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The Pomeranian Review July 1984

American Pomeranian Club, IncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY 198'\4a et.a. S' Southland's Toast to Bev-NorPOMERANIAN REVIEWSIREBEST OF BREED'or VARIETYBIRMINGHAM AENNEL CLUB Pl 1962PWTO BCH. GREAT ELMS SNOOTY HOOTYDAMGREAT ELMS TIGER LILYCH. LENNISS RADIO ACTION double Tar Baby grandaughterSnootys first daughter to reach the shows has been an immediate hit 8 pts. by 10 months of age Congratulations to owner-breeder Harry Pennington of Atlanta, GA.KHANI KENNELS is excitedWe have just purchased Ch. Lennis Radio Action from Harry and she has been bred to Ruth Beams Ch. Models Timstopper Echo before being shipped to California. With some good luck we should have exceptional puppies coming soon.New Owners ofKham Poms Snooty Hooty children toThesesa Adams, New Orleans, LA Mark and Leslie Dalheimer, Calif. April Rivera, Calif.Parti Poms toEvelyn Guitar, Abilene, TX 4 Lou Ann Brown, Everett, WA 2 Doug Kelley, Calif.Vem Burns, Calif. 2Chocolates toBill and Linda Postma, Vernal, UT A.C. Lingad, Calif.Byron Hendricks P.O. Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006 213-444-5131KHANI PARTI PANDEMONIUMOwned by Merilee Stutzman,Las Vegas, NVPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran flamprantan Club, 3nr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident..............................................................................................Mrs. Marlene Scott HalseyFirst Vice President............................................................................................Mr. Sam ZaneoffSecond Vice President....................................................................................Mrs. Sue GoddardRecording Secretary........................................................................................Mrs. Karen HolderCorresponding Secretary ..........................................................................Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum36520 28th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003 Treasurer....................................................................................................Mr. A. C. WilliamsonMr. Fred Bassett Mrs. Randy Freeh Mrs. Olga Baker Delegate to AKC...................BOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Dan Mercer Miss Molly Miller Mrs. Beverly Norris .....................Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager.........Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager.................................Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo and Cover Story..........90.00Inside Front Cover..............................45.00Center Spread, 2 pages.......................90.00Full page.............................................40.00Three-quarters page............................35.00One-half page.....................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only.........15.00Charge for photo reproduction.............7.00Photos no longer on file. Photos must accompany ad copy.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all pictures. Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.DEADLINESNovember 15 January IssueFebruary 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTABLE OF CONTENTSPresidents Message..................................5Secretarys Report.....................................9From The Editor........................................9DallasFt. Worth Pom Club.....................10A Visit With Lennis Davis......................18Helpful Hints by Margaret McKee.........22How to Use a Pedigree............................42by Tom HornerOregon Webfoot Report..........................54Behind the New Champions................... 56Pom Club of Hawaii................................60Canine Eye Registration Foundation.... 66Judges Critique...................................... 68Rebel Report by Jane Johnston...............70Pom Club of Greater Baltimore..............70Midwest Report by Sally Baugniet.........72Puget Sound Pom Club........................... 74Breeding for Improvement......................78by Phyllis AndrewsPacific North West News and Views .... 80 Vaccination Breaks and Parvo Disease .. 82 by Dr. Stephen Ayres DVMI Remember When..................................84Across Canada by Chris Heartz..............86Northern California Pom Club................88Optic Neuritis by Patty Jensen................92Yips and Yaps.........................................93Classified Ads......................................... 94Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O.Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751 If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620COVER STORYWhen I first saw a BEV-NOR Pom, I knew I had to have one. I contacted Beverly Norris and she promptly responded. Thus began my serious career of showing Poms. We instantly established a trusting friendship that has grown to include the whole family.Bev entrusted me with Pookie, Bev-Nors Fudge Delight, a repeat breeding of the great Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, now retired with 24 Bests in Show. Pookie finished her championship in style and has become a proper mother, producing like her dam, the superb Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy. Since the purchase of Pookie, Southland has purchased other Poms from Bev-Nor and has exclusively taken all the females back to Maryland to be bred to either Toasty or his sire Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge. My goal, working together with Bev, is to continue in the Bev-Nor tradition and to stereotype and kind of Pom she has produced.Bev was unsure of my idea to breed Pookie back to her sire and then to her brother, but it was successful. After researching genetics extensively and knowing than an outcross produced Toasty and Pookie, I believed the risk was worth taking. Because there was no inbreeding to any degree in either pedigree and both were free of any major faults, chances of success were great. It was successful and Southland Poms was off and running.SOUTHLAND POMS Charlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEW 5PRESIDENTSMESSAGEMarlene Scott Halsey Rt. 1, Box 261 Blue Ridge, VA 24064I feel the Presidents column should be about current events in our club however, since the Pom Review is only quarterly it is difficult to be current. By the time you read this issue, the current events may be history. Therefore I hope you will forgive me if I write about things you already know or are tired of hearing.The next big event for the American Pomeranian Club will be the Summer Specialty in Philadelphia, Friday November 16th. Your parent club will be host for the Specialty. Derek G. Rayne will be judging the regular classes. Yours truly will be judging the Sweepstakes. 1 am honored, excited and looking forward to the Specialty and the American Kennel Clubs Centennial show. The AKC all-breed show will be November 17th and 18th. The Philadelphia all breed show will be Monday November 19th. All of the shows will be held in the Philadelphia Civic Center. The Pom judge for the AKC show will be Darrell W. Baker, an APC club member and a former president of the American Pomeranian Club. The toy group will be judged by Melbourne T. Downing, a well known all breed judge.If you do not have reservations for this event, it may already be too late to get a room. We are told there will be ten thousand dogs entered in this show. You may consider getting a room just outside of Philadelphia. Perhaps you have a relative or friend there with whom you could stay. Plan now, as this AKC show is a once in a lifetime event. It will be the Grand Dog Show of this century. You may obtain information about the AKC show bywriting the American Kennel Club, Show Operations, 51 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10010. You may get information about the American Pomeranian Club Specialty by writing to Fred Bassett, 10759 E. Admiral Place 180, Tulsa, OK 74116. There will be one catalog for all the Centennial Specialty Shows. The Pom Club will be responsible for our advertising in this catalog. Get your ads in early. I do not recall a time when we have had two specialty shows only three months apart. The summer specialty will be in November the annual specialty in February. For each of these shows to be a success, we will need your help. I am looking forward to seeing all of you in Philadelphia and in New York.It may interest you to know there were 19,691 Pomeranians registered in 1983. Poms are number 18 with the Cocker Spaniel having the most dogs registered in 1983. Poms usually stay around number 18 in popularity.Let me hear from you. See you at the shows.A.P.C. Obedience and Conformation Title Winners for 1984Pending A.P.C. Board approval, please follow this procedure You must be a member of the A.P.C. Your Pomeranianss title must have been published during 1984 in the A.K.C. Gazette. Write the name of the Pom, owner and date of title publication in the Gazette. Send to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Hwy B., Mishicot, WI 54228. Your certificate from the A.P.C. will be read and given out at the annual banquet following the February 1985 Specialty in New York. If you are unable to attend the A.P.C. Specialty and banquet, the Corresponding Secretary will send them out to you following this annual event.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWOffers at stud. m foxCh. Sun Fox I Love Lennis3, 1981, Kennel Review... to approved females.Spis puppies are heavily coated, short backed, and very typey. He is also siring puppies with brilliant orange coats like his own.We are planning some summer and fall litters sired by Spi. All inquiries answered promptlyCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Sire Lennis Hunter of Tar PtdLennis TomTom Lennis Cavilier Tangie Lennis Spungold JulieModels Dream Boy Models Red WhizCh. Models Sweet Sue Dam Annons Lucille BallDunns Wee Teddy Go Go Wee Lady LoveLettys Sweet Susie QClaudia Lis and Ed Braczyk617454-1625 between 6-7 pm Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri12 Cliffside Road Lowell, MA 01852POMERANIAN REVIEWAlso offers at stud . 9UM FOX4fet... hvmKG Sun Fox Lennis Image of OldeNow, 3 points from championship.... to approved females.Revs puppies possess refined heads, correct eye size, correct ear sets, backs and showy personalities. We anticipate a few spring and fall litters sired by Rev.Rev is refining puppies when bred to coarse females and his concentrated Tar Baby pedigree is producing nicely when bred to linebred and well as outcrossed females.Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Sire Ch. Lennis Tar Sons Image Lennis Cavilier Tigger Tiggers Little TonyaBrittons Little Debra0Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great elms Ch. Lennis Tar Sons Image Tiggers Little Tonya Dam Lennis The Snooty FoxCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Youngs Gypsy Tar BabyTigger Golden Star of HadleighClaudia Lis and Ed Braczyk617454-1625 between 6-7 p.m. Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri12 Cliffside Rd. Lowell, MA 01852POMERANIAN REVIEW9UN FOXVSun Fox Lennis The Right StuffA hearty Congratulations to Lennis Raines Davis on her long overdue Kennel Visit. Without her help we would not be producing such nice Poms We treasure her friendship and assistance. A special thanks for allowing us to acquire Spi, Rev and our beloved Hateful.We also wish to thank Lennis for our newest addition, Stuffy above. She is a typey, all-around gorgeous, orange sable female who is the apple of my eye Strong in Tar Baby and Brittons background, she is a welcome addition to our breeding program.MANY THANKS LENNISSeveral of our Spi puppies have departed to excellent show homes. We wish their new owners good luck. We are a small hobby kennel striving for top quality. With only 2 proven broods and several younger girls waiting in the wings our litters are few and eagerly awaitedWishing the best of luck to Terri Moebuis with her Spi daughter, Cassi. Congratulations to Terri for her Best Puppy in Match on Fantasy and her recent majors on Sugar.Congratulations to Charlotte Webster on her repeat of Specials breeding. Also, a big Thanks to Charlotte for our Crickett, who is capturing all the hearts at my handling classes. She is a born showman.See our Stud pages in this issue.Best of luck to all at the shows.Claudia Lis and Ed Braczyk617454-1625 between 6-7 pm, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri12 Cliffside Rd. Lowell, MA 01852POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARYS REPORTMary Rosenbaum 2652028th Ave. S.Federal Way, WA 98003The following people have been approved for membership in the American Pomeranian ClubArlene Steinmetz 6 Monroe St.Keyport, NJ 07735Tula Demas2854 N. ArrowheadSan Bernardino, CA 92405Barbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy Pineville, LA 71360Edie K. Allen 4985 McAllister Ave.Columbus, OH 43227AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact the Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. Mary Rosenbaum, 26520 28th Ave. S., Federal Way, WA 98003.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.From The EditorIn the April issue a mistake occurred th I have been dreading. Ann Welshing requested that two photos be pulled froi old ads and reused in her new one. marked the copy with the issue and page o which to find the negatives but the print pulled someone elses picture. It was tb same size, fit the hole and he used without question. I had no way of knowin of the error until it was too late and tb magazine had been printed.The problem of pulling negatives is large one for me. I cant store them at horn because they must be kept flat and they ai huge. The printer stores them and henc has the responsibility of collecting them fc each new issue. So many are reused that takes several hours to pull them and th printer has to charge the club for the time takes. He says it would actually be cheap to shoot new halftones than the spend th money on pulling the old ones. Therefor we will no longer have old negative available for reuse. Please send each phot that you want used in your ads along wit the 7.00 photo reproduction charge.One comment on ad copy Please send a] the ad copy as you want it to appear in you ad. I will not look up your name an address from a previous ad or track down j pedigree. I just dont have time. It is you responsibility to provide me with correc and complete ad copy. In the future incomplete ad copy will be returned. Also please look at the Behind The Nev Champions page. There are instructions foi sending your information. I wouk sincerely appreciate it if that format coulc be followed. Thank you.Now, read on and enjoy this issue of th Review. I think it is an especially nice Stuc issue. Also notice all the nice articles. Yot too can write articles10 POMERANIAN REVIEWDallas Fort Worth Pomeranian Club Silver Anniversary Specialty Showby Peggy Hendricks and Carla PrewittFlash from Dallas, Texas where the spectacular of spectaculars was held in the form of our very own 25th Anniversary Specialty. And what a specialty it wasAll the wonderful people from all over the Pom world converged in Dallas bringing their gorgeous Pomeranians to put on a true Show of shows.The event was held in the Holiday Inn Central, Main Ballroom. The room itself reflected the results of 25 years of work and love contributed by the members of the DallasFort Worth Pomeranian Club and all their supporters. The backdrop was draped in black velvet with large glittering silver letters signifying the DallasFort Worth Pomeranian Club. The grandest array of silver trophies was arranged on tiers of three different heights. The top tier exhibited a gorgeous silver coffee service to be awarded to Best of Breed. The clubs ring design was especially well planned byDALLAS FT WORTH POMERANIAN CLUB I960 .4984 I "t j 4, ' 1The trophy table for the 25th Anniversary Show.the members. At each of the four corners stood a 4 ft. high, round pedestal that was covered in silver and topped with a hugh Boston Fern. The rope around the ring was covered with black velvet as was the examination table. In fact, all the committee and club members did their work well The whole view was breathtaking At the last moment, everything fellinto place like the many pieces of a giant jigsaw puzzle as well it was.Everyone worked so hard to have a beautiful and memorable specialty and there were hardly any growls at all. Each member was working toward the end result. And what results they were Our specialty went off as smooth as glass.m...-2Macs Gold Dust, owner Estelle McDonald was Best in Sweepstakes and Best Puppy in Classes.Friday night, forty-eight darling puppies pranced around our lovely sweepstakes judge, Mrs. Olga Baker who did a magnificent job Hard way to earn an orchid, eh olga. She was gentle and considerate to every puppy and each had his moment in the spotlight. The winners of the Puppy Sweepstakes were Puppy Dogs 6-9 Macs Gold Dust, owner Mrs. B.G. McDonald. Puppy Dogs 9-12 Texican Great Killer Chula, owner Norma C. Gad. Puppy Bitches 6-9 Rosewoods Gold Mite Starlet, owner Carla Prewitt, Puppy Bitches 9-12 Lil Dazzlin Gold Cindy Lou, owner C.M. Roberts. Best in Sweepstakes went to our own Estelle McDonalds gorgeous little boy Macs Gold Dust. Best of Opposite Sex in SweepstakesPOMERANIAN REVIEW 111ftRosewoods Gold Mite Starlet, owner Carla Prewitt, was Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes.went to Carla Prewitts precious little girl Rosewoods Gold Mite Starlet.The main show began on time with 94 entries and we were to witness some of the most beautiful poms in the world. We were very proud to have such an efficient and qualified judge in Mr. Forrest McCoy to judge this assembly of outstanding Poms. Only time and space restrains me from listing each deserving entry. The class winners were as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9Macs Gold Dust, owner Mrs. B.G. McDonald3Vs i \IVIE'TexicanTumbleweed, owner Becky Stone, was Winners Dog and Best of Winners.Puppy Dogs 9-12Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back, owner Anna LaFortune and Richard Lackey Novice DogsA-Reynolds Tidy Skeeter, owner Armetha ReynoldsBred by Exhbitor DogsLLL Moongold Trapper, owner Janice LuginslandAmerican Bred DogsWest Golden Winds Gift of Gold, owner Carla PrewittOpen DogsTexican Tumbleweed, owner Becky StoneWinners DogTexican TumbleweedReserve Winners DogMacs Gold DustQueenaire Glory Huntress, owners Dudley and Wanda Roach, was Winners Bitch.Puppy Bitches 6-9Patricks Miss Tia Maria, owner Mildred PatrickPuppy Bitches 9-12Cherokees Summer Fashion, Kathy J.HouseholderNovice BitchesA-Reynolds Tidy Suerika, owner Mrs. Armetha Reynolds Bred by Exhibitor Bitches Southland Fudge Double Dip, owner Charlotte Creed12 POMERANIAN REVIEW'0 mCh. Pedrons Dragonmark, owners Peter Galindo and Ron Welch, was Best of Breed.American Bred BitchesQueenaire Touch of Class, owner Mrs. B. G. McDonaldOpen BitchesQueenaire Glory Huntress, owners Dudley and Wanda RoachWinners BitchQueenaire Glory Huntress, owners Dudleyand Wanda RoachReserve Winners BitchCherokees Summer Fashion, owner KathyJ. HouseholderBest of BreedCh. Pedrons Dragonmark, owners Peter Galindo and Ron Welch.cyCh. Texicans Fame N Fortune, owner Erika Moureau, was Best of Opposite Sex.Best of WinnersTexican Tumbleweed, owner Becky StoneBest of Opposite SexCh. Texicans Fame N Fortune, owner Erika Moureau.Best Puppy Macs Gold DustThere were 96 members and guests who attended the after-show dinner. Our President Doug Baynham welcomed everyone, commented on the show, expressed his thanks to members and judges. He asked the judges to make some comments. Olga Baker kept everyone laughing with her wit and Mr. McCoy took up where Olga left off, keeping us all in a festive mood. Doug then presented plaques to our charter members and conducted the drawings for door prizes and our Basket of Cheer. It was quite an evening and one we all will remember.Hospitality DinnerDance by Peggy HendricksIn honor of our 25th Anniversary, the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club hosted a Hospitality Night.Our guests included 70 friends and Pom breeders from across the nation.The evening began with a Hospitality Hour in the private entrance foyer of the Holiday Centrals Back Hall while preparations were proceeding for the Dinner Dance. As each guest arrived, they were asked to sign our Guest Book and were given name tags. Souvenirs note pads with the heading of the name of the club and Silver Anniversary Show with the dates 1960-1984 were given to each guest.The foyer filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation as members and guests visited with old and new friends, while enjoying the complimentary bar and hor doeuvre table.The dinner was served buffet style which consisted of delicious dishes, a three-tier continued on p. 60.