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The Pomeranian Review July 1981
American Pomeranian Club, 3nc,Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY 198r' -r7KCH. EMCEES NEGRITO LINDO Best of Winners at APC Annual SpecialtyIN THIS ISSUE1981 STUD DOG REGISTER A VISIT TO IDLEWYLDBreeding Methods Part I, by Sophie H. Mayes Our Visit from Maggy Hallam by June Jim Coy and Jane Johnston Recipe for Obedience by Merle Rook Puppy Behavioral Development Part II, by Peter J. VollmerPOMERANIAN REVIEWANIfTlATION KENNELS0VfCH. CINQUAY YANKEE DOODLE DANDYDandy was awarded Best of Breed at Dan Emmett KC on April 10, 1981, and Delaware Ohio KC on April 12, 1981.Congratulations to Jean Morgan- Black River Shady Mister took a Group IV at Licking River.Lorinda Vasuta216 836-6818973V2 Cordova Ave. Akron, OH 44320POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt flnmprattiart Club, Jnr.President..........................First Vice President. . .. Second Vice President . . Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB........................................................................Miss Nadine Hersil......................................................................Mr. Thomas Daniels........................................................................Mrs. Sally Baugniet........................................................................Mrs. Eleanor Hyche..........................................................................Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ..................................................................Mrs. Jacqueline LiddleBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Phyllis Andrews Mrs. Julie BrumbackMrs. Olga Baker Mrs. Sophie H. MayesMr. Fred Bassett Mr. Bill PottebaumDelegate to AKC ..................................................................................................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager _____ Mrs. Roberta Massey, 1209 Carlton Drive, Racine, Wis. 53402Circulation Manager..............Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St 28-B, Charleston Heights, SC 29405Published quarterly at Racine, Wisconsin, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 14.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 3.50 Canada, Mexico, Foreign, 15.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription 10.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text.....................75.00Inside front cover ........................................40.00Center Spread, 2 pages.................................80.00Full page.......................................................35.00Three-quarters page......................................30.00One-half page...............................................20.00One-quarter page vertical only..................10.00Charge for reproduction of pictures.............. 6.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyNADINE HERSIL 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wl 53110 414 481-5556Breeder Versus HandlerThis title may be a bit confusing but I have wanted to write an article such as this for some time.The handler I am referring to in the title is not your regular run-of-the-mill handler but instead a Pomeranian breeder who also happens to be a Professional Handler. The battle that goes on inside this person is never-ending. I say this because, as most of you know, I am a handler myself and I have also been at the cross-road. Society the Dog- Show Society demands one set of rules and our Code of Ethics and Standard demand another. What to do This problem is especially prevalent on large show circuits and during the main show season in your area. You are no longer interested in bettering the breed but instead doing anything you must to win. Winning becomes the all- important status symbol and presenting a good Pomeranian in good condition is no longer considered.Your regular run-of-the-mill handler has no breed standard to uphold and consequently presents a dog in whatever fashion happens to be winning at the time. The breeder- handler showing a Pom presented within the Standard is continually put down to the handler and dog who are the BIG WINNERS and not necessarily shown and conditioned according to the Standard. I must say here that this is only MY opinion and by no means is true of every breeder-handler, or of every run-of-the-mill handler, or of every BIG WINNER, or even of every dog show. There are many very capable handlers in this country and even more very capable breeder-handlers. Please do not think I am speaking of everyone but of only a select few.Gradually the conscientious breeder- handler becomes despondent with losing and decides some drastic steps must be taken because he now also has clients dogs to show and feels the clients may likewise get disgusted with losing. As you can see, the battle has begun. We all like to win-no one can deny that-but we all CANNOT win. So this inner struggle proceeds to occupy our minds-which road shall we travel The road of the breeder or the road of the handler Shall we follow the way of the handler and do something just because the rest of the crowd is doing it-or should we stick by the guns of our breeders and Standard and prove to the judges just what a beautiful Pomeranian looks like These questions come up before all of us, not only the breeder-handler. What do we think of when we see a dog in the ring that does not conform to the Standard but is continually walking away with top honors The Parent Club can only present a Standard that has been voted on by the membership. It cannot even though it has tried re-educate the judges and re-educate handlers to judge and show dogs according to the Standard. No wonder the poor novice or even the experienced breeder-handler must wage this inner battle. How can you argue against something that is winning even though you know it is wrongThis inner struggle is within us all. Some of us will give in to the temptation and others will stand steadfast to our beliefs and show our beautiful little dogs with all our hearts. We will lose gracefully, as we all must do at one time or another, and we will win with the same graciousness. Let us remember that the goal of each individual member of this Club is to make some small contribution to the betterment of the breed. The number of winners that one possesses is not as important as the quality of dog that we produce. Does this generation have better attributes than the previous generation and the previous generations before that We must keep pluggin away and making our own little niche in the Pomeranian world. Remember that together we can make it happen. Follow your own heart and make your own decision.POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYby Morris CarsonThe saying goes that great things come in small packages. Such was the case with my newest champion, Emcees Negrito Lindo Lindy. This 3't lb. black fireball has changed things around the house in a number of ways.For one thing, I had never considered owning a black, but when I saw Lindy I realized that he had all the qualities for which I had been looking. So, he became part of my family. My thanks to Lennis Raines for allowing me to purchase this outstanding little fellow. While Im at it, Id like to thank some other breeders who have been a great help to us Bob Goodrich, Ruth Beam, Jessie and Barbara Young.In addition, Lindy has precipitated a change in my breeding program. I now plan to include blacks, black and tans, and sables, as well as the clear oranges. Incidentally, he has been used at stud and should have puppies on the ground by publication of this article.Lindys show record is impressive, especially so, as all his wins were from the Puppy Class. He really caused a stir at the Specialty when, at 8V2 months of age, he took Best of Winners for a 5-point major under Dr. William E. Field, Jr. Dr. Field commented that Lindy had the best head that he had ever seen on a black and that Lindys legs were so sound that it made one tingle with delight to see him move. He also stated that Lindys overall profile and outline revealed the classic Pomeranian figurine look which we all seek to obtain, and predicted that the little fellow has promise of being one of the most exceptional blacks ever bred.I guess that Sweepstakes judge, Sally Baugniet, summed up Lindys appearance by observing that he stood up on his toes in all his glory. He looked me in the eye and seemed to tell me that he was great, confident and it. And he was it.Lindys additional points were obtained at the following shows Raleigh Kennel Club judge Betty Mahaffy - 3-point major Virginia Kennel Club judge Martha JaneAblett - 4-point major Laurel Highlanc Kennel Assoc, judge James P. Cavallaro 2 points, BOB and Group III and Kennesa' Kennel Club judge Dr. Field-2 points, thank these judges for allowing Lindy t finish so quickly.Now well see if Lindy can live up to hi reputation as he goes out as a Special wit his handler, Jean Lade.COMING IN OCTOBERBrood bitches-we all have them, but as rule the only ones we ever see in the Reviev are the ones who have been shown.In spite of the argument that only the ven best bitches should be bred to the best studs it is apparent that a large number of non champion bitches are making a valuable con tribution to the breed. In 1980, 132 Pomer anian bitches produced 136 champion off spring. Of this number, only 29 of the bitches were champions themselves. That means that non-champion bitches, or brood bitches as we call them, produced 76 of the cham pion Pomeranians confirmed in the Gazette in 1980. We do not often have a chance to see these behind-the-scenes matrons rarely are they put in the limelight, even though their worth has been proven through their produce.In the October issue we will honor the backbone of our breed, the Brood Bitch While we will not offer the special Vi-page ad rate as in the Stud Issue, we encourage breeders to include their bitchs pedigree in their ad, along with her picture and a list andor pictures of her produce, whether champions, pointed or just plain lovable.This is your chance to honor the special girl or girls in your life who have done so much for your breeding program. This feature to the October issue will be undertaken on a trial basis. If it is successful, we will make it an annual feature. If it does not receive adequate support, it will be discontinued. Send your ads, pictures and pedigrees to the Editor. Be sure to include 6.00 PER PICTURE with the price of your ad. Help us make the Brood Bitch Issue an annual feature in the Review.POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSVCH. EMCEES NEGRITO LINDO, our newest champion.We thank all the judges for liking Lindy and Jean Lade for showing him.Lindy is at stud to approved bitches only. We do have females bred to him.Our 10 Homebred ChampionsCh. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Emcees Truly Solid Gold Ch. Emcees Solid Tange-Gold Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip Ch. Emcees Tiny Mite of Tico Ch. Emcees Sassy Lady Ch. Emcees Sparkling Tamboy Ch. Hillsboros Golden ChipMorris and Betty Carson804 798-7882We have finished OthersCh. Topaze Sunny Interlude Ch. Lenniss Taresa Perfection Ch. Emcees Satina of Great Elms Ch. Jabils Stephanie of Emcee6208 Pochins PathwayAshland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSTyvi.VfekCH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND 1978 Pom Specialty Winner Sire of three champions in 1980Tico is not at public stud due the fact that we need him for use within our kennel however, we do have other champions at stud to approved bitches. CH.EMCEES SOLID TANGE-GOLDa Tico daughter from a litter of two pups, both championsWe wish to thank our friends, Clarice and Stanley Oganeku, Kaneohe, HI, for keeping vigil over the two females that we sent them. The girls came out of quarantine in perfect condition.Congratulations to the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii on the Specialty.Morris and Betty Carson804 798-78826208 Pochins PathwayAshland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSIwl Xi_____________i ' VBEST OF BREED or VARIETYSAVANNAH KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER I960CH. JABILS STEPHANIE OF EMCEEAm. and Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing x Jabils Dinah MiteStevie" is shown going BOB over specials at the Savannah Kennel Club under judge Langdon L. Skarda. Stevie finished with three majors to her credit and was shown by professional handler, Jean Lade.We are grateful to Jessie and Barbara Young for allowing us to have this lovely girl. She is special to us and our breeding program.Morris and Betty Carson804 798-78826208 Pochins PathwayAshland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS' v\\VUu\\Him-vv" vv' ''\\viNv' ''N111111 w \ 1 V\\\\ww\\\ wv.\. y'tinijjitiiuiimuuiihCH. EMCEES SPARKLING TAMBOYCh. Majestic Sparkling Diamond x Emcees Tartan TamRusty has to date 35 BOB, 3 Group I and many other group placements.Congratulations to his owners, Russel and Evelyn Churchill, and to his handler, Marlene Scott Halsey.Rusty is at stud to approved bitches.Flash Rusty has just received his third Group I at Northeastern Kennel Club on May 3 owner-handled.OwnersRussel and Evelyn Churchill5565 Forest Bend Dr.Dayton, Ohio 45427 Ph 513 435-0380Breeders Morris and Betty Carson6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Va. 23005 Ph 804 798-7882I POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSe-e v ViV1 CH. HILLSBOROS GOLDEN CHIP subj. ARC conf.Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of TaraC.J. is owned by Mrs. Anna E. Cowie and is shown by professional handler, Jean. Lade.Other Chips of Diamond children currently being shown areEmcees Chips of Distinction pointedEmcees Chips of Diamond II Emcees Legacy of ChipsCongratulations to Idylewyld Pomeranians on their Kennel Visit.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway804 798-7882 Ashland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWiMiVPbtoohsv''.4mMILLBROOKS LISA CHANTELLECh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Ch. Millbrooks SuzettaLisa at 3 Vi months went Best Puppy in Match at the Bay Colony Pom Club.Announcing the arrival of a new litter of pups from Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond and Ch. Millbrooks Lola Grace.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their newest champion, Emcees Negrito Lindo.Barbara PainePh 203 322-663964 Deacon Hill Rd. Stamford, CT 06905POMERANIAN REVIEW2DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC., SPECIALTY SHOWby Jewel EllisOur clubs Specialty on March 21, 1981, -an very smoothly. Although entries were ower than usual there were 5 points in both sexes. Advertising in the Show Catalog was super members and friends really came shrough with advertising, which was greatly appreciated. The trophy table was very at- sractive with beautiful bronze trophies. The centerpiece on the trophy table consisted of silk flowers, which were lovely. A large silk dower arrangement was also placed at the ringside entrance. All flowers were placed in oronze containers which matched the bronze trophies perfectly.Our Puppy Sweepstakes judge, Miss Betty L. Dwyer, and our Class judge, Miss Frances rhornton, did an excellent job of judging.Betty Dwyer gave Best in Puppy Sweep- stakes to Macs Billybo Jangles O Jerico, owned by Jeri and Bob Ondrusek, and Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweepstakes to Kukaweo of Davys Mountain, owned by Katherine Davy.Frances Thornton placed the following wins in the regular classes Winners Dog, TomanoHs Wee Short Stack, owned by Opal Mosher Reserve Winners Dog, Patricks Mr. Larry, owned by Jean and G.A. West Winners Bitch, Jayenns Hi Time Attack, owned by Bernadine Pauli and Joan Grant Reserve Winners Bitch, Sherrys Precious Beaux Peep, owned by Carol L. Sherry Best ofBreed, Ch. Gold Gem Ruffles Button Bows, owned by Erika K. Moureau Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex, Tomanolls Wee Short Stack, owned by Opal Mosher, and Best in Puppy Classes, Kukaweo of Davys Mountain, owned by Katherine Davy.Judge Miss Frances Thornton awards Best of Breed to Ch. Gold Gem Ruffles Button Bows, owned by Erika K. Moureau. Photo by CottFrancis.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.YIPS YAPSWe are pleased to see so many letters for Yips Yaps in this issue. While we welcome your letters and are happy to print them, we occasionally receive letters that are too long to print in their entirety. Keeping in mind the high cost of printing the Review and wanting to give everyone who wishes to do so an opportunity to express their opinions, we ask that you limit the length of your letters to one typewritten page double-spaced. Under special circumstances the Editor will determine if an exception to this length will be allowed. All letters must be signed.POMERANIAN REVIEW ]SHATODI POMERANIANS is proud to present -Our Newest Boy ACH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD DIAMOND GRANDSONTuffy, just three months old, took the Toy Group his first two matches at Upper Potomac Kennel Club and also at Altoona Area Kennel Association.Tuffy would like to congratulate his father Emcees Lucky Gem and new owner Sue White. Lil Tico went BOW at Classic City Kennel Club, Athens, GA.Thank you, Morris and Betty, for your continued support and guidance and to Louise McKenzie, whos always there.Congratulations to Morris and Betty on Their New Champion EMCEES NEGRITO LINDOTerri Dibert RD 1, Box 170814 652-6503 Everett, PA 1553714 POMERANIAN REVIEWiln MmuiriamWe regret to report the death on January 26, 1981, ofMrs. Evelyn SchaeferLong-time member of the American Pomeranian ClubBOB-A-LOU POMERANIANSWishes to congratulate Morris and Betty Carson on their newest champion, Emcees Negrito Lindo. Lindy is the prettiest little black I have seen.A special thanks to Morris and Betty for their help and encouragement with my Poms.Thanks, also, to Maynard Wood for letting me have Anwins Magic Pandora. We love our little Black Magic.M. Louise McKenzie Rt. 1 Box 160301 895-5643 Salisbury, Pa. 15558POMERANIAN REVIEW 1IN MEMORIAMThe Ohio Pomeranian Club With Deepest Regret Says Goodbye To MRS. EVELYN SCHAEFERJanuary 26, 19811AFor Many Years Evelyn was a Pom Breeder, Fancier and Professional HandlerPictured with Evelyn is Ch. Julies Starbright6 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO IDLEWYLDby Margaret McKeeHi Welcome to Idlewyld. Would you like . cup of coffee Lets go sit in the den. If you vere looking for a kennel, you might have lassed us right by. At 7660 Idlewyld Road is n ordinary house in a pleasant suburb of iichmond, Virginia. Were really a very mall kennel, but were striving for quali- y. At this writing, all of the eight adults ere are either titled or pointed.Dougal and said, The Pom is next. Then he turned to me and asked, It IS a Pom, isnt it Wince. So when Mcdougal died, I was determined my next Pom would be a good one. I was also determined I would never be left without a Pom again.So I began my search, which succeeded to an unexpected degree. Visiting Bob Harris kennel in Silver Springs, Md., I spotted a-4 VFront View of IdlewyldWe got our first Pomeranian on a nasty, old December morning in 1968.1 had decid- d I just had to have a tiny fuzzy dog, and ragged my husband John out to the pet cops-qJi yes, I did everything wrong. But icky, lucky me, I came home with a 'omeranian. Grindl was strictly pet as far s conformation goes, but he was all a pet hould be. I trained him in obedience, but ever showed him because I mistakenly aought he wasnt good enough. When he ras killed, John insisted he be replaced, [gainst all odds, we acquired a half-brother rho was identical in appearance and ehavior. McDougal even had the same liosyncrasy of crossing his front paws when ring down.Dougal was my first C.D. He finished with cores in the 190s and a Third and two econds. And I was hooked on obedience. While training him for Open, I attended a eminar conducted by Merrill Cohen. Dur- ig one exercise, Mr. Cohen pointed topuppy sitting off by herself who, even to my inexperienced eye, glowed with quality. Bob at first refused to sell her, but a month later he relented, and we brought six-month old Trinket home. A gorgeous red sable, Just A Trinket Dambeastie was our first champion. But getting that championship wasnt easy. She was very shy at first. I tried everything, but Trinket simply wouldnt walk on lead. Finally in desperation, I put a choke collar and lead on her and I WALKED. For a week, a screaming Trinket was dragged on her rear all over the yard. Finally the little Pom understood who was boss and got up and walked. Her self-confidence and her showmanship increased steadily after that.Two weeks after we bought Trinket, we visited Carol Galavich in Ohio and bought Golden Tiara Dambeastie, a precious orange bitch sired by Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy. Tiara celebrated her first birthday by completing her C.D. with a First in Novice B. We then decided to breed her. Because wePOMERANIAN REVIEW 1were so crazy about Trinkets conformation, we took Tiara to Trinkets sire, May Morning Social Lion, owned by Thelma Dunn. That breeding gave us our first homebred champion and our main man, Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CD.VVtoUsMother and 9on Gem, left, and Tiara, rightTiara was slow to mature, so I failed to appreciate how really beautiful she was. Now 6M years old, she is gorgeous, in full coat, and easily finishable. But shes learned bad habits, like thinking that bait means sit up and beg. After many fits and starts, Tiara finally got it all together in the Open obedience work. Actually, Ive made a lot of mistakes in training this dog, but she loves me and were both continuing to learn. As of this writing, Tiara has two legs of the needed three on a CDX title.ftVRetrieveover the high jumpTiaraOur other dual titlist is Julie, Ch. