The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pom Registry. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pom Registry September 1997
Table of Contents
Cover Story Ch Toybox The Quarterback 8Breeder's Forum with Eve Smail, Toybox 9
A Closer Look Side Movement by Christine D Heartz 20
Across Canada by Christine D Heartz 22
How To Improve Your Diet By Preparing Healthy Dog Food by Barbara Moore 24
Losing Our Poms by Peter Tan 28
Showing Your Pomeranian "Aussie" Style by Denise Leo 30
Mouth Trouble in Poms by Carla Timmins 32
Going Over A Pomeranian by Lois Wolff White 37
APC Summer Specialty by Brenda Segelken 40
Rates and Dates 42
Classifieds 43
Pomeranian Statistics 48
Index of Advertisers 53
THE POMERANIANSeptember 1997 The International IssueVolume 7, Numbers-r , -"r _' _ U AAUSTRALIANCfD. Toybok Tbe QuarterbackEarner - Qolihouse Pomeranians-OSSBEST OF BREEDPOMERANIAN CLUB OF CANADA6foi h. ^ffper SS^ohhouse CIRegos cM'.GL.Multi BIS Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water xCh. Rogos Munchin From OzCanadian National Specialty Best of BreedTeds baby brother is following in his footsteps.JMHptshow in the US out with Deb, he took a 5 pt. major under judge Dorothy Welsh. He then went to Canada to take not only Winners Dog but Best of Breed as well over quite a few nice specials. He was also Best of Winners at the Booster Show. Thank you to two breeder judges, Mr. Edd Bivin and Mr. Leslie Rogers. Qunicy sends congratulations to Theresa Bainbridge DVM on DHs Somersets Destiny, and Dottie ODonnell PA on DHs Christmas Star.^SSover-QsK^dlihduse 'ISomeran.kmsExclusive Agent Deborah Wheeler 742 E. Main St. Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908271-9140Quincys Owners Patricia Foley Kathryn Hartz 609 695-1642 Breeders Mary Rogozinski, Kathryn Hartz Patricia Foley^over - C'^Golihouse "vSorneranirmsjif yy\ Ar^3 .sS' POMERANIAN CLUB OF CANADAJULY 1996WINNERSDOGHCTO JOHN ROSSA^m.dPan. k ^over QfColihouse 0toj6s WizardMulti BIS Ch. Finchs He Walks on Water x Ch. Rogos Munchin From OzBMultiple Best of Breed and Group Placement WinnerTed is pictured winning the points at the Canadian Pomeranian Club Specialty last year under breederjudge Mr. Ken Miller. Since that time he finished his Canadian championship in three shows, taking Best of Breed over specials and going on to a Group 3rd. He also has had Best of Breed and Group placements from the classes in the East and West coast of the U.S. and Canada. He was ranked 6 Pom in the Northest in limited showing.Many thanks to the judges who have recognized Teds qualities.^orer-QdColihouse PomeraniansExclusive Agent Deborah Wheeler 742 E. Main St. Bridgewater, NJ 08807 908 271-9140Quincys Owners Patricia Foley Kathryn Hartz 609 695-1642 Breeders Mary Rogozinski, Kathryn Hartz Patricia Foley1We would like to pay tribute to Paddockwood Regal Asset Imp. UK - bred to our Speranza imported granddaughters of Eng. Ch. Hadleigh Summer Lightning, Regal Asset has sired Multi BISS Aus. Ch. Dochlaggie Domino Aust. Ch. Dochlaggie Does It Again Aust. Ch. Dochlaggie Dolly DelightAnd nearing their titles... Best Exhibit in Group winner, Dochlaggie Drawcard Multi class in group winner, Dochlaggie Deadly Secret Royal Challenge winner, Dochlaggie Dolcezza In Group In Show winner, Dochlaggie Drummer Boy Grandsire of New Zealand Ch. Dochlaggie Dark Phantom Group and Royal Best of Breed winner, Dochlaggie Domenichino Multi class in group in show winner, Dochlaggie Dinky Doo Challenge Winnerfor new owner, PeterTan, Dochlaggie Dancing Fire Great grandsire of Dochalggie Devilkin, close to Aust. Championship. Challenges Multi minor puppy in Groug winnerfor owner M.EIeison, Australia,Dochlaggie Dustys Pride Best Baby Puppy in Group at his first show, Dochlaggie Dazzlin FlashVjs on art hiip'JJusarsMiosiiSf-disL^om^iiiJ-dochisigQ2AGGHi POi'li-iWIl.-VK,\ 11 im 51 c n i. i r .5 s i nr o' cov Vio'sITTERTTt o r OWi 30 CiW'TROriS,Winning stock in Australia USANew Zealand Hong Kong Singapore Indonesia Malaysia Thailand Breeding quality Orange Orange Sable, Cream, Cream Sable, White, Wolf Sable, and Black Pomeranians from UK Hadleigh lines. m - 1 i- ' ePO Box 19 Patho, Victoria 3564 Australia Phone 613 54 877326 FAX 613 54 877369 e-mail dochlagg ICQ Pom Chat No. 2438151TABLE OF CONTENTSCover Story....................................................... 8Ch. Toybox The QuarterbackBreeders Forum............................................. 9with Eve Smail, ToyboxA Closer Look................................................20Side Movement by Christine D. HeartzAcross Canada..............................................22by Christine D. HeartzHow To Improve Your Diet............................24By Preparing Healthy Dog Food by Barbara MooreLosing Our Poms.......................................... 28by Peter TanShowing Your Pomeranian................... ,.......30Aussie Style by Denise LeoMouth Trouble in Poms.................................32by Carla TimminsGoing Over A Pomeranian............................ 37by Lois Wolff WhiteAPC Summer Specialty.................................40by Brenda SegelkenRates and Dates........................................... 42Classifieds.....................................................43Pomeranian Statistics................................... 48by Tish CannonIndex of Advertisers...................................... 53Send all Advertising Material and Correspondence toThe Pomeranian Registry6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710-1221 520 721-7620 FAX 520 290-6918 call first FAX 520 886-0246 24 hrs.Please send your most up-to-date info by e-mail ripleyprimenet.comTHE POMERANIAN\RegistrySeptember 1997 Volume 7, Number 4Best Single Breed Magazine NomineeINTERNATIONAL ISSUEEditorPublisherPhyllis RipleyTechnical DirectorTom RipeyOffice AssistantsPhinny, Collin Jacob, Kelsey andZena RipleyStaff WritersRobin Burk Tish Cannon Barbara Curry Chris Heartz Ruth Ripperger Carla Timmins Lois Wolff WhiteThe Pomeranian Registry ISSN 10583637 USPS 006939 is published bi-monthly. The Pomeranian Registry is published at 30.00 per year by Believe it Publications, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85710-1221. Periodicals postage is paid at Tucson, AZ. Postmaster send changes of address to The Pomeranian Registry, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85710-1221.The publisher reserves the right to edit all copy. Believe it Publications is not responsible for the validity of statements made by advertisers. Opinions expressed herein are the authors' and do not constitute endorsement from the editor.Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce available from publisher only. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting and artwork are provided free as part of our service and may not be used in any other publications without the written permission of the publisher.4Ch. MNMs Heroic Captain MarvelIKofMarvel started his 1997 show season with another Group 1. He will occasionally be hitting the show ring later this summer. Watch for him. Marvels son, MNMs Captain TJ of Cheyenne only lacks 1 point of finishing his championship. Watch for him this summer, too.Marvel continues to sire very promising puppies for us.Keep your eyes open for these upcoming stars.Our thoughts are with our good friends Mary and Gene Wells as they rebuild from their fire last March.lhamai PomeraniansProud Owner HandlerKelly Klingbeil188 Ocean Park Drive Anchorage, AK 99515 907 349-4968Co-Owner MNM PomeraniansMary Wells Rt. 2, Box 238 Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 828-42425best in 6how Winning lockCombining United Kingdom American Australian Japanese bloodlinesWinning Stock in New Zealand Singapore AustraliaExport Inquiries Welcome from Show Homes.dCh. Amorea AliaSpecialty Best in Show under Mr. S. Finly Bisset,Cygal Kennels. United Kingdom over a record entrv of 100. Specialists Our Specialty------------------------ Amorea Pomeranians--------------------------------JohnVan Slochteren23 Clark Road Londonderry, 2753 NSW, Australia PhoneFax 045 725 217The Ohio Valley Pomeranian ClubANNOUNCES ITS SPECIALTY MATCHWCYSunday, November 2, 1997Judge for all dog classesMrs. Jeanne BlankClasses divided by sex2-4 months, 4-6 months, 6-9 months, 9-12 months, 12 months and over No dogs with majors, please.ENTRIES CLOSE OCTOBER 15,1997 New this year - Tack Rat Competition, judge and prize TBA There will not be a pre-entry or entry fee associate with this class. For those not familiar with this type contest, bribes are accepted.PrizesGrooming towel for placements, cash and prizes for Best in Match, Best Junior, Best Senior and Best AdultHospitalitySaturday evening, November 1 7 p.m. All are welcome.There will be a banquet Sunday evening following the match. Reservations required.Donations acknowledged and appreciated.LocationHoliday Inn, Columbus I-70 Columbus, OH 43232-4180 Reservations 614 868-1380 or 800-HOLIDAYMail all entries and donations toMatch Secretary 4965 Woodbriar Place Columbus, OH 43229-5523 614 888-34844 1Photo by Cabal Canine CandidsAUSTRALIANQa Toybok Tm QuarterbackSired by American, Canadian, Irish