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The Pomeranian Review July 1977

American ^omerantan Club, Stic.Pomeranian ReviewIgliJULY, 1977PUBLISHED QUARTERLYyr.....jMmmL-mCH.ROBINHOODS CHULA DARK FLAMETop Winning Pom on the Texas Circuit Spring 1977 Owned By Mrs. Norma C. GadIN THIS ISSUEClub News SPECIALTY REPORTS Selection of Breeding Stock YIPS YAPS OHRTMAN1977 STUD DOG REGISTER Visit To Brown's Kennels by Eleanor Miller Travelling With Poms by Karen Holder BIRKHelpful HintsGRANT HEYDE HUNDLEY MILLERPOMERANIAN REVIEW2I am proud of what I am seeing that breeders are doing to improve our breed. We had the pleasure of seeing something unusual on the circuit . . . what I believe to be the first parti-oolor Champion picked up most of her points on the Texas circuit, handled by John Thyssen from California, and much commented upon obviously. We watched her take majors under the Davisons Art and Joy and then finish under Edd Bivin. For those who are interested in color breeding, this a perfectly marked orange and white parti . . . you should see her . . . quite an attention-getter. Her name Blosom View Madam Butterfly, bred and owned by Mrs. J. L. Weltz of California.Things have been moving a little slowly on a National level due to our process of runoff election for a Club Secretary, won by Mr. Anthony R. Piazza. Congratulations, Skip. We need you and will be relying heavily on you. Skip was in the process of a major relocation and everyone has been knee-deep in dog shows . . . now we will be off and running for a productive and successful year for the APC.Remember, all of you members across the country, this is your Club ... let us hear your wishes for improvement, addressed either to me, or to Skip Piazza, or any other officer of the Club . . . that is what we are here for.A Clubs Officers, above all, must dedicate themselves to upholding the principles and purposes of the organization they represent. We must never allow any internal conflicts or personality tugs- of-war to interfere with seeing to Clubs business and maintaining its stated goals. This then must never be a problem for APC people like myself who have been placed in such positions . . . you may be assured that I will do my part to keep your Club as you want it to be. Your APC is not a regional club ... it is a NATIONAL club and must be thought of as such. Whether you live West, East, North or South or even in Cut N Shoot, Texas . . . and yes, there IS such a place . . . your voice is important and needs to be heard.PRESIDENTSMESSAGE IBy DARRELL W. BAKER 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, Texas 77586Olga and I have just completed some ten 10 weekends of dog shows out of the last 12 weeks . . . judging, exhibiting, and watching. This was all thoroughly exhausting, but we have had a wonderful time and find that dog shows just do not become dull and boring but rather still have their appeal, even after some years.We have been impressed with the tremendously large numbers of entries and the excellent quality of Pomeranians on the big Texas Circuit and satellite shows. There were 4 and 5 point majors in almost every show and it should be noted that in this part of the country it takes LOTS of Poms for majors. Quality has been such that no one dog has been winning consistently, but several very worthy specimens have been sharing the points, these and others championship quality and being much admired.At the DallasFt. Worth Pomeranian Specialty, for instance, Olga did sweep- stakes and Art Davison did regular classes and I had the privilege of ring stew- arding for these fine judges, not envying them their assignments in having to select 2 or 3 winners from the quality field that was presented to them for their judging. Mr. Art Davison turned to me when he checked in his open bitch class and said, Do you realize there is a 5-point major in this open bitch class ONLY . . . and there was a 4-point major in puppy bitches ONLY . . . We apologize to some of you other areas for all this great breed enthusiasm that of course results in elevation of the table of points.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian dluh, JUttr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident ..................................First Vice President Second Vice President . Recording Secretary ... Corresponding Secretary............................................. Mr. Darrell W. Baker.............................................Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn..................................................... Mrs. Ruth Dotson................................................. Mrs. Sally Baugniet............................. Mr. Anthony R. Skip Piazza102 Old Egg Harbor Rd., Vorhees, N.J. 08043 ......................................... Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyTreasurerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Kathryn Birk Mr. Thomas Daniels Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein Delegate to the A.K.C.......................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes Mr. Richard Megenhardt Mrs. Eleanor W. Miller ................... Mr. H. W. PottehaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising ManagerMrs. Sophie H. Mayes, 1574 Camp Linden Rd., West Chester, Pa. 19380......................................... Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley, Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn..........Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, SC 29456Assistants ........................Circulation ManagerPublished quarterly at West Chester, Pa. by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., SS.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 2.00. Canada, Mexico, 8.50, Foreign 9.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription, 4.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.CONDITIONSADVERTISING RATESAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and minimum size cut, if any. Bill will be sent for larger cuts.Advertising Manager reserves the right reasonably to edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.55.00 . 30.00 60.00 . 25.00 20.00 15.00Cover Photo 1 page of text ..Inside front cover .....................................Center Spread, 2 pages.............................Full page ...................................................Three-quarters page .................................One-half page ...........................................One-quarter page vertical only100 copies full page ad.............................Minimum charge for cuts up to l3Ax2 inches, 6.00 proportionately more for larger cuts. No charge for cuts if usable cut is available.7.507.50DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 20th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 20 for October issue.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.PO4,,ou did not receive j me, and I will be sure you.SECRETARYSREPORT to .by ANTHONY PIAZZA 102 Old Egg Harbor Rd. Vorhees, N.J. 08043On beualf of the Board and Members of the A.P.C., we welcome the following new membersAs your new Corresponding Secretary I would like to thank everyone for their confidence in me. Mr. Thomas Daniels did an outstanding job as Corresponding Secretary, and I will try to be as efficient as Tom was. Thank you Tom for the assistance and help you have given me since I have taken office.Plans have been underway, and almost completed for our Summer Specialty Show to be held in conjunction with the Harrisburg Kennel Club Show, on August 27, 1977. Our judge will be Mr. Forrest McCoy. The Board has voted to hold a meeting, in Harrisburg, Pa., in conjunction with our Summer Specialty Show.I would like to take this opportunity to thank Laura Reed, Thelma Dunn, and Goldie Mandley for all the help they have given us in making our Summer Specialty a success. Please send your motel reservations in early so we can all be in one section of the motel. We will be having a dinner the evening of the show, and I have been informed that a band will be provided for entertainment.Rosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Road Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583 Sponsors Jessie Young and Barbara YoungIrene Swigert Box 873Steamboat Spgs., Colo. 80477 Sponsors Olga Baker and Arabelle HodgesSue Swigert Box 873Steamboat Spgs., Colo. 80477 Sponsors Olga Baker and Arabelle HodgesMrs. Doris G. Craig Box 80A, R.F.D. 2 Richmond, Virginia 23233 Sponsors Robert Goodrich and Julie BrumbackBeginning with the June issue of the A.K.C. Gazette, our breed column will be published every other issue. The reason for this, I have been told, is a paper shortage. I will be looking forward to seeing you at the Summer Specialty.At the request of Mr. J. Michael Meyer, the Board has accepted his resignation as Circulation Manager of the Pomeranian Review. Due to other committments, Mr. Meyer is unable to continue as the Reviews Circulation Manager. Replacing him as Circulation Manager will be Mrs. Patricia D. Brooks, 102 Jefferson Lane, Ladson, South Carolina 29456, Phone 803- 871-0239. We would like to thank Mrs. Brooks for accepting this position, and we are quite confident that she will do an outstanding job.At this point you should have all received your Annual Report, and MemTHEYDID THE WORKAlthough the notice about late arrival or non-arrival of Review issues was sent out in the name of the Editor, with return to her, all the hard work of making the copies and addressing the envelopes was done by our two Review Assistants, Mrs. Goldie K. Mandley and Mrs. Thelma M. Dunn. Thank you, ladiesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5WOODROSE POMERANIANS Proudly Presents Its First Homebred Champion CH. WOODROSES TUFF STUFF1A . \a .9Q X .TOYGROUPvU vit EifutlTuff Stuff is shown taking the Toy Group at Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Association all-breed show on April 17, 1977 under Mr. Gus Wolf to complete his championship in grand styleHe is capably handled by our 12 year old daughter Yvette.His show record includes 2 Group I, 1 Group II and 1 Group IIIWe would like to thank the many judges who gave him his wins, including Mrs. Margaret Young Mrs. Hazel Ridgen, Mrs. Merle Smith, Mr. Robert Waters and the late Mr. Forrest Hall.Also, we would like to thank Mrs. Norma Creider for sending us Creiders Amy of Shadodance and Creiders Dreamer of Woodrose.Amy picked up her first 2 pts. on March 13, 1977 at our HKC show by going BOS.Stanley H. Clarice M. Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd.Kaneohe, Hawaii 96744 Phone 808-247-5332POMERANIAN REVIEW6This will apply to all entries in a show. If this is approved, it would not become effective until September 1, 1977.In the April issue of the Pomeranian Review, there was an article on How Important Is Color. As reported in that article, I was asked to contact the A.KC for a ruling on this matter. I am afraid that I ran into the same stone wall as our other Delegate, Ken Miller. I have received a letter from the AKC advising that, and I quote, Usually, we would not expect to see a division of the Open Classes for Pomeranians at an allbreed show, but if an all-breed club feels that the division of the Open Classes is warranted because of the previous years entries, we have approved such a division. Usually approval might be given for a split into two divisions, but if the all-breed club were able to show us that because of the previous years entry, a division of the Open Classes into three divisions would be warranted, it has been our practice that we would have no basis for saying no.The letter goes on further stating that this problem is not unique to Pomeranians, and in order to insure that entries will not be rejected, the exhibitor should complete the color portion of the entry form.At this point in time, the advice given by our Editor to READ YOUR PREMIUM LIST is the best that I can offer...DELEGATESREPORTBy H. W. POTTEBAUMThe Annual Meeting of the AKC Delegates was held on March 8, 1977 and the following Officers were electedAugust Belmont-Chairman of the Board..................PresidentExec. Vice President . Executive SecretaryJohn A. Lafore ...William P. Stifel Roy H. Carlberg Leonard Brumby, Jr.___ Sr. Vice PresidentVice President Vice President Vice President........ Secretary___ TreasurerNan R. Ayling ...........Norman J. Furber .... Norman R. SchatzelMark T. Mooty............Haworth F. Hoch ...August Belmont, Treasurer presented the figures for 1976, showing Gross Income 9,265,179, as compared to 8,849,- 368 for 1975. Operating income increased to 9,182,580, resulting in an income of 72,599, compared to 330,864 for last year.The President then called on William Stifel, Executive Vice President to present a proposal for increased revenue. The Board has approved a fee increase for litter registrations from 7.00 to 9.00 to become effective on June 1, 1977. The fee of 4.00 for individual registration will remain the same.In addition to this increase the Board has concluded that a recording fee Chapter 16, Section 2, of the Dog Show Rules should be reinstated. A vote will be taken at the June Meeting, increasing the limit from .25 cents to 1.00. If this is adopted, it is anticipated that the fee will initially be set at .50 cents per dog.OUR LOYAL ADVERTISERSThe recent fiasco in the Circulation Department has cost the Club hundreds of dollars and the Review Staff has put in days and days of extra work trying to get things straightened out. We would not have been surprised if our advertisers had held back on their ads this time , but we are most happy to say that we have largest Stud Register EVER, and our total advertising income about equals that of last July. Thank you one and allPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7Jfn jHemortamWe announce with deep regretthe death ofHelen M. DeLougharyMay 24, 1977The Review Staff joins the Officers and Board and the entire membership in sending deepest sympathy to her husband Patrick DeLoughary.66TAMMY.. 9CH. THELDTJNS WEE BONNIE TAMMYAnnounces the arrival of two male puppies en route home from the Michigan Specialty whelped by one of her kennel mates Mi-Los Mischief Sharlyn.Thanks to Mildred Shuck and her veterinarians help, puppies are doing fine.Their Sire is May Morning Social Lion.Goldie K. Mandley 501 Dover Road Glen Bumie, Maryland 21061POMERANIAN REVIEW8circuit, when it occured to me that Cin was back in coat, and looking very good. Since there had developed a great affinity between Bill and Cin, on impulse, I called Bill and asked him if he would like to special Cin on the circuit, and he readily agreed. So, Cinder hopped a plane for Dallas.Entered in only seven of the shows, in competition which ranged from a minimum Pom entry of 48 to a maximum entry of 74, and a Specials entry of 8 to 13 champions, Cinder went into the ring for the first time in a year and won an impressive BOS at Austin, Texas. He repeated this win the following day at San Antonio, Texas, to a different bitch. Then at Houston, Texas, he hit his stride, and under judge Mrs. Irene Kha- toonian Schlintz, he went BOB in an entry of 55 poms, 8 Specials. He repeated this win at Ft. Worth, Texas, under Mrs. Robert Tranchin in an entry of 63 poms, 8 specials. He went on to an impressive Toy Group 4 at this huge show, which had an overall, total entry of 3,034 dogs.Cinder is still out, showing and winning. At this writing he has won six more BOB, over Special competition, and three more Group placements in Toy Group competition which includes five and six Best In Show winning toys. Each time he places in Group, he has to defeat at least two B.I.S. winnersWe are tremendously proud of this fine Pom. We feel that he will go far, in the ring, as well as contributing his many solid qualities to the breed. He is making his mark on Chula puppies both conformation-wise and in sweet and lively temperaments.He has a lovely orange sable daughter, who has taken up residence at Queenaire kennels in California, and at four months of age she is exhibiting all of the early fine qualities of her father. When show- ready, she will be in the California rings.Cinder will continue to compete for some time, and hopefully, he will be specialing at the shows this fall, with his black and tan home-bred son, Night Tide competing from the classes. And wont that be funCOYER STORYBy NORMA GADCh. Robinhoods Chula Dark Flame Cinder to his many friends arrived at Chula as a huge-coated, chunky pup of four month of age. Bred by Mrs. Verna Hood, of Robinhood Kennels, he could not have been more bouncey, loving and open hearted. We werent too sure just what to make of him, at Chula, being used to the tiney-mite types, loaded with Pom dignity. Cinder was all wiggles and kisses, with a tail that wagged the whole dog when in motion, which was like all of the time when he was awakeWe knew from the start that he was tremendously solid and a natural showman, with great legs and typey Pom movement. His body was unreal in a young puppy, and we decided to wait and watch and see if his was an early growth spurt, or if he was going to be a big Pom. Luckily, he reached 4 lbs., and just quit growing, except for coat which grew and grewAt one year of age, he was ready for the ring. Since I was nailed to the whelping basket and could not get away, Verna Hood, his breeder, took him to the shows and put two major wins on him. That spring he blew his puppy coat, and looked for all the world like a rag-a-muffin At show time, he presented the appearance of a puppy just coming into coat, but Bill Kennedy, a good friend and Dallas Pom breeder, had great confidence in him, and took him a-showing, anyway. On the very rough Texas circut, Cinder acquired two more major wins in half coat, and came home a ChampionHe went into stud and produced some gorgeous puppies, of varying oolors. Being a very rich orange sable, he naturally produces much sable. But he also has children of a rich clear orange, a beautiful black and tan son, and even one orange and white parti-colored daughter Bred many different ways, invariably he has passed on his body, legs, typey movement and sweet, lively disposition.This spring I was going on the TexasPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9MANIESS POMERANIANSCherub shown by Marge Brown under Judge Joseph Rowe winning 2 points at Oakland, California 3-27-77Mensona Show, Santa Rosa, Ca. 5-7-77 Judge Charles P. Hamilton WB, BW BOSmrRedwood Empire Show, Patalauma, Ca. 5-8-77 Judge Richard Guevera WB, BW BOS4LManiess Golden CherubCherub breeder-owner shown at Sir Francis Drake Show in San Rafael, California, was WB BOS for 4 point major under Judge Mrs. William Lehnig.W...mHiCherubs litter sister, Maniess Twinkle Toes is also being shown and has 9 points including a major. Both these girls are Mamas, too. These two and their brother were bottle babies from birth and well worth the effort, I think.m V '...Maniess Golden CherubWe offer a Baby Sister of Cherub, bom 3-26-77. She is a Black Tan.Dam Hatchs Peppie of ShastaSire Maniess Lil Fancy FlashWe havent moved New address, however.MRS. ELMA MANIES 916-241-87561455 Victor Avenue Redding, Ca. 96001POMERANIAN REVIEW10NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY REPORTBy DUDLEY ROACH-vrvi1 JEmuvrV[ VLOurphoto by Vicky Cook shows the Trophy Table beautifully decorated by Wanda Roach and Diane Lucas.The NCPC was privileged to hold its fourth independent specialty show at the Pepper Tree Inn in San Jose, California, on February 19, 1977. The majority of the comments concerning the site were favorable. The show, our rooms, and the dinner area were all in one location. In addition, the Santa Clara Valley Fairgrounds Sundays show site was but a scant half miles distance. All in all, everything was quite conveniently situated.Any show is only as good as the people who put it on, and our show committee was superlative and so, of course, was the show. William C. Jordan, Bill, served as show chairman. Bill had everything planned out so efficiently that the show proceeded without a hitch. His lovely wife Loma and daughter Carol ably assisted him. Beverlie Toca, show secretary, was as usual calm, cool, efficient, and lovely. The trophy table, beautifully decorated by Wanda Roach and Diane Lucas, was loaded with gorgeous silver trophies. Trophy Chairman, Diane Lucas, performed miracles utilizing but a small amount of money. Wanda and Dudley Roach did the premium lists and catalogs at no expense to the club. The dinner was organized by Fred and Helen Palmer, and it was held at Idas Fireside Inn. The service was quick and efficient and the food excellent. Some 65 people attended.The NCPC was pleased to welcome 60 dogs for 78 entries including two stud dogs, two braces, three veterans, and thirteen in puppy sweepstakes.Mr. Charles Long of Cypress, California, was the sweepstakes judge. He pleased the exhibitors with his demonPOMERANIAN REVIEW 11SUN-DOTS POMERANIANSRamblor is Retired Enjoying a happy home life. His owner is delighted to say he finished 1976 as TOP POM, Kennel Review System, top male all systems.He was also top male 1975 all systems.- .1r i r..t -r 5ftN My "t3FCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling ManWe Send Big Congratulations to Ch. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dots and her owner Ahe Hodges on going BEST IN SHOW at Laramie K.C. owner Handled. Were so proud of you AheAlso proud to have bred this bitch.We are announcing New Champion Romels Red Duchess Winners Bitch N.C.P.C. Specialty and next day Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for back-to-back 5 point majors.Both of these bitches sired by our Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol and both proven dams.Watch For The Ramblor KidsSun-Dots Ramboling Sun needs 3 points, has majors Sun-Dots Fashion Fella - has 5 point major Sun-Dots First Lady just starting Others out soon.RUTH DOTSON7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, California 95610 Ph 916-725-5234 or 967-2542POMERANIAN REVIEW12stration of capability and kindness. We will all be pleased, Im sure to support him for his judging application for Poms. His eventual winner was the junior bitch, MILBROOKs MELITA OF POINT LOMA. This young lady is owned by Barbara Paine. This win gives Barbara her second successive sweepstakes win. She now has two legs on the ALMA COHN MEMORIAL TROPHY. Congratulations, Barbara.she completed her task beautifully. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to WALSHANA SHOOK-Y-DUKE owned by E. Ann Crawford and shown by Mitch Wooten, Jr. Winners Bitch was ROMELS RED DUCHESS owned by Ruth Dotson and shown by Diane Lucas. Eight specials, the veteran CH. SUN-DOTS JUST A NIP, and the winners dog and bitch competed for BEST IN SHOW. After an agonizing interval, CH. SUN- DOTS RAMBOLING MAN emerged victorious. Best of Opposite Sex was awarded to ROMELS RED DUCHESS.mwiI..a-V .. ."V' SiI' .VtrAJudge Mrs. Robert Tranchin is pictured awarding Winners Dog and Best of Winners to Walshana Skook-Y-Duke owned by E. Ann Crawford and handled by Mitch Wooten, Jr. A Vicky Cook photograph.Best of Breed is awarded to Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man owned by Ruth Dotson and handled by John R. Thyssen. The Specialty Judge is Mrs. Robert Tranchin and Vicky Cook took the photo.At the Santa Clara show the next day, the same dogs won the top awards except that the bitch was Best of Winners. I understand that both the dog and bitch finished their championships that day.'llA NCPCSPECIALTY SHOW RESULTS6-9 Months Puppy Dogs1. SHO-GLOS HERE COME THE FUZZ Patrick J. Sharit2. QUEENAIRE GAMBLING DUDE Wanda RoachMrs. Robert Tranchin finds her Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex in Romels Red Duchess owned by Ruth Dotson and handled by Diane Lucas. Photo by Vicky Cook.9-12 Months Puppy Dogs1. TINKLERS TOKEN-Marvin Tinkler2. SHO OFFS BLOSSOM VIEW RASCAL Mrs. J. L. WeltzMrs. Robert F. Tranchin, a prominent Texas judge, officiated at the specialty classes. She had her work cut out for her however, with dignity and aplomb,POMERANIAN REVIEW 13WHEN YOU MEET HAPPY, YOURE HOOKED'ASire Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Jungle JimTDam Gaybit of Bi-Mars My Cheri1Daughter of Ch. Holders A Dil Red FlashCH. BI-MARS HAPPY HOOKER OF JJWe want to thank the following- judges who awarded Happy these winsBEST OF BREED at Salem, Oregon for a 4 point major under Mr. Edward R. Klein on 3-13-77.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX at Bremerton, Washington for a 5 point major under Mr. Kenneth E. Miller on 3-27-77.4th in Open class at the California Pomeranian Specialty.. . . and all the other judges who placed her to her championship.. . . and to Jean Schroll, who handled her for us.FOR SALEShow Prospects by Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash four BEST IN SHOW wins. Two Red heavy coated females.BI-MAR POMERANIANSBYRL MARY ROSENBAUM Phone206-927-236936520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, Washington 98003POMERANIAN REVIEW144. MAMIE DOLL OF POM PINES Claribel EllisAmerican Bred Dogs1. KEVIN OF POM PINES Claribel Ellis2. GOFORTH BET-LUS PIXIE DUDE Violet Goforth and Betty EvansOpen Bitches1. ROMELS RED DUCHESS Dotson2. BIZI BODI OF ELSIES YOGI BEAR Elsie Burriesci and Harvey Knell3. MANIES GOLDEN CHERUB Elma Manies4. BI-MARS HAPPY HOOKER OF JJ Byrl and Mary RosenbaumWINNERS BITCHRomels Red Duchess RESERVEBizi Bodi of Elsies Yogi BearRuthOpen Dogs1. WALSHANA SKOOK-Y-DUKE Ann Crawford2. KOKO NORS PRANCING DOLL Joanna Zimmerman3. BOBBYS SUNNYAugustine Ramos4. SUN-DOTS FASHION FELLA-Ruth DotsonWINNERS DOGWalshana Skook-Y-DukeRESERVEKoko Nors Prancing DollE.Veteran Dog1. CH. SUN-DOTS JUST A NIP Ruth Dotson2. CH. SKYLARK PARADE BANNER Shirley Hoffman6-9 Month Puppy Bitches1. MILLBROOKS MELITA OF POINT LOMA Barbara Paine2. SUN-DOTS BUSTERS FINALE Adah Marshall and Ruth Dotson3. MULLERS BEST BET Lillian and David Muller4. MULLERS MISS MUFFETTLillian and David MullerVeteran Bitch1. CH. NAPS SIR LITTLE NELLIE Betty Evans BEST OF BREEDCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man BEST OF WINNERSWalshana Skook-Y-Duke BEST OF OPPOSITERomels Red Duchess9-12 Months Puppy Bitches1. QUEENAIRE AUTUMN ORANGE Dudley and Wanda Roach2. MULLERS TABETTALillian Muller3. MONICA OF POINT LOMA Pauline B. Hughes4. MANIES JET SET PIXIE Elma ManiesBrace Class1. Dudley and Wanda Roach2. Elma ManiesStud Dog Class1. CH. ALL-STAR-S HADLEIGH SHOW- OFF Elsie Burriesci2. CH. QUEENAIRE DOUBLE SCOTCH Dudley and Wanda RoachBred-by-Exhibitor Bitches1. QUEENAIRE LACEY LADY Dudley and Wanda Roach2. MANIES SIMI WINTU ManiesElmaFIRM DEADLINEAmerican Bred Bitches1. BLOSSOM VIEW MADAME BUTTERFLY Mrs. J. L. Weltz2. DEELUS SUNDAY ANGEL Diane Lucas3. PLAYBOYS GOLDEN KISMET Edalene DavisWith the delay in mailing the April Issue, we were forced to relax our deadline a bit this time, and we did take as many late items as we could, right up to OUR deadline. Next time, we must stick to our announced deadline it makes for much less work, here.POMERANIAN REVIEW 15l.fV' i7fQalils dimply S^madhi nfTOY GROUP I Vacationland Dog Club, 42477Group Judge Mr. Ed Dixon Breed Judge Mrs. Betty Mahaffy Co-owner, breeder handled by Barbara YoungFive litters are expected this summer. We have several requests for females, but the better males will be available to the right homes.^akiJessie Barbara Young603 435-8731Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301POMERANIAN REVIEW16DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBBy MRS. JEWEL ELLIS, Secretary Grand Prairie, Texas 75051We were very excited about the results of our show of March 25, 1977 especially because of the big entry of 75 Pomeranians which far exceeded our expectations, as well as the big entry of 20 in the Sweepstakes.We owe a special thanks to our two judges, Mr. Arthur J. Davison for doing such a fine and difficult job of judging the regular classes and Olga Baker for a superb job of judging the Sweepstakes. They were very thorough and their consideration of each and every Pom was appreciated.These Poms were something to behold. There were any number of which could have been put up.The support of this show was tremendous and the warm friendship and compliments of the show made us feel very humble and grateful. We appreciate very much the support of our trophy donors, advertisers and especially the exhibitors of all those beautiful Poms. We also appreciate the support of the 10 handlers who patronized our show.Mr. Davison placed his wins as follows Best of Breed, CH. SUNRAYS LIL BEAVER owned by Theodore L. Dickinson, June Smyth Carol Partain Best of Opposite Sex, CH. NANJO WEE LADYBUG owned by Agustin Rey, Jr. Winners dog and Best of Winners, BONNERS STARLYNETTE DESTINY owned by Dorothy D. Bonner Winners Bitch, BLOSSOM VIEW MADAM BUTTERFLY owned by Mrs. J. L. Weltz Best in Puppy Classes, MACS LITTLE BIT OF PERFECTION owned by Opal Mosher.We wish to pay SPECIAL tribute to CH. SUNRAYS LIL BEAVER who won Best of Breed for the third consecutive time thus winning permanent possession of the Challenge Trophy which was given in memory of that great little PomCH. CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLYowned by Darrell and Olga Baker. This was an honor for Beaver, and his owner, Mr. Dickinson showed his appreciation by giving a speech at the aftershow dinner and placing the trophy at the head of the table which he filled with champagne and served to everyone.C. ItVW,X.Judge Arthur J. Davison awards Best of Breed to Ch. Sunrays Bil Beaver, handled by Beverly Griffiths and owned by T. L. Dickinson, June Smyth and Carol Partain. Darrell Baker is holding- the Challenge Trophy won by Beaver for permanent possession.Our thanks to Olga Baker for the following Critique on the Sweepstakes.The apparent ease and efficiency with which this Club conducts dog shows two Specialties a year was evident when we arrived. We were greeted with bountiful hospitality by President Doug Baynham and members. Mrs. Jewel Ellis, in her extraordinary manner, had everything under control, tables all ready, trophies and ribbons in place, she gave me a lovely corsage, put my ring steward, Darrell Baker, in position to assume his duties, and away we went . . . Special thanks to Billy McDonald, ring steward, for getting the dogs into the ring on timeSo frequently judges, in writing overviews of shows, state that dogs weretsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 17CREIDERTaIu... - fj[V3 mmjwhmIQ'^1'6tfek j .V.V ,Jfn s 3IICREIDERS CUT ACROSS SHORTYShown going Best of Winners at the Dallas All-Breed for 5 points Judge, Leota Vandeventer. Handled by A. J. Tremont. Shorty repeated this win at Ft. Worth.This lovely 10 mo. youngster is sired by Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcoat. His paternal grandsire is Oh. Great Elm Timstopper Again, maternal grandsire is Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda.And just as important, he is a double grandson of Creiders Miss Maggie, the backbone of my kennel.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, Oklahome 74107Phone 918-446-6839POMERANIAN REVIEW18of outstanding quality. This seems to be the appropriate thing to say however, in this case it is not just words, but an absolutely pertinent statement regarding this marvelous entry of Pomeranians. The first class of puppies 6 to 9 months of age was literally breathtaking to me, to other breeders, exhibitors, spectators and everyone present. I think those present were taking a bit of sadistic pleasure in noting that I had the pleasant but almost impossible task of judging these little beauties, sort of a Ha- ha, glad it is YOUR job, Olga Baker, and not MINE I say with no reservations whatsoever that this was the finest class of Pomeranian puppies I have ever seen . . . overshadowed only slightly a little bit later by the class of older pups 9- 12. These older guys that came in for my examination were fewer in quantity but maybe a tiny bit ahead on quality, although this could have been attributable to their obvious maturity. Numerous comments were made after judging that quality within our breed has made giant strides. Dramatic improvements are being noted in all areas of the standard and this is particularly notable since much larger numbers are being seen in the rings these days, yet with improved quality. This speaks highly for Pom breeders, both past and present . . . past for helping to get us where we are today in our breed, and the present for carrying the ball on. Congratulations to you all6 to 9 month Puppies1 ARISTIC MAYKENS FREEDOM MAN, owned by Kenneth Mayes. Huge coat somewhere between puppy-type and adult-type, good ring presence, and a super good "feel under all the coat, short back and fine tail set.2 POM-CHRISS GOLDEN ARISTOCRAT, owned by Judy Hutcherson. Small, cocky, adorable face and head, and she got the crowds attention by repeatedly sassing the judge in the ring3AMBERIL EXTRA EXTRA, owned by Christine Simpson. Another malevery much asking and deserving of a win, with tough, tough competition. Really impressive dog.4MILLBROOKS MELITA OF POINT LOMA, owned by Barbara Paine. A sweet, pretty female, petite with lovely expression . . . one anyone would love to stick into hisher pocket9 to 12 month Puppies1 SHADOWDANCES TOUCH AND GO, owned by Donna Ruth Martin. A beautiful, mature and ring-ready male that captivated me and the crowd, handled by Sandy Tremont, with superb coat, structurally correct, short body, looking as if he was a little out of his realm in puppy class, but belonged with the big guys. This lovely dog went on to Best Puppy in Sweepstakes award.2 MACS LITTLE BIT OF PERFECTION, a beautiful female owned by Opal Mosher. Her maturity, beautiful style, and soundness definitely called for attention and she was later placed Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes.3 POMIRISH WINNIES TUF TIG- GER, owned by Sally Baugniet. A light- colored striking male, completely sound in every respect, obviously with a fine future ahead.CREIDERS CUT ACROSS SHORTY, owned by Norma Creider. Another mature male, gorgeous color with everything going for him. He decided to balk for his handler a little, however, as youngsters frequently do, and seemed to have no interest at all in me and all my little funny noises to alert him and his ears A beautiful little dog, one we will be seeing more often in the future for sure4Thanks to you for bringing your Pom- children for me to see, appraise, judge and enjoy. It was noteworthy that regular class judge, Mr. Art Davison, and I happened to do very similar things with the winning pups. Congratulations to everyone and to the club. Thank you for inviting me ... it was my pleasure. Olga Baker Continued on Page 72POMERANIAN REVIEW 19THE WOODWIND KENNELSformerly The Shadows KennelsPomeranians At StudCH. Pom Shadows Happiness is pictured CH. Pom Shadows Wing Ding DandyBrussels Griffon At Stud Tiffanys Smooth Edition both majors already1t S51a. TOYIGROUPOwnerAKC Licensed Professional HandlerLAURA JAMESRt. 1, Box 571-B Red Oak, Texas 75154 214223-3297POMERANIAN REVIEW20WESTERN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYdan", again it was a five point entry in both sexes.Editors Note We regret there is no picture of Best of Breed to illustrate this article, due to the photographers faulty equipment.By NORMAN K. JEROMEOn Friday, April 1, the Western Pomeranian Club held its Specialty show in conjunction with the Associated Specialty Clubs of Chicago at the International Ampitheatre with an entry of forty Poms. It might be noted at this time that the Western Pom Club was formed in 1912 just two years after the Parent Club held its first show. The traditional April 1st made itself known due by the advertised judge being unable to fulfill the assignment. Mr. Ed Klein the well known Toy judge consented to judge for the club, as a replacement the exhibitors showed their confidence and sportsmanship by the absence of only six Poms, one of which had been entered in a wrong class. Entries representing various parts of the country were Florida, New York, Georgia, Minnesota and Kansas to name a few. There were sixteen dogs, fourteen bitches and four Specials competing, it was a five point entry in both sexes. Winners Dog went to Redmond Kaola Bear, owned by Gold Blackacre Kennel, which I understand completed his Championship. Reserve to the nine month puppy Pomirish Yankee Doodle Dandy owned by Sally Baugniet. Winners Bitch and B.O.W. to DavonShire Lovely Charm- mer DavonShire Kennel. Reserve to another puppy nine month Gamins Summer Caprice, Mary Ellen Hendrickson. Best of Breed to Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan owned by Nadine Hersil, B.O.S. to the bitch Ch. Bon Peppis Buttercup owned by Jodi Hudspeth.An atmosphere of friendliness and congenially prevailed throughout, most ex- hibtors stayed over for the International Kennel Club Show on Sunday which was judged by Mrs. Betty Dullinger, the winners were W.D. and B.O.W. Honeycrest RazLe DazLe Dante owned by Jodi Hudspeth. W.B. a repeat of the Specialty DavonShire Lovely Charmer. B.O.B. also a repeat Ch. D- Nees Darin DinaSUMMERSPECIALTYOur Summer Specialty Show will be held in conjunction with the Harrisburg Kennel Club Show, August 27, 1977, at the Carlisle Fairgrounds, off Route 11 S. on Route 34 N., Carlisle, Pa. The judge for the Secialty Show will be Mr. Forrest McCoy.A block of Motel Rooms has been reserved for the Pomeranian Club at the Best Western Motel, 1245 Harrisburg Pike, Carlisle, Pa. 17013 approx. 3 miles from Show Grounds. For reservations call 800-528-1234 Toll free number or 717-243-5411 Best Western Motel. Single Room 1 double Bed 17.00Double Room 2 double beds 23.00. Pomeranian Club Room Reservations not guaranteed after August 19.Board Meeting of the A.P.C., Inc. will be held in the Lotus Room, Best Western Motel, Saturday 27, 1977, at 1 oclock. Meeting open to Members.Dinners Reservations have been made at the Best Western Motel in the der Rathskeller Dining Room Saturday, August 27. Dinner selection will be from the menu. Dinner 7 P.M.For those travelling by plane, use the Harrisburg International Airport, Middletown, Pa.For Premium Lists contact Foley Dog Show Organization, Mario Fernandez, 2009 Ranstead St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103. We invite everyone to join us in the Hospitality Room. Room 443. Open from 6 P.M. Friday, August 26 thru Wee Hours Sunday morning.PLEASE SUPPORT YOUR CLUB WITH AN ENTRY. ONLY YOU CAN MAKE OUR SPECIALTY A SUCCESS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 21DAY ON-SHIRE LOVELY CHARMER.\ vl yJW.B., B.O.W. Western Pom Club SpecialtyCharmer has garnered 14 pts. in 30 days, needs hut 1 pt. to finish,with stork hovering above,she was withdrawn from the ring.Puppies from Charmer are available,Also two really super show type males,Rosskear and Preservenes Bred.Puppies 3 mo. to 1 year, from importsDAVON-SHIRE KNL. REG. Since 1947 5726 Farragut St.Hollywood, Fla. 33021 Ph. 305-987-5126POMERANIAN REVIEW22KENNEL VISIT TO BROWNS POMERANIANSBy ELEANOR W. MILLERLocated west of Indianapolis on State Route 36, you will find a lovely, large, brick ranch home set well hack from the highway and nestled in the midst of many large maple shade trees this is the home of Browns Pomeranians. Wilma Jean and Charles Brown, who are better known as Jean and Brownie, give much love, time, and care to this family of quality Poms. The Poms family is kept small but all are of excellent quality.afternoon. Each Pom has his or her own individual pen with a large towel or shag rug for a bed. Each Pom is given much individual attention and loved and handled several times each day. e A Vsx' ..'A ImVV.-,WThehome of Wilma Jean Brown and Poms. Kennel and exercise area at the right.Wilma Jean holding Browns Flambeau Mark, Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Brothers and Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Dam.Upon arrival, we are greeted by all the friendly yips and barks of the adult Poms as the enclosed breezeway has been converted into the kennel for the Poms. Joining this, is a large fenced exercise area with shade trees for the Poms to run and play. In bad weather, the attached garage is used for exercising. Central air conditioning and heating keep the kennel an ideal temperature the year around. Puppies and nursing mothers are kept in a bedroom for very close supervision. Another room is used for girls in season and for visiting girls.Every morning after exercising and cleaning is completed, all the Pom kids are ready and waiting eagerly for their breakfast which consists of a chew biscuit, a ball of ground beef, and a Unipet vitamin. The main meal is served in lateIn 1957, an orphan raccoon was adopted and hand raised by Jean. When the raccoon died and Jean was heartbroken, Brownie bought Susie as a gift for Jean her first Pomeranian and definitely Love at first sight. Susie was a dearly loved housepet and lived to be fifteen years old. Jean owned and operated a beauty shop at this time so was not interested in breeding. Later, when she sold the beauty shop and moved to the suburbs, Susie was aging, and Jean began reading dog magazines and studying the Pom Standard, and decided to attend some dog shows. At Jeans first show in February of 1967, she and I met and we began a long delightful friendship with our mutual interest in Poms.POMERANIAN REVIEW 23Soon Jean purchased a Millamor female and shortly afterwards, a male and a female from Dorothy Bonner. Jean began her training of the Poms for the shows. Her first champion was CH. Bonners Preshus Tangerine she rapidly acquired all of her points with major wins and finished at the New York A.P.C. Specialty in February of 1968. Jean, Sue Goddard, and I made this enjoyable trip together to New York, in spite of bad weather and some car trouble. And Jean returned home to her first litter of Pom puppies two males. The mother was left in the capable hands of Tim Goddard who had done the whelping. This was a weekend long to be remembered by Jean.repeat breedings, she has another male with eight points and two promising females. Her female, Millamors Magic Dragon bred to CH. Browns Fancy- pepper Mark has produced CH. Browns Gambling Man and CH. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie litter mates and CH. Browns Fan Magic Skeeter Gal. And there are other pointed children presently being shown.IIirliiiii i 3 ' Tyift it l[I-Im-.I riitViewinside Kennel. Wilma Jean holds Ch. Gambling Man and daughter, Ch. Browns Lucky Lil Suzy Love. In the background is Ch. Bonners Fancy- Grandmother.- \LTp4 h MM. -......... aw - -JK __________Is M..iWSIWIWW5-T l 1- -V-n--... _mCh. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie, Ch. Browns Gambling Man Litter brothers and Milamors JIagic Dragon Dam. Group of Poms in kennel. Ch. Tuggie, Cookie, Magic, Muffin, Ch. Peppi, Markella and Ch. Suzy.Later that year, her male, CH. Bonners Stylepepper Gaybeau completed his championship. He has always been very special to Jean. He is now IIV2 years old, still well and enjoying life. Another female purchased and finished was CH. Boners Fancyflame Pepper-B. She was bred to CPI. Millamors Mark of Dixieland and from that breeding resulted CH. Browns Fancypepper Mark. FromCH. Brown's Gambling Man is a very special little fellow. His name seemed very appropriate to Jean as he had several very close calls with death. He was completely hand-raised and is affectionately known as Lovey.Ten champions, five of them homebred, have been owned by Jean. TherePOMERANIAN REVIEW24LUELLS POMERANIANSwant to Congratulate Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown on her Kennel Visit We have a 6 month old female pup for sale. CH. TOY TOWNS DANDY CORN DUKECONGRATULATIONStoWilma Jean Brownon herXLuells Whopdee Doodle Doodle Bug daughter She is cobhy, nice head, red and looks very good, possible show.July Kennel VisitDick and Colleen Proctor RR 2416 Thistle Ct.Doe ValleyBrandenburg, Ky. 40108PUPPIES DUE IN JUNERt. 5, Box 395Burlington, Wisconsin 53105 414-537-2681CONGRATULATIONSANDJane E. JohnstonBEST WISHEStoand PunkinW. Jean Brownon her Kennel VisitCongratulateand also a big THANK YOUfor her most graciousand always understanding Wilma Jean Brownhelp with my PomsOn Her Kennel VisitNancy Fry RR 2Washington, Ind. 47501POMERANIAN REVIEW 25MILLAMOR POMERANIANSCH. MILLAMORS ROCK MONTEGRAMIS-jr r-m 'v,zmjm A KN 1 \ .3p t X mx--CaTO"UsjiA ,zSIi.VV' x .ilO- r^MID-KENTUCKY K.C.. f TOY1VSi- v'-.'Monteis just beginning his show career as a Special and is pictured winnng the Toy Group at Mid-Kentucky Kennel Club Hodgenville, Ky. on May 7, 1977 under Judge Mrs. Heywood Hartley.Best Wishes and Continued Success to Jean Brown and Her PomsMILLAMOR KENNELSEleanor and Ken Miller 14439 Mansfield RoadMt. Vernon, Ohio 43050 Ph 614-397-9268POMERANIAN REVIEW26had any money hidden in the house. Yes, she did money she was saving to buy another Pom and it was gone. Brownie and the Sheriff laughed over the fact that it took a burglary for her husband to learn how much money she was hiding for her dogs.are others with points and high hopes for the future.Jean gives much credit to Tim and Sue Goddard who lived in Indianapolis at the time Jean was starting in Poms. They were always willing to help Jean with training, grooming, breeding, whelp- ings, and rides to the dog shows. They were really missed when they moved from the area.Besides caring for the Poms and keeping a lovely, immaculate home, they also have an acre of yard and garden space. Spare time is spent on correspondence.Brownies main interest is in breeding and running Coon Dogs in Field Trials and he has been very successful, having won a number of Field Trials throughout the Country. However, he also helps with the Poms and often attends shows with Jean. Both are devoted to the dogs and always welcome company.Whenever youre near Indianapolis, be sure to stop and visit with Jean, Brownie, and all the Pom family.tiieiaiir iggiiSiBggi------------ --IWSS5JIV.1V .Left to right, Ch. Gambling Man. Ch. Skeeter, Ch. Tnggie, Ch. Fancy, Candy and Flamebean.^nchanti incj Pom NotepaperyV 1 V''3 v . 'wcRa. t' Litter Announcements.1r IIPom Greeting Cardsli, u 2.1Pedigree FormsPlease send 500 stampedself-addressed envelopeWilma Jean sitting in front of a trophy display holding Ch. Tnggie, Ch. Gambling Man and Ch. Browns Fan Magic Skeeter Gal Brothers and sister. for brochure toBrettwood ArtsThe first time Jean spent the night at my house, we were awakened in the middle of the night by Brownie he called to tell Jean their house had just been burglarized and wondered if sheBox 10Grapeview, Wash. 98546POMERANIAN REVIEW 27BROWN'S POMERANIANST '.