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The Pomeranian Review January 1986

American ^omevantan Club, 3fnc,Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JANUARY 1986wNK.-.pP4 f muim354L' rV ' fWjf.'IHivT w.fU wax-JPPOMERANIAN REVIEWLLL Kennelpre6ent6rIa9 9v.BreederOwnerHandlerJaniceLuginslandMaleYellow-orange 4 ViCh. LLL Moongold TrapperCh. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker x LLL Happy Twinkling Trudy, mjr ptd, diedAfter much serious soul searching, this is the champion male we decided to keep at LLL. He is a consistent producer when bred to our linebred females. His recent winning daughters are Ch. LLL T's Cold Crystal finished in Ark. 685 LLL Trapper's Gold Daiseymae ptd. Columbia, MO 685 LLL T's Cold Bubblicious ptd. at St. Joe, MO A few select show prospects available to show homes.Americus, KS 66835885.316 443-5157Janice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 973POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran flmiwamatt dluh, Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident..............................First Vice President Second Vice President . Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary...............................................................Sue Goddard...............................................................Sam Zaneoff...............................................Marlene Scott Halsey.................................................................Olga Baker............................................................ Dolores Watts4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613 ............................................................ Al WilliamsonTreasurerBOARD OF DIRECTORSLt. Col. John Cribbs Mrs. Karen Holder Mrs. Opal Mosher . . Mr. Fred BassettMr. Fred Bassett Ms. Nadine Hersil Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein Delegate to AKC . . . .POMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . .Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 16.00 per year 17.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.Circulation ManagerCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos. Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo and Cover Story ....Inside Front Cover................................Center Spread, 2 pages.......................Full page...............................................Three-quarters page ............................One-half page........................................One-quarter page vertical only .... 15.00Classified Ads 1 inch...................Charge for photo reproductionPhotos no longer on file. Photos must accompany ad copy.Color is available. Please call for price. 15 February 15 May 15 August 15January Issue April Issue July Issue October IssueALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of Contents Cover StoryYes, Monty is on R. and R. He has been taking it easy at home but he still has been busy. He is the proud father of 2 girls and 1 boy.Monty is the result of serious line breeding by Ronald Feyh and Eleanor Miller on two of the Millamor great champions of the past Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock and Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland. From one side he gains the strong bone and body and from the other his small delicate features that refined Poms should have.Monty's quality has already been proven by the number and variety of judges that have found him deserving of his wins in the ring. See his show record in July 1985, Pom Review. He is currently rated the 9 Pomeranian in Canine Chronicle.Monty's fine show record is due in part to the expert conditioning and handling by his breeder and exclusive handler, Ron Feyh.Monty is not only a fine show specimen but a joy to have as a companion as well. Lyn-Lee gives their gratitude to Lar-Ron Kennel for making it possible to acquire such good stock from the famous Millamor line.6President's Message................................Secretary's Report....................................More About Jump Height Proposal.Jimmy A Pet With One Good TrickAcross Canada.........................................Along Myway............................................."I Remember When ...".............................Puget Sound Pom Club...........................Columbia Pom Club.................................Pom Club of Greater Baltimore ....Pom Club of Greater Phoenix.................Oregon Webfoot Report...........................San Diego Pom Club.............................Pom Club of Greater Des Moines . .Big Obedience For Little Tammy Carrell As You Train Your First Advanced Dog, ... .42 by Diane BaumanWhat Is A Mary VickersObedience Questions and AnswersBehind The New Champions...................Pacific Northwest News and Views The Ever Versatile Pomeranian ...Helpful Hints.............................................Obedience News......................................Vet's Corner..............................................Sportsmanship, Alvin Grossman Obedience Profile Brenda HuttonGoing To The APC Brenda HuttonRating Systems and More.......................Pom Review Obedience DirectoryYips and Yaps .......................................Circulation Manager...............................Index of Advertisers...............................8121416202224242632343638.404246485860Lyn-Lee PomeraniansEvelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 ViningRd. New Boston, Ml 4816464687774828688APC Obedience and Conformation Title Winners for 19859096100 To receive your certificate from APC, please follow this procedure. You must be a member of APC. Your Pom's title must have been published during 1985 in the AKC Gazette. Write the name of the Pom, owner and date of title publication in the Gazette and send it to Audrey Roberts, 1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA. I will be attending the APC Specialty and will accept your titles up until the time I leave.102CLASSIFIED ADSIs something missingYESYour ad which could have taken this spot, se the Classified Ad section for announce- lents, equipment for sale, help wanted, Dngratulations, litters or dogs for sale you ime it. It's your spacePOMERANIAN REVIEWS5 8Adorable Pomeraniansb Ch. Annons Miss EllieChampion 1'VV Miss Ellie is pictured here getting a 3 pt. major and going BOB to finish her championship. We would like to thank the judges who appreciated her Dr. Doane, 2 pts., BOS Miss Iris de la Torre Bueno, 5 pts., BOS Merrill Cohen, 5 pts. Mr. E.W. Tipton, 1 pt., BOS Mrs. Margaret Young, 3 pts., BOB.Thanks to Ann Cannon for giving me the opportunity to own Miss Ellie.r7 Aias t, i -aWatts Little Love Bug sl A.FutureChampionHerbie is pictured here getting a 3 pt. major from puppy class at the age of 6 months at the Devon Dog Show Assoc, under Mrs. Phyllis Haage. Watch for our future champion in the ring.I would like to thank Dave and Dolores Watts for letting me own Herbie.I ln r.srMi fjlwlWINNERSOwnerHandlerDebbie Kennedy 1901 Woodlawn Drive Hagerstown, MD 21740 310 733-1244DEVON DOG SHOI885ASHBEY6 POMERANIAN REVIEWeasy to be a good winner but that isn't necessarily so. You can win with grace or be truly obnoxious.In this new year, I wish all of you many new champions and perhaps even that "once is a lifetime dog," plus the good grace to be a deserving winner.PRESIDENT'SMESSAGESue Goddard 19719 Rice Lake Ln. Houston, TX 77084 713492-08491ANNIVERSARY ISSUEThe response on color ads for the Anniversary Issue in 1988 has been terrific. I appreciate all the interest and look forward to producing an all color issue is that possibleIf you are interested in a color ad for this super issue and haven't already contacted the editor, please do so. As I stated in the October issue, no deposit is required yet. I just need an idea of how many people are interested so that I can prepare a price quote.Thank you again.This message will reach you just prior to the nnual Specialty where, once again we have the jportunity of seeing our fellow Pom enthusiasts a once a year occasion for many to share in le comeraderie of close, but seldom seen iends. I do think that in Pomeranians we have ne of the few breeds where there is so little alousy. In general we have a very friendly mosphereas we share in the breed we all love, ranted we disagree on various types, etc., but and large we get along very well and agree that omeranians are wonderful dogs and will work to nprove wherever we can.Competition is healthy and helps us to ontinually strive for that better specimen, but lease, let's not lose sight of the fact that this is jpposed to be fun. It is not a life or death latter that we win, but it is, as the saying goes, low we play the game."As our family has lived in various areas of the ountry we have had the opportunity to observe tmospheres at a wide variety of dog shows. In me areas it appears far more a business, a rious business, than a pleasurable recreational Dort. I do feel that the Houston area is jmewhat unique in that we certainly do have igorous competition, and yet you very seldom ear a disparaging word. Those of us who ompete the strongest often travel together and ompete, head on, and yet remain close friends rith the losers leading the clapping when the est of Breed competes for Group. At our ummer Specialty, many of the exhibitors from ther parts of the country were commenting bout how friendly everyone stayed even after ays of competition.I would like all exhibitors to concentrate on he idea that we do this for fun and when the fun tops, so should we. After all, if there are 10 in ompetition, your odds are 1 in 10 of winning, our chances of losing however are very good nd therefore one must learn to be a good loser, nd conversely a good winner. Oh, you say it isContact Phyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751DEADLINESAs the number of issues per year increases,, l will have less time to prepare each one. Therefore I will have to be more rigid about the deadlines, adhering much more closely to the published deadlines. I have been quite lenient up to now so that the greatest number of people could advertise in each issue, but in 1986 please expect that ads not received by the deadline may be refused.Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian Review Phyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751 If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-76207POMERANIAN REVIEWBlakes I^omcraniansproudly presentsJ1V[Af3ItI ii111m ilia'fcfkSW j5 J\ 011r ' Ti.FKjk-Am,' 3^,fiwHiCh. Blakes Curtin Mountain TigerPixie's Foxie at Craigsville x Blake's Little Miss MuffetTiger is pictured at the right and was expertly handled by our good friend Carol Calavich to BOW for back to back 4 point majors under judge Mrs. Thomas Cately at the Ravenna KC August 24, 1985, and the following day at Western Reserve KC under judge Miss Virginia Savori.Tiger's young sister, Blake's Ladi Di Annon left also won a 4 point major at Ravenna going WB and BOS over several nice entries. Di was expertly handled by our good friend Donna Megenhardt. Di needs but a major to finish.Tiger started his campaign August 3, 1985 at Butler Co. KC going BOB under judge Kurt Mueller and finished 7 weeks later at Butler Co. KC going BOW under judge Paula J. Bradley. We want to thank all of the judges for Tiger's wins and a Great Big Thank You to Carol and Donna for sharing their time and their good pointers on breeding and exhibiting.BreederOwnerEvelyn Blake P.O. Box 85 Craigsville, WV 304 742-33658 POMERANIAN REVIEWof any new Pomeranian title holders breed champions, obedience titlist or those with tracking titles to be published in the official club publication, the Pomeranian Review, with the pre-requisites established under the section of "Behind The New Champions."Inquire Via a questionnaire sent last September- October to all APC members indicating an interest in obedience and to those non-members who in 1983-4 titled an obedience Pomeranian, one question asked was if they wished the Pomeranian Review to publish pedigrees of obedience title holders. Another question dealt with their participation in this. An overwhelming majority wish to see this done.Regarding the question of publishing pedigrees, of 22 APC members polled 15 responded, 13 in the positive, 1 negative and 1 undecided. Non-members 13 responding, 12 positive, 1 undecided.Regarding the question of participation in this APC members 14 positives and 1 negative Non-members 10 positives, 2 negatives and 1 undecided.Rationale Several Review readers indicated that they felt this service would stimulate an interest in obedience would allow further recognition of the hard work done by Poms and their owners and would allow more knowledge of the backgrounds of Poms.Although few Poms attain a tracking title, the last in 1976, many respondents have in interest in this field and wish to see TD Poms included in this proposal.SECRETARY'S REPORTDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 310 372-8782genda Items SeptemberThe following new members have been sent tters of welcome to the American Pomeranian lub Tamara Carroll, Sharon L. Williams. Lilae 1. Shope.The Columbia Pomeranian Club has been ranted permission to hold a Specialty in onjunction with the Portland Kennel Club on 15 'ecember 1985 at the Portland Colesium.Permission has also been granted to the olumbia Pom Club to hold a Specialty on hursday, July 10, 1986. A copy of my letter to le Club is attached which is self-explanatory, hey have requested approval from the Board for le following, pertaining to the APC Summer pecialtyMr. Forrest McCoy, Conformation Judge Mrs. F. McCoy, Sweepstakes Judgelovember AgendaThe following new members have been sent tters of welcome Toby Sanistevan, Mae anfield, Linda Brogoitti, Peggy Doyai.Submitted by Mary Vickers.I have requested and received permission from ne AKC to hold our Specialty in New York on 9 ebruary 1986. The closing date is Wednesday, an. 22,1986, Show Sect., Peter Galindo.Permission was granted to the Dallas-Fort Vorth Pomeranian Club to hold their Specialty how at Amon Carter, Jr. Exhibits Bldg, and iattle Auction Arena on 21 March 1986, with 4rs. E.W. Tipton, Jr. as their judge.Permission was also granted to the Pomeran- an Club of Hawaii to hold their Specialty on 19 vpril 1986, with Mr. Fred Bassett as their judge.A motion has been made by Olga Baker and econded by Karen Holder, that the APC pay for .n Ad in the Pom Reader for our Nation Specialty. The ad will be submitted by Sally laugniet.Financial Statement for Period September 1 to September 30,1985Cash in Checking Account Guaranty Bank IncomeMembership Dues PR Subscriptions 1st Class Postage PR Back IssuesHouston Auction Receipts August Specialty Total Income2789.4110.001088.0060.0062.50344.751565.25ExpensesIRS Quarterly Deposit 85 Summer Spec. Photos for PR publication73.7527.00Proposal To allow three generation pedigreescontinued on p. 100.0POMERANIAN REVIEWBaudier, Retj.BIS, BISSCfi. Patrick's Mr. Larry.Fv..- T ^ Ii V. ,rI-r- 'IWii R rI \_ V'\fc ,.4- . . i mil .........NI3K JH- V . -V" 'A0-mV4 . U\ - 11.H mv- 1' - 'ir. . ,v .v.V-vik^ Cl.yv. '' . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ' z....1J-V r' T- r ..-Artr, V- ^ .v yIMIr^ Best of BreedKachina Kennel Club, October 28, 1985 Thank you, judge Cilbert Kahn.BreederMildred C. Patrick 214341-8699Baudier, Reg.Michael Husband 4010 Meridian Houston, TX 77017 713645-5760HandlerMichael Collins 3802 W. Huntington Drive Phoenix, AZ 85041 602 268-932510 POMERANIAN REVIEWmm PONGIMMWN9In Memory of5VK IM\-aN01.VX ICh. Midas Touch of Serenity1976 - 1985 Our PrincessJim and Karen MasseyJon and Roberta Massey1POMERANIAN REVIEWMIMf POMGMNWM9\I- I-5fjIL i-1 KIBRSTW^ROV^VduluthPHOTOP99gOBBIISTOYAm. Can. Ch. Midas Ragtime RockShown winning Toy Croup at Duluth KC under judge William Field, Jr.Special thanks to Jane Lehtinen for showing Pudding to his championships. By press time, Pudding will be back in Houston and Jane will have two of our girls, hopefully in whelp excellent line breedings. We are indebted to Jane for her efforts with our kids.Because of our Serenity's death, Am. Can. Ch. Midas Rock Tempo will stay in Houston. Both T.K. and Pudding are at stud to clean, approved bitches preference given to line breedings.See Pudding's pedigree Behind The New Champions. Condolences to Karen Holder on the loss of Peachie OwnersJon and Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-2775AgentJane Lehtinen Route 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751 218 744-364112 POMERANIAN REVIEWMore About the Jump Height Proposal . .we would appreciate having the opportunity to review the ballot and all other material to be mailed to the membership prior to official release.The LetterIr. Fred C. Bassett, Delegate merican Pomeranian Club 3193 E. 31st St., Apt. A ulsa, OK 74134 Sincerely yours,Ms. Marion S. Lane'ear Mr. BassettSubject Jump Heights for Pomeranians What Happens Next. . . by Mary VickersThis will follow up our telephone conversation f October 10 regarding the recommended rocedure for seeking a revision to the obedience Regulations to include the Pomeran- in among those breeds which jump once the eight of the dog at the withers, or 8 inches, hichever is greater.I cannot say whether the Board of Directors of he American Kennel Club would approve a equest to lower the jump heights for the omeranian. We trust a request of this nature rauld not be submitted without a compelling rgument supporting such a change.As I outlined on the telephone, the procedure o follow in applying for a revision of this articular kind would be very much like that for l proposed change to a breed standard. A proposal should be written up which clearly resents and justifies the reasons for seeking a ower jump height for Pomeranians. The roposal should be mailed to the entire nembership of the American Pomeranian Club, o be voted on.1. A two-thirds majority of those voting is lormally considered the minimum required to arry unless otherwise provided for in a club's onstitution and by-laws.i. If approved by the club's membership, the secretary of the American Pomeranian Club vould then send the proposal to us, along with he number of ballots sent, how many were eturned in the specified time, and a tally of the number of ballots for and against. i. The proposed revision would then be considered by our Board of Directors for Dublication on the Secretary's Page, Pure-Bred DogsAmerican Kennel Gazette. If published, an analysis of any letters received concerning the proposal would then be presented to our Board for final consideration.If the Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club decides to pursue this matter,Feeling depressed upon receiving this notification, I phoned Sue Goddard. Sue is much more optimistic than I and she had the copy of this letter earlier. She had had more time to think.Sue's reply goes like this The last paragraph should be first. The AKC "would appreciate having the opportunity to review. . They did not make this one of their 'steps.' Therefore we have done nothing wrong in not notifying them before the balloting began.Step 1. There has been so much written, petitioned and spoken about lowering the jumps in the dog world, let alone in the Review, the membership should be aware of the issue.Step 2. The vote is in progress.Step 3. Dolores Watts can continue to accept and tally votes. Then, if approved, all can be submitted to the AKC.Step 4. If Gazette-published, more letters can be submitted to the AKC Board by those in favor of the proposal.In a nutshell, Sue says let's got with it. Our major purpose in lowering the jumps is to have Poms who fit the standard short-backed, cobby, balanced, medium legged, up on toes and sound be able to compete in advanced obedience.If we fulfill the AKC requirements and they turn us down, they will tell us why and we can correct and resubmit.OK, I'll go along with Sue. But against my better judgement. Anyone who has dealings with the AKC knows to give them what they want. The AKC has requested "a proposal that clearly presents and justifies the reasons for seeking a lower jump height." They want "a compelling argument supporting such a change." We do not have this. What we do have is mass hysteria and emotion. The AKC will not accept this. They want solid, concrete, scientific facts. We don't have these either.continued on p. 16.1POMERANIAN REVIEW\Apolloette PomeraniansCh. Apolloette Ever Ready RockyWe are proud to present the new winning team of Rocky and his co-owner and handler, Jerry Moon.SRocky is shown placing 3rd in the Toy Croup at Pocatello KC under Mrs. Wanner, Sr. Thank you, Mrs. Wanner and breed judge, Dorothy Nickles.Rocky also went Croup 3 at Vancouver KC under breeder- judge, Ken Miller.At Idaho Capitol City KC, judge Dorothy Nickles gave Rocky his third Croup 3.We want to thank all the judges who have given Rocky his wins. He is a lovely, heavy coated, orange Pom with excellent movement.Continued good luck to the new team, Rocky and Jerry. With only 2 weeks together, you've started with a "bang," so keep up the good work.V -J C\ Y,YVlIff86a. r. d4Marlene and Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205 209 886-5561J14 POMERANIAN REVIEWJimmy A Pet With One Good Trickspeak the king's English." She nuzzled her nose into the ruff of orange fur around Jimmy's neck. "But my little sweetums Jimmikins is just a puppy-wuppy. He can never speak." At the work "speak" Jimmy jumped down and sat up and barked three times. For she had taught him to speak that way. Of course, Mother had a treat for him in her sweater pocket.I guess I thought rather petty thoughts whenever the topic of Jimmy came up. My husband even laughingly calls it sibling rivalry.I wondered why Mother didn't answer the phone. Jimmy kept barking and barking. Surely she heard him, even though she might have missed the two rings of the phone.Then a chilling thought struck me something might be wrong with mother. I hung the phone up and pulled out the phone book, quickly looking up the number of Mother's friend and neighbor. I asked her to check on Mother.Then I tried to call Mother back, but the phone rang busy. By now I was too scared to care if I was calling the paramedics on a wild goose chase. So I phoned, giving them Mother's address.It seemed like ages, but it was actually only minutes, before Mother's neighbor called me. She had had to get the maintenance man, who had extra keys, to get into Mother's apartment. She found her on the kitchen floor, unconscious. Over the phone I heard Jimmy's excited bark. Then, strange voices. "The paramedics are here," she told me. "They're bringing her around now."Mother had had a heart attack, which could well have been fatal, had it not been for Jimmy's barking alerting me. Mother had heard the phone ring, she said later, but as she rose quickly from the breakfast table, it happened. If the phone had simply rung unanswered, I would have assumed that she had taken Jimmy for a walk or gone shopping. So in a roundabout way, that puppy not quite a year old, saved my mother's life.I kept Jimmy until Mother came home from the hospital. I too grew to love that orange, fluffy ball of sunshine, with his bright eyes, dainty legs, and plume of a tail curled saucily over his back. I'll never complain again when I call Mother and hear instead Jimmy's high, excited bark.As for my prejudice against small dogs, I've learned the size of the body doesn't count. It'scontinued on pg. 26.Ithough the following is labelled as fiction, the uthor tells us it is based on a true situation 'hich occurred many years ago. Editor.I heard the buzz of the bell in the receiver as I stened for my mother's voice. Then a clump nd the high, yippy bark of Jimmy, my mother's omeranian. I made a grimace that darned ttle nuisance Mother though it too cute for ords, this recent trick of his, reaching the hone before her and knocking it off its cradle to ark into it.My mother was only sixty-two but sometimes I wondered if senility weren't setting in. Dad died ver two years ago, and about ten months ago he sold the house and moved into a ondominium which allows one pet, up to ifteen pounds. So it's full of retirees and their ats, birds, and small dogs. Mother, who ouldn't stand toy dogs any more than I, went rut and got herself a three-month-old omeranian. I realized that when one lives .lone, it's good to have a pet, but a lively, louncing ball of fluff He was more trouble that ie was worth, as far as I could see.In no time at all, it was Jimmy this and Jimmy hat. She seemed convinced that Jimmy was the martest puppy in the world. Even when I told ler of her own grandchildren's accomplish- nents, she would top my story with one about immy. Such as thinking one of her nylons was a nake and trying to kill it.About three weeks ago, Jimmy progressed rom barking whenever the phone rang to mocking the phone over and barking into the nouthpiece. My mother would answer chuckling ind say, "Tell Jimmy hello, dear. Co on it neans so much to Jimmy Boy."Feeling like an idiot, I'd say, "Hello, Jimmy, hat's