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The Pomeranian Review April 1982

American Pomeranian Club,PUBLISHED QUARTERLYIncAPRIL 198BEST OF BREED or VARIETYALAMANCE KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER I9BIby BONNIEMMCH. MODELS BIT-O-WHIZJudge Lorraine Heichel Handler Maynard WoodPedigree under New ChampionsAmerican Pomeranian Club Specialty Show Ethics in the Ring by Diane J. Painter Occipital Dysplasia by Stephen Ayres DVM2 POMERANIAN REVIEWrClear Creek Pomeraniansfit \r,PattyWe are very proud of Patty. She came from the 6-9 puppy class for her first 5 point major. She was Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex. Our Special thanks to judge Mr. William Lehnig. Patty is taking time out from her show career to raise her new son by Ch. Mercers Wagstar O Sheelan. Patty and Wagstar are always owner handled. Look for their new star child soon.7435 W. CometDebbie Broday Peoria, Arizona 85345 602 979-5384POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran fJomprantan Club, Jttr.President...........................First Vice President Second Vice President... Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer...........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB................................................................ Mrs. Roberta Massey.................................................................... Mrs. Karen Holder...................................................................... Mr. Sam Zaneoff...................................................... Mr. Anthony Skip Piazza.................................................................... Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ........................................................................ Mr. Dan MercerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Donna MegenhardtMrs. Marlene Scott Halsey Miss Molly MillerMrs. Gertrude Jacoby Mrs. Jessie YoungDelegate to AKC...................................................................................... Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager..................Ms. Phyllis Perceny, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager..............Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston Hts., SC 29405Pomeranian Review is published quarterly for 16.00 per year by American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Office of publication is at 2201 N. Camino Principal, Tucson, AZ 85751, but send all mail to P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751. Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to Pomeranian Review, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751. Address all subscription and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text....................... 90.00Inside front cover............................................45.00Center Spread, 2 pages....................................90.00Full page......................................................... 40.00Three-quarters page........................................ 35.00One-half page..................................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only.....................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures................7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonable edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEW\COVER STORYWhiz, as he is called, is really a surprise hampion. I knew he had a good gait and plenty of style, but I didnt care for his head and had not planned to show him. Very simply, he improved with age.He had been in the kennel for a couple of years when Maynard Wood saw him and liked him. Maynard took him home and worked wonders with him. After a few shows for experience, Whiz got his first break under Ed Bivin with a Best of Breed over specials. Enroute to his championship he won majors under Virginia Sivori, Mr. Quiroga and Lorraine Heichel and several times took the breed over specials.Whiz carries very good style and showmanship traits he got from his sire, Ch. Models High Voltage, who got them from his sire, Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. Whizs dam was given to me by Maynard Wood when I lost Son of Fun. She is a lovely Son of Fun Daughter and I have been extremely pleased with the litters of 3 and 4 she has produced for me. In fact, Whizs litter sister, Woods Shades of Gold, has also done very well in the ring, needing but 1 point to finish.Thanks to all the judges who liked Whiz and special thanks to Maynard Wood for doing such a great job with Whiz, but mostly for all the T.L.C. he gives the Poms while theyre away from home.MODEL KENNELSRobert Goodrich 204 Yukon St. P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, VA 23663TABLE OF CONTENTSCover Story...............................................4Presidents Message................................. 5by Roberta MasseySecretarys Report.................................... 8by Dudley RoachFrom the Board of Directors ..................10APC Specialty Show.............................. 11by Betty CarsonSweepstakes Critique..............................14by Richard MegenhardtSpecialty Show Winners.........................19Trophy Donors........................................20Standard for Pomeranians.......................22APC Code of Ethics ...............................24Annual Stud Dog Register......................26Ethics in the Ring....................................28by Diane J. PainterEditorial, by Phyllis Perceny.................. 37Behind the New Champions...................38Mother, Author Unknown...................... 48Occipital Dysplasia.................................50by Stephen Ayres, DVM Can Dog People Become Too Intense .. 60 by James Edward ClarkHazardous Carpeting.............................. 60Ideas for Thriving Poms......................... 62by Jean MillNorthern Calif. Pom Club Specialty .... 64 by Dudley RoachPoms of the Past......................................68Westminster Winners..............................701981 Top Stud Dogs...............................70Bay Colony Pom Club............................72by Barbara YoungElection Results...................................... 72Pacific Northwest News Views .......76by Erin HundleyAlong Myway......................................... 78by Molly MillerRebel Report........................................... 80by Jane JohnstonDenver Metro Pom Club.........................82by Mona Mae CaldwellPom Club of Greater Houston................ 84by Sue GoddardYips Yaps........................................... 85Circulation Manager, Judy Blocker.........86Index to Advertisers................................87POMERANIAN REVIEW4PRESIDENTSMESSAGEby Roberta Massey 1209 Carlton Dr. Racine, WI53402 414 639-6885The sixty-third Annual Specialty of the American Pomeranian Club drew an impressive entry of 109 dogs in spite of our troubled economy. This was a lovely tribute to the capabilities of our Sweepstakes judge, Mr. Richard Megenhardt, and our regular class judge, Miss Martha Jane Ablett to Show Chairman Fred Bassett and his Show Committee and of course to the determination and enthusiasm of the many exhibitors and spectators. Thanks to everyone who supported and attended you made our show a success.Finding myself situated behind a stack of catalogs with a lovely view of a very large post, I did not get to see as much of the judging as I had anticipated but was pleased to see a number of the more unusual colors enter the room, including a number of black and tans and even a chocolate and tan. It would be nice to see even more of the rare colors at future Specialties.The memory of the Specialty, as glamorous and wonderful as it was, was marred, however, upon my returning home to be informed that one of the bitch entries had been poisoned, apparently AT the Specialty, and died the following day. Equally distressing was the information that the bitch, a black, had been kept in the same exercise pen as the black Winners Bitch during the show hours. The knowledge that someone attending the Specialty was capable of such a vicious, sick act is almost beyond comprehension. We extend our sympathy to Pat Eik and Gerald Clark on the loss of Holihouse Vengence in Mine.The Annual Meeting, although stormy, was hopefully the dawn of a brighter day I believe we will see a more informed,united and involved membership in tl future. Due to action taken at the meetin summaries of the Boards minutes will n be printed in the Review, making the Boai directly accountable to the membership f its actions. Although the minutes from tl New York Board meetings are in transit deadline time for this issue and will have 1 be held for the next issue, the Standir Rules by which the 1982 Board will condui its business are printed in the Secretary Report and you will be advised of an changes made during the year. Alsi Kennel Visits will now be determined by tl membership. Details on this are printe elsewhere in this issue.At the Annual Meeting it was also vote that in the interest of harmony within th Club it would be better to have someor from outside the Club edit the Reviev Since there seems to be a tendency for th Board and the Review editor to sit o opposite sides of the fence on many issue this arrangement will probably be moi satisfactory and has my blessing. In ordt to accomplish this, however, it has bee necessary to raise both our advertising rate and our subscription rates, effectiv immediately. Complete details are availabl on page three and in the Circulatio Managers column. The increase in the co of advertising is not a large one and sti compares very favorably with other bree magazines it is hard to buy a full page o advertising anywhere else for only fort dollars. We make no money at all on th cost of reproducing photos we charg only what the printer charges us plu enough to mail your photo back to you.The increase in the subscription price though modest for non-member subscriber from 14 to 16, is a substantial one fo Club members from 10 to 16, who ar accustomed to receiving a break in th Review subscription price along with thei membership. The majority of the Boan was of the opinion, however, that since th Review is printed for members and w derive the most benefit from it, we shouli be willing to pay an equal share in the cos of producing it. Before you get out the ta and feathers, Members, keep in mind tha you have just renewed your subscription so have an entire year to enjoy the Reviev at a bargain rate and to adjust to the idea o Continued on p. 8.POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANSEmcees Golden Honey BunEmcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldA Tipo daughter, at 8 months, is now ready to start her show career.Gh. Emcees Negrito Undo LindyLindy is producing excellent, typey, sound pups with an abundance of coat. This 314 lb. black is at stud to approved bitches. We have some promising litters coming up out of him and some Lindy children will be ready to start their show careers soon.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEE'S POMERANIANSCh. Emcees Chips of DiamondsA big THANK YOU to Ken Miller for giving Chips points needed to complete his championship and to Maynard Wood for a superb job of showing Chips to his championship.Chips is a 3 Vi lb. orange male and a proven stud. He is available to approved bitches only and on a limited basis.Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Models Son of Fun Models Solid Gold Models Bewitched Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Emcees Sparklin Hot TamaleCh. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Emcees Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss MuffetMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEWI .TVl. ASECRETARYSREPORTThe Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., will operate under the following Standing Rules in 1982be sent a notification agenda of each such transaction. Does not apply to APC Summer Specialties. 39826. The Club will spend a maximum of 100 on an outgoing Presidents gift. 2881II. MEMBERSHIPThe Corresponding Secretary shall send out the Notice of the Annual Meeting with the proposed slate of Officers and Board Members for the ensuing year. In case the election is not contested, no other mailing will be necessary. 21080III. SPECIALTY SHOWSI. OFFICERS AND BOARD1. Beginning with the next election, the President may hold office for two consecutive years only. After an interval he may again hold the office of President. A greater number of members will then have the opportunity of becoming President. 115582. All Officers and the Board of Directors must attend as many meetings as possible. More than three absences is cause for replacement. After the second absence, a note will be forwarded to him by the Secretary regarding his attendance at the next meeting.Any Board member who fails to vote within the designated time three times will receive a note of reprimand with regard to actual meetings, conference calls, or voting correspondence.Missed phone calls will count as missed meetings. 1170 Corrected 211753. The Club will pay all the Telephone Conference Call charges. 39824. A Board Meeting should be scheduled in connection with the Summer Specialty if possible. 210805. Permission for Regional Clubs to hold their specialties will be the Corresponding Secretarys responsibility. The Board will1. There are to be no free catalogs to advertisers. They are to receive only the sheet on which their ad appears. 413662. The American Pomeranian Club will pay for one nights lodging and for the Club dinner for a Sweepstakes Judge at the Summer Specialty. 620733. The American Pomeranian Club will pay traveling expenses for the President or person designated by the presiding officer to attend the Summer Specialties. 211794. The Sweepstakes Judge at our Annual Specialty shall be offered one nights lodging and an invitation to the Banquet at the Clubs expense. 210805. The Judge of the regular classes for our February Specialty shall be invited subject to the limitations on feeor expenses reimbursed as decided by this years Board OR as revised in subsequent years by vote at the Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting.The following motion was made by Eleanor Miller at the Wisconsin Board Meeting and approved after discussion The amount of the total fee, including all expenses, to be approved for a judge residing 100 miles or less from New York City shall be 200, and for a judge residing more than 100 miles from New York City, 350. However, in case the membership picks a judge living a great distance away, such as Texas orPOMERANIAN REVIEWCalifornia, if the Show Chairman reports that the judge will not come for 350, the Board will consider offering a maximum of 400. Each fee greater than those of 200 or 350 as set by the Standing Rules shall be approved by the Board before the assignment is confirmed.EXPLANATION The Show Chairman does NOT have to submit amount of judges proposed fee to the Board UNLESS it exceeds the limits as set forth in the Standing Rules. 210806. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. shall offer a Best of Breed trophy at each annual February Specialty Show and each Summer Specialty the amount of money to be spent on this trophy is presently 1979 set at 25.00. This amount can be increased or decreased by majority vote of the Board of Directors in any given year, and the Standing Rules can be amended accordingly. 210807. Liquor, snacks, and mixers for the hospitality room at our Annual Specialty shall be provided by the officers and Board members with additional contributions from members solicited in the Show Chairmans advance publicity column in the October issue of the Review.8. The Board of Directors shall limit the hours that the Hospitality Room is open to those hours in which the Show and Annual Meeting are not in progress, and at those times, one of the hostshostesses can be present. 21080IV. POMERANIAN REVIEW1. All ads in the catalog and in the Review shall be accompanied with a check otherwise, they will not be entered.It was resolved to discontinue all free subscriptions to the Review. There are to be no free copies distributed to anyone without the approval of the Board. 418622. The Review editor can refuse any ad for the Review. 213773. Non-subscriber advertisers in the Revie\ shall receive a tear sheet on pages o which their ads appear, and NOT, as ii past years, the complete magazine 2980.4. A synopsis of Board meetings will be published in the Review. 2782V. MISCELLANEOUS1. A 200 donation was made to Cornel University School of Veterinary Medicin establishing a precedent for an annua donation in an amount to be determined b the Board and given to a scientific educational, or charitable organizatioi eligible to receive such donations, also to b determined by the Board. 200 donated t ADO A in 1971 220732. It was voted to continue presentations o Award Certificates at the Annual Dinner t those members who are present and wh have submitted prior requests for recog nition of New Champions of title holder owned by them including with thei requests the issue and page number of thi Gazette in which the new Championship o Title was published. To members makinj the request and furnishing require information, but not present at the Annua Dinner, Award Certificates will be mailec but not read off at the Annual Dinner 82275 Sally Baugniet to reinstitute rule 210703. The status of the column in the ARC Gazette shall be reviewed annually at thi Board meeting following the Annua Meeting, and either the current writer b re-appointed or a new writer appointed foi the term of one year. 210800 POMERANIAN REVIEWFROM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORSThe 1982 Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club Inc., reaffirms the long-standing policy of a Free Press and Open Forum for the Pomeranian Review, adhering to the policies established throughout the existence of the magazine and guided by those specific rulings as set forth in the Standing Rules.Furthermore, the Board abolishes the previously compiled Kennel Visit list and extends its apologies to these Club members who were unfairly excluded from consideration of a Visit.3n JllemortamWe regret to report the death on February 1, 1982, ofMrs. Odette NolanWe extend out deepest sympathies to her husband, Chris.