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The Pomeranian Review October 1980
American Pomeranian Out, 3nc,Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER 19808\\w,....w.iff.o^ORLof SHO^soTOYSAN JACINTO KC Photosaugust 9by PEGINICHAMPION JERIBETHS IVAN IDEALShown Winning Another Toy Group on his First Birthday Shown by Owner Darrell Baker Judge Miss Martha AbletlTrophy From Nancy PincusIN THIS ISSUEAPC SUMMER SPECIALTY VISIT TO LUELL KENNELSPyometra in the Bitch by Dr. Shirley D. Johnston Brindle Pomeranians by Marge Gorman Emergency Tactics Which Have Worked for Me by Karen S. HolderPOMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbySOPHIE H. MAYES 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 19380 215793-1912From all reports, our Summer Specialty losted by the Columbia Pom Club was a luge success I wish I could have gone, but ilthough APC Standing Rules do provide for laying the Presidents transportation ex- lenses to our Summer Specialty, our Treasury really could not afford to pick up he tab for over 650. Needless to say, I ouldnt afford it, either. Our California- lased Corresponding Secretary, Dudley rtoaeh, was appointed to represent the Board, and Im sure he will tell you about it n his column. On behalf of the officers and Board and all APC members, I would like to hank the officers and members of the Colombia Pomeranian Club for their hard work ind their great hospitality-crowned by WELL EARNED SUCCESSOur Midwest Reporter has done it again 3he has brought up a very vexing problem which to date the APC has not been able to solve to wit, the various and sundry ways in which the Open Classes are divided by color, even though our Standard mandates that ALL COLORS are to be judged on an equal basis.To give you a little background information on this problem, in the East the great majority of all-breed shows were superintended by George Foley until the business was sold to Moss-Bow in recent times. Starting his business more than sixty years ago, when Black Poms were greatly in favor and superior in quality, Mr. Foley provided two divisions of the Open Class Open Dogs Black and Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color. Even after the Foley business was purchased by Moss-Bow, all shows formerly superintended by Foley provided the same color divisions, while the other shows followed the custom of Moss- Bow originating in the Midwest NOT TO DIVIDE the Open Classes by color. Other superintendents used one system or the other.\ r r 'When our Standard was revised in 1971, members of APC voted to allow color divisions of the Open Classes at Specialty Shows ONLY, with undivided classes the rule at all other shows. Their feeling was that owners of comparatively rare colors would enter their Poms at Specialties and give everyone a chance to see these colors if they might perhaps win a class Blue-since a class win at a Specialty is a source of pride.Believing that the American Pomeranian Club as the Parent Club for the breed would make decisions on such matters, the Board asked permission of AKC to send a letter to all licensed superintendents acquainting them with the decision that we did not want Open Classes divided by color, except at Specialty Shows. But AKC refused to grant permission, saying that all show committees of all-breed shows had the right to decide on such things as division by color. Three times through the years since 1971 we have attempted to change AKCs position on this, through letters and through our Delegates meeting with AKC officials. The stalemate continues.We will keep working towards the goal of enforcing the last paragraph in our Standard and securing the approval of AKC for undivided classes. We have some new tactics in mind. Perhaps all Review readers can help in this effort.I am inviting you to send a brief message to me or to Sally Baugniet asking that AKC help us enforce the Breed Standard which states that the Open Classes shall be divided by color at Specialty Shows ONLY. Sign your name and state whether you are an APC member or not. If a sufficient number of names is collected, it may help us in our next plea to AKC.In my last column, I asked all members to support our February Specialty with Trophies andor Show Catalogue ads. I hope all or nearly all have responded. If not, there is still time when you read this, but HURRYNow I am going to ask you to do something else. The request this time is that ALL MEMBERS will exercise their right and duty to vote for officers and Board members for the coming year. I am not a candidate for re- election as our Standing Rules limit the continued on page 4POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmcatt Pomeranian ffllub, Jnr.President................................First Vice President................Second Vice President .. . .Recording Secretary .............Corresponding Secretary . .Treasurer .............................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB...................................................................Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350BOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Olga Baker Mrs. Julie BrumbackMr. Fred Bassett Mr. H. W. PottebaumMrs. Sallv Baugniet Mr. Tony ShortDelegate to AKC..................POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . Mrs. Roberta Massey, 1209 Carlton Drive, Racine, Wis. 53402 Circulation Manager .................... Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston, SC 29405Published quarterly at Racine, Wisconsin, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 14.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 3.50 Canada, Mexico, Foreign, 15.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription 10.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text ................... 75.00Inside front cover........................................ 40.00Center Spread, 2 pages .............................. 80.00Full page ..................................................... 35.00Three-quarters page.................................... 30.00One-half page ............................................ 20.00One-quarter page vertical only ................ 10.00Charge for reproduction of pictures, up to 5 X 7 inches, 6.00. No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWLJK J ASECRETARYSREPORTbyDUDLEYROACH 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350Recently, I was privileged to attend the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty Show which was hosted by the Columbia Pomeranian Club in Portland, Oregon. I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of hospitality which was extended to the many visitors in attendance. The members of the Columbia Club were so weary at the conclusion of the three-day circuit that I doubt they could have faced one more show.The show was administered despite a few misadventures very smoothly, and the dogs were of good quality-a total of 68 dogs for 71 entries. Opal Mosher, a lovely, gracious lady, judged the Sweepstakes. Her judging was very well received by the exhibitors. The judge in the regular classes, Dr. McGough, did a very creditable job. The exhibitors generally seemed pleased.Id like to thank the Columbia Pomeranian Club for the gracious hospitality extended me, and I thank the Board of the American Pomeranian Club for allowing me to represent them at that Specialty.The Board has recently granted approval for the following Specialties to be held Pomeranian Club of Hawaii,October 19,1980 Columbia Pomeranian Club,December 7,1980 Bay Colony Pomeranian Club,May 9, 1981.The American Pomeranian Club is pleased to welcome the following new members Alejandro Braun MexicoSponsors Dudley Roach and WandaRoachMrs. Barbara Cosgrove AZSponsors Dudley Roach and WandaRoachMr. Joseph V. Croteau CASponsors Dudley Roach and WandaRoachMrs. Mozelle Gibson NMSponsors Olga Baker and Nancy Wharton Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gryder AZSponsors Dudley Roach and Wanda RoachMrs. Susan Inman NYSponsors Jacquelyn Klein and Skip PiazzaMiss Fatima R. Madeiros Bermuda Sponsors Laureano Castro and Anne KnowlesThelma B. McCraw VASponsors Julie Brumback and Maynard WoodM. Louise McKenzie PASponsors Morris Carson and Betty Carson Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Presser CASponsors Ruth Dotson and Dudley Roach Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wiegand GA Sponsors Ruth Beam and Eleanor Hyche Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wilhite AZ Sponsors Dudley Roach and Wanda RoachDonna L. Tyree VASponsors Julie Brumback and Maynard WoodPresidents Message continued from page 2number of terms a President can serve to two. At this writing, I do not know who will be appointed to the Nominating Committee, much less the list of nominees they will propose. All I ask is that members will thoughtfully indicate their choice for each position and return their ballot by the deadline. If you feel you cannot make an intelligent decision because you do not personally know any of the candidates, please dont just start at the top of the list and go down if there are a number of candidates for the same position. Remember that the person at the bottom of the list is only there because the list is in alphabetical order and not because heshe is an inferior candidate. Finally, if you honestly cannot make a choice, remember that the Nominating Committee has spent time and effort to select a slate which they feel is well-qualified to serve the Club.If you want the Club to thrive-support it. See you in New York in FebruaryPOMERANIAN REVIEWFEBRUARY SPECIALTYHOSPITALITYby Olga BakerMr. Fred Bassett, Show Chairman, has commissioned me to plan and execute the Hospitality portion of the Specialty in February. I have done some preliminary work on planning our Dinner, the Hospitality Room, and associalty hospitality for guests of the Specialty.A reservation form for the Dinner will be included in the January issue of the Review, along with added information. In years past the Club has asked for donations of various types for the Clubs Hospitality Room. Our Standing Rules state that Liquor, snacks and mixers for the Hospitality Room at our annual February Specialty shall be provided by the officers and board members, with additional contributions from members solicited in the Show Chairmans advance publicity column in the October issue of the Review.Okay, nice people, consider yourselves as having been solicited. Weve had somenice offers already from some officers an board people-a little money, a little liquoi a little sausage, a little snack-stuff, a littl cheese, etc. This would be a fine time t bring something kind of special with you t add to the Hospitality Room snacks-Mayb you know how to stuff amean jalapeno Or possibly something special you wouL care to add. Believe us, we will greatly aj preciate anything at all. If you have an offei do drop me a note...Olga Baker, Hospitality Chairman, 207 Shirleen Drive, Seabrook Texas 77586. Its a little tough to travel witl food items, but youll all think of something And thanks in advance. Your Show Chair man thanks you, too.KENNEL VISITThe January Kennel Visit will be b Lakeside, Oregon, to the kennel of Wayni George and his wife Bea. This is an oppor tunity to show our appreciation to Wayni for all his work in making the beautifu trophies for the Summer Specialty with lot of congratulatory ads.Sn iHemortamWe announce with deep regret the death of Mrs. Phyllis Seeley on July 29, 1980Long-time member of the American Pomeranian ClubPOMERANIAN REVIEWBON-TON POMSproudly presents.ISMrBEST OF WINNERSOLD DOMINIONKENNEL CLUB1980ASHBErCH. SILVER MEADOWS LIL RED ECHOsubj. AKC conf.Shown under judge Mrs. Joan Gordon Alexander, Echo is a beautiful red with light sableing. Excellent movement and a Group 3 winner.July 1980 puppies due from Echo.Bonnie Anderson Latrobe, PA 15650R.D. 7, Box 143 412 539-2856POMERANIAN REVIEWBON-TON POMSproudly presentswCH. SILVER MEADOWS LIL RED ECHOsubj. AKC conf.Shown under judge Miss Anna K. Nicholas. Im sure proud of my little man. Look for pedigree Behind the New Champions.Bonnie Anderson Latrobe, PA 15650R.D. 7, Box 143 412 539-2856 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYby Darrell and Olga BakerIvan grew up a little, but not unobtrusively by any meansOnly two days ago he reached his first birthday, winning on that special occasion a powerful Toy Group, chock full of Best-In- Show dogs and top handlers in a giant of a dog show-one of the Houston Astro Series of Shows, rapidly becoming the most prestigious of all the multi-show events. In that series he won Best of Breed each time shown, including the Pomeranian Specialty, group placements each time, highlighted by the Toy Group First on his first birthday. He went Reserve Best-In-Show that night, unquestionably You know the feeling... when you are positive it was between two dogs Dont confront us with the fact there is no such thing as a Reserve Best-In-Show ...frequently five dogs in the Best-In-Show ring attest that there is TOO such an honor, and usually all five of those dogs think they got it Well anyway...Hurricane Allen was approaching the Texas Gulf Coast that weekend, yet moronic dog show people, including ourselves, never changed plans and we all enjoyed a lovely weekend.Twenty-one breed and all-breed judges have judged this puppy at this point in his new career. Comments have been extraordinary, and wins have been extraordinary. Beyond those twenty-one who have actually judged the little dog, multi-judges have watched, discussed, observed, and commented on occasion. First observation is usually disbelief at his age second observation is invariably upon his soundness and structurally fine legs and gait then there is the other observation at how incredibly COCKY Ivan is, happily obstinate when he so chooses, to the amusement of judges and friends, and to the exasperation of his handler thats Darrell Baker, not ME. I handled this little macho-Pom one weekend only when his handler was on a scheduled and necessary trip to New York for an AKC meeting and couldnt possibly attend. Talk about a hard-to-follow-act He had been shown to big wins...many Bests of Breed over top specials...three Toy Group Firsts, andlots of notoriety. I consider myself a bit better handler than my room-mate but nerves devastated me when I took Ivan in the ring. In spite of me, he captured Bests of Breed and group placements both days, with one judge whispering critically, You are without a doubt the worlds WORST handlerIvan is amazing us. -He finished championship at eight months of age. Shown only twelve times as a Special, he now has fourteen Bests of Breed some of course from the Puppy Class, where he was shown exclusively ts-.ward his championship, eleven group placements, including four Group Firsts. This is an enviable record if we retired him TODAY we have no such plans, of course.Ivan is small-under 4 pounds-a beautiful orange with highest tailset and smallest ears weve ever had on a Jeribeths Pomeranian. He is a proven stud-now with three new litters and others on the way. He is an eager and efficient stud, even at this tender age. Weve seen in his new offspring a seemingly consistent look of extreme baby faces, unusually heavy coat, deep stop and very short backs. It is far too early to predict a special producing capability from Ivan. Should he exhibit this special trait, well be delighted and yet not totally surprised, since his is a fine concentration of the Duke Dragonfly breeding we found so successful.We will proceed with this happy little dogs show career as we have always done...there will be no picking of judges, no spot-showing, no black-listing of this judge or that judge. Our philosophy remains the same as it has always been. We continue to wonder only how and why we could be so fortunate as to own Ivan. Come see him and us sometime.THANKSJean Schroll, Trophy Chairman for the American Pomeranian Clubs Summer Specialty hosted by the Columbia Pomeranian Club, thanks all the wonderful people for their trophy donations. The response was magnificent. Thanks everyone.POMERANIAN REVIEWANOTHER QUE SERA CHAMPIONCh. Que Sera GiGi of Golden GlowShown winning B.O.S. at Puyallup. Judge Mrs. Wilma Hunter.GiGi finished at Seattle Feb. 24, 1980. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners. Her second Major. Judge Mrs. Thelma Brown.GiGis daughter Que Sera GGs Barbi Doll was Reserve Winners Bitch and our own Que Sera Spirit of Larita was Winners Dog.Congratulations to all the Specialty Winners.Que Sera Spirit of LaritaQue Sera Kennel Phil and Erin Hundley19101 - 67th S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290 206 568-22810 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTYby Erin HundleyTalk about excitement Talk about fun Talk about achievement and beautiful Pomeranians. Thats what we found and thats what we did at The American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty, July 6, 1980, hosted by The Columbia Pomeranian Club, in conjunction with The Dog Fanciers of Oregon Kennel Club Show in Portland, Oregon.Volcano dust and getting lost and staying up too late and talking too much-all part of the biggest and best Pomeranian show ever held in our Pacific Northwest, with a total entry of 85 65 in regular classes and 20 in Puppy Sweepstakes. The judges, Opal Mosher, and Dr. Edward McGough, had their work cut out for them.As I was both exhibitor and groomer, I did miss some of the action in the ring, but I did not miss the beauty of the many entries. More high-quality Poms than I can remember seeing for many a year. A small bit of confusion hindered the start of the Open Bitch class-one of the girls was missing. Who Where Oh There she is. Bea George was so busy discussing the beautiful trophies Wayne had made that she almost did not make it into the ring with Westmost Lady Nip-Winners Bitch. Thats one way to get a lot of attention, but she was worthwaiting for and alls well that ends well. Opal Mosher, our exceptionally well- qualified Puppy Sweepstakes judge, gently examined each little hopeful entry and after careful consideration made these choices Best in Sweepstakes to Jestoms Adorable, bred by Shirley Renner, owned by Jessie and Tom Stephens and shown by Jessie. Doras sire is Jessie and Toms own Ch. Golden Glow Prince. The dam is Shirwoods Simply Arabella. Dora lived up to her name by showing like a doll in addition, she is a nice size for a bitch. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, Harbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy, has a fantastic carriage and style which will take him right to the top. Homebred Stormys sire is Ch. Harbins Indestructible Jim, his dam Scotia Madonna of Harbin. Judge Mosher placed the other entries this wayPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months1. Harbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin.2. Cedar Glens Hold the Phone owned by Alicia Kvamme.Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months1. DavonShire A Charming Dude owned by DavonShire Kennel.2. Wild Acres Touch of Gold owned by Judy Whipple.-Trophy Table at the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty in Portland, Oregon. Trophies were all handmade from Myrtle wood by Wayne George.POMERANIAN REVIEW ]Puppy Bitches 6-9 Months1. Jestoms Adorable owned by Jessie Stephens.2. La Moda Ramboling Rosebud owned by Margaret Klingbeil.3. DavonShire Hadleigh Liza A.Z. owned by DavonShire Kennels.4. Cedar Glens Sparkle Plenty owned by Alicia Kvamme.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months1. Riggins Starglow Starlyn owned by Dolores Riggin.2. Que Sera Tiny Bubbles of La Rita owned by Erin Hundley and Rita LaVerne.3. DavonShire A Winter Wildcat owned by DavonShire Kennel.4. DavonShire Leading Lady owned by DavonShire Kennel.Sweepstakes Judge Miss Opal Mosher presents Best in Sweepstakes to the 6-9 month puppy bitch Jestoms Adorable, owned by Tom and Jessie Stephens and handled by Jessie.In the regular classes Judge Dr. Edward McGough gave each exhibit and exhibitor every possible consideration, taking his time and yet not wasting a minute. With 65 entries, and with the exceptional quality throughout, I did not envy him his job. However, he did not falter and went right to work narrowing down the classes until he had his winners.The winner of the 6-9 Month Puppy Dog class was Cedar Glens Hold the Phone, who was bred and owned by Alicia Kvamme.Andrews Gay Caballero, bred and ownei by Phyllis and Clyde Andrews, was winne of the 9-12 Month Puppy Dog class.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs was won by Ha bins Mr. Ralphs Stormy, who was bred b Irene Harbin and owned by Irene and Sylvi Harbin.Winner of the American Bred Dogs wa Blu-Willows Ruffy Two, bred by Bea anc Wayne George and owned by Jan Ayres an Wayne George.The winner of the Open Dogs, Red Orange, Cream, Sable class was also th Winners Dog and Best of Winners. He wa Babes Teddy Too, bred by Elma Manies anc owned by Edna Girardot.VJudge Dr. Edward McGough awards Winners Dog and Best of Winners to Babes Teddy Too. owned and handled by Edna Girardot.Reserve Winners Dog, also from the Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable class was Harbins Golden Glow Happy Don, bred and owned by Irene Harbin.In the Puppy Bitch class, 6-9 months, the winner was DavonShire Hadleigh Liza A.Z., bred and owned by DavonShire Kennel Reg., Norm Jerome.The 9-12 Month Puppy Bitch class was won by Que Sera Tiny Bubbles of La Rita, who was bred and owned by Erin Hundley and Rita LaVerne.Westmost Fancy Ballerina was the winner of the Bred by Exhibitor class. She was bred and owned by Bea and Wayne George.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe winner of the American Bred Bitch lass and also Reserve Winners Bitch was ii-Mar Gidget of Que Sera, who was bred by 3hilip and Erin Hundley and owned by dary Rosenbaum.Winner of the Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Iream, Sable class and Winners Bitch was Nestmost Lady Nip, bred and owned by Bea md Wayne George.Winners Bitch is awarded to Westmost Lady Nip, owned by Bea and Wayne George and handled by Bea.In the Open Bitch Any Other Allowed Color class the winner was Rinears Holliday Surprise, who was bred by owner Rinear.Best of Breed was Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter, bred by Phyllis and Clyde Andrews and owned by Averil Asbeck.Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed was Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ, owned and bred by Mary Rosenbaum.The Stud Dog class was won by Andrews Wee Red Laddie, who was bred and owned by Phyllis and Clyde Andrews, and the Brood Bitch class was won by Westmost Lady Nip, the Winners Bitch, bred and owned by Bea and Wayne George.The arrangements made by the Columbia Pomeranian Club were outstanding, from the snacks in the Hospitality Room and the bags of goodies at each place at the Banquet, to the most welcome Pot Luck after the show everything combined to make one exceptional show. Even the last-minuteJudge Dr. Edward McGough presents Best of Breed to Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter, handled by Dean Passe for owner Averil Asbeck.Best of Opposite Sex is awarded to Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ, bred, owned and handled by Mary Rosenbaum.cancellation of the room reserved for the Pot Luck worked out well. Tables were set up in the parking lot, between Jean Schrolls motor home and the Georges trailer, and we enjoyed the food under blue Oregon skies. The summer breeze was very welcome even though it seasoned our food lightly with traces of Mount St. Helens volcano ash. An unexpected bonus came in the closeness of some of the exercise pens, giving us a much better chance to observe some of the beautiful Poms we had seen so briefly in thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 13ring-especially some exquisite champions who had been shown in Best of Breed competition. Any one of whom could have deserved the top spot.Unwilling to have a fantastic day come to an end, many diehards went back to the Hospitality Room for more Pom talk. A special thank you goes to Dudley Roach as representative of The American Pomeranian Club he made us feel very special. He shared some grooming and showing techniques with us, making this evening the most valuable of the whole weekend. My husband and I planned a token visit and a way home. We ended wishing the night would neverend. Truly the recapping was more fun than the show, particularly listening to Dudley and Rita LaVerne talking over this show and comparing it to others and their reminiscing about the past. We enjoyed old friends like Les and Dolores Riggin and made new ones like the McClanahans and Judy Whipple. What fun to admire Judys black champion, and learn that he shared a great-grandsire with many of my prospective champions.My first National Specialty is now just a memory. I hope for many more I may have to start printing my own money God love you all.SHOW COMMITTEE COMMENTSby Columbia Pomeranian Club President Muriel GuntherWe have heard so many good comments about the APC Specialty Show our club hosted. Its really good to hear them all.The credits go to EVERYONE who participated in the smallest way to those who did lots. The efforts and contributions of everyone involved are greatly appreciated It couldnt have been done without you, meaning everyoneTo give a few credits the work of Jean Schroll and Wayne George was terrific we cannot begin to realize their efforts and labor. Jean was Trophy Chairman and had the super-big job of getting donations, premium list information out-she also put the ads in the Pom Review, as well as working with Wayne George on ideas, evaluation, tagging, etc., of trophies. Jean also addressed all the extra premium lists that were needed.Wayne George spent months of labor donated in preparing those lovely trophies you saw on the Trophy Table. He showed me what it took to prepare one or two trophies-it was tremendous, and so well done. We owe Wayne and Bea for sharingWaynes time and talents with us a huge debt of gratitude, plus Bea shared hei talents in arranging the trophy table also Lovely.Dolores and Les Riggin with Peggy Dawes were Hospitality. Les tended bar after setting up the room. Averil Asbeck and Linda Gallagher arranged the Pot Luck luncheon which followed the show. Our Show Committee Chairman was Bea George Averil Asbeck and Linda Gallagher were Assistant Chairmen. Averil made the motel and Ban quet arrangements. Goody bags were a joint effort-1 was in charge of that and many other little jobs. Many were involved in fund raising. Jane Reed was a great go-fer. Margaret Coleman did her usual good jot with lining up trophies and ribbons. Plus all the other unnamed who gave what time and work they could.Last and not least we send a big thank you to the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club whc contributed so generously to the financing oi the Pot Luck. And of course all the cooks who did their magic to prepare the food.Thanks again to all.THE NEXT AVAILABLE COVER IS JULY14 POMERANIAN REVIEWSUMMER SPECIALTY WINNERSPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Judge, Miss Opal MosherBEST IN SWEEPSJestoms Adorable owned by Tom and Jessie StephensBEST OF OPPOSITEHarbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy owned by Irene and Sylvia HarbinCLASS ENTRIES Judge, Dr. Edward McGoughPUPPY DOGS 6-9 MONTHSCedar Glens Hold the Phone owned by Alicia KvammePUPPY DOGS 9-12 MONTHSAndrews Gay Caballero owned by Phyllis and Clyde AndrewsBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSHarbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy owned by Irene and Sylvia HarbinAMERICAN BRED DOGSBlu-Willows Ruffy Two owned by Jan Ayres and Wayne GeorgeOPEN DOGS, RED, ORANGE, CREAM, SABLEBabes Teddy Too owned by Edna GirardotWINNERS DOG AND BEST OF WINNERSBabes Teddy Too owned by Edna GirardotRESERVE WINNERS DOGHarbins Golden Glow Happy Don owned by Irene HarbinPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MONTHSDavonShire Hadleigh Liza A.Z. owned by DavonShire Kennel Reg., Norm JeromePUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MONTHSQue Sera Tiny Bubbles of La Rita owned by Erin Hundley and Rita LaVerneBRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHESWestmost Ballerina owned by Bea and Wayne GeorgeAMERICAN BRED BITCHESBi-Mar Gidget of Que Sera owned by Mary RosenbaumOPEN BITCHES, RED, ORANGE, CREAM, SABLE Westmost Lady Nip owned by Bea and Wayne George OPEN BITCHES, ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR Rinears Holliday Surprise owned by RinearWINNERS BITCHWestmost Lady Nip owned by Bea and Wayne George RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Bi-mar Gidget of Que Sera owned by Mary RosenbaumBEST OF BREEDCh. Andrews Wee Red Strutter owned by Averil AsbeckBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCh. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker of JJ owned by Mary RosenbaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, REG.Pomeranians of DistinctionBabes Teddy Too going BW, American Pomeranian Club Specialty Portland, Oregon, July 6, 1980. Judge Dr. McGough.Congratulations to Lucius and Elinor Luccas on their Kennel VisitMany champions at stud and some real promising youngsters Please state exact wants in first letterEdna E. GirardotP.O. Box 646Floral City, FL 32636 Ph 904 726-20016 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKESby Opal MosherI have just returned from an Opal in Wonderland trip to the Great Northwest, vhere I had the highlight of my life with omeranians and Pomeranian people.When I was invited to judge the Sweepstakes for the American Pomeranian Hub Northwestern Show, I was sure that if ipproved I would be there if I had to walk rom Texas to Portland. On Sunday evening allowing the invitation, a former student of nine, whom I hadnt seen for sixteen years, ailed me. In the conversation I told him hat I was going to be in Portland and incited him to come up from California to see ne. Instead, he did something that I could mly have dreamed of. He sent me the price f a ticket to Seattle.When I arrived in Seattle, my dear friend, shirley Bradley, met me and thus began a week of activity that I will never forget. On the way from the airport we visited Florence Ryals and saw her beautiful Poms. Such a happy group of guys and gals I have never seen. They were playing in her large yard, climbing the terraced hillside and having a ball. Best wishes to Florence for her hasty recovery.We next went to Shirleys home, where I met her wonderful husband and son. We were even able to make friends with some of her Poms. One or two of these little gals continued to resent my intrusion. I was also able to renew friendship with a couple of old friends, Tomanolls Romeo, and The Bear-such coats as each of them carried. After almost freezing myself I can understand why those little Texans need good coats.On July 5th we started for Portland, going by way of Mary Rosenbaums home and kennel. Here I was tempted to commit Grand Larceny and steal a beautiful little bitch puppy that I fell in love with. Mary kept an eagle eye on me so I had to leave this little lovely in Washington. Mary also had two babies that showed real promise out of a Texas-bred stud. Brag, BragThe ride to Portland was most enjoyable. Shirley and her lovely daughter, Cathy, wereexcellent chauffeurs for a whole week. On the way down I experienced one of the highlights of my life with Poms when we stopped for a visit with the McGilbrys of Golden Glow Poms. The first person to ever judge a Tomanoll Pomeranian was Mrs. McGilbry. She judged the Fort Worth Specialty several years ago.Now to the Sweepstakes I was presented with twenty lovely puppies to judge. Almost all of them deserved the blue ribbon. You folks on the West Coast are doing a good job in your breeding for good legs. This is something that is lacking in a number of our dogs in this area.Being a breeder, and realizing some of the weaknesses of our breed, I look for sound bone, good legs, and for Poms that can or are large enough to reproduce themselves. My choice for Best Puppy was such a bitch puppy, showy, good-boned and lovely-Jestoms Adorable. I would love to have a kennelfull of her type.My choice for Best of Opposite Sex was a very flashy Junior Puppy, Harbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy. He appealed to me in both size and bone, and was showing like a dream.I had a most enjoyable time at the Pre- Show Dinner, enjoying my favorite past- time-talking. My chats with Dudley Roach were most enjoyable. I was so happy to see my good friends Edna Girardot and Jean Schroll. One makes so many good friends in this sport.The hospitality extended on after the show in the form of a Pot Luck Dinner. Even with a little of Mount St. Helens ash mixed in, it was super After all, a little True Grit never hurt anyone.The remainder of my trip was a visit to Mt. Rainier, The Rain Forest, Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia, in Canada-all very beautiful. I am afraid some of you might not enjoy Heaven after seeing so much of Gods handiwork.All good things must come to an end. So on July 10th I boarded my plane in the cool of Seattle for Dallas. When I arrived thePOMERANIAN REVIEWtemperature was 109 in the shade and NO SHADE.Thanks, folks in the Northwest, for a trip of a lifetime. A Special THANKS to theBradleys-Shirley, Lynn, Cathy, and Bobb You are Great. I hope I made enough friem so that I can come again sometime. LOVED YOU ALL.JUDGES COMMENTSby Dr. Edward McGoughThe Summer Specialty of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., hosted by the Columbia Pomeranian Club, with its entry of 65, is now behind us.Your Officers and Show Committee did an outstanding job. The trophies, hand made by a member, from Oregon Myrtle Wood, were spectacular.The overall entry, though large, had much quality. In general, movement over-all was very good, as were head types, eyes and ear sets. Size and coats varied considerably, but few specimens erred on the large side of the preferred size and many of the smaller specimens had assets which could not be ignored.The dog classes had more quality for this arbiter than the bitch classes and the Winners Dog was a handsome specimen, beautifully coated, especially strong in movement, with an excellent head, showing handsomely with great presence.He was also Best of Winners and challenged the champions for Best of Breed. He was Edna Girar- dots Babes Teddy Too, bred by E. Manies.Winners Bitch was Wayne and Bea Georges Westmost Lady Nip, a feminine specimen with a beautiful head, excellent movement and very pleasing temperament. She was sired by the veteran Ch. Holders ALil Red Flash, who was shown in the Stv Dog class and Best of Breed competitio where he was in the final cut.First in Brood Bitch class was Winnei Bitch Westmost Lady Nip. Stud Dog cla first place went to Andrews Wee Red Lai die, sire of the Best of Breed Winner.Temperaments of exhibitors and Pon were excellent, making the entire day great pleasure.Breed was taken by a young local do owned by Averil Asbeck, Ch. Andrews We Red Strutter, bred by Phyllis and Clyde Ai drews. This beautifully-pigmented red do with a very handsome headpiece, good coa and excellent movement had the cobbines which I found missing in so many specimen He also had a delicateness of bone and facia features which I find pleasing and which i now somewhat less sought after. He went o to place second in a very strong Toy Groui Best of Opposite Sex was Mary Rosenbaum Ch. Bi-Mars Happy Hooker, bred by th owner. She exuded coat and quality was of proper size and had an excellent head wit] beautiful eyes and ears. Here again, she wa cobby and moved well like the Best of Breei and Best of Winners, she carried hersel with a proper touch of arrogance and pridi of person.REVIEW MAILINGBy decision of the Board the following policy will go into effect with this issue of the ReviewAll columnists will receive their Reviews by first class mail for each issue in which their column appears. When a column is not submitted or arrives too late to be included in an issue, the Review will be sent by regular third class mail unless the columnist has paid for first class mailing.Anyone submitting an article that i printed in the Review will receive by firs class mail that issue in which their article i printed. This does NOT apply to letters sen to Yips Yaps.Any non-subscriber who submits an articli to the Review will receive a complimentary copy of the issue in which his article ap pears..8 POMERANIAN REVIEWBI-MAR POMERANIANSBest of Opposite Sex at the 1980 National Pom Summer SpecialtyBest of Breed at the 1977 Columbia Pom SpecialtyCh. Bi-Mar Happy Hooker of JJReserve Winners Bitch at the 1980 National Pom Summer Specialty from the American- bred class AKC pointsMr'W IIBi-Mar Happy Troubles of JJBi-Mar Gidget of Que Sera3rd Open Bitch in the 1980 National Pom Summer Specialty Needs a major for championshipMary Rosenbaum 36520 - 28th Ave. SouthPh 206 927-2369 Federal Way, WA 98003POMERANIAN REVIEWBI-MAR POMERANIANS FOR SALEBi-Mar Flaming Chip of Gold Male Whelped May 18, 1979 350.00Sire Ch. Andrews Ima Jim Dan-LeeDam Bi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews Cricket is dam of Ch. Bi-Marby Ch. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Ms. Fancipants OFayleinJimChip is 4'2 lbs., deep red and a proven sire. Show Quality.Bi-Mar Caramel Candy Female Whelped April 27, 1979 350.00Sire Ch. Golden Glow Nip Dam Bi-Mar Kandi Kaneby Ch. Sunrays Lil BeaverCandy was Best Puppy at the 1979 Columbia Pom Club match. She is a free whelper and weighs 6 lbs. orange.Bi-Mar Golden Glow Muffit Female Whelped Oct. 9, 1978 350.00Sire Golden Glow Jim DandyDam Golden Glow Jul Ette Jul Ette is dam of 2 championsby Golden Glow Row DeeMuffit is in whelp now to Jestoms Red Robin, son of Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms. Muffit is deep red, 5'A lbs. This is her first litter. Her puppies will be for sale at weaning time.Bi-Mar Dapper Dan Male Whelped Feb. 16, 1980 350.00Sire Ch. Andrews Ima Jim Dan-Lee Dam Bi-Mar Kandi Kaneby Ch. Sunray Lil BeaverDan is 4 lbs., good movement - show prospect - redorange.Puppies due from the following two bitchesSire Bi-Mar Flaming Chip of Gold by Ch. Andrews Ima Jim Dan-Lee Dam Ch. Bi-Mar Happy Hooker of JJ by Ch. Scotia Caviliers Jungle JimHappy was Best of Breed at the 1977 Columbia Pom Club Specialty and Best of Opposite Sex at the 1980 National Pom Club Specialty.Sire Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear by Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Dam Bi-Mar Kandi Kane by Ch. Sunrays Lil BeaverKandi is full sister to champion and Bear is a brother to Best in Show winner Ch. Macs Mr. Beaux Jangles.Mary A. Rosenbaum 36520 - 28th Avenue SouthPh 206 927-2369 Federal Way, WA 98003I POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN-DETROIT AREARequests your presence at its annual Specialty Show Saturday, November 22, 1980 at the Detroit Artillery Armory Judge for the regular classes is Mr. Fred Bassett Sweepstakes Judge is Mr. Sam Zaneoff The Oakland County Kennel Club Show will be held at the same location, November 23, 1980 RSVPMarge Gorman, Show Chairman31134 East Wind Fraser, MI 48026Pssst..................Christmas is just around the cornerBrettwood Arts has some very special Christmas gifts and cards available for Pom lovers. Wide variety of Pom Christmas cards. Order early for best selection.Exquisite hand-painted trinket boxes in your choice of Pom design and color.Custom-made kennel signs of solid birch.Precious Pom key chains you select Pom design and color. Truly a unique gift.-xVFor the Pom who has everything- lace-trimmed drool bibsPom portraits.Darling Pom notepapers in many styles and colors.Charming Pom greeting cards.Pom litter announcements, pedigrees, stud contracts and moreSend LSASE 504 each for Kennel Signs, Cards or Wooden Items brochures all three for 1.00 toBrettwood ArtsP.O. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354POMERANIAN REVIEWQUEENAIRE SOMETHIN ELSEF1Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude x Queenaire CharadeBuffy is shown winning a four point major out of the Puppy Class 6-9 Months under respected judge Miss Dorothy Nickles at Corvallis, Oregon.Thank you Dudley and Wanda Roach, for sharing with us, just starting out in Poms, this lovely breedable-size, sound show bitch with all your years of good line breeding behind her. We certainly will do all we can for this Super little Breed.LOTTALUV KENNELSRoger and Linda McClanahan1028 W. Indian Hills PI. Phoenix, Arizona 85023 Ph 602 866-7870POMERANIAN REVIEWVISIT TO LUELL KENNELSby Elinor LuccasLuell Kennels is located halfway between [ilwaukee and Chicago on 514 acres along le Fox River in Southern Wisconsin. Our ennel houses 50 to 60 Pomeranians but we ave facilities for about 75 Poms, including puppy room for three to six month old ups and a grooming area. We also have a jparate boarding area with 25 individual ldoor-outdoor runs for all breeds. Adjacent the parking lot we have steps going down ito the basement of the house where we ave a grooming shop and waiting room. Let le tell you how all this got started.honeymoon when Lu informed me my Poms would not be allowed to live in the house. He felt dogs were meant to live outside-after all, they wore big fur coats, didnt they Well, when I realized how firm he was about this I had to decide whether to put my dogs first and leave my new husband or put my husband first and move the dogs out. My Poms had stuck with me through some pretty trying times and I felt like a traitor when I decided Lu had to come first. He bent a little bit and decided to build pens and beds for them in our attached garage. To my surprisefcDOGS BOARDEDr.., 1 537-2681 i-sksf iBvtm Lurins L Elisor Locm"T.. . V -- -Tv'8'm.rView from highway showing entrance to kennel.tWr-r- -MViewof front side of kennel.Just eleven years ago Lu and I were mar- ied. He had custody of his five children and had my three children and three Poms. We .lmost ended our marriage the day after ourthe Poms thrived that winter and grew very thick, dense coats.Lu grew to love these kids and I talked about breeding my Penny once before she was too old. He had never seen pups born before and thought that was a good idea. She was bred to my male and when she was pregnant Lu felt she should be watched more carefully, so she could live inside until her pups were weaned. She went into labor while Lu was home and I was at work. She was pushing almost constantly and no pups so after Lu called me he rushed her to our vet. Lu had to hold her steady while the vet worked and pulled out one very large, long, dead pup. The only one she had. When I came home he was holding her in his arms and had tears in his eyes as he related the horrible experience at the vets and said hePOMERANIAN REVIEWcouldnt get over how trusting and brave Penny was as long as he held her. She had never made a sound From that time on he realized the tremendous devotion, trust and love the Pom has in its tiny body. We bought a dog bed and Penny lived the rest of her days not only in our home but in our bedroom. The other two Poms also shared our home with us and with our eight children.I talked to Lu about buying a female built for breeding he wasnt sure because he was afraid of the mess we might be forced to live in. I convinced him to go with me to the breeder who sold me my original three Poms. When Lu saw the spotless conditions Mr. John LoPorto of Lombard, 111., kept his Poms in, he was convinced you could be a breeder and still live in cleanliness and comfort.1John LoPorto giving Ch. Kukla his first award at Kenosha Kennel Club Match in 1974.We bought the Corn Duke daughter and t Com Duke grandchildren....Theseare the Good OP Boys L to R C Luells Cajun Dragonfly, Ch. Luells Stormy Ni O Cardnl, Luells Dandy Gold Dancer and C Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke. ' . .1Luells Fluffy Toy Cuddles, daughter of Ch. To Towns Dandy Corn Duke x Toy Towns Cuppof Jeribeth. Free-whelped three pups day aftepicture was taken.John was the best thing that could have ever happened to us. He helped us to learn about bloodlines, breeding, showing and grooming the Pomeranian. In the next year we bought about six or seven Poms from him as he was going out of the breed. We had the most fantastic start and foundation stock new breeders could ever expect. His kennel name was Toy Town and Im sure many old- timers remember that name. John had purchased three females from Texas one was a Com Duke daughter whom he intended to breed to his Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toy Town. After only one litter his championhad a massive heart attack, which was one o the deciding factors to drop out of the breed As we began to grow in Pomeranians w became more and more curious to see som of the dogs in our Poms backgrounds. One spring about seven years ago we headed om truck-camper south and visited the Bakers and Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. What sthrill that was He was gorgeous and we were so proud to have him so heavily in oui program. We also saw many of the Texas breeders and talked dogs way into the nights. The people down there were very helpful, hospitable and sweet.1 POMERANIAN REVIEW137vSfVDlinor and Lu with arms full of girls. L to R Luells Finally A Timstopper, Luells Half Pint Frm luchess, Luells Fiery Bubble Dancer and Luells Darlin Angel of Duke.Soon we had way too many Poms to keep n our home so we built our first small ken- rel. It didnt take long to run out of space igain so we added on a large second room, of- 5ce and small kitchen. We tiled the floor so he dogs would feel more like they were in a rome and would not be down on cold, damp ement. Several neighbors asked if they xrnld board their dogs with us because they iiked the clean conditions and felt we could De trusted to take good care of their pets.The boarding idea was working out very well but we needed a separate area for them so we didnt have to worry about the Poms being subjected to whatever the boarders had. Two years ago we added on another addition, 50 feet by 24 feet, made 23 indoor- outdoor runs separated by cyclone fences. The floor was slanted towards the center to make hosing down easier. Again we tiled the floor. The outside areas for the Poms have about a foot of pea gravel but the boarding area is all cement. The kennel building has two complete heating systems, air conditioning, awnings for shade and a smoke detection and alarm system.When we started our boarding operation we were asked by our customers to bathe and groom their dogs before pick-up. I decided to go to the Midwest School of Dog Grooming to learn this part of the business.The only drawback in the boarding'IInside of Pom kennels. Puppy room behind is that it really ties you down. We have not been able to attend many dog shows lately. Nadine Hersil is handling our show dogs so at least we are represented in the ring. Lu has less than five years left to work at Johnson Motors to retire with thirty years and by then we hope our combined kennel and grooming operations will be able to keep us busy on a full-time basis.If you are ever near us, give us a call and drop in. We are close to both OHare Airport near Chicago and Mitchell Field near Milwaukee, as well as to major highways and we love to talk dogs.POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations CongratulationstoLU and ELINORELINORAND on your Kennel VisitLUCIUS LUCCAS andThanks for being suchSuper Friendson your Kennel Visit.For Salebreeding or petBest wishes for continued success.Orange F. wh. 1279M. wh. 379Mostly Duke-QueenaireGoldDancerMrs. Wilma Jean Brown Chris and Odette Nolan8820 Rockville Rd. do Wallaces MarinaIndianapolis, Ind. 46234 Rt. 2, Box 94-B317 271-4954 Ponchatoula, LA 70454GREAT ELMS KENNELS, Regd.Congratulations to Lucius and Elinor Luccas on theirKennel Visit. My best wishes to them.I do accept broods in for service but do not ship otherwise.You may call me after 1100 p.mNothing for SaleRuth L. Beam Pineville, N.C. 28134P.O. Box 937 Ph 704 889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELSOur Twelfth Homebred ChampionBES^fOPPSEXSTARVEDROCKKCkaS^hStTICH. POMIRISH SPORTS SWEDISH LADYShown finishing over a second bitch special.Judge Miss AblettShe is now going to Sweden to co-owner Elisabeth Spillman We will miss this beautiful bitch Congratulations to Luells Kennels on their Kennel VisitDick and Sally Baugniet414755-299411224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI54228POMERANIAN REVIEW rCh. Bev-Nors Do It To ItThank you, Beverly and Ed Jenner, for Cracker Proven Stud.Bev-Nors An Paynes Wee EdneyThank you, Bev, for Sezina. Look for her at the shows. She is a love.rrsIWinkels Pepperdale of Tim SueThank you, Sue, for Dale and thank you for helping me.Browns Wee Fancy DragonThank you, Jean Brown, for my darling Fancy. He is my top stud and produces my best puppies.The top dogs are all bought to help in my breeding line.Puppies Champions and Pointed StudsMrs. Minnette WinkelRt. 1, Box 184 46th St. Lawrence, Mich. 49064 Ph. 616 674-8390 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind the New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional letails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than four lines vill be published upon receipt of 15.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on ile with the Review, the charge is 9.50.1H. SCOTIA WENDYS GINGER 1RANDYrange Maleireeder-Owner Edna Girardot 'loral City, FLCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest cotia Best Yets Highpockets SireCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Best YetCh. Royal Trudie of Lane-Marr Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia Caviliers Wonder Girl Icotia JD Treasure Chest Wendy DamCh. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Scotia Tootsie Tootles StoryH. JOYFUL JET OF BRIELLEted-Sable Male Sreeders-Ownerslatherine Kenneth L. Lefferts ihirley, L.I., NYCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Moonwalker Pomwin Busybody Ih. May Morning Space Pilot SireAm. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight May Morning Legacy of Jonnie May Morning Kissin Cousin May Morning Social Climber Ch. May Morning Happy Chappie May Morning Little Lulu oyful Noise of Brielle DamRossmoyne Little Gem II Caberts Little Miss Muffett Wee Cavalier Precious DollCH. SCOTIA JOE DS TIDDLY DEE DUMOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Edna Girardot Floral City, FLCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy SireCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Wonder Girl Robins Meggie of Scotia Ch. Sungoldfs Gay Russel Ch. Sungolds Dynamic David Aristic Sungold Maydell Ch. Sungolds Dee Dee DamCh. Rumples Timsun Jilltaras Buttercup Zella of AznowCH. ANADORS MELODY IN ORANGEOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Ann Welshinger Superior, WICh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Spectacular Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Pomirish Winnies Tuf Tigger Sire Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Winnie the Pooh Scotia Double GrDa OCavalier Ch. Hadleighs Little Robin Ch. Robins Even Steven of Scotia Lady SpitfireScotia Robins Orange Blossom DamCh. Scotia Cavaliers Spectacular Scotia President Nancy Scotia Nikki Tees AmyVIEWS EXPRESSED BY INDIVIDUAL CONTRIBUTORS ARE THEIR OWN AND NOT NECESSARILY THOSE OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.We invite our readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. ROSSKEARS PROMISED LANDOrange Female Breeder Ann Winter Owner DavonShire Kennel,Norman Jerome Hollywood, FLCynpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Ch. Wynwrights Mid-Winter Boy Bulver My Fair LadyEng. Ch. Rosskear Winterwonderland SireCh. Cynpegs Gamblers Gold Amcross ZinMadela JulianaCynpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Ch. Wynwrights Mid-Winter Boy Bulver My Fair Lady Angel Babe of Rosskear DamAndersley Aflash Garet DustetteAndersley AmoondustCH. SILVER MEADOWS STAR MISTEECream-Sable Female Breeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, NYCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist SireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Sunwink of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows TigerSilver Meadows Lady Taffy Silver Meadows Lil Daisy DamCh. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CriekettCH. SHADOWDANCES TOUCH AND GOOrange-Sable Male Breeder Hazel Chambers Owners Clarice Yvette Oganeku Kaneohe, HITip Top of Point Loma Ch. Andre Of Point Loma Peanut of Point Loma Chambers Tom Thumb SirePrince Little Joe Ch. Creiders Betsy B Beautiful Creiders Orange Blossom Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Chambers Christie Love DamChambers Tom Thumb Chambers Molly 0Royalettes RoseannCH. POMIRISH SPORTS SWEDIf LADYOrange FemaleBreeder-Co-Owner Sally Baugniet Owner Elisabeth Spillman Vasteras, SwedenCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Macs Faneyduke Wee Wendy Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport SireCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Pamtuff Star of Disheroon Dendys Little Man of Jilltara Ch. Apples Traveling Buddy Dendys Miss America Travelers Ka-Tina DamTimstoppers Shadow Gay Jewels Shadow of Gidget Gidgets JewelCH. SILVER MEADOWS LIL RE ECHORed-Sable Male Breeder Jacquelyn Klein Owner Bonnie Anderson Latrobe, PACh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Tim Sues Gay Butterfly Mercers Dash O Duke SireCh. Macs Four on the Floor of OKal Tomanolls Tiny Tinker Toy Tomanolls Tiny Tiffany Ch. Sunwink of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows TigerSilver Meadows Lady Taffy Silver Meadows Lil Echo DamCh. Models Son of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows KatydidAUTHOR UNKNOWNYou cant buy loyalty, they sayI bought it, though, the other day.You cant buy friendship, tried and true Well, just the same, I bought that, too.I made my bid, and on the spot Bought love, and faith and a whole job lol Of happiness so all in all The purchase price was very small.I bought a simple trusting heart That gave devotion from the start.If you think these things are not for sale, Buy a Pom with a wagging tail.Submitted by Wilma Jean BrowPOMERANIAN REVIEW, 'CH. TIMS SUES WEE LOVE POLLYCH. TIM SUES MISS MINNIE MOUSECh. Tim Sues Wee Love Polly sends congratulations to her kennel mate, Ch. Tim Sues Miss Minnie Mouse, who earned all but last major from the Puppy Class.Both of these girls will be bred shortly. We have some nice breedings underway, including two line breedings to the Bakers Ch. Jeribeths Ivan Ideal... keeping our fingers crossed for baskets full of warm fuzzies.Tim and Sue Goddard5044 Lee Hwy.Bristol, Va. 24201 703 466-2937POMERANIAN REVIEWPYOMETRA IN THE BITCHby Shirley D. Johnston, D.V.M., M.S.Reprinted from the Cassette, the Sheltie and Collie breed publication, September- October 1978 issue, by permission of the editor and the author.Pyometra, or pus in the uterus, is a devastating disease of the reproductive organs in the bitch. It is usually seen in older bitches some time during the 12 weeks following a standing heat in which the bitch was not bred. In our practice we distinguish pyometra from metritis or endometritis, conditions which refer to uterine infection following whelping.Clinical signs of pyometra depend on whether the cervix is closed, in which case the uterus expands and fills with pus, or open, in which case the pus drains through the vagina so that the uterus is only slightly enlarged. Signs of closed cervix pyometra include polyuria and polydipsia increased drinking and urination, severe depression, anorexia appetite depression, lethargy and occasional observation of abdominal enlargement and vomition. With open cervix pyometra, where bacterial toxins are able to drain out of the body, the bitch is generally more active and alert, but signs of polyuria and polydipsia and some depression are usually seen.Despite the fact that pyometra has been well studied in the bitch, its causes are still not well defined. In the young bitch, mismate shots may cause a slight predisposition of open cervix pyometra. In the middle aged and older bitch, some researchers indicate the repeated and normal progesterone stimulation of the post-estrus uterus which occurs in every intact bitch after every cycle as leading to changes which favor infection and pyometra. In fact, the rather high incidence of pyometra in older intact bitches is a major reason for encouraging ovariohysterectomy of all bitches once their reproductive efficiency i.e. conception rate, puppy survivability, etc. starts to decline after age 6 - 7. Closed cervix pyometra is a potentially life-threatening disease, and one which demands immediate and usually expensive medical and surgical therapy.DIAGNOSISBecause of the impact of this disease or bitchs life and reproductive futui definitive diagnosis is essential. The clii cian relies initially on history of t previous heat and the owners observation clinical signs. Tests which confirm presen of the disease include palpation radiographic evidence of an enlarged uteri and elevated white blood cell count, with large proportion of immature your neutrophilic white blood cells. Culture ai identification of bacteria present in ti vaginal discharge with open cerv pyometra or of the uterine contents in clos cervix pyometra at surgery is indicated enable the clinician to put the bitch on specific and indicated antibiotic.TREATMENT1. Closed Cervix Pyometra Immedia ovariohysterectomy is the only acceptab therapy, and one which is usually necessai to preserve the life of the bitch.2. Open Cervix Pyometra Ovariohyste ectomy should be performed on all open ce vix pyometra bitches of mixed breeds those purebreds classified as pet quality which do not have a major role in yoi breeding program.Medical therapy to cause evacuation of ti uterus in conjunction with specific a tibiotic therapy for 3 - 4 weeks has been use successfully in our practice to cure open ce vix pyometra in valuable breeding bitche We used a medical regimen of ergonovir and diethylstilbestrol during a ten da hospitalization successfully in a number bitches, and now use prostaglandin in cooperative study with the Upjohn Pharm ceutical Company. All of these dru ergonovine, diethylstilbestrol and prostaj landin cause contraction and emptying the uterus. All are used in concert with pr longed antibiotic therapy, and the bitche must be bred on the next cycle to preven recurrence of the disease. The majority c our patients have conceived on the next hea and delivered normal litters.POMERANIAN REVIEWThere is no evidence that false pregnancy, .story of previous pregnancy, nor breed "edilection affect incidence of pyometra.REFERENCESEwing, G.O., Schechter, R.D., Whitney, ,.C., and Wind, A.P. The Therapy of anine Pyometra, JAAHA 6218-227,1970. Fidler, I.J., Brodney, R.S., Howson, A.E., nd D. Cohen Relationship of Estrous Ir- jgularity, Pseudopregnancy, and Pregnan- f to Canine Pyometra, J.A.V.M.A. 149 043-1046, 1966.3. Hadley, J.C. Unconjugated Estrogen and Progesterone Concentrations in the Blood of Bitches with False Pregnancy and Pyometra, Vet. Rec. 96545-547, 1975.4. Hardy, R.M., and Osborne, C.A. Canine Pyometra Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment of Uterine and Extra-Uterine Lesions, JAAHA 10245-268, 1974.5. Pettit, G.D., Progesterone-Induced Pyometra in the Bitch, Animal Hospital, August, 1965, pp 151-158.6. Schalm, O.W. Pyometra in the Dog, Cal. Vet., October, 1973, pp 18-21.KENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, Carmen Glander and Carol Walsh 1519 North Avenue Round Lake Beach, IL 60073With summer at hand there are many dog hows to go to and of course, that is exactly vhat the people of the Kenosha County iomeranian Club have been doing. Due to nany reasons, I suppose, the Midwest has een having problems with not many ma- ors. The first major around this area in a ong time was at Waukesha, Wisconsin, vhich was held July 27th. Two of our nembers took the majors that day and they ire Elinor and Lu Luccas with their male Luells Danny Boy and Carmen Glander vith Nemracs Elegant Buttercup, who finished her championship that day.In our last column we had mentioned the problem with broken bones in the lower parts of the leg, which usually causes nonunions. Two of our club members had this unfortunate incident happen to their winning Poms. As coincidence would have it, both Poms had their majors and both collected ten points when they met with their accidents. There didnt seem to be much hope that either Pom would ever see a show ring again in conformation. Fortunately, as fate would have it, these little Poms legs healed properly and they finished within a week of each other. These two little girls are Sally Baugniets Pomirish Sports Swedish Lady and Carmen Glanders Nemracs Elegant Buttercup.Our club is going to have a sanctioned B Match on October 4,1980, at Luell Kennels. Lloyd Graser, Jr., has graciously consentedto be our judge. After the match we are going to have our annual awards dinner. The dinner will be a picnic-type atmosphere with everyone bringing a side dish. The meat will be supplied by the club. Everyone is invited.Carol Walsh has been visited by the Pom stork. Carol is the envy of us all, because the stork saw to it that her gals had all girls. Not only are they girls, Im sure that some day in the near future you will be seeing some of them in the show ring. The proud mammas are Ch. Luells Carmel Corn of Duke owned by Carol and Mark and Luells Lets Go Dancing owned by Vicki Seymour and Carol. The proud daddies are Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan owned by Nadine Hersil and Varneys Conquestador owned by Judy Zurkowski, respectively.Judy Zurkowski also has been visited by the Pom stork. Judy combined her lines with the Pomirish lines which produced some really nice, outstanding puppies. These too will be in the show ring soon. Watch for our new representatives of the Kenosha County Pomeranian Club in the near future.Congratulations to Sally Baugniet in finishing Pomirish Sports Swedish Lady. Congratulations also to our Poms finishing in Obedience. Marlene Johnsons Pom D-Nees Driftin Dandy-lion earned her third leg at Madison with a score of 193. Congratulations, Marlene, on your Poms C.D.Congratulations go to Lu and Elinor Luccas on their Kennel VisitPOMERANIAN REVIEWKRYSTAL POMS AND MALTESE WISHES TO CONGRATULATECH. McKAMEYS CAVALIER SAMSON subj. AKC conf.and his new owner, Terri Reeder,of Sacramento, CaliforniaBest Wishes to You BothGREAT GOING, GUYSAlso Introducing KRYSTALS HONEY BEAR HUGGIEFrecklesKRYSTALS CAVALIER MEMORIESA Sammy DaughterHuggie is the son of Boulder River Little Bear. He is producing Hcolor, coat and sound, out-going pups.Bear is a perfectly marked chocolate producing beautiful pups.......These kinds are real lookers. Watch for us this springBeing my first official ad I would like to thank a few people who have been special friends to me.,-Lr hA. it. Po'JLjA special extra-big thanks to a special friend, Wilma Jean Brown.That is one special friend. There arent many like her.Thanks to Mrs. N. McKamey, a person without whom there wouldnt have been a Sammy-who let a good one go.Thanks to all my friends in the Midwest and the Kenosha Club. You all know who you are.And a Thanks to all the judges who liked my kids, be they Poms or Maltese...Robert Braithwaite B. Boshell Mrs. HeckmanDel Glodowski Joseph Rowe Ed KleinMrs. T. Stevenson Mrs. L. Vandeventer Alvin MaurerCharles KelloggThanks to you ALLKRYSTALS POMS AND MALTESE292 MarkGlendale Heights, IL 60137 312 665-2837POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION McKAMEYS CAVALIERS SAMSONsubj. AKC conf.9Sammy pictured with owner, shown winning WD and BW at Vallejo, CA under judge Mrs. Bettie Krause.Sammy came to us with 11 points including both majors from Kris Collins of Glendale Heights, 111. Kris put these points on Sammy herself. A great big Thank You, Kris, for letting us have this beautiful, delightful bundle of joy. We surely knew he had been handled with TLC. Jack and I simply adore him. Sammy is our house pet along with our other pet Pom, Mighty Mouse. They both share our pillows at night and what a race it is up the stairs to see who can beat the other one up first when its nighty-night time. Also thanks to his very knowledgeable breeder, Mrs. Norris McKamey. Sammy is certainly a credit to the McKamey line and to his sire Ch. Ken- Gay Cavalier Joe and his dam McKameys Burnt Sugar. Mrs. McKameys liver recipe is great, too, and the boys love it. I finished Sammy in one week-end on August 2nd and 3rd at Vallejo, CA. Listed below are all the judges who saw Sammys merit. Many thanks to all of you.Puppy Dog R. BraithwaiteOpen Dog D. GlodowskiJ. Rowe B. Boshell M. Cohen E. Klein B. Krause V. Perry1 pointChicago International 4179 Griffith, Indiana 415791 point2 points1 point2 pointsVallejo, California 83803 pt. major 3 pt. majorT.J.s PomsTerri and Jack Reeder LTC USAF Ret4206 Zephyr Way Sacramento, CA 95821 Ph 916 489-8192POMERANIAN REVIEWCHAMPION McKAMEYS CAVALIERS SAMSONsubj. AKC conf.-XWINNERSSammypictured with owner, shown finishing with his third major under judge Vincent Perry at Vallejo, CA.Our Super Star, as we call him, will be campaigned in Canada in 1981, plus we see Mexico coming up in our crystal ball. Sammy is at stud to a limited number of approved bitches who are brucellosis clear. Temporary Fee 100 plus airport pick-up. Non-stop flights into Sacramento only will be accepted. Proven daughter soon to be shown, 5 lbs., heavy coated, short back. Dark red.This is my first owner-handled champion as it was my third time in the ring prior to the Vallejo week-end shows. May I be an incentive to others who have the desire to show their own dogs. Besides, its loads of fun. Oh-nearly forgot-Sammy also has a Best Adult in Match non-sanctioned to his credit.Congratulations are in order to Lucius and Elinor Luccas on their Kennel Visit.T.J.s PomsTerri and Jack Reeder LTC USAF Ret4206 Zephyr Way Sacramento, CA 95821 Ph 916 489-81923 POMERANIAN REVIEWMcKAMEYS SUNDAWN KENNELSSending Congratulations to Theresa Reeder California on finishing to championship McKameys Cavaliers Samson and to Kristina Collins for starting him on his show career.We have a good selection of new litters to offerCh. Enchanting son x Ch. Just A Honey daughter - orange and orange sable femaleCh. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe x daughter - 3 orange girlsCh. Enchanting son x Cavalier, Enchanting, Pla-mor - 2 orange girls, orange maleCh. Ideal bred to Ch. Joel granddaughter - 2 orange sable malesPtd. Cavalier son x Ch. Just A Honey daughter - dark orange girlCh. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe daughter bred to sire - orange girlPtd. Replica out of Ch. Ideal x Ch. Enchanting daughter, bred to Ch. Rocksample - orange sable girlCh. Ideal x Ch. Glory Gold - orange female and orange sable maleCh. Ben Jo x Ch. Just A Honey daughter - tiny orange girl, orange maleCh. Enchanting daughter and son mating - tiny orange maleExpecting new babies out of Ch. Ben Jos litter sister, and out of Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe daughter.Have young proven males, open females and older stock, prefer kennel pickup if at all possible. Stamp for reply appreciated. Pointed proven older stock, older studs also.Ch. Ideal son winning, plus a new Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe daughter, owner shown.All pups DHL vaccinatedCongratulations to Lucius and Elinor Luccas on their Kennel Visit from another Kenosha County Pomeranian Club member.Mrs. Norris McKameyR.R. 1, Box 185 Bettendorf, Iowa 52722 Ph. 319 332-5809POMERANIAN REVIEW 3PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSbyERIN HUNDLEY 19101 -67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290That big bang you heard last May 18th wasnt really our volcano sounding off, it was all the Pomeranians yelling, You all come to the Specialty." And lots of you did. Mount St. Helens was quiet, and we were noisy. All kidding aside, the Specialty was a treat for all the Northwest. More about that in the Specialty Report.I want to tell you about the two shows that preceded the Big Show. Phil and I took off right after work July 3rd. We drove as far as we could that night, stopping just north of Portland to sleep. Up again early Friday, we drove on down to Coos Bay to the Coos Kennel Club Show. We arrived just in time to give our dog a walk around to get used to the show grounds before ring time. The judge, Mrs. Jean Fancy, chose Westmost Black Jack as Winners Dog-a nice black and tan bred and owned by Wayne George. This four point major finished his championship subj. AKC conf.. Winners Bitch went to Rosskears Promised Land, breeder A. Winter, shown by owner Norm Jerome of DavonShire Kennel Reg. Black Jack was Best of Winners Best of Breed, Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear, breeder Opal Mosher, owner Shirley and Cathy Bradley. Best of Opposite Sex, Westmost Lady Nips Paper Doll, breeder-owner Wayne George.After some chit chat and a few prayers to help the Higbee troop with the repairs to the electrical system in their motor home, we took off for Corvallis, Oregon and the next days show. We drove up the Coast, made a visit to the Sea Lion Caves and reached the show grounds in time for a late supper and some more chit chat with the Higbees, Alicia Kvamme, and Jean Schroll.The Chintimini Kennel Club Show had Miss Dorothy D. Nickles judging Pomeranians. For her Winners Dog, Best of Win ners, and Best of Breed she picked Andrew Wee Red Laddie, who was shown by hi breeder-owner Phyllis Andrews. This fou point major leaves Laddie one point short o his championship. Queenaire Somethin Else was Winners Bitch from the Puppj Class 6-9 months. Also four points. She wa bred by Wanda Roach and shown by prou new owner Linda McClanahan. Afte visiting with Edna Girardot and the others we left for the next leg of our journey, stop ping for Mass in Tigard, Oregon. We manage to get lost looking for the motel in Portlane where the APC Specialty Banquet was being held. Apparently we were not alone-mam people had the same trouble. We could see i but could not find a way to cross the cemen center strip. Once we learned the secret w had no trouble, and finished the weekene with the Big Show.The Seattle Kennel Club Show, Sunday August 3, 1980, was a big day for the Har bins. Judge Mrs. Joan Alexander gave Win ners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breee to Harbins Golden Glow Happy Don Reserve Winners Dog to Harbins Mr Ralphs Stormy. Winners Bitch to Tiffany Star of India bred by Helen Krafcik anc shown by new owner Irene Harbin. All thi made an exciting day for Sylvia and Irene especially because they were training some one new to mark the catalogue for them Robbie DeSario didnt know what asking Sylvia to marry him would mean, but h found out. The wedding is still on for Augusi 31,1980. Maybe they worked a deal. She wil become Mom to his children and he will be catalogue marker for her Poms. Best wishes to you both. It couldnt happen to two nice] people.A few late notices Gay Whistle of Poinl Loma finished his championship in Sants Barbara July 26th. Andrews Wee Red Strut ter must have finished sometime because he was shown as a Special at the Specialty. An drews Wee Red Laird completed his CDX a1 some show by earning Highest Scoring Pomeranian and bringing home a challenge trophy with twenty years of history engrav ed on it. Whistle was bred by Pauline continued on page 54,8 POMERANIAN REVIEWIDLEWYLD POMERANIANSsends congratulations to Tina and Greg Holland on finishingCH. IDLEWYLD STAR CORALCh. Julies Star Vega x May Morning Small TalkEntirely breeder-handled, Pooh Bear finished with 3 majors and 2 BOB. Thanks to all the judges who appreciated this ball of orange fire. Look for his daughter in the ring next spring.Pooh Bear is the first champion offspring for Chatter May Morning Small Talk. She also has three pointed daughters. Chatter will be shown in Obedience this fall.Margaret and John McKee7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-9318PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBby Mary Rosenbaum 36520 - 28th Ave. South Federal Way, WA 98003The weather in Washington state is starting to warm up, but in spite of the hot weather most of our Poms are holding their oats and doing well in the ring. March 23rd it the Peninsula Dog Fanciers Club the win- lers were Best of Breed to Ch. Tomanolls finy Teddy Bear owned by Shirley and lathy Bradley. Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Que Sera Gigi of Golden Glow owned by Phil md Erin Hundley. Best of Winners and Winners Bitch to Bi-Mar Gidget of Que Sera Dwned by Mary Rosenbaum and Winners Dog to Tomanolls Romeo owned by Shirley Bradley. On May 4, 1980, at the Olympia Kennel Club the awards were Best of Breed o Ch. Ronaldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. lharles Wilson. Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch to Bi-Mar Happy Troubles of JJ owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Best of Win- lers and Winners Dog to Harbins Mister Ralphs Stormy owned by Irene and Sylvia Jarbin. May 31, 1980, at the Portland Kennel Club the winners were Best of Breed to Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter owned by Averil Asbeck. Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch to Bi-Mar Happy Troubles of JJ owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Best of Winners and Winners Dog to Bradleys Naughty Noisemaker owned by Shirley and Cathy Bradley.At the Vancouver Kennel Club on June 1st, Best of Breed again went to Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter owned by Averil Asbeck. Best of Opposite Sex, Best of Winners and Winners Bitch to Bi-Mar Happy Troubles of JJ owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Winners Dog went to Andrews Laddies Trail Blazer owned by Phyllis and Clyde Andrews.June 14th at the Whidbey Island Kennel Club Best of Breed went to Ch. Ronaldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. Charles Wilson. Best of Opposite Sex to Ch. Que Sera Gigi of continued on page 46POMERANIAN REVIEW aLOOK OUT BOYSTHERES A BEAUTIFUL NEW GIRL IN TOWNCH. JOLLY WEE SPARKLE OF PEPPI.Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi x Randys Brandy of Jolly Wee Breeder Randall Freehv 4 iSt ST OrOPPOSITEPictured at The Bay Colony Pom SpecialtyAlthough she has only been shown a short time as a Special Sparkle already has 15 BOB, as of this date July, against all boy competition.OwnersMargaret Ruman and Ruth L. Waller420 Branchport Ave.Oceanport, N.J.Handled exclusively by Gloria SetmayerParamus, N.J.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSProudly Presents Another Peppi DaughterCh. Jolly Wee Peppis Pizzazzr1BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCENTRAL FLORIDA KENNEL CLUB JUNE I960WP^-roBr BONNIE 1Shown finishing at eleven months of age under the lovely judge Mrs. Paula Bradley. Handled at this show by our good friend Ethel Richardson.Pizzazz is our idea of the ideal bitch. Beautiful to show, large enough to breed.We are in our new home in California, looking forward to meeting new friends.Paul and Randy Freeh Canyon Country, CA15900 Condor Ridge Road 805 252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEWJOLLY WEE KENNELSTakes Pride inCh. Jolly Wee Rockys Bit.O.Spunktpif Ift..2SSI3rgBEST OF WINNERSBREVARD KENNEL CLUB JUNE I960PHOTO BY tyiahatKSpunky is shown finishing at the age of one year under judge Mr. Meyer.Spunky is a very sound, bright orange five lb. bundle of mischief.He is a pleasure to show.This one is for salePaul and Randy Freeh Canyon Country, CA15900 Condor Ridge Road 805 252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEWBRINDLE POMERANIANSby Marge GormanSeveral months ago a breeder called to ask ' we knew how to breed brindles. We admit- d to knowledge of the subject. The breeder irther suggested an article for the Review n that topic, because she loved the color, 'ur reply was, Youve got it all wrong peo- le dont want to know how to breed for rindles they want to know how NOT to get bemA month ago, Roberta Massey wrote and sked for an article on the same subject. Her rords were to write an article about what appens when you breed chocolate to orange nd end up with mud. Brindle Pomera- lians have an immediate and lasting effect n Pom breeders. They either love the color r hate it. Few are indifferent. People of ther breeds usually admire the color. Checking with Dr. Clarence C. Littles The nheritance of Coat Color in Dogs, we found hat our problem in writing the requested .rticle was reflected in Dr. Littles opening aragraph on brindles This is one of the nore complex coat colors. Because of the vide variation in its expression and its in- eraction with genes of the A locus which Mows the following colors black, chocolate, rrange, sable and black and tan to name a ew, it has been difficult to analyze genetically. He wasnt joking.Brindle is not a single color any more than s orange. We have all seen orange Poms hat were nearly cream or as dark as red. 3rindle can be an animal that looks black, to ne that appears to be fawn or orange, ecause the hairs are not always banded, [he striping may be nothing more than obscure streaks or flecks on gray or orange logs. How does one detect black stripes on a harcoal-colored dog or cream stripes on a .ight orange dog The truth is that the brin- ile gene is a lot more common than most oreeders would care to admit. To add to the onfusion, brindles are not always brindle ill over their bodies, which should be food for thought for some breeders with unusual shaded sables or blue, black and brown Poms with white or gray silvering or frosting to their coats.Most of the obvious brindles we have seen have been born nearly black. If they had not had a black sibling to compare them with, the color would have appeared black. At around six weeks of age these puppies begin to get gray or white hair in the coat which progresses to the point of making them appear a solid gray at a distance. Breeders who have never seen this color are sure they have produced a wolf-sable. The telltale cream, orange or red then appears behind the ears and down the back. At this point the breeder gives up on the wolf-sable and assumes he has a dark red, orange or cream-sable. The lighter color takes on the characteristic striping pattern and moves to the head and legs. The process is fascinating to watch. We have heard complaints that Poms change colors so rapidly, but none can compare to the coat of many colors of the brindle Pomeranian.Brindle appears most often in our experience when chocolate is bred to any other color than chocolate or black with a recessive chocolate gene. If one is trying to avoid the color, brindles should be bred to chocolate or to a black with a recessive chocolate gene. At any rate, brindle is a recessive. Both parents must contribute genetic material for the color to appear. In our experience, all our brindles have carried the chocolate gene as a hidden recessive.This article has been devoted to informing breeders how to avoid breeding brindles. The sad part is that the excellent quality of a brindle Pom is often lost to the breeding world because our Standard does not allow brindles to be shown, nor do many breeders realize that their funny-colored puppy will probably produce chocolate. Our recommendation is that we work on the quality of the breed and let the colors fall where they may. If all colors were judged on an equal basis, and we quit dividing our classes to prove to judges that we really mean all colors are equal, then we could get on with the business of eliminating sub-luxated patellas and other inherited defects. But, as they say, thats another story.POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSNvES rOPPOSITEDELAWARE COUNTY Ka does'AASHBEIMAY MORNING END OF THE RAINBOW Shown going B.O.S. over two Group Winning Specials, Judge Kenneth Stine Exclusively handled by Gloria SetmayerBeau congratulates his First Cousin, new Champion Joyful Jet of Brielle completely breeder-owner handled by Catherine Lefferts, and his Uncle Jeffery for his C.D. earned with owner-trainer Judy Davidson.WE STILL HAVE 2 Stud ProspectsLightly sabled inbred Moonwalker son wh. 51479 Dark red sable double Social Lion grandson wh. 82579ALSO 2 females, 3 and 5 in our July ad.PUPPIES 2 White males, 1 Light Cream female wh. 52280 SPECIAL MENTION 614 lb. foxy red-orange male wh. 101379. Perfectly sound for stud or obedience, nice pedigree, just too big and rangey for show. Reasonable price to right home.WE HOPE FOR 3 LITTERS OF RED OR SABLE PUPPIES IN SEPTEMBER.Sophie H. Mayes 215 793-19121574 Camp Linden Road, West Chester, Pa. 193801 POMERANIAN REVIEWWOODROSE POMERANIANSfinishes another Pom this year............A--- rA riCH.SHADOWDANCES TOUCH AND GOCuffy received his championship on June 15,1980, under well-known judge, Mrs. Michelle Billings at the OIDFC show in Hilo. On his way to his title Cuffy won two Toy Groups and finished with four majors 5-54-3. He is handled by his coowner, Yvette.Watch for him and his friend CH. CREIDERS JASON OF WOODROSE in the ring as Specials.Pedigree in Behind New ChampionsClarice and Stanley Oganeku45-232 Lilipuna Rd.Kaneohe, HI 96744 Ph 808 247-5332POMERANIAN REVIEWALONG MYWAYbyMOLLY MILLER P.O. Box 717 League City, Texas 77573No experienced dog breeder will ever tell you that his avocation is an easy one. It seems as the years pass, dogs become more creative with their problems and, if that is not enough, nature occasionally hands the dog breeder an additional problem in the form of a natural disaster. Perhaps some of my recent experiences will help you be prepared for the future. I hope so.Early in June one of Lins bitches whelped two nice-sized puppies, but then greatly reduced her labor, began to vomit and was in trouble. We rushed her to the vet, who sectioned for the third puppy. In the section he discovered an unusual thing. The placenta of the first two puppies had attached to the uterus in an overlapping position. When the two placentas pulled away at the same location a weak spot was formed on the uterus and the following contractions caused the uterus to rupture. The third puppy fell through the rupture and was dead when the vet got to it. Here again a good vet earned his fee as he repaired the uterus, and the bitch suffered no ill effects. She was bouncing and jumping that evening.After the surgery the vet commented that he would like to put the bitch on heavy antibiotics due to the rather extensive repairs to the uterus, but of course he could not, for such antibiotics would sterilize the milk and thus kill the puppies. Lin told him to treat the bitch as was best for her, and she would hand raise the puppies. The bitch did beautifully and so did both puppies. As I write, the puppies are nine weeks old yes, puppies can be successfully hand raised if the person feeding them is willing to give up sleep and trips away from home.During our discussions concerning thissurgery we learned two things all breeder should know. Of course it is normal for bitch to vomit prior to beginning labor, bu it is not normal for one to vomit durin labor or between deliveries. Vomiting dui ing labor or between deliveries is a sign of ruptured uterus.Second, steroids cause the commonly use surgical suture material to soften and com untied in the outer muscle layer. Strange it does not occur in the internal organs, i good surgeon will ask if the animal is o medications of any sort and select his sutur material accordingly, but occasionally in th rush of an emergency one may forget to as so be certain to tell him.Breeder responsibility is a term that sometimes flinch when I hear, for we a breeders are held responsible ten years afte a dog leaves our hands for a wide variety c things including dogs who break their leg when they jump off tables and ones who ge fleas. However, there is an area in which, believe, we can do more-the new breeder, j new breeder cannot be told all the ei periences of a breeders career, but he can b encouraged to call for help any time h needs a second opinion. Whom should th new breeder call To me the logical person are the breeder from whom he bought hi bitch and the breeder to whose stud he brec This is part of their breeder responsibility Call early and give them a chance to help. 1 they are not willing, call any experience breeder there is no reason for bitches am puppies to suffer and die needlessly.I am delighted with what to me is a ne\ product to prevent dehydration. Its name i Pedialyte and all people with young childrei know about it as it was developed to replac fluid and balance the eloctrolyte system ii human babies during times of vomiting ani diarrhea. We used Pedialyte recently with very ill three pound Peke. Of course the ve was treating her, but she did not eat o drink for almost five days. A friend wh works in a doctors office suggested th Pedialyte because her doctor always pu human babies on it. The vet was expecting t have to give fluids either IV or under th skin, but her hydration remained good. Oi the fifth day she began to eat and drink amPOMERANIAN REVIEW16recovered. My vet recorded the name for his future reference. He was not familiar with it because his children are teen-agers. Pedialyte has a couple of drawbacks neither ire medical. It only comes in large cans-human babies are large-and it cannot be stored long after it is opened. However, it lasts a long time unopened. I do not plan for my cabinet to be without a can in the future.Hurricane Allen rearranged my plans for the last few days. Thursday, August 7, the night of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty, we were watching Allens movements with great interest. Fortunately we had plenty of time for the Specialty and Dinner.Let me digress for a moment. As Show Chairman I would like to thank all who worked for this Specialty. You may have heard show chairmen talk of what a difficult job chairing a show is. It is not difficult if everyone does the job to which he is assigned. Then the show chairman is free to take care of the last minute problems which are certain to arise. My thanks to all of you who worked you made it easy. Information concerning the show will be in the clubs column.As Allen moved closer it became clear that it was a massive storm the second largest in recorded history. The eye could miss an area by two hundred miles and the area could still be in hurricane force winds. We have never evacuated our kennel, but it looked as if it might be necessary so we began to plan, and we noticed many things that some of you might need to know. No matter where you live problems can occur.First make certain that you can somehow put all of your stock in your vehicles. It is amazing how many crates can go in one van and how many toy dogs can go in one crate, rest it ahead of time-you do not have time to arrange when the order comes.Remember emergency shelters do not take animals-at least not kennels full-so you must get out of the problem area. Make arrangements with a person who will welcome such a group.Do not wait until the last minute to leave.Highways become crowded and in some cases impassable. You do not want a vanload of dogs stranded in rising water, storm wind, fire or whatever your problem is.Fortunately for us Allen maintained a steady course and went inland far enough south to give us no problems at all. This time we were lucky others were not. We or you could be unlucky next time. Be prepared to take care of your dogs in a disaster for no public assistance will.I would now like to thank all of the people who so kindly offered us a place to stay if we needed to evacuate, and offered to take some of the dogs for a period of time if we suffered damage. Thank all of you very much we will not forget you.Puget Sound continued from page 38 Golden Glow owned by Phil and Erin Hundley. Best of Winners and Winners Dog to Harbins Golden Glow Happy Don owned by Irene Harbin and Winners Bitch to So-Hy MisChief owned by Virginia and Bernard Niehouse. June 15th at the Tacoma Kennel Club, Best of Breed was Ch. Ronaldo of Point Loma owned by Dr. Charles Wilson. Best of Winners and Winners Dog to Riggins Krispoppy Toy Boy owned by Dolores Rig- gin. Winners Bitch to Andrews Lass by Laddy owned by Virginia and Bernard Niehouse. Just a quick rundown of July 6th at the Sweepstakes judged by Opal Mosher. Best Puppy in Sweepstakes was Jestoms Adorable owned by Jessie Stephens and Best of Opposite Sex Puppy in Sweepstakes was Harbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin. The National Specialty winners were Best of Breed to Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter owned by Averil Asbeck. Best of Opposite Sex to Ch. Bi-Mar Happy Hooker of JJ owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Best of Winners and Winners Dog to Babes Teddy Too owned by Edna Girardot.Reserve Dog was Harbins Golden Glow Happy Don owned by Irene Harbin. Winners Bitch was Westmost Lady Nip owned by Wayne George. Reserve Bitch was Bi-Mar Gidget of Que Sera owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Also want to congratulate the Bradleys on a new champion, Tomanolls Romeo. See you at the shows.POMERANIAN REVIEWGREAT OAK KENNELS'BEST OF WINNERSUPPER POTOMAC VALLEY JUNE 1980PHOTO BT t^nauxmDAVONSHIRE GLOWING FLAMEsubj. AKC conf.Fella is shown going Best of Winners, his second major, under noted judge E.W. Tipton. Fella is a bright orange Pom with an impressive pedigree of English breeding. At stud to approved bitches.Fella was handled to his championship exclusively by Marlene Scott Halsey.Stud service available with other proven male, also English breeding. Some pups for sale. All inquiries answered promptly.Great Oak KennelMr. and Mrs. C.E. ChambersRt. 