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The Pomeranian Review January 1984
American omeraman Club, 3nc.PUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY 1984Ch.Lennis' Tor Baby ofGreat ElmsOwner Lennis DavisBreederRuth Beam, Great Elms Kennel, Reg.HandlerMarlene Scott Halsey45Na2POMERANIAN REVIEWKRAINBOW POMS Darling, Tiny Toys Champion Bloodlines All ColorsAn excellent selection in the beautiful popular colors as well as the rare, exotic colors.CONGRATULATIONS TO Evelyn Guitar of Abilene, Texas on her 3 new KHANI Parti Poms.And to Regina Kruger of San Diego, CA on her lovely new KHANI chocolate female.We have several new arrivals including something newCHOCOLA TE TRI COLORS Will be retained for breeding stock.Send for our sales list.Byron Hendricks P.O. Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006 213-444-5131' iBEST OF BREEDor VARIETYBIRMINGHAM RENNEL CLUB0 BCH. GREAT ELMS SNOOTY HOOTY\KHANI NIGHT N DAY KHANI BLUE N WHITE BOY CH. SILVA LADE THE ENFORCERPARTI POMPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Club, Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident...........................First Vice President...........Second Vice President... Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey......................................Mr. Sam Zaneoff....................................Mrs. Sue Goddard....................................Mrs. Karen Holder..................................Mrs. Wanda Roach612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350 ..............................Mr. A. C. WilliamsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Randy Freeh Mrs. Anna LaFortuneDelegate to AKC............................................................................Mr. Dan Mercer Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Beverly Norris ......................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager.............Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager ....................................Mr. JohnCribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo and Cover Story.......................90.00Inside front cover............................................45.00Center Spread, 2 pages....................................90.00Full page......................................................... 40.00Three-quarters page........................................ 35.00One-half page..................................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only.....................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures................7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.November 15 February 15 May 15 August 15DEADLINES JanuaryAprilJulyOctober4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYCh. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms marked the beginning of real success in my breeding program. I had been breeding for several years but had not achieved the type of Pom I was striving for.1 inquired with Ruth Beam of Great Elms Kennel about a black and tan male. She said she had a nice little 4lA lb. male she would ship to me.When I picked him up at the airport I could hardly believe my eyes. He was a beautiful Pom with a huge harsh coat, magnificent head, short, short back and excellent bone. I couldnt wait to get him home.The first puppies by Tar Baby were noticeably typier and more heavily coated than my previous litters. As they matured I became even more excited about the quality of his puppies.I was very confident of Tar Babys attributes and felt he should have his championship. I called Marlene Scott Halsey and asked her to show him for me. She had seen Tar Baby at Ruths kennel as was delighted at the prospect of showing him. A few weeks later he came home a champion.I cant thank his breeder Ruth Beam enough for the opportunity to have owned Tar Baby. My special thanks also to Marlene Scott Halsey for finishing him for me.Tar Baby is gone now but his excellent type and quality lives on in his numerous champion get. I am especially proud of his two Best in Show sons, Ch. Lenniss Tequila Sunrise and Ch. Lenniss Tar Laceys Fox Fire.TABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message................................. 5Puget Sound Pomeranian Club.................5San Diego Pomeranian Club ................... 8Hypothyroidism......................................18by Claire FlesnerHelpful Hints.......................................... 22by Margaret McKeePom Club of Greater Houston................26Pom Club of Greater Baltimore..............28Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club ... .30Dulcys Dilemma....................................32by Margaret McKeePacific Northwest News and Views.........40by Erin HundleyMidwest Report.......................................44by Sally BaugneitBehind The New Champions 48Rebel Report 50by Jane JohnstonAcross Canada 52by Chris HeartzYips and Yaps.........................................69Circulation Managers Column..............71Index of Advertisers ..............................71POMERANIAN REVIEW cV. PRESIDENTSMESSAGEMarlene Scott Halsey Rt. 1, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064The next big event for the American Pomeranian Club is our 1984 Specialty in New York. Our specialty judge is Mr. Fred Bassett from Oklahoma, and our Sweeps- stakes judge is Dudley Roach from California. Mr. Basssett is a Pom breeder and has been an AKC licensed judge for a number of years. Mr. Roach of Queenaire Poms is a noted breeder of many years. I hope you will attend and bring your Poms. The show will be held February 12, 1984 at the Loews Summit Hotel in New York. Our show chairman is Pete Galindo, 611 New York Ave., El Paso, TX 79902.We will have a hospitality room at the hotel and Olga Baker will be the hostess. We hope you will come by. There will be a meeting of the general membership following Best of Breed judging. The annual meeting is the only one each year where all members may attend. This will be the time and place to air your views about our breed, our club or any other subject you think is relevant. I am looking forward to seeing you in New York.This year has come and gone so fast. I find there isnt much I can say that would enlighten you. I feel we had a good year in 1983 and I wish to thank the Officers and Board members for making it so. Now is the time to start planning for 1984.The American Kennel Club will be one hundred years old in 1984. They plan a celebration by holding an all breed dog show in November in Philadelphia. The APC has been invited to hold a specialty show in conjunction with this show. The APC will host the specialty and it will beconsidered our summer specialty. We are all looking forward to this event and will need your cooperation to put on this special show. We will receive more information in the Pom Review as time goes on.1 wish for you and yours and very best in this New Year. I will see you at the shows. Let me hear from you.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Irene N. HarbinIt isnt even Christmas and the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club, and I, have received a gift we could never have bought, for money cant buy friends. Tom and Jessie Stephens are back in the Seattle area and with a little luck, it will be a permanent situation. I extend my condolences to the Northern California Pom Club for they have suffered a big loss in the Stephens departure.Tom and Jessie have been members of our club for about 10 years. They, like myself, were introduced to the club by Phyllis Andrews and that is how I met them. Even though Jessie was in California she managed to keep abreast of the activities of our club and wrote our colum for the Pom Review. She has submitted many articles for our club newsletter also.Tom and Jessie have been an asset to breeders everywhere they have gone, and have left a large gap when they have had to6POMERANIAN REVIEWJerrie and Vanessa Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70380 504-384-7466POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Oaklawns Diamond GemCh. Janesas Whatta Gambler x Janesas Tar-LaWins from the puppy classBaton Rouge K.C. under judge Darrell W. Baker Best of Breed for a 3 point major over specials, Oct. 9, 1983.Louisiana K.C. under judge Mrs. Lorraine Masley Best of Breed and Group 3, October 30, 1983.BreederJerrie and Vanessa Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70380 504-384-7466Owner Nellie B. Gaudet 107 Alphonse St. Lafayette, LA 70506 318-264-9868Lovingly handled by Cliff Gaudet.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWmove on. Tom is a leader and has the ability to get things done in a very exacting and delightful way.Jessie, whose first love is the Poodle, has been willing to share her knowledge in breeding and the bloodlines of the Pomeranian to anyone taking the time and effort to listen. Just in case those reading this have not had the pleasure of knowing this delightful couple, it should be clear by now that I think a great deal of these two. For those of you who do know them, you know what I mean when I say, Tom and Jessie, were glad youre back to stay SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB by Anna LaFortuneThe San Diego Pomeranian Club held its 32nd Specialty Show September 11, 1983 in conjunction with Silver Bay Kennel Clubs all breed show. The Sweepstakes judge was Mr. Dudley Roach. He chose Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero shown by Ray LaFortune as his Best in Sweepstakes. This puppy completed his championship just 1 week prior to the specialty. Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps went to the 9-12 bitch, Auroras Little Ginger owned by Ann Welshinger and shown well by Jeanne Verhage. Third prize went to the 9-12 dog, Maranathas Lil Shadrach, owner handled by Gloria Carlin. Fourth prize went to the 6-9 dog Sungolds Dyn O Mite Rider, owned by Anna LaFortune.The regular classes were judged by Jack Russell, the class winners were as follows Puppy Dog 6-9Sungolds Dyn O Mite Rider, owner Anna LaFortune.Puppy Dog 9-12Sungolds Sparklin Rider, owner Sue and Philip Conlee.Novice DogKodiak Shadow of Jupiter, owner W.Douglas Kelley.Open Dog [Orange]Gold Gems Dragon Cream Puff, owner Karen Folchetti.Winners DogGold Gems Dragon Cream Puff Reserve Winners Dog Sungolds Sparklin RiderGold Gems Dragon Cream Puff is pictured taking Winners Dog at the San Diego Pom Clubs 32nd Specialty Show under judge Jack Russell, handled by Anna LaFortune. Owner, Karen Folchetti.Puppy Bitch 6-9Suncrests Touch of Minx, owner Kimberly Ann Dickinson.Puppy Bitch 9-12Sungolds Baby Bunton, owner Lee Ann Weatherly.American Bred BitchForest Hills Sumrsnow Goldsun, owner Jeanne Verhage.Open Bitch [Orange]Sungolds Karat, owner Anna LaFortune. Winners Bitch Suncrests Touch of Minx Reserve Winners Bitch Sungolds KaratBest of Breed honors went to Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero, owned by Anna LaFortune and shown by Blanche Rider. Josh also won the Stud Dog class with his two sons Ch. Sungolds Diamond Stud and Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero byPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9Surene Kennelshas another championc fl'K.Ch. Sunrays American Beauty RoseShown finishing her championship this summer in California under the handling of Mitch Wooten. Many thanks to Fern Rodrigues for helping me with Beauty, and to Mitch for taking her to her championship.Breeder Fern Rodrigues Handler Mitch WootenSURENE POMERANIANSSue Swigert Box 873Steamboat Springs, CO 8047710 POMERANIAN REVIEW-Suncrests Touch of Minx is pictured taking Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex at the San Diego Specialty. Owners, Kimberly Ann Dickinson.his side. This made his third specialty win in a row. Josh also went on to a Group 1 over 236 Toys a lovely way to top the day.The lovely 6-9 puppy who took Winners Bitch also went on to Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex. She was shown by Beverly Griffiths and we will definitely be seeing a lot of this lovely girl.Unfortunately, Dudley Roach had to leave immediately following the club luncheon and we were very disappointed that there was no time to have his picture taken with the puppy winners.autCh. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero was Best of Breed and is pictured here taking the Stud Class with his sons Ch. Sungolds Diamond Stud and Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero, the Sweepstakes winner, behind him. Owner, Anna LaFortune.Beautiful ceramic trophies hand made by Karen Folchetti were greatly received.Thanks to all for donations and especially to everyone who helped put on this show.MOVINGThe Post Office does not forward third class mail, so it does no good to record your new address with them as far as your Review is concerned unless you have paid for 1st class mailing or you pay for your third class mail to be forwarded at the time you place your address change with the Post Office. When the Post Office returns your book to the Circulation Manager, you will have to pay this return postage .71 to 1.25 approximately, plus return postage to you. Therefore, let the Circulation Manager have your new address at least six weeks in advance of your intended move.TacFmSWishes everyone the Best of Luck at our 1984 Pom SpecialtyTanos Gypsy Leigh whelped 3 puppies September 27,1983 Black and White parti female Sable and White Parti Male Beaver with blue points femaleExpecting Black and Tans, and more Partis this spring.Pups and young adults.Pet, show, breeding stock.FOR SALE.Linda Napolitano 8310 Liberia Ave. Manassas, VA 22110 703 369-5535POMERANIAN REVIEW 1mreciousV_Edneys Mity Isis DelightWinners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite SexDelight, a very important matron, has been working behind the scenes producing outstanding get three puppiesCh. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Terra 1 Pom Bitch 1982Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Delight Ch. Bev-Nors Scooby DooDelight made her show debut June 12, 1983 and acquired a 4 pt. major under noted judge Leon Sigleman. The next day she took a 3 pt. major under judge James Vaughters. She is pictured above winning under judge T.C. Conway.OwnerClaudia PfefferP.O. Box 10432Jefferson, LA 70181504-737-1729_______________________________________________________________V.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWC0eiiies 7ib -srrecious vHSHi ______________ _____Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea-TerraCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x Edneys Mity Isis DelightPrecious was the number 1 Pomeranian Bitch and Number 6 Pomeranian in the breed by the Kennel Review system, 1982.OwnerClaudia PfefferP.O. Box 10432Jefferson, LA 70181504-737-1729POMERANIAN REVIEW 1recious 3k ititesv..Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleAn Eastern gentleman goes south to New Orleans.We are proud to announce Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple, affectionately known as Sunday, is now residing in Louisiana with his daughter Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea Terra and her mother, Edneys Mity Isis Delight. Sunday has won several group placements and stolen many southern hearts.At stud to approved matrons. Fee and pedigree upon request. Matrons will be met promptly at New Orleans airport any day of the week.OwnerClaudia PfefferP.O. Box 10432Jefferson, LA 70181504-737-172914 POMERANIAN REVIEWJ 9UMfOHSun Fox Lennis Image of OldeGreat Elms, Scotia, CynpegiJCh. Sun Fox I Love LennisGreat Elms, Model, Scotia, ShowstopperThe above proven males are available at stud to approved females. Pedigree and fee sent on request.Announcing the following new arrivals October 1983.Sire Ch. Sun Fox I Love Lennis x Riki Teqi Tar of Lennis 2 orange females. This is a repeat of Beautis litter.Sire Ch. Sun Fox I Love Lennis x Kolyada black2 sable males.Inquiries invited on the above litters and availability is subject to prior sale. Written inquiries preferred.Congratulations to Charlotte Webster of Hampden, Maine on her gorgeous litter sired by Sun Fox Image of Olde out of Sun Fox Kracklin Gold co-owner by C.M. Lis. Since this litter represents a breeding going back five times to Lennis Tar Baby, we are especially excited. Wishing Charlotte continued good luck with her Poms.Claudia M. Lis and Edward J. Braczyk 12 Cliffside Rd.Lowell, MA 01852 617-454-1625POMERANIAN REVIEW 1SUM FOXAnnouncing a second champion . I IlJ 11 Jl\. IBEST OF liWINNERSGLENS FALLSKENNEL CLL3HULS-5E' 1"Champion Sun Fox Paper ChaseJudge Mr. Robert Sharp, Handler Joyce McComiskeyWe wish to congratulate our dear friend, Irene Bennett on her new champion, Sun Fox Paper Chase. Awfie is a surprise champion sort of companion turned champion. He was bred by Ruth Howington and was purchased from Lennis Davis as an adorable 3 month old puppy. He is a half brother to our best producing brood Riki Teqi Tar of Lennis.We will always be indebted to Irene, whose continuous support and knowledge has helped us achieve our high standards in Poms. Also appreciated is her unerring ringside observations which guide us towards our goal the betterment of our beautiful breed.Irene also is the co-owner of Ch. Sun Fox I Love Lennis and Sun Fox Lennis Rains It Pours.Co-OwnerClaudie M. Lis 12 Cliffside Rd. Lowell, MAOwnerIrene Bennettpending AKC confirmation16 POMERANIAN REVIEWSilver Anniversary Spring Specialty ShowDallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc. March 23,1984Held in conjunction with the Texas Circuit Three all-breed shows March 24, 25, 26.JUDGESRegular Classes Mr. Forst McCoy Sweepstakes Mrs. Olga BakerCome and join in the fun and help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary Show.SHOW SECRETARYMrs. C. A. Ellis 325 S.E. 9th St. Grand Prairie, TX 75051POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Pixies Hillcrest Pomeranians\rrls2DINNERSSOUTH HILLS KENNEL CLUB INC. JOE C JUNE I9BES "VCh. Pixies Magic HarmonyCh. Pixies Toni Tiger x Ch. Pixies Sweet MagicShown winning a 3 pt. major as an eight month old puppy under judge Mr. Merrill Cohen her first time out Harmony is home bred and owner handled AND finished before one year of age.She and her champion dam are expecting puppies in mid November sired by our beautiful Ch. Post Script Sparkle-N-Rock.Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Inquiries invited.Carol A. Galavich 52821 Powhatan Hill RoadPowhatan Point, Ohio 43942 614-458-170518POMERANIAN REVIEWHypothyroidismby Claire FlesnerThis is an article that I have felt I needed to write for a long time the trials and tribulations of my bout with hypothyroidism in my Poms. It is not meant to be a medical documentary. Recently there have been several articles in dog magazines, including the Pomeranian Review, about this disease so I know that an interest in Hypothyroidism does exist.Hypothyroidism is a condition due to deficiency of the thyroid secretion, resulting in a lowered basal metabolism. Tabers Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. The classic signs associated with this disease are directly attributed to the low basal metabolic rate. For many years before a true test for thyroid in dogs was developed, we relied on the canine patient showinga Extreme hair lossb Over sensitivity to the coldc Prolonged Anestrus period of time between heat cycles.d General overall lack of energyIt was only in the late 1970s when accurate, routine thyroid testing was undertaken that we found many individuals and breeds were afflicted with lower than what were considered normal thyroid levels. They did not necessarily show the classic signs. Hypothyroidism by R.V. Hutchison, D.V.M., Pomeranian Review, April 1983. My dog Pepper is now 10 years old. When he was about 4 or 5 years old he had minor surgery which necessitated some of his hair being shaved off. It was then that I noticed that his hair took an awfully long time to grow back. For a time I wondered if indeed it ever would. Being me, I naturally took Pepper back to the vet to find out just what was going on. It was at this time that my vet questioned a thyroid condition. Remember, this was back in the mid and late 70s when lab testing for hypothyroidism was not usedmuch nor was it as sophisticated as it is now. Eventually most of his hair did grow back.Within a year Pepper had more minor surgery and again slow hair regrowth. This time the vet put him on thyroid medication that did help his hair to grow back.About 1980-81, Pepper started to lose his hair color and had spots of thinning hair. The vet took blood samples which showed a definite low thyroid function. Peppers thyroid dosage was increased. We then went through a peroid of adjusting and changing medication. With the increased medication, Pepper started to vomit, have diarrhea and an elevated temperature. He was put on another thyroid medication which did not work at all. After a few months of trying, we finally struck on the combination of medicine and dosage that was best for Pepper.In the spring of 1982, Chester had been with us for nearly a year. Chester is a very active senior citizen. A few times after playing hard, he would start to cough. This cough was usually controlled by the usual methods of honey andor vaseline. Under very light gas anesthesia Chester had his teeth cleaned and several pulled. A day or so after the surgery, he started a cough which I could not control. So back to the vets we went. X-rays and an EKG showed that he had congestive heart failure. He responded very well to the treatment and is no longer on any heart medication. He no longer coughs when playing hard. The best thing in the world for our little Poms is a good, caring, thorough vet. I am most fortunate to have one of this type.It was during Chesters bout with the cardiac problem that my vet mentioned that dogs with a low thyroid problem that go untreated are prone to develop heartPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1cv Sar chiU ^Can. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Emcees Diamond StarlisaSmidge is definitely well named, as she is our Star Child. She has both conformation and personality, so one can overlook her passion for snagging onto pantlegs and pantyhose at embarassing momentsSmidge picked up her 2nd major in Scarborough, ME under Mr. Frank Landgraf and finished in Springfield, MA. Thanks to Natalie Dunfee for putting both her majors on her.Bred to Can. Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, she free whelped 3 lovely pups. Watch for these star attractions Hobbits Trace of Tynan Natalie Dunfee Hobbits Heavenly Body Marion Coy Hobbits Hallmark at home with usHobbit Pomeranians, Reg'd14 Palisade PlaceHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8 902443-85360 POMERANIAN REVIEWproblems after stress. I wont go into all he medical facts about this. A blood sample was sent to a lab in the mid-west ind, as my vet had suspected, Chester was lypothyroid. So now Chester too is on daily thyroid medication although he never showed any of the classic signs of the disease.In the summer of 1982, Peppers teeth also needed cleaning. I had put it off as long as I could as he also has a collapsed trachea. Under the most minimal gas anesthesia, his teeth were cleaned and most of them removed. Right after surgery things did not go well. Pepper started having an irritated cough. The vet and I watched and medicated him for this cough for a short time, although to me it seemed like years. X-rays and an EKG were done and showed what we both suspected congestive heart failure. Blood work done at this time again showed that Pepper was not getting enough thyroid medication. He was treated with cardiac medication and the new thyroid pill. Shortly after that everything was back to normal. Pepper continues to have a heart problem.In the summer of 1982, Pepper lost most of his hair on his hind end. There was only one tiny tuff at the tip of his tail he looked like he had had a poodle hair cut and the rest of his fur became very thin. Pepper had always had a very thick and fairly short coat. Since this last March, his hair has grown and I mean GROWN His bib hairs are now four inches long and the mane hair is six inches long with wisps going up to seven inches plus I measured them, believe me. His tail has several tuffs of hair that are four to five inches long although it is not completely covered yet. He has fuzz over must of his rear with several tuffs coming in. His featherings on the legs and skirt are also getting think and long. It is unbelievable At this point it is hard to predict just how much more hair, if any, will grow back, but I am hopeful.The most important thing is that I am so pleased with Peppers progress right now. He is more active, happier, and full of that pom spirit.I have refrained from mentioning the name of the thyroid medication and the dosage as this can only be determined on an individual basis from the blood testing. Both nine pound Pepper and four and a half pound Chester are on exactly the same medication and dosage. In all that I have read about hypothyroidism in dogs and also with all my discussions with my vet, I find that no one is willing to come right out officially and say that the disease is hereditary. Everyone says that it has not been proven. I do not believe that. I am positive that it is. 1 have done a little research about this and have found a couple of interesting factors. Pepper and Chester are both hypothyroid. They have the same sire. There is another BCPC member whose Pom is severely hypothyroid. This dog is the son of Peppers litter sister, who has a severe