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CD. We visited Ruth Beam at Great Elms to see her great Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. John fell in love with this puppy and, thanks to Bob Goodrich vouching for us, Ruth reluctantly let us have this tiny spitfire. She completed her CD when she was about eighteen months old, and finished her championship in 1979, the same day as Gem.Our most productive brood is Chatter, May Morning Small Talk CD. We got her from Sophie Mayes in 1977, shortly after our third child was born, and the two youngsters grew up together. Chatter was sired by Social Lion, and thus is a half-sister to Trinket and Gem. We call her super-mom she comes in season every four months, free- whelps like a dream, and absolutely adores puppies, hers or anybody elses. Her first litter, sired by Julie Brumbacks Wilbur, Ch. Julies Star Vega, gave us Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral Pooh Bear, who lives with Greg Holland. A repeat breeding gave us Penny, Idlewyld Star Pendant pointed and proven, and Opal, Idlewyld Star Opal major pointed, who is owned by the Riggs in Connecticut. Her third litter, by Gem, was Pearl, Idlewyld Gem of the Sea pointed. At the same time she helped raise part oi Tiaras last litter. Chatter finished her CD in November of 1980.rwviu u- rV1'lV. -v" rCSiChatter, in a pensive moodPOMERANIAN REVIEWfAWe would like to thank all of the wonderful Pom people who have helped us over the years with encouragement, advice, support, and especially for trusting us with their precious puppies.WE SALUTE OUR TITLEHOLDERSCh. Just A Trinket Dambeastie Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDGolden Tiara Dambeastie CDX May Morning Small Talk CDCh. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CD Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral..Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on finishing their darling black, Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo.Margaret and John McKee7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-9318POMERANIAN REVIEW 1joyfully presents our first Companion Dog Excellent1 ML5ft,fcGOLDEN TIARA DAMBEASTIE CDXAm. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy ex Pixies Hello DollyBred by Carol GalavichTiara is all anyone could want in a Pom. She is beautiful, loving, sound in mind and body. Not only has she done well in obedience, but she has produced some very nice puppies.First leg Fayetteville KC Score 1884Second leg Baltimore Co. KC Score 190Third leg Southern Maryland KC Score 194 Second Place in Open AWe are particularly proud of this title. It represents a lot of hard work and perseverance. Also, Poms with a CDX are a lot more rare than champion Poms. A UD Were sure going to tryMargaret and John McKee7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-93180 POMERANIAN REVIEWOur current hopeful is Chrissie, Idlewyld Jhrysoberl. Were very pleased with her ype, soundness, and style. She is being shown by a handler to free me to concentrate 3n Tiaras CDX, and is beginning to win.Now that youve met the canine members f the family, come meet the people. John, a sail redhead, is very talented. He built this vhole addition-family room, half-bath, din- ng area, attic-all by himself. He repairs all he appliances and the cars, and can make a vhelping box or a dumbbell, if you can catch tim long enough. He is in the materials landling business tube systems, conveyor elts, etc. and travels frequently. He is isually very good about babysitting kids and juppies so I can get away to the shows.John with Penny and OpalIm very active in my obedience club. Cur- ently I am Vice President, Trial Chairman, ,nd an instructor. I usually teach Sub- lovice beginners its both challenging and atisfying. My job as Demonstration Chair- nan gives me many opportunities to show he public what great little dogs Poms are, iow well they do in obedience and to con- radict some of the unfortunate misconcep- ions about Poms. Julie and Tiara working ,s a brace are big crowd-pleasers. I also dab- le a little in sewing and embroidery, and m a read-a-holic.\ w,krMargaret and armload of puppiesOur oldest child, Rachal, is eleven. She loves to go to the dog shows, and is an excellent traveling companion and assistant. Shes been showing occasionally in Junior Showmanship since November and has already moved up to Open-Junior class.Langhorne is nine. He likes helping to socialize puppies, but otherwise prefers bike riding, football, and Star Wars. Both children are honor-roll students.Elaine is now four. Her first year of life was a bit dramatic, with surgery for pyloric stenosis at one month and meningitis, severe anemia, and thrombophlebitis at 214 months. Now very bright, normal, and healthy, shes welcome at the Open obedience class as a distraction.VKids and puppies left to right Elaine and Amy, Langhorne and Val, Rachal and HopePOMERANIAN REVIEWThe den is 27 feet x 15 feet, and panelled in walnut. Gem lives in a playpen by the back door, where he can keep tabs on everyones comings and goings. Here in the den is where I do all the grooming. You can see that, while the large grooming table is always set up here, it usually has either a sewing machine or a TV set on it. I do most of the grooming in my lap. When it is raining, we train in here. Bitches are bred here on the floor. Some dogs like to nap on the deck, where they can keep an eye on me through the sliding glass doors. Thats Penny on the chaise.In the kitchen, there is one wire crate tucked under a card table, and a 3-level cage that holds six or seven Poms comfortably. Puppies are moved to the kitchen when they are about eight weeks old. Here theyre exposed to all kinds of noise and activity.Puppies are whelped in our bedroom. The 15-inch by 2-foot wooden whelping box is put inside a six-panel exercise pen. This makes Mamma feel secure and keeps puppies safe. I like having Mamma and babies out of traffic and where I can hear if anything should go amiss at night. The one disadvantage is that the air conditioner cant be turned on. By the way, John made all the walnut bedroom furniture.The backyard is fenced and all the Poms run loose together, unless someone is in season. The dogs spend a great deal of time out here in all kinds of weather. I believe in lots of fresh air and exercise. I doubt that the Poms appreciate the hundreds of azaleas, camellias, and rhododendron that grace the backyard they just like playing with the pine cones, sticks, and childrens toys.Training for both conformation and obedience is done in the front yard. It is not fenced, but the street is a quiet one and no dog goes off lead until Im sure hes trustworthy.Idlewyld must stay a small kennel while the three children are young and while we are located in the city. The Pom population stays about ten, and we average two litters a year. There are advantages to being small. Everything gets my personal attention. Puppies can be properly socialized. I can be picky about the homes to which my puppiesgo. But I hope to expand in the future. M own thirty-five acres of land in New Kei County east of Richmond, and hope to bui a larger house there someday. The design fi the house includes a big kennel room. Sin' John wants to build the house himself, it going to take some timeIm so glad you could come. I just love tal ing about dogs. Now that you know the wa please come again soonKENNEL VISITIn October we will travel to Canada for visit with Chris Heartz and her Chriscem Poms. We feel sure that the Canadian Po breeders as well as Chriss many friends the U.S. will want to take out a cc gratulatory ad to wish her well.NON-SUBSCRIBERS NOTEWhen placing an ad in the Review, plea advise the Editor if you are not a regul subscriber so that we can send you a te sheet of your ad.Julies STARSCongratulates our Good Friends MARGARET and JOHN McKEE and theirIDLEWYLD POMS On Their Kennel VisitCustom Art Work Dog Jewelry, Notes, Portraits Tote Bags, SkirtsJulie Brumback1187 Nelson Drive Harrisonburg, VA 22801 703 434-1804POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSBest Wishes to John and Margaret McKee on Their Kennel Visit and Congratulations to May Morning Small Talk on Her C.D.We Still Have2 in our April ad - our whopper of a Brood ProspectAn athletic 7 lbs. - Sound as a Bell4 still looking like a show prospect but the color fooled usHe is a bright, bright red - a chunky 5 lbs.5 tiny, typey red or red sable male whelped 122380We Decided to Hang Onto 3 and Try Him in the Show RingOne New LitterRed sable male and Red female whelped April 1, 1981Ch. May Morning End of the Rainbow x May Morning Orange BlossomWe have repeated the breeding of 5 above and have several others bred. Expecting two whites in season soon and to be bred, and hopefully a litter sired by Ch. May Morning Life of the Party ex a full sister to Ch. May Morning Pie In The Sky.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 215 793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEWdPOLLOTT kMNL9-.tA A r \z.I ' l fi. Vrkj'ftSTOFE SACRAMETO KENNEL CLUB APRtl 19B1 JAYNE LANGDON PHOTO KAPOLLOS SHEER DELIGHTDelight is shown going Best of Winners from the Puppy Class under Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman at the Sacramento Kennel Club Show, Owner-Handled.Watch for our home-bred bitch, Apolloette Touch of Class. She will make her debut at this years APC Summer Specialty.Congratulations to Margaret McKee on her Kennel VisitMarlene and Marlin Presser Puppies for SaleP.O. Box 395 Inquiries InvitedForest Ranch, CA 95942 Ph 916 891-68461 POMERANIAN REVIEW1981 STUD DOG REGISTERThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1981 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the follow- ig pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, nique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country. In- dtably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another, ut with so many represented, from every section of the country and of so many different oodlines, we feel that our Register this year is very complete. May we request that when -eeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud card in the Review..1A___Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful Multi-Group Winner 4'2 lb. Bright OrangeCh. Nanjo Masterpiece Am.Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Am. Can. Ch. Jabil's Simply Smashing Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Jabils Simply SinfulAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah, C.D.Ch. Roanokes Band BoxJABILJessie and Barbara YoungLoudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 603 435-8731r- vEmcees Solid Gold of Jabil Pointed, 5 lb. Red Co-Owned with Rosalind GoltzCh. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Model's Truly Fair Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Solid Gold Models Bewitched Emcees Solid Gold of JabilAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Jabils Sun Goddess Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceeAm. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion, C.D.Jabils Dinah MiteCh. Varneys Jabil Dream GirlJABILJessie and Barbara YoungLoudon Ridge Road Loudon, N.H. 03301 603 435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEWS \1^1livIva.v,VKgrftBWfc -1ft 1 vy^T.' s rMay Morning Paper Tiger Sound, Heavy-Coated Red Sable 4 lbs.Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Moon Walker Pomwin Tiggie Pomwin Busybody Models Lady Ethel May Morning Paper TigerCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Moon Walker Pomwin Busybody May Morning Moonlight N RosesAm. Can. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnig May Morning Legacy of Jonnie May Morning Kissin CousinFELICITY KENNELS Doris ThomasRoute 13, Box 136 Frederick, MD 21701 301 694-9791A VCCamelots Bashfull Dude 4 lb. Light Orange-Sable Small Ears, Short Back, Sound Legs 13 Points as of May, 1981May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Rebel of EdneyMay Morning Social Lion Edneys Sweet DixieEdneys Pride of Tomstopper Camelots Bashfull DudeMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Song of CamelotMay Morning Little Red Rascal Thelduns Bills Lil Paty Cake Meyers Princess Pat II PATTYS POMERANIANS Patty Bartels 4976 Monmouth Road Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950 iU. aCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order 4 lb. Lightly-Sabled Orange Champion Producer Stud Fee 100Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special OrderCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Post Script Aft R Noon DelightCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Edneys Miss Pattycake Edneys TaffyMOE-BEST POMERANIANS Terri Moebuis1719 Manor Road Baltimore, MD 21222 301 284-3093POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy 4V4 lb. Rich Cream Group Placer Stud Fee 100Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Ringmaster Jewel Ken Flaming Fantasy Jewel Ken's Wee Flambeau Jewel Kens Crumpet N CreamAdkins Snow White Tippy Adkin's White CamelliaAdkins Wee White Windy Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Adkins Snow White Tippy Adkin's White Christmas Adkins Black Violet Jewel Kens Little White Dove Baron PuffLady Snowball of Coram Cotton Candy GirlANIMATION KENNELS Lorinda Vasuta973' 2 Cordova Ave.Akron, OH 44320. ............. Ch. D-Nees Darin______________ DinadanBIS - Specialty Winner Producing ChampionsCh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanInt. Ch. Queenaire's Scotch N' Soda Ch. Queenaire's Jigger O Scotch Creider's VickiCh. D-Nee's 'Dorable DazzlerKen-Gay Laddy of Milo D-Nees Durable DollySnow Baby White FluffNADINE HERSIL3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy. WI 53110 fCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastvle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonner's Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonner's Styletess Model Bonners Little Miss WagCh. Bonner's Smokvpepper Chico Bonner's Sunfire MischiefBonners Pepper-K SunkissCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy 5 lb. Orange Sire of Champions Carries Chocolate GeneROBERTA MASSEY DOROTHY BONNER1209 Carlton Drive Racine, WI 53402 414 639-6885POMERANIAN REVIEWaACh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Bright Orange 4V4 lbs. Group Winner, Sire of Champions Moments from Indpls. AirportCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Dixielands VeronicaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red Mist MRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN 8820 Rockville Road Indianapolis, IN 46234 317 271-4954Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Multiple BIS Winner Ch. Producer - 3 BIS WinnersCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Millamors Rock MedallionCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors MarrilynnLou-Lans Token of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold PieceCHRISTINE D. HEARTZP.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2mCh. Robinhoods Found Worthy Orange SableGood Bone, Excellent PigmentCh. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Creiders Chitty Bang Bang Ch. Robinhoods Hope He WillCh. Creiders Timothy Topcat Robinhoods Creme DeMintQueenaires Gin Fizz of Hoods Ch. Robinhoods Found WorthyCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Robinhoods Topcat Marianne Bryleces Dandy David Robinhoods New Dawn Creiders Bit of SugarCOURAGEOUS GOLD POMERANIANS Clara F. Wiese and Mona Mae Caldwell5612 North 71st Street Langmont, CO 80501POMERANIAN REVIEWt 9 9Ch. Patricks Mr. Larry3 3 lb. Orange-Sable Heavy-Coated Small Ears, Short Back, Sound Legs Excellent Pigment Stud Fee 150Aristic Gay Playboy Ch. Jans Little Red" PodAmbers Ginger of Shady Grove Ch. Patrick's Mr. Kelley Jans Smarty Boy Patrick's Miss Tonya Debbies Susanne Ch. Patricks Mr. LarryCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Macs Four on the Floor of OKala McDougalls Gay Misty Junior Ch. Patricks Miss MischiefCh. Jans Little Red Pod Ch. Patricks Miss PreciousBit O Gold Chips Tinker BellWESTS POMERANIANS Jg3.ii West2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, TX 77339 713 358-8465K2ttCh. Idlewyld Gemstone C.D. i'A lb. Orange Sable Pointed OffspringCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone C.D.Wee Danny StarAm. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy Wee Red Lady StarGolden Tiara Dambeastie C.D.Windfalla of Highland Pixies Hello Dolly Galavichs FrancieIDLEWYLD POMERANIANS Margaret and John McKee7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-9318f Ch.Pomirish Frozen Daiquiri42 lb. CreamGroup PlacingsStud Fee 100Ch. D-Nees Darin' Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bear's Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Can. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Ch. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Edna of Lenette Addie of Lenette Ch. Pomirish Frozen DaiquiriCh. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Pomirish Sports Fancy FreeCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O' CavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochureMAR-EL KENNELS Mary Yen terN19 W22526 North Ave.Waukesha, WI 53186 414 549-4270POMERANIAN REVIEW I 1 f 4^ rr RJaj r "Ch. Pomirish Christopher Robin Cobby, Red Sable Sire of Champion Stud Fee 125Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzler Pomirish Pooh Bears TiggerShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Pooh BearScotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Ch. Pomirish Christopher RobinCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Dee Dee of Lenette Pomirish Buddys Red RoseOakleys Little Tee Bear Ansae of LenetteOakleys Little AnnaPOMIRISH KENNELS Dick and Sally Baugniet11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228 oCh. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Sire of Champions, Including a Multi-Group and Specialty Winner. Sound, Orange Sable Stud Fee 125Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Randys Duke of DragonflyCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougalls Lady Fancy Ch. Randys Pomirish Super SportBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Macs Stardukes Gay Bunny Tuffy of Disheroon Pamtuf Star of Disheroon Pamela of DisheroonPOMIRISH KENNELS Dick and Sally Baugniet11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228-1 -J AAm. Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance Multi-Group Winner, Specialty BW Bermuda BIS Puppy and Major Cobby, Light Cream, Sound, Excellent Pigment Stud Fee 150Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear NCh. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Edna of Lenette Addie of LenetteAm. Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only ChanMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Morenos Lady B-Good Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochurePOMIRISH KENNELS Dick and Sally Baugniet11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW-Ch. Jeribeths Ivan Ideal Multi-Group Winner As a Puppy 3'A lb. Orange Stud Fee 150Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Mollys San Dee Sue, C.D. Jeribeths IzzisitCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Jeribeths Cheers to Duke Jeribeth's Toast to Duke Ch. Jeribeths Ivan IdealCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly JoArts Put Up Your Dukes JoArts Golden Lady Jeribeths Idol BakerCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Toast to Duke Tonos Toastie MeliDARRELL AND OLGA BAKER207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250Ch. Wilwyns Teddy Bear Sire of Champions 414 lb. Orange Stud Fee 100Ch. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire AristocratCh. Creiders Bit O Distinction Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate CopyCh. Creiders Golden Riptide Creiders Chitty Bang Bang Creiders Scarlet OHara Ch. Wilwyns Teddy Bear Aristic Gay Playboy Ch. Jans Little Red PodAmbers Ginger of Shady Grove Macs Terrific DollCh. Terrific Topper of Shady Grove Terrific Wendy of Shady Grove Aristic Jans CherrybelleDARRELL AND OLGA BAKER207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250No Photo AvailableJeribeths Izzisit Our Exceptional Producer Miracle-Bred on Duke Dragonfly Ivans Dad, tooSire of Champions 4 lb. Orange Stud Fee 100Bonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Cricket Ch. Myway Duke Celou CelaeCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Mollys San Dee Sue, C.D.Fancy Q Lil Bit for Molly Jeribeths IzzisitCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Jeribeths Cheers to DukeCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeth's Toast to Duke Tonos Toastie MeliDARRELL AND OLGA BAKER207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Brelands Little Sandra Billy Joe JoeCh. Ken-Gay Milo Peanut Ken-Gay Merribell Peanut Ken-Gay MerribellAm. Can. Ch. Sissons Amberino JoeCh. Scotia Cavaliers Billy Joe Billy Joe JoeKen-Gay Merribell Peanut Tiny Teardrops IILil Doodle Bug of Highland Sun Didle Bug Warrens ApplaAm. Can. Ch. Sisson's Amberino Joe Champion ProducerANADORS POMERANIANS Ann and Gene WelshingerRt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 54880 715 399-2702mCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Scotia Caviliers Trails EndCh. Browns Tiddly Wink Super Scotia TW Million Dollar Baby Ch. Scotia Cav Cash Return Can. Ch. Scotia Trails End Dark Folly Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadleigh Golden Trixie Ch. Scotia Robins Lay Wey Sweet Charity Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey Brochure Ch. Scotia Golden FantasyCan. Ch. Scotia Trails End Dark Folly Red Sable Group WinnerANADORS POMERANIANS Ann and Gene WelshingerRt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 54880 715 399-2702LAMENT OF A STUDMy job is making puppies, and I get two tries at that,They pat me on the head and say good boy, and that is that.Its half my job to givem teeth and toplines, fronts and other.Remember its only half my job...they also have a mother.Its not my job to carry pups and make em grow and nurse em,And feed and clean and make em strong...thats for the mother and a person. Its not my job to plan the breeding, and learn what produces well,To study pedigrees, learn whats there and pick those out to sell.Its not my job to guarantee champs, the breeder picks the pair To mate and whelp and feed and show and hope the champ is there.Its not my job to be on hand when points are given out.The breeder, owner, dam and friends take the credit with a shoutReprinted from The Bulldogger, Spring 1980 issue, by permission of the Editor.POMERANIAN REVIEW STARLITE POMERANIANS Gayle L. Griffin 15625 W. Perrydale RoadPh 503 843-2151 Amity, Oregon 97101Cynpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Eng. Ch. Wynwrights Mid Winter Boy Bulvers My Fair Lady Rosskears The Gold Rush SireEng. Ch. Wynwrights Mid Winter Boy Angel Babe of Rosskear Garet DustetteDavonShire Starlite GamblerEng. Ch. Cynpegs Gamblers Gold Amcross BenjaminSuttonian New Venture Amcross Apple Charlotte DamEng. Ch. Cynpegs Gamblers Gold Amcross ZinMadella Juliana SftnGambler 4 lbs. Orange, lite sable Siring Lovely Pups Puppies for SaleLucky5 lbs. Lite Orange Siring Adorable Pups Puppies for SaleBonner's Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Doodad Chula Queenaire Chance SireCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Queenaire M LadyCreiders Black-Eyed Susan Jubilee Lucky ChanceSkylark the Royal Duke Apollas Lucky Keno Ticket Skylark Gold Nugget Mickis Gold Suzett DamSkylark the Royal Duke Skylark Gold TangoSkylark Gold NuggetPuppies Coming Up May-June, 81Honey Bear McKamey lines x Gambler Charm Lucky daughter x Ch. Phyner Night Editor Fanticy Ch. Ramboling Man daughter x Lucky ChancePOMERANIAN REVIEWPROS AND CONS OF ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATIONNow that frozen semen has the official sanction of the AKC, the use of artificial insemination will undoubtedly become more common in the future. There is no denying that there are advantages to using artificial insemination in some instances. Some breeders prefer to inseminate visiting females, saying it reduces the risk of disease to the stud. Although it has been established that artificial insemination lowers the chance of conception by as much as 50, if the owner of the female has been informed of this policy and agrees to it, all well and good.The procedure can also be an aid to breeders who, by reason of physical disability, have difficulty in conducting normal breedings.It can be a boon to the occasional tight female who cannot seem to be bred in a normal manner, provided she does not pass this characteristic to her female offspring. Female puppies from such a female should be watched carefully at maturity for signs of the problem and should it be present, neither the mother nor the female offspring should be bred again.The biggest advantage in using artificial insemination, of course, will be the eventual availability of frozen semen, which will enable a bitch to be bred to an excellent stud from anywhere in the country without putting the bitch through the trauma that often occurs when she is shipped.Artificial insemination will not be a panacea, however. Many fine stud dogs refuse to cooperate in an artificial breeding with such males, even the craftiestCORRECTIONOur resident gremlins were working overtime on the January issue of the Review and placed some stray type in Pauline Hughes ad on page 16. The correct ad is printed in this issue. We apologize to Mrs. Hughes for the error. The girls pictured in the ad, Ch. Sno-Bunny of Point Loma and Shawn-Dee of Point Loma, won three Best Brace in Show awards last fallmaneuvers by the most experienced breedi may not fool them and the only way th can be utilized is with good old-fashion natural breedings, the way nature intend It would be a shame for breeders to get caught up in the advantages of artificial semination that a fine stud is discard from consideration because he refuses work artificiallyAnother aspect that should not overlooked when considering inseminati is the use of a dog totally lacking in s drive, who has no interest in the real thi and can ONLY be used artificially. To deluded into thinking that this characti istic will not reproduce itself is foolish- will re-appear in the offspring as surely any other inheritable fault, physical or me tab Here the breeder must be totally obj tive in evaluating the worth of his dog as stud. There is no dog living whose physic characteristics are so outstanding that i tificial breeding can be justified when ' routinely refuses to breed naturally. Such dog is not worthy of the title Stud Dog, j reparable harm could be done to the brei through widespread use of such a dog. taking advantage of long-distance artifici insemination we will have to determine th the prospective stud dog has a normal si drive as carefully as we would determh that he has two testicles.There is no doubt that the potential exis for artificial insemination to be a gre benefit for all of us, but it must always 1 used in the best interests of the breed.REMINDERAll members of the APC desiring a ce tificate from the Club for Champions an Obedience Titles published in the Gazett during 1981 which were owned by yoi please submit your name as owner, dog name and month published in the Gazett to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Highwa B, Mishicot, WI 54228, BEFORE Februar 1, 1982.POMERANIAN REVIEWBest in Show Brace Silver Bay Kennel Club of San Diego C4-1PSilver Ban Kennel Ir\r. cam HI P AA1Judge Dr. Q. Laham Handler Adrian AlfordCH. SNO-BUNNY OF POINT LOMA SHAWN-DEE OF POINT LOMA 6 Pts.Both these little cream Poms were sired by my Ch. Shawnee of Point Loma out of related dams. They are look-alikes of the sire, his sire, Ch. Shawn, and his sire, Ch. Adonis. They will be shown in coming events while their coats allow both being girls. Pauline Hughes, owner.Puppies - Adults - Stud ServicePOINT LOMA POMERANIANSPauline B. Hughes 1726 Crest Dr.714 753-5807 Encinitas, Cal. 92024POMERANIAN REVIEWartBESTOFWINNERSPR\U2WJABILS SIMPLY SERENASerena is the first daughter of Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful. She is pictured winning her first major, at 9 months old, under judge Mrs. Jane Kay. We thank Ron and Sharleen Manchester for parting with her. The litter will be repeated.We congratulate Rosalind Goltz for her new champion Penrus Petite Suite of Jabil, C.D.Allison finished with a 5-point win at the Bay Colony Specialty.Jessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road603 435-8731 Loudon, NH 03301POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional tails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will published upon receipt of 15.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on file ith the Review, the charge is 9.50.H. PATRICKS MR. LARRYrange-Sable Male reeder Mildred G. Patrick wners Jean G. West ingwood, TXAristic Gay Playboy Ch. Jans Little Red PodAmbers Ginger of Shady Grove ti. Patricks Mr. Kelley SireJans Smarty Boy Patricks Miss Tonya Debbies SusanneCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Macs Four on the Floor of OKala McDougalls Gay Misty Juniori. Patricks Miss Mischief DamCh. Jans Little Red Pod Ch. Patricks Miss PreciousBit O Gold Chips Tinker BellEL SCOTIA BEST YETS LISA DOLLrange Femalereeder-Owner Edna Girardot oral City, FLCh. MeKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Wee Coquette of Shawnl. Scotia Specky Happy Gs Return Sire Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Happy Girl Scotia Caviliers Big Mama Ch. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn i. Scotia Caviliers Best Yet DamCh. Jans Wee Fire Bug Ch. Royal Trudie of Lane-Marr Royal HoneydewCH. WESTS SUGAR BEAROrange Female Breeder-Owner Jean West Kingwood, TXCh. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Creiders Chitty Bang Bang Ch. Wilwyns Teddy Bear SireCh. Jans Little Red Pod Macs Terrific DollTerrific Wendy of Shady Grove Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Joda Ephibus Joda Lady Suzette LLL Mite of Gold Minnie DamStalkers Timmy Lee LLL Happy Time for Tricks LLL Happy Go Lucky TrixieCH. SCOTIA BRAUMS BIDDY BOO MEGGYOrange Female Breeder Edna Girardot Owners Tim Linda Gallacher Tigard, ORCh. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim Ch. Scotia Colleen JJs Major Dink Ch. Cavaliers Precious Colleen Ch. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum SireCh. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Scotia Tootsie Tootles Story Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadleigh Golden Trixie Robins Meggie of Scotia DamAll-Stars Blossom View Flame Rays Precious Tinker Bell I De Lucas Tinker BelleViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SOMERSET SUNDANCE KIDOrange-Sable Male Breeder Fred Bassett Owner Grace Smyth Albion, MICh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Creiders Cut Across Shorty SireInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Joy of T-Town Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Somerset Funny Girl DamCynpegs Saymar Gay Gambler Ch. Isadora of Cynpegs Bulvar My Fair LadyCH. QUE SERA GGS BARBI DOLLOrange FemaleBreeders-Owners Philip Erin Hundley Snohomish, WAGolden Glow Jon Jon Golden Glow TigreGolden Glow Patti Cake Ch. Golden Glow Nip SireGolden Glow Rowdee Ch. Bet Lus Little Dukes Joy Bet Lus A.D. Happy Holiday Golden Glow Sugar George Golden Glow DarleneCh. Que Sera GiGi of Golden Glow DamCh. Naps Little Duke Ch. Bet Lus Little Dukes Joy Naps Jolly Misty StarCH. POMIRISH ROBINS GIN FIZZOrange Female Breeder Sally Baugniet Owners Jacqueline Liddle Sally Baug Prior Lake, MNCh. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Ch. Pomirish Christopher Robin SireCh. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Pomirish Buddys Red Rose Ansae of LenetteCh. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt Ch. Varneys Bubble s Up, CD Pomirish Squirts Fizz DamCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Sissy of LenetteJilltaras Anniversary GiftCH. CHEROKEES EMBER FASHIONOrange Female Breeder-Owner Janice Young St. Clair, MOCh. Creiders Replica of Riptide Ch. Robinhoods Replica Rerun Queenaires Gin Fizz of Hoods Robinhoods Burning Ember SireCh. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Robinhoods Naughty CandyCh. Creiders Naughty Nanny Sanders Little Sir Echo Scotia Lil Tims Topper Archways Little Iodine Youngs Cherokee Lady Madonna Dam Ch. Great Elms Sonny Boy Lances Peteitte Susie Q Sweet Linda LuNEW COLUMNISTSWe are pleased to welcome two new columnists to the Review. Jane Johnston is our new Rebel Reporter. Breeders and exhibitors in the southern states should keep Jane informed of their problems, solutions, big wins, etc. Her address is listed with her column elsewhere in this issue.We are also extremely pleased to welcome Mr. Derial Jackson as a columnist. Mr. Jackson will be writing about the Poms behind our Poms in his column titled Recollections. He is a goldmine of information on Pom history, having extensive j sonal knowledge of the early breeders j their dogs. During the late 1930s and ea 1940s, Mr. Jackson wrote a column for lWorld, beginning at the ripe old age of teen In addition, he later wrote American Pomeranian Clubs column in Gazette. We are very fortunate that he willing to share not only his knowledge w us, but a number of irreplaceable pho from his collection as well. We eagerly 1 forward to his columns.POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, REG.Pomeranians of DistinctionOffering for SaleCH. SCOTIA CLEMS JOHNBOY GILDAWhelped Aug. 21, 1975,Last Litter Nov. 80Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularSire Scotia Specky Trudie JohnboyCh. Royal Trudie of Lane-Marr Scotia Iodine Robins Chris Dam Scotia Rare Coins ClementineCh. Scotia Caviliers Rare CoinPromising Show and Breeding Prospects alsoFine Selection of Champion Studs andNon-Champions Some Pets for Good HomesCongratulations to Margaret McKee and her Idlewyld PomsPlease NotePicture of Winners Bitch at the N.Y. Specialty does not do her justice. New owners, Tim and Linda Gallacher of Oregon, are submitting a good picture of Ch. Scotia Braums Biddy Boo Meggy in this issue.EdnaE. GirardotPh 904 726-2001P.O. Box 646 Floral City, FL 32636POMERANIAN REVIEWBREEDING METHODSby Sophie H. MayesPART ONEIt is suggested that readers refer to back to the article entitled, Selection of Breeding Stock on page 38 of the July 1977 issue of the Review, as an introduction to this present article.To recap briefly before there was any knowledge of the science of genetics, persons wanting to breed dogs selected their breeding stock by the method of mass selection, that is by trying to match or complement the breeding pair according to the appearance of the desired trait or traits in the individuals. Thus the cleverest sheep herders or the most aggressive fighters or the gamest terriers might be mated, without regard to pedigree which often was unknown or sometimes without regard to their apparent breed type. There were many failures. We know now that phenotype appearance is not a good indication of genotype the genetic makeup which the animal can pass to its offspring. The old saying like produces like is only partially true. Dogs produce dogs not kittens, Poodles produce Poodles, but alas for the hopes of many, champions do not invariably produce champions.As the various breeds became more refined and better records were kept, another saying arose Dont breed to the Best in Show dog, breed to his sire. This was, in fact, not such a bad idea as it at least recognized that the sire possessed the genes that produced the Best in Show specimen. And so breeders started studying the ancestry or pedigrees of their breeding stock, while still putting much weight on the quality of the individuals to be bred.Finally, as more and more became known of the whys and wherefores of breeding methods, it became obvious that the very BEST way to select the perfect sire for a certain bitch was to look for a dog that had consistently produced highest quality offspring when bred with bitches whose pedigree was comparable to ones bitchs pedigree. This is called Progeny Selection.The phone rings, you answer it and it isstill another person inquiring for just a i but it MUST be a female and yes, I mi, want to breed her. Patiently you expl that pet quality Poms should NOT be u for breeding, etc., etc. Or perhaps the ca is a Review reader inquiring about sc puppies you have advertised in the 1 issue. You answer the questions frankly honestly, and then you do a little probing the caller is unknown to you, you would 1 to know how long he or she has b breeding Poms, what lines he owns, what approximate plans he has for fut breeding. In other words, if he buys the j py will he know how to use it to his best vantageI am amazed-no, I am APPALLED- the apparently endless number of wouli Pom breeders who undertake this import venture without any plan at all. Needles say, I am not talking about establis breeders who would not have arrived their established position without a defi breeding planAKC says a breeder is the owner or lessee of the bitch when the puppies whelped. But to me a Breeder capital B much more. A Breeder is a person who studied and is constantly still stud every facet of the breed which he is tryin improve. This person has at least an eler tary knowledge of genetics as it applie dogs and to his breed in particular. He h definite, preconceived plan of breeding is objective enough to discard his breei failures and start over if necessary. The nothing worse than a kennel-blind bree Although he is able to produce good Porr he cannot tell the good ones from the