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The Pomeranian Review April 1983

1American Pomeranian Club, 3fnc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY APRIL 1983_ JLVP Xf.CL JAM ZOO zs. .[ f^xcin. daljaCLe. zoMultiple Group Winner Owners Anna LaFortune and Blanche RiderPOMERANIAN REVIEWRockyTriple Moon-Rock GrandsonAt 11 months, from the classes GROUPIV8 months Ray PersoGROUP IV11 months Betty Dexter 9 BreedsUNDEFEATED FOR B.O.W.Presented for your viewing pleasure byBabe StranahanSTRANALUND 3364 Frembes Drayton Plains, MI 48020 andJanet Heffington, Agentc,'' AlmBest of BreedPhoto at 8 months.LRs Rock Concert av StranPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAramran Pomeranian dlub, Stir.President.........................First Vice President........Second Vice President... Recording Secretary .... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB....................................................... Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey...................................................................... Mr. Sam Zaneoff.....................................................................Mrs. Sue Goddard.....................................................................Mrs. Karen Holder...................................................................Mrs. Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ...............................................................Mr. A. C. WilliamsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Randy Freeh Mrs. Anna LaFortune Delegate to AKC.........................Mr. Dan Mercer Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Beverly Norris .....................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager .... Ms. Phyllis Perceny, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751 Circulation Manager.................................Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text...................90.00Inside front cover....................................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page.....................................................40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page.............................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.November 15 February 15 May 15 August 15DEADLINES JanuaryAprilJulyOctober4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYCh. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero is Josh. We tried calling him Gran and Cabby, but to Josh it was a foreign language.I first saw Josh when I judged a sweepstakes and later Blanche Rider bought him from his breeder, Barbara Paine. I liked Josh and wanted to buy him too, but ended up buying half. We agreed that Blanche would pay for entries and I would show him. It was the first time back in the ring for me, but nervous as I was, Josh took 4 points. He only got one reserve while I showed him in the classes and his record through 1982 is 20 Best of Breeds, 3 Group Firsts, 5 Group Thirds and 2 Group Fourths. We hope that Josh will be our 6th Best in Show dog, joining the ranks of top winner, Ch. Riders Sparklin Gold Nugget and top sire, Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier.Josh is one of the nicest and sweetest dogs we have ever lived with. I havent had a house pet since Susie Lathams Sunnie Girl who died at 18 years of age. We have had about 150 champions go through our hands over the years and never a male house dog until Josh. As a two year old stud, Josh is used in the house yet never waters anything to see if it will grow. It is unbelievable how good he is.Josh has already reproduced himself in many of his pups. Sungolds Diamond Stud, shown at 6 months, 3 days, won BOW for a 4 point major. Handled by 3 different people, he showed like a pro. Since this cover story was written, Diamond Stud has finished his championship. Barbara Paines 6 month old girl, Sungolds Gold Ante has 2 points. We expect some outstanding pups out of Sungold Cozy Rider. She is Sungold and Aristic bloodlines and was purchased as a puppy from Richard and Ethel Lackey. The Lackeys have two show litters by Josh now and many of the puppies show greatTABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message..................................6by Marlene Scott HalseyA.P.C. Specialty Show Report..................7by Olga BakerDog Talk with Ch. Sungold Jessie......... 17by Anna LaFortunePomeranian Standard..............................22Code of Ethics.........................................24NCPC Specialty Show Report................25Columbia PC Specialty Report 35Honolulu PC Specialty Report............... 42Hypothyroidism......................................44by R.V. Hutchinson DVMDenver Metro Pom Club.........................46Puget Sound Pom Club...........................50Northern California Pom Club................54Along My way........................................58Behind the New Champions...................62Pacific NW News and Views.................64Obedience News.....................................66Dallas-Forth Worth Pom Club................66Across Canada........................................68The Subject is Fleas 70by William C. Drow DVMHelpful Hints...........................................76East Coast News.....................................80Rebel Report...........................................84Midwest Report.......................................86San Diego Pom Club..............................87Yips and Yaps.........................................92Index to Advertisers................................94Circulation Manager................................94promise. Josh had better be careful not to sire himself right out of the ringBlanche Rider and I have been breeding and selling top Poms for three and a half decades I didnt want to say 35 years. We have shared our dogs and remain very close. We hope to share many more top wins with Josh and his get.POMERANIAN REVIEW lTynan Pomeranians Present"SCh. Hillsboros Golden ChipCh. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of TaraVBEST OF BREED A.P.C. 1983 N.Y. SPECIALTYAttending the Specialty this year was an adventure in itself, but one well worth it Pictured above is C.J. going Best of Breed owner-handled. My thanks to judge Jacqueline Klein for admiring his many qualities.Im also proud of my deep orange girl, Emcees Sparkling Sheena, who placed 3rd in both Sweepstakes and Regular classes her first time out.Both these dogs are a credit to the careful breeding of Morris and Betty Carson, Emcee Pomeranians.Natalie Dunfee 41 Ellenvale Ave.Dartmouth, N.S., Canada B2W 2W7 902 434-3390POMERANIAN REVIEWJPRESIDENTSMESSAGEMarlene Scott Halsey Rt. 1, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064I want to thank all members for having given me the honor of being elected your president. I will try very hard not to betray your confidence.We can all be proud of our February Specialty in New York. In view of the blizzard, I thought we would have about half of the Poms absent, instead we had a very good turn out. Although the ribbons and trophies were snowed in, no one complained. They were just happy with their wins. The trophies and ribbons will be mailed to the winners just be patient.Due to the weather, we did not have a large turn out of members. Those of you who were there know how much we enjoyed seeing friends of many years, as well as new friends. The Poms were just beautiful. We are breeding and showing excellent specimens now due to your careful breeding and showing. I think our Poms are getting better all the time. I am proud of all of you.Our thanks to Pete Galindo and his committee for a successful show. Thanks to Sam Zaneoff for the hospitality room and the dinner.Because of the snow, the Sweepstakes judge, Mrs. Jackie Liddle could not make the trip to New York. At the last minute we got a substitute, the well-known handler Joe Waterman. For a last minute assignment, Mr. Waterman did do a good job. Jackie Klein, judge for the regular classes was there and I did not envy her the assignment. She did an excellent job and Iwas very impressed with Jackies calm manner as she made her choice for each win. Her knowledge of the Pom goes back many years. She is a breeder herself and has bred and finished many Poms. Thank you, Jackie, for a job well done.If you were not there, you missed a lot of fun so plan now to attend next year, or come to Denver Colorado for the Summer Specialty May 27th. There are three all breed shows there on the same weekend. Support your club by supporting the Summer Specialty.I am looking forward to this year with our club. We will do well to remember our objectives as members of the American Pomeranian Club to encourage and promote the breeding of purebred Pomeranians and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection. With this in mind, we also want to promote good sportsmanship and an honest respect for other breeders and exhibitors of the Pomeranian.Last, but not least, thanks to Roberta Massey, officers and board members, for keeping our club going in 82. Lets all work together for a good year in 1983.Let me hear from you and I will see you at the shows.ELECTION RESULTSOfficersPresident...........Mrs. Marlene Scott HalseyFirst Vice President.........Mr. Sam ZaneoffSecond Vice President .. Mrs. Sue Goddard Recording Secretary ... Mrs. Karen HolderCorres. Secretary..........Mrs. Wanda RoachTreasurer......................Mr. A1 WilliamsonBoard of DirectorsMr. Fred Bassett Mr. Dan MercerMrs. Randy Freeh Miss Molly MillerMrs. Anna LaFortune Mrs. Beverly NorrisPOMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW February 11,1983 by Olga BakerWith 365 days per year, how could New York have chosen Friday afternoon, February 11th the day just about everyone across the nation was either packing, loading, about to board airplanes, or in some manner heading for the City, the American Pom Clubs big annual specialty and associated events, and Westminster . . .to have its worst cold blizzard in 40 years That was however, the day chosen and horror stories abounded.Reluctant as we are to admit anyones experience was worse than our own, we relate just a fewSweet and loyal EDNA GIRARDOT was stranded in Atlanta for an extra day and night or maybe 2 while her dogs somehow made it into New York and were stranded at the airport all that time . . . causing much anguish, but with a happy ending. Edna, bless her, missed the specialty, but made it in time for the Garden.BURT and MARLENE SCOTT HALSEY left on Friday evening and fought ice, snow, blocked highways, jams, etc. until Sunday morning, barely making it for the specialty . . . and bleary-eyed from no sleep for 24 hours Marlene pretty as everNice folks from Nova Scotia, NATALIE DUNFEE and travel companions, were reported to have had an accident with overturned van enroute to New York. We did not have particulars, but were told that folks and dogs were standing on their heads for a time, but happily, dogs were strapped in and neither people nor dogs had injuries. They were rewarded and had the offsetting happiness of having the wonderful Best of Breed award for the day with their magnificent dog, Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip Thoseare but 3 stories, but many others were stranded on snow-covered highways, or ai hideously crowded airports, or in taxicabs in New York traffic . . . hysterically explaining to cab drivers they are DUE IN THE RING IN 20 MINUTESMany simply could not make it.Backing up to our own experience . . . trying excitedly to leave Houston, Texas, adrenalin juicing berserkly as usual for this favorite annual trip, Jean and George West and Darrell and I zipped into the airport Friday afternoon and learned our 400 p.m. flight was cancelled due to closed New York airports. DRAT Inconvenient, but no problem, no matter. We would spend a happy relaxed evening with the Wests in their lovely big home near the airport and get right out on the next plane Saturday morning. WRONG Our sleepy foursome arose early next morning, moving about in our skivvies and were faced, after contact with travel and airline people, with the awful realization that we JUST MIGHT NOT MAKE IT. From there, we went through anguish, heartbreak, excitement, then disappointment . . . then hope . . . then NONE . . . very up . . then very down . . for 2 days and 2 nightsWe missed some important things on Saturday, but we made it by the skin of our teeth for the show on Sunday. Our president and our show secretary who incidentally was stalled in Dallas, Texas, unable to get to New York, with all show materials with him, of course ... by long distance, made a most wise decision. After consultations with AKC, they postponed the show as long as possible to allow for clearing of airports and highways and hence the presence of exhibitors. Attendance was amazingly good and the show went right on. Show Secretary, PETER8 POMERANIAN REVIEW3ALINDO, did an extraordinarily fine job if just everything, in spite of the worst of conditions. No ribbons, no trophies, but an excellent show with lots of camaraderie, many beautiful dogs, happy exhibitors, and ail the wonderfulness that IS the annual parent club specialty in New York every February. Dog folks are fantastically flexible, and proved it with 24 inches of snow on the ground. Colder than thunder outside warm and friendly inside.Cute little JACQUE LIDDLE, who was so anticipating her assignment as Sweepstakes Judge, simply could not make it into New York from Minnesota. Odds are that she was going through the identical pouting, sniffling, foot-stomping anger and swearing that the Wests and the Bakers were performing in Houston Matter of fact, Ill bet that was quite a common occurrence across the nation Importantly too, our President, Roberta Massey, was also in Houston, frantically trying to get to New York, and we were of course in constant touch. She said her ears would never recover from 900 telephone calls she made during those 2 days and nights We all managed to board the same airplane from Houston the instant one took off for New York.tin.ifHiBest in Sweepstakes at the A.P.C. Specialty went to Sungolds Diamond Stud, owned by Anna LaFortune.Well-known professional toy handler, JOE WATERMAN, was enlisted as Sweepstakes Judge and he did an exemplary job of judging all the quality puppies. Sweepstakes are so much fun. Winners of classes in Sweepstakes were Puppy Dog 6-9 Sungolds Diamond Stud, owner Anna LaFortune.Puppy Dog 9-12 Jabils Little Abnaki, owner Donald M. Gill.Puppy Bitch 6-9 Desirees Candy Delight, owners Desiree Sandifer, Christine Mullen.Puppy Bitch 9-12 Jabils Simply Scrumptious, owners Jessie and Barbara Young.Best in Sweepstakes went to the wonderful little 6-9 months puppy dog, Sungolds Diamond Stud, every bit a child star and beautifully presented by happy Anna LaFortune from California. Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes was a gorgeous little girl, the 9-12 month winner, Jabils Simply Scrumptious, for happy owners Jessie and Barbara Young.Then MRS. JACQUELYN KLEIN, well-known Pomeranian breeder and judge, conducted the regular class judging in a most relaxed and absolutely professional-appearing mode although she later admitted this was a bit of a facade. She confessed that she was a bit overwhelmed with her task and suffered through some extremely difficult and close decisions. Mrs. Klein has a thorough and ever-so- gentle touch with dogs, with all the Pomeranians becoming immediately comfortable in her presence. Most all the dogs showed nicely without too many ring antics, despite many who had just unloaded minutes before that, from a big jet airplaneComplete show results will be reported elsewhere, but I was commissioned immediately prior to going into the ring by our president, Roberta Massey, who complimented my articles and requested that I do the write-up of the show. PoorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9aYWinners Dog at the A.P.C. Specialty was Riders Sungold Diamond Chip, owned by Darrell and Olga Baker.Winners Bitch and Best of Winners at the A.P.C.Specialty was Great Elms Jeany of Dendy, owned by Ruth Beam.Roberta had her work truly cut out for her on that day . . . worked so hard keeping things together, narrated the show, conducted a meeting, then probably collapsed with exhaustion. I am writing, but sincerely hope I dont let you down this time. Our frenzy and the stress of such a bizarre dog show day may indeed have prevented my recording events from memory too well.Consistency was the quality clearly demonstrated by both judges as they chose recipient dogs for their awards. Both Mr. Waterman and Mrs. Klein selected worthy specimens in all areas that reflected a particular look. This is a judging quality the AKC particularly considers quality judging according to my judge husband and our judging friends.Coincidentally, both 5-point winners came from the 6-9 month puppy classes. Both were adorable puppies, very much on-stage and both thinking they were big guys, and seemingly capturing the hearts of the crowd, along with the judges preference and the coveted points. Winners Dog was Riders Sungold Diamond Chip, owned by Darrell and Olga Baker. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners was Great Elms Jeany of Dendy, owned by Ruth Beam.The Best Veteran Dog was Ch. Topaze Pumkin Seed, owned by James Butler, and the Best Veteran Bitch was Ch. Jabils Emily, owned by Jessie and Barbara Young.Best of Breed . . . that marvelous and emotional time for Pomeranian breeders, exhibitors and lovers, when we are given the opportunity to view in the flesh those champions and fine dogs we have seen in photographs, heard about or known of . . . and a few that are even brand new to us They paraded for the crowd and for the judge splendidly. The judge, Jacque Klein, was considerate enough at this point to purposely slow the judging down a little, affording everyone the opportunity to see, review, admire, evaluate, and enjoy every exhibit. Dont wish to sound too poetic or corny, but that is simply the way it is at this event, year after year show after show. The winner this year was a Canadian exhibit, Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, owned by Miss Natalie Dunfee. He is a positively stunning dog, every bit the competitor, every bit epitomizing what a Pomeranian should be, and with many wonderful dogs hot on his coat-tail for the win. Most deserving. Best of Opposite Sex was the cute crowd-pleaser also winner10 POMERANIAN REVIEW-rBest of Breed at the A.P.C. Specialty was Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, owned by Natalie Dunfee.of this award last year, Amanda formally named Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, owned by Christine Heartz and Eleanor Miller. What a little monkey this beautiful child is, seeming to always bark a look at me bark at the most appropriate of timesA special new award for this year was Award of Merit for those exhibits considered by the judge for the top award. Those dogs were selected by the judge as followsCh. Chriscendo Coy Coquette Ch. Anwins Lil Sirius Ch. Mike-Mars Golden Duke Great Elms Jeany of Dendy A wonderful dinner, hosted by chairman SAM ZANEOFF following the show, provided all present an opportunity for the good visiting, the re-hash of the show, and the relaxation well-earned from the tension and stress of the 1983 A.P.C. Specialty, a year long to be remembered, but still LOVEDJUDGES CRITIQUE A.P.C. Specialty by Jacquelyn KleinFirst, I would like all the Pom Club members and exhibitors to realize what an honor and priviledge I felt it was to be asked to officiate at our National Specialty. I was both thrilled and excited and nervous too over the prospect, and had been anticipating and Big Day for monthsIn years past our problems concerning the weather have originated with the possibility or impossibility of being able to depart western upstate New York. More times than not, we have had to contend with bad roads, snow, ice, wind, late and cancelled flights. But if these problems could be surmounted, at least the Big City was generally in fairly good shape once one managed to arrive. I might mention here that this time we tried something different and caught a train.Things took the opposite course this year, as all of you know by now. N.Y.C. was not only BURIED by the worst blizzard in 40 years, it came to a near standstill for 1 Vi days. At one point the show was cancelled, which certainly seemed the only logical thing to do. A bit later it was decided by the Board to go ahead, despite the absence of our show chairman, our sweepstakes judge, all trophies and ribbons, and as it turned out, nearly half of all entrants. And so the show commenced, at 430 p.m. rather than the scheduled 900 a.m., and proceeded with amazing smoothness, all things considered. I must say that it certainly seemed strange, at this Showcase of Shows, to have neither trophies nor even ribbons to award. To all, your patience was appreciated. We even managed to hold our post-show banquet, thanks to an understanding hotel staff and it was truly delicious, served at 1000 p.m.Now about the Poms that were present. I have been coming to this show for many years now, and at each succeeding one thePOMERANIAN REVIEW 1overall quality of our breed seems to get better and better. This year was no exception. Sweetness and alertness of expression are an integral part of beautiful and correct Pom head type and the breed is constantly improving in this respect. Front and rear movements are both gaining in soundness bites, tailsets, and coat texture were very good. I found no poor temperaments, and overtrimming for the most part, seems to have finally gone out of style. There was much evidence of that hey look at me attitude that is so typically show-Pom. Typey, sound, happy, pretty Toys are what we strive for, and Pom breeders should be very proud of the results of all their efforts. Do keep up the good work youre a fantastic group of peopleMy Best of Breed dog was Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, bred by Mrs. Gloria Seymour and owned by Miss Natalie Dunfee Best Opposite was Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, bred by Christine Heartz and owned by Chris Heartz and Eleanor Miller Winners Dog was Riders Sungold Diamond Chip, bred by Blanche Rider and owned by Darrell and Olga Baker Winners Bitch and Best of Winners was Great