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The Pomeranian Review July 1987

Jomeraman4gPomerPUBLISHED QUARTERLY1986 DWAA Best National Breed Club Publication'. 1987M2 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Dupres Sparkling Gold BusterfewmGROUPPLACEMENTCALCASIEUkennel club19 8 TriOTfi ST PETFULI5 if i fjCh. Emcee's Sparkling Cold Mico x Dupre's That's My Dolly Multi Croup WinnerI always breed with the Standard in mind, using only selective line breeding.BreederOwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.318 627-5180Rt. 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pomeranian Eluh, Knr.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident................................................................................................................ Olga BakerFirst Vice President ............................................................................................ Sam ZaneoffSecond Vice President........................................................................................Sue GoddardRecording Secretary........................................................................................... Mary VickersCorresponding Secretary................................................................................ Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446 Treasurer............................................................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSDolores Watts John CribbsPeter Galindo Marlene PresserDianne Johnson Fred BassettDelegate to AKC .................................................................................................. Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor ......................................................Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751Circulation Manager.................................... John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto, Rico, APOs. U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover.............................120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover............ 65.00 80.00Center Spread.................120.00 150.00Full page........................... 55.00 65.00Three-quarters page .. . .45.00 55.00Flalfpage........................... 35.00 45.00Quarter page..................... 15.00 25.00Classified Ads......................5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction .... 10.00 10.00Color ................................... Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 January IssueFebruary 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October Issue4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsPresident's Message............................ ,.......... 5APC Summer Specialty Show...................... 14Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty Show..................24Bay Colony Pom Club.................................. 28Local Clubs Committee ............................... 28Pom Club of Greater Baltimore.................... 30Columbia Pom Club......................................30Pom Club of Greater Houston......................32Ohio Valley Pom Club...................................34Behind The New Champions........................44Puget Sound Pom Club................................48As I See It..................................................... 52by Thelma BrownHelpful Hints................................................. 60I Remember When ...................................... 64The Stud Register 1987 ...............................65New Friends................................................. 86by Emily UntalanIf You're Going To Co, Go First Class..........93by Al GrossmanPacific Northwest News and Views..............98Monorchidism............................................. 100by Donia ClineObedience News........................................ 102Across Canada........................................... 106Yips GOOD FOODI am a two Pom owner and lover and I subscribe to the Pom Review.In the most recent issue, I read the article written by Sissy McGill of Solid Gold Kennels entitled "I Was Killing My Dog." In the article she described the undesireable ingredients present in dog foods and the harm they do.She did a lot of research and mentioned that she had found a dog food which is all natural and much better for the dog's consumption.She did not mention the name of the product of the company if applicable that makes it.I was wondering if this was intentional on her part. I am sure all dog owners and lovers including myself, would like to know from where they can get decent food for their pets. Would it be possible to get a reply on thisMy dogs are strictly pets. I do not breed or show, but I would still like to know the food to buy in order to keep them healthy andCover StoryOur cover story is one of breeding Poms for 17 years. Because of travel, we have never really been able to start a line of our own. But Rosie is now the result of four generations of our own females, and our foundation male, Jestom's Red Robin. Red Robin, now 10 years old, is a son of Ch. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms. Bred to AmCan. Ch. Jestom's Miss Irresistible, Rosie and two other similar puppies were produced.We hope to continue producing along similar lines and we have especially high hopes for Rosie's future.JESTOM POMERANIANSLt. Cmdr. T.L. and Jessie Stephens 322158th St. S.W.Lynnwood, WA 98037 206743-3546Photo by Jessie Stephens.Yapsstrong for a longer life. My dogs have experienced some of the symptoms described in her article. My first thought was worms, but the vet said it wasn't that they were healthy. Then I read the article a week later. How can feed companies get by with putting that junk in pet foods It should be a crime Why do they use names that common people can't understand for the ingredients and what those ingredients doI would appreciate your help on this. What dog food was it that Sissy finally found for her dogsSincerely,Sandy S. Young Jacksonville, ARThere has been quite a bit of interest in the above-mentioned article. The last address I continued on p. 8.POMERANIAN REVIEW rPRESIDENT'SMESSAGEby Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Seabrook, TX 77586The Pomeranian world seems to be going a little "mad" these days Are you watching as Poms from all across the country are winning Groups, Bests in Show and innumerable group placements And we're not talking about one or two dogs, folds. I've had telephone calls just in the past several weeks from three different close Pom friends whose Poms just won Toy Groups, coincidentally all three are puppies. A couple have won two groups each And we are not talking about the top winning Poms here those wonderful creature keep on setting the toy dog world on fire, too, but these are new stars on the horizon. I find this mind-bogglingly wonderful.You Pomeranian people are doing lots of something right. It makes everyone quite proud and even a little pompous to see our breed right up there winning, being admired and a breed to be noticed and contended with even in the upper echelons of dog shows. Another phone call just informed me that a parti-color Pom had just won a group Imagine this the first time in history Incredible and wonderful Time was when someone mentioned "that group-winning Pom", everyone pretty well knew which one dog they were speaking of at any one time. Now, we find multi-pomeranian group dogs everywhere, winning the big stuff.Don't you newer Pom lovers misinterpret this, by the way. We don't mean to imply that a group dog is easy to come by. It seems lots of people have them no big deal, right WRONG These dogs, breeders and owners represent untold hours and years of work, hardship, training, studying and so forth. Fine quality animals don't just happen, further supporting my contention that you Pom people are truly to be commended. I congratulate youSmile a lot and mean it. Let's all continue to enjoy dog shows and enjoy dog people, and never ever consider dog shows as anything other than a terrific hobby, a neat sport, a fineavocation and most importantly a fun thing t doThanks to everyone for your fine Clul support.IN MEMORIUMRuth H. Mrs. Robert Bel lick passei away on Saturday, May 16, 1987 at the horn of her daughter, Mrs. Gregory, with whom sh had lived since the death of her husband Ruth had been in very poor health for number of years but was able to celebrate he 75th birthday last October with a gal, gathering of her entire family and a few clos friends. She will be remembered by many a the second Editor of the Pomeranian Reviev and as the co-owner of the famous Eng. Am Can. Ber. Ch. Pixietown Serenade o Hadleigh. She was also one of the six founder and charter members of the Bay Colon' Pomeranian Club.AKC VIDEOSA letter from Nancy Barr, Productio Manager of the AKC Videos, states that th Pom video will be taped this year on Octobr 6th in New York City. Pomeranians who hav won Best in Show awards have invitations t be present, if they check with the APi Committee immediately Dorothy Bonnei Olga Baker, Christine EJeartz. Owners mu pay their own expenses and the AKC will b entirely in charge of the taping. There will b a script meeting in New York in July for th Committee in preparation for the actur shooting in October.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging th owning, breeding and exhibiting of th Pomeranian dog and the protection an advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to a who are interested in these principles an aims.If you are interested in joining the Club please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Revie\ contact the Circulation Manager, John Cribb Rt. 1, Box 249, Dos well, VA 23047.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious PomeraniansWINNERSOKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUB 1987PHOTO Br PETRULISPrestigious Throw A PartiCh. Pomirish Robin's Top Shelf x Prestigious Parti Girl adoublegrandaughterof Ch. Blossomview's Madam ButterflyBest in Match at the Sooner Pomeranian Club Fun Match. Pictured here the following day taking a 4 pt. major and BOW at Oklahoma City. Thank you Mrs. James Clark.A big thanks to the lovely Mrs. Mildred Patrick for the beautiful grooming, presentation and TLC given to him.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX75229 214 358-5549 Eves -398-5981POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Prestigious Pomeraniansu.r- DENTON KCGROUP FIRSTDENTON KENNEL CLUB 1907photo B PETRULIS TOYCh. Prestigious Pee Wee PartiGROUP 1The Number 1 Parti Color Pom of all time.A very special thanks to Mrs. Margaret Young.