ones, how in the world can he hope to proveMany of the would-be breeders tell me they are going to improve the breed establish my own bloodline. Well How they going to go about it In fact, do even know that this traditional expres bloodline is about as erroneous as anyt could be Individual lines or strains are duced through the genes, not the blood.POMERANIAN REVIEWi complete understanding of the science genetics is far beyond the scope of most breeders, but everyone undertaking to iprove the breed, as they say, or to pro- e the best possible specimens and not just irn out puppies to sell as pets should eerily make some attempt to understand 1 follow the simplest and most important es of genetics. Read the articles on etics in your dog publications-dont skip m because they are hard to understand. AKC official publication, TTie Complete i Book, contains a good chapter on nentary genetics. Also among the books I ild recommend for breeders The New iwledge of Dog Behavior. Pfaffenberger Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs. Lit- The New Art of Breeding Better Dogs. itott How To Breed Dogs. Whitney-all veil Book House.tart with the Pfaffenberger book. It is tten by a layman and is easier to under- ld than some of the others. To be sure, book is more concerned with behavioral ts than with conformation, but it does re deeply into some of the basic laws of etics.he Inheritance of Coat Color in Dogs is an easy book to understand and the ler will find himself constantly referring to the first chapters in order to keep various symbols and inheritance pat- is straight. It is also an incomplete work lat a great deal of the information it con- s has been derived from input by dif- nt breeders from their personal observa- s, and not from a purely scientific ex- ment of sufficient numbers of test idings. The section on Pomeranians is only incomplete but erroneous to a ee. This is probably due to two factors , a very small number of breeders taking in the survey, as the work was done n the breed was at a low ebb in populari- ind second, the extreme difficulty in our d in determining mature color accurate- birth. How many of us have registered ippy as orange sable only to have it r to a bright red with maturity-and versa3xtstudy pedigrees. The three- iration pedigrees printed in the Revieware really not adequate for this purpose. It requires five generations for the degree of linebreeding or inbreeding, that is, the trend of the pedigree, to be understood. But at least carefully study all the pedigrees printed. By going back to some of the older issues, you can probably supply the fourth and fifth generations for many of the printed three-generation pedigrees.In studying pedigrees, it will soon become obvious that many of the champions are produced by linebreeding and inbreeding. In fact, and I cannot stress this too much, to establish your own strain or line of Pomeranians it is absolutely necessary to practice strict linebreeding, with perhaps a little inbreeding from time to time.Let us first define our terms. To the geneticist there are only two methods of breeding inbreeding and outcrossing. In- breeding is the breeding together of related stock and outcrossing is the breeding together of animals for which no relationship can be found in at least five generations. Dog fanciers have modified these definitions perhaps from an innate fear of the term inbreeding, and use the term linebreeding to indicate animals which are related to each other but excluding the very close relationships of father to daughter, mother to son and full sister to full brother. The closest relationships are designated inbreeding. Let me say that breeders of other species, notably race horses, do practice linebreeding but do not use this term.The most graphic description of close linebreeding and inbreeding is given in Pfaf- fenbergers book, where he discusses pedigrees, using the best sire to his daughters and granddaughters in order to produce the most concentrated genes for the desired trait trainability as a Guide Dog for the Blind. Space is lacking here to go into printing actual pedigrees. Briefly, it should be crystal clear to everyone that if a mating is made between litter brother and sister in- breeding, because the sire of each is the same and the dam of each is the same, only half the number of different genes is encountered as when completely unrelated dog and bitch are bred together outcrossing.POMERANIAN REVIEWGREAT ELMS KENNELS, Regd.Congratulations to Bert and Marlene Halsey for their recent championLENNIS DR. HALSEY OF GREAT ELMSTenth champion sired by Image ICh. G.E. Timstopper Too4 lbs. Red Orange Stud Fee 75Congratulations to Margaret and John McKee and their beautiful Poms for their Kennel Visit.Nothing for Sale - ReallyRuth L. BeamPh 704 889-9233P.O. Box 937 Pineville, N.C. 28134What we call linebreeding lies somewhere in between these two extremes.In order to establish a recognizable strain within the breed, it is necessary to concentrate the genes by breeding together animals related to each other and all tracing back to a common very excellent ancestor. The saying is Its whats up front that counts, and this means that practically no valuable genes are inherited from ancestors beyond the third generation. Consider there are eight great-grandparents and each animal possesses many thousands of genes. The next generation back consists of sixteen animals and so on... Common sense tells us that the parents exert the most influence on the progeny, with a lesser percentage of genes inherited from the grandparents, etc. So linebreeding does not mean that two animals tracing back to the same distant ancestor, say in the fifth generation, are bred together, but that the relationship should be found within the first three generations.A seven-generation or ten-generationpedigree is valuable for study, as it she the roots or the foundation of the lineb immediate ancestry. If the same fam champion appears in many different gene tions and is repeated again and again in pedigree, this will show the direction or trend of the breeding.There is unquestionably an element luck in dog breeding. Many times a breed that looks absolutely tops on pa reading the pedigree of the two just mat will produce nothing but junk. At ot times, a less desirable breeding will cli or in dog parlance nick and give perfectly gorgeous puppies. That this is t is understandable when you realize that numerable combinations of genes are po ble when each animal possesses thousa upon thousands of these units of inheritar To be continued in the October issue.ADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTPlease do not cut, tape or mark the face your picturesPOMERANIAN REVIEW\JagM v- 40"lull.CH. HOLDERS A LIL RED FLASHJuly 1969 - March 1981Everything anyone could want in a 4 lb. package.He will he sorely missed for many years. Never to be forgotten.Jean Schroll503 655-497512950 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, Ore. 97045POMERANIAN REVIEWWeie^We Qo'Acjowa5We always felt like Texans at heart Special thanks to Chris Heartz for the drawingSeveral Promising Show Males AvailableTim and Sue Goddard19719 Rice Lake Katy Houston, Texas 77449Congratulations, Margaretwill miss seeing you at the shows.POMERANIAN REVIEWRECOLLECTIONSby DERIAL JACKSON 752 Albion Road Columbia, SC 29205' first became interested in Pomeranians len I saw some pictures of some good ones the New York Times about 1932. These re some of Mrs. Mattas dogs, including . Little Emir, a Pall Mall dog of Mrs. Vin- it DeMeo and probably some of Mr. Albert eeths and Ernest Sharlands Dromore mnels. A few years later, I discovered it Dog World and Popular Dogs and The nnel Gazette existed. From there I got ad- esses of some of the leading leders-Mrs. Matta, Mrs. Byron Hofman, i Schoenbergs, Mrs. Roy Webber and the octers. I started writing to them and they st kindly responded with pictures and digrees. These people and later many lers corresponded with me, telling me of ir dogs and experiences. Later, I met iny of them. I got my first Pomeranian m Viola Procter of the famous Radiant mnels when I was thirteen in 1935 and ve been hooked on them since. We now ve one Pomeranian, Jacques Fils, pur- ised from old friend Ruth Beam, one ick Standard Poodle, Maigret, and a cat. lave never bred or showed on any scale, e first to school and later to my work. We ve had Standard Poodles, Collies, German epherds, Italian Greyhounds, but the ms have always been the special breed, i will attempt to tell you of some of the rly breeders both here and in England lose dogs have had such a great influence the best Pomeranians of today. My trees will be my files and letters of the st forty-five years, articles written for ler publications, Show Pomeranians by lla Ives, The Popular Pomeranian by Lin- A. Wilson with a chapter on American meranians by Mrs. Byron Hofman and r personal recollections on the various seders and dogs.When I first became aware of Pomer- ians in the mid-1930s, the pre-eminent me in Pom circles was that of Mrs. Vin- it Matta. Her dogs were winning Best in ows when practically no other Toy dogs re being granted that honor. Hernumerous champions dated back to 1919 when she made her first champion. Little Black Lady. Mrs. Matta had soon begun making a name for herself as a breeder of oranges and sables and produced great winners of world renown which still have a remarkable effect on the breed today. These lines are still preserved in Great Elms, Scotia, Aristic, Bonner and many others of today.This success was, however, not luck or accident, but the result of a careful and long- range breeding program. Mrs. Matta was a firm believer in linebreeding but was quite aware of the fact that there is no perfect dog and that each transmits not only his good points but also his weaknesses. In view of this, Mrs. Matta studied the bloodlines and the results of each mating, carefully breeding only the best and watching for the desirable qualities. If undesirable tendencies began to show, she either stopped breeding that combination or brought in new lines to correct the minor fault. I will try to show insrj'Mrs. Vincent Matta and Ch. Little Sahib taking Best Toy at the Morris and Essex Show, May 29, 1937. This was the third consecutive year that Sahib took the Group at Morris Essex. Photo courtesy of Derial Jackson.POMERANIAN REVIEWthese articles the results of- such a meticulous and scientific program of breeding.Mrs. Matta had a marvelous brood in Little Houdini Girl. She was sired by Miss Elsie Blum's Fox Trot, a magnificently- coated orange you can see from the beginning she sought those wonderful coats her dogs are famous for ex Manola, who was a granddaughter of Fox Trot. Also, she was doubly descended from Mona Vanna, the dam of Ch. Pall Mall His Majesty. Mrs. Matta bred Houdini Girl to an import. Twilight of Pomona, by Ch. Stormlight of Dara ex Bourke's Lady Sunshine. Here you see the Dara bloodline which is so strong in Woodfield Diamond King. The results of this breeding which was repeated several times were Champions Little Ra, Little Rajah, Little Emir and Little Lady Melba. Old- timers still debate which was the best dog. Ch. Little Ra was a Best in Show winner at ten months but died at one year. Ch. Little Emir was one of the all-time greats with nine Best in Shows and also a good sire. He, too, died young 4 years old. For our purposes, it is Ch. Little Rajah that concerns us most, for he was the sire of Little Rajahs Pearl. Rajah was an immensely-coated orange-sable and was twice Best in Show and twice Best at the Specialty Show. It must be noted that Twilight of Pomona sired, by other dams. Champions Bogota Sheila, Bogota Firebug and Bogota Flashlight. AlsorLeft Ch. Little Rajah. Right Ch. Little Emir at seven months of age. Photo circa 1925. Both were orange and Best in Show Winners. Bred and owned by Mrs. Vincent Matta. Photo courtesy of Derial Jackson.- , ^ V, ''A,EMi4.Ch. Little Emir - 1925-1929. Nine times Best Show all breeds. Owned and bred by Mrs. Vi cent Matta. Photo courtesy of Derial JacksoiHoudini Girl, when bred to her son, Emi produced Ch. Little Lady Emir. I will not j into the other outstanding descendants these remarkable Poms.Ch. Little Rajahs Pearl was sold to Mi Viola Procter of Radiant Kennels. Miss Pr cter had long been a devotee of Poms and h kennels had bred many champions also si imported many of Englands best. At th time she had brought over from Miss Hei shaws Sealand Kennels a terrific son of Cl Woodfield Diamond King, Sealand Caree He was soon a champion, winning the Tc Group at the 1931 Westminster. I was fo tunate to see him later, and at nine years 1 was still a model of perfection-hu brilliant orange stand-off coat, perfect ta set, short body, tiny well-placed ears and on of the best set of legs Ive ever seen. He sire nine champions. When mated to Pearl, h produced Ch. Radiant Candida and Cl Little Sahib. Ch. Little Sahib was purchase as a puppy by Mrs. Matta. In our forthcon ing articles I will discuss Ch. Little Sahil Ch. Sealand Moneybox, Ch. Moneybox Gol Coin, Ch. Moneybox Currency, Cl Dixielands Shining Gold and the Tims.POMERANIAN REVIEWPRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSCH. MERCERS TOUCH 0 DUKECH. BONNERS STARCREST MINETTETouch sends congratulations to his dam, Minette, on her Best of Opposite Sex win at the 1981 New York Pomeranian Specialty. We feel fortunate to have a champion-producing son of this female.To the many people who inquired about our April ad in the Review, we are sorry that all the puppies had been sold before the ad came out. We are breeding, or have bred, several females this spring. With a little luck we may have some more puppies to offer this summer and early fall. Please check back with us.Congratulations and Best Wishes to John and Margaret McKee on Their Kennel VisitDan and JoEllen Mercer Ph 308 889-3109Rt. 1, Box 147, Big Springs, Nebr. 69122 Evenings and WeekendswPOMERANIAN REVIEWANNOUNCING THE PURCHASE OFS3 0\L2CH. TOMANOLLS WEE SHORT STACKPictured winning WD, BW and BOS at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Specialty, 1981, for a 5-point major win to complete his championship. To Opal Mosher, his breeder, we say Thanks for sharing Short Stack with usCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Aristic Cherubs Wee Cheery Sire Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Edwards Reddy Cash Ch. Tomanolls Wee Go Go Girl Tomanolls Miss Personality Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Tornado OMac Ch. Patricks Miss Precious Dam Tomanolls Reds BeautifulCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Tomanolls Tiny TiffanyCh. Tomanolls Wee Go-Go GirlWith his breeding he joins our outstanding stud force. He should blend perfectly with our bloodstock of Corn DukeBonner. We expect exciting results from this dog. He is an Irish Setter Red, a color that Opal is famous for producing.Dan and JoEllen Mercer Ph 308 889-3109Rt. 1, Box 147, Big Springs, Nebr. 69122 Evenings and Weekends1 POMERANIAN REVIEWKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, Carmen Glander and Carol Walsh 1519 North Avenue Round Lake Beach, IL 60073The Kenosha County Pomeranian Club, ic., held its AKC Sanctioned A Match on lay 3rd with great success. There were thir- i entries at the Match, consisting of 14 dogs nd 16 bitches. Our judge, Mr. Donald White l Streamwood, Illinois, did a fantastic job. 7e had a great turnout, which made the latch a success. It was a beautiful day and course the Poms were at their best. Our inners werePuppy Dog 6-9 Months Joers Little Red ionzo Boy, owned by Eric and Joann Oertle. Puppy Dog 9-12 Months Luells Golden 'luffy Cloud, owned by Lucius and Elinor uccas.Bred by Exhibitor Dog D-Nees Diamond iude, owned by Nadine Hersil.American Bred Dog Knolland Cinder 'ella, owned by Nadine Hersil.Open Dog D-Nees Darin Darimus, owned y Nadine Hersil.Puppy Bitch 6-9 Months Joers Wild assion of Luells, owned by Eric and Joann ertle.Puppy Bitch 9-12 Months Marcars opcom, owned by Judith Zurkowski and arol Walsh.Novice Bitch Canterburys Daisy Mae, vned by Judith Zurkowski.Bred by Exhibitor Bitch D-Nees Delila, vned by Nadine Hersil.American Bred Bitch D-Nees Demure anastasia, owned by Nadine Hersil.Open Bitch D-Nees Dawdling Dumplin, vned by Nadine Hersil.Best Puppy was Marcars Popcorn, owned f Judith Zurkowski and Carol Walsh.Best Adult was Knolland Cinder Fella, vned by Nadine Hersil.Best Opposite was Canterburys Daisy 'ae, owned by Judith Zurkowski.Take note especially of the puppies names scause they will be your competition in the ng soon, if not already. The Club would ke to thank everyone for their help in mak- ig the Match a hit.This was the first year that I was able togo to the Western Pom Club Specialty at the Chicago Amphitheater. It is always exciting for me to see so many gorgous Poms all together. We didnt do too badly for a first time excuse the pat on the back. Marcars Sugar N Spice, owned by Carol Walsh and myself, came in First in her class of 6 to 9 Month Puppy Bitches. The real winners and a big congratulations go to D-Nees Darin Darimus, Winners Dog, owned by Nadine Hersil, and to Youngs Cherokee Belle A Dondi, Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, owned by Janice Young. An extra congratulations to Best of Breed, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owned by Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris and also to Ch. Bev-Nors Sadie Ray for Best of Opposite Sex, owned by Ed Jenner and Bev Norris. Miss Nowicki, I want to personally thank you and Im sure everyone else does, too, for the generous hospitality displayed at the Specialty. It was a great show. I for one was greatly impressed and enjoyed myself completely.The Pom Stork has been very busy since the last article. He has been to Judy Zurkowskis house and left some really nice- looking puppies. With the help of Dr. Passarelli, the stork gave the Luccas four pretty puppies in one litter and several more in other litters without the help of the vet. I, myself, have had a puppy from a repeat breeding of my mother of Ch. Buttercup. We were lucky to get a little girl that is now healthy and strong, thanks to a dear friend, Dolly Lewandowski, who had to bottle-feed baby because mamma didnt get any milk. Unfortunately, the mother will not have any more puppies due to complications.Some quick congratulations to Sally Baugniet and Mary Yenter for Group wins with their Frozen Daiquiri. Also to the Luc- cass for their 3-point major on Autumn. AND IM GOING TO BRAG Marcars Sugar N Spice, owned by Carol Walsh and myself, won a 4-point major out of the Puppy Bitch Class at Janesville.Hope to see you all at the shows this summer.POMERANIAN REVIEWA SAD, REGRETFUL FAREWELL TO MY POMSAfter nearly fifty years of breeding fine Poms, the time has come for me to say farewell to them. To those of you who know me personally, and to those of you with whom I have had dealings, the time has come for me to say good-bye as a Pom breeder. I am 79 years of age and in poor health, the reason for this announcement.This is a sad moment in my life, as I have loved my Poms as much or more than any other breeder, and I have sincerely tried to upgrade the breed in every way possible. My champions, near-champions and puppies sold that became champions, all attest to my sincerity as a breeder and exhibitor.I wish to publicly thank those of you who made my road easier to travel, with special accolades to Mrs. J.L. Kendrick who sold me my first Pom, and introduced me to these many years of having these little furry friends around me. Also, to Ruth Beam for Great Cassius of Craig, son of Great Elms Timstopper Again, who produced many fine Poms during his lifetime. To Ruby Dudley Nancy Sharpe from whom I got Sir Spice of Pom Pom, son of Models Tim Tam Anne Riddick Mrs. C.G. Carter Edna Boykin who let me have Ch. Travelers Trigger Patricia Larrissey who let me have Ch. Spankey