Elms Jeany of Dendy, bred by Dan Triece and Ethel Dendy and owned by Ruth Beam. The new Awards of Merit went to Best Opposite Sex, Best of Winners, and two others Ch. Anwins Lil Sirius, bred by Mrs. L. L. Winslow and owned by Dan Triece and Ethel Dendy, and Ch. Mike-Mars Golden Duke, bred by Michael Wolf and owned by Mrs. Alan Robson and Michael Wolf. Each of the above exemplified the elegant quality and presence that made them outstanding even in very strong competition.The spirit of those who made it into N.Y.C. despite all kinds of hardships, was so very commendable. I applaud each and every one of you. To those who were entered but unable to make it, as well as those who enjoy just coming to observe,you certainly have my sympathetic concern I know how disappointing it is to have ti give up something you have workei towards all year.My very special king-sized thanks t Peter Galindo, without whom there woul have been no show at all. Also appreciation to Sam Zaneoff, our man ii New York who always stands ready t help the Pom Club in whatever is asked o him. And last but not least, much love tc my dearest husband Ron, who is always sc supportive, whatever entanglements manage to get into Thank you again, on and all.w - ...yM XX MX- 3BC MNIDrtS POMGMNIWFOR SALELarge proven matron, orange with liver points, to a small breeder with an interest in developing the chocolate and chocolate and tan colors. Very limited space in our new location makes her available. Wanted to BuyOld Pomeranian Reviews, years 1958-1966. Must be in perfectcondition.Jon and Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-2775y XK-------------------------------------xx--------IMl MM12 POMERANIAN REVIEWJHOBBIT POMERANIANSvCONGRATULATES THE A.P.C. SPECIALTY WINNERS---------------SL.'Photo by Heather Drope-MarchioneAf Cfl Emcee's SP^tillng CMp. . . well represented at the A.P.C. New York Specialty by his lovely sons and daughterAm. Can. Ch. Chips Ahoy At Hobbit, owned by Carolyn Lewis, Golden Oaks Pomeranians.Can. Ch. Star Child At Hobbit, major pointed in U.S.Hobbits Harvest Gold a repeat breeding of Chipit, Harvey made his enthusiastic ring debut at the SpecialtyFrances and Michael McDonald 14 Palisade Place, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8902 443-8536 POMERANIAN REVIEW 1CHvblnt's Harvest QcidRESERVE WINNERS DOG N. Y. SPECIALTYV'MltMCkwmmmm cmKTOHM.SteC\kUTWhen youre 6 months, 4 days old, Reserve Winners Dog at the A.P.C. Specialty is something to be proud ofHarveys older sister, Can. Ch. Star Child At Hobbit was not to be outdone, and strutted her stuff to win the Open Bitch class Red, Orange, Cream, Sable.Although weve already congratulated the winners, heres special mention ... to Natalie Dunfee and C. J. on your Best of Breed were very proud of you.. . also to Chris Heartz and Amanda for B.O.S.... to daughter Michelle, for showing our Poms.. . . and to all the Pom folks who braved New Yorks worst storm in 40 years to be thereHobbit Pomeranians, Regd.Frances and Michael McDonald 14 Palisade PlaceHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8 902 443-853614 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPECIALTY SHOW WINNERSPuppy Sweepstakes Judge, Mr. Joe Waterman Best in SweepstakesSungolds Diamond Stud, owned by Anna La Fortune Best of Opposite Sex to Best in SweepstakesJabils Simply Scrumtious, owned by Jessie W. and Barbara A. YoungRegular Classes Judge, Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein Puppy Dogs 6-9 MonthsRiders Sungold Diamond Chip, owned by Darrell and Olga BakerPuppy Dogs 9-12 MonthsWatts Little Dynasty of G Elms, owned by Dolores A. WattsBred by Exhibitor DogsStar Gazer of Brielle, owned by Catherine and Kenneth Lefferts Open Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Morrocos Running Bear, owned by Charles A. Edwards Open Dogs, Any other Allowed Color Topaze Digger Do, owned by James Butler Winners DogRiders Sungold Diamond Chip, owned by Darrell and Olga Baker Reserve Winners DogHobbits Harvest Gold, owned by Frances A. and Michael T. McDonaldPuppy Bitches 6-9 MonthsGreat Elms Jeany of Dendy, Owned by Ruth L. BeamPuppy Bitches 9-12 MonthsPixies Little Honey Bunch, owned by Carol A. GalavichBred by Exhibitor BitchesJabils Simply Scrumtious, owned by Jessie W. and Barbara A. YoungAmerican Bred BitchesDesirees Peppermint Patty, owned by Desaree Sandifer and Christine Mullen Open Bitches, Black, Brown, Blue O My Miss Colley B, owned by Opal R. Dumler Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Star Child at Hobbit, owned by Frances and Michael McDonald Winners Bitch and Best of WinnersGreat Elms Jeany of Dendy, owned by Ruth L. Beam Reserve Winners BitchJabils Simply Scrumtious, owned by Jessie W. and Barbara A. Young Veteran DogsCh. Topaze Pumkin Seed, owned by James ButlerVeteran BitchesCh. Jabils Emily, owned by Jessie W. and Barbara A. YoungBest of BreedCh. Hillsboros Golden Chip, owned by Natalie DunfeeBest of Opposite Sex to Best of BreedCh. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, owned by Christine Heartz and Eleanor MillerPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1c\Emcees PomeranianspresentsCh. Emcee's Golden ChipBrilliant Orange MaleBreedersOwners Morris E. and Betty F. CarsonCh. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Models Solid Gold Ch. Hillsboros Golden ChipCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Emcees Golden Girl of Tara Emcees Tartan TamAm. Can. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing Jabils Sun Goddess Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceeCh. Jabils Dandy Lion C.D. Jabils Dinah MiteCh. Varneys Jabil DreamProven Sire at public stud to approved females. Sorry we dont have a picture available.Emcee pup at 8 months.CONGRATULATIONS to Natalie Dunfee on Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip winning Best of Breed at the Pom Specialty in New York under judge, Mrs. Jacqueline Klein. C.J. is sired by Ch. Chips of Diamond and Emcees Golden Girl of Tara. This is the second Best of Breed Specialty win for an Emcee bred dog in the last five years.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-7882 \J1 I16 POMERANIAN REVIEWTROPHY DONORSThe Show Committee gratefully acknowledges the following members and friendsSally and Dick Baugniet Pomirish Kennels Olga and Darrell Baker Jeribeth Pomeranians Pauline Caldwell Morris and Betty Carson Emcees Pomeranians Lt. Col. and Mrs. John Cribbs Twin Pines Pomeranians Janet Cox Hy Jan-Lee Pomeranians Opal Dumler O My Poms Denver Metro Pomeranians Club, Inc. El Paso Kennel Club Charlotte and Carl D. Enna Southland Poms Randy and Paul Freeh Jolly Wee Kennels Bob and Joyce Fritz John and Carol Galavich Pixies Hillcrest Pomeranians Peter Galindo and Ron Welch Pedrons Poms Edna Girardot Scotia Kennels, Reg.Sue Goddard Tim Sue Pomeranians Rosalind Goltz Penru Kennels Marlene Scott Halsey Villamont Kennels Christine B. Heartz Chriscendo Pomeranians Nadine Hersil D-Nees Poms Pauline Hughes Point Loma Pomeranians Gertrude Jacoby Camelot Pomeranians Jane E. Johnstonthe contributions to the Trophy Fund fromJacquelyn Klein Silver Meadows CWO and Mrs. Joseph LeFebvre Travailleur, Reg.Kenneth and Catherine Lefferts Brielle Pomeranians Jacqueline Liddle Aurora Kennels Claudia Lis and Ed Braczyk Sun Fox Poms Roberta MasseyMichael, Frances and Michelle McDonald - Hobbit Pomeranians Mrs. Norris McKamey Sundawn Kennels Patricia Melton Bel-Mei Pomeranians Donna and Rick Megenhardt In Memory of Don Thatcher Dan and JoEllen Mercer Prairie Wind Pomeranians Vera Quinn Quinz Pomeranians Raymond Radzinski Ceerae Pomeranians Mrs. Lloyd Reeves Rabbit Run Kennels Desaree Sandifer Desirees Poms James and Jean Schroll Jay Jays Poms Nellie SprungerDolly B. Trauner Phyner, Reg.Eileen C. Waegelein Galesea Dolores Watts Watts Pomeranians Jessie and Barbara Young Jabil Kennels Sam ZaneoffPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1DOG TALK WITH CH. SUNGOLD JESSIE by Anna LaFortuneThis article was written 20 years ago and the dogs are long since dead, but the story of going to the National and Westminster seemed particularly appropriate for this issue. What would dear Jessie have thought about this years trip I thank Anna LaFortune for sharing this story with Pom Review readers and encourage others to offer their artistic talents for all of us to enjoy. Now, read on .. .The first time I heard about New York was six weeks before I went there. My owner said she would take Clippie Gal and me if I would get a little more coat. Clippie Gal is one of my girl friends and just a couple of months ago she looked worse than I did. They said she was in her homely stage and they werent kidding. The rest of us teased her about being a relative of Toro, the Mexican Chihuahua friend of ours who runs around and tells us all whats happening. One day I shook a few times and when Toro came by he said, What happened to youNothing, I said, WhyMan, all you hair is goneI took a look at myself and he was right. No wonder I got cold at night. I shook once more and sure enough, my hair was just blowing away. After a couple of weeks though I began to look myself again.Anyway, about 8 p.m. one night, my owner opened the door and told me to go outside.Go out, I thought, Its cold out there. I had hesitated too long because a firm push was applied to my rear end and out I was, the door closing behind me. I looked down a couple of runs and saw my girl friend, Clippie Gal.What gives she asked. I hope we dont have to sleep outside without a blanket.In about 30 minutes we both came bad inside and were placed in crates. I curled u] happily because I knew I was going to show. I had had a long rest while my hai grew out and I was looking forward t going to a show again. However, if I ha known then what I know now I would haw done more when I was outside . . . like rui away.At that point though I was still excitec and I told Clippie Gal that she would havi fun no other dogs, lots of people anc lots of attention. We were put in nr owners car along with her clothes and of we went, but the ride wasnt too long. Nov I was in for an entirely new experience Some man in a uniform looked us over anc called us excess baggage. Ive beer called a lot of things, but never excess baggage Good grief And he said thai without ever looking at my pedigree. I was about ready to tell him a thing or two wher our owner turned her back and walked away. She didnt say a word in our defenseThis man picked up our crates, a door closed and suddenly it was very dark. Oui owners clothes had been put in this place with us, but it seemed like everyone else in town had put their clothes in too.What now asked a very confused Clippie Gal.As I tried to think of something to say that would reassure her, we both were startled and yelled, Whats that noise I was almost two years old and Clippie Gal was just a baby and I knew she thought I should know what was going on, but I was completely befuddled. Suddenly the door opened and we could see.Shes coming to get us, Clippie Gal said delightedly. I looked out and could see our owner, but the men put us into another dark place and we watched our owner walk away . . . again We were there for a long8 POMERANIAN REVIEWime. It was even darker than before and we wouldnt even see each other. All of a sudden, the whole place exploded and shook.Were on a rocket to the moon, Clippie 3al Hold on for dear life I was so scared [ almost soiled my crate.You said it would be fun to go to a dog show, Clippie Gal whimpered.Just shut up and pray, I grumbled. We were in that rocket for at least a hundred years and I knew we would never see light again. The rocket made a couple of bumps, stopped and the doors opened. We had planned, if they opened our crates, to jump quickly and run west, never looking back.After we went down with everyones clothes, our owner finally rescued us. A very nice man, not one in a space uniform, came and picked us up. His name was. Winkie and he said, Oh, you brought Jessie. I was surprised that he knew who I was, but I could have stayed home for all I cared. He put us in his car and since we both liked car rides and were getting farther away from rockets and loud noices, we were feeling a little better.We could hear Winkie and our owner talking about New York. We wondered why we couldnt have gone in our car. When the car stopped, we all went into a nice warm house boy, was it cold outside and met all the Boxwink dogs. They were all just like us. No Mexican boy friend to tell us secrets and spy for us. Where is that Toro when you need him anyway We tried to tell the Boxwink dogs about our experience, but they thought we were nuts. We knew we were just visiting and tried to watch our manners so we decided not to push the rocket story.Winkie came in and said we couldnt go outside because it was too cold for us as we were used to warmth and sunshine. He explained about the newspapers, but I already knew what he was going to say so I didnt listen too much. After a long and gayrun, we were put back in our crates to have some dinner. We had not eaten since we left home. Everyone was talking and they said things like, Gee, it only took four hours from Los Angeles, Isnt that amazing Amazing, my foot. They should have been in that dark little room. It could easily have been four yearsWe didnt sleep too well that night. We stayed alert for anything that might happen.The next day was sunny and we wanted to go outside, so outside we went. Clippie Gal started complaining about there not being any grass to go on and about how cold it was, so I told her to run around or else she would freeze where she stood. Just like a kid, she said she had heard enough from me and started chasing me. Just then we got the company of Boxwinks Little Handy Man and Clippie Gal and he started chasing each other, leaving me alone. I hate those kid games of biting hind legs and tail pulling. My kennel mate at home doesnt like those games any more than I do. We wash each others faces and generally respect each other. Games are for kids.My owner was looking out the door at us.I hope she can see how bored I am, I thought. She must have read my mind, because she let us all in and gave Clippie Gal a cookie. I wanted one too and got one. I took one look at it and you couldnt have paid me to eat it. I told Clippie Gal she could have it.Whats wrong with it she asked.Its bad enough that I have a girls name. Ill be darned if Im going to eat Girl Scout cookies I snorted. Why dont they make Boy Scout cookies Id eat those.After a couple of days of rest to forget the rocket ride I think we started getting ready for the first show the specialty I guess. Early in the morning we were loaded into the car with some of the Boxwink dogs, along with boxes of stuff I have seen before for I have won some. We had just continued on p. 89POMERANIAN REVIEW 1LLLPomeranians'Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Cheri\ Cheri finished undefeated from the puppy class over multi BIS and other Group winners. Thanks to judge Cynthia Sommers for Breed and Group wins Cheri is 7 months old.Castle s Madchen Heikevt,Vfcff1Heike, dam of Ch. Doodlebug and Ch. Cheri, made her dubious entry into the show ring at the ripe old age of nearly 5 and acquired 7 pts. to my delight Thanks to judge James Moran, fellow Pom owner, for WB and BOS.FOR SALEFemale who has champion produce 350 major pointed female 750 1st litter female due late March 500 breeding quality female pup 400.Double champion breeding quality male 350 proven yearling, double champion male 500 huge coated yearling, dbl champion, starts in ring in Feb. 750 plus expenses darling puppies 500 and up.LLL POMERANIANSJanice Luginsland RR1 Americus, KS 66835316884-5157POMERANIAN REVIEW3n Jftemortam1IffM.f i 4t HZTK.James K. ArimaJanuary 23,1920 July 14,1982We regret to announce the death of James K. Arima, the Founding Editor of the Pomeranian Review. We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Arima and the family.James K. ArimaSurprise Box Pomeraniansby Robert L. Goodrich Hampton, VAI first met Jim Arima on one of my trips to see Mrs. Ethel Unwin of Pomwin Kennels. He was living in Washington D.C., not too far from the Washington Zoo, in a three story house. All the Poms were on the third floor and he was anxious to find a place in the country to raise the Poms. He found a beautiful ranch house on plenty of land in Rockville, Maryland and there he was able to expand his breeding program.He purchased the lovely Ch. Crown Princess Candy Jade from Elva U. Cohen of Golden Glow Kennels. Candy Jades sire was Dromore Bombardier, one of the best known sires of the time.Jim became interested in importing some good stock and was able to get the fine bitch, Ch. Golden Penny of Morrell. I believe he finished her in 6 shows. He then imported Eng. Ch. Wilmscote Wee Caress. This male was a stylish orange sable. Jim bred his Candy Jade to Ch. Aristic Terrific and produced Ch. Surprise Box Black Eyed Susan a super winner for him. She achieved about 6 group wins and some 50 Best of Breeds.Jim was in the military and received his orders to transfer to Northbrook, IL. He knew that he would be on the move from that time until he retired, so he made the decision to start selling his good stock. When I first met Jim he was a Captain, but he advanced quickly to the rank of Lt. Colonel. I understand that all changed to Doctor when he retired.I used to enjoy watching Jim groom and I learned a lot. He made a most significant contribution to the breed and will be greatly missed.12POMERANIAN REVIEWSTANDARD FOR POMERANIANS1980 revisions to the Standard appear in italicsAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short- coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a foxlike expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lip- piness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, except self- colored in brown and blue. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Light pigment on nose or eye rims is a major fault.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too wide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.NECK AND SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. The Pom is not straight-in-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high. Out at elbows or shoulders is a major fault.BODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault. Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hindlegs or stifles is a major fault.POMERANIAN REVIEWTAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, s high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistening outerco consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper textu for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are well feather and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to tl hocks. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major fault.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color wi lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, par color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appea ing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the ta Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a whi blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole-colored, dog except white is a major fauiMOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does n elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for shm specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING AND DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet am up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears an around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are-generally removed Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed. Overtrimmvig beyond the location and amoundescribed in the breed standard should be heavily penalized.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Othei Allowed Color.24 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmeriran Cameraman Elub, Jfnr.Code of Ethics1. I agree to follow the rules and regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2. I will furnish a signed registration application or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.3. I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours or the sale additional time allowed if puppy is sold on Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.7. Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.8. I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.9. I will price my puppies within the breed range.10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the Standard of the Breed.11. I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.12. I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefits.POMERANIAN REVIEW iNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWNovember 27,1982 by Jessie StephensThe Northern CA Pomeranian Club held another successful specialty in conjunction with the Golden Valley Show on Saturday, November 27, 1982. Mary Rosenbaum did the honors for the regular classes and Adrian Alford judged the Sweepstakes entries.Special mention must be made of the trophies and the Trophy Chairman, Marlene Presser. With the help of her family, she created the unique display of Ming trees for our trophies. All were hand crafted by this family and many hours of work went into the project. They really did look beautiful with all the many colors and sizes. They were appreciated by all who won one admired by those who didnt. Marlene will be our Trophy Chairman for the next Specialty so we will be looking for something good to appear. M\ mN C P CTrophy Chairman Marlene Presser and Show Chairman Marlin Presser proudly display the trophies they hand crafted for the N.C.P.C. show.An excellent buffet was available to cheer the spirits of our competitors with lots of home made goodies donated by the club members. The friendly atmosphere made this a most enjoyable Specialty for all, and to every one of you who helped, a big thank you.This specialty was dedicated to Rut Dotson, and we all wish Ruth the very be for the future and hope that she will t back showing her Poms. As a long tim member of this club, her contributions hav been appreciated.The results of the regular class judgin are as followsPuppy Dogs 9-12 months1. Shon Stars Wonder Pep R Kutt BreederOwner G. Pundt.2. Sungold Gunsmoke, Breeders G. Carli and Joan Duda, Owner Ray LaFortune.3. Showstars Najo Toot R. Kute BreederOwner G. Pundt.4. Taj Mahal Little Korky, Breeder D Weaver, Owners E. Burriesci M Dimdgoung.