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The Pomeranian Review July 1982
American Pomeranian Club, 3ncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY 1982JCn4mCH. EMCEES GOLDEN HONEY BUNOwnersEMCEE PomeraniansMorris and Betty CarsonA Visit to Emcee Pomeranian Kennels by Bob Goodrich1982 Stud Register2 POMERANIAN REVIEWAnimation cKennelsv y7^Animations ffiabe Trom OoylaniOur new star Babe is pictured at 3'A months. She was sired by my Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy. First shown at age 6 months, 1 day, at the Central Ohio KC Show, she was awarded Winners Bitch and her first point. Many thanks to her breeder Judy Shearer for parting with her.Congratulation to Morris and Betty Carson on their kennel visit.Lorinda Vasuta 973 Zi Cordova Ave. 216836-8890Akron, OH 44320POMERANIAN REVIEW 'Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian Qllub, Jnr.Volume 1, Number 2President.........................First Vice President Second Vice President... Recording Secretary .... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer ........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.............................................................Mrs. Roberta Massey.................................................................Mrs. Karen Holder...................................................................Mr. Sam Zaneoff....................................................Mr. Anthony Skip Piazza.................................................................Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 .....................................................................Mr. Dan MercerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Donna MegenhardtMrs. Marlene Scott Halsey Miss Molly MillerMrs. Gertrude Jacoby Mrs. Jessie YoungDelegate to AKC Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager..............Ms. Phyllis Perceny, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager...........Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston Hts., SC 29405Pomeranian Review is published quarterly for 16.00 per year by American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Office of publication is at 2201 N. Camino Principal, Tucson, AZ 85715, but send all mail to P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751. Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to Pomeranian Review, 2226 Dunlap St., B-28, Charleston, SC 29405. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text...................90.00Inside front cover........................................45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page..................................................... 40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page............................................. 25.00One-quarter page vertical only................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEWiPRESIDENTSMESSAGEby Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-2775As you all know by now, the April issue of the Review, which we had planned to have ready for distribution by the end of April, was unavoidably delayed, due in no small part to the loss in transit of our negatives from the past two years. Fortunately, the negatives were found, which will allow advertisers to continue to take advantage of re-using their pictures from past issues at no extra charge. HOPEFULLY you will be reading this July issue in early July and we will be back on schedule once again. Please note the change of address for our editor and thank you for your patience during this period of transition.You will note a change of address for me as well. By the time this appears in print our family will be relocated in Kingwood, Texas, a suburb of Houston. Since we have always considered Texas to be an area of especially heavy Pom competition, we are looking forward to attending some of the shows in the area and seeing first-hand what we have heard about for so long.As I now prepare to leave Wisconsin with its high unemployment rate, I cant help wondering how the state of the economy has affected breeders in other parts of the country. In our area the common complaint seems to be that the pet market has all but disappeared over the last year and a half. Newspaper ads go unanswered and our little pets accumulate in our homes and kennels. It is a strain on our time and our doggy budgets, and worry mounts that our pet-quality puppies will soon reach an age that the pet-buying public looks upon as too old. What are we to do Some breeders have considered lowering the price of their pet puppies to make them more affordable to people whose jobs are often uncertain or whose budgets have been chipped away by inflation to the point that a family companion has become a luxurythat is beyond their reach. It seems ironic at a time when we, as breeders, are also facing ever-rising costs of kibble, vet bills, show entries, gasoline and motel rooms, should have to consider lowering the price we charge for our pet puppies. Along with doing this goes the worry that our puppies may fall into the wrong hands in spite of careful screening. The logical alternative is to breed less and as carefully as possible. Make every breeding count for as much as it can. Look objectively at each dog and bitch you plan to breed do they really possess enough virtues to make a valuable contribution to your breeding program or are they more likely to add to the overburdened pet population We all know that pets occur from even the best breedings why add to our problems by using a deck that is stacked against us from the beginning Above all, now more than ever, do not be tempted to breed your stud dog to pet bitches when their owners approach you, simply to help compensate your pocketbook for dwindling pet sales. It is a disservice to the breed as well as to the people who come to you for help. Be honest with them. Let them know that there is little call for pets now and that they could find themselves with an entire litter as an addition to the family. Point out the expense and work involved in breeding a litter and the always-present danger to their beloved pet in breeding dogs as small as ours. If you are sincere, chances are they will reconsider breeding and simply love their pet as it was meant to be, and the market AND the breed will be spared yet another onslaught of pet puppies.At the time of this writing, the Board is in the process of choosing a third member and chairman of the By-Laws Committee. In the meantime, please send any suggestions you might have for the Committee to either Rick Megenhardt or Marlene Scott Halsey.The October Summer Specialty in Arizona is shaping up to be a most enjoyable one. Start planning now to attend a three-show weekend has an almost irresistible appeal to most exhibitors.I would like to take time in this column to thank Judy Blocker, our Circulation Manager, for the tremendous job she did in Continued on p. 5POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYCh. Emcees Golden Honey Bun Bunny is a daughter of Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Tico and Emcees Adorable Bit of Gold Honey. She was shown for the first time in the 6-9 month puppy class at the New York Specialty. Mostly because of the newness of everything, her showmanship left a great deal to be desired, as she exhibited all the sparkle and enthusiasm of a snail. Once home, however, she underwent intensive training with the expert help of our friend, Maynard Wood.The new Bunny actually started her show career with Nadine Hersil on April 17. This first time out, she took Best of Winners for 2 points. By the 15th of the following month she now called Dr. Bunny by Nadine to distinguish her from another with the same name, had one major and all of her single points for her championship. A scarcity of majors in the area necessitated that she wait until June 12 to pick up that coveted second major and her championship.We would like to thank all the judges who recognized Bunnys quality and made her show career short and sweetRobert Wills, 41782, BOW, 2 pts.Frank E. Oberstar, 42582, BOW, 2 pts. Roy L. Perso, 5182, BOW, BOS, 1 pt. Darrell W. Baker, 5282, WB, BOS, 2 pts. Dawn Vick Hansen, 5882,4 pt. major. Mildred Bryant, 51582, WB, BOS, 2 pts. Maxine Beam, 61282, WB, 3 pt. majorI guess you could call Bunny a breeders dream. Not only was she outstanding in the show ring, but she is also large enough to be a good brood bitch, unlike much of her competition- She weighs about 6 lbs. and carries an extremely heavy clear-orange coat.Bunnys litter sister is well on her way toward her championship and should be finished by publication of this issue. A repeat breeding has produced another lovely female, Emcees Chiquita de Oro Chiqui, who will start her show career soon. A second repeat breeding should bring forth another litter around August 1.We wish to thank Nadine Hersil for the expert handling and TLC which Dr. Bunny enjoyed while under her supervision.TABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message, by Roberta Massey .Cover Story.................................................Secretarys Report,by Dudley Roach Karen Holder .. i The Columbia PomeranianClub Specialty...................................The Kenosh County Pom Club, Carmen Glander...........................IEast Coast Newsby Beverly Norris..........................1A Visit to Emcee Kennels,by Bob Goodrich............................LBrood Bitch Issue October 1982 ........T1982 Stud Register................................. 2The Clean Machine,by Jean Simmons...........................3Puget Sound Pom Club of Seattle........... 3'Cross Canada, by Chris Heartz..............3tPom Club of Greater Phoenix,by Isabelle Gryder.........................31Behind the New Champions................... 4]Pom Club of Greater Houston,by Sue Goddard.............................4^Pacific Northwest News Views,by Erin Hundley.............................4Helpful Hints,by Margaret McKee..................... 5CRebel Report,by Jane Johnston........................... 54San Diego Pom Club,by Anna LaFortune....................... 54Yips and Yaps.........................................61Circulation Manager,by Judy Blocker.............................62Index to Advertisers................................63Presidents Report, continued from p. the Review files, a job that was necessary in order for us to switch to a mailing company for distribution of the Review. Judys job has always been a big one, with little thanks, and she is long past due for a big THANK YOU. I would also like to thank new Club member Dianna Bertram for her help in compiling the mailing list of judges to receive the april issue. When everyone pitches in a little, it helps a lot.Do you have an idea for a project you would like to see the Club undertake for the benefit of the breed Let us hear from you.J POMERANIAN REVIEWivITVT ASECRETARYSREPORTby Dudley Roach and Karen Holder American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Board Meeting, February 7,1982 Lowes Summit Hotel, New York CityCommittee Reports1. Karen Holder made the motion that Fred Bassett be show chairman for the 1982 Specialty in New York City. Sam Zaneoff seconded. Motion Carried.2. Sam Zaneoff made the motion that Peter Galindo be show secretary for the 1982 Specialty in New York City. Gertrude Jacoby seconded. Motion carried.3. Head of Standards Committee said that this should be tabled for 1-2 years due to lack of interest at this time.Old Business1. Review Discussion about commercial publishers and the cost involved. Discussion about increasing subscription rates.2. Kennel visits Discussion about letting members vote for who gets kennel visits, and republishing guidelines. Decided that we need to find out when prior guidelines were established and if new ones are needed to let the membership decide upon criteria to follow.3. Lateness of next Review notify members in annual report and do mailing to non-member subscribers. Marlene Scott Halsey made motion to notify subscribers and members. Sam Zaneoff seconded. Motion carried.4. Gazette Columnist Sam Zaneoff made motion that Olga Baker continue. Gertrude Jacoby seconded. Motion carried.5. Discussion about breed inquiry committee. Determined that Dudley Roach sends out breed brochures when asked. Decided that was sufficient for now.6. Sam Zaneoff suggested that by-laws committee consider adding that a member must serve on board for one year before holding an office in APC.7. Marlene Scott suggested that we send out letter to all members asking for suggestions on revising constitution and by-laws.8. Motion by Sam Zaneoff that by-laws committee be set up. The motion was seconded by Karen Holder. The committee consisted of Richard Megenhardt chairman, Sally Baugniet, Marlene Scott Halsey. All of the above are pending the acceptance of the named individuals.9. Discussion about Sophie Mayes resignation. Marlene Scott Halsey made motion that we accept Sophies resignation. Seconded by Sam Zaneoff. Motion carried.10. In line with suggestion made by George West in Annual Meeting, Sue Goddard was asked to serve on the board. She declined. Jackie Liddle was next in line and had declined previously. Fred Bassett was next and he accepted position on board which was vacated by Sophie Mayes resignation. New Business1. Audit Committee Motion by Karen Holder and seconded by Sam Zaneoff. Carried. Fred Bassett chairman because he knows a CPA, Richard Megenhardt, Morris Carson.2. New Members Motion by Karen Holder and seconded by Gertrude Jacoby. Carried. Tony and Connie Tellez. Motion by Marlene Scott Halsey and seconded by Karen Holder. Carried. Mary Vickers.3. Specialty Shows, a Motion by Marlene Scott Halsey, seconded by Fred Bassett, carried to hold Summer Specialty in conjunction with the centennial show provided AKC allows us to hold our February National Specialty as scheduled, b Motion by Fred Bassett and seconded by Karen Holder, carried to accept Columbia Specialty, c Motion by Karen Holder, seconded by Marlene Scott Halsey, carried to accept Houston Specialty.4. Fred suggested that we publish topics and motions in capsule