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13Hot 'P'tetfrf pace,...KmMemVwAk.ut. Swtee ' SfaznMwy CAifiWere very proud of our Tippy. Already a champion producer when he came to us, he has been used on a very limited basis and has given a good account of himself by siring some excellent puppies Am. Ch. Emcees Bernies Windy Spark breeders Morris and Betty Carson, owner Robert Berna, Am. Can. Ch. Chips Ahoy At Hobbit owner Carolyn Lewis, Am. Can. Ch. Star Child At Hobbit, Can. Ch. Hobbits Harvest Gold, Am. Ch. Chriscendo Western Express breeder Chris Heartz, owners George and Jean West.There are some other exciting Tiplets waiting in the wings. Watch for themCongratulations to Morris and Betty Carson on finishing Ch. Emcees Golden Jaymy in fine style14 Palisade PlaceHOBBIT POMERANIANSpermanently registeredHalifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y8 902443-853614 POMERANIAN REVIEWGroup Winning and Group PlacingNl. \r rm COO Wrh.Phyner Itlack SombreroTOP WINNING BLACK POMERANIANPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1J \OUR THANKS TODudley and Wanda Roach, whose great Top Producing stud, Ch. Queenaire Cambling Dude is Sams sire, and who helped us with our start in Black Poms over 15 years ago.The many fine judges under whom we have finished 5 black Poms 2 more with points and who also accorded them top recognition as Specials.Dorothy Bonner, breed and Group judge at Sacramento K.C. April 15, 1984, for our very first Toy Group First and at this prestigeous show.Marlin Presser, for his superb conditioning and presentation of Sam during an exciting and successful 1983 and to date in 1984.Stud fee on request.At stud to approved bitches only.OwnersDolly B. Trauner and Julie Moreno 2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, CA 941156 POMERANIAN REVIEWsosoesecosGOsosoosooseosocoaoseeacescooSfy 'PMte'uuUat THeet 16e ZttuttfiA 1f 9sCh. LLL Fancy Gold Moon WalkerCh. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge xCh. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine Walker is the sire of Ch. LLL Moongold Mork and Ch. LLL Moongold Kelly Group winner. Other pups well on their way.4Ch. Sunsations Just JinniSired by Stalkers Timmy Lee Jinni finished with 3 5 pt. majors.774 Ch. Macs Maybe I WiUCh. Tomanolls I Got Leggs xCh. Macs Jennifer Jangles Willy has multiple BOBs and is a Group winner. He will have pups in the show ring soon.NCh. LLL Moongold KellyCh. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker xLLL Happy Country Monkee Kelly finished at 8 months with BOBs over specials also a group winner.1410 S. 10th St.OwnerHandlerAudrey Roberts, Shy Acres Leesville, LA 318238-1648 and 239-2369POMERANIAN REVIEW 1rcooeooeccosooscooeooeoosooosoooceeeoeossoooeooooeoeoooososscStf 'PMtesuztuzet Weet 76e rcCh. Shy Acres Amber LoveCh. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge xLLL Peaches Cream Our Grandma She now lives a carefree life.Ch. LLL Models Son-oS-a-GunRosewoods Standing Ovation xLLL Happy My Gal Sunday At stud at Croompaws Kennels.We are a young kennel just beginning to grow. Sincere thanks goes to Janice Luginsland, LLL Poms for helping me, for always being there and for selling me some of her best Without her we wouldnt be here Also sincere thanks to Estelle and Billy McDonald for letting us have Willy. I hope to make them all proudAMikeys SisterLLL Dazzlin Gold Cindy LouCo-owned by Shy Acres and Croompaws Kennels, she earned 4 pts. at San Jacinto under Mildred Bryant and 2 pts. at Conroe K.C.Melvin Roberts, Croompaws Kennelsj 501 E. North St. Leesville, LA 318239-2369 and 238-1648MoooooeeoooeoesosooooooooooeooeeooooooooosocoooooaooooooogoePOMERANIAN REVIEW18A Visit With Lennis DavisThe year was 1971. The location was Morristown, Tennessee. The lady was Lennis Raines Davis, and the breed of dog she wanted was a Pomeranian. Her choice of the Pomeranian came from owning a Pomeranian mix when she was a child. Lennis always had a dog or dogs because her Mother loves dogs too.'1Lennis and her husband Dewey and son, Dewey.Dixieland Kennels was not too far away and Lennis had heard many good things about the owner, Mrs. Margaret Tankesley. Lennis bought her first Pom, a female, from Mrs. Tankesley. Baby lived to be thirteen years old. A few months after Baby was purchased, Lennis visited Great Elms Kennels and bought a little male Pom named Tom Tom. That is when Lennis met Mrs. Ruth Beam. By this time Lennis was definitely planning to become a Pom breeder. In just a few weeks, Lennis made a trip to Florida to Spungold Kennels and purchased six Poms from Mrs. Carolyn Altwater. Some of these Poms were Scotia Poms, a kennel owned by Mrs. Edna Girardot. These eight Poms started Lennis kennel. Although she was getting some nice pups from these Poms she wasnt entirely9Two black and tan Tar Baby grandchildren. LaPew is on the left and Rustie [female] on the right.satisfied with her colors. After giving this much thought, Lennis decided her bloodline needed a black and tan stud. Again she called Ruth Beam and asked if she had a black and tan male puppy for sale. Ruth said she did not have a black and tan pup, but she did have a year old male she would sell. Ruth called the Pom Tar Baby. This little Pom became Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms. Lennis bought Tar Baby for aIATwo four month old females.POMERANIAN REVIEW IEThree double Tar Baby females. This photo was taken in the kennel.stud, but after seeing him, she knew she would put him in the ring and finish him. Tar Baby did finish, and it didnt take him long to do it. He was the first black and tan Pom to finish his championship in many years. Tar Baby sired Lennis Tarrissia Perfection. Dr. Morris Carson bought Tarrissia when she had a few points. He finished her before she was a year old. Tarrissia was the first of many Lennis champions. To date, twenty three Lennis bred Poms have finished their championships, the most famous one being Ch. Lennis Tar Lacys Foxfire. Mr. Ed Jenner purchased Lacy and showed him to the top winning toy and top winning Pom in 1979. Another famous Lennis Pom was Ch. Lennis Tequila Sunrise. His first show wasAJanuary 7th and he finished the following month on February 17th. He won a Best in Show before he was a year old. Over the years, Lennis has had a part in the lives of many Little Orange People and she can talk hours about the Poms in her life.w V12 x 20 whelping kennel.A view of some of the large runs.Lennis Poms have always lived a good life. They are housed in a heated, air conditioned twenty-one run kennel. The broods are housed in a separate kennel, the maternity ward. Like other breeders, Lennis does most of her own vet work. It is rare that she has to vist a vet. This love for Poms is shared by Lennis husband Dewey, her daughter Lisa, and little son Dewey. Lennis, I hope you grow many more Drop Dead Gorgeous Poms.12 x 48 kennel with 21 runs.zdc3 n rz i'- 120 POMERANIAN REVIEWXrv,mmy VM \-Aif S1r L^r mxz Wv te-i' . a^Si - V,'iB" a I m nU. ii tf a. J teiSHITrE5wwCh. Janesas Rock N-UBetCh. Janesa s Rock N-UBet with judge Ms. Dorothy Bonner winning a major in New Orleans several years ago.Ms. Bonner has been good to our girlsJerne and Vanessa Freia P.O.Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70380 504384-7466POMERANIAN REVIEW 21fSJanesas RouletteJanesas Roulette, a granddaughter of Ch. Janesas Rock N-UBet shown winning the Houston Combined Specialty, March 16, 1984 for 5 points WB and BOW under judge Ms. Dorothy Bonner.Jerrie and Vanessa Freia P.O. Box2775 Morgan City, LA 70380 504384-7466DCrazD^22 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idiewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225I have just returned from the Tibetan Terrier National Specialty held in Lancaster, PA. The entry was huge 62 in Sweeps, 146 in Regular Classes, 39 in Parade of Champions. It was the biggest gathering of Tibetans ever held anywhere in the world Question What cant we get entries like that for a Pom Specialty Perhaps because there is only one national TT specialty per year, TT people regard this more as a must event. Because the Tibetan Terrier is a fairly rare breed, perhaps the fanciers feel more of a need to get together, to visit and to share. Because, after all, that is what specialties are all about. Seeing friends, meeting the faces that have only been names on letters or magazines talking learning sharing experiences seeing all those wonderful dogs in a casual setting as well as in the ring that is what should draw us together. A chance to win a major should be only a small part of the package.The Lancaster KC did roll out the red carpet for the TT folks. There was a separate ring for them, as well as a separate grooming tent. There should also have been reserved parking for this area. Lancaster KC offers a gorgeous rosette to any dog finishing a championship at their show, and offers a green rosette for every qualifying score in obedience. Now thats classyDoes it ever seem to you that most of the American Pomeranian Clubs energies and activities are directed toward conformation exhibiting only Thats understandable. It is very difficult for the Board to maintaincommunication with a far-flung membership since our official voice comes out only quarterly. If you never attend club meetings, you may feel the club doesnt care about the pet owner or obedience exhibitor. So what do you do Dropping your membership to APC is not the answer. Speak up Write to any Board member or to Yips and Yaps and let them know. Make suggestions Volunteer If you want, for example, an annual award for outstanding brood bitch each year, volunteer to keep the necessary statistics. And when those rare ballots come, VOTE.Now, following my own advice, here are some of my own gripes. Id like to see more support of Pomeranian obedience exhibitors. If Review publishes pedigrees for new champions, why not for new obedience titlists When specialties are given in conjunction with shows that give trials, trophies and rosettes should be offered for Highest Scoring Poms in each class as well as High Scoring Pom in Trial. Dont tell me thats too expensive. I personally offer 10 trophies for Poms at each of our two local trials. And there could be annual awards for high average score in Novice, Open and Utility. I will volunteer to keep the statistics.The club should be doing far more to support our kids showing Poms in Junior Showmanship. It is not easy to win with a Pom in the Juniors ring. Anybody who knows much about JS will tell you that showing a small dog puts a child at a disadvantage. You cant run with a Pom. It LOOKS harder to show a big dog. Many Juniors abandon a toy in favor of a bigger dog, so our Juniors need all the support they can get. We should begin offering Junior Showmanship classes, with lots of trophies and rosettes and at NO entry fee, at our national specialties. The argument that not many would enter is lousy. That doesnt keep us from offering brace class. If only one young person enters, weve done something positive for our youngPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2J------------------------------------------------------------Moe-BestPomeranians4ABEST OF w3 OPPOSITECh. Moe-Best Constant AttentionSugar has been a breeders dream to us. After breaking a front leg not once but twice, we thought shed never see a show ring. She therefore entered obedience work. She has since been so busy with motherhood and shows she hasnt yet competed for her C.D. She finished her championship easily, defeated only once, with 4 majors.Sugar is not only a winner but produces winners. Watch for the following kidsCheater Moe-Best Two Time N Man pictured in Jan. 84 Review.Fantasy Moe-Best Make My Day pictured in April 84 Review.P.T. Watts Peter Tan V Moe-Best a bt brother to Fantasy owned by our good friend Dolores Watts.The breeding on Fantasy and P.T. has been repeated. Due in June.Terri Moebuis301477-3824 or 285-5477 Subject to AKC confirmation.7523 Bay Front Rd. Baltimore, MD 212194 POMERANIAN REVIEWieople and for the future of the breed at ery little cost.I was delighted to see more detailed toard Reports in the April Pom Review. I iope that continues. For example, what has lappened to the proposed slide show on the tandard Did it die Is it progressing At vhat stage Is help needed I think ncreased communication between the loard and membership has got to be lealthy for the club. Id like the Board to econsider ways to be supportive of the egular contributors to the Review. I wont ay it is a thankless task, but you should mow that while the editor is paid, the olumnists are not. Were not even eimbursed for postage. We usually get our Reviews sent first class. My thanks comes rom you readers who write or speak to me it shows and tell me you enjoy the column ind find it helpful. I am grateful for the upport.Why dont we have a yearbook or annual vhich gives pictures and pedigrees of all hampions and obedience titlists to finish hat year Other clubs, some of them ounger and smaller than ours, publish hem. Do we have an illustrated standard pamphlet or how to pick a Pom puppy pamphletI know there are lots of talented, experienced, knowledgable Pom people out there. Lets pitch in and accomplish more.This story is about a Tibetan Terrier, but we can all learn from it. Ezekiel was 5 Vi months old when my travelling buddy, Sandra White, bought him. Four days later she delivered him in his shiny new Kennel Aire crate to the handler. About three weeks later, Ezekiel was loaded into the handlers van to go to his first show. But he was not in his crate. The handler chose to use that one for another clients dog. Ezekiel was put into a smaller, inferior- quality crate. The handler was late and sped down the rain-slicked road. Worse, she had bald tires on the van that couldnt havepassed inspection. You guessed it, there was a wreck. Ezekiels crate popped open and he high-tailed it into the woods. No other dogs escaped or were injured, but the handler was hospitalized.A massive search for the puppy began. Sandra had 1,000 flyers bearing a picture of Ezekiels grandfather printed. The Amherst County Humane Society members were wonderful, donating many man-hours to distributing flyers, answering phones and literally beating the bushes. Members of the volunteer fire department that had responded to the accident also joined the search in their off-duty hours. A reward was offered radio announcements made. The local paper ran ads free The puppy was sighted occasionally. It was reassuring to know the dog was alive and still in the area, but frustrating to be unable to catch him. Remember, Ezekiel had only known his owner 4 days and the handler was in the hospital. Food was left out for him. Finally, two Tibetan Terriers were brought from another town and staked out in crates in back yards. That lured him out After 10 long, anxious days, Ezekiel was captured.He was in wretched condition, physically and mentally. His white and black coat was filthy, matted and full of cockleburs. Some of it was missing. He had gotten poison ivy, and subsequently lost a lot more coat. He was badly frightened. The tail that had waved gaily over his back now hung listlessly. Sandra had many months of work ahead of her to try to rehabilitate that dog. The story has a happy ending. Ka Bas Ezekiels Rolling finished his championship in March and is now shining in obedience class.Sandra rcommends that you read Sherlock Bones by John Keans before your dog is lost. This book gives extensive advice on what to do in what order, when a pet is missing.On the subject of Junior Showmanship, if you have kids approaching that age 10 to 17 you may be wondering if Junior continued on p. 88POMERANIAN REVIEW iOaklawn Pomeranians0.