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The Pomeranian Review July 1983

American Pomeranian Club, 3ncPomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY 1982P'4JAmerican Mexican InternationalCh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiNovember 1,1977 March 3,1983 Stud Dog Class Winner A.P.C. Summer Specialty 1982 Pictured with five of his get entered at this show.POMERANIAN REVIEWStranalund presents our muIti-muIti-Group placer .RockyK XX tXK XIC..HK XICen route to GROUP II, under Wm. Kendrick at the prestigious Detroit K.C.TROITBEST OF BREED_______Ch. L-Rs Rock Concert av StranJudgeMrs. Wm. KendrickCo-OwnerAgent Janet HefflngtonOwner Babe Stranahan 3364 Frembes Drayton Plains, MI 48020and hes only 14 months oldPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican flnmerantan Club, Jnr.President.........................First Vice President........Second Vice President... Recording Secretary.... Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB....................................................... Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey..................................................................... Mr. Sam Zaneoff.....................................................................Mrs. Sue Goddard.................................................................... Mrs. Karen Holder...................................................................Mrs. Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ...............................................................Mr. A. C. WilliamsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Randy Freeh Mrs. Anna LaFortuneDelegate to AKC.......................................................................Mr. Dan Mercer Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Beverly Norris .....................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager ... .Ms. Phyllis Perceny, P.O. Box31927, Tucson, AZ 85751 Circulation Manager ................................Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo 1 page of text.................. 90.00Inside front cover....................................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page.....................................................40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page.............................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.November 15 JanuaryFebruary 15 AprilMay 15 JulyAugust 15 October4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYReaders will recall that the January issue write-up of the 1982 APC Phoenix Specialty described the dramatic photographs of our cover boy, Am. Mex. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi, with five of his get posed on the trophy table. After Danny had proudly paraded with his little spittin images in the Stud Dog class, the photographers snapped happily to the roaring applause of the crowd. It was a rare moment and this months cover shares it with those who missed the specialty.This cover portrait is not only a tribute to a great little stud dog, but also a memorial, for tragedy struck in March with Dannys untimely death. Breeders across the nation share a deep sense of loss with Dannys adoring owners, Paul and Randy Freeh of Georgia and California. No one can forget Dannys enthusiastic joy bestowed upon friends, judges, audiences and visiting bitches He flaunted his beauty with a head held high and a light in his eyes.A bystander at ringside as Danny won another Best of Breed once said it all Theres the ideal Pom. He appeals not only to the judge looking at features of conformation, but also to the layman seeking obvious intelligence, joi dvivre, and friendliness. For breeders he stamps himself upon his get, passing predictable size, color, coat, spirit and soundness. Danny is one of the truly great stud dogs of this decade.Five of his offspring finished in 1982. They are Ch. Jolly Wee Desert Breeze, owned by Mary Hammond of Emolia, MO Ch. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper Too, owned by Randy Freeh who confides she considers him the best Pom she ever bred Ch. Jolly Wee Dans Krystal Star, also owned by Randy Ch. Jolly Wee Chatty Kathy, owned by Roxy Campbell of Houston, TX and Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dans Delight, owned by Isabelle Gryder of Tempe, AZ.TABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message..................................5Pacific Northwest News and Views.........10Across Canada.........................................18A Visit to My-Pat Pomeranians..............28Helpful Hints...........................................30Rebel Report........................................... 34Computers Are Going To The Dogs .... 36Northern California Pom Club................38Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club.................... 40San Diego Pom Club...............................40Pom Club of Greater Houston................ 42Behind The New Champions-.................50Index to Advertisers................................54Circulation Managers Column.............. 54Two more had finished by May 1983. They are Ch. Olivia CF, owned by Lola Fields of Tehachapi, CA and Ch. Millwood Topodyne, owned by Jean Mill of Covina, CA. Much will now be expected from these new stars.Written by Jean Mill,A Danny fan.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5PRESIDENTSMESSAGEMarlene Scott Halsey Rt. 1, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064Sorry our April Review was late. Phyllis Perceny put together another very good issue. With the help of the new Circulation Manager, John Cribbs we will try to have the Review out on time. Those of you who do not know John will be interested in knowing a little about him. He is a retired Army Officer. John and Mrs. Cribbs have been breeding Poms for several years and are now producing some good ones. John will be happy to hear from you concerning the Pom Review. If you know subscribers who are not receiving their Reviews, have them get in touch with John. I am sure they will get a prompt answer. Thank you, John for your help with the Review.When you read this, our Summer Specialty will be over. I am looking forward to the show in Denver, Colorado. I know I will meet some people who I know only by their Poms. Also, I look forward to seeing old friends.In 1959 when I joined the club, it was more or less an eastern organization, however unintentionally. Because we are chartered in New York, we started having our Specialty there. We also had our meetings there. Now we are very much a national organization, with Pom folk from all parts of the country in the club, on the Board and enjoying all phases of our club as it should be.Do you feel as though you really are a part of a breed club Do you support the Club Specialties do you use the Pom Review to sell your good pups do you take a project when asked to What do you expect your club to do for you Let us hearfrom you. In order to participate, we have to communicate. We all share the same hobby. The Pom Club and the Review want you to feel you are a member of a club that is making progress one that is making to suggestions. If you have a good idea, let us hear it. If there are some things in the club you want no part of, let us know that too. I recall an instance years ago with the Pom Review that was funny, yet made a good point.I was visiting Ruth Beam, a Pom breeder of many years. It was in the winter and an unexpected snow storm hit. I was snowed in at her home for several days. While I was there, Ruth typed her ad for the Pom Review. After the ad was complete, she wrote a note to the editor, whom we both knew, telling her how much we were enjoying the time together talking, eating and generally having a grand old time. The ad was placed in the Review and the note was put in Yips and Yaps. As soon as the Review had time to be mailed and enjoyed by all Pom fanciers, a letter came by return mail to the editor from a lady who said, I do not care who is snowed in with who and having a good time eating, etc. Instead I would like some helpful information about Poms breeding, selecting a good pup, what to do when a bitch whelps and has no milk, and several other questions one would expect to find in a breed magazine. Now,I think this lady made a good point, dont you The oldest cliche in the world is, This is not a club for a few select persons, it is the entire memberships club. I cant think of the better way to say just that, can you Let me hear from you. See you at the shows.THE DEADLINE FOR THE OCTOBER ISSUE IS AUGUST 15.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWm fOXMeet our most recent acquisitions . ..MORTSun Fox Lennis Rains It PoursEle is our tiny, spunky showman who won the hearts of many at the March Bay Colony Pom Club match. Hed like you to meet his half-brother.REVSun Fox Lennis Image of OldeRev is a 4 pound, stunning red sable. He is extremely cobby and heavily coated.FLASH Rev won BOW for a 5 pt. major at the Bay Colony P.C. Specialty, May 14, 1983. Our sincere thanks to judge Mrs. James E. Clark as this was his first show and he was owner handledWe thank their breeder, Lennis Raines Davis, for parting with these two superb males. Their overall quality is hard to surpass. Watch for these boys in the ring soon.Claudia M. Lis and Edward J. Braczyk 617 454-162540 V -V POMERANIAN REVIEW 1m foxSPICh. Sun Fox I Love LennisMulti-Group Winner. Spi is available at stud to approved females.Introduces his first daughter ft9s4y ^ BEAUTIpictured at 7 weeksBeauti has inherited her sires color, coat, gorgeous legs, structure and sunny, showy temperament. We couldnt be more pleased Beauti typifies what we hope to produce in our Poms.A proven, free-whelping brood, and a stud prospect are offered for sale as we need to reduce our kennel numbers.AH inquiries will be answered promptly. Written inquiries preferred.Claudia M. Lis and Edward J. Braczyk 12 Cliffside Road Lowell, MAO 1852 617454-16258 POMERANIAN REVIEWEmcees PomeraniansmLathiLALaCh.Emcees Solid Gold DiamondTicoNew York Specialty WinnerActive, healthy, and remains a Top Producer of Champions. Not at public stud.Our congratulations to Pat Scelso and Mike Meyer on their Kennel Visit. Wishing them continued success.Morris and Betty Carson 6208 Pochins Pathway Ashland, Virginia 23005 804 798-7882POMERANIAN REVIEW Emcees PomeraniansHome of champions where type, soundness and baby doll faces prevail.Ch. Emcees Golden Honey BunCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of Gold-iWr 46JtN.x r VffjEmcees Diamond Solid Gold7 monthsCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldFLASH .Diamond was shown for the first time on 43083 at Conroe K.C., Conroe, TX and took a 5 point major over specials. Diamond is owned by Mrs. James Dupre, Sr. of Lafayette, AL.Emcees has Champions at stud, puppies show prospects, Pets all from linebred top bloodlines. Each honestly represented.6208 Pochins PathwayMorris and Betty Carson Ashland, VA 23005 804 798-788210 POMERANIAN REVIEWMPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 19101 67th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290I love getting letters, especially from people reporting on dog show wins. It makes my job of reporting so much easier. Linda Gallacher reports that her homebred Sunswept Anticipation finished subject to AKC confirmation on one exciting weekend. Saturday, April 23 at Palouse Hills DFA show in Lewiston ID he was WD and BOS to Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India. He also earned 1st place in Novice B with a high score of 198.5 and tied for High Score in Trial. Unfortunately he lost in the run-off. Sunday, April 24th Skeeter was WD and BOB. Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India was BOS this time. He went on to place 3rd in the Group. To put frosting on the cake as if that wasnt enough he was again 1st in Novice B to complete his C.D. title. Linda says she was more than thrilled. Skeeter is now Ch. Sunswept Anticipation C.D.In a recent column, Mollie Miller wrote about the relationship betweed dog and handler in training. She commented that sometimes the handler gets so involved in winning, he forgets that this should be fun. The dog especially should be happy to do what he is asked. Linda Gallacher demonstrates this attitude with her Poms. They watch her every move, always responding to her signals eagerly. They are a joy to watch. Congratulations, Linda . . . and Skeeter, Buttons, and Katy.Sally McGilbry, whose health prevents her from attending many shows, writes about two shows that she was able to attend At Willamette Valley K.C. March 13, Golden Glow Regi earned WD, BOW andBOB under judge Nick Calicura. Que Sera Daphne LaRita was WB and BOS. The other show which Sally attended was the Yakima Valley K.C. show Sunday, May 1. Judge Pauline Hughes gave BOB to Ch. Golden Glow Regi and BOS to Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India.Back on March 12th at the Chintinimi K.C. show in Corvallis, OR, judge Mr. Joseph Rowe gave WD, BOW and BOB to Que Sera Fire Fox to LaRita, bred and owned by Rita La Verne and myself. Winners Bitch and BOS was from the 9-12 class, Lessards Natsa Takara, bred by Lorraine Bradbury, owned by Alice Lessard, both of Turlock, CA.Another visitor to the northwest did well Sunday May 8th in Olympia. Wild Acres Touch of Gold completed his championship requirements when judge Richard Hammond awarded him WD and BOW. He goes back to his owner Judy Whipple in Utah who should be very proud of him. Winners Bitch was Riders Sungolden Gidget who was entrusted to me by former owners Anna LaFortune and Blanche Rider, and her breeder Marilyn Hawley of San Diego. Best of Breed went to Ch. Bi-Mars Sundance Kid, bred and owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Sunny has won many Best of Breeds and group placements. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India. She is bred and owned by Irene Harbin. This very nice black and tan has four Best of Breeds to her credit all earned on one seven day circuit.Whidby Island K.C. show Saturday, May 7th was judged by Mrs. Wilma Hunter. Winners Dog went to Childrens Red Fox, bred by Mary Rosenbaum. He is a brother to group winning Ch. Bi-Mars Sundance Kid and is now owned by Katherine Bartos and her daughter Linda K. Jackson. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners went to my own Riders Sungolden Gidget Best of Breed was Ch. Bi-Mars Sundance Kid and Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India. Lots of Continued on p. 51.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1 Great Elms Kennels, Reg'darBREEDBESTOFr-'ns'VVWINNERSMCh. Great Elms Model's TimstopperJudge Mrs. Dorothy WelshTopper was expertly trained, conditioned and shown by Maynard Wood. He finished in 7 shows. Entered the next day Danville in the Specials class, he went BOB over 4 specials 2 BIS winners under Mrs. James Edward Clark. See his pedigree in Behind the New Champions.We are also proud to announce the championship of Great Elms Jeany of Dendy. She went BOW at our New York Specialty at the age of IVi months. She finished 7 shows later at Raleigh, March 25th. Many thanks to Ethel Dendy and Dan Triece for letting me have Jeany. She was trained by Bert Halsey and beautifully shown by Marlene Scott Halsey. Jeanys pedigree is also in Behind the New Champions.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937704 889-9233 Pineville, NC 281342 POMERANIAN REVIEW1DUPRE S POMERANIANSANNOUNCESThe arrival of a new litter of special puppies out of...Ch. Emcees Sparkling Tamboy x Dupres Ms. Goldie of Blockera daughter of Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Old BlockALSOThe addition of a very special new puppy from Emcees KennelsEMCEES DIAMOND SOLID GOLD We feel very fortunate to have this new boy.CONGRATULATIONSTo Sharon Hicks for finishing Emcees Texas Pete with three 4 point majors 3 BOB and 1 Group placement.To Peggy Bernard for some great winns with Bernards Little Buttons of Dupre 11 points with 1 major.FLASH FLASH FLASH FLASHEmcees Diamond Solid Gold went BOB over specials from Puppy Class for a 5 point major at Conroe Kennel Club under Judge Mrs. Wilma Hunter his firsttime outOwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.110 Pompano St. Lafayette, LA 70508 318 235-1423POMERANIAN REVIEW 1HY-JAN-LEE KENNELSrYTOYGROUP i iVCh. Jolly Wee Rocky's Bit O SpunkShown winning the Toy Group under Margaret Yound at the Windward Hawaiian Dog Fanciers Assoc, show, April 17,1983.Spunky was expertly handled by Yvette Oganeku and groomed by her mother, Clarice.Many thanks to Jo Ching and the Oganekus for their encouragement and help.Janet Cox 98119Hakaha St. Aiea, HI 96701 808 488-24854 POMERANIAN REVIEWBob and Jean Mill of MILLWOODsend sad condolences to PAUL AND RANDY FRECH on the untimely death of happy littleInt. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppibut assure the fancy that Dannys verve and natural showmanship continue in his 4 sonCh. Millwood Topodynemeans energetic little mouse in Spanishk.3 ... . Vf fc I Out of Queenaire Winks of Millwood a Ch. Queenaire Gamblind Dude Daughter. Pictured at 11 months Photo by Missy YuhlsTopo won 3 breeds over champions enroute to his title and excells in temperament, soundness, short back and high headset and tailset. Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.A prepotent sire, he has puppies available occasionally.MILLWOOD1412 Covina Hills Rd. Covina, CA 91724 213 966-1839Our thanks to Dr. Stephen Ayres, DVM who handled him so beautifullyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1rumJOLLY WEEAnother Best in Show for, ^ Ch. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper TooMany thanks to Mr. Ted Wurmser.Pepper is a son of the late Am.Mex.Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi. He was one of five champions sired by Danny to finish in 1982.Pepper was Best of Breed at Westminster.Randy and Paul Freeh Canyon Country, CAHandled by Carroll James16 POMERANIAN REVIEWr7 In Memory OfAm. Mex. Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiVr- __ ,f - lf wtiil - i-- . ' 'JfWU . , . . Ch.Joy Wee Fancy Dans DelightAnother champion daughter ofAmericanMexicanInternational Champion JOLLY WEE FANCY DAN OF PEPPIOur sincere sympathy to Randy and Paul Freeh.Blanco-Gryder PomeraniansIsabelle B. and Robert Gryder 903 East Loyola Drive Tempe, AZ 85282 602 966-5604\rPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Geritewut- GaimCh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi will be remembered in the loveliness of his offspring.f\Ik ^1r. -GL Olivia GQCh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi x Fairwind LibertyJudge Art Davison Elandler Kim DickinsonA Thing of Beauty is a Joy ForeverOlivia finished at 15 months under Mr. Frank Oberstar with back to back majors and a Best of Breed. Shown by Kim DickinsonFOR SALE 2 female puppies whelped 22083. Sired by Ch. Jolly Wee Rusty of Peppi x Fairwind Liberty.Howard and Lola Field Star Rt 3, Box 3G Tehachapi, CA 935618 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heart P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2With Spring come thoughts of new nippies and of course dog shows again, fere in Canada the results of Top Pom in Canada have just been published. They are is follows. Ch. Chriscendo Coy Coquette, owned y Ch. Heartz and E. Miller.1. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion, C. F. Baxstrome.. Ch. Lennis Brahms Lullabye, Mr. and vlrs. G. Sails.I. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Hunny Bear N, ... B. Roberts.i. Ch. Ken-Nors Dont Let Em Kidya, J. ^ethien.j. Ch. Bavanews Tarita Shannara, M. Teidl.i. Bavanews Master Skylark, M. Heindl. i. Ch. Kathes Stormy Little Fart, K. iVillson.. Mike Mars Mint Patty, O. Darbyshire. 10. Christyhills Teddy Bear, G. Hill.Congratulations to all the breeders, iwners and handlers who worked so hard or these awards.Many Americans have mentioned that hey would like to come to Canada some ime. I thought I would give you some nformation it might be just what you leed to get you started.The majority of Canadian Kennel Club ihows are held by clubs over a week or veekend all on one show site or in one tuilding. This makes things really conven- ent because you can set up your exercise Dens, tables and crates and leave them that vay until the shows are over.The average Canadian Show totals between 300 and 500 dogs although they may be as large as 1500. If there are enough entered at breed level, or you place in the group which gives you extra points it is possible to complete your requirements for a championship 10 points under 3 different judges in one weekend.The Canadian Kennel Clubs publication Dogs in Canada lists the shows all across the country. Most clubs still handle their own mailing list, premium lists and entries. The entry forms are very similar to AKCs and should not be confusing.In order to take advantage of your American exchange rate which at this time is higher you would have to send an American Bank draft or money order in Canadian Funds. Personal checks are acceptable in U.S. funds only.Mail service is slow in Canada and it is best of allow two weeks for entries. Mail everything Special Delivery. Its worth the few extra cents.If your dog is not registered with the CKC it must be entered as Listed and an extra 2.00 fee is charged with each entry. The dog must also be registered before being entered in Best of Breed competition.To cross the Canadian border you just need a current health certificate and rabies vaccination. It would be just as well to bring proof of U.S. Citizenship.The address of the Canadian Kennel Club is2150 Bloor St. W.Toronto, OntarioCanada M6S 4V7I think you will enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of