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The Pomeranian Review October 1982

American ^omerantan Club, 3ncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER 198244rV.\ .ctCH. ANWINS LIL SIRIUSjHdge Miss Jane A We ft Handler Marlene Scott HalseyOwners Ethel Dendy and Dan Tr-iecea2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPn^wm kJmd ^I-T tH V nMeicesi'bSta'wvcJzesiCh. Bonners Co-Starlyn Newsmaker x Windy Acres Baby RuthStar is pictured winning her second 4 pt. major, going Best of Breed under judge Dorothy Welsh. Her comments were, She is absolutely exquisite her beautiful coloring only enhances her beauty. Star is a silvercream, with black points.A few of our choice bitches are now coming into season and will be bred to Champions Youngduke, Touch O Duke and Shortstack.We hope to see all of you at the APC Summer Specialty in Denver, CO on May 27, 1983.Congratulations and best wishes to Bev and Bill Norris on their kennel visit.Dan and JoEllen Mercer 308 889-3109 eveningsRt. 1, Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt iPmnmiman EUtb, Jttr.Volume 1, Number 3OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident................................................................................................. Mrs. Roberta MasseyFirst Vice President ...................................................................................Mrs. Karen HolderSecond Vice President............................................................................ Mr. Sam ZaneoffRecording Secretary......................................................................Mr. Anthony Skip PiazzaCorresponding Secretary.............................................................................Mr. Dudley Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 Treasurer.........................................................................................................Mr. Dan MercerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Donna MegenhardtMrs. Marlene Scott Halsey Miss Molly MillerMrs. Gertrude Jacoby Mrs. Jessie YoungDelegate to AKC.................................................................................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager..............Ms. Phyllis Perceny, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager...........Mrs. Judy Blocker, 2226 Dunlap St., 28-B, Charleston Hts., SC 29405Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published quarterly for 16.00 per year by American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Office of publication is at 2201 N. Camino Principal, Tucson, AZ 85715, but send all mail to P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751. Second class postage is paid at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to Pomeranian Review, 2226 Dunlap St., B-28, Charleston, SC 29405. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text...................90.00Inside front cover....................................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page..................................................... 40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page............................................. 25.00One-quarter page vertical only................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWAPRESIDENTSMESSAGEby Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-2775It can be difficult to write of Club activities in this column, knowing that by the time it appears in print, the status of many projects will have changed. By the time you read this, the Summer Specialty, hosted by the Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix, will be upon us. The Phoenix Club has put much hard work into this endeavor. We hope that you will help to make it a success by attending and enjoying. We look forward to meeting you there.I am happy to report that Fred Bassett, Dorothy Bonner and Jessie Young will make up the committee to work with AKC in developing a slidetape program on the Pomeranian. We are grateful to Jessie for chairing this important undertaking. The Committee will be aided by Derial Jackson and Bob Goodrich, who have agreed to help with the history of the breed and allow us the use of their extensive photo collections of old Poms. As work progresses, the Committee will undoubtedly be getting in touch with many of you for photos of or photo sessions with your Poms. Please help them to make this a complete, successful presentation that will help educate breeders, judges and newcomers alike on our breed for years to come.The By-Laws Committee also has a new Chairman, Larry Combs, who has had considerable experience with parliamentary procedure. We are fortunate to have someone with Larrys expertise in the Club. If you have suggestions for the By-Laws Committee, please send them to Larry at 715 East 9th, El Dorado, AR 71730.Elsewhere in this issue you will read details for plans for a Craft Boutique to be held at the February Specialty, provided we can get enough support for it from the membership. ALL proceeds will be donatedto a group yet to be designated, to benefit our breed, as an addition to the Clubs yearly contribution. To be successful, we need help from all of you. Please read the details and do what you can to help support this project. This is something we can all contribute to in one way or another and in doing so, help our breed.By the time this appears in print, the Nominating Committee for the 1983 Club Officers and Board will already be at work. Committee members are Molly Miller, Chairman, Judy Blocker and Erin Hundley. Alternates are Rosalind Goltz and Margaret McKee. You can help make their job easier and at the same time help get some fresh faces and ideas on the Board. Although the Committee members represent different areas of the country, there are bound to be some very capable people who are unknown to them. If you would like to serve as an Officer or Board member in 1983, or it you know someone you think would do a good job in any of the positions, let Molly know. The Committees work must be completed before the end of October, so dont delay in contacting Molly. Her address is P.O. Box 717, League City, TX 77573, and her phone number is 713 332-1847.I have received many comments from breeders lamenting the lack of exchange of information in Yips Yaps. Only you can correct this situation. You may have experienced a strange problem and been puzzled at how to solve it. Only by letting other know of it will someone be able to come forward with an answer. We can learn so much from each other but it does take some effort to do so.On the same note, I was disappointed to learn that one of our columnists, after repeatedly pleading for information from breeders and exhibitors in her area, as a last resort sent out self-addressed, stamped envelopes and had NO replies. The Review needs your help to be a complete and interesting magazine. We are in need of articles written by Pom breeders and fanciers, now more than ever. Please keep in mind that our new editor is being paid to assemble the magazine, not to dig for articles on Pomeranians. The Review will be what we make it.Continued on p. 5.POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYDear Friends,It is with great pleasure that we present our BIS Ch. Anwins Lil Sirius as the October cover dog. Truly a Pom Fanciers dream, we are quite proud of him, so please pardon us while we relate his story.In April 1981, we regretfully said farewell to our BIS Ch. Dendys Miracle Boy. Our friend Marlene Scott Halsey told us at that time of Sye, who she felt could fill the gap in our stud force. He was shown by Maynard Wood for his breeder Mrs. L.L. Winslow and finished quickly. Upon the death of Mrs. Winslow, Maynard allowed us to purchase Sye. We were anxious to continue our Great Elms linebreeding and since he was of predominantly Models line, we felt he would be a correct addition.Just to show the local breeders our new addition, we entered Sye in a couple of shows close to home. Lo and behold, he went Best of Breed at both of them over Best in Show and group winning competition owner handled We even placed a respectable 3rd in a nice Toy Group.Due to job responsibilities, Sye wasnt shown for a while but stayed home and matured. Now after 24 shows, his record stands at 22 Breeds, 6 Group ls, 14 other Group placements 2nds and 3rds, no 4ths, and a Best in Show. Shown only sparingly by his handler Marlene Scott Halsey, we are tickled pink with his record.Syes value as a producer is just now being proven with several litters on the ground including 5 litters out of daughters of BIS Ch. Dendys Miracle Boy. These are truly the prettiest little girls we have ever produced. Look for them in the ring next summer. Around mid-Octoberj a few will be for sale to show homes.Sye is truly a joy to watch and meets the standard one to one. His head is outstanding his showmanship smashing. More than one judge has taken a second look because of his sound as a rock movement. Truly a beautiful Pomeranian.We wish to say a special thank you to friends Margaret McKee, Maynard Wood and Bob Goodrich for their encouragement and sense of sportsmanship. Also, a veryTABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message, Roberta MasseyCover Story.................................................Craft Boutique............................................A Visit To Bev-Nor Kennel....................1Columbia Pomeranina Club................... 1Summer Specialty ResultsPom Club of Greater Houston................ 2Behind The New Champions..................3Helpful Hints, .........................................3by Margaret McKeeObedience News,.................................... 3by Emma HeydeThe Pearl of Great Price, ........................3by Patricia M. CraryFoto Fun,.................................................3by Barb LindenPacific Northwest News and Views.........4'by Erin HundleyEast Coast News,.................................... 4'by Beverly NorrisAlong Myway,........................................4iby Molly MillerRebel Report,..........................................4by Jane JohnstonAcross Canada....................................... 51by Chris HeartzCirculation Manager...............................5by Judy BlockerYips Yaps........................................... 5Index to Advertisers............................... 5Presidents Message, cont. from p. 4.Do you have an idea for a project yoi would like to see the Club undertake for th benefit of the breed Let us hear from you.special thanks to long time friends Rutl Beam and Marlene Scott Halsey for thei friendship and guidance all these years.Watch for Marlene and our orangi bundle of joy at eastern shows and pleasi stop to chat if you have time.We wish you wins, happiness and prett Poms,Dan Triece and Ethel DendPOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper TooGroup WinnerAm. Mex. Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiSireAm. and Mex. Group Winnerf-------------\^' M jCh. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiGrandsireAmericas Top Toy 1974 and a Top ProducerWe try to breed quality Poms.Paul and Randy Freeh 805 252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEWJolly Wee Kennelsproudly presentsour new Champion and Group winner.iIr'-1 av Ur.r3s. Ch.Jolly Wee Im A Pepper TooPepper is shown here finishing his championship by going BOB over beautiful specials and on to a Group First for a big 5 point major.We wish to thank Mr. Robert Mashburn, the well-known judge from Australia, for this very nice win.Pepper is proven and joins our other champions at stud.Pepper will be specialed soon.Paul and Randy Freeh 15900 Condor Ridge Rd.Canyon Country, CA 91351 805 252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEWJolly Wee Kennels I111Jolly Wee Desert BreezeShown here winning a 4 pt. major under judge Mr. Robert Waters, Breezy now has 10 points, including both majors. He will be FOR SALE when he completes his championship.Breezy is sired by Am. Mex. Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi his grandsire is Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi and he is the litter brother of Ch. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper Too.Paul and Randy Freeh 15900 Condor Ridge Rd. Canyon Country, CA 91351 805 252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEW lCRAFT BOUTIQUEDo you knit, crochet, paint or do needlepoint Maybe youre into ceramics or decoupage, macrame or novelty items. Whatever your talent, we need itFor a number of years now, the American Pomeranian Club has donated 200 per year to a scientific, educational or charitable organization. Some of the groups who have received donations from the Club have been the American Dog Owners Association, the Cornell University School of Veterinary Medicine for parvo research and the University of Pennsylvania reproduction studies.This year, we would like to significantly increase the amount of money donated by holding a Craft Boutique at the February Specialty. In order to do this, we need help from the entire membership. We need your donations of craft items to sell. Everybody can do something. Maybe you can bake up a storm the items do not have to be doggy-related, just appealing to buyersIf the materials you use are simply too expensive to be donated outright to the Club, let us know how much you would have to have for each item and what you would recommend we sell it for. We will gladly take items on consignment perhaps you know a dog supply dealer who would be willing to let us have some items wholesale on consignment or, preferably, who has a big heart and would be willing to donate a few items for a good cause.In order to make the Boutique a reality, we need a lot of help and a lot of items to sell. We intend to ask permission of the other Specialties held in the hotel to put up a sign at each one advertising the Boutique, so we can reasonably expect a good attendance, but in order to offer a variety of items that will appeal to every taste, we need a great many contributions from all of you. We also need someone to take charge of gathering and pricing the items and getting them to New York, and we will need a few people to man the booth at the Specialty. If you would like to chair this project, please contact the President immediately. In the meantime, please write or call the President to let her know what items you plan to donate, how many, price, etc.We will announce in the January issu the specific group that the money will b donated to. Remember, ALL proceeds wi be added to the Clubs yearly donation. I you have a group in mind that you woul like to see the money go to, drop a note t the Corresponding Secretary and give him brief outline of the work the group does One under current consideration specialize in reproductive studies. This includes worl on hypothyroidism, hormone imbalance that can cause many problems such a resorption, infertility, pyometra, etc. If yot have ever experienced the heartbreak anc frustration of a lovely new champion Iosinj all his hair due to hypothyroidism or special girl repeatedly failing to conceive o repeatedly resorbing her litter or perhap having abnormal seasons that prevent breeding at all, you will appreciate the worl that can be done in this area. Helping tc resolve problems such as these or in othej areas that are equally worthy, in even i small way, is certainly time and money wel spent and we just may provide the fund that will make the difference.And it will be fun Lets all get busy or this project and do all we can to support it. To discuss donations or volunteer to work, please contact Roberta Massey, 1015 Fairway Farms, Kingwood, TX 77339. 713358-2775.AMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection anc advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership tc all who are interested in these principle and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Secretary, or if you onl wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager. Address on pag 3, Review.10 POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT TO BEV-NOR KENNELSby Skip PiazzaBeverly Norris purchased her first Pomeranian, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge, on September 10, 1975. Two weeks later she purchased her first female. Beverly had just these two Poms for two years. Then she produced four champions and was off and running. The next Pom Beverly purchased was Ch. Tom-Cins Tarzanna of Lennis. Tarzanna was all Great Elms breeding and instantly became the love of Bevs live. It was a grave tragedy for the Norriss when Tarzanna, who was a special housepet along with Fudge, died recently. Watching Tarzanna every day, Beverly became enchanted with the Great Elms bloodline. Ch. Tarzanna produced only two puppies in her lifetime, but they were knockouts who did their mom proud. They were Ch. Bev-Nors Tarzan who won two Bests in Show and Am. Can. Ch. Bev-Nors Sadie Ray who won Toy Groups in both Canada and the U.S. Beverlys next purchase was Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy,iUcsnfBev and three special girls. From the left are Bev-Nors Desiree, Punkie, Bev-Nors Sweet N Sassy, Baby 2 Top Producing Toy Dam and 1 Top Producing Pom Dam for 1982, and Edneys Itzy Mitzy Delight, Delight.Baby. Baby, not wanting to let Tarzanna outdo her, produced Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge number one Pomeranian for 1981 with fifteen Bests in show, Ch. Bev-Nors Almond Fudge Best n Show at nine months of age, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple a Toy Group winner who is also proving himself to be ijuite a producer at Bev-Nor as well as forothers, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Fancy Pants, Ch. Bev-Nors Mstofy Elegant Lady, and Bev-Nors Fudge Delight, who has eight points toward her championship. Baby is also Great Elms breeding a Ch. Tar Baby daughter. Beverly bred Baby into the Showstopper line by breeding her to Champion Thelduns Almond Fudge. The above champions speak for how beautifully this cross of Great Elms and Showstopper goes together. These dogs are soundness personified and lovely specimens of the breed. Beverly is now working with Karen Holder and me on a BonnerShowstopper cross. She is very anxious to see how this works and so are we. 1 often laugh and accuse Beverly of having a Midas touch as everything she touches turns out terrific.tBev and Bill Norris with Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge at nine years 2 Top Producing Sire for 1982.Actually it is careful planning and lots and lots of study. Beverly has practically memorized everything in print about Pomeranians.Old Fudge Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge is now nine years old and producing better than ever. When one goes to visit Bev and Bill, he is greeted by Fudge at the front door and if you spend the night Fudge is disgruntled when you take his favorite sleeping spot on the couch yes, Fudge still jumps up and down off all the furniture.Bev-Nor is but a very small kennel with only six females and three males and Bev11 POMERANIAN REVIEWproduces very few puppies each year. Bev-Nor Kennels is very proud to have produced three Best in Show dogs, five Toy Group winners, two Canadian champions, two Bermudan champions and one Venezuelan champion. Beverly has finished sixteen homebred champions, with several others almost finished. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Delight only needs a major to finish while her litter sister, Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Terra, finished as a puppy and is a Toy Group winner as well.Bev and Bill have been married for nineteen years. They have one son, Billy, who is a great help to Beverly with the puppies. Bev gives Billy the credit for bringing out the personality in all her puppies. Billie plays with puppies patiently and lovingly by the hour. He leaves the cleanup detail to mom, but Bev doesnt mind. Beverly carefully brushes each Pom every day and keeps everything scrubbed to perfection. Bev-Nor Pomeranians have a lovely facility right in Beverlys home each one is spoiled rotten and I can think of few only-kid-Poms who have such a good life.Billy with two Bev-Nor puppies.Babies are raised and socialized in the built-in area in the middle of everything in the house. Bev-Nor puppies get lots of attention from everyone and there is a constant parade of friends and relatives through the Norris house as there is always an extra plate, a big smile and a friendly ear and lots and lots of Pomeranian conversation. Beverly has one entire wall of her kitchen covered with show wins and she now has to rotate pictures because she just cant put all the pictures on the wall.Bev and Poms in the kennel. Above is one end c the big room where the Poms live, and below the other end...^P Beverlysparents live in Pasadena as wel and stop by often. Bevs mom Pom-sits ot the rare occasion that Bev and Bill do gc away from home overnight.Beverly gives much credit for her succes to Ruth Beam and the Great Elms dogs whc have helped her to establish her foundatior and her Bev-Nor type and bloodline.Beverly and Bill are party people whc love to have a good time. However, Beverlj always gives top priority to babies anc mommas. Beverly did not know until the last minute whether or not she was going tc get to go to New York this year as it al depended on whether or not Delight was a mommie by then and settled. As luck would have it, all was okay by the day of the Specialty and Bev and Bill were able to gc to New York and see Toastie win the Specialty. A visit to Bev-Nor Pomeranians would not be complete without mentioning Ed Jenner and Susie Fisher. Ed Jenner purchased Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge and Susie Fisher has been his exclusive handler. Toastie is always treated with the best of care. Susie once told me that he2 POMERANIAN REVIEWven has a bronze crate which Ed has provided for him to sleep in. Toastie was ast years Specialty winner and Group 2 he next day at the Garden. This was a errific thrill for Bev and Bill to watch.3h. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge is pictured vinning the 1982 APC Specialty in New York inder judge Miss Jane Ablett.There is never a dull moment with Bev rnd Bill. Beverly is very talented in many ireas she drew the blue prints and ompletely designed her house which is inergy efficient as well as beautiful. Beverly joes to auctions and is a champ at picking jp bargains. She really has an eye for things with potential. Bill has become interested in estoring an older Corvette. He and several yf his friends who are also interested in Dlder Corvettes get together for weekly allies. Bill is an active member of a softball earn and Beverly supports the team with ots of moral support and cheers. Billy is on t softball team as well and let me tell you, hat Billie plays the meanest video game mu have ever seen. When he discovered hat his mom was practicing up during the lay while he was in school, he started liding the cassettes. Beverly is threatening o buy her own cassettesSev-Nors Sexy Susie Iittermate to Ch. ev-Nors Toasted Fudge.This is a fun-loving family of humans and Pomeranians. When you are in Pasadena, Maryland, call and you will be greeted with warm smiles and great company from the humans and wags and pats from the Pomeranians. I always know I am welcome at the Norriss any hour of the day or night and I can always count on Bev to have cooked more than a dozen people could eat in a week. I can also always count on not leaving when I had planned because such good company is tough to give up.f v-13 nNorriss home in Pasadena, MD and Bills Corvette.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future Visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.POMERANIAN REVIEW2 ELXEE PomWe have chosen to honor Victoria this year. She is a daughter of Lov and litter mate of Hope. October 1981, Review.Victoria is pictured here with her 4 puppies sired by Bev-Nors Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge. The puppies are 12 weeks of age and Victoria would like to apologize for the condition of her coat, but you Pom people know how it is when you have 4 puppies this age.Congratulations to Bev and Bill Norris on their Kennel Visit.XDesaree SandiferGastonia, NC 28052 6Z509 Oakdale St.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEE'S POMERANIANSpresents7' r J.. sirv.--.V,ry.' --.. 7 . ' v .- . -- .7..- ' - Emcees Chiquita de OroCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldThis picture of Chiqui was taken at 7 months. She is now ready to begin her show career.Congratulations and thanks to Frances and Michale McDonald for Can. Ch. Chips Ahoy at Hobbit and Emcees Tip of Gold Am. Can. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond Starlisa.Congratulations to Bev and Bill Norris on their Kennel Visit.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEE'S POMERANIANSV'yV- 'v 7 ..3N,EmceesChiquita de OroCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldThanks to judge Mrs. Barbara F. Jarmoluk for her 5 point major and Group 1 at Annapolis Kennel Club.In this photo, Chiqui is just 8 months and it is her second time out. Professionally handled by Maynard Wood.