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The Pomeranian Review November 1986
American ipomeraman Club, 3ncPUBLISHED QUARTERLY1985 Best National Breed Club PublicationNOVEMBER 198tf -_____8SK _____Ch. Muller's EncorePOMERANIAN REVIEWm i^SKHANRAINBOW POMSV5IPrax 'N .ft- m 4--mV..' 'Vtv.v- . .-ur 1 r.' v Ch. Scotia Dennis InspirationDestined to become a great Pomeranian sire.Happy Holidays To AllByron and Connie Hendricks P.O. Box 644 Arcadia, CA 91006 818 444-5131Ch. Scotia Just Dandy's Littleman Ch. Scotia Littleman SpectacularCh. Scotia Specky Molly Xmas Noel Ch. Scotia Tin Tin Denis The MenisCh. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Ch. Scotia Tin Tin FabulousCh. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy Girl Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Ch. Sungold's Dee Dee Ch. Scotia Piper's Chintily KobkoCh. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Braum's Chintily LaceCh. Speck Surprise Phoebe O' ScotiaPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Elub, Stir.President........................First Vice President Second Vice President . Recording Secretary Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer........................OFFICERS OF THE CLUB....................................................................... Sue Goddard........................................................................Sam Zaneoff..........................................................Marlene Scott Halsey......................................................................... Olga Baker..................................................................... Dolores Watts4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613 ....................................................................... Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSMr. Fred Bassett Peter Galindo Marlene Presser Delegate to AKCLt. Col. John Cribbs Dianne Johnson Mary Vickers . . .Mr. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . .Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751 Circulation Manager.......................Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs. U.S. Funds Only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATES CONDITIONSNon- All ads are PREPAID, send paymentMembers Members for space ordered and reproduction of allCover.............................120.00 150.00 photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves theInside Front Cover.............65.00 80.00 right to reasonably edit copy or to refuseCenter Spread................. 120.00 150.00 advertising not considered appropriate.Full page............................55.00 65.00 Photos no longer on file photos mustThree-quarters page ....45.00 55.00 accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUSTHalf page........................... 35.00 45.00 BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.Quarter page....................15.00 25.00Classified Ads.................. 5.00 7.00 DEADLINESPhoto Reproduction .... 10.00 10.00 November 15 January IssueColor..................................... Call for prices February 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of Contents Cover StoryPresident's Message........................Secretary's Report...........................Northern California Pom Club..........Bay Colony Pom Club......................Puget Sound Pom Club...................Maxwell Riddle Speaks Out.............Behind The New Champions...........Obedience News..............................Pacific Northwest News and Views.Helpful Hints.....................................It's All In The Mindby AI Grossman......................AKC Announces...............................Beginners Need Patienceby Dave Reeves.....................Across Canada.................................Finding Real Estate for Dog Raising by Jane Cochran Spalding . . .I Remember When...........................A Star Is Bornby Conrad Gottlieb.................The Little Pomeranianby Elizabeth Garner Reynolds Circulation Manager..........................5.6161818222632364650586266Ch. Muller's Encore began his show career at 8V2 months of age and was finished by the time he was 11 months with Best of Breeds and Group placements to his credit. He has accumulated 40 Best of Breeds now, many Croup placements and one Specialty Best in Show. For a dog who will only be three years old December 9, 1986, he has a very good show record.Corey is an orange sable, AVi pound dog with a very heavy coat. He as a son who will be coming out at the Arizona shows, so be sure to watch for him.We are very proud of Corey's accomplishments and proud to have bred such a nice dog.7074767778BreedersOwnersDavid and Lillian Muller 680 Graham Hill Road Santa Cruz, CA 95060 408 423-2496 408 425-4540HandlerAnna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700Yips Yaps"Turning Back The Clock"We would like to commend Mary Vickers on her July article "Turning Back the Clock." We know many hours of hard work and research went into this and it was most interesting. We were very pleased to find there is documented proof that parti-colored Poms were in existence before their orange counterparts.Maybe this will show the skeptics and help to promote this rare, eye catching color.Also, we would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have stood behind us by giving us encouragement, moral support and allowed us the use of your beautiful studs, for you have all helped us to muster the courage, determination and enthusiasm to dare to be different and stand up for something we believe in strongly.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz"Can We Talk"... I had hoped to write a follow up article for my column, "Can We Talk," but I have been so very busy that I haven't had the time to sit down and concentrateI did have quite a few letters from breeders, and most were a positive response to my article which is very encouraging. So I do plan to continue the series, as we do need an open forum column in the Review for issues specifically related to our breed.Claudia BraczykN.C.P.C. HospitalityAs this year's Hospitality Chairwoman for the N.C.P.C. Specialty, November 20, 1986, I would like to extend a hearty welcome to all.This year the club is hosting dinner for the judges, exhibitors and their guests. Dinner will continued next pagePOMERANIAN REVIEW 5PRESIDENT'SMESSAGESue Goddard Box 540, Rt. 2 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622We are finally in our new home and the dogs seem to love it, which goes a long way toward our loving it too. For one thing, we are legal after having been in violation of deed restrictions for 5 years. Fortunately we had no trouble in Flouston, but it was always a nagging possibility. We will miss our friends there and being able to talk to them on the phone without its being a long distance call. Hopefully they will visit us often and as it is just a bit over 200 miles, we hope to be able to attend at least some of their club meetings. Then of course there are the dog shows. Having just met 3 of the Houston members in Dallas, I feel less lonesome. Of course my next project is to see if we can't get the Louisiana people together to form a club. Although they are spread out, most are within the same distance as was involved with Houston.You will notice in this issue that the Board voted in favor of returning the Review to 4 issues rather than going to 6, as was originally planned. Although I urged going to 6, it was overwhelmingly felt that the club was best served by going back to 4 as it has been since the first issue. Concern about cost and meeting publication dates were the overriding opinion. Remember we are here as officers to serve your interests. When you have an opinion, let your wishes be heard so that we can represent your views. Letters that are constructive can always be included in Yips and Yaps or writing to the Corresponding Secretary brings your suggestions to the Board.You will shortly be asked to vote on Constitutional change to elect the Board to serve for 2 years rather than one. That seems a good idea as some of us barely get to know one another when there is a change. Also this will substantially lower the work load of theCorresponding Secretary in not having to mail out the nominations and voting every year. AKC is asking all clubs to review and standardize their individual breed standards, so any changes can be effected at one time.Are you making plans for New York We are going to be handling the banquet, hospitality room, etc. a bit differently and hope you will find it welcome. See you thereYips Yapsbe served right after the judging on the show grounds at the hospitality center. There will be no charge or donation.Members of the club and I will be preparing our favorite dishes. Please let me know that you do intend to join us as our guests by returning the postcard in your premium list. Or drop me a line at this address. Please indicate the number in your party. There is no charge, but we need to know how many people to prepare for.I have only been a member of N.C.P.C. a few short months, as so can't answer for the past. What is important to me is that each and every one os you is warmly welcomed this year. I am so looking forward to meeting all of you. I'll be the one in the apron. See you there.Ms. Nancy C. Parker 4846 A San Pablo Dam Rd.El Sobranti, CA 94803IS IT HONESTWe are all wanting our Pomeranians to be in the spot light, but are they getting their titles honestlyWhen we take our little fuzz balls to the show, wouldn't we feel better if we could walk away and say, "That dog got it honestly." We could go home and have a decent night's sleep, instead of talking about the things we see go on. think a Pom is the most wonderful friend we can have. Why not make it an honest friend When I go to the shows and my dog wins, I want it to be because the judge saw its quality and not its handler. If we ever need to improve our breed it's now, because somewhere down the road the results will tell continued on p. TO.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARY'S REPORTDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 310 372-8782Shortly after reporting to the membership in the July issue of the Pom Review, 1 was off to Portland, Oregon to attend the APC Summer Specialty and the Columbia Pom Club Specialty. I left the Maryland area with temperatures ranging from the 90s 100s. We landed in Portland with beautiful temperatures ranging in the 70s. What a welcome change that was.The Columbia Pom Club did a superb job of looking after every exhibitor's needs. The hospitality was great in every aspect from the banquet dinner to trophies, etc. A special thanks to Jean Schroll who, with everything else she had to do, managed to take a few of us on a tour for a whole day. We drove up to Mt. Hood which was breathtaking and would you believe, it actually snowed on us. Everything was so well planned. Congratulations for a job well done.The following is a list of the most recent new members of the APCTom Casillano 60 N. Beretania St. 3607 Honolulu, HI 96817 808 523-1727Anne M. Oyler 1109 S. 22nd Rogers, AR 72756 501636-8071Richard and Charlotte Johns 5960 Portie Road Vidor, TX 77662 409 786-2377Wendy and Victor Feist 6325 S.E. 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503 774-8912Nancy L. Fry RR 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812254-4528Nina K. Epps Rte4, Box48X El Dorado, MO 64744 417 876-6130Dorothy and Edward Martin Rt. 2, Box 30M Rock Hill, SC 29730 803377-7718David R. Edwards 5729 Lake Avenue Orchard Park, NY 14127 716 826-1880Dolores Stanger 1168 Everbright Dr.Uniontown, OH 44685 896-2191Nancy Shellman PO Box 415 Kilgore, TX 75662 214 984-0948Marcia Doane 5417 Bassett Road Atwater, OH 44201 216 947-3884John Lewis P.O. Box 1943 Morgan City, LA 70381 384-0486The following clubs have been granted permission to hold their specialtiesBay Colony Pom Club in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club on Saturday, May 9, 1987 at the Eastern States Exposition Building.The San Diego Pom Club has been given approval to host the 1987 APC Summer Specialty.The DeMoines Iowa Pom Club was granted permission to host the 1988 APC Summer Specialty.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7McGhees Pomeraniansproudly presents "our little BUG"8r v EmceesFancy Gold BugCh. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips x Sweet Betsy of TimstopperPictured with Judge Mrs. Dawn V. Hansen and ownerhandler Ywonnelee [Lee] McGhee.Thank you so very much Harry Pennington for all your help getting me started in showing my Poms.I want to thank Ruth Beam for all the hours she has spent talking with me on the phone and in person late at night, giving me advice. Here's wishing you a speedy recovery from your surgery.A very special thanks to Morris Carson for letting "Little Bug" come to live with us. He is eight months old here and a real joy to our home.Lee and Lowell McGhee 457 Staten St. Jonesboro, CA 30236 404 471-4209 or 997-0750A8 POMERANIAN REVIEWIt will soon be time to send you the Nominating Committee's Slate of Officers for 1987. Along with this notice, you will be sent a ballot requesting that you vote yes or no on a Board approved move to have your officers and Board members serve a two year term in lieu of the present one year term. Please be sure to fill out this ballot and get it back to your Corresponding Secretary by the deadline indicated.Congratulations are extended to Marlene S. Halsey of Blue Ridge, VA and Kathryn Birk of Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Both of these members have been approved as Honorary Life Members of the APC.In conclusion, the President, Sue Goddard, has a new address Box 540, Rt. 2, Opelousas, LA 70570. Telephone, 318 543-6622.BOARD MEETING MINUTES - Conference Call, August 13,1986.Attendees Sue Goddard, Sam Zaneoff, Olga Baker, Dolores Watts, Marlene Halsey, Dr. Morris Carson, Col. John Cribbs, Peter Galindo, Dianne Johnson, Marlene Presser, Mary Vickers.President Sue Goddard called meeting to order and on her request for minor departure from usual agenda to allow for only specific items, motion was made by Colonel Cribbs and seconded by Peter Galindo, carried unanimously.ISSUE Rates for Pomeranian ReviewDue to obvious necessity to correct a financial loss situation for the National publication, the following advertising rate increases were approved by the Board on motion by Peter Galindo and seconded by Sam Zaneoff unanimous vote Photos to be 10.00 each. Effective November 1,1986.Members Non-MembersFull Page 55.00 65.0034 45.00 55.0012 Page 35.00 45.0014 Page 15.00 25.00Cover 120.00 150.00Back Cover 65.00 80.00Inside Front 65.00 80.00Center Spread 120.00 150.00Classified Ads 5.00 7.00With appropriate increases for 1st class and Canadian and Foreign Postage costs.It was agreed that an appropriate adjustment would be made for the July Stud Issue by the Editor to insure that no loss would be incurred, this on motion by Col. Cribbs and seconded by Mr. Galindo. Carried unanimously. This was not included in original proposal.On motion by Dolores Watts and seconded by Marlene Halsey, Board voted unanimously to request that funds be sent to Pom Review distributor in advance to avoid a 12 interest charge.On motion by Mary Vickers, seconded by Peter Galindo, Board voted unanimously to request that the Review Editor let the Board know immediately about possibility of making a change in the mail-out organization that currently handles distribution of the Review, since distribution seems to be an ongoing problem.ISSUE Number of issues of Pomeranian ReviewAfter lengthy discussion, motion was made by Mr. Galindo that the Club continue with 4 issues for 1987, rather than going to 6 issues which was felt to be too costly and risky at this time seconded by Dolores Watts, vote was 8 in favor of 4 issues, and 2 opposed. Carried. President Sue Goddard explained that the 5 issues originally proposed would be mailed out this year and further explained that no increase in subscription rates would be planned at this time. Subscription rate of 20.00 per year the present cost will continue.On motion by Mr. Galindo, seconded by Marlene Scott Halsey, any additional costs incurred on foreign or overseas mailings will be passed along to addressees, to avoid some postage losses we have experienced in the past on these foreign mailings. Unanimous vote, motion carried.ISSUE Guidelines for Summer SpecialtiesOlga Baker agreed to send to Board members a set of guidelines prepared by another breed club for review by Board members. On motion by Mr. Galindo, seconded by Dianne Johnson, Board votedPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9Gml dim Kernel, Reg'd.y.1 ' FXikr" awIi i ir i i yj V1 VARIETY GROUP1 FIRST \LFURNITURE CITY KENNEL CLUBAUCUST 1986 PHOTO Br fwdamiCh. Great Ems Prince Charming IIPrince winning Group 1 at High Point, NC under Mr. Forrest McCoy.Prince is at stud to approved bitches with Maynard Wood, Park Station, Waynesboro, VA 22980 [703 943-6905.Congratulations to Natalie Dunfee of Rte. 1, Enfield Hants Co., Nova Scotia, Canada, Bonino, for her new U.S. Champion, Great Elms Shining Star. Ponch holds the Canadian record for Poms with 16 Best in Shows. Ponch is co-owned by Carolyn Roberts of Chip-A-Way Kennels in Bluff City, TN. Carolyn bought him from me when he was a tiny pup. He is the 9th champion for Timstopper Too.Congratulations also to Dolores Watts of Brandywine, MD for her recent champion Watts' Little Jo Jo of Great Elms, the fourth champion for his dam, G.E. Honeybun and the 8th for Timstopper Too.