Canadian shows, and bet you will be back. Next month I will give you the information on registering your dog in Canada. Until then, have fun.POMERANIAN REVIEWkFWRKMd PONS'Finishes even better.Punk Rock finished in three months on the rough Florida Circuit. All points from puppy class, one 4 point major and three 3 point majors.This girl is for sale to a specials home.Puppies due in July.Manuel Gonzalez 813626-1909 813 626-8224What starts out good. yCh. Kharisma's Punk Rock__Ch. Millamors Rock Music x Starmist daughter3611 N. Whittier St. Tampa, FL 33619POMERANIAN REVIEW0aCH. ANNONS mAgNUM FORCE OF SCAMP CH. LENNISS TAR soN IMAGE CH. ANNONS DaNdIE LEGEND CH. SILVER MEADOWS FROSTEE CUB CH. PETERSONS SCAMP OFLENNIS ANNONS DAZZLING FORCEPOMSTEDS SPUNKY pRaNCING SPIRIT [Ptd] POMBREDENS rEaD LUKE XVI ANNONS IMaGe IN BLACK N TAN [Ptd]These studs encompass Showstopper, Great Elms - Showstopper, Bonner and Queenaire-Nanjo breeding.They CAN and HAVE produced, besides the standard red, orange, cream and sable black, blue, black and tan, blue and tan, chocolate, beaver and parti-colors.With this stud issue, Annons will be offering a few studs for sale some mentioned above and others. All producing champions or with get in the ring. Several very promising young males available to select show homes.Thank you, Lennis, for the terrific Tar Son.Thank you, Barbara Breden, for the black and white parti-color Luke, a real boost to our girls.ANN CANNON 10504 Crickett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 17031368-1341POMERANIAN REVIEW1983 Stud RegisterThis is Pomeranian Reviews 1983 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and t following pages and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individi excellence, unique characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in t country. Inevitably, some owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for o reason or another. But with so many represented, from every section of the country, and of many different bloodlines, we feel that our Register this year is very complete. May i request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owners, they mention I sawyoursti card in the Review.4 lb. - Light Orange-Sable Small ears, short back, sound legsVi - . .. .Wv-1- ' rV -T- .. i '.-r\ S'I . . ^, - ' -A -_iti.4 lb. Black and Tan Vt Great Elms - 4 Showstopper 4 generations of BT pic at 10 Zi mosMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Rebel of EdneyMay Morning Social Lion Edneys Sweet DixieEdneys Pride of Tomstopper CH. CAMELOTS BASHFULL DUDE May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Song of CamelotMay Morning Little Red Rascal Thelduns Bills Lil Paty Cake Meyers Princess Pat IIPATTYS POMERANIANSPatty Bartels 4976 Monmouth Rd. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special OrderCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Postscripts AftRnoon Delight Edneys Miss Patty Cake MOE-BEST TAN-TALIZERCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Cheridel Pomesto Remember Me Pomesto Magic Minnie Pomesto CassandraPomesto Mr. Ott Pomesto SweetiePomesto Sunny GirlPATTYS POMERANIANS Patty Bartels 4976 Monmouth Rd. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-59502 POMERANIAN REVIEW4 lb. Orange Sire of ChampionsCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann CH. EDNEYS MOE-BEST SPECIAL ORDER Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Postscript AftRnoon DelightCh. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Edneys Miss Pattycake Edneys TaffyTerri Moebuis 1719 Manor Rd.Baltimore, MD 21222- .4 lb. Deep Orange Ship to Boston13 Pom 1982, Multi-Group Winner Ship to Boston.Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am.Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca Am.Can. Ch. Jabils Simply SmashingAm.Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah CD CH. HI TIME SIMPLY JEREMY JABIL May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Edneys Sassy SamanthaBeisels Wee Flashie Red Man Edneys TaffyStaffords Little MittJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Rilge Rd.Loudon, NH 03301Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece AmCanBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca AmCan Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing AmCan Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah, CD CH. JABILS SIMPLY SINFULAmCanBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude AmCan Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah CD Ch. Roanokes Band BoxJABILJessie and Barbara Young Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301POMERANIAN REVIEW9.4lo s__Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music CH. DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMOR Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands Little Judy Dixielands VeronicaCh. Thelcolynns Tiny Sun Dance Millamors Melody Box Millamors Red Mist4Vi lbs. - Bright Orange Group winner, Sire of Champions Moments from indpls. Airport VS lb. RedGroup placing 21st placings in obedience Fee 100 to approved bitchesiSrMrs. Wilma Jean Brown8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46234Am.Can. Ch. Andrews Pics Jimbo Andrews Wee Red LaddieAm.Can. Ch. Scotia Cavs A Tisket A Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter TaskeAndrews Mr. Continental Andrews Angelic Debutante Baulchs Little Red Ant CH. SUNSWEPT ANTICIPATION CDCh. Scotia Colleen J. J.s Major Dink Ch. Scotia Trasure Dink BraumCh. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Ch. Scotia Braums Biddy Boo Meggy Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Robins Meggie of ScotiaRays Precious Tinker Belle IILinda GallacherP.O. Box 1949 Corvallis, OR 97339 503 757-7350Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon RockMillamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Dixielands VeronicaMillamors Melody Box MIDAS ROCK TEMPOCh. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Dixielands Little Bagatelle Millamors Melody Box Midas Hopeful MomentCh. Bonners Sunstyle Brilliance Parkas Brilliant Little Luci Pearls Little Peach4A lb., Bright Clear Orange Convenient to Houston Int. AirportMIDAS POMERANIANSJon and Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 773394 POMERANIAN REVIEWI5 Deep OrangeCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Little Miss Wag Bonners Sunfire Mischief CH. SILVER MEADOWS LOVE O LEGACY Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Katydid Silver Meadows CrickettSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS 4136 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, NY 14550 716237-5473\32 Light OrangeL dfcIV__ uA .-.-Cxi.42 Shaded OrangeCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonners Darladee Gold Smoke Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod Ch. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Aristic Mighty CuteCH. SILVER MEADOWS STARMISTERCh. Bonners Prettystyle Preshus Oak Hill ThornOak Hills Crickett Silver Meadows GeraldineSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Gay Melody Gold Toys Gay Lil DollSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS4136 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, NY 14550 716 237-5473Ch. May Morning Echo of Highland Ch. Sunwink of Highland Aristipretty of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows TigerSilver Meadows Perriwinkle Silver Meadows Lady TaffySilver Meadown Lady of Ken-Gay CH. SILVER MEADOWS TIMMY TIGER Bonners Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Doodad Silver Meadows Gamblin Queen Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows KatydidSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS4136 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, NY 14550 716 237-5473POMERANIAN REVIEW-ft.....w. , __5 Light Orange5 - tt ' - i- t T5 Orange Sable-'364 Bright OrangeCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Little Miss Wag Bonners Sunfire Mischief CH. SILVER MEADOWS BEAU O LEGACCh. Sunwink of Highland Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger Silver Meadows Lady Taffy Silver Meadows SybilCh. Sunwink of Highland Silver Meadows Muffit Silver Meadows TotoSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS4136 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, NY 14550 716237-5473Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Ch. Tim Sues Poinciana StarCh. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug Poinciana Love Melody Poinciana ContessaSILVER MEADOWS SCOOTER STARRCh. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy Bonners Little Miss Wag Ch. Silver Meadows Spice O LegacyCh. Silver Meadows Sun Dae Cub Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of FunSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS4136 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, NY 14550 716 237-5473Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K Goldmist Ch. Bonners Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Little Miss Wag Bonners Sunfire Mischief CH. SILVER MEADOWS PEPR O LEGAC5Ch. Highland Sunflash Ch. Silver Meadows Sun Dae Cub Ch. Myway Dae Dream Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of Fun Ch. Silver Meadows KatydidSILVER MEADOWS POMERANIANS4136 West Lake Rd.Silver Springs, NY 14550 716 237-5473B POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Morenos Special Edition Ch. Morenos Hot Off The Press Blossom Views Red Jewel Ch. Phyner Night EditorCh. Cin-Dees Tiny Tim Phyner Chiquita Negrita Ch. Phyner Bumble Bee PHYNER NIGHT OPERATORCh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Jubilee Hanna LeeQueenaire Headliner Jubilees RebelBlack Mandy B.Agent Cheryl J. Bergerson 11015 250th St. Chisago City, MN 55013Mr. Wayne Wasfaret6416 Oliver Ave. So. Richfield, MN 55423Multiple BIS Winner Ch. Producer 3 BIS WinnersCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lullabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION Ch. Dixielands Style Stepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors MarrilynnLou-Lans Toke of Friendship Lou-Lans April Gold Models Gold PieceCHRISCENDOChristine and John Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, NS, Canada B2N 5N2r iJ,4 lb. Clear Orange Group WinnerSound legs, heavy coat, short back personality and showmanshipCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Gold Mist Ch. Bonners Starlynmod RevelerCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Bonners Styletess Modiste Bonners Peppertess CH. JIMDANDYS JODIE REVELER Tonos May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Colliers Golden Dream On Ch. Maykens Sun Cricket Maykens Ginger DreamCh. Holders Flaming Fanfare Maykens Miss Fanfare Maykens My Fair LadyJim D. and Gladys E. Smith 107 Carpenter Loop Bonham, TX 75418 214583-9447POMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducing. . .Mixon's Roudy RazzmatazzShown here winning a 4 point major under Judge Miss Georgia Lane, Razz needs only 2 points to finish.Puppies for sale out of Ch. Great Elms Snooty Hooty x Ch. Lennis Radio Action. 