\,. r.f' " 1 , s i a V" Il iVrT ir m i 'Ww'4E3 ...CH.BROWNS FAN MAGIC SKEETER GALRed-Sable femaleSire Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark. Dam Millamors Magic DragonThanks for the honor and. privilege of having the Kennel Visit. A special thanks to Eleanor Miller for writing it for me.FlashBrowns Lucky Lil Suzy Lovecompleted her championship with a 5 point major at Licking River K.C.Champions at StudIndianapolis, Indiana 46234Mrs. Wilma Jean BrownPh 317-247-96448820 Rockville Rd.POMERANIAN REVIEW28SCOTIA KENNELS, REG.March and April were travelling months for me. Took in some Texas shows,Western Pom Specialty and Chicago International and some Kansas shows.Then Maryland, Virginia, Carolina and Georgia shows.Finished one female, another female needs only a major and 1 point to goon a male, so the trip was not had and I had funCONGRATULATIONSTo Wilma Jean Brown on Her Kennel VisitFOR SALEo Ch. Russells Fox Flame Foxy Fagen, proven and an energetic stud.I have a litter brother which I have started. Black Tan female, never been bred. Champion grandparents. Orange male, champion parents and grandparents. Some small year old show females available.State Your NeedsPETSBREEDINGSHOWStud Service AvailableCavilier and Hadleigh lines.Scotia Kennels, Reg. Floral City, Fla. 32636Edna E. Girardot P. O. Box 646Phone 904-726-200129POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTVIEW KENNELSPresentsm m \ m4 \ a-Nw...ypg dr CH. McKAMEYS CAVALIER PEPPER Fee 75.00Congratulations to a friend Wilma Brown on her Kennel Visit She is always helpful and shares her knowledge on breeding exhibiting with everyone.Just arrived, 2 litters only a few days old. 1 female, 2 males.Sired by CH. PEPPER out of AM. CAN. CH. McKAMEYS GOLD CINDERELLA and McKameys Cecelia of Westview, pointed.I have one Champion bitch, 4 yrs. old, 4 lbs., clear orange, nice legs, good ear set tail set,I will consider letting go to the right home.DONALD G. HAYES1925 Triplett St. Owensboro, Ky. 42301 502-926-4106POMERANIAN REVIEW30is equal to our beloved Poms It takes each members help and contribution to put this Specialty together.OUR FEBRUARY 1978 SPECIALTY SHOWBy JESSIE W. YOUNGThe American Pomeranian Clubs Specialty Show will be held at Lowes- Summit, East 51st Street at Lexington, New York, N.Y. 10022 on Sunday, February 12, 1978. The people at the Lowes- Summit were very cordial to all and especially to our Poms This year there will be no reservation cards available for us to mail in so it is very important that each of us who plan to go make our own reservations in advance to be certain of a room during show time Put a red mark on your things to do list so you will not forget to write the Lowes-Summit for roomsThe date and location has been approved by the AKC. Our Sweepstakes Judge, Francis J. Casey has also been approved. We are awaiting approval of our Breed judge. As soon as we have this approval we will print it in the October Pom Review.A list of Committee Members and their addresses is given below so that you may contact them.Show Chairperson Jessie W. Young, Loudon Ridge Rd., Loudon, N.H. 03301 Show Secretary Barbara A. Young, Loudon Ridge Road, Loudon, N.H. 03301 Trophy Chairmen Mike Meyer and Dr. Pat Scelso, 194 Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11231Advertising Chairmen H. William Pottebaum and Thomas E. Daniels, 72 Davis Road, Southwick, Ma 01077 Dinner Chairman Mr. Sam L. Zaneoff, 10 Park Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10016 Trophy and Advertising Pledges will be in this issue, and please fill them out NOW and SEND them in while it is upper most in your thoughts. Time passes all too quickly and before we know it it is too late so PLEASE send in your trophy pledges and advertising forms soon. We have one of the dearest breeds so lets do our part and help put on the best show ever - a Specialty Show thatHOW TO BECOME A MEMBER OF A.P.C.In virtually every issue, we reprint the invitation to readers to join the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., if they are interested, and willing to sign our Code of Ethics and work towards our goals for the breed. Apparently, some subscribers would like to join, and have signified their interest but do not understand the procedure. The first step is to write to the Corresponding Secretary Mr. Anthony R. Piazza new address in this issue and request a Membership Application. This will be accompanied by 2 Sponsors Forms which must be filled out by American Pom Club members who are acquainted with the applicant. If the applicant knows only 1 member of A.P.C., steps must be taken to have that one member introduce him or her to another. If the applicant does not know ANY member, heshe should ask the Corresponding Secretary when requesting the forms for the addresses of Club members nearest in location, so that possible contacts can be made. This procedure is not designed to keep people from joining the Club. The A.P.C. is the PARENT CLUB for the breed and wants and needs members nationwide. But in the past, we had a few rotten apples in the barrel who had only joined the Club to use their membership as a coverup for their exploitation of the breed. They were only interested in selling puppies how, what kind, or to whom, didnt matter. So these safeguards had to be instituted. We do know that there are pockets of our tremendous country where numerous Pom lovers, breeders and exhibitors dwell but where there are NO Club members to sponsor them. This problem will be considered at the next Board Meeting, and perhaps an alternate method of sponsorship will be approved.31POMERANIAN REVIEWJAMES M. COY POMERANIANSCongratulate Their Good FriendsJean and BrownieOn Their Kennel VisitAnd Sincerely Wish ThemContinued Success4100 Caven Ct. Louisville, Ky. 40229 502 969-6468CHEELAN POMERANIANSOffersFor your consideration Three boys by CHAMPIONBONNERS KRISTIN STARMISTExcellent quality puppiesdue in May, 2 litters Great Elmswith Aristic1 litter completelyXGreat ElmsA Bonners Peppersong Red Elf Daughter Also a litter expected in mid-JulyDouble Starmist grandkids Bonner BreedingChampion siredPedigrees on requestTHANKS to Edna Girardotfor my lovely studRuth B. Lance19 Louisiana Ave. Asheville, N. C. 28806 704 253-4696Karen S. Holder 19077 Quail Hollow Strongsville, Ohio 44136 216-238-5121POMERANIAN REVIEW32TRAVELLING WITH 21 POMERANIANSBy KAREN HOLDERweekend visits. My Poms think that there is no greater treat than to GO. When I get their crates out they all go wild with excitement and do their best to pile six to a crate.We had approximately 1400 miles to cover and drove approximately 450 miles per day. That was about 10 hours driving time each day. We usually got a fairly late start about 900 or 1000 a.m. none of us are particularly early risers. Beside we did not want to arrive at the hotel until after dark when we would park off to the side of the lobby and Janette would wait in the car with the Poms while I nervously registered. Each morning we drove about five hours, found a nice roadside park where we set up the Poms exercise pens and ate our lunch while they played for an hour or so and got their refreshments. Then we loaded up and drove for another five hours before stopping for the night. We were in our hotel room by about 900 every night everyone all safe and snug ready for a 12-hour rest.We stayed at Holiday Inns and had no difficulties smuggling twenty-one Poms into the rooms. Needless to say it was a little crowded but we all managed just fine. I have two eight-panel Kennel- Aire exercise pens. Both of these were set up in the spare or I should say virtually all the floor area and a suitcase was put in front of the sink to wall Lolli and her babies under the dressing table and another suitcase was put in front of the bathroom door to keep Muffin and Cancan in there as they were too small to go into the large munity exercise pens for the night. The only hazard about having Cancan in the bathroom was to Janettes and my toes and feet. Cancan was at that awful toe-biting stage and Janette and I both wondered if we would make it to Cleveland with five toes on each foot. We nicknamed Cancan Jaws.In March of this year Cheelan Pomeranians moved across country from College Station, Texas to Cleveland, Ohio. A cross-country move is never a simple matter but when the transportation of twenty-one Pomeranians, three of whom are one week old, is involved it requires the utmost in careful planning to insure the safe arrival of everyone.Planning for the move began weeks in advance. Everyone was given a DHL booster to insure peak protection and I ordered 20 large chewsticks to keep them occupied on the highway. Unfortunately. I did not know we were moving enough in advance to have no girls bred. In January I bred SIX of my girls. Thankfully with my usual luck only one conceived. I did not want Lolli to have her babies in transit so I waited until her babies were a week old to begin the long journey.On March 21 we began our adventure. My sister, Janette, was sweet enough to take a week of her vacation to help me drive and care for the Poms. I could not have done it alone and am forever indebted to her for her help. Janette loves the Poms dearly and actually looked forward very much to going with us. Janette and I and the Poms didnt have enough sense to know that this trip should have been a lot of work. We all had a really good time it was a vacation for all of us. We saw all sorts of beautiful country. We left springtime in Texas and went through various phases of spring and winter in Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky and finally met winter still in full force in Ohio.I should mention that my Poms are all seasoned travellers. In Texas I packed all of them up at least twice a month and we went to Dorothy Bonners, Molly and Linda Millers, or my parents forcom33POMERANIAN REVIEWCHEROKEE POMERANIANSarfdiA Happy-Go-Lucky, in love \o.with the world type Pom.Completely sound, goodcoat, ideal 5 lb. size.Tonos Dragonflower of Young PointedFlower, has presented Cherokee with 3 little charmers. One male, two females. Whelped April 18, 1977.Sird by CH. Robinhoods Replica Rerun.After more than a year with no babies we are especially happy to get these and will keep them all.JANICE YOUNG1080 Carl St.St. Clair, Mo. 63077 314-629-2754the rooms though and of course we put heavy pads of newspapers down over the carpeting so none would ever know that a kennel spent the night there.Travelling with several Poms is not really difficult if you have the proper equipment. I had enough crates for the Poms to ride two to a crate. Everyone was very comfortable with a roommate who was a particularly good friend and they each spent all their time eitherJanette and I each slept with one Pom and two housebroken girls ran loose in the hotel room so this left six to sleep togther in each large exercise pen. We left the orates in the car and just brought the Poms and the exercise pens into the rooms. You should have seen Janette and I trying to look nonchalant as we passed other guests with our armloads of Pomeranians. The Poms were really very good about being quiet inPOMERANIAN REVIEW34was in the car with us. The kit included a small jar of honey, enteromycin which I give for diarrhea, albaplex antibiotic, and panalog a skin and ear ointment. Other necessities were scissors, tweezers, alcohol, some cotton and Q- tips and a syringe and eye dropper.We made the trip in three days, doing approximately the same thing each day. That is we drove approximately 10 hours, with an hour to two-hour rest stop after five hours. We stayed at Holiday Inn's in Meridian, Mississippi and Bowling Green, Kentucky and arrived in Cleveland the third night. The Poms didnt even seem to be particularly tired from the trip. They were a little cross however, from all the togetherness. They had also been confined the last two days we were in College Station because packers and movers were running every which way so they were ready to get HOME wherever that was.Janette and I really werent that tired either. We had not pushed ourselves and had taken a very leisurely trip with everyone remaining in a good humor. We really had such a good time travelling that Janette and I were actually a little sorry to end the trip.The Poms certainly did attract a lot of attention at the roadside parks. Molly and Linda had suggested that we tell people we were an act with Bamum and Bailey Circus. Sometimes I felt that is how we were viewed. The most-asked question was are you selling those little dogs. I would say, no, none of them are for sale. This statement was met with disbelief. They usually said what do you do with all of them Then a long explanation which I am sure each of you have given a hundred times ensued. Seriously most of the people who talked with us were really sweet and we referred several of them who asked about puppies to Pom-people in their area. So perhaps Cheelan Pomeranians made a good-will journey for Pomeran- iandom as well as moving to their new home. We miss our Pomeranian family Continued on Page 52sleeping or chewing on their new chew- sticks. One boy has a slight case of claustrophobia. He is the only one who begins to go stir in a crate after awhile. So Sash was placed on the upper deck in the center crate. As Kennel- Aire crates are completely open he rode happily with his back facing us most of the time watching where we had been but he seemed not to get at all antsy since he could see so much space out the back window. I really can empathize with Sasha as I tend to go stir in a closed place myself. Luckily none of the other Poms are bothered by closed in places but my crates are all very open and are large enough so that there is ample space for two Poms to move around even when they are riding two to a crate.I have a 1964 Chevrolet Impala Super Sport so it is not a station wagon but it is a big old tank. It has 145,000 miles on it and everyone teases me about it but it is really a good car and an old and trusted friend. Well in advance of the trip my father gave it a COMPLETE going over, making sure that everything was in top shape. It didnt even need a quart of oil until we had gone 1200 miles. Anyhow I packed the crates double decker in the back seat. I put my three larger Kennel-Aire crates on the lower deck and put two larger girls on each of these crates, four smaller crates on the upper deck wired to the lower crates so they would not fall forward and one crate on either side of the back floorboard. Lolli and her babies rode loose in the floorboard of the front seat on the passenger side so Janette and I could keep a good eye on them and make sure that the babies stayed warm and comfortable. The babies seemed to be completely unbothered by the trip and are almost 10 weeks old now. I was extremely worried about travelling with them and would not have tried it at all with some mothers but Lolli is extremely calm and didnt mind all the in-and-out business at hotels or anything.I also made up a first-aid kit whichPOMERANIAN REVIEW 35NEW CHAMPION.\....^ 1"'A-'ft4V "J Cil1y-mM,IJ -tYBEST OF OPPOSITE VIgiCU.8CRI PHOTO --ACH. CAPEHEARTS VIRGINIA REELCh. Models High Voltage x Capehearts Camino del RaeShown finishing with a 4-point major under Mr. Robert R. Reedy at Camden Co. K.C.handled by Sharon Griffin Dwier.We would like to thank judges Mr. Robert R. Reedy and Mr. Alvin E. Maurer Jr. for her majors. Thanks also to her handlers Patricia Shackelford and Sharon Griffin Dwier.Congratulations and best wishes to Maynard Wood for his new Champion Pandora O Merimakr.3121 Camelot Blvd. Chesapeake, Va. 23323Joyce H. Dailey 804 485-3825POMERANIAN REVIEW36PARKS POMERANIANSformerly GorrinsI have remarried and moved, hut still specializing in rare colors and invite anybody to come and see them.Specializing in Chocolate, Black Tan, or White, occasionally Blue or Partys I also have Regular ColorsNo rare colors available right now, but have some bred.I have some nice Oranges, Black, or Cream, right now.FERN PARKS4831 Barnard Simi Valley, Ca. 93063 Ph. 805-526-2156ZUMBA POMERANIANSWe have sold the red Female advertised in April. Born 21977 Zumbas Blueberry Muffin Sire Zumbas Wolfy of Boulder River BlkDam Boulder River Serene Ebony BlkMuffy, our 2nd Blue, is not far sale But we will continue this cross as long as we get Blues.Bom 43077 1 Blk male, 1 Red-Sable Female Sire Sumbas Wolfy of Boulder River Dam Zumbas Mi Liebchon Fra-lein The male will be offered for sale.Litter expected 52677 Jacox Dusty Dawn BlkXZumbaums Cha Cha Cinderella White Cavalier Timstopper breedingInquiries InvitedCuster, S.D. 57730 Ph 605-673-4961Phyllis ZumbaumR.R. 1, Box 89POMERANIAN REVIEW 37PRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANS4Sire CH. COENS DUKE DRAGONFLY CH. MERCERS YOUNGDUKE OF TIM SUE Dam TIM SUES GAY BUTTERFLYDuke sends cheers to all of his winning offspring listed below.Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Fee 100.00i 'Fancyduke is owned by Frances Freeman of Little Elm, Texas. We would like to congratulate Frances on her new Champion and also would like to express our appreciation to her for showing and finishing this nice little male.J XS____Ch. Mercers Fancyduke of Pom Grove Dash is with Jackie Klein in New York for this year. He is pointed with a major win. He is a proven sire. Should you desire to use him for stud please contact Jackie. His pedigree and puppy picture is in the July issue of the Review, 1976, page 5. We think he has an extra nice pedigree. He is 1 year old.4f' - i, \Ay,Mercers Dash O Duke-jLr We would like to congratulate Earl Hilary Soares of Hamilton, Bermuda on ^ their two major wins with Mercers Lil Sara of Duke. Her very first shows. A Youngduke daughter.-Jl- We also want to congratulate Sue Goddard on her Youngduke daughter, ^ Patri-Arks Charlie of Tim Sue on her recent major win, and' Best of Breed from puppy class.-dL- Last but not least congratulations go to Pat Clark on her terrific male, ^ Patri-Arks Stardust O Mercer, a Starmist son. He has a major and a Group 3 placement. A truly fine, sound dog.Dan JoEllen MercerPh. 308-899-3109 Evenings M.D.T.Box 147, Rt. 1 Big Springs, Neb. 69122POMERANIAN REVIEW38which most nearly approached the ideal were selected as breeding stock. Although gradual progress could he made in this way, there were many failures. Many fine looking animals have failed to improve the breed at all. Phenotype is not always an indication of genotype. The Best in Show Pom is not always the best sire.Another type of selection that became popular was the method of choosing individuals on the strength of the pedigree. This was based on ancestry, and was an improvement over phenotypic selection, especially when the two were used together. Even here, however, all the offspring of good ancestors are not always an improvement, and sometimes not even as good as the line from which they came. One of the oldest fallacies is the belief that like produces like.The modem method of selection may take into account the appearance of the individual and the pedigree, but the emphasis is placed on the progeny. Individuals are selected by breeders only if they produce offspring of the desired type. Progeny selection.The mating of closely related individuals is known as inbreeding to the geneticist. The various grades of inbreeding, dependent on the closeness of the relationship, are known to dog breeders as linebreeding or inbreeding. To many, linebreeding or the breeding together of related animals excluding the extremely close relationships such as father to daughter, mother to son and full sister to brother is highly desirable and is correctly regarded as a valuable tool in the improvement of a given line. Many breeders shun inbreeding, the extremely close relationships, as dangerous and a cause of degeneration in the line.SELECTION OF BREEDING STOCKBeauty Is Only Skin DeepuThe April issue of Pure-Bred Dogs,American Kennel Gazette gives a resume of the symposium held at the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine in January of this year. They If there was a theme to the daysay,longseminar, it was that many of the diseases which afflict purebred dogs are inherited. Breeders should research their breeding stock carefully and breed only those animals which are free of knownIt was furtherhereditary defects, brought out that a shocking 5 to 40mortality rate has been found for purebred litters from birth to weaning, compared to a much lower rate for mixed breeds of 3 to 4. This was blamed on the genetic consequences of an increased frequency of certain undesirable recessive genes becoming fixed in the genome along with those genes which determine the desirable traits of a breed.Most experienced breeders have received inquiries from novices who want to start a breeding program based on an unrelated pair as foundation stock. If we try to educate them to the more desirable method of starting their kennel with linebred or at least somewhat related animals, results are not uniformly satisfactory. The response to sincere advice may often indicate whether these novices will themselves establish a breeding program dedicated to improvement of the breed, or will continue throughout their stay in the Pom fancy breeding any female to any male just to produce puppies they can sell.The following article may be helpful to novice breeders and may serve as a reminder to some more experienced breeders who are not getting the results they would like from their current breeding methods.The truth is that inbreeding does not cannotCAUSE faults or weaknesses, but as a great many harmful factors are recessives, close inbreeding brings them to the surface where they are apparent. The more closely the two animals are related, the more likely they are to carryThe earliest method of selection used was phenotypic selection. That is, selection was based on the appearance of the trait in the individual. Those individualsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3the same harmful recessive genes. A recessive gene cannot be expressed unless BOTH parents carry it.Some beneficial genes are also strengthened and the line can be improved by inbreeding, PROVIDED rigid culling is practised, and only those individuals which show improvement are retained for breeding purposes.It is much more difficult to strictly cull a Pom litter than the litter of a larger breed, because very often one or two puppies constitute the ENTIRE Pom litter. The conscientious Pom breeder is given a bitter pill to swallow, when the result of a carefully planned mating is one puppy which is not of a quality that should be used for breeding purposes. This happens most often in inbred or closely linebred litters, where doubling on the recessive genes brings to light traits that might have been hidden for one or many generations. The breeder concerned with improvement will, nevertheless, cull this puppy.Here, let us say that culling does not necessarily mean killing. Often the puppy has a fault which the breeder would like to eradicate from his line, and therefore he will not use the animal for breeding but usually the fault will not be such as to make the puppy unfit for a pet home. Of course, if the puppy has a gross deformity or sickly constitution and would not make a good healthy pet, it should be mercifully put down.Genetic faults which should be culled without hesitation are listed below these do not include certain hereditary disorders prevelant in other breeds but not a problem in Pomeranians CryptorchidismThis is without a doubt the fault that can do the most widespread damage to ones breeding program and to the breed in general. See reprinted article on this subject elsewhere in this issue and study the chart with care Note, especially, that a cryptorchid monorchid CANNOT sire normal offspring. Although they may appear normal and males may have twotesticles present in the scrotum, all are carriers for the trait. Note also that the fault can be carried by females as well as maleswhich tremendously increases the risk for future generations.The AKC definies a Normal Male as one which has two testicles of normal size located in the scrotum. As long as veterinarians are people, that is with human failings, there will be a few differences of opinion, but the vast majority agree with the above definition. Furthermore, once the testicles are positioned normally in the scrotum, they CANNOT either voluntaritly or involuntarily be pulled up because of fear, cold or anything else. A mature male with floating or yo-yo testicles is a cryptorchid. He should NOT be used at stud.EntropianThis condition turning inward of the eyelids can be corrected by surgery to make the animal a normally healthy pet, but as it is an inherited trait, the affected Pom should be culled from the breeding program.Open frontal molera larger than inch diameter which persists to maturity.A definite tie has been found between this condition and hydrocephalus.Animals with the following bad faults should be used for breeding with extreme thoughtfulness and progeny watched closely Luxating patellas slipped stifles. Undershot jaw. Incomplete dentition, especially when incisors are missing. We are now seeing 5 on top 4 on bottom in some Poms, a trend which will lead to ever more narrowing and weakening of the jaws. Sickly individuals which would die without the intervention of the breeder. Positive traits which should be incorporated in the line if the individual Poms involved are otherwise worthy Normal health and vigor Outgoing, friendly temperament Ideal sizeContinued on Page 52POMERANIAN REVIEW40Behind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the shows career not more than 4 lines will be published upon recepit of 10.50 and the glossy print. Should a cut of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 4.50.CH. BONNERS KRISTIN STARMISTMaleBreeder - Owner Dorothy D. Bonner San Antonio, TexasCH. BONNERS STARCRESTCOQUETTEFemaleBreeder - Owner Dorothy Bonner San Antonio, Texas Ch. Aristie Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonner's Pretty tune Precious Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Sire Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Fiddle De Dee of Bright Leaf Aristie Wee Wons Pepper Ch. Aristie Wee Pepper Pod Aristie Little Miss Cheerful Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Dam Ch. Aristie Chile King Aristie Mighty CuteAristie Little Cute FaceCh. Bonners Darastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Can. Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissypuff Sire Ch. Bonners Pep-R-Wee Beautiful Bonners Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod Bonners Pepper-K Sunkiss Ch. Bonners Darastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Bonners Starlyn Modette DamCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Styletess Modiste Bonners PeppertessAM. CAN. CH. ANDREWS PICS JIMBORed male Owner - Breeder C. P. Andrews Woodinville, Wa.CH. WOODROSES TUFF STUFFOrange male Breeder Owner Clarice M. Oganeku Kaneohe, HawaiiCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim SireCh. Sungolds Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Princess Atonya Andrews Mr. Continental Andrews Mr. Flying Tiger Baulchs Little Red Ant Can. Ch. Andrews Exquisite Debutante Dam Andrews Mr. Continental Andrews Impromptu Debutante Renfrew Golden DawnCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Ch. Reeves Buster BoyCh. Dixielands Mighty Sweet Rosewoods Little Don Juan SireInt. Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy KitchLucky Jole Of OakridgeLucky Becky of Dicehaven Ch. Van Hoozers Little Buddy Ch. Van Hoozers Little Eddie Van Hoozers Little Suzette Rosewoods Bit OLittle Eddie DamCh. Reeves Buster Boy Lucky Becky of Dicehaven Lucky Vicki of DicehavenHave you sent your TROPHY PLEDGE for the February SpecialtyMAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TOTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.POMERANIAN REVIEW 41Behind The New ChampionsCH. MILLAMORS ROCK DUSTRed-Orange male Breeder Eleanor Miller Owner Tony Betty Short Des Moines, IowaCH. ROMELS RED DUCHESS 4 lb. Red Female Breeder, Susan Morris Owner, Ruth Dotson Citrus Heights, CaliforniaCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Ch. Scotia President Jim Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol Sire Ch. Twin Oaks Rockin Robin S.A.M.s Rockin Red Charmer Mammaus Tinker Belle Ch. Naps Little Duke Naps Im A Duke TooNaps Tiny Tot Bombardier Romels Little Rascal DamRon Dels Starlight Kid Golden WinifredWilmars Gay GirlCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon Rock SireCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honeybee Millamors Marlita DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Minute Box Millamors Red MistCH. BONNERS LISALU WAG WITH LOVEOrange maleBreeder Dorothy BonnerOwners Dorothy Bonner John Johnston Ballston, Spa, N.Y.CH. SCOTIA BOSTONS DEE DEE ELEXISFemaleOwnerEdna E. Girardot Floral City, Fla.Ch. Bonners Stylepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Weo Wag Bonners Tyletess Model Bonners Wagdoll With Love SireCh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonner's Kristin SundollBonner's Pepper-K-Sunkiss Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonner's Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonner's Styletess Model Bjnners Little Bliss Wag DamCh. Bonner's Smokypepper Chico Bonners Sunfire MischiefBonner's Pepper-K-SunkissCh. Sungold's Wrangler Bill Ch. Sungold's Ganbuster Sungold's LollyCh. Sungolds Boston Blaxie SireEmpire Gold Marvel of Hi Ho Sungold's Lona Sweet CindyCh. Sungold's Gay Russel Ch. Sungolds Dynamic David Aristic Sungold Maybelle Ch. Sungolds Dee Dee DamCh. Rumples Timsun Jilitard's Buttercup Zella of ZanowViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW42Available at 1.50 Each1973 April, October1974 January, April, July, October1975 January, April, July, October1976 January, April, JulyAvailable at 2.00 EachCIRCULATIONMANAGERMRS. PATRICIA D. BROOKS102 Jefferson LaneLadson, S.C. 294561976 October1977 JanuaryPOMERANIAN REVIEWSUBSCRIPTION S8.00 Yearly by Third Class MailNEW CIRCULATION MANAGERCanada, Mexico 8.50 Foreign 9.00 We are happy to introduce our new Circulation Manager, Mrs. Patricia D. Pat Brooks of Ladson, South Carolina. Pat has owned Poms for a number of years and is interested in obedience as well as showing in the breed ring, and she is also a breeder. You can help Pat in her new job by sending in your change of address promptly, sending the correct amount of payment for your subscription, and in general by writing to her ONLY about matters in her department and not bothering her with items which should go to the Corresponding Secretary or some other person.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE 4.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue, each year.CHANGE OF ADDRESSPlease notify the Circulation Manager of change of address at least 3 WEEKS in advance of date of issue, especially if you receive the Review by Third Class Mail. As you know, Third Class items are NOT forwarded by the Post Office. If the magazines are returned to us, as re quested, we have to pay postage for the return. Then we have to pay again to mail to your new address. The subscriber will be billed for this additional postage. But many times the magazine is NOT returned to us. In this case, the subscriber must pay for the new Review, as well as for the additional postage. So PLEASE, Subscribers, save yourselves some money and save us some headaches and send in your change of addressPOMERANIAN REVIEW BACK ISSUESWrite Circulation ManagerAvailable at 1.00 Each1962 March, December1963 October 1968AprilAvailable at 1.25 Each1969 January, October1970 July, October1971 January, April, July1972 January, April, July, October1973 JanuaryPOMERANIAN REVIEW 43LENNISS TAR-LACYS FOX FIRESired by Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great ElmsYIhX2 1 flitBEST OF BREEDOR VARIETYIGREATER NGSPOJT KENNEL CUJ6 SNOW-JUf'i, Shown winning BOB and then on the Group III at 9 mos. of age.A Special Thanks to a dear friend Michel Gibbons for showing him.Congratulations to Beverly Norris for another 4 pt. major on Tom-Cins Tarzana of TennisThanks to Jewel Webber for our new chocolate stud, Mr. Charlie Brown. He carries a huge coat, has beautiful head, tiny ears and lots of leg coat. Charlie is bred to 2 of our chocolate hitches, due June and July.If all goes well, some of these puppies will he for sale.Charlie will he available for stud soon.We also expect several litters sired by Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms around the first of June, and a few stud fee puppies.Some of these will be available for show and breeding.Morristown, Tenn. 37814 Ph 615-581-8947Lennis Raines Rt. 2, Box 205POMERANIAN REVIEW44result from matings in a given family of Poms, there is no doubt the problem is genetic. Test breedings are not only time- consuming, but with such small litters as are frequently encountered in our breed, the results are incolclusive. We feel sure that members of the American Pomeranian Club, signers of the Code of Ethics, would not ever use a cryptorchid male at stud. However, to eliminate this problem from your breeding program, the parents of cryptorchids, the litter mates of cryptorchids and the offspring if any, male or female of cryptorchids should not be used. If an animal is thought to be a carrier, he or she might be test bred to an animal of the other sex felt to be normal, and the offspring of that union which appear normal bred back to the supposed carrier. Results may or may not demonstrate the status of the original In a larger breed, both testicles are often present in the scrotum at birth or shortly afterwards. If not descended by 8 weeks of age, there is reason to suspect that the retained testicles will not descend. In a Toy breed, certain aspects of development take longer, for instance eruption of permanent teeth. One or both testicles may not descend until the age of 6 to 8 months, but although it is not unknown for the second testicle to descend even later than that, it is cause for alarm if both are not in normal position by at least 8 months.CRYPTORCHIDISMReprinted from the July 1975 ReviewThe term monorchidism, commonly used by dog fanciers to denote dogs with only one descended testicle, is thus used in error. Monorchidism means testicle, whereas the correct term is unilateral crptorchidism, as a second testicle almost always exists although it is hidden.The overall incidence of cryptorchidism is thought to be 0.1 in the dog population, but in Toy breeds and in certain families of other breeds it is much higher. Unilateral cryptorchids should be fertile, but bilateral cryptorchids are sterile.Some authorities now believe that there can be examples of cryptorchidism caused by either a virus suffered by the bitch during gestation or by some medication given to the bitch at this time, but there is no doubt that most cases are inherited. Cryptorchidism is believed to be inherited as a recessive character. Thus it will be manifest only when both parents are carriers or are affected. A carrier trait is not expressed.Assuming a litter of 4 puppies, the inheritance of cryptorchidism should follow the pattern of the chart given below, and a close study of this chart will disclose the danger to ones breeding program that results from the use of cryptorchid dogs or carriers of either sex. If a number of cryptorchid malesu oneearner .NORMAL CARRIER CRYPTORCHIDNormal X normal 4Normal X carrier 2 2Carrier X carrier 1 2 1Normal X cryptorchid 4Carrier X cryptorchid 2 2COME TO HARRISBURG IN AUGUSTSUPPORT YOUR SPECIALTY SHOWPOMERANIAN REVIEW 45MORENOS9 " '\wishes to il O V' . iV\ \i'VCongratulateCH. PHYNER NIGHT EDITOR Jet Black sire by Ch. Morenos Hot Off The Press, and out of Phyner Chiquita Negrita Pointed See photo in Trauners ad, centerspreadMorenos Sugar-N-Spice, now a mother of 2, 1 male, 1 female, sired by Ch. Sandtown Toast of the TownMorenos California Poppy, also in whelp to Ch. Sandtown Toast of the Town, now in the loving hands of Mrs. Esther Fields of Oklahoma Thanks for loving them for us.Tiffany Tiny Terriana, owned by Helen Krafcik sired by Ch. Morenos Gin Rickey and her start in the show rings as well, as a dear friend to Ricky and me. Morenos Mr. Sweet Pickles, owned by Mike Meyer Dr. Pat Scelso on their nice win at Westminster Winners DogSame Breeding as Ch. Morenos Hot Off The Press and Grandson to Ch. Morenos Special Edition and last but far from least, our boys who are producingCH. Morenos Special Edition and his son CH. Morenos Hot Off the Press. Bred to produce, and doing just that. Nothing for sale at this time, but why not try your female with one of the aboveQuality is our goal.JULIE MORENO 1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, Cal. 94066 415-583-4973POMERANIAN REVIEW46WITH SPECIAL THANKS TO MARLENE SCOTTPHYNER KENNELS PROUDLY PRESENTSCH. PHYNER NIGHT EDITOR Home-bredm w.vFinished at 15 months of age. We thank the following judges Joseph Gregory, Mrs. Sue Kauffman, Frank Oberstar, Raphael Schulte, E. W. Tipton.OwnersDr. Mrs. Lawrence M. Trauner2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, California 94115 415 346-5314POMERANIAN REVIEW 4'CH. PHYNER NIGHT EDITORPROVEN SIRE OF CHOCOLATESAt Stud With His Handler, Marlene Scott Only To Approved BitchesCh. Creiders Ebbtide of QueenaireCh. Morenos Special EditionMorenos Orange BubblesCh. Morenos Hot Off The Press Sire FIC Ch. Queenaire Scotch N SodaBlossom Views Red JewelBlossom Views Gold PrincessCH. PHYNER NIGHT EDITOR Black - 4 lbs.Little Black TimmyCh. Cin-Dees Tiny TimBlossom Views Black Cin-DeePhyner Chiquita Negrita Dam Currently being shown.Ch. Cin-Dees Tiny TimCh. Phyner Bumble BeeAm. Can. Ch. Phyner Black QueenaireBEST WISHES TO MURIEL GUNTHER WHO HAS ACQUIREDGORDOS DAM . . . PHYNER CHIQUITA NEGRITA CHICKIEMarlene Scott Crest Hills Kennels P. O. Box 116 Troutville, Va. 24175 703-992-3950In our April ad, we goofedPOMERANIAN REVIEW48points. Then at Baytown she placed, as Winners Bitch and also went Best Opposite Sex. She has to her credit another two points garnered at one of the Oklahoma shows but we will have to get the definite information on that one and make it more specific in the next issue.Then I know the cutest little sable male named Tujays Son of a Gun who has been shown by Molly Miller, beautifully of course, to a fine five point win in San Antonio from a class of thirty-four dogs, taking Winners Dog. He then went Best of Breed and Group fourth at Bay- town. Thats some little dog. Wish I owned him, and I can only add that he is indeed a Tujay dog owned by my daughter Cynthia Downman. Sail in the family.We are going to have another Breeders Showcase this summer that is to allow the public the opportunity to see all the various breeds represented, to admire them, see them in action, and hopefully mull over all they have seen, read the brochures, and if they find one that is their hearts desire they will then contact reputable breeders and find their darling. Wish the Showcase had been held years ago.Come see us in October. We will be so pleased to have you and our weather is beautiful in the fall.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONJEANNE KERTH GRIBBEN 11059 Timberline Road Houston, Texas 77043October 15, 1977 is the date that has been decided upon for the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston to hold its Third Annual Specialty Show in conjunction with the Combined Specialty Association. Our Show Chairman this year is Linda Miller who has been Assistant Show Chairman the past two years and is definitely out of the fledgling category. Your President of the American Pomeranian Club, who has so admirably served as our Show Chairman in the past, Darrell Baker namely, has tutored us all quite well and now expects us to take up the reins and GO Linda has set up her committees and the wheels are beginning to turn.We are very pleased to have as our judge of the Regular Classes this year Edd Bivin, who enjoys a fine reputation as a person of excellent discernment where Poms are concerned and is a pleasure to both show under and observe from ringside since he is most thorough and courteous. Acting as judge of the Puppy Sweepstakes will be Merle - Daniels, who as both a breeder of merit and one who has shown many excellent Poms to their Championships, is well qualified to serve in this capacity.The Pom Specialty preceeds the Houston Kennel Clubs All Breed Show which will be held on October 16, 1977 in town also. Certainly sounds like the makings for a splendid weekend for fun and points. Do try to make arrangements to come on down and let us see our old friends again and make a whole "pas- sel of new ones.Show WinsFirst of all we have a little doll called, Tonos The Mighty Midget owned by Norma J. ORourke who has been buzzing around gathering honors unto herself. She had a lovely win at the Houston show taking Winners Bitch for fiveAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.POMERANIAN REVIEW 49POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBBy GLORIA J. BARTON 3030 E. Cactus Rd., Suite 5 Phoenix, Arizona 85032By BARBARA YOUNG Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301Our club held its first Sanctioned BOB Match of 1977 on May 15th. The weather was beautiful in the low 90s. Our match judge was Bernice McDowell who did a superb job as always. A special thanks to her for her extra effort with our Junior handlers.Mrs. McDowells winners were the followingBest Puppy owned bred by Dora HendersonWinners Bitch AnBars Katherine the Great owned by Gloria Barton, Bred by Sado KuklaWinners DogSmiths Red Red Robin, owned by Marsha Buckindorf, Bred by Clarence Smith.Best in Match honors went to Sherwoods Mykaia. This three month old bitch was expertly handled by 11 year old Glyndora Henderson.Highest scoring in obedience was awarded by Judge Lisa Valentine to Ch. Smiths Honey Bee C.D. owned shown by Marsha Buckindorf.After competition ended, members, friends and Poms enjoyed a pot luck picnic and enjoyable conversation.The B.C.P.C. had its spring BOB match March 27, in Oxford, Mass. Best in Match was a sable bitch, Jabils Merrymaker of Win-D-Nol, owned by Robert Claar and Jessie Young. Best Puppy in Match was another sable bitch, Topaze Mary Friskie, owned by Francis Casey. High Scoring Dog was Bodas Topaze Lady Pixie, C.D., owned by Sally Misuraca.The Poms owned and handled by club members had the pleasure of winning Toy Groups within two weeks of each other. Easter Sunday, April 10, brought a Group win for Am. Can. Ch. Acarusim's Wee Ben of Topaze, owned by Francis Casey, at the Lewiston- Aubum K.C. Show in Lewiston, Maine. A return to Maine, at Scarborough, April 24, brought a Group win for Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing, co-owned by myself and Jessie Young. This was at the Vacationland Show, where Nancy Vayos Topaze Acie Ducie was W.D. and B.O.W. to come within one point of his title. Winners Bitch was Cases Topaze Mary Friskie.Our Specialty Show will be history by the time this Review is sent out, and we will have a full report in the next issue.Sherwoods MykaiaWE WELCOME TWO NEW COLUMNISTSWe were very sorry to lose two of our Area Columnists the first of the year, but we are delighted to say that we have had two excellent volunteers as replacements Joyce Ohrtman will be writing the Mid West Report, so please all you many Pom people in her large area do your best to supply her with material. Erin Handley will be taking over in the Pacific Northwest and will write News and Views for us. Both columns will be found in this issue.KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will take us to the Pacific Northwest, to Joan Grants Jayenn Kennels in beautiful Golden, British Columbia. We invite all our Canadian subscribers to support this kennel visit with congratulatory ads and let us know about other lovely Poms in Canada. Other who know Joan from her trips to the U.S.A. will also want to hop on the band wagon.POMERANIAN REVIEW50PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB INC.PC. members but since he went on to Group III and is really gorgeous I couldnt not mention him. Jestoms Someall of Andrews, bred by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews and owned by Jessie and Tom Stephens picked up a major from the open bitch class. This win matched the award which she won the day before at the show in Richland. Someall recently finished her Canadian Title and is now well on her way to her U.S. Title.As I lay in my hospital bed recuperating from a bit of surgery, I received two exciting phone calls. On Saturday May 7, Phyllis Andrews called to tell me my Scotia Dollys Dandy Sibyl was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners, And Best of Breed at the Whidby Island Kennel Club show in Monroe, under Judge Mrs. David Crouse. Over three specials too, I practically had a relapse. Sunday my husband Phil called and said Dolly had taken a five point major at the Olympia Fanciers Association show in Olympia under Mrs. Irene Khatounian Schlintz. Mrs. Schlintz gave Best of Breed to Dollys cousin Am and Ca. Oh. Andrews PicsJimbo, Bred and owned by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews and Best Opposite Sex to his half sister Ch. Bi- Mars Happy Hooker of J. J. Hows that for keeping it in the family JimboTs daughter Andrews Me Too is coming right along too. She came from the puppy class to take reserve at Yakima. Many other nice wins have been earned by members Poms. An especially nice record was set by far away member Edna Girardot she says Girard with Andrews Im a Jim DanLee in Kansas and Texas. He now has 14 points. Edna finished one of her own last year and three so far this year.While many of these people would have been in there trying, the fact that we have an active club going has been a big help. I remember taking my pet Pom out to Phyllis Andrews for her evaluation of her litter of three. This was about 7 years ago even before our club came into evistence. That day Phyllis said Thats the one Id keep. She has been picking the best of the bunch everERIN HUNDLEY 2813 176th S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98036Go Northwest young Pom and Pom Lover too, because thats where the action is.At least thats how it seems to me. Many lovely Poms have been seen in the NW rings in the last few months. At every show I have been to lately, I hear the same thing. Havent the Poms improved over these last few years I dont envy the judge with so many lovelys to choose from. Someone said this is a time when you cant be right and you cant be wrong, no matter which Pom the judge picks he is right but someone is unhappy.At the Willamette Valley Kennel Club Show Mar 13, 1977, Judge Edward R. Klien picked Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ as Best of Breed, Winners Bitch, and Best of Winners. Happy, bred and owned by Byrl and Mary Rosenbaum, was sired by Ch. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim, owned by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews, and is out of Gaybin of Bi-Mars My Cheri, a granddaughter of Texas Jean Schrolls Ch. Holders Lil Red Flash. This was a back to back win for Happy, She was Winners Bitch at Albanys Chintinimi Kennel Club Show, The day before, under Stewart Mackley. Happy finished Fanciers Club Show March 27. Judge Kenneth E. Miller. A sweet faced male from the open class went on from Winners Dog to Best of Winners and Best of Breed. Golden Glow Nip, bred and owned by Elva Sally McGilbry. It was a pleasure for me to meet her. I had heard so much about her.The Eastern Washington Shows well attended. At the Yakima Valley Kennel Club Show, Judge Pauline Hughes, found her Best of Breed in the open class, Dan- fords Firefly Dragon, Bred by Margaret Tankesley and owned by Mack and Georgia Danford of Scio Ore. Not P.S.POMERANIAN REVIEW 51CONGRATULATIONSto In memoryJulie Brumbackon her new Champion Ch. Julies Starbright andDr. Betty CarsonEmceesSolid Gold Diamond Tico goes Best in Match First show and less than five months old.ofBrooksLittle Snowfire C. D.4-3-68 2-15-77DanzigPatricia D. BrooksMaynard A. Wood Park Station P. O. Box 2296 Waynesboro, Va. 22980102 Jefferson Ln.Ladson, S. C. 29456TUJAY POMERANIANSTujays Son of a Gun, sired by our Ch. Daniels Pistol Pete has taken a 5 point major win over 34 males in San Antonio and a Group 4th in Baytown, Texas.Thanks, Molly Miller for your masterful handling.We and Pistol are so proud of the little bugger. Huzza, huzzaWe are greatly pleased with our breeding results from our great little Dukes son CH. DRAGONFLYS HAPPY TALK Soundness and coat galore coupled with darling heads, outgoing personalities and cobby little bodies what more could a breeder wantSome available stock right now to selected breeders. Inquiries welcomed. Pets also.Jeanne K. Gribben Cynthia Downman 11059 Timberline Road Houston, Tx. 77043 713 467-0770 or 468-6999POMERANIAN REVIEW52KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.since, as is proven by the fine Poms she is raising and showing. She and her husband Clyde have been an inspiration to the many Pom lovers, both novices and Old Timers alike, in the area. When she and several others invited me to the first club meeting I wasnt sure I wanted to devote that much time to dog raising, but as time went on and I watched Phyllis and Clyde working steadily toward their goal of breeding Poms to be proud of, and as my husband Phil and I saw more of these nice people, we caught the Pom fever too and became more active in this club. Through Phyllis I learned what to look for in a Pom. She also inspired me to write my first article for our newsletter and bugged me until I wrote more. Maybe now shell wish she hadnt, but its too late now. Im really hooked. I even went to school and learned to type so I could do more.This is my last column for the P.S.P.C. I will be writing the Pacific Northwest News and Views Column. My first is in this issue. Next issue will have a new reporter for the P.S.P.C. Her name is Jessie Stephens. Jessie has been active in the Poodle world for many years. Recently her husband Tom, a career Navy man, was transferred to this area. They have been willing workers in our club and Im sure you will enjoy what Jessie will tell you about the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club.In addition to the Stephens, we have acquired many new members this year. Vance and Elva McGilbry, Gretta Ottesen, Virginia Hall, Christine Pike, Vera Johnson, Lisa Boyd, Chuck and Ted Hundley. Happy us, happy them.ODETTE NOLAN 41 Wisconsin Ave.Waukegan, 1L. 60085We are still waiting on permission from AKC for our first licensed show andor a Sanctioned A Match. We are also planning some promotional things.Our last few meetings were at the shows, and since I was still in the throes of income taxes I missed most of them. Also, we lost the little sable Pom we had been showing dead of a heart attack at only two years old. This left us without much enthusiasm for exhibiting for a while.Our members seem to have had a bumper crop of spring puppies and some nice wins, but Ive had no reports - so do not know the details. So my extra time has mostly been spent on the Stud Book our club is compiling. We are ready to print the pedigrees we have, but are lacking quite a few. We had promised a minimum number of pedigrees and this is one reason there was no deadline set. So if you are interested in participating IT IS NOT TOO LATE Send your stud dogs pedigree to me at above address along with a check for S4.00 made payable to the club. We will return the copy along with a copy of the Stud Book. If you have no stud dog the book will be for sale later for 6.00. So keep your pedigrees coming.Hope to see some of you at the Arkansas and Memphis shows. Happy winning.uSELECTION continued Good teeth One or both parents had strong, long-lasting teeth. Longevity of ancestors Free-whelping bitches Normally aggressive studs.This article has not discussed show conf ormation as it is assumed that every breeder is already alert to such traits of beauty.HOLDER continuedin Texas very much. However we are certainly happy to be safe and sound in our new home and are having a terrific time meeting, and growing to love, all of the terrific Poms and Pom-people in our new area.POMERANIAN REVIEW 53MARRCO KENNELS PRESENTSjClitQUEENAIRE SERENADECh. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Ch. Scotia President Jim Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade SandidoiCh. Twin Oaks Roekin Robin S.A.M.s Rockin Red Charmer Mammaus Tinker Belle Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire's Scotch N' Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creider's Miss MargoCreider's Sable Dandy Creider's Miss Maggie Creider's Molly-BAt date of publication, Jimmy lacks a major of finishing his championship and has 8 points towards his Canadian Championship. He will he finished inboth countries.Jimmy has a lot to offer the fancy, huge coat and perfect movement. Several of his children are already in the ring and pointed. Congratulations to his son, Queenaire Ive Got Legs, on his many wins.PUPPIES AVAILABLE SOON STUD FEE ON REQUESTOWNER Mary Conrad 3386 Bellinger Lane Medford, Oregon 97501 Ph 503-772-4141HANDLER Michael R. Collins5810 S. 36th Drive Phoenix, Arizona 85041 Ph 602-268-9325POMERANIAN REVIEW54them to the canine type. Recently, she has "been giving her in-whelp bitches raspberry tablets ordered from England Denes Veterinary Products Ltd., 68 Loden Road, Brighton, England. Anyone interested can write for a price list. Julie writes, I personally dont know how much it helps with whelping. I still have trouble as my bitches are small, show type, but I really believe it improves the bitches health. They seem to feel better and snap back faster after whelping when given these tablets.Much theory has been written about why some dogs testicles fail to descend. We could eliminate the genetic predisposition in a few generations if we only bred from dogs whose testicles descended early. If we waited months for the sire, we may end up waiting many more for his sons, or perhaps, waiting in vain.Keep those hints coming in.frfrHELPFULHINTS titByMARGARET M. GORMAN 31134 East Wind Fraser, Mi. 48026 iSummer is here and with it increased doggy odors. We have found that two tablespoons of vinegar added to our dehumidifier pan greatly reduces kennel odors. If you dont have a dehumidifier, cover the bottom of a small pan with cotton balls and drench in vinegar. The evaporating vinegar will mask odors, but, of course, it will not eliminate them nor the need for strict cleanliness.If youve recently bathed your Poms and become irritated because the soap didnt rinse out, or youve resorted to human hair rinse and had the coat go soft, there is help. Two teaspoons of vinegar diluted in a glass of water will cut soap and will not leave the coat soft. On the contrary, the texture of the coat is going to be harsher after a vinegar rinse. Be sure to keep it out of the Poms eyes.Pat Forst of Phoenix, Arizona sent us the following hint for Poms that guzzle dangerous amounts of water. She recommends the use of a hamster water bottle, the type that can be hung from the cage with a ball bearing in the end. Poms learn to use these bottles quickly. They are excellent for travelling and prevent spills.Julie Brumback of Harrisonburg, Virginia gives a veterinary preparation called Ion-Aid manufactured by Diamond Labs, to newborn pups instead of milk. She states it is also helpful for stress or when excitement is high, such as at shows. It is a water soluble oral electrolyte powder with glycine and glucose, sold only through veterinarians. Julie recommends peoples toe-nail trimmers for Poms and says she prefersIMPORTANT NOTICEWe have tried to contact all known Review Subscribers to explain about the late arrival, or in some instances nonarrival of the April Review. By the time you read this, we hope to have all records straightened out and all mailing lists complete and everything in the hands of our new Circulation Manager, Pat Brooks. From now on, she will be able to handle your orders for new subscriptions, renewals or back issues. If anyone has been overlooked, and that is made known to us, we will promptly do our best to rectify matters. Thanks so much for being patient.PLEASE HELP USWe would like to make an urgent request to any subscribers who have received 2 copies of the April Review due to the mixup Please return your extra copy to the Circulation Manager. See page 42 for address.POMERANIAN REVIEW 55197 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1977 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register, this year is very complete. May we request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud card in the Reviewif--'-" '\Ch. Van Hoozers Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Scotts Mark of Distinction Ch. Creiders Bit ODistinctionCh. Creiders Pixietown Melody Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate CopyGold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Gay Starette Creiders Chitty Bang BangCopelands Sundance Creiders Scarlet OHaraCopelands Sunny Ginger Fluff'.vrit ft T J lMrs. Verna HoodRoute 1, Box 485 Sperry, Oklahoma 74073 Fh 918-272-3091Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Sire of Champions Stud Fee On RequestAristic Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Aristic Lady Pamela Ch. Great Elms Timstopper AgainCh. Great Elms Little Timsun Great Elms Little Debbie IIGreat Elms Rita of Dixieland Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Aristic Adorable Little Duffy Great Elms Little DuffieGrea.t Elms Little Debbie II Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Gem Great Elms Little SusieGreat Elms Ninos Blondie4aCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Group Winner38 BOB Stud Fee 75 Sire of ChampionsGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Ruth Lowry Beam Pineville, N.C. 28134 704-889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEW56Ch. Bonners Smokey Pepper Chico Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Bonners Pepperduke Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManInt. FCI Mex.. Am.. Can. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires DoodadBlossom Views Gold Princess Ch. Sun-Dots Ramboling ManCh. Van Hoozers Wee Dan Dee Mex.. Am. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch KtCAW..Stevens Saucy Susie Ch. Queenaires First LadyCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie .,y.-C t HiCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Man Rest In Show Winner3Ruth Dotson7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, Cal. 95610 Ph 916-725-5234 or 967-2542Sire of Champions Stud Fee on RequestCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Ch. Scotia President Jim Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade SandidolCh. Twin Oaks Rockin Robin S.A.M.s Rockin Red Charmer Mammaus Tinker Belle Ch. Sun-Dots Mr. PunchFIC, Am.. Can. Mex. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Creiders Bit O Distinction Queenaires Roban RobinhoodPompous Poms an Dandy Kitch Queenaire LollipopSchonheits New Dawnt i. a. VCh. Sun-Dots Mr. Punch 3 lb. Orange Group WinnerRuth Dotson7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, Cal. 95610 Ph 916-725-5234 or 967-2542jri Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavalier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Scotia President JimCh. Scotia Cavs Nikki-Tee Scotia Nikki Tees Amy Mastins Annette Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol Am., Can., Mex., Ber. Ch.Twin Oaks Billy The Kid Ch. Twin Oaks Rockin Robin Twinkles of Spungold Sams Rockin Red CharmerNaps Happy Gin Boy Mammaus Tinker Belle Ponocha Lucky PennyLiifR Ch. S.A.M.s Gay Blade Sandidol Group WinnerSire of Group BIS WinnersAgent Ruth Dotson 7430 Antelope Road Citrus Heights, Calif. 95611 Ph. 916-725-5234 or 967-2542POMERANIAN REVIEW 57Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Primorosita Bonners Pep-R-Kute NightfireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Queenaires Gamboling ManInt. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Queenaire DoodadCh. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Blossom Views Gold PrincessMessers Blossom View GoldiemfM Pmipv w'k.v wfeif.,.rlNormaC. Gad 5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915-584-0942Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Stud Fee 100Sire of Specialties and B.I.S. WinnerGold Toys Gay Luxury Lad Ch. Creiders Golden Riptide Ch. Gold Toys Starette Ch. Creiders Replica of Riptide Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. Robinhood Chula Dark FlameCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Robinhoods Creme De MintCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Queenaires Gin Fizz of Hoods Queenaires Orange PeppinCh. Robinhood Chula Dark Flame Producing Show Quality Stud Fee 75Chula Pomeranians Norma C. Gad 5908 Westside Road El Paso. Texas 79932Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths His HlNess Hopper Jeribeths Honeybee Ch. Tonos Just Call Me MisterCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Duke's Wee DesirePat-Tee of Point Loma Gad's Chula Ima Lil DukeCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeth's Darlin Doodle-Bug Jeribeth's Honeybee Ch. Gads Frostis Doll O Dragonfly Aristic My Loves Pretty Boy Aristic Frosted Gold Model Aristic Ginger CookieAV ff Norma C. Gad 5908 Westside Rd. El Paso, Tex. 79932 915-584-0942JGads Chula Ima Lil Duke Proven. Fee 50.00 Until finishedPOMERANIAN REVIEW58Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D. Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanoke's Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jet's Cricketm 1a .\....JABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 603-435-8731Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D. 414 lb. Bright Orange Group Winner, 1J.S. CanadaLou-Lan's Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can., Ber. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynn's Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger Ch. Sungold's Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Adkins Star of Band BoxCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets Cricketh.V .JABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 603-435-8731Ch. Jabils Chester P. Honeyhugger 4 lb. Deep Red OrangeLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Jabils Simply SmashingAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band Boxjjp .vT. t-4v'"JABIL KENNELS Jessie Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603-435-8731Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Group Winner 4V2. lb. Bright Orange59POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Ch. Sunwink of HighlandHighland Flashalong Aristi Pretty of Highland Highland Miss Muffet Silver Meadows C. O. of Pla-Mor Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Sir Suncharm Silver Meadows Tiny Sun Charm Silver Meadows TotoCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Silver Meadows JulieCh. Roanokes Band BoxSchatzi as he is called5 lb. red, light sablevery sound, heavy coated,nice head.Parks Pomeranians Gorrin 4831 Barnard Simi Valley, Ca. 93063 Ph 805-526-2156Golden Glows Caper Wilmas Champagne Blizzard Wilmas Dainty Blue Tressi Wilmas Sir Tinsel Q-TipGolden Nugget Star Wilmas Golden Mona Lisa Burkholders Sheila Gorrins Saeekie CreamEng. Ch. Cynpegs Finger of Fortune Pla-Mor Little Bit of Style Sledges Little Go Go Girl Gorrin Misha of MerryhillCh. Sungolds Candy Man Sungolds EchoSungolds Wee JohnieGorrins Sqeekie Creamvery cobby, nice head,tiny ears, very sound,adorable.FERN PARKS formerly Gorrin 4831 Barnard Simi Valley, Ca. 93063 Ph 805-526-2156Aristic Pepper Pods Piper Maykens Drummer Boy Ch. Maykens Contessa Ch. Purtee Skoshi Tom TomPurtee Skoshi Colonel Cotton Fredies Pretty Sugar BabePurtee Skoshi Princess Helen Gorrin Im A Danny TooNaps Sir Cream Puff Gorrin Pixietown of Hadleigh Locksley Halls Gae Rhapsody Pooles Tammy of PixietownEng. Ch. Cynpegs Finger of Fortune Gorrin Tracy Cynpeg of Zanow Stinsons Rambling RoseGorrin Im A Danny TooDanny - 4 lb. orangeHeavy coat, nice head,Beautiful temperment,FERN PARKS formerly Gorrin 4831 Barnard Simi Valley, Ca. 93063 Ph 805-526-2156very sound.POMERANIAN REVIEW60Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Weepepper PreshusBonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Manorborn Dandy Jeribeths Miss Cricket Jeribeths Bitty Bonus Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Mollys San Dee Sue, C.D.Bonners Fancypepper Bonners FancyL Bit for Molly QuinneCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Group Winner Sire of Champions Fee 100.00Molly and Linda Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Mollys San Dee Sue, C.D.Bonners Fancy-Q LBit for Molly Ch. Myway Memory MakerBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Celtan Mistletoe Magic Myway Bonners Peppersong Pixie Bonners Pixietopper OCeltan Bonners Showstopper Fairri7 '1 Ir ^ ' vrCh. Myway Memory Maker Outstanding Showman Fee 75.00Molly Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573 713-332-1847Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jerioeths Miss Cricket Ch. Xonos At Midnight Knowles Kasey Adoralee's BrendaDemi Tasse of Point LomaMYWAY PUKKA pointed Fee 50Myway PukkaBonner's Weepepper PreshusPukka is a very light cream double grandson of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. He has a very harsh and profuse coat. His pigment is jet black, and his black father and cream mother make him an interesting color choice.Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Miss CricketMyway Misty Dawn, C.D.Noles Little Apache Chief Jeribeth's MoonbeamNole's Little Apache PrincessMolly Miller P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77373 713-332-184761POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Milamor Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Ch. Jeribeths Silver SparkleCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Bettys Suzie Belle Wong Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Miss Fancy Milamors Lullabye of Tim SueCh. Millamors Music Man Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Gold Toys Gay Lil DollSi,MILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller 14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Orange Stud Fee 125. Winner of 10 GroupsitCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Millamors Rock MusicCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honeybee Millamors MarlitaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Minute Box Millamors Red MistWi 4tfk msnMlCh. Millamors Rock Music Orange - Stud Fee 100 Group Winner Ph 614-397-9268MILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller 14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim SueSilver Meadows Gay Little Music Ch. Millamors Rock MontegramCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors MarrilynnLou Lans Token of Friendship Lou Lans April Gold Models Gold Piecek Ch. Millamors Rock Montegram Orange - Group Winner Ph 614-397-9268MILLAMOR KENNELS Eleanor and Ken Miller14439 Mansfield Road Mt. Vernon, Ohio 43050POMERANIAN REVIEW62Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Models Sen of FunCh. Great Elms Little Buddy Models Red AmberCh. Models Magic Spell Ch. Julies Star VegaCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Julies Starlight SusanCh. Models Son of Fun Julies Stardust AndeCh. Cavilier Starlight Starbright V' S'3'OCh. Julies Star VesraFee on Keouest JULIES STARS Julie Brumback1187 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, Va. 22801Ph 703-434-1804 X p Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nan jo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nan jo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Ch. Topaze Sunny InterludeBonnitoi Little Dutch Boy Ch. Cynna-Lous Keene Tut Bodas Diamond Bonnie Topaze Little SissyBonners Wee Lollipop Dancer Wests Shamrock Lady of Topaze Wests Kerry Dancer1finL.,cr 4 misEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Va. 23005Ch. Topaze Sunny Interlude 4tVz lb. Orange Stud Fee 50.00 804-798-78827Ch. Enjays Puppet on A String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Model's Truly-A-DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Models Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Models Solid GoldCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jiilz Lyra Altair Windemerei'u Ch. Chips of Diamond 3Vz lb. Clear Orange Not at Public Stud 804-798-7882EMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Va. 2300563POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Ch. Sun wink of HighlandCh. Highland Flashalong Aristpretty of Highland Highland Miss Muffet Ch. Silver Meadow's TigerCh. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadow's Lady TaffyCh. Milo Dawn of Ken-Gay Silver Meadows Lady of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay Lady Peggy -vi- iM'igjfP'."VCh. Silver Meadow's Tiger 5 lb., bright clear orangewarnSilver Meadows Pomeranians Ron and Jackie Klein Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-5473Stud Fee 100.00\ Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Jitterbug Millamors Red Mist Silver Meadow Joey OMillamorLou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold Piece Ch. Silver Meadow's Lil ChiefCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows Crickettr" 'f-viM'nmmCh.Silver Meadow's Lil Chief 4 lb., deep solid orange Stud Fee 100.00St Silver Meadows Pomeranians Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716-237-5473Ch. Bonners Pepperkorn Ch. Highland Flashalong Aristie Terrianna Ch. Highland SunflashCh. Bonner's Pepperkorn Highland's Ristic PetiteBonners Highland Cheripuff Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae CubCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Molly's San Dee Sue Ch. MyWay Dae DreamCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Myway Dawning Delightful Dae Myway Misty DawnK cCh. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub 1975 Specialty Sw'eepstakes Winner 3Vi lb. Very Light Golden Orange Stud Fee 100.00Silver Meadows Pomeranians Ron Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y 14550 716-237-5473POMERANIAN REVIEW64Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Creiders Vicki Ch. B-Nees Dorable DazzlerKen-Gay Laddy of Milo D-Nees 'Dorable DollySnow Baby White FluffLLyA .V. D-Nees Poms Nadine Hersil 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wisconsin 53110i5Ch. D-Hees Darin Dinadan B.I.S, Specialty Winner Stud Fee 100.00Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Millamors Rock DustCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honeybee Millamors MarlitaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Minute Box Millamors Red Miste.. A A,TITony Betty Short 2850 E. Douglas Des Moines, la. 50317Ch. Millamors Rock Dust Red-Orange Stud Fee 75.00Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary AnnNgP4Rebel of Edney' Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Edneys Sweet DixieDunns Little Tomstopper Edneys Pride of Tomstopper Edneys Miss Muffet XIISr Jkk fGERTRUDE JACOBY775 Columbus Road Burlington, N.J. 08016Rebel of Edney 5 lb. Red Sable Stud Fee on Request65POMERANIAN REVIEWDonny Boys First Addition Ch. Tiny Tumble Toy Pams Golden Honey Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Ch. Gold Toys Elfin Idol Gold Toys Tiny Patricia Mapletons Toy Patricia Ch. Toy Towns Dandy Corn DukeBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Tim Sues Darlin DragonCh. Tonos At Midnight Tonos Bonne Miss Bebbe Pat-Tee of Point Loma-33mrCh. Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke Sire of ChampionsMr. Mrs. Lucius G. LuccasRt. 5, Box 395 Burlington, Wise. 53105Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Tiny Tumble Toy Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Gold Toys Tiny Patricia Ch. Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sues Darlin Dragon Tonos Bonne Miss Bebbe Ch. Buells Kukla Boy of DukeCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darling Doodlebug Jeribeths Honeybee Toy Towns Cuppie of JeribethInt. Ch. Sungolds Maverick Ch. Sungolds Mavis Sungolds Christy-vnfK'"S 'Ch. Xiuells Kukla Boy of Duke Orange, huge coated, baby faced Stud Fee 75.00Mr. Mrs. Lucius G. Luccas Rt. 5, Box 395 Burlington, Wise. 53105Ch. Tiny Tumble Toy Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Gold Toys Tiny Patricia Ch. Toytowns Dandy Corn DukeCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Tim Sue's Darlin DragonTono's Bonnie Miss Bebbe Buell's Dandy Gold DancerCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamor's Fancy Gold Dancer Millamor's Miss Fancy Toy Town's Dragonfly JillCh. Tonos at Midnight Tono's Toastie MeliPat-Tee of Point LomaLuells Dandy Gold Dancer . . . Dancer has a huge red coat and is a young proven Stud. He weighs 5 lhs. and will he seen in the showring soon.Stud Fee 50.00Mr. Mrs. Lucius G. Luccas Rt. 5, Box 395 Burlington, Wise. 53105POMERANIAN REVIEW66Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Little Duffy Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Susie Ch. Great Elms Buddy of LenetteCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Teddy Mar-B-Leas Saucy Girl Dee Dee of LenetteRosewood's Lucky Whing Ding Rosewoods Becky Lou Rosewoods FireflyCh. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Sire of Champions Very cobby, red Fee 75.00Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wisconsin 54228Bonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy MacDougalls Lady Fancy Ch. Randys Pomirish Super SportBonners Weepepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Tuffy of Disheroon PamTufs Star of Disheroon Pamela of Disheroon Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Sire of Champions Sound, orange sable Fee 75.00Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wisconsin 54228Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Macs Fancydukes Look Im A Dandy McDougalls Lady Fancy Randys Wee TuffyPom Pom Susies Boy Ch. McDougalls Gay Samantha PamTufs Star of Disheroon Ch. Pomirish Finally A ManCh. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Pomirish Golden MoonCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier . ^'f-zy JA7iM['iSillrnCh. Pomirish Finally A Man Sally Baugniet Bt. 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wisconson 54228Half brother of PeppiFee 75.00POMERANIAN REVIEW 67Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Starduke Gay BunnyPamTuff Star of Disheroon Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Roanokes Melanie Magic Little Bit of Honey II Ch. Varneys Bubbles Up, C.D.Ch. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Scotia Rare Coins LollypopCh. Scotia Caviliers Rare Coinr'j-nrs 1nP73...k 'I JgtCh. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt Subj. AKCSound, 3 lb. Orange Fee 75.00Sally Robert Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wisconsin 54228Ch. Little Gent of Hadleigh His Majesty of HadleighHadleigh Annarbe Sunrise Girl Morenos Sunny San of HadleighAm., Mex. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy KitchMorenos Orange Sand PebblesWylies Little Twinkle of L.P.K. Shamrocks Pomirish Gem SmokeyCh. Pom-Adors Charlie Brown Morenos Chico PecoCh. Morenos Whats New Pussy Kat Ch. Morenos Lady B-GoodLoy-Els Gay Smokie Willi Bs Trick N Treat Schlsthams Tootsy GirlShamrocks Pomirish Gem SmokeySire of Champions4 lb. Cream, very cobbyFee 65.00Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wisconsin 54228Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Creider's Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanCh. Queenaires Jigger O Scotch Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler D-Nees Dorable Dolly Pomirish Pooh Bears TiggerMoreno's Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smokey Ch. Moreno's Lady B-Good Ch. Pomirish Pooh BearCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavillerCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochurePomirish Pooh Bears TiggerSound, heavy-coated, orangeFee 50.00Sally Baugniet Rt. 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wisconsin 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW68Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Dixieland Little Miss Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Ch. Brown's Fancypepper MarkCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners FancypepperCh. Bonners Peppersweet Fancy Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-BCh. Bonners Smokie Pepper Chico Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Bonners Showstopper FarritI v 33iCh. Browns Fancypepper MarkOrange 3li lbs.Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644Sire of ChampionsStud Fee 75.00GCh. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Gambling ManCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red Mist.4c y MMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644Ch. Browns Gambling Man Orange 3Vi lbs.Sound - Cobby Stud Fee 75.00lI Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggic Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolyns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red Mist-Jk1, \JCh. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie Orange Vz lbs.Siring Quality Puppies Stud Fee 75.00Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-964469POMERANIAN REVIEWT4 Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands StylestepperDixielands Little Miss Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Browns Wee Flamebeau MarkCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners FancypepperCh. Bonners Peppcrsweet Fancy Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-BCh. Bonners Smokie Pepper Chico Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Bonners Showstopper Farri -j- r-f A\ iiA'Browns Wee Flamebeau Mark 3V2 lb. Sable - Proven 8 points one MajorFee 50.00Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46234 Phone 317-247-9644 6 Ch. Van Hoozers Wee Dan-Dee Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Stevens Saucy Susie Ch. Queenaire Scotch N SodaCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Diane of Queenaire Ch. Creiders Debbie Ch. Queenaire Double ScotchCh. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Creiders Diane of Queenaire Creiders Sip O SherryCopelands Sundance Creiders Scarlet OHaraCopelands Sunny Ginger Fluff' \riCh.Queenaire Double Scotch OrangeStud Fee on Request- Mi__ _____JDudley and Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, Ca. 95350 209-527-5179Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlatyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Patri-Arks Stardust of MercerCh. Pearls Busy Buddy Yancy Hardman Pearls Desilu Vans Champagne GirlBonars Lucky Skipper Gold Yillie Del Hardman Yomof1 Cfi^-WPatri- Arks Stardust of Mercer Hugh Coat, tiniest ears, darling face Stud Fee 50.00Patri-Ark Poms Pat Clark1115 Castlewood Cyn. Road Franktown, Co. 80116POMERANIAN REVIEW70Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Moon Walker Pomwin Busybody May Morning BenjaminCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Sugar N SpiceMay Morning Honey Chile. C D. Zumbas Wolfy of Boulder RiverCan. Ch. Ebon Warlock of Jaymoda Sunny Vales Ebony Storm Goldpaz Penny Black Brettwoods Fyre OnyxSpit-Fyre Democrat Spit-Fyre Dawn Dream Spit-Fyre Sea Witcht 'r tf c Ji V Swt Zumbas Wolfy of Boulder River Stud Fee on RequestZumba Pomeranians Phyllis Zumbaum RR 1, Box 89 Custer, S.D. 57730Wee Bittersweet of Ewing John Dors White Angel Fancy Lady of Ewing Snyders Tiny TinkerBrookers Snow Boy Jeskes Ge-Ge Girl Foxie Felicia Jacox Dusty Dawn Wee Smoky Dark Moon of Y-Wyre Henrys Lady Pixie Black Kimico of CavalierLii High Stepper of Y-Wyre Stogdiils Jody Timber II-V.-Incox Dusty DawnZumba Pomeranians Phyllis ZumbaumRR 1, Box 89 Custer, S.D. 57730 605-673-4961Stud Fee on Request"WV. 4Mi fl III ' ,. ' .VS'IPOMERANIAN REVIEW 71I have "been showing with a team in the shows last fall and this spring and it has been much fun for both of us.And, another nice note from Debbie Jones of Alhambra, California, whose obedience Poms are FERSHOFFS TIL- LIE TOYLER, C.D.X. and SEABRIGHT ATILLA THE HUN-EY.. She writes I took both Poms to the Companion Dog T.C. Match, March 20th, Murdoch had done well in Novice B until the sits and downs, when the large Aussie next to him got up and began to sniff and then to nudge him, practically pushing him over. This was his first time being shown since the A.A.D.C. Match, at which he was attacked by a Gordon Setter and had to have two stitches and here it was almost happening again although the Aussie was only playing, thank Goodness. Murdoch sat there anyway, staring straight at me, until finally he could take it no longer, and came running. Since the other dog had literally pushed him out of his place the judge saw fit to re-judge Murdoch on that exercise, and he not only qualified but went on to win a run-off for second place in a class of about 35 dogs, with a score of 197 plus. Proof of a good disposition Debbie also takes her Poms to breed matches, where they have both been doing very well.And a letter from Mrs. Elizabeth Davis of Bridgeport, West Virginia, told the following interesting storyFor Christmas 1973 our only child, Ted, gave us a Pom. We had owned one several years before and when he died I said I didnt want another until I retired so it wouldnt be alone all day but Ted had other ideas, he said he was getting married so he was giving us a puppy so we wouldnt forget him.Tinker Toy, as we named the puppy, wasnt as big as the ribbon Ted had tied around his middle his neck wasnt big enough for a ribbon and I had to house- break him during my Christmas vacation . . .and we made it. We did have a few accidents after I went back to work but they were very few.OBEDIENCERINGx Tby-JSEMMA HEYDE 1 70 Chicago Way San Francisco, Cal. 94112'MAnother new C.D. Pom of which weshould all be very proud is SEL SALS LIZA OF PR, at the Puerto Rico Dog Obedience Club, February 26, 1977. Angie Ruiz of Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, writes Liza, my female Pomeranian obtained her C.D. Her score was 192, winning first place in Novice A. Everybody liked the way my little Pom did the exercises in a trial where Golden Retrievers, Mastiffs and other large breeds were competing. They really enjoyed the happy disposition of the only Pom competing in the show. Incidentally, Liza was tied for high in the trial with her 192 score, but apparently lost the run-off to a German Shorthaired Pointer. Angie is going to start in Open training with Liza now, and we hope to hear from them again soon. Congratulations, and good luckAnother sparkling obedience Pom isWEELANDS PEPE BIMBO, C.D.X. His owner-trainer Carolyn Page Edwards of'Sunday,Franklin, Virginia, writesApril 3, 1977 marked the highlight of Weelands Pepe Bimbo, CDXs obedience career. Thats the day he won High in Trial at Portsmouth-Chesapeake Obedience Training Club, Inc. trial at Tidewater Community College in Portsmouth, Virginia, with a score of 194 earned in Open B. Pepe began his obedience showing career at the same place in October,1974. He earned his C.D. title in March,1975, his C.D.X. in January, 1976, and is currently close to earning his first leg on the U.D. title. During this period Pepe has taken first place in his class and highest scoring toy in trial at least six times each. Pepe is a very appropriate name as this Pom is very active and friendly he loves all people. Pepe andPOMERANIAN REVIEW72190 June 26, 1976, Upper Patomic Valley, Cumberland, Md.187 Sept. 11, 1976, New Castle, Pennsylvania 3rd high in class.179 March 27, 1977, Parkersburg, W.V. Obedience Club.We have decided well work on our CDX if we can talk Poppa into building us some jumps will let you know if we make it.Come on, you Pom obedience people please do send us your news and experiences we would all love to hear from you.The next spring I saw an ad in the paper that the Morgantown Kennel Club was holding an obedience class for dogs in our city and, on impulse, I enrolled Tinker. I had no idea what we were going to learn as I had never been to a dog show or an obedience exhibition, I just wanted my puppy to behave. I believe the instructor was rather nonplussed at his student who now weighed about 3 pounds. The rest of the class were Dobermens, Shepherds, Setters, Retrievers, St. Bernard and a Dane whose head was larger than Tinker. We soon learned to keep our distance as Tinker decided the Saint and the Dane were the enemy and he would challenge them each time they came near he still feels the same way about those two breeds. Anyway, we worked hard and both of us learned a lot and on graduation day we won a trophy and were third high in class.The students in the class were trying to get interest aroused for a Kennel Club in our city so in order that they have enough signatures to hold an organizational meeting, I signed the paper and the Greater Clarksburg Kennel Club was bom, for the next 2 years I served as Secretary I was the only person at the organizational meeting that brought a pen and paper and am now acting as President. We have held two B OB matches and have applied to AKC for sanction which we hope to get for our June match. We now have 32 members by AKC standards.Now, back to Tinker, as you can see by all the above I got bit by the bug and we went to observe our first dog show and decided that it might be fun to get into the ring. We did, and it HAS been fun one time it started to pour down rain on the long sits and Tinker went over to the Golden Retriever beside him and crawled under for shelter another time the sun was so hot he came over and laid in my shadow another, I told him to Stay instead of wait and then called him ... and he STAYED but we finally made it.ELLIS continuedClub members have recently finished the following CH. MERCERS FANCY DUKE OF POM GROVE, owned by Frances Freeman CH. WEECHARLA OF POM SHADOWS AND CH. CREIDERS MISCHIEF OF SHADOWS, both owned by Peggy Bush CH. WOODROSES TUFF STUFF, owned by Clarice Ogan- eku.New officers elected at the April meeting were President, Mr. B. G. McDonald Vice-President, Mr. Douglas Baynham Secretary - Treasurer, Mrs. Jewel Ellis. Board members elected were Mrs. Gertrude Howell, Mr. Bill Kennedy, Miss Opal Mosher and Mrs. Carol Sherry.DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER IS AUGUST 2073POMERANIAN REVIEWSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANSWe cannot show ALL our good ones ourselves so offer the following to show homes only1 Buddy 9-mo. old son of CH. QUEENAIRE GAMBOLING MAN, out of a CH. SUNFLASH daughter.Very sound, 5V2, extremely showy, lead-trained, should finish.This is a handsome boy with a sparkling personality, an excellent dual conformationobedience prospect.2 My-T" 9 mo. old son of CH. MYWAY MEMORY MAKER.A darling little 2V22 personality-kid.Heavily coated, a showoff, very typey.3 Celou Adorable little girl, orange, 3V at age 9 mos.Completely sound with a sweet personality.Sired by CH. MYWAY DUKE CELOU CELAE out of a CH. SUNFLASH daughter.4 Maryellen Another doll - very sound and very ragged stage at press time. 2Y2 age 5 mos.Sired by CH. SILVER MEADOWS LIL CHIEF out of CH. MYWAY DAE DREAM.Also AvailableChip, light orange proven stud, age ZV2 yrs.Due to an unfortunate injury, Chip will not finish he has 12 pts., including a 4-pt. major.f fSince we have his full brother, CH. CUB, we would like to place Chip where his quality and pedigree can be utilized in a breeding program. He is a CH. SUNFLASH son out of CH. MYWAY DAE DREAM. Chip is a beautiful Pom, an asset to the breed.New Litters1 male, 2 females sired by CH. SILVER MEADOWS TIGER out of CH. SILVER MEADOWS FLICKER. Whd March 10, 1977 And announcing our first litter by Mercers Dash O Duke 7 pts. incl. one major.1 male, 2 females, whd April 29, 1977, out of a CH. TIGER daughter.St. Ron Jackie KleinWest Lake Rd. Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550 Ph. 716-237-5473POMERANIAN REVIEW74spectacular until the hands.Do trim only to neaten up too much may destroy outline and expreslaying on of^RINGSIDEby K. BIRK 1634 S.W. 9th Ave. Fort Lauderdale FLORIDA 33315sion.Do allow your Pom to set himself up with a minimum of handling. Too often we see the back legs stretched out so that the poor little thing can barely stand let alone be up on its toes.If you would like to ask the judge for an opinion or reason for placement, be sure to wait until the judging is completed. Then proceed in a gracious manner please refrain from telling the judge about your sensational wins and above all be a good sport.There are times when all judges would love to award several B.O.B. ribbons but since there is only onebe gracious and enjoy each show.I will always be aware that the greatest show dog has good and bad days. I make my choice at the moment and on the day. Remember to always love your dog, win or lose. There is always another show so keep your sense of sportsmanship. I wish you all happiness and good luck.Together we will all hope to find a dog that is in balance with all parts harmonious to each other, within the framework of your standard, and one that is a happy showman. That is what I wish for each of you.Thank you.VForthe past five years, I have been chairman of the Education and Information Committee, for the Fort Lauderdale Dog Club, Inc. As a matter of fact, the dog club telephone has been in my house all that time. Also, I have an information table set up every Monday night, at our clubs Show Training classes. So, I am dealing with the showing novice and the beginners.They get quite confused, by what they hear ringside about the JUDGES and the JUDGING. I tell them that there are two side to a coin, and that they should get the Judges point of view.With this subject in mind, I have asked one of the many good judges living in my area, to be my guest writer. Perhaps it will give us a better look at, the other side of the coin.IThank you Mrs. Birk for asking me to guest write your column. I will try to justify your confidence.This will be a from my point of view article. I am approved to judge all toy breeds and group, miniature and standards poodles, keeshonden and schip- perkes. To me judging is a joy and also a great responsibility to your breed and to you the breeders and exhibitors. Since I have always judged positively looking for the good qualities rather than faults, I shall give the dos rather than the donts.Do always be at ringside on time for judging.Do bring your dogs in absolutely immaculate condition inside and out from teeth to tail, being sure that there are no mats. So often coats look really Edna F. Ackerman Hollywood, Fla..t,l V'5POMERANIAN REVIEW 75they set a second goal, to hold sanctioned matches and eventually a specialty. Many successful matches have been held, the latest planned is for some time in August. That the breed has improved is shown by the list of wins in the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club report in this issue.The Fierce County Pomeranian Club is the newest addition to the North West Pom Clubs. Started about two years ago by Pom lovers who found it difficult to drive 40 to 60 miles to the nearest local Pom Club, they organized another club closer to home. According to Helen Krafcik, their president, when I talked to her this morning, they get together once a month to share Pom talk and ideas. They have put on fun matches, and other club activities. The future will tell what else they and the others will do.It occurs to me that we have some very active exhibitors in Alaska. I know Margaret Klingbeil heard from Jon and Jan Renee every so often, Id love to know what exciting things are being done up there. I used to hear from Donna Harris too but not for a long time. Let us know what you are doing.Now this is what it is all about, a chance to show Poms and earn championship points at a convenient location in the Northwest. A chance to see who is doing what. A chance to compare the results of individual breeding programs. A chance to study those handsome males who may just be the ones to introduce new vigor into our own lines. A chance to see those lovely girls whose puppies may be for sale next year. And all in your own back yard.I am a charter member of the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club and currently its president. I will be stepping down from that office in June. With the help of all the North West Pom people I will bring as complete a pcture of what goes on out here in cur beautiful Green Mountain, Brown Desert and Blue Ocean States as I can. I now request all Pom people in the News and Views area to Continued on Page 86PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSERIN HUNDLEY 2813 - 176th S.W. Lynnwood, Wa 98036This Column covers the activities of all Pomeranian lovers in the Pacific North West, whether actively associated with a local club or not. I would hope that they would be members of the National Club, The American Pomeranian Club. Those who dont are the losers, they miss all the fun. They surely miss reading the Review, which tells all of us what the rest of us are doing.There are three active local clubs in the Pacific North West, each in a different stage of development. The Columbia Pomeranian Club, with its activities centered around the Portland, Oregon area, has been in existance for many years and puts on two specialties each year. Always well done and a pleasure for those who exhibit at them. The latest specialty will be history when you read this, the date is June 3, 1977, a Friday night. The date is well chosen as it is followed by the Portland Kennel Club Show, June 4, and the Vancouver Kennel Club Show, June 5. Its nice to have three shows in one weekend.Muriel Gunther, President of the Columbia Pomeranian Club, is really planning some excitement at her house. Rumor has it that she plans to do some specialized breeding in Blacks. When more specific information is ready for publication, she will tell everyone about it. Maybe at the specialty.