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWby Betty CarsonThe sixty-third Annual Specialty Show of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., was held in New York City at the Loews Summit Hotel on February 7, 1982. At this show there were 109 dogs entered, with a total of 154 entries. The Specialty is always a time to renew old friendships and to cultivate new ones, and it provides us with the opportunity to view the creme de la creme of poms.Our Sweepstakes judge, Mr. Richard Megenhardt, had an impressive array of puppies from which to choose. Since he has listed his placements and comments in his judges critique, I will not go into detail on them except to mention the winnersBest in Sweepstakes, from the 6-9 months Puppy Bitch class, was Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff, owned by Tony Tellez. A stylish, cobby little orange, she captured the eyes and hearts of everyone by exhibiting beautiful showmanship and a perfect Pom profile.Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes, from the 9-12 months PuppyAMh'n LSweepstakes judge Richard Megenhardt awards Best in' Sweepstakes to Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff, bred, owned and handled by Tony Tellez. Specialty Chairman Fred Bassett and President Nadine Hersil present trophies in this Tatham photo.Dog class was Vestas Magic the Dragon, small, alert orange with an abundance o coat. He is owned by Vesta Ann Hall anc Sue Goddard.The regular classes were judged by Mis Martha Jane Ablett, who, as always seemed to enjoy every minute of her verj difficult task. She placed the following PomsPuppy Dogs, 6-9 months1. Post Script Sundance of West, bred by Rose Keller and owned by Jean West.2. Camelots Whispering Shadow, bred by Gertrude Jacoby and owned by Gertrude Jacoby and Sharon Kleinkauf.3. Lennis Smokey Mountain Raine, bred and owned by Lennis Raines.4. Snowfires Little Black Beast, bred by Gilbert Lee Dodge and owned by G. Dodge, S. Dwier and H. Arnold.Puppy Dogs, 9-12 months1. Lynnwrights Damiens Dream, bred and owned by Donna Lynn Wright.2. Space Comet of Brielle, bred and owned by Catherine and Kenneth Lefferts.3. King Midas of Twin Pines, bred by John Cribbs and Owned by Fran Warren.4. Silva Lade Midnight Madness, bred by Diane Johnson and Diane Scott and Owned by Larry and Diane Johnson.Novice Dogs1. Bettys Look Me Over, bred and owned by Betty Cole.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Vestas Magic The Dragon, bred and owned by Vesta Hall and Sue Goddard.2. Silver Meadows Beau O Legacy, bred and owned by Jacquelyn Klein3. Pomirish Sports Fred E. Fender, bred and owned by Sally Baugniet.4. Silva Lade Midnight Caper, bred by Diane Johnson and owned by Larry and Diane Johnson.Open Dogs [Red, Orange, Cream, Sable]1. Millamors Trademark, bred and owned by Eleanor Miller.2. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp, bred and owned by Ann Cannon2 POMERANIAN REVIEWi. Straits Be Be of Ashwood, bred by vlildred Strait and owned by Betty vlahaffy and Mildred Strait.1. Golden Glow Ima Warrior, bred by E.U. vlcGilbry and owned by E.U. McGilbry md J. Schroll.3pen Dog [Any Other Allowed Color]1. Prideswood E-Mage-N-Me Tuf Stuf, 3red and owned by Diann Beecher.Veteran DogsI. Ch. Straits Lovebug, bred and owned by Betty R. Mahaffy and Mildred Strait.Miss Ablett picked as Winners Dog, Vlillamors Trademark from the Open Dog [Red, Orange, Cream, Sable class. This leavily-coated orange fellow had a proud bearing and moved around the ring as if he owned it. He is bred and owned by Eleanor Miller.Reserve Winners Dog was taken by Vestas Magic The Dragon from the 9-12 month Puppy Class. He is bred and owned by Vesta Ann Hall and Sue Goddard. This well-trained, refined little boy baited to perfection.ITatham photo shows judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett presenting Winners Dog to Millamors Trademark, breeder-owner handled by Eleanor Miller.The winners in the bitch classes were as followsPuppy Bitches, 6-9 months1. Lennis Brahms Lullaby, bred by Vesta Hall and owned by Lennis Raines.2. Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff, bred and owned by Tony Tellez.3. Wests Sweet Summer Dream, bred and owned by Jean West.4. Post Scripts Prime Time, bred and owned by Rose Keller.Puppy Bitches, 9-12 months1. Prideswood Penelope Pitstop, bred and owned by Diann Beecher.2. Silver Meadows Mudgekin, bred and owned by Jacquelyn Klein.3. Millamors Tangerine Twist, bred and owned by Eleanor Miller.4. Tanos Schnara Brown von Annon, bred by Ann Cannon and owned by Linda Napolitano.Novice Bitch1. Holihouse Vengence Is Mine, bred by Betty Cole and owned by Pat Eik and G. Clark.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches1. My-Pats Wicked Minnie, bred and owned by J.M. Meyer and Dr. P. Scelso.2. Tim Sues Just a Lil Lovin, bred and owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.3. Post Scripts Dealers Choice, bred and owned by Rose Keller.4. Bel-Meis Princess Dawn, bred and owned by Patricia Melton.American Bred Bitches1. Topaze Little Friskie, bred by Francis Casey and owned by James Butler.2. Ellens Royal Colleen, bred by Rosa Hartman and owned by Ellen Whalen.3. Lin-Gals Poco-Han-Tas, bred and owned by Mildred Hillyard.4. Majacs Red Flamingo, bred and owned by Jacqueline McGivney.Open Bitches [Black, Brown, Blue]1. Camelots Black Velvet, bred by Gertrude Jacoby and owned by Betty Mahaffy.2. Camelots Dark Victory, bred by Gertrude Jacoby and owned by Gloria Setmayer.Open Bitches [Red, Orange, Cream, Sable]1. Wests Miss Charm Patrick, bred by Jean West and owned by Mildred Patrick.2. Jolly Wee Joys Chatty Cathy, bred by Mrs. Randall M. Freeh and owned by Roxy Campbell.3. Scotia Awhey We Go Again, bred and owned by Edna Girardot.4. Silva Lade Forget Me Not, bred and owned by Larry and Diane Johnson.POMERANIAN REVIEWWinners Bitch and Best of Winners is awarded to Camelots Black Velvet, bred by Gertrude Jacoby and handled by Sharon Kleinkauf for owner Betty Mahaffy. Photo by Tatham.For Winners Bitch and Best of Winners, Miss Ablett selected Camelots Black Velvet from the Open Bitches Black, Brown, Blue class. This flashy little black was a joy to watch in the ring, as she possessed that magic combination of exuberance and self-confidence. This win, we understand, gave her the final point needed for her championship. Bred by Gertrude Jacoby, she is owned by Betty Mahaffy.Reserve Winners Bitch went to Lennis Brahms Lullaby, bred by Vesta Ann Hall and owned by Lennis Raines. This typey little bitch has a most lovely head and expression.The Best of Breed competition presented us with a kaleidoscope of orange, cream and red, peppered with black and sable. The nod went to Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, bred by Bev Norris, owned by Edward Jenner and handled exclusively by Susan Fisher. To date Toasted Fudge has about a dozen Best in Shows, and he was the Number One Pomeranian for 1981.Best of Opposite Sex went to another crowd-pleaser, Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, bred by Christine Heartz and owned by Christine Heartz and Eleanor Miller.The club expresses sincere appreciation to everyone who helped make the Specialty a success again this year. It is always impossible to single out everyone whoTam4Miss Ablett awards Best of Breed to Cl Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, bred by Beverl Norris, owned by Edward B. Jenner and handle by Susan Fisher. Fred Bassett and Nadine Hersi present trophies as Bev Norris looks on in thi photo by Charles Tatham.worked so diligently to make this day sucl a memorable one however, we must giv special thanks to both our judges, Mr. Riel Megenhardt and Miss Martha Jane Ablett to our show chairman, Fred Bassett th Show Secretary, Pete Galindo and th Chief Ring Steward, Nadine Hersil.ftBest of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed ispresented to Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette,handled by breeder Christine Heartz and ownedby Chris Heartz and Eleanor Miller. Photo byTatham.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWAs always, the trophies were beautiful, a act for which we can thank Diane Taylor ind her committee. The unusual Best of 5reed Trophy, a handmade framed leedlepoint Pomeranian, was especially ittractive. Sam Zaneoff did a superb job of hairing the Hospitality Committee and icting as our official host. The catalogs this 'ear contained a greater number of ads han every before. For this we can thank Sophie Mayes and the Advertising Com- nittee. For selling these well-printed atalogs, we are grateful to Jackie Liddle ind the Sales Committee.Our final thanks must go to our Poms. \fter all, they are the special breed that nakes the Specialty what it is.SWEEPSTAKES CRITIQUEby Richard MegenhardtThe 1982 American Pomeranian Specialty will be a special event for me to remember. The economy did not seem to dampen the enthusiasm of the Pom fanciers, as determined by the large sweepstakes entry. When being informed that the entry would be 43 in number, I was very impressed. However, seeing the entry was even more awesome and a pure pleasure. Over the years, I have judged a large number of puppies, but this entry of sweeps was a challenge that will never be forgotten.My congratulations to the exhibitors on the way their puppies were groomed and presented for judging. Also, a purple ribbon to all of you for your great training efforts.The overall quality of most all of the puppies was exceptional beautiful coats of bright color, good legs and movement, short silhouettes, generally high tail sets, good pigmentation, and few bad bites.I will watch with great interest and expectation the show records of the many fine puppies that I had the honor to judge. My placements were as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9 months.1. Lennis Smokey Mountain Raine, bred and owned by Lennis Raines.2. Camelots Whispering Shadow, bred byGertrude Jocoby, owned by Gertrude Jacoby and Sharon Kleinkauf.3. Snowfires Little Black Beast, bred by Gilbert Lee Dodge, owned by G. Dodge, S. Swier and H. Arnold.4. Post Script Sundance of West, bred by Rose Keller, owned by Jean West.Puppy Dogs, 9-12 months1. Vestas Magic The Dragon, bred and owned by Vesta Hall and Sue Goddard.2. Silva Lade Midnight Caper, bred by Diane Johnson, owned by Larry and Diane Johnson.3. Lynnwrights Damiens Dream, bred and owned by Donna Lynn Wright4. Pomirish Sports Fred E. Fender, bred and owned by Sally Baugniet.Puppy Bitches 6-9 months1. Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff, bred and owned by Tony Tellez.2. Wests Sweet Summer Dream, bred and owned by Jean West.3. Wests Miss Charm Patrick, bred by Jean West, owned by Mildred Patrick.4. Post Scripts Prime Time, bred and owned by Rose Keller.Puppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Silver Meadows Mudgekin, bred and owned by Jacquelyn Klein2. Prideswood Penelope Pitstop, bred and owned by Diann Beecher.3. Millamors Tangerine Twist, bred and owned by Eleanor Miller.Best in Sweepstakes Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff. This bitch was an excellent representative of the breed she had everythingBest of Opposite Sex Vestas Magic The Dragon. A very nice male with a short body, pretty head, high tail set and good legs.Pm sure both of these lovely puppies will soon be champions.Thanks to the A.P.C. for the engraved judges plate and the catalog with my name in gold.Last but not least, a special thanks the Show Chairman Fred Bassett and the Show Committee for a great job well done.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1TELLEZ POMSproudly presents"TIFFANY"ft'Ahum.0^00hrV jTellez Simply Ms. Tuff-StuffBest In Sweepstakes1982 American Pomeranian Club Specialty under Mr. Richard MegenhardtTiffany went first in the 6-9 month Puppy Sweeps and second in the 6-9 month Regular class. We both want to thank our judges for a job well done, Mr. Richard Megenhardt and Miss Martha Jane Ablett.Tiffany was owner-handled by Tony Tellez.Tony and Connie Tellez P.O. Box203 S. Houston, TX 77587 713943-2548V_____________________________________________________________________________ J6 POMERANIAN REVIEWWINNERS DOG - A.P.C. 198219WINNERSDOGVMillamors TrademarkCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland x Millamors Musical BoxTrademark is pictured above going Winners at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty. Many thanks to Martha Jane Ablett for this 5 point major.Millamor PomsKen and Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 813646-5864POMERANIAN REVIEW 1BEST OPPOSITE SEX - A.P.C. 1982-aBESTOfOPPOSITEAC Ch. Chriscendo Coy CoquetteCan. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Dancing StarletAmanda is pictured above going Best of Opposite Sex at the American Pomeranian Club Specialty under Martha Jane Ablett. Many thanks to all those who liked her. Amanda will be specialed by her co-owner Eleanor Miller.Chriscendo John and Chris Heartz P.O.Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5Ns 902 895-74278 POMERANIAN REVIEWCanadian ChampionMercers Touchdown\ M Js 4H4 \Ch. Mercers Touch O Duke x Mercers Mocha StarWe would like to thank Dan Mercer for the pleasure of owning this fine little dog. Teddy finished his Canadian title undefeated with a Group 1st and several placements. Handled by 17 year old Shelly York. Watch for him as a special and for his debut in the obedience ring.Owned by Christine D. Heartz Chriscendo P.O. Box 1259 Truro, N.S.CanadaCo-Owned Bred by Dan MercerPrarie Wind PomsBox 147Big Springs, NE USANow Owned by Shelly York Halifax, N.S. CanadaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1SPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSPUPPY SWEEPSTAKE Judge, Mr. Richard MegenhardtBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESTellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff owned by Tony TellezBEST OF OPPOSITEVestas Magic The Dragon owned by Vesta Hall and Sue GoddardCLASS ENTRIES Judge, Miss Martha Jane AblettPUPPY DOGS 6-9 MONTHSPost Script Sundance of West owned by Jean West PUPPY DOGS 9-12 MONTHS Lynnwrights Damiens Dream owned by Donna Lynn Wright NOVICE DOGSBettys Look Me Over owned by Betty ColeBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOGSVestas Magic The Dragon owned by Vesta Hall and Sue Goddard OPEN DOGS, RED, ORANGE, CREAM, SABLE Millamors Trademark owned by Eleanor Miller OPEN DOGS, ANY OTHER ALLOWED COLOR Prides wood E-Mage-N-Me Tuf Stuf owned by Diann Beecher WINNERS DOGMillamors Trademark owned by Eleanor Miller RESERVE WINNERS DOGVestas Magic The Dragon owned by Vesta Hall and Sue GoddardPUPPY BITCHES 6-9 MONTHSLennis Brahms Lullaby owned by Lennis Raines PUPPY BITCHES 9-12 MONTHSPrideswood Penelope Pitstop owned by Diann Beecher NOVICE BITCHESHolihouse Vengence is Mine owned by Pat Eik and G. Clark BRED BY EXHIBITOR BITCHES My-Pats Wicked Minnie owned by J. M. Meyer and Dr. P. Scelso AMERICAN BRED BITCHES Topaze Little Friskie owned by James Butler OPEN BITCHES, BLACK, BROWN, BLUE Camelots Black Velvet owned by Betty Mahaffy OPEN BITCHES, RED, ORANGE, CREAM, SABLE Wests Miss Charm Patrick owned by Mildred Patrick WINNERS BITCH AND BEST OF WINNERS Camelots Black Velvet owned by Betty Mahaffy RESERVE WINNERS BITCH Lennis Brahms Lullaby owned by Lennis RainesVETERAN DOGSCh. Straits Lovebug owned by Betty R. Mahaffy and Mildred StraitBEST OF BREEDCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge owned by Edward JennerBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCh. Chriscendo Coy Coquette owned by Christine Heartz and Eleanor MillerPOMERANIAN REVIEWTROPHY DONORSThe Show Committee gratefully acknowledges the contributions to the Trophy Fund from the following members and friends^hyllis Andrews Darrell Olga Baker 'red C. BassettRichard Sally Baugniet Pomirish PomsRuth E. BeckerBev-Nor PomeraniansJulie BrumbackPauline CaldwellBetty Morris Carson Emcees Poms Josephine ChingLt. Col. Mrs. Cribbs Twin Pines PomsRandy FreehPeggy FrylinkFunfair PomeraniansEdna Girardot Scotia PomsTim Sue GoddardJohn Christine Heartz Chriscendo Poms Eleanor HycheGertrude E. Jacoby Camelot PomsRose Keller Postscript PomsJackie Klein Silver Meadows PomsJoseph B. Helen S. Lefebvre Kenneth Catherine Lefferts Chuck Jackie Liddle Jon Roberta Massey Midas PomsSophie Mayes May Morning PomsDonna Richard Megenhardt Eleanor Ken Miller John R. Katherine R. Probst Raymond Radzinski Robert Mildred Reese James P. Jean B. Schroll Wilna Shaak Twin Maple PomsKendra Shaw Blackbeard PomsTony, Betty Terry Short Grace Smyth Nellie SprungerDiane E. Taylor Happy Pines PomsDonna Tyree Maynard WoodJessie Barbara Young Jabil Kennels Pedrons Poms, Peter J. Galindo Ron WelchIn loving memory of Ch. Penrus Caldoak Chansonnette C.D.In loving memory of Jabils Jewel Song of Penru C.D.In loving memory and Jingles and Penny.We would also like to thank all of you who supported the show this year with your entries and your attendance. We had a great time once again, and had the chance to see some truly lovely dogs. There is nothing quite like the National Specialty for a Pom fancier. Where else can you see over 100 beautiful Pomeranians all in the same place at the same time We look forward to seeing you all there, and doing it all again next year.Fred Bassett Show ChairmanPOMERANIAN REVIEWBev-Nor PomsWhat a beginning in 1982 for Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, Toasty 1 Pom for 1981 In three shows, he has Best in Show at Upper NY K.C., Best of Breed, APC Specialty, N.Y., and Best of Breed and Group 2 at Madison Square GardenIJ'IPrCh. Bev-Nor's Fudge RippleToastys brother Group WinnerCongratulates his first entire litterCh. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Terra finished at 9 months and had 2 Group ls and 2 Group 2s over as many as . specials.Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Delight has 12 pts. with BOB and Group 3 from puppy class.Congratulations also to Donna Wright on her very first litter sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple. Shi won the 9-12 class in New York and has gained 6 points.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd.Coming puppies sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple.Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-13432 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTANDARD FOR POMERANIANS1.980 revisions to the Standard appear in italicsAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short- coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and ieportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a foxlike expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lip- piness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, except self- colored in brown and blue. