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The Pomeranian Review October 1983
American omerantan Club, 3fnc,Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY OCTOBER 1983v1sD'J'T d 5 raft SIrs Mixon's Roudy RazzmatazzShown winning Best of Breed over a beautiful special at the Thronateeska Kennel Club Show, AlbanyGA, under judge Dr. T. Allen Kirk, Jr.Handled by owner Harry E. PenningtonPOMERANIAN REVIEWEeky Jactet making beautiful music together Rockys teammate Co-Owner Janet Heffington of Grey-Ghost4Ch. L-Rs Rock Concert av Stran1 Specialty BOB 3 Group IIIRockys Record It 17 months of age5 Group 1 3 Group II4 Group IV 27 BOBsUndefeated in the classes Undefeated, entered as a SpecialDrayton Plains, MichiganRockys LadyMrs. Babe Stranahan of StranalundPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Qllub, Jnr.President..........................First Vice President........Second Vice President... Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB........................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey.......................................................................Mr. Sam Zaneoff.....................................................................Mrs. Sue Goddard.....................................................................Mrs. Karen Holder...................................................................Mrs. Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ............................................................... Mr. A. C. WilliamsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Randy Freeh Mrs. Anna LaFortune Delegate to AKC.........................Mr. Dan Mercer Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Beverly Norris .....................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager......... Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager..................................Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATES.Cover Photo 1 page of text.................. 90.00Inside front cover....................................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page..................................................... 40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page............................................. 25.00One-quarter page vertical only................ 15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.November 15 February 15 May 15 August 15DEADLINES JanuaryAprilJulyOctober4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVERSTORYMixons Roudy Razzmatazz Razz to all his friends, is what I had always dreamed of in the 10 years that I have been showing Poms. He is sired by Ch. Ronnies Roudy Rascal, a son of Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Reddy Freddy, and his dam is McKameys Twinkle Gold Star.My two very good friends Ronnie and Rebecca Mixon, Mixons Pomeranians of Albany Georgia, brought him to me at the Tallahassee dog show. When I first saw him I knew he was the type Pom I had always wanted before Rebecca even put him down on the ground to watch him move.This outstanding Pom is 52 lbs. very short bodied, cobby, carries a heavy coat which is brilliant orange in color, has a high tail set, small ears and is very unusually well up on his toes and has Personality Plus. He has yet to meet a stranger. The judges speak highly of his fire and stamina and most of all his outstanding movement around the show ring. His great legs have earned him one 4 point major and two 3 point majors from 3 of the top toy breed judges in the country. Truly a beautiful Pomeranian.Razz has 2 points yet to win for his championship title and I feel sure he will have earned them by the time this has been printed. I am tremendously proud of this fine Pom. I feel that he will go far in the ring, as well as contribute his many solid qualities to the breed.Last fall up to January 31, 1983 he won 6 Best in Match awards in every match he was shown in. He won Best in Match at the Atlanta Kennel Club All-Breed Match on January 31, 1983 over an entry of 383 dogs and the day before at the Magnolia Gordon Setter Club match over an entry of 462 dogs.Breeding and showing dogs is a hobby that I thoroughly enjoy. I only breed a few litters a year but I breed for the best thatNumber One Pomeranian which is hard to come by. I enjoy showing the Pomeranian more than anything in the world. Maybe one of these days real soon I will have a Best in Stow Pom.My thanks and love to all the nice Pom people Ive met at the shows and to the breeders whose help was invaluable and to the judges for my wins. Last but not least, to my very good friends Ruth Beam of Great Elms Kennels, Regd, Morris Carson of Emcees Pomeranians, Lennis Davis of Lennis Pomeranians, Edna Girardot of Scotia Kennels, Regd, Jodi Hudspeth, Toddie Clark and Marlene Scott Halsey for the many questions they have answered for me at the time I needed help.Harry Pennington 3115 Piedmont Rd. N.E.Atlanta, GA 30305 404 233-4798TABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message.........................................5A.P.C. Summer Specialty Report...................8Columbia Pom Club Specialty..................... 16One Experience in Black Skin......................20by Fran BosmannUnlocking the Door to Success.....................26by Gwen SolmerA Visit with Sel-Sal Poms..............................34Denver Metro Pom Club...............................38Investigate Before You Invest...................... 40How To Spend a Two Dog Night..................42by Irving TownsendThe Brood Bitch.............................................44by Olga BakerHelpful Hints..................................................52Midwest Report..............................................56San Diego Pom Club......................................58Pacific Northwest News and Views..............62Behind the New Champions......................... 66Rebel Report.................................................. 68Obedience News ............................................70I Love You My Darling.................................72A Simple Warning......................................... 72Pom Club of Greater Houston..................... 74Puget Sound Pom Club.................................80Across Canada................................................82The Brood Bitch poem............................. 84Yips and Yaps.................................................88Index of Advertisers...................................... 95Circulation Managers Report.....................95POMERANIAN REVIEW 5 iPRESIDENTSMESSAGEMarlene Scott Halsey Rt. 1, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064I wish we were wealthy and could afford a magazine every month. Then our news would be hot off the press. I am sure some of you have already heard news from the Summer Specialty. It truly was a grand affair the people, the Poms, the conversation, the judging, and the hospitality. I dont know how a small number of people accomplished such an impressive show one that I will never forget. My sincere thanks to Michael Thorstad and the Denver Metro Pomeranian Club.There was a large entry at the Specialty and it held for the next three days at the all breed shows. There was every size, color and shape of Pom at the Specialty Show. I might add that each Pom was groomed differently some excessively, some not at all. Then there were some trimmed correctly, or as our standard permits. I say this with some reservations as it seems trimming a Pom for the show ring has become something of a guessing game. The question is how much hair to take off or how much to leave on. One thing did arouse my curiosity though. There were a few Poms shown one day trimmed as the standard suggests. Then the next day the same Pom was trimmed entirely differently, more hair off or it was sculptured. The handler or owner obviously thought the dog needed a different look to win. After all, winning is important. We do have a very explicit guide for trimming in the standard written by the American Pomeranian Club. We all agreed to abide by this standard and our judges assured us they would judge by our standard. I know whatyou are saying. When I go in the ring with my Pom, I am there to win over the other Poms. I am not there to be in competition with the American Pomeranian standard. What is one to doMy children say I take back things I said previously. Well, Im about to do it again. I said we were breeding better Poms today. I did not show at the Summer Specialty and this gave me a rare opportunity to sit and observe all the Poms being shown. It seems we have almost lost good movement. That was the one fault that concerned me most. I had no idea so many good looking Poms had such poor legs. I hope you will not take this personally. My intentions are not to belittle your breeding program or your beautiful Poms. I am only telling you what I saw sitting on the outside instead of being on the inside of the ring showing. I will be more movement conscious now. I know there is no perfect dog in any breed. I also think everyone has at least one hang up in judging a dog. Mine must be movement. I am sure I will not always be able to show a dog with perfect movement or even one with good movement. I sure will try to do everything I can to improve movement in my Poms. Now the question is what to do This is a subject that would fill this entire Review. The suggestions I can make, I feel you already know. The best suggestion is plenty of exercise. Sometimes it takes more than just letting the dogs out to run often. The reason for this is that some dogs, like some humans, are lazy. Then you have to take leash in hand and walk the dog every day. When the weather is as hot as it has been this summer, one has to exercise after sundown. I am assuming you try to breed for good legs. Dont breed a poor mover to a poor mover. Look over your Poms, watch them move freely. If you dont have one you think is a good mover, maybe you need to go outside your kennel to breed. We cant breed good moving Poms overnight. It takes time to breed out any fault, but today is a good time to start.continued on p. 76.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWin,roduces\Ch. Lennis Radio ActiontiNlrBEST OF WINNERSkCOLUMBUS KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1983PHOTO BY Shown winning a 3 pt. major finishing championship under judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett 10 days later she free whelped 3 beautiful puppies.Shown winning a 4 pt. major under judge Mrs. Barbara F. Jarmoluk, owner handled. f41IfHarry E. Pennington 3115 Piedmont Rd. N.E. 404 233-4798Atlanta, GA 30305POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Mixons Roudy RazzmatazzShown winning Best in Match under judge Patricia Teer. Trophy Presenter CeilWilliams. 1...Shown winning Best in Match under judge Ted Klaiss, owner handled.Harry E. Pennington 3115 Piedmont Rd. N.E. Atlanta, GA 30305 404233-47988POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club Summer SpecialtyDenver, Colorado May 27,1983by Anna La FortuneThe 1983 Summer Specialty displayed some of the nicest Pomeranians Ive seen in the past 2 years. The Pom males were of exquisite quality and most of them graced the following 3 shows with their presence. I was very impressed with a puppy dog class of over 20 beauties a sight to behold. The classes consisted of such uniformly nice Poms that it made me feel very proud of my breed. Pom breeders truly deserve recognition for the standard of dogs in the show ring today. My hats off to them.Our breed was very much in the limelight at all four shows.With ten top champions competing it was understandable. Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, owned by Anna LaFortune, won the Specialty and was 2nd in the Group. Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie, owned by Frances O. Smith DVM and Nadine Hersil won the breed, Group and Best in Show at one show and then two days later again won the breed and went third in the Group. Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, owned by Mary Rosenbaum, won the breed and also the Group. It was a very impressive showing for our breed in four shows. Lets keep those little guys up thereIve been so carried away with our gorgeous display of Poms that Ive not mentioned what a wonderful time everyone had. The Denver Metro Pom Club really went all out to welcome the out-of-towners and make them comfortable. The parties and pot luck dinners were fantastic. They must have worked 25 hours a day in preparation and they certainly do have some good cooks in their crowd. I know how hard it is to put on a successful show. My congratulations on their big success.The winners were as followsSweepstakes Judge Christine Heartz Best in SweepstakesPuppy Dog 6-9 Pomirish Ventures Specl Fizz, owner Sally Baugniet.Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes Puppy Bitch 6-9 Texicans Pride N Joy, owner Erika K. Moureau.iL 8Best in Sweepstakes was won by Pomirish Ventures Specl Fizz, ownerhandler Sally Baugniet. Judge, Mrs. Chris Heartz.Breed Classes Judge Keke BlumbergPuppy Dog 6-9Pomirish Ventures Specl Fizz, owner Sally BaugnietPuppy Dog 9-12Mercers Magic Touch O Duke, owners Olga Baker and Dianna Hart Novice DogReys Super Fancy Free Toby, owner Augustin Rey, Jr.Bred By Exhibitor DogLLL Moongold Trapper, owner Janice LuginslandAmerican Bred DogRickshaw Dinks Heritage, owner SusanSwigert and Karen ShrumOpen Black, Brown and BlueOrgs Tiny Brown Bear, owner Dora B.WadsworthPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9Open Dog Red, Orange Cream and SableBon-Els Wee Mac Buff, owner Bonnie andElizabeth ButterfieldOpen Dog Any Other Allowed ColorKnolland Cinder Fella, owner NadineHersilWinners Dog Bon-Els Wee Mac Buff Reserve Winners Dog Mercers Magic Touch O DukeWinners Dog Was Bon-Els Wee Mac Buff, owners Bonnie and Elizabeth Butterfield. Judge, Mrs. Keke Blumberg.Puppy Bitches 6-9Scotia Commanders Rockette, owner EdnaE. GirardotPuppy Bitch 9-12Mercers Tiara Touch, owner Dan MercerBred By Exhibitor BitchMPs Precious Gold Nugget, ownerMargaret PierceAmerican Bred BitchLights Classy Taffy, owner Shirley LightOpen Bitch Red, Orange, Cream and SableLuells Effervescent Danette, owner Luciusand Elinor LuccasWinners BitchLuells Effervescent DanetteReserve Winners BitchMercers Daisy Duke, owner Elton H. andBetty L. Peterson.X " ..- AwmWinners Bitch and Best of Winners was LuellsEffervescent Danette, owners Lucius and ElinorLuccas. Judge, Mrs. Keke Blumberg.Veteran DogCh. D-Nees Darin Dinadan, owner Nadine HersilVeteran BitchCh. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dot, owner Arabelle B. HodgesStud DogCh. D-Nees Darin Dinadan, owner Nadine Hersil.Best of BreedCh. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, owner Anna LaFortuneBest of Breed was Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, ownerhandler Anna LaFortune. Judge Mrs. Keke Blumberg.10 POMERANIAN REVIEW71 afBest of Opposite Sex was Ch. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dot, owner Arabelle B. Hodges. Judge, Mrs. Keke Blumberg.Best Opposite SexCh. Wee Witch Hodges of Sun-Dot The Parade of Champions had 12 beautiful dogs strutting around the ring a wonderful sight to see.NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensThe month of May brought a new slate of officers to NCPC They areDolly Trauner President Anne Hayden 1st Vice President Tom Stephens 2nd Vice President Marlene Presser Treasurer Julie Moreno Secretary We thank all our departing officers for keeping the club going and welcome the new, wishing them a good year ahead. To the outgoing President Bob Hayden, we all wish you well and than you for your participation in spite of health rarely a meeting missed.Our newsletter editor is Anne Hayden and she is making this a letter to be proud of. This club once won an award for thebest newsletter and it would be nice to win it again. Bark and Bounce is now a real good information letter with an excellent format. Anyone wanting to read this newsy letter should contact the editor, Anne Hayden, 2595 Oakmont Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066. You too can know all that is going on in the Northern California Pom Club.Things are well under way for the November Specialty. Remember the 26th, exhibitors. Lets all give Ed Biven all the support. This is a three day weekend so come one, come all.Our 1984 Specialty will celebrate the 25th year of NCPCs existence. Plans are already in the making for a very special Silver Anniversary.Our new president Dolly, has been busy obtaining films which will be educational and entertaining. With this sort of enthusiasm we cannot help but go forward. New items on the agenda will be put forward and a new member Ruth Bugbee who has a mine of knowledge on By Laws and parliamentary matters will bring new thoughts and ideas. Welcome to the club. Ruth has taken a holiday back east and took her little Pom with her. In good competition she won the points so will have lots to tell us when she returns. Sorry I dont have the name of the little guy but he was sired by Ch. Morenos Critics Choice and bred by Julie Moreno. Nice to have them win so far away.Congratulations to all and especially a new member.Chico and Two Cities saw Marlene and Marlin Pressers Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure win BOB handled by Marlin. Good going for this real showy little Pom. Sir Francis Drake match brought the BOB to the puppy bitch owned by Julie and Gonzie Moreno. She goes by the name of Morenos Lady in Red Robin Mist. BOB at Contra Costa match went to another puppy, a male this time, owned by the Pressers, Rocky to his admirers.continued on p. 19.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Bon-El Pomeraniansis proud to present- X,iV V4. 'rxu .' 4h. Bon-fcl'A LJsa VYlac BuffiShown finishing his championship at the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty in Denver, CO on May 27, 1983. Thank you judge Mrs. Keke Blumberg. We also thank Opal R. Dumler for handling on this occasion. We also thank Michael M. Thorstad for handling our fella to his first three majors under judges Francis Thornton, Erica Thomsen and Dorothy Bonner.Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Ch. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Vans Champagne Girl Ch. Bon-EIs Wee Mac BuffIty Bity Cavalier Cricket Betsys Shammy GirlElizabeths Little WendyBON-EL POMERANIANSBonnie and Elizabeth Butterfield 3371 W. Chenango Ave. Englewood, CO 80110 303 797-354412POMERANIAN REVIEWVBEST OF WINNERS jJPomirish cKennelsX ov CjT m'Ch. Pomirish Chances Dream PuffB 3 majorsCh. Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl. ProofD 4 majorsMulti Gp. winning Hundrd Pruf s brotherKCh. Creiders Woodrose Bitta ClassB 3 majorsThanks to Norma Creider for Classy and Cupcake, Ch. Creiders Chatterbox B 3 majors. Pedigrees in Behind the New Champions.Thanks to Nancy Bartholomew for allowing me to handle Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf to his many Group wins and placements with fierce breed competition. Poofie is the third multi-group winning CREAM bred by Pomirish Kennels. He has 4 Canadian points, is proven and all this before 2 years of age. Nancy has never seen him, but will have him shortly so that he can further the breed in the Arkansas area. Good luck with him, NancyDick and Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy. B Mishicot, WI54228 414755-2994POMERANIAN REVIEW 13Pomirish Kennelsr.'oSPi Pomirish Ventures Specl FizzBest in Sweepstakes from 6-9 class A.P.C. Specialty, DenverSpecky now has 7 points including a 4 point major. Thank you, Mrs. Chris HeartzOur stud force includesAm. Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance, Multi Group Winning CreamSire of Ch. Pomirish Chances Dream Puff cream f, Swedish Ch. Chicago Bullit BIS Ch. Pomirish Christopher RobinSire of Ch. Pomirish Robins Gin Fizz Ch. Pomirish Lil GuySire of Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf Ch. Pomirish Ll Guys Dbl Proof Ch. Pomirish Imag Gin Lil Me Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl. Proof newly proven Ch. Randys Pomirish Super SportSire of Ch. Pomirish Candy Cane Am. Can. Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Squirt Am. Swedish Ch. Pomirish Sports Swedish Lady Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Lil Sprite Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dulcinea Pomirish Sports Fred E. Fender 7 pts., including 4 pt. major, proved stud, FOR SALE.All except Doobie and Fred E. have other pointed youngsters currently being shown. Some for sale.Dick and Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI 54228 414755-299414 POMERANIAN REVIEWSCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.Breeder and exhibitor of over 150 champions in 23 years. Formerly breeder and exhibitor of Sporting and Hound breeds.1983 was my 51st year to exhibit at the Westminster Show in New York.Pets, breeding stock and show possibilities usually for sale. Please state your exact wants in your first letterPrice range willing to pay.Age.Color.Male or Female.For show or breeding or both.Pet only.This will expedite answers to your inquiry and save much time and expense in taking pictures, pedigrees and evaluating the dog to the best of my knowledge.1 travel extensively exhibiting and my time is limited but Ill answer your inquiry as promptly as is possible.Edna E. GirardotP.O. Box 646 Floral City, FL 32636 904 726-2001POMERANIAN REVIEW 15Ta1omsSProudly PresentsStars of the FuturesTanos Spicey Orange Punch Tanos Brandy Wine Punch Tanos Orange Sherbert PunchAnnons Magnum Force of Scamp - multi group winner x Tanos Orange Pixie Punch . Lookie, Lookie Here Comes CookieLennis Hunter of Tar x Annons Sugar Plum Fairy pictured leftWatch for these sound moving, magnificent pups in the ring soonExpecting a litter of creams and parties this fall.FOR SALE Most colors. Top bloodlines. Pups and Young N k Adults.Linda Napolitano 8310 Liberia Ave. Manassas, VA22110 703 369-553516 POMERANIAN REVIEWColumbia Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty Friday, July 15,1983by Diane Clark-BryantThe Pacific Northwest weather came through again for the 1983 Summer Specialty with just enough sun and breeze to keep everyone and the Poms comfortable.Twenty-one Pom puppies and as many owners and handlers were ready to step into the ring at 1130 a.m. forjudging by Mrs. Bea George. Bea is a Pom breeder with years of experience in the breed. This is the way Bea placed a very fine group of puppies.JThe trophy table for the Columbia Pom Clubs Summer Specialty.Puppy Dogs 6-91. Cedar Glens Mr. Wags, Alicia L. Kvamme2. Sungolds Dyn OMoe Rider, Anna LaFortune.3. Jambos Wheel of Fortune, Nora Higbee.4. Sungolds Dyn OMite Rider, Anna LaFortune.Puppy Dogs 9-121. Bi-Mar Sundown Kit, Mary Rosenbaum2. Woofgangs Maritime Buccaneer, Rox Ann Johanson.3. Sats Golds Glo An way, Shirley SaterleeDogs 12-151. Golden Glo Pepr Challenge, L. McGilbry and Alicia Bauer.Puppy Bitches 6-91. Bry-Turs Music Box Dancer, Nancy Turner2. Golden Glow Angie, Alicia Bauer3. Harbins Sweet Summer Storm, Irene and Sylvia Harbin4. Pomada Sunara Cinder of GGL, Darlene WilsonPuppy Bitches 9-121. Cedar Glens Sugar Souffle, Alicia Kvamme2. Morenos Kiwi By Choice, Julie Moreno3. Bradleys Shamrock Shenanigans, S. Bradley4. Cedar Glens Tiffany OBradleyBitches 12-151. CJs Crystall Isadora, Pete Castaneda2. Bradleys Penny Wise, Shirley Bradley When the winners were brought back inthe ring, judge Bea George faced a difficultrBest in Sweepstakes and Best Puppy was won by Bi-Mar Sundown Kit, owned by Mary Rosenbaum and Jean Schroll. Sweeps Judge, Mrs. Bea George Regular Judge, Mrs. Thelma Brown.POMERANIAN REVIEW 17task in picking one winner from this nice group of Pom puppies. Her choice was Bi-Mar Sundown Kit. Cruiser is a red sable male bred by Mary Rosenbaum. His sire is Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid.Both Bea and the regular class judge, Thelma Brown had their eyes on two very nice puppy bitches we will be seeing much more of in the winners groups. Bry-Turs Music Box Dancer, a light orange 6-9 month bitch is bred by Florence Ryals. She is out of Ryals Cream Puff and is sired by Skylark Lancelots Banner. Cedar Glens Sugar Souffle, bred and owned by AJicia Kvamme is a beautiful 9-12 month bitch who placed first in both her sweeps and regular classes. Look for these two winners in upcoming shows.Thelma Brown flew up to judge the regular classes from the very hot weather in the south to our more moderate climate. Judges Thelma and Bea were very close in their placements and everyone felt both judges did an excellent job with this entry of fifty-three Poms.Judge Brown demonstrated her knowledge of the breed well. This is the way she placed the classes.Puppy Dogs 6-91. Cedar Glens Mr. Wags, bred by A. Kvamme and N. Higbee, owner Alicia Kvamme.2. Sungolds Dyn OMoe Rider, breeder owner, Anna LaFortune3. Sungolds Dyn OMite Rider, breeder owner Anna LaFortune4. Bry-Turs Ounce of Anticipation, bred by B. W. George, owner Diane Clark-Bryant.Puppy Dogs 9-121. Bi-Mar Sundown Kit, breederowner Mary Rosenbaum2. Sats Golden Glo An way, breeder owner, Shirley Saterlee3. Woofgangs Maritime Buccaneer, breederowner RoxAnn Johanson4. Browns Starlite Bandit, bred by G. Griffin, owner Mary Ann Brown.Bred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Sungolds Levi Smart N Classy, breederowner Anna LaFortune.American Bred Dogs1. CJs Sparkling Kolie, bred by P. Cripes. owner Pete Castaneda.Open Dogs, Black, Brown or Blue1. Westmost Bouncys Bitablack, bred by B W. George, owner Diane Clark-Bryant2. Masons Lil Cricket, bred by B.J. Mason, owner J.L. Hovey.Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream or Sable1. Sungolds Gay Caballero, bred by Anna LaFortune, owner Ray LaFortune2. Golden Glow Little Chief, bred by A. Bauer, owners A. Bauer E. McGilbry3. Scotia Hutchs Rosies Schilo, breeder owner Edna Girardot4. Que Sera Fire Fox of Larita, breeders owners R.M. LaVerne and Erin HundleySungolds Gay Caballero bred by Annt LaFortune and owned by Ray LaFortune was Winners Dog from the Open R,0,C oi S class. Reserve went to Golden Glow little Chief. It was nice to see some entries in the Open Black, Brown or Blue class and 1 hope to see more entries in this and the Any Other Allowed Color class in the future.Now to the bitch classes with a nice entry of twenty-two. inHi 11Winners Dog was Sungolds Gay Caballero, owned by Ray LaFortune. Judge, Mrs. ThelmaBrown.18 POMERANIAN REVIEWPuppy Bitches 6-91. Bry-Turs Music Box Dancer, bred by F. Ryals, owner Nancy Turner.2. Pomada Sunara Cinder of GGL, breederowner Darlene Wilson3. Golden Glow Angie, breederowner Alicia Bauer4. Harbins Sweet Summer Storm, bred by I. Harbin, owners I. and S. HarbinPuppy Bitches 9-121. Cedar Glens Sugar Souffle, breeder owner Alicia Kvamme2. Cedar Glens Tiffany OBradley, bred by Shirley Bradley, owner Alicia Kvamme3. Bradleys Shamrock Shenanigans, breederowner Shirley BradleyNovice Bitches1. Powderpuffs Mitsy, breeders B. W. George, owner Jorge Ford.Bred by Exhibitor Bitches1. CJs Crystal Isadora, breederowner Pete Castaneda2. Bradleys Penny Wise, breederowner Shirley BradleyOpen Bitches Red, Orange, Cream or Sable1. Riders Sungolden Gidget, breeder M. Hawley, owner Erin Hundley2. Scotia Tin Tin Fabulous, breederowner Edna Girardot3. Morenos Kiwi By Choice, breeders owners Julie and Gonzie Moreno4. Starlite Fanticys Star Maker, breeder owner Gayle GriffinOpen Bitches, Any Other Allowed Color1. Harbins Black Gold of India, breeder owner Irene HarbinJudge Brown put Pete Castanedas nice black and tan bitch, CJs Crystal Isadora Winners Bitch from the Bred by Class. Riders Sungolden Gidget, a lovely bitch, was reserve.The Best of Breed competition with eight beautiful entries posed some hard choices and careful judging for Mrs. Brown. The spectators watched the champions gait around the ring, each displaying all of those qualities we love in our breed. After careful consideration, Mrs. Brown chose Ch.- 3pm_AWinners Bitch and Best of Winners was C.J.s Crystal Isadora, owned by Pete Castaneda. Judge, Mrs. Thelma Brown.Millbrooks El Gran Caballero for Best of Breed. He is bred and owned by Anna LaFortune. Best of Winners went to CJs Crystal Isadora. Best Opposite Sex went to Ch. Jambos Community Property, bred and owned by Alicia Kvamme and Nora Higbee. Best Puppy went to Mary Rosenbaums Bi-Mar Sundown Kit.Best of Breed was Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, ownerbreederhandled by Anna LaFortune. Judge, Mrs. Thelma Brown.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19V5 aiiBest Opposite Sex was Ch. Jambos Community Property, bred and owned by Alicia Kvamme and Nora Higbee. Judge, Mrs. Thelma Brown.The trophies for this 1983 Summer Specialty were small head study oil paintings presented for first place and framed Pom sketches given for second through fourth place in all of the classes. The art work was done by a new Oregon artist, Diane Clark-Bryant. Since I am the artist, I will resist describing the Trophy Table where my work was displayed, in glowing terms. I would however like to thank the breeders who were kind enough to loan me their show photos of several well known Poms to use as models.The top four poms, BOB, BOW, BOS and Best Puppy are to receive individual original oil portraits painted from their show photo. To date, the Best Puppy has been painted and delivered to the winner. I would like to remind you winners to send me your show photo, or one that you especially like, so that I might get your painting done.A potluck dinner followed the show with everyone ready to relax and settle down to earnest Pom talk and catch up with those from out of state. Judge Brown and Bea George joined us for a wonderful selection of goodies. John Nye was our chef again this year.To finish out a long day, the club held its monthly meeting following the potluck andbefore we knew it we were busy discussing our upcoming match, scheduled for October 1, 1983 to be held at the Jantzen Beach Mall in Portland . . . and our next specialty which will be in December in Portland.It is time then to thank all of those who worked so hard to make this summer specialty a success Averil Asbeck, John Nye, Nancy Turner, Jean Schroll and those others who supported the effort. And congratulations again to the winnersFor most of us it was up bright and early the next morning preparing for another day of showing. The specialty was followed by three days of all-breed shows. Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, bred and o ned by Mary Rosenbaum and handled by Jean Schroll was only able to stay Saturday and Sunday, but he was Best of Breed on both days plus taking Group placements. On Monday, Sungolds Levi Smart N Classy took Best of Breed. He is bred and owned by Anna LaFortune.NCPC, contdfrom p. 10.This may well be my last news from the NCPC as our tour in Monterey is nearly up. We have enjoyed the lovely country around the Monterey Peninsula and the clubs we have joined have made us feel welcome. It is always a learning experience meeting new people in new places. We have enjoyed the pleasure of this club and the people we have made friends with, and go on our way all the richer for knowing them. We wish you all well and lots of success and thanks for making our tour interesting, friendly and happy. To one and all, the best of everything. Remember the 26th of November, the Turkey Circuit and our Pom Specialty. Come and get acquainted. We have some grand people here. Until next time . . .20 POMERANIAN REVIEWOne experience in Black Skin and Extreme Hair Lossby Fran BosmannIm not a veterinarian, and this article is as the title says just one experience, but if I can help others be alert to the problem then maybe some good will come of it.My Pom champion was a typical Pom sound, happy, very healthy. She had never been bred. She was bored with staying home, so I took her to a couple of shows to celebrate her 6th birthday. We didnt win, but she enjoyed the limelight again. About a week later when I was grooming her, I noticed a small bare spot about the size of a nickel on her thigh. It looked like her undercoat had gotten caught on something and had been pulled out. Nothing else was different except she was slowing down, and since she had always been overly exuberant, we considered her new dignity inevitable and probably beneficial.The spot remained bare, but since it didnt enlarge or give her trouble I didnt worry about it. A couple of months later however, I noticed another spot on the side of her neck about the size of a dime. I brought her to my vet and he said it looked like an allergic reaction to fleas. Since she had never prior to those last shows had fleas lucky me and she had picked up a few stubborn ones I was still fighting, I considered it possible and worked hard to eradicate the fleas. The vet meanwhile gave her a steroid shot and some cortisone pills. She was not then and never was itchy.A month later, we had no fleas but both spots had enlarged. I returned to the vet and mentioned the possibility of hypothyroidism low thyroid level because I had heard it was fairly common in Poms and created some of the same problems. He told me to administer .2 mg. of synthroid to her daily. No tests were taken. I should have been more suspicious of medication without test results. Within a week, herbehavior had perked up again to her normal lively self, but she was continuing to lose her hair. She now had an area like a band completely around her neck that was hairless. The area on her leg was now about a 2 circle. The hairless areas were now turning a dark gray and were getting wrinkly. I returned to the vet and said we werent getting results with the medication, but he said it took time and recommended additional vitamins.We were still getting no results and my pretty little champion was now far from pretty. I was getting desperate. Also, since I do not have a kennel, all my Poms are house dogs and I was very worried about whether this unknown problem was contagious. I insisted the vet take skin slides to rule out a rare type of mite or fungus. The slides were negative and he told me to just leave the poor dog alone.I completely changed her brand of dog food because in my reading I had come across a type of allergy where the dog can no longer assimilate the protein from his food after a long period on the same diet. I figured it was worth a try.By August, 10 months after the onset of the problem, the poor dog only had hair on her head, front legs, rear legs from the stifles down, tail, and the area of her back under and around her tail. She had some coat on her chest, but a greatly reduced amount. You could almost watch the condition spread, as more and more of her skin turned gray and lost hair.She started to tremble violently, we thought from the cold, so we put a sweater on her. She seemed snappy and short- tempered, and she acted embarrassed by her condition. When I mentioned this to the vet he laughed and gave me the name of a dog psychologist. Im sure he would havePOMERANIAN REVIEW 21zrSUNGOLD POMERANIANSCh. Millbrooks El Gran CaballeromJosh won the A.P.C. Summer Specialty in Denver Colorado and also the Columbia Specialty in Washington pictured.Josh congratulates the Hundleys for finishing his daughter and the Bakers for finishing his son both young pups.Sungolds Gay Caballero a a a '.Hi a ia a iirOwner-handler Ray La Fortune Pedigree under New ChampionsFirst show, July 9 1 pt. July 10th 1 pt. Then Buddy won W.D. at the Columbia Specialty for 5 pts. July 15 and was BOB over specials at Greater Clark County July 18. He is a litter brother to Ch. Sungolds Diamond Stud.Buddy and other Josh sons for sale and ring ready.Anna and Ray LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619463-2700d22 POMERANIAN REVIEWpreferred suggesting one for me if he thought he could get away with it.Meanwhile, I wrote to her breeder for any suggestions. She told me I must not be feeding her properly. I wrote to another well known breeder who very kindly sent me some suggested cures for skin troubles. Nothing worked.Thinking back, one of the worst obstacles to getting help was the accusatory attitude of almost everyone. No one would admit to ever encountering anything similar except in someone elses dogs. Maybe because Im relatively unknown admit it you never heard of me, right people assumed I must have done something incorrectly with her.Also during the summer, I began to notice I was having a hard time keeping the water dishes full. Since I had recently doubled my number of dogs, from 2 to 4 and I also have a 3 year old daughter who loves to play in water, I thought that was my problem but I kept an eye on them to monitor who was taking what. My elderly dog has always been a drinker, but I noticed a marked increase in my champions drinking.At this time also the Gazette published a article on endocrine disorders Sept. 1982. If you have not read this article, I recommend you do, as it is excellent and will explain technically some of the things Im going to mention from an owners viewpoint. The article also stressed the fact that some of these conditions are life- threatening. My vet was still telling me to ignore the problem, but frightened by that article and my dogs rash brought about by my latest cure treatment, I called another vet about an hours drive away who has an excellent reputation in dermatology.Over the phone I summarized the problem and the action taken so far. The only test taken, unfortunately, was the skin slide I had requested. I brought her into the hospital and she had to be keptovernight for a day of extensive tests.The tests showed that my champion had hyperadrenocorticism, commonly known as Cushings syndrome. This is caused by an overproduction by the adrenal glands. There could be many reasons for this see the Gazette article, but in her case it was caused by a pituitary tumor. While tumors may not be a common problem, Cushings syndrome is, so please dont write this case off as a weird situation. This vet said that Cushings syndrome is fairly common and could be artificially induced, so please be alert to the possibility.As the problem has many causes, there are also several methods of treatment which could be considered. Naturally, you will want to discuss them with your vet.Surgery was not recommended for my dog. She was treated with 2 different oral medications in varying dosages. It was extremely important that close contact be kept between me as observer of the dog, and my vet as medical supervisor. Depending on her responses, the dosage of the medication was altered several times, and I usually spoke with the vet every other day. She improved and was regrowing her coat when she died suddenly on Christmas Eve. In our case, treatment came too late.I want to review her symptons for the possible benefit of others. My dog, while approaching middle age, began to slow down considerably she lost coat so that eventually her skin darkened and wrinkled her personality changed slightly she grew intolerant of the cold her water intake and output increased and what should have been the key, she was not itchy.If your dog shows any of these symptoms, consider Cushings syndrome and dont be afraid to get a second opinion. Remember this started out as a seemingly mild problem. Lets not hide our problems lets solve them.POMERANIAN REVIEW 23Photo by Heather Drope-MarchioneCan. Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden ChipAM Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of TaraHis record speaks for itself...Best of Breed American Pomeranian Club Specialty, New York.C. J. finished his Canadian title undefeated with a Group 1 from the classes.3 All Breed Bests in Show 9 Group Firsts 5 Group SecondsTynan PomeraniansNatalie Dunfee 41 Ellenvale Ave. Dartmouth, N.S. Canada B2W 2W7 902 434-339024 POMERANIAN REVIEWAnnon's Pomeranians, Reg.-\rrir, jiIsGROUPAKEHNELJUL1 1983_ V ACh. Annons Magnum Force of ScampThank you Mr. Melbourne Downing.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2... and proudly presents his first pointed daughterVjfcBEST OF OPPOSITECHENANGO VALLEY KENNEL CLUB1983ASHBET6iJHaAnnons Loving Forcei t RA un-photogenic Parti-Pair.. . but back to my first love color breeding Poms. A very special thanks to Mose Winters for his influx of broods. Now Annons has wolf sable and brindles besides the other exotics, rare and standard colors.Anna Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 703 368-134126 POMERANIAN REVIEWUnlocking The Door to Success in the Dog Gameby Gwen SolmerReprinted with permission from Terrier Chit-Chat Springer 1982.I think that one of the biggest tragedies of the dog show game is that very few people ever take it seriously enough to learn about some of the really significant aspects of the activity. Since anyone who owns a purebred dog can show it, many people never get past the pet stage. Their dog is usually a member of the family, like a child. The owner is never really objective about the animal. Since his dog is perfect already or just as good as Mrs. Whats Its dog, most show people never see much reason to change what they do. To my mind, the main objective of a show breeder is to produce a home-bred special a truly outstanding dog. It is pathetic and ironic that virtually nothing is written anywhere about how to produce that truly exceptional dog. One can never produce a special unless he has some idea of how to put together the necessary qualities that make up such a dog. First, people are blind and refuse to see the qualities that the big winning dogs have. True, handlers can make some dogs but most handlers will not waste time campaigning a dog that has no chance of doing some decent winning. Secondly, people are egocentric, stubborn and may even have some legitimate problems like a finite income, lack of time, lack of drive it is not easy to achieve excellence but it can be done and should be done by more people that are currently showing dogs. Anyone, with persistence, can eventually get a blue ribbon. How sad it is that so many people will never know the thrill of winning lots of big blue Group 1 ribbons. It is not a matter of luck. It is a matter of becoming educated. Unfortunately, the only school available in theDog Game is the School of Hard Knocks. The tuition is exorbitant in both money and emotion and few are ultimately willing the pay the price.I wish that there was more meaningful information avialable for the novice. I also wish that so much mis-information were not continually bandied about until the novice is so hopelessly confused that he has no idea of which information is good and useful and which is useless, backwards and sometimes downright dangerous. My career in dogs began with much information and smiling show folks who told me my doggies were wonderful I was building lots of points for theirs, you see. When I finished my first champion, I suddenly became a monster with two heads. Even today I am amazed at the horrible things I am credited with doing. At the time I was being wooed by my friends, some handlers who happened to be real dog men were telling me that my doggies werent so hot and were offering me ways to improve what I had. It took me several years to decide that the handlers who hurt my feelings were telling me the truth and the so-called friends were cultivating me with a high grade of fertilizer.I knew when I began showing and breeding dogs that I wanted someday to produce a special. I read everything I could find, talked to breeders who had lots of champions, looked at lots of dogs and then stepped boldly forward . . . and proceeded to do almost everything wrong. Looking back on it, I am amazed that I didnt completely destroy everything I was trying to build. It confounds me even now to realize that I was fortunate enough to finally figure some important things out. What is interesting to me is that when I loose some of my pearls of wisdom onPOMERANIAN REVIEWtAicfoenobPresents with great pride our newest very special tiny girl.Morenos Lady in Red Robin Mist5 months in photo.