II C.D. Edna Girardot from whom I got Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh. I cannot name all of you, but you will be remembered for your gracious help and encouragement thru the years. To Marlene Scott, who guided Trigger in his show career, I make a special accolade.In two years my kennel has dropped from 55 breeders to only eight, three males and five females, all of which are offered for sale as a whole, plus a few puppies that look very good now at their tender age. Some of these pups are sired by my Trigger Junior, son of Ch. Travelers Trigger.My total of eight Poms includes Trigger Junior, two black males, and five young brood bitches who have had at least one litter. These are not show quality Poms, but are good solid breeders, all free-whelping females, good mothers, and will earn their keep many times over. All five females have pedigrees loaded with champions, and are good producers. Some may be bred when this advertisement appears.Complete listings and descriptions sent on request. Send long self-addressed stamped envelope, or telephone me, as they will not be here long at the low price I am asking.CECIL W. PRICE6-H Kinston Towers TelephoneKinston, N.C. 28501 919 527-6819POMERANIAN REVIEWSUNSWEPTIs Proud to AnnounceThat We Have Acquired from Edna Girardot CH. SCOTIA BRAUMS BIDDY BOO MEGGYVi'Due to her being hurriedly posed, the photo from the APC Specialty was a poor representative of her true quality.Her ENTIRE Show Career is Listed Below12-6-80 Columbus Kennel Club....................................................RWB12-7-80 Atlanta Kennel Club........................................................... WB1-7-81 Sara-Bay Kennel Club..................................................... BOW1-8-81 Manatee Kennel Club......................................................... WB1-9-81 Clearwater Kennel Club..................................................BOW1-10-81 St. Petersburg Dog Fanciers Ass.................................... BOW1- 11-81 Tampa Bay Kennel Club.....................................................WB2- 8-81 American Pomeranian Club Specialty............................... WB2-9-81 Westminster Kennel Club................................................RWBOur appreciation to all the judges who saw her meritThank you so very much, Edna, for trusting us with your beautiful girl. Biddy will be taking time out for maternal duties before returning to the ring as a Special.We would also like to announce that our crazy KatieSunswept Wee Katie of Andrews has earned her CD.Tim and Linda Gallacher 12367 SW Walnut503 620-7820 Tigard, OR 97223POMERANIAN REVIEWOUR VISIT FROM MAGGY HALLAM OF ABINGDON, ENGLANDby June and Jim Coy and Jane JohnstonIn looking through the April issue of the Pomeranian Review, we noticed a double spread pages 58 and 59 about Maggy Hallam and her Poms, and it occurred to us that you all may be interested in hearing about our visit from Maggy.After seeing the article on Maggy and her Poms in several publications, we thought it would be interesting to write to her, so this we did in September of last year. Her love for her Poms and her winning personality were reflected in her letters and we thought it would be nice if she could come to Florida for the January shows. She eagerly accepted our invitation, but because of passports, visas and all the necessary arrangements, she did not arrive until February 21.Maggie had asked if she might bring her sister with her as she was somewhat reluctant to make this journey alone, so she, too, proved to be a delightful guest. Upon their arrival at Tampa International Airport, their very first comments were about the beautiful sunshine. This was the first trip to America for both of them and they were most elaborate in their praise of our beautiful country. The weather cooperated beautifully, being in the 70s and 80s every day. Out of twenty-one days, there was only one day without sunshine and even then, it appeared about 5 p.m. They did not care to do a lot of sightseeing, but were most intrigued with the stores here and we spent many hours shopping and looking. We did take them to the Kapok Tree at Clearwater for lunch one day, and to Cypress Gardens and Busch Gardens. They did express a desire to see Kennedy Space Center and were most ecstatic about our trip there.Maggy has a profound love for all animals-she also owns six Pekes and two Cockatoos. She does a lot of work for the Animal Society in England and has recently initiated a drive for the spaying of females. She was a fantastic help with our Poms, always being on hand for cleaning and feeding. She always had an affectionate word and hug for each, was most proficientwith the brush and participated in the lea training sessions. Maggie is a close friend Mrs. Gladys Dyke, living only four or fi miles from her. Many of her Poms were tained from Mrs. Dyke and she also has soi Cynpeg. Maggys Poms are neither sho-\ nor bred-they are just beloved pets.Ken and Eleanor Miller, being neighbc of ours, had a part in entertaining o guests. They took them to a couple of t beautiful shopping plazas in Tampa, visit Clearwater Beach and treated them to d ner one Sunday.Our English visitors took dozens of p tures-they were very much impressed wi the drive-thru windows at McDonalds a at the bank. We even took them to a drive church, which was a new experience ithem. Told them they surely must thi Americans are the laziest people on eartlThe visit was truly a delightful oi especially in view of the fact that we had c ly met through correspondence. They co mented on the friendliness and courtesy store clerks and waitresses. They thoug the Have a nice day bit was especia nice. Having never been to England, ' learned a lot about their country, expr sions, food, etc. We were somewhat concei ed about what food to serve, but they seem to love almost everything. They had nev eaten cornbread and both took packages cornbread mix home with them. Ev though we had slight misgivings abo entertaining strangers, we reasoned th anyone that loves Poms had to be nice-a they were It would not surprise us 1 Maggy to repeat her visit at some time the future and perhaps, next time, she w want to spread her wings a little and visit another section or two of the country in dition to Florida.SUMMER SPECIALTYAll material pertaining to the Summ Specialty in San Diego will appear in the C tober Review.POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Olga Baker207 Shlrleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586Houston members are busily and dutifully rforming those tasks necessary to have a g show, under watchful eye of Show Chair- in Roxie Campbell. Roxie gives us the nfortable feeling that the August 6th ecialty is in good hands.\gain we will have our Specialty as part a four show cluster at the Astrohall, t possibly the greatest dog show building er designed. Famous Pom people will at- ld and nerves, talk and pre-show activities 11 be jittery, but at the right time renalin will do its tricks for eryone...and all will be well As you read is, the show will be very close-if, however, me is time, call someone FAST-maybe u can then come to TexasMews of dog shows is sketchy. We do have o new member-owned champions Ch. ests Sugar Bear, owned by George and m West, and also Ch. Patricks Mister ,rry, also owned by Wests-purely coin- lental-those champions usually dont ne in twos, do they I know of no lers. But we have perhaps five more imber-owned dogs who are quite close to 3 title.i hate to personalize my column, but must, ice I am now driving down the middle of a luston freeway, jotting notes for this col- in at the same time-wonder why all use horns keep honking The deadline is on us, and we leave tomorrow for sunny lifomia where my Darrell has the honor judging the National Summer Pom ecialty at San Diego. He received word it entry was an astonishing seventy-five l unheard-of entry for the show. What a rely compliment to those far-Western peo- 3 who did the work. We look eagerly for- ird to sun, old friends, Pom people, a ich-needed mini-vacation for Darrell and , maybe even a day on the beach, then two ows with all associated social affairs, and . opportunity to enjoy Pomeranians andeir people.....sheer pleasure.[ll type this between packing and deciding 10 needs what dog-wise. Breed her take HR to friend for possible whelping whilewe are away bathe him, give him his pill dust her clean cages write instructions to kennel boy leave emergency contact numbers just in case etc., etc., etc. For some twenty-two years now we have traveled, considering dog things first admittedly, this is one of the negative things about being dog breeders. Non-canine types get ready, pack, get beautified, and GO Not dog folk. Major considerations pre-departure involve not what-to-wear, but WHO babysits for whelp- ings, special care, puppy-sitting, but then, that is all right........The Goddards are to be ours again. Tim and Sue Goddard, long-time well-known Pom people, are moving to Houston, we hope NEVER to leave again. Terror struck when they discovered real estate values of perhaps 80,000 became Houston values of maybe 120,000. But nonetheless, with gritted teeth they found and purchased a dog-home in the Houston area. Houston welcomes these Pom- friends with so much to offer to our Pomeranian Club and to our Pomeranian world here. See you in August, maybeDALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, Jewel EllisWe are sorry that a club report has not been sent in during the past fiscal year but due to the fact that our Secretary, Peggy J. Bush, underwent surgery and was ill for quite some time besides having to work, she simply did not have time to send it in.Our new Secretary, Douglas Baynham, will send in a report in the future.New Officers elected for our next fiscal year are President, John Hendricks Vice President, Billy G. McDonald Treasurer, Carol L. Sherry Corresponding Secretary, Douglas Baynham Recording Secretary, Rosemary G. Wise.Our club continues to progress with good attendance at meetings and a good congenial working group, which is so important for the success of a club, and we are looking forward to another successful year.POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTS POMERANIANSProudly Presents Our New ChampionsBOB over Specials at 9 Months Finished at 10 MonthsSire Ch. Wilwyns Teddy Bear Dam LLL Mite of Gold MinnieBreeder-Owner-Handler Jean Westk-StasCH. WESTS SUGAR BEAR and Beautiful Heavy-Coated Orange-Sable Artistic LinesLitter on the WaySire Ch. Patricks Mr. Kelley Dam Ch. Patricks Miss Mischief VV "0VO,I0 jp sCH. PATRICKS MR. LARRYOwner-Handler Jean and G.A. West2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, Tx. 77339 Ph 713 358-8465POMERANIAN REVIEWKHdRI9Mrf POmcongratulatesJ' IrJ 1 BEST OF BREED or VARIETYGREATER GAINESVILLE dog fanciers assn.APRIL 1961PHOTO BT JKHARISMAS SODA POPCh. Mercers Touch O Duke x Starmist daughterShown first time out going BOB, from Puppy Class, over Special for two points under Judge Mrs. G. Dow.Owner, Whitney Cox Lufti, Tallahassee, FLManuel Gonzalez and Terry Miller 385a Belmont Road904 877-1994 Tallahassee, FL 32301POMERANIAN REVIEWmmm powcongratulatesT.At StKird^,NJKHARISMAS SODA POPCh. Mercers Touch O Duke x Starmist daughterShown second time out going BW, from Puppy Class, for three-point major under Judge E. Klein.Owner, Whitney Cox Lufti, Tallahassee, FL0rjjrKHARISMASBOBBI SOXSoda Pops litter sister is bred to Ch. Millamors Rock Music. Puppies due in June.Manuel Gonzalez and Terry Miller904 877-1994385a Belmont Road Tallahassee, FL 32301POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFULHINTSbyMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225\With the economy the way it is, there are ry few of us who arent feeling the pinch, ght in the dog hobby. Gasoline and entry es keep climbing, so youre probably look- lg for ways to save money.1. Reorder your priorities. Decide what means the most to you. Maybe there is something else you really can live without. Eat fewer meals out. Make your trips to the beauty parlor less frequently. Wait for that hit movie to come on television. Now is an ideal time to quit smoking. Think how much money THAT would save. And its better for the dogs not to be exposed to smoke.2. When traveling to shows, take your own food. Dog show food and restaurant food is generally unpalatable andor expensive. A cooler and a small pot to heat water are good investments. Take instant coffee, instant oatmeal, instant soup, a loaf of bread, some sandwich fillings, fresh fruit. Read Anne Serannes column in the Gazette.3. Comparison shop. When the grocery store has dog food on sale, it is cheaper than at the feed store. As a rule, it is less expensive to order supplies like leads and vitamins from a mail order catalogue than to buy at either a pet shop or the concessions at shows. But check, and compare the different catalogues.4. Consider other sources for supplies. I got my best spray bottle in a garden shop. I get stainless steel surgical scissors from a medical supply house. They are shorter and more comfortable than regular grooming shears,and surprisingly inexpensive 3-.4. One pair has held an edge for fifteen years.5. Yard sales can be a source of terrific bargains. I even found a dog crate at one. Baby items are frequently available. A playpen with mesh sides is great for puppies. Baby towels and receiving blankets make good bedding for dogs. Look for small china or melamine saucers for feeding dishes.6. Check out salvage stores. The packages are damaged but the contents are fine. There is a salvage store not far from me. I check it once a week, and over a period of months Ive found rawhide chews, my brand of canned dog food and milk bones. When the price is good, I buy all they have.7. Make do. You dont need a fancy or expensive whelping box for a Pom. A simple cardboard box will do. And it is disposable. Small plastic margarine cups are good food and water dishes when traveling. I tried using aluminum pot pie dishes but the dogs hated them. Mary Nell Hansard uses plastic squeeze margarine bottles for wheat germ, sugar water and honey.8. Carpool If you have a van or station wagon, call friends regardless of their breed and offer to share the ride. In addition to saving on gas money, the trip is quicker and more fun with someone to talk with.9. Do it yourself. Its obviously better if you groom your dog yourself. Almost anyone can learn to cut toenails and scale teeth. You can do some vetting yourself. Get your vet to show you how to give shots or remove dewclaws. Whether it is more economical to use a handler or show your dog yourself depends on how many you have to show and how skillful your handling is. For just one dog, the handling fee is roughly the cost of one night in a motel and meals, not counting gas. But of course, for some of us, it is more fun to do it ourselves.continued on page 78POMERANIAN REVIEW 5'PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSbyERIN HUNDLEY 19101 - 67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290Whenever someone new comes to my house, they are overwhelmed with Pomeranians. The standard question, which you have all heard is, How do you tell them apart I usually reply, They know who they are. Dolly, say Hi, and Dolly jumping up and down, says Hi in Pom language. GiGi, give the lady a kiss. And GiGi generously gives many kisses on shoes, knees, fingers, and any other part she is offered. As our guest becomes more familiar with the smallest members of our household, he or she begins to notice a uniqueness about each one. A subtle difference in shade or size or attitude, and they too can tell them apart. They too can pick a favorite. And a prospective judge is born. If I could train this new judge I would repeat the first lesson I used to give my students in sewing school Read the instructions all the way through and then follow them step by step.The instruction sheet is our Standard. Much time and effort has gone into writing this Standard. It may not be perfect, but it is what we have. It continually is under study and may be changed and improved at any time. But as it is written, as it stands right now, it is the way we must present our Poms. And hopefully this is the way the judges should view the exhibits, after reading the instructions all the way through, of course. Since the Standard can and does change, we should all check it over often to make sure that we are giving the judge a Pom which fits the Standard. Trimming is an art which does a great deal to enhance the appearance of a dog. None of us would appear at a banquet without a neat haircut. Nor would we go to work in dirty clothes or without a shower. Our Poms deserve the same special preparations. Wemay wear our hair in any style we choose but our Poms are limited by our old friend the Standard. Trimming for neatness is per missible, etc. Opinions of neatness vary Some bring the dog in from the kennel am give a quick brush and into the ring. Other start weeks in advance, trimming, bathing brushing. Which way is best You decide. A' this point what I think or you think doesn matter, only what the Standard says mat ters. Maybe it should be changed, maybi trimming has nothing to do with structuri or quality of coat or the judges placements But as the Standard reads, right now, trim ming for neatness in specified locations is al that is allowed.As our novice judge might ask, what doe heavily penalized mean How does tha differ from major fault I cant answe that. Can someone else clarify these termsThe Puget Sound Pomeranian Club i planning another match, following close oi the heels of their last, most successful match Results should be in the next Review. A fe\ new members, new life in a few ol members, much progress, and soon, approva from AKC for a point show. Nice going P.S.P.C.Two new champions have appeared in th Northwest, Ch. Que Sera G.G.s Barbi Dol bred and owned by Erin and Phil Hundlej and Ch. Golden Glow Ms. Chief, bred by Elv U. McGilbry Sally and owned by Alici Bauer. Irene and Sylvia Harbin are right proud of their Harbins Mr. Ralphs Stormj who was Winners Dog, Best of Winners Best of Breed and Group Four at Palous Hills Dog Fanciers Show, April 18, 198i This handsome dog was bred by the Harbin and earned this BOB over champions. Cor gratulations.I should be packing. This should have bee written last week, but here I am with m head full of travel plans and excitement. W leave Monday for San Diego and th National Specialty, some sightseeing alon the way. Ill have plenty to talk about when get back. Wish us luck.Fleas have been kept alive under glass for 7 days without food or moisture of any kind Courtesy of Sophie H. Mayes.POMERANIAN REVIEW8CHERIDELCheridel Pomesto Remember Me black and tan Image son-grandson congratulates his major-pointed offspring on their recent winsSilva Lade The Enforcer and Silva Lade Forget-Me-Notthese two lovely Poms bred and owned by Larry and Dianne JohnsonPost Script Drummer Boy Ch. Macs Four on the Floor son - Duke linebred is proud of his son, Post Script Sir-Prize-Me, Winners Dog from the Puppy Class at Western Penna and Best in Match the next weekend. This cute fellow bred and owned by Rose KellerPost Script Bold Venture Image son -10 points, both majors producing quality pups.Puppies expected from the above males. Also a litter expected sired by Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order. All of these sires produce black and tan.We are also expecting a litter of rare colors sired by Winters Koala Bear ex Cheridel Fair Rosaleen. Very heavy in parti-color and chocolate.Great Elms - Showstopper - Duke linesCarol E. Ricci 311 Cherry Hill Rd. WestPh 301 833-8468 Reisterstown, MD 21136IN MEMORIAM toCHAMPION MILLAMORS MOON ROCKI am fortunate to have two of his childrenCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Browns Rock-A-Bye Baby Doll and several grandchildren Sincere Sympathy to Ken and Eleanor Also at StudCh. Browns Gambling Man and Ch. Browns Lil Brown Jug Tuggie Congratulations to Margaret McKee on her Kennel VisitMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Ph 317 271-4954 Indianapolis, IN 46234POMERANIAN REVIEW 5In Memory OfCH. MILLAMORS MOON ROCKhe gave us so much...through his sonCAN. CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION BIShis double granddaughterCAN. CH. MILLAMORS MOON SHADOW BIShis granddaughterAM. CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO COY COQUETTE BIS and his grandsonsCAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CAUSIN A COMMOTION BIS CAN. CH. BELLS CHRISCENDO CARMICHAEL BISChriscendoChristine D. and John E. HeartzP.