2 males, 1 female born May 2, 1983. Color Bright Red orange.7f-r vShown here winning 2 points under Judge Mrs. Cynthia Sommers.Harry E. Pennington 3115 Piedmont Rd. N.E. Atlanta, GA 30305 404233-4798POMERANIAN REVIEWA Visit to My-Pat PomeraniansBrooklyn, New Yorki. My-Pats Wicked Minnie going WBBOS to lish under judge Burris Bosholt at Westminster nnel Club 1983. Shown exclusively in Bred by ihibitor classes by Dr. Pat Scelso.My-Pat Pomeranians officially began in 73 but its real start was in 1971. It was in at year that I received my first ymeranian yes, from a pet shop Oliver id been returned to the shop by his first vner because he refused to eat without his termate. A lot of love and spoiling took re of that and, although strictly pet lality, his wonderful personality gave me ich pleasure that he was the inspiration to hat great to be My-Pat Poms.When my partner, Mike Meyer, who had id big dogs all his life, saw Oliver, he was ry impressed. As Mike lived in a small lartment and was without a dog for the rst time, he was ripe for conversion to Pomeranianism. He obtained Shunka, so from a pet shop, and she still reigns as rand Dame of My-Pat.By 1973, Mike and I had attended several jg shows to observe the Poms being town. We had decided to buy the best tch we could and show her to her lampionship. Since we lived in a [anhattan apartment at the time andowned two Poms already, we had no plans for extensive breeding. But Poms have a way of getting to you.We contacted several breeders whose dogs we had admired in the Pom Review and received pictures and pedigrees. We finally settled on a three-month-old female from Edna Girardots Scotia Kennels in Floral City, Florida. Maggie, as we named her, finished at 18 months of age to become Ch. Scotia My Magic Maggie, in spite of my less than perfect handling. In fact, we owe almost all of our success with Maggie to the many exhibitors, breeders, and handlers who helped and encouraged us, most notably, the late Mary Casey. Mary bouyed us when we were down and gave us innumerable showing and grooming tips.When we decided to breed Maggie we were again faced with a large number of choices. Through study and observation we learned what we liked and who had it. But the really hard part was trying to find out where it came from and how to get it. We began collecting pedigrees and pictures and asking questions about various dogs and what they had produced what traits they passed on what flaws they corrected etc. We inventoried Maggies faults and favors and decided to look for a stud that did not duplicate any of her flaws and yet showed promise of augmenting her good points. Mike and I then decided that we should breed her to a dog which was related to Ch. Thelcolynns Tiny Sundance, a dog we admired greatly and found prominently featured in Maggies background. We settled on the Caseys stud, Ch. Nanjo Interlude, and My-Pats was bornThis first breeding produced Ch. My-Pats Phanciphul Phoebe, a delightful little red-orange bitch who whelped puppies with the greatest of ease in spite of direPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2warnings of sure sections. Phoebe was bred to Norma and Lloyd Jenkins Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String, another dog with a heavy Thelcolynn background and a cousin of Ch. Nanjo Interlude. This produced Ch. My-Pats Northern Spy, a studly little gentleman who goes by the name of Boris.We also bought Morenos Mr. Sweet Pickles from Dudley Roach in California and although shown only briefly and never finished, he did win Winners Dog at Westminster in 1977. He has been used to compliment our lines with coat and joie-de-vivre. Boris was bred to a daughter of Pickles producing a daughter who was in turn bred back to Boris. This carefully considered inbreeding produced Ch. My- Pats Wicked Minnie.By this time we had moved from Manhattan to a small house in Brooklyn. Still, space is precious and our breeding program must be kept small and well planned, as we cannot afford to make many mistakes.Our original Poms, Oliver and Shunka, were earning their obedience titles Oliver, a C.D. at the age of seven and Shunka at the age of six. We found from them that Poms have an extraordinary aptitude in obedience work and we highly recommend this line of endeavor to everyone who has the time it takes very little with a Pom to pursue it.We now keep no more than ten dogs here and they are all pets first. Here at My-Pat Poms, the dogs live in our home and have the run of the small backyard. We could probably keep more dogs if we kept them in cages as some do, but it is our policy that no dog is ever caged or crated at My-Pat. All of our dogs are house pets and, while not given free run of the entire place, they are kept together in generous spaces. We feel that this makes for a psychologically more well adjusted animal and, as a result, we have few problems with noise very important in a city neighborhood,destructiveness or high levels of tension.Puppies are born upstairs in the mash bedroom and live there until they either g to new homes or are ready to join th troops downstairs.Our most recent homebred champior My-Pats Wicked Minnie, who finishe with a bang by going Winners Bitch Westminster this year her third 4-poir win, is the happy result of th amalgamation of two lines our origin which we linebred to Thelcolynns and th Queenaire lines of Wanda and Dudle Roach through Pickles. Through thi combination we are beginning to see th emergence of a look that is our own an yet remains within the standard we try t get our dogs to meet the standard, not t have the standard changed to meet ou dogs. At My-Pat, we feel that this is how i should be.Our limited space has meant fewe breedings than we would like. Often, it ha meant breeding a bitch only once or twic and then going on to the next generation. 1 has meant selling off all but the bes puppies. But it has also meant the time t appreciate these little dogs to the fullest Smaller numbers means knowing every do we have very well their quirks am foibles their likes and dislikes. And ti know a Pom is to love itWe at My-Pat are proud of our dogs an although we cannot compete with large kennels or wealthy exhibitors, we are hen to prove that good dogs can be bred an enjoyed even on such a small scale.GROOMING TIPBaby powder and Talc contain oil. Cor starch or flea powder will fluff in back o ears much better.Anna LaFortun10 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225If you own more than one Pomeranian, f you exhibit in breed or obedience, or if 'ou breed your dog you need to keep ecords. I suspect that this is one area where nany of us are a little lax. We may be very areful about getting our dogs their shots, ut our records are sloppy and incomplete.The American Kennel Club requires that ertain minimal records be kept. From the lules Applying to Registration and Dog Show, Chapter 3-A, Section 2 Each erson who breeds, keeps, transfers iwnership or possession of, or deals in dogs vhich are registered with the American fennel Club, whether he acts as a principal r sells on consignment, must make in onnection therewith and preserve for five 'ears adequate and accurate records. iection 6, The American Kennel Club, nay refuse to register any dog or litter or to ecord the transfer of any dog, for the sole eason that the application is not supported y the records required by these rules and he regulation adopted under them. I do mow that AKC has on occasion exercised ts right to examine records, found them vanting, and refused to register the dogs nvolved. I also strongly suspect that some om breeders would be in trouble if AKC .sked to see their records. To assist in eeping the records it expects, AKC lublishes at a nominal charge, a spiral- iound book called Dog Ownership and breeding Records. There are two kinds of iages in it 1. Ownership Record of ndividaul Dog, which includes a breeding ecord with spaces for six matings, and 2.Record of a Litter with spaces for information on each puppy. Carefully filled in, these pages will be sufficient record-keeping for AKC, but I consider them the barest minimum. A conscientious Pom person should do more.If you show in breed or obedience, you should keep notes on each show or trial you go to date, location, judge, placement or score, environment or ring conditions affecting dogs performance, comments on the judge. There are a number of ways to keep such records.The easiest way to keep show records is to save the tear sheets from the catalog. You could keep the whole catalog, but thats a little bulky. A properly marked tear sheet shows date, show, judge, placings, and points or scores. You could add comments on the judging in the margins.Many people keep a separate looseleaf notebook or file folder for each dog. These can contain all information pertaining to the individual dog, with separate pages for pedigree, health records, show records, obedience accomplishments, and each litter it sires or produces. This is a fairly comprehensive method of record keeping, and I strongly recommend it to you. Your dogs AKC registration slip should not be kept in this folder. Put a xerox copy in the file and put the original in a safety deposit box or home safe.However you keep records, you should have duplicates of essential information in a separate place. Suppose you had a fire in your home or kennel and lost all your records. Regenerating your records from memory could prove to be very frustrating. Take advantage of those wonderful copy machines. Make copies of pedigrees, registration papers, names and addresses of puppy buyers.Some of us keep a judges file. On an index card, put the judges name and address. Each time you show under himher, note the date, show, indoor orPOMERANIAN REVIEWr BERNARDS POMERANIANS proudly presentsBernards Lil Buttons of DupreCh. Jeribeths Idol Beaver Beau x LLL Lil Gold Copper PennyThis classy little bitch who loves the ring has won 11 points in 7 shows and is soon to finish.Many thanks to Mrs. J.R. Dupre for selecting my home to be Buttons permanent home. Thanks also to her agent, Erika K. Moureau.IfeuOwnersMrs. J.R. Dupre and Peggy Bernard Rt. 5, Box 5515 Pearland, TX 77584 713 489-9253GO,12 POMERANIAN REVIEW3ut, ring conditions, which dog you howed, who handled it, size of entry, ilacements and comments. Comments night include the judges behavior polite, tr even civil Did all dogs get a fail look iVas a consistent type put up What size, olor, type was favored Did he look at novement If you wish, you can include lomments from clients or other handlers, mt be sure to give the source. Your best riends favorite judge might turn out to be omeone you wouldnt give an entry to if he show were in your front yard. Dont