a good boy." He'd bark back and I could lear mother's laughter in the background. inally, this little game over, l could speak to my nother.Well, this day I was fed up. Jimmy kept on larking and barking. I wondered if Mother were Jressing, and why she didn't come to the phone, told Jimmy, "Jimmy, get Mama. Co get Mama."I blush to say she talked to him like that, with jaby talk. Mother, who had never used baby talk vith me, her only child. When 1 accosted her vith that fact, she said blandly, "Of course not, fear, because you were expected to learn to1POMERANIAN REVIEWValcopy - Wakhangp i.11t.4'''111 l ]S. IL -At I yIb' .i MrA iiiilla] -u inrjrm art r , \f 1nu Immk mt 1 Vi . L.Valcopy-Wakhan StyleGlitter'Our new puppy bitch is shown going Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex under Mr. Jim Moran as she begins her show career. Like her name implies, we feel she should finish in "high style."Valcopy Dana L. Plonkey 14815 Manor Way Alderwood Manor, WA 9803 206 743-1601WakhanRandy Gemmill 73419th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 9811216 POMERANIAN REVIEWdaughters, Woodechoes Happy Dancer and Woodechoes Lady Shalimar.On a sad note, well known Maritime Pom breeder Betty O'Neill passed away on October 28. One of her dreams was to breed a Best in Show winner. In August of this year she watched her husband Owen pilot their girl Ch. Hildonies Moon Shadow to her first Best in Show. A dream come true.Sometimes I look at this "game" of dog shows and Poms in particular, and look at the toll it takes. How few long time Pom breeders there are how many people just quit can't go on. As my husband and I fight to save a tough little puppy for one more hour one more day, we wonder, is it all worth it As my friend Eleanor Miller always says to me when I'm down, "You could always collect stamps." She's right. And then we look at two pedigrees, or at a pretty puppy growing up or at that final winners ribbon and we go on. It's the little things. Hold out. Yours may be just around the corner.ACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Our two top Poms in Canada continue to rack more impressive wins. Natalie Dunfee and onch," Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, just won eir 11th Best in Show, this last one at one of inada's most prestigious shows, The Met. italie also has some gorgeous puppies by this y, which must be icing on the cake when you e doing this kind of winningOut west, Wally Repka's Ch. Schimmel's iuche at Dream has won back to back Bests in iow at a new kennel club named in honor of inada's best known Pom breeder, Evelyn nny. What a neat coincidence for our breed, ouche's" record is now 8 Bests in Show to date. We also heard that Leslie Rogers' dog Can. n. Ch. Luxton's Forever Misty Mickey has cently won his first Best in Show.I had a nice long phone conversation with att Heindl of Sudbury, Ontario. Besides itching up on the personal news, Matt was oud to say that "Andy," Can. Am. Ch. ivanew's Master Skylark completed his merican title.While doing the Show Results, I noticed that ene and Sylvia Harbin of Seatlle, WA had their jppy "Ashley" up to the Vancouver Island lows. She won not one but three Best Puppys in iow and three group placements including a roup First So now they call her Can. Am. Ch. arbin's Sak's Fifth Avenue.Other Croup First winners this year include ay and Fred Baxstrome's Ch. Maracaibo latador who won the Nfld. Toy Dog Specialty, wner-handled. Mrs. Keith Thomas' puppy Ch. hriscendo Castle Rock finished with three roup Firsts. Litter sister, Chriscendo Classique, horn I co-own with Judy Green, won a Croup efore she left for her new home with Judy in laymont, DE. Dorothy Jones recently finished er Inabrook's Golden Medallion with a Group at D months of age.A letter recently from Darlene Dale of Williams Lake, B.C. says she's been doing well, nishing three of her Poms recently, Ch. avanew's Woodechoes Medilyon and his two'rT'Jump Ht. Proposal, con't. from p. 12.We do have we have gained an interest in obedience more obedience members and their input, and a better rapportunderstanding between breed and obedience enthusiasts.Obedience APC members less than 30 people came to you about 300 of you and asked for your help. Although the votes have not been tallied it is not deadline time as of this writing, Dolores Watts is extremely impressed by the turn-out. Within two weeks of the ballots being mailed out, more than 100 have been returned. This is a phenomenal occurance for the APC.Our proposal to the AKC will be what has been published in the Review. Headlining it will be the fact that the APC members breed, obedience and pet owners want it lowered.But if anyone has any way of getting cold, concrete, scientific facts, please let me know. I'm all ears. P.S. The Golden Retriever Club of America parent club has balloted their members. Results were 705 to lower to 114, and 25 against. Their letter with this information went to the AKC on November 8. No further details are available. We sincerely wish them success.1POMERANIAN REVIEWiiWho ya gonna call ^ " 7I- ke t KM1fWTf\ W b . kt JLv, fi ^ k J L . Vri , \Vv9KVV P H-. 'u . R TV, , - ..-ax4 "v1 Vt.V xfJGH0STBUSTER"I am Bev-Nor's Toasty's Chostbuster. Watch for me at the New York Specialty, along with the other Lynnwright's Toasty kids. My stud service will be 150.00."Congratulations to Mary Ellen Snyder with Ch. Lynnwright's Sir Pepsi of Kenmar, finished at 1 year old with three 4 point majors, 2 BOBs and a Croup 4. He is a good little ManCo-OwnerBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Pasadena, MD21122 301 255-1343OwnerLynnwright's Poms Donna Lynn Wright 728 Belair Rd., Unit 140 Belair, MD 21014 301 879-14598 POMERANIAN REVIEWm fOKCarli'wIDam Riki Teqi Tar of LennisSireCh. Sun Image of OldeFox LennisSun Fox Moe-Best This Is ItEd and I congratulate Terri Moebuis and "Carli" on her 4 point major under Mrs. Anna K. Nicholas. Also, congratulations on your nice wins with "Giz."Hello to Jerry Mitchell of Salisbury, MD and "Deal," Sun Fox Steely's Big Deal. He should be a nice little stud for your girls. Best of luck with him and in your breeding program.AT STUDCh. Sun Fox I Love Lennis 3 Pom, '81 orange. Ch. Sun Fox Lennis Image of Olde, red sable. Fees 100Ship to Logan Airport, Boston.Puppies Occasionally.Please note new name, address and telephone number.Claudia Lis and Edward Braczyk 603 672-065549 Stearns Road Amherst, NH 0303119POMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious Pomeraniansrn If0 'BEST OF y BREEDVARIETY EiTEXASKENNEL CLUB19 8 5PHOTO BY PETRULIS3it-Ch. Pomirish Robins Top ShelfTopper is pictured going BOB over multiple specials at TKC in Dallas, Sept. 22. Thank you Dr. T. Allen Kirk Jr. for a most prestigious win. Thanks again Sally Baugniet. Topper has already sired some beautiful, heavy coated show prospects for us. IPee Wee is a flashy, pointed orange-white parti, working hard to become the only living parti-colored Pom to hold the champion title. Thanks again, Betty Francis and Frances Thorton.Pee Wee's Half brother, Prestigious Lucky Star Parti is now 7'2 months and starting his show career with Reserve Winners at his first 2 shows. Thank you Joy Davison and Hideo Ito.f i1ATTENTION PLEASEBecause there seems to be some confusion, we find it necessary to clarify to those of you who are still under the impression that where parti-colors and whole-colors compete together, preference should,other points being equal, be given to the whole colored specimen. PLEASE reread the standard. You will find that all colors are to be judged on an equal basis including partisOwner-HandlersSherry and Earl Steinmetz 214 358-5549 or 398-598110016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 7522920 POMERANIAN REVIEWthink a dog should always walk. It is foolish to place a toy in such danger at a crowded show. Carry him to the ring and put him down just outside the gate. Both of you will be in better shape when you enter the ring. Before you go into the ring for stays, notice the dogs on both sides of your toy. Do not leave him between lunging, growling beasts. Most judges are sensible and will help you. If the judge will not, accept the fact that you would rather have a healthy dog than one more leg and show another day. Protect your dog and his showmanship. A Pom is a wonderfully happy worker keep him safe and happy and he will turn in high scores for you for years.Now please, do not be frightened, only cautious. In the twenty years that I have been attending dog shows, I have only seen one dog bitten, although I have been at shows where bad incidents took place, I have never been present.I have never had a dog of mine injured. I have avoided some aisles crowded with growling dogs, however. I have also requested and been granted different places in obedience classes. There are unavoidable accidents in dog shows just as there are on the highways, but caution and forethought can eliminate most of them. Be very careful both places and have man^happy years showing.There are many people who have happily shown Poms in obedience for many years. 1 have asked them to relate some of their experiences with showing Poms in obedience. When such frightening things as dogs and people being injured or worse occur, I remember them and continue. To my delight, none of the people with whom I spoke had ever had an accident in obedience involving one of their dogs, but the same thread of caution runs through all of their letters. I would like to share some of theirALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 775733- As a result of the recent visibility of our ameranians in obedience, more new owners are iking their Poms to obedience classes and trials, nis is excellent and it pleases me very much owever, 1 do want to warn those of you who ave not before had tiny dogs in obedience to be areful. There are dangers for toy dogs in both onformation and obedience that are not present r other dogs. Hopefully no dog is bitten at a tow, but if a large dog is bitten, he may need [itches if a toy is bitten, he is seriously injured nd may be dead.Perhaps the last few months have been nusually violent, or perhaps my grapevine has een unusually active, but I have been -ightened. The period began with my hearing of toy dog's being killed during the long stand in ne utility ring of an eastern state. This shocked ne because I had always thought of utility dogs s being well trained and safe. A friend showing . dobe bitch in open had the bitch bitten at two lifferent shows. Once she went into the open ing with blood oozing from puncture wounds, he same bite on a Pom would have caused erious injury or death. Two weeks ago my ibedience trainer was bitten in the face by a dog hat she was "evaluating" for possible lessons, ihe is facing plastic surgery. Just last week at a Houston obedience training class a Dane jrabbed a toy poodle that was working near it ind bit the poodle's leg offI am not recounting these things to frighten 3om trainers just to remind them to be autious. Caution and forethought are the toy Jog handler's best protection. Few handlers can eact faster than a dog can grab so the toy tandler must keep his dog out of "grab" distance. Many obedience dogs are single dogs. They really do not understand other dogs for they are not allowed to associate with them. Dogs who live and associate with a variety of types of dogs are much more reliable. Make it your business to know what is around your dog. Handle defensively. Many obedience peoplecomments with you.Amber Odor Usually every one at a dog show has his dog on a leash. However, that leash is 6 feet long, with a dog at one end and the owner at the other. The owner is sometimes not paying attention to what his dog is doing and a big dog could lunge toward a smaller dog. Each and every owner should be observant, cautious and attentive to his own dog and of all other dogs. Therefore, as the owner of a small dog, it would be safest to carry your dog."Another thought comes to mind in regard to obedience work and it is this If your dog is ever spooked by a big dog, you really have to work twice as hard to get your dog to feel comfortable2POMERANIAN REVIEW vvTynan Pomeranians j'timA-K dt ,r . 'v i45" i 2I i3 d, .x'JA .___f'I.Can. Ch. Great Elms Shtntng StarPonch started his show career with a bang, winning 2 BIS from the classes to complete his Canadian title. His Canadian show record for 1985 is 11 BIS, 1 Toy Specialty and 31 Croup Firsts.Ponch is an example of Ruth Beam's many years of quality breeding. Many thanks to Carolyn Roberts for sharing Ponch with me.Congratulations to Betty and Morris Carson on Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond's top producing record. Quality produces quality.OwnerHandlerMiss Natalie Dunfee RR 1, EnfieldHants Co, Nova Scotia, Canada BON 1N0 902 883-8207BreederRuth BeamCo-OwnerCarolyn Roberts2 POMERANIAN REVIEWlen the dogs are on a stay in obedience work, ida Gallacher perience at a show, but I never let my guard wn. I pick up my dogs as soon as they step out the ring. If someone with a big dog or any spicious looking dog is waiting to go it, I stay tween my dog and theirs and then whisk mine i as soon as I'm out the gate. I always carry em through the crowds either in their crates or my arms. Before sits and downs I talk to the ople whose dogs are on either side of mine. ually they will tell me if there is any danger. I ive asked for and been granted a change in ace. I always place my dog somewhat behind e dogs next to us. Most dogs never even see ine in that position."Back in the early seventies I witnessed an tack at a Fun Match. A young girl had a nice ung Schipperke bitch entered in obedience, re had saved for years to buy this dog and had en doing a nice job with her. She was warming 3 the dog before going into the obedience ring. ie dog was on leash right at her side. Along ime a man with a Malamute at the end of a 6 ot lead. The Malamute grabbed the Skip and store anyone had a chance to think, it shook nd killed her. I've always tried to watch in all irections for dogs approaching us. I saw how uickly something like this can happen. You can EVER BE TOO CAREFUL" itty McConnell ave seen very little of what you describe, taybe it's because I am very careful with my ttle dogs, always carrying them through a rowd. I realize just one little playful blow from friendly big dog can knock an eye out of my99I Remember When...aI have never had a badby Dorothy BonnerDuring the 50s and 60s, my life was closely entwined with the Schoenbergs' and their Aristic Poms. I was Gladys' Fan Club and Admiration Society and felt responsible for her welfare, especially when Isadore was away. Alone, she was in the habit of giving her Poms treats around midnight, which entailed atrip down the stairs to the basement. One night, Isadore returned late to find Gladys lying on the floor of the kennel where she had fallen earlier. The Poms were milling around her, licking her hands and face in consternation, unable to see why she could not rise. Fortunately, no bones were broken and cuts and bruises healed in the hospital. Another time, the maid called that Gladys had just had an accident. As we lived in town then, the ten minute trip was fast. Gladys was sitting in a chair calmly bringing a long cut together with adhesive tape while the maid and kennel man fluttered around helplessly. The doctor said that Gladys was almost as good as he was at reconstructive surgery.There are many Pom stories to be told of happenings at the Schoenbergs, one of which concerns a little male Pom whose call name was Billy. Fie was bought by Gladys after he went Reserve Winners at the Chicago International. Although shedding coat, he was an extremely blocky, short, stylish little fellow, very sound, but slightly coarse in the head. He was reported to need only 1 point, so Gladys bragged that he would regain coat in her kennel and finish quickly. At his new home, Billy was put on a special diet and used confidently at stud, but instead of increasing, more coat was lost until his rear was dark and hairless including the tail. For a year, every effort was made until a fuzzy, baby-like growth appeared. Then opportunity for hope of finishing him came with a Brownsville premium list, a show in the Rio Grande Valley on the Mexican border too remote for professional handlers and top competition. Local Pom breeders agreed to hold their entries and Gladys added the worst puppy that could be found to insure that one point for Billy, which he won. Jubilantly we waited for AKC confirmation, and waited and waited. Cladys finally called and the AKC looked up Billy's record. He had needed not one point, but two. The Brownsville Kennel Club folded and Gladys gave up. I have even forgotten what happened to Billy.In my 25 years of this sport I3V"Iam like an old mother hen concerning the afety of my dog. I would warn toy handlers to e ever vigilant and NEVER lead their dogs on a rowded floor at a dog show, or in the training iuilding.This thought reminds me that I refuse to larticipate in group heeling obedience classes. I an't watch my dog, watch dogs on both sides ind listen to commands of the trainer all at once, iesides, a dog heels alone at a trial"2POMERANIAN REVIEWH TDonara Point\ sadly bids farewell to6oxony block 6comp1974 1985U.K. ImportThis grand old English gentleman will be sadly missed, but his sons and daughters grace our hearts and home.Loyal subjects Don, Nancy and RayShellman.Puppies available Hadleigh-Scotia Hadleigh-Cr. Elms.Nancy Shellman P.O. Box 415 Kilgore, TX 75662 214 984-09484 POMERANIAN REVIEWNye, Muriel Gunther and all the others who made the dinner afterwards really enjoyable. This was a fun day for all. It really is an education to be on the inside of the ring looking out and judging puppies is always a delight.By the time you read this, Christmas and the holidays will be over so to all, the very best of everything for the upcoming year.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. by Jessie StephensOn Sunday November 3 our Club had another ry successful B Match. The Lake City immunity Center is an exceptional facility for indoor dog show and it offers everything for s comfort of the exhibitors. I believe this was e largest match we have had with 39 imeranians and 45 entries. Our judge was jnna Roadhouse from Langley, B.C. Also from inada was the well known and respected judge slie Rodgers who came to watch. It was a easure to have you, Leslie. Donna did a very ofessional job and chose for Best in Match store's Red Robin. Best Puppy went to Patrick's r. Dallas, bred by Mildred Patrick of Texas and vned and shown by Dana Plonkey. Mr. Dallas a most promising youngster who we will watch th great interest.Everyone did an excellent job of helping. Our jphy table looked outstanding with crystal and ver-toned dishes. A big thank you from the ub to everyone who gave their time, entries id everything else that goes into a successful ow. This match was again coordinated by lyllis Andrews, who always does such a ofessional job.Our obedience classes were judged .by Candi ume and an outstanding performance was ven by Linda Gallacher with a parti-colored m called Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae. To see nda work a Pom is really something and an spiration to all in the obedience world. So glad e made the journey from Oregon. Her score ts 197.Junior handling was won by April Stanke with mbos Jokers Wild.Thanks to John Nye, Jean Schroll and Nora igbee for making the trip to participate. We all ish Ray Higbee the very best after his recent irgery. We would also like to send our good ishes to Dianne Bryant, our Webfoot Reporter om Oregon, who has recently had surgery ain. Get well soon Dianne, all our thoughts are ith you. To anyone else out there who is under le weather, we wish you well, too.Remember the National Specialty will be next immer in Portland, so we hope to see you all id please accept this as a welcome from the acific Northwest.I enjoyed judging the Columbia Pom Club latch recently and would like to thank the lorting exhibitors who came and participated, hanks also to Avril Asbeck, Jean Schroll, JohnCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanErin Hundley has asked that I take over the club reporting as she is kept busy reporting the Pacific Northwest News and Views.The Club is gearing up for the APC Summer Nationals to be held in Vancouver, WA July 10th, followed by four days of all-breed shows. I know it may be too early to start advertising, but here in Oregon we're excited and it shows at our meetings as we prepare to make this a show for each and every one of you to enjoy.Our Summer Specialty has come and gone and I was so sorry to miss my first and only so far Specialty, however my Misty chose that early morning to present us with two lovely boys. The boys are now at this writing four months old and in training for the ring. My congratulations to three of my fellow members, Erin Hundley, Jean Schroll and Victor Feist, on their respective wins.The summer was a very busy one for me. My goal was to attend every show within a six hour driving distance. Since 1 am relatively new to the show ring, I was pleasantly surprised to find Oregon and Washington have many all-breed shows in which to campaign our dogs. I had visions of having to fly all over in order to accumulate enough points to finish my dog before he became too old I hate to fly. I think all the Club members took the summer off as my daughter and I seemed to be the only ones showing after our Specialty. So this really is not a reporter boasting Up until August, Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara had three points, which he acquired the early part of winter before he blew his coat. While he was out of coat we were still on the road getting this ownerhandlernovice used to the ring the dog knew what he was supposed to do. Once the coat came back in somewhat, he was off and running. On Aug. 4 in Seattle, WA he was WD, BOW, BOB and Group 3. The following weekend at Enumclaw, WA it was a repeat, winning over a very beautiful special for his first 3 point major. Then on to Kenmore, WA the nextPOMERANIAN REVIEWPommsrt Kekvehs 2KPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIIPick ct- Sally Iiaupniet Phone 414 - 755-299411224 County llyw. B Mishicot, U is. 54228IRISH SETTERSBreeders of 36 Pomeranian Champions, 27 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter Champich,Pomirish Scooter's Victory is pictured at 6Vi months old. Thanks to judge Mrs. Daniell- Jenkins.V Ch. Pomirish Chance's Swt Vanilla pending AKC conf. finished at 8 months, 1 week of age the youngest Pom I have ever finished. Picture in a future issue.rxrF iVanilla's two sisters are for show and broodsale - potential.VSmall female for sale to show and obedience home. tTwo seven year old females for sale and a champion stud, Ch. Pomirish Squirt's Come Again.lrllMy'. iiWCh. Pomirish Squirt's Fizz, dam of 3 champions Ch. Pomirish Christopher Robin, sire of champions. Robin wants to be in a loving home, not a kennel.xHfflllfllfll-Pomirisfi Scooters Victory26 POMERANIAN REVIEWScamp and Annon's Dandie Kit Kat, while handling a dog that she neither bred nor owned. Annon's Lea-Tar of Dover is also a champion. Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp now has his CDX title. Maybe that's why it took Huggy so long. He wanted to add to the splash with his relatives You must admit that 6 champions and 1 obedience title published or finished in the few months between deadlines is a pretty big splashIn the "old news" department, I never did tell you our match winners. At our "sunset" match, Dianne Johnson's Pamela, Silva Lade Morgan's Legacy was Best in Match. Best Adult and Group 1 was Dolores Watts' Little Jo-Jo of G. Elms. Morris Carson did the judging honors.At our picnic, Dolores Watts was the judge and gave Watts' Little Love Bug, "Herbie" the nod for Best Puppy and Best in Match. Herbie is owned by Debbie and Thurman Kennedy. Best Adult was Diane Ward's Adine's Uptown Girl of Annon.Beginning in January, PCGB breeders will be watching their litters very carefully. We are having a Futurity. Folks told us we couldn't do it with Toys. We don't like hearing we can't do something we'll find a wav. As I said, it starts in January 1986 and will go till September 1987. There will be classes for junior, intermediate and senior Poms. Judging will be by a panel of three. We expect a good entry. As this is a breeder's stake, the more entries, the more money is taken home by the winner. We'd like that to be bushels full of green negotiablesNot only is Westminster around the corner but so is the Specialty. Loads of us are planning to go. Of course, whelping and puppies may limit some of us. Not everyone can win but we can have a good time and see lots of good Poms. Remember, the obedience demonstration will be held between Sweepstakes and Regular classes. Come see what it is all aboutekend for WD, BOW, another 3 points to be lowed three days later in Rosebury with a very pressive 5 points. After all that I have decided needs a well deserved rest. There are beautiful ppies coming up and one that really caught f eye is Irene Harbin's new boy. Irene, he is rgeous Laura Untalan has been doing well th her Que Sera Victoria. This lovely 2 year old is purchased from Erin Hundley early this mmer. She had never been in the ring before d on the second day in Rosebury, Laura put 4 'ints on her. A couple of weeks later in ashington she added another point. Both wins re under the same judge. This is one judge 10 is consistent.On October 27, in a Mall here, we held a B atch. The weather was beautiful, which in egon means a break in the rain, and everyone doing that final sprucing up of their yards tting ready for the long winter ahead, lerefore, the Mall was sparcely populated, but did enjoy ourselves. Only puppies were own and the results were as follows Best ippy went to Autumn's Roman of Bi-Mar, a pey the judge's words three month old .longing to Laura Untalan. Best of Breed was an by Bi-Mar Shawn, owned by Victor Feists id Erin Hundley's Que Sera Prize Package was st of Opposite. Our sincere thanks to Jessie ephens, the judge, and her husband Tom for all s help, assistance and ideas for a future match. Good luck to everyone in the ring. I hope to eet some of you in New York in February.OMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Mary VickersHappy New Year The Baltimore Club wishes I of you the BEST whether it be points in the eed ring, legs in obedience, personal success, a win at Westminster Thinking of Westminster it is right around the corner. Rachal leKee will be making her first trip to the Big pple as she qualified in Junior Showmanship. fe really wish her luck although she and Ch. al CD make such a great team we know the idge will notice themAnn Cannon has definitely been noticed, nee the last Review, several of her dogs have een finished. Diane Ward put the final points n Annon's Lit'l Bit of Dynamite. Debbie and hurman Kennedy finished Annon's Miss Ellie. lie's litter sister, Annon's Lady Norell was nished. Ann herself finished Annon's Speck ofJimmy, from p. 14.the size of the heart, and how much love, loyalty, and steadfastness it can hold.I know that in case of a fire, Jimmy could hardly drag Mother out of the apartment, but I'll bet he'd bark and wake her up. Besides, Mother said she's teaching him to dial 911 now.POMERANIAN REVIEWCSweetheart PomeraniansZVsrr"Misty" 4 lbs.Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper x Emcee's Gold Charm of CoyPuppies available from Great Elms, Scotia and Gorrin in chocolate, parti and black and tan. Inquiries acknowledged quickly.Kathy Hood Rt. 1, Box 55 Bullard, TX 75757 214 894-7458v.PS9.rLKBISCfiu Bi-Mar Sundance KidBi-Mar congratulates these new champions.Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara, owner-handled to his championship with a group win.Ch. Bi-Mar Tequila Sunset, Winners Dog at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty Show under judge, Fred Bassett.We have several outstanding male show prospects sired by sonny for sale. Repeat breedings that have produced champions. Several young brood females also for sale. One has produced aGo with a winning line.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, WA 98003 206 838-6397 or 927-2369champion. Thi -iM3r- r i ['r t'liit - 1..aiiP\Vt.V Kn]if 13v\wi -1 m-M1,v^jSfZl'1feu , VIX a mm t- PWgj 11' V JrCfv. Bi-Mar Sundance KuiThank you, Dr. Field for Sonny's recent Toy Croup First at Peninsula Dog Fanciers Club September 22, 1985.0 POMERANIAN REVIEW01p I . EWa I a3 "IPs5 rrP nsP y- kV,\ .LA H mhitn VE1P ft E33 tP i 'T nP SMrs.Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918466-6839SDouble C PomeraniansWould like to take this opportunity to congratulate our fellow club members of "The Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City, Inc." who finished their champions in 1985.WELL DONELinda and Art Gustafson, Newalla, OKBrenda and Ray Hudson, Edmond, OKMary and Ken Allen, Broken Arrow, OKLois and Bill Abjornson, Sand Springs, OKMildred Patrick, Dallas, TXWe would also like to thank all of the wonderful Pom breeders and exhibitors we met during this year who extended the hand of friendship, fair play and fellowship.Larry and Cathy Boyer 1417 South Yale O'Fallon, IL62269 618 632 2819Ron and Chris Clark 1936 Symphony Lane Midwest City, OK 73130 405 732-2323POMERANIAN REVIEWw\ ym ii\i .Ir\ yVi1yr.4ir imV l -r^JJBEST OF WINNERS PSLBERKS COUNTY KENNEL CLUB1985I HP- .1 2L r5Js r'l i Ashbey nI^ VjCh.Bells Karadarn Wild WillieEmcee's Taco Sabroso x Millamor's Golden CharmWilly is pictured finishing under breeder-judge Mr. Edd E. Bivin with a 4 point major going BOW. He also won a 5 point major under Mr. Edward Klein, also going BOW.Thanks also to judges Mrs. Betty Dullinger, BOB Dr. Kirk, BOS Mrs. Tipton, BOB Mrs. Keke Blumberg, BOB Mrs. Ruth Terry, BOW Mr. Thomas W. Baldwin, BOB Mrs. Robert Tongren, BOB. Most of his breed wins were over specials.Thank you Betty and Rex Bell.Extra special thanks to Friend and AgentDavid P. Ramsey 281 Maple St. Warwick, RlOwnerPaula E. Payson Karadarn Farm West Rd. Ashby, MA 01431 617 386-7794S2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER PHOENIXby Linda S. Brogoitti ftr-v TFriday, October 25 saw our second A Match go o our history book. Our members and libitors made this another day to remember th all the planning and work proving once ain that there's no better way to spend the day in with good dogs and good friends. Beverly iffiths was our Sweepstakes judge and William .rvey handled the Regular classes, eepstakes ppy Dogs 6-9Sun Ray Snow Man, Fern Rodriguesppy Dogs 9-12Twin Pines Tico Tico, Janice YoungBaron J.P., John and Joan Wattersonppy Bitches 6-9Pat's Lady Hawk, Pat Forstst in Sweepsn Ray Snow Manst Opposite in Sweepst's Lady Hawkr IvnrBest Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Pat's Lady Hawk, owned by Pat Forst.Puppy Bitches 6-91. Pat's Lady Hawk, P. ForstPuppy Bitches 9-121. Miss Priss of Downs, L. DownsBred by Exhibitor Bitches1. AnBar's Misty Princess, C. BartonAmerican Bred BitchesBlanco-Gryder Heaven's Gift,Cryder1.BrogoittiOpen Bitches1. Jolly Wee's Rocky's Bit O Sass, FrechCryder2. Sunray's Ambassador Peaches, N. Shortel3. Kukla's Sunday Sue, D. Henderson4. Maranantha's Lil Martha, S. CarlinBest in Match. TwinPines Tico Tico, handled by Ray LaFortuneBest of Opposite SexBlanco-Gryder Heaven's Gift, handled by Linda Brogoitti s. I-V,4itill i ll.afsaegular Classes uppy Dogs 6-9. Sun Ray Snow Man, R. Rodrigues . Shaw's Romeo Playboy, M. Shawuppy Dogs 9-12. Twin Pines Tico Tico, J. Young . Baron J.P., J WattersonAmerican Bred Dogs. Pat's The Right Stuff, ForstGardnerpen Dogs. Edan's Magic New Year Surprise, J. Vestal I. Cordie's Duce-O-Hearts, C. MusgroveC-" Bestin Match went to Twin Pines Tico Tico, owned by Janice Young, handled by Ray LaFortune.IPOMERANIAN REVIEWMyway kennelMyway 6unny Gem of Collier-j- J rl Sunni is shown going BO 3 pts over two love specials under Frances Thoriton. Also this spring Sum received BW 2 pts from Jc Davison, BOB over or special, 1 pt from A. Williamson, and BW 1 p from I ris de la Torre Bueno.Sunni was bred by m friend Lu Collier. It has bee my pleasure to conditior train and show him.' CA\I'll.CC1t7 AL- mi i- .'____Meet 6unny and JimboMyujoy Jimbo JanglesIMyway Jimbo Jangles UD is the number 2 Pomeranian in the nation as rated by the Shuman system. I bred Jimbo and sold him to my friend Kitty McConnell who has trained and shown him to his present success. I am proud of them both.V-4SF.Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573 723 332-1847Several litters due December 1985 - March 1986.3 POMERANIAN REVIEWmember Specialty Club. They certainly deserveitOREGON WEBFOOT REPORTby Diane Clark-Bryant. -cm Congratulations to Sherry and Earl Steinmetz of Dallas, Texas whose parti Pom Prestigious Pee Wee Parti has taken points under judges Betty Frances and Frances Thornton. Sherry and Earl are serious parti breeders and now have another parti in the ring, a young male named Lucky who is doing well. On October 20 Lucky went Reserve under judge N. Ito.Sherry and Pee Wee are pictured in the October issue of the Review and I was struck by the similarily between Pee Wee and the parti I have been showing, Lady Di's Parti Panda Bear. Panda is the cooperative effort of an over 2 year breeding program. Sherry and I agree that both Pee Wee and Panda are distinct improvements in parti breeding, but are not yet what we are breeding for. It isn't easy Flowever, we believe producing show quality partis can be done and with Pee Wee, Lucky and Panda we've come a big step forward. Our thanks to those judges who have and will give our efforts consideration in the ring. In addition to those mentioned above is Dr. William E. Field Jr. who gave Panda the nod at the Peninsula Dog Fanciers Club Show in Bremerton, WA on September 22. Dr. Field has been a Pom breeder for over 20 years. He went over each Pom giving careful consideration to each. I truly admire a judge who has the fairness and courage to place a Pom of unusual color, be it mine or someone elses, as it tells me that judge knows the breed, is fair and has an appreciation for the years of effort that goes into this type of breeding program.Both Sherry and I have experienced the frustration of being totally ignored in the ring. We are both sticklers for good sound legs and movement and it's a shame to lose to a Pom of a more traditional color who can barely walk. Thank you again to those judges who will give us a chance.Sherry has several new litters now and is moving ahead with her breeding program. I have a litter due this month. Expect to see us out there plugging away with our partis and expect them to be better and better.Nancy Turner brought Ch. Bry-Tur Music Box Dancer out after Music's maternity leave to take a thrilling BOB, with a major entry, at Timberland Valley Dog Fancers show iny .-i-LJJj.t Opposite Sex in Match went to nco-Gryder's Heaven's Gift, owned by I. der and L. Brogoitti.Judge's Critiqueby Beverly Griffithsn October 25, 1985, I had the pleasure of ging the Sweepstakes classes for the neranian Club of Greater Phoenix, t was an AKC Sanctioned A Match and I was y much impressed at how capably and aothly it was put on. They have a small, d-working group that pays an amazing ount of attention to details, or the most part the puppies were willing but at ease, which is understandable as it was bably their first time in the ring.Dver the years 1 have judged quite a few tches, but this is the first time I have had so ch difficulty in choosing my Best Puppy.The 6-9 Puppy dog and Best Puppy, owned i shown by Fern Rodrigues, was a lovely little am light orange with a proper coat texture i an absolutely correct eye. That day however did not gait smoothly.The 9-12 Puppy dog, owned by Janice Young d shown by Ray LaFortune, was a brilliant mge little fellow. He did not miss a step and sed like a little statue.Ahen I made the final decision it was simply a eders preference on several points. Both dogs II be strong competition for each other, and II do much for the breed.BOS was a little red-orange female owned and awn by Pat Forst. It was obvious that showing is new to her, but the longer she was in the ring 5 better she did.I enjoyed judging the Sweepstakes very much d hope that the Pomeranian Club of Greater loenix will be recognized very soon as aPOMERANIAN REVIEWGherokee P3omeraniansSt. Clair, MO 63077618 W. Springfield Rd. 314 629-2754Janice YoungThe Cherokee MalesxClio CWiscemclV ifSon of Am. Can. Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip.rTJ0 VbJ VI t m.erolkee srammerarmSon of Best in Show Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Dinadan.Multiple Croup placings. ....l", I ,tlr Tiwm mes ICO ICOSon of Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond.Well on his way to his championship with a major and several single points.A Best of Breed over specials. He is handled by Ray and Anna LaFortune.Congratulations to Sue White on finishing White Haven's Royal Major, a Cherokee bred Pom.X.POMERANIAN REVIEWitralia, Washington on October 5. Judge rge Payton gave BOS to Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of sajara.tusic went BOS on August 18 at the Olympic inel Club Show in Enumclaw, WA under judge n T. Kirk. BOB went to multiple Best in Show ning Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, owned by ry Rosenbaum. Music again took BOS on ober 6 at the Vancouver Kennel Club show d in Vancouver, WA with Ch. Apolloette Ever idy Rocky taking BOB under judge Kenneth ler. Ch. Music and her younger brother Lady Royal Banner O Ryals are pictured in the tober Review.ially Baugniet certainly is to be commended her fine articles in the Review. The quiz on standard in the October issue is excellent. If ire breeders would work with the standard as ly does we would see the soundness and ivement we should see in our Poms. I believe it it is a shame to sacrifice soundness for a tty face or beautiful coat. We really can have th if we work for it.have written this article somewhat in haste as o back into the hospital today for surgery, ere will be one more in about 4 months and n I will be finished. I won't be showing for a lile but I will be out and about late next Spring, look for me.Nice orange sable girl.2. Legendary Jim's Little Lassie, breeder Opal Ross, owner Nancy and James Smith. Lovely girl, orange.Best in Sweepstakes Twin Pines Tico Tico Best Opposite Sex Sunray's I'll Surprise You.Regular Classes, Judge Dr. William Field Jr.Puppy Dog 9-121. Twin Pines Tico Tico, the Sweepstakes and Reserve Winner2. Apolloette Moonlite GamblerOpen Dog ROCS1. Sunray's Snow Man, Winners Dog, breeder- owner-handled. Lovely, almost white.2. Edans Magic New Year Surprize, breeder- owner Joann Vestal, handled by A. LaFortune. Short light orange.Puppy Bitches 6-91. Masons Narcissus of Star, Winners Bitch2. Sunray's I'll Surprise You, Reserve Winners BitchPuppy Bitches 9-121. Legendary Jims Little Lassie2. Sungold's Kazar Queen VixenOpen Bitches ROCS1. Sunray's Ambassador Peaches, Breeder Opal Ross, owner Nan Shartell, handler Kim Dickinson. Nice orange.2. Sunray's Ami, breeder Fern Rodriques, owner Sue and Phillip Conlee, handler Mitch Wooten. Tiny clear orange.Open Bitches, Any other color1. Khani Parti Sweet Heart, breeder-ownerhandlerConnie Hendricks. True parti, nice coat.San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty Nov. 9,1985 by Anna LaFortuneThe results of our Specialty follow veepstakes,Judge Anne Haydenippy Dogs 9-12Twin Pines Tico Tico, breeder John Cribbs, vner Janice Young, handler Ray LaFortune. ice orange, well-coated typey pup.Apolloette Moonlite Gambler, breeder, vner, handler, Marlin Presser. Brilliant orange, pey.jppy Bitches 6-9Sunray's I'll Surprise You, breeder Fern odriques, owners Sue Conlee and Kim Dickin- n. Darling clear orange.Mason's Narcissus of Star, breeder Betty Jo lason, owner, handler, Carmela Slater. Cream Iver, nice coat, uppy Bitches 9-12Sungold's Kazar Queen Vixen, breeder Anna aFortune and Richard Lackey, owners Mary ilva and Anna LaFortune, handled by Mary.Best of Breed went to Ch. Mullers Encore, breeder-owner Lillian and David Muller, handled by Anna LaFortune. He is a heavy coated orange. Best Opposite Sex went again to Ch. Raps Enchantress of Beaver, breeder Thelma Prillip, owner, handler Kim Dickinson. This little doll always goes Best Opposite at this Specialty and deserves it.After the judging we all had a great pot luck lunch. The club members and exhibitors all contributed generously and we certainly had our fill. The lunch for the judges never arrived so the Del Sur Club took our left-overs to the judges. The Del Sur Club then donated 50.00 to our club. Thank you, Del Sur.Thanks to everyone who worked so hard. A special thanks to those of you who are not members who contributed so much.iIIfcr 4t4.''k,mW 6iVIHfcV\ AssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssCh. Bev-Nors ToastmasterCh. Bev-Nods Toastmaster, "Master" finished with 3 consecutive majors. This super 'Toasty" son took a 5 point major his first time out from puppy class over specials.Puppies available sired by Master.OwnerJerrie Freia Janesa's Poms Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466Co-OwnerCo-BreederHandlerCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360Co-ownerCo-BreederBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 211228 POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty Showby Sally BaugnietPuppy Dog 9-12 Pom Puf Wee Sparklin Dragon, breeder-owner Gwen Hodson.Bred-By Exhibitor Dog Ken Nor's Viscount Ewok, breeder Jane Lehtinen and Jo Ann Stateler, owner Jane Lehtinen and R. Terry.Open Dog Dainti Darin of D-Nee's, breeder Doreen Fernandez, owner Ruth Beutler.The Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines ecialty Show was held on September 6 at the va State Fairgrounds in Des Moines.Tony Short is the President, Show Chairman d Chief Ring Steward. Gwen Hodson was jphy Chairman. Leona Rhoads was Advertising d Publicity Chairman.Each year the club holds its show the first day a four day cluster with three all-breed clubs on cceeding days.The Sweepstakes judge was Mr. Willard R. arkson of Des Moines, la. The results are as lows16-9 Puppy Dog Pomirish Scooter's Victory, ner Sally Baugniet.9-12 Puppy Dog Pom Puf Wee Sparklin' agon, owner Gwen Hodson.I 6-9 Puppy Bitch Pomirish Top Hat T, mer Sally Baugniet.19-12 Puppy Bitch Bifrost's Autumn Cherub, vner Yvonne Grafsky.Best in Sweepstakes Pomirish Top Hat T1 fi-s,WINNERSBITCH_ISPEClfcLTY SHOVj_J 5EPT^935 f OLSON PHOTOAWinners Bitch went to Pompuf Disco Spicer O'Sonnet, bred and owned by Gwen Hodson.Puppy Bitch 6-9 Wee Heart's Sunrise at Courbette, breeder Cassandra Ready, owner Victoria Leitner.Puppy Bitch 9-12 Bifrosts Autumn Cherub, breeder Douglas Grafsky, owner Yvonne Grafsky. Bred by Exhibitor Bitch Pomirish Jack's Thankgiv'n Puf, breeder-owner Sally Baugniet. Open Bitch Black, Brown, Blue Nolan's Shady Park Tan Tar, breeder-owner Diana Nolan..FlL'BPCT OP VHNNEP-5 1 SECm.TY SHQYjSEPTSJ9S5 -. niPON PHOTOV__1I,Vinners Dog and Best of Winners went to Ken Jor's Viscount Ewok, owned by Jane Lehtinen nd R. Terry.Judging the regular and non-regular classes as Mrs. Margaret Young of Burbank, CA. She hose the following winners in the classes uppy Dog 6-9 Pomirish Scooter's Victory, reeder-owner Sally Baugniet.IBEST Or BRECLBest of Breed went to Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, owned by Carol Anderson.continued on p. 700.POMERANIAN REVIEWLa Posh Pomeranians'a-- ^A a- sr asASi--i A.1Kt.Vr Vir Hi ffl\f" , LMT. OGDEHKENNEL CUB OCTOBER 1985 Mt,IMISSY photo7'T,tMPv isiV, jkAiThank you, Mr. and Mrs. A.E.Ward for letting us have our black and white fun girls.Parker, CO 8013413455 N. Piney Lake Rd.Mildred Reese0 POMERANIAN REVIEWBig Obedience For Little Dogsby Tammy Carrellrte All of the training procedures below are plied only to trained dogs, not puppies and t most novice dogs. Not all advanced dogs can pe with the amount of repetition I describe. ase use your own discretion.catch his eye in any situation at this distance.The other major running exercise is the "go-out" part of the Directed Jumping exercise. Sending any Border Collie to the ring gate for a food treat in practice is great because he can cue in on it he sees it at the forty foot distance. Lie down flat, hold your eyes level with your Pom's eyes. How much of the ring gate can YOU see If any, it is very distorted and easily confused with the background. What I propose is to teach your Pom the method of "marking" the food at the gate, but you must then go a step or two further. Teach him that when the gate is out of sight, he must trust that you are sending him in the right direction, which is straight out. He must not curve because his treat is in a straight line on the center of the gate. With enough repetition and immediate correction for any veering away from your imaginary line, he will soon trust you. He must not be allowed to "track" his way out there. Building distance gradually and making him hurry will keep him from sniffing. "Marking" is training the dog to look where you point.Use the same straight line techniques for scent articles, gloves and the dumbell. Place the pile of scent articles about thirty-five feet away. Work up distance over a period of time. The dog must concentrate on going in a straight line away, pick out the correct article, and since you are so far away he will gallop back. I use two or three sets of articles in practice, building up numbers gradually, so that only eight at the show will be a cinchCloves are taught in AKC fashion including the turn. First each of them near, visible and propped up for easy pick up. This is just to teach the basic exercise. Eventually backtrack using only one glove, visible at first and at a long distance of thirty or thirty-five feet. After several repetitions begin to leave less and less of it showing. The blind retrieve training is complete when the Pom runs in a straight line to a glove he cannot see and picks it up out of a hole in which it is hidden. Then add the second glove 180 in the other direction. For many weeks use two gloves buried in the grass. They are visible only when the Pom is on them or near them. Alternate turning to each one so that he must utilize the marking procedure. The third glove is added only after two are perfected. The only time he doescontinued on p. 44.Jr AThe thirty-five foot Novice recall to the rman Shepherd Dog is about three gallops for m to reach his handler. To the Pomeranian, it like half a mile. A forty foot "go-out", twenty et to the scent articles, and the distance to the oves from the center point of the ring are all aggerated to the toy dog. When you add to at the stress of travelling to the show, the mdler's nervousness creeping down the leash, range jumps and grounds a little guy can easily overwhelmed. Since he is short and cannot e great distances ahead from the ground in ael position, he must be prepared for many ind retrieves. If he will be shown outdoors he ust be prepared to work in grass that will tickle is nose and sometimes hit him in the face. He seds to be able to recover mentally from falling ito a hole in the ground one that the German hepherd would only view as a slight dip.I believe to get the most from your omeranian, you must over-prepare him. Let us rst look at the runningjumping exercises. In te novice recall, prepare your little guy to do as tuch as ninety to one hundred foot recalls. It ill strengthen his stay and make him move aster to get to you. No dog will poke getting ack to his handler at that distance especially iot a little one. This will also strengthen his oncentration. There are many distractions toIPOMERANIAN REVIEWXv mr- Vy t aLw3 -- mIJL m0\LA^'A- V, V ' iV SoutfdandsFbasted FudgeLil Toasty says, "Watch me, dad. I'll make you proud.Sire Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom, 1981, 1982, 1983. Dam Southland Happy Birthday Bil, mjr. ptd., Gr. 2 from classes. A double half brothersister breeding.Congratulations to Jerrie Freia on finishing Ch. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster, another gorgeouredorange "Toasty" puppy. Congratulations also to Barbara Nagy for finishing Ch. Bev-Nor'Fudge's Image.BreederCharlotte CreeBev NorriOwnersCharlotte Creed Bev Norris Jerrie FreiaHandlerCharlotte CreedSOUTHLANDPineville, LA 713606618 Lost Ridge 318 466-345 POMERANIAN REVIEWdog, and others around you. Once you leave Beginners, dog training takes on a new perspective. View the problems and stumbling blocks as growth. Accept the conflicts as learning experiences."Nothing worth doing is easy." So train on.As You Train Your First Advanced Dogby Diane Baumanou will have good training sessions with your where you finish feeling satisfied and happy, ou will have lousy training sessions with your where you finish feeling frustrated and ated.'ou will all make numerous mistakes in your ning.'ou will all got corrected by your instructorsome days more than others.rom time to time you will feel that "you knowter" and you will not adhere to theammendations of your instructors.ou will find yourself unfairly comparing your to others in the class.ccasionally you will become angry with your ructors and your classmates.There will be days when you feel like giving but for some reason you don't. That's ause down deep you know you and your dog do it.There will be exercises you don't practice as ch as others because you don't enjoy doingWhat Is A CDXby Mary VickersWhen passing through the obedience area at a show, your interest may be captured by the Open ring. It is easy to find. There are two white jumps in it. One is solid wood and anywhere from 8 to 36 inches high. The other is hurdles or the broad jump. Depending on the breed of dog, this jump may be one hurdle of 8 inches or be telescoped out to four hurdles stretching to cover a distance of 6 feet. If you sit ringside, beware of flying dumbells. This is where it is happening.After a dog has received his CD title, he is eligible for his CDX the Companion Dog Excellent degree. Although most owners want their dogs to be able to do the work in novice, many owners do not have the time nor patience to train for Open work. Most dogs can do Novice work but many others cannot compete in Open.All work is done off-lead, as the leash is removed as the dog enters the ring and is placed on the judge's table. The dog is then measured to determine the jump heights.The Heel Free exercise is first in Open. As in Novice, the dog must heel or walk immediately next to his handler's left leg, sitting automatically when stopped. The pattern, predetermined by the judge, must be followed by all. Points are deducted for errors such as the dog forging ahead, lagging behind or sitting crooked. There is a figure eight, change of pace slow and fast, left, right and about turns. Remember, all this is done without the lead.The next exercise is the Drop on Recall. The dogs should remain sitting at one end of the ring while his handler goes to the far side. Upon the judge's order, the handier calls the dog. The dog must come on the first command and at a place designated by the judge, the handler commands or signals his dog to drop. The dog must remain in this position until called or signalled to come to his owner. All this must be done promptly. A dog can get a zero if he anticipates anym.There will be days when you wonder if your really has room for dog training.Ve know. We have been students much ger than we have been instructors. We are I students. We have felt all of these things at time or another. Some encouraging wordsAll you have to do is want a degree badly ugh and you will achieve it. Your ermination is a lot stronger than even the st difficult mistake you ever make while training your is irreversible. Dogs retrain very well, tour second and third dog will be better than jr first.With every conflict you face in training ether it is with your dog, your instructor, your ssmates, or your spouse you are learning.Dog training is a unique and wonderful sport, spans all ages, all life styles, all economies, d includes both sexes. It stimulates the mind well as the body. It teaches compassion as II as sportsmanship. Dog training strengthens tience and understanding of yourself, yourPOMERANIAN REVIEWneratianS'say POMS ARE GREAT IN OBEDIENCE and proudly present our latest titlest. \iV1HimI85i VirginiaPOM-MOML __________VLeft to right Ch. Penny CD, her brother Ch. Pooh Bear CDX, Penny's daughter Hope CD, Hope's litter brother Ch. Val CD, Hope and Val's sire Ch. Cem CDX, Cem's mom Tiara CDX. Missing from this picture is Chatter CD, dam of Penny and Pooh Bear. This photo was taken by S.R. White in pouring rain at the Richmond DOC Trial 101985.Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD completed her title in straight trials and went on to accumulates more qualifying scores, 1 H.S. Toy in Novice B, 1 H.S. Pom in Trial, 2 H.S. Toy in Trial, and a first in Novice B under respected judge Bill Thayne.Marquis Ch. Val CD x Hope CD, male 585 is available to an obedience home. Puppies due in January Ch. King Midas of Twin Pines CD x Idlewyld Charm Bracelet ptd Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX x Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD.We are pleased to announce that Rachal McKee has qualified for Limited Junior Showmanship classes at Westminster KC. As of September 85 Canine Chronicle, she is ranked number 1 Pom Jr. Handler.Congratulations to Mary Vickers and Huggy on completing the CDXMargaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225 804 272-9318t POMERANIAN REVIEWAgain, he must earn 3 legs under 3 different judges to receive his CDX.Unlike novice, after receiving his title, the dog may continue to be shown in Open in the B class.rniand, does not come or does not go down, he steward or judge now gives the handler his ibell. Dumbells, depsite their looks, are ial. They must be approved by the judge. Je of solid wood, they can be painted white, ted with a clear finish or left unfinished. The is in proportion to the dog. Many are custom d. For the Retrieve on the Flat, the dog is ng in the heel position, given a stay inland, while the handler throws the dumbell more than 20 feet. On command, the dog t go out at a fast trot or gallop, pick up the nbell without playing with it and quickly irn it to his handler. He must then give up the nbell on command and return to heel ition. There are many areas where the dog y lose points. He will be scored a zero if he S not go after the dumbell, if he goes before ered, or if he does not return close enough to ender it to his owner.he dumbell is retained by the handler as it is d in the Retrieve over the high jump. This rcise is similar to the flat retrieve but here the must jump over and clear a solid jump that is times his shoulder height. He might get a o if he does not retrieve the dumbell, does not over the jump, climbs the jump or uses it as aid in going over.'he Broad Jump is the final individual Open rcise. The handler leaves his dog sitting at st 8 feet away from this jump. He leaves the I and positions himself nearly 2 feet away m the side of one of the hurdles. On nmand the dog must clear the entire distance the broad jump and without a further nmand return to a sitting position immed- aly in front of his handler. While the dog was mid-air, the handler changed his position by icuting a right angle turn. A zero may be tained if the dog refused to jump, walked on through the jump, or hit the jump with his nt legs.t's not over yet. The group exercises the 3 nute sit and 5 minute down remain. Although marily the same as in novice, the difference is the length of time and also that the Stays are ne with the handlers completely out of the ht of their dogs.Every exercise is assigned a specific number of lints. A perfect score would be 200. To qualify earn a leg, the dog and handler must earn a tal of 170 points and more than 50 of the ailable points in each exercise. If the dog fails y exercise, he cannot earn a leg or a qualifying ore that day.Big Obedience, from p. 40.just one is at a show. For proofing, leave the two wrong ones in sight and out of the path of the right one.In dumbell training, try to throw the dumbell to the same spot each and every time except when proofing. When proofing, throw the first straight out, the second to the far left, then to the far right, then straight out farther than usual, then another normal one to finish. This seems to teach a pattern for looking for a hidden dumbell. This procedure is also taught for proofing the high jump retrieve, but only after perfecting the flat retrieve.When practicing Utility, set the jumps up not at the regulation twenty feet apart, but about forty feet. Then make the Pom do one hundred foot go-outs. At this distance the little one really has to search out the jumps he is supposed to jump on his way back in. This exaggeration and distortion strengthens his attention to the hand signal. I may do as many as fifteen of these in a daily session. Not all dogs can take this much. Be careful not to bore your dog or tire him if he is not in condition."Big Obedience" is very demanding. It is physically and mentally taxing on the little Pom. What do I suggest to make him keep working so hard for you Road work, lots of praise and love, threat of more repetition if it's not perfect, and a bag of Ken-L-Ration semi-moist treats Once "Big Obedience" can be done by you and your dog by the AKC rules and meets your personal standard [a 170 or a 200 score then the show ring should seem easier and be a success.POMERANIAN REVIEWJan Le and RolainIntroduce our newest star"f.1s- -V \1iliC. f, rest of \n\nnersjI SPEOftOV4iCan. Ch. Ken Nors Viscount EwokAC Ch. Midas Tock Tempo x Can. Ch. Ken Nor Bobbin LaceWhat a way to win From the Bred-by class at only 11 months of age, Vinnie picked up a four point major. Best of Winners at the Des Moines Pom Specialty and Winners Dog the next day for his second major. What a fun weekend we hadCo-OwnerBreederJane Lehtinen RR 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751 218 744-3641Co-OwnersNow at home with Ron and Elain Terry 721 Toothill St. Regina, Sask. Canada 306 543-2999POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience Questions and Answersby Judy Green 822 Parkside Blvd. Claymont, DE [302] 798-5962stion I've hear that the stand is a "free" 30 it exercise in novice, but I haven't gotten 30 its yet. My dog moves and sometimes I lose its for handler errors. Can you help me ighten this out and get the "free" 30 points wer Ah, the stand for examination. It ainly should be a "free" 30 points so let's see e can straighten out some of your problems, hen teaching this exercise, you must be i, but patient. Many dogs' personalities don't f themselves either to standing still or laining there as a stranger approaches. If the has early difficulties, don't lose your temper h him lest you set yourself back considerably our training. Corrections will be necessary, verbally or by a quick snap of the leash or a on his cheek or shoulder, followed by lacing whatever part of him moved. This is to him know that "stay" was a command and not uestion. But many sensitive dogs, if they feel ,t corrections are coming from a growing ling of impatience or of temper on your part,I just fall to pieces. And the process of aining their trust will be a long one.Enthusiasm and praise are also important for older dogs. It will give them a good attitude vard the exercise, and keep them from coming disgusted with the whole process, member, Novice isn't the only class with a ind, and the one in Utility is much longer. So rk on keeping a good attitude on the stand ht from the beginning.Before you start showing your dog, teach him allow you to position him in a comfortable tnd. Some dogs will stay more reliably if they walk into it themselves, but most need casional, if not regular, repositioning of at ast one leg. The safest stance for the stand is a iuare stance, both front legs coming straight jwn from the shoulder to the floor, toes lined 3 with each other, hind legs straight behind the ont ones and in line with each other not too r under the dog, nor too far behind him. The ont legs are generally more critical than the ack. If the back ones are close to square and are ot too close together or too stretched, you're sually safe there. They need to be solidly placedunder him so that if the judge presses down on the dog's back, he won't have to move to keep from falling over or losing his balance. You want to be able to adjust your dog's position quickly and smoothly. When moving a front leg, pick it up by the elbow, not by the foot or lower part of the leg. That makes them move as soon as you let go of the leg. If you want to move the left front leg, grasp the ruff under the dog's cheek with your right hand and shift his weight onto his right leg, reach over his back with your left hand, grasping his elbow and lift the leg, placing it toes first where you want it, then shift the dog's weight onto it with your other hand. For the right leg simply reverse the procedure and do the same thing. Hind legs should be lifted by the hock. Hold him under the chin or by the collar as you do it unless he's too big to reach. As you practice positioning your dog you will find yourself doing it faster and more smoothly and the dog will accept it without fidgeting.When you are in a show the stand will follow the figure 8 exercise. The judge, or more likely a steward, will take your leash, and the judge will instruct to "stand your dog and leave when ready." The rules allow you a "reasonable" length of time to stand your dog. Here's where your pre-show practice is to your advantage. You won't get extra points for being able to stand your dog quickly and efficiently but it will greatly enhance the look of your overall performance, and your confident handling of the dog will make him feel more secure in the ring.You may give the dog a verbal command and a signal to stand, as you stand him, but don't tell him to stay until you are ready to leave him. Once he is standing, check to see if he is in a comfortable stance, and if not, hand pose any leg that is awkward. Then, when you are ready to leave, stand next to him in heel position your left leg next to his shoulder, make sure you're not touching him, and tell him to stay and walk straight away from him. You may also give a stay signal. When you are six feet from the dog, turn and face him.By following this procedure you have already avoided a number of handler errors. The judges continued on p. 102.lernPOMERANIAN REVIEWMay the Peace and Joy of the Holiday Season be with you and yours.ww-VvmSL .... a3Hi1 mJt oD D0We are pleased to announce that the first in a series of signed, limited edition prints entitled Four Seasons will be available at the New York Specialty in February. Printed on heavy quality stock suitable for framing, 15.00 each. Add 2.00 postage and handling.CHRISCENDOJohn and Christine Heartz P.O. Box 1259Truro, N.S., Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-7427POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the merican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's tme, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, ped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all formation to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.CH. BLAKE'S CURTIN MOUNTAIN TIGERMaleBreederOwner Evelyn Black, Craigsville, WVNNON'S HUGGY BEAR FROM SCAMP CDXlack Malereeder Ann Cannonwner E. Mary Vickers, Alexandria, VACh. Wilma's Golden Party Ch. Pixie's Golden Party Boy Aristibelle of Highland Pixie's Foxie at CraigsvilleCh. Silver Meadows Alexander Pixie's Apple Dumplin Ch. Pixie's Party Doll Gentleman Jim III Sir Rocky RoadPaula's Silk Charmer Blake's Little Miss Muffet Jay Jay III Lady NatishaPaula's Silk CharmerCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Ei. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis' Tom Tom Lennis' Cavilier Tangie Lennis' Spungold Julie Bonner's Tomtess Red Chamber's King Tut Royalette's Roseann Eng Tut's Little SpookieTeddy's Wee Rustic Rogue Angela's Little Black Velvet Little Princess Star Kiss CH. CREIDER'S JESSICAOrange Sable Female Breeder Mrs. Norma Creider Owner Linda Gustafson, Newalla, OKH. ANNON'SMISS ELLIEled Female ireeder Ann Cannonwner Debbie Kennedy, Hagerstown, MDDunn's Little Tomstopper Ch. Theldunn's John John Theldun's Bonnie Heather iennor's Mightie J R EwingDunn's Little Tomstopper Sea Mist Little Dutch Lass Sea Mist Little Guppy Ch. Midel's Son of Fun Rosewood's Standing OvationCh. Rosewood's Kiss of Casanova ady ShalimarLLL Happy Co Lucky Taro LLL Happy Mama CassRussell's Fox Flame Pom PomCh. Creider's Gold Venture Creider's Maggie's Bestyet Creider's Miss Maggie Ch. Creider's Gold Venture IICh. Creider's Timothy Topcat Creider's Short N Sassy Creider's Joy of T-Town Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Ch. Creider's Sundance Creider's Miss Riptide Creider's JezibelleInt. Ch. Queenaire's Scotch N Soda Creider's KathyCreider's BallerinaViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.IPOMERANIAN REVIEWRhea-Na Pomeraniansproudly presentsrB''4'\ ftV.aCfr. Rev-Nors Fudges ImageCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Pomesto Golden GirlGroup photo from puppy class our first to show going BOB and a Group placement over specials as a puppy.A special thank you to the judges who made "Tuffy's" title possible to Bev and Bill Norris for parting with her and to Charlotte Creed for her superb handling.Look for Charlotte and Bev-Nor's Cantessa Toast, another super "Toasty" daughter.Still developing, Rhea-Na's Fudge on Fire, a red male Ch. Fudge x Annon's Classic Force. Puppies expected this summer. Our Poms are few, but super.Inquiries answered promptly.Rt. 2, Box 221Stephen^ity^^226^^^Steve and Barbara Nagy 703 869-1843 or 869-3749POMERANIAN REVIEWLLL CHARMING GOLD FLAMEFemalederOwner Janice Luginsland, Americus,AM. CAN. CH. MIDAS RAGTIME ROCKOrange MaleBreedersOwners Jon and Roberta Massey, Kingwood, TXTim Sue's Dancing Pebble Ch. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge LLL Fancy Gold CricketCh. LLL Cold Dancer of Oakridge LLL Lil Cold Copper PennyLLL Happy Co Lucky Tammy Ch. Elsie Little Yogi Bear All Star N Hadleigh Yogi Bear All Star N Hadleigh Peach Clayhaven Sweetwater Sioux Stalker's Timmy Lee LLL Happy Country DameRussell's Fox Flame HildegardCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's Veronica Millamor's Melody Box Ch. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Lisastar Legacy Bonner's Little Miss Way Midas Sunny LegacyBonner's Top-R-Wee Beautiful Bonner's Beautiful Tangerine Bonner's Pepper-K Tangerine. LLL DAZZLIN' GOLD KRISSYange FemaleederOwner Janice Luginsland, Americus,CH. SHY ACRE'S I KAN TOOOrange MaleBreeder Audrey RobertsOwner Janice Luginsland, Americus, KSCh. Lil Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Joda Ephibus Joda Lady Suzette . LLL Mite of Gold DeuceLLL Happy Lil Hop-A-Long LLL Lil Golden TiaraLLL Lil Cold Copper Penny Jeribeth's Izzisit Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Jeribeth's Idol Baker . LLL Kaptivating KatyCh. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Moongold KellyLLL Happy Country MonkeeCh. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Cot Leggs Tomanoll's Me-Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles Ch. Jennifer JanglesCh. Mac's Little Lou Lou Ch. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Gold Moonshine Ch. LLL Moongold KellyLLL Happy Country Squire LLL Happy Country Monkee LLL Happy Co Lucky TammyI. LLL T'S GOLD CRYSTALange FemaleeederOwner Janice Luginsland, Americus,CH. SILVA LADE ALMOND JOYChocolate and Tan FemaleBreederOwners Larry and Dianne Johnson,Baltimore, MDCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine l. LLL Moongold TrapperCh. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling Trudy LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny Ch. Lil Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Joda Ephibus Joda Jady Suzette h. LLL Mite of Gold SuzannaCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Gina LLL Lil Cold Copper PennyCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order Post Script's Afternoon Delight Silva Lade Midnight MadnessCh. Silva Lade Gentle Ben Ch. Begay's Plumper ThanCh. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Silva Lade Smash Hit Edney's Golden Trinket Silva Lade Magnum ForceCh. Silva Lade Gentle Ben Ch. Begay's Plumper Than Silva Lade Hot Pantscontinued on p. 58.POMERANIAN REVIEWAnnons Huggy Bear from Scamp C.D.2iffb t-vif i I, ilr\ X POM _ WMary Vickers Alexandria, VA 22306011 Rixey Drive POMERANIAN REVIEWXKXK XK XK XK XK XKXKXKA Special Tribute to Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold DiamondrWmPV.ytE ,i. kV VV'V'. . V _' sV-'' ' ., w- .- 'ifWMrr.4 r t tfV.NV-a. _ a1978 New York Specialty Winner 1984 Top Pom Producer of 5 Champions 1985 A Top Pom Producer again with 6 ChampionsCh. Enjay's Puppet on a String Ch. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Boda's Topaze Merry Gold Ch. Model's Truly a DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Model's Truly Fair Great Elms Little Candy CH. EMCEE'S SOLID GOLD DIAMOND 4Vt lb, Bright Clear OrangeCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Red Amber Model's Solid GoldCh. Model's Magic Timstopper Model's BewitchedCh. Jillz Lyra Altair Windemere Tico is not at public stud.Morris and Betty CarsonTico's 1485 Champions areCh. Harbin's Touch of Class, owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin.Ch. Emcee's Majestic Deano of Tico,owned by C. Roberts M. Carson Ch. Emcee's Susanna, owned by Lorinda Vasuta.Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico, owned by Mrs. James Dupre and Morris Carson. Ch. Harbin's Saks Fifth Avenue, owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin.Ch. Fanfare's Penny Serenade, owned by Carolyn and Julie Edmisten.9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233 804740-7977POMERANIAN REVIEWEMCEES POMERANIANS804 1AO-1911Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233 Ch. Emcee.s Chips of DiarXK XK XK XK XK XK XK XK XCh. Solid Cold Diamond as a puppy.Ch. Solid Cold Diamond winning a puppy fun match at 5 months of age. A. 'UiffiM c- tinr .2 S Ch. Solid Cold Diamond being shown and specialed by Nadine in the midwest.Tico received his first 2 points at 6 months in a regular show, entered in open class. Special thanks to Maynard Wood who. handled Tico to his championship and Specialty win.A'i. - r v -Krfff mWit- y'A f-'vriBRE.E.0JBES^OF1PHOTOOLSONPOMERANIAN REVIEWFanfare Pomeranians------ .L l JJ.rP^ 0Ei,iU\i v'ifJrMCh. Fanfares Penny SerenadeFanfare Pomeranians has another champion.Sarah is shown going BOB from puppy class under judge Ruth Davidson. We wish to thank Jacklyn Hungerland and Dorothy Nickles for her majors.Sarah wishes io congratulate her sire Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond, Top Sire 1985. Sarah is proud to be his 6 champion for the year. Fanfare Poms sends a very large thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Carson for allowing us to use this outstanding Pom in our breeding program.Carolyn and Julie Edmisten Napa, California 707226-3450 pending AKC confirmation.POMERANIAN REVIEWCongratulations to my dadCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamondo ckmrQ QCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid GoldCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond x Emcee's Adorable Bit of ColdFinished from Puppy ClassBreeders Betty and Morris Carson Owner Mrs. James R. DupreThanks to Mrs. James Dupre for letting Dupre's Little Diamond Lulu join our foundation stoc She has free whelped a litter of 2 from Carton's Love Bug. Lulu's next litter will be sired by ClEmcee's Solid Cold Diamond.Carton's Baby Blossom black has 1 lovely black boy by Carton's Jet Rhett For inquiries and referrels CARTON'S POMSLavina K. CartonWinter4888 Canal 15 Rd. Lake Worth, FL 33463Summ P.O.Box 1 Dillwyn, VA 239J6 POMERANIAN REVIEW0 CONGRATULATING Ch.Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond, "Ticotfu.Emcees Terrific Wee BetsyWatch for this new show girl this spring, alsoChip-A-Way's Diamond Keep Sake Both are Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chip's daughters.I am proud of my "Tico" daughter, Foskey's Foxy Lady. She is now bred to Ch. Emcee's Majestic Deano of Tico. Litter expected in December.Congratulations to Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond for having produced 6 champions in 1985 and for having meant so much to the Pom breed.2767 Columet St. Winston Salem, NC 27106Patty Griffin 919 724-75627 27POMERANIAN REVIEWSaicd foicC' U a yood tMeafateaFor us that gold is Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond, a dog we have admired since 1978 whenwon Best of Breed at the APC Specialty in New York.His daughter, Emcee's Diamond Starlisa July '85 Review has been an "investment" we'll ne regret.jwoteiAw. Ccut. CH. Stav CHcCd At 'rfyAtkta Tico granddaughterSmidge pictured above bred to Am. Ch. Hillsboro's Golden Chip, a Tico Grandson, h produced Can. Ch. Hobbit's Hallmark, Am. Ch. Hobbit's Heavenly Body Carolyn Rober Chip-A-Way Poms and due in the ring soon, Hobbit's Star Kissed, Best in Match her first time out Congratulations to Natalie Dunfee and Ch. Great Elms Shining Star 11 Bests in Show this yea Also to Jenny Noonan on finishing her Can. Ch. Tiperon's Expectations as a puppy. Sired by Ai Can. Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip.HOBBIT POMERANIANSFrances and Michelle McDonald Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3M 2Y814 Palisade Place 902 443-851s POMERANIAN REVIEWSandra Davis' Ch. Devery's Diamond Josh won the breed and Croup 2 at Utah's newest show, Utah Valley KC. Josh also won the breed and Group 4 at BBKC.Alicia Kvamme finished her Cedar Glen's Mr. Wags.Columbia Pom Club had a sanctioned B Puppy Match with Erin Hundley's Que Sera Prize Package winning BOB and Best Puppy. Newcomers Wendy and Victor Feist's Bi-Mar Shawn was Best Opposite Sex. Jessie Stephens did the honors judging. Nice job, Jessie.Donna Roadhouse from Canada judged a match for Puget Sound Pom Club. This club had a Veterans Class and the veteran Jestom's Red Robin won the breed. Robin is owned by Jessie and Tom Stephens.See you all next July for our gala eventsPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSErin Hundley 272113th N.E. Puyallup, WA 98371Guest Columnist Jean Schrollhe biggest and most exciting news is the 1986 I Specialty in the Northwest to be hosted by Columbia Pomeranian Club.Ians are well underway for the CPC Specialty Iuly 10, 1986 and the APC Specialty July 11 at sh Prairie, WA with three all-breed shows to ow.ur headquarters will be the Mark 205 just oss the river from the Portland International oort the airport to fly in to. If we cannot pick i up and we will do our best the motel uses Airporter and you can call them for a ride to motel. I don't believe there is a charge for .. The prices for rooms are reasonable .00 single 42.00 double, plus tax. The Mark has atoll free number to call for reservations 1-800-426-5110. There are other clubs wanting use this motel, so make your reservationsBehind The New Champions, from p. 50.CH. SUE'S MR. T OF CENLADeep Orange MaleBreedersOwners Mr. Mrs. A.C. Williamson, Pineville, LACh. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Cot Leggs Tomanoll's Me-Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Mac's Little Lou Lou Ch. Robinhood's Duplicate Copy Ch. Wilwin's Teddy Bear Sweet Sue of CenlaCh. Dragonfly's Happytalk Tujay's Happytip Fauna Tujay's Tippit O' will be a pot luck following the CPC w on Thursday and a banquet following the Z Show Friday. The potiuck is always a great and lots of fun.rophy donations are welcome at any time, id to Jean Schroll, 12950 S. New Era Rd., gon City, OR 97045. I will be glad to be of istance in any way I can. Phone 503-655-4975. dary Rosenbaum won the breed with her ely Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid at Peninsula She also went on to win the group under Field.-lancy Turner's Ch. Bry-Tur Music Box Dancer n the breed at our newest show, Timberline ley D.F.darlin and Marilyn Presser's Apolloette Ever idy Rocky won the breed and Croup 3 at icouver KC under Ken Miller.h. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork was BOB J Croup 4 at Olympia DFA. davis Chicarelli finished her Sunray's I'm A ikee Dandy at Bonneville Basin KC. Dandy a won the breed at Intermountain and Mt. den KCs.CH. AIJA'S QUE SERA CALL ME MR.Orange MaleOwner Ingrida Casaway, Roy, WALaRita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. Que Sera Spirit of LaRita LaRita's Top Doll by Kash Ch. Que Sera Firefox of LaRita Jabil's Xtra Special Que Sera Sassy Lass of Larita LaRita's Top Doll by Kash LaRita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. Que Sera Spirit of LaRita LaRita's Top Doll by Kash Que Sera GG's Blythe SpiritGolden Clow Sugar George Ch. Que Sera Cigi of Golden Clow Ch. Bet-Lu's Little Duke's JoyPOMERANIAN REVIEWr Chip-A-WayPomeraniansgives special recognition tofc V0TVJ.AvHHnUUWWWWX\mw\ \Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................\Jlilill wwPuppy picture, shown winning at a point showChip-A-Way Pomeranians congratulates Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond, "Tico" for being a top producer of champions in 1984 and 1985. We are proud of all his progeny we have. Congratulations also to Morris and Betty Carson, owners of this quality sire and producer who has placed his stamp on the Pom breed. We now have a female bred to him, Emcee's Sparkling Tiny Chip.We also have a litter due in December from Ida's Darling Little Patty Cake, dam of Herd's Little Yo Yo, sired by Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips.We would like to give special thanks to Tom and Jessie Stephens for letting us have Jestom's Chips A Daisy, sired by Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Jestom's Dinah Mite.Carolyn and Sonny Roberts 615538-5709Rt. 1, Box 108-A, Stonebrook Ests.Bluff City, TN 376183POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Ever Versatile PomeranianMayes, trainer Sophie Mayes, breeder Mrs. O'Brien.May Morning Waltzing Matilda TD, owner Sophie Mayes, breeder Florence Brown. Pombrook's Song Keena CDX TD, owner Jessica Lynn SmithSilvakress Viva CDX TD, owner-breeder Claudia Frank.note all Poms with Tracking titles are bitchesOTChOTCh. Uhland's Creme Puff Delight,Eleanor Uhland, breeder Mildred Reese. Finished 1-18-79.OTCh. Twinkle Little Super Star, owner JoAnn Ceeslin and Donna Crain, breeder Martha Beasley. Finished 4-7-85.Top Winning Breed Pomeranian Ch. Rider's Sparklin' Cold Nugget, owners Dicky and Porter Washington, breeder Lee Johnson. 41 Bests in Show.Top Producing PomeranianCh. Sungold's Cay Cavilier, owner Edna Cirardot,breeder Anna LaFortune. 65 plus champions.near-complete listing of those Pomeranians, i past and present, with their AKC titles or ct moments of achievement.OTCheUDTeUDNino of Thelcolynn UD, owned by Mrs. E. ibert, bred by Mrs. Gunther.CDXny a few from the past of significanceBlair's Stardust CDX, owner Mrs. E. Lambert, iderMrs. Annie T. Blair.. Can. Mex. Ch. Kavilla's Christmas Joy Am.. Mex. CDX, owner Margaret Carlos, breeder . Vi Munz.. Can. Ch. Topaze Lady Jennifer Am. Can. , owner Mary Casey and Gladys Dykstra, der Francis and Mary Casey.Sunswept Anticipation CDX, owner-breeder JaCallacher. se alive todayPenru Fancy Free of Caldoak CDX, owner alind Coltz, breeder Pauline Caldwell.Emcee's Solid Cold of Jabil CDX, owner alind Coltz and Jessie Young, breeder Morris son.Idlewyld Gemstone CDX, owner-breeder garet McKee.Idlewyld Star Coral CDX, owner-breeder garet McKee.-CDmy in 1984-5Tribbles Autumn Sunset CD, owners Garret Pat Perry.Silver Meadows Under Cov'r Angel CD, ler Sue Inman, breeder Jackie Klein.Idlewyld Lavalier CD, owner-breeder garet McKee.Aurora's Chubby Checkers CD, owner Judy isler, Noel Kujanski, breeder Jackie Liddle. King Midas of Twin Pines CD, owner Fran rren, breeder John Cribbs.ownerPerfection The "200" ClubThe score of perfection in the obedience ring is something that happens, but not too often. There are judges that never see a 200 performance in their lifetimes. Some people train for it some people just dream.Georgian's Betty UDT 1940s This Pom has been immortalized as it was the first Toy dog to win all obedience titles. This was at the time when, before the UD title could be used, the dog must pass a tracking test. When obedience first began the AKC issued Regulations in 1936, the novice class was worth 100 points, Open 250 points and utility 200 points. Agnes Niven and her Pom scored many perfect points including at least one 200 from utility. As obedience was just becoming known, many exhibitions and demonstrations were given. Mrs. Niven and her Pom participated in several, notably the Westminster Kennel Club demonstration in 1947 and again in 1949. Dawson's Petite Musetta UD 1958 Bertha Dawson has many memories of her Musetta. Her first CD leg was a 199.5. While attempting her UD, her first two legs were good for High in Trial. The second leg was the 200. She finished her title at the next show. Musetta was shown occasionally after that receiving another 200 inTjrgian's Betty UDT, owner Agnes Niven.lites Betty Lue UDT, owner Sophie Mayes, eder Esther O' The Avenue CDX TD, owner Joseph\Dupres Pomeranians3Ch. Emcees Diamond Solid Goldl v1 1 t rV .1Ch. Emcees Sparkling Gold MicoMico and Diamond proudly honor their top producing sire, Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond.OwnerHandler110 Pompano St. Lafayette, LA 70508Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 235-1423A2 POMERANIAN REVIEWen B.i. Can. Ch. Beach's Brightest Angel Am. Can1950s Joy LeCompte'and Angel won a 200 the third leg of their CD out of the Novice ARetriever. On an unexpected trip to an animal shelter, Diane's eye was caught by a scraggly, umkempt black dog. Within a month abrakadabra a changed dog. Before a year was out, Abra had her CD and on her fourth leg at Monticello KC under Roger Gagnon, a 200's Rebel UD 1960s Blanche Saunders, in book "The Story of Dog Obedience," states it this Pom and Gladys Dykstra had two 200 ires from the open class. Ready to compete for utility title, the rules changed and the Pom J to be retrained. UD legs and title were tained but Gladys concentrated on her Borzoi, l. Can. Ch. Lady Tasha of Kameroff Am. Can. i, the first Borzoi Ch. UD. Gladys still has ns in obedience, including this year. Review ders fondly remember the January 1975 .new cover. Pictured is her Am. Can. Ch. aaze Lady Jennifer Am. Can. CDX, flying over i high jump.ning Star's Jeanie Girl CD 1960 Owned by . and Mrs. W. Horner, Mimi was awarded the 3 from the Novice class.iirdough Timmy 1960. Nino of Thelcolynn CD 1960. Blair's Stardust CD 1961 rina's Buddy CD 1961viliers Cavilette UD 5-10-69 Catherine "Kitty" Connell of Tulsa, Ok is recorded as having eived the 200 under judge R.A. Gates at the vrence Jayhawk KC show. For several years, ty has had her current Pom, Myway Jimbo igles UD in many rating systems, rbin's Ebony Lady 4-27-75 Arenda Corbin eived her first leg from Novice A in May of 7 A with a score of 188. Whatever happened to nda and her black lady is unknown, but she d this Pom showed at Ozarks KC in April of 75 for their second leg. This time they scored 3, and to prove that it was not an accident, sir third leg was a 196.i's Sir Spunky 7-23-83 Having already tained his AKC CD title, Brenda Hutton was rigued by the United Kennel Club's obedience ulations. Considered by some to be a bit rder than AKC for an untrained dog, Spunky, ing a dog, had no such fears. His first leg was 200 under James Reynolds at the Michigan nerican Eskimo Dog Assoc. Show.. Emcee's Solid Gold of Jabil Can. CD, Am. la. CDX 7-1-84 While attempting the nadian CD title, Morris and Rosalind Goltz ak three HITs, with the second leg being theMrs. E. L. "Billie" Lambert easily holds the record for the most outstanding obedience Poms. The Rickett book on Poms tells the story of her first obedience Pom, Timmy. Billie began training him using Blanche Saunder's book as a guide. As the Lamberts were in Alaska at the time, shows were difficult to come by Alaska only had one show a year. When the show came, she entered him in Novice A. Timmy won it with a 200 under none other than Blanche Saunders When transferred back to the states, Timmy went on to receive his CDX and UD titles. Meanwhile Nino was purchased and trained through utility as a puppy. His 200 occurred on the third leg of his CDX. His championship was finished at the APC Specialty in February 1961, where be went BOW. He then went on to finish his UD. Two more Poms were acquired, Stardust, a female, and Buddy. There were shown at the same time in the same classes. In September 1961, Billie accomplished the incredible feat of winning Open B with the two tied for first with perfect 200 scores Buddy finished his UD and was sold to a lady in South America. Stardust finished her CDX and her championship, but Billie would not show her. in utility. In fact, she never again showed another Pom. Billie was one of th.e leaders to lower the jump height, which was then 12 inches minimum. Since Pekes jump the minimum height of 8 inches, she bought a Peke and put a record on him that has yet to be broken. The Pekingese obtained his CD, CDX and UD in 9 straight trials, with 5 hits at the age of 10 months"How should one recover from the endless pretence, hypocrisy, falsity, deceit and malice of our fellow man if dogs did not exist, into whose honest faces one can gaze without mistrust or misgivings" Arthur Schopenhauer, German Philosopher0.ah's Abra Ka Dabra CD 3-2-85 Diane uman wanted a dog smaller than a GoldenIPOMERANIAN REVIEWJiarbiris cTomeraniansThe Proof is in the Producing and Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond can produce Look what he has done for us7r'vJ 1uVifit. AtotCh. Harbin's Poetry In MotionFinished at 7 months in 5 shows. 3 Croup placements 2 Best Toy Puppy in CanadaPointed in Canada 6 pts.The Princess of the HouseCh. Harbin's Touch of ClassFinished in 9 shows 2 Croup placements.Canadian Croup 2 Pointed in Canada 6 ptsFree whelper, excellent mother with two very promising sons.- JLf J'w\ Hi-'iCHarbin's Killian's Red LabelSolid Cold Diamond Grandson Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Ch.Harbin's Touch of Class 1 show, Best of Winners for 2 pts.Our Promising New Pup.AC Ch. Harbin's Saks Fifth AvenueCanada One weekend3 Best Puppy in Show 3 Croup placements, 1, 2, 4.U.S.Finished at 1 year with 2 Croup placements.BOS Columbia Pom Club Specialty 785 from the Open class.Thank you, Morris and Betty Carson, and especially Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold DiamondIrene and Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125 206365-1748I POMERANIAN REVIEWthe puppy at 7 weeks old. She replied, "Of course, and it must also be a Tuesday at 1030 a.m." We both had a good laugh. It implies that dogs have less intelligence, less flexibility, less individuality than we know they have.I got Pooh Bear when he was three years old. We weren't total strangers, however. I had bred the dog and had him until he was 2 months old. I also handled him to his championship. When I got him, I wondered how he would adapt to our household. In the previous years he had lived in an apartment where he was the only dog, but there were several kitties and a sulfur-crested cockatoo. There were no children. Now he would have to live in a home with three kids, 9 other dogs, and lots of noise and confusion. No problem. This bouncing, loving little fellow fit right in and happily embarked on his obedience career. He finished his titles with class placements and firsts, and various High Pom, High Toy, and High Champion awards. He is not one of the top scorers in obedience, but then he doesn't have the handler he deserves either.Gabby Fabian tells of her beloved Poodle who was both a Ch. and OTCh. She was a top competitor. And Gabby had gotten her out of a kennel when she was three years old. Joan Thurlow recently finished Border Collie Coal's CDX with scores like 198.5, and 199, and HITs. Coal is 4 years old. Herusha Gurvin's "old brood bitch" Grace has been getting scores in the high 190's. The dog I brag about in this month's ad was AVi years old when she finished the title. And Diane Bauman's super working Abra was a rescue dogOkay, if the age of the puppy isn't that critical, what should we look for in an obedience prospect First, a Pomeranian is an excellent choice. Over the past couple of years I've talked to numerous obedience exhibitors who say they've been considering getting a Pom, although their previous success was with Labs, Border Collies, Shelties, Border Terriers, or Golden Retrievers. Why They've seen our little guys work in the ring and noted their enthusiasm, precision, and eagerness to please. They also like the idea of something small enough to pick up and easy to care for. One gal has teased me unmercifully about the size of my dumbells. "If you've got another one, I can make a pair of earrings." But she is on the waiting list for a puppy.Look for obedience titles in the pedigree. Intelligence and trainability are inherited. But these titles also point to a breeder who has someHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret R. McKee 7660 Idlewyld Road Richmond, VA 23225ne concept that many obedience trainers sider sacred is that a puppy meant to be an dience competition dog must be acquired at eeks of age not 7V4 weeks, and not, Cod id at 10 weeks I've been contacted by ners looking for an obedience prospect puppy when they find out the puppy is older than magic 7 weeks, they seek elsewhere, yhy Studies of puppies indicate that the in is fully formed and the puppy is ready to in learning at 7 weeks old. From 8 to 12 weeks age, he is in the fear imprint state, during ch a trauma can cause serious and permanent aage to the temperament. Can you cessfully obedience train a dog starting so ing Absolutely I've been watching a friend I her precious Sheltie. "Say" was bought at 7 ks after temperament testing the litter, ining was begun immediately at home and dog was entered in the KPT class. Now at six nths old, he is doing all of the novice work lutifully, is retrieving, doing go-outs, is almost feet on the scent articles, and has begun iping. Certainly beginning training a puppy at eeks can be very successful, lut is it necessary If you are a breeder, you y be very reluctant to let one of your adorable pies go so young. I don't even wean mine il they are 6 or 7 weeks of age. I like to iluate size and conformation around 8 to 10 sks. Testicles may not be securely down until r 4 months. If the puppy shows promise as a iw dog, a breeder may want to watch its elopment past the 6 month mark. Those who w in conformation have no magic age at ich we must acquire that show prospect. Yet ' dogs must also learn and perform, f a puppy is older than seven weeks, is it too for it to have an obedience career My jerience and observations say no. Rigid Terence to the 7 week requirement borders on erstition I once asked a woman who was luiring about a puppy if she insisted on gettingPOMERANIAN REVIEWSeams QietihqSjDn-jdPams^Surm''b 'S[V w \y 4liy au iGod fiUss ya^cA ^-tcLjcsTUJL y'im3 VPs- J'Bsycati vc V 4 , T C A- VZ J5 a I9SS 3986Congratulations to a Super StudCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond did a great deal in 1984, but really came alive in 1985. Six more champions what an impressive record I know I am not the first to extend my congratulations, but I must tell you how proud I am to have one of his sons Ch. Emcee's Tiny Mite of Tico. Once more, a big Thank You to a wonderful breeder, Dr. Morris Carson, from an admirer ofbeautiful Poms,Dorathy Barnes and all the Dan-D PomsPOMERANIAN REVIEWto drive my husband on several errands. I threw the dog and jumps into the car. Pooh Bear jumped in 5 different places in the metropolitan area. Make your jumps different looking. Sometimes I set mine up with the support on only one side. Tie balloons or surveyors tape to them. Put another dog on a sit-stay next to the jump. Set your jumps up at odd angles to each other.At a recent trial the judge commented to me that my dog had actually done a blind retrieve in the retrieve-on-the-flat because my dumbbell is so small and was thrown into the sun. No problem though, because we proofed for blind retrieves. The dumbbell has been thrown into tall grass, piles of leaves, off-center, from shade into sun. The Poms are taught that they must not come back without it. AKC regs. require that the grass be cut short, but it frequently isn't.The ways you need to proof in utility are too numerous to mention them all here. On signals, have someone stand as if in another ring and give arm signals, and make sure your dog ignores them and watches you. Thoughtless stewards have been known to wave their arms. Set the scent articles very far apart or all in a row. Practice go-outs toward baby gates, a stake with surveyors tape, a blank wall. I once saw a ring where go-outs were toward a floor length window with the drapes not completely closed. Ugh It's hard for me to believe anyone would enter a trial without practicing off-center jumps for the directed jumping. Set the dog up in the left corner, send him to the jump on the right. I proofed Tiara so much for this that if I set her up on the left and sent for for the jump on the left, she would hesitate and look at me as if to say, "are you sure you got that right"Matches are an invaluable way to proof your dog, preferably fun matches where corrections are permitted. We have a "rule" in our club that you don't enter a trial until you have three qualifying scores at matches. This is a minimum. At the utility level you'll want as much match experience as possible.If you are strictly a conformation exhibitor and I haven't lost your attention already, you may be thinking, "This doesn't apply to me." Well, proofing is valuable for our conformation puff balls, too. The dog who isn't perturbed by rain, a judge in a big hat, sunglasses, and clunky jewelry, or the Bouvier fight in the next fing and continues to strut his stuff has a big edge over his less secure competition. So whether you're headed for the obedience ring or thecontinued on p. 72.lerstanding and appreciation of obedience, uire about how much socializing the puppy . This is vital. Were there children in the ne or neighborhood to play with the puppy s the puppy handled a lot Did the puppy play h other puppies, with adult dogs Has he been ght something to tolerate grooming, to p his cage clean, to walk on lead, to sit Has been visiting to other breeders' homes, to park, to handling class, to puppy obedience s, to matches Does he know how to ride etly in a crate Does he know what an rcise pen is for Will he accept food from ir hand A conscientious breeder will try to do this for hisher puppies, it any level of obedience training, it is rortant to PROOF the dog. Proofing means cticing in unusual places or in different ways, neans getting the dog so used to doing an rcise in spite of all manner of distractions that unexpected occurance inside or outside the probably won't disturb the dog. The trainer st be creative and make extra effort in order properly proof the dog. Seek out lots of erent locations to train. Train on grass, tting, concrete, bare ground. Train in parks, ygrounds check local ordinances, other ning schools, friends' backyards. Set up rings h baby gates, with surveyors tape which can 5 in the wind, with bare walls. Some Poms are jctant to walk toward a blank wall. Practice in i and in full sun early in the morning and late he afternoon. Use a radio and a pan of food the posts for the figure-eight. I have a friend o took a pair of jeans, stuffed them, added es and made a "post" more realistic than a on. Change your voice to different levels and ches. He should come whether your voice eals your nervousness or not. Of course, once he ring you'll try to be consistent and audible. Set someone else to forcefully give commands f see if your dog anticipates the "come" or lish." Practice calling the dog's name, then some nonsense command such as "bananas" "xerox" He must wait for the real command, t your judge to dress in an outlandish stume. Stays are best proofed in a group. Set the dogs alternating sitting and downed dogs, ey should not take their cues from their ighbor. Even by yourself you can arrange for kinds of noises, equipment falling over, a bitch season nearby.Proofing becomes more important as the edience work become more advanced. Carry ur jumps to different locations. One day I hadIPOMERANIAN REVIEW1Bali Hai Kennelspresents-v h11 rK\y h ,' y 0. A Kt.a1 ji T4 it _ Hl'-h. TBEST OFWINNERS1J. ^It l 'if ii\r tfOLD DOMINION KENNEL CLUB fL V1985wI-jli r i tatham PHOTO _______Apple's Traveling HollyGaytonglen's Jack-O-Diamonds x Apple's Traveling MargieMany thanks to Mrs. Betty Munden, Shown above, giving Holly WB, BOS, BOW at Old Dominion Kennel Club September 29, 1985 fora4 point major.My thanks also to Joyce Apple for entrusting me with Holly and to Morris Carson for his time and help. Special thanks goes out to Dolores Watts, my good friend and "mentor," for everything'.Congratulations to Morris Carson's top producer Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond. Watch for the upcoming breeding of Holly and Tico. Inquiries invited.Owner-Handler15 Martin's Branch Aylett, VA 23009Brenda C. Everette 804 769-387438 POMERANIAN REVIEWDiamond received the first leg toward her CD. At Capitol, Margaret walked off with HS Pom, HS Toy and to her surprise HS Champion of Record with Pooh Bear. On October 19 at Richmond DTC, which several people call the "indoor Pom and Toy Specialty" there was an entry of ten Poms and 24 Toys. HS Pom went to Mary Vickers and Annon's Huggy Bear of Scamp CDX from the Open A class. Several Poms were entered in the non-regular classes. Margaret's Ch. Val CD was in Graduate Novice and her 11 year old Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX turned in a very respectable 193.5 in the Veteran's Class. Karen Bohn's Bonnie Brandy Bohn CDX followed behind with a 189. Brace is always fun to watch, but when you have two Pom braces entered you'd better make it a point to watch. Taking third in this class was Janet Davis with Misty and Flashprancer. Karen Bohn's Brandy and Jones Chip of Precious Gems were also enjoyable to watch.Several Poms have recently acquired obedience titles. Diane Bauman's Noah's Abra Ka Dabra now has her CDX. Mary Vickers and Annon's Huggy Bear of Scamp now have that long dreamed-of title of CDX behind Huggs name. Utility training will start soon. Good luck Margaret McKee looked at her Poms and thought, "I have one Pom without any titles in this kennel," so Idlewyld Hope Diamond began showing in Novice at the ripe old age of 4VJ years. Of course she got her three legs in three straight shows, Mount Vernon, Capital and Rock Creek. Tammy Carrell, who owns the OTCh pointed Levi, is finally an APC member. We welcome Tammy to the fold. She is a gorgeous person, a super trainer and is always willing to help or answer questions. Tammy and Levi are back out at the shows and working on more OTCh points. Much luck to them Incidentally, Tammy just bred Levi and has a new prospect to work with by the name of Sparky. She says Sparky is a lot like his dad so the future looks promising. Congratulations and best of continued good luck to all Lilae Shope of Bellefonte, Pa is owned by "Bell," Shope's Cupid Bella Donna CD, who earned the title last year with nothing less than three first places out of Novice A. Of course Bell is working toward her X but the show bug hit Lilae. After an exhaustive search would be you believe that some breeders still won't sell show quality to obedience people, Lilae became the proud owner of Rosewood's