The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pomeranian Review October 1997
Table of Contents
President's Message (Jim Shearer) 8Membership Report (Jenie Freia) 8
H & G Committee (Marge Kranzfelder) 9
Registrar's Comer (Jean Schroll) 9
Ask Us Anything (Annette Davis) 21
New Champions (AKC Gazette) 28
Yips and Yaps 36
Kennel Visit (Ellen Takayama) 37
APC Show Report 52
Behind New Titlists 64
Type (Julie Moreno) 65
Corrections 69
New Member Spotlight 76
Malassezia (Charlotte Creed) 76
Good Humor 80
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RCCI SIZE is a trademark of Pet Products Plus, Inc.American Pomeranian Club 1CONTENTSPresidents Message Jim Shearer................... 8Membership Report Jenie Freia......................8H G Committee Marge Kranzfelder...........9Registrars Comer Jean Schroll......................9Remembrances...Delia Jackson...................17Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..................21Inbreeding Ky W. White..............................25New Champions AKC Gazette.....................28Judges Education Report Linda Brogoitti.. ..29Yips and Yaps.................................................36Kennel Visit Ellen Takayama.......................37APC Show Report...........................................52Behind New Titlists.........................................64Type Julie Moreno....................................... 65Corrections......................................................69New Member Spotlight...................................76Malassezia Charlotte Creed..........................76Good Humor....................................................80The Pomeranian sent to judges ...offers reasonable advertising ...has quality reproductions ...provides APC news ...contains Obedience information ...has interesting articles very colorfulSubscribe now....KENNEL VISITSDecember...Brenda Segelken Fame PomeranansFebruary...Diane Finch Finchs PomeraniansCOVERCh.Stolannes Burnt Sienna Kiss"Kisses," BIS Ch. Stolanne Thuneitoolt Thor x Ch. Stolannes Texas Tumbleweed was probably one of my best surprises-who would have predicted a chocolate puppy from an orange sire and a cream damFrom the beginning, I knew she was very special with a great personality, too. She loved to show and was Reserve Winners Bitch at her first show, the APC Summer Specialty, at 6 months old. She finished with a 4-point major and now will try her luckin the whelping box.STOLANNE Fran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857 812 254-3254 drstolldmrtc.netrv___jan-shARmlE ymBESTOFWINNERSJAXONKENNELCLUBSUNOAY AU6^.17 K.BOOTH I 11\1Jan-Shars Show Me The MoneyCh. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Jan-Shars AshleyThanks, Chuck and Tiny Nelson, for allowing me to co-own Ch. Jan-Shars Lover Boy. Hes a welcome addition to the Stud Force.Congratulations to Clarice and Yvette Oganeku on their Kennel Visit.Owner Breeder Sharon Hanson Handler304 497-2446304 497-2289 Fax Jeanne Blankjan-shAKJan-Shars No Way JoseCh. Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shars Ashley Pictured here with the Judge and Handler Sue Malek. Congratulations to Clarice and Yvette Oganeku on their Kennel Visit.Owner Breeder Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446 304 497-2289 FaxHandler Sue MalekNOTICE TO OUR ADVERTISERSTHE RESPONSE TO OUR REDUCED RATES HAS CONTINUED TO BE PHENOMENAL THANK YOU AGAIN DONT FORGET, THESE PRICES ARE AVAILABLE ONLY THROUGH THE DECEMBER JANUARY ISSUE. BY ALL MEANS, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS PRICE BREAK.For 60.00 total cost, you get a fullRARPAIN Pa9e one photo, and color strippingDHivuMin tt1 whje color pages last. A secondphoto is 5.00.For 130.00, you get a deluxe color BARGAIN 2 inside page one color photo per page.A second color photo is 60.00.Remember, the Pomeranian Review goes to Pom judges. For those judges who do not yet receive it, have only torequest it.Some of you might like to devise your own ads. To make them camera ready, they need to be run on a good quality printer. A caution-make them fit a 6 x 9 page. Try measuring the finished product against a Reviewpage.For those of you who like to write, we could certainly use articles for the Review. How about sending oneTHANK YOUAmerican Pomeranian Club 5 Jtommnnm Sfitmuof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident...........................First Vice-President.........Second Vice-President....Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer...........................AKC Delegate..................3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503Box 180, Earth, TX 79031.........Jim Shearer.... Charlotte Creed......Linda BrogoittiMarge Kranzfelder .....Brenda Turner......Wanda Roach........Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsTim Goddard.....Sharon Hanson......Sharon HicksJane Lehtinen Margaret R. McKee..........Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor.............................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760 For Special Delivery 823 E. Hwy 70 Earth, TX 79031 e-mail dudleyfivearea.comBusiness Manager.......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions............................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton15755 Greenway Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues...............................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.........................32.00Foreign................................................55.00First Class...........................................40.00Single Copy...........................................7.00Full Page.............................................65.00Half Page............................................40.00Quarter Page.......................................20.00Photos each......................................10.00Front Cover, BAN............................ 150.00Color.................................................375.00Back Cover, BAA..............................90.00Color................................................. 250.00Center Spread................................... 160.00Color................................................. 390.00Business Card ....................................10.00Color Stripping on BWAd.................15.00Inside Color Page..............................150.00DeadlinesIssue Ad Deadline DateDecJan..... .................Nov 20... .....Dec 25FebMarch...................Jan 20...........Feb 25.....MpiJuneJuly....................May 20.... ... June 25AugSept....................July 20. .. ....Aug 25OctNov.....................Sept 20.... .....Oct 25Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversCrystal Sing Ye NoelV.\ 4Ch. Cascades Sunkist Goldenrod x Lili-Rocks Crystal KissyAnother "Roddy" puppy, soon to finish, needs just a few single points. She has a nice short back, good legs, good movement We are anxious to get her home she will be a big asset to our small breeding force.This was a nice win under Canadian breeder judge Melv Beech. Thanks to all who pointed her.Congratulations to Clarice and Yvette Oganeku on their Kennel Visit.Bred Owned and Loved by Jim and Judy Shearer Crystal Poms Baltic, OHHandled by Mary and Michelle Ridenour1189 E. Lake Dr. Novi, Ml 48377 810 624-7265AC Ch. Crystal Woodland Pin-Oak E-0-ciidL'A'sjl V-3''tmo.A,-'.VVKm'.__AC Ch. Cascades Sunkist Goldenrod x Ch. Crystal Bud-N-Promise"Noki" continuing his winning ways as a Special with a Group 3 under Judge Keke Kahn.Bred Owned and Loved by Jim and Judy Shearer Crystal Poms Baltic, OHHandled by Mary and Michelle Ridenour 1189 E. Lake Dr. Novi, Ml 48377 810 624-7265o romeraman reviewPresidentsMessageby Jim ShearerWOW What an issue the AugustSeptember Pomeranian Review was. Thank you, Darrell and Olga, for allowing the Pomeranian Review to do a tribute for Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, ROMX. You have my sincerest sympathy because of your great loss.The response from the people contacted by the P.R. Girls, Julie and Judy, was exceptional. Thank you, Dudley, for the long hours and many fax and phone calls it took to put the past issue together. The August issue will be one to cherish without the support of the readers and advertisers and everyones hard work, this issue would not have been possible.The Show Committee and the APC Board Members are making the final preparations for the American Pomeranian Clubs National Specially which is being held at the Comfort Inn, Arlington, Texas Dallas Area. The 98 Sweepstakes will be held on March 17, 1998, with Fran Stoll judging. The National Specialty will be held on March 17, 1998, with Norman Patton doing the judging. Dudley Roach, Advertising Chair and Peggy Hendricks, Trophy Chair will be sending all of you greetings and salutations in the near future.Speaking of Specialties, Dot Martin, Show Chairperson for the 97 APC Summer Specialty was overwhelmed with 147 entries and all the support she got from APC members and Pom Fanciers from across the nation and other countries as well. See the write up on the Specialty by Derial Jackson in this issue.On another note, the APC Board has had to send back a few APC applications. Things to remember are the Sponsors must have been members in good standing for two years, have known the applicant for two years, and can not be from the same household. The Applicant must answer allquestions on the application. It takes three to four months after Jerrie Freia, Membership Chair receives the application to become a member. If Jerrie has to send the application back to the applicant, it just adds more time.I had a great time in Charlotte, and if you missed the show in Charlotte, maybe you can catch the Specialty in Dallas.Nuff said,JimMembershipReportby Jerrie FreiaMembership Report as of 914971072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors, commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Marge Kranzfelder 821 Brown Road San Juan Bautista, CA 95045.Contact Jerrie Freia for membership applications.New ApplicationsMarian Dossinger WlSponsorsSharon Masnick Nadine HersilDavid and Carlene Gilstrap TNSponsorsElaine Way Ruth L. BeamDr. Raul P. Javelona PhilippinesSponsorsSharon Hanson Barbi KutilekAmerican Pomeranian ClubPaolo Malvar PhilippinesSponsorsSharon Hanson Baibi KutilekThomas Mclntire TXSponsorsDudley Roach Estelle McDonaldaSIHealth and Genetics Committeeby Marge KranzfelderClosing the Window of OpportunityJanet McWhorter SCSponsorsEleanor Miller Sharon HansonLinda L. Mulso ILSponsorsJuanita Fiddick Jeanne BlankCelda Santos PhilipinesSponsorsSharon Hanson Baibi KutilekTony Santoso IndonesiaSponsorsSharon Hanson Baibi KutilekNeal and Louise Sprouse SCSponsorsRuth L. Beam Sharon HansonRegistrars Cornerby Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Rd. Oregon City, OR 97045New ROMsIdas Little Gracie Ch. Great Elms Master Mark Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan TatianaThe subject of vaccines is appropriate to both late summer, early fall when lots of infectious diseases are prevalent, and also to our subject of the immune system relating to our Severe Hair Loss Syndrome. The topic of vaccinations could be a subject for a whole series of articles. Tlhis article will concentrate on two ideas 1 keeping puppies as free from disease as possible, and 2 not overloading their immune system to trigger a chronic disorder. This, as in all my articles, assumes that you and your local veterinarian are a team making decisions together for the best interest of your Poms.Excerpt from UC Davis Book of Dogs...Infectious diseases are most common and most serious in young dogs, so this is the obvious group to immunize. Unfortunately, maternal immunity interferes with vaccination for the first four to six weeks of life. Between 5 and 16 weeks of age, this inhibitory effect disappears. The exact age of disappearance will vaiy greatly, however, from one dog to another. Over 95 of pups will have lost their inhibiting maternal immunity by the time they are 14 to 16 weeks of age.Maternal immunity is the principal reason why young puppies receive a series of vaccinations. Vaccinations are given at intervals throughout the period when maternal immunity is waning. The final vaccination in the series is given when most pups are sure to respond to it i.e. at 14 to 16 weeks of age. By giving such a series of vaccinations, the period during which the puppies are most susceptible to natural infection is made as brief asFRANSU NEUJAHR^'Cke ^ntibqe islets'tWhelped July 14, 97Sungolds Hi Li-Te Ch Nabobs Talk of the TownSun Rays Mochas Minuet Nabob Nabobs Smidget to the King Ch The Wizard of Camelot Nabob's Snow Patty O Camelot Nabobs Snow Dove of Patty THE SMIDGE SISTERS Sun Rays Diamond Jim Nabobs Champagne On Ice Pombredens White Lightening Berrys Snowy OctoberCh Nabobs Dime Store Cowboy Painter's AutumnNabobs Winter's White WinsongOut ^^J-itstLute.tWe dont ship.FRANSUSue Hughes304 756-9356 NEUJAHREvelyn NewyearAmerican Pomeranian uud 11FRANSU NEUJAHR Nabobstnbqe.t rCke. CinqCh. Nabobs Talk of the Town x Nabobs Snow Patty O Camelot Breeder Nan ShartelThank you, Lauri McConnell, for SMIDGEY. His good LIFE at FRANSU must agree with him. He has a "Top of the Pecking Order" personality now, and is little Mr. "Super Stud" at 6 years of age.He has presented us with two litters so far which were whelped in July.Smidge x Berrys Snowy October cream2 white females and one cream femaleSmidge