lismiss a judge solely on someone elses opinion. Give the judge an entry or two, hen draw your own conclusions. Keeping a udges file could save you some entry fees md increase your win percentage.If you are a dedicated breeder, detailed lata should be written down for each litter.1 use a yellow legal pad. As the big day ipproaches, I head the page with Pennys rhird Litter, note the sire and dam and breeding dates. If I have an x-ray done, I vrite down the date and results. Thereafter, write the date, day of conception e.g., 8th day in the left hand margin and ecord bitchs temperature and behavior. \fter whelping, in the margin goes the date md age of pups e.g., 3 days, 12 days, 6 veeks. At first the notes are copious olors, weights, nursing behavior, my mpressions of conformation, dams condi- ion. By two weeks, if all is going smoothly, mly weights and brief comments on ippearance or behavior are noted. Keep rack of anomalies. If a puppy is born with i white foot, be sure to record that the vhite disappeared by 3 weeks. Sometimes I raph the rate of growth days vs. weight jn graph paper. Very enlightening. These ecords usually end when pups are 3 nonths old with a notation of weight, olor, evaluation of tail set, legs, coat juality, temperament. The sheets are ilaced in the dams folder. I have foundthese notes immensely helpful in planning breedings and predicting size and development. They are also reassuring. Those days when the tiny pup isnt gaining weight, you can look back at your records and see that little Joe had a no-growth or slow- growth period where you fretted and worried, and Joe grew up to be a hale and hearty 5 pounder. Such records can be invaluable in tracking down the cause of a problem. Why did that bitch abort What was different this time from previous successful whelpings Your records and careful thought may provide the clue.For every puppy I sell, there is a sales contract. It spells out puppys call name, whelping date, color, sex, sire and dam, name, address, phone number of the buyer, litter number, price, terms, and date of sale. The buyer gets the original and I keep the carbon copy. Later I add the dogs registered name and number.One delightful form of records is pictures. The 8 x 10s the show photographers take are merely a starting point. Certainly you want your majors, third leg, and other big wins recorded. But the show picture is sometimes hurriedly posed and not always flattering. They also show only the end product. Begin by taking pictures of your puppies when they are little in the whelping box, playing in the yard, with the kids, as well as stacked on the table. You dont have to be a professional photographer. Todays automatic cameras are simple to use and reliably take good pictures. Have a friend take a few shots of the puppy in the ring at his first match. Go against human nature and take pictures of the puppy in the ugly stages, leggy and out-of-coat, as well as when its an adorable bit of fuzz. If you sell the puppy, give some of the baby pictures to the buyer. Hell be thrilled. If you keep the puppy, continue taking pictures. Youll then have a graphic record that the ugly stage doesnt last forever. This pictorial record will helpPOMERANIAN REVIEWAnodor PomeraniancIm7.11rrvHI4Am.Can.Ch. Anadors Dragon SmasherDragon is typey, sound, heavy coated, orange sable with a darling face. He finished at Scottsdale D.F.A. and Tucson K.C., AZ in March with back to back majors under judges Mr. Frank Bilger pictured from Bred by Exhibitor to Best of Breed, and Dr. William E. Field for Winners Dog, leaving Best of Winners to his 6 month old daughter Anadors Fancy Shortcake. Many thanks to all who admired them.Ann and Gene Welshinger 715399-2702Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI5488034 POMERANIAN REVIEW 1REBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803I feel as if I have just seen a horror movie ifter reading of all the problems mcountered by those who went to New fork in February. I think all the brave ouls who attempted it deserve congratulations whether they won or notHope some of you saw Maggy Hallam md her Poms from England on Real People on April 25.1 expected to have some idvance notice of this from Maggy, but didnt. I had received a letter from her a few days before that in which she said she lad heard from them and that it was to nave been aired in March or perhaps April. We checked the highlights listed on the program on the Sunday before the program, but it was not listed. As this is not i program we normally watch, we just assumed it had already been on and we had missed it. Fortunately, a friend of ours in Sebring knew about it and was tuned in to die program and they announced in the beginning that she would be on. She gave us a quick call and told us. I did make about 5-8 local calls, but beyond that, could not let anyone else know. It was very interesting, but so brief only about 3 minutes I think.Coy Poms report the only wins this time. Coys Lucky Eight completed his hampionship in Tallahassee, FL on Feb. 27 handled by Toddie Clark. Lucky has -eturned home and is now co-owned by me. Glad to have a new champion is our midst as we lost our most beloved Ch. M. Coys Precious Kristine on April 15.Chrissie, in our opinion, was the best Pom ever bred here. She was co-owned and finished by Vicki McCoy at the Garden in 1976, having gone Best of Winners in the Summer Specialty in Ravenna, Ohio the preceding August. She went on to BOS at both the Specialty and all breed in New York. Its so very sad to lose those old ones. Still cant decide which is the greater the joy derived from them or the heartbreak when we lose them. We do still have her mother, Ch. Coys Little Miss Muffet, who will soon be 12.Shirley Ann Hoffman of Skylark Kennels in California is planning to pay us a visit on July 10. We are looking forward to having Shirley very much. We have never met her, but have corresponded and talked on the phone with her for many years.Helpful Hints, cont. from p. evaluate future hopefuls. What did his sire look like at 5 months Did his dam also have slight cowhocks which she outgrew How old was she when the black mask cleared It certainly is reassuring to have a beautiful dog before you and look at his baby pictures and see that he was not always gorgeous. Finally, when your dog is at his peak take him to a studio and have his portrait taken. Try the shopping center studios that specialize in children. Ive gotten some wonderful pictures of my dogs, at a reasonable cost, at this type of studio.How much money have you spent this month on entry fees and traveling to the shows How much time have you spent on these endeavors Now, how much time and money have you devoted to dog and animal welfare organizations during the same period Why not sit down right now and write a check to your favorite dog charity.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Sharets PomeraniansPresents a New Champions 111ICh. Emcees Texas Pete Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip x Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceePictured here with judge Howard Tyler and handler Gina Blackstock, Petey finished his championship with three 4 pt majors, 3 BOBS and 1 Group 3 in limited showing. Many thanks to those judges who appreciated his fine qualities. Petey is a lovely 42 orange with excellent movement.A special thank you goes to his breeders Morris and Betty Carson whose kindness, support and advice I deeply appreciate.Sharon Hicks 934 Clear Creek Texarkana, TX 75503 214792-1028Pending AKC confirmation6 POMERANIAN REVIEWComputers Are Going To The DogsThe personal computer is rapidly Decoming a part of every household. The xplosive growth of the personal computer narket was demonstrated at Christmas vhen the personal computer topped Santas vish list. In 1982, the personal computer ndustry had its first million-unit year, hereby doubling the number of micro- omputers in use in American offices and lomes. It is predicted that by 1990, seventy Dercent of U.S. homes will have a personal omputer. This means that you, the dog treeder, will, in all liklihood, own a omputer. It may be difficult, at first, to ustify the expenditure of 2,000 to 3,000 or use at your kennel. You might need to ustify it as part of another business, as a earning tool for you and your children, as intertainment, or you might simply have to ay, I want a computer. Whatever the ustification, you may become one of the rowing number of PC owners.The dog breeder is a natural candidate 'or a personal computer. A computer can 'ready simplify record storage, main- enance, and retrieval. Database managers, lectronic filing systems, and user specific oftware are available to the dog breeder to issist in managing his record keeping.Personal computers are available in a road range of prices and capabilities 'rom inexpensive game playing models ight up through complete small business ystems. Software packages the instruc- ions that tell the computer what to do for i PC range from games, to general purpose ackages such as word processors, filing ystems, and financial records managers, o specific programs such as Compu Ped a irogram specifically designed to generate Compu Ped is available for the Apple II dus and Apple He from BL Mac, 132 atton, Richland, WA pedigrees.For a minimal computer configuration, a person needs the computer, a monitor viewing screen, a disk drive for storage of programs and information, and a line printer for printing letters, pedigrees, and so forth. When selecting these components, a person needs to consider the following points1. When you buy a computer, you are beginning a new way of dealing with information. As you learn more about these new ways of dealing with information your needs and wants will increase. It is, therefore, important to buy a computer that is able to handle more than a bare minimum so that as your needs increase your computer system can keep up with the expanded work load.2. Make sure there is an abundance of packaged software available for the computer you select. Although it can be fun to write your own programs, it can also be difficult, time consuming, and frustrating. For the beginner, an assortment of ready-to-run software is a necessity. At the very least, a users library of off-the-shelf software should include a word processor and some type of data base manager or filing system. If you need specific software, such as Compu Ped to generate pedigrees, you must determine what PCs support the needed software. At first, you might have only limited needs, but be sure to keep your options open by investing in a machine that can support your needs as they increase or change.3. When determining if you can afford a personal computer, remember that a computer is a lot like a Barbie doll. The doll itself is a one-time expense. The more you play work with the doll computer the more things such as dresses