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The Pomeranian Review January 1982

American Pomeranian Clufj, 3nc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY 1982I--TVCHAMPION ROBINHOODS AFTER DARK - Beauty and Brains Shown Taking Group First Under Judge Mr. Del Glodowski Highest Scoring Dog in Trial - San Antonio Kennel Club Scoring 199 Out of Possible Perfect Score of 200IN THIS ISSUEA Visit to DavonShire Kennels Obedience Incentive by Tammy Carrell Obedience Trial Champion Pomeranian by Eleanore Uhland Corrections in Obedience by Merle RookPOMERANIAN REVIEWCLEAR CREEK POMERANIANS Best of BreedCHAMPION MERCERS WAGSTAR 0 CHEELANJune 6, 1981fVWe are very proud of Wags. His first time out as a special he was Best of Breed. Our thanks to judge Mr. Stewart S. Makley. Wags is always owner-handled.Wags is producing some very lovely children here at home and we are looking forward to showing his sons and daughters this spring.Debbie Broday602 979-53847435 W. Comet Peoria, Az. 85345POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Qllnb, Jnr.President..........................First Vice President.... Second Vice President . . Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB........................................................................Miss Nadine Hersil......................................................................Mr. Thomas Daniels........................................................................Mrs. Sally Baugniet........................................................................Mrs. Eleanor Hyche..........................................................................Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ..................................................................Mrs. Jacqueline LiddleBOARD OF DIRECTORSMrs. Phyllis Andrews Mrs. Olga Baker Mr. Fred Bassett Delegate to AKC ....................Mrs. Julie Brumback Mrs. Sophie H. Mayes Mr. Bill Pottebaum .......................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWInterim Editor and Advertising Manager Mrs. Roberta Massey, 1209 Carlton Dr., Racine, WI53402 Circulation Manager..............Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston Heights, SC 29405Published quarterly at Racine, Wisconsin, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Issues as of April, July, October and January, annually. Subscriptions in the U.S., 14.00 for four quarterly issues individual copies 3.50 Canada, Mexico, Foreign, 15.00 in U.S. dollar instrument. Members Subscription 10.00. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads to the Advertising Manager. Address all other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text.....................75.00Inside front cover ........................................40.00Center Spread, 2 pages.................................80.00Full page.......................................................35.00Three-quarters page......................................30.00One-half page...............................................20.00One-quarter page vertical only..................10.00Charge for reproduction of pictures.............. 6.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEWTABLE OF CONTENTSlay Colony Pomeranian Club..........................................................................................60behind the New Champions ...........................................................................................20circulation........................................................................................................................61Corrections in Obedience................................................................................................50Cover Story ......................................................................................................................8Helpful Hints...................................................................................................................35ndex to Advertisers.........................................................................................................63Kenosha County Pomeranian Club ................................................................................48Midwest Report...............................................................................................................54Obedience Incentives .....................................................................................................27Obedience News..............................................................................................................25Obedience Trial Champion Pomeranian.........................................................................40racific Northwest News and Views................................................................................553omeranian Club of Greater Houston..............................................................................473oms of the Past...............................................................................................................44Presidents Message..........................................................................................................5Rebel Report....................................................................................................................60Recollections...................................................................................................................42specialty Information ...................................................................................................9,64Visit to DavonShire Kennels...........................................................................................12Vips Yaps......................................................................................................................62S \UifPOMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENTSMESSAGEbyNADINE HERSIL 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wl 53110 414 481-5556A Rude AwakeningLast issue I wrote about the good facet of the Pom world-this month, for my final Presidents column, I write of the other side.I consider each phase of my life a chapter of a book. The book of life may be a tempestuous novel or a bittersweet short story. Such is my feeling toward my association with my Pomeranians. This chapter started over twenty years ago with words that have long since been eliminated from my vocabulary. Words such as naive, truth, honesty and innocence.In those days, the number of Poms exhibited in this area was slim and if any longtime established breeders showed up, they were eager to help a newcomer. They busily showed me the tricks of the trade while preparing their own entries for the ring. Never too busy to answer a question or demonstrate a clip of the scissors here or there What a change from the other ring where I had previously spent all my time my parents having raised and shown Working dogs before my Poms, where one had to make sure to duck for fear of getting struck with all those knife-sticking glares and comments that were so readily thrown around the ring. My teens were spent with the Poms and the friendly atmosphere that surrounded the show ring and the grooming area.Slowly, ever so slowly, this aura changed. Life has a habit of changing things-which is sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. I changed right along with everything else around me-my friends, my attitude and my dogs. A new Pom club was formed in the area and competition became keen. Soon it was not necessary to drive toOhio or Pennsylvania for majors major were plentiful every weekend. All of a sud den the motto seemed to be to avoid th newcomer-dont talk to him. If trimmec properly, his dog may be better than yours The temperature outside the ring, as well a inside, became as cold as Northern Wiscon sin on a February night.This year, as I traveled both for th American Pomeranian Club and for my owr enjoyment, I find the jealousy and animosi ty around the Pom ring growing every where, not only in Wisconsin, but all arounc the country. It seems that the Pom peopk cannot wait to start a rumor or to degrade an entry. The Board and Officers of the Clul this year have been plagued with this sort o problem all year with no end in sight.As I leave office at the end of this term, a I come to the end of this chapter in my bool of life, I long for the days of that simple truth and honesty that led me to this little hairy breed I love so much. Maybe if Im nol involved so deeply, I can go back to my little world where innocence played such a large role. Maybe I can again enjoy getting tc shows and talking to my friends, whe hopefully will be searching for this same quietness. Maybe I can help a newcomer and maybe, just maybe, I can make a contribution for the betterment of the breed.So ends this chapter.................NOTICEIn the last issue of the Review, my notice of resignation appeared. However, since the Board had not found a replacement for me as the deadline for this issue drew near, I offered to edit this final issue. As this notice is being written, a new editor has not yet been found and the Board is investigating commercial dog publication firms. Since one has not been chosen yet, material for the April issue will have to be sent to me once again. It will be forwarded to the new editor as soon as I receive notification of where it is to be sent. The deadline for the April issue will remain February 15. Ad copy from the Specialty MUST arrive on time, although some leeway can be allowed for late pictures.POMERANIAN REVIEWDESIREES POMSs 1I KNEW - KNEW - KNEW he wasnt for real - Oh, WellHappy New Year From all of us here at Desirees Poms.Im Tweedie, a non-productive 314 lbs., but I rule the roost.Blessed Events Expected in DecemberCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x Faith Ch. Bev-Nors Thelduns Fudge x Hope Desirees Special Topper x Misty Desirees Timstopper Timmy x Cassy Great Elms Red Robin Victorias grandsire x VictoriaFaith, Cassy, Timmy and Tweedie sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Hope, Victoria and Topper sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper TooHOPE TO SEE YOU AT THE SHOWSDesaree N. SandiferPh 704 865-0859509 Oakdale St. Gastonia, N.C. 28052POMERANIAN REVIEWRNimRTION KENNELS i9CH. CINQUAY YANKEE DOODLE DANDY And His First Born Son at 514 Months ANIMATIONS FAT ALBERTCongratulations to Judy Shearer on her two Ch. Dandy daughters whelped 10-24-81 and best of luck with her new little boy,Animations Mighty Mouse Mork.Thank you, Morris and Betty Carson, for letting me have Emcees Suss Anna. I love her dearly.HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALLLorinda Vasuta 97314 Cordova Ave.216836-6818 Akron, OH 44320POMERANIAN REVIEWiCOVER STORYby Carolyn CrockettChampion Robinhoods After Dark, Afta, is truly a delight to behold, both in he conformation ring and in the obedience ing. He is not only a Group-winning cham- lion with multiple Best of Breed and Group lacements, but has also recently qualified or the coveted Dog World Award of Distinc- ion, finishing his C.D. in three consecutive hows with all scores above 195. He has trains and beauty combined, earning a score if 199 out of a possible perfect score of 200 in he obedience ring at the San Antonio Ken- lel Club Show, October 18, 1981, entitling dm to receive the Highest Scoring Dog in frial award.Of course, it is apparent why he is my iride and joy, for who could not be proud of i magnificent specimen of the breed who has iroven himself in competition with nembers of his own breed and his own Jroup, and is now helping to prove that Vimeranians can compete with top obe- lience dogs and triumph in that sport as veil. Afta has a marvelous cocky little emperament, is a joy to show and train and l pleasure to watch in the obedience ing-he carries himself with the pride and onfidence of a champion exhibiting the [ualities of soundness and beauty.This little four-pound bundle of fur is co- iwned with Jeanne Gribben. My most heartfelt thanks to Jeanne, who allowed me to co- iwn Afta with her and treat him as my iwn. He is the result of an excellent ireeding by Verna Hood of Robinhood Ken- lels in Oklahoma. Afta is the son of Cham- iion Dragonflys Happy Talk, a multi-Group vinner and Specialty winner, and he is the reat-grandson of a most famous winning hampion with multiple Best in Shows, lhampion Corns Duke Dragonfly.Since Afta was shown for over a year .nd had many, many wins both in conforma- ion and obedience, space does not permit ny being able to thank each judge but I am ieeply appreciative and grateful to all udges who not only recognized his soundless, typeyness, temperament and other ireed qualities, but also to those obediencejudges who recognized his great intelligence. My special appreciation to judge Mr. Del J. Glodowski, pictured on the cover with Afta.All his obedience scores being between 19514 and 199, Afta has qualified for admittance to the Gaines Classic, and he is now in the process of preparing his owner- handler for this next giant step. His rather impressive obedience record is as follows September 20, 1981, Texas Kennel Club, Dallas, Texas score 19514 October 17,1981, Austin Kennel Club, Austin, Texas First Place, score 19614 October 18,1981, San Antonio Kennel Club, San Antonio, Texas First Place and Highest Scoring Dog in Trial, score 199 November 1, 1981, South Texas Obedience Club, Houston, TexasHighest Scoring Toy Dog, score 196November 6, 1981, Oklahoma City Kennel Club, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma FirstPlace, score 19714 November 7, 1981,Oklahoma City Obedience Training Club, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma three-way tie for Second Place, score 197 November 8, 1981, Town and Country Kennel Club, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma score 19614.