Ch. Stolannes Highway To Heaven At Toyboxx Toy box Hello Gorgeous by Sweethearts Takin A Chance At Toy boxShown lightly in the U.K. by qualifying for Crufts his first time out.Now owned in Australia by Mrs. Lucy Hanza and shown by Mrs. Elizabeth Friedman. Striker is just one of the many lovely Poms I have sent to enhance the kennels of their new owners.Look outforToybox Liberty Belle owned by Elizabeth Friedman just started on the Australian Show Circuit.Toybok PomERmimsEve SmailAlmond Hill Lodge, Lauder Rd Dalkeith, Midlothian Scotland EH22 2PU Phone and FAX 011 -44131 -660-4063Your Attention, PleaseIn the May issue of The Pomeranian Registry, I featured Darlys Flaata and her wonderful Damata Poms.There was a tragic accident October 18 in which her upper kennel was burned to the ground and many of the dogs you read about are now gone. The grief from the loss of her companions and breeding program aside, it will be very costly to rebuild. A trust fund has been established and if you can contribute in whatever way possible, it would be most appreciated. Make checks payable and send to Darlys Flaata Trust Fund, co Cynthia Bradley, 1908 NE 86th, Portland, OR 97220-5508, 503 253- 8499. e-mail Ch. Mullerkazarsungold Illusion of Toy box and Eve.I was born into a non pet-owning family, which most likely explains my obsession with animals. I live six miles east of Edinburgh in Central Scotland in a country cottage surrounded by fields and no neighbors.I have a cat boarding business with a license to board 115 cats. I bought my first Pom in 1976 having seen one and fallen in love with them. I had bred Arabian horses and Persian cats with much success, but my love of Poms took off in a big way. My first show dog was purchased from the world famous Hadleigh Kennel. I just phoned up Gladys Dyke and asked her for one, as I had heard she had the best. Little did I know that you just didnt phone up Mrs. Dyke and ask for a dog. My mentor, Astrid Ogilvie of the Pakov Poms, couldnt believe that I was going down to London to pick up a ten month old wolf sable dog. She kept saying to me I must have gotten a different Mrs. Dyke Astrid is still a good friend and a lady whom I had first conThe Pomeranian Registry'sBreeders Forumproudly presents0vc SmcxtLporre-r'cvr icxnstacted to use her stud dog. She and I wen to pick up this gorgeous little dog, but he did not like to show and I never got him t breed yet I have never regretted buyine him. Sadly a heart attack took him at five years old.Next I got a super typey cream doe who was all Cynpeg breeding. I knew be fore I bought him that he would not show but he was very well bred. I decided to have him and he produced Toybox Small Print Although he was not a champion, Smal Print did a lot of winning for me and pro duced several champions, including the famous Ch. Toybox Platignum Phantom who has champion kids around the work and was Top Pom and Top Stud dog sev eral years on the trot for owner Sue SmithToybox Small Print, not a champion him self but the sire of many famous champi ons including Ch. Toybox Platignum Phan Can. Irish Ch. Stolannes Highway To aven at Toybox, top Pom in Ireland for 95 and a multiple Best in Show winner.of Sueacres Poms. In one of those years, I had the Top Pom in Britain, Southern Ireland, Denmark and Finland with dogs I had sold. I have been Top British Breeder several times and had Top Pom, Top Stud Dog and Top Puppy several times also and have bred countless champions worldwide, including Ireland, Iceland, Finland, Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Denmark, Germany, and Sweden to the great satisfaction of their owners. I have always tried to send my best.I decided that I needed new bloodlinesasWr.v Ch. Toybox Halfway To Heaven by Int Ch. Stolannes Highway To Heaven. Her litter sister, Ch. Toybox One Step To Heaven finished a few days earlier.and bought from Anna LaFortune in the U.S., Am.Irish Ch. Mullerkazarsungold Illusion of Toybox, who was top Pom in Ireland and a multi Best in Show winner. I have bred him to several of my bitches and it is his get that I am winning with now. Fie is nearly 11 years old and we have puppies due from him now.I also bought from Fran Stoll, American and Canadian Ch. Stolannes FHigh- way to Heaven at Toybox. He got his Irish title and was Top Pom in 1995 and is a multi Best in Show winner. I showed him in thefm 1 r ml. - - r'I-- . .- -r., Ch. Emadale Sundancer of Sue Acres, bred by Mrs. P. Rouson and owned by Eve Smail. Best Male, Crufts 1995.UK only once where he got his first Championship Certificate you need three for the title but by this time he was nearly seven and sick of the showring. He has been a good sire for me and although I have had only ten puppies from him, I have just finished two of his daughters to their English title within the last few weeks. He has a Finnish champion son, an Icelandic champion son, and an Australian champion son. I am hoping to send something from him back to Fran later this year. She has been so patient waiting for it.At present I keep about 14 Poms. I think when you look real closely, the people who keep huge numbers of Poms10Gam6fet\ a Stofannepuppy fiopejufStofanncs Xcep Em GuessinBIS Ch. StolanneThunderboItThorx Stolannes SunriseCongratulations, Eve, on your Breeders Forum. I am so glad that Haley has been a asset to your breeding program and am looking forward to having one of his get toshow here, good luck in all your effortsStofanneFran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501812 254-3857 FAX 812 254-3254 e-mail drstolldmrte.net1he home of Eve and Toy box Pomeranians.cnt have any more winners pro rata than nailer dedicated breeders, and the small reeders dogs have more attention and a stter life I am sure. Quality and quantity ont come hand in hand. Dogs were never leant to be battery farmed and sold off in ulk job lots.My dogs have a purpose built kennel ith two to a pen and free access to their .ins 23 hours a day, weather permitting, he show dogs and puppies live in a small om at the back of my kitchen with access a big run during the day.In the UK, if you keep more than three reeding bitches you must be licensed by le local authority and they tell you what icilities you need and inspect you yearly long with a vet. I think its a good thing nd have been licensed for 19 years with- ut a hitch.Not only do I show, but I judge and one f my greatest pleasures was to judge the imerican Pomeranian Club Summer Spe- ialty. I have also judged the Pom Club Ihow in Sweden, Ireland and Taiwan. In ie UK we have many breeder judges as ell as all-rounders and there are advances to each type of judge. Sometimes a og will have many wins under breeder jdges, but be dumped under all-round- irs, maybe because the all-rounders just ill not forgive the faults the breeder jdges ignore, and sometimes people do iin under their friends. Looking at the ither side of the coin, a dog will have a iig win under an all-rounder and then lever win anything worthwhile again, so is swings and roundabouts. They sayevery dog has its day but some just have it when they shouldnt.Living in Scotland has its drawbacks in that I do have a lot of travelling to do, usually facing a 700 to 1000 mile round trip to most of the major shows. We have three Championship shows in Scotland with Ch. on offer. Everything is in England. The British Kennel Club seems to think the United Kingdom stops 20 miles north of London. No wonder the Scots are voting on its own Parliament today. Stop Presses WE GOT ITI have had no real problem with coats or skin. Some of the American dogs I have seen and judged seem to lack the real Pom coat. They have no length of guard hair and seem just to have lots of undercoat. I cross my American lines with the English lines, usually no more than 75 American, and it really works. This way I get the best of both worlds. The American Lines are so alien to the English lines, you almost get a mixed animal. For example, I bred one of my beautiful bitches to one of my imported males, expecting great things. Sadly, I lost the male so I cant try other combinations, but the two puppies I got are awful. I wont even show them to my Pom friends here because they are so terrible. Im going to keep the puppies they are both bitches and see if by using another imported dog, I cant get back the quality that I know to be there.I have had the usual undershot mouths, but this is due to trying to get the face too short. Get sensible and try for a nice balanced face with expression and you dont get this problem. I have also had some patella problems, but my stock is2 , Att.ljJbi.Irish Ch, Tiujlm Bubbling OverUK Ch. Toybox Firecracker x Toybox Dancing JoyTheToybox Poms owned and loved by me - Irish Ch. Toybox Bubbling Over, Bubbles Sueacres Nutmeg, Pippa orange sable female sired by UK Ch. Toybox Platignum Phantom Toybox Black To The Future, Jet true black male, harsh coat - would all like to wish the Scotland mom continued success in her breeding and exhibiting ventures.Yellow Rose plans to continue the Toybox line in Texas, but their Scottish origin is alway remembered with love. Thank you, Eve, for allowing