and toy cars software, peripherals, disks, etc. youllPOMERANIAN REVIEWwant for it. Keep this in mind when pricing a computer. For maximum enjoyment you will want to buy a computer that has lots of readily available accessories.4. The quality of the lineprinter should be carefully considered. The better it is, the more expensive it is. Buying a printer that does not produce acceptable type may save you money in the short run, but in the long run you can become dissatisfied. Buying a second, better printer, simply doubles your expenditure. Most needs are satisfied with a good quality dot matrix printer selling for less than 1,000.5. There should be a good repair facility available. Buying a brand x computer might save you money, but if it is not easily fixed when it breaks, it will be worse than useless. It you are putting your competer to good use youll be lost without it and will need to have it quickly repaired.6. Consider what computer your friends have or what computer is actively supported by a local store andor users group. These will be people you can go to for help when you are first learning or when you run into difficulties later on.Once you have your computer, you will quickly discover many uses for it. All your correspondence can be quickly done using a word processor. A word processor is simply a program that lets you type letters, make corrections, save, change, and print text. Word processors are an absolute blessing. Copies of all your correspondence can quickly be stored on the computers disk for permanent records. Form letters can be generated and personilized with minimal effort. Typing errors can be easily corrected and perfect letters produced.An example of user specific software is the pedigree generating program, Compu Ped. This program is designed to run on an Apple computer Apple is a registered trademark of Apple Computer Corp. and has been designed specifically to quickly produce a printed copy of a dogs pedigree. It enables the breeder to quickly enter,change, store, and print pedigrees. Comp Ped is written so that the most novice us can quickly and easily begin to productive] use it.Additional general interest software fc personal computers includes data bas managers, electronic filing systems, an financial report managers. Being gener purpose in nature, these packages can t somewhat difficult to learn but they ai quite powerful. All of your dog records ca be stored in a data base and th information retrieved in a variety of way For example, you could retrieve info mation by dog name, birthdate, immun zation date, age, or whatever keyword yo specify.The 1980s will see many significar changes. The introduction of the person computer into every home, office an business will be one of the most widesprea of these changes.PTANOSMSBlack male whelped 22182. Sound, huge coat, a little large, excellent for breeding. Sired by Annons Marquis de Tartan x Tanos Gypsy Leigh.Orange sable male whelped 31283. Personality plus, possible show prospect. Sired by multi-group winner, Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp x Tanos Orange Pixie Punch.Black and tan show prospects due this summer.Linda Napolitano 8310 Liberia Ave.Manassas, VA 22110 703 369-553518 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensPlans for the November Specialty have hanged and we will now be holding it in injunction with the Golden Valley Kennel lub, as we did last year. This is a three day ircuit so here is a good chance to pick up a najor. It was a successful show last year so ets make it even more so this year. Come md support your favorite breed. Lets have ixhibitors from out of state. Our judge is a popular and respected judge, Ed Biven. Vell look forward to getting to know more f you on this weekend of fun.Another successful match was held with \nne Hayden as Chairman, in spite of eing under the weather with a flu bug. She iraved it all and saw that things went well. 3ood going, Anne. The pot luck, organized y Julie Moreno, was sumptuous and there vas more than enough of everything to eat ind drink. Dolly Trauner provided Easter urprises. All in all a fun time was had by ill including our judge A1 Graber. Best uppy was Rocky, owned by M.M. 3resser Best of Opposite Sex Puppy was vlorenos Kiwi By Choice, owned by J. Toreno. Best Adult was Jestoms Tims mage, D owned by the Edmistons. Best Opposite Sex Adult was Appoloette Zacks Magic Touch, owned by M.M. Presser. rwo specials were brought out in the arade of Champions for the admiration of ill. They were Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero iwned by Dolly Trauner, and Ch. dorenos Critics Choice, owned by Julie ,nd Gonzie Moreno.Julie recently won the Breed and a nice Iroup 2 in Las Vegas with Smokey and it ooks like he is on the trail again. I am sure le will be top winning Pom for this club nd the area again, always owner handled, vnne Haydens little male, Maranathas Lil izekiel picked up a 5 point major in Arizona and was also BOW at his last how. Another new one in the area is Ch.Models Bit O Whiz, bred by Bob Goodrich, and now owned by Dudley and Wanda Roach of Queenaire Kennels, handled by Phyllis Greer. He also is doing some nice winning and group placing. It is always good to see a Pom in the Group getting noticed. Chief Tomkins and his wife have been showing a lovely orange female. She should be finished soon, as she really is an eye catcher. Hopefully we will be seeing something from Ruth Dotsons Sundot Poms coming out soon. Hopefully someone else has some surprises to make the Pom judging interesting.Our elections will be on the 14th May and a new slate will be elected. To our previous President Bob Hayden, we all say a big thank you. Bob has been ill for some time now and I am glad to report he is home again. He kept the club together and took an interest even from his hospital bed not an easy task but undertaken with the club at heart. All our best wishes to you and Anne and to your continued interest in the Pomeranian Club. Again, a big thank you.Chuck Reynolds is now on his own after his set back and I am glad to say he is doing fine. He has a new address 158 Chandler St., Vacaville, CA 94806, phone 707 447-4637. How about giving him a call to say hi and share some doggy news. Or just drop him a note. He is always glad to hear from NCPC members. It meant so much to him in the past. He was one of the founders and was very active for a long time. The club was started in 1960 and from early news letters it seems they had a lot of fun with a very active group. Times and people have changed but this club is still going strong. We are always happy to see new members and new faces coming along.Remember, November 26th is our specialty with Ed Biven as judge. Come and give us your support to make this one of our best shows yet. We need you out there. Come and get acquainted, it will be a fun weekend for all.POMERANIAN REVIEWNorthern California Pomeranian Club, Inc.Thanksgiving Weekend November 26,1983Held in conjunction with Golden Valley K.C.This is a three day circuit.Yosemite K.C., Nov. 25 Judge, Julie Moreno Golden Valley K.C., Nov. 26 Judge, Ed Biven.Sweepstakes Judge Bobby Schultz San Joaquin K.C., Nov. 27 Judge, James Moran Subject to AKC approvalCome spend the weekend in Northern California. Lets see lots of new faces and lots of Poms. Hope to see you all, so come and make this a real Thanksgiving weekend by sharing with us . . .The Turkey CircuitSuperintendentNora Randolph P.O. Box 16038 San Francisco, CA 941160 POMERANIAN REVIEWDALLAS - FT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. by Peggy HendricksThe Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club losted its 24th Spring Specialty on March ,5, 1983 in the Womens Building, State rair Grounds, Dallas, Texas.As everyone arrived at the building, our nembers gave a sigh of relief knowing the rork was done and the enjoyment ieginning with the warm greeting of old riends and the introductions to new ones.There were 51 dogs entered, with a total if 77 entries. The evening began as our Sweepstakes judge, Mr. A.C. Williamson if Pineville, Louisiana took his first look at ,6 adorable puppies. After considerable leliberation he chose as his Best Puppy in Sweepstakes Olga Bakers Jeribeths E.T., ,nd Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes lacs Peppermint Patti, owned by Estelle McDonald. Both nice outstanding puppies, lut still not an easy decision with so many irecious cuties to choose from.Our Regular class judge, Mrs. Joy Javison of Spring, Texas then took over ier task of placing the many gorgeous oms a task which she handled expertly md with a great deal of study. Her ilacements were are followsWinners Dog Macs Maybe I Will, iwned by Estelle McDonald. Reserve Vinners Dog Riders Sungold Diamond "hip, owned by Darrell and Olga Baker. Vinners Bitch Chesai Cherry Cheese Jake, owned by Joan M. Reilly. Reserve Vinners Bitch Dav-Dollys Baby Sister, wned by David L. Fleming. Best of Breed Ch. Bev Nors Toasted Fudge, owned by idward B. Jenner. Best of Winners vlac's Maybe I Will, owned by Estelle McDonald. Best of Opposite Sex Ch. Vests Sugar Bear, owned by Jean West. Best Puppy Riders Sungold Diamond Jhip, owned by Olga Baker.To both of our judges, we would like to ay a fond thank you for a job welldone.The show was followed by a dinner at Kirbys Steakhouse where everyone enjoyed good food and good fellowship. Members and friends had an opportunity to visit with each other which is always a pleasure. The club held a drawing for a Basket of Cheer raffle which was fun. Then everyone surprised our President, Doug Baynham, by singing Happy Birthday to him as it was his birthday. It was a lot of fun and everyone seemed to enjoy himself.Our congratulations to Estelle McDonald on her new champion Ch. Macs Maybe I Will, Willie who attained his championship in 4 straight shows with 16 points including 3 majors. Congratulations also to Frances Freeman on finishing her Ch. Patricks Mr. Sho-Off of Pom Grove, who finished with 17 points.SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB by Anna La FortuneThe San Diego Pomeranian Club held a special meeting April 28, 1983 to get our last minute Specialty plans out of the way.We are going to raffle off two pieces of Samsonite luggage. Tickets are 3 for 1.00. Also, lunch will be served for 1.00 per plate.Please plan to attend our Specialty show September 11, 1983. Our Sweepstakes judge will be Dudley Roach and our Regular Classes will be judges by Mr. Jack Russell. There will be lots of rosettes and the following trophiesBest of Breed Four piece Apothecary set with carved Poms.Best of Opposite Sex 6 Ginger jar.Best of Winners Four piece goblet set. Winners Dog Powder Box with Pom Winners Bitch Powder Box with Pom First Place in all regular classes 2'A Ceramic Pom on Base Best Veteran Dog Ring Box with Pom Best Veteran Bitch Ring box with PomIPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4DOro Pomeranians'7NBEST WINNERSOF11 ' lKENNEL ASSOC INCAPRIL 1383Ch. Lennis Jonathan P. QuibblePictured finishing with his third major under judge Robert G. Wills.Thanks to Mr. Gilbert Kahn, Mrs. Betty Dulhnger, and Mr. Wills for majors. Also to Mr. Frank Landgraf and Miss Anna K. Nicholas for BOB over specials.A super thanks to Mrs. James Clark for BOB at the Pomeranian Specialty Show, Springfield K.C., May 14, 1983. And last but not least thanks to two fine ladies Lennis Davis and Helen Melucci for all their efforts and extrasHandlerAgentHelen Melucci Millard Road N. Attleboro, MA 02760 617 695-0210OwnerAlbert DOro 580 Providence St.W. Warwick, RI 02893 401828-0133V12 POMERANIAN REVIEWBest Brace Ashtray with 2 ceramic Poms High in Trial Ceramic Pom on Base Best in Sweepstakes Two stacking Cups with PomBest of Opposite Sex in Sweeps Ashtray with PomFirst place in Sweeps classes Pom on Base.