-ACh. Oaklawns Diamond GemJim-Bob finished at 16 months. Shown here winning BOW under judge Robert Waters at the Baytown KC, Baytown, TX for a 5 pt. major.He is proven with offspring that have beaucoup show potential. This 4Vi brilliant copper-orange boy is pleased with his show career thus far 10983 under judge Baker he was WD, BOW, BOB for 3 pts. 103083 under judge Masley he was WD, BOW, BOB, Gr. 3 for 1 pt. 121783 under judge Graham he was WD, BOW for 4 pts. 4784 under judge Waters he was WD, BOW for 5 pts. and 5584 under judge Alexander he was WD, BOW, BOW for 2 pts.BreederJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504386-7466Owner Nellie B. Gaudet 107 Alphonse Dr. Lafayette, LA 70506 318264-9868Handled byCliff Gaudet Lafayette, LA6 POMERANIAN REVIEW------------------------ \Southland Pomeraniansait ajmtfMI L MtR\ - Miss FiJC KEHHtl CU1BAf best opposite sexs p.mtR PHOTO H'Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge DelightMy Pride and JoyPookie is definitely specials material but I decided to breed her instead. What a choice She free whelped Happy and Dippy a super father-daughter breeding. Then, bred to her brother, Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge, she free whelped our best yet, a blacktan daughter Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor Poasty. Watch for herCongratulations to Eleanor Clark for finishing Southland Fudge Generation Smudge, our first homebred champion.God ParentsBill and Bev Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301255-1343BreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Southland Pomeranianscontinues in the BEV-NOR traditionSouthland Fudge Double DipSire Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Dam Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightWhat a pair Pookies first litter pictured at 8 months in New York. Dippy went on the next day for Reserve Winners Bitch at Westminster. Since then she has had numerous wins including one Best of Breed in Memphis.3SHttVStMJSu b'4Southland Happy Birthday BilHappy has been staying home but will resume her career later. Thanks a million, Bev and BillPuppies due Inquiries welcome.God Parents Bill and Bev Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301255-1343BreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 318466-34566618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 713608 POMERANIAN REVIEWrSouthland Pomeranianspreserves the BEV-NOR typeJkSouthland's Toast to Bev-NorSire Ch. Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge 1 Pom 1981-82 retired with 24 BIS Dam Ch. Bev-Nors Fudge DelightPoasty was the only puppy from this brother-sister breeding, but what a creation Best of Breed and Group 3 at 3 months at Rustin Match with tough competition. She is our best yet sound, typey, cocky, perfectly marked and a great mover like her Dad. Southland and Bev-Nor have repeated the breeding that produced Toasty and Pookie and we have others bred to Toasty or Fudge. Yes, some will be available. Inquiries welcome.Again, thanks Bev and Bill for giving me a chance.FLASH Poasty congratulates her bt half sister Bev-Nors Toasted Tan Ya on her Group 1 win, first time out at 7 monthsGod ParentsBill and Bev Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301255-1343BreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEW 2a88iVPictured left is Collin Thomas and right is Phinneas Jon, Phinny. They are now six month old and although in this picture they look very much alike they are not identical and have ver different personalities. Along with other such good advice as Dont tug on Superman cape Dont spit in the wind dont pull the mask off the Lone Ranger, I might add, Don try to type with twins in your lap More as they growThanks for all the messages of congratulations. We do appreciate your interest.CarouselPomeraniansSilver Meadows Skip O9Scootersends congratulations to his daddycongratulatesLennis Davis on her Kennel Visit Ch. Silver MeadowsScooter StarrA special thank you to Norma Creider for helping us get started in the right direction by allowing us to own some of her beautiful Poms.and to his half-sister,Silver Meadows Nanceeon their recent wins.Art and Linda Gustafson5001 S. PeeblyRd.Newalla, OK 74857 S.E. Oklahoma CityWe want to thank Ron and Jackie Klein again for our beautiful littler Skipper.Tom and Helen Conrad1677 Manor Rd.Englewood, FL 33533iOPOMERANIAN REVIEWs' ji H,m inder . . .She 1985 _Ad-Codor Mt Pomeranian Cadend, j wild be published in late fad and wid b e aval Lite J for purchase abou t the m i JJh of Octoi.r.m es e w i d mahe dovedy ftifts trophies f-^rice is 7.00.Oh anh you to add who Submitted photos.CHISAGO PUBLISHING11015 250th St., Chisafo City, WV 55013V Introducing. . . our junior boysm aA,t ' M5SMV- L \9^v\'5a.Cherlyn's Risky Business and Creider's Gamboling Man"Risky" is sired by our lovely black boy, Phyner Night Operator. "Gambler" is sired by Creider's Cut Across Shorty and we would like to thank Norma Creider for the opportunity of owning him.CHERLYNS POMERANIANS11015 250th St., Chisago City, MN 55013 612257-5338HPOMERANIAN REVIEWStud Register 1 984This is Pomeranian Reviews 1984 Register of outstanding stud dogs. On this and the following pag and in some of the display ads are stud dogs that, for their individual excellence, uniqi characteristics or special breeding, stand ready to help every breeder in the country. Inevitably, son owners of fine stud dogs failed to send their entries in, for one reason or another. But with so mai represented, from every section of the country, and of so many different bloodlines, we feel that 01 Register this year is very complete. May we request that when breeders send inquiries to stud dog owner they mention I saw your stud card in the Review.TV4 Vi lb. Light Orange SableMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Rebel of EdneyMay Morning Social Lion Edneys Sweet Dixie Edneys Pride of Tomstopper CH. CAMELOTS BASHFULL DUDE May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nors Song of Camelot May Morning Little Red Rascal Thelduns Bills Lil Paty Cake Meyers Princess Pat IIPATTYS POMERANIANSPatty Jensen6520 Game Farm Rd. East Mound, MN 55364 612472-5950. RTf.X x4 VS lb. BlackTanMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Postscripts AftRnoon Delight Edneys Miss Patty Cake MOE-BEST TAN-TALIZERCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Cheridel Pomesto Remember Me Pomesto Magic Minnie Pomesto Cassandra Pomesto Mr. Ott Pomesto Sweetie Pomesto Sunny GirlPATTYS POMERANIANSPatty Jensen6520 Game Farm Rd. East Mound, MN 55364 612472-5950POMERANIAN REVIEWf 'Breeder Janice LuginslandBreeder Estelle McDonaldCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Tim Sues Gold Pebble Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of OakridgeCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Little Missy CH. LLL FANCY GOLD MOON WALKER Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Dream Ch. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine Tiny Toys Peanut Too LLL Happy Tanya LLL Happy Go Lucky TrixieOwnerAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville. LACh. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Macs Rare Addition Macs Terrific Doll Ch. Tomanolls I Got LeggsCh. Macs Four on the Floor OKala Tomanolls Me-Me Tomanolls Tiny Tiffany CH. MACS MAYBE I WIT T,Ch. Tomanolls Tiny Town Talk Ch. Macs Mister Beaux Jangles Ch. Tomanolls Juliet Ch. Macs Jennifer Jangles Ch. Macs Rare Addition Ch. Macs Little Lou Lou Ch. Patricks Miss PreciousSHY ACRES Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, LACh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Models Son of Fun Models Red Amber Rosewoods Standing Ovation Ch. Rosewoods Casanova Ch. Rosewoods Kiss of Casanova Ch. Lucky Little Sissy CH. LLL MODELS SON OF A GUN Stalkers Tinker Bell LLL Happy Go Lucky Taro Russells Fox Flame Yum Yum LLL Happy My Gal Sunday Tiny Toys Peanut Too LLL Happy Twinky Russells Fox Flame MelissaCROOMPAWS KENNELMelvin Roberts 501 E. North St.Leesville, LABreeder Jewel WeberPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3SsSstz..Mr. Personality in 314 red, harsh coated, compact package. Group placements and sire of champions.4 red orange. Dominant for short backs, beautiful coat color, good pigmentation, rear angulation.414, major pointed, light orange. Dominant for coat density and harsh texture, excellent pigmentation and good movement.Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Tim Sues Gold Pebble Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Little Missy CH. LLL FANCY GOLD CRICKET Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Dream LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Tiny Toys Peanut Too LLL Happy Go Lucky Tammy My Golden GlowLLL KENNELSJ anice Luginsland RR 1316443-5157 Americus, KS 66835Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Dream Ch. Joda EphibusJensens Jinet Mitka Joda Lady Suzette Jensens Gold Toy Suzette CH. LLL MITE OF GOLD DEUCE LLL Happy Buff Tidget LLL Happy Lil Hop-A-Long LLL Tiny Bubbles in the Wine LLL Lil Golden TiaraCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny LLL Happy Go Lucky TammyLLL KENNELSJanice Luginsland RR1316443-5157 Americus, KS 66835Tim Sues Dancing Pebble Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine LLL Happy Tanya LLL MOONGOLD TRAPPER Stalkers Timmy Lee Ch. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Mama Cass LLL Happy Twinkling TrudyCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny LLL Happy Go Lucky TammyLLL KENNELSJanice Luginsland RR1316443-5157 Americus, KS 6683514 POMERANIAN REVIEW4 lbs. Orange Sableu42 lb. Wolf Sable Co-Owner Ann Welshinger3 lb. Deep Orange short back, sound legs.Ship to Orlando or Daytona Beach.AC Ch. Sissons Gino Gaybit Ch. Sissons Dukes Little Big Man Joda Pollyanna Sissons Silver DollarCh. This Time Dark Chaos Joda Chaos Katrina Joda Jolly Tootsie Toy AC CH. ANADORS DRAGON SMASHER Randys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Golden Moon Pomirish Little MatildaCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay A Wey BrochureANADORS POMERANIANSAnn and Gene Welshinger Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 54880 715399-2702AC Ch. Sissons Gino Gaybit Ch. Sissons Dukes Little Big Man Joda Pollyanna Sissons Silver DollarCh. This Time Dark Chaos Joda Chaos Katrina Joda Jolly Tootsie ToyAC CH. ANADORS SILVER N SMOKE Bandys Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Golden Moon Pomirish Little MatildaCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da O Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay A Wey BrochureOwnerJeanne Stafford 1436 Powers Ct.616683-0214 Niles, MI 49120May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Postcripts Aftrnoon Delight Edneys Miss Patty CakeCH. JUSTA MENEHUNEMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Ch. Watts Little Itsi DarlingCh. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Scotias Little Angel V. Watts Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Hello DollyJUSTA POMERANIANSSharon Hiemenz Rt. 1, 31 Remington Rd.904437-2190 Ormond Bch, FL 32074POMERANIAN REVIEW 3wL42 lb. Dark Orange Sire of 3 champions 603435-87314 lb. Orange Sire of 1 champion others major pointed. 603435-8731Silt^ fa3 Zi lb. Orange at stud after June 83 Ship to Boston 603435-8731Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece ACBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca AC Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing AC Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun Goddess Jabil Petite Delilah, CD CH. JABILS SIMPLY SINFULACBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude AC Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabils Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavaliers Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah CD Ch. Roanokes Band Box JABILJessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8, Box 251, Loudon Ridge Rd.Loudon, NH 03301Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece ACBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynns Tiny Tyeca AC Ch. Jabils Simply Smashing AC Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabils Sun Goddess Jabil Petite Delilah CD CH. HI TIME SIMPLY JEREMY JABIL May Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandy of Edney Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus Edneys Sassy SamanthaBeisels Wee Flashie Red Man Edneys TaffyStaffords Little MittJABILJessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8, Box 251, Loudon Ridge Rd.Loudon, NH 03301Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin BusybodyCH. DAISYS LITTLE BIT OF JABILACBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Topaze Pumkin Seed Ch. Maykens Sun Witch of Topaze Jabil Daisy MaeACBda Ch. Nanjo Interlude Jabils Serendipity Girl Jabil Petite Delilah CDJABILJessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8, Box 251, Loudon Ridge Rd. Loudon, NH 0330136 POMERANIAN REVIEW'Orange, Young sire of show prospects.Am. and Can. Champion Cream sire of cream ch. bitches Multi-group and specialty winner.VRedsable Sire of ChampionsCh. Scotts Little Buddy Buddy Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Goldie Jones Horne Ch. Pomirish Lil GuyCh. Apples Traveling Buddy Travelers Katina Jewels Shadow of Gidget CH. POMIRISH LIL GUYS DBL PROOF Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Can. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Edna of LenettePomirish Cream Puffs Carry OnShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Cream Puff Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilier Breeder-Owner Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hyw. B.Mishicot, WI 54228 414755-2994Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bears Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Can. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Ch. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Edna of Lenette Addie of LennetteCH. POMIRISH CR PUFFS ONLY CHANCEMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Morenos Lady-B-Good Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilier Ch. Scotia Cavs Lay-A-Wey Brochure Breeder-Owner Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy. B.Mishicot, WI 54228 414755-2994Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Ch. D-Nees Darin Dinadan Ch. D-Nees Dorable Dazzle Pomirish Pooh Bears TiggerShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilier CH. POMIRISH CHRISTOPHER ROBIN Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Dee Dee of Lenette Pomirish Buddys Red Rose Oakleys Little Tee Bear Ansae of Lenette Oakleys Little AnnaBreeder-Owner Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy. B.Mishicot, WI 54228 414755-2994POMERANIAN REVIEW 31hKtglOrange proven son of Multi-group winner.Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Ch. Pomirish LiI Guy Travelers KatinaCh. Pomirish LiI Guys Hundrd PrufCan. Ch. Pomirish Tiggers Huny Bear N Pomirish Cream Puffs Carry On Ch. Pomirish Cream Puff CH. POMIRISH PRUFS JUMPING JACK Ch. Randys Pomirish Super Sport Pomirish Glorys Hallelujah Pomirish Glory Reclaimed Pomirish Hallelujahs Glory Great Elms Little Teddy Dee Dee of Lenette Rosewoods Becky Lou BreederOwner Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B.Mishicot, WI54228 414755-2994r WFCh.Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Phils Sparkling Dragonfly Ch. Millamors Moon RockCh. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer Millamors Lulabye of Tim Sue Silver Meadows Gay Lil Music CH. MILLAMORS ROCK MEDALLION Ch. Dixielands Stylestepper Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Dixielands Dragonfly Delite Millamors MarrilynnLow Lans Token of Friendship Low Lans April Gold Models Gold PieceCan.BdaCh.Winner of 12 BIS Sire of 5 BIS winners 11 championsCHRISCEND OChristine and John Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, N.S., Can. B2N 5N2EJ Ch. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Millamors Lulabye of Tim Sue Ch. Millamors Rock MusicCh. Jeribeths Dragonfly Deuce Millamors Marlita Ch. Millamors Minute Box CAN. CH. MILLAMORS ROCK CONCERTCh. Jeribeths Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Millamors Lulabye of Tim Sue Millamors Rock RosetteCh. Millamors Mark of Dixieland Millamors Marrilynn Low Lans April GoldFinished in Canada as a puppy BB over multi BIS winners. 4. lb. red. Breederowner Eleanor Miller Co-Owner Christine D. Heartz.CHRISCENDOChristine and John Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, N.S., Can. B2N 5N238 POMERANIAN REVIEWHProven producer of orange, cream, white, sable and black. Stud fee on request. Top winning male for 1982-83, NCPC.ftl T.-aA 4Multiple Best in Show winner. Multiple Natl Specialty Winner.t,f5 lb. OrangeBonners Pep-R-Kute Ch. Queenaire Gambling Man Queenaire Doodad Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Blossom View Proud Promise Queenaire Luvy Duck Queenaire Dark Velvet CH. MORENOS CRITICS CHOICE Morenos Mr. Sweet Queenaire Headliner Creiders Wee Topsy Jubilees RebelPrince Eben Eben Black Mandy B Malones Cindy Golden GirlMORENOS POMERANIANSMr. and Mrs. GJ Moreno 1636 Claremont 415583-4973 San Bruno, CA 94066Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Creiders Timothy Topcat Creiders Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nees Darin DinadanCh. Queenaires Jigger OScotch D-Nees Dorably Dazzler D-Nees dorably Dolly CH. D-NEES DARIN DUFFIECh. Queenaires Jigger OScotch Ch. D-Nees Call Me Wart D-Nees Dorably Dolly D-Nees Dawdling DumplinShamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky D-Nees D-Lite of Pomirish Scotia Double Gr Da OCavilierJackie Liddle 15630 Ridgemont Prior Lake, MN 55372 612447-4901Ch. Cynna-Lous Kenne Tut A Little Chip of Shirwood Topaza Baby Love Ch. Sherwoods Golden Nugget Ch. Scotias Cavaliers Dream Adkins Cavalier FlopsieCh. Scotia Cavaliers Fancy CH. LENNIS JONATHAN P. QUIBBLE Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Lennis Toy of Great ElmsCh. McKameys Sundowner Traveler Tiny Toys Goodin SassyGoodins Millee Joy of Lu-MaArlene Steinmetz 6 Monroe St.Keyport, NJ 07735 201264-9293POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Toy Group Winner Aristic linebred.Aristic Gay Playboy Ch. Jans Little Red Pod Ambers Ginger of Shady Grove Ch. Patricks Mr. Kelley Jans Smarty Boy Patricks Miss Tonya Debbies Susanne CH. PATRICKS MR LARRYCh. Dukes Lil Red Baron of OKala Ch. Macs Four on the Floor of OKala McDougalls Gay Misty Junior Ch. Patricks Miss Mischief Ch. Jans Little Red Pod Ch. Patricks Miss Precious Bit OGold Chips Tinker Bell Owned byMichael Husband Max Kerfoot4010 Meridian 7200 E. 88th Ave.Houston, TX 77017 Henderson, CO 80640 713645-5760 303288-4650O '4 lb. True Sablevx.4'A lb. CopperOrange Stud Fee 125.00Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Lennis Tequila Sunrise Brittons Little Debra Gold Gems Tar Burt of LennisCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Lennis Tarnados Lady Lennis Shes A Lady CH. SHAMROCKS LITTLE IMAGE MAKERCh. Maykins Little China Boy Aristic Glamrous Ku-Lee Aristic Glamor Doll Shamrocks Candy KissMorenos Sunny San of Hadleigh Shamrocks Baby Snooks Bees Daisy MaeSheila M. Marion Rt. 2, Box 2690 Cleveland, TX 77327 713592-5407Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Old Block Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Janesas Whatta GamblerCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Janesas Rock N-Ubet Sugarlands Flamingo Dancer CH. OAKLAWNS DIAMOND GEMCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Janesas Tar-LaLennis Tom-Tom Brittons Little Miss Muffet Lennis Spungold JulieCliff and Nellie Gaudet 107 Alphonse Dr.Lafayette, LA 70506 318264-98680 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Millamors Dock MedallionCh. Millamors Moon Rock x Millamors MarrilynnMedallion is now 72 years old. Being in Canada is certainly not an advantage for a Top Producing Sire, yet his kids have a certain quality that breeders everywhere are acknowledging.Medallion is a prepotent sire, whether linebred, inbred or outcrossed. He produces qualities hard to find in the breed today excellent shoulders, side movement and up on leg. Medallion is at stud by private treaty. Please contact us if you feel he has something to offer your breeding program.Our sincere sympathies to the Millers on the loss of Ch. Millamors Mark of Dixieland, Medallions grandsire.