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The Pomeranian Review January 1987
American Pomeranian Club, Hint[]JANUARY 1987PUBLISHED QUARTERLYL\'' , ' Sr VA r' V. .wCis i V 421\ 4\ JkVM lCh.Queenaire Whizzle Stik2 POMERANIAN REVIEWDear "Babe" Stranahan,For your financial support and your emotional supportFor your encouragementFor your delight at what we did great, and your indifference when we didn'tFor the memories . . . and the glory,WE THANKYOULove,Janet and Rockyi\V'. J\AmCan Ch. L-R's Rock Concert av StranBecause of you we were a team a record-setting, having-a-ball-doing-it team.Janet Heffington Grey Ghost and AmCan Ch. L-R's Rock Concert av Stran Multi AmCan BIS, retiredBred by Ron Feyh and representing Poms Av Stran.3POMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Elub, Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident............................First Vice President Second Vice President . Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary...............................................................Sue Goddard................................................................Sam Zaneoff...............................................Marlene Scott Halsey...................................................................Olga Baker............................................................Dolores Watts4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613 ...............................................................Morris CarsonTreasurerBOARD OF DIRECTORSLt. Col. John Cribbs Dianne Johnson Mary Vickers . . .Mr. Fred BassettMr. Fred Bassett Peter Galindo Marlene Presser Delegate to AKCPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor and Advertising Manager . .Mrs. Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Lt. Col. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, APOs. U.S. Funds Only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.Circulation ManagerCONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID, send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos no longer on file photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover........................Inside Front Cover120.00 150.00 . .65.00 .120.00 ..55.0080.00150.0065.0055.0045.0025.00Center Spread Full page ....Three-quarters page . . . .45.00 Half page . . .Quarter page Classified Ads35.0015.005.00Photo Reproduction .... 10.00 Color7.00 DEADLINESNovember 15 February 15 May 15 August 1510.00 Call for pricesJanuary Issue April Issue July issue October Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWCover StoryTable of ContentsPresident's Message.....................................Secretary's Report........................................San Diego Pom Club....................................Northern California Pom Club......................Western Pom Club........................................Puget Sound Pom Club...............................Pom Club of Greater Baltimore...................Columbia Pom Club......................................A Matter of Ernie ConferEighteen Shows Betty MersmanBehind The New Champions.......................Pacific Northwest News and Views. . .A Twinkling Little Super Donna Crain EddinsWhat is Linda GallacherObedience News...........................................I Remember When.......................................Training the Toy Dog for Competition Obedience Questions and Answers . .Rating Systems and Mary VickersObedience Profile Rosalind Goltz ... by Mary VickersJudging, Fun, Facts and Al GrossmanThe "Scooting" Dog.......................................Necessity The Dam of Invention . .88 Some Ideas on Shipping Circulation Manager. . .5It is my pleasure to introduce Ch. Queenaire Whizzle Stik. I needed an outcross so I called Dudley Roach of Queenaire Kennels. To my surprise he told me he had a 1 Vi year old male that I could use with all my bitches. He was sired by Ch. Model's Bit-O-Whiz and out of his bitch Ch. Queenaire Bright Promise. Thus Whizzle came to Hawaii and out of quarantine in December 1984. What a gorgeous little Pom he is, with a beautiful bright orange color, short back, sound body and fantastic showmanship.Whizzle's first show was the Orchid Isle Dog Fanciers in Hilo. He showed like a pro and got his first 3 points by going Group 1 over some lovely specials. He finished his championship in seven shows. His record now stands at 2 Group 1s, 1 Group 2, 2 Group 3s, 3 BISS. He is handled by Yvette Oganeku, who has shown him to perfection. I want to thank all the judges who have seen the fine qualities of this Pom and mostly I want to thank Yvette for her TLC.6101016222224303032404652586268707274OwnerJosephine Ching 2829 Booth Rd. Honolulu, HI 96813 808 537-156578888994 Einhorn's fourth try at the top obedience title and his first victory.Second place went to Terri Arnold of Swansea, Massachusetts, and her Golden Retriever, OTCh Meadowpond Keepin' In Stride, with 9.5 points lost. Charles Chmura of Clifton, Virginia, had 14 points deducted to finish third with his Shetland Sheepdog, OTCh Catamount Rainy Day Blues.Einhorn's financee, Diane Bauman, captured the Open Division title with her six-year old Pomeranian Editor's Note Abra was six years old when Diane acquired her she is now nine years old, Noah's Abra Ka Dabra CDX. Diane and Abra lost only 6.5 points to top Joan Lawson of Sudbury, Massachusetts, and her Border Collie, Wayside Catch The Spirit CDX, who had nine points deducted, and Karen Couch of Dallas and her Golden Retriever, Cinge Harlequin Romance CDX, who lost 9.5 points.Yips YapsEinhorn, Reggie Win Gaines ClassicPerseverance and a 99.42 perfect score paid off for Fred Einhorn and his five-year-old Golden Retriever, OTCh Meadowpond Stardust Reggie, as they won the Super Dog title in the 1986 Gaines Dog Obedience Classic in Houston on November 1 and 2.The Chester, New York, duo lost only seven points to finish with 1,193 points out of a possible 1,200 during the two days of intensive competition against the best obedience teams in the country. It was5POMERANIAN REVIEWproduced an occasional shy individual that required a bit of extra effort to get the confidence needed.I have been accused and rightly so of training my dogs in the ring. It is true that you cannot really simulate ring experience in any other way matches being an exception and so we come to the decision of when to begin showing our rising star. There are definitely two view points here as so many times we do start them too early, not allowing for maturity. On the other hand, many puppies in our breed do earn their titles and then we can set them aside to mature and hopefully bring them out later as specials. Our breed does mature early, as compared with others.In closing I would like to encourage you to show your own dogs. We don't find as many professional handlers in our breed as in others and, by and large, I think the judges are looking at the dogs. Obviously, some individuals may not be as expert as the handlers, and it may take a bit longer, but there is no feeling quite like getting that win yourself, based on the merits of your dog. This is certainly not to put down the handlers, as there are certainly many times when we need them and we do appreciate the expert touch. There is however no substitute for the thrill of doing it yourself.I hope this New Year brings that fulfillment of your dreams in Pomeranians.I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate these top obedience Poms and their handlers. The research for this is provided by Mary VickersTop Novice Alice Lessard with Lessard's Natsu Takara CD, Average Score 197.Top Open Diane Bauman with Noah's Abra Ka DabraCDX, average score 199.1.Top Utility Alice Lessard with Lessard's Little Geisha Girl UD, average score 193.PRESIDENT'SMESSAGESue Goddard Box 540, Rt. 2 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622dThis will be my last opportunity to send a message. I have very much enjoyed my term of office. It has been made easy by the wonderful support of my fellow officers and Board both years. Interest in our breed and club is exciting, as evidenced by the many new members. I hope that many of you will be able to join us in New York for our Specialty. This is your opportunity to be heard with your suggestions and what a great chance to see Poms from all over and meet their owners in person.I have been breeding Poms for 26 years now and I really do feel that the quality overall is superior. As breeders we are still arguing the same issues as in the early stages of our club. We still disagree on size, color, etc., but these are the differences that occur because we are different people with differing points of view. Personally I don't think I would want all Poms to look exactly the same. I can appreciate Poms of different types. They can be quite different and still fit our Standard. We all know that it isn't easy to produce an outstanding Pom, but perhaps it is this challenge that makes it so exciting when we occasionally produce a puppy with that "special" look. I like to see puppies at 4 to 5 months of age the scraggly period as this is an opportunity to see the worst and the best and really begin to evaluate the future show potential. What you see at this point rarely improves. A long bodied puppy never gets short a bad bite will not end up perfect. Sometimes they do improve, but what you see at this stage still remains although a heavy coat may offer camoflage for many faults. The puppy that looks really good at this stage generally will be a show dog. Now we just hope a problem doesn't develop in the next few months and that important personality is right. Puppies are affected by their environment but I have had puppies raised exactly the same, from the same litter, and stillThe top obedience Pom defeating 473 dogs and including two High in Trials in Noah's Abra Ka Dabra CDX.Tops in Junior Showmanship is Rachel McKee. Congratulations to all of you. We are proud of your accomplishments and the good will that you are promoting in our breed.6 POMERANIAN REVIEW-_\.VSECRETARY'S REPORTDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 310 372-8782\IHere it is January already and our APC National Specialty is right around the corner. I will be looking forward to seeing a lot of you at the Roosevelt hotel, NYC, in February 1987. Our approved judges are Mr. E.W. Tipton, Jr. for Conformation and Dr. Morris Carson for Sweepstakes. I also received a copy of the trophy list in the mail and it looks to be very nice this year. Am anxiously looking forward to showtime. Snow, snow, stay away.The Dallas-Ft. Worth Pom Club has been granted permission to hold its Specialty Show at Amon Carter, Jr. Exhibits Bldg and Cattle Auction Arena, on 20 March, 1987 in Fort Worth, Texas. Their proposed judge for this show is Mrs. Mary E. McCoy.Also, while on this topic of conversation, the 1989 APC Summer Specialty will be hosted by the Northern California Pomeranian Club.The membership voted to have the following judges for the 1988 APC National SpecialtyMrs. Dorothy Bonner, Conformation Judge Mrs. Olga Baker, Sweepstakes Judge The following is a list of new members to the APC.m i,ii'Diane Bauman is pictured with her Pom Noah's Abra Ka Dabra CDX winning the Open Division at the Gaines Classic.The Novice crown was taken after a runoff by Deneen Stebenne of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, and her Golden Retriever, Winthrop's Frosty Golden Lady CD. Judy Lee of Jacksonville,Retriever, Hi-Point's Skip Off The Ol' Block TD, were second. Both had 4.5 points deducted. In third, was Deborah Anderson of Louisville, Kentucky, and her Border Collie, Declan Dorothy CD, with five points lost.inois, and her GoldenCutting CostsA solution to our problem concerning keeping costs down on our Pomeranian Review magazine, and still maybe getting out 6 issues yearly.How about using cheaper paper, having it something like a newspaper. Something must be done if this magazine is to survive. By the time it goes out the pups are already sold, the way we have it now.I go for newspaper-type paper and fill mailing would also be less.Sincerely,Bonnie AndersonLaura E Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Avenue Portland, OR 97219 503 246-2448Dianne and Michael Drewery 4123 Carolina Avenue Richmond, RA 23222 804 747-3788Mrs. Sandra Territo P.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752 504 627-5200The San Diego Pomeranian SpecialtyTom and I would like to thank the President of the San Diego Pom club and his wife, Dan and Margaret Oliveros, Vice President Kim Dickenson and Ted and Fern Rodrigues for the welcome put forth on our trip to their Specialty. Really folks, this was hospitality at continued on p. 40.Mrs. Brenda K. Segelken RR2, Box 79 A-1 Percy, IL 62272 618 965-32787POMERANIAN REVIEWrSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSvLessards Little Geisha Girl UD' yaLISsts2Obedience Pomeranian for 1985 Shuman System 4 Obedience Pomeranian for 1985 Delaney SystemGeisha has been recognized by the APC as the top Utility Pom. Lessard's Natsu Takara CD has been recognized as the top Novice Pom. Thank you APC. We're flying on Cloud 9 to receive these awards in New York.By the way, Lessard's Shangrila of Jubilee went BOB at Wine Country Nov. 8 and Mendocino KC Nov. 9, and her brother Jubilee Winning Ways was BOS both days. Thank you Julie Moreno and Norman L. Patton.To my friends in obedience, may the coming year be a perfect 200 in and out of theringHappy Heeling in '87 Alice Lessard 1254 Magic Sands Way Turlock, CA 95380sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssa8 POMERANIAN REVIEWDupres Pomeranians..I3 1S' ..cH fOCI IiVARIETYGROUP FIRST as uALOUISIANAKENNELCLUIFALL 1860 fLSOSAerPI.Ch. Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster.Pictured winning Toy Group 1 under Judge Mr. Charles T. NelsonCh. Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico x Dupre's That's My DollyBuster continues to show he is the Pomeranian described by his breed Standard. In his last 4 outings as a Special he has won 4 consecutive Toy Groups. What pleases me so very much is that he has been breederownerhandled each time, which speaks well for him. He knows he has what it takes to be a winner and definitely shows it. The following is a list of his last four achievementsNorman L. Patton, Greenville Mississippi K.C.Dr. Leon Seligman, Mississippi State K.C.Mrs. Connie Bosold, Riverside West K.C. of New Orleans Mr. Charles T. Nelson, Louisiana K.C.Thank you, Judges.Group 1 Group 1 Group 1 Group 1BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box878-A Colfax, LA 71417Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 627-51809POMERANIAN REVIEWDupres Pomeranians.w iy\ m V y uPVARIETYGROUP FIRST RIVERSIDE vest kemel club FALL IBBBPHOTO ATvlsosa' fL ' - " A.'ICh. Dupres Sparkling Gold BustenPictured winning Toy Group 1 under Judge Mrs. Connie Bosold.Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Cold Mico x Dupre's That's My DollyAs breederownerhandler of a Pomeranian like Buster, I cannot begin to say how it feels to have come up with such a fine specimen and how much exhilaration is experienced at each show we attend. The nice comments from the many judges, spectators, breeders and other exhibitors have been overwhelming. I want to give a big thank you to all.I have to offer at this time two females and one male. Inquiries welcome.Best of luck to the following with new girls. I hope you will find them rewarding. Sharon Masnick S.C., Wayne Wasfaret, MN, Michelle and Francis McDonald, N.S., Canada, and Dorathy Barnes,Ml.BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box878-A Colfax, LA 71417Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 627-518010 POMERANIAN REVIEWloose ends together and remaining calm through it all. Marlin Presser, NCPC president, was the grounds chairman and, through his affiliation with Golden Valley Kennel Club, provided us with great accommodations at the Stanislaus Fairgrounds as well as drafting assistance from GVKC members to help with ring set-ups and providing our super ring steward, Ramona Boulter. Behind the man is the woman remembered all the details that husbands sometimes usually forget. Eight days ago, Marlene's mother had by-pass heart surgery, so amid all of the show plans for NCPC and GVKC, Marlene had daily visits to her mother's ICU bedside. NCPC wishes Mom a full recovery. And through it all, Marlene made it.Dudley Roach was able to have all our printing done at such substantial savings that our Treasury will look ever so much better than we anticipated. Mentioning Dudley's name leads me right to trophies. Because of the friendship Dudley and Wanda enjoy with Estelle McDonald of Mac's Pomeranians in Dallas, Texas, Mrs. McDonald most graciously handmade and supplied NCPC with very original trophies. They included a grooming coat, Pom appliqued ringside quilts, furry cuddler pillows and corduroy bean bags. What a lovely lady Estelle is to donate these much appreciated trophies for our Specialty. They really made the competition sharper as everyone wanted to win one of the unique prizes. We can't begin to express an adequate thank-you for your time, talent and generosity, Estelle.Decorations Chairman, Cheri Fleming displayed them so attractively on the trophy table which was covered in navy blue as a background for the predominately beige and ivory trophies. She placed the two white china plates with hand-painted Pom heads by Anna LaFortune from the San Diego Pom Club against the cuddlers and the tall silver tone Bud Knapp Memorial Challenge Trophy in the center, adding touches of harvest colors with turkeys, pilgrims and silk flowers. In front of the trophy risers lay all of the beautiful rosettes. The judge's table followed the same color scheme of navy and harvest colors. Gorgeous effect Great jobOther members arrived bearing their donations for snacks and pot-luck dinner. In the rudimentary kitchen with cold water andSAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB by Anna LaFortuneReserve the weekend of May 14, 1987 for a fabulous time in San Diego. The SDPC will be holding an independent Specialty Show on May 14, followed by hosting the APC Summer Specialty on May 15. Both shows will be on the grounds of the beautiful La Jolla Village Inn in La Jolla.Make plans for an extended stay, as the Bahia Sur, Del Sur and Cabrillo Kennel Clubs, all in the San Diego area, will be conducting their all-breed shows on Mav 16, 17, and 18.We have fun things in store for all. Our hospitality room at the Inn wi Wednesday evening to greet our guests and we will be serving lunch there also on Thursday and Friday. Thursday evening following our Specialty we will dine aboard a Harbor Excursion Boat during a 2Y hour cruise of the San Diego harbor. We will have a bus at the Inn to transport you to the boat and back. It should be lots of fun. The APC Specialty will be topped off by a fabulous banquet at the La Jolla Village Inn. You won't want to miss this.For those arriving by air, there will be Limo Service to meet you at the airport and drive you to the Inn.We will be doing our utmost to make this a memorable weekend for everyone so keep the dates open and we will see you next May in San Diego.For those who can stay a little longer, the 4-day, 4-show Mission Circuit all clustered in the LA area will begin a few days after the conclusion of the San Diego All-Breed Shows.whoMarlene PresseropenNORTHERN CALIFORNIA POMERANIAN CLUBby Ruth A. Bugbee"It's the morning after the night before" and time for reflection on a fabulous NCPC Specialty. All of the warm, happy emotions we felt yesterday are every bit as strong today. There were 42 Poms entered for a total of 60 entries, with 5 points in dogs and 4 points in bitches. The show committee is exhausted but filled with a sense of satisfaction and pride rightfully soAnne Hayden ably served as Show Chairman and Secretary, somehow pulling the usualrPOMERANIAN REVIEWJDeveimy Pomeranians7f-Mjffliym A i\m- ^ \71r rtfyr. 