-------------------------------J"rWMmry-n .kSKvSt,.v\AVW'Our special thanks to Jestoms Red Robin, Timmy and our Morenos Sugar-N- Scotch Mist, Misty for producing this elegant little girl. She is not for sale, however a repeat breeding has taken place and will have been whelped by the time you receive this issue of the Review.As always, inquiries on studs or puppies invited. We do NOT keep all the good ones.zL ^JJ-eaven .5or oCittle urli1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973We feed Science Diet28 POMERANIAN REVIEWeven long-time breeders who, by rights, should know these things, I am met by uncomprehending stares. People in the dog game do not think for themselves, see with their own eyes and use their own judgement. Instead they rely on authorities who may in fact know very little. Ignorance is compounded on top of ignorance and soon people are believing the most outlandish nonsense and practicing it religiously. If one wants to breed a special, one can forget almost everything else he has ever heard and concentrate on one simple, frightening word line-breeding.It is astonishing to me that supposedly enlightened individuals are terribly afraid of linebreeding. One lady who I know absolutely refuses to do any close linebreeding for fear of doubling up on faults. The tragedy is compounded by the fact that this lady owns some of the finest studs, whose worth shall never be felt because due to ignorance, they are mainly bred to outcross bitches and their best traits are being hopelessly diluted and lost. This lady has never been able to breed dogs as good as her studs who were purchased for her by an agent with a good eye. Simply, she refuses to see that the look she loves can only be passed on through line-breeding. True, faults appear, but those faults appear pretty regularly in outcrosses as well. Breeders like this woman are doing a tremendous disservice to the breed by not allowing their dogs to be used properly. The lady in all seriousness thinks that she is wholly correct and is one of the main saviours of her breed and a paragon of virtue to boot. Well, she isnt doing me any favors, nor helping anyone who would like to produce a dog that looks like her specials. Fortunately, there are ways to get around such stupidity. They are time consuming and frustrating but the final creation of that one beautiful puppy that becomes your special makes it finally worth all the trouble.I started my breeding program with arangy bitch who didnt like to show. For the sake of this article, I shall call her Mandy. Mandys father was Ricky, a short-backed male who presented a balanced picture. Unfortunately Mandy took after her long-backed mother.Her breeder assured me that Mandy was a very nice dog and as a novice, I did not know enough to agree or disagree. In fairness I must say that I was glad to get this bitch, faults and all, for here at least was a start. For her first breeding, I bred Mandy to her uncle, Rocky, who was her fathers brother, and a multi-Best in Show winner. Six puppies were born, two boys and four girls. After having several knowledgeable people critique the litter, I ended up choosing two bitches to keep for myself. They turned out to be the worst ones in the litter. One pup grew up to be a carbon copy of her rangy mother. The other one looked more like her daddy but had hormonal problems that flared up around her seasons.I bought a male puppy who eventually grew up and finished his championship. The dog had a beautiful head and a nice short back and I figured he would be perfect as a stud for my longish bitches. All the books I read always told me to counterbalance faults. I bred him to my rangy bitches and would always get one striking puppy in each litter. The pup seemed to get the best features from each of the parents who were an outcross match.Stupidly, I wondered why I wasnt getting more puppies that either looked like my stud or resembled the illustrious Rocky and Ricky. The lady who I mentioned before as being the one who did not understand linebreeding owned both Rocky and Ricky. She would not think of allowing me to breed bitch puppies like Missy back to Ricky. Incredibly, she owned a third brother, Ronnie, who was equally gorgeous and had I been able to use him, would have produced the most incredible pedigree ever. It so happened that the dog Rocky hadPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2CREIDER POMERANIANS\"SThe little Jack in the Box is now known as Ch. Creiders Sugar Plum Fairy, owned and handled by Virginia Noth.Puppies for sale orange males by Ch. Creiders Cut Across Shorty. Orange male and female by Ch. Creiders Rhinestone Cowboy. Black male and female by Ch. Creiders Smoke N Flame. No Shipping. Subject to prior sale.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918446-683930 POMERANIAN REVIEWsired a male that eventually became a Best in Show winner in his own right Rowdy. Rowdy was a half-brother to my Missy, the line-bred but long-backed bitch who took after her Mom. Since Rowdy was as close as I could get to the Rocky-Ricky- Ronnie line, I decided to breed Missy to him in an effort to stack the deck the genes I wanted to double up on to produce the superb physical appearance. Rowdy had another asset in addition to being beautiful, he was also intelligent and emotionally stable, two things in short supply in his breed. Rowdy was the product of an outcross. Apparently he heavily favored his father, taking most of his excellent features from that half of his pedigree. I figured that the worst that could happen would be the appearance of some genetic defects that I was used to seeing anyway in outcrosses. If I could get puppies that resembled Rowdy, Rocky and Ricky, I figured the genetic gamble was worth it. What I ended up with was a beautiful litter of the nicest puppies I have ever produced. Incredibly, all the puppies had more of the fine characteristics of the stud dogs than ever before, and at last, thank goodness, the dominant influence of my mediocre females had been overcome.Amongst the sappy platitudes that I regularly heard was you should buy the best bitch you can get to start a breeding program. I have met a few so fortunate individuals. Most dog-folks struggle along with not-so-perfect specimens and try to do the best they can. Few breeders will sell a decent bitch to a novice even if they have one available. Breeders who are at all knowledgeable keep their best bitches for themselves. If the novice is able to get a bitch of at least breeding quality he has made a step forward in producing a truly excellent dog. It is at this point when the novice breeding discovers the tremendous lack of any useful information on how to proceed further. There is too much in the literature that is confusing and misleading.If the novice wants to produce a truly excellent dog, there is a very simple, uncomplicated thing that he must do. Since it is so simple and basic it is terribly easy to ignore. First, the novice needs to look up some of the stud dogs in his bitchs pedigree. Are any of them available for stud Are any sons of those dogs available for stud The most important question is, does the novice like what those dogs look like Is there a family resemblance that he would like to duplicate in his own puppies If the novice is fortunate enough to have a good quality and big name winner in the pedigree, he is in luck. He can either breed his bitch to that dog or find a son or brother of that dog that resembles him.Let us assume that the novice fancies a stud dog who does not appear in his bitchs pedigree. He breeds his girl to that dog, an outcross. A healthy litter is born but none of the pups are a duplicate of Daddy. The novice, if he is a turkey, will cry that the stud dog is no good. If he is smart, he will keep his mouth shut and grow out a few of the bitch puppies. He will take one of those bitches and breed her either back to her father inbreeding or breed her to a half-brother same father or brother of the stud linebreeding. Then, and only then will he get pups that have the genetic strength to physically resemble the illustrious sire the novice admired. Total outcrosses, even to dogs of similar type, simply will not produce the concentration of genes necessary for the duplication of physical appearance.It is strange that nowhere in any book is information ever written about the inheritance of physical appearance. Books talk about coat color and other details but the thing that is most significant about linebreeding is that it produces dogs who all look alike. Rowdy, Rocky, Randy, Ricky and Ronnie are all more alike in appearance than they are different. I didnt want just dogs with shorter backs or better heads, I wanted dogs that looked like those fivePOMERANIAN REVIEW 3VJabil s Sun GoddessA'nAM Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen x Jabil Petite Delilah CDWe would like to salute Marnie pictured as a puppy in the Brood Bitch issue.Dam ofAm. Can. Ch. Jabils Simply SmashingCh. Jabils EmilyCh. Jabils S imply SinfulCh. Jabils Pintos Hi-Tone CDGrand-Dam ofCh. Jabils Stephanie of Emcee Ch. Jabils Simply Sultry Ch. Hi Time Simply Jeremy Ch. Penrus Petite Suite of Jabil CD Ch. Jabils Simply Serena Ch. Jabils Simply Scrumtious. .. and several others major pointed and nearing their titles.Marnie is the Golden Goose at Jabil. She personally never cared to leave home and go to shows, but luckily her children felt differently.See pedigree Behind New Champions picture coming in a future issue. Tabitha was BOS in Sweeps and RWB at the APC February Specialty, and finished at the Bay Colony Specialty with her third major.Jessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8, Loudon Ridge Rd. Loudon, NH 03301 603435-873132 POMERANIAN REVIEWboys. Exactly like those boys. The only way I could get such puppies was to stop listening to scare stories about genetic defects, quit listening to breeders who each owned stud dogs, stop reading dozens of conflicting books, ignore my local longtime breeders and do it linebreed. Double up on those dogs. I am amazed and disgusted that it took me so long to do it.One reason that people have so much trouble getting a handle on breeding is that other people are so close-mouthed andor ignorant about the facts that they never make much significant information available. Most breeding books contain little but generalities. My dear father once said, quoting some ancient sage, such things Are prefectly general, perfectly correct and perfectly useless. It would be very helpful if books could contain picture pedigrees so that people could see how physical appearance is or is not inherited. Pictures are not the best answer of course, as they can be quite deceptive. Seeing all the dogs is of course the best way, but usually impossibly impractical.A scattering of books here and there, usually oldish ones, touch on some of the things I have found that make up my philosophy and understanding of linebreeding. Such books may say that the tail male and tail female or the line containing the sire, sires father, grandfather, greatgrandfather or dam, dams mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, etc. are most heavily responsible for the characteristics of the puppies. They say that the middle part of the pedigree sires dam and dams sire does very little in affecting the appearance or temperament of the puppies. My experiences completely support that idea. In the simulated pedigree, Rowdy, Rocky and Rockys sire are all multiple Best in Show winners. It is naturally premature to begin hoping that my puppy boy from that breeding will continue on this winning streak but I feel that it is from such a pedigree that greatnesswill come.Missy is a mediocre bitch as are all the bitches behind her on the lower-most line. Incredibly, Mandys mother was a champion. If I continued to breed Missy to an outcross dog, Missy herself would continue to influence heavily the appearance of the puppies. I have two litters to prove it. It was only when I planned a breeding to include the Rocky-Ricky genetic package three times that I could get a heavy enough concentration of genes to outweigh Missys dominance for physical appearance.It does not bother me to admit that my breeding program started with a mediocre bitch. She had her faults but she also had some nice qualities too. What does bother me is that other breeders are using equally mediocre bitches and cannot see that fact. There is no harm in starting out with a less than perfect bitch. Bred right, she can be the grandmother of some fine puppies. I feel that the people who continue to breed and never realize the true meaning and implication of linebreeding have in incredibly serious problem. They may produce champions but at best their breeding program will be a hit-or-miss proposition with dogs of many physical appearances and little uniformity. They will ignore some truly perfect breeding due to fear and ignorance and downgrade their stock, all the while thinking they are improving it. I started with a mediocre bitch, true, but it is not I who have the problem anymore. I am on the road to the solution. The first step in solving a problem is realizing that you have one. This apparently is something that many breeders cannot or will not do.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3"Cbn.Ch.Chr^pendo ChatelaineVfv0Can. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion x Mercers Melodee TouchChatty finished her Canadian championship as a puppy in two weekends with 3 Group placements including a Group 1. She was bred to Can. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip and free whelped 3 lovely puppies Chriscendo Western Express owned by George and Jean West, Texas. Both majors at 9 months. Chriscendo Charleton co-owned by Eleanor Miller, Florida. Pointed in his first U.S. shows. Chriscendo Cassandra staying at home with us. Will be bred to her grandfather, Medallion.Her next litter was sired by Top Producer, Ch. Topaze Pumpkin Seed, and we are now growing out a male who looks promising at 4 months named Chriscendo Chimney Sweep. We feel Chatty may be our best producer.^^Chrkcendo^ Christine D. and John E. Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, N.S. Canada B2N 5N2 902895-742734 POMERANIAN REVIEWA Visit With Sel-Sal PomeraniansIrma and Jose Selles, Puerto RicoAttending the A.P.C. Specialty in New York this year was full of surprises but perhaps none more pleasant than being asked for a Kennel Visit by president Marlene Scott. As an actual visit would be very expensive for the club, I agreed to write our story.Like so many others, I started in Poms with pet shop-bought pets. Fortunately, the female I got was very nice and she produced my first litter. Her name is Princess Cuchetta and she is now 11 years old and as happy and healthy as ever.In 1972, I was engaged to Jose who worked at the P.R. Medical Center with me. He too was hooked on Poms and had to have one. We contacted a friend who in turn contacted some breeders in the U.S. Through him we got our Tiny Pom of Sel-Sal. We sent for his pedigree and were surprised to find 13 champions in the 4th generation and even more so to find that he was a grandson of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavalier He was mostly Scotia, Sungold and McKamey breeding.By the way, when we got Tiny we began to look for a kennel name so we decided to use the first 3 letters of our last names and join them together. My last name is Saldana and Joses is Selles, so this was the official beginning of Sel-Sal Pomeranians. In Puerto Rico, the woman never loses her name when she marries.In February 1974 we bought a black bitch from a friend who had obtained her in the States. She has the old Bombardier and Aristic blood in her background, and we called her Sel-Sals Little Plum. She later became our first champion.Jose and I were married in May 1974 and I moved to his apartment with Cuchetta, Tiny and Little Plum. In July we bred Cuchetta to Tiny and on Sept. 27 a litter of4 pups was born 1 female and 3 males. We kept the female which immediately began to show promise. She is called Sel-Sals Cherry Blossom, Chispy. I began to teach her to pose on a table when I gave her food. I would place the food plate on my ironing board and whenever she put a paw out of place I put it back. She slept in her crate in our bedroom at night since she was three months old and at that age took her first handling classes. At 6 months of age she got Best Puerto Rican Bred Puppy in Show at a national all-breed show.rAm. Dom. P.R. Ch. Sel-Sal Cherry Blossom, 7 Int. C.A.C.I.B.s. Shown winning her Am. Bred class in 1978 at the A.P.C. Specialty under Mr. Darrel Baker.We began showing Little Plum and Cherry Blossom together and always Little Plum would get the points. At that time good blacks were not the rule and when judges saw her they invariably said that she was too good for a black. We bred her to Tiny Pom in August 1974 and presented her in our show in September where she got her first 3 point major with competition from the States. In October she had a litter of 3 puppies a very peculiar combination of one black female, a very dark brown malePOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Ch. Sel-Sal Little Plum finished in 1977 at the Ponce Kennel Club under Mr. Buris Boshel.6tCh. Sel-Sals Mr. Personality, after a 3 yearretirement from the ring, finished in 2 straight showsand a mouse gray male. The female we sold to a friend who later showed her in obedience, getting her C.D. in 3 straight shows. Shes Sel-Sals Pepper of P.R., C.D. owned by Angie Ruiz.We kept the two males for 10 months, trying to decide between the two and finally sold the brown one. The Weimaraner- colored pup retained that color for almost a year after which he shed his coat and turned light orange We named his Sel-Sals Mr. Personality and he certainly has one. For the next 2 years we showed him together with his dam and his half sister, Chispy.Mr. Personality repeated what Chispy had done the year before and won best P.R. Bred Puppy at the national show, when only 7 months old. He got his first 5-pt. major later that year and then we went with he and Cherry Blossom to the Dominican Republic for the International. There the Toy Group is called the Companion Group and is especially strong, as it includes the regular breeds of the A.K.C. Toy Group plus most of the Non-Sporting breeds. Also there is competition from everywere in the Americas U.S., Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil and Puerto Rico. On Saturday Mr. Personality went BOB and Group 2 and onSunday Cherry Blossom bot BOB, Group and Reserve Best in Show.In February 1977 we went to New Yorl to attend the Specialty and Westmister witl Little Plum and Mr. Personality. The yea before we had written to the late Mrs. Mar Casey in hopes of becoming members o the APC but we didnt know anyone whe could be our patrons. I listed the wins ou dogs had and what we had bred to tha date. She trusted us and she and he husband became our patrons. She believer in us was willing to help newcomers. Thanl you, Mary Casey, wherever you areAt the Specialty, Little Plum won thf Open Black Bitch class and Mr. Personality got 3rd in Bred by out of 8 dogs. I was very pleased with our first try in the States, anc this at the Specialty no