^rChr^cendoIfcj'ij 1 P.O.Box 1259Truro, N.S. Canada B2N 5N2 902895-7427Chris and John HeartzPOMERANIAN REVIEW tmCh. Millamors Dock MedallionCh. Millamors Moon Rock x Millamors MarrilynnSire of10 ChampionsIn Canada including 8 Group Winners 5 multiple BIS winnersTop Poms in Canada 1980-82-83 Top Winning Male 14 BIS Female 11 BIS Puppy 12 BPISHis kids hold all the breed records in Canada.In theU.S.3 Champions2 more need minor points to finish1 Multiple BIS Winner 1 Multiple Specialty Winner 1 Specialty Sweepstakes winner^^Hirgcaido\ Chris anc John Heartz' P.o. Box 12590 CBrfc. Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5N2 ^^ 902 895-7427\1 POMERANIAN REVIEWHow to Use a Pedigreeby Tom HomerWhen a novice breeder receives the pedigree of his first bitch, on which are tinned all his hopes as a breeder, he is probably thrilled to find some champions among her ancestors. These champions, he feels, will help him make a success of his future breeding. Their presence will be taken by him as a guarantee that his bitch is well bred and as like begets like, as he has been told, he must be on the right track with his new acquisition.If the bitch has been carefully bred and a degree of line breeding has been practiced in the preceding generations he probably is on the right lines. If, as can so easily happen, a number of people have been concerned in her breeding, using the latest champions just because they were the latest champions and mating to them bitches unrelated and unsuited to them on points, then the novice breeder may very well be on quite the wrong lines to base a breeding program on this particular bitch. A pedigree has only limited value without a lot of background information as to the merits and the faults of the individual dogs and bitches named in it.WEIGHING UPBefore using a pedigree as the basis of a breeding program an experienced breeder will cast his mind back over the individuals named in it. He will weigh up the plus and minus points of each of the dogs and bitches in the pedigree and compare them with those of the ancestors of the prospective sires he is considering as possible mates for his bitch.It is this background information, absorbed over many years, that gives experienced breeders such a long start over the novice when planning future matings. Before the novice breeder makes up his mind how to mate his new acquisition heshould try to find out as much as possible about each individual in his bitchs pedigree, also about the individuals in the pedigrees of her prospective mates, the dogs he thinks he is most likely to use with her.This will probably be quite easy in respect of the champions as many people will have seen them during their show careers. It may prove quite a problem for the less distinguished entries in the pedigrees. Very often it can be quite a struggle to ferret out any information at all about these, especially if they have something undesirable about them that only the owners know about But these can often be stumbling blocks in the pedigree. They can thwart the best intentions if they carry some recessive faults that match up with a similar recessive in the other pedigree. The result can be a potential champion with a bad fault. So finding out about them is important and very well worth the effort and time spent on the exercise.VITAL STILLThis getting to know what lies behind ones breeding stock is a vital part of becoming a successful breeder. But there is also a lot of skill in knowing how to balance a pedigree in such a way that faults are reduced and good points are emphasized without going too far away from the Standard. If a breeder concentrates too much on head points, conformation inevitable declines. If he goes on piling on the substance, he may get coarseness instead if he tries for too much refinement he is inclined to end up with a wilting lily.The whole skill in using a pedigree as an aid to breeding lies in knowing where the good points are and where they come from and the same with the faults. If there is line or family breeding and that particular linePOMERANIAN REVIEW 43Idlewyld Pomeranians1Ch. Idlewyld Laualier photo by S.R. WhiteCh. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX x Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CDVal suddenly got hot this spring. We were thrilled with his wins in very tough competition Pom Club of Gr. Baltimore Match, judge, Sue Whaley Best Adult and Best in Match Langley KC, judge Irene Schlintz BOW, 3 pts. National Capital KC, judge Cyril Blumfeld WD, 5 pts. Charlottesville-Albemarle KC, judge Robert Graham WD, 2 pts. Gr. Fredericksbrug KC supported entry, judge Sue Woodle BOW, 4 pts., Shawnee KC, judge Mrs. Wm. Kendrick BOW, 4 pts.Thank you to all the above judges. We are proud of the fact that three of Vals majors were from the Bred by Exhibitor class. Val is a full brother to Ch. Idlewyld Chrysoberl. We also have a darling sable girl from a repeat breeding. Thanks to Rachal McKee who did a lot of Vals training. Val joins Ch. Gem CDX and Ch. Pooh Bear CD in our stud force. We hope we have Val puppies on the way.Also, at the Gr. Fredericksburg KC show, Rachal piloted her Tibetan Terrier bitch all the way from puppy class to BOB over a special for a 3 pt. major.Our condolences to Thelma Dunn on the tragic loss of her Todd.Best wishes to Lennis Davis on her Kennel Visit.Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Rd. Richmond, VA 23225 804272-931844 POMERANIAN REVIEWhas a prevailing fault, say eyes that are lighter than is desirable, it is essential to balance this with a strong dose of the correct point, in this case dark eyes on the other side of the mating.On the other hand, if there are particularly good points to be had in a breed which are not present in the breeders own stock, it is worthwhile taking a calculated risk to bring the good points into ones own line. If one has a line which is well made and sound but does not grow as much coat as might be desired it could be worthwhile to use a dog with a profuse coat but not as well constructed as the bitch concerned, offsetting the bitchs lack of furnishing with the dogs good coat the bitchs good make and shape but taking care in the ensuing litter to select only well made, sound puppies to carry on the line and mating these back into the line with good construction and movement to ensure that these vital points are not lost, and then from the next generation selecting those with the best coats.KEY TO SUCCESSThis balancing of virtues and faults is the key to successful breeding and for success it depends to a great extent on background knowledge of the breed. The great thing to avoid is doubling up on undesirable points or tendencies while chasing after some exaggerated point. The breeder must try to maintain a balance and keep always as close to the Standard as he can.A pedigree may look marvellous at first sight if it is full of champions but if those champions are all of different lines and are not well matched on points the animal it refers to is likely to be of less value as breeding material than a carefully linebred animal with a pedigree based on one outstanding individual with perhaps fewer champions but no bad or indifferent individuals in it.The sort of animal that carries this kind of pedigree is not always easy to obtain but is well worth waiting for. It is almostcertainly the result of years of constructive and progressive breeding.A.P.C. Trophy Donation Request February 1985 ShowPlease reserve your preference with a check now. This year are are telling you what the trophy for a specific class costs. If you would like to donate that particular class with what we have chosen, the cost will be as followsBest of Breed 50.00. Wine, Chese and Candle set on wooden base.Best Opposite Sex 25.00. Wine and candle set on wooden base.Winners 25.00. Wine, vinegar,saltpepper set on wooden base.Reserve Winners 15.00. Covered cheese dish.First Place in a Class 10.00. Hurricane lamp on wooden base.Best in Sweepstakes 10.00. Hurricane lamp on wooden base.Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes 10.00. Hurricane lamp on wooden base.You may choose to send money contributing to the trophy fund instead of a specific trophy. Each donor will be listed in the catalog as a contributor. Send checks payable to the A.P.C. to Sally Baugniet, 11224 County Hwy. B., Mishicot, WI 54228. Any amount will help.KENNEL VISIT ELIGIBILITYTo be eligible for a Kennel Visit, an individual must first be a member of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., for at least five years and must have bred at least one champion. All Club members meeting these requirements will be considered for a Kennel Visit. Please send your suggestions for future Visits to the Corresponding Secretary, address on page 3.POMERANIAN REVIEW 45APOLLOETTE POMERANIANSis proud to present our newest boy....... \8,BEST QV 'NWUERSCHIEF SOVAUOUHHtt CU1B \ sfWHc reiIApolloefte Pepsi SpiritPepsi is shown going Best of Winners from the puppy class under judge James Moran at the Chief Solano Kennel Club show. He is a lovely, sound, balanced Pom with style and movement.Puppies available out of Queenaire, Models, and Great Elms lines.Marlene and Marlin Presser 209835-732922562 Bird Rd. Tracy, CA 9537616 POMERANIAN REVIEWS7\.SV-sf 1,11r W'cJrireciousiresintroduces our newest rising star'VPrecious Petit Riple SupremeCh. Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple x Bev-Nors Golden NuggetBeautiful orange sable 4 pounds.Available for stud to approved matrons. Fee and pedigree upon request.Will be campaigned this summer.OwnerBreederClaudia Pfeffer P.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181 504737-1729POMERANIAN REVIEW 4iVA va Hi..AV ''1 1reciousCh. Bev-Nors Fudge RippleMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Thelduns Almond FudgeCh. Dunns Little TinaesJICh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nors Sweet and SassyBrittons Little Miss MuffetAt stud to approved matrons. Fee and pedigree upon request. Matrons will be met promptly at New Orleans Airport.OwnerClaudia Pfeffer P.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181 504-737-1729yPOMERANIAN REVIEWdiwibin Pjo.r 9 1_Ch. Tiffanys Star of IndiaJestoms Red RobinTiffanys Puff of Smoke x TiffanysTanny of RosewoodCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms XBrittons Little Miss Muffet Owned by Tom and Jessie StephensbJestoms Tims ImageJestoms Red Robin xCh. Tiffanys Star of India Owned by Carol and Julie EdmistonYou start with two nicely bred dogs Jestoms Red Robin and Ch. Tiffanys Star of India. Breed them and you get Jestoms Tims Image ptd. Then you combine Jestoms Tims Image with Ch. Tiffanys Star of India and you get Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India. Next, you send Ch. Harbins Black Gold of India to Dr. and Mrs. Morris Carson to visit Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond and you get Ch. Harbins Poetry In Motion and Harbins Touch of Class soon to start her show career.The final results Designer GenesWe wish to take this opportunity to give our most sincere thanks to Tom and Jessie Stephens for their guidance and the sharing of their knowledge and experience. Also, a great big thank you to Morris and Betty Carson.Congratulations to Lennis Raines-Davis on her Kennel Visit and the start of it all Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms.POMERANIAN REVIEW 4msJumumIrene and Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125 206365-1748ImefilialCh. Harbins.Black Gold of IndiaJestoms Tims Image x Ch. TiffanysStar of IndiaCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond3Vt 1Ch. Harbins Poetry in Motion Harbins Touch of Class4pending AKC confirmation50 POMERANIAN REVIEWHarbins Pomeraniansproudly presentsMINK-BEST JUNIOR VL PUPPY -KiE .-ERGREENCh. Harbins Poetry in MotionCh. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Ch. Harbins Black Gold of IndiaFIVE STRAIGHT SHOWS FIVE BEST OF WINNERS ONE BEST OF BREED THREE MAJORS 8 MONTHS OLD FROM BRED BY EXHIBITORThank you very much to the following judges Ruth Davidson, 2 pts. Dorothy Carson, 3 pts. Dr. William Fields, 4 pts. Norman Patton, 4 pts. and Thomas Baldwin, 2 pts. In Canada, at only 6 months, Mink was BOW in all-breed Puppy Sweeps and WB and Best Toy Puppy at Evergreen KC for 2 pts. under judge Mrs. Olmos-Olliver. Also, at Evergreen KC she was BOW and Best Pom Puppy for 2 pts.A great big THANK YOU to Tom and Jessie Stephens, Morris and Betty Carson and Minks traveling companions, Terry Fisher and Tom Skidmore. Thank you too, to our friends and fellow exhibitors for your support and encouragement.Mink says, Watch for my litter sister, Harbins Touch of Class starting her career soon and congratulations to my grandma, Ch. Tiffanys Star of India on her five new puppies sired by Emcees Chips Ahoy of Coy, owned by Tom and Jessie Stephens.pending AKC confirmationHARBINS POMERANIANSIrene and Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Pt. Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125 206365-1748POMERANIAN REVIEW 5 BANDBOXChocolate LabradorsNancy Bartholomew 401489-5733Smooth Fox Terriers Rt. 1, Box 182 Ola, AR 72853,'TCh. Pomirish Lil Guys Hundrd PrufPoofie has many group placings including four firsts and one Canadian second. He is siring sound, typey puppies that will hopefully follow in his paw prints. He stands along with the dark red sable, Lennis Southern Nights 10 pts., both majors and Morenos Kirby by Choice, a super nice cream sable, double Dude grandson sired by Ch. Morenos Critics Choice. Both boys can be seen in the midwest this summer with their handler Sally Baugniet. Thanks to breeders Sally Baugniet, Lennis Davis and Julie Moreno for these lovely boys.Ch. Pomirish Chances Crem DBloonCrem finished in jig time with a 5 pt. specialty BOW among her wins. Shes pictured here finishing with a 3 pt. major under Mrs. J.E. Clark on the tough OK circuit. At present she is tending to her first litter 1 cream male, 1 cream female sired by Poofie. We are planning litters for late summer by the above boys out of our May Morning bred girls. Inquiries invited.4Vi52 POMERANIAN REVIEWDupre's Pomeranians4mCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid GoldDiamond congratulates his daughters on the opposite page for their recent wins at the Metairie Kennel Club show on May 6, 1984. Buttons won Best of Winners for a 3 pt. major and Pearl won a first in the puppy class. These girls are from the first two litters he sired.110 Pompano St.OwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Lafayette, LA 70508 318235-1423POMERANIAN REVIEW 53\r-jsv^iIVDupre's Diamond Gold Buttonw ^f 'r^.Dupre's Dancing Gold Pearl54 POMERANIAN REVIEWOREGON WEBFOOT REPORT by Diane Clark-BryantThis is spring in Oregon. Cant recall but one or two sunny days in April and only one so far in May. The ground is so rain-soaked that in jacking the camper up to be put on our truck in preparation for the trip down for the Eugene KC and Rogue Valley KC shows May 19 and 20, it slipped off its footings and became a casualty with 3 broken legs. The Poms and I may be tenting it on the north forty behind the show grounds.Earlier this spring Nancy Turner, Dolores Riggin and I paid a visit to Florence Ryals up in Tacoma, WA. Florence is a well-known Pom breeder in the Pacific Northwest. An aging but still beautiful Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner, a name many of you will recognize, makes his home with Florence. Florence always has an abundance of puppies to see and she is one of the most gracious dog people Ive met. She is always willing to share her years of experience in Poms and has been a great help and source of information. There is a lot to learn when starting in a breed and the place to get the best information is from the breeders who have been at it for many years. The only thing better than one knowledgable breeder is two talking away, happily engrossed in their favorite subject. Dolores and Florence had a field day.I always run a risk when I go to Florences, because I always find a pup I cant live without. Usually its sold or promised, but this time I got my bid in first. My new puppy bitch Fancy Dance of Ryals sired by Florences Ryals Flying High, has it all as a puppy with the head and sweet expression Florence breeds so well. My new boy, Royal Banner O Ryals is a repeat breeding that produced the little bitch Nancy Turner bought from Florence last year, Bry-Tur Music Box Dancer. Shegrabbed her first 9 points by 8 months of age. Nancy was captivated by a wolf sable pup she bought and is naming Sparkling Essence. Look for these three in the ring this summer.Florence is enjoying the thrill of victory these days as her Ryals Flying High who she call BJ came home from the Eastern Washington circuit a champion at 15 months. BJ is handled by Gene Handlin who always does an excellent job. BJ is the sire of my new girl Fancy Dancer. Our congratulations to Florence and her new champion.Next issue I will have news of wins at the Eugene KC and Rogue Valley KC shows, May 19 and 20 Mt. Bachelor at Redmond, OR, June 2 Vancouver KC, June 3 and Puyallup KC show June 9. The entry at Eugene and Rogue Valley is good with 16 Poms entered.In response to my last article, I received an interesting letter from Mr. Bill Ledbetter of West Germany. He sent some wonderful photos of German black Poms and two snow white Poms taken at Germanys largest canine exposition. Mr. Ledbetter expressed an interest in breeding good quality white Poms and is requesting U.S. breeders to correspond with him. The photos indicated that German breeders may be ahead in producing beautiful sparkling whites. Ive not come in contact with any in Oregon that can match the ones pictured for pure white color.Mr. Ledbetters address is Kronthaler Wegl4, 6236Eschborn 2, West Germany. I hope some of you will be able to give him some information on what is available in white breeding in the U.S.Mr. Ledbetter wrote that the German Pom Club Verein Fur Deutsche Spitz has rigid rules enforcing a strict registry. The original German Pom Kleinspitz weighs from 5 to 10 pounds and only the following color-breeding is permitted for registry pure white x pure white orange or red x orange or red wolf sable or blue x wolf continued on p. 60.