Moongold of Lilae. We should be having some good news from that quarter soon.OBEDIENCENEWSifjp jEmma Heyde 170 Chicago Way San Francisco, CA 94112The great news for this obedience issue of the meranian Review is that the second meranian has attained an Obedience Trail ampionship No small achievement this, as a g must first have the U.D. title and then go on win 100 points by winning first place in Utility d Open B points are also awarded for second ice in these classes depending on the entry, t the first places are mandatory. The number dogs entered in the classes determines the ints, of course. The new OTCh is Twinkle Little per Star, a bitch, owned by J. Geeslin and inna Crain Eddins. Not much is known to us out this Pom, so if anyone can get the story we uId love to write more about her. Please let us ar from you, as all we know is that she is cream lored and has been photographed several nes for HITs and Caines trials. The first Pom to ain this high degree is OTCh. Uhland's Creme ff Delight, owner by Eleanor Uhland. ligently working for the above title is Alice ssard of Turlock, California with her Lessard's tie Geisha Girl UD, and they already have 6 lints, received at Reno, Nevada in two shows getting second place in Utility three points at ch show. Geisha is a tiny Pom with good, pical conformation and is an excellent worker, e Alice's comments in "Yips and Yaps" in the tober 1985 Review. At the Reno shows this .irwhen High Scoring Pom, High Scoring Toy id High Scoring Combined Utility and Open, atch them They are coming to the imeranian Specialty in New York for the ledience demonstration.We have that go-getter Mary Vickers to thank r the following news isn't she a great help to I of us The Mount Vernon trial had six Poms itered. Margaret McKee and Pooh Bear, Ch lewyld Star Coral CDX took High Scoring Pom. ary Vickers and Huggy were there as well as net Davis with Misty of Vienna CD and ashprancer CD. Both of Janet's dogs were in raduate Novice and had scores separating them a half point. Margaret's Ch. Val CD also did ell in Graduate Novice. Idlewyld HopePOMERANIAN REVIEWAldonFred Whitaker Pat Whitakerpresentsw'AVV f3Gof.BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYKENNEL CLUB OF COLUMBUS. INDIANA1985 BOOTH PHOTOAUG.X'IGreat Elms Little MerrimanCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too x Model's Sweet LeilaniM-M is shown taking Best of Breed over a special on his way to Group 3. He has 11 points to date and will be back in the ring when he gets his new coat.Thanks to Ruth Beam for breeding such a lovely boy and Morris Carson for letting him live with us.Congratulations to Carolyn Roberts, breeder of the lovely Ch. Herd's Little Yo Yo.We would like to pay tribute to Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond, top Pom producer for 1984 and well on his way to the same honor for 1985. Tico has the qualities we would all like to have in our Poms, and he has passed these on to his children.OwnerPat Whitaker 403 S. Fall Paxton, IL 60957 217 379-4728BreederRuth Beam P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC28134 704 889-9233Co-OwnerMorris Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-79770 POMERANIAN REVIEWSome clubs such as the Bay Colony Pom Club in Massachusetts and the Richmond VA Dog Obedience Training Club have always offered special trophies, and Pom obedience exhibitors will travel far to attend trials. Several other clubs or individuals are sponsoring trophies for Poms in obedience. To name some who offered trophies last fall Mount Vernon DTC, offered by Pom Club of Baltimore Capitol DTC, offered by Toy Exhibitor Millie Hewitt Richmond DTC of VA offered in all classes by Margaret McKee Oriole DTC of MD offered by Dianne Johnson Chesapeake KC of MD High Scoring Pom by the Baltimore Club and HS Pom in Novice A by Mary Vickers the latter being a subscription or renewal to the Review good idea Baltimore KC of MD again offered by the Baltimore club Philadelphia PA High Scoring in Novice, HS Pom offered for years by Sophie Mayes Forsythe KC of NC offered by Patty Griffin for HS Pom and each qualifying Pom. So, what can we do The answer is to have your club, or yourself, offer trophies for obedience Poms. Surely this will create interest. Surely all Poms do not always qualify, but it is nice to see a trophy for a Pom listed.By the time this edition goes to print we should know something about the results of the voting for the change in jumping height. Maybe there will even be something from AKC by then. Lets all hope for the best and well keep you posted.Happy New Year to all people and dogs and lots of obedience titles and high scores in 1986.irenda Hutton is this issue's Obedience filer. In the last issue it was reported that her s Sir Spunky now has triple CDX titles, If this jmn could be a few weeks later it might be orted that he now has triple UDs. From nda's show schedule it looks like she has ws every weekend in a different kennel istry. Starting mid-October she traveled to idon, Ontario to attempt a Canadian CD. The k after that she showed in UKC trials and the k after that in AKC trials. Now, that is how to p an obedience dog on his toes, udy Green of Claymont, De who guides us h her suggestions in the popular column sedience Questions and Answers, initely become a breed person. Judy enjoys ed so much that Can. Ch. Chriscendo ssique now resides at the Green's and will ain her American championship under Judy's e hands. Judy received the Baltimore club's -izon award in 1985 for the UD legs on JeffreyI owner-handling Ch. Millamor's Roxie Music ler championship.luth Ellis still has not realized her dream of ner-handling a Pom that she has bred to its impionship. She came close with Ch. Sunrae's abond Luv'r. A heavy work schedule, elping puppies and the like did not allow el to the show to put on the finishing point. se problems plus Wisconsin's long, cold iters have not allowed Ruth to title any dience dogs this year, but Shana is working in ity, while Tina is in Open. Cody and abond are in Novice..ays Mary, "To Ruth and all others who just 'e not had enough time to work their dogs, a e bit of encouragement. There is a New Year ad remember your resolutions and soon ing will be here. Happy heeling"^ lovely letter was received from Junie Dunn .ake City, FL. She writes, "It makes me happy see that the Pom people are noticing that ns have real brains. 1 am a breeder and libitor and have trained many other breeds asII as Poms. Which are the most fun which 'e the most sparkle which have the real ins The Poms, of course" Junie's homebred, r Wins Special Edition finished his CD at 11 nths of age on June 21,22 and 23, 1985. igratulations on the CD and also on become a v APC member.Jow the question of how to get to the Poms ively showing in obedience trials We know y can do it, and always create a lot of interest the breed as they are so exciting to watch.hasAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Dolores Watts, 4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.POMERANIAN REVIEW,c\ nn ClSho-Nuf PomeraniansWd Tproudly announces the arrival of our new girlDupres Diamond GoldSireCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid GoldhGrandsireTop Producer, Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Thank you, Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. for "Baby.OwnerHandlerBarbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy Pineville, LA 71360 318 640-2993 r\ m cis 0icyPOMERANIAN REVIEW2Vets Cornerrecommendations and cost estimates.2. Room-foggers such as D-Con Flea Kill, Strike, or Black Flag are a very effective method for removing fleas out of carpets, upholstery and beddings. They are best used every 4-6 weeks in fooms frequently used by the pet. Hard-to-reach areas should be treated with a premise spray prior to fogging. Only use foggers and premise sprays that kill pre-adult and adult fleas.3. Frequent vaccuuming of areas used by the animal is useful, especially prior to fogging. Avoid vaccuuming of whole house for 14 days after fogging to allow insecticide to work. Placing a flea collar in the vaccuum cleaner bag helps reduce infestation.4. If the dog or cat has a bed, either wash the bedding frequently in hot water or substitute newspaper changing frequently for the bedding. The bedding may also be dusted with an insecticide on alternate days or sprayed with a premise spray weekly.5. Do not forget to treat all other dogs and cats in the household. Although they may be showing no signs of distress from fleas, they remain a source of fleas for other animals.John R. August Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 24061All of the following recommendations should carried out under the direct supervision of a terinarian, since many insecticides could be dc to small dogs. I have recently been using a w micro-encapsulated pyrethrin flea spray on gs and cats which has been giving excellent ults when applied every 3-4 days. It has the vantages of being slow-release and non-toxic the animal. The product is called Sectrol and nade by the3M Company.RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FLEA CONTROLSince fleas spend a short period of their time on your pet and tend to live in the pet's vironment your house andor yard for the nainder of their existence, proper control of as on both the pet and in its environment are on your pet.Flea collars. These are of little or no use for gs and cats with significant flea problems. Residual insecticide dips. These are only ailable from veterinarians and should not be ed on cats. Used once weekly, dips are useful flea control. The brand of dip should be anged every 6-9 weeks.Insecticide dusts. Ortho Sevin garden dust 1 for adult dogs, 5 for puppies and cats ay be used alone every other day or in mbination with a dip. Since the dips can only used once weekly and in some dogs are only ective for 4-5 days, the application of a dust 4 d 6 days after a dip helps to control fleas until e next dip.Flea sprays containing pyrethrin may be used often as necessary between insecticidal dips an alternative to dusts.Flea shampoos. These do not control nificant flea problems and should be pplemented with other forms of insecticidal erapy.B. Outdoors.1. Dog pens and lawns may be sprayed with Malathion or Diazinon every 1-2 weeks.2. Dog houses should be sprayed weekly a room fogger can be used for this purpose. One half of a Shell Vapona Peststrip may be nailed to the underside of a dog house to reduce the flea population.3. Dust or spray areas in the yard that the pet prefers to use for sleeping 10 Sevin dust and Malathion or Diazinon sprays are useful for this purpose.Remember effective flea control can only be attained bya. Vigorous treatment of the patient.b. Vigorous treatment of the pet's environment.c. Vigorous treatment of all in-contact animals.Helpful Hints, from p. 66.conformation ring, get out there and practice, practice, practiceIf you're headed for New York and the Specialty, don't miss the obedience demonstration right after in the environment.Indoors.Check with a professional exterminator for hisPOMERANIAN REVIEWJestomsA \j9a J AmCan Ch. Emcees Chips Ahoy of Coyt .Hi.\ Sire Emcee's Chips of Diamond'1 .ft '"Chipper" sends congratulations to his champion and group placing puppies.We would like to thank Morris and Betty Carson for their help and encouragement to us and to other breeders. Without them, their bloodlines, knowledge and assistance we would not have been able to go forward.nSF]At1', .-1 3t-' 7, y4rjgaAmCan Ch. Tomho Georgia Heatwave tvSire Late Ch. Razzle Dazzle DanteVLSpecial congratulations to Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond, bred and owned by Morris and Betty Carson, for being a top producer.,rti1.kA ] 1Jestoms Red RobinSire Lennis Tar Baby of Great ElmsA 1Nothing is at public stud. Our air is quality not quantity. All Poms are owner-handled.\ij.rLt. Cmdr. T. and Mrs. J. Stephens 322 158th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037 206 743-354674 POMERANIAN REVIEWSPORTSMANSHIPby Alvin Grossman"The most important thing in the Olympic imes is not to win but to take part, just as the lost important thing in life is not the triumph ut the struggle. The essential thing is not to ave conquered but to have fought well." aron DeCoubertin, founder of the modern tlympic Carnes.are always talking in terms of chances or odds. Are any of these statements familiar to you1. The odds that a dog will win back to back best in shows is very low.2. We will probably win the breed today.3. It looks like we may have a seventy percent chance of placing in the group.4. I feel certain that ninety percent of all judges are honest.5. The odds against your picking a winner from ringside in a large class is probably only slightly better than chance.Already we have learned that a top class dog should win 3 out of 5 times. That's 60. Our handlers have also taught us to "keep a book" on the judges. They have detailed records. For example, remember when Judge Postwhistle put Rudolph only third in the working group. Well as it turned out in talking to him later he pointed out that he would like to see more extension in front. This led us to the realization that Rudolph was a bit steep in shoulder which limited his forward reach. Therefore, we tried to find out which judges put great emphasis on that action and if they might penalize our dog as a result. We did find some who were "front fanatics." As a matter of course we did not show under them. It's our feeling we increased Rudolph's winning percentage by 5 points. It's like a baseball manager looking at his statistics in making out his line-up. If Oscar Crackball has hit this lefthander for an average of only 210, he darn well better use Jeff Strongarm who has pounded this guy for a 325 average in his place. If, and it's a big if, winning is everything then that's the way to go.Now, by having lived many summers, I have come to realize that winning doesn't come free it always costs something. For example, by taking this tack I have nagging doubts that my dog can beat all comers under any condition and I find it's not always easy to live with that doubt in my mind. Do I have the best or is it my intent to only win the point races fostered by the dog magazines. Grace and I have rattled that one around aplenty.Grace says it another way. "If you don't compete, you can't lose but you can't win either." As I've said before, smart girl that Grace.In our rambling discussions with other breeders both at club meetings and at shows a"Winning isn't everything it's the only thing. - Vince Lombardi, Coach, Creen Bay Packers."When the one Great Scorer comes to write gainst your name, he marks not that you ave won or lost, but how you played the game." - Crantland Rice, Noted Sports Writer.Flaving been around the dog show game for a ouple of years now, Grace and I are continually truck with the incongruity of it all. We went into howing dogs because we were competitive and rtistic and wanted to have pride in showing a ine dog.We have met many fine people as a result of iur experiences. On the other hand we have also ncountered some difficult people too.After talking about sportsmanship and ethics a reat deal between us we have come to ecognize that the dog show game, like almost .II competitive activities, has people involved hat cover the complete spectrum of human ehavior. People react to wins and losses in entirely different ways. It seems their expecta- ions coming into a show are far different from ne another as well.For example, how many times have you heard i group of exhibitors predicting that Ch. Vhooziz has this show cold and the rest of us oor "suckers" don't stand a chance. This, like he tale that Joe Czperwicz, that noted handler f the Outer Mongolian Terrier, has this one vired because the judges leaned his way in the ast show. These and other fairy tales are useful o set up alibis in advance so our losses won't eem so bitter. Unfortunately, it also sets up a osing attitude and one that fairly screams, 'Foul, I only lost because the other guy wasn't slaying fair."Frankly, the way we see it is that in winning ind losing, we have no certainty. Whenever we nter a show, there is a chance we will win there is also a chance that we will lose. As a result, we7POMERANIAN REVIEWWindy diem's Kennetspresents to you our newest starrtr as I d "'ll'-\i]B ms ilV \. 'JJWitCfi. Sunrays Im a Yankee DandyFinished at 1 year of age.Thank you Fern Rodriques of Sunray Kennel for my beautiful boy and latest champion Dandy.Also my thanks to Mitchell Wooten for the Bests of Breed he put on Dandy from the classes over specials.In three short months Dandy accumulated the following 3 pt. major, BOS, Mrs. Tongren BOB over specials, Mr. R. Vanorrian 1 pt., BOS, B Krause 2 pts, BOW, BOB, D. Welsh 3 pts., BOB over specials, V. Sivori. For the following shows Dandy was owner handled 2 pts, BOW, Mrs. E. Thompson 2 pts, BOW, B. Flatch BOB over specials, Mr. F. Hilgel BOB over specials, F. Thornton Croup 3, L. Holcombe BOB and pulled in Croup, E. Young BOB over specials, Mr. Cladowski. Thank you, judges.Watch for Dandy at future shows.WINDY ACRES KENNELSMavis Chicarelli 702361-23771781 E. FordAve. Las Vegas, NV 8912376 POMERANIAN REVIEWimber of elements of sportsmanship have come . For example, this simple truism in order r there to be a winner, there must be a loser. Certainly it is apparent that in any breed there in only be a winners dog and bitch plus a best breed or variety and best of opposite sex. This aves many others to ponder why the fates did 3t choose them. A certain percentage of losers ill ascribe their loss to every conceivable ason but the fact they may have been beaten t a better dog on this day.For some unfortunate people learning how to se always aludes them. It is as important as arning how to win. It's the other side of thebut rather, by denegrading thosedogsbelonging to others. Everyone, at one time or another, has been guilty of this to some degree. It might have been due to a slip of the tongue or, in other cases quite deliberately intended. It is usually those on the threshold of success, perhaps who have bred a champion or two, who are the worst offenders. They are striving so desperately to attain their goals that they not only give little heed to the consideration of others but deliberately attempt to undermine the accomplishments of others.The point should be made that this type of behavior is not solely confined to those engaged in dog activities. It is evidenced even more clearly in the business world by price cutting, false advertising and numerous practices engaged in that are frowned on by the Better Business Bureaus.3in.Let's be honest, no loser can be termed lappy" by any stretch of the imagination. Turn i the person standing next to you and remark 30ut the poor job of judging and chances are lat another soulmate will be found. What's hard Dout that However, laud the judge for his iscerning ability in placing the best dogs and ine times out of ten you'll be greeted by cold ares of incredibility, dirty looks, nasty remarks nd what have you. For the majority are, by ecessity, losers and the winners are few.It's hard to be a winner by any standard. To be wrnner is the goal of all and when that goal is ached it often becomes nothing more than a ollow victory. Your dog has won, you're irilled, elated, on "cloud nine" and you want to lout about it from the rooftops and let the 'orld in on your joy. But you don't or you ave learned not to because, let's face it. YOU re happy but most of the other exhibitors are ot To have one's dogs' accomplishments reeted by indifference or snide remarks surely ikes the wind out of one's sails and much that hould be joyous becomes just the opposite. So, fter having come up against the "wet dish rag" 'eatment, the winner keeps his happiness to imself and that's not easy. It really is so much asier to mutter under your breath and grumble ou were robbed or the judge was stupid because he sympathy of the majority is always with the osers.Therefore, to be a winner is not easy no matter iow desirable this position looks from afar. To onsistently come up with winning dogs year ifter year places any breeder in the position of eing a prime target for all the unsuccessful, ealous, petty breeders striving for success.For some reason or another it seems to be a lharacteristic of human nature to elevate ones wn dogs not necessarily by breeding betterOne requisite necessary for success in dogs in a competitive spirit and this is something none of the books seems to mention. Obviously, when competitive spirit meets competitive spirit some sparks are going to fly and there isn't much that can be done to alleviate the situation.In order for any one breeder to attain success, others must by necessity be hurt along the way. This can not be helped for it takes many losers to make a winner. Those on the threshold of success might do well to remember that the time will come, again by necessity, when they must come face to face with some of these same losers on the way back down. For there comes a point in every breeder's endeavors when success can no longer continually top success and then there is only one direction in which to go.Very few, if any, have had the privilege of having their cake and eating it too. That is to say, no one breeder can continually enjoy success removed from the periphery of the disgruntled. Therefore, the time must come when a choice must be made. Some breeders quit. Perhaps they feel, and rightly so, that they have achieved all that can be achieved and are not content to settle for what would seem to them second best. Others go backwards and gradually fade away while others learn to compromise. Those who learn to compromise usually end up as the "old timers." Their accomplishments and abilities are recognized but they no longer hold a monopoly on success. As a result they hold some popularity amongst their fellows, are no longer the prime target for back biting and can enjoy their hobby without regarding each new situation as a personal challenge and no longer need toPOMERANIAN REVIEW4 y\ I333,Sm\wVL '4 vmuMi to.4kAk,A W- .4. .Lenniss Red Denim Levi CJ.D.Although Levi is a very good worker, it's not only precision that makes people applaud his performance. It's that adundant enthusiasm, happy barks when he retrieves and the way he talks to me on hand signals. Never will there be another dog with his sense of humor and natural intelligence.At the shows when his silliness didn't get the better of him, he's managed 4 HITs, a Dog World Award, points on his OTCh, a 199.5 score and many other class wins. Ranked 2 Pom for 1985 by the Delaney System,he has beenin the top 4 for the past 4 years with limited showing.Watch for "Sparky," a Levi son with the same "conquer the world" attitude To be in the obedience and conformation rings thisAtsV fiL .Levi" and "Sparky'r7 I "S i.vTammy Carrell Roanoke, VA 24014Rt. 8, Box 440 703 342-391578 POMERANIAN REVIEWntinually prove their dogs' values in the leme of things. The aspiring breeder is ntinually striving and it is this very gressiveness which helps achieve success but the same time which calls undesirable itincts into play.It's all very well and good for one to say that cause their dogs are the object of nasty narks proves that they are good dogs. In fact, me people have been known to say they dcome the back biting and innuendos because them that is proof of their dog's worth. People iy say this but deep down they really can't an it as any situation of this type is comfortable and not easy to live with. The sire for recognition is one thing but there is o a desire for acceptance. As a result, ccessful breeders are usually very lonesome ople. For to be up on top in any locale is to be etty much alone. There just isn't room at the p for many. This cannot be recognized by ose aspiring for success. This can only be truly derstood by those who have experienced the ccess with its accompanying drawbacks. For lereas the interpretation of success differs im individual to individual, the resulting periences are usually the same.To be a good winner takes a very thick skin, hen the nasty remarks and innuendos begin to ter through, it's almost humanly impossible to sistthem. Most breeders fight back in one form another for awhile. The ways in which this can done are many it can be done vocally, in s showring, through the printed word, etc. rhaps there is a measure of satisfaction to be ined in attempted retaliation but little or thing is usually accomplished other than rthering an already painful situation. It should it be implied that the only solution would be to Id ones tent and quietly sneak away as ited previously, it takes only a thick skin Just k any breederIf one will but note the point makers, the ers, are always NICE people and their dogs are illy not too bad. Perhaps they are shown iproperly or groomed improperly but other an that receive little or no criticism. But that rHER fellow . . . you know, the one who is nsistently taking the points or the Variety or e Group well, he wouldn't sell YOU a good ig now, would he . . . and HOW he can ntinually win with THAT stuff he shows, the dge must be blind or else a personal friend It ould sound familiar.Another tough situation occurs when afinished dog is shown to make sure. As exhibitors at dog shows, how often has the phrase been heard, "So-and-so" finished yesterday but I thought I'd better show him today just to make sure.With the difficulty exhibitors have in finding points across the nation, the "make sure" dog and his owner andor handler are, of course, most unpopularThe professional handler is, sometimes by necessity, the worst offender in this area. It can be appreciated that, once a handler has contracted to show a dog on a circuit or at a series of shows, he has planned on the income from that dog. Or, he may be truly unaware of the dog's point total. Whatever the cause, this gives rise to the additional and needless showing of an animal who has, in fact, completed his Championship.The individual owner-handlers are not necessarily lily-pure in this respect either. Honest doubt and confusion is one thing but to show a dog known to be finished just because he is entered is another thing.At this point the hue and cry will be raised that if the dog is pulled the points may be lowered. True, this hue and cry will be raised as the result of hindsight if the finished dog should lose and what makes a finished dog look more foolish than losing in Open competition. However, dog show exhibitors, being such wonderful sports that they are, take all of this in stride and rush up to congratulate today's winner even though he finished yesterday Like heck they do They mutter under their breaths and berate the fates to say nothing of the dog and his owner that "robbed" them of a win, as well they might under such a system. The professional handler shrugs it off, it's part of the game for him. One cannot help but wonder at the motivation of the non-professional handler does another trophy and a bright piece of ribbon mean that muchAs long as the soap box is available another closely related activity comes to mind. That is, showing the dog who needs a major or majors in one and two point shows. Why show the dog when it becomes obvious that there is no major This should be clarified by saying, why follow through and show the dog when it becomes obvious that there is no major in either sex A one or two point win certainly does not help a dog who already has sixteen or seventeen points to his credit. However, that one or two point win can and does help a dog not needing majors or the youngster making his debut.I7POMERANIAN REVIEW- Carousel Pomeranianspresents our newest championVr -C'.rI ri ..