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The Pomeranian Review April 1984

American Pomeranian Club, 3nc.PUBLISHED QUARTERLY APRIL 1984-NV4Of yrPomirish Robins Top Shelf2 POMERANIAN REVIEW-RAINBOW POMS -Darling, TmyToys Champion Bloodlines All ColorsCH. GREAT ELMS SNOOTY HOOTYAn excellent selection in the beautiful popular colors as well as the rare, exotic colors.CONGRATULATIONS TO Evelyn Guitar of Abilene, Texas on her 3 new KHANI Parti Poms.And to Regina Kruger of San Diego, CA on her lovely new KHANI chocolate female.KHANI NIGHT N DAY KHANI BLUE N WHITE BOY CH. SILVA LADE THE ENFORCERWe have several new arrivals including something newCHOCOLA TE TRI COLORS Will be retained for breeding stock.Send for our sales list.Byron Hendricks P.O. Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006 213-444-5131PARTI POMPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pomeranian Ulub, Jnr.President.........................First Vice President........Second Vice President... Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer.........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB.......................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey...................................................................... Mr. Sam Zaneoff.................................................................... Mrs. Sue Goddard.................................................................... Mrs. Karen Holder.............................................................Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum36520 28th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003 ...............................................................Mr. A. C. WilliamsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Randy Freeh Mrs. Olga Baker Delegate to AKC...................Mr. Dan Mercer Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Beverly Norris .....................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager.........Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager ................................Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo and Cover Story..................90.00Inside front cover....................................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages...............................90.00Full page.....................................................40.00Three-quarters page....................................35.00One-half page.............................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only................15.00Charge for reproduction of pictures...........7.00No charge if usable negative is on file.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures not already on file.Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required... , ,. DEADLINESNovember 15 JanuaryFebruary 15 AprilMay 15 JulyAugust 15 October4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOVER STORYWe are breeders of twenty-eight Pomeranian champions, twenty-five Norwich Terrier champions and one Irish Setter champion. Several more Poms we have bred are pointed and needing only a few points to finish.We still strive for the perfect Pom knowing everyones idea of the perfect Pom is not the same. Our policy is If we are going to raise Poms, we will try to raise the best we can.Pomirish Robins Top Shelf, pictured on the cover, is our newest showman. He won his first point to qualify for the 1984 Westminster show at the tender age of seven months. At 8 months he won his first major and three major reserves on the tough Florida Circuit. Topper is sired by Ch. Pomirish Christopher Robin and out of Ch. Creiders Woodrose Bitta Class.Pomirish Kennels BreederOwnerHandler Sally Baugniet 11224 County HwyB.Mishicot, WI 54228Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751 If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620TABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message................................. 5Secretarys Report.................................... 6American Pom Club Specialty................12Standard for Pomeranians.......................22Code of Ethics.........................................24Northern California P.C. Specialty..........34Columbia P.C. Specialty.........................38San Diego P.C. Specialty........................40Puget Sound P.C.....................................42Pom Club of Greater Houston................ 44Pom Club of Greater Baltimore..............46Oregon Webfoot Report..........................46Dog Museum of America....................... 54Behind The New Champions..................58Helpful Hints.......................................... 66Midwest Report.......................................70Pacific Northwest News and Views.........76Book Review...........................................80Rebel Report...........................................86Across Canada........................................ 88Yips and Yaps.........................................89Goof DepartmentMy apologies to Morris and Betty Carson for mixing up the pictures of their dogs on the centerspread of the last issue. See the corrected ads in this issue.In the article called, Dulcys Dilemma p. 32 of the Jan. issue by Margaret McKee, the dogs registered name is Dulcy or Doesnt She of Nan-K rather than as printed. On p. 33 in the same article, it was the veterinary radiologist who discovered the lesion. Correcting the typos, the sentence should read, Finally in early June, the vet sent Dulcys x-rays to a radiologist who detected a small lesion on the lower intestine. My apologies for these errors.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5atPAPRESIDENTSMESSAGEMarleneScott Halsey Rt. X, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064I am honored to be your President another year and I will try not to betray your confidence. Being President of the American Pomeranian Club is important to me. I wish there were a way I could contribute something of value to each member of the club. I am looking forward to this year and working with the officers and Board of Directors in carrying out the affairs of the club. Let us hear from you.Another Specialty is over. There were ninety-nine Poms with one hundred and thirty-five entries. Fred Basset, breed judge and Dudley Roach, sweepstakes judge are to be congratulated on drawing such a large entry. To the happy winners, another congratulations. For those who did not win, keep trying. With good Poms, you will finish them. I am sure all judges wish there could be more winners. Know your Poms. Be sure you are showing a good conformation dog. If you do not know if your Pom is showable, ask someone who does know. Printing this in the Review may not reach the breeder who is a novice because they may not subscribe. Therefore it is up to you to help the novice. In the last few months, I have received several letters asking how one is to know if they have a good Pom. I received a telephone call from a lady who has Poms and is trying to breed better ones. She has one she thinks is show quality and she has attended lots of shows lately to look at the Poms. She said she could not get anyone to give her an opinion or even look at her dog, and she was talking about people who were showing Poms. She has been reading the Review and other dogmagazines and has talked to some of the people who show and finish Poms. So far, no one has had the time for her. I realize that everyone does not like the same type of Poms, but any breeder who has finished Poms can at least identify outstanding fault and obvious qualities to a novice. As a member of APC this is one of our goals to further the breed. Pom breeders who have been in the ring for years finishing dogs dont win every time, so dont give up if you have a good dog. All judges do not like the same type and thats good. That way we can all win some time. After all, one show is only one judges opinion. Good luck in the ring.Personally I had a grand time in New York. I love people especially Pom people. It was interesting to meet the people who are new in the breed and of course it is always fun to visit with old friends of many years. Being seated by the ring during all of the judging gave me the opportunity to visit and watch the Poms. I think everyone should attend at least one Pom specialty, even if you do not show your Pom. You sure could enjoy the hospitality, food, conversation, food, fellowship, meeting other Pom people . . . and of course, the food. If you think Im trying to tell you that the food was great, youre right The hospitality room was out of this world and special thanks for a job well done go to Sam Zaneoff and Olga Baker. I recall the food at the Summer Specialty in Denver being very good and plentiful also. We must like to eat.I want to thank Pete Galindo and his committee. Pete was our show superintendent and show chairman. I dont know how he does both jobs but the show ran smoothly and was well put together.The Parent Club wishes to congratulate the editor of the Pom Review, Phyllis Ripley and her husband on the birth of their twins. Children bring so much love into our lives.Start planning now to attend the Summer Continued on p. 116 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYSREPORTWanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, CA 95350The minutes for both the 1983 Board and the 1984 Board Meetings are as follows1983 Board Meeting MinutesThe meeting was called to order by President Marlene Scott Halsey at 300 p.m. on February 11 at the Lowes Summit Hotel, New York City, New York. Present were Marlene Halsey, Sam Zaneoff, Fred Bassett, A1 Williamson, Wanda Roach, and Sue Goddard. Sue Goddard was appointed secretary for this meeting in the absence of Recording Secretary, Karen Holder.Reading of the minutes of the last meeting was dispensed due to our having received them in the mail.A committee was chosen to count the ballots for officers. Nadine Hersil, Delores Watts, Edna Girardot and Corresponding Secretary Wanda Roach comprised this committee.Wanda Roach reported that in this past year we have added 23 new members and have granted permission to 10 specialty clubs to hold shows.A1 Williamson, Treasurer, delivered copies of monthly and annual reports.Fred Bassett reported on the Centennial Dog Show to be held in November in Philadelphia, PA. Derek Rayne has agreed to judge our Specialty for 100, plus one nights lodging. We will handle our own advertising. Fred urged us to make our reservations very early. As soon as possible. He will send more information after their next meeting.Sam Zaneoff reported on the hospitality committee. Approval for the club toprovide the money for the extra expenditures in supplying the hospitality room was obtained by mail.Wanda Roach reported that Phyllis Ripley has been charging 20. per page on the Pomeranian Review for up to 80 pages then dropped to 10. for over 80, however will not be able to continue the lower rate for over pages. Phyllis had suggested that we offer free advertising for those who write special articles. This was discussed and drew a negative response.Marlene said that Dorothy Bonner has requested that she be allowed to write articles for the Review on a regular basis. This was agreeable to the Board, but will have to be worked out between Phyllis and Dorothy.Wanda said that she has had a request to have a history of the breed written by Cheryl Bergerson and that she wished to use our emblem. The emblem cannot be used on other than official publications. Most members felt that the function of this book is already covered by the Pomeranian Review. Anyone who wishes can write a book. Wanda made a motion to inform Cheryl that the club cannot release the emblem. Sue Goddard seconded the motion. The motion carried.The column for the Gazette was discussed and Wanda made a motion that we write Olga Baker a letter of thanks and ask her to continue as columnist. The motion was seconded by Sam Zaneoff. The motion carried.Copies of the Standing Rules were passed around with the approved changes.Discussion was held regarding the judges for Sweepstakes for the Philadelphia Specialty. Sam Zaneoff, Jean Schroll, and Opal Mosher were suggested.A1 Williamson reported on the savings account which is currently drawing 82 interest, with 700.00 interest having been earned this past year. He asked us for suggestions regarding future investment of this account. Several options were outlined.POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. MORENOS CRITICS CHOICEproudly presents his first Champion sonCh. Morenos HighlightChipperwJudges, We Thank You.Mrs. Edith Nash Hellerman, Best of Winners for 2 points.Mrs. Mildred Heald, Best of Winners for 2 points.Mr. Edd Bivin, Best of Breed, NCPC Specialty for 5 points See NCPC Specialty coverage Mrs. James Moran, Best of Breed for 5 points.Mrs. Ann Stevenson, Best of Winners for 3 points.Handled all the way by his owner.Ruth A. Bugbee18654 Ravenwood Drive Saratoga, CA 950708 POMERANIAN REVIEWFred Bassett made a motion that we leave it as is for the time being and investigate further. Sam seconded the motion. The motion passed.A1 Williamson made a motion that we make a donation of 200.00 to the Dog Museum. Fred seconded the motion and it passed.Sam asked if he could announce that next years specialty be dedicated to Edna Girardot as per mailed in previous vote. Sue made a motion that this be done at the banquet following the Specialty and Wanda seconded it. The motion passed.Judges were suggested for the 1986 February Specialty and were to be recommended to the new Board.Fred made a motion that we adjourn and was seconded by Wanda. The motion carried.Respectfully submitted by acting Secretary, Sue Goddard.1984 Board of Directors Meeting MinutesPresident Marlene Scott Halsey convened the meeting of new Officers and Directors for 1984 immediately following the Annual Membership Meeting.It was agreed to forego the reading of the Board meeting minutes since most had been in attendance.President welcomed the new Secretary, Mary Rosenbaum and informed her that it would be necessary for her to prepare and distribute a monthly agenda, whether or not there was voting to be done on any items therein. She further explained that telephone conference calls are arranged only when required when the business cannot be handled by mail by the Board, emphasizing that conference calls are quite expensive and difficult to arrange.The APC Information Booklet was discussed and Secretary is to check to see if there is still an adequate supply of these. Sue Goddard suggested that, if they need to be reprinted any time soon, certain changes need to be made to update the brochure.'President appointed a committee of Olga Baker, Sue Goddard, and Molly Miller to audit the Treasurers books for the past year. Sue Goddard made a motion that an outside auditor perform this audit and do any necessary tax work for the club. This was at the request of Treasurer A1 Williamson. Motion was seconded by Mary Rosenbaum and carried. This then will preclude the need for the committee to audit books. Treasurer agreed to send his monthly Treasurers report directly to the Secretary, who will then include this in the monthly mailings.Motion was made by Sue Goddard, seconded by Olga Baker, and carried, that Fred Bassett continue as AKC Delegate for the Club.Peter Galindo was recommended to again serve as Show Chairman for the next show. President stated that all committees associated and required for the show Advertising, Trophies, Catalog, Gate, Hospitality, Stewards, etc. are to be appointed by the Show Chairman.Hospitality activities for the 1984 February specialty were discussed and President complimented Sam Zaneoff for the excellent hospitality planning. All agreed however that an excessive amount of money had been spent this year for hospitality and that some limits should be placed on hospitality expenditures for each show. Motion was made by Fred Bassett and seconded by Sue Goddard, that the club allow up to 500.00 exclusive of hospitality room charge for next year, February 1985. Motion carried. Treasurer A1 Williamson reported the Club lost 1,060 on last years show mostly trophy expense.Mary Rosenbaum announced that she has taken some new responsibilities associated with her job, which will involve some travel. She said that if the Secretarys job becomes too much of a burden, she will have to come back to the Board and let them know in time to fill her position asPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9lDupre's Pomeranians wt-'Z- .S 0tCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid GoldCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldDiamond is pictured with some of the puppies he has sired. As a stud he is performing outstandingly, just as he did in the ring. Ele is consistently producing very promising show prospect puppies. Diamond is being kept quite busy in my kennel and is not at public stud.