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Light pigment on nose or eye rims is a major fault.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too wide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.NECK AND SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. The Pom is not straight-in-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high. Out at elbows or shoulders is a major fault.BODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault. Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hindlegs or stifles is a major fault.POMERANIAN REVIEWTAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistening outerec consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper textr for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are well feather and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to t hocks. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major fault.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color w lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, pai color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appe ing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the te Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a wh blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole-colored, dog except white is a major fanMOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does n elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for sho specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING AND DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet an up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears an around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are-generally remove Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed. Overtrimming beyond the location and amourdescribed in the breed standard should be heavily penalized.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color a follows Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Othe Allowed Color.POMERANIAN REVIEW\American Pomeranian Elub, Jnr.Code of Ethics1. I agree to follow the rules and regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2. I will furnish a signed registration application or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.3. I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours or the sale additional time allowed if puppy is sold on Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.7. Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.8. I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.9. I will price my puppies within the breed range.10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the Standard of the Breed.11. I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.12. I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefits.POMERANIAN REVIEWloNdVflfr6Hts9oMSDonna Lynn Wright 16 Dahlia Lane Baltimore, MD 21220 301 687-4997 or 301 335-8253m _________ _r -to m f 'jHl vpLittle Ceasar Damiens DreamDog For SaleLynnwrights Little Ceasar son of Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple and littermate to Lynnwrights Damiens Dream first place winner of Puppy Dog 9-12 Reg. class, and third place winner in sweeps at the A.P.C. Specialty in New York. Nephew of Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge B.O.B. at National Specialty.Ceasar is a 10 month old, 4 lb. cream with perfect black points, good bones, nice coat, should be easily finished. Will be excellent for stud. Serious buyers may also call Beverly Norris at 301255-1343.POMERANIAN REVIEWANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Prettytune Precious Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy SireCh. Bonners Smokeypepper Chico Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Fiddle De Dee of Bright Leaf Ch. Aristic Pepper Pod Beautiful Ch. Bonners Pep-RWee Beautiful Aristic Gay Pepperette Bonners Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod DamCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Bonners Pepper-K Sunkiss Aristic Mighty CuteLois L. KraemerHengeli DriveCh. Bonners Krispris Golden Comet Bordentown, NJ 08505Sire of 7 Champions in 1981 609 298-4321Top Stud 1981 Co-Owner S. GrubeVAbove is a sample of an entry in the annual Stud Register which will appear in the July issue. The Review is pleased to award this sample Stud Card to Ch. Bonners Krispris Golden Comet, top stud in 1981.It is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for ones broods the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country of ours, and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.Cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 10.00 for each entry, plus the cost of the halftone if you do not have one the proper size. Dogs may be entered without photos, if none is available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Halftones used must be no larger than 2 square, and new ones from your glossy print will cost 7.00. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words.Because of the work involved in looking up old halftones, typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as early as possible. Please mention the back issue in which your halftone was used, if we have one on file. Glossies will be returned.ABSOLUTE DEADLINE May 15 thPOMERANIAN REVIEWdfzamfiLon Oka dPinas. cJfaLT cf dPojijxin6 Pom, as of October Gazette, after only 3 months as a SpecialWU.i.'VBEST OF BREEDTWIN BROOKSKENNEL CLUB1981ASH6EVShown going BOB on the way to Group 2.Sired by Ch. Bonners Krispris Golden Comet, top producer for 1981, sired seven champions in 1981 four in one litter, all bred by The Pines Kennel. Nine champions altogether. Ch. Bonners Krispris Golden Comet was bred by D. Bonner.Little Priss now taking his Dads place at stud, with his handler Cloria Setmayer. He has been siring lovely sound puppies with fabulous coats. Look for them in the ring later this year.Hells A Poppin is on his way for 1982 with a Group 2 at Hartford, his first show this year, under Mr. William Kendrick.OwnersLois L. Kraemer John L. Horan Wrightstown, NJ 609 298-4321Exclusively handled by Gloria Setmayer Paramus, NJ 201 652-93273 POMERANIAN REVIEWETHICS IN THE RING and the spirit of the lawby Diane J. PainterThere are various laws, rules and egulations governing many parts of our veryday lives, and our time spent in the port of purebred dogs is no exception. The ules and regulations governing dog shows re legislated and enforced, as well as nterpreted, by the American Kennel Club, 'here are presumed to be applied equitably ind fairly in each situation. We have to lave these rules and regulations so that tandardizations occurs in the sport from me competition to the next. We cant have he shows without the rules that would e chaotic. But its also true that we cant lave exhibitors playing the game outside he law.Laws are funny things. Theyre necessary, but at the same time, they cant cover very possible occurrence within their framework or jurisdiction. Laws evoke varied responses within people. Most will voluntarily comply with the law if they know what the law is.My job is investigating and prosecuting violations of certain criminal statutes of the State of Alaska. I can tell you that there is always a small percentage of any group which actively seeks to circumvent the law by looking for what they call loop-holes, whatever they are. Finding a loop-hole apparently makes a particular sort of person feel that he has an excuse to operate outside the law with some kind of permission. And if that is confusing for you, youre not alone. Most of us cant understand the devious attitude which seeks to find an excuse well, we cant call it a reason for doing something one knows full well is illegal to a degree.And dog show biz is no different. Most of us are knowledgeable concerning the laws of our sport, and we do our best to work within those laws. Thats part of playing the game. Unfortunately, there are also those in the dog biz who are simply not interested in what the law requires for participation in the game they want whatthey want, and are determined to have it. It is this very small percentage of violators we will be concerned with in this article.As with all laws, there are personal interpretations of the precise meaning of any given part of our dog show rules. But the official interpretation comes from the American Kennel Club. That means when you and your buddy are reading the same rule but have different opinions on how it affects your situation, it is the American Kennel Club or its official designee who will decide the question. So the AKC not only makes the rules, it interprets them, and hopefully, it also sees that they are enforced equitably.In my job of applying and enforcing certain criminal statutes, I am again and again faced with the questions of personal intent and willfulness did the person under investigation have knowledge of the law, and did that person then willfully and knowingly violate the law Proving the point of willful intent is all-important in criminal prosecution because without it, there can be no conviction.Although our dog show rules and regulations are not criminal statutes, we can still draw parallels regarding willful intent. Suppose a first-time exhibitor who has never even attended a dog show decides that her beloved by hysterical entry would be easier to manage if she shares her own morning tranquilizer with the dog. She doesnt know any better, and it seems like a good idea theyre both pretty nervous. The dog goes to the show, behaves sedately, and maybe it wins. Maybe it doesnt. A rule was broken, whether or not the exhibitor is aware of the rule or her violation of it. In such a case, there was no intent to violate the rule. It was done through ignorance. Ignorance doesnt excuse the infraction, but it may seem as a mitigating circumstance should action be taken against that exhibitor.But take the exhibitor who has beenPOMERANIAN REVIEWJolty Wee Kennelproudly presents-.5 mfatrEDERAODNLANDFILA EXICANA A.CINTERNACIDNAL DEINVIERNDC IRC NDV21MEJOR MlAmerican Mexican International World F.C.I.Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiMultiple Group WinnerDanny is shown here winning the Fancy Dog Group in Mexico under judge Edith Nash Hellerman. He picked up two Group Firsts and one Group Third on the way to his new titles. Danny was expertly handled to his new titles by our good friend James Griffeths.Danny is another Peppi son that is not only proving his worth in the show ring, but also in the quality of some beautiful offspring.Paul and Randy frech 15900 Condor Ridge Rd. Canyon Country, CA 91351 805252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEWowing for years, who is obviously nversant with all phases of the show les, and who gives the dog half of her orning tranquilizer anyway because vhen shes settled down, this bitch is arly perfect. That is willful and tentional disregard for the law and should icessarily carry a much stiffer penalty . . . anybody finds out, and if anybody cares press the issue.The point is this there are two sides of e law the letter and the spirit. To be fective, both sides must be addressed by e legislating body thats the American ennel Club and by the people who have operate within the law.In the example above, we know full well at the rules dont actually state, do not ve your dog a tranquilizer if it is freaked it on the day of the show. But we do row it prohibits the administration of NY drug which alters the dogs behavior. The representatives and judges are the merican Kennel Clubs official designees, id as such they are empowered to enforce jr dog show laws. But some exhibitors see le laws as a sort of challenge to be worked ound, often with lots of success and big ins to show for their efforts at first, lyway. And some judges are uncomfor- ible about enforcing the laws in the ring s always unpleasant to have to excuse an itry or withhold an award, or whatever. But we are right in spreading the blame round. Many of the laws governing dog lows have no teeth, and that means leyre hard to enforce, or maybe npossible. One law addresses the judges andling of artificially-colored animals IF e knows they are artificially colored. And ow does he know Only, apparently, if the olor comes off on his hands while xamining the dog. And if it doesnt, and e suspects the animal is artificially olored, what can he do Where do the ules advise him of procedures for clipping air samples, having them examined by a ib, and arranging for an opinion to be ubmitted Dont bother to look it isnt here.So what, exactly, are we talking about, nyway We are talking about the spirit nd the letter of the laws governing dog hows. We are talking about sculpturing, ilucking, spraying, dyeing, rinsing, rattingand otherwise enhancing coats. We are talking about a multitude of illegal surgical alterations performed on dogs anywhere from teeth to tail. We are talking about administering drugs such as arsenic, cocaine, dozens of downer compounds, pain killers that magically do more than kill pain, bute for chronic lameness, uppers for sparkle in the ring and staying alert for obedience, and plain old-fashioned belladonna for dropping in the eyes to open the pupils and obscure the too-lightly colored iris. We are talking about showing spayed bitches and stuffing dogs will hormones to promote plump products that turn into winning puppies. Were talking about cheating, to be perfectly succinct.We are talking about exhibitors who know a violation has occurred, but say nothing. Were talking about 'judges who are just too uncomfortable with discipline in the ring those who cant wont excuse dogs, withhold awards, or disqualify dogs for cause. We all know it would be easier to ignore the very poor quality entry which should be excused. But how does that serve the breed and the sport Well, it doesnt. It is self-serving, to an extent, but we wont get into that here.We are also talking about handlers who do various illegal things to the dogs in their charge without the owners specific knowledge. This one is tricky, but it goes something like this. The handler calls the owner and says that Fifi would probably win even more and bigger prizes if her coat were a little better. He tells the owner that he would like to try a new product which will give Fifis coat a certain luster guaranteed to impress the judges. When big wins are dangled in front of the owners nose, the owner will usually agree.The owner may not know that the new treatment for the coat is, in fact, a deadly poison with NO recommended dosage. The same poison was used by European women in some countries during the 18th century because it gives the skin and hair a definite glowing luster . . . but it kills you if you take too much, as the historians unhappily confirm. Its called arsenic and is primarily used in rat poison. Unfortunately, the handler administers it to the dog, but doesnt take it himself. Risky business POMERANIAN REVIEWLennis PomeraniansOFFERS FOR SALELennis Sunrise SumbeamMale, 52181, pictured 8 Vi monthsHe is sired by Lauras Sunbeam O Yap Yap Sire Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image and out of Tiggers Little Tonya dam of Ch. Lennis Tequila Sunnrise B.I.S.XVLennis Mour Peire La PueMale, 32979He is a Tar Baby grandson, sired by Ch. Lennis Tequila Sunnrise B.I.S.sWe also expect to have several young puppies for sale in colors B T, Black, red, orange, and sable. Also a few broods.All Poms shipped on approval.Litter brother to above male, also pictured at 8 Vi months.Lennis RainesRt. 2, Box 223 Morristown, TN 37814 615 587-3411POMERANIAN REVIEWay be you get the coat and the wins, aybe you get the dog back in a box. You ty your handler and you take your lances.Anyway, the owner may not know that e new product is arsenic, but the vner and the handler have both violated e law. The handler willfully and tentionally uses the drug to enhance the lat, at risk to the dogs life. But the owner olates the spirit of the law by not altering to inquire as to the precise nature the new product. Neither are otivated by the dogs welfare.And what of surgical alterations This eld is really broad, and with the advent of lily miracles in veterinary science. The mine version of Frankenstein cant be far .vay. Braces are put on teeth to correct the ite. Ears are given multiple re-crops, shot ith magic foam, or implanted with pieces f plastic it seems anything goes for ears - just get em up. Missing testicles lddenly descend after all. Droopy eyes em to Tighten with age. And long lils, or crooked tails, or the wrong shape lil these are nearly non-existent lately, hy should your dog have a funny tail 'hen your veterinarian can give him a new nd perfect-looking one And whos to say 'hether or not a particular bitch entry has een spayed When the question comes up, ist tell the judge she had bloat surgery.i.nd never mind what it does to a poor ovices breeding program to breed two ogs with perfect mouths and then find that our entire litter is undershot.What about that incredible up ersonality on the multiple Group and BIS inner the perfect dog who only acts ke that for the big occasions in the ring Vho knows or cares that the animation omes from the little pinch between the heek and gum and makes the weekend ome up red, white and blue And for you oiks who are blessedly unaware, were alking about cocaine its not just for ace horses anymore.We would all agree that these are 'iolations of the letter of the law which overn our dog shows. But what about ther, more subtle forms of circumvention .Vhat about those things which the law does tot specifically deny us, but which an unce of common sense and fair playwould tell us are uncalled forWhat about the exhibitor who knows her dog finished at a show two days ago, but doesnt switch him to the BOB competition, leaving him in the class to rip off another major and finish with over 20 points If theres a good reason for this one, we havent heard it yet.And what about the exhibitor who encourages a novice to enter her poor quality specimen, knowing it cant win, but knowing it will pad the points and that the judge probably wont excuse it as long as it keeps breathing. And how about the exhibitor who enters half a dozen untrained puppies to make a major, and never mind the inconvenience to the judge and the other exhibitors while she leash-breaks her pups in the ringThese things are in no way