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Fiddlers Green, BreederOwner Tribble.2. Phyner The Browning Version, Breeder, Owner D. Trauner.American Bred Dogs1. Maranathas Lil Ezekel, Breeder C Carlin, Owner, Anna LaFortune2. Queenaire Medfly, Breeder S. Ayres Owner, D. W. Roach.Open Dogs1. Silver Meadows Danny Love, Breeder J. Klein, Owner C. Rapp.2. Sundots Rambling Sunset, Breeder Owner Ruth Dotson.3. Jestoms Tims Image, Breeder I. Harbin, owner, C. J. Edmisten.4. Maranathas Lil Caleb, Breeder C. Carlin, Owner Ray LaFortune.Puppy Bitch 6-9 months1. Apolloette Zacks Magic Touch, BreederOwner M. M. Presser2. Little Chechonia, Breeder J. Friend, Owner S. Heath.Open Bitches1. Starlite Lucky Shanticy, Breeder6 POMERANIAN REVIEWV inSest of Winners went to Silver Meadows Danny Love, owned by C. Rapp.r tp.ftS'i-liliV MiWinners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex went to Starlites Lucky Shanticy, owned and bred by Gayle Griffen.Owner Gayle Griffen2. Queenaire Rosebud, Breeder D..W. Roach, Owner, P..J. Greer.3. McKameys Countess Gold Ideal, BreederOwner Mrs. Norris McKamey.Best of BreedCh. Queenaire Rebel Holiday, Bred by D. and Wanda Roach, Owner J. Robert Jacobsen and Janet Allen.Best of Winners Silver Meadows Danny Love Best Opposite Sex Starlite Lucky Shanticy Best in SweepstakesMoonshadows Mica, Breeder D.W. Roach, Owner Paul Sandra Logan.Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes Apolloette Zacks Magic Touch.The Stud Dog class was won by Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude, appearing with eight of his progeny, of which 6 were champions. One is the well-known Ch. Morenos Critics Choice, the 2 Pom in the Nation for the early part of last year the youngest was the Sweepstakes winner who is on his way up. This class was ashowcase for the Poms being produced in this area and was enjoyed by all who have the Pom at heart. Congratulations to the owners of Dude, Dudley and Wanda Roach of Queenaire Kennels.Congratulations to everyone and to all who helped make this a successful and happy event.T- - W- SABest of Breed went to Ch. Queenaire Rebel Holiday, owned by J. Robert Jacobsen and Janet Allen.POMERANIAN REVIEW iJUDGES CRITIQUENorthern California Pomeranian Club Specialty, November 27,1982It was a pleasure to judge the Northern California Pomeranian Specialty. I have never been to this part of California and was impressed with the mild climate for this time of year.The quality of the entries at this specialty was impressive and I especially noticed the heavy coats and good condition of the Poms entered this day. Let me also say, I saw one of the nicest and soundest blacks that Ive had the chance to examine entered at this specialty. It was owned by Dolly Trauner and Julie Moreno.My Winners Dog and Best of Winners was Silver Meadows Danny Love, bred by Jackie Klien and owned by Cynthia Rapp. I understand this win finished his championship. He is a very stylish and typey orange male with a beautiful coat, lovely head and sound legs. Another individual also worthy of note was the Reserve Winners Dog, Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunset, owned and bred by Ruth Dotson.My Best of Opposite Sex and Winners Bitch was Starlite Lucky Shanticy, owned and bred by Gayle Griffin. She is a dark red and very sound bitch with the proper type and coat we all look for in the show ring. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Queenaire Rosebud, bred by Wanda Roach and owned by Phyllis and Jefferson Greer. Another outstanding and sound quality bitch.Nothing quite compared to the ring full of champions competing for Best of Breed, along with Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. After long and careful examination, my choice for Best of Breed was Ch. Queenaire Rebel Holiday. There were several other champions who caught my eye, but Rebel was not to be denied. He is a lovely orange male that showed with style and was expertly handled by one of hisowners, Robert Jacobsen and bred l Dudley and Wanda Roach.Following Best of Breed competition w the stud dog entry and this award went t Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude, bred an owned by Wanda Roach. Dude carries hig the Queenaire banner for all the she quality sons and daughters I saw in the rin this day. I also want to say how much admired the lovely trophies that understand were hand-made by Marlen and Marlin Presser.My trip would not have been complet without being able to visit with Loren Bradbury and her husband after the show, was delighted with the invitation to visi their kennels and as one Pom breeder t another, I thank you for the hospitalit extended.I enjoyed the dinner after the show whicl gave me the chance to talk to the exhibitor and meet Adrian Alford and his wife. only wish I had had more time. I wish this club continued success.Mary RosenbaumSUBSCRIBERS PLESE NOTEThe Review is now being sent by a mailing company, which does not allow us to enclose a subscription renewal notice when your subscription expires. Instead, the expiration date of your subscription is shown after your name on the mailing label. Please check the label to see if your subscription expires with this issue. To renew, send a check to new Circulation Manager, John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249,Doswell, Virginia 23047 804 876-3643.Please consult the Circulation Managers column for new rates and available back issues.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWt---------------------------------------------------------\o rr^y pomsGIRLS OF 1983Ch. O My Traveling TerrificCh. Terry shown winning BOB from the classes under Bob Wills at the Colorado Springs K.C. Finished in 1 2 years of limited showing due to her first litter. A proven free whelper.Ch. Van Hoozers Lucky Wee Eddie Ch. O My Traveling Man Bashful Doady GalCh. Kays Captain Samson Lights Classy TaffyWeises Timstopper TeenaO My Miss Colley BColley has garnered 12 pts. one 5 pt. major in her limited career. Shown winning BOB from the classes under Isadore Schoenburg at the Cheyenne K.C. She has had two litters and is a free whelper.Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Fancy Gold Nugget Rons Moon PebbleBaby Mac Mitsy VIIBechtolds ConnieV-V' ^ rlA-POMERANIAN REVIEWro my pomsGIRLS OF 1983LiL Sissy Drew DLiteCh. Ken-Gays Sammy BoyCh. Kays Captain Samson Regina PandoraCh. Weises Precious Gem of Flash Lil Buds Nancy Drew DLite Nancys Traveling Dee Dee_\Sissy was bred by Carol Hornberger and is shown winning BOB from the classes under Frances Thornton at So. Colorado K.C. She has 10 points 3 majors and is a proven free whelper.^fcifwr4O My ButtercupCh. Mercers Touch O Duke Ch. O My Pattys Touch O Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper CeeCh. Mercers Touch O Duke O My Preshus D LiteLil Such A Bunny DLiteB.C. is shown winning WB, BOS under Ed Bivin at the Big Springs Kennel Club and at 11 months, needs a 3 pt. major to finish. She has been bred to Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie. We areVexcited0 POMERANIAN REVIEWo rr^y poms'ibjiim.rsCh. O My Pattys Touch O-Pepper O My Pattys Touch O-PrettyLittermates Pepper and Pretty shown winning respective 4 pt. majors and on to BOB and BOS under Mrs. Lois W. McManus. Pretty has both majors and needs 5 points to finish. She is a proven free whelper.Ch. Mercers Youngduke of Tim-Sue Ch. Mercers Touch O Duke Ch. Bonners Starcrest MinetteCh. Bonners Kristan StarmistCircle M Patty Pepper CeeO My African QueenYOURE INVITEDMrs. Opal R. Dumler O MY Poms and Michael M. Thorstad Circle M Poms cordially invite you to a cocktail party in the Presidential Suite of the Quality Inn-Central on Saturday May 28, 1983 in Denver, Colorado. This is the day after our Summer Specialty. Time is 730 p.m. at the Headquarter Hotel. Please come and give your Poms a Rocky Mountain HighIOpal R. Dumler 1091 S. Lake Gulch Road Castle Rock, CO 80104 303 688-3768Michael M. Thorstad 3455 S. Gryant Street Englewood, CO 80110 303 762-0425JPOMERANIAN REVIEWMoonshadow's PomeraniansvMoonshadows MicaSon of Ch. Queenaire Gambling DudeMany thanks to Mr. Adrian Alford, Sweepstakes judge, N.C.P.C. Specialty Show, 11-27-82 at Turlock, California, for placing Mica Best Puppy in Sweepstakes.Our special thanks to Wanda and Dudley Roach, for without their professional advice and generosity, none of this would have been possible.Owned, handled and loved byPaul and Sandra Logan 2408 E. Austin Way Fresno, CA 93726POMERANIAN REVIEWQueenaire, JZeg.Ch. Queenaire Coup D EtatCh. Queenaire Coup D ETat was Best of Breed from a field of 9 specials at the Yosemite K.C. Nov. 26, his first time out. Judge Merle Smith.Ch. Queenaire Coup D ETat sends congratulations to his brother, Ch. Queenaire Rebel Holiday, on his NCPC win Nov. 27 and his Stockton win Nov. 28.Queenaire champions finished in 1982Ch. Queenaire Mystique Ch. Queenaire Coup D ETat Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise Ch. Queenaire Chances Are Ch. Foxaire French VanillaPuppies available from the following studsCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch Ch. Queeanire Coup D ETat Ch. Models Bit-O-Whiz Queenaire WindwalkerCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude sired the following champions finishing in 1982 Ch. Queenaire Mystique, Ch. Queenaire Coup D ETat, Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise, Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure and Ch. Queenaire Rebel Holiday. See Stud Dog clip, this issue.We are extremely pleased to announce the acquisition of Ch. Models Bit-O-Whiz from Mr. Robert L. Goodrich of Hampton, VA. This beautiful, well-bred dog makes a welcome addition to our stud force. He is bred to several girls.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3'ueenaireIre, jeafm4LlbFirst Row Dudley Roach, CH. QUEENAIRE GAMBLING DUDE Stud Dog Wanda Roach, CH. QUEENAIRE COUP D ETAT Robert Jacobsen, CH. QUEENAIRE REBEL HOLIDAY Julie Moreno, CH. MORENOS CRITICS CHOICE Phyllis Greer, QUEENAIRE MEDFLY.Second Row Mary Rosenbaum, judge Dolly Trauner, CH. PHYNER BLACK SOMBRERO Sandra Logan, CH. QUEENAIRE BRIGHT PROMISE Paul Logan, MOONSHADOWS MICA Marlin Presser, CH. APOLLOETTES FOOLISH PLEASURE.A packed gallery of well-wishers gave Dude and his offspring a standing ovation. For all the people in other breeds who have been following Dudes progress, we say thank you. This experience afforded us a once-in-a-lifetime thrill. Well never forget itDudley and Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, CA 95350 209 529-527014 POMERANIAN REVIEWGan.Ch.MillaniorsockMedallion9rt. V-congratulates his winning kids Photo by Heather Drope-MarchioneCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette HeartzMiller Best of Breed Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty. Best of Breed Bay Colony Specialty. 11 Bests in Show in Canada.Can. Bda. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion Baystrome 10 Bests in Show in Canada 15 U.S. points in 2 weekends.Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Heartz Finished in Canada from the puppy class with a Group 1.Can. Am. Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael Kopell Now a multiple Group and Best in Show winner in the U.S.Medallion is at stud by private treaty.CHRISCENDOChristine and John Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, N.S., Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-7427POMERANIAN REVIEW 3COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW December 12,1982 by Erin HundleySpecialty What is a Specialty The dictionary defines specialty as a particular quality or detail a product of a special kind or a special excellance. Special is defined as uncommon noteworthy individual and unique. All of these adjectives describe the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty which was held in conjunction with the Portland Kennel Club Bench Show December 12th in Portland, Oregon. And SPECIAL it was. The host club provided beautifully decorated benches to house our Poms. A small mirror with the image of a Pom etched in silhouette was their gift to each exhibitor, along with a pair of tiny red hand-crocheted ice skates. And, of course, goodies were provided for each Pom entered.We were scheduled to show at 945 a.m., so everyone hurried in, set up and proceeded immediately to ringside where another eye-catching display met our eyes. The trophy table was one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. Ceramic plates and platters with hand painted Pom pictures signed and dated by the artist E.K. Sommerfelt, were standing in display racks. I especially noted the platter with three Pom puppies, one cream, one black, and one orange. This was to be the award for Best Puppy. I hoped that one of mine would be considered good enough to take it home.The tension mounted as show time approached. Brushes were busy and you could hear, How much time do we have What did I do with my brush Has anyone got some cheeseAt last judge Mrs. Cynthia Sommers was ready and the ring steward announced the first class. Judge Sommers considered carefully and this is how she placed them Best Puppy and Reserve Winners Dog is Qu Sera Firefox of Larita, owned by Rita M LaVerne and Erin Hundley. Judge, Cynthi Sommers.Puppy Dogs 6-9 months1. Riggens Dusty Trademark, Breeden Owner Delores Riggen.2. Westmost Bouncys Bitablack, Breede Wayne and Bea George. Owners Diam Clark-Bryant and Robert Bryant.3. Pomada Black Shadow, Breeder Helei Krafcik, Owner Darlene Wilson.Puppy Dogs 9-12 months1. Que Sera Firefox of Larita, Breeden Owners Rita LaVerne and Erin Hundley.2. C.J.s Billy of Chestnut Grove, Breede Mildren and C.E. Sweet, Owner Pen Casteneda.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Riggens Tartan Elf, BreederOwne Delores Riggen.2. Westmost B.J.s Mr. VIP, Breeder Owner Wayne George.Open Dogs Black, Brown, Blue 1. Tillabys Black Shadow, Breedei Suzanne M. and Norman G. Olsen, Ownei George S. and Jane E. Reed.Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream, Sable 1. Enjays Barracuda, Breeder Norma36 POMERANIAN REVIEWJenkins, Owner Lou Ann McGee.2. King Midas of Twin Pines, Breeder John Cribbs, Owner Fran Warren.3. Lamoda Goldstyle My-T-Boy, Breeder, Margaret Klingbiel, Owner, Jackie and MeLynda Peterson.4. Stewarts Royal Gold Dust, Breeder Lessie Lee Hess, Owner, Roxann JohansonWinners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed went to Enjays Barracuda, owned by Lou Ann McGee.From this array of beautiful dogs, Judge Sommers chose her Winners Dog from the Open Red, Orange, Cream or Sable class. He was Enjays Barracuda, a lovely cream in excellent condition who showed beautifully for his owner, Lou Ann McGee. Reserve Winners Dog was from the Puppy 9-12 month class, Que Sera Fire Fox of Larita, a spirited deep orange who carried himself well, and made co-owners Rita M. LaVerne and Erin Hundley very proud.The winners of the bitch classes were Puppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Que Sera Daphne of Larita, Breeder Owners Rita M. LaVerne and Erin R. Hundley.2. Char-Murs Enchanting Glori, Breeder Owner Muriel Gunther.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches1. Pomada Travelling Heidi, Breeder Owner Darlene J. Wilson.2. Woofgangs Tiffany Teara, Breeder Owner Rox Ann Johanson.3. C.J.s Maria Louisa, BreederOwner Pete Casteneda.Open Bitches, Black, Brown or Blue1. Starlites Little Black Magic, Breeder Gayle Griffen, Owner Wanda Bittner.2. Woofgangs Licorice Sweet, Breeder Owner Rox Ann Johanson.Open Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. Starlites Lucky Shanticy, Breeder Owner Gayle Griffen.2. Jestoms Adorable, Breeder S. Renner, Owner, Jessie M. Stephens.3. Personality Adorable Sam, Breeder Patricia M. Cripes, Owners Patricia M. Cripes and Pete Casteneda.4. Sasha LaKeetra, Breeder Wayne O. Heifer, Owner Vivian L. Hulick.Open Bitches Any Other Allowed Color1. Harbins Black Gold of India, Breeder Owner Irene N. Harbin.2. Westmost Lady Nips Jill, Breeder Owner Wayne George.- -r'-_3Winners Bitch was Starlites Lucky Shanticy, owned and bred by Gayle Griffen.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Judge Sommers again gave careful consideration to all the blue ribbon ladies before announcing her choice for Winners Bitch. Gayle Griffens Starlites Lucky Shanticy won from the Open Red, Orange, Cream or Sable class. This flashy orange Pom showed many qualities we admire as she was led to victory by agent Anna LaFortune. Reserve Winners Bitch went to pretty, beautifully prepared and presented, Jestoms Adorable, also from the Open R.O.C.S. class, agent J. Allen. Veteran Dog went to Ch. Harbins Indestructible Jim, breeder Irene Harbin, owners Irene Harbin and Sylvia Harbin. Veteran Bitch went to Riggens Kristol Muffins, breeder owner Delores Riggen. Seeing these lovely veterans reminds us that our Poms continue to give us pleasure all of their lives.Now for Best of Breed. The Champions strutted around the ring as the spectators admired this exceptional display. Each one in his or her own way demonstrated those special qualities which we most admire in Pomeranians. After studying them all, judge Sommers chose her Winners Dog, Enjays Barracuda for Best of Winners and Best of Breed. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy, who wascsnBest of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy, owned and bred by Alicia Kvamme and Nora Higbee.bred and owned by Alicia Kvamme anc Nora Higbee. She finished her championship last summer from the puppy classes.The first place puppies then came back into the ring for Best Puppy. This award went to Reserve Winners Dog, Que Sera Firefox of Larita. This puppy is the result of a long line of beautiful Poms and made his owners Rita M. LaVerne and Erin Hundley very proud.The trophy table was looking a little bare as all the trophies had been given to the winners. However none was more happily received than the new Challenge Trophy for Best of Opposite Sex, donated by Jean Schroll. She retired the last challenge trophy by winning Best of Winners three times. None that is, unless it was the puppy platter which I was delighted to take home with meAfter our early start we were all ready to relax by the benched dogs and take turns getting some food. The rest of the day passed by quickly with the usual reminiscing about past shows and special Poms.Congratulations to all the winners and to the committee chaired by John Nye. He was ably assisted by Averil Asbeck, Muriel Gunther, Linda Gallacher, Jean Schroll and many others who worked hard to make this Specialty one which we will long remember.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page. 3.38 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTARLITE POMERANIANS-STiCh. Starlites Lucky ShanticyShanticy is shown winning 5 points at the Columbia Pom Specialty Dec. 12, 1982 under judge Mrs. Cynthia Sommers.Handled by Anna LaFortune.Shanticy sends kisses to Ray and Anna LaFortune for the love and care they gave her.Gayle L. Griffin15625 W. Perrydale Rd. Amity, Oregon 97101 503 843-2151Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Chula Queenaire Chance Queenaire MLady Jubilee Lucky ChanceApollos Lucky Reno Ticket Mickis Gold Susette Skylark Gold Tango Ch. Starlites Lucky ShanticyCh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Sun Dots Ramboling Man Ch. Queenaire First Lady Starlites Ramboling FanticyCh. Jilly Rigal Raz of Starlite Starlites Rigal Miss Pixie La Modas BallerinaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3STARLITE POMERANIANS V ,3mmm vmsCh. Starlites Lucky ShanticyShanticy is shown winning WB and BOS at the Northern California Pom Club Specialty, November 27, 1982 under judge Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum. Handler Ray LaFortune.Shanticy finished her championship in 6 weeks.Expecting some nice show puppies Inquiries welcome.Gayle L. Griffin 15625 W. Perrydale Rd. Amity, Oregon 97101 503843-21510 POMERANIAN REVIEW---10PomeraniansJPomirish KennelsIrish SettersCongratulates New Champions subject to AKC confirmationNorwich TerriersCH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS HUNDRD PRUFPoofiepictured rightOwned by Nancy Bartholomew, Ola, AR andCH. POMIRISH IMAG GIN LIL MEGinnyBest of Breed over specials to finish. Thank you, judge Mrs. Jarmoluk. Both bred and handled by Sally.IirV kPoofie is available for stud at Pomirish Kennels where Sally will be his agent and handler. See his pedigree in Behind the New Champions.We were very sorry to hear of the death of Mary Jane Wilson, but pleased that Ch. Pomirish Buddys Son Shine brought some happiness to her life.Dick and Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B Mishicot, WI542228 414 755-2994Both sired byCH. POMIRISH LIL GUYpicturedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4iPomirish fennelsPomeranians Irish Setters Norwich TerriersStart the year out right on the tough 1983 Florida Circuit.POMIRISH FRED E FENDERpictured rightCame home with a 4 pt. major. He is for sale, as is his sister and other youngsters.wJhPOMIRISH CHANCES DREAM PUFFpictured leftCame home with 4 and 3 pt. majors.POMIRISH CHANCES CREM DBLOONTook 2 pts., but went home with a new owner noted Akita breeder B. J. Andrews.We have three sable bitches from Norma Creider needing only a few points to finish. A nice addition to our bloodlines. Thanks for 3 nice ones, NormaDick and Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B.Mishicot, WI54228414 755-2994 I12POMERANIAN REVIEWHONOLULU CLUB OF HAWAII SPECIALTY SHOWby Sherrie VeaseyIn spite of inclement weather, we had an eventful Second Specialty Show thanks to the good planning of our Show Chairman, Clarice Oganeku and Show Secretary, Lillian Chun. Plans are now in progress for our next Specialty. Following the show we had a luncheon to honor our fine judge, Dr. William S. Houpt.We had an entry of 13 6 dogs, 5 bitches, 2 specials. The winners of each class are as followsvy. cHutlBest of Breed from the Puppy class is Flamn Suns Rebel Rouser, owned by Dwan E. Aona. Judge, Dr. William S. Houpt.Puppy Dog Flamn Suns Rebel Rouser, owner Dwan E. Aona.Open Dog Emcees Chip of Distinction, owners Clarice and Yevette Oganeku. Winners Dog Flamn Suns Rebel Rouser.Reserve Winners Dog Emcees Chip of Distinction.Novice Bitch Woodroses Break ODawn, owners Ellen and Amy Takayama Bred by Exhibitor VCs Peaches Cream, owner Sherrie Veasey American Bred Queenaire Top of the Isles, owner Josephine Ching.Jl1'miJ.CHjBest of Opposite Sex from the Bred by class is VCs Peaches Cream, owned by Sherrie Veasey. Judge, Dr. William S. Houpt.Open Bitches Jubilees Twinkling Starlet, owner Josephine Ching.Winners Bitch VCs Peaches Cream. Reserve Winners Bitch Jubilees Twinkling Starlet.Best of Breed Flamn Suns Rebel Rouser now finished.Best of Opposite Sex VCs Peaches Cream.Best Puppy Flamn Suns Rebel Rouser.