^2BreederOwnerHandler Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 110 Pompano St. Lafayette, LA 70508 318 235-1423 2^.Vg 2 10 POMERANIAN REVIEWSecretary. President thanked her for letting the Board know in advance of such a possibility.President reported that Sweepstakes judge for November 1984 APC Summer Specialty had to be selected at this meeting. She stated that Mr. Derek Rayne will do the Regular Classes.Board members discussed the possibility of using the previously compiled list of Sweepstakes choices, but it was decided that short time involved precluded using that list, and that it would be necessary that the Board make this decision immediately. Names submitted were Sam Zaneoff, Jean Schroll, Opal Mosher, Edna Girardot, Marlene Scott. Vote was taken First Choice Marlene Scott Halsey Second choice Sam Zaneoff.Marlene suggested that in the future the burden for selection of judges should not be on the Corresponding Secretary as a separate mailing, but should be for the membership as Officers and Board members are selected. All agreed.To Be Voted On By MembershipJudge suggestions for 1986 New York February Specialty Classes compiled at previous Board Meeting Barbara Jarmaluk, Mr. Landgraf, Ken Miller, Thelma Brown, Tom Stevenson. Sweepstakes New York February 1986 Sam Zaneoff, Carol Galavich, Eleanor Miller, Jean Schroll, Diane Johnson.Two membership applications were presented for Board action Janice Luginsland, Americus, Kansas and Brenda Everette, Aylett, Virginia. Board voted unanimously to accept both candidates for membership.Recorded and respectfully submitted by Olga Baker for Secretary, Karen Holder. Last year might have been a total loss as far as the weather was concerned but this year made up for it. The weather was beautiful to say the least, and for those of us able to attend the New York Specialty it was greatly appreciated.It was wonderful to meet and talk with persons that for years have been only names on a list or voices over the phone. Both Dudley and I had a very nice trip.I would like to introduce to you the new Corresponding Secretary, Mary Rosenbaum. In addition to being a breeder, exhibitor and judge she is also a very nice person. I know that Mary will be a welcome member of the Board.One of the nicest things that the Corresponding Secretary gets to do during the year is to tabulate the Top Sire. This is done by information sent monthly from the AKC and based on champions published in the Gazette. Here are the results for 1983TOP SIRE5 championsCh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi4 championsCh. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero3 championsCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Pomirish Lil Guy Morrocos Chipper2 champions Varneys Conquestador Ch. Topaze Pumkin Seed Sissons Silver Dollar Ch. Queenaire Triple Scotch Ch. Patti-arks Stardust of Mercer Ch. Post Scripts Crowdpleaser Nanjo Majestic Toy Ch. Nan Ks Mr. Macho of Timsue Ch. Millamors Rock Music Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch. Furys Bullett of Sunray Ch. Finallys Danny Boy of Luells Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Emcees Chips of Diamond Ch. Bev-Nors Tar-ZanPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Creiders Maggies Bestyet Ch. Creiders Rhinestone Cowboy Cheridel Pomesto Remember Me Ch. Emcees Sparkling ChipBest wishes to you all in the coming year.Diane Clark-Bryant Oregon ArtistPresidents Message, cont. from p. 5.Specialty November 18 in Philadelphia. It will be a four show weekend. I will see you at the shows. Let me hear from you.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future Visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.ALL BREEDS Oil Pastel Charcoal Fine LineBry-Tur Poms2370 Margery St. West Linn, OR 97068 503-657-3002Sandtown'sPomeranianscongratulatesAnn and Steve Oyler ATOs Poms on Best of Breed with Ch. Sandtowns Oklahoma Gold and Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex with ATOs Lucky Little Lucy at St. Joseph, MO under judge Dorothy Welsh.Lois and Bill Abjornson P.O. Box432 Sand Springs, OK 74063Puppies Available.Northern California Pomeranian ClubOFFERS FOR SALEReprints of the book Show Pomeranians written by Lillian Ives. We have only a few copies left and you will definitely want to add this book to your Pom library.Send 6.00Plus .50 for postage toNorthern California Pomeranian ClubCO Marlene Presser 22562 Bird Rd.Tracy, CA 95376 209-835-73292 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club Specialty New York, February 12, 1984by Dorothy BonnerAttending the 1984 Pom Specialty in New York was an indescribable thrill, rhere were 99 Pomeranians with 130 gorgeous entries, and I regretted not being yrave enough to add one more for a record number. However, unencumbered, I was ible to ring-side judge, and enjoy what he wonderful breeders had produced. Edna Girardot had invited me to room with ner and her two adorable Poms, affording us a valuable visit. Edna remarked that she nad heard the old joke about an exhibitor sleeping with a judge, but this was an actual experience for her.With his quality breeding year contributing, Dudley Roach was a really great Sweepstakes Judge. From the 29 promising future champions, he chose Watts Little Kikkoman, bred and owned by Delores A. Watts, a dainty, luscious boy who should have many Best in Show wins ahead. Best Opposite Sex in Sweeps was Southland Fudge Double Dip, owned and bred by Charlotte V. Creed, a lovely girl.1 LiJSouthland Fudge Double Dip, owned by Charlotte Creed was Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes at the APC Specialty.Regular classes were judged by Fred C. Bassett who was extremely thorough with- educated precision. I critiqued each in my catalog margins, but the Review is hardly large enough to note anything but the winners. Fred picked them, but the notations are mine.Puppy Dogs 6-9 winner Bev-Nors New Creation, a small boned, short sable. 9-12 Puppy Dogs Pomirish Robins Top Shelf, an excellent showman, Bred By Exhibitor Dogs Morrocos Mountain Dewey of whom Charles Edwards can be proud. Open Dogs Black Annons Dazzling Force. Open Dogs ROCS Daisys Little Bit of Jabil, a fabulous boy, who went on to Winners Dog, bred by Gail Niper and owned by Jessie and Barbara Young. Reserve was Bev-Nors New Creation, bred by Beverly Norris, owned by Beverly Norris and Edward B. Jenner.Watts Little Kikkoman, owned by Delores Watts was Best in Sweepstakes at the APC Specialty. Judge, Dudley Roach.Puppy Bitches 6-9 DNees Dinky Dolly of Sunny Oak, a nice girl bred byPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1SkDaisys Little Bit of Jabil, owned by Barbara and Jessie Young was Best of Winners at the APC Specialty. Judge, Fred Bassett.Nadine Hersil, owned by Ruth and Mike Kepner. Puppy Bitches 9-12 Silver Meadows Nancee, beautiful, with a super-sweet head, bred and owned by Jacqueline Klein. Bred by Exhibitor Bitches Mike-Mars Jubilee Twist, a nice dark sable owned by Michael Wolf. American Bred Bitches Annons Loving Force, a lovely girl bred and owned by Ann Cannon. Open Bitches Black, Blue, Brown Pomirish Sandtowns Raisin, bred by Lois Abjornson and owned by Sally Baugniet, one of the most beautiful cobby, splendidly coated little blacks ever seen by me. OpenmMike-Mars Jubilee Twist, owned by Michael Wolf was Winners Bitch at the APC Specialty.Bitches Red, Orange, Cream, Sable - Scotia Best Yets Command Gretal, stylish girl bred and owned by Edn Girardot. Winners Bitch was Mike-Mar Jubilee Twist. Reserve was Silver Meadov Nancee. Veteran Bitches Ch. Millbrool Suzette bred and owned proudly b Barbara Paine. There are not enougsCh.D-Nees Darin Duffie, owned by Nadi Hersil was Best of Breed at the APC Specialty.superlatives to describe the Best of Bre competition. The selection was close impossible but the award was finally giv to Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie shown me expertly by Jacqueline Liddle, bred ai owned by Nadine Hersil. Duffie was excellent coat and is a stunning example the breed. The awards of merit went to C Jabils Simply Sinful, Ch. Coys Top of t Mark and Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, unbelievably gorgeous. The Brood Bit class Ch. Homesteads Daisy Dumplir bred by Diann Beecher and Jean Hurlf owned by the latter. The Brace Class we to Millbrooks Candy Mist and C Millbrooks Lola Grace owned by Barbs Paine. They were two exquisitely coat girls with whom I fell desperately in love.In the hospitality department, Ss Zaneoff was unsurpassed. He was assist by Olga and Darrell Baker. There was me food in the hospitality room than could eaten by the crowded attnedance and t4 POMERANIAN REVIEWmJ4f^h. Jabils Simply Scrumtious, owned by larbara and Jessie Young was Best of Opposite lex at the APC Specialty.ianquet courses were ultra-delicious. Each vening, members were socializing, savor- ng every second until the wee, small hours, had the exhilarating thrill of meeting the ountrys most famous Pom breeders and eeing their dogs in person. You breeders ho stayed home dont know what you tissed. Much credit goes to the Show Chairman, Pete Galindo, and to all of the tembers who worked so hard for the hows success, especially Nadine Hersil, 'rophy Chariman and the Chief Ring teward, Wanda Roach.JUDGES CRITIQUE American Pomeranian Club February 12,1984 by Fred BassettIt was a great honor and a sincere leasure to judge the 65th Specialty Show f the American Pomeranian Club this past ebruary 12th. As I said at the Club anquet, one of the nicest parts of the day r me was being able to sleep in and not ave to get up at 530 a.m. to get the last linute details taken care of as Show hairman For taking care of that, I thank ete Galindo and his hard working show mmittee. They certainly did a wonderful ib.The overall quality at this years Specialty was quite mixed on the one hand there were many truly excellent exhibits on the other there were far too many simply mediocre dogs. That is a trend that none of us likes to see and perhaps it has to do with the tremendous popularity of our sport and the lack of knowledge on the part of some novice exhibitors. At a smaller show 1 would have been forced to withhold some placements, but there were plenty of very worthy dogs here to take home the ribbons. I did place the dogs in the breed classes in order from first to last as I judged their quality on the day. Those exhibitors who were towards the end of the line in the larger classes might be well advised to reconsider their investment in continuing to show their dogs, and consult a knowledgeable breeder for advice. I should also mention that I saw a disturbing number of undershot bites, which is a trend that needs attention.Now on to the positive aspects of the show The Best of Breed class this year was again truly a sight to behold. Nothing can match the thrill for a judge of being faced with a ring full of wonderful quality dogs, and this group provided a thrill I will never forget. The Best of Breed dog and the three Award of Merit dogs were all of uniformly excellent quality. As the judging progressed the competition narrowed to Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie and Ch. Mi-Mar Sundance Kid. These are two really outstanding Pomeranians, and the decision was not an easy one as Im sure you could tell from ringside. On the day, Duffie took the edge with his movement, his animation and his ring presence. I loved both dogs, and congratulate their breederowners Nadine Hersil and Mary Rosenbaum and their handlers Jackie Liddle and Jean Schroll. They are truly the product of the breeders art and were beautifully presented. The Best of Opposite Sex bitch, Ch. Jabils Simply Scrumtious was also very pleasing. Her breederowners Jessie and BarbaraPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Young had quite a day and have a lot to be proud of between this bitch, the Award of Merit dog, Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful, and their Best of Winners dog Daisys Little Bit of Jabil. The latter simply melted me with his exquisite head and expression, as well as his other attributes. The other Award of Merit dog, Ch. Coys Top of the Mark impressed me with his supurb breed type, but wasnt quite the equal that day to the two top contenders. My Winners Bitch came from the Bred by Exhibitor class, and Im sure made Mike Wolf very proud. Mike-Mars Jubilee Twist was really lovely, and already a strong contender at only eight months old.The following dogs were close contenders for the points in the classes, and of outstanding quality Bev-Nors New Creation R.W.D., Daisys Mini-Todd O Theldun, D-Nees Kinky Dolly of Sunny Oak, Silver Meadows Nancee R.W.B., Pomirish Sandtowns Raisin, and Scotia Best Yets Command Gretel. Im sure they will all finish easily, and that we will be seeing them in the future.My sincere thanks go to all of you for your entries and your efforts on behalf of the Breed. We are seeing many outstanding representatives of our breed in the ring today, and I believe you can be justifiably proud of that. Keep up the good workPUPPY SWEEPSTAKES JUDGES CRITIQUE by Dudley RoachIt was indeed a pleasure and honor for me to be invited to do the APC Sweepstakes. I truly enjoyed renewing acquaintances with old friends and meeting new ones. The show secretary Peter Galindo had done a good job of organizing the show trophy chairperson Nadine Hersil had provided lovely trophies and chief ring steward Wanda Roach kept me together. Most of all however, I thank the exhibitorsfor their kindness and graciousness towan me.I was pleased to note that there were ver few slippy stifles. That has been a seriou problem for such a long time. Breeder seem to have met that challenge and ar overcoming it. Fronts are also great improved. I saw just one undershot mouth so that was encouraging to me. There wer some tail-set problems, some plain head and some needing more coat. The mos extensive fault I observed was cowhocks - just enough in some cases to throw rea movement off. By and large though, it wa an entry of good quality. Many of them wil finish.The placements were as followsPuppy Dogs, 6-91. Watts Little Kikkoman, owner Delore Watts.2. Texsuns Giant Armadilla, owner Eric Moreau.3. Tim Sues Puff Magic Dragon, owner Sue Goddard and Randall Freeh.4. Tiperons Blueprint for Success, owne Jerry Noonan.Puppy Dogs, 9-12 months1. Topaze Jackpot Toby, owner Jame Butler2. Post Scripts Fancy Caper, owner Ros Keller.3. Annons Salute the Flag, owner Anr Cannon4. Pomaunok Mr. Goodbar, owner Frar Bosman.Puppy Bitches, 6-9 months1. Southland Fudge Double Dip, ownei Charlotte V. Creed.2. D-Nees Dinky Dolly of Sunny Oak. owners Ruth and Mike Kepner.3. Jeribeths Chive, owner Olga Baker.4. Southland Happy Birthday Bil, ownei Charlotte V. CreedPuppy Bitches, 9-12 months1. Homesteads Second-Hand Rose, ownei Jean M. Hurley2. Silver Meadows Love Meghan, ownerContinued on p. 3416 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPECIALTY CLASS WINNERSPuppy Sweepstakes Judge, Mr. Dudley Roach Best in SweepstakesWatts Little Kikkoman, Owner Dolores Watts.Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes Southland Fudge Double Dip, Owner Charlotte Creed.Regular Classes Judge, Mr. Fred Bassett Puppy Dogs 6-9 monthsBev-Nors New Creation, Breeder, Beverly Norris, Owners, Edward Jenner andPuppy Dogs 9-12 monthsPomaunok Mr. Goodbar, BreederOwner, Fran Bosman.Bred By Exhibitor DogsMorrocos Mountain Dewey, BreederOwner, Charles Edwards.Open Dogs, Black, Blue, Brown Annons Dazzling Force, BreederOwner, Ann Cannon.Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Daiseys Little Bit of Jabil, Breeder, Gail Niper, Owners, Jessie and Barbara Young. Winners Dog and Best of Winners Daisys Little Bit of Jabil Reserve Winners Dog Bev Nors New Creation Puppy Bitches 6-9 monthsD-Nees Dinky Dolly of Sunny Oak, Breeder, Nadine Hersil, Owners, Ruth and Mike Puppy Bitches 9-12 months Kepner.Silver Meadows Nancee, BreederOwner, Jacqueline Klein.Bred By Exhibitor BitchesMike-Mars Jubilee Twist, BreederOwner, Michael Wolf.American Bred BitchesAnnons Loving Force, BreederOwner, Ann Cannon.Open Bitches Black, Blue, BrownPomirish Sandtowns Raisin, Breeder, Lois Abjomson, Owner, Sally Baugniet.Open Bitches Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Scotia Best Yets Command Gretal, BreederOwner, Edna Girardot.Winners Bitch Mike-Mars Jubilee Twist Reserve Winners Bitch Silver Meadows Nancee Veteran BitchesCh. Millbrooks Susette, BreederOwner, Barbara Paine.Best of BreedCh. D-Nees Darin Duffie, BreederOwner, Nadine Hersil.Best of Opposite SexCh. Jabils Simply Scrumtious, BreederOwners Jessie and Barbara Young.BeverlyNorrisPOMERANIAN REVIEWBMBMBMMMSBBBHMBMBBMBBBSBMUninniWatts Little Kikkoman-r\JANovMTCMW WWWMttMk OJIICh. Watts Little Peppi-Joe x Watts Little Peg-E-Sue of ChipsWOW I would like to give a big THANK YOU to Mr. Dudley Roach for giving my little guy Best in Sweepstakes and making my trip to the APC one that will be long remembered. Kikko also took second in Bred By Exhibitor class and I am very proud of him.I would also like to give a very special congratulations to Edna Girardot, in whose honor the APC Specialty for 1985 in New York will beheld. Way to go, EdnaWatts Poms Brandywine, MD 201 372-878218 POMERANIAN REVIEWAOF fa,BESTAaBREEDACKPEI98Plens. 'DcUtof' Settle Set pMWinners Dog and Best of Winners, APC SpecialtyPictured winning Best of Breed and on to Group 3 the previous week from the classes under judge Lorraine Heichel Masley. Our heartfelt thanks to Timmys breeder Gail Niper for the opportunity to own such an outstanding dog. Thanks to Thelma Dunn for her help at the Specialty, and congratulations on her success with Timmys brother.We are also very proud of our Ch. Jabils Simply Scrumtious, who was Best of Opposite Sex at the Specialty, and her sire, Ch. Jabils Simply Sinful, an Award of Merit winner.See pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Jessie and Barbara YoungJABILLoudon, NHpending AKC confirmation.603 435-8731POMERANIAN REVIEW 1czfLaon 7 Uysn ztNoxfnsnt.t bestofbr^MROCHESTmW^^^^24.1983_^TczJ-mdan. dz. dJzzddunna ^.ofin f.ofmWe wish to thank all the judges who helped us finish Johnny. Without them we never would have done it.Also John K. Ken Bishop, the other half of Ken Nor Kennels, for sending us Johnny for giving us the chance to do something most people said we couldnt do.Last but not least, to Fred and Pat Whitaker co-owners for all the guidance and support you gave me when I needed it. You had a lot of faith in Johnny and me and never let us down.Co-OwnersFred and Pat Whitaker 403 S. Fall St.Paxton, ILOwner Jane Lehtinen RR 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751V.