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the circulation manager. Address on page 3, Review.NO KENNEL VISITThere will be no Kennel Visit in April, as that issue is sent to all judges licensed for Poms. Lets make it a big issuePOMERANIAN REVIEW1982 ANNUAL SPECIALTYby Fred Bassett, Show ChairmanOur National Specialty will be held again this year at the Loews-Summit Hotel in New York City on Sunday, February 7, 1982. That date will roll around fast-so now is the time for all of you to make your final plans to attend. Premium lists were mailed in December and contained Annual Dinner and hotel reservation forms. Sam Zaneoff is handling the Hospitality Room and Annual Dinner for us this year and has a delicious banquet planned. Please get your reservations in to him now while you are thinking of it.The Club has blocked a group of rooms at the hotel at the group rate of 60.00 single or double. Our block of rooms will be held until January 6, and after that time reservations will be subject to availability-so dont procrastinateYour show committee this year is as followsFred Bassett...........................Show ChairmanPete Galindo..........................Show SecretaryDiane Taylor......................Trophy ChairmaSophie Mayes.............Advertising ChairmaSam Zaneoff.............Hospitality and AnnuDinneJackie Liddle..............Gate and Catalog SaleJudges for this years show are Mis Martha Jane Ablett, Regular Classes, an Richard Megenhardt, Sweepstakes.Were all looking forward to a gres Specialty this year, and certainly hope ths you will make plans to join us. Please coi tact any of the above committee people you need help in their areas. Entries shoul be sent to Show Secretary Pete Galindo, 61 New York, El Paso, Texas 79902. See th back cover of this issue for details. See yo all in New YorkTHANK YOUThanks once again to Chris Heartz for prc viding the lovely Pom drawing on page 4 c this issue.J982 Pwn JMcdtGreat for trophies or gifts, no two Pom calendars are exactly alike. Each is hand-made and pictures twelve or more Poms engaged in various activities. Please specify Pom colors, pups, adults, or combination preferred. Price is 4.00 per calendar plus 2.00 postage for each order.r\ ' w.fNEW Three darling, pre-teen girl paper dolls with their show Poms, trophies, conformation, and obedience equipment. Pom decals now available. Pre-printed or custom designed indoor use only.Solid birch Pom key chains, trinket boxes, and trivets.Greeting cards, note papers, pedigree forms and more.Please specify Pom brochures, enclose 1.00 and LONG, stamped, self-addressed envelope to receive all four brochures toP.O. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354 POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELS Presents5\\'SECONDFURNITURE CITY FENNEL CLUBMT Mlm r BONCH. MODELS GOLD MEMENTO Our New ChampionCongratulations to Julie Brumback on finishing her beautiful bitch,Julies Star Rosie.G-M Gold Memento is shown going Group II under Mr. Downing. He finished with another Group II under Mrs. Anna Cowie.He was expertly handled by Maynard Wood all the way to his championship.Pedigree under Behind the New ChampionsBob GoodrichHampton, Va.Handler Maynard WoodPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1JULIES STARSpresentsOur New Championn 'v'dBEST OF OPPOSITEKENNEL CLUE1981ASHBEYCH. JULIES STAR ROSIEShown winning a 4-point major, owner-handled, under judge Heywood Hartley.Thanks to judge Mrs. Anna Cowie for 3-point major and to judge Roy Ayers for 3-point major.A special thanks to Maynard Wood for showing Rosie for me.Congratulations to Bob Goodrich for finishing his lovely male,Ch. Models Gold MementoJulie Brumback 1187 Nelson DrivePh 703 434-1804 Harrisonburg, VA 22801POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO DAVONSHIRE KENNELSby Helen Nowicki and Norman JeromeIt is a pleasure this Kennel Visit to pay ribute to someone who has devoted some orty-three years to the breeding of the urebred Pomeranian. Normans first pur- hase was a male Pom for twenty-five ollars from a pet shop. He shortly hereafter heard of our dogs and was deter- lined to have a good one. We showed him a ood typey brood prospect puppy whose irice was forty-five dollars. Somehow both lother and myself were fascinated by this oy who wanted to breed good dogs after ome consideration and we were certain that lorman would be allowed another dog, he rent home on his bicycle with his first reeding prospect under his jacket. A ifelong friendship was cemented thereafter hrough our true love of the Pomeranian.'irst two Poms owned, Flame OGold and Gold llackacre Girlie, 1939We worked together later and imported everal Poms from England, among them he five-generation color-bred black, Ih. Thunder of Erimus, who was truly one of he soundest, typey Poms in the country, breeders of black Poms at this time were .lmost non-existent. Another fine import vas Ch. Wilmscote Wee Conquest, who is in he background of many of the show- finning Poms of today.I believe such a high concentration of ladleigh Poms cannot be duplicated in any . am other kennel within this country. The Rosskear Poms of Ann Winter also play an important part in the breeding program and are putting DavonShire to the front. The Passfields of Joy Saunders, too, are playing an important role in producing the finest Poms in the country.It was Norman Jerome who permitted me to maintain my own breeding program when he came to take care of my dogs and my mother when I underwent heart surgery in February of 1980. Norman didnt hesitate for a moment. He arranged for someone to look after his dogs in Florida while he came to take care of Helens mother and her Poms. How many breeders would do thisOne of the early English imports, Ch. Passfield PatriceAt this point I will turn the verbalization over to the master of DavonShire.Yes, the inspiration to breed Poms came with my very first visits to Gold Blackacre Kennel. The feeling at the time was that this could be a truly dedicated, worthwhile hobby to enter into to strive to breed and bring about a more perfect specimen, with challenges in all directions.The early learning years were probably the most difficult-1938 through the for- ties-for during this period of time a stint in the armed service was gone through a marriage developed, resulting in three children and the kennel name was granted as a regPOMERANIAN REVIEWistered prefix. A great deal of perseverance was needed, for it is no small chore to support a young growing family and concentrate on breeding and showing top quality dogs..1 lv..." ' JlZlIV- U-x.The growing family, Daryl and Burma and four PomsDuring the decade of the fifties I became acquainted with some of Englands top Pom breeders Harold Young Erimus, Robert Flavell Wilmscote, Joy Saunders Passfield, and Gladys Dyke Hadleigh, which resulted in a number of English dogs being imported and campaigned to their titles-Ch. Thunder of Erimus, Ch. Wilmscote Wee Crispin, Ch. WilmscoteyrK,Norman with two Poms, Jan and Judy, in 1955Whimsical, Ch. Passfield Patrice, and Passfield Petite, to name a few.Several yearly trips were made to Engla during the following years to further my quaintance with the English breeders and attend some of their shows. One of t newcomers to the Pom fancy in England the early seventies was Mrs. Ann Win1 Rosskear, a very dedicated, determin young woman. In a very short time she 1 campaigned a number of her Poms to t title. At the moment I believe she has sev champion males. In addition, she has t honor of being the top-winning Pom kern for a number of years, along with sevei other honors in Poms. We have been mi fortunate to have acquired several of t Rosskear Poms to enhance our breeding p gram.Two homebred puppiesone on right becar Ch. DavonShire Precious Gem.We have three very prepotent males whi we use heavily in our breeding program C DavonShire Misty Morn, who is Rosske and Cynpeg breeding Ch. Glad All Over , Rosskear, who is Hadleigh on the sires si and Rosskear on the dams and DavonShi Shining Gold, all English Hadleigh-bred.There is something I would like to say defense of the small bitch, who has be shunned so many times. Over the years have had a good number of the 3V2 pounders and I have never had any me whelping problems percentage-wise than have had with larger broods. At the mome we have two that especially come to mir4 POMERANIAN REVIEW'h. Rosskears Promised Land, 3V pounds, as had two litters of two each time. This itch whelped both times within two hours ime from start to finish. The other is ladleigh Rose Of Tralee, 4 pounds. Rosie at ive years has had five litters of one or two helps each time. She is a breeders dream. Vithout exception this bitch will get in the ^helping box, squint her eyes a few times, rith a few grunts, and there is a squirming luppy. I, for one, would never discard a tiny itch without giving her the opportunity to irove she is not useless.Unfortunately my now grown children lave no interest in the breeding of dogs here is, however, a slight ray of hope in a eventeen-year old grandson, who does show i great deal of interest in the breeding and howing of the dogs. However, at this stage if the game he also is very interested in girls md snakes. I have been most fortunate in mother way inasmuch as I have been able to etire at a comparatively early age and am ible to devote most of my time to the ireeding and showing of the dogs.While we have been in our present loca- ion for the past twenty years, the time has lome to move, for progress has overtaken us. iVhen we bought this property, it was coun- y and we had a cow pasture at the end of he street. The cow pasture has become a luge residential area, with shopping centers md all that goes with it. We have no need to fight City Hall and feel we have been lucky for the past ten years to have been able to stay with our thirty-some Poms in a cityNormans daughter and his grandson holding 1-r Ch. DavonShire Misty Morn, Ch. Glad All Over At Rosskear, Ch. Grims Winter Elf and Hadleigh Leading Lady.that only allows three dogs per household. We therefore will be moving in March to our country property, which is also at present county the area is all one-acre zoned and most important, it is and has been for years very animal oriented. It is known as Horse Country. We are somewhat sad in leaving a place where we have been very successful and happy we are, however, looking forward to a new freedom of not worrying that the dogs will draw unwanted attention. Kennel rooms are being built across the complete back side of the house and we are looking forward to a great many more years of breeding quality Poms.Visitors are always welcome at DavonShire. We only ask for a twenty-four hour notice so that we may arrange our schedule accordingly.A yard full of PomsPOMERANIAN REVIEWDAVONSHIRE KENNEL, REG. Since 19380t STUART-FT.PIERCE KENNEL CLUBAPRIL 1979PHOTO BY EDUARDO CH. ROSSKEARS PROMISED LANDEnglish Imported Bitch, With Owner Norman JeromeWe have the top winning bloodlines from England Hadleigh, Rosskear, Cynpeg, and Passfield.DavonShire Kennel5726 Farragut St. Hollywood, FI. 33021 305 987-5126After March 1st920 Flamingo Road Fort Lauderdale, FI. 305 987-5126POMERANIAN REVIEWMAY MORNING POMERANIANSBEST WISHES TO NORMAN JEROME FOR CONTINUED SUCCESSIn The Past Two Years, We Have Reduced Our Kennel Population To 45. We have lost ten of our oldsters, including Lucy, pictured, litter sister of the late Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo, who died one day before her 14th birthday our Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight children, Wizard and Ch. Bewitching Witch Switch, at 1214 Pinocchio, C.D., my beloved Andy, at IU2 Little Lulu and Spicy Timstopper at 10.We still have two age 13, two 1214 and two others 12. Plus a number nearly 11.We miss them all, but we are thankful for the reduced work load.May Morning Concerto LucyThis leaves us with less than a dozen breedable bitches, almost as many proven studs and a few youngsters coming along.Moonwalker has been retired. He was whelped July 20, 1969, as the men were walking on the moon, and although he is still ready and willing and probably able, we want to avoid AKC red tape for studs over 12 years old.May Morning Social Frolic Casper, our Black Social Lion son, is now Head Man at May Morning. Every inch champion quality, a freak accident resulting in a broken front leg ended his show career just as it was starting. He is 414 lbs., has a beautiful head, short back, good tail set, small ears and excellent legs. Casper sires Blacks, Blues, Reds, Red Sables and Oranges. We have never had either a Black Tan or a Chocolate from him. We are sorry to report that Moonwalker died May 6.SOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 19380215 793-1912POMERANIAN REVIEW 1MAY MORNING POMERANIANS CONGRATULATIONS TO THE BARTHOLOMEWS AND NEW CHAMPION MAY MORNING WEE RED PIXIEPixie Is A Social Lion DaughterPixies younger full brother has started his show career with Gloria SetmayerTopper is not crazy about the shows, but we hope to change his attitude as he is deserving of the title.This is T-BirdCh. May Morning Life of The PartySocial Lion sonSire of litter due the first week in January.Ex May Morning Social Whirl Caspers litter sisterSocial Lion daughterWe Have A Few Very Young Puppies, Too Early To Evaluate Them At Deadline Time But Should Know More When You Read small, short typey red sable male whelped 91581 May Morning Social Frolic ex May Morning Red Flare Moonwalker daughter two orange sable males, one light orange female whelped 101881 May Morning Social Frolic ex May Morning Snowflake Vino daughterone black male, one blue female whelped 101881May Morning Social Frolic ex May Morning Imogene Ch. G.E. Image daughter These are not for sale at present sable male, one red female, one sable female whelped 11481May Morning Double Or Nothing ex May Morning Orange Blossom Dubs is an inbred Moonwalker son, litter brother to TigerSOPHIE H. MAYES1574 Camp Linden Road215 793-1912West Chester, PA 1938018 POMERANIAN REVIEW STARLITE POMERANIANS Gayle L. GriffinPh 503 843-2151 - Congratulations, Norman, and your DavonShire Poms, on your Kennel Visit. DAVONSHIRE STARLITE GAMBLER- 'VWe are the proud new owners of Lenniss Midnight Delite, black male. He will help us with our blacks.Ch. Tar Baby son Thanks, Ann STARLITES LUCKY SHANTICY Daughter - Starlites Ramboling Fanticy15625 W. Perrydale Rd. Amity, OR 97101V .rvLucky Chance Daughters See July 81 Review STARLITES LUCKY FLAMEFlame has given us an adorable black female puppy, sired by Ch. Phyner Night Editor. She joins our other two Editor daughters.