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON by Sue GoddardOur February meeting was held at the tome of Jim and Roxie Campbell, with a pitch-in dinner and the opportunity to watch the Westminster groups on tape. Most of our meetings are in a meeting room, so this was a nice change and somehow this type of meeting really brings out a good crowd.Our club completed the first of a two show sequence in March with a Spring Specialty held in conjunction with the combined specialties, later to be coupled with our August show, August 11, 1983, held at the fabulous Astro Hall. Our emphasis is still to be placed on the August show as this was a trial run for a Spring show, held in the middle of the Texas circuit. It afforded the Pom exhibitors another opportunity for majors. Anna K. Nicholas found her Best of Breed in Ed Jenners Ch. Bev Nors Toasted Fudge. Best of Opposite Sex was the Winners Bitch, Wee Dancing Robin of Oakridge, owned and bred by Nina K. Epps. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Estelle McDonalds Macs Maybe I Will.Our plans are well underway for the August Specialty with noted judge, Ken W. Miller doing the regular classes, and his wife Eleanor has agreed to pass judgement on the sweepstakes entries, subject to AKC approval.This show will be followed by our annual banquet and we are hoping for a super turnout. The specialty is held on Thursday and is followed by three more all breed shows. Let this be an invitation for all of you to come and Go TexanRecent champions for club members are Texicans Fame N Fortune for breeder owner Erika Moureau, finished entirely from the Bred by Exhibitor class. Darrell and Olga Baker have finished their precocious puppy dog, Riders Sungold Diamond Chip at the tender age of 8 months. He was bred by Blanche Rider. Dallas member, Mildred Patrick finished her homebred Patricks Mr. Sho-Off of Pom Grove for owner Frances Freeman. Mildreds husband, Jimmy has been quite ill and all our prayers go out to them.Several of our members are looking forward to the Summer Specialty in Denver. Planning for the trip are the Bakers, Sue Goddard, Wayne, Erika and Jennifer Moureau, and Connie and Tony Tellez. We should be well represented.vrnewivvLamAt press time, we have two really nice youngsters females looking for show homes. Call 9-11 p.m. or write for an update, if youre looking for a winner.Also, 52 proven brood, cream, reasonable.Ron and Jackie Klein 4136 West Lake Rd. Silver Springs, NY 14550 716 237-5473POMERANIAN REVIEW 4f^funAwefitr3SnCh. Andrews Wee Red Strutter x Ch. Scotia Braums Biddy Boo Meggy1980 APC Summer Spec. BOB 1981 APC Spec. Winners BitchOwner handled all the way, he finished his championship in style, going BOB and taking third in the Toy Group. On the same weekend he placed 1st in Novice B both days and tied for Eligh in Trial once.Skeeter is a proven sire and is offered at stud to approved, Brucellosis tested bitches.Linda Gallacher 503757-7350P.O. Box 1949 Corvallis, OR 97339u POMERANIAN REVIEWOCTOBER BROOD BITCH ISSUEThe October issue will again feature he Brood Bitch. We look forward to seeing i great many of the valuable producers who ire contributing so significantly to the mprovement of this breed. Customarily, ve only see ads in the Review on bitches hat are shown. While we certainly dont nean to diminish the importance of these ine bitches, we know that there are some jretty important matrons working behind- he-scenes who also deserve recognition. In act, a great many of the dogs finishing hampionships in the recent years have ome from non-champion bitches.Although we cant offer the 'A page pecial rate like the Stud Register, we know rou breeders will want to send pictures and jedigrees of your broods. Why not also nclude a list andor pictures of their jroduce, whether they are champions, jointed or just plain loved By supporting his issue, your bitches whose get make a valuable contribution in the future, will be jictured here. Then when you are asked vhat Ch. Big Star of the Days mother ooked like you can say, She was pictured n the October 1983 Bitch Issue.Since you may not have current photos jf all your girls and will have to get some, et me say a few words about pictures. Is it because Poms are small dogs that I get so nany teeny, tiny pictures They are cute, jut they just arent practical. Small pictures ire usually low in detail and when they are mlarged for full page ads, they appear dark ind muddy. Since you asked, a good size to jrder is 5 x 7 and Im not talking about how pictures. Im talking about the jictures you are going to take in your jackyard. Since some of the broods you vill want to advertise may not be seen ixcept in Brood Bitch ads, it will be mportant to make this picture as epresentative of her fine qualities as it can je.The deadline is August 15. Send yourads, pictures, pedigrees and checks made out to American Pomeranian Club, to the Editor. Dont forget to enclose the 7.00 photo reproduction charge.Plan your ad right nowREMINDERAll members of the APC desiring a certificate from the Club for Champions and Obedience Titles published in the Gazette during 1982 which were owned by you, please submit your name as owner, dogs name and month published in the Gazette to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Highway B, Mishicot, WI 54228.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, Inc.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wanda Roach, 612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350. If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047.OCTOBER KENNEL VISITThe October Kennel Visit will be with Irma Selles of Sel-Sal Pomeranians. She is from San Juan, Puerto Rico and we feel sure that the membership will want to support this visit with many congratulatory ads.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4 c0 Jimdandy's PomeraniansProudly Presents Our First Champion-NACh. Jimdandys Jodie RevelerJodie completed his championship in seven weeks at Houston all-breed dog show on March 19, 1983 under judge Dr. William E. Field, Jr. He was expertly handled by Sandy Tremont. Jodie won Best of Breed at the Baytown K.C., Mid-Del Tinker K.C., Midwest City Oklahoma KC and Denton K.C., Denton, TX, where he went on to win the group.We wish to thank the following judges for seeing our little fellows merit Mr. Ed Embry Bivin, Mr. Darrell Baker, Dr. William E. Field, Jr., Mrs. Lucille Meystedt, Mr. Morris E. Howard, Mrs. Heywood Hartley and Mr. Isidore Schoenberg. We wish to thank our handler, Mrs. Sandy Tremont.Jodie has personality plus short back, tiny ears, alert expression, sound legs, and a heavy coat. He has the Bonner Starmist bloodline.Jodie is at stud to approved bitches.Jim D. and Gladys E. Smith 214583-9447107 Carpenter Loop Bonham, TX 7541846 POMERANIAN REVIEWIN MEMORIAMCh. Coys Petticoat Princess POM REVIEWS FOR SALE911668 5582Ch. Skylark Sissy of Murville8570 9782Dated back to 1961Ch. M. Coys Precious Kristine 2.00 each plus postage.7167341583Will live forever in our hearts.COY POMS Francis J. Casey3429 Oak View Dr.60 Wilbur St.Lakeland, FL 33803 Raynham, MA 02767617 824-1987EDITORS NOTEIf you need to contact me about the Review, I will be available to receive your phone calls between 900 a.m. and 900 p.m. daily, except Sunday. Since Arizona does not go on Daylight Saving Time, be aware that there is a three hour time difference between here and the east coast. Our time is the same as it is in California. When calling, please use my office phone number which is 602 886-5021. I look forward to hearing from you and will try to help you in any way that I can.Thank you.The deadlines never change...They are February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15.Please make a note of them and plan your ads so that they will arrive on time.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4COY POMS PRESENT.mWINNERSTHRONATEESKA KENNEL CLUBFEBRUARY 1983WTO BY SABRINAAm.Can. Ch. Coys Lucky EightBrowns Wee Flambeau Mark x Skylark Love CharmOur thanks to Eleanor Miller for grooming Lucky and showing him to his first several wins, to Chris and John Heartz for finishing him to his Canadian championship, to all the judges who gave him points, to Houston and Toddie Clark who took such excellent care of him and finished him. And a great big thanks to judges Sue Kaufman and Maxine Beam, who gave him those two lovely 4 point majors.At stud to approved bitches.OwnerBreeder James M. Coy 3429 Oak View Dr.Lakeland, FL 33803 813644-5389Co-Owner JaneE. Johnston8 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTARLITE POMERANIANSGayle L. Griffin 503843-215115625 W. Perrydale Road Amity, OR 97101Pedigree offSTARLITE GAMBLERS FLIRTOUTSTANDING PUPPIESSired by Davonshires Starlite Amigo who doubles on B.I.S. C. Lennis Tequila Sunrise.Amigo x Starlite Gamblers Flirt pictured above, sire pure English, dbls on Ch. Mid Winter Boy. 1 male puppy.Amigo x BWitch black, Ch. Phyner Night Editor daughter.SKIPPERS TRUSTCh. Tiny Tumble Toy Ch. Dandy Sensation of Toytown Gold Toys Tiny Patricia Ch. Toytowns Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Tim Sue Darlin DragonTonos Bonne Miss Babbe Ch. Luells Kukla Boy of DukeCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Jeribeths Darlin Doodle Bug Jeribeths Honey Bee Toytowns Cuppi of JeribethInt. Ch. Sungold Maverick Sungolds Mavis Sungolds ChristyCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Tim Sues Gold Pebble Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Dream Silver Meadown Gay Lil Music Nolans Fancy Babette DragonBonners Wee Pepper Preshus Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Jeribeths Miss Crickett Myway Misty Bayou DragonflyCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Myway Misty Dawn CD Jeribeths Moon BeamSired by Skippers TrustSkipper x Gypsy Queen pedigree April 82 Review, p. 55 1 female, 2 males.Skipper x Midnight Gypsy See same ad, Lennis Midnight Delite x Gypsy Queen. Skipper x Ch. Starlites Lucky Shanticy see April 83 Review.Some will be for sale.t yPOMERANIAN REVIEW 44Sungolds New Champions- .