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-78826 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SUMMER SPECIALTY Friday, July 16,1982 by Erin HundleyWhen we arrived at the show site, the sun as shining on the trees, grass, Poms and leople. It couldnt have been a more leautiful day. Just enough breeze to keep is all comfortable.Twenty-three Pom puppies were getting he finishing touches by as many owners nd handlers. The judge, Mrs. Elaine 'oung began her assignment and had some ery difficult choices to make. This larticular group of puppies was as fine as I lave seen anywhere. This is the way Elaine aw them.uppy Dog 6-9 months. Jambos Jokers Wild, Nora Connie Jigbeeuppy Dogs 9-12 months. Sunswept Anticipation, Linda Gallacher . Westmost Bounce O Riley, Jean Schroll . Bi-Mor Happy Hooligan of Bradley, dary A. Rosenbaum. Tillabays Black Shadow, George S. ane Reeduppy Bitches 6-9 months. Personality Adorable Sam, Patricia M. Jripes Pete Casteneda . Char-Murs Glorious Dream, Muriel Junther. Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy, Kristen Cvamme. Paddockwood Pilar, Roxann Johanson uppy Bitches 9-12 months . Westmost Paper Dols Pixie, Jean ichroll,. Harbins Black Gold of India, Irene N. lylvia Harbin. Bradleys Cherry Cordial, Shirley iradley Catherine Henington . Bradleys Contrary Miss, Shirley I. iradleyuppy Bitches 12-15 months. Ryals Bannerette of Bi-Mar, Florence tyals Mary Rosenbaum uppy Bitches 15-18 months . Cotterells Orphan Annie, Agnes E. 'otterellWith all the winners back in the ring, the udge studied them again and the winner as Sunswept Anticipation, a lovely redA -L"r-iBestin Sweepstakes was Sunswept Anticipation, owned by Linda Gallacher. The judge was Mrs. Elaine male, winner from the 9-12 month class. His owner, Linda Gallacher beamed proudly as she accepted Skeeters award.Fred Bassett judged the regular classes with care and consideration. By this time the sun was overhead and the temperature was rising. Shade from the trees helped and Judge Bassett made sure that all the Poms were in this shade, except when actually being judged. The handlers appreciated this consideration, as did the dogs. The 43 entries were outstanding. Almost every color was represented. The spectators were heard to comment on the exceptional quality of the entire group.Judge Bassett demonstrated his knowledge of the breed as he reviewed all entrants. This is the way he placed them. Puppy Dogs 6-9 months1. Jambos Jokers Wild, bred by Alicia Kvamme Nora Higbee, owned by Nora and Connie Higbee2. Westmost Tisits Funny Face, breeder owner Wayne GeorgePuppy Dogs 9-12 months1. Westmost Bounce ORiley, breeders, Wayne Bea George, owner, Jean Schroll2. Bi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley, breeders, Shirley Cathy Bradley, owner, Mary A. RosenbaumPOMERANIAN REVIEWBred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Sunswept Anticipation, breederowner, Linda GallacherOpen Dogs, Black, Brown or Blue1. Tillaby Black Shadow, breeders, Suzanne M. Norman G. Olson, owners, George and Jane Reed Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1. Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar, breeder, Mary Rosenbaum, owner, Jean Schroll2. Bradleys Junior Executive, breeder owners, Shirley Catherine Bradley now Hennington3. Stewarts Royal Gold Dust, breeder, Lessie Lee Hess, owner, Roxann JohansonJudge Bassett chose Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar from the Open R,0,C, or S class as Winners Dog. Rainy is the picture of the perfect Pom. Bred by Mary Rosenbaum and formerly owned by my son Chuck, he was retired from the ring because he hated dog shows. After a time with Jessie Stephens he became Jean Schrolls, who loves him especially because he looks so much like his grandfather, Ch. Holders Little Red Flash Texas. This was a popular choice. Rainy never looked so good. Reserve Winners Dog went to Sunswept Anticipation.- PWinners Dog and Best of Winners was Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar, owned and handled by Jean Schroll. The judge was Mr. Fred Bassett.Now to the bitch classes. Such a gorgeous display of 24 lovely ladies.Puppy Bitches 6-9 months1. Char-murs Glorious Dream, breedei owner, Muriel Gunther2. Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy, breeder Alicia L. Kvamme Nora Higbee, owne Kristen Kvamme3. Westmost BJs Bridget, breeder, Wayr George, owner, Jeanne M. Evenson4. Riggens Flashy Pumkin, breede owner, Delores RiggnPuppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Westmosts Paper Dols Pixie, breede Wayne George, owner Jean Schroll2. Westmost Bounces Demi-Tassi, breed owner, Wayne George3. C.J.s Shelley of Chestnut Grov breeders, Whitney Richard Remillari owner, Pete Casteneda4. Bradleys Contrary Miss, breedei owner, Shirley BradleyBred by Exhibitor Bitches1. Woofgangs Tiffany Teara, breedei owner, Roxann Johanson2. Harbins Ruby Red Robin, breede Irene Harbin, owner, Irene Sylvia Harbi Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1. Tiffanys Star of India, breeder, Hele M. Krafcik, owner, Irene N. Harbin2. Bradleys Cherry Cordial, breeders owners, Shirley Bradley Catherir Hennington.3. Que Sera Blythe Spirit, breedersowner Erin and Philip Hundley.4. Westmost Irish Kellie, Breederowm Wayne George.Open Bitches Any Other Allowed Color1. Harbins Black Gold of India, breedf Irene Harbinowners Irene and Sylvia Harbin2. Cotterells Orphan Annie, breeder owner, Agnes E. CotterellThe winners of the classes returned fc one more careful review by the judge. Wit such a beautiful group of ladies, the choic was hard. Harbins Black Gold of India, lovely black and tan, was chosen. Toby, at 8 months of age, already has a impressive list of credits and a total of 1 points three Best of Winners and Be Opposite wins and this Specialty wir Reserve Winners Bitch went to her mothei Tiffanys Star of India.The champions led their proud owner5 POMERANIAN REVIEWWSUMMER 1982' -.Vrinners Bitch .was Harbins Black Gold of idia, owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin. The idge was Mr. Fred Bassett.nd handlers into the ring. Im sure Mr. iassett was pleased to see so many 'omeranians of high quality in this ompetition. He went straight to work, still eing sure that we took advantage of the nade. Each dog was carefully examined nd given full allotment of the judges ttention. Best of Breed went to Ch. i-Mar Sundance Kid. Sunny is a deep d orange of exceptional soundness. He 'as bred by Mary Rosenbaum and sired by hirley Bradleys Ch. Tomanolls Tiny eddy Bear and out of Bi-Mar Kandi Kane.est of Breed was Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, red and owned by Mary Rosenbaum. The judge as Mr. Fred Bassett.Sunny finished his championship in short order ten shows, including 5 breeds and only 1 reserve. Shown twice as a special, Sunny has 2 Breeds, 3 Group 3s in the U.S. and 2 Canadian Group placements. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Maranthas Lil Tabitha, who was bred by G. S. Carlin and is owned by Jessie Stephens. Tabitha is sound and typey and has won many awards. I understand she has become a mother since this show. Best of Winners went to Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar.And, last but not least the puppies for Best Puppy a very important award. The Champions show us where we were the puppies show us where we are going, and these are going in the right direction. After his usual careful appraisal, judge Bassett picked his winner from the 6-9 Puppy Bitch class, Char-Murs Glorious Dream. Bred and owned by Muriel Gunther, Glory was handled by a good friend, Rita Laverne. Sired by Ch. Que Sera Spirit of LaRita and out of Char-Murs Wendy Bear, we will see more of this one.Veteran Dog went to a classy black and tan named Rainbows Tallo High, breeder, Margaret McKune, owner, John and Camie Nye. Best Brace in Show went to Rainbows Talo High and Ch. Rainbows Willowmar Hi-Ho, owners, John and Camie Nye. The Parade of Champions gave us another look at Harbins Mr. Ralphs Stormy and Ch. Rainbows Willowmar Hi-Ho.The show was over but not the fun. John Nye barbequed hamburgers for all the hungry Pom lovers. Club members had out done themselves with a great pot-luck. So, we sat under the trees, relaxed and rehashed this and many other wonderful Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialties.CORRECTIONOn p. 33 of the April issue, the dogs name should read Ch. LLL Charming Gold Buttercup not as printed. My apologies to Nina Epps of Oakridge Kennels.The EditorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1AC Ch. Chriscendo Gby CbquetteCan. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Starlet E. -photo by Heather Drope MarchioneAmandas record for 1982 In the U.S.BOS American Pomeranian Club Specialty Amanda isBOB DallasFt. Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty co-owned withBOB Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty Eleanor Miller.Multiple Group Placements.In Canada May July5 Bests in Show bringing her total to 9Congratulations also go to her full brother, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion, owned by Fred and Kay Baxstrome 3 more Bests in Show in the last monthCongratulations and Best Wishes to Bev and Bill Norris and the Bev-Nor Poms.hrgpendoChristine D. and John E. Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-7427POMERANIAN REVIEW]NEW YORK SPECIALTY by Fred BassettThe following are the committee lembers for the New York Specialty to be eld on February 13, 1983Fred Bassett Pete Galindo Nadine Hersil Bev Norris Dianna Bertram Roberta Massey lospitality Annual Dinner Sam Zaneoff late and Catalog Sales Bill NorrisBeverly Norrishow Chairman how Secretary rophy ChairpersonsCatalog AdvertisingAny of these people will be happy to nswer any questions you may have about re Specialty feel free to contact them, te look forward to your support and a ood time in New York once again.CATALOG ADVERTISINGJust a reminder that ALL catalog dvertising for the February Specialty is ue by November 15. We can make llowances for late-arriving pictures, but lust have all ad copy by the deadline. Send our ads to Roberta Massey, 1015 Fairway arms, Kingwood, TX 77339. Thank you or your support.JANUARY KENNEL VISITFor the January Kennel Visit we will Go test, Young Man, to visit the Phyner omeranians of Dolly Trauner in San rancisco, California. You may send ongratulatory ads to the Editor.OBEDIENCE ISSUEOnce again, the January issue of the leview will be devoted to Obedience. Ibedience articles are needed and Obed- nce enthusiasts are invited to take out an d to show off their working Poms. Come n, Obedience Buffs, lets make this the est Obedience Issue everADVERTISERS PLEASE NOTEWith the Phoenix Specialty being held fairly near the deadline for the January issue, we would like to remind advertisers that while we can allow some leeway for late arrival of pictures, we must have your ad copy by November 15.SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTEThe Review is now being sent by a mailing company, which does not allow us to enclose a subscription renewal notice when you subscription expires. Instead, the expiration date of your subscription is shown after your name on the mailing lable. Please check the label to see if your subscription expires with this issue. To renew, send a check to Judy Blocker, address on page 3. Please consult the Circulation Managers column for current rates.WESTSPOMERANIANS People Pleasing PomsCONGRATULATESBill and Beverly Norris on a well-deserved Kennel Visit.Continued success in the futureJean and George West 2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-8465POMERANIAN REVIEWiC.iPSJ. .Moe-Best Pomeranians presentsMoe-8et Sure ShooteiCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order xPomesto Cassandra, blacktan3 times back to Image.Shooter is a 3 lb., perfectly marked black and tan, 4 Great Elms, 3A Showstopper the fourth straight generation of black and tan.Offering for your considerationWhelped 5-26-82. Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x Pomesto Cassandra arepeat breeding on Shooter. 1 red male, 1 black and tan male, 1 red female.Whelped 6-21-82. Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x Ch. Moe-Best Miss Behavin an inbred Ch. daughter back to Ch. sire. 1 sable male.Terri Moebuis 301285-5477 or 284-30931719 Manor Rd. Baltimore, MD 21222PomestoPomeraniansCongratulationsandBest WishescongratulatesBill and Beverly Norris on their Kennel Visit. Bill and Bev NorrisThank for all the help and making it possible for me to use their wonderful studs especially Toasty.Also, congratulations toCarol Ricci for having success with our CheridelPomesto Remember Me.on their Kennel Visit from all at Silver Meadows.A special Hello from our four little Fudge kids. 3 m, 1 f, whelped 6-22-82.Elsa Raidma4801 Kemp Rd.Reisterstown, MD 21136 301833-0793Ron and Jackie Klein4136 West LakeSilver Springs, NY 14550 716237-5473V_________________________ 2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON by Sue GoddardOur club has just held its 8th Specialty, rery capably guided by Roxie Campbell, how chairman, and an active, co-operative ist of committee members. Everything roceeded smoothly as Doug Bayham of Dallas passed judgement on 11 Sweepstakes intries and found his Best in Sweepstakes in irika Moureau and Kathy Flanakins idorable little orange male, Tomboys Pico Dhico. Best of Opposite in Sweeps went to iunrays Golden Charmandi, owned by Brenda Pierson.The regular classes were judged by Mrs. lacqueline Klein from Silver Springs, NY, a loted Pom breeder Silver Meadows Cennel. She chose as her Best of Breed, 2h. Jolly Wee Macho of Moonrock, o-owned by Sue Goddard and Mrs. Randall Freeh. Best of Opposite Sex was von by Ch. Wests Sugar Bear, owned by lean West. Winners Dog and Best of dinners was won by the Bred by Exhibitor Dog, Texicans High N Mighty, bred and twned by Erika Moureau. Reserve Winners Dog was Wagners Royal Sun of Cynray, twned by Cindy and Ray Miller. Winners 3itch went to the Bred by Exhibitor bitch, Tellez Simply Cinnamon Star, bred and twned by Tony Tellez. Reserve Winners 3itch was Tim Sues Charlies Angel, twned by Tim and Sue Goddard.The show was followed by a dinner ittended by many members and guests. To tap off the evening, the Combined specialty Clubs hosted a country western lance at the Astro-Hall. We think judge Jackie and her husband, Ron enjoyed their isit to Houston, which even included an tvening at Gilleys of Urban Cowboy Fame. Jackie and Ron seemed genuinely surprised and pleased with our Texas lospitality. We hope they will both plan mother trip back as honorary TexansOur club has voted to hold a Spring Specialty in 1983 in conjunction with the March Texas circuit. This will give the exhibitors the opportunity for two Pom Specialties and hopefully more majors luring this circuit.Another big undertaking for our club is a Futurity, scheduled to begin with August1982 litters now being nominated for a competition to be held early in 1984. This is open to all Pom breeders and detailed information can be obtained from Olga Baker, 207 Shirleen Dr., Seabrook, TX 77586. Futurities are held by other dog clubs and are similar to those held for race horses. It could be profitably to the winners as well as an event to plan toward with your promising puppies.Members boasting new champions finished at our recent Astro-Hall shows were Texicans High N Mighty, owned by Erika Moureau. He won his points entirely from the Bred by Exhibitor class and finished one day after his first birthday.Jolly Wee Chatty Cathy made her owner, Roxie Campbell very happy with her finishing four point major. Tony Tellezs Winners Bitch at the specialty added another major and needs only one point to finish for proud new owners, Dave and Bobbie Gibson. There are several others quite near their titles.Many of us are making plans to attend the APC Summer Specialty being held in Arizona, looking forward to giving Sweepstakes Judge, Olga Baker, fellow club member, a difficult choice. Hope to see you there-Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moonrock, bred by Mrs. Randall M. Freeh is Best of Breed at The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty Show, July 29, 1982 under breederjudge Mrs. Jacqueline Klein. Macho is handled by co-owner, Sue Goddard.POMERANIAN REVIEWSouthland ^PomeraniansintroducesNEWBEV-NORSTARvj\\\'vJL I Psv\ W\\ V vVPookie"Bev-Nors Fudge DelightFrom the puppy class, before 10 months of age, Pookie has accomplished 2 BOB, 2 BOW, 2 BOS, 6 winners, 5 Reserves and 18 Firsts. Pookie congratulates her brothers Toasty, Almond Fudge, Fudge Ripple, and all other BEV-NOR Poms on their accomplishments. A special congratulations to Bill and Bev Norris on their Kennel Visit.Charlotte and Carl Enna 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233Ch. G.E. Timstopper Too Stud Fee 100.Congratulations to Harry Pennington for his recent Champion Great Elms Snooty Hooty. He finished at Asheville under Dr. Lee Huggins. The fourth champion for Timstopper Too..rlas. GREA T GIFT GIVING IDEAS FOR 1983 Poms of 1983 Wall CalendarsIndividually hand watercolored to your preference. List your favorite Pom colors and specify adults, pups, or mixture. If no preference is stated, youll receive an assortment. Calendars are 5.50 each plus 2 postage per order. Custom designed or pre-printed Pom Notepaper and greeting cards for all occasions. Pom portraits in pen-and-ink or watercolor Pom Fold-A-Notes Pom pedigree forms Solid birch items with your choice of Pom decoupaged onto key chains, powder and trinket boxes, bread n cheese boards, etc.Please send 1.50 and Long SASE for 5 Pom brochures toPJI'teMw-ood P.O. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354POMERANIAN REVIEWGedarwood Kennel-SO0n'4mVARIETY GROUP FIRSTFURNITURE CITY KENNEL CLUB MAY 1982PHOTO BY UtiamI,. 'rCh.Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Image6 6 ] , 99Image has accumulated 1 four point major, 2 three point majors, 1 Group First, 1 Group Second, and 3 Best of Breeds.Thanks to all the judges for all of his great wins.Image was trained and expertly handled by Joyce T. Apple, Agent.Anne L. Riddick Rt. 5, Box 514 High Point, NC 27263 919 431-2998I POMERANIAN REVIEW3nIn JltmortamWe regret to report the death on August 11,1982 ofMr. Clyde AndrewsWe extend our deepest sympathies to his wife, Phyllis.Ttibu.te to AilLiamot'i AiacjlcCh. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce x Ch. Millamors Magic BoxI am very proud of Mackie and would like to share her record with you. This 4 lb. lady has produced 23 puppies, of which 16 survived. She is the dam of Ch. Brown's Gambling Man, Ch. Brown's Li'l Brown Jug Tuggie littermates, Ch. Brown's Fan-Magic Skeeter Gal, Ch. Brown's Magic Princess, Ch. Brown's Magic Pebbles and Ch. Mar-Len's Toby D of Browns, the last two of whom are pictured elsewhere in this issue.She is the grandmother of Ch. Brown's Rock W Robin and Ch. Brown's Billy The Bandit. Also, other pointed children and grandchildren. Mackie was shown to 10 points, but got so busy with motherhood that she did not finish. Now at 12 years of age, she seems to be enjoying her Golden Years.317 271-4954 Indianapolis, IN 46234Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Moreno s Critic s ChoiceTHE NATIONCANINE CHRONICLE POINTS SYSTEM.2INsSiV\-,SmokeyThanks to the many judges who appreciate our winning ingredients.Exquisite cream male sired by Ch. Smokey, out of a Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch daughter.Smokey is owner-handled by Julie Moreno.Mr. and Mrs. G.J. Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 415583-4973POMERANIAN REVIEWc\roCh. Mar-Lens Toby D of BrownsToby completed his championship with a 4 pt. major at Charlotte, NC 8-1-82 under Mr. Norman Patton. He won a 4 pt. major and was BB over a special and on to Group 2 under Pom authority Mrs. Dorothy Bonner at Edwardsville, IL 6-5-82.Thanks to judges and handlers who helped make Toby a champion. Also his breeder, Mr. Wilma Jean Brown. Toby is a joy to own. He is cobby, deep orange, has correct coat, excellent temperament and is siring quality puppies. At stud to approved bitches only.Mrs. Marguerite Hohmann 212 Kenli Ct.Louisville, KY 40214 502361-0604nCh. Browns Magic PebblesinWmt Pebbles major wins were under Mr. Frank Oberstar and Mrs Mildred Heald. She completed her championship 4-4-82 at Dayton, Ohio under Mr. James Nickerson, breeder-owner- handled. She was BB and Group 4 at Lima, Ohio under Mrs. Wm. Lehnig. and BB from the class over a special at Evansville 3-20-82. She is deep orange, has a huge coat and excellent temperament. She is dam of 3 puppies. Thanks to all judges and her breeder Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown.Mrs. Nellie Sprunger 555 Frahm Pike Celina, OH 45822 419 942-1246PEDIGREES BEHIND NEW CHAMPIONSPOMERANIAN REVIEW irCh. Dixieland Rock of MillamorOres-94 UhII Rocky congratulates his latest champions, littermates out of Millamor Magic Dragon 10 points Ch. Mar-Lens Toby D of Browns, owned by Mrs Marguerite Hohmann, and Ch. Browns Magic Pebbles, owned by Mrs. Nellie Sprunger.Also, congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. James Coy, Lakeland, FL on Canadian Ch. Coys Lucky Eight Browns Wee Flamebeau Mark, ptd. x Skylarks Love Charm Also near American title.Continued success to these dedicated breeders and may they have many more champions. My sincere appreciation for all the tender loving care given to my Poms. A special thanks to Jane Johnston for all her love and attention to Beau Beau.8820 Rockville Rd.Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown Indianapolis, IN 46234 317 271-4954 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American 'omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional etails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will ie published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on ile with the Review, the charge is 10.50.tM.CAN. CH. ANADORS SILVER iMOKEVolf Sable MaleIreederOwner Ann Welshinger luperior, WIAm. Can. Ch. Sissons Gino Gaybit Ch. Sissons Dukes Little Big Man Joda Pollyanna Sissons Silver Dollar SireCh. This Time Dark Chaos Joda Chaos KatrinaJoda Jolly Tootsie Toy Bandys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Golden Moon Pomirish Little Matilda DamCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavillerCh. Scotia Cavs Lay A-Wey Brochureh. bev-nors fudge candymanB.ed MaleBreeder Beverly Norris Dwner Francis Jones _ittle Rock, ARCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge SireCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Bev-Nors Love of Great Elms DamCh. McKameys Sundawn Traveler Tiny Toys Goodin SassyGoodins Millee Joy of Lu-MaCH. BROWNS MAGIC PEBBLESRed Orange Female Breeder Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown Owner Mrs. Nellie Sprunger Celina, OHCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Sire Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands VeronicaMillamors Melody Box Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic Dragon DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistCH. HI TIME SIMPLY JEREMY JABILDark Orange MaleBreeders Bernadine Pauli Connie BorwickOwners Jessie Barbara Young Loudon, NHCh. Nanjo Masterpiece Am. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Sire Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah CD May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Edneys Sassy Samantha DamBeisels Wee Flashie Red Man Edneys TaffyStaffords Little MittViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3CH. JOLLY WEE MACHO OF MOONROCKBreeder Mrs. Randall M. FreehOwners Sue Goddard Mrs. RandallFreehHouston, TXCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moonrock SireCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Randys K Duke of Dragonfly Ace His Teddy BearMacs Star Dukes Gay Bunny Randys Brandy of Jolly Wee DamCh. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Randys Pride Joy of Duke Ch. Ace-His Beaut MicheleCH. KEN-NORS DONT LETEM KID YAOrange Sable Male Breeder John K. Bishop Owner Jane Lehtinen Iron, MNCh. Blairs Solitaire Dunns Little TompstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Thelduns John John SireCh. Tim Dandy of Edney Thelduns Bonnie Heather Thelduns Princess Tiffany Sir Reginald Dromore Ch. Golden Glow Sir Reginald Ch. Riders Gay Robbie Seamist Little Guppy DamGolden Glow Wests Best Host Golden Glow Patti CakePonderosas Miss PatticakeCH. LENNISS SMOKY MOUNTAIN RAINOrange Sable Male Breeder Lennis Raines Owner Janice YoungCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Lennis Tar Sons Image SireLennis Cavalier Tigger Tiggers Little Tonya Brittons Little Debra Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Lennis Tar Riffick Doll DamLord Chadmore Lennis Sweet N Sassie Lady ChadmoreCH. MAR-LENS TOBY D OF BROWNSRed-Orange Male Breeder Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown Owner Mrs. Edward L. Hohmann Louisville, KYCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Sire Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Veronica Millamors Melody Box Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Jeribeths Honey Bee Millamors Magic Dragon DamCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Ch. Millamors Magic Box Millamors Red MistADVERTISERSIt is critical that the copy you send with your ad is not only legible, but accurate. That may sound silly but since I am not yet familiar with Pom names and pedigrees, I am finding it a real struggle deciphering so many different handwritings. It is stated that ALL COPY MUSTBE TYPED OR PRINTED CLEARLY, but not everyone complies. When I do get typed copy, it frequently has not been proofed and I have seen some names spelled two and three different ways in one ad You may say, Call if you have questions, but if I called everyone whose copy was confusing, Id do little else. PLEASE, double check your ad copy.Many advertisers are happy to let me do my own thing as far as their layout is concerned. If you want your ads done a certain way Ill be happy to comply, but if your requests demand too much extra artwork you may be charged accordingly.In an effort to make Pomeranian Review the best it can be, your help will be appreciated.Thank you.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225WARNING There are fads in foods, fashions, and unfortunately, in medical care. Remember when every child got his tonsils out The current fad in veterinary treatment seems to be cortisone. Generally it is prescribed for limping and skin ailments. But cortisone is not a cure. It only masks the problem, relieving pain and itching, but not the cause of the symptoms. And it can have serious side effects. Lorinda Vasuta of Akron, Ohio had a horrendous experience with excessive cortisone. It was administered for an itchy skin condition. Later, the dog became very lethargic, had little appetite, and lost all his coat. It was discovered that the cortisone overdose had caused the adrenal glands to cease to function. The dog has responded well to months of treatment, the adrenals are working again, and the coat is growing back. But what a shame that Lorinda and her dog had to go through this experience. Whenever your vet prescribes any medicine, ask him what it is, what it will to do the dog, whether there are side effects or alternatives.What may seem to be a great hint to me may be an old familiar practice to you. For example, I thought everyone knew about Sevin, but apparently not. If you use flea powder on your dog, you probably buy it at a pet shop or at shows and pay 2.00 for 5 oz. The basic ingredient in most flea powders is a compound called Sevin. If you go to the garden department of a discount department store, or your feed store, you can buy 4 pounds of Sevin powder for 2.00-2.50 It comes in a bag. Then get a flour shaker or large salt shaker from the kitchen department to put it in. Look at all the money you saved the equivalent of two entry feesDid you know that artificial colors in dog food can affect the color of your dogs coat My source for this is Michael Fox. If you have a white, cream, or parti-color Pom, you might want to read the ingredients label and avoid artificial colors.I save the plastic bags my grocery store provides to put produce or frozen foods in. They have numerous uses. I carry one in my left hand when I clean up the yard and empty the pooper-scooper into it. A quick knot and into the garbage can go my problems. At shows, I attach one to the outside of the exercise pen for a litter bag. They are also handy for packing shoes into a suitcase.I have a really neat gadget called a Sudsy Sue available from Miles Kimball, Osh Kosh, WI for less than 2. It is a 9 plastic bottle with a screw-on cap that is a nylon bristle brush. It is intended to be filled with soapy water for washing dishes. It is great for a swipe at dishes and pots before putting them in the dishwasher. However, I have a second one that I couldnt do without. Into it I put one-third cup white vinegar and a few drops of liquid dish detergent, then fill to the top with water. I use it to dab at puppy accidents on the carpet. Very handyPat Forst mixes goats milk half and half with water, then adds baby rice cereal kind of thick. She feeds this to pups from a regular baby bottle with a cross-cut nipple. She says they take it just fine and it doesnt go up their noses. How old are these pups, Pat They must be pretty good size if you can get a human-size nipple in their mouths.From Vilma Louis in WA I recently read in our local newspaper that an excellent solution for dehydration had been found and was being used in India. Plain old molasses and water has replaced intravenous feeding. Having a 3 month old, 1 Vi pound Pom boy who suddenly decided to become hypoglycemic, I tried molasses instead of the usual honey in an emergency and found it worked just great. Apparently molasses contains salts and minerals lacking in honey and helps retain body fluids. My pup loves to lick it from my fingertip. Dont feed more than half a teaspoon or it may cause diarrhea. Remember, honey carries botulism spores and has caused deaths in human infants.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Anodors Pomeranian ^'-s Am. Con. Ch. AnodorV ilrer A mokeSissons Silver Dollar x Pomirish Little MatildaPedigree in Behind New Champions pending CKC-AKC conf.Smoke is a beautiful true wolf sable male. He finished his Am. Ch. with BW in consecutive shows 3 majors, and his Can. title in one 3 show weekend with 2 Group 2 and a Group 1 win. Lakeheed K.C., July 23-25.Thank you to handlers Jackie Liddle and Tim Glavan for helping me finish him and all the judges who gave him his wins.Puppies expected in September sired by Ch. Smoke and his litter brother Can. Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher.Ann and Gene Welshinger Rt. 2, Box 448715399-2702 Superior, WI 54880A14 POMERANIAN REVIEW1OBEDIENCENEWSEmma Heyde 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Margaret McKee of Richmond, VA has sent us some wonderful Pomeranian obedience news. She writes that at the Gaines Eastern Regional Obedience competition in College Park, MD the end of May this year, she and Mary Vickers cheered to the point of tears, for Lennis Red Denim Levi and Tammy Carrell who turned in an absolutely gorgeous performance on the first day with scores of 198 and 198.5. Tammy and Levi, who are from Roanoke, VA plan on attending the Gaines Classic competition. Now, Margaret also has some exciting good news of her own. Her Penny, Idlewyld Har Pendant, finished her CD this spring in three straight shows Raleigh KC, Fayetteville KC and Dog Owners TC of Lynchburg. Penny, incidentally, already has seven conformation points. Also, her Gem, Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone, finished his CDX this July in fine style third and fourth legs each with 195.5. His wins included a first, a second, and a tie for second Margaret informs us that more show quality and champion Poms are showing up now in obedience rings. Wonderful Margaret is also training her Gem and Tiara in Utility and her Ch. Pooh Bear in Novice. She has already put eight obedience titles on six Poms and is rapidly coming up with the ninth.A sad note comes from Ruth Potts of Niles, Michigan, whose beloved Tawny, Dukes Tawny Oberon, was put to rest. This dear and beautiful little dog did very well in conformation and easily won his CD title. The whole family, including all of the other Poms miss him very much. Our sincere sympathy to you. Tawny was 12 years old. Ruths daughter Lori is busy training her Candy for Utility and Ruth is training one of Candys pups for Novice.Helpful Hints, cont. from p. 32.Most books and many breeders suggest that Poms and little children are not a good combination. Generally I agree. Over the phone, I recommend to inquirers about Poms that another breed be considered for children under 6 years of age. However, I have violated this prescription by raising three kids with Poms, and it has worked out well.Of course there are problems. Young children must be supervised whenever they are around the dogs. There should be clear rules, firmly enforced. Never pick up and carry a dog. Sit down and let it come to you. Do not open a cage without permission. Dont disturb a dog while it is eating. Dont run near dogs lest you trip over one. No grabbing, tail-pulling, or kicking. Dont let the in-season bitch loose.There are rules for the Poms as well. No growling or snapping. If you dont like something, run away. No mounting the kid. Dont come in the door unless youre invited.More problems are caused by visiting children. Many do not know how to behave around dogs. I once had a child pick up and throw a Pom Ch. Trinket was uninjured, thank goodness Several children have been absolutely terrified of the wee beasties. It is the responsibility of the host child to make the rules plain to visitors, but adult supervision is still necessary with the under-seven set.Dogs tend to steal kids toys. If its on the floor, its mine. You have to be sure they dont get something that could hurt them. I never buy Nerf foam toys as the dogs shred them but dont consume them. The beasties do love crayons, and happily eat any they find. Crayons are non-toxic to kids and dogs. So I can have color-coded stoolsBut there are numerous advantages for both the Poms and the children. My puppies are thoroughly socialized. From the day they are born they are accustomed to lots of noise of different kinds voices of different pitch and tone various size people humans wearing strange costumes, masks, or hats and being handled frequently. One of my favorite snapshots is Helpful Hints, cont. on p. 55.POMERANIAN REVIEWIDLEWYLE POMERANIANS proudly presentsGEMa7k ^dlewpld ^QjemstoneMay Morning Social Lion x Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDXOur first homebred, Gem finished his championship on April 8, 1978 when Merrill Cohen awarded him a 4-pt. major. He finished the CDX on July 9, 1982 when he earned his third leg, again under Mr. Cohen. His record in Open A includes scores of 189.5 at Fayetteville K.C., 183 and first place at Dog Owners T.C. of Lynchburg, 195.5 and second place at Huntington K.C., and 195.5 and a tie for second place at Magic Valley K.C.Gem is at stud to approved bitches. He is passing on style, charm, and temperament to his puppies. Two excellent male obedience prospects available.Congratulations to Rosalind Goltz and Morris on his High in Trial, and good luck to all those like Rosalind, Marian Lazzara and Carolyn Crockett who are showing that Poms can be outstanding in both rings.IDLEWYLD POMERANIANSMargaret and John McKee 804 272-93187660 Idlewyle Rd Richmond, VA 2322516 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE PEARL OF GREAT PRICE by Patricia M. CraryA horse breeder once told me, A good nare gives more than half to her foal. This was a knowledgeable man, a long-time iuccessful breeder. I started to object 'enetically the inheritance gift must be half. No, he went on to say, At the instant hat the egg is fertilized, they have each iven one half, stud and mare. But from hat point on it is the mares own healthy Dody that nourishes that newly created life. At the instant of fertilization that organism required its total potential. From then on ealization of that potential will be up to he dam.This is as true for the brood bitch as it is tor the mare. Man, the breeder of record, vill assume the responsibility only at some ime after the actual birth, and if that responsibility MUST be taken very early in he young life, it is very possible that no matter how diligent the care, it shall never provide what could have been derived from i healthy, temperamentally sound dam providing from her own body the perfect diet, warmth and security.The creation of a fine brood bitch must begin generations before the day she first whelps. Not only must she come from stock notable for beauty of form and movement, stability of temperament ideal for her breed, but there should be also behind her generations of dams and granddams who whelped easily, normally, and who nourished their litters without assistance, who never slackened their attention to the cleanliness and safety of their broods.Laziness and weakness in the whelping box, enough to make the surgical birth, Caesarian section, necessary, and irresponsible maternal attitudes seem to be inherited. A bitch puppy