-yPOMERANIAN REVIEWGREAT ELMS KENNELS, REGD.Nothing for SaleMatrons picked up at Charlotte Airporte 'rCh. G.E. Timstopper Too Stud Fee 75Congratulations to Norman Jerome And His DavonShire PomsRuth L. BeamPh 704 889-9233P.O. Box 937 Pineville, N.C. 28134Collection ofPOMERANIAN REVIEWS2 -19693 -19714 -1972 4 -1973 1 -1974 3-1979 3 -19803.00 each postpaid or all for 50.Beulah HochstedlerRt. 2, Box 249 Kalona, Iowa 52247 Ph 319 656-3597CONGRATULATIONStoJulie BrumbackOn Her New Champion JULIES STAR ROSIECarolyn S. CritesRt. 1, Box 218-B Keyser, W. Va. 26726 304 788-2942 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club- will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional etails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will e published upon receipt of 15.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on file ith the Review, the charge is 9.50.H. WOODROSES DREAM O ERFECTIONrange Female reeder Clarice M. Oganeku wners Clarice Yvette Oganeku ianeohe, HICh. Reeves Buster Boy Rosewoods Little Don Juan Lucky Jole of Oakridge h. Woodroses Tuff Stuff SireCh. Van Hoozers Little Eddie Rosewood's Bit O Little Eddie Lucky Becky of Dicehaven Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ireiders Dreamer O Woodrose DamInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Joy of T-Town Creiders Miss Maggie1H. VARNEYS ZODIAC CAVALIERled Sable Male Ireeder Betty Varney wner Edna Girardot loral City, FLCh. Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Varneys Special CavalierCh. Cavys Sensational Conquest h. Varneys Cavalier Top Choice Sire Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Sunny One Zodiac Starlight StarbrightCh. Scotia Starlight Starbright Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ih. Cavys Sensational Conquest Dam Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Ch. Scotia Starlight Starbright Ch. Scotia Caviliers FantasyCH. BEV-NORS ALMOND FUDGERed Sable Male Breeder Beverly Norris Owners Betty Caton Beverly Norris Eureka, MOCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge SireCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy DamLenniss Tom Tom Brittons Little Miss Muffet Lenniss Spungold JulieCH. POMIRISH SQUIRTS FIZZOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Sally Baugniet Mishicot, WICh. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Macs Stardukes Gay BunnyAm. Can. Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil SquirtSire Roanokes Melanie Magic Ch. Varneys Bubbles Up, CD Scotia Rare Coins Lollypop Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Sissy of Lenette DamCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Jilltaras Anniversary Gift Jilltaras Sweet CharlotteViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWAM. CAN. CH. ANADORS DARK FANCYOrange Sable Female Breeder-Owner Ann Welshinger Superior, WICh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Scotia Caviliers Trails EndScotia TW Million Dollar Baby Can. Ch. Scotia Trails End Dark Folly Sire Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Scotia Robins Laywey Sweet Charity Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey Brochure Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Golden Moon Pomirish Little Matilda DamCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey BrochureCH. SILVER MEADOW UNDR COVR ANGELCream FemaleBreeder Jacquelyn KleinOwners Susan C. Inman Jacquelyn KleinBatavia, NYCh. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland SunflashHighlands Ristic Petite Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub SireCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Ch. Myway Dae DreamMyway Dawning Delightful Dae Mercers Tony Boy Nolans Lovn Gold Rocky O Denver Sissys Cream N Sugar Nolans Heather Holly Dragon DamCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Myway Misty Bayou Dragonfly Myway Misty DawnCH. SILVER MEADOWS PRINCESSOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, NYCh. May Morning Echo of Highland Ch. Sunwink of Highland Aristipretty of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger SireSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Lady TaffySilver Meadows Lady of Ken-Gay Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Doodad Silver Meadows Gamblin Queen DamCh. Models Son of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows KatydidCH. JULIES STAR ROSIEOrange FemaleBreeder-Owner Julie Brumback Harrisonburg, VACh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Julies Star Vega SireCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Julies Starlight Susan Julies Stardust Ande Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Mr. Roberts Models Tin Goddess Anwins Gingersnap Cookie DamDillons TikisAndora Gorgeous Black Shadow Dillions LadyCH. SILVER MEADOWS PEPR 0 LEGACYShaded Orange Male Breeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, NYCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy SireCh. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Little Miss WagBonners Sunfire Mischief Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae Cub Ch. Myway Dae Dream Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Dam Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows KatydidCH. SILVER MEADOWS STARMISTEROrange Sable Male Breeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein Silver Springs, NYCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist SireCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist Aristic Mighty Cute Ch. Bonners Prettystyle Preshus Oak Hill ThornOak Hills Crickett Silver Meadows Geraldine DamSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Gay Melody Gold Toys Gay Lil DollPOMERANIAN REVIEWH. MODELS GOLD MEMENTOed Orange Male reeder-Owner Bob Goodrich Hampton, VACh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber h. Models Mr. Roberts SireCh. Models Doctor Watson Models Tin Goddess Pomwin Betti Beth Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber h. Models Lil Julie DamCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Models MarleneCh. Models Magic SpellTHE MORE I SEE OF MEN, THE BETTER I LIKE DOGSMooreRolandCENTER SPREADWe are very pleased this issue to offer our readers a delightful Holiday Season bonus. The pictures for the center spread were submitted by Pat Fife of North Branch, Minnesota. Pat, an enthusiastic obedience supporter, never misses an opportunity to gain the most enjoyment from her Poms. The reindeer on page 33 is Juliet of Bonita, CD, and Santa is Hillroad Tiny Tyke, CDX, who weighs in at a whopping 2Vz lbs. Tyke is also the character cast as Holly Hobby in Drag on page 32, and is the rather ferocious- looking Pom in one of the pictures on that page. We have been assured that rather than doing an imitation of the MGM lion, Tyke is merely going one step beyond his customary smile.Pat and her Poms stand out as an example to us all to slow down and take the time to enjoy our dogs as the companions they were meant to be. Thanks, Pat, for sharing these treasures with us.MOE-BEST POMERANIANSVCongratulates ................................................His daughter, Ch. Moe-Best Miss Behaven, on her Best of Breed at Annapolis Kennel Club.His son, Silva Lades Midnite Madness, for going Winners Dog Best of Winners for 4 points at Carroll County Kennel Club.Good Luck......................................................Judy Grandt with her Chance daughter, Moe-Best Just Zany. Watch for her in the ring.Chance announces the arrival of his most recent kids October 22, 1981, a black and tan son, Shooter, and a red daughter, Sugar, out of Pomesto Cassandra, a black and tan triple on Image.Chance is a combination of Vt Great Elms, 3i Showstopper. He is consistently producing type and soundness as well as color.Terri Moebuis 1719 Manor Rd.Ph 301 284-3093 or 285-5477 Baltimore, MD 21222POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, REG.Tmrs\ 1SEXOPPOF sBEST r'K.CIOWACENTRAL1981SEPTPHOTOOLSONOfBEST...................CH. VARNEYS ZODIAC CAVALIERShown finishing at Central Iowa Kennel Club Show September 5, 1981, under judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett.See pedigree under Behind the New ChampionsPuppies Show Prospects PetsStud DogsEdna E. Girardot P.O. Box 646Ph 904 726-2001 Floral City, FL 32636POMERANIAN REVIEWmfiRvic pomsANNONS HUGGY BEAR FROM SCAMP, CD3 legs - first 3 consecutive shows9-19-81 Southern Maryland DTC of Forestville 1939-20-81 Hyattsville DTC 1894Highest Scoring Toy Novice A9-27-81 Old Dominion Kennel Club 19214Mary VickersPh 703 548-23463827 Milan Drive Alexandria, VA 22305POMERANIAN REVIEWw.s-Vfv.OBEDIENCENEWSbyEMMA HEYDE 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Annons Huggy Bear From Scamp is our newest CD Congratulations to his owner- trainer, Mary Vickers of Alexandria, VA. Mary has worked very hard with Huggy, and the scores they accomplished are really very good. His record follows Southern Maryland DTC, 193 this was September 19, 1981. On September 20 at Hyattsville DTC he scored 18914 and at Old Dominion KC at Reston, VA, he received 19214. Mary is constantly putting herself down as being responsible for losing points here and there. Dogs in obedience competition, she says, will keep the trainer humble. Incidentally, Huggy won a plaque at Hyattsville, DTC Trial for being Highest Scoring Toy inNovice AOn October 17 at Richmond, VA, Hugg had another victory. Mary writes Here Margaret McKees club she is offering stainless steel water bowl for Poms in classes both regular and non-regular. I months I have been kidding here abc mine, but sure enough he came through a won the water bowl-with competiti score here 181.The High in Trial dog at the Richmo trial was Lenniss Red Denim Levi, with score of 197, from the Novice B class. Lei is owned by Tamara Carrell of Roanoke, a they are already planning for the Gain Regionals at College Park, MD, in Ms Levi is ready for Open as soon as he ge two more Novice legs probably has them 1 now, and Huggy we hope is working ve hard-he should love Open and have litt trouble.Mary Vickers letters are very interestii and amusing, and we hope she will kei them coming, as we hope you Pom obedien people from all over will do. Please let hear from you.mcress Proudly Presents...4yM uU Gala, UD left and her daughter Viva, CDX, TD rightHappily owned byClaudia and Gary Frank1741 Griffith Ave.Wisconsin Rapids, WI 54494co hh z pa m g o hdPOMERANIAN REVIEWANNONS8QgCH.S Petersons Scamp of Lennis Annons Tan Tar Annons Lil Love from ScampProudly SaluteANNONS HUGGY BEAR from SCAMP, CDGood Heeling and Much Success in Open Mary and Huggy96ft Oats RING NOWAnnons Grand Finale Annons Valentina of Tar TanAnn CannonPh 703 368-134110504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, Va. 22123POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE INCENTIVEby Tammy CarrellWe all know that in order for any dog to work in obedience they must have some incentive. There are many approaches that give dogs incentive. Some trainers use food as a reward, others use praise only, others use tough corrections if a dog does not perform correctly. In any case, a dog will perform if he gets pleasant results for correct responses and unpleasant results for incorrect responses.I have just completed a C.D. title on a Pomeranian whose incentive to perform is a round of laughter and applause. After receiving so many compliments on such a fine and happy worker, I have tried to outline my approach to his training in hopes that there will be many other happy Poms following in his footsteps.On November 14, 1981, Lenniss Red Denim Levi, owned and trained by Tammy