5g ff BREED-.rrv..GRANDRIVER KENNEL CLUB INC leihs JULY 1986Cfi. Devennys Mason Dixon DandyCh. Shirwood's Golden Nugget x Annon's Mischief MakerPictured at 8 months old going Best of Breed under Judge Harold K. Bishop with tough competition. "Dixon" has shown like a dream and he finished at 9 months of age with three 3 point majors, 10 Best of Breeds and a Croup 4 placementVery special thanks to Sue White. We never could have done it without you and NuggetCongratulations to Lilae Shope and Shope's Cupid Bella Donna CDX. Watching Belle earn her CDX was a thrill I will never forgetBreederOwnerHandlerBrenda C. Hoch 814938-5785RD 1, Box 92B Rossiter, PA 15772112 POMERANIAN REVIEWgo-around and Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel, owner by Claudia Pfeffer, stunningly presented by Kathy Bucker, emerged the Best of Breed victor. He's a handsome boy. Best of Winners and Best Opposite went to the beautiful puppy bitch Sweeps winner, Cherlyn's Ain't She Sweet, handled so nicely all day by 16 year old Keri Bergerson. Both young ladies, puppy and handler, held up through the long, tense afternoon to reach that exciting moment for 5 points. It's admirable to see a young team maintain such composure.After Parade of Champions and Obedience Title Holders, we headed for the punch bowl and more hors d'oeuvres. Hard working Hospitality Chairman Nancy Parker and her equally busy committee, Doris Weaver and Sue Chewning, set the dining tables, placed the food on the buffet and dinner was served NCPC is blessed with great cooks. We had spicey Chinese Cashew-chicken and rice, lasagna, pecan pies, salads, pudding, baklava, bundt cake, quiche nibbles, two kinds of potato salads, rolls, zuccini bread and more well, it was all there and more and everyone ate and ate and ate. During dinner, our president gave me the pleasure and honor of presenting the judges a token of our appreciation a California selection of nuts and, of course, a California wine. I also had the priviledge of presenting NCPC member awards. Our club statistician, Ruth Doton, has worked so hard to compile the stats for the last two years. For 1984 and 1985, most Best of Breeds went to Lillian Muller's top dog, Ch. Sungold's Cay Caballero with Best Opposite going to the Roach's Ch. Queenaire's Glory Huntreess, 1984 and 1985. Ruth Dotson received the 1984 Exhibitor's Award for showing most Poms to a championship. The 1985 Exhibitor's Award went to Marlin and Marlene Presser. The 1984 Breeders Award championship was given to Wanda and Dudley Roach with the same award for 1985 going to Pressers. We are proud of our recipients and admire the hard work and dedication it takes to reach these heights. Congratulations to all of you.People lingered quite a while after dinner just enjoying each other. And that's what it's really all about people with a common interest having fun together.I mustn't close without a message to our editor, Phyllis Ripley. First, thank you forfour wall plugs, plus in nearby member motorhomes, the air was filling with tempting aromas that made one want to eat then and there. But, dinner would have to waitThe show officially opened at 1 p.m. with catalog sales moving briskly. Sue Chewning handled that while her young daughter, Tina sold soft drinks to wash down the snacks on the buffet table. It was that kind of day, filled with sunshine, temperatures in the mid 70's the perfect California weather to welcome our exhibitors from the winter states. The Untalans and Jean Schroll came from wet and chilly albeit, lovely Oregon. Cheryl Bergerson and daughter Keri arrived from freezing, snowy Chisago City, MN with a wind chill factor of minus 20, and Norma Creider and Kathy Bucher left 60 degree weather in Oklahoma to warm up a bit more in California. Judge Dolores Watts and husband, Dave came from wintery Maryland, while Judge Roland Adameck landed here, leaving 85 degree but wet Hawaii. One can conclude that California put her best "weather-foot" forward for the out of state visitors. The rest of the exhibitors and spectators arrived from up and down the state, eager to begin the competition at 3 p.m.Sweepstakes Judge Dolores Watts had a small, but precious entry of 6 pretty babies. At dinner she laughingly remarked that her new theme song should be "They're Either Too Young or Too Old." We just didn't have enough youngsters ready to compete, but Mrs. Watts patiently watched the six puppies ambulate around the ring and gently handled each one, finally selecting the 9-12 puppy bitch, Cherlyn's Ain't She Sweet, owned by Cheryl Bergerson as Best in Sweepstakes. Best Opposite was awarded to Silva's Hurcules, a cute orange 6-9 puppy dog owned by Mary Silva.Then Roland Adameck launched into his formidable task of finding one of forty Poms for Best of Breed. The entries were all groomed so nicely and presented well by each exhibitor. The room was quiet and the spectators most attentive as the classes were placed. I think everyone really got excited when the specials arrived in the ring along with WD and WB and came under the final scrutiny of the judge. As Mr. Adameck was to comment during dinner, "BOB competition was filled with real quality." They certainly were a spectacular sight Thirteen champions and the two class winners made their lastmost dogs to atPOMERANIAN REVIEWDoo-Shay Pomeraniansjoyously presents another championAllyssarifmft 5 1y COMBINEDI' SPECIALTIES j OF CHICAGO OCTOBER 11 1986 5 W I H H E R S ' '.]IZJ_LTJLH____ J't.1 i 49ttfPPOSITE SEX7K BOOTH PHOTO rII IChesai Sunpower Cyclone x Mercer's Marisa TouchAllyssa finishes at Western Pomeranian Club of Chicago, October 11, 1986 with a 5 point major under judge E. Jenner. The person "wrapped around her paw" David B. Gibbons, her exclusive handler whom we thank and thank and thank. Allyssa's breeder, Dan Mercer, chalks up another champion to his list of fine quality breedings. We hope to chalk up another champion with Allyssa's daughter, Sabra, who has been doing very well in the ring at the tender puppy age, with several WB and BOB wins.Pedigree in Behind The New champions.For Sale Ch. Cheeland Chesai Star Editor, featured in July 1986 issue.Puppies due November. Doo-Shas Lyndestar x Southland's Tar Babs Image blk n tan. 1987 litters due sired by Southland's Tar Baby's Image out of Ch. Mercer's Allyssa of Doo-Shay and Southland's Toasted Scarlett.Shannon Johnson 313 634-13316270 Tripp Rd. Holly, Ml 4844214 POMERANIAN REVIEWVJ Doo-Shay PomeraniansannouncesSabra'Wherever she goes . . .she leaves an imprint'-Lyn-Lee Demitry of Pixie's xMercer's Allyssa of Doo-Shayv -J'1 Thisstriking red sable started her show career at 6 months of age taking WB and continuing on in one weekend with BOB both days going over specials to boot. Not a bad beginning for this youngster. Thank you judges Mrs. E. Voyles and Mrs. S. Kauffman for an impressive weekend.U ',0r \I W ivHa 'Ar- j^ aNew Doo-Shay Adoptees Mr. Jose Cabrera with Chic Ms. Connie Rieckhoff with ft , 1 LeviMr. Chris Sanbourin with JordacheWrangler is still waiting Congratulations and the very best of luck to all Adoptees and Adopteetes. it J\.1ft BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY. c in I IIShannon Johnson 6270 Tripp Rd. Holly, Ml 48442 313 634-1331 V.lIrf F M f M I VANN ARBOR KENNEL CLUBle BOOTH PHOTO'i i. amjr-------a in ii H 1 t11 111 ' H 1 "RhhSmRBUmHHI_______ B15POMERANIAN REVIEWr Doo-Shay Pomeraniansrejoices withSahra11 '-s'l'\ vv4'\i r n 1VWINNERSBATTLE CREEK KENNEL CLUB T.[ilH PHOTO BY K. BOOTH 1gJ, rLyn-Lee Dimitry of Pixies x Ch. Mercer's Allyssa of Doo-Shay Judge Mrs. Bettie KrauseHaving to follow her mother Allyssa hasn't been a difficult task for Sabra yet. She is a showman through and through. Unlike her mom, she is a rich red with a love for life. She is a joy to live with and a joy to show. We are very pleased to have received this blessing through careful and selective breeding. Thank you to the judges who recognized Sabra's excellent quality, awarding her with several WB and BOBs.Watch for some Doo-Shay kids entering the ring very soon. Tony Cabrera with Doo-Shay's Elegant'N Chic in Florida, Connie Rieckhoff with Doo-Shay's Lee non Levi, Chris Sabourin with Doo-Shay's Jazzin Jordache and a real surprise with David B. Gibbons on all three in the Michigan area. Good luck to all of you.Shannon Johnson 313 634-13316270 Tripp Rd. Holly, Ml 484426 POMERANIAN REVIEWjxtending our deadline so we can share our lay with Review readers in the January issue. \nd, I wanted you to know that "the power of he press" brought a lovely couple to the specialty because they read about it in the magazine. They are subscribers and have fallen in love with the breed through the presentations pictured in each issue. It was their first time ever at a dog show. Tom and lane are delightful folks and we are so pleased they drove 120 miles to look at the Poms. We invited them to join in all the festivities and hope they had as much fun being with us as we had enjoying their company. They are planning on getting their first Pom, a spayed bitch pet, in the near future. I say first Pom because no one ever owns just one So, Phyllis, thank you for continuing to show our Poms so well to the public and winning new friends for the breed. And to Tom and Jane, come see us often.In hope I haven't forgotten anyone for contributing so much to the success of the Specialty of course, committee, members, exhibitors, judges, spectators and our beloved dogs all made the 1986 event memorable beyond our expectations. NCPC hopes Christmas has brought all of you the Pom of your dreams, big wins, and the New Year brings more of the same.t '.3 ..The beautiful trophy table display, with the many awards for the winners.At the present time, this club is planning to support the entries at the all-breed spring show of the International Kennel Club of Chicago. It will be held in the recently built McCormick Hall, providing large areas for benching and grooming, plus indoor parking facilities. Futher announcements of this show will be sent later.The class winners were as followsBred by Exhibitor Dogs1. Pomirish Hune's GotYa, Sally BaugnietAmerican Bred Dogs1. Silver Meadows Petit Four, Ann Sorenson Open Dogs Black, Brown and Blue 1. Stoll's Sambo Sylvester, Frances Stoll Open Dogs ROCS1. Precious Petit Touch of Riple, Jeanne Stafford and Claudia Pfeffer Winners DogPrecious Petit Touch of Riple Reserve Winners Dog Silver Meadows Petit FourWESTERN POMERANIAN CLUB OF CHICAGO by Helen NowickiThe Western Pomeranian Club recently held its Specialty Show in conjunction with the Combined Specialties of Chicago. Mr. Edward B. Jenner officiated as Judge and had an excellent entry with a five point major.In the male entry. Precious Petit Touch of Riple, owned by Jeanne Stafford and Claudia Pfeffer was Winners Dog. The Reserve Winner came from the American Bred class, Silver Meadows Petit Four, owned by Ann Sorenson. The Winners Bitch came from the Open class, Mercer's Al lyssa of Doo-Shay, owned by Shannon Johnson. Reserve was Gold Black- acre James Trinket, a homebred of Gold Blackacre. Two lovely champions competed for the top honors, however, Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie was given the Best of Breed ribbon as he strutted around the ring. He repeated this same honor at the International Kennei Club Show the next day.I3IS1iJudge Mr. Edward B. Jenner awards the Best of Breed to Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, owned by Nadine Hersil, with Irene Bennett, Vice President presenting the trophy.1POMERANIAN REVIEW2^4.iEE Ch. Desirees Candy Ripple-i'IK' r.nb,sUi i1v'\.'AtV \9 .Ch. Desiree's Rippling Fudge x Desiree's Candy Delight "Candy's First Christmas"Our Second Homebred ChampionWe are so proud, her wins are41186 Macon KC, BOS, Mr. Don Rogers 2 pts.5 386 Classic City KC, BOB over a special, Mrs. C.J. Warner 2 pts.5 486 Kennesaw KC, BOB over a special, Mr. Norman Patton 3 pts. then on to Group 4 under Mrs. C.J. Warner.These shows were won from puppy class at just under 8 mo. of age.83186 Salisbury KC, BOS, Dr. T. Allen Kirk, Jr. 2 pts.9 186 Raleigh KC, BOS, Mr. W.E. Dean, Jr. 2 pts.92786 Greater Panama City, BOS, Miss Frances M. Thornton 2 pts.101186 Atlanta KC, BOB, Mrs. William Lehnig 3 pts.Desaree Sandifer 704 865-0859509 Oakdale St. Gastonia, NC 28054J8 POMERANIAN REVIEW5Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation\\..Ch. Cupaluv's Kelly Too x Theldun's Kelly Girl"Dandee" is a true red sable of excellent type. A cobby, short-coupled boy with a heavy, harsh standoff coat.We are especially pleased that Dandee's fine qualities are being passed on to his offspring.In Memoriam Dandee's Grandsire May Morning Social Lion TimmyJuly 11,1971 - August 1, 1986 Dearly loved deeply missed His bloodlines contributed so much for so many.Theldun Pomeranians Thelma M. Dunn 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 301 879-53971POMERANIAN REVIEWTheldun PomeraniansTru-Keps Star SensationShown taking BOB for a 4 pt. major from the Puppy Class. "Shortstop" is a typey, orange ball of fire.Thank you Irv and Trudy Keplinger for our Dandee son. We are truly proud to own him.A thank you to Judge Howard Hyler for Shortstop's BOB win.v0 mW-'rK9Art ftmmi jm m iWM JfieCjP Bt^ST OF BREEDTALBOT KENNEL CLUBt1986ASHBCVb'A Theldun's New Fudge Recipe44iii.v 'rI.Fudge is a 414 lb. rich red sable. His sire is Theldun's Diamond Solitaire a full brother to Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge from a later breeding. We are fortunate to have both Fudge and his sire to further our breeding program.V\ A WhsS7. 1h3EST OFBREEDBRYN MAWR KENNEL CLUBf3i\Thelma M. Dunn 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 IASHBEYIfiSHmFLASH Fudge went BOW and BOS for a 3 pt. major under judge Morris E. Howard at Salisbury to finish his championship.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWlPI 01Tru-Kep's Pomeraniansproudly presents \ LiiMiriIPs1BEST OF ED OR VARIETYNATIONAL CAPITAL KENNEL CLUBKERNAN1986Tru-Kep StarmanCh. Theldun's Dandee Sensation x KeplingeCs Princess BuffyWe thank Judge W. Everett Dean, Jr. for Starman's BOB at Oxen Hill, MD. Also a sincere thank you to judges Mrs. Ruth Davidson, Mr. Ed Dixon, Mr. Frank Oberstar and Mrs. Shirley Thomas who saw the qualities in Starman that make him a champion.Ch. Tru-Kep's Starman, Tru-Kep's Tomthumb of Theldun and Tru-Kep's Star Sensation are full brothers from repeat breedings by Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation and Keplinger's Princess Buffy. A combination of bloodlines constantly producing sound, typey offspring.A special thanks to Thelma Dunn for her help and guidance in what has become a fantastic breeding program.Irvin and Trudy Keplinger 15039 Jarrettsville Pike Monkton, MD 21111 301 628-71082POMERANIAN REVIEWf nTru-Kep's PomeraniansTru-Kep s Tomthumb of Theldunw.VTommy is an orange male with nice conformation and a beautifulftemperament. Needs only single points to finish."v Many thanks to judges Dr. Bernard Esporite, Mr. Ken McDermott and Mr. Robert C. Graham for Tommy's rIntroducing our brace. . . Full Litter BrothersTru-KepsToddsTreosureandTru-Kep sTribute toToddmI K'AJoey and Jeremy are a pleasure and fun to show. We are very proud of their accomplishments.We take this opportunity to thank Mr. James Moran for Gr. 1 Brace and Mr. Joseph E. Gregory for BIS Brace wins. tuCnil -fNNtL Cll .1 .He VBEST BRACEIrvin and Trudy Keplinger 15039 Jarrettsville Pike Monkton, MD 21111 301 628-71082 POMERANIAN REVIEWuppy Bitches 6-9. Doo-Shay's Hooligan Sabra, Shannon Tripp uppy Bitches 9-12. Andale All In Mink, Virginia Emmons red By Exhibitor Bitches . Cold Blackacre James Trinket, Cold lackacre Reg'd.pen Bitches Black, Brown and Blue . Stubeds Precious Tribute, Marian Doll pen Bitches ROCS. Mercer's Allyssa of Doo-Shay, ShannonohnsonVinners BitchMercer's Allyssa of Doo-Shay Reserve Winners Bitch Jold Blackacre James Trinket test of Breedh. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie lest of Winners 'recious Petite Touch of Riple lest of Opposite Sex Mercer's Allyssa of Doo-Shaysoon.Special thanks to all who worked on the match. You did a great job. Our Premium Lists were done by one of our newer members, Janell Riech. She also did the catalogs which, like the Premiums, were very professional and well done. I believe her husband was the ring steward. We appreciate new members with energy and interest. Our President Dana Plonkey reports that a good profit was made on the match, so it was a success all the way around.Tom and I were not at this match the first we have missed but were in sunny San Diego at their lovely specialty. There were wonderful people, great hospitality and fantastic weather. Who could ask for moreI am sure everyone is wishing the Puget Sound Club, the best of everything, looking for us to have a point show in the near future. Let us build stronger foundations, with good will towards all. We of the Pacific Northwest have good Poms and good people. Show others that you are part of this tradition. The holidays will be over by the time this comes out so I hope everyone puts his best foot forward. Lots of luck and a Happy New Year to all.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensPlease note Due to an error in our records, essie and Tom Stephens were erroneously eported non-members of our club and we vish to take this time to retract the statement.Dana Plonkey President, Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Mary VickersNovember 9 saw the second "A" match for bis Club and with an entry of 44 poms, ncluding obedience, it was a successful vent. Best Puppy and Best in Match went to Emily Untalan's new boy, Southland N anesa's Mr. Tuff, bred by Charlotte Creed and errie Freia. Best Adult was a homebred of vfary Rosenbaum's, Bi-Mar Impressive. Best Df Opposite Sex went to Harbin's You Sweet ralker, owned by Irene Harbin. I do not have he scores in obedience by Linda Gallacher was High Scoring. Sorry I didn't get your score Linda, but if you were doing it I'm sure it was good. Congratulations and we're glad you made the trip. To all the Columbia Pom Club people who made the journey, thank you for your support and interest. Thanks also to conformation judge Grace Moran and Obedience judge, Ruth Tabaka for your time and consideration. Hopefully we will be able to have our much-sought-after point showAlthough many of us were very disappointed in the announcement that the Review would remain at four issues a year, several did breathe a sigh of relief. The old adage "If you want something done, ask a busy person" holds true most of the time, but not necessarily all the time. The past Fall has been a very busy time with doggy events. Our fourth birthday was held at the hospitable Watts' home. The conformation match had 19 entries. Diane Ward's Moe-Best Two Times A Man took Best Adult and locked paws with Bess Robert's Tony as Best Puppy. The cute puppy emerged as Best in Match. Meanwhile obedience was taking place. Since the majority of entries were in the advanced level, it drew a large audience. Extremely eye-catching are Poms doing jumps, retrieving, scent articles and those flashy go-outs. Juniors performed next with Terri2POMERANIAN REVIEWCarousel's Flashaway5SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSvlIyIpA - 1N '\tjBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES, THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB\SUMMER 1986'VRa HIssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssFlash's first litter is due in mid December out of Creider's Coca-Cola Cowgirl.Also due in December Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel x Carousel's Special Angel a repeat o1Flash.HandlerOwner Kathy Bucher BreederCo-Owner Linda GustafsonCarousel Pomeranians5001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 74857 405391-29604 POMERANIAN REVIEWMembership Secretary. Betty is not one to leave out, especially since she is hosting our Christmas Party in early December.Show season is almost over. Dolores Watts has been very busy finishing Watts' Little Jo-Jo of C. Elms, Ch. Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation and Ch. Scotia A Bit of Consolation. In October alone she finished Watts' Little Kahlua-Lua and Scotia's Little Buttercup. Continuing this enviable streak, Debbie and Thurman Kennedy finished their "Herbie," Watts' Little Love Bug. Outdoing everyone was Joyce Dembinsky and Watts' Little Instant Replay. This novice due walked into the ring only four times and came out with a championship.Terri Moebuis finished Moe-Best Sugar Kane, which puts championships on both Poms from that litter. Terri says she is now living the live of luxury as a champion housepet.Lilae Shope finished the CD title on Tazz. In mid-summer Belle, Shope's Cupid, Bella Donna got her CDX title. Belle was not shown this Fall as she was busy with her puppies. She'll be out again as soon as her maternal duties are fulfilled.Gee whiz, with all these dogs finishing, who is going to New York for the Specialty Many of us have made plans to be there. We have a new venture, too. We are in the process of raffling a VCR. At a dollar a chance and the raffle drawing being held in March, you just might be able to get a raffle ticket from one of us up there. Can't wait for our "outside" dinner on Saturday night and then there are the APC Awards to look forward to. New York should be great. Hope to see you therevloebuis as judge. It looks like Rachal McKee las been coaching her younger sister Elaine. A ear flowing moment occurred when Elaine an from from the ring towards Margaret laying, "Mom, Mom, My first blue ribbon" Another time out was arranged as plates and lasses were taken up again. Next came our iwards. High in Match for that day was given to Lilae Shope for her novice performance with "Tazz," Rosewoods Moongold of Lilae. 