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4introducesIt 1HWINNERS Penru jPrima ^Ballerina O' jab'llCh. Jabils Simply Sinful x Jabil s Glory BoundJamie is the newest addition to our staff. She is a sound, foxy lady with a super personality. Bred and co-owned by Jessie Young, she is pictured winning 2 pts. at her first show.Thank you, Jessie, for putting a Little Sin in our lives.Rosalind Goltz 70 Sulgrave Rd. Scarsdale. NY 1058344 POMERANIAN REVIEWHYPOTHYROIDISM by R. V. Hutchison D.V.M.It seems that we in the dog business are constantly being besieged by one veterinary crisis after another. Currently, the status of the canine thyroid gland, especially in certain breeds, is being questioned in many circles.It hardly seems possible that a small two-bodied gland, located on either side of the windpipe, can be responsible for so many different body activities. We know that the basal metabolic rate, or the level of energy controlling the body, is due largely to the thyroid hormone. Since hyperthyroidism or too much hormone is rare in dogs, we will confine our discussion to hypothyroidism or too low a level of thyroid.The classic signs associated with this disease are directly attributed to the low basal metabolic rate. For many years before a true test for thyroid in dogs was developed, we relied on the canine patient showing a extreme hair loss, b over sensitivity to the cold, c prolonged anestrus period of time between heat cycles, and d a general overall lack of energy, for a diagnosis. It was only in the late 1970s when accurate, routine thyroid testing was undertaken that we found many individuals and breeds were afflicted with lower than what were considered normal thyroid levels they did not necessarily show the classic signs.A brief explanation of the inner workings of the thyroid gland will help us to understand the complexity of the situation. Basically, what occurs is the thyroid gland takes up Iodine from the body circulation, then converts it into two forms of thyroid hormones tri-iodothyronine T3 and tetra-iodothyronine T4. The T3 and T4 fractions then combine to form T7, the active form of the thyroid hormone.Initially, we can see a basis for different levels of blood thyroid a Too little Iodine, a problem recognized along the Great Lakes, an area known as the goiter belt. This is no longer a major problem due to the development of iodized salt, b Too little T3, a problem recognized as occurring and one of the fractions routinely evaluated when blood is drawn for a thyroid test. And c too little T4, probably the most important in causing physical signs, again commonly tested for in the blood serum. Add to these potentials for hormone-level differences the fact that the thyroid gland must have the stimulation of a brain hormone, TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, to work, creating another possibility for altered thyroid levels. Also recently discovered is another brain hormone, Thyrotrophin Releasing Factor, necessary for TSH release and usage. Realizing how many hormonal interactions are required just to get the thyroid produced and released makes it hard to believe any of us have normal thyroidsIt is currently unproven as to whether hypothyroidism is an inherited trait. Recent work being done by a number of research centers makes us highly suspicious that an animal may be born with a tendency for a lower than normal blood thyroid. However, the first realization that we as dog breeders must grip is what exactly is hypothyroidism Is any breed showing any physical signs of a metabolic defect, yet testing lower than what is considered a normal range, hypothyroid If we find traits such as lack of hyperness, aloofness, etc. the very reasons many of us chose certain breeds are due to a slightly lower metabolic rate than in other breeds, should we then supplement thyroid hormone toPOMERANIAN REVIEW 45bring their level up to what is assumed to be normal Or, should we sponsor certain research to determine a normal thyroid level for each breed so than when a veterinarian submits a serum sample for thyroid evaluation, it is compared only to levels established for that breed, similar to the evaluation for hip dysplasia carried on by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals These are the underlying questions yet to be answered by all individuals associated with dog breeding.We must seek answers rather than going on a testing rampage and possibly upsetting breed lines and traits we have developed over a lifetime. As a veterinarian dealing with a high number of quality breeders, I feel we must approach this problem together sensibly rather than with overreaction.Let me stress that individuals showing clinical signs of hypothyroidism should be tested and treated. I am always leary when we start attributing one disease with everything from birth defects to the lack of house training. I suggest that we continue to test individuals and groups of related individuals for thyroid levels, feeling this is necessary to determine what are true normal levels, rather than to condemn certain breeds and individuals. There are no short-term answers. We must all work together to confront this very interesting challenge.For accurate testing of individuals, a few points should be remembered a Be sure your veterinarian is sending the serum samples to an accredited veterinary laboratory for thyroid testing. If he is sending the samples to a human laboratory, the results are invalid both as a basis for treatment and for establishing normal blood levels, b There are many medications that will affect the thyroid test. Most anti-seizure medications, anesthetics, Butazolidin, some cortico-steroids corti- sones and DNP an old type injectable wormer for hookworms will cause theblood test to be inaccurate. The fact that these medications are currently used very routinely must be considered at the time of testing. The effects of these products on the body proteins prevents the use of thyroid hormone and may cause a low test result even if the thyroid gland is normal. These medications may also prevent the body from using supplemented T3 and T4 and may account for dogs being given supplemental thyroid many times higher than the recommended dosages, yet continuing to have below normal levels.The purpose of this paper is by no means to downgrade the hypothyroid situation it is solely to point out the many complexities of the thyroid gland and its interaction with its environment. It is indeed a serious situation we are faced with, requiring much more than just testing and popping pills to reach certain arbitrary levels.Please note that I have not listed any measures for thyroid levels in this article. This is intentional as individual laboratories report their results in different quantities of measure. A close communication between breeder and veterinarian is important in determining the significance of a reported thyroid level and the need for further testing and treatment.Breeders, dont bury your heads in the sand. Our breed has the problem. Lets do something constructive to meet the challenge.JULY KENNEL VISITFor the July Kennel Visit we will travel to the Big Apple and the kennel of Mr. Pat Scelso and Mr. Mike Meyer of My Pat Pomeranians. We feel sure that the membership will want to support this visit with many congratulatory ads.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE DENVER METRO POMERANIAN CLUB by Michael M. ThorstadHopefully you have all received your information packet from the Denver Metro Pomeranian Club concerning the Summer Pom Specialty to be held in Denver on Friday, May 27, 1983 inconjunction with the Metro Mile Hi Kennel Club Ltd and are making plans for a Springtime in the Rockies Our headquarters hotel is the Quality Inn Central which is conveniently located for our bonanza weekend of one toy show Pom Specialty included and three all-breed dog shows. Hows that for a Rocky Mountain HighThe judges subject to A.K.C. approval for the all-breed shows are Saturday, May 28, Flatirons K.C., judge, Dr. Darrell Baker Sunday, May 29, Terry-All K.C., judge, Mr. Fred Bassett and Monday, May 30, Evergreen Colorado K.C., judge, Mrs. Elaine Young. Our club is hard at work providing excellent transportation for all who need it. Please remember to let us know your plans on the reservation forms as last minute details can be very complicated.The Denver club is hosting a hospitality get together on Thursday May 26 at the headquarters hotel. This affair is planned to be held poolside or at an adjacent suite, if weather turns disagreeable.Friday, May 27 will begin with our Sweepstakes at the show grounds at about noon. The Denver club will provide a brunch just prior to Sweeps judging and that will tide us over until our banquet that evening back at the hotel.The club is also providing free transportation to our out of town guests to and from the Specialty. We will also have the same transportation available for the three all-breed shows at a reasonable price of 5.00 per day per person. This includes as many dogs and as much equipment asyou have. Send in your reservation forms and be countedSaturday, May 28, after the Flatirons Kennel Club show, there will be a cocktail party in the Presidential Suite at the headquarters hotel, hosted by Opal Dumler and Michael Thorstad. Come and tell us about your victories and enjoy the refreshments Scheduled time is 730 p.m.Remember, this is Memorial Day weekend, so make your reservations early. Our club is organized and ready to make your stay the event of the year. Our weather in Colorado changes on the hour so plan appropriately. However, we have placed an order for 4 days of sunshine This is also an excellent time to vacation as the Rockies are preparing for Summer. The sights and climate are at the best this time of year. All the plans have been made, the details are set, the atmosphere is beginning to electrify. We anxiously await you and your Pomeranian charges for a Springtime in the RockiesPATTYS POMERANIANS OFFERS FOR SALETwo free-whelped litters sired by Ch. Camelots Bashfull Dude Show- stopper Great Elms lines.2 females, 1 male whelped 12-8-82 orange sables2 females whelped 12-6-821 orange, 1 sableShowstopper puppies due 3-24-83.Patty Bartels4976 Monmouth Rd.Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950POMERANIAN REVIEW 4'r i -ire Fox Kennel 'proudly presents d.VCh. Foxaire French VanillaMany thanks to Wanda and Dudley Roach for allowing me to have Alex to start my breeding and show career.Alex will be specialed soon.Good luck to everyone in New YorkFire Fox KennelSheryl A. Raymond 1829 Mound Road Jacksonville, IL 62650 217243-281648 POMERANIAN REVIEW^'Mvrwl tfew at 'xettaModInstallation of our own printing press enables you to orderCustom designed Pom Items Stud cards including Pom drawing. Pedigree forms with your kennel name and address. Stationery with Pom drawing and your name and address.Above items available custom designed and printed for any breed.1983 Pom Calendars Only 7.50.List favorite Pom colors.Pre-printed Pom notepaper, greeting cards, fold-a-notes, litter announcements, kennel signs, trinket boxes, bread n cheese boards, key chains and moreSend LSASE plus 1.50 for all 5 Pom brochures toP.O. Box 957 Milton, WA 98354Sandtown Pomeranians'AChampion Sandtowns Toast of the CityGrandson of Int. Ch. Queenaires Scotch-N-Soda Puppies Occasionally All inquiries answered.Lois Abjornson P.O. Box432 Sand Springs, OK 74063yPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4introduces narnstedcM en'A fjfiavviari fjficvricy,Ch. Tomonalls Romeo x Jambos KismetMitzie is shown going BOS under Cynthia Sommers at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty on December 12, 1982. She completed her championship at the tender age of 8V2 months with a 5 point major under Thomas Conway. Mitzie is always shown by my mom, Alicia.Special congratulations to Mitzies half sister, Jambos Community Property on completing the requirements for her championship on January 23 at the Dog Fanciers of Oregon show.OwnerKristen Kvamme14020 188th Ave. Ct. KPN BreedersGig Harbor, WA 98335 Alicia Kvamme and206 884-3010 Nora Higbee POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Virginia NiehouseOnce again our club has been refused an A Match by the AKC, a great lisappointment to our members. Weve ieen active for nearly 12 years and have ried continuously to progress beyond B natches, but to no avail. We have followed ill suggestions made to us, but seem to be lung up on one point not enough of our core members, original members, are itill active in our club. The fact that there ire good reasons for it does not seem to ipply. Seattle is a busy city with military ind naval bases, shipyards and airplane factories, all a part of our economy. Many of our former members have moved to other locations through transfers, thereby removing many of our original active members. New additions taking up the slack dont seem to count. Very discouraging, but we will keep on trying, giving B matches, until someday we might make our goal. Our club is planning another match as soon as a location can be decided upon.Meanwhile, we are glad to be able to report that due to many of our new members and their enthusiasm, we are finally seeing majors at our shows. It hasnt been necessary to send our dogs out of the area for major points because the entries have increased so much. We hope this keeps up. We have finished two Poms at recent shows. Irene and Sylvia Harbins Ch. Tiffanys Star of India and Bernard and Virginia Niehouses Ch. Andrews Lass By Laddie are the new stars. These two have been competing for some time, one winning at one show the other at the next. Now weve both made room for those to follow. Meanwhile, we are very happy to report that Pete Casteneda and Robert Johnson took their first points, a 4 point major, on Personality Adorable Sam at the Greater Clark County Kennel Club show in Portland, OR.APC member, Phyllis Andrews and prospect, Pat Nap have left for a vacation in the East, first stopping for an extended visit with Edna Girardot in Florida, then all 3 continuing on to New York and the Specialty. While there, Edna will celebrate her 80 plus birthday. Happy Birthday, Edna Any inquiries about the show will be gladly answered by these ladies.Its nice to see new blood in our breed becoming evident. Several new Poms have been purchased by members and several new litters of puppies have put in an appearance. Still plenty of prospects for upcoming shows. We are happy to say that our club has been growing with the addition of new and enthusiastic members. It gives some of us old-timers a chance to use our knowledge to teach others, and at the same time, sit back and let someone else take a turn at the planning and execution of club affairs.Recently a number of dogs have died in locked, unattended cars and the PSPC has undertaken a project involving dog safety. A bumpersticker contest with prizes offered for the best sticker design has been launched. Posters will also be available in an effort the make the public more aware of the danger of pets in closed cars. Wanda Bittner is chairing the committee for Dog Safety.Before this column appears in our next edition of the Pom Review we will have had several more shows in this area and hopefully more points for our club members. Heres to good luck for everyone Keep showing your Poms.POMERANIAN REVIEW IAPOLLOETTEproudly presentsirACh. Apolloette Foolish PleasureZack is shown going Group 3 at San Mateo Kennel Club under judge Derek Rayne. Zack finished while still a puppy. Thank you to all the judges who saw what a lovely, sound Pom he is.Zacks first offspring, Apolloette Zacks Magic Touch is now starting her show career. She went WB and BOW at Golden Gate Kennel Club, Feb. 5, under judge Dorothy Welsh.Marlene and Marlin Presser 22562 Bird Rd.Tracy, CA 95376 209 835-7329Vi J2POMERANIAN REVIEWANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERIt is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for ones broods the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country of ours, and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.Cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is SI0.00 for each entry, plus the cost of the halftone if you do not have one the proper size. Dogs may be entered without photos, if none is available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Halftones used must be no larger than 2 square, and new ones from your glossy print will cost 7.00. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words.Because of the work involved in looking up old halftones, typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as early as possible. Please mention the back issue in which your halftone was used, if we have one on file. Glossies will be returned.ABSOLUTE DEADLINE May 15 th1982 TOP STUD DOGSFirst Place 4 Ch. Millamors Mark of DixielandCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Queenaire Double ScotchCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Sunray Ha-Lo Little LordCh. Tim Sues Mark of the DragonSecond Place 3 Topaze Little PumkinCh. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Old BlockRandys Jolly Wee Sparky Ch. Models High VoltageCh. Topaze Pumkin Seed Ch. Post Scripts CrowdpleaserCh. Wilwyns Teddy BearThird Place 2Ch. Emcees Solid GoldCh. Funfairs Pinto O Joe DandyCh. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiChampions confirmed and published in the AKC Gazette for 1982POMERANIAN REVIEW cANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Dixielands VeronicaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red MistMrs. Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd.Indianapolis, IN 46234Ch. Bonners Smokypepper Chico Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Bonners Pepperkute Sungold Ch. Queenaire Gamboling ManCh. Queenaire Scotch N Soda Ch. Queenaire DoodadBlossom Views Gold Princess Hadleigh Flash of Gold Blossom Views Proud Promise Blossom Views Gold Judy Queenaire Luvy DukCuddles Tiny Bubbles Queenaire Dark Velvet Pretty Pepper PodWanda and Dudley Roach 612 Woodrow Avenue Modesto, CA 95350 209 529-5270Above are samples of entries in the annual Stud Register which will appear in the July issue. The Review is pleased to award the sample Stud Cards to Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor and Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude, Top Studs in 1982.S' aCH. QUEENAIRE GAMBLING DUDE Sire of 4 Champions in 1982 Tie for Top Stud 1982CH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MIT T,AMOR Sire of 4 Champions for 1982 Tie for Top Stud 19824 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensWith one specialty over and another on the way, things may seem a little confusing to Pom Review readers, but be sure and note that November 26th we will be having our Independent Specialty. There is lots to look forward to, so bear this date in mind and look for particulars in the next Review. We hope to see people from all over the country helping make this a really great show. We have wonderful people, good parking facilities and again a tempting buffet will be held. This will be an evening show and there will be three other shows the same weekend, so come and support your breed and visit Northern California. We need you all and hope to see many lovely Poms on exhibition.A Christmas party was held at the home of the Pressers in Tracy, and after a lively meeting and an exchange of gifts, we were entertained by good company and good food. We all had a great time.We have a match planned by Anne Hayden and, as there are plenty of puppies around, we should have a good turn out. This is a good opportunity to practice for the upcoming shows, so we hope to see lots of support.The 1981 NCPC Awards went to the following deserving membersBreeders Award for breeder of the most Poms to complete championships Dudley and Wanda Roach.Exhibitors Award to the exhibitor of the most Poms to championships a tie between Ruth Dotson, Julie and Gonzie Moreno and Dudley and Wanda Roach.Top Pom the one who in all-breed competition won the most Ch. Morenos Critics Choice, owned and handled by Julie and Gonzie Moreno.Top Best of Opposite Sex Pom Ch. Sundots Ginger Flip, owned by Ruth Dotson.Congratulations to you all for showing these fine Poms and making this club one that consistently produces top quality Pomeranians.If anyone is interested, we do have some copies of Show Pomeranian by Lilia Ives and if anyone would like one please let me know. This is an interesting book and a good addition to your library.We would all like to send our good wishes to our President, Bob Hayden. He has been more than under the weather, but has managed to come to the meetings. Our best wishes Bob, to you and Anne. Get well soon.I also hear that Chuck Reynolds is getting stronger and perhaps he can be persuaded to come to some of the shows soon.The Golden Gate Show was again a success for Ch. Morenos Critics Choice, handled as always by Julie, who went Best of Breed over a good array of specials. This is the second time Smokey has walked away with the award. Congratulations Also mention must be made of the benching at this show. Julie Moreno, Dolly Trauner and Anne Hayden decorated for the NCPC and they were not to be out done. They put together a banner with a pale blue background over which gold foil Poms of almost life size were set. It made a very attractive setting for all the members to enjoy and the time and effort was appreciated by all. Thanks, folks, for a job exceptionally well doneRemember, November . . . Northern California Pomeranian Club Specialty.Until next time, best of luck to everyone.THE DEADLINE FOR JULY IS MAY 15.