us to own such gorgeous Poms.Pippa is now bred to Bubbles and we are hoping for some darling puppies in Novembe Well be playin the bagpipes in Red Oak when they arriveISMiBI EBbISEi m-Vn Stewart, 11 years old, and Toy box Firedancer Earnpride, Top Juniors dog of all time in the '. Together they won the Crufts final 3 times.nown for its soundness and I dont keep ripples no matter what they look like. That forks too. I think people should talk more nd not try to hide their problems. The I ever had that syndrome doesnt help nyone.I have imported about 10 dogs and the orst of that is the quarantine of six months, 'ou can go and see them every day if you ke, but its too long for them not to be at erne with you. I think that it may soon drop d three or four months from rabies con- olled countries and 30 days from rabies ee countries. Exporting is not a problem, ut to the Far East I think the dogs future 5 sometimes very uncertain. After a bad ixperience, none of my dogs will ever go igain.My philosophy is not to kid yourself ibout your dogs, and not to allow your dogs o suffer in the lursuit of your lobby, or in lome cases,omeone elses usiness. I de- ipise people vho give tiny jitches related c-sec- ions, or keep hem in cages ind mass produce them.I think con- racts whichspell out the exact specifications of the sale are essential and I think this is even more important between friends where a handshake on a deal can lead to many losses, especially to the friendship itself. I have bought dogs from so-called friends and been badly ripped off, so I know whereof I speak. I also never sell Poms to homes with children. You wouldnt give your best china to children to play with and thats how I view my Poms. I sell my pets on a 48 hour vet check and return contract. The genetic problems of the breed are spelled out, plus a disclaimer must be signed saying they accept the fact that the breed has the possibility of these defects appearing in later life and that they will not hold the breeder responsible. For show dogs, I usually dont sell until full dentition is in and would take back any show dog if it developed anything which prevented it from being shown, provided a show price had been paid.Like every one of you, I have had times when I was giving up, but I just adore Poms - pure and simple - and can never see myself being without them.I would like to be remembered as someone who bred nice sound Poms with personality plus, and who would help anyone in trouble regardless of any ill feelings we may have had in the past.Eve judged the APC National Specialty in 1993 and put up Ch. HHHTexas Two Step.141swi m i nmFrom clean, green, nuclear free New Zealand in the South Pacific.Black Skin Disease - free.Home ofN2. Ch. Pakovs Pinch of Snuff Imp. UKLinebred to Ablench Marshmellow of Andersley - sire of the famous English Champion Toybox Firecracker."N2. Ch. Kiriemuir Silver Trinket Imp. UKLinebred Tookeyes Pomirose LinesBreeding Orange, Orange Sable and Wolf Sable Pomeranians.Can Anyone HelpI am trying to find a book called The Pedigrees of Great Elms" which came out in approximately 1994.1 believe other kennels such as Bonners' may have been done. Also, the title may have been On Line". Any help would be much appreciated.v -i ^ w- -v\y'V,Cherimar PomeraniansMark Teeboon PO Box 21-157 Auckland, New Zealand e-maiL cherimarxtra.c0.n21ERSNNKtlsv ' wm WSS . WCh. Ozarks Mighty Mite x Ch. Westwoods Amazing Grace3zarc s of CWcstwoocfA special thanks to a great friend, KAREN JOLLEY, for her generosity in sharing this wonderful boy with us. Words cannot express our grati- udeQri0en^Pomeranians16Please visit our website at httpwww.geocities.comheartland meadows7573Proud OwnersDennis Mario Litonjua Manila, PhilippinesGROUPPLACINGTOPEKA KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1997PHOTO BY DOWNEYCh. Ozarks Mighty Mite x Ch. Westwoods Amazing GraceQfiverQins0en^PomeraniansBreedersPam West, Westwood Karen Jolley, OzarkHandlersKaren Jolley Diana NolanWith much appreciation to Dian Nolan and Karen Jolley for handlin Oliver to perfection.Our accolades to Karens Mighty Mit and Pom Wests Amazing Grace for prc ducing such an excellent dog.Congratulations to Eve Smail on he well-deserved Breeders Forum.1Vfc.r\ymg BEST OF BREEDVARIETY LEAVENWORTH W KENNEL CLUB 199vphoto by PETRUUSC' - -r"V.BISA, BISS Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino x Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlett FeverCFi. ^afcopy-'cWafchan ^carfctt cjcttcrGidgef won the breed her first time out as a pecial under respected Judge Dorothy Welsh - Thank YouBeautifully groomed and superbly handled to rejection by our good friend, Bronya Johnston.We are thrilled that her son Yogi is following n her pawprints.Congratulations to Dianne Kieffer on the Group 3 win with her wonderful chocolate, Nicky in South CarolinaOria0enppomemniansBreedersDana Plonkey Randy Gemmill Handlers Bronya Johnston18BISA, BISS Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlett LetterChriscfetts Ozark traditionYogi started at the Central Carolina Specialty Shows with a Reserve WinnerDog under breederjudge Arlene Benko.Thank yoi for recognizing our boy.Special thanks and admiration to Bronyt Johnston for the superb handling of Yogi and mos of all for being such a great frined.Our gratitude to Karen Jolley and Nina Eppj who reared Yogi for us. Both have been a source of support, sound advice and inspiration. We trea sure your friendship.Proud Owners^Pomeranians Mario and Dennis Litonjua FAX 011 -632 671 -5085 Phone 746-0374 e-mail Chrisdencompass.com10trisJen^PomeraniansBreedersDennis Litonjua, ChrisDen Karen Jolley, OzarkHandlerBronya JohnstonACROSS CANADABY CHRISTINE HEARTSIn Canada we are very spread out and Ithough there are shows in most areas very weekend, we dont have big breed umbers.That means, although we dont ave as many Poms to compete with, our inners have to be good enough to place i the Group to finish their titles.Here we are three quarters of the way irough 1997 and although I cant tell you 'ho will be Top Pom, it look like last years og, Ch. Starfires Im Sexy Too, owned by larie Jacques and bred by Tony Cabrera making his way to that top spot again, his guy continues his winning ways with everal more Best in Show wins recently, dding to an already impressive show 3cord.The Canadian National Specialty was eld in Kingston, Ontario in July, judged y Mr. Edd Bivin. Mr. Bivin chose Dover tollhouse Rogos M.E. by Am. Ch. Finchs le Walks on Water ex Rogos Munchkin -om Oz bred by Patricia Foley, Katherine tartz and M. Rogozinski. This beautiful leep orange dog went from the classes to Jest of Breed. Best of Opposite Sex was he black and tan bitch, Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Colour Picture by Chriscendo Colour My World ex Chriscendo Coquille ired and owned by Christine Heartz. Win- lers Bitch was Chriscendo Come Danc- ng by Am. Ch. Millamors Dance of Sour- vood ex Ch. Chriscendo Centrefold. Sweepstakes was won by Jolvins Legacy f Ginger by Am. Ch. Heartlands Top 'Jotch Tradition ex Can. Am. Raglans Gin- jer Snaps, bred and owned by Melvin and loan Beech.As you can see from this list of win- lers, many of our Canadian dogs, both at his Specialty and in general, are based Dn American bloodlines as opposed to English or European ones.That is pretty much standard, although several kennels have een breeding for so long that the dogs are certainly Canadian bred. I find thatmany Canadian breeders are biting the bullet and shipping their bitches off to top producers and it is paying off. Its not easy to pack those little Poms off to another country, go through the hassle of customs, to say nothing of the brutal American dollar, and the costs of shipping and air fare, but its a necessary evil in order to improve our lines.Certainly people in larger breeds think the fees are cheap for Toys, but I also think we get a lot less for our money. So often, our efforts bring us only one or even no puppies. But it seems there are Canadian breeders for whom its paying off. I am so proud to see these people attending and winning at American specialties. Its greatI had the pleasure of meeting Lisa Stasiuk from Saskachewan at the Specialty. Lisa is working very hard, along with her husband, Mike, to produce some excellent dogs. They do not own more than half a dozen Poms but they drove all the way to Missouri to breed their girl to Jake Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge and were rewarded with three puppies. They have already finished all threeJoan and Melvin Beech are producing some lovely puppies. They won the Super Match in Ohio with their little guy who won the Sweeps at our National and I am sure you will hear lots from him in the future. And the Beaches love to show That is so important. No one knows you have nice dogs if they have never seen them. The Beeches have won the Breed and Best of Winners at the Balitimore Specialty with two Canadian bred Poms and they work hard to finish their dogs in both Canada and the U.S.John and Darlene Boyd of Chinadolls have also had some nice ones and are selling all over the world right now. One they sold