1, Box 12A Trenton, S.C. 29847 Ph 803 275-49358 POMERANIAN REVIEWHERITAGE KENNELS OF VERMONTAnnounce Two New Canadian ChampionsCan. Ch. Emcees Taco Sabroso and Can. Ch. Bells Misty MasquaradeThanks to Chris and John Heartz of Nova Scotia for finishing these two Poms so quickly, also thanks to Morris and Betty Carson for Taco, whom we love dearly, and who is also the daddy of three little boys.Our sympathy to Jessie and Barbara Young for their loss of a promising show girl, stolen at a show this summer.Betty and Rex Bell So. Burlington, VT 05401132 Hinesburg Road 802 863-3003FROM CANADAby JOAN GRANTBox 1423 Golden,It isnt surprising that visitors to Jayenn, md there are a good number of them, all seem to have their attention caught by one rf my old-timers, Silver Meadows Nance Marie. Nearly ten years old now, Nance is in such lovely condition, as well as being such a lovely Pom, that she stands out. Of course, her antics make everyone doubt me when I tell her age, even if I point out all her descendants.And Nance isnt the only one who is getting on in years that has had special attention lately. The death of a small female, after being delivered of four puppies, made our Velvet very happy. She has been retired for three years but she still stepped in as foster mother, and eventually milking mother for the wee ones. Even before her milk was in good enough quantity to satisfy her family, this is one Pom owner who appreciated the laundry equipment a good mother has. A recent Dog World article on raising orphans didnt touch this aspect of the care of pups well enough to suit me. I.C. VOA IHO, Canadahave no doubts that cleaning and aiding pups to eliminate is of even more importance than getting food into them.The summer increase of boarders has increased my worry about the dread virus parvo, but if we let our worries get the better of us, none of us would be raising Poms, would we As long as all of my dogs keep in tip-top shape and are able to race around me when I exercise them, Im sure coping with any virus will be easier for them.Between hand digging some postholes the only way to get holes in this ground I have found, I have been able to enjoy the antics of my young puppies. They each seemed to delight in chewing through my fence line string, just before I needed to check a position. Two a bit older raced around the lawn at full speed, resorting to shoulder checking and tail hauling to prove superiority. As one of these two is my high hopes for the show ring this fall, I know it would be more sensible to restrict such activities, but it is such fun to watch continued on page 60POMERANIAN REVIEW 42ifieioMeadous5L."iCGROUPPictured New Ch. Silver Meadows Star Mistee, owner-handled, finishing in style with a Toy Group I at Wyoming Valley Kennel Club.See pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsWe would like to congratulate the following for finishing their Silver Meadows PomsShirley Bartz, Orchard Park, N.Y., owner of Ch. Silver Meadows Gambler Bonnie Anderson, Latrobe, Pa., owner of Ch. Silver Meadows Lil Red Echo We DO sell our good ones Right now we have a very few select youngsters with that special look. Let us know what you are looking for, well try to help.Ron and Jackie KleinPh 716 237-54734136 West Lake Rd. Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550o POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSbyMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225\ iI closed my last column on a somewhat essimistic note-that I doubted that this olumn or the Review was reaching the peo- le who needed it most. But two positive Kings have happened since then. I had made n appointment with a young lady to show er a Pom puppy. She had, she told me, ranted one for years. When the prospective uyer arrived on my doorstep, she was carry- ig a three-year old copy of the Review, pened to one of my ads.A couple of weeks later, a woman called le from out west. She was having problems nth her new-born first litter and didnt now where to turn for help. Doesnt say mch for her vet. Remembering a column d written on caring for orphans, shed call- i me. We talked for quite a while. I sure ope I helped her. But I did find these two icidents encouraging.One good way to get a discussion if not an rgument going among dog folks is to bring p the subject of diet and feeding methods, here are almost as many opinions on what nd how to feed as there are dog breeders. My own system has been worked out over le years, through trial and error, temper- ig theories of the ideal with practical con- derations and common sense. I buy a high uality dry feed look for meat in the list of lgredients as well as the percentage of pro- in in 25 lb. bags at the feed store. I cant irry 50 lb. bags, and it is easier to keep esh in the unopened, plastic-lined bag. ken I do open it, I split the feed between vo plastic diaper pails or small garbage ails with secure-fitting tops. This way I irely have a bug problem. My dogs are fed leir main meal at night after the people eat id after the obedience dogs have had their ractice sessions.Each ones dinner is prepared separately in his own dish so I can vary quantities to control weight and to carefully individualize doses of vitamins and medicine. This is woefully impractical if you have 20 or more dogs. At present I average ten. Ill let you know if I change my procedure when the population doubles which wont be anytime soon.For an average adult on maintenance, supper is 4 cup dry food moistened with hot water, 4 teaspoon vitamin powder, 4 teaspoon coat supplement, heartworm preventative liquid measured with a TB syringe and about a tablespoon of goodies. Most nights goodies consists of canned dog food, but occasionally is cottage cheese, scrambled eggs when eggs are on sale or liver. Amounts are varied depending on dogs weight, age, coat condition, whether pregnant, nursing or being shown.The coat supplement is a product called Super-14. It is sold primarily for horses and is a maple-flavored powder. It comes in 3-and 614 lb. buckets at the feed store, and a bucket lasts a long time. If Im trying to grow coat on somebody, he gets a full teaspoon of Super-14 at dinner. Super-14 also helps in cases where there has been some unfortunate skin condition such as mange or eczema.Handlers have told me, and it does seem to be true, that a pudgy or slightly overweight dog can grow and hold his coat better. Certainly if. a dog is thin from worms or improper nutrition, we cant expect him to have the maximum coat.Liver is pork liver which is the cheapest kind of liver at the grocery store, but also the richest in nutrients covered with water and simmered for 20-30 minutes. Mine go bananas when their feed is moistened with the resultant liver juice. Pregnant and nursing bitches get liver AT LEAST twice a week. The liver is always sliced very thin, no chunks, as I have several who bolt their food and have several times nearly choked. Should this happen, stick your finger down the throat quickly and remove the offending chunk.Puppies on 3 or 4 meals a day, anyone who needs to gain weight, and pregnantPOMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations to Bunny Noble and her PomHIGH VIEWS MIDNIGHT SHADOW blackof St. Cloud, MNon obtaining his C.D., C.D.X., and U.D. titles in fourteen months.His brother, Ch. Highviews Charson orange, congratulates him also.High view Kennels Rt. 1, Box 213BJohn and Rose Hansen Beldenville, WI54003ladies get breakfast of milkbone or Bonz. Anyone who rates lunch gets straight canned food, cottage cheese or eggs scrambled with milk. Nursing mommies and very young puppies always have dry food available.I do occasionally give table scraps, but not just anything. Just because people eat it doesnt mean its fit for doggy consumption Vegetables cooked without sauce, rice, gravy, bits of uncured meat not salty, mashed potatoes are all okay. For a while I had a great thing going. My two-year-old daughter only wanted the white of her hard- boiled egg, and the yolk went to whomever needed a little something extra.Anyone who happens to be at my house at dog feeding time is usually fascinated by the protocol. The dogs begin barking when they hear their plastic dishes rattled. The filled dishes are set on the floor in the same spots, in the same order every night. This way no one attempts to steal from someone elses dish. They all know that Julies dish is always put down first and theyd best stay away. The males are fed in crates because males dont run loose in the house, ever buteight ladies eat happily in the kitche together, with a minimum of squabbles.I keep a box of instant rice pablum on th shelf. If someone has diarrhea or an upse stomach, but is still hungry, I mix the ric cereal with water, not milk, and add medication from my vet. They get this to ea until the symptoms have cleared up.When were on the road, the dogs are fe dry ANF formerly Eukanuba several time a day and canned food Mighty Dog for din ner. The purpose here is to get them to EAT They are under stress, no matter how usei to traveling, and I want to avoii hypoglycemia. My first frightening ex perience with hypoglycemia was with a twi year-old male no, it is not limited to pup pies. He began limping in the ring, whicl baffled both the judge and me, as he wasn limping on the same leg. Apparently, he wai having muscle cramps. Then later he becami dizzy and appeared ready to faint. That when Pom friends recognized the symptom and told me what to do. So now when travel ing they get several mini-meals a day t keep the blood-sugar up, and theyre offeree continued on page 5852 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSrt 4isCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond TicoWatch for the following Tico puppies in the ring. Some are currently being shown.Emcees El Chico de Tico owned by Barbara Paine, Stamford, Ct.Can. Ch. Emcees Taco Sabroso owned by Rex and Betty Bell, South Burlington, Vt. Taco also has points toward his American championship.Emcees Simply Solid Gold owned by Jessie and Barbara Young Jabil Kennels, Loudon Ridge, New Hampshire.Emcees Diamond Star-Lisa owned by Michael and Frankie McDonald Hobbit Kennels Nova Scotia, Canada.Champion Stud Service to Approved Bitches. Active stud and sire of champions. Shown occasionally as a special.Morris and Betty Carson804 798-78826208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS iCh. Chips of DiamondWatch for the following Chips of Diamond children in the ring soon. Some are currently being shown.Emcees Chip Off The Old Block owned by Jerrie Freia and Roseanne Jones. First time out, August 16. Took a 3 point major and Best of Breed over specials. On August 17, received two points. Some weekend for Jerrie and Roseanne.Hillboros Golden Chip - First time out on August 17 at the age of eight months. C.J. went Winners Dog, Best of Winners for 3 point major and Best of Breed.Emcees Mark of Distinction owned by Harry Pennington, Atlanta, Ga.Champion Stud Service to approved Bitches.An active stud and is shown as a special occasionally.Emcees Kennel would like to say congratulations to Margaret McKee upon finishing her latest Champion Idlewyld Star Coral.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, Va. 2300514 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCENEWSEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Some wonderful news has been received from Claudia J. Frank of Wisconsin Rapids, WI her SILVAKRESS VIVA, C.D., T.D. has now earned her Companion Dog Excellent Degree. She did this with a 193 average, having qualified in every Open class she entered this in both matches and shows. Her degree and extra legs were earned as follows19D2 Packerland KC Show, Green Bay, WI tied for fourth place but lost the run-off19214 Bloomington OTC Trial, Bloomington, MN forgot a finish, but was high scoring Toy195 St. Paul OTC Trial, St. Paul, MN tied for fifth, but came in sixth in a class of 48 and was High Toy192 Oshkosh KC Show, Oshkosh, WI tied for fourth but lost run-off194 Winnegamie KC show, Appleton, WI just out of the ribbons, but would have had fifth.All this, and just before completing the magic CDX, Viva scored 19814 in Open B at a fun match, for a High Score in Match Claudia says that they are busily working on Utility, and can see where her tracking experience is making the scent discrimination and go backs easier. Good luck-and now on to that wonderful title of UDTHave you ever watched one of the top Obedience dogs work and marvelled at the beautifully smooth performance of dog and handler True, a good working dog has to be thoroughly and well trained, but there is another factor present that some of us dont take into consideration at all that is a really good working handler Many, many points are lost because of a bad performance on the part of the human end of the team. How often some of us go into the ring under-orover- confident, walking too fast or too slow, watching the dog or giving body signals usually entirely unconsciously. You may be surprised by having an honestly critical friend watch you work and tell you frankly how you can improve YOUR performance. Movies, if you can arrange it, are sometimes a revelation.OK, now, all of you Pomeranian Obedience enthusiasts-the January 1981 issue of Pomeranian Review will be THE OBEDIENCE ISSUE, so lets hear it from all of you. Please try to make this issue a good one, and write all your news, ideas, brags, etc. send in ads and pictures about your Obedience Poms to our editor Roberta Massey. Lets make it a really outstanding Obedience Issue.PHOTOGRAPHER WANTEDWe would like to talk to a camera buff who will be at the Specialty in February and would be willing to take some pictures for us. Please write or call the Editor.Pacific NW continued from page 37Hughes and now is owned by Jo and Larry Hendrickson. Laddie is owned by Averil Asbeck, Laird by Linda Gallagher-both were bred by Phyllis Andrews. All of this is news I found by accident. Please Pom Owners, I want to brag about our Northwest Poms, but I cannot unless you let me know what they do.OBEDIENCE ISSUEObedience enthusiasts, January is YOUR issue. Lets make it a good one. We welcome Obedience articles and your ads and pictures. In addition to regular-sized ads you may advertise your Obedience dog at a special 13 page rate of 9.50 plus 6.00 for a picture same as Stud Cards in July issue. You may list your dogs scores, the shows where legs were earned, etc. We always hear about how enthusiastic and proud Pom owners are about their Obedience dogs, now lets see it as wellPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5ANADORS POMERANIANSIntroduces a New ChampionmtCH. ANADORS MELODY IN ORANGE AKC conf. pendingLitter Sister to Am. Can. Ch. Anadors Rhapsody in OrangePedigree in Behind the New ChampionsPictured at Rapid City Kennel Club, Casper, WyomingWB, BB - 4 point majorThank you to judges Fred Hiigel pictured and Mrs. Erica Thomsen for her majors.Congratulations to Gail Pell of Thunder Bay and her recent Canadian wins 8 points for Anadors Amberino Jessica Joe.Ann and Gene WelshingerR 2, Box 448 Superior, Wis. 54880 715 399-27026 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NOR POMS NEWEST CHAMPIONSBOB over SEVEN Specials for a major winYES, INDEEDThe Exquisite Pom Puppy CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE RIPPLE One week later another major win over Specials and GROUP I' ICh. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleBeverly Norris and handled by Susan Fisher.Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple finished at 8V2 months old, shown only in Puppy Class. He finished with 5 BOB over top-ranking Specials and four Group placements. Now starting as a Special, watch for him.NEW CHAMPIONCh. Bev-Nors Do It To It-winner of the Houston Pom Specialty. This young male completed his championship as a puppy also at 9 months of age.FLASHGIRLS CAN DO IT TOO U.S. and Canadian Group I-winning female,CH. BEV-NORS SADIE RAY, owned by Edward Jenner and Beverly Norris.Congratulations toEllen Harmon on her recent major win and BOB over 5 Specials, with a black,Bev- Nors Ebony AmourLarry Cafero on his Canadian wins with Bev-Nors Fudge Sundae Richard Grivera on his major win with BOB with his puppy in Venezuela,Bev-Nors Fudges Dee DeeBev and Bill Norris Pasadena, MD 211227747 Meadow Road 301 255-1343swned bv Edward Jenner and co-owned by breederPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5EMERGENCY TACTICS WHICH HAVE WORKED FOR MEby Karen S. HolderBobbie Massey was at my house when I was faced with an emergency with one of my Poms and she has said ever since that I should tell all the Pom lovers what steps I take as it might save some Poms lives.First, a little history I lost my first Pom in an accident. My mothers small terrier bit her over a bone she was chewing on. My Pom was unhurt but she died of shock. We did nothing but rush her to the vet. I know now that her death was totally unnecessary. When there is an emergency with a Pom there is not even time to call the vet, let alone rush to the vet with the Pom. My first Pom would probably be alive today with a few simple measures that awful day. I vowed right then and there to work hard in an emergency and fall apart later-so far I have kept that promise to myself.The best way to explain the things I do in an emergency is with a few examples1 One spring day all my kids were playing in the back yard when all of a sudden Song was knocked off his feet by a playful little Pom-friend and smacked his head on the concrete patio. His jaws immediately clenched and he began to have a kind of seizure. I grabbed him up, pried open his mouth, and stuck my finger all the way down his throat. He became limp so I put my mouth over his face and blew air into him-no results. I put one hand underneath his shoulders and the other beneath his hips and folded him in and out. Finally he caught and began breathing again. His color was terrible. I put honey on his tongue. He started going down on me again so I ran a sinkful of cold water and sat him in it to shock him into getting his breathing back to normal. Finally he seemed to be normal again. I put more honey on his tongue, dried him off and watched him carefully. He was fine. I had my vet check him out to be sure there was no concussion. Diagnosis just shock.2 A friend of mine called me one evening. Her six week old puppy was choking to death on a piece of meat. She could not get it up or down. Finally she got it down, but the puppywas limp. I had her give him mouth-tc mouth resuscitation, fold him in and ou shoulders and hips and she was not gettin results. Finally I suggested the cold wate treatment and honey on his tongue h responded-it seems to shock them int breathing again after an awful trauma ha caused their breathing to cease or become ii regular. Once the puppy was breathin again I told my friend to call our vet am have him look at him. A few days later I sa\ this vet, who laughed and told me h recognized my treatment when the we puppy was brought to him. He teased me bu he said if it works dont knock it.3 The third example was by far the mos traumatic for me. I was lifting Puffy over little gate, as one of my girls was in seasoi and I did not want her bred so I was keepinj her in the den and Puffy in the living room. I was in a rush and I picked Puffy up witl only one hand, although usually you cai handle a Pom easily that way. Well, Puff was not happy about being put over the littli gate as he really did want to stay in then with the girl. He squirmed and I droppe him He was no more than two feet off thi ground but he flipped and landed kind of oi his shoulder and side. He hit with a thud ant did not move. I picked him up-he was total ly out. His eyes were staring and he was no stiff just completely limp. For about tei seconds I went totally berserk-yelling hi name, trying to shake him to come to. I sav that his gums were turning white. I knev that if there was a chance I must work fast. rammed my finger down his throat just t make sure it was all opened up. I was wor ried that his neck might be broken but thought that was unlikely so should jus' work as hard and fast as I could. I gave hin mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, folded him ir and out. Nothing was happening. Thirty seconds must have passed by now. It was th dead of winter. I thought the cold air mighi shock him so I rushed out onto the patio witl him and folded him in and out there. H blinked his eyes, which I considered a greal sign of encouragement, but then nothing8 POMERANIAN REVIEWlse. I knew I was losing him. His gums were still grey and he was still limp. I got an idea ran over to the cold water hydrant, which uckily was not frozen and stuck him under hat freezing cold water and started rubbing lim. He gasped and came back to life. As soon as he had muscle tone again I rushed in- o the house, wrapped him in a towel and my leavy ski jacket, called my vet and just said, I have an emergency. He did not question.[ met him at the clinic and we immediately put Puffy in an incubator. He was in severe shock-temperature 95 degrees. The next lay I picked up a completely normal Puffy. I got a horrible chest cold out of it-when Dr. Becka and I had Puffy stabilized I noticed that Dr. Becka was looking at me rather strangely and I realized that I was in my bathrobe, no shoes and was all wet from running Puffy under the hydrant-oh well, of no import.I hope that these stories might be of some help to some of you. The most important thing is to ACT NOW. Once the Pom is stabilized, then call the vet or you will arrive at his office with a dead dog. I would like to note that my most frequent emergency is choking. I must have a bunch of little pigs. Any time I give them any kind of goody I stand right there until everyone has finished because often someone chokes. I either push the food down or dig it out or both, then frequently have to give resuscitation. The other day my Gorgeous choked on a treat they were having, then started to have a reaction to the heat, which she would not normally have had so Gorgeous sat in a tub of cold water for an hour with Mom petting her and giving her little licks of honey. That evening you would never have guessed she had had any sort of problem that day.POSTSCRIPT FROM THE EDITORKaren had explained her emergency tactics in a letter once and they sounded a bit bizarre Previously we had lost a sick Pom after she had gone into convulsions. We later learned that the convulsions didnt kill her-a paralyzed diaphragm as a result of the convulsions did.After Karens Song was accomodatingenough sorry about that, Karen to provide us with a real emergency I had a chance to watch her emergency tactics first-hand and realized that our sick Pom had died needlessly-if we had known what action to take immediately she might still be alive.Since that visit to Karens we have had three emergencies of our own, each with the clenched teeth and paralyzed diaphragm two of these were caused by injury and one resulted from a breathing problem in an older dog while we were cleaning her teeth. Had I not known about these procedures these dogs would have died before I could have reached the vets. In our cases the cold water treatment was not necessary-the most important thing was to un-paralyze the diaphragm. This was done by grasping the dog by the shoulders and the hips and folding in and out, then placing a hand directly below the rib cage and firmly pressing the fingers in and out several times, which seemed to do the trick.Helpful Hints continued from page 51food I KNOW they will eat. I also carry a hamster watering bottle containing an electrolyte-sugar-water solution, just in case.We havent heard from you raspberry tea fans in quite a while. In case you havent heard of it, adding a pinch of raspberry tea leaves to a bitchs food throughout her pregnancy is supposed to make labor and delivery easier. Ive adopted the attitude that it cant hurt. Ive always used it so have no basis for comparison. But I have a friend who is now sold on it. Her Miniature Schnauzer bitch had been very reluctant and slow on her first whelping. So I gave her some of my tea. A few weeks later she ecstatically reported that the bitch had easily and serenely delivered eight puppies I do suspect that giving the tea helps the bitch bounce back after delivery. I certainly didnt recover from my C-section so fastPlease write and send your hints or questions or problems. If I dont have the answer, maybe someone else does. Thanks, Mary Nell Hansard, for your hints Ill use them later.POMERANIAN REVIEWMIM9 POMQMNMWThanks to Dorothy Bonner and Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyOur Pom Family is GrowingWe will keep the following Legacy kids to add to our breeding program. With luck most of them will also start their show careers beginning next springMidas Legacys Promise Piggy Midas Sunny Legacy Samantha Midas Sienna Legacy SiennaMidas Chiffon Legacy ChiffonMidas Legacys Innovation Nova Midas Little Legacy Honestydaughter of Ch. Midas Touch of Serenitydaughter of Bonners Beautiful Tangerine Ch. Serenitys mother daughter of Ch. Pine Haven Peg O My Heart daughter of BIS Ch. Bonners Modstar of Pinehaven daughter of Midas Lovin Spoonful granddaughter of Ch. Bonners Sunstyle Brilliance son of Midas Hopeful Moment Brilliance granddaughter also Novas litter brotherLegacy is at stud to clean approved bitches.Congratulations to Karen Holder for the major wins on Midas Touch of Felicity, full sister to Ch. Midas Touch of Serenity.Congratulations to Larry Combs and to Betty Bell on the purchases of Midas April Legacy and Midas Legacys Heritage, Chiffons litter sisters.We have for sale a beautiful champion female, four years old, to be sold as a pet. She is NOT for sale to breeders. Extremely reasonable to right person. Prefer home where she will be an only child.Congratulations to Lu and Elinor on their Kennel VisitJon and Roberta Massey 1209 Carlton Drive414 639-6885 Racine, Wis. 534020 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTbyMRS. SALLY BAUGNIET 11224 County Hwy. B Mlshicot, Wl 54228Keep All Those Cards and Letters Coming, FolksI received quite a few favorable letters on my last two articles about the Standard regarding Color and Size. I did not receive any negative letters.An interesting incident occurred. I was sitting ringside watching the Groups at a large all-breed show recently. A judge and his wife were just one seat away from me. As the Toy Group came in the ring, the judge was telling his wife which breeds he thought might stand a chance placing in this Group. One breed he named was the Pom. His wife said she didnt think the Pom would place because it was too small.This one I couldnt resist I turned to her and said, We have to get you to judge Poms. She is not a judge. A very interesting conversation followed as I mentioned the Pom in the ring was a bitch and quite small for breeding. The judge said he had no idea we had a whelping problem with Poms. He knows it now Im not sure that this conversation will have any effect on his future judging of Poms, but I am certainly hoping so.Somebody out there must be telling judges the wrong thing about Poms-1 received a letter from a breeder-owner-handler who decided to try showing her free-whelping 514 lb. bitch. The judge told her she was too big and put up a 214 lb. bitch. Wouldnt that frost your buttonsMore food for thought for you thinking people. We have no disqualifications in our Pom Standard. Would a disqualification of under three pounds emphasize the point that we dont want our Poms to be too small Or-should we go with a height minimumWith all the emphasis on over-trimming,and handlers and judges ignoring us, could we hammer our point through a little better if trimming other than specified in the Standard would be a disqualification We would have to be very careful in describing trimming that would be allowable. Did you realize that our Standard does not say, no trimming of whiskersI am all for taking a good hard look at our Standard. It leaves something to be desired. Let the Board know your thoughts through Yips Yaps or the Club Secretary.Congratulations to Luells on their Kennel Visit.Midwest Pommers please send information on your Group placements to me. I also welcome a guest columnist. If you have something to write for this column, be my guest.From Canada continued from page 48Over the past year I have been trying various brands of dog foods in an effort to find which suits me and my dogs the best. Why is it that the one I decide to stay with for a while has the worst possible delivery handlers and nearly as inefficient office staff Times like this I wished I were closer to a large centre so I could buy direct, but I really wouldnt trade my home for anywhere else.As I was watching my own dogs for their reactions to the feed, I was asking other breeders what they used and why. I find they agree to disagree on the best, and the whys. A phenomenon Ive had more than once with one well-known brand is the loss of hair on the noses, until the shiny black extends to a point near the top. As I know many users of the same feed dont run into this, I feel it has to be the combination of the food with my water. No wonder we all agree to disagree.The Canadian Pomeranian Club is now into its second year with a newly elected President, Matt Heindl. Once our club has been officially recognized by the CKC it should be possible for us to work toward Specialties. I do know that club activities will be stepped up in the coming year. Membership still continues to climb, with a number of American breeders now on our lists.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6OHIO POMERANIAN CLUBby Mary Straslicka 4109 Grafton Road Brunswick, OhioI was so delighted with my last meeting notice that I actually let myself get roped into writing another column. Here is how the meeting notice readSummer is here Summer is here Summer is here Summer is here HelloI guess we all wished really hard for summertime because it has finally arrived We only get about 100 nice hot days here in Ohio so we all better take advantage of them.And it is now time for our Summertime Ohio Pomeranian Club meeting. This meeting should be really fun as it will be held pool-side at Donna and Richards houseThe meeting is the same weekend as the Medina Show, only the meeting will be held on Friday, July 18, at 730 p.m.If you wish you may bring a dessert.Donna wants me to tell everyone to bring their swim suits and if its nice and warm we can all swimHere is a hintI feel I should pre-warn everyone NOT to try to get Rick to race you across the pool...Why-you ask-Because number one-You cant beat him racing in the water...and number two, if you try-he splashes so much you could drown in the processRemember-The above is only a hint...Ifyou want to have a good time, Ohio is thi place to be. Thanks to all for a great time.I heard there was a little 6V2 year old gir in Ohio by the name of Renee Straslicka you want to race Rick, then by all means d so But PLEASE be sure your 1980 clu dues are paid up first...Any how-1 better change the subjec before Rick arranges a little accident fo me...Just to get back on Ricks good side-Mi Megenhardt beat Mrs. Megenhardt at th Mansfield Show-but Ill let Rick tell yoi more about that at the meeting. So be sur to come and join the funLove in Poms, Audrey This was accompanied by one of Audrey famous cartoons.I didnt make it to the Medina Show, but did make it to the poolside and all I know i, that I really didnt feel like coming home. I who showed a Pom by the name 0 Marlorns Mickey to a Group Second. The were also entered in Obedience and receive 164 out of 200 possible points. He lost 3 points because he thought he was suppose to heel on recall. With a little polish thi could be some act. On the same day, Renee 9 year old sister, Sherry, won 20 lbs. of do food. Hows that for team workAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.DISTRIBUTIONMANAGERWANTEDWe are looking for an individual to tak over the duties of Distribution Manager 0 the Review. This job includes maintaining the files containing cards of all Review subscribers-keeping address changes anc subscription information up to date or them, typing labels for the Review envelopes, picking up Reviews from eithe the printer or the Editor, then stuffing anc mailing the Reviews. If interested please contact the Editor.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWNAN-KS POMERANIANSHBREEDBESTCH. NAN-KS RED JASPER414 lb. orangeThanks to Mrs. Kauffman for finishing Jasper at Tidewater Kennel Club March 16, 1980. Jasper went Winners Dog and Best of Winners for a 4 point major, Best of Breed and Group Fourth.Many thanks to Maynard Wood for handling Jasper and for the TLC he gave to Jasper.A sincere Thank You to all judges who made Jaspers championship possible. To all Pom People, a Thank You for all your help and encouragement.Nannie M. Krohn804 547-1233824 Englewood Drive Chesapeake, VA 23320POMERANIAN REVIEW 63CIRCULATIONMANAGERJUDY L. BLOCKER 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION14.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 15.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.MEMBER S SUBSCRIPTION RATE10.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.Back IssuesAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681971 Jan. 40, April 35, July 11Available at 1.50 Each1973 April 72, July 31974 July 771975 Jan. 70, April 1, July 4, Oct. 101976 Jan. 115, April 61, July 9, Oct. 27Available at 2.00 Each1977 Jan. 6, July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 36, Oct. 121979 Jan. 5Available at 3.50 each1979- Nov.1980 Feb. 100. July 170QUINZ POMERANIANSPatchogue, Long Islandwish to congratulate our fellow Long IslandersKen and Katie Leffertson finishing their latest championJOYFUL JET OF BRIELLEson of their beautiful Ch. May Morning Space PilotVera C. QuinnPatchogue, N.Y.Julies Stars and WillCh. Julies Star Vegawant to congratulateGreg and Tina HollandownersandMargaret McKeebreeder and handlerfor finishing Wills son CH. IDLEWYLD STAR CORALJulie Brumback1187 Nelson Dr. Harrisonburg, VA 22801 703 434-1804Custom Art Work54 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSSALLY BAUGNIET11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228Im not complaining but some of you may be, if you dont become recognized by the APC for finishing a conformation or Obedience champion confirmed in 1980.Award certificates will be read at our annual dinner if you send the appropriate information to me by January 15, 1981. I would appreciate it sooner. Any member submitting the Poms registered name, number, date of champion publication in the Gazette will receive a certificate of title from the APC.EDNA GIRARDOTFloral City, Fla.It was my pleasure to attend and exhibit at the Summer Specialty in Portland, Oregon. This show was hosted by the Columbia Pom Club, of which I am a member. I was guest of Clyde and Phyllis Andrews and traveled to the shows with Phyllis. Seldom do I accept invitations to stay with friends, but this was different. They have an Airstream trailer which they turned over to me. It is located right near the house. All the comforts of home. Phyllis made' sure there were tidbits in the fridge, milk, ice cream, sodas, cold cuts, etc. It is good to be able to make coffee or tea when one wishes. This way I am not in my hosts way nor they in mine. I sure did enjoy my stay there. Phyllis has a microwave and cooks up a storm in no time. Wish I had one, for living alone as I do, meals are a pain in the neck. Best of all was going from our heat to temps of 58 degrees. Boy, did I sleep. I was enchanted by the beautiful fir trees everything is so green and cool-looking. This area was not hit by the ash from St. Helens. Portland was a different story. Almost anywhere you could scoop up ash at the side of the road. I had several good views of the mountain as we drove to and from Portland.The