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5Meet.. . DOC ... our 50th Champion I5a 'TCSnfirCh. Queenaire Rebel HolidayBEST IN SHOWNorthern California Pomeranian Club Specialty November 27,1982BreederJudge Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum39 Pekes, 10 Chows, 1 Pom 50 championsOwnersHandlers SING LEE KENNELS J. Robt. Jacobsen and Janet Allen P.O. Box 391Pt. Reyes, California 94956 BreedersWanda and Dudley Roach QUEENAIRE56 POMERANIAN REVIEWWests PomeraniansvmAProudly presents our homebred champions.Ch. Wests Sugar BearOur first champion. Finished at 10 mos. breeder ownerhandled.Ch. Wests Miss Charm PatrickFinished at 9 months by ownerhandler Mildred G. Patrick. Breeder, Jean West.z.Ch. Wests Sweet Summer DreamOur newest champion finished with 4 majors and Best in Sweepstakes at Dallas- Fort Worth Pom Club Specialty breederownerhandled.A very special THANKS to all the judges who made all this possibleWe would also like to thank Olga and Darrell Baker for all their advice, guidance and supportJean and George West 2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood,TX 77339 713 358-8465POMERANIAN REVIEW 5cejWests PomeraniansvmABeautiful, heavy-coated orange-sable Aristic LinesSiring Show Quality Puppies We have a litter of 1 male, 1 female.h I15v-^Ch. Patricks Mr. LarryWe would like to thank Mildred Patrick for letting us acquire this lovely male.At this time we would also like to thank Josephine and Clarence Ching for a lovely kennel visit on our trip to Hawaii. We also enjoyed meeting several other Pom breeders Betty Aona, Clarice Oganeku and Sherrie Veasey.Inquiries welcome on our litter of 2 black tan males 34 Bonner lines.Jean and George West 2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-8465AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wanda Roach, 612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350. If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.58POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573As a result of last issues column, I have had several discussions on training. Everyone agreed that training a Pom to carry a dumbbell was the most difficult task. Each person had his own favorite way of training the technique.In the midst of one of these discussions, I decided to test one of my dogs presently showing in conformation. He had never seen a dumbbell unless he had glanced into an obedience ring at a show. With an obedience friend with whom I had been talking as a witness, I put the dumbbell in the den floor and brought the dog into the room. At first he ran and picked up a cloth toy. I took the toy away from him. He glanced about, spotted the dumbbell and ran and picked it up. I called him, and he came to me carrying the dumbbell. He has never been trained to sit or stay so I ignored that and took the dumbbell from him. I held the dumbbell from him and in several positions, at different levels, each time he would take it and return it to me. I then tried restraining the dog with one hand and throwing the dumbbell. When released, he ran after it and brought it back. We repeated this several times, and then I ignored him to see what he would do. He threw the dumbbell for himself and retrieved it back to me I suppose to encourage me to play again. I then walked around the house, and he carried the dumbbell and followed me. I then put the dumbbell away as I didnt want him to learn any bad habits. I do hope to train himin obedience when he finishes his championship.In my experience this reaction is a very unusual one for a Poms first encounter with a dumbbell. Knowing that such a dog would make some of the more difficult training experiences easier, I tried to think of how this attitude could have been detected earlier. There were definite signs many of which I did not appreciate. I did not breed this dog. I bought him as a four month old puppy. As soon as I got him home, I noticed that he was a pack rat. He carried and stacked almost any object that he could lift. Strangely, he did not play with latex dog toys. In the yard he gathered all the limbs and branches that he could find. When the dogs ran and played, he almost always carried a stick. He was never happier than when another dog would chase him with his stick or run and carry a stick and let him chase.When I took him into the conformation ring, I had a new experience. I am accustomed to my dogs looking for stray bait, but this one looked for debris. In one ring he found and carried three sticks and two rocks. This sounds as if he does not like to show, but this is not the case. If I take my eyes off of him, he finds something to carry, and then focuses complete attention on me with his prize in his mouth. He actually seems more relaxed when he is carrying something.I believe that those of you who are interested primarily in obedience could greatly help yourselves by questioning the breeder of your prospective obedience candidate as to his play habits. I will be watching in the future.I am going to particularly watch the puppies just younger than this boy. He has encouraged them to carry and play with sticks. None of them carry with his enthusiasm, but they will play with sticks. None of their near relatives do, although many of their relatives play with toys. At this time I see no correlation betweenPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5'lv. t-v- SK.- H r'- --jccrc-ri-.v -J -n,iwm6t '.DUPRE S POMERANIANS.-7-Whata fantastic litterCh. Emcees Sparkling Tamboy x Mercers B.J.i- . Cf_ 1.S3Pictured at 5 months is a black and tan puppy dog and litter sisters in orange and white. They have fantastic color and conformation, so watch for them in the ring. Thank you Evelyn Churchill, for letting us use Rusty, making this litter possible.BreederOwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 110 Pompano Street Lafayette, LA 70508 318 235-1423POMERANIAN REVIEW50dumbbell carrying and toy playing.I often wish that I received more feed-back from Review readers. I would like to see the Review become a forum for Pom fanciers. I was delighted therefore to receive a letter this quarter from a breeder of three years experience asking that five conditions be addressed. I will offer my opinions on these areas, but I hope many of you will join the discussion. Please, do write.Breeding Mechanics The writer expressed difficulty in the physical handling of matings. Toy dogs can present a problem in this area especially when the male is smaller than the female. The easiest answer is for the novice to watch an experienced breeder a few times and then conduct a breeding or two under the watchful eye of the experienced breeder. Timing is very important and the positioning of a hand or even a finger can make a huge difference. In seeking a friendly breeder to help, if there are no friendly Pom breeders in the area, introduce yourself to other toy dog breeders. Most toys have similar problems, and most toy breeders can enjoy each other and profit from the others experiences.Reproduction Much literature is available on nutrition so no one should have a problem in this area. Once again, at whelping it is helpful to have witnessed a few whelpings conducted by an experienced toy breeder. It does not need to be a Pom whelping. Most breeders will welcome an extra hand and someone to talk to during the night if the person will remain calm.Some vets are helpful during whelping and some are helpful only if a section is needed. Ask the toy breeders in your area whom they use. A vet pre-trained in toys is a boon to a new breeder.Earning Respect. I think this sub-title is a good one. Respect must be earned. We all probably respect slightly different aspects. I respect a breeder who year-in-and-year-out produces sound beautiful dogs of the type he admires no matter what the current fadsare. I respect a breeder who remains the same no matter what the company. I have no respect for those who agree with a person while he is present, and scorn his opinions when he is gone. I respect a breeder who is willing to share what he has learned for the good of his breed. I do not respect breeders who bestow knowledge as they would alms to the poor. Respect is a two way street. Both parties must respect the other. I respect those who respect their dogs. I do not respect those who view their dogs as steps on a social ladder.Now sometimes a new breeder will have a problem because he simply doesnt understand a situation. Even long time breeders are tense just before they go into the ring. If they are concentrating on how to get a dog, a bitch, and a special down a crowded aisle past sparring terriers, they may not notice other people. I have often had people angry with me about not speaking to them at ringside when I had not noticed them. Try talking to the breeder early, before he begins grooming or after he has come out of the ring for the last time. I love to sit and talk after I show. Some may not. Try writing or calling them at home when they are more relaxed.Qualities that make compatible breeders friends probably vary. To me, a respect of each others opinions is a necessity. Thinking of my closest breeder friend, we disagree on procedures as often as we agree. Actually this is good for both of us for it gives us an understanding of the opposing view and a knowledge that a concerned breeder can hold this view and when one of use ruins himself in some way, the other has what he needs for the rescue.I feel that the most valuable quality a breeder can bring into a discussion is an open mind. Of course every one has some thing, such as cruelty, that he can not accept, but aside from these, he needs to realize that once he expresses an opinion and it is just that, an opinion it may be accepted or rejected. The acceptance or continued on p. 63.POMERANIAN REVIEW MORENO'STCh. Moreno's Critic's ChoiceWe are very proud of the little guy' record. Awarded the Top Winning Pom i All Breed Competition by N.C.P.C for 1982 . . . and 7 Pom in th Canine Chronicle system as of Oct 1982. Best of Breed, over 7 top specials at Golden Gate K.C., Feb. 5 198 under the respected judge Mrs Dorothy S. Welsh.Moreno'sJubileeConnectionRusty made his return to the ring in Jan. going BOB Adult and Group 1 one weekend and BOB, Group 2 the next.Also, Smokeys first kids, Morenos Kiwi By Choice and Morenos Kirby By Choice were BOS from the 3-6 months class on consecutive weekends.For Sale to Show HomeMorenos Highlight Light orange male, 6 months old.Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415583-4973653.B2 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 10.50.AM.CAN. CH. ANADORS DRAGON SMASHEROrange Sable MaleBreeder-Owner Ann Welshinger, Superior WAAm.Can. Ch. Sissons Gino Gaybit Ch. Sissons Dukes Little Big Man Joda Pollyanna Sissons Silver DollarCh. This Time Dark Chaos Joda Chaos KatrinaJoda Jolly Tootsie Toy Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Golden Moon Pomirish Little MatildaCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O CavilierCh. Scotia Cavs Lay A Wey BrochureCH. ANDREWS LASS BY LADDIERed-Orange Female Breeders P. and C. Andrews Owners V. and B. NiehauseCh. Scotia Caviliers Jungle Jim Am.Can. Ch. Andrews Pics JimboCan. Ch. Andrews Exquisite Debutante Andrews Wee Red LaddieCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Am.Can. Ch. Scotia Cavs A Tisket ATasketAll-Star Tobys Lil Tidbit Teagues Wee Flame Buster Boy Andrews Mr. Continental Baulchs Little Cream Puff Andrews Angelic DebutanteBaulchs Little Bitty Rascal Baulchs Little Red Ant Lathams Shines DaisyCH. JANESAS ROCK N-U BETOrange Sable FemaleBreederOwner Jerrie Freia, Morgan City, laCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands VeronicaMillamors Melody Box Tim-Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Pompufs Gay Gold Dancer Pompufs Jitter Gay Bug Sugarlands Flamingo DancerCh. McKameys Just A King Pom-Pufs Fancy Fashion Pom-Pufs O-So-FancyCH. JANESAS WHATTA GAMBLEROrange Sable MaleBreederOwner Jerrie Friea, Morgan City, LACh. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Models Solid Gold Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Ole BlockCh. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcees Tartan Tam Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dixielands Veronica Janesas Rock N-U BetCh. Pompuf Gay Gold Dancer Sugarlands Flamingo Dancer Pom-Pufs Fancy FashionViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6CH. POMIRISH IMAG GIN LIL MEOrange FemaleBreederOwner Sally BaugnietCh. Scotts Little Buddy Buddy Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Goldie Jones Horne Ch. Pomirish Lil GuyCh. Apples Traveling Buddy Travelers Ka-TinaJewels Shadow of Gidget Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Sissy of LenetteCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Jilltaras Anniversary Gift Jilltaras Sweet CharlotteCH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS HUNDRED PRUFCream MaleBreeder Sally BaugnietOwner Nancy BartholomewCh. Scotts Little Buddy Buddy Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Goldie Jones Horne Ch. Pomirish Lil GuyCh. Apples Traveling Buddy Travelers Ka-TinaJewels Shadow of Gidget Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Can. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Edna of LenettePomirish Cream Puffs Carry OnShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffScotia Double Gr Da O CavilierCH. WESTS SWEET SUMMER DREAMOrange FemaleBreederOwner Jean West, Kingwood, TXCh. Myway Duke Celou Celae Jeribeths IzzsitJeribeths Cheers to Duke Ch. Jeribeths Ivan IdealJo-Arts Put Up Your Dukes Jeribeths Idol BakerJeribeths Toast to Duke Ch. Myway Duke Celou Celae Jeribeths IzzsitJeribeths Cheers to Duke Wests Little SassyCh. JodaEphibus LLL Mite of Gold MinnieLLL Happy Time For TricksAlong Myway, cont. from p. 60. rejection is of the opinion, not the breede himself.Limited Numbers. Small numbers i litters is just a fact in the Pomerania breed. Patience is a valuable tool. If th breed is important enough, one waits Actually I do not consider small numbers problem. My friends with large breeds, whc have litters of eight to twelve, havf problems socializing all the puppies. The also have trouble deciding who to keep ai an early age because they can not keep sc many at once. With my small litters everybody can play in the den, and I can hold all of them for months if I wish.Coping With Other Breeders. My writer was concerned by having been rejected by other breeders. Years ago I was distressed by buying stock from one breeder and having another breeder not speak to me having someone not speak after I won, who had been friendly prior to the win having one breeder tear down another breeder andor his stock, etc. but, as Mark Twain so aptly put it, I was young then, younger than Ill ever be again. I now know that people showing dogs are still people and Ill meet all of the same types here that I meet in other walks of life. Just because I have the same job as someone else doesnt mean he will be my friend. Just because I have the same breed as someone, doesnt mean we have to be friends either. Many of the people in dogs I love and admire some I do not. At every show there are more nice people and dogs than I have time to get to know and enjoy anyway I spend my time with them.All valuable relationships take time to develop. Years appear much longer in forethought then in retrospect. Over the years I have been rescued by and have rescued booth venders, professional handlers, one-dog owners, visitors, and owners of various breeds in conformation and obedience. Open your attention to all in all aspects of dog work, and you will find many to help you and many you can help.14 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 19101 67th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290This months column should be titled Bits and Pieces. News of Northwest people comes in many ways. A phone call from Phyllis Andrews told of her much anticipated vacation plans which include a visit with Edna Girardot in Florida, and a side trip to Disney World. Then on to the National Specialty in New York. Perhaps Phyllis will write about this trip for a later issue of the Review.A letter from Linda Gallacher and some diligent research on my part uncovered the following show resultsGreater Clark County K.C., Jan. 22,1983 Winners Dog and Best of Winners Sunswept Anticipation, BreederOwner Linda Gallacher. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex Personality Adorable Sam, Breeder Patricia M. Cripes, Owners Patricia M. Cripes and Pete Casteneda. Best of Breed Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, BreederOwner Mary Rosenbaum.D.F.A. of Oregon, Jan. 23,1983 Winners Dog and Best of Winners Golden Glow Regi, Owner L.V. McGilbry, Breeder Alicia Bauer. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex Jambos Community Property, BreedersOwners Alicia Kvamme and Nora Higbee. Best of Breed Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, BreederOwner Mary Rosenbaum. Jambos Community Property completed her championship, subject to AKC approval, at this show.Puyallup D.F.A., Jan. 16,1983Winners Dog Queenaire Deja Vu,Breeder Dudley Roach, Owner Miriam Thompson. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners Jambos Community Property, BreederOwner Alicia Kvamme and Nora Higbee.Longview Kelso K.C., Feb. 13,1983Best of Breed and Group 1 Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, BreederOwner Mary Rosenbaum.Of course, the most interesting story as far as dog news is concerned, is in the report of the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty, reported in detail elsewhere in this issue.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club continues to work hard to educate its members and help improve the quality of Northwest Poms. The safety of all dogs has become one of the major interests of this club. A new committee on dog safety has been formed and is chaired by Wanda Bittner. Wanda was instrumental in saving the life of the Chihuahua which had been locked in a car in a dog show parking lot. Taking the responsibility upon herself, Wanda insisted that the car window be broken and first aid administered to the Boxer and Chihuahua that were in the car. It was too late for the Boxer, who had just won Winners Bitch, but the Chihuahua was saved thanks to Wanda. A club sponsored poster contest and bumper sticker contest are intended to remind all dog lovers of the rapid rise in temperature in a closed car even when the outside temperature is mild. The results will be published in the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club report in the next Review. In the mean time, summer shows are approaching and we must all remember the beautiful Boxer who died because her owners tried to protect her from dog nappers. Another suggestion if clubs sponsoring dog shows would provide a shady area and dog sitters, exhibitors could leave crated dogs for brief periods while they take a lunch break. A small fee could be charged or it could be free, but think how much more comfor- continued on p. 68.POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg. Congratulations to the winners at the New York Specialty.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704889-9233MmIt was with great sadness that I heard of the death of James Arima, the first editor of our Pomeranian Review. Though I never met Jim, I felt I knew him through mutual friends, phone calls and correspondence.His death is a great loss to the Pom Fancy. mThe Parti's On At CheridelQkeAidelWe have finally succeeded in producing our first parti-color puppies. We will have limited numbers of parti-color and strong parti-gene carrying puppies for sale in the near future. Parti-color stud service available this summer by male with Showstopper background.We will also have quality puppies for sale in the Great Elms Showstopper line sired byCheridel Pomesto Remember Me Great Elms Black and Tan, sire of champions.Cheridel Mocha Chip of Wee Fvy dark Chocolate grandson of Can. Ch. Boulder River Carbon-Copy. Produces black and tan and chocolate, in addition to standard colors.Our deepest sympathy to Terri Moebuis of the loss of her beautiful puppy, Moe-Best Overnite Sin-Sation.Inquiries invited Send SASE. Carol Ricci311 Cherry Hill Rd. West Reisterstown, MD 21136 301 833-84686POMERANIAN REVIEW5feOBEDIENCENEWSEmma Heyde 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112Its always great to hear of a Pomeranian arning a C.D. degree, but for one to get oth an AKC and Canadian C.D. in one rear is something to be proud of Gladys Dykstra and Dykstras Roxann of Topaze ravelled to Canada last summer and made juite a splash earning those three legs for ter C.D. 197 3rd, 197.5 High in Trial presentation made at the banquet that light, 193.5 losing 3 points because Roxann jumped up on Gladys leg and anding in a crooked sit. The AKC degree vas earned in August of last year with scores of 193.5 1st, 195 and 196. On December 21, Roxann whelped four lovely ittle puppies and as her devoted owner says, It was quite a year for her. She has just turned two years of age and Gladys says she is a delight to work with, loves everybody and learns easily ... to say nothing of being a good mother. CongratulationsAnother good little Pom earning a C.D. last summer is Sillergs My Shanandoah, owned by Ruth Ellis of Arpin, WI. Shanna got her first leg in 1981 and as Ruth felt she wasnt quite ready, she was shown at matches as often as possible a good idea for all of us, as it really gets a dog ready for formal trials, and is so much cheaper. She placed second in all of her classes at the matches, and then came the great day when she placed first and was High in Match with a score of 199 . Now Ruth decided she must be over-confident who wouldnt be. She entered Shanna in the next threeshows she was able to attend, after training frantically, and lo and behold, came away with three more legs and three placements. The shows were at Indianhead K.C., Chippawa Falls, WI, Manitowac K.C. and at Janesville-Beloit K.C. where she tied for first place. Shanna is now training for Open and learning by leaps and bounds, says Ruth. Congratulations and good luck to you and also to the other two little Poms she is now training for novice.DALLAS-FORTH WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB by Peggy HendricksIt is with sadness that I write of the loss to our club in the death of Rosemary Wise, a long-time member and a very special person. She passed away in January 1983. Although Rosemary did not show Poms, she did breed and show her fine Brussels Griffons and was known and loved by many in the Dog Circle. She will be greatly missed.Since I last reported on our club activities, we have been busy preparing for our 1983 specialty, which will be held on March 25 in the Womens Building, State Fairgrounds, Dallas, Texas. Our judge will be Mrs. Joy Davidson and the Sweepstakes will be judged by Mr. A.C. Williamson. The show committee for 1983 is as followsShow Chairman.........................Peggy BushShow Secretary......................... Jewell EllisAdvertising Committee. Estelle McDonald Mildren Patrick, John Hendricks Trophy Committee ... .Margaret Mobley Marian Coy, Gwen Springfield denotes chairmanOf course March will be gone by the time you read this and I would like to apologize for not getting the information in the January issue, but delays beyond our control lasted past the deadline. I certainly hope this did not cause anyone to miss our show. By the way, if you would like to becontinued on p. 68.POMERANIAN REVIEW fSUNGOLD POMERANIANSsungouo4' .'S''" A.ofamoioD stctzSired by Josh Front Cover, this issue 8 months oldA.P.C. Best in Sweepstakes Best of Winners the next day at Westminster for his second 4 pt. major.BreederOwnerHandled byAnnaLaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-27001CHEROKEEroriEKTirttinsTo debut this SpringCherokees Darin Drummer 3Vi lb. orange. Baby face. A proven and aggressive stud.Cherokees Dark Ember. Dramatic 3 Vi lb. black. Call name Cinder.Puppies sired by Drummer due March 5 out of a pointed bitch. We have three champion bitches due in season in February. Some puppies may be available to show homes.Janice Young 1080 Carl St.St. Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754V3 POMERANIAN REVIEW-XACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2The winter is always the hardest time of he year to write a column. News, doggy or 'therwise, is usually pretty scarse.Michele McDonald of Halifax, N.S. Hobbit Poms has been busy getting the est of the Pom people behind her in an ffort to make a change in our Pom tandard. Many of you may not know, but n Canada, black and tan is considered a ault. There are many who feel there is no eason to penalize this color. Michele is isking for all the letters of support she can et to back up the request. I am sure we vould all welcome any support you American breeders could give and I will nclude the address where you could write The Canadian Kennel Club 2150 Bloom St. W.Toronto, Ontario Canada M6S 4V7 Attention Mr. John Gough four support would be greatly appreciated.Ive saved the best till last because our jig news is how incredibly well all the Canadians did at the A.P.C. Specialty in New York. We could write a book on what ve went through to get there, but it was ertainly worth it. We were tremendously sroud of Natalie Dunfee who piloted her Dh. Hillsboros Golden Chip Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of Tara o Best of Breed. Natalie had acquired C. J. from Dr. Carson last year and she has put aim in lovely condition. My own Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette repeated her win of last year going Best Opposite Sex. Frankie and Michele McDonald werebeaming from ear to ear after a nice placement in Puppy Sweeps and then on to Reserve Winners Dog from the puppy class with Hobbits Harvest Gold. Not satisfied with this, Michele won the Open Bitch class with Starchild at Hobbit. Both dogs are the same breeding by Can. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond Starlisa. . . . and you all thought only Texans could bragBy the looks of it, 1983 is sure going to be an exciting year in Canada.Dallas-Ft. Worth, cont. from p. 66.added to our premium mailing list, please send your name and address to me Peggy Hendricks, Secretary, 418 W. Grenoble, Grand Prairie, Texas 75051.On the lighter side of Club Activities, we have had two fun get-togethers. First was a Tupperware party held after our November meeting. The party was hosted by Peggy Bush. This another of our fund raising activities for our Silver Anniversary Show was a very profitable and enjoyable evening. Peggy ingeniously came up the doggy games and everyone had a good time ordering Tupper Ware, playing games and visiting with members while enjoying refreshments furnished by our president, Doug Baynham.Then came the holidays and our Christmas dinner, held on December 12th at the home of Carol Sherry. A festive occasion filled with good food, fun games and gifts.Watch for our 1983 Specialty Show report in the July issue.See yall at the showsPacific NWNews, cont. from p. 64.table your dogs would be than suffering in a closed car.Happy showing and many new champions to all of you.POMERANIAN REVIEWCreiders PomeraniansCreider Woodrose Bitta ClassOwned and handled by Sally Baugniet, she has 13 points, 3 majors and is a littermate of Ch. Creiders Gold Venture II.Puppies for sale occasionally.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918 446-6839L INTRODUCINGCh. Creiders Gold Venture IIWe especially want to thank Norma Creider for allowing us to own our very special Shannon.We will have puppies available by ROSEWOODS BOLD VENTURE, our very lovely black Creider-bred boy. His puppies have that something special look.Cheryl and Keri Bergerson 11015 250th St. Chisago City, MN 550130 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE SUBJECT IS FLEAS by William C. Drow, D.V.M.THE NATURE OF THE BEASTS Each flea starts life as a small white egg. 'he egg hatches to a larva, which looks like tiny caterpillar. The larva becomes a upa, which later hatches into an adult lea, hungry for a meal. Only adult fleas pend any time at all on the pet. They feed, nate, and hop off. Therefore, only a very mall percentage of the total population is in a pet at one time. Owners tell me how hey kill dozens of fleas one morning and ind just as many on their pet the next norning. This is because there are probably housands of fleas in various stages of their ife cycles in the household at one time. No natter what you do, there will always be nore fleas hatching out and biting your pet he next day. What can we do'irst, treat the premisesVacuum your pets bed each week. Dont ihake it out you just scatter flea eggs, arvae, and pupae. Launder it, if possible. Mso, vacuum all favorite resting areas, spray all these areas weekly with your avorite household spray.Fog the house once a month. There are ood foggers on the market. Every other uonth use a special fogger that will kill not nly the adults, but also the larvae.Treat the yard, especially if the pet is outside most of the time. Use Malathion, Dursban, Diazanon, or other products available from your nurseryman. My lients tell me that Sevin dust and granules io not seem to work as well as they used to. Dont forget the doghouse, bedding, and doormats. If your pets are inside and only occasionally go out, be sure to spend most of your time and money treating the house, not the yard.Next, treat the petMany products are available here is my evaluation of eachPowders Economical, but dusty. Apply once or twice a week. My clients tell me that Sevin dust seems less effective than it used to be. Stronger powders are available from your vet.Dips Actually used as a rinse. Bathe or simply wet down your pets fur with water, then pour the dip solution over the pet using a plastic bottle with a hole punched in the cap. Economical and most effective, but you do have to dry off your pet afterward. Cats need special dips. Most dog dips are fatal to cats. Read labels carefully. Cats dont like to get wet, but some tolerate it better than being dusted or sprayed.Sprays Pump sprayers are quieter and dont scare most pets like the pressurized cans do. They are cleaner than powders, quicker than dips, and more expensive than either. Spray on patio to avoid breathing the mist. Put your pets face upwind. Start at back and work forward to minimize the struggle.Shampoos Most kill fleas when applied, and they do clean the fur. The insecticide is all rinsed off, so there is little residual. Frequent use dries the skin. A poor choice for flea control most pets shouldnt be bathed more than once or twice a month to avoid skin-drying. Use a bath oil or cream rinse if you must shampoo your pet frequently.Flea Collars Work in some parts of the country, perhaps, but not well in my area South Texas. The reflective flea collars seem to have merit for pet safety, but havent been impressive when it comes to flea control.How about systemic drugs for flea controlBrewers yeast, Flea tabs, Repel-0 all have the same active ingredient thiamine. Repel-0 lists three ingredients thiamine and two others. The two other words are synonyms for thiamine ThiaPOMERANIAN REVIEWmine gets on the skin of animals that perspire, and its taste and odor repels biting insects. Campers and hikers have used it for years with success before good repellants like Cutters, Off, and 6-12 were available. Dogs and cats just dont perspire, and thiamine doesnt get on their skin despite what well-intentioned folks have told you. Fortunately, thiamine over-dosage causes no harm. It just doesnt work on our pets. Flea Tabs omit any information on the label that tells the consumer what the product is to be used for.Garlic Although not touted as much as Brewers yeast, I occasionally have a client who has tried it for flea control. Usually, the dog repels people, not fleas. Remember, the flea must bite or die. All living creatures become desperate when faced with starvation, and the flea will bite your pet garlic or not.Vinegar great for salads, not flea control.Spot-On fenthion or little drops down the back The manufacturer of this product, the F.D.A., veterinary parasitologists and dermatologists say, Dont use this product on dogs or cats. Me too. Spot-On is a cattle insecticide that is absorbed through the animals skin like DMSO. It gets in the blood in such high concentrations that insects biting the pet will die. Spill too much on your pet or yourself and the individual can become a giant pest strip. Dont use it One individual has won a lawsuit against her veterinarian because she got sick from just riding in a car with a dog recently treated with Spot-On.Proban The most popular systemic flea treatment. Approved by F.D.A. for use on dogs only. Give your dog a dose twice a week, and the fleas fall off dead. Sounds good, but Proban is an oral insecticide that gets into your dogs blood in such concentrations that his blood is toxic to a flea. Do you wonder whether thatis good for your dog If you get despera and want to try this product, I advise you i read and follow the package inse carefully. In case you havent guessed dont use it on my own dog. Some of rr clients do use it and only a few hai experienced problems.How about sonic devicesHigh frequency sound devices are sellir like hotcakes for flea, mouse, and roac control. I have bought and distributed dozen such devices in my home and offio employees homes, and clients home Nobody thinks they help at all. The Tex Agricultural Extension Service points or that not a single manufacturer can off any scientific research to support the claims, just testimonials from satisfie customers. On the subject of testimonial history shows us that fortune-teller quacks, and fakers have traditionally relie on false claims backed by testimonials. Ii usually more impressed by tests, exper ments, and personal experience. So faj Texas A M University, other college and federal installations have run tests o mice, bats, rats, and cockroaches with thes devices. Not a single test showed an potential for pest control. No tests hav been done with fleas, but I suspect th results will be the same all of my stat and clients have disliked the devices finding them ineffective. The manr facturers claim the sound vibrates th antennae, thus confusing and dis orienting the pests rendering them unabl to feed or breed. A PhD Urbai Entomologist at Texas A M Universit says a possible reason for failure is tha only crickets, cicadas, some grasshopper and a few species of bees communicate b sound. Roaches communicate entirely b chemical pheromones, and it is believei that fleas also communicate by phero mones. He doesnt recommend purchase o sonic devices, and suggests that, when the are used in conjunction with pesticides t control fleas and roaches, removing thi2 POMERANIAN REVIEWevices would not measurably affect the ontrol efficiency. More will be learned iter on this subject. Meanwhile Im ecommending to my clients to wait until lore is known before spending a lot of loney on a questionable device.My neighbor says he uses__________ fill in the blank.. . Youll hear of all sorts if weird treatments and potions for fleas, nd they really seem to work for some eoples pets. Some of these ideas will ontradict what I have told you above, eople have seemingly controlled their flea iroblem by various and sundry odd-ball chemes. How can your neighbor control leas with a vinegar-soaked bandana .round his dogs neck while a secretly- letonated Neutron Bomb in your back yard lasnt helped you The answer is simple, iut little-known. Have you ever stood next o someone who never gets a mosquito bite vhile you are being swarmed Some ndividuals dont attract biting insects, and t works the same for our dogs and cats, 'herefore, whatever some owners use on heir pet seems to work like a miracle ecause the fleas dont want to bite that ndividual anyhow. When considering any vell-intentioned but suspicious-sounding idvice, please consider these two mottos hat typify my philosophy on the subjectIF IT WORKS, DONT KNOCK IT butABOVE ALL, DO NO HARM.So, if my client puts banana leaves on his loor to control fleas, I dont criticize him. les convinced it works, and its not lurting anything.low about scratching, hair loss, and soresFlea control alone is often not enough to top the terrible itchiness that some of our ets experience. Many pets suffer from illergies, skin infections, seborrhea, and ither conditions your vet can help with. If rour pet is scratching excessively, or if there ire sores and hair loss, you need to get yourpet examined to determine the nature of the condition and get specific treatment prescribed.ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Drow is a 1965 graduate of Texas A M Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine. This paper was written as an aid to his clients. Dr. Drow does not claim to be an expert on parasitology nor does he have an ax to grind with any particular products or manufacturers. His statements in this paper are simply his own personal opinions based on reports from his clients and other individuals, unless otherwise stated. This paper was spotted by American Pomeranian Club member, Karen Holder who asked permission to print it in Pomeranian Review.Tanos Pomeranians Offers For SaleTanos Ebony MarquisBlack male whelped 2-21-82.6 lbs., sound, huge coat.Tanos Star AlphacentorBlack and tan male whelped 6-25-82. 4 lbs., petite face, short backed.Congratulations to all Specialty WinnersLinda Napolitano 8310 Liberia Ave. Manassas, VA 22110 703 369-5535POMERANIAN REVIEWCh.IN MEMORIAMAmerican Mexican International World F.C.I.Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi1978 1983frOur deepest sympathies toPaul and Randy Freeh The Pomeranian Club of Greater PhoenixDanny, you will be missed.Pomeranian Club of Michigan Specialty ShowMay 22,1983In conjunction with OAK PARK ALL BREED SHOWDETROIT ARTILLERY ARMORY 15000 West Eight Mile Road Oak Park, Michigan 48237JUDGESMrs. James Clark Regular Classes Mr. Ronald Feyh SweepstakesFor more information, please contact Eloise Chandler 35731 Glen St.Westland, MI 481854POMERANIAN REVIEW\MyHeavenlyHomeI lost my pet, not long ago,I was in despair and feeling low.By my bedside, on bended knee,I asked the Lord, why He took my pet from me. As He brushed away my tears He saidMy sweet child, shed not a tear,Your precious pet, is in my care.I have many children, in my Heavenly Home, Some of them wanted a pet of their own.There were pets on earth,That were side and in pain.So I brought them Here,And made them well again.My children groom them everyday.In lush, green pastures, they romp and play. The meals they eat are fit for a King.Theyre not in want for anything.So my child, dont you despair,Your pet is happy, with the children Here.The children know that theyre just on loan, Until your Heavenly Father calls you home. And when I do, you can be sure,Your pet will greet you at Heavens Door.last, you both will be,In your Heavenly Home, Here with Rose DixonCopyright 198Rose Dixon R.D.l, Box 51B Bradford Johnson Rd. Golts, MD 21637Only 2.00postage paidDear Readers,Last October, my sister- in-law lost her beloved pet, Bo Jangles. Needless to say she was heartbroken and took it very badly. My heart went out to her, as I also know the sorrow of losing a pet.In trying to console her, I wrote this poem and gave it to her for Christmas. She was very touched by it and I sincerely hope that it helped relieve some of her pain and sorrow.If you have also had the heartbreaking experience of losing a pet and would like to have a reproduction of My Heavenly Home I would be happy to send it to you for just 2.00 includes shipping and handling costs. It is printed on high quality parchment-like paper and is designed for an 8 x 10 frame. I also have copies that have In Memory of printed just below the last line of the poem. Please state your preference.Please send me_________ reproductions of My Heavenly Home at 2.00 each. My checkor money order is enclosed.Name ____________________________________________________________Address ____________________________________________________________________City____________________________ State____________________ZIP________________POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Bi-Mar PomeraniansykiHi-Man, Sundance KidBest of Breed under judge Mrs. Anne R. Clark at Puyallup Dog Fanciers, on his way to a Group 2 under Mr. Ed Bivin.Sonny has also recently won Best of Breed under Mr. Howard Tyler and Mrs. Daniel-Jenkins.Look for Jean Schroll and Sonny at the 1983 Pom Club Summer Specialty. Several litters are due sired by Sonny and a few of these puppies will be for sale.Mary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, WA 98003 206 927-2369fG POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225As I write this, the sun is shining brilliantly on the 18 inches of snow that fell yesterday. By the time you read this, I hope youll be seeing spring flowers in bloom and going to lots of shows and trials.Here are some items for your tack bag or boxWhen AKC publishes its new point schedule, I take a 3 x 5 card and write the points for Poms on one side by division. On the other side I list the states in each division. I slip this in my tack bag so I dont have to rely on my memory to know which division WV is in, or whether 7 bitches is enough for a major.You know those General Foods International Coffees that come in various flavors Well, besides being delicious, they come in really handy little cans. Theyre steel, rectangular, 4 x 2Vz x 212, and have a plastic recloseable lid. They can be used for storing cotton balls, cotton swabs, leashes or collars, tubes of ointments, all those little things that clutter up your tack box. At home, use one for orphan buttons, loose keys, or for all those rabies tags. I made one into a mini-first aid kit to keep in my tack bag. There is a larger first aid kit in the car and first aid supplies are included in my always-packed make-up case. In it I put BandAids, alcohol preps towelettes moistened with alcohol and sealed in foil, a tube of first aid cream, a tube of antibiotic ointment, gauze squares, and pain reliever drops. Tailor your to suit your own needs.Something Im never without at home or on the road is a small dropper bottle of Bio-Sol M. It is great for any sort of canine digestive upset. Usually one dose is sufficient to take care of any diarrhea or vomiting. Once I came home to find Pearl and her cage covered in bloody diarrhea. I almost panicked, thinking it was parvo, but then I remembered that parvo smells awful, and this didnt. I took her temperature it was normal. So I gave her a dose of Bio-Sol M and kept an eye on her. No further problems Bio-Sol M comes in different concentrations depending on where you get it, so be sure to get detailed instructions on dosage. I got mine from the veterinarian. It is very concentrated and only 2 or 3 drops is enough for a Pom.Let me emphasize this point about parvo diarrhea smelling bad. A friend lost an 18 month old Pug very suddenly. She was out in the yard with the dog and looked up to see the dog lying dead. An autopsy revealed parvovirus. My friend admitted that there had been two occasions of smelly diarrhea, but she hadnt known that the awful odor was a clue to parvo. For those of you like my friend who have been on the moon for the past two years, all diarrhea smells bad but parvo is really rank. It may not even be bloody yet. If it smells really terrible, take the dogs temperature and call the vet immediately.Two otherwise excellent books give the following formula on puppy growth puppies should gain one gram of weight per day for each pound of anticipated adult weight. If that is true, then Ive got a 2 week old puppy here who is going to grow up to weigh 21 pounds Hes not of course none of my dogs is bigger than 5 pounds. If that formula were right, an average Pom puppy should gain about 4 to 5 grams per day. Ive got one gaining at that rate and Im worried about her. My experience is for the first three weeks I want a gain of 4 to Vi ounce a day, which is about 7 to 15 grams. Poms have to do their growing early continued on p. 78.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7J VLenette PomeraniansRt. 