recently, Chinadolls Avenger, owned by Bev Carter in Newfoundland, just won a Best in Show for his owner.Doug Stratton finished PeppipomsSpirit of Sunterra this spring with a couple of Groups. She is co-owned and bred by Loretta Petersen. You may remember that Doug finished his Ch. Sunterra Sweet Seduction at the Columbia Specialties on the West Coast last year. He is a very small breeder with only 5 dogs who concentrates on quality not quantity.Pam Dodsworth and husband Larry Fox are breeders I guarantee you will hear more from. Another small kennel, they have been working very hard and it is paying off. They have a darling puppy out now sired by Jake that has everyone drooling Her name is Ch. Foxworth Five Star Tradition.Tammy Corbin is doing well out west with Ch. Corleahs Unconditional Love. Tammy also owned Can. Am. Ch Whiddons Raise It High who was a Bestin Show winner. Riser now lives with S Goddard of Tim Sue.Carol Graham, recently retired fr handling, now has the time to purs something she has always loved Pon Believe it or not, she has already brec Best in Show winner named Chrystalto Alisa, and theres more where she car from.Way out on the west coast, Colle Franks, a very well known Pom breec who works mainly with Great Elms line has been doing well with her C Cheyennes September Dawn.Thats a quick overview of who is wi ning in Canada. There are many more ai certainly more to come. Sorry if Ive left c any Best in Show winners. Keep an eye the north for the CanadiansPomeranian 1997 Canadian Show Standings All-Breed PointsCompiled by Bob Gibson utilizing Dogs in Canada up to and including the September 1997 issue. Dogs are ranked according to their performance in Breed, Group and Best in Show competition, gaining 1 point for each dog defeated. Many thanks to Bob for providing the standingsTotalPts.BreedPtsBISS BIS Gr11. Ch. Starfires Im Sexy TooD Owner Marie R. Jacques1542 39 0 4 162. Ch. Crystalton AlisaB Owner C. Graham G. Hazen895 137 0 1 83. Ch. Cheyennes September Dawn B Owner Colleen Franks395 22 0 0 34. Ch. Peppipoms Spirit of Sunterra B Owner Douglas Stratton115 27 0 0 25. Ch. Foxworth FascinationB Owner P. Dodsworth L. Fox115 5 0 0 36. Ch. Corleahs Unconditional Love B Owner Tammy Corbin112 19 0 0 07. Ch. Chinadoll Bette MidlerB Owner Ann Simmons95 21 0 0 08. Ch.Toon Towns Going To Be King D Owners M. T. Ridenour95 38 0 0 09. Jan Les Just A Dash of Millamor D Owner Jane Lehtinen85 3 0 0 110. Jayenns Wiz Kids XeniaB Owner Joan Grant76 8 0 0 010. Keldabistas Power Cruise D Owner Joan Rose76 8 0 0 0Haw ta4tpvcve vpav 5iet fevj pvepavivta ieativi faaiYou may wonder, Why a dog food icipe One day, a guest returning from a ng swim with the wild dolphins near my B, smelled my cooking and asked, Vhats thisI explained that my naturopathic vet from auai taught me to cook fresh food for my ogs14 protein, 14 vegetables and 12 rain. This particular batch, I told her, has round turkey, garden greens and quinoa in Aztec grain.Can I have some Ellen asked. I gladly hared it with her to discover that she loved and asked for the recipe. Here it isDragonfly Ranch Basic Pampered Pomeranian Stew3 cups well-rinsed organic quinoa or ice, millet, oats etc. with 6 cups boiling rater in a rice cooker.Diced onion cooked slowly with garlic ind ground turkey or fish, chicken, pork r lamb for several minutes.Add finely chopped broccoli and grated arrots or other vegetables for a few min- jtes.When everything is cooked, put it together and stir. Remove a serving size which for my poms is 14 cup morning and jvening. To each serving I add small amounts of olive oil, powered spiralina, seaweed flakes, and nutritional yeast flakes. I also throw in my papaya seeds that have a rich covering of enzymes to assist with digestion. My vet, Dr. Ihor Basko, recommends adding a raw egg every 4 days. He said that, years ago when Kauai was hit by hurricane Iniki, he and4T.The Dragonfly Ranch Tropical Fantasy Lodging, Kona Coast, Hawaii.his neighbors lived on the dog food stored in his freezerDragonfly Ranch Quick-fix not-so-pampered Pomeranian StewWhen Im pressed for time, using Dr. Baskos formula of 14 meat, 14 vegetables and 12 grain, I combine leftovers from the fridge. If there are no leftovers, I open a can of tuna fish, heat some frozen veggies, and mix it with organic rolled oats and boiled water. Topping it off with a dollop of oil, a dash of spiralina, dulse, yeast powder and vitaminsit becomes a fine dinner for the pooches in less than 5 minutes.Learning to eat as well as my dogsSince I love my dogs and they are my primary companions, I want them to live long, healthy lives. For that reason, I want them to eat the most nutritious food possible. Even though Im knowledgeable about nutrition, I find Im not inclined to do much cooking for myself. But whenever I have time, I do my best to create the healthiest meals I can for my dogs.Remembering a cute little book Are You as Happy as Your Dog written by Allen Cohen in collaboration with a Dragonfly Ranch offspring, Professor Munchie, I ask myself, Should I eat as healthfully as my dogs The answer is, Why notLiving on the Kona Coast of Hawaii, it is easy to maintain a year round garden that has greens high in calciumsweet potato vine, seven top turnip, collards and kale. These are things that, 1. make for strong24little Pomeranian legs and 2. combat osteoporosis. While I might not feel like bothering to prepare food for myself alone, Im highly motivated to care for my babies. When I go to the garden for greens for the dog food, I gather extra for myself, put it in the electric steamer and turn the knob to 5 minutes. When I use the rice cooker to make quinoa the Cadillac of grains with 16 protein, I make a big pot with plenty of extra for me. And when I go to the fish market for scraps for my dogs, I buy fresh fish for myself. The ultimate recipe I have yet concocted for my wee little ones is Dragonfly Ranch Most Pampered Pomeranian Stew. I happily share it here with you.Dragonfly RanchMost Pampered Pomeranian Stew.Using chicken necks saved for me by my friends at Billy Bobs Park and Pork, I make a big chicken broth base. I clean off the chicken meat and put it in the broth, saving the vertebrae for teeth cleaning treats doled out for good behavior.To this base I add the innards of the chicken along with some chicken meat, turkey or fish and cook this until it is almost done. Then I simmer it together with diced onion, minced garlic and a small amount of root vegetable like sweet potatoall Pomeranian bite sized. Holding to the proportions recommended by Dr. Basko, I then combine this all with the cooked grain and fresh green vegRietables. When the greens are young a tender, I simply cut them sliver fine withe cooking out the enzymes. I mix it togetf and let it all harmonize for a short timIf I make a a large amount at once, I stc some in the freezer. The rest I keep in t refrigerator, warming daily portions on t stove. I no longer use the microwave sin a guest told me it destroys enzymes.In truth, my dogs have let me know tf they much prefer the fresh cooked food especially the when the greens turn tf bright jewel green eat me color. My do dont mind my heating the refrigerated pi tion for them. But when I get down to usii the frozen part, they look at me and s This isnt as appetizing as the fresh stuff but well reluctantly eat it.Just prior to serving, I add the papa seeds, finely chopped fresh basil, fl, seed oil, dulse leaves, yeast powdi spiralina, and dog vitamins.Im just hoping that by sharing my e perience with my dogs, other dog love might also become inspired to coc healthier food for themselves. Not yet ha\ I gotten out the candles, turned on tf music and dressed for the occasion sharing these extraordinary meals with rr best friendsbut I wouldnt be surprise if thats the next step.Barbara Moore built her home near the aicient Place of Sanctuary on the sunny KorCoast 23 years ago. The Dragonfly RancTropical Fantasy Lodging Is a rambling expaision-mansion created around a huge monke]pod tree, giving it the feeling of being a SwitFamily Robinson tree house in a lush jungisetting.Barbara presently has three poms Makamiprecious is red and loves to sing. Her two month old friends are Kiki ginger, a chanpagne girl and her boy friend who is white anone week younger, named Kavika belovedjIf you are interested in staying at an unusuacountry estate, check it out on the web at httpwww. danmrk. comdragonfly.htm Barbara Moore, The Dragonfly Ranch P O Box 675, Honaunau, Hawaii 96726 Phone 808-328-2159 Fax 808-328-9570 e-mail todflv aloha.netroni A Distance . .Canadian AmericanCh. Chriscendo Calvin KleinCan. QOMXAm. DOMCh. Miilamors Rock Medallion x Chriscendo ConfettiThe loss of this truly special CI05 is felt not only by those of whom owned him but by his many friends, family and admirers as well.'hanks for the lemorieshriscendohristine D. and ohn E. Heartz 0 Box 189 Brookfield, ianada BON ICO 902 673-2446rCalvins Champions1. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Calist2. Am. Ch. Enjays Electro Cut3. Can.Am. Ch. Chriscend' Cloudbuste4. Can. Ch Chriscendo Contends5. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Calender Gi6. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cognit7. Am. Ch. Merrymonts AmericaExpres8. Can. Ch. Maricaibo Mastermin'9. Can. Ch. Maricaibo Sweet Nothing10. Am. Ch. Valcopy Lilly Dach11. Am. Ch. Millamors Levi of Larro12. Am. Ch. Merrymonts FedercExpres13. Can. Ch. Chriscendo Critiqu14. Am. Ch. Merrymont Heartz and Flower15. Am Ch. CinnabarLittle Nikit16. Am. Ch. MerimaurMetrognom17. Am. Ch. MerrymontPrimrose Pat18. Can. Ch. ChriscendCoastwin19. Can. Ch. Pepipom Creative Styl20. Can. Ch. Foxwort Formal Wee21. Can. Ch. Chriscend Colour My Worl22. Can. Ch. Foxworth Free Spir23. Can. Ch. Chriscend Certain Charr24. Can. Ch Chriscendo Conspirac25. Am. Ch. Hallmarks Maximur Attractio26. Can Ch. Chriscendo Centre Stag27. Can. Am. Tai. Ind. Int. Ch. ChriscendCliffhange28. Am. Ch. Merrymonts Patent Pendin29. Can. Am. Ch. Raglans Patty Wac30. Can. Cm. Ch. Raglans Ginger Sna31. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Canadian Caps32. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Claim to FamShowing ^our Pomeranian Xussxe St^feBy Denise Leo AustraliaUnder the umbrella of the Australian Na- onal Kennel Control, each state in Aus- alia has its own controlling body to regis- r puppies, handle transfers, etc. Many of lese controlling bodies now own howgrounds and have indoor showrings r the comfort of their members, but most ustralian shows are still held at outdoor enues and of course, rain, hail, sunshine r snow, the show must go onThe Judge may be lucky to have a beach mbrella erected over the examining table, ut usually ends up cold and wet on mis- rable days and very, very sunburned on ot, sunny days.Dog exhibitors being very innovative 'eople, usually put up some sort of shel- 3r for dog and owner. Smallish camping snts that allow the exhibitor to stand in omfort used to be the standard answer cr the energetic dog exhibitor who was irepared to carry and erect a tent ringside. ther exhibitors just managed with a ieach umbrella and on wet days attached i tarpaulin to one side of the umbrella and' loped and prayed for a rainbow to quickly ippear on the horizon.When I first started exhibiting my Pome- anians in the 1970s, I purchased a beatifulbright orange beach umbrella, which was great until I attended a show in wet weather. I erected my beautiful bright orange beach umbrella close to the entrance to the toy ring and sat to watch the judging. Two ladies with Maltese came along and asked if they could put their dogs on my table under the umbrella while waiting to be judged. Unfortunately the beach umbrella started to drip orange dye onto these exquisitely groomed doggies. What a disaster to have happen within minutes of Maltese being called into the ringAfter this mishap I decided to purchase one of these new tangled umbrella covers or tents I had seen. These umbrella tents slip easily over the umbrella when at half mast. You then fully erect the umbrella and peg around the bottom of the tent to the ground with tent pegs. I was also hoping for the added advantage of being invisible to Maltese exhibitorsMy umbrella tent was all nylon and a light orange color thank goodness the dye did not run with this one, but on rather windy days it nearly became airborne a couple of times. My husband accompanied me to a two day dog show in windy, rainy weather and he spent the two days holding onto the umbrella tent. He kept muttering something about never, never coming to another dog show and that I was to never put our name on the show equipment. He also, in a very, very impolite manner, expressed concern about the show paraphernalia taking to the skies, maiming some innocent party, and after the courtcase we would be homeless and pennilessMy Aunty Ethel and Uncle Reg cameimroaucing...SBEST IN 1 SWEEPSTAKESBITCH- . JCITY OF ANGELS POMERANIAN I CLUB________ ymBERGMANPHOTO --tStar is pictured winnir Best in Sweepstakes Bite her first time in the ring at tt City of Angels Pomerania Specialty. Thank you judg Mrs. Fran Smith.Ch. Pinyons Silver Sparks Angelic x Kilpatricks Wee Miss CharmerPIffff 5 . 0 cFIRST BRED BY EXH BITCHmCITY or ANOuLO W [ POMERANIAN A l7 BEF3MAN"um\ io IIIRhonda DCALcuilt Jrouble In GMaSIlj. CsorLcc U, LyntnoyLSLike other Toys, the Pom may have entition problems. There are many factors t work here. Poms are often fed soft foods nd their owners are reluctant to have regu- ir dental prophylaxis due to a mistaken ar of general anesthesia. Poms are also rone to retained deciduous baby teeth hich can interfere with bite and hygiene.We, as breeders, have drastically hortened their muzzles in the last 15 years nd this has led to overcrowding of the iouth in some cases. Tooth size, number nd shape have not changed but the teeth lust now go into a smaller area than pre- iously. Their life spans are fairly long and ome, quite frankly, just out live their teeth have a bitch of 18 years and even though ler dental care has been good, she has inly 7 teeth now. In fact, proper dental care irill prolong any animals life.ART 1 THE PUPA quick review of the canine mouth ells us that most pups of 6 weeks have 28 ieciduous teeth. At 8 weeks the perma- lent teeth begin to come in, starting with he incisors and finishing at 7 months with he molars, giving 42 permanent teeth.Some examples of hereditary bad cites or maloccusions includeOver bite - where the lower jaw is shorter than the upper. Here you can see i gap between the upper and lower incisors. An over bite is not normal for any creed. To remember, picture Val Kilmer or DraculaUnder bite - the lower teeth protude n front of the upper teeth. To remember, cicture Jim Carrey The underbite is now considered to be familial running in fami- ies and not totally due to dominant or recessive genes. This explains the bitch with a slight underbite having a litter of pups with perfect bites when out crossed toanother line.Base Narrow- the lower jar is too narrow with the bottom teeth leaning inwards. This condition is usually rectified with a tooth plane.Wry mouth - where one side of the skull or jaw grows asymmetrically giving an ugly, crooked appearance. Method of inheretance is polygenic and strongly hereditary.Missing teeth - can happen happen in the Pom breed indeed all breeds due to recessive genetics. Pups as young as 9 weeks may be x-rayed skull x-rays only. This will ascertain tooth bud formation without radiation-development problems if you need to know whether adult tooth buds are present. For young pups Valium and or Ketamine sedation may be used in place of gas anesthesia to assure the pup is as still as possible for a good picture to be taken.Supernummary teeth - These extra teeth can cause severe overcrowding and rotting of adult teeth and MUST be removed.Tooth color itself is inherited. Off white teeth may be bleached and whitened. Personally, I dont feel that this is altering the appearance of a show animal. Just a form of a little extra grooming. Some of these bites may be corrected by bands and braces fitted by a Dental Board certified vet. Orthodontics is reserved for animals that are not show animals. Canine teeth will move in weeks or months as opposed to the lengthy orthodontic therapy in humans.A word of caution to breeders here. Many pet catalogs carry small rubber bands which are supposedly used to move a misplaced tooth. Do not resort to using them They can cause severe gum and tongue damage and are ineffective. If swaltomhoft tomho rebel lee"rebel" was reserve wd at an ape national specialty show as a pup. he hoc a hiatus from the show ring due to tommi's complicated move to texas. he is nou back in the ring...thanks to mr. ken falconi for finishing his litter brother - tomho revel lee - a the backup show following the dallasft. worth pom club specialty show.tommi hooban 30403 misty meadow magnolia, be 77355218 259-83103wed, major surgery can be the result.There are other causes of bad bites lat are not hereditary and if caught early M2 weeks enough and treated will re- ult in a natural, good bite.Anterior cross bite - occurs when 1 r more lower incisors are positioned in ont of the upper incisors. This is not a enetic defect. It may be caused by re- ained primary teeth or impacted roots, ixtraction of retained teeth will often cored this common problem. This can also e a direct, acquired problem due to tug of ar games. May also be acquired by a pup ho constantly pulls a litter mates tail.Interlocking teeth - a slight underbite the result. If the deciduous teeth caus- ag the problem are pulled at an early mough age the bite will correct itself in 50- i0 of cases. This is not a genetic prob- 3m so interception here is allowed with iften a happy outcome. If a pup of 10 eeks shows signs of going off now is he time to see a dental specialist. Do not lelay.Retained deciduous teeth - baby eeth and adult teeth should never occupy he same space. Some vets will advise vaiting to see if the teeth fall out by 6-7 nonths. Many times they dont. In my opin- on not much is gained by waiting except jerhaps worn adult teeth and an imperfect ite. With modern anesthetics there is little o fear and much to gain. In the case of