form in Review to keep publishing costs down.5. Standing Rules were reviewed. Fred Bassett made motion, Gertrude Jacoby seconded, motion carried to add that a synopsis of board meetings should beContinued on p. 62.POMERANIAN REVIEW iv- k - y.Bev-Nor PomsvsCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge6 Bests in Show in 1982 Total of 18 Best of Breed, 1982 APC SpecialtyBest of Breed, Group 2,1982 Madison Square GardenCONGRATULATIONS TOToastys first born, Bev-Nors Man on the Move, 4 point major at 7 months. Larry Castro on ACBda Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Sundae, owner-handled. Charlotta Enna on Bev-Nors Fudge Delight Toastys sister, 2 wins at 6 months Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea-Delight, female 3 Group ls and 2 Group 2s at 10 monthsBev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301255-1343B POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTYDecember 6,1981I submit this report of the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty with my apologies for the delay. I volunteered to write up the show, and then procrastinated until the deadline had come and gone.Referring to the notes I made, reminds me again of the great hospitality shown by the CPC. This is one of our favorite shows. The bench was decorated with Santa in his toy laden blue sleigh which is pulled by blue Pomeranians through a Christman landscape. Each bench crate was individually trimmed with hand crocheted pot holders which had been carefully rolled into bell shapes. For the Poms, individual mittens were filled with doggie goodies. The Trophy table was laden with stained glass treasures, from miniature Poms designed to hang in your window, to large glass picture windows for the Best of Breed.Judge Mr. Gordon Parham examined each exhibit carefully before making his choices. He had a large entry of hopefuls from which to choose and this is the way be placed themPuppy Dog 6-9 Bar-B-Jos Mighty Casey, Barbara J. Jones.Puppy Dog 9-12 Jayjays Son of Irish, Jean Schroll.Novice Dog Haji Baba, Robert C. Bitner. Bred by Exhibitor Dog Bradleys Big Bad Woof, Shirley I. Bradley and Catherine A. Herington.Open Dog Westmost Cubbys Josh, Wayne George.Open Dog Red, Orange Cream or Sable Andrews Laddies Trailblazer, Phyllis and Clyde Andrews.Open Dog AOAC Rainbows Taco Hi, John Nye.Winners Dog Andrews Laddies Trail- blazer.Reserve Winners Dog Que Sera Mountain Fresh of Bi-Mar, Jessie Stephens.Puppy Bitch 6-9 Jambos Community Property, Alicia L. Kvamme and Nora Higbee.Puppy Bitch 9-12 Jayjays Irish Tammy, Jean Schroll.Bred by Exhibitor Bitch Tillabay Muffins Lil Abbey, George and Jane Reed.American Bred Bitch Little Jo Lee, Wanda Bittner.Open Bitch, Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Westmost Lady Nip, Wayne George. Winners Bitch Westmost Lady Nip. Reserve Winners Bitch Que Sera Buttona- bow on La Rita, Rita M. Laverne and Erin R. Hundley.Best of Winners and Best of Breed went to Andrews Laddies Trailblazer, over several nice specials. Best of Opposite Sex went to Westmost Lady Nip from the Open Bitch class. She completed her championship at this show, too. Best Puppy went to Jambos Community Property.THE KENOSH COUNTY POMERANIAN CLUB, Carmen Glander 1519 North Ave.Round Lake Beach, IL 60073The warm weather is finally here in the Midwest. Some of us thought it would never come. Unfortunately with summer comes pests like fleas. Last year the fleas were just about impossible, but hopefully with the record cold temperatures of last winter we wont have such a problem this year.There are some 2,250-odd flea species known. Some fleas have been seen on Alpine snow and some have even survived the ice in Antarctica. Fortunately, these are not the species we are familiar with. Most common are cat and dog fleas. The cat flea is found on both cats and dogs and is the most adaptable and widespread. So, this summer when you see those fleas on your Poms Heaven forbid, you will know a little more about the pesty critter. Our club has had a big change in its activities. We have decided to go more for socializing and helping each other rather than pushing for point shows. Sometimes it is rather hard to step back and look at what is really going on to know if your goals are really the right ones for you at this time or if it is better to wait for a later date.Continued on P. 10.POMERANIAN REVIEW1982 is theYear of the Dog Smokeyr-' mJ'rf.- i.'-W v ,'A-"PiLUaVV\______Ch. Worenos Critics ChoiceContinuing on his winning ways with ...Group 1 Sacramento K.C. in April, judge, Mr. Harold Spira.Group 2 Sir Francis Drake K.C. in April, judge, Mrs. Glenda M. Cook. Group 3 Del Valle K.C. in May, judge, Mr. Thomas C. Conway pictured.Thank you, judges, for making Smokey close to getting on the list of the top ten toys in the U.S. In strong California competition, he is the to winning son of Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude in the country. We are proud to be his owners.Our new boy in the ring, Morenos Jubilee Connection, Rusty, has a Best in Match to his credit already, however, due to a tragic accident, he will be out of the show ring until he heals. Rusty does thank everyone for his personal cards of good wishes he has received and is re-cooperating well at home.Smokey is owner-handled by Julie Moreno.Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 415583-497310 POMERANIAN REVIEWKenosh Cty Pom Club, cont. from p. 8.We held our first social meeting at the Luccas house scheduled for, believe it or not, card playing. Surprisingly we had a larger showing of members than we have had in a long time. But the funniest thing about the evening was that we never had time to play cards We got too involved in the discussion of Poms, dog shows, judges and the like that there wasnt any time leftOne of the discussions involved the idea of exhibitors judging the judges so the AKC would know how we feel. It was mentioned that some horse shows have an opinion box or a questionaire on hand for exhibitors and spectators to fill out.We know that there are plenty of judges who are fair and know the breed. Yet many times you will get a judge who seems to forget or is not aware of our standard. Once in a while you will get someone who may be more familiar with larger breeds and will forget that a Pom cannot have its mouth opened roughly or his back pushed on too hard. A good show prospect who is just beginning his show career could be scarred by such rough treatment.As you can see, our evening was very interesting.Quickly, before I close, congratulations to Betty Petterson for Luells Tiny Tim getting a big major at Janesville and Dr. Carsons major on Emcees Golden Honey Bear, handled by Nadine at Janesville. Also, to Nadine and her Duffy, for taking the groups and Best in Shows, handled by Jackie Liddle.EAST COAST NEWS by Beverly NorrisHi, my name is Beverly Norris and I will be reporting the news on the East Coast. I will also have several other breeders on the East Coast working with me and we hope to have an interesting article for each upcoming issue. We will also try to include a breeding problem, etc., which we have experienced, and the preventions or precautions we have taken. We hope to help the novice breeders or newcomers who may not know what to do, but as you will also see, we each have our own ideas.Assisting me in these articles will be Morris Carson, Ann Canndn, Diane Johnson, Mary Vickers, and any of our other East Coast breeders who would like to get involved.The first news on the east coast is that we are forming our own Pomeranian Club. The response has been great, and there is so much enthusiasm an important ingredient in starting any club. Our first informal meeting was April 24, at the Old Dominion Kennel Club and for those who worked Saturday, we also had another meeting the next day at the Bowie Show. We were surprised at the turnout, and the response from the ones who could not make this meeting. Although members will come from Virginia, Washington D.C., Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Maryland, it was decided that the Baltimore, Maryland area would be the best meeting spot. In getting organized, temporary officers were appointed President Diane Johnson Secretary Mary Vickers Treasurer Morris Carson. Our first newsletter, published by Fran Warren, was sent out in April. Nancy Marshall, who is helping us with organizing the Club, has formed many other breed clubs. Anyone who has not been contacted, and is interested in joining, may contact Morris Carson, Diane Johnson or myself.Anyone on the East Coast who would like to express his news and views or participate in this column, please get in touch with me. Id love to have you. I want to make this a group column and not an individual column so if you have something to say, let me know. Anyone finishing a champion on the East Coast, please let me know and it will be my privilege to publish it.For the first article, I will present several views on Hypoglycemia. Until next time, happy showing.Editors Note Please remember that these comments are based on the experiences of these particular breeders. Hypoglycemia is very complex and for more specific medical information, be sure to contact a vet who is familiar with both Poms and Hypoglycemia.Continued on p. 29.POMERANIAN REVIEWAnn CannonHypoglycemia is a condition of low blood sugar. When sugar is given as a treatment, the blood sugar rises initially but drops again, lower than what it was originally inducing another bout of hypoglycemia. This is true hypoglycemia. In humans, it is treated by a diet high in protein, near absence of sugar and six or more small meals daily.Frankly, I dont believe hypoglycemia as a disease exists in Poms. However, you can have a symptomatic puppy who suffers from isolated incidents or attacks of low blood sugar. From my observations, these incidents can occur because of either stress or trauma. Stress in puppies of five to fourteen weeks of age can, for example, be a change in the type of food, environment, or severe harrassment by littermates. Trauma usually is associated with stress, so the two can go hand in hand. But trauma is more physical being dropped, or an allergic reaction to an injection.If an incident occurs and the gum color is pale, I give 50 dextrose or dark Karo syrup orally. I do not use honey because of the botulism deaths in infants. If the puppy has more seriously progressed to the seizuring state or is comatose, and the gum color is almost white, then administration of dextrose by injection, along with lactated ringers is one treatment.Considering the excellent nutritional analysis of the commercial dog food now available and the supplements that are given to the brood bitch, the extra bottles of Esbilac given to nursing puppies and finally their transitional gruel, and then use of free feedings, I believe we have abolished hypoglycemia as a disease, if it did exist in Poms of earlier years.Beverly NorrisMy personal experience with Hypoglycemia is mostly in young puppies, and is apparently caused by stress due to change in environment, weaning, etc. My first experience with it came with my first Pom, a young pet puppy. With the change in environment, even though showered with love, she started seizures. When taken to the vet, he said she was having epileptic fits, which would be very expensive to control. Iwas not satisfied, so I took her to anothf vet and he said it was hypoglycemia, started giving all my dogs wheat germ wit sugar and honey added. I had seen it in th grocery store and it is a very inexpensh way to control the problem. Since I ha used wheat germ about 6 years now, have had no problems with hypoglycemi Maybe this small amout of sugar and hone added to their balanced diet does make tl difference.Morris and Betty CarsonOur experience with this conditio indicates that it occurs mainly in puppie around 12 weeks of age. I think that it largely precipitated by stress. This is easil observed, as a pup under stress exhibi lack of coordination, sunken eyes, depre sion and muscle tremors. This will continii into coma and finally death. The very fir thing I do each morning is to look eac puppy in the eyes. This is the best indicate if something is wrong. Therapy must t directed immediately to remedy thi problem, usually by giving syrup or hone If the situation persists, see a vet.It is advisable to use the followin preventive measures1. Dont overtire the pup.2. See that the pup eats every 4 hours.3. Make sure he has a proper diet.4. Leave syrup or honey in the drinkin water.Diane JohnsonMy thoughts on hypoglycemia are rathe uncertain. I realize there is a problem, bt exactly what causes the problem is what am uncertain about. In the past, I have ha dogs that had attacks of hypoglycemic When sugar water, syrup or honey is giver these animals come back from near death to acting as if nothing had ever happened t them ... in a matter of less than fiv minutes I realize that something swee cures the problem. On the other hand, I d not feel that the lack of sugar causes th problem. I am more inclined to believe tha a lack of protein or other minerals, or good balance of nutrients causes th attacks. Therefore, I do not believe givin sugar every day is the answer. I realize tha giving something sweet every day may kee] these animals from having severe hypogly Continued on p. 4212 POMERANIAN REVIEW\EMCEES POMERANIANSifICh. Emcees Golden Honey BunCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldA SPECIAL THANKS to Nadina Hersil for finishing this Tico daughter for us.CONGRATULATIONS TOBob Goodrich upon finishing his latest champion Models Timstoppers Echo, a truly beautiful Pom.Ruth Beam, who owned the sire, Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image.andMaynard Wood, who expertly handled Echo to his championship.Betty and I would like to thank ALL who wished us well on our Kennel Visit.