less. Little Plun finished in December becoming our firs champion.When we went to New York the nexi year, we began looking for some fresh, new blood to introduce to our lines. There we met Jodi Hudspeth and talked about hei Champion Razzle Dazzle. She told us thai she had a 2Vi year old male of the same lines which she would consider selling. Tc my surprise, the photo was of a dog I hac liked so much at the Specialty the yeai36 POMERANIAN REVIEWbefore. Two days after we got home from New York he was with us and we became the owners of Honeycrest Moonraker. Hes a marvelous little ball of light cream fluff which became darker with our tropical sun. By the way, contrary to the belief of breeders in the States, our warm and humid weather does not affect the coat of long haired dogs. When those dogs get here, after a month or so the color deepens, the hair get fluffier and grows faster. Moonraker had 9 points at the time but no majors. That same year he got his Dominican Championship, 2 C.A.C.I.B.s in the Dom. Rep. and his AKC championship.r TmAm.Dom. Ch. Honeycrest Moonraker, pictured at 7 years.After the show in Santo Domingo, we found that Mr. Personality was losing coat in a very peculiar pattern on his back legs, tail, and on his sides. The skin in these areas became black and smooth with no odor or itch. This was my first experience with Acanthosis Nigricans or elephant skin. Our vet told us that it was probably a hormone imbalance due to a tumor on his testicles and that he would have to be neutered. I told him to wait, that Id try other things first, and remembered having read in the Pom Review of a similar casewhich was cured with 707 Horse Vitamins. I found them in a 5 lb. paid and they cost just 20.00, but they are better than most dog vitamins which are far more expensive. I ground the pellets to a fine powder in my blender and gave him Vi teaspoonful mixed with his food. I feared he would not like it because of its strong alfalfa odor, but he ate just fine. Slowly but steadily that black skin began peeling off like a shedding lizard and new pink skin appeared underneath. His coat grew in tufts on these areas until he became fully coated again, 2Vi years later You could say this is perseverance and patience, but it was faith, and he was worth all the effort. He didnt have to be neutered or put to sleep and above all, he finished along with his half sister Cherry Blossom, in 1980 I cried with joy because both of them are my favorites.Meanwhile, we bought a bitch from Mrs. Bonner called Bonners Lisastar Texas Belle and bred Mr. Personality to one of my sisters bitches, which is also of Cavalier blood. She had 3 puppies, two females and one male. A friend of ours, Marlene Mortera, learned about the litter and told me that she knew a lady who was looking for two bitches. If I would sell her the male cheap, she would tell me the ladys address. My sister wished to sell them all because she needed the money, and anyway, none of them looked promising. We sold the male to Marlene for 75 and her friend did take the two bitches. This little male Pom pup was the funniest-looking Pom I had ever seen. He had no coat, very thin legs and was very fragile. He was definitely pet quality ... or so I thought.Marlene went to live in Georgia and when she came back one day for vacation, she brought the dog with her. I almost fainted when I saw him. Here I had in front of me the most beautiful dog I had ever bred His coat was enormous he had very, very tiny ears and fat legs. Are you sure its the same dog I asked her. She swore he was. So I told her she had to campaignPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3'this dog and she agreed. Shes a breeder of English and Gordon Setters and had finished some champions already, but never thought of showing Myrin. At his first show he got a 5 point major. Then he went on the January Florida circuit where he got two 3 point majors, each time going BOB over a lovely Special. Later that year he finished with another 5 point major. The puppy I had sold as a pet for 75.00 finished in just one year from start to finish But, thats not all. In the meantime, he got his Puerto Rican and Dominican Championships also. So, now hes Am. Dom. and P.R. Ch. Sel-Sals Lord Myrin of Moroco.Am. Dom. P.R. Ch. Sel-Sals Lord Myrin of Morocco. My 75 pet, would you believe Owned by Marlene Mortera.Mrs. Bonners bitch Lisa was sent to California with our friend Maripi Wooldridge, the only Puerto Rican professional handler in the U.S. She put 9 points on Lisa including a major. When we got her back we put another major on her here and she lacks but one point of her championship.When Lisa came back, Maripi told us about a puppy bred by Michael Wolf, which was offered to her by a handler in Colorado. She called us and since he was mostly of Bonners breeding we bought him to later breed to Lisa. Maripi finished himOfBonners Lisastar Texas Belle, campaignedon the west coast, in Florida and Puerto Rico. Needs one a few months and we picked him up thi year at Westminster. He is Ch. Mike-Mar Strutter of Sel-Sal. He has the quality I like good substance, very sound legs, and sweet, foxy expression without too mucl muzzle.Ch. Mike-Mars Strutter of Sel-Sal, our latest addition to Sel-Sal Poms, finished in less than a year on the west coast.So, this is a recount of the dogs we hav finished. We have seven champions with total of 10 dogs. I still have Cuchetta Cherry Blossom, Little Plum and Moon raker and they are all happy and healthy.We live in a small house in the suburbs o San Juan which was once considered th38 POMERANIAN REVIEWcountry but now is the center of a rapidly developing community. The lots are small, roughly 500 sq. mts., but in P.R., being such a small island, most of the houses are on small lots.Half of the lot is occupied by the house and half is fenced in for the dogs. There we also have a greenhouse which contains over 1,000 orchid plants of all varieties. We compete also in Orchid Shows here and in Florida. For most of the day, the dogs are in an air-conditioned room and go out only in early morning from 5 a.m. to 7 a.m. and late afternoon after 5 p.m.. This routine maintains the dogs in good coat and keeps them from barking too much.The dogs are fed dry dog food which they eat in their own cages, and are divided in small groups in playpens lined with newspapers. When its play time, I let them out of their playpens, and open the rooms door and out goes the whole troop They run and play around until they are too tired to move and they all come in again in a whole bunch. They are so well trained in this respect that, when I put Strutter with the others when we got back from New York, he followed them running, as if he knew his way.We hope that these new dogs we have will complement each other and our old lines, and well try to breed better Poms in all colors, trying to stick with our ideal of a 4 to 5 pound, breedable Pom with good substance, perfect soundness and the unmistakable foxy expression of the real Pomeranian.We want to thank the people that have helped us to learn about and groom our Poms the late Mary Casey, Marlene Scott, Bill Trainor, Jodi Hudspeth, Mrs. Dorothy Bonner, our dear friends Edna Girardot, Susan Fisher and Maripi Wooldrige. Thanks also to the judges who have awarded our dogs the coveted points. And to the Dog Fancy for being such a wonderful way to show off our babies, the beautiful, beautiful PomsDENVER METRO POM CLUB by Mona Mae CaldwellThe Denver Club probably had more fun, became better acquainted with our own members, pulled together more and had more aching feet than any other single group at the Summer Specialty. The Specialty for us was the fruition of two years of concern and sometimes doubt about whether we could really pull this thing off. Well, we did and if any of the people who attended had half the enjoyment and learned half as much as all of us, we will claim success.It was a pleasure for us to host our lovely president, Marlene Scott Halsey. Having her here made all of us feel a closer bond to the A.P.C. Chris Heartz, the Sweepstakes Judge, was just as sweet and pleasant as her articles in the Review have led us to believe she must be. Mrs. Keke Blumberg was our most able judge. Keke, escorted by her husband joined us at the banquet. We were delighted to meet them. At the risk of sounding repetitious, we will say it again. We were so glad you all came.On the post-Specialty new front, the Denver Club will be sponsoring a fun match in September. Our president, Michael Thorstad says that we will be applying for our sanction soon. Opal Dumler is realising a long-time dream. By the time you read this, her new kennel will be finished and her dogs living in luxury. Opal and her husband have recently built a new home. It was fun to hash over the Specialty with Dan and Jo Ellen Mercer, who with their children spent a night with us in Estes Park while attending the Arabian Horse Show. The club will get together next week and look over the pictures we took during the specialty.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Heritage Kennels of Vermont introducesBells Treasure of Houston'W5BEST OFWINNERSPictured taking Best of Winners in Stowe, Vermont. Houston is a son of Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist, out of a granddaughter of Ch. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus.We have a number of litters now, young but showing potential61483 2 females. Sire Bells Treasure of Houston x Bells Me.ry Masquerade.71583 2 females 1 male. Sire Bells Golden Bear x Bells Happy Lady Luck.73183 1 female. Sire Can. Ch. Emcee Taco Sabroso x Bells Silver Charm.Two more litters due in August of Bonner, Millamor Emcee lines.BreederOwnerBetty and Rex Bell Box 81Williston, VT 05495 802 879-1663Handler Barbara Paine 51 Babbitt Ct. Elmsford, NY 10523iO POMERANIAN REVIEWInvestigate BEFORE You Invest Why you should buy your dog from a Breeder-ExhibitorIt seems that when you need an article on luying a purebred puppy, either you dont lave anything or what you have is too long md weighty for someone who is only asually interested to bother reading. Make ome copies of this piece and take them to notches and dog shows. Have them on land at home when prospective buyers ome just to look. Perhaps it will keep ust a few people away from puppy mill luppies and that would be a good start.Who is a breeder-exhibitorThe breeder-exhibitor is a hobby breeder, fe has a breeding program designed to ulfill the requirements for excellence described in the standard of perfection for he breed as accepted by The American Cennel Club. His litters are carefully ilanned to produce beautiful, healthy, ound puppies of excellent temperament, vho will grow up to be superior epresentatives of the breed. He will show lis dogs in the conformation ring in order o evaulate his results and compare them vith the puppies produced by other ledicated breeders. He maintains his merest in the pups he breeds for their ifetime. This means that you will buy a mppy who, all of his life, will look and lehave as a dog of the breed should ... he vill be a true representative, easily ecognizable of his species. More you vill have your knowledgeable, conscien- ious breeder to whom you can turn for .dvice. All breeds have special character- stics and requirements, and only an xperienced breeder can give you the advice ou need to raise that dog in the best tossible way.I only want a pet.The care and planning that the breeder-exhibitor puts into his puppies will produce superior pets. He has studied the history of the breed to select dam and sire for soundness of mind and body. He makes sure that his brood bitch has all her shots the immunity will be passed on to the pups. All her life she has been specially nourished so that she can give the best to her babies. These puppies are whelped in his home and carefully socialized. The pet or companion pups in this litter will have enjoyed the every advantage of show prospects. The intelligence and steady temperament that make a good show dog are also primary qualities in a good pet.What should you expect from you breeder1. Your breeder will interview you to make sure you understand the special requirements of the breed and can provide a good home for his carefully bred puppy.2. Your breeder will supply you with a pedigree, a written contract, a health certificate, and written instructions to facilitate rearing and training your puppy. Most reputable breeders sell pet quality pups on spay-neuter agreements to prevent the breeding of less than superior animals.AKC PAPERS DO NOT GUARANTEE TYPE OR QUALITY.POMERANIAN REVIEWtCh. Cherokees Darin DrummerPending AKC confirmationShown going Group 2 under judge Mrs. Cynthia Sommers.Drummer has an impressive show record with several Best of Breeds and Group placings.Thanks Janice Luginsland for presenting Drummer so beautifully.Ii5 Iwv AZTOYTERSON CITY KENNEL CLUE JEFFERSON CITY MISSOURI JULY 9 1983 TOY CROUP 2JUDGEMRS CYNTHIA SOMMERSPHOTO BY PETRULISTOYShown going Group 3 under judge Mrs. Bettie Krause.FOR SALEChampion sired males solid, typey. We have lovely puppies ring-bound in the future.Breeder-Owner Handler-AgentJ anice Y oung J anice Luginsland1080 Carl St. RR1St. Clair, MO 63077 Americus, KS 66835J\1 POMERANIAN REVIEWHow To Spend a Two-Dog Nightby Irving TownsendAlmost everybody who listens to music ounger than Lawrence Welks is aware hat Three Dog Night is the name of a rock roup. A more select minority knows that a hree-dog night is colder than a two-dog light, although not so cold as a four-dog light in that part of Russia inhabited by leople called Samoyeds.In the interest of those other than Samoyeds, who seem to be too cold to care vhom or how many they sleep with, I will iddress myself to rules for sleeping with wo dogs. For the few who have already nastered this technique I will later add a at, although I urge beginners to leave the at out.To achieve any sort of success, certain irbitrary conditions must be assumed, the 'irst one being that you must have a cind-sized bed. There is no point in lying lown in anything smaller. While the size or ireed of dog is not important people who leep with dogs know that before the night s over everybody collects into a pile the ondition of the dogs may be. Very thin logs, for instance, are lumpier. Youll totice that the Samoyeds have developed omfortable dogs.1 have selected the two-dog minimum jecause, as we shall see, it is the only way to tay in bed at all. The key word here is leverage. All dogs spend the night pressed ightly against their human bedfellows, but 10 two dogs ever sleep on the same side, fhis is, in part, an expression of the Let Sleeping Dogs Lie principle. It is also to reate leverage.Because the human is always in the niddle, held tightly in place by the dogs ind by his blanket which the dogs are leeping on top of, restlessness and ecurring cramps are difficult to handle, -lere is a tip when you first lie down andbefore the dogs settle against each side of you, spread your legs three inches apart. Stiffen and hold out no matter how great the pressure. When the time comes to turn over, bring the legs together quickly under the now slightly slackened blanket and revolve before the dogs wake up. As soon as you have assumed a new position, allow for those crucial three inches again. Otherwise youre a mummy for the rest of the night.Never spread the legs more than three inches. A dogs favorite place to sleep is in the hollow created by legs too widely spread, and once settled he and you are frozen into position until morning. There is a way out of this trap, but it is difficult to describe without slides. Dogs who prefer to sleep on their backs must be given turning space three times the height of the dog at the shoulder. Dogs who like pillows may be accommodated if you sleep on your side with the legs scissored so that each dog has an ankle for a chin rest.Above all, beware of curling. When the curl is reversed, both dogs are dislocated, resulting in low growls on both sides of you.When you are ready to add a cat, position is all-important. This is a trick the Samoyeds have long since mastered. All cats prefer to sleep in hollows, but no cat will sleep on the same side as a dog. Remember, you have only two sides. You must therefore become a triangle. Do this by assuming a horizontal divers crouch, thereby creating not only three more-or-less exclusive sides but two hollows as well. With one dog at your front and the other against your back, the cat can curl into the hollow at the back of your bent knees, separated from both dogs. All will then sleep soundly.continued on p. 80.POMERANIAN REVIEW lMix the best genetic ingredientsAnd you getTop producing sire 5 champions in 1982Am. Mex. Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of PeppiandTop producing sire 5 champions in 1982Ch. Queenaire Gambling DudeVCh. Millwood TopodyneAlthough never professionally handled Topo was BOB over champions 3 times from the classes. He won the points 6 out of 7 times shown until championship and won BOB at the prestigious Beverly Hills show in June entry 29. Thank you, judge Edd BivenTopo has a refined but not fine face, with a good stop. He has nice shoulder angulation allowing a high headset and high earset. His tailset is high, straight, and tight although we groom it full and heavy by preference. He is a natural showman and loves the world.Frozen semen shipped anywhere anytime Cryobank.Normal stud service after Thanksgiving.A few Christmas puppies.All inquiries acknowledged with pleasure.Jean Mill 1412 Covina Hills Rd. Covina, CA 91724 213 966-1839 eves.a kPOMERANIAN REVIEWTHE BROOD BITCHby Olga BakerFortunately the breeding of any stock has rot been reduced to the level of a cook look recipe. We, as conscientious breeders, ire not building biscuits ... we are . . . building living creatures. Or, rather we ire guiding the procedure. There are urprises in store for all breeders, for the nating of certain individual dogs, which iccording to theory should produce a ertain result, often does not do so.Mendels theory that law which lescribed inheritance of characteristics in inimals and plants has a great advantage, rhe breeder who has absorbed its principles I havent quite yet can be confident that he union of certain individuals from ertain strains will not produce certain mdesirable results. Certain strains, for nstance, do not in practice mix satisfac- orily, although in theory there is no reason vhy they should not.The relationship of ancestors is a vital 'actor in breeding, clearly due to the onsideration that related specimens are learer like each other than unrelated ones md that the nearer alike two particular jarents are, the greater is the probability hat their offspring will possess most of heir qualities and, in turn, the offspring vill be more uniform among themselves, slot wishing to venture from my subject the brood bitch, may I still define briefly he relationship of parents, represented in he following in order of nearness nbreeding Of the first degree Father laughter motherson brothersister the ast one the closest of all. Inbreeding of the econd degree Half brotherhalf sister incleniece auntnephew.Jnebreeding GrandfatherGrand- laughter grandmothergrandson grand- ongranddaughter 1st cousinlst cousin. Jnebreeding Second Degree Embraces allmatings showing a relationship, but not as close as above. For this, there must be at least one common ancestor within 4 generations for instance the same grandparent.Outbreeding Hardly any relationship breeding. Purbreeding of course, but with no common ancestor within 4 generations. Here is something interesting to store in your memory bank for practical breeding purposes, it is needless to go back beyond the 5th generation Dominance peters out after this generation however, some recessive traits hang on much farther back in ancestry.But ... to our subject Brood Bitches It is a much-used aphorism that no stable is better than its mares no kennel better than its bitches. That, of course, is true. The most valuable acquisition a would-be dog breeder can make is that of a good bitch or bitches. Without one or more of these, the tasks of breeding superior specimens in any breed is a long, if not indeed a hopeless, one. It is better surely if the bitch herself possesses all the attributes of a show specimen hard to come by, but of great importance also obviously is her genetic background. It is in her bloodlines that her potential worth can best be judged.There are those who believe that a top bitch, regardless of what may be behind her in bloodlines, will as likely produce good ones as will another who, though less perfect herself, has a family of good ones behind her. Every experienced dog breeder knows that sometimes a superior, specimen will come from a quite nondescript hit or miss mating. Such a one is an accident or happenstance. To claim that a bitch is more likely to reproduce in her own image than that of one of her littermates, for example, is to demonstrate an ignorance of continued on p. 64.