Carrell, finished his C.D. with scores of 196, 195 and 1992. These scores were good for two First places from the Novice B class, one High in Trial and a Dog World Award of Canine Distinction.My first step, of course, is extensive socialization. Many Toy dogs seem a little frightened of strange furniture, walls, floors-anything bigger than they are. And thats everythingI started lead breaking at ten weeks of age and practiced at shopping centers, schools, training classes, and friends houses. I let as many people as I could find pet not hold my Pom puppy. I walked on every type of flooring and exposed him to downtown traffic as well as mountain nature trails, all before he was four months old.When one is socializing a puppy, he mustbe careful to make all experiences good on One mistake many owners make is petti and coaxing a scared puppy. This transm to a puppy that he is being praised for acti frightened and it will encourage more fc of strange things in the future. A good vs to avoid producing a shy puppy is to ign .the fear, act completely normal, walk ai normal speed, praise the puppy a lot walking with you and encourage him to plore. Never hold him back or pull him up or away from strange surroundings strange people. This, of course, does not ply to lead breaking. If a puppy refuses walk, then drag him. Hell learn quid what those four tiny cat-paws are forMy next and most important step is ea training. Sit, stay, come and down can taught in a month if starting with a t week old puppy. The training is do playfully and gently, one step at a time use no leash or collar at this point in tra ing since it is done without distractions a probably on the living room floor. Using leash teaches a puppy that his owner is control, not the leash. I try to connect 1 training to myself rather than the leash.As soon as my puppy learned sit whi was no longer than two or three weeks made him sit on command in front of diences at shopping centers, schools, and the other places I did my lead breaking. T secret with a Pom puppy is that they are small and so cute that everyone is ve amazed that they are capable of sitting command. So, when my puppy sat, peoi made funny noises and laughed, and r puppy learned his most important lesson I do what Im asked to do, Im the center attention The more this lesson w repeated, the more conditioned he became loving to peform. So, I then took every n exercise he learned and did the same thir Letting him receive praise and attention n only from me, but also from everyone el around, turned him into a very willing ai happy worker.When one has a dog who enjoys doing ol dience, then 99 of all problems e countered can be solved easily.POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS CH. EMCEES CHIPS OF DIAMOND Subj. ARC Conf.pictured here at 8V2 months1981 was a good year for us We would like to thank all the judges who gave us our nice wins.The following were finished during the yearCh. Emcees Bernies Wendy Ch. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo Ch. Emcees Chips of DiamondCh. Hillsboros Golden Chip Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of TaraMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins PathwayPh 804 798-7882 Ashland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSJ', mAyaA jBEST OF WINNERSCATONSVILLE- HEEL CLUEI 981ASH8CCH. EMCEES CHIPS OF DIAMOND Subj. AKC Conf.Chip is shown taking his second major, which he acquired - along with 10 points - from the Puppy Class.A special THANKS to his handler, Maynard Wood, for showing him to his championship.CONGRATULATIONS to Rosalind Goltz, Jessie and Barbara Young on their new champion, Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil.Morris and Betty CarsonPh 804 798-78826208 Pochins PathwayAshland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSBEST OF BREEDHARRISBURG KENNEL CLUB1981ASHBErCH. MODELS GOLD MEMENTO G.M.Emcees Pomeranians wishes to congratulate Bob Goodrich on his recently finished champions, Models Gold Memento and Models Bit-O-Whiz, both of whom were expertly handled to their championship by Maynard Wood.Watch for two of G.M.s children in the show ring soonEmcees Sparkling Memento andEmcees Sparkling Miss ModelCh. Models Gold Memento x Emcees Sparkling Hot TamaleMorris and Betty CarsonPh 804 798-78826208 Pochins PathwayAshland, Va. 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWAS SEEN IN DOG WORLD, ARC GAZETTE, KENNEL REVIEWPOMERANIANCHAMPIONS1952-1981An Ideal Reference for Producers, Champions and LittermatesAll Champions and their sires and dams in the breed for the past twenty-nine years in America are listed in this book. Now, through the great demand, it can be offered to breeders.Champions are recorded in alphabetical order of the sire, as well as again in alphabetical order of the dams name for quick reference, and all are included whether they produced one or many more champions. All with registration andor stud book numbers.Intended as a reference to producers, champions and littermates, it is also a source for finding grand-getproduce in the breed and can be a valuable tool. This book will be treasured by all people interested in the breed.Not affiliated with the American Pomeranian Club APlease send me_________copy copies of POMERANIAN CHAMPIONS, 1952-1981,at 19.95 each plus 1.00 postage and handling.Enclosed is ______________________ .Name _______________________________ _____________________________________________Address__________________________________________________________________________CityState ______________________________________________________ ZipMail to Pata PublicationsP.O. Box 337 or phoneRio Linda, CA 95673 916 991-1475POMERANIAN REVIEWv e - y r vTF I i - .A' ., -t 9ihiXNTsV O oPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Hfarn 9^9 xPOMERANIAN REVIEWANADORS POMERANIANS Proudly IntroducesOur Fifth American and Sixth Canadian Champion4aV\\\N\NNERS6PVC^OSHKOSI^^^^w..AM. CAN. CH. ANADORS DARK FANCY Subj. AKC Conf.Can. Ch. Scotia Trails End Dark Folly x Pomirish Little MatildaSee pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsFancy pictured at 9 months winning her first major under judge Mrs. Leota Vandeventer. Thank you to Ed Klein for a 4-point major and to Mrs. Jean Fancy for a 3-point major.We especially thank the Canadian judges-Winifred Wartnow for Group I and 5 points from the Puppy Class, and Sally Bremner for Best Puppy in Show at 8 months.Inquiries answered on several linebred champion-sired puppies by Folly and Spunky.Ann and Gene WelshingerPh 715 399-2702Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 54880POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFULHINTSbyMARGARET McKEE 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225Last spring I finished my first CDX Pom. There were 5'2 years between the time she completed her CD and the CDX. After the excitement of it all died down, I asked myself, Why did it take so long Some answers were obvious. Shed taken time out for three litters. I had trained and shown other dogs to six titles. But the most important factor was-1 got discouraged. Its not hard to do, and Im obviously not alone in that boat. Each year, AKC awards approximately 10,000 CD degrees. Only 3,000 go on to finish the CDX, and only 500 make it to UD That means a lot of people get discouraged. Over and over again, judges have told me that Open is the heartbreak class, and, If you didnt have humility before, Open will teach it to you. So how do you avoid this pitfall and convince yourself that you and the wee beastie CAN do itThe best thing you can do is to join a group of active, enthusiastic trainers and exhibitors. That exhibiting part is important. Some groups seem to be doing a lot of training but not much showing. There should be somebody in the group who has experience in the advanced classes. You dont have to approve of the groups training techniques. Iliey can learn from you and you from them. It is their enthusiasm and support you want. You want people wholl go with you at six A.M. to practice at a different site. You want people who will help you build jumps or make scent articles. You want folks wholl cheer as your dog clears a jump, and provide those all-important distractions. You want people who can share your failures with heartfelt sympathy and share your successes with unfeigned joy.Well, suppose you live out in the boonies of Lower Slobovia and theres nobody elsetraining in obedience for fifty miles aroun There are still things you can do to kec your spirits up. Find a Pom obedience e thusiast you can correspond with. I have friend who is training a Kuvasz in Utilit Now, THATS rare there are no Kuva UDs-yet She writes to a gal in Californ who has attempted a UD with a Kuvasz ar they share miseries and triumphs. If yc know no one else, write to Emma Heyde i me.Go to shows and trials. Even if you nowhere near ready to show, being arour others who are is inspiring. Seek out tho showing Toy dogs and ask for advice.Go to seminars and clinics. A week-end a seminar doesnt cost much more than weekend of showing and is an excellent i vestment. Even if you learn only one thir new, its worth it. I attended a Max Parr seminar a year ago which really gave me boost. Talk your kennel club into giving sui a seminar. Properly planned, such even can make a nice profit.Subscribe to Front and Finish and Q Lead. The first is an obedience newspapc the latter an obedience magazine. There y will find articles on training techniques, a for seminars and clinics, and ads describii others accomplishments.But dont give up You can do it. As loi as you and your Pom are healthy, you ju need to hang in there, every day.The biggest problem for Poms in Open retrieving. I talked to several Pom traine last summer and fall There were FOUR pc pie, not including me, showing Poms he last fall, and invariably they asked how taught dumbbell work. Alas, I have i miracle answers. On Tiara, I did a lot fumbling around but finally reached t point where shed pick it up and bring back, but wouldnt voluntarily go out to t dumbbell. Convinced she knew what wanted, I resorted to force. Rather thi fumble awkwardly with her collar, Id gr the fur at the back of her neck and hurry h out to the dumbbell. It worked. She knew meant business. Of course, she was lavish praised when she brought it back. Soon s realized it could be fun, and was worki head up and tail up. She also knew I had correction available if she was slow or if s6 POMERANIAN REVIEWlidnt look for it in tall grass. This made her eliable.When I began training Gem in Open, I lecided to go a step farther and use the ear inch. This is not an easy technique to use on l dog with tiny ears and a huge coat Im ure Koehler never had a Pom. Gem is very ensitive, and the ear pressure succeeded [uickly. After we reached the stage of work- ng on a long line, I went back to grabbing he fur at the back of the neck rather than vaste time trying to find an ear. Is this ruel I think not. No more so than using a hoke collar for other corrections, and less so han nagging a dog to death. If you have any loubts, ask my dogs. Watch them in the ing. Do they slink and cower No, indeed, "hey are happy to do what I want and they mow theyll get praised and petted.One technique thats been a tremendous lelp across the board with all exercises is the ise of food rewards. What Shock, horror, leresy Okay, lets examine some of the .rguments against food. Its insulting to he dog. Hogwash My dogs are glad to be nsulted at any time. Its bribing the dog. logs have no sense of morals. They dont see ood as a bribe, but as a reward, just like pet- ing. A food-trained dog wont work unless ies hungry. Maybe, but mine are apparent- V hungry all the time. Certainly, I dont ake them in the ring after a full meal. Who oes Ive found that my food-trained dogs re MORE reliable and obedient outside the ing and around the house than before, "rankly, I cannot understand people who re quite willing to bait their dogs in the onformation ring, but think it is shameful o use food to train in obedience. Using food, ve gotten more precise heeling, straighter its and fronts, and an overall happier per- Drmance.One problem I had with Tiara was lagging, "ood helped dramatically with this. So did a echnique called binding, which Bernie Srown advises for puppies. You lean over h, my aching back, hold the leash firmly n line with your hip, no slack at all, and eel in this position, allowing the dog no listakes, until the dog catches on. It took "iara four days.I also used food to teach scent articles. Idtried almost everything else with no success. I did not try tying down all but the scented article, as this creates more problems. A friends Sheltie quickly learned that a sharp rap with his paw to the tie-down board caused the correct article to jump. Thus he only had to retrieve the one that moved. I held a piece of greasy bologna in my hand and scented the metal article with it. Then I put out the scented article with one unscented metal article. I gave her the command. If she brought back the wrong one I took it from her without comment and sent her back. If she brought the correct one, she got a bite of bologna and extravagant praise. Ah ha Thats something she understood. And she quickly figured out that she would have to use her nose. After that we slowly progressed by 1 adding more articles, 2 including leather articles, 3 switching from strong bologna to a milder soft-moist dog food, 4 scenting my hand with the food, then scenting article with my hand thus mixing my scent with food, 5 teaching turn and sit before sending, 6 keeping food scent off articles but still giving food for reward, 7 getting other people to scent other articles, 8 giving food only after the exercise is completed. When beginning a new step, I reduced the number of wrong articles to one, and gradually worked up again to eight, thus minimizing chances for error.As of this writing, Ive only heard from one other proud owner of a dual-titled Pomeranian. Hey, come on, I know youre out there. Please write or call.POMERANIAN REVIEW^Qoreno's PomeranianspresentsTHE JUDGES CHOICENi . RustyNowthats a puppyMore Than Just A Bit of Fluff1636 Claremont Dr., San Bruno, Calif. 