prohibited by our rules, but is that the purpose of the breed ring Is that the spirit of the competition which is supposed to bring the best specimens to the top by judicial selection Of course, entering the ugly dog sometimes backfires instead of being a filler and making points, the ugly dog sometimes TAKES the points. When you enter fillers, you are going on the assumption that the judge will be bright enough to realize the dog is ugly.So is it true, then, that in the long run, all that matters is the posting of the wins in the Gazette and putting the ribbons on the wallThe answer is that depends. That depends on the personal intent of the exhibitor, or the handler, or the judge. The AKC can make all the rules it wants. But the AKC cannot legislate honesty and compliance with the spirit of those rules. That is up to the players in the game.There are two ways to make it in dog biz. You can accept the rules as they are and operate within their framework.Or you can disregard the rules in favor of giving yourself every unfair advantage possible, legal or not. If Bozos coat isnt quite the right shade, by all means, dye it. If the coat is the wrong texture, by all means spray it. If the bite is bad, by all means rush to the dentist. If hes droopy and unexcited, by all means sprinkle him with snow and watch him fly. Whatever is wrong with your dog or your breedingPOMERANIAN REVIEWOakridge KennelsvfcjqSilZV9- S' UV1 SICh. Lil Charming Gold ButtercupI am especially proud of this little girl because she has three of my boys in her pedigree, Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge BIS, Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge BIS, and his full brother, Ch. Lucky Gold Dancer of Oakridge. I am deeply grateful to Janice Luginsland for using my boys in her breeding program when I could not continue to breed at that time.Nina Epps Rt.4, Box 48XEl Dorado Springs, MO 64744Ch. Wee Dancing Flame of OakridgePOMERANIAN REVIEWDgram, for heavensakes dont wait to ed for correctness OPERATE for it, EDICATE for it, CHEAT for it, andS.Y for it, if you have to, but fix itWell, right there, friends, is the fatal flaw hin this approach to the sport of dogs, uly great show dogs do occur. They are a ility. But the great ones only happen for sir breed in one way, and in one way ly. And here is the big secret, the big ^stery THEY ARE BORN THAT AY. There are a naturally-occurring lenomenon the nearly perfect dog. other Nature gives one from time to time ter the breeder has coaxed her and taken e care to work hand in hand with her. tat is the only way the incredible, le-in-a-million dog occurs, the one with a ok to launch a thousand wins.The breeder, the owner, the handler, or e judge who has tried to force the hand of other Nature and rearrange her handi- jrk may indeed be published in the azette as top winner of all times. And the isettes and trophies may well be piled on eir heads in their trophy rooms.But I would remind you that Rosie Ruiz ill has the winning medal for the womans .stest time in the 1980 Boston Marathon in r trophy room, and it has closed more Dors for her than it has opened. For those F you whove been living under a rock, osie set her record in the marathon by spping the subway for part of the race, he still has the medal, but she has it ecause she stole it, not because she won.If youre bored at this point and are lying to yourself, So if nobody knows nd nobody is hurt, who loses sit tight, ecause Im going to tell you who loses hile youre busy raking in the rosettes and icking up the points. THE BREED OSES and THE SPORT LOSES, thats 'ho.We each hold within ourselves the ossibility of bettering the breed we work dth and of keeping the sport we profess 3 love a good, clean family sport. We also old the possibility within ourselves of unning our chosen breed into the ground ver the years, and of turning the sport of ogs into a mockery of what is was meant o be.So whats it gonna be, sports fans Wait - let me help you make up your mind.Think of winning. Think of winning BIG. Think of having a dog who becomes a legend in his breed. Think of the incredible feeling of knowing that your dog is all these things just as he stands, just as he is, unretouched and truly born to rule. Think of the possibility of that exciting dog, the nearly perfect dog which naturally occurs without surgery, without drugs, without artificial color. If those thoughts dont give you a rush and make you want to try for that perfect dog the natural way, youre past help.And to wrap it up for a few of you who are still sitting out there trying to decide if its ok to dye that smallish spot on the flank just this once, you have missed the point altogether. For you, we would suggest that since everything else has failed, why not try honestyfiDKiN5Puppies expected Feb. March White, black, chocolate, Black Tan. Cavalier, Bonner, Great Elms lines.Dolores Adkins 56 Camille Lane E. Patchogue, NY 11772 516 289-9682POMERANIAN REVIEWFOXAIREis pleased to announce the acquisition of1Ch. Queenaire Chances AreShown with new owner-handler Dr. Steve and judge James Nickerson.We would like to graciously thank Dudley and Wanda Roach of Queenaire for giving up such a fine dog. We love himpending AKC confirmation.This is Medfly4 month old son of Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude x Ch. Foxaire My Sweet Promise. Watch for him and his sister, Foxaire Youre Welcome, in the ring soon with Dr. Steve.. . . And best of luck to the Roaches with their litter sister, Queenaire Promise.We have several bitches bred to Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude.Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Ayres 714599-1834830 N. Oakway St. San Dimas, CA 91773POMERANIAN REVIEWThree and one half pounds of pure Corns Duke Dragonfly.VMercers Dragonfly TributeCh. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue x Mercers Duchess O DukePictured at 8 monthsit this writing six of our finest brood bitches are heavy in whelp. We should have some nice ones to offer lis spring. Sired by Champions Youngduke, Touch O Duke, and Short this time we have two females for sale. One is an eight month old daughter of Ch. Youngduke, eautiful clear orange color with heavy coat, very nice quality and a three month old sired by Ch. dercers Touch of Duke. She will be brood sized and brood quality.PRAIRIE WIND POMERANIANSDan and JoEllen Mercer Rt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122 308 889-3109POMERANIAN REVIEWEDITORIALThere are many exciting facets about a new job. The challenge of new work, a different group of people to meet and work with, learning about a new breed and gaining new information are all very stimulating experiences, to say the least. I guess the nicest part of getting this job is knowing that all the hard work I have put into The Springer Review has been recognized and appreciated. I am very honored to now edit Pomeranian Review. It is a beautiful, well-organized publication and a testiment to the abilities of your fine president and former editor, Roberta Massey. I look forward to working with Roberta and the American Pomeranian Club.I was pleased to note that you advertisers are prompt about submitting your ads. Late ads may seem unimportant, but they can make an editors job incredibly difficult. Deadlines are critically important because they reflect directly on the publication date and that means the difference between a timely and effective magazine and one that simply has old news. Keep up the good work and the Review will work well for you and your dogs.I apologize for the tardiness of this April issue. There were several obstacles that I encountered in getting this issue started. First, the negatives from the past issues were lost, I moved out of my house, filed for divorce and set up a new office. Other than that, everything went like clockwork Next issue will be right on time . . . barring a National disaster.I have a few requests to make of advertisers that will make my job easier1. Submit all copy and pedigrees typed or clearly printed. Id rather spend my time creating eye-catching ads for you than deciphering handwriting. Im sure youll agree that that is a much better use for my time.2. Check and re-check pedigrees.not a Pom person, so I dont know kennel names and dogs names. If you make a mistake or a typo, I may not catch it. Pedigrees are too important to be published inaccurately due to carelessness and you wont want to get the collect call from me asking if Miss Busybody really is a sire3. mail photographs carefully. Use photo mailers or manilla envelopes with cardboard behind them. Mark the folder Photos Do Not Bend. This is, of course, no guarantee that they wont arrive in accordian form, but at least you can vent your spleen at the Post Office if it does.4. Mark ALL photos. Your name, address and the registered name of the dog I cant tell Fuzzy from Wuzzy sorry. Cover the ink with magic mending tape so that it wont smear and ruin the photo behind.5. Dont mark, cut or deface yourphotos. Just say, Dog only, or whatever, in a note to me. I wont include the birds in the sky, the vans in the parking lot or the trash cans by the ring rope, so please trust me If there is no note, Ill crop as closely to the judge, handler and dog as possible.6. Use good pictures of your dogs.A picture is worth ten thousand words, according to the Chinese, but only a good one. Poor pictures can detract from even the best dogs, so be sure your pictures are not only flattering to your dog, but are of good quality so that they will reproduce well. The best reproduction in a black and white magazine comes from a black and white glossy photograph. Furthermore, it is always better to reduce a clear, large photograph than to enlarge a small one.Im looking forward to working with you and many blue ribbons to you allPOMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American ymeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional tails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on e with the Review, the charge is 10.50.H. BEV-NORS HO-LEA-TERRAed Orange Femalereeder Beverly Norriswners Claudia Pfeffer Beverly Norrisifferson, LAMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus h. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple SireCh. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet SassyBrittons Little Miss Muffet May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandy of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus dneys Mity Isis Delight DamCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Post Scripts Aftr Noon Delight Edneys Miss Patty CakeiCBmd CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE UNDAEled Maleireeder Beverly Norriswners Larry Castro Beverly NorrisCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice h. Thelduns Almond Fudge SireCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina PreshusMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie ev-Nors Love of Great Elms DamCh. McKameys Sundawn Traveler Tiny Toys Goodin SassyGoodins Millee Joy of Lu-MaCH. BONNERS MEMORY OF TRILETTEOrange Female Breeder Karen Holder Owners Donna Megenhardt Dorothy Bonner. Kent, OH.Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Goldmist AC Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff Sire Ch. Bonners Pep-R-Wee Beautiful Bonners Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod Bonners Pepper-K Sunkiss Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist AC Ch. Bonners Starlyn Prissy Puff Bonners Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod Ch. Bonners Starcrest Trilette DamCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Bonners Starlyn Modette Bonners Styletess ModisteCH. CHEROKEES TART N TINY CANDYOrange Sable Female Breeder Verna Hood Owner Janice YoungCh. Creiders Replica of Riptide Ch. Robinhoods Replica Rerun Queenaire Gin Fizz of Hoods Youngs Cherokee Proud Rerun SireTonos The Mighty Mite Tonos Dragonflower of Young Tonos Call Me Fire-Mist Ch. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Robinhoods DuplicateCopy Creiders Chitty Bang Bang Robinhoods Naughty Candy DamCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Creiders Naughty Nanny Creiders Miss MaggieViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWCEDAR GLEN'S and JAMBOS POMERANIANS proudly presentsJambos Community Property cVIPiefBridgette was Best Puppy at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty December 5, 1981 under Mr. Gordon M. Parham. She is shown going Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex for 2 points under Mrs. Robert Sturm at the Puyallup Dog Fanciers Show January 17, 1982. Both placements were from the 6 to 9 month class. Bridgette is owner-handled.Watch for Bridgettes brother and sister coming out soon.Co-ownersCedar Glen PomeraniansAlicia Kvamme Rt. 4, Box4681-H Gig Harbor, WA 98335 206 884-3010Jambos PomeraniansNora Higbee 2021 E. 174th Spanaway, WA 98387 206 537-6800POMERANIAN REVIEWT. EDANS SUNCHARM AGNETHAange Femaleeeder-Owner Jo Ann Vestal n Diego, CACh. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland Sunflash Highlands Ristic Petitei. Silver Meadows Sir Sun Charm SireCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Silver Meadows Tiny Sun Charm Silver Meadows Pepper Charm Little Timmy IV Becks Von ThumperHawthornes Honey Bear Ians Just a Lu Lu DamBoyces Bing Tammys BridgetTammy of The GlenH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD OF JABILid Maleeeders Morris Betty Carsonwners Rosalind Goltz Jessie Barbaraoung. Scarsdale, NY.Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair ti. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond SireCh. Models Son of Fun Models Solid Gold Models Bewitched Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing JabilsSun Goddess h. Jabils Stephanie of Emcee DamCh. Jabils Dandy Lion C.D.Jabils Dinah MiteCh. Varneys Jabil Dream GirlH. HIGHVIEWS MOON GLOWrange Femalereeders John T. Rose M. Hansen wners John T. Rose M. Hansen eldenville, WI 54003AC Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy Ch. Gaulkes Jingle Jangle Blackorbys Lucky Little Joy h. Highviews Gaulke Fuzz Buzz SireSonny BunHighviews Starlight Rose R. Polly Ann Randys Wee Tuffy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Golden Moon omirish Cream O The Crop DamCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Dr Da OCavilier Ch. Scotia Lay-A-Way BrochureCH. JABILS SIMPLY SERENADark Orange Female Breeders Ron Sharleen Manchester Owners Jessie Barbara Young Loudon, NHCh. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Jabils Sun Goddess Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful SireCh. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun Goddess Jabil Petite Delilah CD Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Topaze Pumkin SeedCh. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze Manchesters Misty Dawn DamCh. Acarusims Wee Ben of Topaze Topaze Akiesha Tush Martine Topaze Diamond HopeCH. MODELS BIT-O-WHIZOrange Sable MaleBreeder Owner Bob GoodrichHampton, VACh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Models High Voltage SireCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair Windermere Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Woods Sun Goddess DamCh. Models Magic Timstopper Magics Little Miss Cuddles NoBodys LadySHAWN-DEE OF POINT LOMACreamBreeder Owner Pauline Hughes, Encinitas, CACh. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Shawn of Point Loma Roxana of Point Loma Ch. Shawnee of Point Loma SireAlvas Little Percy Alvas Rebecca Nelsons SonjaCh. Jeribeths Darling Doodle Bug Ch. Jeribeths Dragon Killer Jeribeths Toast to Duke Kill-Dee of Point Loma DamCh. Shawnee of Point Loma Heidi of Point LomaWee Bambi of Point LomaPOMERANIAN REVIEWDA'LVN POMERANIANSProudly announces our first champion.