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The Pomeranian Review April 1987
American Pomeranian Club, Snc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY1986 DWAA Best National Breed Club Publication 2nd yearAPRIL 198Great Elms Pride and Joy2 POMERANIAN REVIEWKHANRAINBOW POMSEdna GirardotWhat an inspiration94iJ'TCh. Khani Dreampictured above the Grand Sweepstakes winner at the KC of Beverly Hills.Judge Mitchell Wooten BreederOwnerHandler Connie HendricksannouncingThe first champion forCh. Scotia Dennis' Inspiration Dream followed in her father's footsteps, finishing at 9 months of age in 3 weeks time We thank the following judges11187 Joan G. Alexander 11787 Shirley Limoges 11887 Everett Dean, Jr. 12487 Betty Moore 2 187 James Vaughters, Sr. 2 187 Mitchell Wooten1 pt.2 pt. 4 pt. 4 pt. 4 pt.SweepstakesByron and Connie Hendricks P.O. Box 644Arcadia, CA 91006 818 444-5131 ^POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmerican Pomeranian Eluh, Jnr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident................................................................................................................ Olga BakerFirst Vice President .............................................................................................Sam ZaneoffSecond Vice President........................................................................................................Sue GoddardRecording Secretary........................................................................................... Mary VickersCorresponding Secretary................................................................................Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446 Treasurer.........................................................................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSDolores Watts JohnCribbsPeter Galindo Marlene PresserDianne Johnson Fred BassettDelegate to AKC................................................................................................................ Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor ......................................................Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager....................................John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, OctoberJ in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto, Rico, APOs. U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover...................... 120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover.............65.00 80.00Center Spread..........120.00 150.00Full page............................55.00 65.00Three-quarters page . . . .45.00 55.00Half page........................... 35.00 45.00Quarter page......................15.00 25.00Classified Ads......................5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction .... 10.00 10.00Color ...................................Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 February 15 May 15 August 15January Issue April Issue July Issue October Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsPresident's Message......................................6Secretary's Report..........................................8Board Minutes.............................................. 10I Was Killing My Dog....................................10by Sissy McGillAPC National Specialty................................12Standard for Pomeranians........................... 16Code of Ethics..............................................18Keeping It In Perspective.............................25by Connie DrobacBay Colony Pom Club..................................28Columbia Pom Club..................................... 28Northern California Pom Club......................30Puget Sound Pom Club............................... 32Pom Club of Greater Baltimore....................32Cajun Country News.................................... 34Helpful Hints.................................................46I Remember When.......................................50Behind The New Champions....................... 54Pacific Northwest News............................... 60Across Canada.............................................62Buyer Beware ..............................................64by Emily UntalanClassified Ads...............................................66Obedience News..........................................71Index of Advertisers..................................... 78Circulation Manager..................................... 78Cover Story"P.J." is an extremely sound, typey orange male who will be coming out this summer. He is aptly named because he has become my pride and joy in such a very short time.To Ruth Beam who bred P.J. and allowed me to have him, I owe a debt of gratitude that could never be repaid. The help and encouragement you have given a recent newcomer to the ring shows that you are not only a great breeder, but above all a great lady.And to Maynard Wood, who raised P.J. so nicely and who gave me a vote of confidence,I offer my heartfelt thanks. A special thank you for P.J.'s name only you knew how much that meant to me.Lastly to Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond and Creat Elms Sweet Candy, special accolades for such a wonderful production. You have proven that the sequel can be as good as the original production.Owner BreederBonnie Stetson Ruth L. Beam852 Lakewood Blvd. P.O. Box 937Akron, OH 44314 Pineville, NC 28134EDITORIALYou've heard of Murphy and his laws. He's the one who says, "If something can go wrong, it will." Darn him, he was right again.I have been unhappy with the handling of The Review by the mailing company we have had since I began editing this magazine. I recently encouraged the Club to change to a better, less expensive, more efficient mailer. It was finally agreed to make this change. I knew things would be better. Nothing could go wrong. Then Murphy stepped up, smiling, and said, "Cotcha" My two lists of subscribers, one for first class and one for bulk mail, were combined and all the magazines went by bulk mail. I called the mailer to check on their progress and to get the postal charges When I heard how much everything cost, l knew what they had done. My immediate reaction was, "Well, stop them. Get the magazines back and do it right" It was too late The whole mailing was gone and I was helpless to rectify a thing. Oh yes, I hollered, screamed and said things that would have tobe deleted in nice company. They have a crysal clear picture of how l feel on the subject and how things will be done in the future. They also know who will be standing there as the magazines are mailed [with my 3 year old twins and energetic baby if that doesn't intimidate them, nothing will. I can assure you that mistake won't happen again.None of this changes the fact that many of you paid for First Class postage on a magazine that arrived by bulk mail. For that I am very sorry. Besides, due to another problem the magazine was late being mailed, adding insult to injury.I am trying very hard to provide a timely as well as excellent magazine for you. As you may know by now, the Review again won the Dog Writers award for Best National Breed Club publication for 1986. With the help of a wonderful group of good columnists and advertisers, I have been able to produce a high quality magazine for you. Please be patient and I'll get the bugs worked out. The continued on p. 36.POMERANIAN REVIEW 5o^ tbe sNeS, CaMoreno'stmM4 I----- kl.lMoreno's Tiny Tim By ChoiceCh. Moreno's Critic's Choice x Stiehl A Lady By Choice 3Vj lb. creamOur new little sunbeam is shown here with his handler, Jeff Nokes. They promise to be a teamOwnerMrs. Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr. San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973Exclusive HandlerMr. Jeff Nokes Fullerton, CA6 POMERANIAN REVIEWOlga BakerPRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250I thank you first of all for asking me to serve as your President for the coming year. You blessed me and the Club with your selection of outstanding Officers and Directors to help me. These competent people, coupled with our outgoing President having left all Club affairs in excellent condition with almost no "loose ends", make our jobs easy hopefully. Sue Goddard was terrific and managed your Club affairs precisely as you would have liked. We thank herFebruary and the New York APC Specialty has just passed. It was splendid and exciting. There are not enough thank you's to go to the manager of that show, Mr. Peter Galindo. Your Club has the advantage of being able to turn everything over to this gentleman and FORGET IT I fear at times we all have a tendency to criticize small areas of dog shows, overlooking the jillions of pieces put together to make such an event happen. I am as guilty as anyone else. We have no need to say, "Wow, how nice to have someone at the gate to take money and sell catalogs" or "How nice to have someone take care of trophies" or "Sure nice to have a big spacious area to groom and set up" or "Wasn't it nice to have water and alcohol and wipes for the judges" or "What a nice catalog, and ready for us the morning of the dog show" as long as it's there, who cares We simply expect the dog show fairy to send all that stuff down from heaven the day of the dog show. I'm too doggoned busy brushing my dogs and socializing with old friends to be bothered with whether rosettes and ribbons are on the table. That's someone's job, right If a Club can pay several thousand dollars for a competent Show Superintendent, we have the right to gripe like crazy at anomalies in the system. But we don't do that. We pay limited expense and nothing more for a volunteer willing to see to all those details so we have a dog show. On behalf of the American Pomeranian Club, Mr. Galindo, we thank you.At your request many of you, I made myself totally obnoxious to our Show Chairman by demanding that he try for two things1 get us a more satisfactory room for our Specialty Show to make viewing of exhibits easier for all spectators,2 check into possible special "cheapie" rates for hotel rooms. Several people got weekend rates 10 and 12 cheaper than we were getting with the Pom ClubI was on your side still am and not on the hotel's. As a matter of fact, for many years I have felt the New York hotels have "raped" clubs excuse the expression. On your behalf,I insisted that our Show.Chairman explain our members' position on this. He tried, then put in a conference call to the Roosevelt Hotel 3-way with Peter, the hotel hostess and myself. We made some strides, however we were unable to cure all our ills. The following figures should be noted as they are important1985 72 single 80 double1986 78 single 88 double1987 80 single 90 doubleWe were told the 1988 rates would be increased to 100 single 115 double Horrible For a bed When we screamed they replied, "But this is New York" Boy, does that make me mad. Okay, we got them to grant us their "special" rates for the coming year of 89 single 99 double. The Premium List will include a statement that you have the right as individuals to negotiate your own rate with the hotel be it travel club rate, senior citizen's, special weekend rate or corporate rate and reserve accordingly. That is an advantage to you. The 8999 rates will be used for blocking off a number of rooms, meaning that they promise you will have a bed at that rate. Fortunately they do not hold the Club responsible for a given number of rooms to be reservedThe very good news is that a spacious room with unobstructed view is being offered to the Club for only a slight charge over what we now pay for the Colonial Room. It is "Club priced" at 1000 in the package with other rooms, but it is not acceptable.The Oval Room is a very large unobstructed room with plenty of grooming area at the Roosevelt Hotel and is specially priced at 1000.I realize all this is boring, but I want you to know we are working for you. The Show Chairman is willing to work out the details.To be certain we are getting the best dollar value, a committee of Darrell Baker and Sam Zaneoff was selected to check into other hotels. We would probably all love to return to the Loews Summit, but we already know that it does not fulfill our requirements for a show site. Sad, but trueWe will keep checking. We have your best interests at heart and I refuse to "molly- continued on p. 8.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Autumns PomeraniansVwBoo Captures AlaskaCh. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar takes the breed three consecutive days and a Croup 4 . We wish to thank all the judges who appreciated this very sound little fellow during his whirlwind of wins over the past six months. Boo is finally going through his first shed, so he will be at home for several months.Thank you Jean Schroll for taking Boo to Alaska and being such a wonderful friend. Congratulations to all the APC Specialty winners in New York.Good luck to those participating in the San Diego Specialty. See you all there.My Mom and PartnerEmily Untalan 10255 S.W. KableSt. Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-1730OwnerHandlerLaura Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Ave. Portland, OR 97218 503 246-24498 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARY'S REPORTAudrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, LA 71446New York was great this time A big thanks to Pete Galindo for such a nice specialty. A big thanks to Sam Zaneoff for a wonderful and delicious pre-show banquet. Bravos to Marlin and Marlene Presser for absolutely terrific trophies Breed trophies are the best Thanks to everyone else for a job well done.Congratulations to our new officers and board members and good luck.New York held a first for me as I had a lovely 7 month old puppy dog that l was looking forward to showing in Sweeps. In my excited haste I didn't write in the entry. All groomed up and ready I went to get my armband and no entry I was devastated Bet I'll never do that again. But I came home with 5 points on my bitch, so I won't complain.New York is such a wonderful experience. Seeing all those wonderful dogs you hear about all year and meeting great Pom people is really special. I urge all of you to try to make a habit of attending our National Specialty. Expensive, yeah But share rooms and pack food and get those discount airline fares and it's affordable.New members areToni L. Collings 750 Wakeby Rd.Marstons Mills, MA 02648Sherry Castiglione 222 Madison Ave.Hasbrough, Hts, NJ 07604Patricia Foley 657 2nd St.Trenton,NJ 08611 Jessie Stephens 322 158th St. S.W.Lynnwood, WA 98037Francess Stoll RR3, Box 439 Washington, IN 47501Gale Sharland Pine St.Raynham, MA 02767Keith and Ruth NeuwayRR1, Box 131Mt. Hope, KS 67108Kathy Bucher 5913 Willow Rd.Claremore, OK 74017 Veronica Boudreau 25675 Barbara Roseville, Ml 48066 Billy G. Shull Jr.40 Warren Rd.York, PA 17402Mrs. Riki Barker 218 Van Winkle Lake Jackson, TX 77566 Lois Morkassel 1412 2nd Ave. S.Fargo, ND 58103Patricia Jo Griffin 2767 Calumet St.Winston-Salem, NC 27106The following club has been given permission to hold their specialty.Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore to host the APC Summer Specialty in 1990.President's Message, from p. 6.coddle" those New York hotels. We will be nice, but firm, and we vow to represent you as you wish to be represented.Hope 1987 is wonderful to you.ADDENDUM This is not an afterthought, but rather I was awaiting some figures to include for you. Some astonishing facts have emerged from my self-inflicted study of Club affairs and activities. Upon learning that our annual Specialty costs our Club, I requested tabulation figures from the last several show from our Show Chairman, reflecting this startling news. Every entry in the February Specialty costs our club around 8.75 . . . per entry, mind youHorrifying, but somewhat typical of other breed clubs and shows, I understand. We must recognize now that our Club does have income from other areas, so there is no need for total panic. It appears however that an increase in entry fees of 1.00 or 2.00 is in order. We obviously cannot increase entries to around 25.00 to compensate for our losses rather, we will sensibly study the situation and our financialstatus and discuss with the Board of Directors on your behalf, with action taken if needed. We will keep you posted.POMERANIAN REVIEWLLL Kennels' Tbwncrier announces Our Super Showgirl for 1986XZh.LLL Rocky's Brass BellringerLLL Charming Cold Top Brass, mjr ptd. x Rocky's Crissie, ptdBreeder Virginia RockholdBell loves dog shows, barking at big dogs, and all people.Good luck to new owners of LLL Poms Barbara Thomas FL with LLL Dancing Gold Deeder bred to Ch. LLL Charming Gold Brandywine Mike Durning, CA with LLL Dazzlin' Gold Kipper M, Linda Boothe, MO with LLL Trapper's Gold Karoline F, and Shannon Johnson, Ml with LLL Bit O Gold Jigger M.These females will be bred this spring and summer Ch. LLL Kaptivating Katy, Ch. LLL T's Gold Bubblicious, Ch. Rosewood's Cold Mite Fantasia, Ch. LLL Rock's Brass Bellringer, Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna.Thanks to Sue Goddard for finishing Gumdrop, Bell's litter sister Shannon Johnson for sending Jugger to New York for his great win Audrey Roberts for Queen Bee's New York win and being a good friend Carol Galavich and Donna Megenhardt for their continued faith in LLL Poms.Janice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316443-515710 POMERANIAN REVIEWBoard MinutesFebruary 7,1987, Roosevelt Hotel, New YorkBoard voted on existing membership applications. All accepted to membership. Board voted to accept AKC's proposal to keep our Sunday date, immediately preceeding the Westminster Show for 1988. February 7, 1988 for our show date.Treasurer's report was reviewed by the Board.Much Board discussion regarding complaints and dissatisfaction with receipt of Pomeranian Review. Many reported they had sent money and information for subscriptions, but had not yet received the magazine. Also, all issues last time were mailed out 3rd class, while many had paid for 1st class mailing. Dr. Carson is to submit figures from Treasure's records to determine financial status of the Pomeranian Review. A committee was appointed to explore all possibilities for improvement of the Review committee of Sue Goddard, Fred Bassett and Olga Baker. Written contract with the Editor of the magazine will be requested, at Dr. Carson's request.Board voted to underwrite expenses for the AKC Pomeranian Video committee. It was reported