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937704 889-9233 Pineville, NC 2813410 POMERANIAN REVIEWunanimously to table preparation of Summer Specialty guidelines until a later date.On motion by Mr. Galindo, seconded by Marlene Presser, Board voted unanimously to approve Nominating Committee of Dianne Johnson, Chairman Jacqueline Liddle and Jacque Klein, with alternates of Phyllis Andrews and Al Williamson. Unanimous vote.On motion by Dolores Watts, seconded by Marlene Presser, Board voted to purchase insurance coverage for the Club immediately, at approximate cost of 238 annually.ISSUE Summer SpecialtiesNo word from Tony Short regarding the 1987 Summer Specialty but letter was sent to Des Moines, giving permission for them to host the 1988 Summer Specialty. By Dolores Watts.On motion by Mr. Galindo, seconded by Dianne Johnson, Board voted unanimously to allow the San Diego Pomeranian Club to host the May 1987 Summer Specialty. Other Clubs must send in writing their requests. Both Northern Pom Club and the Des Moines Club have expressed interest in hosting a Summer Specialty soon.On motion by Mr. Galindo, seconded by Col. Cribbs, Board voted unanimously to accept the Hospitality Chairman's plans for the upcoming New York Specialty Show hospitality. Hospitality Chairman plans a different approach for 1987, to include a pre-show dinner on Saturday night, and a hospitality evening on Sunday.Show Secretary, Peter Galindo, presented his proposal for a contractual agreement to do our February Show. He made a motion that approval be given for 2 nights' lodging at Roosevelt Hotel rates, plus his round trip airfare, plus his Club dinner. Motion was seconded by Colonel Cribbs and carried unanimously. Mr. Galindo agreed to prepare a written contract to be sent immediately to Secretary Dolores Watts.President Sue Goddard announced her move to another area and reported the following address for after August 21st Tim and Sue Goddard, Box 540, Rte. 2, Opelousas, LA 70570,318543-6622.Colonel Cribbs indicated a need for APC elected officials to be in office for longer terms than as it now stands. He proposes 2year terms instead of 1 year terms for all elected officers and directors. This would involve a change in Constitution and By-Laws and would thus have to go out to general membership for vote. Motion to this effect was made by Col. Cribbs and seconded by Mr. Galindo. Motion carried unanimously.Chairman of Nominating Committee received permission from the Board to send this proposal out to the general membership along with the Nominating Committee's report to members.On duly-made motion, meeting adjourned.Respectfully submitted,Olga Baker, Recording SecretaryYips Yaps, con't from p. the offspring. And the situation is not improving it's destroying our breed.When I walk away from the ring, I like to have a good feeling about myself and my dog, Even if it doesn't take the show, I can sleep at night.Thank you Ruth Beam, for Great Elms bloodlines.Nancy MullensReferring to pg. 48 of September IssueGeorgian's Betty, U.D.T. finished her title in 1943, not in the "late 1940's." Does it make a difference Yes. In 1943 the Obedience Regulations stated that the jump heights were to be "in proportion to the size of the dog" and that the dog was required to climb the high jump going out and returning. There were no printed guidelines for judges, and each judge decided fhe most appropriate height. In 1947 the rules changed. Now the jump heights were set at VA times the height of the dog and the broad jump at 3 times the height of the dog, AND the dog for the first time was required to clear the jumps.Ch. Nino of Thelcolynn, U.D. finished his obedience title in 1962 not 1982 I suspect a typographical error here. Youre right. Sorry. Editor. In 1962, the minimum height of the high jump was 12 inches. Nino was A-A'A lbs. and may possibly have been 8 inches tall, although I doubt it. In any case, Mrs. Lambert's Sourdough Timothy U.D. and my Starlite's Betty Lue, U.D.T., "Dixie" had both continued on p. 77.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Poastyt m--Ch. Southland's Toast to Bev-NorSire Ch. Bev-Nods Toasted Fudge, No. 1 Pom '81, '82, '83.Dam Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Toasty's full sisterPoasty goes on vacation with Mom to the mountains of Colorado and comes home with a Croup 3 and Croup 4. Boy, was it fun teaming with my beloved Poasty. She will be shown on special occasions by her Mom.Poasty took Breed and Croup 4 at Grand Junction and Breed and Croup 3 at Aspen. Poasty is bred to Southland's Toasted Fudge major pointed, her half brother.OwnerBreederHandlerCharlotte CreedSouthland Poms "Rays of Sunshine" 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Co-OwnerJudi Boston Payne Sonnenschein Kennels 13548 Castleton Dallas, TX 7523412 POMERANIAN REVIEWLynn1xkI' ISB li... a wLynnwright's JanesaCh. Bev-Nods Toasted Fudge x Lynnwright's Miracle WorkerLynn is pictured going Winners Bitch in Aspen, Colorado after going Best of Winners the previous day. She also took a Croup 1 at the Alexandria KC Match.OwnerJANESA'S POMSJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381BreederCindy Shilham Donna Lynn Wright13 POMERANIAN REVIEWTrendsettermtmMmm-Kmmnr" mK ' Urr ' jr ss mr am _-aimtmilrtJrraBSiitr-fJanesa'sTrendsetterCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Janesa's Sunkist RunnerWatch for the "Trend" in Colorado. Janesa's Trendsetter goes on vacation in Colorado and finds a new home with Judy O'Neal and Kay Dickerson.Watch for this super black and tan boy.BreederJANESA'S POMSJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 7038114 POMERANIAN REVIEWSpeedy.J1 5Ida's Touch of Bev-NorCh. Bev-NoKs Toastmaster x Ida's Lil Magnolia Blossom"Speedy" makes his debut in the ring, causing quite a commotion. His first time out he was Best in Sweepstakes under breeder-judge Janice Luginsland at the Houston Pom Specialty. Then he got a4 point major and BOW under judge Frank Oberstar at the Houston Specialty all from the 6-9 Puppy Dog class. The next weekend out he took three BOBs over specials and then another BOW. Speedy only needs 3 points to finish and will probably be finished by publication time.BreederOwnerIda Tarver 10272 Cordon St. Pineville, LA 71360 318 443-3733Co-OwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEW 15Lil Toasty- rV- 2 ' 14 Southland's Toasted FudgeSire Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge, No. 1 Pom '81, '82, '83Dam Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil, Breed and Croup placerSouthland's Toasted Fudge major pointed gets Best Opposite Sex to his half sister, Ch. Southland's Toast to Bev-Nor under noted judge Jean Fancy while on vacation in Colorado. "Lil Toasty" is bred to "Poasty" and he is producing gorgeous puppies. Stud Fee 150.00.OwnerBreederHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Co-OwnerBreederBeverly Norris Bev-Nor Poms 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301255-134316 POMERANIAN REVIEWNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUBby Ruth BugbeeDateline Holderness, New HampshireIt's September 10 and the leaves are already beginning to turn here in New England for what promises to be a fabulous display in early October when the leaf tours start. After the worst summer, for lack of sun, in 93 years according to the Portland, Maine T.V. weatherman we are seeing chilly but glorious days this last week of our stay. It's definitely "cozy fire" time each evening. Chipper and I are preparing for the plane ride back to California on Sunday. Hopefully it will be a smoother trip than our arrival. My husband left last Thursday after three fun-filled, hectic weeks of fishing, boating, flying and socializing with friends here in town. I'm still trying to figure a way to have Les come twice each summer so he can help open and close the cottage with me. I've started mothballing and putting away the linens. The hardest part is planning the food to the end and then ending up with an empty refrigerator the last day.Becaus.e weather has been so unpredictable and gloomy, I only attended one show this summer. Chipper wasn't shown as he had shed out and I think specials should always look their best. My good friend, Barbara Barfield, from Meredith, New Hampshire breeds Labrador Retrievers, owns Scrimshaw Kennels and is a member of Lake Region Kennel Club. Over the years I've met some delightful members through her kind introductions. They made me feel so comfortable and welcome. This year I was included in the work force and had the fun of selling catalogs and visiting with people from all over the country as they finished the six show New England circuit. I did get to watch Poms after lunch. It was a small but nice entry of 4 dogs and 2 bitches under Mrs. Tom Cately. The open bitch, Chula's Lullaby of Dragon, owned by B. Bell took WB, BOW and BOB. Mike-Mar's Struttin' Stuff, owned by P. Peters was WD and BOS. I enjoyed a lovely day surrounded by neat people and nice dogs and the SUN was shining a rare happening this season.Being a former Lab owner, I still have a big soft spot for the breed. I spent a great deal oftime with Barbara and her dogs. This summer she had 2 litters for me to play with. The first litter of 6 bitches 2 yellows, 4 blacks are 51j weeks old now and all but one are spoken for. The 3 week old all black litter of 5 girls and 4 boys and half spoken for, too. Scrimshaw Kennels is a quality operation with a consistently good show, field and obedience record. Barbara is a very knowledgeable breeder with 34 years experience, 24 of them as a breeder. Spending time with her is not only fun but always an education. My Chipper spent 2Vi of his 4 years with our old Lab, so he feels right at home with Barb's house dogs. Labrador Quarterly Magazine honored Barbara as one of three Breeders of the Year in 1984, so if any Pom people ever want to add a Lab to the household, she'd be a wonderful source person to contact for openers.I've had very little news on the Pom Summer Specialty which I am sure will be well covered in this issue by someone who attended.I had great news last night from California. Mark Presser and his new wife, Nancy, joined his folks on the Oregon-Cascade Circuit and Mark finished a CD degree on Jubilee's Firecracker the dog Mark and I now co-own in 3 straight shows with scores of 189, 191.5 and 181.5. He accomplished this with little practice, as Mark's priorities have been centered on his July wedding and honeymoon. I'm really proud of little "Crackers" and Mark. One of these days I want to share this nice young man's obedience story with all of you. It's a remarkable one.Lillian Muller's Ch. Muller's Encore took a BOB on the circuit and her Miller's Miss Leading Lady became a new champion. Great going Sandy Logan handled a handsome black male owned and bred by Dolly Trauner, Phyner Bust My Buttons, and put back to back 5 point majors on him. Dolly really has the winning black formula. Congratulations Apolloette's Gambler took 3 out of 5 available BOBs and a Group 4 on the same circuit. He's a solid little boy and moves so nicely. Looks as though NCPC members had a nice trip north.I found out last evening that NCPC will be having a Board meeting the night after I return to California. It must be my "welcome home."HMPOMERANIAN REVIEW 17Sweetheart PomeraniansVsa Puppies available from black and tan breedings.Black male, out of Parti female 350.00.Two champion sired males 250.00 per. Pet homes only. Ch. Patrick's Mr. Larry Ch. Chriscendo's Western ExpressKATHY CARROLL P.O. Box 131525 Tyler, TX 75713 214 566-464818 POMERANIAN REVIEWActually we will be getting the premium lists ready for the November 20th NCPC specialty. Please note, when you receive them, we have had a change of Show Chairman and Secretary. Our own Ann Hayden will be at the helm. She's a hard working gal who will give her all to make this an outstanding event. We know you have already set aside the date. Should you somehow be missed in our mailing, please write to Ann Hayden, 2595 Oakmont Drive, San Bruno, CA 94066 or give her a call at [415 952-2862.I must get this up to our Post Office so I can make the deadline and keep our Editor happy. Thanks See you in November.BAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Claire FlesnerWe had a very successful B-OB Sanctioned Match on September 13, 1986. It was held at the home of Charles and Amy McKay in Foxboro, MA. We couldn't have asked for more beautiful weather and the number of entries matched the weather 20 breed and 11 obedience entries. Obedience Judge was Frank Farinacci. High Scoring dog was Gladys Dykstra's Roxy with a 193, and Glady's Cupid got a 191. Other qualifying Poms were Betty Richardson's J.R. with a 156, Fran Richardson's Megan, 156 Karen Shaver's Miggins, 155 and Evelyn Farinacci's Jodi, whose score I didn't get.Breed Judge Don Gill had 20 beautiful Poms to make his day difficult. All the Poms were just too lovely for words. The results from the breed judging werePuppy Dogs 3-61. Polar Bear, Serena Chrisjohn2. Cherpa, Garrett O'Dell3. Jamie, Nola Williams4. Jason, Nola Williams Puppy Dogs 6-91. Nigel, Jessie and Barbara Young2. Mikey, Brandy Richardson3. Skipper, Serena Chrisjohn Puppy Bitches 3-6 months1. Karadarn's Holly Terror, Paula Payson Puppy Bitches 6-91. Lisa, Fran Richardson2. Chantelle, Lisa FrascaPuppy Bitches 9-12 months1. Emmy's Gloria of Tiny Tykes, Trudy Adair Best Puppy Nigel Novice Dogs1. J.R., Betty Richardson2. Karadarn's Joe Kool, Paula Payson Open Dogs1. Randy, Ina Kniffin2. C.B., Karen Shaver Novice Bitches1. Megan, Fran Richardson2. Ivy Marie, Brandy Richardson3. Bell's Karadarn Jenna W, Paula Payson Best Adult RandyBest in Match Nigel This was just about the largest entry we have even had for a match. It was a great day all around. We all enjoyed the food that Fran Richardson had prepared. Most of all, we enjoyed the company of all our Pom friends and their owners.Bay Colony members have been busy in the show rings this summer.Gladys Dykstra got 2 Utility legs on Roxy in Canada and her Cupid got her Canadian C.D. Evelyn Faranacci's Jodi got her Canadian CD also. Tommi Hooban finished two Poms, Ch. Tomho Apricot Strut and Ch. Tomho Alabaster Coyote. Jessie and Barbara Young's Serius Persimmon has picked up 8 points in August and September. Claudia Braczyk and Irene Bennet finished Ch. Sun Fox Life's A Party in August. Ina Kniffin picked up 2 points on My Mandy of Tiny Tykes at Wallkill and Claire Flesner's Silver Meadow's Mr. Randy picked up his first point in August at Lowell.Many of us will continue showing our dogs in Breed and Obedience this fall and winter. We'll have another B-OB match in March and our annual Specialty will be May 9, 1987 in West Springfield, MA in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club. Judges will be announced later.