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5EBaudier, Reg.Ch. Patricks Mr. Larry___Pictured with judge Mr. Howard Tyler winning Group 1 at Laramie K.C. Best of Breed judge, Mr. William Harvey.THANK YOUOwned byBaudier, Reg. Michael Husband 4010 Meridian Houston, TX 77017 713645-5760Bred ByMildred G. Patrick Dallas, TX 214341-8699Handled and Co-Owned byMax Kerfoot 7200 E. 88th Ave. Henderson, CO 80640303288-465056 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, color, sex, owners name, city and state, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.CH. BEV-NORS NEW CREATIONRed Sable Male Breeder Beverly NorrisOwners Beverly Norris and Edward B. Jenner, Pasadena, MDCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Models Truly A Diamond Great Elms Tar BabyApples Traveling Cricket Bev-Nors TessCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Sable Missie Great Elms DollyCH. BONNERS PENWAG SUNDUST Brilliant Orange MaleBreeder-Owner Dorothy Bonner, San Antonio, TXCh. Bonners Stylepepper Preshus Ch. Bonners Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonners Styletess Model Bonners Wee Wagdoll With LoveCh. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Bonner Kristin SundollBonners Pepper-K Sunkiss Ch. Bonners Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristin StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper-K Gold Mist Bonners Starlyn Gorgus PennyAristic Pepper Pods Gorgeous Bonners Little Miss Gorgeous Bonners Sunfire MischiefAM. CAN. CH. CHRISCENDO CAUSINCOMMENTOrange MaleBreederOwner Christine D. Heartz.Co-Owner Luke EhrichtCh. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion Ch. Bonners Kristin Starmist Can. Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Starlette Millamors Dancette Ch. Millamors Moon Rock Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion Millamors Marrilynn Can. Ch. Chriscendo CarlottaCh. Millamors Mascot of Dixieland Can. Ch. Bells Misty Masquerade Bells Happy Lady LuckCH. IDLEWYLD LAVALIEROrange MaleBreeder-Owner Margaret R. and John R. McKee, Richmond, VACh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDXAC. Ch. Wilmas Golden Party Boy Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX Pixies Hello Dolly Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Julies Star Vega Julies Starlight Susan Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD May Morning Social Lion May Morning Small Talk CD May Morning Fun N FrolicViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 57nV Cherokee PomeraniansTCh.Cherokee Summer FashionCh. Amberil Trade Secret x Ch. Cherokees Ember FashionSummer started her show career in a big way with a BOB win over a special for a 3 pt. major under judge Ed Jenner at the Heart of America KC show March 18. Pictured going RWB at the big Dallas-Ft Worth Specialty March 23 in the only photo available to me.Summer is owned by Kathy Householder of Newcastle, OK. Kathy and I wish to thank Janice Luginsland for her usual expert handling and training and loving care given Summer while in her charge.Congratulations to Lennis Raines Davis on her Kennel Visit. It has been my pleasure to have owned Youngs Gypsy Tar Babe and Lennis Smoky Mountain Rain. At present I have another of her breeding here, White Havens Red Banner, linebred on Tar Baby and Timstoppers Image. I thank Sue White for the opportunity of owning this girl.Our new address Breeder Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Rd. Jm St. Clair, MO 63077OwnerKathy Householder Rt. 1, Box 405F Newcastle, OK 73065Handler AgentJanice Luginsland RR 1Americus, KS 66835358 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. OAKLAWNS DIAMOND GEMRed-Orange MaleBreeder JerrieFreiaOwner Nellie B. Gaudet, Lafayette, LACh. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcees Chip Off The Ole Block Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Janesas Whatta GamblerCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch. Janesas Rock N-UbetSugarlands Flamingo Dancer Ch. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lenniss Tar-Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Janesas Tar-LaLenniss Tom-Tom Brittons Little Miss Muffet Lenniss Spungold JulieCH. POST SCRIPTS SPARKLE-N-ROCKWolf Sable Male Breeder Rose KellerOwner Carol A. Galavich, Powhatan Pt., OHCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Lenniss Tar Baby of Great Elms Lennis Ebony-N-Rust Brittons Little Debra Post Scripts MelodyEdneys Midnite Spirit Annons Lady Spirit Starbrites Lady DawnCH. SCOTIA PIPERS CHINTILY KOBKOBreederOwner Edna Girardot, Floral City, FLCh. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia Caviliers Wonder Girl Ch. Scotia JDs Im The Pied Piper Ch. Sungolds Dynamic David Ch. Sungolds Dee Dee Jilltaras Buttercup Ch. Scotia Colleen JJs Major Dink Ch. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Dandys Treasure Chest Ch. Scotia Braum Chintilly LaceCh. Scotia Cavs Spectacular Ch. Speck Suprise Phoebe OScotia Ch. Schonneights SupriseCH. SCOTIA TIN TIN FABULOUSBreederOwner Edna Girardot, Floral City, FLCh. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia W. Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia Caviliers Wonder Girl Ch. Scotia JDs Im The Pied Piper Ch. Sungolds Dynamic David Ch. Sungolds Dee Dee Jilltaras Buttercup Int. Ch. Rhapsody of Hadleigh Ch. Hadleigh Little Robin Hadleigh Golden Trixie Ch. Scotia Robins Mamas Happy Girl Ch. Sungold Gay Cavilier Scotia Caviliers Big Mama Beland Little SandraCH. STARGAZER OF BRIELLERed Sable MaleBreederOwners Ken and Katey Lefferts, Shirley, NYCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Moonwalker Pomwin Busybody May Morning Red Red RocketAmCan. Ch. Goldpaz Jonnie Midnight May Morning Legacy of Jonnie May Morning Kissin Cousin May Morning Social Climber Ch. May Morning Happy Chappie May Morning Little Lulu Joyful Noise of BrielleRossmoyne Little Gem II Caberts Little Miss Muffett Wee Cavalier Precious DollCH. WATTS LITTLE CIE-CIEOrange FemaleBreederOwner Dolores A. Watts, Brandywine, MDCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Thelduns Tim Dandy of Edney Ch. Blairs Solitaire Ch. Dunns Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Hadleighs Little Robin Ch. Lunds Just Dandy of Hadleigh Lunds Adorable Chubby Scotias Little Angel v. WattsCh. Sungolds Gay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavaliers Hello Dolly Ch. Sunsets Personal ConquestPOMERANIAN REVIEW 59Watts PomeraniansChampion 5TcBIlVfef J'Ch.Watts Little Cie-CieShown above in one of my favorite pictures of her, Cie-Cie finished her championship with a 4 pt. major at Warrenton KC on April 18, 1984. Pictured at lower left is her dam, Scotias Little Angel v. Watts. Cie-Cie is the third champion that Angel has produced. Many thanks to the judges who felt her worthy and again, special thanks to Sue Whaley who showed her to her championship.See Cie-Cies pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Dolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-8782Scotias Little Angel V. WattsP 50 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. WESTS JERIBETHS THORDrange MaleBreeder Jean WestOwner Mary Silva, Lompoc, CACh. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Robinhoods Duplicate Copy Creiders Chitty Bang Bang Ch. Wilwyns Teddy BearCh. Jans Little Redpod Macs Terrific DollTerrific Wendy of Shady Grove Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Joda Ephibus Joda Lady Suzette LLL Mite of Gold Minnie Stalkers Timmy Lee LLL Happy Time for Tricks LLL Happy Go Lucky TrixieOregon Webfoot Report, cont.from p. 54.sable or blue black x black or black x chocolate. Also, sables, creams or partis are not recognized as Kleinspitz colors. He writes that Poms weighing at 5 pounds or below at maturity are called Zwergspitz and all colors are permissible. It is not permissible to crossbreed the tiny imported from America and England Zwergspitz and the Kleinspitz lines.I enjoyed Mr. Ledbetters letter and hope you find the shared information of interest. Again, if any of you have information on white Pom lines, please write.MOVINGThe Post Office does not forward third class mail, so it does no good to record your new address with them as far as your Review is concerned unless you have paid for 1st class mailing or you pay for your third class mail to be forwarded at the time you place your address change with the Post Office. When the Post Office returns your book to the Circulation Manager, you will have to pay this return postage S.71 to 1.25 approximately, plus return postage to you. Therefore, let the Circulation Manager have your new address at least six weeks in advance of your intended move.POMERANIAN CLUB OF HAWAIIK\ QiW REbreedThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held its 3rd Specialty Show at the Honolulu Community College on January 22nd. Julie Moreno judged the entry of 13 selecting Ch. Jolly Wee Rockys Bit O Spunk as Best of Breed. He is owned and shown by Janet Cox. Winners Dog and Best of Winners for 5 points was Guys N Gals Megaton On Four, owned by Josephine Ching. Reserve Winners Dog and Best Puppy was Alanis Kona Gold, owned by Janet Cox. Winners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex, also for 5 points, was Guys N Gals Dolle Patches, owned by Josephine Ching. Shown by Clarice Oganeku. Reserve Winners Bitch was Queenaire Top of the Isles, owned by Josephine Ching.Hospitality Dance, cont.from p. 12.cake topped with a Pom figurine plus other cakes and pies. During the dinner everyone enjoyed the music of a three piece Combo some danced, some watched, some still visited. Dog people never run out of conversation.Everyone enjoyed the evening, the hospitality, the dinner, the music and most of all the gathering of so many wonderful people.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Sharel's PomeraniansfcjCtu Emcee's Texas PetePetey is proud to announce that his son and daughter A-Reynolds Tidy Skeeter and A-Reynolds Tidy Suerika won their classes at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club Silver Anniversary Show under judge Forrest M. McCoy. Congratulations to their breeder-owner Mrs. Armetha Reynolds of Benton, AR. This specialty was the most beautiful and beautifully run that Ive ever attended.Special congratulations to Eleanor Clark owner and Charlotte Creed breeder on finishing Southlands Fudge Generation. This flashy orange-sable is a pleasure to show and a joy to watch in the ring. Smudge finished quickly with 4 majors and 2 singles. Charlotte, you should be very proud of what you have accomplished in such a short time. Mother, congratulations on your new champion plus the exciting kids you are getting ready to follow in his paw printsFLASH A-Reynolds Tidy Skeeter goes WD and BW from the puppy class for 2 pts. at Canadian Valley K.C. Thank you judge Mildred BryantSharon Hicks 934 Clear Creek Texarkana, TX 75503 214792-102862 POMERANIAN REVIEWFrom the desk ofMRS. JULIE MORENOMEMOThings To Do ... Send in congratulations for Lennis on her years of successful breeding of fine Poms. Watch for Morenos Night Storm By Choice Stormy, our new black boy soon to be shown. Grow coat after puppy shed. Morenos Lady In Red Robin Mist Maizey will soon return to the show ring, after her broken leg. Bathe and groom up.Kiwi is the mother of a beautiful black girl. Not for sale, planned breeding to Stormy. Ch. Smokey daughter next years half brothersister breeding. Phoebe is the mother of a darling sable boy. Already spoken for. Good Going, Sam Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero on your Group First under judge Dorothy Bonner, from your half-brother, Ch. Morenos Critics Choice Smokey.We Feed Science Diet.MORENOS POMERANIANS1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066415583-4973after 10 am our time'E 3POMERANIAN REVIEW 63Anadors Pomeranians WnAmCan Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher AmCan Ch. Anadors Dark FancyOur eighth American and thirteenth Canadian Champion.AmCan Ch. Anadors Fancy ShortcakeFinished under Fred Hiigel at Lakeland Florida K.C.Ann and Gene Welshinger 715 399-2702Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, WI 5488064 POMERANIAN REVIEWTHE STARSS NIGHT OUTAt the dramatic Show of Shows in Chicago, at invitational for Best in Show dogs, our breed made it to the finals top 15, all 7 groups. The honors went to CH. BEV-NORS TOASTED FUDGE. Toasty came out of retirement for this special event, and is now back home earning his keep. Toasty retired April 15, 1983 and finished 1983 at 2 Pom. He was 1 Pom in 1981 and 1982.'rafifB-tS'T INSHOW BUCKS COUNTYKENNEL CLUB1981. i ASWIf4ACh. Bev-Nors Toasted FudgeToastys daughter Bev-Nors Toastys Tan-Ya blacktan made her debut March 5 at Bucks County taking a 5 pt. major, Best of Breed and Group First from the puppy class. Shown by Susan Fisher, owned by Beverly Norris and Ed Jenner.Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge congratulates his 16th champion and others on their way.New Champion Ch. Bev-Nors New Creation, Petey is owned by Ed Jenner and myself. He finished at 8 months with several breeds and was RWD at the APC Specialty.Southlands Fudge Double Dip, owned by Charlotte Creed, BOS in Sweepstakes at the APC Specialty, is major pointed and a breed winner from puppy class.Desirees Rippling Fudge owned by Desaree Sandifer took a 4 pt. major his first time out and another 4 pt. major the following week.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd.mPasadena, MD 21122 301 255-1343iCh. Fudge will be 12 years old in November and is still producing.POMERANIAN REVIEWrSandtown Pomeraniansk \50WINNERSbattlecreekKENNEL CLUB'IOCT.1983 BOOTH PHOTOCh. Pomirish Sandtown's RaisinCongratulations to Sally Baugniet on her new champion.Available to show home, a 5 month old black male. At 4 months, he went Best Puppy in Match in Ponca City, OK.Lois and Bill Abjornson P.O.Box 432 Sand Springs, OK 74063 918245-691536 POMERANIAN REVIEWCanine Eye Registration Foundation, Inc.Report Nos. 9 10We present this, our first report in 4 years, with gratitude to all who expressed a personal sense of loss at CERFs suspension of its Register on June 1, 1979, and of valuable services regained with CERFs revival in April, 1982.The accompanying tabulations include 1 a summary of CERFs data from its start, the October 1975, to the June 1979, suspension 2 totals of registrations, by breed, prior to suspension and totals of newly registered, or up-dated registrations since CERFs resumption 3 tabulations of data received since resumption, with breakdown of portion of eye found suspicious or affected in those individuals ineligible for CERF registration. In a few instances, a percentage figure has been given which we feel may substantiate our original claim that breeding only certified clear-eyed dogs to certified clear-eyed dogs can significantly reduce the incidence of inherited eye diseases in the breed populations. Results in Toy and Miniature Poodles are disappointing, due largely, we believe, to the great difficulty in detecting PRA early enough to insure elimination of affected individuals as breeders.We are also pleased to announce that the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit filed its decision on May 3, 1983,AFFIRMING the Judges rulings in the trial of the antitrust charged brought against CERF, Dr. and Mrs. Trauner and 5 California ACVO members. Some excerpts from the OPINION handed down by the Court of Appeals followpage 8 CERF provided examination forms only to ACVO members and would accept no other type of form for inclusion in its registry. The reason justifying thisCERF-ACVO relationship is valid. ACVO members are the only veterinarians who had objectively demonstrated that they are qualified to perform the hereditary eye examinations. Obviously, examination reliability is of utmost concern to 11 Setting minimum standards to insure quality increases competition and is entirely 12 The dismissal of all the antitrust claims was clearly 16 Further, it is our conclusion that appellees motive in creating the canine eye registry was proper . . . Finally, appellants failed to present competent evidence to prove damages.Those of you who have asked for listings of dogs registered in particular breeds will have to be patient. We are entering this information in computer storage so that it can be alphabetized, periodically updated, and can be printed out at any time. As always, inquiries about individual CERF- registered dogs will be answered promptly.Supporting Memberships are open to individuals and groups for 25.00 annual dues. This entitles a Supporting Member to be on our mailing list for all regular and special reports. There is no charge to members of the Veterinary profession who wish to be put on our mailing list, and ACVO members will automatically receive copies of all general reports and such special reports as they may request, at no cost.WE ARE GLAD TO BE BACKA report of current April 1982 April 1983 ophthalmological findings for Poms was included with this letter. During this period 21 Pomeranians were examined 15 were found to be clear of eye defects 6 were suspiciousaffected. While 6 may notPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6 XX " XV - MV MW Pixies Hillcrest PomeraniansM' '4 r. -v07^- - i\ 1 v ,v , f , v.j v., \6 Vr\ 'v o y 1ffTri'H i prill 1lftf1 ZSdcih.Ch. Post Scripts Sparkle-N-RockCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Post Scripts Melody Owner handled to his championshipSincere thanks for the generosity of my friend Judy Layfield and the fine breeding of Rose Keller. Rocky is a welcome addition to our breeding program, with several show prospect puppies to his credit.Pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Inquiries Invited.Carol A. Galavich 52821 German Hill Road Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614458-1705V MV- StK-------------------------XX--------------- SIX -XX XX-1 XXT XK--------------- X8 POMERANIAN REVIEWJudges CritiqueTHE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON INC., SPECIALTY SHOWMarch 16,1984 by Dorothy BonnerSponsored by the Houston Combined Specialty Association, the Pomeranian Hub of Greater Houston presented their Spring Specialty. The covered, open air tavilion was quite adequate for the eleven pecialties with roomy rings and sufficient rooming spaces. I was honored to be elected as the Pom judge, and enjoyed eeing the lovely entries.Macs Gold Dust was the winner of the Duppy Dog 6-9 class. Bred and owned by Vlrs. B.G. McDonald, he was one of he most charming and standard-correct juppies that has been shown recently, and te won my heart completely.Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back won the Puppy Dog, 9-12 class. Bred by Mrs. J. L. SVeitz and Lillian M. Muller, owned by Anna LaFortuna and Richard Lackey, he ,vas a mature and correct type. Bred by Exhibitor Dogs, Sungolds Dyn O Moe Rider was the winner. Bred and owned by Anna LaFortune, he was an example of knowledgable breeding. We were glad to see Anna and talk to her later. In American Bred, McKameys Star of Gold, bred and owned by Mrs. Norris McKamey, demonstrated his true-Pom structure and excellent conformation. First in Open Dogs was Macs High Pockets, bred by Mrs. B.G. McDonald, owned by Molly Miller. He was small, of brilliant color and a credit to the breed. He was my choice for Winners Dog.Puppy Bitches 6-9 months was a class of adorable but tiny girls. Patricks Miss Amaretta, breeder-owner Mildred Patrick, was first place. The 9-12 class was taken by Bar-Das Whirlwind, a darling little Pom owned and bred by Bobbie Gibson. Bred by Exhibitor class winner was Janesas Roulette, bred and owned by John Lewis, Adam Verrett, and Jerrie Freia. Roulettewas a very beautiful, brood-sized specimen who should be valuable to the breed. She was my choice for Winners Bitch and Best of Winners.The Open class was won by Jolly Wee Ms. Georgia Sunshine, a stylish and gorgeous girl. She was bred by Randy Freeh and owned by Roxie Campbell and Carolyn Crockett. Sunshine had a special charm and was a close contender for Winners.Best of Breed went to breeder-owners Peter Galindo and Ron Welchs Ch. Pedrons Dragonmark, a most exquisite huge-coated Pom that posed and moved to the utmost perfection. Within little more than a week, this fellow later went BOB at the Galveston and Houston All-Breed shows, and at the Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Specialty.Best of Opposite Sex went to that fabulous little girl, Ch. Wests Sugar Bear, breeder-owner, Jean West.After the show, everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY breeders, owners and entrants, were entertained by Tim and Sue Goddard in their very nice home, where crowded wall-to-wall people conversed and ate excellent food.CERF, continued from p. 66.seem to be a large number it represents 29 of the total. With so few dogs examined it is hard to tell if 29 is representative of the eye situation in the breed or not. The only way to know is to examine more dogs.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6WFanjet KennelsCh My Way's Stormy Might's DreamStormy5A lb. black female.OwnerArlene Steinmetz 6 Monroe St. Keyport, NJ 07735 201264-9293BEST OF f BREEDrrCh. Lennis' Jonathan P. QuibbleQuibble5 lb. orange male. Available for stud.HandlerAgentHelen Melucci Millard Rd.N. Attleboro, MA 07760A0 POMERANIAN REVIEW . v'vv-REBELREPORTbyJane Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33803I had a nice visit with Chris and John leartz of Truro, Nova Scotia when they isited Ken and Elenor Miller following the .pecialty and All-Breed shows in February. Uways nice to see them.A stunning little newcomer to the show ing is McGuires Little Nike, bred by Joldie McGuire of Lakeland, FL and iwned by Arlene and John Benko of West aim Beach. The latter part of April, iwner-handled, Gidget went Best of Ireed at Stuart, FL. The following day at upiter, she was Reserve. Bet well be eeing lots more of this little gal.Some good and bad news from Millamor fennels of Ken and Eleanor Miller in _akeland. Millamors Mood Music was hosen Winners Dog for a 4 point major, ompleting his championship in Galveston, Texas on March 17. The bad news is that Th. Millamors Mark of Dixieland passed iway on April 9 at nearly 13 years of age. Tark was the sire of Ch. Millamors vlarketta, top winning Pom in the mid eventies, and has sired a number of ihampions who are, in turn producing hampions. Two of Marks youngest sons ire Ch. Millamors Mark Medallion, bred ind owned by Millamor, and Ch. Coys Top of the Mark, bred by James M. Coy ind owned by Mrs. Ashlyn L. Cannon of Raleigh, NC.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Mary VickersYou might be reading this in the hot summer, but is being written in spring. Spring in the Baltimore area is an exceptional time of year . . . for folks who like spring and folks who like dog shows.This season was kicked off by the efforts of the Richmond KC and National Capital KC. Then came the actual budding Cherry Blossoms. And then the notorious Cherry Blossom circuit. Spring is now over, but like its flowers the memory will linger. It wasnt the pink Cherry Blossoms that made it so delightful, but the varying colors of POMS.Besides the usually seen colors of orange and orange sable, there were a few reds, 2 cream sables, shaded sables, many blacks, a chocolate and tan which covers the Brown category and interestingly enough a black and tan special. The only colors that were missing were blue and the parti-colors. But there are more than enough good quality breeders who are interested in color breeding to remedy this situation in the future.Mention should be made of those who pointed this spring Silva Lade Midnight Caper Fred, a cream sable male owned by Dianne Johnson received a major and points. Silva Lade Almond Joy Kitten, the chocolatetan bitch owned by Dianne with a 3 pt. major. Dolores Watts Chipper of G. Elms with a 4 pt. major. Donna Wrights Damiens Dream, another cream sable who majored. Ann Cannons Scampy Dancer who gained points. Mary Ellen Snyders Morrocos Chantilly who also majored. Several of these Poms and their owners are only points away from finishing.As you can tell from all those majors the competition was fierce. So very sincere continued on p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEW 71Bi-Mar Pomeraniansmf . immmmsCh. Bi-Mar Sundance KidFOR SALEShow prospects by Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid along with several new litters expected from AKC pointed show dams. Reasonable prices.Two year old Irish Setter red male sired by Ch. Tomanolls Romeo and out of a daughter of Ch. TomanolPs Tiny Teddy Bear. Proven sire and could be shown. 300.00.Mary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, WA 98003 206838-6397 or 927-2369'2 POMERANIAN REVIEWMIDWEST REPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B. Mishicot, WI54228The Pomeranian Standard Part IVTAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, set high. It is profusely covered with hair.Many times we see Poms with low tail sets a breeders nightmare. Thus grew the practice of over trimming the rear and up the root of the tail. A Pom with a low set tail looks longer in back than if it had a high set tail and indeed it would. The tail is simply an extention of the rest of the vertebrae in the back. The coat then adds inches to the longer look. Over trimming the rear tends to disguise the fault of the low tail set. Over trimming will be discussed in another article.The tail is definitely characteristic of the breed. Only one other breed has close to the Pom-type tail. Some breeds call for a tail over the back in an arch or carried to one side, etc. The closest tail description to the Pomeranian tail is that of the Chow Chow which states Tail set well up and carried closely to the back, following line of spine at start.We find Pom tails that have a side curve to them which would cause the tail to drop to one side. A short tail with profuse hair on it, might also cause the hair to fall to one side. Some Poms have tail hair that combs up to the ears others have Chow-like tail cover. Is that profuse enough Some have a kink at the end of the tail. Since there are no major faults listed at the end of this paragraph as there are in some othersections, we can assume any deviation from what is mentioned would be a minor fault.COAT Double-coated a short, soft thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistening outer coat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, stand-off straight hair. The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major fault.I have listened to people tell me that judges have told them their Pom had too much coat. Breeders have replied, A Pom cannot have too much coat. The more I thought about it, the more I started to understand what these too-much-coat judges meant. In order to have a frill of profuse, stand-off coat, you must have two things, the proper texture and a thick undercoat to hold up the longer guard hair. If the guard hair is too long for the amount of undercoat, the total coat will not form a frill of stand-off coat. In other words, what those judges are saying is, since the guard hair is drooping instead of standing-out, there is too much of it. Another way of saying it is, there is not enough undercoat for the amount of guard hair present, so as to make the coat stand-off as called for in the standard. The Pom Standard asks for longer guard hair than undercoat, but not long coat as does the Pekingese Standard. Again, keep in mind, we are raising Poms not Pekes. The face, legs and coat must conform to the Pomeranian Standard as much as possible and are not to be confused with the Pekingese long coat with thick undercoat. Do we want our Pom to look like a poor quality Peke or for that matter, a poor Papillion or a poor long-coat Chihuahua A flat open coat is a lack of undercoat.By the way, who thought we in the mid-west were low on the Totem Pole with our dog quality I hope you have dispelledPOMERANIAN REVIEW 73EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233 Ch. Emcee.s Chips of DiamonLVriBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXDANVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH 1984PHOTO BY aim V' ill.1Ch. Emcee's Golden JaymyCh. Emcees Golden Chip x Emcees Tartan TamJaymy has always been that Special Pom. She finished her championship at 9 months, took Group 1 from the puppy class along with other wins.Thanks to Maynard Wood, her handler, for his excellent handling and care of her and thanks to all the judges who saw merit in Jaymy and gave her majors, points and Group wins.Congratulations to Nadine Hersil and Jackie Liddle on Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffies Specialty win. Little expected from Ch. D-Nees Darin Duffie x Emcees Tip of Gold.Congratulations to all our friends who are currently showing and winning with Emcees Pomeranians. We are happy to say that in 12 years we have bred and finished over 30 champions.Congratulations to Lennis Davis on her Kennel Visit. We are grateful to Lennis for our Emcees Tartan Tam who continues to be one of the foundations of our kennel and producer of champions.Watch for Emcees Solid Gold Diamond will have more show kids in the ring soon Emcees Truly A Diamond and Emcees Sparkling Mico.Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804740-797774 POMERANIAN REVIEWthose thoughts. The top winning Pomeranian for 1983 was bred, owned and handled by mid-westerners. Congratulations to Nadine Hersil, Duffies breeder-owner from Wisconsin and Jackie Liddle, his handler from Minnesota. Way to go, galsI hope this article hits a few people. I have not seen any comments in Yips and Yaps on my articles on the Pomeranian Standard. I received one favorable letter from Claudia Lis thanks, Claudia after my first article. Whats your opinionAs I understand the minutes of the annual meeting, A.P.C. members are not willing to give any special compensation or privileges to those of us who write articles for the Pomeranian Review as requested by our editor. But, then you dont seem to contribute anything to the magazine yourself. Oh, what do I hear You advertise Great so do I. You served on the Board of Directors of the A.P.C. Great so did I for seven years, before mail and club-paid telephone conference meetings when it cost 200.00 plus to fly to New York City for each of four meetings a year. This was done willingly. Come on all of you Do your share too. ContributeMaybe you dont want our articles. What if none of us wrote any Good riddance, huh If the Pomeranian Review would be better off without our articles, just say the word. I really am a very busy lady, as are all of us who write articles, Im sure. I really get tired of just a few active members doing all of the work and the rest sitting back and enjoying the fruits of our labors. Do we thank our show chairmen, superintendents committees, delegates, board members, etc.That is my opinion. What is yoursPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensWe are pleased to report that our last match in March was a very successful one with over 20 entries. Our judge was James Moran and his expertise with Poms was appreciated by all. Best Puppy was Harbins Poetry in Motion, bred by Irene Harbin. Best in Match, another homebred, was Jacklins A Lil Bit O Hadleigh, owned by Linda Jackson. We would like to thank the exhibitors from the Columbia Pomeranian Club, Averil Asbeck, Muriel Gunther and John Nye for their support. A very happy get together in a local restaurant afterward gave all a chance to get to know each other and talk with the judge. Thanks to everyone who participated and especially to our judge for his time and patience.Our meeting held at the Stephens home had a good attendance. Lots of plans were made under the guidance of our President, Erin Hundley. A very pleasant evening.The last meeting has held at the home of Erin Hundley in Puyallup and a pot luck dinner gave everyone a chance to talk dogs before the meeting. We accomplished several plans and welcomed new members. New ideas are always welcome. Irene Harbin will be having a well earned rest from the news letter and we all thank her for her time and effort on this project. Our new editor will be Julie Lingren. I am sure she will have everything in order and our newsletter will continue to be produced, so good luck Julie.Show news has been good with the Harbins Poetry in Motion taking a trip to Canada and taking the points both days and winning the Junior Sweeps. Her first weekend in the States she went reserve and then took the points the next day. At Walla Walla, Richland and Yakima she took the majors each day giving her a total of 13 points in 4 shows and shes not quite 9 months old. This gal is sired by Morris continued on p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Animations tabe Trrom doylani9P ViyBESTOF BREED OR VARIETYf4 CENTRAL OHIO KENNEL CLUBAPRIL1984 BOOTH PHOTO'MM-- ____Babe is shown winning a major under Mrs. Heywood Hartley. Also, thanks to Mr. James Cavallaro for awarding Babe 2 pts at Steubenville.Babe was bred by Judy Shearer, Walnut Creek, OH and sired by my Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy.ANIMATION KENNELSLorinda Vasuta 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave.216762-7567 Akron, OHB POMERANIAN REVIEWreater Baltimore, cont. from p. 70. ongratulations to all those who can now dd Ch. before their names.Finishing on the Tar Heel Circuit, 1UDOS to Morris and Betty Carson with fh. Emcees Golden Jaymy bitch, and ieverly Norris who with Ed Jenner owns ih. Bev-Nors New Creation dog. 'inishing on the Cherry, KUDOS to Ch. Ioe-Best Constant Attention bitch and 'erri Moebuis, Ch. Watts Little Cie-Cie bitch and Dolores Watts, Ch. Post Script ealers Choice bitch and breeder Rose teller and owner Skip Piazza. Ch. Idlewyld .avalier dog and Margaret and Rachal lcKee. Knowing my fellow club members, ou can find pictures of many of the Poms n the next few pages.It might be summer but there is much ictivity in the club as we gear up for our innual party. September is our birthday ind new officers taking over and we elebrate another year with our picnic, iwards and that fantastic auction. Tell you ibout it later.Duget Sound, cont. from p. 74.Darsons lovely Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond. At Walla Walla under Dorothy 'arson, the breed went to Alicia Kvamme ind Nora Higbees Ch. Jambos Community Property, a lovely little bitch vho also finished quickly. Richland and ifakima Best of Breed awards went to Jim Vlorans Ch. Tomho George Heatwave. At iremerton, this lovely Pom went 2nd in the roup under Mrs. Nishimura. Poms in this trea are drawing good entries with majors.With the excitement of the New York specialty and the Garden behind us, we had he first Specialty of the year to look forward to the Dallas-Fort Worth 25th Anniversary. Shirley Bradley of Bradley Poms was an exhibitor with some of Opal Moshers lovely Poms. They have beendoing well, and siring well, in this area. The Specialty catalog finished in silver is a real credit to those in charge. Those Texans really did make it a real silver specialty. Congratulations to all who made this such a memorable event. I am sure the judges were more than pleased with the wonderful entry.It was interesting to note that in 1962 Sally McGilbry of the famous Golden Glow Pomeranians was their judge. Many beautiful Poms have come from Golden Glow and Sally and Vance and both still active and love to hear about all the shows.A bit more show news . . . Whitbey Island and Olympia shows May 5 and 6 saw Irene Harbin finish two champions, a mother and daughter. More of them elsewhere in this issue. This makes three generations of champion females. Best of Breed went again to Ch. Tomhos Georgia Heatwave going on to group 3 and 4. There were four specials the first day and three the next under judges Mary Rosenbaum and Tom Baldwin respectively. Congratulations to all the winners. Anyone else who finished a Pom that I dont know of, congratulations. A nice turn out both days.Glad we have some news coming out of Oregon and the breeders down there. Gives us a chance to read what is going on in the shows and obedience. Remember, if news is not passed on for the column, it cannot be included. See you round the shows.Congratulations to Phyllis Andrews on finishing Andrews Wee Red Laddie under Mary Rosenbaum at Whitbey Island Kennel Club. Good to see Phyllis back in the ring and winning. Another homebred and owner handled Pomeranian. Keep them coming.POMERANIAN REVIEWJamels PomeraniansintroducesiCh. Southland's Fudge GenerationThis exciting orange sable finished at 11 months in great style.Thank you to my daughter, Sharon Hicks for starting him on his show career and to Charlotte Creed his breeder for finishing him.A big thanks to Charlotte for allowing me to bring this beautiful guy to my house. Thanks also to the following judges Roland E. Adaveck 5 pts., Mrs. E.W. Tipton 4 pts., Lena B. Wiseman 2 pts., Dr. Leon Seligman 3 pts., Mrs. Wilma Hunter 3 pts..Subject to AKC confirmation.Eleanor Clark 214832-1389212 Redwater Rd. Wake Village, TX 75501'8 POMERANIAN REVIEWBreeding For Improvementby Phyllis AndrewsI find the title of this article quite intriguing. Breeding for improvement. What does that mean to the beginner who nolds the future of our breed in his hands, o the older breeder and yes, even to those who stand ringsideI was a beginner in 1967. When I aecame serious about breeding and showing Pomeranians I found there were no older breeders in my area to turn to for tielp or advice. Fortunately I knew a well-known breeder in California and even though she was retired she helped me through letters.No matter what you have as a beginner, that is what you have to work with and it many times is all you can afford. I now understand why many older breeders are so reluctant to let the beginner have that excellent show quality brood. In our small litters, they need them for their own breeding programs. Quality is so hard to come by they want the outstanding females placed in knowledgable hands. I worked with