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEW 1'A VISIT TO EMCEE KENNELSby Bob GoodrichIf you ever drive through Virginia on Interstate 95 and want to give yourself a treat, take the Atlee-Elmont exit between Richmond and Ashland, and visit the home of Emcees Pomeranians and their owners, Morris and Betty Carson. Visitors to their spotless facilities are always welcome, but shouldnt expect to take one of their beauties home with them. Many people wait years to own an Emcees Pom. sm mnaanFront view of house and sun porch with adjoining kennel.The Carsons home is tri-level, with the bottom level devoted to the dogs. The large back yard is fully fenced and provides four, extensive runs. A sun porch, which is warm even on the coldest of sunny days, adds extra space for puppies during the winter months.m ^921Sun porch baby beds for pups and adults.The kennel and grooming areas, both of which are heated and air-conditioned, are attached to the sun porch.I.,Side view of kennel. Poms looking for in.Partial view of inside kennel grooming area.As the Emcees Pom family grew, more space was needed for expectant and nursing bitches, so a small downstairs bedroom was turned into a nursery. All whelpings take place in this room, which also provides kennel space for puppies until they are old enough for their initial shots. Then the puppies are moved to the den adjacent to the nursery, where they are socialized and, often, humanized.Both Morris and Betty are very cautious about letting their puppies go. They prefer to keep them at least 12 weeks longer in the case of show prospects. Select homes and loving, caring people is always their first priority.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWm sy Nursery bedroom where all pups are bora.The Carsons are often asked how they got started in this endeavor. It seems that many years ago, while shopping one night, Morris and Betty saw a lady holding a Pom in her arms. Neither of them had ever seen a Pom before, nor did they have any idea of the name of the breed. However, they both fell in love with the red ball of fur and discovered that it was called a Pomeranian. They decided right then and there to own a Pom someday. At the time however, their pets had to be kept to a minimum because both Morris and Betty were teaching at a North Carolina college. Morris was still in graduate school and summer months were taken up with study and travel, so it wasnt until the spring of 1973, when one of their cats disappeared, that they decided the time had come to purchase a Pom. As Betty recalls it, the day after the arrival of their new puppy, the cat returned and lived to be 17 Their first bitch, Carsons Little Miss Priss Prissy produced one champion, Ch. Emcees Sassy Lady, owned and handled by Russell and Evelyn Churchill, and some beautiful pets for happy people all over the U.S.During this time, Morris began to study the breed standard and became interested in owning and exhibiting show Poms. As is the case with most novices, they made the mstake of initially buying inferior stock. I advised them to stop buying indiscriminately, purchase one good bitch, and breed her to the best male available. They responded with, Whos going to sell us this female I told them to come to my place and Id see what I could do. This resulted in their purchase of Models Solid Gold Cindy, a heavy-coated, orange- sable bitch.Her first breeding was to my dog, Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond. On October 26, 1975, she whelped Chips of Diamond, who become the Carsons first home-bred champion. It was also at this time that they adopted the kennel name of Emcees Pomeranians formed by spelling out Morriss initials M.C.. Im sure they have been asked many times why the Emcees prefix was not attached to Diamonds name. Morris always gives a long, complicated explanation, but Betty, who tells it like it is, says that Morris is frequently the typical absent-minded professor and probably forgot to include it when he registered the dogSubsequent breedings of Cindy to Diamond produced Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond, winner of the APC Specialty in 1978 and second top producer in 1980 and Ch. Emcees Truly Solid Gold, owned by Mrs. C.W. Stevens.In 1976, Marlene Scott Halsey introduced Morris to Lennis Raines, who at the time was getting excellent puppies out of Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms. Morris purchased a clear orange Tar Baby daughter, Emcees Tartan Tam Tammy. Tammy matured at around 5 Zi pounds and became the real foundation bitch in their breeding program. Tammy, herself pointed, produced Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale pointed, Emcees Golden Girl of Tara pointed, and Emcees Gold Tam OShanter, all of which have been kept as their basic bitch stock. Males out of Tammy include Ch. Emcees Tiny Mite of Tico, owned by Mary Hechinger, and Ch. Emcees Sparkling Tamboy, owned by Russ and Evelyn Churchill and has been awarded 35 Bests of Breed, 3 Group Is and numerous group placements.Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Molly has produced the following champions AC Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip, owned by Frances and Michael McDonald, Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Ole Block, owned by Jerrie Freia and Rose Anne Jones, and Morris pride and joy, Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond, who was whelped 9 days after the death of his beloved sire.The Carsons black Pom, Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo Lindy, went Best of Winners from the puppy class at the 1981POMERANIAN REVIEW 1mhr-'. iv v-Morris,Stevie and Poms at play.APC Specialty and has precipitated a change in their breeding program. In addition to their beautiful orange Poms, they can now produce blacks and black and tans. Previous breedings to Emcees Tar Lisa Sonrisa sablepointed and Emcees Tar Gold Trina black tan have produced desirable results.M' l sasiMorrisand four Emcee studs Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond, Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond, and Emcees Sparkling Memento.Emcees latest champion is Emcees Gold Honey Bun, but by the time this is published, Im sure there will be others. Because the dogs are only a hobby for the Carsons, Emcees kennel is not a large one. Quality remains of prime importance to them and each breeding is done with the idea of producing better puppies then before. The Carsons have, therefore, quickly reached their goal of producing top quality Poms.BROOD BITCH ISSUEThe October issue will again feature th Brood Bitch. We look forward to seeing great many of the valuable producers whc are contributing so significantly to the improvement of this breed. Customarily we only see ads in the Review on bitche that are shown. While we certainly doni mean to diminish the importance of these fine bitches, we know that there are some pretty important matrons working behind- the-scenes who also deserve recognition. Ir fact, a great many of the dogs finishing championships in the recent years have come from non-champion bitches.Although we cant offer the 14 page special rate like the Stud Register, we know you breeders will want to send pictures and pedigrees of your broods. Why not alsc include a list andor pictures of their produce, whether they are champions, pointed or just plain loved By supporting this issue, your bitches whose get make a valuable contribution in the future, will be pictured here. Then when you are asked what Ch. Big Star of the Days mother looking like you can say, She was pictured in the October 1982 issue.Since you may not have current photos of all your girls and will have to get some, let me say a few words about pictures. Is it because Poms are small dogs that I get so many teeny, tiny pictures They are cute, but they just arent practical. Small pictures are usually low in detail and when they are enlarged for full page ads, they appear dark and muddy. Since you asked, a good size to order is 5 x 7 and Im not talking about show pictures. Im talking about the pictures you take in your backyard. Since some of the broods you will want to advertise may not be seen except in Brood Bitch ads, it will be important to make this picture as representative of her fine qualities as it can be.The deadline is August 15. Send your ads, lovely pictures, pedigrees and checks made out to American Pomeranian Club, to the Editor. Dont forget to enclose the 7.00 photo reproduction charge.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations Emcee's4Ch. Millbrooks El Gran CaballeroSired by Ch. Emcees Solid Gold DiamondEli, dad. Look what I did in honor of your Kennel Visit two Groups in two daysThank you, Mr. Downing for finishing our dog and for this Group win.OwnersBlanche V. Rider and Anna LaFortune 4516 Harbinson Ave. La Mesa, CA 92041POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Congratulations Emcee'srCh. Millbrooks El Gran CaballeroThank you to Mr. Schoenberg for this wonderful Group win. Caballero is siring show type puppies with any type bitch.Handled by Anna LaFortune.OwnersBlanche Rider and Anna LaFortune 4516 Harbinson Ave. La Mesa, CA 920418 POMERANIAN REVIEWPresentsModel Kennel-vrC\ amCh. Model's Timstoppers EchoOur Latest ChampionAnother champion for Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. Thanks to Ruth Beam for letting us use him. Thanks also to judge Mr. Cavalloro and Mr. Ken Miller for his majors and Mr. R.D. Hammond for finishing him.Handled by Maynard Wood all the way.Bob Goodrich P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, VAPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Model KennelPresent our New Championii Ch. Cedarwood's Whispering HopeThanks to Mrs. Ann Riddick for this girl. Thanking judges Mr. Ken Miller and Mrs. Jarmoluk for her majors, and Mr. Reedy for a major and her final points.Congratulations to Emcees Poms on their kennel visit. The best of good breeding to Morris and Betty Carson.Hope was handled by Maynard Wood all the way.Bob Goodrich P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, VAJPOMERANIAN REVIEW0X yy Co m3presentChampion FOs KcL EV FAML EAD NE OTCongratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on your Kennel Visit. PremieringSIL VA LADE LITTLE MISS MARKERpictured oppositeCatocktin K.C. Match Group 22901 Putty Hill Rd.Ann Arundel K.C. Match Larry and Diane Johnson Group 1Baltimore, MD 21234 301 661-7289POMERANIAN REVIEW 2 -t, ^2 POMERANIAN REVIEWHandsome isi iLJllc dl^Emcee'sSparklingChipand handsome doesPictured above is AC Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip with his son, Chipit, also pictured at right at 4Vi months of age. We are extremely pleased with Chipit and his litter sisters, Missy and Smidget. Their dam is Emcees Diamond Starlisa, a Tico daughter.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson and all the Emcee Pomeranians on their Kennel Visit, and many thanks for our new beginning.HOBBIT POMERANIANSMichael and Frances McDonald 14 Palisade Place, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8 902 443-8536POMERANIAN REVIEWJanesa's Kennels",Iv- 1''. Jr ....Ch. Emcee s Chip Off The Ole BlockBlocker, son of Ch. Chips of Diamond, has 14 Best of Breeds and 9 Group Placements.Blocker is at stud to approved bitches.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their Kennel Visit.Rose Anne Jones P.O. Box 1694 Morgan City, LA 70381 504384-6899Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466POMERANIAN REVIEW1982 Stud RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1982 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the blowing pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual ccellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the juntry. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one iason or another. But with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of so iany different bloodlines, we feel that our Register this year is very complete. May we quest that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I saw your stud ird in the Review.W_L_iMahogany Red Showstoppfcr Pointed Offspring Fee 125tCreamSire of Champion. Fee 125.Photos by Pet PortfoliosMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Thelduns Dandie ChipDunns Little Tomstopper Thelduns Princess Tiffany Dunns Dear Heart Christy CH. ANNONS DANDIE LEGENDAC Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight Little Kissing Teddy BearMay Morning Kissing Cousin Edneys Liberty LegendMay Morning Moonwalker Fabulous BrandyMay Morning Fun N FrolicANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 703368-1341Ch. Highland Flashalong Ch. Highland Sunflash Highlands Ristic Petite Ch. Silver Meadows Sun-Dae CubCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Ch. Myway Dae DreamMyway Dawning Delightful Dae CH. SILVER MEADOWS FROSTEE CUB Ch. Bonners Prettystyle Preshus Oak Hill ThornOak Hills Crickett Silver Meadows RufflesCh. Highland Sunflash Silver Meadows SunwinkSilver Meadows Miss WinkumsANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Rd Nokesville, VA 703 368-1341POMERANIAN REVIEW i-Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis Lenniss Tom Tom Lenniss Cavalier Tangie Lenniss Spungold Julie CH. ANNONS MAGNUM FORCE FROM Ch. Blairs Solitaire SCAMPDunns Wee Teddy Go-GoMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Annons Dark LadyCh. Parkas Brilliant Sensation Anders La Calvados Valentina Newmonts Valentine of Val-LeeANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Rd.Orange Sable Nokesville, VAFee 125 703368-1341Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms LindaCh. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great ElmsGreat Elms Little Teddy Great Elms Angel Great Elms LindaCH. PETERSONS SCAMP OF LENNISCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Lenniss Tom TomPrincess Lew of Chatmoss Lenniss Cavalier TangieCh. Scotia Fantasys Cavilier Lenniss Spungold JulieScotia Cash Payment FantasyANN CANNONOrange Sable Great Elms n Pl0,os.b1 10504 Crockett Rd.Sire of Champions Pet Portfolios Nokesville, VAFee on Request 703368-13419Ch. Copyright of Nanjo Ch. Enjays Puppy On A String Roanokes Sun Button Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond AC Ch. Nanjos Interlude Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Bodas Diamond Gypsy Jan TEDS SPUNKY PRANCING SPIRITCh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Sun Dots Ramboling Man Ch. Queenaire First Lady Toy Stars Black PearlQueenaire Mr. Distinction Pretty Pepper PodAll-Stars Pretty PandaOrange Sable Pointed Fee 100Photos by Pet PortfoliosANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 703368-13416 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Ch. Petersons Scamp of Lennis Lenniss Tom Tom Lenniss Cavalier Tangie Lenniss Spungold Julie ANNONS MARQUIS DE TAR TAN Little Kissing Teddy Bear Edneys Midnight Spirit Fabulous Brandy Annons Mischief SpiritChambers King Tut King Tuts Little SpookieAngelas Little Black VelvetBlack Tan Annons Pride N Joy Photos by Fee 100 Pet PortfoliosANN CANNON 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 703368-1341ICh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music CH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMOR Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Dixielands VeronicaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red Mist4Vi lbs. Bright Orange Group winner, Sire of Champions Moments from Indpls. Airport4'A lb. OrangeFee on Request to Approved Females 804 798-7882MRS. WILMA JEAN BROWN8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46234Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Mr. Roberts Models Tin Goddess Ch. Models Gold MementoCh. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Lil Julie Models MarleneEMCEES SPARKLING GOLD MEMENTOCh. Enjays Puppet On A String Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Emcees Sparkling Hot TamaleCh. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms Emcees Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss MuffetEMCEES POMERANIANSMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005POMERANIAN REVIEWV3 lb. Dark Orange Fee on Request to Approved Females 804 798-78823z lb. BlackFee on Request to Approved FemalesJ4JL4 Zi lbs. Bright Orange Multi Group WinnerCh. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Ch. Chips of DiamondCh. Models Son of Fun Models Solid Gold Models BewitchedCH. EMCEES CHIPS OF DIAMONDCh. Enjays Puppet On A String Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Bodas Topaze Merry Gold Emcees Sparklin Hot TamaleCh. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Emcees Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss MuffetEMCEES POMERANIANSMorris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel.Lenniss Tar Sons ImageLenniss Cavilier Tigger Tiggers Little Tonya Brittons Little Debra CH. EMCEES NEGRITO LINDO Lenniss Tom Tom Lenniss Cavilier Tigger Lenniss Spungold Julie Lenniss Red AmberSue Ramseys Gold Maskot Spungolds Little Viki Elly Mae of SpungoldEMCEES POMERANIANS Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece ACBdaCh. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca AC Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing AC Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah CD CH. JABILS SIMPLY SINFULACBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude AC Ch. Topaze Sir BlitzenCh. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah CD Ch. Roanokes Band BoxJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEW j.V ijka JmGroup Placing 5 lb. Red Co-Owned with Rosalind GoltzLChampions and Pointed Offspring 4 lbs. Orange Very Cobby High Tail Set 414 lbs. Orange Stud Fee 75.00Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Models Truly Fair Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Solid Gold Models BewitchedCH. EMCEES SOLID GOLD OF JABILACBdaCh. Nanjo Interlude AC Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Jabils Sun Goddess Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceeAC Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion CD Jabils Dinah MiteCh. Varneys Jabil Dream GirlJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603435-8731Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann CH. EDNEYS MOE-BEST SPECIAL ORDER Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Post Script Aftrnoon DelightCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Edneys Miss Patty Cake Edneys TaffyMOE-BEST POMERANIANSTerri Moebuis 1719 Manor Rd.Baltimore, MD 21222 301 285-5477Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper-K Gold Mist Aristic Might CutePLA-MOR TUMBLIN TUMBLEWEEDCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Browns Fancy Pepper Mark Ch. Bonners Fancy Flame Pepper Pla-Mor Fancy Sugar Plum FairyCh. Tim Sues Mark of the Dragon Pla-Mor Love Story Ch. Farside VictoriaPLA-MOR POMERANIANSEleanor Hyche Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, AL 35215 205 681-8644POMERANIAN REVIEWSVRed 4 lbs. Stud Fee 75.00I1 JV44 lb. Light Orange-Sable Small Ears, Short Back, Sound LegsCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Stylestepper Preshus Bonners Pretty Tune Precious Ch. Dixielands Style StepperA-Lil Mischiefs Towntalk Dixielands Little JodyDixielands Little Belinda DIXIELAND JASONCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance Ch. Dixie Flame of Thelcolynn Millamors Merry MistCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Ring Master Millamors Red MistCh. Millamors Gold FlamePLAMOR POMERANIANSEleanor Hyche Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, AL 35215205 681-8644May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Rebel of EdneyMay Morning Social Lion Edneys Sweet DixieEdneys Pride of Tomstopper CAMELOTS BASHFULL DUDE May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Song of CamelotMay Morning Little Red Rascal Thelduns Bills Lil Paty Cake Meyers Princess Pat IIPATTYS POMERANIANSPatty Bartels 4976 Monmouth Rd.Mound, MN 55364 612472-5950AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager. Address on page 3, Review.East Coast News, continued from p. 11.cemia attacks, but is that really the bes thing for the dogs I dont have the answe to this very troublesome problem I hop someone does. I do know that since I haw been using Science Diet Dog Food, I havi had no trouble with Hypoglycemia. It hard to tell if this is just a coincidence however.POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE CLEAN MACHINEA New Slant on the Responsibility of the Stud Owner by Jean Simmondseprinted with permission from Sheltie acesetterArticles concerning the stud-owners jsition in the breeders scene have made jpearances from time to time, and most ive amply covered the common sense and lOral obligations to the visiting bitch and r owner while she is in his care.Certainly it goes without saying that the itch should be comfortably and securely oused, well-fed, and regularly and irefully exercised.However, what is on my mind is a new vist. In our present-day knowledge and tperience, more and more of todays stud wners are requiring a culture and rucellosis test to be given each bitch prior its acceptance for breeding to their dogs- and rightly so. It not only protects the ud dog, but the bitch as well. We have en all too many top-notch and influential uds, in the not-too-distant past, gunned own, so to speak, by some lurking virus r bacteria concealed in the vaginal tract of ome apparently healthy, unsuspecting itch to the degree that his siring days re over. The bitch with such an infection enerally loses some, or all, of her puppies, she does, in fact, whelp a litter.Nowadays, bitches bred to most promi- ent studs are checked out carefully eforehand. They are, of course, skipped nd treated accordingly should some nwanted organism rear its ugly head. But ound clear, this clean, safe-for-the-stud irlfriend is sent off to her chosen mate a all good faith.The new slant I am approaching is the tud owners obligation to KEEP HER 'HAT WAY.Hopefully, the stud owner is concerned vith his own dog one would assume he is- and has him checked out at regular ntervals with culture and Brucellosis tests, is well. Once again for the protection of all oncerned.Equally important, he should do all in hispower to see to it that the visitor to his stud is kept as free of contamination as possible, for she is, naturally, open to anything that might creep along. Certainly this is best accomplished by letting her exercise in her own pen if at all feasible. Secondly and perhaps more importantly, he should keep foreign objects and matter out of the bitch. Yet, time and again I have seen stud owners bring a bitch in to the breeding area, stand her up, and proceed to make an internal digital examination to check her for readiness. If she is open, the next step is often to daub ones finger into Vaseline, and apply this liberally into the bitchs vagina in an attempt to make entry easier for the stud. Both of these actions the exam and the application of the Vaseline, are extremely dangerous to her clean environment. Who knows where our hands have been previously, or what micro-organisms may be latches onto them, just waiting for a warm, nourishing environment such as the inner folds of a bitchs vaginal tract The Vaseline only enhances the prospect of contamination, since it is non-water-soluble, and thus lies in the folds of the vaginal walls for some time afterward. Actually, nature provides the animals with their own lubricants, but if the stud owner feels the need for a greater amount, he should use K-Y jelly, or another substance created solely for that purpose, as these are water soluble and thus quickly flushed out with the rush of the seminal fluids at the break of the tie, or shortly thereafter with the normal vaginal discharge.There are, admittedly, times when it is necessary to do an internal examination of the bitch particularly on a maiden, or one that seems difficult to breed even though willing. But these exams should be performed with the aid of a sterile finger cot, an item purchased very reasonably at any drug store, or through some of the veterinary supply catalogs. If one gets caught short, plastic gloves will suffice. In a Continued on p. 42.POMERANIAN REVIEWShareVs Proudly Presentsmcee's Texas Pete 6 monthsCh. Hillsboros Golden Chip x Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceeWe would like to thank Morris and Betty Carson for allowing us to have this gorgeous boy to start our show and breeding career. Petey is everything weve wanted and hoped for in a Pom.f----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOur sincerest congratulations to Morris and Betty on their Kennel Visit. Wishing them and their lovely Poms continued success.V______________________ _______ _____________________________ Sharon Hicks and Eleanor Clark 934 Clear CreekTexarkana, Texas 75503 214 792-1028POMERANIAN REVIEWdan.Ch. Milknors Dock MedallionFor a limited timeMedallion will be at stud for the summer with the Millers. For further information please contact us or Ken and Eleanor Miller, 5426 Spring Lake Dr., Lakeland, Florida. Phone 813 646-5864Christine D. and John E. Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-7427POMERANIAN REVIEW 3The Proof ^ In The ProducingV mi 4r V I Vi1rRL rr leiAC Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette Can. Ch.Chriscendo Causin A CommotionSister and Brother Multiple Best in Show Winnerst. Can.Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael Can. Ch. Chriscendo CarlottaBrother and Sister Best in Show Winning Puppies.Best wishes and continued success to Dr. Morris and Betty Carson.Christine D. and John E. Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902895-742714 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB OF SEATTLEThe Puget Sound Pomeranian Club of Seattle, WA has enjoyed another successful B Match. There was an entry of 19 udged by Elaine Young. This was our ourth B match in 9 months, each haired by a different team. We are very rroud of our club members as each match vas a little different and a little better than he preceeding one. For this match there vere trophies offered in each class. This dub is going for an A match next and we ire hoping for AKC approval in the near 'uture.Best Adult and Best in Match went to 3ue Sera Button A Bow on La Rita, shown ry Erin Hundley. Best Puppy was Harbins 31ack Diamond of India, shown by Sylvia rlarbin.Mike Jackson acted as photographer and presented the club with photos comparable vith those from all-breed shows. He has ilmed previous matches for our members o enjoy at club meetings. As you might juess, Mike has been asked to act as rhotographer at all future club events.The Club welcomes its new officers for he 1982-83 year. Erin Hundley will be President Terry Fisher Vice President Marjorie Baer Secretary and Katherine Bartos Treasurer. We hope the new year will be as successful as the past year has jeen. The Club members would like to xtend a special thanks to those persons stepping out of office and Bernard Niehous who, between he and his wife, Virginia, rave been the clubs treasurers for the past six years or better.The Club has not as yet assigned a new writer for this column. We regretfully iccepted the resignation of the current olumnist, Jessie Stephens. The membership thanks Jessie for all her hard work and wishes she and Tom the best in their new location.THE DEADLINE FOR THE OCTOBER ISSUE IS AUGUST 15.OCTOBER KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will be to the Bev-Nor Kennels of Beverly and Bill Norris in Pasadena, MD. We feel sure that the owners and admirers of Bev-Nor Poms across the country will want to support the Visit with congratulatory ads.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future Visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.CORRECTIONA typographical error in the Presidents Message of the April Review changed the meaning of the whole sentence. On page 5, second line, second column, it says, Due to action taken at the meeting, summaries of the Boards minutes will not be printed in the Review. The word not should have been now. Please notice that a summary of the Board Minutes from New York the meeting at which this particular policy was changed is printed in the Secretarys Report on page 6 of this issue. I apologize for this error and hope it didnt cause undue confusion.The EditorREMINDERAll members of the APC desiring a certificate from the Club for Champions and Obedience Titles published in the Gazette during 1982 which were owned by you, please submit your name as owner, dogs name and month published in the Gazette to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Highway B, Mishicot, WI 54228, BEFORE February 1, 1983.