whelped naturally in peaceful, comfortable surroundings, given the proper care by her dam from the first anxious lick, seems also to be programmed for performance of the same duties when her turn comes.Modern veterinary medicine coupled with the know how of the experienced breeder have today made it possible to save many a pup, even many a litter that would a few decades past never have lived tomaturity. This becomes a mixed blessing for it enables us to preserve the constitutionally inferior animal and from it propagate a weakened strain. The medical skills that can save the strong pup from epidemic viral disease and accidental post-natal injury are far too often employed to preserve a life that nature has marked as inadequate for continuance of the race. That body beautiful brought precariously into this world and maintained here solely through human effort and against natures will to eliminate the weak may well survive to pass many essential weaknesses throughout subsequent generations.Trust a good bitch. If she has six strong wiggling greedy beasties filled with the unlimited urge to survive, fighting for their nourishment, thriving, dont be upset about that seventh one that she has shoved off into a cool corner to expire. If she has been handling her personal affairs up to this point suitably, assume she knows something you dont know. Let that one go. And that littlest one who cant seem to hang onto a tit let it go Many a tiny one is as unbudgeable as is the biggest in the litter. Vigor and ability to survive is unallied with size, large or small.Long ago in the eager altruistic early days of my dog breeding experience it was a matter of pride to save them all. And many a time 1 was successful. One little female that I remember especially had to be fed minute quantities of food every 2 hours. Because she had thus become very dear to my heart as a result of our battle together, I gave her to a very good home. Within four months she had succumbed to the worst all-over case of red mange I have ever seen while her siblings grew fat and hairy, she grew bald and scarred. I recommended euthanasia but her owners persisted in the most time-consuming care. At the age of 2Zi years after finally achieving an orderly estral cycle, she kicked the mite and haired out almost completely except for a few areas permanently scarred as a result of secondary bacterial infections. Very much against my advice they bred her.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Slow, difficult labor produced two pups and a C-section the remaining four, of which one was dead, another dying. Massive infections followed and ultimately one pup survived. A few months later the bitch did finally have to be euthanised because of almost complete paralysis from back trouble. Full and half sisters of this same bitch, out of the same dam, bitches vigorous and strong from birth on are the best whelpers, the strongest, fiercest, most infection-resistant members of my kennel gang. With less detail, I will say that something like this did have to happen more than once before I became a believer. Now when someone mentions a lot of trouble with a litter, I ask questions about the bitchs family and make a mental note to follow the reproductive career of the survivors. Far too often is the sad story repeated in varying forms.The inherent weaknesses having to do with reproductive capacity express themselves differently in the male. The undescended testicle is one thing the low or nonexistent sperm count another. The breed as a whole is luckier than the individual proud owner when a terrific performer in the ring fails to reproduce himself. It suffers sorely when the constitutionally inadequate male that has been kept alive at all cost and raised to maturity because of his famous parentage and sheer external beauty does succeed in reproducing himself prodigiously. We didnt want to lose the bloodline, may be the excuse. If that bloodline is essentially sturdy, this weakling will not honor it, and if not, then chances are that this line is one that nature, if left to her own devices, would have cancelled some generations earlier.There is a bonus benefit. Inherent constitutional vigor carries with it in both the male and the female the ability to resist infection, disease and even severe parasitical infestation. The animal will flesh out and grow glossy coated with only a good maintenance diet, not requiring a superfluity of dietary supplements as it is able to extract the maximum available in the food ingested. It will adjust readily to extremes of heat and cold, thus it will require less artificial heating and cooling in the kennel. This in turn reduces chances of illness from Continued on p. 40.FOTO FUN by Barb LindenGetting a really good photo of you really good dog can sometimes be mucl more difficult a task than it seems. Then just never seems to be enough time at horn to groom the beast, not to mention th impossible feat of trying to take the photo, all by yourself.Show photos are great ... IF they jus happen to turn out One quick click anc your dollars are either well spent or throw away. Many is the time that I hav anxiously awaited the arrival of a show photo . . . only to wonder how in the work that awful looking creature could havt possible won the show Maybe your dog are more photogenic than mine . . . boy, mine are NOT Anyway, I have a rathe large collection of absolutely worthies show photos . . . many more dollars down the drain than I would care to admit tc anyone.My solution has been this. Get two friends to help, then set aside some special time to devote strictly to taking doggie pictures. Recently two good friends of mine and I decided that we were long overdue getting some new photos of several of our dogs. It helps if all three of you need photos . . . that way no one feels that she is imposing on the others. We patiently waited for the right day to come along . . . one when I was off work, and that was warm enough, sunny and not too windy. The 3 degree weather we had been having was completely out Finally, our patience was rewarded with a 50 degree day, sunny skies and a legal day away from work. We set the wheels in motion, meeting at my house . . . then off to the park We set up our grooming tables and groomed away We had a lot of fun just getting together and visitingOnce the dogs were in order, we set about with the actual process of preserving the lovely beasts on film for all posterity. One person to hold the lead and position the dog, another in charge of the camera, and the third makes a fool of herself trying to get the dog to look alert, by running and making wierd noises at a distance. A bitch in season helps with the boy-types, too All Continued on p. 440POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.Due to the fact that my kennel girl, who has been with me for 9 years, got married and left, I will not be attending as many shows and must cut down the work load. I will be selling pups at younger ages and will cut down on the older stock. Unless a miracle happens and I can get the right person to work for me, I may have to pull out altogether.OFFERINGPets, show possibilities, breeding stock and of course, a large selection of studs.IN MEMORYBee Bassler and Clyde Andrews, both members of our club and very dear personal friends of mine.CONGRATULATIONSTo Bill and Beverly Norris and their Bev-Nor Kennels.Edna E. GirardotP.O. Box 646 Floral City, Florida 32636 904 726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Twin Pines PomeraniansAt StudCh. Lil-Jon Squire of Mount Vernon Ch. Red Baron of Twin PinesHere Come The DearsHi-ABruniBearat 4 months.Huggy Bear at 3 monthsCh. Lil-Jon Squire x Scarlett of TwinPinesCh. Emcees Negrito Lindo x Anwins BlackJelly LueLillian and John Cribbs Route 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-36430 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 19101 67th Ave.S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290There is a time to live and a time to lie. These words were part of the funeral ervice for our dear friend, Clyde Andrews vho died Aug. 11, 1982. Clyde will be nissed in many ways. His wife, Phyllis is trobably more familiar to most of you because of her service to the American 3omeranian Club, both as an active nember and a member of last years Board tf Directors. But Clyde was the quiet man vho shared his life with her. They worked ogether with their beautiful Poms. We will niss him and pray that God will comfort iis family. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will iwell in the house of the Lord forever. The Columbia Pomeranian Club had a beautiful turnout for their Summer specialty. This is reported in detail in mother part of this issue, so I will only nention the winners. Best of Breed was lew-champion Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, bred md owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Best of Winners and Winners Dog was Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar, also bred by Mary Rosenbaum and owned by Jean schroll. Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Maranthas Lil Tabitha, bred by Gloria and Steve Carlin, owned by Jessie Stephens. Winners Bitch was Harbins Black Gold of India, bred by Irene Harbin and owned by Sylvia and Irene Harbin. Best Puppy was Char-Murs Glorious Dream, bred and owned by Muriel Gunther.At the Portland Kennel Club show the day after the Specialty, as new star rose. Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy finished her championship from the 6-9 month puppy class with a five point major. Bridget was bred by Alicia Kvamme and Nora Higbee, and is owned by Alicias daughter Kristen. Judge Mr. Thomas Conway also gave her Best of Winners. His Best of Breedwas Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Maranthas Lil Tabitha. Winners Dog was Westmost Bounce ORiley, bred by Wayne and Bea George and owned by Jean Schroll.Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy was transferred to the specials class for the Sunday show. She was awarded Best of Opposite Sex over specials. Bridget is handled by the ten-year-old owner, Kristen. We did not stay for this show and no marked catalogs were available, so I do not know the names of the other winners. I do wish people would drop me a note when something special happens. Please include the name of the show, the judge, and the other winners. I do like to report all the good news, but I cant unless you tell me about it.Congratulations to the winners and to the Bev-Nor Kennel on their Kennel Visit. We in the Northwest enjoy the pictures of your lovely Poms in the Review and invite you to come out to one of the Northwest shows.See you.Pearl of Great Price, cont. from p. 36.changes of weather and temperature in the course of shipping and traveling to shows. This healthy animal will cost you a lot less in time and money to keep in top condition and may even spare you the heartache of an early demise with possible disruption of carefully formulated breeding plans.So, if your bitch is beautiful AND healthy, strong and natural in her breeding behavior, talented in the performance of her maternal duties, trust her. Pick your winners from the healthiest of her offspring. HONOR her she will honor you this pearl of great price.AREA CLUBS NOTEWill the Corresponding Secretaries of all the Regional clubs please send their names, addresses and telephone numbers to the Corresponding Secretary, Dudley Roach, 612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4f Bi-NKar Pomeranianspresents out newest outlaw--------^.Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidIn eleven shows, Sonny has 5 Best of Breeds 2 Group Thirds One Reserve Winners5 Best of WinnersCongratulations to Jean Schroll on her Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar taking a 5 point major and going Best of Winners at the Columbia Pom Club Specialty.And...A special thank you to Jean for taking Sonny in for me at the Columbia Specialty and taking Best of Breed, his first time out as a special. Also, thank you to my friends Clyde and Phyllis Andrews, Shirley Bradley and Florence Ryals.Puppies for sale by Sonny and out of champion and show pointed dams. Also,Sonnys brother is for sale. ^pending AKC confirmationMary A. Rosenbaum\36520 28th Avenue S. 206 927-2369Federal Way, WA 9800312 POMERANIAN REVIEWIfflaKj. O4fl 67f 2V. 