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The Pomeranian Review July 1986

American ^omerantan Club, Inc.PUBLISHED QUARTERLY1985 DWAA Best National Breed Club PublicationJULY 1986V. y94Qh. Wee Heepts Git of Gold Oust2 POMERANIAN REVIEWKHANIRAINBOW POMSr,aaj.w5 4 \T KhaniSpectacular SolitaireCh. Scotia Littleman Spectacular x Khani Crown Jewel Pictured with judge Fred Young and owner handler Connie Hendricks.Thank you Ray and Anna LaFortune for taking her to Arizona and getting her first major for us at Kachina KC under judge Mildred Bryant.She then came back to California to be owner handled to 4 straight wins Malibu KC under Mr. Edward Loebe, WB, BOS for 2 pts. Rio Hondo under Mr. Fred Young, WB, BOS for 2 pts. Cabrillo under Mr. Leslie Rogers, WB, BOW fori pt. Del Sur under Mr. James Moran, WB, BOW for 1 pt.We send our love to Edna Girardot. We are thrilled with our new addition of gorgeous Scotia Poms. Watch for Ch. Scotia Denis' Inspiration He finished at 8 months with two 5 pt. and two 4 pt. majors.Soon to be specialed.Byron and Connie Hendricks P.O. Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006 818444-5131__________________________ POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran Pnmmman Elub, Jttr.President..........................First Vice President .... Second Vice President . Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer..........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB...........................................................................Sue Goddard............................................................................Sam Zaneoff............................................................ Marlene Scott Halsey.............................................................................Olga Baker.........................................................................Dolores Watts4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613 .......................................................................... Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Peter Galindo Marlene Presser Delegate to AKCLt. Col. John Cribbs Dianne Johnson Mary Vickers . . .Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . .Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751 Circulation Manager........................ Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year 21.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo and Cover Story............ 90.00Inside Front Cover............................... 45.00Center Spread, 2 pages.........................90.00Full page...............................................40.00Three-quarters page ..............................35.00One-half page....................................... 25.00One-quarter page vertical only .... 15.00Classified Ads 1 inch...........................5.00Charge for photo reproduction ...............7.00Photos no longer on file. Photos must accompany ad copy.Color is available. Please call for price.ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos. Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.May 15 July 15September 15 November 15DEADLINESJuly Issue September Issue November Issue January IssuePOMERANIAN REVIEWTable of Contentsresident's Message...........................................5ecretars Report................................................6by Dolores Wattsallas-Ft. Worth Specialty................................8by Peggy Hendricksomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty............ 10by Clarice Oganekulay Colony Pom Club.................................... 12by Claire FlesnerColumbia Pom Club.......................................14by Emily Untalanom Club of Greater Houston........................ 14by Connie Tellez'lorthern California Pom Club........................16by Ruth A. Bugbeeuget Sound Pom Club................................... 18by Jessie Stephensom Club of Michigan....................................18by Dorathy BarnesJehind The New Champions.......................... 22acific Northwest News and Views................28by Erin HundleyMongMyway.................................................. 39by Molly Miller The Stud Register 1986Remember When...........................................65by Dorothy BonnerDbedience News.............................................66by Brenda HuttonTurning Back The Clock................................ 70by Mary VickersDbedience Profile Jo Ellen Corley................78\Cool Picture................................................... 80by Garrett O'DellDbedience Questions and Answers................ 84by Judy GreenHelpful Hints...................................................86by Margaret McKeePhoto Flints..................................................... 90by Heather Drope-MarchioneAcross Canada.................................................92by Chris HeartzThe Dog Came................................................ 96by Nigel Aubrey-JonesProtect Yourself Tattoo..................................98Midwest Report.............................................102by Sally BaugnietYips and Yaps ...............................................107Circulation Manager......................................109Index of Advertisers......................................110Cover Story"It's hard to be humble when you own a Pomeranian" We're all felt that way about our special, fluffy fellows, but when Ch. Wee Heart's Bit O' Gold Dust was born, his ownerbreeder Cassandra Ready knew something exceptional was in store.Dustee sensed his destiny, and with great flare he finished his championship before reaching the age of nine months, a mighty feat indeed He has continued to perform beautifully, receiving several BOB's to date.The result of a father-daughter breeding, line-bred heavily on Sungold's Gay Cavalier, Dustee is producing nicely with our related bitches as well as being out-crossed with our Great Elms line.While relaxing at home for the summer, Dustee is keeping busy with his duties in the harem, and is producing a beautiful new coat. Watch for him to arrive on the scene again in the fall as a Special.Our thanks and gratitude go to the many people who played a role in Dustee's being here, and those who fostered his show career, helping him finish at such an early age. He flourished under the care and attention when he was in your possession.Special accolades also to the judges who saw his potential and admired his form. He obviously knew you liked him and responded. That's DusteeP.S. Special thanks to Molly Gray for hours spent taking photos of Dustee for the cover.WEE HEART'S KENNELCassandra Ready, owner-breeder P.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822 803 593-3600POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENT'SMESSAGESue Goddard 19719 Rice LakeLn. Houston, TX 77084 713492-0849Several letters addressed to the Board in recent months prompt this message. It may be time for us to review the reasons we have a club. Basically our purposes, as stated in the Constitution, are to promote this our chosen breed by continually trying to upgrade the quality seen in Pomeranians, by holding shows which help us to evaluate the dogs we are producing, and to encourage area clubs. We elect Officers and Board Members to help guide the club, to coordinate our shows, to conduct our business and to hopefully represent the membership. We should not be a policing body and it is not our job to arbitrate disputes. Most of these matters must be settled by the individuals involved, or can clearly be AKC affairs regarding registrations. Additionally we have had quite a bit of correspondence regarding the color issue, most specifically the particolor Pom. From the earliest descriptions in our standard, we have listed and described the parti as an accepted color. Whether you choose to cultivate the rarer colors or not is an individual decision. Disgruntled sales will surely occur from time to time, but this is exactly why you should buy from someone you know and trust, as well as someone who understands your particular wants, if you possibly can. Even good friends discussing a dog right in front of them may perceive the dog differently, and what might be super important to one, may be of lesser importance to the other. In the final analysis you must trust in the person with whom you are dealing. We have all signed a Code of Ethics if we are APC members which states that a buyer has 48 hours to notify the breeder if a dog is unsuitable in some way and will be returned. It is, of course, so much better to go and see the dog if you can, knowing that the perfect Pomeranian has yet to be produced. Many breeders insist on this in preference to shipping on approval. In several cases wehave had complaints directed to the Boa regarding dogs that have been purchasi months and even years before. No one who human and hopefully that includes us al can predict exactly how a puppy or even pointed adult will turn out, and no one expected to give lifetime guarantees. Ai time you are dealing with a living thing, it subject to mishap and that is part of tl gamble you must be willing to take.As this is the stud issue I would like interject a purely person not Board opinio l feel very strongly that we have a club, ar are members of this club, to help each othe Probably no breed is more difficult to produi and if we can help each other, we are helpir to fulfill the obligation we have taken promote Pomeranians not just oi Pomeranians, but the breed as a whole. I a opposed to advertising a stud dog as "not public stud" unless it is an aging dog who stud services must be restricted. I also have rather negative feeling about the "to approve bitches only" stricture. Presumably anyor willing to pay the fee and other expensi shipping, vet care, etc. with a health registered bitch, is trying to do the be breeding possible to upgrade or perpetual their quality. You may be able to recommen one of your studs over another to complimei that bitch's pedigree, or in some cases to eve recommend another line because yo honestly feel that it would be a bett breeding for that dog, but to deny breedin entirely is another matter. Yes, I know the often the stud takes the brunt for any misha or poor result, but he also takes most of th credit when it is successful. Personally believe that in most cases the bitch has mor to do with the result than the dog. My da raised Quarter Horses, and I know they had saying that "a horse is only as good as hi mother." I wouldn't go that far regardin Poms, but I do think she is very important, don't feel that we can justify failing to hel our fellow breeders to improve their stock an be honestly subscribing to the stated purpose of our Constitution. Now I'll get down off m soap box. I won't have too many mor opportunities anyway.Hope to see a bunch of you in Washington.POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARY'S REPORTDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 310 372-8782The Annual Report and Membership Roster or 1986 has been sent out and I hope veryone received their copy.The following is a list of new memberstephen V. and Barbara Nagy It. 2, Box 221 tephens City, VA 22655 703 869-1843Turlock, California.Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club on 18 September 1986, at Amon Carter, Jr. Exhibits Bldg and Cattle Auction Arena, with Mrs. Michele Billings judging regular classes and Peggy Bush doing Sweepstakes.Western Pomeranian Club on 11 October 1986 at Donnelly Hall, McCormick Center in Chicago.San Diego Pomeranian Club on Friday, November 1, 1986 at Rohr Park, 4610 Sweetwater Road, Bonita, California, with Robert Jacobsen judging regular classes and Janet Allen doing Sweepstakes.Along with the Roster being mailed everyone received a Ballot for Judges for the 1988 National Specialty. Responses are already coming in so let's all be a part and send in your vote.lary H. Jones 05 S. Yale Garland, TX 75042 214272-9432vlary Morris I8 West 13 th St.-lolland, Ml 49423 616392-61583. Garrett O'Dell 208 Old Route 32 iaugerties, NY 12477 914 246-6012ohn and Camie Nye 22 S.E. Renee Hresham, OR 97030 503 667-2705Ilaine T. Leaird it. 2, Box 722 D .enoir, NC 28645 704 754-7253rhomas and Vickie Finnie it. 7, Box 151 3atesville, AR 72501 501 774-8912The following clubs have been granted Dermission to hold their SpecialtiesNCPC, Independent Specialty on Thursday, 20 November 1986 at the Fairgrounds inKENNEL VISITFor the first time in a long time, we will present a Kennel Visit in the new September issue. Dianne Johnson's Silva Lade Kennel will be featured and congratulatory ads should be received by the new deadline of July 15.Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O.Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751 If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620POMERANIAN REVIEW 7sm foit A.T " , Sun Fox Life's A PartyCh. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order x Sun Fox Lennis The Right Stuff"LiI Chance" will be shown this summer on the New England circuit. We have high hopes for this stunning, richly sabled boy. He has been bred to our foundation brood, Riki Teqi Tar of Lennis and to our lovely producer, Kennors Lady Trina. We look forward to two exciting litters. Inquiries are welcome.We thank Terri Moebuis for the opportunity to acquire Sun Fox Moe Best Sinsation, a half sister to Lil Chance. She will be an asset to our breeding program. Also, congratulations on your two litters from your Sun Fox girls.Best of luck to Debra Mohan and Sun Fox Steely Danielle. We hope she produces many nice pups for you.Best of luck at the shows.FLASH Sun Fox Life's A Party takes RWD at the Bay Colony Pom Club Specialty. Our thanks to judge Jackie KleinClaudia and Ed Braczyk 49 Stearns Road Amhprst NH 03031 603 672-06558 POMERANIAN REVIEWDallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Clubby Peggy HendricksThe Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club hosted its 27th Spring Specialty on March 21, 1986 at Amon Carter Square in Fort Worth, TX. Our Sweepstakes began at 5 o'clock with an entry of 17 precious puppies. Mr. Charles J. Smith very conscientiously placed his choices as followsPuppy Dogs 6-91. LLL T's Gold Totally Awesome, J. LuginslandPuppy Dogs 9-121. Slemp's High Stakes Binky, J.B. SlempPuppy Bitches 6-91. Creideds Spoonful of Sugar, N. CreiderPuppy Bitches1. Chula's Choice of Dragon Mark, N. Gad Best in Sweepstakes Chula's Choice of Dragon MarkBest of Opposite Sex LLL T's Cold Totally AwesomeRegular classes, with an entry of 46 dogs, were judged by Mrs. E.W. Tipton, Jr. After careful deliberation, her placements werePuppy Dogs 6-9LLL T's Gold Totally Awesome, J. LuginslandPuppy Dogs 9-12Tim Sue's Moon Rocket, E. MoureauWinners Dog went to Shy Acres Little Beau Jangles, owned by Audrey Roberts.Open DogsShy Acres Little Beau Jangles, A. RobertsWinners DogShy Acres Little Beau JanglesReserve Winners DogLLL T's Gold Totally AwesomeLJWinners Bitch and Best of Winners went to Chula's Texican Peppermist, owned by Erika Moureau and Norma Gad.Puppy Bitches 6-9Dancing Rockette of Oakridge, D. Rinehartand N. EppsPuppy Bitches 9-12Bom-Poms Parkin After Dark, B. GrayBred by Exhibitor BitchesPedrons Chychyn Dragon, P. Galindo and R.WelchAmerican Bred BitchesHHH Kiss'n Kate, D. MotleyOpen BitchesChula's Texican Peppermist, E. Moureau and N. GadWinners BitchChula's Texican PeppermistReserve Winners BitchLLL T's Cold Bubblicious, J. LuginslandBest of BreedCh. Precious Petite's Gabriel, C. PfefferBest of Winners, Best of Opposite SexChula's Texican PeppermistPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9Creider Tomer anionsKJ1SJBESTOPPOSITESEX1 _OZARKS KENNEL CLUB 1986PHOTO BY PETRULISCfi. Creiders SpoonfuC of SugarSugar is another daughter of Ch. Creideds Smoke N' Flame to finish. She was handled by Kathy Bucher.Congratulations to Virginia Noth and her CreideKs Bittersweet, another Smoke daughter.Mrs. Norma Creider Rt. 9, Box 674 Tulsa, OK 74107 918 446-683910 POMERANIAN REVIEW,JO' sBest of Breed went to Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel, owned by Claudia and Joe Pfeffer.Pomeranian Club of Hawaiiby Clarice OganekuWe held our 5th Specialty bn April 19, 1986 at the Honolulu Community College. Our judge for the show was Mr. Fred Bassett. He chose his winners as followsPuppy Dogs1. Alani's Nanakuli Flasher, Betty AonaOpen Dogs1. Guys N. Gals Humbug Bugsy, Janet Cox2. Jolly Wee Tippy's Tiger Rag, Janet Cox3. Great Elms Gizmo of Lenette, Janet Cox Winners Dog Guys N Gals Humbug Bugsy Reserve Winners Dog, Best Puppy Alani's Nanakuli FlasherCongratulations to all our winners and a big "thanks" to both our judges and our many exhibitors for their contributions in making this another very successful show.Thanks also to our club members and committees for all their hard work Show Chairman, Billy McDonald, Trophy Chairman, Margaret Mobley Advertising Chairman, John Hendricks Entertainment and Hospitality, Peggy Bush and Peggy Hendricks Ring Steward, Susan Ferguson.Our After Show Dinner was held at the Holiday Inn-Midtown just a few blocks from the show site. The room was filled with many guests, who served themselves from a Texas-sized Bar-B-Que Buffet. The food was excellent and everyone had a great time.Officers for April 1986 through March 1987 are President Peggy Bush Vice President Billy McDonald Treasurer Carol Sherry Recording Secretary Marti Bradford Corresponding Secretary Peggy Hendricks, 418 W. Grenoble, Grand Prairie, TX 75051 Board of Directors Margaret Mobley, Rowdy Steinmetz, Officers of the Club.The Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club will host a Fall Specialty, Thursday September 18, 1986 at the Dallas Convention Center, West Hall in Dallas, TX. Mrs. Michelle Billings will be our judge, with the Sweepstakes being judged by Peggy Bush. This show will be held in conjunction with three all-breed shows on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.See you all in September.mBESTPUPPYBest Puppy went to Alani's Nanakuli Flasher, owned by Betty Aona.American Bred Bitches1. Woodrose's Baker's Dream, Ellen TakayamaOpen Bitches1. Golden Joy of Shalom Agape, Clarice Yvette Oganeku2. Hy-Jan-Lee's Lil Rum Tart, Ellen Takayama and Arthur Takayama3. Guys N Gals Dolie Patches, Josephine Ching4. Hy-Jan-Lee Kandi of Woodrose, Betty Aona Winners Bitch Golden Joy of Shalomn AgapeReserve Winners Bitch Hy-Jan-Lee's Lil Rum TartBest of Breed Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik, Josephine ChingBest of Winners Guys N Gals Humbug BugsyPOMERANIAN REVIEWCarousel PomeraniansBr ar - - aBESTOPPOSITE SEXMID CONTINENT KENNEL CLUB 1986PHOTO BY PETRULIS'Ch. Carousels Miss Bo JanglesShown going Best of Opposite Sex under Mrs. Dorothy Bonner in Tulsa, OK, Missy is an exceptional black who loves the show ring.Congratulations to Missy's sister, Creider's Spoonful of Sugar on her recent championship.Puppies Occasionally.Art and Linda Gustafson 405 391-2960S.E. of OklahomaCity5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 74857POMERANIAN REVIEWlest of Opposite Sex jolden Joy of Shalomn AgapeT-'BESTOFWINNERSJest of Winners went to Guys N Gals Humbug Jugsy, owned by Janet Cox.ABESTOPPOSITETO BBy.CftjJJest of Opposite Sex went to Golden Joy of ihaiomn Agape, owned by Clarice and Yvette Dganeku.VBESTOF iBREEDj.Oi'JLBestof Breed went to Ch. Queenaire Whizzie Stik, owned by Josephine Ching.BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Claire FlesnerThe Bay Colony Pom Club has had a busy spring. In March we held our Spring match in Oxford, MA with 17 Breed and 7 Obedience entries not a bad entry for a snowy day.Breed judge Jack Wells picked Carol Aubufs Tanglewood Muffit for Best Puppy and Carol's Sun Fox Private Stock for Best Adult and Best in Match.In Obedience, judge Al Misuraca had 3 qualifying Poms. Two were in sub-Novice. Fran Richardson's Honeybear's Megan was first with a score of 156. My Silver Meadow's Mr. Randy was 2nd with a 139. In Novice A with the High Score for the match, as 12 year old Brandy Richardson and herSmokey Joe.On May 10 we held our Annual Specialty Show in West Springfield, MA in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club. This year the show was in memory of Mary Casey, who died 10 years ago. The entry of 30 Poms was the highest entry we've had in well over 10 years. The judge was Mrs. Jacquelyn Klein. Her choice for Winners Dog was Tommi Hooban's Tomho Apricot Strut. Reserve Winners Dog went to Claudia and Ed Braczyk's Sun Fox Life's A Party. Winners Bitch was Tommi Hooban's Tomho TimTu, Reserve went to Barbara Paine's Millbrook's Sue Ainna.Mrs. Klein's choice for Best of Breed was Jessie and Barbara Young's Ch. Daisy's Little Bit of Jabil. Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex went to Tommi Hooban's Tomho TimTu.There were two Poms in obedience at the specialty show. In Novice B, Marie Smith's Surprise Echo of Manchester had a score of 193 which gave Echo his 3rd leg and his C.D. In Novice A, Brandy Richardson's Millbrook Honeybear had a score of 190 for a 2nd placement in Novice A and a 4th insurance leg for his CDAfter the judging, everyone enjoyed our famous annual buffet. So many goodies We all helped Ina Kniffen celebrate her 82nd birthday. Her cake was decorated with a Pom. To make Ina's day more memorable, she won the raffle of a music box with 3 Poms on a see-saw that was made and donated by Amber and Frank Burns.As this was also our Annual Meeting, the election of officers was held with the following results President GladysPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1J1l 7t - ' V ' i-' t ,'3bSS5SiiffiSfe-.' SXpoLbetteCz. tZpolloette Ever Ready RockyPictured winning Gr. 2 under judge Mrs. S.B. Tietjen at Richland KC. In two weeks time, Rocky picked up three Croup 2 and a Group 3 to add to his winning record.Thanks to Rocky's co-owner and handler, Jerry Moon for presenting him so beautifully.Cz. Cdpolloette Mss Classy RoxyPictured at right is a Rocky daughter. She finished her championship in 3 straight shows with three 5 pt. majors. Thank you judge Mrs. E.D. Thomsen, James Moran and Emil Klinckhardt.Marlene and Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205 209J 886-55619POMERANIAN REVIEWykstra Vice-President Jessie Young cretary Alberta Mooney Treasurer oward Mooney Board of Directors Amy IcKay, Barbara Young, Sally Misuraca, Dmmi Hooban, Garrett O'Dell and Claire esner. Annual award plaques were present- i to those members who finished their dogs' nampionships and obtained obedience titles, do not have the list of winners, but will try to port them in the next issue.On June 21, we'll have our annual picnic at le Mooney's summer camp on Baptist pond 1 South Chelmsford, MA. This is always a fun ay. It is an ideal place to hold a Pom picnic. is beautiful there with oodles of room and ees for our furry friends as the grounds are i a pine grove. Fishing is available. Howard looney spends most of the afternoon taking veryone, Poms and people, out for boat rides n the lake.Our Fall match our matches are always ,KC sanctioned B-OB matches is scheduled or September 13 at the beautiful home of uny and Charles McKay in Foxboro, MA with ireed Judge Don Gills and obedience judge rank Farinacci.Any Pom people who happen to be in our rea at the time of one of our get-togethers ire always most welcome to come and join is.Have you hugged your Pom todayCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanJuly is fast approaching and this issue will e out before our Specialty, however not in ime for our entry deadline. I should have nentioned several items in the previous issue. Ml persons needing transportation for hemselves, dogs and paraphernalia, please eel free to telephone Jean Schroll 503 55-4975, Laura Untalan 503 284-2446 or Emily 503 684-1730. We will be more than lappy to meet you at the airport and transport ou the ten minutes it takes to get you to your -notel. The motel is new, quite large and approximately 15 minutes from the show area. 3anquet reservations can be made by calling Laura. There will be large RV's on the show grounds grouped together for your convenience. This area will not only provide a welcome meeting area but also protect us from the rain or heat. Your evenings will be filled with various activities so don't plan ongetting any rest until you return homeThe premium list just arrived and how lovely it looks. The Club has a unique symbol. Being a new member I take pride in admitting they do everything quite well. Also, a sincere thanks to Laura for a job well done on our back cover ad on the April Pom Review.The last two months have been quiet here in Portland. There have been many shows going on, however, they are some distance from here and my schedule has not permitted participation. Therefore I don't have much news. With June fast approaching, my business will lessen so hopefully Laura and I can become more involved once again.How about the Premium List for Vancouver B.C. Quite impressive. How about the cost to park an RV without hook ups Quite ridiculous It's a shame that with a Worlds Fair there has to be such inflated prices. Forty dollars a day is a high price to pay for a piece of ground 12' x 37 and with the show schedule unknown, how much of the Fair could one hope to glimpse even in six daysGood luck to everyone in our Specialty. We look forward to this occasion and hope you will enjoy our beautiful state while you're here. There is much to do and see, so feel free to impose on us. We'll love it.