heart problem. One of Peppers sons had a possible thyroid problem, but his owners moved out of state and I have lost contact with them. Another BCPC member had a young male who died young. He was hypothyroid and of essentially the same blood lines. Peppers litter sister has severe heart trouble. I mentioned the thyroid test to her owner but I never heard if she had it done or not. These heart problems cannot be cured by finding out if a thyroid problem exists, but for research it would be helpful.I wrote this article because I believe that hypothyroidism is a real threat in dogs. By sharing my experiences with you, maybe some other dog will benefit. I have already learned a lot about this disease and feel there is much yet to learn. If anyone would like to comment on this article or perhaps share your experiences with me, I would certainly appreciate hearing from you.POMERANIAN REVIEWrMy way's Stormy Night's DreamfABEST OF OPPOSITEALBANY KENNEL CLUB1983DAVE ASHBEYIn Stormys short career in the ring she has won numerous Best of Winners and Best of Breeds. Thanks to all the judges, especially Mrs. Betty Dullinger for the major at Albany K.C. Oct. 22, 1983. My deepest appreciation to Stormys handler Helen Melucci.OwnersArlene Steinmetz and Cora Lawton 6 Monroe St.Keyport, NJ 07735HandlerHelen Melucci Millard Rd. North Attleboro, MA 02760A2 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225\ .Our local terrier club has produced an ibsolutely darling coloring book called Color Your Dog With Love. Each page las an instruction or advice on caring for a dog and a charming drawing to color. The artist is my friend Ann Priddy, whose lovely paintings have graced trophies, purses, shirts, and scent article bags locally. She said she found the cartoon style challenging. Yes, there is a Pom right up front. Order yours from Marge McClung, 200 Hazlemere Dr., Richmond, VA 23236 at 3.00 plus 1.00 postage for each one 25 to 50 copies are 2.50 each plus 3.00 handling. Make checks payable to the Virginia Terrier Club. Funds go to support the Veterinary School at Virginia Polytechnic Institute, State University. I wish I could have gotten this information in the October issue for your Christmas shopping list, but while theyre great gifts for kids, youll also want one for yourself.Recently my trusty diaper bag that I used as a tack bag died, and I found I couldnt replace it. One of my clients gave me a nice aluminum tack box. Isnt there a law of physics that says stuff expands to fill the space available Well, this new tack box certainly illustrates that point well. It is three times as big as the diaper bag and it is full. I added a number of new things to it, some of which I had been carrying in purse or suitcase a small travel alarm clock, a clothes brush, a spray can of spot remover, a small pump spray of carpet cleaner for use in the motel room, a container of moistT"towelettes for wiping hands, a roll of scotch tape good for emergency repairs of errant hems, a small metal Sucrets box for paper clips, thumb tacks, and rubber bands, a pump spray bottle of flea spray I spray the ground at outdoor shows where I set up X-pens, a big bottle of aspirin.A reminder puppies are by the sire or male and out of the dam or female, never out of the sire. It is confirmation that you wait for from the AKC title certificate department. It is conformation that distinguishes between shows and obedience trials. An easy way to remember the difference is to think the AKC confirms titles of dogs who have met the requirements and conform to the standard in the case of shows.A hearty Amen to Marlene Scott Halseys suggestion Oct 83 Review that we give our Poms more exercise. Ive suspected for some time that many fanciers dont think furry Toys need to be in top condition as far as weight and muscle tone are concerned. Judges and exhibitors seem to confuse fat with body and substance. One reason may be people trying to get weight on a tiny, tiny Pom up to the three pound limit. More often, it may be just because it is so hard not to indulge these little critters with extra tidbits. So what Does a Pom need to be in lean and mean condition like a hunting dog Yes, they have work to do too. Show dogs are subjected to all kinds of stress and need to be strong physically and mentally to take it. Breeding stock must be in good condition to stand at stud or carry and whelp puppies. We want our companion animals to live to a ripe old age, and they must be healthy to do so. Our obedience dogs cannot be carrying extra weight and be able to jump safely.For some Pomeranians, chasing each other around the yard may be sufficient. For others we need to toss a ball or Frisbee for them. Still others need more. Tiara-hadPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2Share PomeraniansCh. Emcees Texas PetesaysLOOK WHAT I DID\w\'1Snicker D Chassie BCh. Emcees Texas Pete x Tasha Marie ReynoldsPetey is consistently passing his fine qualities on to his offspring. Mrs. Armetha Reynolds of Benton, AR is the proud breeder-owner of this promising duo. She plans to start their show careers this spring.Watch for Petey in the specials ring soon.Congratulations to Genny Dupre on finishing her outstanding Ch. Emcees Diamond Solid Gold owner handled all the way.And to Morris and Betty Carson on AC Ch. Emcees Golden Chip.Sharon Hicks 934 Clear Creek Texarkana, TX 75503 214-792-1028u POMERANIAN REVIEWrecovered nicely from her spinal surgery Jan. 83, Review, p. 55. She was able to jump 8 easily, but struggled and often failed when the jump went to 10. She must jump 12 in competition. A friend suggested that she needed more conditioning, such as roadwork. I grudgingly agreed she might be right. So, in summer of 83 we began our walking program. I took the three dogs who are currently jumping. We began slowly. The first week we just walked around the block. Then we walked around two blocks for a week. At this point we had to double the route to increase the distance, because of the layout of the streets. This is a distance I guess to be at least a mile and, at a brisk walk for me, takes about 30 minutes. When we first began this distance, Tiara couldnt keep up. About half way around, shed poop out. I could tell because her gait became choppy and her topline would bounce up and down. While the Pomeranian gait has been described in print as bouncing, this is misleading since the proper Poms topline should remain level when hes trotting. I picked her up and carried her the rest of the way. After four days she could make the full distance on her own.We dont go every day. We skip show days and when its pouring rain. Drizzles dont stop us. In summer when it was hot, we left the house about 630 a.m. Now that it is chilly, we cometimes go at 715 a.m., between shifts of getting kids off to school. Other times we leave at 845 to walk Elaine to school. We never go before daylight or after dark. This is a suburb with lots of trees and not many streetlights. The three dogs are well trained but still go on leash. One chance in a million is too many to take. It is interesting to note that our citys leash law does permit me to take them out off-leash if they are under control which of course obedience dogs are.A brisk walk for me is jogging for the Poms. Theyre not required to heelformally unless I see danger in the form of a vehicle or another dog approaching. Then theyre told Heel or Watch me. Were very fortunate in that weve encountered no problem dogs. A couple of dogs have approached, up on toes and tails waving aggressively but retreated when I growled at them. Im a very dominant dog Check with your neighborhood joggers for possible sources of danger. If aggressive dogs might be a problem, carry a can of Mace or a water pistol containing a water-ammonia solution. This is good protection from muggers, too.I really enjoy these walks. It gets my sluggish blood going. I use the time for prayer, meditation, mentally composing this column, or simply soaking up the glories of nature. And the Poms love it In the morning, I open the gate and call Time to walk. All the Poms come running and Tiara, Gem, and Pooh Bear dash through the gate. The others politely remain in the backyard, knowing they dont get to go. The three lucky ones dance around eagerly, waiting for me to snap on the leashes. And Tiara She is the most eager. Once the leash is on shes raring to go and speeds out to the end of the leash. Come on, Mom. Hurry up. She is enjoying her obedience more, working with more confidence, and clearing the 10 jump. The half hour each day is well spentPermit me a few comments on behavior, man and beast. Last spring I received a letter from a woman in another part of the country which said, in part, We love our Poms and showing them, but the majority of Pom people weve been in contact with have been most disappointing. Some are APC members ... She is not specific as to what behavior she found disappointing, but its a sad commentary. Recently at ringside an exhibitor took me to task for what she considered a lapse of manners and sportsmanship on the part of her fellow exhibitors. Ironically, the very behavior shePOMERANIAN REVIEW 2K bVJPRESENTSCH. LENNIS RADIO ACTIONCh. Lennis Tar Sons Image x Lennis Dazie Mae of Tar BabyRadio Action has been bred toCh. Great Elms Models TimstopperPuppies due December 5, 1983. Inquiries invited.Harry E. Pennington 3115 Piedmont Rd. N.E.Atlanta, GA 30305 404-233-47986POMERANIAN REVIEWfound so troublesome she was guilty of herself both days that weekend. Now my purpose here is not to criticize anyone but to make some suggestions on how we can enjoy the hobby of showing dogs and the company of other fanciers more.First, try to take both your wins and your losses graciously. Do make an effort to say something pleasant to the winners. This is easy when you approve of the judges choices. If you think the dog is atrocious and the judge should have his head examined, you dont have to lie. You can still say, Congratulations, thats certainly a big win for you. Say something encouraging to the losers. Your bitch is lovely and shes showing better all the time. Try to find time to speak to new faces at ringside. It takes only a minute to say hello, introduce yourself, and ask some questions about the cute puppy. It just might be the beginning of a valuable friendship or the turning point for someone who was getting very discouraged.Develop a thicker skin. If a friend fails to congratulate you either in person or in the Review if a competitor makes unkind remarks about your dog, your breeding program, or your intelligence if someone doesnt choose your stud try to shrug it off or better yet, laugh it off. Word got back to me that a competitor had criticized a bitch I had shown as an old brood. I laughed. Shes right. The bitch is a good brood. Shes also a champion. The term brood was meant to be derogatory, but I chose to take it as a compliment. If you go around looking for offense and insults, youll surely find them.Emphasize the positive. Instead of counting up slights and hurt feelings, concentrate on all the good things that have happened to you and all the wonderful people youve met since youve been in Poms. Think of all the congratulations and compliments you have received. Be grateful for that breeder who took a chance on youand sold you your first show quality puppy. Think of all the advice and encouragement Pom people have given you. Remember the leashes held, the scissors or bait lent, the rides shared. Real Pom people have a were-in-this-together attitude. Real Pom people are like their dogs loving, warm, generous, forgiving, friendly.Nuts, this column has gotten too long, but I do want to talk about Pom temperament, good and bad, next time. Please send me your thoughts on that or any subject.