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The Pomeranian Review January 1983

American Pomeranian Club, IncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY 191r1t fr \ V,arm. _m' MSI \H SWN JK.C,-C--'GRMmim.n\S0H fflOIOCh. D-Nees Darin DuffieMultiple Best in Show, Group and Specialty winner.Bred by Nadine Hersil Owned by Franees O. Smith DVM and Nadine HersilHandled by Jacqueline LiddlePOMERANIAN REVIEWRockyOwnerBabe Stranahan Drayton Plains, MichiganBreederRon FeyhAgentJanet Heffingtonbest in MATCHSn MUHAANN ARBOR KENNEL CLUBOCTOBER 3 1982GROUPrfr iBOOTHPHOTO8 iw Jh-t ..L-RS ROCK CONCERT AV STRAN 9 points8 monthsPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian Club, 3ttr.Volume 1, Number 4President.........................First Vice President Second Vice President... Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.............................................................Mrs. Roberta Massey.................................................................Mrs. Karen Holder...................................................................Mr. Sam Zaneoff....................................................Mr. Anthony Skip Piazza.................................................................Mrs. Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 .....................................................................Mr. Dan MercerBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Donna MegenhardtMrs. Marlene Scott Halsey Miss Molly MillerMrs. Gertrude Jacoby Mrs. Jessie YoungDelegate to AKC Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager..............Ms. Phyllis Perceny, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager........................ Mrs. Wanda Roach, 612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published quarterly for 16.00 per year by American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Office of publication is at 2201 N. Camino Principal, Tucson, AZ 85751, but send all mail to P.O.Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751. Second class postage is paid at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER Send address changes to Pomeranian Review, 612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and other correspondence to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text...................90.00Inside front cover....................................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page..................................................... 40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page............................................. 25.00One-quarter page vertical only................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINEUnless stated otherwise, 15th of the month six weeks in advance of publication. For example, August 15th for October issue.Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not, necessarily, those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.POMERANIAN REVIEW\TABLE OF CONTENTSCover Story..............................................4Presidents Message.................................8by Roberta MasseyHighlights of the Summer National.......12Specialty ShowJudges Critique.....................................15by Olga BakerSpecialty Show Winners........................16Trick Dogs in the Breed Ring................ 18by Betty SchuelerEditorial..................................................20Corresponding Secretarys Report.........24by Wanda RoachPomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix ... 30 by Alesha Marie-HerrenBay Colony Pom Club............................32by Barbara YoungRebel Report...........................................34by Jane JohnstonA Visit With Phyner Pomeranians.........37by Julie MorenoThe Great Impersonator..........................44by Dave KentHelpful Hints...........................................52by Margaret McKeeAcross Canada........................................58by Christine HeartzColumbia Pomeranian Club....................60Judges Critique by Fred BassettWord Games...........................................62by Joe WaltonFleas The Scourge of the South.........66by Betsy KeithPacific Northwest News and Views.........68by Erin HundleyAlong Myway.........................................70by Molly MillerThe Denver Metro Pom Club.................72by Michael ThorstadPuget Sound Pom Club...........................74Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club..................74by Peggy HendricksSan Diego Pom Club..............................76by Anna LaFortuneNorthern California Pom Club...............76by Jessie StephensBehind The New Champions..................78Midwest Report.......................................82by Sally BaugnietObedience News.....................................86by Emma HeydePom Club of Greater Houston................88by Sue GoddardThe Magic Formula................................ 90by Fran NowellCOVER STORYDUFFIE DOES IT BETTER, and when one reviews his multiple Best in Show, Group and Specialty winning record, this surely does seem true. All these wins have been accomplished since he started his specials career in April, 1982. It does not compare however, to actually seeing Duffie perform in the ring. He fairly bubbles over with enthusiasm quickly catching the judges eye and the admiring glances and applause from ringside. This personality, so typical and important in our breed, has been especially appealing to breeder-judges in awarding Duffie the top spot in the group. However, all-rounders have not found him lacking in the soundness and movement departments either, and have proudly presented him with the blue rosette.In the midst of this active show career Duffie has found time to entertain a few ladies and his youngsters will be following in their daddys paw prints soon.Duffie is only one of several group and specialty winners produced by the well known B.I.S. and specialty winner, Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan.We thank Duffies friend Jackie Liddle for her excellent care and presentation of this special little dog.Duffie will accept visitations from ladies whose owners are geniunely concerned with preserving soundness as well as type and coat in this great toy breed.All inquiries should be directed to Jackie Liddle, Member P.H.A., 15630 Ridgemont Avenue SE, Prior Lake, MN 55372 612 447-4901.Story by Linda George, Chihuahua breeder and Duffies good friend.Yips and Yaps.........................................93Circulation Manager...............................95Index to Advertisers............................... 95POMERANIAN REVIEWBLANCO-GRYDER POMERANIANSproudly presents0-'r, 2.jirCh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dans DelightDeeDee is shown completing her championship by going Best of Winners for a 5 point major at the APC Summer Specialty in Phoenix, AZ under judge Jean Fancy. Congratulations to DeeDees sister, Ch. Jolly Wee Dans Krystal Star, for completing her championship the same weekend and for going BOS at the Specialty. We would like to give special thanks to Paul and Randy Freeh for letting us have this special girl. DeeDee is a daughter of Am. Mex. Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi.Bob and Isabelle Gryder 903 East Loyola DriveTempe, AZ 85282 602 966-5604POMERANIAN REVIEWJolly Wee Kennelsproudly presents our new star4C435 rVi911Si --v - JTT'y 'SCh.Jolly Wee Dans Krystal StarKristy shown here finishing her championship under the well known judge KeKe Blumberg. Going WB, BOW, and BOS for a big five point major.Kristy again went BOS at the big Summer Specialty the following day.Kristy was handled to her championship by our good friend June Harms.We send hearty congratulations to Isabelle and Bob Gryder on finishing their first champion, Jolly Wee Dannys Delight.Kristy and DeeDee are litter sisters. Many thanks to the Phoenix Pom Club for a great Summer Specialty.Randy and Paul Freeh Canyon Country, CA [805] 252-3650 4POMERANIAN REVIEWJolly Wee Kennelsproudly presentsThe Multi-Group and Best in Show WinnerIaRIDGEBESCh. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper TooPepper shown winning Best in Show under the well known judge, Mr. Heywood Hartley.Pepper is sired by Am. Mex. and Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi and out of Randys Brandy of Jolly Wee.Pepper is being handled by our good friends Carroll and Mary James. Watch for them in the ring.Randy and Paul Freeh Canyon Country, CA [805] 252-3650POMERANIAN REVIEWAPRESIDENTSMESSAGEby Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339 713 358-2775I have just returned from Phoenix and a nost enjoyable Summer Specialty hosted y the Pomeranian Club of Greater Moenix. If you missed this Specialty, you eally missed a dandy. The small Phoenix lub left no detail undone over the entire hree-show weekend. We were greeted by lowers in our rooms and it got even better is it went along. The Hospitality Room was illed, not only with fellow Pom enthusiasts md great conversation, but with a lavish pread of the most delicious and attractive irrangement of food, complete with hampagne fountain. The fountain sat atop . table covered by the magnificent landmade trophy tablecloth bearing the lub name and emblem. This cloth was ruly a work of art, representing four nonths of labor by Phoenix club member arol Bulicek. Interestingly enough, the hoenix club has many members who do lot breed Poms but have other breeds yet hey were willing to dedicate so much time nd effort to ensuring a successful Specialty.The Specialty itself was a spectacular ight in more ways than one. The show site as a huge, flat grassy park with mountains i the background providing a most icturesque setting. The Poms themselves eeded no help in keeping our attention owever. Competition was tough, with tany good dogs in each class. Most npressive to me was the almost complete bsence of the overtrimming that has ecome so widespread in other areas of the ountry. So many natural, beautiful Poms tade a stunning sight.The dinner that evening, complete with lalloween witch who distributed doggy oody bags for us to take to our Poms, wasdelightful climax to a wonderful day. 'hank you, Phoenix, for a marvelous time nd a marvelous Specialty.In October the Board was pleased to welcome Wanda Roach as APCs new Corresponding Secretary. Wanda replaces her husband Dudley, whose increasing workload and travel commitments made it difficult to keep up the very time- consuming job of Corresponding Secretary. We thank Dudley for his service to the Club and are grateful to Wanda for being willing to take his place.At the time of this writing, we have had only a few offers of items for the Craft Boutique at the February Specialty. We must have many more to make the Boutique a reality. Remember, all proceeds will be given as an addition to the Clubs yearly donation provided for in our Standing Rules. Please do what you can to help the Club help our breed. If you can offer any items for us to sell at the Boutique, please contact me immediately.We are looking forward to another exciting February Specialty. This year I would like to thank Show Chairman Fred Bassett in advance for all the work he and his committees have done on this and past specialties to ensure their success. It takes a lot of work to put on a good show, especially in a national club with so much distance between show site and working committees. To have someone willing to undertake this job year after year is quite remarkable. Going to New York is an expensive undertaking, admittedly, but the events and the memories all make it worthwhile. I hope to see many of you there.In this, my final Presidents Message, I would like to thank the membership for its overwhelming support during this past year. I know the 1983 Officers and Board can depend on your support as well.Do you have an idea for a project you would like to see the Club undertake for the benefit of the breed Let us hear from you.POMERANIAN REVIEWJabilCh.JabiVsSimply SinfulWinner of eight Toy Group Firsts this summer.His eight month old daughter, Jabils Simply Scrumtious, won a major at her first show, Albany K.C., October 23.Rusty is at stud to discriminating ladies who want something Sinful in their lives. Ship to Boston.Jessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301 603435-8731 s POMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducingCh. Great Elms Snooty Hootyr."mV' 7. 7. vv.v3r fjfj.4KiShown winning 2 points at the Macon Kennel Club show, April 17, 1982 under judge Mr. Edward R. Klein. Snooty finished his championship under judge Dr. Lee Huggins at the Ashville show, July 31,1982 winning his second 3 point major over a beautiful special.He is a proven stud, having sired his first litter November 7, 1982. One male and one female.mSnooty pictured at 7 weeks.Harry E. Pennington 3115 Piedmont Rd. N.E. Atlanta, GA 30305 404233-4798POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Ch. Great Elms Snooty Hooty iTiff1BEST OF BREED I or VARIETYI BIRMINGHAM KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1982I PHOTO BT l falamSired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper TooShown winning a 3 point major under judge Mr. Edd Embry Bivin at the Birmingham, Alabama show, April 25,1982.Snooty is a very short and cobby, bright red orange little male with tiny ears. He weighs 4 lbs. At a recent show here, judge Mrs. Leon KeKe Blumberg said, Where is his back She said he was so short and cobby.SNOOTY IS FOR SALE TO A SHOW HOME ONLY.Harry E. Pennington 404 233-47983115 Piedmont Rd. N.E. Atlanta, GA 303052 POMERANIAN REVIEWHighlights of the Summer National Specialtyby Sue GoddardFANTASTIC I really cant think of a uperlative adequate to describe the ummer specialty hosted by The Pomer- mian Club of Greater Phoenix. From the noment we arrived, we were made to feel velcome, first by being told that all our ooms were ground floor at the Ramada nn always appreciated by dog folk. ,Vhen we entered our rooms, we were reeted by a lovely bouquet of dried flowers n a pretty vase, compliments of the 5hoenix Club, plus a guide to enjoying 3hoenix and the surrounding area.Arched ring entrance.Randy and Paul Freeh, from Canyon Country, California, supportive friends of he Phoenix Club served coffee and sweets o the Pom exhibitors after Saturdays show. After having spent the previous week aste-testing the goodies, while Tim and I isited the Freehs, we could vouch for Randys skill in this department.Saturday evening found the Phoenix lub presiding over the lovliest hospitality oom most of us had ever witnessed. So sumptuous was this spread that I dont enow of anyone who went out to eat. Champagne punch was provided by the 'roup with some friends providingadditional beverages. Everyone enjoyed this relaxed opportunity to socialize.Sweepstakes judging was scheduled to begin at 8oo a.m., so we all had to get in gear early. Again, the Phoenix club helped by providing coffee and donuts to get us started.VILovely trophy table adorned with handmade cloth. Olga Baker, Sweepstakes judge, looks on.Olga Baker officiated as Sweepstakes judge, looking and acting efficient. Mrs. Baker gave every entry ample opportunity to show its best.Ultimately Mrs. Baker chose as her BestW.r-Best in Sweepstakes, Olivia CF, bred and owned by Lola and Howard Field. Judge, Olga Baker.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1in Sweepstakes, Olivia CF, bred and owned by newcomers to the breed, Lola and Howard Field. Olivia is a lovely jet black, who had won the 9-12 puppy bitch sweepstakes class. Mr. and Mrs. Field are from California. She is sired by Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi and her dam is Fairwind Liberty, a black.Best of Opposite went to the perky bright bright orange winner of the Puppy Dog 9-12 sweepstakes class, Tellez SimplysrBest Opposite in Sweepstakes, Tellez Simply Golden Dancer, bred and owned by Tony Tellez. Judge, Olga Baker.Golden Dancer, owned and bred by Tony Tellez of Houston, Texas. He is sired by Ch. Macs Mister Beaux Jangles and out of Shermacs Tina Dawn Surprise.The regular classes were judged by Mrs. Jean Fancy. Mrs. Fancy seemed to enjoy her assignment and was very patient with the large entry, especially the many semi-trained puppies. Her Open Dog class of 11 posed her most difficult decision and she kept us in suspense as she shifted the dogs until her final decision in favor of Gold Gems Dragon Cream Puff was made. Cream Puff went on to the coveted Winners Dog award. A light orange who moved and showed very well, he is owned by Karen Folchetti of Bonita, California, bred by Claire Hendrix and handled by Jim Alford. Cream Puff is sired by Ch. Gold Gems Fire Dragon Darlin, and out of Lyons Southern Tiki Milady.Reserve Winners Dog was won by Pomirish Lil Guys Hundred Proof, who was second in Open. He is owned by Nancy Bartholomew of Ola, Arkansas and bredrKUWinners Dog, Gold Gems Dragon Cream Puf owned by Karen Folchetti and bred by Claii Hendrix. Judge, Mrs. Jean Fancy.and shown by Sally Baugniet. He was lovely cream color.Winners Bitch was Jolly Wee Fane Dans Delight, owned by Isabelle Gryde and bred by Mrs. Randall Freeh. She is beautiful shaded orange and completed he championship with this win, coming from class of 9 open bitches. Her sire is Ch. Joll Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi and her dam i Jolly Wee Rock Crystal.Reserve Winners Bitch came from th Bred by Exhibitor class won by Jolly We Hot Shots Satin Doll, owned by Mrs Randall Freeh. She is a shaded orange, ver'A -"f 1 tWinners Bitch and Best of Winners, Jolly We Fancy Dans Delight, owned by Isabelle Grydei and bred by Mrs. Randall Freeh. Judge. Mrs, Jean Fancy.POMERANIAN REVIEWmilar in type to the Winners Bitch.Finally, fourteen champions paraded ito the ring for Mrs. Fancy. They were a ry impressive sight. After careful msideration, Mrs. Fancy chose the very limated, bright orange showman, Ch. '-Nees Darin Duffie owned by Frances O. mith and Nadine Hersil, bred by Nadine [ersil and very capably handled by Jackie iddle. He is sired by Ch. D-Nees Darin inadan and his dam is D-Nees Dawdling umplin. I. -VS3lest of Breed, Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie, wned by Frances O. Smith and Nadine Hersil, red by Nadine Hersil. Handled by Jackie ,iddle. Judge, Mrs. Jean Fancy.Best of Opposite Sex went to the lovely, ewly finished Ch. Jolly Wee Dans Krystal tar, whose striking resemblance to the Vinners Bitch is no accident. These two are tter sisters. Krystal is bred and owned by- Jest Opposite Sex, Ch. Jolly Wee Dans Krystal Star, bred and owned by Mrs. Randall Freeh, ludge, Mrs. Jean Fancy.Mrs. Randall Freeh. She was shown by friend and traveling companion, June Harms.The crowd pleaser of the show came when the stud dog entry of Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi paraded with five of his offspring. One was forgotten for a moment and didnt get back into the ring. The photographer got several group pictures that looked like they should be exceptional.Although a very small club, the Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix has the support of many other breeder friends on whom they relied heavily. Marsha and Tom Buckendorf are the founders of this club and contributed to the success of this specialty as did Isabelle Gryder, the club secretary. Dora Henderson, president, is their guiding light and the one whom the others frequently insisted, We did it all for Dora.One of the main focal points of the festivities was a gorgeous table cloth which represented hours of painstaking work by Carol Bulicek, featuring Pom figurines filled with thousands of hand sewn sequins. Carols breed is Chihuahuas. Her mother, Mae Bulicek has also supported all the club functions and was largely responsible for the delicious hospitality treats. Alice Zink, also in Chihuahuas was trophy chairperson and the trophies were silver plate and crystal wine glasses with Pom etchings. Best in Sweepstakes won a gorgeous hooked rug with Pom figurines, also done by Carol Bulicek.Immediately after the Pom judging, a delicious luncheon was served by Cookie Nanni Shih Tzus, Minnie Swartz and Gloria Barton. Frank Nanni gave support on all activities. Linda McClanahan Yorkies was a very busy and lovely hospitality chairperson. She was ably assisted by Alesha Herren. Ann Barton, Missy Gryder and Dawn Nanni were dinner hostesses. Dora Marlow and Teasia Hill were luncheon hostesses. In addition the P.C. of Greater Phoenix wishes to thank Brooke Albright Chihuahuas and Jean and Ron Graham Maltese for their financial support.Parent club officers who were able to attend were APC president, Roberta Massey of Houston, Texas and DanPOMERANIAN REVIEWMercer, Treasurer, from Big Springs, Nebraska.The day was capped off by a sumptuous banquet at the Ramada Inn. As it was Halloween, two witches made an appearance and delivered doggy goodies. The P.C. of Greater Phoenix truly thought of everything Even the bouquets of beautiful chrysanthemums on the tables were given to lucky winners.Im sure all of us who were lucky enough to be in attendance will remember this specialty as EXTRA SPECIALJUDGES CRITIQUE by Sweepstakes judge, Olga BakerIt was my pleasure to judge the Sweepstakes entries at this marvelous show, the Parent Clubs Summer Specialty, hosted dynamically and perfectly by members of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenix, sort of a fledgling group of enormous talent, energy, determination and fortitude. These fine hard-working club members left nothing undone . . . flowers were in guests rooms upon arrival, hospitality and good food abounded the evening before the show in a special hospitality room, the show ran smoothly and efficiently, as did the lovely after-show dinner, with special surprises for all attendees.Sweepstakes entries were extraordinaryI am a great fan of sweepstakes events and was delighted at the very large entry of quality children and impressed that puppies were beautifully groomed, nicely presented, even well-trained well, most anyway As usual, puppies tend to behave like puppies ... so a few renegades balked, or turned cartwheels, or otherwise embarrassed owners however, happily almost ALL behaved like little show dogsThe show and its associated events will be otherwise covered in this issue of your Pom Review. Ill recap for you the major Sweepstakes winnersThe big stars were Best Puppy in Sweepstakes Olivia CF, owned by Lola Field and Howard Field ... a real black beauty with beautiful short body,adorable and correct head, with expressi easily seen and apparent a bit of a proble in blacks. She seems to be right on counts, showed herself keenly, and asked canine-fashion for the judges favor, ai received it.A tough competitor and contender was marvelous young male, flashy and a solutely correct, Tellez Simply Gold' Dancer, owned by Tony Tellez. T1 sparkling youngster had a special lo usually reserved just for champions, ai this one will claim that title very, ve quickly Ive no doubt. He had a look every hair being right where it should t with structure to match He was Best Opposite Sex to the black girl.Class Winners were Puppy Dog 6-9 Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl Proof, owner Sal Baugniet. Puppy Dog 9-12 Tellez Simp Golden Dancer, owner Tony Tellez. Als winner of Best Opposite Sex in Sweep Puppy Bitch 6-9 O My Buttercup, own Opal R. Dumler. Puppy Bitch 9-12 Olivia CF, owners Lola and Howard Fiel Also, winner of Best in Sweepstakes.A good time was had by all and this after all, what dog shows are all about. N personal congratulations to the Phoen group for doing everything right. Thai you for allowing me to be part of yo success.SUBSCRIBERS PLEASE NOTEThe Review is now being sent by mailing company, which does not allow to enclose a subscription renewal noti when your subscription expires. Instea the expiration date of your subscription shown after your name on the maili label. Please check the label to see if yo subscription expires with this issue. 