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON by Connie TellezSeveral of our club members are getting all excited about attending the Summer Specialty Show in Portland, OR this July. We are especially looking forward to this wonderful trip as we have never been to that part of our beautiful country. It will be our vacation and I'm sure we will be very happy about resting and meeting many Pom lovers and exhibitors in that area. I'm especially looking forward to long visits with those two very nice and special ladies, Jean Schroll and Shirley Bradley.Congratulations to all the winners in New York Sorry we couldn't come, but we heard a great time was had by all and the Poms were beautiful as always. Don't know if our club will ever be the same without two very dedicated people, Tim and Sue Goddard. They are moving to Louisiana and everyone in Houston is sad and will miss them terribly. Tim and Sue, don't forget us and come visit,POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Erm^omerammwSmVpresentsQSk^2^yv-^eydiSs ydonwCh. L-R's Monty Rock of Millamor x Mercer's Valentina DukeAnd thanks to judge Miss Frances Thornton for giving Missy her first 2 points.A Family Affair in which Dad shows the half sister, our 6 month old girl.93t3c^Pecay ^emciwQuACh. Mercer's Touch O' Duke xMercer's Valentina DukeOur thanks to judge Mr. Cyril Bernfeld for this 4 pt. major.A Family Affair in which Mom shows our 1 year old girl.- 2BESTOF BREED OR VARIETYPROGRESSIVE 0. C. OF WAYNE COUNTYAPRIL1906 BOOTH PHOTOLYN-LEE POMERANIANSEvelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 ViningRd.New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245UsCIaas'6 POMERANIAN REVIEWyou hearCongratulations, Sue, on finishing "Magic."It seems some Hollywood director approached Ron and Carolyn Crockett and asked if they could use their home for making a movie. Of course they said yes. Their home really is beautiful and unique and they had all kinds of people and cameras everywhere. We all wanted to move in with them and see if we could be "discovered." Anyway, Carolyn said theyiad a ball but are glad all the people are gone and once again there is peace and quiet.Jean, keep up the good work on the Summer Specialty and order good weather for all those days. See you soon.A little reminder don't forget our Houston Pom Club Specialty Show August 7, 1986. We're looking forward to seeing all of you again and we promise double good time from last year. We Texans celebrate BIG. Y'all comeNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUBby Ruth A. BugbeeAlthough you haven't heard from us in a while, NCPC is alive and well. As clubs are sometimes prone to do, we hit a big slump after our 25th Anniversary Specialty in February 1985. But the "never say die" group, spearheaded by the Pressers, Anne Hayden, Doris Weaver, Sandy and Paul Logan and other loyals, took some aggressive action and recruited eight new and eager members.We welcome them and take pride in introducing them to all of you in the Pom world Janet Porter from Clovis, Nancy Parker of Bethel Island, Sue Chewning and Cheri Fleming, both from Tracy, Pam and Larry Galat, Clovis and Julia and Richard Harding from Pittsburg.Chuck Reynolds, a charter member and past president, joined us in January and enjoyed meeting some of our newest members. It's always a pleasure when Chuck shares his company and knowledge with us. Ruth Dotson Sun-Dot is another old timer who has volunteered to become our award statistician this year. That's volunteering with a capital V and sets an example for all of us to follow. And it's happeningNew members are volunteering to work with older members on committees to put on our next independent specialty. Pending AKCapproval, it is planned for Thursday evening, November 20, 1986 at the Fairgrounds in Turlock, CA and leads into the 3 day Turkey Circuit. Mark your calendars now and help us build four days of majors. Dudley Roach is already hard at work on trophies which promise to be special. Trust us You'll really want to bring the dogs to vie for these lovely prizes.Although we have been hard at the work of the NCPC, we do "play" at our favorite recreation the shows. Lillian Muller has "played" with her Ch. Muller's Encore, who was the 2 special as of February 1986. He's continued his winning ways into March, taking BOB three days in a row on the Raisin Circuit. He will probably have done more by the time you read this. On the same circuit, Paul and Sandy Logan's Moonshadow's Eye of the Tiger took WDBOW for 5 points at Sequoia KC. New member, Janet Porter has done her handling and grooming homework very diligently, resulting in two 5 pointers at Sunmaid KC in March and Sacramento KC in April on her orange youngster, Moon- shadow's C Wiz Wee-Bad. Wiz now has 15 points. Another newcomer is Sue Chewning who has handled her red sable bitch, Apolloette My Joy Kneesa to a total of 5 points with a 3 point major. The third new one to make a mark is Cheri Fleming with Apolloette Charley Ann at 8 points including WBBOW for 5 points at Sacramento K.C.It's been great for all of us to share their enthusiasm and excitement. It's the next best thing to winning yourself when one of your own members brings home the bacon.Ruth Dotson has returned to showing with a bang. Her bitch Sun-Dot's 'Sho Stuff I Is got in stride as WB for 2 points at Wine Country KC on April 18 and followed through the next day Chief Solano KC as WBBOWBOS for 4 points. Lillian's Ch. Sungold's Gay Caballero took BOB at Sir Francis Drake on April 20, ably handled by Anna LaFortune, whose own Sungold's Dyn O Moe Rider received 4 points as WDBOW. Even though Anna isn't a member, she's always a welcome face when she comes north. She was a guest at a recent meeting and offered some very useful suggestions to us. Thanks, Anna. Come up more often.Every now and then there are members who get "on a roll." Marlin and Marlene Presser have been doing exceptionally well thisPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1MID^ POMGIMMWM9 oSn2-saPm. Con. Ch. Midci6 6ophi6ticot0d Lady'pending CKC confirmationShown winning Toy Croup last year at Fargo-Moorehead KC under judge C.L. Savage.Thanks once again to Jane Lehtinen for showing Beth to her championships. Beth is a daughter of Am. Can. Ch. Midas Rock Tempo. She may be for sale to the right person, but can't be specialed because of an ear injury.See Beth's pedigree Behind The New Champions.We are moving to the Philadelphia area no new address at press time. Mail should be forwarded, or write or call Jane Lehtinen.OwnersJon and Roberta Massey 1015 Fairway Farms Kingwood, TX 77339 713358-2775AgentJane Lehtinen Route 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751 218 744-36418 POMERANIAN REVIEWreason. To list, their wins could be a whole olumn in itself. Some of their achievements nclude their cute 16 month old red bitch \polloette Miss Classy Roxy, who learned her eash work one week and then turned it on to start and finish in the next week with 4 majors, ach as WBBOWBOS. She's been BOS twice as a special. Apolloette Bimbo of Starlight, a young red sable male finished a day later with a 3 point major. Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rocky, co-owned by Marlene with jerry Moon and Cary Ferrgus, is making headlines with breeds and group placements up in the Northwest.And then there is "old Zack," Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure, who celebrated his 5th birthday in April with back to back breeds and a Croup 3 at the Salinas and Santa Cruz shows. Five BOB and 2 Croup placements since March and to think Pressers had talked of retiring him last Fall This dark sabled red is so sound and typey and sure a showman. He's really run to watch. Congratulations, Pressers.Yes, NCPC is alive and well and looking forward to seeing you at our Specialty.One final note NCPC is proud of Marlene's election to the APC Board. She's a hard worker who will serve the Pom world well.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensWe have done it Our first "A" match is planned for May 17.The last year has been a busy one, and under the guidance of foundermember Phyllis Andrews, we have been able to show AKC we are capable of having a point show in the future. Lots of research and an excellent resume was drawn up. Getting down to business in the right way is the only way to get things accomplished. I am sure that all who knew the club in its beginning will be happy to know that we are on our way. Our own specialty in Washington State will become a reality. Thanks, Phyllis, for all the sorting out you did. I lost track, but she stepped in and put everything where it should be files, resumes, etc. Getting after us really got results. Thanks to Tom Stephens who worked so hard on the last match getting the right format on Premium lists and catalogs and to Irene Harbin who is working along with PeteCastaneda and Phyllis on this one. To our President Dana Plonkey, what could be a better birthday gift than an "A" match on the 17th Happy birthday, Dana. Everyone's input has been appreciated, no matter how little, it has gotten us there.I hear Randy Gemmel and Dana Plonkes bitch Valcopy Wakhan High Style is just looking for a major now. Congratulations to Virginia and Bernard Niehouse on winning the bitch points both days at Whitbey Island and Monroe. This homebred girl is named So Hi's Special Firefly. Irene and Sylvia Harbin's Am. Can. Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork did three in a row in Canada by winning the group all three days. Our club members are doing well and we are proud of them and their wins. Congratulations to you all.We all hope to have seen everyone at the Summer Specialty which will be old news by the time this gets out but we are looking forward to this event, combined with the Columbia Specialty. Keep right in there and we'll see you at the shows.POMERANIAN CLUB OF MICHIGAN by Dorathy BarnesThe new officers for 1986 are President Rollie Conley, Vice President Dorathy Barnes, Secretary Janet Griffith, Treasurer Evelyn Conley.Our Specialty will be held Sunday, May 25, 1986 at the Kalamazoo Fairgrounds in Kalamazoo, Ml. The judge is Jane Kay from California and the Sweepstakes judge is John Allen from Michigan. There will be a free hospitality snack provided. Please introduce yourself and join us. Everyone is welcome.Several of our APC members attended the Detroit Kennel Club show, which was held this year in memory of the well known professional photographer, Martin Booth.Winners Dog went to Linrose Spark of Hope, owned by Linda Blasko. Winners Bitch went to Hilane's Sonja of Mai T Toi, who later went on to Best of Breed under judge Mr. Richard Guevara. She is owned by Jerome Cushman and Angela Nesbit.The dog show game may be easier if you remember this simple mottoGood, Better, Best, never let it rest,Till the Good is Better, and the Better is Best.Good luck to you all at the future shows.POMERANIAN REVIEWCordies Pomeranians1,1-BEST OF WINNERSKENNEL CLUB MARCH 1986MISSY PHOTOCordless StormyWe here at Cordie's are very proud of Stormy, a 9 month old, 4Vi pound, heavy coated orange male. We are line breeding.Stormy was Best of Winners in Tucson March 23, 1986. Thanks to judge Martha Jane Ablettfor liking him.BreederHandlerCordie Musgrove P.O. Box 145Skull Valley, Arizona86338 602 442-3446 POMERANIAN REVIEWPixies Hillcrest Pomeranianspresent in loving memorya v fc'fe-- r'vte r. a r- . iUVft nV V.V.r hr. c i,',Ch. Pixies Precious Lil HopeCh. Post Script Sparkle-N-RockxCh. Pixie's Magic Harmony November 15,1983 July 17, 1985"Hopee" You were a tiny preemie pup, a real challenge to raise, such a joy to show and best of all, our happy, sparkly little house pet. It has been a year since your tragic death, but we will always remember. . .See Yips and YapsCarol A. Calavich 52821 German Hill Rd. Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614458-1705POMERANIAN REVIEWPixies Hiiicrest Pomeranianspresent our "Brand New"I I-" -NJL BEST OF WINNERSWESTERN PENN KENNEL ASSN.A1966Ashbey'2Ch. LLL Nugget of Gold Short StuffLLL Nugget of Gold Damon x Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Cold Cheri"Shorty" is shown finishing with a big 5 pt. major under judge Edward Klein, handled by his new owner, at Western PA K.C on March 29, 1986. We're certain that he will be a welcome asset to our breeding program with one litter on the ground and several others planned.We're equally proud of our LLL Trapper's Cold Daiseymae, handled and co-owned by our friend Donna Megenhardt. To date Daiseymae needs only a few single points to finish. We want to thank their breeder, Janice Luginsland, for allowing us this lovely purchase.See Pedigree Behind The New ChampionsCarol A. Galavich 52821 German Hill Rd. Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614 458-1705I POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the merican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's ame, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, ^ped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all lformation to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.H. ANIMATION'S TWEETY BIRDemaleJreederOwner Lorinda Vasuta \kron OhioJewel Ken Flaming Fantasy Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Adkin's White Camellia Ih. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Adkin's White Christmas Jewel Ken's Little White Dove Lady Snowball of Coram Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold 2h. Emcee's Suss'AnnaCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Elms Hillsboro's Little Missy Lennis's Little LoveCH. APOLLOETTE BIMBO OF STARLITERed Sable MaleOwners Marlene and Marlin Presser and Cayle Griffin Breeder Cayle GriffinCh. Lennis Tequila Sunrise Lennis' Teakie Too Angelica IIDavon-Shire's Starlite AmigoLennis Teakie Too Davon-Shire's Lennis Rusty Girl Tiggers Little Tonia Chula Queenaire Chance Jubilee Lucky Chance Mickie's Gold Suzette Starlites Miss Lucky QueenSir Lancelot of Salemtown Starlites Gypsy QueenStarlites Ramboling GypsyCH. APOLLOETTE MOON LITE GAMBLEROrange MaleOwnerBreeder Marlene and Marlin Presser, Stockton, CACh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Apolloette Lil Red Queenaire Ruby Ruby Apolloette ShiloJestom's Red Robin Apolloette Jestom's Cinnamon Ch. Apollo's Sheer Delight Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Apolloette Maiden Voyage Queenaire Headliner Jubilee's Rebel Black Mandy BCH. APOLLOETTE MISS CLASSY ROXYOrange FemaleBreederOwner Marlene and Marlin Presser, Stockton, CACh. Tinkler's Lil Play Boy CD Manies' Lil Gold Brick Manies' Simi Wintu Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready RockyCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Apolloette Maiden Voyage Jubilee's RebelCh. Prince Winkie of Hadleigh Prince Winkie's SparkleBlossom View's Orange Dolly Apollo's Classy ChassisCh. Prince Winkie of Hadleigh Blossom View's Melinda Blossom View's Bon Bon IIViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWJestoms Pomeranians-v- - rfV o- v1- JAV BEST 0OPPOSEshebsiwes\ NNENfttt \ P0EW'KCUWC-TP- -tr -r_r- ---tp- -rr- -tp- -tj- -irJestomsMiss IrresistibleAm. Can. Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Jestom's Dinah MiteOwned and loved by Morris and Betty Carson.Lt. CmmdrT.L. and Mrs. J. Stephens 322158th St. S.W. Lynnwood, WA 98037 206 743-35464 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. CHULA'S CHOICE OF DRAGON MARKOrange FemaleBreederOwner Norma C. Gad, El Paso, TX.Ch. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Pedron's Dragon Deuce Sun ray's Pattycake Girl Ch. Pedron's Mark of the DragonCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Pedron's Mark of Dixie William's Red Judy Ch. Bonner's Wagadore Windfall Gold Storm of Highland Aristigold of Highland Gad's Chula Orange MistCh. Dragonfly Happy Talk Tri-Art's Happy Lady Bug Lady QuinnCH. IDLEWYLD MARQUIS CUT DIAMONDOrange MaleOwners William Ferrara, Joseph Osborne, Margaret R. McKee, Macungie, PA Breeders Margaret R. and John R. McKeeMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CDCh. Julie's Star Vega Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD May Morning Small Talk CD May Morning Social Lion Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Ch. Julie's Star Vega Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD May Morning Small Talk CDCH. JUBILEE'S TWINKLING STARLETOrange Female Owner Josephine Ching Breeder Lorene BradburyBonner's Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Doodad Ch. Queenaire Gambling DudeBlossom View's Proud Promise Queenaire Luvy DukQueenaire Dark Velvet Ch. Queenaire Double Scotch Ch. Queenaire Calling Card Queenaire Luvy Duk Jubilee Night LightBlackorby's Buttons Darkie DociaBlackorby's MissyCH. LLL NUGGET OF GOLD SHORT STUFFOrange MaleOwners Carol Galavich and Janice Luginsland Powhatan Point, OH Breeder Janice LuginslandCh. Lucky Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Gold Nugget Ch. Van Hoozer's Lucky Fancy Pants LLL Nugget of Gold Damon Stalker's Timmy Lee LLL Happy Time For Tricks LLL Happy Go Lucky Trixie Ch. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Deuce LLL Lil Golden Tiara Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Gold CheriLLL Happy Go Lucky Taro Castle's Madchen HeikeCastle's Madra MagnificenseCH. MEE GEE'S PETITE CONTESSAOrange Sable FemaleBreederOwner Polly Ferguson, Greenville, msCh. Scotia President Jim Ch. Sunray's Gold Gems President Ch. Sunray's Cupie Doll Ch. Texican's Wee Will O Mee Gee Sir Tobius of Birchwood Tamara Tara Morrison Joda Miss Joleya Ch. Sunray's Lil Beaver Ch. Jeribeth's Idol Beaver Beau Jeribeth's Idol Baker Ch. Brashear's Beau Squirt Hey Gay Sugar Foot Brashear's Foxy Lady Gold Penny PomCH. MEE GEE'S TOUCH OF FROSTCream Sable MaleBreederOwner Polly Ferguson, Greenville, MSCh. Scotia President Jim Ch. Sunray's Gold Gems President Ch. Sunray's Cupie Doll Ch. Texican's Wee Will O' Mee Gee Sir Tobius of Birchwood T amara T ara Morrison Joda Miss Joleya Ch. Sunray's Lil Beaver Ch. Jeribeth's Idol Beaver Beau Jeribeth's Idol Baker Ch. Brashear's Beau Squirt Hey Gay Sugar Foot Brashear's Foxy Lady Gold Penny PomPOMERANIAN REVIEWAm. Can. Ch. Harbin's Time To Pod The Corkcontinues his winning ways in the northwest\ WWW WWW \ is.mM\4Multiple Breed and Croup Winner and consistent Group Placer.Come join Corky, Irene and Sylvia at the Expo '86 Dog Shows, The American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty Show, The Columbia Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty and the all-breed shows that follow.Irene and Sylvia Harbin 206 365-1748HARBINS POMERANIANS10759 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle, WA 981256 POMERANIAN REVIEWLM. CAN. CH. MIDAS SOPHISTICATED LADYDrange FemaleireedersOwners Jon and Roberta Massey, ingwood, TXCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica \m. Can. Ch. Midas Rock TempoCh. Dixieland's Little Bagatelle Midas Hopeful Moment Parka's Brilliant Little Luci Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Marlita Dixieland's Music BoxCh. Millamor's Rock Music Dixieland's Sweet Music Dixieland's Little AmberCH. MYWAY SUNNI GEM OF COLLIERCream Male Owner Molly Miller Breeder Lula Mae CollierWistful ScampCan. Am. Ch. Collier's Golden Beri Golden Tina Marie Collier's Golden TuffieAristic Pepper Pod's Gorgeous Int. Ch. Mayken's Sun Cricket Holder's Suncrystal Tono's May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Collier's Golden Dream On Int. Ch. Mayken's Sun Cricket Ch. Mayken Collier's Dreamette Holder's Flaming Fanfare Mayken's Miss Fanfare Mayken's My Fair LadyCH. POMIRISH LI'L GUY'S SWT REVENGEOrange FemaleBreederOwner Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, WlCh. Scott's Little Buddy Buddy Ch. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Goldie Jones Horne Ch. Pomirish Li'l GuyCh. Apple's Traveling Buddy Traveler's KatinaJewel's Shadow of Gidget Pomirish Pooh Bear's Tigger Cn. Ch. Pomirish Tigger's Huny Bear N Edna of LenettePomirish Cream Puffs Carry OnShamrock's Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffScotia Double Gr Da O'CavilierCH. POMIRISH DESIREE'S G.E. SCOOTEROrange MaleOwner Sally Baugniet, Mishicot, Wl Breeder Desaree SandiferCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms TimstopperToo Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Great Elms Midel's Timstopper Ch. Model's Fun Bug Model's Sweet Leilani Meg's Sweet Julie Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Linda Desiree's Beautiful Babe Tuff Stuf of Trump Sandee's Christmas Mistletoe Brendle's Miss PrissyCH. POMIRISH SCOOTER'S VICTORYOrange MaleBreederOwner Sally BaugnietCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Ch. Great Elms Model's Timstopper Model's Sweet Leilani Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. ScooterCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Desiree's Beautiful BabeSandee's Christmas Mistletoe Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport Pomirish Glory's Hallelujah Pomirish Glory Reclaimed Pomirish Hallelujah's GloryGreat Elms Little Teddy Dee Dee of LenetteRosewood's Becky LouCH. QUEENAIRE WHIZZLE STIKOrange MaleOwner Josephine ChingBreeder Dudley and Wanda RoachCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Model's High Voltage Model's Bewitched Ch. Model's Bit-O-WhizCh. Model's Son of Fun Wood's Sun GoddessMagic's Little Miss Cuddles Ch. Queeanire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queeanire Luvy Duk Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise Chula Queenaire Chance Ch. Foxaire My Sweet Promise Margot's Sidney Lisscontinued on p. 102.IPOMERANIAN REVIEWFanfare PomeraniansCarolyn and Julie Edmisten3 b- r-' Napa, CA 707 226-3450Presents Another ChampionCh. Fanfares Absolutly AdorableAbby finished with 3 majors. As you can see, Abby loves the show ring.Future ChampionsJ iIII ill UluYlWuFanfaresRustlers RhapsodyFanfares Twinklin Red RobinRusty was BOW at Golden Gate KC, Sunny won a 4 pt. major at Mensona KC and Twinkie was BOW at Umpqua KC. Twinkie is owned by LCDR T.L. and Mrs. J. Stephens of Lynnwood, WA.Fanfares Sunrise Serenadea's POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 12600 SE 88th 21 Clackamas, OR 97015"History in the Making," "History Being lade." Two very familiar phrases to us all. Ve don't know now who will win the National lummer Specialty, or how much fun will be lad by all who participate, but by the time ou read this it will be history. So I ongratulate the winners, thank the workers ind praise the exhibitors in advance. Those of js who plan and work to make it memorable, j really special experience, say thank you for oming.More history in the making. A most exciting ind special event in Seattle will occur Saturday, May 17 at the Lake City Community lenter. The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club nas been approved by AKC to hold a Sanction \-OA Match. Anyone who has ever worked to organize a new dog club knows what this means years and years of hard work by truly dedicated people. The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club is full of such people. I remember them all and thank them, because through their efforts the Northwest will have its second Specialty club. The Columbia Pomeranian Club, with its hard working members, has provided the Northwest with two specialties a year, and now you will have another stage on which to present your Poms.I want to thank some special people in the Puget Sound Pomeranian Club. First, the charter members, the ones who got the idea and put it all together, especially the five who are still on the active list. The five are really more because AKC counts only households, not individuals. I'm having trouble deciding who to write about first because none is more important than another, so I'll do it alphabetically. Phyllis Andrews, who helped draft the original constitution, and her late husband Clyde, who brought a special quiet dignity to the ring. He is greatly missed. Viola and Vern Children, who never stopped loving Poms. Ray and Norma Higbee, who brought the Higbee bunch to the Jr. Handling and Obedience rings as well as the conformationring. Erin and Phil Hundley, who never wavered in their dedication to the goals set out by the original group. Virginia and Bernard Niehouse, who both always attended meetings and served on the Board, as officers and in any other way they could.Many others have joined and given their own talents to the club. The Harbins, Irene, Ralph and Sylvia, joined soon after we were organized and have always given unstintingly of themselves, keeping the enthusiasm alive when others were ready to give up. Tom and Jessie Stephens are also long-time members whose knowledge and precision have kept us on the right track. A long list of hard working members have each added their bit to this new great achievement Marjorie Bear, Katherine Bartos, Marianna Bissonnette, Pete Casteneda, The Defords, Terry Fisher, Bobbie Fraser, Ingrida Casaway, Randy Cemmill, Virginia Hall, Linda Jackson, Bob Johnson, Elsie Kurtz, Molly-Jo Larson, Julie Lindgren, Dana Plonkey, Florence Ryals, Marie and Ray Smith, and one more special member who, though far away, gave her encouragement and support generously Edna Cirardot.Many more have come and gone and will be remembered. Dr. Charles Wilson, also a charter member, died last January. The Yakima Kennel Club held their last show in his honor. Dr. Wilson was the owner of Washington's first black champion, Ch. Midnight of Point Loma. Clyde Andrews, Ralph Harbin and Robbie Higbee have gone on ahead and will be watching us from on High.Some wonderful Poms have been loved in this land of evergreens. Ch. Sungold's Rebel, the first champion offspring male of Ch. Sungold's Cay Cavalier, bred by Anna LaFortune and owned by Viola and Vern Children. Cav's last champion offspring, 66, a bitch Ch. Scotia Cav's A Tisket A Tasket, bred by Edna Cirardot and owned by Clyde and Phyllis Andrews. The Northwest's first black and tan champion, Ch. C.J.'s Isadora, bred and owned by Pete Casteneda and Bob Johnson, and of course, Dr. Wilson's Midnight, the northwest's first black champion. And so many more. Some would have finished if there had never been a Puget Sound Pomeranian Club, but most would never have been exhibited. A breed club does so much more than just hold specialties. It instructs, encourages, promotes and helps.continued on p. 67.POMERANIAN REVIEWPu.kvJk1f.Celebration at Sho-Nuf"Sire Ch. Emcee's Diamond Solid ColdYou can't go wrong with Diamonds and Cold Watch for us in upcoming shows 1 male, 3 females.Quality expected 4 of us, a surprise.Thank you Phyllis for such a beautiful ReviewBarbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy Pineville, LA 318 640-2993Co-OwnersCo-BreedersBrood Bitches FOR SALEMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Rt. 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417 318 627-5180POMERANIAN REVIEWa special salute to.h. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandyr ViVtv iNV1 AW, f.aai rAjmvLiSDandy is a 4 lb., rich cream and a Croup placer. He's the foundation stud for Animation Kennels. He has sired black, white, orange, cream and beaver puppies.His champion get are Ch. Animation's Babe from Toyland and Ch. Animation's Tweety Bird.His pointed get are Animation's Lucy Little, Animation's Sweet Pea, Animation's Jimminy Cricket, Animation's Chip 'N Dale, Animation's Yogi Bear Canada and Idle Acres Pinball Wizard.Animation kennelsLorinda Vasuta 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216 762-7567S. sPOMERANIAN REVIEW... and proudly presentingCh. Animation's Tweety BirdBEST OF WINNERSEVANSVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH1986 BOOTH PHOTO'ACh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy xCh. Emcee's Suss'AnnaShe's 4 lbs., extremely sound and will be bred this fall. Many thanks to those judges who helped Tweety Bird's career along Mr. Richard Hammond, BOS Mr. Joseph Rose, OBS, Mr. Ken Miller, BOB, Mr. Norman Patton, BOS, Mr. Edward Jenner, BOB, Miss AnnaC. Nicholas, BOS, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, BOS, Mr. Frank Oberstar, BOW.A special thanks to her grandfather, Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond for those "designer genes."BreederOwnerLorinda Vasuta 63 E.Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216 762-7567s_________________________POMERANIAN REVIEW... and we repeated the breeding to getAnimation's Lucy Little.JyBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYDAN EMMETTKENNEL CLUB SHOWAPR 1986PHOTOS BT ALTERSOHCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Ch. Emcee's Suss'AnnaLucy made her debut at the Evansville KC Show and took Reserve Winners Bitch 5 pt. major finishing only behind her sister, Ch. Animation's Tweety Bird.She is shown taking Best of Breed several weeks later from the Puppy Class for her first points. Thank you Mrs. Betty Dexter.BreederOwnerHandlerLorinda Vasuta 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216762-7567POMERANIAN REVIEW 3... and another show prospectCrystal Jewel TiaraZrtkCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Honey's Tootsie Angel Pictured at3Yi months.Tia is a light cream with good pigment. She will be coming out this summer.OwnerBonnie Stetson 852 Lakewood Blvd. Akron, OH 44314 216753-9331BreederJudy Shearer 523 Miller Ave. Sugarcreek, OH 44681 216 852-41364 POMERANIAN REVIEWPresenting our new addition, Jacob Gavin Ripley, and his proud brothers, Phinny left and Collin with bug . . . and Mom, of course.Jacob and I will see you in Portland for the Summer Specialty. Please come visitOueroLee P omeraniansA very hectic schedule forces the sale of ALL my young Poms. Still waiting for new homes areCh. Chriscendo Western Express. 3 years old, 5 lbs., orange. Loving house pet. Good working stud. Excellent EmceeMillamor pedigree.Cherokee's Golden Melody. 2 years old. Dark orange, profuse coat. Proven brood 3-puppy litters. 7 lbs. Sire Emcee's Lucky Gem, 9 pts. 500.00Luell's Lucky Lady FPm Th' Mist. 2Vi yrs old. 5Vi lbs., Orange. Proven, 3-puppy litters. Pedigree Duke with a dash of Millamor. 350.00.Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Rd.St. Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754VPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomsprings Pomsintroduces...4 v vt ..vv NScotiaTickles Me PinkScotia Braum's And Noel's Hutch x Ch. Scotia Max's Platnum Queen"Punkin" pictured at 9 months is a 4Vi lb. orange bitch bred by Edna Cirardot. This wonderful puppy has filled our home with love and so much joy Some of her wins include multiple BOS, 2 BOW, 1 BOB, 2 Best Puppy in Croup and a Toy Croup 1 all-breed puppy Sweeps. Punkin only needs 1 point to finish her Canadian championship Thanks again Edna for letting Punkin move up to CanadaOwnerHandlerVMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis Pomsprings Poms P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario, Canada KOC 1AO 613 347-2275POMERANIAN REVIEW__Guys N Gals Pomeranians.ftVBEST rOFbreedJ. CMUK______Zh. Queenaire Whizzle Stik,_______Guys N Gals proudly announces Hawaii's 1 Pomeranian for 1985 5 Toy Dog for 1985Whizzle Stik is shown winning his second specialty at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii's show on April 19, 1986 under judge Mr. Fred Bassett. We are proud of his accomplishments which include one Group 1, one Group 2, two Croup 3, two BISS.Whizzle Stik is handled to perfection by my friend Yvette Oganeku.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.OwnerJosephine Ching 2829 Booth Rd.Honolulu, HI 96813 Breeder808 537-1565 Dudley and Wanda RoachPOMERANIAN REVIEW.Guys N Gals Pomeranians. trv______Ch. Jubilees Twinkling StarletWith our few shows here in Hawaii, Twinkles and I send special thanks to the following judges who thought her worthy of her championship Mr. William Houpt 2 pts., Mrs. Cynthia Sommers 3 pts., Mrs. Dolly Ward 3 pts., Mr. J. Graham Head 4 pts. Dr. Lee Huggins 2 pts., Margaret A. Young 2 pts..Many, many thanks to her handlers Cindy Boulton Sawyer, Shirley Ann K. Leu and Yvette Oganeku for their patience and loving care.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.OwnerJosephine Ching 2829 Booth Rd. Honolulu, HI 96813 808 537-1565Breeder Lorene BradburyPOMERANIAN REVIEW.Guys N Gals Pomeranians.V'lELzsr r4 5It.vy ViW\.tfiNWJ_GuysN Gals Dolie Patches.Thank you Dorothy Welsh for WB, BOS and 3 points. I need one more point to finish and I will be my breeder-owner's second champion. Thank you Clarice Oganeku for getting me my first 5 points at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii 3rd Specialty under judge Mrs. Julie Moreno. Thank you Shirley Ann K. Leu for your loving care and the 9 points you have put on me under judges Mrs. Elaine Young 3 pts.J, Mrs. Frank Haze Burch 3 pts.. I was bred to Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik and free whelped a lovely daughter.BreederOwnerJosephine Ching 2829 Booth Rd. Honolulu, HI 96813 808 537-1565Handled by Shirley Ann K. LeuPOMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573I find myself getting into trouble when I have a preconceived idea of what will or should happen. When I expect the usual, I am not ready for the unusual and am slow in my response to it. Two such things happened recently.Most humans are subject to flattery, particularly when their attention is divided. I fell into this trap at a recent show. As I was grooming my open dog and puppy bitch, a strange woman began to admire them and ask questions. I answered with part of my mind and the other part pondered the approaching ring experience and the much-needed major. As usual the stranger said she would like to have a Pom and questioned prices. I gave her a general price range and then broke it down into show-pet-breeding categories. This did not satisfy her. She continued to admire my male and asked what he would cost. I explained to her that he was not for sale. I was planning to use him in my breeding program he just needed a few points to finish his first puppy was now in the ring. Still the stranger persisted. Restating that he was not for sale, I gave her a price range for such a dog. Suddenly the stranger's attitude was different. She stiffened and was strangely alert. The change in body posture was different enough to shock me out of my inattention. I looked at her face. There was an alert watchfulness that I had not seen before. She no longer looked casually friendly. A voice in the back of my head said, "She is going to steal this dog."I continued to groom, and the woman drifted away looking at other dogs. Occasionally I noticed her glance at me. I was very glad that I had only the two Poms with me that day so that we could all go to the ring together.Poms had an afternoon ring time. After showing, I stayed at ringside to visit with some friends and have a picture made. When I returned to my set-up, all of my Pom friendswho had been near were gone. I did not s the stranger, but I did not like the idea leaving the dogs to get the car from a remo parking area. I packed dogs and equipment my dolly and took it all to the set-up of handler friend and told her why I w concerned. She watched the dogs until returned.Perhaps I was wrong, but each seasc several dogs are stolen from shows. Usual these thefts come after a conversation th has established the dog's value to the owne if it is to be ransomed or its market value if is to be used or sold. I see two things that w can do to help protect our dogs. We exhibito can be more alert than I was and nevi establish even a general value on tf individual dogs at the show. In addition v\ can be alert to helping each other watch dog when handlers need to be absent for brie periods of time.In addition to being ready to questio strangers, a breeder must at times questio usual medical procedures. I recently had bitch whelp three puppies. The middle pupp was born dead. The vet had administere oxytocin to bring the dead puppy. The fir and third puppies were delivered easily Several hours after the whelping, the bitch' temperature rose to 104.2. I called the vet t ask what procedure he wanted to follow. Th vet was involved I asked the assistant to rela the information and my question. Thi assistant returned and said just to watch her Oxytocin sometimes caused temperatures t spike.I was worried and this did not sound right t me. I insisted that the assistant return and asl specificually which symptoms were con sidered dangerous and what temperature wa dangerous. The vet came to the phone. H said he considered 104 a fever even wher oxytocin had been given. The bitch wa placed on medication and in a few hours hei temperature was normal, and she was hei bouncy self again.I am convinced that if I had not questioned, I would have had a very sick bitch. I felt strange questioning a man whom I know is good. Perhaps this time he was distracted with other work, or perhaps the message was not relayed properly. It was acceptable for such a thing to happen to a questioning person like myself, but what if this had happened to a novice with his first bitch He could have sat continued on p. 843 POMERANIAN REVIEWTrendsetter,CJanescTs TrendsetterThe "old man" can do it too Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge's first black and tan puppy. "Fudge," sire of 25 champions BIS dogs, Croup and Specialty winners, produced this super puppy. Watch for Trendsetter in the ring soon.Breeder-OwnerJerrie Freia Janesa's Poms P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70361 504 385-6593HandlerCo-OwnerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360POMERANIAN REVIEWr .Master . amCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster"Master's" first born son hits the show ring causing quite a stir. "Rambo," Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo, owned by Sharon Hanson and Jane Fleshman is the little guy everyone's talking about. In his first time out he was BOW for 2 pts., then BOW for a 4 pt. major, and then BOB and Gr. 2 . . . and THEN BOB and Gr. 1 all at 8 months of age Watch for Rambo with Charlotte Creed.For sale a Master son, 8 months old. Dam Ch. Janesa's Roulette. Pictured in the April '86 Pom Review.Beverly NorrisMaster's BreedersCharlotte Creed7747 Meadow Rd. 6618 Lost RidgePasadena, MD 21122 Pineville, LA 71360301 255-1343 318 466-3456Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775OwnerJANESA'S POMSMorgan City, LA 70361 504 384-7466 POMERANIAN REVIEW,Lil ToastyBEST OF BREED or VARIETYTUSCALOOSA KENNEL CLUBAPRIL 18865rn SABRINAcSouthland's Toasted FudgeSire Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge 1 Pom 1981,1982,1983Dam Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil multi breed winner and group placer"Lil Toasty" is pictured going Best of Breed over4 specials in tough competition. Watch for this super redsable boyStud fee 150.00.OwnerBreederHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Co-OwnerCo-BreederBeverly Norris Bev-Nor Poms 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122POMERANIAN REVIEWPost1313C7BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYEVANSVILLE KENNEL CLUBMARCH1985 BOOTH PHOTOCh. Southland's Toast to Bev-NorNumber 1 Pom Bitch, 1985Posty leaves the show ring hoping to be as successful with motherhood. She will be bred to her half brother, Southland's Toasted Fudge. "Lil Toasty" is now major pointed.Special thanks to Bev and Bill Norris for giving me a chance to Judi Boston Payne for believing in Posty to Mike Kemp for his expert handling to all the judges who saw the merits of this super black and tan girl and to all her fans who admired her.SOUTHLAND POMSBreederOwnerCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456"Rays of Sunshine"POMERANIAN REVIEW,Rambo_b b arA.'BESTOF WINNERSCOLUMBUS KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1988PHOTO BT SABRINA MmBev-Nor N Southland Rambo "Rambo" the puppy everyone's talking aboutPictured at 8 months of age going BOW under noted judge Mrs. George Wanner in tough competition. At this tender age, Rambo has two BOW, two 4 pt. majors, 3 pts., one Group 2 and one Group 1. Special thanks to the following judges for their very positive statements about Rambo Mrs. George Wanner, Dorothy Nickles, Betty Moore, Ruth Wurmser, and Lorraine Masley.Proud OwnersJane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375-C Lewisburg, WV 24901 304 497-3190Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446BreederHandlerCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEWdsbCV6POMERANIAN REVIEWHi Im City Lights andjriendi, ' VTSt i^Har '.v\ MrVf- .i .U dhSketch by Chris Heartz with crawfish likeness provided by Olga Baker.We're goin' ta be Cajuns now Come see us in our new home.Am. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch. Tim Sue's Puff Magic Dragon Ch. Jolly Wee Magic of Tim Sue Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Cold Mikeand the Pom girls of Tim Sue will welcome you in our new home atTim and Sue Coddand Route 2, Box 540 Opelousas, Louisiana70570Special invitations to our Texas friends. We will miss you and hope you will visit often.POMERANIAN REVIEWGteal Elm Kernels, fieq'd.\-Vr rjMlmMFAYETTEVILLE KENNEL CLUB INCB.EW3 MARCH 19B6Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming IIWinning the Toy Croup under the well-known judge, Mrs. Wilma Hunter at the Fayetteville Show in Raleigh, Prince also won the Croup at the two shows prior, Durham and Raleigh.On his way to his championship, Prince went Winners Dog at the APC New York Specialty and Best of Winners at Westminster the next day.It is unbelievable how Maynard Wood took Prince at 7 months old clipped to the skin, got a new coat on him in 5 months and won Group 2 with him from the puppy class at his first show. Thank you so very much, MaynardPrince will be at stud with Maynard to approved matrons. Contact Maynard at Park Station, Box 2296, Waynesboro, VA 22980 703 943-6905.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box937704 889-9233 Pineville, NC 28134ki POMERANIAN REVIEWBaiufier, Kc^.BIS, BISSCft Patricks Mr LarryvPvfJ4 toAa.'\u M721-- i u .3 'r iHI.O1"Mr" is pictured winning his 95th Best of Breed at 7 years old. Thank you, Miss Martha Jane Ablett and Mrs. Jean Fancy for Best of Breed the day before, both wins over specials."Mr" wins his 100th Best of Breed under judge Mrs. James E. Clarklaudier, Reg.Michael Husband 1010 Meridian Houston, TX 77017 713645-5760Breeder HandlerMildred C. Patrick Michael Collins214 341-8699 3802 W. Huntington Dr.Phoenix, AZ 85041 601268-9325POMERANIAN REVIEWBlakes PomeraniansP.O. Box 85, Rt. 20 South Craigsville, WV 26205 304 742-3365REEDINNECh. Blakes Curtin Mountain Tiger5 lb. Orange. Proven, Pedigree in Jan. Pom Review. Stud Fee 100.00.Special thanks to Ruth Beam for Great Elms Well Worth While, "Will," sired by Creat Elms Timstopper's Davy. Also, thanks to Janice Luginsland for allowing two LLL kids to join our kennel, Sunsation's Burnt Muffin and LLL Shining Brass Firefly. "Muffin" just recently whelped a beautiful female sired by Ch. LLL Moongold Trapper.I also want to thank our new friend Cassandra Ready for Blake's Dantan By Wee Hearts, sired by Annon's Marquis de Tartan out of Lennis Sunrise Debra. Congratulations Cassandra on your new champions, Wee Hearts Bit O Cold Dust and Wee Hearts All That Glitters. POMERANIAN REVIEWcjCenette j^i owe ran. LandBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 280B1 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerV tCh. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette3'A lbs. OrangeGrandson of Ch. G.E. TimstopperToo Fee 100.Ch. Woods Magic Masterpiece4V2 lbs. OrangeSon of Ch. Models Gold Memento Fee 100.Ch. Tomanolls Wee Short Stack3Vi lbs. Irish Setter Red Fee 100.'3yVBeaver of Lenette4 lbs. Deep RedSon of Ch. Models Timstoppers Echo Fee 75.Free color pictures and pedigrees on any of our studs. Ship to Charlotte, NC. Bitches must be 5 lbs. or larger, reasonably good quality and pedigree. Negative Brucellosis test required. We do not breed to parti-colors or any dog with partis in their background. We will be happy to put your name on our mailing list to receive our offerings. Puppies generally available from the above studs as well as other top studs.POMERANIAN REVIEWj^ KcNVEtsPOMERANIANSDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414 - 755-2994NORWICH TERRI11224 County Hyw. B Mishicot, Wis. 54228IRISH SETTERSBreeders of 37 Pomeranian Champions 26 Norwich Terrier Champions 1 Irish Setter ChamJwvft1 ViVViUi-uAwPomirish Hi Balls Dream AlexdrAnother cream male well on his way toward his title.Alex is for sale after he is a champion. His sire, Ch. Pomirish Hundr'd Prufs Hi Ball is at stud with Nancy Bartholomew.Ch. Pomirish Desiree's G.E. Scooter AKC Centennial WD and son, Ch. Pomirish Scooters Victory Croup Winner are at stud. Pedigrees in Behind The New Champions.Am. Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puff's Only Chance Multi Croup winner also at stud with a few other champion males at Pomirish Kennels.Offspring from the above mentioned studs will be available soon.Good wishes to Sherry Steinmetz with the parti-colors and her Pomirish Poms.POMERANIAN REVIEWJudgesMy Breeder-Owner, Nadine, thanks you My Handler-Companion, Jackie, Thanks you. And I thank you, from the bottom of my heart.C. 7-7tee'iQi.Thank you all for your cards and letters during my illness, but I'm all better now and ready to "climb into the ring," so send me all your little kids to handle with my own spoiled method.D-Nee's PomsNadine Hersil 414 481-5556POMERANIAN REVIEWHt'Kr.'1BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidGroup 4 Whidbey Island Kennel Club May 3, 1986 Toy Group Judge Mrs. Olmos Ollivier Croup 2 Olympia Dog Fanciers Assoc. May 4, 1986 Toy Group Judge Wilma Hunter.Sonny congratulates his newest champion daughter, Ch. Silva's Chantilly Lace, finished with a 5 point major going Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex. She was owner handled to her title by Mary Silva.Several young show prospects for sale three puppies sired by black and tan littermate to BIS Ch. Bev-Nods Toasty Tan-Ya.BI-MAR POMERANIANSMary A. Rosenbaum 36520 28th Ave. South Federal Way, WA 98003 206 838-6397 or 927-22REVIEWAristic Cay Playboy Ch. Jan's Little Rea PodAmber's Ginger of Shady Grove Ch. Patrick's Mr. Kelley Jan's Smarty Boy Patrick's Miss Tonya Debbie's Susanne CH. PATRICK'S MR LARRYCh. Duke's Li I Red Baron of O'Kala Ch. Mac's Four on the Floor of O'Kala McDougall's Gay Misty Junior Ch. Patrick's Miss MischiefCh. Jan's Little Red Pod Ch. Patrick's Miss Precious Bit O'Cold Chips Tinker BellBAUDIER, REG.Michael Husband 4010 Meridian Houston, TX77017 713645-5760Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamor's MarrilynnCAB Ch. Chriscendo Causin A CommotionCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Chriscendo Dancing Starlett Millamor's DancetteCA CH. CHRISCENDO CAUSIN COMMENTCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamor's Marrilynn Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo CarlottaCh. Millamor's Mascot of Dixieland Bell's Misty Masquerade Bell's Happy Lady LuckCHRISCENDOJohn and Christine Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902895-7427Ch. Great Elm's Timstopper Again Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat CreideKs Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nee's Darin' DinadanCh. Queenaire's Jigger O'Scotch Ch. D-Nee's 'Dorable Dazzler D-Nee's 'Dorable Dolly CH. D-NEE'S DARIN' DUFFIE'Ch. Queenaire's Jigger O'Scotch Ch. D-Nee's Call Me Wart D-Nee's 'Dorable Dolly D-Nee's Dawdling Dumplin'Shamrocks Pomirish Gem Smoky D-Nee's D-Lite of PomirishScotia Double Cr Da O'CavilierOwnerNadine Hersil 3128 E. Luzerne Ave.Cudahy, Wl 53110 414481-5556POMERANIAN REVIEW... cV .V '4m m-v, y A's. 'Tj-'-.jasV. - s IM ikTop Sire 1984 and 1985 Not at Public StudW4Vi lb. Orange Male Not at Public Stud.Ch. Enjas Puppet On A String Ch. Magestic Sparkling Diamond Boda's Topaze Merry Cold Ch. Model's Truly A DiamondCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Imaj Ch. Model's Truly Fair Great Elms CandyCH. EMCEE'S SOLID GOLD DIAMONDCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Red Amber Model's Solid GoldCh. Model's Magic Timstopper Model's BewitchedCh. Jill's Lyra Altair WindemereEMCEE'S KENNELSMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-7977Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan Tam CH. EMCEE'S A CHIP OF DIAMOND Ch. Model's Mr. Roberts Ch. Model's Gold Memento Ch. Model's Lil Julie Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Miss ModelCh. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan TamEMCEE'S KENNELSMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr.Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-7977i " ' -v v M t1 hnV" ....'j-y Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Emcee's Chips of DiamondCh. Majestic Sparklin' Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan Tam CH. EMCEE'S TERRIFIC WEE CHIPSCh. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Emcee's Golden Girl of TammyCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Elm Emcee's Tartan TamBritton's Little Miss MuffetEMCEE'S KENNELSMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr.Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-7977OrangeNot at Public StudPOMERANIAN REVIEWSire of 2 Champions 4 lb. Orange. Fee 150. 603 435-8731Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Am. Can. Ch. Jabil's Simply Smashing Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabil's Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah, CD CH. HI TIME SIMPLY JEREMY JABIL May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Edney's Sassv SamanthaBeisel's Wee Flashie Red Man Edney's TaffyStafford's Little MittJABILJessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8 Box 251, Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301Sire of 4 Champions 4'A lb. Orange. Fee 150. 603 435-8731Ch. Nanjo Masterpiece Am. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Thelcolynn's Tiny Tyeca Am. Can. Ch. Jabil's Simply Smashing Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Jabil's Sun GoddessJabil Petite Delilah, CD CH. JABIL'S SIMPLY SINFULAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Sir Blitzen Ch. Topaze Duchess of Jeribeth Jabil's Sun GoddessCh. Scotia Cavalier's Dream Boy Jabil Petite Delilah, CD Ch. Roanoke's Band BoxJABILJessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8 Box 251, Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301Ship to Boston 3Va lb. Orange. Fee 150. 603 435-8731Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Susie Q May Morning Social LionCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again May Morning Alice Pomwin Busybody CH. DAISY'S LITTLE BIT OF JABILAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Ch. Topaze Pumkin SeedCh. Mayken's Sun Witch of Topaze Jabil Daisy MaeAm. Can. Bda. Ch. Nanjo Interlude Jabil's Serendipity Girl Jabil Petite Delilah, CDJABILJessie and Barbara Young Rt. 8 Box 251, Loudon Ridge Road Loudon, NH 03301POMERANIAN REVIEW3Vi lbs., excellence of pedigree, soundness, perfect legmovement, proven stud at 10 mo. Stud Fee 150.00p ,J.r43A lbs, fine pedigree, very sound, excellent movement, proven. Stud Fee 150.00Ch. Robinhood's Replica Rerun Ch. Robinhood's Instant Rerun Mac's Anticipation LLL Skip-A-Roo Mitey Dandy Ch. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Cold Suzanna Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Cina CH. SHY ACRES POM THUMB V. JERIBETICh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakri Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine LLL Moongold Simply SerenaLLL Charming Cold Bonanza LLL Scooter of Clay Haven LLL Happy Country DameJERIBETH KENNELSDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Millbrook's White Flair CH. RIDER'S SUNGOLD DIAMONDCHIPCh. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Randy's Jolly Wee Sparky Randy's Dandy's Classy Lass Maranatha's Lil MelodyCh. Lancer of Sunray Maranatha's Lil Heidi Sunras CherubJERIBETH KENNELDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250^O^oThis lovely little male 44 lbs. has huge coat, very short body, lovely quality, strong concentration of Duke Dragonfly bloodlines. He was not shown due to an accident on leg as youngster. Very fine quality. Terrific stud dog. Stud Fee 100.00Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Fancy Lai Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too Ace Hi's Teddy Bear Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Randy's Pride and Joy of Duke JOLLY WEE DUKE OF THE WESTRandy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiMac's Fancy Duke's Wee Wend\ Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of PeppiCh. Randy's Duke of Dragonfly Randy's Pride Joy of Duke Ch. Ace Hi's Beaut MicheleJERIBETH KENNELSDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Dr.Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250POMERANIAN REVIEWe, 7 lb., true Pom type, good bite, sound jcture producer of parti when bred to parti girls carrying parti, also solid chocolate, ck, orangesable and orange.t Wky, 3Vi lbs. 1 year old. Puppies due in . Had good bite, short back, sound, good set.Corrin Chaco of Great Elms erg's Precious Panda Bear Park's Kewpie Doll Pombreden's Miracle of JesusGorrin Chaco of Great Elms Pombreden's Pentacostal Parti Gorrin Chocolate Coco Puff POMBREDEN'S READ LUKE SIXTEEN Kneeland's Mr. Chips Gorrin Chaco of Great Elms Ebony SapphirePombreden's IMA A Christian PTLMr. Chocolate of LK Mathews Flaming Orange of LK Mathews Princess Jessica DOVER HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners AgentHandlerKathryn Hartz,Patricia Foley Patricia E. Foley Dan Ninatoski 657 Second St.319 Ardmore One Trenton, NJ 08611Trenton, NJ 086296091 394-0298Baron Black Bart Moonshine Clown Moonshine Annie Pombreden's Lamb of God Parti Baron Black Bart Moonshine Eclipse DallyDOVER'S LITTLE CAESAR OF POMBREDENBaron Black Bart Pombreden's Born Again Parti Cristie MistPombreden-Cookie's God GloryGorrin Chaco of Great Elms Pombreden's Parti BathshebaVillapom's Chaco of Pombreden'sDOVER AND HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners HandlerAgentKathryn Hartz,Patricia Foley Patricia E. Foley Dan Ninatoski 657 Second St.319 Ardmore One Trenton, NJ 08611Trenton, NJ 08629609 394-0298flSMr. Adonis of LK Mathews Pombreden's Blaze Into Glory Orman Chocolate Puddin Parks Pombreden's Charismatic PartiGorrin Chaco of Great Elms Pombreden's Pentecostal Parti Gorrin Chocolate Coco Puf POMBREDEN'S HEAVENLY TOY BOYM. Ch. Kup of Koko of LK Mathews Pen's Tango of LK Mathews Pen's Skunny Gadabazine Pombreden's My God Reigns TooPombreaen's Miracle of Jesus Pombreden's Our God Reigns De ChanePOMBREDENSBarbara and Robert Breden 794 S. Willow Ave. Rialto, CA 92376 714 820-2162i, 4Vi lbs. Good bite, sound, good tail set. jpies due. Contact agent Patricia Foley 9 394-0298.POMERANIAN REVIEW 541., . -iV'-'rr-wr--,,4Vi lb. Black. Can. ptd. Ch. progeny. Sire of blue, black, sable. Small ears, heavy boned, short back, good tail set.'SB4S4.Billy. 3Vi lb. true orange sable. High tail set, short body, small ears, sound. Puppies due in June orange, orangesable.iMikie. 3 lb. true cream. Very small ears, short body, high tail set. Has produced orange sable, cream, black. Watch for Mikie's kids in the ring.Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. Dunn's Tina PreshusMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann CH. CAMELOT'S MIGHTY THORLittle Kissin Teddy Bear Edney's Midnight Spirit Fabulous Brandy Scorpio's Midnight Madness Peter's Tinker Toy Little Miss Muffin XX Majestic MistyDOVER AND HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners HandlerAgerKathryn Hartz,Patricia Foley Patricia E. Foie Dan Ninatoski 657 Second S1319 Ardmore One Trenton, NJ 0861Trenton, NJ 086296091 394-029Ch. Stylemaster of Nanjo Jacks Red Gypsy Timmy Ruhl's AbbyFlemington Jacks Gypsy TimmyCh. Hillside's Little Pepper Red Jack's Red Heidi The Witch Cappoquin Ready To Go CH. EDNA'S LITTLE BRONCO May Morning Wizard Blue Brian O'BairnMay Morning Midnight Folly Flemington Jack's Black TessiCh. Hillside's Little Pepper Red Jack's Red Heidi The Witch Cappoquin Ready To CoDOVER AND HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners HandlerAgerKathryn Hartz, P. Foley Patricia E. Foie Dan Ninatoski 657 Second SI319 Ardmore One Trenton, NJ 0861Trenton, NJ 086296091 394-029Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Postscripts E-Mage-N-MeCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edne Edney's Miss Patty Cake Edney's TaffyAC CH. MI-DEE MIKIE OF THE PINESCh. Bonner's Darlastvle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonner's Krispris Golden Comet Bonner's Pep-R-Sun Prissy Pod The Pines Touch of ClassDe Burger's Captain Midnight Adkins Black Winnie The Poo Adkin's Black Madge of DinoDOVER AND HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners HandlerAgenKathryn Hartz, P. Foley Patricia E. Foie' Dan Ninatoski 657 Second St319 Ardmore One Trenton, NJ 086TTrenton, NJ 08629 609 394-029Q POMERANIAN REVIEWiuddy. 4 lb. Blue. Very small ears, short body lice tail set. Produces blue, blue tan, blk an, orange sable and chocolate."umbles. 5 lb. deep red sable small ears, hort body, heavy bone coat produces leep red sable, orange sable. Pups due June.Sue Ramsey's Cold Moshot Jubil's Blud Kidder Geraldine IIIPombreden's Blue Tan JoshuaFinch's Black Gemini Jubil's Fancy Pants Lick's Pippi KolaPOMBREDEN'S UL BLU TESTAMENTRosewood's Timstopper Triumph Rusty Sable SuprizePombreden's My Blue HeavenOrman Fudge Brownoi of Gorrin Gee's BambiCream Puff XXIXDOVER AND HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners HandlerAgentKathryn Flartz, P. Foley Patricia FoleyDan Ninatoski 657 Second St.319 ArdmoreOne Trenton, NJ 08611Trenton, NJ 08629609] 394-0298 May Morning Social LionCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Rebel of EdneyMay Morning Social Lion Edney's Sweet DixieEdney's Pride of Tomstopper CAMELOT'S REBEL DID ITLittle Kissin' Teddy Bear Edney's Midnite Spirit Fabulous Brandy Edney's Southern ComfortCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Edney's Maggie of CricketEdney's Pride of TomstopperDOVER AND HOLIHOUSE POMS Owners HandlerAgentKathryn Hartz, P. Foley Patricia FoleyDan Ninatoski 657 Second St.319 ArdmoreOne Trenton, NJ 08611Trenton, NJ 08629609 394-0298OFARIETY.5CLUB5PETRUUSDroup placing, 4 lb. deep orange. Dominant for heavy, correct coat. Stud Fee150.00Ch. D-Nee's Darin Dinadan Pomirish Pooh Bear's Tigger Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear Ch. Pomirish Christopher RobinCh. Great Elms Buddy of Lenette Pomirish Buddy's Red Rose Anzac of LenetteCH. POMIRISH ROBINS TOP SHELFCh. CreidePs Bold Venture CreidePs Maggies Best Yet CreidePs Miss Maggie Ch. Creider Woodrose Bitta ClassCh. CreidePs Timothy Topcat CreidePs Short N Sassy CreidePs Joy of T-TownPRESTIGIOUS POMERANIANSSherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229POMERANIAN REVIEW e4 ..h'AJosh.Clear orange. Ship to San Diego.Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Model's Truly Fair Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Solid Cold Models BewitchedCH. MILLBROOK'S EL GRAN CABALLEROCh. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Great Elms Pretty Cal Ch. Millbrook's SuzetteCh. Spungold's Timspepper Pal Millbrook's White Flair Barbaras Pride IISUNGOLD POMERANIANSRay and Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr.Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700 Aw...-0B, 7 . . .BIS and BISS Stud Fee 150.00Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Millbrook's White Flair CH. SUNGOLD'S DIAMOND STUD Ch. Sungold's Campus Ch. Sungold's Candy Man Sungold's Dena Sungold's PeggyCh. Sungold's Candy Man Sungold's TammyCh. Sungold's Gay LindaSUNGOLD POMERANIANSRay and Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr.Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619463-2700Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Ch. KazaPs Spectacular KidCh. Scotia President Jim KazaPs Little Annie Jo Arts Michele CH. KAZAR'S SHORT STOPCh. Scotia President Jim Ch. Fury's Bullet of Sunray Ch. Bellarina of Sunray KazaPs Nancy JaneCh. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Jo Arts Wendie of Kazar Sunras Pattycake GirlSUNGOLD POMERANIANSRay and Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr.Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700214 lbs. Clear Orange. Stud Fee 150.002 POMERANIAN REVIEWAI.4 lb. cream.Ch. Scotia Ca\s Spectacular Ch. Scotia President Jim Scotia Nikki Tee's Amy Ch. Fury's Bullet of Sunray Major Dink of Sunray Ch. Bellerina of Sunray Sungold's Lolly CH. SUNGOLD GUN SMOKECh. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Randy's Jolly Wee Sparky Randy's Dandy Classy Lass Maranatha's Lil Daisy May Ch. Lancer of Sunray Ch. Sunray's High Society Ch. Sunray's Vanity FairOwnerPete Castaneda 9818 5th Ave. N.E. Seattle, WA 98115 206525-2425 i-'Tk HdpP 4 I4 lb. orange.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Millbrook's White Flair CH. SUNGOLD'S DYN O MOECh. Fury's Bullet of Sunray Ch. Kazads John R.Jo Arts Wendie of Kazar Sungold's Cozy RiderKazar Jumpin Jason KazaKs EthelCh. Jo Arts Golden GirlOwnerPete Castaneda 9818 5th Ave. N.E.Seattle, WA 98115 206525-2425"VModel's Top Kick Ch. Sun-Dot's Just a NipAnn's Little Angel of Sun-Dot's Ch. Muller's just A Nip Jr.Ch. All Star's Hadleigh Show-off Blossom View's ScarletBlossom Views Cold Princess SUNGOLD BINGO LIL MULLERCh. Sun Dot's RambolingMan Muller's Rambolin Cee Tee Cee Muller's Best Bet Muller's Gypsy TambourineBlossom View's Lucky Star Blossom View's Gypsy Rose Chubby Little JingerOwnerLana Ejchorszt 5001 Encinita Ave.Temple City, CA 91780 818 285-3535Vi lbs. Red Sable Major Pointed.POMERANIAN REVIEWUKKM.onMulti group placer. Very sound, 4'A lb. red, siring small typey puppies in red, black and blacktan.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Model's Solid Cold CA Ch. Emcee's Sparkling ChipCh. Majestic SparkTin Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan Tam CAN. CH. TIPERON'S EXPECTATIONSC.Ch. Boulder River Carbon Cop Boulder River Masked Bandit Boulder River Crimson Cate Can. Ch. Tiperon's Catch Me If You CarCh. Boulder River Carbon Copy Can. Ch. Tiperon's Custom Copy Ch. Frisky's RiptideOwnerJenny Noonan 1316 Upper James St.Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 3B4 416 388-9039- JhI47m\4 lb. cream group placer. Very sound siring typey puppies.h y J4Vi lb. Red SableCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Model's Solid Cold CA Ch. Emcee's Sparkling ChipCh. Majestic Sparklin' Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan Tam CAN. CH. TIPERON'S DREAM WHIPC.Ch. Boulder River Carbon Cop Boulder River Masked Bandit Boulder River Crimson Cate Can. Ch. Tiperon's Catch Me If You CarCh. Boulder River Carbon Copy Can. Ch. Tiperon's Custom Copy Ch. FrisKs RiptideOwnerJenny Noonan 1316 Upper James St.Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L9C 3B4 416 388-9039Ch. Lund's Just Dandy of Hadleij Ch. Scotia Just Dandy's Littleman Ch. Scotia Caviller's Best Yet Ch. Scotia Littleman SpectacularCh. ScotiaCa\s Spectacular Ch. Scotia Specky Mol ly Xmas Noel Ch. Scotia I'm Molly - FollowM CH. SCOTIA CHASE NATIONAL DREAMCh. Toy Town's Dandy Corn Duk Ch. Varney's Special CavalierCh. Cavy's Sensational Conquesl Ch. Zodiac Cavalier CenterpieceCh. Toy Town's Dandy Corn Duk Ch. Luell's Cinderella of Duke Toy Town's Cuppi of JeribethOwnerAlison Brewster424 Belden Hill Rd. 716 ReefWilton, CT 06897 Vero Beach, FL 32 203 712-8212 305 231-5June Oct. Nov. SPOMERANIAN REVIEWe^r" of 4 champions pointed youngsters, range sable, AVi lbs. Fee on request.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Great Elms Timstopper TooCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Wee Julie Tiny Toy's Sissie JoyCH. WATTS LITTLE CHIPPER OF G. ELMSWood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn Great Elms HoneybunCh. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Great Elms Tan Fanny of Lennis DeBurger's Wee Ebony CheetaWATTS' POMERANIANSDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd.Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-8782Pointed youngsters. Black tan 4 lbs. Fee on Request.TVrit__May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Edney's Moebest Special OrderCh. Great Elms Timstoppers Image Postscripts Aft R Noon Delight Edney's Miss Pattycake CH. WATTS' LITTLE PETER TAN MO-BESTCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order Postscript Aft R Noon Delight Ch. Moebest Constant AttentionCheridel's Pomesto Remember Me Pomesto Cassandra Pomesto SweetieWATTS' POMERANIANSDolores Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd.Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-8782Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Watts' Little Chipper of G. Elms Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms FloneybunGreat Elms Tan Fanny of Lennis CH. WATTS' LITTLE DO-SI-DOWood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn ' Watts' Little Muffey of G. Elms Great Elms Tar Baby Great Elms Blackie Tan Great Elms TopsyWATTS' POMERANIANSDolores Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd.Brandywine, MD 20613 301372-87823Vi lbs. Orange. Fee on Request.POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elr Ch. Lennis'Tequilla Sunrise Tiggar's Little Tonya Lennis' Teakie TooCh. O-My Traveling Man Angelica IIO My African Queen WEE HEART'S TEAKIE TOO TOO Sir Bassezz Bourbon BearDavonshire Moonlight Melody Wee Heart's Happy Sugar Smack LLL Happy Country Squire LLL Happy Country GirlLLL Happy Go Lucky TammyWEE HEARTS POMERANIANSCassandra Ready P.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822 803 593-3600 Remember When... by Dorothy Bonnerchampions and Group winners. From car line breeding to retain his genes, influence is evident today, especially conformation and coats. It was well worth . innovations practiced to secure breedings, thankfully remembered.The usual procedure was a short trip to Aristic Kennels with a Bonner girl, hopefi offered to Pepper Pod. After a quick sniff, was usually distainfully ignored. Tl kennel-mates in season were introduced, at a time, until a decided preference \ indicated. For success, this female accc pi ice had to be cooperative and non-nervi as was also the Bonner victim. A three st build was anticipated with an insuffici number of hands to maintain. So I sat on floor with knees pulled up to hold 1 accomplice on top of my Bonner girl, as hand was needed under her with the ot hand ready to be used behind the male to or lower or push. It was not easy. Tempora lowering allowed Pepper Pod to smell only Aristic girl on top, but both were lifted as mounted so that the lower layer could rece the injection while his front legs grabbed upper. Once penetration was achie resulting in a tie, pressure on the en structure could be eased, letting the Ari female down, although remaining in vicinity to maintain the illusion. Pepper F never seemed to question afterward why stranger-Pom remained there as long as continued on p.Since my association with Gladys Schoenberg was close, most of my breeding was to the Aristic studs through the early years. The outstanding prepotency of Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod was realized in the late 1950's. Even with one Best in Show to his credit, he was not sensational in conformation but nice a cobby, five pound red-sable with indisputable soundness. His one fault, which had limited his get, was his stubborn preference in bitches at breeding periods. Often there were none who pleased him enough to make the effort involved, but once a breeding was accomplished the quality of the result was amazing. When these facts were discussed with Gladys, she dismissed my conclusions with the argument that her other champions produced as well and were much easier to breed. Unpopular at home, he was always available to me and I determined to find ways to use him with my girls. So Pepper Pod became my foundation stud almost exclusively during his few years of activity his prepotency unrealized by other breeders until too late. Other Aristic champions, including his son, Ch. Aristic Flaming Cherub, surpassed him in beauty, but none came near him in the quality of get. Among his Best in Show sons were Ch. Bonner's Peppersweet Red Pod his daughter, Peppersweet, bred back to him, and Ch. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus from a Pepper Pod breeding to a granddaughter. He sired many other Bonnersr r 4'A lb.Harsh coat sires black and tan consistently.POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906The first thing I would like to do is correct ne misinformation reported in the last issue the Pom Review. Those of us involved with 1986 Obedience Demonstration were der the impression that we were the first up to perform in a group obedience event the APC. We were not. Gladys Dykstra m Easthampton, NJ was the first. She and o of her friends gave such a demonstration ring the February 1976 New York Specialty, ose of you who keep your Reviews forever II find an article on it in the April 1976 issue, ge 10. If anyone still has it, I would sure predate a copy of that story. Our apologies Gladys and friends. Maybe she'll be ailable to be part of a 1987 DemoSpeaking of Gladys, did you know she's en in Obedience with Pomeranians and rzoi for many years Since 1950 I derstand she has earned in Poms alone 2 n. UD's, 3 Am. CDX's only, 1 Am. CD only, Ian. CDX's only, and 1 Can Championship ly. Also in the Borzoi she has 3 Am. UDs, 3 n. UDs, and 1 Am. Champion. That's quite record Anyone care to guess how many ousands of hours of hard work went into all ose titlesRecently we mentioned Claire Flesner and r knee surgery. She writes "I'm doing just at Can't run yet Can climb stairs and have i pain" Claire also reported on a fun match Id by the Bay Colony Pom Club. There were entries and 3 qualifying scores. Finishing st in sub-Novice was Floneybear's Megan ned by Fran Richardson with a 156165. d was Silver Meadow's Mr. Randy, owned d shown by Claire with 139165. It was indy's first time in an Obedience ring with ry limited practice because of her knee covery. He had a perfect score in the sit and wn exercises. Since it took her six years to t a qualifying score with her first OB Pom epper," because he thought the 3-minute ng down was only 214 minutes, this was lite a feat Maybe we'll see Randy during thefall season in Novice. The winner of Novice B and High Score in Match went to Smokey Jo, owned by Brandy Richardson with a 188200. Brandy is only 12 years old and Claire says works like a professional "It was a pleasure to watch her and her Pom," Claire reported. I've never even seen 7 Poms in one Obedience event until New York, and she's got them in a fun matchClaire also reports that there is a new CD Pom in the club. Evelyn Farinacci's Fahnley's Pom Pom "Jodi" finished leg 3 with a 19214 from Novice B at Holyoke KC. Interestingly, he had a run-off with another Pom Then for insurance Jodi got leg 4 at the Merrimack Valley KC with 19314200. Congratulations to Evelyn.Also from the Bay Colony Club is Jennie Martin. Condolences go out to Jennie on her recent loss of Chiper who was 12 years old. Chiper was an AmCanBda UD with many High Score in Trial awards. He once was HIT in Bermuda for a whole week of Trials I'm sure he's sadly missed.Did you make it to the Richmond Gaines shows I didn't, but sure wish I could have. Margaret McKee started the week by being featured on three local television programs before going into the Trials. She and Val were asked to show their stuff to the TV audience to give them an idea of what Obedience is all about. Then they went to Gaines scoring 17614,18414 and 190. Diane Bauman was also there with Abra scoring 199, 16914 and 19914. On Sunday Abra was "Sunday's Best," meaning that she was the High Scoring Dog for the Day. Congratulations to both Margaret and Diane, both APC members, on a job well doneJo Ellen Corley's I'm a Wee Bit Flashy has finished his CD by earning leg 3 32286 at the Ft. Worth KC with 19314, then leg 4 on 323 he got 194 at Ft. Worth DTC. Pretty consistent. Earning two legs toward their CD were Marie Smith and Surprize Echo of Manchester. Marie and Echo got leg 1 at St. Petersburg KC with 170 and leg 2 at Tampa Bay KC with a 179. Kristen Kvamme from the Columbia Pom Club has just earned a CD on Cedar Glen's Piccolo Pete. Pete received leg 1 at Sammamish KC with a 170, leg 2 at Puyallup Valley KC with 18614, and leg 3 on 22386 at Seattle KC with 187. Also earning a leg on 223 was R. Domingo with Hy Jan-Lee's Archie of Ardee in Novice B. Theirs came withPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6a 187 at OTC of Hawaii. Does anyone know anything about this pair Has Hawaii ever had an obedience titled Pomeranian Apparently R. Domingo showed a Pom for 2 legs prior to this, but no one knows if they ever received the 3rd leg.Ch. Sugar Plum Fairy, owned by APC member Roz Coltz, earned his first leg Feb. 22 with a 195 at the 1st Dog Club of Northern NJ. He then earned the second leg 223 with 195V5 at Bayshore Companion Dog Club. Good luck, Roz, as she's now working on a Dog World Award. Peppy Von I, owner unknown, earned leg 1 Feb. 22 at Monterey Bay DTC with a 178. Both these dogs were in Novice B. Lessard's Little Geisha Girl UD also received a 192 on Feb. 22 at the Monterey Trial winning the Challenge Trophy for the second time. She's slowly working on her OTCh. So far Alice Lessard reports Geisha has 6 points and counting toward the 100 points needed. Diane Bauman and Noah's Abra Ka Dabra CDX received a 2nd place from Open B 222 at 1st Dog Club of Northern NJ with a 198'A. She also won High in Trial with a 199Vi from Open B.Alice Lessard has been busy indeed this spring. Besides showing Geisha and working on the OTCh, she has now begun Novice B with Lessard's Natsu Takara, who is also 1 major away from her championship. She writes, "Natsu works far superior to Geisha and she really enjoys obedience. I entered her in the Fresno KC, Bakersfield KC and Chief Solano KC shows. At Fresno she got a 195, at Bakersfield a 197Vi, and then a very upsetting 192 at Chief Solano. Oh well, there went a 'Dog World.'" And she just reported earning a 198i at Mt. Diablo DTC, good for High Scoring Toy That's sure the way to earn a CD, isn't it AliceLast month I mentioned that I think it's hard to get a Utility title and consider each qualifying score as solid gold. Alice writes about the other side "I love to brag about my dogs, and when you asked how long it took to get a UD on Geisha, I had to laugh since that was the easiest title of all for us and the most fun. Since everyone had told me how hard it was to get a UD, I expected to be working on it forever, but with six months of training and five shows later Geisha was a Utility Dog. I would have gotten her UD in three shows, but she got confused between going out for articles and the "go outs." If I would haveknown it at the time, I would have trainee Geisha longer for perfection instead o jumping the gun and putting her in the ring si soon. Many people had told me horror storie about the Utility ring, that I wanted to get i over with in a hurry. I figured my dog wouli be ten years old still going for its third leg. Thi moral of the story is, do not listen to do people during the out-of-sight sits and down in Open B. If your dog has a good foundatioi to build upon, then each step, CD to CDX t UD should not be harder, but instead easier."BK's Sir Spunky earned his 2nd leg on hi UD in United Kennel Club on March 1 with score of 189. The second day he blew it, bu managed to redeem himself in Open B. I hat entered Open that day for fun, and darned i the monkey didn't tie for 2nd with a very nici working Sheltie and won the run-off. BK' Sunshine Supergirl also made her firs appearance in sub Novice. Being six weeks ir whelp she managed to pull a 3rd place anc 158165 to make yours truly very happy. Be looking for her as soon as she drops her litterHere's hoping your dog is always a happy heelerlPacific NW News, from p. 28.And this club has done it well.How did it finally happen I asked Phyllis Andrews what she thought was the key to AKC approval. She said, "Organization." AKC has set out guidelines and you must follow them in a clear, well documented way giving a complete resume of activities, clearly labeled and arranged in an easy to read manner a complete list of members' breeding and show records a record of club property and exactly where each item can be found and who is responsible for it the educational programs, promotional material and everything the club has done to present the breed to the world. Becoming a sanctioned club involves a lot of hard working, dedicated people. Congratulations, Puget Sound Pomeranian Club68 POMERANIAN REVIEW------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------DupresPomeraniansS_---------------------------------------------------------- r-rid.Dupres Sparkling Gold BusterCh. Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico x Dupre's That's My DollBuster is pictured after taking a 4 pt. major with a Group 4 placement at the tender age of 8 months under judge Dr. Leon Seligman. Buster's showmanship is unrelenting and he shows his heart out in and out of the ring. All judges and spectators who have had the opportunity to observe him have had nothing but high praise for him. Thanks to all, especially Barbara Whiddon for helping my girl Pearl at this show.Please note our new addressBreederOwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Route 2, Box878-A318 627-5180 Colfax, LA 71417POMERANIAN REVIEW J VDupres PomeraniansK tX Sc"'rwBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXBATON ROUGE KENNEL CLUB FALL 1905 VPHOTO BTL.SOSACh. Dupres Dancing Gold Pearlj------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ----------------------vCh. Emcee's Diamond Solid Cold x Dupre's Lets Dance IvanPearl is pictured in one of her many fine wins on the way to her championship. Above she is shown after winning BOS for a 3 pt. major under judge Mr. James Vaughters. She completed her championship requirements after taking time out fora litter, going BOS to my little boy Buster when he went on to his Group 4 placement. What a dayI do have a promising show prospect and brood to offer at this time. All inquiries welcomed.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 627-5180BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 714170 POMERANIAN REVIEWTurning Back The Clockby Mary VickersA long time ago, millions of years ago, man lid not dress the way he does now, nor did he lave his faithful companion the dog. Actually le lived in fear of many animals. But times hange. Man decided to wear clothes and nake friends with the creatures around him. Dne of the animals, Tomarctus, changed also, art of his family became known as Canis amiliaris, or the familiar dog which efriended man. Man and his companion the log freely roamed the earth. They appeared in Germany, Africa and even Wyoming. They idjusted to each other, each attending to his wn needs, but eventually relying more on iving and surviving together."At any rate, by 12,000 B.P. before the jresent, at least four recognizable subspecies f domestic dogs are identifiable in Eurasia, ach of which reflects a long period of domestication and structural change. These ire the polar dogs, the gazehounds, the Dariah-dingo, and the mastiffs." 1The polar or Northern dogs are perhaps the Dest known and, as Pomeranian breeders, should interest us the most. "These dogs are he wolf-like dogs roughly inhabiting the areas enclosed by the Arctic Circle. Similar to wives, most of these dogs have banded guard hairs and consequently "wild" coloring, erect ears, broad and powerful long-snouted skulls framed by display ruffs, robust trotting builds, and an air of jolly independence. By Neolithic times, 5,000 years B.P., several varieties of polar dogs had appeared in response to the increasing applications being developed by man. In addition to the huskies Siberian, Norwegian husky and elkhound, and the Alaskan Malamute this group includes the Samoyed, the Pomeranian, the Schipperke and other members of the "Spitz" family. Also associated with this group is the more easternly, but still Arctic dogs, the Chow and the Akita." 2Scientists have grouped these dogs in the following orderTOMARCTUSIcanine familiaris intermediusSamoyed Lhasa Terrier Egyptian Housedog I MalteseChinese Lion DogPomeranian Techichi Shock DogSchipperke Chihuahua Italian Spaniel MexicanHairlessHuskyMalamuteNorwegian Keeshond Chow Akita ElkhoundScientifically this stands today, unless one is a dog breeder who wishes to debate the scientists, particularly if one is a Schipperke breeder who disavows any relationship to the Pomeranian. But scientists have their bases in facts, mostly from the study of bones and teeth unearthed in archeological digs. Their records and research cover eons. Breeders have their history too. Some of it is written, some pictured, some of it verbal and much of it lost, unfortunately.People did not become interested in "pure-bred dogs" until the mid and late 1800's. At that time in England, Northern and Central Europe, people started to breed dogs because of existing desirable traits, physical likeness and structure, as well as ability and personality. Prior to this time some tribes of people, for instance the Nentsi, were long-time dog breeders. For the majority of breeders however, human intervention into dog breeding is less than 150 years old. Stud records and pedigrees began at this time. Breed clubs came about shortly thereafter.The Samoyed is widely credited on canine geneaological charts with being the "top man on the totem pole" the first historically known progenitor of "spitz" dogs. 3 The Samoyed is the direct ancestor of the Husky, Keeshond and the Pomeranian. An interesting fact is that in Rickett's book, "The New Complete Pomeranian," there is a picture of a Creek wine jug from the 4th century. It is stated that the dog pictured is a Pomeranian. This same picture is also in a Samoyed book and their historians say the dog is a Samoyed. The Keeshond book also presents the same picture, equally claiming the dog to be aPOMERANIAN REVIEWSweetheart Pomeraniansr- xWee Hearts A Little Pizazz3V4 poundsShow quality puppies available in all colors. Stud service available also in blue and tan, black and tan, and chocolate and tan parti.Lines include mostly Great Elms, some Emcee, Millamor and Cornduke.KATHY CARROLL P.O. Box 131525 Tyler, TX 75713 214 566-46482 POMERANIAN REVIEWieeshond The breeds as we know them today lave changed but their resemblance remains, t is easy to see and understand how the ihysical structure of these dogs has been hanged, but there is an interesting sideline hat has been lost. That of the color of the Jorthern dogs.Picture a Samoyed. It is a white dog tanding as high as 23 inches tall, right Well, he first Samoyed to be imported to England ly the breed's founders, Mr. and Mrs. iilburn-Scott, was a chocolate-brown male. Vriting about the breed in 1889 the Cilburn-Scotts state "we must recall that at his point in time they Samoyeds were not lecessarily the spectacular all-white variety, hey included black and tan, and black and vhite Samoyeds." Further description of the lifferent color of Samoyeds includes brindle, vhite, white with spots, black with white, vhite with black patches, reds, yellows, 'ellow spotted and red spotted. The Prince of Vales later to become King Edward VII had l Samoyed that was all white except for its lack head. Also, a noted dog authority, Mr. rank Sewell, reportedly owned an all sable jrown Samoyed. 4Two types of Samoyed tribe dogs existed. ne belonged to the nomadic tribe, the ill-white Bjelkier dogs. Bjelkier means "white hat breeds white" and is used in reference to nany animals. The pastoral tribes had dogs vhich were white, some black and white, and vhite with other colors. Both of these types vere bred together. The first standard idopted for the breed showed colors as pure vhite, white with slight lemon markings, jrown and white, and black and white. This vas later changed to pure white, white and jiscuit and cream, which is the standard that he Americans adopted when the Samoyed vas admitted to the AKC.In the United States today, a black or brown amoyed cannot be found. However, amoyeds that are white with biscuit or white ind cream, besides the pure white are ivailable. Look closely at their markings, rhey occur similar to the markings that the 3omeranian carries today. They can have ream or biscuit face and body markings eyebrows, chins, under the neck and patches sf color on their bodies besides shadings in he coat.The Keeshond itself has a colorful history, vhich is not well known and directly relates tothe Pomeranian. Evidence from many sources shows that over a long period, several varieties of Spitz dogs evolved in Germany, ranging in size and coloration from the 'Great White Spitz,' the 'Crosse Grau Wolfsspitz' large, gray, wolf-colored to the smaller 'Pommed Pomeranian. In 1899, the German breeders formed the' German Spitz Club, which established a stud book. Published in 1913, but covering the period from 1891 to 1898, those listed were 247 white, 222 black, 221 wolf-gray, 1 orange, 7 red and 1 particolored. This covered all varieties. 5 In Holland, where the Keeshond became nationally and internationally famous, the Crosse Grau Wolfsspitz was commonly white, but also existed in black and in gray was well as other colors. As recently as the 1970's, Keeshonds that are all white, all black and entirely pale-orange-to-liver colored without a gray or black hair on them, had been accepted in Holland and Germany for years. 6 Orange-to-liver colored pups have been whelped in this country in amongst gray-to- black littermates. This same gene pattern is known to occur in Norwegian Elkhounds. 7 Neither is allowed by the breed standard."The Complete Keeshond" by Clementine Peterson gives much history of both the Keeshond and the Pomeranian in England. In it she quotes the C.M. Hicks book, "The Pomeranian" England, 1906, which tells the story of the first "shaded sable Pomeranian" shown in London in 1899. This dog had been sent to a Miss Beverly in Britain by friends in Holland. Those in Holland called the dog a Keeshond. The British dog fancy had a field day, calling the dog a Pomeranian, a Keeshond, a Wolksspitz ora Spitz. 8 It fit all those categoriesSo what of the PomeranianAmong the first written references to the Pomeranian occured in 1570 in the treatise, "De Cannibus Brittanicus" written by the founder of Caius College in Cambridge, England. At that time the Cermanic Pomeranian Dog was under 30 pounds and seen in all colors solid, shaded, brindle and spotted.The Pomeranian in the 1800's is described by Taplin writing in the "Sportsman's Cabinet" 1803. "The Pomeranian is 18 to 20 inches high with a long, thick, and rather upright coat forming a tremendous ruff about the neck, but short and smooth on head and ears .POMERANIAN REVIEWATO s Pomeraniansproudly presentsZbS'ASitWINNERS MID-KENTUCKY KENNEL CLUB MAY 1986Rouse's Little FrecklesThis four pound black and tan female is shown winning her first point under judge Mrs. Dorothy Welsh. What a great day Ch. ATO's Lucky Little Lucy took BOB that same day.I want to thank my friend Nellie Rouse for giving me this beautiful, intelligent, and loving little girl. When I first saw Freckles she grabbed a part of my heart and she will always have it. Thank you Nellie, for giving me such delight and pleasure.AnneM. Oyler 1109 South 22nd Rogers, AR 72756POMERANIAN REVIEWi. mostly pale yellow or cream in color and ghter on the lower parts. There were white jecimens, a few blacks and very rarely a jotted Pom." He mentions that "the tail is ither large and bushy, and invariably curled i a ring above the back." 9Stonehedge, one of the most famous dog istorians, wrote in the 1850s about two lasses of Pomeranians. The larger, the omeranian Wolf Dog, bore a striking semblance to the St. Bernard, although the ead was smaller and more fox-like. He was iwn in color with black points. The smaller omeranian, or Spitz, or Loup-Loupe, was hite and closely resembled the Samoyed. hose found guarding flocks of sheep in omerania were usually black. However most f the dogs imported to England were white. I0The Germans were the first to miniaturize ie Pom. Their normal variety was in the 18 to 4 pound range, but the smaller variety aptured the hearts of many and the Germans apitalized on this drawf version.In 1859 England became the sponsor of the omeranian as at that time the first stud cords and pedigrees began. Pomeranians 'ere not able to be shown until 1871, owever. At the June show a trio of white ogs were shown, which were in the 12 to 20 ound range. By 1891 the Pomeranian Club 'as formed. The Pom's tail had straightened ut a bit to lay over the back and the "in" olor was black, followed by chocolate, blue nd the whites. Whites ran the gamut from ure white to biscuit to cream. It was also at iis time that the Pom got smaller. Many mes the show dogs were in the 8 to 14 pound inge, although there were specimens 'eighing in at T2 pounds. The Pomeranian lub started with divided classes for those ver and under 8 pounds. Later the weight 'as dropped to 7 pounds and in 1916, they liminated classes for those over 7 pounds.By the turn of the century the Pom was the reed to have. Although getting smaller, a niformity of type began to evolve, but there 'as still great variety in style, size, color and oat. Royalty greatly helped publicize the omeranian. Queen Victoria had her Windsor tarco and later the Duchess of Windsor had er portrait done with her particolored Pom. ainters such as Thomas Gainsborough, Sir jshua Reynolds and George Stubbs im- lortalized many colorful Pomeranians infamily portraits. Gainsborough is credited with an orange and white particolor with a little girl, a young boy with his black Pom, and a family with a black and white parti and their chocolate Pom. George Stubbs did an interesting painting entitled "The Prince of Wales' Phaeton" which depicts the Prince's black and white dog. 11 Although most of these paintings were done in the 1700's, many rushed to have theirs done in the same manner.By 1914 a Pomeranian left an indelible mark on our present day Poms. English Champion Mars captured the attention of many. He was a strange colored Pom and the first orange to garner a title. Fortunately he was a prolific stud and passed his flashy orange color down to us. 12Poms were imported to the U.S. in the late 1800's. Most of these firsts were chocolates, wolf sables, blues and whites. The first Pom entered in the AKC stud book was 'Dick' by Texas ex Foulette. He was a white born in September 1888 and owned by J. Jamison from San Francisco. 13 We were to have the same problem breeding Poms as England had, especially with the whites. They were big some staying around 28 pounds. The orange color became the rage and seemed to breed true. The orange Pomeranian took over, although several breeders continued to try their hands with the different, ancient- colored Poms.Today in the AKC show ring, there are only whitish Samoyeds, black-to-gray Keeshonds and Norwegian Elkhounds. The Pomeranian standard however, does call for many of the colors and patterns in its heritage. Color breeding continues to be frustrating, but gains have been made. Sometimes you have to look behind you before you can move further ahead.BIBLIOGRAPHY1 McLoughlin, John C., The Canine Clan, Viking Press 1983, pp. 90, 94-96, 105.2 Ibid, p. 90.3 Peterson, Clementine, The Complete Keeshond, Howell Book House, 1980, 6th Printing, p. 24.4 Brearly, Joan McDonald, This is the Samoyed, TFH Publications, 1975, p. 26.5 Peterson, Clementine, The Complete Keeshond, p. 26.6 Ibid, p. 174.continued on p. 102.