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The Pomeranian Review July 1980

American ^omerantan Club, 3fnc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY 1980S3CHAMPION JERIBETHS IVAN IDEAL Subj. AKC Conf.Shown Winning Toy Group - 7 Months of Age - From Puppy Class Judged by Mr. Edward Jenner Owners Darrell and Olga BakerIN THIS ISSUE1980 STUD DOG REGISTER VISIT TO COLLIERS KENNELSGenetics of Chocolate Breeding by Dolly B. Trauner Parvovirus by Roberta Massey Pom People are the Nicest People by Karen S. Holder2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCAN. and AM. CH. CHRISCENDO COY COQUETTEI'X24BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXGR. PANAMA CITY DOG FANCIERS ASSN. FEBRUARY I960by Can. Bda. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion ex Can. Ch. Chriscendo Dancing StarletPictured completing her American title under Mr. Glen Fancy and handled by Eleanor Miller. "Amanda won three consecutive majors including BW and BOS at the Bay Colony Pom Specialty in the Fall and has several BB from the classes. In Canada she is a multiple BIS winner and No. 2 Pom in the country.Watch for her as a Special with her new co-owner Eleanor W. Miller.We wish them both the Best of LuckBreederOwner Christine D. Heartz ChriscendoP. 0. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada. B2N 5N2Co-owner Eleanor W. Miller Millamor5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland, Florida U.S.A. 33803POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian ffllub, Jttr.President...........................First Vice President Second Vice President . Recording Secretary ... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ..........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB....................................................................Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes......................................................................Mr. Thomas Daniels............................................................................Mr. Sam Zaneoff........................................................................Miss Nadine Hersil..........................................................................Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ............................................................... Mrs. Goldie K. MandleyMrs. Olga Baker Mr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Sally Baugniet Delegate to AKC .................BOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Julie Brumback Mr. H. W. Pottebaum Mr. Tony Short...............................................................Mr. H. W. PottebaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . Mrs. Roberta Massey, 1209 Carlton Drive, Racine, Wis. 53402 Circulation Manager .....................Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston, SC 29405Published quarterly at Racine, Wisconsin, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 14.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 3.50 Canada, Mexico, Foreign, 15.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription 10.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text ....................75.00Inside front cover........................................ 40.00Center Spread, 2 pages ............................... 80.00Full page ......................................................35.00Three-quarters page..................................... 30.00One-half page ............................................. 20.00One-quarter page vertical only ................ 10.00Charge for reproduction of pictures, up to 5 X 7 inches, 6.00. No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWiPRESIDENTSMESSAGEBy SOPHIE H. MAYES 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 19380 215-793-1912Roberta has put together another fine issue of the Review. Although the April issue went in the mail a little late, I think we should all be proud that our American Pomeranian Club can send such an interesting and excellent quality publication to all licensed Pom judges as well as the regular members and subscribers. Thank you, Roberta.Three cheers for Sally Baugniet Her article on the SIZE of show specimens should give us all much food for thought. Please try to follow her excellent advice to break the vicious circle of exhibitors showing only their smaller Poms because judges only seem to put up the little ones which may be because only the under five- pounders are taken into the ring.We have seen the quality of the Yorkies go down, down, down as the breeders show mostly their tiny, toy-type animals. Of necessity, larger bitches are kept for breeding. Do we want this in our breed To have a champion bitch able to free whelp a litter and to appear on the pedigree of future champions this surely should be among the achievable goals for Pom breeders.I. personally, was very glad to see the Code of Ethics reprinted. All members have signed it, most abide by it most of the time. We have had some complaints from time to time, many of which originated through misunderstanding rather than a deliberate failure to abide by the Code. Breeders are reminded of No. 6. allowing a 48-hour period for purchasers to have their Pom checked by THEIR OWN veterinarian.I would also like to talk a little bit about No. 9. "I will price my puppies within the breed range. There was a time when this paragraph applied to more UNDERSELLING than to OVERPRICING. This is no longer the case. Anyone can with some diligence buy a pet quality, AKC registered German Shepherd for 75, but to the best of myknowledge, 75 Pomeranians are a thing of the past. This is good.Poms have been in the limelight in recent vears several have been campaigned to Top Tov status and many have achieved Group I and Best in Show wins. Again, good Although we certainly dont want our breed to be in the top 4-5 most popular breeds, with all the problems resulting, neither do we want to sink way down the list to the seldom seen. But lets face it. Very few of ANY breed can make it to the very top, and there is bound to be a fairly big gap in quality between the Best in Show Poms and the pets. If we continue to increase prices for our Pet Quality Poms, we will soon price ourselves out of the market as far as the average pet buyer is concerned. Make no mistake, it is John Q. Public buying his cherished pet who will mark the success or failure of our breed to maintain its present position as a desirable and affordable Toy breed.A Top Show Prospect is worth a lot of monev. Experienced breeders can usually evaluate their puppies very well by the time thev are ready to be sold. Those which look like Future Champions are usually held until they are old enough for the early promise to be realized. But there are a few examples of either kennel-blindness or just plain greed which have been much talked about in our area in the past year. It seems to me that very, very few puppies less than six months old should be sold for a four figure price as Show Prospects. Some of these "Show Prospects can certainly be finished especially if campaigned by one of the top Pom handlers. But several of these high-priced puppies have barely managed to finish, and once finished, have disappeared from the scene completely. Meanwhile, the breeders who sold them at too voung an age for full evaluation to be made are the subject of some very scornful remarksSo, Breeders, please be more careful in your evaluations. If the puppy looks great at three months, keep him until he is old enough for you to be SURE of quality. Cherish your good reputations. It costs very little to feed and maintain a Pomeranian for a few extra months.Now about those pets. Pet prices will vary considerably from one area to another, so no exact figures can possibly be given. But when breeders DOUBLE and TRIPLE the usual pet prices for their own area in sellingPOMERANIAN REVIEWtheir pets, I feel that something is not quite right. Why should their PETS be worth so much more than the pets of other local breeders To paraphrase Gertrude Stein, "A Pet is a Pet is a Pet. To be sure, all are not created equal, quality among pets will vary, but I question why Breeder A should charge TWICE AS MUCH as Breeder B for a Pet Pom which might well be inferior to the lower-priced animal. Again, cherish your reputations. With some, it is "Here today, gone tomorrow, and five years from now the Pomeranian fancy will not even remember the names of some of these "Get Rich Quick breeders.To change the subject With the increase in dues ana Review subscriptions, our Clubis once more operating in the black. Praisi be This does not mean we should relax an forget that the Club needs the financia support of EVERY MEMBER in all it endeavors. Trophy pledges and Catalogui Advertising pledges for our February 198] Speciality Show will be found inserted it this issue. If you have nothing to advertise send in a Complimentary Ad. Or i contribution to the Trophy Fund. Sene whatever you can afford, but lets try tc make it a 100 response this year Names o all contributors to the Trophy Fund will be published in the Show Catalogue.Remember If you want the Club tc thrive, support it.COVER STORYby Darrell and Olga Baker"Ivan, as the King in "The King and I would say, "is a PUZZLEMENT. As a tiny pup, he stunned us with his attitude, his correctness and his extraordinary look Years of doing this had, however, seasoned us to watch, hope and be prepared sometimes for not-so-happy outcomes, for one reason or another. This time it just didnt happen-NOTHING went afoul and Ivan developed in every respect to be just what we planned him to be.Gingerly, we hauled him to New York with us in February, at six months of age, and watched him perform for both the Sweeps judge. Nadine Hersil, and the Class judge, Michelle Billings, like a super-star. This was the biggie-wow NATIONAL SPECIALTY and he did everything right again Such a KID, too Barely six months old.From there, second dog show Best of Winners big major, tough competition-- from Puppy Class always.Third clog show Again Best of Winners.Fourth dog show Best of Breed over four really FINE Specials, some top winners, and GROUP FIRST We countecf FIVE Best in Show dogs in THAT Group.Still a little thunderstruck, we flew out to West Texas shows three shows in three days, where Ivan finished Championship ateight months of age, from Puppy Class still, and also won BACK-TO-BACK GROUP FIRSTS INCREDIBLE Three Bests oi Breed-three Group FirstsHis Bests of Breed have in every case been over multi-Special Poms, which adds the excitement and value. We add that, in spite of encouragement from EVERYONE, we refrained from showing Ivan pas1 championship points required and earned, in spite of his potential Group and Best in Show possibilities, due to our most vehement policy of NOT EVER TAKING POINTS FROM ANOTHER DOG WHEN YOU DONT NEED THEM Some years ago we did the same thing when Champion Corns Duke Dragonfly completed championship-withdrew his exhibition when we were secure in number of points for championship. Weve never been sorry and we are crusaders for that philosophy and consider it wholesome and ethical.Ivan is winning, expecting litters and pleasing us completely. He is bred as a tremendous composite of DUKE DRAGONFLY bloodlines see pedigree in "Behind the New Champions and he reflects the planning. We sincerely hope that Ivan will continue to be wnat the judges, the Pomeranian world and the BAKERS want him to be.THE NEXT AVAILABLE COVER IS JANUARYPOMERANIAN REVIEWCH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMORIk.ROCKY shown winning the Toy Group at the Hoosier K.C. in Indianapolis, Indiana, March 23, 1980 under Mr. Heywood Hartley and handled by Eleanor Miller. He was Best of Breed under Mr. Robert Graham.Rocky congratulates his half-sister Ch. Browns Rock-A-Bye Baby Doll on completing her championship at Marion, Indiana, February 17,1980 under Mr. James Nickerson.Pedigree Behind New Champions.FLASHRocky was Best of Breed and Group Two at Ft. Wayne, Indiana, May 4, 1980, under Mrs. Mildred Heald. Owner-handled.Mrs. Wilma Jean BrownPh 317271-49548820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Ind. 46234POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. BROWNS ROCK N ROBINrrKJS5fNil.,U^ a ROBBY shown winning Best of Breed at Lima, Ohio, November 17, 1979, under Mrs. Lorraine Heichel. Robby congratulates his sire Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor on his recent Group One and Group Two wins. Also at stud are Ch. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie and Browns Stylish Rock N Roll. Now being shown.Congratulations to Nellie Sprunger and her recent champions.Best Wishes to Esther Fields, Eleanor Hyche and Poms.Mrs. Wilma Jean BrownPh 317 271-49548820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, Ind. 46234POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYS REPORT by DUDLEY ROACH 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, California 95350Area Pomeranian Club secretaries are dvised that they should not submit an pplication for their, specialties to AKC at he same time they request permission from tPC. When an APC permission request is ent to me, I must include it in my monthly ioard agenda so that board members may ote on it. When the vote comes back to rte. I write the letter of approval to AKC. At he same time, Ill send a copy of that letter o the area Pom Club secretary. When that locument is received, make application to 1KC. Such a procedure will help prevent laving AKC reject the specialty pplications.Recent applications for Pomeranian pecialties which have been received and pproved by the board arePomeranian Club of Greater Houston, 1780Northern California Pomeranian Club, 12380The Pomeranian Club of Michigan, letroit Area, 112280San Diego Pomeranian Club, 11180 The San Diego Pomeranian Club has applied or and received permission to host the 1981 iPC Summer Specialty.Mr. Robert L. Goodrich has been awarded ife membership in the American Pomeranian Club because of his contributions to the breed. Congratulations, BobHere is some pertinent information which [ received from AKC on May 10, 1980. Chapter 15, Section 6 of the DOG SHOW RULES has been amended, effective July 1, 1980, to provide for the transfer of a dog from one of the regular classes to the Best jf Breed or Variety competition. The aremium lists for all shows held between fuly 1, 1980 and June 30, 1981 shall carry the following statement in the Notice to ExhibitorsNOTE "Effective for all shows held on or after July 1, 1980, dogs which according to their owners records have completed the requirements for a championship after the closing of entries for the show, but whose championships are unconfirmed, may be transferred from one of the regular classes to the Best of Breed or Variety competition, providedthis transfer is made by the Superintendent or Show Secretary prior to the start of judging at the show.I know that you are eager to know the outcome of the vote for the addition of the major faults to the Standard. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of adding the faults. The vote was far in excess of the necessary two-thirds majority. The members of the American Pomeranian Club have spoken in a very decisive manner. The results of the voting for the judges for the Specialty will not be announced until they have been approved by AKC.Please add the following names to your up-dated membership rosterMr. and Mrs. D. W. Bradbury 7406 W. Bradbury Rd.Turlock. CA 95380 Ph 209 632-0248The following persons have been reinstatedMrs. Katherine Davy ARMrs. Lillian Muller CAMrs. Estelle McDonald TXAddress correction please make the change on your membership roster.Marc Deroches 41 Des Chenes St. lies D. OrleanProv. of Quebec, Canada GOA-4CO The American Pomeranian Club is pleased to welcome the following new membersAveril H. Asbeck ORSponsors Jean Schroll, Muriel Gunther Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Ayres CA Sponsors Dudley Roach, Wanda Roach Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Bradbury CA Sponsors Dudley Roach, Wanda Roach Mr. and Mrs. Laureano Castro NH Sponsors Jessie Young, Barbara Young Mr. and Mrs. Truman Cummings WV Sponsors Morris Carson, Marlene Scott Halsey Jerry N. Curtis NCSponsors Ruth Beam, Beverly Norris Rosemary Duggan NHSponsors Janice Young, Barbara Young Jerrie Freia LASponsors Morris Carson, Betty Carson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Keller CASponsors Dudley Roach, Wanda Roach Janice Keller CASponsors Dudley Roach, Wanda Roach Rose Keller MDSponsors Skip Piazza, Dianne JohnsonPOMERANIAN REVIEWMr. and Mrs. Roger McClanahan AZ Sponsors Dudley Roach, Wanda Roach Mr. and Mrs. Jon Marcantonio NJ Sponsors Darrell Baker, Skip Piazza Barbara Paine CTSponsors Pauline Hughes, Tom Stephens Dayon Race NYSponsors Lois Kraemer, Diane Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reilly TXSponsors Dorothy Bonner,Lula Mae Collier Lahoma Rollins MASponsors Thomas E. Daniels,H. W. Pottebaum Desaree N. Sandifer NCSponsors Ruth Beam, Beverly Norris Elisabeth Spillman SwedenSponsors Sally Baugniet, Richard BaugnietAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership t all who are interested in these principle and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club please contact the Secretary, or if you onl wish to subscribe to the "Review contac the circulation manager. Address on page 3 Review.DEADLINEWe are in the process of "streamlining the procedures we have been using to put the Review together. Effective with the October issue, it is ESSENTIAL that all columns and ads be received by the deadline in order to be used in that issue. Any material received after the deadline will be held for the following issue. Please, columnists, if you are going to the trouble of writing a column be sure to allow enough time in the mail to assure its arriving in time to be included in the issue you intended it to be.c274-PomeraniansKrystal Glass Specialties P.O.Box 1155 Glendale Hts., 111. 60137 312 665-2837KRYSTALGLASS SPECIALTIES All hand painted originalsGreat gifts for fun matches or specialtiesAll Breeds DoneAlso special rates on large orders.Order N. each set of 6274-LBS 9 oz. Brandy 5.00 21.00274-SBS 5'2 oz. Brandy 4.00 18.00274-LP 14 oz. Plastic 4.25 19.00274-MH 12 oz. Highball 4.00 18.00plus 2.60 for shipping all orders prepaid check or money orderState Colors in Pomsall sets must be the same colors different colors in sets will be charged per glassAll glasses are washable and made to be used.Write for list of other items available.