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 Ph 902 895-7427 POMERANIAN REVIEWRECIPE FOR OBEDIENCEby Merle RookTake one Pom between eight weeks and ight years of age, the younger the better, dd lots and lots of patience and even more erseverance. Sift all three ingredients ogether and mix well with firmness and onsistency.In the more years than I care to admit oat I have been showing in obedience, I ave gathered a few little tricks that have erved me well in training my Poms. Not all f them will work for everyone, but varia- ions of these same methods can be adapted d almost everyone. Consistency is one of the lain things we have to strive for. It is very asy to let Poms get away with doing little lings that arent really all that bad, simply ecause they are small. But, it you want a ood working Pom in the obedience ring, you lust be consistent in all things. This does ot mean that you cant love and hold your 'oms, but if you dont want them on the fur- iture, then never let them get up there. If ou dont care one way or the other, then let hem get up as they please. They should Iways know where they stand.I begin my training with the stays. One of ne main reasons is that I have always had lore trouble with stays than with any other xercise. I start out by having them do their tays on the bed. The reason for this is that I an work them while I am getting ready to o to work. Also, it is very easy for them to e down on the sit-they think the bed is a esting place. That sets them up for a good orrection. For the stand, it is a little harder o stand on the bed and, again, sets them up ir a good correction. In the beginning, the tays are not done in connection with any ther exercises.Next, we begin by just walking on lead. I ist want them to walk with me and to get sed to being in the heel position. We dont o any sits, turns, about turns or anything hat will break the pace of the walk. I try to md a place where I can walk in a large eir- le or oval so that there will be no need to lake sharp turns. In the beginning, if you lake a lot of turns and make the dog stop nd start with sits, you will wind up with a og that lags or heels wide. This walking exercise, for a period of a week to ten days, doesnt break into their train of thought and the only thing they have to worry about is keeping up with you. Keep your left hand in the same position all the time, with the lead fairly tight. Not enough to choke the dog but if he gets the least little bit out of heel position, he can feel a tightening of the collar and is, in effect, correcting himself.One reason for not doing sits at this point is that the dog doesnt know what a sit is and it should be taught properly as an entirely separate exercise. Place your dog in a standing position, gently run your hand down his back and cup his rear in your hand, pressing gently behind the knees, lift slightly, say sit in a firm voice and tuck the rear under. You should be holding your other hand against the chest so that he cannot move his front feet forward. There are a lot of reasons for teaching this kind of sit. I am sure you have seen dogs at trials who came in close enough on the recall, but by the time they sat back, they were too far out. If you teach your dog to come in and bring his rear up instead of his front feet back, you will never have this problem. This problem isnt as great with small dogs as it is with the larger breeds but there are other reasons for this kind of sit. My pet peeve is to see handlers yank up on the lead and press down on the hindquarters, even before the dog understands the word sit. Also, Poms, as I am sure you all know, have patella problems larger dogs have hip dysplasia. Pushing down on the hindquarters can aggravate these problems. Another reason for teaching this type of sit is when you get to Utility, if your dog moves his front feet forward and brings his rear up to his front feet to sit, you have lost a point because your dog moved forward. By this method, he will sit up by bringing his front feet back instead of forward.If the stays, the sit and the walking exercises are taught separately for a few minutes each day for at least seven to ten days, you have built a very steady foundation for future exercises.Good luck and good heeling to you all.POMERANIAN REVIEW iMERLE ROOKAn obedience article in July Why not Merle Rook, of Edmond, Oklahoma, has been active in obedience for over twenty years. She has earned twelve CD degrees, seven CDX degrees and three UD degrees a fourth candidate for UD was lost when he had already earned one leg towards the UD title. One of her Poms, Miss Boos Teena Tiger, was the top scoring Pom in the country for six years. Merle has been Training Director for the Oklahoma City Obedience Training Club, the German Shepherd Dog Club of Greater Oklahoma City and the Edmond Kennel Club. She also taught classes for the Wakpominee Poodle Club. In addition, she is the Obedience Coordinator for the Kuvasz Club of America. By the time this issue of the Review is in print, Merle will have opened her own obedience school in Edmond, the Edmond Canine Intelligence Agency CIA. In spite of such a versatile background, Merles first love has always been Poms-as she says, Poms and I go back a long way. Most of her obedience-titled dogs have been Poms. She now has several Poms in various stages of training and has somewhat reluctantly agreed to write a couple of articles for the Review to share some of her training methods with us. We are hoping that in time she can be persuaded to write a regular column. This would, in addition to Emma Heydes Obedience News column, give the Review two regular obedience columnists and hopefully generate more interest among those obedience buffs with Poms. If you have any specific training problems or questions that you would like to have Merle discuss, send your comments to the Editor and they will be forwarded to Merle.Unfortunately no one was able to identif the dog in the above photo. We do not kno\ his identity, either, so will try one last time Hopefully one of the older breeders migh know who it is. Wont you share the infoi mation with usHow about the dog pictured below Thi dog does not go as far back in time w believe more breeders will recognize thi one. Send your answers to the Editor. Photo courtesy of Ann Welshinger.IF A DOG WILL NOT COME TO YOU AFTER HE HAS LOOKED YOU IN THE FACE, YOU OUGHT TO GO HOME AND EXAMINE YOUR CONSCIENCE Woodrow WilsonPOMERANIAN REVIEWintroduces-ii''-4 assIF'sr.-IIft iir- 4CH. SOMERSET SUNDANCE KIDSunny is shown winning the Breed under Roland Adameck.Thank you Clover Allen for showing Sunny to his finish.Many thanks also to Fred Bassett for letting me have this outstanding dog.Champion Male for Sale - Heavy ShowstopperGrace Smyth517 629464629394 D. Drive So. Albion, MI 49224POMERANIAN REVIEW9MIDWESTREPORTBYMRS. SALLY BAUGNIET 11224 County Hwy. B Mlshlcot, Wl 54228AlohaOr Those Wonderful Hawaiian Pomeranian PeopleI truly have to say the best part of my trip to Hawaii was the hospitality shown by Cookie Inocencio, Flame N Sun Poms Betty Aona, Alani Poms Dora Inoue, K. Bays Poms Clarice Oganeku, Woodrose Poms Jo Ching, Guys Gals Poms Janet Cox, Hy Jan-Lee Poms and their husbands, kids and Poms who live on the island of Oahu.When Cookie and Betty found out that my dad, Dick and I were coming to Hawaii, they called to find out the dates we would be there and where we were staying. They were in the process of arranging a get-together with us and as many Pom people as they could. They were going to bring their Poms for me to see and I was to bring pictures of mine to show them.On Sunday, Jo picked us up at the hotel and drove us to a park where the rest of the Pom People and families were. The fire was ready for barbecuing. While the men cooked my dad took pictures and supervised, we women got together before, during and after the most delicious food we had on our whole trip and talked Poms. This was the menu Kalua pig with mustard cabbage, sweet-sour chicken, teriyaki steak, B.B.Q. spare ribs, musubi rice balls wrapped in seaweed, macaroni salad the best I ever tasted, B.B.Q. chicken, fried chicken, Kim Chee pickled cabbage, rolls, bread, soda and chocolate cake. Some of these dishes we had never heard of on the mainland, but they sure are deliciousAt the same park, just a few yards away, an obedience club had dog training classes. The sun was shining and the temperature in the 80s.Janet lives a short distance from the par so we stopped in at her house and kennt She has Papaya trees and orchids growing her yard and Cattleya orchids blooming her house. I was presented with tv beautiful Cattleya blooms before startir our ride to Quarantine, where Janet ar Cookie have Poms from the mainland livii in quarantine for the required four-mon' period.Any person entering the quarantine an must sign in. Only those who have dogs quarantine and those friends accompanyii them are allowed to enter. We would n have been able to tour the facilities unle either of the two were with us.The facilities are spacious with i crowding whatsoever. Every pen was actu ly spotless. It almost seems as though th have employees holding a pooper-scoop under the dog to catch it before it hits tl ground. They dont, of course, but that how immaculate it is.One section is designed for large dog another for small dogs. Each dogs pen h, two parts to it, an enclosed inside sectic and an outside section. If the owners wa canvas over the wire protection they mu provide it. There is a bench inside and or All floors are cement. Food and water is pi vided by the officials, or if the owners pref to provide their own food they may brii food and any supplements to the offic These are kept in the room with the feed ar labeled with feeding instructions for the d with that pen number. The owners may fe and water their own dogs if they prefer, bi the quarantine cost is the same, 358.00 f four months.There is a separate section for dogs whi are found to have worms. After they a tested free of worms they are placed in the correct section.All dogs entering quarantine go into separate section for ten days so that th can be watched for any disease they ms have come in contact with. Even though veterinarian would check an animal befoi it is sent, it may have been unknowingly e posed to a disease. This is especially doi since parvovirus was discovered in dog Bleach is seen on the cleaning supply shelvi1 POMERANIAN REVIEWGOING TO BREED YOUR BITCHWe have the red raspberry leaves in powder form - imported from Germany from certified unsprayed fields.Red raspberry leaves contain fragrine. If your bitch has a vaginal or uterine infection, she may skip a season, neutralize the sperm, resorb the fetus or abort. Fragrine helps to prevent this. It also brings fluid to the birth canal to prevent dry, painful births. Fragrine is also a muscle toner to help to tighten up the muscles after weaning.The powder form is easy to use no need to brew up, as in a tea. Just sprinkle the powder over the food. Use 18 teaspoon per 15 lbs.Four ounces of Solid Gold Red Raspberry Leaves for 4.30, plus 1.50 to ship. California add sales tax. Att Sissy Harrington-McGill. Checks toSolid Gold Health Products for Pets9490 Loren Drive La Mesa, CA 92041Distributors wanted for our natural, herbal products.Also available, metal license plate holders saying POMERANIANS ARE PRECIOUSGold background, black letters. 3.95 each, plus 1.50 to ship. Great for trophies at matches. Also used by clubs in fund-raising projects. Also can be used as gifts.if this area. Instead of having the dog put in his special section, the owner can pay extra o have it kept by the veterinarian for the en days.There is an animal hospital on the grounds vhere a veterinarian is on duty around the lock. Bitches pups that are whelped in juarantine can go home when weaned and ire not subject to quarantine.Owners may visit and care for their dogs is often as they choose. An appointmentmust be made for the bathing and blow-dry area. Only one owners dogs can be in this area at one time. The dogs must be carried or carted to and from their pen and this grooming area. After it is used, the area is cleaned before another dog can enter.After our picnic and tour. Cookie returned us to our hotel, where we relaxed for the rest of our Hawaiian activities. To those wonderful Hawaiian Pomeranian people, my dad, Dick and I say, MahaloPOMERANIAN REVIEWore no's PomeraniansPresents Smokeys Update MORENOS CRITICS CHOICEQ VSvBESTOF BREED rREDWOODEMPIRE KENNEL CLUBMAY 1981 FOX FOTO fc tvlsBack to back Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed, May 2 and May 3, 1981. Pictured here with judge, Mr. Frank Oberstar. Smokey has twelve points to date both majors included.We wish to thank the following judgesMrs. Dorothy Welsh, Mr. George Payton, Mr. Harvey Berman, Mr. Hayden Martin, Mr. Frank Oberstar.A few of the judges remarks A great little Pom, presented in beautiful condition. A delightful little fellow, even in all this mud and rain. One of the soundest and best- balanced Poms Ive seen in a long time, structure is correct with style and movement combined. He is not only a good Pom, but a showman, too.Mrs. Julie Moreno1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973^Vi'6 POMERANIAN REVIEWDESIREES POMS, Ari-VN' .y s frftMi 'V.vOrJ - ' xDESIREES DANNY BOY and DESIREES AMAZING GRACEPictured at 3 months-They are two of our tiny ones. Now at 5 months, Danny weighs 2'A lbs., Gracie 3 lbs.We are expecting four litters in June and July and hoping for lots of those Great Elms females for which we have had so many requests.Thanks to Ruth Beam for such a good start, and for her help along the way. Watch for Desirees Fanciful FaithShes on her wayDESIREES POMS704 865-0859Desaree Sandifer509 Oakdale St. Gastonia, NC 28052POMERANIAN REVIEWPUPPY BEHAVORIAL DEVELOPMENT The Breeders Challengeby Peter J. VollmerPART TWOReprinted from Gaines Progress, Fall 1978 issue, by permission of the editor.When puppies are provided with varied stimulation beginning shortly after birth and continuing throughout the third to twelfth week socialization period, clear-cut differences over non-stimulated controls are observed. These differences include larger vestibular inner ear neurons, elevated neurotransmitter and hormonal levels, superior coordination while standing and walking, increased exploratory behavior, high sociability toward humans, better problem-solving scores, less random activity, more social dominance over controls, less emotional arousal in novel situations, earlier-maturing EEG patterns and differences in heart rate development.Researchers are still puzzling over the reasons behind these effects, but for our purposes, the message is quite clear. In order to enhance the chances that psycho-socially superior individuals will develop, not only must we develop a sound breeding program and provide for adequate non-isolated environment, but we also should provide the developing puppy with an enriched, stimulating milieu that promotes and enhances development beginning shortly after whelping and continuing throughout early life.The laboratory settings originally designed for the canine stimulation experiments were by necessity well controlled and elaborate. For example, visual stimulation was often provided by precisely regulated flashing lights, auditory stimulation by pure tones of specified duration and so on. It was later learned that the same effects could be achieved using simple stimuli presented at less frequent and shorter intervals. In other words, its entirely possible for breeders to provide their pups with enriching stimulation that does not require an elaborate laboratory-type setting. It can be done at home and is not necessarily a time- consuming process.The following guidelines are suggested a means of stimulating neonatal and old puppies in accordance with the developmer of the sensory system.Birth through three weeks1. Weigh the pups daily beginning shoi ly after birth. Daily weighing will enab growth rate to be closely monitored, thi nourishment and other health problems wi become more readily apparent.2. Before placing the pup on the seal briefly rock it back and forth and up ar down in an upright and inverted positio This provides vestibular or positional fee back to the receptors located in the inm ear.3. After weighing, briefly and briskly ri the pups body surface with your hand With your thumb and forefinger, moderat ly squeeze the skin between several of i nails fore and hind limbs. This provides a ditional stimulation to the tactile or tou receptors.4. The surface of the nest box should pr vide for hind limb purchase, thus should n be smooth. Old carpet remnants non-sha are acceptable and can be cleaned periodiclySecondWeek1. Briefly and periodically provide tl pups visual receptors with a flashing ligl such as a flash light or heat lamp, etc.Three weeks through placement1. Introduce various auditory stimulatic of different intensity-radios, rattles, har claps, bells, vacuum cleaner, clapper board voice and so on. Always begin with a low i tensity level and gradually increase to non-startling level.2. As soon as increased locomotor abili' is present, encourage further developme by providing simple obstacles to travers These obstacles can be made from smoo boards, newspapers, cardboard, etc. Aiwa start with a simple problem and gradual make it more difficult, but do not exceed tl pups abilities. Make sure each pup succeei in the task.POMERANIAN REVIEW3. Encourage following and grasping by traducing rolling objects, such as rubber ills, empty cans, etc. These items can be lited with small amounts of cheese or ound meat.4. As soon as possible, introduce the pups 1 a rotating basis to the normal home en- ronment. Brief excursions into various eas of the home will provide variable sual, olfactory, auditory and tactile imulation as well as accustom the pups to laling with novelty.5. Weather permitting, introduce the aps on a rotating basis to the outside en- ronment. Gradually accustom them to car ding by first going for short rides, then rstematically increasing the distances.6. Encourage various visitors of different es to handle the pups, while seated and nder supervision.7. As soon as size and locomotor ability ermit, introduce the pups to steps, starting rith the last step first in either direction nd bait with a food reward.8. Introduce grooming, nail clipping and ther maintenance tasks gradually, i.e., ght stroking with soft brush or comb-two three nails at a time. But do it as early as ossible. Begin handling around the muzzle rea, ears and groin region while placing the up in a prone position on its side. Control ruggling by placing your hand on the neck muff. Praise profusely when the pup set- .es.These are just some of the things that can e done to provide stimulation. I'm sure that ou're already doing many that were mentioned and others that were not. The essential points to remember are a stimulation is mediated through the sensory receptors, thus must coincide with their operational development, b stimulation should not be excessive either in intensity or duration, c stimulation should be gradually introduced. Building up to more intense levels allows for accommodation to occur, and