the best I could get for five years and finally was offered a top quality bitch with top bloodlines. So you may have to work with the best you can get for a while, but know that better will be offered to you once you prove yourself, both in sticking with it and in knowledge.If you are lucky enough to have an older breeder near you, listen and learn. If you feel that the breeder is really just offering a For Sale sign, beware. They may only be interested in selling to you rather than teaching you. I have spent hours with newcomers in this area encouraging them, answering questions and seeking answers to things I didnt know. I also encourage newcomers to look not only at my dogs but to compare with other breeders whose names I happily supply. They must makeup their own minds and only by attending shows and visiting kennels can they make a knowledgable decision.The first step then in breeding for improvement is to learn, learn, learn knowing there is always much more to learn. Breeding for improvement is done in YOUR kennel. If you can see improvement over the years yes, it takes years then you have accomplished this goal. Dont worry about what others say or do, if you truly believe that you have improved then you are just what the breed needs. Regardless of whether your kennel is two, twenty or sixty, but on the whole has improved, you are doing it right. There will always be ringside judges with their unsolicited comments. Dont pay any attention. If after carefully evaluating your dogs you can say, yes, these heads are better than the ones I produced a few years ago this coat texture is better these fronts those rears are all better, then you can be satisfied.We need that is, the BREED needs you as you work quietly in your own kennel. Keep looking for places to improve your dogs whether its bites, movement, coat, whatever. Know what you have accomplished know where you want to go. That shows you are not kennel blind but truly a breeder.Show what you have. You wont always win but you need to take your Pom to the shows so that YOU can compare your dogs with others. Your dogs may be worse than you thought or you may be surprised and find they are better than you thought. Only at the ring can you get this kind of information. Dont bother asking or listening to those ringside unpaid judges who have never bred or shown dogs themselves. If they knew so much, theyd continued on p. 90.POMERANIAN REVIEW 79 Annons, Reg.presentsthe SPECIAL-TY males.laWatch for Annons Dark Horse of LenmsMany thanks Lenms, for this Muffet x Image grandson and Congratulations on your Kennel Visit.Ann Cannon 10504 Crockett Rd. Nokesville, VA 22123 703368-134180 POMERANIAN REVIEW-rPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 1910167th Ave. S.E. Snohomish, WA 98290A Grand Slam Four new champions among Northwest Pomeranians, all completing their championships at two shows on one weekend. On Saturday May 5 at the Whidbey Island show, judge Mary Rosenbaum awarded Winners Dog to a very showy orange named Andrews Wee Red Laddie. Laddie was shown by his breeder-owner Phyllis Andrews. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners went to Harbins Black Gold of India, well-coated, sound moving black and tan girl. Toby was bred by Irene Harbin and shown by Sylvia Harbin. Best of Breed went to Ch. Tomhos Georgia Heatwave, shown by his owner Jim Moran. Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. CJs Crystals Isadora, another lovely black and tan, bred and owned by Pete Casteneda and Bob Johnson shown by Pete.On Sunday, May 6, judge Tom Baldwin awarded Winners Dog to Ryals Flying High, breeder Earline Titus, owner Florence Ryals, BJ started his show career last December by winning Best Puppy at the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty in Portland. He is just 14 months old. Winners Bitch and Best of Winners went to appropriately named, Harbins Poetry in Motion, a beautiful young lady and daughter of Saturdays Winners Bitch, Harbins Black Gold of India. Mink will not be a year old until August. She was bred by Irene Harbin and shown by Sylvia. Mink started her show career April 21, 1984, shown six times she has been Winners Bitch five. A short but successful career. Best of Breed was Ch. Tomhos GeorgiaHeatwave Best of Opposite Sex, Ch. CJs Crystals Isadora.These four champions did not earn their awards by accident or by their owners determination Ill make a champion out of this one or else. These Poms earned their championships by their quality. This special quality in each case was the intended result of many years of careful study of pedigrees and the contribution of the quality dogs in those pedigrees.Andrews Wee Red Laddie is the result of breeding a daughter of Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier to a grandson of Cavilier, who was one of the all-time greats. Bred by Anna LaFortune and owned by Edna Girardot, Cav sired 66 American Champions and 6 Foreign Champions. See page 95, April Review.Ryals Flying High is called BJ, short for Banner Junior. He is a double grandson of another beautiful Pomeranian, Ch. Skylark Cinnamon Banner. Banners record includes many Best of Breed and Group wins and a Best in Show. Banner was bred by Shirley Hoffman and is owned by Florence Ryals.Harbins Black Gold of India was the result of a motherson breeding. Ch. Tiffanys Star of India, bred to Jestoms Red Robin, Timmy. That breeding produced Jestoms Tims Image, Charlie see page 77, April Review. Bred back to Indy, was produced Harbins Black Gold of India, Toby. So where are the great old champions Look back in these pedigrees and you will see them. Many of the Ch. Great Elms Timstopper sons and grandsons predominate.Harbins Poetry in Motion, Ch. Emcees Solid Gold Diamond x Harbins Black Gold of India. The sires grandmother and the dams grandfather are brother and sister a full circle of well planned breeding.Some champions are the result of luck but most are the result of years of study and planning. All of the above prove this and continued on p. 90.POMERANIAN REVIEW 81r Tiperon Pomeraniansproudly presents35Markham K.C. 4 in Group k'38 sT v-WV.vOCh.Tiperons Custom CopyCh. Boulder River Carbon Copy x Ch. Friskys RiptideTanya is pictured finishing her championship with a Group 4 over BIS winning dogs under Anita Chapman. She is a very cobby Pom with showmanship and proper movement. She has just whelped 3 girls on May 4, 1984 a black, an orange and a cream. One or two will be for sale.Also, expecting a litter of chocolates and blacks on May 25. Also, three stud prospects for sale 1 clear orange, 5 lb., very sound, proven and pointed and 2 black and tans also very sound. Showstopper and Great Elms lines.Pomeranians with Designer Genes.TIPERON POMERANIANSRR 3, Group P. Box 10 Mount Hope, Ont. Can. LOR1WOJenny Noonan 416679-479282 POMERANIAN REVIEWVaccination Breaks and Parvo Diseaseby Dr. Stephen C. Ayres DVMParvo disease has been a major concern to you breeders and exhibitors for the last three years. This is certainly evident in the press by the great number of articles on the subject. In dealing with breeders, exhibitors and just plain pet owners doing their own vaccinating, I have seen a fair amount of Parvo disease after the vaccines were given. For this reason I want to share some of my observations and suggestions concerning Parvo with you to help in your vaccination program, if you are having problems.First, I feel one of the major reasons for any vaccine break is poor vaccine. For example Ive noticed one type of Parvo vaccine that I guess the quality control on is so poor that the manufacturer had to add antibiotics to it to insure sterility. Choose a well-known company for your source. Examples of such biological companies are Fromm, Pitman-Moore, Norden, Fort Dodge, etc. It doesnt matter if you like to give the combination DHLP-Parvo or the Parvo individually. And it also doesnt matter if its killed or modified live. Just make sure the company is reputable. How do you find out if youre not sure Ask your veterinarian or a breeder that has been in the business a long time and has a successful vaccination program.A second cause for vaccination programs failing is using vaccine that has expired. I see this problem occasionally. Usually what you initially obtain vaccine, the expiration date is good for 2-3 years. However, if you buy it in any sort of bulk, that expiration date can slip by quickly. One thing about vaccine, if it says it expires on a certain date, it means it\ Dont think that theres a fudge factor. If its expired by even a month, throw it away. Dont take a chanceEven if you have a good quality vaccine and use it within the expiration date, you can undo all your precautions by not handling it properly. Any type of vaccine is very temperature sensitive and with warming will lose its potency. This goes for killed as well as modified live vaccine. For example, one clients dog recently came down with Parvo disease. On inquiring I found that she gave her own shots and on the day she received the vaccine, she went shopping and ran some errands with the vaccine sitting in a warm car with no ice packs to keep it cold. I felt this was the probable cause of this vaccine break. Also, after you reconstitute it with liquid, you must use it immediately Its potency dramatically decreases and is ineffective the next day even with refrigeration.Finally, there is one last important point concerning when to vaccinate. Your vaccination series should start at 6-7 weeks of age. The final shot should be no earlier than 16 weeks so as to avoid any maternal immunity interference. Now between these two dates, whether you want to give the Parvos every 2 weeks, 3 weeks, or 4 weeks is a matter of preference to the individual owner, but those first and last shots are of extreme importance. Further, if you are showing actively and are around a lot of outside dogs, I would recommend boosting every 6 months just as an added precaution.As I said before, Parvo disease is an ever constant worry to us all and protecting your dogs against it is of prime importance. I hope these suggestions and observations on my part will increase your understanding and help you with any problems you have with your vaccination program.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8^Wee cTEaiti 0-^orrLErLanian5,uycJ-fzaxtiij-j-sxznt xunztnzx- -st r4Lenrus Rainmaker x Timstoppers Deby KaySeveral litters for sale. Heavily linebred on Great Elms and Scotia lines. Repeat breeding of above male due 61484. Show prospects, pets. Stud service.N 1- Soo ^bOxoCh. Tennis Tar SonsS5l--Imagex DOro Magic Dragon of LennisSSrSbSrFor Sale Puppies sired by this typey 44 orange sable male. Huge coat super sound. All inquiries answered promptly.5Mr-iCongratulations,Lennis on your Kennel Visit. A very hearty thank you for the many good ones you let me have.Thank you, too, Edna Girardot for the beautiful dogs I have from youCassandra Ready P.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822 803593-36004 POMERANIAN REVIEWI Remember Dorothy BonnerAs a child in a small Texas town, my pal 'as a small Fox Terrier who doubled as a imily dog. My mother was not pet riented and Spotty lived out doors. A love ar pets seemed to be mostly inherited from ty father who secured the dog, but was tuch too busy for involvement. However, e insisted that Spotty be confined during er seasons so puppies were not mine to njoy. A prolific reader, I was charmed 'ith Albert Payson Terhunes dog stories rat made Collies glamorous and desirable, ut my teen years at Texas University rohibited any incumbrance. After mar- .age in New York, I was able to visit Mr. erhune in Sunny Brook, New Jersey to see is famous collies and meet his lovely wife, lowever, my early training enabled me to ance in the big theatre productions in New 'ork City, and my life was filled with dventure. One day, a Ziegfeld Follies girl rought a Pom to rehearsal and I was hooked at the first sight of a breed that emed to me the most beautiful in all the 'orld.In the middle twenties, we decided that tew York was too confined for perma- ence, so returned to the wide open spaces, icking San Antonio as our home. Jthough my husband was an electrical ngineer, dancing was my life and a Ballet chool was an instant success. This led torather professional Kiddie Reviews that ran in the top theatre occasionally, along with the regular vaudeville acts. After one particularly successful show, the manager offered me a bonus of anything my heart desired. My answer was a Pomeranian. Not knowing anything about such a rare breed, he promised, You find one and we will pay for it.A classified ad took me to the Schoenbergs house, my introduction to a long friendship. Gladys had about 8 Poms, mostly males, but there was one mama with two adorable puppies. I took the girl, a small black and tan, who became our adored child for 14 years. She was not beautiful, except to us, and looked more like a Long Coated Chihuahua. The fabulous Aristic Poms came later. Baby was my constant companion, even attending dancing classes, secure on her pillow near me. During our travels, she was smuggled in a Boston bag, sitting in it demurely under the table in restaurants. In our estimation, and in hers, she was a tiny person a well behaved little lady with a brilliant mind, much too intelligent to be canine related. After her death, all of my later Poms were accumulated in her sweet memory.The deadlines never change...They are February 15, May 15, August 15 and November 15.Please make a note of them and plan your ads so that they will arrive on time.POMERANIAN REVIEW-Z^ d dPom. SMi -t BBfif. .vT -IPjm ,13 31 ii es-s7 saffi Wgjgyg55L - r _ vaI^J^ELXEE1 d^LjlflLLnC 9udrCh. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Desirees Rippling BrookeRip is shown here winning his second 4 pt. major under judge Mr. James P. Cavallero. He won his first 4 pt. major in Raleigh March 24 under Mr. Edward Klein his first show at 10 Zi months.Laura Gray, his co-owner and handler, and I felt that we had a very special puppy and we wish to thank these judges for confirming our belief in Rip.FOR SALE2 males 121483 Cedarwoods Gold Nugget x Desirees Rippling Brooke 1 male 8283 Ch. Gr. Elms Models Timtopper x Desirees Beautiful Babs 1 male 5583 Desirees Chocolate Chip Show trained no major faults Sired by Ch. Thelduns Almond Fudge x Sandees Victoria.509 Oakdale Street Gastonia, NC 28054Desaree Sandifer 704865-085986 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2The 1984 show season has started in Canada and following close behind it the excitement of Top Pom awards for 1983. I think that it is important to note that there are so many more Canadian Poms doing top winning today. No longer is it just the imported dogs but home breds rewarding breeders for their hard work and dedicated efforts. Breeders in Canada are studying Poms who are winning and producing and working toward our common goal that perfect Pom. Presentation too, is greatly improved. I think a lot of credit should go to these breeders who have given us the puppies that have gone on to become the Top Poms in Canada.The number one Pom in Canada is Ch. Bavanews Master Skylark for his breeder- owner Matt Heindl. Matt has done so much for the Canadian Pom Club and for the breed it is good to see him rewarded in a way that means so much. Andy is sired by Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion ex Matts home bred girl Ch. Bavanews Zenobia Cassiopia.The number two Pom is Ch. Chriscendo Carlotta, also a Medallion daughter owned by myself and Eleanore W. Miller.Can. Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chip, who was Best of Breed at last years APC Specialty, owner-handled by Natalie Dunfee, is number three.We go out to the west coast for the number four Pom, Ch. Luxtons Forever Misty Mickey, owned by Leslie Rogers. He is a son of Golden Glow Dr. Pepper ex Forever Happy Misty Morn.The number five Pom, Can. Am. Bda. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion, alsoa Medallion son, is owned by Kay and Fi Baxstrome.Number six Pom is an American bi and owned dog, Can. Am. Ch. L. R Rock Concert Av Stran, bred by Ron Fe and owned by Janet Heffington and Ba Stranahan. Rocky is also one of the t Poms in the U.S.The second girl in the Top Ten is Jo Grants Ch. Jayenns Fireside Class Joans homebred girl holds the numl seven spot.Ch. Mike Mars Mint Patty is t number eight Pom owned by Oli Darbyshire, bred by Michael Wolfe.Gloria Setmayers Can. Am. Ch. T Pines Hells A Poppin was the number ni Pom in only one trip to Canada.Finally, Ch. Schimels Pixie is Swe owned by Grace Varga is the number t Pom.In recent shows, Natalie Dunfee has be doing some exciting winning. She has 5 o consecutive Group First wins in the 1 month on her C.J.Michele MacDonald has been showi her C.J. son, Hobbits Hallmark. By t time this goes to print Im sure he will finished.From recent reports, Canadians ha been doing well in the U.S. too. Nata Dunfee won the Group in Maine recen on Can. Am. Ch. Hillsboros Golden Chi Our Ch. Millamors Rock Medallion at 7 made his American debut with several Be of Breed from the classes and a Group 2i in Syracuse, NY.Sorry I dont have more news from t rest of Canada. The only other news I ha heard is that Ch. L.R.s Rock Concert Stran has won a Best in Show and a coup of Groups in Ontario.I am really pleased that so many of o U.S. friends are planning trips up Canada in the future. Why not youHPOMERANIAN REVIEWJ o ,. vPOMERANIANSHAS MOVED TO TUCSONfA \lCh. Camelot Whispering ShadowWell be doing limited breeding, continuing our excellence in blacks while developing a quality blue line.1IB7702 E. Appletree Ave. Tucson, Arizona 85730 602745-5739 rPOMERANIAN REVIEWHelpful Hints, cont. from p. 24.Showmanship will be a good experience. At first I had reservations about it. I didnt like the silly maneuvers that were required but unlikely to ever be used in the Pom ring. I resented what I perceived as prejudice against small dogs and I was leery of the very competitive atmosphere. My daughter has been showing in JS for about 4 years and it has been a positive experience for her. She has developed into a competent and polished handler. In the conformation ring, she appears to be quite poised. Hours and hours of practice have paid off. She has made friends among the juniors whove helped her and given her pointers. She has learned how to lose. She isnt fiercely competitive, maybe because she has been unable to go every weekend to shows. Getting the crucial eight wins for Westminster isnt vital to her. She is required to pay her own entry fees and arrange her own transportation if Im not going. She must also keep up her grades. Showing is a privilege its also a good incentive.If your child is interested, by all means let him or her try it. Support him, encourage him, praise him, hug him whether he wins or loses. Dont push dont be a stage mother.The current Standard for Pomeranians was