^2-s .WTfTy_ _AC Ch. Valleybrook Earnest ErnieErnie, a 42 lb. true stable is a joy to show. His impressive wins testify to that, with back to back 3 pt. majors and a 5 pt. major over specials under Mr. Fred Bassett. Ernie was owner-handled all the wayWed like to thank Howard and Kay Northey for letting us have Ernie, and all the people that have helped us this year, with a special thanks to Chuck and Veronica Boudreau for getting us started.Dave and Lynn Kime 14790 New York Romulus, Michigan 48174 313 941-7926POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.Edna E. Girardot6 Champions finished in 1981.Breeder of over 150 champions.OFFERS AT STUDCH. SCOTIA JDS IM THE PIED PIPERCh. Scotia W. Girl Little Joe Dandy x Ch. Sungolds Dee BeeCH. SCOTIA SPECKY HAPPY GS RETURNCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular x Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Happy GirlCH. VARNEYS ZODIAC CAVALIERCh. Varneys Cavalier Top Choice x Ch. Cavys Sensational ConquestCH. SOCIACS CAVALIER COMMANDERTonos May Morning Ali-Echo x Ch. Cavys Sensation ConquestCH. BABES TEDDY TOOCh. Tinklers Lil Play Box CD x Hatchs Peppie of ShastaCH. RUSSELLS FOX FLAME FOXEERussells Fox Flame Muff x Russells Fox Flame Ce CeOthers, pointed and producers of champions.PUPS, FOR PETS, SHOWING, BREEDING.P.O.Box 646 Floral City, Florida 32636 904 726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEWJCh. D-Nee's Darin' DuffieWinner of Michigan Pom Specialty November 81 and Chicago Pom Specialty December 81.T 9Wv1Wishes to take this opportunity to congratulate his half brothersCh. D-Nees Darin Dathos, owned by Jr. and Raeleen Graser, for his recent Group Firsts. Toasty was the BW in New York in 1980.ANDCh. D-Nees Darin Desperado, also owned by Jr. and Raeleen, for his very short show career. Gusto finished in seven shows at the tender age of eight months with four majors. Needless to say, this is one I should have kept.Danny, Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan, is the proud daddy of these three sons.FOR SALE 8 month orange bitch 5 Vi lb.Nadine Hersil, Professional Handler 3128 E. LuzerneAve. Cudahy, WI53110 414481-5556POMERANIAN REVIEW^ Clear Creek PomeraniansrV 59ft'iAL__Kazar'sBilly JoeBilly Joe was Winners Dog under judge Dr. Lee Huggins special thanks to Dr. Huggins. Billy Joe has often been said to be a look alike to the great Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. BJ was BOB Puppy in April 81 at the sanctioned match of the Pom Club of Greater Phoenix. He also received a Group 2 under judge Rose Campbell. Thank you, Mr. Richard Lackey for allowing me to own this very beautiful and special dog. BJ is always owner handled.Debbie Broday602 979-53847435 W. CometPeoria, Arizona 85345POMERANIAN REVIEWMercer's Jody of TouchClear Creek Pomeranians ^A.I r.,. VV, v.2CJr- jpIM Jodi came from the 6-9 puppy class for RWB over open bitches 3 days in a row on the Tumbleweed Circuit. Special thanks to judge Mrs. Erica Dixon Thomsen. Now in full coat, look for this lovely silver cream in the ring. Thank you, Mr. Dan Mercer for allowing me to own and show such a beautiful girl. Jodi is always owner handled.Debbie Broday602 979-53847435 W. CometPeoria, Arizona 85345POMERANIAN REVIEW i fir illAmerican Mexican International WorldChampion Sunrays LVl BeaverCongratulates his new Champion Sons and DaughtersCh. The Impeccable Brat of Hi Ho Ch. Millbrooks Sassy Pockets and last but not least,Ch. Raps Enchantress of BeaverFOR SALE Young, New Champions.Ted and Kim Dickinson Box 517 Bonita, CA 92002 714 463-9006POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. The Impeccable Brat of Hi HoBreeder Owner Marge Morrison co Box 517 Bonita, CA 92002Tj 13 j lJ-nCh. Millbrooks Sassy PocketsBreeder Barbara Paine Owners Dorothy J. Jamie Keller 19129 Chase St. Northridge, CA 91324Ch. Raps Enchantress of Beaver Breeder Thelma B. PrillipOwner Kim Dickinson Box 517Bonita, CA 92002POMERANIAN REVIEWMODEL KENNELSsends congratulations to Betty and Morris Carsonon finishing their really nice male to his championshipEMCEES CHIPS OF DIAMONDand also Maynard Wood for doing such a good job of making him show like a million and look every bit as good.Good luck to all going to the Specialty.Bob Goodrich Hampton, VA 23663MOTHERThe house is neglected the beds stand unmadeThe windows are hazythe curtains are frayed.The books and pictures are scattered around,The larder is empty no food to be found.Mother has gone to the Dog Show.The is dust in the corners the pictures are wry.There are holes in the sox the laundrys piled high.The porchneeds a sweeping, the chairs put in place,The weed in the garden are growing apaceBut, Mother has gone to the Dog Show.But we care not a whit if she brings home the bacon,For we have champ in the process of makinWell make our own beds, and scrub pots and pans.Well laugh at the dust, and eat out of cansSo Mother can go the the Dog ShowAuthor UnknownFrom Sheltie Dateline.204 Yukon St. P.O.Box 3004POMERANIAN REVIEWm______ k_I E El E EN NR NrU elis delighted to present our THIRD champion in 1981.VIBEST OFREED or VARIsherrt photoCh. Penru's Fancy Free of Caldoak C. D.Lori is pictured going Best of Breed from the puppy class under judge Mrs. Wm. Kendrick. She finis her championship with 3 majors, several Best of Breeds and Best of Opposites.Her C.D. was earned with honors scores of 196.5, 198.5 and 194 and 2 second placements. She i Highest Scoring Pom and Top Dog at North Shore and High in Match at Connecticut River Valley wit 198.Lori is a joy to work with a sound, beautiful, intelligent little girl. My sincerest thanks to Paul Caldwell, her co-owner and breeder, for letting me have her.Rosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 914 725-51POMERANIAN REVIEWOCCIPITAL DYSPLASIAby Stephen Ayres DVM 830 Oakway Ave. San Dimas, CA 91773Occipital Dysplasia is a condition which occasionally seen in our breed and all toy eeds. It is a congenital defect in the rmation of the foramen magnum, the iening where the back of the brain leads it of the skull into the spinal cord. The cipital bone is where this takes place and nee, the name.Anatomically, the foramen magnum is larged from a normal flat oval shape to nost a keyhole appearance. O.D. is aded 1111 in severity as shown in gure 1, not unlike the gradings of hip 'splasia. These gradings may not have any irrelation with the severity of clinical ins, however. G-l is an extension of 12 e height of the normal foramen magnum.o. m\ ooramen ,-.0m033TBigure 1 Diagrammatic representation of asterior view of a dogs skull to show the Drmal shape of the occipital bone and the three ades [1, 11, 111] of occipital dysplasia. The ramen magnum in this view is narrowed in the mtrodorsal dimension because of the angle at hich the skull is viewed. [P] parietal bone, rB] tympanic bulla [Oi] supraoccipital one, [02] occipital condyle, [03] occipital bone.G-ll is an extension double the height of the normal foramen magnum. G-l 11 is over twice the normal height of the foramen magnum.Clinical signs develop from this condition when the back part of the brain slips through this enlarged opening resulting in neurological symptoms such as seizures, personality changes and sometimes sudden death. This condition seems to be hereditary, however the genetic transmission is unknown. The onset of symptoms may occur any time from birth to 5 years of age and an animal with even a G-l 11 Occipital Dysplasia may appear normal. A study at the University of Illinois on 29 toy dogs revealed the results shown in the chart on the opposite page.Since Occipital Dysplasia seems to be hereditary in transmission, if you should discover it in your line, all your breeding stock should be examined. Final diagnosis is made by x-ray of the skull. See Figure 5.One final point is that O.D. is sometimes seen with hydrocephalus and hydrocephalus can present the same clinical signs, but O.D. is in fact, a separate entity and is usually seen alone..1Figure 5 Diagrammatic representation of the correct position A of the dogs head for the anterior-posterior view of the foramen magnum. Positioning as in B results in superimposition of the nasal bones and the foramen magnum. Positioning as in C results in superimposition of the first cervical vertebra over the foramen magnum.POMERANIAN REVIEW29 Cases of Occipital Dysplasia in the DogGrade of OccijDog Dysplasia seenlumber Breed Sex Age Fontanelle Clinic signs a radiograpl1 Yorkshire F 3 yr N A for 1 year 32 Yorkshire F 3 yr N A for 1 year 33 Pomeranian M lyr O A since birth 34 Maltese M lyr o,s A,D,C,L H 35 Miniature poodle F 7 yr N A for 4 years 36 Chihuahua F 6 yr N A for 3 years 37 Miniature poodle M 5 yr N N 28 Toy poodle F 2 yr N N 29 Miniature poodle M lyr N N 210 Pomeranian F 4 mo o,s A,D,C,B,L H 211 Yorkshire M 3 yr N N 212 Lhasa apso F 6 mo 0 L 213 Miniature poodle F 4 yr o A,D,C H 214 Miniature poodle F 4 yr o N 215 Miniature poodle M 7 yr N N 116 Beagle M lyr N N 117 Beagle F lyr N N 118 Beagle M lyr N N 119 Miniature poodle F 5 yr N N 120 Shih tsu F lyr N L 121 Yorkshire F 2 yr N N 122 Lhasa apso F 2 yr 0 L 123 Lhasa apso M 2 yr N N 124 Lhasa apso M 1 yr N C 125 Miniature poodle M 6 mo N C 126 Miniature poodle M 3 yr o,s A 127 Miniature poodle F 4 mo N A,P 128 Chihuahua F 4 yr 0 N 129 Chihuahua F 2 mo o,s A,D,L 1N NormalO Open detected by palpationS Front-parietal sutures openH Hydrocephalic at postmortem examinationA AtaxiaD DepressionC ConvulsionsB BlindL Bilateral Lateral StrabismusP Pain on palpation or manipulation of occipito-axial jointsGrade 3 Extreme lateral extension of foramen in addition to a grade 3 dorsal extension.POMERANIAN REVIEWJabil'M,fag13k.- .. .. -s\JT^-hr-fa......-fafa Vil1T1iCi. Jabils Simply SinfulRusty is pictured winning the Group at the Wyoming K.C. Show, under judge Charles Kellogg, handled by Joy Brewster.Congratulations to Rosalind Goltz for handling Ch. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil to his title. Shee his pedigree in Behind the New that youve seen Rusty. . .POMERANIAN REVIEW\JabiifA'mVv88 X3SA... .. this is Rustys first daughter.Ch. Jabiis Simply SerenaSerena finished with a 5 point win at the Springfield K.C. Show in November, under judge Jacquelyn Klein photo unavailable. See her pedigree in Behind the New Champions. She has been bred to her sire, and was a little too pregnant to make the Specialty in New York.Thank to the judges who admired Serena, and to her friends who have been so appreciative of our chunky doll.Jessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Rt.8,Box251 Loudon, NH 03301 603435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEWHeritage Pomeranians of VermontCan. Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael, and his mother, Can. Ch. Bells Misty Masquerade, send congratulations to Can. Ch. Chriscento Carlotta, his sister, on her recent winnings. This gives Misty two Best in Show children. We are real proud of her and her kids.Several litters due in March.Betty and Rex Bell 132 Hinesburg Rd.802 863-3003 So. Burlington, VT 05401Cheelan Pomeranians has moved again .... . . Lock, stock and barrel to Houston, Texas . . . er, well, almost lock, stock and barrel. I left my heart at Icerama.I will be selling several Pom-kids which I had not planned to sell due to space limitations at my parents house.All inquiries will be answered promptly.Karen Holder Cheelan Pomeranians 7750 Dixie Drive Houston, TX 77087 713 644-0536Canadian Champion Bells Chriscendo CarmichaelPOMERANIAN REVIEW STARLITE POMERANIANSGayle L. Griffin 15625 W. Perrydale Rd. Amity, OR 97101 503843-21Lenniss Midnight DeliteSire Ch. Lenniss Tarbaby of Great Elm Kid Gypsy Queen PrincessSee Pom Review, April 81, p. 15 and Feb. 80, p. 38.Starlites Witch of the WestSire Ch. Phyner Night EditorCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Wieses Flash of Timmy Again Wieses Cavalier Gold Venture Sir Lancelot of Salem TownCh. Jillz Riga Raz of Starlite Starlites Rigal Miss Rhapsody La Modas Ballerina Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Sundots Ramboling Man Ch. Queenaire First Lady Starlites Ramboling Gypsy ptdCh. Jillz Rigal Raz of Starlite Starlites Rigal Miss Pixie La Modas BallerinaPuppies due March April 1982Gypsy Queen see above X Midnight Sweet As Honey G.E. McKamey X Midnight Honey III 3 Great Elm X MidnightSeveral litters sired by Lucky Chance. We have one nice black girl sired by Midnight x Honey Bea McKamey.POMERANIAN REVIEWPANNONSANNONS MAGMUN FORCE CH. ANNONS DANDI E LEGENDANDER S R ONA OF LA CALVADOS CH. SILVER ME A DOWS FROSTEE CUB CH. ANNONS TA N TAR CH. ANNONS LIL LOVE ANNONS GRAND FINALE ANNONS DA N DIE LUCILLE CH. PETERSONS CAMP OF LENNISAnnons congratulates Annons Grand Finale and Annons Dandie Lucille on their first points.Special congrats from Ch. Annons Dandie Legend to his daughter SanMans Dandie Little Sandy on her first point.Inquiries invited for puppies, young adults, show prospects and stud service.Ann Cannon Nokesville, VA 22123 703368-1341POMERANIAN REVIEWDANZIGO'TBEST WINNERSOF4 Ch. Danzig De Ja Vu Secretariatpending AKC confirmationPictured winning a 4 pt. major under judge Forrest McCoy. He finished on the January Florida circuit with 4 majors. Handed by Mary James.Thank you Randy Freeh for his sire and Ethel Dendy for his grandmother.Special thanks to Marlene for all the help.Patricia D. Brooks 102 Jefferson Lane Ladson, SC 29456 803871-0239VPOMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIANS^Pomirish cKennelsNORWICH TERRIERSr vBEST OF , OPPOSITEPomirish Chances Dream PuffPuff took a 4 pt. major on the tough Florida circuit from puppy class at 9 months, 2 days old, the day the tents blew down. Had to hold her, she might have blown off the tablePups available from the following littersWhelped 92981, orange f. Ch. Chance x Pomirish Bear Ns Gold DBloon. half sister of chance needs 1 major to finishWhelped 10281, If. 2 m. 1 cream. Ch. Pomirish Lil Guy Great Elms Line x Pomirish Cream Puffs Carry On Chances sister.Whelped 12182, 2 f. 2 m. 1 cream. Ch. Chance x Ch. Pomirish Squirts Fizz dam of a ch.Whelped 2182, orange 2 m. 2 f. Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport x Great Elms Scotia Lines.Dick Sally Baugniet 414755-2994Older pups and some broods available.11224 Co. HwyB. Mishicot, WI 54228POMERANIAN REVIEW i1^Pomirish JiennelsPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIERSBreeders of 20 Pom Champions\AC Ch. Pomirish CR Puffs Only ChanceMulti-Group winner, Specialty BIS Winner Breeder-Owner-HandledWe have been blessed with more than we bargained for litters of 3 and 4 and will sell some of them for less than we normally do. More bitches than usual conceived and free-whelped for us. We are breeding for TOP QUALITY. We must be doing something right.Congratulations to Elizabeth Spillman CH. POMIRISH SPORTS SWEDISH LADY is now a Swedish Champion, too.Ladys pup, whose sire is Ch. Chance, went BIS in Sweden. We are very happy for you Elizabeth Hearing things like that, makes breeding Poms all worthwhile for us.11224 Co. HwyB. Mishicot, WI 54228Dick and Sally Baugniet 414 755-2994POMERANIAN REVIEWCAN DOG PEOPLE BECOME TOO INTENSEby James Edward ClarkA licensed handler was talking recently ibout a client that has been very successful n breeding consistently good dogs . . . and the best part about her, he said, is hat she still has a husband, her kids are veil fed, and her house is clean. A strange hing to comment on ... perhaps. Or is itThere are a number of dog people who 'all so completely off the deep end that they. tre doggy to the exclusion of all else. They carry their dogs and their dog problems all the way and usually manage to un them into the ground.Some of the most successful and lappiest breeders and exhibitors in this ountry are well-rounded people. They nave an interest in a great many things and he sport of dogs has managed to take its proper place in their lives. As a result, they ire much healthier dog people.An exhibitor whose all consuming interest is dogs and whose friends are 100 dog persons, naturally become involved in all of the unpleasant gossip and intrigue that goes with any competitive sport. Because they have no other interest, the failure to win at a show is a life and death situation, and defeat is enlarged out of all proportion. They therefore, have to find an out for defeat and either the judge is crooked or the show is fixed or all of the other dogs were dyed to make this defeat justifiable. If these persons had not put all their eggs in one basket and had won a tennis match the day before or had watched their son toss his little league game, or just watched their prize azaleas bloom into the best on the block, or the time spent in volunteer work at the hospital was rewarding perhaps they would return dog shows to their proper place as a sport and know that the bitch that beat them was a shade better in the headIt is even more important for the breeder to have a change of scenery and a change of thought. Persons that spend 24 hours a day and seven days a week in the midst of their dogs, are more susceptable to the dreaded Continued on p. 65.HAZARDOUS CARPETINGA recent issue of the Atlanta Kennel Club Digest includes an article by Tom King warning of the dangers of some so-called indoor-outdoor carpeting used by breeders in whelping boxes. While it provides good footing, is easily cleaned, and look nice, he reports'that there have been some near nightmares with this carpeting and some caution is warranted.Mr. King cited the case of a woman whose bitch urinated inside the whelping box on the carpet. Within minutes, he writes, the breeder heard the cries of the puppies who were in the box and she quickly ran to see what was wrong.The pups were only a few days old and had pushed themselves all around the box on belly, feet and noses looking for Mama. They were in direct contact with the carpet, portions of which were urine-soaked. The breeder discovered white pads on the feet, white noses and at least two puppies with no skin on their abdomens. The litter was quickly taken to a veterinarian where it was found that the white residue and missing skin were the result of chemical burns.The carpeting had been treated with chemicals to aid in cleaning the impact of the urine on the carpet was that a relatively strong release of ammonia had taken place, followed by a mixture of gasses similar to sulfuric acid. In a larger area or with older dogs or humans, the situation would have been harmless, but under the circumstances, a hazardous condition resulted. One of the pups lost the tip of his nose, both with abdomen burns died, but, fortunately, those puppies. with burned pads on their feet fully recovered. Breeders beware when you consider improving your whelping box.POMERANIAN REVIEWMeg's Pomeraniansproudly presents1'i i V.vmClc.Ch. Bonner's Memory of TritetteMemory finished her championship with a five point major and a Group First under the capable judging of Miss Martha Jane Ablett. She was owner handled during her show career.My thanks to my dear friend, Karen Holder, for breeding this beautiful girl. Memory exemplifies all the style and breeding of the Bonner line.Richard and Donna Megenhardt 216 626-43688026 S.R. 43 Kent, OH 44240POMERANIAN REVIEWIDEAS TO TRY FOR THRIVING POMSBy Jean Mill 1412 Covina Hills Covina, CA 91724Compared with most other breeds, the tmeranian is an easy keeper, as we ed to say about certain calves on the nch. Its toy size makes housing simple th low pen divisions easily accomodated indoors, its long coat ample otection against low temperatures outers, its grooming accomplished on a lap, ith in the kitchen sink, and clipping nited to feet, ears and rear. Feeding a om doesnt blood-let the budget, and four five can be taken to the shows in the .mily car. We have it deceptively easy, oth as pet owners and as breeders, for ren mistakes on the carpet are rather consequential.But our tiny breed is subject to accident om dropping, squashing, pinching, and lotswinging. They escape through tinier nce holes, are readily stolen if untended, can be victims of coyotes, iccoons, possums, hawks, and owls if left atdoors in some areas, and males bravely tallenge much larger dogs, always losing ty battle. Hence, Poms must be protected om the greater world that other breeds are ee to explore.Ironically however, Poms thrive best if wen enormous freedom. Puppies able to in at full speed in a given direction with om to dodge and tumble develop muscle ne and coordination, plus long reach and etter angulation. As in human condi- oning, muscles must be'stretched and tired develop. The healthiest teenagers are lose that play tennis rather than hover ver TV. Puppies and adults alike need emulation to run, to pull and tug, to roll nd wrestle, lest they become soft, wobbly, uny and lazy.No puppy should grow up alone. If ossible, have two puppies but if .this isnt ossible, get a kitten from the pound as a laymate. Editors Note Beware the isease dangers from animals at shelters nd pounds. The antics will keep the entire amily amused as the two chase and feign nd romp. Kennel puppies must have runsof at least twenty feet long, preferably 100 feet. But mere space isnt enough. Puppies and adults need toys to play with. Small