1 renew, send a check to Wanda Roac address on page 3. Please consult t Circulation Managers column for curre rates.NO KENNEL VISIT IN APRILThere will be no kennel visit in the Ap issue as the issue is sent to all judg licensed for Poms. Lets make it a big issi filled with beautiful pictures of oi beautiful Poms.POMERANIAN REVIEWSPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSAPuppy Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Olga Baker Best in SweepstakesOlicia CF, owned by Lola J. Field and Howard Field Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes Tellez Simply Golden Dancer, owned by Tony TellezRegular Class Entries Judge Mrs. Jean FancyPuppy Dogs 6-9 monthsPomirish Lil Guys Dbl Proof, owned by Sally BaugnietPuppy Dogs 9-12 monthsTellez Simply Golden Dancer, owned by Tony TellezBred by Exhibitor DogsGoldsun Elfstone Fantasie, owned by Margaret K. and Daniel Ontiveros American Bred DogsScamp OMystars, owned by Charlotte Decker Open Dogs, Black, Brown, Blue Phyner The Browning Version, owned by Dolly Trauner Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Gold Gems Dragon Cream Puff, owned by Karen Folchetti Winners DogGold Gems Dragon Cream Puff, owned by Karen Folchetti Reserve Winners DogPomirish Lil Guys Hundred Proof, owned by Sally BaugnietPuppy Bitches 6-9 monthsAuroras Peaches of Sunny Oak owned by Mike and Ruth Kepner Puppy Bitches 9-12 months Olivia CF owned by Lola J. and Howard Field Novice BitchesClear Creeks Ebony Wagstar, owned by Susan PattersonBred by Exhibitor BitchesJolly Wee Hot Shots Satin Doll owned by Mrs. Randall M. FreehAmerican Bred BitchesPa-Das Society Bannerette, owned by Patricia Forst and M.E. Reed Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Delight, owned by Isabelle B. Gryder Winners Bitch and Best of Winners Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Delight, owned by Isabelle B. Gryder Reserve Winners BitchJolly Wee Hotshots Satin Doll, owned by Mrs. Randall M. FreehBest of BreedCh. D-Nees Darin Duffie, owned by Frances O. Smith and Nadine Hersil Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed Jolly Wee Dans Krystal Star, owned by Mrs. Randall M. FreehPOMERANIAN REVIEW' ' Pomirish KennelsOFFERS FORSALEPomirish Tuf Lickrish Stik 2 year old orange sable male, 4Zi lbs, Ch. Pomirish Christopher Robin x Ch. Pomirish Winnies Tuf Tigger, daughter. Has never shown, but could be.Pomirish Sports Fred E. Fender I'A year old orange male, very cobby and showy, huge coat, 6 lbs. Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport x Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chances half sister. Duke, Great Elms lines. With limited showing has won several RWD with excellent competition. Excellent rear. I would be available to handle him for you.Pomirish Sports Pick Up Fred Es sister, same description. From a litter of 2m - 2f.Pomirish Sports Four Wheeler Whelped 2182. Cobby, solid 5 lb. orange male. Must go to a show home, or will show for you. Sport x Ch. Pomirish Christopher Robin daughter. Duke, Great Elms line.Cream Female Whelped 41281, Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance x Pomirish Jolly Wee Dream Whip.Ch. SPORT is a double grandson and great grandson of Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly, 10 years old and still siring nice puppies.Nancy Bartholomew is the new owner of Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf. Many lovely compliments on him as he is shown and questions such as Why did you sell him I am handling him for Nancy and will be showing a beautiful pup from a repeat breeding. Clients dogs will be given first consideration.Dick and Sally Baugniet 414755-299411224 Co. Hwy B. Mishicot, WI 54228POMERANIAN REVIEWTrick Dogs in The Breed RingTraining Your Dog for the Breed Ringby R.U. Ready K-9 Press 1.00by Betty SchuelerR.U. Ready has done it again. In his test book on show dog handling, Mr. ady rips off the veil of secrecy which has ng surrounded the art of successful show g handling, and gives us an intimate look how the Pros do it. Mr. Ready takes a rrible chance in writing this book, of ienating the other pros who have fought ng and hard to keep their secrets ncealed from the breeder-handlers that ow against them in the Breed ring. R.U. iadys book will change all of that. As r. Readys book is bought and read by eeder-handlers all over the country, a volution will sweep the dog world, and no nger will the breeder-handlers have to ay second fiddle to the Pros in the Breed igThemain theme of R.U. Readys new ok is that you cant win in the Breed ring lless you catch the judges eye. Mr. Ready pouses the theory that most of the Breed dges today have seen so many dogs that ey have all begun to look alike to them, eryone has seen the Breed judge that leeks the bitches for testicles. These dges are so jaded they wouldnt know a od dog if it came up and piddled on their g. It is obvious that these judges have me numerical way of placing the dogs ssuming they dont know the handlers ich as 1st place to the first dog in the ring id so forth. Other judges prefer more btle placements like 1st to the handler earing green 2nd to the handler wearing d, etc. Obviously, it is going to take an lusual dog to catch their attention and ld it. R.U. Ready shows us how to train at dog.In order for the novice to understand hich technique to use with which dog, Mr. eady has broken his book up into lapters. Each chapter covers a different .ult such as excessive shyness and gives u two or three tricks you can use to cover d the fault. By applying Mr. Readystechniques, even the most novice handler can show his dog in a manner the judge wont soon forget.The first chapter covers tricks for dogs that wont show on the table. Handlers of Shelties will especially appreciate this chapter as everyone knows that a normal red-blooded Sheltie hates the show table and will not put its ears up for love or money. It is also a well known fact that there are all too many judges that will not put up a Sheltie that wont use its ears on the table. This is the beauty of Mr. Readys technique. He shows us how to survive the table by giving us ways to taking the judges mind off the dogs natural fear of the table and focusing it on something more interesting.One way you can accomplish this is to teach the dog to hit the deck every time you put it up on the table. This is easy to do with a Sheltie. To further insure the judge wont notice the dogs reluctance to use its ears, you can teach it to put its paws over its ears, thus hiding them from sight. The theory here is Out of sight, out of mind. The judge will be so busy trying to get the animal on its feet that he will forget to check to see whether it will show or not.Another table trick is to teach your dog to take a long running start and jump up on the table right as the judge is coming back from watching the last dog gait. If the table is on a slick surface and arent they always, the dog should manage to propel the table forward about five feet or so. As soon as the table comes to a stop you can teach the dog to jump down and stand ready for the individual gait. The judge will be so cracked up that he will in all likelihood forget to go through the individual examination. This trick is a must for handlers who have to load their dogs ears and dont want to get caught at it.If you show in California, you can teachPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1MODEL KENNELSm-5- 5Mr5iCb. Wood 5 Shades of QoldThanks to Betty Mahaffy for Goldies first major at Raleigh K.C. 1981 pictured. Also, thanks to Martha Jane Ablett for her second major at Virginia K.C. 1981 and points under Mr. Graham, Mr. Oberstar, Dorothy Nickles, Mr. Braithwaite, Dr. Smith. Goldie finished under Mr. Merril Cohen at Danville K.C., September 1982.Goldie took time out to have two litters, then came out to get her last point.Another good job done by Maynard Wood.MODELKENNEL Bob Goodrich Hampton, VA0 POMERANIAN REVIEW'our dog the Earthquake trick. Simply each your dog to shake like a leaf as soon is he is put on the table. By the time the udge comes over to examine him he should e shaking so hard that even the floor is quaking a little. The judge will feel the remors and run for cover, thinking there is oing to be an earthquake. Meanwhile, you an unobtrusively take your dog off the able and go stand at the end of the line. By he time the judge returns he will be too mbarrassed to notice you and your dog are ong gone. The other exhibitors, not being ible to feel the tremors, will be too busy alking about the crazy judge to notice what rou are doing. As with the other two tricks, ihelties take to this routine naturally.The Drop and Crawl routine is a great .ttention getter in the Breed ring. You use his routine when you want the judge to [Otice you and your dog. It is an excellent outine to use if you notice the judge tends o drift off during the individual gaits. You hould be able to tell this by whether the udge puts up dogs that can move or ones hat trip all over themselves trying to get round the ring. For the judge that is a leeper you can train your dog to gait lormally during the individuals, and then hen you give the command, teach it to rop to the floor and crawl the rest of the ay on its belly. The laughter from the pectators should wake the judge from his everie and you should then have the adges undivided attention for awhile at ast.Another mind-boggling routine is the Cartwheel. In this routine you teach our dog to turn cartwheels while gaiting. f this fails to catch the judges attention ou can also teach the dog to Scream hile doing the cartwheels. The com- ination of the Cartwheel and the Scream really has to be seen to be ppreciated. It is a masterpiece.The routine I liked the best in Mr. Leadys book was the Leg Climb. This rick involves teaching your dog to climb up our left leg as soon as you enter the ring. hile the dog holds on with all four paws, ou gait around the ring instead of the dog. f you practice this routine well in advance, ou should be able to gait around the ring 'ith only the hint of a hop. I guarantee this Dutine will bring the house down, thusEDITORIALHappy New Year to all I hope you enjoy this first issue of 1983. There are some beautiful dogs advertised and I was thrilled to see so many ads. Along with the ads came many complimentary letters on the appearance of The Review. I couldnt be happier Keep those cards and letters comingIn October, I attended the Summer Specialty and truly enjoyed meeting so many famous Pom breeders who had previously only been faces in The Review. As you will read in the reports, the show was a smashing success and everyone had a great time. One thing you wont read in the reports though, is what nice people Pom folks are. You congratulate each other, ask about each others dogs and are warm and friendly to outsiders. Im sure everyone has an example of when that wasnt true, but I assure you things are significantly different at your ring than they are at many others. Stay as nice as you are, Pom people. Its a pleasure working with youI also enjoyed watching the dogs and Im anxious to learn more about the breed. I hope that by printing articles on interesting subjects, although about other breeds, you will respond by writing articles about Poms. If you need ideas for articles, Ill be happy to help. I have lots of questions about the breed, so Im full of ideas. Let me hear from you.Thank you for making me feel welcome at the Specialty. Ill close now and let you read on and enjoy this issue . . .insuring the judge will remember you and your dog when he goes to make his final selections.I wish I could tell you about all of the wonderful routines R.U. Ready includes in his book, but then I would spoil it for you. I can tell you that all of the routines are truly spectacular when performed right. Be on the lookout for this book the next time you are at the shows. It could change your whole show career.POMERANIAN REVIEWfrom all of usS^vJohnand Christine Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902895-7427 I III 1sjlhK'^\ vt\ ^ftms, 'v.Q0Wi2 POMERANIAN REVIEW-okLLL Kennelsl QCh. LLL Kaptiuating KatyCh. LLL Kaptivating Katy is my 3,000 mile female as that is what I drove to get this one special pup. Thanks to Darrel and Olga Baker for letting me use her sire, Ch. Jeribeths Ivan Ideal on my light orange Ch. LLL Moongold Kelly. Katy finished with several BOBs at the tender age of 7 months.Ch. LLL Doodlebug ExpressMale Whelped 81081Orange SableCastles Wee Willy Wont xCastles Madchen HeikeDoodlebug was such a fun dog to show. He finished in three weekends with BOBs and a Group 4. Aggressive breeder, 3, outstanding head, short back.FORSALEJanice Luginsland LLL Kennels RR1Americus, KS 66835 316884-5157\^T p^ -TTPOMERANIAN REVIEW-O-------------------O'-----TV-- 0 0 -O'LLL KennelsV'srTPe r -LLLDazzlin Gold CheriCh. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce, Group placer X Castles Madchen Heike, dam of DoodlebugLLL Dazzlin Gold Cheri started her show career at 6 months and 4 days with WB, BOW, BOB under Betty Krause at Columbia, MO K.C. and then on to Group 3 under Cynthia Sommers. The next day she went WB, BOS at Ozarks K.C. under Emil Klinckhart.I must reduce my kennel again. I am offering several champions of both sexes, young show prospects with some ring training, breeding males and females, and cute as a button new fall and winter puppies. Honest evaluations of each Pom. We have been consistent producers of homebred champions, but cant show them all.Janice LuginslandPlease telephone if possible. LLL Kennels 316884-5157r- -tr- -ir- -tfRR1, Americus, KS 66835POMERANIAN REVIEWCORRESPONDINGSECRETARYCarl and Charlotte Enna 6618 Fort Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456by Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave.Modesto, CA 95350Due to an increase in work load including ditional travel, Dudley has found it cessary to resign from the office of irresponding Secretary for the remainder his term. I have been appointed by the ard to take over the office and will try to ntinue with the same format.As a member of the board of the APC I s delighted to attend the Phoenix ecialty. The Phoenix people could not ve been more hospitable and it was a asure to see so many nice Pomeranians one time.Below are listed the new members of the 5C as of 10182David and Bobbie Gibson 219 Sentinel Oaks Pinehurst, TX 77362 713356-2944Anne Hayden 2595 Oakmont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415952-2863Evelyn L. Harris 11334 NE23Nicoma Park, OK 73066 405 769-5604Byron and Connie Hendricks P.O.Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006 213444-5131in and Betty Ballard 4 Grant Line Road w Albany, IN 47150 2 944-6757Tommi Hooban 7 Sharon Avenue Norfolk, MA 02056 617384-8762rstin Bergstrom 45151 70590 . sbro Sverize, Swedenward and Dianne F. Bertram 9 Port Antonio Court uisville, KY 402282 239-7023nes and Roxie Campbell 12 W. Creek Club Drive ssouri City, TX 774593 499-8247-ry Wayne Campbell 2, Box 170 nchester, TN 37398 5 649-5220lalie Dunfee Ellenvale Avenue rtmouth, Nova Scotia lada B2W 2W7 2 434-3390John F. Goring Box 2122Anaheim, CA 92804 714827-8486Richard Lackey P.O. Box 1404 Yuma, AZ 95364 602627-8139Anna La Fortune 3139 Florine Drive Lemon Grove, CA 92045 714463-2700Paul and Sandra Logan 2408 E. Austin Way Fresno, CA 93726 209 227-2297Robert and Jean Mill 1412 Covina Hills Road Covina, CA 91724 213966-1839s. James R. Dupre, Sr. Pompano Street ayette, LA 70508 8 235-1423Erika K. Moureau 13410 King Circle Cypress, TX 77429 713469-6025POMERANIAN REVIEWSLZS PomWe hope you hadAMERRYCHRISTMAS'n -kiAnd wish for youAHAPPYNEWY E A R 7m Bopper Im waiting for Santa Desirees Poms sends best wishes for a wonderful New York Specialty. Were looking forward to seeing you there.Congratulations Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. on your BIG wins with Desirees Sweet Charity. Two majors, one 4 pts, one 3 pts. Best wishes for more of the same.509 Oakdale StreetDesaree Sandifer704 865-0859 Gastonia, NC 28052POMERANIAN REVIEWseph and Cladia Pfeffer O. Box 10432 fferson, LA 70181 04737-1729anche V. Rider 16 Harbinson Avenue iMesa, CA 92041ary Deane Rinehart 2 W. Fairchild Drive idwest City, OK 73110 05 732-0402indall and Cheryl Scholze 09 Shannon Drive oore, OK 73160 05 794-8553tny and Connie Tellez 2 Illinoisiuth Houston, TX 77587 13943-2548jbert and Glenda Teytand x 16triisle, NY 12031 18234-2687Mary Vickers 27 Milan Drive exandria, VA 22305 03 548-2346Dnna Lynn Wright Dahlia Lane iltimore, MD 21220 01687-4997lulette Zecca 15 Adams Street 31 wood, IL 60104 12547-6809elephone Conference, March 9,1982he following motions were passedChange The Club will pay 100 of each lephone Conference Call to The Club ill pay all the Telephone Conference Call targes.Permission for Regional Clubs to hold eir specialties will be the Corresponding cretarys responsibility. The Board will sent a notification agenda of each such ansaction. Does not apply to APC immer Specialties.3. We hire Phyllis Perceny to edit the Review.4. Set the subscription rate for the Review at 16.00 per year for all subscribers giving no break to members, and set the per page advertising rate at 40 per page. Other rates were set accordingly for portions of pages as well as cover, etc. Please see inside cover of Review.5. We publish the following guidelines in each Review until and unless the decision is made to change the existing ones which previous boards have worked under. In order to be eligible for a kennel visit one must have been a member of APC for five years and bred at least one champion.6. Discussion about July kennel visit. Ask Morris Carson, then Beverly Norris.7. Motion to accept letter of apology from American Pomeranian Club to members on list which would be published in the Review.8. Jim Arima wrote us that he was unable to judge our 1983 National Specialty because of health problems. Therefore motion made and carried to ask Ken Miller since he was second according to vote count.9. Motion to form committee on the slidetape presentation.10. Motiontoadjourn.As there was not a quorum in Phoenix in October, there have only been written agendas since the telephone conference in March. Following is the list of motions which have passed each month.March, 1982None, other than voting in newmembers.April, 1982None, other than voting in newmembers.May, 19821. Motion that each member submit three names of individuals that they would like to see on the Slide and Tape Presentation.2. Motion that all telephone conferences be limited to one hour. In addition the person responsible for initiating the conference will provide the board with all pertinent facts and figures at least one week in advance of the call.3. Motion that the Denver Clubs APC Summer Specialty judges choices bePOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. ISis Mai Suntilanoa KidV IM0 aSiShown 8 times as a special to the following wins, handled by Jean Schroll 7 Best of Breeds 1 Specialty Win2 Group Seconds 2 Group FourthsCongratulations to Que Sera Mountain Fresh Of Bi-Mar on finishing his championship. Owned and shown by Jean Schroll and bred by Mary Rosenbaum.Quality puppies for sale by Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid and Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear. Mostly out of show pointed females. Reasonable prices.Bi-Mar PomeraniansMary Rosenbaum 206 927-236936520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, Washington 98003POMERANIAN REVIEWpproved Anne Rogers Clark for the gular classes and Christine Heartz for the weepstakes.hen several new members.une, 1982. Motion that the office of Corresponding scretary be reorganized in the following lanner a the first Vice-President will ipsulize the minutes for the Review, and the Second Vice President will act as bitrator in disputes involving APC Lembers on behalf of the club.Larry Combs was named to chair the y-Laws Committee, lly, 1982None, other than voting in new lembers.ugust, 1982Motion that the Club hold a craft outique at the February Specialty, and lat all proceeds be turned over to whatever 'oup the Board decides on as an addition i our regular contribution of 200.00Motion that the APC adopt the Awards of Merit procedures explained the enclosed article corresponding icretary has on file at our National pecialty shows effective with our forth- ming show on February 13, 1983., Motion that the President submitted the blowing names of people to serve on the ominating Committee for 1983 Officers id Board Molly Miller, Chairperson idy Blocker, Erin Hundley. Alternates osalind Goltz, Margaret McKee.Motion that Phyllis Perceny be invited i the Phoenix Specialty dinner as a guest 7 the Club, hen new members.CIRCULATION MANAGER CHANGEWe regret to announce that Judy Blocker is resigned as Circulation Manager of The view. We thank Judy for her years of rvice to the club.Until a new Circulation Manager is ipointed, please address all new subscrip- ms, subscription renewals, address anges, inquiries about Reviews not teived, and requests for back issues to anda Roach, 612 Woodrow Ave., odesto, CA 95350.CRAFT BOUTIQUEPlease help We need your donation of craft items to sell at the February Specialty. Remember, all proceeds will be given as an addition to the Clubs yearly charitable donation. We had hoped to announce the name of the organization that will receive the donation in this issue, but at press time, the Board is still deliberating on which group would benefit most by it. We will announce the name in the April issue. You can be sure, however, that your donations will go to help the breed. Through your generosity, our Club may be able to make a significant contribution towards solving any of a number of problems related to our breed. If you can help in any way, please