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4Ch. Lennis Jonathan P.QuibblesrrMbiSrtPictured with judge Thomas Baldwin and handler Helen Melucci at Taconic Hills K.C., New York, July 1983.Thank you to Mrs. James Clark for BOB at the Bay Colony Pom Specialty Show May 14, 1983.Congratulations and best wishes to Dewey and Lennis Davis with their beautiful new baby boy. At Stud Ship to Providence Airport.Owner HandlerAlbert DOro Helen Melucci580 Providence St. Millard Rd.West Warwick, R.I. 02893 No. Attleboro, MA401828-0133 617695-02106 POMERANIAN REVIEWModel Kenneland Maynard Wood are proud to present\BEST OF WINNERSDANVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH 1883PHOTO 8TCh. Millamors Miss ModelBred by Millamor Kennels Owned by Maynard Wood and Bob GoodrichMissy finished with four majors and we would like to thank all judges for giving her points Mr. R.D. Hammond, Mr. J. Rowe, Dr. B.L. Esporite and finished under Mrs. Anne Clark.Another good job was done by Maynard showing this nice bitch.Pedigree under New Champions.Bob Goodrich P.O.Box 3004 Hampton, VAPOMERANIAN REVIEW lModel Kennelpresents our new championkVaEST XM PTEOSDOMINIONOLDkennel1983Ch. Cedarwoods Sweet CharityBreeder Mrs. Anne RiddickWe wish to thank the judges who gave Charity her majors and points Mrs. Kendricks, Mr. F. McCoy, Mrs. R. Willes and Finished under Mrs. Cynthia Sommers at Old Dominion K.C.Thanks to Mrs. Riddick for letting me have this nice bitch and thanks again to Maynard wood for showing her.Bob Goodrich P.O. Box 3004 Hampton, VA8 POMERANIAN REVIEWwin Pines PomeraniansIn the heart of Pom Country.T4s1'Twin Pines puppy at 4 months FOR SALEWe have 2 litters available whelped June 6 and 7AC Ch. Emcees Golden Chip x Lennis Sable Bunnie AC Ch. Emcees Golden Chip x Anwins Tiny Honey BugCongratulations Morris on finishing J.V. in Canada.Twin Pines Bruni Bear is now being shown by Jean Lade.Lillian and John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643POMERANIAN REVIEWPirn. Can. Ch. Emcee's Golden Chipv. ,. - r \ h p v - -- - \ \ i 7, v ,s-rakri^iAC Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip x Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceeHVjThanks to Natalie Dunfee for showing J.V. to his Can. championship and for taking excellent care of him. Watch for J.V. as he will be shown in the area with his handler, Maynard Wood. J.V. is very sound, typey and a lovely, clear radiant orange. NOT AT PUBLIC STUD.Congratulations Natalie Dunfee Multi Best in Show winning AC Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of Tara.Dianne Johnson Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker Ch. Emcee Chip of Diamond daughter, finished in 4 shows.Carolyn Lewis Ch. Golden Oaks Chips of Gold Ch. Emcee Chip of Diamond son, finished very rapidly. OUR NEW ADDRESS CccCtcde25ccMorris and Betty Carson Richmond, VA 232339826 Waltham Dr. 804 740-7977 2POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kidwins big in ColoradoA-ViLCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid wins Best of Breed under well known Pomeranian judge, Mr. Fred Bassett, on his way to Group 1 under Mr. Richard W. Hensel at Terry-All Kennel Club. Total Toy group entry at this show 372.Sonnys show record in limited showing and handled exclusively by Jean Schroll.1 BISS3 Group 14 Group 2 2 Group 3 4 Group 4We have a few show and pet quality puppies for sale, some sired by Sonny. Young breeding stock and also some bred matrons for sale. Reasonably priced.Bi-Mar PomeraniansMary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, WA 98003 206 927-2369POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid congratulates his sonBi-Mar Sundown Kitp1-AA2 Best in Sweepstakes at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty under judge Bea George and shown by Mary Rosenbaum. Best Puppy at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty.Seven Best of Breeds to date from the puppy class.Watch for this outstanding little showman on his way to his championshipOwned ByJeanSchroll 12950 New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045Co-Owned ByMary A Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225iince writing the last column on recordping, Ive had two experiences pointing reasons for such records. Maybe some you with sharp eyes noticed that, tough Gem finished his CDX in July of , it wasnt published until the July 83 tw Reports. After he finished, his tificate arrived from AKC in about 5 ks. On the envelope it said the title uld be published in the November 82 tw Reports. But it wasnt. Nor was it in ' subsequent Show Report. I wasnt too turbed, because the only thing I could ik of that was affected by the omission that I couldnt get the certificate arded by the APC, but since I wasnt ng to the Specialty, the point was moot, t then I sent in the registration on a litter d by Gem. Back came the blue slips, hout the CDX after his name. I called Gs show results department. They had record of his title Then why did I get certificate I read off the list of dates 1 places of his legs, and they assured me would be straightened out. In a few days cond certificate arrived. A phone call to registration department garnered the dee to simply add the X by hand to the e sheets. And finally the title was lfirmed in Show Results. AKC does ke mistakes, and you need records to get m corrected.had attended several shows on a week g circuit. After returning home, I was ually looking at the catalog from one of shows when, for some reason, my open hs registration number caught my eye.It was wrong Good grief, were her wins invalid I called MB-F, superintendents for the shows in question. They confirmed that they had her in the computer under two numbers. Their advice was that I write to AKC, explaining in detail, and hope for the best. I wrote, but after a few days, I became anxious so I picked up the phone and called. The nice lady I talked to was sympathetic. She was unaware of the letter Ill never know if it was lost in the shuffle or not. She said, since the results from those shows had not yet been posted, she would be glad to change my bitchs number. The wins were duly recorded and published.Lately Ive been wondering if Ive become the East Coast authority on diarrhea. In one week three people with three different breeds called for advice on dealing with diarrhea. Although the causes in each case were different, all three were severe andor prolonged and my advice was basically the same. When a dog develops diarrhea, your approach is two-fold. First, give it medication. Kaopectate and Pepto Bismol are mild, safe, and readily available. I prefer Bio-Sol M. It is stronger and gives faster results than the others. Usually one dose is enough. Secondly, stop his regular diet his insides cant handle it. I first offer baby rice pablum mixed with warm water or skim milk. Do not use regular milk because of the fat. After a meal or two of pablum, I add plain cultured yoghurt to the pablum. If the dog continues to improve, add cottage cheese or boiled chicken. All these are bland but nutritious. Gradually return the dog to his normal diet.Ive found another dandy use for Bio-Sol M. This spring I began showing a dog that got very carsick. Getting more experience riding in the car didnt help. I found that giving him a dose 3-4 drops of Bio-Sol M 20 to 30 minutes before putting him in the car completely solved the problem. Thank goodness.POMERANIAN REVIEWNumber 1 Pomeranian for 1982Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudger '"4T'If r._'y 'Toasty retired April 16th going Best in Show at Harrisburg K.C. We are very proud of our guys record of 24 Best in Shows, 142 Best of Breeds, 59 Group I, 38 Group II, 16 Group III, 7 Group IV. He was also BOB and Group II at the Garden in 1981 BOB and Group II at the Garden in 1982 BOB at the A.P.C. Specialty in 1982 BOB at the Western Pom Specialty BOB at the Greater Houston Pom Specialty and BOB at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Specialty.Toasty is now back home at Bev-Nor being spoiled rotten, as well as earning his keep at stud. Its been a long time since weve had him and we are enjoying having him back. Special thanks to Ed Jenner and Susan Fisher for putting such an outstanding record on our Toasty.Number 1 Female Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea-Terra You talked us out of her, Claudia. Congratulations to . . . Charlotte Creed on new champion, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight . . . Skip Piazza on new champion, Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Delight. . . Claudia Pfeffer on Toastys brother and 3 Group II to our other little guy, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple.. . . and to all the winning Fudge kids all over the country especially at the Specialty and the Garden.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-1343POMERANIAN REVIEW[f you are not subscribing to AKCs Pure ed Dogs, American Kennel Gazette, ure really missing a good deal. A years bscription is 18.00 and every issue is tertaining and very informative. I read it ver to cover, including all the breed lumns. I often pick up ideas for hints re. Oops, secrets out.New Products Department These are ms that Ive seen advertised elsewhere d thought you might be interested in m. I havent tried them and neither the view, APC, nor I endorse them. You can w get bank checks personalized with ur dogs photo or you can get one of 130 ck canine designs for 7.50200. Write r a brochure to Kansas Bank Note Co., pt. DG, Box 360, Fredonia, KS 66736. lat would make a fun birthday present r a dog-loving spouse or significant her.For those of you who use hair-dryers or ppers at shows, there is a 25 ft. heavy ity extention cord which retracts into its vn plastic carrying case. Called the Power aster Cordreel, it is 24. The Pour N ore Big Bin 20 is a wall-mounted 3rage bin, holds up to 40 pounds of dog od which it dispenses out the bottom.Its time to start making your Christmas ts. Besides the items mentioned above, insider giving the following to doggy mily and friends1. Fire extinguisher, for motor home or nnel.2. First aid kit.3. Foul weather gear.4. Books a wide assortment is 'ailable.5. Subscriptions to Gazette, Pom eview, or Off Lead.6. Membership in a travel club such as AA.Dont throw out that old shower curtain, .t outdoor shows, mine has proved ivaluable in protecting crates or x-pen om wind or rain. At an indoor show, I raped it around the x-pen, secured it withclothes pins to keep motor-mouth from barking at the nearby standard poodle. It can also be used as a floor covering under the x-pen in the motel room or under the whelping box at home.A friend sent me a clipping from a newspaper in a large metropolitan area. It is a classified ad offering Peke-A-Poo puppies from the finest bloodlines in the East for 500 Of course we are outraged by this. What nerve What a fraud But wait a minute. Arent some of us guilty of this same sort of thing to some degree I mean over-pricing puppies. A friend called me last year to say she had been offered a puppy for 3,000. Now my personal opinion is that that is a lot of money for a puppy, no matter how nice the pedigree, how many wins the sire has had, or what guarantees are offered. The show career of the sire does not ensure quality in the puppy. I can think of one lovely Pom who had a fantastic career but never produced a single champion. Ive heard a number of reasons for these high prices If they want one of my puppies, theyre going to have to pay for it. After all, the sire has 3 BISs, If I can find someone willing to pay it, why shouldnt I get it What does all this have to do with bettering the breed Are we in this because we love the breed, because we are trying to breed a better Pom, because we want to share with others the joys of owning Pomeranians Or along the way have we become too interested in our own reputations or the almighty dollar Ethics and integrity require us to examine our motives and actions occasionally. The people I admire the most in this breed are ones who have not only been in it for a long time, but they are honest, generous, modest AND price their puppies reasonably.Thank you for your letters. I love hearing from you.Ch. Models Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Models Solid Gold Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Ole BlockCh. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcees Tartan Tam CH. JANESAS WHATTA GAMBLER Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dixielands Veronica Ch. Janesas Rock N-UbetCh. Pompuf Gay Gold DancerJerrie and Vanessa Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466L.JliE5aPOMERANIAN REVIEW1lIMSsillSiilim MIDWESTREPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI54228I have been asked to write some of my icles on the Pomeranian standard. As far I know, there is no move to revise it, as it is just revised in 1980, although the 1980 isions were made without allowing time r discussion through the Pomeranian view or any other means. I believe this mid have made for a better revision. The ithod used was questioned by some of the imbers in the know blind obedience for me who gave it no thought. So be it.These articles will be giving my erpretation of the Standard. I am ping, if you disagree or agree you will ite to Yips and Yaps expressing your inions. You will not hurt my feelings so nt be afraid. You may cover some things idnt even think about.I am not, never was and never will be the t word on the Pomeranian. I have had a mber of years experience and success th them. This experience was gained not ly by breeding Poms, but also through seventy or so shows per year I attend, these shows I have been able to observe rer peoples Poms as well as show my m. I do not consider myself kennel blind d from my educational experiences have irned to be very objective. I hope the [lowing articles prove this true.Standard for the PomeranianAppearance The Pomeranian in build d appearance is a cobby, balanced, ort-coupled dog. He exhibits great diligence in his expression, and is alert in aracter and deportment.This paragraph seems to summarize theover-all appearance of the Pom and involves some of the other individual parts of the standard.Head Well proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a fox-like expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lippiness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips and on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Light pigment on nose or eye rims is a major fault.We see many types of heads on the Poms of today. Have you ever had someone come up to you at a show and say, His face looks just like a little fox. They might be referring to the expression, but more than likely they are referring to the fox-like look of the head.There are different kinds of foxes. The Arctic Fox has a shorter muzzle than the red and grey fox, for instance. It also has a thicker coat. The standard does not refer to a fox-like face only expression. In fact the standard does not really give complete guidance to the type of head a Pom has or should have.The standard says wedge-shaped. Do you know how many different wedge-shape sizes there could be If you think of the many angles that could be in a circle or the number of different size pieces that could be cut from a pumpkin pie, what would each wedge look likeNow, apply this concept to the Pomeranian head. You can get many different looks. The skull can be wide between the base of the ears, even as much as a 90 degree angle, or it could be half of that size wedge a 45 degree angle. Anything less than a 45 degree angle may tend to give a snipey look. The length of coat around the sides of the head and cheeks give the appearance of a wider head.Another influence in the appearance of the wedge is the length of muzzle compared to the length of the head from the stop toPOMERANIAN REVIEWrVo rr^y pomsJ- -VIkL LO My ButtercupShown taking a 4 point major under judge Edward McGough at the Terry-All Kennel Club show. B.C. missed being bred as her beau was snowed in during the Westminster shows. We will breed her to Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinaden on her next season. She needs a major to finish.Hope everyone had a good time at the A.P.C. Summer Specialty in Denver. We enjoyed having you.Opal R. Dumler 1091 S. Lake Gulch Rd. Castle Rock, CO 80104 303 688-3768POMERANIAN REVIEW5 occiput. Some breed standards give a io of comparisons such as the muzzle lgth from the tip of the nose to the stop ould equal one-third the distance between 5 stop and the occiput. What should it for the Pom This is where we seem to t the description of baby-face or foxy e. One persons idea of each of these scriptions does not always agree with other persons idea of the same scription. What is more, the terms jaby-face and foxy face are not used the standard. Should they be These ms are used by breeders and appear in vertisements often. If these terms did pear in the standard, should they be scribed in terms of length of muzzle mpared to length of stop to occiput, dor width of the wedge in relation to the gree of the wedge angleA round domey skull is a major fault. any Poms with a huge coat could have e appearance of a domey skull. Be sure iu determine whether or not a Pom does does not have a domey skull by feeling, it just looking at the head.Light pigment on the nose is a major ult. This is a more severe restriction on gment than a dudley nose. A iudley nose has no black on or around e outside edge of it and was never black, any breeds that have a bisque or cream Tor coat have a nose that become lighter the winter. The Samoyed comes to mind, lis is commonly called a snow nose. The se on an orange can even lighten mewhat in the center in winter. This ippens to other breeds with red or ahogany coats. The Irish Setter is an ample. A snow nose can be easily stinguished from a dudley nose by the ack pigment around the outside edge of e nose and also the presence of dark eye ms. A dudley nose goes hand-in-hand ith pink eye rims. Our standard does not low for a snow nose that can be prevalent winter in the colder states. A snow nose ill darken when the dog is moved to awarm climate in winter. I have seen it happen when a cream is taken on the January Florida circuit and to Bermuda in the colder months. I have also heard people say that giving vitamin B2 or adding kelp to the diet will bring the black nose back.At this point Poms are being penalized for a snow nose. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe we have the only breed standard that does no This is a gross disadvantage for northern Pomeranians.SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB by Anna LaFortuneOn June 4, Mr. Richard Lackey came from Arizona to judge our Futurity. The big money went to Anna LaFortune for breeding Ch. Sungolds Diamond Stud, owner Anna LaFortune. Second money went to JoAnn Vestol for breeding Riders GiGi Baby, owner Blanche Rider. This lovely girl was just purchased by Pete Castaneda and Robert Johnson of Seattle, WA. A good time was had by all and a lovely lunch was served by the members. JoAnn made a lemon cake that was the best I have ever eaten.We have been having training classes for the members and their dogs. I was proud to see how much the classes helped. After four classes, Don Ontiveros went into the ring like a pro. I could not have shown his dog better. Besides our classes, we are learning how to trim different dogs to bring out their best features.This is short this time, because I have been running around showing my little dogs.POMERANIAN REVIEW Sandtown PomeraniansmimCh. Sandtowns Oklahoma GoldBo is a 4 lb. bright orange with excellent movement. He is for sale to a serious breeder.He was supurbly shown by Nadine Hersil.Ch. Creiders Boxcar WillieWe are proud to announce the championship of our Creiders Boxcar Willie. Boxie took two 5 pt. majors at the summer shows in Denver.Many thanks to Norma for letting us have Boxie.He was expertly shown by Nadine Hersil.PUPPIES OCCASIONALLYr s'm .14-v XaSilLois and Bill Abjornson P.O. Box432 Sand Springs, OK 74063POMERANIAN REVIEWRemember the Good Timest 'i- . e. 3cCh. Millamors MarkettaDecember 21,1972 May 16,1983Winner of 105 Groups and 35 Bests in Show.Ken and Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITYBeautiful champion for sale finished with two 4 point majorsSon of Ch. Bonners Lisastar Legacy x Silver Meadows Sybil.Deep bright orange color, proven stud, whelped 2-17-79.See picture and pedigree in the July 83 Review, page 25. other pictures available.New litters expected in SeptembermSilver Meadows PomsRon and Jackie Klein Silver Springs, NY 145504136 West Lake Rd. 716 237-5473POMERANIAN REVIEWMILLAMOR POMS"TvJifr 'rAHIsGROUPMillamor's Mark MedallionGroup 1 from the classes.This 15 month old boy has already proven himself as a stud and is now proving himself in the ring.We meet planes at Tampa Airport.FLASH Mark Too wins back to back 5 and 4 point majors at Astro Hall Shows.Ken and Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Dr.Lakeland, FL 33803 813 646-5864POMERANIAN REVIEWhWe moved, and before the dust settled or iny boxes were unpacked, we were off to exciting four day dog show circuit in incouver, WA. The weather threatened in so we took our rain gear and were on r way. We arrived just in time for the ilumbia Specialty, July 15. The specialty ite-up will be found in another part of is issue, but I have to mention some of s winners. They were so beautiful. Bea lorge judged Puppy Sweepstakes and ose Bi-Mar Sundown Kit as Best in eepstakes. Cruiser was bred by Mary senbaum and shown by his proud new mer, Jean Schroll. Specialty judge lelma Brown also named him Best Puppy, inners Bitch and Best of Winners was J.s Crystals Isadora, a sensational ack and tan from the Bred by Exhibitor iss, was shown by breeder-owner Pete istaneda. Winners Dog was Sungolds ay Caballero, a brilliant red orange who pifies the standard in structure and nperament, bred by Anna LaFortune, own by owner Ray LaFortune. Best of eed was Ch. Millbrooks El Gran iballero, who also won the Stud Dog iss. If possible, he is more beautiful than s champion kids. He is a delightful house t and companion, his owner and handler ana LaFortune often declares. Josh is bred by Barbara Paine. Best Opposite x was awarded to Ch. Jambos immunity Property, bred and owned by licia Kvamme and Nora Higbee and own by Alicia. She again displayed the gh quality we all strive for in our Poms. Dngratulations to all.PACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 272113th N.E. Puyallup, WA 98371Saturdays show, The Portland Kennel Club Show with judge Dr. Allen Kirk Jr., was at the same location and we saw sunny skies and the large Pom entry again. Judge Kirk chose Alicia Bauer and Elva McGilbrys Golden Glow Little Chief Winners Dog, Alicia Kvammes Cedar Glens Tiffany OBradley as Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex. She was bred by Shirley Bradley. Best of Breed went to Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, who later when on to Group 1. Beautiful dogs all.On Sunday at the Greater Clark County Kennel Club show, Mrs. Jean Fancy awarded these honors. Winners Dog again went to Golden Glow Little Chief, shown by breeder Alicia Bauer, owned by Alicia Bauer and Elva McGilbry. Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex went to Pete Castanedas Bred by Exhibitor bitch C.J.s Crystals Isadora. Best of Breed went again to Ch. Bi-Mars Sundance Kid.Mondays show was hot and sunny. The Willamette Valley Kennel Club had Mrs. Barbara Jarmoluk judging and she chose Sungolds Gay Caballero Winners Dog, Best of Winners and Best of Breed. He was bred and owned by the LaFortunes. His half sister, Riders Sungolden Gidget was Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex. She was bred by Marilyn Hawley and owned by Erin Hundley. This win completed her championship four days after her first birthday.The shows were over and we packed up and made our way home. The best part of the four days did not happen in the rings. It happened as we renewed old acquaintances. We talked Poms and grooming and what to feed and how to train. Not wanting it to be all over, we invited those who could to stop by and admire our new house full of boxes. Anna and Ray LaFortune, who were planning to exhibit on the Cal-Ore Circuit the following week, drove me home and stayed with us. They were in theirPOMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducing\iBEST JKtf.WINNERS'V'Golden Oaks Autumn MementoEmcees Sparkling Memento x Annons Pollyana From ChipsShown taking an owner handled 3 point major at 7 months of age under judge Mrs. Lorraine Heichel Masley.Thanks to Morris and Betty Carson of Emcees Pomeranians for Emcees Sparkling Chip who will start his show career soon.Summer AddressOwnersLavina and John Garton Winter AddressP.O. Box 151 4888 Canal 15 Rd.Dillwyn, VA 23936 Lake Worth, FL 33463804 983-2517 305 967-5786POMERANIAN REVIEWlf-contained unit which really helped. The arbins came to visit Tuesday with Bobbie aser. Pete Casteneda and Bob Johnson me later. The guys all worked together to ing in my dining room table which was ting on its side on the patio. They had to ke the door off to get it in the house, but ey did it. I managed to find enough dishes id with a contribution from the iFortunes we had dinner in our new house 1 our old table with good friends . . . and Iked about Poms. Later Ray figured out w to re-wire the kennel lights so we could e to put the Poms to bed. And as soon as find my coffee pot, we can settle down id go on with our lives.Two more Poms join the ranks of tampions. At the Seattle K.C. Show, inday August 7, judge Anthony Quiroga ive Winners Dog to Que Sera Firefox of iRita to complete his championship. He ive Winners Bitch and Best of Winners to .J.s Crystals Isadora to finish her. Lots congratulations from our friends and ch other. Best of Breed went to Ch. imHos Georgia Heat Wave, bred by issie Stephens and Tomi Hoobin, owned id shown by Jim Moran. He is loved and [mired by many of us who have watched m grow from a little puppy to a great owman.My summer has continued to be busy, ardly had our guests gone on their way, hen I was sent on an inspection trip to orea. My business is in the development ' insulated outerwear. Since much of the oduction takes place in Korea, it often icomes necessary for me to go have a look how things are doing. So I went. The oreans are very easy to work with they ree with everything you say. What they ean is that they hear you, not that they iderstand you. Their way of life is very fferent from ours. They do admire our ays and are eager to learn as much as they n from us. They also like dogs not for owing, for lunch. However, this too is tanging. In two homes I was privileged tovisit they had pet dogs. One home had two white Poms and that was the day I didnt have my camera wouldnt you know.The Puget Sound Pom Club had a match last weekend with Jessie Stephens judging. We enjoyed a nice pot luck afterward. The winners are listed in the Puget Sound column.Maybe now things will slow down and I can get to my boxes. I still would like to find my coffee pot...The Brood Bitch, contd from p. 44. the law of heredity.The sometimes heard statement that like produces like is far from being a dependable truism. Both are of importance the overall quality and type of the bitch, as well as her family tree, but of the two, the latter will be found to have the more influence both for good and for bad.It is well to interject here that paper breeding is not alone the answer and may indeed be dangerous. Remember that inbreeding and linebreeding serve to accentuate not only the good but the bad points and when such breeding is used, strict selection must be madeAt the expense of over simplifying, my word of advice Given a foundation bitch who herself is of superior quality as compared to the average of her breed, and who also has a pedigree in which some top quality dogs appear one or more times, breeding to a stud dog who fits either pedigree-wise or characteristic-wise, cant miss. This is your only way to proceed.Dont minimize that girls importance Try to avoid over-confidently expecting super pups from breeding one of your girls to Mr. Famous. Quality attributes from such a mating must be credited to two individuals Truth is Mr. Famous may not be one bit more responsible for the resulting babies than mom herselfPOMERANIAN REVIEWLenniss PomeraniansWISHES TO CONGRATULATE'Ch. Lennis Dr. Halsey of Great ElmsOwner Bert Halsey of Blue Ridge, VA. Doc came out of retirement and won three Groups Is, three Group IIs, two Group Ills and one Group IV out of 9 Best of Breeds.Flash Snottie Fox has three drop dead gorgeous pups sired by Doc.VSun Fox Lennis Rains It PoursOwner-handler Claudia Lis Lennis Rain Maker xLennis The Snottie Fox BOW from puppy class at 6lA months.Lennis Davis Rt. 2, Box 223Vj8 \r...Sun Fox Lennis Image of OldOwner-Handler Claudia Lis Ch. Lennis Tar Sons Image xLennis The Snottie Fox Straight 4-5-3 pt. majors.Ch. Lennis Jonathan P. QuibbleOwner Albert DOro.Expecting some exciting new litters - we sell our good ones yesMorristown, TN 37814 615587-3411Call for quicker response3 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional stalls as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on le with the Review, the charge is 10.50.h. CEDARWOODS sweet charityrange Female reeder Ann Riddickiwner Robert L. Goodrich, Hampton, ACh. Copyright of Nanjo Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String Roanoakes Sun Button Ih. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Ch. Nanjo Interlude Bodas Topaz Merry Gold Bodas Diamond Gypsy Jan Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Mar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Mar-Bi-Leas Bit of Fluff ledarwoods September DawnCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Rosewoods Pride of Timstopper Wee Lucky Kimh. creiderS chatterboxLed Sable Femaleireeder Norma Creiderwner Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WICh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Lh. Creiders Rhinestone CowboyInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Joy of Ti-Town Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. Queenaires GambolinMan Ch. Sundots Ramboling Man Ch. Queenaires First Lady Lreiders Sara LeeCh. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Wee Topsy Creiders Miss RiptideCH. CREIDERS WOODROSE BITTACLASSFemaleBreeder Norma CreiderOwner Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WICh. Sundots Ramboling Man Ch. Creiders Bold Venture Creiders Wee Topsy Creiders Maggies Best Yet Creiders Sable Dandy Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Molly B Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Creiders Short N SassyInt. Ch. Queenaires Scotch N Soda Creiders Joy of T-Town Creiders Miss MaggieCH. IDLEWYLE STAR PENDANT CDOrange Sable FemaleBreederOwner Margaret R. and John R. McKee, Richmond, VACh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Ch. Julies Star VegaCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Julies Starlight Susan Julies Stardust Ande Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice May Morning Small Talk CD May Morning Wizard May Morning Fun N Frolic May Morning Midnight FollyViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. JABILS SIMPLY SCRUMTIOUSOrange FemaleBreederOwner Jessie and Barbara Young, Loudon, NHAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Jabiis Simply Smashing Jabils Sun Goddess Ch. Jabils Simply SinfulAm. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah CD AC Ch Jabil,s Simply Smashing Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful Jabils Sun Goddess Ch. Jabils Simply SerenaCh. Topaze Pumkin Seed Manchesters Misty DawnTopaze Akiesha Tush MartineCH. MILLAMORS MISS MODELOrange Female Breeder Eleanor Miller Owner Robert L. GoodrichCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Dixieland Style Stepper Dixiland Little Judy Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Dixieland Dragonfly Delite Millamors Melody Box Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Millamors Rock Music Millamors Marlita Millamors Musical BoxCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Millamors MarlarkyMillamors Harmony of Tim-SueCH. POMIRISH CHANCES DREAM PUFFCream FemaleBreederOwner Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WIPomirish Pooh Bears Tigger CCh. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Edna of LenetteCh. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only ChanceShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffScotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Reddy Freddy Randys The Rock of Jolly Wee Randys Pride Joy of Duke Pomirish Jolly Wee Dream Whip Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Randys Dandy Wee SallyRandys Dandy Little PrincessCH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS D PROOFOrange MaleBreederOwner Sally Baugniet, MishicWICh. Scotts Little Buddy Buddy Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Goldie Jones Home Ch. Pomirish Lil GuyCh. Apples Traveling Buddy Travelers KatinaJewels Shadow of Gidget Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger CCh. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Edna of LenettePomirish Cream Puffs Carry OnShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffScotia Double Dr Da O CavilierCH. SCOTIA COMMANDERS GIN FIRed Sable MaleBreederOwner Edna Girardot, Flo City, FLCh. Varneys Special Cavalier Ch. Varneys Cavalier Top Choice Zodiac Starlight Starbright Ch. Zodiacs Cavalier CommanderCh. Scotia Cavs Sensational Kid Ch. Cavys Sensational Conquest Ch. Scotia Starlight Starbright Ch. Sheeba Little Corn Duke Ch. Count De Shon Delights Little Trixie Thelmas Twiggy Duke Ginger Stalkers Prancer Pom Chriss Lil Gypsy Tholes Molly BeeCH. SCOTIA LITTLEMAN SPECT CULAROrange Sable MaleBreederOwner Edna Girardot, Flo City, FLCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Ch. Scotia Just Dandys Littleman Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviliers Best Yet Ch. Royal Trudy of Lane-Marr Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs SpectacularCh. Sunsets Personal Conquest Ch. Scotia Specky Modly Xmas Noel Ch. Scotia Caviliers Toby Tyler Ch. Scotia Im Molly - Follow Me Ch. Scotia Golden Fantasycontinued on p. .POMERANIAN REVIEWV \REBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803Only one win to report this time but a g one Millamors Mark Medallion .ptured a Group I, giving him a 4 point ajor at the Tampa Kennel Club show on dy 10. Looks as if another son of Ch. illamors Mark of Dixieland is going to a champion before very long.Colleen Proctor from Brandenburg, Ky. rived for a 12-day visit with us on July 8. olleen and Dick were breeders and hibitors in California many years ago, id more recently, in Louisville, Ky. They longer have Poms and moved a few ars ago to a beatiful community called oe Valley. Colleen planned her visit at the me time as Shirley Hoffman as they had en friends in California. Shirley arrived l the 10th and what a wonderful visit we id. She has only a limited number of sms now. She is a very knowledgeable dy and has made a deep study of genetics, tien, as an added bonus, which we did not pect, Stella B. Davis from Springfield, h. arrived on the 16th for a week. Stella id the Weegold Poms in St. Paris, Oh. for any years and did a lot of winning with r lovely Poms. She and Shirley did some ooming here and Stella was always on md for clean-up and feeding. Our little idbit was 4 weeks old at the time and iffany 2Vi months. Think they really issed all their aunts and all the love id attention they got.A rather interesting thing is happening re we think. I wrote in the Pom Review ue of October 1982, about givinghormone shots to a 5 year old bitch who had never conceived. She did conceive on the 17th day after show of color however the puppy was dead. Due to the fact that Punkin will be 7 in the fall, I didnt really plan to breed her any more. However, one afternoon a breeder friend was here and, more or less on the spur of the moment we grabbed her up and bred her to a male who I wanted to get breeding experience. I have no idea what day of her cycle it was, but fortunately did record the date of the breeding only one. Well, it is the concensus of opinion that she is definitely pregnant and now Im scared to death Havent had the vet check her as I dont want to drag her around, but well see.An experience Eleanor Miller had a few weeks ago leads me to believe we all should be breeding Yorkies, rather than Poms. One of their little Yorkies presented her with a litter of 5 ALL FEMALES Never saw such a healthy bunch of puppies and the little mother is raising them all by herself.MOVINGThe Post Office does not forward third class mail, so it does no good to record your new address with them as far as your Review is concerned unless you have paid for 1st class mailing or you pay for your third class mail to be forwarded at the time you place your address change with the Post Office. When the Post Office returns your book to the Circulation Manager, you will have to pay this return postage .71 to 1.25 approximately, plus return postage to you. Therefore, let the Circulation Manager have your new address at least six weeks in advance of your intended move.POMERANIAN REVIEWAPOLLOETTEproudly presents our own BAApolloette Ever Ready RockyRocky is pictured here at the age of 4 months. Watch for Rocky in the ring this fall.PROMISING PUPPIES FOR SALE We have a few show prospect puppies available. All inquiries are welcome.Marlene and Marlin Presser 22562 Bird Rd.Tracy, CA 95376 209 835-7329POMERANIAN REVIEW ,OBEDIENCENEWSEmma Heyde 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112A lovely, and I would say inspiring, letter mes from Linda Gallacher of Corvallis, regon. Linda has shown many Poms and it many through obedience with reward- g success. However, she writes that her h. Sunswept Anticipation CD is truly the iy of her life. As much as she has loved id enjoyed all of her Poms, Skeeter is ally special. No wonder just read lout his accomplishments. Of course lots f credit goes to Linda. She is an excellent ainer and judging from her letters and the iccess she has had it is evident that she is a ost gentle, kind and understanding irson in her work with her dogs.Skeeter is one of her own breeding just hat she wanted in temperament, sound- ss and a good show prospect. When they arted obedience training last summer he roved to be an exuberant, willing to please own We made our training sessions lots F fun with many breaks during a session to lay ball, etc. Skeeter has a real sense of umor which makes training him really in. The biggest problem has been being rm with him. He always gets a twinkle in is eye when he does something wrong, as lough hes testing me.We also worked on breed ring training ad obedience at the same time and I never ad a problem with him confusing one with le other. He did quite well in the breed ng as a puppy, including winning Best in weepstakes and Reserve Winners Dog at le Clubs summer specialty show and a point major the same weekend. Toward le end of summer he dropped all of his oat so we spent the fall and winter onobedience training and coat growing. In late January he picked up another major in the breed ring. His first obedience scores that spring were 191.5, 192 and 193. More recently we went to Lewiston, Idaho with Skeeter entered in both breed and obedience. On Saturday he took the points in the breed ring and then took first place in Novice B with 198.5, tying for High in Trial. He lost the run-off to an OTCh Sheltie. On Sunday he again took Winners Dog and then BOB for 3 points, finishing his championship. Then he went on to a third in the Toy Group In obedience he was again first in Novice B with a 196. What says obedience ruins a dog for the breed ringSkeeter is also a proven and eager stud, which does not seem to cause any problems in his obedience training at all. Lets hope he passes on some of his wonderful qualities.They are now working in Open this great little team and should do very well. Retrieving was started at five weeks of age, and now he would rather retrieve than anything else in the world. Linda has not done any force retrieving with him.Many congratulations and best wishes for the future. It looks like it holds a lot for youBehind Champions, contdfrom p. 67.CH. WILD ACRES TOUCH OF GOLDOrange MaleOwnerBreeder Judy Whipple, Bluffdale, UTCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquette of Shawn Ch. Scotia Caviliers Lil Tid BitCh. Scotia Caviliers Toby Tyler All-Stars Toby Lil Tid Bit Grayfalls Julo Juliet Ch. Highland Sunflash Silver Meadows Wolfgang Tim-Sues Lover O Silver Mercers Chick a DeeCh. Tim Sues Lil Love Bug Ch. Tim Sues Love TuneMillamors Harmony of Tim-SuePOMERANIAN REVIEWPBei a n oT-AWINNERSt'tyabU' jfiikxicvn inCh. Hi Time Simply Jeremy Jabil x Ch. Jabils Simply SerenaIsabelle is our exciting new star. She began her career at the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty Match in March by going Best Puppy, then Best in Match. She simply stole the showShe is pictured winning her second major and BOS under judge Miss Vera Halpin. Owner handled from the puppy classes, at just nine months old she needs only a few points to finish.At Bel Canto she joins a Golden Retriever and Irish Wolfhounds. Many thanks to Jessie and Barbara Young for this precious treasure with that delightful Jabil temperament.Bob and Pam Welsh 70 Woodland St. Sherborn, MA 017702 POMERANIAN REVIEWI LOVE YOU MY DARLINGI love you, said Molly,Just as much as I can.I love you too,said her boyfriend named Dan.I love your face,your mouth, nose and ears.The way that you laugh just brings me to tears.I just love you, my darling, and dont ever leave.Cause if you think Im gonna take care of these dogs by myself then yer crazy 11Dave KentOh Gosh How I love you and all of your habits.If we should get married, wed have kids just like rabbits.I just love being loving so tender and sweet.It tickles my nose and the toes on my feet.I just love being held in your arms in the dark.Just to lie there at night and to hear the dogs bark.Thats heaven, my darling, the music of love.Just