produced five generations of dogs all produced from frozen semen.The anticipated procedure would be that the semen would be taken from your dog, or some other great dog, at a central collection station. The semen would then be frozen in ampules, and stored. You who own the bitch and wish to have her inseminated with this frozen semen would make arrangements, just as you do now, the stud owner would direct the storage facility to deliver one or more ampules to a trained veterinarian in your area, and he would inseminate the bitch at the proper time of ovulation. It is recognized that the procedure will be expensive, but hopefully the advantages will outweigh the costs. It is anticipated that the funding of Dr. Seegers work will terminate as of the middle of 1977.I think that we all will agree that this opens many possibilities and I will keep you posted on developments as they are made available to the Delegates.DEADLINE FOR JULY Firm Deadline for JulyMay 20, 1977WE ARE SORRYIf some of your columns and ads missed our deadline this time, we are sorry. We did extend the usual deadline 8 days for Specialty Show items ONLY, but we must adhere to a fairly strict production schedule in order to meet OUR deadline with the printer. There is only so and so much midnight oil to bum.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15SILVA LADE FAUGHNAN FR CRACKR wishes to congratulate his son Post Script Crowdpleaserfor a very successful debut at the AP.C. SpecialtyHe also congratulates his kennelmate Post Script Standing Ovation Pictured winning Best In Sweepstakes at A.P.C.Silva Lade wishes to thank Mr. Chuck Reynolds and Mr. Joseph Faigel for the placements ofSilva Lade Bad Bad Leroy Brown, Silvamere Fizzies Fault and Post Scripts Standing Ovation all of which are owned or co-owned by Silva Lade.Since the Specialty, co-ownership in Post Scripts Standing Ovation has been purchased by Mrs. Walter Jeffords.SILVA LADELarry Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill RoadBaltimore, Md. 21234 301-661-728916 POMERANIAN REVIEWMILL AMOR POMSmj 'BESTOFWINNERSTATHAM PHOTOCH. MILLAMORS ROCK MUSICMusic is shown finishing his championship with a 5 point major at Annapolis, Md., August 15, 1976 under Judge Mr. Joseph Rowe. Muse won the Toy Group at the age of 7 V2 months under Judge Mrs. Jane Kay and has several other Group Placements.A Proven StudEleanor Ken Miller14439 Mansfield RoadFee and Pedigree On RequestMILLAMOR KENNELSMt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ph. 614-397-9268POMERANIAN REVIEW 17MILLAMOR POMSL^ii""-K-'S-mMILLAMORS ROCK MONTEGRAMMonte is shown winning Best of Breed and then on to Group II from the classes under Judge Mr. Raphael Schulte. Monte has 4 Best of Breeds and 3 Group Placements in his short show career.Eleanor Ken Miller14439 Mansfield RoadMt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ph. 614-397-9268MILLAMOR KENNELS18 POMERANIAN REVIEWSOME THOUGHTS ON WHELPINGBy ELMA MANIESThere are breeders of Pomeranians more experienced and more qualified to write about whelping of puppies than I am. However, I find very little information in print regarding the whelping of Pomeranians. First, let me say, I have had no veterinary training or schooling, I am just trying to help someone else from experiences I have had myself. I write with the hope perhaps it will help someone who has an emergency facing him. It seems that when trouble comes it is usually after midnight or on a weekend, especially if my veterinarian is out of town.I learn something from each whelping, and I find myself worrying and watching each mother whether she is whelping for the first time or is a veteran. For we all know a bitch that has whelped several times without any trouble at all, can suddenly come up with a big problem. For example, a breech presentation with the puppy upside down, demands action in a hurry and you may not be able to contact your veterinarian to help in time.Needless to say, you should be prepared, read, read, read, to learn all you can about whelping. If you cant find a suitable Pomeranian book in your library read any book on Toy breed whelping. Then assemble the necessary equipment at least a week ahead of time. You will need a whelping box, a cardboard box from the grocery store will do providing it is about 16 x 24 or so. Encourage your expectant Mama to sleep in this box, let her know it is hers. A long slender box enables a Mama to feed her babies and then move to the cool end of the box away from the heat, while the babies sleep on a warmer bed. They quickly learn to crawl to her to eat and back to the warm spot to sleep. Have clean baby blankets, old sheet made into a pad, etc., put a thick layer of newspaper on the floor of the box under the bedding to insulate from the cold. Keep in mindthis first bedding will be thrown away, or washed after whelping as it will be wet soggy. Therefore, a new pad of material tiny feet can get traction on will be necessary after all the puppies are delivered. Be careful not to use something a tiny puppy can get into the folds of and get smothered or crushed by the Mama. You will need sterile scissors, cool sterile water, alcohol for sterilizing, thread for tying naval cords, several sterile wash cloths, medical soap from druggist a couple of hemostats or forceps for clamping cord ends, a good electric heating pad, or hot water bottles, an eye dropper or tiny pet nursing bottle, or even equipment for tube feeding just in case you have to feed the puppies. I suggest you have a note book to keep track of each puppy, time of birth, sex, color, weight, etc. Try to note the very first contractions, the first sighting of the water bag, the first appearance of the puppy, etc. In case of trouble your veterinarian will want to know all of these things, and you will want them for your permanent record on that bitch.When you know time is getting close, clip the hair from the mothers tummy and breasts so they are easily accessable to tiny babies. Also clip the hair around the vulva and keep the area clean with soap and water and at least towel dried. If your bitch is very heavy she may have a slight mucous show from the vulva just before puppies are bom. If you start checking a week before due date, you will find your mama-to-bes normal temperature is about 101.5, when time gets near check daily and about 12-24 hours before labor begins you will probably find a temperature drop to about 98 or even 97. It is nearly impossible to tell from a bitchs behavior just when she is actually going to go into labor, you can look at her and she will seem normal and then if you go to the store for a little quick shopping you can come home and find a couple of puppies already there, or a bitch in trouble. So the best test is temperature, and when it is down try to keep special surveillance.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19You are Cordially Invitedto attend theBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB Specialty Show in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club All Breed and Obedience Show Saturday, July 2, 1977 North Attleboro, Massachusetts.Sample New England Hospitality with a 3-Show WeekendScrumptious Picnic for all Pom Exhibitors Show Superintendent Foley Dog Show OrganizationJessie Barbara YoungLoudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301603-435-8731See Behind The New Champions for pedigrees of our 2 newest champions Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing pictured and Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger20 POMERANIAN REVIEWSome females are very calm and some very agitated, tearing wildly at their bedding, perhaps changing from the box to the closet if you dont keep that door shut, and watch they dont get into an arm chair or even on your bed. When a toy dog is whelping you must realize they are much slower than larger dogs. Give them time and the Pom will usually deliver with very little, if any, help. I am in favor of as little interference as possible, but sometimes you just have to do something to help out.It is helpful to know when the first real contractions begin. Real contractions are unmistakeable. You will see the dam tense, hunch up, then strain and then relax. This is repeated over and over as the puppy is pushed along to the cervix opening. It may take about an hour after the first contractions for the water bag to appear. After that she may take another hour of labor to produce the first puppy, but by now she has usually settled down to the task at hand. Continuous heavy contractions of 2-3 hours or so without any results calls for a veterinarians help. Needles to say a Pomeranian prefers her home for whelping, not a veterinarians office, but sometimes a pituitary shot will pop a puppy right out, or the veterinarians experienced hands can help a hung up puppy out quickly. Also, your veterinarian will know when a Caesarian section is necessary. Never attempt to use any instrument to deliver a bitch.In normal delivery a puppy follows the water sac in time. It emerges nose first with front feet under the chin, its back in line with the mothers back, belly down. If the head emerges, at long last, and there it is just the head, no front feet, and the bitch keeps trying and the contractions are strong, but no more progress is seen, you must help. Wash your hands in the sterile water and then with soapy hands and fingers soap is antiseptic and a lubricant you will have to insert a finger into the vulva, slowly and gently, down the puppies chest andto one side, as the puppys front feet are down increasing the girth of the chest, feel for a front leg, catching it under the puppys armpit and draw it out, now reach in again and bring out the second front leg. The puppy will most likely pop right out now. You may have to help a little by very gently, persistantly putting a wee bit of pull as the mother strains to get the shoulders and then the hips out. Keep your eye on the clock to see how much time is going by, dont be in too much of a hurry. Puppies can be lost from hurrying too much, too.If this is the bitchs first litter, or if she is very tired or suffering from shock, she may not clean her puppy when it arrives. If she does not, you will have to do the job. Usually the sac breaks very easily, sometimes it is quite tough. If the afterbirth placenta comes out easily pull gently and get the puppy out of the sac, wipe away the fluid from the puppys mouth and nostrils. Many use a soft ear syringe for this, if you are a beginner be careful. If it gasps and begins breathing and crying naturally, its lungs have filled with air and all is well. However if the placenta has not come loose, stubbornly resisting a gentle pull, you will have to use your clamping hemostats and put one inch from the pups belly and the other as close to the mothers body as you can. Cut the cord between clamps with a chewing, not clean sharp cut, don't let that cord disappear back up into the mother if you can help it, keep that hemostat clamped on the cord ends. If it should break again and if there is any sign of it keep insistantly tugging at the threads of it gently and it will probably come free. If it does not come out it can cause a lot of trouble, by impeding the progress of the next oncoming puppy. Keep track of it if you can, if you think it has not come out you will need a Veterinarian to give the bitch a shot to expel the placenta. Keep track there is a placenta for each puppy.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21OAKCREST POMERANIANSGloria Setmayer 496 Cedar LanePhone 201-652-9327 Paramus, N.J. 07652AKC LICENSED HANDLER Your Poms handled with T.L.C.Silver Meadows Tom-Tom13 pointsNeeds one major to finish.Sire Silver Meadows Joey OMillamor Dam Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Proven Stud Pedigree on Request.