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The Pomeranian Review September 1986
American Pomeranian Club, 3fnc.PUBLISHtD QUARTERLY1985 DWAA Best National Breed Club PublicationSEPTEMBER 1986VOn toon an2 POMERANIAN REVIEWKHANIagsRAINBOWPOMS we are producing Champion-sired Parti Colors.'fl. ' V-i- nBreeder-Owner-Handler Connie Hendricks Judge Mrs. Tom StevensonCh. Khani Solid GoldCh. Great Elms Snooty Hooty x Khani Parti PleaseSix unbroken generations of Tail Male Champions through Ruth Beam's famous Great Elms line.Our thanks to Harry Pennington for selling Ch. Snooty Hooty to us to use in our breeding program.Ch. Gold is half our parti-color breeding and he is giving us gorgeous champion-sired partis.Gold finished his championship with one BOB and back to back 4 point majors under the following judges Mr. Theodore Wurmser, Mrs. Tom Stevenson, Mr. Hayden Martin, Mrs. Lois Wolf White, Mrs. Joan G. Alexander, Mr. Leslie Rogers, Mr. Robert Hatch, Jr.Byron and Connie Hendricks 818444-5131P.O. Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Elnb, Jnr.President.............................First Vice President..............Second Vice President ....Recording Secretary.............Corresponding Secretary. . .Treasurer..............................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB............................................................................. Sue Goddard................................................................Marlene Scott Halsey........................................................................... Dolores Watts4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613Mr. Fred BassettPeter GalindoMarlene PresserDelegate to AKC..................BOARD OF DIRECTORSLt. Col. John Cribbs Dianne Johnson Mary Vickers ............... Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . .Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751 Circulation Manager.......................Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year 21.00 per year foreign U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESCover Photo and Cover Story..........90.00Inside Front Cover.............................45.00Center Spread, 2 pages.................... 90.00Full page............................................40.00Th ree-q uarters page .......................35.00One-half page....................................25.00One-quarter page vertical only .... 15.00Classified Ads 1 inch.........................5.00Charge for photo reproduction ........... 7.00Photos no longer on file. Photos must accompany ad copy.Color is available. Please call for priceALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTEDCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos. Advertising Manager reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. If too much copy is submitted for size of display ordered, advertiser will be charged for additional space required.May 15 July 15September 15 November 15DEADLINESJuly Issue September Issue November Issue January Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsPresident's Message....................................... 5From Where I Stand, ......................................6by Phyllis Ripley, EditorAPC Summer Specialty................................10by Olga BakerColumbia Pomeranian Club Specialty...........17by Emily UntalanA Visit to Silva Lade..................................... 33by Carol RicciBehind The New Champions....................... 45More on the Jump Height Issue...................46by Mary VickersObedience Profile Judy Green................... 61Obedience News..........................................63by Brenda HuttonObedience Questions and Answers.............64by Judy GreenMidwest Report............................................ 66by Sally BaugnietHelpful Hints.................................................68by Margaret McKeePacific Northwest News and Views............. 72by Erin HundleyIndex of Advertisers 78Circulation Manager.....................................78by John CribbsCover StoryIt is hard to express my feelings for "Poasty." First, a lot of love and then admiration. She has been everything I ever hoped for type, soundness, style and showmanship that cannot be surpassed. In my opinion, she is the best black and tan I have ever seen.I believe that "Poasty" and her half sister Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Tanya have helped bring the black and tan color to its highest acceptance. Both are great granddaughters of the first black and tan champion, Ch. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms. Thanks to Ruth Beam, his breeder, for producing him.Special thanks to Bill and Bev Norris for allowing me to work so extensively in their bloodline. Hopefully we will come up with other nice Poms, but there will never be another "Poasty." I feel very blessed to have her. She's at home now being spoiled and hoping to be as successful as a mother as she has been in the ring the number 1 Pom bitch for 1985 and as of now, the number 1 Pom bitch for 1986.Southland Poms "Rays of Sunshine"Charlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 813 466-3456Yips YapsSARI BREWSTER TIETJENI am in the process of doing research for a breed book on Pomeranians that I am writing for Howell Book House. In order for the book to portray an accurate description of the breed I need a lot of input from Pomeranian breeders covering such diverse topics as art pieces and history, general care, breeding, and any heretofore essentially private tips and tidbits that breeders might wish to share with others.I would like this book to be an important resource that all persons having Poms, or interested in Poms, could turn to whether for general reading pleasure or a learningexperience. In order for this to happen, I need help from everyone. All contributions will be acknowledged in the book.With this thought in mind, I am enclosing herewith a general information sheet that I have prepared which establishes some of the categories where assistance would be appreciated.Please send your material for pubication to Sari Brewster Tietjen 153 East Market Street Rhinebeck, NY 12572continued on p. 5.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5PRESIDENT'S MESSAGESue Goddard 19719 Rice LakeLn. Houston, TX 77084 713 492-0849We are freshly back from the Summer Specialty which we certainly enjoyed and are storing wonderful memories of a very outstanding entry, mostly agreeable weather, beautiful scenery and all those great Pom people, combined to make this a great Specialty. Thank you, Columbia Pom Club, for hosting this Summer Specialty.Unfortunately we were one short of having a quorum for a Board Meeting, so those of us who were there, plus the editor of the Pom Review, held a planning session. Of prime importance was our recognition that we need to make the Pom Review into a solvent publication. Like everything else, the costs have exceeded the income and our beloved magazine has been draining our resources, necessitating some action to correct this situation. We discussed advertising increases and have a proposal before the Board. Compared to most other publications, our advertising costs will still be substantially lower, and for the first time may offer lower rates to APC members. As you already know we had planned to gradually increase the number of issues per year to six, however some were alarmed by the cost of producing each issue and felt we should drop back to four. I am opposed to this, as I felt it was the general consensus that six issues would be well received. Advertisers have complained that by the time the Review comes out, what they have advertised is old news and, from a financial point of view, is poor advertising. Most of them are sending ads purely to support the Review. A substantial increase in advertising prices should certainly help to pay the costs, and we should receive more ads with the opportunity for a quicker exposure.I think most of us agree that we would not have much of a club without the Review, so itis vitally important that it be well supported from every angle.Yips Yaps, from p. 4.Pomeranian Research RequestBreed History may be subdivided not only into breed background, but also individual kennel history and show history.Art Pieces knowledge of works of art depicting the Pomeranian, or including a Pom in the scene any information about any literature, short stories andor poetry mentioning a Pomeranian that you might know about.Grooming includes caring for the puppy coat, the adult coat and trimming techniques around the ears and feet as well as any other hints you would care to share.Health Care all phases of health care, including particular ailments one should watch for and how to treat or prevent the same experiences with health problems and any veterinarian treatment difficulties that one should be aware of.Breeding includes personal experiences with mating own dogs, gestation periods, and whelping hints.Raising Puppies includes anything and everything you might care to share with our readers.Older Dog experience in caring for the Pomeranian as he ages tips on helping to make his elderly years more comfortable. Showing includes anything and everything you might wish to share.Personal experiences anything not covered in the above.Personal Likes and Dislikes includes your insight into the Pomeranian breed in general and your own lines or dogs in particular also encompasses written and unwritten lore about the breed, including breed standard and personal interpretation.Photos whatever you have that depicts the Pomeranian by himself, preferably, or with others must be reproduction quality 35 mm slide, negative or official photographer photo color or black and white.If you should have any questions, just call me at 914-876-6164.Please return this questionaire and what- continued on p. 48.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWFrom Where I Phyllis Ripley, EditorI was able to attend the Summer Specialty this year in Brush Prairie, Washington and what I good time I had. I wasn't sure I was really in Washington until some exhibitors set me straight. After landing in Oregon at night and driving such a short distance it was a surprise to find that I had in fact changed viRelaxingat the cookout are Jackie Liddle, Sylvia Harbin, Phyllis Ripley and Jacob in the foreground and Nadine Hersil is that good, Nadine, Phil Hundley, Tom Stephens and Erin Hundley.Somehow the only problems I had the whole trip had to do with going and coming. The "in between" was great. But when I landed late Thursday night, plans for picking me up had been confused and I was stranded at the airport until Audrey Roberts was called. Bless her heart, she got out of bed and came and got me. Thanks again, Audrey. Going home, she and Nancy Burnette dropped me off at the airport and kindly offered to wait with me. I declined, saying my flight would be leaving shortly there really was no need. I walked inside the terminal to find my flight had been cancelled as their tail lights were leaving the airport. The story of my journey home is awful, complete with overbooked flights, miserable waits in airports and unfriendly airlines people, but the upshot is that I spent an extra six and a half hours getting home, arriving in Tucson at midnight. Poor Jacob did remarkably well considering it all, but I walked with him for two hours in Los Angeles before he finally went to sleep. Boy, were my arms tired the next day The four judges for the two days of Specialties, left to right are Mr. Forrest McCoy, Mrs. Mary McCoy, Mr. Skip Piazza, and Mrs. Jacqueline Klein.Enough of the monotonous stuff on to the Specialty. I only had to hear about the rain on Thursday because the weather was great while I was there. Maybe we brought some Arizona sunshine. I only wish I had brought some warmer clothing for Jacob, but he was content to stay wrapped up in his quilt. I had fun meeting people whose faces I recognized from pictures, but who didn't know me. I have only talked about ads with most Pom people. This trip gave me an opportunity to talk about everything and really get to know some very nice folks.The Specialty was lovely. I noticed some things that have not been mentioned by the other Specialty reporters and they should not go unnoticed. The classes at the Specialty moved in and out of the ring very smoothly. That is one area in which a show with a large entry can really bog down and I was pleased to see that ring steward Laura Untalan kept dogs and people rolling along nicely. We were told later that it was her first time as steward. It's a tough job and Laura did it well. Pat yourself on the back, Laura.At the banquet, Columbia President John Nye came around to each table to see that everyone was taken care of and comfortable. He made balloon dogs for the tables an art which completely mystifies me and put everyone at ease. One of the nicest things I've seen at a show dinner however, was to have everyone introduce himself. It was a nicePOMERANIAN REVIEWIceramas Pomeraniansour newest starAH I .r- U f Srf3^Moe-Best Raisin KaneKane is shown going Best of Winners at the American Pomeranian Club's Summer National Specialty. Thank you Judge Mr. Forrest McCoy for this great win from the puppy class.Watch for Kane to be handled exclusively by Jackie Liddle.Congratulations to Dianne Johnson on her well deserved Kennel Visit.OwnerSkip PiazzaBreederTerri MoebuisCo-OwnerJon Marcantonio8 POMERANIAN REVIEWchance to put faces with names, particularly for the new people. Remember, if a handler shows your dog, others don't have any idea what you look like. It was a nice touch, John. Thanks.After Friday night, 1 thought it was all over but the shouting. But no. On Saturday at the all-breed show Jean Schroll asked if I was staying for the cook-out. Cook-out says I. I had never been to a show where after everything was over the club members kept on entertaining their guests. And then came the food everything you can imagine and some things you just had to be there to believe. There was one dish that still makes my mouth water potatoe salad with crab meat. Wow There was so much food that we had left overs after the show on Sunday.Amr f.,.'acThe finalists in the Best of Breed competition.Yes, I did see dogs. I learned a great deal about Poms and enjoyed seeing in the flesh so many dogs who have done such outstanding winning. I particularly enjoyed the puppies and found I could pick the classes pretty well after watching for a while. Since 1 don't know the breed from a breeder's standpoint I probably saw things others didn't see. For example, I thought Nancy Burnette deserved extra points for having a dog whose color matched her lovely long hair. Sounds silly, I know, but they really were a pretty sight in the ring.My breakfast and traveling companions to and from the shows each day were Sally Baugniet, Skip Piazza, Jackie Liddle and Nadine Hersil. It was fun getting to know ' t4 ..asshH SHICh. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie moving out on his way to Best of Breed. Flandler Jackie Liddle.them and I had a lovely opportunity to meet and visit with Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie while waiting to go to breakfast one morning. He was interested in what actually who I had on my lap and although I was petting him, he wanted a closer look and landed right on top of Jacobi A true lap dog. Jacob loved it and so did Duffie who was I to argueI visited under the tent with Claudia Pfeffer and Kathy Bucher, getting a nice chance to see Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel up close. Specialties really offer such rare opportunities to see great dogs, more people should take advantage of them.It was fun on Saturday to stay for Group and Best in Show as Duffie won the Croup and Dana Plonkes white miniature poodle won Best in Show. It wasn't a Pom, but sort of "all in the family."On Sunday, Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel won the breed again, but I didn't get to stay for Croup. I had to rush off for a flight that was cancelledMy real reason for attending the Specialty was to help with a planning meeting of the Board, so after the banquet Friday night we agreed to get together. Thoughtfully, Sue Goddard suggested we have the meeting in my room so I could put Jacob down. So far, so good. Sue arrived first and as we were putting together our notes, Olga Baker crashed through the door in terrible pain, announcing that she had just fallen down the stairs. The poor thing hobbled to the bed and sat down to present a foot and ankle that were already swelling. Sue went for ice as I prepared some continued on p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEW 9NANCY BURNETTE501 982-1132913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076 oW-S'wl Nanshadow's Not-Worth-A-PennyCh. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch. LLL Charming Cold KandeePenny is pictured going Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex under Judge Fred Bassett for 5 points, just 1 day after winning Best of Opposite Sex at the National Specialty Sweepstakes under Mrs. Forrest McCoy. At her very first show she also went BOW and BOS under judge Edward Klein. She was 6 months and 1 day old. The next day she was Winners Bitch and Best Opposite under Judge Sue Kauffman. Watch for Penny's brother, Nanshadow's Hurricane Juan who will be starting this fall.10 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmerican Pomeranian Club Summer Specialtyby Olga BakerFolks from the East Coast were complaining about unnaturally hot temperatures there 105 degrees we heard, and the down-South bunch were fussing about 98 degree temperatures. When the airplane doors opened in Oregon, cold wonderful winds blew us all into the city, followed soon after by cold rain. That is the end of the weather report for now. I will add however that the first day the Columbia Specialty was yukky and miserable with people scurrying for slickers, raincoats, galoshes, umbrellas and funny, ugly hats. The little dogs were wet and unhappy.On edict of APC President Sue Goddard, I was commissioned to write up the National Summer Specialty, the second in a series of several dog shows during these Portland Dog Days. To insure that I would stick to business, make accurate observations, record data correctly, and avoid my usual busying-about, chattering with everyone and generally not paying the close attention required, l was quietly chained to my chair at ringside to watch and write Thus, you will note an absence of the excursive writing style for which I am infamousDespite the cold rain and sloshy ground, Judge Jacqueline Klein was adorably dressed up with matching everything all clean, spit-shined and polished, then necessarily covered from head to toe with a big, sloppy raincoat. Sloshing around in the ring was unpleasant for her, we were sure, but she took it right in stride and looked cute, even in the rain-gear. Sweepstakes Judge Skip Piazza fared much better. He too was dressed dapperly, but managed to get through Sweepstakes judging prior to the gullywashing rain Capsulizing the first day, Best in Sweepstakes was Carousel's Flashaway, and Best of Opposite Sex was Scotia's Little Buttercup. Regular Class major winners were Winners Dog Patrick's Mr. Dallas Winners Bitch Apolloette's Little Trixsee Best of Breed Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel Best ofOpposite Sex Ch. Harbin's Poetry In Motion.The happy part of that first day was a scrumptuous potluck spread under the big yellow tent, provided by Pom club members to many starving guests Interestingly, food was not there and then, miraculously, food appeared from everywhere Columbia food fairies, maybe This was a gracious and welcome gesture. Thanks, guys, from everyone.Day Two dawned a beautiful sunny, cool day and all the moaning and commiserating of the day before ceased. Judges were the popular McCoy team, Bill doing the honors for Regular classes, and his "pardner," Mary doing Sweepstakes. Clearly they enjoyed this day. Both are long-time Pom breeders and acquainted with many attendees at the show. A casual, relaxed atmosphere prevailed the way dog shows should be, as I see it. Competition seemed fun, not "sour." There was happy talk, lots of giggling, visiting, brushing, arm-band juggling and all such associated dog show goings-on. We determined that on the previous day everyone was a bit mean and grouchy strictly because of the weather Getting the weather "healed" resulted in a lovely day for everyone.The Sweepstakes winners were the 6-9 Puppy Carousel's Flashaway, a stunning sable puppy, owned by Kathy Bucher and Linda Gustafson and the previous day's Sweepstakes winner. The 9-12 Puppy Dog was Moe-Best Raisin Kane, owned by Skip Piazza and John Marcantonio, a popular choice and a beautiful little creature that I coveted shamefully The 6-9 Puppy Bitch was another little "star type," Nanshadow's Not-Worth-A- Penny, owned and shown by Nancy Burnette. She caught every eye and seemed a universal crowd favorite. The 9-12 Puppy Bitch was Barbara Paine's flashy Millbrook's Majestic, looking nicely mature and showing in the grass as if she didn't mind a bit. Best in Sweepstakes was the previous day's winner,POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Carousel's Flashaway, with Best Opposite Sex going to the younger girl, Nanshadow's Not-Worth-A-Penny.Judge Mary McCoy loved the pups, as the spectators could tell, and had fun with the assignment. She was business-like however, and appeared confident and comfortable with her selections.In the Regular Classes the 6-9 Puppy Dog winner was a repeat from the Sweepstakes class, as was the 9-12 winner. The Bred by Exhibitor winner was Queenaire Pale Rider, owned by Dudley and Wanda Roach, a heavily coated, unusual beige color with jet black pigment. The American Bred Dog was a pretty dog named Westmost Missy's Pay- check, owned by Bea George, who showed nicely for handler Jean Schroll.A-vLBest of Winners went to Moe-Best Raisin Kane, owned by Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio.Open Dogs Black was a true-stepping strutter, Alexsand's Hercules CF, owned by Dr. Alexandra and Gus Gonos. A hugh Red, Orange, Cream and Sable class was, of necessity, divided into two sections by the judge in order to keep the little dogs cool and comfortable during the long judging. I was incredulous that anyone might be worried about being "cool" after the b-r-r-r- weather of the day before Emerging as the class winner was Patrick's Mr. Dallas, a wonderfully sound, cute and stylish dog showy, beautifully groomed just everything, and another popular favorite, owned by RandyCemmill and Dana Plonkey. Moe-Best Raisin Kane, the 6-9 winner, captured Winners Dog after a grueling contest with Patrick's Mr. Dallas, who was Reserve. Both competitors were crowd-pleasers, making it a happy contest.The 6-9 Puppy Bitch winner was the lovely attention-getter from previous classes, Nan- Shadow's Not-Worth-A-Penny, now beginning to act up a little, asserting herself as a "star," causing her cute owner, Nancy Burnette, a little gritting of teeth and extra patience. Beautiful nonetheless The 9-12 Puppy Bitch winner was the previous winner, Millbrook's Majestic. Bred by Exhibitor Bitch went to Queenaire Signature, a pretty girl, reflecting the pride of her breeders and owners, Dudley and Wanda Roach. Open Bitches Black, the single entry was Singleoak's Oreo Kookie such a cute name, owned by Cladys Von Horn. The Open Bitch ROCS class was won by Apolloette's Little Trixsee, an especially lovely girl owned by Dolores Watts.Winners Bitch went to the puppy Millbrook's Majestic, and Reserve to Apolloette's Little Trixsee.n tHvWinners Bitch went to Millbrook's Majestic, owned by Barbara Paine.Best of Breed judging was quite a sight for everyone. One wonders as we view such a class, where do they all come from I personally admired them all, though many types, styles, colors, and sizes were12 POMERANIAN REVIEWrepresented. In such competition, those dogs receiving an "Award of Merit" emerge almost as winners, thus I report them here Ch. Pomirish Scooter's Victory, Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, Ch. Muller's Encore, Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel, Ch. Bell's Houston Star Performer.The well-known Veteran Dog for this day was Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, owned by the cutest Pom person of all, Nadine Hersil and shown exquisitely as always by Jackie Liddle. Duffie then went on to the Best of Breed award and received the obvious seal of approval from the crowd. Best Opposite Sex went to Ch. Harbin's Poetry In Motion, owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin. Best of Winners went to the Winners Dog, Moe-Best Raisin Kane.t-t -v ,vt 71F eBestof Breed went to Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, owned by Nadine Hersil, shown by Jackie Liddle.The excitement of all those neat dog shows may have been a bit overshadowed by the outpouring of wonderful hospitality by area Club Members. Ever present was Jean Scroll, constantly alert to everyone's needs and seeming to be the one to whom all turned for assitance or guidance. Thanks, Lady The hospitality room on arrival night was warm and fun, then there was the ever-present "yellow tent" for all the days, providing a spot for getting away from the rain or the sun, plus food and hot coffee thanks to those people. Most fun of all, however, was the vyonderful dinner on Friday night, attended byiOS" .-1 vvBest of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Harbin's Poetry In Motion, owned by Sylvia and Irene Harbin.absolutely everyone. Personable Club President John Nye kept everyone jovial, comfortable, content and entertained. Fat hospitality bags, made by Erin Hundley, were handed out to everyone. They were full of neat doggie things, plus a packaged tree from the Timber Country This was a very special gift indeed and they were lovingly returned to cities nationwide by the guests. I wonder if that rascal will grow in Texas After the finest of dinners we had salmon only because it seemed the appropriate thing to do it was wonderful, by the way, the group was addressed by President John Nye, then by APC President Sue Goddard looking absolutely stunning in a new "frock", then comments from the Judges, warmly received by all. Door prizes were awarded to lots of happy recipients. What a nightFollowing the dinner, the APC Board meeting was held sadly without a quorum. Phyllis Ripley, Review Editor attended to discuss some much-needed corrective actions designed to get the National Club's publication back into a solvent mode. Phyllis, along with her 4-month-old angel-baby Jacob, made the trip for just this purpose and was very welcome. Not wishing to be maudlin, I left the dinner, retrieved my briefcase from the upstairs motel room, and zipped off to the Board meeting, but missed the bottom concrete step at the motel and fell, banging my poor body miserably. The result was tornPOMERANIAN REVIEW V.Carousel Pomeraniansproudly introducesayCarousel's FlashawayCh. Precious Petite's Gabriel x Carousel's Special AngelShown here at 5 months, Flash was Best Puppy in Match on April 10 at the Sooner Pomeranian Club of Oklahoma City Fun Match.Since then he made his debut in the ring with ownerhandler Kathy Bucher at Sedalia, MO going WD both days.BreederOwnerArt and Linda Gustafson 405 391-2960S.E. Oklahoma City5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 7485714 POMERANIAN REVIEWligaments from the ankle bone and a chip of bone broken off beautiful I include this nasty bit of information only to explain that I did not attend the two subsequent all-breed shows, was weepy, sad, incapacitated and grouchy for the remainder of the trip. Sight-seeing is not fun with crutches or wheelchair I re-vamped my own personal feelings about the "Hire the Handicapped" slogan. It should perhaps be changed to "Don't hire the handicapped. They're not worth a nickel" Naaaah, just me. I'm at home mending. YUKThanks, Portland, for everything. You were too, too good to all of us. We know you worked hard and we want you to know we appreciated it all. What a beautiful place and what beautiful people Can we come back somedayJudge's Critique Regular Classes by Forrest W. McCoyWhat a lovely show What a lovely group of Poms What a wonderful group of people This was my first visit to the "Great Northwest." May I say the countryside and the people are very impressive.After many years of judging, including several National Specialties, I still get very excited about an entry as lovely as I had at this show. I will not attempt to comment on each entry.My Winners Dog came from the 9-12 month Puppy Class, Moe-Best Raisin Kane. A lovely red-orange puppy with ample coat of good texture. A nice cobby body of good substance and a charming head with good ear placement. He moved well and should have a good career ahead.My selection for Winners Bitch also came from the 9-12 month Puppy Class. Millbrook's Majestic, a lovely young bitch, was very well coated with a lovely head. She moves very well and has a delightful personality.It would be difficult to compare the beauty which confronted me in the Best of Breed class. Breathtaking, to say the least. After considerable deliberation I narrowed the field to 8 contenders, including Winners Dog, Winners Bitch and Veteran Dog. From thisgroup I selected as Best of Breed, from thi Veterans class, Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie This elder statesman has so much to offer th Pom fancy.My Best of Winners was the puppy dog Moe-Best Raisin Kane. Watch for this one ii the future.My Best of Opposite Sex was Ch. Harbin' Poetry in Motion, who is just what her nam indicates, she moves so very well.Many thanks to the Columbia Pom Club fc inviting me to judge. So many people doing s much to make our visit enjoyable. It was nic to meet new Pom people in the area and loo forward to seeing them at future shows. C course it is always a delight to see so many c our old friends in the Pom people we hav known more years than we care to revea However, seems some are become quit fragile, or should I say awkward. Would yo care to comment, Olga Thanks everyone fc a lovely weekend. I hope we can do it mani many more times.Judge's Critique Sweepstakes by Mary McCoyPom lovers attending the APC Summe Specialty in Portland had the red carpet rolle out for them with all the hospitality of th Columbia Pomeranian Club. A very dedicate group of Pom fanciers that seemed to think c everything to make all of us leaving Orego with thought of a return visit and wishing w could stay just a wee bit longer. My sincei thanks to each member for your many houi of labors that made a most delightfi weekend.Due to lack of time for deadline c September issue, I will not attempt t comment on each entry, nor list a placements as all results will be liste elsewhere in this issue. I will say it was privilege to see and touch all these love puppies in attendance. It was a sight t behold to see this lovely group of puppir strutting and showing like old pros. Muc credit is due the exhibitors for the behavi and showmanship of each entry.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1cIntroducing0Sweetheart Pomeraniansf yr Parti Poms h Ll1-V.Typey Pomeranians, stocky bone, full, harsh coats. Partis like these are hard to findSpecializing in exotic colors.KATHY CARROLL P.O. Box 131525 Tyler, TX 75713 214566-464816 POMERANIAN REVIEWQuality was extremely high and made my assignment a difficult but most enjoyable one. In each class any of the entries could have received a placement, but I had only four ribbons to hand out.My 6-9 month Puppy Dog winner, Carousel's Flashaway, was a great showman, nicely coated, short body, excellent tail set and a lovely head. This little guy went on to receive my nod for Best in Sweepstakes. He received major points during this weekend of shows. I predict a big show career for this oneMy 9-12 month Puppy Dog winner, Moe-Best Raisin Kane, another outstanding dog which I'm sure will also have a bright show career ahead. He possessed the many good points all strive for in breeding that special dog. He also received major points this weekend.Nanshadovs Not-Worth-A-Penny was the 6-9 month Puppy Bitch class winner, and was the perfect size all breeders love in a Pom bitch. Always alert, with a gorgeous head, cobby body, excellent tail set, a true mover and in excellent coat. She, too, won major points over the weekend. A bright show career is in her future and I would have named her Nanshadow's Worth-A-Million.Millbrook's Majestic won the 9-12 month Puppy Bitch class. She was an outstanding mover, lovely head, cobby body, but at the age where you don't possess a good puppy coat and not coated out fully in adult coat. I am sure she will have Ch. attached to her name very quickly.What a lovely lineup faced me for Best in Sweeps and Best Opposite. Each one was looking me in the eye as if to say, I'm it[ Showmanship they did possess As I previously stated, Carousel's Flashaway was Best in Sweeps and Nanshadow's Not-Worth- A-Penny was Best Opposite. It was not an easy decision as I found these two entries almost evenly matched.Bouquets go to all breeders as I found a great improvement in the breed in this assignment over the Sweepstakes for APC I did in late 1979. However, I did find a few undershot mouths, and I don't recall finding his fault in the entries back then.My sincere thanks for giving me the honor of doing this assignment, and a big thank you to all exhibitors for bringing their little lovelies for me to see and touch. It was a most enjoyable time spent in the ring.From Where I Stand, from p. 8.wet towels, but all the while Olga kept insisting we not fuss. Like a trooper she took notes and participated in the meeting. I felt terrible that in order to convenience me and my baby, such a bad accident occurred. Especially after she had been "chained" to her chair to take notes at the Specialty all day as you'll read in her report. Please believe that Olga had some fun at the Specialty, even if all she did was play with my baby. Sure hope you're feeling better, Olga. You can't limp like that in the ring or you'll be excused. You have to get betterI do want to mention that the Sweepstakes pictures from the Specialty never arrived so we don't have any pictures of Mrs. McCoy except for the nice candid shot taken by Pauline Hughes, who provided us with several nice pictures. Thanks, Pauline.O'CDtARingside at the Specialty.I so enjoyed my visit and only wish I could mention all the people I talked with, like Averil Asbeck, the Funds, the Stephens, the Hundleys, the Pressers, the Watts, Randy Cemmill and Dana Plonkey, Darrell Baker and Tim Goddard whose wives have been mentioned before, Mary Vickers and Huggy, Linda Gallacher, Pauline Hughes, Janice Luginsland and so many more. Thank you again. You made me feel most welcome.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialtyby Emily UntalanWhat an exciting weekend Rain, what rain It was raining beautiful Pomeranians. One look at all those lovely, compact, happy personalities and one forgot about the fact we had downpours, wind and whatever mother nature chose to throw our way. Last year at this time we were complaining about temperatures ranging in the 103 degree bracket and we were kept busy spraying the stomachs of our dogs to keep them cool. However, the rest of the shows were clear and I do hope everyone enjoyed themselves. We had a wonderful turnout of both dogs and people. The members of the club had a great deal of satisfaction getting everything ready and then having such a wonderful result. We want to thank each and every one of you who made our efforts so rewarding.Skip Piazza was our Sweepstakes Judge. Despite the rain, he had a smile on his face the whole time. We all had smiles on our faces as we surveyed the Poms all around us. Thank you, Skip for a job well done. The class winners were as followsSweepstakes Judge, Skip Piazza Puppy Dog 6-9Carousels Flashaway, K. Bucher and L. GustafsonPuppy Dog 9-12Sungold's Solo, D. JohnsonPuppy Bitch 6-9Nanshadow's Not-Worth-A-Penny, N. BurnettePuppy Bitches 9-12Scotia's Little Buttercup, D. WattsBest in SweepstakesCarousel's FlashawayBest Opposite To Best in SweepstakesScotia's Little ButtercupRegular Classes Judge, Jacquelyn Klein Puppy Dog 6-9Muller Kazar Trump of Sungold, A. LaFortuneand R. LackeyPuppy Dog 9-12Sungold's Solo, D. JohnsonBred by Exhibitor DogsQueenaire Pale Rider, D. and W. Roach'CWBest in Sweepstakes went to Carousel's Flashaway, owned by Kathy Bucker and LindaGustafson.4Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Scotia's Little Buttercup, owned by Dolores Watts.American Bred DogsWestmost Missy's Paycheck, Bea GeorgeOpen Dogs BlackAlexsand's Hercules CF, A. and C. ConosOpen Dogs ROCSPatrick's Ms. Dallas, D. Plonkey and R. GemmillWinners DogPatrick's Mr. Dallas, D. Plonkey and R. Gemmill8 POMERANIAN REVIEWWinners Dog and Best of Winners went to Patrick's Mr. Dallas, owned by D. Plonkey and R. Gemmill.Puppy Bitches 6-9Nanshadow's Not-Worth-A-Penny, N. BurnettePuppy Bitches 9-12LLL Kan Too Chunky Queen Bee, J. LuginslandBred By Exhibitor BitchesQueenaire Signature, D. andW. RoachOpen Bitches BlackSingleoak's Oreo Kookie, C. Von HornOpen Bitches ROCSApolloette's Little Trixsee, D. WattsWinners BitchApolloette's Little Trixsee, D. Watts Reserve Winners Bitch Millbrook's Sue's Anna, B. PaineMWinners Bitch went to Apolloette's Little Trixsee, owned and shown by Dolores Watts.Best of BreedCh. Precious Petite's Gabriel, C. PfefferBest of WinnersPatrick's Mr. Dallas, D. Plonkey and R. GemmillBest of Opposite SexCh. Harbin's Poetry in Motion, I Harbin and S. Harbin .Jr^Best of Breed was Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel, owned by Claudia Pfeffer and handled by Kathy Bucher.V2-X'T Bestof Opposite Sex went to Ch. Harbin's Poetry In Motion, owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin.There were 102 entries with 22 of those also entered in Sweepstakes. What a pleasure to finally see Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie and Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel up close. Such truly beautiful dogs. There were lots of beautiful dogs there, but these really impressed me.What a pleasure to meet such persons as Opal Mosher, Jackie Liddle, the Watts, Edna Girardot and a host of others. Thank you all again for attending our Summer Specialty. We had a wonderful five days with some of youPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1Gieal lm Kemefa, Reg'd.Atl.GROUPFIRSTSHENANDOAH VALLEY KENNEL CLUB 1986 KERNANCh. Great Elms Prince Charming IIPrince shown winning the Croup under Mrs. Sue Woodle at the Shenandoah Valley Club show and of course, expertly groomed and shown by Maynard Wood.Prince was retired for the summer at this show, but Maynard will have him back in the ring after the summer heat is over. He would rather have less wins than put his Poms through our grueling hot summer temperatures.Prince is with Maynard and will be at stud to approved matrons. Contact him at Park Station, Box 2296, Waynesboro, VA 22980, 703 943-6905.