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Irene HarbinAs the Stephens have not elected to continue their membership in our Club, I will take over the column-writing duties until another active club member can volunteer. The officers for the 1986-87 year arecontinued on p. 48.POMERANIAN REVIEW 19Animations Lucy Little1V.i..VBEST of BREEDiCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Ch. Emcee's Suss'AnnaLucy is shown winning Best of Breed for a major at 10 months of age. Thank you Mrs. Joan Cordon Alexander. Her other wins include41186 Dan Emmett KC, Mrs. Betty Dexter BOB 52386 Bushy Run KC, Mrs. Evelyn B. Peterson BOB 6 886 Rubber City KC, Miss Anna K. Nicholas WB, BOS 62586 Erie KC, Mr. Maxwell Riddle BOWShe needs only a major to finish but is at home growing a new coat for the winter shows.Congratulations to Bonnie Stetson on your first champion, Crystal Jewel Tiara, sired by Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy.Lorinda Vasuta Animation Kennels216 762-756763 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 4431020 POMERANIAN REVIEWtomhor-7 eP1y- jrii fiiVXJb'BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYHOCKAMOCKJ kennel clubJUNE1986taTHAM Pt0'tomho alabaster coyote"coyote" is pictured above winning bob over specials under bill bergum. coyote has won bob over specials 5 times and has gone on to 2 group placements from the classes, this cream male is proven, and his breeder-owner looks forward to showing his daughter from his first litter "tomho rose ann delight."flash now a champion pending a.k.c. confirmation.coyote is bred and owned bytomfo pomeranians tommi fiooban 7 sfiaron avenue ncnjbfli, ma 02056POMERANIAN REVIEW 21tom hoi'llW4^A^ja n-r^u ITAVitfKSC"j M\yjSi ftrS'j 3FCr'Si-.tmis- N m mtomho apricot strut"strut" is pictured above winning the toy group under sari tietjen. this win finished his championship in grand style, watch for this promising young male as a special when he finishes his "year shed."tomw pomeranians tommi fiooban 7 sharon avenue noijbtkma 0205622 POMERANIAN REVIEWMAXWELL RIDDLE SPEAKS OUTSome months ago, the American Kennel Club came out with a new rule on disqualifications. Hereafter, a dog must be disqualified three times before it is officially disqualified by the AKC. The rule is designed to stop cheating by exhibitors who are willing to perjure themselves on the records.Under the old method, the exhibitor appealed to AKC, which then set up a committee of three, usually with a veterinarian as a memja^r, to make an official determination. The owner of the dog had to swear that the dog brought before the committee was the dog which had been disqualified.Since the committee members would have to take the word of the exhibitor, this gave the cheaters a clear path. And AKC became well aware that this was happening.But despite the intentions of those who drew up the rule, it seems to me that it is not well advised, and that it may lead to more problems than it was designed to solve. A first reaction of many judges has been "Wh-y bother to disqualify at all"Not all judges bother to do so now. And the feeling is that owners of disqualified dogs will have no trouble in finding judges who will pass their dogs without bothering even to consider disqualification. So my own guess is that many judges who now conscientiously apply disqualification rules may no longer do so.Kerry Blue Terriers are born black, as are Yorkshire Terriers in the blanket part of their coats. In both breeds, the black must turn to blue by the age of 18 months or the dog must be disqualified. Kerries can, however, have black in specified areas.Say a judge disqualifies a dog. The owner can take the dog home, and can add enough blue color by the clever use of dyes so that the dog can be reinstated. Why shouldn't the dog be submitted to study before a committee at that showOf course, the cheating could be stopped in another way. That would be to require any exhibitor who planned to appeal to have anose print, or to have the dog tattooed, at the show where the disqualification was made.The owner or exhibitor of the dog would have the rule explained at the time of disqualification. If he or she got neither the nose print nor the tattoo at the show, no appeal would be permitted. It is worth mentioning that the Canadian Kennel Club requires either the nose print or the tattoo in certain cases. Why then, should AKC ignore this certain method of identifying a dogThe October issue of Old English Times carried a quarter-page bit of advice for new exhibitors. The title, in oversized heavy black print reads"Helpful hint No. 7. Carefully train your OES to make the most of his assets in the conformation ring, and always strive for the highest possible award."Nothing wrong with that, so far, except maybe if "its" replaced "his" it might include both sexes. But then, read on"If your breed judge is doing Croup or Best in Show, let him know you'd really like to win."Women judges are apparently excluded. But shouldn't the author of this helpful hint have added that if you are willing to be dishonest, you ought to tell the judge how much you are willing t pay for the higher awardsCORRECTIONIn the September 1986 issue, on pages 40 and 41, I accidentally reversed the photos.Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Idolmaker is actually the dog pictured on page 41 and Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan High Style is pictured on page 40.My sincerest apologies to Dana Plonkey and Randy Cemmill, the owners of these two nice dogs. The EditorPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2Cfiu Crystal Jewel TiaraGrVrV_Ch. Yankee Doodle Dandy x Honey's Tootsie AngelTia was finished at Vi months of age from the puppy class. I wish to thank the following judges Mrs. Dawn Vick Hansen, WB, BOS, 2 pts. Mrs. Frank Oberstar, WB, 4 pts. Mr. Edward Klein, WB, BOS, 3 pts. Mrs. Sadie Thorn, WB, BOS, 2 pts. Mrs. Connie Bosold, WB, BOS, 1 pts. and Mrs. Lorraine Heichel Masley, WB, BOW, BOS, 3 pts.I also wish to thank Judy Shearer for allowing me to have this wonderful girl, and a special thanks to Lorinda Vasuta for grooming, training, co-handling and especially for putting up with me. Tia and I love you both.OwnerBonnie Stetson 852 Lakewood Blvd. Akron, OH 44314 216 753-9331BreederJudy A Shearer 523 Miller Ave. Sugarcreek, OH 44681 216 852-41364 POMERANIAN REVIEWAutumn's Pomeraniansproudly presents our first champion'NrJitCh. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara"Lil Bit" is our first show quality Pom. Acquired at the age of 16 months, he was already a pro in the ring and I simply followed him around. We thought we were finished in August of last year, however somebody goofed and it took us nine months more to get that last point "Bits" has a total of four BOB one of which is from the Open class over specials, one BOS and a Croup 3. He is a proven sire and his puppies show great promise.OwnerHandlerEmily Untalan 10255 S.W. KableSt. Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-1730My Daughter and PartnerLaura Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Ave. Portland, OR 97219 503 246-2448POMERANIAN REVIEW 2J \Autumn's Pomeraniansproudly presents our second championm - \LiiyVCh. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar"Boo," as he is known to all his friends, is a happy-go-lucky, 4 lb., red sable male. He was a consistent Reserve Winner as a youngster, then in July he went on a roll and finished in four shows. Our many thanks to all the judges who admired him and especially to Mr. James Moran and Ruth Davidson. Boo has a beautiful front and rear, cobby body and sound legs. He is at stud to approved matrons. See his pedigree in Behind The New Champions.OwnerHandlerLaura Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Ave. Portland, OR 97219 503 246-2448Vancouver, WA, July 14, BOW 5 pts.Sammamish, WA, Aug. 24, WD 2 pts.Roseburg, OR, Aug. 29, BOW 5 pts.Eugene, OR, Aug. 30, BOW 5 pts.pending AKC approval Mo"1 and PartnerEmily Untalan 10255 S.W. KableSt. Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-17306 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's name, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all information to Jhe Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.CH. AUTUMN'S RED BLAZE OF BI-MARRed Sable MaleOwner Laura Untalan, Portland, OR Breeder Mary RosenbaumCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidInt. Ch. Sunras Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket By JJ of Andrews Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Bi-Mar Happy Hooligan of Bradley Bradley's Naughty Marietta Bi-Mar Kat BallouCh. Golden Glow Nip Bi-Mar Gidget of Que SeraCh. Que Sera CiGi of Golden ClowCH. BANDBOX PRUF'S PRECIOUS PEARLCream FemaleOwners R. Babe McCombs and Nancy BartholomewCh. Wee Moneymaker of Southmont Ch. Li'l GuyTraveler's Katina Ch. Lil Guy's Hundr'd PrufCan. Ch. Pomirish Pooh Bear's HunyBear NPomirish Cream Puffs Carry On Ch. Pomirish Cream Puff Adkins White Wolf of Windy White Frosty of Meeklenburg Adkins Wee White Windy Lennis Bandbox DweezelRosewood's Timstopper Top Cat Kamalans Miss Flower Great Elms Miss PiggyCH. BI-MAR BIT OF TASSAJARARed Sable MaleOwner Emily Untalan, Portland, OR Breeder Mary RosenbaumCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidInt. Ch. Sunras Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket By JJ of Andrews Ch. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Co-Starlyn Newsmaker Ch. Bonner's Starcrest Coquette Bi-Mar Starlyn NewsflashCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Lennis's Great Elms Angel Great Elms Angel of LenetteCH. MOE-BEST REPEAT SINSATIONOrange MaleOwner Dolores A. WattsBreeder Terri MoebuisMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandy of Edney Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Edney's Moe Best Special OrderCh. C. Elms Timstoppefs Image Postscript's Aft'R'Noon Delight Edney's Miss Pattycake Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Edney's Moe Best Special Order Postscript's Aft'R'Noon Delight Ch. Moe Best Constant AttentionCheridel's Pomesto Remember Me Pomesto Cassandra Pomesto SweetieViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2r\IIp iJr.. ,a , .v."'H 1m mm mi, best in showST JOSEPH KCBEST IN SHOW 3232A heavenly two days in Missouri back to back Best in Shows.Lawrence Jayhawk Kennel Club August 23, 1986 Breed Mr. Alfred E. Treen Toy Croup Mr. James L. Vaughters, Sr. Best in Show Mr. Alfred E. TreenSt. Joseph Kennel Club August 24, 1986 Breed Mrs. Lena B. Wiseman Toy Croup Mrs. James E. Clark Best in Show Mrs. Merle E. Smith picturedBreederOwnersClaudia Pfeffer P.O.Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 7018'Handler Kathy Bucher1 POMERANIAN REVIEW1. MOONSHADOW'S EYE OF THE TIGERrange MalewnerBreeders Paul and Sandra Logan, esno, CACh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duki. Queenaire Coup D'Etat Ch. Model's Red Sultan Queenaire Ruby Ruby Queenaire Luvy Duk Ch. Model's Mr. Roberts Ch. Model's Red Sultan Majestic April Love jeenaire Ruby RubyBlossom Views Proud Promise Queenaire Luvy Duk Queenaire Dark Velveti. SCOTIA A BIT OF CONSOLATIONearn Sable Female wner Dolores A Watts eeder EdnaCirardotTono's May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Zodiac's Cavalier Commander Ch. Cavs Sensational Conquest otia Command Performance Ch. Hadleigh's Little Robin Ch. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy Girl Scotia Caviller's Big Mama Ch. Toy Town's Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Varney's Special CavalierCh. Cavs Sensational Conquest1. Zodiac Cavalier CenterpieceCh. Toy Town's Dandy Corn Duke Ch. Luell's Cinderella of Duke Toy Town's Cuppi of JeribethH. TOMHO ALABASTER COYOTEearn MalewnerBreeder Tommi Hooban, Norfolk, ACh. Great Elms Timstopper Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie illbrook's Sauci TopperCh. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Millbrook's White Flair Ch. Spungold's Timstopper Pal Tinklers Beauregard Tinkler's Nischka nkler's EvitaCh. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Ace Hi's Royal Jasmine Ace Hi's Wendy MistCH. TOMHO APRICOT STRUTOrange MaleOwners Tommi Hooban and Betty Mahaffy Breeder Mildred A. StraitStrait's Black Beauty III Ch. Strait's Love Bug Strait's High Hope Strait's Daniel of AshwoodWillowas Mr. Snow Business Strait's Red PrincessBrown's Lucky Little Cindy Brown's Little Dragonfly Strait's Wee DragonflyDragonfly's Petite Yvonne Strait's Honey BeeBrown's Black Winkie Strait's CiCiBrown's Little Cindy LouCH. WATTS LITTLE JO-JO OF G. ELMSOrange Sable Owner Dolores A. Watts Breeder Ruth BeamCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Great elms Timstopper TooCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Great Elms Wee Julie Tiny Tos Sissie Joy Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn Great Elms HoneybunCh. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Great Elms Tan Fanny of Lennis DeBurger's Wee Ebony CheetaMail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751 If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620POMERANIAN REVIEW 29Ptfmernnmnsmtr ^00'^iiags IJCooltgart J5abraLyn-Lee Dimitry of Pixie's x Mercer's Allyssa of Doo-ShayTake Mr. Dan Mercer's prudent breeding and put it together with a precious "Pixie" Pom, and you come up with a Doo-Shay winner At exactly 6 months of age, Sabra went WB and our monstrous rich red sable is off and runnin'l A big thank you to Dan Mercer and Carol Calavich Pixie's. Thank you to Evelyn Conley for letting me love Demi such a short moment.Doo-Shay Designer Genes will be "on sale" no longer Chic is now in the home of Jose A. Cabrara of Miami, FL. Jordache is with the Sabourin's in Midland, Ml and Levi with Connie Riechhoff, Southfield, Ml. Wrangler is still home with us. Good luck to all of you.Shannon Johnson6270 Tripp Rd. Holly, Ml 48442 313 634-1331n30 POMERANIAN REVIEWTim Sue Pomeranians LLL Rockys Brass GumdropYou met me last issue and now I have a Best in Sweepstakes Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club Specialty and a big 4 point major at just under 7 months of age.Come visit me at. . .Tim Sue PomeraniansRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Tim Sue Pomeranianshii tmTim Sues Sunshine SabrinaJolly Wee Duke of the West xCh. Tim Sue's Angel SabrinaExpertly handled by co-owner Carolyn Crockett, she recently went Winners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty. She has both majors and will be back to finish after her puppy whelping shed.Tim Sue PomeraniansRt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318543-6622POMERANIAN REVIEWJV'OBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906We have another Pom with a 200 to its redit. Well, sort of anyway. Mary Vickers ports that Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp DX has received a 200 award from the Pom lub of Greater Baltimore. It seems their club as a system of awarding points for such chievements as High in Trial, HS Toy, Class lacements, HS Pom, finishing titles, etc. luggy earned 200 points from June 15, 1985 irough April 7, 1986. He did this by winning l the trials he entered 2 HS Pom, 2 4th HS oy, 3 3rd HS Toy, 6 2nd HS Toy and 5 1st HS oy awards. Mary told me in February she'd et that 200 this year on Huggy and she wasn't kidding Mary also earned the Horizon .ward with a total of 226 Pom Points which Iso included Joy's 18 points and Nani's 8 oints. Way to go, Mary1 can't resist repeating a portion of a letter .lice Lessard wrote to me in July. It expresses ny feelings and those of many other people ery well. "I never dreamed there were so lany Poms in Obedience I wish someday in ny life time we could have a specialty with Ibedience. Presently, I am the only one ampaigning any Poms in California, and I nust admit that I really do enjoy the iniqueness, but I also would enjoy seeing ither Poms working. You might say I want my ake and eat it too." How many other Pom leople feel this way I'm sure that someday, naybe sooner than anyone believes possible, ve will have Obedience at a Pom Specialty. 1 or one don't plan to miss it.Alice reports she went to Caines Western tegional in Fresno, CA, but without Natsu. ^bout a week before Caines, Natsu fell off the vaterbed and dislocated her hip. Needless to ay, there were no Poms at the Western tegional, but there's always next year in Salt .ake City. The next weekend she went to the ixpo Shows in Canada. There Geisha took lome a trophy for HS Pomeranian at the firstNational Specialty for the Pomeranian Club of Canada with a score of 195 from Novice B. Geisha has now earned her Canadian CD. Zannie-Annie took the Breed two days from the junior puppy class and Best Puppy in Breed for five days. She also took Best Puppy in Group V Sweeps. So Alice had quite a successful and fun vacation in Canada and naturally will be going back next year to finish Zannie-Annie's championship and get her CD, plus work on Ceisha's CDX. And next year Natsu will be going along, tooMargaret McKee has written to let us know that a dog she bred, Idlewyld Wild Bill Cody, owned by Carolyn Edwards, got his second leg toward his CDX at the Virginia Beach KC by taking 1st in Novice B. Carolyn showed a Pom many years ago and put 2 UD legs on it before retiring the dog due to illness. Wild Bill hasn't been out since waiting for cooler weather, but it's wonderful to have Carolyn back out at the shows It sounds like we'll have another UD contender before too long. Also, after one full year of trying everything imaginable, Margaret's Pooh Bear has finally caught on to scent discrimination and is using his NOSE Co Pooh, Co Now it wasn't really all that difficult, was it PoohMary Morris of Holland, Michigan is out on the circuit again. Mr. Bo's broken leg has healed up very nicely, and he and Jasmine are again knockingthem dead in Novice A. Earlier this summer Mr. Bo was the only dog qualifying in Novice A in a fun match they entered. Again at a later match Mr. Bo took 2nd and Jasmine took 4th in Novice A. I have to give Mary alot of credit. Not only is she a novice handler showing her first dog in Obedience, but she's showing two at one time and placing with both of them Since then Mr. Bo was entered in his second Trial, first since his accident Aug. 23 in Muskegon, Ml. There he earned his first leg with a 189 from Novice A and took 4th place. Now that he's got one leg, Mary is already working on him to retrieve the dumbell coming up in Open work.There were some Poms entered in the Obedience Trials during the Pom Specialty shows in the Portland area this past July. Janet Kunkle lead the way with Trivial Pursuit CD Webster. His entries for the Saturday and Sunday Trials were lost, but on Monday he gotPOMERANIAN REVIEWCan. Ch. Chriscendo Cachet^ rn, first]uUl 29Am. Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere"Peaches" is shown winning Best Puppy in Show, on her way to her title at just 6V4 months, handled by John Heartz. Her wins include 7 Best Puppy in Show, 3 Group Firsts and several placements.These puppies were pictured in the April Review. Litter sister, Chriscendo Captivation is also on her way to her title for her new owner, James Butler, Topaze Poms.Congratulations to Can. Cm. Ch. Chriscendo Classique and co-owner Judy Green. "Amber" finished with 4 majors and BOB over specials. She is a younger sister to Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere, dam of the above girls.Amber's litter sister Chriscendo Castile is at home awaiting her first litter, sired by Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment.CHRISCENDO, Reg'dJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz 902895-7427P.O. Box 1259, Truro, N.S.Canada, B2N 5N2q^S^4 POMERANIAN REVIEWlis first leg from Open A with a 195.5, good inough for 3rd place. I haven't heard, but night there be a Dog World Award in the naking here Linda Gallacher had her iunswept Hot Fudge Sundae entered and they tut on two beautiful performances. Unfor- unately, in one trial he broke the SitStay don't you just love Open, Linda. The other rial he lost his dumbell in the grass. After lutting on a simply magnificent display of racking skills in order to locate it, he was so ager that he anticipated the jump on the next ixercise and non-qualified. Linda says she ilans to make a career of Open A In the neantime, she has a new Parti bitch called .ady Di's Life of the Party, "Bizzy." There was mother Pom entered we may be hearing from lamed "Powderpuff Charlie" handled by a unior handler.In the July Pom Review it was reported that Cristen Kvamme had finished her CD on Cedar Slen's Piccolo Pete. Now she's also finished ler CD on Ch. Cedar Glen's Fancy Flair. The jreeder is Alicia Kvamme her mom and Nora Higbee. Although Kristen is not an APC nember yet, she is also active in Junior Showmanship. We also reported in the July ssue that Reynaldo Domingo in Hawaii had a eg on Hy Jan-Lee's Archie of Ardee breeder, anet Cox. He has now finished his CD with he very nice scores of 187, 195.5 and 3rd ulace, and 196. Congratulations Does anyone enow if this is the first Obedience titled Pom Tom HawaiiLois Markassel has finished a CD on her jitch Kessel's Dandelion Down breeder, 3etty Mason. We don't know much about her Dut she showed in the Dakota states. LaRae 3rown also finished a CD on her bitch Larae's Vlidee breeder, Melody Jackson. Breeder- Dwner Nellie Rouse earned a CD on her bitch house's Minda Doll Jango Ch. Savage's Cay Lavalier Bo Jangle CD x Rouse's Black Mandy. Minda Doll's first leg was a 179 and 1th place, then she went on to receive 192.5 and 190. Nellie and Minda Doll are from Illinois.Note Roz Coltz and Margaret McKee have more company with their dual titled Champion and Obedience titled dogs. Add Kristen Kvamme to that list. Does anyone know the owner andor handler of Ch.Savage's Cay Cavalier Bo Jangle CDRuth Beam, respected breeder who was honored at the 1986 National Pomeranian Specialty in New York, has entered our honor roll of breeders of Obedience titled Poms. Spunky Lee, a bitch out of Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too x Great Elms Honeybun, proudly owned by Doris Colder has finished her CD with scores of 193.5 and 3rd place, 175 and 194.5 I'm sure many of us have dogs which originate from the Great Elms line, but it's wonderful to see a dog directly from that breeding earning Obedience titles. Ruth, is this the first for youThere's one more Pom I've heard about that's still working on her CD from Novice A. She's Sunrunner's Pattycake Pom, owned by M. Stephens in New Mexico. Her first leg was a 191.5, good for 3rd place April 13 in Rio Pecos. Her second leg was a 198 and High in Trial coming from Novice A Now tell me, how do you top that We're hoping to hear more about this fabulous little girl.In the Utility ring Diane Bauman's Abra earned her first leg on her UD May 31 at Huntington Valley, PA with a 192.5 and 2nd place. If anyone is in the area, you might be interested to know that Abra and Diane are definitely going to be in the Gaines Classic this year in Open competition.A big congratulations goes out to three hard-working and oft-showing members of the APC, Alice Lessard, Judy Green and Mary Vickers. For those of you die-hard Obedience people who read Front and Finish, you'll find that they were honored on pages 18 and 19 of the September 1986 issue for their earning a place in the Shuman System of ranking the top Obedience dogs in the country. Of the top Pomeranians, Lessard's Little Geisha Girl UD placed second with 112 Shuman points, Judy's Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey CDX now UD placed third with 77 points, and Mary Vicker's Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp CDX placed fourth with 52 Shuman points. These points were awarded based on scores earned during 1985 in Open and Utility only. Mary and Judy even have a picture printed. Also ranking first among the Poms and 9th overall among the Toy Croup was J. Ceeslin and D. Crain's OTCh Twinkle Little Super Star UD. You'll remember reading about Twinkle in the April 86 Pom continued on p. 52.POMERANIAN REVIEW.m fOK'-vMK3BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYTATHAMatfe^VAV'-. ,Champion Sun Fox Lifes A PartyCh. Ednes Moe-Best Special Order x Sun Fox Lennis The Right StuffOwner Irene Bennett Co-Owner Claudia Braczyk"LiI Chance" finished this summer in short order, taking the Breed several times over specials. Congratulations to Irene, his new owner, and thanks to Joyce McComisky his handler. More show information later when available. He is now being specialed watch for him at the shows. We are especially excited about his title since he is our first homebred champion. "Lil Chance" was co-bred by Terri Moebuis.A fond farewell to Terri Moebuis, Moe-Best Poms, who leaves the breeding scene. Your friendship and honesty are greatly treasured. Best of luck with "Dixie," another Sun Fox Lennis The Right Stuff puppy. Her littermate, "Baby," will hopefully be making her show debut later this year. These are two dynamite little girls We are proud to have their dam, Stuffy, back at our kennel.A belated congratulations to Dianne Johnson of Silva Lade, on her Kennel Visit. We wish you the good fortune of many more ChampionsSeveral free-whelping broods for sale. Inquiries invited.Best of luck at the showspending AKC confirmation.Claudia and Ed Braczyk 603 672-065549 Sterns Road Amherst, NH 03031POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 12600 SE 88th 21 Clackamas, OR 97015Summer is winding down and it's dark lutside when I get up. The Poms look at me nd say, "What's with you Don't you know 's the middle of the night" Dolly has to be lushed out the door. I agree it is too early, but have no choice and neither does she. She omplains louder than I do, so I let her in to atch a few more winks.A new Northwest Champion, Autumn's Red Haze of Bi-Mar finished with his third 5 point najor at the Umpqua Kennel Club show, inder judge Jim Moran. After much careful onsideration judge Moran picked Ch. Bi-Mar iit of Tassajara as Best of Breed. "Lil Bit" is wned by Emily Untalan and "Boo" is owned y her daughter, Laura. Both are sons of Mary losenbaum's Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, and vere bred by Mary. Congratulations.Visitors Jean Verhage and Anna LaFortune vent home from the Specialty trip with new hampions. Both finished at the Willamette Cennel Club show. Ch. Sissons Silver Coin II is o-owned by Jean and Marion Razzanno. Ch. Cazar Short Stop is Anna's.I have some corrections to make. In the July ssue, I wrote about the Puget Sound 3omeranian Club and its history. I credited Dr. Charles Wilson with the Northwest's first slack champion. Dr. Wilson did have Washington's first black champion, Ch. vlidnightof Point Loma. The Northwest's first vas Ch. Goldpaz Captain Midnight, bred and swned by Joy LeCompt. I also reported C.J.'s sadora the Northwest's first black and tan champion. Again I meant Washington's first. Sh. Westmost's Black Jack, bred, owned and shown by Bea and Wayne Coerge was the first o finish in the Northwest. Another Northwest alack and tan finished earlier in the midwest and then came back to Oregon. He was bred by Margaret McKune and was one of the first, if not the first, black and tan in the UnitedStates. His name is Ch. Rainbow's Willowmar Hi Ho. Hi Ho is now owned by John Nye and with his grand son, Rainbow's Taco Hi, form a beautiful brace.Problems come in threes. My third error is in the issue I have not yet seen, where I reported that Bi-Mar Shawn had also finished. Sorry, he lacks one point. Again I say I apologize for the inaccuracies. I hope that the owners of the old champions will forgive me.Now it's my turn to comment. We who write for the Review struggle to find topics of interest, educational or informative value or just entertainment to present to you. I can count on the fingers of my two hands the times that someone has called me to say, I liked your last article. But let me forget something or make an error, and the phone rings before I have finished reading the article in question. The Review columnists need your input before we write. A postcard with show results, a note saying my dog won under judge Jones and including the other winning Poms that day with the name and date of the show would be a big help. A new baby, an interesting seminar, anything that will interest the readers would be so very welcome.Barbara Brown's son Shane has an exciting win to report. He went to the Fair at Puyallup with his collie, Casey and came away with Reserve Champion. He will be going back to compete in the finals. Shane is nine years old. Nice going Shane and the Brown family, who support their children in their activities.Coming events The Columbia Pom Club Sanctioned B Match, November 1, 1986 at Jantsen Beach Mall.The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club's second A-AO Match November 9, 1986 at the Lake City Community Club.The Columbia Pomeranian Club winter Specialty in conjunction with the Portland Kennel Club Bench Show, December 7, 1986.I just received the September issue of the Review. I stopped to read it cover to cover. Thank you for all the kind words about our Summer Specialties. We worked hard to put on these shows and you came and made them wonderful by your participation. To many it was the first time they had seen glorious Poms in such numbers. Everyone was inspired and we are studying the pictures and the continued on p. 48.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3it----------------------------------------------------------1Twin Pines PomeraniansIn The Heart of Pom CountryCh. Twin Pines Bruni Bearcongratulates his sonLinros Spark of Hopeon his recent big winBest in ShowEssex County Kennel Club Leamington, Ontario, Canada Judge Mr. T. WurmserJohn and Lillian Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643DO YOU WANT THE PERFECT POMa perfect gift for ChristmasGoa1actual size 12 in. x 58 in. approx.14K Gold Pendant or Tie Tac is only 55.00 Price Subject to Current Cold Prices.Please send me_______ "A Perfect Pom" Pendant 55.00_______ "A Perfect Pom" Tie Tac 55.00_______ "A Perfect Pom" Earrings 95.00Postage and Handling pre-paid and insured for the amount of purchase.SEND CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TOHLGreater Oklahoma Pomeranian Club Inc.P.O.Box 10942 Oklahoma City, OK 73145 _f8 POMERANIAN REVIEWValcopy Wakhan"Some are born to greatness . . .1'-JwCh. Patricks Mr. DallasThe Champion who never won a single point.July 6 Dog Fanciers Assn, of Oregon, Mrs. E.W. Tipton 5 points July 10 Columbia Pom Club Specialty, Jacqueline Klein 5 points July 13 Greater Clark Co. Kennel Club, Fred Bassett 5 pointsDana Plonkey 14815 Manor Way Alderwood Manor, WA 98037 206743-1601Randy Cemmill 73419th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112 206 743-1601POMERANIAN REVIEWValcopy Ha kliaii. . . some have greatness thrust upon them.4fCh. Valcopy Wakhan Foxy JessicaOur first homebred champion.July 12 Portland Kennel Club, Mr. E.W. Tipton 5 points July 14 Timberland Valley Kennel Club, Mr. Tom Quilley 5 points August 3 Seattle Kennel Club, Mr. Michael Suave 2 points August 24 Sammamish Kennel Club, Mr. Norman Patton 1 point August 31 Southern Oregon Kennel Club 2 pointsDana Plonkey 14815 Manor Way Alderwood Manor, WA 98037 206 743-1601Randy Cemmill 73419th Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112 206 743-1601 POMERANIAN REVIEWOtt MCi ouy fo--7ryA o mA-'We stopped at Chico K.C. and took our first American point under Ms. Dorothy Nickles.Lessard Shangrila of JubileeCh. Moonshadow's Mica x Jubilee NightsongA special thank you to Judge Jay Ammon for acknowledging our little girl and awarding her Best uppy in Sweepstakes at the Croup V Specialty at the Dog Expo, from the Junior Puppy Class.feeders Ownersorene Bradbury and Sandra Logan Alice Lessard and Nitsa Trayler1254 Magic Sands Way Turlock, CA 95380POMERANIAN REVIEWTtJe kad a ynand time at te Doy SxpO' in Canada, fIJI sC'rwBEST OF BREEDTHE 1988DOG SHOW SOCIETYEXPO 86 JUNE i988I MtK.RO__r3AJubilee's Winning Way pictured taking Best of Opposite Sex to his sister Lessard Shangrila of Jubilee for the BreedA big thank you to the following judges for a wonderful six days of dog showingBest of Breed Best of Breed Best Puppy Best Puppy Best PuppyBest of Opposite Best of Opposite Best of Opposite Best of Opposite Best of OppositeJudge Harold Spira Judge Richard Watson Judge Percy Whitaker Judge J. Hungerland Judge Dorothy NicklesWe did it in Obedience too High Scoring Pom at the First Canadian National Specialty went Lessard's Little Geisha Girl UD with a 195 in Novice B. Geisha now has her Canadian CD. Geisha lovingly owned and trained by Alice Lessard.Breeders Lorene Bradbury and Sandra LoganShangrila's Owners Winning Way's OwnerAlice Lessard and Nitsa A. Trayler Nitsa A. Trayler and Lorene Bradbuface, CeutacOzf2 POMERANIAN REVIEWWatts Pomeranians\IChampion 12Ch. Watts Little Jo-Jo of G. ElmsJo-Jo is shown going BOW under Mrs. Wanner. Many thanks to Ruth Beam for parting with this little guy. He is a beautiful deep orange sable, weighing in a 3 Vi lbs. His pedigree is in Behind The New Champions. Jo-Jo is a full brother repeat breeding to my Ch. Watts' Little Chipper of G. Elms.Champion 13Ch. Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation"Giz" is shown winning a 5 pt. najor under Mrs. M. Billings, oing BOB over specials. He is a orgeous orange, weighing only iV2 lbs. His pedigree is also listed n Behind The New Champions.lolores Watts 301372-87824800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613POMERANIAN REVIEWWatts PomeraniansII ArChampion 14Ch. Scotia A Bit of Consolation"Poopsie" is shown finishing at National Capitol K.C. under Mr. E. Dean and is one of my more recent acquisitions from Edna Cirardot, who also enjoyed showing her. Look for Poopsie's pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Watts Pomeranians wishes to express heartfelt thanks to Terri Moebuis, breeder of Moe Be Poms, for parting with the following little guys and galsCh. Moe-Best Repeat Sinsationwhom I recently had the pleasure of finishing. He is a full brother to my Ch. Watts Little Peter TeMo-Best.Ch. Moe-Best Constant Attentionwho, together with my Ch. Watts Little Chipper of C. Elms, produced Ch. Moe-Best Raisin Kam recent BOW winner at the APC Summer Specialty in Oregon. Also, congratulations are in order Skip Piazza, owner, on Kane recently finishing his championship.Moe-Best Vision Quest MMoe-Best Small Affair FDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 301j 372-87824 POMERANIAN REVIEWWindjammerproudly introducesJASON'Ay.Precious Petit Touch of RipleCh. Bev-Nods Fudge Ripple x Bev-NoPs Golden NuggetThank you Judge Sadie Thorn for this win. Besides being busy in the ring, Jason has also been busy with the girls. He is now the proud father of two sable boys out of Dia's Delight of Windjammer, ptd. Jason congratulates his half-brother Gabriel on his recent Best in Show 5 and 6. Good luck to Ann Welshinger with her new puppy, Windjammers Page 1 of Anadors, sired by Ch. Jammer. See other Jammer kids, this issue. Our males are at public stud.Happy Holidays to allFLASH Jason takes a Croup 4 from the classes Thank you Judge Morris HowardBreederCo-Owner Claudia PfefferBob and Jeanne Stafford 616 683-02141231 Carberry Road Niles, Ml 49120POMERANIAN REVIEWr4Dia's PomeraniansWatch out for the BearsmDia's Sand Piper BearBest in Sweepstakes winner and Reserve at Michigan Specialty, needs only a few singles to finish. Good luck to Sue White, new owner of Piper Judge, John Allen.Dia's Princess Cinna BearThis lovely major pointed, sable girl will be staying here at Dia's, and will be bred her next season. Judge, Don Rogers.viiSku aYPapa Bear Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer x Mama Bear Dia's Plum Princess BearThese puppies go back to Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock six times, and Ch. Millamor's Rock of Dixieland four times. Special thanks to Bob and Jeanne for all the TLC you give each dog. Without you, this