-VMay Morning April LuvPointed, including major from the puppy classSire May Morning Moonwalker Dam May Morning Sugar N SpiceNews Flash May Morning April Luv was Winners Bitch Best of Winners At The Garden under Judge Herman CoxIf the puppy has stayed limp and flabby, and appears dead, attention to the puppy is of first importance. Always think of it as alive, towel, it, rub it vigorously, hang it head downward. If it still does not gasp for air you should cradle it head down in the palm of your hand, with its back against your hand, with your other hand cover the puppy and raise it shoulder high and gently swingit downward in a sweeping arc a few times, or until you hear it cry. This will expell any fluids and air will fill its lungs, when the lungs inflate the muscles of the puppy will draw up and the puppy will seem to shrink in length and it will now feel firm and plump. If you have not already done so, cut the cord now. If there seems to be no further breathing problem give it to its mother.22 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe mother will defecate the puppies by licking. The kidney action readily starts with stimulation. You will notice the mother stroking the anal area and the puppy will strain and a string of brown beadlike membrane will emerge. If for some reason you must care for the puppies yourself you will have to see to this task. Stroke the puppy in both areas with a small piece of cotton dipped in warm water. Be sure the bowels and kidneys work with each feeding. If the anal area is allowed to remain a full day it will dry into a hard mass and become very hard to remove, if clogged it will cause death in a couple of days.If the puppies are a bit premature or for some reason the milk flow is slow coming in, a few drops of honey water or karo water will tide the puppies over for a short time. If the milk flow is delayed 6-8 hours a veterinarian can give the dam a shot to start the milk flow. Keep in mind the first 36 hours of its life the puppy absorbs antibodies from the colostrum which gives its protection from diseases. If the puppies do not receive this colostrum from the dam you should start immunization at a very early age. My veterinarian says the colostrum is absorbed only the first 36 hours of the. puppies life and that a foster mother lactating several days previous to these puppies birth does not have the colostrum left for the new foster puppies.Watch the flow from the dams vulva for the next several days. A normal flow of bloody mucus is expected, but a dirty brown or greenish discharge calls for your veterinarians advice. It is wise to check the dams temperature daily for a few days after the puppies arrive. Keep an eye, too, on the puppies. They should gain daily and be plump and firm. Weigh them if you have scales and record their progress. If a puppy doesnt gain quickly, or if the skin will pinch up in your fingers, it may be dehydrating. It may be the heating pad is too warm, it should be just barely warm to touch, not hot. If you think something is wrong with puppy or dam see your veterinarian.THE FOLLOWING EXERPT FROM THE DECEMBER GAZETTE COLUMN WRITTEN BYMRS. DOROTHY BONNER WAS SENT IN BY A MEMBER WITH REQUEST TO PRINT IT FOR THE BENEFIT OFTHOSE WHO DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO THE GAZETTE.Judges are the most influential factor in the direction taken by the breeds, and too many have told me, I always put up a small Pom. Never having bred Pomeranians, they fail to realize that this breed is in danger of committing suicide because of the too small factor. These judges have never sat beside a tiny female during long night hours of labor pains, praying for daylight in order to call the best veterinarian for a section, hoping that it will not be too late to save both puppies and mother. These judges have never pampered a beautiful puppy until showing age, to see it suddenly go into spasms and die because it was just too tiny for sturdiness, dating back to parents too small to whelp puppies with the necessary substance. Sadly, Poms are now competing with Chihuahuas for the title of the smallest breed, even though their coats create the illusion of greater size. For disregard in the show ring too large or too much bone is a poor excuse if degree of perfection is equal. For the future of the breed, we need more size, more bone, and more substance.KENNEL VISITThe July Kennel Visit will he to the kennel of Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown in Indianapolis, Indiana. We know midwest breeders and exhibitors will be happy to have a chance to support this visit and advertise their own outstanding Poms. The midwest is a large area and filled with top specimens of our breed. We would like to see them well represented in July.POMERANIAN REVIEW 23We Proudly Present Our New Black ChampionCH. McPHIE'S TAR BABYr.WJ.tIxJ srmSmr41Our deepest thanks to Mr. Arthur Davison for finishing Tar and all the judges who thought our Black is BeautifulTar puppies available whelped 1124761 Black male 1 Blue male 1 Black femaleIrene Sue Swigert 303-879-0347Box 873Steamboat Springs, Colorado 8047724 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTANDARD FOR POMERANIANSAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short-coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a fox-like expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lippiness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set wide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.NECK SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. The Pom is not straight- in-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high.BODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes.TAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat set high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse, glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on head.MOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed. Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.POMERANIAN REVIEW 25EDITORIAL Think PositiveOnce again we reprint our Standard for the benefit of all our readers. We are not trying to educate the judges as we feel sure most judges re-read the breed Standard nearly every time they are called upon to judge the breed. We feel almost as certain that most Pom breeders are thoroughly familiar with provisions of the Standard, although we have heard many proclaim I know it isnt correct, but I personally love the extremely short, Peke type faces or hackney gait or white shadings or what have you. Thus breeders are more or less consciously deviating from the ideal type as described in our Standard even while professing to uphold our Code of Ethics, if they are American Pomeranian Club members.For the past two years, the possibility of adding Major Faults to our Standard has been considered. This was first proposed by the Board see July 1975 issue, but no action taken when AKC refused to permit a short list of the most important faults to be appended to the present Standard, but decreed that each fault must be incorporated in the appropriate paragraph, thus making necessary a complete re-writing. Still not an insurmountable task, but one which has been tabled for the time being.Meanwhile, last year a letter was sent out by The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. to each judge licensed for our breed, calling attention to the problem of overtrimming beyond amount and locations specified by our Standard. As our Standard contains no Major Faults, much less Disqualifications, it was not anticipated that judges would dismiss overtrimmed specimens from the ring or even penalize them unduly especially since this is strictly a man made fault but it was hoped that each judge encountering an overtrimmed Pom would mention this to the handler. In very rare instances, this has been done, but the overall impact on the general overtrimming situation has been nil.Curiously, quite a few judges as well as breeders seem to take the attitude that as our Standard does not mention faults, we do not consider them important As a result, we have seen a proliferation of Poms with bad mouths, patella luxation, open moleras, white feet and other glaring faults in the show rings and winning the championship points.Now we certainly do not expect judges to make their decisions on the basis of the fewest faults. We are all for a Positive Standard describing the ideal, perfect Pom and we are all for Positive Judging the selection of the animals with the most outstanding virtues as the winners. But we also recognize that ignoring Major Faults will have a deleterious effect on our breed, and we would like to see more breeders showing Poms that adhere closely to our Standard, without truly serious major faults, instead of trying to get away with showing dogs that should not be shown or used for breeding purposes. The judges can only put up what is in the ring. If breeders will be more conscientious about not showing what should not be shown, we can break the vicious circle of judges putting up Poms with major faults and the next generation of breeders rushing to show equally faulty stock in the hopes that they, too can be lucky enough to finish a sweet faced Pom with a brown nose and crippled hind legsThink Positive Yes. But recognize a major fault when you see one.MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TOTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.26 POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELWishes to CongratulateMAYNARD WOODon finishing his first home hred Champion PANDORA O MARIMAKR AlsoCongratulationstoJOYCE DAILEYon finishing her femaleCH. CAPEHEARTS VIRGINIA REELR. L. Goodrich204 Yukon Ave. P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, Va. 23663Congratulations Congratulationsand toBest Wishes Maynard Woodto uponMaynard Wood finishing his firstand home-bred ChampionCh. Pandora O Merimakr Ch. Pandora O MerimakrJulies Stars 1187 Nelson Dr. Harrisonburg, Virginia 22801EMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Virginia 23005 804 798-7882Ph. 703-434-1804POMERANIAN REVIEW 27CH. PANDORA 0 MERIMAKR First Homebred Championa'Pedigree In Behind The New Champions Sire Ch. Eve-Rons Eittle Chatter Box Bam Ch. Tomars Precious Gold MendyPandora is shown taking her first 5 point major under Mr. Henry Stoecker. She finished with a second 5 point major under Mr. Tom Stevenson. A clear orange with four great legs and lots of personality.A SPECIAL THANKS TOEvelyn Schaefer owner of Pandoras sire andMarie Buonagura breeder of Pandoras damCONGRATULATIONSMargaret and John McKee on Julies C.D.Dr. and Betty Carson on Ch. Chips of Diamond Bob Goodrich on Ch. Models Pun BugMaynard A. WoodPark Station P.O. Box 2296Waynesboro, Virginia 22980 703-943-690528 jr v_ivjlxux wij. A DOG LIKE JULIEBy JUNE MOOREDo you have a dog like our Julie Probably so. Almost, everybody does. Let me tell you a little about her, and see if she sounds a little like your dog.First, youre probably thinking, Julie's a dumb name for a dog. Well, whats your dogs name Any better, now that you think about it What ever happened to names like Fido and SpotNext, to us, Julie has got to be the most beautiful, and loveable, dog in the whole world. You should see all of her cute little ways, she is such a doll. Like when she looks up at us with her big brown eyes and tilts her head to figure out what were doing. Also you just wouldnt believe how happy she is to see us after weve been gone for any length of time. Like maybe five minutes. How am I doing so far Do you have a dog like JulieIf anybody ever told Julie she was a dog, she wouldnt believe them. Just cant imagine telling her she isnt supposed to have a favorite chair in the living room. Or that she really shouldnt have potato chips or cheese and crackers with us before retiring for the night.Guess I do have to admit though, she does have some bad faults. Like tracking mud all over the house, when it rains. Shes also been known to dig up my favorite flowers, because no one would play with her. Then of course theres the barking problem. Do you believe, she barks at anything that dares to come in her yard This includes all bad things, like birds, butterflies, leaves, and the wind.Well, how about it Do you have dog like JulieOur Julie, is so smart, she can even understand everything we say to her. She also has no trouble getting her thoughts across to us. No matters if shes trying to say Please, can