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937704 889-9233 Pineville, NC 281340 POMERANIAN REVIEWind others of you decided to stay for that one ast show on Monday. My daughter called me, ifter the show on Monday to tell me she went ^Vinners Dog with Autumn's Red Blaze of 3i-Mar for a five point major. Congratulations, Laura.Sweepstakes Critique by Skip PiazzaI would like to thank the Columbia Pomeranian Club for giving me the privilege of judging their Sweepstakes. I was very impressed with the quality of the puppies presented to me and I am sure we will see many champions from these entries.The 6-9 month Puppy Dog class was very difficult, and I secretly wished that I could hand out two first place ribbons. The winner of this class and eventual Best in Sweepstakes winner was Carousel's Flashaway, a super sable boy with good balance and beautiful expression, owned by Kathy Bucher and Linda Gustafson.My Best of Opposite to Best in Sweepstakes went to a lovely, stylish bitch, Scotia's Little Buttercup, owned by Dolores Watts.Despite the rain, I enjoyed every minute of my assignment.My special thanks to the officers, show committee and members of the Columbia Pomeranian Club for their warm hospitality.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Mary Vickers"Go West" they said, and we did Traveling to the great Northwest for the APC Summer Specialty and the Columbia Pomeranian Club Specialty were Skip Piazza, Dave and Dolores Watts and Mary Vickers. Skip judged the Sweeps classes for CPC and the following day showed Moe-Best Raisin Kane to 5 points as Winners Dog. Dave and Dolores took home beaucoups trophies, the highlight being BOS in Sweeps with Scotia's Little Buttercup and then 5 points as Winners Bitch on Apolloette's Little Trixsee. Mary and Huggy gathered many new friends, green qualifying ribbons and a3rd place in obedience.All are back home preparing for the many club happenings in September. First off is an All-Toy, Rare Breed and Obedience match. Then comes our 4th Birthday celebration. Immediately after that our shows start for the Fall season. At least August was a month to rest tired dogs and human bodies.Many members worked hard throughout the summer whelping Pom babies that next September will participate in our Futurity. It will have three divisions encompassing Poms from 6 to 18 months of age. With the nominations we now have, whoever wins may need a bank car to carry home their winnings.Only have two new Pom champions to report. Back on the April Cherry Blossom, Dianne Johnson finished both her girls Silva Lade Christmas Joy Holly and Silva Lade Morgan's Legacy Pamela. Pamela'lived up to her promise' just like the rest of the Baltimore members. Congrats to allNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Ruth A. BugbeeOur news may seem disjointed as your reporter has just arrived in New Hampshire for the annual 2Vi months at our home on the real "Golden Pond" of movie fame. The loons do live here, too.NCPC has received approval of the judges for the Specialty in November. We're so pleased to announce that Roland Adameck from Hawaii will be judging the regular classes and long time breeder, Dolores Watts, The APC Corresponding Secretary, will be coming from Maryland to do the Sweepstakes. Each judge will be traveling some 3000 miles to see your Poms so we urge you to support them with a major entry. When your premium list arrives, please take note of the parking arrangments. We will be having a special Pom section that will be reserved through Friday on your return for Saturday's Golden Valley Show. And, please bring a healthy appetite. Nancy Parker, our Hospitality chairperson and her committee have a bountiful repast planned for your enjoyment.We're also looking ahead to Christmas, continued on p. 24.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2rJestoms^ - - m^ Ch.Jestoms First EditionAm. and Can. Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy proudly presents another champion, group winning offspring. Ch. Jestom's First Edition is owned and handled by Karen Powers of Idaho. Congratulations, Karen.Congratulations also to Dana Plonkey and Randy Cemmill's Valcopy-Wakhan Foxie Jessica, who was WB, BOW and BOS over specials for 5 points at the Portland Kennel Club show. She was just 10 months old and is another Chipper daughter.Congratulations to all the winners at the Columbia Pom Specialty and the National, from Jestom's Poms.Lt. Cmdr. T.L. and Mrs. J. Stephens 206 743-3546322 158th St. S.W. Lynnwood, WA 980372 POMERANIAN REVIEWShy Acres...AllShy Acres Little Beau JanglesCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xCh. Cenla SummertimeBeau is shown going Winners Dog at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Specialty for a big 5 pt. major The previous weekend he was Best of Breed at Galveston K.C.B.E.A.U.Beauty Excellence Attitude Uniqueness A winning formula Beau has the kind of showmanship that makes him a joy to show.SHY ACRESBreederOwnerHandler Audrey M. Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648 or 0202POMERANIAN REVIEWOn The Move' iV VICh.Shy Acres Mac's han't MissCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xCh. LLL Moongold KellyMissy finished in style at Ft. Wortl K.C. with a 5 pt. major. Congratulation to her owners Estelle and Bilh McDonald.Ch. Shy Acres Pom Thumb V. JeribethLLL Skip A Roo Mitey Dandy xLLL Moongold Simply SerenaThumb is shown winning his first pts. at 7 months a 5 pt. major. One month later he finished his championship Congrats and bravo to his loving owners, Olga and Darrell Baker.ViSHY ACRESBreederAudrey M. Roberts 1410 S 10th St. Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648 or 02024 POMERANIAN REVIEWplanning a Pom B match and THE party, tentatively scheduled for December 6 in Livermore.We arrived in New Hampshire on June 29 after the worst all day journey across country that "Chipper" Ch. Moreno's Highlight and I have ever had. Our saga started on Sunday at 430 a.m. after 3 hours sleep for me. My husband kissed me goodbye for a month and I boarded with Chip in his 7'A" high carry-on crate, at6 a.m. fora630 a.m. departure from San Jose. Due to heavy air traffic circling Denver, we remained grounded, on board, until 755 a.m. We missed our Boston connection on United and, after a mile sprint around the un-airconditioned Denver airport, we made a transfer to an American flight. Since I only had 20 minutes to do paper work and dash from concourse to concourse in 92 degree heat, Chipper kept his legs crossed and off we went. Then it was on to O'Hare in Chicago which came as a surprise. A quick deplaning for new seating assignments and finally on to Boston, with Chipper still "holding" in his bird cage. We arrived 3'A hours later than originally planned and were met by our patient friends from N.H. Chipper finally unfolded and watered the Boston airport shrubs most adequately. He's a real trooper. We had more delays to deal with the missing baggage which did arrive the next day small miracle and walked more miles to the car and then a 2 hour drive north. I fell into the house at 11 p.m. and started vacuuming up the winter D-Con before Chipper could run free. Fearing terminal jet-lag, I gave up at 3 a.m. Monday morning and hit the bed. This will be known now as the "Killer Trip of'86."The flight crews on all 3 legs of the trip were most concerned about Chip's comfort and needs. I was permitted to remove him from his crate as long as no passenger objected and no food or beverage service was underway. I had him out a few times to stretch his legs and make new friends for the breed. I don't feed him in flight except for a bit of NutraCal after take off and a dog biscuit. But, the crews offered him everything from scrambled eggs to beef tips and cake. He settled for an ice cube each time. I usually travel with 2 dogs, one in baggage. Had that been the case, Imight have spent a longer time in Denver as I wouldn't have left without seeing my "baggage" dog. As it was, he could have been left behind with my suitcase. I've learned to attach a Ziploc bag of food and feeding instructions on baggage crates for just such circumstances.I have mentioned the tiny size of a carry-on crate. It must fit under an 11i" seat. If all goes well on a cross country trip, it does let you keep your pet within view at all times, but offers no standing room. Since the major airlines allow only one dog per cabin, wouldn't it be wonderful to have a tie-down in each cabin to accommodate a P-100 crate so our animals coufcf be as comfortable as the airlines insist they be when in baggage Perhaps we should start a campaign with the airlines.I received an excited phone call from California on July 5 from Cheri Fleming. Her Apolloette's Charley Ann who needs a major to finish had just whelped 2 healthy babies, a "gold" boy and a "sabled" girl sired by Mark Presser's CD dog Apolloette's Brandy Fizz C.D. Charley free whelped her little family in good time and is reportedly a wonderful mama. Cheri survived her excitement. It was her first litter, tooAs you read this, Mark Presser, son of Marlin and Marlene, will be a married man. The garden nuptials took place on July 19 and his bride, the former Nancy Sarrentino, is a lovely young woman very much involved with dogs, too. She shows Cockers and wins points in good company. We've watched this cute couple discover each other and nurture their love very quietly at dog shows since last winter. We wish them a long life of happiness.NCPC is proud to tell the Pom world that Lillian Muller was asked to show Ch. Sungold's Cay Caballero and Ch. Muller Encore at the prestigious Ralston-Purina Invitational in St. Louis. What an honor for Lillian and richly deserved. I hear Caballero took 2 more breeds and a Croup 4 at Golden Cate and San Mateo shows in June. I haven't had it confirmed but it is rumored that Janet Porter, one of our newer members finished her first champion that weekend on Saturday and Sandy Logan finished her boy the next day. Nice going, galsPOMERANIAN REVIEWDupres Pomeraniansvw.ABEST OFBREEDVARIETY OSSOUTHEAST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB 1986photo by petrulisCh. Dupres Sparkling Gold BusterCh. Emcee's Sparkling Cold Mico x Dupre's That's My DollyBuster is pictured finished his championship with a 4 point BOB win over 4 very nice specials, at 10 months of age under Judge Miss Dorothy D. Nickles, Buster was shown on a limited basis. He began his show career at 6 months of age winning a Best in Match. His championship wins include 5 BOBs with a Croup placement. Watch for him as a special. Buster is a grandson of Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond, top producer 1984 and 1985. He will be a very important part of our breeding program, joining our other champions, Ch. Emcee's Diamond Solid Gold and Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Cold Mico, his sire. Buster has already proven himself as a stud with one litter on the ground. I have a few other bitches bred to Buster at this time.Title pending AKC confirmation.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 627-5180Rt. 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417BreederOwnerHandler6 POMERANIAN REVIEWThe Presser champions press on. From April 9 to June 29, Ch. Apolloette's Ever Ready tocky has collected 8 more BOBs, 3 Croup 2s ind a Croup 3. In the same time frame, Ch. Apolloette's Foolish Pleasure Zack has taken 5 BOBs, a Group 3 and a Group 4. Apolloette's Lil Cold Shindig finished his championship in 5 shows with three 4 point majors among his 15 points. Flard work and good breedings continue to reward this kennel.We hear that Sue Cheuning is preparing the whelping box for "Kneesa." This will be a first for both dog and owner. Since Cheri Fleming has lived through the experience and resides in the same town, moral support is close at hand for the big event.I hope by the time our next column is due, I will be able to share more than our vital statistics with you. NCPC is planning a genetics seminar in the Fall and our meetings will include programs designed to educate and review information pertinent to Poms. Until then, remember the NCPC Specialty on Thursday, November 20 in Turlock, CA. It's the first show of our second quarter century. Come make history with us.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensThe Columbia Pom Club hosted the National at Brush Prairie, WA and everyone did such a wonderful job. Food was everywhere Jean Schroll, along with a worthy band of helpers, had everything running smoothly. I enjoyed every moment, meeting all the exhibitors and watching the array of gorgeous Poms. This was an entry to be proud of. Hospitality was fabulous and believe it or not, we had good weather for the National. To really see the best and their handlers was exciting, to say the least.Everyone enjoyed Phyllis Ripley and Jacob, her newest production. Best wishes Olga, hope you will soon be out there showing. Tony and Connie Tellez really were enjoying our WA cuisine, as was Nadine Hersil. Sue Goddard, who graciously attended, and the judges Jackie Klein, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest McCoy and Skip Piazza, offered enjoyable insights and commentaries.So once again, to all the hard workers who made this the very best, congratulations. Columbia Pom Club, you really made this a special specialty. An extra congratulations to all the winners.OREGON WEBFOOT REPORT by Diane Clark-BryantThe Columbia Pom Club held its Specialty Show on July 11 with a record turnout. The show was held in Brush Prairie, Washington, just across the Columbia River from Oregon and the weather was Oregon's special brand of unpredictability with cool breezes, hovering clouds and occasional showers. This particular combination, however, makes those Pom coats dampen and fluff out wonderfully. None the less, those from the sunshine states just might report that it was downright chilly, but we Oregonians kept declaring that it was just our usual "surprise of the day" weather. I think the folks from Arizona, Texas, Maryland, California and Louisiana figured out just why Oregon is so green.By Friday, and the dawning of the day for the APC Specialty, things were looking up and the sun peeked out, warming up the day nicely.The turnout was wonderful. The Poms were more than wonderful. What a thrill to see in person those Poms I have looked at in the Review and have heard so much about. Personally, I was thrilled to meet and talk with so many who are so well-known and respected in Pomeranians. I have read your articles in the Review and studied your Poms pictures and I must say that you are in impressive group of folks for a relative newcomer to mingle with. Your Poms are beautiful and your knowledge is overwhelming. I might add that you are all a very nice group of people. During the two days I was able to attend the shows I did not hear one discouraging word nor did I see anything but outgoing, friendly people. How refreshing and heart warming.Some of you that I didn't have a chance to meet and talk to, know that I will always regret the fact. I also had a Pom entered and I continued on p. 74.POMERANIAN REVIEWDover-Holihouse Pomspresenting a better picture of Troubles.J V,Camelot's Rebel Did ItPedigree in Stud issue 1985 and 1986.Troubles is one of our Veteran Poms at 8V2 years young, but unlike the others he was not acquired till 6 years of age. Never shown and seldom bred, Troubles has his first black and tan son and also 2 very typey deep orange sable boys whelped 621, out of Ch. Annon's Lea Tar of Dover. Fee and 6 generation pedigree upon request. Troubles is at public stud to carry along the lines Edney, May Morning, Showstopper, and Great Elms. Contact Patricia Foley at 609 394-0298.Correction on the Stud Ad, last issue, for Dover's Little Caesar of Pombreden, blkwht parti. He still has a good bite.Kathryn Flartz 319 Ardmore Ave. Trenton, NJ 08629B POMERANIAN REVIEWpdzxzmb fennelsBEST OF BREE or VARIETYCLARKSVILLE KENNEL CLUBMARCH 1986A^HOTO BY BONNIE^Jbxsartits flittleSunfox Lennis Rains It Pours x Lennis Muffets Tar-RusticLittlebit is a beautiful 3 lb. deep orange male, currently being shown by his handler Jeanne Verhage. He is already pointed and we hope he will finish soon. Thank you, Lennis for allowing us to have this beautiful boy.Alexandra L. Conos MD. and Cus Conos 6222 E. Via Estrella Scottsdale, AZ 85253 602 991-8391POMERANIAN REVIEWssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssJVlexsattfr ^enneIs' r V .mEavbxts takersWho says a 5 lb. male can't be beautiful Joker is shown at his first show going Best of Breed over specials for a 5 point major. He has excellent bone and beautiful movement. He is currently being handled by Anna and Ray LaFortune in California.Alexandra L. Conos MD and Cus Conos 6222 E. Via Estrella Scottsdale, AZ 85253 603 991-8391I POMERANIAN REVIEW'Altxmxb fennelsmrnmmmmmm.... rWINNERSSAHUARO STATEKENNEL CLUB MARCH 1986MISSY photoAlexxnb ^Hercules OljfHere is our black boy taking a 5 point major at Sahuaro State KC. He has both his majors and only lacks four points to finish.I would like to thank Lola and Howard Field for allowing us to have this beautiful boy. I hope you are pleased, Lola.Alexandra L. Conos MD and Cus Conos 6222 E. Via Estrella Scottsdale, AZ 85253 602 991-83913SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSPOMERANIAN REVIEWBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSfennels-N r L AmClf. PHrite JMafretts JRngal JHajnrThank you, Sue White for"Buzzy." In between shows he has sired some very promising puppies. Look for some of Buzzs get in the ring this fall.Alexandra L. Conos MD and Cus Conos 6222 E. Via Estrella Scottsdale, AZ 85253 602 991-8391LssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssPOMERANIAN REVIEW^^Shamrocks' PomeraniansI1mCh. Shamrocks'. Lzf f Ze