3ut everyone awaited the Annual Award Plaques. Diane Ward received hers for Ch. Annon's Lit'le Bit of Dynamite Debbie Kennedy for Ch. Annon's Miss Ellie Judy Green for Ch. Millamor's Roxie Music Bess Roberts for Ch. Watts' Little Tiffany Mary Vickers for the CDX on Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp Dolores Watts for Ch. Watts' Little Tiffany, Ch. Watts' Little Do-Si-Do, Ch. Watts' Little Wahoo and Ch. Scotia Shamrock's Sue Ellen and Margaret Mckee for the CD on Idlewyld Hope Diamond and the CDX on Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral. Not present but also receiving plaques were Dianne Johnson for Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy and Ch. Silva Lade Christmas Joy Barbara Nagy for Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge's Image and Ann Cannon for Ch. Annon's Dandie Kit Kat, Ch. Annon's Speck of Scamp and breeder of Chs. Annon's Lea'Tar of Dover, Annon's Lady Norell, Miss Ellie, Dyna and Huggy CDX. Ann again was the breeder of the year.As previously announced in November's Obedience News, I was the recipient of the Horizon Award with Huggy's 200 Pom points and Nani and Joy's from the breed ring.Applause over, our auction began. Our auction has always been a good one. Sometimes though when you have a good thing, you must give it time to mature. This event surprised all of us this year. We made a grand amount of money. Rose Keller's last Pom clock brought in an astounding figure near 200 With 30 more items on the block, you can imagine how happy Bess Roberts was counting greenbacksThinking about our aforementioned Treasurer, Bess, elections held earlier gave us a few changes. Judy Green now serves as President, Terri Moebuis is Vice-President, Lynn Galloway is Recording Secretary, Bess and I retained our jobs and the Board is composed of Dianne Johnson, Dolores Watts and Debbie Kennedy. Oops, almost forgot that lovely lady, Betty Corbin who isCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanWe have elected new officers and they are as follows President Vice-President Erin Hundley, Secretary Wendy Feist, Treasurer Averil Asback. Board of Directors Jean Schroll, Laura Untalan, Muriel Gunther and Past President, John Nye.Our Winter Specialty is December 14, in conjunction with the Portland Kennel Club Show. Besides our regular trophies, we have some very nice decorative art pieces. The Club members are always full of new ideas continued on p. 92.Emily Untalan,POMERANIAN REVIEWA Tttiyfay ta Sev-Ttcnf-nuf SLLJ-ItIi\uK,.. '15 _______SisThegenes roll on What a dayBest of Breed with Ch. Ida's Touch of Bev-Nor, a Toastmaster son and Toasty grandson. Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex with Lynnwright's Janesa, a Toasty daughter and Winners Dog with Janesa's Sunkist, a Toastmaster son and Toasty grandson.Special thanks to handlers Charlotte Creed with Ch. Ida's Touch of Bev-Nor bred and owned by Ida Tarver, Hiram Stewart with Lynnwright's Janesa bred by Donna Wright and Cindy Shilham, owned by Jerrie Freia and Jerrie Freia with Janesa's Sunkist bred by Jerrie Freia, owned by Polly Ferguson.Janesa's Poms Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-74666 POMERANIAN REVIEWvW- r,i Ia^ MSm V__Suct6ztct ' 7o4ted ^cccOpeCh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge, 1 Pom '8182, '83 x Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil, Group placingSouthland's Toasted Fudge is pictured going BOW in Aspen. Only shown once since then Lil Toasty took BOB in Panama City. Watch for Lil Toasty major pointed this fall.BreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Co-BreederCo-OwnerBeverly Norris Bev-Nor Poms 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 211222POMERANIAN REVIEW i o mmm aC. ^otcci ^eiL-'T'lo'iCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster x Ida's Lil Magnolia BlossomSpeedy continues his winning ways with a Croup 1 and a Croup 2 at ten months of age. Taking time out for his year old shed, Speedy will return to the ring in the spring. He has already caused quite a stir and we would like to thank all the judges who have seen the merits of this super red sable puppy.BreederOwnerIda Tarver102 Vi Cordon St.Pineville, LA 71360Co-OwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-34568 POMERANIAN REVIEW33 Whafs more fun than owning a PomtH r,VM.a-r '""v-i.i.kTwRosewoodsMoon Gold of Lilae CDCh. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker x Rosewood Casanova Torch SongTazzie, at the ago of one year and a day, entered an obedience ring at the Nita-Nee K.C. It was his first showing in Novice. To my relief, Tazzie didn't run away off-lead and he stayed through the group exercises. Judge Joseph J. Heidinger said we'd qualified.When we returned to the ring for the ribbons and our scores, to my surprise the little guy had taken 3rd place Tazzie went on to finish his CD title at 14 months of age. He has now started Open training.We'd like to congratulate Brenda Hoch on her first champion and first home-bred champion Devenns Mason Dixon Dandy. He was owner-handled all the way.We wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YearHope to see you at the New York Specialty.FLASH Tazzie receives two back-up legs, the first at Oriole D. T.C. with a score or 194 for 2nd Highest Scoring Toy. The next was at Mt. Nittany D. T.C. with a score of 190'A, good for Highest Scoring Toy.Ken and Lilae Shope RD 3, Box 584-A Bellefonte, PA 16823 814J 355-5506 yPOMERANIAN REVIEW82 0Training and showing two in Obedience7^1Jfi [MiViii v'JKSOBEDIENCE1Shawn of Brockton CD Shopes Cupid,Bella Donna CDXBelle and Shawn are shown taking 2nd and 4th places respectively in Open A at the Del-Otse-Nango K.C. Two Poms placing in the same class Open A no lessShawn is owned, trained and shown by Eleanor Hamilton, Kirkwood, NY. He finished his CDX title at Finger Lakes KC with a 192VS. His back-up leg was a 196Vi. Congratulations to another CDX Pomeranian and his proud owner.Both Belle and Shawn have started Utility training. Watch for them later this year.Belle took time off to produce two beautiful daughters sired by Ch. Ednes Moe-Best Special Order. Watch for them in either ring. The girls are entered in the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore Futurity to be judged in September 1987.Ken and Lilae Shope RD 3, Box 584-A Bellefonte, PA 16823 814 355-5506 POMERANIAN REVIEWA Matter of Training matter in which direction or through what terrain. Classic example of excellent "heeling."Occasionally, one of the dogs will escape and will disappear for hours. I have been know to walk all over the neighborhood at 200 a.m. trying to locate the critter. This has to be the "search and find" drill. For some reason this particular exercise takes a long time to complete. Sometimes I can't find him, so I usually return home and practice the fabled "long sit."True, i have a long way to go before I'm ready to enter a show in obedience, and I'm really not good conformation material. But many problems have been straightened out. It was all a matter of training.From "Whatamatta", Mattaponi KC Newsletter.orThe Well-Trained Handlerby Ernie ConferI used to go away for a day or two and not orry about exactly when I'd get back home. Jo longer is this the case. I've been trained ito returning home at a regular time. Is this he "recall" I keep hearing about Sometimes, dien I get home and have tended to the dogs, m so tired all I want to do is fall into bed. Vould this be classified as the famous "drop in recall"Often I get direct commands from the dogs. Carrying around the water bucket and langing it around is the command to fill it vith nice, cool water. Should I forget a food lish, carrying this back and forth, making sure t is dropped on a rock several times, is the ignal for feeding time. Surely these are the 'retrieving exercises" I've read about.Not too long ago I was invited to spend the veekend in the city with some friends, but I rouldn't due to no dog-sitter. I couldn't take hem along, and I can't afford to board all five f them. Does this count as a "stay" ommand 1 view it as a "long stay."When the guys want out, a severe jangling af the crate door or run door, coupled with some loud, frustrated whines, will have me aut down my coffee cup, butt out my cigarette, and go down to free them. Surely I am following their "jump on command" order.When I visit the local Giant, I am always spending a little on me and more on them for dog food. A loaf of bread, a pound of hamburger, and a six pack is small compared to 50 pounds of Purina. Without doubt this is the "Take, hold, and carry" exercise that Pearsall described.As one of the dogs and I go for a walk, there surely comes a time when he will discover some specimen of flora that needs to be watered often referred to as the pause that refreshes. So, as this is being accomplished, I am required to stop walking. Isn't this the command to "stand" If this break is merely to check out the various smells, this might qualify as a "stand for examination" or maybe a "wait." I'm not sure about this one.When off lead, there always seems to be a cat nearby, which is great fun is chase. The dog takes off, and there I go following, noEighteen Shows Laterby Betty J. MersmanToday's the day, a leg for sure,I'll see how much she can endure. Retrieving is my specialty,Today I'll do it sloppily.I'll sit there looking so confused, And then I'll act like I'm abused. When she is just about to faint, I'll run and grab it, dumb I ain't.Now on the recall I won't drop,Until her heart's about to stop.My heeling's good, if somewhat quaint Today I'll stick to her like paint.I like the jumps so I'll be swift, And do a front without a drift. The finish I'll do just half way, Can't have her getting too blaze.While on the sit, I'll yawn and frown, I'll bet she'll think I'm going down.I know that's next, I'm not a sap,I'll lay right down and take a nap.We got a leg, now if I may,I'll let you know t'was planned that way. I learned in class and kept it stored, Don't let your handler get too boredOff-Lead, August 1983POMERANIAN REVIEWLove Me Tender PomeraniansCh. Annons Sir Kennor'34Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis x KennoCs Lady Tinatp V\ Thismale is very sound in body and short backed with very good bone. Thanks to Arlene Johnson for finishing him for me. Stud fee 150.00.See pedigree in Behind The New champions.\fIlBEST OF ArnnjijiallSiiCh. Mullen's Lennis SuzetteCh. Annon's Sir Kennor x Golden Oaks Cinnamon4TwistrThis little girl is as sound as her sire and dam. Thanks go to all the judges who saw her good qualities, and my handler, Arlene Johnson.jg ,'A -IOwnerNancy C. Mullens P.O. Box 413 Craigsville, WV 26205 304 742-3385iwHandlerArlene Johnson 831 Athens Drive Raleigh, NC 27606 919 851-33502 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the merican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's ame, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, ped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all iformation tofhe Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box31927, Tucson, AZ85751.H. ANNON'S SIR KENNORied Sable Maleireeder John K. Bishopwner Nancy C. Mullens, Craigsville, WVCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Uh. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis' Tom-Tom Lennis' Cavalier-Tangie Lennis' Spungold Julie Dunn's Little Tomstopper Ch. Theldun's John-John Theldun's Bonnie Heather Kennor's Lady TinaDunn's Little Tomstopper SeaMist Little Dutch Lass Sea Mist Little GuppyCH. BERNARD'S LIL BUTTON OF DUPRERed Sable FemaleBreeder E.P. QuebedeauOwners Barbara L. Dignowity, Simonton, TXCh. Lancer of Sunray ACCh. Sunray's Lil Beaver Sunray's Regina Ch. Jeribeth's Idol BeaverJo Art's Put Up Your Duke Jeribeth's Idol BakerJeribeth's Toast to Duke Tim Sue's Dancing Pebble Ch. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Rosewood's Dragonfly Dream LLL Lil Gold Copper PennyTiny Toy's Peanut Too LLL Happy Go Lucky Tammy My Golden GlowCH. BELLS GOLDEN SANDPIPERMaleBreeders Rex and Betty BellOwners Warren and Virginia Dimick,Oklahoma City, OKCH. BI-MAR SHAWNRed MaleBreeder Mary A. RosenbaumOwners Victor and Wendy Feist, Portland,ORCh. Dixieland Stylepepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland Dragonfly Delite Bell's Golden BearDixieland Southern Rock Millamor's Golden Charm Millamor's Rock Rosette AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion ACCh. BellsChriscendoCarmichael Can. Ch. Bell's Misty Masquerade Bells Golden Sun GoddessDixieland Southern Rock Millamor's Golden Charm Millamor's Rock RosetteCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunray's Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket By JJ of Andrews Larita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. Que Sera's Spirit of Larita La Rita's Top Doll By Kash Bi-Mar Shesa CovergirlCh. Golden Clow Nip Ch. Que Sera GG's Barbi DollCh. Que Sera Cigi of Golden GlowViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW\Jan-Shari tM mfiimBm,^ v^x vt\p .- H1 ,. v"^ HXiA TTf'\V \1ya 8VJ ^ IwdH4 "4VTOsautrl^Drawing by Mike BrumfieldCh. Bev-Nor N Southland RamhoRambo, our pride and joy and the very heart of our breeding program, is now with Charlotte Creed, his handler. Watch for him.Rambo is doing well in the breeding department also. So far he has produced 7 females, 1 male. His first puppy is appropriately named Jan-Shads First Lady. She is our first puppy with our new kennel name, Jan-Shar a combination of Janie and Sharon.Jane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 24901 304 497-3190Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446I POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. MERCER'S ALLYSSA OF DOO-SHAYCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Bonner's Starpuff PowerBonner's Beautan Cream Puff Chesai Sunpower CycloneAC Ch. Collier's Golden Beri Collier's Golden CharleneInt. Ch. Mayken's Sun Cricket Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercer's Touch O DukeCh. Bonner's Starcrest Minette Mercer's Marisa Touch Beck-Ann's Caylo Mercer's Gayla DeeTri Don's Shadee LadeeH. BONNER'S LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONid Orange Maleeeder Dorothy Bonnerwner Sandra Territo, Lakeland, LACh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonner's Kristin StarmistCh. Bonner's Pepper-KGold Mist h. Bonner's Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonner's Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonner's Little Miss Wag Bonner's Sunfire Mischief Ch. Mac's Gay Terrific Ch. Playboy of Colden Acres Ch.Duchess of Golden Acres tie's Golden MelodyToy Boy of Town Town Peaches of Golden Acres Denise's Dainty MignonCH. MULLEN'S LENNIS SUEZETTEOrange FemaleBreederOwner Nancy C. Mullens, Craigs- ville, WVH. DESIREE'S RIPPLING FUDGETeam Sable MaleireederOwner Desaree Sandifer, Gastonia,Ch. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis' Cavalier Tangie Ch. Annon's Sir KennorCh. Theldun's John John Kennor's Lady TinaSea Mist Little Dutch Lass AC Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chips Forgets Sparkling Chico Forgets Chips of Kreptal Golden Oaks Cinnamon TwistACCh. Emcee's Sparkling Chip Forgets Golden CinderellaEmcee's Debbie of Great ElmsJCCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice h. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Ripple Bev-Nods Sweet and Sassy Tesiree's Rippling BrookeCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Desiree's Fancier Faith Sandee's High Hope CH. PATTY'S DINOMITE OF BREN-RAYMaleOwner Patty Jensen, Mound, MNCH. GUYS N GALS DOLIE PATCHESOrange Sable FemaleBreederOwner Josephine Ching, Honolulu, Ch. Creider's Replica Riptide Ch. Robinhood's Replica's Rerun Queenaire Gin Fizz of Hoods Dandy Replica's RerunCh. Russell's Fox Flame Tynee Pom-Chris Chatterbox Chris' Terrific Aristocrat Ch. Russel's Fox Flame Tynee Pom-Chris Dynamic Miracle Chris' Terrific Aristocrat Hudson's Little SisterJimbo's Captain Midnight Misty Midnight VIIJackie's Nimble NickieHICh. Andre of Point Loma Chamber's Tom ThumbCh. Creider's Betsy B Beautiful Ch. Shadowdance's Touch and Go Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Chamber's Christie Love Chamber's Molly Q Ch. Queenaire Gambling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queeanire Luvy Duk Queenaire Lil MistressCh. Model's Red Sultan Queeanire Ruby Ruby Queeanire Luvy DukPOMERANIAN REVIEWmWes Heartsproudly presentsA ir.i ViheEJilillJPwWee Heapts Beaply An AngelAnnon's Ebony Mark II xWee Heart's I'm No AngelBearly has 14 points and hopefully will be finished by the time this goes to press. She is coming out again after her year old shed and will be continued as a special as she is a very special angel to us.Many thanks to her gracious, exclusive handler, Karen Coula, and the judges that admired her form.Several litters of bt breedings that will not be offered for sale prior to this ad, including one bt male from a repeat breeding of Bearly.HandlerKaren Coula Rt. 676, Box 74-A Elkwood, VA 22718OwnerBreederCassandra Ready P.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822 803 593-3600 SSIPOMERANIAN REVIEWCH. WATTS' LITTLE INSTANT REPLAYOrange MaleBreeder Dolores A. WattsOwner Mary Joyce Demblnsky, Upperco, MDOSEWOOD'S MOON COLD OF LILAE CDJrange Malereeder Mary and Everette Hammond wners LilaeShope, Bellefonte, PATim Sue's Dancing Pebble Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer ofOakridge Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge ih. LLL Fancy Gold Moon WalkerCh. Lil Gold Dancer ofOakridge Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine LLL Happy Tanya Ch. Reeves' Buster Boy Ch. Rosewood's CasanovaRosewood's Bit O' Little Eddie losewood Casanova Torch SongCh. Van Hoozeds Lucky Wee Eddie Rosewood's Contessa Thole's Countess JeanCh. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Watts' Little Chipper of G. Elms Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms HoneybunGreat Elms Tanfanny of Lennis Tono's May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Zodiac's Cavalier Commander Ch. Cavs Sensational Conquest Watts' Little Crisco of ScotiaScotia Happy Co Lucky Corey Scotia Corey Meg's Story Book Robin's Meggie of ScotiaH. SCOTIA'S LITTLE BUTTERCUPange Sable Female ireeder EdnaGirardot Dwner Dolores WattsCH. WATTS' LITTLE LOVE BUGOrange Male Breeder Dolores Watts Owner Debbie KennedyCh. Scotia Just Dandy's Littleman Ch. Scotia Littleman SpectacularCh. Scotia Specky Molly Xmas Noel Jh. Scotia Chase National DreamCh. Varney's Special Cavalier Ch. Zodiac Cavalier Centerpiece Ch. Luell's Cinderella of Duke Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Ch. Sungold's Dee Dee Ih. Scotia Piper's Chintily KobkoCh. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Braum Chintilly LaceCh. Speck Suprise Phoebe O'ScotiaCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Ednes Moe-Best Special Order Postscript Aft'R Noon Delight Ch. Watts' Little Peter Tan Mo-BestCh. Edney's Moe-Best Special Order Ch. Moe-Best Constant Attention Pomesto Cassandra Tono's May Morning Ali-Echo Ch. Zodiac's Cavalier Commander Ch. Cavs Sensational Conquest Watts Little Crisco of ScotiaScotia Happy Go Lucky Corey Scotia Corey Meg's Story Book Robin's Meggie of Scotiah. westview's moonglow rockyDrangeMale3reeder Mrs. Norris McKamey Dwner Donald G. Hayes, Owensboro, KYCH. WATTS LITTLE KAHLUA-LUAOrange FemaleBreeder Lennis DavisOwner Dolores Watts, Brandywine, MDCh. CreatElms Timstoppers Image Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Lennis' Tar Baby's Image Too Lennis' Cavilier Tigger Lennis'She's A LadyBritton's Little Raggedy Ann Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Lennis'Tar Baby of Great Elms Great Elms Angel Lennis Sugar Baby of TarBonner's Spungold Prettyelf Lennis' Spungold MariaSun Toy Sparkle of SpungoldCh. Jeribeth Silver Sparkle Ch. MillamorMoonrockMillamor Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Daja's Justa RocksampleDeParma's Fluffy Prince Hood's Sweet CookieTiny Tera O' Pom Haven Ch. MillamorMoonrock Ch. Daja Justa Rocksample Hood's Sweet Cookie McKamey's Star MellissaCh. Ken Gay Cavalier Joe McKames StarMillicentStarlite Rigal Miss SerenadePOMERANIAN REVIEWChesai Pomeraniansf T., CrJf. .li .XK1 Bfsr BREED TOi v'OF JUU 1906\ I_C. Chesai Power Play"Playboy" was shown to his championship in record time with 5 BOB by Ron Feyh of L-R Pom Thanks, Ron.Congratulations to Sara Barrett-Lewis on her Best in Match with Chesai Sunflower of Kim-Kara. Congratulations to Shannon Johnson on her grand finish 5 pts. and Croup with Ch. Mercer Allyssaof Doo-Shay, bred by Dan Mercer, sired by Chesai Sun Power Cyclone.Congratulations to Anna Benedetto and Chesai Sisnben's Scarlett Rose first 3 times out, ToCroup First in Match and both majors.Chesai PomeraniansMostly BonnerAristic Lines26093 Highway 281 NortSan Antonio, TX 7826Robert and Joan Reilly 512 438-266738 POMERANIAN REVIEWPhynei Ellackt cue V, 4fc.iIf1rCh. Phyner bust My buttonsCh. Moreno's Critic's Choice x Phyner Kitchen WitchFirst shown August 16 finished October 4, with 3 BOW, 1BOB. Second BOB at Sacramento KC October 12 under noted all-rounder Jane Forsythe.FLASH Buttons was Best of Breed at Golden Valley under lack Russell.BreederOwnerDolly B. Trauner 415 346-53142025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA941153POMERANIAN REVIEWBock in the RinqwotLV111u[j k i.Phyner Block MinikinCh. Moreno's Critic's Choice x Phyner Spellbinder Spellbinder is a litter sister to ButtonsWB first time shown at Del Val KC October 19 under Toy specialist Jim Moran. Also Match BOBand Group 2 the following week.FLASH Minikin was BOW for 4 points at Golden Valley.FLASH DOUBLE DELIGHT Buttons and Minnie thank their sire Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choicewho also had two others showing, including Reserve dog.HandlerAgentSandra Logan 209 227-22972408 E. Austin WayFresno, CA 93726POMERANIAN REVIEWYips and Yaps, from p. 6.its best. Good weather, good friends andPoms. What more could we askAn excellent buffet was prepared and there was a place for everyone. We really had the time of our lives. With this club hosting the National next year, this is a must for your calendar. We had perfect weather, a lovely trip, lots of doggy talk and most of all a great welcome. You can be sure we will come again, if only for the fun we had apart from the dogs. So to all who prepared this Specialty, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You bet we will be back. To the rest of you who want the best, go to this Specialty next year. You will receive a big Southern California welcome.As for San Diego, you can eat yourself silly with all the wonderful restaurants. Then there are the palm trees and flowers to enjoy. It made us want to be back amongst it all again.Good luck in all you do and thank you allPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 12600 SE 88th 21 Clackamas, OR 97015The Northwest's Good Neighbor Policy is ill going strong. Two Pomeranian clubs, ipporting each other in their efforts to -ovide a stage for us to exhibit our omeranians. Those of you who visited here st summer saw the spirit of friendship isplayed by most members of both clubs. Recently two matches were held, a B match i Portland, sponsored by the Columbia omeranian Club, and supported by those lembers of the Puget Sound Pom Club who ere able to make the trip. One week later, le Puget Sound Club sponsored their second -OA match. The Columbia Pom Club lembers entered in force. The imminent rrival of puppies to two breeders and a plane earing a husband home to Portland kept iree exhibitors away, but some of their Poms 'ere sent with friends. Both matches were ery successful. I see no reason why the Puget ound Club should not be approved by AKC to old a Pom Specialty in Seattle soon. The club jporters will be announcing the match sults, but I must congratulate the Junior landlers, John Gassaway and Misty Brani. he obedience exhibitors, Julie Lindgren, inda Gallacher and Janet Knukle all had fun. inet's black, Trivial Pursuit CD especially heered the onlookers with his spirited erformance. The judges at both matches, .uth Tabaka Obedience and Junior Handling irace Moran Conformation, PSPC and Edna wift CPC performed their duties carefully airly winning praise from all who exhibited nd those who just observed.There were two who drove up from Portland or the PSPC A-OA match who will long emember their broken "no-traffic-ticket" Iriving records. One who has never had a icket in his thirty year history, and another ho hasn't had a ticket in 20 years, both were locked by flying aircraft, withing 10 minutes if each other on the same stretch of freeway, it 10 to 12 miles over the 55 mile an hour peed limit. Sorry, guys.See you at ringside.once again.To Beverly and Jim Griffith, a special thanks.Tom and Jessie StephensEDITOR'S NOTEThere are a great many really considerate people in this Club who call and let me know that their ads or articles are going to be a day or two late. Some even call and let me know their ads are coming. I want you to know how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness. It really helps me organize my time and thoughts.There is one special lady you all should know about, however. For all of you who enjoy reading the material about obedience, you should know how very dedicated Mary Vickers is in compiling so much of this material and then sending it along to me. On top of everything else, she called me to let me know that her material was coming but that it would be a little late as she was putting the finishing touches on it while she recovered from surgery. Thanks Mary, for your good work, dedication and most of all, your thoughtfulness. Hope your recovery has been complete and you are back heeling with the best of themHappy New Year to alliPOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Watts' Little Instant ReplayTm F-v,aKgs5- y,i7y3 a'ivr.a-r L'ibest of WINNERSMI00LE8URG KENNEL CLUBdave ashbeyY 431986. tV'N - - - -u^2AV. m'as.J1 V tV^, AA - . - HV. i-. -TViCh. Watts' Little Chipper of C. Elms x Watts' Little Crisco of Scotia"Mikey" finished his championship with 4 consecutive majors, three in one weekends and another two weeks later in typical Watts' styleThanks so much to the following judges101086 Mr. Robert J. Moore, Southern Maryland KC, 4 pts. WD, BOW 101186 Mr. R. Stephen Shaw, Catonsville KC, 4 pts., WD, BOW 101386 Mr. James H. Moran, Carroll KC, 5 pts., WD, BOW 102586 Mr. James C. Reynolds, Middleburg KC, 3 pts, WD, BOW My very special thanks to a great lady and friend Dolores Watts, for letting me own "Mikey" and for all her help and encouragement, especially ringside.Another special thank you to Dianne Johnson. We couldn't have done it without youPending AKC confirmationOwnerHandlerMary Joyce Dembinsky 921 Emory Church Road Upperco, MD 21155 301 239-2599BreederDolores A. Watts 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 301 372-8782aPOMERANIAN REVIEWNANCY BURNETTE501982-1132"913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076\tfiM.iVAVA V- -rCh. Nanshadows Not-Worth-A-PennyCh. Mac's Maybe I WillxCh. LLL Charming Cold KandeeAt the Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty in August, Penny went BOW in the Sweepstakes under judge Janice Luginsland.In the Regular classes, Penny took WB for a 5 point major and then went on to BOW and BOS over specials under judge Dorothy Nickles pictured.POMERANIAN REVIEWNANCY BURNETTE501982-1132- 913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076"uV[13 11HvCh. Nanshadows Not-Worth-A-Penny FINISHED AT 7 MONTHS OLDPenny finished her championship the day following the Houston Specialty with another major, going BOW and BOS under judge Joan Cordon Alexander.POMERANIAN REVIEWIgANANCY BURNETTE501 982-11323913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076\4. .ME NMI'rNanshadows Hurricane JuanCh. Mac's Maybe I WillxCh. LLL Charming Cold KandeeJuan started his career in the tradition of his sister by taking WD and BOW his very first time out under judge Betty Dexter.POMERANIAN REVIEWNANCY BURNETTE501 982-1132913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076\"IWINNERS DOG .J'lOZARKS KENNEL CLUB I986PHOTO BY PETRULIS-ZlI13JNanshadows Hurricane JuanCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xCh. LLL Charming Cold KandeeOn his second venture into the ring, Juan once again took the points.POMERANIAN REVIEWA Twinkling Little Super StarThe Second OTCH Pomby Donna Crain EddinsIt only took five tries to get our CDX. Then we went to the Regional in Greensville, SC. Twinkle and I came in 5th.Teaching Utility to Twinkle was really quite easy. She is almost totally food trained. She seems to really enjoy doing most exercises. Her signals are crisp and quick. Send outs are almost dead straight. Unfortunately, her send outs don't always do her alot of good, considering her favorite way to bust is by taking the wrong jump. We finished up the UD in time to enter the Orlando Regional, but came in just behind tenth place in Super Dog.Twinkle finished her UD on a Saturday. The next day she earned 10 OTCH points. The following weekend she received 4 more. That ended our spring showing. We went into Fall with high hopes that quickly fell to deep depression 9 shows and 0 points. By this time I knew I was pregnant. I set my goal to finish her OTCH before the baby was born. My doctor said I could travel until 3 weeks before my due date. In November we finally started picking up points. She finished in May and Leigh Ann was born on June 14th The OTCH certificate arrived the same time as Leigh Ann's birth certificate.Trying to count the 100 needed points for the OTCH can be difficult for both the AKC and the owner. Late in the summer a letter came from the AKC recinding the title as more points were needed. Back on the show circuit for us.But I had wanted to breed Twinkle and had picked a stud. Twinkle cooperated and in January, 1986 whelped a litter of 2 males. Fidget is the one that I am keeping. His brother is in obedience classes with his new owner, a German Shepherd breeder-exhibitor. Weaning over, it was back to the shows to get those last points. Twinkle received her final points for the OTCH at Mississippi State Kennel Club on May 10, 1986.Twinkle and Fidget have been busy this summer promoting the Gaines Regional that will be held here in Memphis in 1988. Fidget has started his training and is doing Open work. Early in 1987 he will try for his CD and then it is on to St. Louis for the Regional in June. "I Fidget In Style" should live up to his continued on p. 54.A Pom puppy is irresistible My mother and irst saw Twinkle when she was six weeks 1 My mom went crazy over her. Twinkle me home with us.Who are we My mother, Twinkle's -owner, is Jo Ann Geeslin. She has a kennel, es obedience training classes here in emphis, Tennessee and shows in competi- 'e obedience. Fourteen years ago I entered e show ring with a miniature dachshund, though she was a real handful for a 12 year d girl, she did get her CDX. Since then I have it a CD on 2 miniature poodles, a toy poodle id a Golden. I have a CDX on a German lepherd. My mother and I share an OTCH on n-Jon, another miniature poodle. She lined him through his UD. At that time she id a bad back and couldn't travel a lot, so I irned about half of his OTCH points and she irned the other half. Jon won first place at e Gaines Classic in Minnesota teamed with y mother. The following year he received st place in open at the Atlanta Classic with e at his side.Now to get back to Twinkle. Leash breaking r was a real experience. It only took one ssion but l was convinced she would kill irself before we were through. She would in as hard as she could till she hit the end of le lead and turn a flip. After several loud ireams, she would jump up and run in the aposite direction turning another flip. This ent on for about fifteen minutes then it was ier. Twinkle was a natural in Novice, eeling was what she excelled in. She iceived a Dog World Award and 2 High in rials. We attended the Tulsa Regional and winkle took first place in the Novice ivision.Our training building at Dog Woods is icated on the back part of our property. It as under construction when Twinkle began pen training. Twinkle developed this strange abitof running. When working on retrieving, ie would take off and run toward the front, he first time she did this, I almost had a heart ttack. I chased her back to the building, .fter a few times I wised up and realized that I stood still she would circle back to me. his problem understood, training progressed.POMERANIAN REVIEWAdorable Pomeranians5^ i. l\iw m111Ch. WattsLittle Love BttgCh. Watts' Little Peter Tan Mo-Best x Watts' Little Crisco of ScotiaHerbie would like to thank judges Mrs. Jarmoluk, Mr. Downing, Mrs. Arnold, Mr. Moore, Mrs. Bradley, Mr. Cohen, Mrs. Haage, Mr. Bernfeld, Mr. Moran and Mr. William Taylor. He has 5 BOB from the classes to his credit and is pointed in Bermuda.We would like to thank Dolores and Dave Watts for all their help and for letting us own Herbie. Always Owner HandledDebbie and Thurman Kennedy 1901 Woodlawn Drive Hagerstown, MD 301 733-1244pending AKC confirmationLook for our new additions in the ring, Post Script's Adorable Pen and Ink and Annon's Adorable Star Force.POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Texicans Gk.4tj 7-. f-LO. .1AvriV V-,S.vV A 1 ITp M 4i m-ZWSBKV i\\vJCHAPARRAL KCTOYf San Antonio KC, March '86, Mr. Oberstar, Croup 1 with Erika Moureau Prescott KC, June '86, Mr. Treen, Croup 1 with Michael Collins Houston Pom Specialty, August'86, Ms. Nickles, BISS with Peter Galindo San Jacinto KC, August'86, R. Caviness, Croup 1 with Peter Galindo Entry of 3500 dogs 407 Toy DogsOwnerNorma C. CadGad's Chula Poms 5908 Westside Rd.POMERANIAN REVIEWuit Killer ChulaVJ ^fV th X117 iT ,f 9ITl,yyi, j r dk ... .. 3^' a....................ij^I.V 1''MMChaparral KC, October '86, Erica Thomsen, Croup 1, owner-handled pictured left Sahuaro KC, October '86, Dr. Rojo de la Vega, Croup 1, with Michael Collins pictured rightWith only four outings since June, he has won a Specialty Best in Show and four Croups, two of which were the 1st and 2nd biggest in the U.S.Entry of 3,000 dogs 301 Toy DogsBreederErika K. MoureauEl Paso, TX 79932 915 584-0942SI POMERANIAN REVIEW'o' meDee Dee's Pomeraniansa[Oj,r rk.t iU"V1MtVV^rDeeDee's Jumpin' Jack FlashCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Sassy Scoundrel StarPictured at 10 weeksDee Dee's Debutante[Ch. Bev-Nods Statesman x Dee Dee's Reckless of Twin PinesPictured at 8 weeksDee Dee's Pomeranians wishes a belated Happy Holidays to everyone and hopes all of us get one step closer to the perfect Pom in the New Year.We have puppies for sale sired by Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge, including two black males."-A-sv V- 1i Dianne Thompson-Drewery P.O. Box 155Mechanicsville, VA 23111-0155 804 769-1029POMERANIAN REVIEW2 -SSB'iDee Dee's Pomeranians[o3tT. I,afir.oi- vL'I ''liiJA HrIfDee Dee's Jumpin'Jack FlashDee Dee's Foot LooseDee Dee's Fancy FreeDee Dee's Pomeranians is pleased to present our first litter sired by Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge.Pictured at 10 weeks.Dee Dee's Jumpin' Jack Flash 1.aCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Sassy Scoundrel StarmiW.Watch for Flash and Debutante pictured on the opposite page in the show ring this spring.Pictured at 10 weeks.'k-ft1r. f' L rDianne Thompson-Drewery 804 769-1029P.O. Box 155 Mechanicsville, VA 23111-0155POMERANIAN REVIEWWhat is UtilityBy Linda Gallachernot, on a single signal from his handler, stand, remain standing where left, drop, sit or come will be scored zero. They will also receive a zero on the exercise if the dog receives an audible signal from the handler. Deductions are made for heeling errors, recall errors and movement toward the handler during the stand, down or sit sequence.The next exercise is the Scent Discrimination which is done and scored in two parts. In each of these two exercises the dog must select, by scent alone, and retrieve an article which has been touched by his handler. The articles are provided by the handler and consist of two sets, each comprised of five identical objects. One set is made of rigid metal and one of leather. All 10 articles are given to the judge, who designates one from each set. The remaining 8 articles are placed on the ground about 20 feet from the handler and dog.After watching the placement of the articles, the dog and handler turn around and remain facing away from them until directed by the judge to "Send your dog."Picking up one of the two designated articles the handler imparts his scent to the article by rubbing it in his hands. After he has scented it the judge will place it among the ones on the ground.When so directed, the handler will tell his dog to find the article, while he turns to face them. The dog must go briskly out, select the article with his handler's scent, and return it as in an Open retrieve exercise. This procedure is followed for the remaining article.The dog is scored zero if he fails to go out to the group of articles, returns a wrong article, or fails to bring the right article to the handler. Deductions are made for a dog which picks up a wrong article even if he puts it down again immediately, for a dog that is slow or inattentive, or that does not work continuously, and any deduction which would apply to the Novice recall or the Retrieve on the flat exercises.Following the Scent Discrimination is the Directed Retrieve.. In this exercise the handler provides three white gloves whichThe Utility Degree that illusive third ledience title where the dog must be able to ark with confidence away from his handler, ake discretionary choices and give his idivided attention.Most good trainers can count on a year or ore of training to prepare their dogs for tility competition. A trainer must make a m commitment of time, patience and irseverence. This is why only a very small ircentage of dogs who achieve CD or even 3X titles will ever earn their UD. Other tfalls include unsound dogs, lack of training perience on the part of the trainer, lack of a od class instructor, poor training equip- ent this list could go on endlessly.Those approaching Utility training for the rst time should watch the good toy ghandler teams at shows. These people in best recommend instructors in your area, perhaps will be willing to help you lemselves.I guarantee that the time spent training Dur dog to this level is well worth the ustration and disappointment you will icounter on the way. To truly appreciate the artnership between a Utility dog and its aineryou must experience it for yourself.The first exercise a dog will be doing in the tility ring is the Signal Exercise.The principal features of this exercise are le ability of the dog and handler to work as a jam while heeling, and the dog's correct isponses to the signals to stand, stay, drop, t and come.The judge directs the handler and dog irough an off leash heel pattern with the ddition of "Stand your dog." This is given at le end of a basic heel pattern while the andler and dog are walking at a normal pace, he handler gives the dog a signal to stand nd comes to a halt. The judge will then direct he handler to leave his dog. The handler ignals the dog to stay and walks to the ipposite side of the ring where he stands acing his dog. The judge will direct him to ignal the dog "down," "sit," "come," and return to heel." At no time during this ixercise will the handler speak to his dog. All lirection is by signal only. A dog which doesPOMERANIAN REVIEWAutumns Pomeraniansv1V 'fn1m mIEl m \- A____ _ iCh. Autumns Red Blaze of Bi-Mar"Boo" is shown taking the Toy Group under Judge Joseph E. Gregory October 19 over the top Toys in the U.S. The Boise, Idaho set was tough professional competition for this young dog and his equally young ownerhandler, but both handled it well, taking the Breed three consecutive days. Acquired as a puppy, "Boo" is only a year and a half. Thank you, Mary Rosenbaum for permitting Autumn's to have this sound typey youngster. A big thank you also to judges Dr. Jacklyn E. Hungerland and Lois Wolff White.OwnerHandlerLaura Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Ave. Portland, OR 97219 503J 246-2448Emily Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable St. Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-1730POMERANIAN REVIEWDeductions are given for a dog that does not stop in the center of the ring about 20 feet beyond the jumps, for a dog that turns, stops or sits before the handler's command, and for a dog that fails to sit. Deductions are also made for slowness in going out, touching the jumps and any that apply to the Novice Recall.The final exercise is the Group Examination. Between 6 and 12 of the Utility class dogs are brought into the ring and positioned, side by side down the center. On order from the judge to "Stand your dogs" all the handlers stand or pose their dogs. On further command from the judge they command their dogs to "Stay" and walk forward to the end of the ring where they turn and face their respective dogs.The judge will approach each dog in turn, from the front, and examine it. He will go over each dog with his hands, as in dog show judging, except that he will not examine teeth or testicles.When all the dogs have been examined, and after the handlers have been away from their dogs for at least 3 minutes, the judge will order them to return. The handlers return, each walking around the back of his dog to the heel position, after which the judge will release them.A dog is scored zero for displaying shyness or resentment, moving a minor distance from the place it was left, going over to another dog, sitting or lying down before the handler has returned, growling or snapping at any time during the exercise, repeatedly whining or barking. Deductions are made for a dog moving its feet, or a dog that sits or lies down after the handler returns to heel position.ust be approved by the judge. While the ndler stands with his back turned, and his g sitting in heel position, the ring steward II drop the gloves at the opposite end of the lg. One is placed in each corner and one in e center of the ring. The judge will tell the indler which glove he wants the dog to trieve. The handler turns to face the signated glove and sends his dog to retrieve All three gloves are visible to the dog at this int, and he will be scored a zero for not turning the correct one. He will also be ored zero if the handler gives any additional jmmands or signals, or if the dog does not directly to the designated glove.Deductions are made for a handler who erturns, or touches the dog or uses ccessive motions while turning to face the ove. Recall and Retrieve on the flat eductions also apply.The final individual exercise has two parts, is Directed Jumping. The high jump and bar imp are placed midway in the ring at right ngles to the sides of the ring. For omeranians the heights of the jumps are set t Vi the dogs height at the withers.The handler, from a position on the center ne of the ring and about 20 feet from the .imps, shall stand with his dog sitting in heel osition. On order from the judge, the andler will command his dog to go forward, t a brisk trot or gallop, to the opposite side of he ring. When the dog reaches the end of the ing the handler commands him to sit. The log must stop and sit with his attention on the landler.The judge will designate which jump is to ie taken first by the dog. The handler then ommands andor signals the dog to return to lim over the designated jump. The dog sits in ront of the handler on his return and is then lirected to heel position.This procedure is followed for the second ump, which shall be the opposite of the one aken in the first part of the exercise.The dog will receive zero for the following anticipating the handler's command to go aut, not leaving the handler, not going out between the jumps, not stopping on ommand and remaining at least 10 feet oeyond the jumps, anticipating the handler's command to jump, not jumping as directed, knocking the bar off the uprights and climbing or using the top of the high jump for aid in going over.Little Super Star, from p. as he follows in his mom's pawprints.There is an unfortunate ending to this story. Twinkle died unexpectedly early this Fall. There is not much to say. She lives on through her get. Twinkle taught me many things. The most outstanding one is not to sell the Pom, or any little dog, short. Many people in our training classes feel that little dogs can't do the same things as big dogs. That is false. I had a Pom that proved it OTCH Twinkle Little Super Star, Can. CD.POMERANIAN REVIEWr ieGolden Aires Pomeraniansproudly presents a championG\\C 5.