94066 Ph 415 583-4973i.0i POMERANIAN REVIEWCAN. BDA. CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION Congratulates His Winning Kids in 81 ITS BEEN A VERY GOOD YEAR'Sr Tphoto by Heather Drope MarchioneCan. Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael Bell A multiple BIS winner from the puppy classes, and winner of APC Sweepstakes 1981.Can. Bda. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion Baxstrome Top Pom in Canada 1980-so far in 81, seven Group Firsts and one Best in Show Major pointed in U.S.Can. Ch. Maracaibos Liberty Belle BaxstromeFinished in Canada in just two weeks with a Group First and several placements.ChriscendoChristine D. and John E. HeartzP.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2POMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducing Our Newest Medallion Daughter CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CARLOTTAjt - vfiGROUP telTOT DOG CLUB OF HETIFOUHOLANDPHOTO BTRESELLCarlotta has this enviable record at just nine months of age1 All Breed Best in Show Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark1 Toy Dog Specialty Mrs. Michele Leathers Billings, pictured 10 Group Firsts 12 Best Puppy in ShowsChriscendcWdChristineD. and John E. HeartzP.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE TRIAL CHAMPION POMERANIANby Eleanore UhlandI3O.T.Ch. Uhlands Creme Puff Delight, owned by Eleanore Uhland, is the only Obedience Trial Champion Pomeranian in the United States.On August 18, 1979, at Buckhom Valley fennel Club, my dog Uhlands Creme Puff elight became the first Pomeranian Obe- ience Trial Champion. When Puff and I ood in the Open B ring and the judge anded me the First Place ribbon, the people aiting outside the ring exploded with leering. They knew that the win gave her lough points to finish her O.T.CH. I cant scribe the feeling I had, but I have to say lat there is nothing like it.In order for a dog to become an O.T.CH. it rst must receive a U.D. degree. After that, lints are accumulated from First and icond placings in Open B and Utility. The lints you receive are based on the number dogs showing in the class. You must earn 0 points with one First Place in Utility, le in Open B, and a third First from either ass-all under different judges. It is not an npossible task to finish a dog but AKC dnt intend it to be easy, either. At this me there are only nine O.T.CH. Toy dogs x Papillons, two Shih Tzu, and one Pom.My experience with obedience and the Ultimate Title has been very positive. I never dreamed of having such a good dog but pure luck gave me a good working, loyal dog and a great companion all wrapped up in one cream-colored body. We got Puff at the age of one year as a pet because we liked her personality. She was obedient from the start, never leaving the unfenced yard and always trying to please. She and I just sort of fell into obedience training and never quit. At the time we got Puff, I was working a 2'2-pound Pom-our first registered dog-because I wanted to obedience-train something. Dusty and Puff got their C.D.s at the same time and Dusty retired to the pillow at home. Puff and I went on because I enjoyed training, the shows, and especially the people in obedience.The road to the O.T.CH. was not always easy. Puff was easy to train and received good scores until we got to Utility. Utility or Futility, as we sometimes call it-was a total disaster. I made many mistakes inPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4 -----a.3i r rp\ 'F-Vf1 -POST SCRIPT presentsPOST SCRIPTS PRIME TIMESire Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Dam Post Scripts MelodyPictured at 5 MonthsILitters Expected ByEmcees Chips of Diamond x Silva Lade Fancy Flair Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Post Scripts MelodyRose Keller 1441 Trevanion Rd.Ph 301 876-3528 Taneytown, MD 21787training and Puff made many mistakes at shows. I put her in the ring before she was really ready she made errors, and I paid for it later. The more she goofed the more upset she became about the whole thing. It looked as though we were going to make a career of getting a U.D. Im sure I hold the record for most flunks in Utility. If I hadnt been so stubborn I probably would have quit but while she was flunking Utility she was winning in Open B, so I plugged away.When things began to look up, a new problem loomed. A serious thyroid deficiency caused Puffs back legs to weaken so that she couldnt jump. I was about to retire her when the thyroid problem was solved and her legs grew strong again. Finally, the training and ring problems were all solved and we got the coveted U.D. in Albuquerque.I never thought about the O.T.CH. when we competed. It was just fun to show Puff because she loved it so much. She worked her best if we had an audience, especially one that clapped. She was and is a ham-turned on by her fans. Even when she flunked Utility she never bored anyone.She did it wrongwith pizazz, usually so fast some peopl didnt notice she had failed. We often got t the last jump with a great score going whe she pulled the old There is no left jump i the ring I dont care what you say. Somehow, we became a team, and after w got the U.D. we qualified in both classc most of the time. The O.T. CH. points starte and before I realized it we had sevent points. From then on I hoped and fantasize and worked for the title. She finished wit eleven Firsts and three Seconds for a total c 103 points. She had nine High in Trials i her career. Puff was the second O.T.CH. i Colorado, following the magnificent O.T.CI Goldenloes Just Ducky, a Golden Retrieve There are now five O.T.CH. dogs in the stat and one more very close.Puff is almost ten now and enjoys guarc ing the home front. We work in Veteran Class and she keeps the other dogs in lin like a drill sergeant. I have trained two do since Puff but Im sure there will never t another one as good as she is. She is ver special to me.continued on page 62POMERANIAN REVIEW12RECOLLECTIONSbyDERIAL JACKSON 752 Albion Road Columbia, SC 29205Ch. Eastney Sable Dandy Dixielands Dandy Gold Rossmoyne BuntyCh. Dixieland's Shining Gold SireCh. Pomwins Little Onederful Dixielands Golden Fantasy Pomwin Admiree Ch. Little TimstopperCh. Sealand Moneybox Ch. Moneybox Gold Coin Little Lady Lenora Borgs Gold Coin Sable Queen Dam Ch. Moneybox Currency Princess Orange Blossom Sahibs Lady OrinaCh. Moneybox Currency and Ch. doneybox Gold Coin were great winners, ach taking Best in Show several times. Gold loin was a pure golden orange, a color that ilrs. Matta favored, though she had many able, red, and black champions. He was a ery sound, heavy-coated dog as were all ofIh. Moneybox Currency, a son of Ch. Sealand Moneybox and a Best in Show winner, was bred ind owned by Mrs. Vincent Matta. Photo ourtesy of Derial Jackson.Mrs. Mattas. Her dogs were famous for their coats. People would ask how she managed this and she would say, keep them well-fed and groomed, but the real secret was breeding. Gold Coin was shown as a brace with his grandsire, Ch. Little Sahib, even though Sahib was quite old see picture, April 81 issue. Currency was an orange sable like his sire, Ch. Sealand Moneybox, but not as intense a color-more orange than red-gold. He was an extremely well-balanced dog, as near perfect as you can get. To me, he was probably the best Pomeranian I have ever seen.Ch. Sealand Career, sire of Ch. Little Sahib, bred by Mrs. Henshaw of Sealand Kennels and imported by Miss Viola Procter. Photo courtesy of Derial Jackson.Mrs. Mattas kennel now consisted largely of stock from Moneybox and Sahib and was consequently becoming very inbred. A very fortuitous thing happened. She found Dixielands Shining Gold, which was a compatible outcross. He was bred by Mrs. Margaret Tankesley, whose kennel has produced so many excellent dogs. Mrs. Matta showed him quickly to his title. He was Best of Breed at the Westminster. She then retired him to stud. He, too, was a golden orange that Mrs. Matta liked so much-very short, good conformation and movement. His head was extremely good and he had a wonderful foxy Pom expression-a really beautiful dog. He passed these good qualities on to his get.He was homebred Dixieland on both sidesPOMERANIAN REVIEWand traced back to Pomwin and Eastney lines. The Pomwin Kennels belonged to Mrs. Ethel Unwin and produced many top dogs. Ch. Pomwin Little Onederful was by Ch. Eastney Little Onederful, also owned by Mrs. Unwin. He was a son of Ch. Sunblaze of Dara, which like Ch. Woodfield Diamond King, goes back to Ch. Flashaway of Dara. The Dara stock was behind Ch. Little Rajah also. Eastney Kennels were owned by Kitty Carlin and operated on both sides of the Atlantic with champions in England, the U.S. and Canada. Two pictures of Shining Gold appear in the Anniversary issue of the Review, though neither do him justice.Ch. Eastney Little Onederful, owned by Mrs. Ethel Unwin. Photo courtesy of Derial Jackson.When bred to the Moneybox stock, Shining Gold sired some of the best winners of the time. The first was Ch. Little Timsun Tim was Shining Golds kennel name. Mrs. Matta considered him the best of the Tims, but others, including me, dont agree. It doesnt matter, though, since they were all outstanding. Timsun was a Best in Show winner but unfortunately died young. The next was probably the most famous, Ch. Little Timstopper, an orange like Timsun and Shining Gold. He was a tremendous winner, two Best in Shows, Best Toy at the Westminster and Morris and Essex then Americas largest show. He was also a great sire. Then came Ch. Little Tims Chipper, an orange sable and my favorite. Like the others, he had a marvelous coat, good color,Ch. Little Timstopper, bred by Mrs. Vincei Matta and owned by Mr. and Mrs. Jam Austin. Photo courtesy of Derial Jackson.action and conformation, and one of the bes heads Ive ever seen. To me, he was perfe tion itself. Timstoppers son, Ch. Littl Timstoppers Teeco, was also a great winne All of these dogs were Best in Show winnei in the stiff Eastern Circuit. All four of thes dogs were owned by Mrs. James Austii whose Catawba Pekingese were well-know Her husband owned the famous Ch. Norna Saddler, a smooth Fox Terrier, which wa one of the greatest all-breed winners of a time. Mrs. Matta kept the dogs, showed an bred them. I dont think any of them actua ly ever left her kennel.Some readers may wonder why I thini these dogs Ive mentioned in three column are so important. What bearing do the have on the Pomeranians of today Wooc field Diamond King, Flashaway of Dara Woodfield MayKing, Sealand Career Sealand Moneybox, Little Rajah, Littl Sahib, Moneybox Gold Coin, Moneybo Currency, Little Timsun, Little Timstoppe Little Timstoppers Teeco. Some or all o these dogs are back of your Poms if your are descended from the following studf Ch. Dromore Bombardier, Ch. Aristic We Pepper Pod, Ch. Great Elms Little Timstoj per, Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier, Ch. Corns Duk Dragonfly, Ch. Riders Sparklin Gol4 POMERANIAN REVIEWlugget and Ch. Models Son of Fun. There re others, too. Also, the English dogs of to- ay nearly all go back to Diamond King and 'lashaway of Dara.j "SIh. Perfection of Emrose Hill, owned by Mrs. Lndrew W. Rose, shown by Mrs. Vincent Matta. hoto courtesy of Derial Jackson.CHINOOKWINDS KENNEL, Reg.Sends Belated Congratulations and Continued Success toCHRIS HEARTZand AH the Poms at Chriscendo Kennel on theirOctober Kennel Visit.Ann FultonBox 226 Guy, Alberta Canada TOH 1YO Ph 403 925-23163UCh. Perfect Girl of Chasmont, bred by Chas- mont Kennels. Photo courtesy of Ann Welshinger.Both Derial Jackson and Ruth Beam have identified the above Pom as Ch. Perfect Girl of Chasmont, a great winner in her time, according to Mr. Jackson. She was purchased from Chasmont Kennels by Mrs. Vincent Matta and later sold to Mrs. Gladys Schoenberg. Mr. Jackson does not believe she was ever bred.For the next issue, can anyone identify this Pom He was not a great winner nor even a champion, but his name will be widely recognized as the sire of one of our all- time greats.