Specialty drew 68 dogs. The committees must have worked hard to put on such a lovely affair. Hospitality Room was in full force and buzzing with chit chat. The Banquet was especially good. It was exciting to meet people I knew of but had not seen. I must say the club went all out to make everyone feel welcome. I just hated to leave that beautiful country and return to this awful heat, which has been exceptional this year. Nearly perished at four recent Carolina shows. Thanks for the quick getaway and a cool motel.Have been covering the miles this year. Three Kansas and six Oklahoma shows April 4ththrough the 15th. Many of these were majors. Mary Jane Wilson came down for a vacation and went with me. Must say that the Midwest people are most friendly. Many went out of their way to be nice to us and to help. Show areas were good and weather enjoyable. To me it is a challenge to get in there with the best you have to show, win or lose, be happy and a good sport. If I let my losses disturb me as it does some, I would have quit showing long ago.Note the item on Caesarian sections in last Review. Maybe you can have the kind of whelping luck I have had this past year. I started the raspberry leaves program and am about to believe it is helpful. This spring I bred seven bitches all about the same time. Only one missed. Three that had had sections before whelped free bitches that had previously missed more than once conceived all whelped free and larger litters than usual. A five-, a four-, two three- and two two-pup litters. Because I had had so many misses, I bred all these bitches and suddenly I had more pups than I have ever had at one time. More litters later and no sections. Take it for what it is worth, but I say it is worth trying. Beverly Berman wrote about this, with directions for using, when she was writing for the Review. At the time I did not give it much thought, but when I was having so many repeated misses I decided to try it. Whether the good results were directly related in all bitches is still a question. In another year I will be able to give a positive answer.I wish to thank all the people who called me and were worried about my well-being because I had failed to get an ad in the last Review. What a moral boost that was and I sure do appreciate the concern. Makes one believe this world is not all bad. These people are dedicated to the personal persuit of excellence in every field, which includes kindness and thoughtfulness in my case. Such deeds help to enrich every facet of life. I can never thank you enough.MARY STRASLICKABrunswick, Ohio...I believe the COLORS SHOULD NOT BE DIVIDED IN THE FIRST PLACE. and Color ACCEPTABLE COLORS TO BE JUDGED ON AN EQUAL BASIS... are two quotes which I feel are worthy of printing again. I was glad to see Sally Baugniets article on color in the Review and I wholeheartedly agree. I would also like to second Paragraph 4 on page 68 of July 80 Review, in case you have not seen it.My original dream was to have a white champion. After years of searching for the perfect white stud for my white female, I decided thatPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6there were more important things than color. Other than pure white, which I do not have, any color Poms born here are purely coincidental. My husband once said it was like dropping a coin into a slot machine this is due to the fact that we have a variety of colors on our pedigrees. But I do believe that those color genes travel for more than 4 generations. I think of it more like getting a Christmas present. You never know til you see it and are always very surprised.Over the years, we have had several colors here at Marlorns, one of which was the chocolate champion. Can you imagine the excitement when Steve Pastierik said, You have a Chocolate in his old Slovak accent When a puppy is born here the first question is, Vat color is it But type and soundness still determine the pet or show. And as we all know the pets are not really for breeding.I would like to refer to paragraph 9 Pg. 68, July 80. Funny but I had brought up the subject at a recent club meeting and not much was said about it. Thank you, Sally I didnt say it as well, I guess.Many times I have heard dog shows referred to as a beauty contest for dogs. Have you ever seen a beauty contest where the first division was by color What did you think Would you judge them all equallyI can remember times when dogs have taken second place apparently because of color. I cannot understand a young judge judging according to the old Standard.I know we all have our favorite colors, but when judging I thought it was to apply when all other things are equal.I have heard of other breeds having problems genetically connected to a certain color. When that happens in Poms I would like to hear about it.Dolly Trauners article pg. 48, July 80 gives you some idea of what to expect if you ever try color breeding. I had discussed this with a veterinarian some years ago. After realizing what I was getting into, I asked how we can expect to come up with a certain type'without going out and tracing our dogs ancestors back to when they were imported. He said breeding for conformation was a lot more dependable.P.S. As for size, why dont we say 4 to 6 lbs. and put a scale in the ring. What good is a 2 lb. champion. If you want anything smaller they probably sell mice at your local pet store. Anything over 6 lbs. is great for Obedience. If all the backyard breeders showed in Obedience there wouldnt be any because they would finally get an education.ANN WELSHINGERSuperior, Wis.We are presently seeing a great deal of concer about size of our Poms. It is such a confusin dilemma, especially for a comparative newcome to Poms and breeding as myself. I have beei breeding since 1970 when my first litter was free whelped. Since then I have bred 46 litters o Poms-17 have been Caesarians. This is about V C-sections, which is not a very good record. S what to do, that is the question. It is no secre that the tiny adorable little females are big wir ners in the ring. A six or seven pounder has quiti a time to finish. We all like to have a new cham pion so we show the ones we think have the bes chance to win, many times a small one. The bij girls stay at home to have babies. Maybe a divi sion by weight would help. Then big or littli would not compete against each other and botl could get their titles. If a breeder then wants to suffer through multiple C-sections he can havf champions and litters that way. The breeder wh goes with the bigger girls can still have a cham pion female and a free whelper, too.Another bit of food for thought-maybe a prere quisite for championship in our breed should re quire a free-whelped litter from the bitches anc the males should be able to breed without ar tificial help.I dont know where the answer lies to this difficult problem, but every time I see one of my precious girls have her belly opened to get out the puppies, I get ill and ask myself, Is this worth it There must be a better way.J.L. and MARGE GORMANFraser, MichiganOn two recent trips we have had the delightful opportunity of renewing friendships with Real Pom People Sam Zaneoff escorted us on a walking tour of New York. Despite the rain, we had a most enjoyable time.Another trip took us to our other home, Maryland, where we shared the hospitality of Thelma Dunn and Goldie Mandley. These ladies are not only excellent cooks, but love to talk Poms as weve been known to do so that it is difficult to tear ourselves away. We consider them part of our family and hope to see them both again soon, at our house.CLAIRE HENDRIXMontgomery, TexasConcerning the additions to the Standard I would like to make a few comments, which are strictly my personal opinion, but I feel they are long overdue. As I see it, I would even welcome a66 POMERANIAN REVIEWfew disqualifications. I believe as a whole our Poms are better quality but we are far from being immune from the problems which plague all toy breeds. If we arent careful, there are always the few who have less regard for the breed than they do for the monetary gain. I still see too many leg problems front and rear, especially slipped stifles, over-angulation, out at the elbows, even in finished dogs. Ive always felt that coat, with the proper food, maintenance and environment, can be corrected, in most cases, if there is coat behind the dogs pedigree. My first concern has always been correct body structure, shoulder placement, movement and a strong family history. That is lastingI hope we see this issue pass for the future of our beautiful Pomeranians.MRS. JOSEPH FAIGELMany thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Baker for the article in the Gazette on the Pomeranian Clubs Specialty of last February which was dedicated to my beloved husband. I appreciate their kindness in sending it to me. Warm regards and wishing the American Pomeranian Club many successful Specialties.MARC DESROCHERS Quebec, CanadaIn response to Jackie Kleins letter in the July issue of Yips Yaps I would like to state my own thoughts about dropping one of the two required sponsors for membership in APC No way, Jackie The Poodle used to be the household king. Right now, you might be surprised to know the thousands of people who own Pomeranians Every other day I have to go downtown, and of course my little friends always join me on my trips. Every time, an average of five people tell me that they also have one at home. If Pomeranians are getting to be the preferred housepet, then let us make sure that our Club remains one of quality and envy Let us make a member new or old proud to be one of the select few. As it is now, do all members respect the Clubs rules You Club oldtimers can answer that question better than I. But if not, then why not start by solidifying the foundation before thinking of the quantity.1 may repeat myself, but I believe that it is important that we make sure of a careful select membership.As far as the purity of the breed is concerned, it cannot be negotiated or compromised. This is also true concerning the minimum weight. Otherwise, people would try to get Poms smaller and smaller then who has the smallest one...with all the repercussions that would follow I agree with Mrs. Sally Baugniet concerning color. I believe that most important is the purity of the breed and theminimum size also a perfect body which should be well balanced. I have never been to a dog contest but if I ever go to one I hope that I will not get into something like the Duplicate Bridge Club, where everyone is considered as a potential enemy, with very little sociability after the competition. My wish is that it will be more of a social gathering, where we meet people who love animals, then specifically dogs, and then again, a specified breed.PAULA MALIK Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.In response to the question about C-sections in the last Review, here is what I have to offer a pretty little bitch of mine now has a five-week old little girl and is very proud of her. She was due to whelp on June 21 but on the 15th of June I noticed a blackish-green discharge from her. I quickly called my vet-lucky he was home that Sunday night. He said to be at his office in twenty minutes. When we got there the vet said that he would have to do a section because the placenta of one puppy had already broken away and was bringing the other one along. I could barely feel her little feet kicking inside. My vet had to.give Jolly a local anesthetic instead of the spinal as she was very nervous. A funny thing had happened to one of the puppies-she was only half developed and had been dead for about two weeks. My vet called her a freak. I was lucky Jolly hadnt gone into labor sooner or the other female would really have been premature. By the time my vet got to her she already appeared dead He and his assistant worked on her for about ten minutes before she started breathing regularly and then, boy, was she strong She would not give up After the section Jolly was up and around in a few hours. I didnt notice that it was hard on her except that it was hard for her to accept her baby, although she finally did after a couple of days of holding her so the baby could nurse.I would like to add a possible explanation as to why the first whelp was half developed. My Jolly was a hard bitch to breed. When she was ready to breed on her third season I bred her twice to one of my males-nothing happened. I bred her the next season to a different male and still nothing. Next time I bred her to my James-only one service. I figured that nothing was likely to happen anyway, so about a month later I dipped all my dogs in a dip to control the woodticks we have out here in the country. The dip may have had something to do to affect the puppy as it is possible that a small amount of the dip is absorbed through the skin. After this I will not dip any bitches that are bred in case this may have some effect on the unborn pups.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6',INDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageBonnie Anderson.....................................................................................................................6, 7Darrell and Olga Baker.....................................................................................................cover, 8Dick and Sally Baugniet ..........................................................................................................26Ruth Beam................................................................................................................................25Betty and Rex Bell ...................................................................................................................48Brettwood Arts, Vilma Louie...................................................................................................20Wilma Jean Brown....................................................................................................................25Julie Brumback.........................................................................................................................63Morris and Betty Carson......................................................................................................52, 53Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Chambers....................................................................................................47Kris Collins ..............................................................................................................................33Paul and Randy Freeh..........................................................................................................40, 41Edna Girardot............................................................................................................................15Tim and Sue Goddard...............................................................................................................30John and Rose Hansen..............................................................................................................51Chris and John Heartz...............................................................................................................68Ron and Jackie Klein................................................................................................................49Nannie Krohn............................................................................................................................62Jon and Roberta Massey ..........................................................................................................59Sophie Mayes............................................................................................................................43Roger and Linda McClanahan .................................................................................................21Mrs. Norris McKamey..............................................................................................................36Margaret and John McKee ......................................................................................................38Chris and Odette Nolan............................................................................................................25Bev and Bill Norris...................................................................................................................56Clarice and Stanley Oganeku ...................................................................................................44Pomeranian Club of Michigan..................................................................................................20Vera Quinn ...............................................................................................................................63Terri and Jack Reeder..........................................................................................................34, 35Mary Rosenbaum.................................................................................................................18,19Margaret Ruman and Ruth Waller............................................................................................39Ann and Gene Welshinger........................................................................................................55Minnette Winkel.......................................................................................................................2768 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEST IN SHOW FROM THE PUPPY CLASSCH. MILLAMORS MOON SHADOWsubj. to CKC Dixielands Southern Rock - a Moon Rock son ex Millamors Rock Rosette - a Moon Rock daughterAt 10 months of age, in just 9 shows, Shadow has1 All Breed Best In Show2 Group 1st 2 Group 2nd4 Best Puppy in Show 8 Best Puppy in GroupFLASH SHADOW IS BEST PUPPY IN SPECIALTY AT THE NFLD.TOY DOG CLUB SHOW UNDER NOTED JUDGE IRIS DE LA TORRE BUENO.ChriscendcwChris and John HeartzP.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada.B2N 5N2