a up destined for the show ring it is ex- remely worthwhile to get a referral to a vet vho is board certified in dental care. If an wner is at all worried about anesthesia n a tiny pup of a tender age it is worthwhile discussing this with the vet first. A chamber induction should be possible to avoid overdosing of gaseous agents dur- ng the excitement phase.As an owner there are many things ou can do to perserve your pups teeth and oite.First and foremost, breed good mouths. Begin watching a pups bite closely at 8 weeks. Do not forget to view the mouth from the front as well as sides.Viewed from the front with the jaw closed and the lips lifted all pups should have 3 teeth on each side directly below the septum of the nose. This midline match will show whether the jaws are growing symmetrically. Time is short if a natural, good bite starts to change. The canine dental specialist should be seen when the pup is 9-12 weeks of age if you even suspect a problem is developing. Feed crunchy foods as well as soft. Most dogs will happily consume a raw carrot. No, not bones or chicken wings. These are faddish at the moment but can do untold damage to Poms. Believe me, it is not a case of if but when the damage will occur. And it will. Leave the bones to the big breeds. Even that worries me. Offer Poms toys and chews that have peridontal ridges.Discourage tug of war games and tail pulling promptly. As thumb sucking in humans can move teeth so can this in dogs, and twice as quickly. Find and use the best dental specialist you can afford. Massage puppy gums twice a week. It stimulates blood and saliva flow, helps loosen baby teeth and allows permanent teeth to erupt through the gum line. This simple practice will keep you aware of what is happening in a puppys mouth. A little peanut butter, chicken stock or vegemite on the finger will make it a pleasurable experience for the pup. Be wary of commercial high protein puppy foods. This can encourage the different rates of jaw growth that happen normally. Most Pom pups do well on adult rations which have a lower protein amount than puppy meals. Lastly, if you brush your dogs teeth do not use pastes containing Fluoride. Toxicity in Poms from Fluoride is a very real dangerPart 2 THE ADULTIt is not unusual in the Pom to see a young dog of 4 years with loose or missing teeth. This is sad as, for the most part, it is avoidable. Tooth retention is important to digestion, health and longevity. It is worth striving for. Your regular vet will be trained in dental prophylaxis cleaninges FkWT\ fMAKA "HAR IRISC Kluf rv^.'^VkL-7-.1TT 14FIRSTPLACEBEST NSweepstakes Puget Sound Pomeranian Club1 SPECIALTYSUMMER - 191 Photography BySteven Ross44Harmony wei in Sweepstah from the 6-9 f Class under, David Berry. then went on her 6-9 reguk class under J David Kroh aPuget Sound Specialty on 15,1997.Thank you, Vi Lovely and R Poole for Hari mom, Ruloch in Partiland. Harmonys dc The mighty Pi Dot Spot now owned by Am LaFortune.Th you to Spots previous own Bonnie Chari allowing met Spot.Special tanks to my husband for all your wonderful support of our K-9 kids and to itsister Annette Sullivan who not only helps me handle the crew but loves them as he own.Thanks also to all my special parti friends for your support and encouragemen Victoria Lovely, Diane Finch, Val Johnson, Christy Nichol, Linda Gallacher and Debr Stoehr.Our deepest condolences to the following owners on the passing of their dogs to th Rainbow Bridge . . . Olga and Darrell Baker - Ch. Prince Charming II Dan JoEllen Mercer - Ch. Mercers Exotica Hideko Strasbaugh - Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip Blank Jones - Ch. Bi-Mars Son and Dance Man RISE [II SHIffE POPSJulie Clemen Gary Olson, DVM360 943-1010 Pacific Time e-mail Rise-n-shinewoldnet.att.net3dw to make sure he is compact and iat his tail is flat and straight on his ack. This requires, of course, a high at tail.The rear quarters, as with all of the reeds, must balance the front in angu- ition. Touch these furry little legs to lake sure youre looking at bone struc- ire, not just fur. As you move to the ar of the dog, you want to see hocks lat are perpendicular to the ground and igs that are now bowed, but parallel to ach other. The Pom feet must be, and sually are, compact, well arched, and ot turned in or out.As you are going over this exhibit, our hands will know if the coat is corset, double with the soft dense underoat. The guard hair stands off from the ody, and your eye will hope to find that ie most abundant area of coat is in the ieck, chest and forequarters, giving him ie outline so typical of the breed. Most if the dogs in the ring today will have neir coats trimmed for neatness. This an be done skillfully so the Pom doesnt Dok like hes had a meeting with a hedge dipper.Now its time to evaluate his gait oming and going. As he goes down and lack you will expect to see legs that nove freely and with vigor. The legs are hrown neither in nor out. If the front is ncorrect, you will see labored move- nent, or elbows that rock in and out as le goes. This probably confirms what 'ou already found when he was on the able.I like to examine expression when ie returns to me after the down and back outine. Bait or a noise will cause him to ook up and it is at this time that I ex- sect to see the foxy look - curious and ntelligent.Now for a trip around the ring alone. \gain, a neat little package full of confidence, balanced, reaching and driving, coat tightly placed on his body becauseof its density. This is also a good time to make a visual comparison of the class to evaluate size. While overall quality is more important than size, we must be careful not to reward possible giants in this lovely toy breed.The Pom is a delightful animal. He is a big dog in a very small package. Dont be afraid to go over him completely. His parts are put together in much the same way as other dogs, but you must get into and under the coat to make that determination.But most important, enjoy the Pom. Theyre fun to judge, and throughout the country, there are some good ones, which like rich cream, will come to the top.Mouth Troubles, cont. from p. 36.heavy fluoridated water, filtration of a pups drinking water is a good idea. The canine lucky enough to live in the 90s has almost all the benefits that humans have in dental advancements. Fractured teeth can be rebuilt, a dying tooth saved, many bad bites corrected and teeth whitened. Your local vet is trained in routine treatments. Ask himher for a referral to a trained Dental specialist for anything out of the ordinary. Expensive yes, but a real requirement for a valuable show winner.Ragdolls Tango of Sourwood x Ragdolls Candle In The WinHer first time in Open Class at 10 month old, Hailey won RWB to a major at thi Paducah, KY show. Even the torrential rail storm could not stop her She is a beautifi girl with a very outgoing personality. Con gratulations to Bettie Carpenter and Janesa Maggies Back In Town on winning the ma jor.Hailey is sired by our Ralph Ch. Millamor Dance of Sourwood x Great Elms Swee Mandy, pictured in the May Pomeranian Reg istry. We are expecting litters sired b\ Ralph this fall. As always, inquiries are welcome and pedigrees will be sent upor request.Ralph is 4 pounds, has beautiful leg and a wonderful face. We are expecting some very nice puppies.Watch for the repeat of the breeding that produced this lovely bitch.3APC Summer SpecialtyCharlotte, NC September 25,1997by Brenda SegelkenNothing could be finer than to be in Carolina, except to be in Carolina with ine Pom friends, surrounded by over 160 jeautiful Pomeranians and attending the \PC Summer Specialty. A grand time infeedSouthern hospitality began the mo- nent we arrived at the Carowinds Ramada nn, with the polite caring staff. We looked orward to a pleasant comfortable stay.The shows were held at the Piedmont ennel Club Showplace. A lovely showsite, built and maintained forjudging seminars, training sessions, dog shows, ind other dog related activities.The APC Sweepstakes 54 entries egan with judge Mr. Richard H. Nachman examining a beautiful class of 6 - 9 puppy fogs. The superb quality continued hroughout the Sweeps. The Grand Sweepstakes Winner, from the 6 - 9 month Bitch class, was Patricias Passion Play, wned by Pati Danielson.Dr. Harry Smith began his tough assignment at noon with a total entry of 143 Domeranians. His final choice of the day dr Best of Breed put the Veteran Bitch, Ch. Slen Iris Distant Lady, co-owned by Joel Taylor and R G Garrard.T Bones on the Lake, an excellent choice by the Central Carolina Pomeranian Club, hosted the APC Banquet that svening. T Bones actually sits on a beauifullake in South Carolina. A grand time............the decor, view of the lake, excellent food, new Pom friends, entertainment and a fun auction.So what really could be finer than a Pom in Carolina How about 3 more exciting days of Carolina, Poms, Central Carolinas Specialty and 2 all breed dog shows The class placements were as followsSweepstakesJudge Mr. Richard H. Nachman6-9 dogs1. Absolutes All Riled Up, BlankSabourin2. Jan Shars Saint Patrick, Hanson Santoso3. JoArts