x Fransus Little Annie cream one cream male and 2 "gold" femalesA litter is due in October-Smidge x Nabobs Winter Jambalaya white.Smidge sends a big puppy kiss to his most favorite mommy, EvelynConley.FRANSUSue Hughes P.O. Box 57 Sod, WV 25564NEUJAHREvelyn Newyear304756-9356 4478 River StreetWilloughby, OH 44084WE DO NOT SHIPwhich the puppies are most susceptible to natural infection is made as brief as possible. For instance, if a pup loses all of its maternal immunity at 7 weeks of age owing to a low level of antibody transferred from the bitch and is not vaccinated until 14 weeks of age, it will be unprotected for a period of 7 weeks. If the puppy had been vaccinated at 8 weeks of age, then this period of relative susceptibility would have lasted only a few weeks.Maternal immunity against virulent infections disappears earlier than does immunity against vaccine infection, that is, the level of maternal antibody may be low enough such that the pup is susceptible to infection with the actual disease agent should it be encountered, yet still high enough to interfere with immunization by the modified of killed gent in the vaccine the so-called window of opportunity. This finding has important implications for vaccination programs in kennels and other group-housing situations. If there is a high probability of exposure in a particular environment then many infections can occur during the window of opportunity before the young pups reach a vaccine-responsive age.Conclusion Since you dont know exactly when this window is open, even if your pups receive vaccinations, in order to insure their good health, you should control their environment to have less chance of exposure to infectious diseases until they are at least 16 weeks of age.Reminder From the AKC SeptemberWe accept charges to VISA MASTERCHARGEGazette Veterinary News, all parvo vaccines are not equal. A significantly higher percentage of puppies vaccinated with Progard 7 Intervet developed protective levels of antibodies at a younger age than those that were vaccinated with Duramune Ft. Dodge.Excerpts and Synopsis from Dr. Dodds Symposium Evidence implicating vaccines in triggering immune-mediated and other chronic disorders is growing, Dr. Dodds questions that the same dose of vaccines is intended for toy and giant breeds. She reminds us never to give distemper shots before 5 weeks of age. It has been known to cause encephalitis. Measuring serum antibody titers which is different than vaccine titer tests offers alternatives to routine boosters. Avoid vaccinating or overvaccinating sick, very old, debilitated animals, immunocompromizedanimals, and febrile animals those having fever.Shortening times between injections beyond those recommended by the manufacturer can compromise the immune system. The body needs time to have a normal response. If you manage to avoid an immediate negative response in over-vaccinating, you may still trigger a chronic disorder, such as hypothyrodism.On the Forefront There was a Veterinary International Symposium held in My, 1997, concerning new vaccinating protocol. Their recommendations should be published by Spring, 1998. Their recommendations will involve new time lines and a different type of vaccine. Until then, the following is Dr. Dodds recommendation.American Pomeranian Club 13REVISED VACCINATION PROTOCOL-1996Note This schedule is the one I recommend and should not be interpreted to mean that other protocols recommended by a veterinarian would be less satisfactory. Its a matter of professional judgement and choice.For breeds or families of dogs susceptible to or affected with immune dysfunction, immune-mediated disease, immune-reactions associated with vaccinations, or autoimmune endocrine disease e.g., thyroiditis, Addisons or Cushings disease, diabetes, etc. the following protocol is recommendedAge of Pups Vaccine Type6 weeks range could be 5 126 12 Distemper measles without hepatitisweeks but not earlier6- 8 weeks and 10 weeks for pups not receiving measles earlier7- 8 weeks and 10-11 weeks. Same schedule and product each timeDistemper parainfluenza without hepatitis for pups not receiving measles earlierKilled canine parvovirus given 3-4 weeks apart12 weeks Distemper hepatitis parainfluenza leptospirosis without parvovirus14 weeks and 18-20 weeks-same schedule and product each time Distemper hepatitis leptospirosis killed canine parvovirus16-24 weeks Killed rabies vaccine During parvovirus epidemics or for highly susceptible breeds such as Rottwilers, newer modified-live virus MLV vaccines that override maternal immunity may be needed here. Alternatively, killed parvovirus vaccine and the distemper hepatitis parainfluenza leptospirosis combination are alternated every 2 weeks during the 14-20 week period.Annual boosters using distemper hepatitis parainfluenza leptospirosis killed canine of MLV parvovirus are given to adults until mid-life. Thereafter, boosters are given every 2-3 years until old age. Beyond 10 years of age, booster, booster vaccinations are generally not needed, and may be unwise if aging or other diseases are present. For animals at high exposure risk to parvovirus diseasean additional parvovirus vaccination can be given at the 6-month period.I use only killed 3-year rabies vaccine for adults and give it separated from other vaccines by at least 2 and preferably 3-4 weeks.I do not use Bordetella or corona virus vaccines unless these diseases are endemicRISE N SHINES PARTI MUSICaka Harmonyk.-'yuykHarmony went BOS in sweepstakes from the 6-9 puppy class under Judge David Berry. She then went on to win her 6-9 regular class under Judge David Kroh at the Puget Sound Pom Specialty on August 15, 1997.Thank you Victoria Lovely and Ruby Poole for Harmonys mom Rulochs Alice in Partiland. Harmonys dad is The Mighty Polka Dot Spot now owned by Anna Lafortune. Thank you to Spots previous owner Bonnie Char for allowing me to use Spot.Special Hianfa to my husband for all your wonderful support of our K-9 kids and to my sister Annette Sullivan who not only helps me handle the crew but loves them as her own.rhanks too to all my special parti friends for your support and encouragement Victoria liovely, Diane Finch, Val Johnson, Christy Nichol, Linda Gallacher and Debra Stoehr.Dur deepest condolences to the following owners on the passing of their dogs to the Rainbow 3 ridge... Olga Darrel Baker for Dan JoEllen Mercer for Hideko Strasbaugh for Blake Jones forCh. Prince Charming H Ch. Mercers Exotica Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip Ch. Bi-Mars Son and Dance ManRISE N SHINE POMS Julie Clemen Gary Olson, DVM 360.943.1010 pacific time Email Rise-n-shineworldnet.att.netTISHA Is Proud To Present.... MZBf\ TV rv0'ir'T'V- t . ' .-- - Kw 7.VNew .. ^ iff.... Champion - ^MBHWMSLr 'Jr VBPT WINNERS V.--V-..V X ' - .. . 2mSSHu1 u J -'. . v-1rbest 0pp SEX OF _Champion Tishas Jammin Smore"Jamie" is pictured finishing her title under Mrs. Lydia Hutchinson with a 4-point major. The day before, under Mrs. Jane Forsyth, "Jamie" was WB, BW, BOS for a 5-point major. She finished in 8 shows at 3 12 years of age. "Jamie" is the dam ofChampion Tishas N All That Jazz Champion Tishas Sing-A-Song Tishas Dancin Smore major pointed"Jamie" is an easy free whelper and is being offered FOR SALE.Pedigree in "Behind New Champions."Always Breeder Owner Handled To-v, - ftTisjjjafiV'y.' \v......Since 19Lhasas and PomsPAT FRED DIEBALL2304 KOPER DRIVE . ....... .^STERUNGHEG,rrs.' Vt-' - .k-. fv.' ' MICHIGAN 48310810979-6749in the local area or specific kennel. I do not recommend Lyme vaccine.I do not recommend breeding bitches during estrus, pregnancy, or lactation.I recommend that distemper or distemper-measles vaccine be given without hepatitis before the age of 10 weeks, because of the reported suppression of lymphocyte responsiveness induced by polyvalent canine distemper and adenovirus vaccines Phillips etaL Can J Vet Res 1989 53 154-160.For animals previously experiencing adverse vaccine reactions or breeds at higher risk for such reactions e.g. Weimaraners, Akitas, alternatives to booster vaccinations should be considered. These include avoiding boosters except rabies vaccine as required by law annually measuring serum antibody titers against specific canine infectious agents, such as distemper and parvovirus, and homeopathic nosodes. This last option is considered an unconventional treatment that has not been scientifically proven to be efficacious. However, data from Europe and clinical experience in North America support its use and controlled studies are under way to test the method under challenge conditions. If veterinarians choose to use homeopathic nosodes, their clients should be provided with an appropriate disclaimer and written informed consent should be obtained.Health and Genetics Committe ReportDr. Dodds is trying to gather statistical data on hypothyroidism by breed. For this reason, her lab runs complete thyroid analysis at about cost Your Vet can send samples to her from any where in the country. I have a high regard for her reportinterpretations. Please consider this if you are having thyroid testing done. You would benefit by having a very knowledgeble report and expert lab procedures. You would also benefit our breed by providing a source of statistical data, while remaining anonymous. For further informationW. Jean Dodds, DVM Hemopet17672 A Cowan Avenue-Suite 300 Irvine, CA 92614 714 252-8455 Fax 714 252-0224I have also been studying the Canine Health Foundation Active Grant 1275. Dr. Gary Johnsons work seems to be the most promising to date to begin finding a DNA marker for our Sever Hair Loss Syndrome. What he needs and is now ready to receive are pedigrees of affected males, their parents, and affectednon-affected siblings and half-siblings, as well as off-spring. In other words, as many close relatives you could contact for a simple DNA test. Should your Poms be selected to further study, the next step would be the DNA testing of these individuals. The cost of this testing should be covered by the next phase of this grant. Your anonymity is assured by sending the pedigrees directly to him. He will not release this information upon personal request. For his scientific write-up, the pedigrees will be coded. Trust that any one who can uncode DNA patterns will be able to code simple pedigrees.Gary S. Johnson, DVM, PhD W213 Veterinary Medicine 1600 E. RollingsDept, of Veterinary Pathobiology University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 Fax 573 882-9250Your individual cooperation can now make a big difference in finding answers to these disturbing problems in our breed.American Pomeranian Club 17r Remembrances of Things PastCairndhu and Premier Linesby Derial JacksonOne of the most fascinating things about studying old pedigrees is that when you are looking for one thing, you suddenly discover something else interesting. I was doing research on the Julo line when I found the Cairndhu line in Ch. Mo Wee Wonder through Brightstone Adonis, a son of Ch. Cairndhu Gold Sun.The Cairndhu Kennels were begun in 1903 by Mr. and Mrs. W. Wylie in Vineland, Ontario, Canada. At the first American Pomeranian Specialty 1911 their Cairndhu Merrymaker was reserve winners. From then on to World War II, Cairndhu dogs were winning at American shows. Mrs. Byron Hoffman wrote in The Popular Pomeranian c. 1938...Cairndhu prefix is known far and wide for producing some of the best and are also known for their brilliant orange color. They [the Wylies] have tMy built up a strain distinctly their own but at times new blood from the best specimens is added. In late years Perivale and Woodfield Diamond King have been introduced. Many kennels of today owe their success to their foundation stock being date, fifteen [champions] have been bred at Cairndhu. The Wylies have shown dogs in Canada as consistently as in the states. Thirteen Cairndhu poms have gained American championships.I first began corresponding with the Wylies in 1937. At the time, her Ch. Cairndhu Realization was a big winner in the East. He had been bought by Mrs. Roy Webber, of whom we talk more about later. Ch. Cairndhu Aristocrat, Ch. Cairndhu Gold Ray, and Ch. Cairndhu Brasso were making a name for themselves in the Midwest. She had two outstanding dogs still at home in Canada, Cairndhu Excello and Cairndhu Prospect. They were brothers and later became champions. As has been pointed out, new blood was brought inCh. Cairndhu Realizationprimarily from two outstanding dogs owned by another Canadian, Mr. Copeland. He had imported the brothers Lindy All Gold and Lindy Sensation by Ch. Woodfield Diamond King. All Gold became an American champion and his picture was used for some years to illustrate the Pomeranian in the AKCs The Complete Dog Book. He was the grandsire of Ch. Cairndhu June. I had some snapshots of TCh. Premier His Royal HighnessExtane Ebony Alice of ScotiaAlice is a little 4 12 pound dynamite showgirl just starting her show career. She is waiting in the wings for more wardrobe at the moment Alice is very Scotia, a salute to Edna Girardot.Ch Scotia Littleman Spectacular Ch Scotia Chase National Dream Ch Zodiac Cavalier Centerpiece Ch Extane Dream AhseemSh's Montana Mountain Man Extane Sleeping Beauty Apolloette Calif Surprise Ch Scotia Littleman Spectacular Ch Scotia Chase National Dream Ch Zodiac Cavalier Centerpiece Ch Extane Moonlight Masterpiece Ch Apolloette Coast to Coast Sh's Montana MadamCh