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club was organized in June of 1971. It serves the greater Seattle area. The members set several goals, among them, of major importance, to improve the breed. As a test whether or not they are improving,POMERANIAN REVIEW76Dallas County, Iowa. Although our address is Bouton, finding that town on the map is difficult . . . its not even on many maps . . . just a post office and grain elevator. Perry, Iowa, about 40 miles northwest of Des Moines, is the nearest town of any size.I work parttime as a homemaker health aide with the County Health Service. For hobbies, besides Poms, I sew, knit, crochet, do needlepoint, ceramics and read.We have belonged to several kennel clubs in the past as we have moved around the country in connection with Dales work. At the present time, I am a charter member of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines. I am not a member of the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club but, since we lived and I showed in that area for a couple of years, I consider many of the members there as friends. Also, in the Midwest region, is the Denver Metro Pomeranian Club. We had the opportunity this spring to meet several of the members and see many lovely Poms. We were spending a weekend with Dan and JoEllen Mercer at Big Springs, Nebraska, and drove into Denver on Sunday.All three of these clubs are working hard toward AKC recognition. In the not too distant future, we hope to have three more specialty shows in this area. Now, Id like to get on a soap box for a few comments. For some time, Ive had the feeling that we are sadly neglecting junior handlers showing Poms. I can only think of two or three youngsters who show Poms in this area. Most boys, especially including my own feel they should have big dogs to enter junior handler competition. There must be some way we can promote more interest among this age group in Poms. I would like to hear from many of you on this subject suggestions on ways to interest youngsters in showing Poms and accounts of the success of some who are showing. Todays youngsters will be the Continued on Page 90WT2-A .55VftMIDWESTREPORTL\ By-w f MRS. JOYCE OHRTMAN Route 1Bouton, Iowa 50039 \ "jmF.VGreetings. Once again I have opened my mouth and inserted my foot. In a rash moment last winter, I wrote Sophie Mayes and offered to try my hand at writing the Midwest Report. Now, all I need is lots of help from you the Midwest Pom lovers.For those of you wondering who I am, Ill tell you a bit about myself . . . We have been raising Poms for about 15 years and still have our original Pom . . . shell be 16 by the time you read this . . . still prancing around when she gets excited and dashing up and down stairs when the mood strikes her.Approximately 10 years ago, I started showing Poms and have managed to finish a few champions over the years. The highlight of my show career came a couple of years ago when I was fortunate enough to win a Best In Show with a nearly two-year-old male. He was purchased as a puppy and owner-handled all the way. The saddest point in my show career came about six weeks later when that outstanding little male died from a reaction to a routine shot.My breeding program is based primarily on the Duke and Aristic lines. I normally carry 10 to 12 broods, a couple of studs plus some young replacement and show prospects. We also send bitches out fairly regularly.I am a wife of nearly 25 years to husband Dale and the mother of one married daughter, Cathy, and four sons David, 21 Larry, 18 Jeff, 14 and Chuck, 12. We live in a large, old home in the country on 4 acres in Northern77POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELSIrish SettersNorwich TerriersPomeraniansWe Now Have One Donzen Pom Champions-M. m ItCb. Pomirish Bubbles I.i'l Squirt in Subj. AKCThanks to Nadine Hersil for helping show Squirt. She I will Special him. Now available for Stud. See pedigree in Stud Register.Pomirish Jack N the Box has been sold to Tonia Kitty ONeill Watch for him in the Arkansas area.2 males for sale from a repeat breeding of Squirt and Jack Pups sired by Squirt available also.Show and breeding males and females available for showing now, champion sires and dams.Younger puppies also available.CONGRATULATIONS TO NADINE ON 5th GROUP WIN AT SHEBOYGANFOR B.I.S. SHOW CHAMPION DANNYShip North Central to Manitowoc for Stud ServiceDick Sally Baugniet Route 1, Box 99Mishicot, Wi. 54228Ph 414-755-2994POMERANIAN REVIEW78fact that although we have worked hard to clear the main lawn and front pond area of weeds and debris, the pasture area still has more than its fair share of burrdock seeds. Even the harshest, straightest, glossiest, etc., etc. coats dont stand a chance at repelling these large burrs, so it did mean a long session at the grooming table after. Experience has taught us that it is best to get at the job of removing them as soon as possible. They can work their way into the coat and cause no end of irritation to a dogs skin. So as peace gradually descended, and each Pom returned to me to tell me of the fine adventure, it was taken to be combed. We learned that our two ten week old males are particularly foolhardy, for they had to be forceably removed from their mad circling of the now grazing, and calm horse.We have been to a few more shows in the past month and have seen some new Poms showing off their qualities in the rings. The booster in Red Deer saw an entry of 21, including one Novice Obedience. It is not often that Canadian shows have this many on parade, and competition was keen. Best of Breed went to Ch. Kathes Poxy Fauna who has an impressive list of wins now. The winning brace was a veteran and her daughter. The seven year old lady was sired by Ch. Com Dukes Dragonfly, and her daughter was sired by a male I have particular reason to remember. He is Ch. Sunwrighs Golden Snuff Box, whose call name is Poxy. This boy was one of the first Poms I exhibited against, and although my male went reserve to him in the classes, I was as thrilled and pleased as his owner when he went on to take Best in Show. It was then that I determined to do the same someday with one of my own breeding, and therefore began to breed, not just raise puppies.CANADIANSCENEBy JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C. VOA IHO, CanadaA Pom howdy from these beautiful British Columbia mountains. I am still loving every moment here, and continually brag about the area, the atmosphere, the people, the flowers, and anything else that my friends will listen to. We have even spent a good number of hours just sitting on the front lawn, making sure the grass grew. What a wonderful change from our life behind the storeJust yesterday we had special fun. We were busy at the side of the house, with the entire Pom crew out for a romp on the grass, when the lot of them took off, in full cry, and at a hard run with tails streaming straight out behind them. In the lead was an older girl, one that is usually quiet, and placid, but this time not leaving any doubt about the urgency of her errand. I have no doubt at all, that my protection was in their minds as they charged our horse, who had just discovered he had no restraints, and came at a run across the front and around the side headed for the pasture behind the house. Usually our horse is taken for granted by all the dogs, but evidently not when they think he has gone berserk, and the way he avoided stepping on one youngster who ended up in a fancy sommersault as he tried to turn with the horse, and found himself right under it, is something I marvel at.It is at times like this that I am particularly pleased that I have emphasized soundness in my Poms for they can all cover ground, and dodge flying feet, and leap pot holes and water ditches as well as any of the larger dogs. The only disaster this time was due to theI have been thinking a lot about club membership in general, and American Pomeranian Club membership in particular, and wondering if I am really doingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 79by how well you do. All committees are important to your club or they would not be listed in the by-laws. Each member makes the committee work. If you have active committees then you have good committees and the desired goals will be reached. If you join the club only for what it can do for you, you will find it somewhat dull. If you have an earnest desire to learn by doing you came to the right place.all I can as a member. I think the following write-up whose author has given me permission to use it as long as I keep his name quiet, says a lot about true participation.KENNEL CLUB MEMBERSHIPSo you finally decided to join a kennel club Good. Now you can find out just what draws these people together. First, it is certainly the dogs. All of the individuals really do have one thing in common - they all own one or more dogs, and they love them as little people or they would not and could not devote the amount of time it requires to maintain the grooming, conditioning, and training that is necessary.You can be accepted, pay your dues regularly, sit back and receive the clubs newsletter, attend a meeting now and then, and be listed as a member of the club. But you are not deriving any of the real benefits of being a member unless you really JOIN.The only way that you can fully enjoy your membership in any club is by action. Do something Volunteer first for a committee, and then work. Preferably a committee you already know something about, or one you would like to learn more about, and fully intend to contribute to enjoy it.JUMP IN WITH BOTH FEET And get the job done. If you run into any difficulty, all you need to do is ask someone. He or she will either assist you or direct you to another member who has had this chore before, and can explain to you how to go about it.There isn't any assignment in a kennel club that is impossible. There is no job any individual cannot do with a little guidance. Whether it is to be president, other officer, director, committee chairman, or committee member, it can be done if you just try. A little effort goes a long way in anything, especially a kennel club. You do not need to know it all, just be willing to put forth a bit of effort. You may even surprise yourselfYours for happy heeling, A Jump-in member who is having a ball.NEW BREEDERS- DID YOU KNOW1. Once labor has started, the bitch should not be moved, if it can be avoided.2. During the first week after birth, a CONSTANT temperature of 85-90 degrees is best for the puppies. A heating pad set on LOW and placed under the nest box should be right. Check with a room thermometer. Temperature can be reduced gradually the second week.3. If a puppy becomes chilled, the best way to warm it is with your own body heat. Put the puppy inside your clothing, next to your body. Placing the cold puppy on a heating pad will warm the exterior too quickly, while the inner tissues are still cold.4. A cold or sick puppy cannot digest milk. Feed a mixture of glucose and water or sugar and water every 2 hours until puppy regains strength. Medicate only on the advice on your veterinarian.5. A small or weak puppy which can nurse but needs a little supplementation should be fed with a bottle. The use of a dropper or feeding tube will usually destroy the sucking instinct. We prefer half n half half milk and half cream to any of the formulas for this purpose as it seems to mix better with the bitchs milk. However, if the puppy must be completely hand fed, a complete formula is better.POMERANIAN REVIEW80good temperament and typey in appeaance. They of course had some prolems, but dont they all, but their qua ties over-ran the problems. That is tlfirst and foremost thought I have trieto always keep in mind, Count the gocpoints as well as the bad and use thas a guide in culling. I have used liibreeding with careful culling to get whI now have. I utilized three dogs, ormale and two females of the Lathaistock to start out with in 1968. I brethese and their get together then brouglin a Cavilier daughter and son in 197 This addition has clicked very well aragain line breeding the latter togetheand the son to my Latham bitches arback again and for me I am finding satisfaction in what I am producing fcthey are not only satisfying me but alsthe judges too seem to like them veimuch. Many I know tend to jump froistrain to strain, but I feel real succesis staying with your strain and get fknow its strong and weak pomthrough line breeding, then and on]then reach out to another strain fcqualities you need improvement in, bigo back after only one outcross to yotbegining strain or you will lose all yohave worked toward. Perhaps in anotheyear I will be ready for another outcroswith my very best bitch at that time anin that outcross I will not expect show winning dog necessarily but hop fully will bring in that one point of inprovement I am looking for.ALONG MYWAYMOLLY MILLER P. O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573lAblivLooking at the annual stud issue of The Pomeranian Review, I always tentatively plan several breedings. Often I am undecided as to which of several plans, that occur to me, I should follow. At this point I think of various breeding theories that I have heard of and wonder what other breeders do. With these ideas in mind I wrote to several well-known breeders in various areas of the country who have produced lovely Poms from many different bloodlines. I asked them to tell us, the readers of The Review, what their favorite breeding formulas are. Many graciously responded. The following are their own words.PHYLLIS M. ANDREWS, Woodinville, Wa. I find it hard to determine success in the breeding of Poms for if one is serious one never attains success for one is always seeing a future dog that will be just a bit better than the last one. I have though finished a few champions of my breeding so perhaps that is success to a degree.I first located my foundation Poms with the help of Mrs. Marvin Latham of the old Latham line. My choice turned there for I had personally known 'them and had known and owned some of their dogs long before I was truly serious about breeding. I particularily liked those dogs for first they were healthy and reared with good health in mind. One cannot succeed with stock that is not in top notch health in not only themselves but also their ancestors. They were Poms of free whelping broods and in the males the testicles were there and these also for generations. They carried good coats, were sound in movement,OLGA BAKER, Seabrook Texas with most breeders, we follow no cossistent pattern for parentage of Pom,However, we do carefully calculate eacbreeding, considering many factors. Orof our finest combinationshalf brotheto half sistergave a result of an iicredibly perfect Best in Show Pom . . just what was ordered. However, thindividuals involved were obviously sis nificant, evidenced by the fact that vicould all breed half brothersister, usinnumerous combinations, and possiblseldom, if ever, achieve such resultsAPOMERANIAN REVIEW 81ROC-LYN S POMERANIANSWishes to thank Mrs. Julie Moreno for twoCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Grand-daughters.Soda BloodlineChampion Sired Puppies4408 N.W. 56th St.Mrs. Esther FieldsOklahoma City,Ms. Ann McCutchenOklahoma 73112Ph. 405-943-8667THE SIRE OP THE SIRE IS THE GRANDSIRE OF THE DAM ON THE DAMS SIDEWe do have one fascinating breeding theory that is certainly not original at all but one highly acclaimed to produce the finest of thoroughbred racing horses. Darrell and I call this the miracle breeding and must admit that we try to accomplish this particular breeding combination whenever we can. Interestingly, the finest Pom we ever bred . . . bar none, besides Duke Dragonfly himself, was a result of this horse breeders theory . . . this miracle breeding. This dog was a perfect creation called Rip Van Dragon, a youngster who won big and beautifully in New York and appeared obviously destined for greatness. He met an early untimely death from illness before his career really began, and we were unable to repeat the breeding."Here is this little miracle. Get a blank pedigree and put stars in the key positions so you can understand it a little easier . . . then proceed and have fun from thereSeems simple enough, doesnt it You breed so that the same dog is in both key positions. By the way, this is not always that simple to do We have again recently done this breeding and have a young boy that appears to be just as we expected him to be ... no super perhaps, but very much what we wanted.MRS. NORRIS McKAMEY, Bettendorf, Iowa Years back I purchased my first show prospect Pomeranian, a three month old male puppy, from Gladys Schoenberg. Later to become Ch. Aristic Sunbeau, a grandson of the English War II winner Suncherub. No English championship status was given during the War II period, though Suncherub went many times Best in Show. He in turn was a grandson of Bonny Ideal, considered the most outstanding stud, siring many champions, by the Pomeranian breeders of that day. Most all thePOMERANIAN REVIEW82ions and is still living and siring. A grandson of his Ch. Laceys Baron von Ray is making a show record of breed wins.All our AKC Pomeranians are interrelated or we would not have a pure-bred breed. My own formula was to purchase descendents of top winning Pomeranians of breedable size, in turn breed to comparable type and lineage, to reproduce and show. As some Pomeranian litters are only one, one has to have stick-to- itiveness, if one is to progress in anything.DONNA MEGENHARDT, Kent, Ohio I do seem to get good results by breeding Aunt to Nephew. However, I do not always breed by pedigree alone. I feel it is very important to have strong, sturdy Poms that can run up and down the steps and jump up on the beds and furniture without fear of their being hurt. To me, it is very important to stay away from certain health physical problems that I have observed in certain dogs. As well as a beautiful show dog, I feel that a Pom should be a strong, sturdy, healthy, pet.SALLY BAUGNIET, Mishicot, Wis. I believe that a breeder who has a high percentage of Poms possessing the qualities for which he is striving has to educate himself in all aspect of the breed, a sixth sense, and a lot of luck.Our kennel has produced Champions and good breeding stock the two can be synonomous basically by sticking with breeding strong lines to strong lines. Strong in what The lines which seem to be quite consistent in carrying on the characteristics that please the breeder and do the best for the quality of his Poms.If a good consistent line is. bred to a haphazardly backyard type outcross background, unless you have a prepotent Pom on the good line side and these are rare the chances for carrying on the qualities for which you strive are much less. More often than not, you would have to try to breed back out what you bred in or start anew. BasicEnglishdescendants go back to this bloodline, as ours to Ch. Sealand Moneybox and Julos. My first champion female Ch. McKameys Sweetheart Joy, was a granddaughter of Ch. Moneybox Pay Check, a son of Ch. Sealand Moneycox. Ch. Aristic Sunbeau on his dams lineage was of Oh. Little Sahib, Ch. Sealand Career, Ch. Little Bit O Treasure Gold. Later purchased other great granddaughters of Ch. Sealand Moneybox and some of Ch. Julos lineage.Imported several daughters of Ch. Preservenes Live Wire, also a linebred grandson. Ch. Preservenes Live Wire son of Ch. Riverleigh Live Wire, lines go back also the Bonny Ideal, the daughters to Suncherub. Sent a Ch. Preservenes Live Wire daughter to Mrs. Tankesleys, then living Ch. Little Tims Sunburst, sired by Ch. Dixielands Shining Gold. Ch. Little Tims Sunburst and Mrs. Mattas Ch. Little Timstopper were of the same breeding but at the time Ch. Little Tims Sunburst quite old but still siring. Prom the matings came Ch. McKameys Margaret Rose and Ch. McKameys Sundawn Enchanting, who in turn produced my favorite boy, Ch. McKameys Just Enchanting, Toy Group winner in his youth. His children and grandchildren here at kennel still, showing, and producing. Enchanting related also to Cavaliers through his maternal dam Ch. McKameys Sundawn Gold Nina, Group winner, to her dam dam Ch. McKameys Sundawn June, who was a full sister to Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander sire to Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavalier.From Ann LaPortune, came Riders Sungolds Timstopper, son of Ch. Sun- golds Wee Desire, combo of American and some English lines. From him and McKameys Little Jenny, producing five Champions among them, Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander, who in turn produced Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavalier, record holder of most Champion offspring.Purchased from Gayle Burton pointed Ken Gay Cavalier Joe, a grandson of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavalier. Finished to Championship, he has produced Champ77itPOMERANIAN REVIEW 83'vx nA.-A X-o v.^v Vt\9v tr.ytW0uv. I -tJfc. -\tor^.Jo.