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWLLL POMERANIANS HONORSCH. LLL FANCY GOLD GINA AND HER OFFSPRINGSIRECH.FANCYGOLDDANCEROFOAKRIDGEDAMCH. LLL FANCY GOLD GINA B 82376, orange, 5 12 lbs.Ginas dam - Penny is daughter of BIS Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge - also a tojEiroducer for LLL. Penny now lives with Pete Quebedeau in La. with 3 other .oms.SIRECH.LUCKYGOLDDANCEROFOAKRIDGEDAMCH.GINACH. LLL LUCKY GOLD GINNY B 111377, red orange, 5 lbs., free whelper. Will be bred in June. Championship pending AKC conf.JANICE LUGINSLANDAmericus, Ks. 66835 Ph.R.R. No. 1 316 884-5157POMERANIAN REVIEWLLL POMERANIANS HONORSCH. LLL FANCY GOLD GINA AND HER OFFSPRINGSIRE DAMCH. CH.LLL MITE OF GOLD SUNNY D 41379, orange, 4 14 lbs., lOpoints. Miracle breeding - sires sire and maternal grandsire are both Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge BIS.SIRE DAMCH. CH.LLL MITE OF GOLD SUZANNA B 101679, 4 12 lbs., red, pointed.This fun loving breedable size show quality bitch makes all the disappointments worthwhile. Watch for her at shows.I do have a few Poms for sale, both sexes.JANICE LUGINSLANDAmericus, Ks. 66835R.R. No. 1 Ph. 316 884-5157POMERANIAN REVIEWSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYby Gloria CarlinGreetings from sunny southern California Our San Diego Pomeranian Club held its Specialty in conjunction with the Del Sur Kennel Club on November 3, 1979.Our Trophy Chairman is Marilyn Hawley.Marilyn, with the help of our Specialty Committee, Marianne Alford and Joanne Vestal, put together a lovely show. They worked very hard with the organization of the trophies and our luncheon following the judging. All of our prizes were made of glass with an adorable little Pomeranian etched on the side. They were prizes that may be used in our homes such as a water pitcher, torte plate, bud vase, jam jar and serving dishes. Our trophy table was quite spectacular Thank you, ladiesGoldsuns Critics Choice, owned by Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros and handled by Adrian Alford, shown going Winners Dog and Best of Winners under Judge Miss Gwladys Groskin. Bergman Photo.4ir, it . vit, 'i a aI..Trophy Table at the San Diego Pomeranian h Specialty. Photo by Bergman.CluOur judge for the day was Miss Gwladys R. Groskin. She placed our Poms as followsWinners Dog Goldsun Critics Choice owned by Dan and Margaret Ontiveros.Reserve Winners Dog Staton Bandits Xerox Copy owned by B.L. and J.P. Staton.Winners Bitch Goldsun Delight 0 Beaver owned by Dan and Margaret Ontiveros.Reserve Winners Bitch SunRays High Society owned by Steve and Gloria Carlin.Best of Winners Goldsun Critics Choice.Best of Breed Ch. Goforths My Timmy Boy owned by V. Goforth.Best of Opposite Sex Goldsun Delight 0 Beaver.Best Puppy SunRays High Society.t siair', i1awardsJudge Miss Gwladys Groskin Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex to Goldsun Delight O Beaver, owned by Daniel Margaret Ontiveros. Photo by Bergman.Following the judging, our club members and guests gathered around for a terrific buffet dinner. We shared a good time of fellowship all learning just a little bit more about our precious Poms.POMERANIAN REVIEW le VrtCh. Goforths My Timmy Boy, owned by Violet Goforth, wins Best of Breed in this Bergman Photo.RettaJoodVi3^0 RtSSummers here and sos our new line of solid birch gift items featuring 9 Pom designs delicately hand-painted in your choice of color.From kennel signs to key chains, Pom note paper and greeting cards, custom design and Pom portraitsSend LSASE and fi fsff 1.00 for all 3 brochures to ^ 7. ..Brettwood ArtsP.0. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354CHEROKEE POMERANIANSThank You, Judge Isidore Schoenberg, for givingWinners Bitch and Best ot Opposite Sex toCHEROKEES DAZZLIN DAISYOwner Handled from Bred by Exhibitor Class at the Jefferson County Kennel Club Show.Janice Young St. Clair, MO 630771080 Carl Street Ph 314 629-2754I POMKRANIAN REVIEWvritNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.COME CELEBRATE WITH US AT OUR TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY SHOW NOVEMBER 23, 1980 SPECIALTYTo Be Held In Conjunction With San Joaquin K.C. All-Breed Show in Stockton, CA, at S.J. Co. FairgroundsA 3-Day CircuitYosemite K.C. - Friday, Nov. 21st Golden Valley K.C. - Saturday, Nov. 22nd San Joaquin K.C. - Sunday, Nov. 23rd.all subj. AKC approvalALL INQUIRIES TOSHIRLEY HOFFMAN, Bench Chairman4840 San Pablo Dam Road El Sobrante, CA 94803 415 223-4770POMERANIAN REVIEW 1POMERANIANSSHOWSTOPPER - HADLEIGH - PRESERVENESJcrtakesvtham photo...CAMELOTS SERENDIPITY Best In Sweepstakes American Pomeranian Club SpecialtyA big Thank You to Nadine Hersil for choosing "Chad and to the audience at ringside who agreed with her.Thank vou also for the placement of "Chads little sister Camelots Black Velvet, second in 6-9 month Puppy Bitches. The black white photos did not get back in time for the April issue.For Sale2 promising Puppies 1 Male 1 Female-Whelped 31480Sire Am. Can. Ch. The Pines Jack in the Box Dam Ch. Bevnors Song of CamelotWeve moved to 1926 Columbus Road RD2 Same Town, Zip and Phone number.Gertrude Jacoby Burlington, N.J. 080161926 Columbus Road RD2 609 386-3503____________________________________________________________________6 POMERANIAN REVIEWin jUtmortamWe regret to announce the death ofMr. Philip Lubertineon April 18, 1980We extend deepest sympathies to his sister, Rita jHemoriamWe announce with deep regret the death of Mrs. L.L. Media Winslow on April 30,1980 Club member and devoted fancier.POMERANIAN REVIEW IIN MEMORIAMWe sadly miss our dear friend, Pomeranian lover and Club memberMrs. Media LL WinslowMrs. Winslow got her first Pom about eight vears ago after retiring from Federal service. Starting from pet stock, she made tremendous gains in her breeding program, having bred Ch. Anwins Shadow Gay pictured in February issue.She was a person that always was willing to give more than she received. She often said she wished she had started earlv in life with her Poms.It was a real pleasure- to have the chance to know her.Maynard Wood Bob Goodrich8 POMERANIAN REVIEWVISIT TO COLLIERS KENNELSby Kenneth W. MayesThe Collier Kennel, owned and operated by Lula Mae and Royal Collier, is located just a few miles north of a small, industrious town named New Braunfels and is only about thirty miles from San Antonio, Texas. Although Lu is a native Texan, she didnt get to live in Texas very much after she married Royal because he was a career Air Force man. As is usually the case, the Air Force transferred them all over the World. Their last overseas assignment was in 1952 1953 in England, after which Royal came back to the States to retire. They settled only briefly in San Marcos, Texas, until 1955, but Royal got a Civil Service job with the Air Force at Plattsburgh Air Force Base so they moved to Plattsburgh, Pa. Thev lived in Plattsburgh until 1969 when Roval retired again, this time from Civil Service, and they made the move to their present location.It wasnt until 1953 that Lu became the owner of a Pomeranian and that was just by chance. Her daughter purchased a male Pom for a pet from Gladys Schoenberg Aristic Kennels in the summer of 1953, but had to leave it with Lu when she went off to school. They knew absolutely nothing about the breed at that time, but Lu now thinks that he could have been shown. He was a very nice size with a short, cobby bodv and a lovely coat. However, when they moved from San Marcos to Plattsburgh in 1955. their daughter, who was then living in Dallas, Texas, kept the dog. It was then that they decided they couldnt do without a Pom.n - w. ,rI m.. t s Penny Sue-Sue Golden Mist relaxes in the house.On a visit back to Dallas in 1956, Lu decided to get a bitch from Jewel Ellis Shady Grove Kennels in Grand Prairie, Texas. This bitch was Red Rosette of Shady Grove and was the foundation bitch of Lus kennel. They took her back to Plattsburgh and in 1957 her first litter of Poms was produced. It was only one male, Rosettes Golden Sunday, sired by Golden Sheik of Gavtime who was the get from Ch. Little Tims Sunburst and Dixielands Gold Sallie.From that time on, Lu and Royal were hooked on Poms and on each trip back to Texas they purchased another Pom to take back with them. On one trip, they bought from Gladys Schoenberg a bred bitch who became the Grand Dam of Lus very first champion. Am. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri.Until 1957, Lu and Royal had never been to a dog show. They went to their first show, as spectators, at Lake Placid, N.Y., and to their first show as exhibitors at the Mohawk Valley Kennel Club, which was a Fun Match. Lu exhibited Golden Tina Marie and won her first show ribbons. Of course, after this they were also hooked on shows, and since they couldnt bear to part with the puppies they raised, a Pom kennel was born. During the period of time they lived in Plattsburgh, Pa., they maintained about twenty Poms in the kennel.tvLu with Poms in motor home-1-r Ch. Colliers Golden Dream On, Colliers Golden Charlene and Penny Sue-Sue Golden MistPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1'While living in Plattsburgh and exhibiting dogs, Lu became acquainted with many members of the American Pomeranian Club exhibiting in the area. Among those were Edna Girardot, Ina Kniffin, Joy and Mary Brewster, Francis and Mary Casey, Rex and Betty Bell, Bunny Sweet and many others.Their first home-bred champion, Am. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri was finished in thirteen shows. He got a Group placing from the classes at one show and won a Tov Group in a Canadian show. Beri was sired by Wistful Scamp and his dam was Golden Tina Marie. Scamp was Aristic bred on both sides of his pedigree. Beri also took a Best in Match at Glens Fall, N.Y., under Judge Joseph Rowe. In. 1969, before returning to live in Texas, they also finished Golden Tammy Sue for a Canadian championship.Before returning to settle down in New Braunfels, Texas, they reduced the kennel down to thirteen Poms. However, Royal had gotten interested in Shetland Sheepdogs so there were also four Shelties to take care of. Roval had shown some of them in Obedience and earned a C.D. on one of the males. They purchased two acres of land near New Braunfels, which also had a mobile home, a big 2-car garage and a good water well. Royal converted the garage into a kennel and also constructed the outside dog runs. Since they first moved there, they have purchased a huge new mobile home, one of the double-width types. It is so elegantly furnished you really have a hard time convincing yourself that you are in a mobile home. The home and the kennel are situated under a grove of big trees and look so cool and inviting on a hot summer day.Immi. i r c.'.vKennel runs and edge of kennel building.In 1970, Lu learned quite a lot abou animal care when she worked as an assistan to a local veterinarian in New Braunfels, Dr Franklin Kriewaldt. This experience has helped her a great deal in raising and carint for her own dogs. She got on-the-joE training in just about everything including surgery.They didnt start showing in Texas untii about 1971 and had to start making new Pom friends because they didnt know many Pom people in Texas.In 1972 they purchased Maykens Misty Morn and Maykens Sun Cricket, two very nice bitches, from the Mayken Pom Kennel Kenneth and Edith Rose Mayes in San Antonio, Texas. Lu exhibited Sun Cricket in the Texas Shows and finished her for her II.S. championship and later for her International championship. Sun Cricket was one of three champion bitches finished from the same litter Aristic Pepper Pods Gorgeous x Holders Sun Crystal.l .ftkLu with a lapful of gi Granny Sun Cricket in friris, including ront.Since they started showing Poms in Texas, Lu has gotten some very nice wins at some very important shows, including a Best of Winners at the Houston Pom Specialty in 1978 and a Winners Bitch, also at the Houston Pom Specialty, in 1979. Colliers Golden Charlene Am. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri x Am. Int. Ch. Maykens Sun Cricket was pointed in 1979 and was sold to another Texas exhibitor. I almost forgot to mention that in 1978 Lu finished Ch. Colliers Golden Linus, a grandson of Am. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri. She also pointed Colliers Golden Angel and sold her to an exhibitor in Dallas.At the present time, they are showing a20 POMERANIAN REVIEWbeautiful male who is just nine months old Mav Morning Ali-Echo x Am. Int. Ch. Mavkens Sun Cricket. He started his show career at the tender age of six months and currently has 14 points, including both majors, so Lu and Roy almost have a new champion. Ed. Note Since the Kennel Visit was written Lu has finished Colliers Golden Dream On and so has a new champion to her credit.KENNEL VISITFor the October Kennel Visit we will go back to the Midwest and the kennel of Lucius and Elinor Luccas. Come on, Mid- westerners. and all owners and admirers of Luells Poms across the country send in those congratulatory adsDC-10The American Dog Owners Association reminds us not to allow our dogs to be shipped in the rear compartment of the DC- 10 as problems have been encountered with heat build-up and poor air circulation in them.CongratulationsLOUon your kennel visit andmany past successes.Best Wishes for the future.MYWAY KENNEL Molly Miller Linda Jean MillerP.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573 713 332-1847CONGRATULATIONS and BEST WISHEStoLULA MAE AND ROYAL COLLIERon their Kennel Visit also toCH. COLLIERS GOLDEN DREAM ONhis show recordAli Echos 3rd champion out of 5 littersMAYKEN POMERANIAN KENNELKenneth and Edith Rose Mayes San Antonio, TX 782405973 Whitby Road Ph 512 696-0365POMERANIAN REVIEW 21COLLIERS KENNELSAm. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri 13 yearsWee Wons Golden Glow Aristic Luscious TadAristic Wee Luscious Wistful Scamp SireCh. Aristic Terrific Aristic Dainty Yvonne Aristic Yolanda Golden Sheik of Gaytime Rosettes Golden SundayRed Rosette of Shady Grove Golden Tina Marie DamCh. Aristic Flaming Cherub Aristic Cherubs Heap of Joy Aristic Jingles of JoyCh. Colliers Golden Dream On1 yearCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Tonos May Morning Ali-Echo Sire Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Aristic Pepper Pods Gorgeous Aristic Little Prissy Doll Int. Ch. Maykens Sun Cricket Dam Aristic Flaming Model Holders Sun CrystalHolders Sunflame SassafrasLu CollierRt. 1, Box 81New Braunfels, Texas 78130 Ph 512 625-05859 'a..jL ^22 POMERANIAN REVIEWCHESAI POMSsends Congratulations toLU COLLIERand her beautiful Golden Poms on their Kennel Visitand Congratulations on finishing CH. COLLIERS GOLDEN DREAM ONThank You, Lu, for CharleneCOLLIERS GOLDEN CHARLENESire Am. Can. Ch. Colliers Golden Beri Dam Am. Int. Ch. Maykens Sun CricketCharlenes show career has been interrupted due to an unfortunate incident which resulted in loss of coat. Meanwhile, we took advantage of the situation and she has been bred to Ch. Bonners Starlynmod Reveler.Joan M. ReillyRt. 2, Box 287 Port Lavaca, TX 77979Chesai Poms512 552-5777POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Bells of VermontSend Congratulations and Best Wishes toLULA MAE AND ROY COLLIERon their well-deserved Kennel Visit.Many Thanks to both of you for the friendship that has grown over the past 15 years. Thanks also for your advice and help, especially when you were living right across the lake in New York State.I would also like to thank Lu and Roy for their hospitality, for by the time this Review comes out I will have spent ten terrific days in Texas with them and visited many Pom breeders.Betty and Rex Bell802 863-3003132 Hinesburg Road South Burlington, VT 0540124 POMERANIAN REVIEWWOODROSE POMERANIANSProudly Presentsir r4rS^iV'1SHADOWDANCES TOUCH AND GO3 Vilb. Orange SableJUDGE Miss Dorothy Nickles HANDLER Yvette Oganeku"Cuffy is shown taking the Toy Group at the Hawaiian Kennel Club show on March 16, 1980. He now has 14 pts., including two 5 point and one 4 point major.Stanley and Clarice Oganeku Kaneohe , HI 9674445-232 Lilipuna Rd. 808 247-5332POMERANIAN REVIEWWOODROSES NEW CHAMPIONmiCH. CREIDERS JASON OF WOODROSEJason is shown going BOB over three lovely specials under William Bergum at the Concho KC show.He received his championship at less than 16 months of age under rough competition on the Texas Circuit. Jason is very sound and typey with an abundance of coat and a lot of styleMany THANKS go to Norma Creider, breeder, Sandy Tremont, who finished him and all those judges that placed Jason.Watch for him as a Special in Hawaii with his ownerhandler, Yvette. She capably handled Jason to his first 3 point major.BLACK IS BEAUTIFULSee Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsClarice and Stanley Oganeku Kaneohe, HI 9674445-232 Lilipuna Rd. PH 808 247-53326 POMERANIAN REVIEW1980 Stud Dog RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1980 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following ages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, nique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country, nevitablv, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in. for one reason or nother. But with so many represented, from every section of the country and of so many differ- nt bloodlines, we feel that our Register this year is very complete. May we request that when reeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention "I saw your stud card in the Review.Ch. Blackbeards Black Bishop Finished Undefeated in Five Shows With three 4 Point Majors. Superb Coat, Personality Showmanship.Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am.. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Ch. Topaze Pumkin SeedAristic Pepper Pod Gorgeous Am. Can. Ch. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze Holders Suncrvstal Ch. Blackbeards Black Bishop La Ritas Bonnie Duke Can. Ch. Ebony Warlock of Jay Moda Sharons Black Velvet Sunnyvale Blackbeard TwilightLa Ritas Johney Come Lately Goldpaz Penny BlackBeachs Midnight AngelBLACKBEARD POMERANIANS Kendra W. Shaw18 Fountain St.Gardiner, ME 04345 207 724-32400Blackbeards Two-Tone Toney Black Tan Litter Brother to Above Black Champion. Pointed. Siring Nice Pups of Rarer Colors.Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Ch. Topaze Pumkin SeedAristic Pepper Pod Gorgeous Am. Can. Ch. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze Holders Suncrystal Blackbeards Two-Tone Toney La Ritas Bonnie Duke Can. Ch. Ebony Warlock of Jay Moda Sharons Black Velvet Sunnyvale Blackbeard TwilightLa Ritas Johney Come Lately Goldpaz Penny BlackBeachs Midnight AngelBLACKBEARD POMERANIANS Kendra W. Shaw18 Fountain St.Gardiner, ME 04345 207 724-3240POMERANIAN REVIEWa.VCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Bright Orange 4Vi lbs. Group Winner, Sire of Champions Stud Fee 100Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Dixielands VeronicaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red MistMRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis. IN 46234 317 271-4954Ch. Browns Rock N Robin Orange Sable 3V6 lbs. Specialty Winner. Finished at 9 Months of Age. Stud Fee 100Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands VeronicaMillamors Melody Box Ch. Browns Rock N RobinCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Browns Fancypepper MarkCh. Bonners rancyflame Pepper-B Ch. Browns Fan-Magic Skeeter Gal Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Millamors Magic DragonCh. Millamors Magic BoxMRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis. IN 46234 317 271-4954vCh. Browns Gambling Man Orange 3 Vi lbs. Cobby. Group Placing Sire of Champions Stud Fee 100Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Miilamor.s Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Browns Fancypepper Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Ch. Browns Gambling ManCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic DragonCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistMRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis. IN 46234 317 271-4954POMERANIAN REVIEWAm. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Group Winner Sire of ChampionsLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolvnns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Am.. Can. Bda. Ch Nanjo Interlude Ch. Topaze Sir BlitzenCh. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavilier Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band BoxJABIL KENNELS Jessie and Barbara YoungLoudon Ridge Road RFD 8, Box 251 Loudon, N.H. 03301 603 435-87319 9Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful 4 lb. Bright Orange Group WinnerCh. Nanjo Masterpiece Am.. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolvnns Tiny Tyeca Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah C.D.Ch. Jabils Simply SinfulAm.. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah. C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band BoxJABIL KENNELS Jessie and Barbara YoungLoudon Ridge Road RFD 8, Box 251 Loudon, N.H. 03301 603 435-8731.. VAm. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D. 4i lb. Bright Orange Group WinnerLou-Lans Token of Friendship Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Nanjo JubilantAm., Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo InterludeCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Thelcolynns Tiny Karla Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D. Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Dream Boy Glad Days Dream Girl Jabil Petite Delilah C.D.Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Roanokes Band BoxScotia Jimmy Jets CricketJABIL KENNELS Jessie and Barbara YoungLoudon Ridge Road RFD 8, Box 251 Loudon, N.H. 03301 603 435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Idlewyld Gemstone C.D. 4'A lb. Orange Sable Pointed OffspringCh. Phyner Night Editor Consistent Top-Winning Black Proven Sire of Chocolate,Black Tan, Beaver.5 lbs. Dense, Harsh, Non-Grizzled Coat.Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order 4 lb. Lightly Sabled Orange Champion Producer Stud Fee 100Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone C.D.Wee Danny StarAm. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy Wee Red Lady Star Golden Tiara Dambeastie C.D.Windfalla of Highland Pixies Hello Dolly Galavichs Francie IDLEWYLD POMERANIANS Margaret and John McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-9318Ch. Creiders Ebbtide of Queenaire Ch. Morenos Special Edition Morenos Orange Bubbles Ch. Moreno9 Hot Off the PressCh. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Blossom Views Red JewelBlossom View Gold Princess Ch. Phyner Night Editor Little Black Timmy Ch. Cin Dees Tiny TimBlossom Views Black Cin Dee Phyner Chiquita NegritaCh. Cin Dees Tiny Tim Ch. Phyner Bumble BeeAm. Can. Ch. Phyner Black QueenaireDOLLY B. TRAUNER2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115 415 346-5314Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion Mav Morning AliceCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of EdneyCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Mav Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Ch. Great Elms Timstojpper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper s Image Great Elms LindaPostscripts AftRNoon DelightCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ednevs Miss Pattycake Edneys TaffyTERRI MOEBUIS1719 Manor Road Baltimore, MD 21222 301 284-3093 POMERANIAN REVIEW_Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger 5 lb. Bright Clear Orange Stud Fee 125Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Chief 4 lb. Deep Solid Orange Stud Fee 125Ch. Silver Meadows Frostee Cub 4 lb. Cream Stud Fee 125Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland May Morning Little Audrey Ch. Sunwink of HighlandCh. Highland Flashalong Aristipretty of Highland Highland Miss Muffet Ch. Silver Meadows TigerCh. Lyons Willie of Ru-Gene Silver Meadows PerriwinkleMound View Ducal Merry Julo Silver Meadows Lady TaffyCh. Milo Dawn of Ken Gay Silver Meadows Lady of Ken-Gay Ken-Gay Lady PeggySILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716 237-5473Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Jitterbug Millamors Red Mist Silver Meadows Joey O Millamor Lou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold Piece Ch. Silver Meadows Lil ChiefCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CrickettSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716 237-5473Ch. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland SunflashHighlands Ristic Petite Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Ch. Myway Dae DreamCh. Myway Dawning Delightful Dae Ch. Silver Meadows Frostee CubCh. Bonners Prettystyle Preshus Oak Hill ThornOak Hills Crickett Silver Meadows RufflesCh. Highland Sunflash Silver Meadows SunwinkSilver Meadows Miss WinkumsSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS Ron and Jackie KleinSilver Springs, N.Y. 14550 716 237-5473POMERANIAN REVIEWPomirish Christopher Robin Pointed, CobbyRed Sable Stud Fee 100Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Ch. D-Nees Darin' DinadanCh. D-Nee's Dorable Dazzler Pomirish Pooh Bears TiggerShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Pooh BearScotia Double Gr Da O' Cavilier Pomirish Christopher RobinCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Dee Dee of Lenette Pomirish Buddys Red Rose Oakleys Little Tee Bear Ansae of LenetteOakleys Little AnnaPOMIRISH KENNELS Dick and Sally Baugniet11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, Wl 54228J crJ.Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Sire of Champions Including a Multi-Group and Specialty Winner. Sound, Orange Sable. Stud Fee 125Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance Multi-Group Winner Specialty BW Bermuda BIS Puppy Major Canadian Pointed Light Cream, Cobby, Sound, Excellent Pigment. Stud Fee 150Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Fancvduke Wee Wendy McDougalls Lady Fancy Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Tuffv of Disheroon Pamtuf Star of Disheroon Pamela of DisheroonPOMIRISH KENNELS Dick and Sally Baugniet11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, Wl 54228Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear NCh. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Edna of LenetteAddie of LenetteCh. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only ChanceMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirisn Gem Smoky Morenos Lady B-Good Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O'CavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochurePOMIRISH KENNELS Dick and Sally Baugniet11224 County Hwv. B Mishicot, Wl 542282 POMERANIAN REVIEWU4rCan. Bda. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Multiple BIS Winner Top Pom in Canada 78-79 Sire of 2 BIS Winners..Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan BIS - Specialty Winner Producing ChampionsCh. Auroras Pretender Double Dinadan Grandson Red, 33A lbs.Stud Fee 100Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Can. Bda. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors MarrilynnLou Lans Token of Friendship Lou Lans April Gold Models Gold PieceCHRISCENDO Chri9 and John HeartzP.0. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Ch. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaires Jigger 0 Scotch Creiders VickiCh. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler Ken-Gav Laddy of Milo D-Nees 'Dorable DollySnow Baby White FluffNADINE HERSIL3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, WI 53110Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanCh. D-Nees 'Dorable Dazzler Ch. Auroras Inaminit DinadanCh. Queenaires Jigger 0 Scotch D-Nees 'Dorable Dimples D-Nees 'Dorable Dolly Ch. Auroras PretenderCh. Creiders Timothy Topcat Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanCh. D-Nees 'Dorable Dazzler Ch. Auroras Darin CourtesanCh. Auroras Mighty Sampson Ch. Auroras Crown Jewel Auroras Lucent BellaAURORA POMS Jackie and Chuck Liddle15630 Ridgemont Ave. S.E. Prior Lake. MN 55372 612 447-4901POMERANIAN REVIEWi.'-'iiAm. Can. Ch. Sissons Amberino Joe Champion ProducerCh. Sungolds Gay Caviller Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Brelands Little Sandra Billy Joe JoeCh. Ken-Gay Milo Peanut Ken-Gay Merribell Peanut Ken-Gay MerribellAm. Can. Ch. Sissons Amberino JoeCh. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Billy Joe JoeKen-Gay Merribell Peanut Tiny Teardrops IILil Doodle Bug of Highland Warrens ApplaANADORS POMERANIANS Ann and Gene WelshingerRt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 54880 715 399-2702Ch. Wild Acres Duces Wild My First Homebred Champion Finished with Two 4 Point Majors.Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight Kavillas Jolly Ebony Jet Goldpaz Ebony Princess Blossom Views Lil Black Ace Ch. Cin-Dees Tiny Tim Blossom Views DinahBlossom Views Lil Liza Jane Ch. Wild Acres Duces Wild Hadleigh Little Jo-Jo Ch. Elsies Little Yogi Bear Elsies Peaches n Cream Yogis Pumpkin SeedBlossom Views Hadleigh Red Boy Bobbys Lil Miss Blossom View Blossom Views Taffy GirlWILD ACRE KENNEL Judy Whipple2462 West 14400 South Bluffdale, UT 84065 801 254-1404Co-Owned by Wendy Gansereit5363 Gurene Drive Holladay, UT 84117 801 272-6400 v.Wild Acres Touch of Gold My Beautiful Baby Watch for Him at the ShowsCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Caviliers Lil Tid BitCh. Scotia Caviliers Toby Tyler All-Stars Toby Lil Tidbit Grayfalls Julo Juliet Wild Acres Touch of Gold Ch. Highland Sunflash Silver Meadows WolfgangTim Sue Lover O Silver Meadows Mercers Chick A DeeCh. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug Ch. Tim Sues Love TuneMillamors Harmony of Tim SueWILD ACRE KENNEL Judy Whipple2462 West 14400 South Bluffdale, UT 84065 801 254-1404POMKRANIAN REVIEWCh. Chips of Diamond 3 Vi lb. Bright Clear Orange To Approved Bitches Only 804 798-7882Ch. Enjays Puppet on a String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Models Truly a DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Models Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Models Solid GoldCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair WindemereEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005fmmCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond 4'z lb. Bright Clear Orange To Approved Bitches Only 804 798-7882Ch. Enjays Puppet on a String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Models Truly a DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Models Truly FairGreat Elms Little Candy Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Models Solid GoldCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair WindemereEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005.'1 ,-pi. - .. - Ct'f j9 9 Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip 4z lb. Clear Orange To Approved Bitches Only 804 798-7882Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly a Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Models Son of Fun Models Solid GoldModels Bewitched Ch. Emcees Sparkling ChipCh. Enjays Puppet on a String Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Emcees Sparkling Hot TamaleCh. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms Emcees Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss MuffetEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWXCh. Glad All Over At Rosskear The Eighth Generation Champion in an UNBROKEN Line of English Champions. Fee 100Ch. Modelstar of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh StarlightHadleigh Zoira of Zanow Eng. Ch. Hadleigh Supersonic Hadleigh Beau Geste Ch. Hadleigh Dolly DimpleHadleigh Annarbe Sunset Pride Ch. Glad All Over At RosskearCvnpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Ch. Wvnwrights Mid-Winter Boy Bulver My Fair Lady Winter Sunbeam of RinglandsCh. Mosey The Menace of Vernlil Little Menace of Ringlands Ringlands Thank Goodness DAVONSHIRE KENNEL REG.Norman Jerome 5726 Farragut Street Hollywood, FL 33021 305 987-5126LoAS''-..-Ch. Davonshire Misty Morn Red Sable, 4 lbs. Prepotent for Small Ears, Short Backs, Sound Legs. Fee 100Cvnpeg Saymar Gay Gambler Ch. Wvnwrights Mid-Winter Boy Bulver My Fair Lady Ch. Home James of Rosskear Andersley A Flash Caret DustetteAndersley A Moondust Ch. Davonshire Misty MornCh. Cvnpegs Gamblers Gold Amcross BenjaminSuttonian New Venture Amcross Apple CharlotteCh. Cvnpegs Gamblers Gold Amcross ZinMadela JulianaDAVONSHIRE KENNEL REG.Norman Jerome5726 Farragut Street Hollywood, FL 33021 305 987-5126Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy 5 lb. Orange Siring Nice Puppies Stud Fee 100Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner-s Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Styletess Model Bonners Little Miss WagCh. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Sunfire MischiefBonners Pepper-K SunkissRoberta Massey and Dorothy Bonner1209 Carlton Drive Racine, WI 53402 414 639-68856 POMERANIAN REVIEWAvtFelicitys Snowfire Sound, Heavy-Coated Cream Proven. Stud Fee 751Ch. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Group PlacingsPointed and Champion Offspring Stud Fee 75 To Pueblo AirportCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Felicitys SnowfireTholes Little Buster Hi Vu Teddy BearStalkers Amber Jewel Felicitys Sweet N SassyCh. Nanjo Masterpiece Gemini Flirtatious Miss Blairs FlirtationFELICITY KENNELS Doris ThomasRoute 13, Box 136 Frederick, MD 21701 301 694-9791Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty CuteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of MercerCh. Pearls Busy Buddy Yancv Hardman Pearls Desilu Vans Champagne GirlCh. Bonars Lucky Skipper Gold Yillie Del Hardman YomoPATRI-ARK POMS Pat Clark34735 Jersey Road Pueblo, CO 81006 303 948-4359LIFE MEMBERWe would like to offer Congratulations to lr. Bob Goodrich, new Life Member of the Lmerican Pomeranian Club. Most of our lembers and subscribers are amiliar with Bobs name and his 'oms, as he has been a regular supporter f the Review through his ads. For those ass familiar with him, we would like to let ou know that Bob has been breeding Poms or thirty years and has been a member of he Club for about twenty-five years.He started his "Model kennel with omwin and Great Elms stock, later adding he Thelcolynn line for color. He has bred bout twenty-eight champions, his favoriteprobably"ModeFbeing Ch. Models Magic Timstopper, a nice red boy. His most well-known dog was probably Ch. Models Son of Fun, who appears on many pedigrees. Son of Fun was also a Best in Show and Specialty winner, having won a N.Y. Specialty and one at the Western Pomeranian Club in Chicago. In addition he had 15 Group wins to his credit.When asked about how he feels about the Poms seen in the ring now. Bob was most enthusiastic, believing that not only has quality improved lately but showmanship as well, which he tends to believe is due to more Poms being worked in Obedience as well as in the Breed ring.POMERANIAN REVIEWINTRODUCING MY RECENT CHAMPIONS.......... Z. 35if jC- JM 4 aw"USCh. Musics Jenny of Millamor Ch. Musics Penny of Millamor_____ .