I have a bite of what youre eating, or Lets play. Or even, Im sorry, dont knowwhy I do things like that. But of course her best is, Gosh, I love you, thanks for letting me be such an important part of this family. Gosh, Julie, we love you too. Thank you for being such an important part of our family.STUD REGISTERThis year, the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club is compiling a Book of Pedigrees which will be available for purchase later in the year. The Board of the American Pomeranian Club salutes this worthy project and urges Pom owners with Stud Dogs to contribute to the book. See Kenosha Club column.Our own Review Stud Register is an entirely different way to advertise your studs. We have set the charges actually at or below our per page cost in order to have a substantial number sent in, and advertisers with 3 stud cards on a page can get 100 reprints of the page invaluable for answering stud inquiries, a great time-saver. Your stud can be SEEN in the picture adjacent to his pedigree, and your address and phone number are right there. The Review is usually kept and cherished for years by subscribers, so you' can be confident that your stud card ads will not be misplaced or destroyed.We are explaining all this because there has been some concern that the Kenosha Club project will keep breeders from using our Stud Register to advertise, this year. We hope this fear will prove groundless. BOTH stud registers deserve your support and together they provide the most complete and inexpensive way we can think of to let breeders know about your available stud service.YOUR OPINION COUNTSClimb on your soap box and write your thoughts to Yips YapsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 29ANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTER, V-Ch. Kobinhoods Duplicate Copy Sire of Champions Stud Fee On BequestCh. Van Hoozers Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Scott's Mark of Distinction Ch. Creider's Bit O'DistinctionCh. Creider's Pixietown Melody Ch. Kobinhood's Duplicate CopyGold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Creider's Chitty Bang Bang Copelands Sundance Creider's Scarlet OHaraCopeland's Sunny Ginger FluffMrs. Verna HoodRoute 1, Box 485 Sperry, Oklahoma 74073Above is a sample of an entry in the Annual Stud Register which will appear in the July issue. The Review is pleased to award this sample Stud Card to Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy, sire of 4 champions in 1976.It is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for ones broods, the surest road to succes comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is an outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country of ours, and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.Cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 7.50 for the first entry, plus the cost of the cut if you do not have one the proper size, and 3.50 plus cost of cut for second and each subsequent entry of the same owner. Also, dogs may be entered without photos, if none are available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Cuts to be used must be no larger than 2 square, and new ones from your glossy print will cost 6. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words. An advertiser sending three stud card entries will also have the opportunity of ordering 100 copies of the page on which his entires appear for an additional 7.50.Because of the work involved in looking up old cuts, typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as early as possible. Please mention the back issue in which your cut was used, if we have one on file. Glossies and pedigrees will be returned.ABSOLUTE DEADLINEMay 20th30 POMERANIAN REVIEWZUMBA POMERANIANSWould like to brag about a dream of 9 years finally coming trueBorn April 1976, Zumbas The Blue MaxHe is our first, hopefully not our last.Sire Zumbas Wolfy of Boulder River BlackDam Boulder Rivers Serene Ebony BlackWe have repeated this breeding and hope for more blues by February. Max will be proven and shown this summer.Watch for his picture in the Stud Register.WE OFFER FOR SALE1. 44 lb. Black female, Brettwoods Black Tara Baby, whelped 4371Sire Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Red Dam Brettwoods Fyre OnyxHighland, Bonner champion pedigree Reasonable to right home.2. iV2 lb. Red female, Shamrocks Precious Jewel, whelped 12772Sire Little Jody of Chatmoss Dam Jewels Gay CandyLinebred Great Elms, Precious will be sold at pet price. Since our move to South Dakota, she refuses to come in season but would make a nice loving pet.AT STUDZumbas Wolfy of Boulder River BlackINQUIRIES INVITED ALL INQUIRIES ANSWEREDPhyllis ZumbaumR. R. 1, Box 89Zumbas PomeraniansCuster, S. D. 57730605-673-4961POMERANIAN REVIEW 31INTRODUCINGAM., CAN., BDA. CH. TOPAZE WEE TRAVELER BUSY-BOYOafflS'iT' . r 3ijggr.. .. nR M UFIRStINCROUPBusy-Boyis shown winning the Toy Group in Bermuda at the All Breed Club Show, May 24 and 25, 1975, under Judges Mr. Devlin and Mr. Brunette. Pictured. We would also like to thank the many other Judges who awarded points making his three Championship possible. Also many thanks to Barbara Partridge for showing himto all his wins.OWNERFatima R. MadeirosHavannah Heights Highland Estate Baileys Bay, BermudaHANDLERBarbara Partridge 24 Hope Road, Hingham, Mass. 02043 U.S.A.32 POMERANIAN REVIEWiTwo decades of breeding and knowledge are joining to bring you the finest Poms possible.Our kennels are headed by top Studs and Broods The King TexasCh. Holders Lil Red Flash, all Aristic breeding B.I.S. dog on rightCh. Pip Puff OWillow, son of Can., Am., Ch. Major O Willowmar Combined with Skylark, Scotia, Hadleigh and Maykens blood lines.Kennels at Westmost Pomeranians Bea Wayne George P.O. Box 297 Lakeshide, Oregon 97449 503-759-3498Agent - Handler Jean Schroll Jay-Jays Pomeranians 12950 New Era Road Oregon City, Oregon 97045 503-655-4975POMERANIAN REVIEW 33Im a perfect companion at home or on the road. I give so much joy and ask so little . . . just LOVEKennels at Westmost Pomeranians Bea Wayne George P.O. Box 297 Lakeside, Oregon 97449 503-759-3498Agent - Handler Jean Schroll Jay-Jays Pomeranians 12950 New Era Road Oregon City, Oregon 97045 503-655-497534 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSBy MARGARET M. GORMAN 31134 East Wind Fraser, Mi. 48026Pomeranians can be the cause of a minor uproar when their naturally curious natures get their owner into trouble. Recently, our Poms discovered a tropical fish that had jumped out of one of our tanks. We thought the fish was safely sealed in a plastic bag and out of reach in a garbage can, but the Poms found it while they were out for a romp. We couldnt understand why the furry friends smelled so bad as they frisked about. The mop, bucket and disinfectant produced no lessening of odor. After a search we discovered the Poms were thoroughly enjoying playing chase with what remained of the fish. The Poms smelled much better after baths and suffered no ill effects from their little game. The hint is that nothing is safe from nosey Poms unless it is placed in a tall garbage can with a top that does not pop off if tipped over.Older Poms may begin to show their age by a cough which could be a sign of a leaking heart valve. The condition cannot be cured, but the cough can usually be helped with medication for the heart andor a low salt diet available in cans from your veterinarian. The soft moist foods, which are easy for the oldster to eat, are high in salt. We have a nine-year-old Pom who was able to stop taking medication after going on the low salt diet. Other Poms may show their age by a touch of arthritis. Having a heating pad to lie on can make these dogs more comfortable.Cutting nails on a black or dark chocolate Pomeranian can be difficult, because the quick cannot be seen. According to Lynda Dearing of Berkley, Michigan the procedure can be simplified by shining a light under the nail, illuminating the quick.The blood can be stopped from a too closely cut nail by a dab of flour if styptic powder is not available.Lynda Dearing also tells us that her veterinarian feels that Poms coats are less affected by heat and cold then they are by the length of day and night. The longer hours of darkness in the winter encourage profuse coat development.Some faults are breeder caused. Wide fronts can occur if the maturing puppy is held so that the fingers spread the front legs. A better method is to hold the puppy around the back so that the fingers hold each leg in joint. Finer- boned puppies, that love to stand on their hind legs, can easily become cow- hocked. Make sure their quarters do not require them to stand up to look out.Another man-made defect is the bite that appears undershot but was caused by leaving the baby teeth in too long. Frequent checks of baby teeth will keep malocclusion from developing, unless an inherited defect is present. To insure a scissors bite, pull the top baby teeth and bottom canines. The adult lower teeth will grow in behind the baby set. Be sure that you and your veterinarian knows which teeth are the baby set. We have seen Poms with gaps in their mouths because of over-zealous dentistry.We enjoy hearing from you. Keep those hints coming in.MINI QUIZ True or False1. In judging Poms, the smaller the better.2. Orange should take preference over other colors.3. Any color is allowed.4. Like most other breeds, the Pom should have a long neck.5. Eyes must be brown.6. Nose must be black in all colors.See Page 45 for answers.POMERANIAN REVIEW 35OUR LATEST ENGLISH IMPORT9 mos. - 6 pts. -1 majorSireCh. Hadleigh SupersonicPuppies 3 mo. to 1 year From ImportsHadleighRosskearPassfieldPreservenesDAVONSHIRE, Reg.Since 1947 5726 Farragut, Hollywood, FI. 33021 Phone 305-987-5126LLL POMERANIAN HOMEBREDS NOW BEING SHOWNLLL Happy Twinkling Tippy D-10 pts., 4 3 pt. majors,1 BOB to 2677. Linebred Ch. Reeves Buster Boy.LLL Happy Bit of Honey B-9 pts., 3 pt major, 1 BOB.Back after growing coat. Vz sister to Tippy.LLL Lucky Gold Trumps D-started pts. with 3 pt. major at St. Joe, Mo. Sire Ch. Lucky Gold Dancer of OakridgeFor sale 3 lb. golden orange male, Vz brother to Tippy, beautiful head, tiny ears, good coat and legs.Ch. Skeeter cream female similar type to LLL Lil Gold Moonshine show home only.Open and Bred females, a few pups.Janice Luginsland Americus, Kansas 66835R. R. 1 Ph. 316-884-515736 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeders and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with Review, the charge is 4.50.CH. S ROBINS LAY WEY SWEET CHARITYRed Sable female Breeder-Owner Edna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla.Int. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of HadleighInt. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ruby Red of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleight Little Robin SireMesser's Just Dandy Hadleigh Golden Trixie Hadeilgh Rose Marie Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey Brochure Bam Ch. Scotia Pot of Gold Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasy Scotia Pumpkin EaterCH. JABILS CHESTER P. HONEYHUGGER 4 lb. Red-Orange male Breeders Jessie Barbara Young Owner Jessie Young Loudon. N.H.CH. SCOTIA SPECKY HAPPY GS RETURNOrange maleBreeder-Owner Edna E. Girardot Floral City, FloridaCh. McKamey's Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular SireInt. Ch. Sungold's Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess Atonya Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadleigh Golden Trixie Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Happy Girl Dam Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Scotia Cavilers Big Mama Sealand Little SandraCH. JABILS SIMPLY SMASHINGiVz lb. Bright Orange male Breeders-Owners Jessie Barbara YoungLoudon, N.H.Lou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Gled Days Dream Girl Adkins Star of Band Box DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketLou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Sire Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun Goddess DamCh. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah. C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band BoxViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 37Behind The New ChampionsCH. GRIMES WINTER ELFOrange female Breeder M. Keevil Owner Davonshire Kennel Hollywood, FloridaCh. Ch. Cynpegs Finger of Fortune Cynpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Saymar Ginger MissEng. Ch. Wymvrights Mid-Winter Boy Sire Ch. Cynpegs Archers Bow Bulver My Fair Lady Glendolian Margarita Billy's Lad of Vernlil Ch. Mosey The Menace of Vernlil Sweet Jeanie of Vernlil Little Menace of Ringlands DamCh. Cynpegs Archers Bow Ringlands Thank Goodness Ringlands Good LookingCH. PANDORA O MERIMAKROrange femaleBreeder-Owner Maynard A. Wood Waynesboro, VirginiaCh. Zoll's Tumble Toys Freddie Minnicks Pee DinkerEve-Rons Wee Pennie Ch. Eve-Rons Little Chatter Box Sire Davis Wee Gold Fancy Pants Davis Wee Gold MoongloChile's Konigin Resel C.D.Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful Aristic Little Prissy Doll Ch. Tomar's Precious Gold Mendy Dam Mayken's Drummer Boy Tomars Mayken Minni Girl Tiny Toy's Golden FawnAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB MEMBERS3 Generation Pedigrees are published FREE. Just send them inTo All Who Have Inquired Pla-Mor Sir Echo of Hadleigh has returned to PLA-MOR KENNELThree Females Whelped 12577 Sired ByCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Out ofBlack Satin Doll of Point LomaAt this time too young to evaluatePLA-MOR POMERANIANSEleanor Hyche Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, Alabama 3521538 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELStkPOMIRISH JACK-IN-THE-BOX orange, sound 5 pointed plus major reserve, 1st weekend outPOMIRISH BUBBLES EPE SQUIRT orange, sound 4^47 pts. inc. the 5 pt. major pic from Judge Mr. Edward Klein Above litter brothers for sale Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport dbl. Cornduke ex Ch. Varneys Bubbles Up C.D. Scotia Gt. ElmsCh. Sport is also sire of Ch. D-Nees Devastatin Dulcinea B and two other pointed bitchesPOMIRISH CANDY CANE POMIRISH SPORTS FANCY FREE12 pts 3 majors 9 pts.Many thanks to the Judges giving Candy, Fancy Squirt major winsMr. Harvey Berman Mrs. Dorothy WelshMr. Edward Klein Mrs. Yan Paul Offering males females whelped last summer that are very nice show and breeding stock potential. Also have some excellent quality pets for sale male female.The 1977 N.Y. A.P.C. Specialty was great If you didnt go you missed something.Dick and Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Ph. 414-755-2994 Mishicot, WI. 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW 39POMIRISH KENNELSPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERS IRISH SETTERSCll. Pomirish Cavs Bit O'Had Iris'll Ch. Great Elms Buddy of EenetteFor Sale Ready to be shown nowPOMIRISH CREAM PUFF Cobby, pointed, beautiful correct coat jet black pigment wh. 9-2-75, 4j4 cream bitch Hadleigh-ScotiaPOMIRISH POOH BEARS IMP Really outstanding male, wh. 6-27-76, orange 3, beautiful. Ch. Pomirish Cavs Bit OHadleigh ex Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear 14 bro. y2 sister - Hadleigh-Scotia.AT STUDCh. Randys Pomirish Super Sport DragonflyCh. Pomirish Cavs Bit OHadleigh Hadleigh-ScotiaCh. Pomirish Finally A Man Vs bro. of Peppi ex Scotia-DragonflyCh. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Image SonPomirish Jack-in-the-BoxPomirish Bubbles Lil SquirtPomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Gt. Elms-ScotiaShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Sire of our Ch. Winnie Ch. Pooh Bear Might sell these two Champions, inquiries welcomed.Ship North Central Airlines to ManitowocDick and Sally Baugniet Ph. 414-755-2994Rt. 1, Box 99 Mishicot, Wi. 5422840 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBy BARBARA YOUNGThe BCPC held its second Post- Christmas party January 30 at the Town Lyne House in Peabody, Mass. Although snow had postponed the party from an earlier date, the dinner was well attended, and everyone was able to take home a belated Christmas gift for his Pom.A few years ago Claire Flesner accepted the job of reactivating the BCPC Newsletter, which had not been published for several years. With the help of Mrs. Amber Burns as Assistant Editor, and Mrs. Kathryn Wells, who runs the printing machine, the Pom Pow Wow has become a quarterly forum of which we can all be proud. With members scattered all over New England and as far as Hawaii, the Pow Wow is a valuable means of keeping the close feeling of the club. Claire, Amber and Kathryn are to be commended for a newsletter that is interesting and informative. Claire is happy to exchange the newsletter with those of other clubs, and it is also available by subscription. Contact Mrs. Claire Flesner, 38 East Aldea St., Lowell, Mass., 01851, for details.July 2 is the date for the BCPC Specialty Show, which will again be held in conjunction with the Hockamock Kennel Club Show, at a new location, the North Attleboro High School, North Attleboro, Mass. Details are elsewhere in the Review.Congratulations to the following new title-holders Mrs. Jennie Martin, whose Casmars Chiper, U.D., earned his Bermudan Utility degree, and Mrs. Bunny Sweet, whose Can Bda. Ch. Sweethills Tala Tiara finished her American title. Also, our Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger finished his championship in December.Bay Colony members were well in attendance at the February Specialty in New York. Congratulations to Tom Daniels and Bill Pottebaum for a smooth, professional job of running the Specialty.Mike Meyer and Pat Scelso offered another beautiful trophy table.Congratulations to Frank Casey on his BOS win with Am. Can. Ch. Acarusims Wee Ben of Topaze. Cases sable bitch, Topaze Mary Frisky, was BOS to Best in Sweepstakes.PIERCE COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBBy HELEN KRAFCIK1303 - South 1 17th Tacoma, Washington 98444Our tiny fifteen member club was formed 2 years ago by Pomeranian breeders, owners, and people just interested in the breed. We picked a name and voted in officers, hold a meeting on the second Saturday of each month, we had plans made to have a training Match. All Toy Breed Conformation and All Breed Obedience, we made our plans, reserved a spot to hold a Match, had ribbons printed and made many of our own trophies, all members worked to reclaim donated trophies, sanded, varnished, polished, replaced tops with new winged victorys, ran off flyers to advertise the matches we have had two so far. Mrs. Jean Schroll, a licensed handler, Judged our first Match. Shirley Bradleys little, Bradleys Sweet N Sassy and Shirleys first time in a ring went BOB and Best in Match. She is now a finished home-bred Champion. Shirley is a Charter Member. Alicia Kvamme also has finished a Ch. Cedar Glens Troll of Ryals, Alicia is Secretary of our Club. Mrs. Nora Higbee also finished Ch. Jam- bos Ring Go Kid of Andrews. Nora is Vice-President. I, Helen Krafcik have been President of our Club for two years. I show my Poms and have put points on four of them, have two which got BOB in Sanction B Matches, also first in group at Sanction Match. Florence Ryals owns and specials Am., Can., Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner. We have held a Pot Luck at Vancover, Washington, to honorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 41^3nli'otliUCltlCfPatri-Arks Stardust of Mercer son ofCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Huge coat, tiny ears, good bone, darling expressionBEING SHOWNCONGRATULATIONS TO TIM SUE CHARLIE PATRI-ARK AND SUE GODDARDON RECENT WINSFOR SALE 2 orange males 1777. One has that special look.By Stardust ex line-bred daughter of Ch. Wieses Flash of Timmie Again EVERYTHING IN THE KENNEL IS EXPECTINGCh. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue ex. O-My-CaralDaughter of Ch. Ken Gay Sammy Boy due mid-March Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer ex Sissys Cream N Sugar Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer ex Shannons Kittle Miss Muffet Both line-bred Ken Gay sisters - Due mid-FebruaryPatri-Arks Butch Cassidy pointed Ken Gay male also for sale ex Patri-Arks Singin Travelette pointed daughter of Ch. O My Traveling ManDue in FebruaryPatri-Arks Stardust of Mercer ex Cherree IIIdaughter of Ch. Sheebas Kittle Dragon FlyPat Clark303-688-4514j-^ci tri omd1115 Castlewood Canyon Rd. Franktown, Colorado 80116Mr.Elva U. McGilbrySally of Golden Glow fame, at the home of Marianne Melville, Vancover, Washington, We have in addition to our two All Toy Breed Matches, held several Club-member-only mini training matches, to train our young puppies for better ring performance. Our monthly meetings are followed by refreshments, laughter, Pom talk, much good humor. We enjoy our meetings and the fun we have at shows, andit stimulates interest in the breed. I feel we have made many friends along the way among other Pom people and have their respect for our efforts. We have gained two or three new members and lost a couple for one reason or another, but all said and done, weve had two enjoyable good years. We also print a club newsletter quarterly, send out sixty to members and friends. I hope some are read and enjoyed.42 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBBy ODETTE NOLAN 4 Wisconsin Ave.Waukegan, Illinois 60085We elected the following officers at our Annual Meeting at Somers Town Hall in KenoshaPresident...................... ...... Nadine HersilVice-President___________ Chris Nolan2nd Vice-Pres..... Beverly Vander ZeydenTreasurer______________ Elinor LuccasRecording Sec. ____..._ Carmen danderCorresponding Sec...............Odette NolanWe are planing a show for this summer and hope AKC will give their permission for our first point show. If that cannot be we hope to give another Sanctioned A Match.There are not many shows in this area at this time of year, and in this wild and wicked winter I have not been able to attend those that were held. I have not received much news either, but I guess everyone has been busy keeping warm and shoveling snow. At this point Im just as happy living here since keeping warm was easier than shoveling all that snow they had further east and north.I do know that at Wheaton Nadine Hersils Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan took Best of Breed, Sally Baugniet's Pomirish Jack In The Box was Winners Dog and Luells Darlin Dutchess owned by Elinor and Lucius was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners. The next day at Milwaukee Duchess did an encore.As usual at this time of year I am hopelessly covered up with income taxes but in free moments I am busy putting together a new Pomeranian Stud Book. I enjoyed the last one of several put out by Mrs. Jewel Ellis of the Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club so much that I wore it out I want to take this opportunity to publicly thank Jewel for guiding me through the first phases of getting started. Without her I would not have known where to begin. She and allthe other editors of Pom newsletters and club members did a terrific job on publicity for me. I am grateful to all. I could not have reached nearly so many alone besides the postage would have been astronomicalWe did not set a deadline because from the very first it seemed as if one volume would not be enough. People had inquired about a Bitchs Book, so we decided to do these two volumes first and if there seems to still be a need we will make a second Stud Book. Anyone wishing to have their Poms pedigree in it can send 4.00 along with the pedigree to the above address. Please make checks payable to Kenosha County Pomeranian Club, Inc. We will return your pedigree with a copy of the Stud Book. If you do not have a stud dog they will be for sale later for 6.00. You are welcome to send your bitchs pedigree at any time, but we hope to be nearly finished with the first Stud Book before devoting much time to it.Any spare time will probably be devoted to being on my knees asking for the cold and snow machines to be turned, off. BR-R-R-R Good Luck at the SpecialtyTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN - DETROIT AREAMARGARET M. GORMAN 31134 East Wind Fraser, Ml 48026We would like to call your attention to the ERROR in our Specialty Show Catalogue ad and in our January Review column. At the time the ad was sent in, we did not realize that the show date would be a week later in the show calendar. Our Specialty will be May 22, 1977 and judge for the Regular Classes will be Mrs. Winifred Heckmann, for Puppy Sweepstakes, Mrs. Thelma Dunn. For more information call 313-294-3927 or write address above. We hope to see ALL of you therePOMERANIAN REVIEW 43-JiO'V-W. IS r4v.. . ... 