--------pjf4POMERANIAN REVIEW 4dPOLLoeneProudly PresentsAPOLLOETTE FOOLISH PLEASUREZack-V3I _____Zack is shown going Winners Dog from the Puppy Class at 6V2 months of age for a 4-point major under judge Tom Stevenson at Sahuaro State Kennel Club Show.Zack also went Best of Winners for 2 points at Mensona Kennel Club Show, November 8, under judge Mrs. Ann Stevenson.Congratulations to Julie Moreno on finishing Morenos Critics Choice Smokey.Special thanks to Lorene Bradbury of Jubilee Kennels for letting us have such a special Pom. Also to Dudley and Wanda Roach for always being there to answer our many questions and in giving us such sound advice and encouragement.Marlene and Marlin PresserP.O. Box 3357 Chico, CA 95927Inquiries InvitedPh 916 891-684616 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEV-NOR POMS Number 1 Pomeranian for 1981 CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE Toasty Owned by Edward B. Jenner and Beverly Norris Exclusively Handled by Susan Fisheri,\ W981Congratulations to our other Best in Show puppy for 1981CH. BEV-NORS ALMOND FUDGE Toastys brotherOwned by Betty Caton and Beverly NorrisToasty has two new sisters, 4 months old and looking good.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow RoadPh 301 255-1343 Pasadena, MD 21122POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Olga Baker207 Shlrleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586Our members have been having a terrific time with matches, dog shows, new dog-type acquisitions, new breedings, new litters. Pomeranian activities have never been more at a peak than now. Our great members continuously demonstrate enthusiasm for our breed, having fun and excitement promoting the breed. We enjoy a special advantage unique among breed clubs-our members truly like one another The Houston Club is blessed with very limited club and membership problems, a situation for which no one can take credit. Just one of those excellent dog environments prevailing here that we really treasure We have members working together, traveling together, showing together, competing with one another, sharing everything, with dissension extremely rare and quite fleeting when it does occur. We not only enjoy fellow members, but honest-to-goodness good friends I sometimes feel that when one member is pinched, the others HOLLERSome wonderful Pomeranian stars have recently left us, leaving painful gaps in our worlds. Death has taken Tom and Norma ORourkes precious Ch. Tonos Just Call Me Mister, an angel of a Pom, a Best-in-Show dog and a much admired and appreciated little dog. Mister was quite old and lived all his days right with Tom and Norma and leaves an excellent legacy to our breed.Another marvelous little man, Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae, died recently after many happy years with owners Molly and Linda Miller. Celou was also a big-winning dog, a much-admired dog in the ring and a sire of notoriety. He also will be long rememberd for his contributions and his darling independent ways.A beautiful, exciting and quite young little creature had only recently come to the Houston area, Ch. Randys Gentle Jim of Jolly Wee, owned by Tim and Sue Goddard. Jim was a full brother to the beautiful little Hotshot, owned by Randy Freeh of California. We had the pleasure of having him visit in our home for a few weeks during the Goddards transitional move-time. I even sneaked in a few opportunities to take himinto the ring. He was one of those dogs evo ing oohs and aaahs from viewers-tin typey, hairy and sweet. Unfortunately, premature loss of some front teeth preclud a lengthy specials career, but many of us this area had betrothed some of our gir to him already and will suffer from this u timely premature death.We like to share experiences and some our members have had some really bizar situations develop recently. Glenda ar John Womack, some very special har working members, had a female who delay productive labor, resulting in Caesaric delivery performed to salvage the valuab litter. Only one fat baby boy resulte perfect in every respect, but the poor litt guy had surgery performed on him at birl inadvertently, of course. Weve heard various birth traumas, little nicks, etc., bi this was quite a sight to see. The attendir veterinarian zeroed in on moms tumn with the scalpel and cut not only into tl uterine wall, but right into the little guy BACK, for Petes sake The Womacks told i of this and we were surprised until meeting a few days later where we saw tl long ugly gash, possibly two inches lor down the middle of his back-and on Pomeranian puppy, that is BIG. We had r idea of the magnitude of the error The litt lamb even had several stitches to close tl wound. Matter of fact, the Womacks ai calling him Stitches. The veterinarian cai not be blamed terribly. It was obviously a honest mistake, but quite a big cut on a tir baby. I dont know whether this event is a that newsworthy, but we are no speculating as to whether or not this wi leave an ugly scar or whether hair will gro across the scar. Weve observed cuts, nick wounds, scratches, skin problems, etc where Pom skin was involved and know usually grows back nicely. However, on brand new baby like that, I dont know if tl hair will return. It will be interesting to seAnother beautiful and Pomeraniai dedicated couple in our club, David and Bol bie Gibson, recently experienced some typ of unusual infection that developed in a liPOMERANIAN REVIEWr of Pom babies. In typical Gibson man- er, they did absolutely everything right to ive the babies, keep them strong, etc. These ice people are extraordinarily good to their ogs and give superb care, so they followed eterinary advice, medicating with I think enicillin-some type of antibiotic, anyway. Tie vet administered it, saved all babies, but ne baby developed right at the injection site . completely white patch of hair, possibly wo inches in diameter in the middle of its iack Snow white in the middle of beautiful range Pom-color Obviously the pigment in he area of the injection did some trick. Veve no idea as to the lasting nature of this nalady. Has anyone else ever heard of suchan unusual thingElection of officers for our Houston Pom Club was held on October 30, with the following new workers elected for 1982President...................................Darrell BakerVice President.......................Roxie CampbellSecretary.......................................Tony TellezTreasurer..................................Bobbie GibsonBoard Members.................Carolyn Crockett,Erika Moreau, George West Congratulations and best wishes to these nice folks who have agreed to lead us in the coming year. They all have what it takes to keep the rest of us drones in line and active toward continued Club success. Smile a lot, and MEAN itKENOSHA COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUBby Carmen Glander1519 North Ave. Round Lake Beach, IL 60073I have been quite busy since our last col- imn was written. School has started for the Lids as well as for this mom. Unfortunately, [ havent been getting to very many shows, either. On September 6,1 finished Marcars Sugar N Spice at the Kenosha Kennel Club Show. Of course she blew her coat so Ill have to wait to special her. The only show I have gone to since September is the Chicago International. I am planning to go to the Goldcoast show on December 13 with a new little bitch I am quite excited about.We had our September 18 meeting at our Awards Dinner. We had a pretty nice turnout and everyone had a good time. Our Awards Chairwoman, Judy Zurkowski, did a real nice job with the presentation and awards. Everyone brought gifts that were raffled off by Nadine Hersil. The dinner was delicious and so was the atmosphere.It is that time of the year again for payment of dues and the election of officers. This years new officers arePresident........................................ErieOertleFirst Vice Pres.....................Ellard SchwiegerSecond Vice Pres....................Sally BaugnietRecording Sec......................Carmen GlanderCorresponding Sec........................Joni OertleTreasurer...................................Elinor LuccasThanksgiving is almost upon us, along with Christmas. This year our club has decided that since it is always so busy atChristmastime for everyone, we would try something new for our clubs get-together. We are going to gather at the Luccas house November 28. That way its early enough not to interfere too much with the Holidays and still be close enough to have the Christmas spirit.With all the new vaccines for parvo, the dreaded parvo seemed to be getting somewhat under control. Yet from time to time it still seems to flair up. The other day I stopped at a friends house to pick up a cage and found that parvo had hit her house. Unfortunately, she might lose a pick of the litter. She told me that the vet had said once you have had a dog that has had parvo it is still contagious for some time later.I recently bred my two champion bitches and although they were vaccinated for parvo not too long ago, I thought I would be smart and have them vaccinated once more before breeding. Our vet told us not to vaccinate the bitches when they are in season because the vaccine seems to have an effect on their getting pregnant. These are new pieces of information to me that I thought I would pass on in case some of you did not know of this, either. Maybe some of you have other info to pass on to us if so, let us know.Hope you all have had a Happy Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year. See you in 1982.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4K1 E EN NR NrU eLProudly Presents Another Champion for 1981.....i.BEST WINNERSOFCH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD OF JABILShown finishing owner-handled with a 4-point major under judge Dr. Leon Seligman.Morris other wins include several Best of Breed over specials and a Group Threeat Naugatuck.A special Thank You to Betty and Morris Carson for breeding this Super dog. Also, my most sincere gratitude to co-owners Jessie and Barbara Young for sharing Morris with me.FLASH Also finished Ch. Penrus Fancy Free of Caldoak, C.D. with back-to-back majors at Queensboro and Progressive.Rosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Rd.Ph 914 725-5159 Scarsdale, N.Y. 10583POMERANIAN REVIEWICORRECTIONS IN OBEDIENCEby Merle RookWhen I said drag your Pom in the last ssue, I could feel some of you cringe all the ay to the Indian Territory. It is very dif- icult to explain in words the type of correc- ions that should be used. As the old saying oes, a picture is worth a thousand words so t is that a demonstration is better than a housand written words.The first thing everyone must do before hey begin any form of training is to know heir dogs. Some dogs can take anything you an dish out while others crumple at a harsh rord. Most Poms can take just about any ind of correction that is adapted to their ize and that is the key word-adapted, laturally, you cannot correct any Toy breed n the same manner that you would a [uvasz or a St. Bernard. In most cases, a lick of the wrist is enough of a correction for . Toy.Some obedience opponents have said that .ny form of forced training is cruel. They do lot, however, think it is cruel to insist that a log submit to brushing, nail trimming, teeth .nd ear cleaning, etc., yet they are forcing he dog to submit therefore, it is forced raining. Beginning obedience training is no nore than insisting that your dog submit to he lead and walk beside you. I am sure some if you had difficulty getting your Poms to ait for the breed ring-maybe you didnt all it dragging, but pulling it along on the ead amounts to the same thing.I begin my obedience training in the most entle manner possible however, I am firm, f, after a reasonable length of time, the dog till refuses to do the exercise, my correc- ions become less gentle, although never larsh. A swift, firm correction is less likely o damage the psyche of a dog than those onstant nagging corrections that dont ac- omplish a thing except to make the dog ebellious and eventually ignore any kind of orrection.I never make a harsh correction until I am ure that my dog knows what is expected of t and, again, by harsh, I mean a correction hat is adapted to the size of the dog. A flick .cross the nose with two fingers is harsh mough to impress upon the dog that it mustgo down on command. I am a great one for pulling hair on Poms. For the most part it is next to impossible to find the collar quickly enough to make an effective correction. However, a little tuft of hair just under the chin works wonders. I also use hair on the larger dogs but it is a larger tuft and a harder pull.I also use the ear pinch if necessary for the retrieve. However, I do not pierce the ear. I heard a lady at one show say that Bill Koehler advocates pinching the ear for seven days whether the dog needs it or not. Of course, that is ridiculous and that is why it is so difficult to put corrections into words. Everyone interprets the written word differently.I use the Toy pinch collar on the Poms for two reasons. First, it is much easier on the coat. It does not cut or wear away the hair. Second, you make absolutely no corrections yourself. If the dog gets out of place in the heeling, it makes its own corrections and soon knows where the proper heel position is.The best kinds of corrections are those that are made with common sense. Read all you can-listen to everything you hear-try those methods that make sense to you. If it works, use it, if it doesnt, discard it and try something else. Dont let any so-called expert insist that you do something with your dog that you know will either upset it or that you can see no intelligent reason for doing. Too many people will take something