-'''.........., i'MililllilUW... W.., .Ch. Mi Little Jodie PieCh. Mi Tiny TimAll were finished owner handled. Thanks to all Judges for making this possible and to all friends that were helpful.Pedigrees Behind New Champions. Champion Stud ServiceCongratulations to Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor on his Group wins.Celina, Ohio 45822 Ph 419 942-1246Mrs. Nellie Sprunger555 Frahm Pikei POMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORIALMost of us art- pretty well aware of the pense involved in breeding dogs. In these flalionarv times it is even more difficult to ntinue breeding. The cost of everything is dog food, veterinary care, show penses and equipment along with the aring cosl of shipping our beloved girls to bred to "Mr. Spectacular. There seems be no end in sight.More and more we hear of rather routine ceding taking place, with too many girls mg bred to "Mr. Plain Pockets simply scause he is conveniently located and it ves the cost of shipping. Not enough lought is given to appearance let alone rdigree. All too often the results are more Plain Pockets" to add to the already tragic I over-population problem.Think. Breeders-it is expensive to raise a Iter properly. Also it takes a lot out of a Ich to carry and nurse a litter. Sometimes section is involved more expense whichlimits the number of litters a bitch can have in the future.Rather than breeding to the nearest or first available male, why not wail-breed fewer litters if necessary while saving for the shipping fee to send your girl to "Mr. Right. Through the Stud Register and the ads found in the Review the right stud for your girl can be found. Make your breedings count. Registration statistics bear out the fact that our breed is not going to fade out of existence if fewer mediocre Poms are bred. In the long run you will be better off as an individual breeder as you see improvement in your stock as the result of a controlled breeding program. The breed will cerlainlv be better off as fewer mediocre specimens are likely to result from more carefully planned breedings.Are YOU making the most of your breedingsThe follo wing article was published in the newsletter of the IVest Highland White Terrier Club o f treater Washington. We are grateful to Betty Bell of South Burlington, Vt., for submitting it to the leview.A dog breeder who was sick and tired of being taken by a car dealer decided to get even. X^hen the car dealer came to the breeder to purchase a dog, the breeder quoted the price as ollowsBasic Dog.................................................................................................................................................... 75.00Real Fur exterior only............................................................................................................................. 45.00Dual ears each 7.50 complete set............................................................................................................. 15.00A "classic 1 on the floor and Precision-maderunning gear...front ...............................................................................................................................25.00...rear ............................................................................................................................ 25.00Automatic Table duster................................................................................................................................. 35.00Loud warning horn........................................................................................................................................ 20.00Automatic face washer ................................................................................................................................. 20.00Garbage disposal........................................................................................................................................... 40.00TOTAL including Dealers Prep., F.O.B. Detroit 350.00Price complies with President Carters wagprice guidelines.With the "classic 4 on the floor, this particular model is a real beauty. It operates on a substance available everywhere. The substance is recognized wold wide as LOVE. No need to worry about those fuel stations closing on Sunday. "LOVE FUEL is always available, in all 50 States and all Nations.POMERANIAN REVIEWPA-DAS KENNELSAnnounces Their First ChampionrAm. Mex. Ch. Manies Twinkle Toes"Twinkle is shown finishing her championship with a 3 point major at Rio Hondo Kennel Club January 26, 1980, under Judge Glen Sommers and handled by Frank Mercer.She has finished her Mexican championship in four shows with four Best of Breeds. She is the FIRST Arizona Pom to finish a championship in two countries.A special Thank You to Elma Manies for letting us have this special girl.Patricia L. Forst David B. NoackPh 602 247-48834414 North 48th Ave. Phoenix, Ariz. 85031POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE SISTERS BEAUTIFULii.V S'-VwThis stunning litter of Champion Litter Sisters was bred by Dorothy Bonner.Ch.Coquette is owned by Dorothy Bonner.Ch.Bonners Starcrest CoquetteCh.Trillette was owned and shown bv Trillis Duncan and later sold with major points to Karen Holder. Karen finished her to championship.fmCh. Bonners Starcrest TrilletteCh.Minette was owned and finished to championship by Dan and JoEllen Mercer. She is now owned bv Karen Holder. Watch for her as a Special.Ch.Bonners Starcrest MinetteCongratulations to Dorothv Bonner on being the breeder of this fantastic litter of three sisters. Many, many thanks to her for the help, encouragement and inspiration she has given us.Karen Holder Dan Mercer Trill DuncanPOMERANIAN REVIEW...PRESENT...THEIR CHILDREN BEAUTIFULSireCh. Bonners Kristin StarmistDamx Ch. Bonners Starcrest Coquette"Starco is owned bv Dorothv Bonner. He is a short, heavv coated, compact dog. Siring nice puppies.Ch. Bonners Co-Starlyn NewsmakerSireCh. Mercers Youngduke of Tim SueDamCh. Bonners Starcrest Trillette"Wendy is owned by Trill Duncan, her breeder. She is a Toy Group Winner. A beautiful blend of DukeStarmist.Ch. Windy Acres Lil TrinketSire DamCh.Mercers Ch. BonnersYoungduke of x Starcrest Minette Tim Sue"Touch is owned by Dan and JoEllen Mercer. He is an orange beautiful head and body. He also sires nice puppies.Ch.Mercers Touch O DukeKaren Holder19077 Quail Hollow Strongsville, OH 44136Dan and JoEllen MercerRR 1, Box 147Big Springs, NE 69122Trillis DuncanRR 2, Box 600F Rapid City, SD 57701POMERANIAN REVIEWPRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSCH. MERCER S TOUCH O DUKESee pedigree behind new ChampionsAt Stud Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue by Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Mercers Touch O Duke by Ch. Youngduke Mercers Wagstar O Cheelen by Ch. Bonners Lisalu Wag Mercers Black Bart by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers ImageWe have several litters due this springDan and JoEllen Mercer Big Springs, Ne. 69122Rt. 1, Box 147 Ph 308 889-3109 EveningsPOMERANIAN REVIEWCANADIAN SCENEby JOAN GRANT Box 1423 Golden, B.C.VOA IHO, CanadaMy informants really goofed with the show news from the February shows in Calgarv, for I learned six weeks later that a Pom had gone Best In Show. You will remember that I told you that these shows had the largest entry ever in any Canadian shows, and many of the top-winning dogs were exhibited, so the breeder-owner of the Best of all has every reason for special pride. The Pom who was awarded this "diamond and I use the term correctly in both usages of the word was Millamors Rock Montegram, bred by Eleanor W. Miller, and handled by Barbara Humphries. Belated congratulations from myselfI am certainly beginning to miss the part of showing I was able to participate in when I lived in a major center and didnt have to leave until EVERYTHING was over. Of course, this meant often pushing a clean-up broom and struggling over the paper work, but now that I nave to drive home many miles that include a winding mountain pass road, I just cannot stay on the last day of a show weekend. Closing a show is a lot of work, but then too, there are those extra talk sessions that take place. And I do love to talkSince Calgary, I have only been to the shows in Edmonton, and must say that I had a great time. Not because I have such terrific show wins to report for my own dogs for one day my girl got third in a class of four.but because of the camaraderie of the exhibitors and the friendliness of all the many folk who came to see the Poms either because they had one at home, or wished they had. I think everyone there with Poms was just as excited as the owner when Janet Barrett came out of the Toy Group ring with a second place ribbon for her boy, "Pomkins General Wolf, bred by herself. I wish I could report whether the next days Best of Breed Pom. "Sunbursts Tittle Prince, shown by his breeder-owner, too. placed in the group, but as usual I had to leave earlv as it was 500 miles home. The entrv at Edmonton was twelve Poms each dav. and as this is a fairly small show it might indicate that we will have competition at all the shows in 1980. Personally, as long as mv opposition have attitudes as they did at these shows. Ill take any number.Now a question for you all to think v seriously about. Have you got a fire pit Did I ever have to get mine organized ii hurrv recently when a nearby hay fie uncut for two years, joined forces witf brisk wind and a dropped cigarette, a burst into rapid flame, with only a half m of trees and grass between my kennel a the field, I did some fast moving. By t time the thick evergreen forest surroundi the farm was afire, I had moved thirty-o dogs into a slough that is called my frc vard during the dry times of the ye Fortunately I had cages very handy as the from the show had not been stored, t more fortunately, the fire created its oi back-draught, and turned away from us a toward the mountain. A lot of the boardi dogs were tied to trees, etc., and I was gl that leashes were hanging so handy for n As it happened, I had no vehicle to ta them away in as my son had filled our or car with shovels, pails and rakes and head into the fight. One small dog, belonging the farm owners, is very glad Lance w there, for it got trapped between two are of flame and was trying desperately to c itself into a small snowbank when he foui it.In this particular instance nothing serio was lost, nothing was burned of any gre value, for the dozers did get enough tre down to prevent the fire spreading, and nc I have some cages readily available ai strong leashes right at hand, and I am al hoping that I am not alone next time. I ha lost weight this past year, but I am still ti fat to do all that runningOn the home front, since the exciteme of the fire, we have been hard at work the house as usual. The newest developme is the removal of the old roof, and the layi of plastic for now for the wind to move it pleases, and subsequently tl organization of buckets under all tl "musical spots in the house. It has taken lot of buckets, but the new roof will be soon and then I can find something else play with besides water.Obedience is going full swing, too-a who knows, maybe the Pom I am traini this vear will actually see the ring the h one never did get there. Of course, if I g too busy traveling to all the shows that a coming up, I wont have time to train, have every hope of seeing many of you the Pom Olympics in Oregon, especial those who havent come to see me yet. B now.POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional letails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines vill be published upon receipt of 15.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be n file with the Review, the charge is 9.50.h. jeribeths ivan idealrange male Ireeaers-Owners arrell and Olga Baker ieabrook, TXCh. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. My way Duke Celou Gelae Molly s San Dee Sue, C.I. [eribeths Izzisit SireCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Jeribeth's Cheers to Duke Jeribeth's Toast to Duke Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jo-Arts Put Up Your Dukes Jo-Art's Golden Lady leribeihs Idol Baker DamCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Toast to Duke Tono's Toastie MeliCH. THELDUNS MISCHIEF HOLLYOrange Female Breeder John K. Bishop Owner Thelma M. Dunn Aberdeen, MDCh. Thelcolvnns Showstopper CH. Blairs SolitaireBlairs Adorable Bit O Gold Dunns Little Tomstopper SireCh. Mav Morning Bravo Bravo Mav Morning Sweet Mary AnnMav Morning Honey Chile. C.D.Ch. Mav Morning Bravo Bravo Mav Morning Social Lion Mav Morning Alice Kennors Lady Sheena DamCh. Randvs Dragonfly Top O The Line Star Brites Lady Dawn Anna NatashaCH. GOLD GEM RUFFLES BUTTONS BOWSOrange Female Breeder Claire Hendrix Owners Wayne and Erika Moureau Cypress, TXCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Ch. Scotia President Jim Scotia Nikki Tee AmyCh. Sunray Gold Gems President SireMajor Dink of Sunray Ch. Sunray Cup ie Doll Sungolds Lolly Naps Sir Cream Puff Gorrin Pixietown of HadleighLockslev Halls Gae Rhapsody Gold Gems Ruffles DamEng. Ch. Cynpeg Finger of Fortune Gorrin Tracv Cynpeg of Zanow Stinsons Ramblin RoseCH. MERCERS TOUCH O DUKEOrange Male Breeders-Owners Dan and JoEllen Mercer Big Springs, NEBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Gh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss CricketCh. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue SireCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sues Gay ButterflySilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff Bonners Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod Bonners Starcrest Minette DamCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Bonners Starlyn ModetteBonners Styletess ModisteViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENTSUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. MUSICS JENNY OF MILLAMORDeep Orange Female Breeder-Owner Nellie Sprunger Celina, OHCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RoclcMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Millamors Rock Music SireCh. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Millamors MarlitaCh. Millamors Minute Box Baby Candy Bear Bumbo Jumbo Crawfish Pie Sprungers Cindy SueJeannie With The Golden Glow DamPearls Happy Boi Pashadols Golden Penny Rubys PennyCH. MI LITTLE JODIE PIEOrange Sable Male Breeder-Owner Nellie Sprunger Celina, OHBaby JoeBaby Candy BearBaby Tiny RufflesBumbo Jumbo Crawfish Pie SireDoctors Spark of Gold Glory Sprungers Cinay Sue Cindy Lou VllCh. Twin Oaks Billy The Kid Ch. Twin Oaks Rockin Robin Twinkles of Spungold Mi Minnie Ha Ha DamLindas Fire-Cracker Rumble Hill Gypsy Star Jato Queen of ShebaCH. POMIRISH CR PUFFS ONLY CHANCECream MaleBreeder-Owner Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WICh. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N SireCh. Gt. Elms Buddy of Lenette Edna of LenetteAddie of LenetteMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Morenos Lady B-Good Ch. Pomirish Cream Puff DamCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochureCH. MUSICS PENNY OF MILLAMOROrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Nellie Sprunger Celina, OHCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Millamors Rock Music SireCh. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Millamors MarlitaCh. Millamors Minute Box Babv Candy Bear Bumbo Jumbo Crawfish Pie Sprungers Cindy SueJeannie With The Golden Glow DamPearls Happy Boi Pashadols Golden Penny Rubys PennyCH. MI TINY TIMOrange Male Breeder Betty Ellis Owner Nellie Sprunger Celina, OHCh. Davis Wee Gold Boxie Mommils Tiny TimDees Golden Cherub Mommils Wee Gold Stubby Sire Mommils Tiny Tim Mommils Ginger GirlMommils Inkie Darling Mommils Teddy Bear Mommils Midnight Jewel Mommils Inkie Darling Mommils Golden Chiffon DamMommils Tiny Tim Mommils Ginger GirlMommils Inkie DarlingCH. POMIRISH CANDYS TUFFY APPLEOrange Sable Female Breeder-Owner Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WICh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Pomirish Winnies Tuf Tigger Sire Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Winnie The PoohScotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Ch. Pomirish Candy Cane DamCh. Bonners Krismay Cardinal Ch. Pomirish Miss LickScotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier6 POMERANIAN REVIEWh. silver meadowsSPARKLE PLENTYrange FemaleIreeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, NYCh. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland Sunflash Highlands Ristic Petite Hh. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub Sire Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Ch. Myway Dae DreamMyway Dawning Delightful Dae Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red AmberCh. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun DamCh. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CrickettCH. BROWN S ROCK-A-BYE BABY DOLLOrange Female3reeder-Owner Wilma Jean Brown ndianapolis, INCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon Rock SireCh. Millamors Fancy gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Browns Fancy Pepper Mark Ch. Browns Gambling Man Millamors Magic Dragon Ch. Browns Lucky Lil Suzy Love Dam Aristic Pampered Lil Paddy Bonners Pampered Lil Cookie Aristic Ginger CookieOHIO POMERANIAN CLUBBy Audrey L. Humphrey 6296 Third Avenue Kent, Ohio 44240Hello from sunny Ohio The summer hows have finally started and hoy, are we eady. Our Poms are looking good and are -eady to start competing.We have accepted some new people into jur Ohio Pomeranian Club and wish to sxtend an invitation to Pom people in our irea looking for a friendly club to join. You an write to me for a membershipCH. CREIDERS JASON OF WOODROSEBlack MaleBreeder Mrs. Norma Creider Owners Yvette and Clarice Oganeku Kaneohe, HICh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Creiders Sundance SireCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Miss RiptideCreiders Scarlet OHara Am.. Can.. Mex. Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Dandy Kitch Queenaires Scotch N SodaCreiders Diane of Queenaire Creiders Kathy DamCreiders Sable Dandy Creiders BallerinaCreiders Starette FinaleCAN AM. CH. CHRISCENDO COY COQUETTEOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Christine D. Heartz Truro, Nova Scotia CanadaCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Can. Bda. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion SireCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Millamors Marrilvnn Lou Lans April Gold Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Can. Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Starlet Dam Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance Millamors DancetteMillamors Red Flametteapplication.we held a get-together after the Columbus show in Aprd and talked about new puppies one little female belongs to Donna Megenhardt. Donna wishes to thank Karen Holder for the cute showy girl.We also talked to Loren Straslicka about his "Coco Marlorns Hot Chocolate. Coco got his championship title at Western Reserve Kennel Club in Cleveland, Ohio. That was the first three shows both Loren and CocoI better close this column now. I hear puppies harking better go check it outPOMERANIAN REVIEWaULIKE FATHER, LIKE SONIAM. CAN. CH. JABILS SIMPLY SMASHINGPictured going Group I under Judge Ken Miller on April 26, 1980. Also Group I under Judge Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman at Genesee County on March 16, 1980.Our Thanks to the judges who have given him multiple BOB and Group Placements.We would like to thank our friend Bernadine Pauli Davision, Mich. forEersuading us to unretire Toby, and for her excellent care and andling.fmCH. JABILS SIMPLY SINFULPictured at his first show with Handler Joy Brewster Group I April 25, 1980, Finger Lakes K.C., Judge Raymond Beale Group I May 10, 1980, Chester Valley K.C., Judge James L. Vaughters, Sr. "Rusty also has won multiple BOB and Group Placements.Rusty will be handled by Joy S. Brewster while we tend spring puppies.Jessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road RFD 8, Box 251603 435-8731 Loudon, N. H. 03301i POMERANIAN REVIEWGENETICS OF CHOCOLATE BREEDINGby Dolly B. TraunerThe color brown in any of its various hades or dilutions can only appear in the oat when the right combination of inherit- d genes are all present in the individual. Hack is the dominant form of the gene for iroduction of melanin pigment, and regard- ess of the coat color you will see black pig- nent in the majority of Pomeranians, where t is present in their noses, lips, eye rims, oot pads and possibly around the anus and enitals. The dog with this dominant form of he gene cannot produce brown anywhere in its body it may have a "faded nose, but his is not a true brown or liver nose and is lue to other causes.Since the initial research on color genetics vas done in the early decades of this cen- urv by Charles C. Little, the gene for black hgment has been symbolized by geneticists vith the capital letter "B. Research proved hat brown or liver pigment was produced vhen a recessive form of the SAME gene vas present in double dose. A dog with the -ecessive, or "b, form of the gene in dou- ile dose cannot produce any black pigment invwhere on its body. While its coat color may be any shade of white, cream, orange, red or brown, it will never have a black coat. If it is a sable, the sableing will be a dark brown. If it has a mask, the mask will be chocolate. And it cannot be a blue, since blue is a dilute form of black. The orange, red or cream Pom with a liver or chocolate nose, eye rims, etc., is carrying the recessive "b gene in double dose other pairs of genes located at different points along its chromosomes are causing its coat to be of a color other than some shade of brown. Such a dog. bred to another brown-nosed Pom or to one with a brown coat, will produce puppies colored like itself or the other parent. There is one exception to this the most recessive of coat colors is the black and tan, which is really more of a coat pattern than a coat color, since the pattern can appear as blue and tan or brown and tan as well as a black and tan, and the mating of any pair of Poms can produce one or more pups with the black and tan pattern if both parents pass on a gene for this pattern.We are talking about recessive genes. These can remain hidden for any number of generations, revealing themselves ONLY when a puppy inherits a pair of such genes in a genetic environment that allows thedouble dose to become apparent. Just because a puppy has inherited a double dose of the recessive "b gene does not assure it will have a brown coat for that to happen another gene must also be present. The usual orange, cream, red or sable coat of the Pom is governed by a pair of genes called the A-locus. There are four forms this gene can have. The first allows full expression of black or brown or their dilutions in the coat, and is dominant to the other three it is symbolized as "As and only one dose is necessary for the coat color to be black or brown. The second form of the A-gene prevents any black or brown from appearing in the coat most oranges and reds fall into this category. The symbol for this form is "aV. If we were to write out a formula for a brown-nosed orange Pom it would be ay-ay b - b . A black-nosed orange Pom would be ay-ayB-Bit could also which case it would be "carrying the recessive gene for brown and could produce a puppy with a brown nose, or a brown coat, depending on the genes the puppy inherits from the other parent.The formula for a brown-coated dog would be As - b - b. The dog MUST be carrying at least one "As form of the A-gene, but the other member of this pair could be any of the other three forms of this gene. Since there are four possibilities As-As, As-ay, As-aw, As-a. we will never know for sure what that other A-gene might be until this brown-coated dog is bred. Even then, we mav not know unless it produces a good many puppies out of an assortment of mates. To find out if the dog is As-ay, it would have to be bred to a clear orange ay- ay. To find out if it is As-aw, it would have to be bred to an orange-sable. To find out if it is AS-aL it would have to be bred to a black and tan patterned dog. We might be able to save ourselves one breeding if the orange mate or the sable mate is carrying the black and tan pattern gene, and the litter includes even one bt patterned puppy then we can know that our brown-coated dog is As-a for that pair of genes.There is one thing certain. Whenever a brown-nosed dog, or a brown-coated dog, produces, every puppy in the litter is carrying a brown gene "b regardless of the color of its nose or coat. That puppy, when it matures, will be capable ofPOMERANIAN REVIEWproducing offspring with brown noses or coats depending on the genetic contribution of its mate. The ideal mate for a brownnosed orange, cream or red would be a BLACK dog. There is a chance the black dog mav be carrying the brown gene if it is, the puppies could be as follows1 solid brown As - b - b2 solid black As - B - b3 black-nosed orange, cream, red, sable aY - ayB -b or aw - awB - b4 brown-nosed orange, cream, red, sable substitute "b for "B in the above5 black and tan or blue and tan6 brown and tan or some dilution of brown and tanSo far. we have been concerned only with the genes at just two loci locations of color genes on the chromosomes. There are important genes and their alternate forms at locations customarily symbolized as the C. I and E loci.The dominant form of each of these allows for full rich coat color their recessive forms create the various dilutions seen in Poms and other breeds. Taking the D-gene first, its recessive form "d is responsible for the dilution of black to blue also the dilution of chocolate brown or liver to beige or the so-called beaver. The Weimaraner is a BROWN dog in which the dominant "D has been replaced with the recessive "d throughout the entire breed. The same gene combination is also responsible for the color called "silver-beige in Toy and Miniature Poodles.The C-gene has at least three forms perhaps four. Each is more recessive than the one before it according to the following list "C for full rich clor "cch no effect on black, some dilution of brown dilution of red, orange, and the tan areas of the bt pattern to much lighter shades to cream or even white "ce no effect on black, dilution effect stronger than "cch this may not be a separate gene but only a stronger effect of the "cch gene due to still other factors "ca true albino, no pigment production anywhere in the body pink nose, blue eyes, ice-white coat. The lighter shades of "dead grass tan in Chesapeake Bav Retrievers are due to the actions of "cch and "ce, separately or in combination.The E-gene is more complex and has four forms. The dominant form is symbolized as "Em the "m stands for "mask and dogs possessing just one gene of this form attheir E-locus will have a non-clearing ma The mask will be black in black-nosed dc brown or chocolate in brown-nosed dc Next in order of dominance is "E, wh permits the fullest extension of color in coat. The coat of the dog which has recessive "ebr gene in double dose \ show the typical tiger-stripes of a brin coat. Like the "a1 gene black and tan p tern, the "ebr gene is basically a patt gene rather than a color controller. In a long-coated dog, it is difficult if not i possible to say with complete assurai whether an all-over sabled coat is due to 1 "aw gene for sable or the "ebr ge since both genes allow for the presence the coat of tan or orange AND either bk or chocolate. The most recessive in this s ies is indicated by the symbol "e. T gene, when present in double dose, prevei the production of black or brown in the ci and dilutes black to a dark shade of orar or red. This is the usual color-gene make- in Irish Setters and Golden Retrievers, dilution of brown is even more pronounci changing that color to orange or even ivoi From time to time, certain red or orar dogs have been known to produce a black chocolate puppy, even though bred to orange, red, cream or sable. "How can tl be, is the wondering comment, "wh everyone knows that black is dominant and neither parent shows any black in th coat. Study the following formulas and y will see how this can happenParent No. 1, bright orange ay-ayB- C-CD-DE-EParent No. 2, light orange As-AsB- cch-cchD-De-eTo have a black coat, a puppy needs or one each of As - B - C - E Substitute for the "B in both of the foregoing fi mulas, and these parents could just as eas have produced one or more chocolate pt pies even though neither parent had brown ancestor in a pedigree stretching ba 5. 8 or even more generations.I started my line of black Poms with bitch from an orange x black breeding, bred her to a sable and got a deep red-sab I next bred her to a black and got blacks, black female from this litter was bred ba to her sire and produced blacks. A bla bitch from this inbred litter was bred out a clear bright orange and produced tt black males. One of these was bred to an u related black bitch whose 6-generation pei continued on page 69 POMKRANIAN RKVIKWAM. CAN. CH. GOLDEN GLOW PEPPERCongratulates his Daughtersan\ LVGOLDEN GLOW MS. CHIEFBW, Longview Kelso Kennel Club BOB, Corvallis, Ore., 3 points WB, Richland Kennel Club, 3 points WB, Yakima Kennel Club, 3 pointsalsoCH. GOLDEN GLOW PRESHUS IIBOS at Westminster 1980Owners Elva U. McGilbry and Jessie StephensWe have puppies from Ms. Chief and from a repeat breeding of Preshus.GOLDEN GLOW KENNELSElva U. McGilbry Battleground, WA 986048900 NE 239th St. Ph 206 687-2165POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFULHINTSMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225Okay, I confess Im a read-a-holic. I love to read, and I turn to books when I want to learn something. When I venture into a new area, I begin my research by reading as much as I can on the subject. Books and periodicals are goldmines of information for those eager to learn. Of course, printed matter shouldnt be your only source of information, and it does have drawbacks. Which brings me to some more personal cliches"It isnt in the book. For some reason there are important bits of information that simply arent routine, arent second nature, for the novice. For example, Ive never read a book that describes "puppy breath, that acrid odor that puppies nave from three weeks to about eight-ten weeks. All the puppies Id ever bought were too old to have it. When it developed in my first litter, I was appalled. I thought they were sick Only when I mentioned to a breeder friend that I was going to take the puppies to the vet did I get set straight. For those as green as I was, puppy breath is completely harmless and requires no treatment.Did you know that Pom babies can get hairballs, like a cat These are very dangerous and have been known to be fatal. Try to prevent this problem by thoroughly combing the dam every day. If you suspect a pup may have one-sometimes hairballs are vomited up or stools are not normal--a warm water enema will take care of it. Some breeders also give puppies the same malt preparations given to cats.'The dog hasnt read the book. The book says bitches come in season every six months. But the girls havent read the book, so Ive got two who come in season every eleven months. And there are some who are frightfully irregular. The book says during a normal season, the first day is counted when the colored or bloody discharge continues for about a week. But Ive gotten four litters from an illiterate bitch wno has never hadany colored discharge. I have to look ft swelling.So books are a good starting point ft beginners to learn, but that must 1 supplemented by talking to other breede and to your vet, and alas, by experience How much weve all had to learn the hai wayIt frequently worries me that the peop' who need this column the most-novices probably dont subscribe to the Review Who is going to tell them about it Its up 1 you and me. Every time you sell a pupp every time you meet someone at a show or demonstration, every trainee in you classes-each one should be told where t find help. Dont assume that just because h is a pet owner he wont want to learn mori Manys the owner of "just a pet who he gotten lured into more and mor involvement in the fancy. Think back t how you got started.And the help you offer should includ yourself. You should always be willing t answer questions or offer advice. Becaus our biggest, most inexhaustible supply c knowledge is YOU-the fancier, handle exhibitor, judge.CONGRATULATIONSOther Wife on your kennel visit.Wish we were there.The Williamsons, Dorothy, A1 AprilA. C. Williamson305 Sunny Hill Drive Pineville, La. 71360POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NORS POMS Great Elms ShowstopperVCHAMPION BEV-NORS SADIE RAYowned by Edward B. Jenner co-owned by breeder Beverly NorrisPictured winning BOS at the Houston Pom Specialty Watch for her as a Special in 1980.SPECIAL THANKS to Ruth Beam for getting us our newest Great Elms girl. Bev-Nors Desaree. Ruth also bred our other girl who free-whelped 4 puppies, all3Vi lbs. of herChampion Edneys Little Patriot Showstopper now resides at Bev-Nors he will go well with our Great Elms girls. Thank you, Ray Edney.Newest Litter 3rd repeatCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Bev-Nors Sweet an Sassy 2 malesShowstopper Tar-Baby daughter, Great Elms 2 femalesBev and Bill Norris7747 Meadow RoadPasadena, MD 21122 301 255-1343POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION BEV-NORS SADIE RAY1979 N.Y. Speciality Winner 6-9 mo., WB, BOS 5 pts.PRESENTS HER SONa Specialty winner also1IPBEV-NORS DO IT TO ITowned by Edward B. Jenner co-owned by breeder Beverly Norris handled by Susan FisherPictured winning Best Puppy, WD, BOW for a 5 point major at 84 months at the Houston Pom Specialty. The following day under noted judge Edd Bivin, WD BOW. The following week in Pennsylvania another 3 point major WD BOW.FLASH Champion Bev-Nors Tar-Zan does it again another BEST IN SHOWCongratulations, MikeBev and Bill Norris Pasadena, MD 211227747 Meadow Road 301 255-1343POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Claire Hendrix P.O. Box 816 Montgomery, TX 77356his year has started out at a startling ee, with so many changes for me as well for our club. For me, the tempo has been redible and almost too fast, starting with ing to get settled on our beautiful new eage and watching our newly acquired tie and four new Arabian mares, which rted doubling immediately and made it essary to keep up the fences to keep the ht species together. Meanwhile we have n trying to have the horse barn built and r "little house beyond the pasture, under oak trees and last but not least, the inel for our dear little Poms, who have lured so much the past year. They tched us with very confused looks but rer stopped wearing their sweet hearts on ir sleeves.he new year brought about election of v officers and many new members to our at little club. The new staff is as followssident............................Carolyn Crockette President ........................ Darrell Bakeriretary.................................. Tony Telleziasurer ..............................Bobbie Gibsonare active not only in their mutual love Poms but also in breeding, showing and tdience.ur show season started early in February. ras able to attend my first show in Lake tries, Louisiana, although only as a ctator visiting at ringside with Linda and lly Miller. We promised to go right home 1 get entered in some of the upcoming iws. The Gibsons , aside from their dienee interest, have started showingtheir girl. My way Candy, a puppy bitch. The Tellezs and their Simply MS Hot Stuff took WB for 2 points at Ft. Bend. The Wests have been hitting the show trail hot and heavy with their newest purchase, Patricks Mr. Larry, going WD at Victoria, and Mrs. Winstons girl, Meridian Cheddar, went WB the same day. The Bakers took BW at Austin and San Antonio and BOB at Houston K.C. with their puppy dog, Jeribeths Ivan Ideal. Erika Moureaus little Gold Gem Ruffles Buttons Bows finished her championship with 10 BOBs and a Group Second and Third, and is off to be bred to multi-BIS Ch. Lenniss Tar Lacy Foxfire. Not leaving myself out, my Dragons "Rubye went WB in Austin and San Antonio, BW at Dallas-Ft. Worths specialty, and WB at Waco, for a total of 3 majors and two singles for 13 points. Best of luck to all of you with your future championsI would like to take this opportunity to thank all who attended our Specialty, especially those who traveled from as far as California leaving their fantastic weather behind. We greatly appreciated your entries and your advertising in our catalog. Now we would like to cordially invite all of vou to attend the 1980 Combined Houston Specialty Shows in August. We realize the tremendous upsurge in expenses with the gas hike. It will take an extra effort but please try. Dont forget the Sweepstakes Lets see those super puppies. Sure hope to see all of you and some new folks, too. You all come, now HearSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUBbv Gloria CarlinWeve had several of our members Poms nish their championship titles this year 1. an and Margaret Ontiveros have a mdsome, heavy-coated male called Ch. oldsun Critics Choice. He is a son of the te Ch. Lancer of Sunray the sire of Ch. anrays Lil Beaver. 2. Pauline Hughes rushed her Ch. Crystal of Point Loma. res an adorable, fluffy orange female sired t Ch. Beaver. 