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The Pom Reader 1996 Stud Dog Directory
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.r 4,- Arfk-Cb1vfy..ii K raUU LBTHE POM READER STUD DOC. DIRECTORY is published by Doll- McGinnis Publications, owners and publishers of THE POM READER Magazine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the express written consent of the publishers. The information contained within this directory is provided by the advertisers the publishers are not responsible for any statements made ill ad copy or for data contained in pedigrees. A complimentary copy of the Directory was mailed as a courtesy to all paid subscribers to THE POM READER Magazine.For your convenience, on pages 24-25 is a sample Stud Service Contract.Feel free to photocopy it and use as is. or as a guide when designing your own contract. Remember, any transaction in the sport of purebred dogs should be governed by a contract.Extra copies of this Directory are available at 8.00 ppd. Make checks payable to DoU-McGinnis Publications. We honor VISA. MASTERCARD, and AMERICAN EXPRESS credit cards.DOIX-McGINNIS PUBLICATIONS 8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND. FL 33809-1604 TEL 941-858-3839 FAX 941-853-3624ANGELICS BIT O PRED TANER JO ..........26BENRAYS SUNDANCING SIMON CH....21BEV-NORS SOMETHING SPECIAL CH .... .43DANNS SPECIAL TRADITION CH...........6DAMATA TIMBER COUNTRY CH...........32FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT CH...............12FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK CH..............13FAME KING LINUS CH...............................14FINCHS PASSIONATE KISSES CH...........27FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER CH......34GOLDCRESTS PACIFIC DREAMER CH.23GOLDEN AIRES MOONWALKER CH ....20JAN-LES COLOR ME BADD....................... .42JAN-LES JUST FOOLING AROUND CH .... .41JAN-LES MAKER OF FOOLS CH.............40JDS MIDNIGHT OIL CH ..............................4JDS TRULY A GEM CH................................5JESSICAS JESSIE JAMES CH .................. 19KILPATRICKS WEE REBEL ROUSER CH .. .15KIM KARAS SOFT AS A WHISPER........... 29KNEISLERS PETEPOM RUFF N REDDI CH . .22LYNNWRIGHTS DRACULA CH...............16LOVELY JESSIE SAIS SO CH....................33MAJESTIC'S I BE WILLIE BAD CH ........31MAJESTICS WILLIE B STEPPN UP CH.30MERCERS EXOTICA CH ............................8MERCERS EXOTIC EXPOSE CH...............9MERCERS MOSTLY DUKE CH ...............10MERCERS COOKIE CUTTER CH .......... 10MORENOS BELIEVE IT OR NOT CH.....28NABOB HES STOLANNE MYHEART CH .. -37PITTI POMS UL SIR LANCELOT CH.....39ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKREDGE CH .. .35STORYBOOKS CHOCOLATE TRUFFLE.18STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR CH ... .36VALCOPY WAKHAN VALENTINO CH.....3WATTSLITTLE BULUT .................................7WENKESTS HARVEST MOON.....................38WHISPERING LANE NEVADA CH........... 17ZOOLAND SODBUSTER................................113Ch. Valcopy Wakhan ValentinoS'aCH.Ch. Jo-Ai Echos Pride Finchs Born Sweet ScottieLucky Pups Queen O Hearts Sire Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterDoo-Shays Mystic MacGyver Finchs Ambrosa MysteryWee Hearts Total Eclipse VALCOPY WAKHAN VALENTINOCh. Millamars Rock Medallion Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein Chriscendo ConfettiDam Ch. Valcopy Wakhan Lily Dache Hazels Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High StyleHazels Gay SherryAll-Breed BIS, Multiple BISS winner Top Producer of Champions Stud Fee on RequestBREEDERS, OWNERS, HANDLERSValcopy Dana L. Plonkey Wakhan Randy C. Gemmill206-743-1601 206-322-0587The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 19964Ch.JDS Midnight OilrAm. Mex. Int. World Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper TooRandys Brandy of Jolly Wee Sire Ch. Doctors Pepper CFAm. Mex. Int. World Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Olivia CFFairwind LibertyDaiCh. Tomanolls Wee Short Stack Ch. Circle M Comes A HossmanCircle M Patty Pepper CeeDam JDs Golden GirlMasons Lil Traveler Rapps Autumn PunkinAdkins Band Box CupcakeMidnight is sound, well up on toes with heavy, solid black coat. He is now 8 years old and will be at public stud for a limited time. He is temporarily residing at Gail Raineys Country Cottage in Tennessee. Contact Gail for stud fee or other information. 901-352-2095Janet Hovey JDS POMPOUS POMS 5549 W. Ave M-2 Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 19965Ch.JDS Truly A GemceCh. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondM Models Solid GoldSire Emcees Truly A DiamondH Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Emcees Sparkling Hot TamaleEmcees Tartan TamK DaAm. Mex. Int. World Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiCh. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper TooRandys Brandy of Jolly Wee Dam Cobbs Babe of Pepper ToAm. Mex. Int. World Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Cobbs Easter Bunny of Dan Bills Tiny TykeJimmy finished his championship with back to back 4 point majors in two weekends, but was never specialed - throws sound puppies well up on toes with big bone and lots of coat - is now 9 years old, so will be at public stud for short time only. Contact Gail Rainey in Tennessee 901-352-2095JanetHovey JD S POMPOUS POMS 5549 W. Ave M-2 Quartz Hill, CA 93536-3112The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 19966Am. Can. Ch. DAnns Special TraditionO v Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixeland Ch. Millamors Trademark Millamors Music Box Sire Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Millamors Sparkling MusicMillamors Molly Brown Am. Can. Ch. DAnns Special TraditionAm. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Ch. Tim Sues Brass Lights Tim Sues Brass ToyDam Am. Can. Ch. DAnns Precious Brass ImageEmcees Mickey of Linros Kar-Li-Mar Magwey^ Kra-Li-Mar GremlinCody is very cobby and well put together. He is orange with black tipping on outer coat. Very heavy coated. A here I am attitude. Very out going. He is an American, and Canadian Champion. Stud fee 225-00.DANNS PRECIOUS POMS Doris Pressley 202 Valley wood Drive Toledo, Ohio 43605 419-697-0477The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 19967WattsLittle BullitTtriCh. Edneys Ma Best Special Order Postscripts JazzmanPostscripts Jasman of Great Elms Sire Tiny Joys Gentleman MozCh. Watts Little Chipper Watts Little Prancee for ToniWatts Little Foxy LadyWatts Little BullitGreat Elms Bobby Beam Ch. Great Elms Little Timmy Beam Great Elms Sweet Candy Dam Watts Little Jeane AnneCh. Silverlade Littlest Outlaw Tiny Joys Scheherazade^ Watts Little Kissy for ToniBullit is major pointed and proven stud dog. He is siring heavy coated, typey, short-backed offspring that can be seen in the show ring this fall.Fred Pat Dieball2304 Koper Drive Sterling Heights, MI 48310 810-979-6749The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 19968Ch Mercers Exotica 'ir-mI Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn NewsmakerCh. Bonners Starcrest Coquette Sire Chesai News FlashAm. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri Colliers Golden CharleneAm. Can. Ch. Maykens Sun CricketCh. Mercers ExoticaCh. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercers Touch O DukeCh Bonners Starcrest Minette Dam Mercers Starlett TouchCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Mercers Dark Star^ Tri-Dons Shadee LadeeAs far as we know Exotica is the only Champion Wolf Sable male in North America. If you are seeking the AristicBonner bloodlines, it doesnt get any better than this guy. Truly, a Pomeranian of Distinction.Dan JoEllen Mercer Praire Wind Farm1699 Road West 80 Box 147 Big Springs, Nebraska 69122308-889-3109The Porn Reader Stud Dog Directory 19969Can. Ch. Mercers Exotic Expose'tr8Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Chesai News FlashColliers Golden Charlene Sire Ch. Mercers ExoticaCh. Mercers Touch O Duke Mercers Starlett TouchMercers Dark Star Can. Ch. Mercers Exotic ExposeChesai News Flash Ch. Mercers ExoticaB Mercers Starlett TouchDam Sandhills Jessica DawnH Mercers Pepper Pods PrideSandhills Tiffany AnneMercers Cyclone Lady ValThis exciting young male just returned to us from Canada as a New Champion. An Exotica son. He is sound on legs, ultra high tail set, good strong teeth and bite, up on toes, a magnificent coat. All the qualities expected in a Pomeranian sire. One year oldDan JoEllen Mercer Prairie Wind Farm1699 Road West 80 Box 147 Big Springs, Nebraska 69122308-889-3109The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996Ch. Mercers Mostly Duke Can. Ch. Mercers Cookie Cutter75rCh. Bonners Lucky Elf of Caraway Dal-Leas Toby Elf OLuckyDal-Leas Lindy Lou Sire Dal-Leas News BannerCh. Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Dal-Leas Star News GirlDal-Leas Sara SuzanneCh. Mercers Mostly Duke Can. Ch. Mercers Cookie Cutter Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Dal-Leas News Carrier OLegacy Dal-Leas Star News Girl Dam Mercers CareyCh. Bonners Pendart Challenge Mercers Vanna^ Mercers Viva TouchFull brothers, both creams. If you are looking for heads, coats, personality, showmanship, these two can do it for you. Plus they both have soft little barks Believe it or not this is something that is passed on.Dan JoEllen Mercer Prairie Wind Farm1699 Road West 80 Box 147 Big Springs, Nebraska 69122308-889-3109The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996Zooland Sodbusterllm. i ,tUNolanss Shady Park Lil Gabe Nolans Shady Park TandyNolans Shady Park Windee Sire Westlund SodbusterWestlund Micro Chip-A-Way W Westlund Claim To FameWee Hearts Never On SundayZooland SodbusterZooland Baby George Georges Sun BoomerM Zooland Ebony BearS Dam T-Suns RubyLeroys Proud Buddy T-Suns WinnieSappas Naomi SnowflakieThriller is a beautiful orange sable, 4lb. 12 oz. cobby, sound, with a tiny baby face. Champions included in his background Mercers Young Duke of Timsue, Corns Duke Dragon-Fly, Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker, Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple, Millamors Fm A Windjammer, Great Elms Timstopper, Hadleigh Little Robin. Sires Gorgeous Puppies Stud Fee 250.00.Lore Breinig Rose Villa Poms Route 2 Box 230 Arapahoe, NE 68922 308-962-7888The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199612Ch. Fame Gift Of The SpiritiASt . ChCh. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark Ch. Fame Piece of the RockRocks Red SandSire Ch. Fame Chip of the Great RockFames Legacy of Jewel Ken Ch. Fame Great ExpectationFlambeau Sparkling TigressFame Gift of the SpiritCh. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark Ch. Fame King LinusRocks Golden Rockette Dam Ch. Fame IHS SpiritCh Dixielands Rock of Millamor Ch. Frys Magic JeanneFrys Charming MuffyGift, multi group winner, won BOW at Louisville, Kentucky for two back to back 5 point majors. Gift is a light orange sable, 4 34 lbs, and producing wonderful fronts Watch for his get in 1997 300.00 to approved bitches limitedj.FAME Phil Brenda Segelken44 Camelot Avenue Effingham, IL 62401217-347-5731The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199613Ch. Fame Piece of the RockcCh. Coys Top of the Mark Sire Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark Cedarwoods Linda Leigh Ch. Fame Piece of the RockCh. Dixielands Rock of MillamorDam Rocks Red SandBimbeaus Peppersweet JoyRocky, multi-group winner, won 2 back to back 5 point majors, Louisville, Kentucky. He is a proven Champion producer, five pound clear orange with outstanding showmanship and personality plus 300 to approved bitches.FAME Phil Brenda Segelken44 Camelot Avenue Effingham, IL. 62401217-347-5731The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199614Ch. Fame King Linus4T\Ch.Coys Top of the MarkSire Ch. Wee Rambo of Coys Top Mark Cedarwoods Linda Leigh Ch. Fame King LinusCh. Dixielands Rock of Millamor Dam Rocks Golden Rockette Rocks Wee Gold DustLinus finished with 4 - 4 point majors and multi group placements. He is a 4 34 lb., beautiful deep red jet black pigment showman, and a Champion producer. 300.00 to approved bitches.FAME Phil Brenda Segelken44 Camelot Avenue Effingham, IL. 62401217-347-5731The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199615Am. Can. Ch. Kilpatricks Wee Rebel Rouserv,v.s-.Am.Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Terrific Wee ChipsEmcees Golden Girl of Tammy Sire Emcees Shaws Wee SunnyStar Frost Bold New Venture Chip-A-Ways Golden PattySweet Betsy of Timstopper Can. Ch. Kilpatricks Wee Rebel RouserCh. Vestas Magic the Dragon Ch. Jolly Wee Magic of Tim SueJolly Wee Dixie of Tim Sue Dam Hallmarks CharadeFeistys Rebels Razzel Dazzel Ch. Feistys BombshellFeistys Brandy Wine CoolerRebel is my first Champion, and Homebred at that. He was shown under the adept hands ofRollie and Evelyn Conley. Also he finished in Canada. He is a beautiful mover, sound, super temperament, Red 5 14 lbs. male. Has proven his worth as a Stud. Beautiful pups available on occasion. Inquires are invitedLorraine Kilpatrick Kilpatricks Pomeranians Rt. 1 Box 726 Miami, AZ 85539 520-473-3043The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199616Ch. Lynnwrights Dracula5BISS BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge HOF, ROMBISS BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman ROMXBev-Nors TesstH Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Nuttin-To-ItV Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too, ROMBev-Nors Missy Miss ROMGreat Elms Honeybun ROMCh. Lynnwrights DraculaPostscripts JazzmanH Tiny Joys Gentlemen MozV Watts Little Prance for Toni Dam Watts Little NightfireCh. Great Elms Prince Charming H ROM Watts-Scotia Little MaggieWatts Little Crisco of ScotiaCh. Lynnwrights Dracula is a champion producer, only two years old. Gorgeous black, with a thick dense coat. Good movement, and a high tail set. He has been great for my breeding program. Winning Best of Breed many times, three times from the classes, with one Group Placement. Draculas Stud fee is 250.00.Lynnwrights Poms Donna Lynn Wright 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, Maryland 21014 410-879-1459 Fax 410-804-9781 Lynn Poms AOL.ComThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199617Ch. Whispering Lane NevadaCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROMCh. Watts Little Dakotah Ch. Watts Little Kahlua LuaSire Whisperingln Thats All FolksV BISS BIS Ch. Bev-Nors Statesman ROMXWhispering Lane Sweet Gerkin Princess Nasheetta Ch. Whispering Lane NevadaCh. Watts Little Dakotah Ch. WhisperingLane Promises Kept Whispering Lane Sweet Gerkin Dam Whispering Lane ApplauseCh. Tim-Sues High Lights LLL High Lights Classy ActRosewoods Gold Mite LegacyCh. Whispering Lane Nevada is a brillant light orange with an increditably thick coarse coat. He is only two years old, and has a lot of young puppies now being trained for the ring, we are very happy with these pups. Gambler finished in a matter of weeks going Best of Breed twice from the classes. He is very short backed with a head to die for Gambler's Stud Fee is 250.00.Lynnwrights Poms Donna Lynn Wright Co-Owner Suzanne Berney 200-B Gateway Drive Bel Air, Maryland 21014 410-879-1459 Fax 410-804-9781 Lynn Poms AOL.ComThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199618Storybooks Chocolate TruffleCS-51Ch. Shamrocks Little Image Maker Ch. Silva Lade The OutlawH Ch. Silva Lade Almond