contact Roberta Massey, 1015 Fairway Farms, Kingwood, Texas 77339 713 358-2775. Time is running short to organize the Boutique please do not delay in contacting her.TEALSPOMERANIANSTwo litters sired by Chance expected.Ch. Moe-Best Special Order x Kristys Golden Sunset. Due December 26,1982.Ch. Moe-Best Special Order x Teals Cinnamon Spice, double on Dandee. Due January 15, 1983.Expecting Orange, Cream and sable.All inquiries welcome.Patricia A. Teal 734 Rainbow Dr. Westminster, MD 21157 301 876-8097POMERANIAN REVIEWr Pixies Hill crest Pomeraniansproudly presents IBodtiCh.Pixies Toni Tiger4 lb. bright red sable, very cobby, very sound. Harsh coated and extremely typey. Proven stud and already the sire of our Ch. Pixies Magic Harmony. Picture in next issue.See pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsWe take great pride in listing the following Champions who how reside here with usCh. Silver Meadows Alexander Ch. Pixies Golden Party Boy Ch. Pixies Princess Holly Ch. Pixies Puff the Magic Dragon Ch. Thelduns Tuff LilTigger Ch. Pixies Sweet MagicPuppies AvailableCarol A. Galavich 614458-1705Ch. Pixies Cinder SuzetteCh. Pixies Party DollCh. Silver Meadows Doll O LegacyCh. Pixies Toni TigerCh. Pixies Magic HarmonyInquiries InvitedRoute 1, Box 37 Powhatan Point, Ohio 43942 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIX by Alesha Marie-HerrenWhat a weekend We hosted our first jecialty and as the big weekend pproached, the excitement grew.Then it was here. Saturday night we all Dt together for an evening of hospitality, he array of food, so beautifully prepared, as almost beyond belief. Of course, the iain topic of conversation was Pomeran- .ns. Wed had a feel for the big day to 3me at the show that day and everyone as high and eager for the Specialty to gin on Sunday.With the sun peeking from behind attered clouds, our big day dawned. The nal grooming was done and the National nthem sung. The trophy table was heavily dden with a sparkling array of glass, lver and beautiful hand-made ceramics. .11 was displayed on a hand-made cloth. It as simply spectacular.Then the ring steward called Pomeranian vveepstakes. Olga Baker was to judge. Her isk was not an easy one. Eighteen eautiful puppies paraded into the ring, ich impeccably groomed bright-eyed, erling examples of Pomeranian-hood.This is how it wentweepstakes Judge Olga Bakeruppy Dogs, 6-9 months Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl Proof, Sally BaugnietSungolds Levi Smart N Classy, Anna La Fortune.uppy Dogs, 9-12 monthsTellez Simply Golden Dancer, Tony TellezClear Creeks Special Order, Debbie BrodaySungolds Gun Smoke, Ray LaFortune Goldsun Dreamweaver, Margaret Daniel Ontiveros uppy Bitches, 6-9 months O My Buttercup, Opal R.'Dumler Bonners Revel-May Cheelan, Karen HolderJolly Wee Dans Flame, Randall Freeh Cup-O-Joy Wish Upon A Star, Missy Gryderuppy Bitches, 9-12 monthsOlivia CF, Lola Howard Field2. Jolly Wee Dans Merry Melody, Randall Freeh3. Creiders Pomirish Gidget, Sally Baugniet4. Jolly Weg. Dixie of Tim Sue, Randy Freeh Sue GoddardThe lovely, glossy-black bitch Olicia CF took Best in Sweepstakes. Shes a classy, compact youngster and very poised.Tellez Simply Golden Dancer, a cobby little guy took Best of Opposite Sex. He had a real sparkle in his eye and a gorgeous coat. Hes a real delight.I think Olga must have breathed a sigh to have that task behind her. She did a super job with her usual grace and charm.Regular classes were announced and it was an incredible task that faced Judge Jean Fancy.With a hefty entry of 58 Poms in 13 classes, Jean did a magnificent job of judging. We were presented with some of the finest Pomeranians in the country. Very typey and sound dogs. Class by class, Jean made her choices.Regular Classes Judge Mrs. Jean Fancy Puppy Dogs, 6-9 months1. Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl Proof, BreederOwner, Sally Baugniet.2. Sungolds Levi Smart N Classy, BreederOwner, Anna LaFortune.Puppy Dogs, 9-12 months1. Tellez Simply Golden Dancer, Breeder Owner Tony Tellez.2. Jolly Wee Tops For Tuffy, Breeder Owner Randall Freeh.3. Clear Creeks Special Order, Breeder Owner, Debbie Broday.4. Goldsun Dreamweaver, BreederOwner Margaret Daniel OntiverosBred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Goldsun Elfstone Fantasie, Breeder Owner Margaret Daniel Ontiveros Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream Sable1. Gold Gems Dragon Cream Puff, Breeder, Claire R. Hendrix, Owner Karen Folchetti2. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf, Breeder, Sally Baugniet, Owner Nancy Bartholomew3. Jolly Wee Desert Breeze, Breeder Owner Randall Freeh.4. Kazars Diamond Jim, Breeder, Richard and Ethel Lackey, Owner RichardPOMERANIAN REVIEWLackey and Fern Rodriques.There was a lovely, heavy-coated, chocolate colored dog entered in the Black, Brown, Blue class, whose name did not appear in the catalog. Everyone thought everyone else got the name of the dog and the name of the owner. No one did and we apologize for that omission.Gold Gems Dragon Cream Puff took Winners Dog for points and the major. This alert, well-balanced little dog exhibited type and soundness with every step around the ring. Reserve Winners Dog went to Pomirish LiT Guys Hundrd Pruf. This heavy coated dog exhibited real class and showmanship.Next came the bitchesPuppy Bitches, 6-9 months1. Auroras Peaches of Sunny Oak, Breeder Charles Jacqueline Liddle, Owner Mike and Ruth Kepner.2. Jolly Wee Dans Fancy Flame, Breeder, Randall Freeh Dora Henderson, Owner Randall Freeh.3. Cup-O-Joy Wish Upon A Star, Breeder Owner, Missy Gryder.Puppy Bitches, 9-12 months1. Olivia CF, BreederOwner, Lola Howard Field.2. Creiders Pomirish Gidget, Breeder, Norma Creider, Owner Sally Baugniet3. Jolly Wee Dixie of Tim-Sue, Breeder Owners Randall Freeh Sue Goddard4. Jolly Wee Dans Merry Melody, BreederOwner Randall Freeh.Novice Bitches1. Clear Creeks Ebony Wagstar, Breeder Owner, Susan Patterson Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches1. Jolly Wee Hot Shots Satin Doll, BreederOwner Randall Freeh.2. Texicans Fame N Fortune, Breeder Owner Erika K. Moureau3. O My Buttercup, BreederOwner Opal R. Dumler4. An Bars Misty Princess, Breeder Owner, Gloria Barton.American Bred Bitches1. Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Delight, Breeder Randall Freeh, Owner Isabelle Gryder2. Bonners Revel-May Cheelan, Breeder Gladys E. Smith, Owner Karen Holder3. McKameys Countess Gold Ideal, BreederOwner, Mrs. Norris McKamey4. Starlites Lucky Shanticy, Breed'Owner Gayle Griffin.A delightful, light orange, bundle of s confidence, Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Deli took Winners Bitch, for the points, ma and her championship. DeeDee is a well ] together, heavy coated Pom, well deserv of her championship.Reserve Winners Bitch was awarded Jolly Wee Hot Shots Satin Doll. This li gal had lovely legs, a short back and lots style.When Best of Breed competition begai held my breath. Such beautiful Pomer ians. Each and every one deserving. Jui Jean Fancy picked an exhuberant you ster, Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie, bred Nadine Hersil and owned by Frances Smith and Nadine Hersil. Anyone who seen this dog in the ring cant help but impressed by his character, alertness quality that says Pomeranian Standan His enthusiasm is the thing that puts all t quality together.Jean handed the blue and white ribl for Best of Winners to Jolly Wee Fa Dans Delight and the red and white ros to Jolly Wee Dans Krystal Star for Bes1 Opposite Sex to Best of Breed. This li lady is the littermate to DeeDee, the B and WB. She finished her championship Saturday, the day before the Specialty.The Stud Dog class provided phe graphers and spectators alike with a i treat. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Pef owned by Mrs. Randall M. Freeh ente the ring with 6 of his get Jolly Wee Des Breeze, Randy Freeh owner Jolly \ Dans Fancy Flame, Randy Freeh owr Olivia CF, Lola and Howard Field owm Jolly Wee Dans Merry Melody, Rai Freeh owner Jolly Wee Dans Krystal Si Randy Freeh owner and Jolly Wee Fa Dans Delight, Isabelle Gryder owner. r dogs were put on the trophy table, Dai at the top surrounded by his lo\ children. The photographers had a f day.But the day wasnt over yet. Lunchi was served, complete with finger-siz home-made cherry cheesecakes. The si was the only topic of conversation. 5 flying high from the days festivities, we went home for a short rest before dinner that evening. And what a fitting iPOMERANIAN REVIEWV'CfA-V--TAst of Breed, Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie, vned by Frances O. Smith and Nadine Hersil, ed by Nadine Hersil. Handled by Jackie iddle. Judge, Mrs. Jean Fancy.the days events it was. A sumptuous iffet was served and we all had an petite brought on by the excitement of e day.Recognition must be given to Dora enderson, our club president. Without r this day would never have been. In fact, ir club wouldnt be what it is now without ora. Isabelle Gryder, our secretary, iserves special thanks too, for untold urs spent writing, planning and phoning bring hundreds of details together. Each ' our members contributed time, money id enthusiastic support and Id like, as a tale, to mention each one.Alice Zink is our Vice-President Helene Cookie Nanni, treasurer Linda Mc- lanahan, hospitality. Andrea Cooley and her Gordon, who entertained us at the nner as Holloween witches Brooke [bright, Gloria Barton, Marsha Bucken- rf, Carol Bulicek, Ron and Jean raham, Tresia Hill, Doria Marlowe, awn Nanni, Lucette Rowan, Penny alentine. To all the husbands and iderstanding friends, we thank you, too. For those who didnt make it this time, s want to do this again and hope everyone in come. From all of us to all of you, HANKS Without you, the members, eeders and handlers of the dogs we saw day, there would not have been a jecialty Show. See you all again, soon ...FROM THE PRESIDENTThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Phoenixby Dora HendersonFun is contagious, and for us, getting involved in hosting the Pomeranian National Specialty became a joy something we all took pride in, bringing us much happiness and pleasure. A special bond formed between us and the real fun beganWe hope our western brand of hospitality for making our guests feel welcome was successful.It appeared to me personally that the level of enthusiasm grew and grew as the show date approached. In fact, it spread from coast to coast, bringing two of our members mothers out to help. Minnie Schwartz from Chicago helped with decorations, and Mae Bulicek prepared some of the delicious food for the Hospitality Room.Everything went smoothly, everyone did his part to make our Specialty a success. We all enjoyed meeting everyone and want to express our thanks to all who participated.BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara YoungOn November 7, Gladys Dykstra hosted a pre holiday buffet and meeting at her home. The food was excellent, and the day was a lovely way to start the holiday season.Our fall B-OB match drew a large entry. We had our traditional good weather and excellent site at the home of Charlie and Amy McKay. High Scoring Dog was Gladys Dykstras Roxanne CD. Best Puppy was Jessie and Barbara Youngs 6 month old bitch, Jabils Simply Scrumtious. Best Adult and Best in Match was a male named Bently T, owned and shown by Barbara Payson.Gladys Roxy is our new obedience titlist. Roxy took first place in Novice B at the Cheshire County show for one of her legs. Late summer brought lots of points to BCPC members. Tommi Hooban had two continued on p. 34.POMERANIAN REVIEWHERITAGE KENNELS presentswg\ JrWI L. maft v79y."ACCh. Bells Chriscendo CarmichaeMichael was shown exclusively by Joy Brewster of Newtown, CT to his American championship and by John Heartz of Truro, Nova Scotia, to his Canadian championship. We want to thank these two very capable handlers for their encouragement and faith in Michael. Our special thanks to the judges who thought Michael was something special too. Michael will be with Joy Brewster for a while to continue his show career.Congratulations to Barry and Rae Diamond of Montreal, Quebec for finishing Bells Rock Diamond. And good luck to Charlotte Webster of Maine who owned Bells Merry Music Box. Look for her in the ring soon.Betty and Rex Bell 802 879-1663Box 81, Rt. 2 A Williston, VT 05495POMERANIAN REVIEWREBELREPORTbyJane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803Some very interesting mail has come my ty recently so I will share it with you iders. I do so appreciate any corres- indence.A note from Ted and Kathryn Birk ought the news that at the 1982 Annual eeting of the American Dog Owners sociation at Hartford, CT, the Board ited to give an annual Distinguished rvice Award and Kathryn was unani- ously selected for this award, the first of kind. They further voted to name this ard the M. Kathryn Birk Distinguished rvice Award, and will be made every year a worthy member of ADOA. The esentation was made at the Fort tuderdale Dog Clubs Annual Awards ight on August 14 by Vice President Ted rk. This was the first Kathryn knew of it id she was extremely happy. She received standing ovation from the well-over 100 ople in attendance. What a lovely tribute a lady who has performed outstanding rvice to the organization.Have had two nice letters from Terri oebuis of Baltimore. She had read of my perience giving the hormone shots and e bitch conceiving so late in her cycle. She as telling of a bitch she had obtained id been owned by two other breeders, oth had bred the bitch twice with no iccess. Being very determined, she decided ' breed her from early to late every other ly 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th days. On the 1st day, she noticed her champion was ry much interested in the little lady, hinking he might know something Terri dnt, she bred them and it was from this reeding that the bitch conceived. I really lieve now I was always breeding mine too irly and that the hormone shots may not ave been a factor after all. Who knowsA nice letter also arrived from Pat Melton of Bel-Mei Kennels in Douglas, GA. I had reported a 4 point major for her Bel-Meis Pricess Dawn at the Spartanburg show on July 30. I did not realize that this win completed her championship. Congratulations She was telling of her two 8-month old puppies that are moving right along. Bel-Meis Tawny Tiger went Best of Opposite in Atlanta for BOW and 1 point and in Macon was BOS for 1 point. Her littermate, Bel-Meis Tioga Tiger went Reserve in Atlanta and Winners Dog for 1 point in Macon. She said their sire and dam are Ch. Golden Glow Peter Pan and Coys Fancypepper Jean. This was very interesting to me, as Coys Fancypepper Jean was bred by Jim Coy my brother-in-law. Pat also said that Harry Pennington got one point on his male, Mixons Roudy Razzmatazz at that Atlanta show.The Coys lost another of their old champions in September Ch. Skylark Sissy of Murville. In about 17 years in Poms, Sissy was the all-time favorite and the house pet for many years. She is greatly missed.The January shows will be along before we know it. Think I promised warm weather once and it was the coldest spell of the year. All Im promising this time is that it will surely be warmer here than in the NorthBay Colony P. C., con 7. from p. 32. bitches winning points. Her Jestoms Adorable won a major, and she and Tomaho Maiden Georgia won more minor points than I could keep track of Congratulations to Bunny Sweet on her new homebred champion, Sweethills By-Line who finished his title in October. October also brought a major win to Jabils Simply Scrumtious at her first show. Her father, Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful, did some traveling and brought back several nice wins.Bob Claar has been transferred to Washington. The Claars are two of the hardest-working members any club could hope for, as well as two of the nicest people. Janet will stay here in New England to help run the National Sheltie Specialty this spring. We hope to see Bob again soon..l' 1' XPOMERANIAN REVIEWI KNOW I CAN. roOWl CANas4059^0p\WOL0o3o oThe American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty in Denver, Colorado, hosted by THE DENVER METRO POMERANIAN CLUB MAY 27,1983followed by 3 all-breed shows Make your plans now to attend this Spectacular Event You wont be disappointed WE PROMISEPOMERANIAN REVIEW1983aU -zfromMoreno s PomeraniansACT 1 Ch. Queenaire Gambling DudeCh. Morenos Critics Choice Jubilees Rebel2 BoysCh. Queenaire Double Scotch Morenos Sugar-N-Scotch Mist Morenos Sugar-N-SpiceACT 2Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Morenos Critics Choice Jubilees Rebel 1 Boy and 1 GirlCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Morenos Honey Dew of Jubilee Magots Little LadyCongratulations to Dolly Trauner for her successful efforts in breeding lovely black Poms, and soon to be introduced, chocolates... Nothing could be PhynerSan Bruno, CA 94066POMERANIAN REVIEWA VISIT WITH PHYNER POMERANIANSby Julie MorenoDolly and Dr. Lawrence Trauner adopted Phyner as their prefix shortly after their marriage in 1957. Dolly already owned two silver Toy Poodles and had plans for breeding and showing. One of their early Toy Poodles, the apricot Ch. Pood-I-Man Pretty Peggy, was a frequent variety winner during the early 1960s, often coming up against Porter and Dickey Washingtons famous Pom, Ch. Ryders Sparklin Gold Nugget. That Pom made a lasting impression on Dolly, who describes his movement as like a leaf blown before the wind a description of ideal Pom gait once given by an old-time breeder.The desire to own, show and breed black Pomeranians was lit when the Trauners saw two black puppies at the home of their close friends, Julie and Gonzie Moreno, late in 1968. Not long afterward the Trauners were offered a four month old black female . . . and the rest is history, as the saying goes.fiAmer. and Can. Ch. Phyner Black Queenaire, our foundation bitch.The puppy became American Canadian Ch. Phyner Black Queenaire, named after Queenaire Kennels owned by Wanda and Dudley Roach from whom the puppy was acquired. Queenie produced only four puppies in all out of three times bred. Her black daughter, sired by Ken Mathesons Ch. Cin-Dees Tiny Tim, became Ch. Phyner Bumble Bee who now rules the^ ifhi111Queenies son, Phyner Tiger Burning Bright lacked one major, accidental death.home front in excellent health and most her teeth at eleven years of age. Bumm was bred back to her black sire a produced a black daughter, Phyr Chiquita Negrita. Chickie, although s gained a couple of show points, was sold another breeder not long after s produced a litter sired by Ch. Morenc Hot Off The Press clear orange, linebr on Creider and Van Hoozer lines. Of t two black males produced, the one kept i the Trauners became Ch. Phyner Nig Editor Gordo to his friends, nc seven years old and a top-winning bla when he was in his prime.Gordos first litter, born to a black bit' in Virginia, contained a nice surprise tv black pups as expected and two brov ones, one of each sex. The Trauners toe the brown girl, Phyner Chocolate Surpri Kissy for show and breeding. Kis took points from 6-9 puppy class and w bred on her first season at nearly one ye to a brown male owned by Lennis Raine A Caesarian was required and of the litt of three, one was dead. The surviving be and girl were a beautiful rich brown lil their dam, and Kissy was anxious to be good mother. But disaster struck. Infe tion, most probably due to the presence i the dead pup in the uterus, poisoned KissyI POMERANIAN REVIEWAueeniesdaughter, Ch. Phyner Bumble Bee, own by owner under the late Pom authority id judge, Mr. James K. Arima.ilk and the pups were lost. Kissy herself d not respond to treatment, and a spaying is advised as her only chance. The second rgery to spay her followed the Caesarian less than a week and was too much for r system, further weakened as it was by e infection. It seemed that the Trauners pes to establish a line of brown Poms id come to an end.Esther Fields, a Pom breeder in klahoma, had become ill and needed to sband her kennelful of dogs. Esther had iginally bought a couple of bitches from die Moreno, and now called her to offer e bitches back. Then Esther mentioned e also had a brown bitch she had bough om Lennis Raines which also had to be Id. Lenniss Creme de Co-Co-A,A K'simmys grandson, Ch. Phyner Night Editor so called Gordo.Cokie, quickly joined the Trauners as a replacement for Kissy. This was in 1979, and Cokie was already nearing two years. Cokie has been shown a few times and gained some points, but her value has been in production. Bred only three times, and each time producing a singleton, only two males were raised. The first, sired by Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude, the Roachs prepotent stud, is Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero Sam. The last is a brown, Phyner The Browning Version Toro...Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero also called Sam by Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude, ex and the chocolate bitch, Lenniss Creme de Co-Co-A.Sam Gordo ex Cokie has already been proven and his pups are most appealing. One litter out of an orange bitch contained two promising cream or light orange pups. He managed his stud duties between finishing in seven weeks with a 5-point major, handled by Nadine Hersil, and resuming a Specials career with 8 Breeds and a Group placement also handled by Nadine until he went into his adolescent shed and came home in September. Sam must be carrying the brown gene from his mother, and he is being worked into the Phyner breeding program.Lorene Bradbury, who with her husband, Brad, maintains her Pom kennels in Turlock, CA, acquired from Julie Moreno the orange male, Ch. Morenos Hot Off The Press, and bred him to a nice brood who surprised us all by producing two females, one a golden blond and the other a tan-patterned brown, both with dark chocolate noses. This solved the mystery of where Gordo had gotten hisPOMERANIAN REVIEWbrown gene, as he also was sired by Ch. Morenos Hot Off The Press. Nothing in these dogs pedigrees had given a hint that a brown gene could be there, yet by producing browns, brown tans, or brown-nosed blonds the fact of the brown genes presence was proven. The Trauners added the tan-patterned brown female to their kennel named Phyner Coffee Break, Coffee, bred to Gordo her half- brother produced in her first litter a black male, an orange-sable male, and two females that duplicated herself and her sister. The black male and the tan-patterned chocolate female have been retained from this litter. Coffee herself has now been bred to Sam, with the litter expected near Christmas.Lacking breedable bitches, a black Gordo daughter out of another of Lorenes broods was acquired. Named Phyner Kitchen Witch, Witchy was bred back to her sire and has again confirmed the origin of the brown gene her single pup is a beige male with a brown nose. Her next mating will probably be to her brown half-brother, Toro.PPhyner The Browning Version also called Toro by Ch. Phyner Night Editor, ex the chocolate bitch, Lenniss Creme de Co-Co-A.Dolly has been interested in genetics as a general subject since her college days, and since becoming a serious breeder in 1957 has studied all she could find on canine genetics most especially coat color. She has taught courses in basic genetics, sponsored by various breed clubs, to groups of dog breeders on severaloccasions. Another outgrowth of 1 interest, studies and activities in dogs w the granting by AKC of approval for Do to judge first Poodles and Pomeranians, 1970, with Shih Tzu and Yorkies add later. This followed nearly ten years match judging, with exposure to ma different breeds.aLenniss Creme de Co-Co-A, dam of Sam iToro pointed.Genetics, especially the genetics of c color, have been a subject of much inter to Dolly for many years. Her articles on 1 genetics of coat color in Poodles, especia on the little-understood apricot color, r in Dog World Magazine during the 1960 At that time she also wrote extensively I Kennel Review, Western Kennel Wor Popular Dogs, Dog World, Poodle Revi and Poodle Showcase. With Dr. Traune retirement in 1970, the granting of judging license, and the organization a operation of an international progr concerned with hereditary eye problems dogs or all breeds, Dolly has been too bi to write as much as before. The e program carried on by the Canine E Registration Foundation CERF v extremely successful from its beginnings 1975 until threats of an anti-trust s caused its members to suspend the progr in 1979 in hopes of averting actual suit. T suit was nevertheless filed that year a went to trial in 1981. CERF and members, along with other defendan were exonerated of any wrongdoing, t the litigation put tremendous stress on t Trauners both as to health and cost. T strain proved too much for Dr. Traun who developed congestive heart failure a passed away in January 1982. The suitPOMERANIAN REVIEWit entirely disposed of as the losers have ed an appeal, the decision of which is still nding. Nevertheless, CERF has resumed program with a new President to replace Trauner, and Dolly continues as cretary-treasurer.One of CERFs functions has been to rt Parent Clubs whenever a major reditary eye disease was reported in a dog a breed not previously know to harbor ch disease. To date, only a few imeranians have been examined by a lard-certified veterinary ophthalmologist, id the results reported to CERF but ough reports have been received to show at Progressive Retinal Atrophy PRA is esent in the breed it has been reported in acks as well as in the more populous anges. PRA is an inherited disease which timately but inevitably leads to indness in an affected dog. This formation is included here not to frighten yone, but to make Pom breeders aware at the problem does exist in the breed, tyone wishing more information about ERF may write to Canine Eye Regis- ition Foundation, Inc., P.O. Box 15095, ,n Francisco, CA 94115.The dogs of Phyner Kennels have always ed right with their owners, seldom nfined and much loved as beautiful, telligent companions. Dolly took her first y Poodle through his CDX degree, with ded UD training. Although no others ve been shown in Obedience the lowledge and experience gained with that st Toy Poodle have been applied to the cialization and ring training of a long list puppies and adults that have lived under e Trauner roof. The name, Phyner It mbines the -phy from Murphy 'oilys former name with the -ner Dm Trauner, and is pronounced as iner to express the hope that the results their breeding, showing and other tivities would be for the betterment of igs. The number of dogs has always been pt small litters have averaged only one two a year with great thought going into ch mating. Small litters, and the casional stroke of bad luck have also pt down the population, yet a line of nsistently winning black Poms has been irted. In Coffees recent litter, the black lie represents the 5th generation in directline from American Canadian Ch. Phyner Black Queenaire.The physical premises for Phyner Kennels consist of the Trauners city flat in the heart of San Francisco. The rear, at ground level, opens onto a wood deck leading to a lawn and planted border in all, about 2400 sq. ft. One room with bath serves as nursery and grooming area. TheI----1n9jAbove, one room serves as nursery and grooming area. Below, a rear room serves as office and place for dogs and people to relax.front portion of the flat, and a rear guest room, are off limits for dogs but the rest of the rear is floored in vinyl, with scatter rugs and floor cushions that are machine- washable. A sunny rear room opening onto the deck serves as the CERF office, family room and a place for cozy afternoon naps for dogs and people in a couple ofPOMERANIAN REVIEWnaugahyde-covered armchairs or on floor cushions.1A cozy spot for a nap.With a bit more time since she no longer has to care for her late husband, Dolly has resumed her additional hobbies of gardening and needlepoint two examples of the latter appear in one of the accompanying pictures.An orchid blooms on a gold leaf table, guarded by two Kay Finch dog figurines in the living room.For her start in black Poms, Dolly is most grateful to Wanda and Dudley Roach and their Queenaire Kennels. To Julie Moreno, her great good friend, Dolly expresses thanks for help and guidance on the care, grooming and feeding of Poms. To Lorene Bradbury and her Jubilee Kennels, Dollys appreciation for her -m Another orchid in bud in the dining room.SI- 4Needle point dogs join photos of real ones the grooming room.generously given time and assistance ca hardly be expressed. Lorene has kei Trauner Poms at times when Dr. Trauner illness, or Dollys occasional travel necessitated a place for her Poms to t cared for away from home. Lorene has als helped immeasurably with whelpings an matings which also seemed to fall due ju when things were in a turmoil due to illnes the litigation, or some other cause. Withoi the aid of such good friends, the activity of Phyner Kennels in Pomeranians coul not have been carried on during the pa three years.Ordinarily, a kennel visit is accompanied l only seven photos, but Dolly Trauner was willir,to pay for these extra photos to embellish tl Phyner story. Were glad she did, as this he been a very enjoyable visit.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWrGolden Oaks CPomefaniansannounces the arrival of..."\Xv \MJlC Cd Chips JllwyJll CHobbiiCh. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond StarlisaThanks to Michelle McDonald who bred Chipit.Morris and Betty Carson who allowed me to purchase Chipit.Maynard Wood who handled him to his American championship in such a brief time.Chipit received his Canadian championship in 6 shows and his American championship in straight shows.Carolyn C. Lewis 3909 Bronholly Rd. Chesterfield, VA 23832 804 745-0067POMERANIAN REVIEWl 0ur V. I.CP.Very Impressive Puppy5BEST OF WINNERSCENTRAL MAINE kennel CLUB1982ASHBEV U Can. Ch. SMrchildjlt CHcbbiiCan. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond StarlisaNo photo can convey this pups personality and style as she sauces her way around the ring Smidge finished her Canadian titlepending as a puppy, and is pictured above on a brief jaunt south of the border BOW from the puppy class 10 months old under judge J. Nickerson for a 3 pt. major, handled by Michelle McDonald.We would like to congratulate her litter brother, Can. Am. Ch. Chips Ahoy At Hobbit, and his owners Morris and Betty Carson. Chipit has had an exciting career so far completing both his Canadian and American titles as a puppyMany thanks to Morris and Betty for our exquisite new addition, Emcees La Rosita de Oro.HOBBIT POMERANIANSFrances and Michael McDonald 14 Palisade Place, Halifax, Nova Scotia Canada B3M2Y8 902443-8536v\POMERANIAN REVIEW\The Great Impersonatorby Dave KentHowie was a very different kind of kid. round school and the neighborhood he as called How-weird. He didnt follow the lets or the Jets or even the Nets. He was 3 jock, thats for sure. His coordination as so bad that he couldnt chew gum and alk at the same time. In baseball he was e right fielder where no one ever hit. In lotball he was the wide receiver they never rew to. On the basketball team he was the ater boy, cause he couldnt dribble. With e water bucket he dribbled all over the ace. Howie was the kind of kid who ways blew a hole in the Kleenex and ided up with a hand full of goobers, lthough big for his age he always anaged to look smaller with his slump id everything. He even slumped when he 2pt. He always wore things like gray lirts, brown pants and black shoes with hite socks and like that. His face broke it early in life and never stopped. He came known by his more intimates as the Ace of Acne. In short, he didnt have a hole lot of things going for himself, uring occasional bouts of depression he ed to remind himself that he had never id to go to the hospital like some kids and had never been arrested or hit by a car, ther.At the age of 14 having flunked out of Dy Scouts for lack of aggressiveness, his Iks compensated for his loss by irehasing an animal-dog from the local mnd. They were told it was a Cock A Poo it it soon became Cock A Poodle Doo. round 6 a.m. each morning he would en up with some pretty wild sounds just get everyone up and moving. Howie and 3ck A Poodle Doo found each other, rey became inseperable. They ate gether, slept together and performed es other functions in unison. They were .earn.There was another weird guy on Howies ock who had a rare show dog. Howie ver could remember if it was called a Drkie or a Silky. There was this guynamed York who had a fruit stand on 44th street. All the other kids called him Yorkie cause he was pretty free with his used grapes and things. Now Howie called him Silky cause he always wore bright silk shirts. So you can see there was this problem with Yorkies and Silkies. Anyhow, a true show dog this was and Howie got turned on to the dog show thing. He used to go to the shows with Samuel who owned Yorkie Silky. He would help him load the crate on at 45th Street and again off at the Gardens. Samuel was really into the dog show thing. He read all of the mags, knew all of the top dogs and their handlers. According to Samuel, Yorkie Silky had done some really nice things in the ring. Like one time he whizzed on the leg of a judge who had placed him 3rd in a class of2. Another time he went Reserve from the classes, over specials, at the Daughters of the Eastside K.C. show. As time passed Howie began to understand the greatness of these wins. He began to grow into a dog person. He began to read the mags. When most kids his age were into Batman and Action Comics, Howie was reading things like All American Dog and Popular Bitch. How-weird was no jock. He didnt know Keats from Namath. He thought Willie Mays was a tap dancer. He couldnt have cared less.He watched the handlers at the shows and studied their every move. He would take Cock A Poodle Doo down to the big Macys store and practice moving him up and down in front of the windows where he could observe the outstanding qualities of his dog as well as his own handling technique. It was all kind of an instant replay in Menswear. Howies heroes became Tom Tightlead, Buddy Brisket, Wally Withers and the greatest of them all Frank Fabelliosi. He soon had complete books on the moves and styles of all of the top handlers of the day. He knew them all by heart.One day in the local green sheet which isPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4Cupaluv's Pomeranaiansintroduces- VMHill'Cupaluv's Kelly TooKelly pictured taking BOS over special at York Kennel Club under Dr. Lee Huggins for a 3 point major, handled exclusively by Billie Schull.Kelly is a proven stud, siring sound typey puppies. At stud to approved bitches only.For your considerationWe have a few well-bred puppies still too young to evaluate. One promising red male whelped 9382. Sired by Cupaluvs Kelly Too ex Cupaluvs Copper Kid.Litter of four whelped 99821 red sable, 1 orange male 1 red sable, 1 tiny black female. Sired by May Morning Social Lion x Cupaluvs Shes A Pepper Too.Cupaluv PomeraniansPatricia B. Knouse 5050 Harmony Grove Rd. Dover, PA 17315 717292-4333Stud Service Puppy Inquiries Thelma M. Dunn 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 301 879-5397 6 POMERANIAN REVIEWthrow away much like Howie, came this nnouncement of a giant amateur show to e held at the local hall of the Brothers Of ionsumation on June 15th at 730 p.m. in tie evening. Said show was open to all esidents of East Sumpster who were pure f mind and body and under the ages of 19 nd 14 years. Howie wasnt too sure what 11 that meant but he did know that he idnt smoke and had never been arrested r hit by a car either. He also felt that if the idge could get by his pimples he might and a chance of going all the way. He also gured that he could enter and do his npersonations of great handlers of the ast and present. Weird as he was, the lought did enter his mind, that possibly ot too many in the audience would be hip his routines, but under a good judge he ould take his chances. He entered. On the pplication form there was this question hich had to do with the type of act one id. He identified himself as AN dPERSONATOR OF FAMOUS DOG ANDLERS.He hit Macys very heavily for the next 3 eeks straight. He reviewed his books on 1 of the top handlers. He did push ups, ep knee bends, some isometrics and ate lly certain foods. Cock A Poodle Doo so went on a strict diet. No more BB Bats, iby Ruths, Guess Whats and carmel irns. This was a serious thing and very finitely a team effort. He spent many iggie hours with Samuel and watched m move Yorkie Silky at great length. In ort, he became readyCame the night of the Big Show There re 10 acts on the ticket. An amateur 'ord swallower, a person who claimed to t fire, 17 baton twirlers from East impster High who sang as they twirled, a le legged tap dancer, assorted singers in fferent keys most of them sour, a lloon player who played Nola with riations, a young priest who did nerican bird impersonations and Howie ansdorff An Impersonator of Famous g Handlers. Certainly a helluva show for Dse who had the price of admissionCame curtain time. Up went the stage hts. The house organist who was already i opened with 3 choruses of On isconsin and out comes the sword allower. To the strains of Love Is AMany Splendored Thing, he downs 2 World War 1 bayonets, 3 World War 2 sabers, 4 switch blades, 4 regulation darts, with feathers and some miscellaneous cutlery from Echoware. For all of this he gets modest applause. Howie, watching from the wings, figures hes still in it cause the guy coughed on 2 bayonets and belched on a saber. Next comes the fire eating person who is topless. Hes got some sponges on the end of coat hangers which he dips in Kerosene and lights. He then sticks them into his mouth and commences to blow smoke out his navel to the strains of Come and Light My Fire in B-flat. Although he gets slightly better response than did the sword guy, Howie still figures hes in it cause the fire guy burns his upper lip on the 2nd torch and takes all the hair out of his nose with the 5th. Out come the local twirlers who do a yeomans job if you dont mind batons bouncing off old ladies and babes in arms. Several singers pass amongst the footlights as does the one legged tap dancer with only fair to middling response from the locals. The balloon player has some difficulty getting his balloons up for this one. Two of them escape his grasp they jet out over the audience, salivating as they climb. The young priest comes out with dry chops but does manage a fairly respectable Coo Coo and his Cardinal gets reasonable applause from the church goers.The next and final act of the evening is Howie Blansdorff An Impersonator of Famous Dog Handlers Howie hunkers up into his best slump and strides out to center stage. He is nattily attired in his best gray, brown and black outfit and in this respect somewhat resembles a youthful, well-pimpled pilgrim. Hes really up for this one as is Cock A Poodle Doo who is looking and feeling magnificent He knows without doubt that he is the Best Dog in the Show Howie opens with his impersonation of the Great Stan Studdley taking Best in Show at East Sumpster in 1963. He gets polite, but interested silence. He follows with Milt Muzzle taking his 5th Best in Show on the famed Cal-Georgia circuit in 1967 with Essex the Portugese Briarstiff. Truly an important moment in dogdom never to be forgotten The applause is moderate and scattered and mostly from his parents, aunts and uncles and a few of continued on p. 64.POMERANIAN REVIEW LLUELLV KENNELWe have several breeding and show prospect puppies available.We have been Pomeranian breeders for the past twelve years and are very proud of our many champions and the beautiful offspring they are producing.FORSALEjsrVimi If____ _ f Male Whelped 81182 Female Whelped 81982Luells Misty Dawn of Duke x Millamors Nolans Mai Tai Dragon of Darin x Ch. Finally Sunmark of Luells. Weighs 3 lbs at 3 months. Danny Boy of Luells. Weights 24 lbs at 3months.A basket full of Luells future hopeTheldun, Duke and Great Elms bloodlines.2S Af^-More litters due in December.Lucius and Elinor Luccas Rt. 5, Box 395 Burlington, WI53105 414 537-2681POMERANIAN REVIEWiArJHahbin fitphSLLCh. Tiffanys Star of IndiaStarted her show career at 18 months old and with two litters between, finished at 3 Vi years old. She has had an outstanding show career. Thank you Helen Krafcik for letting me have this beautiful bitch and also to Jessie Stephens for directing me to her.Irene and Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Pt. Wy. N.E.Seattle, WA 98125 206365-1748POMERANIAN REVIEW'MAamanAtcrdV JXW V4 Harbins Black Gold of IndiaiStarted her show career at 6 months old. She was Winners Bitch at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty and needs only 5 points to finish. Sired by Jestoms Tims Image. Thank you again, Jessie Stephens.Irene and Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Pt. Wy. N.E. Seattle, WA 98125 206 365-1748POMERANIAN REVIEWCHiu GMm Gl lima WacriiBEST IN SHOWKENAI KENNEL CLUBAUGUST 15. 1982 btf.oV. ALASKA5__BEST IN SHOW andMultiple Group WinsCongratulations to owner-handler Jean Schroll. Co-Owned and bred by Elva McGilbry of Golden Glow Kennels.JPOMERANIAN REVIEWrGMm Gil Pmeiamcaits Bred to be famous P\V0k.KF.HSPresentGolden Glow LoverleeGolden Glow Regi -V iBoththese linebred Bombardier winners are nearing their championships. Always owner, breeder handled.Alicia Bauer Gateway Star Rt., Box 486 Madras, OR 97741 503475-2796All inquiries answered promptly.IPOMERANIAN REVIEW4HELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225Oops. You have caught me in several ofs lately. Thats good it means youre ading the column. Thanks for writing, met Heffington is absolutely right about ysol Spray. It does contain phenylphenol, id indeed I warned of its dangers in an irlier column I fell into the old trap of ing a brand name instead of a generic one 'ou know, all tissues are Kleenex. I irrently use Listerol, which does not intain Phenylphenol. Check the labels on Duse brands. I personally hesitate to use lorox 5 sodium hypochlorite on my helping box because it is wooden and luld absorb that clorox. Clorox can react ith urine to form deadly chlorine gas. See lolly Millers column, Review, April 1978, .57.Sophie Mayes pointed out that I failed to lention that Sevin comes in several rengths and you should be sure to get 5 evin. Nancy Bartholomew writes to say lat in Arkansas they have found Sevin seless lately. Well, Nancy, it is no longer 00 effective here either. It works better n some Poms than others. So far, nothing 'orks on Chatter. Nancy says that they ave found liquid 50 Malathion to be an ffective dip for her Labs and in the runs it works like a charm and has a residual ffect for 2 weeks. Of course, a dip is rather pain with coated dogs. Carol Trew of lechanicsville, VA was been very pleased nth malathion powder on her Pom and ats, butyech it stinksNancy also recommends Adams Flea-Off list, a non-aerosol spray, for Poms and edding. Made in Florida, it has good nock-down power and lasts three days . . . nd now lets hear it for a good hard freeze Nancy writes that Im on her hate list, ecause it is obvious that I have a knack if having it all together and keeping it thatway apparently with little effort. That letter provided the biggest laugh of the month. So many people have asked me, How do you do all you do Well, the answer, dear reader, is I DONT. Im not Ms. Efficiency. I do all you see me doing breeding, training, showing, instructing, raising 3 kids but there is an awful lot you assume Im doing perhaps because you do it that Im not. Thats where priorities come in. Im not superwoman I have limited time and energy. So from time to time I have to evaluate whats using up my time and which items are most important. Some things are allowed to slide. Im not an immaculate housekeeper please call before you come over I no longer make all my own clothes. I havent planted fall bulbs in 3 years. But I get the basics three meals a day, clean clothes, reasonably clean kids done and still have time for myself and what I really want to do. Maybe thats the essence of efficiency.Another comment I hear a lot is I wish I had time for obedience. Or, One of these days I ought to train Fluffy because hes so smart. said in a tone of voice that implies Fluffy will get to class when the moon turns blue. It is true that obedience does take time. But not that much 20 minutes a day can get a Pom a CD. While competition isnt for everybody, obedience is for all Pomeranians. Here are some commands every house dog should know1. Off. Whatever youre on, get off. This applies to the dog on a lap or on a couch. Its especially handy for dogs jumping up on you. It is easy to teach. Simply shove dog off, say Off, praise when he complies.2. Out or Go Out. When I open the back door and say Go Out, theyd best hurry their furry little rears out the door to the yard or else else is I grab him by the fur at the back of the neck, shake once, and then shove out the door. This is a correction used only on dogs who know the routine. Since I use the command Go Out for this situation, I asked another trainer if I should use another word for the send-away in utility. She said, Of course, your command should be KILL.3. Wait. Wait until I tell you you can get out of the car heres your food dish, but wait till I say eat Ive opened yourPOMERANIAN REVIEW1CHEELAN POMERANIANS ICERAMA POMERANIANSWe have several Bonner-bred males for sale