that the Pom Video is on schedule for this year, far ahead of many others.It was reported that the ballot sent out to general membership regarding officers and directors serving for a 2-year period rather than a 1-year period had passed. It will however be necessary to get AKC approval on this matter prior to its implementation. The Board felt it would become effective at the time AKC approves.Show Chairman gave capsulized show report. Dinner chairman reported the response for Saturday show dinner had been outstanding. Much discussion followed regarding show site, hotel rates, etc.Motion was made and carried that in the event of an emergency situation such as this February, requiring a judge change, the voted-upon list should be followed for alternate choices.Mr. Fred Bassett is to select best sketch from Mrs. Chris Heartz for making the new Club pins and medallions.Mrs. Sue Goddard volunteered to do narrative report on the National Specialty.I was killing my dogBecause I didn't understand the dog food labelsby Sissy McGill Solid Gold KennelsHe seemed like such a healthy dog when I imported him from Europe. But as time went on he seemed to grow listless. The coat became more dry and the stools were either runny or as hard as cigar butts. I tried a dog food that the vet had recommended and cost a fortune, but this made things worse. The physical at the vet's tested out as healthy, but I knew that he wasn't. The vet said to try this, try that, a shot of this, a tonic of that. Still no improvement. I tried most of the dog foods on the market. No improvement, since most of them were the same old thing. One other expensive dry dog food gave such dry stools, the dog was passing flakes of blood with them."Blast," I thought, "I'm going to get you healthy myself." I not only began to read the labels on the dog food bags, but I researched the ingredients to understand what I was reading and how each ingredient affected my dog. The more I read, the more horrified I became. If I found any dog food that contained animal liver, animal fat, soybeans in any form like soy grits or soy flour charcoal, salt, sodium bisulfite, or propylene glycol, I ran, not walked, to the garbage can and threw it out. These were the things that were making my dog sick, and I didn't know it. Some foods also contained artificial preservatives chemicals like BHT and BHA, and artificial coloring and artificial flavoring. These made me run even faster.There aren't many books on natural nutrition around. Even of books on regular canine nutrition, I found only two. So l had to research the ingredients myself. The two ingredients that I came across first were propylene glycol and sodium bisulfite. My first reference said that propylene glycol was used in embalming fluid. When alginate is combined with it, "it is used in paint remover, germicides, and antifreeze substances. In lab tests using rats tested with this stabilizer, some developed diarrhea, and others fed on the lowest levels died shortly after. Labeled as a cancer-insister." I have quoted this directly and accurately from the book, "Pick Your Poison, A Dictionary of Food Additives," bycontinued on p. 36.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Tim Sue Pomeranians9Ch. LLL Rockys Brass GumdropFinished at just over 9 months from the puppy class. Tim Sue thanks her breeder Virginia Rockhold and her co-owner Janice Luginsland.Ch. Tim Sues Sunshine SabrinaBred and owned by Tim and Sue Coddard. Special thanks to Carolyn Crockett for two of her three majors WB, Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty. Sunshine is in whelp to Ch. Chriscendo City Lights.Tim Sue Pomeranians Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622c3mLP 12 POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY SHOWby Sue GoddardThe 68th Specialty Show was held at the Roosevelt Hotel in New York City, February 8, 1987 with a record entry of 114 39 dogs, 35 bitches, 3 veteran dogs, 1 veteran bitch and 31 Best of Breed, plus 2 breed bitch entries and 1 brace. Due to the illness of Mr. Tipton, Mrs. Paula Hartinger judged the breed classes.4Best in Sweepstakes is awarded to Great Elms' Firestarter, owned by Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio, bred by Ruth Beam. Sweeps Judge is Morris Carson.Dr. Morris Carson drew a fine entry of 34 in Sweepstakes with very few absentees. Winner of the 6-9 puppy dog class was a stylish orange, expertly shown by Anna LaFortune by the name of Lana's Top Priority, owned by Lana Ejchorszt. Winner of the 9-12 puppy dogs class was Great Elms Firestarter, a striking light orange presented by owner Skip Piazza who co-owns him with Jon Marcantonio. In the 6-9 month puppy bitch class, Dr. Carson found his winner in My Joy Cassie of Apolloette, a lovely 6Vi month girl shown by Marlene Presser for owners Sue and Larry Chewning. The 9-12 puppy bitch winner was a pretty orange named Harbin's You Sweet Talker, shown by Sylvia Harbin, breeder-owner Irene Harbin. Best in Sweep- stakes went to Great Elms Firestarter, who is bred by Ruth Beam. Best of Opposite went to Harbin's You SweetTalker.Following the Sweepstakes classes were the Junior Showmanship classes. This was the first time in many years that this has been offered. It was judged by Dr. Sam Draper, who was very considerate of his young exhibitors. As I had considerable time to visit with thisOPPOSITESHKPSTWRBest of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes went to Harbin's You Sweet Talker, bred and owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin.gentleman, I was quite impressed with his interest in our breed, and am looking forward to his judging our breed in addition to those that he is presently licensed to judge. In the Novice Junior Class Sheilah M. Roberts was first with Shy Acres Tap Dancer O' Mac. In Novice Senior Kim Mignano was first with Tribble's Lacy Antimacassar. In Open Senior Lynn Meyer was first with Ch. Bev-Nor's Adam Ant. Kim Mignano was selected as Best Junior Handler.In the regular classes, first in the 6-9 class was a repeat for Lana's Top Priority. The 9-12 class was won by a classy, typey orange dog named LLL Bit O Gold Jigger, owned by Janice Luginsland and Shannon Johnson. Novice Dog went to FanjeCs Gold Mite Red Rocket for owner Arlene Steinmetz. Bred by Exhibitor class with a large entry went to TNT Davey Crockett, an orange dog owned by Delores Stanger and Marcia Doane. Open dog Black, Brown, Blue went to a cobby black dog named Dover-Holihouse Kris Kring-I, owned by Patricia Foley, Katherine Hartz and O. Ninatoski. Open Dog ROCS was won by RosskeaPs Fly By Night, an English import owned by Delores Stanger and Marcia Doane. A perfectly marked and true type parti-color won the Any Other Color class. He was Pombreden's Heavenly Toy Boy, owned by Barbara apd Robert Breden. Winners Dog went to the puppy, LLL Bit O Gold Jigger, with Reserve the TNT Davey Crockett.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13JBest Junior Handler was Kim Mignano with Tribble's Lacy Antimacassar.Puppy bitch 6-9 was a repeat for My Joy Cassie of Apolloette. Puppy bitch 9-12 was a pretty, refined puppy named LLL T's Country Cold Missy, owned by Carol Calavich and Donna Megenhardt. Novice bitch was won by Dover-Holihouse Mona Lisa, owned by Frances and Brandy Richardson. Bred by Exhibitor class was won by a dark cream with lots of ring presence, named Post Script's Pandora, owned by Rose Keller. American Bred bitch went to Pomrun's Sparkle Brite, owned by Joyce Fritz. Open Black, Brown,. Blue had four black entries and was won by an animated little girl by the name TNT Classic Style N Basic Black, owned by Dolores Stanger and Marcia Doane. Open ROCS was won by a shaded orange with very soundI ,Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to LLL Bit O Gold Jigger, owned by Janice Luginsland and Shannon Johnson. Regular class judge was Mrs. Paula Hartinger.WINNERS BITCH AWARD OF MERITKmWinners Bitch went to LLL Kan Too Chunk'Queen Bee, owned by C.M. and Audre Roberts and Janice Luginsland.movement named LLL Kan Too Chunk1Queen Bee, owned by D.M. and A. Robert and J. Luginsland. Winners Bitch went to LLI Kan Too Chunky Queen Bee and Reserve t Post Script's Pandora.Veteran Dogs went to the multiplf Specialty winner Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie owned by Nadine Hersil. Veteran Bitch wen to a 10 year who acted as though she stil loves to show, Ch. Don-Ra's Starette o Dandy, owned by Dolores Stanger and Marcic Doane. With a marvelous entry in the special class, more than filling the ring to capacity, our judge was forced to reduce the competition after each had been examined tc a smaller number for consideration. Ultimate winner of the coveted Best of Breed was Ch.m wjBest of Breed went to the Veteran Dog, Ch D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, owned by NadineHersil.14 POMERANIAN REVIEWABest Opposite Sex went to Ch. Silver Meadow's Love Meghan, owned by Jackie Klein.D-Nee's Darin' Duffie who continued to show like this is his favorite thing to do for handler Jackie Liddle. Best of Opposite Sex was awarded to a lovely, beautifully coated orange girl, Ch. Silver Meadows Love Meghan, owned and shown by Jackie Klein. Best of Winners to LLL Bit of Gold Jigger. Receiving awards of merit were Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond, owned by Biljon Blue Kennels and Margaret McKee, Ch. Apolloette Moonlite Gambler, owned by Marlene and Marlin Presser, the Best Opposite winner, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch.Following the regular classes was the Brood Bitch class which went to the Veteran Bitch class winner, Ch. Don-Ra's Starette of Dandy, owned by Dolores Stanger and Marcia Doane.The Brace class was next with two small orange sisters, Tru-Kep's Tribute to Todd and Tru-Kep's Todd's Treasure, ovyned by Irving and Trudy Keplinger taking the ribbon.Between Winners Dog and the beginning of bitch competition, the viewers were treated to an obedience demonstration which was thoroughly enjoyed by the spectators.As has been the case for several years, Mr. Peter Galindo did an expert job as Show Chairman and Show Secretary. He was ably assisted by Sam Zaneoff, who handled the hospitality and banquet arrangements. The banquet was held outside the hotel on Saturday night and had a record turn out, much enjoyed by all. Chief Ring Steward was a tough job, perfectly executed by Fred Bassett. Everyone who won a trophy was excited by the wood-crafted originals chosen by trophy chairman, Marlene Presser. Thesetrophies were crafted by the Presser Family Wood Shop.After our annual meeting, we all had the opportunity for more visiting and talking over the show in the hospitality room. Changing the banquet to Saturday kept us from being so rushed and seemed to be very popular. Now we look forward to next year when the classes will be judged by this year's honoree, Dorothy Bonner. Sweepstakes will be handled by your new president, Olga Baker. We will all be looking forward to this event and the Poms will be judged on Monday at the Garden. See you next year.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB ANNUAL AWARDS by Margaret McKeeAt the American Pomeranian Club annual meeting held in New York City on February 8, 1987, our first annual awards were presented in obedience and junior showmanship. Awards for conformation and breeding will come later. It was easier to get obedience and JS awards implemented because 1 there were fairly simple bases for the awards readily available and 2 we had a willing and able statistician, Mary Vickers. The Board is looking for a statistician for the conformation awards.In obedience, awards were based on a high average of three scores and were acknowledged with gorgeous, unique wooden plaques made by the Pressers. Alice Lessard came all the way from Turlock, CA to accept the Novice Award for Lessard's Natsu Takara CD with an average of 197. We were deeply saddened to learn that Natsu succembed to a longstanding kidney disease the day of the Specialty. Our grief was moderated by the fact that Alice and her vet are convinced that Natsu's life was prolonged by her joyous participation in obedience.The Open Award went to Diane Bauman for her amazing Noah's Abra Ka Dabra CDX. Abra's average score was 199 Diane was very disappointed she couldn't be present to accept the award, but had previously committed to giving a seminar in another part of the country.The Top Utility Award went to Lessard's Little Geisha UD, average 193, owned by Alice Lessard. Heard that name before 1985 was a terrific year for Alice in obedience. Geisha is now retired while Alice concentrates on showing in conformation.Overall Top Obedience Pomeranian wentPOMERANIAN REVIEWto Diane and Abra, who defeated 473 dogs all breeds with numerous class placements and two HIT'S. Abra has since completed the UD title, the OTCh title and won her division at the Caines Classic. Look for her to pick up an award next yearTop Junior Handler with a Pomeranian was Rachal McKee of Goochland, VA. Rachal and Ch. Idlewyld LavalierCD entered 32 shows in 1986, placed in Open Senior Class at all but 3, and was First 16 times that's 50 For the awards period, she defeated 154 Open Seniors. Best Jr. Hander awards were not counted. Now 17, Rachal has retired from JS. She was unable to attend the awards presentation as she was showing her Cordon Setter puppy at the Setter specialty. She received the beautiful wooden jewelry box, made by the Pressers, at the Juniors' meeting at the Carden.Congratulations to all of our award winnersObedience DemonstrationIf one can judge from the enthusiastic applause of the audience, the obedience demonstration was one of the highlights of the APC National Specialty in New York. It was held during the lunch break, but a large group stayed at ringside. Margaret McKee was in charge, and began by introducing the participants, telling something interesting about each dog. Taking part were Judy Green of Claymont, CD with 9 year old Razzle Dazzle Jeffrey UD Garrett O'Dell of Saugerties, NY with 12Vi year old Gemini's Little Nic Nac CD Kia Kim Mignano with Tribble's Lacy Antimacassar CD Timmy. Co-owned with Garrett, Timmy was Kim's partner when she was Best Jr. Handler 2 hours earlier. Claire Flesner had brought Silver Meadows Mr. Randy from Lowell, MA, Lilae Shope came from Bellefonte, PA with Rosewood's Moon Gold of Lilae CD Tazzie. Mary Vickers handles Annon's Huggy Bear From Scamp CDX for advanced work, but due to recent leg surgery let Hugs do the heeling with Alice Lessard. Margaret brought along Ch. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD, Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CD, and B'A year old Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CD. What a lovely gathering of beauty and talentFor each exercise, Margaret explained how the exercise was done in AKC competition, how it related to everyday life, and how it was being done differently for the demonstration. The first exercise was heeling, done as a group to the beat of music, "Hooked on Classics." Stays were included in this part of the show asthe dogs were left in the sit, stand, or down e the handlers walked around the circle. For group that had never practiced together, was an impressive display.Taz and Lilae did a figure-eight around V and Pooh Bear, who served as posts. Ne Lilae and Taz and Margaret and V demonstrated the recall. The exercise ever dog owner wishes his dog knew was execute promptly and happily by the two fluff-ball followed by two smart finishes. Then Hugg and Pooh Bear made the drop-on-recall loo equally easy.Last year Pooh Bear had difficulty findin his tiny white dumbell on the very busy carpe pattern. This year he redeemed himself b continuing to hunt until he found it. Th audience sighed with relief, and Pooh wa obviously proud of himself. Huggy sailed ove the high jump, had no trouble locating hi dumbell, and returned over the high jum with it like a black flash. He made shoi efficient work of clearing the broad jump an returning to Mary.Mary, Judy, and Margaret simultaneous demonstrated the signal exercise. Reall tempting fate, they stood side by side and on at a time gave the drop, sit, and come signals Jeffrey, Huggy, and Pooh Bear weren't foole and each responded only to his own handler' signals.Jeffrey graciously pretended to have troubl finding his first scent article to Margaret' relief, giving her the opportunity to explaii that these dogs aren't robots and Utility wor is very difficult. But find it he did, the handily found the second article to prove h really knew what he was doing. He was just a efficient in fetching one of three white golves as directed by Judy.The ring conditions were ridiculous for tb directed jumping exercise, but Judy am Jeffrey attempted it anyway. There i supposed to be 18 feet between the jumps but poor Jeffrey had only four. He managei the go-out, but refused the jump. Judy had ti help him. Through this time, Huggy cried am cried. "Let me do it. I know how" So Mar gave him a chance. Sent for the bar jump, hi dashed toward it, and went under it Tb crowd loved it and laughed and cheered Sensible Mary lowered the jump and sent hin again. So Huggy proved he knew how t Limbo He wanted the laughs and applausi again.All of the participants in the demonstratioi traveled to the Specialty at their own expense in order to show Pom people how grea continued on p. 366 POMERANIAN REVIEWOfficial StandardPOMERANIANS7980 revisions to the Standard appear in italicsAPPEARANCE The Pomeranian in build and appearance is a cobby, balanced, short-coupled dog. He exhibits great intelligence in his expression, and is alert in character and deportment.HEAD Well-proportioned to the body, wedge-shaped but not domed in outline, with a fox-like expression. There is a pronounced stop with a rather fine but not snipey muzzle, with no lippiness. The pigmentation around the eyes, lips, and on the nose must be black, except self-colored in brown and blue. A round, domey skull is a major fault. Light pigment on nose or eye rims is a major fault.TEETH The teeth meet in a scissors bite, in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of the outer surface of the lower teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. An undershot mouth is a major fault.EYES Bright, dark in color, and medium in size, almond shaped and not set too wide apart nor too close together.EARS Small, carried erect and mounted high on the head, and placed not too far apart.NECK AND SHOULDERS The neck is rather short, its base set well back on the shoulders. The Pom is not straight-in-shoulder, but has sufficient lay-back of shoulders to carry the neck proudly and high. Out at elbows or shoulders is a major fault.BODY The back must be short and topline level. The body is cobby, being well ribbed and rounded. The brisket is fairly deep and not too wide.POMERANIAN REVIEW 13LEGS The forelegs are straight and parallel, of medium length in proportion to a well balanced frame. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground, parallel to each other from hock to heel, and turning neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on toes. Down in pasterns is a major fault. Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hindlegs or stifles is a major fault.TAIL The tail is characteristic of the breed. It turns over the back and is carried flat, set high. It is profusely covered with hair.COAT Double-coated a short, soft, thick undercoat, with longer, coarse glistening outercoat consisting of guard hairs which must be harsh to the touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, standing-off straight hair. The front legs are well feathered and the hindquarters are clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. A soft, flat, or open coat is a major fault.COLOR Acceptable colors to be judged on an equal basis any solid color, any solid color with lighter or darker shadings of the same color, any solid color with sable or black shadings, parti-color, sable, and black and tan. Black and tan is black with tan or rust, sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat and forechest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in even patches on the body and a white blaze on head. A white chest, foot, or leg on a whole-colored dog except white is a major fault.MOVEMENT The Pomeranian moves with a smooth, free, but not loose action. He does not elbow out in front nor move excessively wide nor cow-hocked behind. He is sound in action.SIZE The weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds.TRIMMING AND DEWCLAWS Trimming for neatness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted. Dewclaws, if any, on the hind legs are generally removed. Dewclaws on the front legs may be removed. Overtrimming beyond the location and amount described in the breed standard should be heavily penalized.CLASSIFICATIONS The Open Classes at Specialty Shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream and Sable Open Black, Brown and Blue Open Any Other Allowed Color.18 POMERANIAN REVIEWAmmran Pamrranian Elub, line.CODE OF ETHICS1. I agree to follow the rules and regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2. I will furnish a signed registration application or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.3. I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if puppy is sold on Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.7. Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.8. I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.9. I will price my puppies within the breed range.10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate inherited problems and conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the Standard of the Breed.11. I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.12. I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefits.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1TommsH Kf WWE1.SPOMERANIANSDick Sally Baugniet Phone 414 - 755-2994NORWICH TERRIERS11224 County llyw. B Mishicot, Wis. 54228IRISH SETTERSBreeders of 40 Pomeranian Champions, 28 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter ChampiorvICh. Pomirish Top BananaCongratulations to Ken and Francis Freeman on their new champion pictured above who was so tenderly handled by Mildred Patrick.Banna's sister, Pomirish Top Flat T has an orange male available. Whelped 12587. Also, 2 cream or light orange males whelped 91986. Sire AmCan Ch. Pomirish Cr. Puffs Only Chance x Ch. Pomirish Bubbles Li'l Sprite. One light cream male whelped 102186. Sire Ch. Pomirish Li'l Guy's Dbl Proof x Ch. Pomirish Chances Dream Puff. Two orange females whelped 12686. Sire Pomirish Tara's Rennaisance x Pomirish Chance's Swt Crm N' Sugar.0 POMERANIAN REVIEW986EEPScfu^ ytcre Q^ouicer^ Q-JllacCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xCh. LLL Dazzlin' Cold Cindy LouMy "dream child" started his career with a bang First time in the ring he strutted to a Best in Sweeps at the Sooner Pom Club Match Thank you Sharon Mango Then into Open class for a first and on to Best Opposite in Match Thank you Janice LuginslandThere was a large entry, wonderful people, lovely trophies and fun for all. We're looking forward to the Sooner Pomeranian Club's first point show"Tapper." Remember my name. You'll hear it againSHY ACRES1410 S. 10th St. Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648 318 238-0202OwnerBreederHandlerAudrey RobertsCo-OwnerC.M. RobertsPOMERANIAN REVIEWU 3- rimiV____ _Suy ylcre ZTcyfr' Qancer- 9-JfIacI could bragI could raveI could claim outrageous things BUTA picture is worth a thousand words. SHY ACRES22 POMERANIAN REVIEWl Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillvrA1JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP ALEXANDRIA KENNEL CLUB JANUARY I9B7 photo BT SEOUELCh. Shy Acres Little Beau JanglesCh. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch. Cenla SummertimeBeau finished in November 86. Stud Fee 150. He is presently being offered for sale.Congratulations also to previously pictured Willy offspring that won in 1986 Nanshadow'sHurricane Juan Ch. Shy Acre's Mac's Kan't Miss Shy Acres Tap Dancer O' MacCongrats to our other big '86 winner Ch. Shy Acres Pom Thumb V. Jeribeth A Dandy sonCh. Nanshadow's Not Worth A PennyCh. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch. LLL Charming Cold KandeeBOS Sweeps APC Summer Specialty.Owner Nancy Burnette.4ilkPOMERANIAN REVIEWAcre.p."Willy Salutes His 1986 Winners"Sungold's Corse U WillCh. Mac's Maybe I Will x Ch.Cherokee's Summer FashionWB and BOW Biloxi, MS Dec. 1986. Owner C.M. Roberts.- . ' .Aw2' v.is1Sungold's Corse U CanCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xCh. Cherokee's Summer FashionBest of Sweeps Dec. 86. Owner Anna LaFortune.Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.318 238-1648 Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-0202Cenla's Special HHH AdditionCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xSweet Sue of CenlaSoon to be shown. Owners John and Peggy Flendricks. Breeder A.C. Williamson.Good luck in 1987We presently have several Poms for sale. Inquiries welcome.4U24 POMERANIAN REVIEW.'S7m ^cresi.Our First GrandchildSl - \ fy . - '.k V.\ v. 3-Opr'ffiasis^Too jzisiAjy J2uewy QeCh. Shy Acres I Kan Too x LLL Trapper's Gold Binky"Bee" went Winners Bitch and was one of only 5 Award of Merit winners over 35 specials at our National Specialty in New YorkOwnersC.M. and Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648Co-OwnerBreederJanice Luginsland LLL Pomeranians 316 443-5157POMERANIAN REVIEWKeeping It In Perspectiveby Connie DrobacReprinted with permission from the author from "The Golden Retriever World"This is a good opportunity to warn you about a disease that could affect you, your family, relatives, friends, neighbors and associates. It is a dog fancier's disease that can strike any age exhibitor at any time. It begins gradually, the symptoms are subtle, but it expands until, without guidance, it rages out of control. That disease is commonly referred to as Multi-Dog Syndrome MDS.Defining the disease is not an easy task, so the following questionaire has been established to help determine whether you may have already contracted the disease. Tally your "yes" responses.1. Are there members of your family that do not know the a kind, b names, c number of dogs you own2. Do you feed in shifts3. Have you given up your yard andor garage for anything other than dogs and dog equipment4. When you leave for a show, do you hire a sitter for the rest of the clan5. Do you drive a van6. Do you have crates in more than one room of your house7. Does the a feed store owner, b veterinarian and his staff know you on a first-name basisIf you had no "yes" responses you are not yet affected by MDS. However, the following symptoms are sure indications that you may be susceptible to the disorder in the near future.1. Are you a single person or couple just discovering the sport of dog shows It is a common misconception that if you enjoy one dog then more dogs equal more enjoyment. There are also many families that believe that everyone needs their own dog like their own pair of shoes only to discover that not everyone is equally enthusiastic.2. Are you a kind, generous person unable to stand the thought of any dog being helpless or homeless Cod bless you, however, if this trait is coupled with the notion that no other home is as nice as your own, you are doomed to a life of MDS.3. Are you unable to turn down a bet dare It is very easy to inherit dogs labe "untrainable," "different," or "a challeni because someone and who was it that m me do it suggested you might not be capa of handling such an animal.Back to the questionaire results. If answered "yes" only once you are o exhibiting mild symptoms of MDS. W careful consideration concerning your n dog-related plans you may well ward off disease.If you answered "yes" twice, you affected, however, it is not yet out-of-conti With help and guidance from others fight MDS you can still save yourself.If you answered "yes" more than twice, sorry. Prepare yourself for the MDS s effects. The side effects are as varied as i extent of the disease, but some of the mi common are 1 refusing to go out on weeknight to a non-doggy function becai you already had to leave the dogs home ale all day, 2 buying a kingsize bed, 3 go shopping for a new home and realizing tl the yard is more important than the house, measuring the back of every new automoh to see if your crates will fit, 5 buy carpeting the iame color as the dog hair, writing "Do not wear black" on the invitatic to your dinner party, and 7 giving gardening.Once contracted, MDS is rarely curab Even when the number of dogs diminishes ii diseased household due to natural causes, i only a matter of days before another dog found as a replacement. Having four, ten, twenty dogs etc. becomes a habit, and fev dogs is like kicking the habit. Although he for the affected is limited, a word of adviceIn response to those who complain ab your MDS you might try, when appropria "My mother told me that when I grew u could have as many dogs as I wanted," would be happy to give up my dogs if tf complained one-half as much as the peopl know" or "I'll keep your advice in mind a think about it the next time I have nothi else to do." Smiling, of course.JkCh. Dupre's Sparkling Gold BusterMulti Group WinnerThanks for all the calls, cards and letters from Pom breederexhibitors.Best of luck to Irene and Sylvia Harbin of Seattle, WA and Bronya Johnson of Tyler, TX. Hope your new additions will be most rewarding.Thank you Judge Mr. Robert D. Sharp pictured for this nice win.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318 627-5180BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box 878AColfax, LA 71417-1'3k.Cli. Dupre's Sparkling GoldBusteiMulti Group WinnerIf your Pom is good, show him yourself. It's triple the fun.Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 318J 627-5180BreederOwnerHandlerRoute 2, Box878AColfax, LA 7141728 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Claire FlesnerSpring is comingOur B-Ob Match is March 8, 1987 in Oxford, MA. James Butler will be judging breed and Moreen Bennett will do obedience.The Match is the practice session for our annual Specialty Show on May 9, 1987. The show will be held at the Expo grounds in W. Springfield, MA in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club. Mrs. Betty Moore of Houston, TX is the judge with Toy group judge being Anna K. Nicklaus. Immediately following the Pom judging we'll have our famous annual banquet. We have set aside a small room away for the hustle and bustle of the show. All Pom exhibitors are condially invited to join us for lunch.Bay Colony members had two big wins at the APC Specialty in New York. Jackie Klein's Silver Meadows Love Meghan went BOS and also earned a Merit Award and Kim Mignano and "Timm' went Best Junior Handler.Have you hugged your Pom todayCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanBeautiful weather, best decorated bench and the puppy bitch walks away with the prizes That sums up our Specialty December 14 here in Portland, OR. Seriously, these are the results Best of Breed went to Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork,_owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin. Winners Dog went to Bi-Mar Sunny Co Lucky, owne3 by Mary Rosenbaum.Best of Breed went to Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork, owned by Irene and Sylvia Harbin. Handled by Sylvia Harbin.t..CRWinners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Puppy went to Valcopy Wakhan's Cover Girl, owned by Dana Plonkey.Best of Winners and Best Puppy went to Valcopy Wakhan's Cover Girl, owned by Dana Plonkey.47WinnersDog was Bi-Mar Sunny Go Lucky, owned by Mary Rosenbaum.We had a nice turn out, but not as many as in years past. This is the second year in a row that we can say, "You can't blame the weather." The pot luck was in Jean Schroll's RV and we had an orderly plan all worked out. We would take turns and have six people in there at a time, however as most well-laid plan go, everything became confusing and the majority of us ended up crushed in there with no room to move loving every minute of it We were all hungry, I guess. Our northern friends, The Puget Sound Pomeranian Club helped with the food. Everything was delicious and the comaraderie great.This column is getting more difficult to write. I don't mean to sound biased atPOMERANIAN REVIEW6j GccAprilyy3 0^ fg-\' - H- JyJas331mmCh. Harbins Diamond SolitaireCh. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaUndefeated and a champion in six consecutive shows with a BOB over a special.Stone City WB BOS 2 pt Harvey BermanIllinois Valley WB BOS 5 pt Jean FancySturgis WB BOS 1 pt Sue KauffmanMarion WB BOW BOB 2 pt W. Everett Dean, Jr.Danville WB BOW BOB 2 pt James NickersonSteel City WB BOS 5 pt Dr. William HouptThanks to our dear friend, Carolyn Roberts for allowing us to co-own and show this super sound girl with the sweet personality. April will be bred to Ch. Tynan's Tag Along, sired by AmCan Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr the outstanding Canadian Show of Shows winner owned by Natalee Dunfee and Carolyn Roberts.OwnerHandlerPatricia Whitaker, Aldon 403 S. Fall Paxton, IL 60957 217 379-4728Co-OwnerCarolyn Roberts, Chip-A-Way Rt. 6, Box 1085 Stonebrook Bluff City, TN 37618615 538-5709 ji POMERANIAN REVIEWrochures. San Diego is a great city orgeous weather, beautiful bay, famous zoo nd warm, hospitable Pom people. The two pecialties are followed by 3 all breed shows, o pack for at least a week and join the SDPC or a fabulous time.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensThe main events are over and we ongratulate all the winners. The next big went will be the National held in San Diego, tnd we of this coast are happy to have two Nationals within our reach. I can assure you f the very best from the San Diego Club. We vere at their November Specialty and the lospitality was terrific. They will have many vents for your entertainment this year and I set they have tuned in to the weatherman, oo.December ended with the Columbia Pom 2lub Specialty held in Portland on December 14,1986. This club was well represented in the winners as Best of Breed went to Irene and Sylvia Harbin's Ch. Time to Pop The Cork. Torky later went on to a Croup 1. This Pom is owner handled and bred by the Harbins and this was his first Specialty win in the U.S. Congratulations from us all.Winners Dog went to Mary Rosenbaum's Bi-Mar Sunny Co Lucky. I understand this finished him. Reserve Winners Dog went to the same owners with Bi-Mar Impressive. Both are bred and owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex went to Dana Plonkey and Randy Cemmill's Valcopy Wakhan Cover Girl all from the puppy class. This was an excellent start for a new puppy from this kennel. New they may be but they have finished at least five champions to date. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Jestom's Miss Irrisistable, owned and bred by Tom and Jessie Stephens, handled by Tom. I certainly think we can be proud of our achievements as members of this club.The Columbia Pom Club did a super job as usual and won the benching award for the best decorated bench. This has become a yearly event for them and deservedly so, as they work very hard. The brunch held afterward in Jean Schroll's motorhome was super delicious and plenty. Good jobI hear Erin Hundley will be on the move again. We hope she will be near, so we can get to visit with Erin and Phil. Good luck to you both wherever you go. Keep in touch.You will remember Erin was president of this club for several years and held an interest and a hope for a point show for us.We held a pot luck and Christmas party at our meeting place in downtown Seattle and 21 members turned out to make it a success. Again, lots of good food and a gift exchange made this a happy event. The evening ended with a video of the Expo Pom Specialty and the general Expo show taken by Janell Reich. It was very well done and very entertaining, Janell.Every member is now hoping that soon we will be having a point show in this area of Seattle. We have been striving for many years and now seem to be getting together. Hopefully AKC will give us the go ahead. Think positively, all of you. I am sure we can do it. To everyone from the founding members who put this club on the right track, to those who have stayed with it, we will succeed and then we can all take pride in the work put forth.Phyllis Andrews and Jessie Stephens are now the new editors of our newsletter "Poms and People." We would all like to thank Julie Lindgren who has a busy life as a high school teacher, for the work she put into getting this newsletter out. It can be time consuming along with other work we all have to do, and we appreciate the efforts exerted in the past. We hope to continue right along, keeping you up to date on happenings, news and a friendly outlook on the club. We do believe the affairs of a club can be presented in the best of ways, letting everyone know we have good people who have the club and Poms at heart. Goodwill will prevail, good people are here, and we as a club will see to it these good things are known.Hope to see you all in San Diego and around the local shows with lots more wins, good friends and good feelings.