Image Makersends congratulations to Larry and Dianne Johnson on their Kennel Visit and a quick "hi" to his kids Ch. Silva Lade Christmas Joy and Silva Lade Outlaw.Show and pet pups for sale.Mike and Sheila Marion Rt. 2, Box 2690 Cleveland, TX 77327 713 592-5407Jeribeth's Pomeranians CLASSIFIED ADSCongratulations, Dianne, on your Kennel Visit. This sure beats flying all the way to Maryland for a visit to Silva LadeContinued success to youDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 334-2250Pom Breeding Stock reduction. Studs and broods. Reasonable to reliable person. Delivery possible if all taken. Write or call Jean Haas, Rt. 2, Box 6239, Auburn, GA 30203, 404 867-8675.For Sale, two black and tan and one orange sable male, whelped 6-15-86. Sire Dupre's Sparks in the Night x Bayouview Sho-Nuf. Sho-Nuf, Barbara T. Whiddon, 4703 Monroe Hwy, Pineville, LA 71360, 318 640-2993.POMERANIAN REVIEWA Visit WithSILVA LADEby Carol RicciOn a shady street in suburban Baltimore you'll find the home of Larry and Dianne Johnson. As visitors enter the premesis, their attention is immediately drawn to the puppy yard in back where several frisky little Poms gaze at you with curiosity, all the while barking a welcome. Upon entering, one is greeted by Panda Silva Lade Fizzies Finale and Lorie Beth Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker who rule the roost here. Panda, no doubt, will have one of her famous golf balls which she will soon have the unwary person tossing for her to retrieve ad infinitum. Lorie Beth disdains such things and would rather be petted and admired. The coffee pot is always on and friendly conversation the watchword here.SL,iHl-rThe "puppy yard" is about a 40 foot square area with five 4x8 foot runs with dog houses.Let us turn back the clock to 1966 when Dianne acquired her first Pom. On Christmas of that year, Larry gave Dianne a little orange female named Holly which was obtained by answered a newspaper ad. When Holly was old enough she and Dianne joined an obedience class. They did so well that further training was recommended. Dianne joinedA Nimthe Oriole Dog Training Club, an associati that lasts to this day. Unfortunately, this lit Pom met an untimely end. Dianne th acquired a black female who eventual became De De's Little Miss Muffet, CD. entry in a fun match was the next step f Dianne and the four month old Miss Muffe the first time either of them had been to a d show. Dianne was thrilled when Miss Muff went Best of Breed. Excitedly she rushe home to tell her family of the win, having r idea that she should have stayed for tf Croup. If this story has a familiar ring, it because many people have gotten hooked c the dog game in similar fashion.Dianne became involved with Collies an Norwegian Elkhounds, so Miss MuffeCs fir two litters were sold as pets. It was not unt the early seventies that she really got involve with Poms. It was decided to breed Mis Muffet to Dunn's Little Tomstopper, a son o Ch. Blair's Solitaire and grandson of Ch Thelcolynn's Showstopper, owned by ThelmI. PEAKP3rS. VPamela retreats as Rawhide wins "king of thehill," a favorite game of the Poms at "PomPeak."POMERANIAN REVIEW- A -rr4K 3U.erri has finished her splash in "Poms Spring" s Pamela rushes over to dive in.lunn. The resulting litter of two males, one ilack and one orange, started Silva Lade on ne road to success. The black male was sold d the late Bill Ernst, of Be Cay Cocker Spaniel ame. Bill not only put a championship on lim, but took Ch. Silva Lade Gentle Ben to a lest in Show, the only black to ever receive hat honor. Bear's littermate, Silva Lade aughnan Firecracker was shown by Dianne to najor points but an injury cut short his show areer. He remained at home, passing on his quality to his offspring. Meanwhile Silva Lade ancy Flirt, an orange female, had joined the lousehold. She and Miss Muffett became Dianne's foundation bitches. By breeding this foundation stock to Show Stopper and Great Elms, Dianne has come up with the line that is so successful today.Silva Lade Fizzies Folly ptd, Firecracker- Fancey daughter, was bred to Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney, which produced Am. Can. Bda. Ch. Silva Lade Mama Tried. Tilly went on to win Best in Shows and was number one Pom bitch for 1977-78. Another noteworthy Silva Lade dog was Ch. Silva Lade Smash Hit, a Ch. Tarbaby son, who was a Group and Specialty winner. Other champions produced by Silva Lade are a blue, Ch. Silva Lade Enforcer, a black Ch. Silva Lade The Intercepter, Silva Lade Forget Me Not and Silva Lade Midnight Caper. The list goes on with Silva Lade Almond Joy, who is the only chocolate and tan champion in the history of the breed, her black and tan daughter, Ch. Silva Lade Christmas Joy and Ch. Silva Lade Morgan's Legacy.Up and coming is a full brother to ChristmasJoy, Silva Lade The Outlaw. Rawhide won a 4 point major at his first show as a puppy.Dianne's breeding program is very limited as sTie breeds only to replace her show stock. While she is not a color breeder, it is interesting to note the rare colors that she has come up with in quality dogs. In addition to the forementioned champions in blue, black, chocolate and tan and black and tan, her kennel has also produced beaver, chocolate and cream in addition to the oranges and sables.Larry and Panda enjoy a leisurely cruise on the Chesapeake Bay aboard the "Miss Dianne," the Johnson's cruiser.Dianne's dogs were in the Top Ten Pom list for four years. Her record includes 2 Best in Show winners, 3 Group winners, 1 Specialty BOS and 2 Specialty Sweepstakes winners Ch. Silva Lade Christmas Joy and Post Script Standing Ovation, purchased from Rose Keller. She has raised 65 Poms in twenty years, of which 40 were show quality and a total of 24 pointed or finished. In addition to the Poms, Dianne has finished 3 Norwegian Elkhound champions and received major points on her Collies.Dianne and her husband Larry have been married for twenty-three years, and have 2 grown sons, Larry and Nelson.She attends art classes and designed her own logo. The name Silva Lade came from Silva, a person or animal inhabiting or frequenting a woodland region, and Lade, a combination of Larry and De De, her childhood nickname. The Latin phrase in the logo, Mesana Corpore Sano means, "a soundPOMERANIAN REVIEWH f Verr wi.i4r rThis picture was taken by the local newspaper when the story was released about Dianne receiving the Gaines Good Sportsmanship Award. Poms left to right are Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker, Silva Lade Superstition [Pamela's dam], and Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy.mind in a sound body." This surrounds a beautiful head study of Silva Lade Bad Bad Leroy Brown.Dianne keeps very busy at her many avocations. She is an APC Board member, dog groomer extraordinaire, obedience instructor, dog tattooer and last but certainly not least, the president of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore. Dianne is one of the founders of PCGB. We are going into our fourth year and are hopefully on the way to AKC recognition. Dianne has been presented with the Caine's Award for Good Sportsmanship for her contributions to the Club.What's next for Dianne "Well," she says, "I have this little puppy who is Futurity nominated and I have to have something to show in the spring." And so it goes. Silva Lade, a small kennel with a great contribution to the breed.I Remember Dorothy BonnerMolly was an unattractive thirty-five poi black mongrel with the body of a Dobern and the short legs of a Dachshund. She was excellent guard dog and challenged anyc coming near the motor home on the ran rented by a young couple who were owners. Most of the ranch folks were afraic her, but she finally accepted me with so reservations. Then a litter of twelve pupp offered complications, especially as t couple often left for the day with food i water dishes empty. When this came to i attention, I provided the necessities, only be admonished by the owners for interferii Such poor care was given that several of 1 puppies disappeared from the dog house ne no further information coming to me via t grape vine. Finally I heard that the remaini puppies were no longer present. About tl time, the couple decided that the sm amount of rent dribbled to the landlord v\ unnecessary, which led to an eviction noth Suddenly, the motor home was desert except for Molly, who tried to tell me that s had faith in her folks returning for her. E everything was gone, including my furniti that had evidently been loaded in their pick truck. Molly was grateful for food and wai and tried to follow me home, telling me tf wanted to be my little dog, but obedieni returned to the motor home on my comman While realizing that giving her away would I difficult, we were unwilling to take her to tl dog pound. Since one of my articles publish in the newspaper had formerly been effecti' with another homeless waif, I busied myself writing about Molly and came up with tl following"Molly is a little black dog abandoned I people that she loved and trusted. She w,adopted as a cute puppy and grew up makir every effort to please her adored family. Foe was irregular and sometimes forgottei especially after a litter of black babies, wf were later handed out indescriminately to crowd by the roadside as she watche nervously. Then Molly's family simpl disappeared, leaving her alone at a vacar house. At first, she was sure that they woul continued on p. JPOMERANIAN REVIEWCfi. Great Elms Honey of LenetteCRAND RAPIDS KENNEL CLUBZA1086 BOOTH PHOTOHoney was bred by Ruth Beam of Great Elms Kennel. Thank you Ruth, for letting us have Honey.Puppies generally available sired by top champions.Stud service available in orange and red. Champions 100 non champions 75.00. Stud service to standared colored bitches only. We do not breed to rare colors or half breeds.Free color pictures and pedigrees available upon request for all of our studs.K.G. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042Watts PomeraniansCongratulates her good friend Dianne Johnson of Silva Lade Poms on her Kennel Visit and sincerely wishes her continued success.4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613301 372-8782POMERANIAN REVIEWPost ScriptrPost Script's PandoraWe have two litters for sale.1 orange male and 2 black males whelped 6-13-86. Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation x Post Script's Jezabel.2 black males, a repeat on Pandora, whelped 7-7-86. Ch. Ednes Moe-Best Special Order x Post Script's Jasman.1 black brood bitch Post Script's Jezabel 8-17-82.Congratulations to Larry and Dianne Johnson and the Silva Lade Poms on their Kennel Visit.Congratulations also to Skip Piazza and Dolores Watts on their wins at the Summer Specialties in Oregon.Rose Keller 301876-81501441 Trevanion Rd. Taneytown, MD 21787POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Congratulations to the Top Poms in Canada 1985Can. Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, owner idler Natalie Dunfee, co-owner Carolyn berts, TN, and bred by Ruth Beam.Can. Ch. Schimmel's Touche at Dream, d by owner Wally Repka and shown by tty McKillop.Can. Am. Ch. Luxton's Forever Misty ckey, owned by Leslie Rogers and shown by inna Roadhouse.Not to be left behind by the "boys" nada's top winning bitch was Ch. Hildonie's ion Shadow, bred, owned and shown by . and Mrs. Owen O'Neil.It is interesting to note that each of these is lest in Show winner which means it's been especially good year for Poms Congratulations to Irene and Sylvia Harbin's n. Am. Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork i winning the first National Specialty of The imeranian Club of Canada. Corky cleaned i winning the breed from the classes under dge Melbourne Downing.Tynan Tag Along by Can. Ch. Great Elms lining Star ex Tynan Orange Chiffon cently completed his American champion- ip. He is owned by Carolyn Roberts and orris Carson, bred by Natalie Dunfee.Also recently finished in the U.S. is Can. m. Ch. Chriscendo Celebrity by Can. Am. da. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion ex erceds Melodie Touch. He is owned by ancis and Marie Hueston of Peterborough, nt, handled by Joyce Barnhart.Another Medallion daughter, Can. Ch. hriscendo Classique, co-owned by Judy reen our Obedience Columnist and myself, .cks just a single point of finishing in the U.S. Well known Pom breeder, Matt Heindl of jdbury, Ont. spent 5 weeks in the East isiting Pom people and relatives. He is rturning home with multiple Group winningCan. Ch. Chriscendo Castle Rock and we wish him the best of luck. Matt was very disappointed that he couldn't make it to the Specialty in Vancouver but doctors orders not to fly kept him "grounded."From recent results I've noticed that Jenny Noonan is doing extremely well with a young bitch she calls Tiperon's Think Pink and l expect that she'll be finished by the time you read this column. She started the year with a Best Puppy in Show at her first show.Michele and Francis McDonald are showing a Tippy Can. Am. Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip son and I think he is more than half finished at this writing. He shows like a dream and has several Best Puppy in Croup wins as well as Group placements.Just heard that Ch. Maracaibo Matador, owned by Kay and Fred Baxstrome won a Best in Show, handled by Kay.That makes three Best in Show Poms in Canada for 1986 Congratulations to allI'll leave you with this thought "Most of us expect too much from others, and not enough from ourselves."I Remember When, from p. 35.return for her, so she sat on the steps guarding the door. After a few days, she accepted food, humbly, with ears back and head hanging, but tail thumping gratitude. Now, she no longer guards her empty home but remains there, heartbroken and despondent. Intuition tells her that the pound and the gas chamber are not too far away."Before daylight the following Saturday, my telephone began ringing concerning the article that had appeared in the morning paper. Within an hour, a middle-aged couple from a nearby town put a somewhat reluctant Molly in their car, promising a vet examination and a fenced yard. Telephone calls kept me busy for the next few days and I was happy to tell the kind people that Molly's troubles were over. There has been no word from her former owners, although the authorities were alerted for the loss of my furniture.POMERANIAN REVIEWMaster- - Ch. Bev-Nor ToastmasterMaster would like to take this opportunity to congratulate his quality offspringCh. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo, bred and shown by Charlotte Creed, owned by Jane Fleshman and Sharon Hanson. This quality boy finished at an impressing 8V4 months of age with several group placements.Janesa's Sunkisted, another quality boy recently acquired by Polly Ferguson. He will be in the ring this fall.Ida's Touch of Bev-Nor, bred and owned by Ida Tarvor. To be shown this fall by Charlotte Creed.Bayou View Pop Tart and Bayou View Front Runner, bred and owned by John Lewis and Adam Verrett. This quality boy and girl are busy growing up and will soon be making their first ring appearances.At home Janesa's Sunkisted Runner has been busy with a new litter sired by Master 2 boys and 1 girl. Runner is also the dam of our black and tan boy pictured in the last issue, Janesa's Trendsetter.1Inquiries welcome.JANESA'S POMSJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504384-7466 fPOMERANIAN REVIEWValcopy'WakhanWa1 VX. 9\ l P..Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan IdolmakerSingleoak Image of Great Elms x Starlite's Lucky Charm"Charger" finished with four majors. He is sound, typey and a beautiful clear orange color.Soon to be specialed.At stud to approved bitches.ValcopyDana L. Plonkey 14815 Manor Way Alderwood Manor, WA 98037 206743-1601SCOPOMERANIAN REVIEWValcopy-WakhanWINNERSWINTER 1986_Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan High Style"Glitter," our pride and joy, is shown taking a four point major under Mrs. S. Thomas. She finished with another four point major at the following show. She will soon be bred. Show handling available. Results obtained with T.L.C.Show prospects occasionally.FLASH Glitter finished her Canadian championship is three shows at the Expo Shows in CanadaRandy GemmilWakhanSeattle, WA 98112 206 743-1601734 19th Ave. E.POMERANIAN REVIEWFins PomsvV4S^SiL^Si^Rosewood Gold Mite CuddlesCh. LLL Mite of Cold Sonny x Rosewood Costarlyn News ItemOwnersThomas and Vickie Finnie Rt. 7, Box 151 Batesville, AR 501 251-1746BreedersEverette and Mary Hammond Rosewood PomsRosewoodDragonmark ChanceCh. Pedron's DragonmarkxRosewood's Cold Mite FantasyA special thank you to Everette and Mary Hammond Rosewood Poms for letting us have Chance and Cuddles. They are our pride and joy.Thanks also for letting us have Emcee's Solid Cold Sun Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond x Great Elms Dixie Foxfire. Sun has 12 pts. and will be shown again this fall.POMERANIAN REVIEWt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------FinsPomsml I'__BEST OF. au keWINNERStNORTHWEST ARKANSASkennel club1966PHOTO BY PETRULISJTPollys Just Had To Be Me-MeRosewood's Cold Mite Just Dandy x McKamey's Moonglo PrincessMe-Me possesses a heavy coat, wonderful personality and super soundness. We would like to thank Pauline Cook, Me-Me's breeder and co-owner, and our dearest friend, for letting us have her. A special thanks to Priscilla Wells for her super job of handling Me-Me.Me-Me will be back in the ring this fall after a summer vacation.Thomas and Vickie Finnie Rt. 7, Box 151 Batesville, AR 72501 501 251-1746V.POMERANIAN REVIEW-------------------------------------------------------------------PollysPoms--BEST OF OPPOSITEKENNEL CLUB fc'TEXARKANArn p E GINIRosewood Gold Mite Just DandyCh. LLL Mite of Cold Sunny x Rosewood's Cold Mite SouvenirDandy is a very typey orange male who is passing on his fine quality and excellent coat to his get.1 especially want to thank Mary and Everett Hammond for letting me have Dandy. Thanks also to the judges who have placed him, and to my good friends Vickie and Thomas Finnie for showing Dandy to most of his wins.We have recently obtained Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker to help Dandy with his duties. They will be at stud to a limited amount of approved bitches.OwnerPauline Cook Polly's Poms Rt. 1, Box 179-A McRae, AR 72102 501726-3774BreederMary and Everett Hammond Rosewood PomsP.O. Box 175 Eolia, MO 63344 314 485-8888POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of t American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the do name, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of pap typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail information to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.CH. JERIBETH'S CHULA DRAGONETTEOrange FemaleOwner Olga Baker, Seabrook, TX Breeder Norma Cad, El Paso, TXCh. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Pedron's Dragon Deuce Sunray's Pattycake Girl Ch. Pedron's Mark of the DragonCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Pedron's Mark of Dixie William's Red Judy Ch. Bonner's Wagadore Windfall Gold Storm of Highland Aristigold of Highland Gad's Chula Orange MistCh. Dragonfly Happy Talk Tri-Art's Happy Lady Bug Lady QuinnCH. KHANI SOLID GOLDGold MaleBreederOwner Byron and Connie Hendricks Arcadia, CACh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Great Elms Snooty HootyTimber Timmy Timstopper Squekki Banana Buns Pretty FoxyGorrin Chaco of Great Elms Gorrin Chocolate Party Color Gorrin Her-She Chocolate Khani Parti PleaseCh. Babbs Black Sugar Daddy Khani Midnight Magic Ciena Party GirlCH. SHAMROCK'S SUE ELLENOrange Sable FemaleOwner Dolores A. Watts, Brandywine, MD Breeder Edna Girardot, Brandywine, MDCh. Varney's Special Cavilier Ch. Varney's Cavalier Top Choice Zodiac Starlight Starbright Ch. Varney's Zodiac CavalierCh. Scotia Cav's Sensational Kid Ch. Cavy's Sensational Conquest Tono's May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Zodiac's Cavalier Commander Ch. Cavy's Sensational Conquest Varney's Cavalier Shamrock Dixieland's Sunburst Ch. Varney's Cavalier Starlight Ch. Scotia Starlight StarbrightSHOPE'S CUPID, BELLA DONNA CDXDark Orange FemaleOwners Ken and Lilae Shope, Bellefonte, P. Breeder Bernadine J. RoyerCh. Tomahawk's Shawnee Morroco's Apache Morroco's Daisy Mae Royer's Toby BoyMorroco's Dush of Dawn Willard's Pixie Kid Neidig's Lisa Pippin Ch. Ednes Little Patriot Ednes Sir Love A LotEdney's Maggie of Cricket Royer's Dana of Big Valley Neidig's Red Ricky Royer's Happy of Big Valley Willard's ShelaViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWMore on the Jump Height Issueby Mary VickersDuring the middle of May, the following tter was received from the AKCMay 12,1986s. Dolores A. Watts ^responding Secretary nerican Pomeranian Club, Inc..00 Floral Park Road andywine, MD 20613ear Ms. WattsOur Board at its recent meeting considered e request submitted by the American imeranian Club to lower the jump heights r Pomeranians.This is to let you know that the Board did it approve the request.Sincerely yours, James E. Dearinger, SecretarySurprised Confused Shocked Many APC embers had these varying emotions upon ceipt of this news.The obedience Pom exhibitors were let Dwn. Realistically this controversial issue has en before them for several years. Petitions om obedience clubs, groups and individuals ave many times been given to the AKC and irned down. In 1984 the AKC made public lat they would consider information sub- litted by Parent breed clubs.The American Pomeranian Club requested id was given the procedure to follow to have ie AKC consider lowering the jump heights r Poms. Notice the word consider. That is ie key to the issue.The APC Board and obedience members ere well aware of this word. However, no ne expected a blunt "no." We did expect a ason to be given if we were turned down. .Ithough a letter has been sent to the AKC iquesting the reasons, the AKC may be xtremely close-mouthed on this issue. They ave been fighting it for years.There are two surprising aspects in regard to lis matter. First, the APC, who is charged ith protecting and advancing the breed, jquested this change so that "... the best uality Pomeranians can compete successfully in both the conformation and obedience rings." Basically we want equal rights for those Poms who fit the Standard and are show quality or breed champions. It is completely ridiculous to have two divisions of Poms in advanced obedience the show quality who can't jump and the larger Pom of 8, 10, 12, and 14 plus pounds who can more easily do it.Secondly, the AKC turned down a Parent Club's valid request. If this were a request to amend our Standard to include another color, they might not be as stubborn.Many in obedience and other breeds believe our written proposal to be truthful and excellent. Our problem is proving this to the AKC.How this is to be done is open for discussion. Is it something so simple as video taping our Poms and their jumping ability or is a detailed veterinary school study necessary Please sendcall your ideas to myself or any member of the APC Board.Your support on this issue has been tremendous and invigorating. Please help our breed with this problem.For your information the proposal that was sent to the AKC followsPROPOSAL TO AMEND THE POMERANIAN BREED STANDARD TO LOWER THE JUMP HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS FOR OBEDIENCE POMERANIANS.Over the course of the last twenty years the physical structure of the Pomeranian has been altered to more closely conform to the Standard for the Breed. As a result of this improvement, Pomeranians have received many Group and Best in Show awards. This is an achievement in which the American Pomeranian Club can be justly proud however, this improvement has brought with it a problem which now needs to be addressed.As the Pomeranian moved closer to his Standard, his body became broader, thicker and more closely coupled. In the breed ring this is wonderful, but in the obedience ring it causes a problem. Dogs jump using aPOMERANIAN REVIEWShores Cupid Bella Bonn a CDXi'L.. .. NALBell is shown taking H.S.D.M. at D.J.C.K.C.Bell is my first Pomeranian and my first Obedience dog. She placed first each time shown in Novice A, earning a Dog World Award for her high scores.Bell earned her first C.D.X. leg at D.D.T.C. on Nov. 16, 1985. She also took 2nd in Graduate Novice. It was our second show in Team Competition and our team took 1st place over experienced breed teams. That's one day I'll never forgetBell's second C.D.X. leg came on November 24, 1985 at the Maryland K.C.After a winter break and spring practice, Bell got it together again June 15, 1986 to finish her C.D.X title placing 2nd in her Open A class at Erie K.C.I want to thank everyone who made possible the Obedience Demonstration at the New York Specialty. Never have we done Sits and Downs in such good company.I especially want to thank Mary Vickers for her encouragement and for answering the endless questions of the novice.Congratulations to Eleanor Hamilton and her Pomeranian, Shawn of Brockton CD on first and second C.D.X. legs with 1st and 4th placings.Lilae M Shope RD 3, Box 584-A Bellefonte, PA 16823POMERANIAN REVIEWiDmbination of legs and back. The short, lick body of the modern Pomeranian does ot have the flexibility needed for great imping. If one has trouble envisioning this, atch a sight hound coil and uncoil as he imps or a retriever's back thrust him forward the apex of his jump. A modern, show-type pmeranian, even one in excellent physical sndition, finds it extremely difficult to clear le present requirements for obedience jumps ligh - VA times his height broad - 3 times his eight when he must depend on his indquarters and short back. Many other reeds are requesting the American Kennel lub to lower their breed's jump requirement shoulder height for the high jump and twice loulder height for the broad jump.The Pomeranian Standard has no restriction n the height of conformation Pomeranians, his proposed change does not effect those lown in the breed ring. The proposed change nly effects what height Pomeranians jump in le obedience ring.Pomeranians have always done well in bedience. The first Toy dog to attain all bedience titles was a Pomeranian ieorgian's Betty, U.D.T. circa, late 1940's, resently there are two Obedience Trial hampions. Yet our breed can only boast of jw dual titled advanced obedience partici- ants. Champion Nino of Thelcolynn U.D. irca, 1982 is the only Pomeranian to attain oth breed and the utility degrees. There are nly four living Champion-Companion Dog xcellent Pomeranians. Many Pomeranians re dual titled on the Novice level.The purpose of obedience competition ccording to the AKC is to show "the sefulness of the pure-bred dog as a ompanion to man." The sport of obedience emonstrates our breed's willingness and esire to please. It is the concern of the bedience exhibitor and judge that the dog xecute the exercise on command. It should ot, and never was meant to, require a ontest of athletic prowess.The Standard for the Pomeranian blueprints he dog as one who weighs "3 to 7 pounds . . . he ideal size for show specimens from 4 to 5 lounds in build and appearance, cobby, lalanced, short-coupled . . . with legs of nedium length in proportion to a well- lalanced frame." We, of the AmericanPomeranian Club, wish to present beautiful, responsive dogs that closely conform to the Standard in both conformation and obedience rings. By recognizing both the physical and mental aspects of Pomeranians, we will continue to present the best possible specimens to the public and the fancy.Therefore, the American Pomeranian Club should request the American Kennel Club to lower the jump requirements so that the best quality Pomeranians can compete successfully in both the conformation and obedience rings.Yips Yaps, from p. 5.ever source material you might be able to share with me as soon as possible.Your fjelp in this research project is greatly appreciated and your assistance will be credited in the book.PAULINE B. HUGHESDear Pomeranian Club MembersThe book, Your Pomeranian, published by Denlinger in 1969 is in the process of updating and revising. It needs to have pictures of our present day top winners, top producers, cute or promising puppies, and unusual situations involving Poms. There will be no charge for printing the pictures selected but return postage is required if you want the original back after publication. Black and white glossy is preferred in size 5x7 or 8x10. Clarity of detail is important.Please include all picture data on a separate piece of paper with just the name of the Pom at the bottom of the picture. Writing on the back of the picture can interfere with the reproduction. To be considered a Top Producer, a bitch must have been the dam of at least three champions or a male of five. Please include the names of the progeny with your pictures, or data only.Several chapters are being added so your suggestions may well find a place in the book. Club observations are considered of value. I want Your Pomeranian to be as comprehensive as possible.Please send all material directly to me as soon as you can. The manuscript is making good progress now.POMERANIAN REVIEWTim 6ue Pomeranianswelcomes4LLL Rocky'6 Bra66 GumdropGummy is a 4Vi month old female puppy who joins us at Rt. 2, Box 540Opelousas, Louisiana 70570Thank you, Janice Luginsland for sharing Gummy with us.POMERANIAN REVIEWt""Moe-Best PomeraniansBids FarewellAfter 8 years of breeding I have sold all my breeding stock. My busy work schedule has prevented me from continuing my breeding activities.Good luck to my good friend Dolores Watts with the following Moe-Best PomsCh. Moe-Best Constant Attention my top brood.Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation D major pointed.Moe-Best Vision Quest puppy dog.Moe-Best Small Affair puppy bitch.Sun Fox Lennis The Right Stuff has returned to Claudia Lis after being bred to Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order due mid September, a repeat breeding of Sun Fox Life's A Party a gorgeous dog Congratulations on his recent wins and BOB over 2 specials.Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order will remain here for his retiring days, Moe-Best Sugar Kane will be kept and finished in the fall forever to be our "champion'' house pet.Congratulations to Skip Piazza on the recent wins on Moe-Best Raisin Kane.Congratulations to my good friend Dianne Johnson on her Kennel Visit.Sun Fox Moe-Best This Is It has been bred to Moe-Best Raisin Kane. Both Carli and puppies will be for sale in the fall. Inquiries invited.Terri Moebuis 7523 Bay Front Rd.Baltimore, MD 21219 301477-3824 or 285-5477POMERANIAN REVIEWeramansM estThanks for the MemoriesJust A Note...Many thanks, Margaret McKee for allowing me to go to the Creat Northwest by keeping my girls" and the newly whelped Viva.". . . and to Linda Gallacher for superb Western HospitalityCongratulations to Dianne Johnson on her kennel visit an exceptional person with magnificent Poms.Mary Vickers 2818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 22303 703 960-7755CheridelBest wishes to Dianne Johnson on her Kennel Visit.Carol Ricci311 W. Cherry Hill Rd. Reisterstown, MD 301 833-8468POMERANIAN REVIEWPerseverence, Cruelty, or Sheer Stubbornessby Mary VickersSeptember 27, 1981 was a Red Letter Day. uggy and I had just come out of our third lovice A ring with a CD. We did it I was very roud of my Pom. Huggy knew I was happy bout something, but he was much more npressed by the different smells on the round. Some of my instructors and training irector were at another ring. They sincerely ongratulated me on the title. You see Hug as the first Toy dog to get the CD title from ie school and it had been in existence for lore than 20 years. They asked if we would e going on to Open training. Of course we vouldHuggy loved his obedience classes. He earned the days of the week because of them, lass was on Monday. After the leisure of the veekend. Hug would greet me with leash in nouth when I came home from work. School, school, let's go to school," he eemed to say as he danced his greeting.Off we'd go and I wasn't sure if he liked the eople or the animals more, but he sure jnjoyed training. Not everything was fun hough. Being a bright Pom he quickly caught xi that if I were pleased by what he did, life ,vas all the better.School was soon topped by something he iked even more showing. More and different dogs to see, more places to go, more people to admire him. Everyone fussed over him. The ring was silent when he performed. Then came the applause. Straighter he'd stand, head high, tail swishing. He ate it up.So why not go on. He worked well scores were good. He loved it and so did I. We eagerly awaited Open training.The first step was the dumbbell. Our instructor had us start with a tied up glove using the "collar method." Basically you tighten the collar, hold the glove in front of the dog's mouth and say "take it." You encourage the dog with your voice and perhaps a finger to open his mouth. Now using the fingers on my Rottie's mouth was fine, but on a 4Vi pound Pom, a little tricky especially with one hand. So I was told topress it lightly against his mouth.In obedience there are many unwritten rules. One is not to measure your dog against others. I am only human. Three months down the line, Huggy would still not open his mouth. I was frustrated and jealous everyone else was on wooden dumbbells and throwing them out for their dogs to retrieve. Occasionally Huggy would open his mouth mostly to yawn out of boredom. I had reached the point that despite admonitions not to, I advanced to using a wooden stick dowel.Hug didn't like this any better. "Me, put that thing in my mouth. No way," his attitude seemed to be. Jack said to keep doing it over and over and over. At some point, he assured me, Hug would magically take it.A bit of magic apparently happened 4 months later. Hug would open his mouth and allow the dowal to rest inside. Luckily, he did not spit it out. This I accepted as progress. How he had to do a few more things.1 reach forward and take it from my hand,2 walk with it in his mouth3 and then advance to areal dumbbell.Absolute refusal on the first count. Hewould allow me to put it in his mouth, but that didn't mean he'd take it from me.On the second step he would not budge. He forgot how to walk. Of course, that is highly unbelievable. I think he just thought the dumbbell weighted 400 pounds.The third was no problem. Finding a dumbbell to fit a Pom was the easiest thing in the world. True, several were too big, but the correct size and weight his largest dumbbell is less than 2 ounces were quickly located. Paul's, JJ, Top Dog, Max200 and many other obedience suppliers will even make custom dumbbells.Folks, I would like to realize that for 7 months, 5 days out of 7, for 10 minutes more or less, twice a day l worked on this dowel with Huggy. Well, ok. I lied. There were some times when I just gave up couldn't do it. But I really tried to hold to this schedule. Every other aspect of Open training was going well.POMERANIAN REVIEWs5 Puf-Pride Pomeranians ....9AmCan Ch. Millamor's Rock ConcertHis pedigree tells why we are proud to have "Rocky." He is a half brothersister cross on the outstanding Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock.Group placement and sire of champions.. . . and what better than one . . . it's twoBell'sGolden Sandpiper11 pts both majors"Piper" is a VA lb. orange a Mr. Personality and a joy to have, with much of the same impressive background as Rocky gr. son of Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor and Triple Moon Rock.Warren and Virginia Dimick 8 Burk WayOklahoma City, OK 73115 405 677-2511cThank you Ken and Eleanor Miller for letting these two prestigious boys come home to Oklahoma with us. Also, thanks to Janice Luginsland for your kindness, help and all of our LLL girls. We are expecting our first Serenade litter this month MillamorLLL. We also have RobinhoodQueenaireCreider. Watch for our Robinhood Burning Ember kids in the ring. He is the sire of champions but did not like the ring himself, and produces well even on outcrosses.POMERANIAN REVIEWst not the dumbbell.Going into the 8th month, the thought of e dumbbell exercises and not yet working th a dumbbell were rated "x". The words ake it," which I had now verbalized more an 50,000 times, became an obsenity. I was ustrated and depressed. I turned to my structor and asked for a better way. He ainted out the progress that I had made. He id some dogs are slower than others. He ated that thousands of dogs had learned to trieve this way.I'm no fool or so I think. I talked to others, read. Most of the methods were about the ime. One was different and it stuck in my ib-conscious the ear pinch.Who in their right mind would deliberately luse their beloved dog pain That idea was tally repulsive. I began to wonder how luch pain I had caused Huggy in the past 8 lonths with my constant nagging on this sue. I knew he was causing me pain.The ear pinch is successful in 99.9 of all ases. It usually brings results in a short time ame. For many dogs there is a positive hange in just 2 or 3 sessions. I used it on Hug or three weeks. He was insulted. He would ot come, sit nor heel and he did not eat for 5 ays. I had, as a result of this, made a owering zombie out of my best friend. It ook me a long time to learn why this appened. Bluntly, I did not do it correctly. I e-read Koehler's book. Numerous people lave attempted to show me how to do the ear inch, but I still have not mastered it. I am vaiting for Daine Bauman's book as she has tated that this method will be covered horoughly.So what did I do I gave up.Huggy was sent to a handler to show in ^information. I saw him twice during this ime. Once was for a week long obedience eminar. The instructors went crazy over him. His heeling was near perfect. His performance oozed perfection and devotion. He scored a 00 plus in their hearts. They assured me that Ihe dumbbell would not be a problem. It wasn't for them. Huggy took and gave the dumbbell to Susan by the end of an hour. He wasn't happy about it but he did it several times over. She advocated the gentle-force collar method the one I had originallystarted usingHug came back from the handler with a major and points and very mature. He didn't need me. He was a dog in a dog's world. He had better things to do. Training was not the same. He had made progress he would take, hold and carry the dumbbell, but his heart wasn't in it.Then a terrible thing happened to me. My Rottie died. 1 stopped training or even going to class. I knew that this was only temporary and gave myself 4 months to recover. The time passed and Hug was excited about being back at school. I was more determined than ever to get this dumbbell problem solved.In a month he was going out 5 feet to get the dumbbell. The next month it was 15 feet and off lead. He was even beginning to show some signs of spirit. By August he was good enough to enter the Fall shows. However, as such things will be, I broke my toe which curtailed entering a ring. I didn't stop training, however. Throwing the dumbbell from the couch proved several problem areas. He was terribly inconsistent.One method that I had not tried because I didn't believe in it was the use of food. At school, the philosophy is that your dog is obedient because the dog wants to please his master and you have shown him how to do something. It is a mortal sin to use food as that is more basic to his existence. I had already "sinned" by attempting the ear pinch which they are definitely against, what's another sin Not surprisingly, Huggy did 50 foot and crooked retrieves after the food was introduced. We entered the next set of shows.At the first show Hug got all of 30 points for doing the sit stay he even zeroed heeling I didn't have the slightest idea what was going on. Tammy Carrell was there with Levi. She had always wanted to get her hands on Huggy, so in tears I went to her to ask if she would take him home with her and figure out what was going on. Hug left the grounds with Rick and Tammy. I left in tears.I had very little time to cry while Huggy was with Tammy. The renewed Review obedience issue was underway and everyone thought that a real good and dedicated obedience person was responsible. In truth, I am an organizer and very much a novice in this sportPOMERANIAN REVIEWMorenos PomeraniansVMorenosTiny Tim By ChoiceCream, 3'A lbs.Sired by Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice, "Smokey," he was Best of Breed and Croup 2 his first tir out.Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Art Heather Core of Chrislynn Kennels in Canada for the purchase Moreno's Gremlin By Choice, a jet black, 4 lb. brother to Ch. Moreno's Night Storm By Choice a Moreno's Canadian Caper, a deep cream and Art's new obedience boy. We wish them many ye of fun and enjoyment in the breeding and showing of Poms, knowing that these two boys v\ enhance their already good breeding program. They joined the 'By Choice' group . . .At stud Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice, "Smokey," Ch. Moreno's Night Storm By Choic "Stormy," and Moreno's Mr. C Whizz, bright red. QueenaireCreat ElmsModel.Julie and Gonzalo Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973after 10 a.m. our time, please"Quality is never an accident it is always the result of intelligent effort."POMERANIAN REVIEWs this article proves. It was alot easier to lend an hour or so every day on the jedience issue than training Huggy. The ally good obedience trainers wrote the tides Linda Gallacher, Ruth Ellis, largaret McKee, Tammy Carrell, Judy Green, renda Hutton and Diane Bauman. They came my closest friends and advisors. Some us correspond weekly. Any time there was a -oblem, they were there for me. I learned so luch from them and in the process, vitalized obedience in the Review.Huggy was with Tammy about 2 weeks, pparently he was ill and had been ill at le show. As 1 gritted by teeth, Tammy und fault with everything I thought was ood. But her evaluation was true. Hug was o reliant on the lead. He knew that when le lead came off I was powerless. His drop eeded much work as he was anticipating, ammy taught me a "Cyclical drop" doing straight recalls and then a drop, walking in 3 him with a treat when he went down. He eeded complete retraining for the retrieve, he ear pinched him twice and he was solid, ctually, she pinched him and when he ^turned with the dumbbell, immediately put nod in his mouth. Luckily he had no roblems with the mechanics of jumping. He id need confidence for the high jump. His ays were fine.When he came home, he became much lore ill. He came around but it was a lengthy covery period of three months. We began working in the February snows. Within two eeks we were out of the backyard, moving round to school, parks and parking lots, here weren't any matches, so I used the raduate novice class at the local trial to valuate heeling, drops and stays. He ualified with a 195.A thought struck me. Since we trained ldoors, maybe it would be best to show ldoors. A quick check found three indoor rials. Each one had a match the day before it. Ve would qualify at the match without econd commands, but would zero at the how. Strangely, he would zero on something n which he was completely solid, like the iroad jump. Hug had now been doing the iroad jump for three years. It was and still is lis favorite exercise. Suddenly he would runaround the far side or walk through it.I called Margaret. She asked how I proofed him for it. Not wanting to sound like a total idiot, I swallowed my, "What is proofing" and asked for suggestions. She uses the bar jump over the broad to train. I had not, so l used it to proof. By the way, "proofing" is the term used to prove or proof that a dog understands the exercise. For instance, to proof or prove that the dog understands the recall, leave him and instead of saying "dog come," say "Bananas." If the dog comes, he did not understand the word command most probably your routine actions. If he stays it is because he is waiting for the correct command.Hug was not phased by the bar over the broad. I talked to Diane Bauman. Her advice was interesting. Give him something to focus on. Go back to standing in front of the broad. Then after he is used to that, leave something there for him to focus on. Hug was amused by this turn of events. At practise he'd do fine, but in the ring he was inconsistent. So I decided that whenever l gave him the command to jump, he would At class people had the tendency to sit against the wall with legs extended while waiting their turns. Legs outstretched are automatic broad jumps. I started him jumping over legs covered with white towels. Then uncovered legs. Then two white towels flat on the ground. Then two kleenex and finally two 6x8 index cards. He did fine. It was not until 6 months later that I learned the reason for this sudden broad jump problem. Apparently if a dog is confused on some exercise, he will mess up the exercise he knows best and that was exactly what he was doing.Heeling also gave us both a pain so we went back to basics. I went to a light-line for Toys this is fishing line, but Hug still knew the lead was there so I went to sewing thread. He still felt the connection. The old lead around the leg wouldn't work nor the solid lead, so I went to food which worked the best.Now we were at shows where he almost qualified. He usually was good on the high jump but once he ran right into it. The judge, who is a well-respected exhibitor, felt strongly that he was so intent on getting his dumbbell that he just didn't see the jump. WhenPOMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious PomeranianstE1mRUUS'm xPrestigious Pee Wee PartiWe have three beautiful babies by Ch. Millamor Mark Tradition x Preshus Parti of Prestigious Pee Wee's litter sister. Hopefully these kids will help us bring more quality parti-colors into the world.Pee Wee sends thanks to Edd Bivin for Winners Dog and Best of Winners and 2 more points, at Ingham County Kennel Club.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229 214 358-5549 or 398-5981I POMERANIAN REVIEWaveling to shows and not having a jump with le, 1 found that a white cake box could be ed as a practice jump. Another practice mp could be a line clothes line between vo objects with a white towel over it. If a dog climbing the high jump, a kleenex or towel ross the top will stop this. Some set the bar imp over the high so that the dog will see the p of the jump. Ruth Ellis turned me on to avaletti" which I still use for keeping him in tape.In the ring the drop gave me the most roblems. At first I used a verbal "down," but ly nerves made my voice disappear to a hisper. At several outdoor shows, the wind as blowing towards me and sent my voice ehind me. I switched to a hand signal and ave not had an NQ since.Hug would routinely qualify at a match and le next day at a show, blow it. Perhaps I was isponsible for this because of my manner- ms. For a match I would dress in shorts or ans, but for a show have formal attire. Also, iy nerves would reach an all-time high at the now. Hug noted the changes in my voice, my haking legs and footwork and then the umbbell landed in places it had never been efore all because of nerves.Huggs training took 4 long years because if my novice attitude. Despite it all, I had nly entered him in ten shows and on the leventh, he got his first leg. Then it was one, ivo, three. As his confidence grew other roblems surfaced, some of which are not ssolved as of this writing. Some I do not want d change. In the ring he is the actor-on-stage, f he does not have an audience, he will bark ntil he gets one. Then there are times he arks for the sheer enjoyment of doing "his" ork. Sometimes he is really concentrating, rying to do a good job and then there isn't ny barking until the broad jump. Then he ries to beat the judge to "exercise finished" iy giving a long vocalization composed of exercise-finished-and-didn't-l-do-a-real-good ab"There is a large gulf between the novice evel and open exhibiting. Experts have said hat you make all your mistakes with your first log and I definitely did. I thought that my nstructors knew everything. I should have ieen warned when I was told that Hug was thefirst Toy to get a CD. There are some differences in training Toys. The wrapped glove that I tried forcing into Hug's mouth was ridiculous, besides being too large. Imagine someone trying to teach you to eat by making you hold a large pizza in your mouth. Never measure your dog against others, but you must measure him against what you are teaching him constantly. There is no magic in training. Training is constant repetition, praise and a good and cheerful attitude on your part. If something is going to work you will have some positive indication within 2 or 3 trys. If it is not going to work, find something else. Find people who know what they are doing. Read. Attend seminars, Talk to others and question. There are a great many ways of doing things and so it is with dog training. Something may have worked for a thousand dogs, but it might not work for yours. Seach until you find what does. If you get frustrated or angry when training stop. Do an exercise that the dog is comfortable with and then leave. Advanced training is not the robot work of novice. You must think constantly. You must learn how to read your dog. You must know your dog inside out. Never negate a method until you have thought it through and seen it used by someone who knows what they are doing. Some dogs need to be worked every day, others need time to let things sink in and they improve after a rest. Things that did not matter too much in novice can become problems in advanced work. Things like the weather, or trainingshowing indoors or out. Help your companion as much as possible. If it is too hot, don't go. If the grass is so high that you can't see where the dumbbell might land, don't expect him to suddenly become a tracking dog. Treat your dog with respect and honor the bond that brought you to this point. Obedience training is a hobby. It is fun and stimulating and you will learn a lot of things that will help you in other aspects of your life.There is a question that I still cannot answer why did 1 stick with it for 4 long years Well, Huggy is back to being my best friend. He enjoys showing. He stands straighter. His head is high and his tail is swishing. The training and showing is our time together. I think those are the reasons.POMERANIAN REVIEW' CV,cO rdnZ'cyii ee PSmerasuasiGcontinues^ C cArmiywith3i. ysi-je PePa Penicia 0JQuAeapjfyvz^yp'Pdi5,zjPomvOur Family Affair proceeds with Mom showing Veda at the Pom Club of Michigan Specialty held on May 25, 1986. Veda finished with a 5 point major and our gratitude goes to Mrs. Jane Kay. Dad showed Veda's half sister, Mona that same day and got Reserve.BEST OF WINNERSKALAMAZOOKENNEL CLUB918 8 6 BOOTH PHOTOJ J\rMom holding Veda as she took her second BOB as a Special. Our Veda is a Mercer-Duke girl. Dad holding Mona as she took Winners. She has 12 points. Our Mona is a Millamor- Duke girl. Our gratitude goes to Judge Mr. James Nickerson.nrCLYN-LEE POMERANIANSEvelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Rd.New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-92450 POMERANIAN REVIEWr iPheNorthern California Pomeranian ClubSweepstakes JudgeMrs. Dolores WattsSpecialty JudgeMr. Roland AdameckThursday, November 20, 1986 Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, Turlock, CA 3 p.m.Exhibitor-Judges Supper to follow.Entries close October 29,1986Specialty Show SecretaryAnne Hayden 2595 Oakmont Drive San Bruno, CA 94066 415 952-2862There are four days of shows, starting with NCPC on November 20 and three all-breeds Yosemite KC on 1121, Golden Valley 1122 and San Joaquin 1123. Join us for the funAPOMERANIAN REVIEWV"LObedienceProfile judy GreenNot every Pom gathers placements and trophies going for the CD title not even one in the hands of an experienced obedience person. There are many reasons for this, primarily however because each dog is different and responds on an individual basis. What may have worked before may not work again. There are numerous and differing books on training a plethora of schools and methods and many trainers willing to help out. All one has to do is look around to find what works best.Judy Green and Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey UD are an obedience team who fits into the above category. Judy had trained her German Shepherd, Czarina Cretel under the well- respected Russ Klipple of the Philadelphia Dog Training Club. Gretel was a magnificent and large shepherd who collected several trophies and placements. Judy worked full-time and was raising four children. We all know what that means not enough time to train.Ten years passed. The kids were older. Gretel had served her purpose as the well-behaved family dog. On a Tuesday evening the newspaper girl came by to collect. She had with her a three month old Pom puppy. Judy said, "I wouldn't mind having one of them." By Saturday Sophie Mayes had been contacted and Jeffrey was in his new home. Remembering the fun and the increased relationship that ensued because of Gretel's training, Judy and Jeffrey enrolled in school.Months down the road Jeffrey had two legs on his CD. The third leg seemed impossible.Jeffrey refused to do the recall. When heard, "Jeffrey, come" he came halfwa three-quarters of the way, but never all t way. Judy lost count of the non-qualifyii scores.Luck may have been with Judy. Thinkii that Jeffrey would soon have his CD ai remaining passionate about Shepherds, Ju contacted Wynthea Kennels for another GSI Judy fell for a young whelp. When he reach the age of 10 weeks he entered Judy's li carrying the name of Wynthea's Colby of tl IRS. Wynthea is owned by Winifre Strickland, one of the most illustrious GS breeders in the country. Besides being tf number one kennel for American Bre Shepherds, she is a sincere and well-respecte obedience trainer. Author of several books - breed and obedience she gives trainir classes, seminars and clinics. Naturally, Juc vented her frustrations about Jeffrey.A clinic was coming up which Judy decide to attend. Wyn and daughter Susan gave Juc the bad news. "Jeffrey is making a fool you," they said. Whereas Judy could easil train a shepherd, a little 6 pound ball of flu had her wrapped around his little cat-lik paw. A complete change of attitude an technique were begun under the guidance c the Stricklands. Within a month, Jeffre entered the novice ring and came out with CD and 2nd placeJeffrey went on to Open. It was nearly tw years before he was shown but the wait wa worth it. Jeffrey was shown 6 times before hi certificate arrived. Out of those six times, h placed in five shows. As a matter of fact, in al the time that he has been shown in Open, hi has only NQ'd twice. Open is definitely hi class"Futility," as Judy calls it, came next Jeffrey was easily up to it, but Judy was th one with problems. It's extremely hard gettini continued on p. 7A2 POMERANIAN REVIEW8Announcing. . .1987 Pomeranian CALENDAR 12 gorgeous Full-Color 8x10 Photos 11 x 22 overall size Gestation table Show datesI am currently taking orders for the 87 edition of the Pom Calendar. This year I will only be printing the number of orders received, so PLEASE ORDER EARLY SO YOU WONT BE LEFT OUTPRICE 6.50Also include 1.00 per calendar for up to 3 calendars for postage. Postage rate on 3 to 7 calendars packed together is 3.50If there is a press overrun, these calendars will be available at 8.50.There is always a need for excellent quality 8x10 color photos. Clarity and quality of the photography is the prime prerequisite. All photos returned. There is no charge to be included on the calendar, and a complimentary calendar is given for each picture used.Please send check or money order toChisago Publishing 11015 250th Street Chisago City. Minnesota 55013CHERYL. BERGERSON 612257-5338POMERANIAN REVIEWVOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906As you have probably read elsewhere in this issue, been notified by other obedience people, heard through the grapevine, or suspected, the American l ennel Club has flatly denied the request from The American Pomeranian Club to lower jump heights for Poms in obedience to shoulder height. Personally, I am not surprised because this debate has been raging for years with very little success by most people active in regulations changes. However, I am appalled at the curtness and brevity of the letter from the AKC notifying us of their decision. It says, "Our Board at its recent meeting considered the request submitted by the American Pomeranian Club to lower the jump heights for Pomeranians. This is to let you know that the Board did not approve the request. Sincerely yours, James E. Dearinger."A very great deal