3. Marie Bowers owns a pey little male and a terrific showman who .rned his title very quickly. She calls him i. Marues Tiger Duke of Edan. 4. A1 and arianne Alford have a nice-looking redmale called Ch. Queenaires Triple Scotch. They have been specialing him the last couple of months and doing quite well.Weve just had our elections for 1980. Our new officers and hoard members are as followsPresident Adrian "Al Alford Vice President Pauline Hughes Treasurer Gloria Carlin Secretary Marianne Alford Board Members Dan -Ontiveros, Beverly Cole. Marilyn Hawley, Joanne Vestal, Margaret Ontiveros and Marie Bowers.POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANS YES, ADVERTISERS - REVIEW ADS DO GET RESULTSMany thanks for all the letters and phone calls on my April Ad. I enjoyed talking to the many who were able to get through to me and apologize to those of you who called and didnt find me at home.The best time to reach me is after 10 p.m. Eastern Time or on weekends. I work full time through the week and several nights a week, and I Cannot answer the phone when I am rushing to get to work in the morningWE STILL HAVE AVAILABLE,SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALEOUR WHITES. We have had many inquiries for our BEST male and female, but so far have not found anyone who wants to take over ALL the whites. Mature individuals will not be sold separately. See list below for puppies.1. Red sable brood, 12377, 5 V2 lbs., free whelper, excellent coat and head. Exceptional pedigree, Great ElmsShowstopper lines. Had litter of 5 and raised 4 beautiful puppies in 1979. Ready to breed in August.2. Red orange brood, 7176, 5 Vi lbs., free whelper. Good coat, good legs, short face and good pedigree. Great Elms, Pomwin and Showstopper. Expecting litter June 1st, will be available after weaning puppies.3. Light red female wh. 12879, 4 lbs., possible show. Will be bred in June if we still have her. Moonwalker daughter.4. Still have 3 stud prospects, all around 5Vi lbs., good pedigrees.1 red orange, 1 lightly sable orange, 1 dark red sable.5. One inbred Moonwalker daughter wh. 122279, shaded red, show prospect.6. One white male, one very pale cream female wh. 32880. Female probably sold.7. We expect 1 litter of whites and 2 litters of blacks the end of May.INQUIRIES INVITED - LETTERS PREFERRED BE SPECIFICSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 19380 Ph. 215 793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEWSUNSATION POMERANIANSPresentsICH. HALLS TWINKLING SERENITYBright red orange, 5 Vi lbs.Buffy is our first Champion, a homebred, and was owner handled all the way. We would sincerely like to thank the following judges who saw her meritMrs. Bettie Krause 2 pts.Mr. E.W. Tipton 3 pt. major Mrs. Bettie Krause 2 pts.Miss Maxine Beam 2 pts. Mr. Edd Bivin 3 pt. major Mrs. Connie Bosold 3 pts.Also a big Thank You to Janice Luginsland for my start in Poms. Shes always there to answer my many questions and give me encouragement.Andrea L. HallCarbondale, Ks. 66414724 South First 913 564-7642POMERANIAN REVIEWPOM PEOPLE ARE THE NICEST PEOPLEbyKaren S. HolderA few weeks ago on a Friday evening, as I was about to fall asleep the phone rang. It was my friend, Pauline Kanipe, who lives in Virginia. Normally I am very happy to hear from Pauline but I knew the moment she said hello that something was wrong. In my stupor I thought I heard her say that the little Pom puppy I had sold to her in-laws had been lost. As soon as those words sank in I was on my feet. Pauline went on to tell me that her mother-in-law, Doris Kanipe, was in Bavlor Hospital for tests. Her father- in-law. Jim Kanipe. and their two Poms had come to Dallas to pick Doris up as the tests were complete. Jim had checked into a motel to make himself and his Poms comfortable for the evening, after visiting his wife at Bavlor. After getting settled in their room he found that they needed something hating to leave the two little Pom-girls in the strange motel room alone, all three of them Jim and the Poms piled back into the little station wagon and went to a Skaggs Albertsons a few blocks away on the eastern edge of Dallas. Jim left the girls in the car for a minute while he ran into the store. When he returned. Sandy, his six-month old puppv. was missing. He had left the windows cracked but the doors locked. He assumed that Sandy had been stolenas it turns out she had evidently slipped out when Jim got out of the car. Jim was beside himself with grief. We can all imagine the terror he must have felt. He rushed back into Skaggs after looking everywhere for her and asked the manager for help. They called the police, who responded immediately. But no Sandy- Jim finally had to call his wife to tell her the bad news. In desperation, Doris called her daughter-in-law Pauline, who in turn called me. So here sat Pauline and I talking on the phone over a thousand miles from Dallas, wondering what we could do. I do not think I have ever felt more frustrated and helpless. I suggested that perhaps we could call all the radio and television stations in Dallas, but somehow that did not seem viable it would take too much time and we probably would not get past a receptionist. There was a special worry, too, even beyond Sandywe were also terrified for Doris, as she had had a major heart attack in January when their old Pom died. That is when the Kanipes boughtSandy. Pauline and I feared that Do might have a similar reaction to losi Sandv, even though at my urging they d now have two Poms so that Doriss love w spread between the two of them.To get back to Pauline and mehere ^sat. me in Ohio, Pauline in Virginia, and this going on in Dallas. Suddenly it hit r that the Pom people in Dallas would he find Sandv. I got my directory and got touch with Gertrude Howell. Gertrui listened to mv choppy account of the whc storvabout how upset I was about Sam as well as how worried we were about Dor I was practically in tears. She calmed n and assured me that she would help. 1 drop everything she was doing to he complete strangers-me. as well as tl Kanipesis just incredible.Gertrude gave this account in a letter me the next week"After I received your call that Frid evening and you told me of the situatio this is what took place. I first called Bavb Hospital and talked to Doris Kanipe ar gave her comfort and a little strength 1 letting her know that I cared, understoc and wanted to help in any way I could, called Skaggs and learned that Jim Kanij was no longer there so I called the polii department, telling them that I was member of the Dallas-Fort Wort Pomeranian Club and that you had calle me from Ohio to ask if I could help. Tl police were glad to hear from me and toe mv name and phone number. I then si about arranging a search party. I called tw of the Pom Club members and was about 1 call a third when the operator cut init w the policeman who had taken the case. H wanted me to know that he had Sandy in h arms and was on his way over to the moti and Jim Kanipe. I told the policeman that had talked with Doris and he asked me fc Doriss phone number and room number. The policeman was unable to get through 1 Doris as the nurses told him it was too la for phone calls. I did not let that stop me- kept talking with nurses until I got the heE nurse and told her that I had a message f Doris which would do her more gooa tha any medication they could prescribe. Tl nurse relented and let me talk with Dori continued on page 693 POMERANIAN REVIEWIm -4. ALONG MYWAYbyMolly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573I do not know if we are getting more iseases in the world or if our modern cience is just isolating and naming old nes. Fortunately, when a disease is ecognized, we are often offered some means f protection from it. This has been the case ecently with parvovirus and canine rucellosis.Last year parvovirus attacked American ogs in all segments of the country. As it is n air borne virus no dog was safe. Dogs ho never left their homes died as did well- aveled ones. The most frightening aspect f the disease to me was that there was no efense against it. Dogs that contracted arvovirus were given fluids to offset ehvdration caused by violent vomiting and iarrhea and antibiotics for secondary ifections, but the virus could not be ttacked. The mortality rate varied widely, ut it was particularly high in puppies.Now we are offered a vacine to prevent a ogs contracting parvovirus. The tests on te vaccine results look good. I see no ason not to use the vaccine. I am in the rocess of inoculating all of my dogs against te parvovirus. If a breeder has many dogs, e may find that the vaccine is not available i great quantities, and he may need to stage is inoculations. I am happy to report that have seen no side effects to the parvo loculations. Unlike the rabies inoculation hich often causes soreness, and the DHL loculation which often causes depression, le parvo inoculation seems to be forgotten soon as it is given.A few years ago there was a very little mine brucellosis in the United States ow, however, there are scattered cases iroughout the country. Unfortunately but nderstandably knowledge of these cases is Ften suppressed. We as breeders cannot revent the disease, and we cannot cure it, at we can avoid it. Recently a test has been sveloped that can be used by most vets to teck for the disease.Brucellosis can be transmitted by several forms of very close contact, but the major method of transmission is breeding. Here is our clue. If we breed only brucellosis-free dogs, we should be able to avoid the disease. Since a dog or bitch with brucellosis can seldom if ever produce a live or vital puppy, and such an animal can transmit the disease to any to whom it is bred, and it can live a normal life span, it is worth our efforts to avoid the disease.For over a year I have been requiring that bitches who come to my kennel to be bred come with a clear brucellosis test. I have had some stud owners say that they would not make such a reouest for fear of insulting the bitchs owner. This is not what I have found. No one has acted insulted. Most have been delighted to know that my males have been checked clear and so have the bitches that have been bred prior to theirs.Think how much safer our dogs would be if all breeding stock were checked clear of brucellosis, when I breed to a dog who is not checked clear of brucellosis, I realize that if he has it, I have lost not only the litter but the bitch and possibly those with whom she has been living. It is a frightening risk to take. For the well-being of the breed, all popular studs should be tested.Two relatively new and effective safeguards have been offered to us for our dogs. If we will use them, they will make our dogs much safer and our own peace of mind much greater.TITLE AND AUTHOR UNKNOWNThe dogs I know have many shapes For some are big and tall,And some are long And some are thin,And some are fat and small.But some are little bits of fluff And have no shape at all.Submitted byRenee and Mary StraslickaPOMERANIAN REVIEWDAZEY DID ITOur First Homebred ChampionCH. MOE-BEST MISS BEHAVENsubj. AKC conf.Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x Moe-Best Latest Flame3-23 Best in Match 371 entered Washington County 4-H Match 3-20 Group Four - Catoctin K.C. Match4 Weekends -- 5 Straight Shows -- 4 Majors4-5 WB, BW, BOS4-6 WB, BW, BOS4-13 WB4-20 WB, BOS4-27 WB, BOSPeter Thomson Mrs. Daniell-Jenkins Edd Bivin Mrs. Anna Cowie Mrs. Keke Blumberg4 points 3 points2 points3 points 3 pointsFinished at 8 Vi months old-completely owner handled Dazey will be considered to a Specials home onlyComing Soon Late June, Early JulyCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x Edneys Whispering Hope Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Moe-Best Extra Special Lady Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order'x Moe-Best Sparkling SherriInquiries InvitedRon and Terri Moebuis 1719 Manor Road301 284-3093 Baltimore, MD 21222I POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS\llCh. Emcees Solid Tange-GoldOur latest champion - a Tico daughter, Muffy is shown taking her final win under Judge Mrs. Kay Radcliffe at National Capital Kennel Club.A special thanks to Nadine Hersil for putting 14 pts. on Muffy, including a 5 pt. major at the Greater Des Moines Pom Specialty.Also, we wish to thank the following judges Mr. Harold Bishop, Mrs. Bonnie Brookins, Mr. Fred Basset, Mr. Robert wills, Mrs. Dorothy Shroeder Welsh and Mrs. Kay J. Radcliffe.A litter is expected from Muffy and Ch. Chips of Diamond at the end of May.Litters expected in June areCh. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Tartan Tam Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Lenniss Cavalier Tangie Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Ch. Emcees Satina of Great ElmsMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Ch. Emcees Solid Cold Diamond Tico Has Done It AgainIntroducingWINNERSDAYTON lEMCl CIO 1I960Ch. Emcees Tiny Mite of Tico subj. AKC conf.Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Tartan TamTiny was completely owner handled to his championship by Ron Feyh, 2520 Eakin Rd., Columbus, Ohio, who joins us in thanking the following judges Mrs. Leonne B. Kelley, Mrs. Lorraine Heicnel, Edward R. Klein, Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman, James Nickerson, Mrs. Sue Kauffman and Glen Fancy.Emcees Tiny Mite of Tico finished at Mad River Kennel Club in Springfield, Ohio under judge Mrs. Sue Kauffman, and Mr. Glen Fancy gave him a Group III placement the same day. Tiny finished from the puppy class with 5 BOB.and AGAINCongratulations to Gerd and Ann Sims on finishing their Tico daughter,Siemhof Gold Nugget.and AGAINWe congratulate Terri Dibert, whose Tico son, Emcees Lucky Gem, took Best in Match at Upper Potomac Valley Kennel Club on May 4th. Lil Tico was not quite four months oldWe also send congratulations to Russ and Evelyn Churchill, whose Ch. Emcees Sparkling Tamboy took a Group I at Delaware Ohio KC.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, VA 230052 POMERANIAN REVIEWSIEMHOF PRESENTSCH. SIEMHOF GOLD NUGGET7TWINNERSby Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Ch. Lynnes Chamaquita V. SiemhofNugget finished with 3 majors and was WB 6 times out of her last 7 showsNot a bad record for a little girl just over one year old.Both Nugget and her mother Kita will be bred this summer.For information contactSIEMHOF Gerd Sims 316 Old Sedley Road Franklin, VA 23851POMERANIAN REVIEW CHURCHILL POMSM'V J1 r ' ELAWAREOHIO ENNEL CLUBv7t5c PRl L 13 1980'TOYMGROUPJUDGE MR E W TIPTON JRK. BOOTH PHOTOCh. Emcees Sparkling Tamboy"Rusty is shown winning the Toy Group at the Delaware Ohio Kennel Club on April 13, 1980 under Judge E. W. Tipton Jr. To date this year Rusty has 8 Best of Breeds, a Group I and a Group III. He is a brilliant orange 4 lb. Pom. Rusty is at stud to approved bitches.Thanks to Morris and Betty Carson for letting us have Rusty.OwnersRussel and Evelyn Churchill5565 Forest Bend Drive Dayton, OH 45429 Ph 513 435-0380Handler Marlene Scott Rt. 1, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064 Ph 703 947-21214 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSby ERIN HUNDLEY 19101 - 67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290A large room, a group of people each with a dog on leash. Confusion reigns as each goes his own way. One pulls vainly on the lead to force a reluctant puppy to follow. Another pulls just as hard to keep his exhuberant Bull Terrier from eating the Yorkie beside him. Then the instructors voice rings out. "Line your dogs up over here, big dogs first, then the little ones. And order begins. Its a handling class and we all are preparing our most promising future champions for the show ring. "Stack vour dogs. Thats easier said than done, but we give it the old college try there, all set. "Okay, move them around, smile at the judge, show him you think you have the winner. "Talk to your dog. let him know what vou want, that you love him and that it is fun to show off on the end of a lead.Handling classes do give something you cant get anywhere else, a chance to train vour dog to show under all sorts of problems noise, bigger dogs and more aggressive ones, strange people and strange tables. All this is important, but nothing is as valuable to you and your dog as the experience of being with a large group of noisv. nosey dogs while you are close by to reassure him. If you consistently radiate love and confidence and security to your future champion, he will quickly learn to enjov going to the show.What to do before you start class It helps if your dog is used to going on lead. I have gone both ways and believe me. its easier if vour dog has accepted the lead as part of this game he enjoys with you. How to start Nothing can replace the early happy experience of following mamma who is tantalizing puppy with a juicy piece of liver in her hand. We cross back ana forth across the room with the liver reward each time we make it all the way. Then we put the lead on loosely and repeat the walking back and forth across the room. Never pull on the lead. I say this even though I dont always stick to it mvself. My best successes have always been with the puppies who learned tofollow happily after me before I ever started to control them with short sharp pulls. Another way to get the puppy to follow you is to put the lead on him and go to the end of it while puppv sits or stands on the floor. Now vou walk in quick little half circles, back and forth in front of him. Talk to him and he wont be able to resist chasing after you. Have the liver handy to reward him when he does, and you are your way to a lead-trained Pom.I have tried dragging a puppy behind me until he follows but he never enjoys lead work as much as much as those I was more patient with. As with any training program, consistency is most important, five minutes a dav gives better results than an hour once a week.Now. what about that puppy you bought at seven months old who has never had a lead on. I start the same way. but most older puppies are more independent and do not follow as willingly as the younger puppies do. You mav have to take another tack. I have tied the lead around his neck and let him go. Some will not move as long as the lead is on. You play with him and tease him. anything to get him moving and used to the drag of the lead. Next, tie his favorite old sock or squeaky toy on the end of the lead and let him go. He may just sit and chew his tov. but sooner or later he will get up and move around. The lead will get stuck on something-Aha He cannot move, and you are not the "Bad Guy. After a little while vou go and release him. hold his toy and coax him to follow you. If he wont, let him go and try again the next time he gets stuck. Sooner or later he will follow you of his own accord, and vou are on your way.Stack vour dog Again, start with your verv voung puppy. At least once a day, stand him up on something, a table, a chair, or even the television. Scratch him on the tummv and under the chin. Give him a treat, old friend liver. Get him comfortable when he is little and he will remember it always.After all the above fine words, I start out with a new puppy and a new problem. He will not bait. He does not like liver or cheese or training class or anything. My friend Phyllis Andrews found the answer by accident. She was brushing him and trying to get him to relax. He liked it. As she moved away from him, he followed her to get more brushing. Somehow, there is a way continued on page 76POMERANIAN REVIEW tMorenos Proudly Presents Our Newest Boyr dt, ' C. rt- . 