\^ ]Mjfl3ji.Ch. Twin Pines Tico TicoCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond x Scarlett of Twin PinesTico is shown finishing his title under Judge Robert Sharpe. Our special thanks to all the judges who thought Tico worthy and to Carroll and Mary James who presented him so beautifully for us.To John Cribbs, Dr. and Mrs. Morris Carson and Janice Young, we express our appreciation for making it possible for us to have Tico.Tico will be a very important part of our breeding program and we are very proud to have him.Watch for a Tico daughter, Beaus N' Belles Precious Onyx in the show ring.Golden Aires PomsJohn and Sharon Masnick 803 928-3511HCR 65 Box 745 Huger, SC 29450POMERANIAN REVIEWifStart making your plans for a fantastic summer weekend in San DiegoSan Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty ShowftThursday, May 14,1987Followed by hosting the American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty ShowFriday, May 15,1987Both shows to be held on the grounds of the La Jolla Village Inn La Jolla, CACatalog Advertising and Trophy DonationsAnna LaFortune3139 Florine DriveLemon Grove, CA 92045619 463-2700Premium Lists Peter J. Galindo 611 New York El Paso, TX 79902 915 542-0753An Added Bonus3 All-Breed Shows will be held in the San Diego Area Saturday, May 16, 1987 Sunday, May 17, 1987 Monday, May 18,1987 9We have lots of good things planned for allSee you next MayHPOMERANIAN REVIEWTynan Pomeranians oft-Kjff -xI Mi 4-xAm. Can. Ch. Great Elms Shining StarrIn just 18 months, Ponch's show career stands at 20 BIS, 1 Toy Specialty, 52 Croup 1s and many other Croup placings. He is Canada's Top Pom and 3rd top Toy for 1985. Presently he holds the title of the top winning Pom in the history of the breed in Canada. Ponch also won Best in Show at Canada's Show of Shows similar to the Kennel Review Tournament of Champions in this country.Ponch and Natalie took a trip not long ago to North Carolina and completed his U.S. championship with two majors and a Croup 3. Ponch has been owner handled all theway.We have many special people to thank for our success. Ruth Beam for her excellent breeding program Carolyn and Sonny Roberts for allowing Ponch to come to Canada Morris Carson for his valued friendship. We will see you at the New York Specialty in February. OwnerNatalie Dunfee RR 1, Enfield Hants Co, Nova Scotia Canada BON1NO 902 883-8207BreederRuth Beam USACo-OwnerCarolyn Roberts USAJ POMERANIAN REVIEWDykstra's Roxann of Topaze with a 193 second was Roxy's daughter Dykstra's Cupid with a 191. Also qualifying were Betty Richardson and Tracy Kim Mignano and Timmy Karen Shaver and Miggens Fran Richardson and J.R. and Brandy Richardson and Smokey Jo. Claire was entered but Randy who has trouble with his sit stays, as I recall couldn't manage the group exercises on this day. I'll be he did fine in the backyard, didn't he, ClaireThe rest of the Bay news is about Gladys Dykstra. Roxy completed her Canadian UD with scores of 190, 193 and 195. By the way, in Canada any dog earning a UD uses OTCh before its name. Don't ya just love it She also placed 2nd two times and third once. Cupid completed her Canadian CD with very similar scores of 193V2, 193 and 194 and was the highest scoring toy dog at all three shows. During the 2nd day of trials, the judge mentioned to Gladys to take a look at the gallery it was really crowded. Gladys was told that everyone there had come to see the Poms. But she didn't quite believe it until the crowd left the gallery after the Poms were finished And who said Poms aren't crowd pleasersRoxy and Cupid also finished American titles. Roxy completed her UD with scores of 194V2, 18512 and 187. Once again she had two 2nd placements and one 3rd, placing only behind dogs who have OTCHs. Great going Cupid finished her American CD with 190, 190Vz and 192V2. These are all very solid, good scores. As you can see though, things do get somewhat more difficult in Utility. It sounds like Gladys has had quite a year. Can anyone tell me where you east coast people attend trials in Canada It would sure be fun to arrange a Pom People get-together at one of them. I can think of a number of people who are close enough to get there.Diane Bauman and Abra have done it once again. I don't know what more I can say about this dynamic duo except WOOOW We've received word that Abra has now completed her UD title. In fact, as of November 10 she has 18 OTCH points. As if not enough for one year, they were entered in the Gaines Classic November 1 and 2. Diane and Abra placed FIRST from the Open Division. Their scores were 196, 19835 and1982. In addition they were awarded Sunday's Best and Sunday's continued on p. 62.OBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906Well Folks, another Pom Review is out and I on't see a word about what's happening on ne issue of jump heights. After 68 of the lational Club went to the trouble to vote on lis and after receiving such a curt reply from lKC, wouldn't you think there would be lembers all over the country up in arms Let's sk our Board Members, "What's the scoop Margaret McKee suggestedhuh'ere,riting to AKC, Board Members, National bedience magazines, etc. Do we really want hese jumps lowered or are we stopped by one oadblock Anyone out in Pom-Land who vould like a further report on this, if you'll Irop me a note with your feelings on the ubject, I'll mail them to the parties who need o get them and report back in the next olumn. Let's not give up nowLilae Shope, who recently announced the ompletion of Shope's Cupid Bella Donna DX title has another little announcement.ielle whelped two female puppies Oct. 9. She vrote to me when they were four days old and rowing rapidly. Their dad is Ch. Ednes Vloe-Best Special Order. I guess that puts Jtility training on hold for now, doesn't it .ilae On the other hand, we now have two nore prospects for Champion UD's, don't weLilae also reports that Tazzie, Rosewood's vloon Gold of Lilae, received his first leg oward his Am. CD with a 3rd place finish at he tender age of one year and on day, waited another couple' of months, then finished this itle at 14 months. He's now started on -etreiving work, drop-on-recall and out-of- sight stays. And she writes that from Kirkwood NY Shawn of Brockton CD, owned by Charley and Eleanor Hamilton, finished his CDX on September 27 . . . and of course they're going on to Utility training.Claire Flesner writes about the recent titles earned from the Bay Colony Pom Club. Evelyn Farinacci's"Jodi" completed her Canadian CD this summer. The club also held a Fun Match in September and had 11 obedience entries. The high scoring dog in Match was GladysPOMERANIAN REVIEW\'J KI1 II 4 fl' I1 B-Ii m I vI LeflE^Obedience Specialty Trial. . .notyet.Taking advantage of the Summer Specialty and the Columbia Pomeranian Club's Specialty, obedience Poms had their day at the accompanying all-breed showstrials. Pictured after the fun areWebster Trivial Pursuit CD, and Janet KunkleSundae Sunswept Hot Fudge Sundae CD and Linda Gallacher,Charlie Powderpuffs Charlie and Susan Ford,Huggy Annon's Huggy Best from Scamp CDX and Mary Vickers Qualifying scores for some good times and memories for allMary Vickers 703 960-77552818 Jefferson Drive Alexandria, VA 223030 POMERANIAN REVIEWWatts PomeraniansChampion 15\ \oj',4. 1A''MiV'-" 1 s 7m r-.ILlA-if7y BESTOF WINNERSsmsftLEHIGH VALLEY KENNEL CLUBL-ySSJ..ASHBET1" it.Ch. Watts Little Kahlua-LuaShown going BOW at Lehigh Valley KC. While campaigning Kahlua, she took time out twice to have some little ones and finished her championship in September 1986. Thanks to all those judges involved and thanks also to Sue Whaley for handling her.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Congratulations to Joyce Dembinsky of Baltimore, MD on finishing Ch. Watts' Little Instant Replay. This little guy did it up right with his owner, going out and finishing in four shows with four big majors.Dolores A. Watts 301372-87824800 Floral Park Rd Brandywine, MD 20613POMERANIAN REVIEW i1Watts PomeraniansChampion 16Ji5 7,1A yr1gi BEST OF BREEDMONMOUTH COUNTY KENNEL CLUB1986 V' '1DAVE ASHBEY. 'll Him 11. l. .... i\Ch. Scotias Little ButtercupWhat a pleasure it was showing this little gal. She travelled to Oregon with me to the Summer Specialty and west BOS in Sweepstakes.Shown above her first time out going BOB for a 4 point major. She finished with back to back majors in October 1986. Thanks to the judges who pointed her and to Edna for breeding her.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 20613Dolores A. Watts 301372-8782POMERANIAN REVIEWshowed many of my own, and good friends, Shorty and Sidney Harwood helped me. Shorty lived in San Angelo and was so popular with the judges that a loss was rare. Then other breeders mobbed Shorty with offers, which caused losses for me in the show ring.Those were the good old days.7 Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerTelephone ringing."Hello, this is Dorothy Bonner.""Mrs. Bonner, do you still raise Pomeranins'"Istill try to. Do you want one""You sold me little "WeeDee" in 1950 and I imember the joy that she gave us. How much an I get another for"A range of from 250 to 500 is quoted."But I only paid 50.00 for little Wee Dee" "Yes, and you could buy a loaf of bread for nicklethem. Now I can scarcely get out of a et clinic for 50."Prices certainly have gone up, as a vet fee sed to be as low as 2.00 5.00 was high. I emember when a Caesarian section from the iest vet in San Antonio was 10.00. He did xcellent surgery with such a tiny incision that t seemed impossible that a puppy could ome through it. Antibiotics were unknown, ulpha powder being used, and it was inbelievable that there were so few implications.Gladys Schoenberg charged 25.00 for a seeding to a champion Aristic stud, and local om owners followed suit. After Stylepepper lad attained his first Best in Show award, I vent up to 75.00, and Gladys predicted that I vould never get that much. The popular suppy price was 50.00, take your choice. We nad no national market and were entirely unknown. For that reason, we took summer vacations with a trailer full of Poms for several years to visit with breeders all over the country. When Bonner's Tiny Showstopper was sold for 150, it was such a high price that nobody would believe that a puppy could bring that much, so we took a picture of the check. Show fees were 4.00, and we paid quite a few for friends to encourage them to enter, as Poms were scarce and a three point major required four entries. Our lovely wolf-sable, Bonner's Smokypepper Chico, undefeated in the classes, made his championship in four shows, totalling 16.00. Smokypepper always conceded Best of Breed to Stylepepper, shown at the same time. The best of handlers charged 10.00 per show, and Clara Alford finished my first champion, as I had no knowledge of the exhibiting procedures at that time. Later, ICLASSIFIED ADSClassified AdPomeranian male, 17 months old, proven, 4 lbs, orange. Sire Ch. Sungold's Kazar Quarter Back x Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Que Sera. Photos and pedigree on request. 318 583-2693. Dayna Johnson.For Sale Can. Ch. Tiperon's Expectation, pictured 1986 Stud Dog Register. 1000.00 Canadian. Sire CA Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip. Jenny Noonan, 1316 Upp. James, Ham. Ont. Canada L9C 3B4 416 388-9039.Obedience News, from p. 58.High Open. I believe this is the first Pomeranian ever to achieve this feat. Congratulations They make it look soooo easy. Also, the Delaney System of ranking obedience dogs came out in the November issue of Front and Finish. Diane and Abra ranked first in the Toy Croup for 1985. The out-pointed eight Paps and one Pug.There is some very sad news from Donna Crain Eddins from Memphis, TN. OTCH Twinkle Little Super Star, the second Pom ever to earn an OTCH has been killed in a freak accident. Anyone who would like to send a card may send it to me, and I'll see that she gets it.Anyone having show results may feel free to call me at 517 485-5183. I hope to be getting an answering machine soon, so I won't miss your calls. Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeler.POMERANIAN REVIEWLefe hear itfor the OSSire Can. Am. Bda. Ch. Millamo Rock MedallionDam Chriscendo Confetti By Ca Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin CommenlX,1IT 4 MKl2SLPhotoat2Vi months.A .it.s''iVS_- _vOurplanned Spring litters didn't all materialize, in fact these two boys were all we got. Althoug disappointed in the quantity, they more than make up for it in quality.ChrgpendoJohn E. and Christine D. Heartz 902 895-7427P.O. Box 125 Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada B2N 5N4 POMERANIAN REVIEWSISNBEN KENNELSproudly presents our first championI39I'H'V\tAV'Jj, 0 ....Ch. Sisnben Pride of JoyCh. Tim Sue's Top of the Mark x My Tiny BrendaBobby got 3 Group placings while gaining his Canadian title. He has over 15 BOB and Group placements.I would like to thank all the judges that recognized his merit and championship quality for his majors, Mr. Kenneth M. McDermott and Mr. Richard D. Hammond, plus all the other judges.OwnerBreederHandlerAnna M Benedetto SISNBEN KENNELS 56 Kearney St. Pequabuck, CT 067816POMERANIAN REVIEW\SISNBEN KENNELSpresents Rose2^-r'y V1'ftl'W "tjmfnj ''fjljW,1' 1'lSlfflffiWr . iW'\ '' v'HAMilrtr pi....Chesai Sisnben Scarlet RoseBonner's Starpuff Power xChesai Bambi DancerFirst time out, Rose took Toy Croup at the Apple Valley Match. The next weekend she took a 3 pt. major at Albany KC and one at Troy KC at only 8 months of age.I would like to thank judge Phyllis Haage and Mr. Warren C. Uberroth, Jr.I would also like to give a special thanks to Dorothy Bonner for taking me to meet Joan M. Reilly, a wonderful breeder and friend, where I bought Rose.AnnaM. Benedetto SISNBEN KENNELS 56 Kearney St. Pequabuck, CT 06781 203 589-15626 POMERANIAN REVIEWPHarbins Pomeranianspresenting our next hopefulV"iIt 1..Ck ' uv i,-VI iiu]IHarbinsYou Sweet TalkerCh. Emcee's Sparkling Jody xCh. Harbin's Touch of Class"Betty" as we call her, represents the fourth generation from which the preceeding three generations of girls are champions all owner handled to the top.'We show what we breed'OwnerBreeder10759 SandPt. WayN.E. Seattle, WA 98125Irene and Sylvia Harbin 206 365-1748POMERANIAN REVIEWHarbirfs PomeraniansWishes everyone a very happy and successful New YearIAim. Can. Ch. Harbins Time To Pop The CorStill on top in the Great NorthwestWe would like also to extend a great big thank you to Ruth Beam and Maynard Wood for our three gorgeous males sired by Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, bred to our Ch. Harbin's Touch of Class. Clad to hear you're back home Ruth. Please stay well and keep up the excellent breeding.Irene and Sylvia Harbin 206 365-174810759 Sand Pt. Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125JPOMERANIAN REVIEWTraining the Toy Dog for Competitionby Jacqueline L. Pittsreprinted from Off-Lead Magazinechance of being intimidated by the judge approaching, especially a tall one. Additionally, there are also the problems of the handler's not being able to make good eye contact with the dog, and having to bend down or stoop to teach the sits and downs. These are just a few of the differences that a toy dog's size makes in training him for the obedience ring.Temperament also plays a part in a toy dog's training. How many trainers have ever noticed that in a beginners obedience class the toy dogs seem feistier, more spirited and maybe even a little more aggressive than do the larger ones. I'm fairly convinced that most toy dogs feel that the best defense in a good offense. Many, like the Yorkshire Terrier, carry the spirit of a true terrier in the body of a toy. So naturally when they are put into what seems to them to be a threatening position between a Rottweiler and a Doberman on the "Long Down," they are the ones most likely to either break, sit up, or whine in an attempt to seem the more dominant of the three. By careful conditioning utilizing steady, larger dogs, the handler has to teach the toy dog to ignore his natural instincts and convince him that he will be safe among the larger dogs in the group exercises.Motivating a toy dog can be a trick in itself. Because their size doesn't make them as much of a nuisance when misbehaving as a larger dog, toy dogs aren't required to do the things expected of big dogs in the average home. It's so much easier for the owner to pick them up, rather than to discipline them when they commit a no-no. This attitude on the part of the ownerhandler creates a real leadership confrontation when the tiny pet is suddenly required to do things he doesn't want to do in the obedience ring. The handler has to convince the toy dog that the command will be carried out. This can sometimes be just as hard on the handler, who maybe isn't totally convinced that his little friend really has to do this exercise, or secretly thinks it's so cute when the toy dog decides to do his own thing in the ring. Naturally the dog picks up on the handler's vacillation in determination, which makes the situation even worse. So the continued on p. 90.Until I had the opportunity of working withfriend's German Shepherd, I had no idea ow much harder I was having to work in -aining my own Yorkshire Terriers for bedience competition. Subsequently at bedience trials and matches I began talking o the other trainers with toy breeds and earned that their experiences and frustrations ere similar to mine. We all came to the onclusion that it's a case of inverse rroportions, i.e., the smaller the dog, the larder the handler had to work. One landlerjudge remarked that an exhibitor hould get an extra 10 points just for having he courage to take a toy dog into the ringWhy is it so much harder to train a toy dog or competition First of all, there is so little nformation available on the unique problems ^countered in training toy dogs. Unfortun- itely, most obedience instructors have had ittle opportunity to work with smaller breeds, ind so aren't able to give the ownerhandlers suggestions they need to help solve some of he problems only toy dogs seem to have. Dften the toy dog ownerhandler has to rely Dn a hit-or-miss program of training to achieve results and scores he or she wants in the obedience ring.The basic differences in training a large vs. toy dog seem to be size, temperament, motivation and attention to detail. The first thing a handler of a toy dog notices is that, because of his dog's tiny size, there is a lot less margin for error in the obedience exercises. For instance, it can be a problem just trying to keep the toy dog in the proper "Heel" position. In some tiny breeds, just an inch forward or backward can make a great deal of difference in just how much in "heel" position the dog looks to the judge. On the "Recall," a toy dog must sit a lot closer proportionately to the handler for a qualifying score than a larger dog, who can be easily touched by its handler without having to be quite so close. The toy dog has to be careful on the "Figure 8" to keep from getting chomped in the jaws by the handler's heels, and therefore is more likely to heel wide out of self-protection. On the Examination" the toy dog has a much greaterStand for6POMERANIAN REVIEWEmcees PomeraniansEmcees Solid Gold TucoaCongratulations to Sharon Masnick of Golden Aires Kennel on their new Champion Tico Tico, a Solid Cold Diamond son, and wishing her the best with Emcee's Jipsy Gold, a Ch. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond daughter.l\ aV Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Dr. Richmond, VA 23233 804740-7977PattysFbmeranians cEenetteThree litters due sired by Great Elms Tar Baby. Tar Baby is one of the top sires of black and tans and is at stud at Great Elms Kennels.We also have a litter due by Ch. Apples Traveling Diamond, who is a deep red litter brother to Tar Baby.Puppies also available sired by Ch Cedarwood's Image of Diamond, Ch. TomanoH's Wee Short Stack and Ch. Wood's Magic Masterpiece.Write or call for current price list.I have some nice show prospect males for sale with Great Elms, Showstopper, Creider, Queenaire and Fox Flame bloodlines. The sires are Moe-BestTan-Talizerbt and my new champion, Patty's Dinomite of Bren- Ray Nov. '86, p. 67.Good luck to everyone at the New York Specialty. I hope to be there myself.K.C. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-59500 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience Questions and Answersby Judy Green822 Parkside Blvd. Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-5962Question Why do you spend time and money attending obedience clinics and seminars when you are in instructor yourself What advantages do they offer when you can read a bookAnswer I attend clinics for several reasons. The most important is that it gives me a different perspective on methods other than my own. At most clinics I have attended I have brought back many things to incorporate in my classes andor use on my own dogs. I have never felt that my time was wasted because I brought back with me at least one or two ideas. Most of the clinics l have attended have been extremely educational and I have received more than my money's worth.Education is the most important commodity from a clinic but a wonderful by-product in the comaraderie offered by people from all over the area. Where else can you go and talk dogs and obedience through breakfast, lunch and dinner Problems are discussed and someone always has a possible solution.You also get a chance to meet people you have heard of and seen but have never officially met. This weekend I met Barbara Brenneman who has the first OTCH St. Bernard ever. She was especially interesting and it was great to see Brandi work does that dog ever hussle.I also used this weekend as an opportunity to socialize Dallas. Something interesting about this 99 of the people saw this 8 week old Pom puppy and wanted to know what it was. They had never seen a young Pom puppy before he made lots of friends for our breed.What do you folks feel about clinics What have you learned from them Do you enjoy and learn from them or do you think they are a waste of time Write and let me know.Until next time, all take care.Ah, life is never dull The last few months lave been extremely hectic sound familiar Things like one daughter borrowed my car, lad an accident no one was injured and the nsurance company totalled it therefore, I lad to go out and buy a new one right away because insurance on the old car was ancelled and the insurance company took it away. Another daughter was married lovely day, lovely bride however, this was the same day Roxie's first litter and mine was due. The vet was on standby and I had a very serious talk with Rox. She was told to wait until I got home from the reception and she did\ When Bill and I left everything was fine. We returned home at 900 p.m. and she was in labor. On Sunday morning she had one little boy who has been named Razzle Dazzle Music Man, "Dallas." Proud papa is Skip Piazza's gorgeous Ch. Bell's Houston Star Performer.I have a question this is a switch for all you obedience people out there. If you can't attend a dog show, what is the best way to spend a weekend If you said "obedience clinic" you are right on That's what I did this weekend and it was terrific.Bayshore Dog Training Club in New Jersey sponsored a two day working clinic with Judie Howard. Judie is from California and, as far as I know, this is the first time she has been to this part of the country to do her clinic. She is the only person to have five OTCH's on four different breeds a Golden, 2 Poodles, a Sheltie, and a Dobe. Judie runs her own obedience school in California under the name of Arydith. She has also been writing a very interesting column published in Front Finish for the last ten years. If you get a chance to attend her clinic and meet this nice lady, do so. It's wonderfully educational and fun.This seems to be the appropriate time to answer some questions regarding clinics.7POMERANIAN REVIEWK XK XK XK XK x K XKXGuys N Gals Pomeraniansi[ ^ ."V ^T Ch. Guys N Gals Dolie PatchesIrXhPatches finished her championship with a 4 pt. major under Judge Mr. William Bergum. Thank you Shirley Ann K. Leu for presenting Patches so beautifully.See Behind The New Champions.kXXXGuys N Gals Orange Krush mmxX TtCh. Queenaire Whizzle Stik x Ch. Guys N Gals DoliePatchesX lX\Cherry, a 7Vi months and her first time out, went Best Puppy, WB, BOW, BOS to her dad, Ch. Queeanire 5 Whizzle Stik for 5 points at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii's 6th Specialty under Judge Mr. Frank Dale. Mahalo, Shirley for a great win.x, . n0^11BreederOwnerJosephine Ching 2829 Booth Rd. Honolulu, HI 96813 808 537-1565XXHandlerShirley Ann K. Leu fL, XK XK xXK XKXK XKXK XK72 POMERANIAN REVIEWRating Systems and MoreTop Obedience Poms 1985by Mary Vickers2. Lessard's LittleCeishaGirlUD Alice Lessard3. Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey CDX . . .Judy Green4. Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp, CDX 52 Mary Vickers112Delaney System77Delaney points are awarded for Highest Scoring Dog in Trial or for class placements regardless of score. Points are equivalent to the number of dogs defeated. Thus, a HIT gives a big boost to a dog's points. Novice dogs are included. APC members are noted with a star .StatisticsAs reported in AKC Show Awards from October 1985 to September 1986, Pomeranians received the following titlesCompanion Dog 45 Companion Dog Excellent - 9 APC members-3 Utility Dog-01. Noah's Abra Ka Dabra....................Diane Bauman2. OTCh Twinkle Little Super Star .J. CeeslinD. Crain3. Penru Prima Ballerina O Jabil. . Rosalind ColtzJessie Young4. Lessard's Little Geisha Girl CDX Alice Lessard5. Frosty Acre's Candy Kiss...................K. Page6. Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CD... . Margaret McKee7. Amanda Deja Vu..............................Sharon and Gerald Williams8. Feather CD.........................................Susan Piatti9. Dykstra's Cupid...................................Gladys Dykstra10. Cathy's Nikki Nik O The Elms.. .1158APC members -1216081Fifty-four titles were awarded 19 more than last year. Average scores for Poms remain in the 190s. 192 for the CD. 191 for both the CDX and UD.Poms were reported to have obtained 233 qualifying scores which were good for15 First Places 23 Second Places 23 Third Places 17 Fourth Places 3 High In Trials736353514342High in Trial PomsNoah's Abra Ka Dabra, Diane Bauman North West Conneticutt Dog Club Open Class 199.5Rockland County Kennel Club Open Class 199.0.40Each system recognizes the top breed group with 10 placements. In 1985 the Number 1 Obedience Toy Dog was Diane Bauman's Noah's Abra Ka Dabra.Sunrunner Pattycake, M. Stephens Chaparrel Kennel Club Novice A 198.0Shuman SystemThe Shuman System or Front and Foremost System was designed to reward dogs which score both high and consistently. Points based on a scale are awarded for all qualifying scores. More points are awarded for scores in the top 190's, while the rest of the scores are in 5 point spreads. Novice scores are not considered because of the limited showing permitted in the novice class. There are only 4 placements for most breeds. APC members are again noted with a star .OBEDIENCE POMERANIANSA lot of brains .. .in a small package1. OTCh Twinkle Little Super Star J. GeeslinD. Crain128POMERANIAN REVIEWcThey light up our life coSired by Am. Can. Ch. Chviscendo City Lights aaaaTim Sues High Lights aaaxCh. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina a daughter of Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moonrock aaaBoth boys pictured at 4 months ofaage.oaaaaoTim Sues Dazzlin Lights O Oox Tim Sue's Dazzlin' Lady Lucka daughter of Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Cold ooMikeoCongratulations to Erika Moureau on Ch. Tim Sue's Moon Rocket oooooTim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622 oooQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQO4 POMERANIAN REVIEWry Obedience Profile Rosalind Goltz 1v-------------------devastated.Her next two Poms, Ch. Wendy CD and Heather CD with 9 points, died also. All the deaths were completely unrelated and Roz began to question if she should continue with Poms. Amidst all the sorrow, Roz has found something positive each of the Poms has given her their own special gift. Courage, patience and perseverence combined with love and happiness are some of their intangible gifts.Roz did continue with Poms. Presently there are six. Ch. Penru's Petite Suite of Jabil CD Allison Ch. Penru's Fancy Free of Caldoak CDX Lori Ch. Jabil's Pinto Hi-Tone CD Tony Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold of Jabil ACBda CDX Morris is the only Pom in the country to hold 3 titles through these three registries Penru Prima Ballerina O'Jabil CDX CBda CD Jamie and Ch. Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy CDX C CD Sugar is the daughter of Tony and Jamie and just finished her"X" in November.Casey is 14 years old now and has for company another collie called Penru's Hiland Fas'nat'n Rhythm CDX, pointed. Although Roz still enjoys collies she jumped on the bandwagon to get a "real" obedience dog. Sheltara's Bel Serena CDX is one Sheltie that graces the Coltz home. There is also another sheltie, Samantha, who brings with her an interesting story. As you can see Roz, Jessie and Barbara Young Jabil have been friends for a long time. On a visit to them, Jessie asked for some help in getting Samantha to retrieve the dumbell. Jessie had put the CD on her, but was getting frustrated with the dumbell. Roz took Samantha back to New York and taught her Open and Utility. Roz then showed her and Samantha is now Mt. Crest Jabil's Temptation, AC UD, Bda CDX and has 25 OTCH points.Pulik are another breed that captured Roz's interest. Having been roped into seeing a litter, she could not resist them. One from the litter came home with her to become Penru's Gypsy Rondo CDX. Following was a conformation prospect, who fulfilled that promise this spring. Ch. Ragg Mopp Penru'srtyVcit' L" V i',II 5ft. ' .ii v, V,N It w - fcsifc.w.'] One of the major reasons for doing the Dbedience Profile is to learn more about individual APC obedience involved people. Many times the only connection to them is by Review ads or scanning the AKC Show Awards. Such a person is Roz Goltz.Roz is a mystery. She mainly shows in the northeast and there aren't too many Poms in obedience up there. As her ads attest, she always does well. Speaking of her ads, they are really neat, carrying a logo of a musical scale. Now what does music have to do with dogsTo find out about Roz you must go back to the beginning. Picture a child living in an apartment in the big city. Television programs that drew children were "Rin Tin Tin" and "Lassie." Roz was impressed by the agility of Rin Tin Tin, but the graceful, intelligent collie became part of her dreams. Pestering her mother for a collie was soon halted by the indisputable fact that a large dog such as a collie would be difficult to keep in a large city. Perhaps someday when they moved became a comforting thought.Years later, many, many years later, the Goltz family moved to suburbia. Roz immediately got Casey, a collie. Roz and Casey roamed hill and dale learned a few tricks and eventually found their way into the obedience ring for the CD. But in between, Roz became captivated by Poms. The Pom was what she wanted to enter in the conformation ring. Contact was made with Joy Brewster and through her, Jessie Young and then came a young pup named Timmy. Roz adored him. Timmy went on to earn his CD and 11 points. Then he died. Roz wasPOMERANIAN REVIEWHAWAII BulletinlN SI f.\ \VL'r'VfeElUiTMorenos CC Jr. By ChoicePictured here just 10 days out of quarantine at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty Show, 101286 taking Reserve Winners Dog. Our thanks to judge Mr. Frank Dale for his first win on the Island.OwnerHandlerShirley Ann Leu6 POMERANIAN REVIEWand polishing is done by the individual at home or in different places other than the classroom. Classes are held once a week, whereas training occurs every day. It is relatively easy to leave the classroom behind once you know what you are doing.Morris is a Pom that most of the Pom obedience world is watching. Having his championship and CDX, when he obtains his UD title, he'll be the second Pom in our history to do so. Presently he has two legs toward the UD, but when the third will occur is a question. Roz was having many problems showing Morris in utility. Long time Pom exhibitor, Gladys Dykstra saw the two at a show and told Roz that Morris was ill. One can imagine that Roz did not believe Gladys. After all, she lives with the dog. But looking over the situation and realizing that Poms keep trying to please when asked to work, Morris was vetted. Gladys was correct and as soon as he is better they'll attempt that thirdRagtime Band is now beginning his obedience areer.Roz will easily tell you that she wants a conformation dog first and then an obedience fog. All of the dogs in the Goltz household have been owner handled in the breed ring. Mthough temperaments, personality and style differ between dogs of the same breed, it is not unusual for someone in obedience to try a different breed. Roz has had success with Samantha, the sheltie, but it is of the record with Poms that she is proudest. She has 34 placements with them and 2 HIT'S in the US, 3 in Canada and 1 in Bermuda. Having different size dogs in obedience has proven to be a challenge. One has to adjust footwork, arms, corrections and body language with each different dog.The biggest problems with toy dogs seem to be related to walls, shiny floors, high grass and poor ring conditions such as holes, ripped and rippled mats and even attacks by other dogs. All breeds have problems, but everything becomes exaggerated to a 3 or 4 pound dog. Instructors who have never worked such small ones do not fully understand these problems. Although Roz has trained with many illustrious obedience trainers and has gained many interesting concepts, she now prefers to train by herself. You can imagine that when you have reached a certain level of knowledge and expertise, formal classes become obsolete. It is extremely difficult for a knowledgable trainer to be held back by unconcerned beginners in novice. Roz has found herself more concerned about her Pom's safety when a larger beginning dog lunges toward her, than concentrating on the instructor. Most trainingleg.Roz won't say which Pom is her favorite. She will easily say that her proudest moment was a three day weekend. Each day brought a thrill as she and Morris received first one HIT with a 199, then a 200 HIT and on the third day in Canada, a third HIT with a 198. That weekend and that record of three consecutive HIT'S is hard to beat.Obedience comes in handy for events other than trials. Roz's collies have had modeling jobs, having been on the covers of HERO dog food, PURINA, BUTCHER BONES and the like. Rhythm was in TIME magazine last September and Pom Allison also modeled. Unfortunately, they don't use Poms too often, but if they want to, Roz will be right there. Proving their versatility, the Poms have also been in demonstrations at schools, nursingcontinued on p. 90.POMERANIAN REVIEWGtcoi tm Kmueti, 'Reg'd.\JH s-'j JiM'st z4\Jw- k1rOVARIETY GROUP I FIRSTROANOKE KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1986to sr SABRINAf\Vn rICh. Great Elms Prince Charming IIPrince shown winning the Group at Roanoke, VA under Mr. K.W. Mueller, Jr. with his supe handler, Maynard Wood.Prince won another Croup at the Virginia Beach KC show October 31 and another at Nationt Capitol November 15.I apologize to Larry and Dianne Johnson for my failure to congratulate them on their Kenne Visit. I was becoming more and more ill at the time I sent in my ad and was very forgetful at thi time. I landed in the hospital for 22 days only a week after I sent my ad. I enjoyed their Kennel Visi very much. By the way, I greatly appreciated all the cards and phone calls during my illness anc recuperation.Ruth L. Beam 704889-9233P.O. Box 93I Pineville, NC2813'8 POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGINGFun, Facts and FiguresAn in-depth look at the Australian Wayby Dr. Alvin Grossmanclockwork. Excellent ring stewards, one to assemble the dogs and one to manage the ring. They check the absentees, get your ribbons and trophies ready and mark your book This certainly frees up the judge's time to allow him to judge additional dogs. They expect you to be able to judge 250 dogs in a day. I hope no one from AKC reads this.The Breed standards carry no disqualification clauses. Where we disqualify, they penalize. The only obvious disqualifications for all Breeds are for monorchids and cryptorchids. The classes for the Specialty shows were Minor Puppy Dog Puppy Dog Junior Dog Intermediate Dog Australian Bred Dog Open DogLike England there is no Specials class for Champions. On this day there were Champions entered in the Intermediate, Australian Bred and Open classes. This can, as you might imagine, make it quite difficult to win a Challenge Certificate CC. To complete your Championship in Australia you must win 100 points. To win points you must win a CC. There are of course a dog CC and a bitch CC on the day. You may win points and a CC at a show where you have no competition if the judge considers your dog worthy. The greatest number of points you can earn at an event of this nature is five. The maximum number at one show is 25. You can earn this number by winning a group, going Best in Show or winning a Championship Specialty show. You must win your CC's under four different judges and must earn a minimum of four CC's on the way to your championship.At the Cocker Specialty my BOB was a champion while my BOS was a non champion entered in the Open Class. At the English Setter show both my CC winners litter mates were non titled dogs entered in the Open class.The Australians set their dogs down wellWhen I was contacted to judge in Australia he Paul Hogan commercials were coming hick and fast on television. I was ready to put mother shrimp on the barbie. To me Australia lad always been a land of mystery and ntrigue. I had flown with a group of 'Wstralians in WWII and had been fascinated by their tales of the wonders of the land DOWN UNDAH.It was great to discover that the Australians are still an open, trusting group of people whose love of life and adventure equals our own. They were warm, hospitable and willing to share any and everything with you. My wife Doris and I felt very comfortable indeed. Among our travels Australian people rated right up there with our experiences in Scandanavia. Let me give you an example. For our last night in Australia we had flown to Melbourne from Adelaide to catch our flight home. We elected to stay in a motel near the airport for convenience. Doris wanted to go into Melbourne for dinner and some last minute shopping. We asked the motel manager how to get into town on the tram. She wouldn't hear of our taking the tram and offered us the use of her car for the night. Now she didn't know us from Adam's off Ox, only that we were Yanks and her guests. When was the last time you had an American hotel manager offer you that kind of hospitalityWhen I first accepted the invitation to judge the Specialties of the American Cocker Spaniel Club of Victoria and the English Setter Association and to do three seminars, little did I know what was in store for me. The communications with the two clubs in Victoria and the Cundog club of South Australia went well. Everything was arranged.I had contacted my publisher and had the appropriate number of books dispatched to be used in the seminars well, I am sure you can guess the rest. Murphy's Law reigned supreme. For those of you who do not know about old Murphy, his chief law is "If anything can go wrong, it will." .The shows themselves went off like7POMERANIAN REVIEWWindjammer fI], i K.tMI rMMrv _k APrecious Petit Touch of RipleCh. Bev-Nor's Fudge Ripple x Bev-Nor's Golden NuggetOur thanks to Judge Mr. Morris Howard for this exciting win. And special thanks to Mr. Ed Jennefor WD and BOW for 5 points at the Western Pomeranian Club of Chicago