Super Harlee Davison, Denton4. Jolvins Legacy of Ginger, Beech9-12 dogs1. Forever Lil Bit Rock N Roll, Kranzfelder2. Foxfire Twist N Shout, Pannell3. Jolvins Cyber Space Warrior, Beech4. Chrisdens Ozark Tradition, Litonjua12-18 dogs1. Clairmonts The Piano Player, Hanson2. Diogenoir Rock Starr at Samsu, Varjassy3. Emcees Ultimate Chip, Carson4. Rhea-Nas Columbo of Lynnwright, Wright6 - 9 bitches1. Patricias Passion Play, Danielson2. Foxworth Five StarTradition, Dodsworth Fox3. Jan-Shar N Janesas Kitty Cool, Hanson4. Milos Gloriously High, Hanke9-12 bitches1. Great Elms Buttercup, Beam2. Foxfire Sparkling Gold Bubble, Pannell3. Maranathas IKi Kamalil Carlin4. Watts Little Octavia, SantosoWatts12-18 bitches1. Finchs Black Lace, Riehm2. Stolannes Victorie Lane, Stoll3. Forever Flirtacious Firefly, Kranzfelder4. Chinadolls Totie Fields, SimmonsBest Jr in Sweeps - Patricias Passion PlayBest Senior in Sweeps - Clairmonts The Piano PlayerGrand Sweeps Winner- Patricias Passion PlayRegular ClassesJudge Dr. Harry Smith6-9 Dogs1. Joarts Super Harlee Davison, Denton2. Ben Aires Moon Beam, RayMasnick3. Jolvins Legacy of Ginger, Beech4. Jan-Shars Saint Patrick, Hanson Santoso9-12 dogs1. Foxfire Twist N Shout, Pannell2. Linetree Splash of Stolanne, RiehmStoll3. Reginapoms CU Later Gator, Nunn4. Linetrees Lil Enging Th Could, Bonnell12-18 Dogs1. Emcees Ultimate Chip, Carson2. Diogenoir Rock Starr of Samsu, Varjassy3. Rhea-Nas Columbo of Lynnwright, Wright4. Macks Lil Sidekick, MillerBred By Exhibitor Dog1. Foxfires King of Hearts, Pannell2. Bobils Valentino Magic Mini, Earle3. Teri-Dans Wrangler, Wilford4. Millamors Style Maker, MillerAmerican Bred Dogs1. Absolutes Jan-Shar Magic Trick, RippergerBlankOpen, Black Brown Blue Dogs1. Mai-T-Tois Jelly BeanOpen, ROCS Dog1. Millamors Rock Dance, Wilford2. Golden Aires Moon Chip, MasnickRay3. Elans Renegade, Dahlenburg4. McGuires Key of Millamor, KernOpen AOAC Dog1. Pompeiis Theseus El Matador, Aquilar Harrison2. Rhea-Nas Gin-Rich Nightstalker,KilbrethWinners Dog - Millamors Rock Dance Reserve WD - Pompeiis Theseus E Matador6-9 Bitches1. Foxworth Five Star Tradition, Dodsworth Fox2. Jan-Shars N Janesas Mercy Me Hanson3. Patricias Passion Play, Danielson4. Jan-Shars Saint Patricia, Hanson9-12 Bitches1. Great Elms Buttercup, Beam2. Stolannes Double Dipped, Stoll3. Ar-Bees Haley Boop, Beaty4. Watts Little Octavia, SantosoWatts12-18 Bitches1. Finchs Black Lace, RiehmBred By Exhibitor Bitches1. Stolannes Victorie Lane, Stoll2. Southlands Mo Cher, Creed3. Maranathas IKi Kamalil, Carlin4. Ar-Bees Thats My Baby, BeatyOpen ROCS Bitches1. Guillys Waiting To Exhale, Earle2. La Cherie Hope For Diogenoir, Stasiuk, Carbno3. Bar-Jons N Janesas Attitude, Messmei4. Jan-Shars Just Cal Me Fancy, HansonWinners Bitch - Foxworth Five Star TraditionReserve Winners Bitch - Finchs Black LaceVeteran Dog - Ch. TimSues Highlights, GoddardVeteran Bitch - Ch. Glen Iris Distant Lady, TaylorGarrardBest of Breed - Ch. Glen Iris Distant Lady Best of Winners - Foxworth Five Star TraditionBest of Opposite Sex - Ch. AbsolutesMini Bike, BlankHansonBest Bred By Exhibitor - Foxfires KingHearts. PannellofTHE POMERANIANRegistryRATES DATESSubscriptions6 issues per yearU.S...........................................................30.00First Class U.S. ....................................38.00Foreign CanadaMexico .......................35.00First Class Foreign.................................. 50.00First Class Overseas...............................60.00Single Copy............................................... 6.50AdvertisingPre-paid prices, check or money order US Funds to accompany ad. Billing fee - 5.00. Returned check charge - 10.00. Credit Cards accepted.Full Page................................................. 60.00Color.................................................... 150.00Facing BW pages, 2 photos.................125.00Accent Color on BW............................... 15.00Half Page.................................................45.00Quarter Page...........................................25.00Photos each............................................ 5.00Add photo charge for each photo in ad.Front Cover, Color.................................400.00Back Cover, Color................................. 275.00Inside Back Cover Tribute............ Special RatePagel ...................................................... 80.00Classified Ad............................................10.00Business Card Contract.................... 55.00 yrDeadlinesIssueAdDeadlinePublicationDateJanuary Nov. 15 Jan. 1March Jan. 15 March 1May March 15 May 1July May 15 July 1September July 15 Sept.1November Sept. 15 Nov.1Some flexibility is possible in deadline, so call if you need to send your ad late.Increase your VISA-bility. Advertise in every issue.Pay by credit card.VISA and MasterCard accepted.BACK ISSUESCharter Anniversary Issues 10.00 eachAll seven issues are available.All other issues are 6.50 each. Some have only a few issues remaining.Sold Out IssuesNovember 1990 May 1991March 1992 July 1992 March 1993le Complete Index for all issues from the Charter issue to January 1997 is finished Index of Articles Index of Advertisers Index of Dogs Advertised Only 10.00 Order yours todayWhen purchased as a set, the remaining back issues including the Charter and Anniversary Issues are only 150, bringing the per issue cost to below 5.00 each. Due to the popularity of these sets, order today. Index included VISA and MasterCard accepted. THE POMERANIAN REGISTRY 6902 E. First St. Tucson, AZ 85710 520721-7620CLflSSIflfDSAnnual Business Card Contracts - 55 Single entry - 10 Call 520 721-7620Quality through Planned Parenthood.un-Dots lines Ch. Stud Service availableCANDE FREEMAN 310549-2707860 E. Carson St. 118-61 CARSON, CA 90745Oldens Kennel Home of Champion Parti GirlsCh. Aldens Chilli Pepper Parti pic. Ch. Aldens Lucky Parti Flash Back Ch. Aldens Parti Pepsi Hi Ch. Aldens Parti Chocolate Chip Ch. Aldens Midget Parti Dot-to-Dot Al Jan Domrase 815 728-0559 FAX 653-5106 6810 Barnard Mill Road Ringwood, IL 60072EPornszanLansfSisncla r CJs.ixy fDuxnr.3910 Concord SPiaoz icxaxfzana, CJcxac 75501 903 J S32-7742Del Dey Domeraniansm. . . specializing in ifarti -ColorsPuppies Adults Available Beautiful markings Diana Mleynek 5325 N. Gold Dr. Apache Junction, AZ 85220 602 983-7267t vMilne's Pomeranians- Exotics Specializingin ShowBreeding quality Black, White and Wolf Sables. Beautiful Silver- Creams and Oranges also.4 Ch. Kim Kara's Tribute To BlitzenStud Service and PuppiesLines represented byCh. Mercer's Mostly Duke crmCh. Kim Kara's Tribute To Blitzen white Ch. Sweetheart's Pistol Pete black Ch. Mercer's Exotica wolf sableJo Ann MilneHC 33, Box 5S20 Bates Creek Rt. Casper, WY S2604 307 234-3S50 mADKINS POMERANIANSIF1"T-Color-Bred Snow White PuppiesLovely, rare, true wolf sable pups,sired by Ch. Mercer's Exotica and AmCan. Ch. Anador's Silver Smoke bloodlines. Other colors from Ch. Emcee's Diamond Solid Gold.56 Camille Lane E. Patchogue, NY 11772 516289-968243C L f l S S I f l f D f l D SPETiPoMPoiVIERANiAMSPat CuivuviiMqsP.O. Box 279 MARyvillE, MO 64468816 562^2572 doqs5Aol.coM IfNldEpENdEM CEllTEch DiSTRibuTOR BONNELLS UNETREEPOME RANIANSBob and Mary Bonnell 318 West Graham Dixon. IL 61021815 284-3298 Hnetrceessexl.comPERRIENSPOMERANIANSHome-Raised with Love Precious Puppies with Great Personalities All Colors including PartiTherese Perrien 616 527-3971168 E. Fargo Street Ionia, Ml 48846lUap'sMary Allan Rt3, Box 531A Wagoner, OK 74467Plume 916 4654040 fljc 918 465-3010sSDedicated to breeding excellent quality Pomeranians to the Standard. Champions in Black, Red, Orange and Orange Sable.GEBMr. and Mrs. David K. Dahlenburg P.O Box 1160 Loxahatchee, FL 33470-1160 561 793-0975Jf you don't kewe a business Card, let me kelp you create one. 520 721-7620QUALITY AKC PUPPIES POMERANIAN LHASA APSO YORKSHIRE TERRIERR.oPjyueCattd 'Kemtebc1272 Gibbon Rd. Central Point, OR 97502MARY MILHOAN 1-541-664-4267M I L LAM O R3545 NC152E.Champion Stud ServicePuppies occasionally.Eleanor Ken Miller 704 857-1197 Salisbury, NC 28146PHIL BRENDA SEGELKEN44 Camelot Ave Effingham, IL 62401217 347-573144C L f l S S I f I C D f l D SCH. SUN RAY S GOLD STRIKEAT STUD412 lbs. Siring Group winningplacing offspring.MNM PomeraniansMary .Gene Wells Rt. 2, 30x238 Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816-828f242DOCHLAGGIE POMERANIANS .V iAustralianCh. Dochlaggie DominoDenise Leo P.O. Box 19 Patho. Vic 3564 Australiadochlagg FAX^61 54 877369 Ph. 61 54 877326Akamai 'jcntwanUinsCh. Stud ServiceQuality Puppies OccasionallyCelly anh K.Unqbe.iL188 Ocean Park Drive Anchorage, AK 99515 _________________ 907349-4968____________________ ydualon Poi on omeraman .4Home of Ch. Starfire's Armani Multi Group Winning AC Ch. Morenos Perri Winkleco-owned with Julie MorenoQuality puppies occasionally, champion stud service. Reasonably priced. Inquiries welcome.Annette and Eric Davis 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204-208 234-0932 FAX 232-6018Karizmas PomsManuel Gonzalez Terry Miller5403 Trinidad Tallahassee, FL 32310 850656-9201SCh. Tim Sues Lightning StrikesaSiai^Somsbrfers At StudCh. Tim