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWh. Coys Top of the MarkA7'.ICh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland x Cedarwoods Linda LeighShown winning Group 1 in Kennesaw, GA October 29, 1983 under judge Mrs. Betty Dexter. Topper made this win from the classes over a lovely special.Breeder James M. Coy 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 813 644-5389OwnerAshlyn Cannon 1300 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704 332-5728Handlers Toddie and Houston Clark 1631 Jenkins Road Chattanooga, TN 37421 615892-9184POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Coys Top ox the MarkfFIRST IN GROUPCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland x Cedarwoods Linda LeighTopper captures another Group 1 under judge Mr. Hayden Martin at Meri-Miss Kennel Club December 18, 1983.Breeder James M. Coy 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 813644-5389OwnerAshlyn Cannon 1300 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28211 704 332-5728Handlers Toddie and Houston Clark 1631 Jenkins Dr. Chattanooga, TN 37421 615892-918412 POMERANIAN REVIEWSTANDARD FOR POMERANIANS1980 revisions to the Standard appear in italicsAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short- oupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and leportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a fox- ike expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lip riness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, except self- idored in brown and blue. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Light pigment on nose or eye ims is a major fault.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the upper eeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does lot mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too wide apart lor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.NECK AND SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders, 'he Pom is not straight-in-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck iroudly and high. Out at elbows or shoulders is a major fault.BODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and ounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.LEGS The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well lalanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to leel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns s a major fault. Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hindlegs or stifles is a major fault.POMERANIAN REVIEW 23TAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, set high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major fault.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti- color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole-colored, dog fexcept white is a major fault.MOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING AND DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are-generally removed. Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed. Overtrimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard shrnld be heavily penalized.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.POMERANIAN REVIEW\Ammran PampranianClub, Jnr.Code of Ethics1. I agree to follow the rules and regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2. 1 will furnish a signed registration application or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.3. I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours or the sale additional time allowed if puppy is sold on Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.7. Except for unusual situations, 1 will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.8. I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.9. I will price my puppies within the breed range.10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the Standard of the Breed.11. I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.12. I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefits.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2 "5n2XSilver Meadows Pomeranians \7 t arwCh. Silver Meadows Scooter StarrSilver Meadows NanceeShow News UpdateMeet Ch. Scooter Starr, finished 11-12-83, 4 It. orange male. His first litter produced Silver Meadows Nancee pictured who started her show career at our National Specialty and went all the way to RWB from puppy class.f ift A iSilver Meadows Love MeghanWe also want you to meet Meggie, Silver Meadows Love Meghan. We are so proud of this dear little girl. At her first three shows she won WB for 3 pts. at Onondaga, 11-12-83 WB for 4 pts. at Susque Nango, 12-10-83 BW for 4 pts. at Elmira, 12-11-83.Kennel News UpdateWe have moved into our new home and kennel and people and Poms are enjoying same Exciting April litters expected.P.S. Congratulations to Nadine, Jackie, and Duffie a winning combinationRon and Jackie Klein 716237-54734146 West Lake Silver Springs, NY 145506POMERANIAN REVIEWSiAnnonssalutes the SCAMP kidsHaaiWclumberton , kennel club INC\ J ggf CT.aAnnons Scampy DancerBest of Breed the picture says and many agree. This SCAMP daughter has a big fault she would rather be in the comfort of the nursery, eating good food and taking care of puppies.OwnerBreederHandler Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Road Nokesville, VA 22123 703 368-1341 3S 4SPOMERANIAN REVIEWMEmm Annonssalutes the SCAMP kidsAnnons Huggy Bear from Scamp C.D.Soon to have his CDX, Huggy shows off brains and personality in the obedience ring.In the conformation ring, Huggys short cobby body, gorgeous head and full coat has gained him a major and points.mOwnerMary Vickers 6011 Rixey Dr. Alexandria, VA 223038 POMERANIAN REVIEWmr,Annonssalutes the SCAMP kids at the Garden\h 'ji.oDINNERSVAnnonsLitle Bit of DynamiteAPC Specialty 2nd in Open BitchesWestminster 84 will be remembered for many reasons. Unfortunately, Ann was ill and had to miss Poms. Sue Whaley stepped in and proudly showed DYNA to her second major. Thank you, Sue and . . .mThank you,BreederHandler Ann CannonOwner Diane Ward 14673 Cloverdale Rd. Dale City, VA 22193POMERANIAN REVIEWMm Annonsmsalutes the SCAMP kids at the GardenERSU_____Cedawiews S. Bandit of AnnonThis handsome shaded red sable male walked into the ring at his first puppy show and walked out with his first 2 points.Held back till adulthood to prove his true quality, Bandit made his debut in New York and received his first 4 point major. Thank you, Dr. Smith Thank you, Ann.DrmHarry Smith, Jr.OwnerHandler Joyce and Bob Fritz RD 1, Box 176 Clayton, DE 19938Breeder Ann CannonPOMERANIAN REVIEW\0mmAnnonssalutes the SCAMP kidsfAtGROUPJCi. Annons Magnum Force of ScampThe multi-group winning Mikey is shown by Sue Whaley but hed rather spend time with the broodsand he is out-producing his dad .. .OwnerBreeder HandlerAnn Cannon Sue Whale' piAmPOMERANIAN REVIEWAnnonssalutes the SCAMP grand-kidsmXAnnons Chiming ForceA Mikey daughter Chims high stepping gait and flashy looks have captured the judges eye even out of coat.She has been bred but will return to the show ring.OwnerBreederHandler Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 703 368-134142 POMERANIAN REVIEW Annonssalutes the SCAMP grand-kidsS0Wl iPLACEST CLASS- CCAnrioris Dazzling ForceRazzle wishes to thank judges Fields, Thomas and Cavallaro who have each given him majors.Razzle heard alot about winning a point from the Scamp and Mikey Poms. He was very happy when judge Reedy gave him one . . . but his owner really likes all those majors.OwnerBreederHandler Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 703368-1341 4POMERANIAN REVIEWmAnnonssalutes the SCAMP grand-kidstBEST OF OPPOSITECHENANGO VALLEY kennel club1983ASH8EV-J yAnnons Loving ForceWinner of American Bred Class 1984 APC SpecialtyThe combination of two Scamp kidsCh. Annons Magnum Force of Scamp XCh. Annons Lil Love from Scamp Lindys show career is taking a brief halt as she has been bred to Annon in Black N Tan. What will she produceOwnerBreederHandler Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd.Nokesville, VA 22123 703368-1341mage4POMERANIAN REVIEWiges Critique, cont.fromp. 15. cquelyn KleinSilver Meadows Nancee, owner cquelyn Klein.Annons Me Too, owners Ann Cannon d Robert M. in Sweepstakes Watts Little kkomanst Opposite Sex in Sweeps Southland ldge Double DipWhile I was very pleased with the four st place winners, it became necessary to ake a decision. The puppy males, Watts ttle Kikkoman and Topaze Jackpot oby, were both very nice animals well it together and well presented. I preferred 'atts Little Kikkoman because I felt that that time he was a trifle shorter backed id had a little sweeter head than the other ale. The two bitches, Southland Fudge ouble Dip and Homesteads Secondhand Rose were very similar in type and loved well. I preferred the 6-9 bitch ecause she had a little nicer head and had lore presence in the ring.After narrowing the field down to a dog nd a bitch, another decision had to be lade. The eventual BIS was the male. He -as a little more compact and was in a bit etter coat condition. Once again, the verall quality was good and the exhibitors 'ere kind and considerate. I couldnt be tore pleased.NORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW by Anne HaydenThe 23rd annual Specialty for NCPC is ow a fond memory. It was very exciting fiat day, and fortunately for us we have a riend whose hobby is filming this type of vent, so we can always have it as an ducational meeting and settle back to eally see the Specialty.Our show was held in conjunction with the Golden Valley KC and just two days after Thanksgiving. The weather was lovely, crisp in the morning, but the sun came out later. With all the leaves turning for the winter it was especially pretty. All of the clubs cooks really brought forth their best efforts and as a result, our buffet was a huge success, not only with our own members and guests, but almost everyone else shared in our bounty.Our trophy Chairman was Marlene Presser and she selected brass as her theme, and the trophies displayed on our light blue table cover were most impressive. She certainly deserved the vote of thanks everyone gave her.Our Sweepstakes judge was Mr. Bobby Schultz and he did a fine job, not only in his handling of the puppies, but with the thorough inspection he gave them all. Everyone seemed pleased with his final results, which followPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1. Patrician Queenaire Whiz Kid, P. Fredrickson.Puppy Dogs 9-12 months1. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky, M. M. Presser.2. Sungolds Dyn O Mite Ridge, M. SilvaDogs 12-18 months1. Phyner Editor Talisman, D. Trauner Puppy Bitches 6-9 months1. Queenaire Glory Huntress, W. D. Roach.2. Sungolds Portrait of Que Sera, A. LaFortune3. Queenaire Promises Promises, W. D. Roach.Puppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Showstars Ramblin Sundance, G. Pundit2. Phyner Morticia, D. Trauner.Best in Sweepstakes Patricia Queenaire Whiz KidBest Opposite Sex in Sweeps Queenaire Glory HuntressPOMERANIAN REVIEWC'KA Pomeraniansproudly introduces' 4.CKA Simply Sinsational Star CKA Destined To Be SinfulCh. Jabils Simply Sinful x Ch. Don-Ras Starette of DandyWe are proud to announce the arrival of this outstanding litter of 2. Watch for both in the show ring this year as they are a credit to their sire and dam, exhibiting soundness, type and sunny personalities. A big thank you to Barb and Jessie Young for the family environment and concern they have extended to our girls in the past to Star and to the 2 girls who are presently vacationing with them.Also, congratulations to our Boss Dog, Mi-Los Teddy Trebiano on his doubly exciting first week of January. He celebrated the arrival of his first litter of puppies and earned his 2nd leg towards his CD title while going High Scoring ToyDolores Stanger 5417 Bassett Rd. Marcia Doane216896-2191 Atwater, OH 44201 216947-3884TIPS FOR ADVERTISERS Never cut your photos. Tell me what part of the photo you want used and Ill do photographically. Include your dogs sire and dam in your ad copy. Screens grey page as seen on p. 19 of Jan. issue and Reverses black page with whi lettering as seen on p. 59 of Jan. issue are available for 5.00 extra. Make your ad special. Reserve a special position for your ad.Questions Call 602-721-7620POMERANIAN REVIEWOur Regular Classes were judged by Mr. Id Embry Bivin, and following are his acementsippy Dogs 6-9 monthsPatrician Queenaire Whiz Kid, P. edricksonappy Dogs 9-12 monthsApolloette Brandy Blazer, M. M. -esserSungolds Dyn O Mite Rider, A. aFortunered By Exhibitor DogsApolloette Ever Ready Rocky, M. M. resserFiddlers Green Pound Foolish, P. J. reerPhyner The Browning Version, D. raunerShowstars Nanjo Toots R. Kute, C. undt.merican Bred Dogs. Phyner Black Kobold, D. Trauner 'pen Dogs. Morenos Highlight, R. Bugbee . Jestoms Tims Image, C. J. Edmiston . McKameys Ideal Stylstepper, Mrs. N. IcKamey. Queenaire Deja Vu, M. Thompson dinners Dog Morenos Highlight deserve Winners Dog Jestons Tims mage'uppy Bitches 6-9 months. Queenaire Glory Huntress, W. D. loach. Sungolds Portrait of Que Sera, A. .aFortuneuppy Bitches 9-12 months. Showstars Ramblin Sundance, G. undt. Phyner Morticia, D. Traunerred By Exhibitor Bitches. Queenaire Promises Promises, W. D.loach1. Mullers Cinnomist, L. D. Mullerpen Bitches. McKameys Sunshine Beauty, Mrs. N. vlcKamey. Sun Dots Fashion Flair, P. Fredrickson,R. Dotson3. Apolloette Touch of Class, M. M. Presser4. Babas Sweet Mystery, L. M. Vaughn Winners Bitch McKameys Sunshine BeautyReserve Winners Bitch Sun Dots Fashion FlairVeteran Dog1. Ch. Phyner Night Editor, L. Bradbury D. TraunerBest of BreedBest of Winners Morenos Highlight Best of Opposite Sex Ch. Queenaire Irish Lace Stud Dog Class1. Ch. Phyner Night Editor, L. Bradbury D. Trauner2. Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero, D. Trauner J. MorenoBrood Bitch Class1. Showstars Top Star Gidgett, G. Pundt.Morenos Highlight, owned by Ruth Bugbee, was Best of Breed from Open Dog at the NCPC Specialty. Judge, Edd Bivin.This concluded our Specialty, however there was a lot of talking and visiting throughout the day among all our members and friends. Seen there were lifetime members Chuck Reynolds and Elsie Burriesci Anna and Ray LaFortune were up from San Diego way, along with their friends the Silvas, Sandy and Paul Logan, Trish Fredrickson and Lorene and BradPOMERANIAN REVIEWMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Ch. Emcee.s Chips of DiarOur Tammy Has Done It Againf4\\sEmceesGoldenJaymyJaymy shown at 8 months just before her show debut. Elandled by Maynard Wood.AC Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip AC Ch. Emcees Golden Chip, J.V. Ch. Jabils Stephanie of EmceeCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Emcees Tartan TamBrittons Little Miss MuffetCongratulations to all the winners at this years A.P.C. Specialty - 4 V-..WV.r Jv JPOMERANIAN REVIEWradbury. Tom Stephens was alone as his ssie was up in Washington state getting ttled in their fabulous new home. We all iss them both but hopefully they will be aking trips down south from time to me. Lillian and David Muller, Wanda and udley Roach, Julie and Gonzie Moreno ith Dolly Trauner, Ruth and Les Bugbee, larlene, Mark and Marlin Presser and nally Bob and Anne Hayden all ljoyed the show.We are busy now planning our next ecialty. Our 24th year we plan as a ipported entry show, but 1985 will be our Iver Anniversary, so plan to come and iin us. Wed love to have you.HE COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY by Erin HundleyDecember 11, 1983 found many Pomer- lian lovers and exhibitors attending the tnual Winter Specialty sponsored by the olumbia Pomeranian Club, which as ual was held in conjunction with The ortland Kennel Clubs bench show at the lemorial Coliseum in Portland, Oregon. rt enjoy this benched show because it ves us time to renew old friendships and ake new ones.The theme for the bench decorations was A Pom For All Seasons with Poms lown in Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter ttings. Judging time approached and the owd moved to ringside. The trophy table as beautiful. Three challenge trophies ere waiting to be awarded, under the ual conditions. Jean Schroll offered a rass bowl for Best of Breed and a lvertone trophy for Best of Opposite Sex. nhn and Camie Nye offered a Goldtone ophy for Best of Winners. Lead crystal dwIs, bells and glassware for the other inners completed the display.Judge Mrs. James E. Clark was ready to 5gin Ring Steward John Nye called thefirst class and the show began. Many handsome Poms strutted around the ring and with great care, this is how Mrs. Clark placed themPuppy Dog 6-9 Westmost Valcopy Impression, Breeder Wayne George, Owner R. Gemmil and D. Plonky.Puppy Dog 9-12 Ryals Flying High, Breeder, Earlene R. Titus, Owner Florence M. Ryals.Bred by Exhibitor Cedar Glens Mr. Nip, Breeders A. K-vamme and N. Higbee, Owner Alicia L. Kvamme.Open Dog Black, Brown, Blue Westmost Bouncys Bit O Black, Breeders Bea and Wayne George, Owner Dianne Clark- Bryant.Open Dog Red, Orange, Cream or SableKasers Spectacular Kid, BreederOwner Richard Lacky.Winners Dog Kasars Spectacular Kid Reserve Winners Dog Jestoms Tims Image, Breeder Irene Hargin, Owners Carolyn and Julie Edmiston.Puppy Bitches 6-9 Starlites Dragon Queen, BreederOwner Gayle Griffin.Puppy Bitches 9-12 Sungolds Joshera, Breeder Anna LaFortune, Owners, Sylvia and Irene Harbin and Bobbie Fraser.Bred by Exhibitor Riggins Preshus Disco Doll, BreederOwner Delores Riggin. American Bred Bry-Tur Music Box Dancer, Breeder Florence Ryals, Owner Nancy Turner.Open Bitch Black, Brown or Blue Starlites Editors Bewitched, BreederOwner Gayle Griffin.Open Bitch AO AC Westmosts-Ch. Lady Nips Jill, BreederOwner Wayne George. Winners Bitch Cedar Glens Tiffany O Bradley.Reserve Winners Bitch Pomirish Jestoms Sunmain, Breeder Sally Baugniet, Owner Jessie Stephens.A dazzling display of champions