ranging in age from six months to one year. We also have a Camelot male for sale as well as a Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple son out of a Great Elms bitch.We have some nice bitches for sale mostly Bonner backgrounds as well as a number of puppies on the way.Colors include reds, oranges, sables as well as creams and blacks.All inquiries will be answered promptly. Please call or writeKaren Holder Cheelan Pomeranians7750 Dixie Drive Houston, Texas 77087 713 640-2049Skip Piazza Icerama Pomeranians 405 Sixth Street Atco, New Jersey 08004 609 424-3916 or 767-1856We surely are looking forward to seeing everyone in New York next month.POMERANIAN REVIEWate door, but wait till I lift you out.Kitchen. Go to the kitchen and stay ere.When I open the back door, the Poms ay not come dashing through until I say ther Okay or Everybody in. If I ant one particular dog, I say, Julie mes or Chris comes and only that tg comes in. A well-placed foot reinforces lat the others must stay out.Come Here. emphasis on here, his is not the formal come or front f the obedience ring. It requires no sit in ont, just coming close enough to be icked up.Hush or Shut up. Unfortunately, le latter is far more effective because it und harsher. If the offender quiets on the rst command, praise in a calm, quiet tone. ' he doesnt, pick him up by the fur at the ack of the neck, shake him and growl at im. This is a very effective form of iscipline, essential when the Pom is clearly efying you, growling or snapping.. Crate or Bed. Get in your crate.In teaching these commands, as in any aining, you must be consistent, be firm, peat, repeat, repeat. Next time you are at show, take the time to go over to the bedience rings and watch. Your Pom can oall that, tooThe following story is long, but if it saves ne dog some pain, it is well worth the pace. I had been training Tiara in utility nd decided she was ready for matches. But hen she seemed reluctant to jump. About a eek later she not only refused to jump, ut refused the sit from a down position ignal three times. Alarm bells went off in iy head. I began to observe her carefully. Vhen I went out the back door, ten Poms ounced up eagerly. Tiara remained lying lown with a look on her face that begged ae not to call her. When she laid down, she oiled her rear to the right. If I commanded ler to sit, shed at first refuse but when I nsisted, shed lurch to her feet then slowly ower her rear, a very abnormal action. Vnd she had a miserable look on her face ill the time.My vet took x-rays which showed a hickening of three vertebrae in the lumbar egion. He said it was spondylosis, nnching nerves, and nothing could be doneexcept give her medicine for pain. Horrors Of course, there went her obedience career down the tube. But worse, since Tiara is only 8 years old, we were faced with another 4 or 5 years of trying to relieve her pain. Poor beastie. I was very unhappy with this diagnosis. I talked at length with a friend whose Sheltie had exhibited very similar symptoms over several months before being diagnosed as having a ruptured disc. The Sheltie had been operated on 2 weeks prior and appeared to be recovering. Because I couldnt bear the thought of Tiara in pain or on Bute for years, I took her to a vet who specializes in orthopedics. He assured me her pain couldnt be caused by the spondylosis because it was too far down on the side of the spine. He was 90 sure it was a ruptured disc. After a long discussion of odds, options, and risks, we decided on surgery the next morning. The purpose of the surgery was to clean out the debris, the material that came out of the disc and was pressing on the nerves. I took her home that evening. In three days she was lurching to her feet to eliminate or find the food dish. After 5 days I put her outside with the other dogs and let her resume her normal routine. Now two months later, she is happy, bouncing and, with the vets blessing, beginning to jump again Moral Never say die or get a second opinion.APRIL DEADLINEWe anticipate deadline problems with the February Specialty being held so near the deadline for the April issue. If, as a result of the Specialty or Westminster, you wish to place an ad in the April issue, we ask that you CALL the editor immediately to let her know what size ad you want so that space will be allowed for it. All ad copy relating to the Specialty and Westminster MUST in the hands of the editor no later than February 21. Leeway can be allowed for late pictures. This applies to Specialty and Westminster material ONLY. No other copy will be accepted after the February 15th deadline.POMERANIAN REVIEWWindy Acyiei PcpmmankniAby the beautiful Black Hills of South DakotaWishes all a Happy New Year, and proudly announces the arrival of two outstanding litters whelped in 1982.Three Corns Duke grandsons sired byCh. Mercers Y oungduke of Tim-Sue exWindy Acres Tiffany O Trilla Ch. Lucky Gold Dancer of Oakridge Grand daughterTwo of these heavy coated males will be offered for sale.Also, we have two puppies, male and female, sired by the beautiful red,Ch. Tomanolls Short Stackowned by Dan Mercer exWindy Acres Dash O Pina Coladaa Corns Duke Grand daughterWatch for these puppies at the Specialty in Denver in the Spring.Our gratitude to Dan Mercer for helping us to plan these truly fine litters. By now, two more litters will have arrived by these same fine sires.Congratulations to Marilyn Nowacki for finishing her gorgeous male,Ch. Windy Acres Lil Dasher.Trillis C. Duncan Windy Acres Pomeranians Rt. 2, Box 600F Rapid City, SD 57701 605 343-0626POMERANIAN REVIEW5-------------------------------------------------EMCEE'SPOMERANIANSpresents their latest ChampionPClt Emcees Ghiquita de OroCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldChiqui completed her championship in a very brief time. She finished at ten months of age, always demonstrating a lot of style and showmanship.Thanks to Maynard Wood who showed her to her championship.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANStt"1- Am'M Cfj.Emcee's Ships of DiamondProven SireShow prospects coming up Not for sale. At Stud to Approved Females.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2As 1982 draws to a close, there seems to a lot of news to report. There have been any successes, lovely wins by a number of fferent Poms, some really exciting new ippies and unfortunately, a few heart- eaks.From the Top Pom results in Canada it ipears the brother and sister team seem to rolling. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A ammotion Ch. Millamors Rock Medal- n x Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Starlett' vned by Fred and Kay Baxstrome, has eked up 6 Bests in Show this year. What is nd of nice, is that Andy has been indled to Bests by Fred and his 17 year old mghter Kim, as well as 4 others by his indler John Heartz. Sister, Can. and Am. i. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, seems close i her brothers heels with 5 Bests in Show is year. She is owned by Chris Heartz and eanor Miller.We also have news of two Pom Boosters ld in Western Canada recently. There e no Pom Specialties in this country but ith the enthusiasm shown one can not be r away. The first booster held on iptember 3rd at the Kamloops Show, was dged by Mrs. Tom Stevenson. Best of -eed, from the puppy class, was hristyhills Fosie Bear, bred, owned and indled by Gerda Hill. He also won the Dy Group the following day under Tom evenson. Winners Bitch was Jayenns acao Kiss whom I believe is a chocolate, le is bred, owned and handled by Joan rant.The Edmonton booster was held on iptember 12th. Mr. Nigel Aubrey Jones lose Anne Fultons Chinookwinds Sky- rk Ch. Chinookwinds Sky High x an.Am. Ch. Skylark Goddess in Gold Best of Breed from the classes. Winners og was Deah Barhs Joers Lil First Time reddy.Recent champions include Can.Am.Ch. Anadors Silver N Smoke Sissons Silver Dollar x Pomirish Little Matilda bred and owned by well-known exhibitor Anne Welshinger. This dog is a full brother to Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher who finished in the last issue. Smoke picked up his title in just one weekend with 2 Group 2nds and a First.Francis and Mike McDonald recently finished their Starchild at Hobbit Can. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond Starlisa. Smidge follows in her brothers footsteps and is the second in the litter to finish at under a year. Daughter Michele picked up a 3 point major in the U.S., while her brother Chippit Ch. Chips Ahoy at Hobbit needs just 4 singles in the U.S. He is now owned by Morris and Betty Carson in Virginia.Natalie Dunfee recently brought out her new dog, Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip Am. Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of Tara. C.J. was Best of Winners one day, and Best of Breed from the classes the following day. These were his first two Canadian shows and it looks like he wont be in the classes long. Natalie also has some lovely puppies by him at home.Betty ONeil picked up a Best Puppy in Show on her Hildonies Saucy Bret Ch. Hildonies Full Moon x Hildonies Golden Girl. The following week Betty broke her arm in a fall so sent Bret off with husband Owen to the shows. What else could make Mom more proud than to return home with a second Best Puppy in ShowWord from Matt Heindl reports that he quickly finished his boy Ch. Bavanews Master Skylark Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Ch. Bavanews Cassiopia. Andy finished in 3 weekends with a Group 1st. We bet this boy will go placesOn a sad note we all bid a fond farewell to Evelyn Kenny. Not only a highly respected all-breed judges in Canada, she was a very successful Pom breeder under the Kenlynn prefix. Evelyn had bred many champions in the past including Group and Best in Show winners. Based mainly on Aristic bloodlines, many Canadian Poms boast fine Kenlynn dogs in their pedigrees. Evelyn Kenny, a tremendous breed supporter, will be missed by all.POMERANIAN REVIEWrl CanBda. Ch. Chriscendo Cousin A CommotionCanBda Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Ch. Chriscendo Dancing StarletCurrently 1 Pom in Canada6 Bests in Show in just 2 months.Andy is pictured with Virginia Lyne, handled by John Heartz. He is also just 1 point away from his U.S. title.Owned byKay and Fred Baxstrome Box 142Paradise, Nfld.,CanadaBred and Handled by John and Christine Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro,N.S. CanadaPOMERANIAN REVIEWCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUBRegrettably, this critique arrived too late the October issue, in which the lumbia Pomeranian Clubs Specialty s highlighted. It appears here at the juest of the club.JUDGES CRITIQUE by Fred BassettIt was certainly a pleasure for me to ige the Columbia Pomeranian Club ecialty, which was held in a beautiful tdoor setting in Vancouver, Washington, tad never been to this gorgeous part of country before, and spent a couple of ys before the show doing some htseeing. I took my wife and sons to see attle, Bainbridge Island, and for a surely days drive to see Mount Rainier d the surrounding countryside. This area lly has to be one of the most beautiful I ve ever seen. I hope that all of you have a ance to visit this area someday urselves, and to experience the warm ispitality of the local Pom people as I did. ake plans to attend this clubs next ecialty if you can you certainly will joy itLovely as all the scenery was, one of the ettiest sights had to be the ring full of rgeous Pomeranians that I had in front me for Best of Breed competition. The tsses had been filled with good consistent lality, and I had been able to find just the pe of Pom that I like for Winners Dog id Winners Bitch. Beautiful, well oportioned dogs in good condition, with vely heads, good carriage and movement, tese dogs were joined for Best of Breed by ht lovely champions and a black and tan teran dog. There were a number of emorable dogs the most striking of tich was the Best of Breed dog, Ch. -Mar Sundance Kid. This dog took my e from the moment he entered the ring, e is an excellent dark orange male with a nply gorgeous head, and one of the best iats Ive seen in a long time. He is verysound and moves well is exceptionally well balanced with sufficient neck to carry his head proudly. He was well presented, and worked beautifully for his handler. I understand that this dog just recently finished his championship, but I would say that he is easily Best in Show quality. Im sure that given the chance, he will attain that honor shortly.My Best of Winners was the very stylish and typey Winners Dog, Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar. He is an orange sable dog with excellent head type good balance, neck and head carriage. Best .of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Maranthas Lil Tabitha, a very nice orange bitch with a pretty head and excellent coat and condition. She was well proportioned, and moved well. Winners Bitch went to Harbins Black Gold of India, a lovely black and tan bitch of excellent type. She was pushed for winners by her Tiffanys Star of India, who was Reserve Winners. This bitch was the same excellent type as her daughter and made for a difficult decision. There was another really top quality bitch in the classes Char-Murs Glorious Dream, a 6-9 month puppy bitch which I put Best Puppy, and was very taken by. She is orange sable, and a little immature, but she has it all excellent head, short back, balance, good neck and carriage, and good movement. This one certainly has a bright future. It was also a pleasure to judge Ch. Rainbows Willow- mar Hi-Ho, a black and tan dog who I learned later had been the first dog of his color to finish his championship after black and tan was recognized a few years back. He and his kennelmate Rainbows Talos Hi were also the winners of the brace class, which was a real crowd pleaser.Following the specialty judging, we were all treated to a good old fashioned Pot-Luck Barbecue by the club members. The food was great, and the conversation even better. It was such a pleasure to renew many old acquaintances, and make some new ones. Many thanks to Show Chairman John Nye, who has to be one of the hardest working club members I have ever met, and to Jean Schroll and Mrs. Asback for making this judging assignment one of the most pleasant I have ever had.POMERANIAN REVIEWClear Creek PomeraniansFOR SALEFemale, whelped October 25,1980.Sire Ch. Mercers Touch O Duke.Heavy coated silver cream pointed show bitch.FemaleGrand daughter of Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms. Good sound brood. Free whelper of show quality puppies.Female.Black and tan show prospect puppy.Sire Ch. Mercers Wagstar O Cheelan.Clear Creek PomeraniansDebbie Broday 7435 W. Comet Peoria, AZ 85345 602 979-5384PomeraniansCheridel Pomesto Remember Mecongratulations his newest champion son,Silva Lade The Intersepter.Congratulations and best wishes to Dolly Trauners Phyner Pomeranians, on her kennel visit. Much continued success in the future.Two litters expected sired by Cheridel Mocha Chip of Wee Fyv rich chocolate, dark choc, pigment by daughters of Ch.Edneys Moe-Best Special Order.Also, congratulations to Betty Aona of Alani Pomeranians on her fantastic finish of Rebel Rouser.Parti-colors hoped for in expected litters sired by Pombredens Faith of Gideon parti-color ex Cheridel Fair Rosaleen and Cheridel Rosalie strong parti- backgrounds.Josephine Ching 2829 Booth Road Honolulu, HI 96813 808 537-1565Carol Ricci311 Cherry Hill Rd. West Reisterstown, MD 21136 301 833-8468POMERANIAN REVIEWWORD GAMESby Joe WaltonAlthough this article is about Shih Tzu, e subject of correct type and artificial pearance certainly apply to Pomeranis. I hope you will be compelled to write eng thy essays on these subjects . . . and nd them to Pom Review. You are the perts. Share your ideas with other eeders on these important topics.The EditorWhere to begin an article is always the ughest part of writing. Very often after ading a magazine article I feel stimulated say something and have literally written agthy essays and afterwards have said to yself, Why should I, a relative iwcomer to dogs, dare lecture the old ners.Some observations can be made, iwever, that perhaps the more exper- iced have lost sight of or forgotten tirely. One of the first things that comes mind is the widely debated topic of fPE in Shih Tzu. Very seldom have I seen pure bred Shih Tzu that I would not mediately recognize as a Shih Tzu, even a poor one. We all know that our merman Shih Tzu have come from rious sources, so when a person Ivertises TYPEY or CORRECT TYPE, I k myself which correct type or whose pe. When someone says CORRECT YPE, it is similar to a person talking out the TRUE RELIGION whose true ligion Our standard is written in very neral terms and in a court of law one ould be hard pressed to prove any dog to the CORRECT TYPE with words such about show warm expression imewhat longer slightly rolling no more an no less than slightly undershot dark es. The capper is, However, type and eed characteristics are of the greatest lportance. Even with the faults listed, ere are only two that you could definitely squalify a dog with, and those would be ershot and pick on the nose or eye rims, verything else is up to someonesinterpretation.Also, it is interesting to note that what a given person prefers as type often seems related to their prior experience with dogs or in other words, what breed the person was previously associated with. To me it seems those who dealt with, let us say, Afghans or Poodles, seem to prefer smoother moving dogs and put more emphasis on the parts of the standard which concern forequarters, hindquarters, tail and especially that section dealing with gait. On the other hand, those who have had experience with Pekes often tend to disregard or down play the movement sections of the standard or talk about wide rears there is no mention in the standard and in the same breath mention wide rears with strong rear action, which is anatomically impossible. Some people stress the word short as in short legs, but what is short To my way of thinking, any dog that is longer than it is tall could be considered short as long as it isnt over 11 inches tall at the withers reference our standard.There is no doubt about the fact that the standard says more about the head than any other section, but where does it say that more words makes one section more important than any other Further, even that section could have been split into separate sections such as skull, mouth, eyes, ears, etc. After all, the fore and hind quarters were separated from the feet, and color and coat were disassociated.Let us consider the coat. A luxurious, long, dense coat. I ask how long To the floor, trailing 3 inches out on the floor, how long Nowhere does it say that the top coat should be heavy and coarse. So what is correct coat typeMost of us want the nose placed up between the eyes with a deep stop, and yet our standard says nothing except a definite stop. Even a dog with a down nose can have a definite stop.I hope that I have made my point which is that there are and can be severalPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomtown Kennelsrfill .. .vl ''v.V ^WvCh. Pompuf Sparkling Starwins her championship under judge, Mrs. Betty Dexter, at the age of 9.We wish to thank the following judgesMr. Nick, Calicura, Mrs. Daun Vick Hansen, Mrs. Kay Radcliffe, Mrs. Dorothy Hobbs, Mr. E. W. Tipton.Star was handled by her co-owner, Hank Jatczak.Pomtown KennelsM. Marie Jatczak 121 Morris Ave.Bellwood IL 60104 312544-3002POMERANIAN REVIEWord Games, cont from p. 62.RRECT TYPES. And that much of at we in our own minds judge a dog by is sed on personal perference rather than pirical evidence as described in our indard. True, this does account for a at deal of frustration in and out of the ig when one sees a judge put up the ong type as one sees it, but at the same tie the generalities of our standard gives all the opportunity to experiment in our eeding programs in an effort to produce en more colorful and beautiful speci- ns.Recently, I have found it very interesting observe all that has been written ncerning artificial this and artificial that, ime people complain about pilling dogs to p them up or to calm them down. Others mplain about dyeing. All of us have seen gs with dark faces suddenly, or perhaps tter, gradually develop white blazes and ce falls. Others, amazingly, develop deep ild saddles and so on. One breeder scribed viewing a prestigious dog show as tending a Miss Clairol convention. Iso we know that some people thin the iat at the neck to give the dog more neck, thers trim at the base of the tail to shorten icks. Some have ratted or teased the coat ong the back to give the appearance of a vel topline. I once heard a well-known indler explain how one could tie the hair 1 the tail into the topline to make the dog ep its tail over the back. What about the ousing of the topknot over the nose to lorten the nose or the various things that e stuffed in the topknot to give an tificial appearance of more dome. And, F course, we have heard about pulling eth and tattooing noses. Now about ringing the dog up so much that the front let hardly touch the ground. All of these -e artificial.There is, however, another item which w people would think of as being -tificial and that is stuffing dogs to an -tificial weight. Isnt almost anything that done to a dog to enhance its natural ppearance artificial Again, as with type, hat one person considers OK or ermissible is highly irregular or illegal to nother. Perhaps that old adage about eople living in glass houses should be iven additional thought by us all.Wouldnt we all be better off trying tobreed in the characteristics we like so much rather than going to the pains that some do to make their dogs appear to be what they are not True, in many respects we do live in an artificial world, but wouldnt it be wonderful if our breeding and showing fancy could be an island of honesty and sanity in an evermore superficial world where appearances are not always what they seem.The Great Impersonator, cont from p. 46.the local dudes who decided to come out and see him go down to the fire eating person. For the finale he goes with the most famous of them all, the great Frank Fabelliosi and his standard Poodle taking Best in Show at Banta Sarbara in 1970. He recaptures that great breathtaking moment when Frank brings his dog back from the gait and presents him to the judge in such magnificent style that he is truly undeniable By this time the house has gotten with Howie and his funny dog thing and the response is fair ... not good ... just fairAll of the acts come back out for the re-cap and then the judge goes to his book, THE WINNER IS . . . HOWIE BLANSDORFF AN IMPERSONATOR OF FAMOUS DOG HANDLERS The house comes down Profusely pimpled, gray, brown