-a- 7 \0.---------B.i'i' vffiHIC7. Creider's JessicaPedigree in Behind The New Champions.Jessie is shown winning a 5 point major, BOW and BOS over many specials August 11th in Houston. Our thanks to Kathy Bucher who did such a beautiful job showing her, and a special thanks from Jessie to her friend, Butch.Art and Linda Gustafson . 405391-2960As.5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 74857 AS.E. Oklahoma CityPOMERANIAN REVIEW30an Australian judge of some repute chose another dog for BOB. This dog had been playing second fiddle all year.At the club banquet that night the owners of the best of breed dog were virtually ignored and were very down. Just when they should have been enjoying one of the high points of their dog life they were being put down. The evening turned around when Tammy called for attention and offered a toast to the dog and his owners for their great win. That broke the ice and the rest of the evening went well for all.Here was a perfect example of how it is possible to win and lose at the same time. Turning it around the other way, Jim and Tammy, because of their sporting gesture, became winners in everyone's mind, including the owners of the dog that defeated them in spite of the fact their dog lost. Too many people believe that only winning is positive losing is always negative. Examples like Jim and Tammy's action prove it doesn't have to be so.Another reflection on this winning thing comes to mind. Again remember back when Judge Postwhistle placed Rudolph third in the group. Our sights were set on winning the group and then shooting for Best in Show. The BIS judge had put us up before and we figured we had a fighting chance to go all the way. We were really downcast after the group. Then this young couple came along who were even greener in the dog game than we were and offered effusive congratulations on Rudolph's wonderful win. I guess it's a matter of perspective, what may seem like a win to one person may seem like a loss to someone else. Like they say today "hey man, where are you coming from"Grace and I weathered some real storms in the first years of our marriage which taught us to always look on the bright side of things. We learned real quick that showing dogs was only one facet of our lives. Winning was exhilirating, losing was not. However, we had each other, our work, our nice home and now our dog hobby. In perspective our hobby is fun but will not dominate our total lives. As in dog construction balance is important to a well rounded life. We felt sorry for those people who must try to achieve all their satisfaction in the dog world because they get so little in the "outside" world.We have also become much more sympathetic toward the judges' dilemma. After all, it's not always possible to please everyone. All we can ask is a conscientious job and a knowledge of our standard. And by and large we get it week after continued on p. 100.Owner-handlers surely must have a con- ience let it be their guide With respect i the professional there are more specific oblems that arise. The professional handler antracts to handle a dog at a show or a series of lows and in so doing has perhaps turned down rother. His fee is deserved and so the dog is lown to earn that fee. At this point, lest this tle gem be considered an attack on the ofessional handler, it is not. If there is any tack, it is directed toward a system not the dividual. Indeed, there are some professional andlers more scrupulous about showing a dog ceding but majors in the small shows than some un-professionals. It stands to reason that the ofessional handler is more aware of where the Dints are lacking as the result of their constant eoccupation with dog shows after all, it's leir business.Any system is subject to criticism and it takes d special talent to criticize. Briefly, two specific Dints have been criticized 1 showing dogs in Dint competition when there is awareness on le part of the handler or owner as the case ay be that the dog has already attained fifteen Dints and both majors and 2 showing dogs ho need only their majors in one and two point lowsAs a possible suggestion to remedy the first Dint when a circuit of shows or a related series shows is involved, how about the professional andler charging a flat rate for the circuit or ries. That is to say, should the dog finish before le circuit or series is completed the rate would 5 the same as if the dog were shown in every iow. Exhibitors sending a dog on a circuit or Dntracting for a series of shows surely expect to ay for it. If the dog finishes early he can be jlled and the handler does not lose his iticipated income. Should the handler pick up lother dog at ringside to take the place of the nished dog that fee could be deducted from the nished dog's bill. This would be a display of Dod sportsmanship.It certainly would be helpful if each breeder, vner or handler sincerely put forth the effort to aep track of his dog's accumulated point total i date and act accordingly. This effort would irely strengthen goodwill and help to achieve a lore harmonious relationship among all.Only last month I saw a perfect example of arning how to lose with grace. Jim and Tammy ave a hot winning Saluki in fact he has ominated the breed and group for the first five lonths of the year. Then, at their big specialty,iPOMERANIAN REVIEW Jtor 4r 1 fgit' 1 . ^4HF'ersfiojfs Millie Toyler CDX1972 1985It seems to me A crime that we should age these fragile times should never pass us by.A time we never can or will replace as friends together watch their childhood fly. Making friends for the world to see let the people know you've got what you need. With a friend at hand you will see the light if your friends are there then everything's all right. B. Taupin Si Avr \9 rVThank you, Tillie for sharing your light.Debra Lynn Jones 3643 Fifth Avenue LaCrescenta, California12 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience Profile Brenda HuttonAs it is January with icy cold and snowy nditions, we will take a quick trip to Lansing, chigan to visit with Brenda.By way of introduction, Brenda is now in her s and works as a computer operator with artan Oil Corporation. She is single and has o dependents Spunky and Sunni. She is a mber of the Obedience Training Club of eater Lansing.lestion How did you get your start in edience, Brendaiswer I got my first Pom, "Stephanie" in ivember 1970 from a local breeder. I was 17 the time. She was the only pup of 6 bitches d and I started obedience training her at 4Vi rnths. The teacher was a friend of my mother's io said Steph was too young, but we wouldn't in the way and would be allowed to join the up. After 10 weeks we graduated with a fun itch. Steph and I won first place Until that ie I had only wanted her to come when called, t after that first victory I was hooked. She went to earn American and Canadian CDs and a ig World Award.Since Stephanie I've trained a Golden triever, a Doberman and a German Shepherd Dne for show. I'm now back to Poms, tbably for goodgot a Dog World Award for her first three Canadian trials with scores of 197.5, 197.5 and 196.5. She died in March of 1982 at 12 years of age.BK's Sir Spunky AmCan UKC CDX has one 200 score with 6 HITs 1 AKC and 5 UKC. He was born May 19, 1982, is still showing and has one UD leg in each registry.BK's Sunshine Supergirl or "Sunni" has one point toward her Canadian championship with a Best of Breed at 8V2 months. She was born January 30, 1985. I just got her this past year after an exhausting search for a conformation obedience bitch. Her breeder is Erika Moreau. Question Why are Spunky and Sunni registered as BK instead of BHAnswer Well, they are my first two initials. I've been "BK" since I was knee high to everyone. Question Since you show in three registries that's quite a few trials. What has been your proudest or most satisfying moment in showingAnswer My proudest moment has to be trying for HIT at Canton, Ohio June 19, 1983. Spunky was 13 months old, got his second leg on his CD with a 198. I forgot until I looked at the trophies that it was my 30th birthday The picture of us with the Goldens says it all We lost the runoff who cared and ended up 3rd HIT.My most satisfying moment bar none was earning the first utility leg in UKC and first time qualifying outside the backyard with a 194.5 on September 22 of this year and our first Canadian utility leg with 196 and third place out of 13 qualifiers October 20 of this year. For me there is no greater thrill than watching my dog "turn it on" in utility. My greatest fear is that he may take a jump wrong and end it all when he is so close.Question Do you have a worst momentAnswer Yes, right here in Lansing in 1983. During our trial, Spunky was in novice. On the stand for examination there was a spot on the mat he just had to take two steps to investigate. Wouldn't you know, that's where he was placed for the long sit and down. He managed to only creep six inches for the sit, but on the down he had slithered about a foot to sniff for an eternity, sIowly stand over the spot, arch his back and carefully let loose with a six inch puddle. I suppose everyone has one of those days, right Question Have you ever considered breeding ycrlIMAp . W , I I jphanie and Brenda, surrounded by Steph's iphies.restion What was Stephanie's record and what ms do you have nowiswer Stephanie Beata Susanne, AmCan CD8POMERANIAN REVIEWeutcC at 6 Ct . .ttVrir d1- , i' - Usi n f,iW,I 1- -T1 Wl- k-offtrfry1..... j.u " -if r^,x.,VSout6atd4, fo Sev-Tfon,"Poasty" makes history as the second black and tan bitch to take two Croup Firsts. The first black and tan bitch was her Best in Show winning half-sister, Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasty's Tanya. Both were sired byCh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge 1 Pom 1981, 1982, 1983. In the short time she has teamed with Mike she has 2 Croup wins and numerous Croup placements. Watch for Mike and "Poasty."OwnerJudi Boston Payne Sonnenschein Kennels 13548 Castleton Dallas, TX 75234BreederCo-OwnerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456HandlerMichael Kemp4 POMERANIAN REVIEWswer At this time 1 don't breed. 1 would like to ed Sunni to a good dog with obedience titles some point Margaret McKee, are you ening My dream has always been to neday raise and sell some Poms with dience titles to people who would also show m in obedience.estion We all suffer from a lack of f-confidence when showing. Even with a iroughly trained dog there are shakey times, y commentswer I guess for me that would be in open rk. Spunky is my first dog to go on into ranced obedience. I will never forget those t few times when I went in the ring in fun tches. I had never gone into the ring off lead, vays in Novice we'd had to heel on lead before ng forced to give up that lifeline, the leash, very comforting to know that your dog is linded by the lead that you're in there to rk, so no funny stuff After it comes off, of jrse, it's every dog for himself. But at least dng the lead to clench gave your hands nething to do. Now in open you must present o the steward as you enter the ring, would think, "Oh Cod My dog will run out the ring. When we do the about turn at the rance to the ring I know he'll forget to turn d wander out to see if there's a little girl Pom newhere nearby. Great, he stayed with me. w if he doesn't go over the jump, grab the mbell and give it to the judge to play with, 'II have it made. Well, now we've done the nps and all that's left is the long sit and down, ce of cake. I'll turn my back and walk out of ht and he'll probably get up to play with a stball No, he's still sitting. What about that leaning over the gate with a hot dog in her id Five minutes staying down with me out of ht and him staring at a kid with a nice hot dog oo much. He'll never stay. He does I'm going stick gum in that kid's pigtails before norrow's event."Ne were finished with our American CDX and nadian CDX before I think I really began to st that he was trained well enough. 1 don't aw if it was because he was my first advanced g or that he was in open so young he finished 18 months but it sure was a terrifying feeling, rhen when you get to utility, you not only n't have a lead anymore you can't even talk to jr dog The first exercise is Hand Signals only, guess what I'm saying is that every time you er the ring, no matter how well trained your g is, you do not know what is going to happen.IfW iw\\ir wmi_ . . _ .........Spunky receiving 3rd HIT amid a sea of Golden RetrieversIt's all shakey.Question You must spend a lot of time with your Poms. Do you have any hobbies or anything else that you do with your spare timeAnswer I enjoy going to garage sales. My mother and I have found exercise pens, airline crates, Central Metal crates, collars, leads, figurines and even a Pom portrait Recently I found a book called "Spunky."Presently I've been spending a lot of time and money trying to get the APC to lower the jumps. After ten years of wishing the jumps were lower, through the APC it may become a reality. Since we are so close, I'm directing all my energy and cash to see it come true.Question Speaking of wishes and dreams coming true, what are your goals in obedienceAnswer Both my dogs are in training for their American and Canadian Tracking Tests. We're shooting for next spring on the TDs, maybe fall of '86 or spring of '87 for TDX tests. I'm hoping to see Spunky as UDTX and Sunni and AmCan Ch UDTX.Question Brenda, I'm sure everyone wishes you luck and maybe your goal will stimulate others to do the same."The dog is the virtue which could not be turned into a human being. Victor Hugo8POMERANIAN REVIEWJJ^.LL dA 'rf ^HT'i '71' V4 r-ir3it iWNI r'ar ,E IIp rf 1' k Lr t 20V 0'tmk V,,Desirees Smokey Mt. BoyCedarwood's Cold Nugget x Desiree's Rippling BrookeIn ten days time this nice young dog has accomplished the following WD at Oak Ridge KC for 1 pt. Best of Breed over 1 special for 1 pt. at Tennessee Valley KC Best of Winners for 1 pt. at Greater Kingsport KC and Best of Breed and Croup 4 Whoopeeeee for a 4 pt. major at Augusta KC.Many thanks to Christine Mullen who took him over the last part of September when he wasn't even lead trained and did a superb job of training and showing him. She is also training a bitch puppy for me, Desiree's Model Brooke Shield who took WB at Columbia KC Nov. 9 for 2 pts at 6Vi months of age. I would also like to thank all the judges who appreciated my boy and girl.509 Oakdale St. Gastonia, NC 28054Desaree Sandifer [704865-0859116 POMERANIAN REVIEWSljady cPark^Pomg"Tan Tara," 8 pts. is pictured with her mother "Chance," 14 pts. winning iouble major wins under Miss Mignon Murray.Special thanks also to the following udges William Bergum, Betty Krause, id Jenner, Dr. Berndt, Harold Bishop, Dorothy Welsh, Joy Davison, Cynthia iommers and Lena Wiseman.-n-F,..'7 e 'IklREST QE WJNNEPSVSEPT.PHOTO0LSN _VJINNERSOOG \ 33ABreederOwnerHandler5108 N. Parkdale Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151iana L. Nolan 816 741-1650Going To The APC Specialtyby Brenda Huttono you're thinking you would like to Icipate in the APC National Specialty, it nds like a wonderful time all those Poms, n people, the chance to meet big-name ders and handlers, swapping stories and Diming tips and enjoying other interesting its, like the great food.irst, you'll need to know where the show is ng held. Ok, so where is the Roosevelt Hotel Jew York City New York is a pretty big town, ou are from the mid-west, like 1 am, the Big Die is a maze.hould you fly or drive If you fly, which is the sest airport to the hotel Can you take a bus m the airport, or must you take a taxi Are s allowed on buses Will there be anyone else he airport to share a taxi How much is taxi likely to cost If you are going to drive, who oing from your area with whom you could poor what sort of parking problems are you ng to meet in New York et's assume you have answered all these stions. There is still the hotel to consider.You know how to get there but you've heard it's going to be very expensive. Should you plan on as much as 100 to 125 per night Who wants to share a room You could probably talk to your APC buddies and arrange this in advance. You know you'll be there Saturday night and Sunday night if you plan to attend the banquet. If you're going to the Carden and why miss it since you're already there, Monday and Tuesday nights as well. Luckily, the Carden this year is on Monday for Toys, but Groups and Best in Show will be Tuesday. It certainly would be an experience to see the whole thingOther questions arise. What do you do with your dogs while you are at the Garden and they are not entered The biggest questions for me, since I am in the obedience demonstration, is where to exercise the dogs while at the hotelWell, you certainly have your questions. How are you coming with the answers Never mind. Forge ahead and make your reservations, pack your suitcase and all the dog equipment. Crab and Poms and have a wonderful time87POMERANIAN REVIEWAlia tw-v.'\L V1-s'Srv'y. mi m__NEWCHAMPIONTIMBERLAND VALLEYiDOG FANCIERSFALL OF t85' AStevenRoss- ,'-K...Ch. Aija's Que Sera Call Me Mr.Shown finishing his title under Mr. George Payton. Puppies Available.HandlerDana Plonkey Randy Gemmill 14815 Manor Way Alderwood Manor, WA 98037 206 743-1601OwnerIngrida Gasaway 34409 Kinsman Rd. E. Roy, WA 98580 206 843-1543POMERANIAN REVIEW88Rating Systems and More5DELANEY RATING SYSTEM Top Obedience Poms 1984190-194.5185-189.5180-184.5175-179.5170-174.543Delaney points are awarded for Highest coring Dog in Trial or for class placements, gardless of score. Points are equivalent to the umber of dogs defeated. Thus, a HIT gives a big oost to a dog's points. Novice dogs are included i this system. APC members are noted with a211581. Twinkle Little Super Star UD .J. Ceeslin D. Crain2. Myway Jimbo Jangles UD,. .Mrs. F. McConnell3. Lennis'Red Denim Levi UD.T. Carrel I4. Pomirish Tuffy TumbleweedM. Lazzara78ar.641. Twinkle Little Super Star UD,J. Ceeslin and D. Crain2. 'Chuckos Prince Jory,.................P. ZeccaLennis' Red Denim Levi UD,T. Carrell4. Ch. Penru Prima Ballerina O Jabil CD ..197 R. Coltz J. Young5. Ch. Sunswept Anticipation CD,L. Gallacher6. Damiens Little Cream Puff,.............J. Urban7. 'Midnight Shogun CD, ....................JoEllen Corley8. 'Shopes Cupid Bella Donna,.. .L. K. Shope9. LaraesKaylee....................................L. Brown0. Misty of Vienna.................................F. Davis36958200200STATISTICSAs reported in AKC Show Awards from October 84 to October 85, Pomeranians received the following titles91APC members 678Companion Dog 25 Companion Dog Excell. 6 APC members 3 APC members 270 Utility Dogs 3 Obedience Trial Ch. 1 APC members 066Thirty-five titles were awarded a little below our average. Score averaging remained about the same however. For the CD title, the average score was 193.0 open was 190, but utility dropped from 196 to 190.Poms were reported to have obtained 137 qualifying scores which were good for20 First places16 Second places 27 Third places17 Fourth places 5 Highs in Trial5351SHUMAN RATING SYSTEM Top Obedience Poms 1984The Shuman System was designed to reward ogs which score both high and consistently, lovice scores are not considered because of the mited showing permitting in novice classes, oints are awarded for all qualifying scores, tore points are awarded for scores in the top 90's, while the rest of the scores are in 5 point Dreads. This is supposed to allow for the fact rat some judges are more generous than others nd prevent a clamor for easy judges. Only 4 lacings for most breeds.The High in Trial Poms so far in 1985 are Twinkle Little Super Star, UD, J. Ceeslin D. CrainAlexandria KC 197Noah's Abra Ka Dabra, D. Bauman Princeton DTC Staten Island DTC Monticello KC Parkersburg DTC199.5199200Points199.5core80098-199.595-197.5768SPOMERANIAN REVIEWc renPattys PomeraniansCh. PattysPeaches of DamortS'Wmm I have some outstanding litters due this winter. They include a repeat breeding of Ch. Peaches and Peaches is bred back to her grandsire, Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order. Most of my pups will be for sale. Some blacktans expected.LnrPatty Jensen 6520 Came Farm Rd. E. Mound, Ml 55364 612 472-5950 . ' '-4 . EHMoe-Best Tan Talizer x A Love Note From LennisCh. Millbrook's El Gran CaballeroSireCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond H Sire of over 12 champions plus BIS winner.i44SagVOwner HandlerAnna LaFortune 3139 FlorineLemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700t4liriT9'.i I "r\ .Hi i1U4 390 POMERANIAN REVIEWPom Review Obedience DirectoryApril 1983Along Myway, Milly Miller................................Obedience News, Emma Heyde.....................July 1983Obedience News, Emma Heyde.....................January 1985Along Myway, Molly Miller...............................Obedience News, Emma Heyde.....................Starting Your ConformationObedienceProspect, Linda Callacher...........................The Dog Came, POP.......................................The OTCh., Mary Vickers................................Questions and Answers, Judy Green . .. Heeling Footwork, Marian Lazzara .. Seminars and Clinics, Linda Miller ....Memories..........................................................What Is A CD, Francie Wilmeth....................Lin Dee, Linda Miller........................................The Judge's View.............................................In The Novice Ring..........................................HIT and Rating Systems.................................Yips and Yaps, Lis, Vickers.............................April 1985Obedience Equipment, Linda Miller. . .Profile Sue Powers.........................................Questions and Answers, Judy Green . . .Obedience News, Emma Heyde.....................Yips and Yaps, Jones, Vickers, Lessard. . . 