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Ch. Chulas Choice of Dragon Markrfi\i it"Crabber" if from our litter of four 'show girls,' pictured taking Best in Sweepstakes at Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty, March 1986 with proud "grandpa," Peter Galindo doing the honors. She finished with two 5 pt. majors, two BOBs, three BOW-BOS at 11 months of age.Her litter sister, Ch. Chula Texican Peppermist finished at 10 months going BOW-BOS at the specialty with two 5 pt. majors and a 4 pt. major. The third sister, Jeribeth's Chula Dragonette has 3 majors and the fourth sister, Betty Bell's Chula's Lulabye of Dragon is finished in Canada with a Cr. 2 and will debut in the States shortly.Chula PomsNorma C. Cad 5908 Westside Rd.915584-0942 El Paso, TX 79932pending AKC confirmation76 POMERANIAN REVIEWWillow Brook PomsPuppies sired by Snow Cloud Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge son and out of Peaches and Cream Bev- Nor's Almond Fudge daughter Champion bloodline pups available now and throughout the year. Call for current availability.Joyce Carleton 301-255-5646presentsBreed The Perfect PomeranianWell, we all know that perfection is impossible, but at the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City, Inc., that's what it's all about striving to breed the perfect Pom.The club today is made up of AKC Pomeranian breeders with over 50 years combined experience dedicated to the breed. Monthly lectures on obedience, conformation, whelping, breeding, nutrition, grooming, etc. are hosted by professional handlers, veterinarians and breeders.We think you will find our club fun and very worthwhile. It is our hope to soon be AKC recognized and hold sanctioned matches. We would like to invite breeders as well as Pomeranian fanciers to join with us. Watch for our Pomeranian obedience and conformation fun match coming up in November in conjunction with the Oklahoma City cluster shows.For more information about our club, please write to Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City, Inc. P.O. Box 300043, Midwest City, OK 73130 or call our Corresponding Secretary, Linda Gustafson at 405 391-2960.Striving to improve the breed. POMERANIAN REVIEW 77Ch. Arvnons Sir Kennor ^VN1BEST OF WINNERSHUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1986photo by Kenny is a very sound, short backed Pomeranian. I'm proud to be his owner.I want to thank Ann Cannon and John K. Bishop, the breeders of Kenny, for letting me have this little guy. Thanks also to my handler, Arlene Johnson, for finishing him for me.I would like to thank the following judges for Kenny's wins Denis Grivas, 1 pt. Roy Ayers, 2 pts. Mrs. Tipton, 2 pts. Mrs. Blumberg, 1 pt. K. Miller, 1 pt. M. Bartly, 1 pt. Mildred Bryant, 4 pts. Norman Patton, 3 pts.Puppies for sale occasionally.OwnerNancy C. Mullens Box 413Craigsville, WV 26205 304J 742-3385HandlerArlene Johnson 831 Athens Dr. Raleigh, NC 27606 919 851-335078 POMERANIAN REVIEWIObedience Profile Jo Ellen CorleyThe children have graduated from high school and basically left home. That is, they are still around, they just don't live at home any more. The family dog, restricted to the back yard because of unruly behavior is lonesome. "Maybe with all this time on my hands, I should take him to obedience school. It would help get him under control and then Kenneth and I could live in peace." So thought Jo Ellen as she paged through the Sunday paper about three years ago. The ad she found was for the Companion Dog School of Tulsa." Classes would start in a few weeks.Getting ready for class, Jo Ellen thought that it might be nice to have a dog all her own a little dog, a lap dog, something cute and cuddly.Training classes went well. The family dog, a German Shepherd-lrish Wolfhound mix, enjoyed the work as much as Jo Ellen. But soon a cute, cuddly Pomeranian puppy came to live with the Corleys. The family came to see the new addition. Confusing the Pom's heritage with the Peke, as some people do, the AKC registration form was filled out giving the puppy's name as Midnight Shogun. His call name would be Hopsing.The little black ball of fluff finally grew old enough to enter school. A year later, he had his CD title with scores of 195, 183 a real bad day, and 195Vi 1st place. Resting on their laurels, Hopsing and Jo Ellen took the summer as vacation. Open training awaited them in the Fall.Hoppi when he's good his name is shortened had absolutely no problems in Open. He jumps like mad, dashes out to retrieve and drops very quickly. Jo Ellen had the problems. She had grown, learning muchabout dogs, training and psychology. She recognized that Hoppi is not a 'natural retriever.' He did not play retrieve. He would chase. If something were thrown out for him, he would run off with it. She dreaded the time when dumbell retrieving would start. Hoppi was doing well on all the Open exercises but not retrieving. Her instructor kept asking, "When are you going to pinch that dog's ear" Not wanting to deliberately cause her dog pain, she kept making excuses. Finally, she did it. Wonder of wonders, Hoppi opened his mouth and took the dumbell. From then on, he retrieved He went after his "X" and in three straight shows with scores of 186, 196 1st place and 193 3rd place, became a Companion Dog Excellent.But life for Hopsing is not restricted to the obedience ring. Jo Ellen firmly believes that he is her companion, but that also he should be a good ambassador for the breed as well as a good representative of dogs in general. He goes with her everywhere and they have yet to hear a discouraging word. Most of the time people compliment his beauty and his manners. Jo Ellen also has this love for children. She has raised four and is a school teacher of 12th grade English. Perhaps that is why Hoppi is a Registered Therapy Dog Therapy Dogs International. Together they visit schools for the retarded where the kids love him. At first, Jo Ellen was very enthused about these visits, but then became very discouraged about how the children would try to treat the dogs. Soon though, a program was planned that would allow the dogs to perform tricks and afterwards some of the children with supervision would be allowed to visit closer. Hoppi may have his own fan clubPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7Alee Gee PomsRaisedA Ruckus1.VV'ft sCh. Mee Gee's Touch of FrostCh. Texican's Wee-Will O' Mee Gee x Ch. Brashear's Beau SquirtRuckus, our first home bred, owner-handled champion, finished with a 5 pt. major 31586 under judge Frank Oberstar. He also won a major under judge Jack Brenneis and has several BOBs. He is a cream sable.and his litter sisterCh. Mee Gee's Petite ContessaContessa has done as well. She finished with a 3 pt. major under Leon Seligman, a 4 pt. major under Don Rogers and a 5 pt. major under Frances Thornton, and has been BOS several times. Tessa is a great granddaughter of world Ch. Sunray's Lil Beaver. 'Polly FergusonSee Pedigree in "Behind The New ChampionsBreederOwnerHandler239 Ridge Ave. Greenville, MS 38701 601 334-9569POMERANIAN REVIEW3ecause of these children, but he also has his ivorites. Much joy abounds on the day that oppi and the kids visit.Many feel that Toy dogs should jump, bark, nd be a general nuisance they should not be i obedience. Not Jo Ellen, nor her friends and istructors at Companion Dog Training School f Tulsa. They have been out tracking several mes. Jo Ellen encourages everyone to try acking. It makes the dogs so aware of scents. is something that they do naturally and is njoyable for humans. Once while out in the elds, everything stopped as all watched four eer wondering what was going on. Hopsing egan Utility training while in Open. The acking and the scent discrimination xercises made Open retrieving much easier Dr him. In Open at a show, if the grass is too igh or the ground slopes off, Hoppi will put is nose to the ground and scent-find the umbell. He knows to look for it, if it is not eadily visible.Hopsing is trying for his Utility Degree, resently he has two legs. This level is provingbit more difficult than the others. Jo Ellen sels that Utility is the ultimate in training, he training itself has gone fairly smoothly nd is enjoyable, but can be very frustrating, hey have an excellent instructor in AKC jdge, Cail Brown, and receive much ncouragement from her. One of their roblems is that there are few matches in Iklahoma. This is a handicap, as in many ases the dog knows the exercises inside and ut, but ring conditions and handlers' nervesj an cause lots of zeros.The Corley household now has other dogs, uke, or I'm A Wee Bit Flashy CD, is a iopsing son. Other than both being black, hey have little in common. It is said that your econd dog is easier to train. Not so in this ase. Luke is Jo Ellen's frustration point. He las been known to cause her much mbarassment by just doing his own thing, lut when he worked, he did well getting his iD with 193V2, 194 and 193y2. His bumper eg, since the pressure was off and he knew it, ras a 19612. Luke will now try his paws at racking and also visits the kids as a member if Therapy Dogs International.Another Pom, Dandy, resides with the Corleys. He hasn't begun training yet as Hopsing's U.D. degree comes first. His time vi II come.It was thought that after the kids left, lifewould settle into a peaceful mode. Ken and Jo Ellen could have leisurely vacations of hunting and fishing. It hasn't worked out that way. Evenings are spent working the dogs or at class. Weekends and vacations are combined hunting, fishing and dog shows. Ken always wanted a dog of his own, too. He wanted a bird dog, so a Brittany named Trooper was obtained. At 8 months of age his training has begun. But now the Corleys have to stop at the Brittany ring to see how the rest of the litter is getting along.A COOL PICTURE by Garrett O'Dell"Pomeranians are only lap dogs . . ." How often have you heard that oneThe Tribble Poms have set out to disprove this gross misconception. While not quite ready for the Iditerod, these Poms can still haul Mom around the backyardLead dog, Tribble's Lacy Antimacassar CD swing dog, Ch. Tribble's Autumn Sunset CD, and wheel dog The Trouble With Tribbles CD are taking Gemini's Little Nic Nac CD for a Sunday ride, after she decided she would rather ride than pull.Timmy, the lead dog, is co-owned and shown by Kim Mignano, but all four are the friends of Garrett O'Dell.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8Donara PomeraniansEl 9Wee Heart's Shar-Tan Wee Hearts Sugar NuggetWe send a big "Well done" to new Ch. Wee Hearts Bit O Cold Dust and- his proud mama, Cassandra Ready. Thank you, Cassandra, for letting these beautiful boys, as well as Wee Hearts Chasin Rainbows, visit my Texas girls. They were made most welcome. These lovely black and tan girls pictured below are a very welcome addition to my kennel.SatinNancy Shellman P.O. Box415VelvetKilgore, TX 75662 214 984-0948POMERANIAN REVIEWDee Dee's Pomeraniansproudly presentsXKPOMERANIAN REVIEW 83XIXIX XT 3UC 3UC ixx IX XI IX XI 3C ^MC IX XInvJPut Your Best Paw Forward \ W i t h . . ."6.lM,LDee Dee's Pomeraniansi" XfwmC'Ju. J 1., oA-- jM'f 1 C.j4.We are pleased to announce the acquisition of Gambler from Bev-Nor Poms. Bev, thank you for allowing me the pleasure of owning such a spectacular black and tan. Also, I would like to thank Bev and Bill Norris and John and Lil Cribbs for their guidance toward such a novice as myself.Gambler possesses an animated personality, great puppy coat and wonderful bone pictured at 4V2 months. Knowing how popular the black and tan color is becoming he will be available for stud at 150.00. Both Gambler and I are waiting breathlessly for his grown-up coat so that we can hit the show ring.Dee Dee's Poms will be expecting four litters in the late summer sired by Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge sire of 26 champions, 2 Stud 1985 and Ch. Bev Nor's Toasted Fudge 1 Pom for 1981, '82, '83, and 3 stud in 1985. Also sire of the top winning female in 1984 and 1985.Dianne Thompson-Drewery P.O.Box 155 Mechanicsville, VA 23111-0155804 747-378884 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience Questions Answersby Judy Green 822 Parkside Blvd.Claymont, DE19703 302 798-5962Question Since I will be showing in both breed and obedience in the near future, how should I handle a conflict with having to be in two places at the same time And how can I tell when I'm due to show in breed or obedienceAnswer This has happened to me more times than I care to remember and, fortunately most judges are very considerate of this and try to be as accommodating as possible. The key to doing both at the same time is organization Here's how I handle doing both.The first thing I do when I get my judging schedule is see when I'll be in the breed ring. Most breed judging schedules are cut and dried. However, if there are other breeds before you, figure on judging 30 dogs per hour and you can get a rough idea of when you'll be in the ring. Look at your number in obedience and count up how many dogs are entered before you. A guideline and this is only a guideline is 8 dogs per hour are judged in Novice, 7 dogs per hour in Open and 6 dogs per hour in Utility. Also, check the judging schedule and see if they have included a sketch of the show grounds, and if so, locate your rings.For example, this past weekend Poms were being judged at 1245 in Ring 4 after 9 Papillons. There were 5 Pom dogs and I'm showing a bitch. To be on the safe side, I wanted to be at Ring 4 no later than 100. However, there were 20 Open dogs being judged starting at 1130 in Ring 15 on the other side of the show grounds. Jeffrey was eighth in the class and, according to my calculations, Jeff should have been in the ring about 1230. This is cutting the time too close for me, not leaving much room for delays. I would probably show in obedience, go get Amber, take Jeff and put him in his crate and get to the other side of the show grounds with possibly only seconds to spare. Therefore, I arrived at the show grounds early and at 1125 I was at the obedience ring waiting for thejudge. When he arrived, I explained to him that l would probably have a breed conflict and, if at all possible, could I go out of turn any time that was convenient for him. Thankfully, he said that it was no problem and I could be last in the class. I thanked him, told him how understanding he was and went on my way. If he had said no, I had to go in order, I would still have thanked him and made arrangements for someone to stand by to either show one of the dogs or make sure they were ready to go in the ring.I feel the key to successfully exhibiting in both breed and obedience is organization when you will be in breed, when you will be in obedience and where the rings are located. If timing is "iffy," don't take a chance. Ask the obedience judge if you can go out of turn. And remember, it's the judge's ring and he can do whatever he pleases. He is not obligated to accommodate you because of a breed conflict. If he does let you exhibit out of turn, let him know how grateful you are and, by the same token, if he wants everyone in catalog order, thank him for his time anyway and in the future, either just show in obedience under this judge or don't show under him at all. Remember always be a good sport and SMILEUntil next time, you all take care and happy heelingAlong Myway, from p. 39.and watched as his bitch grew desperately ill or died. The veterinary assistance available to breeders today is wonderful, but the breeder is still the one who must make the final decision. To make the best possible decision, the breeder needs to question whenever his information sounds illogical.I was fortunate in both of these instances, but they were good reminders to me and I hope, to you. We breeders must be alert to people around us and to instructions we receive.POMERANIAN REVIEW 85Silvas Pomeraniansproudly presents,Snr1Ch. Silvas Chantilly LaceLacy finished with a five point major at Sahuaro State KC on March 2, 1986. I wish to thank all the judges who gave Lacy her points. A special thanks goes to Mary Rosenbaum for allowing me to have Lacy. She is a natural little showgirl and always showed like a dream for me, a novice. I also wish to thank Anna LaFortune for all her wonderful help, as without her I would be nowhere. She has taught me more than I can ever repay, teaching me about good breeding lines and helping me show my dogs. She is instrumental in helping me produce a very fine line of Poms. Thank you, Anna. I love you.Sometimes I have puppies for sale Sungold, Scotia and Hadleigh lines. Pedigrees on Request.John and Mary SilvaOwnerHandler624 S. "C" St. Lompoc, CA 93436 805 735-1625286 POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Ah, Spring now as I write this and Summer as you read it Fun, warmth, flowers, longer days, more dog shows, picnics, outings and those pesky bugs We can never be too vigilant in our war against fleas and ticks. Remember, your efforts must be three-fold you must treat the house or kennel, the yard or runs, as well as the dogs. Read directions carefully. Don't overlap chemicals. If you dip your dogs, don't put a flea collar on them. If you win a flea collar as a match trophy, put it in the bag of your vacuum cleaner. I personally think internal medications to kill fleas either ingested by the dog as a pill or absorbed through the skin like Spot-On are a bad idea. They affect the flea only after the flea has bitten the dog and in the meantime, you have a toxic chemical circulating in your dog's blood. I am doubtful of their safety. If you're planning to get one of those ultra-violet lights that zap insects, don't hang it right beside the kennel but a distance away. You want to lure the critters away from the dogs, not toward them.Last summer we gave a baby shower for two new puppies acquired by members of our obedience club. What a fun party These were long-planned-for and eagerly-awaited puppies a Sheltie and a Terv. When they arrived a few days apart, a party was a must. Our cookout was greeted by one of the worst storms of the season, but that didn't dampen our spirits. After a wonderful pot-luck meal, we had presents for the babies photo albums, assorted toys, leads, leash rack, rawhide chewies, treats, even a puppy baby book.At this party several "big dog" people admitted that they'd always thought toy dog owners were rather silly and over-protective of their dogs. But since knowing me and my dogs, they'd realized that such behavior is absolutely necessary. When 1 first read Molly Miller's column on this subject, I though, "Ohno, I hope this doesn't scare novices so badly that they won't want to go to dog shows." But I re-read the column, thought over my own near-misses, and realized that we all need to be warned to be very careful.The trouble is, no matter now vigilant and protective we are, we have little control over the actions of others. And many dog owners and handlers are outrageously thoughtless and careless. This spring I attended an outdoor all-breed show. Since I hadn't handled the special in awhile, I took him to the grass beyond the grooming tent to warm him up. Before setting him down, I looked around. No other dogs in sight. We walked about 10 feet, then turned to see a Great Dane loping toward us. I reached to pick up Mighty, but he darted away in fear. Then the Dane knocked me down and grabbed Mighty in his mouth. It was probably only a matter of seconds, but while I was on the ground, struggling to reach Mighty and screaming my head off, it seemed an eternity and I knew the dog was dead. Then somehow I was on my feet, straightening my glasses, to see Mighty running to the waiting arms of someone under the grooming tent. He was alive A quick examination showed he waj_badly frightened but otherwise unharmed. The explanation of the Dane's owner "I have a bad knee so when he jumped up on me, I just let go of the lead" I must have been in shock because I accepted her apology and asked her to please get her dog away from my grooming table. It was only later that I got angry. I've thought about this incident a lot. It was just because the Lord was looking after him that Mighty was not hurt. And I really can't see what I could have done differently. The feeling of utter helplessness was awful.I think we small dog people need to make an effort to educate other dog owners. Not just big dog owners either, because a small terrier such as a Cairn or a Norwich can be bad news as well. Perhaps you could volunteer to give a talk at your local all-breed club or obedience club. Most program chairmen will welcome suggestions. Hey, Molly, how about writing an article for Gazette What other suggestions do you haveFran Warren of Richmond lives in a condominium and walks down to the tennis courts to practice with her dogs. When Mighty moved up to Open obedience class, she had a new problem what to do aboutPOMERANIAN REVIEW Desiree s PomsA41wp WrBESTOF BREED OR VARIETYKENNESAW KENNEL CLUB 90 9________Desirees Candy RippleWe are especially proud of her because she was sired by our first homebred champion, Ch. Desiree's Rippling Fudge, and out of our "Dedi,"' our little Desiree's Candy Delight who has 7 pts.Candy continues her winning ways going BOS at Macon KC under Mr. D. Rogers for 2 pts. BOB over a special at Classic City KC under Mrs. C.J. Warner for 2 pts. BOB over a special at Kennesaw KC under Mr. Norman Patton for 2 pts. and on to Croup 4 under Mrs. C.J. Warner.Many thanks to these judges and to Mr. Harry Pennington for a superb job of handling.Desaree N. Sandifer 704865-0859509 Oakdale St. Gastonia, NC 2805438 POMERANIAN REVIEWumps She didn't want to drive her car to the ennis court, but she couldn't carry a regular et of jumps that far. Her nephew Brad made ter a really nifty set out of '" plastic foam iheets, cut into 8" and 4" boards. They are put ogether on site with dowels and toothpicks. _ast Easter when my father offered two large heets of plastic foam to my kids, I mmediately claimed them. Instead of using jo we Is to put together boards for the high ump, I cut one board for each height I use t", 8", 10", 12", and 14". Since I only have to valk out to my yard for practice, the foam Hoards are propped up with bricks. In addition o being very lightweight, these jumps are rain esistant, but they're not much good in wind rhe price sure is right, at about 2.00 a sheet. oam jumps would be an inexpensive nake-do until you could afford the real thing, rhey also don't take much room in the car when you go proofing or to trials.Thinking about the type of cheating discussed by Jacqueline Fraser How Far Is roo Far, Revisited, Review, April 1986 it is empting to blame judges, because we blame udges for everything that goes wrong in showing dogs. If I were a judge, I would nrobably be able to spot cropped ears. I can ecognize over-trimming because I've spent a ot of time grooming Pom coats. Is it possible hat a judge less familiar with Poms might not He sure if it is trimmed or natural I doubt if I rould tell if a dog was dyed or had nrthodontia. Remember, a judge has less than wo minutes per dog for his examination. Let's ace it. We exhibitors must take full -esponsibility for this skulduggery. A judge can't put up a dyed dog unless it comes into he ring. We're the ones who doctor up our Jogs and try to fool the judge. Why Do we -eally want dogs with white feet or bad nouths in our breeding programs The people who do these things simply want to win. They ire impatient. It takes generations of nlanning, intelligence, and years of work to sliminate faults from a breeding program. A ittle Lady Clairol or surgery is a quicker fix. So hen we can brag we've finished 39 champions nstead of 38.So what do we do about it I doubt if the aroblem can be eliminated altogether. The weak, dishonest or misguided will always be with us. But we can cut down on it. The APC ind our other Pom clubs need to provide npportunities for judges to learn more aboutour breed. We can show them what over-trimming and too much hair spray look and feel like. What about our Code of Ethics Is it complete Is it effective Can if be enforced Should the Board be more willing to hear and act on complaints of unethical behavior by APC members Let's hear from you What do you think will benefit our breedHow about sending me your "Pet Peeves" If we air them in this column, maybe someone will take the "hint." For example, I have a client in another breed who sends me in the ring with her dog, is delighted when we win, then takes the lead herself to have the picture taken. This shouldn't bother me, since she's paying for the picture and it's her dog, but it bugs me nonetheless. Send me your sources of irritation. It ought to make you feel better to write them down.Exhibitors, handlers, judges and stewards are an obvious and important part of the dog show scene. There are lots of other folks who play essential roles, work very hard, give generously of their time, but may not receive proper appreciation. These wonderful people do the planning, raise funds, provide food and transportation, solicit advertising, scoop poop, type, gather and