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Dianne JohnsonWell, here I am trying to fill a pair of shoes that are next to impossible to fill. Mary Vickers has done such a great job and writes so well now you have to put up with me. I'll do my best to bring you the news of the PCGB. Hurry back, MaryI am waiting for the results from the Specialty and feeling sorry for myself that I'm not there with my friends. I'll share a recentPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3-Pearfree s P omeramansTWOIN ONE WEEK1Ch. Scotia Spectaculars Pia NonoShown finishing her title under judge Paula J. Bradley.Thanks to Joy Brewster and Kitty Burke for handling Roxie so expertly, and to Edna Cirardot for letting us have her. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Ch. Scotia Chase National Dream congratulates his daughter, Ch. Scotia's Little Buttercup on her recent championship.Ch. Peartrees Pia MariaShown finishing her title with a 3 pt. major under judge Merrill Cohen, breederownerhandled from the puppy class.Thanks to the judges who liked her, and to Jackie Klein and Eleanor and Ken Miller, who made Pia possible. See pedigree in Behind the New Champi.Alison F. Brewster 716 Reef Rd.Vero Beach, FL 32963 305 231-5345 Nov. - May424 Belden Hill Rd. wilton, CT 06897 203 762-8212 June - Oct.aXcto .T SABRINA2 POMERANIAN REVIEWDrochures. San Diego is a great city gorgeous weather, beautiful bay, famous zoo ind warm, hospitable Pom people. The two ipecialties are followed by 3 all breed shows. jo pack for at least a week and join the SDPC or a fabulous time.PUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensThe main events are over and we congratulate all the winners. The next big event will be the National held in San Diego, and we of this coast are happy to have two Nationals within our reach. I can assure you of the very best from the San Diego Club. We were at their November Specialty and the hospitality was terrific. They will have many events for your entertainment this year and I bet they have tuned in to the weatherman, too.December ended with the Columbia Pom Club Specialty held in Portland on December 14, 1986. This club was well represented in the winners as Best of Breed went to Irene and Sylvia Harbin's Ch. Time to Pop The Cork. Corky later went on to a Croup 1. This Pom is owner handled and bred by the Harbins and this was his first Specialty win in the U.S. Congratulations from us all.Winners Dog went to Mary Rosenbaum's Bi-Mar Sunny Co Lucky. I understand this finished him. Reserve Winners Dog went to the same owners with Bi-Mar Impressive. Both are bred and owned by Mary Rosenbaum. Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex went to Dana Plonkey and Randy GemmiH's Valcopy Wakhan Cover Girl all from the puppy class. This was an excellent start for a new puppy from this kennel. New they may be but they have finished at least five champions to date. Reserve Winners Bitch went to Jestom's Miss Irrisistable, owned and bred by Tom and Jessie Stephens, handled by Tom. I certainly think we can be proud of our achievements as members of this club.The Columbia Pom Club did a super job as usual and won the benching award for the best decorated" bench. "This" has become a yearly event for them and deservedly so, as they work very hard. The brunch held afterward in Jean Schroll's motorhome was super delicious and plenty. Good jobI hear Erin Hundley will be on the move again. We hope she will be near, so we can get to visit with Erin and Phil. Good luck to you both wherever you go. Keep in touch.You will remember Erin was president of this club for several years and held an interest and a hope for a point show for us.We held a pot luck and Christmas party at our meeting place in downtown Seattle and 21 members turned out to make it a success. Again, lots of good food and a gift exchange made this a happy event. The evening ended with a video of the Expo Pom Specialty and the general Expo show taken by Janell Reich. It was very well done and very entertaining, Janell.Every member is now hoping that soon we will be having a point show in this area of Seattle. We have been striving for many years and now seem to be getting together. Hopefully AKC will give us the go ahead. Think positively, all of you. I am sure we can do it. To everyone from the founding members who put this club on the right track, to those who have stayed with it, we will succeed and then we can all take pride in the work put forth.Phyllis Andrews and Jessie Stephens are now the new editors of our newsletter "Poms and People." We would all like to thank Julie Lindgren who has a busy life as a high school teacher, for the work she put into getting this newsletter out. It can be time consuming along with other work we all have to do, and we appreciate the efforts exerted in the past. We hope to continue right along, keeping you up to date on happenings, news and a friendly outlook on the club. We do believe the affairs of a club can be presented in the best of ways, letting everyone know we have good people who have the club and Poms at heart. Goodwill will prevail, good people are here, and we as a club will see to it these good things are known.Hope to see you all in San Diego and around the local shows with lots more wins, good friends and good feelings.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE by Dianne JohnsonWell, here I am trying to fill a pair of shoes that are next to impossible to fill. Mary Vickers has done such a great job and writes so well now you have to put up with me. I'll do my best to bring you the news of the PCGB. Hurry back, MaryI am waiting for the results from the Specialty and feeling sorry for myself that I'm not there with my friends. I'll share a recentPOMERANIAN REVIEW POMERANIANSJestomAmCan Ch. Jestoms Miss IrrisistableAmCan Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Jestom's Dinah MiteOur thanks to Jean Schroll for putting back to back majors on Buttons. She finished with three majors, BOW and BOS.Buttons is the 6th champion for AmCan Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy. We would like to thank Morris and Betty Carson for this lovely producing Pom and for entrusting him to us. Watch for his other get nearing their titles.Our breedings are planned and based on our Jestom's Red Robin, a Ch. Lennis Tarbaby of Great Elms son who has produced well, and his progeny are being retained for the future. Our aim is quality all the way with the standard always at heart. We are proud to own Button's grandsire, granddam and her sire and to have bred her dam. We hope to continue to follow the steps shown us, striving to produce sound, healthy, typey Poms.Lt. Commdr and Mrs. T.L. Stephens 322 158th St. SW206 743-3546 Lyn nwood, WA 98037S4 POMERANIAN REVIEWexperience with you while I wait.A few weeks ago I watched a show on Post Partum Depression in women. I hadn't heard of it before but apparently this problem ranges from a mild depression to such serious depression that some women have been known to kill their babies now that's really depressed It's funny how you learn about some things that have probably been around a long time and you simply haven't known about them, and then all of a sudden you hear about it more and more.My experience was with a Pomeranian with Post Partum Depression. In her first litter of two girls and a boy, she was less than impressed with her babies. She was ok as long as I held her on my lap while they nursed and as long as they were sleeping. But I could tell she wasn't comfortable and she didn't care for being locked in the box with them. She passed on the idea of cleaning them and circled the box repeatedly. When they were quiet she would lay down on the far side of the box, away from the puppies.I make is a policy never to leave my newborn puppies for any length of time for at least the first day, camping out next to their box to be sure things go as they should. On this occasion I was awakened by a strange noise. I looked up to see the puppies moving towards mama as she growled and snapped at them. I got in position and waited for this to happen again. I didn't have to wait long, and as she snapped, I reached over and slapped her. Remember the commercial for after-shave lotion where the man was slapped with the lotion and said, "Thanks. 1 needed that" Well, that was the look on that beautiful Pom face as she came out of her depression. Her whole expression changed immediately and she was back to normal. She lay down with her puppies and is a wonderful mother. The babies are over a week old now and doing fine. She keeps them perfectly clean and loves them dearly. I don't think she realized she had been hit for the first time in her life. Women suffering from Post Partum Depression might not appreciate this method of bringing them around, but it worked for this PomOur club members took the following placements at the APC Specialty The Sweepstakes was judged by our good friend and fellow club member, Dr. Morris Carson and he put Post Script's Jazzman, owned and bred by Rose Keller, 3rd in the Puppy Dog class. Fourth place went to Post Script's Pen and Ink, a litter brother to Jazzman, owned byDebbie and Thurman Kennedy. The 9-12 Puppy Dog class went to Great Elms Firestarted, owned by Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio, bred by Ruth Beam. This beautiful puppy went on to win Best in SweepstakesIn the regular classes, judged by Mrs. Paula Hartinger, Post Script's Pen and Ink was 4th in the 6-9 class and Great Elms Firestarter was 2nd in the 9-12 class. Dolores Watts' 6-9 puppy bitch, Watts' Little Starfire-Scotia was 4th. Bred by Exhibitor bitch Post Script's Pandora was first in her class and went on to take Reserve Winners Bitch. Post Script's Jasmine was 2nd in Open Black. Both bitches are owned and bred by Rose Keller. Bess Roberts' Open ROCS bitch, Watts' Little Xmas Eve O' Scotia took a 4th place ribbon. An Award of Merit was given to Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond, owned by Biljon Blue Kennels and Margaret McKee. Congratulations to all the PCCB members and APC members who did any winning. Remember, any placement at a specialty is worth mentioning.CAJUN COUNTRY POM NEWSThe Pom people in Louisiana are in the process of forming a Pomeranian Specialty Club. We are getting help in this by such knowledgeable people as Tim and Sue Goddard, Darrell and Olga Baker, Al Williamson, and others. We've made up membership applications and will soon have our Constitution and By-Laws completed. There are quite a number of dedicated Pom breeders and exhibitors in our area, and if we all pitch in and lend support to our new club, it certainly should be a success.Audrey Roberts, Shy Acre's Kennels, suggested we name our club "La Cajun" Pomeranian Club. "La Cajun" in French means "The Cajun" and we all feel this is certainly a fitting name for a Louisiana club.We have slightly over twenty interested Pom people who will make up our list of charter members. We've appointed a show chairman Al Williamson who will be planning our first match.Sue Goddard has been elected our first president unanimously. The Pom people in Louisiana are thrilled to have Tim and Sue residing among us now. Texas' loss is our gain Our first planning meeting was held at their lovely home in Opelousas.I hope to be reporting regularly in thePOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Magic Trinket of Wright Waga1 BEST OF BREED OR VARIETYLAKE SHORE KENNEL CLUB NOV.1986 PHOTO BYK. BOOTHS5A'Jhk ^i '-S.^3Ch. Flame of Wright Way xCh. Brandy of Wright WayBreeder Francis Wright and James J. Hupp Owner Nancy L. FryShe is shown with agent, Jenny Carlton going Best of Breed over champions for a 4 pt. major under Judge Jane C. Kay. Thank you Mrs. Kay. Also, thank you Judges Dawn Vick Hansen.Morris E. Howard, Jean K. Lepley, Betty Dexter, Alvin E. Maurer, Jr., Dr. Harry Smith, Jr., Mrs. Denny Kodner.Thank you Francis "Bill" Wright for letting us have "Trinkey" and a special thank you to Wilma Jean Brown for her unselfish help, patience and encouragement over the years. Thank you, Jenny my daughter for showing Trinkey for me.Puppies Occasionally.AgentJenny Carlton 4 N. 20th Street Vincennes, IN 47591 812882-9321OwnerNancy L. Fry R.R. 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-45286 POMERANIAN REVIEWeview on our club's activities. Anyone esiring information or membership applica- ons may contact me or any one of our other lembers.Sandra Territo, Secretary-Treasurer P.O. Box 33 Lakeland, LA 70752Jickup crashes into art gallery, puts end to iog's joy rideSt. Johns If Dylan were a German hepherd instead of a Pomeranian, there's no elling where he would have stopped when he ot behind the wheel of a pickup truck Monday.But with legs too short to reach the ccelerator or brake, the pooch was stopped iy the Clinton County Arts Gallery after raveling about nine feet."He just sort of decided he wanted to put it t drive and took off for a while," said Dylan's iwner Michelle Swan of St. Johns.Swan said she and her husband, Gene, were Doking at Christmas trees next door when ylan decided to take the idling truck for a pin into the art gallery on north U.S. 27."He's pretty high-strung, but he usually loesn't try to drive," Swan said of the -year-old, 8-pound dog.Gallery director Kaye Pilmore said the truck noved slow enough for Dylan to bark for help diile onlookers tried to catch up. The truck inally was stopped by a concrete step."Damage was minor," she said. "A few lictures were jarred off the walls and we'll leed to replace the door."Dylan expressed enough remorse over the irief joyride to keep him out of the doghouse, nd even surrendered his learner's permit. No harges were filed in the incident."He crawled out of the truck like he knew le'd done something wrong . . . and now he von't even go near it," Swan said."My husband said for punishment he's oing to take his license away," she said. And our insurance company called and said ve're going to have to put him on our policy is a third driver."Editorial, from o. 4.magazine will again be on time and mailed the right way.There will be times when it will appear that Murphy is hanging around. For instance, this issue will be mailed a few days late because I had to wait until March 19 to get the pictures from the National Specialty, and March 21 for the last material from the President. I assumed you would rather see the National pictures in April than July. With circumstances like these something has to give.Thanks for your patience. The EditorObedience Demonstration, from p. 75.obedience is and how much our little dogs love it. We thank them for their efforts, and also thank the Richmond Dog Obedience Club for loaning the jumps.I Was Killing, from p. 70.June Armstrong.I looked further to see what the artificial chemical preservative, sodium bisulfite did. I found sodium sulfite in the same book and it was "used to mask the smell of deteriorating meat. Gives meat a fresh meat redness. Could be very injurious if eaten raw or rare. This is a poison that destroys vitamin B and is capable of causing damage to the digestive system and other organs."I wondered how these substances could be permitted in my dog's food. They were found not only in the cheaper foods, but in the expensive ones as well.After much searching, I found a dry dog food that not only had no propylene glycol, or sodium bisulfite, but was an all-natural dog food. It also had no sugar beet pulp, no sugar frequently listed as sucrose, no animal fat, no animal liver, no charcoal, and no other chemicals. Incidently, the more I read about what the animal fat and liver does to the body, the more alarmed I became. When l found out where some dog food companies get the animal fat and liver, the more sickened I became. I never knew shat "Let the buyer beware" meant until I did the research myself.By the way, my dog is now healthy and happy on his new natural diet. He has a glorious coat, good elimination and wins frequently in the show ring. But I almost lost him due to my own ignorance. Thank heaven I learned to read labels in time.POMERANIAN REVIEW A A I A I Al Al At A A A'A'A'A'AA'A'A'A'A'A'A'A'A'Av A'A'WtwWWwWWi w iWiW w Wiw WWiw iV iVtV iv nNews FlashBonton plays in Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera Anything Goes aBon-Ton Poms were written in "Anything Coes." Maggi is held by the first lady from the left. The girls did a fine job and the crowd roared, loving their beauty and Pom personality like "we are it." Mom watched, loving every minute of it seeing my babies perform. Now Bon-Ton may be on local television.We have new males for sale.Bonnie Flowers Anderson RD 7, Box 143Latrobe, PA 15650 412 539-8166POMERANIAN REVIEW---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- V.Animations Atom Ant' iT- -------Ch.Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy xCh. Emcee's Suss'AnnaAtom made a big bang his first time out at the Michigan Pom Specialty going BOS in Sweepstakes and then Winners Dog from the puppy class for his first points.He is pictured winning BOW-BOS at the Livingston KC show two months later under Mr. John Lusk. Thanks also to judge Mr. Lou Durocher for awarding Atom his wins.FLASH Atom made us real proud by taking Reserve Winners Dog at the Carden under Mr. William Bergum.Animation Kennels Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane 216 762-756763 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Animations Lucy Little25WINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXA4TMARION OHIO KENNEL CLUBftCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Ch. Emcee's Suss'AnnaLucy is pictured winning WB, BOS over a lovely special for her third major to finish in grand style. Thank you Mr. Robert and Mrs. Beulah Hatch for the votes of confidence. Lucy will now retire to motherhood.Lucy sends congratulations to her litter brother Can. Ch. Animation's Mr. Magoo, owned by Howard and Kay Northey. He finished in seven shows with 5 BOB, A Group 4, two Croup 2's, two Puppy Group 1's and a Best Puppy in Show.Animation KennelsLori nda Vasuta Darren Lane216 762-7567\63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310POMERANIAN REVIEWWatts PoiRays ofIh. Aloe-Best Raisin Kaner''aCh.Moe-Best Sugar KaneCh. Watts Little Instant ReplayWatts Pomeranians4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 20613 301 372-8782Ch. Watts Little Tiffany of G. ElmsPOMERANIAN REVIEWneramansSunshineCh. Watts Little Chipper of G. Elms kAll of these rays of sunshine are sired by Chipper. Ch.Watts Little WahooCh. Watts Little Do-Si-]Ch. Silva Lade Morgans LegacyPOMERANIAN REVIEWWatts Pomeranians. rA-w.' V BEST OF WINNERSBROOKHAVEN KENNEL CLUB1986Ashbey ACh. WattsLittle BlackjackCh. Watts' Little Wahoo x Watts' Little MarigoldBlackjack is shown going BOW at Brookhaven KC for a 3 pt. major under judge Mrs. Barbara Jarmoluk. He finished with five majors all from the puppy class. We would like to thank the following judges for recognizing his qualitiesMr. Tom Stevenson, Maryland KC, BOW, 3 pt.Miss M.J. Ablett, Harrisburg KC, BOS, 4 pt.Mr. E. Dean, Butler Co. K.C., BOB, 3 pt.E.R. Klinckhardt, Delaware Water Gap KC, 3 pt.While finishing his championship he was busy siring two litters due in early March The dams in waiting are Ch. Scotia Commander's Rockette and Ch. Watts' Little Kahlua-Lua.Dolores A. Watts 301 372-8782Puppies Occasionally.4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Sirius Persimmon..... "'fm_Boda'sLittle Dusky Charmer x Hudora Naughty But NiceWe are pleased to present our latest champion, Persi. Bred by Toni Collings, she is Toni's fi puppy out of her English bitch. Handled by Jessie Young and Kitty Burke, Persi is pictured finishi her title handled by Kitty, under judge Henry Stoecker.Congratulations to Toni Collings on finishing Persi's half brother Sirius Simply Splendiferoi Also, congratulations to Pamela Welsh for her three group wins and two Best Brace in Show's w her mother-daughter brace.Jessie and Barbara Young 603 435-8731Rt. 8, Box 251, Loudon Ridge F Loudon, NH 033POMERANIAN REVIEW3el Canto.tAEASTERNCLUB resentingthe Mother-Daughter TeamPictured are my first Pom, with her first puppy. On the left is Nola, 9 month old Bel Canto La lenerentola sire by Ch. Daisy's Little Bit of Jabil. On the right is Isabella, Nola's dam, Ch. Jabil's talian Girl in Algiers Ch. Hi Time Simply Jeremy Jabil xCh. Jabil's Simply Serena.TwnerHandleramela R. WelshPOMERANIAN REVIEWBel Canhe' wv.v C -7V' 17 \BEST IN SHOW V 1 4north shoreKENNEL CLUB NOV 1986TATHAM PHOTOASteppin' Out With The Girls111386 Middlesex County KC Group 1 Brace111586 Eastern Dog club Croup 1, Best Brace in Showpictured opposite with BIS Judge John HonigJ111686 North shore K.C. Group 1, Best Brace in Showpictured above with BIS Judge Charlotte McGowan1 Deerfield I Sherborn, MA 01POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Hi I'm sorry to have missed the January sue deadline, but family illness short-circuit- I my good intentions.Remember the survey on what you readers ink of the Review that was published in the ovember '86 issue I want to thank those of u who took the time to respond. The arresponding Secretary of APC can tell you lat there is a vast inertia among embersreaders in responding to almost lything. While the number who answered ay not be impressive, the answers are teresting. If the numbers don't add up, it's icause not everyont answered every jestion.jtal Responses 18ates CA-1, FL-3, CA-2, MA-1, MI-1, MS-1, V-1, ND-1, PA-2, VA-3, WIS-1. iale-0, Female-14.Are you a member of APC Yes-7. No-8.How long have you subscribed to the eviewyear or less 4 1 to 5 years 7 5 to 10 ars 0 11 to 15 years 4 16 or more What other dog magazines do you ibscribe toone 4 AKC Gazette 8 Dog World 5 om Reader 5 Off-Lead 1 Front inish 1 Dog Fancy 3 Others 5.How many Poms do you currently ownPom 2 2 Poms 3 5 to 10 9 15 to 20 - 1 30 - 2.How long have you had Poms year 2 3 years 1 5 years 2 5 to 10 sars 5 15 to 20 years 2 20 years 5 Do you currently show in breed or bediencereed 12 Obedience 6 No 4.. Have you shown in the past but aren't lowing now es 2.. Do you breed es 13 Plan to 1.. Average number of litters per year litter 4 2 litters 1 3 litters 4 4 litters-2 10 to 15-2.10. Do you have housepets I guess that was a stupid question.Yes - 13.11. Do you judge Yes 2.12. What do you like best about the Review Lots of answers, among them articles,pictures, ads, kennel visits, Helpful Hints, pedigrees, "others' experiences with dogs," Dorothy Bonner's articles. Several said, "Everything"13. What do you like the leastAgain, a variety of responses Club reports, not enough articles, small size of pictures, lack of pedigrees in ads, gossip or "snotty criticism," not enough issues and too much time between issues, late delivery.14. Are there parts of the magazine that you never readNo-9. Parts not read club reports 3 obedience 1 editor's mistakes 1 Board meeting minutes 1.15. How would you improve the ReviewBig list Add color photos increase number of issues shorten club reports mention colors in ads and pedigrees larger stud issues, including lists of top producers lower ad prices in order to get more ads pay for good articles more articles on grooming including pictures and diagrams showing, health, nutrition, training, genetics, and great dogs of the past appoint a Pom person as assistant editor to help and advise editor.16. Other comments "I've compared other breed club publications with ours and I feel ours is the most informative as well as interesting.""Four issues a year is fine. Quality over quantity.""Please More information on specialties." "For a commercial magazine, the Review is technically quite good."As you can see, I heard from a variety of people all over the country from the very active breeder-exhibitor to someone who's just had beloved pets for years. The concensus is they love the magazine. Dog Writers' Association of America agrees and they want more of it. The majority would like more articles in more issues. Only a couple mentioned the problems of cost.Two people asked how to join the American Pomeranian Club. Hey guys, the answer is in every issue of Review. In this issue it is on page. 78. You contact the Corresponding Secretary. She'll send you an application form, Code of Ethics, instructions, and forms for your sponsors to sign. That may be thePOMERANIAN REVIEWIdle Acres Pinball Wizard-r Ch.Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Idle Acres Sparkle of the Nite Breeder-Owner-Handled by ShariContinuing the line of winning offspring of Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy, Bub came from the classes at Crawford and Marion County to take the breed and Croup 2 both days, garnering 3 pt. majors along the way. Bub is pictured with Mrs. Beulah Hatch. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Hatch, Jr. for a very special weekendBub is proven and at stud to approved bitches. He is sound, has excellent temperament and is a great little showman. He needs only 3 points to finish.Many thanks to the judges who found him deserving of his wins Mrs. Keke Blumberg, WD, BOW for 1 pt. Miss Maxine Beam, WD, BOW, BOB for 1 pt. Dr. Wm. Houpt, WD for 1 pt. Dr. Alvin Maurer, Jr., WD for2 pts. Mrs. Connie Bosold, WD, BOW, BOW for 1 pt.Idle Acres KennelsShari Staffer Kubankin Barbara Staffer 13810 Easton N.E.Alliance, OH 44601 216 823-5063POMERANIAN REVIEWiicky part for some people getting onsors. You may be in a part of the country here there are few Pom people and no local r regional club. If you don't show, you may ot know a single APC member. So write to lem Get to know them by mail. Frankly tell lem you want to join APC and why and hope 3 convince them that you're a worthwhile erson. Make the effort and go to a show and itroduce yourself.Club columnists, you did get a bit of riticism. Now I know writing those reports is pain, and we do appreciate your efforts. We jally do want to know about your matches, eminars, and other events. Tell us which lembers have finished titles or won awards, lay I suggest that you leave out who went VD at Podunk KC Even I, a voracious reader, lon't want to read that. I get Show Results for hat. Just give us the winners for your own natches, specialties or supported shows. If a nember of your local group gets a BIS, tell us hat. But what we really want to hear about is vhat your club is doing for our breed, to iducate the public, to educate or amuse your nembers.We want to hear more from experienced om people. There's so much you have to hare with us. If you have been in Poms in any vay for 15 years or more, write something. Vrite about anything genetics, dogs you've mown, care, grooming, famous Pom people, how you feel about how shows have hanged. Write it down in any fashion. If you hink you don't write well, talk into a tape ecorder and send it to me. I'll edit and type t. Please, share your experiences with us.Advertisers, we thank you for your nvaluable support of our magazine and all hose pictures of pretty Poms for us to drool aver. Please consider putting 3-generation aedigrees with colors in your ads. How about color pictures Contact the editor for prices.Canine Chronicle is a twice-weekly newspaper aimed exclusively at conformation enthusiasts. It is almost all ads. There are few articles and ratings systems for conformation and JS wins. Once a year their anniversary issue is a slick-page magazine with color pictures. In the October '86 issue was in interesting article by Ann Seranne on raspberry tea. Many Pom breeders give raspberry tea leaves, not brewed to their pregnant bitches in hopes it will make whelping easier. Ms. Seranne goes further. She has given it to dogs and bitches before breeding as well as during the pregnancy, and kept records on numbers of whelps born live,how many born dead, how many survive, etc. She thing that, not only does raspberry tea give her more live pups, but a distinctly higher percentage of femalesFran Warren of Richmond, VA likes all her dogs to have their own beds. Her spring '86 litter was not cooperative. They chewed up two plastic dishpans, then tried to destroy a wooden crate. Fran finally found an elegant solution. The little alligators slept in Corning Ware casseroles For novice breeders who might be alarmed by this degree of chewing, it isn't common or permanent. The "alligator litter" came to live with me in August, and I haven't had any problems with them . . . and I didn't give them Corning Ware.The next time someone brags about how many champions they've finished, ask them how many litters it took to do it.As I write this, my family is celebrating our first year of living in the country. We love it, in spite of the unusual amount of snow this winter. One of the dangers of rural living is birds of prey. The latest issue of Front Finish reports the death of a Toy Manchester Terrier when it was carried away by a bird of prey. An appalling thought, but Poms are the right size to be a victim and probably not as clever as a rabbit in avoiding capture. Brenda Everette of Aylette, VA has become so concerned about the hawks which seem very interested in her Poms that she is afraid to leave her Poms out unsupervised. The hawks don't seem to be discouraged by the presence of Brenda's Samoyeds.A handy item to add to your whelping equipment is a stethescope. They're not expensive, less than 10. Anyone can learn to use one, unless you're deaf. If increasing weight and the gelatinous discharge don't convince you she's pregnant, hearing the fetal heartbeat will. I usually can't feel movement until about 6 days before whelping, but I can find a heartbeat about VA weeks before the due date. Lay the bitch on her back in your lap, her head on your knees. Listen first to her heart so you know what a heartbeat sounds like. Now start down on the right side, just below the ribs. Listen. Move the disc 1- inch and listen again. The beating will be distinct and faster than mom's. Pinpoint the location, then continue looking. If you don't like to x-ray, the stethoscope is reliable in determining the number of whelps. It won't tell you which are breech I have a friend who insists she can tell sex by the difference in heart rates. I haven't attempted thatType and soundness are two words we dog continued on p. 62.POMERANIAN REVIEWDignitys PomeraniansPLACINGALEXANDRIA KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 1887 PHOTO BY SEQUELCh. Dignitys Chris O LightsAmCan Ch. Chriscendo City Lights x Ch. Sha Mar Kira Lucia of RoxieWhat an impressive win "Chrissy" had on his first weekend out as a special Before he was a year old he finished with 4 majors and a BOB. One week later he took a Croup 2 over several multi-group winners. Looks like he's the new kid on the blockMany thanks to the Houston Pom people who have led him on to glory Sue Goddard for sharing his sire and showing Chrissy, Olga Baker for putting on his first major through dirt and show, Carolyn Crockett for braving hurricane-like elements in Galveston to show him and to Erika Moureau who not only saved his life, but brought him the rest of the way under such tough competition.See his pedigree in Behind The New Champions. Stud Fee 150.00.OwnersBreedersM.C. and Barbara L. Dignowity P.O. Box 84 Simonton, TX 77476 713 346-1710HandlerErika Moureau 21422 Rosehill Church Road Tomball, TX 77375 713351-7907POMERANIAN REVIEWI Remember When"by Dorothy BonnerFatalities in puppies, too great a number of vhich are newborns, tears a sensitive person ipart. But when a little mother is also lost, here is self-blame and despair. Show-type oms are not really designed for puppy learing as a rule, and make poor little nothers. Long bodied females usually are the est producers but their genes are passed on, lot ideal for show material. So we all run into Eaesarian sections occasionally and lose too nany babies at birth or shortly thereafter. Dnce the critical whelping event has been iridged, a good mother is desperately leeded. However, some fail to qualify. Last ear, during the night, Cuddles carried her 2 unce babies out of the warm nest box and juried them in the papers of the baby bed. Vhen discovered the next morning they were lead from exposure. A year later, her larger luppies necessitated a section, but they were oo heavy to carry and Cuddles resigned lerself to being a good mother. Another jpsetting incident was told to me by an lut-of-town friend who had just built a model cennel. Her little Pom mother carried new luppies out and dropped them down the Irain. After desperately searching the place, he horrified breeder finally fished out the Jodies.One time, I had a beautiful little girl Pom vho grew up to be most prefect. Her name vas Stylecandy Honey. In 1967 she lelf-whelped puppies and was later shown. Ihampionship came quickly and she seemed o be that rare specimen of a gorgeous, easily vhelping show girl. A year later, she was lesting in anticipation of a litter, seemingly ecure in a baby bed over which I huddled, rhe door bell rang, the lid of the bed was dosed but the lock forgotten. The matter at he door was settled in a few minutes before eturning to the bedroom where a terrible light greeted me. Concerned over my leaving, landy had squeezed her head out and was langing, her neck caught by the closed cover, ihe could not be revived, and I never knew low many puppies there were. This has been, iy far, my worst breeding experience from vhich there has never been a real recovery. Even now writing about it ties my stomach in cnots. Later, Candy's year old girl was cnocked over by a group of excited poms, litting the back of her head and she diedinstantly. Her brother, Bonner's Honeystyle Candy Kid became a champion.My dues, in earlier years, have clearly been paid and at times there would have been no continuation if so many other poms had not been entirely dependant upon me. But time is a great leveler and events fade in the memory. Love is not confined to one and puppies bring countless joys. Eventually, when that Best in Show prospect enters the show ring, thrills over shadow many of one's heart breaking experiences.POMERANIAN VIDEO PRESENTATIONThe Pomeranian Video Presentation will start filming this coming October, according to the latest word from the AKC. The Pom order is high on the list as the commentary was submitted nearly a year ago and work completed by the committee of Dorothy Bonner, Olga Baker and Christine Heartz. Numerous Best in Show winners will be present, including Poms with faults to be shown. Nothing will be identified. The Pom Video Committee had a very productive meeting in New York during the Specialty. As Pom owners will be responsible for their own expenses, the only problem seems to be securing the faulty exhibits. Skip Piazza volunteered to find pet owners in the vicinity who would cooperate.HONORED AT THE SPECIALTYBeing honored while "still alive to enjoy" is an out of th is world experience and my head is still in the clouds after the American Pomeranian Specialty. Peter Galindo wrote my "obituary" and Sam Zaneoff delivered it, both such expert promoters that the standing ovation that followed was the thrill of my life. Pom folks are the greatest. Thank you all. Every one, so super wonderful to me with their loving attitudes, created the illusion that I had actually gone to heaven.Besides Sam and Peter, I wish to thank the Club for the lovely glass etching presented to me. It was created by Robert Reilly. Thank you, Jim Butler for the orchid corsage. The Club gave me another the next day and both were worn proudly. Thank you, Arlene Steinmetz for being my room mate, and Joan Reilly who stayed at home to take such excellent care of my Pomeranians.Because our dear Mr. Tipton was ill, Mrs.continued on p. 62.POMERANIAN REVIEWm0Bev-NorPomsWcCH. THELDUN'S ALMOND FUDGE - 2 Stud Dog 1985, Sire of 30 champions, BIS dogs, Group and Specialty winners. At stud, limited to 15 bitches per year.Fudge congratulates Claudia and Joe Pfeffer on their Fudge son, Ch. Precious Petite's Terra Fudge,Anna LaFortune and her new champion Fudge son, and his pointed littersister,Desaree Sandiferand Ch. Desiree's Rippling Fudge,Jerrie Freia and Janesa's Trendsetter, 13 pts., both majors and his major pointed brother.CH. BEV-NOR'S TOASTED FUDGE 3 Stud Dog 1985, Number 1 Pom for 1981, 82, 83. 