90-92 July 1985Specialty Legs, Mary Vickers........................Beyond AKC Obedience, Pt. 1.....................Questions and Answers, Judy Green . .PKT, Ruth Ellis...............................................Obedience News, Emma Heyde...................Profile Marian Lazzara.................................Teaching The Croup Obedience Class,Christina Garrett........................................Yips and Yaps, Frank, Hutton.......................October 1985Questions and Answers, Judy Green . .Conditioning, Ruth Ellis..................................Beyond AKC Obedience, Pt 2......................Obedience News, Emma Heyde...................Helpful Hints, margaret McKee.....................Profile Linda Callacher.................................Yips and Yaps, Miller, Frank, Lessard, Callacher, Vickers, Mayes.........................In 1985, much obedience information was ound in the Pomeranian Review, but it has Iways been there. Sometimes you just had to jok a little deeper, or wait an issue or two.Two of our regular columnists write on many spects of dogs, but since they both have bedience backgrounds it seems to slip into lany of their columns. They are Molly Miller, uthor of "Along Myway" and Margaret McKee, ho does the "Helpful Hints" column.The following is a near-complete list of articles hat obedience buffs won't want to miss or might ke to review.586670308284889498102anuary 1979 104106PageObedience Ring, Emma Heyde Helpful Hints, Margaret McKeeebruary 1980Obedience News, Emma Heyde AKC Obed. Judges Seminar, Sophie Mayes . 30 Tracking With Poms, Sophie Mayesanuary 1981Obedience News, Emma Heyde. ...Choosing An Obed. Class, Claudia Frank ... 34 Pomeranians In Obedience, Bunny Noble . . 47 Obed. Training Then Now, Sophie Mayes. 57tpril 1981Helpful Hints, Margaret McKee...................Obedience News, Emma Heyde.................uly 1981Kennel Visit Margaret McKee....................Recipe for Obedience, Merle Rook ..October 1981Kennel Visit Chris Heartz...........................Obedience News, Emma Heyde.................Let's Take A Walk, Merle Rook..................anuary 1982Cover, Cover Story, Carolyn CrockettCenter Spread.............................................Obedience News, Emma Heyde.................Obedience Incentive, Tammy CarrellHelpful Hints, Margaret McKee..................OTCh., Eleanor Uhland...............................Corrections In Obedience, Merle RookYips and Yaps, Sophie Mayes......................Vpril 1982Yips and Yaps, Claudia Frank......................anuary 1983Along Myway, Molly Miller.............................Midwest Report, Sally Baugniet....................21 1101124211426 1181191205251295254786073 82416 3860 506230 1067987 110127822,32,33 3725 4427 626635744076506291-96857082I9POMERANIAN REVIEWSXltyssaiIIFVI 'JA. X 0 Nkennel cldbAUCDST 4 1985tot t 6uf 4 TH[6 .KGR GUPsf \ BOOTHPHOTOMercers Myssa of rDoo-SfiayChesai Sunpower Cyclone x Mercer's Marisa Touch Judge Mrs. Richard E. SmithGroup wins and multiple Best of Breeds puts Allyssa out in front where she belongs. She has been traveling with her handler and buddy, David B. Gibbons of Taylor, Michigan and looking for a 3 point major to finish. Thank you, Dan Mercer, the breeder of this perky and showy little gal.Consistent perfection watch for offspring from Allyssa and our outstanding Ch. Cheelan Chesai Star Editor Bonner bred and featured in July'85 issue of Pom Review.OwnerShannon Johnson 5135 N. Gale Rd. Davison, Ml 48423 313 653-0009BreederDan Mercer Big Springs, NE92 POMERANIAN REVIEWsGteal Elm Kernels, Reg'd.Congratulations to Bob Goodrich on his new champion G.E. Something Special and to Maynard Wood who so expertly showed him to his title."Speck" is the first champion sired by our little G.E. Timstopper's Davy.Congratulations also to Maynard Wood on his new champion Great Elms Timstopper's Pride finished in 6 times in the ring sired by our Cedarwood Cold Nugget.Due to my health, I must greatly reduce my stock.Ruth L. Beam 704 889-9233P.O. Box 937 Pineville, NC 28134Moe-Best PomeraniansMoe-BestRepeatSinsationpCh. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order x Ch. Moe-Best Contant AttentionThanks to Mr. Ed Dixon for "Gizmo's" 5 pt. major at Carrol County KC BOB over 4 specials from Bred by Exhibitor class, his second 5 pt. major At stud at approved bitches.3,7523 Bay Front Rd. Baltimore, MD 21219Terri Moebuis301 285-5477 or 477-38249POMERANIAN REVIEW311 JHemxrrtJ oi' t1\Am. Cart. Eh. pltllslrortfs jialhrn ChipAm. Ch. Chips of Diamond x Emcee's Golden Girl of TaraBest of Breed A.P.C. 1983 Specialty2 Toy Specialties 7 Bests in Show 38 Croup FirstsOur condolences to Natalie Dunfee on the loss of her C.J. He will be missed as her adoring companion as well as a champion-producing stud dog.Frances and Michelle McDonaldHobbit PomeraniansHelen Dunfee LaVally Yorkshire Terriers94 POMERANIAN REVIEWUShy Acres Pomsoffers for saleShy Acres Little Beau JanglesSon of Ch. Mac's Maybe 1 Will.fPictured taking WD from puppy class under Dr. A.T. Kirk in Chalmette, LA. Beau is a bright orange with some sabling. He will mature around 4-4Va lbs. Pedigree available on request.VJ 7Shy Acres Mitey Mite IHe just won a Croup at the Lake Charles B Match at 5 months of age. He has a gorgeous pedigree and will mature at 3'A to 4 lbs. He will be a bright orange sable.PWe are expecting 3 new litters by Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will in December. Congratulations to Al Williamson on finishing Ch. Cenla Sue's Mr. T. He also has 2 gorgeous pups by Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will that may be even nicer than Mr. T. if that's possibleCongratulations also to Juanita Fiddick who recently purchased Ch. Shy Acres I Kan Too. I hear he is producing well for her. She recently had a litter of 4 by him and 2 were black. Good luckAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St. Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648 or 238-020271SEPOMERANIAN REVIEWGuys N Gals Pomeranians-'.. M.\IT.- N - . 4VCn t ^V,vn iVI.'iW3k-jQueenaire Whizzle StikCh. Model's Bit-O-Whiz x Ch. Queenaire Bright PromiseWHIZZLE DOES IT AGAINPictured going Best of Breed over lovely specials at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii 4th Specialty on September 15 for 5 points under Roland Adameck. The week before he was Best of Breed and Group 2 at the Hawaiian Kennel All-Breed Show under J. Graham Head. Whizzle needs 2 points to finish. Many thanks to Yvette Oganeku for her superb handling of Whizzle.Handled byYvette OganekuOwnerJosephine Ching 2829 Booth Road Honolulu, HI 96813 808 537-1565POMERANIAN REVIEW96YIPS YAPSPhyllis Martin other dogs in the ring so that they are hopefully turned off, "accidentally" dropping brushes near other dogs and this happens at nearly every show, and grousing about another person's wins rather than congratulating them.Come on Pom owners of the Northwest. Our wins are only as good as the quality we win against so don't stack with inferior dogs, even though you do have them registered. Come on exhibitors and be a good sport, for win or lose you will still take home your best friend at the end of the show. That Pom loves you. Do you love him or the win mostI've been putting off writing this for almost aear.I raised Poms for several years and read every sue of Pom Review over and over like the Bible, ecause of personal reasons I quit raising Poms id dropped the Review. Last year I started back lain and naturally sent my order off for the eview.Well, was I ever surprised to see the new eview. It was full of goodies and so large. Then ime the obedience issue, which lead me to try train my first obedience Pom. Then when I lought they couldn't get any better, along came le July issue in full blazing color. WOWI carried that around for weeks showing it to iy other doggie friends.Then I said to myself, they won't ever top that, ow I read in the October issue we are going to maybe 6 issues. I couldn't believe it. We cam uly say we keep up with the time.My hat's off to the Editor. You are doing one ck of a good job. Also the ones before I may it have known about in the last 6 years. Not at the Review wasn't good in past years, it was jt it is truly an informed Review now.Keep up the good work. I'm behind you 100.Phyllis M. AndrewsEd. Note A very timely letter. Be sure to see Alvin Crossman's article called "Sportsmanship" elsewhere in this issue.Susan LeeThis letter concerns a book titled Champions 1952-1981. company called ordering this book. I got a card back from Freund Publishing Co. who apparently had taken over Pata. They told me they would let me know when the book was ready for print. Just recently I got a letter stating a new party was taking over since the previous company had gone bankrupt. There is a 3 year old mailing list for this book and many of these people have already paid for their book, but never received them. This debt has to be taken care of first before any copies can be sold to the public. They also want to update the book to 1985, which is four years of newer champions that are needed. Even if the information isn't gathered the book will still be printed as is.If anyone has ordered this book and wants to get in touch with the new company, here is the address they can write toDorothy Johnson P.O. Box 204 Pollock Pines, CA 95726Lavina K. GartonPomI first wrote to a Pata Publications aboutl have attended some shows lately as a ectator and am quite upset about a few things I ive been seeing in the Pom ring. I sincerely pe that it has been from lack of knowledge, it somehow I don't think it is. I have seen'stacking" shows under judges wellvnerslown by their handler to make up majors. Now tacking" with quality is one thing, but stacking th inferior dogs that should be sold as pets is tally another. Dogs coming into the ring dirty, itrimmed on feet or ears, having not much are than a lead around their necks and shownth much less than professionalism makes me jnder what is going on. Did that same person ter her hoped-to-be-finished and it was Pom similar condition Of course not That dog was t down to perfection, freshly bathed, trimmed every hair and shown to perfection. I rsonally don't think much of a champion that inished against such poor competition. Another thing I have noticed repeatedly is or sportsmanship. Tricks such as crowdingSomething occurred this summer that was unpleasant and could have spelled disaster for my little hobby kennel of Poms. In August I purchased a black Pom puppy bitch from a well-known breeder. Many of our current Pom kennels have foundation stock purchased from97POMERANIAN REVIEWLady Li and Bry-Turproudly present3r'f \1 i \tI my Xk jkrUVLady IDiPs Parti Panda BearBry-Tur Touch of Class x Riggins Gambling PartiThank you, judge Dr. William E. Field, Jr.Congratulations to Earl and Sherry Steinmetz and to Prestigious Pee Wee Parti on their wins under Betty Francis and Francis Thorton.Breeder Owner HandlerDiane Clark-Bryant 2370 Margery West Linn, OR 97068 503 657-3002POMERANIAN REVIEW98and not cleaning up other peoples' messes. But above all not watching the little innocents suffer.his source. We spent the night at a motel in the ame town and late in the evening the puppy leveloped diarrhea. I called the seller and was old to have the pup checked for whipworms as here were a lot of them in the state where the luppy was born. When we arrived home in Virginia the next day, the puppy was lypoglycemic but responded will to treatment, uckily we kept her isolated. After a few days she legan to show blood in the stool. On the next lay we went to the vet. We expected wh ipworms lut surprise we had a case of Strongylosis vhich is transmissable to human beings. The vet autioned me of the nature of this disease due to he age and health of my husband he was not to landle the puppy. The vet gave three distinct loses of medicine and complete home care nstructions. That night I called the party from vhom we purchased the puppy and was told that he puppy had been treated earlier for trongylosis at the breeder's kennel. If the ireeder knew about this problem, why wasn't I old about it at the time of purchasing the luppyTen days later the puppy began to scratch and lite at herself violently. 1 had noticed callouses in her elbows and hocks, like what is seen on an ild dog that had lived on cement. I had never een a four month old toy puppy with such a ondition. I again checked with our vet. Good lews this time. We now had Sarcoptic Mange. I iroceeded to dip the puppy per vet's advice and ve jumped that hurdle.This is a case that goes far beyond buyer leware. How quickly this could have been buyer loses all"The puppy has recuperated now and is doing leautifully, no thanks to the producing or the elling kennel. Happily I isolated the puppy or ny other stock could have been contaminated, et's consider the innocents the home pet luyer or the first time Pom fancier who doesn't mow about these problems. Can you imagine a amily with children or grandchildren contract- ng strongylosis or sarcoptic mange There are ither victims too like the little five pound nnocents who can't speak for themselves and ust ask for love and a pleasant home. It really lurts to see a puppy look at me and wonder why he had to be confined or wonder what she had lone wrong The puppy is a very loving little om and is doing fine now. Maybe the next time 'ou hear from me, God willing, we'll have a lappy note. I'd really rather be planning nice itters and making progress in my own kennelSandra DavisI found this in a rural branch of the U.S. Postal Service. I thought it was kind of a kick. My dogs would probably lick the postman to death if they got the chanceStop Dog Attacks\nPlease keep your dog fenced, leashed, or confined.Ed. Note This must be the poster to which Margaret McKee referred in her "Helpful Hints" column, October 1984. Mary Vickers also wrote about this poster in her Baltimore club report in the January 1985 issue. Regardless of the caption, this dog doesn't look like he's going to attack anything, least of all the person who delivers the Pom ReviewLorna MannisAs an old timer in Toys, I found it amusing to watch some "stacked" shows. The quality was poor as was the judging. What is the breeder proving A display of poor quality makes an ever poorer champion. Pity the poor buyer who does not know the quality. Such a pity we have to tolerate politics so blatantly put forth. Who can one blame, judge, handler or breeder All three I would say. They have no ethics to call their own.Is this really dog showing or "expensive ego trip" Could the dog finish in good company Why were all the stackers absent the next day Food for thought. I will watch. I would not want to be part of the wi n at al I cost.It is unfair to use animals for this purpose. Are you really a breeder or just on a "trip"S9POMERANIAN REVIEWTiperon Pomeraniansproudly presents my newest starfPr a\'LtPI\\k Ni1- krr6MW3rf-al01W 4i, rS^V If Ao_September 28, 1985 under judge Mr. A. Garland, BOW and BOB and on to finish with another Group 3 and Best Puppy in Group.August 4, 1985 under judge Mrs. Robertson, BOB over multi Group winning special and on to Group 3 and Best Puppy in Croup.Can. Ch. Tiperons ExpectationsAC Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip x Can. Ch. Tiperon's Catch Me If You CanIn the October Review on page 67, I introduced you to Sunny, now Can. Ch. Tiperon's Dream Whip, who is Cory's litter brother. Both these special males finished as puppies with group wins over very nice specials. They will be out as specials in the spring after growing more coat. Litters expected from both Cory and Sunny in December.Congratulations to Kurt Vanlhsem of Elmhurst, NY on the purchase of Niblet, Tiperon's Corn on the Cob. Good luck with this special little guy.Also, thanks for all the letters of inquiry on my October ad. Three champions standing at stud to approved bitches only. Pedigrees sent on request.Toy Handling Services available. See you at the NY Specialty.For Poms with Designer GenesHamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C3B41316 Upper James St. 416 388-9039Jenny Noonan100 POMERANIAN REVIEWSportsmanship, from p. 80.week. It's amazing how many dedicated and knowledgeable people we have in the judges ranks. We have learned to sit back and appreciate their skills.We sure wish more people would.Sharon MasnickAs a Pom breeder and a lover of dogs, I feel at due to current lifestyles of many families ime people are being denied the pleasure and impanionship of a dog of any breed. Economy, terest rates and the cost of purchasing a home ive forced many families to live in apartments townhouses. In most of these areas, pets are at allowed, or if allowed, the family is charged large deposit to cover the damage a pet might luse.I occasionally take one of my Poms to a opping center for training purposes and am rprised how many people stop and comment i how they wish they could have a dog.In my opinion, a well chosen dog for the ivironment and well trained could not be such problem. I wish something could be done to minate this form of discrimination.CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"16.00 per year Third Class Mail 17.00 per year Foreign U.S. Funds Only 21.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time 3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days.If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office.ecretary's Report, from p. 8.Editors Fees, October 85 PR atal Expenses2340.002440.75come Over Under Expenses alance, Cash in Checking Account ash in Savings Account,Cuaranty Bank September Interest Received alance, Cash in Savings Account875.501913.9112779.0377.0212856.05BACK ISSUES1980 to date 4.00 each Years prior to 1980 3.00 each.rand Total, Checking and Savings Accounts14769.9685 1,4,7,10aspectfully submitted, Williamson84 4,1083 1,7,1082 4,10m Club of Cr. Des Moines, from p. 38. 81 . 1,780 .1,4,7,10Den ROCS, Pompuf Disco Spicer O'Sonnet, eeder-owner Gwen Flodson. inners Dog Ken Vor's Viscount Ewok inners Bitch Pom Puf Disco Spicer O'Sonnet ud Dog Moe-Best Tan-Talizer, breeder Terri oebuis and Elsa Raidma, owner Patty of Winners Ken Nor's Viscount Ewokst of Breed Ch. D-Nee's Darin Duffie, breederadine Hersil, owner Carol F. of Opposite Sex Ch. Patty's Peaches of amon's, breeder Mike Daman, owner Patty nsen.79 1,578 .477 7,1076 475 174 773 470 10Congratulations The Pom Review hit an "all time" circulation high in October 710.10POMERANIAN REVIEWLLL KennelsXT'rJ'BEST OF WINNERS kTRI-STATEkennel clubm'I 9 65PHOTO BY PETRULIS mJ.CfuLLL Ts Gold CrystalCh. LLL Moongold Trapper, Croup placement xCh. LLL Mite of Cold Suzanna, Croup winnerCrystal is pictured at Tri-State KC on 42785 at 7 months of age winning under judge Lois Holcomb. She finished from puppy class in Arkansas in June.Opportunity KnocksWe are keeping one champion male, 2-4 champion females and maybe 1-2 puppies from fall litters. Everything else goes We still have lots of breedable size females left.Ch. LLL Charming Cold Brandywine is looking for a specials home. Outright sale or lease co-ownership considered.BreederOwnerHandlerRt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316443-5157Janice Luginsland102 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERS81Jones, Debra Lynn .............................Kennedy, Debbie Adorable . . .LaFortune, Anna..................................Lehtinen, Jane Jan Le........................Luginsland, Janice LLL ....................Massey, Jon and Roberta MidasBarnes, Dorathy Dan-D.......................Baugniet, Sally Pomirish.....................Beam, Ruth Great Elms......................Blake, Evelyn Blake.............................Boyer, Larry and Cathy Double C Braczyk, Claudia and Ed Sun FoxCarreil, Tammy.......................................Carson, Morris and Betty Emcees Chicarelli, Mavis Windy Acres . .Ching, Josephine Guys N Cals . .Clark, Ron and Chris Double C . . Clark-Bryant, Dianne Lady Di.. .Conley, Evelyn and Rollie Lyn-Lee .... FrontCreed, Charlotte Southland........................Creider, Norma Creider .............................Dunfee, Natalie Tynan...............................Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre..........................Edmisten, Carolyn and Julie FanfareEverette, Brenda Bali Hai..........................Freia, Jerrie Janesa ..................................Cad, Norma Chula.......................................Carton, Lavina Carton ...............................Casaway, Ingrida Aija.................................Cemmill, Randy Valcopy............................Griffin, Patty...................................................Gustafson, Art and Linda Carousel .Harbin, Irene and Sylvia Harbin ....Heartz, John and Christine Chriscendo .. .47 Hood, Kathy Sweetheart....Husband, Michael Baudier. .Jensen, Patty Patty.......................Johnson, Shannon Doo Shay655258992457IFC,101 . .10,11McDonald, Frances Michelle Hobbit 57,93McKee, Margaret Idlewyld.....................Miller, Molly Myway................................Moebuis, Terrie Moe-Best......................Nagy, Barbara and Steve Rhea-NaNolan, Diane Shady Park......................Noonan, Jennie Tiperon........................Norris, Beverly Bev-Nor.........................Payne, Judi Boston..................................Payson, Paula Karadarn ......................Plonkey, Dana Wakhan.........................Presser, Marlin and Marlene Apolloette . . 13 Reese, Mildred LaPosh . . .Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres Roberts, Carolyn and Sonny Chip-A-Way . 59 Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar Sandifer, Desaree Desiree Shellman, Nancy Donara Steinmetz, Sherry and Earl Prestigious . . .19 Stephens, Tom and Jessie Jestoms Terry, Ron and Barbara Rolain . . .Vickers, Mary............................................Whiddon, Barbara Sho-Nuf....................Whitaker, PatAldon..................................Young, Janice Cherokee.........................3018774352,533375929549308697991741833031211561543967943710328,29558587231556.73794563517127699358991Dbedience Questions, from p. 46.ire on the lookout for handlers who are not ixactly in heel position when they leave their logs, who are touching the dog when they say tay, who go farther than six feet away, or not far inough, or who go partway away from the dog md then back up the rest of the way. If you have i hard time judging six feet, measure it out at lome and see how many steps it takes to go that ar. Then when you're in the ring and you're lervous, count steps to yourself as you leave. It akes me three somewhat shortened strides to get jut there.After the judge has examined your dog, he will ell you to return. Don't return before he asks ou to. Then, pass the dog on the right, go all the vay around behind him and into heel position. \nd I mean heel position. The judge can dockyou as much as two points if you return incorrectly. When you stop next to the dog, your left leg should be right next to the dog's shoulder. Don't try to line your toes up with his, especially if you have large feet. This could drop your leg behind the dog's shoulder and you would lose points. Also make sure you are standing as close to your dog as you would if he were heeling. Standing out farther from the dog because you think he will move if you come in closer is another error the judge can get you for.Have someone who is knowledgeable watch you practice and point out any problems you are having. This is a great way to catch errors.Until next time, you all take care and happy heelingioPOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Texican's Giant Killer Chula.v .mf.^AllV3 r4^4.\mlKILLER"It was easy, Mom. In two days I was a Multi Group Winner"Chapparal K.C. 10-11-85 Best of Breed and Croup 1, Mr. Frank Nishimura.Rio Pecos K.C. 10-12-85 Group 1, Miss Dorothy Nickles, Breed, Mr. LangdonSkarda.El Paso K.C. 10-13-85 Croup 2, Mr. Tom Conway, Breed, Mr. Darrell Baker. All breed wins over three specials one a group winner, one a BIS and BISS winner.A week later in Austin, Killer was BOB over top ranked, multiple BIS and BISS pom under Miss Iris de la Torre Bueno and on to Croup 4 under Mr. Cyril Bernfield. Thank you allBreederThis time handlerErika K. MoureauCad's Chula Poms 5908 Westside Rd. El Paso, TX 79932 915 584-0942OwnerSometimes handler Norma C. CadPOMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWSunday, February 9,1986The Roosevelt on Madison Avenue, New York City, New York 0ROOM RATESSingle 78.00 Double 88.00 plus deposit of 30.00 Deposit refundable if no damage.For these special prices, specify the A.P.C. The more rooms credited to 'us, the more reasonable future prices will be. This block of rooms will be hold for us until two weeks before the show.212 661-9600A hospitality room will be provided by the A.P.C.Hors D'Oeuvres and drinks will be served February 8 and 9. A.P.C. Banquet Sunday February 9,1986MENUChicken Kiev Sauce Supreme or Beef Brochette or Seafood Brochette Cream of Asparagus Soup, Broccoli "Mimosa," Rissole Potatoes Dessert Cheese CakeReservations Deadline February 1, 1986 Don't DelayFill this in and send toSally Baugniet 11224 County Flyw. B Mishicot, Wl 54228-vr-------------- Number of Dinners. Chicken Kiev 30.75 APC members 25.75. Beef Brochette 34.50 APC members 29.50. Seafood Brochette 35.75, APC members 30.75.Tax and Tip included in above prices.APC members have a 5.00 break on their dinner thanks to the Houston Club's auction.Name. APC member.Address. .Amt. enclosed.Phone.