Sues Just A ShortTripCh. Post Oaks One Tuff Classy ManAlice Carlson 6009 Edgewater Dr. Corpus Christi, TX 78412 512991-5410Jerbos KennelHome of Multiple Best in Show WinnersBreeders Professional HandlersJerry Betsy Owens283 NW 40 Road Clinton, MO 64735 816 890-2255 FAX 816 890-2242ItCh. Finch's He Walks On WaterBIS, BISS Multiple Group Winner '92 Top Winning Pomeranian APCDiane L. Finch'92 Top Breeder APCRural Route 1 Ch.Rnch'sKelley, Iowa 50134 Ch.Apolloette Wild FireCh.WeeHearfsTiahtEnd Ch.TimSue'sMoonRocket515769-2444 Puppies Availablef7yr -re FSome'aiiais' i Jflft djoi Ffoitoi ,Stud Services Puppies OccasionallyTrudy Irv Keplinger410 628-7108 410 666-2098Ch.Tru-Keps StarmanSTEVE MARIE CRAWFORD 918369-3754V 11717 E. 128th PI. S. Broken Arrow, OK 74011MARICO POMERANIANS45C L f l S S I f l f D f l D SDuncan PomeraniansGreat Elms Lenette LinesBrenda DuncanPO Box 872 John Day, OR 97845 541 575-2746-^L undchfHjEcmC7AHLi\nlC4 milt a^ Ci ncnnari. Ohioj S 271-7820.'4^VTelephone 319-989-2199PomRobert SL JuanitaCedar Falls, Iowa 50613 ^FANTASYPOMERANIANS-g^^pp Puppies Adults Available sRrT v-a. C\ , ASweet Dispositions A Show Pet Quality .1StudServiceMost Colors Available vLinda Ed Spady 813 862-0476 10421 Hudson Ave. Hudson, FL 34669KILPATRICKS POMERANIANS... ^ , j HOME OF1 AC Ch. Kilpatricks Wee Rebel RouserPuppies available on occasion.Lorraine KilpatrickRt. 1, Box 726 Miami, AZ5 14 lbs. 85539of fluid drive 520 473-3043-P xtaweCf ^ owveravvtflwsBreederHandlerSharon Shipek 4803 3rd Ave. S.Great Falls, MT 59405406 452-9104 FAX 406 452-4105H^hsic tPomemnkmsJULIE KALLBACKAC . t- oses C----------------- 7 ovwerawtOASHome of Ch. Merimaur Cases Show Time1995 Best of Winners, Progressive Dog ShowAt Stud to Approved Bitches Show prospect puppies available. Susan and Christine Lucatorto81-15 265 St. Floral Park, NY 11004 718470-6267Av u v ' f VI '-ttrCHAPMANKETxMELS'.Puppies rarely,information always...S4lPatty Chapman14321 Country Classic Dr. Bluffdak, UT84065 801 2S4-0842^-^ Pomeranians presentsCD- vjeribeth Prince Xendreui1 Specializing in Prince Charming, ip ^ m JH Sun-Dot's, White BlitzenTrWbWi Mischa Nguyen 714 641-1601Orange, 312 lbs. PO Box 27131 Santa Ana, CA 9279946tor ifon I it ion. . .Tezeke,r'XA MAJORBEST OF BREED BEST OF WINNERSPI WENATCHEEKENNEL Cl'JB ' SPRING 1595PSotog^, By 5 Steven Ross_L6ft. RubBIS Ck Lovely JeiVs Wee Jezebelse Sells So X Ruby's SaSais Soy Wee Tart Lady5 12 lbs. red-orange free-whelper finished with 4 majorsand Best of Breed over specials.For additional information contact.VicPoria LovehfPhoneFAX 253 863-8608 1406-D 54th Ave.E.-Tacoma, WA 98424 e-mail LovelyPomsaol.com47JMlAUU ^PomcftanlansuAt StudThe MNM studs continue to pro- luce in full force.Inquiries are invited egarding breeding to our champion and near-champion studs, as well as o the purchase of their puppies.Pet puppies currently available.CongtdAtionsOn the acquisition of MNMs Magical Revelation to Mari Iffland of Mar Bil Poms. Elvira is a super sound black girl.oUany ttianksTo Gail Rainey, Raines Country Cottage, for allowing us to have and co-own Raines N MNMs PlayingTag. This orange sable girl is super sound and from whom we expect great things. Also, for the loan and co-own of Raines Charity Has Its Own Rewards. This girl is very sweet, and true joy and a super producer.Our thanks and appreciation to all of you for the calls, cards and letters resulting from the loss of our home and all possessions due to fire.7Ch. SunRay Gold Strike - StrikerCh. GoldCrest Pacific DreamerStuds nearing their titles , MNMs Olympic Gold Medalist Moving back to our home soon.Watch for our new phone number. MNMs Shadow Rising At DawnWoVOU ^PomeitaiwmisMNMs Maximum Overdrive MNMs Rock N Roll RevivalMary and Gene Wells Rt. 2, Box 238 Pattonsburg, MO 64670 816 828-4242Ch. Tom Acres Atomic fireballff\WINNERS'NEW CHAMPIONCOULEEKENNEL CLUB AUGUST 1997D0Wr PH0T0-8T DUNE 0Bob and I would like to thank the judges who appreciated Atom. He is shown here with Judge Glenda Hawkins.Tom AcresBob and Juanita Fiddick 32581 130th St. Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319 989-2199 mm.51-to the rescue. Uncle Reg is 81 years young and Aunty Ethel is 76. On Ethels old Singer treadle sewing maching they made me the perfect umbrella tent, sewn from very heavy plastic ground sheets. This tent withstands all weather and is simple and easy to erect over my umbrella. Uncle Reg pulled the ground sheets through the machine while Aunty Ethel treadled away.The result is a perfect umbrella shelter on wet days for my dogs and myself. At shows I have had so many people inquire about where to purchase a special umbrella tent like mine. I have to inform them that my tent is a one-off designer model made by my Uncle Reg and Aunty Ethel. Best of all, it hardly takes up any room in my car. This is very important as we seem to have an unwritten law in Australia that the smaller the dog you exhibit, the more dogs and equipment you must take with you when attending shows. Of course, if you are a senior citizen this requirement seems to be at least doubled if not tripledUmbrella tents in nylon with the front made of plastic fly wire to stop the tent from becoming airborne are now readily available. The problem of course is which way the rain will come from all day.So on wet days in Australia, we sit ringside in our umbrella tents, grooming our Pomeranians having a great time as we watch the poor Judge and Steward out in the rain, hoping for that elusive rainbowto appear before Poms are called to the ring. Pomeranians are judged closest to the Best in Group judging so in wet weather there is always a panic to dry your dog before Best in Group. As you desperately try to dry your dog, you think an a should be added in front of Pomeranian so the breed would be judged first among the toy breeds, thus giving Pom exhibitors time to properly prepare their dogs for group judging.Next weekend, guess where we will be Yes, at another dog show doing it all again. See you thereChe^cUMostly Boroner - ArCstCo linesSomesBlues'cond Whites'JouyvKeMy 26093 Hwy281bJ. ScwvAvxtcmlo-, TX. 78258 e-wwUb. jYetilygnle.ccnn52Back Cover StoryA TRIBUTE TO SPECIAL FRIENDSThere are things that every breeder and exhibitor dreams of winning - a Best in Show, a National Specialty. For me, it was to get a Group placement on my chocolate special, Ch. Heartlands In The Nicka Time. It was a long haul for Nicky and me, even to get his championship. Its real tough showing an exotic color against the quality orange Poms that are out there today, as those of you that have done it know.When I set out for the Pomeranian Specialty in North Carolina the end of September, it was to show the Pom world a quality dog that happened to be chocolate in color. I knew whatever else happened there a quality Pomeranian would be appreciated. Not only was this goal accomplished, but a dream came true. Out of tough competition with a large entry, Nicky made the cut everyday but one, and on September 27, at the Columbia KC show, out of an entry of 105 Poms including 18 specials, Ch. Heartlands In The Nicka Time went Best of Breed over top ranked dogs under just Mr. Roy Holloway, and then on to a Group 3 under Mr. Frank Sabella I was in seventh heaven and was so proud of this special little boy. He sure did his mom proud.There arent enough words to say how moved I was by the support for Nicky that was given by friends, fellow Pom exhibitors, and other Pom lovers. This truly was a day where a statement was made for the Pomeranian breed by one and all.Heartland PomeraniansDianne Kieffer7523 N. St. Rd. 101 Milan, IN 47031 812 623-2290 Please visit my website, courtesy of Joe Herbert and Matt Browning httpwww.qeocities.comHeartlandMeadows 6819INDEX OF ADVERTISERSArcher, Rhonda.............................................31Clemen, Julie Rise N Shine........................ 35Fiddick, Bob and Juanita.............................. 51Pom AcresFoley, Pat Dover-Holihouse...................IFC,1Hartz, Kathryn..........................................IFC,1DoverHolihouseHeartz, Christine John.......................... 26,27ChriscendoHeise, Lynn Yellow Rose............................ 13Hooban, Tommi tomho................................33Kieffer, Dianne............................. Back CoverHeartlandKlingbeil, Kelly Shamai..................................5Leo, Denise Dochlaggie............................. 2,3Litonjua, Dennis ChrisDen.................... 16-19Lovely, Victoria Lovely................................ 47Ohio Valley Pom Club..................................... 7Parrott, Michael Shalon............................. 39Little RagdollsRogozinski, Mary Rogo......................... IFC,1Smail, Eve Toybox.....................Front CoverStoll, Fran Stolanne..................................... 11Teeboon, Mark Cherimar............................ 15Van Slochteren, John Amorea...................... 6Wells, Mary Gene MNM...........................5053Smooth, dark, exciting, sweet, addictive, delicious. Causing elation, mouth watering and a sense of well-being......The chocolate Best of Breed winning and Group placingCh. Heartlands In The Nicka Time