distribute trophies, put on matches, teach handling or obedience classes, run errands and on and on. It takes only a few minutes of your time to write a note or simply say, "Thank you" to let these behind-the-scenes folks know that you appreciate their efforts.Food For Thought Department What would happen if Group and Best in Show competition were eliminated Wow, mind- boggling Many of the specials would go home. Publications that depend so heavily on that advertising, like Canine Chronicle would die. Would there be as much politics What would happen to the role of professional hanler Abolishing groups won't happen, but it's an interesting idea to speculate on.Please write or call. I love hearing from you.POMERANIAN REVIEW Allayns says...Well done, kidsCh. LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette CDandTrainerHandler Stuart AllanIn three straight shows and just two weekends, this special team got their first Obedience title. They are already practicing the Open exercises and hope to be competing in the Open ring next Spring.Watch for Stuart in both the breed and Juniors rings this summer and fall with Cookie's son, Allayn's Moonshine Magic Ch. LLL Moongold Trapper x Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Cold Koquette CD.Our sincere congratulations to Jo Ellen Corley and "Luke" on their JS Toy wins in both Tulsa and Oklahoma City.VMary Allan 2508 E. Tacoma St.Broken Arrow, OK 74014-POMERANIAN REVIEWPhoto Hintsby Heather Drope-MarchioneA well-done, complimentary photograph of Dur Pomeranian may serve many purposes r you and your kennel. It can enhance your alls when framed, sell puppies when shown prospective puppy buyers, used in an dvertising campaign or record your dog for Dsterity.A professional dog photographer will do the st photo that he is capable of and charge ou a fee for his time, knowledge and xpenses.If you are going to obtain the services of a mine photographer then so be it. But if you ant to have some fun, and maybe get lots of lots of your Pomeranian and not have to pay large price, then read onI am not going to get into a discussion out which type of camera you should have the kind of film. You can read any photo anual on that subject. Use the camera that u already have and the film that goes with What you do need is a steady hand, a juple of rolls of film, two doggy friends uman to assist, and a day or the better part it at your disposal.And, of course, you need a dogFirst, start with a well groomed dog that's me out well enough for you to put in the iow ring. Do any trimming you might need do a day or so ahead. As well, have him ithed and fluffed dry. Neglecting the ithing will show up in the prints and may st ruin what could have been the best photo your dog's life. Take this care even if it's a ood bitch that's never been in the ring. She ill be thrilled with all the extra primping and r attitude will show up on the prints.Now that you've got the dog done out, me location planning is in order. You will int to think about an area that has a fairly nple background. No fences, posts, cars or her distracting things for your background ew. Recreation areas and parks are prime ots. Ask yourself if you want woods, rocks green fields behind the dog. Look for short opped grass so as not to lose the dog's legs better yet, a small size gravel is a good edium for the Pom to stand on. With those oblems solved days in advance, then all you Lve to do is find a lead that the Pom canwear that will be approximately the same color as the background. Heavy poly fish line is see-through and you can make a lead that will be almost invisible. The idea is to have some control over the dog but not to have a conspicuous line glaring out at the viewer from the photograph and taking the eye away from the main subject.I suggest that you have two people to help one to hold the dog on the lead and thfe other to distract or get his attention. At this point I must warn you that too many attention attracting noises from your helpers will just bore the dog so have them say nothing to the dog until you are ready to shoot the photo. Only then can they talk to him. In fact, I find that the holder of the lead should say nothing at all to the Pom.If you are near a recreation area, ball park, etc., let the little fellow look around and if he wants to bark at children or some person staring at the whole proceedings, then let him. That's when the best shots are obtained. In my case I've used my eight year old son who Poms hate on sight and stand him about 30 feet off in the direction that I want the dog looking and have him do sommersaults and head stands. THAT's a sight guaranteed to make any Pomeranian stand on his toes and stare.Remember to start the whole session in a good frame of mind. Be relaxed, cheerful and patient. That's why you need the best part of the day. Try not to get tense. If you find yourself getting uptight then stop and play with the dog, give him a tidbit and maybe the both of you could stand a refreshing drink.Don't do a lot of setting up stacking of his legs. You will get a more natural look if he will walk into a stance. There are not many dogs that will look bad if they are on their tiptoes looking and waiting for something in the distance to move.At this point you should know which view will show off the fine points of the candidate.I suggest looking in breed magazines and trying all the angles that appeal to you. Now you can see why I said to use a couple rolls of film.So as not to give your Pom a dwarf-likePOMERANIAN REVIEW 91Chip-A-Way Pomeranianspresents\1kBESTOF WINNERS,Li Jt.Ch. Tynan Tag AlongGreat Elms Shining Star x Tynan Orange ChiffonMany thanks to Natalie Dunfee, Tag's breeder, for allowing Chip-A-Way Kennels and Emcee Kennels to have and own this beautiful Pom, basically, a Great Elms and Emcee breeding.We wish to extend a special thanks to Maynard Wood, Tag's handler, for showing and taking Tag to his championship in a brief period of time.Tag is a proven sire but is not at public stud. We do have puppies in our kennels from him.OwnerCarolyn RobertsRt. 1, Box 108-A, Stonebrook Ests. Bluff City, TN 37618 516538-5709Co-OwnerMorris Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804 740-797792 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N5N2This month's column was supposed to be dedicated to the Top Poms in Canada. Unfortunately the positions are unavailable at this point in time because they are being contested. It would be unfair to all parties concerned to make any announcements until the results are official again.June 20th will be the First National Specialty for the Pomeranian Club of Canada. It promises to be a grand event. It is held in conjunction with the Vancouver International Dog Shows in Vancouver B.C. The judge will be the well-known all rounder, Mr. Melbourne Downing of Maryland.Money raising projects have been going on all over the country for the event. Here in the east a group of Pom fanciers held a match on one of the worst days of winter. Money was raised in spite of it and special thanks should go to Michele and Frankie McDonald for their efforts. Michele and her mother are also Trophy Chairpersons and have been overwhelmed by the donations of cash and items received from all over the country. Since everything must be shipped from one end of Canada to the other, they are still looking for any more cash donations they can get in. Out in B.C., members Joan Grant, Till Labovich and Gerda Hill are busily working to make our first specialty a huge success.It's still early for shows here in Canada but Natalie Dunfee is off to a good start with her Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, co-owned by Carolyn Roberts. They have recently won their 13th all-breed Best in Show He only needs 3 more for the record in Canada. Speaking of records, Dorothy Jones recently finished her girl Ch. Onabrook's Pride and Purpose, who was our Medallion's 20th champion in Canada.My husband John has been showing Chula's Lulabye Dragon for Rex and Betty Bell of Vermont and at this writing she just needs a couple of points to finish in Canada. This adorable orange girl was bred by Norma Gadof El Paso, TX. Norma, who has produced many good ones over the years, is one of those lovely ladies who shares her knowledge and her puppies with others.While bathing Poms the other day I came across something that works really well. Probably everyone with Poms is plagued with that fine hair behind the ears that never seems to stay fluffy for very long. My husband uses dish detergent to get coated dogs Lhasas, Shih Tzus, etc.J out of oil. The kind that "cuts through grease" is the best Lux. A couple of drops lathered in behind each ear and left while you bathe the dog in your regular shampoo, and rinsed out as usual really does the trick.Till next time . . .Photo Hints, continued.appearance, lie on your stomach to be on the same level he is. There is nothing worse than a shot that looks down on the dog. All that does is show how many weeds are in the grass and make the Pom look like a weasel.The other thing to be aware of is a curling tongue. Don't bother wasting film by shooting when the dog's mouth is open. It makes him look like he's about to expire from lack of water.Lastly, try for an overcast but bright day. Just after a rain is great for the dogs' color but not for poor you, out in the wet grass crawling around on your belly. It would be better to wait for the grass to dry anyway, otherwise your Pom will end up with wet feet and legs in the photo.With lots of luck and planning you should be able to take a couple of nice shots out of the rolls of film. The ugly ones you get to throw away and not let anyone else see. Just show the good ones and no one's the wiser. It's quite normal to have only a shot or two turn out well and the rest be awful. Who cares anyway It only takes one photo to sell someone on the fact that you have a nice Pom.Happy ShootingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 93LLL KemteCs- T6Lj...BEST OF WINNERSSAUNAKENNEL CLUB 1986PHOTO BY PETRULISVidAE 2 HLLL T's Gold Totally AwesomeCh. LLLMoongold Trapper xCh. LLL Mite of Cold Suzanna"Bobo The Clown"Pictured going WD, BOW at Salina KC April 4, 1986 under judge Dr. Robert Berndt. Handler, Janice Luginsland.Congratulations to new owners of LLL Poms Cheryl Jackson, AL, Shannon Johnson, Ml, Joan Fleshman, WV.Jean Schroll convinced me that the Oregon and Washington circuits would make a marvelous vacation. Come visit usJanice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316 443-515794 POMERANIAN REVIEWJWe wantyourDOGSENTERTheNorthern California Pomeranian Club - ^SpecialtySweepstakesVrvThursday, Novenber20, 1986 Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, Turlock, CA 3 p.m.Exhibitor-Judges Supper to follow.Specialty Show Secretary, Barbara Witzke 2204Tully Road Modesto. CA 95350pending AKC approvalPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9W 1Mproudly congratulatesGA. GAAetoyAl jfdaryuuy AAiamondCh. Idlewyld Lavalier CD x Idlewyld Hope Diamond CDand his owners William Ferrara, Joseph Osborne, and Margaret McKee on completion of his championship. Bill bought Mark at the Specialty in February.At his only match, Mark was Best in Match. In just seven shows in April, Mark finished with five majors, including Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex over specials. In his first time out as a special, Mark was Best of Breed at Delaware Water Cap. Way to goMark's litter brother, Idlewyld Wild Bill Cody, has one leg on his CD at this writing. Congratulations to Cody and owner, Carolyn Edwards.Hurray for Diane Bauman and Abra CDX on their fine performance at the Caines Eastern Regionals.In eight shows this spring, Rachal McKee and Val have 5 first places in Junior Showmanship.Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Rd. Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380g gk aScindtown PomeraniansOffering for sale, outstanding show prospects sired by Ch. Creideds Boxcar Willie. One two year old male, who is currently being shown, has 4 points.Seven month old male and female sired by Ch. Sandtown's Ravene are available.Lois and Bill Abjornson P.O. Box 432 Sand Springs, OK 74063JTPOMERANIAN REVIEW36THE DOG GAMEby Nigel Aubrey-JonesAt a recent doggy get-together the mention if dogs being worthy of the title of Champion vas brought up. What started it was the omment by one judge that he recently had ecome aware of what the "Challenge rertificate" meant at English shows. In order o become an English Champion a dog must vin three Challenge Certificates under three Afferent judges, and one of the Challenge Certificates has to be won after the dog is one rear old, regardless of how many Certificates he dog wins during puppyhood.This judge was impressed by the statement hat he had to sign on the Challenge Certificate before it is awarded. The statement demands that the judge considers the dog of uch merit as to warrant the title of Champion. Many of the other guests present bought this an excellent idea. Some agreed hat points were often awarded to dogs for vhich judges would hesitate to sign a itatement as to their being worthy of the title Champion. This being true does throw some ight on the merit of many of the hundreds of Champions that are made each year. Another udge felt that the majority of exhibitors do lot consider the title of Champion to be inything special, as they realized that in nany cases it was automatic if the dog went o enough shows.Not that I ever pay much attention to inyone who speaks for the majority ispecially in dogs. I am sure that the Championship title means a great deal to a reat many people. Whether its winning could e made more important through its ichievement being more difficult is another natter.Every year more shows appear on the dog how calendar. In some parts of the country entries are on the increase in others on the lecline. With boring regularity more and nore people are being approved to judge in irder for the demand created by the number if shows satisfied. The dogs exhibited at these hows need handlers, and so the numbers ame continues and more and more handler censes are issued every month. In the neantime, there are exhibitors who expressconcern about the value of the title "Champion." Some complain that it is just too easy to obtain. Others, with just as much compassion, think that it is too difficult Many state that judges do not withhold points often enough when dogs are unworthy of the title of "Champion." With the tremendous popularity of dogs, shows, entries, judges and handlers, it would be quite easy to assume that "Everything in the garden is lovely," as the vicar used to say. But is itAs long as the present system exists that of there being only match shows and point shows, with each and every one of them holding the exact amount of merit there will always be what some people call "cheap Champions." There are only two places for the dog, the exhibitor, judge and handler to go. Once a novice has savored the taste of a lucky win at a point show, his opinion of the match show wins diminishes as he considers them nothing more than ideal training ground for puppies which is what their original purpose was. There is no intermediate area for exhibitors, judges, or handlers and we must not forget that one important part of the sport, the dog to gain intermediate ring experience and do some growing up, other than in the point show. Sometimes the results are a lucky and unjustifiable win, or, in reverse, an equally unlucky and unjustifiable loss, due to a dog being out of its depth against the more mature and seasoned competition.An "intermediate" dog show has been mentioned and discussed many times in the past. There have been many sensible and practical suggestions made regarding the importance of grading dog shows. There is a need for an area between the match show and the point show which would open up a tremendous area to gain, knowledge and experience. Some countries have what they call an open show. It is a show open to all dogs, but no points are awarded toward a title. These shows have grown into large and prestigious events, and many of them are far bigger in size than some of our point shows. They allow for the "growing pains" that takePOMERANIAN REVIEW 9r5i rr yWatts PomeraniansScotia A Bit of ConsolationI wish to take this opportunity to acknowledge that Edna Cirardot, due to health problems, had to close down her famed Scotia Kennels and made the decision to make her home with me and Dave this past December. Nothing could have made us happier than to have her with us. Her unending knowledge, advice and assistance will be greatly appreciated. Along with this recent move, I have acquired some of her dogs with which, combined with mine, I hope to carry on the Scotia line. As circumstances warrant, you will probably see Edna with me at the shows, either as an exhibitor or just super company. Our most recent picture of Edna is shown taking BOS at Mason-Dixon Kennel Club with Scotia A Bit of Consolation for a 4 pt. major. Also pictured is another top acquisition, Scotia Kobyko's Hobo, taking a 3 point major at Charlottesville Ablemarle KC with Sue. We will have several litters coming in the near future. Please feel completely free to write to her at her new address 4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613.Dolores A. Watts Edna Cirardot 301 372-8782Scotia Kobykos HoboViWINNERS38 POMERANIAN REVIEWilace in dogs, exhibitors, judges, and landlers, without creating serious harm vhich can be done when inexperience and nability are allowed to influence the careers if people and dogs when this power is irematurely granted.What could the grading of shows mean It ould upgrade competition and increase the alue of the title Champion. It could give an ipportunity for learning at all levels and grant iome assurance that those who are approved o award points toward the important title of Champion had done their homework and ained some sound practical experience hrough serving an' apprenticeship at an ntermediate level prior to being elevated to he top. The present system of so many dog ihows, all of the the same caliber, demands hat enough judges be approved to fill this leed. Fewer shows with a higher standard of Jogs, exhibitors, judges and handlers, would ilevate the importance of the title of Ihampion and the quality of the judging. It vould also give more importance to the vinning of Best of Breed, which has been ivershadowed by group and Best in Show vins. The monthly statistics issued by the \merican Kennel Club for registrations, dog hows, approved judges and handlers, and the lumber of dogs that gain their titles, clearly eveal that there is a need to study and valuate the true position of the sport as it is ind where it goes from here.There is also the knowledge and ability ivailable to correct the problems of growth. Jut authority sometimes has a tendency to ear its own strength when it comes to making ven very necessary changes. If consolidation e needed, it should be remembered that had Idison not been afraid of the dark he would lot have invented the light bulb. So let there e light. . .Protect Yourself and your Dogs TATTOOA breeder-exhibitor sent a dog to an out-of-state handler. This handler, when requested to return the dog, sent a dog to the breeder which the breeder feels sure is not her dog the markings, body shape and size, head and teeth do not agree with the breeder's memory of the dog.This breeder may or may not be correct in her claims however, she feels that the dog cannot be used at stud as planned, and the bloodlines, furthermore, are lost to her.All this may or may not be true, but the point is this TATTOO YOUR DOGS, especially if you send them away to another person in another state. It could present not only outright dishonesty or even an honest mistake, but also circumstances such as the accidental death of the handler it has happened, illness of the handlerkennel help, the accidental switching of look-alike dogs, resulting in the wrong dog used at stud, and I'm sure you can imagine a whole lot more bad things that can happen to dog, handler and owners.On the flip side, in that these accusations seem to come somewhat frequently, why don't the handlers insist that they dogs they receive be tattooed It would protect their reputations, prevent mismatings, and avoid possible law suits, to say nothing of harmful gossip.What about AKC insisting that dogs be tattooed, as they are in Europe, and numbers being checked on going into the ring Or even being checked by vets when being x-rayed for OFA . . . and on and on . . .1986 DeadlinesSeptember Issue November Issue January 1987 IssueJuly 15 September 15 November 15March 1987 Issue January 15,1987POMERANIAN REVIEW 99trre.m m 3KCSireAm. BIS winner Ch. Coy's Top of the MarkDam Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere by Medallion ex a Medallion gr. dau.Photos at 10 weeks.We have high hopes for these adorable girls and are enjoying watching them grow up.Planned Spring line breedings on Medallion Can. Am. Bda. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion 15 BIS ex Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere MedallionCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment x Chriscendo Castile Medallion Can. Am. Bda. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion 12 BIS ex Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cosmopolitan Dixieland Rock of Millamor Can. Am. Bda. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion 12 BIS ex Chriscendo Confetti Causin CommentJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2902 895-7427 1100 POMERANIAN REVIEWBev \or PomsCH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGE Toasty . . .3 Stud Dog 1985 tie. 24 Bests in Show, 5 Specialties, 1 Pom for 1981, 1982, 1983.. . .congratulatesCh. Bev-Nor's Statesman Shawn owned by Beverly Norris and Ed Jenner, shown by Susan Buckley, on his Best in Sweepstakes at the APC Specialty in New York. Shawn sharted his show career the week before New York and took two breeds and a Group 1 from the puppy class over specials. He finished in 2 weekends and is a multiple breed and group winner. He just took a Group 2 on May 1. He is now home shedding his year old coat and we can't wait to use him.Ch. Southland's Toast to Bev-Nor Black and Tan The top winning female in 1985 and Best of Opposite Sex at the APC Specialty in New York and the Garden. Owner, Charlotte Creed.Bev-Nor's Contessa Toast, 7 pts and Best of Breed from puppy class. Owner, Barbara Nagy.Ch. Bev-Nor's Lady Diane, on becoming a new champion. Owner, Donna Lynnwright.Southland's Toasted Fudge for his Best of Breed and Group 2. Owner, Charlotte Creed.CH. THELDUN'S ALMOND FUDGE Fudge . . .2 Stud Dog 1985 tie. Fudge is a top producer each year and now has a grand total of 26 champions to his credit, including multiple BIS, Group and Specialty winners.... congratulatesBev-Nor's Fudge's Image, on becoming a new champion. Owner, Barbara Nagy.Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil, on her championship. Owner, Charlotte Creed.Precious Petite Terras Fudge, 11 pts. Owners Claudia and Joe Pfeffer.Congratulations to Sharon Hanson and Jane Fleshman on Bev-Nor and Southland's Rambo. In four shows he has 3 majors, a Group 1 and Group 2, all from puppy class and at only 8 months of age. Sharon purchased Rambo at 8 weeks of age. So glad he turned out nicely for you.Congratulations to Claudia and Joe Pfeffer on Best of Breed at the APC Specialty and the Garden with Ch. Precious Petites Gabriel.Many of our Poms are co-bred and owned with Charlotte Creed.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd.Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-1343'POMERANIAN REVIEW 101City l\tlun EUfesrat JSiar SbticrEscalating beauty, movement and magnetism intensifies with age. At almost four, Eddie is still our perpetual, loveable "brat." We are forever grateful to Joan and Bob Reilly for letting us spoil him rotten, and to Karen Holder for this lovely breeding.Eddie has produced the same good qualities in his daughter happy, animated and "smiling" in and out and all around the ring.Handler David Gibbons Judge Ed JennerHgnesicirOur gratitude to judge Frank Oberstar.Congratulations to Charlotte Creed on her numerous wins with her numerous winners. Best of luck to Janet Zuber with Eddie's other home-grown beauty, Doo- Shas Katrina for Jr. now in the ring.Shannon and Doug Johnson 6270 Tripp Road Holly, Ml 48442 313 634-1331102 POMERANIAN REVIEWAMIDWEST REPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B Mishicot, Wl 54228Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter each season has its own particularly beautiful look when driving through the countryside on the way to the dog shows. This spring came early for me while attending the Louisville Kennel Club Centennial Dog Show. The magnolia, forsythia, tulips and daffodils were blooming and we still had snow on the ground at home in Wisconsin. The only consolation is we don't have to mow the grass as many days as they do. This time of year I don't think snow.The Louisville dog show site is a nice place for a cluster. There is ample room for exhibitors to exercise, groom and show their dogs. Motor homes have plenty of space with water and electrical hook-ups, reasonable priced motel rooms close by, and a relatively central location.Now, if we could hold our National Specialty at a place like this . . . Seven breed clubs held their local specialty the day before the four all-breed shows. National Specialties could be held on the same day. As it was, four National Specialties were held the day of the Louisville Show.Florida has a very nice circuit the first two weeks of January. This would be another nice time and place to consider for a National Specialty.The hang-up is that our charter requires that the annual meeting be held in the state of New York. If we moved the National Specialty away from New York, we couldn't draw a quorum for the annual meeting since it is the Specialty which really attracts the members. To get around that problem, the charter would have to be moved to a different state one in which we would have our National Specialty. It gets complicated, doesn't it It would also involve a lot of work. Does the membership really want to put forth the effort to change or do they want to leave things as they are Give your opinions in the Yips and Yaps column.By the time you read this column, I willhave taken four breed's Standard test. I certainly should be able to pass the one on Poms. If AKC allows me to do so, I am hoping to go into the field of judging. I will still be able to show my own dogs, but will no longer be allowed to show dogs owned by someone else. If there are some people interested in knowing the new method AKC uses to qualify judges, let me know and I'll write a short article on the subject.Overheard at a dog show "Are we having fun yet"Behind The New Champions, from p. 26.CH. SHY ACRES POM THUMB V. JERIBETHOrange MaleOwner Olga Baker, Seabrook, TX Breeder Audrey M. RobertsCh. Robinhood's Replica Rerun Ch. Robinhood's Instant Rerun Mac's Anticipation LLL Skip-A-Roo Mitey Dandy Ch. Joda Ehipbus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Gina Ch. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine LLL Moongold Simply SerenaLLL Charming Cold Bonanza LLL Scooter of Clay Haven LLL Happy Country DameI Remember When, from p. 65.still could smell and see his preference. With practice, most of these set-ups were finally successful with continual re-builds for protesting girls who resented close contacts with those not expected to participate. But once the right party was found, Pepper Pod was persistent and produced an entire generation that gave a line of their own to the Bonner Poms of the future.Turning Back, from p. 74.7 Ibid, p. 175.8 Ibid, p. 50.9 Jones, Rowland, Our Friend The Pomeranian, Dutton, 1936, pp. 13, 14.10 Ibid, p. 14.11 Hughes, Pauline, Your Pomeranian, Denlinger, 1969, p. 67.12 Ibid, p. 68.13 The American Kennel Club 1884-1984 A Source Book, Howell 1985, p. 256.POMERANIAN REVIEW 103iff tPattys PomeraniansSputzie is pictured at 10 months of age. She has 6 points to date. She is a 4 lb., red sable, typey girl and is named after her greatly missed grandsire, Ch. Came- lot's Bashfull Dude.Promising show prospects for sale, mostly Great Elms and Showstopper lines.OwnerBreederHandlerPatty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950Moe-Best Pomeraniansvbest ofoppsexVALLr MN12. '98SAPRILTR'PHOTOOLSONPattys Do It Dot Dude SputzAloe-Best Sugar Kane"Sunni" is shown winning a 3 point major her first time out at 8 months, under judge Merrill Cohen. - v-.. - Terri Moebuis 7523 Bay Front Road Baltimore, MD 21219 301 477-3824 or 285-5477104 POMERANIAN REVIEWfSSSSS SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSjjTEXASIkS2-. o kkiltrvoaJLSV3^--'. TXOfMC1Sm ^4utrzAMKoordOrrPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTON SPECIALTY AND SWEEPSTAKES Thursday, August 7, 1986Regular Classes Miss Dorothy Nickles, Ft. Worth, TX Sweepstakes Mrs. Janice Luginsland, Americus, KSThree all-breed shows, August 8, 9, and 10, 1986. Premium Information, Tony Tellez, PO Box 203, South Houston, TX 77587.After show dinner will be at Red Lobster Restaurant.POMERANIAN REVIEW 103Wee Hearts BearlyAn AngelWee Hearts proudly presents our latest star. She has been causing quite a stir in the show circles with 4 RWB from puppy classes at seven months of age in lovely competition. Hopefully by the time you read this she'll be well on her way to her title.Repeat breeding planned. Inquiries invited. Several bt pups for sale.w -A ' FLASH Bearly An Angel took a 4 pt. major at Lancaster KC under H. Kenneth Stine, handled by Karen Coula.Cassandra ReadyWee Hearts KennelsP.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822CreidersBittersweetThis stunning puppy bitch has earned a total of 13 points, including both majors and a Croup 4, in five straight shows. She was sired by Ch. Creider's Smoke N Flame, and bred by Norma Creider.FLASH Finished with her 3rd major from the puppy class at BloomingtonOwnerHandlerVirginiaM. Noth Floussant, MOIM.JrrOF BREED' OR VARIETYTERRE HAUTE KENNEL CLUB106 POMERANIAN REVIEWCeramicseSALarge Pom, cute face, clear orange 25.00 Medium 15.00.Large Plates 20.00 small plates 15.00.Pom pens and Cookie Cutters 5.00 each.Cups 7.50. Bud vases not pictured.Prices do not include shipping costs.We will take orders to Washington.Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Lemon Grove, CA 92045San Diego Pomeranian Club SpecialtyNovember 7,1986JUDGESRegular Classes Robert Jacobson Sweepstakes Janet AllenTwo all-breed shows follow the Specialty. November 8 is Cabrillo KC and November 9 is Dei Sur. Jack Bradshaw, Supt., PO Box 7303, Los Angeles, CA 90022.We need trophy donations and catalog ads. Full page 35 half page 20 quarter page 12.50, plus 7.00 per picture. Please send to Anna LaFortune, 3139 Florine, Lemon Grove, CA 92045.Early closing date October 7,1986Show Chairman, Peter Galindo 611 New York El Paso, TX 79902POMERANIAN REVIEW 107YIPS YAPSJULIE MORENOAs a judge for Poms and other Toy breeds that have many colors and color variations identified in their breed standards some being very specific I have often wondered why our standard has not been revised to read "All colors and combinations thereof are acceptable." We can of course give specifics as we do now to those colors or combinations that might be confusing to some, but as it is now what do we do with a dog like Bonner's Pep-R-Kute Nightfire, a black and silver I was fortunate enough to use him and saw him several times during his last years with the Queenaire Kennels. He was a wonderful example of a Pom, worthy of being in the ring and a finished champion, but for his color. It's a shame too, for I am sure that there are many dogs that have been placed in pet homes because of being an unacceptable color in the ring. I feel that for the benefit of the breed and its future, we need to concentrate on many other parts of the Pom and let the colors be, very much as quoted by Isadore Schoenberg. Sure, some judges will prefer the common colors and put them up over some of those which might be different, but we should at least provide for all colors to be acceptable and let the judges decide for themselves. As it stands there are colors and combinations on which we have no guideline . . . such as with a chocolate and cream. A chocolate sable might be excused if the judge were not familiar with the standard or the color. We have many new judges licensed for our breed and some may be confused as to what our present standard describes. I have had people come to me with Poms whose color they couldn't describe. Color, as with coat, is the frosting on the entire dog and it's time we revised our standard to allow many lovely dogs to compete who are barred due to color. Color alone should never be the deciding factor in a judge's placement.The Pekingese fancy addressed the color issue a time ago and now their standard is far more in tune with a practical reading for their breed. The Japanese Chins are in the process of dealing with their color issue right now, but it has been about 2 years that I have been aware of their efforts. Let's not take that longand get our standard ironed out. Of course this would lead to changes within the pigment section also, as many would not be allowed if they had lighter pigment, going along with their coat color.One other point, I still think that the ideal size for show should be raised to 6 pounds, reading "from 4-6 pounds," or eliminate all of it, except to say that the I im it is 7 pounds. The Yorkie, Maltese and others are this way. We could also add, "Overall quality is to be favored over size," to reinforce the notion.CAROL GALAVICHIt has been a year since the death of our Hope, a tiny female Pom, but I still feel I must tell what happened to her. If this caution saves one little Pom's life, it will be worth its space in print.I know you have all heard stories like this before, but sometimes we think we are different, or it couldn't happen, but it does. I admit I was very apprehensive about the acquisition of our 2 year old female Doberman, Tasha. But after all, she had been raised by my girlfriend, around children, Pugs and Poms. Plus she was a nice, quiet, obedience Dobe having attained her CD shortly after coming to live with us. Our two house Poms, Puff and Holly really didn't like her, but managed to co-exist. Hope, a tiny premie pup, was added to our family pet collection. She was very energetic and bossy in comparison to the two older Poms. We tried not to allow Hope to aggravate Tasha, but it was difficult without suppressing her personality. After a few years, and just 3 weeks after finishing Hope's championship, I had finally grown to trust our "big girl," even allowing 12 or 15 kennel Poms to play around her in the backyard. Then tragedy struck A tiny piece of watermelon that I dropped on the back porch was tossed out in the yard to Tasha who loved that kind of thing and just that quick, with no warning, Hope was killed instantly in one bite, apparently from a broken neck. The Dobe seemed to be surprised at her own actions, but needless to say we no longer have her either.I do not believe very large dogs and little Poms should share the same household. I will108 POMERANIAN REVIEWnever again trust a large dog around mine. There is just no second chance.ANNE THEIS OYLERI'm writing this because after subscribing to the Pom Review for a few years, I haven't read much about the Oklahoma shows. I'm here to tell you that they are fantastic I've been going there for five days, twice a year for six years. Even though I've lost much more than I've won, I still come home happy. I finally figured out it was the people that made me want to come back. Chris McClung, Jean Sylvester, Brenda and Ray Hudson, Chris and Ron Clark, Shirley Best, Linda and Art Gustafson, and all the wonderful people that helped to put on such a great fun match. Also to make the trip more memorable, were prizes and rosettes and food. Oh the food What a gorgeous spread the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City laid out free Home cooked goodies too numerous to mention. It was a blast as usual. Thank you folks for your Oklahoma hospitalityPAULINE B. HUGHESAgain I need the cooperation of many of my fellow Pomeranian breeders. I have been updating the book "Your Pomeranian" which was published by Den linger in 1969. It needs to have pictures of our present day top winners, top producers, cute or promising puppies, and unusual situations involving Poms.There will be no charge for using the pictures, but return postage is requested if you want them back after publication. Black and white glossy is best. The size can be 5 x 7 or 8 x 10. Good detail and clarity is important. The editors will make the final selection.Several chapters are being added so your suggestions and personal information may well find a place in the book. I want it to be as comprehensive as possible.Please include all picture data. Don't put it on the back of the picture where it might interfere with the reproduction. Send your material directly to me as soon as possible. The manuscript is almost ready.Pauline B. Hughes 1726 Crest DriveEncinitas, CA 92024 619 753-5807CLAIRE FLESNERFirst of all, my congratulations to Phyllis on the Pom Review's win in the Dog Writer's contest. Fantastic What a way to go You have really done a great job with the Review.I do have a complaint. In Sam Zaneoffs account of the obedience demonstration at the Specialty Show he states, "For the first time at our National Specialty, we saw an obedience demonstration." This is not a true statement. Ten years ago there was an obedience demonstration given, narrated and demonstrated by Gladys Dykstra and her Am. Can. Ch. Topaze Lady Jennifer, Am. Can. CD,Am. CDX. Also participating were Sally Misura and her Boda's Topaze Lady Pixie CD and Dr. Pat Scelso and his Paladin Oliver L'Ami de Roland CD. The report of that demonstration can be found on page 10 of the April 1976 Pomeranian Review.By no means to I want to take anything away from Mary Vicker's efforts and great demonstration. I just wanted you and the Pom world to know that there had been a previous obedience demonstration.Keep up the good work.Dear Officers, Members and Friends,Today in Rogers, Arkansas, hobbyshow breeders are in serious trouble. Due to a new animal ordinance in which there is no distinction made between a private hobby or show kennel and a commercial kennel, two of our residents have already been refused their private kennel licenses, read their rights, and told they would be cited for not registering as commercial breeders. As you know, being active in obedience andor conformation does not constitute a commercial kennel We need your help We came up with the following suggested definitionsCommercial Kennel excluding a boarding or training kennel A person or persons who breed dogs or cats for the purpose of sale or resale to dealers, brokers, pet shops, and other local or non-local commercial kennels.Private Kennel A person or persons actively engaged in the sport of showing dogs either in conformation, obedience, or field trials in a non-professional capacity. Their primary purpose is to own andor show dogs of champion quality by recognized standards either AKC or UKC and not to exceed onePOMERANIAN REVIEW 109litter per bitch per year.Please help us explain to our city that there is a definite difference between the two If we can get enough responses from organizations and individuals like yourselves, we hope to be able to work with the city officials to help control over-population and uncontrolled breeding.We feel attacked as responsible dog owners whose main concern is to love and better our breeds, and to further the interest of purebred dogs. Our dogs are our families, so please drop a line to our mayor and help us fight to keep our dogs We never dreamed this could happen in a small city like Rogers, BUT.. . . if it can happen here, it can happen where you live, tooThank you very much,Anne Oyler, ATO's Pomeranians Heidi Smith, Davallia Ibizans Louise Smith, Ozarka Dachshunds and concerned othersPS. Letterhead stationary will probably carry more weight with our city officials, but ANY responses will be greatly appreciated.Kennel Review Magazine Awards Presentation and Kennel Review Magazine's Tournament of Champions The WinnersOver 700 guests attended Kennel Review Magazine's Annual Awards Presentation and Tournament of Champions in Detroit's Cobo Hall on March 8, 1986. The dog game's most important celebrities and the nation's top winning dogs gathered there for one of the year's most spectacular events.The Kennel Review Awards winners came about as the result of a nationwide poll of over 2,000 members of the dog fancy. The results were held secret until that evening.The Tournament of Champions competition is held in 3 categories "Showdog of the year," "Breeder of the Year" and "Veteran of the Year." One must have won a Best in Show in order to be eligible. There were 230 dogs in competition. A total of 13,500 in cash prizes was awarded. The winners follow.Kennel Review Magazine's Tournament of ChampionsShowdog of the Year Bichon Frise, Ch. Bevon Puff and Stuff, bred and owned by Nancy Shapland of White Heath, IL handled by Michael Kemp of Houston, TX.Breeder of the Year Nancy C. Russel ofSussex, Wisconsin, with her Alaskan Mala- mute trio comprised of Am. Can. Ch. StormKIoud's Oomiak, Am. Can. Ch. Storm- Kloud's Vanilla Snoman, and Am. Can. Ch. StormKIoud's Better Than Ever.Veteran of the Year Whippet, Am. Can. Ch. Sporting Fields Clansman 11 years old, shown by Debbie Butt for breeder-owners Mrs. James E. Butt and Dionne Elinor Butt of Paoli, Pennsylvania.Kennel Review Magazine's Annual Awards Judge of the Year Mrs. Michelle Billings of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.Show of the Year AKC Centennial Show.Best Professional Handler Jim Moses of Lyndonville, New York.Outstanding Journalist Pat Beresford, New York, New York, editor of "American Kennel Gazette Purebred Dogs."Outstanding Contributions to Purebred Dogs The Late, E. Irving Eldredge of Middleburg, VA.Best Owner-Handler Patricia Craige of Carmel, CA.CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year Third Class Mail 21.00 per year - Foreign U.S. Funds Only 25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time 3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days.If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date 4.00 each Years prior to 1980 3.00 each.110 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSAbjornson, Lois and Bill Sandtown...............95Allan, Mary Allayn....................................... 89Baker, Olga and Darrell Jeribeth.................. 57Baugniet, Sally Pomirish..............................51Beam, Ruth Great Elms................................ 47Black, Evelyn Blake......................................49Braczyk, Claudia and Ed Sun Fox..................7Breden, Barbara and Robert Breden..............58Brewster, Alison..............................................63Carleton, JoyceWillowBrook.........................76Carroll, Kathy Sweetheart.............................71Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee..............55,91Casteneda, Pete ...............................................62Ching, Josephine Guys N Cals............36,37,38Conley, Evelyn and Rollie Lyn-Lee.............. 15Creed, Charlotte Southland................. 40,42,43Creider, Norma Creider...................................9Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre................... 29,68,69Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings......................35Edmisten, Carolyn and Julie Fanfare.............27Ejchorszt, Lana................................................62Ferguson, Polly Mee Gee...............................79Foley, Patricia ...................................... 58,59,60Freia, Jerrie Janesa....................................40,41Gad, NormaChula.......................................... 75Galavich, Carol Pixie's Hillcrest...............20,21Goddard, Tim and Sue TimSue.................... 46Griffith, Ken Lenette.....................................50Gustafson, Art and Linda Carousel ............. 11Harbin, Irene and Sylvia Harbin...................25Hartz, Kathy.......................................... 58,59,60Heartz, Christine and John Chriscendo 54,99 Hendricks, Byron and Connie Khani .. . . IFCHersil, Nadine D-Nee...............................52,54Houston Pom Club........................................ 104Husband, Michael Baudier.......................48,54Jensen, Patty Patty.......................................103Johnson, Shannon and Doug Doo-Shay . 101 LaFortune, Anna and Ray Sungold .. .61,106Luginsland, Janice LLL................................93Massey, Jon and Roberta Midas....................17McKee, Margaret Idlewyld...........................95Miller, Molly Myway..................... Back CoverMoebuis, Terri Moe-Best............................103Mullens, Nancy................................................77Musgrove, Cordie Cordie..............................19Ninatoski, Dan.......................................58,59,60Noonan, Jennie................................................63Norris, Beverly Bev-Nor.........................42,100Northern California Pom Club........................94Noth, Virginia............................................... 105Oyler, Anne ATO .........................................73Presser, Marlin and Marlene Apolloette . .13 Ready, Cassandra Wee HeartsFC, 65,105,111Roberts, Carolyn Chip-A-Way................ '.. .91Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar............................ 53San Diego Pom Club.....................................106Sandifer, Desaree Desiree............................. 87Shellman, Nancy Donara..............................81Silva, John and Mary Silva...........................85Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma......................76Steinmetz, Sherry and Earl Prestigious . . .60Stephens, Jessie and T.L. Jestoms..................23Thompson-Drewery, Dianne DeeDee .82,83Vasuta, LorindaAnimation..............30,31,32,33Watts, Dolores Watts................................64,97Whiddon, Barbara Sho-Nuf............................29Young, Janice Cherokee................................34Young, Jessie and BarbaraJabil..................... 56AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Dolores Watts, 4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.IPOMERANIAN REVIEWLmA r TieWee heartsM vhQh. Wee hearts Git of Gold dustQh. Wee hearts GoseWee Hearts would like to congratulate Dr. and Mrs. Harold Collings upon finishing their beloved, Rosie, Wee Hearts Rose. Dr. Collings did a super job of handling Rose and also started Duster off in grand style with a 3 pt. major his first time out at 6 months of age. Many thanksQh. Wee heartsAll That GlittersLennis Teakie Too x Wee Hearts Lullaby of ScotiaFOR SALE. 3'A lbs., short back, sweet personality. Canadian pts. Special price for right person. 800.00. Inquiries invited.Wee Hearts PomeraniansCassandra Ready P.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822 803 593-3600__ 1Ch. Myway Sunni Gem of CollierPedigree in Behind The New Champions Puppies and Adults Occasionally Stud ServiceMyway Kenneloily Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573 713332-1847