4, Box 564-A Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042After a few years of taking a break, we are now breeding again. For you newcomers, we have been breeding fine Poms since 1957. We have the Great Elms bloodline and all of our brood matrons have Great Elms in their background to some extent.New litters of puppies will soon be available sired byCh. Great Elms Timstopper TooCh. Anwins Lil Sirius Front cover October 82 Review, BIS winner.Great Elms Tar Baby .. . and other fine studs.Puppies occasionally available in orange, red and black tan.JUSTA POMERANIANS proudly presents at studCh. Just a Menehune3 Red Orange Sable_iWHShwHHune finished with 4 majors owner handled all the way.Special thanks to Delores Watts for allowing me to purchase his dam, Ch. Watts Little Itsi Darling, and to Terri Moebuis for use of his sire, Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order, and to the judges who awarded Hune his points.Sharon Hiemenz 1112 Treeside Lane Herndon, VA 22070 703 471-52728 POMERANIAN REVIEWind fast. Theyre not going to keep growing intil they are 2 years old like some breeds.About 2 weeks ago a woman called from Kansas to discuss a problem weve both had vith our Poms, and we talked almost an tour. After I got off the phone, I thought, Whew Im glad shes paying for that But then I reconsidered. The call probably tost her about the same as an office visit to a vet, and the advice and encouragement she got may well have been worth it. If I have a non-emergency problem, I call my Pom friends before I call the vet. If Im having a training problem or a behavior problem, it wouldnt occur to me to call the vet. I call my obedience friends. There is a wealth of experience out there, and it is as available as your phone.One thing the Kansas lady and I agreed on was the importance of having a good vet on your side. How do you find a good vet It isnt always easy. Naturally youll want to check out the vets closest to you first. Proximity is only a starting point. Ask your friends for recommendations, but keep in mind that one mans meat . . . Visit the veterinarian. Does he or she Im well aware that many fine vets are female suggest that you make appointments or is it first come, first served and everybody else waits a long time Is his staff pleasant and efficient Are the waiting room and examining rooms clean and uncluttered Is the vet courteous and efficient Does he seem to like dogs Does he talk to your dog Is he gentle Is the examination thorough If there is a problem, is he genuinely concerned Does he really care How does he talk to you Does he call you by your first name but expect you to call him Dr. Hotshot Does he treat you like a reasonably intelligent adult Does he answer your questions fully My vet takes time to draw diagrams on a paper towel or to fetch a book for me to read. If he recommends treatment, is he candid about alternatives and risks If he doesnt know the answer, will he admit it and suggestanother vet or a university vet school Is he willing to learn from you Will he listen to your suggestions Does he make you an active partner in your dogs health care How does he handle after-hours emergencies I personally wouldnt go to a vet who wouldnt give me his home phone number for when my bitch is due to whelp.After you have left the office, examine your impressions. Did you feel like youd been rushed in and out Were you and your dog treated like objects Did you feel all he was interested in was your money or were you comfortable talking to him Was your overall impression pleasantWell, thats fine for you, Margaret. You live in a metropolitan area where there are numerous veterinarians from which to choose. I live out here in Boondocks, Iowa and there is only one horse doctor within a 50 mile radius. Yes, youre right. Thats rough. But there are things you can do, too. See if there is another vet maybe a little further away. Except for direst emergencies he or she may be worth driving the extra distance. Vets can be trained. Mine is now trained to allow me in the operating room during surgery, for example. Try to increase your vets knowledge of toy dogs. Of course this means you are always adding to your own store of information. You should have a good supply of canine health books. You may have to learn to do more for yourself, like giving your own shots, if a vets office isnt conveniently close. Youll probably have to compromise putting up with a vet who is abrupt to the point of rudeness because hes more knowledgable or going to the more expensive vet because he is better equipped and really likes dogs.Have you had an unusual medical problem with one of your dogs What did you do What was the outcome Please, share your experiences. The breed is bound to benefit. Write about it to me or to our editor, but please WRITE.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7In Loving MemoryMoe-BestOvernightSin-SationMay 26,1982February 4,1983Terri Moebuis 1719 Manor Rd. Baltimore, MD 21222 301285-5477 or 284-3093The Columbia Pomeranian Club, Inc.Invites you to the beautiful northwest for their Summer Specialty and SweepstakesJULY 15,1983JUDGESMrs Bea George, Lakeside Oregon Sweepstakes Mrs. Thelma Curtis Brown Regular ClassesPotluck to be held after the show.For more information, please contactMrs. Averill Asbeck, Show Secretary 3746 S.E. Carruthers Portland, OR 97214 503 232-971610 POMERANIAN REVIEWISlXL .EASTCOASTNEWSBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122The really big news on the east coast is the formation of our own Pomeranian Club Chesapeake Bay Pom Club subject to AKC approval. We just completed our first match September 19 withobedience. To our surprise, we had an outstanding entry of 34 Pomeranians and 47 obedience. The judge for our Poms was Marlene Scott Halsey and we had entries from Virginia, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Maryland. We had such an outstanding array of youngsters and upcoming young adults, you would have thought you were at the specialty. The winners were as followsPuppy Dogs 3-6 monthsMoe-Best Overnite Sin-Sation, owner Terry MoebuisPuppy Dogs 6-9 monthsWatts Little Dynasty, owner Delores Watts Puppy Dogs 9-12 months Chips Ahoy at Hobbit, owners Morris and Betty CarsonPuppy Bitches 3-6 monthsBev-Nors Tess of Great Elms, owner Beverly NorrisPuppy Bitches 9-12 monthsSilva Lade Little Miss Marker, ownersLarry and Dianne JohnsonBest Puppy Moe-Best Overnite SinSationOpen DogsLynnwrights Damiens Dream, owner Donna WrightNovice BitchSilva-Lade Fancy Fling, owners Sandy Marshall and Dianne JohnsonOpen BitchesPost Scripts Dealers Choice, owner Rose KellerBest Adult Lynnwrights Damiens DreamBest in Match Moe-Best Overnite SinSationWe also had a parade of champions for exhibit, as many had only seen pictures of some of the dogs. All of our champions were in great coat and top condition. A critique was given on each one as they paraded around the ring. We also had a parts contest which was fun for all. We had an entry of five and they were Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral, owner Margaret McKee Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone, owner Margaret McKee AmCanBem Ch. Silva-Lade Mama Fried, owner Barbara Kientz Ch. Silva Lade Forget Me Not, owners Larry and Diane Johnson Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple, owners Beverly Norris and Edward B. Jenner.Junior Showmanship winners were 1. Rachael McKee, 2. Tina Moebuis, 3. Beth Lindenburg.A really fun day was had by all with plenty of refreshments and dog talk.At our first meeting, held before our match, we had a paid membership of 39. We are pleased to announce that we have new members joining all the time. We met at the Parkville Carney Library and voted to use this spot as our regular meeting place the first Tuesday of each month.We have a member who loves parti- colors and would like to know how to go about breeding for this color. If you can offer information on this subject, please write in care of the Review.We have another breeder who contracted parvo and saved the 3 puppies, but they dont seem to be growing and are extremely small. She only knows of one other person continued on p. 82.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8Hawaii's Top Toy Dog for 1982me,' An.WK4 vm'SSiSfis I_ ss 7 . i 'Sin a I -I' r -MI L- .-rt-yet. ,iuNJ.CHuk. 'TLcime W u.nA5 2ebeL J^ouiet5 pt. major and BOB at Hawaiian Pom Specialty under Dr. William Houpt.Rebel finished his championship at 16 months, under judge Lois McManus, who also gave him the Toy Group at the Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Show, September 26, 1982. A special thanks to his breeder, Cookie Inocencio, for letting me have this lovely male. Rebel will be shown as a special in 1983.In the spring show, I will be introducing the first black and tan to be shown in Hawaii, Flam N Suns Midnite Lace, bred by Cookie Inocencio. Congratulations to Sherry Veasey on her 4 pt. major win with Peaches at our last specialty.ALANIS POMERANIANSBetty and Ray Aona 89-544 Farrington Hwy Wainanae, HI 9679212 POMERANIAN REVIEWin Elkhounds who has had this experience vith parvo. She would like to know if any ther Pom breeders have had similar xperiences.No one has reported any new champions, jut I can announce that Ch. Bev-Nors rfo-Lea-Delight has finished. She is owned ly Skip Piazza and myself.We are planning another match after he booming success of the first one and his one will be for all Toys. The date is March 20, 1983 and will be held at the Hannah Moore Center in Reisterstown, MD.BIG thanks from all the members of the Chesapeake Bay Pom Club to our new editor, Donna Wright. What a professional iob pictures and all. This is the first time she has ever done a newsletter and anyone who has seen it can say it is a superb job. Congratulations, DonnaSHOW RESULTS OF MEMBERS Warrington K.C.Winners Dog King Midas of Twin Pines, owner Fran Warren.Best of Breed Ch. Annons Magnum Force from Scamp, owner Ann Cannon.Virginia K.C.Winners Dog Nan Ks Golden Nugget, owner Nannie Kohn.Best of Breed Ch. Annons Magnum Force from Scamp, owner Ann Cannon. Catonsville K.C.Winners Dog Chips Ahoy at Hobbit, owners Morris and Betty Carson.Best of Breed, Group 1 Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owners Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris.Rock Creek K.C.Winners Dog Justa Menehune, owners Sharon Heimenz.Winners Bitch Post Scripts Dealers Choice, owner Rose Keller.Best of Breed, Group 1 Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owners Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris.Carroll County K.C.Winners Dog Lynnwrights Damiens Dream, owners Donna Wright.Winners Bitch Post Scripts Dealers Choice, owner Rose Keller.Best of Breed, Group 1 Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owners Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris.National Capital K.C.Winners Dog Gerlins Buster Brown of Nan K, owners Linda Powers.Winners Bitch Walts Little Cie Cie, owner Delores Walts.Best of Breed and Best in Show Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owners Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris.Upper Marlboro K.C.Winners Dog Great Elms Models Timstopper, owner Ruth Beam.Winners Bitch Cedarwoods Sweet Charity, owner Bob Goodrich.Best of Breed and Best in Show Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owners Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris.Maryland K.C.Winners Bitch Cedarwoods Sweet Charity, owner Bob Goodrich.Best of Breed, Group 3 Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, owners Ed Jenner and Beverly Norris.Salisbury K.C.Winners Dog Silva Lade Midnight Caper, Larry and Diane Johnson.Winners Bitch and Best of Breed Post Scripts Dealers Choice, owner Rose Keller.Mispellion K.C.Winners Dog Lynnwrights Damiens Dream, owner Donna Wright.Congratulations to all the winners at the Specialty and the Garden. Till next time, happy showing to all and send me your news.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8SO-HI POMERANIANSPRESENTS OUR FIRST CHAMPIONv\Ch. Andrew s Lass By LaddieWe finally did it It took Candy three years tough finding those majors, but she finished with her final major at the Sammamish Kennel Club show August 29, 1982 under judge Merle E. Smith.We extend our sincerest thanks to all of our friends and supporters for their encouragement. From her first win, handled by the late Clyde Andrews, to her final win, handled by my husband, Bernard Niehouse, we were constantly encouraged by the Andrews with Phyllis assisting in the handling chores on occasion. We also thank Dean Passe for handling Candy to a 2 point win.Virginia and Bernard Niehouse 1928 46th S.W.Seattle, WA 98116 206 937-025414 POMERANIAN REVIEW-M-' v-' . . i.REBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803Would you believe the Florida Circuit tias come and gone and your Rebel Reporter did not attend a single show this year In view of this fact, I am not attempting to report any wins, except the one which Pat Melton wrote me about. Her Bel-Meis Tawny Tiger completed her championship at the Manatee show on January 13, going Best Opposite Sex for her second major. Congratulations Since it is so difficult to report wins from bits and pieces gathered from here and there, and since there is danger of leaving someone out or reporting something in error, I think it will be better not to report wins unless they are sent to me by the owner. These I will be more than happy to report.To be completely honest, we did make a brief late afternoon appearance at the Lakeland show when it was brought to our attention that the trophies we donated were not at the show This was most embarrassing back in the summer we volunteered two trophies. Wanting to be one jump ahead, we immediately went out and purchased them and put them on a closet shelf for safe keeping and there they stayed and stayed and stayed. We were out of town until about noon that day and that is when we got word the trophies had not appeared. I could use this for an excuse, but I honestly dont think we would have thought to take them anyway. Once they were purchased, we thought no more about them. When we found out, we rushed out with them, but were unable tofind the recepients. However, Eleanor Miller was later able to give Joy Brewster hers and she caught up with Sally Baugniet later in the week to give hers to her. Our sincere apologies to these two winners. We hope to have our act together a bit better by next time.Sue Goddard spent some time with the Millers in December while Tim was attending a convention in Orlando. He joined her on the weekend after which they spent a couple days at Epcot. They visited with us one evening.The Lakeland contingent of the American Pom Club has been somewhat slowed down of late. I had to have hip surgery in September, followed by a severe bout with arthritis. Eleanor Miller fell the last part of November and sustained a back injury so she was also slowed down. However, we are both much improved now. I am anxious for puppies now that I am back to normal... whatever that isJust uncovered a note I wrote myself sometime ago. Ruth Beams Great Elms Models Timstopper won a 5 point major at the Upper Marlboro, MD show on November 27. Perhaps there may be a Ch. in front of that name by now.COVER AVAILABILITYThe front covers for the balance of 1983 issues have been reserved, but the inside front cover position and centerfold have not been spoken for. These are very desirable locations for your special ads, so plan ahead. The July issue will have the Stud Register as usual and weT try again with the October issue, to feature Brood Bitches. Send your reservations to the editor, address on p. 3. I look forward to hearing from youPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8ftJ^ELEE d 7^0724,j\uAkvDesirees Toppers BopperDesirees Super Topper x Desirees Fancier FaithBopper is pictured at 3 Zi months of age with the trophies and ribbons he won when ihe went Best Puppy in Match over 48 puppies at the Gaston County Kennel ClubFun Match. IDesaree Sandifer 509 Oakdale St. Gastonia, NC 2805236POMERANIAN REVIEWmMIDWESTREPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI54228Dick and I spent about 3 days at Copenhagen, Denmark after leaving historic London and visited the many porcelain shops. We had a chance to tour the Royal Copenhagen factory, but found out about it too late to go. We were very fortunate, however, to be shown through the Danish Copenhagen Fur Center, which has several acres of every kind of fur imaginable under one roof. It was the largest fur grading and fur auction house we had ever seen. Most people do not have the opportunity to be taken through this huge fur center, but because we are mink ranchers from Wisconsin, the Secretary of the Danish Fur Breeders Association showed their entire operation to us an unforgettable experience.Now on to Stockholm, Sweden where Ch. Pomirish Sports Swedish Lady was sent bred to Am.Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance. Lady whelped a litter of two females and one male while in her required four month quarantine. Shortly before Elisabeth Spillman was to get Lady and her pups out of quarantine and home with her, the veterinarian in charge put another breed, fresh from the U.S., in the same room. Two days later that new dog died from Parvo. This happened two years ago. Lady had her shots before being bred, but her litter came down with parvo at two months of age. Two days before Elisabeth got her Poms out of quarantine the two bitch puppies died the male survived. Elisabeth had many nicepictures of Lady and her litter which were taken before this terrible episode. Elisabeth complained loud and clear to the quarantine officials. She was not compensated for her loss, but the veterinarian lost his job and his license. The purpose of the quarantine was defeated when a new dog was put in the same room as one almost ready to come out.When we arrived at the airport in Stockholm, Elisabeth and Stefan were there to greet Dick and me. We were taken through an experimental mink farm, but I was anxiously looking forward to seeing Lady and the survivor. The only picture I had seen up to that point was one Elisabeth had taken when he was three months old and when I saw that, I almost flipped. The main purpose of the trip was to see that pup, which Elisabeth named Chicago Bullit, Bull for short. She figured no one would know where Mishicot was I dont know why Bull had already gone Best in Show as a puppy and these two Poms were the only U.S. Poms in Sweden at that time.That night we were driven to Mr. and Mrs. Kerstin Bergstroms home where we had snacks and drinks and talked Poms, looking at Pom pictures until 400 a.m.The next day, when all the Bergstroms Poms were awake, we looked at and played with Poms, had a delicious breakfast and were taken on a tour of the University farm where Kerstin Bergstrom is the head professor in charge of the dairy cattle vocation program. He also showed us through the pig barn and explained that modern farming operation.The following time was spent between Elisabeths kennel, a shopping trip and Elisabeths mothers home, where a delicious breakfast was served before our long trip home and reality.It is interesting to note that Swedish dogs do not become champions until they pass a test for shyness. This involves strange noises, sometimes a person wearing a sheetPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8walking toward the dog, etc. Sporting dogs cannot be gun shy. The tests are many and vary from breed to breed. This would sure eliminate a lot of American champions, wouldnt it Lady and Bull both passed their tests.A big thanks to the very hospitable people over there.Elisabeth Spillman and her Swedish Best in Show winning Chicago Bullit.SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB by Anna LaFortunetrophy donations can be sent to me, and wi need them very much.Our Match and Futurity will be held Ma 7, 1983.There isnt much news about th activities of our members, but what there i is very nice. Dan and Margaret Ontiveros darling little male, Goldsun Elfstom Fantasie, won the breed and Group First ai an all breed match. Ray LaFortune orange male, Maranathas Lil Caleb jusi finished his championship. This is Rays first champion, but not his last.The club voted to send a Certificate ol Merit to fireman Joe Harrington for hi efforts to help save two Pomeranians thai were involved in a house fire. Carol Burgei had three pet Poms, one in particular was adored by her ill husband. One night sht had to take her husband to the hospital and his pet went along. When she returned she found her house in flames. Joe Harrington helped her get her two little Poms out of the house and he gave them artificial respiration, trying to save them, but they were lost and the house destroyed. Carol is not a member of our club but we all felt her sorrow and are indebted to Mr. Harrington for his heroic attempt to aid members ol our beloved breed.The last meeting of the San Diego Pomeranian Club was held on January 12, 1983 and the new 1983 officers were installed. They are as follows CRAFT BOUTIQUE CANCELLEDPresident..................................Joann VestalVice President.................. Marianne AlfordTreasurer...........................Karen FolchettiSecretary...........................Anna LaFortune3139 Florine Dr., Lemon Grove, CA 92045 Show Secretary.................Marianne AlfordOur next Specialty will be held in conjunction with Silver Bay Kennel Club Show, September 11, 1983. Jack Russell will be the judge. We are going to have a Sweepstakes, so bring out your puppies. AllDue to the blizzard the weekend of the Specialty, we regret that the Craft Boutique was not held. With Show Committee people unable to get to New York and the shows hours being postponed, we were simply too short-handed and short on time to set up the Boutique. We are very grateful to the people who generously contributed craft items to the Boutique and have graciously consented to let us use these items another time, pending the new Boards approval to try it again.18POMERANIAN REVIEWIn Memory of a Dear Friendj----5rr' Dr. James K. ArimaDeceased July 1982Deepest sympathies to his wife, Midori, and family.Dr. James Arima started in Poms while living in the Washington D.C. area during the mid-fifties.He was the founding editor of our Pomeranian Review. Starting from scratch, he made it what it is today. There is a good article on this subject in the 20 year color issue.Later, Jim went into judging and was a very good one. He judged the 1964 Specialty and is remembered to have made excellent choices for the breed and classes.Bob GoodrichJQnin10POMERANIAN REVIEW 8Dog Talk, cont. from p. 18. settled down for the ride when we stopped to pick up someone. This lady had a little white dog they called a Maltese. After the usual greetings we all settled down for a nice nap. The ride was smooth, the car was warm and we were all sound asleep in no time. We awakened when we came to a stop and everyone