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Sue GoddardOur Club has recently elected new officers.President Olga Baker Vice President Tony Tellez Secretary Erika Moureau Assistant to Sec. Karen Holder Treasurer Tim Goddard Board of DirectorsRoxie Campbell, Carolyn Crockett, Cindy Horton.Our recent meetings have been held at the home of Tim and Sue Goddard but in October we tried an alternate place, an inexpensive restaurant that provided us with a private room. This location is fairly central. Since our membership is quite scattered over this very large city with some local members living as much as 60 miles apart, our president Olga suggested that we sign up for the meeting we want then leave the location up to the hostess. This idea was enthusiastically received by the membership. Our Christmas party will be held at the home of Roxie and Jim Campbell and hosted by Carolyn Crockett.POMERANIAN REVIEW iMILLBROOK POMERANIANS PRESENTSCh. Sungolds Gold Ante-r4YVJbreed BESTOF5Inher first time out as a special, Slippers was BOB pictured and Group 3 under judge Frank Landgraf.Slippers is the 5th champion this year for her sire Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero and the 3rd champion from this litter. She now joins her brothers, Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero and Ch. Sungolds Diamond Stud in the Group ring with both breed and group placings to her credit.My thanks to Anna LaFortune for letting me have her and judges Chuck Long, Melbourne Downing, Barbara Jarmoluk and Frank Landgraf for her wins.OwnerHandlerBarbara Paine 51 Babbitt Ct. Elmsford, NY 10523 914-592-8217Breeder Anna LaFortunePOMERANIAN REVIEWThe next big project for the club is our larch Specialty held in conjunction with he Combined Specialty Clubs and during lur big area circuit. At this is a very special rear for our sister club, Dallas Fort Worth Jomeranian Club, we will look for a super ntry of Poms for all the shows. If you lont already know, it is that clubs 25th Anniversary show and it will be held a few lays after our show.Of course, before that many of us are naking plans for the New York Specialty ind hoping for no snow storms as our Texas Poms are not very good a pulling ledsJean and George West have added a new Champion to their list Chriscendo Western Express join the ranks and a lovely addition he is.Numerous other Poms are close to title, so I should have an impressive list in the next issue of the Pom Review.Until then, why dont you plan to join us on the March circuit. Yall comePOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMOREby Mary VickersHappy Holidays and best wishes for happy ring encounters and personal success in the 84 year.The Baltimore club began its New Year celebration back in September. The event its first birthday and what a party to celebrate.Dave and Dolores Watts opened their spacious and lovely home to over 40 members and guests. First on the agenda was a puppy match. Fellow member Brenda Everette was our judge. Selection was difficult and in the future you will definitely be hearing more from the winners. Best female was Judy Greens Roxie. Since the match Roxie has started her official show career and in 2 shows haswon twice earning 3 singles. Best Male and Best in Match belongs to Terri Moebuis and her pup Cheeter. Our club has been known for its exceptional and extravagant trophies. These were no exception and were even more extraordinary as they were donated and hand carried over 500 miles by Judy and David Layfield.With the hard task of showing our pups completed, hungrily we went in search of food. The tables in Dolores Florida room seemed to stretch for miles and were still overflowing. No one went hungry. Wait a minute, did the kids ever come out of the pool No one went thirsty either. Many thanks, Dolores for supplying the sodas along with the house. Then there was the Johnsons Pom-powerful Punch. You could definitely see the world through Pomeranian orange colored glasses.With stomachs filled and the puppies resting, the time was at hand for more sedate activity. Chairs were dragged into a semi-circle and Dolores as hostess was called on to present the clubs awards. Earlier it had been decided to present an award to those club members who had titled a Pom that was published in the AKCs Show Results in 1982. The proud owners of the following Poms received awards Ann Cannon for Ch. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp Tamara Carrell for Lenniss Red Denim Levi, CD Morris Carson for Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Judy Green for Razzle Dazzle Jeffery, CDX Dianne Johnson for Ch. Silva Lade Forget Me Not Judy Layfield for Ch. Post Scripts Sir-Prize-Me Margaret McKee for Idlewylds Star Pendant, CD Beverly Norris for Ch. Bev-Nors Ho-Lea-Terra and Mary Vickers for Annons Huggy Bear from Scamp CD.The day was not over yet, nor was an activity that many were waiting for the Auction. Throughout the day people were seen at the display of items that our talented club members had wrought. TherePOMERANIAN REVIEW 2Irish Setters27Pomirish KennelsPomeranians Norwich TerriersTwo more champion Poms bred by us [pending AKC confirmation].Ch. Pomirish Bear Ns Gold DBloon pictured and daughterCh. Pomirish Chances Crem DBloonOwned by Nancy BartholomewBoth finished within days of each other on the Oklahoma circuit.Pomirish Prufs Jumping Jack For sale to show homeandPomirish Sandtowns Raisin 11 pts., both majors, NFSEach earned a major in Oklahoma. Thanks to Lois Abjornson for Raisin, a beautiful black.Pomirish Sports Fred E. FenderpicturedFor sale to a breeder.3 majors, 1 pt. to finish.We have nice pups available now, some creams. 350.00 up.Creider Duke Great Elms Pomirish ScotiaDick and Sally Baugniet 11224 Co. Hyw. B.Mishicot, WI 54228 414-755-2994V.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWwere 26 hand-made items from glassware and ceramics to tee-shirts all one of a kind and all designed for the serious Pom fancier. Kenny Keller and David Layfield played auctioneers and play they did. Remember the morning radio shows with two disc jockeys who exchange light banter, crack jokes, but still get the work done This is the only way to describe the antics of these two long-time friends. And sell they did not that many of the items couldnt have sold themselves.The auction brought the formal celebration to an end and with it the end of our first year. Onward to the New Year.Late September, October and November are when the show begins again. There are too many winners to acknowledge, but word has reached us that Dolores Watts Little Dynasty of Great Elms can now add Ch. before his name. Kudos, Dolores.Club projects in the coming months involve 1 starting the AKC sanctioning process 2 our 2nd Annual Christmas party 3 another fun match in late winter 4 supporting the Fredricksburg KC in April 5 searching for more Baltimore members.We meet at the Parkville-Carney Library on the first Tuesday of every month. The January program will be a demonstration on how to groom a Pom. In February on table training your show prospect. In March, a film about dogs. In April, another film made by members Linda and Carl Napolitano on whelping your Pom brood bitch.Officers from September to September arePresident Dianne Johnson Vice President Rose Keller Treasurer Ann Cannon Recording Secretary Terri Moebuis Corresponding Secretary Mary Vickers Membership Secretary Carol Ricci Board of DirectorsJudy Green, Nancy Marshall, Dolores Watts.DALLAS-FT. WORTH POMERANIAN CLUBby Peggy HendricksJanuary is here and February not far behind. Then comes March time for silver. To be more exact, March 12, 1984 is the date we members of the Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club have been planning and working toward for the past few years. This is the date of our 25th Spring Specialty.Come one, come all, for a weekend filled with shows, good times and hospitality beginning with our Silver Anniversary Show on Friday night, Texas Kennel Club show on Saturday, Fort Worth Kennel Club on Sunday and Trinity Valley Kennel Club on Monday.Our Silver Show will begin with a Puppy Sweepstakes judged by Olga Baker, a well known Pom breeder from Houston, Texas. Judge for the Regular Classes will be Mr. Forrest McCoy of Gulfport, Florida, himself a Pom breeder of renown for 25 years. As an added attraction our show will close with a Parade of Champions. There will be a dinner held in an adjoining room with good food, free gifts and fellowship for those who wish to attend reservations required.On Saturday night following the TKC show, the Dallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club will host a hospitality room and dinner for Pom breeders, exhibitors and special guests. This will be held at the Holiday Inn, the site of our show.Make your plans now to attend this big weekend.We extend a special invitation to all Pom breeders to come and help us celebrate our 25th Anniversary.For further information contact Jewel Ellis, Show Secretary, 325 N.E. 9th St., Grand Prairie, TX 75051, 214 264-7776.See you all in MarchPOMERANIAN REVIEWcfrom all of usJohn and Christine Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-74272 POMERANIAN REVIEWDulcys Dilemmaby Margaret McKeeWARNINGTHESE PREMISES PATROLLED BY ATTACK TRAINED POMERANIANThis appealing picture of a Pom appeared in the Richmond Times-Dispatch on Sunday, October 23, 1983. The editors chose to use it instead of the formal High in Trial picture. The Pom is Dulcy or officially, Dulcy or Doesnt Show of Nan-K, owned by Fran Warren. She got a leg on her CD that day and her third leg the following day. The completion of her title was a real triumph for Dulcy, her owner and her vet.From puppyhood, Dulcy had been plagued by episodes of bloody diarrhea and vomiting. She was eight months old when they began. Once parvo was ruled out, Fran and her vet began searching for a cause. Fram kept a diary. At first it appeared that flea powder was the villain, so we diligently began removing all sources of insecticides in her life. Over many months, numerous causes for her episodes were considered and then discarded. Two significant facts remained. 1. She usually recoveredquickly in 24 hours shed be her old bouncing self again. 2. She never got sick at my house. While I was handling or boarding her, she stayed with me for periods from 3 to 10 days. She was never sick at my house, but frequently had diarrhea after returning home. Differences in water supply Dulcy was put on distilled water. Allergy to detergents Dulcys bedding was washed in Ivory Snow. Plant poisoning Fran removed the grass and ivy in her small back yard and replaced it with gravel. Dulcys diet was adjusted several times, including putting her on ID. Blood tests and urinalysis gave no clue. Fran and I spent many hours on the phone, trying to figure out what was wrong. Stress was often mentioned. The episodes continued.Last winter I kept Dulcy for 10 days while Fran flew to the west coast for a specialty. For fun, I decided to see how much Dulcy remembered from her basic obedience class. I was delighted with her response. Here was potential. So when Fran returned I told her shed have to promise me that someone was going to put a CD on Dulcy the following spring, or I wouldnt give her the dog back. Since Fran doesnt enjoy going in the ring, it was agreed that I would handle Dulcy. However, training was kept to a minimum because of Dulcys health. I couldnt take her to classes at my obedience club because Fran felt the insecticides used to fog the building might be dangerous for her.In spring, we took her to two matches. I was uncomfortable as I felt Dulcy wasnt really ready for competition. She busted one match when frightened during the stays by a flapping tape. At the other match she went Highest Scoring Dog in Match. We were encouraged when she didnt seem stressed by these outings, so we entered herPOMERANIAN REVIEWin one trial in April. She qualified. We entered her in 2 more trials the end of May. But during the last of April and the first of May the episodes became more and more frequent 2 or 3 a week. Fran was frantic. The vet x-rayed Dulcys GI tract, but saw nothing. He said there was nothing left to do but a biopsy. Fran was reluctant to do that. The vet decided again it might be stress and decided Dulcy shouldnt be shown. We kissed two entry fees goodbye and kept Dulcy home.Finally in early June, the vet send Dulcys x-rays to a radiologist, we detected a small lesion on the lower intestine. It was not a tumor and apparently not cancerous. The vet prescribed prednisolone every other day for inflammation. As a shot in the dark the vet later admitted to me I was desperate, he also prescribed Tagamet, used to treat ulcers in humans.It worked The episodes promptly began to decrease in severity and frequency. Gradually we challenged the efficacy of the treatment by returning Dulcy to a regular diet, then tap water. The prednisolone was stopped in August.Holding our breath, we took Dulcy to a match in September, although she had had no training since April. She busted, but more importantly she had no episode of diarrhea. Encouraged, we entered her in 2 trials in October. I couldnt get Fran to enter her in more than 2 trials. She only needs two legs. And Dulcy got those two legs in nice style. Moreover, it was a healthy Dulcy that did it.We dont know what caused the lesion. Were still not sure that aggravates it, although Fran will continue to avoid insecticides and other strong chemicals. Dulcy has been totally free of any digestive upsets since August 3, 1983. She continues to get Tagamet twice a day. She was four years old this November. It took over 3 years, but a loving and persistent owner and a cooperative, conscientious vet found the solution.Sandtowns PomeranianscongratulatesSally Baugniets Pomirish Sandtowns Raisin for her Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes and 1st in 6-9 Puppy and Reserve Winners Bitch to a 5 pt. major at her first showK.C. of Freedom Cty MN, WB,BOW Minn River Valley K.C., WB, BOW Stone City K.C., WBLois and Bill Abjornson P.O. Box 432 Sand Springs, OK 74063ienette4345 Rogers Lake Rd. Kannapolis, NC 28018 704 938-2042We offer for your consideration the allowingOne Black and Tan Male, For Show.One Black and Tan Male, For Stud.Sired by Great Elms Tar Baby.One Red and One Orange Female.Sired by Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo.Young proven brood matron.Sired by Ch. Anwins Lil Sirius BIS winner.Reasonably Priced Satisfaction Guaranteed.Breeders of Fine Poms since 1957.4 POMERANIAN REVIEWWests Pomeranians presents our new championCHAD1 ya't'Ch. Chriscendo Western ExpressCh. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Can. Ch. Chriscendo ChatelaineChad finished his championship with 4 majors. He is shown here winning his first one under judge Mrs. Beulah Hatch.Chad is an exquisite Pom and we are so proud to own him. A great big THANK YOU to Christine and John Heartz for letting us have this wonderful little guyChad is proven and available to approved bitches. Thank to all the judges for all his big wins.Owner-HandledJean and George West 2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, TX 77339713-358-8465JPOMERANIAN REVIEWrWests Pomeranians proudly presentsI12tAmsCh. West's Sugar BearShown going BOS at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty under iudge Mr. Kenneth Miller.Sugar shone at the Astro Hall Series Dog Shows. She took BOS at Baytown K.C. under Mrs.J. E. Clark BOS and San Jacinto K.C. under judge Mr. Art Davison and BOB at HoustonK. C. under Judge Dorothy Welsh. Many thanks to all the fine judgesPuppies OccasionallyBreeder-Owner-HandledJean and George West 2034 Lazy Grove Kingwood, TX 77339V713-358-8465i POMERANIAN REVIEWEmcee's PomeraniansBEST OF WINNERSJAMES RIVER KENNEL'CLUB983lesh to lens photoL by sherryAm. Can. Ch. Emcee's Golden ChipMaynard and J.V. The Perfect Combination.In the short time J.V. has been shown as a special, he has won 2 Groups and many group placements.Watch for Emcees Golden Jaymy, a J. V. daughter, in the spring shows.J.V. is not at public stud.Morris and Betty Carson.9826 Waltham Dr.Richmond, VA 23233 804-749-7977POMERANIAN REVIEWEmcee's PomeraniansvHr'I\ merALAMANCE K.CnvVARIETY GROUPCh. Emcee's Chiquita de OroCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldShown receiving her championship win. Not only a Group 1 winner, but also a free \ whelper, Chiqui is handled expertly by our friend, Maynard Wood.\Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804-740-7977POMERANIAN REVIEWI AiCh. Emcees Diamond Solid Gold ispictured receiving a Toy Group 4 after completing his championship under judge Mr. Thomas C. Conway. Diamond finished with 5 BOB and 4 Toy Group placements.CALCASIEU KENNEL CLUBlake Charles LouisianaAUCUST 21 1983 TOY CROUP 4JUOCENR THOHAS C CONWAYPHOTO BT PETRULISJDiamond is pictured receiving a Toy Group 3 as a special from judge Dr. William E. Fields, Jr. at the Austin K.C. in Austin, TX.DIAMOND IS NOT AT PUBLIC STUD.OwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.110 Pompano St.Lafayette, LA 70508 318-235-1423L- T91'POMERANIAN REVIEWM Wat'Dupre's PomeraniansDaugh VDaughterCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid Goldezce^e^PeoP^etMrs.James R. Dupre, Sr. 110 Pompano St. Lafayette, LA 70508 318-235-1423POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 1910167th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290I am privileged to be a member of a very ecial select group whose members are ry often taken for granted. We are the iters for the Pomeranian Review. I arvel at the consistent high quality of the aterial printed in our Review. Club ports, show and specialty stories, tertaining, interesting and educational prints from other sources, and special Dries submitted by people who have mething to share. I only know a few of ese writers, but I feel very close to all of em. I am proud to be in their company, le readers may not always agree with tat is written but thats O.K. A little ntroversy often results in a discussion of oblems which are then better understood id perhaps solved.A comment in Yips and Yaps implied at a potential member of The American Dmeranian Club changed her mind cause of so called bickering at the mual meeting. How do you differentiate tween an open discussion of opposing unions, and this alleged bickering I lieve that problems should be aired at iib meetings and not just grumbled about small groups. It is very easy to stand on e sidelines and criticize the workers, lose who truly love the Pomeranian iould support the only club we have by ining and working to correct any oblems that exist. You may find fault ith my words and actions. I have been lilty of errors and omissions, and even a loughtless word or action, but I dont aim to be perfect just human. I would ither be criticized for doing something youdont agree with than to be criticized for doing nothing.The American Pomeranian Clubs members have been working for years to inform, educate and entertain Pom lovers all over the country. The local clubs also work for you to provide point shows, matches, educational material and companionship. Many other activities are provided by Pom Clubs not the least of which is the sharing of our love for this breed and the striving for its betterment. There are discussions about grooming, showing, breeding, and club policy which help everyone to grow in knowledge and to understand each other better.Clubs also work to improve conditions for all dogs. The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club has produced a bumper sticker warning of the dangers of leaving a dog in a closed car. They are being sold at local shows and are available by mail. See the club add. Wanda Bittner, who inspired this valuable project, has had some business problems which made it necessary for her to return the chairmanship of this committee to the club. Thank you, Wanda for your efforts to save the lives of dogs everywhere. We wish you the best always.On to North West news Jessie and Tom Stephens are back in the area for good. They bought the home which is to be their last as Tom is retiring in two years and will spend these last two years stationed at Sand Point in Seattle. They love the North West and will stay on at the end of Toms Navy days. We look forward to many years of productive friendship. The Stephens bring with them an enthusiasm and expertise which is contagious and exciting.They also bring with them some lovely Poms which well be seen in the rings. Jessie is a member of that special group of people, the Review writers, writing both for the NCPC Club and the Puget Sound Club.Mary Rosenbaums beautiful Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid is doing exceptionally well. He has earned the rank of 5 in the nationsPOMERANIAN REVIEWWftmWat jysaCh. Jabil's Simply ScrumptiousCh. Jabils Simply Sinful x Ch. Jabils Simply SerenaTabitha was the first of Serenas three puppies to finish in 1983. She was RWB at the Feb. 1983 APC Specialty, as well as BOS in Sweepstakes.Congratulations to Donald Gill with Tabithas littermate, Ch. Jabils Little Abnaki, and to Pam Welsh with Tabithas half sister, Ch. Jabil Italian Girl in Algiers sired by Ch. Hi Time Simply Jeremy Jabil.We are very proud of Serenas record as a producer. The above dogs were her only puppies of showable age in 1983.Jessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8, Loudon Ridge Rd.Loudon, NH 03301 603-435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEWnning Poms. Mary herself has some nors. She has been using her recently quired license to judge Poms at several estern shows and has been invited to dge at Crufts in England next fall. She is 'ing some juggling of schedules and Lancing, and if all goes well who will be je to accept. Wouldnt I love to go along A newcomer to Poms and writing for the view is Dianne Clark-Bryant who did an mirable job of writing up the Columbia m Clubs Summer Specialty in the last ue. As the artist who donated the very ely paintings of Poms which were warded as trophies, she did not do them stice in her description. They are some of e best likenesses I have seen. The painting Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid which hangs er the mantlepiece at the home of Byrl d Mary Rosenbaum is so real I expect m to bark at me when I see it. Dianne has emarkable talent and the Columbia Pom ub is fortunate to have her among its embers. Another worker, doing her part make the sport of showing Poms more joyable for us all.Dr. Charles Wilson of Naches, WA is the oud owner of another North West ampion the beautiful winning Pom, r. Scherzo of Point Loma. His breeder luline Hughes should be proud also. I lieve this is the third Pomeranian of her eeding which Dr. Wilson has finished, r. Wilson is another worker. He is active the Yakima Kennel Club and is a charter ember of the Puget Sound Pom Club, pporting it faithfully since its beginning. Julie Moreno of San Francisco was up re in August to judge the National odle Specialty. While she was here, veral members of the Puget Sound Club tertained her at dinner. As usual the scussion was about Poms, with a few ghlights from the Poodle show. Julie lyed on a few days as my guest. We sited several local Pom breeders as I was ippy to show off our North West Poms, re quality at one kennel in particular washigh. It was a pleasure to see not just one or two nice dogs but a whole family of dogs I would be proud to own. The same thing was true of the other places we visited but as they were smaller, there were fewer dogs to see. Julie and I talked far into the night, comparing our views about breeding programs and the things which we both agreed upon were most important. I was happy to read the same sentiments in the last Review. The brood bitch is very important. She should have the same high qualities as the stud. She should free whelp. Occasionally special circumstances might require a section, but ideally a bitch who exhibits the conformation outlined in our standard, and who delivers her babies with litter or not help from the breeder is a jewel beyond price. Our visit came to a close but its memory will always be treasured.Now it is time to get ready for the Columbia Pom Clubs Winter Specialty, which we rarely miss. It is our favorite show. We go down to Portland the night before and get up early to get our dogs benched before 10 a.m. Then we sit around and renew friendships with the others who share our wonderful hobby. So until next time, see you at ringside.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, Inc.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Wanda Roach, 612 Woodrow Ave., Modesto, CA 95350. If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047.POMERANIAN REVIEWWatts PomsCh. Watts Little Dynasty of G. ElmsVBEST OFwinners4Pictured above with Sue Woodle Sept. 10,1983 winning a 3 pt. major.Dynasty is a very sound little guy with an abundance of personality and he loves to show. From the time he came into his own and received his first two points, he finished in just two months and two days. I would like to thank the following judges who felt him worthy Mr. A. Brueneman, Jr., BOW 2 pts., Mr. F. Landgraf, BOW 3 pts., Mr. J. Vaughters, BOW 3 pts., Mrs. K. Blumberg, WD 2 pts., Mrs. J. Daniell-Jenkins, BOW 4 pts. at Old Dom. K.C. to finish.Also, a very special thanks from Dy to Sue Whaley, who as always, expertly handled him with lots of TLC. And to his breeder, Ruth Beam who so graciously let me pick him at the age of two weeks.See Dys pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Dolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd.Brandywine, MD 20613 301-372-8782V_____________________________\ POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWEST REPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI54228THE POMERANIAN STANDARD The last paragraph of my article in the ist issue should have read as followsAt this point, Poms are being penalized r a snow nose. Correct me if I am wrong, ut I believe we have the only breed andard that does so Editor Oops. Typo line. Sorry This is a gross disadvantage r northern Pomeranians.Teeth The Teeth meet in a scissors bite, l which part of the inner surface of the pper teeth meets and engages part of the uter surface of the lower teeth. One tooth ut of line does not mean an undershot or vershot mouth. An undershot mouth is a lajor fault.Some judges are stickles on teeth. In me of the working breeds, all of the teeth luch be there and they must have a correct ite. Terrier breeds also must have a proper ite to be successful hunters.We all know that many Poms survive just s well toothless as with full dentition, ome Poms, just