balls, short lengths of heavy rope knotted at each end, pieces of leather a cuff from an old jacket is great, a childs old shoe, wooden spools too big to swallow, large beef bones all these become treasures to puppies and aid in the development of strong jaws, teeth, chests and legs. Heavy toys improve posture and neck carriage.But not every kennel has enough space for really good exercise. The solution may be the exercise wheel. Dogs and cats readily take to workouts if the wheel is properly made. Any old axle from a junk yard will serve as the hub not one from an automobile, from which 2Vi to 3 foot spokes are fastened. Weld a strip of 8 metal to the ends of the spokes and mount the wheel on a sturdy base or fasten it to the wall. Mine was from an old farm rake included spokes and rim, but any small utility trailer, boat trailer, wheelchair or even a heavy-duty wheelbarrow should do. Lengthen the spokes and weld directly to the metal band if you cant make a rim. Or buy a new bearing from a dealer. Look in the yellow pages under wheels or bearings. Consult a machine shop welder for the metal you need if you dont have a good junk yard nearby. Metal dealers have the rods for spokes, the metal band, the L-beam for the stand, etc. Some will cut to your measurements. But not all metal welds or braises well, so ask first. If your wheel is to stand against a wall as in the picture, the wheel can be mounted close to the stand, but an animal must not be able to step off the moving wheel between the spokes or hell get scissored against the stand. Glue a long strip of carpet on the inner side of the rim for good traction.You do not want the dog to have an initial scare with the movement. Hold the wheel firmly with your knee while tempting the dog onto the band with a tidbit. Once on, place bits of meat along the band andPOMERANIAN REVIEW flet the wheel turn very slowly as the dog walks to get the treat. I use the word Run and lots of praise. Let him jump on and off the wheel freely so he gains assurance. Never force the issue or he will hate it. Then hold a bite just in front of his nose as he trots along, letting him reach the goody often. Soon he will jump onto the wheel to get treats and start the wheel himself. Be sure it doesnt turn too easily at first and you might prop a pillow under it to act as a brake, if necessary. Keep it fun and hell soon use it many times a day just for the exercise. Remember that the heavier the wheel is, the more momentum it builds up, so keep it lightweight. Also, the bigger the diameter, the less severe the tumble if the dog stops suddenly and gets carried backwards. A big wheel just makes them step forward as it too stops, with no tumble at all. The Poms learn quickly and even the cat runs in it.nHSpecifications Wheel diameter 5 feet. Metal band around circumference 8 wide. Spokes should be at least eight in number. Carpet strip slightly wider than band to shield edge. Stand heavy angle iron or heavy wood. CAUTION Stand must be tight against a wall or the spoke side of wheel should be wire netter. Mount high enough from floor to prevent pup from being pinched underneath.Much has been written about dog nutrition and each kennel owner has his or her own formula. Some are time consuming, some are expensive, some are inadequate, but the most common complaint is that the dogs require daily feeding, thereby hobbling a family that values weekends away fromhome. Id like to offer a suggestion covering all these points.My Poms love Friskies Liver Flavored Cat Food in the green bag at the grocerystore. They eat it free choice from self-feeder made from an old wastebask with a hole cut near the bottom allowir the dogs to get at the Friskies but not so b that it spills out on the floor. Kibbled c food has more protein than dog food an higher energy with less fiber. Editor Note Not all dogs tolerate cat food wel You might consult your veterinarian fc advice. Poms are to other breeds wh hummingbirds are to other birds i.e., the need high energy in their food. Puppies fe cat food need no honey added to the die But dry food is not enough day in and da out. It serves adequately for weekenc when the dogs are left at home alone, br during the week I also feed my ow formula. It is based on the fact that who frying chickens 45 cents a pound at certai California supermarkets, on sale ar cheaper than canned dog food We buy chicken for each dog we own, then cut ther up ourselves, setting aside the thighs am breasts for human meals. All the rest is pu into the pressure cooker, bones, skin, fat innards and all, with water just to cover and cooked at full pressure for an hour Whenever I can, I buy a live chicken o two, remove only the head, feathers, an intestines, leaving the craw and gizzan uncleaned. An hour at 15 pounds of stean pressure reduces the bones to softness. Th blender purees the whole mess, bones anc all, while I add vitamins, a can of spinacl or greens from the garden, several eggs and anything left over from the cupboarc like bread crusts, cooked potatoes hamburger, liver, or sour milk. The hoi chicken broth cooks the egg and hamburgei and liver as it blends. The resulting pate i poured into loaf pans and allowed to cool. Some is frozen, while one is refrigerated. How the dogs love it sliced each morning They are fed only once daily, but have the Friskies always available, plus plenty ol fresh water. This basic diet is easily adjusted to personal preferences, but it produces robust, disease resistant puppies with abounding energy. I have never had a puppy drop with hypoglycemia and mine live outdoors from three days of age. Bitches recover full weight and coats rapidly, even while nursing, and have ample milk.Thriving Poms, continued on p. 654POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYBy Dudley RoachOnce again, November has come and vith it the annual NCPC Specialty. Although the entry was down somewhat 'rom the previous year, there was still a izable entry. The show was held in injunction with the San Joaquin Kennel Slub in Stockton, CA. The show ommittee at Stockton is very gracious and nade ample arrangements for our needs, since Stockton was the third day of a hree-day circuit, the club did not have an ifter-show dinner because people were xhausted and wanted to get home. We did rave coffee and dessert which was presided yver by Secretary Anne Hayden. We did rot have as many out-of-state visitors as usual, but we did have a representation from Washington and Oregon for which we were grateful.Somehow, Chuck Reynolds was pried away from his restaurant and persuaded to judge the Sweepstakes. It was good to see and visit with Chuck, and I felt it wouldnt be too difficult to persuade him to return to the show ring. He had a nice entry of puppies of good quality. After a careful, thoughtful perusal of his classes, he chose Marlin and Marlene Pressers male puppy, Apolloettes Foolish Pleasure, Best in Sweepstakes. Zack, as he is called, is a superb, sound little dog who has been winning quite well. Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes was a lovely, sound little bitch, Maranathas Lil Tabitha, owned by Gloria Carlin and Barbara Paine.After the Sweeps, we moved right into the main event. The regular dog classes, judged by Mr. Harold Bishop, were composed of animals of excellent quality. They were indeed delightful to watch. After considerable debate with himself, Mr. Bishop selected the Best in Sweepstakes winner, Apolloettes Foolish Pleasure as his Winners Dog and the good-coated, typey dog, Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunset as Reserve.With the excitement of the dog judging having barely subsided, Mr. Bishop moved right into judging the bitches. There were anumber of lovely bitches entered and, once again, Mr. Bishop was forced to debate with himself. He got through the puppy bitches, the American-bred bitches, the Bred-by bitches and then, Open Bitches. After considerable meditation, Mr. Bishop selected Ruth Dotsons lovely little Ramboling Man daughter, Sun-Dots Ramboling Lady for Winners Bitch. Reserve went to Janet Kerns very pretty orange bitch, My Starbound Naudia.The apex of the show was next and excitement mounted as a number of exquisite specials entered the ring along with Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. Mr. Bishop had an excruciating decision to make and after what seemed like an interminable time, he selected the Winners Bitch, Sun-Dots Ramboling Lady for Best of Breed. She finished her championship with this super win. Ch. Morenos Critics Choice was Best of Opposite Sex. Smoky is a lovely, huge-coated dog and since the Specialty he has garnered a Group 1 win and a Group 3 win.NCPC congratulates the winners and wishes them well.kSun-Dots Ramboling Lady, bred and owned by Ruth Dotson, is awarded Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Breed over specials to finish her championship under judge Harold Bishop at the Northern California Pomeranian Club Specialty, November 22,1981. Photo by Mikron.POMERANIAN REVIEWThriving Poms, continued from p. 63.Barking is often a problem with owners of pet Poms. A solution I have found enormously successful in silencing the constant yapper is worth passing on. The dog is placed in a small carrier on the floor or grass with a length of clothesline tied from the handle, passed over an overhead branch or door and leading into the house or into an adjacent room. When the dog barks I shout, QUIET and immediately jerk on the rope. The carrier tips a bit, knocking and dog off its feet though not hard enough to hurt it and the surprise is not associated with human punishment, only discomfort. But my command serves to equate the command the subsequent unpleasantness and the dog learns to obey.Can Dog People, continued from p. 60.disease kennel blindness than is the person whose interests are varied. Because the latter persons' dogs share the limelight with their geraniums, their children, their tennis, or their volunteer programs, it is easier for them to look at a puppy objectively and realize that while he is a beautiful charmer, he is not a world beater.'Least important, but certainly a consideration, is the fact that people that put the sport of dogs into its proper place are better ambassadors than those that are to.o doggy. They are able to talk sensibly about something other than dogs and do have an interest in the local PTA or Opera Society. Their dog-talk is saved for the off evening when they are with dog people and therefore, cannot afford gossipy chatter but, instead devote this time to serious and educational conversation about dogs. It makes for a pleasant interlude.Look around you . . . and notice that a high percentage of the truly charming, and respected and successful dog persons today are those that raise and show dogs as a part of a full and useful life rather than to the exclusion of all else.NCPC, continued from p. 64.PLACEMENTSPuppy Dogs 6-9 Months1. Showstars Chip, Pundt2. Phyner Maximum of Jubilee, Trauner Puppy Dogs 9-12 Months1. Effies Ritzie of Toyland, Dahlstrom Bred-By Exhibitor Dogs 1. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, Paine Open Dogs1. Apolloettes Foolish Pleasure, Presser2. Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunset, Dotson3. Queenaire Rebel Holiday, Jacobsen Allen4. Queenaire Deja Vu, Roach Winners Dog Apollettes Foolis PleasureReserve Winners Dog Sun-Dot Ramboling SunsetPuppy Bitches 6-9 Months1. Maranathas Lil Tabitha, PaineCarlir2. Queenaire Elfin Sprite, Roach Puppy Bitches 9-12 Months1. Logans Miwok Indian Flirt, Logan Bred-by Exhibitor Bitches1. Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunshine, Dotsor2. Apolloette Sparklin Crystal, Presser American Bred Bitches1. Showstars Top Star Gidget, Pundt Open Bitches1. Sun-Dots Ramboling Lady, Dotson2. My Starbound Naudia, Kern3. Lee Loys Beebe Doll, Loy4. Queenaire Rosebud, GreerWinners Bitch Sun-Dots Ramboling LadyReserve Winners Bitch My Starbounc NaudiaBest of Breed Sun-Dots Ramboling LadyBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Morenos Critics Choicei GPOMERANIAN REVIEWQueenaire, Reg.Ch. Queenaire Double Scotchcontratulates his currently winning offspringCh. Queenaire Triple Scotch on his recent Group win.Foxaire French Vanilla who made his debut as a mature dog by taking command of the winners circle at the Golden Gate Kennel Club.Apollos Sheer Delight for her recent major wins 14 points to date.Ch. Queenaire Gambling DudeCh. Morenos Critics Choice for his owner-handled Group 1 at Golden Gate and Group 3 at Santa Clara. His half-brother, Ch. Queenaire Coup de Grace won the group at Santa Clara last year.Ch. Queenaire Coup De ETatApolloettes Foolish Pleasure 13 pointsQueenaire Rebel Holiday 14 pointsQueenaire Deja Vu soon to debut with handler Linda Orlando-Graham. Phyner Maximum of Jubilee will be presented by Barbara Humphries.Watch for these almost ring-ready puppies ...Queenaire Bright Promise Queenaire Wind Walker Queenaire Town Crier Queenaire Come Spring Queenaire Winter Bliss Morenos RustyJestoms Just SoJDudley and Wanda Roach 209529-5270612 Woodrow Avenue Modesta, CA 95350POMERANIAN REVIEWaS fo r H cjS^j tjQ tj"Wc^ft. gS ^o ^a crS.APOLLOETTE3SwV".' v^' s-V'tfSWEEPSTAKES jl WINNERS DOGNORTHERNCALIFORNIAPOMERANIANCLUBNOVEMBER ES, 1981 VICKY FOX FOTOApolloette Foolish PleasureZack is shown going WD and Best Puppy in Sweepstakes at the NCPC Specialty at San Joaquin Kennel Club. Thank you, judge Harold Bishop and Sweepstakes judge Chuck Reynolds. Zack now has 11 points and both his majors.Congratulations to Julie Moreno and her Smokey on their Group I win at Golden Gate Kennel Club.Inquiries Invited.Marlene and Marlin Presser 4792 Hillside Dr. Castro Valley, CA 94546 415889-60038POMERANIAN REVIEWi.Bonners Weepepper Preshus Bred by Dorothy Bonner.Photo Courtesy of Roberta Massey.Both Dorothy Bonner and Olga Baker identified the above Pom at Bonners Weepepper Preshus, sire of the great Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly.Weepepper, the litter brother of Best in Show winning Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus, died at only one year of age, but left an indelible mark on the breed by siring the dog that was to become the foundation of an entire line, widely recognizable simply as Duke.SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTEThe Review is now being sent by a mailing company, which does not allow us to enclose a subscription renewal notice when you subscription expires. Instead, the expiration date of your subscription is shown after your name on the mailing lable. Please check the label to see if your subscription expires with this issue. To renew, send a check to Judy Blocker, address on page 3. Please consult the Circulation Managers column for new rates.WINNINGTrophies become tarnished and awards fade. Silver turns green and the engraving turns gray, and you cannot read what is upon that trophy or award. Championships are but mythical things . . . they have no permanence. What is an award It is but a trinket, a bauble. What counts are the realities of life. The fact of competition, records established, and yes, the great and good friends you make.There will be winners and there will be losers, but friendships born of the field of sports are the real championships of competition. Trophies become corroded friends, on the contrary, gather no dust. Sportsmanship is the greatest commodity our nation has.Honor thyself . . . and be a gracious winner or loser, always.Jesse OwensAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager. Address on page 3, Review.If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous, he will not bite you.That is the principal difference between a dog and a man.Mark TwainPOMERANIAN REVIEW fdz. cMl[[jxoo^ EC ^an daCaCCezo'' pimi J^_2v1a^Breeder Barbara PaineSungold and Rider present this year old male who finished under judge Melbourne Downing, pictured here with Richard Hammond. We want to thank Glen Sommers, Glen Fancy and of course, Lois Holcomb and George Payton for his Group 3. Handled by Anna LaFortune.Puppies by the above male.Also trained males, 6 months, ready for the ring with experience.Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly a Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Models Song Fun Models Solid Gold Models Bewitched Ch. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Great Elms Pretty Gal Millbrooks SuzetteCh. Spungolds Timspepper Pal Millbrooks White Flair Barbaras Pride II\Sungold Poms Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 Riders Poms Blanche V. Rider 4516 Harbinson Ave. La Mesa, CA 92041POMERANIAN REVIEWWESTMINSTER WINNERS 1981 TOP STUD DOGSJudge Mr. Tom StevensonWINNERS DOG Ken Nors Dont Letem Kid Ya, bred by John K. Bishop and Norman Perron and owned by Jane Lehtinen.Champions Confirmed in 1981RESERVE WINNERS DOG Vestas Magic The Dragon, bred and owned by Sue Goddard and Vesta A. Hall.First Place 7Ch. Bonners Krispris Golden CometWINNERS BITCH AND BEST OF WINNERS Mike-Mars Foxy Lady, bred and owned by Michael Wolf.Second Place 5Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeRESERVE WINNERS BITCH Bel- Meis Princess Dawn, bred and owned by Patricia M. Melton.BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch. Topaza Little Cleo, bred by Francis Casey and owned by James Butler.Third Place 4Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanCh. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiBEST OF BREED Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, bred by Beverly Norris and owned by Edward B. Jenner and Beverly Norris.New Enchanting Pom Fold-A-NotesOutstanding black female puppy, whelped December 1,1981.Cobby, small and very typey.Sired by Int. and AmericanCh. Jolly Wee Fancy DanofPeppi.Available in several styles and colors, pictured in our latest brochure.1982 Pom Wall Calendars11 x 14 for 4.00 plus 2.00 postage.Pom Greeting Cards, Notepapers,Pedigree FormsLola FieldStar Rt. 3, Box 3GTehachapi, CA 93561 805 821-7190Pom Key Chains, Trinket Boxes,Trivets in solid birch and morePlease specify Pom brochures, enclose LSASE and 1.50 to receive all five brochures toSBiettwcotlP.O. Box 957Milton, WA 98354POMERANIAN REVIEW jBlack llloodsAWUVM u"ItifiVW I N N E R SWESTMINSTERKENNEL CLUB1982ASHBEr Can. Ch. Ken Nors Dont Letem Kid YaThelduns John John x Seamist Little GuppyWD Westminster 1982 4 pts.WD, BOW, BOB, Group II WD, BOW, BOB, Group 1 Metropolitan K.C., Toronto, CanadaBoth wins were over a BOB special.Watch for Nickie as a special with his new handler Joyce Bernhardt.OwnerJane Lehtinen RR 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751 218744-3641At Stud With Joyce Bernhardt Box 399 North Gower, Ontario Canada KOA 2T0 613 489-32162 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUBby Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301Specialty time is around the corner 1CPC will again hold its Specialty in onj unction with the Springfield Kennel 'lub All-breed Show and Obedience Trial, 'he date is May 15, and our judge will be drs. Sharon Griffin Dwyer. The facilities ire excellent, with over three acres under ne roof. Bay Colony members will, as isual, provide a buffet meal for all Pom anciers. We will do our best to make you lad you came Western Massachusetts is ovely in May, and Springfield is just 20 ninutes from Hartford, CT airport if you vould like to fly. The Obedience Trial is me of the largest to be held with an ill-breed show, and we love to see Poms loing their best in that area, too.The Springfield Kennel Club super- ntends its own show, so consult the AKC jazette for Show Secretary, to be sure you et a Premium List. The following day is he Windham County KC show, so you lave a chance for back-to-back majors, -lope to see you thereAREA CLUBS NOTEWill the Corresponding Secretaries of all he Regional clubs please send their names, iddresses and telephone numbers to the Corresponding Secretary, Dudley Roach, 512 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350.COVER AVAILABLEThe front cover, inside front cover and the center spread for the July issue are still available. To reserve any of these, send a check to the editor.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future Visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.JULY KENNEL VISITThe July Kennel Visit will be to the Emcee Kennels of Dr. Morris and Betty Carson in Ashland, Virginia. We feel sure that the many owners and admirers of Emcee Pomeranians across the country will want to support the Visit with congratulatory ads.ELECTION RESULTSOFFICERSPresident...................Mrs. Roberta MasseyFirst Vice Pres..............Mrs. Karen HolderSecond Vice Pres............ Mr. Sam ZaneoffRecording Sec..........Mr. Anthony PiazzaCorresponding Sec....... Mr. Dudley RoachTreasurer........................... Mr. Dan MercerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey Mrs. Gertrude Jacoby Mrs. Donna Megenhardt Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Jessie YoungDelegate to AKCMr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Congratulations to Bev and Bill Norris for their BIG wins at the Specialty and WestminsterCh. G.E. Timstopper Too Stud Fee 75.00It is impossible for me to express how I feel it would be easy if I had the expressive language of Olga Baker toward those who like my bloodline, and to those who have done so much with it in the show ring.It is sad to hear of those who so viciously dislike the bloodline.In all walks to life, there are those who hate achievers. Life would be so much more beautiful if envy and jealousy didnt get in the way.I deeply appreciate and love by true friends, and you know who you are. May you continue to have great success in the show ring.Ruth L. Beam P.O.Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233rr- -tr- -tr- -o- o- -O---- -O'14 POMERANIAN REVIEWJANADORS POMERANIANS^HereBest of Breed from puppy class Grand Forks and DKC at 9 months pictured.iLinebred puppies sired by Dragon due March and April.ANADOR S DRA GON SMASHER Sissons Silver Dollar x Pomirish Little MatildaAnn and Gene WelshingerRt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI54880 715 399-2702BRADLEY S POMERANIANS offers for sale-BRADLEYS JUNIOR EXECUTIVEShirley I Bradley Catherine Henington 206 848-4813Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash Ch. Bradleys Naughty NoisemakerBradleys Spicy Ginger SnapCh. Holders Flaming Fanfare Ch. Bradleys Sweet and SassyMaykens Fun Fun GirlBorn September 5, 1979. He has 8 points toward his championship and is a proven stud.16111 78th Ave. E. Puyallup, WA 98373POMERANIAN REVIEW l RYALS POMERANIANSMultiple Best in ShowCHAMPION SKYLARK CINNAMON BANNERY_Look for sons and daughters of Banners soon to be in the show ring. Puppies both show and pet quality for sale. Quality bloodlines.Florence Ryals 7811 Leschi Road Tacoma, WA 98498 206584-0231BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDBest of Breed from the classes at Puyallup Dog Fanciers.MSIISunny is sired by Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear and out of Bi-Mar Kandi Kane daughter of Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver. FOR SALEShow, pets and quality breeding stock. Aristic, Great Elms and Cavilier bloodlines.Mary A. Rosenbaum 206927-23693652020th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 980036 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 1910167th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club recently published an article in their Newsletter, Poms and People, which I think is of interest. I asked the author, Jessie Stephens for permission to share it with you. She titled it Can I WinCan 1 truly win It seems that all big wins are made by professionals. Can any amateur handler win easily I have often heard these words. Not easily, because if the competition is strong, no handler can win easily, and if it is weak the win is not important. But can an amateur handler win as easily as the professionals, all else being equal All else being, a top dog, and an honest, knowledgeable judge. The answer must be no because the all else, mentioned above, is never equal. The professional shows the dog more often and usually has him in better condition, and what is more important, he knows more about the breed, not to mention the individual dog. In other words, the professional comprehends the standard, so that he is able to know honestly where his particular dog is good and where he fails.This frank assessment the owner seldom achieves. He either thinks that his dog is perfect and the dog world crooked, or he decides, often incorrectly, that his dog is no good at all. You cant win without a handler, is the cry, to which is often added, Judges favor handlers because they bring so many dogs. The judge should not know how many dogs a handler has, and a TOP JUDGE SHOULD NOT CARE. He is evaluating dogs not numbers. We also hear that the handler shows for money and the amateur only for fun. Not really. You show to win. You want to win as much as anyone. If the desire to win were not so intense, there would be no Owner Handlers Association.So basic rules which will help you win are, Comprehend your breed standard and learn for what the dog was originally bred and from what. In other words, its history and purpose. Find out what is fashionable in your breed. One year coats seem to be the thing, another year size, or heads, or color. But while taking this into account, in spite of fashions, a sound honest dog within the breed standard has an enormous advantage. Study the handlers and watch their technique, not only with your chosen breed but all others. What do they display Quiet emphasis on the good points of the dog its best features. They do not necessarily try and hide its faults. They simply emphasize the best gently. Most judges look for virtues and not faults and have a limited time to judge. Therefore, it is essential to present the dog well. Observe how well a good handler and his dog move together. No pulling or jerking. You may be certain they have practised a lot alone and the handler has discovered the best gait for his dog, not himself.Now for the dog himself. Get one as good as possible and if it is not a flyer, make up your mind at once that you cant go too far but that you will accomplish something. Many dogs do not possess Group and Best in Show quality, but in this country, they can become Champions. So, present him in excellent coat condition and if he shows well, he will do well. If your puppy wins a large puppy class and does not go further, recognize that the competition on that day could have been of high quality, and with lesser competition he could have won. Also remember that one placement is not a matter of supreme importance. Next time, your dog may do better than he deserves. A big win does not mean that your dog is always going to win. One thing is certain, however. If you have knowledge, you can afford a certain faith in your dog. You know honestly just about how good he really is and therefore, if he is a fairly good specimen and in top condition, you are sure to win something sometime. So go in there and show fearlessly, being polite, poised and knowledgeable. It is the difference between success and failure.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7ANimATION KENNELSVERY PROUDLY PRESENTS\1 sEMCEES SUSSANNAAnna stands on her record at 8 Vi months of age1982, Rubber City KC Reserve Winner11082, McKinnley KC Winners Bitch, BOS from the puppy class.13080, Crawford County KC Winners Bitch, BOS13182, Marion Ohio KC BEST OF BREED over a lovely special.Thank you, Mr. Frank Oberstar, Mr. Roy Ayers, and Mr. Richard Hensel for giving Anna her start. Thank you, Betty and Morris Carson for this gemLorinda Vasuta 973 Zi Cordova Ave. Akron, OH 44320 216 836-88903 POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O.Box 717 " League City, TX 77573The American Pomeranian Club, like .ny other organization, individual or roup, must at times face problems and eek workable solutions. Although bleak, hese periods of trial can be strengthening if ipproached positively. It is also in these imes that people are forced to determine vhat their values and goals are. We APC nembers are in such a period.I would like to ask each APC member to jecome an informed participant. When I alk with members I hear various 'rumblings they should do this, they hould not do that. Please determine ixactly who they are and then do not be hy or lazy. Voice your opinion to the person who concerns you. You have a right o speak your mind, and he had a right to enow what others think. The best solution o a conflict is usually not one side or the yther, but a compromise of the two. The nore information that is presented before in issue is decided, the better the solution is ikely to be.As a new APC board member I invite a constant flow of ideas and opinions on the issues that face the board. The only justification for the APC board is the assistance that it can give the Pomeranian breed and those who love it. Various parts of the country have needs of which the board and officers may not be aware. All members have the addresses and telephone numbers of the officers and board members. Choose an officer or board member. Write or call or both, but make your opinions known.Regardless of our club business, the number one priority among Pom breeders is raising strong, healthy, beautiful puppies. A common complaint is that as puppies change from mothers milk to solid food, their stools become a problem.Sometimes they develop mild diarrhea, sometimes some constipation. Of course, the values of yogurt in a diet are well known so recently I tried serving a small meal of yogurt once a day to three different litters as they reached this stage. The puppies loved it and I was very pleased with the results. Yogurt is not medicine it does not cure any ill. It is simply a very digestable food and its friendly bacteria aid in digestion.The only problem with feeding yogurt is that everyone dogs, cats and humans alike want some. It is wonderful with fruit, as salad dressing, in pies and cakes almost anywhere. Buying the small cartons from the store becomes very expensive however. But Yogurt makers are not expensive and the quality of yogurt that they make is superior to the store yogurt in that the texture, tartness and calorie count can be regulated to individual preference. I have a small four cup size and a large two quart size yogurt maker, but I prefer the larger one. I definitely recommend yogurt as a healthy supplement for all normal mammals in a household.Since I have not seen the following product in action, I am not recommending it, but the concept is very interesting and the theory appears sound. The Pet-Therm Company is producing an incubator-type product for general use. According to their literature, many attachments can be used to control oxygen, apply medications, etc. Vets are using some of these units. They might not be of interest to the average breeder, but the basic warmer could be. I maintains a thermostatically controlled temperature by means of circulating warm water through the sides and bottom of the box. A top may be added. This should avoid the problem of dry heat damage and the need to constantly turn those puppies too weak to turn themselves. As one might expect, it is expensive about two hundred dollars for the basic unit, but if it saved one valuable animal it would more than pay for itself.Whatever your current problems, please keep in touch with as many Pomeranian people as you can, but always keep the purpose of our unity foremost in your mind the Pomeranian. Enjoy your dogs. They are the ones who make it all worthwhile.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7f^T ENNASSouthland Pomeraniansannounces the acquisition of a very special lady.vPookieAn extra special thanks to Beverly and Bill Norris Bev-Nor Pomeranians, Pasadena, MD, for honoring us by gracing our home with this young lady. Pookie is a full sister to Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and moved in with us December 9, 1981. Look for Pookie on the show circuit soon.Charlotte Carl Enna 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456Ennas Southland Poms Rays of Sunshine0 POMERANIAN REVIEW-uREBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803First of all, my apologies to all those who roze during the first week of the Florida Circuit The second week was warm and jeautiful, though. Im sure the inclement veather didnt bother the winners. All of he shows had extremely large entries all najors. Mixons Sugar N Spice, owned by vtrs. Rebecca M. Mixon of Leesburg, GA, von three majors, finishing her title with he last show in Tampa. Edna Girardot also kicked up some majors with Scotia Dapper Dans Casanova and Scotia Awhey We Go Again. Millamors Trademark, owned by Eleanor Miller took home a major. Also among the winners was Danzig De Ja Vu Secretariat, owned by Patricia D. Brooks and Dr. D. E. Hahn. I believe he won three majors, going on to take the Breed in Tampa, thus finishing his championship. Ch. Jolly Wee Tippy The Tiger, owned by Randall Freeh and Mary James acquired five Best of Breeds. Sel-Sals Lord Myryn of Morocco, owned by Marlene Mortera, of College Park, GA was the proud winner of two majors plus two Best of Breeds. Also, Sally Baugniet won a major with her puppy bitch, Pomirish Chances Dream Puff. I hope this is an accurate report. I did not get to all the shows, so Im trying to piece together what I have been able to gather. I missed seeing Randy Freeh and Sue Goddard this year, but did have a chance to chat for a few minutes with Virginia Davis of Wynning Ways Kennel in Elberta, Alabama at the Lakeland show. She was grooming a cute little male she had purchased from Margaret Tankesley.We were away for a few days in November and Eleanor Miller took excellent care of the Poms for us. Did you even notice how much like children they are Everything I told her they would do,they didnt do and everything I told her they wouldnt do, they did do Its sure nice living close to someone like Eleanor so we can take a little break occasionally.I have a bumper sticker which says, I Love Pomeranians. Recently, my sister went to the grocery store in my car. As the boy was loading the groceries into the car, he commented that she must really like flowers. She asked why he thought that and he replied, Because of your bumper sticker. Guess he must have been thinking of geraniumsMany of us have been faced with the difficult decision of whether one of our beloved Poms should be put to sleep. I ran across quite a good article regarding this subject that I would like to share with you. I was written by Joyce OKelley, who writes the Pet-I-Points column each Sunday in The Tampa Tribune and she has graciously consented that I may pass it along.Even sadder than the death of a young puppy is the death of an old and faithful companion. But the truth is that the sadness and pain are all ours. The dog has no concept of death or dying, just as he has no concept of the future. Therefore, he does not fear death. Because he cannot anticipate the future, he does not regret not being able to live a longer life.When the time comes, try to love your dog enough to let her go easily. Dont be selfish by making her life drag on when she becomes confused or in pain. Youve already had her several years beyond what the doctor predicted. Love her for the remaining days, months, or years, but dont try to prolong her days when you and your veterinarian decide death would be a kindness. And dont ask you veterinarian to make the decision for you. He can advise, but you must make the decision. Then and only then can you live with that choice.And most important of all, dont stop loving. There are hundreds of puppies, kittens and older dogs and cats waiting in humane shelters and pounds whose lives will be ended needlessly. There are animals who were born to die because of negligent pet owners who allowed their animals to breed indiscriminately, or irresponsible owners who grew tired of coping with a growing animal.Continued on p. 85.POMERANIAN REVIEW1BON-TONPOMERANIANSOFFERING1. December 1981 litters.2. Black proven stud, 6 years, out of Ch. Macs Gay Terrific.3. Sable proven stud, 8 years, out of Ch. Morrocos Red Cloud.Write for pedigrees of these adorable males and litters. We produce blacks, creams, reds, oranges, sables and blues.Bonnie Anderson RD 7, Box 143BON-TON Poms Latrobe, PA 15650MOE-BESTPOMERANIANSChance sends his congratulations to all the winners at the Specialty and at the Garden, especially to his winning kids for their placementsHis sons Silva Lade Midnite Madness and Silva Lade Midnite Caper, both bred and owned by Dianne Johnson.His daughter Postcript Prime Time, bred and owned by Rose Keller.NEW ARRIVALS 2 males, one female, whelped 12182. Pomesto Special Order Chance son x Eileens Miss Love A Lot II a Great Elms Showstopper combination.Terri Moebuis 1719 Manor Rd. Baltimore, MD 21222 301 284-3093 301285-547732 POMERANIAN REVIEWPresidents