1 4, '-I'y rIT irn - m VSO - S V-V -yf' - - ,T 3 . -r ^Morenos Sunday Supplement32 lbs. clear rich red photo age 5 monthsShown here going BEST PUPPY IN MATCH, first time out over 400-plus all-breed puppies.Many thanks to Jubilee and Lorene for loving our Petey, and the new puppies sired by him will also enhance the Pom Breed. Petey is Fangs sire also.Ch. Morenos Special Edition Buck, because of his age, is now at limited stud to a select few bitches. He is grandsire to Fang.A few selected youngsters could be available in late August from some top quality bitches now bred. Inquiries will be answered promptly.Mrs. Julie Moreno1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-49736 POMERANIAN REVIKWAURORA POMShas several good quality Poms to offerBloodlines Queenaire, Creider, Great ElmsSome pointed, some finished, some ready to start.Jackie and Chuck LiddleProfessional Handler 15630 Ridgemont S.E.612 447-4901 Prior Lake. MN 55372GREAT ELMS KENNELS, REGD.Congratulations to our EditorROBERTA MASSEYfor the excellent April issue of the Review.Nothing For SaleRuth L. BeamP.O. Box 937Pineville, NC 28134 Ph 704 889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEW tXLOBEDIENCENEWSbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Whv don't more Pomeranian owners go in for Obedience Practically every letter I receive telling about accomplishments, fun, being proud and happv with the admiring attention lo their dogs asks this question. Believe me. it's the greatest way to get the most real joy out of the breed and to prove it lo evervone Should you see a Pom and handler heading for the Obedience ring at a dog show, it would be well to follow along and I promise you won't be disappointed.Claudia Lis is a new convert to Pom obedience, and she is really going forward with great strides in showing her two little dogs. Her work schedule didnt permit attending classes so when she found a book she agreed with thev went to work at home step bv step and after observing one ARC trial, started out. The first show was a disaster with pouring rain, but the next day her WALDINE a traditional family name meaning "creature of the forest took third place with a score of 191'a. She finished with 198'A second place and 196 first place plus a three-wav tie for High in Trial, when she lost by point. Lots of luck to "Dioni" in Open Claudia is also working with her black Pom KOLYADA or "Kuli ", as she is called. They went to the Bay Colony Pom Club Match in March, where the Obedience entries were almost equal to the Breed entries, and many Obedience- tilled Poms were shown in the Parade of Champions and Obedience Tillists. "Kuli was second in Sub-Novice, and Waldine entered in Graduate Novice because the club hadnt anticipated advanced classes and had no jumps scored 197. lo be Highest Scoring Dog in the Match. Claudia is so enthusiastic and doing so well, we wish all three lots of fun and good luck.Incidentally, thev hail from Lowell. MassAnother new C.l. Pom in line f congratulations is IIKIMRICK, owned at trained h\ Jane Lehtinen of Gilbert, Ml This little fellow finished in three shows three week-ends. Scores 187. 18512 ai 193. Congratulations also to Jane neighbor. Tim Petron. whose LADY GOLDEN FRANCHISE finished her C.l the da\ before Heimrick did - with scores 193. 183 and 192. Hope to hear about the two in Open soon.Rosalind Gollz of Penru Kennels Scarsdale. N.Y.. echoes my sentimen exactly she savs. "I often wonder wl there arent more Poms being shown Ohedience-T-they're highly intelligent at eager to please. Two of Rosalinds Port just completed their C.D.sboth in thr consecutive shows. Here are their go records Oil. PENRUS CALDOA CIIANSONNKTTE, C.D. Wendy February 2. 1980. at Princeton, 18 February 21, 1980, at Bavshore, 190 Mart8. 1980. at Rockland. 190. Wendy became champion when she was a year old- finished with three majors and has severB. O.B. JABIIAS JEWEL SONG OF PENRIC. D. Heather January 20. 1980. at Esse 187'A February 2, 1980, at Princeto 194'A fourth place February 20, 1980, Bayshore. 19614 third place. Heather also shown in Breed and has 9 poin including a 4 point major. She has start working in Open, so keep us poste Meanwhile, congratulations on the titles.REMINDERAll members of the APC desiring a cet tificate from the Club for Champions an Obedience Titles published in the Gazett during 1980 which were owned by you please submit your name as owner, dog name and month published in the Gazett to Sallv Baugniet, 11224 County Hwy. E Mishicot. WI 54228, BEFORE February 15 1981.58 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTbyMrs. Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228Color Classification"Color ACCEPTABLE COLORS TO BE 1UDGED ON AN EQUAL BASIS any solid olor, any solid color with lighter or darker jhadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable, or black and tan.The above is a quote from the A.P.C. idopted Standard for Pomeranians . This paragraph on color goes on to describe the markings of the black and tan and the parti- olor. That is the extent of the description of color on a Pomeranian.There is absolutely no mention of the word "mask or a description of the sable color or where black shadings can or cannot be, thus indicating acceptance of them anywhere on i solid color, including the head and face.This is okay with me, for I happen to believe we should concentrate on improving more important things than color on a Pom. Lets get as close as we can to type and soundness then worry about what color they are when we have nothing else to worry about.That must have been the thought of the A.P.C. when this Standard was approved. Occasionally we get different interpretations from those who may or may not have a harder time finishing a color other than clear orange. Further dividing of classes will not help finish the other-than-orangecolors all must go in the ring to be judged for the points eventually. Just getting a blue ribbon does not make a Champion.There is only one thing that bothers me on color that is the last paragraph of the Standard. The paragraph on color states "ACCEPTABLE COLORS TO BE JUDGED ON AN EQUAL BASIS. The last paragraph of the Standard then proceeds to suggest dividing the Open classes into various color classifications at Specialty shows.We are trying to impress the judges AGAINST COLOR DISCRIMINATION and then proceed to discriminate by suggesting various color classes in Open.What is even worse and more confusing is that the suggested color classifications for Specialties puts Blue, Black and Brown in one Open class. Red, Orange, Cream, Sables in another Open class Qpen Any Other Allowed Color in a third class.Many all-breed clubs divide Pom classes into Open Black, Open Any Other Allowed Color. Why I certainly dont know where the all-breed color division came from It isnt in the Standard for all-breed clubs. It isnt a ruling from AKC.CONFUSION At a Specialty, for example, an orange would not be in Open AOC, but at an all-breed show it would. One who shows often habitually writes AOC for an orange Open Pom. At a Specialty it is entered in the wrong class.I have been to several Specialty shows where an orange was entered in Open AOC. This, of course, is the wrong color class for an orange at a Specialty, even though it is right for an all-breed show. A Pom entered in the wrong class should be disqualified. Sometimes they are and sometimes a judge just makes believe it didnt happen. I for one would NOT complain about it when they arent disqualified, because I believeYear Sweeps l.Dogs 2.Dogs 3.Dogs Total6-9 9-12 BBB ROCS AOC Open1974 5 4 1 15 0 161975 10 7 1 7 0 81976 16 9 1 18 0 191977 17 12 1 9 0 101978 9 17 1 19 0 201979 31 17 1 15 1 171980 9-7 7-11 2 10 0 121.Bitch 2.Bitch 3.Bitch TotalBBB ROCS AOC Open BOB2 7 2 Disq 11 1521 6 0 7 1820 11 0 11 2121 15 0 16 1722 10 0 12 2123 13 3 19 2124 8 0 12 1821. Open Black, Blue, Brown 2. Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 3. Open, Any Other Allowed Color.1974 2 AOC bitches disqualified for being in the wrong color class.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6the COLORS SHOULD NOT BE DIVIDED IN THE FIRST PLACE. See how confusing the whole thing isThe chart shows the comparison of our A.P.C. New York Specialty entries in Sweeps, Open and Best of Breed competition over the last seven years.In analyzing these statistics, it certainly seems that an AKC licensed judge hired to judge a Specialty show is capable of judging one to six more Poms in one all-colors Open class. The Best of Breed class plus Winners Dog and Bitch exceeds the total number of dogs in the combination of Open classes.I would like to hear your comments on this article through "Yips and Yaps or through letters to me or the A.P.C. Secretary to relay to your Board of Directors for consideration and action."In the Group Ring report Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance went Group First at Kansas Citv K.C. under Judge Mrs. Daniell- Jenkins and Group First at Muskogee K.C. under Judge Edd Bivin. "Chance is breeder-owner-handled by Sally Baugniet. Ch. Auroras Pretender went Group Second at Packerland K.C. under Judge Ed Klein. "Perkins is breeder-owner-handled by Jackie Liddle. Ch. D-Nees Darin Dathos went Group Second at Sheboygan K.C. under Judge Robert Wills. "Toastie is bred bv Nadine Hersil and handled by owner Llovd Graser Jr.What a bunch of nice Specials we have in the Midwest If you want competition, we have itChocolate Breedingcontinued from page 49gree shows ONLY blacks, oranges, creams and sables. There were three chocolates and one black in the litter Although there was one chocolate identified in my males pedigree, it was three generations back of my original black bitch ... or SIX generations behind ray male. That long-ago chocolate ancestor could only have contributed ONE chocolate gene to its progeny, yet that gene had traveled down in time, unchanged in its properties, through SIX different dogs AFTER it left the body of its original chocolate owner in one of its sperms and BEFORE it could make itself seen again in the coats of three of my black males puppies. The chocolate gene carried by the dan of this litter had been carried unseen in thi bodies of even more dogs, as we canno identify any of her ancestors in a 6-genera tion pedigree as being chocolate ... perhap one of them was a liver-nosed orange W have no way of knowing.The point 1 am trying to make here is tha a gene can remain hidden INDEFINITELY if it is a recessive and if it fails to meet u] with another of like kind. Its nature remain unchanged by its passage through the bodie of dogs in any number of generations and i will become visible again whenever it doe meet another gene of like kind providet the rest of the genetic makeup does not con ceal it in some way. This is true of EVER^ recessive gene, not just of those for color and this constant rearranging of the sam old genes is responsible for the infinite var iations among dogs of the same breed even the same line or family.Pom People continued from page 57One more phone call and I knew I coulc sleep well that nightI wanted to let Jiir know that Doris knew that Sandy was safe so that he would not worry about her al night. I called the desk clerk at the mote and left a message for Jim to call me. Just as I hung up the phone with Jim, Doris callec meher nerves a frazzle, of course, so 1 talked with her until she was calm enough to sleep.Doris did have to stay in the hospital ar extra day because of the excitement but nc harm was done. On Sunday Gertrude Howell and Linda Flechtner made the long drive to Baylor to meet their new friends, including the wayward little Sandy, face tc face. They had a nice long visit, no longei strangers. When Gertrude wrote to me she signed off with her phone number and wrote, "just in case...There is also a nameless good Samaritan in this storya man was driving along the six-lane boulevard in front of Skaggs as Sandy darted across it. He stopped, picked her up and took her to the police station...I guess that Pom people arent the only nice people. The policeman was really helpful too.within five hours little Sandy was back with her "daddy. I wonder if the policemen gave her an ice cream cone while she waited.'0 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELSOur 11th Homebred Champion Subj. AKCCH. POMIRISHCANDYS TUFFY APPLE B TaffyWinners Bitch at 2 Specialty Shows. Shown BW Breeder-owner handled. Western Pomeranian Club Specialty Show Judge Mr. Fred BassettCH. POMIRISH SQUIRTS SWEET SOUR GherkinMShown going Group 3rd at Janesville K.C. Judge Mr. McKinzie. Handled by our oldest son, co-owner Bob BaugnietCH. POMIRISH CANDY CANE is Dam of both Taffy and Gherkin and is now living with Mrs. "Babe Stranahan.Dick Sally Baugniet 11224 Cty. Hwy. BPh. 414 755-2994 Mishicot, WI. 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW 7]POMIRISH KENNELSOur Second Croup WinnerCH. POMIRISH CR. PUFFS ONLY CHANCE-HEART OF AMERICA KNL CUJB KANSAS CITY MISSOURI MARCH 23 1980 toy GROUPZLh DANIELLESJ'A''-4kGroup FirstJudge Mr. Edd Bivin, Muskogee K.C. 4-10-80 Breeder-owner handled by Sally Baugniet For stud service ship to Milwaukee, Manitowoc or Green BayRichard and Sally BaugnietPh 414755-299411225 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 542282 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHELDUN POMERANIANSAnnounces with PrideOur New ChampionSubj. AKC Coni.THELDUNS MISCHIEF HOLLYw m, InSi11-hrrBEST BREED 'A BOB over Special - Judge, Mrs. Kay RadcliffeFinishing under Judge James G. ReynoldsWe are especially proud of Holly - Our only Tommy daughterHollv is an extremely sound 4 34 lb. orange female with a super sweet temperament. Handled by her Co-owner Gloria Setmayer, Holly finished in 11 shows, completing her Championship at Trenton K.C. Show May 4,1980, under Judge James G. Reynolds with a 4 point major.A very special Thank You, Gloria, for all the TLC given Holly and for presenting her with perfection.A Sincere Thank You Championship all the Judges who made HollysAnd again..............A Big Thank You to Ken Bishop for letting us have her.A Belated but Sincere Congratulations to Carol Galavich on her Kennel VisitHollys pedigree - Behind the New ChampionsOwnerThelma M. Dunn3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, Md. 21001 301 879-5397Co-owner - Handler Gloria Setmayer496 Cedar Lane Paramus, N.J. 07652 201 652-9327POMERANIAN REVIEW 7PARVOVIRUSby Roberta Massey1978 saw the emergence of what appeared to be a new and potent virus among the dog population. Fatalities from the disease were not uncommon. It seemed to spread rapidly and caused the justifiable concern of dog breeders, exhibitors and kennel owners.Drs. Leland E. Carmichael and Roy Pollock of Cornell University determined that the virus, dubbed "Parvo meaning "small, as it is one of the smallest organisms known, is similar to the feline anleukopenia distemper virus. It may ave developed as a result of a mutation of an enteric intestinal virus among other species of animals. 1The disease appears to be spread mainly by contact with feces from infected dogs it may also be shed in saliva and urine and may possibly be carried in the air. The incubation period seems to range from one to fourteen days. 2Parvovirus can take two forms, the most common being a form of enteritis, or inflammation of the intestine. Dogs of all ages seem to be susceptible to it. The first noticeable signs of the disease are depression and loss of appetite, which may go unnoticed in a large kennel. This is followed by severe vomiting and diarrhea, which is often grayish and may contain blood, due to hemorrhaging of the intestinal tract. A foul odor is often present because of the blood contained in the stool.2 The virus also invades bone marrow and destroys white blood cells, which the body normally uses to fight disease. Fever is a prominent feature of parvovirus, with temperatures often ranging from 103-107 in younger dogs.3The greatest danger from the disease is from dehydration as a result of the vomiting and diarrhea. Death may occur within two days after the symptoms begin.1 It is essential to seek veterinary care AT ONCE so that fluids may be given subcutaneously or intravenously and electrolyte balance restored. Giving fluids by mouth should notbe attempted at this compounds the problem of vomiting. Anti-diarrheal and antivomiting medications seem to be of little use in controlling symptoms.2 Since parvo is a virus it does not respond to antibiotics bu1 antibiotic therapy may help combal secondary infections resulting from the disease.The second form of the virus strikes mainly puppies and causes a myocarditis inflammation of the heart and congestive heart failure in puppies from four to twelve weeks of . age. It differs from the enteric form of the disease in that there is usually no diarrhea or vomiting, but death can be very rapid, occurring within hours or even minutes after other signs become noticeable. An affected pup will have difficulty breathing, will cry and may attempt to vomit, then become prostrate. 1 Until recently there was no vaccine to prevent parvovirus. Now available, the new vaccine, called Parvocine, is similar to the killed feline panleukopenia virus and has been proven effective in preventing the occurrence of parvo. It is recommended that initially two inoculations be given at four week intervals beginning at nine weeks of age and followed up by one booster annually. It is possible to vaccinate younger puppies but when this is done they should receive a dose of vaccine every 3-4 weeks until they are at least twelve weeks old, as their systems cannot retain a long-lasting immunity at an earlier age.In spite of vaccination it is still good practice to take steps to avoid exposure to arvo. Since feces of infected dogs seems to e the main source of contamination^ it is important to remove feces promptly and ractice good sanitary measures in kennels, t would also seem wise to avoid the use of public exercise pens at dog shows and matches, since the virus can live in feces for a period of lime after a dog has recovered from the disease. Some dogs can actually Continued on Page 76 References1. Appel. M.J.G. Meunier, P. Greisen, H. Carmichael, L.E. Glickman, L. "Enteric Viral Infections of Dogs, pp. 3-7.2. Woods, C.B. Pollock, R.V.H.Carmichael, L.E. "Canine Parvoviral Enteritis, Journal of the AmericanAnimal Hospital Association, 16 172-179 March-April 1980.3. Carmichael, L.E. Pollock, R.V.H. "Nev Findings on Puppy Viral Diseases, Do World , vol. 651, 1980 pp. 20-21, 77 91. 