as some people, lose their eth at an early age. Others die of old age ith every tooth or most teeth intact.I cant see why anyone would not show a om just because of a missing tooth or two. .n obviously missing front tooth that aves an unsightly space, may be hard to jme judges to forgive, but others have een heard to say that Toys dont need eth.Our Poms retain baby teeth more often tat not and have to have them removed, nee in a while, if the mouth is too small Dr all the teeth, a permanent one is amoved. Some Poms never have all oftheir permanent teeth come in.Our standard calls an undershot mouth a major fault. A reverse scissors bite is slightly undershot, but nevertheless classified at a major fault. An overshot mouth is not mentioned as a major fault, nor is a level bite. It is assumed that both would be considered a minor fault.Poms definitely have teeth problems, but the problems can be minimized if the tartar is cleaned from them before it causes rotting. If dental disease sets in, infection can spread throughout the body and eventually cause the death of your Pom. It is very important to keep their teeth clean.And now to give fair warning some people have lost their Pom when it was anesthetized for teeth cleaning. Make sure you have a good veterinarian who is used to working with 3-7 lb. dogs. Dont be afraid to tell the vet your dogs weight All that coat makes our Poms look heavier than they really are.Eyes Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too wide apart nor too close together.The wording leaves a lot to question in this paragraph. What is too wide or too close or medium in size Compared to what Almondshaped is self- explanatory. Dont confuse bright with a round hyper-looking eye. Many of our Poms in the ring do not have the correct almond-shaped eye. A round eye is not a correct eye according to the standard.Ears Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.If the ears are mounted high on the head I dont think they can be too far apart. Wide set ears are quite prevalent in the breed. Notice how alert a Pom looks that has the correct ear set and carries them properly.We all strive to breed a Pom with small ears. One judge told me, If a Pom has very small ears it loses its fox-like expression. The more I think about it, thePOMERANIAN REVIEWLLL Dazzlin Gold MikeIm SMliNS inNSSSssW\xMike is pictured going Best of Breed over four lovely specials for a 4 pt. major. Thank you Janice, for this exquisite and very sound little Pom. Mike goes back repeatedly to breeding that we had some years past and is a very welcome addition. He joins his little sister, LLL Dazzlin Gold Milly, who is bred to Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock, a line breeding to Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer.Tim and Sue Goddard 19719 Rice Lake Lane Houston, TX 77084 713-492-0849 POMERANIAN REVIEWDEVEKYKENNELSiore I think he is right. I never thought of rrs giving expression, but they sure do Ears on a Pom with very heavy coat tend look smaller than a Pom without a heavy jat. Many judges will feel through the 3at to the base of the ear to feel how small r large they really are.It was recently brought to my attention lat some people are cutting the ear leather n their Poms to make big ears small. This, f course, is altering the Pom and an AKC isqualification. This is not to be doneA kick back on this took place at a show here a Pom with naturally small ears was lown. The owner was all but accused of rtting the ear leather, because the ear was small She was not even considered for le points because of this. How ironic Midwest news sent to me is as follows eulls Glittering Gold Angel was WB, OW and BOB at the Rock River Valley .C. and went on to a Group 1. She is wned and handled by Karen Zils.Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf ok the Group at Indianhead K.C. and attle Creek K.C. This was his fourth roup 1 out of 12 Group placements id all before 2 years of age. He is owned y Nancy Bartholomew, bred and handled y Sally Baugniet.Midwesterners, send in your Group and IS wins and any interesting news for this ilumn. We always need and want your iput.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an dividual must first be a member of the merican Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at ast five years and must have bred at least le champion. All Club members meeting lese requirements will be considered for a ennel Visit. Please send your suggestions r future Visits to the Corresponding scretary, address on page 3.IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCEA LITTER OF43 MALES - 1 FEMALEBYCH. MILLBROOKS EL GRAN CABALLEROXDEVERYS MOSTLY MISCHIEFONE OF THESE FINE JOSH SONS WILLBE FOR SALE TO A SHOW HOME ONLYDEVERY SANDRA DAVIS 6912 GILLIS DRIVE BOISE, IDAHO 83703208 344-29844ATTENTION ATTENTIONSUBSCRIBERS AND ADVERTISERSThe phone number for the editor of the Pomeranian Review, Phyllis Ripley, has changed. The old number was a business number and the new one is a residence, so the old number wont be forwarded thanks, Ma Bell. If you should forget, the new number is available through information under Thomas Ripley in Tucson.602 721-7620All advertising should still be sent to the Post Office Box 31927, but if you must send something special delivery or air express to meet a deadling, please use my home address 6902 E. First Street, Tucson, AZ 85710. Again, please use my home address only for late ads requiring special mail service.Thank you.POMERANIAN REVIEWLennis Pomeraniansi iFOR SALE Puppies sired by this typie little Tar Baby son. Some of these puppies are excellent show prospects. Call early on these. 350.00 to 500.00.LENNIS TAR BABYS IMAGE TOOCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms xx Lennis Shes A LadyFOR SALEPictured at 6Vi mos.Super SoundHeavy CoatedCh. Tar Baby of Great Elms grandson.IStow prospect male puppy, whelped April 10, 1983. Sired by Ch. Lennis Tar Sons Image x Lennis Dragon Lady. 650.00.AlsoLennis Yappie Toy Proven free whelper 3 to a litter. Whelped April 1, 1983 sired by Ch. Lennis Tar Sons Image x Lennis Toy of Great Elms. Sound, heavy coated, has pointed puppies. 400.00.Male stud prospect whelped March 5, 1983. Red. Sired by Lennis Rain Maker x Timstoppers Debra Kay. AVi lb. No major faults. 300.00.We have more puppies too many to mention. Also, adult breeding stock.Call for quicker response. Shipped on approval.Thank you, Ruth Beam, for our new boysLennis Davis Rt. 2, Box 223 Morristown, TN 37814 615-587-3411POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American jmeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional tails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on e with the Review, the charge is 10.50.H. CHESAI CHERRY CHEESECAKEJrange FemaleireedersOwners Robert and Joan Reilly, an Antonio, TXCH. IDLEWYLD CHRYSOBERLOrange Sable FemaleBreedersOwners Margaret R. and John R. McKee, Richmond, VA.Bonners Wee Wagdoll With LoveCh. Bonners Lisalus Wag With LoveBonners Little Miss WagJh. Cheelan Chesai StrutterCh. LLL Lucky Gold TrumpsLLL Cheelan Dancing SparklerLLL Happy Tynie BabyBonners Wee Wagdoll With LoveCh. Bonners Lisalus Wag With LoveBonners Little Miss WagJheelan Chesai CharmerMcCroskeys Ko KoCheelan Preshus Greetin CardMcCroskeys PrissyCh. May Morning Bravo BravoMay Morning Social LionMay Morning AliceCh. Idiewyld Gemstone CDXAm. Can. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy Golden Tirar Dambeastie CDXPixies Hello DollyCh. Models Son of FunCh. Julies Star VegaJulies Starlight SusanCh. Idiewyld Star Pendant CDMay Morning Social LionMay Morning Small Talk CDMay Morning Fun N FrolicCH. CHRISCENDO WESTERNEXPRESSMaleBreeders Christine and John HeartzDwners Jean and George West, King- vood, TXCH. POMIRISH BEAR NS GOLD D BLOONOrange FemaleBreederOwner Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WI.Ch. Models Truly A DiamondCh. Chips of DiamondModels Solid GoldCh. Emcees Sparkling ChipCh. Majestic Sparklin DiamondEmcees Sparkling Hot TamaleEmcees Tartan TamCh. Millamors Moon RockCan. Bda. Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors MarrilynnCan. Ch. Chriscendo ChatelaineCh. Mercers Touch of DukeMercers Melodee TouchMercers Gayla DeeCh. DNees Darin DinadanPomirish Pooh Bears TiggerCh. Pomirish Pooh BearCan. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear NCh. Great Elms Buddy of LenetteEdna of LennetteAddie of LennetteCh. Models Son of FunCh. Roanokes Melanie MagicLittle Bit of Honey IICavaliers Rare TreasureCh. Scotia Caviliers Dream BoyScotia Rare Coins LollypopCh. Scotia Caviliers Rare CoinViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. PIXIES MAGIC HARMONYOrange Sable Female BreederOwner Carol A. Galavich, Powhatan Point, OH.Ch. Silver Meadows Tiger Ch. Silver Meadows Alexander Silver Meadows Gay Melody Ch. Pixies Toni Tiger Julies Star Ben Pixies Jonetta Star Pixies Party Girl Ch. Models Son of Fun Julies Star BenJulies Starlight Susan Ch. Pixies Sweet MagicWindfalla of Highland Pixies Sweet Cythanta Pixies Misty StaretteCH. RIDERS SUNGOLDEN GIDGETFemaleOwners Erin and Phil Hundley, Puyallup, WA.Ch. Models Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Models Solid Gold Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero L il Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrooks Suzetta Millbrooks White Flair Randys Jolly Wee Peppi Randyl Jolly Wee Sparky Randys Dandy Classy Lass Riders Jolly KatrinaCh. Sunrays Gold Gem President Riders Valentine Gold Gem Gold Gems RufflesCH. QUE SERA FIREFOX OF LARITAOwners Erin and Phil Hundley, Puyallup, WA.Laritas Julo Moneybox Topper Laritas Takesonetoknowone Laritas JoyCh. Que Sera Spirit of LaritaLaritas Johnny Kash Laritas Top Doll by Kash Sungolds Top Her Am. Can. Ch. Jabils Dandy Lion Jabils Xtra SpecialCh. Varneys Jabil Dream Girl Que Sera Sassy Lass of Larita Laritas Johnny Kash Laritas Top Doll by Kash Sungolds Top HerCH. SUN FOX PAPER CHASEOrange MaleBreeder Ruth HowingtonOwners Irene Bennett Claudia M. LisCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Lennis Ebony N RustBrittons Romeo Brittons Little Debra Kristi Lea Bilmors Rebel Rebels PepieVernons Pam Pom Pepies Little Muffett Shareds Ringo Ringos Little Mitzie Fluffy Darling JillCH. WATTS LITTLE DYNASTY G. ELMSMaleBreeder Ruth BeamOwner Dolores A. Watts, Brandywir MD.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Little Joady of Chatmoss Bonnie Girl of Chatmoss Great Elms Tiny JamieGreat Elms Little Teddy Great Elms MollieRosewoods Becky Lou Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Great Elms SugarCh. McKameys Sundawn Traveler Tiny Toys Sissy JoyGoodwins Millee Joy of Lu-MaREMINDERAll members of the APC desiring certificate from the Club for Champio and Obedience Titles published in t Gazette during 1982 which were owned 1 you, please submit your name as ownt dogs name and month published in tl Gazette to Sally Baugniet, 11224 Coun Highway B, Mishicot, WI 54228. POMERANIAN REVIEW5REBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803For those who are interested in the xpected litter I spoke of in the last issue, ere is the report At 330 a.m. on August 6, we headed for the vet with Punkin. ifter examination, it was agreed we should roceed with a section. Really hated to put er through it at her age almost 7. Of ourse I anticipated that puppies would be ead and that she would no doubt die on le table. There were two fine, healthy uppies a male and female, who both ame into the world wanting to eat. Punkin ame through the surgery beautifully. Only ne hitch she would have no part of the uppies When we would take them on the ed to nurse, she would lie very calmly and t them nurse, but if they were held up to er face, she would just turn her head. The et said there was a new mother Love hot on the market which we might try in a ouple of days. He said he really did not now if it would work in a case like this, ut cited a case of a very vicious Dobe who ad killed all but 2 or 3 of her puppies, titer she was given the shot, she loved the ithers to death. So, Punkin was given the hot about 1000 a.m. on the 18th. That fternoon she would tentatively lick atthem a little bit. About 700 that night, after they nursed, I returned them to their box with a heating pad and put her back in her pen. She just went wild so I gave her the puppies and she immediately started licking them and arranging them for nursing. For a few minutes, I thought I might have to have the shot reversed. I put my hand in the box shortly afterward and she nearly bit me. By morning however she had settled down and has been one of the most devoted mothers we ever had. For about the first two weeks, I had to hand feed her while she sat in the box with one eye on the puppies and the other on the food. Now, whether she would have finally accepted them without the shot is of course, questionable. But, if anyone would like to know what was used, ask your vet about Progesterone. The puppies are approaching 3 months of age now and have been a true pleasure.Enough of what has been going on around here and Ill get to some of the show wins Ive heard about.Millamors Mark Medallion went Group 1 at least a couple time since completing his championship in Houston. Another Milla- mor Pom, Millamors Mood Music is getting a nice start picked up a point in Louisville in September and one each in Ft. Pierce and Jupiter Beach in November.Another lovely little Pom, Coys Top of the Mark is rapidly approaching his championship. Topper has gone Best of Breed several times over specials and has several group placements. He went Group 1 in Kennesaw, GA on October 29. This little Pom is owned by Mrs. Ashlyn Cannon of Charlotte, NC.The deadlines never change...They are February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15.Please make a note of them and plan your ads so that they will arrive on time.POMERANIAN REVIEWiK nlJoers Pomeraniansoffers for saleCH. LUELLS ELFIN DOLL OF CAJUNSee Pom Review, April 81, p. 79. Whelped 6479. Sire Ch. Luells Cajun Dragonfly x Luells Baby Doll of Kukla. Aggressive orange 5 lb. stud.AURORAS PUSHING THE LIMITPointed. Whelped 62179. Sire Ch. Star Brights Tiger Rag x Wasfarets Mitzie. Aggressive black 4 3A lb. stud.6 Show and Brood Bitches. 