Watts' Little Country BumpkinPUPPIES OCCASIONALLYSharon Shipek 4803 3rd Avenue South Great Falls, MT 59405406 452-9104e-mail gtflsmcn.netfax 406452-4105^JDCLLUILC'SY\BES OF-IZ v hWINNERSGREATER OES MOINES COMBINED SPECIALTIES SEPTEMBER 1997PHOTO BY OOWNEY C mVMtuCH. BELTANE IM ONLY ONE MANRegisCh. Tim Sue's Just A Bright Lite x Ch. Beltane Gold DiggerPictured with Judge Mr. Joe Walton winning his second 5-point major to finish his title.Gold Digger, APCs Top Winning Bitch of 1993, has only two offspring. Her daughter by Ch. Beltane What A Guy H is Ch. Beltane Maid of Money. Maizie finished her championship last March.We share our home with 8 Pomeranians and are very proud of the fact that all 8 are champions and all were owner handled.Paul T. Barbara A. Curry 414 363-7385 Fax 414363-9901W310 S9511 Highway I Mukwonago, WI53149 E-Mail LXVX73A Prodigy.Comm\J rumci aiiicni rvcvicwCh. Woodfield Diamond King Ch. Lindy All GoldBourneville Charmaine Lindys Royal GoldCh. Cairndhu Sunbright Cairndhu Hazel Laudervale RoseCh Premier His Royal HighnessCh Perivale Golden Bracket Ch Salisbury Bracket Gold Radiant Judy Premier DesirableDandy Sunbeam Ch Cairndhu JuneCairndhu Orange Queenthese dogs but have misplaced them. They were outstandingly heavy-coated and typy. I dont know the final total of Cairndhu American champions, but since Mrs. Hoffmans article was published, I know of the following Cairndhu June, Cairndhu Realization, Cairndhu Masterpiece, Cairndhu Petite, Cairndhu Excello, and Cairndhu ProspectIn the early 1930s, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webber of Massachusetts began one of the most important kennels in Pom history. They used the name Premier. They owned Ch. Woodfield Diamond Queen, an English import who was a full sister of Ch. Woodfield May King, sire of Sealand Moneybox. I began a correspondence with them about 1936. They had purchased from the Wylies some excellent dogs. Ch.V' 'W' -s. Ch. Premier Crown PrinceCh Cairndhu Sun Bright Cairndhu Debonair Carindhu Marguerite Ch Cairndhu Realization Lindy Gold Magnet Cairndhu Jeanette Cairndhu Peggy Ch Premier Crown Prince Lindy Sensation Dandy Sunbeam Dandy Fluffy Ch Cairndhu JuneCh Cairndhu Gold Ray Cairndhu Orange Queen Wembley Gold AtomCairndhu June was a real beauty and was also a wonderful brood.All the later Premier dogs are descended from her. She did some wonderful winning. Then came Ch. Cairndhu Petite which was a sensational winner but not ever bred to my knowlede. Her sire was Ch. Sealand Career. Ch. Cairndhu Realization became one of the Webbers greatest winners. He was best of winners at the Westminster in 1936 and was the sire of Ch. Premier Crown Prince and Ch. Premier Crown Jewel. These two, June and Realization became the foundation stock for the Premier Pomeranians. I met Mrs. Webber at the 1938 APC show and at Westminster. Her Premeier Capricious was winners bitch. Ch. Premier Crown Prince was by Ch. Cairndhu Realization x Ch. Cairndhu June.Ch Cairndhu JuneAmerican Pomeranian Club 21He was a great winner, golden orange sable and weighed about 4 pounds. One of the best was Ch. Premier His Royal Highness. He was purchased by Mrs. Schoenburg and, unfortunately, had an accident and was paralyzed. She adored him, and he spent the rest of his life in a special basket and had daily therapy. Fortunately, she was able to get some puppies from him and he appears in the extended pedigrees of the Bev-Nor, Southland , Precious Petites through Ch. Blairs Solitaire and Ch. Thelcolynn Showstopper. These two lines are also descended from Ch. Caimdhu Gold Sun and Ch. Caimdhu Sunbright.Later Premier winners included Ch. Premier Crown Pippins Joan and the super winning Ch. Premier Little Prize Package, BOB at the Westminster in 1952 and 1953. Package was by Ch. Radiant Golden Career, a son of Ch. Premier Crown Prince and Ch. Premier Pride O Possession which was by Ch. Caimdhu Masterpiece x Ch. Caimdhu June.Today, the Caimdhu, Premier, and Lindy lines appear in present winning lines Great Elms, Models, Lenette from Ch. Caimdhu Gold Sun and Ch. Caimdhu Sunbright and Ch. Caimdhu Sun Ray, Aristic from Ch. Caimdhu Sun Ray and Ch. Premier His Royal Highness all the lines that have Ch. Julo Wee Wonder, Ch. Boneta King Kit, Ch. Kitch Tumble Lad, Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo, Ch. Little Me of Chasmont and so many others. As I said before, Its amazing what you can learn from old pedigrees.,.piACh. Caimdhu Gold RayCh Caimdhu Realization Ch Premier Crown Prince Ch Caimdhu June Ch Radiant Golden Career Ch Radiant Red Glory Radiant Lady Valentine Radiant Lady Miracle Ch Premier Little Prize Package Lindy's IdealCh Caimdhu Masterpiece Caimdhu Miss Firefly Ch Premier Pride O Possession Dandy Sunbeam Ch Caimdhu JuneCaimdhu Orange Queen- iAsk Us Anythingby Annette DavisOur question for this month is "What is hypoglycemia "Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar is a common problem with all toy breed puppies. Veterinarians unfamiliar with toys often mis-diagnose the condition as viral hepatitis or encephalitis. As a toy breeder or pet owner, it is important to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and know how to treat it. Hypoglycemia is easily treatable in the early stages, but fatal if allowed to progress. Marty puppies are lost needlessly to hypoglycemia because of ignorance on the part of their owner or veterinarian.The first sign of hypoglycemia is the puppy slowing down and then acting listless. The puppy will then begin to tremble or shiver. This is a reaction caused as the brain is starved for glucose. The trembling is followed by a blank stare and the puppy lying on his side. He may also experience convulsions. After a time, the puppy will become comatose. His body will be limp, lifeless, and the tongue and gums will be a grayishblue color. The bodyT l M t H u mCDpj J Ml El rJ 1 NJJ aJ N sjPresentsTom Thumbs Almost An Angel5 12 years oldrAngel has had 2 litters and is the dam of TEARS IN HEAVEN OF TOM THUMB Iddy Bitty, ONLY IN DREAMS OF TOM THUMB Rowdy, and SIMONES IRISH EYES ARE SMILIN Danny to be shown soon.Angel goes twice to English Ch. Wynnwrights Mid Winter Boi, a smidge of "old Golden Glow," and three times to Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash. Angel is bred to the beautiful BI-MARS HONEY BOY below due 114.Naida Coburn 19657 Hiller Drive Bend, OR 97702 541317-1048oj31 oj 31 .3121M e.31Al,nJij Al .31sjintroducesBi-Mars Honey BoyCh Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Ch Bi-Mar Sunnys Phantom Bi-Mar Chile of Sandtown Bi-Mars Honey Boy Ch Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Sugar and Spice Bi-Mar KateBI-MARS HONEY BOY is our foundation stud. He is red, proven, and only two years of age. Watch for him at the shows. He is two times bred on Ch. Holders A Lil Red Flash.Sandra Baker 77778 Quaglia Road Cottage Grove, OR 97424 541 942-7775t\American Pomeranian Club afan' ......................s.A-f -iI1A e HIm...U \BESTr WINNERSnew championH K C DOG SHOWMIKE JOHNSON ' Ch.Starflres Playboy of HaikuCh. Starfires Im Too Sexy x Starfires Graciela"Tony" is pictured here with his expert handler, Yvette Oganeku, receiving Best of Winners at the Kona Coast Dog Fanciers. He was also Winners Dog at the West Oahu Dog Fanciers KC. Many thanks to Yvette.Many congratulations to the Oganekus on their Kennel Visit. Clarice is a pioneer of the Pomeranians in Hawaii and an outstanding breeder.Thank you ,Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti, for "Tony."Marit and Jim Hattori 46-459 Hulupala Place Kaneohe, HI 96744 808 235-8200Pomeranian Keviewtemperature will be subnormal. The puppy may even appear to be dead.If caught in the early stages, treatment is simple. Rub Nutri-Cal Caro syrup will do if you have no Nutri-Cal on the puppys gums, under the tongue, and on the roof of the mouth. Caution do not use honey. Get a heating pad or heating blanket and slowly warm the puppy to proper body temperature. If the puppy responds, all is well. Feed a quality canned food right away you may want to mix it with egg yolk and then monitor the puppy to be sure that the condition does not recur. Be sure to eliminate the stress that caused the episode if at all possible.If caught in the more advanced stages, treatment is more complicated. Always assume that the puppy is alive. Rub Nutri-Cal or Caro in the mouth, and carefully insert a small amount in the rectum. Slowly warm the puppy to normal body' temperature 101- 1020F and keep him warm continuously with light heat. If the puppy still does not respond, carefully eye dropper dextrose solution or Caro water into the mouth, a little at a time. Call your veterinarian and inform him that you have a hypoglycemic puppy. He will prepare a warmed dextrose solution to inject subcutaneously and may put your puppy on an IV drip. Request a fecal exam. Your puppy may have intestinal parasites such as worms, coccidia, or giardia that need to be eliminated immediately. A bacterial or viral infection may also be present and antibiotic treatment necessary. If your puppy has been given glucose injections, it is probably a good idea to treat him with antibiotics so that infection does not occur. Your vet will likely recommend a prescription canned food such as ad to give as your puppy recovers. You can finger feed the ad as is from the can and add Pedialyte to the drinking water. You must also keep the puppy warm at all times. Of course useprudence, and do not overheat or dehydration will occur. In severe cases you may need to force feed ad for a time and give Pedialyte with a dropper. Give B vitamins to stimulate appetite. As your puppy improves he will begin to eat on his own and then you can gradually phase back in his regular food.It is important to understand that just because a puppy has an episode of hypoglycemia, it does not mean that the puppy is truly "hypoglycemic." True hypoglycemia is a chronic condition caused by overproduction of insulin by the pancreas. Even though the pancreas may normally function properly, toy puppies can still have an isolated hypoglycemic incident in reaction to stress. Hypoglycemic incidents are almost always preceded by a stress of some kind. Some examples of common stresses include weaning, teething, vaccinations, a change in environment, shipping, over-handling, cold temperatures, intestinal parasites, infections, anorexia, etc. Many puppies simply play too hard and stress their system or forget to eat. I have heard of young males experiencing hypoglycemia when a female in heat is around. They become so worked up over the female that they do not eat and their blood sugar drops.Tiny dogs often do not have the fat reserves to supply adequate glucose in times of stress or when they do not eat regularly. Hypoglycemia most often occurs when the puppy has not eaten for several hours. This is not always the case, however. A puppy can have eaten recently and still show sings of hypoglycemia if his system is stressed and the food has not been digested and assimilated. It is important to "free feed" toy puppies a high quality food. Toy puppies simply have too high of an energy level to be restricted to scheduled feedings. Most do fine if switched to scheduled feedings when they reach adulthood, but they must have access to food and water atAmerican Homeraman uiudall times when they are puppies. If you like to give your puppy canned food, you can schedule the feeding of the canned, but allow access to kibble at all times.A summary of important reminders is as follows1 Always keep Nutri-Cal or Caro Com Syrup on hand. This is the quickest way to revive a hypoglycemic puppy.2 If you ever see your puppy becoming listless, or laying on his side and acting unresponsive IMMEDIATELY mb Nutri-Cal or Caro on his gums, under his tongue, and on the roof of the mouth. Slowly warm him to normal body temperature with a heating pad. Feed him as soon as he responds. Call your veterinarian if the puppy does not quickly respond.3 Keep your puppy from chilling, free of parasites, and minimize stress.4 See that your puppy eats often and maintains a proper body weight5 Do not over-handle your puppy. Be sure to allow him rest time and alone time. Like all babies, puppies need to have a regular schedule of rest, meals, play and potty.Our question for next month is "What is coccidiosis" You may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis 391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail davisstellarcom.comINBREEDING WHAT WHY HOWBy Ky W. WhiteEveryone has an opinion on breeding. There are as mam- divergent opinions onhow an animal should be bred as there are breeders. I have heard many very successful people say that they never inbreed, others say that they never outcross. These opinions are literally poles apart. Never the twain shall meet.I have heard it spoken, only half in jest, that if it works, it is linebreeding and if it doesnt, it is inbreeding If there is a principle misunderstood by even those who advocate its use-its inbreeding.Inbreeding is the mating of closely related animals to one another. Closely related here, means parent-offspring, full-siblings, half-siblings, aunt-nephew, or uncle-niece. For this discussion, if the two parents are related, but not this closely, we will define it as linebreeding rather than inbreeding.Now that we have defined what it is, WHY DO ITInbreeding is done for a variety of reasons, but two very valid reasons come immediately to mind. The first is to find and identify weaknesses faults in structure, conformation, temperament, etc., or poor recessive genes that may be masked and transferred to another generation of puppies. The second is to concentrate the genes of one very good dog.Every trait that a mammal has is inherited in duplicate. We, and our dogs, get a gene from each of our parents. Our dogs will show one trait that is more like one parent and another trait that is more like the other parent. One parent is dominant for one trait and the other parent would be dominant for the second trait. For example, this explains why a puppy can have the head of one parent and the body of the other.The trait that is exhibited, or that we can see, is referred to as being dominant. The trait that is not exhibited is referred to as being recessive. However, the dog can pass on the recessive traits as easily as it can the dominant ones. This is where a lot of surprises come from. This is the simplest of cases. Many traits are a combination of Continued on page 32Lenette TomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 19579Ch. Yolandas N Golden Aires Duke x Ch. Macks Absolutely No RegretsLitters due by Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips, Ch. Macks Me No Sissy, Ch. Yolands N Golden Aires Duke, Ch. Millamors Dance of Sourwood, Ch. Clairmonts Max In Carolina, Clairmonts Dylan, and Yolandas King For A Day.All of our bitches and studs have Great Elms behind them. We will be glad to put you on our mailing list to receive offerings.Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. If not completely satisfied, return your puppy within three days for a refund.CELEBRATING OUR 40TH YEAR IN POMSLENETTE Kannapolis, NC 28081K.G. Griffith, Owner 704 938-20421440 Pom Orchid Lane 704 938-7578p jg M WEiIF.VfitTIGER is superbly handled, as always, by MR. CURTISS G. SMITH. Watch for this dynamic duo at a show in your areaOWNERS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Koga123 Wailupe Circle Honolulu, HI 9682128NEW CHAMPIONS AKC AwardsPomeranian ReviewAugust, 1997Allayns Rock N Rebellion D by Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Allayns Lil Polly Flinders. Breeder Maiy Allan. Owner Coral Appleton.AJs Smo kin Joe D by Ch. Janesas Maxx Factor x AJs Catch A Falling Star. BreederOwner Ashley and Gerald Miller.Bri-Cor Courtjester Hillside D by Whid-Dons Knaughty Knight x Starfires Cocoa. Breeder Brian T. Incorvaia and Jose A. Cabrera. Owner Xiomara B. LawsoaCrystal Woodland Pin Oak E-0 D byCh. Cascades Sunkist Goldenrod x Ch. Crystal Bud-N-Promise. BreederOwner Judy Shearer.Damata NW Harvester Texican D by Ch. Texicans Highball x Rosehills Simply Ma Va Lous. Breeder Darlys Flaata. Owner Erika K. Moureau.Destinys Lady Of The Lake B Dicks Tribe Of Benjamin x Destinys Sweet Tangerine. BreederOwner Donna E. Sinicropi.Dimondes Wicked Wenona B by Elans Don Juan x Dimondes Satin Sorceress. BreederOwner Diana M. Downey.Forever Fabio D by Ch. Jan-Shars Stetson x Jan-Shars Forever Countiygal. BreederOwner Marge Kranzfelder.Grem-Lyns Blazin A Trail B byHickory Bends Sweet Vendetta x Ch. Nelsons Blazin Tiffany Girl. Breeder Diana L and Julie A. Wall. Owner Diana WaU and Julie Wafl.Jan-Shars Alice in Wonderland B byCh. Absolutes Magic Mountain x Ch. Jan-Shars How Sweet It Is. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Joarts Diamond DoUy B by Painters Diamond Jubilee x Joarts Diamond Lilli. BreederOwner Darlene J. Denton.Nobles Chewbaka of Pominique D by Ch. Sun-Dots Pominique Starchaser x VIPs Shiloh Lupus For WeJ. Breeder Susan Jennings. Owner Noble Inglett.Sunrunner JJs Tommy Lee D by Tomhos Revel Lee x Sunrunner Ruffles And Drums. Breeder Mickey Stephens. Owner Julie Javemick.Susitna Katagnik I Luv Lucy B by Ch. Merrymont American Express x Sharels Southern Bobbie. Breeder Carolyn Tumage. Owner Terry and Sara Dennison Carolun Tumage Ron Dennison.Terri-Mars Clearly A Dill-E B by Terri-Mars Gambler Man x Terri-Mars Sassy Sabrina. Breeder Timothy R. Morrow and Terry L. Morrow. Owner Harry C. Keller and Gary J. Boyer.Wyndlor Cast A Spell B by CL Absolutes Mini Bike x Absolutes Magic Mist. BreederOwner Rebecca L. Sabourin.Wyndlor Magical Mist B by CLAbsolutes Mini Bike x Absolutes Magic Mist. BreederOwner Rebecca L. Sabourin.Yellow Roses Dazzling Darcy B by Tomanolls Chip Off The Block x Yellow Roses Diamonds N Gold. Breeder Annette Lynn Heise. Owner Jimmie D. Lawrence.Zanara Glen Iris Braveheart D by Glen Iris Luckdragon x Wee HeartsAmerican Pomeranian ClubIllusive Dream. Breeder Sarah H. Walker Cheryl A. Jackson Joel Taylor R.G. Garrard. Owner Sarah H. Walker Cheryl Jackson Joel Taylor.September, 1997Candyfloss Halcyon B by Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish x Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Tatiana. BreederOwner Hideko W. Strasbaugh.Chinadoll Bette Midler B Bavanews Andy Of Chinadoll x Bavanews Jenny Of Chinadoll. Breeder Darlene Boyd and John Boyd. Owner Ann Simmons.Chriscendo Centre Piece B by Chriscendo Centre Stage x Chriscendo Charm Bracelet. Breeder Christine Heartz. Owner Dolores A. Watts.Fransu N Neujahr Fancy I Am B by Fransus Mr. Twister x Fransus Honey Bun. BreederOwner Susan Hughes.Jan-Shars Tickle Me Elmo D by Ch. Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shars Proud Mary. BreederOwner Sharon Hanson.Jan-Shars Topsy Turvy D by Ch. Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shars The Heart Of Dixie. Breeder Sharon Hanson. Owner Katy L. Stalnaker and Charles A. Stalnaker.Jan-Shars Westside Magic D by Ch. Absolues Magic Mountain x Jan-Shars The Skys The Limit. Breeder Sharon Hanson. Owner Sharon Hanson and Celda Santos.Janesas Righteous Star B by Ch. Starhavens Righteous Rock x Janesas Rising Star. BreederOwner Jerrie Freia.Pominique Iron Izz Cody D byPominique Lil Cupid x Bojays Clay Creation of Maui. BreederOwner Cande Freeman.Tim Sues Lady Of The Knight B byCh. Tim Sues Knight Light x Ch. Tim Sues Highfalutin. Breeder Sue Goddard and Tim Goddard. Owner Barbara J. Moore and Bronya Johnston.Tishas Jammin SMore B by Tishas Grin N Bear It x Tishas Wild Touch. BreederOwner Fred and Pat Dieball.V.LP.s Desperado D by Ch. Texicans Highball x V.LP.s Seminole Wind. BreederOwner Fran Smith.Valcopy-Wakhan Star Wars D by Ch. Valcopy- Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy- Wakhan Redridinghood. BreederOwner Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill.ZHReport on the CCPCJudges Education Seminar by Linda Brogoitti, ChairmanYOU WERE THERE-1 WASNTThe Central Carolina Pom Club Judges Breed Study Group was at the top of my list to attend....unfortunately, the vetoops, I mean doctor, didnt agree. Because I wanted to get some insight into this VERY well attended event, I decided to call and speak with some of the judges and get then- opinion on the presentatioaA few of the comments were, best study group Ive ever attended especially liked the OR TO PUT IT MORE SIMPLY section of the manual appreciated the space left in the manual so that we could take notes loved the Chris Heartz illustrations and the clear, easy to follow and easy to understand format wonderful assortment of dogs to examine, especially the different colors.Continued on page 36]fWyncCCor f4VT^.0yvBESTOFOPPOSITE SEXNEW CHAMPIONaKENNEL CLUB OFYORKVILLfILLINOISSUNDAYft sztfJrMtfbi yiSUNDAY JUNE 8. 1997 i BOOTH PHOTO 8Y KENNEDY ACt. cWytuCCor MayicaC MistOne speciaC titter, two speciaC sisters ...Beefy Sabourin 2814 IE. Btacfhurst IRoad Midland, Ml 48642-7862 517 832-34081 Wyndtor [-.3111r \MOUNTPLEASANTMlKENNELCLUB ILUCNICMilCft.Wyndtor Cast Ct Sped.. .finished on the same day, at ten months of ayeBeefy Sa-bou-rin 2814 E. Blacfyurst Road Midland, Ml 48642-7862 517 832-3408romeraruan ReviewozContinued from page 25more than one gene, sometimes far more than one. The technical term for this is polygenic. Each of the genes that contribute to the trait or characteristic can be inherited from either parent.By breeding animals that have many of the same genes in common, we can remove many of the variables or possibilities that otherwise might surprise us. On order to breed animals with as many genes in common as possible, you must start with closely related breeding stock.Since many of the gene combinations will be duplicated, we will find that many of the recessive traits will be revealed revealed' not caused. This is a very, very important distinction to make. The recessive genes which may be faults will be unmasked because they will have been duplicated from both the sire and the dam. However, the good traits will also have been inherited in duplicate. If we can find the puppy with the good traits that we are seeking from an inbreeding, then we can be fairly confident that the good traits are there in duplication We will have a puppy that is plenipotent for the good traits.The bad side to this coin is that we may also have puppies that have the faults in duplicate and they must be culled from the breeding pool. They must be neutered and not allowed to reproduce. For this reason inbreeding is not a plan for the faint of heart.A puppy receives half of its genes from each parent, 25 from each grandparent, 12.5 from each great-grandparent, etc. If we breed a dog to his daughter, the resulting puppies will receive 50 of their genes from their sire. Their dam is already 50 of the sire, so the puppies will have 75 of their genes contributed by their father who is also the grandfather. This makes them actually more related to their sire than their dam, who is also their half-sister. If one of these second generation bitches is bred back to the same sire, he would then becontributing 87.5 of the genetic makeup of that litter of pups.When the Santa Gertrudis breed of cattle were being developed in South Texas, the ideal bull was developed. He was bred to his daughter and to her daughter and to her daughter for six successive generations to set the breed type. Finally, the last generation produced a cow that had 127128ths of its genetic material donated by the original bull. This is as close to cloning as we can come.Problems The Santa Gertrudis is one of the hardiest and largest of all breeds of cattle. Descendant cattle were just as big and had the same temperament as the original stock. There was no loss of size or of good temperaments resulting from this type of concentrated inbreeding. Since you are not introducing any new combinations. This method cannot cause faults. It will, however, allow you to identify them and then remove them from the existing breeding stock.This brings to mind a second notion that I have often heard. I hear people tell how many different times a kennel name appears in a pedigree and they consider that a sign of inbreeding or line breeding. If you elect to inbreed, you must select a dog upon which to concentrate your efforts, not a kennel.It is not possible to inbreed to two or three dogs simultaneously. Just because a dog carries a kennel name in its pedigree several times does not mean that it has been linebred or inbred. I have heard some people tout their dogs as being of a certain line or kennel because of one of its great-grandparents. All that tells me is that 78 of the dogs genes came from somewhere else. I know of some dogs that are not any closer related to a prominent stud dog than seven generations, or a great-great-great-great-great-grandparent. A dog in that generation is only one of 128 ancestors in the 7th generation. Yet, due to the inbreeding and the many times that theAmerican Pomeranian Club 33dog appeared in the puppys pedigree in the 7th, 8 , 9th. and 10th generations, he still accounted for 28 of the genetic makeup of the puppy. With inbreeding, a dog can still have a significant impact upon the breed long, long after it has passed away. Someone with a dominant, ideal stud dog should consider inbreeding to save as much of his genes as possible for future generations. You may have a dog that meets your ideal of the breed standard or you may be able to find the dog that you think most closely matches the standard and breed to it.How to plan a program to reproduce that dog First study the pedigrees of some of our best dogs and you will be able to use this pedigree as a blueprint to follow. Second, breed a bitch to this ideal dog. Hopefully, the bitch will have some common ancestry. Third, take the best bitch puppy of the resulting litter that does not have faults in common with the sire and breed her back to her fathergrandfather. You should then get puppies in this second generation that are 75 of the sire and have very few faults in common with their sire. Our dogs do not often live long enough to breed those puppies back to the sire again. From here you must search out a sibling or half-sibling that, again, does not have any common faults and breed them. This will keep the genetic makeup of the original sire well over 50 in any puppies that you produce and you will be able to see this dogs good qualities repeated over and over again.Outcrossing should be done judiciously, as you are reintroducing many variables. You may get some outstanding puppies you may also be masking some recessives that will not crop up again for several generations.One good pedigree that I have seen and studied took a half-brotherhalf-sister cross and produced two dogs and a bitch. The bitch was bred to one of her littermates and produced a bitch puppy. This secondgeneration bitch puppy was then bred back to her double uncle, the Iittermate of both of her parents. There are several instances of this type of breeding, or a slight variation of it, in all the pre-eminent lines in the breed. This breeds success, if done with study and the fortitude to neuter the undesirable ones.I realize that many will see an article on inbreeding and think of taboos and that it is a program that can be disastrous. Any breeding program will breed mediocrity, if it is done haphazardly without thought, training and study.Patience is the key. No breeding program is going to turn out the ultimate dog after only one generation, unless you are very, very fortunate. What you should see, though, is a consistent improvement generation to generation. With inbreeding, you should also see uniformity and consistency within a litter. Often, you will see more uniformity from an inbred litter than one from another type of breeding simply because there are fewer variables introduced in the genetic makeup of the puppies. As with any breeding program, you must ensure that the uniformity you seek is of high quality rather than just the average. Breeding average dogs should not be anyones goal.Ky W. White has been actively involved in breeding, pedigrees, and showing all of his life. He is a 1976 graduate of the US Military Academy at West Point. He has had numerous articles published in Military Journals, Engineering publications, and different dog breed magazines.Reprinted from Canine ChronicleKENNEL VISITSDecember...Brenda Segelken Dame PomeraniansFebruary...Diane Finch Finchs Pomeraniansromeraman rceviewforcycr yourswf\CVJVJmz- jt..m.