was presented and Judge Clark gave each a careful examination. Her choice for Best of Breed was Anna LaFortunes beautifulPOMERANIAN REVIEW" - - ------ - - vv XV-------KXK ^XX X1CAi ^ hallmark hal marknoun. A stamp affixed to articles as a mark of quality.5.S-A .Hobbits HallmarkAC Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip x AC Ch. Star Child At Hobbit Pictured at 3 months.Watch for Mark as he makes his debut at the shows this year. Congratulations to all the winners in New York this yearCorrection Jan. 1984, p. 19 AC Ch. Star Child At Hobbit finished her American title with 4 majors two owner-handled and two handled by Natalie Dunfee.Our Bloodlines are Exclusively EmceesHobbit Pomeranians, Regd.14 Palisade PlaceHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8 902 443-8536POMERANIAN REVIEWlampion Sungolds Diamond Stud. Best Winners was Richard Lackys Kasar ectacular Kid, Best of Opposite Sex was i. Cedar Glens Fashion Fancy, Breeder vners A. Kvamme and N. Higbee. Truly lorious sight.A surprise potluck brought by members the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club and ir friends, completed the activities and owed the participants to relax and enjoy h others company while we waited for 0 and time to go home. Among those we rewed acquaintance with was Margaret Kune, former author of this column, e has been very ill but now is well on the ad to recovery. This year she was at the ow as an observer only, but soon we hope 5 will be exhibiting again. Another niliar face was that of Rita LaVerne, ck in the ring again as breeder-exhibitor her own lovely special. I am so pleased to -own him with her. Anna LaFortune was re and Vance and Sally McGilbry. arence Ryals was back showing a amising puppy. So wonderful to see so my of the regular people too. I still miss ing those who no longer are active aibitors. God be with all of you.SAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOW February 26,1984While so much of the country was ivering from the cold weather, the San ego Pomeranian Club, blessed with nperatures in the mid 70s, held its 33rd tnual Specialty Show in conjunction with Silver Bay Kennel Club All Breed event February 26, 1984. The setting was at a Del Mar Fairgrounds, home of the mous Del Mar Racetrack, in beautiful 1 Mar, California.The trophy table was set with lovely ^stal plates hand-painted with Pom adstudies and hand-crafted ceramic Pom jurines. The trophies were well receivedby the winners and enviously admired by those not so fortunate.Mr. Kurt W. Mueller, Sr. of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, took great care in making his placements and gave a just consideration to each entry. His selections were as follows Puppy Dogs 9-12 months1. Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back, Anna LaFortune Richard Lackey2. Sun Rays Firecracker, Fern Rodrigues Bred By Exhibitor Dogs1. Sungolds Dyn O Mite Rider, Anna La FortuneOpen Dogs, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. Sun-Dees Champagne Punch, Dorothy Jack Keller2. McKameys Ideal Stylestepper, Mrs. Norris McKamey3. Kazars Spectacular Kid, Richard Ethel Lackey4. Look-Look OPoint Loma, Pauline Hughes.From these class winners, Mr. Mueller chose Sun-Dees Champagne Punch for his Winners Dog and McKameys Ideal Stylestepper was given the nod for Reserve Winners Dog.Puppy Bitches 9-12 months 1. Goldsun Elfin Princess Arwen, Margaret Daniel OntiverasOpen Bitches, Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1. Suncrests Touch of Minx, Kimberly Dickinson2. Bobas Sweet Mystery, Lawrence Misado Vaughn3. Franks Loma Cotton Candee, Harley Ellen Frank4. Sungolds Victory, Ted and Kim DickinsonWinners Bitch went to Suncrests Touch of Minx which was a repeat of her win at the September 1983 San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty, and Reserve went to Bobas Sweet Mystery.For his final selection, Mr. Mueller gave top honors to the beautiful stylish young male, Ch. Sungolds Diamond Stud as his Best of Breed. Studs as he isPOMERANIAN REVIEW LShamrock Pomsproudly presentsYI msCh. Shamrocks Little Image MakerPending AKC ConfirmationOur latest Pom champion shown taking his first major at 7 months under noted Pom judge Edd Bivin. He finished under Frank T. Sabella on the Florida Circuit.Our grateful thanks go to these judges and to Max Kerfoot, his agent who has contributed so much time and care to our little Bandits success.Bandit is at stud with Max in Colorado.Watch for our new boy in the ring soon Shamrocks Mr. Mischief Maker.Sheila M. Marion Rt. 2, Box 2690 Cleveland, TX 77327Max Kerfoot, Agent 7200 East 88 Ave. Henderson, CO 80640\1 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Sungolds Diamond Stud, owned by Anna LaFortune was Best of Breed at the San Diego specialty. Judge, Kurt Mueller.affectionately known to his friends and admirers, is owned and handled by Anna LaFortune. Best of Opposite Sex was earned by the lovely bitch, Ch. Raps Enchantress of Beaver, proudly owned by Kimberly Ann Dickinson. Best of Winners was awarded to the Winners Dog, Sun-Dees Champagne Punch, and if not mistaken, should bring this handsome male close to his championship title.Fun was had by all and we wish to thank the many exhibitors for their participation and all the club members who made the show run so smoothly.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensWe are now settled in Washington and enjoying all this state has to offer. The Poms are enjoying a place of their own to run and play and Im sure are happy to be in one place.December brought the Christmas party at the home of Sylvia and Irene Harbin. Irene provided the plump turkey and lots of other good food was provided by members. A happy time was had by ail with club members and friends.December also provided the Portland Specialty show and the Puget Sound club put on an exceptional buffet which was enjoyed by everyone present.Sally and Vance McGilbry were present at this show and we wish Sally all the very best for 50 years in the breed. Golden Glow has been around a long time and it is always a delight to meet with these two breeders.It was also good to see Carol and Julie Edmisten from California up here and not going home empty handed either. Thanks for bringing Tom up for the weekend. They enjoyed the show and meeting with some of the breeders in the area.Our Treasurer Catherine Bartos has been vacationing in Arizona and enjoying the weather. She would like to thank Dora, the President of the Phoenix Pomeranian Club and Pat Forrest for driving her to the dog matches while she was there. Katherine enjoyed seeing the Poms down there and was delighted to meet with some breeders and see some of their lovely Poms. It is an education in itself to be able to get around and see what you generally only read about talking with other people and seeing what is being produced in other parts of the country is so important.The first show of the year was in Puyallup and the major went to our Canadian friends Leslie Rodgers and Donna Roadhouse who handled Luxtons Forever Mickey. This is his first major in the States. He is sired by a Golden Glow Pom. Best of Breed went to another lovely Pom, Georgia Heatwave and then on to a Group 4. He is owned by Jim Moran.Our January meeting was held at the home of Virginia and Bernard Niehouse with ten members present. Our President Erin Hundley gave a talk on genetics, a subject which requires much thought and study, especially for the layman.In February we had an early meeting at the home of Elsie Kurtz and the final arrangements for our Match were made. It will be held at the Lake Forest Mall givingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 4APOLLOETTEproudly presents our newest championKtyWCh.Apolloette Touch of ClassMisty is pictured winning a 3 pt. major under judge C.L. Savage. Misty finished her championship at the Beverly Hills show Feb. 5, 1984 under judge Hans Brunotte with a 3 pt. major. We wish to thank all the judges who gave Misty her majors and points.Misty is a very short and cobby Pom with excellent movement.Promising puppies for sale. Inquiries welcome. Subject to AKC confirmation.Marlene and Marlin Presser Tracy, CA 9537622562 Bird Rd. 209 835-73291POMERANIAN REVIEW\ie public a chance to see and inquire about le breed. Jim Moran, who is now a Best in row judge, will do the honors. This will be chance to give those Pom babies their first ok at what showing is all about.With the New York Specialty coming up e will all be anxious to hear who was the cky one this year. Until next time, lots of ck.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON by Sue GoddardAs 1 prepare this column, four couples om our area are leaving for New York ity to attend the Specialty. Darrell and lga Baker left in time for Olga to irticipate in the judges seminar, where idges will have the opportunity to hear hat we breeders feel they should be oking for as they judge our breed. We row Olga will do an excellent job with her esentation. George and Jean West avelling with four dogs, left a day or two irly as well so George can do some rsiness for his company. Tim and Sue oddard are leaving Saturday with high opes of having a great time and the chance i see their married daughter and m-in-law who live in Virginia . . . instead f a Pom. They are delivering them a -egnant Shih Tzu. Last to leave Houston, iroute to New York, are the Moureaus, ''ayne, Erika and daughter Jennifer. It is ue to Jennifers impressive Junior howmanship record that the rest of the imily is making the trip. She has the istinction of being named the Nationwide op Handler in the Toy Group. Word has that Jennifer has a new Doberman puppy lat may replace her Pom in J.S., but I am ire we will find her assisting her mother ith the Poms.Somehow my column indicated that veral meetings had been held in the home f Tim and Sue Goddard, which was notthe case, as each meeting is hosted by a different member. The latest meeting was held at the home of the Moureaus and we all had the opportunity to see their lovely new home and kennel facility. The February meeting will be held at the home of the Bakers.Our membership is in the middle of plans for our March specialty to be judged by our favorite lady in Poms, Mrs. Dorothy Bonner. We expect to have an excellent entry for Dorothy. Most of us will be making the trip to Dallas for their big Silver Anniversary show and trying to give Olga Baker a super sweepstakes entry. This just one week after our specialty.New champions for our club are Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Mike for Tim and Sue Goddard, and Ch. Texicans Wee Will of Meegee for owner Polly Ferguson and breeder Erika Moureau. The Bakers have a precocious little girl called Chice that they are starting in New York and Erika Moureau has a little boy from breeder-club member, Cindy Horton called of all things Armadillo. The Goddards are starting a little boy named Puff ... so we will be battling it out in the puppy classes.Bob and Joan Riley brought us news at our last meeting that they are forming a new Pom club in the San Antonio area and will host their first match after a February show, hoping for a good turn out crowd from the point show. Our club will be giving these Pom people as much help and support as we can.Roxie and Jim Campbell have gone into a new business which has kept them very busy and out of the show ring recently, but Roxie and Carolyn Crockett have a darling little female that they have pointed and who will be back in competition soon after allowing time for a year old shed. Tony and Connie Tellez have several nice puppies that they are growing up for summer shows and Tony is hard at work with his position as show chairman for both upcoming shows. Karen Holder is trophy chairmanPOMERANIAN REVIEW1Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kidcongratulates his kidsftIBi-Mar Sunswept Sensation pictured with Sonny taking BOB on her back to back wins of Winners Bitch from the 6-9 months puppy class her first time shown at the Greater Clark County and Dog Fanciers of Portland K.C. shows. Owned by Linda Gallacher.Ch. Bi-Mar Sundown Kit on finishing his championship at under 13 months of age plus Best in Sweepstakes and Best Puppy at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty. Owned by Jean Schroll.Sonny continues his winning by taking the Toy Group under judge Isidore Schoenberg at the Spokane K.C. shown to this honor by Jean Schroll.Show quality prospects and young adults for sale.Bi-Mar PomeraniansMary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, Washington 98003 206927-23696 POMERANIAN REVIEWmd has some wonderful and useful rophies planned crates, brushes, and eads, etc., which anyone will enjoy vinning.If we dont see you in March, start naking your plans for August. We will innounce the judge for breed and sweeps in he next issue.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Mary VickersPrior to sending our packet of nformation to the AKC to become a club f record, we have decided to have another fun match. Club members are circling vlarch 11 on their calendars and passing the vord. Besides the regular classes, junior howmanship, obedience and a Parade of Champions will be offered. The judge is as 'et unconfirmed, but will be announced in ur newsletter April is a heavy show month 'or us with the Cherry Blossom circuit and hows every weekend, so the match should e a large one.Thinking of the Cherry Blossom, our dub has donated trophies for use at the Greater Fredricksburg KC show on April .7, both for breed and obedience. The how is in memory of Mrs. Hazel Vilkinson who was instrumental in the 'ormation of the Fredricksburg Club and in avid Pom fancier. In her honor, rosettes vill be given for the winners, BOS and BOB hrough the generosity of the club.The Snyders are very happy and proud f the fact that both finished their Poms, vlary Ellen finished Kims Crispy Critter md in November on his birthday, Kenneth 'inished Bev-Nors Petite Edney. Belated tudos to both and much success on the next 3om, which already has two majors.Several other Poms are nearing their rhampionships and with all the coming hows, the July issue might be a long mining column of congratulations. See ou during the Cherry BlossomOREGON WEBFOOT REPORT by Diane Clark BryantThe rumor that Poms bred and raised in Oregon have webbed feet is not true However, there may be something to the rumor that our Poms learn to swim at an early age.One of our first tiny Pom puppies purchased from Bea and Wayne Georges Westmost Kennels, romped off across a field on his first outing and nose dived into a deep rain filled tire rut. That was our first lesson in appreciating the tiny size of this fearless little breed. He sank right up to his little nose and began paddling like crazy while his mistress made a complete idiot of herself dashing to the rescue, only to end up wetter and muddier than the pup. Our neighbors will never forget that one, nor will they ever again picture me as the sophisticated lady Id prefer to be.Most of you who have attended shows in Oregon are aware that we do have occasional rain showers, sometimes lasting up to three or four weeks. However, during our summer outdoor specialty we usually manage a few days of sunny warm weather not so hot that the Poms and their handlers wilt, but comfortable showing weather.Last July we had a wonderful Pom turnout. The October issue lists all the happy winners. The puppy bitch that did so well there with her first shows, Bry-Turs Music Box Dancer, has fulfilled expectations by going on to earn eight points toward her championship before she was nine months old. Music, owned and shown by Nancy Turner, is recovering from her one year old coat drop and will resume her show career in March with the Corvallis and Salem shows. Music has taken her class every time she has been shown, took a four point major last September at the Southern Oregon Kennel Club show in Roseburg, went Best Opposite Sex over the special in August in Enumclaw and has gone reserve 3 Continued on p. 52.POMERANIAN REVIEW tModel KennelspresentsSModel s Free WayHandled to his championship by Maynard Wood.cFree Way, shown on his first time out, to a four point major under Mrs. C. Sommers at Old Dominion K.C.Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Free Ways last time out, shown to a four point major to finish under Mrs. Sue Woodle at Roanoke K.C., Roanoke, VA.Free Way is now the property of the Millamor Kennel of Ken and Eleanor Miller.Bob Goodrich P.O.Box 3004 Hampton, VA 23663r-rBEST OF WINNERSROANOKE KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 1963PHOTO BYr\e POMERANIAN REVIEW-fc\in MEMORY OFCamelot's Nigra Et FormosaJezebel-------------------------------i.AWelldone, Jezebel. My little black witch. We miss you.609 386-3503Gertrude Jacoby Burlington, New Jersey 08016POMERANIAN REVIEW 4N_.A Tribute From Her Children-r-\OAmCh. Camelots SerendipityMale LittermatesCh. Camelofs Black VelvetFemaleCh. Camelofs Whispering ShadowMsle Camelofs Dark VictoryFemale, not picturedCamelot's CommodoreMaleneeds a major50 POMERANIAN REVIEWSouthland Pomeranianscontinues in the BEV-NOR flairBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXMEMPHIS KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 1983photo by SABRINASouthland Fudge Double DipAt 6 months, 11 days old, she is pictured taking 2 pts. under noted judge Miss Martha Jane Ablett in Memphis Tenn.This super father-daughter breeding produced this and Birthday Bil, also pointed at 6 months. Both pups typey, showmen.Again, thanks Bill and Bev Norris for givingGod ParentsBill and Beverly Norris7747 Meadow Rd.Pasadena, MD301255-1343litter sister Southland Happy sound movers and great littleme a chance.BreederOwnerHandler Charlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEWrT Southland Pomeranianscontinues in the BEV-NOR styleat\u.'Southland Happy Birthday BitHappy is pictured at 6 months, 4 days, winning a 3 pt. major under noted judge Tom Conway in Beaumont, TX.What a great breeding for Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delights first litter, sired by Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge.FLASH Pookies second litter, sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, Number 1 Pom 1981 and 1982 a beautiful blacktan daughter from this brothersister breeding.Thanks, Bill and Bev for making these breedings possibleGod ParentsBill and Beverly Norris7747 Meadow Rd.Pasadena, MD301255-1343BreederOwnerHandler Charlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456 ,52POMERANIAN REVIEWOregon Report, cont. from p. 46. times, all as a puppy. We will be hearing and seeing more of this fine Pom who was bred by Florence Ryals of Tacoma, Washington. Riggins Dusty Trademark, bred by Deloris Riggin, has been showing well also. Deloris is back in the show ring again after limited showing due to an auto accident a while back. Mark has been consistently winning and will soon add to the long list of champions bred by this dedicated Oregon breeder. Deloris Starjoy Luus who she calls Kris, finished in four shows, all majors. Kris has sired a very nice black puppy who is showing real potential. He is extremely short coupled and has the head Deloris breeds so well. Riggins Startessa, a lovely bitch sired by Kris and out of a black bitch bred to this young black male should produce a good black foundation.Another fine Pom Deloris has been showing is Riggins Preshus Disco Dancer. Disco is the last son sired by Ch. Krismay Preshus, and has been picking up points consistently. Disco is absolutely the shortest coupled dog I have ever seen and in addition carries the good bone and excellent head of his father. This fine stud has much to offer the breed and will be bred to a few select bitches this year.Mark is an example of the years of careful breeding and the type of Poms Deloris Riggin is known for. Deloris has bred several of her nice bitches this past year and currently has some very nice puppies for sale.My one year old black male, Westmost Bouncys Bitablack who we call Bear, has chalked up a few wins and points this year also. Those of you breeding for good blacks and showing them know what an uphill climb this is. My dream is to just one time step into the ring and find a full entry of blacks only. Bears last thrilling win was at the October show in Richland, Washington under a fine judge, Mary Rosenbaum.Bear sired a nice litter for Nancy Turnerin November producing four nice Pom babies. The litter has been sold except for a nice cream bitch, Bry-Tur TizaToi Poppett.I am keeping this little gal to breed back to her father, hoping for some nice black puppies.A second litter sired by Bear out of a lovely bitch bred by Florence Ryals, Ryals Spoonfull of Love, a Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner daughter, whelped prematurely and were unfortunately all lost. This was especially sad for us as the three puppies were black which is our first love. However, we have two more litters due this spring and one just has to keep on trying.Another Oregonian who is very active in Poms is Linda Gallacher who finished her boy, Bi Mars Sunswept Anticipation, both in conformation and obedience. Linda is a strong promoter of toys in obedience and her record certainly speaks for itself. Linda is currently showing a bitch, Bi Mars Sunswept Sensation and took the points at the Greater Clark County show and at the Portland Dog Fanciers show in Portland in January. Another Oregonian we will continue to see and hear about.Our condolances to Maryann Brown whose Pom Bandit became seriously ill right after the July summer specialty. Maryann contacted many of the breeders as he became ill right after the show. It is especially nice when problems are shared and an open line of communication is maintained, as its a help to everyone concerned. Later, Maryann discovered that Bandit suffered from a liver disease and not a contagious disease.Ive noted a new interest in parti color Poms here in Oregon. Weve received several phone inquiries about partis and it seems that Oregon breeders are working toward good quality whites and partis. Striving for good conformation and good color is an exciting challenge and a lot of hard work.I am interested in parti lines and breedingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5POMPUFpresents two new championsJGK.C 3TER1Ch. Pompuf Tynee Touch of ClassRusty, 42 lb, RedLorraine H. Masley Lois McManus Dr. Smith Josephe Rowe Dr. Huggins Mrs. V. Olliver Leota Vandeventer3 pts. to finish Oct. 8, 1983.5 pts., Gr. 4 1 pt. I pt. 2 pts. 2 pts. 2 pts.Ch. Pompuf Fancy Fire DiscoDisco, 5Vi lb, RedorangeEdith N. Hellerman 3 pt.Erick Hartman 1 pt.C. Sommers 2 pts.Dorothy Welsh 1 pt.Lois McManus 3 pt.Dawn Hansen pic. 1 pt.Len Reese 1 pt.Dr. Seligman 2 pts.Betty Dexter 1 pt.We will be having several litters coming up from Rusty, Disco and Ch. Pompuf Wee Preshus Dragon. Some of these will be for sale.i h.0 byPhotographyGwen R. Hodson Rte 3Indianola, Iowa 50125 515-961-2989V. Ji4 POMERANIAN REVIEWmd anyone who would like to share nformation, thoughts and ideas should Irop a line. I would like to hear from closing, I would like to thank Erin dundley who writes for the Pacific Northwest, for her lovely write-up in the lanuary issue. There are many Pom people 3ut there who are, in their own way, working for the betterment of the breed ind its always nice to have someone say so Thanks, Erin.Oregon Pom breeders, owners and exhibitors, drop me a line and let me know whats going on. Id like to be able to send in an Oregon report for each issue. This is an excellent way to share problems, solutions, wins and losses. Let me hear from you.THE DOG MUSEUM OF AMERICA presents SHOW DOGOn the eve of the premiere dog show in America, the 108th Westminster Kennel Club Show at Madison Square Garden, The Dog Museum of America will present SHOW DOG, a visual history of the competition, energy and glory surrounding the showing of mans best friend. The exhibition will open February 13th and be on view through May 18, 1984.The exhibition will focus on the history and development of showing dogs in England and the United States, but SHOW DOG is more than a roster of the great winners and prizes of the past and more than the landmark shows that define the history of the sport. It is the story of the dedication, commitment, demand, glory and disappointment experienced by the thousands of individuals who have worked to improve their dogs to display their best, and of the excitement and drama witnessed by the many more thousands of spectators.Paintings, trophies, bronzes and literature will profusely illustrate the colorfulSixteenth y\miiAL3ociswwtaics Hall9world of SHOW DOG An early work by R. Marshall, 1855, lent by the Kennel Club of England is the earliest known depiction of the sport, and George Earls Field Trial Meet of 1882 illustrates a typical event of the period. Photographs and period accounts give timely insights into the exhibitors and their exhibitees. Mrs. Roberta Vesley, Library Director of the American Kennel Club Library, has curated the exhibit and written an accompanying illustrated catalogue.The showing of dogs began in England in 1859 with the Newcastle Show and was introduced to the United States after the Civil War, championed by the wealthy families of the time Belmont, Morgan, Whitney, Gould and Rockefeller, to name a few. The first New York Benched Show of Dogs Westminster Kennel Club was held in 1877 and has since been hald annually.The Museum, located on the concourse level of the landmark New York Life Insurance Building 51 Madison Avenue is open from 1000 to 400, Monday through Friday. A free shuttle bus service between Madison Square Garden and The Dog Museum of America will be provided by the Museum during the Westminster Kennel Club Show, February 13th and 14th, 1984.POMERANIAN REVIEWKennelsis proud to presentStoiylands Sunfox Special vit9aASunFox Lennis Image of Olde x Sun Fox Kracklin Gold Orange MaleSpecial thanks to Claudia M. Lis and Edward J. Braczyk for allowing us to purchase Sun Fox Kracklin Gold. A repeat breeding is planned for spring. We are also expecting a March litter sired by Sun Fox Lennis Image of Olde out of our Topaze Bitter Sweet.Look for us at the showsCharlotte E. Webster 207942-8377 262 Old County Rd.Deborah M. Dolley 207 989-2548 Hampden, ME 0444456 POMERANIAN REVIEWBaudier, Reg.Ch. Patricks Mr. LarryTOY GROUP WINNER-lMr shown winning Best of Breed and Group 2 at the Metro Mile Hi K.C. under Mrs. Joan Alexander.Thank you, Jean and George West for letting us acquire this Very Special Pom.Owned byBaudier, Reg. Michael Husband 4010 Meridian Houston, TX 77017 713645-5760Bred byMildred G. PatrickHandled and Co-Owned byMax Kerfoot 7200 E. 88th Ave. Henderson, CO 80640 303 287-8315POMERANIAN REVIEWIAnadors PomeraniansfrW AmCanCh. Anadors Dragon Smasher AmCan Ch. Anadors Dark FancyOur eighth American and thirteenth Canadian Champion.0WW "sf1 \AmCan Ch. Anadors Fancy ShortcakeFinished under Fred Hiigel at Lakeland Florida K.C.Ann and Gene Welshinger 715 399-2702Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 548808 POMERANIAN REVIEWBEHIND THE NEW CHAMPIONSThree generation pedigrees of new Pom champions belonging to members of the American omeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Photograph and additional letails as to owner, breeder and short summary of the show career not more than 4 lines will ie published upon receipt of 17.50 and the glossy print. Should a negative of the dog be on ile with the Review, the charge is 10.50.VM.CAN. CH. ANADORS FANCY CH. LLL DAZZLINGOLD MIKE SHORTCAKE Malesilver-cream Sable Female Owners Tim and Sue Goddard, Houston,DwnerBreeder Ann Welshinger, Superior, TXm.Ch. Sissons Dukes Little Big Man Sissons Silver Dollar Joda Choas Katrina \mCan Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Little MatildaScotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Scotia Caviliers Trails End Can. Ch. Scotia Trails End Dark Folly Ch. S. Robins Lay Wey Sweet Charity 4mCan Ch. Anadors Dark Fancy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Little MatildaScotia Double Gr Da OCavilierCH. DAISYS LITTLE BIT OF JABILOrange MaleBreeder Gail B. NiperOwners Jessie and Barbara Young,Loudon, NHCh. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody AmCanBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Topaze Pumkin SeedCh. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze Jabil Daisy MaeAmCanBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Jabils Serendipity Girl Jabil Petite Delilah CDCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Joda Ephibus Joda Lady Suzette Ch. LLL Mite of Gold DeuceLLL Happy Lil Hop-A-Long LLL Lil Golden TiaraLLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Tholes Little Buster Stalkers Timmy Lee Twinkles Dee Sunsations Burnt MuffinLLL Happy Lil Hop-A-Long LLL Peaches and CreamLLL Lil Gold Copper PennyCH. MARANATHAS LIL EZEKIELOrange MaleBreeder Steve and Glori Carlin Owners Anne and Bob HaydenRandys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiMacs Fancydukes Wee Wendy Randys Jolly Wee Sparky Randys Dandy Tuffy Randys Dandy Classy Lass Randys Dandy Wee Sassy Major Dink of Sunray AmCan Ch. Lancer of Sunray Sungolds Lolly Ch. Sunrays High SocietyCh. Furys Bullet of Sunray Ch. Sunrays Vanity Fair Sunrays SherryViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW iCH. MODELS FREE WAYOrange MaleBreederOwner Bob Goodrich, Hampton, VACh. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Mr. Roberts Models Tin Goddess Ch. Models Gold MementoCh. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Lil Julie Models Marlene Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Bodas Topaz Merry Gold Ch. Cedarwoods Sweet Charity Mar-Bi-Lees Sun Fella Cedarwoods September Dawn Rosewoods Pride of TimstopperCH. MCKAMEYS COUNTESS GOLD IDEALRed Sable FemaleBreederOwner Mrs. Norris McKamey, Bettendorf, IOCh. McKameys Sundawn Joel McKameys Joel Perfection McKameys Gold Perfection Ch. McKameys Ideal PerfectionCh. Willogayles Timstopper Willogayles Red CopperWillogayles Copper Penny Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe Ch. McKameys Cavalier of Gold Willogayles Red Copper Ch. McKameys Countess Glory Gold Ch. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe Ch. McKameys Gold Countess McKameys Sundawn CharissaCH. MCKAMEYS SUNSHINE BEAUTYOrange FemaleBreederOwner Mrs. Norris McKamey, Bettendorf, IOCh. McKameys Sundawn Just Gold Ch. McKameys Just EnchantingCh. McKameys Sundawn Gold Nina McKameys Captain GallantCh. McKameys Sundawn Traveler McKameys Gold PerfectionCh. McKameys Sundawn Perfection Gorrin Pixietown of Hadleigh Pla Mor Sir Echo of Hadleigh Gorrin Cookie of Hadleigh McKameys MeganCh. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe Millers Cavaliers Jeanne McKameys Jean MarieCH. PUMPUF FANCY FIRE DISCORedOrange Male BreederOwner Gwen R. Hodson, Indianola, IOCh. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Pompuf Lil Disco DancerCh. Hutchinsons Royal Ransom Wee Dancing Penny of Oakridge Wee Dancing Miss of Oakridge Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Pompuf Gay Gold Dancer Pompuf Jitter Gay Bug Pompuf Fancy RockettePompuf Jitter Bug Rock Pompuf Fancy Marisa Rockette Ch. Pompuf Fancy MarquitaCH. POMPUF TYNEE TOUCH 0CLASSRed MaleBreederOwner Gwen R. Hodson, Indianola, IORussells Fox Flame Gay Boy Ch. Russells Fox Flame Tynee Ch. Russells Fox Flame Velvet Pompuf Tynee TrinketTim Sues Dancing Pebble Wee Dancing Miss of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Little Missy Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly Ch. Pompuf Fancy Duke Masterpiece Pompufs O-So-Fancy Pompuf Mlady Midnite MagicCh. Bonners Stylemodel Wee-Wag Pompuf MLady MelissaCh. Pompuf MLady MelanieCH. SCOTIA CAVS TRAILS EN1 AGAINOrange Sable MaleBreederOwner Edna E. Girardot, Flon City, FLCh. McKameys Sundawn Commander Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Wee Coquet of Shawn Scotia Caviliers Trails EndCh. Browns Tidly Wink Super Scotia T W Million Dollar Baby Ch. Scotia Caviliers Cash Return Tonos May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Zodiac Cavalier Commander Ch. Cavys Sensational Kid Ch. Scotia A whey We Go AgainCh. Varneys Special Cavalier Ch. Zodiac Cavalier Centerpiece Ch. Luells Cinderella of Duke0 POMERANIAN REVIEWH. SCOTIA GADABOUT'S 1AXMILLIAN"ream Orange MaletreederOwner Edna E. Girardot, Floral lity, FLCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavillers Jungle Jim Ch. Sunsets Personal Conquest tndrews JJs GadaboutCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs A-Tiskit A-Taskit All-Stars Tobys Lil Tidbit Rossmoyne Pete Rossmoyne Little Gem II GloriaJh. Cavaliers Precious Colleen Ch. Buddy Wee Cavalier Wee Cavaliers Precious Doll Ch. Salmons Glamour Girl H. SCOTIA HUTCHS ROSIES 5CHILO led Sable MaleJreederOwner Edna E. Girardot, Floral Sity, FLCh. Scotia Colleen JJs Major Dink Ch. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest scotia Braums and Noels Hutch Ch. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Ch. Scotia Im Molly - Follow Me Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia JDs Im the Pied Piper Ch. Sungolds Dee Dee Scotia Piper Happy Girl RosieCh. Hadleigh Little Robin Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Happy Girl Scotia Caviliers Big MamaCH. THELDUNS JOHN JOHNRed Sale MaleBreeder Thelma M. DunnDwners Jane Lehtinen Fred and PatWhitaker, Iron, MNCh. Thelcolynns Showstopper Ch. Blairs SolitaireBlairs Adorable Bit OGold Dunns Little TomstopperCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Sweet Mary Ann May Morning Honey Chile CD May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldunns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Thelduns Bonnie HeatherDunns Little Tomstopper Thelduns Princess Tiffany Dunns Dear Heart ChristieCH. TWIN PINES BRUNI BEAROrange MaleBreederOwner John Cribbs, Doswell, VABonners Tomtess Red Cherub Chambers King Tut Royaletter Roseanne Ch. Lil-Jon Squire of Mount Vernon Ch. Enjays Puppet On A String Pom Acres Pepper Sweet Lady Pom Acres Ginger Doll Ch. Topaze Sunny Interlude Rhett Butler of Twin PinesPom Acres Pepper Sweet Lady Scarlett of Twin PinesModels Majestic Prince Anwins Tiny Honey BugTinners Cotten Candy DollyCOVERS AVAILABLEThe next three covers July 84, October 84 and January 85 are currently available. To reserve one, send a check for 90.00 made out to American Pomeranian Club to the Review editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751. Lets have some informal shots free standing, playing, puppy pictures for the cover. Use your imagination and make your cover memorable.Remember, I must have a check to hold your cover. A phone call just isnt enough.Other positions may be reserved as well inside front cover, centerfold. Just send a check and your request. If the position has already been filled, Ill let you know.POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Maranafha's Lil Ezekial-VkBESTOF WINNERS2AOur sincere thanks to the following judges for seeing Zekes merit Mr. Glen Sommers, Superstition K.C. BW, 5 pts.Mrs. Ruth Davidson, Mensona K.C. BW, 2 pts.Dr. David Doane, Donner Trail K.C. BW, 2 pts.Miss Francis Thornton, Contra Costa K.C. BOB, 2 pts. Mrs. Curtis M. Brown, San Mateo K.C. BW, 2 pts.Mrs. Ruth Davidson, Eugene K.C. BW, 4 pts.See Pedigree in Behind The New Champions.OwnerHandler BreedersAnne and Bob Hayden Gloria and Steve Carlin2595 Oakmont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 952-28622 POMERANIAN REVIEWANNUAL STUD DOG REGISTERIt is a well-known adage that in seeking a stud for ones broods the surest road to success comes from selecting a stud which is from an excellent family of winning and producing dogs, which is outstanding example of the breed himself and which has sired a number of winning progeny. There are many such Poms in this country of ours, and it should always be remembered that a study of the pedigree is of highest value in picking the most suitable stud for each particular female. It is foolish to select a stud dog ONLY on the basis of his show wins or because he is conveniently located next door.Cost of entering your dog in the Stud Dog Register is 10.00 for each entry, plus the cost of the halftone if you do not have one the proper size. Dogs may be entered without photos, if none is available, and a description of the dog may be inserted in the space intended for the photograph. Halftones used must be no larger than 2 square, and new ones from your glossy print will cost 7.00. Description beneath cut is limited to twenty words.Because of the work involved in looking up old halftones, typing pedigrees, etc., we ask your cooperation in sending your copy as early as possible. Please mention the back issue in which your halftone was used, if we have one on file. Glossies will be returned.ABSOLUTE DEADLINE May 15 thm9rCh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Top Sire 5 ChampionsCh. Macs Fancydukes Look Im A Dandy Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. McDougalls Gay Ch. Randys Jolly Wee PeppiCh. Corns Duke Dragonfly Macs Fancyduke Wee Wendy McDougalls Lady Fancy Ch. Macs Fancydukes Look Im A Dandy Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. McDougalls Gay Ch. Randys Jolly Wee Fancy LadyCh. Randys Duke of Dragonfly Randys Pride Joy of Duke Ch. Ace-His Beaut MichelePaul and Randy Freeh15900 Condor Ridge Rd. Canyon Country, CA 91351 805 252-3650Above is a sample of the entries in the Annual Stud Register which will appear in the July issue. The Review is pleased to award the sample stud card to Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi.'aPOMERANIAN REVIEWvecious lies... Mlsif'""fera 4 . jt'^^^TfT^Ti'InillililnmntWuVumliuUmiUAWCh. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleWe are proud to announce puppies available sired by Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple. Inquiries Welcome.OwnerClaudia Pfeffer P.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181 504-737-17294 POMERANIAN REVIEWMcKameys Sundawn Kennelsproudly presents two new homebred starsCh. McKamey's Countess Gold IdealA lovely red sable female. Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.We wish to thank eminent judges, R. Schulte, W. Kendrick, C. Bosold, J. Davison, L. Reese, M. Ellis, E. Bivins, J. Moreno, R. Adamek, R. Tongren and R. Davison.Ch. McKamey's Sunshine BeautyA clear light orange female. Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Many thanks to Ray and Anna LaFortune for their able handling.Mrs. Norris McKamey RR 1, Box 185 Bettendorf, IO 52722 319-332-58094rowsntExpecting new spring litters from several champions and their pointed sons Ch. Daja Justa Rocksample, a Moonrock son Ch. McKameys Ideal Perfection, red Ch. McKameys Sundawn Ben Jo, orange Ch. McKameys Just A Honey, orange McKameys Gay Enchanting, ptd McKameys Ideal Replica, ptd McKameys Captain Gallant, red son of Ch. McKameys Just Enchanting.POMERANIAN REVIEW\MILLAMOR POMS1 Jfty 'k.Ch. Millamor's Mark MedallionCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland x Millamors Rock RosetteThanks to the following judgesMrs. Yan Paul Group 1Mrs. Suzanne Rowe Best of BreedMr. Art Davidson 5 pointsMrs. Dorothy Welsh 4 pointsMrs. Betty Dullinger Group 2Mr. Glen Sommers Group 2Mrs. Cynthia Sommers Best of BreedKen and Eleanor Miller 5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803 813646-5864BPOMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225Ever heard the remark, That dog had to lave a handler to finish There have been logs of course, who could never have inished except for the fact that they were hown by very well-known handlers. But hey are, I hope, in the minority, and the rack is really unfair to a dog just because les in the hands of a professional handler. There are a number of good reasons for hoosing to use the services of a handler.Some people are just too nervous and mcomfortable in the ring to show their wn dogs. They enjoy sitting outside the ing and watching their beautiful beasties Derform. You might have a physical disability that hinders you from moving gracefully around the ring or bending over to pick up your Pom. Maybe youre just ncurably klutzy, stepping on your dog or dropping your brush on his head with Incredible regularity. Perhaps youre tied down at home with kids, puppies, or job and cant do the travelling necessary to finish a championship. As a novice, you may lack the self-confidence. Hiring a handler is an excellent way to learn. Watch the handler groom and show the dog, then ask questions. Why did you do that While the handling fee doesnt really include instructions, the handlers Ive dealt with have been very patient and generous in answering my questions.How do you find a handler That can be a little tricky. Ask your friends what they think of handlers theyve used. OBSERVE. Go to ringside and watch. Which handlers win consistently Are they gentle andpatient with the dogs Do they smile at the dogs Do the dogs seem to like the handler More importantly, how do they treat the dogs outside the ring Does the dog get hugged whether it wins or loses Is the handler careful with the dog At a show on the Florida circuit, my eye was caught at ringside by a Pom of a rare color. He was lovely I kept glancing at him. I was surprised to hear him growling and snapping and, after a moments observation, decided the handler was playing with him, perhaps to jazz him up. Just then a woman with a Greyhound approached under the very crowded tent. She paused, tightened her hold on his lead, then tried to go past. Three times the handler permitted the Pom to dash out to the end of the lead to snap at the Greyhound. Several of us who witnessed this were appalled. The handler was not just rude he was irresponsible in endangering the Pom as well as the hound and the nearby people. This is the kind of thing you need to find out before you turn your dog over to a handler.Go back to the handlers set-up. How many dogs is he carrying Are they kept comfortable regardless of weather Do they have sufficient exercise time and plenty of fresh water Are the exercise pens kept picked up Watch the handlers assistants they will be doing a lot of the care and grooming. Do they seem to enjoy being around the dogs Do they pat them and talk nicely to themHaving narrowed your choices down to two or three, talk to each handler. Find out exactly what his fees are. In addition to handling fees, there may be board on the road, board between shows, grooming fees, and road expenses gas. Must you pay in full each month or can terms be arranged Will the handler want to decide which shows to enter Will he make the entries If he goes on a circuit, must your dog be entered every day, regardless of who is judging What happens to your dog if the Continued on p. 72.POMERANIAN REVIEW fCh. LLL Dazzlin Gold MikeIisssiVN____JMikey finished December 5, 1983 with three majors. Thank you judges, Tom Conway, Paula Bradley and Harold Bishop for majors and Gilbert Kahn and Cynthia Sommers for two points each. Thanks to Janice Luginsland for this outstanding addition to our breeding program. Mikey is already a proven stud siring his darling head and tiniest ears. His first daughters will make their debut in our August specialty.Tim and Sue Goddard 19719 Rice Lake Lane Houston, TX 77084 713 492-08498 POMERANIAN REVIEWandler is tied up in another ring Will your log go in with an assistant or another landler, or will your dog be pulled If the landler carries a lot of dogs, this an be a problem. Make your wishes lear to the handler. Do you want lim to keep the dog until it is finished, egardless of how long it takes or how nuch money it costs If not, what are your imits Is the handler to keep the dog for a pecific number of shows Do you want to eep the dog with you and bring him to the landler the morning of the show Do you lan to travel to the shows and sit at ingside The handler needs to know if wee beastie is going to be distracted by Kamas presence at ringside. If you object o or expect excessive trimming, nose- hacking, or drugging of dogs, make it clear o the handler. Now is the time to discuss ixpectations fully with the handler, before iny committment is made before mis- rnderstandings and unhappiness occur. Dont hesitate to ask the handler what he ixpects of you.If you are turning the dog over to a landler and staying home, mark your crate vith your name, address, and phone lumber. I always tell the handler to call me ollect for majors or group placements, vlaybe youll want to hear from the handler nore often. Have the handler give you his tinerary.If you are travelling to the shows, emember that the handler is a busy person, rles working. Dont expect to be mtertained in his motorhome, or to engage lim in lengthy conversations.While its okay to send a toy with the log, it isnt necessary and the toy could asily get lost. The handler will provide iverything leads, food, etc. that is reeded. Most handlers prefer to feed all heir dogs the same thing, so dont request special diets or send food along.Naturally, the dog you turn over to the landler should be healthy with all shots up o date, clean, free of mats, and reasonablywell-trained.Ive gotten several premium lists which announce that there will be no observer judges at these shows, like that was something to brag about. To whom is this statement supposed to make the show more attractive Possibly professional handlers who dont want to spend a few extra seconds in the ring, but not to me Im for anything that will improve the quality of judging. The observer program is no cure-all isnt meant to be, but it can help.Spring is here and summers not far behind. With summer comes two big problems for dogs heat prostration and fleas. It takes very little heat and time for a dog to be in danger. The usual situation is a dog left in a comfortable car for just a few minutes. But the air conditioning is shut off when the car is parked, the sun shifts its position, the car absorbs radiation and heats up like a greenhouse. We humans have a superb cooling system we can sweat over our entire skin surfact and lose heat by evaporation. Dogs can only lose heat by panting and sweating through the pads of their feet, a much less efficient system. At temperatures we might find comfortable, the dog may be distressed. Make it a rule to never, ever leave a dog in a car. If you must go to matches and shows in the summer, carry along wire crates or an exercise pen, a space blanket with the reflecting side, available in sporting goods stores, a big cooler filled with ice, a portable battery-powered fan, a spray bottle of plain water, an ice pack or plastic bags. Above all, be vigilantFleas seem to get worse with each succeeding season. They have become more resistent to our efforts to battle them. For years Ive used Sevin flea powder it was both convenient and effective. But last summer, the fleas just thumbed their noses at it. Lets fact it. When the big bomb goes off and mankind is gone, the cockroaches and fleas will still be here. The best we can do is try to keep them at bay. Last summerPOMERANIAN REVIEWNumber 1 Pom for 1981 and 1982 24 Bests in Show 5 SpecialtiesCh. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudger"4I BE-STIN SHOWmWe have puppies available sired by Toasty [pictured].Males and females red, orange, sable and black and tan.Yes, he is producing perfectly marked black and tans.Watch for his black and tan daughter to be shown shortly by Susan Fisher, owned by Beverly Norris and Ed Jenner.Toastys dad, Ch. Fudge now 11 years old congratulates his kids .. .Charlotte Creeds 2 Fudge daughters at 6 months, 1 week old both major pointed.Skip Piazzas new champion, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudges Flair.Ed Jenner and my Bev-Nors New Creation puppy, pointed on the Florida circuit.Charlotte Creeds new champion, Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge Delight. Sorry we didnt congratulate you last time, Charlotte.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-13430 POMERANIAN REVIEWSaifMIDWEST REPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI 54228THE POMERANIAN STANDARD Part IIITo summarize My first two articles on he Pomeranian Standard dealt with the 'ive items of the standard, appearance, read, teeth, eyes, and ears. Anyone nterested in the above mentioned articles Mil find them in the July and October 1983 ssues of the Pomeranian Review.Neck and Shoulders The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. The Pom is not 'straight-inshoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high. Out at elbows or shoulders is a major fault.This and the following part of the standard indicates to me that a Pom is not meant to be just a lap dog to be carried from place to place. It must move. I love to watch my Poms run and chase each other around the yard. Exercise and play is part of every dogs life. How pathetic to see a Pom only able to hobbleIf it is to carry the neck proudly and high, the head must also be carried the same way. With sufficient shoulder lay-back to accomplish this, our Poms would also need equal rear angulation not mentioned in the standard and legs described later in the standard in order to achieve the smooth, free action called for.A Pom that has a very short neck as well as a lack of sufficient shoulder lay-back,could have difficulty carrying its head proudly and high. There is a shortage of Poms in the ring today with their head carried in this manner.Body The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.Legs The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault. Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hindlegs or stifles is a major fault.One may ask, How short is short Compared to What How wide is not too wide. What is fairly deep for the brisketMany breed standards give a comparison of height to length to indicate those proportions. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi standard says, The distance from the withers to base of tail should be approximately 40 greater than the distance from the withers to the ground. In addition, weight and height variations are also given. This is, of course, describing a dog moderately long and low.The Chihuahua standard states, back slightly longer than height.Maltese standard says, Compact, the height from withers to the ground equaling the length from withers to the root of the tail.The Miniature Pinscher standard says, From side depth of brisket, the base line of which is level with the points of the elbows.If a Pom is as high from withers to floor as it is long from withers to root of tail, you would have a cobby dog. As the proportions described above, a Pom eight inches long and seven inches high, would not be as cobby as a Pom nine inches longPOMERANIAN REVIEWm toxBrandiCassiKit .Vt-Special RemiWed like you to see some of the puppies produced by our two boys, SPI and REV.They say, A picture is worth a thousand wordsOur special thanks to Lennis Davis for sharing her bloodline with us. All the above puppies are great grandsons and great granddaughters of Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms.Some promising puppies are currently available more planned for late spring arrival. Wishing success to all at Spring and Summer showsClaudia M. Lis and Edward J. Braczyk 12 Cliffside Rd.Lowell, MA01852 617 454-16252 POMERANIAN REVIEWnd nine inches high. In other words, you ont judge a dog on how short its back is, ut on the proportion of height to length as escribed above. Even though the dog igher on leg has a longer back, the roportions are more desirable according o the standard because it would be more obby. It is possible to have a Pom short on g, less cobby than one high on leg. I hope e breeders do not create a Pom short on g and so cobby that we have to artificially iseminate all of our Poms in order to onceive. I am afraid we will lose a good roving Pom is we breed short, dumpy nes. We dont want a Peke look or Peke novement on our Poms.The paragraph on legs is self-explana- ory. The Pom has a cat paw. Keeping toe tails short will help keep a good foot. Long oe nails will lead to splayed feet and surely ill prevent the Pom from standing well up in toes.Poms new to the show ring or lacking onfidence in strange places may seem to be ow-hocked. When confidence is gained, he Pom will not crouch, but stand well up .nd the cow-hocks may disappear. If they lont he really is cow-hocked.If there is a breeder that claims to never lave had a stifle patella problem, I would ery seriously question it. Many breeders lo not even know how to detect it until the log is limping. Seminars and articles are leeded on the subject. Medial Patella mxation is graded I, II, III, IV with urgery recommended for all except Grade . It is one of our haunting genetic iroblems. Of course, a limping dog will be xcused from the ring. Lack of sound lindlegs or stifles is listed as a major fault, fhat is only the beginning. Now, someone Educate us Over and over againMy final article on the Pomeranian Standard will include actual Pom photos to llustrate various things that have been vritten in my articles. Any breeder willing o send pictures of Poms to illustrate both ood and bad things in a Pom, pleasecontact me. The names of Poms and breeders of these Poms will not be mentioned, but permission to use them, as I see fit, must be given. My intent is not to promote or demote anyone. My intent is to objectively show examples of both good and bad points in the breed, as I interpret them according