and black How-weird is beside himself. Cock A Poodle Doo commences to bark like any dog does when he takes his first Best in Show and promptly whizzes on the boots of the lead twirler from East Sumpster High. Howies family is dancing in the aisles as are those dudes from the neighborhood who came out to see him go down to the fire eating person. How-weird the right fielder who was never in the hospital and who had never gotten hit by a car Weird How-weird ... the winnerThe prize is a giant Greek lady type thing mounted on pure walnut with hugh wings done in simulated plastic made in Taiwan. AND a box of Mars bars and 2 tickets to next weeks productionBack stage the losers are discussing the judge in rather earthy tones. The parting shot is when the sword swallower says to the fire eating person, Didnt I tell ya hed go wit da handler POMERANIAN REVIEWSn tAtenwdaniThe Ohio Pomeranian Club with deepest regret, says goodbye to our friend,V i4f It. Sr2 jewcM STAcUcAekSeptember 25, 1982Don was a Pom fancier for the past several years, and had just finished his sixth champion a short time before his death.POMERANIAN REVIEWFleas The Scourge of the Southby Betsy KeithHere in San Antonio, its the middle of tober, 95 and the temperature is still mbing. Whatever happened to Fall No rnder the fleas flourish here. They dont .ve to go south for the winter they just set permanent residence. Every summer, cording to local papers, the flea problem intinues to be worse than the previous ar. Its no wonder whenever doggie ople get together, the main topic is 3U guessed it FLEAS.Now, Ill stop right here a make a atement just for all you lucky north- rners. In 1979, the Irish Setter Club of nnerican held their National Specialty in an Antonio. A well known breeder from Canada was here and we were discussing leas. I couldnt believe she had never seen ine. Not only that, but not once had she tad the pleasure of spraying, dipping, lusting, etc. No wonder she was surprised it the conversation. We generously olunteered to send some fleas back with ter so she wouldnt feel left out Anyway, for all you lucky people without flea problems, knock on wood, bundle up and go shovel some snow. And, if you really want to see first hand what all the fuss is about, Im sure we can work something outWe all know how dipping plays havoc on show coats. Putting dust in the house andor spraying every week is a real chore. When I moved to San Antonio in August, the fleas were so bad in this house it was unbearable to me. Every time I walked into the house or the yard, my pants would become black with fleas. Each time, I would spray the house with a new insecticide for five straight days, but nothing seemed to work. In fact, the fleas seemed to reproduce even faster.I think I read every article ever written on flea prevention. I tried every mentioned remedy, but to no avail. Thats why I find it rather amusing that little ol me finally found a solution. I havent had any fleas in about nine months. Now, that statementshocks a lot of people. Whats more, I never dip my dogs it breaks coat, and I never use internal pesticides, spray, or dust continuously. I simply maintain the following procedure and, since it has worked for several of my friends as well as for me in two different homes, I feel it is well worth sharing.1. Remove the dogs from the area being treated. Spray the entire area with straight strength Malathion.2. Set off the very heavy concentration of foggers in the house and kennel Editors Note Always follow manufacturers saftey intructions when using any chemical. I use several large Holiday foggers to kill the adult fleas and one D-Con Flea Stop fogger per room to kill the eggs. It is very important to kill both the adult fleas and their eggs.3. When Im ready to bring the dog back, I bathe them in Palmolive liquid detergent. It is a mild cleaning agent and does kill fleas.4. Approximately one week later, I put Dursban granules in the yard and, again, bathe the dogs in Palmolive.5. Repeat the procedure approximately every three months.Thats all and no fleas Its wonderful. I dont dip, just routinely bathe the dogs with Palmolive. I also know of several people who use Proban or Spot On and they seem to have good results. But personally, I do not like to induce insecticides into a dogs body, especially if you want to breed them.Another hint if an outside dog comes into your house or kennel for breeding, grooming, or whatever, make sure it is not carrying fleas with it. The first thing I do is check the dog for fleas if they are apparent, I immediately bathe the dog. This is just a self-protection policy which everyone should understand, so dont be afraid to speak up.Good luckPOMERANIAN REVIEWMoe-Best Pomeranians presentsMoe-Best Overnite Sin-SationCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x Pomesto CassandraiZiggy went Best in Match at th Chesapeake Pomeranian Club Mate over 34 lovely entries at just under months oldChance sends congratulations to hi son Justa Menehune bred and ownec by Sharon Hiemenz for a 5 pt. major ai Annapolis K.C. and a 3 pt. major at Rock Creek K.C., putting him very near his championship.Terri Moebuis 1719 Manor Rd.Baltimore, MD 21222 301 285-5477 or 284-3093IHappytynieKamel1mWjMCh. Silva Lade The IntersepterCottonThanks to Diane Johnson for this beautiful black boy. A big thank you also to Gloria Setmeyer for finishing our dog.Grace Smyth 29394 D. Dr. S. Albion, MI 49224POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 19101 67th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290oms of distinction. Residents of the thwest and visiting dignitaries alike e honored the show rings in the last few nths. Many lovely Poms have completed ir championship requirements, and ne have gone on to higher awards. Sally Gilbrey reported on some in a recent er.Seattle Kennel Club Show, August 8, 82, judged by Maxine Beam, Golden ow Regi earned his first major and went i to Best of Breed. Regi is owned by ince McGilbrey, and shown by Alicia tuer. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite ix was Andrews Lass by Laddie, owned i Bernard and Virginia Niehouse, and is lown by Bernard. On August 15, her letter Dntinued, I got a surprise call from Jean chroll in Alaska, she had just won Best in how with Ch. Golden Glow Ima Warrior, ho is co-owned by Elva McGilbry and ean Schroll. Group judge Mr. Burch Best n Show, Mr. Harvey.Sally also passed on this helpful hint, earned the hard way by Darlene Wilson. After several of Darlenes dogs died, she had the cause researched by her vet and Pulman College. Tests showed that too much calcium in their well water caused kidney damage. I never knew that you could overdose calcium. Now Darlene packs in water for all her dogs. Thanks to Darlene and Sally for sharing this.Anna LaFortune was a welcome guest in Seattle in late August, with her friend Pat Erickson. They attended a sanctioned match, sponsored by the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club, at the home of Irene Harbin, August 28th. We were all pleased to meet them and to benefit from the discussions of Poms at the pot luck lunch which followed the match. It was especially exciting to see Annas beautiful Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, who was a special part of the Parade of Champions.Josh as he is called by Anna and his co-owner Blanche Rider, demonstrated how the well behaved Pomeranian should perform both in the ring and out of it. He continued his special conduct at the Sammamish Kennel Club show on the 29th of August by winning the breed. Andrews Lass by Laddie was Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex, completing her championship under judge Mrs. Merle E. Smith.After a brief visit in Portland to renew old friendships, Anna and company attended four days of shows in Oregon, winning the breed every day with Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero. The other results from those shows are as followsSeptember 2, Rogue Valley K.C., Judge, Hayden Martin. Winners Dog Silver Meadows Danny Love, owner Cynthia Rapp. Winners Bitch Ron-Dels Foxy Lady, owner, Carol Lackey.September 3, Umpqua K.C., Judge, Del Glodowski. Winners Dog Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar, owner, Jean Schroll. Winners Bitch Ron-Dels Foxy Lady.September 4, Klamath Dog Fanciers, Inc., Judge, Dr. Huggins. Winners Dog Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar, Winners Bitch Ron-Dels Foxy Lady.September 5, Southern Oregon K.C., Judge, Frank Sabella. Winners Dog Maranathas Lil Caleb, owners, Gloria and Steve Carlin. Winners Bitch Westmost Paper Dolls Pixie, owners Jean Schroll and Bea and Wayne George.Ron-Dels Foxy Lady, Westmost Paper Dolls Pixie and Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar all finished their championships on this circuit and on September 6, the last show of the circuit, Que Sera Mountain Fresh O Bi-Mar was Best of Breed.Another new champion, Tifanys Star of India, owned by Irene Harbin, finished recently in Eastern Washington. Ch. Bi-Mars Sundance Kid is making his owners, Byrl and Mary Rosenbaum proud also. Of five shows, handler Jean Schroll reports five breeds and four group placements, two Group 2s and two Group 4s. So many distinguished Poms with their well-deserved wins. Congratulations to all.POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Jolly Wee Macho of Moonrock-T'. m- is f- IpTOYWishes you Baskets Full of Puppies in 1983.Tim and Sue Goddard 19719 Rice Lake Lane Houston, Texas 713 492-0849xiXIPOMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573aining problems seem to have been the i topic of conversation at recent shows ther one was around the obedience or formation rings. It does not seem that ning such a small dog as a Pomeranian uld be such a large problem however, neranians must not only strike the rect positions in the conformation ring, y must strike them happily head up, 1 up, ears alert and eyes sparkling. To hieve the above result the Pom must like tat he is doing and this applies to both information and obedience.The past few years have seen obedience lange forms. Competition has become lore severe as numbers have increased, low split-second timing and precision drill jchniques are needed to place a dog in the ibbons. Many handlers are searching for a vay to save that crucial half point. I regret o report that this search has often lead to aarsh training techniques.The same sort of thing has happened in conformation. As numbers andor competition has increased in an area, ring presentation showmanship and grooming has become more important. The pressure is on the dog must perform.Some breeds have been developed to perform under severe correction. While I do not like these methods used even on these breeds, I must admit that such breeds do perform precisely, if not happily under these severe conditions.The Pomeranian breed, as we know it today, has no other purpose than to be a pleasure and an amusement to man. One of the main delights of the Pomeranian is that he has a proud self-important way about him. This is not a front. Most Poms do value themselves very highly. Self-efacing Poms seldom do well in the show ring for the proud ones convince the judges and the' " a.hbreeders that they are valuable. Such a proud being will not respond to harsh treatment intended to subjugate its being.A quality Pomeranian is born with his pride, but he must learn his respect and love which are the best training tools for him. I have seen dogs appear to love their trainers more than their doting owners. I think the reason is mutual respect. With a good trainer, the dog knows that much is expected of him, but he also knows that he will be admired and loved for his accomplishment. Any intelligent being likes the feeling of success.Now the secret of great training, in my opinion, is teaching the dog to acquire a taste for achievement. Once he is hooked on success, he will work to fill the need. Now remember the dog cannot count points, or legs, or appreciate trophies. His measure of achievement is what he gets from his trainer. Also, remember the dog may put all he has into a performance and place out of the ribbons. When this happens he has been successful and deserves his sense of achievement. Conversely the dog may win the points or leg and not have performed well and not deserve his achievement award.Focus on the individual dog to be trained. Do not blindly train by any one method. Choose the parts of each that best fit the individual to be trained. Too many classes and training schools encourage all students to train the same way. It is easier for the school, but it is not necessarily best for the individual.It is not easy to tailor lessons for each individual, but the result is well worth the effort. The first and most important step in individually planning a training program either for conformation or obedience is to know the dog.I began my dog career in the obedience rings. I put degrees on several dogs then I moved to the conformation ring and showed there for several years. When I left the obedience ring, the best trainers for any aspect of dog work were there. After an absence of nine years, I am thinking of returning to obedience and I am finding a distressing change has taken place.In the past the obedience people that I knew had a really good time. They enjoyed each others company, and they truly lovedPOMERANIAN REVIEWtheir dogs. They selected these dogs, not because they were good obedience breeds, but because their breed characteristics pleased them and fit into their life styles. Most of the people I am thinking of scored well and usually placed in the ribbons. Several were High in Trial and 200 scores were not unknown. They were competitive, but the competition was fun. If at a certain trial a dog or handler blew the whole thing, the handler was not destroyed. He still enjoyed his day and he was an enjoyable companion for those around him.I am not seeing this enjoyment at the current shows. Recently, some handlers have seemed personally insulted by their dogs mistakes. I guess being perfect themselves, they can not understand error. They are unpleasant to be near for they berate their dogs and give dozens of excuses for the errors they or their dogs made. They seem incapable of enjoying their friends or the other dogs performances. They do not value their dogs or themselves apart from their wins.I have tried to analyze the difference in the past and the persent groups. I believe it is a result of different approaches to training. The past trainers that I knew trained dogs that they loved. They enjoyed being with those dogs for between the two of them had developed a bond of love, trust and pride which no one days error could shake. Force training was almost unknown. The dog was shown what he was expected to do. Corrections were not a part of training until the dog knew what was expected of him and purposefully disobeyed. Training nights were fun for both handler and dog. Often refreshments were brought, visits took place before and after classes, no one seemed uptight. The handler and his canine friend were doing something enjoyable together.Many current trainers in both rings seems to enjoy subjugating their dogs. No one treats a friend this way so, the dog ceases to be a friend and becomes a thing that is thwarting the handlers success. The handler seems to hate this creature that stands between him and success. In education it has been proven that the most effective learning takes place when the student has a good self-image and believeshis teacher believes in him. Many of t studies were done with other than hu animals. Why, in the face of all evidence, does a trainer punish and be his dog thus causing a case of anxiety which the dog must work I believe form of training has lost the show i many sensitive people who would have b the best handlers. Only a bully enj putting another living creature down when a caring person realizes the results such force, he will drop training if he is shown a better way to train. In obedien force training ruins many dogs at the Op level. They seem able to survive t pressure for novice work, but the joy gone from their lives before open work completed. In conformation this can seen in mechanical showmen. Do reactions vary to being punished for doii things that they do not know are wron. Some become sullen, others rebel, mar become depressed and sad, and a fe patient breeds will accept unjustifie punishment and learn anyway. Perhaps thi is why only a few breeds are now thought o as good obedience choices, but think ho\ much better even these breeds would worl if wisely trained.I know that my comments will not affec those who have selected a training method, but for those who have only seen force training, there is another way. The approach of teaching as opposed to forcing gives the handler a dog with whom he can enjoy the shows. It also gives him a dog that enjoys showing more with each passing day for he values his own performance and feels his accomplishment. The handler and dog grow as a team. They know what they have accomplished, and they know their worth. No single show is capable of driving them to the depths of despair or sending them on a foolish ego trip.Doubt me if you please, but trust your own eyes. Note the training methods used by the handlers whose dogs dance with joy in and out of the ring. Watch for the dogs whose tails wag and the handlers who smile and laugh before and after they show win, lose or tie Their tension is a happy tension. They do not know fear or dread of a show. Their joy is showing at its best.When, concerned at what I saw, I decided to write this article, I realized that IPOMERANIAN REVIEWded to offer some positive suggestions. e most Poms are not natural retrievers, ting one to carry a dumbbell seems to be must difficult training in either ring, alizing that new methods are developing the time, and I had not been active in edience recently, I called on Kitty Connell. Kitty, as most of you know, s shown high scoring Poms in obedience r twenty years. For training the retrieve e suggested the technique developed by en Johnson of Windsor, Ontario, anada. Kitty assured me this inductive trieve method works. It is teaching, not ircing. It may take a little longer, but it aves one with a friend, not a subject. I ish I could reproduce it for you here, but it was printed August 1976 in Off-Lead, is copyrighted. Check with your bedience friends or contact Kitty for lformation on this method.I am presently studying the best training iook that I have ever seen. The book is lOW TO BE YOUR DOGS BEST 7RIEND by the Monks of New Skete, published by Little, Brown and Company. This book is not an obedience manual. It Joes include obedience instruction, but its najor purpose is to allow man to understand his dog and develop a good relationship with him in all areas of life. It is a very sensitive, insightful book that explains the needed relationship when two beings on different levels closely blend their lives. I wish it could be required reading for all dog owners. The respect of the dog not as an inferior human, but as a wonderful different creature and the explanation of these differences makes this book unique in my mind. Please, read it for your dog and your own sake.Do not train a dog that you do not respect and love. Be fair and honest with the dog. Show wins fade. Your relationship with your dog lasts. You and he are the important elements.THE DENVER METRO POMERANIAN CLUB by Michael M. Thorstad standing in for Mona Mae CaldwellThe Denver Metro Pomeranian Club is proud to announce our hosting of the Summer Specialty of the American Pomeranian Club on Friday, May 27, 1983. Our Specialty will be held in conjunction with the Metro Mile Hi Kennel Club, Ltd limited to toy breeds only at the Arapahoe County Fairgrounds in Littleton a suburb of Denver, Colorado. We are expecting three to four hundred toy dogs at this show as the Papillons and Silkies will also be having their National Specialties this same weekend in Denver. There are also three all-breed dog shows following our Specialty in the Denver Metro area with Pom breeder judges at two of the three shows.The judges for the Pom Specialty are subject to AKC approval, Mrs. Leon KeKe Blumberg for the regular classes and Mrs. Christine Heartz for the Sweepstakes classes. Mrs. Blumberg judges the Toy and Non-Sporting Groups and a few Sporting breeds. She was a breeder of nationally acclaimed Lhasa Apsos. Mrs. Heartz of Chriscendo Poms hails from Nova Scotia, Canada and is familiar to many Pom breeders for excellent Pomeranians of international reputation.The weather on Memorial Day weekend is usually 70 to 80 and the nights cool to the 60s and 70s. Our specialty is to be held indoors. We are working hard toward providing the best specialty ever. Some items of interest to all who are planning to come The Denver club plans to provide transportation for all Pomeranian exhibitors at our specialty to and from the headquarters hotel and the show sites. We are busy coordinating vans, campers, station wagons, etc. for those of you who are arriving in town without local transportation. We expect a very nominal fee for this service and rest assured, the savings in taxi cab fees or rental cars will be substantial. More information will be published in future Reviews, along with the premium list. The headquarters hotel is still unconfirmed as of this writing, but will be close to our specialty. Denver is serviced by continued on p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7KIE EN NR NrU eL mOur Newest Obedience Star k 'W"-Vjttv-JS-Cz. Jabils Pinto Hi-Tone C.D.Tony received his C.D. in October, just a few months after finishing his championship. His record includes scores in the 190s, two placements and a Highest Scoring Champion award.Rosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Rd. Scarsdale, NY 10583 914725-5159LennisPomeraniansSold but we expect moreFor Sale Beautiful cream sable female, excellent black pigment, harsh dense coat, extremely typey Great Elms, Hadleigh breeding.3 super sound, super coated, org. sable, beautiful brood bitches whelped 52882. Great Elms, Millamor, Aristic 500.00 each.Puppies available out of Lennis Great Elms Tim Topper pointed, group winner.For quick response, please callLennis Davis Rt. 2, Box 223 Morristown, TN 37814 615587-34114 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBAmong other things, our club is now working towards increasing our membership. We are proud to welcome Wanda Bittner, Pete Castanoda, Bob Johnson, and Cindy Delanog. The club enjoyed an unforgettable meeting with Wanda Bittner as our hostess. The members were escorted through Wandas kennel. She is dedicated to the rescue of mistreated and abandoned Poms. She and her husband closed their restaurant that day and devoted their attention to our members and I can only