d more complex problem-solving tasks should gradually be introduced to insure success.By providing your puppies with these early experiences you are, in a sense, challenging them to develop toward their genotypical potential. Cubs whelped and reared in the wild are customarily exposed to a demanding, challenging environment. Man, in domesticating canines, has inadvertently removed much of the stimulation that now appears vital for maximum psycho-physical development.The challenge to you as breeders of purebred dogs is to actively and visibly compete with the numerous alternate sources available to the novice. And it is largely through quality educational programs that the lay public will become aware of the differences between a well-informed breeder whose interest is in producing psycho- socially superior show and pet animals and the breeder who is only interested in producing animals.Once this awareness is achieved, I believe the failure rate will begin to subside and youll have faced and overcome an extremely worthwhile challenge.HELP THE REVIEWWe have received many favorable com- lents on the April issue of the Review. VTiile it is always nice to hear, we want to rake it clear that the success of the Review epends entirely on the contributions receiv- d for each issue. The Editor can only do so iuchshe cannot manufacture material ut of thin air We have been very disap- ointed with the lack of articles from other ources. During the month of March, theEditor wrote to TEN people asking for articles on assorted subjects and had only ONE reply, not even the courtesy of a No, thank you from the other nine. Surely more of our readers have sufficient knowledge on some aspect of breeding, showing, care, etc., to write an article of interest. You dont have to wait to be ASKED If you are dissatisfied with the material in the Review, do something about it. How about itPOMERANIAN REVIEWBANDBOXPomeranians Labrador RetrieversMAY MORNING WEE RED PIXIEhcKKYouveCome a Long Way, Baby - All the Way from Arkansas toVA - Warrenton KC - BW, BOS - Mrs. David Crouse PA - Penn-Treaty KC - Reserve - Dr. William Houpt PA - Bucks County KC - BOS - Mr. Richard GueveraOur sincere thanks to our good friend Sophie Mayes, Pixies breeder Gloria Setmayer, her handler and second mom and the judges she has gone under.A few ShowstopperGreat Elms puppies will be of an age to evaluate late summer.Nancy BartholomewPh 501 489-5733Rt. 1, Box 182 Ola, AR 728530 POMERANIAN REVIEWREBEL REPORTbyJANE E. JOHNSTON 3429 Oak View Drive Lakeland, FL 33803At last the Pom Review has found a writer or the Rebel Report-me I am really look- ng forward to this. This first column is ather difficult, but hope to do better after I itart hearing something from all you good people.Perhaps I should tell you a little about nyself. I have been an avid lover of Poms for nany years, having had my first one at six rears of age however, it was not until about ifteen years ago that I got in to breeding ind exhibiting. I attended a dog show, ac- lompanied by my sister and brother-in-law, lune and Jim Coy, and from then on, we vere up and running We will be better emembered in the Midwest, as we then ived in Louisville, Ky., having retired and noved to Florida in 1977. If any of you ever see a Florida license plate bearing the let- sers COY POMS, that will be us.Now, for what little news I have been able o gather. From Millamor here in Lakeland, she sad news is that Ch. Millamors Moon stock passed away last month. Moon Rock was a beautiful sight in the ring and leaves it least a dozen champion offspring, as well is several champion grandchildren. We feel brtunate to have one of his last daughters md two of his grandchildren.Your former writer for this column, Sue Toddard, is on the move again Sue and Tim ire moving back to Houston again. Understand that Tim has been there a couple months now and Sue will join him shortly. We will miss them in our area, but am sure the Texans will be glad theyre coming back. We will be looking forward to hearing from them after theyre settled.Jean Brown of Indianapolis spent a couple days in Lakeland in March visiting withKen and Eleanor Miller and us and, although there was not time for any sightseeing, we sure enjoyed having her. Mary McCoy of St. Pete joined us one afternoon, too.The Pom entries at the last few Florida shows have been extremely low and am wondering if this is true in other sections of the country. Perhaps with the hot weather, people are more concerned about parvo. Even though we here in Florida hate to admit it we had some mighty cold days in January, but from what information I could gather, parvo practically vanished during that period.In another section of the Review, you will find an article I wrote regarding our visit from Maggy Hallam of Abingdon, England.We will be looking forward to lots of mail so this column can be more interesting next time. I promise to answer all correspondence regarding the column. And if you have a Group win or a Best in Show, Ill be happy to report it.WYNDAMERE KENNELSPomsandChihuahuasSend SASE or call after lunch, if possible.Ph 518 868-2502We are located west of Albany on Route 20Catherine and Lester FergusonR.D. 1, Box 76 Sloansville, N.Y. 12160POMERANIAN REVIEWAURORA POMSES-2WINNERS^3,ESTMWSTB IEBEL Cl1981ULBEIT woPOMIRISH ROBINS GIN FIZZWinners Bitch - Westminster Kennel Club - 4 pointsJudge Frank Sabella Handler Jackie LiddleOwners Jackie Liddle and Sally BaugnietErma has since finished her championship at the ripe old age of ten months.Due to her diminutive size, Sally and I would like to place her in a home to be specialed only, not bred.See Pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsInquiries InvitedJacqueline E. Liddle 15630 Ridgemont S.E.Professional Handler, PHA Prior Lake, MN 55372612 447490112 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBby Claire Flesner 38 E. Aldea Street Lowell, MA 01851Our Annual Meeting and Specialty Show were held on May 9 in conjunction with the springfield Kennel Club Show in West springfield, Mass. There were twenty-one ntries in Breed and four in Obedience.The judge was James P. Cavallaro. His gentle hand and kind consideration were ap- ireciated by all. His selections for Winners ire as followsWinners Dog and Best of Winners was Bev-Nors Fudge Sundae, owned by jaureano Castro and Bev Norris.Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex vas Penrus Petite Suite of Jabil, owned by tosalind Goltz this finished her champion- hip.Best of Breed was Ch. The Pines Hells A oppin, owned by Lois L. Kraemer and landled by Gloria Setmayer.Best Brace was Ina Kniffins Tiny Tykes linnamon Mouse and Tiny Tykes Peg 0 My leart.The trophy table was covered with theroyal blue Bay Colony Pom Club drape, which provided a nice background for the etched glassware trophies and the Pom statuettes on desk sets. Trophy chairpersons were Jessie and Barbara Young. Roy Dykstra did the stewarding.Our annual buffet luncheon was held following the showing of the Poms. President Gladys Dykstra arranged for the club to have a small room away from the hustle and bustle of the crowd. Food Chairperson Sharleen Manchester loaded up the tables with all kinds of yummy goodies.The Annual Meeting of the Bay Colony Pom Club followed the buffet. Election of Officers was held and the results are as follows President, Gladys Dykstra Vice President, Jessie Young Secretary, Alberta Mooney Treasurer, Howard Mooney. Board of Directors are Robert Claar, Claire Flesner, Amy McKay, Claudia Lis, Sally Misuraca and Barbara Young. Several new members were welcomed in to the club.LIFE OF A DOG BREEDERIf he talks on a subject, hes a know-it-all,If hes silent, hes a snob.If he doesnt stop to talk at shows, his success has gone to his headIf he does, hes a show-off.If his dogs dont win, hes a poor breederIf they do, the show is crooked.If his dogs are seen at too many showsWhydoesnt he keep them home and give others a better chanceIf he stays away, hes afraid to show.If he breeds a good dog, it was an accidentIf he doesnt, he knows nothing about bloodlines.If he tries to explain something, hes playing politicsIf he refuses, he is a crab.If he doesnt beat his chest and yell for the breed, hes a conservative If he sometimes does, hes a radical.If hes successful with his kennel, he thinks hes a big shotIf he has been in the dog game a short time, hes just an amateur.If hes an OLDTIMER-then he should step downAnonymous Submitted by Julie MorenoPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73CHEROKEE POMERANIANS\V 9Ch. Cherokees Ember FashionSubj. ARC Conf.I wish to thank the following judges for liking FashionBelle City K.C. 3181 Mr. Norman L. Patton WB, BOS 1pt.Grand Valley K.C. 31381 Mrs. Mildred M. Heald WB 4 pts.Colorado K.C. 31581 Mr. Frank Haze Burch WB 4 pts.Heart of America K.C. 32281 Mrs. Lois Holcomb W 2 pts.Wichita K.C. 4381 Mr. Norman Cacciatore WB, BW, BOB, Gr. 4 3 pts.Salina K.C. 4581 Miss Iris De La Torre Bueno WB, BW 3 pts.Fashion was very capably handled to her nice wins by Janice Luginsland. Janice is also handling my new girl Dancing Gold Muff of Oakridge.OwnerJanice Young1080 Carl St.St. Clair, MO 63077Handler Janice LuginslandR.R. 1 Americus, KS 6683574 POMERANIAN REVIEWANOTHER HOME BRED QUE SERA CHAMPIONLike MotherCH. QUE SERA GIGI OF GOLDEN GLOWGiGi was Best of Breed from the Open Class under Judge Ellsworth Gamble on a Sunday and Thursday she broke her leg. Four months later she delivered a nice litter of puppies. She later went on to finish her championship under Judge . Thelma Brown at Seattle.Like DaughterAs a puppy Barbi was Reserve to her mother the day she finished. Three weeks later she broke her leg. The leg healed, and seven shows later Barbi finished her championship under Judge Mrs. Thelma Brown at Bremerton.kCH. QUE SERA GGS BARBI DOLLJudge Brown then gave Best of Breed to Mother Ch. GiGi of Golden Glow. We are very proud of this mother-daughter combination, and we thank all the judges who helped them to their championships.QUE SERA KENNEL Erin and Phil Hundley206 568-228119101-67th S.E.Snohomish, WA 98290POMERANIAN REVIEW 75-- OBEDIENCENEWSbyEMMAHEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Congratulations to Linda Gallacher of Tigard, Oregon, and her little three pound Katie Sunswept Wee Katie of Andrews, who completed her C.D. degree in March of 1981. Linda writes, She really surprised me by attending to business in the ring instead of being her usual nutty self. It took her four shows she was attending to HER business at one show and went potty in the ring-my fault, of course. See what I mean when I say obedience people are good sports- always their own fault-never the dogs. Katies record is December 6, 1980, Portland Kennel Club, 191third place March 7, 1981, Chintimini Kennel Club, 195V4third place March 8, 1981, Willamette Kennel Club, 189VL Linda and Katie are going forward to Open with lots of enthusiasm, and good luck to themA bit late, but we feel it should be mentioned in this column On November 25, 1980, Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lady Jennifer, Am. Can. CDX, died at nearly thirteen years of age. Jennifer had originally belonged to Frank and the late Mary Casey, but came to Gladys Dykstra, who finished her American and Canadian C.D.X. A great little lady with a truly great record. Deepest sympathy to those who loved and were loved by her.CARE OF TEETHDirty teeth are a threat to the health of your dog. Teeth should be scaled regularly to prevent accumulations of tartar. It is also important to remove retained puppy teeth. Such teeth help trap food particles which allow bacteria to grow, eventually causing infection and loss of adult teeth. This can be a source of infection to other areas of the body, such as the tonsils, the kidneys, the heart, and even the brain.PLEASENOTEThe Review was affected quite badly by the latest postage increase. While we do not foresee an increase being passed on to our readers at this time, we do ask your cooperation to help ease the crunch.Please notify the Circulation Manager promptly of a change in your address. When the post office is unable to deliver your Review, it is sent back to the Club and we must pay the return postage. This adds up fast.Please be sure to address correspondence to the proper person. To order a subscription or back issues, to renew your subscription or to complain about a lost issue, write to the Circulation Manager, Judy Blocker. To apply for membership in the Club, write to the Corresponding Secretary, Dudley Roach. Tc send an article or ad to the Review, write tc the Editor. The addresses are on page 3 oi the Review.It would also help save on postage if yor would double-check your ads before sending them, making sure that you send a check foi the correct amount for your ad, INCLUDING the cost of processing the pic tures 6 per picture, that your checks are signed and that the written amount agrees with the dollar figure. Please help us keep the cost of postage down and keep the price of the Review from going up.NOTICEThe APC Board would like to suggest tha' our readers carry their Reviews with then to shows and matches so that newcomers t the breed may have an opportunity to see the magazine. They further suggest thai breeders give a gift of one issue of the Review with each puppy they sell. To de this, simply send a check for 3.50, alonj with the name and address of the persor who is to receive the Review, to the Circula tion Manager, Judy Blocker, address oi page 3.76 POMERANIAN REVIEWBLANCO-GRYDER POMERANIANS Proudly Presents QUEENAIRE MARCY-ANN 17 AMarcy is shown winning BOB at the Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Associations AKC Sanctioned B-OB Match on April 18,1981, in Scottsdale, AZ. Marcy went on to win Fourth in Group.Marcy is owned and handled exclusively by 12-year-old Missy Gryder.Robert and Isabelle Gryder903 East Loyola DriveTempe, AZ 85282Litters expected this fall Inquiries welcome602 966-5604POMERANIAN REVIEW 7BLANCO-GRYDER POMERANIANS Takes Pride in Presenting JOLLY WEE TUFF STUFFVM WAV-- Tuffy is pictured winning a 3-point major under judge Derek Rayne at his second show since coming to his new home in Arizona. This win was at the Tucson Kennel Club Show on March 22, 1981, Tucson, AZ.Tuffy is co-owned by Randy Freeh and Isabelle Gryder and is handled by Isabelle Gryder in this photo.Robert and Isabelle Gryder903 East Loyola DriveTempe, AZ 602 966-560478 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXby Isabelle Gryder 903 East Loyola Drive Tempe, AZ 85282February, March and April have been busy months for members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix. A number of our members have attended and exhibited in matches and shows in the Phoenix area, in California and in Nevada.Our club continues to be well represented at matches and shows. Riders Don Juan, owned by Dora Henderson, took a couple of Reserves, one at the Kachina Kennel Club Show at Paradise Valley Park, Phoenix, on March 2. At the same show, Missy Gryder, one of our junior members, won her third First Place in Novice Junior in Junior Showmanship. Missy owns and handles Queenaire Marcy-ann. Jolly Wee Tuff Stuff, co-owned by Isabelle Gryder and Randy Freeh, won a 3-point major on March 22 at the Tucson Kennel Club Show at Reid Park in Tucson, Arizona. Queenaire Marcy-ann, owned by Missy Gryder, won BOB at the Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association AKC Sanctioned Match on April 18 in Scottsdale, Arizona. Marcy-ann went on to take 4th in Group.Our club held an AKC Sanctioned BMatch on April 26 at Chaparral Park in Scottsdale, Arizona. The match was very well attended and club members were happy to see so many puppies entered that day. Jolly Wee Tuff Stuff, co-owned by Isabelle Gryder and Randy Freeh, won Best Adult in Match. The Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix looks forward to hosting other matches in the near future.Committees for the 1982 Summer Specialty scheduled for June 12 in Flagstaff, Arizona, have met and decided upon a plan of action for the show. Judges have already been selected for this Specialty and will be announced following the approval of AKC. Be sure to mark your calendar for June 12 and June 13, 1982, for this Specialty and for the Prescott show the following day. The weather in the mountains should be cool during this time.Plans are currently being formulated for a hospitality hour and a buffet. Information concerning these events and hotel accommodations will be forthcoming in the October Review issue.Helpful Hintscontinued from page 5610. Make it yourself. Make your own clothes. Theyll fit better and will always have a bait pocket. Mary Nell Hansard of Rome, GA, makes dog matresses of old nylon hose stuffed into a lightweight material cover. Many of us obedience enthusiasts find we must make our own equipment- leads, brace couplings, dumbbells, scent articles-to get them small enough.11. Check out the cheaper motels. After a dog show, Im so tired all I want is a shower and to hit the sheets. The room doesnt have to be fancy, just clean. And of course, my dogs must stay in the room with me. There are anumber of chains such as Days Inn, Econo-Travel, Motel 6, Scottish Inns with less expensive accommodations. Write for their directories listing locations and rates. Not all of the individual motels will accept pets, however, so ask before making your reservation. Premium lists usually list at least one locally-owned motel that is quite nice and less costly than the big-name chains.Dont be penny wise and dollar foolish. It is not saving money to fail to get inoculations and booster shots on time. In the long run, a high quality dog food is the best way to spend your money.I appreciate your letting me know that you read the column. Please let me know what subjects youd like me to cover and send in your hints.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71CIRCULATIONMANAGERJUDY L. BLOCKER 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTIONS14.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 15.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.MEMBERS SUBSCRIPTION RATE10.