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Anwins Magic PandorarfBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXMagic is shown winning Best of Opposite Sex under judge Dr. W. Edward McGough, owner-handled.Watch for Magics two special children, sired by Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo Bob-A-Lous Magic Man, Koko and Bob-A-Lous Magic Shadow. These puppies are coming on strong.As this issue goes to press, I am eagerly awaiting the arrival of puppies from Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond and my Bob-A-Lous Sunny Buttons.Special congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their kennel visit. BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE WITH BEAUTIFUL POMS. Morris and Betty have been a great source of inspiration to me and many others, in our endeavor to attain Pom Success.FLASH Koko wins Best Puppy in Match in a large class at Upper Potomac Valley K.C. Sanctioned MatchBobALou KennelsBob Louis McKenzie Rt. 1, Box 202 Grantsville, MD 21536 301 895-564336 POMERANIAN REVIEWCROSS CANADAby Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, N.S., Canada B2n 5N2Since I have just recently had the honor of a Kennel Visit and try to make it to the APC Specialty every year,'I hope some of you know me. Those of you who dont I wont bore you. I guess the most important things are I breed Poms and I live in Canada. Its up north to all of you, but to some Im sure it must seem as far away as Greenland. I can assure you its not and Id like to extend an invitation to any of you to come up and see us some time In another column Ill try and provide details of a trip to Canada.The Top Pom statistics for Canada are now out for 1981 and I thought you might like to hear a little about these dogs wins and their backgroundsThe 1 Pom is Ch. Bavanews Taria Shannara, owned by Matt Heindl. She is sired by Matts Sir Igor of Sandhill and out of a female bred by Joan Grant, Jayenns Pretty Redwing. Missy went Best in Show at one of Canadas largest shows under judge Gerhart Plaga. A very deserving distinction for one of the hardest working members of the Canadian Pom Club.The 2 Pom hails from the west coast. He is Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Hunny Bear N, owned by Leslie Rogers, whose Forever Kennel produces some top quality Shelties as well. Bear, I believe, is the sire of several nice get in the U.S., including two American group winners. He was bred by Mrs. Sally Baugniet, who is gaining a well deserved reputation for selling good ones to other countries.The 3 Pom hails from the other side of the map the east coast. She is Ch. Chriscendo Carlotta, owned by myself, who picked up Best in Show as a puppy under Anne Robers Clark and a Toy Specialty under Michele Billings. She is also Top Winning Puppy for the year with 11 groups and 12 Best Puppy in Show awards.The 4 Pom I unfortunately know very little about. His name if Ch. Okodawns Rusty Prince Chico, owned by Linda Stanger.The 5 Pom, Ch. Bells Chriscem Carmichael, who at the time was co-own by myself and his breeder Betty Bell Vermont. This guy is also a Best in She winner and a repeat breeding of Carlot above. He was Sweepstakes winner at le years APC Specialty.The 6 Pom is Tom Hos Georgia He Wave, owned in the U.S. by Jessie Stevei and J. Moran. He won a Best in Sho under Tom Gately as a puppy. He is bre by Tommi Hoban of Massachusetts and sired by well-known, multiple Best in She winner, Ch. Honeycrest Razzel Dazzl Dante.In the 7 position is Kay and Frei Baxstrones Ch. Chriscendo Causin Commotion, bred by myself and sired b Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion. Andy made a brief appearance this year foi fun after being 1 last year and picked up a Best in Show and several groups. Tht Baxstrones also own the 8 Pom, Ch. Maracaibos Liberty Belle. Although not their first home-bred champion, as they are very successful Sheltie breeders, she is their first home-bred Champion Pom. Fittingly enough, she was raised by a Sheltie Libby won a group from the classes to finish. She is sired by Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x LLL Mite of Gold Patsy, bred by Janice Luginsland of Americus, Kansas.The 9 Pom is American Ch. Jay Jays Ounce of Bounce, owned by the Georges and handled by Jean Schroll. This guy came to Canada and picked up three consecutive group first wins. A really successful trip I believe this guy is sired by Can. Ch. Holders Lil Red Flash.All of the above are group andor Best in Show winners. Also of note are the following group winners, all owned by U.S. fanciers AC Ch. Amadois Dark Fancy, owned by Anne Welshinger of Winconsin, Can. Ch. Mercers Touchdown, co-owned by C. Heartz and Dan Mercer of Nebraska Can. Ch. Paw Back of Wacks, owned by Anne Knowles of Massachusetts.Before I leave you, I would like to share with you a poem by Hope Henry, Hy Hope Poms of British Columbia, which appeared in our Canadian Pom Newsletter recently.Continued on p. 38.POMERANIAN REVIEWTynan Pomeranian51 PRESENTJ\. AC CH. GOLDEN GLOW PRINCEPrince is a group winner in both Canada and the United States, and has produced some very nice puppies. Many thanks to Jessie Stephens for allowing Prince to join us.7SAnnouncingCH. HILLSBOROS GOLDEN CHIPC.J. is the newest addition to our Poms, courtesy of Morris and Betty Carson. We also have in residence Tynans Brazen Raisin, daughter of Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo, who lives up to her name.Congratulations to Emcees Pomeranians on their Kennel Visit.Natalie Dunfee 41 Ellen vale Ave. Dartmouth, N.S., Canada B2W2W7 902 434-3390 y38 POMERANIAN REVIEWCross Canada, continued from p. 38.Did you know that there is a great deal of difference between your dog and mineYours is shy, mine is sensitive.Yours is fat, mine is substantial.Yours is vicious, mine is aggressive.Yours is skinny, mine is a slow maturer. Yours is stupid, mine is a slow learner. Yours is a rotten producer, mine was bred to the wrong bitch.Yours lost because the judge was good, mine lost because the judge was bad.Yours is uncontrollable, mine is exuberant. Yours messed in the house, mine sprained his leg.Yours is hysterical, mine is full of life. Yours is spoiled rotten, mine is part of thefamily- Hope Henry,Lower Nicola, B.C.Lots of luck in all your upcoming endeavors.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXby Isabelle B. Gryder 903 East Loyola Dr. Tempe, AZ 85282The members of our Phoenix area club have been very active in the past few months with various club activities. A B Match was held in February, and everyone in attendance had a great time. In the winners circle that day were Shanna Sneed, Best Junior Handler Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Delight, Best Puppy owned by Isabelle Gryder I-Doras Sun Bear O Jalesh, Best Adult owned by Alesha and James Herren and Jolly Wee Tuff Stuff, Best Pointed Dog co-owned by Isabelle Gryder and Randy Freeh.An Easter Breakfast was held in April at the home of Hall Bradshaw and Cliff Morris. Everyone had a super morningenjoying the pleasant company, dog talk and great food. Hand-made items were auctioned with proceeds going into our treasury. A special thanks to Hall and Cliff for the use of their home and for the tour afterwards.A B Match is planned for June 26 in the Valley, and we are all looking forward to taking our puppies into the ring for the first time. Due to the summer heat in the Valley of the Sun, the match will be held inside one of our local shopping malls so it should be very pleasant for everyone.Our Poms have also been busy in the show ring recently. Winners include Riders Don Juan, owned by Dora Henderson, who won a 3 point major at the Scottsdale Dog Fanciers Association Show in Scottsdale in November. Don also went WD in Scottsdale in March for 2 points and the next day went WD in Tucson for 2 points. He now has 4 points left to go for his championship. Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Delight, owned by Isabelle Gryder, took BOW out of puppy class at her first show for 4 points at the Sahuaro State Kennel Club Show in March. Dee Dee also went WB two days later at the Kachina Kennel Club Show in Phoenix for 2 points. Congratulations to allSeveral work get-togethers have been held recently in preparation for our clubs hosting of the APC Summer Specialty to be held in conjunction with the Sahuaro State Kennel Club Show on Sunday, October 31. Two other all-breed shows will be held that same weekend Superstition Kennel Club on Saturday, October 30, in Mesa and Kachina Kennel Club on Monday, November 1 in Phoenix. We have had a lot of fun at our work sessions, and everything is progressing smoothly for what we hope will be a special day for everyone. A hospitality hour is planned for Saturday evening, and a dinner will be held on Sunday evening following the Specialty. Judges for the Specialty include Jean Fancy, regular classes, and Olga Baker, sweepstakes both subject to AKC approval. We are all looking forward to seeing many old friends from out of state and meeting new ones. Mark your calendars now and make plans to attends.A big thank you to those of our friends from out of state who have Continued on p. 44.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3A4A 4fAViTiflftit r.ixCh. Silver Meadows CM of legacyPedigree in Behind The New ChampionsMeet Ch. Love, who truly lives up to his name in every respect. He is a 454 pound light golden orange bundle of pure Pomeranian delight.For those interested in the Bonner Starmist bloodline combined with our own Silver Meadows breeding, we offer an outstanding stud force.Select Puppies Occasionally Your interest is always appreciated.Best wishes to Dr. Carson and the Emcee Poms.Ron and Jackie Klein 4136 West Lake Rd. Silver Springs, NY 14550 716237-547340 POMERANIAN REVIEWr0NABR00K Champions of Yesterday, Todayand Tomorrow...Recipe For A LegendBegin with Bob Laskeys Canmores blend with Nanjos Interlude. Add a generous measure of Wynwrights Mid- Winter Boy Englands sire of the century. Leaven with Hadleigh and Cynpeg.Combine carefully love well.Photography by Heather Drope-Marchione.Ch. Onabrooks Lure of a LegendHandled by Chris Heartz, finished at Montreal going Best of Breed over a Best in Show specialCongratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their Kennel VisitThanks to Michelle MacDonald who trained Legend and started her show career.Walter and Dorothy Jones RR 1, Box 57 Salmon River Drive Dartmouth, N.S. Canada B2W 3X9 902 434-8678POMERANIAN REVIEW 41BEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the Americar Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additiona details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines wil be published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be or file with the Review, the charge is 10.50.Ch. Cedarwoods Whispering HopeOrange FemaleBreeder Ann RiddickOwner Bob Goodrich, Hampton, VA.Ch. Copyright of Nanjo Ch. Enjays Puppy On A String Roanoakes Sun Button Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Ch. Nanjo Interlude Bodas Topaz Merry Gold Bodas Diamond Gypsy Jan Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Mar-Bi-Lees Sun Fella Mar-Bi-Lees Bit of Fluff Cedarwoods September DawnCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Rosewood Pride of Timstopper Wee Lucky KimCh. Models Timstopper EchoRed Orange MaleBreeder Bob Goodrich, Hampton, VACh. Great Elms Little Timstopper Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Great Elms Little Debbie II Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Little Duffy Great Elms LindaGreat Elms Little Sue Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Majestic April LoveCh. Nanjo Interlude Bodas Topaz Merry Gold Bodas Diamond Gypsy JanCh. Scotia Clems Maskot MuffettBreeder EdnaE. GirardotOwner Peter G. Castaneda, Seattle,WashingtonCh. Pearls Busy Body Ch. Bryleas Buddy Boi Pearls Grand Rapid Girl Sue Ramseys Gold Maskot Ch. Aristic Chilibean Pearls Bridget Pearls Desilu Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Scotia Iodine Robin Chris Archways Little Iodine Scotia Rare Coins ClementineCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Rare Coin Ch. Scotia Coin BoxCh. Scotia Dapper Dans CassanovaMaleBreeder EdnaE. GirardotCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia Dandys Dapper DanCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Rare Coins Sable Folly Ch. Scotia Caviliers Rare Coin Rossmoyne Pete Rossmoyne Little Gem II GloriaCh. Cavaliers Precious ColleenCh. Buddy Wee Cavalier Wee Cavalier Precious Doll Ch. Salmons Glamour GirlViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.42 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Silver Meadows Love of Legacy Light Orange MaleBreeder-Owner Jacquelyn Klein, Silver Springs, NYCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Little Miss Wag Bonners Sunfire Mischief Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CrickettCh. Vestas Magic The DragonPictured elsewhere in this Review.Breeders Sue Goddard and Vesta Hall Owners Tim and Sue Goddard, Houston, TXCh. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ch. Tim Sues Mark of the Dragon Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sues Gay ButterflySilver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Winemakers Myfly of Tim Sue Winemakers Yo Ta Amo Duke Tim Sues Poinciana PamelaCh. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug Poinciana Love Melody Poinciana ContessaThe Clean Machine, continued from p. 30.pinch, wrapping the finger carefully with Saran Wrap will do the trick. The idea here is to cover the finger with some uncontaminated protective shield. In this way, the bitch will have every opportunity to arrive home in the same condition in which she was sent clean from stem to stern literally.CongratulationsandBest WishestoBetty and Morris Carsonon your Kennel Visit. Thanks again for Honey.Norma Thurman 6410 Gabriel Dr. Louisville, KentuckyJabilCongratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on your Kennel VisitJessie and Barbara Young Loudon, New Hampshire 03301 603435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEW 4Queen's Crest Kennel, Regproudly presents'\oILuI 7 \ -VV V',... JCharmed Price of hueenCh. Models Red Sultan x Queenaire Orange Jubilee Affectionately called Princey.Best of Winners at Silver State K.C., Las Vegas, Nevada on April 22, 1982. At 11 months, weight 4Vz lbs.Litter expected May 23, 1982, Great Elms and Point Loma.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their Kennel Visit.OwnerBreederRegina M. Kruger, R.N. 9734Dunbar Lane El Cajon, CA 92021 714443-833844 POMERANIAN REVIEWGreater Phoenix, continued from p. 38.contributed to our Trophy Fund. Some very special trophies will be offered at this show.We are delighted that several of our California friends have been so willing to help us with anything that is needed. Among these are Marianne and A1 Alford, Margaret and Dan Ontiveros, and Randy and Paul Freeh.Again, we are excited about this opportunity to host the National Specialty here in Phoenix and look forward to greeting all of you. Please contact us if any other information is needed. WELL SEE YOU ON FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 NOVEMBER 1POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Sue GoddardThe new officers for this year are President Darrell BakerVice Pres. Roxy CampbellSecretary Tony TellezTreasurer Bobbie GibsonBoard Carolyn CrockettErika Moureau, George WestMost recent news for our club centers around the March Texas circuit and the Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty. Our two clubs work closely together, and several members have dual memberships.Our members, Bobbie and Dave Gibson are the proud owners of a brand new champion, Ch. Macs Gallant Man, bred and shown to his title by Estelle McDonald. He completed his championship by going Winners Dog at the Dallas Specialty. Another big winner at the specialty was Nancy Wharton from Amarillo and Barbara Camps Winners Bitch, Whartons Honig Von Baerle, who I understand finished shortly thereafter. Jean and George West had the Best in Sweepstakes with their lovely Wests Sweet Summer Dream, who needs only two points to finishher title. A near tragedy occurred the next day when Summer broke a foreleg, but we understand it is healing nicely and we hope to see Summer back for those concluding 2 points very soon.The day after the specialty found most of the specialty entries back in the ring. Tony and Connie Tellez were thrilled when their Tellez Simply Ms. Tuff Stuff won an additional 5 pt. major and now needs but 3 single points to finish. Saturday was a lucky day for Joan Reilly, too as her special Ch. Cheelan Chesai Strutter took Best of Breed. Sundays big winner for a Houston club member was Jolly Wee Macho of Moonrock, owned by Sue Goddard and Mrs. Randall Freeh, taking the 5 pt. major win in dogs. At the concluding show on Monday, Erika Moureaus striking puppy dog took the points. So many beautiful dogs and such an outstanding entry made this an exciting weekend. Most of these dogs will no doubt be finished when this comes to print. Most of our members are very active breederexhibitors and, even though the competition is keen, everyone seems to enjoy each others successes almost as much as their own. You rarely hear a cross word ... this is dog showing at its very bestThe next big group of dog shows for our area takes place in Louisiana, in and around one of my favorite places, New Orleans. Many of us plan to go.We are looking forward to and making plans for our Annual Specialty July 29, which is held in conjunction with the Combined Specialty Clubs and three area all-breed clubs, making four BIG days of shows in the fantastic Astro Hall. This is getting to be the place to be for outstanding dog shows. We hope many of you have made plans to attend. Mrs. Jackie Klein is judging the regular classes and Mr. Doug Baynham will judge our sweepstakes entries. Roxy Campbell, show chairman for this event, has a lot of fun things planned for the Pom folks so, . . . as they say in Texas... Yall ComePOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Sungold and MIdterAnna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 JBlancheRider 4516 Harbinson Ave. La Mesa, CA 92041Shown twice in the 6-9 puppy class by Ray LaFortune, he was Reserve Winners Dog and Best of Winners a grandson of Beavers. We offer this fine boned, heavily coatedmale puppy for sale and have many others you would be proud to own.For SaleFemale Whelped August 24, 1981Sire Ch. Shirwoods Golden Nugget x Dam Daughter of Ch. Tequila Sunrise Good sound brood, good bite and good legs 375.00.Female Whelped April 27, 1979Sire Ch. Golden Glow Nip x Dam Daughter of Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Elere is a young brood female that is an easy whelper and has produced show pointed offspring 350.00.Female Whelped July 10, 1981Sire Lennis Tar Sons Image x Dam Dau. of Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms This sound, young brood is a double granddaughter of Ch. Lennis Tar-Baby of Great Elms 390.00.Male Whelped July 3, 1981Sire Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear x Dam Daughter of Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver This is a show prospect male with excellent color and type. Full brother to Bi-Mar Sundance Kid 13 points with multiple group placements.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Avenue South206 927-2369 Federal Way, WA 98003POMERANIAN REVIEW46PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 19101 67th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290In a recent letter, Sally McGilbry reported on a show weekend and just the fact that she was able to attend the shows was good news. Sallys health has not permitted many such excursions in the last few years, so it was good to hear she was well enough to get out again. She was also pleased to report the wins, as Sallys partner, Alicia Bauer showed Golden Glow Loverly to Best of Breed in Corvallis. Winners Dog was Golden Glow Im A Warrior, shown by his new owner Jean Schroll. On Sunday in Salem, OR, Ch. Jestoms Tom Ho Georgia Heat Wave Samson whose mother is a Golden Glow Pom was Best of Breed shown by his new owner, Jim Moran. Breeders Jessie Stephens and Tomi Hoobin really picked a good combination when they bred Golden Glow Heidi to Ch. Honeycrest Razzle Dazzle Dante. Golden Glow Loverly was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners and Golden Glow Regi was Winners Dog on Sunday. I want to thank Sally for making my job as reporter easier. I only wish she had included the names of the shows and judges. We sometimes forget that without the dog clubs there would be no shows, and without the judges there would be no winners.Many other lovely Poms are also being seen. Last December in Portland, Andrews Laddies Trailblazer was Winners Dog, Best of Winners, and Best of Breed over some nice specials. Rascal is owned by breeders Clyde and Phyllis Andrews and shown by Clyde. Clyde is now recovering from a sudden stroke which I hope will not keep him out of the ring too long. Clyde has always shown his dogs in the manner of a gentleman. No grandstanding just quiet, calm presentation of a well-trained, beautifully groomed dog. Get well soon, Clyde. Another local breeder has reason to be proud. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, bred andowned by Mary Rosenbaum, was Winners Dog and Best of Winners on May 8th at the Whidby Island Kennel Club Show. Best of Breed was Ch. Jestoms Tom Ho Georgia Heat Wave, Best of Opposite Sex was Tiffanys Star of India, bred by Helen Krafcik and shown by new owner Irene Harbin. The judge was Mr. Roland Adaeck. On May 9th at the Olympia Dog Fanciers Association Show, judge Mr. Jack Russell awarded Best of Breed to a very sound, creamy orange dog with excellent pigment, Pomirish Tiggers Hunny Bear N, bred by Sally Baugniet, owned by Lesley B. Rogers and shown by his best friend Donna Roadhouse. Bear N has several Canadian Bests in Show and missed being Top Pom last year by just a few points. Best of Opposite Sex went to Harbins Ruby Red Robin.I had a nice talk with Jessie Stephens who now resides in Concord, California. This is temporary, she tells me. They will be back in the Northwest in July. Her Maranthas Lil Tabitha is showing very well now. On May 8th she was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners under judge Mrs. Merle Smith and on May 9th judge Stephen Shaw gave her Best of Breed over specials. Needless to say, Jessie and Tom were extremely pleased. I saw this little bitch as a 9 month old puppy . She showed great promise then and apparently has matured as expected. Sometimes the lessons we learn are very expensive. I had to hand raise a litter in March. The mother had a normal section her first after several normal deliveries. She came out of the anesthesia and started caring for the three 5 ounce puppies. We put them all in a box and covered them against drafts for the drive home. When we arrived, the mother was dead. An autopsy showed that she had thrown up and choked on the material. I could easily have prevented this by keeping her in a separate box for the fifteen minute ride home, so that I could watch her. Fortunately, I was well prepared with baby bottles, Esbilac and tube feeding equipment. I thank my many teachers, Phyllis Andrews, Dianna McKeever, Irene Harbin, Jessie Stephens, Mary Rosenbaum and the other who have shared their experiences with me. I was able Continued on p. 48.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4]Pla-Mor TumbUri Tumbleweedr\ 0 JudgeW.T. Stephenson gave Ricky Best of Breed for a 3 point major at the Tuscaloosa show in Birmingham, Alabama, April 24, 1982. See Pedigree in Stud Register.PLA-MOR POMSEleanor Hyche Rt. 12, Box 2003 Birmingham, AL 35215 205681-8644Jr Idlewyld Pomeraniansproudly announces our sixth obedience titlistIdlewyld Star Pendant C.D.Ch. Juliess Star Vega x May Morning Small Talk C.D.Penny finished in three straight shows thats economy, with respectable scores of 192.5, 190.5 and 189.5. Penny is also pointed and is currently being shown in conformation. So is Chris, Pennys daughter, who has 10 points.As of deadline, Gem Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone C.D. has 2 legs on C.D.X., including a first place in Open A.CONGRATULATIONS to our friends Morris and Betty Carson and the lovely Emcees Poms on their Kennel Visit Bob Goodrich on several new champions and Tammy Carrell and Levi on their showing at the Gaines Regional.Margaret and John McKee 7660 Idlewyld Rd. Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-931848 POMERANIAN REVIEWNews and Views, continued from p. 46. to pass on their knowledge just last week when I received a panic call from a new friend. Sadly, it was too late for her puppies, but next time she will be ready and Id like to pass on the advice I gave to her1. Always be prepared to the point of expecting the worst even if your mother dog has always free whelped, and has always cared for her puppies.2. Weigh the puppies every day. A puppy that loses even a little should have supplemental feedings before it gets too weak to nurse.3. Check the mothers nipples daily, more often the first day. Sometimes too much milk may make the nipple hard for a small puppy to get in his mouth. Make sure you actually see each puppy sucking. They often snuggle in under the mother and sleep quietly until it is too late to save them.4. Always have food and equipment on hand. I like bottles best, but be ready with the tube. I use the biggest one I can get. It is less likely to go into the lung. Linda McClannahan shared this trick with me. After you have the tube down into the puppy, pinch its foot. If he can cry, the tube is not in his lung. I asked my vet about this. He said it was logical because the tube in the lung would press on the larynx, preventing the puppy from uttering a sound. The tube should be marked at the length suitable for the puppy. Measure from his navel to his nose when his head is stretched out and mark this point. Be careful as you depress the plunger on the syringe. The puppy will be spitting the tube out as fast as you put it in and if the opening in the tube passes by the wind pipe as you express milk, he can inhale it and die. With a puppy that is too weak to nurse, you have to get food into him, so use the tube. Puppies that have become used to the mother may refuse the bottle and also have to be tube fed.5. Everything that goes in must come out. I lost a whole litter of Dachsunds once 6 puppies. I was so" afraid of hurting them that I handled them very little and they bloated up and died, one after another. I now make sure that they eliminate very regularly. If you watch a mother with her puppies, she is after them all the time. She wakes them up by licking them, then pushes them away and watchesthem struggle back to her. This exercise keeps them stimulated and if she isnt doing it, or cant do it, you must. Handle them often. Rub the genital area with a moist cotton ball. I you see no results, use baby suppositories that have been quartered lengthwise. Ed. Note If you are having trouble with puppies that are not eliminating, it would be best' to consult a vet before doing anything. If this is not effective, give an enema. One cc of warm water usually works well. I use a small feeding tube cut off about an inch from the syringe and lubricated with vaseline. Do whatever you have to, but get results at least once a day and more often if possible. I hope this will save someone the very sad and expensive lesson of losing puppies that could have lived. One last word. If you have done all of the above and the puppies still die, then you can be sure that you have done your best. I always try, but some puppies just do not respond and this is natures way of saving you from heartbreak later on. There are some puppies that are born defective and nothing we do can keep them alive. The ones who live make it all worthwhile, though.CHERIDELCheridel Pomesto Remember MeFlashproudly notes the championship of another of his quality get Silva Lade Forget-Me-Not.October 81 Show Prospect Flash daughter for sale.Carol Ricci311 Cherry Hill Rd. West Reisterstown, MD 21136 301 833-8468POMERANIAN REVIEW 49JWoodrose PomeraniansVktA Cuffy congratulates his children on their wins at the recent shows.Flamn Suns Rebel Rouser Group Winner, owned by Betty Aona.Woodroses Peanut Butter, owned by Yvette and Clarice Oganeku.