recount what I felt and heard from all attending, Incredible, simply incredible Wanda literally had the Welcome Puget Sound Pomeranian Club Members sign out for us. It was truly a memorable experience.Bernard Niehouse, another of our club members, has recently handled his dog all the way to his championship. Virginia takes care of the dogs while Bernard shows them in the ring. They are currently working toward finishing another one. See you soon, Bernard. Another member, Irene Harbin, has finished her bitch who is the dam of the black and tan Winners Bitch at the Columbia Pom Clubs Summer Specialty in Portland from the 6-9 class. Both of these bitches have been exclusively owner handled. We are proud that our club members are so active in the show ring.Our newsletter has been going out to over 60 persons a month. Due to the increased costs, the club regrets it can no longer continue this practice. However, anyone wishing to receive it can do so by sending 5.00 for the yearly subscription. Of course we will gratefully accept contributions of additional funds to help with these costs. Send your contributions or requests to our editor, Irene N. Harbin, 10759 Sand Pt. Wy. N.E., Seattle, WA 98125. Thank you.DALLAS-FORT WORTH POMERANIAN Club by Peggy HendricksAs corresponding secretary of the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, it has become my pleasure to report on our club activities. Officers for this year arePresident Vice President TreasurerRecording Secretary Corresponding Secretary Board of DirectorsDough Baynham Billy McDonald Carol Sherry Rosemary Wise Peggy Hendricks John Hendricks,Mildred Patrick, Officers of the ClubAs usual, most of us enjoyed the summer break by attending shows and whelping new litters and are now ready to direct our energies toward another year of club work. Our first meeting after the summer break was held September 14 in the home of Carol Sherry as usual. Other than routine business we discussed different options for raising funds. For the last two years we have had two goals in mind. Of course, the first priority is our 1983 Spring Specialty, but we are also working hard to have a really big Silver Anniversary Show March 1984.In the past some of our activities for our Anniversary Show were as followsA. Donation of biscuit can banks by Kenneth and Francis Freeman, auctioned to members, filled with coins, then again donated to the club.B. Auctioning of table decorations at Christmas Parties and Picnics, donated by Carol Sherry. The members have been very generous in their bidding.C. A very successful garage sale, to which numerous members made donations, held at the home of Luther and Margaret Mobley.D. Sale of Puppy Cuddlers and Ringside Matts made by Estelle McDonald.E. And last, but certainly not least, the contents of our Brag Box.Now, if you dont mind, something personal. John and I took a vacation trip in September through Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia and into Washington D.C., taking side-trips on the way up to tour Historical Mansions and points of interest. We found the scenery beautiful and enjoyed the drive immensely. But, the best part of our trip continued on p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.Edna E. GirardotPromising pups in April, June, July, August, September and October litters.Pointed dogs and Champions at stud.Please state all your wants in first letter including price range. So many inquiries come in for a show male or female and after spending much time writing all particulars and sending pedigrees, the person writes they can not spend more than 250-300. Yes, you heard right. They want a show dog. Pet shop prices are generally higher than that and the quality is unknown.Hope to see many of you at New York and belated as it will be, I wish everyone a very good year in 83.Congratulations and best wishes to Dolly Trauner and her Phyner Kennels.P.O. Box 64 Floral City, FL 32636 904 726-2001I POMERANIAN REVIEWaliasFt. Worth P.C., contfromp. on the way back, when we stopped at mcees Kennel and the home of Betty and lorris Carson, two of the nicest people we ave had the pleasure of meeting since ecoming involved in the dog world. They re truly what I feel a Pom breeder should e. We were made to feel at home and town around the house and kennels, 2eing so many beautiful Poms. But, the ding on the cake was the purchasing of a very nice little bitch. Emcees Diamond Lil of Chips, what a souvenir to ring home. Again, a really big Texas 'hanks to Betty and Morris for letting us iave her.SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB by Anna LaFortuneThe San Diego Pomeranian Club held its specialty November 6, 1982 with Mr. Merle smith judging. He chose Ch. Goforth Timmy My Boy for Best of Breed, owned sy Goforth and Flaata. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Raps Enchantress of Beaver, owned by Kim Dickinson. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Jin Cins Scotch Wally-O-Lom Lom, owned by Adrian and Marianne Alford. Wally won 14 points from the puppy class and this show finished him. Winners Bitch was McKameys Countess Gold Ideal, owned by Mrs. Norria McKayey.After the judging, a wonderful lunch was served by the club members and we all had a good time.Riverside Kennel Club was the next day, judged by Mr. Hayden Martin. Best of Breed again went to Ch. Goforth Timmy My Boy and Best of Opposite Sex went to the Winners Bitch, Starlite Lucky Shanticy, owned by Gayle Griffin. Winners Dog and Best of Winners was Kazars Diamond Jim, owned by Rodriques and Lackey.With the National just the weekend before, it gave the novice breeders a chance to meet all of the breeders from other states and to see their wonderful dogs ... a great experience for everyone.NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensBy the time you read this our Northern California Pom Specialty will be over. This will be a three day circuit so hopefully we will have majors. The judge elect is Mary Rosenbaum of Washington State, well known in Brittany circles and this will be her first assignment in this area. The sweepstakes judge is Adrian Alford, a popular choice. Adrian, like us, is in the Navy and is now stationed in Florida, but his son, a very competent handler is keeping things going in his absence.This Club also has an annual awards ceremony, which I understand was started by Chuck Reynolds, now a life member of the Club. There are awards for Best Pom, exhibitor, breeder, etc. More on this later.We have a number of well known breeders in the area and it will be interesting to note the winners.We are stationed now in Monterey, and are enjoying the winter sun and climate. Its hard for us to see surfing at this time of the year, but each place has its charm and interest and the peninsula has lots to offer.Hope you all had a very merry festive season, and that the New Year will be filled with joy and good will. To all, a happy 83.Denver Metro P.C., cont from p. 72.all the major airlines with many direct flights from both coasts and major mid-west cities. Denver has many fascinating sights and a multitude of things to do. So plan your vacation around the Pom Specialty and enjoy the wonders of Colorado and our favorite breed.POMERANIAN REVIEWJDupres Pomeraniansrx.ieDesirees Sweet CharityCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image x Sandees High HopeShown winning BOS over specials for a three point major under judge Mr. William A. Harvey. Her previous win was BOW for a four point major under judge Mr. Frank Haze Burch at the Astro World Series of Dog Shows.Thank you, Desaree Sandifer and Morris Carson for your help in our breeding program.Congratulations, Dolly, Trauner, on your kennel visit.OwnerHandlerMrs. James ft. Dupre, Sr. 318 235-1423110 Pompano St. Lafayette, LA 70508POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional etails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will e published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on le with the Review, the charge is 10.50.M.CAN. CH. BELLS CHRISCENDO ARMICHAELrange MalereederOwner Betty BellCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullaby of Tim Sue Ih. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion SireCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Millamors Marrilynn Lou-Lans April Gold Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Millamors Mascot of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Ih. Ch. Bells Misty Masquerade DamColliers Golden Wally Bells Happy Lady LuckWilmas Blackorby DebutanteH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDted Orange MaleIreederOwner Mary Rosenbaum, federal Way, WACh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of Okala Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanolls Wee Go Go Girl Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear SireCh. Tomanolls Tiny Tornado OMac Ch. Tomanolls JulietTomanolls Cha Cha Cha Ch. Lancer of Sunray Int. Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Sunrays Regina Bi-Mar Kandi Kane DamCh. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim Bi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews Gay Bit of Bi-Mars My CheriCH. PIXIES TONI TIGERRed Sable MaleBreederOwner Carol A GalavichCh. Sunwink of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger Silver Meadows Lady Taffy Ch. Silver Meadows Alexander SireSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Gay Melody Gold Toys Gay Lil Doll Ch. Models Son of Fun Julies Star BenJulies Starlight Susan Pixies Jonetta Star DamCan.Am. Ch. Wilmas Gilden Party Boy Pixies Party GirlPixies Honey GlowCH. SCOTIA DAPPER DANSCASANOVAMaleBreederOwner Edna Girardot, Floral City, FLCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia Dandys Dapper Dan SireCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Rare Coins Sable Folly Ch. Scotia Caviliers Rare Coin Rossmoyne Pete Rossmoyne Little Gem II GloriaCh. Cavaliers Precious Colleen DamCh. Buddy Wee Cavalier Wee Cavalier Precious Doll Ch. Salmons Glamour GirlViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7CH. SCOTIA AWHEY WE GO AGAINOrange FemaleBreederOwner Edna Girardot, Floral City, FLCh. May Morning Echo of Highland Tonos May Morning Ali-Echo May Morning AliceCh. Zodiacs Cavalier Commander SireCh. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid Ch. Cavys Sensational Conquest Ch. Scotia Starlight Starbright Ch. Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Varneys Special CavalierCh. Cavys Sensational Conquest Ch. Zodis Cavalier Centerpiece DamCh. Toy Towns Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Luells Cinderella of Duke Toy Towns Cuppi of JeribethCH. TIFFANYS STAR OF INDIABreeder Helen Krafcik Owner Irene HarbinCreiders Navajo Britches Morenos Smokey JoeMorenos Orange Bubbles Tiffanys Puff of Smoke SireTiffanys Soda Prince of Roban Crones Soda Prince First Lady Crons Sinful Lady Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Image Rosewoods Timstopper Shadow Rosewoods Timstopper Ovation Tiffanys Tanny of Rosewood Dam Rosewoods Timstopper Tribute Rosewoods Timstopper Polly Rosewoods Timstopper LegacyCH. WOODS SHADES OF GOLDOrange FemaleBreederOwner Bob Goodrich, Hampton,VACh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Models High Voltage SireCh. Models Magic Timstopper Models BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair-Windermere Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Woods Sun Goddess DamCh. Models Magic Timstopper Magics Little Miss Cuddles NoBodys LadyGlos Pom PomsFOR SALE2 very adorable male puppies 1 light orange 1 light with smokey tippingBoth have nice conformation. Whelped July 21,1982.Golden Glow breeding.Gloria Arlint Rt. 2, Box 454 Colville, WA 99114 509 684-4903Patty''s PomeraniansOffers Puppies For SaleSired by Ch. Camelots Bashfull Dude Showstopper Great Elms linesWishes a belated congratulations to Bev and Bill Norris on their October Kennel Visit. My Ch. Dude is a double Ch. Fudge grandson.Thanks to Terri Moebuis for my new BT show and stud prospect, Moe-Best Tan-Tailizer.Patty Bartels 4976 Monmouth Rd. Mound, MN 55364 612472-595030 POMERANIAN REVIEWO My Poms1mA 4 Vpsr2iCh. O My Patty's Touch O PepperShown here winning BOB his first time out as a special under Margaret Young at the Roaring Fork Kennel Cub in Aspen, Colorado. Pepper finished at 18 months completely from the bred-by class. He is proven with pointed offspring in the ring now. Shown sparingly, he has several group placements as well as multiple breed wins.Owner-BreederOpal R. Dumler 1091 S. Lake Gulch Road Castle Rock, CO 80104 303 688-3768Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercers Touch O Duke Ch. Bonners Starcrest MinetteCh. PepperCh. Bonners Kristan Starmist Circle M Patty Pepper Cee O My African QueenOwner-HandlerMichael M. Thorstad 3455 S. Bryant St. Englewood, CO 80110 303 762-0425POMERANIAN REVIEW 8O My PomswoyCh.O My Dusty Gold NuggetShown winning WD under Michele Bilhngs at the Chaparral K.C. in Alamogordo, NM. Even though he is 62 pounds and cream, we believedin him and so did the judges61982 Dorothy Welsh, WD, BOW 4pts 9 582 Bettie Krause, WD, BOW, BOB 3 pts 101682 William Harvey, WD 2 pts101782 Joy Davison, WD 2 pts101882 Michelle Billings, WD 2 pts101982 Hayden Martin, WD, BOW 2 ptsBreederOwner Opal R. Dumler 1091 S. Lake Gulch Rd. Castle Rock, CO 80104 303688-3768Ch. Bonners Kristan Starmist Ch. Patri-arks Stardust of Mercer Vans Champagne Girl Ch. NuggetCh. O My Traveling Man O My TracyO My African QueenHandlerMichael M. Thorstad 3455 S. Bryant St. Englewood, CO 80110 303 762-0425pending AKC confirmation12 POMERANIAN REVIEWBUMMIDWESTREPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI54228I received my October issue before the leadline for the next issue, for the first time ill year, so I assume things are back to lormal. I can now catch up on giving you lews from the midwest.So much for the midwest news. No one ontacted me about any. Now that, my fiends, is normal Ill just fill you in with he escapades of the Baugniets. Would you ike to hear about our grandson His first vords were Ma Ma, Da Da and dog. Then le would bark. His vocabulary is bigger iow, but he still barks at the dogs. Jeffy is ust 1 Vi years old.Speaking of dogs, I will tell you of our rip to London, Copenhagen and Stock- lold last February after the New York Specialty. It really was one of the nicest rips we have taken.This was the first year Crufts was a three lay dog show. There were 9,844 dogs ntered. Each either won at a 1981 Championship show or was a Champion, rwo Groups were benched and shown each lay.The conformation rings are formed only iy rows of chairs surrounding an area, no opes, no particular entrance. When a class if dogs comes in, it comes in from all over he place ... and leaves the same way.Many times a dog is entered in a couple f different classes. The classes offered in Oth sexes at Crufts are Special Puppy, Special Junior, Special Yearling, Post Graduate, Limit and Open. There is no leparate class for Champions. Champions ompete in the open class for Best of Breed md a Challenge Certificate. It takes three CCs to make an English Champion.Professional handlers are rare in sngland. Most dogs are shown by their jwners. It really looks different to see these logs being shown without any baiting or my attempt to set-up a dog at any time inthe ring. The English judges evidently dont allow it or the exhibitor doesnt know any different. They surely dont make any attempt to hide faults or make their dogs look good. Maybe it is better that wayI did not feel that the Pom quality was much different over there. I saw one extremely cobby Pom. Perhaps they have more cute heads than we do, which I was told comes from the Hadleigh line. Soundness seems to be a big problem, however, I saw several Poms that reminded me of some of our midwest Poms. I believe the percentage of quality U.S. Poms to be just as good, if not better than in England. It depends upon which emphasis you place on various good points or on faults.I also watched the Norwich Terrier judging the following day. My opinion was the same for that breed, except I feel that they had a higher percentage of quality in the Norwich than we do in the U.S.Politics seems to play a role over there as it does here. Although, for the first time in the history of Crufts, a group winner was pulled from Best in Show competition by its owner, because the dog had been boarded at the BIS judges kennel a few months before.Obedience at Crufts is given a huge ring, the whole center first floor. I would guess the area to be close to 100 x 200 or larger. It seems to be close to Westminsters Group and Best in Show ring. It fact, it is their Group and Best in Show ring when the Obedience is over for the day.The following Obedience information is taken directly from the Crufts 1982 Dog Show Catalog. I thought you might be interested in the exercises. There were 25 dogs competing on Friday and 23 bitches participating on the second day. On Sunday, 35 dogs competed in the new Inter-Regional Obedience Competition.The dogs entitled to compete for these Championship Competitions are those which have been awarded Kennel Club Obedience Certificates during 1981.The First Prize winner in each Championship will be entitled to be described as Obedience Champion. As all competing dogs must have won at least one Obedience Certificate, the Championship will be the equivalent of two ObediencePOMERANIAN REVIEW9UM fOXCh. Sun Fox I Love Lennis3 Pomeranian 1981, Kennel Review"Spi"Spi is a proven sire and is offered at stud to approved females. Pedigree and fee sent on request.We may have some Spi puppies available. All inquiries will be answered promptly.Watch for our new boy, Lennis Sun Fox Surefire. We thank his breeder and our friend, Lennis Raines Davis for another exceptional Pom puppy. Also, congratulations to his sire, Lennis Tar Sons Image on his recent Group 3.Claudia M. Lis and Edward J. Braczyk Lowell, MA 0185212 Cliffside Road 617454-16254POMERANIAN REVIEWCertificates.The test for the Championships are those equired for Class C, and if the winning og or bitch has lost more than 10 points ut of the 300 the Championship Award ill be held in accordance with the Obedience Regulations in force at the time f publication of the Schedule.CLASS COne Command, by word or signal, xcept in Test 2 where an extra command my be simultaneous command and signal. Cxtra commands or signals must be enalized.1. Heel Work. The dog shall be required o walk at heel free, and also be tested at ast and slow pace. At some time during his test, at the discretion of the judge, the 'og shall be required, whilst walking to heel t normal pace, to be left at the Stand, Sit nd Down in any order the order to be the ame for each dog as and when directed by he judge. The handler shall continue orward alone, without hesitation, and ontinue as directed by the judge until he eaches his dog when both shall continue orward together until halted. Heelwork my include left about turns and igure-of-eight at normal andor slow pace, 0 points.2. Send Away, Drop and Recall. On ommand of judge to handler, dog to be ent away in direction indicated by judge. If ter the dog has been dropped, handler nil call the dog to heel whilst walking vhere directed by judge and both will ontinue forward. No obstacle to be placed i path of dog. Simultaneous command nd signal is permitted but as soon as the 'og leaves the handler the arm must be 'ropped N.B. an extra command may be imultaneous command signal, but an extra ommand must be penalized. 40 points.3. Retrieve Any One Article provided by he judge but which must not be in any nanner injurious to the dog definitely xcluding food or glass. The article to be ticked up easily by any breed of dog in that lass and to be clearly visible to the dog. A eparate similar article to be used for each log. Test commences following judge or tewards last command to handler. 30 mints.4. Distant Control. Dog to Sit, Stand nd Down at a marked place not less thanten paces from handler, in any order on command from judge to handler. Six instructions to be given in the same order for each dog. Excessive movement, i.e., more than the length of the dog, in any direction by the dog, having regard to its size, will be penalized. The dog shall start the exercise with its front feet behind a designated point. No penalty for excessive movement in a forward direction shall be imposed until the back legs of the dog pass the designated point. 50 points.5. Sit Two Minutes, Handler out of sight. 20points.6. Down Ten Minutes, handler out of sight. 50 points.7. Scent Discrimination. Judges scent on piece of marked cloth. Neutral and decoy cloths to be provided by the Show Executive. The judge shall not place his cloth in the ring himself, but it shall be placed by a steward. A separate similar piece to be used for each dog and the total number of separate similar pieces of cloth from which the dog shall discriminate shall not exceed ten. If a dog fetches or fouls a wrong article this must be replaced by a fresh article. The method of taking scent shall be at the handlers discretion but shall not require the judge to place his hand on or lean towards the dog. A separate similar piece of cloth approximately 6 in. by 6 in. but not more than 10 in. by 10 in. shall be available to be used for giving each dog the scent. Judges should use a scent decoy or decoys. 50points.Total 300 points.I will write an article for the April issue on the remainder of our trip to Denmark and Sweden. If you midwesterners have any news for this article, please send it to me. When it is time to write an article, I must have written notes from you in front of me or it would be impossible for me to read up on everybodys Good News. I might slight someone. PleasePOMERANIAN REVIEW fLennis Pomeranians1Is-ALennisTar Son ImagepointedGroup placements Sire of Champions Son of Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms, full brother to B.I.S. Ch. Lennis Tequila Sunnrise.Handler-Agent Betty CatonLennisTequila SunsetWatch for this beautiful male.Great Elms, Scotia, Hadleigh breeding Handler-Agent Virginia Noth Co-owned by Virginia Noth and Lennis Davis.A1 aLennisJonathan P. QuibbleMale. Great Elms, Scotia breeding Owners Virginia Noth and Lennis Davis Agent Virginia NothLennis DavisRt. 