JoyH Sire Heartland Stars StripesB Annons Marquis De TartanWee Hearts High SocietyLLL Happy Country Girl Storybooks Chocolate TruffleAm. Can. Ch. Sharian Red Beau James Kon Tiki My Play ToyM Kon Tiki Brown Sugar BabeH Dam Heartlands Kon Tiki Coco ChanelChief Commander Coty Kon Tiki Charlies SharlyKon Tiki Brown Sugar BabeStorybooks Chocolate Truffle, our long awaited 4 12 lb. dark chocolate bred Truffle, is everything one could ask for in a Pomeranian. With his pedigree consisting of Heartland, Silva Lade, Kon Tiki and Wee Heart bloodlines, need we say more A sound, typey dog with an outstanding personality and correct movement. Stud fee 250.00for a limited time.joe Taylnr - Mark Bachelder Storybook Pomeranians P.O. Box 1129 Kennebunk, Maine 04043 t207-985-3770ThePom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199619ChJessicas Jessie James_Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish Ch. Blossom Heights FirecrackerBlossom Heights Bolero Sire Ch. Blossom Heights JackpotH Ch. Millamors Mood MusicBlossom Height McGuires Amy Bobbys CuddlesCh. Jessicas Jessie JamesCh. Apples Traveling Diamond Ch. Apples Traveling Rambler Ch. Jan-Shars Charming BeckyH Dam Apples Traveling DawnCh. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Great Elms Sugar BabeGreat Elms HoneybunJessie is a short, cobby little dog with sound movement. He has consistently won Breed classes and Group placements. He has attitude and loves to show.Jessicas Pomeranians Jessica Smith 4784 East Michigan Street, 5 Orlando, Florida 32812 407-658-4273The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199620Ch. Golden Aires MoonwalkersChCh. Millamors Mark Of Dixieland Ch. Millamors TrademarkMillamors Musical Bess Sire Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Ch. Millamors Sparkling Music Millamors Molly Brown Golden Aires MoonwalkerCh. Millamors Mark of Dixeland Ch. Coys Top Of The MarkCedarwoods Linda Leigh Dam De Artas Dancing MarkettaCh. LLL Dynamo Dancer O Oakridge De Artas Wee Dancing CherriCh. Dancing GoldMuff O OakridgeWally is a four pound orange male. He was the number three Pom in 1991 with multi-group wins. His show career was ended due to an eye injury. He has many champion progeny. He produces sound offspring with beautiful heads and true Pom showmanship. Stud fee 300.00.BenRay and Golden Aires Ben AiresBenson E. Ray Sharon Masnick 2007 Vestry Dr. Charleston, SC 29414 803-571-6165 Fax 803-556-6011The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199621Ch. BenRays Sundancing Simon'33Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoScarlett of Twin Pines Sire Golden Aires Magic MarkoCh. Emcees Sparkling Gold Mico Dupres Kate Raising CaneDuprees Dancing Diamond Amy Ch. BenRays Sundancing SimonCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoScarlett of Twin Pines Dam Golden Aires Rock N RobinAnnons Ebony Mark II Wee Hearts Our Girl Friday ^ Lennis Peaches-N-CreamSimon is a five pound orange male. His pedigree and ability to produce speaks for itself He produces type, showmanship and a correct harsh, stand-off coat with high tail sets in his progeny. Stud fee 300.00BenRay and Golden Aires Ben AiresBenson E. Ray Sharon Masnick 2007 Vestry Dr.Charleston, SC 29414 803-571-6165 Fax 803-556-6011The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199622Ch. Kneislers PetiPom Ruff N Reddir'cTYaX4KiChCh. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo Ch. Jan-Shars In Living ColorGreat Elms Almost Heaven Sire Janesas Forever The StarCh. Jamels Fugicle of Southland Ch. Janesas Glen Iris Star StruckCh. Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress Kneislers PetiPom Ruff N ReddiCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch. Allayns Sinnerman ToastCh. Carousels Angel For Allayn Dam Rubys Wee Toasted Bon-BonRockwoods Precious Herbie Rubys Sassy Wee Tart LadyScotia Command Chintely LadySam" is a gorgeous red sable with correct coat, great layback, length of leg, and sweet disposition. He is a strong, sound mover. His outstanding pedigree includes Bev-Nor, Great Elms, Creider and Scotia Lines - many of them ROMROMX.Pat Cummings Peti Pom Poms P.O. Box 279 Maryville, MO 64468 816-562-2572 E-Maildogs5aol.comThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199623Ch. Goldcresfs Pacific DreameriCh.BIS Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi ROM Am. Mex. Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Fancy Lady Sire Jolly Wee Dans Mighy MoeCh. Randys Toppers Red Robin Jolly Wee Wendy MischeifCh. Randys Preshus Wee Wendy Goldcrests Pacific DreamerBIS Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi ROM Am. Mex. Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi ROMCh. Randys Jolly Wee Fancy Lady Dam Cobbs Easter Bonnet Of DanCh. Ace His Big John Bills Tiny TykeJuanitas Brandy LadyMulti-Group Winning and Group Placing Champion and one of the few remaining boys with a pedigree featuring the undiluted Jolly Wee line. Orange color and extremely heavy-coated with proper texture. Stud fee by private treaty to approved bitches.MNM Pomeranians Portaits of PerfectionMary and Gene Wells Rt. 2 Box 238 Pattonsburg, MO 64670816-367-2254The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996Pomeranian Stud Service ContractOn this, the_____day of______________ , 19___,owners of___________________________________agreed to breed said stud dog to the Pomeranian bitch,owned by____________________________________CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT1. Payment for the stud service shall be made as follows_______________________________________________________ ________________ 2.Special conditions if any______________________________________________________________________________________________3. A guarantee is given that the above animals were actually mated.4. If the bitch fails to go into whelp become pregnant, the Owner of the Bitch must give written notice to the Owner of the Stud Dog not later than sixty days after the certified due date of breeding. A return stud service will be given to the same Stud Dog without an additional stud service ONLY at the next heat to the same bitch. If the bitch does not go into whelp and proper notice is not given by the owner of the Bitch, the right to a return stud service is forfeited.5. All expenses of shipping both ways will be paid by the Owner of the Bitch. Bitches being shipped to_________________,____________ thywill be met and brought back to the respective airport at no extra charge.6. The Owner of the Bitch is responsible for the health of the bitch. The Owner of the Stud Dog may request a veterinary certification of health of the Bitch before breeding, at the expense of the Owner of the Bitch.7. The Owner of the Bitch agrees that any and all puppies produced from the litter resulting from the breeding of the above two animals will not be sold directly or indirectly to or through a pet shop, specialty shop, or a wholesaler of purebred dogs. This is the established practice of responsible breeders of purebred dogs.8. The Owner of the Stud Dog is not obligated to sign the application for registration with the American Kennel Club of the subject litter until andPomeranian Stud Dog, AKC No.________________________________________ , AKC No.The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996unless uie euiiumont, anu payment as wen as an oilier nonunions 01 mis contract arc rumiieu.9. The laws of_________________________ state shall govern this contract.The foregoing Stud Service Contract has been read, understood, and agreed to in its parts and in its entireity by the individuals beloiv.ALL SPECIAL AGREEMENTS, CONDITIONS OR PROVISIONS ARE NOTED ON THIS DOCUMENT ABOVE MY SIGNATURE.Owner of Bitch Owner of Stud DogAddress AddressCity, State, Zip City, State, ZipPhone PhoneCERTIFICATION OF BREEDING To be filled out and returned after breeding is completedThis is to certify that_________________________________________________________ Pomeranian Bitch, AKC Reg. No.has been bred to__________________________________________________________Pomeranian Stud Dog, AKC Reg. No.Owned by___________________________________________.The first breeding date was______________________ the last breeding date was______________________.For purposes of this contract the certified breeding date is defined as the last breeding date.Signature Owner of Stud Dog ___________________________________________Date______________26Angelics Bit O Prid Taner Jo35JCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Watts Little Jo-Jo of Gr Elms Great Elms Honeybun Sire Ch. Gr Elms Presents Smokey-JoCozy Nugett of Timstopper Little Imps TimstopperTurn Turns Little Imp Angelics Bit O Prid Taner JoCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch. Southlands Apollo CreedBev-Nor N Southland Poasty Dam Berrys Little Bit of HeavenWee Heart Lifes Lil Pleasure Wee Hearts Apple Annie^ Munchkins Wee Bonnie LassTanner is a sound and sturdy Pom with a remarkable disposition and a heart of gold. He is currently on his way to becoming a champion with a Group 2 placement being his greatest achievement so far. He is a proven stud, reproducing his soundness, temperament, profuse coat and magnificent ring presence. Currently available to approved bitches.Diana Pollard Angelic Pomeranians 23 Thomas Avenue Poughkeepsie, NY 12603 914-473-1358The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996Ch. Finchs Passionate Kisses27eraCh. Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire Ch. Apolloette Wild FireH Ch. Apolloette A Unique PleasureH Sire Finchs Super Star CasanovaChesai Touch of Magic Finchs Magically ImpressedFinchs Putton The Paisley Ch. Finchs Passionate KissesCh. Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire Ch. Apolloette Wild FireS Ch. Apolloette A Unique PleasureDam Ch. Finchs One For The RecordDoo-Shays Mystic Macgy ver Finchs Ambrosia MysteryWee Hearts Total EclipseCubby finished from the puppy classes going Best of Breed over Specials and on to mutiple group wins over top winning toys. Cubby finished 1995 as the 6 Pom. Beautiful correct coat of Ebony Black, 3 12 lbs., and a wonderful attitude. He is closely line bred. Stud Fee 275.00.Donna S. Riehm669 Ava Road Murphysboro, IL 62966 618-684-4644 E-Mail mom4pomsaol.comThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199628Ch. Morenos Believe It Or NotT9JMrCh.Ch. Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Merrymonts Spittin ImageCh. Chip-A-Ways Diamond Keepsake Sire Morenos I Lan Warrior of Hy Jan LeCh. Queenaire Whizzle Stik Ch. Guys N Gals Orange KrushGuys N Gals Dolie Patches Morenos Believe It Or NotCh. Mullers Encore Ch. Sun-Dots Command PerformanceCh. Sun-Dots Ramboling Holly Dam Morenos Phyner Golden JubileeQueenaire Whiskey Tenor Phyner Jubilee Happy HellionPhyner Morgana Le FeyMake No Bones About it" Toad Hall is hopping proud of our newest Champion, Ripley," finishing with Group placements from the classes. Our appreciation to Julie Moreno for breeding Ripley" and sharing him with us. Stud Fee on request.Linda Brogoitti-Linchris Breeder Co-Owner Julie Moreno 14410 N. 71St. Ave. Peoria, AZ 85381 602-979-5336 Fax 602-979-6299The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199629Kim Karas Soft As A WhispermAm.Can. Ch. Ryals Flying High Ch. Ryals Sir BlitzenM Ryals Cream PuffH Sire Kim Karas Sir Icy PoohbearAm.Can. Ch. Ryals Flying High Kim Karas Puff-N-StuffMcPhies Puffin of Kim Kara Kim Karas Soft As A WhisperCh. Ryals Sir Blitzen Kim Karas Cream DreamKim Karas Comette Dam Kim Karas Kream Kricket Impressive Blue SensationKim Karas Gemini KricketMcPhies Patch of PatchesThis beautiful snow white, dark pointed, male is linebred on Ch. Ryals Sir Blitzen. At very limited Stud, he has produced typey, ice white puppies. See our ad June 1996Pom Reader pages 8-9 for our angels of white, pure as fresh fallen snowPansy Hill Pomeranians Linda Herrmann RD 5 Box 5703A Lake Ariel, PA 18436 717-937-4775The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199630Ch. Majesties Willie B Steppn Up"s-Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive Bisa, Biss Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive Ch. Southlands New Year Toast Sire Ch. Majestics I Be Willie BadColliers Decoration of Myway Ch. Decorations Tickie Lee Beaus Little Peep IIBISA BISS Ch. Majesties Willie B Steppn UpWoods Sparkling Nugget Cedarwoods Gold NuggetCedarwoods September Dawn Dam Ch. Southlands Ms Ruth of G ECh. Models Timstoppers Echo Great Elms Sassy^ Great Elms Honey BunThis Southern Chivanist Gentlemen of Charm is quite the showman. He exhibited beautiful ring presence at an early age. At 5 mos. he earned a Best in Match over 175 All Breed PuppiesDogs. Won both Texas Specialty Sweepstakes 94. Aquired his first of 4 Specialty Show wins at memorable Best In Show wins at 14 mos. in 95. At 2 12 yrs. won a BIS with 1400 dogs. Bred by Ruth L. Beam. Siring beautiful sound puppies. One reached Ch. at 10 12 mos. a black tan. Available at stud to selected ladies.Annette Rogers-Rister Majestic Pomeranians P.O. Box 50 Corpus Cristi, TX 78403-0050 512-992-8233 after 7 p.m.The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199631Ch. Majestics I Be Willie BadGh. Bevnorsouthland Sinsation Ch. Southlands Sir Impressive ROM Southland Fudge Double Dip Sire BISA BISS Ch. Southlands Mighty ImpressiveCh. Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch. Southlands New Year Toast ROMX Southlands Boastys Hope Ch. Majestics I Be Willie BadColliers Golden Jr Colliers Decoration of My way Jokres Swingtime CharlieH Dam Ch. Decorations Tickie LeeH Ch. Tobys Little BeauBeaus Little Peep IIJolands Micci MouseWillie, is full offire, full speed ahead 4 lb. pedal Whose little body is so strong, one cant pinch an inch. He comes by it naturally. Hisgrandsire Ch. Southlands Sir Imprssive, ROM has the strongest front structure ever seen on a dog of 9 yrs. Willie is the son of 5 times BISA, BISS Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive Sire of BISA, BISS Ch. Majestics Willie B Steppn Up. Willie has a beautiful tail-set, short-short back, beautiful front movement. Available at stud to approved ladies.Annette Rogers-Rister Majestic Pomeranians P.O. Box 50 Corpus Cristi, TX 78403-0050 512-992-8233 after 7 p.m.The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199632Ch. Damata Timber Countrymi^.VrChCh. Chriscendo City Lights Ch. Tim Sues High Lights ROMXCh. Tim Sues Angel Sabrina Sire Ch. Texicans High BallCh. Tomboys Pico Chico Ch. Berrys Sassy Sue SieCh. Texicans Tim-Sue Sie Damata Timber CountryBabas Dragonslayer Ch. Damata Ma Va Lous Marvin Damata A Ga NesDam Ch. Rosehills Simply Ma Va Lous Ch. LBi-Mar Shawn Ch. Feistys Once In A Blue MoonFeistys Spice of LifeCh. Damata Timber Country at the age of 18 months was NBR 1 Pomeranian for 96. 5 Best In Show and 1 Pom. Special. All System rated 1. To be at Stud after the Gardens.Darlys Flaata1410 N.E. Gertz Road Portland, OR 97211 503-285-7646The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199633BIS Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais SoiS.-Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Kandi Kane Sire Ch. Bi-Mar Son N Dance ManBi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bi-Mar Kat BallouBi-Mar Gidget of Que Sera Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So HOF CGCCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch Queenaire Coup DEtatQueenaire Ruby RubyDam Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna-Debutante ROM Ch. Models Bit-O-Whiz Bi-Mar Black Jade^ Jubilee Dream WeaverAKC SKC BISA, AKC BISS Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So HOF, CGC Jessie is 4 12 lbs. of red sable fun, not at public stud, but available to approved bitches for 150.00.Lovely Pomeranians Ms. Victoria E. Lovely 1406-D 54th Avenue East Fife, WA 98424-1284 Home 206-863-8608 Fax 206-922-0110The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199634Ch Finchs He Walks On WaterUPSTNEL CLUBIAGARAFALLSES. Z B 993NASHBEYSillergs Blackberi Echo Ch. Jo-Ai Echos Pride Rockys Sue Sue Sire Finchs Born Sweet ScottieM Betancourt Beau OSouthlandIK Lucky Pups Queen OHeartsRosewood Timstopper Czarina Ch. Finchs He Walks On WaterSouthlands Tar-Babys Image Doo-Shays Mystic Macgyver Southlands Toasted Scarlett Dam Finchs Ambrosa Mystery Annons Marquis De Tartan Wee Hearts Total EclipseWee Hearts AshauntiWinningest Black Pom in the history of the breed 9 All Breed Best In Shows, 3 Best In Specialty Shows, over 100 Best of Breeds, Best of Breed, Westminister, Hall of Fame, 1 winning Pom 1992, Gold Club Member, ROM Producer Producer of All Breed Best In Show Best In Specialty dog and bitch.Finchs Pomeranians Diane L. Finch28453 530th Avenue Kelly, IA 50134 515-769-2444The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199635Ch. Rock N Tradition OfOakridgeCh.Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Millamors TrademarkMillamors Musical Box Sire Ch. Millamors Mark TraditionCh. Millamors Rock Music Ch. Millamors Sparkling Music Millamors Molly Brown Rock N Tradition of OakridgeCh. I.I.I. Charming Gold Brandywine Ch. De Artas Rock DancerLittle Judy of Wright Way Dam Rock Dancers Little Rock ROMCh. I.I.X. Moongold Trapper DeArtas Dancing Moon GoldCh. Dancing Gold Muff of OakridgeJakepictured Au Natural at home after his retirement. Jake had at least 15 Group ls numerous other Group Placements as well as a BIS during his short show career. However, I consider his biggest achievement was the fact he won Top Producing Sire of 1995. He tied for 1994 and has numerous offspring that have finished 1996.Nina K. Epps 600 N. Gregg Road Nixa, MO 65714The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1936BISSBISA CH. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorAClCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Sire Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands VeronicaMillamors Melody Box Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorCh. Mercers Touch ODuke Ch. O My Pattys Touch-O-Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee Dam O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Jodas Starkist of Patri-ArkPatri-Arks Sugar SpiceThor is a 5 lb. clear orange with beautiful face and great movement. He is one of few breederowner handled Poms who have won BIS. He has thirteen champion get with three more who are pointed and currently being shown. Stud fee 300.Stolanne Poms Fran Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812-254-3857 812-254-3254 FaxThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199637Ch. Nabob Hes Stolanne MybeartCh. Sun Rays Bat ManSun Rays Diamond JimJoart's MadonnaSire Nabobs Champagne On IcePombredens Wht King of Kings Pombredens White LighteningPrincess Snowflake XIV Ch. Nabob Hes Stolanne MyheartCamelots Doctor Sam Ch. The Wizard of CamelotScorpios Midnite Madness Dam Nabobs Snow Patty Ocamelot Golden Bear VIII Nabobs Snow Dove of Patty ^ Adkins Snow Baby of PattyAl is a 4 12 lb. white with a lovely head and huge coat. He is producing whites with very black pigment and pretty faces. Approved bitches must be brucellosis negative. Stud for 300.Stolanne Poms Fran Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812-254-3857 812-254-3254 FaxThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199638Wenkesfs Harvest Moon56 V'wiJP3CCh. Millermors Trademark Ch. Millomors Mark TraditionMillermors Sparkling Music Sire Ch. Golden Aires MoonwalkerCh. Coys Top of the Mark DeArtas Dancing MarkettaDeArtas Wee Dancing CheriWenkests Harvest MoonCh. Nan Ks Mr Macho of Tim Sue Ch. Ger Lins Buster Brown of NanK Nan Ks Golden Girl Dam Pitti-Poms PumpkinsitaCh. Nan Ks Red Jasper Pitti-Poms Pixie Vixen^ Nan Ks Golden GingerWenkests Harvest Moon, Vestra My Love", took his first win at 8 months over specials. At one year he is a proven stud. He has a beautiful head with engaging smile and personality. Sound build and enchanting prancing gait. Dark orange, heavy-coated, good pigmentation. To approved bitches. Puppies occasionally.Wenkest Pomeranians formerly Pitti-Poms Pomeranians Wendy Jim Swimme P.O. Box 9604 Chesapeake, VA 23321757-488-7117The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199639Ch. Pitti Poms Lil Sir Lanceloti9lCh. Nan Ks Mr Macho of Tim Sue Ch. Nan Ks Golden NuggetNan Ks Golden GirlH Sire Pini Poms Ace of HeartsCh. Nan Ks Red Jasper Pitti Poms Pixie VixenNan Ks Golden Ginger Ch. Pitti Poms Lil Sir LancelotCh. Nan Ks Mr. Macho of Tim Sue Ch. Ger Lins Buster Brown of NanK Nan Ks Golden Girl Dam Pitti-Poms Pumpkinsita Ch. Nan Ks Red Jasper Pitti-Poms Pixie VixenNan Ks Golden GingerCh. Pitti Poms Lil Sir Lancelot, Lance, is Wenkest Pomeranians first home-bred