out of context, decide it is the gospel and must be used on all dogs. Dont follow anyone blindly.Use your head and then use your lead.ARTICLES NEEDEDSincere thanks to everyone who took the time to send obedience articles for this issue.With a future editor for the Review still undetermined, we must once again ask our readers to submit articles for April. Since that issue is sent to over 200 judges licensed for Poms, please help make it a successful and interesting one.POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMIRISH KENNELSPomeranians Norwich TerriersOur Twentieth Homebred ChampionV-3'mOfCH. POMIRISH SQUIRTS FIZZ Subj. AKC Conf.Dam of Ch. Pomirish Robins Gin Fizzfor sale by Jackie LiddlePedigree in Behind the New ChampionsVery Promising Puppies Available Duke and Great ElmsDick and Sally Baugniet11224 Co. Hwy. B Mishicot, WI 54228 Ph 414 755-2994POMERANIAN REVIEW12WOODROSE POMERANIANSProudly Presents-ft-JOBWt 7. CtfdCH. WOODROSES DREAM O PERFECTIONJudge Mrs. Keke Blumberg Owner-Handler Yvette OganekuPuddin finished her championship on September 27,1981, at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Association all-breed show. She is our fourth homebred champion and we are very proud of this accomplishment. See pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Congratulations to Ellen and Art Takayama on finishing Woodroses Shadow Dancer. He had a beautiful finish by taking the Toy Group. Shadow is our fifth homebred champion. Well done, Ellen and ArtWe take this time to thank Morris and Betty Carson for letting us have Snuffy, Emcees Chip of Distinction pointed. He is a beautifully bred male and will be a great addition to our breeding program.We also want to thank Norma Creider for letting our daughter, Yvette, have Creiders Classi Chassi. You will be hearing more about her in the future.Clarice and Stanley Oganeku Kaneohe, HI 9674445-232 Lilipuna Rd. Ph 808 247-5332POMERANIAN REVIEWIt Is With Great Pride ThatQAwtage^PomeiawiawspresentsOur First ChampionCH. WOODROSES SHADOW DANCERSubj. ARC Conf.Ch. Creiders Bold Venture x Creiders Amy of ShadowdanceShadow completed his championship with a flair by winning Toy Group I at the Orchid Island Dog Fanciers Show on October 4, 1981, under judge James Trullinger. He was capably handled by our friend, Bradley Odagiri.We would like to thank Stanley, Clarice and Yvette Oganeku of Woodrose Pomeranians for letting us have this fine dog. Shadow is the fifth champion bred by Woodrose Kennels.Congratulations to Woodroses Dream of Perfection on completing her championship at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Show on September 27, 1981.Arthur and Ellen Takayama 94-577 Holaniku St.Ph 808 623-1773 Mililani, HI 9678914 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWESTREPORTbyMRS. SALLY BAUGNIET 11224 County Hwy. B Mlschicot, Wl 54228Wisconsins first cluster shows are being ilanned, back to back with the Des Moines luster in September 1982. This includes the es Moines Pom Clubs Specialty Show. We ire also planning a seminar in obedience tnd conformation and possibly an eye clinic. _ots of work is involved in the planning. We lave been getting back from meetings at 00 A.M. Why not take a vacation in September and join us in our cluster shows ind seminars All judging and grooming will be inside. Lots of room for motorhomes md camper hookups. We are planning special entertainment. Try it, youll like itI received a letter from Rose and John Jansen. They ask that I let you know the rood news. They finished Highviews Moon Jlow in the states, then took her up to Janada and came home with five points, a Jroup Third and a Group Fourth. Rose vants everyone to know they did not quit showing. Finishing a Pom sure does give a nerson the boost to want to start showing mother Pom. Pretty soon dog shows are in our blood and you cant stop Canadian dog shows are fun. If you have never tried them, vhy not give it a try Ann Welshinger and I loth have finished champions in Canada, rhey have several things different from our shows. One thing that I would like to see AKC adopt is giving points for Group placements. In Canada, points are given for lefeating a specified number of dogs in the Croup, not just for a First in Group, but also i second, third or fourth Group placement. AKC seems to be changing for the better, slowly but surely. Maybe some day they will effect this change. It is certainly a well- ieserved one.Elisabeth Spillman wrote from Sweden to tell us that Am. Ch. Pomirish Sports Swedish Lady earned her first certificate ofs mthe three needed for a Swedish champion in her first Swedish show, going Best of Breed over an English import male, a Swedish champion male and a Best-in-Show winning female under a Canadian judge. Congratulations, Elisabeth, from across the ocean.I have seen articles written about breeders who do not reply to inquiries from people who write to them. I have not read much about breeders complaints about those who inquire. How many breeders have replied to inquiries about puppies or adults they have offered for sale and not been given the courtesy of a reply from the inquirer as to whether or not they are interested The lack of the inquirers reply encourages the breeder to not reply when what is asked for is not available. There is really no excuse for either of these conditions to exist, but the prospective buyer must share some of the responsibility also. I had received a letter from someone wanting to know ALL ABOUT the Norwich Terrier. Not having time to write them a book, I referred them to publications offered by the National Club. Some requests are impossible.Have you had someone interested in a Pom make arrangements to meet you at a show so you can save them hundreds of miles to your kennel and have them not show up with no advance notice If the breeder makes that extra effort to save a prospective buyer a trip, the least the buyer could do is to notify the breeder if he is unable to be there.I have had breeders tell me about people who have requested pictures and pedigrees and not return them when requested to do so. It is not easy for some people to take good pictures of their dogs. Many times a roll of film is used before one picture is good. The prospective buyer has a duty to return them when asked to do so.Just a little courtesy is suggested for the prospective buyer. Many breeders are very thoughtful of the prospective buyers needs. We hope the thoughtfulness works the other way, too.THE DEADLINE FOR APRIL IS FEBRUARY 15thPOMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS VIEWSbyERIN HUNDLEY 19101 -67th Street S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290Golden Glow Poms have been a familiar sight in the winners circle for many years. Sally and Vance have bred and shown innumerable winners. Now a new name goes up with the old ones-Golden Glow Im a Warrior, handled by his best friend, Alicia Bauer. TimTim was awarded Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed from the classes, by judge Mr.William Kendrick, over specials including one Best-in-Show winner. He later was given Group First. The show was the Olympia Dog Fanciers Association, Inc., Sunday, October 11, 1981. Best of Opposite Sex went to Winners Bitch, Tiffanys Star of India, who was bred by Helen Krafcik. Indie is now owned and shown by Irene Harbin.At the Sammamish Kennel Club Show, August 23, judge Mr. James Cavallaro gave Best of Breed to Winners Dog, Andrews Laddies Trailblazer, who is owned and bred by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews and shown by Clyde. No females were shown.Another area breeder-exhibitor has earned special notice. AKC has added Pomeranians to the breeds that Mary Rosenbaum is licensed to judge. Mary has an excellent reputation as a breeder and judge of Brittany Spaniels. Breeding and showing Pomeranians also are an important part of her life. She and her husband Byrl live with their two sons on a mini-ranch of two acres in Federal Way. When they are not busy working and caring for their dogs they raise show horses. Its always the busiest people who do the most.The Columbia Pomeranian Club is preparing for their Winter Specialty, which as usual is being held in conjunction with the Portland Kennel Club Benched Show, December 6, 1981. We in the Northwest enjoy this show especially because it gives us a better opportunity to get to know oneanother and to see all the lovely Poms tha are shown.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club is stil active and working toward AKC approva for an A match. We are often asked why i is taking so long. Many things have cor tributed to the delay. The major problem, at cording to AKC, is lack of membership. W have had a certain turnover. Some of ou original members have retired fron breeding and exhibiting. Some have move away, some have just become bored. Its call ed Dog Club Ennui.As the economy of the Seattle area i, dominated by a large company, people seen to come and go as this company expands o declines. The loss of a large contract cause cutbacks, not only there, but in all in dustries which serve the public. Many peopli simply have to move away to survive. Aftei the last major cutback, it was so bad tha' billboards displayed signs which read, Wil the last one to leave, please turn out th lights.Another problem unique to this area is th geography. Our beautiful mountain range and large bodies of water, which stretch foi miles north and south, confine our popula tion into a narrow strip of land. Downtowr Seattle, at its narrow point, is two miles wide, and is squeezed in between Pugel Sound and twenty mile-long Lake Wash ington. The city bulges out to a whopping eighteen miles wide at the north and south ends of the lake. Our two lake bridges arc the scenes of mammoth traffic jams during rash hours, but do extend the populated area into Bellevue, Kirkland, Bothel and Renton, which are again confined to a north-south strip of land by another large body of water, Lake Sammamish. East of that is the Cascade range of mountains.Bremerton and Port Orchard lie seemingly nearby to the West, but because of Puget Sound are really many miles away by car or ferry. Tacoma is thirty-seven miles to the south Everett is thirty-four miles to the north. What has this to do with membership in a dog club Lots, when you are trying to meet AKCs 30-mile limit. A 30-mile circle is one thing, and encompasses many people. Acontinued on page 6156 POMERANIAN REVIEWSiieicWeadousProudly Announcing Three New ChampionsmXT'__CH. SILVER MEADOWS STARMISTER5 lb. orange-sable son of Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist. Heavy stand-off coat of correct texture. Darling face and outstanding temperament. Proven stud.See pedigrees in Behind the New Champions.CH. SILVER MEADOWS PRINCESS5 lb. orange bitch, very sound proven free-whelper. Another champion daughter to dear old Ch. Tigers credit.Ron and Jackie KleinPh 716 237-54734136 West Lake Rd. Silver Springs, N.Y. 14550POMERANIAN REVIEW2ifietdtaadousAnd Presenting Our Brightest StarCH. SILVER MEADOWS PEPR 0 LEGACY4'2 lb. shaded orange, very cobby, very sound. Heavy-boned and extremely typey. Proven stud.Be sure to check his fantastic pedigree.For Sale To serious show home only. Year-old daughter of Ch. Pepr. Becky is 4'2 lbs., clear orange, a very sound and pretty little girl.Also - a few younger puppies. Write for current evaluation.Please specify your needs.We also send congratulations and appreciation to our friends and their new championsSkip Piazza andCh. Silver Meadows Happy TalkSue Inman andCh. Silver Meadows Undr Covr AngelRon and Jackie KleinPh 716237-54734136 West Lake Rd. Silver Springs, N. Y. 1455058 POMERANIAN REVIEWLENNIS POMERANIANS PRESENTStLENNIS RAIN MAKER 4 Vi lb. StormieSired by Lennis Tar Sons Image Stormie is now with his handler, Marlene Scott HalseyWe have a few excellent puppies we are keeping and will let some of them go when this ad comes out. By then they will be 5-7 months of age. We will also have a few males that are sound, have good coats and will make good studs. They will range from 5-7 months.We also expect to have puppies 5-8 weeks of age. Almost all of the puppies we have for sale are Great Elms bloodlines. Some have Eng., Scotia, Cavilier. Colors are red, orange, sable, black tan, black, blue.A Big Thank You to Ruth Beam for our New BoyLennis Great Elms Tim TopperLennis RainesRt. 2, Box 223 Morristown, Tenn. 37814POMERANIAN REVIEW 5SLENNIS POMERANIANSW W1mCh. Shirwoods Golden NuggetxLennis Red AmberWe wanted you to see a few of the puppies we are getting from Nugget. We couldnt be more pleased with type, quality, soundness and coat. These are sold but we will have more by the time you read this. Most of the bitches Nugget was bred to are by Ch. Lenniss Tequila Sunrise, Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms, or all Great Elms bitches.Nuggets owner is our good friend, George W. Hand III, and his breeder is Shirley M. Renner. Nuggest is at stud here to approved bitches. Stud fee on request.Lennis RainesRt. 