started getting out of the car. We were quickly carried inside to get out of the cold air.Upon arriving at the room where we were going to be shown, we were set right up on tables in our crates. Winkie was taking all the stuff out of those boxes and Clippie Gal asked me what they were. I told her that they were called trophies and we had to try very hard to win one, as that makes our owner happy. Finally we were all brushed and the leads were put on and we waited in our crates for our turn. Clippie Gal went in first and I laughed my head off at her. She is new at the game and I was still laughing when she came back.What did I do that was so wrong she demanded.You went second and acted awful. Other than that, nothing I was still holding my sides. Do you still have your lead on I asked. I realized that she really didnt understand what had happened.Yes I do, she pouted.Well, then you may have a chance to redeem yourself. This time though, youll really have to try harder. The lead will guide you and for heavens sake, hold your ears up when mistress squeeks the mouse. Theres nothing to be afraid of and it really is fun out in the ring. You can do it I knew she really needed the pep talk, so I tried as hard as I could to give her confidence. She did go in again and this time she won her class. When she came back this time I reminded her that she had to go in one more time, but she must have given everything on that one try. She got bored waiting and chewed her lead in two, thinking that without a lead she could stay in the crate. Leads must be easy to getbecause she did go in a third time and boy did she goof. When the mouse was brought out, she grabbed it and wouldnt let go I was hysterical by the time she got back and she was awfully mad at me.Now what are you laughing at she screamed.You cant do anything right You arent supposed to grab the mouse stupid, just put your ears up. You really blew it, I told her.Im not either stupid and furthermore, you dont have to worry about me any more because the leads been taken off. Now Ill watch you and see just how you do, if you think youre so smart, she retorted. I thought, Shes acting just like a kid again.It was just about my turn and when I saw all the dogs I had to go in the ring with, I just about flipped. I took a deep breath for confidence, stood up on my toes and away I went. One of the real nice dogs was pulled out to stand alone in the ring, then me and then another one behind me. I acted my best and did everything I could think of to make mistress happy, but the one in front of me must have done better because he stayed in the ring while everyone clapped and the rest of us walked out. When I got back to the crate, Clippie Gal was laughing I could have expected that. She wanted to know where my ribbons and trophies were, after I had made such a big deal about her. I tried to explain, in my most dignified way, that you have to win first to get a trophy or ribbon. There was no second best in the class I was in.We got home very late that night and went straight to bed. I knew why when they came to get us so early. I thought we might be going back on the rocket, but they said they were leaving Clippie Gal here and I knew we wouldnt leave her behind. I could hear people talking about the big show the Garden. Someone said that Clippie Gal was too young to go. She must have been mad still, because she said she should be90 POMERANIAN REVIEWable to go because she had won yesterday and I hadnt. I told her this was a show for grown-ups maybe she could go next time.The Garden was exciting. There were cages where you could sit and watch the people and I sure knew a lot of people there. I wondered momentarily if they had all come here on the rocket also, but before I could ask anyone I was being brushed and a lead put on me. We went upstairs and had to wait in an aisle while the classes were being judged. It was great because I could see everyone and got a chance to smell the other dogs. People were walking over the top of me and some owners picked up their dogs, but not mine. I had to stand there and take my chances. I really didnt care how close the feet came to me, but there was a time that I did. At one show, the big dogs were running in a large circle around me and a big man ran over me and his big dog tried to stomp me into the ground. After that, every time I heard feet or someone behind me, I would lie down flat so theyd miss most of me. My owner gave me some strict obedience work, convincing me that no one was really trying to hurt me and now they can walk over the top of me and I dont worry.It was time to go in the ring with all those pretty dogs again. I pulled myself up very tall and walked on my tip toes in a circle and then waited in a long line to be put on the table. I was next to last in the line ofboys and I knew that my owner would-----yup,she picked me up fast to put me on the end of the table. I hate being in the middle of the dogs on the table. I get irritable and want to jump on them, but I stood nicely on the table and looked only at my owner. I was then put down on the floor and asked to walk. I walked as high and fancy as I could way up on my toes, taking the orders the lead gave. I stood proudly and watched the judge I learned to do that a long time ago. She put three females on the table and I knew I was going to getbrushed, but suddenly she said, Lets go. I was glad because they cant brush you when you are walking. The judge walked up and down and finally she asked me and two other dogs to stand on the table. She went over us all again and chose one to send over to the marker. I was picked up and on the way out of the ring, several people passed me around. I like people but I cant stand it when they put their faces right up to mine. I was known once to bite a nose, but either they didnt know that or they didnt care. Finally I was handed back to my owner Whew all those hands and faces and at the cage I was given the news that my owner was leaving me. I didnt believe it until she took up the exercise pen and walked away. I tried to rest and forget that I was alone, but all the other dogs were going home. I watched for someone I might know to call to but everyone kept on walking. Then I saw someone I recognized. Dukes friend, Corky was coming over to my crate and I knew he would take care of me. He knows me well and has spent many weekends with us. I was sure glad to see him and was most appreciative of the warm place to spend the night. The next day, after my run, I was put in the same cage at the same show it sure is different in New York. I saw Corky a few times and then my owner showed up with Winkie. Corky told my owner that I didnt eat too well the night before and she told him she had brought me some food from home. I thought, Who is she trying to kid She couldnt get all the way home that fast. But the food tasted just like I eat at home and I was glad to have it. I was tickled to be able to run around in the exercise pen again and when mistress went to eat with some people, she brought me back the scraps. I was left again for a long time and when the other dogs were leaving, my owner came and got me. We went up high in the seats and looked way down on the rings. I thought it was great to be able to see so many people and dogs and calledPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9out to one of my friends. I was quickly told off and decided Id better sit quietly or else wed leave and there would be no more watching my friends. I saw lots of white dogs in the ring. One was a poodle and another was a Maltese like the one I had met a few days before. The Boxer and Pointer I recognized from other shows. The other dog I didnt recognize and he went Best in Show. I couldnt see how he could win. He stood with his tail on his stomach and the judge liked it If I stood with my tail on my stomach, I couldnt win a door prize but then I guess things really are different in New York.We said our good-byes and went back to Winkies house. The next morning I got up and wanted to go outside. But when I looked out the window, I couldnt believe my eyes. Everything was whiteWhat happened I asked the Boxwink dogs.It snowed last night, they replied matter-of-factly.What do you do with it I asked. Eat it or play with itYou can do both. Its great stuff. Come on, well show you.I started to follow them, thinking it might be fun, but when my feet touched it I knew they had left out one very important detail. It was COLD and I wanted no part of it.Clippie Gal was glad to see me and asked how I had done at the big show. When I told her that I had not won she said, When they came back the other night without you, they said you didnt put your best foot forward.Youre crazy, I said. All four of my feet are exactly the same.Clippie Gal and I were loaded into the car in our crates and when the clothes came too, we knew what was coming. When we got to the airport, we were left at the same place where Winkie had picked us up and were then loaded on to the place I found out that it was a plane and not a rocket.We braced ourselves for another ride, praying that it would go quickly. It didni and we were sure we would never come back to earth, but finally the noise stopped, a door opened and our owner was righl there to pick us up. It was such a relief tc see her and she even took us with her this time. I listened carefully and found out that she could leave for San Diego right then, but we couldnt go for another two hours. 1 was afraid that we were going to be left again with no one around that we knew, but mistress didnt leave chosing to wait the two hours and go with us. I was able to relax then and even started feeling a little hungry. Clippie Gal admitted she was hungry too, but had been too scared to be hungry before. The two hours passed quickly and the ride home was short. Ray and Annaray met us at the airport and I was delighted to see them. We were riding home in our own car now and boy, did it feel good.Ray said, Honey, are you hungry We can stop some place if you are. I was hoping she would say yes, remembering the nice scraps she had brought me the last time, but instead she said, Oh no, I just ate two meals on the plane. No wonder she didnt leave us in the airport to eat while we were in that dark hole she was sitting in a soft seat gorging herselfFinally, we are home I went right to my run and my kennel mate was so happy to see me and he cleaned my face affectionately. He asked if I had had a good time. I had to think for a minute and decided to pass on discussing the good time and simply said, If anyone ever says New York to you, pull out your hair, play sick or run away with Toro, because you wouldnt believe what Ive been through92 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSERIN HUNDLEY Snohomish, WAIt is very encouraging to see so many names of people who want to serve as officers and board members of this club. This shows an active interest in the club and demonstrates the members willingness to work and keep the club healthy. I had a problem when it came to voting, which other expressed to me also. So many of the nominees are just names to me, and the second list came out so close to voting time that I had no time to learn more about these people. Im sure all were well qualified to serve in the position they were nominated for, but I would have liked to have had a little more time to study the candidates before voting. It would be helpful if a brief profile of candidates could accompany the list of nominees, even if they are the only candidate. This would help us to know each other better.I would also like to thank Phyllis Perceny for her note in my article on hand raising puppies. Of course, consult your vet first. But many problems occur in the middle of the night or when you favorite vet is on vacation, so I hope my experiences may save you a puppy.Another article I found interesting was Margaret McKees Helpful Hints, in which she told of the advantages of a houseful of small children raised with Poms. Our home has been without children for many years. Recently our son Chuck and his wife and three small children have been staying with us. The joy in a small childs face when he is allowed to hold a puppy while sitting on the floor of course is wonderful. I have a special whelping box with a safety glass window in front. All the children can watch mother care for her babies and she learns that no harm will come to her babiesfrom the small faces which are often pressed against the glass. Then the puppies learn to love all the attention they receive and are much less likely to be shy.BETTY J. BALLARD New Albany, INElectronic Flea Control DevicesIm sure most breeders and pet owners have heard by now all the fantastic claims made by manufacturers of the electronic flea control ultrasonic devices. Id like to share our experience with one of these units. We read all the various advertisements and compared features on different models until we selected one that we thought would best suit our dogs needs. One of the first statements emphasized in all the manufacturers brochures is that the fleas, ticks etc. will not leave overnight. Results will take four to six weeks or longer to clear the infested areas. The duration of the money back guarantee usually isnt in effect even as long as the firms statement as to length of time required to clear the area of pests. Most of these ultrasonic units cover approximately 1500 sq. ft. The one we selected supposedly covered 2000 sq. ft. We, as the accompanying literature advised, didnt expect results overnight. However, after 10 weeks we still havent seen any results. We gave our Poms medicated shampoo baths, dipped them with a proven flea dip and thoroughly laundered all rugs, pillow covers and all material in contact with our Poms sleeping area before initial use of our device. After 5 weeks, the fleas had infested our dogs again, both with their presence and the quantity of eggs they had deposited on our wee ones. We repeated the shampoo, dip and laundry procedures again all to no avail. Needless to say, we are grosslyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9disappointed with this ultrasonic flea control device. My husband and I, in our search for making life a little more comfortable for our Poms, found that there is no easy answer to the problem of flea control. We advise anyone contemplating the purchase of one of these units to compare warranties and see if the company has any written testimonials from satisfied pet owners on file. The old adage of Let the buyer beware definitely applies where these devices are concerned.Editors Note Be sure to see Dr. William Drows article entitled The Subject Is Fleas elsewhere in this issue.DIANA SIMO-NIS Adona, ARMy Little ShebaI would like to share an experience with Pom Review readers that I think is particularly special. My Sheba is a 5 A. lb. red shaded bitch. She was bred for the first time on her second heat and gave birth to four tiny females. I consider her to be a breeders delight, as is her whole family mother, sisters, aunts and hopefully her daughters. They are all easy whelpers and excellent mothers. Now dont get me wrong. I know giving birth to four females is no major feat, for many a fine bitch has done the same and more with little or no trouble. There is just one special thing about Sheba that I feel would be of interest to Pomeranian breeders and fanciers alike .Three days after the birth of Shebas puppies, her mother gave birth to four pups. Being up in years, Midnight Pam was unable to nurse her pups. Due to enlarged breast size, Pams puppies were unable to draw milk from their dam, so I decided to take on the task of hand feeding the puppies. After a day and a very sleepless night of this, Sheba became very concerned about the unrest of my adopted puppies.They seemed to be whining in demand most of the time. Having raised two pups in the past, I felt I could handle the task. The only difference was that then there was only one puppy at a time. The pups had been from two different litters, with about six months rest in between Four pups at once seemed almost impossible. Sheba seemed to know things were not as they should be, as she was terribly restless about the pups in my care. Everytime I let her outside to relieve herself, she would return wishing for just a peek at my little whining, seemingly discontented puppies. After two days and nights of pure anxiety, I decided that I would let Sheba see just what I was trying to care for. She took a long hard look and she knew I needed as much help as did those little puppies. I put one of them on the floor next to Sheba. She immediately lay down next to it and started caring for it as if it were her own. No camouflage routines or gimmicks were needed, so I placed another pup . . . and then all the pups were at Shebas side. She welcomed all the puppies as if they were her own seeming to know that they needed her mothering and love. Never neglecting her own puppies, Shebe took on the responsibility of all eight wiggly, demanding puppies.I was relieved that Sheba had taken the other four puppies, but I was very concerned about her. She is only 5 A pounds but all of that is pure mother love. I dont recommend letting a bitch take on double her litter size, but there are a few really fine girls who are willing and they are super. The added burden of any extra puppies on a bitch of any age requires a lot of extra nutrition so I fed Sheba all the high protein dog food she would eat, canned and dry. Also, cottage cheese, cooked eggs, cooked chicken livers and to help milk flow, I gave her evaporated milk mixed half and half with water to make about a cup. A teaspoon of karo syrup was added for a little extra energy.94 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX TO ADVERTISERSAbjornson, Lois Sandtown...................48Allen, Janet ............................................ 55Aona, Betty and Ray Alani.................. 81Bartels, Patty Pattys.............................46Baugniet, Sally and Dick Pomirish .40,41Beam, Ruth Great Elms........................65Bergerson, Cheryl and Keri....................69Brettwood Arts........................................48Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee...........15Creider, Norma Creider........................69Dixon, Rose.............................................74Dumler, Opal O My....................28,29,30Dunfee, Natalie Tynan............................5Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre.....................59Goltz, Rosalind Penru...........................43Goodrich, Bob.........................................88Griffin, Gayle Starlite......................38,39Heartz, Christine and John Chriscendo 34Hiementz, Sharon Justa........................77Jacobsen, J. Robert Sing Lee................55Johnson, Dianne......................................95Kvamme, Kristen Cedar Glen.............. 49LaFortune, Anna Sungold Cover, 67Lenette Pomeranians...............................77Logan, Paul and Sandra..........................31Luginsland, Janice LLL........................19Massey, Jon and Roberta Midas...........11McDonald, Frances and Michael.... 12, 13Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best..................... 79Moreno, Mr. and Mrs. G.L. Moreno . .61Napolitano, Linda Tano .......................72Niehouse, Virginia and Bernard.............83Presser, Marlene and Marlin.................. 51Raymond, Sheryl A. Fire Fox...............47Ricci, Carol Cheridel............................65Rider, Blanche Rider.............Front CoverRoach, Dudley Wanda Queenaire 32,33Rosenbaum, Mary A. Bi-Mar...............75Sandifer, Desaree Desiree.................... 85Stranahan, Babe Stranahan.................IFCThorstad, Michael Circle M ... .28,29,30West, George and Jean West...........56,57Young, Janice Cherokee.......................67CIRCULATION MANAGERJohn Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, Virginia 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 Foreign U.S. funds only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Review arrives in 3-5 days. Change to First Class at time of renewal.All Members subscriptions begin with the April issue each year.BACK ISSUESA complete list of avalable back issues will be published in the next issue, but roughly issues between 1970 and 1976 are available at 2.00 each issues between 1977 and 1979 are available at 3.00 each issues between 1979 and 1982 are 3.50 each and issues 1982 to present are 4.00 each. Send your back issue order to the address above.Yips Yaps, continuedAt three weeks of age, the pups needed to be supplemented with a good brand of concentrated low volume, high calorie vitamins Energel and Nutrical are both good. I gave each pup baby rice cereal mixed with the milk mixture twice a day. The mixture should be not too thick and not too thin. All of this may seem like a lot of extra bother, but it is a very small price to pay for a sweet little bitch who is willing to take on four orphan pups, as well as care for her own. So, this is a shout of praise for Little Princess C.B. Sheba. Im very proud of her and if you have one like her, you should be equally as proud.POMERANIAN REVIEW 95cyncom^5ftCO' jy-V 'FOR SALEJwe ^^clrvlc^vtFredhome.available to a serious showSincere condolences to Terri Moebuis on the untimely death of a most promising puppy Moe-Best Overnite Sin-Sation.Dianne Johnson 2901 Putty Hill Rd. Baltimore, MD 21234 301 661-7289W1K96POMERANIAN REVIEWSUMMER SPECIALTY SHOWTo be held in conjunction with The Metro Mile-Hi Kennel Club LTD limited to Toy Breeds only.FRIDAY, MAY 27,1983Arapahoe County Fairgrounds indoorsBellview and Windermere Blvds.Littleton, CO suburb of DenverJUDGESRegular and Non-Regular Classes Mrs. Leon KeKe Blumberg Sweepstakes Mrs. Christine Heartz Toy Group and Best in Show Dr. Lee HugginsHOST CLUBThe Denver Metro Pomeranian ClubMichael M. Thorstad, President 3455 S. Bryant St. Englewood, CO 80110 303 762-0425HEADQUARTERS HOTELQuality Inn Central10 min. from Stapleton Int. Airport 2601 Zuni Street Denver, CO 80211 Reservations 303 433-6677 Please indicate you are with the American Pomeranian Club when making reservations.Also . . .There are'3 all-breed shows on the weekend. For details see the Denver Club report inside this issue.Show Superintendent for All Shows Jack Onofrio P.O. Box 25764 Oklahoma City, OK 73125 - '- f utH \ 'r r r