-fi r \fORCYCRMm TO RMWere glad to have "Darin" back in our Forever winning line-up, and were glad to announce to Southern California....TISH IS BACKFORFYCR YOUttS,Marge Kranzfelder 408 623-9265 Fax 408623-2612MUCLV III rPIIFIIIipresents....CAMELOYS SURELY IIMPREI zrBEST OPPOSITE SEXSWEEPSFUTURITYHOUSTON COMBINED SPECIALTY ASSOCIATIONFALL 1997 0 COPR. PHOTO BYPATTY SOSAr4-889-9996I __Southlands Mr. Impressive x PPP Moonlight Sonata"Surely." a Ch. Soutlands Mighty Impressive granddaughter, is shown going BOS in Sweeps with her handler. Carolyn Crockett. She then took Reserve WB to a major from the 6-9 month class at the Houston Pomeranian Club Specialty under Mr. Doug Wiilson. Thank you Beverly Henry and Mr. Doug Wilson for recognizing the potential in "Surely ."What a way to startBreeder Owners Drew and Christel Reno 412 Holly Street Grand Cane, LA 71032 318 858-0200Continued from page 29The material used in the Judges Seminar Manual was previously approved by the Board and has been adapted to the revised standard. This Manual contains a more complete history of the breed and the breed standard, photos of early foundation and show Poms, some history of the early breeders, and numerous, consistent drawings by Chris Heartz illustrating movement, type, structure, coat, and the like.Although this Manual has been prepared for the study groups, the information would be beneficial to anyone interested in the Pom.Many thanks to Dot and Ed Martin and their committees for all the work that goes into a specialty, especially one as well attended as this one was. Special thanks to Charlotte Creed for a presentation well received by judges and breeders alike.Yips and YapsDear EditorThe Ask Us Anything article on Campylobacter was very informative. And the sanitation suggestions can not be emphasized enough.Regarding the statement, there is little information available on treatment of the bacteria in a kennel situation, may I suggest two very respected references-Kirks Current Veterinary Therapy and Ettingers Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine.specific scientific name of bacteria which is the subject of this article is an ubiquitous found everywhere organism that can be isolated from nearly all mammalian and avian species. More recent studies do find significantly higher prevalence rates in diarrheic animals. The fecal-oral route of transmission of C. jejuni is probably most important in pets. High fecal C. isolation rates have been identified in young animals, in animals with concurrent salmonelosis, parvoviral enteritis, and gastrointestinal parasites, and in stressed or debilitated animals. The association of C. jejuni infections with immunoincompetence and other disease states suggests that the organism is an opportunistic pathogen that may act synergistically with other enteric pathogens.This information is very important because it is necessary to find the primary cause of enteritis and to understand the nature of the bug. Otherwise, if you solely treat the opportunistic bacteria, it will return and return. You win the battle but not the war.If you are hunting for the incorrect sources of contamination, you might fail to eradicate the real cause. Raw hamburger should not be the culprit this time. If you were talking about Ecoli, we have another consideration and topic altogether.Restated, in practical terms, campylobacteria can be found in virtually all guts. It is not until this bacteria count exceeds a certain level that it causes diarrhea and needs to be treated. But the reason that the Campy count elevates is that there is another problem causing this imbalance such as parasites. It is opportunistic. You definitely need to address the other problem and might possibly need to treat for Campy before complete recovery can be made.Forever Yours,Marge KranzfelderFrom Kirk, Vol. X, p 994, C. jejuni theAmerican Pomeranian Club 37by Ellen TakayamaALOHA from Hawaii, home of the Woodrose Kennels of Clarice, Stanley, and Yvette Oganeku. This is the second kennel visit to Woodrose, and if you remember their first visit in the August, 1979 issue, you are certainly not a newcomer to the breed. I should also mention that Woodrose was the first kennel from Hawaii to be honored with a kennel visit.THE BEGINNINGTheir introduction to the breed was in 1967 when Clarice purchased her first Pom, a male, from local breeder, Janet Cox. At that time, Yvette was a toddler and their son Darrin was not yet bom. In 1971, Clarice went back to Janet to purchase two bitches. One of thesebitches, Yurikos Golden Tresses, was the dam of their early home bred champions--Ch. Woodroses Free N Easy. The other, Rosewoods Mity Sweet O Tim Sun, became their first champion in 1973. By this time they were addicted to dog shows and the betterment of the breed through their breeding program. It was through correspondence with Nina Epps that Clarice learned of Mary Hammond of Rosewood kennels. She obtained two dogs and two bitches from Mary of Great Elms and Van Hoozer lines. One of these bitches became their second champion, Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Angel. The other bitch, Rosewoods Bit of Little Eddie, was bred to Rosewoods Little Don Juan and produced their all time favorite, Ch. Woodroses Tuff Stuff, who went on to\ r\ rwV__Yvette and Ch. Woodroses Little Big ManV I VI I n\CL A TRIBUTE TOCh. Woodroses Shadow Dancer4i I x . ^BWCh, Creiders Bold Venture x Creiders Amy of ShadowdanceThis is the dog that started it all for me. I was fortunate to be able to purchase my first show dog from the Oganekus in 1979. Shadow was a year old when I got him and already had 9 points and 2 majors. He is shown above with handler Yvette Oganeku and respected judge Mr. Frank Oberstar. He finished with style being shown by Bradley Odagiri gaining his fourth major and winning a Group I under another highly respected judge Mr. James W. Trullinger in 1981. I am forever grateful to Clarice Oganeku for sharing such a wonderful dog with me. I am fortunate to be able to send congratulations to Clarice, Stanley, and Yvette of Woodrose Kennels on your second kennel visit I was not yet involved in showing dogs when you had your first one in August, 1979. Shadow gave me years of undying love and devotion and was the apple of my eye. Theres always something about your first championCongratulations to Clarice, Stanley and Yvette Oganeku.Vintage Pomeranians Ellen Takayama 98-643 Naali St. Aiea, HI 96701 808 488-8352VI1VJ I MbtPROUDLY PRESENTS Ch. Woodroses Gin N Vermouthyjyj'yvfljtm'K.Ch. Sandtowns Teddy Bear x Woodrose Ginger of Hy Jan-Leef--------------------------------------Martyshort for martini was thefirst Pom puppy to complete his championship in the state of Hawaii. He won his first 10 pointby taking back-to-back 5-point majors at the tender age of 8 months. Both judges, Mrs. Bettii Krause of Nevada and Mr. GrahaiHead of Australia, remarked that Iwas a "beautiful puppy" and I wain seventh heaven. He completei his championship at 10 months i 1992 and was soon retired as he hated to show. I am especially proud of his wins as he was alwa owner-handled. Thank you Claric for this wonderful dogV.Ch. Woodroses Princess Heidir NHeidi completed her championship in 1992 and was owner handled all the way. My biggest thrill with Heidi was winning best of breed over two multi-group winning specials from the puppy class under judge Thomas Conway pictured above and going on to a group 3rd.Thank you Clarice for sharing these two wonderful dogs withV_________________ rCreiders Wee Country Bumpkin x Woodroses Midnite DreamVintage Pomeranians Ellen Takayama 98-643 Naali St. Aiea, HI 96701 808 488-83524U rumeramari review_Ashley, Yvettes daughter.become Hawaiis top toy dog in 1977. Tuff Stuff was also the sire of Ch. Woodroses Free N Easy who became top toy dog the following year.Clarice then struck up a friendship with Norma Creider of the renowned Creider Kennels in Oklahoma. For a number of years, Clarice worked exclusively with Norma importing several champions as well as brood bitches. Two outstanding male champions brought in were Ch. Creiders Bold Venture, a lovely sable, and Ch. Creiders Ebony Masterpiece, a black. Other Creider dogs purchased as puppies which they finished were Creiders Jason of Woodrose, a black shown at Westminster before it became closed to non-champions. Jason was shown in the States and completed his championship before coming to Hawaii. Ch. Creiders Bound for Glory was shown by Nadine Hersil to his championship in the States before coming to Hawaii. He is the sire of their current winner, BISA Ch. Woodroses Little Big Man, better known as Chance. Chance is not only their first homebred Best in Show winner, but to top it off, he was handled in the classes by his co-owner,Cindy Edlao, to a Best of Breed from the puppy class over some outstanding specials. Yvette then took him on to Group One and Best in Show competing against some of the top dogs in Hawaii being shown by handlers brought in especially for the occasion. To date Chance is the only Pom in Hawaii to win Best in Show as a puppy. Ch. Creiders Prince Dom Perignon was imported by Clarice who offered Margo Koga a co-ownership on this dog. They co-owned Peri until he finished his championship in Hawaii. Peri went on to become Hawaiis top dog in 1994 and went on nationally to become number 2 Pom in 1995 and number 1 Pom in 1996.All of us who have ever done any breeding know that Pomeranians are known as the heartbreak breed. After being frustrated with al the whelping problems and puppy mortalities, Clarice concentrated her efforts on her other breed, the Shih Tzu. They had the top Shih Tzus in the islands for seven consecutive years, 1988 to 1994. They are especially proud of the fact that both of their winners were home breds which were breederownerhandled to all their wins.ij 1Ellen Takayama with Ch. Woodrose Gin and VermouthNN-5______________________________________________Yvette,being awarded Hawaiis Top Handler of the Year Award, 1990rvuggeiStill Worth His Weight In Goldv.Aw.Ch. Haikus Wind Shadowi - ...pictured winningBEST IN SHOWunderJUDGE MR. VINCENT T. GROSSOBEST OF BREED-JUDGE MR. OWEN WRIGHTGROUP ONE-JUDGE MR. STEPHEN HUBBELLCongratulations to Clarice and Yvette Oganeku, Woodrose Kennels, on your Kennel Visit. May you continue your "Winning Ways" for years to comeBreeders Marit and Jim Hattori of HAIKU KENNELSOwned and Loved by Judy Leadbeater Groomed and Presented by Mark Iseki Honolulu, HawaiiNuggetStill Worth His Weight In Gold--D 3- .iWEST OAHUKENNEL CLUB SUMMER 1997UTiBK.. a,Ch. Haikus Wind Shadowpictured winningBEST IN SHOWunderJUDGE MR. ARLEY D. HUSSINA special thanks to Judge Mrs. Mildred Bryant for finding him in the Breed and Group Rings. Our deepest appreciation to Judge Mrs. Dawn Vic Hansen for Group I the next day.Congratulations to Clarice and Yvette Oganeku, Woodrose Kennels, on your Kennel Visit Thank you for your friendship and supportBreeders Marit and Jim Hattori of HAIKU KENNELSOwned and Loved by Judy Leadbeater Groomed and Presented by Mark Iseki Honolulu, Hawaiir 4 AJeanne Blank with Ch. Woodroses Tobasco Cat.1990 was an especially good year for Woodrose Kennels. Not only did they win their first two BISs with Ch. Woodroses Saint I Aint who went on to become top show dog in Hawaii, but our local dog magazine, the Dio the Hawaiian word for dog also voted Yvette the outstanding female handler of the year in Hawaii. This win was veiy much appreciated as the votes came from her peers and fellow competitors. Their other Shih Tzu winner was Ch. Woodroses Forever Yours better known as Scrappy. Scrappy was number 2 toy dog in Hawaii for two consecutive years1992 and 1993, and was also number 8 dog and number 10 dog all breeds for those two years. Scrappy was also number 7 toy dog in 1994 before he was