24 BIS, 5 BISS, Sire of Top Winning Females for 1984, and 1985. Sire of the only black and tan to ever go Best in Show. At stud, limited to 20 bitches per year.Toasty congratulates De Wayne Ward Canada on his first show bitch. Fie started her at 6 months and in 3 shows took BOB from junior puppy class and at 6 months, 2 weeks old took Best in Show. She is now Can. Ch. Bev-NoPs Classy Chassie. Charlotte Creed and newCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge,Mary Ellen Snyder and new Ch. Lynnwrighfs Ms. Sallie Kenmar, finished all from puppy class with several BOB's,Jerrie Freia on Lynnwright's Janesa, pointed, and our own new stud, Ch. Bev-NoPs Statesman.CH. BEV-NOR'S STATESMAN Multi group winner, 1986 Best in Sweepstakes winner in New York.Shawn's first litter will be on the circuit shortly. One male is owned by Fran Smith CA and will be campaigned by Mr. John Tyson. His name is Bev-NoPs Patriot. The other brother is owned by Francis Freeman TX and is Bev-NoPs Has Pizzazz. We have a red bitch out of our Best in Show black and tan girl, Ch. Bev-NoPs Toasty's Tan-Ya.For a certain home we have a year old Fudge son coming out of the year old shed 4V lbs. We have 5 litters due in February by the above studs. Several are repeat breedings.Bev and Bill Norris 7747 Meadow Rd.Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-13432 POMERANIAN REVIEWJan-Sliur vVARIETY UP PLACEMENT KOKTCOIIERTh. Bev Nor N Southland Rani boCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster x Bev-Nor's DesareeRambo is grown up now and continuing his winning ways, pictured going Croup 3 under judge Robert Moore. His recent wins also includeBOB Columbus K.C. Robert MooreBOB Montgomery K.C. Dorothy NicklesBOB Pearl River K.C. Lena WisemanBOB Metarie K.C. Toddie ClarkBOB Mississippi St. K.C. Mr. E.W. Tipton, Jr.BOB Greenville Miss k.c. Mr. Denis J. GrivasThank you, judges. Special thanks to Charlotte for the excellent care she has given Rambo. After January 24,1987 Rambo will be with Michael Kemp in Houston, TX.Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966 304 497-2446Proud Owners Jane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 24701 304 497-3190APOMERANIAN REVIEWJait-Shar i9iBEST OF \N\UNERSmhemmmi cmKKIKMM. SreClkUTI L TCh. Great Elms Jeany of DendyCh. Anwin's Li I Sirius x Dendy's Spice IIWe would like to welcome Jeanie to our kennel. We feel she will be a great asset. Also from Great Elms is Great Elms Almost Heaven, "Honey" Great Elms Timstopper's Davy x Great Elms Bit of Honey and Great Elms Mountain Mama, "Sissy" Ch. Model's Timstopper's Echo x Great Elms Wood's Dori. Special thanks to Ruth Beam and Margaret Samples.We also welcome two other newcomers, Desiree's Rippling Preshus Ch. Desiree's Rippling Fudge x Desiree's Rippling Brooke and Desiree's High Hope Desiree's Timstopperx Desiree's Fancier Faith. Thank you Desaree Sandifer, a new-found friend.Jane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 24701 304 497-3190ASharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966Proud Owners4 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the \merican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's lame, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, yped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all nformation to fhe Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.CH. ALEXSAND'S GOLDEN WHISPEROrange MaleDwnerBreeder A.L. Conos M.D. and Gus Gonos, Scottsdale, AZCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Ch. Bonner's Starlyn Prissy Puff Ch. Bonner's Pepper-K-Goldmist Ch. Camelot's Whipsering ShadowCh. Bonner's Pepper-R-Wee Beautiful Bonner's Pepper-R-Sun Prissy Pod Bonner's Pepper-K-Sunkiss Silva Lade Faughnan FdCrack'r Silvamere Fizzie's FaultEdney's Pebbles of Muffet Camelot's Nigra Et FormosaEdney's Midnight Spirit Scorpio's Midnite Madness Little Miss Muffin XXCH. ALEXSAND'S WEEHEART WHODUNITOrange Sable MaleOwners A.L. Gonos M.D. and Gus Gonos,Scottsdale, AZBreeder Cassandra ReadyCh. Lennis's Tar Baby Ch. Lennis's Tequila Sunrise Tigger Little Tonya Lennis'TeakieTooCh. O-My Traveling Man Angelica IIO-My African Queen Sir Bazzezz Bourbon BearDavonshire Moonlight Melody Wee Hearts Happy Sugar Smack LLL Happy Country Squire LLL Happy Country GirlLLL Happy Go Lucky TammyCH. ANIMATION'S LUCY LITTLEOrange FemaleOP nerBreeder Lorinda Vasuta, Akron, OHJewel Ken Flaming Fantasy Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Adkin's White Camellia Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Adkin's White Christmas Jewel Ken's Little White Dove Lady Snowball of Coram Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Emcee's Suss'AnnaCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Elms Hillsboro's Little Missy Lennis's Little LoveCH. CORDIE'S JOKER'S WILDOrange MaleOwner A.L. Conos M.D. and Gus Gonos,Scottsdale, AZBreeder Cordie MusgroveCh. Model's Mr. Roberts Ch. Model's Red Sultan Majestic April Love Queenaire RhapsodyCh. Queenaire Double Scotch Ch. Queenaire Lacy Lady Queenaire M'Lady Magic Timestoppeds Prince Cordie's Timmy Boy Nehl's Prime Choice Cordie's Jaquaita Bea Cordie's Joe Bob Cordie's Jody Bell Regina PandoraViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWmGien Iris PomeraniansCfiery[ A. Jackson1038 16th Ave. So.Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603-- W'VBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYkennLOCT 1986 1PHOTOS BT AtVESSOmMee- Gees MasterpieceCh. Texican's Wee Will O' Mee-Cee x Stansoe's Hidden TreasureMany thanks to Polly Ferguson of Mee-Cee Poms for letting us have such a fine male, and for f continued support and friendship.FLASH Masterpiece finished with a 5 pt. major under breeder-judge Mrs. Mary McCoy and tpt. major under Mrs. Margaret Young on the Florida CircuitOwnerCheryl A. JacksonBreederPolly FergusonCo-OwnerHandJoel M. Tay56 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. DIGNITY'S CHRIS O' LIGHTSOrange MaleOwnerBreeder M.C. Barbara L. Dignowity, Simonton, TXCh. Millamor's Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Millamor's Rock Rosette AC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch Jeribeth's Izzisit Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Jeribeth's Idol Baker Ch. Sha Mar Kira Lucia of RoxieCh. LLL Fancy Cold Cricket Ch. Dancing Cold Muff of Oakridge Wee Dancing Penny of OakridgeAC CH. JESTOM'S MISS IRRISISTABLEOrange FemaleOwnerBreeder Jessie Stephens, Lynnwood, WACh. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Emcee's Hot Tamale AC Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of CoyCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emce's Tartan Tam Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Jestom's Red RobinBritton's Little Miss Muffit Jestom's DinamiteAC Ch. Pomirish Puffs Only Chance Jestom's Pomirish SunmaidCh. Pomirish Bear N Cold DoubloonCH. KHANI DREAMCream FemaleOwnerBreeder Byron and Connie Hendricks, El Monte, CACh. Scotia Little man Spectacular Ch. Scotia Tin Tin Denis The Menis Ch. Scotia Tin Tin Fabulous Ch. Scotia Dennis' InspirationCh. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Ch. Scotia Piper's Chintilly Kobko Ch. Scotia Braum's Chintilly Lace Ch. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Ch. Scotia Specky Happy C's Return Ch. Scotia Robin's Mama's Happy Girl Ch. Scotia Best Yet's Lisa DollCh. Sungold's Cay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Caviller's Best Yet Ch. Royal Trudie of Lane-MarrCH. KHANI SPECTACULAR SOLITAIREOrange FemaleOwnerBreeder Byron and Connie Hendricks, El Monte, CACh. Lund's Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia Just Dandy's Littleman Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Best Yet Ch. Scotia Littleman SpectacularCh. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Ch. Scotia Specky Molly Xmas Noel Ch. Scotia I'm Molly-Follow Me Cheridel Pomesto Remember Me Ch. Silva Lade The Enforcer Edney's Pebbles of Muffet Khani Crown JewelCorrin Chocolate Party Color Khani Crown Cameo Khani Crown PrincessCH. LLL ROCKY'S BRASS BELLRINGEROrange FemaleOwner Janice Luginsland, Americus, KS Breeder Virginia RockholdCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny LLL Charming Gold Top BrassCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Gina LLL Lil Gold Copper Penny Laura's Sunbeam O' Yap Yap Lennis' Tequilla Sunset Tigger's Little Tanya Rocky's CrissieCh. Frazier The Lion Rocky Rhoad's Scarlet Lady Fluffy Cotton CandyCH. LLL ROCKY'S BRASS GUMDROPCream FemaleOwners Sue Goddard and Janice Luginsland,Opelousas, LABreeder Virginia RockholdCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Cricket LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny LLL Charming Gold Top BrassCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny Laura's Sunbeam O' Yap Yap Lennis Tequilla Sunset Tigger's Little Tanya Rocky's CrissieCh. Frazier The Lion Rocky Rhoads Scarlet Lady Fluffy Cotton CandyPOMERANIAN REVIEWGolden Aires Poms1a.-KTvCh. Twin Pines Tico TicoCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond x Scarlett of Twin PinesTico Tico salutes his winning daughter Ch. Beaus N' Belles Precious Onyx. We are pleased that he is passing on his fine attributes to his offspring. Onyx is out of his first litter.We have two litters of future hopefuls sired by Tico Tico. We extend our thanks to Dr. Morris Carson for his guidance in helping us to start a successful breeding program with Tico Tico.Ch. Beaus N BellesPrecious OnyxCh. Twin Pines Tico Tico xCinderella Liberty IIOnyx, a super typey moving black girl finished on the Florida circuit with three 4 point majors and a BOB over specials all from the 6-9 puppy class. She is owned and loved by John C. Thomas of Ocala, FL. She was expertly handled by Barbara Thomas and Marjorie Westman.John and Sharon Masnick HCR65, Box 745 Huger, SC 29450 803 928-3511II r ya.58 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. PEARTREE'S PIA MARIAOrange FemaleOwnerBreeder Alison F. Brewster, Vero Beach, FLCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Marlita Ch. Millamor's Mood MusicCh. Brown's Gambling Man Millamor's Judy Brown Brown's Precious Jewel Ch. Tim Sue's Poinciana Star Ch. Si Iver Meadow's Scooter Starr Ch. Silver Meadows Spice of Legacy Ch. Silver Meadows AnnetteCh. Silver Meadows Lil Red Echo Silver Meadows RedwingCh. Silver Meadows Echo of FunCH. SCOTIA SPECTACULAR'S PIA NONOOrange FemaleOwner Alison F. Brewster, Vero Beach, FL Breeder Edna E. CirardotCh. Lund's Just Dandy of Hadleigh Ch. Scotia Just Dandy's Littleman Ch. Scotia Caviller's Best Yet Ch. Scotia Littleman SpectacularCh. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Ch. Scotia Specky Molly Xmas Noel Ch. Scotia I'm Molly-Follow Me Ch. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Ch. Sungold's Dee Dee Ch. Scotia Piper's Chintilly KobkoCh. Scotia Treasure Dink Braum Ch. Scotia Braum Chintilly LaceCh. Speck Suprise Phoebe O' ScotiaCH. SUN-DEE'S JUBA LISABlack FemaleOwners Dorothy J. Keller and Jacqueline A.Castleberry, Northridge, CABreeders Darlyas Flaata, Dorothy J. KellerCh. Arsenal Imp of Point Loma Sunkist Small Dark N' Handsom Burr's Black Beauty Ch. Wee Willie's Juba Lee Moxie Joe Petiete FluffMrs. Mitz Pritz Ch. Sunray Ha-Lo's Little Lord Ch. Damata Nuclear Reactor JaettaSumi Doll Damata Maude of Sun DeeCh. Sunray Ha-Lo's Little Lord Damata Jule Ann Damata SadieCH. TIM SUE'S SUNSHINE SABRINAOwnersBreeders Tim and Sue Goddard, Opelousas, LACh. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A PepperToo Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Jolly Wee Duke of the WestCh. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of PeppiRandy's Pride and Joy of Duke Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Ch. Tim Sue's Angel SabrinaCh. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Tim Sue's Charlie's Angel Tim Sue's Patriarch CharlieCH. BONNER'S LEGACY GOLDEN DRAGONRed Orange MaleOwner Sandra Territo, Lakeland, LA Breeder Dorothy Bonner, San Antonio, TXCh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonner's Kristin StarmistCh. Bonner's Pepper-K Cold Mist Ch. Bonner's Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonner's Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonner's Little Miss Wag Bonner's Sunfire Mischief Ch. Mac's Gay Terrific Ch. Playboy of Golden Acres Ch. Duchess of Golden Acres Sue's Golden MelodyToy Boy of Toy Town Peaches of Golden Acres Denise's Dainty MignonWinners at Westminster Kennel ClubWinners Dog, Best of Winners Alexsand's Golden Whisper. BreederOwner A.L. Gonos M.D. and Gus Gonos. Anna LaFortune, Agent.Reserve Winners Dog Animation's Atom Ant. BreederOwnerHandler Lorinda Vasuta. Winners Bitch Daybreak's Help Me Rhonda Breeders, Fran Day Warren and Margaret McKee. Owner, Fran Day Warren. Handled by Margaret McKee.Reserve Winners Bitch TNT Clasic Style N Basic Black, BreederOwner, Delores Stanger and Marcia Doane. Handled by Marcia.Best of Breed and Group 3 Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel BreederOwner Claudia Pfeffer Kathy Bucher, Agent.Best Opposite Sex Ch. Hi Times Kaleidoscope, Breeder, Bernadine Pauli, Owner, Live E. Lancey Susan J. Talsma, Agent.POMERANIAN REVIEWSouthlandproudly presentsA\tBEST OF BREED or VARIETYTUSCALOOSA KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1986^iphoto 8 SABRINAS "PflCh. Southlands Toasted FudgeCh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Ch. Southland Happy Birthday BilLil Toasty finished with three majors. He is a very inbred Bev-Nor male, producing gorgeous puppies. Watch for them in the ring soon.BreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed, Southland 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Co-BreederOwnerBeverly Norris, Bev-Nor 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-1343Pending AKC confirmation0 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 12600 SE 88th 21 Clackamas, OR 97015We had a neat experience on January 17. We went to a dog show just to watch and listen. We saw a lot and heard a lot and it got me to wondering, "Why are we doing this" We spend most of our lives brushing and training and at the vet. We don't buy our houses because of the good construction or convenient location, but because there is "a place for the dogs." Good schools take second place to good handling classes and active dog clubs. We don't buy clothes because they are comfortable but because they have pockets. And all of this for what So we can take our precious dog into the ring for the judge to say, "You're 4th" Or even first, WD, WB or even BOB. Is that why we do it Is it so important whose dog is bestA novice who has unsuccessfully exhibited several lovely pets once said to me, "I am going to buy the best pom I can find and then they will sit up and take notice." I thought, "Notice what, the exhibitor or the dog" If she thinks she needs a champion to be worth noticing, she must have a very poor opinion of herself. We have all heard how some losers talk about the winners.There is more to showing dogs than winning. Winning is important, as is placing, not because it make you better than you were, but because it indicates that you are heading in the right direction. You have studied the standard and are exhibiting a dog which fits the type outlined in it. You have analyzed dogs and their pedigrees looking for qualities you want to see in the poms you breed. You also create an environment in which these special dogs can reach their full potential. Now you have that special "one" . . . maybe. You plan to show it yourself, or perhaps you sell it to someone who promises to show it sometimes they do.Now to the dog show and lo and behold, the judge does not have the same opinion of your dog that you have. Your little precious does not even place. You can stomp out of the ring blaming everyone and everything the judge is blind, political, prejudiced. Ringsidemade too much noise, the handlers spooked your dog or the best old standby, "my dog doesn't like the duct tape on the mats." Or you can smile and congratulate the winners, study their dogs and see what that judge liked that day.You can show again and another judge with another viewpoint may place your pom higher or even first. It isn't easy to make a champion. Occasionally some gorgeous dog will finish in just a few shows. Most take more perseverance and more time.Now what do you do if 2nd or 4th is all you ever get Ask why. Did you start showing too soon Was he too young and not up to competing with more mature dogs Did you present him well Was be bathed, brushed and gleaming Were his nails short and his feet trimmed to show his little cat feet Did he stand for examination as he should Did he show the true Pom sparkle and class Many wonderful poms could do better if their owners did their homework.So you have done all that and he still does not win, it's back to the standard and an objective look at what you have and what you really want. No pom is perfect, as no person or dog club is perfect. You have to work with what you've got. Take the best pom you have or, if you can, buy a better one whose background you know. Judge him or her as a judge does by the standard. Then choose a mate with a similar background who fits the standard better is areas where your pom is weak and the next generation should be better. Or you can quit, but quitters never have as much fun.The show we attended was the Greater Clark County Kennel Club show and it was judged by Mr. Joseph Gregory. He did a praise worthy job of juding, giving each entry his full attention and consideration, being gentle and thorough. After the judging I complimented him on his great manner in the ring. He praised the overall quality of the dogs shown, especially the champions. Briefly, his choices were Queenaire Gee Whiz for Winners Dog, bred by Wanda and Dudley Roach, owned and shown by Alicia Kvamme. Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex went to Harbin's You Sweet Talker, bred by Irene and Sylvia Harbin and shown by Sylvia. Best of Breed was Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid, bred, owned and shown by Mary Rosenbaum.I did not attend the next two shows, but heard that Ch. Apolloette Ever Ready Rock, bred and owned by Marlin and Marlene Presser and shown by Jean Schroll, was Best of continued on p. 66.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Wee Heartsproudly presentsIt Wfm1IWee Hearts Just-E-HurfHis first time out at age eight months, Justin won his puppy class and went on to a Reserve to major under noted judge Edward Jenner.We are so proud to have bred him. He is a heavy coated, sound, typey, 4 pound bundle of joy. We wish to thank Sue White of White Haven for the use of Ch. Shirwood's Golden Nugget, sire c Wee Heart's Sugar Nugget, sire of Just-E-Nuff and our homebred Ch. Wee Heart's Bit of Gold Du who was BOB under Edward Jenner. Inquiries invited.Cassandra Ready P.O. Box 79803 593-3600 Clearwater, SC 29822 POMERANIAN REVIEWStACROSS CANADA Chris Heartz P.O. Box 1259 Truro, Nova Scotia Canada B2N 5N2Although the snow is blowing furiously utside here in Nova Scotia, some of us were jcky enough to go to New York to the vmerican Pom Specialty and you thought lew York was the coldest place in the world latalie Dunfee, Frankie and Michele McDonald, my husband John and myself were jcky enough to see the 114 Poms. We were jcky enough to do well with our respective ntries, too. Although no Canadians took ome top honors, we were pleased to see latalie and "Ponch" hold their own in The Big pple. Can. Am. Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr, o-owned with Carolyn Roberts, looked wonderful both at the Specialty and at the larden and was held in for final consideration Dr the breed. Natalie's Ponch daughter Tynan uppet on a string placed well in her class as id the McDonalds Hobbits Sparkling Spirit nd my Chriscendo Calvin Klein, also placing l their classes. We thought our Canadian kids id o.k. for themselves.Because the final results are not in I cannot ive official results of the Top Pom in Canada Dr 1986. A big congratulations is due to latalie Dunfee and Ponch who with 20 Bests l Show makes him the top winning Pom in anada, and for finishing the year by winning est in Show at Canada's Show of Shows.Two other Poms have won Bests this year, eslie Rogers with his Ch. Forever Luxton's erri Pickle and Wally Repka's Ch. Schimmel's ouche at Dream.I recently had a note from Jenny Noonan of lamilton, Ontario, who was pleased to report lat her Ch. Tiniest Tap Fine N Dandy bred y Carol Calavich has 2 Croup Firsts and everal placements. His outing in Detroit scently netted him a reserve and I'm sure enny plans more U.S. trips with him.I noticed a puppy bred by Bev Norris nished recently with a Best Puppy in Show. lernameisCh. Bev-NoFs Classy Chassis, and he is owned by Dewayne Ward of Manitoba.I'm also pleased to report that our black and in puppy Desaree Chriscendo Colorful has ine points to date with 2 Croup Firsts and aBest Puppy in Show in just one weekend out. This is a record for black and tans in Canada. We hope to do what we can to promote good Poms in this color here in Canada.Well-, that's all the new news from CanadaHelpful Hints, from p. 48.people toss around a lot. And we think we know what they mean. But do we all agree on what makes a dog sound Consider two examples. Are cowhocks unsound We all agree that there not particularly pretty. Most of the Border Collies I've observed are cowhocked. This apparently has no effect on their ability to heel, jump or herd sheep. The cowhocked Poms also perform in obedience okay. Cowhocks appears to me to be a matter ofasthetics, not soundness.Consider undershot jaws. I once read a statement in a dog magazine by a dentist that the scissors bite was the only sound mouth. Good grief, don't tell the Boxer and Shih Tzu people that An undershot jaw can result in a muzzle that isn't foxy. But 1 have seen dogs with lovely faces who were slightly undershot.I know of one Pom bitch, distinctly undershot, who had no trouble cutting cords and cleaning up her babies. And she has had less trouble with tartar and loose teeth than most Poms her age. Type or soundness Now, if I don't get letters on this, I'll be mighty surprisedHonored, from p. 50.Paula Hartinger substituted for the regular classes and was a beautiful judge. Dr. Morris Carson expertly chose the Sweepstakes winners, and Dr. Samuel Draper capably evaluated Junior Showmanship.In picking up the dog yards at home, my mind will not be here but far away at the specialty once again were I was Cinderella for a day. And the very best part was that I did not have to die before being honored.POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Jr C-best pupptIN GROUP1 CiLEOONK.C.Cat. C. lfuzi Sta C441 aAC Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr x Tynan Brazen RaisonChase was shown to his title by Wendy Paquette. In four weekends he was a champion, BOB over special and BPIG winner He is a fine example of the quality being produced by fellow breeder, Natalie Dunfee. He is pictured at 11 months.1Com,. C6,. Scotia, 7ice 7Ke 'PutkPunkin captured her championship from the puppy class. On Dec. 28 '86 she became the proud dam of two gorgeous boys sired by AC Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr. Let's hope these little boys are as successful in the ring as were their parents and half brother Ch. Chase.OwnerMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328 Alexandria, Ontario Canada KOC 1AO 613 347-2275\ mftSeavjcw kCR14Pr. Best Puppy mjm In Group PJBa4 POMERANIAN REVIEWBUYER BEWAREby Emily UntalanWhen purchasing a show quality dog, there are many responsibilities that must be attended to by both the buyer and the seller breeder. Sometimes the breeder hasn't completed all his paperwork when the buyer takes his puppy home. We are all aware of the kinds of hassles that can occur when the buyer doesn't follow through with his end of the bargain breeders never get payment in full, puppies come back in varying states of bad health, dogs are never shown, bred or treated as was promised, etc. etc. This is one of the "occupational hazzards" of dog breeding. Each person protects himself as best he can with written contracts.But what about when the tables are turned What happens when a breeder promises papers that never seem to materialize, the buyer wants to show the puppy and uses the litter number the breeder supplies, the puppy wins and the buyer receives a letter from the AKC stating his awards will be stricken because you furnished false informationListed below are the rules AKC has set forth regarding the keeping of records. At the end of the rules they also state their policy if someone fails to observe these regulations. The old adage "Buyer Beware" may be true but after reading the policy of the AKC, one could caution "Breeder Beware" as well.REGULATIONS FOR RECORD KEEPING AND IDENTIFICATION OF DOGSFor dog owners, breeders, dealers, pet shops and all persons or firms that sell or give away dogs that are registered or to be registered with The American Kennel Club.A. General PracticesEach person covered by these regulations must follow such practices as, consistent with the number of dogs involved, will preclude any possibility of error in identification of any individual dog or doubt as to the parentage of any particular dog or litter.B. RecordsTo provide a source of reference for registration or transfer applications which have been made or may later be made to The American Kennel Club, and to assure the accuracy of such applications, certainminimum records must be kept.All required records must be made immediately, when dog is acquired and delivered, and at time of mating, whelping, or death. Records must be kept on forms devoted to that exclusive purpose and must be consecutive, accurate, up-to-date, and maintained for at least five [5] years.a. Records to be kept by owners and breeders.1. The owner and the lessee if a dog is leased shall keep a record of each dog owned or leased which will showBreedRegistered name and number or litter number if not registeredSex, color and markings Date of birthNames and numbers of sire and dam Name of breederName and address of person from whom directly acquired Date of acquisition Date and duration of lease, if anyand when dog is sold, is given away, or diesName and address of person to whom directly sold or deliveredDate sold or delivered or date of death Kind of papers and date suppliedIn addition, the owner [or lessee, if dog is leased at that time] shall keep the following breeding records2. Whenever dog is mated to another dogDate and place of mating Names of persons handling mating Registered name and number of dog to which matedName and address of its owner3. and if a female when resulting litter is whelpedDate of whelpingNumber of puppies whelped by sex and by color and markingsLitter registration numberPOMERANIAN REVIEW 6Ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssi\ liwsani't fUriuti'lsXitJVIcxsattfrs JgsictrltglriOne of our new up and coming stars. Handled by Joyce Standish.BreederOwnerAlexandra L. Conos, M.D. Cus Conos 6222 E. Via Estrella Scottsdale, AZ 85253 602 991-83916 POMERANIAN REVIEWDate of sale, gift or death of each puppy so describedName and address of person acquiring each puppy so described Kind of papers and date supplied Registered name and number of each puppy registered by breeder.C. IDENTIFYING DOGS AT TIME OF DELIVERYIf properly completed AKC registration papers are not supplied with the dog when it is shipped or delivered to someone else, the person delivering or shipping the dog must furnish with the dog to the person acquiring it, a bill of sale or other signed memorandum giving all of the identifying information listed below. A promise of later identification is not acceptable.For a Dog Not Yet Individually Registered BreedSex and color and markings Date of BirthLitter number when availableNames and numbers of sire and dam Name of breeder Date sold or deliveredFor a Registered DogBreedRegistered name Registration number Date sold or deliveredThis identifying information must be supplied with the dog even though AKC papers are not yet available, and even to a person who takes the dog only for resale as an agent or on consignment, and the same information must be passed on by him when he disposes of it. The only exception to this requirement is when there is a written agreement made between the parties when the dog is delivered specifying that registration papers are never to be given.D. INSPECTIONThe rules provide that The American Kennel Club or its duly authorized representatives shall have the right to inspect the records required to be kept and the practices required to be followed by these regulations, and to examine any dog registered or to be registeredwith The American Kennel Club.E. PENALTIESThe rules provide that The American Kennel Club may refuse to register any dog or litter or to record the transfer of any dog, for the sole reason that the application is not supported by the records required by these regulations.The rules also provide that The Board of Directors of The American Kennel Club may suspend from all privileges of The American Kennel Club any person who fails to observe the above regulations, see Chapter on Suspension of Privileges.Pacific NW News, from p. 60.Breed on Sunday. Monday's Best of Breed was Ch. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar, bred by Mary Rosenbaum and owned and shown by Laura Untalan. Congratulations to the others winners, whoever they were. If you don't tell me who you are, I can't report it. I did hear from Jean Schroll that she handled Jestom's Miss Irrisistable to her final major completing -her American championship. Congratulations to Jessie and Tom Stephens who bred and own this lovely daughter of their AC Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy.To answer the question why are we doing this, I will quote one of my favorite judges, William Harvey. "This is a sport. We are supposed to be having fun." So I will see you in San Diego where they are planning five shows where we can have funCLASSIFIED ADSAlmost 30 years of the Pomeranian Review from December 1958 to the present. Sold as a set only. Best offer over 300.00 Also available, eleven old Pom books. Inquiries and bids to Brettwood Arts, P.O. Box 957, Milton, WA 98354.WANTED TO BUY puppy or young bitch for show and breeding. Contact Donna Snyder, Ea-Don Pomeranians, 2281 Edwards Road, Waterloo, NY 13164, 315 539-2468.POMERANIAN REVIEW Gteal 8im Kwtefo, Meg'A.PrCh. Great Elms Prince Charming IIPrince Charming is pictured winning the Croup at the National Capitol show under Mrs. Betty Munden, and as usual, shown to perfection by Maynard Wood.Congratulations to the winners at our New York Specialty. Congratulations also to Barbara Paine for her new Ch. Millbrook's Sauci Topper, the tenth champion sired by Timstopper Too.Rumors, ugly rumors and none of them true Prince Charming is not falling apart.There is no handler in the U.S. who I think can groom and show Prince with as much expertise as Maynard Wood, and he will be showing Prince as long as he wishes. In fact, I consider Maynard his co-owner.Nothing for sale.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box937704889-9233 Pineville, NC 28134k 8 POMERANIAN REVIEWameramans driftwoodAKC Obedience Training Classroom and Private Lessons.Shetland Sheepdogs-Qniftwccd QEisnismsPomirish Hi-Ball Dream Alex'dr x Pomirish Movin' On AmCan CDIn MemoryMarch 22,1986 - January 15, 1987A promising show career cut short by a freak accident.I would like to thank the judges who recognized her high potentialDr. William S. Houpt 1st place 5 puppies, Steel City KC112286Mrs. Jane C. Kay 1st place 5 puppies, Lake Shore K.C. 112386Mr. Roy L. Ayers, Jr. Winners Bitch, 1 pt., Fox River Valley K.C. 121286Mr. Cyril Bernfeld RWB 3 pt., Coldcoast K.C., 121486Mrs. Keke Blumberg Winners Bitch, BOW, BOS, 2 pts., Yorkville K.C. 121586Chrissy also had 2 Canadian points from London Canine Assoc. 101686. Thank you Mr. Frank Sabella. BreederOwnerHandlerMarian Lazzara Rt. 2,1507 N. Lincoln Schaumburg, IL 60172 312 307-1530POMERANIAN REVIEW 6Pomeranians DriftwoodAKC Obedience Training . Classroom and Private LessonsShetland Sheepdoitf'r 3m.HIGHES^CORJNGOCTOBE^y^OLSONPj^^TfcsiMiPomirish Movin' On AG GOCh. Pomirish Finally A Man x Pomirish Hallelujah's Glory Major pointed in U.S. Pointed in CanadaShown going High in Trial at the Janesville-Beloit KC on 10586 from the Novice B Class. Scor 199.Drifter is ready for Open, but will take time out for motherhood. She has been bred to Cf Pomirish Lil Guy's Double Pruf brother to Ch. Pomirish Lil Guy's Hundred Pruf, owned by Nanc Bartholomew. Drifter and Doobie are both sound.Congratulations to Sally Baugniet on her Breeder Of The Year award from the Sheboygan K.C.BreederSally Baugniet Pomirish KennelsOwnerHandleMarian Lazzar Rt. 2 1507 N. Lincoli Schaumburg, IL6017. 312 307-15310 POMERANIAN REVIEW\f SouthlandintroducesIKHdTJa - Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge xCh. Jamel's Smudge Orange ParfaitSouthlands Toast to JamelWatch for "Jamie" this spring We expect good things from her. She is a grand daughter of BIS Ch. Bev-Nods Toasted Fudge on one side and a great grand daughter of Ch. Bev-NoCs Fudge Ripple on the other side.Co-BreederOwner Co-BreederCharlotte Creed Eleanor Clark6618 Lost Ridge 212 Redwater Rd. Pineville, LA 71360 Wake Village, TX 318466-3456 75501Pattys Pomeranians49.H'V iCh. Patty's Dinomite of Bren-Ray xPatty's Snugly Soft by ChancePattys Labor Day SpecialCongratulations to all the winners at the NY Pom Specialty.I should have several nice pups for sale this spring. They will all be for sale Great Elms, Showstopper, Queenaire, Creider, Fox Flame lines.Patty Jensen 6520 Came Farm Rd. E.Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950IPOMERANIAN REVIEW 71L.OBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906There's so much news this month I hardly know where to begin. The New York Specialty was just held with the 2nd Annual Obedience Demonstration. For those of us not lucky enough to be there, we watched Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel place Group 3 at Westminster on TV. We've lost another of our wonderful obedience Poms. There's more news on the jump height issue. There's a third Pomeranian with an Obedience Trial Championship. There's also news on the first-ever obedience trial at a Pom Specialty Show. And Olga Baker's column in the Gazette. And CD's, CDX's and UD's, and legs, and High in Trials But who was the announcer that said on national TV repeatedly during the Westminster telecast, that toy dogs were only good for sitting on lapsThe Pomeranian Review wins againAnother big congratulations goes out to Phyllis Ripley on another superb year as editor of the Pom Review. For the second consecutive year the PR has won the award from the National Dog Writers' Assoc, as the 1986 Best National Breed Club Publication. This just goes to show the continuing quality work being done by everyone involved and it's wonderful to see Phyllis recognized for the many hours of hard work and her dedication to the Review. Way to goThe Third OTCHA big congratulations to Diane Bauman on doing what dnyone else would have thought impossible. If you remember, Diane got Noah's Abra Ka Dabra from the local dog pound, not knowing her age or condition. She's now had Abra just about three years. It took six weeks just to get Abra to stop hiding under the bed. Since that time you've continually read of Abra's exploits in the obedience ring in this column, Front and Finish, Bloodlines, Dog World and elsewhere. She was also part of the obedience demonstration in New York last year. Well, Abra finished her UD with a 196 and a 198.5 and High in Trial. Since then she's beenwinning consistently with 5 more HIT'S am more placements. She finished the thin OTCH ever on a Pomeranian with a total o 101 points in only 7 trials. Many obedieno people think a handler the calibre of Diam earning an OTCH is really no big deal bu when you start with a dog of indeterminati age and background, and do it in less thai three years time, and place 4th in Novice am 1st in Open in the Caines Classic in two years and on a breed that's only had two OTCH' previously now you've really got somethin extra-ordinary. This isn't intended as a plug but Diane gives many seminars throughou the country, and if you ever get the chance tc attend one, run, don't walk to the mailbox t submit your entry. This is one gal who' proven that she knows of what she speaksGood luck to Abra and Diane in the coming year. We may be seeing them again in Caine competition, this time for the top prize, Supe Dog In my book, Abra's already earned tha titleObedience DemonstrationDuring the 1987 Pomeranian Nationa Specialty in New York, the second annua obedience demonstration was held. Severa people from last year were there as well a new faces from around the country. I wasn' able to be there this year, but hear that it wa wonderful and I hear that several training methods were observed in action as the little darlings but on quite a show for the audience There is an article on the demo elsewhere ir this issue.Our friend Mary Vickers has been having rough time for several months now with bone infection, surgery and has been ofl work. She's on the mend now, but is still onl\ partially active and working only part-time. 11 you get a minute, drop her a note. In the meantime she wants everyone to know that she has another obedienceshow litter on the way. She's bred her My Ways Honey Bun tc Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp CDX and they're expecting a nice litter. She's alsc soliciting names for this group. H's only please.Obedience SpecialtyDo you remember my mentioning in the November column that someday maybe we'd have obedience at a National Specialty Well, that day may just be on the way. The official paperwork has gone into the AKC requesting an obedience trial at the Summer Specialty in Des Moines, Iowa in 1988. This is expected to72 POMERANIAN REVIEWbe held sometime in early September. Start saving your pennies now. More details as they're available.Titles and LegsMarian Lazzara APC of Noridge, IL has finished a CD on Pomirish Movin' On with a score of 193.5. She also had one more show scoring 199, good enough for High in Trial. Also finishing a CD was Trina, owned by Leigh Bedford and Kevin Mansfield. Trina was also shown three more times in Novice A after earning that third leg. She got scores of 186, 192 and 2nd place and 187. Now that's what you call insuranceDeborah Schoenfelt showed her Arias Teddy Bear she's the breeder and owner to a 191.5, 196.5 and 190, thereby earning a CD. Also breederowner L. Rersman showed Kuddles Dee Coca Bear in Novice A for a 192 and 2nd place, a 183 and a 186 to get the CD. Merle Rook, who used to write for the Pom Review, has completed a CD on Luv's Handsome Sam from Novice B. He had good scores of 191.5, 193 and 194.5.Cheryl and Eddie Hutson have been showing Penny Lane Is In My Heart. She got her CD from Novice B with scores of 191,196.5 and 197 and High in Trial In the November 1986 column I mentioned Sun- runner Patticake Pom who had two legs toward her CD, one of them being a High in Trial from Novice A. Her owner, Mickey Stevens changed her to Novice B after getting her third leg, then when on to six more trials before receiving their title. That record is 193 and 2nd place, 196.5 and 2nd 190.5 and 3rd 195 and 3rd 190, 192 and 3rd, and 190. That's quite a string of Novice trials, but allowable until you receive your title. Good planning there Congratulations to Mickey and Patticake on your scores and placings, and good luck in OpenMary Morris from Holland, Ml has finished a CD on her Mr. Bo Jangles. You'll remember he's the little guy who broke his leg, and we wondered if he'd be ok. Mary writes "He got his 3rd leg in Allegan, Ml Oct. 18 with a horrible score of 186.5 About a week before that show I really doused Mr. Bo with flea pesticides and overdid it to the point that he almost died The day before the show he as feeling the best that he had in a week. And that morning he was still real good. But I didn't have to show until 4 p.m. So I don't know what did it, maybe the ride down there or just him being nervous, but the longer wewere there the sicker he got. I almost pulled him out, but then I thought, "What the heck, we're here now." So he didn't feel like doing anything. I'm surprised he did that well. But I was very proud of him at the Lansing, Ml show." At the Greater Lansing OTC trial in December he finished his fourth leg with a 192, won High Scoring Pom in Novice A or B, won Highest Scoring Pom in Trial, and won Highest Scoring Toy in Trial. He has been working on Open exercises, so we'll hope his leg won't give him any trouble.Out California way Mark Presser APC has just completed a CD on Jubilee's Firecracker, co-owned with Ruth Bugbee APC. And he did it in only one weekend with scores of 189,191.5 and 191.5. Good going Mark For those of you who don't know Mark, he's the son of Marlin and Marlene Presser who have Apolloette Pomeranians.Jo Ellen Corley APC has put two legs on My Fine Dandy Man from Novice B with scores of 189 and 192. D Dickerson has put the second leg on Ch. O My Golden Gretyl from Novice A with a 188.5. S. Haugen finished the CD from Novice A with scores of 191 and 193. D. and E. King put the first leg on Rana's Chip O' Robin with a 193 out of Novice B.Now on to Open. Janet Kunkle and Trivial Pursuit have completed their CDX with a 190 and a 196. Roz Goltz APC has finished her CDX on Ch. Penru Sugar Plum Fairy CDX. Her scores were 193.5, 190.5 and 198 and 2nd place, and for insurance a 192.5 and 4th place. Note Sugar Plum's CD was only published in June 1986 In November we met Carolyn Edwards who is showing Idlewyld Wild Bill Cody breeder, Margaret McKee, APC in Open A. He has now finished his CDX by getting a 184 and a 196.5 and 1st place Is Margaret proud, or whatAll the way from Hawaii we've reported on Hy Jan-Lee's Archie of Ardee who finished his CD, owned by R. Domingo. He has now earned his first leg in Open with a 188.5. Also showing in Open is Feather, owned by Susi Piatti from Iron Mountain, Ml. You may remember her as the gal who travels 100 miles each way to attend training classes. We haven't seen any Utility legs yet, but Feather just received a 188.5 from Open B so she's still showing.In Utility we have Diane Bauman and Abra, as reported earlier, finishing both her UD and OTCH. Also, Bobbie Williams from the Chicago area earned her first UD leg with aPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7MerrymontCh. Great Elms Honey of LenetteCh. Model's Timstopper's Echo xGreat Elms HoneybunI am pleased to announce the addition of Honey to my breeding program. Thank you, Ken Griffith for letting me have her and a special thank you to Ruth Beam, Honey's breeder. Honey is bred to Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond.Patty Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562Wee Heartsd " i, Wewish to thank John and Lillian Cribbs, Twin Pines, for the use of Ch. Twin Pines Bruni Bear the sire of these lovely puppies.Congratulations to Wee Heart's Bearly An Angel on acquiring her new owner, Molly Gray. Also, congratulations to Lee and Lowell McGee on finishing Ch. Emcee's Fancy Gold Bug.Thanks to Molly Cray for taking pictures.Cassandra Ready P.O. Box 795 Clearwater, SC 29822 803 593-36004 POMERANIAN REVIEW188.5 on Sha-Ber's May Little Daphney CDX. My Spunky won a trophy she offered in 1983.In November we reported on Lois Markassel from the Dakotas finishing a CD on Kelle's Dandelion Down. I have since received a very nice and l-o-o-ng letter from her detailing her involvement with Poms, informing me of which Dakota state she's from she says there are two of them and listing some of her accomplishments. She has also put a CD on Anador's Manitou who she co-owned at the time with Ann Welshinger APC. He got scores of 180, 178 and 173, plus legs of 187.5 and 188.5 to gain the CD title. She writes that she's from Fargo, North Dakota and is a member of the Fargo-Moorhead Kennel Club and has applied to APC for membership. She's been training a number of Poms for both conformation and obedience ring work, purchasing Manitou from Ann Welshinger. Her enthusiasm toward breed showing has cooled since receiving a RWD and as she went to pick up the ribbon and thank the judge, he said "lousy reserve." She's also done some work with Jackie Liddle, Maxwell Riddle, Jane Lethinen and Mary Ellen Hendrickson. She writes, "Jane helped me with my first breeding on Dande she was 30 days into her pregnancy when she earned her Canadian CD. She free-whelped 5 puppies in one hour, first 3 in 15 minutes, a 20 minute break and the last two in 5 minutes. Other involvements include the F-M Humane Sociaty and the Northern Lights Chapter of the Embroiderer's Guild of America editing the F-M Kennel Club newsletter and program chairperson show committees stewarding, trophies, etc.Annual Obedience AwardsThe annual obedience awards were handed out on Saturday night before the New York Specialty show. The Top Winning Obedience Pom for 1986 was Noah's Abra Ka Dabra owned by Diane Bauman. Abra was also the Top Winning Pom in Open. The Top Winning Pom in Novice was Lessard's Natsu Takara CD, owned by Alice Lessard. The Top Winning Pom in Utility was Lessard's Little Geisha Girl UD, who is also OTCH pointed. Congratulations to Diane and Alice who cornered all the awards.There is also some sad news to report. When Alice returned horn to California from her wonderful weekend in New York, she had come dogless, she found that her Natsu had died from a longstanding kidney ailment Saturday night at about 9 p.m. Ironically, itwas just about the same time she was receiving her award for Top Novice dog. Our condolences to Alice.Poms in the GazetteDid you know that Olga Baker writes a column on Poms in the AKC Gazette If you haven't seen it yet, get your hands on a copy of the February 1987 issue and read on page 163 and 164. It is a truly outstanding description of Poms and their temperament. Nice job, OlgaJump HeightsIn the January 1987 column I mentioned that nowhere in the Pom Review did I see any further discussion on the issue of jump heights. I now have some more information to pass along. The Labrador Retriever Club is the newest club to petition AKC for lowering of jump heights for their breed. There is an article on the subject in the January '87 Gazette. In regards to that, I recently had a long conversation with Ruth Bugbee of Saratoga, CA and she sent this letter"After reading your column in the last Pom Review and reading the Labrador Retriever column on page 81 in the January AKC Gazette, it would seem other clubs would also like AKC to lower jumps for dog safety and to return to their objective for obedience, al 'reflect credit on the sport,' 'demonstrate the dog's willingness to obey commands.' The Labrador Retriever Club of the Potomac has forwarded a similar proposal to the one the Pom people used. And will they receive a similar AKC response Does LRCP know what they are facing Has anyone investigated the wording of the proposals from the Rottweilers, Bernese Mountain Dogs and Great Danes to find out how they met with success Or does it boil down to who you know and how the game is played"What follow-up has been done by the APC Board You suggest APC members around the country should be up in arms. Well, perhaps we are, but are waiting for direction and to be informed about what is being done on an official level."I tend to rely on you and Mary Vickers to keep us rallied around the flag. 68 of the members responded before, and I am sure more will respond to the next call for a show of strength. The majority of the 68 were not obedience people. So, although their interest in the issue might not be as keen, they closed ranks beautifully when asked for support. I amPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7confident that when "push comes to shove," Pom people will pull together to get the job done."I understand from Mary Vickers that there is a coalition of people from 16 different breed clubs now exchanging information on this issue. Mary is representing the Poms, and there are representatives from Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, etc. They will compare wording on proposals to and from the AKC, AKC responses, and try to eliminate duplication of ineffective efforts. As Parent Breed Clubs are finding out, the AKC does not really care what the Parent Club's position is on this issue I don't know what it's going to take, but it seems every month you hear of another parent club working for lower jump heights. With 16 clubs now banding together, and who knows how many more in the next year or two, soon the AKC in going to have to account for their lack of interest, flexibility, or explanation as to their fixed position on this issue. They tell us the way to make a difference is to go through the breed club, thinking that breed people don't care and theie aren't enough obedience people to pass this issue. The AKC is not only finding that notion to be a fairy tale, but there is now less and less of a distinction between breed and obedience people where this issue is concerned. They are all dog people who want the best for their own animals and their breed.Ring The BellWe have a new fad hitting our area. I told Mary Vickers about it and she asked me to share it with you. Since we all know that when you have several Poms in a group, they can sometimes tend to be a little yappy. If you operate on a shift system like I do, when one starts barking to go outside, they all join in. And certainly walls don't appreciate being scratched on everytime someone wants out. Beats the daylights out of your resale value, too. So, copying some Sheltie friends, many of us have installed a small bell hanging from a piece of cloth, string or yarn near the door. We've found that Christmas bells purchased from craft stores work very nicely. The idea is to get your dog to ring the bell when he wants to go outside.I started with Sunshine. I walked her to the bell, gave the command, rattled it gently in front of her, then stood her on her back legs and had her bat at it. She caught on the first time. What fun Samantha was a little frightened by the bell at first and would barkat the door instead. I would then go throug the same routine with her. It took her about days of this and watching her mother until sh caught on. Now when she wants out it's a Pai Bunyan swipe that just about knocks th whole thing off the wall. I can hear it in th back bedroom of my mobile home with bot the TV and the vacuum cleaner goingSpunky was another story entirely. Bein the Utility man of the house, he thought thi was all beneath him and he didn't have to d it. He would just patiently sit by the door an wait. After going through this routine wit him for about a week with no success, h would just look at that bell with tote distaste, we started playing a game where would pretend not to look at him, look an tell him to ring the bell, and look away agai awaiting the sound. He finally would reach hi nose over and just nudge it ever so slightly. I'i throw a big party and tell him how smart h was, and the next time it would be the sam game. After about a month we still play th game sometimes, but he's now beginning ti think the bell is fun and sometimes rings it jus to get my attention.We've taught this to Shelties, Poms Dachsunds, Miniature Pinschers, Goldei Retrievers and Cocker Spaniels. The goldei was a puppy who would bark at the door am piddle before you could reach him. With thi bell he's stopped that annoying habit.I now have an answering machine on thi phone, so call 517 485-5183 whenever yoi have any news. I'd like to close this columr with a big thank you to Mary Vickers, Claudi and Cary Frank and Lilae Shope who have al sent me marvelous pictures of their dogs wit letters and on Christmas cards. I really dc appreciate receiving them. I'll be putting them into a scrapbook and bringing them with me to the first ever AKC Pomeranian Specialty Obedience Trial, all things permitting, whenever and wherever that may be held Since a happy working dog of any breed is etruly beautiful sight to see, until then, ma your dog always be a happy heeling dog76 POMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious PomeraniansPrestigious Prize PossessionOn. Millamor's Mark Tradition xPreshus Parti of Prestigious5 Shown here winning a 3 pt. major and BOS at her very first show in Big Spring, TX January 17, 1987.CvasiCh. Prestigious Pee Wee PartiuAnd . . . only minutes later this well balanced little guy with showmanship galore, who has attained fame for his spots, wins another Best of Breed.tiOwner-HandlersSherry and Earl Steinmetz 214 358-5549 or 398-598110016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelfr C.'if8 18 if j fcHi.________ i_______GROUPPLACINGI GREATER COLLIN KENNEL CLUB 1986PEGINAnother Croup placement for Topper. Thank you Mrs. William Lehnig. Watch for Topper's kids in the ring soon.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Ln. Dallas, TX 75229 214 358-5549 or 398-598178 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSAnderson, Bonnie Bonton .........................37Baugniet, Sally Pomirish............................ 19Beam, Ruth Great Elms............................. 67Brewster, Alice Peartree............................31Creed, Charlotte Southland.................. 59,70Dignowity, M.C. and Barbara Dignity ... .49Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre.....................26,27Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings...................63Fleshman, Jane Jan-Shar......................52,53Freia, Jerrie Janesa...................... Back CoverFry, Nancy....................................................35Goddard, Tim and Sue Tim Sue................11Gonos, Alexandra and Cus Alexsand......... 65Griffin, Patty Merrymont............................. 73Gustafson, Art and Linda Carousel ............79Hanson, Sharon Jan-Shar..................... 52,53Hendricks, Dyron and Connie Khani .. . . IFCJackson, Cheryl Glen Iris........................... 55Jensen, Patty Patty's..................................70Lazzara, Marian Driftwood....................68,69Luginsland, Janice LLL ............................... 9Masnick, John and Sharon Golden Aire . .57Moreno, JulieMoreno's .................................5Norris, Beverly Bev-Nor........................ 51,59Ready, Cassandra Wee Hearts............ 61,73Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres...................20-24Steinmetz, Earl and Sherry Prestigious .76.77Stephens, Jessie Jestom............................33Stetson, Bonnie.............................. Front CoverStaffer, Barbara Idle Acres.........................47Taylor, Joel M. Glen Iris............................. 55Untalan, Laura Autumn ............................... 7Vasuta, Lorinda Animation..................... 38,39Watts, Dolores Watts........................40,41,42Welsh, Pamela Bel Canto .................... 44,45Young, Barbara and Jessie Jabil................ 43Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751 If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.CIRCULATION MANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date 5.00 each Years prior to 1980 4.00 each.POMERANIAN REVIEWeoseossseoosfIntroducingIblby8 vl f f Tu jSSyvr i-KrJf. f,, Vt. it . Ua9 wmk___\lfcrAuj4gjf .arv . II1i. l. if- . ^ _ -J ab^ HJTJ'll 1 Ji ' .A8Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel x Creider's Coca Cola CowgirlToby will make his debut in the ring with handler Kathy Bucher this spring. 9 Congratulations to all the winners in New York from Carousel Pomeranians.Art and Linda Gustafson 405391-29605001 S. Peebly Rd. Newalla, OK 74857SOSOSCOeososoeesooeesooeeosoooocecceooGOooososeeooooscir S-4'Ch. Janesas Whatta RamblerCh. Emcee's Chip Off The Ole Block x Ch. Janesa's Rock N' Ubet Cone but not forgotten.Jerrie Freia Janesa's Poms P.O. Box2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466