'PHYNER NIGHT EDITORSire Ch. Morenos Special Edition Dam Phyner Chiquita Negrita pointedbright orange blackborn 122675The newest contender in our winning black line, through his maternal grandmother Ch. Phyner Bumble Bee to her dam, Amer. Can. Ch. Phyner Black Queenaire. This line excels in non-rusting, non-grizzling jet black color in outgoing temperament in structural soundness. On his sires side Creider, Van Hoozer and Gold Toy lines.Nicknamed "Gordo, he is shown here winning a 4-point major, and Best of Breed over Specials under noted Toy judge, Mrs. Sue A. Kauffman, at Sara Bay K.C. on 11277. Handled by Pom specialist, Marlene Scott, he is at Stud with her to approved bitches for a limited time.Pedigree and Stud Fee on requestOwners HandlerDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, Ca. 94115 415 346-5314Marlene ScottCresthills Kennels P.O. Box 116 Troutville, Va. 24175 703 992-395044 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.By ERIN HUNDLEY 2813 176 S.W.Lynnwood, WA 98036Togetherness isParking two trailers side by side and having your neighbor drop in and catch you in your long red underwear and with curlers in your hair.Sharing lunches and breakfasts with friends.Crowding three Poms on one grooming table, and trading grooming supplies and helpful hints.Sitting together at ringside and second guessing the judge.Relaxing together after the shows while the poms enjoy a bit of exercise in their adjacent pens.But most of all it is sharing the honors with such nice people and dogs.Clyde and Phyllis Andrews Am. Can. Ch. Andrews Pics Jimbo Best of Breed.Tom and Jessie Stephens Jestoms Jabils Extra Special Best Puppy.Erin and Phil Hundleys Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil Best Opposite Sex.It all happened during the weekend after Thanksigiving in Vancouver B.C. at the Century Dog Club Show Saturday with Aubrey Nigel Jones judging.The other two days of the show also saw shared honores. Am. Can. Ch. Andrews Pics Jimbo taking Best Opposite Sex on Friday, and Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil earned the same award on Sunday.Togetherness, also, is working with some pretty neat people. We have a special family in our club who work very hard to improve the club the breed our newsletter editor, Irene Harbin with husband Ralph and daughter Sylvia were newcomers to showing Poms and working in a dog club when they joined the Puget Sound Pom Club a few years ago, but they have devoted a lot of time and work to both. Sylvia trained her Dandy in obedience and earned a C.D. for him last Summer. Irene and Sylvia together have put out a great newsletter these last two years. They all three work with their Poms in handling classes and at home. Id hardly recognize Ralph without Jimmy on his lap. The many jobs they have done for our club are to numerous to mention.Togetherness is a group of Pom lovers getting together to celebrate Christmas at the Wharf restaurant. We had a gift exchange, the Poms made out real well. Irene planned the party, and Phyllis Andrews arranged a special gift, a grooming table. Everyone contributed to pay for it. We drew names out of a hat and new member Bessie Lepo was the fortunate person who took it home. The club gets to borrow it back for our shows.Working together is also part of our club program. Chairman Tom Stephens with Phyllis Andrews as co-ordinator planned and put on a very successful B Match, Jan. 15, 1977, at the Lake Forest Park Shopping Center. Everyone pitched in and made it our best yet. Judge Ellen Michelle picked Sea, Wests Grand Dutchess owned by Cynthia Snyder of Sultan, Wash., as Best Puppy and Best in Match. Irene Harbins Scotia Bend of Harbin was Best Opposite Sex. Bend was ably handled by Sylvia Harbin.Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil, who came to me last year from Edna Girar- dot, was Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty Sunday, Dec. 5, 1976. Judge Edith Nash Hellerman. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Jean Schrolls Jay Jays Red Rascal, Best of Breed went to Florence Ryals Am. Can. Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner.Feb. 13, 1977 at the Longview-Kelso Kennel Club Blue Ribbon Show, Scotia Dollys Dandy Sybil was Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex. Winners Dog andPOMERANIAN REVIEW 45CH. LENNISS TAR BABY OF GREAT ELMSWishestoCongratulateCh. Lenniss Tar-Ressia Perfection on her championship title and owners Morris and Betty Carson and handler Marlene ScottHe also wishes to congratulate another of his daughters Tar-Zana on her 3 pt major taken at such a young age owner-handled by Beverly Norris.And to his son Scamp on his 9 points at 9 mo. of age and his owners, Mr. Mrs. Peterson, for such a nice job.Watch for more of his children in the ring soonCh. Tar Baby is the proud father of 11 puppies and more on the way. He has sired black, black tan, red, orange and sable.Some of these puppies for sale to serious buyers.Stud Fee 100.00 Ph 615-581-8947Mrs. Lennis Rhodes Raines Rt. 2, Box 205 Morristown, Term. 37814Best of Winners went to Riggins Star joy Lusus Kris owned by Delores Riggins. Am. Can. Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner, Best of Breed. Judge Dorothy Bonner.ANSWERS TO QUIZBoth shows were very special to me, I was delighted to show under two such capable judges. I am especially happy to show such a nice Pom. I will always be grateful to Edna Girardot for letting me have her.All statements are FALSE. If youdoubt us, re-read the STANDARD46 POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA DOLLYS DANDY SYBILWinners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty, Dec. 5, 1976 under Judge Edith Nash Hellerman. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex Longview Kelso K.C. Feb. 13, 1977 Blue Ribbon Show under Judge Dorothy BonnerSays Welcome To SUNGOLDS TOP HER Mother of ChampionsAll of us at Que Sera K-Sera are delighted with her and say Thank You to Rita La Verne and Ann La Fortune for letting us have her.A big THANK YOU to Edna Girardot for DollyPhil and Erin Hundley 2813 - 176th SW206-743-3748 Lynnwood, WA 98036POMERANIAN REVIEW 47SCOTIA KENNELS REG.4smiCharitySROBINS LAY WEY SWEET CHARITYshown finishing championship at the Manatee Show Jan. 13, 1977 under Judge Mildred Heald, by going BW. Charity took time out to have a litter June, 76. She is sired by Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin x Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey Brochure.SCOTIA SPECKY HAPPY GS RETURNShown finishing championship at the St. Pete show Jan. 15, 1977, under Judge William McCoy by going WD. Return had been sold as a pup but came back to me in June, 76. This is what is known as a Lucky Break. He was whelped in Oct. 73, sired by Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular x Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Happy Girl.V I. mmnReturnBoth Champion Females Advertised last issue have gone to a good home for pets and not breeding. Ch. Even Steven is sold but Ch. Fox Flame Foxy Fagen is still available.Pets, breeding stock, show stock, stud dogs available most of the time. Please state your wants clearly in first letter.PH 904-726-2001Edna Girardot P.O. Box 646Scotia Kennels Floral City, Fla. 32636POMERANIAN REVIEW4'Q.DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBMRS. JEWEL ELLIS, SecretaryDue to the severe weather the club has had. to postpone meetings, in fact was unable to hold a meeting at all in January so there is very little to report at this time. We can certainly sympathize with everyone who lives in the northern and eastern areas of the country as we know it was much worse for them. We hope it hasnt been too severe for them and their little Poms.Our club was able to have its Christmas dinner as the weather was good at that time. We had very good attendance and as always the dinner was very enjoyable and everyone had a good time. The meeting followed the dinner.Clubs are finding it increasingly difficult to find show buildings for a rental which a little Specialty club can afford. We have been fortunate to find an excellent location in Grand Prairie, Texas at a nominal rental which will be perfect for us. The building has kitchen facilities and we can serve buffet style dinners which will solve the problem of having to pay so much for dinners at steak houses which of course gets higher each year. The American Kennel Club has advised that the location of Grand Prairie would be aproved by them.We will have election of officers and board members at our April meeting.At this time the club is making preparations for its show on March 25, 1977 which is shaping up nicely and which we are looking forward to. Our conformation judge is Mr. Arthur Davison and our Sweepstakes judge is Mrs. Olga M. Baker. We are very pleased and feel fortunate to have these two to judge for us.COYERThe July Cover is available. Send 55.00 check to reserve.WHAT IS A POMERANIANBy JUNE MOOREWhat is a Pomeranian Its a small bundle of love. A tiny ball of fur with big almond eyes, that watch you lovingly, every minute. A little miniature pet that walks with the grace of an angel. Legs straight out, then down. Head held up high. What a thing of beauty it is.What is a Pomeranian Most of the time a sweet little angel. But once in a while the old devil takes over. But then, when the angel in your Pom comes back, and she looks at you with those big innocent eyes, you forget and forgive. Just like she knows you will.What is a Pomeranian A little dollfaced animal whose most important goal in life is only to please you in every way, who follows you around, so as not to miss any great adventurous thing you might decide to do. A sweet little thing that will always love you, no matter what.What is a Pomeranian Just the most beautiful, and loveable animal in the whole wide wonderful world. If you dont believe me, just ask any one who has ever had one.COMING IN JULYIn the July Issue, we will feature our Annual Stud Register, and we look forward to receiving articles on the various aspects of choosing, offering and managing stud service, or any allied subject. We hope for a number of Regional Specialty writeups. We anticipate an interesting and well-supported Kennel Visit. And we plan a Grand Surprise for you Obedience fansPOMERANIAN REVIEW 49GAULKES POMERANIANS is proud to announce our first home-raised Pom is our First Champion- rBEST of winnersOLSON PHOTOCh. Gaulkes Jingle Jangles 5 lb. orange Stud Fee 75.00I would like to thank all my Pom friends for their helpful hints in grooming and raising puppies. Also would like to thank Cheryl Blackorby for selling me Jays mother. Blackorbys Little Joy and suggesting Am. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy for a stud.It paid off Also a very special thanks to handler Nadine Hersil for putting the last 8 points on Jay for me, including a 4 point major.Thanks to Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman and Mr. Roy M. Cowan for Jays Majorsand to Mrs. James Carter, Mrs. Heywood Hartley, Mr. Edward Bracy Mr. Harold K. Bishop and Mr. Maurice L. Baker for other points.Puppies due in March by Ch. Gaulkes Jingle Jangles ex. Stubers Lil Lindee May granddaughter of Ch. Reeves Buster Boy.Duane Charlotte Gaulke112 Mankato Avenue Winona, Minnesota 55987 Phone 507-452-900650 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONBy JEANNE KERTH GRIBBEN 1 1059 Timberline Road Houston, Texas 77043Club HappeningsOur 1976 Fall Specialty is now a pleasant memory though still very fresh in our minds, and you might be led to believe that we are now resting on our laurels in a most indolent fashion, but no, already we have begun to formulate plans for next fall. One might label such a group overly ambitious, but I secretly think we are right back to planning again so we dont forget how it goesI was very sorry to have missed the last issue because our club members had such a fine record of show wins for last fall and now the Spring shows are already upon us. So let me apologize to one and all and list them all for you now.Show WinsMyway Cookie Monster, owned by Molly Miller went Winners Bitch at Fort Bend, Texas BOW and BOB at Monroe, Louisiana and Winners Bitch and BOB at San Antonio, Texas this Past fall. She was handled by her owner most ably.Then Molly Miller, owner of Myway Troublemaker, showed Trouble at Lake Charles, Louisiana taking Winners Bitch. At our Houston Pomeranian Specialty, she again went Winners Bitch and the very next day, another Winners Bitch for this young lady at the Houston All Breed Show. How very outstanding and I may now be among those who refer to her as Champion Myway Troublemaker. Three cheers for Trouble and Molly.Myway Country Caper, owned by Molly Miller went Winners Bitch at Shreveport, Louisiana and Myway Adrian Adair went Winners Dog at Longview, Texas, making his owner, Linda Miller more than a bit delighted.Nancy and Ed Wharton are to 1 congratulated. Whartons Baerle Baron, handled by Gary Doerge, h taken Winners Dog at several shov recently. We are so pleased for the club members.A real piece of good news is leamii that Robinhoods Replica Replay, ownc by Norma J. ORourke, took Winner Dog at Fort Worth, Texas, and al Winners Dog at Dallas, Texas. Anothi shining light on the horizon.I- 1 1I think its in order at this point time to mention our new roster of of cers for the coming year. President, Ol Baker Vice-President, Linda Mille Secretary, Sherry McNemey and Trea urer, Jeanne K. Gribben. Our boar members are Molly Miller, Clarenr Gowan and Cynthia Downman. So, wei off and running for this coming yea Lets hope that it proves to be rewarding and productive as last.EDNEYS POMERANIANS Congratulates All the Winners at The New York Specialty EspeciallyPOST SCRIPT STANDING OVATIONBest in Sweepstakes POST SCRIPT CROWD PLEASER Winners Dog Best Of WinnersSADIE W. EDNEY7519 Holabird Ave. Baltimore, Md. 21222 703-282-3125POMERANIAN REVIEW 51TIM SUE POMERANIANSr -Vf.ivT -w- 'Ch. Tim Sue's Lil Love Bug Ch. Tim Sues Mark of the DragonWe have a new home and wish to take this opportunity to thank Margaret Inscho for several lovely additions Tim Sues Poinciana Star, son of Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist and Poinciana Love Melody.Star is pointed and being shown. Poinciana Love Melody, daughter of Ch. Love Bug, she is show type and has a brand new litter by Ch. Mark. Poinciana Pamela, sired by a Duke son and out of Melody. Tim Sues Poinciana Minnie, sired by Ch. Mark and out of Melody. She will be shown. Tim Sues Poinciana Mickey, Minnies litter brother. Thank you so much for these lovely dogs.We also want to thank Pat Clark for Tim Sues Charlie Patri-ArkCharlie is a girl She came back from Colorado with me as an 8 week puppy and recently won a BOB and 4 point major from the puppy class, handled by our 15 year old daughter, Zanna. Charlie is sired by Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue ex Sissys Cream N Sugar, an outcross of Ken Gay background.With these additions to our breeding program, we will hopefully be producing some fine Poms. We dont plan to sell any females of breeding size in the next two years, as we attempt to build up our breeding program.Most of the boys will be offered for sale when available.Tim and Sue GoddardCome and see us at 2607 Azalea Dr., Beaufort, S.C. 29902 Ph. 803-524-2954 Temporary home, until we have our home built on 3 acres.CIRCULATIONMANAGERMR. J. MICHAEL MEYER 194 Carroll St. Brooklyn, N. Y. 11231VtZFj ____ JAvailable at 1.50 Each1973 April, October1974 January, April, July, October1975 January, April, July, October1976 January, April, JulyAvailable at 2.00 Each1976 Ootober1977 JanuaryPOMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION 8.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.POMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerCHANGE OF ADDRESSPlease notify the Circulation Manager of change of adddress at least 3 WEEKS in advance of date of issue, especially if you receive the Review by Third Class Mail. As you know, Third Class items are NOT forwarded by the Post Office. If the magazines are returned to us, as requested, we have to pay postage for the return. Then we have to pay again to mail to your new address. The subscriber will be billed for this additional postage. But many times the magazine is NOT returned to us. In this case, the subscriber must pay for the new Review, as well as for the additional postage. So PLEASE, Subscribers, save yourselves some money and save us some headaches and send in your change of addressAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 March, December1963 October1968 AprilAvailable at 1.25 Each1969 January, October1970 July, October1971 January, April, July1972 January, April, July, October1973 January 5^POMERANIAN REVIEW 53TIFFANY POMERANIANS Of Tacoma, WashingtonWe have no champions yet hut Im working on it. Id like to produce a champion from the inside out, with no hidden faults. Then Ill be proud.7Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N' Soda Creider's Diane of Queenaire Ch. Morenos Gin RickeyCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Morenos Orange Sand PebbleWylies Little Twinkle of LPK TIFFANY TINY TERRIANNA, 4 lb. orangeInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires AristicratInt. Ch. Creiders Bit O Distinction Robans Charm of RobinhoodPompous Poms Dandy Kitch Queenaires LollipopSchonkeits New DawnTrinket has 6 points, many Reserves Best of Opposite Sex one over a special She is home bred, has a half brother that is also pointed, 1 year old.I have saved two others that look as good or better, that I'm starting now. Tiffany Gold Goddes Athena, Reserve first time out and seven mo. Wee Jenny of Tiffany, looks good.Well bred, champion sired litters coming up in February. Trinkets dam bred to Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner. Some will be sold. Good producing broods occasionally available, bred and raised with love and good care.TIFFANY KENNELS HELEN M. KRAFCIK1313 S. 117th Licensed Hobby KennelTacoma, Washington 98444 Ph 206-537-950854 POMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaI wonder if there is anyone reading this who has learned to understand what goes on in the head of a puppy. I begin to think I have learned something, and am ready to outsmart them, and they dodge the other way. My sons Elkhound has been visiting with us for 3 months now. He is a gentle, easy-going, stately hoy, but has must appear simply enormous to the Poms. I would have liked a movie of my Pom youngster Stormy, sitting with complete balance, not quite near enough to touch, and waving his front legs, one after the other, at the Elkhound. For five minutes He was ignored, except for a brief glance when he first started. The next time we saw this ritual, Stormy finally did touch, very gently, one cheek. It twitched, that was all. We have come to expect this display whenever both dogs are in the house, but we certainly dont understand it.One reader has expressed dismay at my glib words about my summer problems. I hope there werent any others upset for the fact is we were completely successful in having no matings at all. As a result of this carefully planned and executed luck we have been far too long without puppies at Jayenn and are now awaiting our first litter, Poms with great excitement. We have secure runs and a whelping pen in the new kennel which needs to be initiated.It has been a lovely winter here, unless you are a skiier, but even so there are snow banks along the roads which annoy the Poms when I am out of sight so fast. One youngster solves this problem by jumping up on the dog house three feet up. I cringe when I think what breeders would say about herjumping down, but she was an expert already when she arrived at our house at five weeks old. I am working two Poms for obedience and needless to say, she is one of them.That last statement is a completely honest one. After years of being too tired, too busy, too lazy, too frustrated, and too fussy about not having the right dog, I am really working in obedience. One terrific advantage of our new home with warmer weather, no store, gorgeous scenery, lots of hills, and escaping Finnish Spitz is that I am in rather good shape and therefore am full of ambition.I do have some show news for you. From Manitoba I hear from Bryan Mitchell Valacey whom you will know from his show wins with Hurricane. A gift at Christmas was a lovely photo of Hurricane taking a group first in Winnipeg. In October and November he had three group firsts, and a group second. For the first time in 24 years Bryan left him at home and entered his Wee Mite male, Whisky, coming home with a second and third in group. Bryan started with Poms in 1972 with a leased puppy and two year old girl. He and his wife, Peggy, showed both to their championships. Between shows their dogs continually get the best of care, conditioning, and training, which is so important when Ting time arrives. Although I do not have the complete official results for 1976, it would seem that this special attention once again has paid off with Hurricane again a contender for the top Poms. Sandtowns Shadowdance Magic is also right up there.And did I enjoy the Calgary three days of shows I went broke buying candies for my exhausted throat, but wished it would last longer anyway. I met a lot of exhibitors from the Manitoba area which surprised me, but shouldnt have for these shows are known to be well managed with top judges. Also met Pomeranian breeders and handlers that I have known, or heard about, or corresponded with. Evelyn Kenny, Kenlynn, wasPOMERANIAN REVIEW 55AGAIN PRESENTINGPSOCKO'S TOUCH OF KLASSShown by a good friend..............................Susan Mong4\'sSmSJlv 1^8SiESsS-' HVJflS"SrsvhJUDGE CHARLES F. HAMILTONBREEDER-OWNERS TED and KATHRYN BIRK305 523-23441634 S.W. 9th Ave. Ft. Lauderdale,Florida, 3331556 POMERANIAN REVIEWthere but very busy as a worker on the show committee. Ken Wilson, Charken, was handling one of Joan Zavaglias Poms, Sunnyvale. Susan Wright, Sun- wrighs handled one of Kathe Wilsons puppies, Kathes Ann Fulton Chin- ookwinds came a long way to show first day best of breed winner, Heidi, who is line bred on the male Pepperkom. Breeders from nothem B.C. had a girl in the ring with a handler, Burntwood, and Ruth Lowe had a puppy entered. The close of the shows sent two Poms home with championships completed Sunnyvales Little Bandit and Jayenns Prescious Princess.A lot of the discussion amongst the toy breeders, between genetics, feeding, puppies, pedigrees, wins, problems, friends, kennel hints, obedience, sales, and so on, was the planning of the toy boosters coming up at the Red Deer May shows. A suggestion to offer brace, veteran, stud and brood, and obedience awards was received with enthusiasm. See you therePOM PUPPIESI am offering for sale puppies born January 7th. This is a real nice litterChampion sired and Dam is a little beauty.I am expecting another litter in April Champion stud and fine little Toy female These will also be for saleH. W. MaplesDaffodil Road Mascot, Tenn. 37806RINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1 634 S.W. 9th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315In one week I will be headed to New York City to attend a Board Meeting of The American Pomeranian Club, the Clubs Annual Specialty and the Westminister Show at Madison Square Garden.Some of you will not be able to go to the Specialty. This is a pity. Some of you will be able to go, but wont. This is even a greater pity. Some of you will go but wont make the most of your time. This is the greatest pity of them all.What does one do at a Parent Club Specialty This varies of course