2, Box 223 Morristown, Tenn. 37814o POMERANIAN REVIEWK REBEL REPORTbyJANE E. JOHNSTON 3429 Oak View Drive Lakeland, FL 33803The January Circuit here in Florida is fast ipproaching. We are promised warmer- chan-normal temperatures in January and February, so hope this will be an added incentive for everyone to come down and show their Poms and, at the same time, enjoy the nice weather.Ken and Eleanor Miller were planning a trip to Ohio in September so thought it might be a good opportunity to stop inLouisville for the Labor Day show and introduce their nine-month old Millamors Trade Mark to the show ring. This proved to be a wise decision, as he garnered a Group Third. Trade Mark repeated this win at the Jupiter Beach show on October 25. Looks as if he will follow in the footsteps of his older brother, Millamors Mark Reflection, owned by Ron Feyh of Columbus, Ohio. MR. finished his championship in Delaware, Ohio, on October 25.Read someplace a few days ago that pets are believed to be wonderful therapy for older people, which brought to mind an incident several years ago. My mother was in a nursing home and, on Christmas Day, I put a little green and white sweater and cap on our little Sissy and took her up there with me. Will never forget the response of the patients. Really felt it had made their day. And, of course, Sissy enjoyed it tooStart making your plans now for JanuaryBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBby Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301A grand little gentleman passed away in October. Ch. Topaze Lucky Little Toto had been the constant companion of Mrs. Bertha Yeaton for all of his 1214 years. Bred by Francis and Mary Casey, Toto was Winners Dog at the APC Specialty in February, 1971. Bertha, a teacher, brought Toto into her classroom when he was three months old, and he helped her teach her children from that time on. When Bertha retired a few years ago, she and Toto moved to Auburn, Maine, where they enjoyed the quiet life together. Toto was an enthusiastic demonstrator for the New England Dog Training Club, although he was a bit too independent to behave in the obedience ring. To round off his show career, Toto and Berthas granddaughter competed in Junior Showmanship together, an area where Poms are too seldom seen. We extend our sympathy to Bertha, whose life is a great deal richer for having been loved by Toto.Ch. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil, eo-ownedby Jessie and Barbara Young and Rosalind Goltz, finished his championship at the Ramapo Kennel Club Show in October. Morris is handled by Rosalind, who will also be showing him obedience.Weather permitting, there should be a number of BCPC members in attendance at the February APC Specialty. New England winters always keep plans up in the air until the last minute.REMINDERThose Club members wanting a Club certificate for champions and obedience titles confirmed in 1981, please submit your name as owner, dogs name and month published in the Gazette to Sally Baugniet BEFORE Feb. 1, 1982.THE APRIL COVER IS AVAILABLEPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6CIRCULATIONMANAGERJUDY L. BLOCKER 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION14.00 Yearly by Third Class MailCanada. Mexico Foreign 15.00AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.MEMBER S SUBSCRIPTION RATE10.00 Yearly by Third Class Mail.FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 2.25 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.Back IssuesAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681971 Jan. 40, April 35, July 11Available at 1.50 Each1973 April 72, July 31974 July 771975 Jan. 70, April 1, July 4, Oct. 101976 Jan. 115, April 61, July 9, Oct. 27Available at 2.00 Each1977 Jan. 6, July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 36, Oct. 121979 Jan. 5Available at 3.50 each1979 Nov.1980 Feb. 100, July 170, Oct. 1401981 Jan. 100, July 130, Oct. 100CHERIDELHome of Family Member Poms Puppies Expected Dec.-Jan.Great Elms - Showstopper - Duke linesWe are also breeding for the rarer colors on a limited basis.Carol Ricci311 Cherry Hill Rd. West Reisterstown, MD 21136 301 833-8468Pacific NW cont. from page 5530-mile strip is something else.However, several very successful B matches have sparked new life. The production of many quality puppies by area breeders has brought out new exhibitors. New goals among the officers and members of the club dwell on our need to develop more as a group of breeders, cooperating to improve the breed, and less as individuals competing for top honors. New members are assuming responsibilities and learning the skills needed to breed, train, and show their new Poms. Old members are sharing and learning right along, also. I feel sure that an A match cannot be too far away.BEST WISHES AND GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE AT THE 1982 SPECIALTY62 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSBONNIE ANDERSON Latrobe, PAOther breeds such as the Pekingese have a monthly magazine. Why cant we Or at least every other month. Also, have two editors taking every other month, etc. There would be no such thing as getting materials gathered to be in on time, because the next issue would be rolling along soon. I feel Im right. Lets hearDESAREE SANDIFER Gastonia, NCSince writing about expecting four litters of puppies in June and July, I feel that a word about what happened is in order. First, in my ignorance, I thought that Faith had been immunized for kennel cough. This was not true. I entered her in a show and she brought back kennel cough. Again I was very foolish and did not separate her from the other dogs. With four bitches within two or three weeks of whelping, I knew I was in real trouble. To make a long story short, I lost nine puppies out of ten. I asked my vet if they should be taken away from the mother when born so that she could not transmit the virus by grooming the puppies. He said that he really didnt know, but that the puppies probably had it in their blood already.The one puppy I saved was taken away from the mother immediately, groomed by me and bottle fed. She is now a seven-week bundle of joy. Ed. note Mrs. Sandifers letter was received too late for the October issue, so the puppy referred to is much older now. Some of the other puppies lived two or three weeks but soon started having runny and stuffy noses. Little by little, they stopped eating and just faded away.SOPHIE H. MAYES West Chester, PAIn reply to Margaret McKees question about champion Poms with advanced obedience degrees, here are some statistics as known to me. There may well be others with both Ch. and CDX through the years.There has only been one Pom with Ch. and UD Ch. Nino of Thelcolynn, UD Breeder Mrs. Gunther, Owner Mrs. E.L. Lambert.Among the Ch. and CDX PomsCh. Blairs Stardust, CDX Breeder Annie T. Blair, Owner Mrs. E.L. Lambert.Am., Can. Mex. Ch. Kavillas Christmas Joy, Am., Can. Mex. CDX Breeder Mrs. Vi Munz, Owner Margaret Carlos.Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lady Jennifer, Am. Can. CDX Breeders Francis and Mary Casey, Owners Mary Casey and Mrs. Gladys Dykstra.There have been only two UDT Poms and seven TD PomsGeorgians Betty, UDT Owner Agnes Niven. Name and Owner unknown, second TD.Susie O The Avenue, CDX, TD Breeder Mrs. OBrien, Owner Joseph Mayes, Trainer Sophie H. Mayes.Starlites Betty Lue, UDT Breeder Esther Martin, Owner Sophie H. Mayes.May Morning Waltzing Matilda, TD Breeder Florence Brown, Owner Sophie H. Mayes. Pombrooks Song Keena, CDX, TD Owner Jessica Lynn Smith.Silvakress Viva, CDX, TD Breeder-Owner Claudia Frank.There has been only one O.T.Ch.O.T.Ch. Uhlands Creme Puff Delight Breeder Mildred Reese, Owner Eleanore Uhland.There have been a number of Ch. and CD Poms.KAREN HOLDER GERTRUDE JACOBY SKIP PIAZZA New JerseyThanks to everyone who responded to our letter in behalf of our editor. We received responses from 163 members, 162 of whom were emphatically in favor of Roberta continuing as editor of the Review. All responses were forwarded to the Corresponding Secretary.O.T.CH. cont. from page 41I would like to encourage all Pom owners to show their dogs in obedience. They are great working dogs with spirit and class. If Papillons can do it, so can Poms. We need more advanced dogs and hopefully more O.T.CH.s. I know there are those out there who can do it. It takes time, money and patience, but it is worth it. I had the Denver Metro Pom Club, our local obedience people and obedience people from as far away as Albuquerque rooting for Puff. We are a close-knit group and the championship would not have been the same without their help and encouragement.So get with it, Pom owners of America, Ill be watching the Gazette for big and important things.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6cINDEX TO ADVERTISERSPageDick and Sally Baugniet.............................................................................................20,5'.Ruth Beam.......................................................................................................................11Brettwood Arts, Vilma Louie.............................................................................................SDebbie Broday....................................................................................................................2Julie Brumback............................................................................................................11,2]Ann Cannon......................................................................................................................2Morris and Betty Carson........................................................................................28,29,3Carolyn Crites...................................................................................................................ISCarolyn Crockett.............................................................................................front cover, 8Claudia and Gary Frank...................................................................................................2Ann Fulton ........................................................................................................................44Edna Girardot................................................................................................................20, 22Rosalind Goltz.................................................................................................................4SBob Goodrich..............................................................................................................10,22Gayle Griffin....................................................................................................................18Chris and John Heartz.................................................................................................38,31Beulah Hochstedler..........................................................................................................11Susan Inman and Jackie Klein.........................................................................................21Norman Jerome..................................................................................................................IfRose Keller.......................................................................................................................41Ron and Jackie Klein..............................................................................................21,56,57Sophie Mayes..............................................................................................................16,17Terri Moebuis ..................................................................................................................22Julie Moreno....................................................................................................................37Bev and Bill Norris.....................................................................................................20,4Clarice and Stanley Oganeku ......................................................................................20, 52Pata Publications..............................................................................................................31Marlene and Marlin Presser.............................................................................................4fLennis Raines................................................................................................................58, 51Carol Ricci.......................................................................................................................6Desaree Sandifer................................................................................................................1Arthur and Ellen Takayama.............................................................................................5cLorinda Vasuta..................................................................................................................7Mary Vickers...................................................................................................................2Ann and Gene Welshinger..........................................................................................21,3^4 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican -Pomeranian Club, 3nr.SPECIALTY SHOWFebruary 7, 1982Loews-Summit Hotel 51st and Lexington Avenue New York CityReservations 212 752-7000Make Your Reservations EarlyRegular ClassesMiss Martha Jane AblettSweepstakesMr. Richard MegenhardtEntry FeesRegular Classes 11 Sweepstakes 5SEND ALL ENTRIES TOPete Galindo, Show Secretary611 New York El Paso, Texas 79902Entries Close January 20, 1982