of time, effort, thought, not to mention expense went into presenting this request before the membership of the APC. It is inexcusable for the AKC to so off-handedly submit this letter to the APC without so much as a reason for the denial. This issue is much like any other. Everyone has their own opinion formed by their experience. I'm sure the AKC Board must have had reasons for denying this request. So what are they There were good reasons for this petition being submitted to the Board which the AKC doesn't seem to feel warrant a response. Is the AKC telling the Parent Club that their members don't even know or understand their breed Would the AKC be so rude in denying a request to change the breed standard Never having had experience either in dealing with the AKC or with a breed club, I would certainly think that this was rather shabby treatment by the AKC to a group of people only concerned about the welfare of their breedNow that I've spouted off, I'd like toapologize to all of you who've been send me material but haven't received a respoi from me. March 24 we had a new addition my household, BK's Sunshine Samantha, i things haven't been the same since Spur and Sunni had a beautiful daughter who lo like she'll be staying and going for th UDTX's like her ma and pa. We started out bottle feeding from three days on and paperwork hasn't been caught up since ther will answer everyone, soon I hope. A spec thanks go to Claire Flesner, Gladys Dykst Mary Vickers and Alice Lessard for the wea of information they've been sending.Alice Lessard has been busy out Califori way. She writes, "I hate to brag, but you do know how frustrating it is to have the oi working Poms in California and have no o in my breed to talk to when I am at shows spend most of my time with the Labrac people in obedience nice people and th have given me lots of pointers on training, a result, my Poms think they are Labrac Retrievers. You should see Geisha retrieve f dumbbell. She jumps in the lake and just gc for it" Say Alice, how about a picture of th Since last deadline, Lessard's Natsu Take scored a 195 in Novice B May 18 at Na Valley DTC, good for 3rd place and Hi Scoring Toy in Trial. Lessard's Little Geisl Girl UD scored 189 May 31 from Open B Reno KC for 3rd place and a 192V5 and 2i place in Utility B. That not only earned Geisl High Scoring Toy in Trial, but some OT points as well. The next day, Geisha went to score 196 in Open B and 3rd place ags and another H.S. Toy in Trial. After that Nat and Alice were entered at the Gaines Regior in Fresno and were going on to Canada f seven shows. I haven't heard yet how they dLilae Shope has some wonderful news. SI writes,"We are extremely proud to annoum Shope's Cupid, Bella Donna CDX Bell earns her third CDX leg at the Eric KC on June 15 ar also placed 2nd in Open A. For good measur Bell also earned a fourth leg June 29 in Ope A at the Del-Otse-Nango KC and took 2r place." At that same show and also in Ope A, Charley and Eleanore Hamilton placed 4t with their Shawn of Brockton CD. They ai new Pom obedience exhibitors from Kiri wood, NY. This was Shawn's 2nd CDX lej4 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience Questions Answersby Judy Green 822 Parkside Blvd.Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-5962I'm pleased to announce that I just received otification from Front and Finish an bedience magazine that Jeffrey has placed bird in their rating system for 1985. And, Can. .h. Chriscendo Classique Amber that I o-own with Chris Heartz now has 13 points ncluding 3 majors, one of which was a Best of Ireed win over three specials at Mattaponic.Question What a disastrous weekend I had luster won Novice A with a WSVi and was ied for High in Trial. We were in the ring loing the off-lead heeling for the runoff when ny wife decided to pack up some of the junk ind start loading the car. As Buster and I were oming down the ring for the last part of he pattern, she took our other dog and tarted to leave for the car. When Buster saw vhat was happening he left the ring Of ourse, we lost the runoff but what in the vorld can we do so this doesn't happen againtnswer How awful for you to lose a runoff ike that I feel very bad for you. However, his situation can be avoided. I always advise jxhibitors whose spouses, children, friends, tc. attend shows with them to do a couple of hings. First, when you are getting ready to nter the ring, you and your dog leave the Derson you are with and then do your warm-up xercises. Second, have your friends or family itand away from the ring and never have them make eye contact with the dog or try to get his rttention while he's in the ring kids love to do his. I feel your dog was wrong for leaving the ing but your wife was a fault for doing what he did. It's a lot to ask a dog, especially a 9ovice dog, to watch Mom and his brother eave while he's in the ring.Until next time, all take care and happy leelingObedience News, continued.earning his first with a 190 and 1st place at atrial June 27. Welcome to the Hamiltons andShawn. By next year we should have quite anumber of Poms working on their UtilitytitlesMay 24 and 25 were banner days for me. BK's Sir Spunky AmCan UKC CDX and I went to Kitchener and Cambridge, Ontario Canada and a six hour drive for a series of four trials on Saturday and Sunday, and what a surprise when we got there. I met Paulette Zecca from Bellwood, IL and I thought I had come a long way. She is a friend of Marian Lazarra and one of her dogs, Pomirish Christopher's Glory, came from Sally Baugniet. Paulette had 2 Poms entered for the weekend, both Jason mentioned above entered in Novice A and Chucko's Prince Jory in Open A breeder, Mrs. Frank Beckwith. I was there with Spunky in Utility Never have I been at a trial where I saw three Poms, nor a Pom in every class. Jason qualified three trials out of four with very respectable scores of 186,190, and T90V2 to earn his Canadian CD. Jason also earned his American CD by scoring 191 and ^92Vl at North Shore OTC, where he was also H.S. Pom in Trial. He finished the weekend after Canada at Fox Valley DTC with a 188.Jory, who also has his American CD since 1984 with scores good enough to have been entered in the Gaines Classic in November 1984, earned his Canadian CDX. His scores from Open A were 192V2 and 1st place, 193V4 and 1st place and 195 and 3rd place. These scores, by the way, are good enough to enable him to enter the World Series of Dog Obedience held in late July. Spunky needed two legs to finish his Utility title. He managed a 187 the second trial on Saturday and a 191 and 1st place at the second trial on Sunday my second day dog, remember. I'm very proud of that considering it took him only seven trials to earn three legs, and the average in Canada is something like 35 tries. Anyway, there we were, three Poms entered in all three class and all three earned their titles in one weekend Alice Lessard, l wish you were here None of us would have gotten any sleep the whole weekendLet us not leave out BK's Sunshine Supergirl. After whelping her first puppy, and me getting over the shock of the whole continued on p. 66.POMERANIAN REVIEWm m0LovesPomeranians1A\'n ibest of breOR VARIETCh. Loves Desaree Chile PepperDesiree's Timstopper x Desiree's Victoria's VickyMany thanks to Pepper's judges, Mrs. Mildred Bryant, Mr. Michael J. Sauve, Mr. Richard A. Koester, Mrs. James E. Clark, Mrs. Elaine Young, Mr. Frank T. Sabella, Mrs. Michele L. Billings and a special thought to the late Dr. H. Lee Huggins who finished Pepper.A big thanks to Arlene Johnson for showing Pepper to her championship and to Desaree Sandifer for letting me have Pepper and her litter sister.Pepper is now in whelp toCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond and her litter sister in whelp to Cedarwood's Image of Diamond. Puppies will be available out of these litters.HandlerArlene Johnson 831 Athens Drive Raleigh, NC 27606OwnerJerry Love 4953 Tuckahoe Trace Wake Forest, NC 27587 919 556-60995 POMERANIAN REVIEWVAMIDWEST REPORTby Sally Baugniet 11224 County Hwy B Mishicot, Wl 54228There are a few lucky people who know of ome judges who live close by who are willing he share the multitude of dog magazines that ire sent to them each month. Our all-breed ennel club is fortunate to be a club to receive hese magazines. I am fortunate to be their onveyor. I look through these magazines for deas and information on various dog related objects.If you know of a dog show judge who is billing to give these magazines to you when leshe is finished with them, don't be afraid o ask. It will be to your advantage, for there ire terrific articles in other publications. Keep n mind, they can not be published in another nagazine without written permission from the nagazine's editor.One such article written by Mr. Dick 3eauchamp, publisher of Kennel Review, taught my eye. He asks, "Haven't we neglected our breeders long enough" He has included a "Breeder of the Year" competition in his "Tournament of Champions."This "breeder" discussion came up at the American Pomeranian Club New York Specialty. One long-time breeder of excellent quality Pomeranians said she was thinking of giving up breeding Poms. With all of the heartache a breeder goes through to breed good Poms, it would be easier to buy one. The uncracking of the stiffened joints in trying to get up from the floor after breeding these little beauties, the all-night vigil watching the bitch whose whelp-is eminent, the occasional and sometimes not so occasional trip, usually in the middle of the night for a C-section, the extra care of the bitch and puppies needed after the operation, and sometimes the many round-the-clock days and nights of tube or bottle feeding those pups who wouldn't make it without you, make the Pomeranian breeder a very special part of the human race. Many people looking to purchase a show qualityPom or even requesting a group competition winner, do not realize the hours dedicated to the little 4 or 5 pound Pom by the breeder. Some expect to get this quality for "peanuts." No wonder you hear breeders say, "I've had enough. I'm not breeding any more. If I want one, I'll buy it." How many of us have either said this or at least thought about itI have, and yet there is nothing more satisfying than seeing a dog you have bred win in the ring, finish its championship, even place in the Group or, heaven forbid, go Best in Show It is a thrill to be a breeder-owner of such a Pom, but there is nothing more ultimate, in my opinion, than being the breeder-owner-handler of that Pom. Somebody has to be the breeder Why not meWhen we get down to brass tacks, we dedicated breeders are so hooked that we really can't quit. We know that "good one" is in the next litterMy next article will concern the APC yearly awards. This will involve discussion of conformation, obedience and breeding awards. If you have input, please write to me.Obedience News, from p. 64.experience, she's now gotten back into the swing of things. We were entered in her first fun match June 14 in Mt. Pleasant, Ml. She was in both Novice A where she is non-competitive and Novice B. In A she earned a 190 during a very nice performance. Not bad considering I'd never had her off leash in the ring and didn't know what she'd do. In B she earned a 193 and 3rd place, despite my ungainly left turns I really think my dogs would do better with a professional handler Oh well, we all keep trying.Keep those cards and letters coming. I love hearing from everyone. Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heelerPOMERANIAN REVIEWyjjfl fotniisff KenvevsPOMERANIANS NORWICH TERRIE1Pick Sally Baugniet Phone 414 - 755-299411224 County Ilyw. B Mishicot, Ms. 54228IRISH SETTERSBreeders of 37 Pomeranian Champions, 27 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter Champin.A- 'm groupSECOND26.\9B6PHOTOocsonj\s. Y GROUPCft. Pomirisk Scooters VictoryMulti Croup placing 37th Pom champion bred and owned by us. Some pups available sired by Victor and his sire Ch. Scooter are too good to part with, but I will to the right person.FLASH Victor gets an Award of Merit at the APC Summer Specialty in Washington. Thank you, Columbia Pom Club for your hospitalityThank you, Mr. Forrest McCoyB POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063I am outraged, frustrated, furious. The American Kennel Club has betrayed the trust f the members of the American Pomeranian 'lub. What happenedFor many years there has been controversy ver the jump heights in obedience. The IVi imes the shoulder height requirement was set irbitrarily. Then numerous exceptions had to e made because obviously Corgis and Julldogs couldn't clear VA times their height, .ess obvious is why Maltese jump once their leight but Yorkies still must jump IV2 why vlewfies jump once but Malemutes and Chows ump112.Obedience fanciers signed numerous jetitions, wrote letters, and attended neetings to ask AKC to lower the jump reights. AKC was singularly unresponsive. In ontrast, the Canadian Kennel Club lowered he jump heights to shoulder height for all ireeds a few years ago.Finally, AKC tossed the ball into the parent lubs' court. Any further requests to lower ump heights would have to come from the parent clubs, much like a request to change a standard. It is my personal opinion that the Dowers that be thought this move would kill he issue once and for all. Most parent clubs ire overwhelmingly populated with conformation fanciers who have no knowledge of or interest in obedience matters. The few obedience trouble-makers wouldn't be able to motivate the whole slow-moving parent club sufficiently. But the anti-lower jump faction in AKC figured wrong. Parent clubs are filled with people who care about their dogs and the welfare of their breeds.After numerous articles in Review discussing the issue, the American Pomeranian Club sent ballots to the members asking if APC should petition AKC to lower the jump heightsfor the Pomeranian. A whopping 68 of the ballots came back The vote was overwhelmingly 230 to 10 for lowering the jump heights for Poms. Hurray Our request to AKC was sent in December.The reply was dated May 12, 1986 and addressed to the Corresponding Secretary "Our Board at its recent meeting considered the request submitted by the American Pomeranian Club to lower the jump heights for Pomeranians. This is to let you know that the Board did not approve the request." It is signed by James E. Dearinger, Secretary.That's it, the entire communication from AKC. What arrogance No explanation, no reasons given. Just "no", in much the same tone an exasperated adult might use with a child.If we had petitioned to change our Standard to allow level bites, 8 lb. bitches, or mauve dogs, the AKC would probably have approved with hardly a murmur. But on this matter which the majority of APC members felt important to the welfare of our breed, we get a blunt "no" with no justification. We took them at their word that jump heights were to be a matter decided by the Parent Club. We were deceived. Incidentally, the Golden Retriever club also petitioned to lower about the same time and received the same answer.So what do we do now Scream, long and loud Cry "foul" in as many ways as we can. The Board should demand an explanation from AKC. Why were we turned down Was it some omission in procedure that can be remedied and our request resubmitted Is there a less satisfactory reason Force AKC to say so.Letters and articles should be sent to every dog publication including Gazette want to bet they'll publish it, Off-Lead, Front and Finish, Dog World. We shouldn't ignore pet-oriented publications like Dog Fancy. The AKC should have to answer to the pet-owning public the charge that AKC is cavalier about the welfare of our obedience dogs. Remember, AKC is primarily a registration organization and a large chunk of its income comes from the pet-owning public plunking down 5 to register their dogs.What can you as an individual do1 Write letters. To your AKC delegates forPOMERANIAN REVIEW iWindjammer .1l.wIBI.UWMi iCz. Millamors Fm A Windjammercongratulates his winning kidsWindjammer's Night Ranger 6 U.S. pts. with a major and a Breed win, 8 Canadian pts. with 2 Best Puppy in Croup wins, a Croup 3, and Croup 4, all from puppy classes. Owner, Karen Munster.Dia's Sand Piper Bear 10 U.S. pts. with both majors, and his Best in Sweepstakes win at the Michigan Specialty. Owner, David Hogg.Dia's Princess Cinna Bear on her 3 pt. major. Owner, David Hogg.We also welcome to our stud force, Jason, Precious Petit Touch of Riple, an orange sable, and repeat of the gorgeous ABE Thank you, Joe and Claudia Pfeffer for sending him to us.Inquiries invited on several litters planned this fall. Pedigrees of Jammer and Jason on request.Bob and Jeanne Stafford 616 683-02141231 Carberry Road Niles, Ml 49120POMERANIAN REVIEWery club of which you're a member to the smbers of the Board of AKC to Gazette and her leading magazines.Speak up. Tell members of your local clubs, ledience, all-breed or specialty about what CC is doing. If we can be treated so shabbily, can they.An extreme measure, threaten to tell your ippy buyers not to register their dogs. Hit CC in the pocketbook.The APC should make use of our AKC legate. He should report all this in detail to e delegate body. We are hampered here by e fact that AKC delegates do not have the jwer they should or that you probably think ey have. AKC is not democratic. The Board id executive branch have more power than le delegates. But the delegates could mand a vote on the jump height issue.One of the frustrating things about all this is e suspect that it is only a handful of Dwerful, stubborn, close-minded men who e making this decision for us all. None of lese men are active obedience exhibitors. It a depressing example of how due to the ructure of AKC a very few can overrule le wishes of so many. Is the welfare of our ogs really of so little concern to the Board of KC We can't be sure because AKC is so ncommunicative.Why should we do anything You voted nd perhaps you figure that was enough, ecause this isn't just an obedience issue, ffecting only obedience exhibitors. If it were, wouldn't have written any of this. I would ave just given up in frustration and isappointment. But this series of events is a hameful symptom of the disease that urrently weakens the AKC. If only a few men note no women have such unchecked ower to hold hostage the desires of a large najority, what other tyrannies might be iflicted on the dog fancy in the futureThis spring 1 participated in two obedience vents which were very different in purpose nd atmosphere but both were exciting and njoyable. The first was the Gaines Eastern legional Obedience Championship. In addi- ion to being co-chairman of the event, I was in exhibitor, so I got to see, hear, and feel all spects of the weekend. This is a competition o showcase the top-notch obedienceexhibitors. Many of the exhibitors there knew they didn't have a chance to win, but wanted to participate and wanted their breed