\t,11-J'ymr-yr,HfanCh.Sungold Diamond StudThis Josh son finished at 9 months with four majors, 4-4-5-5. He is pictured at 10 months.BreederOwner Anna LaFortunePedigree in Behind the New champions.I. Ch. Maranathas Lil CalebBeaver Grandson.Congratulations to new owners Paulette and Wayne Mallet, Abberville, LA. Breeder Gloria Carlin Shown by owner Ray LaFortune.Pedgree in Behind the New Champions.Next up. ..Moe4 month old son of Josh.Anna and Ray LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 9204550 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional details as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will be published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on file with the Review, the charge is 10.50.CH. BEV-NORS FUDGE DELIGHTRed Sable FemaleBreeder Beverly NorrisOwner Charlotte Creed, Pineville, LACh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Prechus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Lennis Tom Tom Brittons Little Miss Muffet Lennis Springold JulieCH. GREAT ELMS JEANY OF DENDYFemaleBreeder Dan Triece Ethel Dendy Owner Ruth L. Beam, Pineville, NCCh. Models Son of Fun Models Midas Gold Cobles Pretty Gi-Gi Ch. Anwins Lil SiriusModels Majestic Prince Anwins Little Bit of Love Tinners Cotton Candy Ch. G.E. Timstopper Too Dan Rastus of DendysDans Little Bit of Dendys Dendys Spice IIMcKameys Enchanting Flash Dendys Tiara Lea Tiara Lea ConnellAM.CAN. CH. COYS LUCKY EIGHT CH. GREAT ELMS MODELSBlack MaleBreederOwner James M. Coy, Lakeland, FLCh. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Browns Wee Flambeau Mark Bonners Fancypepper Ch. Bonners Fancyflame Pepper-B Bonners Firetopper Wee Flame Cuddles Tiny Bubbles Ch. Toy Stars Picture Boy Mr. Dees Donna Skylark Love CharmCh. Sun Dots Ramboling Man Toy Stars Black Pearl Pretty Pepper PodTIMSTOPPERMaleBreederOwner Ruth L. Beam, Pineville, NCCh. G.E. Timstopper Again Ch. G.E. Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Ch. G.E. Timstopper TooCh. G.E. Timstoppers Image Great Elms Wee Julie Tiny Toys Sissie Joy Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Fun Bug Ch. Models Lady Bug Models Sweet LeilaniCh. Julies Star Brother Megs Sweet JulieMegs Little Tiger LadyViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5CH. MARANATHAS LIL CALEBMaleBreeder Gloria CarlinOwner Ray LaFortune, Lemon Grove, CAAmCan Ch. Queenaire Scoth Soda Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch Creiders Sip O Sherry Ch. Queenaire Triple ScotchCh. Queenaire Scotch and Soda Creiders Brenda Creiders Balerina Ch. Lancer of Sunray Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Sunrays Regina Maranathas Lil CharityCaptain Fury of San Miguel Gold Gem Caviliers Rusty Sungolds RustyCH. MILLWOOD TOPODYNEBright Orange MaleBreederOwner Jean S. Mill, Covina, CARandys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Peppi Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy Int. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Fancy Lady Randys Pride Joy of Duke Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Queenaire Winks of MillwoodCh. Queenaire Double Scotch Queenaire Charade Queenaire Luvy DukCH. SUNGOLD DIAMOND STUDMaleBreederOwner Anna La Fortune, Lemon Grove, CACh. Models Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Models Solid Gold Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrooks Suzetta Millbrooks White Flair Ch. Sungolds Campus Ch. Sungolds Candy Man Sungolds Dena Sungolds PeggyCh. Sungolds Candy Man Sungolds TammyCh. Sungolds Gay LindaCH. SUNSPARK OF BRIELLERed Sable MaleBreedersOwners Catherine Kennetl Lefferts, Shirley, NYMay Morning Moonwalker Ch. May Morning Space Pilot May Morning Legacy of Jonnie Ch. Joyful Jet of BrielleCh. May Morning Happy Chappie Joyful Noise of BrielleCaberts Little Miss Muffett May Morning Benjamin May Morning Barnaby May Morning Alice Suntwinkle of BrielleQuniz The Golden Key Quniz Golden FlareQuniz Talk of the TownCH. SUNSWEPT ANTICIPATION CDRed MaleBreederOwner Linda Gallacher, Corvallis, ORAmCan Ch. Andrews Pics Jimbo Andrews Wee Red LaddieAC Ch. Scotia Cavs A Tisket A Tasket Ch. Andrews Wee Red Strutter Andrews Mr. Continental Andrews Angelic Debutante Baulchs Little Red Ant Ch. Scotia Colleen J.J.s Major Dink Ch. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Ch. Scotia Braums Biddy Boo Meggy Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Robins Meggie of ScotiaRays Precious Tinker Belle IIPacific NWNews, cont. from p. 10.beautiful Poms. Congratulations to all.Que Sera Kennel is on the move agair The last time we moved, the highwa department decided to put a freewa through our house. This time a job transfe sends us about sixty miles south to th charming little city of Puyallup and w had just learned to spell Snohomish Hopefully this move will go as smoothly a the last one. I hope we will stay in our nei little place long enough to unpack all th boxes. Our new address will appear in th next issue. God love you and keep you saf always.52 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMAUNOK POMERANIANSWATCH FOR. . .POMAUNOK TAKE A CHANCECh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x A Social Lion daughter Raffles is with Gloria Setmayer getting her ring training.Announcing. . .LITTER WHELPED 42183Sire Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeDam a litter sister to Ch. Lennis smokey Mountain Raine a double Tar babygranddaughter.3 males, 1 female.Inquiries invited.Fran Bosmann 516698-211531 Washington Hts. St. Selden, NY 11784Bi-N\ar PomeraniansBI-MAR CARMEL CANDYCh. Golden Glow Nip x Bi-Mar Kandi Kane dau. of Ch. Sunrays Lil Beaver Whelped 42779This brood female has raised show winning puppies for me. Good mother and half sister to Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Price S400.00BI-MAR CODYCh. Tomanolls Tomeo x Bi-Mar Brandy Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Teddy Bear dauWhelped 11282Deep solid red male with excellent temperament, good bite and proven stud.Price 400.00Several young show prospects, both males and females, that start at 400.00 and up.Mary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Avenue South206 927-2369 Federal Way, WA 98003POMERANIAN REVIEW 53Sandtown Pomeranians'T fS fl H.O.tlraShown winning BOB under Mrs. J.E. Clark at the Sandimac K.C., Decatur IL. Our thanks to the following judges.227 Norman Patton, BOB, Gr. 21 pt 316 Dr. Harry Smith, Jr., W.D. 2pt 327 Bonnie Brookins, WD 2 pt 410 Mrs. J.E.Clark, BOB 4 pt 416 Keke Blumberg, WD 3 pt417 Del Glodowski, BOB 4ptCh. Sandtoums Oklahoma GoldOwner-Breeder HandlerLois and Bill Abjornson Nadine Hersil P.O. Box 432 3128 LuzerneSand Springs, OK 74063 Cudahy, WICh. Creiders Cut Across ShortyShorty has another champion son Creiders Smoke N FlameHe finished at El Reno, OK with his 4th major.Puppies for sale sometimes.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918 446-6839-54 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX TO ADVERTISERS "X.Abjornson, Lois and Bill Sandtown .. .53Bartels, Patty Pattys............................21Beam, Ruth Great Elms....................... 11Bernard, Peggy.......................................31Bosmann, Fran Pomaunok................... 52Braczyk, Edward Sun Fox...................6,7Brown, Wilma Jean................................23Cannon, Ann Annons..........................20Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee......... 8,9Cox, Janet Hy-Jan-Lee.........................13Coy, James M. Coy ............................. 47Creider, Norma Creider....................... 53DOro, Albert DOro........................... 41Dupre, Mrs. James Dupres............ 12,31Field, Howard and Lola CF................. 17'rech, Paul and Randy Jolly Wee .FC,15Callacher, Linda................................23,43Conzalez, Manuel Kharisma................19Criffin, Gayle Starlite.......................... 48Cryder, Isabel and Robert ..................... 16deartz, Chris and John Chriscendo .. .26dicks, Sharon Sharels......................... 35Clein, Jackie Silver Meadows..........24,25-aFortune, Anna Sungold.....................49.ds, Claudia Sun Fox...........................6,7vlassey, Roberta Midas........................23vdill, Bob and Jean Millwood..............14sdoebuis, Terri Moebuis...................... 225ennington, Harry...................................27losenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar.................... 52Smith, Jim and Gladys Jimdandy . .26,45Stranahan, Babe Stranalund.............. IFCVasfaret, Wayne.................................... 26Velshinger, Ann and Gene Anadors .. 33oung, Barbara and Jessie Jabil........... 22oung, Janice Cherokee....................... 55CIRCULATIONMANAGERftMr. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 Foreign U.S. funds only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Review arrives in 3-5 days. Change to First Class at time of renewal.All Members subscriptions begin with the April issue each year.BACK ISSUES1970 1976 2.00 1977 1979 3.00 1979 1982 3.50 1982 1983 4.00The expiration date of your subscription is shown on the mailing label of your Review. If your subscription expires with this issue, send a check to the Circulation manager immediately. You dont want to miss a single issueNOTICETo all advertisers who had full color rictures in the Anniversary IssueI still have the 4-color negatives from hese pictures. These could be used at far ess expense than you think, as the color eparation is the most expensive part of any ull color printing. I will be happy to send hem to you. Just send me 1.00 to cover he cost of mailing.Sophie H. Mayes 1574 Camp Linden Road West Chester, PA 19380I will keep them until August 15 only, so answer promptly.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5_tCherokee's Darin9DrummerShown going Best of Breed under judge James L. Vaughters Sr. Vibrant orange. 3 Vi pounds. Proven stud. Puppies due in June.Breeder-OwnerJanice Young 1080 Carl St.St. Clair, MO 63077Handler-AgentJanice Luginsland RR 1Americus, KS 66835Were adding a little MUSIC.1I7Photo by Heather Drope Marchione.Millamors Rock ConcertCh. Millamors Rock Music x Millamors Rock RosetteOne look at his pedigree will tell you why we are so excited about our newest addition. Rocky is sired by Ch. Millamors Rock Music who was a Group winner from the puppy class and is a champion producer. His dam is a litter sister of our Medallion. She produced our lovely Best in Show winning puppy Can. Ch. Millamors Moon Shadow. This is a half brothersister cross on the outstanding Ch. Millamors Moon Rock. This puppy looks like he will live up to his impressive heritage.Co-owned with Eleanor MillerZhrkcendo- . ' f 1 h I t rChristine D. and John E. Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, N.S. Canada B2N 5N2 902895-7427