retired.Clarice did return to concentrating her efforts on her Pomeranian breeding program by importing several dogs from different breeders in the early 1990s. Ch. Sandtown Teddy Bear was brought in and went on to become number 1 Pom in 1992 and number 5 toy dog in Hawaii. Teddy- Bear was instrumental in producing sound brood bitches. He was also the sire of Ch. China Girl Valentine, Ch. WoodrosesGin N Vermouth, Ch. Woodroses Hana Hou Rusty, and Ch. Woodroses Nic Reg Totoro. Another dog imported and finishing his championship in Hawaii was Ch. Aldens Cajun Spice O Woodrose. Spice is the sire of Ch. Woodroses Tobasco Cat who was shown to his championship by Jeanne Blank and is now owned by Mr. Wang Tai Chan of Hong Kong. The last few imports were from Sharon Hanson of Jan-Shar Kennels. Ch. Jan-Shars Bad Bad Leroy Brown Lee and Ch. Jan-Shars Magic Touch Magic were shown to their championships by Nadine Hersil before being sent to Hawaii. Ch. Jan-Shars Make Mine A Double Jigger completed his championship in Hawaii handled by Yvette. Lee is co-owned with Lisa Mitsunaga and went on to become number 7 toy dog in Hawaii in 1996. He has won 3 group firsts as well as other group placements and has also been the Best of Breed winner at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaiis last two specialty shows.The past two years have been very rewarding for the Oganekus. In 1996, Stanley and Clarice became grandparentsI-jJJmjNadine Hersil with Ch. Woodroses Mochi BearAmerican Pomeranian Club 45.3nT 4Reggie Kamihara and Ch. Woodrose Nic-Reg Totoroof a Best in Show beautiful granddaughter from their daughter Yvette who looks all of sweet sixteen but is really in her 30s. After all she has been handling from the age of seven and has over 25 years of handling experience. Baby Ashley is a joy to both her parents and grandparents and can be seen at all the dog shows including the ones on the neighboring islands, Maui and Hawaii. Since Yvette is busily grooming and handling dogs at the shows, babysitting assignments are usually split between daddy Winston and grandmom Clarice. Earlier this year their beautiful homebred Pom puppy which they co-own with Cindy Edlao won a group I from the puppy class at out West Oahu Kennel Club and then on to win two more group ones at the Orchid Isle Dog Fanciers and a Best in Show all from the puppy class. What a wonderful way to finish It is so rewarding to see a local home bred dog being handled by its breeder achieving the ultimate win. With some local fanciers spending thousands of dollars each weekend bringing in big time handlers, it is encouraging to see that some judges still put up the dog.The Oanekus are very proud to be thebreeders of 15 champions and the ownerof 13 which they finished. Shown belowis the listing of their homebreds Ch. Woodroses Shooting Star-owned by Chris Omoto Ch. Woodroses Tuff Stuff-top toy dog in 1977 Ch. Woodroses Dream of Perfection Ch. Woodroses Free N Easy-top toy dog 1978 owned by Betty Aona Ch. Woodroses Shadow Dancer-owned by Ellen Takayama Ch.Woodroses Tiffany of Haikuowned by Marit Hattori Ch. Woodroses Gin N Vermouth- owned by Ellen Takayama Ch. Woodroses Princess Heidi-owned by EllenTakayama Ch. Woodroses Mochi Bear Ch. Woodroses Hana Hou Rusty-owned by Betty Aona Ch. Woodroses Short Circuit-owned by Sylvia Miyake Ch. Woodroses Nic-Reg Totoro- co-owned with Reggie Kamihara Ch. Woodroses Formal Attire Ch. Woodroses Tobasco Cat-owned by Mr. Wang Tai Chan of Hong Kong Ch. Woodroses Little Big Man- co-owned with Cindy EdlaoAs you can see from the above listing, they do share their good ones as the majority of their champions have been shared with other Pom fanciers with only four of the 15 dogs owned outright.Other Poms shown to their championships are Ch. Rosewoods Mity Sweet O Tim Sun Ch. Rosewoods Dragonfly Angel Ch. Creiders Jason of Woodrose Ch. Shadowdance Touch and Go-Multi group winner Ch. Creiders Bound for Glory Ch. Creiders Prince Dom Perignon-top Pom 1996, BIS and BISA winner Ch. China Girl Valentine Ch. Sandtowns LovinTeaspoon Ch. Aldens Cajun Spice O Woodrose Ch. Pinehavens Strike Up the Band Ch. Jan-Shars Bad Bad Leroy Brown-Multi group winnerIN LCVIMG MEMORY OF Ch. MARK TRADITION OF FEMETTF1-24-93 to 5-21-97L___We will alwags pemember and miss goup sunng, affectionate disposition and the thpill of seeing ijou obtain goup championship and gpoup 2 placement.Thanks to Rogep Lau fop offepinq Mapkg to us, Josephine Ching fop handling him so well, and Apnold Hipahapa fop his expept gpooming.Congpatulations to Clapice and Vvette Oganeku on theip Kennel Visit, and we hope Woodpose s Taiko Sumpo will also he a cpedit to theip kennel.Breeden KG. GriffithOwners Tom and Sylvia Miyake 2008 Hookahua Street P.C.HI 96782SANDALWOODHome of...t r fWINNERSAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB FEBRUARY 1990DAVE ASHBEY\ c I___Ch. Great Elms TobyCh.Cedarwoods Image of Diamond x Great Elms Woods DonToby is still going strong and passed his physical recently with flying colors at ten years of age. Watch for his daughter, Sandalwood EG Megura 579, in the upcoming shows.Sandalwood is proud to have finishedCh. Emcees Rosita OsitaCh. Emcees Golden Topo de Oro x Gypsy Rose of Dogwood LaneCh. Watts Little Kimme KiddychipCh. Watts Little Chipper of GEIms x Ch. Shyacres Kiddy Kan DooCh. Bi-Mar Sweet CherieCh. Great Elms Sweet Prince x La Cheries Happy DazeSandalwood is currently showingSandalwood Watts Up Aladdin 10 points, both majorsCh. Great Elms Little Demetrius x Ch. Watts Little Kimmie KiddychipSandalwood FF EsmeraldaSandalwoods Watts Up Aladdin x Sandalwood Princess JasmineCongratulations to Woodrose on their well-deserved Kennel Visit.Sandalwood - P.O. Box 27991 - Honolulu, HI 96827 - 808 524-3877 e-mail - Fax 808 523-885148 Pomeranian Review Ch. Jan-Shars Magic Touch Ch. Jan-Shar s Make Mine a DoubleWoodrose is also proud to have bred and finished 16 Shih Tzus and 3 Pugs.A lot has happened since Woodrose Kennels last visit in 1979. At that time they had bred and finished 3 champions and had purchased and finished an additional 2 champions. This was quite a feat as there were only two all-breed shows a year when Woodrose first began showing dogs. By 1979, the islands had 6 shows a year. They have since finished an additional 12 homebred champions and another 11 which they purchased. They have achieved these numbers in spite of the fact that they were quite inactive in Poms in the 1980s when they concentrated their efforts in their other breed. They have won 3 Best in Showswith their home bieds. Two were with their Shih Tzu, Ch. Woodroses Saint I Aint and the latest with their Pomeranian, Ch. Woodroses Little Big Man.Yvette was recognized for her handling skills by her fellow competitors and was awarded the first Hawaii outstanding female handler of the year. Yvette also presented Clarice and Stanley with their first grandchild, the Best in Show Baby Ashley, who has brought so much joy and happiness to their lives. 1997 marks the 30th year that the Oganekus have been involved with Pomeranians. All of their hard work has paid off as Woodrose Kennels is truly one of the highest respected kennels in the islands.The word ALOHA has three meanings-heOo, farewell, and I love you. In closing I would like to say Aloha from Paradise and thank you for taking the time to visit Woodrose Kennels again.v 'U-iYvette and Ch. Woodroses Saint I Aint^1., Hi U4.40r lAilefru^an IHome I.nfujfile Edr. V-evv jo Sookflna--c ptionc C.wecoi Window Heo ' a xI a uli OBack t 4om i bt - -1 - - I 1- ..OpMTfl Pc hi Find itOC Go la' jhHFLvMiiprodogc com.'kcn9po index htm-'Kats Ne-v'' j vhtf.'sCoGJ j Destinations i Nr Search j Peopte j Scwate American Pomeranian Club, Inc. M .. M .. A a ^ a ".. ..V V V . V V V VThe- American Pomeranian Clnl. Inc. is a non profit organization. Tlte APC-Ktea.5 Ml UimlarditeulmieremBreedfescueeaten rniTnDirectorsBreeder.Referral ClubJofsa f TermJfClEventsnwfcwiFirsts lifcksoXalicPomeranianiicuteiuNAMEBtrnfy, Sinaunt 2vnngi Mill ML'SB^rrneyigitKnnf comDowney, Diana M.Sdver .Sfraf 1-lT^a^gfrietrAt.TmGurvm, Jrotha R.BctiiCi-ia, LIEShield. ShariT.anham 1CKENNEL PHONE CODESNAME NUMBER srr Irgrnri below.s jLcj \avj os i055 bp etEKfiis r,... _ .-s Kamel a-i-J01j 3S--3it5li .-i.roaaeraabns Eas-VIOl' f7-'2X5httpwww.prodogs.comkcnapcindex.htmL ltliUIS GAJLS nilllMMAflSGUYS N GALS CHI-HI OF HI-CRESTiViHi-CrestGuysNGals Handsome High x GuysNGals Renee Haiku s FlirtChibi is shown winning Best in Sweepstakes at her first show, the Pomeranian Club of Hawaiis 20th Specialty show under judge. Ms. Tina Beatty.I would like to thank Stanley and Clarice Oganeku for all their help with whelping and breeding my Poms over all the years. All the help and knowledge I gained from their friendship is greatly appreciated. They were always there to help me when I was a novice and all my knowledge comes from their teaching. If I had whelping problems at 200 a.m.. they never hesitated to come over to assist.CONGRATULATIONS TO CLARICE, STANLEY, AND YVETTE OGANEKU OF WOODROSE KENNELS ON THEIR WELL-DESERVED KENNEL VISIT AND ALL THE BEAUTIFUL POMS YOU HAVE BRED OVER THE YEARS.Josephine Ching 2829 Booth Road Honolulu, HI 96813 808 526-0114Hixttra mmtGUYS N GALS CHI-HI OF HI-CRESTfI4 5 50rtuHi-Crest GuysNGals Handsome High x GuysNGals Renee Haikus FlirtChibi is shown winning a three-point major at her first show, the Pomeranian Club of Hawaiis 20th Specialty show under judge, Mr, Robert Frost. Thank you, Robert Frost, for awarding Chibi winners bitch and best opposite sex.CONGRATULATIONS TO CLARICE, STANLEY, AND YVETTE OGANEKU OF WOODROSE KENNELS ON THEIR WELL-DESERVED KENNEL VISIT.Hi-Crest Kennel Arnold Hirahara 4345 Kahala Avenue Honolulu, Hi 9681652 Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club SweepstakesJudges Critique 92597 by Richard NachmanNote Richard Nachman is a Silky Terrier and Tibetan Spaniel BreederJudge with over 29 years in the sport. He is one of the original founders of the Classic Toy Dog Club of Western Mass. Currently, he is the Public Education Coordinator for the Silky Terrier Club of America, and the Corresponding Secretary for the Toy Dog Club of Central Florida.Congratulations to the American Pomeranian Club for the outstanding job in holding the Summer National Specialty in conjunction with the Central Carolina Pomeranian Clubs Fall Specialty, the Columbia KC, and the Piedmont KC shows in Charlotte, NC. Having run two national specialties for the Silky Terrier Club of America, I am well aware of how much work is involved in holding a successful weekend. Ed and Dot Martin and their entire committee did a fantastic job in making the weekend successfulWhen I accepted the assignment to judge the APC Sweepstakes, the entry was estimated to be 40 entries. Despite being approved by AKC to judge 6 breeds and having judged Poms in matches for over 26 years including two specialty matches for the CCPC, I was still relatively unknown by most of the Pom world. The large entry of 53 26-27 was extremely flattering and I thank everyone for entering.I knew that I would have my hands full with some of the best young Poms in the country. Most of the classes were highly competitive with quality exhibits. A few specimens were heavily sculptured. This sculpturing totally destroyed the overall general appearance and the coat texture. Although there were many excellent moving dogs, I feel the breeders need to continue to strive to improve this area.It was an honor and a privilege to judge the sweepstakes. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.My placements are listed belowPuppy Dogs, 6-9 mos1 Absolutes All Riled Up..............................Jeanne Blank and Becky Sabourin2 Jan-Shars Saint Patrick............................Sharon Hanson and Tony Santoso3 Joarts Super Harlee Davison......................................................Darlene Denton4 Jolvins Legacy of Ginger...................................................Joan and Melv BeechPuppy Dogs, 9-12 mos1 Forever Lil Bit Rock N Roll....................................................Marge Kranzfelder2 Foxfire Twist N Shout..............................................................JanineG. Pannell3 Jolvins Cyber Space Warrior...........................................Joan and Melv Beech4 Chrisdens Ozark Tradition.....................................Dennis and Mario LitonjuaPuppy Dogs, 12-18 mos1 Clairmonts the Piano Player.......................................................Sharon Hanson2 Diogenoir Rock Star at Samsu.................................................Rosie H. Varjassy3 Emcees Ultimate Chip...............................................................Morris E. Carson4 Rhea-Nars Columbo of Lynnwright...................................Donna Lynn WrightPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos1 Patricias Passion Play...................................................................Pati DanielsonAmerican Pomeranian Club 532 Foxworth Five Star Tradition............Pamela R. Dodsworth and Larry E. Fox3 Jan-Shars N Janesas Kitty Cool................................................Sharon Hanson4 Emcees Pennee From Heaven ......................................................Jessica SmithPuppy Bitches, 9-12 mos1 Great Elms Buttercup.......................................................................Ruth L. Beam2 Foxfire Sparkling Gold Bubble................................................Janine G. Panned3 Maranathas LKi KamaliL.......................................Steven and Gloria Carlin4 Watts Little Octavia.....................................Tony Santoso and Dolores WattsPuppy Bitches 12-18 mos1 Finchs Black Lace............................................................................Donna Riehm2 Stolannes Victorie Laine..............................................................Frances J. Stoll3 Forever Flirtacious Firefly.......................................................Marge Kranzfelder4 Chinadolls Totie Fields...................................................................Ann SimmonsBest Junior Patricias Passion Play Best Senior Clairmonts the Piano Player Grand Sweepstakes Winner Patricias Passion Play\ vv Vv\m^ jVBest in Sweepstakes Patricias Passion PlayAmerican Pomeranian Club SpecialtySeptember 25,1997 Regular Classes Judge Dr. Harry SmithThere was a wonderful turnout for the APC Specialty held in Charlotte, NC. I was especially pleased to see many old friends and to meet some new ones. But most of all, I was able to see many of the best Pomeranians in the country. I did not envy the judges who had to select from so many good ones.In the Sweepstakes, there were some excellent dogs. Mr. Nachman chose Patricias Passion Play owned by Pati Danielson Best Junior in Sweepstakes and Grand Sweepstakes winner. Best Senior in Sweepstakes was Clairmonts the Piano Player owned by Sharon Hanson and bred by Lance Bryson.Passion Play is a small orange sable bitch of excellent type bred by her owner. She is by Ch. Millamors Make a Statement x Ch. Milnes Pride of Patricia. Piano Player is am JHR-Lcc ivcnncLoAMOURS PRINCE OF TIDESWINNERS DOGWINDWARD SHOWIIKE JOHNSON PHOTO.Ch. GuysNGals Bravo for Amours x Amours Legacy of the HeartPrince is shown winning winners dog under respected judge Mr. Derek Rayne. He was beautifully presented by Mr. David Allen Feller to this win. Prince has accumulated 9 points which includes a five-point major and needs just 6 more points which would include another major to complete his championship. Upon completing his championship, he will join his litter brother Ch. Amours Thats Hot to Trot owned and handled by Shirley Ann Leu.I would like to thank Clarice Oganeku for my two new show hopefuls. Woodrose Terry O Hy Jan-Lee is a repeat breeding of BIS Ch. Woodroses Little Big Man. His parents are Ch. Woodroses Bound For Glory x Woodroses Sunflower. Woodroses Kenny O Hy Jan-Lee is out of Ch. Aldens Cajun Spice O Woodrose x Woodroses Special Treasure.Congratulations to Clarice, Stanley, and Yvette Oganeku on your Kennel VisitHY JAN-LEE KENNELS Janet M. Cox 98-119 Hekaha Street Aiea, HI 96701 808 2485SHcKKY-c-BEST OFOPPOSITE SEX s1ANDERSON KENNEL 3. K-lJ -new championSUNDAY \AUG. 17 174 K.BOOTHCh. Absolute's Driving Miss HansonCh. Jan-Shars Johnny-Be-Good x Cb. Absolutes Biker BabeSherry is shown winning a major under Dr. Keating to finish her championship at the tender age of 14 months. Special thanks to Junior and Raeleen Graser for handling her for her first points, especially her big 5-point majorl Sherry and three of her kennel mates are bred to our Ch. Absolute's Mini Bike, puppies due late October and early November.A big Congrats to our friends Clarice and Yvette on your kennel visit May you have continued success with your wonderful "Woodrose" Poms.Jeanne Robert Blank 616-695-7308 ph. 616-695-0125 faxAbsolute Poms2274 Madron Lake Rd. Buchanan, Ml 49107 e-mailGo- Tpiamce- amd Qfvetfe d^^ao^ecn- ow, tie- oceoMom o^youtf- Qerme iit.4f r j.GROUPFIRSTSHOWKONAJOHN,.. .- oo'-'a Vad ^ad 2eroy^PongtniaMcSSeetyctunec See uiaa fweaented dun tS vtn underTrnfiton at de tSOna S'aaat oSemme tyud 83th Q^dd S _ ___ado- toed tie S^oanenanta^i ^pa'z 20ti S^ieccaty unde Q^dtjfe Sloet ttdnont. d^ovd you 5o- bdi, c necoyntxiny See'i sotvndneM aiitA attitude. odtaAcdo-Sina S. Qdiiaunaya808 738-3628 808 235-8882Donna Riehm..mill i^x- i STj. aSoobro^e^ Sittlc 55ig 'ANanWQp MTpfwznoe^pawce, wn^vatuacmz on ysjwr- weZ-cledenved Q^ConneIi 81IINS.7mCm BEST of breedKONA SHOW fcMIKE JOHNSON r- 'az-7^e- a ^reedfe- zed- ^ee'tied' e^fie4yteZ'rtiamec0ne0- e^e- me- et-naba-ngie- - Z-cciviioids e-eiev- a-mmp- ea^eoz-nd-. Jptw-aiof ea^evie- a--re-^wez-^Z-ffwaceiz-fa,azie^zes-jz-me- ezCynthiaE. Edlao12-18 Mos Dogs1 Emcees Ultimate Chip..............................................................Morris E. Carson2 Diogenoir Rock Star at Samsu.................................................Rosie H. Varjassy3 Rhea-Nas Columbo of Lynnwright.....................................Donna Lynn Wright4 Macks Lil Sidekick..................................................................Eleanor W. MillerBred-by-Exhibitor Dogs1 Foxfires King of Hearts...........................................................Janine G. Panned2 Bobiis Valentino Magic Mini...........................................................Bobbii Earle3 Teri-Dans Wrangler........................................................................Terry Wilford4 Millamors Style Maker.............................................................Eleanor W. MillerAmerican Bred Dogs1 Absolutes Jan-Shar Magic Trick..............Ruth Ripperger and Jeanne BlankOpen Black, Brown, and Blue Dogs1 Mai-T-Tois Jelly Bean.....................................Angela Nesbit and Carol RanonOpen Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Dogs1 Millamors Rock Dance....................................................................Terry Wilford2 Golden Aires Moon Chip..............................Sharon Masnick and Benson Ray3 Elans Renegade....................................................................Melissa Dahlenburg4 McGuires Key of Millamor.............................................................Russell KernOpen Any Other Allowed Color Dogs1 Pompeiis Theseus El Matador.... Elizabeth Aguilar and Catherine Harrison2 Rhea-Nas Gin-Rich Nightstalker...........................................Ginger K. KilbrethWINNERS DOG Millamors Rock Dance RESERVE Pompeiis Theseus El MatadorPuppy Bitches 6-91 Foxworth Five Star Tradition.....................Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox2 Jan-Shars N Janesas Mercy Me................................................Sharon Hanson3 Patricias Passion Play....................................................................Pati Danielson4 Jan-Shars Sweet Patricia.............................................................Sharon HansonPuppy Bitches 9-121 Great Elms Buttercup......................................................................Ruth L. Beam2 Stolannes Double Dipped.............................................................Frances J. Stoll3 Ar-Bees Haley Boop..................................................................Rodger K. Beatty4 Watts Little Octavia.....................................Tony Santoso and Dolores WattsBitches, 12-18 Mos1 Finchs Black Lace............................................................................Donna RiehmBred-by-Exhibitor Bitches1 Stolannes Victorie Laine..............................................................Frances J. Stoll2 Southlands Mo Cher...................................................................Charlotte Creed3 Maranathas IKi KamaliL........................................Steven and Gloria Carlin4 Ar-Bees Thats My Baby..........................................................Rodger K. BeattyOpen Black, Brown, Blue Bitches1 HHPs Lady Lexus...............................................Mari Iffland and Donna RiehmAmerican Pomeranian Club 61Open Red, Orange, Cream, Sable Bitches1 Guillys Waiting to Exhale...................................................................Bobii Earle2 La Cherie Hope for Diogenoir.................Lisa Stasiuk and Michael C. Carbno3 Bar-Jons IM Janesas Attitude..............................................Barbara Messmer4 Jan-Shars Just Call Me Fancy....................................................Sharon HansonVeteran Dogs1 Ch. Tim Sues High Lights................................................Sue and Tim Goddard2 Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock... Nina Work, Joel Taylor, and Dr. Cheryl JacksonVeteran Bitches1 Ch. Glen Iris Distant LadyJ....................................oel Taylor and R.G. GarrardWINNERS BITCH Foxworth Five Star Tradition RESERVE Finchs Black LaceBEST OF BREED Ch. Glen Iris Distant Lady owned by Joel Taylor and R.G.GarrardBEST OF WINNERS Foxworth Five Star Tradition BEST OPPOSITE Ch. Absolutes Mini Bike owned by Jeanne Blank and SharonHansonBEST BRED BY Foxfires King of Hearts BEST VETERAN Ch. Glen Iris Distant Lady At m'mmmpry ,r.ir33 -___Best of BreedCh. Glen Iris Distant LadyBest of Winners Foxworth Five Star Traditionromeraman rceviewbzKISSAMIKENNELSCongratulations Clarice and Yvette Oganekuof Woodrose Pomeranians on your Kennel VisitMWoodrose Dressed To KillCh. Star Havens Rock N James Brown x Ch. Pinehaven Strike Up theWe here at Kissami Andys company. Thank you such a fine young manenjoy iu forMike and Roxanne Collins 603 N. Main Street Hebron,IN 46341 219 996-7643 219 996-7667 faxtutfiriuirrrIk r JL_Multiple Srmtp lUtmttuu EI. HSnoftrose otuff tuffOne of our favorite Poms of the pastMahalo to the Pom Review for selecting us for a Kennel Visit."Where Quality Counts"Clarice and Yvette Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Woodrose 808235-8142 808 247-4967 fax^ W.LWINNERSILLINOIS CAPITOL KENNEL CLUB MAY 1997PHOTO BY DOWNEY Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan GoldilocksBISA.BISS Ch.Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy-Wakhan Red Riding Hood"Goldie" finished with 4 majors in limited showing. We look forward to getting her Philippine title soon.Special thanks and appreciation to Fran Stoll for her expert handling, training, and TLC. Our gratitude to Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill for sharing her with us.OWNERS Dennis and Mario Litonjua Phone 011-63-2-6327025 FAX 011-63-2-6715085 e-mail BREEDERS Dana Plonkey and Randy GemmillCHRISDfcN POMSJfh,V"CLONGVIEWKENNEL CLUB9 7 INIPEs-sa ___Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet LetterBISA,BISS Ch.Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino x Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet FeverWe are very pleased with "Gidgets" wins as a special gamering BOB and BOS in her first shows. Special thanks to Bronya Johnston for showing her to perfection and for loving her, but most of all, for being such a great friend.Thanks to all the judges who appreciated "Gidgets" type and style.OWNERS Dennis and Mario Litonjua Phone 011-63-2-6327025 FAX 011-63-2-6715085 e-mail BREEDERS Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmill68 Pomeranian Reviewis defined as that which is taken as a standard of excellence or beauty the ultimate object of attainment a model or type. Therefore, type must refer to that unique set of characteristics that will distinguish a given animal from another recognized breed, or a mongrel on the street. That is pretty concise. In the first part of this article I stated that the subject of type has probably as many answers and methods of arriving at a conclusion as any other part in the dog fancy. I can reiterate that statement in referring to the Standard of the breed, for I am convinced there would be considerably different interpretation in every one of the parts of the written words of the Standard for the Pomeranian as there are differences in people. This cannot be condemned for it is healthy. Just mention Standards to any breeder or judge and see how fast that ole can of worms opens.In my opinion, the first and most important requisite in picking or choosing type is that we must have sincere dedication to the breed in the first place. One must be very serious in his purpose. He must have the courage to continue relentlessly in the real pursuit of the "unattainable goal"--the perfect Pomeranian. One must be able to picture and see in his own mind the ideal toward which to strive. One must study the breed standard and the anatomy of the dog One must also, with the help of the breed standard, conjure up a vision which represents the ideal Pomeranian. A beautiful dog most assuredly gives as much pleasure as a great sculpture or a lovely painting. Yet, no sculptor or artist would begin their work without a definite concept of what he is attempting to create. They may fall short of the ideal, but the knowledge attained in the process also enables him to an approximation of his ideal. In dogs, or any other living creature, we must relate to objectivity, as there is no perfect specimen. One must clearly realize and understand that type is the whole or entire makeup of the dog, and not just one or two favorite features. A superior head does not make type a long and bushy tail does not maketype. A superior head needs to be attached to a proper neck and body that is well proportioned and correctly built for itself one that is covered with a proper amount of coat of a proper texture and on a dog that moves in the proper manner for its own breed. In general, it is the all around excellence in proper proportion to itself.Having established in your mind the ideal type, you must also have the courage not to be swayed by the current ring fashion or fad. Almost every breederexhibitor seems to have passed through a few of these. The Pomeranian who appears to the ringside judges to have a ton of coat cold be the result of artful grooming, when n fact he very well might have