2, Box 223 Morristown, TN 37814 615587-34116 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE NEWSEmma Heyde 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Of course, all of us obedience buffs enow that the winner of the Novice division n the 1982 Gaines Central Regional Dog Dbedience Championship on June 19 in Tulsa, Oklahoma was a Pom, but now lets ell the world about it Little two year old Twinkle Little Super Star, owned and hown by Donna Crain of Memphis, Tennessee had a 198.166 average What a father in the cap of all of us who love 3oms and know how well they can do in obedience.Just to prove how well our Poms are loing lately, here are a few of the titles and icores we can all be proud of Sues Wee Huddles of Scotia, owned by Marie Powers yf Bellefontaine Neighbors, MO, has just ompleted her CDX. Cuddles first leg was at Orlando DTC, Orlando, FL, score190. The second leg was at Greater St. Louis TC, St. Louis, MO, score 192.5, hird place and highest scoring Toy trophy. The third leg came at Edwardsville, Illinois KC Edwardsville, IL where she scored 193.5 and was in third place. Bonus leg was at Mississippi Valley KC at St. Louis, MO. She scored 189 and was in third place and highest scoring Toy again.Also finishing a CDX Pom was Karen Bohn of Dumfries, VA whose Bonnie Brandy Bohn was First place in Open A at Mount Vernon DTC, when she made her second leg. Tammy Carrells Lennis Red Denim Levi is now a CDX. This super little dog was first place in Open A at Richmond DOC on October 23, scoring 196.5 High Scoring Pom and High Scoring Toy in Trial.Also, finishing the CD title are some good ones Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral Pooh Bear to his friends, finished his title in the following manner 1st leg, RDOC, score191, HS Pom in Novice B second leg, RDOC, score 194, fourth in Novice B, HS Pom in trial and HS Champion in Trialthird leg, VA Beach K.C., score 196 , second in class and HS Toy and HS Champion. Pooh Bear is owned by Margaret McKee and Gred Holland.Another new CD is Joys Tippy, owned by Joyce James of Hopewell, VA. Sorry, we have no details here, but congratulations anyway to all of these new title holders.Margaret McKee of Richmond, VA our wonderful source of so much news reports that her little Tiara was sidelined from Utility by a ruptured disc, but is recovering beautifully from spinal surgery and is relearning to jump. The best of luck and lots of love to both of them. Utility isnt easy, but as they say, you cant keep a good Pom down.TANOSPOMERANIANSsendBEST WISHES for a successful specialty.Also...CONGRATULATIONS to Dolly Trauner on her kennel visit.Linda Napolitano 8310 Liberia Avenue Manassas, VA 22110 703 369-5535POMERANIAN REVIEW 8nJrt jffltmoriamWe regret to report the death on August 8,1982 ofMrs. Bee Wilson BasslerWe extend our deepest sympathies to her husband, RobertGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Wishing all breeders a very successful 1983.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC28134 704 889-9233Ch. G.E. Timstopper Too Stud Fee 100. Others at Stud 65.00-75.00 r -A belated congratulations to Bev and Bill Norris for their Kennel Visit in the October Issue. I am very sorry I was unable to get it in their special issue.Congratulations to the Phyner Pomeranians and their owner, Dorothy Trauner.88 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Sue GoddardClub members just returned from Arizona were excited about the show and festivities. We were all proud of our Olga Baker and the expert job she did in judging the sweepstakes entries. Hubby Darrell looked on approvingly. Many have encouraged Olga to apply for her license. There was one individual at the show who insisted that she does do Schipperkes, and not too well in his opinion. There seemed to be' nothing Erika Moreau could say to disuade him from his conviction that Olga was an infamous Schipperke judgeErika and Wayne Moreau and daughter, Jennifer drove out in their newly converted BIG bus and the fact that its sides are labeled Conroe Baptist Church may have saved them a ticket or two enroute. Connie and Tony Tellez arrived by air Friday evening and George and Jean West arrived by air with the Bakers on Saturday. Tim and I had left a week earlier and spent that time with Paul and Randy Freeh in Canyon Country, California. We couldnt have been more royally treated house guests. I kept offering to take a few dozen dogs home with me and did manage to leave with two. One I have to share with good friend, Roxy Campbell. We drove with the Freehs in their motor home to the Arizona Specialty, then flew back to Houston from there.One of the most fun things club members have done since my last column was to surprise Dave and Bobbie Gibson with a new kennel warming. The members took a pitch-in picnic to their beautiful home and although the Gibsons were expecting one couple for they day, they were extremely surprised by the larger turn out. We all had an opportunity to tour their lovely kennel. It is hardly fair to call this building a kennel, as it is nicer than many homes. Dave did most of the construction himself and it is really outstanding, featuring extremely well-arranged whelping facilities with sleeping area for observation by the human midwife. A complete kitchen and half bath make living with the dogs a pleasure. The kennel is equipped withinout screened runs and the dogs who live here definitely dont lead a dogs life. The Gibsons home is situated on acreage among beautiful, tall trees.Recent champions for club members are Tomboys Pico Chico for owners Erika Moreau and Kathy Flanagan. Tellez Simply Cinnamon Star completed her championship for new owners, Dave and Bobbie Gibson. She is bred by Tony Tellez. Wests Sweet Summer Dream completed her championship in grand style taking Best of Breed over specials for proud owner- breeders George and Jean West. This is the little girl who earlier broke a leg when she was near her title.The big winner for our club in Arizona was Tony Tellezs puppy dog Tellez Simply Golden Dancer, who took Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes, won his 9-12 puppy class all three days and a big major on Monday. Dancer is near his title with both majors from the puppy class. This will be the 4th champion for his dam.The next club function on our .agenda is a Christmas party at the home of the Wests, and then of course, many are making plans to attend the specialty in February in New York.Our newly elected officers arePresident Darrell BakerVice President Roxy CampbellSecretary Tony T ellezTreasurer Bobbie GibsonBoard Tim Goddard, Dave GibsonJean WestPOMERANIAN REVIEW lDupres Pomeranians watch for...4JL^Dupre'st's Tance SianLadyJeribeths Ivan Ideal x Dupres Cajun Dancing GirlBOW first two times out, from puppy class under judges Dr. William Field, Jr. and Mrs. Margaret A. Young.Lady has an identical litter mate sister to be shown soon. Thank you, Darrel and Olga Baker for making this litter possible and thank you Vivian Reilly for whelping and caring for this litter.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 110 Pompano St. Lafayette, LA 70508 318235-1423IN MEMORIAMEmcees Pomeranians expresses regret on the death ofDONALD R. THATCHERon September 25, 1982.LDon was a good friend and loved showing his Poms.A good exhibitor who will be sadly missed.Don finished his last champion, Emcees Golden Chip, at eight months just about 2 weeks before his death.Morris and Betty Carson Emcees Pomeranains J90 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Magic Formulaby Fran NowellI would like to share with you readers a very traumatic experience I recently went through with a litter of Toy Poodle puppies. It involved the death of a show potential three month old, white puppy, and the near death of her littermates.With my small residential kennel, worms are seldom a problem. But, since I was shipping one puppy to a new home, and since numerous checks may reveal no worms, there is always a slight chance, I decided to give a worm medication.With this worm medication, the puppies meals were interrupted. Adverse symptoms on one puppy did not appear until the next morning. She just did not appear perky. Since our puppies share our kitchen-nook area and are closely observed, I picked up the problem which was slight and might have gone unnoticed without close contact.I took the puppy to the vet immediately and a check revealed temperature elevation. By then she was also vomiting with diarrhea to follow. The veterinarian started corrective medication to stop diarrhea and administered glucose to avoid dehydration. I took the puppy home and maintained telephone touch with my veterinarian and in the afternoon, I took her back for sub-que fluids to boost her. At this time, the vet was not unduly alarmed as she appeared comfortable. His idea was to sustain the puppy until the worm medication had run its course. But by the time I got home, she began to hemmorage and even with constant monitoring, she went steadily down and she slipped away at dawn.I find some comfort in the fact that even if the vet had diagnosed worms, with the worm treatment these puppies would have had an adverse reaction. The autopsy was to reveal no presense of worms and no virus.After her death, a close check showed the same symptoms appearing in the three littermates. Then we thought of the possibility of a virus being present and co-incidental with worming so the vetstarted antibiotics. With all this nothing seemed to be helping these puppies. Along with medication, I was trying to get food into them. When baby food passed through in its original form, I knew I needed a miracle.I called a Corgie breeder friend, who is quite an expert on nutrition. She had written an article on saving pups with corona virus. She gave me the following advice. In addition to the vets prescribed medicine I purchased a box of Lactinex from the pharmacy. For three Toy Poodles 3 lbs. take I envelope of Lactinex, adding 2 tablespoons of esbilac, warm to dissolve but do not overheat as this will destroy granuales effect, I spooned this to them, I did this at 5 p.m., 8 p.m., and 11 p.m. Afterwards I continued this 6 times daily for several days and used the remaining envelopes by sprinkling the powder into their food at meal time.My friend said the Lactinex put back into the stomach the spurs bacteria that had been ripped away by the worm medication. She suggested that the day after the initial dosage, I start feeding the puppies such things as cottage cheese, finely chopped lean meat or stewed chicken. For puppies who would not eat, she suggested along with the Lactinex to give the puppies small amounts of a milk shake Recipe 1 teaspoon esbilac, 1 tablespoon bourbon, 14 cup uxiter, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 raw egg yolk.For me, this proved to be the magic elixir. By the second feeding of the Lactinex, I could see a change in the puppies. The three puppies are alive, well and healthy today.As I settled down to quiet living, I remembered, I had read about a Collie breeder who had excellent results using Lactinex on weak newborn puppies. For me, I will use routinely if I am worming puppies again. I hope none of you have to go through what I did, but if you do, try my miracle.POMERANIAN REVIEW qAnnon's Pomeranians, Reg.presentsjB^T OPP.SEXVALLEY FORGE KENNEL CLUBSEPT 19827IMIMaIkAnnons Nina LucilleStarting out, Nina has received 5 points from the puppy classes.Congrats to Cedarviews S. Bandit of Annon and Joyce Fritz for their BW 2 pts. on their first time out... also from the puppy class.Magnum Force daughters are available to serious show homes as are several other show prospects.Breeder. OwnerAnn Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 703368-134112 POMERANIAN REVIEWJestomsJ V' T rftm- 7AmCan Ch. Georgia Heatwave Sammy is now owned and handled by J. MoranCh. Maranathas Lil Tabitha Tabby-Jestoms Red RobinA Tar Baby son, Timmy is a BOB winner and group placer.Timmy sends congratulations to his latest grand daughter, Harbins Black Gold of India, Columbia Pom Specialty Winners Bitch. Also, congrats to her now Ch. Mom .. .Now home permanently is Jestoms Adorable, winner of the June 80 National Specialty Sweeps, judge Opal Mosher. Both Dora and Tabby are free whelpers. Dora currently has 10 points, 1 major.All Poms are owner conditioned and handled.Lt. Comander and Mrs. T. L. Stephens 401 Ramona Avenue Monterey, CA 93940408 372-6036POMERANIAN REVIEW CYIPS YAPSKAREN HOLDER Houston, TXI just want to issue a word of caution regarding Janet Heffingtons mention of use of Clorox in cleaning. Clorox is very effective and I like using it for disinfecting just be careful not to use too strong a solution and be especially careful about using it on porous surfaces such as unpainted cement. I will share a personal tragedy with all of you About four years ago when I was in Ohio I used Clorox to clean an unpainted cement surface. After it was completely dry I put a four week old puppy and her mommy on it. I covered the surface with newspapers but when Sparkle urinated on the papers, the urine and the Clorox created deadly chlorine gas. Chlorine gas is heavier than air thus it stays very near to the ground. My little four-week old baby died screaming thank goodness at least it did not hurt Sparkle. But I will never forget my beautiful little puppy who died due to my stupidity and I never use Clorox on a cement surface unless I dilute it heavily about 30 parts water to one part Clorox. It works very well on tile or other non-porous surfaces.BOB GOODRICH MAYNARD WOOD Hampton, VAReceived the October Review today and the front cover brought to mind a lovely lady, Mrs. Winslow the breeder of Ch. Anwins Lil Sirius. I first met Mrs. Winslow when she wanted a black bitch to breed. She said she was seventy years old and wanted to breed some good Poms before leaving this old world. She asked me to help her, and I did the best I could for this wonderful lady.Before passing one, she bred Anwins Shadow Gay which she gave me as a gift. We made a champion of her, and that pleased Mrs. Winslow very much, but her pride was Sye. She got to see him get both his four point majors and this put her on Cloud Nine, but she never got to see him finished.As a puppy, you could not ask to see oi better and she asked me to help give him good name. We settled on Lil Sirius, as tl dictionary quotes, Sirius is the dog sta brightest star in the heavens. I remembf Sue Goddard saying, I hope he will be good and live up to his name. Than goodness he has done that, as he hi improved with age and each time I see hii he looks better.As of now, his winnings are better as I has a Best in Show and more group wins t his credit. I would like to think that th wonderful lady is up in the heavens lookin down on us, knowing just how her Sye doing.A special thanks to his owners for carin and showing him for all to see.CAROL A. GALAVICH Powhatan Pt., OHJust a short note to discuss a somber, bi important subject to all of us. How man of you have made out a will and hav decided what your Poms placement woul be, if something were to happen to you O even more importantly to you and you spouse or partner simultaneously. Woul your beloved babies then become part o the estate and their welfare be decided b someone who possibly doesnt know thei value, and who certainly does not love then as you do At that time, their only though being, What am I to do will all thos dogsWell, that is what happened to a frienc of mine who recently passed away. His las concern before lapsing into a coma was foi someone to feed his dogs. But, unfor tunately he had not made a decision itwriting for the continuation of his breeding program of the placement of his dogs upor his death. This placed unnecessary stress or other elderly family members who wen unacquainted with dog care. Variou people said they should get them, but nc one knew who really should get them. W will always wonder if his wishes wen carried out.Now that I have decided that this wil4 POMERANIAN REVIEWlever happen to me, I have found just how iifficult this matter can be to resolve. I vould be interested in your ideas on this ssue.DAN JO ELLEN MERCER Big Springs, NBCongratulations to the members of the ^hoenix Pom Club for hosting a super how. A big bunch of work by a great lunch of peopleLUCILLE E. MEYSTEDT Rusk, TXWhat few Pom Reviews Ive received, ve really enjoyed.In the April 1982 issue, I enjoyed the irticle by Diane Painter, Ethics in the Ring. I only wish shed send it to all dog nagazines. Everyone in dogs should read he article, exhibitors and judges alike.SUE INMAN Batavia, NYI would like to make a suggestion. I am ilso a member of the Papillon Club of America and I just received the pictorial hey printed. I found it most enjoyable and vould like to see the same done for Poms, iince a lot of Pom enthusiasts dont get to ee all the beautiful Poms in the country, his would give everyone a preview. Breeders could picture their winning dogs is well as bitches and an obedience section ould be added.Papillon members were each send one, hen other copies were offered for sale. It vould also help to make the club a little xtra income and offer members and those nterested in Poms an opportunity to jecome aware of what is happening in the ireed.While Im writing, Ill relate an episode hat has troubled me a great deal. I have jeen looking for a parti-colored male or emale puppy for showing, as well as my breeding program. I must say I have jecome quite discouraged over the years in .rying to locate a breeder who will orrespond. Ive written all types of letter luring a 5 year period with no responses. Finally, this fall I wrote a breeder of partis, telling her just what I wanted. Ipreferred a male at least six months old for breeding and show, but not necessarily show quality as breeding was most important, depending of course on what made him not show quality. She explained in her reply that she was expecting a spring litter. I replied to ask for pictures of the sire and dam to get an idea of what quality the pups might be, as I had never seen any of their breeding. I also inquired as to what price might be expected.I was really upset to get a quick response and learn the pups were already here and all sold except one male who was not show quality because of markings he didnt have a blaze. The biggest shock was that even though this puppy was not showable, she wanted 900.00 for him because of his color. I can assure you I would never pay this price, even if I could afford it, just for color.I am really discouraged lately with this dog game. Ive only been an exhibitor and breeder for 5 years now and Ive tried to breed the best, be honest with puppy buyers and be a good sportsman. The dog game is fast become a rich mans game and its the little breeders like me and others like me, who are going to be shoved out of the sport.When I first got into Poms my breeder gave me a break which I always will appreciate and I also try to pass on. I understand that dogs are not cheap to raise, feed, show and whelp. I also understand the amount of time, energy and hard work to takes to do things right. I try to keep my puppies out of inferior pet homes and sometimes its not so easy to tell. But judging people on just how much they can pay for a dog can not always be the best policy. I have a cousin who has told stories to get dogs, paid high prices and then starved the pups to death. I now own the last one he had. She is a miniature poodle, blind at the age of 4, toothless and has a skin disorder that has to be treated constantly. This has made me wary of who I sell to. Id never want one of my puppies to suffer as I know she did. There are ways of telling who would really care for a dog and his checkbook isnt always the best way.I would like to hear the opinions of others on this subject.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9CIRCULATION MANAGERWanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, CA 95350POMERANIAN REVIEW SUBSCRIPTION16.00 Yearly by Second Class MailCanada, Mexico Foreign 17.00FOR FIRST CLASS MAIL Send additional 5.00 at time of subscription renewal.Important InformationAll Members Subscriptions will start with the April issue each year.BACK ISSUESAvailable at 2.00 Each1970 July 15, Oct. 681971 Jan. 40, April 351973 April 721974 July 771975 Jan. 701976 Jan. 115, April 61Available at 3.00 each1977 July 139, Oct. 711978 Jan. 23, April 34, July 361979 Jan. 5Available at 4.001979 Nov.1980 Feb. 100, July 170, Oct. 1401981 Jan. 100, July 130, Oct. 1001982 April, JulyINDEX TO ADVERTISERSArlint, Gloria Glo.................................79Bartels, Patty Patty...............................79Bauer, Alicia Golden Glo...............50,51Baugniet, Dick Sally Pomirish..........1'Baxstrome, Kay Fred......................... 59Beam, Ruth Great Elms.........................8'Bell, Betty Rex Heritage..................33Braczyk, Edward Sunfox..................... 83Broday, Debbie Clear Creek................61Cannon, Ann Annon.............................91Carson, Morris Betty Emcee .. 56,57,89Ching, Josephine Guys N Gals............ 61Davis, Lennis Lennis.......................73,85Denver Metro Pom Club.........................35Dumler, Opal O My........................ 80,81Duncan, Trillis C. Windy Acres...........55Dunn, Thelma......................................... 45Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre................77,89Freeh, Randy Paul Jolly Wee..........6,7Galavich, Carol Pixie............................29Girardot, Edna Scotia........................... 75Goddard, Tim Sue Tim-Sue.............69Goltz, Rosalind Penru...........................73Goodrich, Robert Model.......................19Gryder, Isabelle Blanco-Gryder.............5Harbin, Irene Sylvia Harbin........48,49Heartz, John Chris Chriscendo..........21Hersil, Nadine..........................Front CoverHolder, Karen Cheelan.........................53Jatczak, M. Marie Pomtown.................63Knouse, Patricia Cupaluv.....................45Lewis, Carolyn Golden Oaks................42Lis, Claudia Sunfox..............................83Luccas, Lucius Elinor Luell............. 47Luginsland, Janice LLL...................22,23McDonald, Frances Michael Hobbit. 43Moebuis, Terry Moe-Best.....................67Moreno, Julie Moreno.......................... 36Napolitano, Linda Tano .......................86Ohio Pomeranian Club........................... 65Pennington, Harry..............................10,11Piazza, Skip Icerama............................ 53Ricci, Carol Cheridel............................61Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar....................27Sandifer, Desaree Desiree.................... 25Smith, Frances O. DVM .........Front CoverSmyth, Crace Happytyme.....................67Stephens, Jessie Jestom........................ 92Stranahan, Babe........................................ 2Teal, Patricia Teal.................................28Thorstad, Michael O My.................80,81Young, Jessie Barbara Jabil................9POMERANIAN REVIEWwAmmran JIomrantati Elub, Jnr.SPECIAL TYSHO WFebruary 13,1983Loews-Summit Hotel 51st and Lexington Avenue New York CityReservations 212 752-7000Make Your Reservations EarlyJudgesRegular Classes Mrs. Jacquelyn KleinSweepstakes Mrs. Jackie LiddleEntry FeesRegular Classes 11 Sweepstakes 5SEND ALL ENTRIES TOPete Galindo, Show Secretary 611 New York El Paso, Texas 79902Entries Close January 26,1983.