published in the April issue of Pom Review, as usual. Did you reread it thoughtfully, considering what youve seen and learned in the past year Or did you, as I suspect, turn the page without a glance Do you really know our standard as well as you think you do, as well as you should Several incidents in the ring this spring have indicated to me that some judges either dont know the standard or dont care what it says. Either explanation is reprehensible. Conversations with exhibitors have also revealed a disappointing ignorance of our standard.Lets take a very brief quiz. No peeking now. Answers will be found on page 92.1. Which faults are disqualifications2. What exactly does the standard say about ideal size3. Are there any colors not allowed4. Is over-trimming a fault5. What exactly does it say about foxes and heads6. When is it okay for the nose NOT to be black7. Is temperament mentionedNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Marlene PresserOn Aprl 14, with the sun shining warmly feeling like summer time was here, we went off to San Leandro for our Spring Match with our puppy hopefuls and a few adults who needed a little more experience. Arriving at the Dog Training Club facility, we found it more than we had hoped it would be. The ring was large there were tables, chairs and a lot of room to set up exercise pens and crates all thanks to the kind efforts of our member, Ruth Bugbee.One by one, exhibitors began to arrive with their puppies and food for our potluck lunch to follow the judging. Our ring steward, Mary Walsh and her husband, Dale arrived ready to assume their respective duties. Dale taped all of the match for us and ran a film on the NCPC Fall Specialty and the APC Specialty held in New York. To them both, our sincere thanks for giving up their Saturday for our Pom Club.Carol Smith, our judge, soon arrived and we got on with the match. She had her work cut out for her, too. There were many tough decisions to make as the quality of the little furry ones was very high and in some cases she liked the entire class. It was interesting to note that many of the puppies and adults were of varied colors blacks, a brown and a chocolate sable. Its nice to continued on p. 90.POMERANIAN REVIEW 89Great Elms Kennels, Reg.Congratulations to Dolores Watts for her recent champion, Watts Little Chipper of Great Elms. He is sired by Timstopper Too.Congratulations also to Lennis Davis on her Kennel Visit.Ch. Great Elms Models TimstopperSTUD FEE 100.00Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233Green Acres PomsAt StudHHH Im__Ch. BeauInquiries answered promptly.Ch. Silver Meadows Beau O LegacyGreen Acres Sundance Lil DukeCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kids son PUPPIESSired by the above studs.Janette Majewsky RD 1, Box 457B Houtzdale, PA 1665190 POMERANIAN REVIEWNews and Views, cont. from p. 80.the people responsible are to becommended.Another example of consistency occurred at the Peninsula Dog Fanciers Show March 25th. Judge Mary Rosenbaum picked a fatherdaughter combination as Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. He is Scotias Jackpot Dandy bred by Edna Girardot and owned by Virginia Niehouse Winners bitch and Best of Winners went to his daughter So-His Special Firefly, bred by Virginia Niehouse. Both winners are linebred to Ch. Sungolds Gay Cavilier and both were shown by Bernard Niehouse. Best of Breed went to Ch. Tomhos Georgia Heatwave and Best Opposite to Ch. CJs Crystals Isadora.Lots of thought went into the production of these lovely Poms study, persistence, luck and prayer. Thanks be to God.NCPC, cont. from p. 88.see that our club is not color oriented and our standard does say that these colors should be judged equally.Carol chose Doris Romeo of Doyal as Best Puppy in Match. He is a lovely boy who showed like a dream, bred and owned by Doris Weaver. Best Opposite Sex was Jubilees Ebony Wine, a lovely, compact, black bitch, bred by Lorene Bradbury, owned by Janet Porter. Best Adult went to a black bitch, Jubilee Nightsong, bred and owned by Lorene Bradbury. Best Opposite Sex Adult went to Maranathas Lil Jeramiah, owned by Anne and Bob Hayden. Carol did a great job and everyone went home with a good feeling, even those who did not hit the top winning spot.We then had our pot luck lunch and Carol, Mary and Dale stayed to join us. We all talked about how kind Carol was to the little ones and of the superb overall quality she found. Following lunch we held a raffle, had a short meeting and then watched the films. It was a warm andpleasant time for all of us and with the many guests and newcomers to the breed, a wonderful time was had by all.Club members have been doing well in the ring. Marlin and Marlene Presser finished their bitch, Apolloette Touch of Class at the Beverly Hills Show. Excitement was felt by everyone when Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero, owned by Dolly B. Trauner and Julie Moreno, took a Group I at Sacramento Kennel Club Show on April 15, handled by Marlin Presser. He is a magnificent black Pom with excellent movement. Congratulations to all.NCPC will have a supported entry this November at the Golden Valley Kennel Club Show.Our club is now in the process of planning our 25th Anniversary Independent Specialty to be held in February of 1985. There will be lovely trophies and Im sure a grand time will be had by all who attend.At our recent annual elections meeting, the following are the new officers for the club.President Dolly B. TraunerV. President Marlin PresserTreasurer Marlene PresserSecretary Julie MorenoBoard of Directors Ruth Bugbee,Carolyn Edmisten and Doris Weaver.Breeding for Improvement, cont. from p. 78. be doing it too.Welcome to the breed, newcomers. You hold the future of the breed in your hands and you can only start from where you find yourself today. But please start and stay with it. I am still working at it and I will help any of you if I can. No, not to sell but to just answer questions as they were answered for me years ago. I can see improvement in my kennel can you see the same in yoursPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9SCOTIA KENNELS, Reg.Exhibitor and Breeder of 150 ChampionsStill have the famous Cavilier-Hadleigh background. Also several others.Promising show quality pups some older.Several pet males, champion sired. Not Cavilier-Hadleigh.Numerous champions at stud.Edna E. Girardot P.O. Box 646Floral City, FL 32636 904 726-200192 POMERANIAN REVIEWOPTIC NEURITIS by Patty JensenI want to share an experience with you that I hope you will never have to encounter. One day last month I noticed that my Ch. Camelots Bashfull Dude would go the wrong way when I let him out of his pen to go outside. I didnt think much of it. When I called him hed come running and go out the sliding glass door where he was supposed to. The next week one day he couldnt seem to find the door to come back in. When it happened again the next day, I definitely noticed that he could not see the doorway and was hesitant to come it. I took him to another area of the house and I realized that he was totally blind. We went to the vet, but he really couldnt find anything wrong with Dudes eyes. After a one month wait to take him to the University of Minnesota, we finally saw our states one and only ophthalmologist. Dr. Bistner couldnt find anything wrong with the eyeballs and said that Dude appeared to have optic neuritis, inflammation of the optic nerve. It is a condition that cannot be reversed once it has healed that way. It comes on suddenly and can possibly be reversed with cortisone if it is detected early enough. Dude had gone completely blind before I noticed it and than I had to wait one month to see the ophthalmologist. Dr. Bistner couldnt find a reason why my 5 year old Pom has optic neuritis. It is usually caused by an overdose of anesthesia he has never been under anesthesia, seizures hes never had one, or a brain tumor which has been ruled out because of his age and the fact that there has been no personality change. Optic neuritis is not hereditary so I will be keeping my little champion and he will continue to produce nice babies for me. He is still very happy and has adjusted to his life with no sight. He can still pick out girlsin heat and can find my other stud dog, who he still picks fights with even though he cant see him. Dr. Bistner said that the blindness couldnt have been caused by the fights.I just wanted to share my experience with all of you and warn you to expect the unexpected. If you notice your dog questioning where something is, get it to your vet and to an eye specialist immediately. Optic Neuritis happens fast so you have to act fast. Good luck with your PomsHelpful Hints, cont. from p. 88.Answers to Standard Quiz.1. None, zero, zip.2. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.3. This is one you can get a good argument going on, but a strict reading of the standard appears to rule out blue and tan, chocolate and tan, and brindle. Beaver was listed in our former standards but not in the current standard.4. Overtrimming should be heavily penalized. Dear judge, heavily penalized does not mean you simply ignore all this outrageous, crude trimming.5. The head has a fox-like expression. A somewhat vague phrase. Can a dog have an extreme baby face and still have a fox-like expression How about round eyes Non-existent ears6. The pigmentation on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue. Does this mean a blue may have a blue nose or must have a blue nose7. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment. All the standard asks for is intelligence or the appearance of it and alertness. A Pom should be much, much more and I wish the standard would say so. Is it okay for a Pom to be aloof Shy Aggressive to other dogsPOMERANIAN REVIEW 93YIPS AND YAPSROBERT COATESMale dogs are discriminated against as they are required to have two normal testicles. Bitches are not checked to see if they can freely give birth.Why dont they check the pelvic width on bitchesANN CANNON Nokesville, VANovice exhibitors can have many problems showing their first dog and hopefully a seasoned exhibitor will help them. Despite the help they receive sometimes they need more and turn to a handler. Anyone thinking of committing their dog to a handler should re-read Margarets Helpful Hints column in the last issue.They as well as the handler should have a continuing interest in the Pom that was sent away ... as well as a nodding acquaintance with the rules about dog shows. After all, arent you excited when the handler calls and says Pom-Pom won a point today and two yesterday Dont you as well as the handler keep a mental or written account of the pointsAt the Specialty show, a handler was showing a Pom in both the sweepstakes and the classes who was already a champion by points. The same handler was also showing an adult in the classes, that was also a champion by points. And the owner had been bragging that the Pom was finished. Both Poms had their championships before the entry closing date. An announcement that the Pom was a champion was in the Review and the deadline for our magazine was a few days after the Specialty. Neither Pom won the points at the Specialty orGarden.What infuriates me more is that th puppy was shown in sweepstakes. To me, sweepstakes is a show case of young hopefuls for championships. It is the breeders or owners saying Look what 1 have Although winning is an accomplishment and exhilarating, there are no points involved.Exhibiting a champion in sweepstakes is against APC and AKC rules if the championship was received before the entry closing date.JANICE YOUNG St. Clair, MODue to several factors, among them the increasing age of my few breeding females and the fact they produced only two females that matured to breedable size in three years time, and one of which I sold, I found myself on the brink of going out of business as a breederexhibitor.In the past year I have contacted in excess of twenty breeders in an attempt to buy nice quality breeding females with very discouraging results. Only one eventually wrote to offer me a female and when I responded she had been sold to someone who came to her door to buy.I find it difficult to understand the mentality of such a large group of people who would merrily go their way and watch an established breeder go down the tube. One lady, a friend in Tennessee, has now supplied me with two females and Im grateful to her. But I wonder about an organization that cares so little about its fellow members. What can be the future of the American Pomeranian Club if its members arent willing to help each other14 POMERANIAN REVIEWPampered PetsCollars of gold and silver studded with jewels, mink coats, a Stetson hat and silk kimonos, ornate dog beds these are only a few of the many unique and unusual Dbjects that will be presented in Pampered Pets, the summer exhibition at The Dog Museum of America, June 12 August 31 1984.The pampered pet, brushed, clipped and attired is not a recent phenomena. Throughout history, certain breeds, especially toy dogs, have been valued as the playthings and the companions of nobility, aristocracy and society women. Along the trade routes of the ancient world, dogs, accompanied by sumptous accessories, were presented as gifts to emperors and kings. Graves from ancient Egypt contain the vestiges of tiny dogs wearing ornate collars, and, in ancient Rome, dainty lapdogs wore collars of gold and coral. In cold weather, they were covered with golden cloth and carried by slaves for walks with their mistresses. Often, these small dogs acted as Postillions damour, carrying messages in their collars to their mistresses secret lovers. From the 17th century on London and Paris were centers for canine apparel. Jewelers produced costly trifles to please the owners of expensive dogs. Parisian Poodles wore bracelets of gold and silver studded with jewels. Raincoats and furs were designed to protect dogs from colds and rheumatism. Fashion magazines for dogs were available at the exclusive canine couturiers where the pampered pets were offered tidbits on silver plates while their owners contemplated the latest styles.The modern dog, sporting a sweater or collar decorated with simulated gems, is a part of this continuing fascination for pampering pets. The exhibition with over sixty objects from the 17th through 20th centuries will extensively illustrate the care and attention lavished on the dogthroughout history. An illustrated catalogue with an essay by Guest Curator, Shirlee Kalstone will accompany the exhibition.The Dog Museum of America, located at 51 Madison Avenue New York Life Insurance Building is open Monday Friday, 1000 400. Group tours, please call Laney Dunn at 212-696-8350.IP2-St rCLASSIFIED ADSBuy Sell TradeA new Pom Review feature, we are now offering one inch of copy about 5 lines for only 5.00. Use it for whatever you want announcements, items for sale, requests for goods or services. I hope youll make good use of it.WANTED TO BUY Old Pom Reviews. Especially those issued before 1962. Contact John Cribbs, Circulation Manager.POMERANIAN REVIEW 95INDEX TO ADVERTISERSAbjornson, Lois and Bill Sandtown.65Bartholomew, Nancy Bandbox.............51Baugniet, Sally Pomirish ................ 36,37Beam, Ruth Great Elms.........................89Bergerson, Cheryl Cherlyns..................30Braczyk, Ed Sun Fox........................ 6,7,8Cannon, Ann Annon..............................79Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee........... 73Chisago Publishing..................................30Clark, Eleanor Jamel.............................77Conrad, Tom and Helen..........................29Creed, Charlotte Southland .FC,26,27,28 Cribbs, John and Lillian Twin Pines.. BCDupre, Mrs. James Dupre................52,53Freia, Jerrie and Vanessa Janesa .. .20,21Galavich, Carol Pixies Hillcrest..........67Gaudet, Nellie Oaklawn...................25,39Girardot, Edna Scotia............................91Gustafson, Art and Linda Carousel ... 29 Harbin, Irene and Sylvia Harbin 48,49,50Heartz, Chris and John..................37,40,41Hendricks, Byron Khani.....................IFCHicks, Sharon Sharel.............................61Hiemenz, Sharon Justa..........................34Husband, Michael.............................. 39,55Jacoby, Gertrude Camelot.....................87Jensen, Patty Patty................................31Kerfoot, Max......................................39,55Liddle, Jackie...........................................38Lis, Claudia Sun Fox.........................6,7,8Luginsland, Janice LLL........................33Majewsky, Janette Green Acres............89Marion, Sheila......................................... 39McDonald, Michelle Hobbit.................13McKee, Margaret Idlewyld...................43Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best......................23Moreno, Julie Moreno.............14,15,62,38Noonan, Jenny Tiperon.........................81Norris, Bev and Bill Bev-Nor...............64Pfeffer, Claudia Precious Petites.. .46,47Presser, Marlene and Marlin...................45Ready, Cassandra Wee Hearts .............83Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres .............16,32Roberts, Melvin Croompaw.............17,32Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar....................71Sandifer, Desaree Desiree.....................85Stafford, Jeanne.......................................34Steinmetz, Arlene...............................38,69Trauner, Dolly Phyner......................14,15Vasuta, Lorinda Animation...................75Watts, Dolores, Watts..............................59Welshinger, Ann and Gene Anadors34,63Young, Janice Cherokee........................57Young, Jessie and Barbara Jabil...........35CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATIONYour inquiries answered within 24 hours16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 Foreign U.S. funds only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Review arrives in 3-5 days. Change to First Class at time of renewal.All Members subscriptions begin with the April issue each year.BACK ISSUES1970 1976 2.00 1977 1979 3.00 1980 1982 3.50 1983 1984 4.00The following water stained Reviews are 1.00 each on a first come, first served basis. Only these few issues are leftJuly74 3 copies July 77 22 copies July 80 4 copiesThe expiration date of your subscription is shown on the mailing label of your Review. If your subscription expires with this issue, send a check to the Circulation manager immediately. You dont want to miss a single issueTwin Pines PomeraniansIn the heart of Pom CountryCh. Twin Pines Bruni BearPuppies Available x Cricket of Twin Pines 3 males, 1 female. Whelped April 30,1984.x Kaula Bear of Twin Pines 2 males, 1 female. Whelped April 23,1984.i GROUPTwin Pines Diamond Chips'7THBEST WINNERSOFMr. and Mrs. John Cnbbs Rt. 1, Box 249 DosweU, VA 23047