represented. All dogs there were good performers the winners were spectacular. Individual performances were rewarded. The competition was stiff and the atmosphere was tense and electric.It was a wonderful learning experience, watching great working teams perform and practice. It was interesting comparing styles and techniques from different parts of the country. It was fun to meet folks who'd previously been just names in magazines.And yes, Poms were well-represented. My Val qualified all 3 times in the ring. Diane Bauman's Abra had one heartbreaking bust, and two breathtakingly gorgeous performances, one of which earned her Sunday's Best Score.A few weeks later we went to the Tidewater area to take part in a Team Competition. It was the first year that a team from Richmond Dog Obedience Club had been invited to attend. This time there were five teams. There are four classes Subnovice, Novice, Open and Utility. For each class, a team may enter as many as 6 dogs, 60 of which may have the title. Four dogs is the minimum, with a point penalty assessed for having less than 4. The purpose of this is to allow many people to participate and make steady workers valuable team members.The emphasis was on fun, enthusiasm and team spirit. Team members wore uniforms, usually matching tee shirts. Every performance was cheered lustily by team mates, even if it was a bust. All scores counted toward the team score. Competition between club teams was genuinely friendly rivalry.Because jump heights were only once the dogs' height and in order to fill out a team, several veterans were pressed into service. We had three veterans on our team and they each contributed valuable qualifying scores. The old boys really seemed to enjoy the attention and being in the ring again. There were three Poms on our team I was busy, one of whom was 10 year old Ch. Gem CDX. Gem hadn't been in an Open ring in 5 years, hadn't even been on lead in 3 years. With only a week's practice, I just hoped he'd qualify on most of continued on p. 76.POMERANIAN REVIEWApoffoette Pomeranianspresents our newest champion.masM. tJCfi. Apoffoette LiC Gotff Shindig"Gizmo" is shown winning a 4 point major under judge Don Rodgers. He is a very sound Pom with excellent movement and tail set. Thank you to all the judges who gave him his points.Marlene and Marlin Presser 209886-556121789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 12600 SE 88th 21 Clackamas, OR 97015Many a slip between the cup and the lip, it eventually you get your cup of coffee, id after many a slip, we had our double ader Specialties. The American Pomeranian ub Summer Specialty and the Columbia imeranian Club Specialty, which you will id described in detail by our wonderful orthwest correspondents, was a happening But how do you do it Put on two major iows back to back, that is First you have to blind to difficulties, dumb about criticizing id deaf to criticism. Also, gluttons for hard ork with a magnificent crew of willing orkers. Heading our list is Jean Schroll, who ith Averil Asbeck, Muriel Gunther and John ye, led the way. They planned and worked id never gave up in their determination to ive these two shows. The rest of us came ter and, inspired by these leaders, added our ills, time and money to insure that a proper itting would be prepared to greet you and lur Poms.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club have so supported us in many ways not the ast of which was their contribution to the itry, the pot luck and the cook-out. As good sighbors they have always supported the olumbia Pomeranian Club in all its labors.We have several new champions to report, h. Bi-Mar Shawn, bred by Mary Rosenbaum id owned by Wendy and Victor Feist and lown by Victor, is another son of Ch. Bi-Mar jndance Kid. Champ lived up to his call ame by completing his well deserved point tal at less than a year and a half.Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style, owned by andy Gemmill and Dana Plonkey, sparkled er way to her championship, inspired by her all name Glitter. She shone in Canada icently, completing the Canadian require- lents at one of the Expo week of shows. She arned Best of Breed and Group 3. Those anadians sure know how to put on amarathon all-breed shows every morning and Group V every afternoon. I was not able to attend and only have scattered results.Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork added a Canadian championship to his title by winning Best of Breed and Group 3 at the first ever Canadian National Specialty. Bred by Irene Harbin and shown by Sylvia, Corky won from the classes over 10 specials. This new champion is the result of super planning by a group of people. Helen Krafcik, the dam's breeder, and Morris and Betty Carson, breeders of the sire were brought together by Tom and Jessie Stephens and that's what it's all about. Corky's brother, whose name I do not know, finished in Tacoma. He is owned by Karen Powers.Also, Jane Reed's Emcee's Sparkling Jody is a new champion.Here is a special piece of news. Rita LaVerne is coming out of retirement. She was a long time breeder and exhibitor of excellence. She will be grooming and handling again for all dog lovers who want to give their dogs a little taste of the best in dog care.Diane Clark-Bryant has had the last of her surgeries now and looks forward to a complete recovery from her bout with cancer. We pray that God will bless her with complete good health. She is continuing her project of raising and showing better Poms. Her current love is parti-colors and she has bred some beauties.Welcome back Rita and Diane and may God be with all Pom lovers everywhere.Late news flash Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid earned another Best in Show in Vancouver, Washington last month. More details next time. Congratulations, Mary.DEADLINESSeptember 15 November 1986 IssueNovember 15 January 1987 IssuePOMERANIAN REVIEWWatts Pomeraniansr-i, rBEST OF WINNERSCARROLL KENNEL CLUB1966DAVE ASHBEY libest ofOPPOSITE SCh. Scotia Shamrocks Sue EllenSue Ellen is shown with her breeder, Edna Cirardot, finishing her championship with a 5 pt. major under Mr. S. Shaw. She also captured another 5 pt. major that same weekend under Mr. F. Oberstar. To these judges, and the other judges who had a part in finishing her, we thank you.Sue Ellen is now residing with her new title and her first offspring female sired by Scotia Kobyko's Hobo at her new residence in Maryland. See her pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Puppies Occasionally.Dolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Rd.301 372-8782 Brandywine, MD 20613POMERANIAN REVIEWIregon Report, from p. 26. n always a little nervous just before showing - and who wouldn't be with such a beautiful oup of Poms So I missed meeting everyone.I would like to take the time here to give a ig congratulations to the Columbia Pom Club lembers who hosted the APC Specialty, for le tremendous job they did. This is not a big lub in numbers only 10 in fact. So I am jre you can appreciate the hard work and am effort involved. The members are Jean chroll, Paul and Shirley Fund, John and ammie Nye, Averil Asback, Muriel Gunther, ictor and Wendy Feist, Emily and Laura Intalan, Erin Hundley, Barbara Brown and iladys Von Horn. Ten hard working people ut on the Columbia Specialty, held a nice ospitality evening and hosted the APC pecialty. They need a pat on the back and a Job well done"Another Oregon writer is reporting the iolumbia Specialty results and Olga Baker has Iready commented on the winners from the vPC Specialty. Both days the Poms were xcellent and the choices very difficult for the jdges. I believe they all did commendable obs.Jacquelin Klein, our Columbia Specialty dge, spoke to me on Friday when she was a pectator. She was very complimentary about he article I wrote last spring about the sights o see in Oregon and things to do before, nbetween and after the show circuits. Her omments were greatly appreciated, as it's ilways good to know someone reads your irticles. Jackie and husband had visited some f the places I had mentioned and were about o head for the Oregon coast for a long drive iown to the redwoods. I hope they found the rip worthwhile.I met and visited with Mary Vickers from irginia who was staying with Oregon's Linda Sallacher. Linda has made giant strides in the jbedience ring with her Poms and Shelties. vlary was very informative and I truly enjoyed idding her to my acquaintances. I was within i stone's throw of Sally Baugniet and yet nissed meeting her. Her articles on conformation were wonderful and I'm sorry I missed he chance to say "hi." When I looked at the uest list I wondered just where I was duringthe show, as it appears that I missed a good number of people I had wanted to meet Sue Goddard, Phyllis Ripley, Claudia Pfeffer, Janice Luginsland, the Watts and many others. However, l might say that hardly anyone would have recognized me from the few photos I have had in the Review, mostly taken last year when l certainly was not at my best. It's amazing how having real hair again and losing a few pounds after chemotherapy not to mention a new hair color, can change one. It's wonderful to be back and at it again.I look forward to seeing many of you in the show ring in the near future.ludyCreen, from p. 67. up every morning to be at her job at Scott Paper Company where she is an administrative assistant, drive home, pack all the Utility paraphenalia into the car and drive to a field big enough for a Utility ring. It's a lot easier to stay home and cook dinner for Bill, her husband. Or if it's a nice day, go with Bill and spend some time on the boat. Time for Jeffrey was not to be denied. Weekly classes with Susan Strickland continued and Judy dragged out the jumps to work Jeffrey every night.In the Fall of 1984, Jeffrey had two utility legs. The AKC Centennial show was approaching. Judy had high hopes for his third leg there. Jeffrey had other ideas. He zeroed utility, but saved the day as he was the highest scoring Pomeranian with a 195.5 from the Open class. Jeffrey might have had his shows confused. The next week at Upper Marlboro KC, Jeffrey did everything and got his third leg and a 3rd place.Jeffrey's obedience career was not yet over. He was shown in 1985 and it has just been announced that he is third in the Shuman Front and Foremost obedience rating system.Judy has gotten busier. She joined the Baltimore Pom Club and for several years has been very involved in their newsletter. So much so that she is presently co-editor. Being a glutton for punishment, Judy has also been recording secretary, which means a three and one-half hour drive to Baltimore every month to attend membership meetings. Then there is the Review's Question and Answer columnPOMERANIAN REVIEWSusan C. Inman 3948 Pearl St. Rd. Batavia, NY 14020 716 343-8448ShrDa PomsDavid R. Edwards 5729 Lake Ave. Orchard Park, NY 14127 716 826-1880BP HM H m-"- W i mmPeek and Dee DeeWe would like to thank Jacquelyn Klein of Silver Meadows for Peek and Dee Dee, both daughters of Ch. Silver Meadows Scooter Starr. We feel that both girls are going to give the big kids a run for their money in the show ring.Ch. Dancing Rockette of Oakridge66BEST OF T1Ch. Brown's Rock N Robin x Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of OakridgeShown going Best of Opposite Sex at Beaumont. She finished her championship on the Ark. Circuit at 10 months of age. Thanks to Erika for handling her and her exasperating exhuberanceBreederNina Epps Oakridge Kennels Rt. 4, Box 48XEl Dorado Springs, MO 64744Co-OwnerM. Deane Rinehart DeArta Kennels 422 W. Fairchild Dr. Midwest City, OK 73110POMERANIAN REVIEWdy Creen, continued.iich she writes. Those attending the APC ledience demonstration are aware that Judy as the narrator. In her "spare" time Judy is so the trainer for the Brandywine Valley Dog aining Club and she also does her fair share judging at matches in hopes of being a zensed obedience judge some day.There are more Poms residing at the Green's ausehold. Champion Millamor's Roxie Music as the first dog Judy ever took into the breed ng. She was ecstatic every time Roxie won a oint. The entire Baltimore Club cheered her i. The conformation bug bit Judy. Roxie has sen followed by "the most adorable thing on ur feet," a Pom with three Best Puppy in tows from the hands of Chris Heartz, an. Ch. ChriscendoClassique. Amber started it AKC show career this spring and has 13 Dints including three majors.If you could step inside the Green's family om, you would see Judy watering her -chids and African Violets, muttering some- ling about taking the girls out for training. ,'ffrey and Roxie would be curled up on the Duch, while Colby is attentively watching erything in his place by the door. Bill would e sitting in his chair, pipe in mouth, gently etting Amber. What does Bill think of all lis He'll say, "I like short haired dogs and ng haired women." Warning Don't even link of saying the slightest negative thing bout Judy or the dogs'epful Hints, from p. 70.le exercises. He was the very last dog in le ring on a very hot day and, grinning all the 'ay, he scored 187 to clinch the title for us.Yes, RDOC won the team title. The others aid we couldn't come back next year, but nee we have the trophy, they'll have to let s. The real winners were the people and dogs 'ho had such a good time who had a fun day f obedience without the pressure to qualify nd win.Looking for something different to give as op hies Check some recent premium lists for ie trophies offered for Junior Showmanship, hose donors have been very creative, rophies that are practical such as a travel larm clock or a rain poncho are wellreceived. Also popular is a free 8 x 10 photo by the show photographer. If you are giving a trophy for a Pom in either breed or obedience, you can be fairly confident of size and thus donate collars, leads, water bowls, Mut Matts, or dumbbells. Books make lovely trophies, as do subscriptions to Pom Review or Front and Finish. Glass cannisters or baskets filled with dog treats were very popular at our matches. Will the date of the show be near a holiday Make your trophy seasonal, such as an American flag for July 4 or a Pom tree ornament for Christmas. When you turn in your trophies to the trophy chairman, stick your address label or business card on the item to make it easy for the recipient to drop you a thank you note.I would particularly like to hear from you who have moved with 10 or more dogs on what you did to make the move convenient and comfortable for the dogs, and how well they adjusted to their new home.Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620POMERANIAN REVIEWRAMBOc3ft3VARIETYGROUP FIRSTMETAIRIE IERRCL CLUI SPRING 19863SKENNEL CLUBlvW- Ch. Bev Nor N Southland Ha in hoA champion at S'A months with 5 BOB and a Group 1. He's home for the summer but watch for him back in the ring this fall. Special thanks to Charlotte Creed, his breeder and handler.We would also like to welcome these girls Bev Nor's Fancy Free Thanks, Bev Norris, Annon's Goldminer's Daughter Thanks, Ann Cannon, and Sun Fox Lady Amherst Thank, Claudia Braczyk. Watch for them in the show ring this fall along with our homebred girls, Shell Bark's Windsong and Woodland Shell Bark's Alexis.Shell BarkSharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446WoodlandJane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 24901 304 497-31903i POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSaker, Darrell and OlgaJeribeth..................32augniet, Sally Pomirish............................ 67team, Ruth Great Elms.............................19Burnette, Nancy Nanshadow......................9larroll, Kathy Sweetheart........................... 15Ihisago Publishing...................................... 62lonley, Evelyn and Rollie Lyn-Lee............ 59look, Pauline Polly's..................................44feed, Charlotte Southland .... Front Coverimick, Warren and Virginia Puf-Pride. . .53upre, Mrs. James Dupre..........................25idwards, David ShrDa............................... 75innie, Thomas and Vickie Fin's.........42,43leshman, Jane Woodland.........................77reia, Jerrie Janesa....................................39jemmill, Randy Valcopy-Wakhan..............41Doddard, TimandSueTimSue.....................49Honos, Alexandra and Gus ...............28-31Griffith, K.G. Lenette..................................36Sustafson, Art and Linda Carousel .......... 13Hansen, Sharon Shell Bark.......................77Hartz, Kathryn Dover-Holihouse............... 27Hendricks, Byron and Connie Khani .... IFCHusband, Michael Baudier........................ 79Celler, RosePost Script..............................31.ove, Jerry Love's.......................................65vHarcantonio, Jon..........................................7vHarion, Mike and Sheila Shamrock......... 32vtoebuis, Terri Moe-Best................... 50,51vloreno, Julie and Conzalo Moreno's .... 55Diazza, Skip Icerama....................................7donkey, DanaValcopy-Wakhan.................. 403resser, Marlene and Marlin Apolloette . .71Ricci, Carol Cheridel..................................51Rinehart, M. Deane De Arta...................... 75Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres............... 22,23Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar.............Back CoverShope, LilaeM.............................................. 47Stafford, Bob and Jeanne Windjammer.. .69 Steinmetz, Sherry and Earl Prestigious .. .57Stephens, T.L. and J. Jestoms.................. 21Vickers, Mary............................................... 51Watts, Dolores Watts......................... 36,73AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Dolores Watts, 4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year Third Class Mail 21.00 per year Foreign U.S. Funds Only 25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time 3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days.If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let re know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date 4.00 each Years prior to 1980 3.00 each.POMERANIAN REVIEWBaudier, Reg.'BIS, BISSCfi. Patricks Mr LarryCr.V s AX4All-Breed Best in Show winner Specialty Best in Show winner Multiple Croup winnr"Mr" is pictured winning his 100th Best of Breed. Thank you, Mrs. James E. ClarkBaudier, Reg.Michael Husband 4010 Meridian Houston, TX 77017 713 645-5760BreederMildred C. Patrick 214341-8699HandleMichael Collin 3802 W. Huntington Dr Phoenix, AZ8504' 601268-932Best in ShowVancouver Kennel Club June 1, 1986o6tV. .1'O'Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidBest in Show Judge Shirley ThomasToy Group First Judge Marion M. PostgateHandler Dean A. Passe, PHAFor SaleWe have several litters of puppies from Sonny that are repeat breedings that have produced champions. Also several bred females and young brood prospects available.Mary A. Rosenbaum 206838-6397Bi-Mar Pomeranians36520 28th Ave. S. Federal Way, WA 98003