2 Pet Bitches 1 Pet MaleJoni and Eric Oertle Rt.2, Box 279 F Salem, WI53168 414 878-3880L -APOMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2As I sit and write this it is November and one is the warm weather and the majority if our Canadian shows. I know most Americans tend to think of Canada as up lorth but I noticed on T.V. that nowstorms plagued much of the U.S. last veek. All this as I watch my husband mow he lawn for the last timeI wonder if 1983 wont be considered a janner year for Poms in Canada as so nany continue to do outstanding things in he ring. I heard recently that Babe Jtranahans Am. Ch. L. R.s Rock Concert kv Stran come up to Canada for a veekend. He went home with three Groups ind a Best in ShowAlso heard that Sally Baugniet was up ilso unfortunately I wasnt there so I have 10 details except that the dog did pick up leveral points on the weekend, over Best in show specials.Millamors Rock Concert, co-owned by Eleanor Miller and myself, finished in two weekends with several Best Puppy in Group wins, a Best Puppy in Show as well as several Best of Breeds of Group and Best in Show winners.My husband John finished Topaze Digger Do for Jim Butler of Massachusetts recently. There have been so few black and ans shown in this country that he caused quite a stir among Canadian judges not familiar with the color.Of course we cant go without reporting how Canadian dogs are south of the border. Natalie Dunfee and Michele McDonald spent Labor Day weekend at 3 shows in Maine. Natalie won the Breed all 3days and placed in the Group at least 2 of those days with C.J., Can. Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip. Michele McDonald picked up a second major on Smidge, Can. Ch. Starchild at Hobbit. That win brings her to a total of 10 U.S. points. Its interesting to note that this gal had 4 month old puppies at home at the timeI promised information on registering your dog in Canada for any of you who have been up to shows, or who are planning to come up in the future.First, your dog does not have to be registered in Canada to be shown here, nor is there a 30 day limit on showing an unregistered dog. You just wont receive your championship certificate until you do.1. Apply to the Canadian Kennel Club for the form to register an American born dog in Canada, owned by a U.S. resident.2. With the completed form send the original not a photo copy AKC registration.3. An AKC certified pedigree, again the original not a photo copy, unless both parents have CKC registration numbers.4. Two good noseprints. The easiest thing to do is have them taken by someone in the CKC booth at a show before you go back to the U.S. Otherwise also ask for the noseprint kit available from the CKC. 2.00.5. Send 15.00 in Canadian funds money order is best.Until next time, good luck at the showsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5Palway Pomsproudly presentsmSLTr,-i r.. . T... "1Ch. Maranthas Lil CalebCh. Queenaires Triple Scotch xMaranthas Lil Charity Grandson of World Ch. Sunrays Lil BeaverWe would like to thank Anna and Ray LaFortune for this special boy and for their gracious hospitality during our visit. Caleb is just what we have been looking for.Brashears Bo Dereks PrissyCh. Jeribeths Idol Beaver Beau xBrashears Foxy Lady Beaver GranddaughterPrissy is shown going BOS under Darrel Baker at the Baton Rouge K.C. on Oct. 9, 1983 for a 3 pt. major.OwnersHandlersPaulette and Wayne Mallet Rt. 3, Box 700 Abbeville, LA 70510 318-893-6702POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.ACh. Great Elms Models TimstopperStud Fee 100.00Best of luck to everyone at the Specialty and the Garden.Ruth L. Beam P.O.Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704889-9233IN MEMORIAMMichael T. McDonaldMarch 30, 1929 August 4,1983Loving husband and father.Co-owner and co-breeder of the HOBBIT POMERANIANS.HOBBIT POMERANIANSFrances and Michelle McDonald 14 Palisade PI. Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8JPOMERANIAN REVIEWMoe-Best PomeraniansMoe-BestConstant AttentionSugars First Two ShowsOn Oct. 7 Sugar took her first major at Warrenton K.C. under Morris Howard. Then on Oct. 9 she repeated the win at Old Dominion K.C. under Mrs. Danielle-Jenkins. Two weeks later she whelped 3 pups1 sable female, 1 bt female and 1 bt male. She was bred to her sire Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order.Also, she proudly presents her first son . . .-9mamMoe-Best Two Time N ManCh. Mike Mars Golden Duke x Moe-Best Constant AttentionCheeter pictured at 6 Vi months has made his mark at matches and is undefeated in the breed. He will soon make his debut in the show ring.6-5-83 Lions Club, BOB, Gr. 1. 6-5-83 Double Match BOB, Gr. 3.9- 18-83 Gr. Balto. Pom Club, BIM.10- 30-83 York Cty K.C. BOB, Gr. 2.Sincere condolences to Carol Ricci on the loss of Cheridel Pomesto Remember Me. Note New Address Terri Moebuis 7523 Bayfront Rd. Baltimore, MD 21219 301 285-5477 or 477-3824POMERANIAN REVIEWmMorenosoffersFOR SALEBEAR White Male BARNEY Black Male BENJ1 Cream Male BONUS Dark Sable MaleSired byCH. MORENOS CRITICS CHOICEMrs. Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415-583-4973WE FEED SCIENCE DIETPOMERANIAN REVIEWXK XK XK" UK--------------------- X MW-----------------------XX------------ ---------------- WPatrician PomeraniansPresents the Pom with Style.T7t..'ArSun-DotsFashion Flair A major the first time shown.Best of Breed from the classes.Available to show homes 2 males sired by Ch. Queenaire Coup D Etat.Trish Fredrickson P.O. Box 667 Alamo, CA 94507 415-937-8849IX X. xtc sue -MW "'MK xx ' XK-J XX--------------------------------xx8 POMERANIAN REVIEWnHappy New Year to allSanta came by early and left a bundle of joy.DIAMOND SOLITAIREDesigned by Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Manufactured by Emcees Negrita LindaLavina and John GartonSummer Address P.O. Box 151 Dillwyn, VA 23936 804-983-2517Winter Address 4888 Canal 15 Rd. Lake Worth, FL 33463 305-967-5786Twin Pines PomeraniansIN THE HEART OF POM COUNTRY.V\ ITwo of four Twin Pines bears at 8 weeks looking to the future.Twin Pines Bruni Bear takes a Group 3 under judge Roy Ayers at Grand River Rose Classic.Lillian and John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804-876-3643POMERANIAN REVIEWrftiL^ . V . - .Photos by Eleather Drope-MarchioneAm. Can. Ch. Hillsboro's Golden ChipAm. Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcees Golden Girl of TaraHopefulsPuppySireAm. Can. Ch. Hillsboros Golden ChipDam Tynan Brasin RaisinrOur New AddresNatalie Dunfei TYNAN POMRRNova Scotia, Canada BON1NC 902-883-820'WE FEED SCIENCE DIET0 POMERANIAN REVIEWAnnons Huggy Bear from Scamp, C.D.wishesHAPPY NEW YEAR AND MANY POINTS to his ring bound relativesAnnons Scampy Dancer Annons Tanni FanniAnnons Lil Bit of DynamiteAnnons Loving Force Annons Dazzling ForceCongratulations to Margaret McKee for her endeavors in the obedience world. Through her persistent efforts as past Show Chairman, advisor, instructor and just active member, the Richmond DOTC at its Silver Trial on October 22 had an entry of 28 Toys and 8 Poms. Sorry we couldnt make it 9 Poms, Margaret.Mary Vickers6011 Rixey Dr.Alexandria, VA 22303703-765-5866POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Annon's Pomeranians, Reg.proudly presents MIKEYS firs pointed son . . .Annon's Dazzling ForceCh. Annons Magnum Force o Scamp x Annons Chocolate ChipWinning a 3 point major. Than] you, Dr. Field.andanother SCAMPY daughterAnnon'sScampy DancerParti litter whelped in November.Ann Cannon10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 703-368-1341BESTlumberton EL CLUB WCOCT I9B3 12 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh.m2Scherzo of Point Loma-3cfRedso is shown finishing at Longview Kelso K.C. July 24, 1983 under Ruth Wurmser. He went Best of Breed over a special and then on to Group 4Bred byPauline HughesHandled by Gene HahnlenOwned by Dr. Charles Wilson Rt. 1, Box 232 Naches, WA 98937__________________Jolly Wee KennelsREDUCING OUR STOCKShow prospects Male and Female.For information, please call. I dont write letters.Randy Freeh Canyon Country, CAPOMERANIAN REVIEWTHE BLACK POMCH-. PH-YMCR BLhCK SOMBRERO. 1.yI5SBest of Breed Sun Maid K.C. 10 183 Dr. J. HungerlandBest of Breed Reno K.C. 10 283 F. NishimuraGroup 2 Reno K.C. 10 283 D. BonnerBest of Breed Intermountain K.C. 10 883 R. DavidsonBest of Breed Mt. Ogden K.C. 10 983 J. MoranBest of Breed Eagle Rock K.C. 101083 L. VandeventerThanks to the above judges for their consideration of our continuing effort to breed black Poms of show quality. Sam is the sire of two black females currently pointed and being shown. Our thanks also to Dudley and Wanda Roach for their interest and advice based on long years of successful breeding and showing of their outstanding Queenaire Poms.FLASH Another BOB for Sam at Del Valle K.C. 103083 under Mr. R. D. Sharp.Owner HandlerDolly B. Trauner Julie Moreno Marlin Presser2025 Lyon St. 22562 Bird Rd.San Francisco, CA 94115 Tracy, CA 95376209 835-73294 POMERANIAN REVIEWIDLEWYLD POMERANIANSThanks to all the judges who appreciated this very sound, typey little girl, especially Mr. Alfred Treen and Mr. David G. Doane for her majors. We will consider selling her to the right home.Your inquiries are invited on these December littersCh. Idlewyld Star Coral CD xCh. Idlewyld Chrysoberl Idlewyld Lavalier maj ptd xDulcy or Doesnt She of Nan-K CD Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CD xMay Morning Small Talk CDCongratulations to Fran Warren on Dulcys CD and to the Carsons on Group placements with Chiqui and J.V.0VCh. Idlewyld ChrysoberlCh. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX xCh. Idlewyld Star Pendant CDMargaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Rd. Richmond, VA 23225 804272-9318Patty's Pomeraniansr'n . .iKsBisa .Moe Best Tan-TalizerCh. Camelot's Bashful DudeFOR SALE Tiny, adorable red female born June 9 sired by my blacktan Moe-Best TanTalizer out of a Ch. Dude daughter. Pedigrees in July 83 Review. 