would not have been possible. After taking some time out for coat growth, both dogs will be back with Jeanne, so WATCH OUT FOR THE BEARSBreederOwnerDavid Hogg 321 S. 14th St.Richmond, IN 47374 317 966-8878Small Hobby Kennel Exotics OccasionallyAgentJeanne Stafford 616 683-0214POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063In the last Review, it was mentioned that rays were being considered to make the lagazine more "cost effective." Rumor has it lat we'll drop back from 5 to 4 issues and icrease the price of ads. The latter step is bsolutely necessary. I am saddened to see us etreat on the frequency of issues. I even eard one suggestion that we cut back on the lumber of pages for articles, increasing the iroportion of ads. AppallingBut how do you, the reader, feel about the leview It occurs to me that we may not know rou as well as we think we do. Please, right iow, won't you grab a piece of paper, any aper, and answer this survey Just number 'our answers to correspond to the numbers of he questions and send it to me at the above iddress.1. Are you a member of the American omeranian Club2. How long have you subscribed to the Review3. What other dog magazines do you lubscribe to4. How many Poms do you currently own5. How long have you had Poms6. Do you currently show in Breed Dbedience7. Have you shown in the past but aren't showing now8. Do you breed If not now, have you ever9. Average number of litters per year.10. If you don't breed or show, do you have housepets11. Areyouajudge12. What do you like bet about the Review13. What do you like least about the Review14. Are there parts of the magazine that you never read15. How would you improve the Review16. Other commentsName, address, age and sex are entirely optional But please, do it nowTwo more books I can highly recommend to youAPC member Diane Bauman's book, Beyond Basic Dog Training, is hot off the presses and is a most welcome addition to an obedience enthusiast's library. I've known Diane primarily by reputation for years, so I was delighted to discover she has a very readable style. Not every brilliant trainer can write.Fellow trainers had reported to me that it was one of those books "you just can't put down." It is fascinating reading, but one thing I like about this book is that you can put it down. Most of the chapters are fairly short, thus allowing busy people to read a complete chapter in a short time, and not lose the train of thought due to an interruption. Read a chapter, then put it down to think about it.The volume is well illustrated with photos of handlers and dogs, diagrams, and photos of sneakers to show footwork. Yes, Diane's Pom Abra is in some of the pictures.If you have been turned off by training methods or clinicians who seem harsh or callous "If that doesn't work, get another dog.", do read Diane's book. If you don't have major problems, but want to increase your scores, this book can certainly help. For example, read what she says about attention or the chapter on proofing. The book is available from Howell Book House, 230 Park Ave., New York, NY 10169 for 15.95. Quantity discounty are available.Even if you don't train in obedience, you must do some training with your dogs. So this book is for everybody Don't Shoot The Dog by Karen Pryor. She explains behavior modification and how to use it better than anything else I've read on the subject. She says before you try to train any animal, you should have to train a chicken because you can't force a chicken to do anything. Karen has extensive experience training dolphins, porpoises, and killer whales, with which positive methods are a must. She shows how behavior modification techniques can be applied to all kinds of critters dogs, birds, wolves, children, even yourself. Where wasPOMERANIAN REVIEWBINGOBESTINSHOWWELLASI PUOTCC R.D.F.5Can. Ch. Sungold Bingo Lil MullerPending CKC confirmationThis exciting young red sable dog is pictured winning Best in Show from the Open class at thi Campbell River Dog Fanciers Society under the noted all-rounder Mr. Theodore Wurmser. Binge finished his Canadian championship in grand style with a Croup 1 under Miss Edna St. Hilaire, anc a Croup 2 under Mrs. Phyllis Wolfish.Bingo is at home at stud.Lana Ejchorszt 818 285-35355001 Encinita Ave Temple City, CA9178CPOMERANIAN REVIEWhis book when my kids were little If you lave anything to do with animals, you'll want o read this book. If you can't find it in jookstores, send 3.95 plus 1.25 shipping to 3antam Books Inc., Dept NA, 414 East Golf oad, Des Plaines, IL 60016.If a dog is not a natural showman, he can be rained to show well. If he is born with a lead Dn and baiting oh, joy. He'll be fun to show. But what if he isn't What if he is a little hy and drops his tail won't stand still on the table Drops his head while gaiting Big breeders who have many puppies to choose from or rich people who can just go buy another may decide training a timid dog isn't worth the time and effort. If it is a big enough bitch, she'll be "just a brood," a male will be sold.For those of us who don't breed much or who, once having accepted a dog into our homes and hearts won't get rid of it, we can overcome showing problems if we are willing to expend some time and patience. Take Penny. Took her to New York as a puppy for the specialty, and she placed well in all her classes. Great. Go to the local shows. Penny doesn't show well and doesn't win. Fall back and re-group. Give her time to grow up. Get her CD obedience builds confidence. Let her have a litter. Meantime observe her and try to analyze her problems.1. The reason she had done well in New York was classes there were big. She did better in crowds. Solution quit entering BBE. Enter her only in Open, at shows where there's likely to be a good entry. Get at the end of the line.2. Penny showed her insecurity by dropping her ears. I tried all sorts of tricks to get them up food, various noises, putting her ears up for her and giving a verbal command. What worked best for her was a sharp jerk up on the lead. That put the ears up, then bait kept them up. After that, it wasn't hard to finish her.Clearly the time and effort involved in this much training for conformation doesn't appeal to most people. But if you like a challenge, and that sweet little puppy is really pretty, give it a try.Puget Sound P.C., cont'd from p. 18.President Dana Plonkey Vice-President Peter Castaneda Secretary Sylvia Harbin Treasurer Irene Harbin.The membership is working hard to get ready for our second A-OA Match scheduled for November 9, 1986. Our judged will be Grace Moran for conformation and Ruth Tabaca for Obedience. Hopefully this will lead to our approval by AKC for our first point show. There isn't a Washington State Pomeranian Specialty Club as yet.The Club has also added a few more champions to ou already substantial number. Our President, Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmell have finished four so far this year. Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Idolmaker, Ch. Valcopy Wakhan High Style, Ch. Patrick's Mr. Dallas and Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Foxy Jessica.Since our Eastern visitors have left, Corky, Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork is back to his BOB and Croup Placement wins. He had the honor of winning BISS at the first Canadian National Specialty and BISS at the Vancouver BC Specialty. Also, Harbin's Poetry in Motion had the honor of going BY S in both the APC National Specialty and the Columbia Pom Club Specialty at Brush Prairie, WA. Harbin's Sweet Talker, "Betty," was started at the Bell Vernon Show and at the tender age of 6 months, went WB and BOS for her first point. Her owners are very dedicated to the Pom and very proud of all the winnings.The weather here has been very erratic this summer very hot to very cool. It has been very hard on coats, since here in the Northwest most of us do not have air conditioning. Now the weather is looking more like fall and the coats should come back again. Soon we'll see all the dogs back in the ring.Until next time, remember the saying, "Believe half of what you see, and none of what you hear." Ringside gossip is the worst kind.Pacific NW News, cont'd from p. 36. pedigrees, planning our next litters to produce Poms who can compare with the great ones we saw in Brush Prairie, WA this summer.I may never be able to go to New York to a Specialty, but I am saving my pennies and more to go to San Diego next May. See you there.POMERANIAN REVIEW AMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Ch. Emcee.s Chips of DiamcD4K__ XICFrom start. . .r. ..Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan Tam Ch. Model's Mr. Roberts Ch. Model's Gold Memento Ch. Model's Lil Julie Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Miss ModelCh. Majestic Sparkling Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan TamCh. Emcees A Chip of DiamondNot at public stud. We do have a few puppies from Chips for sale terrific producer and good puppies.Congratulations to Natalie Dunfee on her new Ch. Great Elms Shining Star, and for his 16 BIS in Canada.Congratulations also to Dianne Johnson on her Kennel Visit in the last issue.fts.w. . . to Finish.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWIt's All In The Mindby Dr. Alvin GrossmanBy now most Dog Show people have heard bout the new developments at AKC that ffect the training and approval of Judges. A hole new ball game is in the works.Being a product of our nation's Public chool System and several professional chools I can attest to the value of good raining. On the other hand I have seen many if my well educated colleagues with PhD's inable to make the swift and valid type of lecisions that are necessary in the show ring, hey can and do arrive at valid conclusions iven the necessary time for analysis, fowever, their kind of thinking process would e foreign to the show ring where more mmediate response is necessary.As an officer in the military I learned a vhole new schema of decision making. Those vho could not cope with situations that called or quick and correct decisions were weeded ut of the command structure in a hurry. So ar no one has come up with a plan to select udges based on that construct. In fact I am ure it probably could not be done given our Jemocratic structure.We all recognize that the ability to think on sur feet and render swift and correct decisions eems to be what is required in a good judge. Dh that such prospective judges with that ability wore white hats so that they could be kicked out early by AKC and show giving clubs.What makes these individuals stand out from their peers I have reviewed the ranks of 'great" judges over the past 25 years and frankly, I can't identify a pattern other than the fact that the majority had already achieved success as a breederexhibitor or handler. From the great antique dealer, Alva Rosenberg to the consumate professional handler, Percy Roberts, the phrase "had an eye for a good dog" is the only other thread in common.Supporting the "eye for a good dog" premise 1 recall that during my years as a practicing Psychologist I often noted that some of my patients lacked the ability to harmonize color and style. They lacked a certain something that enables some women to see an empty house and in their minds eyeto lay out a furniture and decorating scheme to enhance its beauty. My wife has his knack just as she also can see a dress hanging limply on a rack of clothes in a store and immediately envision it on herself and make the necessary decisions about the accessories needed to set it off to best advantage. I should know it keeps me in debt.I also found that many of these people were not good dancers. They did not have a sense of rhythm or balance. They did not react to music as a major stimuli in their lives. They were, in a sense, mechanics. By this I mean they could do things right but it was a rigid, stereotypical way. It had no sense of "having it all together." Sadly, I have seen these mechanics in the ring. They are the ones who do "piecework."They do not judge the dog as a whole, seeing the symmetry, the balance, the flowing lines. No, they judge by the piece. Fronts, so many points, heads, so many points, etc. and the dog with the highest number of points in their minds is the winner. They do not see anything wrong in that approach. That's how they perform in everyday life.Let me describe an experience I had some years ago when I went to a fellow judge's house for an evenings entertainment. Now this person was financially comfortable and had a home in a lovely section of town. As I walked in the door I began to feel uncomfortable. I couldn't put my finger on it but I was vaguely ill at ease all evening. On the way home my wife crystalized my thinking then she commented on some of the lovely pieces she had seen and went on to say that nothing fit together. There was no overall theme, no integrating force. There were just nice things that when taken together made no real impact. I guess that observation would fit as a description of a dog as well nice pieces but does not fit together. Certainly if a person could not put their own space together in harmony, it may be impossible for them to see this harmony and balance in a dog.So far I have attempted to describe some of the characteristics that might help to make someone a good judge. Were it so easy Perhaps if I had a large enough computer toPOMERANIAN REVIEWRam boaSs.JX-i'WiT-A1v- S - ^ y^S m7amk KCh. Bev-Nor N Southland RamboWatch for Rambo in the specials ring this fall.We would like to welcome Ch. Clayhaven Sweetwater Sioux thanks, Janice Luginsland. She just whelped two lovely males out of Ch. Moongold Trapper.Shell Bark's Windsong, "Wend' is now with handler Charlotte Creed. Watch for her. We have several litters of Rambo puppies for sale.Proud OwnersWoodlandJane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C lewisburg, WV 24901 304 497-3190Shell BarkSharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446POMERANIAN REVIEWjt in all the permutations I may come up ith an empirical list of similarities. However, would doubt its capability to discriminate fectively. So, let's review what we have in ind and accept it as a beginning for purposes this article.Have a good sense of balance Years as a successful breederexhibitor or mdler'Ability to harmonize colors and space 'Ability to make swift and accurate scisions'The ability to see things as a whole the sstalt complex as it's called, is the ability to ^cognize that the whole can be greater than le sum of its parts.'React to music and rhythm Now let's add to this bank of information. A aod Judge should also be one who has larned that heshe must bear the consciences of their own actions. These kinds of sople have learned to take responsibility for lemselves. They walk out of the ring upon ampletion of their assignment knowing they idged objectively and well. They cannot be lfluenced or intimidated. There is a onfidence of self as a capable human being, his is a whole person. In contrast is the Judge hose own life has been unrewarding and 'ho feels he has been shabbily treated by lose in authority. This is the kind of person 'ho relishes playing Cod in the ring. They njoy knocking off the current big winner and eing able to boast about it to the hometown lub later.There is also the physiological side to onsider. Believe it or not, not all people loking at an object see it the same way. iside the human skull are two brains that rork together side by side, each with amewhat different functions and perspec- ves.In right handed people with normal earing, the processing of language, arith- letic and other analytic functions is primarily ie task of the left hemisphere, while spatial oncepts, recognition of faces those ttributes necessary for judging are those of he right hemisphere. Damage to the right emisphere results in loss of the ability to itegrate spatial concepts.The normal brain functions as an integrated k'hole, although its two different hemispheres lave somewhat different complementary unctions. The left hemisphere controls theright side of the body and vice versa. Each eye communicates with both hemispheres, but the visual fields are divided. The left half of the visual field of each eye goes to the right side of the brain and the right half of each eye's field to the left. Signals travel quickly from one hemisphere to the other through a switching network called the corpus callosum, but a direct signal to either hemisphere from the outside is faster and more accurately perceived than a message relayed from one side to the other.The Judge in the ring may be unconsciously paying more attention to the left side of an animal's head because that part of the image goes most directly to the viewer's right brain, which is adept at analyzing faces. Now, here is where variances can occur. New evidence from the University of California Medical school suggests that the cooperation of the hemispheres is neither inborn or complete at birth.Scientists at the Langly Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute in San Francisco are now testing the possibility that faulty connections between the hemispheres may be the cause of peculiarities in communication between the hemispheres. It's entirely possible that many Judges looking at the same dogs are not seeing the same things. Therefore we can speculate and say maybe the decisions they reach based upon what they see are correct, but most others may not perceive it the same way.Obedience News, cont'd from p. 34.Review in Obedience News. Great job, one and allBy the way, Alice's Geisha Girl now has another 2 points toward her OTCh making a total of 8. Only 92 more to goFor those of you who hate to write, you're welcome to call me with show results, provided you can catch me. It seems I'm never home when anyone tries to call. Keep in mind I'm in Eastern time zone and call 517 485-5183. I just love talking Poms to everyone.Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeler.POMERANIAN REVIEWMerry Christmas fromMarie Gfen PomeraniansV , The Showstopper line will live onWe are so excited Two very special litters whelped mid-October, just in time for a Christmas release.These two very special breedings were a union between my Fudge daughter, Fudge's Midnight Lace to Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation, a gorgeous dark red sable. The other is with my Petie daughter, Marie Glen's Copper Creation and Theldun's Diamond Solitaire, a dashing redorange.Such fine breedings could only produce perfection. Many thanks to you and the boys, Thelma.Bless you and Merry Christmas.Call for current availability and puppy prices.Leslie D. Whitehead 6434 Lamplighter Ridge Glen Burnie, MD 21061 301 760-1840 or leave a message at 789-7916POMERANIAN REVIEWlAWARD WINNING PUBLICATIONS for theSerious Breeder and Exhibitorfrom Denlinger Publishers by Dr. Alvin GrossmanTHE GREAT AMERICAN DOGNominated for the "Best Dog Book of 1985" by Dog Writers Association of America. A humerous and informative look at the sport of Pure- Bred dogs. A rib tickling but factual expose of the Dog Show game as seen through the eyes of two bright and eager exhibitors. Follow the adventures of Grace and Ralph and their wonder dog Rudolph through the labyrinth of the Dog Show game and experience with them the pratfalls and highs of owning a winning dog.The over 90 cartoons by Joe Murray alone are well worth the price.After reading this book we are sure you will have an entirely different perspective about the ins and outs of our fascinating sport.THE STANDARD BOOK OF DOG BREEDINGSHOW GAMEv, rtThis most interesting book combines the artistic principles of 'having an eye for a dog' with sound scientific principles of breeding and genetics, which will prove to be of immense value to both the first time breeder and the successful breeder of many champions.Rave reviews for this stellar text on how to breed an ideal dog.THESE BOOKS AVAILABLE AT ALL DOG SHOWSI I Please send me a copy of the Great American Dog Show Game at 24.95 plus 2.05 for postage[ Please send me a copy of the Standard Book of Dog Breeding at 16.95 plus 2.05 for postageNameAddressCity State ZipOrder from the authorDr. Alvin Grossman 7023 Wooded Lake Drive San Jose, California 95120rPOMERANIAN REVIEW 5ApoUoette Pomeraniansr.f asdg83SSEs-'"l 'Cft. ApoUoette Moonlite GamblerGambler is just starting his career as a special and already is making a hit in the show ring. He is shown going Group 4 under Judge Sari Brewster Tietjen. Gambler is a very typey, compact Pom with excellent movement and a lovely personality.We have show potential puppies for sale and litters expected in November. Great Elms, Queenaire, Scotia, Hadleigh lines.Marlene and Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4209 886-5561 Stockton, CA 95205V6 POMERANIAN REVIEWDupres Pomeranians4imm Sm.ICh. Dupres Sparkling Gold BusterBuster is pictured above winning the Toy Croup at the Greenville, MS Kennel Club Show under Judge Mr, Norman L. Patton. Buster went on the following day to win the Toy Croup under Judge Dr. Leon Seligman at the Mississippi State Kennel Club. Thank you, Mr. Patton and Dr. Seligman for these Croup wins. Buster is being shown on a limited basis as a special at this time. To date he has been owner handled through his many fine wins. What a joy it is to show him.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.318 627-5180OwnerBreederHandlerRoute 2, Box878-A Colfax, LA 71417POMERANIAN REVIEW SDupres Pomeraniansintroducing our award winning stud force o.....Ch.Emcees Diamond Ch. Emcees SparklingSolid Gold Gold MicojCh. Dupres Sparkling Gold BusterDupres Sparkling Gold BlockMy brood bitches some finished and some pointed are all offspring of the above studs. M' entire breeding program now consists of all line breeding on the above studs with some ven selective inbreeding. It has taken some time but I am now getting what I have been striving for coat, soundness particularly legs, good bites, personality and short ears. In other words, a goot typey show Pomeranian in keeping with the Standard.Sorry I am late, but congratulations Dianne on your Kennel Visit.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.318 627-5180BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box 878- Colfax, LA 714158 POMERANIAN REVIEWAKC AnnouncesNEW YORK, December 10, 1985 The mnerican Kennel Club today announced dditional minimum standards for new irovisional breed judges and judges seeking pproval to judge additional breeds at ^KC-sanctioned purebred dog shows.The new 10-point policy of minimum tandards was announced at today's quarterly neeting of AKC delegates at the Hotel oosevelt in midtown Manhattan. These jolicies will go into effect for all applications eceived after January 1, 1986.Board member Lou Auslander, chairman of he AKC Board's Judging, Research and Development Committee, and AKC President Villiam Stifel, who announced the program, laid the changes are intended to help "make he judging approval system as fair, jnderstandable and equitable as possible."The new minimum requirements are in iddition to existing prerequisites, said \uslander, who added that more changes are oming."We're very proud of the quality of our iudges, and we expect that with these and Future policy changes, their reputation will be even stronger," Auslander declared. He said all current judges had been asked about the judges' selection process and 1,500 of the 2,400 AKC-approved judges responded.Basically, the new policy standards require1. A first-time applicant for judging approval must have a minimum of ten years' documented experience in the sport. Documentation might show date of litter, date of first exhibiting, and date of club membership. An AKC registration certificate alone is not sufficient documentation.2. A first-time applicant must have bred a minimum of four litters of the initial breed being-applied for. These litters must have been raised by the applicant on the applicant's premises. The intention here is to eliminate credit for co-owned litters raised by someone else in another location.3. From the minimum four litters, at least two dogs must become champions. It is not necessary that when they are shown, they be owned or handled by the applicant.4. First-time applicants who have qualifications exceeding the minimum requirements of 10 years, four litters and two champions will be given consideration for this additionalexperience. They may be eligible for approval of more than the basic breed for which they qualify.5. After applicants receive initial approval to judge a breed or breeds, the so-called "one-for-one" policy approving only one new breed for each breed already held will apply only for the first time they seek approval to judge additional breeds, subject to the limitations in paragraphs 6,7 and 8, which follow.6. When an individual applies for a number of additional breeds to complete his or her first group, approval will include, at most, those breeds necessary to complete that group. This is to permit evaluation of the judge's performance as a Croup Judge.7. After the initial application to judge, no application for additional breeds will be accepted for more than 12 breeds.8. No more than 12 breeds will be approved in one application for Croups 1,2,3 and 4. No more than nine breeds will be approved in one application for Croups 5,6 and 7.9. No applicant will be approved to complete more than one group at a time.10. Applications for additional breeds will not be processed until one year from date of the last approval and until five judging assignments in each of the most recently approved breeds have been completed.Auslander said all applications will be evaluated on individual merits within the framework of the general minimum requirements. He added that the Board "will continue to only approve the number of breeds that a judge can judge competently."Current criteria now include passing a written test on each breed standard move announced by the committee earlier.Auslander said the committee also plans to add a written test on gait, structure and terminology. A pilot test is being developed.Effective January 1, a new judges observation report form will go into effect, Auslander said. Also, a pilot seminar on judging procedure is planned for New Jersey in February, he told the group. Eventually, all first-time applicants are expected to be required to attend such seminars, he said.Still in the planning stages, for Spring of 1986, is a pilot judges evaluation committee program "to help observe the substantive ability of judges to apply breed knowledge in the ring."POMERANIAN REVIEW 5r.-V'StItVAlohafromHawaiiAMOUR'S. . . who now has Pom Fever, proudly announces we are the new owners ofMoreno's CC Jr By ChoiceThanks to Julie Moreno, Moreno's Poms, who so kindly let us have this super little son of Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice. Watch for"CC" in the Hawaiian rings.Aloha No fromMrs. Shirley Ann K. Leu 3655 Kawelolani Place Honolulu, HI 96816A0 POMERANIAN REVIEWr""" Moe-Best Pomeranians CongratulationsDolores Watts on finishing Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation. "Gizmo" finished with three 5 point majors, going BOB twice over specials.Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio on their new champion, Moe-Best Raisin Kane. BOW for a 5 pt. major at the APC Summer Specialty enroute to his championship.Claudia Braczyk new Ch. Sun Fox Life's A Party. "Lil Chance" was co-bred by Claudia and myself. Claudia has a repeat breeding due mid-Sept.Good luck Claudia, with your new Moe-Best girl. I hope "Baby" lives up to your expectations.Our last and final litter was whelped 9-9-86 two boys, sired by Ch. Moe-Best Raisin Kane x Sun Fox Moe-Best This Is It. Both boys and dam will be for sale. I do not ship young puppies.Terri Moebuis 7523 Bay Front Road301 477-3824 or 285-5477 Baltimore, MD 21219Shady Park Pomst 1.In.BESTOPPOSITE SEX mTan Tara finished with a 4 point major and BOS back to back under Mr. Melbourne Downing and Mr. Jack Russell pictured.Three weeks earlier Mr. William Flarvey finished her brother Chance at Lawrence K.C.Thanks to all of the judges in choosing both.Good luck to Anne Oyler with Coal Tanya, a bt out of Tan Tara's half sister, Regina, who is a new proud mother of three bt puppies.BreederOwnerHandleriFDiana L. Nolan 816 741-16505108 N. Parkdale Rd. Kansas City, MO 64151POMERANIAN REVIEW 6MERRYMONT POMERANIANSpresents our first champion Patty Griffin2767 Calumet Street Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-75k6BEST OF WINNERSNASHVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH I986 VupCh. Chip-A-Way's Diamond KeepsakeEmcee's Terrific Wee Chips x Sweet Betsy of TimstopperMany thanks to "Katie's" judges Mrs. Tom Stevenson, Dr. Harry Smith, Ruth Davidson, Dr David Doane, E.W. Tipton, Merrill Cohen, and Dawn Vick Henson. Sincere appreciation to Lan Howell and Joyce Apple for their encouragement and direction.Puppies due.Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Ch. Chip-A-Way's Diamond Keepsake Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond xCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond daughter Coble'sTravelingBearxCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond daughterInquiries welcome.Breeder HandleiCarolyn Roberts Lani HowelRt. 1, Box 108A Stonebrook Ests. P.O. Box 687Bluff City, TN 37618 Mocksville, NC 27026POMERANIAN REVIEW52Beginners Need Patienceby Dave ReevesSomeone once said to me, "What we need n our breed of dogs is a very large supply of 3DT." I could not imagine what a dog breeder vould do with DDT, so I asked. The reply was jne that I shall never forget. "To kill the ants n the pants of all the beginning breeders."Once I stopped laughing I realized that this itatement was not so funny as it originally ounded. The simple fact of the matter is that ne of the major problems of the beginning sreeder is a lack of patience or, "ants in the jants." Undoubtedly the high drop-out rate in lurebred dogs comes in large part from lack if patience on the part of the beginner. Let's ook at some of the common problems caused Dy a lack of patience1. TOO MANY DOCS TOO SOON. We have ill seen this beginner. He buys everything in sight. He has at least one dog from every major breeder in the country in his attempt to Decome a big winner quickly. Before he mows it, he has thirty dogs none of which is winning. He is spending all of his waking nours feeding and picking up after dogs. No longer is it any fun for him.This beginner would be much better off with one dog, preferably a male that he can show. I say a male because if dog number one is a bitch, he is sure to breed her, which is the last thing he should do at this point, both for his own sake and for the sake of the breed. Instead, if he will buy the best male he can for his money and chances are he will get a much better male than he would a female for the same number of dollars and show that one male, he would learn far more about his breed than if he bought thirty dogs. He will have the time to learn because he has only one dog to take care of. Instead of drudgery, the dog will be fun. He won't be bankrupt from paying for dogs either.2. THE MISTAKE OF SHOWING A DOG THAT IS NOT READY. Most of us are guilty of this fault. It is a tough one to correct. Canine history is filled with accounts of dogs who struggled to their titles when they were young, too young, or out of condition. They could have breezed through at a later date when they were in full bloom. Not only is it costly and frustrating to show a dog that is notready, but the damage to the dog's future career can be lasting. Many stud dogs, now in their prime and in glorious condition, are not used as much as they should be, because the show-going public has a memory of them in poor condition. This memory can last for a lifetime.The only solution to this problem of a lack of patience is to repeat over and over the phrase, "Leave him home, leave him home . .Then, when the dog is in glorious condition, bring him out for the world to see and finish his title easily.3. WANTING TO HAVE YOUR OWN BREEDING PROGRAM TOO SOON. I'm convinced that beginners want to buy bitches as their first dogs because the first thought in their minds is breeding their own dogs, even when they know little about the breed. The illogic of this position is difficult to understand. Although a few a very few beginners have been lucky enough to breed a winning litter early on, odds are against it. And yet, the beginner has "ants in his pants" to begin having litters of his own. To compound this problem, the desire to breed usually results in having a number of bitches in whelp at the same time. The pages of breed magazines are filled each month with advertisements from new names with several litters on the way.The best advice that can be given is "skip her." One of the most successful breeders in Standard Poodles, with seven champions to his credit, has bred only two litters, even though he has been in the breed about twelve years. Emulate him. We have a long waiting list all the time at our kennel, yet we skip many bitches when they come in season because we have all the litters we can comfortably handle and plan for the year. It is tempting to breed one of our champion bitches to one of our champion studs just to satisfy this waiting list all it takes is twenty minutes of time since both dogs are ours. But that is a poor reason for doing a breeding. I urge you to do the same no matter how successful you are in selling puppies. Have the patience to do only those breedings which you have good reason to believe will produce continued on p. 66.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Am. Can.Ch. Chriscendo Classique-EBEST OF BREEDMATTAPONI KENNEL CLUB1986DAVE ASHBEY AAm. Can. Bmd. Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion x Chriscendo CassandraAmber is shown going Best of Breed over a large and lovely entry at Mattaponi KC on May 17, 1986 under judge Frank Sabella. She finished her championship with a 5 point major at York KC on July 20,1986 under judge Mrs. Michelle Billings.OwnerChris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2 902 895-7427Co-OwnerJudy Green 822 Parkside Blvd. Claymont, DE19703 302 798-59624 POMERANIAN REVIEWJ-------------------------------------------- L,h. Dixielands Rock of Millamor"Rocky" introduces two of his numerous champions.Breeder Margaret Tankesley Owner Wilma Jean BrownCh. Millamor's Moon Rock x Dixieland's Veronica8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 462349Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of Oakridge"Rock' x Ch. Wee Dancing Flame of OakridgeFinished undefeated except one Res. BreederOwner Nina EppsCh. Dancing Gidget of Oakridge"Rock'xCh. LLL Charming ColdButtercupBreederOwners Nina K. Epps and M.Deane RinehartPOMERANIAN REVIEW 65Ch. Browns Rock N Robin"Robby" introduces his 1986 Champion kidsrfi l V-' 4 ifCh.Dixieland's Rock of Millamor xCh. Brown's Fan-Magic Skeeter CalShown finishing at 9 months, going BOB over champions.Breeder Wilma Jean Brown 8820 Rockville Rd. Indianapolis, IN 46234LX aiCh. Dancing Rockette of Oakridge"Robby" x Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of OakridgeFinished at 10 months.Breeder Nina Epps, Oakridge KennelsCh. Rock N Robin of Oakridge"Robby"xCh. Rock N Robin's Foxy Lady Finished at 12 mos. winning Flouston Pom Specialty and 2 following days. Breeder Francis Wright Owner Erika Moureau66 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Summers in Canada are certainly not as long as they are for our U.S. neighbors to the south, but this year has been unbelievable. I've heard it from every corner of the country too. I think we are the "land that summer forgot." However, we all seem to have survived and people still seem to be finishing dogs despite the awful weather.The biggest news is that Natalie Dunfee has recently won the 16th Best in Show on Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr. This makes "Ponch" the record holder for the most Best in Shows won by a Pom in Canada7. This record was held previously by Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin A Commotion, owned by Kay and Fred Baxstrome, bred by myself We also heard "Ponch" and Natalie travelled south to North Carolina where they completed their American title with BOB and BOW in the four shows, much to the delight of breeder Ruth Beam who is recuperating nicely at her home with the news.At the other end of the country, Leslie Rodgers has finished his Luxton's Forever Perri Pickle with some very nice wins including Groups from the classes.Frances and Michele McDonald are close to finishing their Hobbit's Sparkling Spirit. This "sparkling" orange male loves to show He is sired by Can. Am. Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip who has produced several lovely dogs in the past for Michele and Frankie.Recently finished too is Chriscendo Cachet by Am. Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark ex Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere.Kay and Fred Baxstrome have been winning with their Ch. Maracaibo's Matador a Croup First and several placements recently.That's about it for news, but maybe someone in Canada will read this and drop me a note. "Desperately Seeking Show News" sounds like the title for a movie.I was really amazed talking the other day toa lady whose husband breeds champion dairy cattle she breeds Shelties. She told me how technically backward we are as dog breeders in comparison to farm animals. Did you know that they can do uniranalysis on horses and cattle to determine pregnancy Did you know that they use ultrasound on sheep Their breeding facilities, fertility studies and advances make us look like we are still in the dark ages They do embryo transplants with good results all the time in cattle wouldn't that be great The dog breeders really do fall short I wonder why It can't only be because of the size difference, can it See what your vet can tell you. Till next time . . .Beginners Need Patience, cont'd from p. 62.better representatives of your breed.4. WANTING TO ACQUIRE A POPULAR STUD DOG TOO SOON. Somehow the notion has become popu lar that those of us with stud dogs "clean up" on stud fees. Therefore, there is always a lack of patience on the part of the beginner to have a dog sometimes multiple dogs at public stud. Without the foggiest notion as to the large amount of work involved picking up bitches at airports in all kinds of weather, keeping bitches for a week, telephoning and writing their owners, etc., people launch into having a stud dog. Money is spent on advertising, and then the dog is not used at stud. The owner becomes frustrated and can't understand what went wrong in his grand plan to "clean up" with a stud dog.Patience is clearly the solution here. In any breed there are a very few stud dogs that get most of the action. If one is bent on having a dog at public stud, with patience, one can acquire one of these great dogs. It requires patience and much search to find that great stud dog that happens to be in a part of the country where he is not being used much it requires patience to convince his owner that you are the proper person to own one of these few great dogs.In conclusion the person who advised that we all need a very large supply of DDT was not being so funny after all.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Pattys Pomeranians xr4..ST.CROIX VALLEYKENNEL club4Pattys Dinomite of Bren-Pay"Dino" only needs one point to finish his championship. He is Creider, Queenaire and Fox Flame bloodlines. He has two Croup 2s and one Croup 4 in his short show career.This is Dino's first son. He is for sale, along with two other sons. I have some Great Elms Showstopper pups for sale including one blacktan boy, 2 sable boys and one orange girl.I have one small show girl for sale Ch. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order x Ch. Patty's Peaches of Damon's.Congratulations to Sylvia Kelly on her nice wins with my homebred Ch. Patty's Duffie's Lil Skipper.r I- Patty Jensen 612 472-59506520 Came Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 553648 POMERANIAN REVIEWm.iTHE WHELPING AND REARING OF PUPPIES A COMPLETE AND PRACTICAL GUIDE By Muriel P. LeeA 126 page, spiral bound book that is packed full of pertinent information on the whelping and rearing of puppies. A readable, easy-to-follow, sometimes humorous text, supplemented with photographs and line drawings. This is truly a "how-to" book for the novice whelper.Jackie Liddle, noted Pom breeder and professional handler, says"I highly recommend this book to both novice and seasoned breeders. Excellent chapters on how to whelp litters, how to cope with whelping problems and how to raise orphan litters. A true How-to book"9.95 per copy plus 1.25 for postage and handling.PLANTIN PRESS, PO Box 905 Minneapolis, MN 55440Name ___________________________________________________Address _________________________________________________City___________ ____________ State___________ Zip__________POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Donarapresents' WvScotia Wee Coquette ContessaTess will be back in the ring this fall after a year's vacation for motherhood. Thank you, Edna, for this beautiful girl and for the years of love, dedication, instinct and pure hard work that has made Scotia a name we all trust and respect.A few puppies available for showbreeding homes.Nancy A. ShellmanP.O.Box 415 Kilgore, TX 75662 214 984-0948ro POMERANIAN REVIEWFinding Real Estate for Dog Raisingby Jane Cochran Spalding"House for sale. Located on ten acres of orime real estate, close to town. No close neighbors, room for dogs or horses. Reasonably priced."Sound too good to be true In most parts of the country, it is. Escalating real estate values have driven "small acreages" out of reason for the average homebuyer, and dog fanciers are finding it more and more difficult to find a place where a small or medium-sized hobby kennel can exist in peace without pressure from neighbors, real estate developers or zoning ordinances.Many fanciers find themselves forced to buy property a greater distance from the town where they work than they'd like to have, just to find the privacy they want at a price they can afford. But these folks pay the price in commuting time and expense.Others settle for less property than they want just so they can be close to town, and find themselves having to appease non-dog- loving neighbors or justify their hobby to the law.And others have purchased homes with an acre or two that can be situated in such a way as not to annoy the nieghbors, only to discover that the zoning ordinance or subdivision deed covenants limit the number of dogs that a property owner may have, or place other restrictions, such as prohibiting fences or outbuildings. Talk with a group of dog fanciers, and you'll no doubt hear a number of similar horror stories.All most dog fanciers want is room to "do their thing" with minimal interference from the neighbors and the law, at a price they can afford. Is there such a property For most people there is. But finding it takes time, patience and a flexible set of requirements. You're more likely to find property that works for you if you're willing to compromise to make the real estate fit your needs. Be aware that there will be trade-offs, no matter what property you end up buying.Perhaps you'll get lucky and find a home that suits you on two to ten acres of land. Research the property carefully before signing your name on the dotted line. What is thecharacter of the surrounding area Is it possible to predict how the neighborhood will develop in the next ten years Is the city expanding and growing in a direction that will place the property in the path of growthIf you answer "yes" to that last question, here's good news and bad news. The good news is that the property will most likely increase substantially in value within the next few years. The bad news is that property taxes will probably increase proportionately and there might be some other not-so-pleasant surprises in store. If city utility service is not presently available, it will probably be extended as the town grows, and property owners in those improvement districts could be hit with expensive utility assessments. And the larger the property, the higher the assessments will be.Neighbors will begin to move closer and closer to your property, and it is inevitable that some of them won't be dog lovers. If the area is unzoned or divided into numerous small-acreage tracts, there's always the possibility that a developer will come along and build a "planned unit development" condominiums, zero-lot line homes, or even apartments next door. What effect will it have on your property to be next door to a high-density housing projectIt's important to check the zoning on any property you might be considering. Be sure to determine if you'll have "grandfather rights" for your kennel in the event the zoning is changed in the future and whether or not those "grandfather rights" wi 11 be transferrab le to a buyer when you sell the property. If you can, get a letter to that effect from an official in the zoning department, and keep it with your other papers about the property. The right to have a hobby kennel on the property could prove to be an important selling point.Good neighbor policyBut suppose you find that even a small acreage is out of your price range There are ways to keep a moderate number of dogs on an average suburban lot and still coexist peacefully with your neighbors. The main consideration is simply being a good neighbor if you can keep your dogs from annoying the folks who live around you, they probably won't hassle you.Consider, first, the number and breed ofPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7Mi Babe Pomsproudly presents3 k KWINNERSBEST OE OPPOSITE SEXCHAMPAIGN ILLINOIS KENNEL CLUB JUNE1988 BOOTH PHOTOR9Ch. Bandbox Prufs Precious PearlPearl, my first champion, is back home after consecutive B.O.S. wins to finish June 29th. My appreciation goes to the judges who saw her merit and to Sally Baugniet for her expert handling.Pearl is a gorgeous light cream with a loving, sparkling personality. I'm especially grateful to my friend, breeder and co-owner, Nancy Bartholomew for letting me own this delightful "Poofie" daughterCream puppies expected this fall from Pearl and a Ch. "Poofie" son.Mi Babe PomsR. "Babe" McCombs Rt. 1, Box 184 BB Ola, AR 72853 501 489-551072 POMERANIAN REVIEWdogs you have. A fancier with ten Lhasa Apsos will obviously require less room than a German Shepherd owner who has only two or three dogs. Neighbors are less likely to object to the presence of the smaller dogs, too, unless they're big barkers. Dogs that bark a lot can frequently be kept indoors, either in the house or the garage, if that's compatible with the owner's lifestyle. In selecting a residential property for your family and your dogs, give careful consideration to where dogs can be housed indoors, either to keep their noise from bothering others or to keep people from bothering them.Is there room for an outdoor kennel If you have a breed that needs to spend a lot of time outdoors, a kennel run or a separate pen is important, even if you have a fenced yard. Dogs confined to a kennel run generally bark less than when they're loose inside a larger fenced area. Kenneled dogs can't run a fence perimeter every time a stray comes near your yard, and the occasional meddlesome neighbor child will find no fun in teasing your dogs if he can't get close enough to do it.Noise reduction can be accomplished in other ways, too. A wood fence around the yard is more effective than a wire one, both for protecting your dogs and for discouraging barking. A wood fence absorbs sound somewhat, although it's not as effective as shrubbery and vegetation. A board fence is more difficult for dogs to climb, and if properly designed, keeps children from climbing it, and shields your dogs from sticks, rocks and squirt guns.Before you buy a house in a residential development, look around the neighborhood. Do the neighbors have dogs Are there multiple-dog owners in the area Are the yards fenced and the neighbors' dogs kept at home Are the dogs in the area quiet, or do some of the neighbors have noisy animals There's a Murphy's law that states that the serious dog fancier in the neighborhood gets blamed for noise, no matter whose dogs are causing the commotion.Check out the deed covenants for the subdivision for any provisions that address the keeping of animals. Some covenants limit the number of dogs a property owner can keep, and some have provisions that prohibit breeding pets. Familiarize yourself with your local animal control ordinance and any legal restrictions on dogs imposed by local zoningregulations keeping your kennel within the law can save lots of problems.Finally, look at the property with an eye to your convenience. If you breed dogs, determine if there's a good spot for a whelping area and a suitable place to raise puppies, both indoors and out. A utility room with its own door to the back yard is an ideal whelping area, particularly if it has a sink. Utility rooms, because of the heat given off by washers, dryers and furnaces, are warmer than the rest of the house. Having a sink makes cleanup easy and convenient, and whelping box bedding can go right from the box into the washing machine with a minimum of effort. The dam can go outside and come in without going through the rest of the house, and the room can be closed off from other parts of the house to provide privacy for the litter.Is there more than one door that opens into the fenced back yard If your dogs stay in the house a lot, two or more back doors will provide a lot of convenience. A back door to the garage is a help, too, and a feature worth looking for.Think about cleanup, too both for your dogs and for the premises. Is the lot properly filled and sloped so that there won't be a lot of puddles standing around after a rainfall or snowfall Is there a lawn You haven't lived until you've tried to start a new lawn with a yard full of big dogs. How will you be able to dispose of dog droppings Many sanitation departments won't haul dog feces away with the rest of the garbage, and dog owners must make other arrangements for disposal. Some owners have good success with the "dog septic tanks," while in colder parts of the country, many people say they don't work very well.Does the house have a good place to wash dogs In warmer climates, many fanciers prefer to do their dog bathing outdoors, so look for a convenient outdoor water spigot. Depending on the size of your dogs, you may be able to find a home with good facilities for bathing indoors. For breeds that require a lot of grooming, some consideration needs to be given to a grooming room or area.Before you go house-hunting, it's a good idea to make a list of features that are important to you, perhaps even a checklist with room to compare features of several different properties. When you look at a property, check off the features on your list.continued on p. 74.POMERANIAN REVIEW 73Chip-A-WayPomeraniansm [BLi _. _' TV i Jrv_A. H-'WiW'iCh.Emcee's Terrific Wee ChipsThanks to Morris and Betty Carson, Emcee Pomeranians, for allowing us to have Tiny for use in our breeding program. We have him bred to many of our females and have a few of his pups for sale. Emcee, Model and Great Elm. Congratulations Natalie Dunfee on Ch. Great Elms Shining Star's American championship and 16 BIS in Canada. Thanks to Natalie for Shining Star's son, Ch. Tynan Tag Along.Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Chips of Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Emcee's Chips of DiamondCh. Majestic Sparklin' Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Emcee's Tartan Tam Ch. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Emcee's Golden Girl of TammyCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Elms Emcee's Tartan TamBritton's Little Miss MuffetCarolyn and Sonny Roberts Rt. 6, Box 108-5 Stonebrook Estates615 538-5709 B luff City, TN 3761874 POMERANIAN REVIEW"I Remember When"by Dorothy BonnerOne day at a show, I passed by the ringside where many little dogs of a certain breed were waiting their turn. To me they were grotesque little fellows, something that a child might indescriminately put together from many conglomerate parts. However, this proved to be a mutual admiration gathering, one enthusiastic exhibitor announcing, "These are the most beautiful little dogs in the world." The shock set me back on my heels, that anyone could call these funny little specimens beautiful. No doubt they were lovable, affirmed by wagging tails, and to me, anything that wags is a heart-stealer. But beautiful The word itself seemed to be a put-down on many other breeds, especially Pomeranians that everybody knows are really the most beautiful little dogs in the world. True, this actually depends upon the eye of the beholder. But many eyes besides those of the breeders pass favorable judgement on our priceless Poms. Try walking one down the street just don't be in a hurry, as many people will stop you to admire. My latest puppy in show-training went to the bank with me not long ago and the whole establishment turned out to play with him. Now they all remember me and ask about the puppy at deposit time. We may have near-perfect examples and breeders become choosy, but any Pom is a pretty dog in varying degrees a sensation and a show stopper.This reminds me to tell you the story of the Showstopper line. In 1954, there was a sad period in our kennel that will never be forgotten. Distemper. Preventatives were not so dependable in those days. Our local veterinarian who lived a block from our home came by every morning on the way to his office to leave medication and give advice. My old records state that 32 Poms were treated and given daily shots. Nine were in critical condition, declared incurable, but I refused euthanasia as long as they could swallow little balls of raw meat from my hands, even though they were unable to standor move. Some lasted nearly a month, not in pain but barely alive.In desperation, l drove all of the little patients 140 miles to our state Veterinary School, hoping to stay there with them during treatment. The doctors offered no hope but agreed that the Poms could be left there. With visions of experimentation, the offer was refused thinking that it would be better that they die in their own home with loving care. Eventually, they all died but one and she began to suffer so intensely that I agreed to the terminal needle while held in my arms.After that awful period in my Pom history, it was not advisable to breed or keep puppies for at least six months. When the trouble had begun, only one puppy was present and he was quickly bundled off to the home of a friend. There an army couple, briefly stationed in San Antonio, saw the puppy and were eager to buy him. Afraid to take him back home, he was sold to Hazel Rushing for 150 a big price in those days with the agreement that Clara Alford would finish him. This came to pass and the name coined especially for him was "Bonner's Tiny Showstopper." He was the original and creator of the Showstopper line. One of his famous sons was Thelcolyn's Showstopper who carried his superior genes, and they persisted through many generations. A large oil painting of Bonner's Tiny Showstopper hangs in my office, and his puppy picture is in the book, "The Complete Pomeranian." Now many breeders praise the Showstopper line without any idea of its origin.Real Estate, cont'd from p. 72.Don't try to depend on your memory all too often the memory fails a homebuyer when he or she sees a particular feature to fall in love with. It is frequently said that people buy according to their emotions and then attempt to use reason to justify their choice.Perhaps you won't be able to afford the property you'd like to have, or maybe you won't even be able to locate it, but with planning, careful research and consideration for neighbors, you can have a place where you and your dogs can live happily ever after. Happy huntingPOMERANIAN REVIEW 75dZnadors PomeraniansPM -4'ftI--TjfisasCan. Cz. SXnadors Jiappy Cjo TragonAm. Can. Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher x Cheryls Venture of AnadorsPictured above with Judge Andrena Brunotte.Our dear, sweet Happy is a champion and also the sire of a beautiful litter of 2 males and 1 female, all red orange, out of Circulas Lil Polly Flinders. Born June 18, 1986.Ann and Gene Welshinger 715 399-2702Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, Wl 5488076 POMERANIAN REVIEWA Star is Bornby Conrad GottliebA funny thing happened in the wake of a dog show ... A Star Was BornThis memorable event took place on Friday, April 18, 1986, at the Chestnut Ridge Volunteer Fire Department, in a quiet suburban community known as Owings Mills, Maryland.The occasion was the seventh annual spring specialty show, sponsored by the Metropolitan Baltimore Dachshund Club, Dorothy E. Ritter, President.The show routinely came to a close with Mrs. Alan R. Robson's wirehair champion, Ruckengrafs Ruff Neck W. being selected as Best of Breed by judge Roger Lee Van of Michigan. Robert Fowler, agent-handler, accepted the laurels.The club members began dissassembling the ring, while the "nomads" of show biz packed their equipment and live cargo into their respective vans, wagons and various other forms of transportation.For many it would be "On The Road Again" to the Washington Specialty, the second jewel in a trio of weekenders often referred to as the "Cherry Blossom" circuit.Wierd things have been known to happen in the unpredictable world of dogdom, as many will attest, but we believe the MBDC achieved a "first" in the Ripley category of incredible performances at a dog show . . .The action began with the precipitous arrival of a wild-eyed young man who burst into the fire hall declaring somewhat incoherently that his wife was about to have a baby in his car in front of the engine house. He stood there, bewildered by the unexpected assemblage of dogs, crates and people scurrying about in the normally isolated fire hall, but repeated his announcement and pleaded for an ambulance or a medic.Unfortunately, neither was available. The firefighters had vacated the premises for the dog show, leaving one idle fire engine, one fireman, and no ambulance or medic.Fortunately, with dog people, expedience is the mother of initiative. Without further urging, they sprang into action.Cindy Kern, an exhibitor, ran to a nearby phone and called statewide emergencynumber 911. The switchboard operator misinterpreted her message, and wanted to know how far apart her labor pains were."For Cod's sake, man" she shouted. "Try to understand. A lady is about to have a baby on the parking lot of this fire station. We need a medic and an ambulance immediately."He finally got the message straight, and asked for directions.Meanwhile, word spread around the compound, inside and out, of the young couple's dilemma. Help was organized magically from all directions.From the rear of the building a trio of helpers came running with Jane Fowler, a former RN, leading the group, already rolling up her sleeves, followed by Fran Colonna and Lorene Hogan and many assistants loaded with clean towels and blankets hastily extracted from the mobile caravan.The frightened, anguished mother-to-be was ushered into the office area of the fire station, where Jane Fowler confronted the fireman on duty."Do you know anything about first aid, mister" she asked. "We've got a lady here about to give birth to a baby.""Hell, no" he exclaimed emphatically. "I don't know anything about delivering babies.""All right, Buster, you can still help," she replied. "Get me some hot water, a first-aid kit, and drag that cot over here."The fireman complied quickly with her requests, then vacated the premises.The cot was covered with some blankets and towels, and the girls eased the distrought mother-to-be gently onto the cot.The attempt to remove the young lady's jeans prompted a vehement protest. She avowed she would not have the baby in a firehouse in full view of strangers."Honey," Jane assured her, "these are vour friends. We want to help you. I'm a Registered Nurse. You'll be in good hands. Mother Nature isn't about to wait for your convenience."A sudden thrust by the unborn child towards freedom brought an anguished cry and immediate cooperation from the patient.As it turned out, it was none too soon. The continued next page.POMERANIAN REVIEW 77The Little PomeranianI wonder if Christ had a little Pomeranian,All Wooly and fluffy like mine,With two silky ears and nose round and wet, And two eyes brown and tender that shine.I'm sure if He had, that little Pom Knew right from the first He was CodThat needed no proof that Christ was devine, But just worshipped the ground that He trod.I'm afraid that he hadn't, because I have read How He prayed in the Carden alone,For all His friends and disciples had fled,Even, Peter, the one called a stone.And oh, I am sure that that little Pom With a heart so tender and warm,Would never have left Him to suffer alone,But creeping right under His armWould have licked those dear fingers in agony clasped,And counting all favors but loss,When they took him away, would have trotted behind,And followed Him right to the Cross.Elizabeth Garner Reynolds Submitted by Mrs. Wilma Jean BrownA Star Is Bornbaby emerged with alacrity moments later.Jane, the pro, handled the situation professionally. The only hitch was the umbilical cord which had wound itself about the infant's neck.Skillfully, Jane cut the cord and removed it. For a few moments that seemed like hours, the baby lay motionless, then suddenly came to life with a spastic motion and a faint cry.An audible sigh came from the on-lookers.Minutes later, an oncoming siren announced the arrival of an ambulance and a medic. An I.V. was attached to the mother, and mother and baby were wheeled to the waiting ambulance.As the entourage reached the outdoor pavilion, a loud burst of applause arose spontaneously for the mother and Jane Fowler exhibitor, handler, breeder, and midwife extraordinaire . . .A star was bornNIDH9POMeMNWNSWe have not yet found just the right home forAm. Can. Ch. Midas Sophisticated Ladysee picture p. 17, July '86 issue.She is with us now in our new home and is still for sale.Jon and Roberta Massey 316 Cranford Road Cherry Hill, NJ 08003 609 429-8247Yips Yaps, cont'd from p. 10.finished previously and both were tiny little "show type" Poms of about 3 lbs. Neither was more than 6 Vi inches tall. So both these little ones had to jump almost twice their height. Dixie never had any difficulty with the jumps. For a picture of Timmie jumping, see page 54 of the Anniversary Issue. As I felt then, and still feel, it is foolish to show a tiny bitch incapable of natural reproduction in conformation notice I said "foolish," not "wrong" Dixie was shown in breed only three times, to support the entry at two A.P.C. Specialties where she was 1first in Puppy class and 2 first in Open Bitch class and at the first specialty of the Bay Colony Pom Club where she was third in Open Bitch class. I believe she could finish in today's competition.The bottom line is this In view of the many Ch.C.D.X. Poms through the years, I believe it is the difficulty of the Utility exercises and the determination and perseverence necessary to achieve a U.D., rather than the height of the jumps, that deters owners of Champion Poms from going on to the Utility degree.Sophie H. Mayesrs POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSBeam, Ruth Great Elms............................... 9Bracyzk, Claudia and Ed Sun Fox............. 35Bucher, Kathy...............................................79Carroll, Kathy Sweetheart.......................... 17Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee...............49Creed, Charlotte Southland................11,14,15Cribbs, John and Lillian Twin Pines...........37Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre's.................. 56,57Ejchorszt, Lana............................................ 47Epps, Nina Oakridge.............................64,65Fleshman, Jane Woodland........................ 51Freia, Jerrie Janesa............................... 12,13Cemmill, Randy Wakhan ......................38,39Goddard, Tim and Sue Tim Sue...........30,31Greater Oklahoma Pom Club ......................37Green, Judy..................................................63Griffin, Patty Merrymont..............................61Gustafson, Linda Carousel.........................79Hanson, Sharon Shell Bark....................... 51Heartz, John and Chris Chriscendo.... 33,63 Hendricks, Byron and Connie Khani . . . . IFCHogg, David Dia's...................................... 45Hooban, Tommi Tomho........................20,21Jensen, Patty Patty's..................................67Johnson, Shannon Doo-Shay.................... 29Lee, Muriel.............. .....................................68Lessard, Alice......................................... 40,41Leu, Shirley Ann K. Amour.........................69Massey, Jon and RobertaMidas..................77McCombs, Babe Mi Babe.......................... 71McGhee, Lee and Lowell McGhee's............ 7Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best............................60Muller, Lillian and David Muller's...............FCNolan, Diana Shady Park...........................60Norris, Beverly Bev-Nor............................. 15Payne, Judi Boston Sonnenschein............11Pfeffer, Claudia Precious Petites............... 27Plonkey, DanaValcopy...........................38,39Presser, Marlene and Marlin Apolloette . .55 Roberts, Carolyn Sonny Chip-A-Way ... 73Shellman, Nancy Donara........................... 69Stafford, Bob and Jeanne Windjammer. . .44 Steinmetz, Sherry and Earl Prestigious .. . BCStetson, Bonnie............................................23Tarver, Ida Ida's..........................................14Trayler, Nitsa...........................................40,41Untalan, EmilyAutumn ................................24Untalan, LauraAutumn ............................... 25Vasuta, Lorinda Animation.......................... 19Watts, Dolores Watts.............................42,43Welshinger, Gene and Ann Anadors........... 75Whitehead, Leslie Marie Glen....................53AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs., Dolores Watts, 4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804J 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date 5.00 each Years prior to 1980 4.00 each.POMERANIAN REVIEW 79Carouset Pomeraniansprouctfy presentsCarousels F Las flaw ayn.ACh. Precious Petite's Gabriel x Carousel's Special AngelShown only two weekends, this beautiful, energetic puppy has made us proud with the following accomplishments at only 8 months of age WD and BOW for 2 pts., R.W. Taylor WD for 2 pts., Mrs. K. Blumberg Best in Sweepstakes at the CPC Specialty, Skip Piazza Best in Sweepstakes at the APC Specialty, Mrs. Forrest McCoy WD for a 5 pt. major, E.W. Tipton.We are also proud to announce the birth of 2 girls and 1 boy September 4 to our Ch. CreidePs Jessica, sired by Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel.Congratulations to Claudia and Joe on Gabriel's Best in Show at the CPC Specialty and back to back Best in Shows in Kansas City.HandlerOwnerKathy BucherCarousel Pomeranians5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 74857 405 391-2960BreederCo-OwnerLinda GustafsonJPrestigious PomeraniansST CROIX VALLE' kennel CLUBCh. Prestigious Pee Wee Parti"The one and only living Parti Color champion in the world."Pictured going BOW and BOB over a group winning special for 2 points, August 24, 1986. Thank you Mrs. Dorothy Welsh.Also, WD and BOW for a 4 pt. major, August 23, 1986 and we're forever grateful to Mrs. Keke Blumberg.Congratulations to Sally Baugniet on your judging approval and thank you for the expert handling of Pee Wee for these two wins.Pee Wee then won a "prestigious" 3 pts. and BOW at the Des Moines Specialty, Sept. 5, 1986. Thank you, Mr. Edd Bivin. He finished his championship going BOW Sept. 8, 1986. Thank you very much, Betty Moore.Thank you, Jackie kiddie for the Grand Finale.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz pending AKC confirmation 10016 Marsh Lane214 358-5549 or 398-5981 H 6 Dallas, TX 75229