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their Kennel Visit.Ch. Shadowdance's Touch and GoToy Group WinnerStanley and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd. Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 247-5332Twin Pines PomeraniansCONGRATULATES The EMCEES POMERANIANS on their KENNEL VISIT.We are closely watching a litter of two boys sired by Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo, whelped April 21, 1982 BEAUTIFUL. We are also making room for a litter due May 9 out of Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond. Both mothers are show quality and free whelpers thank goodness.Depending on the numbers of males vs. females, some of the kids may be available to show homes ONLY.LIL and JOHN CR1BBSROUTE 1, BOX 249PHONE 804-876-3643 DOSWELL, VA. 230470 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225Now youve done it. Youve bred your beloved little bitch. Now what do you do If youre a normal, healthy, reasonably intelligent Pom owner, and this is your first or second litter, you are probably having some misgivings and doubts. Will your bitch by okay Will you be able to handle the whelping You are right to be concerned. Getting Pom babies into this world isnt always easy. But, youre already committed, so the most important thing you can do is to be thoroughly prepared.The first thing you should do is try to forget that she might be pregnant. For the first four weeks, you wont be able to tell if she conceived, so there is no point in harassing the poor girl by scrutinizing or poking her belly. One clue she might give you is morning sickness. If she is normally a good eater and goes off her feed for 2 or 3 days at about three weeks along, she may be pregnant. However, if she doesnt refuse any meals or have any morning sickness, it tells you nothing. During the first month, she needs no special care, so let her continue her usual routine, diet and exercise. Just give her an extra pat or two.Some of the rules that apply to human pregnancies are good for dogs too. Dont give your bitch any medication without consulting your vet. It is assumed you had her checked and treated for worms before she was bred. Do, however, keep her on heartworm preventative. Evidence shows it is safe. Many Pom breeders swear by a pinch of raspberry tea in her supper from the day she was bred. Ed. Note For more information about raspberry tea see Michael Tierras book The Way of Herbs. Ive never had to restrict the activities of a Pom, other than stop showing them after the fourth week. Nor do they need to beencouraged to exercise. Ive had Poms in labor jump on and off the couch.If it is important to know for sure that shes expecting e.g., her due date coincides with a Specialty, then a good vet can usually confirm by palpating for fetal lumps at around 28 days. This is a good time for a prenatal checkup. Tell your vet her due date and ask for advice. Ask your vet to give you his home phone number in case she has trouble after office hours shell invariably whelp after office hours.Contact any nearby toy breeders and ask for advice and help. Some may be willing to let you watch while one of their bitches whelps. Bless them One might even be willing to come and help when your bitchs time comes. Sanctify her It doesnt hurt toREAD. The more you know, the better. As midwife, youll want to be prepared for all kinds of eventualities. Ive found the following books very helpful.1. Dog Owners Home Veterinary Handbook, Carlson and Giffin. This is a must for your dog library. Of course, it covers the whole range of dog health, not just obstetrics. It is well organized, thorough, and an excellent reference book. Good index.2. The Joy of Breeding Your Own Show Dog, Seranne. See Sophie Mayes review of this book in Oct. 81 Reveiw, p. 57, to which I add Amen. Ive read it over and over, and have used it as a reference source. The authors long experience with toys is particularly valuable for us. Good bibliography.3. The Mating and Whelping of Dogs,Graham. Lots of information and interesting anecdotes purveyed in a very entertaining style.4. Your Dog His Health and Happiness, Vine. Another excellent general health book everybody ought to have. Available in paperback.5. Dog Breeding for Professionals,Richards. This ones heavy on pictures. It shouldnt be the only book you read.I would hope that by this time you have a comfortably working relationship with a veterinarian who has a proper respect for the Poms size and proneness to whelping difficulties. I had an unpleasant experience when I had to take a bitch in premature labor to a vet I didnt know. Even though I Continued on p. 52.POMERANIAN REVIEW 51f olden Oas ^PomeranianspresentsB ft,aAEMCEES GOLDEN SUN at 6 monthsCh. Topaze Sunny Interlude xEmcees Golden Girl of TammyEMCEES LA NEGRITA LINDAat 5 monthsCh. Emcees Negrito Lindo xEmcees Tar-Lisa SonrizaIn addition to our oranges, we are specializing in blacks.At present, Golden Oaks has puppies male and female out of Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond x Mellonie of Twin Pines. By the time of this publication, we will have litters out of Ch. Emcees Negrito Lindo x Golden Oaks Preppie-Tar Girl, Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond x Annons Pollyanna From Chips.I would especially like to thank all the breeders who have given their time, help and support in getting my foundation started.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their kennel visit.Carolyn C. Lewis 3909 Bronholly Road Chesterfield, VA 23832 804745-006752 POMERANIAN REVIEWHelpful Hints, continued from p. 50. told him it was this particular bitchs sixth pregnancy, and I was experienced with Poms, he talked to me like a child and persisted in saying things like, She wont whelp if youre watching her. I finally exploded and told him shed whelp in my lap if Id let her It was only after my predictions were correct that the vet began talking with a little respect. This shouldnt be the case. You and your vet must be a team. Just as you need his advice and skill, he needs your knowledge of your breed and of your dog in particular. If you are not comfortable with your vet, its not too late to change. Your bitchs life may be at stake.Around the fifth week, begin increasing the protein and vitamins in her diet. I begin by adding a small breakfast of cottage cheese or eggs scrambled with milk. I switch from regular vitamins to puppy vitamin powder. Gradually increase the amount of meat at supper. Keep an eye on her weight and dont let her get fat and lazy. Most of the weight is gained during the 5th to 8th weeks. A five pound bitch may gain about 2 pounds, but there are no hard and fast rules.Begin getting together supplies and equipment for the big day.1. For a whelping box, I have a 2 x 3 ft. wooden box exactly the size of the sheet of newspaper. But Ive also used cardboard boxes which served just fine. Either way, I spray it thoroughly with Lysol disinfectant spray.2. Lots and lots of newspapers. Send the kids to collect from the neighbors.3. A big stack of clean soft towels. Tea towels or hand towels are a convenient size for rubbing wet puppies. Bigger towels are bedding for mom and babies.4 .Heating pad andor heat lamp.5. Scissors.6. Alcohol or peroxide7. Thermometers, rectal and room.8. Vaseline or baby oil.9. Hemostats, clamps, or hair pullers. These are very handy for clamping and crushing the cord, especially when the placenta doesnt come out with the pup. A cord that has been crushed doesnt need to be tied with thread, which is an awkward procedure.10. A pad of paper or notebook and pento keep records.11. Baby bottles, stomach tube, syringe, and bitchs milk replacement such as Esbilac. You just might need these and you dont want to have to dash out and try to find them at a critical time.12. Small box or plastic dishpan to put pups in while another is being delivered.13. Iodine or Betadine, to coat the end of the cord.14. Large plastic garbage bags.Some books recommend cotton balls, guaze squared, and monsel powder, but Ive never needed them. A small bottle of oxygen is nice if you can get it.About two or three weeks before the due date, set up the nursery. Cut a large plastic garbage bag down one side and across the end. Lay it flat on the floor and cover it with a thick layer of newspaper. Set up a six panel exercise pen on it, and put the whelping box, a dish of dry food, and a water dish inside. The prospective mom should spend a lot of time here from now on so shell feel this is her spot. Put your other supplies and equipment nearby. Put the vets phone numbers near the phone.One week before the due date, I have her x-rayed. Ed. Note Check with your own vet. Opinions on x-rays differ. Dont let the vet tell you what is on the x-ray have him show you. You can learn to read x-rays. In addition to knowing how many puppies to wait for, you can see if any are likely to be breech. Comparing size of pups to bitchs pelvis is iffy, but a single large puppy and a small female are a strong hint that a C-section may be necessary. And of course, x-rays do confirm that she is pregnant if there were any lingering doubts. I recently had a bitch that I was positive wasnt pregnant... until she whelped, that is. I hadnt had her x-rayed. Yes, they can fool you occasionally.On the 56th or 57th day, start taking her temperature and recording it twice a day. When the temperature drops below 100 degrees, clear the decks. Plan to stay home Youll likely be in business in 12 to 24 hours. If youre planning a C-section, notify your vet. Keep a closer eye on your bitch. This is the time shell attempt to sneak outside and build a nest under the toolshed.Once the temperature has dropped, trim Continued on p. 62.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5J--------------------------------CREIDERPOMERANIANSCREIDERS GOLD VENTURE IIpictured was shown seven times to finish his championship, winning 3, 4, and 5 point majors on the Texas Circuit, handled by Sandy Tremont.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918446-6839 cCongratulationsandBest WishestoMorris and Betty Carsonon your Kennel Visit.FOR SALE3 Puppies 1 female, 2 males Bom April 13, 1982Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple.Thanks so much for letting Emcees Sparkling Miss Model come into our home. At present 3 Best of Breeds out of four shows hope to have her finished soon.Mrs. Edward L. Hohmann 212 Kenli Ct. Louisville, KY 40215 502 361-0406Marcella D. Eley 8182 Weyburn Rd. Millersville, MD 21108 301 987-903554 POMERANIAN REVIEW ' -.VvREBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803Time to say hello again to all you nice people.Decided to write Ted Birk a while back and inquire about Kathryn. He replied very promptly, saying she is doing very well and really enjoys cards and mail. He takes her out for dinner Sunday evenings. I read in the ADO A that Ted has been having some health problems too, although he did not mention anything about it. I had lost Kathryns address so, for the benefit of anyone who would like to send a card or note, here it isMrs. Kathryn Birkco Broward Convalescent HomeRoom 1091330 S. Andrews Ave.Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33316After Ch. Chriscendos Coy Coquettes breed win at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty, she has accumulated more wins Group 2 at Acala, Group 3 at Gainesville and Group 4 in Jupiter Beach. Amanda is co-owned by Eleanor Miller and Chris Heartz. I attended the Ocala show with Eleanor and it was truly a pleasure to watch Amanda in the ring a real little doll. I was very pleased to meet Rebecca Mixon from Georgia. Also got acquainted with her two lovely new champions, Sugar and Spice. They were not entered, but seemed to by enjoying the whole thing. Talked with Edna Girardot for awhile. She was relating an interesting experience. Maybe some of you have heard of this, but I hadnt. One of her bitches gave birth to identical twin male puppies both in the same sac. They were very tiny and were tube fed for several days. At the time I talked with her, they were about nine months old and she said she still finds it rather difficult to tell them apart.I understand Anne Riddick has a nice little male doing a lot of winning these days WD in Spartanburg, BOW in Danville, WD in Greensboro and BOW in Fayetteville for a 3 point major. At this rate the little guy, named Cedarwoods Image of Diamond, will soon have a Ch. in front of his name.Millamors Tangerine Twist, a puppy bred and owned by Eleanor Miller, took a 3 point major in Tallahassee.I have an eight week old puppy in a pen by the desk and I am trying to concentrate on writing this and watching his antics at the same time. I always think it must be so lonely for a puppy alone, but he certainly seems to keep himself amused.There are some more Florida shows coming up in June so, hopefully I will see some of you then.SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUBby Anna La Fortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045At the last San Diego Pom Club meeting, it was voted to have another Puppy Futurity. The rules are as follows1. Two dollars to enter bitch in whelp.2. One dollar for each puppy age 8 weeks.3. One dollar for each month there after.4. In one year, on the day of the Futurity, a drawing of three members will be made and they will be the judges. Money will be divided among the winners.5. You dont have to be a member to join the Futurity.One member talked about her female eating her puppy after it was two days old. She was given a kitten to raise, so that she would keep her motherly instinct. We hope this will not happen