to time, dogs entered, one own personality, number of friends, what the Club has planned, etc. For us active on Board level, we will arrive in time for a Board Meeting the Saturday afternoon before the Specialty on Sunday. Usually greetings and reunions start as soon as we land in the hotel lobby they are picked up again after the Board Meeting, and Saturday nite start the real oldfashioned bull sessions. I usually gain more knowledge at these informal get togethers than elsewhere during the year. This is the night when everyone visits the A.P.C. hospitality room, where you meet and get acquainted with other Pom fanciers from all part of the country. Or maybe an old friend has asked you to their room for a chat while they are caring for their dogs.Sunday morning exhibitors will be giving the last minute touches to their dogs. Excitement mounts as everyone wonders how well they will do against national competition.The Sweepstakes will begin, continuing on to the TOP Pomeranian Show of the year. It is at this show that one can get the greatest benefit for its attendiAfPOMERANIAN REVIEW 57HIIm a Proud Mommy-Ch. Thelduns Wee Bonnie TammyOne male, bom December 22, 1976 Sired by Ch. Millamors Moon RockNOT FOR SALEOwner - Breeder Goldie K. Mandley501 Dover Road Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061ance. This is your golden opportunity to study the living dogs you have read and heard so much about. At this time you will be able to study these beautiful Poms in natural form in comparison with great dogs from all over the United States. Some will take pictures, make ncstes in their catalog, later to study their comments with reference possibly to purchase or breeding, to improve their own line.There is the Annual Meeting immediately after the show for all members to attend. At this time everyone has their chance to oiler their suggestions or to gripe or how ever they wish to express themselves. At the general meeting the results of the voting is announced. A meeting of the NEW Board Members closes the business of the day.Fun-Time, and the perfect ending for the day is the A.P.C. banquet where tensions are released and everyone just Continued on Page 6258 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSSUE GODDARD Beaufort, S.C.Yes, we have moved again Hopefully, this is the last time and had a lot to do with Tims decision to accept this position. This is beautiful country and best of all, it looks like we can finally have a really good place for our dogs. Tim has been here since mid-November and the girls and I stayed in Florida thinking it would be summer before our house sold, but surprisingly, it sold quickly. Suddenly we were houseless, with 22 dogs, one horse, one Parakeet and three survivors in our aquarium . . . cheerfully donated to the elementary school. All the rest made the move with us into a very nice home that we have leased which luckily included an extremely nice workshop, all insulated, heated with tiled floor, etc., that makes a lovely dog house. We were incredibly lucky. Our oldest daughter, Zarena, graduated from high school in January and plans to enter college this spring. Zanna is a freshman, and finding out some of the pleasure and the pain of being the new girl in school in a small town. Timmara is in the fifth grade and as long as her horse made the trip too, has no complaints.After maintaining a low profile with our dogs for 4V2 years, we are looking forward to expanding a bit, although we dont ever plan to have more than 30 Pom kids, about all I feel I can manage properly. Our old Ch. Red Rebel Rogue C.D., died the day before Thanksgiving and would have been 15 on Dec. 5. We still have Music Girl, who is grandma of most everyone here. She is 11. Other than one of the girls pets, who is spayed, most of the rest of our Poms would be considered active in our breeding program.For the past year and one half, I have been owner and operator of a mobile grooming business, very popular in Florida, but new to this area. Im hoping .it will go over here as it is my way of financing my habit . . dog shows It is nice for the dogs, as they dont leave their home. Everything for complete grooming is in my van and I really enjoy the work, even better than teaching . . . these kids dont talk backWAYNE GEORGE Lakeside, OregonMost breeders seem to be interested only in the show end which to me from what I have seen on the West Coast to the Pom Specialty in Texas 1973. is only committing suicide to one of the best pet breeds known.I now have three champion studs in my collection with almost 100 free whelping in their offspring.DEBBIE JONES Alhambra, CaliforniaWe had a terrifying experience recently which. I think, bears repeating for the benefit of other Pom owners. I had taken my two Poms to a Match, and just as we were entering the grounds a Gordon Setter broke away from its owner and seized my four-pound male in its mouth. In the awful confusion that ensued I dont know exactly how long it was before we freed him . . . people were screaming, I was screaming NO, and Murdock himself has an amazing human-sounding scream . . . The other dog had no collar on and so was almost impossible to get a hold of. People were kicking it and I had my crate in my hand, but was afraid to swing it for fear of injuring my own dog.When we finally rescued him, several other persons as well a myself examined him carefully but found no broken skin, and since he was walking normally, too. I held him for awhile, then put him in the crate to rest.In the meantime, the other dogs owner had been ordered off the showgrounds, before any one bothered to get his name and phone number. This is one point I want to make if you are ever involved in such an incident, or witness one, be sure to get the name of the other person involved Remember, Vet bills can be expensive.Later when I took Murdy out of the crate to see how he was. he was perfectly willing to work, so I decided to go ahead and show him in Novice Obedience as planned. He is one of those dogs that Loves a show ... I would never have forced him under the circumstances if he had shown any reluctance, and as it is didnt give him any corrections but simply let him do his thing. The result was a score of 1S9, well below his average and no wonder that night re-examing him, I found a puncture wound between the shoulders. It seems the same heavy undercoat that had protected him so well, also served to hide the wound until it was enlarged by infection. We rushed him to the vet where he was given antibiotic treatments and two stitches, and although we were worried for awhile he was soon back to normal.Next to his health, my greatest concern had been whether he would bear any emotional scars. I suppose weve all heard those sad stories about dogs which have had a similar experience and can never be shown again because of the terror they have of larger dogs. With this in mind. I asked two of my friends to bring their large but very gentle dogs a Collie and a Doberman later that same day and appriach Murdoch to see whether he had any fear of them. Much to my relief, he just wagged his tail and treated them the same way he always has he knew that they were still his friends.POMERANIAN REVIEW 59MAY MORNING POMERANIANSWE CONGRATULATEMay Morning April Luv and owner Gloria Setmayer For Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at The GardenLen-Dels White Frosty Is The Proud Father Of Two Litters.His First For Us.We did have some hearth reakers most notably the loss of the whole litter of SIX whelped 9 days early by 5 lb. May Morning Legacy of Jonnie.Carmen has had two litters of 5 each, but 6 was just too many to carry.We have 11 puppies whelped thru January. Still very young as we write, will know more when you read this. At least 9 will he for sale.WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRIES1 white male, 2 champagne females whelped 123176Sire Len-Dels White Frosty Dam May Morning White Hope2 red or possibly red sable females whelped 1877Sire May Morning Spicy Timstopper Ch. G.E. Timstopper Again sonDam May Morning Moonlight N' Roses "Phoebes litter sisterShowstopper 3 X Great Elms Goldpaz breeding.1 black male, 1 sable male whelped 12277Sire May Morning Benjamin Red sable double "Bing grandsonDam May Morning Midnight Flirt Black Ch. MM Hokus Pokus daughter1 dark red or red sable female whelped 12377Sire Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Dam May Morning Naughty But Nice Great ElmsShowstopper1 cream male, 1 white female, 1 cream female, whelped 12377Sire Len-Dels White Frosty Dam May Morning Tessie White bred creamSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215-793-1912.. wtifex' J ,. vK60 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPS ContinuedThe whole thing was an unfortunate experience but Ive learned a lot from it. We now know an excellent emergency veterinarian, for one thing, and I can say also, that Im proud of the way that little dog came through. During the stand for examination exercise the judge ran his hand over the very spot where hed been bitten although we didnt know that at the time, of course and he never flinched, and on the long sits and downs he was placed between a Standard Poodle and a large Schnauzer and it didnt bother him a bit. It certainly says a lot for Pomeranian spirit.FRANCES BOSMANN Sayville, New YorkRecently in Yips Yaps there have been some comments concerning the novice. May I add a few notes and comments, as I am a full-fledged novice myselfFirst, I want to say that I didnt take Molly Millers article to be insulting. It was constructive criticism, which is just what we novices need. When Im at a show I observe as much as possible, but without help interpreting what I see, Im not sure if Im drawing the correct conclusions. I read everything I can find on Poms. Im a subscriber to the Review7 hut not yet a member of the Club. Books are wonderful, but boy, would it help to have someone there to advise me. Its one thing to read in a book how to trim ears, and quite another to take scissors in hand and actually do itMay I presume to make some suggestions to experienced fanciers1 Please introduce us to others at the show. Many times we know no one and long to be included.2 Please allow us to listen to your discussions on breeding and other problems. In this respect, we may not yet have anything to contribute, but we have a lot to learn.3 Please criticize My handling my dog whatever We need feedback to learn4 If you are a breeder judge, and you feel enough interest in a particular dog to come to get a closer look, please voice your opinions. Its disconcerting to have someone closely examine your dog and than walk off without comment especially to a noviceAnother problem for the novice is trying to picture exactly what different lines are like. I would appreciate it if anyone can help me with capsule descriptions of different lines and perhaps sketches or pictures of the dogs.It would help me so much in planning a breeding program to be able to mentally envision a dog of a certain line. I know it wont always hold true, but prepotent tendencies are important to know.I dont want to end without saying how invaluable I find the Pom Review. I live for its arrival. Can you remember what it was like to stare at the pictures of the beautiful dogs and try to groom yours to look like it The articles on show training were very helpful. My little bitch has improved greatly, and were still working on it. Im not sure if the improvement was mainly in her attitude, in my handling, or perhaps in our joint cooperation. In any case, it seems to be working.I want to thank those people who have helped me so far, and would welcome any letters from any fellow enthusiasts. I never tire of discussing PomsNORMAN JEROME Hollywood, FloridaI am very much against adding any major faults to the Standard inasmuch the list could be endless, from large ears to low tail set, heavy bone versus fine, the list could go on and on. Who is to say what fault is worse and should have precedenceI do think the Standard could be more explicit in some areas, such as free and easy gait. To me, this says nothing. I have