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.Back IssuesAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681971 Jan. 40, April 35, July 11YIPS YAPSMARGUERITE HOHMANN Louisville, KYBeautiful Poms But overtrimmed, sheared ant sprayed.I have read many articles in Pomeraniai Review regarding the rules and regulations oi this subject. It is to my understanding the judge have been notified about overtrimming and using sprays to stiffen the coat.There are two Pom champions being shown by well-known judge-owner and also well-knowr handler or agent. I will not mention their names I believe without a doubt everyone knows wh they are. They do not belong to the Americai Pomeranian Club. Said dogs are winning Breeds Groups and Shows. Breeders and show person are standing at ringside in utter amazement see ing this happen.Question at hand Would it be possible for us al to not enter our Poms under the judges that ari disregarding the rules and regulations To refusi to go in the ring when these people are enterec with Poms trimmed in this fashionI personally think that if we have rules ant regulations everyone should be made to abide bi them. If not, what good are theyThe dogs in question are beautiful and appeal to be everything the Standard calls for. Thej could win without all the trimming and spray.Come on, Judges, PLEASE enforce the rule and regulationsHow does everyone feel in regards to this Let hear from youAvailable at 1.50 Each1973 April 72, July 31974 July 771975 Jan. 70, April 1, July 4, Oct. 101976 Jan. 115, April 61, July 9, Oct. 27Available at 2.00 Each1977 Jan. 6, July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 36, Oct. 121979 Jan. 5Available at 3.50 each1979 Nov.1980 Feb. 100, July 170, Oct. 1401981 Jan. 1001981Jan. 100JEAN SCHROLLOregon City, ORIt appears our judges are not paying th slightest attention to the overtrimming of Poms As a matter of fact it appears at least in our area that if they are not trimmed all over, they are no going to win.The dogs are being trimmed far beyond tha recommended in the Standard and certainly ar not being penalized in any way for it. Those tha are not trimmed all over do not seem to be able t win and we have only the judges to blame. Even t the untrained eye this can be spotted, so why ar the judges not able to see itPerhaps it would be well if the APC would cor sider making this a disqualification rather thai being severely penalized. The judges are NOr penalizing overtrimming and as I see it, unless w make it a disqualification so the exhibitor will b able to do something about it, it will continue t80 POMERANIAN REVIEWbe done, since there is nothing we can do except talk about it amongst ourselves and let it go on.I understood there was a directive mailed out to judges about this, yet they continue to ignore it. Perhaps we should begin to boycott judges who are putting up overtrimmed dogs and publish their names as a way of making them understand that we are against overtrimming.CLAUDIA M. LIS and EDWARD J. BRACZYK Lowell, MAAll colors beautiful and pleasing to the eye should be allowed in our Pomeranian Standard." rhis statement has been vocalized repeatedly by nany breeders of quality Poms. As newcomers to he breed, we now reiterate this sentiment.The recently-revised Standard prohibits a white hest, paw or leg on a whole colored specimen. Ob- uously, a white paw or leg is an undesirable nismark. But what exactly determines the white chest-is it the total chest color, or the nixed color or cast How will judges respond to ur reinstated color fault Will they place a ypey, sound and superbly-coated Pom with that 'hint of white, or will they select a possibly less ound, etc., specimen, due to our new color itipulationWhat do we do now with the famous bloodlines f multiple Best-in-Show winners, champions and [UP sires who blazed and sparkled in the ring efore the public and promoted our breed, bear- ng white chests, underparts and huge, correct vhite plumes plus a body and leg coat of orange vhich rivaled that of the harvest moonIt is necessary to breed towards the totally cored Pom. This is the ultimate goal of every incere, dedicated breeder. Since our revised Stan- lard also stresses structural soundness which 4UST be accompanied by type, to provide a true epresentative of our beautiful and unique breed, vhich way will the breeder turn when faced with . decision between color and soundness The American Pomeranian Club and its members lave made both areas additionally vulnerable to aulting. The highly-prized combination of an .llowed color and complete structural soundness s a minor miracle A breeders dream of a ifetime Will we again limit our efforts by ecoming slaves to color AKC judges have prais- d the improvement in our breed during the past lecade and have predicted increased recognition n the Toy Group during the 1980s.Before the APC proposed faulting chest colora- ion, attempts should have been made to in- estigate and act on other color-related problems.What of the possible lethal blue gene, the characteristic fading and graying of our scarce browns and blacks Also-white to white, black to black breedings repeated over several linebred generations, have almost always demonstrated a reversion to the Spitz-type conformation already labeled as uncharacteristic and undesirable in our breed. Where are our allowed colors-wolf sable, correct creams not dilute oranges, whites and beavers Should I dare to mention the lack of correct sabling and the indecision of the breeder when it comes to recognizing a blue Pom, especially the dark blues I am not denying the fact that these rare-colored Poms exist. My emphasis here poses that genetic studies have barely scratched the surface of color inheritance It would take many genetic researchers working together plus feedback from all Pom breeders to eventually and accurately predict exact color results of a given breeding.......Thus, color in our Poms unsightly mismarks justifiably banned should be one of our least- emphasized breeding factors. At this time, let us gain a lasting foothold on over-all soundness, type, and vigor-allowing any complimentary color to dominate a rigid Standard colorwise.It will be the correct, abundant coat, type and soundness that will insure our breeds return to the rightfully deserved title King of the Toys, and true companion to man.JULIE BRUMBACKHarrisonburg, VAI would like to thank Roberta Massey for the great job she is doing with the Pomeranian Review.Also thanks to the Darrell Bakers, and especially Olga, for the wonderful hospitality and bags of goodies at the N.Y. Specialty.JOSEPHINE CHINGHonolulu, HII would like to comment on the ad written in the April issue regarding quarantine in Hawaii. I am a small breeder just starting out and I look forward to getting good quality Poms from the mainland. I have brought in a few and have found them to have the best care possible.The employees are very concerned about our animals and will not allow anyone but the owner or sponsor of the animal to get anywhere close to the kennels. We must sign in, state kennel number of our animal, and show our pass to get through the gate, protecting our animals fromPOMERANIAN REVIEW iany outsiders.If our animals need to be fed twice or more than twice a day. they are. If we want them on a special diet other than the regular quarantine diet, we are allowed to bring our own food and they are fed according to our instructions.They are checked for worms and we are notified immediately if any are found. Our animals are transported to and from our own veterinarian upon our request. There are two vets on duty seven days a week. The employees check on the animals for any changes that may occur and notify us if they feel the animals need to be checked by our vet.There are facilities within the quarantine for bathing and grooming of animals.I am sorry for the loss of that Pom that was sent here to Hawaii. It was also a great loss for the well-known breeder here who loves her Poms dearly. I am hoping this tragedy will not affect us newcomers who want to better the breed and must rely on getting well-bred Poms from the mainland. Please do not blame the quarantine for the death of that Pom-it could have happened in your backyard.I dislike quarantine not because our animals are not properly cared for, but because its a chore having to go there 120 days every time I bring in a Pom.BETTY AONANanakuli, HIIn response to the ad that Wilma Jean Brown wrote on quarantine in Hawaii I felt compelled to write this short letter.It was a very unfortunate incident that happened to Mrs. Browns dog, but I feel that she was not the only loser. Mrs. Clarice Oganeku, who is one of the most prominent and reputable breeders here in Hawaii, was also a loser not only did she lose a lovely Pom that she planned on showing and using to enrich her own breeding program, but she lost the cost of the dog plus shipping and quarantine costs. Mrs. Oganeku has been in Poms for the past ten years and has shipped well over twenty Poms without any problems.As for the quarantine itself, none of us are overjoyed about putting our dogs through quarantine, but we are the ONLY STATE WITHOUT RABIES. This is an added expense of 358 we must endure in order for us to try to better the breed here in Hawaii.I dont know the answer to why that particular dog died. Sometimes things just happen that cant be explained. The dog could have been shipped to a closer state and could have died for no apparent reason. I feel that the dogs in quarantine aregiven good care and the facility is kept clean, pr bably better than most kennels. The dogs are fe according to the owners instructions. If we war them fed something special we can bring our ow food. I just dont want to see the Pom breeders i Hawaii being unable to obtain better do because of this isolated incident.SOPHIE H. MAYESWest Chester, PAIt was nice to have all the class placemeni listed in the Review Specialty Show writeup, eve though these can be found later in the AK Gazette. Not the Sweepstakes classes, of coursi or the non-regular classes. I was disappointed t find NO MENTION of the winning Brace. Thi perfectly matched pair of small sable bitches coi sisted of mother Ch. Dawns Huggy Bea O Darkness and daughter The Pines Breeder Folly, both bred, owned and handled by Lois I Kraemer. They looked identical, they gaited i unison and all in all they were perhaps the BES' brace ever to be shown at one of our Specialt Shows.In hopes of getting more entries in the nor regular classes next February, the Board voted t reduce the entry fee for these classes. So bring ou your Veterans, your Stud Dogs and Brood Bitche and your Braces. And remember, the Review wf print pictures of any of these winners for th small charge of 6.00 to enhance the writeup.GLORIA CARLINSpring Valley, CAThis is just a short note to say Thank You ti all the wonderful folks that I met in New York a our Specialty. I felt very welcome and right a home. It was really great meeting many of thi people that Ive been reading about in our Pon Review for the past several years.My hosts for the week were Bud and Barbara Paine from Stamford, Conn. They gave me thi red carpet treatment I loved every minute o my entire vacationI was honored and very happy to have both o my Poms place in their classes under Dr. Field While I was in New York, I stayed over for thi judging in Westminster. Ive never been to benched show before-it was quite an experience The Group and Best in Show judging were over whelming. I was very impressed. Im looking for ward to going again some day.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWEDNA GIRARDOTFloral City, FLMy travels so far this year have revealed a potpourri of goodies-meeting new Pom fanciers, breeders, exhibitors and the unexpected surprises in the show ring. Isn't it possible that the values we hold within our ways of thinking are a determining factor for the degree of success we will haveThe Specialty and the Garden seemed better than ever. To those who put in many hours of work to make this great event a success, a special thank you from me and the same to the judges who dared to place the dogs as they saw them. I always come home from these and all shows thinking I must go again next year, and I will hope for just that.I made the trip to Kansas and Oklahoma again and traveled alone. Such beautiful country, spacious fields, large houses and barns sheltered by big old shade trees, herds of cattle, big tractors working in the fields. I even stopped at a roadside once to see a baby calf coming into the world. All this brought back illusive memories of the past. How different it is now. Children do not learn of these beautiful happenings of nature the way I did. This is why I never get tired of traveling. I thank God I have been given the privilege of being a part of His great creation. I made Wichita in two days, time to rest and play with my dogs, and do they respond and give back as much. Then there is the looking forward to the next days, the shows, people and all the excitement and the unexpected. It is great, Try it, you'll like it.I especially want to again thank all those fine people who remembered me at birthday time and at Easter. Cards galore and good wishes. I was in Kansas for my birthday. In fact I have spent the last three there and the one before that in Chicago. On each occasion I have been honored by friends with a dinner. What a moral boost. I actually look forward to this time and never think of it as being one year older. The midwest folks are so friendly. Had these dinners in the same restaurant and this year they recognized me and served complimentary dessert to all. How about thatOne thing I wish our exhibitors would do is to write those clubs that combine with others to have their shows in one place and thank them. This small favor might just help to make clubs think and make more effort to do it again. The convenience and energy saving is beyond words.One other thing, I have had so many phone calls from you folks asking about my health because of my ad in the April Review. I sure appreciate your concern but let me make it clear I am not ILL ill.just getting unable to do the work and just plain slowing down. I am aware of this and realize I must reduce the number of dogs for my sake and for the sake of the girl that takes care of them when I am away. A slowdown is expected and forthcoming but please do not worry. I hope you will see me in the show ring for a long time. I had been home for some days before going to the Midwest and I thought I could never make it, packing and getting ready to go. Then when I got behind the wheel and on my way, I was on Cloud Nine. Better than any medicine.I was disappointed to not attend the San Diego show. My intentions were good, even had my airline tickets, but somehow time passed by and not enough time to get entries in. Just wish someone had given me a reminder that the time was near. This thing called age has a way of interfering with thoughts and time. I know I would have enjoyed all the goodies they offered. I hope the show is all the workers hope for. See you some other time.Try putting a little fun in your life-get a good Pom and go to shows. It can be just that if you wish to make it such.PHYLLIS MORGANPhoenix, AZBefore moving from South Dakota I boxed up all my old issues of Pomeranian Review and mailed them to Judy Blocker for her to use as extra back issues. As my new husband and I were moving to Colorado for a short four months and then moving permanently to Arizona, I didnt really want to carry them with me, with everything else I was taking, which at the time seemed like half of South Dakota. I can never make myself burn or throw the old Reviews away. I have given them to new Pomeranian owners, who had never heard of it, and others who had. but had lost the address of the Review. So they are always glad to receive even an old copy.But I'm now wondering if I remembered to tell Judy who was sending them. So, Judy, if you received them without the letter I intended to put with them, just consider my madness in moving after being in one place for seven years. Hope you can make good use of them. I'm not even sure they were wrapped right, as I was worrying about kids, dogs, cats and people and where we were all going to live in Colorado, or if they would allow my dogs, period. Of course everything has worked out. And by the time this is printed and mailed I will be a permanent of Phoenix, Arizona.THE DEADLINE FOR OCTOBER IS AUGUST 15thPOMERANIAN REVIEW 83INDEX TO ADVERTISERSDarrell and Olga Baker..................................................Patty Bartels...................................................................Nancy Bartholomew......................................................Dick and Sally Baugniet ...............................................Ruth Beam.....................................................................Wilma Jean Brown.........................................................Julie Brumback..............................................................Morris and Betty Carson................................................Terri Dibert....................................................................Catherine and Lester Ferguson .....................................Tim and Linda Gallacher...............................................Edna Girardot.................................................................Tim and Sue Goddard....................................................Manuel Gonzalez and Terry Miller...............................Gayle Griffin..................................................................Robert and Isabelle Gryder............................................Chris and John Heartz..................................................Nadine Hersil ................................................................Pauline Hughes..............................................................Phil and Erin Hundley....................................................Larry and Diane Johnson ..............................................Jacqueline Liddle...........................................................Roberta Massey and Dorothy Bonner............................Sophie Mayes.................................................................Margaret and John McKee ............................................M. Louise McKenzie.....................................................Dan and JoEllen Mercer ...............................................Terri Moebuis ...............................................................Julie Moreno..................................................................Ohio Pomeranian Club..................................................Barbara Paine.................................................................Marlene and Marlin Presser...........................................Cecil Price .....................................................................Carol Ricci.....................................................................Desaree Sandifer............................................................JeanSchroll.....................................................................Grace Smyth..................................................................Solid Gold Health Products, Sissy Harrington-McGillDoris Thomas.................................................................Lorinda Vasuta...............................................................Ann and Gene Welshinger.............................................Jean and G. West............................................................Clara Wiese and Mona Mae Caldwell ..........................MaryYenter....................................................................Janice Young..................................................................Jessie and Barbara Young..............................................Page...........................30.........................25...........................69......................29,37...........................41......................27,58.............................21Cover, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10...........................13...........................70...........................50......................36,38...........................43......................54,55...........................32......................76,77......................27,59.............................26...........................34......................37,74...........................84......................37,71.............................26.............................22.................18,19, 28...........................14......................46,47...........................25...........................65...........................15.............................11...........................23...........................49...........................58.............................66...........................42......................37,62...........................64...........................25.........................2,26...........................31.................28,36,53...........................27.............................28......................37,73......................24,3584 POMERANIAN REVIEWncN oft m5ococPresents2tf iaSPade 0Tig fi^oAcetStarringTYRONEProduced By Directed ByCheridel Pomesto Remember Me Larry JohnsonEdneys Pebbles of Muffett Dianne JohnsonTyrone Already 9 nominations 1 major for an AKC championship award and this feature has just been released. He plays a lovely-coated, free-moving Blue dog with good sound legs and a gorgeous head.Silva Lade has a few features available for sale at this timeFan Mail2901 Putty Hill Road Baltimore, MD 21234 Ph 301 661-7289