next time. Lucky is 3 weeks old now and doing just fine. Lucky that is, that he didnt get eatenPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5iGh. Phyner Black SombreroMlIn his first weekend out as a special Sam was Best of Breed at Chief Solano K.C. 42482 under judge Mrs. Jean Fancy, owner-handled. He is now being campaigned by Nadine Hersil.Sam is now proven and is at only very limited stud to extremely select bitches.OwnersDolly B. Trauner and Julie Moreno 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115 415 346-5314Handler-AgentNadine Hersil 3128 E. Luzerne Ave. Cudahy, WI 53110 414481-555656 POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.I usually have young and older dogs for show, show prospects, breeding and pets available. Please state exact wants in first letter.NOW, until I get around to writing you personally, I wish to thank all you good people for your birthday and Easter cards. Seems the older I get, the more popular I become. This helps to make me proud of my 79 years of a difficult but full life. The path we take and the rate of maturity we experience, will differ but the sum total of our experiences will determine our place in growth and in life.Edna E. GirardotP.O. Box 646 Floral City, Florida 32636 904 726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 57JANESA'S KENNELSP.O. Box 2775 Morgan, City, LA 70381Janesa's Whatta GamblerSon of Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Old Block,. - grandson of Ch. Chips of Diamond.CEDARWOOD KENNELSCongratulations toRobert L. Goodrichand MODEL POMSon finishing Cedarwoods Whispering Hope and his beautiful male, Echo.Anne L. Riddick Rt. 5, Box 514919431-2998 High Point, NC 27263Jerrie Freia 504 384-74665SSSf s- POMERANIAN REVIEWJ ............Annons Pomeranians, Reg SiINTERESTED IN SHOWING . . . ANNONS OFFERS FOR SALEFREDDY 62181, black, Ch. Annons Dandie Legend x Annons Swiss Miss, a chocolate.DONNA 121581, orange, Annons Marquis de Tartan x Annons Misty Dawn.BEV 1582, orange, Annons Marquis de Tartan x Bonaccis Lisha of Annon.RAZZLE 22582, black, Annons Magnum Force from Scamp x Annons Chocolate Chip.NEED A BROOD ... ANNONS OFFERSSONNET orange, 102377, Jewel Kens Sunshine Superman CD x LLL Happy Mama Cass.AMI white, 72680, Annons Ruff N Reddy x Jewel Kens Baby Doll.ADLE white, 61080, Annons Ruff N Reddy x Annons Champella Cheri. GYPSY beaver, 5978, Mr. Charlie Brown x Paxtons Chocolate Cinimon.JUST TO LOVE AND BE LOVEDTOMMY 112878, orange, baby face. TANDO 4481, black and Tan. MINT-92981, orangeANDY-12981, orange.Several litters too young to evaluate at deadline. Several repeat litters expected before publishing date.Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Road Nokesville, Virginia 22123 703 368-1341f1POMERANIAN REVIEW 59rl Tim Sue Pomeranianspresent our newest ChampionVesta's Magic The DragonPedigree inBehind the New Champions.Magic finished under a year of age with one four and two five point majors plus a single and two points. This was accomplished in nine shows, which included a Reserve at the APC Specialty and Reserve at the Garden. Magic was co-bred by Sue Goddard and Vesta A. Hall and is co-owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.Jolly Wee Macho of MoonrockWatch for this super starNear his title, he is co-owned by Sue Goddard and Mrs. Randall Freeh.Tim and Sue Goddard 19719 Rice Lake Lane Houston, Texas 77084 713 492-084960 POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson and their gorgeous Poms on their Kennel Visit.' v Ch. G.E. Timstopper Too Stud Fee 100.00Congratulations to Bob Goodrich for his recent champions and to Maynard Wood who so expertly handled them.I am especially proud of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo the 11th champion sired by the late Timstoppers Image.Ruth Beam P.O.Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704889-9233wee luvs pomeraniansCongratulations toEMCEES POMERANIANSMorris and Betty Carson on their Kennel Visit.We are happy to announce our recent litter.2 males, 1 female fromCh. Emcees Negrito Lindo x Julies Star Donna DemelzaDonna L. Tyree 1511 Sangloe Place Lynchburg, VA 24502 804 239-0140Thelma B. McCraw 7116 Richland Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 804237-0875POMERANIAN REVIEW 61YIPS YAPSOLGA AND DARRELL BAKER Houston, TexasAfter a long time, it is now appropriate to send a Yips Yaps.Darrell and I traveled to Wisconsin judging assignment for him, travel-fun for me, affording an opportunity to see famous dog-folks in the Cheese Country. They are there . . . Nadine Hersil, cute as ever, bubbling, smiling . . . what a gal Jacqueline Liddle crazy little thing, NOT a Wisconsin product, but showing dogs, busying around, and acting like a Wisconsin person anyway. Ill try hard to be brief not easy for a mouthy TexanLou and Eleanor Luccas would not be exhibiting, so we were able to visit the extraordinary Luells Kennel ... a treat well not soon forget Lou was busily preparing puppy beds for two litters, only an hour old, with happy mothers. Eleanors wonderful smile greeted us, along with her absolutely adorable 81-year-old Mom, a live-in there, charming us and telling Lou she had a date that evening for a senior citizens affair . . . but explaining to her son-in-law that she had no plans to marry her gentleman, or any other man-friend, but might very well live with them for a while What an angel The kennel there breeding, boarding, grooming is probably the finest we have seen anywhere . . . spotless, convenient, well-fitted for boarding, grooming and caring. Dogs were clean, happy, LOVING both Lou and Eleanor, with happy pet owners picking up their reluctant-to-leave little Poms. I begged for a job there cleaning the kennel or anything Darrell however, corraled me and got me back to Texas A wonderful place, but Southerners would FREEZE absolutely in winter weather such as they have in Wisconsin, of that Im sureFollowing the dog show, we could then visit uninhibitedly. Show Chairman for Sheboygan, Sally Baugniet, bless her, worked her behind off all day long . . . also the poor child was freshly in from 3 weeks of traveling to dog shows ALL ALONE in her motor home Her handsome husband,Dick, had a time recognizing her They invited us to visit though and while Sallys Pom kennel of many gorgeous dogs was wonderful, I hate to admit that Darrell and I were MORE excited about Dick Baugniets special tour for us of his giant maybe 6,000 mink ranch, seeing new-born litters of 4 to 7 mink kits, and getting to touch real mink hair likely as close as Ill ever be to a mink coat. Dick and Sally entertained so warmly . . . their home and kennel rests out in a beautiful Wisconsin countryside . . . cant tell you how lovely it all wasENOUGH ... we had a fine mini-vacation, drove in rented car up to Chicago to stroll along Lake Michigans shore, acting like country folks come to town . . . imagine THAT And us from giant 3-million populace HOUSTON, TEXASEDNA GIRARDOTFloral City, FloridaMy trip to New York in February for the APC Specialty and the Westminster Show was another great event in my life. While I did not have any spectacular wins, did have a good time and when I benched my dog at the Garden, there on the back of my bench was a yellow sign on which was printed in red, the following Congratulations on your 50th Westminster Show This was a real surprise and it followed that I was interviewed and was on TV that evening. Was that a surprise I actually saw myself as others see me.I also want to share something with you folks that you may be familiar with, but I certainly wasnt. On July 4, 1981 I had a female deliver a set of identical twins, two males, in one membrane and one placenta.I know my mouth must have flown open when I made this discovery. They were so tiny only one and a half ounces each. They were lively, seemed full term, but too tiny to nurst on the mother. Fortunately she had plenty of milk which I pumped out and tube fed for five days. I then bottle fed them for another five days and by then they were strong enough to go onto the mother.62 POMERANIAN REVIEWnrjCIRCULATIONMANAGERJudy L. Blocker 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION16.00 Yearly by Second Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 17.00FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 5.00 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.Back IssuesAvailable at 1.25 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681.971 Jan. 40, April 35Available at 1.50 Each1973 April 721974 July 771975 Jan. 70, Oct. 101976 Jan. 115, April 61, July 9Available at 2.00 Each1977 July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 361979 Jan. 5Available at 3.50 Each1979 Nov.1980 Feb. 100, July 170, Oct. 1401981 Jan. 100, July 130, Oct. 1001982 Jan. 90Helpful Hints, continued from p. 52.all the hair off her belly, inside the thighs, most of the skirts, and part of the tail. She is going to blow it six weeks from now anyway, so you may as well get it out of your way. Give her a complete bath when she is all done whelping. Now you and your little bitch are as ready as can be.Well have to tackle the subject of the actual whelping in another column.Attention obedience enthusiasts The new AKC Obedience Regulations go into effect on September 1, 1982. You can get a copy of them from AKC after July 15.Secretarys Report, continued from p. 6.published in the Review.6. Motion by Fred Bassett to accept standing rules as published. Seconded by Donna Megenhardt and carried.7. Roberta Massey brought up topic of a Pom slide show. Fred Bassett said it would cost club 2,000-3,000. Roberta Massey will discuss with John Mandeville of AKC.8. Karen Holder made motion to adjourn at 1140, Gertrude Jacoby seconded. Carried.Yips Yaps, continued from p. 61.She washed and cared for them and they just all of a sudden, started nursing. I named them Nip and Tuck, for it was just that to keep them alive. These two are identical in every way and they can not be separated. They wash each others faces, cuddle, guard one another and do such strange things as taking a bone and giving it to the other food, too. They were subject to hypoglycemia spells at first, but by giving honey and water daily in a small crock, they are o.k. now.These two males create great interest when guests visit and see them in the kennel. They are so perfect and beautiful, everyone wants one just like them. I cant help but wonder if anyone has ever had a set of identical twins arid how theyturned out. _ .. , .Continued next page.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6INDEXTO ADVERTISERSBartels, Patty Pattys.............................29Beam, Ruth Great Elms........................60Brown, Mrs. Wilma Jean........................ 26Cannon, Ann Annon............... 24,25,26,58Carson, Morris Betty EmceeFront Cover, 12,26,27Clark, Eleanor Sharel........................... 31Creider, Norma Creider........................53Cribbs, Lil John Twin Pines ............49Dunfee, Natalie Tynan..........................37Eley, Marcella.........................................53Freia, Jerrie Janesa...........................23,57Girardot, Edna Scotia............................56Goddard, Tim Sue Tim-Sue............. 59Goodrich, Bob Model......................18,19Heartz, Chris John Chriscendo .. 32,33Hicks, Charon Sharel............................31Hohmann, Mrs. Edward..........................53Hyche, Eleanor Pla-Mor........28,29,47Johnson, Larry DianeSilva Lade .20,21Jones, Rose Ann .....................................23Jones, Walter Dorothy Onabrook.. .40 Klein, Ron JackieSilver Meadows ... 39Kruger, Regina Queens Crest..............43LaFortune, Anna Sungold.......... 16,17,45Lewis, Carolyn........................................51Massey, Jon Roberta Midas............. 63McCraw, Thelma B. Wee Luv.............6CMcDonald, Michael FrancesHobbitt. 21 McKee, Margaret John Idlewyld .... 41 McKenzie, Bob LouiseBob-A-Lou... 35Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best..................... 25Moreno, Mr. Mrs. G. J. Moreno .. 9,55Norris, Beverly Bill Bev-Nor............. 7Oganeku, Stanley ClariceWoodrose . 4SRicci, Carol Cheridel............................ 48Riddick, Anne Cedarwood....................57Rider, Blanche Rider...................16,17,44Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar....................45Thurman, Norma.....................................42Trauner, Dolly.........................................55Tyree, Donna L. Wee Luv.................... 60Vasuta, Lorinda Animation.....................2Young, Jessie Barbara Jabil . .27,28,42ANNA LAFORTUNE Lemon Grove, CADear Pomeranian Friends,I have read many articles about hot spots, black skin and heavy dandruff, but none has ever told of a cure. I have several cures, both internal and external, and they do work. I even have an old recipe from Gladys Schoenberg.I know that a lot of you need help with skin problems, so send me a self-addressed, stamped envelope and Ill be happy to share my cures with you. Skin problems can be very serious can even cause the death of your dog so get on it now.MIDdl PONCMNIWextends sympathy toDorothy Bonneron the loss ofCH. BONNERS KRISTIN STARMISTJon and Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339POMERANIAN REVIEWinElub, Jrtr.SUMMER SPECIALTY SHOW Hosted byPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXIn conjunction with the Sahuaro State Kennel Club Show Phoenix, ArizonaSunday, October 31, 1982JUDGESRegular Classes Mrs. Jean Fancy Subject to AKC ApprovalSweepstakes Mrs. Olga Baker Subject to AKC ApprovalAmeriran JfamrrantanA block of rooms at a special rate will be available atRamada Inn Metrocenter 12027 North 28 DrivePhoenix, Arizona 85029 Reservations 602 866-7000Deadline for rooms is September 30.Indicate Pomeranian GroupA dinner will be held Sunday evening, October 31.Plan now to attend two other all-breed shows Superstition K.C. on October 30 in Mesa Kachina K.C. on November 1 in Phoenix.For further information contactIsabelle Gryder 903 E. Loyola Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 602966-4504Dora Henderson 2501 E. Karen Drive Phoenix, AZ 85032 602 992-9546[GUI