'if 0^ 0c Q ooomo oThe American Pomeranian Club Summer SpecialtyinDENVER, COLORADO hosted byTHE DENVER METRO POMERANIAN CLUB MAY 27,1983followed by 3 All Breed showsMARK YOUR CALENDAR NOWPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Annons Pomeranians, Reg.s-r Tv4OUPGRPLACINGCHENANGOVALLEY KENNEL CLUB1982HitThe FORCE is now with you.Ch. Annons Magnum Force from ScampPictured with judge Glen Sommers and Sue Whaley, PHA.Special thanks to Mr. Glen Sommers for Group 3 at Chenengo Valley and Mrs. Cynthia Sommers for Group 2 at Del-Otse-Nango and Marlene S. Halsey for handling Mikey to his championship.Breeder-OwnerAnn Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd.Nokesville, VA 22123 703 368-134144 POMERANIAN REVIEWEASTCOASTNEWSBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122Seeing how the issues have been backed up, we wont discuss too much in this issue but we did want to mention that Jackie Klien finished a gorgeous new male, Beau. We dont know his exact name as she didnt tell us, but she did send us pictures of him and he is very pretty. Congratulations, Jackie. Jackie will also be judging the Houston Pom Specialty July 29th, which is definitely an honor to any breeder. Also finishing another champion on the East Coast is Diane Johnson. She finished her male Ch. Silva Lade the Enforcer. Congratulations, Diane, thats very nice.Parvo VirusParvo Virus seems to be the dreaded killer of the 1980s. We have taken every precaution and have never come in contact with it, but in the breeding aspect, the vaccine against Parvo has definitely been a problem, not only with me but also with other breeders throughout the country. I bred 6 females, of which 5 were repeats. I had never had any problems whatsoever with any of these females but out of 6 litters I had 3 c-sections and only one puppy. I had problems with all my other litters too premature, deformed puppies, etc. As breeders, I guess you could say with trying to protect our dogs, were damned if we do and damned if we dont. I have seen absolutely no effect of the Parvo vaccine on male dogs. Hopefully, there will be a serum to combat this virus which will not affect our breedings.September 18th we will have our first fun match and we are all very excited. We will have people from as far away as Ohio. Marlene Scott Halsey will judge the regular classes and after they have been completed, we will have another contest. It will give us a chance to bring out our brood bitches aswell as champions to be evaluated on the best headpiece, best rear, best front, smallest ears, shortest body, etc. We think it will be a lot of fun for all. We will report the results in the next issue as everyone is looking forward to this event. We feel sure there have been more champions finished on the East Coast but they havent been reported as of now. We dont like to report on our own dogs, but Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge has now accumulated a total of 16 Best in Shows, and also Toastys dad, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge has another champion son, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Candyman. Ill close for now and wish all our breeders many more champions in the future.REMINDERAll members of the APC desiring a certificate from the Club for Champions and Obedience Titles published in the Gazette during 1982 which were owned by you, please submit your name as owner, dogs name and month published in the Gazette to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Highway B, Mishicot, WI 54228, BEFORE February 1, 1983.Foto Fun, continued from p. all, we had a great afternoon and our efforts were well rewarded.Another time that is great for all this madness is at a rest stop on the way home from a show. If you travel together as we do, you already have plenty of help along .. . and the dogs are already groomed As in the park, the dogs are usually much more alert in the strange surroundings than they are at home, and why waste a good job of grooming, especially if you just had a bad day at the show Maybe the whole weekend can be salvaged if you can get one really outstanding photo on your way homeTHE DEADLINE FOR THE JANUARY ISSUE IS NOVEMBER 15.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4CHEKOKEErOPlEKIHMHSCh. Cherokees Tart N Tiny CandyCh. Robinhoods Replica Rerun Youngs Cherokee Proud RerunTonos Dragonflower of YoungCh. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Robinhoods Naughty CandyCh. Creiders Naughty NannyThanks Nadine for putting the finishing touches on Tiny. Tiny is a joy to own and was a joy to show. She is mama to an adorable bitch puppy sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Almond Fudge.C-'S4svW\WSWwiiCh.Lenniss Smoky Mountain RainSmoky finished quickly with 4 BOB a Group 2 and a Group 4 from the puppy class, and a BOB and Group 3 the day after he finished. Thank you Lennis for this outgoing little male. Smoky was handled to his first major by Marlene Scott Halsey. Thereafter he was handled exclusively by Betty Caton.Janice Young 1080 Carl St.St. Clair, MD 63077 314629-275416 POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573seeking to add. Remember, you must live with the whole dog, not just his lovely color or tiny ears For example, I recently heard a breeder say, If I could not have in my Poms, I would not breed them. The quality that she mentioned is not a requirement of the standard. Although thousands of Poms finish without this quality, and many breeders do not even want it, this breeder knows that she must have it, and anyone from whom she buys a Pom must know it.It is often the casual comment that a person makes, as if assuming all will agree, that shocks me. I had a judge recently frighten me with a casual statement. After a large four point entry, I was left alone with him to wait for the photographer. His opening comment was, There certainly were a surprising number of bad fronts here today. I was caught off guard and did not know how to respond, for the entry, in my opinion, had been a nice one that day and I had no intention of running it down. My rejoiner was, I have always been much more worried about rears than fronts in this breed. It was then that he stunned me for he dismissed this with a shrug and said, Oh, Pom rears are bad all over the country, and he continued to talk about fronts. Well, I want to talk about rears. It is the rear that gives a dog his propulsion. Please consider the rear when you select which dogs will remain in your breeding program. If, as this judge stated, rears are a problem all over the country, one can not avoid it by breeding to line Great Rears every few generations. Every breeder must continually select for good rears no matter what in-breeding or out-breeding program he is following. Please be careful. I have a dream of some day hearing a judge say, I always enjoy judging Poms because they are such sound little dogs.Speaking of selection, I think breeders need to be aware of how much selection we practice. This is of course what develops bloodlines. But we must be honest with ourselves and realize that there are some things that we can not accept even to get the qualities that we need. When seeking to buy a dog to add to a breeding program, always remember to tell the breeder which characteristics you must have, in addition to the ones that you aresic I recently had a puppy confuse and worry me and its mother. At about a week a bitch puppy, the only puppy in the litter, began to cry as if in pain. It was not the sickly fading puppy cry, but a loud demanding cry. When she was not crying she looked good, but she could exhaust herself if left to cry. Thinking that perhaps the mothers milk did not completely agree with her, friendly bacteria was added to the mothers food and that baby was supplemented with it. She continued to cry. If we picked her up, however, and firmly patted and rubbed her stomach we could, after a few minutes, stop her crying. We then medicated the puppy and then the mother. It took about a week and during that period Linda and I patted that puppy countless times. During the trouble, the puppy remained fat and continued to grow. She is now five weeks old and has had no more trouble. I do not know if we cured something or if she outgrew something. I am telling you of the experience because I am certain that the puppy would have died of exhaustion if we had not quieted her dozens of times a day. I write of this to say dont give up. Keep working with those puppies.I want to close this column by giving you a recipe that my Poms love and yours will too. It comes from Dorothy Williamson who has Brussels Griffons. It appeared in the Griff magazine as a recipe for ring bait. Its two big advantages are that it does not require careful refrigeration and it does not cause digestive upsets, even if eaten in large quantities. It is taste tested on my dogs. They all love it, but I do not use it as ring bait as mine tend to chew it, and while I think they are cute chewing, judges are not looking for cute.Continued on p. 48.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4 Two Starlite Bred 81 PuppiesGayle L. Griffin 15625 W. Perrydale Roai503 843-2151 Amity, OR 9710wStarlite Editors BWitched8 months Female 53S lbs.Sire Ch. Phyner Night EditorStarlites Lucky XMas Elf6 months Male 32lbs.Sire Jubilee Lucky ChanceLate congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on your July 82 Kennel Visit.Good Luck to Mr. and Mrs. McGilbry and Alicia Bauer of Golden Glow Poms, with your new studs from Starlite Kennels. Heres hoping for lots of future show puppies.18 POMERANIAN REVIEWy. i REBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803It certainly is nice to see the Pom Review coming along again we missed it very much.Rebecca Mixon from Georgia spent the past weekend with Ken and Eleanor Miller and also paid us a visit. Always glad to see Pom folks.Coy Poms lost their first homebred champion in May, Ch. Coys Petticoat Princess, Tammy. Tammy would have been 14 in October. Their spirits were considerably brightened a few days later when they received word from Chris and John Heartz in Canada that their Coys Lucky Eight had completed his Canadian championship. Lucky is a cobby little black and is endowed with that special spark of showmanship which is so very vital. Following his return home, he promptly picked up 8 points on the Florida shows. Lucky was shown, for the most part, by Eleanor Miller.I had a rather interesting experience. I have a little Pom almost 6 years old who has never conceived, although she has been bred many times to different studs. This time I decided she simply must have puppies so went the hormone shot route, which we have never done before. The vet gave no assurance that it would work, but said if it did, it would be from the breeding after the last shot. This was hard to believe as that breeding took place on the 17th day after color, having been bred at intervals three times before that. Sure enough, she did conceive and it was from the last breeding. She free whelped one dead female puppy. Im sure the shots were not responsible for the puppy being dead it just happens. Really cant be sure if it was the shots that caused her to conceive or the fact that she was bred that late. Perhaps she is one who should be bred late.After about 17 years in Poms, we experienced our first tonsillectomy yesterday. Couldnt believe how well it went could not tell anything had happened to her and she hasnt refused a bite of food since.I think the Carolina circuit was a big surprise to everyone this year since all the shows were majors. Do not have the full information on the Greenville show on July 29, but can report that Anne Riddicks little male, Cedarwoods Image of Diamond finished his championship with a 3 point major. Entered as a special two days later in Charlotte, he took the Breed and Group 2. On July 30, it was Coys Lucky Eight as Winners Dog for a 4 point major, leaving this little fellow lacking only one major to gain his title. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners to Bel-Meis Princess Dawn, owned by Patricia Melton of Georgia, with Breed going to her Ch. Golden Glow Peter Pan. Following this show at Spartanburg, SC came Asheville in which Great Elms Snooty Hooty, owned by Harry Pennington of Atlanta took the major with Best of Breed to finish. Winners Bitch went to Lorwood Foxy Lady of Lennis, owned by Margaret Sampels of Matthews, NC. The following day in Charlotte a 4 point major went to Mar-Lens Toby D of Browns as Winners Dog. Toby is owned by Marguerite Hohmann of Louisville, KY and this win put a big CH in front of his name. Scotia Tin Tin Fabulous, owned by Edna Girardot, was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a major. Congratulations to allAlong My way, continued from p. 44.1 Vi cup wheat germ 1 Zi cup powdered milk 4 jars baby liverMix and press into a pan. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes. Turn the oven off and leave the pan of foon in the oven over night. The finished product can be sliced and fed.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4K1 E EN NR NrU CLRosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 914 725-515Proudly presents three FIRSTS. Our FIRST HIGH-IN-TRIAL3.'iSV^ 4 '2HICH scofl Id vHTCS5 OBEDIENCECh. Emcees Solid Gold of Jabil CDMorris is our super dog shown winning H.I.T. with a score of 199Zi . All legs were 195 and higher, two placements and Highest Scoring Pom award.Our FIRST C.D.X. Our FIRST 4-Major ChampionV C7 .Nr3ESCh. Penrus Fancy Free of Caldoak, CDXSsCh. Jabils Pinto Hi-ToneLori received her 3 titles within a year. Her Tony finished with 4 majors and several Best C.D.X. was earned with all scores in the of Breeds. Watch for him in the Obedience 190s and two 2nd placements. ring this Fall.iO POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2The first half of 1982 is over and there is now lots of show news to report.Earlier this year two new residents to Canada finished their championships very quickly. Anyone who attended the APC Specialty or The Garden this February will probably recognize them both. Can. Ch. Mike Mars Mint Patty Am. Ch. Postscripts Crowd Pleaser x Mike Mars Creme DeMint finished her title in just 3 weekends with Group placements. Patty was bred by Michael Wolf who Im sure needs no introduction and is the litter sister to Mike Mars Foxy Lady, who was Winners at the Garden. She is owned by Olive Darbyshire who is certainly well known to many, being involved mainly in Pekes and seems to always have one out doing winning. Olive also owned the cream dog, Can. Am. Ch. Mike Mars Triple Crown, who did very well on both sides of the border a few years ago.The second new girl is Can. Ch. Lennis Brahms Lullabye Vestas Little Bit O Love x Ida Mono Lisa. She is owned by Jullian and Gordon Sails, Pettipoint Kennels of Androsan, Alberta, and bred by Vesta Hall. Libby was Reserve Winners Bitch at APC this year, and already has a Best in Show while still a puppy, under her teeny beltFrom the newsletter of the Pomeranian Club of Canada comes news of two recently finished champions. Mrs. W. Repka finished her Schmmels Tiny Tim Simon Says, at some of the first shows of the year. Im sorry that I have no information on the breeding of this dog, but finishing in the Edmonton area where they seem to be getting the largest entries in the country right now, is no small feat. Anne Welshinger of Superior, WI is often seen in Canada, and recently finished a very nice orange boy, Anadors Dragon SmasherSissons Silver Dollar x Pomirish Little Matilda. Anne is a great supporter of the Canadian Pom Club and a real help to many.Here in the East, recent champions include my own Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Mercers Melodee Touch. The McDonald family, in Halifax were really pleased and surprised by a visit from Morris Carson, Emcee Pomeranians, of Virginia. Morris came up to Nova Scotia for the HKC shows and to take home a male puppy the McDonalds had bred, Chips Ahoy at Hobbit Can. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond Starlisa. The puppy was able to go to his new home finished in Canada at just 6 months and a bit. The litter sister, Starchild at Hobbit also picked up points at the same shows and is very near finishing. Certainly a litter to be proud of Ive just heard that they have just repeated the breeding and have 2 girls and 2 boys At those same shows Fred and Kay Baxstromes Ch. Chriscendo Causin a Commotion picked up his third BIS in as many weeks. Natalie Dunfee also finished her Tynan Sunkissed Can. Am. Ch. Golden Glow Prince x Tynan Tiptoe Tawney.Please remember to send me your area news, and keep up the good workBefore I leave I would like to share this darling anecdote with you, borrowed from Toy Tales, originally from Readers DigestWhen our dog presented us with a surprise litter of six pups, we tried unsuccessfully to give them away. My patience began to wear thin after cleaning the daily deposits one too many times, and I issued an ultimatum to my wife Either the puppies go or I go. Two days later she shoved the local newspaper in front of me with an ad circled. It read Husband says either he or puppies must go. Puppies are adorable, fat, mixed breed. Husband is cross and unsympathetic. Your choice, freePOMERANIAN REVIEW 51\Introducing.. .Ch, Hi Time Simply Jeremy JabilJeremy finished his title going Best of Winners at the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty. Jeremy is a proven stud and is available to approved bitches. See his pedigree in Behind The New Champions. We are very proud of this last son of Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing.Jessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603 435-8731 52 POMERANIAN REVIEW Model KennelPresent our New Champion\XInsrt a6 amCh. Cedarwood's Whispering HopeThanks to Mrs. Ann Riddick for this girl. Thanking judges Mr. Ken Miller and Mrs. Jarmoluk for her majors, and Mr. Reedy for a major and her final points.Congratulations to Emcees Poms on their kennel visit. The best of good breeding to Morris and Betty Carson.Hope was handled by Maynard Wood all the way.Bob Goodrich P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, VA-VPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Model KennelPresents i k Ch. Model's Timstoppers EchoOur Latest ChampionAnother champion for Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image. Thanks to Ruth Beam for letting us use him. Thanks also to judge Mr. Cavalloro and Mr. Ken Miller for his majors and Mr. R. D. Hammond for finishing him.Handled by Maynard Wood all the way.Bob Goodrich P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, VAV54 POMERANIAN REVIEWOf -TTNCIRCULATIONMANAGERJudy L. Blocker 2226 Dunlap St., B-28 Charleston, S.C. 29405POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION16.00 Yearly by Second Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 17.00FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 5.00 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.BACK ISSUESAvailable at 2.00 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681971 Jan. 40, April 351973 April 721974 July 771975 Jan. 701976 Jan. 115, April 61Available at 3.00 each1977 July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 361979 Jan. 5Available at 4.001979 Nov.1980 Feb. 100, July 170, Oct. 1401981 Jan. 100, July 130, Oct. 1001982 April, JulyHelpful Hints, continued from p. 34.of Elaine, then less than 2 years old, sitting in the whelping box reading a book to two of Chatters puppies. All this stands my dogs in good stead when they must go to obedience class or to shows. They readily adapt to new situations. When we give demonstrations at nursing homes or for childrens groups, they arent spooked by wheelchairs or crutches. They tolerate being held awkwardly by arthritic fingers or being passed around by tiny eager hands. When a little nose comes near theirs, they simply kiss it.The kids are a big help to me with the dogs. They can let them in and out of the house, feed them when Im sick, take one in the ring if Im showing more than one. Five-year-old Elaine plays steward and judge for me when Im praticing ring procedure, calling commands like a pro. Children playing nearby are superb distractions while obedience training.For the children, theyve learned a greater appreciation of all Gods creatures. They love dogs and, for the most part know how to behave around them. Elaine still thinks ALL dogs love her, so must be watched around strange dogs. Im one of those who believes strongly that most children under the age of ten do not belong at dog shows unless they are carefully supervised. They are a menace to themselves and others. If you must take your kids with you to shows, hire one of those nice, responsible teenagers who show in Junior Showmanship to watch your children while you are grooming and in the ring.Frequently children in a doggy household become interested in some aspect of the dog sport as a hobby. Exhibiting in conformation, obedience, or Junior Showmanship is a wonderful way to learn patience, responsibility, poise, and good sportsmanship. They learn that before the fun and glamor of a win, there must be hard work, practice, and not-so-glamorous things like scooping and grooming. If your child is interested in showing, offer him encouragement and support, but dont push him into it if it really doesnt appeal to him.No kids in your home to get all these grand benefits Ill be glad to rent you minePOMERANIAN REVIEW 5YIPS YAPSJANET HEFFINGTON Saline, MINo to LysolJust received my copy of Pom Review courtesy of Babe Stranahan and her darling Poms which have become my fuzzy God-children.Margaret McKee of Virginia had an excellent article about preparing for a whelping especially about your choosing andor changing a vet. However, I must stop a moment and share the dangers of Lysol with those not already familiar with it.Although the quantities are minute, it does contain Phenylphenol which is lethal to cats and often causes potentially lethal convulsions via respiratory arrest in puppies and young dogs. Ever notice the sneezing spasms of a dog right after Lysol is sprayed Weve used it for years, nay decades, but no more since last year we had a Sammy puppy convulse severely, crash into walls and fall into a seizure. Only one incident was too many for us. Its back to good old Clorox solution if it was good enough to stave off Parvo all these years, I feel and vets do, too that its effective enough for anything Granted, its easier to pop-a-top and spray than to get into a sloppy pan of smelly water and scrub an area, but it sure beats watching a puppy go into a seizure. We wont even discuss the agony if one were to be lost.While Im yapping, Id like to add a heartwarm thanx to some super Pom-people who have been a tremendous credit to your breed and a source of much needed assistance to Babe and I recently Rebecca Mixon of Georgia and Ron Feyh of Columbus, OH. Your Club should be proud of breederfanciers of their calibre of concern, honesty and genuine love of their dogs and each ones welfare. These two and their integrity helped us without knowing it to overcome some serious setbacks weve endured for lack of integrity on the part of others. I sincerely hope other newcomers to Poms can meet and enjoy either one of these two. Anyone would be richer for it.INDEX TO ADVERTISERSBeam, Ruth Great Elms........................24Brettwood Arts....................................... 24Brown, Wilma J. Browns...............26,29Cannon, Ann Annons..........................43Carson, Morris Betty Emcee.........14,15Cribbs, Lillian John Twin Pines .... 39Dendy, Ethel............................Front CoverDenver Metro Pom Club......................... 42Enna, Carol Charlotte Southland ... 23 Freeh, Paul Randy Jolly Wee .... 6,7,8Girardot, Edna Scotia ............................38Goddard, Tim Sue TimSue Back CoverGoltz, Rosalind Penru............................49Goodrich, Bob Model......................52,53Griffin, Gayle Starlite............................47Heartz, John Chris Chriscendo.......... 19Hohmann, Marguerite..............................28Klein, Ron Jackie Silver Meadows .. 21 McKee, Margaret John Idlewyld .... 35 Mercer, Dan JoEUen Prairie Wind .. .2Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best.......................21Moreno, Mr. Mrs. G.J. Morenos.. .27Raidman, Elsa Pomesto......................... 21Riddick, Anne Cedarwood ....................25Rosenbaum, Mary A. Bi-Mar................41Sandifer, Desaree Desiree......................13Sprunger, Nellie....................................... 28Triece, Dan...............................Front CoverWelshinger, Ann Gene Anador..........33West, Jean George Wests................. 20Young, Janice Cherokee.........................45Young, Jessie Barbara Jabil...............51POMERANIAN REVIEWl-m m mVm15C 5Ck Jolly Wee Macho of JMoonrockToy Group First Louisiana Kennel Club, May 29,1982Judge Dr. William FieldCo-OwnerHandler Sue Goddard BreederCo-Owner Mrs. Randall M. FreehOur Newest CHAMPION at home withTim and Sue Goddard 19719 Rice Lake Lane Houston, Texas 77084 713 492-0849V__________________________________________________________________________________