always been very annoyed with trimming around the anus, it should be trimming at the base of the tail, reasoning being to show tail set and actual length of the back.While on the soapbox, might I add, it would be nice if members might have some voice in voting for perhaps one, out of three judges put forward by a committee, for the parent Specialty Show. If none of the three would be available it would be left to the committee to procure a judge. Seems to me a great number of members might have more of a feeling of being a part of the Club."'Editors Note The list of major faults approved by the Board was published in the July, 1975 issue of the Review, and is basically those listed as Major Faults under our previous Standard. The paragraph on Trimming in our present Standard was approved by an overwhelming majority of members who preferred to see their Poms exhibited in full coat, with a minimum amount of trimming for neatness only. If the majority now feel that a greater degree of trimming is desirable, they can take steps to have the Standard amended to allow this, but in the meantime scissoring or trimming around the base of the tail is NOT PERMITTED. I agree with you 100 that our Standard should define movement more explicitly.POMERANIAN REVIEW 61YIPS YAPSSIDNEY HARWOODBear Mrs. Mandley.Shorty and I thank you for your note. So much has happened to us and it is so great to hear from our friends in every part of the country.Shorty had a stroke two years ago and it paralized his right side. He was out fishing and enjoying his showing retirement, when this happened. He has made a great comeback with help of brace and prayers. Of course the dog business was out. so we sold kennel and retired to apartment living. We love every day of it. He keeps busy doing volunteer work with St. Johns and Shannon Hospital auxiliary. He also has learned to write fairly well with left hand and is writing a book.In September 76, he had surgery and found cancer, so he is taking X-ray and we know he will soon have this under control.We hope you and all his friends will pray for a complete recovery.Hope the Pomeranian Club has a great year and all the good things come your way. You know Poms are still first in our hearts.CUTS CUTS CUTSYour Advertising Manager has a pile of old cuts waiting to be returned to owners as requested last summer. Getting to the Post Office is a major undertaking as my working hours pretty much coincide with Post Office hours, and holding up the line for numerous Third Class mailing is not popular at lunch timeNow it is THAT TIME again. All cuts from April 1976 through January 1977 have been kept on file. Cuts of DOG ONLY or other cuts which are used throughout the year will automatically be kept. After May 15, 1977, ALL OTHER CUTS WILL BE DESTROYED unless we are previously notified to keep on file for future use or mail back to owners.I now have 6 large cartons of cuts and space for storage is absolutely NIL in my 5 room house. If you want your cuts or want them kept on file here for future use, LET ME KNOW before May 15th.WONT YOU HELPThe Review is the ONLY publication devoted to Pomeranians in the U.S.A. and by reason of our ever-increasing subscriptions, we believe that Pom fanciers WANT and NEED such a magazine. Do you want the Review to continue We will answer for you YES. Well what have you as individuals and as organizations done recently to insure that the Review will continue as a well-rounded, educational, newsy, well-informed, exciting magazine Last issue we "threw a bouquet of well-earned praise to A FEW individuals who had contributed their excellent articles and columns through the years. This time we would like to ask why leave it to the FEW Where are the columns, show write-ups and articles from THE REST OF YOUSurely it should be a matter of pride to have YOUR regional clubs column in each issue or YOUR regional Specialty write-up included in the next following Review. But amazingly, some clubs do not send in their material. This issue, we had expected a write-up of the Columbia Pom Club Specialty which took place in December so there has been ample time to send it in. Nothing came. Can we hope for a story on the Western Pom Club Specialty, the San Diego Pom Club Specialty as well as the spring Dallas-Fort Worth Specialty for our July issue Please give this matter some thought.We hope you will enjoy the two lighthearted items contributed by Mrs. June Moore and the excellent down-to-earth advice on whelping from Mrs. Elma Manies. We now solicit original articles on Choosing A Stud, Care of the Matron Coming In For Service, Stud Contracts, Care of Stud anything in keeping with our Feature for July, The Stud Register. We have to have this material by May 20 at the latest. Send earlier, if convenient, to allow for possible editing and corrections.62 POMERANIAN REVIEWHOW IMPORTANT IS COLORShould the Open Classes Be DividedFor many years, at all-breed shows, the Open Classes have been divided in several different ways, or not divided, according to the custom of the various show superintendents andor wishes of the show committees. Probably -the majority of divided open classes were divided Open Dogs, Black and Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color CAOAC. We feel sure this way of dividing the class dates back to the long ago time when Black Poms were not only -the most numerous but usually the winners.At our Parent Club Specialties, the Open Classes were divided Open Dogs, Black, Brown or Chocolate Open Dogs Red, Orange and Cream Open Dogs Sable and Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color. Frequently, Poms were entered in the wrong color division and dismissed from the ring. The most usual mistake was in entering a red or orange dog with just a few black hairs as a Sable, but since some all-breed shows used the term AOAC to mean any color except Black, some errors were encountered in that class, also.When our Standard was revised, we hoped very much that AKC would help us enforce a uniform ruling that Open Classes would NOT be divided, except at Specialty Shows. We felt that at most shows it was definitely preferable to have all colors competing together, to reinforce the words of our Standard that all acceptable colors ARE TO BE JUDGED ON AN EQUAL BASIS. But there was also a feeling that at Specialty Shows ONLY, it would insure the exhibiting of the maximum number of allowed colors and at the same time prevent an unwieldy number of Open Dogs in the ring at the same time, if the class were divided. To simplify the entry and also group together the colors in the same genetic range, the divisions were Open Red, Orange, Cream andSable Open Black, Brown and Blue and Open Any Other Allowed Color.AKC approved our revised Standard, but when our then Delegate Kenneth E. Miller approached -them to ask for permission for the Club to send out notices that EXCEPT at Specialtes, the Open Classes were NOT to be divided, we ran into a stone wall. Their decision was that it is within the province of each show committee or each Superintendent to decide on class divisions, if any, and not under the jurisdiction of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.As many exhibitors and judges know, there is frequently a controversy over Poms wrongly entered in the AOAC Class, in cases where the Specialty Color Divisions have been used both at all-breed shows where this division was adopted and even at Specialties. The same answer applies exhibitors simply DO NOT READ their Premium Lists, or this could be avoided. Some judges have ignored the published color divisions and have judged TWO Open Classes of Red, Orange or Sabe Poms at the same show while some judges have been conscientious about dismissing wrongly entered dogs and the complaint from exhibitors -thus dismissed has echoed from the rooftops.At their Annual Board Meeting, the Board asked our present Delegate, Bill Pottebaum, to try once more to get this matter clarified at AKC, so that there will be a UNIFORM way of dividing or not dividing the Open Classes. If this means NO DIVISION at Specialties, so be it. Or if it means the divisions given in our Standard at ALL SHOWS, that is also satisfactory to us. We await the decision. It will be reported in the Review, as soon as we know something. Meanwhile, READ YOUR PREMIUM LISTSBIRK Continuedrelaxes. What an Opportunity It comes but once a year. What better combination than good friends, good food, and good dogs All combine to good memories.POMERANIAN REVIEW 63INDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageDICK SALLY BAUGNIET ............................................................................ ,......... 38, 39BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB ___________________________________ 19RUTH L. BEAM _________________ ________ ____________________________ 13TED KATHRYN BIRK ......................................................_.................................... 15JULIE BRUMBACK .................................................................................................... 26BETTY MORRIS CARSON...... ............................................................................ Cover, 26PAT CLARK _________________________________ _________ _____________ 41BARBARA DeBAUGH ________________________________________________ 13SADIE W. EDNEY ____________________ ____________ _________ ________ 50DUANE . CHARLOTTE GAULKE ......................................... ................................... 49BEA WAYNE GEORGE ________ __________________ _________ ______ ___ 32, 33EDNA E. GIRARDOT ______ ___________ ________ _______________________ 47TIM SUE GODDARD _____ __________ _______________________________ 51ROBERT L. GOODRICH _______________________________________ _______ 26PHIL ERIN HUNDLEY ........... ..................................... ............................................. 46ELEANOR HYCHE .......................... ........................................................................... 37NORMAN JEROME ............................................................................................... ...... 35LARRY DIANNE JOHNSON ___________________________________ ______ 5, 15ROSE KELLER ___________________________________________________________ 7HELEN M. KRAFCIK ..................................................................................... .............. 53JANICE LUGINSLAND .................................................................................... ............. 35FATIMA R. MADEIROS .............. .................................................................... ........... 31GOLDIE K. MANDLEY ................ ................................................................................ 57H. W. MAPLES __________________________________________________________ 56SOPHIE H. MAYES ___________________________________________________ 59ELEANOR KEN MILLER ........................................................................ .............. 16, 17MRS. LENNIS RHODES RAINES ......................... ................................................... 45FLORENCE RYALS ........... ............................................................................................ 64GLORIA SETMAYER ___________________________________________________ 21IRENE SUE SWIGERT _________________________________________________ 23DR. MRS. LAWRENCE M. TRAUNER........................ ..........................______ __ 43MAYNARD A. WOOD ...................................................................................... .1........ 27JESSIE BARBARA YOUNG ............................................................................................ 19PHYLLIS ZUMBAUM ___________________________________________________ 3064 POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION SKYLARK CINNAMON BANNER1tShown Winning His Third Toy Group Under Mrs. David CrouseThis beautiful animal is producing gorgeous puppies He is at stud with his ownerFLORENCE RYALS7811 Leschi Road Tacoma, Washington 98498 206-584-0231Banner was bred by Handled by Jean SchrollShirley Ann Hoffman 12950 S. New Era Road. Oregon City, Oregon 97045