incorrect texture for Pom. A Poodle that appears to be ultra short in back, if it is actually short in its entire back, ribs and loin could very well have a reached back under its coat. However, in gaiting you may be able to better understand the facts involved. But gait is a subject that is best dealt with at some future time. In essence, what is incorrect for one breed, might be totally correct and desirable in another.We will always find those who will want to try to establish their own Pom according to their interpretation which may be correct to them, but the over-all appearance could lack the balance, symmetry, correct anatomy, model, type or any other part which really makes a Pomeranian unique among purebred dogs. In essence, you would have lost breed type.Over emphasis on extremes or ring fashions whatever you want to term them cannot play a part in any breed without showing some damage. If you build what you like in the Kuvasz for instance, that being the smaller type, and continually breed the smallest to the smallest, in a few short generations you may end up with those that will be unshowable for they will not come up to the required breed size as set forth in their Standard. If one only breeds Bulldogs with very light colored noses because they are more pleasing to you, you soon may have a severe disqualification forAmerican Pomeranian Club 69the breed. In the Doberman Pinscher standard, they require 42 correctly placed teeth and an overshot mouth of more the 316th of an inch is a disqualifying fault. To continue to breed head extremes will perhaps eventually produce missing teeth and incomplete denture, preventing you from placing your breeding results in the ring. After all, isnt the breed ring the showcase for your breeding efforts Dont you want to be there and winning Remember, we are working on a general plan that is a model, and that is symmetrical for the breedHandlers, both professional and the breederexhibitor, and judges all play an important role in this effort. Judges can only evaluate and place what you present to them. They cannot see or critique a pedigree. As breeders, we must constantly be aware of the part extremes play in the finishing touches, or as part of what is commonly known as "frosting on the cake." But they can be dangerous. Our breed could someday be in serious trouble that could be irreversible unless we recognize the difference between extremes and correct structure. Remember, the Pomeranian must be just as structurally correct according to its Standard as the Great Dane is to theirs, but type will distinguish the difference.To some, what they read in the words of the breed Standard will appear far different to them than what they actually see in the ring, but if we all strive to breed as closely to this guideline as possible, perhaps eventually we will not confuse the newcomers as much as it appears we do now. We do not want to create a look that will cause everyone to "go for it" unless the most important factor of symmetry is that entire Pom. We must never lose sight of the total dog A dog should be in good proportion. Do not lose sight of balance. Always remember that type is one key factor, but symmetry and balance in the end make up the total dog. Be careful not to use symmetry when you actually mean balance.I was once told by a newcomer that whatthey though they wanted in a Pom before reading the breed standard was in the end far different after having read it. Think about that and then play a game with yourself. Have someone read slowly each part of the Standard while you are drawing what the words say and mean to you. Did you come up with anything close to what you thought you wanted in a Pom Does the picture relate closely to what you have in your own Poms Is it what you think a Pom should be Is it even close to what is winning today For some it will be, for others it will not. Being an artist has little to do with it, so dont use this as a cop out. Few of us are gifted to truly be creative and correct in drawing even a straight line, let alone a visual rendering.Reprintedfrom July, 1988 Pom ReviewCORRECTIONS to the AUGUST, 1997, ISSUEIn the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii show report, page 41, the Best of Breed photo is of the wrong dog. It should be as followsH ' '-V V' 4Ch. Jan-Shars Bad Bad Leroy BrownOn page 122, the name Ch. Candyfloss Dance On should be Ch. Candyfloss Shall We Dance. On page 123, the name Trestiques Walkin Treasure should be Tresstiques Special Edition.CONTINUE SUCCCSS OH YOUR GROT BRMG PROGRJtfrt OH TH SORS.FROMYOUR MXUtiJUti JO, iUUCv BETTY WRIXON sends congratulations toClarice and Yvette Oganeku of Woodrose Kennels on their well deserved Kennel Visit.Betty Wrixon 1904 Nuna Place Honolulu, HI 96821 808 377-5221 All righu renrtd-DCSHIRLEYLEU sends congratulations toClarice and Yvette Oganeku of Woodrose Kennels on their well deserved Kennel Visit.Shirley Ann K. Leu 3655 Kawelolani PI. Honolulu, HI 96816 808 732-7427LIFORV^MISSION.CircuittinETtoSm rv'osCjSSXgss-.ftsfe-.'tT. MiOFBESTNNERSLOSENC1N0S KENNEL ClwJ CLUBBERGNtoNNOBLES THIEF OF HEARTS"Madonna" finished with a 5-point major on the highly competitive Mission Circuit. Thank you Judge Mr. C.C. Scott. Also, thanks to Madonnas handlers Joanne Reed, Curtiss Smith, Bonnie DeMille, and especially Karen Crawford.OWNER Noble Inglett 19229 Arminta St. Reseda, CA 91335818 349-9494 818 701-7943 FaxCh Dimondes Twice Enticed Black and Rust Male Breeder Diana M. Downey Owner Diana M. DowneyCh Great Elms Firestarter ROM Ch Elan's InfernoSilva Lade Joy's Silhouette Elans Double EntendreCh Apple's Travelin Diablo DElan Ch Elans DiaboliqueSilva Lade Joys Silhouette Ch Apple's Traveling Rambler ROM Ch Apples Travelin Diablo D'Elan Apples Traveling Courtney Dimondes Satin SeductressDMD's British Red Coat CGC Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee ROM Emcees Simplemente MielCh Tishas Jammin SmoreOrange FemaleBreeder Pat and Fred DieballOwner Pat and Fred DieballCh Chriscendo Western Express Ch Doo-Shays Western Expose Southalnd's Toasted Scarlett Tishas Grin N Bear ItSouthlands Tar-Baby's Image Ch Doo-Shay's Funky Medeana Doo-Shays Annie Getsha Gun Twin Pines Bee Gee Ch Doo-Shay's Wild Thing Southland's Toasted Scarlett Tishas Wild TouchSouthlands Tar-Baby's Image Ch Doo-Shays Funky Medeana Doo-Shays Annie Getsha GunCh Pominique Dances With WolvesOrange Sable MaleBreeder Cande Freeman Ruth Dotson Owner Fran SmithCh Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Bev-Nor's Statesman ROMX Bev-Nors Tess ROMX Ch Linchris All The Right StuffCh Southland N' Bev-Nors Tar-Baby Linchris Pom Pa ZazzCh Shamrock's a Dash of Nut-Meg Ch Sun-Dots Ramboling Gamblor Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling On Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunshine Sun-Dots Sunny DelightCh Sun-Dots Ramboling Sunset Sun-Dot's Final SunsetCh Sun-Dot's Ramboling HollyCh Pominique Iron Izz CodyOrange Male Breeder Cande Freeman Owner Cande FreemanSun Rays Diamond Jim Ch Sun Rays Gold Strike Raps Misty-Nite Pominique Lil CupidCh Sun-Dot's Ramboling On Sun-Dot's Sunny Delight Sun-Dots Final Sunset Ch Sun-Dot's Ramboling On Ch Sun-Dot's Pominique Maui Boi Sun-Dot's Ramboling San Doll Bojays Clay Creation of MauiCh Sun-Dot's Rambolin Strut N Stuf Sun-Dot's Strut N' Delight Sun-Dots Tar and FireCh Beltane Maid Of MoneyOrange FemaleBreeder Paul T Barbara A Cuny Owner Paul T Barbara A CurryCh Chriscendo City Lights Ch TimSue's Just A Bright Lite Tim Sue's Just A Rose Ch Beltane What a Guy IICh Millamor Im A Windjammer Ch Beltane Such A Spree Ch Karlee Holiday Flare Ch Karlee Sunchaser Ch Karlee Twenty Four Karat Ch Karlee Holiday Flare Ch Beltane Gold DiggerCh TimSues Just A Bright Lite Ch Beltane Sheer Sauce Ch Beltane Such A SpreeCh Beltane Im Only One ManOrange MaleBreeder Paul T Barbara Curry Owner Paul T Barbara CurryCh Millamor's Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch Tim Sues Just A Bright LiteCh Jolly Wee Macho Of Moon Rock Tim Sue's Just A Rose Tim Sues Just A Lil Lovin Ch Karlee Sunchaser Ch Karlee Twenty Four Karat Ch Karlee Holiday Flare Ch Beltane Gold DiggerCh Tim Sue's Just A Bright Lite Ch Beltane Sheer Sauce Ch Beltane Such A SpreeAmerican Pomeranian Club 73With 30 to 40 Killian People on tke Intern^ kilo the go lot informationCYBERPET of courseThe AWARD winning ALL breed "On Line" Pet Forum Reach MILLIONS of potential customers fora fraction of normal advertising costsOur missionTo explore strange new Cyber-Worlds....To seek out new Cyber-Life Information....To Boldly go where no Pet Fancier has ever gone before.. 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We also deal Quality instead of quantity and are well satisfied with the solicited response via your service so much so that we have canceled our advertisements in two canine publications due to the responses received via the CyberPet WEB site."Tom Irene Lecki, Bedlam Bull Terriers 1 610 689-4740"Three months ago, Iplaced an ad in Cyberpet's Breeder's Showcase. The response has been great and inquiries are increasing monthly. Cyber-Pet provides a much needed service for breeders and buyers alike And they do it with style" Pat Burch Vaughn, Copper Mountain Kennels Beauceron l-S05-5S6-9744\VNOTE No computer required to advertiseCYBER-PET \ 1-800-523-PETS 7387 I11-714-645-5035 o'VE-mail cyberpetcybeipet.com_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ^_ _ _ _ _9 group_____PLACEMENT1 -T'l. BKH\A 4 Mil 5URfln kennel club Ju ne___________e BERGWKN0108CH. NOBLES CHEWBAKA OF POMINIQUEOn his quick way to finishing, Chewbaka is shown taking a Group 3 under Judge Mrs. Sharon Krogh. Thanks to all of the judges who appreciated him. Chewbaka started and finished in 6 shows thanks to handler Karen Crawford.OWNER Noble Inglett 19229 Arminta St. Reseda, CA 91335818 349-9494 818 701-7943 FaxrumtrvMniiMnioAtel mmy - v^ sOFBESTSEXPPOSITE_BAHIA,.sMt KENNELBERGMANX -.zmNOBLES CANDLE IN THE WINDCh. Sun-Dots Pominique Starchaser x Autumns Cara Mia Li] VikiWindy is shown here taking BOS for two points under Judge Mrs. Sharon Krogh. Windy has 5 points but is home now on maternity leave. She will be back out when she recoats.OWNER Noble Inglett 19229 Arminta St Reseda, CA 91335818 349-9494 818 701-7943 Faxromeraman r\cvicwSpotlighting New MembersMarcia Cox 204 Halia Crest \lt. Vernon, EL 62864During my engagement to my husband, Brace, I researched toy breeds and fell in love with the tiny size and adorable fox face of the Pomeranian. After many phone calls and visits to area breeders, we purchased our first pet Pom who became our only child from Fame Kennels owned by Brenda Segelken. Penny Anne passed away at the age of eleven and was the many times great aunt of Ch. Fame Great Expectation, Ch Fame Gift of the Spirit and Ch Fame Mon Sheree Amore.Brace and I are now the proud parents of two show Poms another Fame, Fame Mr. Personality Percy and Raines Rhett Butlers Dream Scarlett. Both are true companions and best friends and even though Scarlett looks like a true Janesa, her personality reminds me more and more of our beloved Penny Anne every day. And, from the look on Scarletts face when I brought him home, there isnt another guy in the world who could ever compare to her Percy FameI first became interested in the APC when I attended the Summer Specialty last year in Washington State with Scarlett and Brenda Segelken I cant describe the unspeakable joy I felt when I watched Brenda and Scarlett win Scarletts class all three days I was the proud Mom crying in the background.Many of the breeders and handlers I had met were also members of the APC and gave me numerous reasons why I should apply for membership.My future goals include seeing both Percy and Scarlett finished and hopefully continuing Scarletts pedigree of champions by breeding her with another Janesa. As each new generation appears, I plan to continue conformation training,bhandling some myself and attending many APC shows and activities with the Pom friends I owe a world of thanks to for their knowledge and encouragement.Malassezia Pachydermatitis and Associated DermatitisOne Cause of Severe Hair Loss by Charlotte CreedMalassezia yeasts are associated with inflammation of the ear canal, areas of the skin that can rub together i.e. neck, groin, arm pit, and generalized seborrheic dermatitis in dogs.Dr. Warren Jourbet, my veterinarian, has been working with what they call the black skin in show Persian cats. The conditions are similar to the ones we label as Severe Hair Loss Syndrome. He has consulted with Dr. Karen Morriello, a board certified dermatologist associated with several veterinary medical schools. Dr. Jourbert related that although Malassezia was mentioned in veterinarian school, it has been just recently recognized as a cause of severe hair loss and therefore been frequently overlooked during diagnosis. Dr. Jourbert contacted the veterinary school to find out how to culture this particular yeast.I had taken two seven-year old dogs to him for hair loss. They had not had any previous hair problems. I also had a male and a female that seemed to be in early stages of this problem. Their symptoms appeared similar to cats Dr. Jourbert was studying and treating. They were diagnosed with the yeast infection Malassezia.Unless you look closely and frequently at your animals skin through the coat, it is easy to miss the beginning stages. Usually hair loss first gets your attention