Specialty Show.We are proud to announce that Jammer finished his Canadian championship with a Breed overspecial and Croup 3Thank you Ken and Eleanor Miller for Millamor's Petite Music. We saw her in January and jus1now convinced the Millers that we couldn't live without her.Promising puppies available sired by Jammer and Jason. See you in New York Co-Owner and Breeder of Jason Claudia PfeffeiFLASH Jason finishes with a Breed over a special 5 pts. J and a Croup 3 Jammer wins a SpecialtyOwnerHandlerBob and Jeanne Stafford 616683-02141231 Carberry Rd.Niles, Ml 4912010 POMERANIAN REVIEWwere kind and understanding people who seemed to have the best interests of the dog game at heart.One of the most difficult things for breeders of breeds new to Australia is the quarantine. It can be as great a hindrance to the development of a breed as the Great Barrier Reef. The need for new, producing bloodlines, such as in the American Cocker Spaniel, has made it necessary to import. The cost of purchasing a dog in the USA, shipping it to England the only route open till only just recently and then on to Australia is almost prohibitive. The English quarantine lasts for six months an added one month certified residency outside of quarantine in the U.K. and a two month quarantine in Australia. The newly approved Hawaiian route includes four months quarantine in Hawaii one month certified residency outside quarantine and four months quarantine in Australia. Dogs may be freely shipped back and forth to New Zealand from Australia since New Zealand has the same quarantine regulations. The regulations differ for other countries depending upon their rabies-free status.The Australian quarantine stations while well run and sanitary, are very difficult on the dogs psychologically. There is no visitation within the first 14 days and then only once a month thereafter. A dog has to have a sturdy temperament to handle this deprivation of TLC. The English and Hawaiian quarantine stations allow much more frequent visits and an opportunity to bathe and groom your dogs yourself.All right, back to Murphy's law. Just before leaving the USA the secretary of the Cocker club to whom the books had been sent informed me there was a customs strike and none of the books had been received although they had been sent two months previously. I immediately called my publisher and had him put a trace on the shipment and confirmed that they had indeed arrived in Australia and were sitting on the dock in Melbourne.A phone call to the club secretary waking her up at 4 a.m. I had calculated the 16 hour time difference backwards brought the information that a shipment of five books had arrived. Only 70 more to goUpon arriving in Melbourne we were informed that no other books had arrived and all inquiries had been met with bureaucratic double talk 5 days to the first seminar. Themd do a creditable job of grooming. Many of heir Breeds, like those in England, have a ougher look than we Americans are used to. Dur dogs tend to look smoother, less "rough." Durs can be considered show dogs only while n Australia they are a combination of howhunting dogs. It's like taking our Field English Setters and combining them with the 3ench show type.The management of Dog Show activities ind the registration of dogs is quite a bit different in Australia. There is no organization ike the AKC. There is a sort of loose onfederation among the various States in a National organization but the power and ontrol lies with the States. In Australia the state is supreme. There are six states and in Doth Dog Shows and in governance, they have a great deal more power than is granted to our states. The six states are New South Wales, with Sydney as its largest city Victoria, with Melbourne as its largest city South Australia, with Adelaide being its largest city Western Australia, with Perth as its major city and Queensland, with Brisbane as its largest city. There is also the Island of Tasmania. The total population of Australia is about 15 million with most of the people clustered along the seacoast. Sydney has about 312 million, Melbourne about 2VE million and Adelaide about 1 million people.The state level organization approves requests for shows and licenses judges. It also registers individual dogs. Once a dog has been registered with a state body and is sold to someone in another state, the dog must also be registered in that state. This can be time consuming and costly. Automation of all dog records nationwide has not been achieved as yet although that is a goal. The National body, which is made up of representatives of the states, does not have the kind of overall authority that the AKC does. I was told by a number of people highly placed in their Canine Associations that planning is going on toward a better coordinated scheme of things with the National body having more authority.Each local Canine Association functions within a larger body dealing with all kinds of livestock. Certainly their approach is different than ours. It seems to work but many Australians we talked to would like to see a streamlining of the paperwork. Each of the officers of the Canine Associations we met8POMERANIAN REVIEWMoe-Best PomeraniansMoe-Best Sugar Kane\wCh. Watts' Little Chipper of C.E. xCh. Moe-Best Constant AttentionWith a very limited amount of showing Sunni only needs 4 more points to finish. She now has 3 majors to her credit 3-4-4. Thank you Merrill Cohen, Robert Shaw and Mrs. James Edward Clark.I am no longer doing any breeding.A, WvipjiFLASH Sunni finished with another 4 point major under Edward McCaugh on 777686. PendingAKC confirmation.KtWiTerri Moebuis301 477-3824 or 285-54777523 Bay Front Road Baltimore, MD 21219 Puf-Pride PomeraniansCh. OS ells oj olden SandpiperrT I Thanks to all the judges who helped Piper toward his championship, especially Mrs. Glenn Sommers for his start at the Astro Hall with a 5 pt. major, Mrs. Anna Nicholas, 3 pt. major and Mrs. Barbara Jarmoluk, 3 pt. major for his grand finale with handler Kathy Buchgr. Thanks also to Kathy.We are proud to have Piper with his outstanding pedigree to compliment our LLL and Oakridge girls 5 times Ch. Millamor's Moonrock, Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor and AmCan Ch. Bells Chriscendo Carmichael. Litter due in December.It's been fun showing this beautiful little guy and getting to meet so many nice people.OwnersWarren and Virginia Dimick 8 Burk WayOklahoma City, OK 73115 405 677-2511rft.c. Li82 POMERANIAN REVIEWsome 35 km outside of Melbourne. Stephanie and her husband David live on a dairy farm where David is now raising some heifers. Besides the Cockers and Springers that make their home at Wognan kennels, there is Angus. Angus is the very bright and very active 2Vi year old that bosses both Stephanie and David around. That kid talked a blue streak some of which I understood. What a bright and handsome man he will grow up toclub secretary redoubled her efforts to "free" the books before the deadline.The first show a Cocker Spaniel Specialty went off without a hitch. It was beautifully planned and executed. If only the judge could have done as well.The first seminar was scheduled the next day and no sign of the books. We had been informed that they had been released to the postal authorities and would be delivered post haste. Post haste did not include that day.The club secretary, faithful to her task, had arranged through others to have the proper audio-visual equipment on hand. Here comes Murphy again Through a mixup in signals, the person designated to pick us up from the hotel failed to arrive until the stroke of 11 a.m. This was the magic hour the seminar was to begin. We had planned to get there an hour ahead of time to check out the equipment and facilities. We arrived at 1115. My spirits were high and I wasn't worried because I had done this program on numerous occasions. All would be well as soon as I loaded my Kodak carousel trays and sorted out my overhead transparencies you could be sure of it.As I walked into the room I glanced at the slide projector. Oh No I had never laid eyes on that kind of device before. It fed a single slide at a time, that is if we could figure out how to do it. To top it off the overhead projector turned out to be an opaque projector which could not show transparencies. My heart sank. I really felt sorry for the club secretary who had organized and planned everything so well only to have Gremlins creep in.Well . . . after sprinkling sand on the floor and doing a soft shoe routine while others struggled with the projector, the machine was adjusted so we could stagger through the program sans the taped portion. I tried to remember what I had recorded and, by and large, did a creditable job. The audience was very tolerant and understanding and asked a great many intelligent questions so we covered the ground as originally planned. I was bathed in a fine sweat when I finished and it wasn't all due to the heat. If it wasn't for my wife Doris and her assistance during the three seminars, I would have probably gone up the, a school teacher, is also the judge of four groups. For a young lady she has come a long way in the dog game. Her black Cocker, Sam Ch. Wognan Proper Posieden had been the top winning Gundog during his very active show career. He was a love. It turned out that I had put one of his sons Best of Breed.David loved raising dairy cattle and was actively involved in developing a breeding program on his microcomputer. We spent many an hour discussing computers and data processing since that's my field. For a self taught person, he could run rings around many programmers I know. He also writes tender and insightful poetry. We thoroughly enjoyed our stay with them.The time for the English Setter club seminar rolled around all too soon. We had been in constant touch with Debby Edwards, the secretary of the Cocker club, and she was building up a good head of steam over customs and postal officials. It seemed as though the books were still lost in the labyrinth of the customs house and had not been released to the postal authorities afterall.This seminar would go well I was sure of it because we had double checked everything beforehand. As we walked into the room we discovered the Kodak projector had blown its cork but not to worry someone who worked at a hospital nearby had gone for another. She arrived shortly with not one but two machines. Just as l became encouraged that the day had been saved, I discovered that these machines would accept only the 80 slide trays. My programs were 96 and 120 slides respectively and were encased in the larger capacity American style trays.Just as I pulled out my handkerchief to wipe away the tears of frustration, Doris leaped to the rescue. She transferred the slides into four trays and by hand kept the slides and tape inAt the conclusion of the program we bundled our luggage into Stephanie Rickard's Volvo station wagon and set off for her place8POMERANIAN REVIEWBlakes Pomeraniansproudly presents \'V AMlVirij___ ____ggpJj\ Pj rJ[ Vv_MBi hhh- r1 BEST 0PP. 5fXOF- lSHINEICh. Blake's Lady Di Annons LennisCh. Annon's Sir Kennorx Blake's Little Miss Muffet"Diann" is pictured completing her championship going WB and BOS for a 3 point major underjudge Dr. Leon Seligman. She was expertly handled by our friend Donna Megenhardt. We want tothank the following judges for all of Di's winsKurt W. Mueller Keke Blumberg Paula J. Bradley Emil R. Klinkhardt Dr. Leon SeligmanRoy L. Ayers Jack Brenneis Mrs. Thomas Gately Raymond Filburn Alvin Maurer, Jr.Thank you Donna, for everything. Good luck with your LLL gals.Evelyn E. Blake 304 742-3365P.O.Box 85 Craigsville, WV 262054 POMERANIAN REVIEWAdelaide about 7 p.m. and called Geoff and June Maulden who were to be our hosts while we were there. They came out to guide us to their place. After following them home I knew why they had not just given us directions to their place. It reminded me of the London Bobby saying, "You can't get there from here." Once ensconsed at the Maulden's Irish Setters and Cockers we talked into the wee hours of the night. June, also a school teacher, had to be at work during the week but Geoff had taken the week off to be our tour guide. We really appreciated his kindness and patience with the silly questions we Yanks asked. Also with petrol at 50 cents a liter about 2.25 a gallon there was quite an impact on their pocketbooks as we scooted all over South Australia.We attended a "Parade" that weekend. A "Parade" is like our sanction matches. It is here that applicant judges get to try out their wings. As I mentioned earlier, each state has its own way of licensing judges under the watchful eyes of a committee of breeders appointed by the local Kennel Association. In South Australia the governing body is called the South Australia Canine Association. The judge is appraised by a different committee at each of three "Parades" they must judge. These writeups go a long way in deciding how the applicant will fare before the governing body. In South Australia and in Victoria I'm not conversant with the rules of the other states a judge applies for a full group, not as the AKC has us do, breed by breed. Judges are also required to sit for written and oral examinations.The Adelaide seminar was sponsored by the South Australian Gundog Club, The Adelaide Hills Kennel Club and the PAL dog food company. It was held in a downtown hotel. Except for the books, which two days before the seminar we learned were still in customs and now customs was demanding a tarrif be paid, all was going well.The night of the seminar I autographed what seemed like hundreds of labels which were to be pasted in the books when they arrived. The seminar itself went off without a hitch. There were over 250 people in the audience and they had to pay to be there Hopefully, the clubs made a profit. All the equipment worked like a charm. Doris again did her wizardry and a special person handled the lights and the sound. All-in-all, a good continued on p. 92.ynch through a two hour program. Is it any vonder I married the girl No books but the jrogram went off very well.A very flattering thing happened during that xogram. Those of you who have exhibited jnder me know that when I judge a Specialty ihow I do a running commentary on the dogs is I judge them. I try to spell out what I would ike to see improved and commend them on vhat is good. When I asked the club members vhat they though of this approach, they stood up and applauded. I was deeply appreciative. It seems they get little feedback from their judges perhaps the speed at which they have to judge to do 250 dogs in a day precludes that. Sometimes the judges give a mini critique to the three class placements but apparently they felt it did not go into enough depth to be helpful.The next day, being on our own, we decided to rent a car and drive to Adelaide along the seacoast. We had been told we could drive to Adelaide where the next seminar was to be held within a day if we pushed it. The total distance was about 750 km. We decided to take the coast route instead and drove the 1200 km in two days. Well, that was an experience.First of all l had one hell of a time getting used to driving on the left hand side of the road. As I cruised along enjoying the scenery, Doris would scream, "Move over to the right. I'm off the road." Sure enough there I was over on the left shoulder. I never did get the hang of it. That sort of made driving along the ocean cliffs an adventure. At least that's what I called it. Doris had another name for it. We spent the night at Warrnambool, a charming coastside town. There my wrong side of the road sense nearly did me in as a pedestrian. As I stepped off the curb I naturally looked the wrong way for oncoming traffic. After nearly getting hit twice I became somewhat gun shy. They say the older you get the more rigid you become .. . could they mean meAs we pushed on toward Adelaide on the second day it began to rain. A two lane road, poor visibility, and a tendency to go off the road to the left, made this part of the trip a bit dicey. To top it off as we rounded a curve I almost hit a Wallaby that jumped across the road. Now I know why so many Australian cars and vans have those big bumper guards on the front of their vehicles.Well, we finally pulled into the outskirts ofPOMERANIAN REVIEWCApoUoette Pomeranians c'. f n....4 W8 Wn1J\v 'V c ' Iprtia ftIHf'aWp ,'.'.i ' AAV- m1 Fiji.^'A ants 111O, IB 18 8 rTf si ,ifilffli i. innmMA .Sjjosi 3i a\ ill u\Ear. Ti 3s,,-ih aMi-1tiMfH, tii iB-iiArjsCft. ApoUoette MoonCite GamblerGambler is just starting his show career as a special and he sure knows how to do it right. iThank you to the following judges for their appreciation of Gamblein the Toy Group during the month of October.Denny Kodner, Gr. 1 pic. Jean Fancy, Cr. 3 Dorothy Nickles, Gr. 2Glenn Fancy, Cr. 2 Margaret A. Young, Gr. 3 Frank Sabella, Gr. 2Dr. William S. Houpt, Gr. 3Marlene and Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205 209 886-5561S7.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWAWARD WINNING PUBLICATIONS for theSerious Breeder and Exhibitorfrom Denlinger Publishers by Dr. Alvin GrossmanTHE GREAT AMERICAN DOG SHOW GAMENominated for the "Best Dog Book of 1985" by Dog Writers Association of America. A humerous and informative look at the sport of Pure- Bred dogs. A rib tickling but factual expose of the Dog Show game as seen through the eyes of two bright and eager exhibitors. Follow the adventures of Grace and Ralph and their wonder dog Rudolph through the labyrinth of the Dog Show game and experience with them the pratfalls and highs of owning a winning dog.The over 90 cartoons by Joe Murray alone are well worth the price. After reading this book we are sure you will have an entirely different perspective about the ins and outs of-our fascinating sport.rr'iTHESTANDARD BOOK OF DOG BREEDINGThis most interesting book combines the artistic principles of 'having an eye for a dog' with sound scientific principles of breeding and genetics, which will prove to be of immense value to both the first time breeder and the successful breeder of many champions.Rave reviews for this stellar text on how to breed an ideal dog.ya THESE BOOKS AVAILABLE AT ALL DOG SHOWSnrI I Please send me a copy of the Great American Dog Show Game at 24.95 plus 2.05 for postagej Please send me a copy of the Standard Book of Dog Breeding at 16.95 plus 2.05 for postageNameAddressC'rty State ZipOrder from the author 7023 Wooded Lake Drive San Jose, California 95120Dr. Alvin Grossman8POMERANIAN REVIEWRftea-Na PomeraniansA Standard of Perfection'KVAV4Cli. Bev-Nor's Fudge's Image TufiyVitThank you judges and handler Charlotte Creed for making our first year a success Bev and Bill Norris for letting us join in promoting your great line and for being such good friends. Wishing all you Pom People a successful 1987.Litters due in December sired by Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge and Ch. Bev-Nods Statesman. Inquiries answered promptly.Steve and Barbara Nagy 703 869-1843 or 869-3749Rt. 2, Box 221 Stephens City, VA 22655iS POMERANIAN REVIEWnot to damage muscles and nerves in the area, which could lead to incontinence or ineffective attempts to defecate. To lessen the chance of such problems, the anal sac is filled with some material to increase its size and make it easier for the surgeon to manipulate Infection sometimes occurs postoperatively if part of the sac is inadvertently left behind. Complications are generally rare, and the surgery relieves the dog of the discomfort it has tried to lessen by its scooting behavior.rhe "Scooting" Dog Not on a Joy RideFrom Cornell University NewsIf you're seeing it for the first time, you might mistake "scooting" for some kind of peculiar canine locomotive game. But when a dog repeatedly drags its bottom across the floor it's almost always a sign of some physical distress. The "almost" can be dropped when the scooting is accompanied by attempts to lick or bite, to the point of self-laceration, at the hind quarters and anus. In the past, this behavior has frequently been blamed on worms, but while that may occasionally be the case, it generally is due to some other cause.A scooting dog should be taken to a veterinarian to be examined for fleas or other parasites, because flea bite allergy is sometimes the cause of the behavior. In females, inflammation of the vulva may prompt the animal to seek relief by scooting.When neither of the above conditions seems to be present, the veterinarian will want to examine the dog for an anal sac disorder. Among these, the most common is anal sacculitis, or infection on one or both anal sacs, the two small pouches on either side of the rectum. The sacs can become impacted, infected, or abcessed, or they can be the site of tumors. In many instances, episodes of diarrhea or soft stools are a tip-off to a developing anal sac condition. In addition, a burst abcess may lead to draining sores on the surface of the skin. Anal sac impaction and the pressure it places on the anal area may disturb the dog so much that it resorts to scooting or self-mutilation.Surgical removal of