you and Iand twelve dogs and a dove.What is more beautiful when the sun goes on down than to be here together while the dogs go to town barking and yelping for that old evening mealI wish I could tell you how strongly Ifeel the closeness we share as we clean out the runs, those candlelight dinners with weinies and buns.A SIMPLE WARNING by Harriet BasilovecchioJust as kids will be kids, so will dogs be dogs . . . One evening a month ago my miniature dachshund Charm knocked over the kitchen trash can to investigate the contents. I had remembered that the only things in the trash were four unused tea bags. What I found in the kitchen around ten in the evening were four tea labels, but no tea or empty bags. Thinking only that he had misbehaved again, I cleaned up what little mess there was, scolded the dog and went about my business. At 1030 my husband and I went to sleep or what I thought would be sleep. Thats when the trouble began. Charm was running through the apartment at such a rapid pace one would think he was a greyhound. Picking the dog up, putting his favorite toys in bed with us, we again tried to go to sleep. This was to no avail. From 1030 that night until 2 a.m., Charm was frantically running and just couldnt find a place for himself. At this point I knew something was really wrong. We dressed, called the Emergency Vet Clinic and took our dog there. The veterinarian asked if anything had happened that evening. I remembered about the tea bags. At this point she called the Pennsylvania Poison Control Center. They told the doctor that there was no anti-toxin for caffeine poisoning. The dogs eyes were continued on p. 82.POMERANIAN REVIEW ILen Del Pomeranians PresentsCh. Len-Del Taza Jr.17 months old JACSSlVBEST OF WINNERSSBm BERRIEN KENNEL CLUB3JUNE1983 BOOTH PHOTOLen-Del Casey x Len-Del Molly BMany thanks to Lorrie Conrad who did an excellent job in handling Taza Jr.Thanks also to the many judges who gave him wins toward his championship. Ele is back home now on our stud list to proven bitches.Owner-BreederLen-Del Pomeranians Reg. Applied forMrs. Fern M. DeLoughary 3923 Sleepy Hollow Ct.Imlay City, MI 48444 313 724-8360In Memory of Patrick H. DeLougharyHe finsihed his Ch. Len-Del Sir Dapper 8 months before he died Ch. Dapper had surgery 7-26-83 and passed away that night.POMERANIAN REVIEW4POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON by Sue GoddardOur August Specialty was held on the 1th at the fantastic Astro Hall with an itry of 39, plus 20 in Sweepstakes and very w absentees. Sweepstakes was judged by ng time noted breeder, Eleanor Miller, ho was very gentle and thorough with her valuations of our puppies.The 6-9 puppy dog class was won by a unning puppy owned and bred by orothy Bonner named Bonners Modene lews Special. Dorothy feels that this very pecial puppy may well be the best she has ad since Stylepepper. Im sure we will hear lore of this boy.The 9-12 puppy dog class was won by ean and George Westss Chriscendo Western Express, who is bred by Christine leartz. This deep orange beauty is quite ear his title with three majors to his credit. The 6-9 month puppy bitch class was [on by a light orange showy girl, bred and wned by Tim and Sue Goddard named im Sues Angel Sabrina.The 9-12 month puppy bitch class was on by that tiny super star bred and owned y Erika Moureau. Baby has everyone uzzing so tiny, but so perfect that she is ard to resist. Her name is Texicans Pride nd Joy.Best in Sweepstakes was then awarded to onners Modene News Special and Best pposite in Sweeps went to Texicans Pride nd Joy a win she repeated from the ummer Specialty. We want to thank our rdge for her fine job and professional emeanor.The regular classes were judged by leanors highly regarded husband, Ken . Miller who placed the following dogs rst in their classesuppy Dog 6-9onners Modene News Special, owned and red by Dorothy BonnerPuppy Dogs 9-12Texicans Alex Carrizales, owned and bredby Wayne and Erika MoureauBred By Exhibitor DogMidas Rock Tempo, bred and owned byJonathan and Roberta Massey.Open DogHHH High Speed Bandit, bred and owned by Peggy and John Hendricks Winners Dog was awarded to Texicans Alex Carrizales, who is a very short stylish clear orange. He was expertly handled by Erika and Waynes 11 year old daughter Jennifer. Reserve Winners Dog went to Bonners Modene News Special.Puppy Bitches 6-9Pedrons Chynna Dragon, bred and owned by Pete Galindo and Ron Welch.Puppy Bitches 9-12Texicans Pride and Joy, bred and owned by Erika Moureau.Open BitchDal-Leas Lil Trinket, bred and owned by Gertrude Howell.Winners Bitch went to the beautiful, sound, shaded orange bitch, Dal-Leas Lil Trinket, shown for her owner by good friend and lovely lady, Mildred Patrick.Nine specials were entered and all were present. They made a beautiful ring full of Poms when joined by the Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. After careful consideration judge Miller made a very popular choice for Best of Breed in Randy Freehs gorgeous orange male, Ch. Jolly Wee Im A Pepper Too. His Best of Opposite Sex went to the beautiful little orange girl, Ch. Wests Sugar Bear, bred and owned by Jean West. Sugar shows to perfection.If you hadnt noticed, all but one winner was earned by a breeder-owned dog and all but one were shown by their owners. Hey, we must be doing something rightAll the shows were enjoyable, largely thanks to the marvelous facilities although most of us were complaining of aching legs from walking those long concrete walks. The complex is huge and if you want to seePOMERANIAN REVIEW lSELLING THREE EXCELLENT YOUNG SHOW MALESJeribeths E.T.Spectacular.5 points 1 major Group placements. Needs special home.1,000.00J --Wests Jeribeths ThorTwo 5 point majors already Bests of Breed Group placements. 1,000.00Mercers Magic Touch O DukeProven Has lovely litter here.1 for sale see below Outstanding Pedigree Ready to show. 800.00Must reduce numbers Also For SaleJoy Free whelps dam of E.T. above. Young, beautifully bred, needs help with babies. 600.00.Toastie Excellent, young, ready to breed. Strong Duke Dragonfly breeding. 600.00. Male Baby Sire Magic Touch above Dam Mother of Ch. Ivan Ideal. 600.00.TiDarrell and Olga BakerPomeranians with Planned Parenthood 207 Shirleen Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-22503 POMERANIAN REVIEWie other rings and booths or simply walk ack and forth to your set up, you do get our exercise. It is very cool inside the .stro Hall that is important in August in louston and roomy with lots to see and o. This year we also had the opportunity see the AKC Dog Museums traveling diibit as well.After the specialty, we had a late dinner t Victoria Station and Ken and Eleanor ^pressed their thanks for a fine entry, dub Secretary Tony Tellez timed a hospital isit very badly and missed the show, but is cute wife Connie was on hand to help 'ith the hospitality and special services, ony is home now and hopefully well on ie road to recovery.Our show chairman was Carolyn 'rockett, assisted by Roxie Campbell. The ng steward was Karen Holder, who also ot to do ring clean-ups. Trophy chairman 'as Sue Goddard. Advertising chairmen 'ere Roxie Campbell and Bobbie Gibson. We are now planning for Fall shows, toking forward to the Labor Day circuit in ouisiana, the four show weekend in alias followed by close area shows well up ito December.Quite a few club members have dogs near leir titles, so our specials classes should oon be very exciting.Roxie Campbell has recently started trowing her new purchases, a lovely puppy irl from Randy Freeh. She is starting out 'ell under the capable tutelege of Carolyn Irockett.Sue Goddard talked Olga Baker no lean feat into a long trip 734 miles to the Kansas home of Janice Luginsland, where I ought a darling tiny guy to show and Olga rought home a lovely champion bitch, the am of several champions. Her next three uppies are already spoken for. Janice has lovely home in Americus dont try to ind it on the map, but it is near Empoira. he was a most gracious hostess although urs was a whirlwind trip. I think Olga and almost got caught up on our visiting almost.Erika Moureau has a new puppy hopeful that looks very promising. It is from Eleanor Millers newest Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion who finished at the last two Astro Hall shows.Randy Freeh also had a good weekend. In addition to her specialty win, she won BOB another day and finished a new girl, Ch. Jolly Wee Hotshots Satin Doll. Randy and I are looking forward to a trip to London, Paris and Nice on September 1. We will miss some dog shows, but I guess Ill suffer through it. Our club voted to go back to in-home meetings due to some vandalism of autos at our central location. The June meeting was held at the home of Erika and Wayne Moureau. Darrlee and Olga Baker hosted the July meeting Connie and Tony Tellez the August meeting. Everyone is serving scrumptious food, and it gives us the opportunity to see new puppies, so is very enjoyable.This is a most friendly club . . . come and see usPresidents Message, contd from p. 5.The February 1984 Specialty is our next big project. When you are called on for trophy donations or catalog advertising, please participate. Help us to make this a grand affair. Most of all, plan to be in New York and show your Poms at the Specialty, you will have a good time.Good luck with your Poms and I will see you at the shows. Let me hear from you.POMERANIAN REVIEWIgolden OaJ^s ^Pomeraniansxj DWINNERSMATTAPONI kennel cl'JB1983ASHBEYCh. Golden Oaks Chips of GoldLittle Chips, a 34 lb. male sired by Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond, finished his championship under five judges taking three majors 4-3-4 at 15 months.I would like to thank all the judges who put this little fellow up and a special thanks to Angela Elam for doing a superb job in showing him.Through the friendship and guidance of Dr. Morris Carson, the Golden Oaks Kennel is producing superb puppies with type, soundness and most of all, baby-doll faces. Because our kennel is small, we have available some tiny males to show homes only. Pedigrees and pictures will be sent upon request. Look for the Golden Oaks dogs in the future, as we have more to come Congratulations to Margaret McKee on finishing her newest champion Ch. Idlewyle Star Pendant CD. Carolyn C. Lewis 3909 Bronholly RoadChesterfield, VA 23832 804 745-00678 POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Ch. Great Elms Models TimstopperStud Fee 100.00A belated thank you to Jackie Klein for placing G.E. Jeany of Dendy BOW at our February Specialty. I have had no win of which I was more proud during my 46 years in breeding Poms.This ad represents my 25th anniversary of consecutive advertising in the Pom Review. Congratulations to Irma Selles and her Sel-Sal Pomeranians.You may call after 1100 p.m. from any state.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233Diane Clark-Bryant Oregon ArtistAll Breeds Oil Pastel Charcoal Fine LineReasonable PricesClubs Show catalog covers with breed, medallion design for your club, advertisement layout, awards and trophies.Work produced from good quality show and other photos. Exact likeness of individual dogs guaranteed or no obligation to purchase.8 ...Bry-Tur Poms2370 Margery Street West Linn, OR 97068 503 657-3002POMERANIAN REVIEWIdlewyle Pomeranians1982 seemed to be our year to concentrate on obedience, appears to be our year for conformation . . .-A.- 1 -avj a r s'finishing 2 CDs and a CDX. 1983Ch. Julies Star Vega x May Morning Small Talk CDShown briefly this spring, Penny finished against gorgeous bitches we were proud to beat, and couldnt complain about losing to Alas, this picture doesnt really convey her very sound structure and her happy eager showmanship. Thanks to all the judges who liked her, especially Mrs. Irene Schlintz above and Mr. Roy Ayers for her majors. Penny is our 4th champion with an obedience title, and the second Ch.-CD for Chatter, her dam. A 5'A lb. orange sable, Penny is also a good brood. Her kids include Idlewyld Chrysoberl, who needs only a major to finish, and Val below.Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CDIdlewyle LavalierCh. Idlywyle Gemstone CDX x Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CDHis first weekend out, thirteen- year-old Rachal McKee showed Val all the way from BBE class to BOW for a 3 pt. major. Way to go, kids A 5 lb. orange, Val has a marvelous temperament and is a proven sire.Best wishes to Jose and Irma Selles on their Kennel Visit.Congratulations to Carolyn Lewis on finishing her homebred Ch. Golden Oaks Chips of Gold.lW vvMargaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Rd. Richmond, VA 23225 804272-9318o90co9oc609eoe09CCoeecQOOseeeoooocoeseooeeooeso9eoso9Gogeoc50 POMERANIAN REVIEWPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensFor the time being I will fill you in on the ivents concerning the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club. New officers for the oming term arePresident Erin Hundley Vice President Virginia Niehouse Secretary Marjorie Baer Treasurer Catherine Bartos.We have some good workers in our club and it is going along with interesting programs, good turn out at meetings and more new members. Our newest hopefuls will be Randy Gemmel and Dana Plonkey, well known in the Poodle circle. They have acquired a showy little black and tan from the kennel of Bea George. The interest in this color has increased. Irene Harbins black and tan won the bitch points at the Specialty a year ago and this year another little black and tan owned by Pete Castaneda won. The dam of Petes bitch was bred by Irene Harbin. At the Seattle show this little girl by the name of CJs Crystals Isadora, finished her championship. This is the first champion for this new club member and we all wish him the very best especially since she was homebred and owner handled to her championshipErin Hundley finished her little male Que Sera Fire Fox of La Rita, also homebred and owner handled. He is a really flashy little dog who has done so well so quickly. Again, congratulations for another homegrown product. It is so satisfying to have done it all yourself.Best of Breed at the Seattle Show was Am. Can. Ch. Tomho Georgia Heatwave, who also picked up a nice Group III in excellent Toy Group competition.On August 6 we held our match, with the kind permission of Irene Harbin, in her garden. With the grass all neat, the blue standards and gold rope, the setting was just perfect as was the weather. I had thehonor of judging this match and fully enjoyed the day and the hospitality offered. I had an entry of 19 excellent Poms. Our members really are getting it together and coming up with some lovely Poms which will make the competition tough at the coming shows. Best Puppy in Match was bred, owned and shown by Linda Jackson. He is currently called Dinky. Best Adult went to Erin Hundleys Sungolds Red Rider and Best Opposite to a black, bred and owned and shown by Muriel Gunther, Char Murs Kara Zuezda. All three were exceptionally sound with good legs and movement. Good luck in the future with them all. I would like to thank all the exhibitors for their support and Irene and Sylvia Harbin for the work entailed in getting things ready and to Carol Russel, Match Chairman. We had a fantastic brunch afterwards with lots of homemade delights. Everything went so well and everyone really enjoyed the day, the food and the company.I am hopefully house hunting here in the Seattle area, but it does give me an excuse to visit with my friends and see the dog shows in between. Soon we will be leaving the Monterey Peninsula and moving on again. So until then, lots of good wins, good friends and good luck to all.Two Dog Night, contd from p. 42.The Samoyeds have left no written instructions in any language we can decipher for coping with early-morning scratching, possibly because they are always awake early scratching themselves. They must also have solved the problem of pretending to sleep while being closely scrutinized by various animals, but again they tell us nothing.Just as well. Too much to remember at once will keep you awake.POMERANIAN REVIEW Pomaunok Poms2 pups available from litter of 4. Sire Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Dam Bi-Mar Doll of Tar-Baby a Ch. Lennis Tar-Baby of Great Elms double granddaughter.Pomaunok Mr. GoodbarReggie is extremely short-backed, sound, and up-headed. He has good ear placement and a short wedge muzzle. He will probably mature at 4-5 lbs. He is red with a black muzzle. At this stage 3 Vi months he has definite show potential. 400.00.Pomaunok Take A Chancepictured at 10 monthsCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order X Annons Dixie DinaRaffles is a nice Pom, but she hates the show ring so shell try her hand at being a mommyWe hope for some good quality pups in Ocotber from a repeat breeding.Fran Bosman3wPomaunok Swiss MissMissy is a very eye-catching, showy, tiny girl. Shes sound and very well, proportioned but will probably mature at about VA lbs. Shell be showable, but not breedable. 500.00.A belated congratulations to Dr. Pat Scelso and Mike Meyer on their July Kennel Visit. I appreciate the friendship of 2 such helpful, knowledgeable, nice people31 Washington Hts. St. Selden, NY 11784 516698-21152 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Our Canadian shows are well underway md there are several Poms doing some writing winning.Natalie Dunfee and Can. Am. Ch. iillsboro Golden Chip, back from his riumph of Best of Breed at the American omeranian Club Specialty, C.J. has een winning Groups consistently and now las 2 Best in Show wins. He is also doing ome nice producing. The Mac Donalds are eally pleased with their litter of 3 out of heir Ch. Starchild at Hobbit. They also ecently finished Harvey, Ch. Hobbits Jarvest Gold sired by Can. Am. Ch. imcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond Starlisa. He finished with a 3roup 2 from the puppy class.Leslie Rogers, way out in British Columbia has been doing well with mxtons Forever Mickey Mouse. He has everal Groups and I believe is now a Best n Show winner. Im sorry I dont know his ire and dam but do know he is mainly jolden Glow breeding.Gloria Stetmeyer brought her multiple American Group winner Am. Ch. The hnes Hells A Poppin and of course picked ip a couple of Groups here in Canada.Fred and Kay Baxstromes Can. Am. Ch. ihriscendos Causin A Commotion Ch. Iillamors Rock Medallion x Chriscendo Dancing Starlette recently broke his athers all time Best in Show record with [is 14th.Matt Heindl is really proud of his Ch. lavanews Master Skylark Ch. Millamors lock Medallion x Ch. Bavanews Zenobia lassiopia. Andy recently won back toback Best in Shows and has several Groups and placements.Ch. Chriscendo Carlotta came out after her litter to regain the limelight by winning Groups and a Best in Show as well. She is owned by myself and Eleanor Miller and is another Best in Show kid of Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion.Betty ONeil recently finished her Ch. Hildonies Saucy Brett and she is now a Group winner.Shirley Chanette recently finished her Am. Ch. Tim Sues Bonfire, bred by Sue Goddard. He also has a couple of Group placements.I am sorry if Ive missed anyones wins and thank those of you who have been keeping me in touch with how your dogs have been doing.A Simple Warning, cont'dfrom p. 72. dilated, his heartbeat was slow and he was trembling. She injected him with a small dosage of Valium and told us reassuringly that he would eventually calm down and sleep quite a lot the next day. Thankfully he had not overdosed on the caffeine. I only write this article to inform other pet owners of the danger of caffeine.-NOTICEMyapologies to Jacquelyn Klein of Silver Meadows Poms. The colors and weights of her stud dogs in the July Stud Dog issue were switched. Following are the corrected weights and colorsCh. Silver Meadows Love O Legacy 5 Light Orange Ch. Silver Meadoww Starmister 5 Orange Sable Ch. Silver Meadows Timmy Tiger 4 Bright Orange Ch. Silver Meadows Beau O Legacy 5 Deep Orange SilverMeadows Scooter Starr 3 Vi Light Orange Ch. Silver Meadown PepR O Legacy 4 Vi Shaded Orange.Again, my sincere apologies for this mistake.The EditorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8NcdA. 3awebt fjoAlCan. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond StarlisaHarveys picture first appeared in the April 83 Review when he went RWD at A.P.C. in New York. At 6 months old he was wearing barely enough coat to be decentPictured above at 9 months, Harvey is a lovely 5 lb. dog with a 20 lb. ego that makes him very hard to ignore in the ring. He completed his Canadian title as a puppy with a Group 2nd from the classes.Congratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on their newest Canadian champion AC Ch. Emcees Golden Chip.Best wishes to Natalie Dunfee and AC Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip now a multiple BIS winnerVHobbit PomeraniansFrances and Michael McDonald 14 Palisade Place Halifax, N.S. Canada B3M 2Y8 902 443-85364 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Brood Bitchby Olga BakerUs canine folks note there is always ongoing,Some plans for great babies the pleasure of showing.But with breedings I've noted and believe you'll agreeA most interesting thing that we frequently see.I note with respect and I'm truly no "fibber"Nor do I qualify as a tough "women's libber.''Matter of fact, I move to the other extremeI love being female . . . and hold that in esteemSome women's crusaders get somewhat offendedCause the standard question seems always "up-ended."When viewing a quality puppy prospect,Invariably we know just what to expectThe statement that invokes some ladies' real ire,Is . . . "Beautiful dog . . Good grief. . . Who IS the SIRE"I wonder why, with all your work and your plan,All the "good stuff' comes through as a "plus" for the MANCute admired human babies hear, "Gee . . handsome DAD" And perhaps afterthought"... and the mom ain't half bad"Now, girls are nice too . . and matrons are joysSo BOTH should be honored I too love nice boys.Oh well, not to worry . . . chromosomes and some genes Come from parents both sexes. . . not"male only" gleansYour breeding I think should go without a hitchIf you grant proper credit to the chosen brood bitch.An excellent formula that I think is niftyIs this Sire and Dam should give pups FIFTYFIFTYLet's give all the credit where credit is dueA SIRE and a DAM . . . add them up . . . equals TWOPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8srn foxLIKE FATHER. .'sprCh. Sun Fox I Love Lennisv v i'vyv. . . Like Daughter"BEAUTI"Sun Fox She's A BeautiWe look forward to introducing Beauti to the shows this fall. Spi has really produced something special in Beauti, his first offspring.In ReviewRev recovers from his year-old shed and boasts 12 points including 3 majors to date.Mort sports 2 pts., going BOW from puppy class at his first show.Both boys are owner-handled. See you at the shows.Claudia M. Lis Edward J. Braczyk 12 Cliffside Rd.Lowell, MAO 1852 617 454-162516 POMERANIAN REVIEWiKc cToy tXenmlmWe are sorry to announce that our entire stock is for sale. Over 30 beautiful Poms. Seven proven studs, 17 proven bitches, 8 young bitches between 4 months and 1 year, 2 young males.Black 1 male 2 females.Black and Tan 2 males 3 females. Chocolates 8 females.Beaver 1 male 1 female.Blue 1 male.Orange 2 males 8 females.Cream 1 male 1 female.White 1 male 1 female.After 8 years in breeding, our present situation forces us to sell the entire stock. Asking 6,000.00.Offering this as an entire package so we can sell them all at once to a good kennel. If we must, we will consider selling smaller groups but the price will be higher.MY TOY KENNEL Dee and Buck Clinton P.O. Box 416 Old Lyme, CT 06371 203 434-9878k APOMERANIAN REVIEW iSouthland Pomspresents in the Bev-Nor styleJAt\ 4\ ' N."Sww\\mTOi Vximv um j^ wmtt Mo wv,t. SALCh. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightPookie is the proud mother of two girls sired by her father, Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge. We also have other puppies from Fudge and some sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple. Southland proudly announces the acquisition of Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy, Toasty and Pookies mom, and Bev-Nors Toast-To-Toasty, Toastys son. A very special thanks to Bill and Bev Norris for allowing us this honor.We also have puppies coming from Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge and Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy a repeat breeding of Toasty and Pookie.Owner-HandlerCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456k , Beverly NorrisBreeder7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD, A8 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSJEAN MILL Covina, CAFor those in the fancy who have long hought that Los Angeles area should have i Pom Club, this is a progress report. The ty of Angels Pomeranian Club has been neeting for over a year now, has 44 nembers paid up and is now applying for \KC recognition and that of the American 3om Club. We stumbled through a puppy natch, creapt through another last ummer, skipped through a third in the fall, md sailed through our December gala Pom vlatch with grophies, ribbonsrosettes, oud speaker, licensed judge seeking to add Pomeranians to her breed list, handling md grooming demonstrations for visitors, i sweepstakes, Champion parade, and DOtluck lunch. Our enthusiasm overflows mr inexperience and were fast disolving hat. President Dorothy Keller, with her lacks ready help, led us through spaghetti- angles of Constitution, By-Laws, membership enhancement, social flings, parties, james, fun and so on. All this and weve tad SPLENDID programs to enlighten us ill. Randy Freeh shared her innermost, lever-breathed secrets of beauty breeding Darlys Flaata disclosed grooming tricks hat add that sizzle demonstrating on rimmy John Thyssen whispered the tow-tos of successful ring handling our Stephen Ayres DVM counseled on puppy tediatrics Charlotte Decker diagrammed jenetia color inheritance in Poms Bob egg made his firebrand description of the ntricacies of an AKC kennel-inspection nstructive, florescent and funny. All these speakers from our own membership Small wonder we are growing fast.Any Pom lover from anywhere visiting L.A. on the third Wednesday of any month s invited to spend the evening with us. Were too new to have politics or dies, too naive to fear failure, and too neophyte toalready know it all. And, en masse, we own some gorgeous Poms. Were all cheering our Randy Freehs myriad Jolly Wee successes including Peppers BOB at Madison Square Garden Darlys Flaatas Ch. Goforth Timmy My Boy is still gathering BOBs and populating the fancy, Jean Mills Danny son, Topo took BOB from the classes twice over specials with 20 entries, etc.Duck, World this club is a star awhelpingEDNA GIRARDOT Floral City, FLSomeone CaresWhat a good feeling Because I did not have ads in the last two issues of Pom Review and was not at nearby shows, friends and exhibitors contacted me to inquire if I was OK. How thoughtful I do thank each and every one concerned.I have been traveling, per usual. Drove to Kansas and Oklahoma in April and four Alabama shows on the way home. In May I took off for Detroit and the Michigan Pom Specialty. A lunch after the show put on by the club, of which I am a member, had all kinds of goodies and sociability. Sure had a good time and loved my win of Sweepstakes with a 10 month old male who later went on to BOW for 4 pts.Drove to Denver from Detroit for the A.P.C. Summer Specialty and three shows following in nearby areas. An atmosphere of welcome was everywhere flowers in my room on arrival, brochures, welcoming committee in lobby of motel. Hospitality room reflected a great deal of work by the club. Food at the banquet after the show was excellent. Opal Dumler, mother of the club president, Michael Thorstad, had a cocktail party. Food was exotic and hospitality abundant. Dan and JoellenPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8rDUPRES POMERANIANS PRESENTSA Breathless Diamond in the RingmmiPORT SMITH KENNEL CLUB FORT SMITH ARKANSASJUNE 11 1983 TOT GROUP 3JUKEMRS DOROTHY E CARSONVl.PHOTO BTPETRULISEmcees Diamond Solid GoldDiamond is pictured winning Toy Group 3 at the tender age of 10 months under judge Dorothy E. Carson after winning BOB for 4 points. His previous major win was BOB for 5 points under judge Wilma Hunter. Diamond is another outstanding result of Emcees Kennel. Thank you Morris and Betty Carson. Diamond will be an asset in my breeding program. Diamond is not presently at public stud.110 Pompano St.Owner-HandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Lafayette, LA 70508 318 235-142390 POMERANIAN REVIEWMercer were two doors from me in the motel and accompanied me to the party so I did not have to enter alone. Bill and Lois Abjornson of Oklahoma kept an eye on me and escorted me to the banquet. This couple always make me feel so welcome when I go on the KansasOklahoma circuit. The entire affair was outstanding and I thought the Specialty Judges did a fine job. I did not set the world on fire, but was there and supported. Was proud of my male that had won in Detroit. He won a large puppy class and went all the way to Reserve at the Specialty. His class was larger than total entries at many of our shows. I can not say enough in praise of this Summer Specialty.Specialties being in my blood, I flew out to Oregon for the Columbia Specialty and three shows following all in the same place. Actually I flew to Seattle where Peter Castaneda and Robert Johnson met me and I stayed that night at their house. Drove to Portland the next day for the shows. They transported me to and from the shows and then delivered me to the home of Phyllis Andrews on the way home. She had a scrumptious dinner awaiting us and champaign to celebrate two nice wins Pete had with his female Isadora, from Bred by. This was a fun trip for me although Reserve was the best I could do. It was hot, on grass and my dogs are used to being inside with air conditioning and are not accustomed to heat or grass and they showed poorly. I did enjoy the shows and all Petes dogs and his nicely arranged kennel. The cook out put on by Jean Schroll and club members at her motor home after the specialty was not only delicious but resting and gave vent to sociability and meeting with fellow exhibitors.The two day stay with Phyllis was the frosting on the cake for I could relax, talk over things we had in common and see all her lovely dogs. Tish, Caviliers last living daughter is still lovely, although toothless. I have Trails End yet. These are the last living get of Caviler. I sincerely hopePhyllis will get active again for she surely did do much for the Pom Breed.Phyllis and Patricia Knapp took me out to the famous Snoqualmie Falls Lodge for their famous breakfast which consists of three courses. The lodge is located at the head of the falls and the view is just beautiful. First time I have seen these famous falls and the sight is just so exciting. I just love the scenery in Washington the hills, fur trees and green, green everywhere.Patricia Knapp is a dear friend and owns Poms. In fact, she was with Phyllis and me at New York last two years. She intended joining the Club but after listening to the bickering at the meeting two years ago, she changed her mind. This trip was another highlight of my life and Ill be wanting to go again.My next adventure is four shows in North Carolina. Ill come home, change dogs and head out for Des Moines Specialty and three shows following all in the same place. Doing something a little unusual this trip. Taking 2 males and 1 female needing only one major to finish. If Im lucky, maybe I can finish one. I have another bitch needing only 2 singles but have bred her and will show and finish her later. Des Moines puts on a good specialty and I look forward to being there.One final thought. If I, at age 80, can do My Thing so can you, so get in there and try. If at any time you think you are at the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.JUDY WHIPPLE Bluffdale, UTI would like to know how many others have sent ads to the Pata Publications, P.O. Drawer F., Foresthills, CA 95631 The company advertised in the Gazette and the Pom Review for a book called Pomeranian Champions. The ad invited you to advertise your champions and purchase the book for 20.00. The ad wasPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9rCh. Creiders Gold VentureCONGRATULATESHis son, Pomirish Ventures Specl Fizz for his Best in Sweepstakes and 1st place in 6-9 puppy dogs at the Denver specialty. Owners Dick and Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WS.His brother, Ch. Creiders Boxcar Willie, for two 5 point majors following the Denver Specialty. Owner Lois Abjornson, Sand Springs, OK.Looking for new ad- Ventures Lovely puppies expected soon.CHERLYNS POMERANIANSCheryl and Keri Bergerson 11015 250th St.Chisago City, MN 55013 612 257-5338____________________________________________________________432 POMERANIAN REVIEW Ch. Ch. Anadors Fancy ShortcakeAm. Can. Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher x Am. Can. Ch. Anadors Dark FancyShortcake is a silver cream sable. Pic. at 9 months of age.Best Puppy in Show, Lakehead Kennel Club.Group 1, 2, 4 placements. Shortcake has 9 Am. pts. to date.Anadors PomeraniansAnn and Gene Welshinger Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 54880 715 399-27025Wild Acre Kennel announces our second homebred championWild Acre's Touch of GoldHE...a 1 ..irilt 1.1 ^ '.Many thanks to Jean Schroll for putting the final points on him Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Many puppies due in September Cavilier, Hadleigh, Aristic lines.Judy Whipple 2462 West 14400 South Bluffdale, UT 84065 801254-1404-----------------------POMERANIAN REVIEW 91Patty'sPomeraniansOffers two litters of show potential pups.Orange, red and sables.Showstopper and Great Elms lines. Sired byCh. Camelots Bashfull DudeandMoe-Best Tantalizer BT pictures in July 83 ReviewMorningsidePomsLitter Due October 1,1983Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Sire Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeBev-Nors Sweet and SassyCh. Bev-Nors TarzanDam Mike-Mars Bit of HoneyMike-Mars Golden CrownInquiries Invited.ViPatty Bartels4976 Monmouth Rd.Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950Joan A. Kaup3185 Morningside Drive Allison Park, PA 15101 412 486-8046jKENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.EDITORS NOTEIf you need to contact me about th Review, I will be available to receive you phone calls between 900 a.m. and 90 p.m. daily, except Sunday. Since Arizon does not go on Daylight Saving Time, b aware that there is a three hour tim difference between here and the east coast Our time is the same as it is in California When calling, please use my office phom number which is 602 886-5021. I lool forward to hearing from you and will try tc help you in any way that I can.Thank you.The deadlines never change...They are February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15.Please make a note of them and plan your ads so that they will arrive on time.34 POMERANIAN REVIEW520.00 extra. That was one and one half ears ago and so far all Ive received for my 540.00 is several post cards and one letter. How about youI invite you to phone them. Pata Publications, Jan Linzy Pata 916 991-1475 and phone collect... perhaps this will get them on the ball Think how much interest they have earned on our money in the meantime.I would like to thank all the nice people I met at the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty in Denver. It was lovely to see old friends and make new ones. The show was beautifully put together and trophies just wonderful. The additional shows gave everyone time to get their breath and visit with one another and once again see all the beautiful Pomeranians Some really gorgeous puppies are coming up for the next Best in Show dogs something to watch for in the future.See you all at the showsSALLY BAUGNIET Mishicot, WIMany thanks to the Denver Club, Mike Thorstad, Opal Dumler and those donating the beautiful trophies for the Summer Specialty. I will cherish the original drawing by Sweeps Judge Chris Heartz donated for Best in Sweeps. The show, dinner, hospitality and transportation arrangements were all fantasticDOROTHY BONNER San Antonio, TXJudging PomeraniansWhen I was a young aspiring judge, an old-time Poodle breeder once told me that Poodles should be judged for elegance. Now that I am an old-time Pom breeder, I should like to impress upon the judges that Pomeranians should be judged for beauty and daintiness. Leave the gorgeous coarseness for Chows without transferringthis to their small cousins. Poms should have an appearance of delicacy, but with a sturdiness that rules out weedy types. They are lap dogs and not designed for anything more strenuous, so are allowed a little bouncy gait all of their own without the required rear drive that seems of great importance to many judges. Their legs should be straight, sturdy, but not spindley, and they should move with rears not too close and not too wide. Their fronts should be straight, backs short, tailset flat and high with profuse coat. A Pom cannot have too much coat. Those in the puppy class should be allowed to display their charming personalities, spirit and vivaciousness without censorship from the Judge.,T3 .,u -SS- IT W Jtipirir d mr- \a.1Rachel McKee daughter of Margaret McKee, Idlewyld Poms catches a few winks during a busy day showing dogs. Rachel is a little more animated in a picture elsewhere in this issue, where she is shown winning with a nice young Idlewyld dog.Lets hear more from the young people in this breed. There is no reason why you should feel excluded from sending articles or letters to the Review. Your views are important too Moms and Dads with active kids, let us know what your own stars are doing if they are too shy.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAbjornson, Lois Bill Sandtown............... 59Baker, Darrell Olga...................................75Bartels, Patty Pattys...................................93Baugniet, Dick Sally Pomirish............12,13Beam, Ruth Great Elms..............................78Bell, Betty Rex Heritage...........................39Bergerson, Cheryl Keri Cherlyn.............91Bosmann, Fran Pomaunok.........................81Braczyk, Edward Sunfox............................85Butterfield, Bonnie Elizabeth Bon-El.....11Cannon, Ann Annon................................24,25Carson, Morris Betty Emcee...................49Clark-Bryant, Diane Bry-Tur.................... 78Clinton, Buck Dee My Toy...................... 86Creed, Charlotte Southland........................87Creider, Norma Creider............................. 29Cribbs, John Lillian Twin Pines............. 48Davis, Lennis Lennis....................................65DeLoughary, Fern Len-Del........................ 73DOro, Albert.................................................45Dumler, Opal O My.....................................57Dunfee, Natalie Tynan.................................23Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre...........................89Freia, Jerrie VanessaJanesa....................55Garton, Lavina John.................................63Girardot, Edna Scotia................................. 14Goodrich, RobertModel..........................46,47Heartz, Chris John Chriscendo...............33Heffington, Janet Grey Ghost................. IFCKaup, Joan Morningside.............................93Klein, Ron Jackie Silver Meadows......... 60LaFortune, Ray Anna Sungold..............21Lessard, Alice Lessard...............................BCLewis, Carolyn Golden Oaks......................77Lis, Claudia Sunfox..................................... 85McDonald, Frances Michael Hobbit.......83McKee, Margaret Idlewyld.........................79Mill, Jean Millwood.....................................43Miller, Ken Eleanor Millamor..........60,61Moreno, Julie Gonzie Moreno............... 27Napolitano, Linda Tano..............................15Norris, Beverly Bill Bev-Nor..................53Pennington, Harry..................................FC,6,7Presser, Marlene Marlin Apolloette......69Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar.....................50,51Stranahan, Babe Stranalund...................IFCWelsh, Bob Pam Bel Canto.....................71Welshinger, Ann Gene Anadors............92Whipple, Judy Wild Acre........................... 92Young, Janice Cherokee..............................41Young, Jessie Barbara Jabil...................31AmCIRCULATIONMANAGERMr. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour inquiries answered within 24 hours16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 Foreign U.S. funds only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Review arrives in 3-5 days. Change to Firs Class at time of renewal.All Members subscriptions begin witl the April issue each year.BACK ISSUES1970 1976 2.00 1977 1979 3.00 1980 1982 3.50 1983 1984 4.00 Anniversary Issue 1958-78 color pictures 210 pages, 30 copies left 7.95The following water stained Reviews an 1.00 each on a first come, first servec basisJuly 1974 9 copies July 1977 31 copies October 1977 1 copy July 1978 1 copy July 1980 13 copies October 1982 2 copiesThe expiration date of your subscriptior is shown on the mailing label of youi Review. If your subscription expires witl this issue, send a check to the Circulatior manager immediately. You dont want tc miss a single issuePOMERANIAN REVIEWLessard Pomeranians presentsjOessards 3Zaisu aRara2CV,NCh. Queenaire Coup DEtat x Jubilee Duces WildNatsu, with only a major to finish wishes to thank the following judges for recognizing her many fine qualities and true breed typeMr. Joseph Rowe Mr. Leslie Rogers Mrs. Bessie PickensMr. James CavallaroMr. James Moran Mr. George Payton Mrs. Edna VoylesOwnerMiss Alice R. Lessard 1254 Magic Sands Way Turlock, CA 95380Lovingly cared for and Exclusively shown by Ralph J. Cardana 840 Tornell Ave. Turlock, CA 95380 209 667-2234