500.00.Three litters due Dec. 1, 83 sired by multiple BIS winner Ch. Dee Nees Darin Duffie and Moe-Best Tan-Talizer. Inquiries answered promptly.Patty Jensen 6520 Gamefarm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612-472-5950POMERANIAN REVIEWSouthland Pomeranians proudly presentsSouthland Fudge Miracle Southland Happy Birthday Bil Southland Fudge Double DiCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x Idas Happy Prancing IdealCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Deligh This was a fatherdaughter breedinj WATCH FOR THEM IN THE SHOW RINGSOUTHLAND POMS has puppies due from Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge 1 Pom 81 82 x Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight This is a brothersister breeding. Boy, are we excited Thanks, Bev and Bill.Southland has also repeated the breeding that produced Toasty Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy.Inquiries Welcome.SOUTHLAND POMSCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318-466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEWSungold PomeraniansPictured winning the Toy Group under Derek Rayne. He is finishing out the year for his father.SUNGOLD POMERANIANS Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr.Lemon Grove, DA 92045 619-463-2700.vV 2^Lr4Ch. Sungold's Diamond StudmC DA O R GSponsored by the Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubHARSH WORDS, BUT TRUE.THESE ARE THE WARNING WORDS ON OUR BUMPER STICKER.9aDeathYour can save a life. Just place this sticker in a clearly visible spot and remind others of the danger to their beloved pets.1.50 each 10 or more 1.25 each.Send your order today toTHE PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUBKatherine Bartos, Treasurer 10714 Phinney Ave.Seattle, WA 98133POMERANIAN REVIEWChesai Pomeranians presentsCh. Chesai Cherry CheesecakePictured winning 5 pt. major at the 1983 Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Specialty at 9 months. Cherry is our first homebred champion. Special thanks to Karen Holder of Cheelan Poms.We purchased our first Pom from Karen, sight unseen. He was our first champion finishing at the Houston shows with a Best of Breed at the Houston Specialty over 14 specials from the Open class. What a great day Our second Pom was also from Karen. She went Beit in Match at 5 months of age over an entry of 400 in the middle of her monkey-face uglies. Shown only sporadically, she could have been another champion for Cheelan Poms and Karen, but we chose to breed her. These first two Poms are Cherrys parents. Karen does let some of her good ones go.Cherry was handled from start to finish by our good friend Bill Betchley. Her pedigree is in Behind the New Champions.Ch. Cheelan Chesai StrutterChesai Pomeranians Bob and Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 North San Antonio, TX 78260 512-438-2667AgentsBill and Pat Betchley Rt. 1, Box 1098 Wetmore, TX 78163 512-497-3339iCheelan Chesai Charmer18 POMERANIAN REVIEWGolden Glow PomscelebratesGOLDEN ANNIVERSARYSally McGilbry has been a breeder-exhibitor for over 50 years now also an AKC judge.The Golden Glow Pomeranians are well known around the world for Group and Best in Show Winners.Sally is pictured left with her first Pom in 1933 still a winning exhibitor in 1983.GOLDEN GLOW POMERANIANS Sally and Vance McGilbry 8900 N.E. 239th St.Battle Ground, WA 98604 206-687-2165DOUBLE BLESSINGSYour editor, Phyllis Ripley, and husband Tom Ripley, are the proud parents of twin boys born December 10, 1983. They are Phinneas Jon 5 lbs. 10'2 oz. and Collin Thomas 5 lbs. 9Zi oz and definitely show quality but not available at any priceThey insisted on coming into this world with all the benefits of modern medicine we had a C section and hence messed up mothers schedule for publishing the Pomeranian Reviews January edition. We apologize for the delay and hope you understand our dilemma. Well be back on schedule next time though, so get your ads ready now for a super issue in April. Remember, it goes to all the judges.Best of luck to all the Specialty and Garden.HAPPY NEW YEARPOMERANIAN REVIEW EYIPS YAPSALL IN A DAY by Dorothy BonnerThe summer day was hot and I had stopped by the shopping center to look at an advertised item. There was plenty of outdoor parking in the sun, and I pulled up beside a rather delapidated sedan. In it was a Chihuahua-type mongrel who was desperately clawing at a back window. All windows had been rolled down an inch or so, but the puppy was panting, mouth wet with saliva, and it was evident that he would collapse in minutes. Luckily, the doors were unlocked and the little fellow partially passed out in my hands. Without further thought, I hurried with him into the air-conditioned building to find a rest room where he could be saturated with cold water. This perked him up considerably and advanced him into a stage of trembling. But he licked my hads and as soon as he had passed the danger point, I decided to take him back to the car and wait until his owners arrived. Although fairly wet, he seemed contented as we made our way outside. Nearing the parking space, I saw that his car was gone I nearly went into a panic. There was definitely no place for a small mongrel in my quality-populated kennel and my imagination took a dismal turn. WHAT TO DO No leash, no pen so I stood on the shaded sidewalk and held him hoping for some solution. Giving him away was considered as people passed by, but no one looked inviting. The little dog was content in my arms and seemed to know that he was safe. There was a wild hope that his folks would come back to look for him and then, as if my wish had materialized, here came the car cruising along slowly. The driver spotted me immediately and stopped toreceive a happy pet and a stern lecture. St expressed regrets and vowed that it woul not happen again. I forgot the anticipate bargain and went home, thankful that thei would be no increase in my dogg population and that the adventure ha ended happily for all.D IS FOR DOG CANINES IN CHILDRENS BOOKSD IS FOR DOG is the 2nd annu holiday exhibition designed for children b The Dog Museum of America. Last year highly successful Color Me Dog delighte the visiting schoolchildren according t Laurie Johnston of The New York Times.D IS FOR DOG is an exhibition c approximately 70 illustrated books indue ing rhymes, alphabet books, natun histories, fables and dog stories frot Aesop to Old Yeller. This lively and divers collection of 19th and 20th centur literature demonstrates ways in which th dog the childs friend, hero and ofte one of the first teachers touches, delighl and quietly instructs young readers. Th colorful pictures, products of France Germany, Spain, Great Britain and th United States, combine to form a miniatur history of childrens book illustration and survey of educational techniques of the pas 200 years, affording both children an adults an enjoyable visual experience.D IS FOR DOG illustrators rang from Arthur Rackham, Walter Crane an William Penne de Bois to Maurice Senda and Alice and Martin Provensen. Rar books will be exhibited courtesy of th Pierpont Morgan Library, Free Library o Philadelphia, New York Public Librar10 POMERANIAN REVIEWRare Books Archives of Columbia Teachers College as well as private collectors. These have been assembled by Anne H. Hoy, Guest Curator of the exhibition and Curator of Photography at the International Center of Photography. Adults will be interested in the evolution of art styles and printing craft in two centuries of juvenile book publishing.D IS FOR DOG offers children more than just the opportunity to experience captivating graphics and large-print stories. With their .25 admission to the Museum, children receive a poster size sheet of dog illustrations that can be folden into a 16-page booklet. Imitating an alphabet book, it illustrates the breeds A is for Afghan, B is for Beagle, etc. Using this as an example, children can be encouraged to make, and learn from their own alphabet books. Films and special programs are available for school groups. A Teachers Kit will be mailed to all teachers who have reservations. For details and scheduling, call Laney Dunn at The Dog Museum of America 212-696-8350.HOUND AND HORN OPENSHound and Horn, the current exhibition at The Dog Museum of America, was enthusiastically previewed by over 300 guests on September 13th. This beautifully designed show, which illustrates the centuries old sport of fox hunting, will be presented through December 2nd.An exemplary collection of American and English paintings and prints by noted sporting artists is featured in the exhibition. Highlights include works by John Nost Sartorious 1759-1828, the most acclaimed member of the Sartorious family of sporting painters Richard Barrett Davis 1782-1854, appreciated for his paintings of hunters and hounds and a favorite of English monarchs from George III throughVictoria and Sir Alfred J. Munnings 1879-1959 a leading figure in twentieth century sporting art, highly regarded for his impressionistic renderings of animals in landscapes.This representative exhibition is complemented by a selection of objects relating to fox hunting, including precious ceramics, hunting horns and American costumes had tailored in fine materials lent by Mrs. Newell J. Ward of Middleburg, Virginia. Mrs. Ward, long a member of the Middleburg Hunt, acted as consultant to the exhibition, establishing an advisory committee which includes William W. Brainard, Jr., William H. DuPont, Mrs. William Haggard, Mrs. John B. Hannum, Benjamin H. Hardway, III and Robert Nash.On November 4th, the Museum will host a special reception for the exhibition, timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the National Horse Show, the original site of which, presently is the location of The Dog Museum of America.An illustrated catalogue with essay written by Ruth Irwin Weidner, curator of the exhibition will be available at the reception for 3.00, members price 2.40 add .50 for mail order.The Dog Museum of America is located at 51 Madison Avenue New York Life Insurance Bldg. Main Floor, New York City. The Museum is open Monday through, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Admission is free for members with a suggested donation of 2.00 for nonmembers. To make arrangements for a group tour, please call Robin Simonson at the Museum, 212-696-8350.POMERANIAN REVIEW iINDEX TO ADVERTISERSAbjornson, Lois and Bill Sandtown .. .33Baugniet, Sally Dick Pomirish......... 29Bennett, Irene..........................................15Braczyk, Edward Sun Fox.................... 14Cannon, Ann Annons..........................61Carson, Morris Betty Emcees ... 36,37Creed, Charlotte Southland...................65Cribbs, Lillion John Twin Pines .... 58Davis, Devery Sandra Devery..........46Davis, Lennis Lennis ... Front Cover, 47Dunfee, Natalie Hillsboro.....................59Dupre, Mrs. James Dupres............. 38,39Freeh, Randy Jolly Wee........................62Fredrickson, Trish Patrician..................67Freia, Jerrie and Vanessa Janesa...........6,7Galavich, Carol Pixie............................17Garton, Lavinaand John..........................58Goddard, Tim and Sue TimSue............45Griffith, Ken Lenette.............................33Heartz, John and Christine Chriscendo 31Hendricks, Byron Khani.....................IFCHicks, Sharon Sharel............................ 23Jensen, Patty Pattys..............................64LaFortune, Anna Sungold....................66Lawton, Cora.......................................... 21Lis, Claudia Sun Fox....................... 14,15Mallet, Paulette Wayne Palway........53McDonald, Michelle Hobbit ...........19,54McGilbry, Golden Glow.........................68McKee, Margaret Idlewyld ..................64Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best..................... 55Moreno, Julie Morenos.................. 56,63Napolitano, Linda Tanos..................... 10Oertle, Joni Eric Joers.....................51Paine, Barbara......................................... 27Pennington, Harry Harrys....................25Pfeffer, Claudia Precious Petites 11,12,13Reilley, Bob and Joan Chesai...............67Steinmetz, Arlene....................................21Swigert, Sue Surene................................9Trauner, Dolly Phyner.......................... 63Vickers, Mary..........................................60Watts, Dolores Watts...........................43West, Jean and George Wests........34,35Wilson, Charles.......................................62Young, Jessie and Barbara Jabil...........41CIRCULATION MANAGERMr. John Cribbs Rt. I, Box249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour inquiries answered within 24 hours16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 Foreign U.S. funds only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Review arrives in 3-5 days. Change to Firs Class at time of renewal.All Members subscriptions begin wit the April issue each year.BACK ISSUES1970 1976 2.00 19771979 3.00 1980 1982 3.50 1983 1984 4.00 Anniversary Issue 1958-78 color pictures 210 pages, 30 copies left 7.95The following water stained Reviews art 1.00 each on a first come, first servec basisJuly 1974 9 copies July 1977 31 copies October 1977 1 copy July 1978 1 copy July 1980 13 copies October 1982 2 copiesThe expiration date of your subscription is shown on the mailing label of your Review. If your subscription expires with this issue, send a check to the Circulation manager immediately. You dont want to miss a single issueAmertran lameraman Club, Jnr.65th Specialty Show Sweepstakes Sunday, February 12, 1984Loews-Summit Hotel New York CityEntries Close Wednesday, January 25, 1984JudgesRegular Classes Mr. Fred C. BassettSweepstakes Mr. Dudley RoachSHOW SECRETARY SHOW CHAIRMANMr. Peter J. Galindo 611 New York, El Paso, TX 79902 Telephone 915 542-0753Entry FeesFirst entry of each dog - 12.00 Puppy Class - 8.00 Puppy Sweepstakes - 8.00 Each additional entry of same dog - 8.00HOTEL RESERVATIONS Loews-Summit Hotel - 65 Single or Double Occupancy 51st Lexington, New York, NY 10022Annual Dinner Continental Champagne Breakfast TWO FOR ONE CELEBRATION20.00 per person tax gratuity includedSEND RESERVATIONS TOMr. Sam Zaneoff10 Park Ave., New York, NY 10016 212 689-6200