champion. He is a 5 pound, striking light orange, heavy-coated, sturdy-boned, 4 year old proven stud with perfect legs OFA certified patellar. Being shown in Junior Showmanship so breeding dates must be by prior arrangement. To approved bitches. Puppies occassionally.Wenkest Pomeranians formerly Pitti-Poms Pomeranians Wendy Jim Swimme P.O. Box 9604 Chesapeake, VA 23321757-488-7117The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199640Ch.Jan-Les Maker of Fools-734fm eiX" CanAm Ch. Midas Fascinating RhythmCh. Debonnes Boxcar WillieCh. Bev Nors Classy Chassis Sire AmCan Ch. Jan-Les Willie MakitAmCan Ch. Jan-Les Ragtime Music Ch. Jan-Les Til We Meet Again Thelduns Tia Maria Ch. Jan-Les Maker of FoolsMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Prechus Sire Starfires PolyannaCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Bev-Nors Tarred An Feathered ^ Bev-Nors Missie MissChance, a beautifully typey orange, soon to be specialed, is a producer of champions and a specialty winnerJan-Les PomeraniansOwnerBreeder Jane Lehtinen 218-744-5653 EveningsHandler Jackie Rayner 609-587-2586The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199641Ch.Jan-Les Just Fooling Around2t.Ch. Debonnes Boxcar Willie AmCan Ch. Jan-Les Willie Makit M Ch. Jan-Les Til We Meet Again Sire Ch. Jan-Les Maker of FoolsCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Starfires PolyannaBev-Nors Tarred An Feathered Ch. Jan-Les Just Fooling AroundCanAm Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm BPIS Ch. Debonnes Boxcar WillieBPIS Ch. Bev Nors Classy Chassis H Dam Jan-Les Right On Time AmCan Ch. Jan-Les Ragtime Music Jan-Les Time After TimeThelduns Tia MariaMickey is a young, extremely typey boy, who is a group and specialty winner who finished undefeated At stud by private treaty.Jan-Les Pomeranians OwnerHandler Jane Lehtinen 216-744-5653 EveningsThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199642Jan-Les Color Me BaddCIV-Jan-LesCanAm Ch. Midas Fascinating Rhythm Ch. Debonnes Boxcar WillieCh. Bev Nors Classy Chassis Sire AmCan Ch. Jan-Les Willie MakitAmCan Ch. Jan-Les Ragtime Music Ch. Jan-Les Til We Meet Again Thelduns Tia MariaColor Me BaddCh. Midas Rock Tempo Ch. Midas Fascinating RhythmDixielands Music Box Dam Jan-Les Fascinating DesignCh. Jan-Les Legacy By Design Jan-Les Foreign DesignJan-Les Gimme A BreakNedd is a beautiful, exceptionally typey brindle who produces the brindle color. Near to his title. At stud by private treaty. His half-sister, Ch. Jan-Les Rumm Tumm Tigger, made Pom history by being the 1st true brindle to finishJan-Les PomeraniansBreederOwner Jane Lehtinen 216-744-5653 Evenings Co-Owner Mr. Duane DollThe Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199643Ch Bev-Nors Something SpecialMay Morning Social LionCh. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns little Tina Preshus Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeCh. Lenniss-Tar-Baby-Of-Great-Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and SassyBrittons Little Miss Muffet Ch. Bev-Nors Something SpecialCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Bobby Beam Great Elms Dolly Dam Great Elms April of Lenette Tomanolls Pacman OQueenaire Tomanolls June BugBradleys Winsome WendySomething Special a beautiful tribute to his sire-The Imortal Multi BIS SISA Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge. Thanks always to my friend Beverly Norris for leaving me a legacy of kids to work with...Beautifully linebred. Puppies available occasionally to those that appreciate the family. Where the Bev-Nors Boys Family Tradition lives on and on..................D. Stephen Turner 405 Rock Valley Road Frank P. Jackson Holyoke, MA 01040-041 413-538-7683The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996oWotes...The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 199645The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996YourShowcaseforPurebredPomeraniansSUBSCRIPTIONRATESin U.S. Dollars 11 Issues Per Year Domestic39 3rd class postage 60 1st class postageForeign Rates Upon RequestSample Issues 6.00 each Back Issues 6.00 eachSubject to availabilityDOLL-MCGINMSPUBLICATIONS8848 BEVERLY HILLS LAKELAND, EL 33809-1604 TEL 941-858-3839 FAX 941-853-3624GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS AVAILABLEWE HONORVISAMASTERCARD AMERICAN EXPRESS47h lTHWefn^wsasaaof Manilai' 11ADVERTISING RATESIn U.S. DollarsAd SizeAnnualPrepaidContract Open RaiFull Page Deluxe Color 337.50 375.00Full Page Standard Color NA 250.00Full Page Black White 112.00 125.00Half Page 60.00 75.0014 Page 32.00 40.0018 Page 20.00 25.00116 Page 12.00 15.00STORK REPORT NA 10.00All ads 14 page and larger include one photo. Extra black white photos 5.00 each. All photos will be returned with your copy of the magazine. Standard Color denotes color photo, white background, black type, less than 75 words of type, position chosen by publisher.The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directory 1996The Pom Reader Stud Dog Directoryis brought to you by1J\77z Pom Readet'8848Bei 'erty Hills Lakeland, FI. 33809-1604I u 35'BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAIDPERMIT 395 LAKELAND, FL