the anal sac and its duct is now considered the preferred method of treatment for many of these problems according to Dr. Dudley E. Johnston, of the University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. Some simple anal sac ruptures are resolved by irrigating the sac with saline solution and treating the infection with antibiotics. But there is danger that the wound may heal too slowly. In that case, surgical removal becomes necessary.Surgery itself is usually without complication, although particular care must be takenNecessity The Dam of Inventionby Pam BartonSo, your "Free-Standing Hair Dryer Savings Account" had to be sacrificed in order to keep the children in shoes Those little elves never materialized and your dreams of finally owning that gleaming kennel accessory are down the tubes once more Take heart Consider a simple idea that will help, at least until the account has again renewed itself . . .For this technique, there are only two necessary ingredients that old hand-held dryer you are so sick and tired of and an article of clothing at least somewhat similar to what I refer to as my "doggin" suit originally intended for "jogging" no more time for that. Actually, any suitable pair of pants with an elastic waistband will do just fine. I'm lucky enough to have two such pairs in my wardrobe, both of which are a bit overly snug in the waistline probably because I'd rather "dog" than "jog" and the tighter the better in this case.My grooming table the bathroom counter egads is approximately at hip-level when I'm standing, which is how I prefer to handle the task of blow-drying my dogs. I'll confess here that I have not experimented with this idea while sitting. With the counter at this height it coincides with my waistline thus the waistband is the perfect position for trying this. Insert the handle of the dryer into the elastic waistband, with the air blowing toward the animal the other direction can prove extremely painful and voila You now have both hands free, and with a few unusual gyrations for those sometimes hard-to-reach places, this method can be successfully85POMERANIAN REVIEWmama and babies, especially as the flight would include a plane change and layover. Everyone was happy and the puppies arrived in good spirits, tails awaggin'lAnother interesting thing I learned from this experience was that to ship "Priority" or "Express" the charge is the same regardless of the destination, unlike regular freight, where you must pay additional for plane changes and handling charges. We decided to use that service as it turned out to be very close to the regular freight charge and we would receive even better service.Another thing I learned from Mr. Davenport was that Delta, unlike other airlines, determines their temperature readings for inside their holding facilities rather than the outside temperatures. This is worthwhile to note. Sometimes the difference between 40-42 degrees would mean you could not get your dog shipped.Always check weather conditions before leaving for the airport. Be sure to reconfirm flights and avoid any needless aggravation. One time we had such a bad fog in Texas that I could not get a dog out for nearly a week. The Eastern airline agent was so concerned, he called and gave me nightly weather reports to save us an early-morning trip in to the airport. He also prepared all the paperwork in advance to minimize the length of time the dog would need to be at the airport prior to the flight.Another time, the counter agent volunteered to personally take my dog out to the airliner so that it would not become hot or frightened in the waiting area.It sure is a pleasure to encounter cooperative, helpful, dog-loving airline personnel, especially during those traumatic times we have to send off our hairy babies We often only hear horror stories, but there are alot of caring people out there that are doing a great jobSome Ideas on Shippingby Chris JonesReprinted from the Shih Tzu ReporterRecently I had occasion to breed, whelp and wean puppies for a bitch I co-own with some people out-of-state. When I was about to send the mama and two babies home had a few surprises regarding airline regulations which I feel would interest other breeders.It came about like this The first airline I spoke with told me that I would need three health certificates and three Sky Kennels. 1 could see this would be very expensive. The three health certificates are 18 25 apiece in Oregon. The Sky Kennels, if you don't have them are 25 30 each, and then there would be three separate freight charges. I called another airline and was told the puppies would have to go counter-to-counter, even though the flight was exactly the same as the freight flight. The mama would go in one crate, the babies in another. Their regulation book prohibited more than one dog per crate, even puppies, except under 8 weeks if unweaned and traveling with their mama. I explained the situation to the agent and was referred to Mr. Davenport, freight manager for Delta Airlines in Portland. He kindly explained that airlines regulations differ from one carrier to another and even at that are still subject to interpretation by the agents and managers. Mr. Davenport read me the regulations pertaining to dogs. He felt that since animal research laboratories may ship up to five puppies in a single crate unweaned, under 8 weeks, with their dam that it would be perfectly legal for us to ship our two pups home in the same kennel with their mama. Mr. Davenport felt it would be very important that the puppies and mama be in a larger kennel than we usually use, so that they would all be comfortable on the long journey and because regulations do require that dogs be able to turn around and stand in their crates.So, we purchased a 200 crate. The vet was delighted that the puppies were traveling with their mother, as this would minimize stress. He had a multi-health certificate for this purpose so this saved us a little money, too. The co-owner was delighted with the arrangement since it avoided separatingNecessity, continued.utilized during the entire drying process. I find that I get plenty of exercise using this method, so the heck with the jogging, anyhow Also, being able to close and lock the bathroom door assures me that no one else would ever see me looking so silly, save the dogs. Last time I checked, they weren't talking.0 POMERANIAN REVIEWToy Dog, from p. 68.handler himself must be just as motivated as the toy dog. He must make sure that his commands are carried out, followed by a large dose of praise. Likewise, collar corrections, if and when given, must be carefully administered so that the toy dog is not catapulted up in the air on the end of the lead, thereby permanently instilling in the dog a dislike of obedience training. All in all, it's a matter of making the toy dog want to perform well in a world of big dogs and wobbly knees.The last major difference is the attention to detail. In training toy dogs, it is the little things that really matter. For instance, careful attention must be paid to holding the hand at the proper eye level for the "Wait" or "Stay" commands, so that the dog can actually see it. Holding the lead properly so that it doesn't smack the dog in the face or look too tight to the judge can be another crucial point. For tall ownerhandlers, praising the toy dog without seeming to cuddle him against the left leg is another trick to be learned, as this can unintentionally encourage bumping and crowding. Proper footwork is very important in letting a toy dog know in which direction the handler will be going next. Chances are that the toy dog can't even see the handler's legs very well from his vantage point. So he had better be able to tell by the feet, or he'll be lagging the whole way, watching first to see what the handler does. I n order to make it a real "team effort" between the handler and toy dog, it's important to keep the dog's attention. While direct eye contact is not always possible to make without getting the dog out of "Heel" position, a smile in the voice and a quick downward glance at the dog before the judge asks, "Are you ready" can make a big difference in the performance of that exercise.So where should the ownerhandler of a toy dog start in obedience training With the groundwork. It all begins with Kindergarten Puppy Training, with special emphasis placed on getting the tiny puppy to successfully complete an exercise, and on socializing him to bigger dogs. Sometimes working with sound effect tape recordings helps get the toy dog over the nervousness caused by unexpected loud sounds around him, especially when he is in a submissive posture such as the "Long Down." Toy dogs can be motivated to stay in proper"Heel" position by never allowing them to get out of it in the firstplace. Instead of having to correct them every time they begin to lag, they should be trained on a tight lead held close to the handler's left leg, being praised the whole time. It may be back-breaking work, but the end result will be well worth the effort. The handlers themselves should be conscious during training of their own footwork, making correct placements of feet on turns, as well as the outside and inside posts on the "Figure 8."By working enthusiastically, praising the toy dog for what he does correctly, and maintaining the attitude that training can be fun, the handler will help the toy dog come to think of obedience competition as something that he will look forward to and enjoy. It certainly takes more effort to train a toy dog, but isn't it worth it when one steps up between the Golden Retrievers and all the other large breeds to accept the green qualifying ribbon from the judge's handColtz, from p. and day camps. They bring enjoyment wherever they go.We have learned a good bit about Roz and her dogs. Much more will be unraveled in her next profile. Remember, Sugar just finished her CDX and there is much hope for Morris. There is still that unanswered question about music. It gets more involved as you note the registered names of the Penru dogs. Let's see, there is Petite Suite, Fancy Free, Hi-Tone, Solid Gold, Prima Ballerina, Sugar Plum Fairy, Rhythm, Gypsy Rondo and Ragtime Band. Would you say that musical appreciation runs deep Roz's mother is a musician and those artictic genes were passed to Roz. Fostering those talents was the Manhatten High School of the Arts, though employment further along is chancy at best. After years of singing and playing piano for friends and students, Roz finally took the plunge and became a professional singer. If Roz is as capable in music as she is in dogs, we need not want for more. The best to her whichever mat she walks.9'POMERANIAN REVIEWJestomsJestoms Miss IrrisistabJej AkiyJn - T 'v rt S 'tAmCanCh. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Jestom's Dinamite Canadian champion, 3 BOB over Specialty. Requires major to finish.AmCan Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy, Chipper, is the sire of Croup winning and BISS champions Canada. Our latest puppy, Jestom's Chips Gold Dust Chipper x Emcee's Simply Miel, was BOS from the 3-6 month class at the Columbia Pom Club Match under judge Edna Asp.Can. Ch. Jestom's Miss Irrisistable went WB, BOW and BOS for a 3 pt. major at the San Diego Specialty under judge R. Jacobson. Watch for other major pointed Chipper progeny soon to finish. This lovely producing male has proven himself in his get. They have all been owner handled.Our females are all carefully linebred on Models, Emcee's and Great Elms lines. Our aim is to continue on these lines that have been bred for future quality. We breed only occasionally and strive to produce sound, healthy Pom with the Standard in mind. Quality is our motto.Congratulations to Dana Plonkey and Randy Gemmel on their first homebred champion, Valcopy Wakhan Foxy Jessica a Chipper production.322 158th St. SW Lynnwood, WA 98037Lt. Cmdr. T.L. and Mrs. J. Stephens 206 743-354612 POMERANIAN REVIEWiolumbia PC, from p. 24.and I hope those of you who attend willappreciate their clever ideas.The Club has elected to do a monthly newsletter with Laura Untalan as editor and Erin Hundley as assistant editor. She has put out two issues and they are very well done, as well as informative. Laura has her own special articles each time and much research has gone into these articles. The Club members may advertise and by doing this the Club has generated added revenue. Means to raise even more money have also been undertaken, with equal success. It still amazes me how dedicated these members are. Not only do they have a tremendous amount of talent and brains. They are all hard workers.Our"B" Match, at Jantzen Beach Mall, was a huge success. The weather was beautiful and we had our largest turn-out ever for such a match. Best in Match was Adam, owned by Jean Schroll. Best of Opposite was Jestom's Chips Cold Dust, owned by Jessie Stephens. Best Senior Puppy, Southland N Janesa's Mr. Tuff, owned by Emily Untalan.Southland N Janesa's Mr. Tuff participated in a Toy Croup Match in Gresham the following day and placed second in the Croup. The following Sunday it was off to Seattle for an A-OA match in which he was Best in Match.Laura Untalan and her Ch. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar have been busy in our Tri-State area. He has picked up six more Best of Breeds. Three of those were in three consecutive days in Boise, ID where he also added a Croup 1. The rest of the members are waiting for our babies to get enough coat or to just get grown up before more of us participate in the surrounding area shows. Dog-wise it is very quiet the time of year.Jean Schroll added a five point major on LLL's T Sudden Gold Impact while on the Montana circuit.everyone who purchased a book has received it. We spent the remaining days in Adelaide visiting their wine growing region great wines and going to a wild life preserve where we took pictures of kangaroos, wallabies, dingoes and koala bears to our hearts' content, not to mention the common and hairy nosed wambats.My description of the trip would be incomplete if I did not tell you about our visit to the home and kennel of David Roche. Max Winch, who had shown under me in Melbourne, is the Kennel Manager and the mastermind of their breeding program. David's primary breed is Afghans while Max breeds Irish Setters and American Cockers. The kennel was a dream but the house was truly a treasure trove. David is an antique collector without peer. Alva Rosenburg would have given anything to have only a part of David's collection. After afternoon tea we toured this storehouse of the most wonderful paintings, furniture and memorabilia that I have ever seen under one roof. Many of you I am sure have met David since he has judged all around the world.Well, on to the conclusion of this epistle and the end of our trip. If you remember at the beginning I mentioned Murphy's law and our attempt to visit Sydney. We had made plans to stay with Dawn Ferfuson, a Crodon Setter breeder we had met when she was in the States to visit with Julie Lawson, an American Cocker breeder. What should have been a simple plane schedule change turned out to be the ultimate jest of this trip.Our plane reservations had us flying home from Melbourne via Sydney. We proposed to meet the plane in Sydney instead. Alas, we had not reckoned with Quantas airlines. They were friendly and respectful but they would not let us do that. We had to return to Melbourne. "Rules were rules." After many frantic phone calls we explained oM predicament to the Sydney "crowd" and promised to visit there the next trip.All things considered the trip was simply wonderful. The frustrations paled in comparison to the great hospitality and the show dogs of Australia. If the opportunity should present itself, by all means "Co Down Undah." It's well worth the trip . . . and throw another shrimp on the barbie for us.Judging, from p. 84.night's work.The next day the secretary of the Cocker club called from Melbourne to tell us just as she was setting out for the Customs office to threaten them with a lawsuit, the postman arrived with all of the books and no charges due. You figure the system out. We were simply flabbergasted. I only hope by now that9POMERANIAN REVIEWAndate PomeraniansAndate Alt In Mink. Offers For SalePictured with judge Mr. Ed Jenner and her owner handler.Sired by AC Ch. Kennor's Don't Letem Kidya x Andale Sparkle of Stubers 9 pts., 1 major.Inquiries welcome at 1t A.AndaleFarmRoger and Virginia Emmons Rt. 1, Box 155 Bangor, Wl 54614 608 486-2760Shelties Pomeranians Reg. Clydesdale HorsesICherokeePomeraniansCh. Cherokees Darin DrummerMultiple Group placing son of BIS Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Dinadan. This extra nice champion male is being offered to a show kennel. He is an eager stud and will breed unfamiliar females as quickly as his kennel mates. Rich dark orange with light sabling 4 lbs. baby face, tiny ears set high, short back, straight tail set high. Born July 12, 1981. 1250.V,Janice Young 618 W. Springfield Rd. St. Clair, MO 63077 314 629-2754\4 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSBeam, Ruth Great Elms . .Benedetto, Anna Sisnben Blake, Evelyn Blakes ....Burnette, Nancy Nanshadow . . .42,43,44,45 Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee Ching, Josephine Guys N Cals ..Creed, Charlotte Southland....Dembinsky, Mary Joyce.................Dimick, Warren and Virginia Puf-Pride.. .81Drewery, Dianne Dee Dee.................Dunfee, NatalieTynan.........................Dunn, ThelmaTheldun.........................Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre..................Emmons, Roger and Virginia AndaleFleshman, Jane Jan-Shar.................Freia, Jerrie Janesa...........................Gad, NormaChula................................7764,658369 AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs.. Dolores Watts, 4800 Floral Park Road, Brandywine, MD 20613.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, Mr. John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047.FC, 71 .26,274150,515718,198,993332548,49Goddard, Tim and Sue TimSue....Griffith, K.G. Lenette........................Gustafson, Linda Carousel..............Hanson, Sharon Jan-Shar...............Harbin, Irene and Sylvia Harbin . . Heartz, John and Chris ChriscendoHeffington, Janet Grey Ghost..........Hoch, Brenda Devenny...................Jensen, Patty Pattys........................Johnson, Shannon Doo-Shay.........7369233366,6763IFC1169CIRCULATIONMANAGER13,14,15Kennedy, Debbie and Thurman Adorable.47 Keplinger, Irvin and Trudy Tru-Kep ...20,21 Lessard, Alice LessardLeu, Shirley Ann K........Masnick, John and Sharon Golden Aire . . 55Moebuis, Terri Moe-Best...............Mullens, Nancy Love Me Tender.Nagy, Steve and Barbara Rhea-Na Presser, Marlin and Marlene Apolloette . .85 Ready, Cassandra Wee Hearts Reilly, Robert and Joan Chesai Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar. .. .San Diego Pomeranian Club . . .Sandifer, Desaree Desiree... .Shope, Ken and Lilae Shope ..Stafford, Bob and JeanneWindjammer.. .79 Stephens, T.L. and J. JestomsTarver, Ida Idas......................Trauner, Dolly Phyner.............Untalan, Laura Autumn ....Vickers, Mary............................Watts, Dolores Watts..............Young, Janice Cherokee ....Lt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804876-36437 I75813187SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours'3537 20.00 per year Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time95561728,291st class 3-5 days3rd class 10-14 daysIf you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.912738,3953BACK ISSUES1980 to date 5.00 each Years prior to 1980 4.00 each.5960,61939POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Bi-Mar Sundance KidMNUOU' fjrKir- \,\f -jftf a'i,f_ft.l-v ^ \ dray\Pictured taking Toy Croup First under Mrs. Marion Postgate on his way to another Best in Show. Owner handled to Toy Croup win.Sonny congratulates his 1986 winners Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara Croup winner, owner-handled. Ch. Silva's Chantilly Lace finished witha 5 point major, owner-handled. Ch. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar owner-handled. Ch. Bi-Mar Shawn owner-handled. Ch. Bi-Mar Sonny Co Lucky finished with a 5 pt. major. Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Charmer owner-handled. Ch. Greenacres Prima Donna of Bi-Mar out of Sonny's sister.Offering for sale several bred females and year old show prospects by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Also young puppies that are from repeat breedings that produced the above champions. If you want a winner, call us.finished with three 5 pt. majors,BI-MAR POMERANIANS36520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, WA 98003Mary A. Rosenbaum 206 838-6397 or 927-2369POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWFebruary 8,1987Roosevelt HotelBreed Judge Mr. E.W. TiptonSweepstakes Judge Dr. Morris CarsonHospitalitySam Zaneoff 10 Park Avenue New York City, NY 10016 212 689-6200For more informationPeter Galindo 611 New York El Paso, TX 79902 915542-0753