Message, continued from p. 5.the new one. Bear in mind that we will not rake in huge profits with these increases, but HOPE to break even. You will also note on page three that we have applied for a second-class mailing permit, which will be our primary means of avoiding further increases. With second-class mailing, not only will our postage costs be reduced substantially, but delivery of the Reviews should be improved. We have always had to allow up to six weeks for delivery of third-class mail, but second class should be delivered within three weeks. You will note on the Circulation Managers page that the cost of first-class mailing will increase to 5.00 per year. Again, the Club is not making money on this increase that is what it will cost us to send the Reviews by first-class instead of second-class mail.Our new editor, Phyllis Perceny, though not previously involved with our breed, is not a newcomer to dogs or to the process of putting a magazine together. Phyllis is also the editor of The Springer Review, a very attractive and nicely done magazine. Please show her your support and help make our magazine a success.This year is already showing signs of being one of accomplishment for the Club and for the breed. Hopefully, by the time you read this, a committee will already have been formed to work with AKC in developing a soundslide presentation on the Pomeranian. The education benefits to breeders and judges from this program, once completed, would be tremendous.But the Club belongs to all of us and needs all of us for it to thrive. Get involved Do you have an idea or project youd like to see the Club undertake for the benefit of the breed Let us know dont hesitate to write or call anyone on the Board to discuss it. It doesnt take much of a push to start a ball rolling.THE DEADLINE FOR JULY IS MAY 15.DENVER METRO POM CLUBBy Mona Mae Caldwell P.O. Box 747 Estes Park, CO 80517Greetings from the Denver Metro Pom Club We want all our friends to know that all is alive and well in the Rockies, even though you havent heard from us for awhile. January 31 proved to be a very exciting day for us as we held a most successful fun match. Michael Thorstad was Match Chairman and a very busy person. Some of us have not had much experience in putting on matches but Mike kept all of us in line and we got the job done.One small incident that occurred might be of interest to others. There was a dog shown that was immediately identified as a Champion. The dog took the breed. After we were alerted to the fact and talked to the owner of the dog, we found that the dog had been purchased as a Champion and the new owner was completely ignorant about shows and matches. He just wanted to show the new show dog. After explaining, with great diplomacy, to this new owner that Champions were not permitted to enter matches, the owner readily agreed not to show in the group and all ended well.We recently elected our new officers at a meeting held in the home of Eleanor Uhland. Mike Thorstad was re-elected president, Opal Thorstad was elected vice president, Bonnie Butterfield is again secretary-treasurer and yours truly is corresponding secretary.There are shows coming up the last of March and the last of April in the Denver and Cheyenne areas. We hope to see many of our friends at these shows. If you do come, please make yourselves known to us as we always love to meet Pom People.ClPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8 YvNi 9 mIGarrg Statute SoljnannOFFERS FOR SALECh. Silva Lade The EnforcerTyrone is a stylish 5 pound gun metal blue color, with good type and balance. He is sound front and rear and consistently produces those qualities. He is siring all colors including blue and black and tan.Silva Lade Midnight MadnessShown only three times in puppy class he has a 4 point major and Reserve Winners Dog. He was Group First at the Lancaster Match. Show home only.Silva Lade Midnight CaperLittermate to Midnight Madness. Shown only at the A.P.C. Specialty. Sired by Ch. Edneys Moebest Special Order x Ch. Begays Plumper Than. Show Home only.Silva Lade PandemoniumThree year old 3 Vi pound orange sable female. Sired by Ch. Post Script E-Mage-N-Me x Edneys Golden Trinket.All of our Poms are Great Elms and Showstopper bloodlines. We also have two pets for sale, good obedience dogs.2901 Putty Hill Rd. Baltimore, MD 21234 301 661-728984 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONBy Sue Goddard 19717 Rice Lake Lane Houston, TX 77084Its a tough act to follow, but Olga Baker has asked me to write this column at least for awhile.Tim and I are so thrilled to be back in Houston and once again members of the P.C.G.H. Although many of the fine people and Pom breeders who were members ten years ago are no longer active in the club, we still find grand Pom folks and great new friends here. That is one compensation in moving occasionally. Everywhere we have gone we have added good friends in the Pom World.By the time this comes out in print, Christmas 1981 will be far past, but our Christmas party is nevertheless, club news. It was held at the home of Darrell and Olga Baker with a grand turn out. San Antonio members, Bob and Joan Reilly drove over for the festivities and it was very nice to see them. Another member we were delighted to see was Claudette Helder. She is back with us after a terrible auto accident and it was good to know she is on the mend. Claudette lost her dear little Pom in the accident, but be hope to see her back in the ring with a new Pom kid soon.Everyone seems to have exciting puppies. A recent area match brought out an entry of 18 definitely a sign of things to come.Several of us are just back from the New York specialty with lots of trophies, ribbons ... and even prize moneyA couple of brand new members of the APC, Connie and Tony Tellez, are sporting great big smiles. They had Best in Sweepstakes with their breathtaking puppy bitch, Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff. Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Vestas Magic The Dragon, co-owned by Sue Goddard and Vesta Hall. Sharing sweepstakes money was Post Script Sundance of West, owned by Jean West, who was 4th in Puppy Dogs 6-9. Wests Summer Dream, also owned by Jean West, was 2nd in puppy bitches 6-9. Wests Miss Charm Patrick, owned by Mildred Patrick one of our Dallas members was 3rd inpuppy bitches 6-9 and Jeribeths Ivan Image, owned by Olga Baker, was 4th in the same class. It was a clean sweep by our club members in this, the most hotly contested sweeps class of 15 puppies.Regular class wins garnered by our club members were with Post Scripts Sundance of West taking 1st in his 6-9 month class. Vestas Magic The Dragon won his Bred by Exhibitor class and went on to take Reserve Winners Dog. Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff-Stuff was 2nd in puppy bitches 6-9. Third place in that class went to Wests Summer Dream and 4th went to Jeribeths Ivan Image. Sue Goddard and Olga Bakers Tim Sues Just a Lil Lovin was 2nd in a large Bred by Exhibitor bitch class. The impressive Open bitch class was won by Wests Miss Charm Patrick and 2nd in Open went to Jolly Wee Joys Chatty Cathy, owned by Roxy Campbell, another new APC member. I think it is safe to say that everyone knew that Houston was thereThis next weekend will find many of us in Alexandria, LA for two shows. There are 5 point majors both days, which portends gigantic entries throughout the March circuit.Even with all this competition, you have never seen such good friends still speaking when the show is over.We are making big plans for our Specialty to be held this year on Thursday, July 29, 1982. It will preceed three more big all-breed shows held in the lovely air-conditioned Astro Hall. As we converted Texans say, YaU comePOMERANIAN REVIEW 8YIPS YAPSCAROLYN EDWARDS TONY TELLEZFranklin, VA South Houston, TXI read with much interest Eleanore Uhlands article on her obedience Trial Champion Pomeranian, Puff. Like her, I have a cream Pom that I trained. His performances were great until we reached Utility. I too feel I put him in the ring before he was ready but I had never trained a dog before so I didnt know any better. I too felt we would make a career of getting aU.D. He got two legs on the U.D. The first in Harrisonburg, VA in June of 1977 190.5 and the second at Mount Vernon Dog Training Club show in Fort Belvoir, VA in October of 1977 he won first place with a 195. In October of 1977 he placed 7th in the Gaines Regionals in Suffern, NY in the Open class. He continued to do well in the Open class but Futility was another matter. His jumping went bad he had always loved to jump. Well, in July 1979 Pepe got very sick. After trips to three different vets, I finally found one who found out what his problem was. Pepe had a kidney stone which had to be surgically removed. He is doing fine now and has had no more problems to date with stones, however he has never regained his confidence in his jumping. He even hesitates when he jumps on the sofa or in the chair with me. Your comment about a serious thyroid deficiency causing Puffs back legs to weaken so that she couldnt jump has set my mind to working. Do you suppose this could be Pepes problem tooI retired Pepe in October 1980 after getting discouraged and also after losing my traveling partner she showed Skips to cancer in September of the same year. Your comment gives me renewed hope. Im going to get Pepe checked out by the vet. Perhaps hell get that U.D. yet. He is 8 years old and in good health except for the jumping. Thanks for giving me hope.Connie and I want to thank each anc every one of the club members whc attended the 63 rd Specialty Show and Sweepstakes, Sunday, Feb. 7, 1982 in New York. We both had a marvelous timt meeting new and old friends. What a greai entry of beautiful Poms. Boy The judges sure had a job on their hands We want tc thank both judges, Mr. Richard Megen- hardt and Miss Martha Jane Ablett for a fine job they did. The hospitality was a blast, the breakfast nice and the after-show dinner superb The club officers, Board ol Directors, Show Committee and the Committee Chairmen did an excellent job. Congratulations to all the newly elected officers and Board members.DELORES ADKINS Patchogue, NYIn answer to Olga Bakers question in the Jan. 82 Pom Review regarding a patch of white hair growing in an orange dog being due to an injection and whether it would be lasting in color The same thing happened to one of my bitches. She was born a solid chocolate color, but after her injection for D.H.L.P., the hair came in snow white at the injection spot. She was born in May 1979 and still has this snow white hair on her back.I would also like to share another experience that I have had regarding whelping bitches and premature puppies. My first experience with this was about 10 years ago. Molly went into labor a couple of weeks early and had a very premature puppy that died shortly. On her due date she started into labor once again and produced a full term puppy that lived. I also had a black bitch do the same thing. She had a premature litter of 4 puppies at about 52 days. She seemed very healthy with no discharge or temperature, so was not x-rayed after all labor stopped. A week and a half later I was very surprised to find6 POMERANIAN REVIEWCIRCULATIONMANAGERJudy L. Blocker 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION16.00 Yearly by Second Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 17.00FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 5.00 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.Rebel Report, continued from p. 80.You can never replace the old pet you loved but a new pet will quickly carve his own special spot in your heart to begin a new and equally loving relationship.Nothing worthwhile in life is ever gained without some risk. We must risk giving our heart to know love, and to know love is to risk heartbreat but werent the 10 Zi years of love and devotion you shared with your little dog worth it all You can never replace her, but you can love another equally as much and enjoy many years again of unselfish love that only a dog can offer. Dont be afraid to risk it. A little heartbreak is much more preferable than a heart of stone and thats what occurs when we are afraid to take the risk.Also read in that column that putting Static Straps on your car will prevent dogs and humans from becoming car sick. Might be worth a try.Back IssuesAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681.971 Jan. 40, April 35Available at 1.50 Each1973 April 721974 July 771975 Jan. 70, Oct. 101976 Jan. 115, April 61, July 9Available at 2.00 Each1977 July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 361979 Jan. 5Available at 3.50 Each1979 Nov.1980 Feb. 100, July 170, Oct. 1401981 Jan. 100, July 130, Oct. 1001982 Jan. 90Yips Yaps, continued from p. very healthy, fat puppy with her, very much alive.In both cases I thought the girls were all through their deliveries. Had I felt anything inside, or seen any dark discharge or high temperament, I would have taken them to my vet for a C-section right away. I thought that any puppies left inside would die and rot and cause infection, but this doesnt seem to be the case in some whelpings.POMERANIAN REVIEW INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAdkins, Dolores Adkins...........................................................................34Anderson, Bonnie Bon-Ton.................................................................... 81Ayres, Stephen Foxaire............................................................................35Baugniet, Dick and Sally Pomirish......................................................58,59Beam, Ruth Great Elms...........................................................................73Bell, Betty and Rex Heritage.................................................................... 54Bradley, Shirley Bradleys.......................................................................74Brettwood Arts...........................................................................................70Broday, Debbie Clear Creek................................Inside Front Cover,44,45Brooks, Patricia Danzig...........................................................................57Cannon, Ann Annon................................................................................ 56Carson, Morris and Betty Emcees.........................................................6,7Dickinson, Ted and Kim........................................................................ 46,47Enna, Charlotte and Carl Ennas Southland..............................................79Epps, Nina Oakridge................................................................................33Field, Lola...................................................................................................70Freeh, Paul and Randy Jolly Wee............................................................29Girardot, Edna Scotia...............................................................................42Goltz, Rosalind Penru..............................................................................49Goodrich, Robert Model......................................................Front Cover,48Griffin, Gayle Starlite............................................................................ 55Heartz, John and Chris Chriscendo......................................................... 17Henington, Catherine................................................................................. 74Hersil, Nadine............................................................................................ 43Higbee, Nora Jambos............................................................................... 39Holder, Karen Cheelan.............................................................................54Horan, John L.............................................................................................27Johnson, Larry and Diane Silva Lade....................................................... 83Kime, Dave and Lynn DaLyn................................................................41Kraemer, Lois L......................................................................................... 27Kvamme, Alicia Cedar Glen....................................................................39La Fortune, Anna Sungold.......................................................................69Lehtinen, Jane Black Woods ..................................................................71Megenhardt, Richard and Donna Megs................................................. 61Mercer, Dan Mercers..........................................................................18,36Miller, Ken and Eleanor Millamor.......................................................... 16Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best........................................................................ 81Moreno, JulieMorenos...............................................................Back CoverNorris, Bev and Bill Bev-Nors...............................................................21Presser, Marlene and Marilin Apolloette.................................................67Raines, Lennis Lennis............................................................................. 31Rider, Blanche Riders.............................................................................69Roach, Dudley and Wanda Queenaire.....................................................66Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar ......................................................................75Ryals, Florence Ryals..............................................................................75Tellez, Tony and ConnieTellez ................................................................15Vasuta, Lorinda Animation..................................................................... 77Welshinger, Ann and Gene Anador.........................................................74Wright, Donna Lynn Lynnwright ...........................................................25Young, Jessie and Barbara Jabil.........................................................52,53POMERANIAN REVIEWWeve oijly just begun wAqd already' a group winnerSSate00 DtSpotlfiCh. Woreno s Critic s ChoiceSmokey thanks you, Dr. Buris Boshell Group Judge and Mrs. J.H. Daniell-Jenkins Breed Judge for this recognitionOwner-Handled byMrs. Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 92066 415 583-4973