to the standard.Helpful Hints, cont. from p. 66.I had to declare all-out war on them. First, I bombed the house. I used a regular insecticide bomb and a flea bomb in two areas of the house a total of four cans. Look for a flea bomb that kills eggs. Then I dipped the dogs. I used a dip that contains mercaptomethyl phthalemide and dimethyl phosphorodithioate Zodiac Pro Dip II or Vet Kem Paramite. First, I put a mild ointment in the dogs eyes bathed in the house, then carried the wet dog outside to dip him. The fumes are a bit strong. I stood the dog in a plastic dish pan and poured the dip over him with a glass measuring cup. The dip is left on the coat. While the dogs were in the house in cages to dry, I sprayed the entire back yard with malathion. Then I put all my clothes in the washer and took a shower. A week later, I dipped again. Two weeks later, I repeated the entire bomb, dip, spray procedure. After that, dipping at 2 week intervals kept things under control. I was delighted to discover that the dipping did not soften the coat at all.I decided to put off the discussion, partly because some of the above seemed more urgent, partly because the January Review was late in coming and to give you more time to write. Please let me hear from you.POMERANIAN REVIEW JMoe-Best Pomeranians' . JpNiMoe-Best Make My DayFantasyCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order x Moe-Best Constant Attention - both majorsA father-daughter breeding.NOT FOR SALEmV .".v V iTern MoebuisCh. Edneys Moe-Best Special OrderMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina PreshusCh. Great Elms Timstoppers ImagePost Script Aft R Noon Delight [ptd]Edneys Miss PattycakeSun Fox Day Dreamin of Moe-BestThanks to Claudia Lis for this latest addition. She is sired by Ch. Sun Fox I Love Lennis x Riki Teqi Tar of Lennis. Cassi is a double Tar Baby grand-daughter.Congratulations to all the winners at the specialty and the garden, especially our good friend Delores for Best in Sweepstakes with Watts Little Kikko- man.7523 Bayfront Rd. Baltimore, MD 21219 477-3824 or 285-54774POMERANIAN REVIEWCreider PomeraniansVimtimvCh. Creider's Smoke N' FlameSmoke, our latest champion, is a double grandson of Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat.Ch. Creider's Gold Venture IILovely show prospects for sale sired by Ch. Creiders Gold Venture II. Also, 4Vi dark orange sable year old male for sale sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too. Proven and aggressive. No shipping.T---- ----- "IiMrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674Tulsa, OK 74107 918-446-683940POMERANIAN REVIEW iATO'S POMERANIANSproudly presentsS3wATO's Lucky Little LucyLucy is a four pound super sound bitch who has 9 points to date, even though showing was limited. She won BOB and took Group 3 in her very first show Belated thanks to judge Del Glodowski, who saw her potential as an 8 month old puppy, and to breeders Chris and Frank Davis of Bar-Dee Kennel.Ch. Sandtown's Oklahoma GoldMany, many thanks to Lois and Bill Abjomson of Sandtown Pomeranians for letting Bo come to live in our Arkansas kennel. He is shown here February 5, 1984 in St. Joseph, MO going BOB while Lucy took BOB under respected judge Mrs. Dorothy Welsh. Hopefully, these two will have a litter soonTilELAnne and Steve Oyler Rt. 6, Box 540 Rogers, AR 727566POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 19X01 67th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290As we were gathering our things together to head south for the Columbia Pomeranian Clubs Winter Specialty, a phone call let us know that company was coming. Tom and Jessie Stephens were bringing Carolyn and Julie Edmiston taking a short-cut from Napa, CA to visit on their way to Portland. We had a delightful time sharing stories of Poms and Pom people. Id like to share one with you.Jim Moran was judging at a show in California. A young exhibitor, obviously new at showing came into the ring with his entry on the end of a heavy leather lead and collar. Judge Moran took the time to show the inexperienced handler the correct way to present his dog. A third place was fairly awarded. After the judging was completed, Judge Moran gave the boy another encouraging word and gave him the money to invest in a proper show lead. What a fine way to help a newcomer to the show ring Jim Moran is presently Vice-President of the Portland Kennel Club. He will be judging a B match for the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club on February 18 in Seattle. Results to be printed in the next Review.Who and what is a breeder Many various opinions have been offered. Someone who cares more for the welfare of the dog than for show wins. The person who helps a bitch through her labor and who helps take care of the puppies. The person whose name is on the registration at the time of mating and delivery. He may do all of this and still not be a breeder in the true meaning of the word. A breeder is theone who does the planning who researches the background of the dogs he is planning to mate and carefully examines as many potential ancestors as he can before the actual mating takes place. The true breeder does care about the betterment of the breed. Congratulations to Sally and Vance McGilbry for their long time devotion to our breed and the art of showing dogs. I have enjoyed knowing you.I also wish to thank Edna Girardot for her inspiration. The Northwest News and Views column in the January Review was inspired by her comments. However, this fine lady has inspired me in many other ways as well. She is always thoughtful of others, courteous in the ring and fair in her dealings. I am proud to know you.No one has officially notified me of any recent show wins, but I heard that Linda Gallacher is showing a promising daughter of Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, with back to back wins in Oregon last month. Jim Morans Ch. Tomhos Georgia Heatwave was Best of Breed at Puyallup last month Harbins Sweet Summer Storm has done some winning including Winners Bitch at Puyallup. Donna Roadhouse was down from Vancouver B.C. to win Winners Dog and Best of Winners. Wish I had more details until next time, good luck.MOVINGThe Post Office does not forward third class mail, so it does no good to record your new address with them as far as your Review is concerned unless you have paid for 1st class mailing or you pay for your third class mail to be forwarded at the time you place your address change with the Post Office. When the Post Office returns your book to the Circulation Manager, you will have to pay this return postage .71 to 1.25 approximately, plus return postage to you. Therefore, let the Circulation Manager have your new address at least six weeks in advance of your intended move.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1faso r. 1. o- i'Ar1'^Jestom's Tim's ImageJestoms Red Robin x Ch. Tiffanys Star of IndiaCharlie is pictured with his ownerhandler at Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty. Judge, Mrs. James E. Clark.Other wins includeBest of Breed over specials, Mensona K.C. Best of Winners, YosemiteK.C.Best of Winners, San Mateo K.C.Reserve Winners, N.C.P.C. SpecialtyWilma M. Hubner Julie Moreno Dorothy E. Carson Edd BivinThak you J. Robert Jacobsen for a super job of handling Charlie for us.A very special thank you to Tom and Jessie Stephens for allowing us to have this elegant Pom and for all the help and encouragement they have given us.Carolyn and Julie Edmisten 3835 Linda Vista Ave.Napa, CA 945588 POMERANIAN REVIEWGreat Elms Kennels, Reg.Topper is now owned by Elaine Barbour of Charlotte, NC 6 miles from me. I still have breeding priviledges to him. He will also be offered at stud to breeders who wish to breed to him. I will still handle all stud services under my usual terms. Matrons will be shipped or brought to me. The stud fee will be the same.Elaine Barbour is one of the finest, most kind and giving ladies I have ever known. She will keep Topper in much better condition than it would be possible for me to keep him. Ch. Great Elms Models TimstopperStud Fee 100.00I do not ship other than receiving and returning matrons shipped in for breeding.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville,NC 28134 704 889-92330721After 50 years of breeding, I am offering my Poms as a unit to a good home because of my age. I have excellent bloodlines 6 females, champion sired stud, showable stud. I will consider reasonable offers.Also, pens, stud books and Gazettes.No Shipping.Dees Poms 3915 W. State Rt. 571 Troy, Ohio 45373EQJCOCCPOMERANIAN REVIEWr.CH. JANESAS WHATTA GAMBLERcongratulates his daughter .. .on her Best in Match win January 15, 1984 Alexandria Kennel Club Alexandria, LA.J1V4rit7'k kJanesas RouletteCh. Janesa s Whatta Gambler x Janesa s Strait LaceJerrie and Vanessa Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-746610 POMERANIAN REVIEWBook Reviewby Lynn FellerDog Breeding for Professionals, by Dr. Herbert Richards. T.F.H. Publications. Inc. 1978 Neptune City, New Jersey. 220 pages, color, blackwhite illustrations. Available from CherryBrook 5.25 plus postage and handling.I purchased Dog Breeding for Professionals when it was first published in 1978. I have read it at least a dozen times since then and it is the one book I recommend to novice breeders when they plan their first litter. It is not a book about dog genetics, and unlike the Hart book or the Whitney book it does not devote much space to genetic plans for structurally or cosmetically superior dogs.The book is about dog breeding and everything which goes with it. It is a clearly written, factually correct, practical and extremely concise guide to the anatomy, physiology, paternity, maternity, birth and early growth of the dog. It is an instruction manuel for the breeder, jammed packed with information. Its unique design makes it possibly the best educational how-to book I have seen on dog breeding.When I buy how-to books I always get into trouble. I follow the instructions down to the last letter and the end result is a great howling massive disaster. When I bought a very famous book on dog handling and tried to follow the instructions and photographic illustrations I had the misfortune to be teamed with a dog who hadnt read the book. Id set his front, hed cross his paws Id take his chin, hed sit down Id set his hock, hed roll over. It was truly uplifting. A wonderful experience. It seems that the people who write these books always assume that the reader is going to be able to follow their directions . . but that isnt necessarily true.The Richards book does not make that assumption. The author actually understands that only the truly uninitiated would believe that things turn out the way theyre supposed to. The book follows a pattern of1. Presenting the ideal situation.2. Explaining what to do when that ideal doesnt come about.3. Explaining what to do when things get even worse.I consider this book my little hedge against hysteria.The writing style is pleasant, almost friendly, but Spartan. Wherever possible the author will use outlines. When he discusses a topic, his coverage is exceptionally well detailed. Questions are anticipated and answered. Areas often neglected are given attention. There is no time wasted on flowery prose or amusing anecdotes. You need information and he gives it to you.Its difficult to choose a topic to use as an example, because he deals so well with all the major topics he presents. When the stud dog is discussed, after presenting all the basic anatomy and a specific description of the physiology of breeding, Richards discusses the importance of training a stud to be handled during a breeding. He then goes on to the topic of the experienced vs. the inexperienced dog, the over-aggressor and the faint-hearted. He takes on the topic of the responsibility of the stud owner to see that the bitch is cared for and protected. He goes into the problem of the travelling bitch, right down to how the crate should be labelled to prevent shipping difficulties.In the section on the actual mating procedure, he deals with more than the dogs. He describes the equipment the handlers should use including mounting blocks, gloves, muzzles if necessary, lubricants and provides instructions for breedings which require two and three handlers. There are instructions on how toPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomirish KennelsPomeranians Norwich Terriers Irish SetterPomirish Prufs Jumping Jack9 pts., 2 majorsCh. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf x Pomirish Hallelujahs Glory Whelped 12083For sale to a show home.Congratulations to the A.P.C. Specialty and Westminster winners.VfWINNERSG0LDC0AST KENNEL CLUBft\ PHOTO BYK. BOOTHto fPomirishSandtowns Raisin13 pts., 2 majors ,A beautiful black female from Lois Abjornson. Thanks, LoisBeautiful pups available sired the last quarter of 83 by Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd Pruf, Specialty winner and multi-group winner and his brother, Ch. Pomirish Lil Guys Dbl. Pruf, out of Creider, Jolly Wee and Pomirish bitches.PhotographyDick and Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI54228 414-755-2994 12 POMERANIAN REVIEWurn a dog after the tie, and how to ompensate for size differences.All instructions are accompanied by xplicit photographic illustrations, and the rook cover does contain a warning that dates some readers may find the llustrations objectionable.There is an after-the-tie section where rroblems are detailed outside ties, multiple inceptions, extraneous factors climatic changes or light changes which can nterrupt the season, age problems, illness.The puppy section Before, During and After is the most complete coverage of the opic I have read. The pre-natal section rovers bitchs diet, exercise, living accommodations, medical problems. The actual whelping includes instructions on the building of the box, the whelping itself and he aftermath. Dr. Richards includes a list which specifies the sequence of whelping events. The list consists of twenty four events, beginning with the temperature drop, and it is an excellent guideline for anyone whelping a litter.The section on the ideal whelping is followed by a section on helping the bitch with problems. The author provides instructions for helping to deliver extra large pups, or pups with respiratory problems. He presents a list of seven danger signs which the owner should take as reasons to call the vet.The chapter on common problems is followed by another chapter on other problems, aptly entitled, Whats Wrong Again This chapter covers still more troubles including difficult presentations, fetal retention, inertia, placental retention and hernia. Here he provides a list of eight methods of reviving pups who are depressed. The list goes from the through-the-legs arc to water immersion. The list is accompanied by instructions on mouth-to-mouth aspiration and mouth- to-mouth resuscitation.It is difficult to describe the scope of the book without going through and summarizing each chapter. Unfortunately, that is beyond the reach of this article. The post-birth chapters give an account of early physical maturation and infant behavior. There is an entire section devoted to the raising of orphan pups. The chapters on genetics provide a good clear explanation of the basic principles.This is a very good book for both the amateur and the professional, and would make a creditable addition to any dog breeders library.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum, 26520 28th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.REMINDERAll members of the APC desiring a certificate from the Club for Champions and Obedience Titles published in the Gazette during 1982 which were owned by you, please submit your name as owner, dogs name and month published in the Gazette to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Highway B, Mishicot, WI 54228.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8,Twin Pines Pomeraniansr1Twin Pines Sugar BearSugar Bear is pictured at 5 months, ready to start on the circuit.Ch. Twin Pines Bruni Bear finished at Myrtle Beach under Mr. Cavallaro. Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Twin Pines Diamond Chips is now on circuit with Jean Lade.Congratulations to Fran Warren on finishing King Midas of Twin Pines.Twin Pines Pomeranians In The Heart of Pom Country Lt. Col. John Crihbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-364384 POMERANIAN REVIEWfPatty's Pomeraniansnrr4Ch. Camelots Bashful Dude4, light orange sable Born 11079May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Rebel of EdneyMay Morning Social Lion Edneys Sweet DixieEdneys Pride of Tomstopper May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Song of CamelotMay Morning Little Red Rascal Thelduns Bills Lil Paty Cake Meyers Princess Pat IILitter due February 15. Linebred Great Elms. Both parents are blacktan. Sire Moe-Best Tan-Talizer Vt G.E., V Showstopper x Lennis Little Sassy Tar Baby gr. dau.. FOR SALE Small red sable female, show prospect.Patty Jensen6520 Game Farm Rd. E.Mound, MN 55364 612472-5950The Columbia Pomeranian Club, Inc.Invites you to the beautiful northwest for their Summer Specialty and Sweepstakes.JULY 13,1984JUDGESpending AKC approvalMr. F. W. Braun, Hillsboro, Oregon Sweepstakes Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein Regular ClassesA Potluck will follow the show.For more information, please contactMrs. Averil Asbeck Show Secretary 3746 S.E. Caruthers Portland, OR 97214 503 232-9716POMERANIAN REVIEW 8EIntroducing Dal-Leas new champion...Ch. Dal-Leas TrinketHouston Pomeranian Specialty, 5 pt. major under judge Kenneth E. Miller Aug. 11, 1983.Trinket finished her championship in six weeks 3 majors at the Fort Worth K.C. in Dallas on Sept. 18, 1983. She was expertly handled by Mildred G. Patrick.5SeA'. orr .5 .IV3Texas Kennel Club, on Sept. 16, 1983 under judge Mrs. James E. Clark.I wish to thank the following judges for seeing my little girls merit Mr. Ken Miller, Mrs. James Clark, Mr. Emil Klinckhardt, Mrs. Frances Thornton, Mrs. Merle Smith.Also, to Mr. A.C. Williamson who gave her BOB at Tyler K.C. Fun Match at Tyler, TX.Owner-Breeder Mrs. Gertrude A. Howell 2531 Big Horn Lane Richardson, Texas 75080 214-235-165486 POMERANIAN REVIEWV v. ' VwREBELREPORTby Jane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803As I write this, I realize that many of you are now heading for the big one in New York. From all reports, the weather will be better than last year.A local Maltese breeder had an interesting experience. She took one of her bitches in for a section and got two males. However, both of them had their intestines on the outside. The vet told her they would be sure to die that way and asked if she wanted him to attempt surgery to repair the disorder. He said he had successfully done it once on a larger breed puppy. She agreed and both puppies thrived never any problem at all. He warned her there was danger of infection for several days and put them on antibiotics. Of course, if this were to happen in a normal whelping at home, the time lapse may be too great by the time this could be done.Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion has added a couple more Group 2s to his record while Millamors Mood Music is getting close to his championship. He went Winners Dog in the Lakeland show on January 10 for a 3 point major. Ch. Pratts Gold Ray of Sunshine, owned by Linda Pratt and Tony Gay took the Breed at that show.Ch. Coys Top of the Mark, owned by Mrs. Ashlyn Cannon of Charlotte, NC finished his championship in the first of four Arkansas shows on December 2, going on to capture two Group ls and a Group 4 in the following three shows on that circuit. Topper was the number one winner on the Florida circuit 3 breeds and and Group 1 and Group 2. Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael made a nice showing on this circuit 3 breed wins. The entries were unusually large this year around 30 in each show with the Specials classes running from about 6 to 10 in each show.We knew one of our bitches was due to whelp between December 23 and 28. Normally we move one in about a week beforehand, but with Christmas and company coming we hadnt gotten it done. She was checked at bedtime on the 21st and all was well. She had eaten all her food and took her bedtime treat and all seemed perfectly normal. Of course, she was in a wall pen by herself. Imagine my surprise the next morning when I discovered two puppies crawling around in the pen They were cleaned up and dry so I figure they had been there for several hours. She had free whelped one litter before with us standing over her. This is sure the way to go wonder if more of them might do that if they werent so carefully watched.Would still love to get some mailThe deadlines never change...They are February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15.Please make a note of them and plan your ads so that they will arrive on time.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8'Fanjet Kennelsl \ NKAriHWINNERSCh. My Ways Stormy Nights DreamPictured here with judge Dr. Edward McGough and handler Helen Melucci, Stormy finished with 3 majors. Many thanks to Mrs. Betty R. Dullinger, Mr. Roy L. Ayers, Sr., and Dr. Edward McGough who appreciated Stormys fine qualities. Also, many thanks to Helen Melucci for her excellent handling.Owners HandlerAgentArlene Steinmetz and Cora Lawton Helen Melucci6 Monroe St. Millard RoadKeyport, NJ 07735 N. Attleboro, MA 02760POMERANIAN REVIEWJ8YIPS AND YAPSLt. Col. Gliff Gaudet [Ret.] Lafayette, LADislike being critical of a publication Pomeranian Review that I enjoy above any other, but . . . why not have color photographs throughout or optional as in the Anniversary Issue. Maybe this is presently available and the fancy is unaware. Imagine a Review filled with colorful little Poms truly a keepsake.Type and soundness are primary prerequisites for quality Poms, closely followed by quantity, quality and color of coat. The Review currently shows all but color.I recently ran an ad in the Review depicting my Oaklawns Diamond Gem sent in an 8 x 10 color show photo earning a 3 pt. major under judge Darrell Baker. This dogs actual color could best be described as a brilliant copper sable. In the ad hes a mudball. . Bakers beard came out well.Ive discussed this need with several Pom Review subscribers, many of whom advertise. All of them indicated that theyd be happy to pay whatever differential between cost of black and white and color reproduction. When you consider the total financial investment in a Pom worthy of recognition in the Review, color cost is a pittance.Why not come up with cost comparisons and price ad estimations possible price increase of the Review theyd be worth much more. Have the Board of Directors massage the idea poll subscribers for concensus.Lets do something to depict our little Poms in all of their glory. Theyre certainly worth it.Editors Note Color reproduction is currently available for anyone who wants it. If you provide 4-color separations, the cost is 300 separations will add another 100 to the cost approximately. For further information, contact the editor for complete details at 602721-7620.P.S. Id LOVE to see Poms in color Lets do itFrom The EditorIt is a real pleasure to work on the Pom Review for the breeders and exhibitors of this lovely breed. You have shown how much you appreciate an attractive, well produced magazine by your continuing support. I truly hope that more and more people will want to advertise.However, advertising alone is not enough. A breed magazine is not complete without articles about the breed written by breeders. The Pom Review is fortunate to have regular contributing writers like Margaret McKee, Sally Baugniet, Erin Hundley and others, but it really needs more. Writing is not an easy task, but its a very important one. If you have something to say but dont feel you write well enough to make your point, do the best you can and Ill help you in the areas that are weak.There are a great many subjects on which you can write, in case you dont know where to start. I have listed a few, but Im sure you can come up with more.Step by step instructions are valuable to everyone, particularly the novice who is trying to learn everything at once. Remember when a martingale lead looked like a Chinese puzzle How about details on the correct way to brush a Pom, table train a puppy or worse, an adult, showPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8SACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2This is the time of year that we really know we live in Canada. As the snows blow outside we can only look ahead to warmer days and of course the 1984 show season.Most of the breeders in the area have puppies to bring out in the Spring and that makes winter seem that much longer. We recently saw Frankie and Michele McDonalds gorgeous male Mark. He is sired by last years APC winner, Can. Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip ex their Can. Am. Ch. Star Child at Hobbit. You can bet this guy has a future ahead of himLooking back over last years winning results are in for shows up to September of 83 and in number 1 is Matt Heindls Ch.Bavanews Master Skylark, second is Ch. Chriscendo Carlotta, owned by myself and Eleanor Miller. Third is Luxtons Forever Misty Mickey, owned by Leslie Rogers. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, owned by Natalie Dunfee is fourth and Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion is fifth Its been a great year for Poms and there has been some very impressive winning done by all of these dogs. The race is still on and anyone could still end up in the number one spot.We just received in the mail today, the first Canadian Pomeranian Stud Book. It was almost a solo effort of one of our most energetic members, who is also assistant editor of the Canadian Newsletter, Jan Barrett. Its a lovely job and really nice to see all the stud dogs and their pedigrees in one book. 1 believe copies are still available from Jan. She can be contacted at RR 2, Thorsby, Alberta, Canada TOC 2PO.Next issue I hope I will have the Top Pom in Canada results for the year as wellas the news of our first spring shows. Till then . . .Yips and Yaps, continued.trim or just a foot, build a whelping box or a whole kennel.Discussions of breed problems are always welcome. How did you overcome shyness in your breeding program What kind of breeding was done to help improve stifles What needs to be done to improve bites How do you develop a showy attitude without creating a hyper dog How have outcrosses helpedhindered the breedYour opinion on dog problems andor dog shows is of interest also. Do you like Group and Best in Show competition or should the show end after Best of Breed What do you think should be done about puppy mills and how do we explain to the uninitiated that all breeders arent bad Is there too little emphasis on obedience among Toy breedersIf your opinion is really just a comment, dont hesitate to write it to Yips and Yaps. This section is set aside for your letters and it gives everyone a chance to be heard and have his thoughts answered by others. Not everything we have to say is worthy of a whole article.So put on your thinking cap and write. Its fun to see your name in print and who knows, you might make it a habit Please take this as an invitation and dont wait to be asked. The breed needs you.KENNEL VISITThe July issue will feature the kennel of Lennis Raines Davis. We are sure that the many admirers of Lennis Poms across the country will want to support the visit with congratulatory ads.90 POMERANIAN REVIEWwIt's calendar time . . .Chisago Publishing is pleased to invite readers of the Pom Review to submit exciting, beautiful color photos for consideration in the 1985 calendar. Pictures should be clean, sharp and well-composed, with lots of visual appeal. 8x10 is the preferable size for prints-glossy finish only, no silk or matt finish prints. All photos selected will be credited with the name of the dog, if desired, owner and photographer. All photos will be returned by November. The calendar will have an overall size of IF2 x I8V2 with plenty of room for information around the dates. A different colored picture will be featured each month. For each picture selected, owners will receive a free calendar. The publishing date will be in November and they will be available for purchase at that time.Mail entries toCHISAGO PUBLISHING11015 250th Street Chisago City, Minnesota 55013P.S. SEASONAL SUBJECTS WINTER SNOW, AUTUMN COLOR, ETC. ESPECIALLY WELCOME.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9Ch. Sungold's Diamond Studk' 4'L4V Studs had a big year in 1983. He began his show career at 6 months of age finished his championship and began his specials career. To date he has accumulated 22 Bests of Breed, 3 Group Firsts, 5 Group Seconds, 2 Group Thirds and 7 Group Fourths.He also contributed to his sire being second Top Sire for 1983 with 4 champion get for the year. His littermates, Ch. Sungolds Gay Caballero and Ch. Sungolds Gold Ante contributed two more on that champion total making the breeding of Sungolds Peggy to Ch. Millbrooks El Gran Caballero a very, very successful one.Studs will be 2 years old June 1,1984, so watch for this lovely four pound male as he continues his winning ways.Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619-463-270032 POMERANIAN REVIEWEmcee's Pomeraniansi''Ai4 r, '1 .. if K.'ALAMANCE KITOJVARIETY GROUPf LMAm. Can. Ch. Emcee's Golden ChipMaynard and J.V. The Perfect Combination.In the short time J.V. has been shown as a special, he has won 2 Groups and many group placements.Watch for Emcees Golden Jaymy, a J.V. daughter, in the spring shows.J.V. is not at public stud.Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr.Richmond, VA 23233 804-740-7977POMERANIAN REVIEW 9Emcee's Pomeraniansu\VBEST OF WINNERS SJAMESRIVER KENNEL' CLUB9831faSH to lens PHOTO LEA rt SHERRTCh. Emcee's Chiquita de OroCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Emcees Adorable Bit of GoldShown receiving her championship win. Not only a Group 1 winner, but also a free whelper, Chiqui is handled expertly by our friend, Maynard Wood.Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804-740-7977 J94 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX TO ADVERTISERSAbjornson, Lois Bill Sandtown................11Baugniet, Sally Dick Pomirish.............FC,81Beam, Ruth Great Elms................................78Braczyk, Edward Sunfox..............................71Bugbee, Ruth.....................................................7Cannon, Ann Annons........................26,30-33Cannon, Ashlyn......................................... 20,21Carson, Morris Betty Emcees.........37,92,93Clark-Bryant, Diane Bry-Tur....................... 11Creed, Charlotte Southland..................... 50,51Creider, Norma Creider.................................74Cribbs, John Twin Pines...............................83Dees Poms .................................................... 78Doane, Marcia CKA....................................35Edmisten, Carolyn Julie.............................. 77Freia, JerrieVanessaJanesa..........................79Fritz, Joyce Bob.......................................... 29Girardot, Edna Scotia....................................95Goddard, Sue Tim TimSue.......................67Goodrich, Robert Model...............................47Hayden, Anne Bob..................................... 61Heartz, Chris John Chriscendo.. Back CoverHendricks, Byron Khani.............................IFCHodson, Gwen Pompuf.................................53Howell, Michael Baudier, Reg..................... 56Jacoby, Gertrude Camelot........................48,49Jensen, Patty Pattys......................................84Kerfoot, Max...................................................56Klein, Ron Jackie Silver Meadows..........25LaFortune, Anna Sungold ........................... 91Lawton, Cora Fanjet..................................... 87Lehtinen, Jane.................................................19Lis, Claudia Suf fox......................................71Marion, Sheila Shamrock.............................41McDonald, Michelle Hobbit.........................39McKamey, Mrs. Norris Sundawn.................64Miller, Ken Eleanor Millamor..................65Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best..............................73Norris, Bev Bill Bev-Nor..........................69Oyler, Ann Steve ATO.............................75Pfeffer, Claudia Precious Petites..................63Presser, Marlene Marlin apolloette.......... 43Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar ...........................45Stanger, Delores CKA.................................35Steinmetz, Arlene Fanjet...............................87Vickers, Mary..................................................27Ward, Diane ...................................................28Watts, Delores Watts...................................17Webster, Charlotte Storyland........................55Welshinger, Ann Gene Anadors...............57Whitaker, Fred Pat......................................19Young, Jessie Barbara Jabil......................18CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour inquiries answered within 24 hours16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 Foreign U.S. funds only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Review arrives in 3-5 days. Change to First Class at time of renewal.All Members subscriptions begin with the April issue each year.BACK ISSUES1970 1976 2.00 1977 1979 3.00 1980 1982 3.50 1983 1984 4.00The following water stained Reviews are 1.00 each on a first come, first served basis. Only these few issues are leftJuly 74 3 copies July 77 22 copies July 80 4 copiesThe expiration date of your subscription is shown on the mailing label of your Review. If your subscription expires with this issue, send a check to the Circulation manager immediately. You dont want to miss a single issuePOMERANIAN REVIEW 95tMMpest 1SHOWVCh. Swngolds Gay CavillerMemphis, TN Show, 1961. Judge, Haskill Schuffman Handler, Clara Alford.Cavilier produced 66 American and 6 Foreign champions.Since the pictures of 2 males I finished in January on the Florida circuit have not arrived, I thought it might be interesting to many newcomers, to have a picture of the greatest producing male Pom. I still have a living, producing son and in fact, is sire of one of the males I finished in January. I have several grand children and am able to keep my line going.Was in New York for the Pom Specialty and Westminster. At the APC banquet, it was announced by Sam Zaneoff that the show next year will be held in my honor. I was in total shock and could say little at that time, but I do want to thank the APC and especially Sam for this honor. How nice to know this and to have the opportunity to enjoy being honored. Usually it is in memory of someone. In the meantime Ill be breeding and doing my thing and looking forward to seeing all of you next year, God willing.Edna E. Girardot P.O.Box 646 Floral City, FL 32636 [904] 726-2001Breeder and exhibitor of over 50 champions in 24 years.V_______________________________ ______________________JOne of Canada's Leading Pomeranians in 1983N-rr9st inMOW1 A \ b 41 4 X.'1Sr" .irsz city.- ^ - '-' Vod. ELOd 4-ACan. Ch. Chriscendo CarlottaPromising young male availableOne and a half years old, by Can. Am. Ch. Emcees Sparkling Chip x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine. Phone inquiries preferred.hrgcendoChris and John Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-7427