-,Presents. M ^JriedcuriaSTARRINGTillie TwoDirected by Dianne Johnson Barbara De BaughProduced byCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Silva Lade Fizzies FollyAfter only five weeks of showing winner of 15 AKC awardsCOMING ATTRACTIONSTillie Two Starring as a Champion Co-starring Bill TrainorRoyalties to Mrs. Bob D. WhitesideFan MailLarry Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Rd.Baltimore, Md. 21234 301-661-7289POMERANIAN REVIEW84the individual Poms. Usually, quality behind the animal will come out in the breeding. I also prefer to breed to the stud who is consistently producing quality, rather than the unproven big winner of the shows.Eventually, I hope to weld correctly the two lines I am breeding in, and I guess as is every breeders dream consistently produce a Chula type.On the other hand, I have had two extremely outstanding litters from Cinder and Ch. Lacey Gamblers Litter sister, so the assumption now is I need a generation of breeding back into the Queenaire Creider line, before crossing back to Aristic. Anyway, this is the direction I plan to take.Im doing some down right in-breeding, too, from Mister sons to Mister daughters. ... I really held my breath on that litter but it worked. So, I will repeat it.EDITH ROSE MAYES, San Antonio, Texas Over 32 years ago we really believed that there must be some magic way to produce good dogs. All of the books on genetics and breeding seemed so logical and so absolute that we thought it couldnt be too difficult to establish a winning line.We started out by using fairly close linebreeding and occasionally some in- breeding. We usually get rather good results. The bad result was that over the years our Poms kept getting smaller and smaller and we could visualize breeding ourselves out of existence because the dogs were getting too small to breed safely.Our solution to this was to try to establish a line of Poms which would mature to about 4 to 5 lbs. To accomplish this we started a selective breeding program using sound dogs and bitches who showed a tendency to produce dogs of that size and who were also of good type. We still use linebreeding in our breeding program to some extent, but since we have over 150 Poms in our kennel who are kin without being too close, the hazard has been reduced. We useally, the haphazardly bred dog was not bred with any kind of purpose, such as improving the breed, but only for getting a cute litter of puppies and a few extra bucks. Usually these people have no idea what the Pom standard says a Pom should be and could care lessI am not saying that there are no good haphazardly bred Poms. There are. But chances for consistent good quality is less.I am also not saying that anyone who line breeds or inbreeds is going to be successful. There are people who haphazardly line breed and inbreed, also. They may not know what qualities to strive for and therefore not attain anymore than the haphazardly outcross breeder. In fact, if they do not realize trouble when it is compounded in line and inbreeding, even more of a disservice to the breed could result"Now the question of type and soundness. Do you sacrifice one for the other, or is it possible to successfully work to achieve bothMany articles have been written on this, but we all know there is no absolutely perfect Pom. We also know that a repeat breeding doesnt produce identical twins to the first litter.Know what you are trying to attain and breed Poms with the least amount of faults and the most amount of good qualities in what ever pattern you have chosen and found to work for you. If your breeding stock is no better than pet stock, put them in a pet home and invest in good show and breeding quality. There are many Poms available that fit that quality. Dont expect to get something for nothing. The successful breeder didntWhat ever you. do DONT JUST BREED FOR A CUTE LITTER OF PUPS AND A FEW EXTRA BUCKSNORMA GAD, El Paso, Tex. I am a very firm believer in line-breeding, with out crossing to correct faults to a heavily line-bred dog or bitch, of another line. Ive also learned that pedigrees are generally more reliable than the looks ofPOMERANIAN REVIEW 85some judicious outcrosses from time to time if the results of previous breedings of the lines appear to justify it.In other words, what we are trying to say is that we primarily breed dogs and bitches of proper size, type, and soundness without regard to where they may stand in the family tree. If they happen to have similarities in their background, fine, but we dont regard it as a prerequisite.We are not knocking inbreeding or linebreeding and we know that many breeders do it with varying results.A curious fact that we have noticed in studying pedigrees of some of the outstanding Pom show dogs and producers is that quite a few of them were outcrosses. True, they we re usually line- bred on each side of the family but were complete outcrosses to each other. On the other hand, it should be noted that in most cases both sides of the outcross had a history of producing good type and soundness. It is conceivable that this could possibly be a valuable tip to other breeders.I think that the best piece of advice we got many years ago came from Gladys Schoenberg, the founder of Aris- tic Poms and we have remembered it to this day, when she said,They can write all of the books and articles on dog breeding and genetics that they want to, but it still comes down to the fact that you have to breed a good one to a good one.In summary, we dont breed to any rigid preconceived idea or formula. We use whatever method appears to be justified by the circumstances.BOB GOODRICH, Hampton, Va. I think over the last twenty-five years of breeding, and I am amazed. It was all just dumb luck it seems.I had no luck at all when I first started, nothing seemed to be what I wanted. Finally Ruth Beam told me to get the best female I could buy and she would give me a service to her old famous male Ch. Great Elms Little Tim- stopper, to get me started. The GoodLord at this time gave me a good friend by the name of Ethel Unwin, who sold me the bitch I needed so badly. This combination was just what the Doctor ordered. The bitch was a five pound dark red proven bitch with good legs and head and good. body.These two lines went together like ham and eggs. Finally, a third line came in with the same coloring red. This was the Thelcolynn Showstopper line. This breeding gave me two red females to make another cross to Great Elms lines, but all this was done with type and quality in mind.If had to give advice to new people just starting, it would be start with females to show and breed, using other peoples studs until you have gotten quite a few good females. If you have good females and can pick and choose from the best of studs, in time you will have to come up with the type of male you want.SOPHIE MAYES, West Chester, Pa. At the time I first decided I wanted to breed Pomeranians, Eng., Am., Can. Ber. Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh was imported by Florence, Lady Conyers and Ruth Bellick. Fresh from his win as Reserve Best in Show at Crufts, he flashed upon our show scene like a meteor. He paused briefly in Bermuda where he achieved his championship by going B.I.S. at two of the three shows, then arrived in this country and won B.I.S. at his first two all-breed events. After long years of dwindling Pom entries and very few really outstanding dogs, this gorgeous red orange Pom commanded the admiration of all. It was my desire to linebreed on this super dog. At first, everything went according to plan. The 2 broods I then owned were bred to him and a bitch puppy retained from each litter. A Serenade son was purchased, and 2 strongly linebred females purchased of Pomwin and Creider breeding to breed to both Serenade and son. Alas for my plans, after a show career which saw him win 15 B.I.S. and 5 Specialties, and 2 B.I.S. in Canada onPOMERANIAN REVIEW86this color secured by introducing reds and sables every second or third generation of black breeding.way to Canadian championship, Serenade was retired from the show ring at the end of 15 months and taken to his co-owners home in Bermuda. Incredible bad luck at May Morning saw his son die of a penicillin reaction after siring only 2 litters, one daughter matured far too small to breed and his double grandson succombed to anesthesia while having his teeth cleaned. It was then that my breeding policy changed. Rather than pinning all my hopes on linebreeding to one outstanding individual, I decided that it was better to combine the proven qualities of several different linebred Pom families. This policy has been carried out, and is still practised at May Morning.I favor close linebreeding within the family, and have had best success breeding half-brother to half-sister and granddaughter back to grandsire. In- breeding father to daughter, mother to son or full sister to brother has not been done. However, when close linebreeding brings to light recessive traits which seem undesirable such as drastically decreased size of females in two of my lines, the next generation is out- crossed to another line. Usually this will not be a true outcross, as all my foundation lines are now somewhat related within my breeding pool. From time to time, a real outcross is tried to a different admired line, but for the most part, the original Pom families as detailed in my January Review ad seem to produce the best results. Many additional lines I have tried, although they might be highly successful for other breeders, have failed to nick with what I have.I would like to note in passing that as another breeder aptly put it, breeding white Poms is like breeding another breed, and there has been very little attempt to incorporate the white lines with my other families. What little mixing I have done is to improve type in the whites, but inevitably at the expense of pure white coat color. The blacks, however, have evolved from a careful combination of my lines, and better type inI want to thank all of the breeders who responded and invite responses from those of you who are now reading this. In reviewing the wealth of information above, I have only a couple of things to add. Generally speaking Lin and I line- breed and in-breed, outcrossing only when we cannot find the qualities that we need within the lines that we are using.We have found that one can in-breed for strength and health just as successfully as one can in-breed for any other quality.We have not found out-crossing to increase size nor in-breeding to reduce it. We have had large and small Poms from both plans. We work for 4-5 lb. Poms.Great Poms can be produced in a variety of ways. To me the great advantage that in-breeding and line-breeding offer is a high degree of predictability. Even this can be a surprise. The answer seems to be decide what you want, study, plan, and remember that breeding is an art and as such can not be reduced to a scientific formula. Therein lies the fun and work and tears.HUNDLEY continuedsend me your news, especially your wins. I can find lots to write about, but Id rather write about you.And now I want to thank Sophie Mayes for offering me the chance to do this column for your Review. I am a novice writer as well as breeder and exhibitor. I love doing this. I also enjoy most everything else the Good Lord has helped me to do. With His continued guidance, and the help of all His other friends this will truly be a complete picture of the Pomeranian in the Pacific North West.87POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSWe Hope To See You All At The Harrisburg Specialty ShowCh. May Morning Bewitching WitchSwitchCongratulates '.if-Vfher grandsonEdneys Little PatriotSrjand owner Sadie Ray Edney on finishing his championshipWE STILL HAVE 2 WHITE FEMALE PUPPIES AVAILABLE FROM WINTERLITTERSThese are about 6 lbs., Sound and Sturdy for Pet, Obedience or Brood. Reasonable. They are not show prospects. Slight touch of cream.Have to admit they are Spitz type, but mostly white breeding, good dispositions, legs like iron and black pigment.WE ARE EXPECTING SOME EXCITING LITTERS IN JUNE AND JULYFear of Murphys Law keeps us from Counting Our Chickens . . . full details in the October issue, this much we will sayWe have bred all 3 of our Black females, 1 white female and 4 others either red or sable Showstopper, Great Elms, andor Goldpaz breeding in immediate background.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pa. 19380 215-793-1912 Murphys Law Whatever can possibly happen .. . will.POMERANIAN REVIEW8BYIPS YAPS NAME WITHHELDAN OPEN LETTER TO STUD DOG OWNERSNORMAN K. JEROME Hollywood, FloridaThis is a plea to those who advertise their special boys "at stud. Please give our bitches and their owners a break, and do not offer your dog at public stud unless he is truly a willing and eager breeder. Be honest with your fellow enthusiasts, and if you have a stud that is choosey or finicky about which girls he bestows his favors upon at least notify the bitch's owner of this fact that there is the likelihood that he will refuse some girls. If the bitchs owner chooses to take this risk even with all the expenses of shipping, at least it becomes their decision. Forewarned is forearmed avoid a frantic phone call I can't get her bred, 'Dootsis' just isn't interested. Usually there is another on hand who IS of lessor calibre since she's out of your hands and it's too late to ship her home or to your 2nd choice, she ends being bred to a dog you never would have chosen for her. This is an unhappy situation, at bestSo Be FAIRIn reply to the Editors note regarding my article April 77 Pom Review page 60. It would seem something has been misunderstood in regard to my criticism of the Standard stating Trimming around the Anus and my desire for the replacement Trimming at the base of the Tail topside only. The reasoning stated is sound as every breeder will surely agree.It was not suggesting any additional Trimming. or greater degree of trimming if you will. My^ thoughts were to abolish the trimming around the anus and replace it with tail base trimming.I might also mention Ye honorable Editor stated "scissoring or trimming around the base of the tail is NOT PERMITTED. My statement was trimming At the base of the tail.and you mayI do hope the above explanation is clear to everyone, would surely enjoy opinions and comments from other breeders in regard to the tail base trimming. Don't advertise a stud dog" unless he is exactly that a good working stud.GOLDIE MANDLEY THELMA DUNN Maryland PAT BROOKS Ladson, S. C.Just returned from a great time at the Michigan Specialty Show, and want to give special thanks to Larry and Marge Gorman for their kind hospitality and great food. Also to Tom and Cindy Keller who made our reservations for us and for the good conversations we had together. The time ran out so fast, but doesn't it always when you are with good friends.A SPECIAL SPECIAL THANKS to Mildred and Louis Shuck who were so kind to put us up Friday night, and then to take us back on Monday, when our Bitch Sherry decided to whelp 5 days early, on the Ohio Turnpike, no less. When we found we were in trouble, she was so kind to call her Veterinarian and make an appointment, even though his hours were over. She had to have a C-Section, but gave birth to two fine males, and mommie and puppies are doing well.Thanks again to everyone, who made our trip so great.What a shock his death was to me. I fed him at S00 A.M. and 10 minutes later he started having pain. By the afternoon he was dead from a Gallstone. I understand this very rarely happens in dogs. All the Veterinarians said it would be the last thing they would look for. I was heart broken. He was always at my side. I had made a lot of friends through him. Of course he was my best friend.I really enjoy having Sue Goddard living only 64 miles from me. We plan on attending the Summer Specialty. Speaking of dog shows, at the Charleston Kennel Club show May 1. a bitch was disqualified for excessive trimming around the anus. It was down to bare skin almost for about a 3 inch circle.JOYCE H. DAILEYChesapeake, Va.COVERYour cover photo and story of Ch. Little Emir in the July 1975 issue of the Pomeranian Review gave me an idea for an interesting feature for the Review, but since I know nothing about putting together a magazine, I dont know if it would be possible. However. I thought I would tell you and you can do what you want about it.The October Cover has been sold. The January 1978 Cover is available send 55.00 check to reserve it.See YOU in HarrisburgPOMERANIAN REVIEW 89What I have in mind is devoting one page of each Review to a great Pom of the past have a photo, three generation pedigree and a summary of show wins and outstanding get. All information and material could be supplied by the breeder or owners of such Poms or someone who would have the correct information. It would give these people an opportunity to tell about their great Poms once again and it would be of great historical value to Pomeranian fanciers everywhere. It could also be used for research if detailed enough to include color of the dog and dates whelped and died and etc.Since you are interested in color breeding and have been doing it for a number of years. I would like to ask you about a Pom I saw that was purchased from a local pet shop. It was a mature male, about 7 pounds, marked like a black and tan but instead of black, its body coat, undercoat and guard hairs were a solid blue color like a blue Great Dane. Its tail, legs, and markings on the face were a lighter silver gray color. Would such a Pom be acceptable or would it be considered a mismark GLORIA SETMAYER Paramus, New JerseyUNETHICALAttending two Pennsylvania shows this past weekend, I witnessed in the Pom ring and Im sure others there felt the same what I consider to be bad sportsmanship, bad ethics and I might go as far as to say, just plain greedA particular lovely male Pom needing one single point finished at the Saturday show with a major his fourth. There was absolutely NOTHING to be gained by showing him in the classes the next day, which was also a four point major. Im sure someone else entered in males certainly needed a major. which would not have been broken had this dog been pulled. As it turned out the dog did go WD. which he in no way needed and someone else was robbed of a hard to pick up" major. The owner of this dog also had the Special entry so his reason for entering the already finished dog in the classes was not to try for the BreedOf course technically this is a legal procedure until AKC confirmation and I can understand it if a person wasnt sure a dog had the required 15 points, but with four there certainly was noEditors Note We would love to carry out your suggestion for featuring famous Poms of the past, but wonder how it could be accomplished, since most of the breeders or owners of such Poms have passed away and records are not available. We will try to contact some long-time breeders for advice. On your second question silver grey undercoat and points should be permitted on a Blue Pom. Most Blue dogs of other breeds show a silvering of extremities with maturity.plusmajorsdoubt in this case and the owner is by no means a Novice Exhibitor.Usually I am not one to sound off but this particular incident really 'irked me, even though it had no bearing on my entry as I had a bitch entered.Mr. Exhibitor does your ego really need that much of a boostJULIE BRUMBACK Harrisonburg, VirginiaI really think its time our club got together and re-wrote the Pomeranian Standard and included the major faults. Im sure most breeders know these faults, but doubt the new judges coming on will know them, unless we include them in the Standard. I also think we can drop the size preference of 4 to 5 lbs. and just say, weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 lbs. Right now, it seems to me that size is overly important to judges. I dont really think the list of major faults has to be endless and picky, just the important major faults that are ruining our breed.Lets hear other breeders commentsAlso. Id like to hear breeders honestly comment on puppy mortality in our breed and what can be done about it. Perhaps its time to take a hard look at ourselves and our dogs.KAREN HOLDER Strongsville, OhioI want to say that I really am going to miss Dorothy Bonners Column in the American Kennel Gazzette. Dorothy is an absolute encyclopedia of information about Pomeranians. I found many helpful hints in her columns and I really enjoyed the friendly atmosphere which she created. It was as though she were writing a personal letter from herself to each and every reader. I hope that there is some way she can continue to write on behalf of the American Pomeranian Club as I feel that her columns really created goodwill for our breed and for our club. Dorothys dedication to Pomeranians and to the world of dogs in general make her an excellent choice as ambassador of good will for our club and for our breed. Dont Miss That DeadlinePOMERANIAN REVIEW90FUTURE ISSUESMIDWEST continued breeders and handlers of the future. We need to give them support now if interest in our breed is to continue growing, fostering further improvement in the Pomeranians of the future.In October, we will have reports from the San Diego Specialty, the Michigan Pom Club Specialty, Bay Colony Specialty and we hope The Columbia Pom Club Specialty.Dont forget now . . . send me your news major wins, BOBs, groups, BIS and champions finished .Also, your comments, suggestions and even complaints I. . . especially your gripes. I cant do a good job if I dont know what Im doing wrong.In January, we will once again feature our Obedience Poms so all obedience fanciers please support this effort. We would like your suggestions for obedience articles to reprint, either from our own past issues or other sources, if we can get permission.WE ARE SORRYWe had announced a Surprise for Obedience Fanciers in this issue, but have been unable to complete the contacts for this story. We hope to have it in October.Also in January, we will have more Specialty reports, including the American Pom Club Specialty in Harrisburg and the two Texas Specialties.INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Page26VILMA J. BARTOLATDICK SALLY BAUGNIET 66, 67 7755RUTH L. BEAMPATRICIA D. BROOKS 51WILMA JEAN BROWN .... 27, 68 6962JULIE BRUMBACKMORRIS BETTY CARSON 6269PAT CLARK53MARY CONRADJAMES M. COY 31MRS. NORMA CREIDER 17JOYCE H. DAILEY 35RUTH DOTSON 11, 56MRS ESTHER FIELDS MS. ANN McCUTCHEN 81NANCY FRY 24COVER 57NORMA C. GADEDNA E. GIRARDOT 28JEANNE K. GRIBBEN CYNTHIA DOWNMAN 5191POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX TO ADVERTISERS continued29DONALD G. HAYES .64NADINE HERSIL31KAREN HOLDER55MRS. VERNA HOOD64GERTRUDE JACOBY19LAURA JAMES21NORMAN K. JEROME83LARRY DIANNE JOHNSON24JANE E. JOHNSTON .63. 73RON JACKIE KLEIN31RUTH B. LANCE24, 65MR. MRS. LUCIUS LUCCAS7GOLDIE K. MANDLEY9MRS. ELMA MANIES87SOPHIE H. MAYES ..37DAN JoELLEN MERCER25ELEANOR KEN MILLER60MOLLY LINDA MILLER45JULIE MORENO _______NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB 10STANLEY H. CLARICE M. OGANEKU 536, 59FERN PARKSDICK COLLEEN PROCTOR 2443LENNIS RAINESDUDLEY WANDA ROACH 6913BYRL MARY ROSENBAUM64TONY BETTY SHORT46, 47DR. MRS. LAWRENCE TRAUNERMAYNARD A. WOOD 5133JANICE YOUNGJESSIE BARBARA YOUNG 15, 58 36, 70PHYLLIS ZUMBAUM92 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.SUMMER SPECIALTY SHOWAugust 27, 1977In Conjunction WithTHE HARRISBURG KENNEL CLUB SHOW Off Route 11 South on Route 34 North Carlisle Fairgrounds Carlisle, Penna.JudgeMr. Forrest McCoyFor InformationContactThelma M. Dunn 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001 301-879-5397Goldie K. Mandley 501 Dover Road Glen Burnie, Md. 21061 301-766-5852orPremium ListFOLEY DOG SHOW ORGANIZATION2009 Ranstead Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103