129.74 POMERANIAN REVIEWGOLD GEM KENNEL PRESENTSGOLD GEM DRAGONS ROYAL RUBYBy. Ch. Gold Gem Fire Dragon DarlinYt' .AShown going BOW under Mr. William Bergum for a 5 point major at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty 32180. She also took WB at both Austin and San Antonio for 3 points 1 point. In Waco, WB for a 3 point major. 13 points in 6 shows. Thanks to all the judges who saw the merits of this sound 4 lb. bitch. She is now bred to Ch.Sunray Gold Gems President.A few select quality show prospects 4-5 months. Ch. Jim out of Ch. Dragons daughter, male and female. 5 litters expected in May thru June. Light orange to dark red and sable.Claire HendrixP.O. Box 816713-597-6888 Montgomery, Tx. 77356POMERANIAN REVIEW 71TEXECAN KENNELSOur First Pom Champion GOLD GEM RUFFLES BUTTONS BOWSF- simurhmydvn .VggmitSH0run-in23 lbs of Red Fury Bred By Cold Gem Kennels. Sire Ch. Sunray Gold Gems President x Gold Gems Ruffles. Shown taking Group Two under Langdon Skarda. To date she has 10 BOBs and 2 Group placings Third and Second. Thanks to judges Miss Maxine Beam, Mrs. T. Brown, Mrs. Wilma Hunter, Mr. Vaughters, Miss Dorothy Nickles, Art Davison, Mrs. Paula Bradley, Mrs. Jean Fancy, Mr. Adameck, T. Wurmser, D. Baker.Watch for our newest acquisition, fall.Wayne Erika Moureau Texecan KennelsGold Gems Jim Beau Texecan starting this13410 King Circle Cypress, Tex. 77429POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Carmen Glander and Carol Walsh 1519 North Ave.Round Lake Beach, IL 60073I have been getting my Review and eading the articles with great interest, very one of them is full of information and nteresting things. Never did I dream that I rould be writing an article some day myself, ^ell, with so many things to do and going lack into the hospital, Roberta had to give ip writing the column for the Kenosha iounty Pomeranian club. Carol Walsh and I 'olunteered, so bear with us, we are going to lo our best to keep up with you fine writers.A few of our members are joining the Jbedience trend. Being their first ixperience with Obedience and having lampered Poms, at the beginning they were ather leery of their babies being made to isten. The first week of training convinced hem that many of us underestimate our ireed. Within the first fifteen minutes of lass the Poms realized that when you stop, mull make me sit and I will, without you laving to make me, I do want to please you. Vow they are in their fourth week of raining and are doing great. The other ireeds in class, "the best-working and high- icoring breeds are still messing up. Lets lot forget that we have a wonderful breed 3ur Club shall use our upcoming obedience Poms as demos to promote our breed in our irea.At our February meeting we discussed ways to increase our membership. We are 'oing to try to have a fun match in a shopping center in Kenosha to promote the breed. We are also trying to see if we can find a site for a "B Match.We have also decided to send for some AKC movies for the fall and winter meetings when the dog shows have slacked off. We have already selected a couple of films and dope to receive a reply from AKC on them soon.At our March meeting we again invited Dr. Passarella fron the Antioch Animal Hospital. This time Dr. Passarella brought slides and gave us a very informative talk on Parvo. Our club members quizzed him on just about every aspect there is about Parvo. Of course, as long as we had him at our meeting, we questioned him on other subjects, too, one of which is the problem of broken bones. A couple of us have now had the problem of broken bones in the lower parts of the leg that are not healing right.This is due to the lack of circulation in the lower parts of the leg and thus causes what is known as a non-union. Unfortunately it does not help anyone to have a dog with a non-union, because it never will heal right unless a plate is put in.Elinor and Luke Luccas have had bad luck with Parvo this spring. They had taken every precaution to prevent it from coming into their kennel. Still they were unfortunate. First it hit the very young puppies and then some older ones. Acting quickly, they took the sick Poms to the vet. With close-watching eyes and vaccine, they were lucky to only lose two. Thank goodness for their fast actions and for the vaccine.Congratulations to Sally Baugniet for finishing Pomrish Candys Tuffy Apple at Green Bay on April 26th with two points in Winners Bitch and Best of Winners. Also congratulations to Jackie Liddle with her Ch. Perkins in a Best of Breed and a Group Fourth. At Sheboygan on April 27th Jackies Auroras Whats Inaminit received Winners Bitch. CONGRATULATIONSPacific NW continued from page 64to get most puppies or older dogs to follow you and like it.So now you are ready for handling class. Dont be discouraged if your little friend forgets everything he knew in the new surroundings. In a very short time he will be used to the noise and confusion and will show off all your good efforts.Good luck at the shows, especially the Summer Specialty, which will be over before vou read this, but Ill be wishing you well.Parvovirus continued from page 73have the virus but show no outward signs they will pass the virus in their stools also. Shoes worn to dog shows should be disinfected, as the virus may be carried home on them. 1Parvo is probably more widespread and severe now than it was when it first appeared in 1978 but it should be kept in mind that in spile of the number of deaths attributable lo the disease most dogs who develop it will have mild cases and recover. 1POMERANIAN REVIEW rCIRCULATIONMANAGERJUDY L. BLOCKER 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION14.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 15.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.MEMBER S SUBSCRIPTION RATE10.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.Back IssuesAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681971 Jan. 40, April 35, July 111972 Jan. 10Available at 1.50 Each1973 April 72, July 31974 July 771975 Jan. 70, April 1, July 4, Oct. 101976 Jan. 115, April 61, July 9, Oct. 27Available at 2.00 Each1977 Jan. 6, July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 36, Oct. 121979 Jan. 5, May 3, Nov.Available at 3.50 each1980 Feb. 100, April 80GALESEAOffers two promising males 879 by Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Red out of Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi great granddaughterHeavy Corn Duke, Pepper Pod,Great Elms linesBrilliant redorange, scissors bite Excellent pigmentation and boneFull description and pedigree upon requestMrs. Eileen WaegeleinP.O. Box 346 Little River, S.C. 29566CHERIDEL POMERANIANSWe wish to congratulate our friend Terri Moebuis on her new champions Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order and his daughter Ch. Moe-Bests Miss BehavenLitters expected end of May-Ch.Edneys Moe-Best Special Order exCheridel Cerise Reine BIS Ch. Tequila Sunrise DaughterCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order ex Cheridel Echo of GingerImage GranddaughterGreat Elms-Showstopper-Hadleigh Carol Ricci311 Cherry Hill Rd. W. P.O Box 461 Reisterstown, MD 21136 301 833-84688YIPS YAPSPOMERANIAN REVIEWKENDRA SHAWGardiner, Me.SUSAN INMAN Batavia, N. Y.I am very much in agreement with Mrs. sally Baugniet about size in Poms. I love to iee the tinies, too, but know this isnt ilways good for the breed. What I would ike to see is the Standard changed at least or bitches ideal weight to be 5-6 lbs. I dways thought that dog shows were meant o better breeding stock and pick the ones hat are the best specimens. If a 3 lb. bitch s put up and becomes a champion what ood is she after this, shes too small for needing. In my opinion this is no better han putting up a male who has no testicles. This was my problem when I first went ooking for my bitch. I wanted a breeding itch that was show quality. There really snt one if you want a good one for information. Im not the only one who eels this way and the only hope is our ireeder-judges who realize this.JACKIE KLEINSilver Springs, N. Y.Would the membership and Board consider a change in the requirements on New Member Applications Instead of two APC members being sponsors, how about equiring only one APC member, with the tecond sponsor to be any other person who is qualified to recommend the new applicant hru association with the dog fancy such as i member of another kennel club, a breeder, i handler, a judge or an exhibitor.Im bringing this to your attention lecause of two fellow exhibitors in my area who expressed interest in becoming nembers of APC. Unfortunately, the only 'member they happen to know is meI dont believe that potential members should be kept out of our Club because here happens to be no other APC Member n their locality for them to become Dersonally acquainted with. Do YouI might add that if I had been either of hese people I would have tired of the hassle nvolved in trying to join, and decided it just wasnt worth the bother. One even had her ipplication returned for lack of one sponsor, t'et her check was retained Do we want new members, or dont weLets hear what YOU think about thisA very unusual thing happened to me this past winter which I wanted others to know about. In mid-December a Maine woman used my black and tan stud on one of her females. She was also interested in my champion black stud for use at a later date. I knew nothing about this woman except the two times she was here for the stud services. I was pleased she liked my boys.However, when my March 1980 issue of Dog World arrived, I got a great shock. As I was glancing through the classified ads. I came to one which said. "Champion black and pointed black and tan studs available. I knew absolutely nothing about this and have never advertised my Poms in Dog World. This same woman, whom I barely met twice, had advertised my boys without my knowledge in Dog World She does not even own a black or a black and tan male. Naturallv I was very upset. She told me that she thought if SHE advertised MY boys in HER ad. that Id give her some free stud service.To make a long story shorter, I am in no way connecled with this Pom breeder, even though some people think I might be because of this false ad. Hopefully, this will never happen to any of you. I couldnt believe anyone would do such a thing.We have been askedIs it better to avoid a section andrisk losing puppies oris it better to do a section andget live puppies.Is a section too big a risk to the damSend in your thoughts toYips Yaps.POMERANIAN REVIEW 79INDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageDarrell Olga Baker .....................................................................................................Cover, 5, 44Diek Sally Baugniet ................................................................................................ 31, 45, 70, 71Ruth Beam....................................................................................................................................66Rex Betty Bell............................................................................................................................23Breltwood Arls. Vilma Louie.........................................................................................................13Wilma Jean Brown .........................................................................................................6, 7, 27, 46Morris Betty Carson...................................................................................................... 34, 60, 61Russel Evelyn Churchill.............................................................................................................63Pat Hark.........................................................................................................................................36Lula Mae Collier ............................................................................................................................21Kris Collins. Krystal Class Specialties ............................................................................................9Thelma Dunn. Gloria Setmayer.................................................................................................44. 72Patricia Forst. David Noack............................................................................................................39Boh Goodrich, Maynard Wood .....................................................................................................17Andrea Hall ....................................................................................................................................56Chris Heart.........................................................................................................................2, 32, 46Claire Hendrix................................................................................................................................74Nadine Hersil..................................................................................................................................32Karen Holder. Dan Mercer, Trill Duncan ................................................................................40 41Jodi Hudspeth ............................................................................................................................... 80Gertrude Jacoby..............................................................................................................................15Norman Jerome...............................................................................................................................35Ron Jackie Klein....................................................................................................................30, 46Jackie Chuck Liddle ..............................................................................................................32, 66Janice Luginsland.......................................................................................................................10, 11Roberta Massev. Dorothy Bonner..................................................................................................35Kenneth Edith Rose Mayes........................................................................................................20Sophie Mayes.................................................................................................................................55Elva McGilbrv ...............................................................................................................................50Margaret John McKee ...............................................................................................................29Dan JoEllen Mercer ................................................................................................ 40, 41, 42, 44Mollv Linda Jean Miller.............................................................................................................20Ron Terri Moebuis................................................................................................................29, 59Julie Moreno ..................................................................................................................................65Wavne Erika Moureau...........................................................................................................44, 75Bev Bill Norris .....................................................................................................................52, 53Northern California Pomeranian Club .......................................................................................... 14Clarice Stanley Oganeku .............................................................................................. 24, 25, 46Joan Reillv .....................................................................................................................................22Carol Ricci .....................................................................................................................................77Kendra Shaw .................................................................................................................................26Gerd Sims.......................................................................................................................................62Nellie Sprunger .........................................................................................................................37, 45Doris Thomas.................................................................................................................................36Dolly Trauner ................................................................................................................................29Eileen Waegelein............................................................................................................................77Ann Gene Welshinger ...............................................................................................................33Judy Whipple..................................................................................................................................33Al Dorothy Williamson .............................................................................................................51Janice Young..................................................................................................................................13Jessie Barbara Young.............................................................................................................28, 473 POMERANIAN REVIEWptLc iodiJIS.'MaCH. HONEYCREST RAZLE DAZLE DANTEWith Breeder-Owner Jodi HudspethTop Homebred Pom -1978-1979 No. 2 Kennel Review System 14 Best in Shows - 105 Group Placements 52 Group I - 120 BOBHoney crest Poms5960 Roswell Rd. Atlanta, GA 30328Ph 404 973-8381 404 252-6540