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229 214 358-5549 or 398-59818 POMERANIAN REVIEWYips and Yaps, from p. 4. have for Sissy McCill is 9490 Loren Dr. La Mesa, CA 92041. In the late 70s she was making a natural, herbal dog food in the Southern California area. Other products were available as well. She has written several articles on the benefits of natural treatments for pets. As space allows I will include them, as this seems to be an area of interest.From John CribbsFrom time to time I receive letters from our fellow readers about the Pom Review. Here is one I would like to share with you. It says so much in plain English"Thank you so much for another year of the Pom Review. I have ordered this magazine now since 1978 and have enjoyed the articles that are so very helpful. Also, to see these beautiful balls of fur, to watch them grow in a book and learn about them so far away. This magazine makes it possible for many of us to reach other people that are an important part of breeding programs and keep them the best possibleJust a short note of thanks,Linda SpadyGAINES INTRODUCES FIFTH EDITION OF "BASIC GUIDE TO CANINE NUTRITION"Genetics and environment are important factors controlling the health, functions, abilities and accomplishments of the dog. Proper nutrition is often the vital link in assuring a dog's genetic potential.Now in its fifth grinting, Gaines Pet Foods Corp's "Basic Guide to Canine Nutrition" provides the reader with a resourse on the principles of dog nutrition and advice on feeding dogs throughout their lives from whelping through old age.The 95-page book has been used as a practical reference by veterinary clinicians and colleges of veterinary medicine since its first printing in 1965. It has been rewritten and edited by Dr. James Sokolowski, DVM, PhD., Manager of the Gaines Nutrition Center, and his staff, to take into account the vast array of commercial dog foods available today and to "bridge the gap" between the science of nutrition and the art of feeding.The book is divided into five sections. A chapter titled "Essential Nutrients and their Role in Metabolism" includes a chartoutlining signs of mineral deficiencies and excesses. "General Considerations in Canine Nutrition" offers a review of terms related to the study of nutrition, as well as special nutritional considerations, including factors that may affect nutrient utilization.The section on "Commercial Pet Foods" offers an explanation of the rules and regulations that govern what is put on a dog food label, a look at pet food ingredients and why they are added, and a nutritional and caloric comparison of the dry, soft-dry, soft-moist and canned dog food categories."Practical Feeding and Management Practices" explores present day feeding programs for dogs based on their physiological status and stage of life. The chapter on "Nutritional Therapeutics" examines the accomplishments and limitations that exist in therapeutic diets for canine ailments including renal failure, disorders of the alimentary tract, diabetes mellitus, cardiac disease and obesity. The chapter also looks at factors altering digestion and absorption of nutrition.To receive your copy of the fifth edition of "Basic Guide to Canine Nutrition" send a check or money order for 6.95, payable to Caines Pet Foods Corp, toBasic Guide to Canine Nutrition P.O. Box 8177 Kankakee, IL 60902The Caines Company sent me a copy of their Basic Guide to Canine Nutrition for review in the Pom Review. I am most happy to do so, especially in light of the interest shown in the last article published on nutrition.The first chapter is a weighty one, giving the needs for all the different nutrients in the canine body. The best part of the chapter is the chart which names the nutrient and gives the results when there are deficiencies or excesses in each particular nutrient. You can really see the importance of each item.The second chapter is General Considerations in Canine Nutrition including discussions of digestibility, the calorie, nutrient requirements in dogs, and practical considerations of nutrition. Again the most handy and helpful parts are the charts where a great deal of material is synthesized into one manageable source.My favorite chapter is on Commercial Pet Foods which explains the hows, whys and wherefores of pet food productions. The best continued on p. 18.POMERANIAN REVIEWGan. Ch. Chrisosndo Cachet-jBEST OF OPPOSITERALEIGH KENNEL CLUB MAR 1987TATHAM PHOTOJrJOPPOSITEA . A.Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere"Peaches" is shown winning on the very competitive Tar Heel Circuit, handled by John. She is a multiple Croup winner as a puppy in Canada, now with 12 points 1 major. A few weeks later she free whelped a lovely female puppy by Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion.We send congratulations toChriscendo Calvin Klein co-owner with Eleanor Miller on their recent Croup 1st at just 9 months of age. Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo City Lights Co-owned with Sue Goddard on his two Croup winning sons, Ch. Dignity's Chris O' Lights Dignowity and Tim Sue's Highlights CoddardLuginsland.Please note our new addressJohn and Chris Heartz 902 673-2446 Canada BON 1COCHRISCENDOP.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S.10 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Janesa's Chatawa Big Orangei QIrCHAMPION l HBEST OF BREED or VARIETYGR. MURFREESBORO KENNEL CLUB MARCH I987tfr^PHOTO BY BONNIE Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Janesa's Sunkist RunnerCongratulations to Ann and OJ. Watch forOJ and Ann in the obedience ring next. OJ is the first champion for Janesa's Sunkist Runner.Loved, owned and handled byAnn Terry Rt. 4, St. Elmo Chattanooga,.TN 37409 615825-5821Bred byJanesa's Poms Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Janesa's Renee rCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster x Janesa's Sunkist RunnerWhat a weekend First day Renee was handled by John Lewis for 2 points and a BOB. Second day, handled by her breederowner for a 3 point major and a BOS. Next weekend, 2 points and BOW and BOS.Renee has one new brother and two sisters growing up.JanesaJerrie Freia P.O. Box2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-746612 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Janesa's Sunkistedt.k0'iCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster x Ch. Janesa's RouletteCongratulations to Polly and Tuffie. Tuffie is the third champion for his sire, "Master" and the first for Ch. Janesa's Roulette.Loved, owned and handled byPolly Ferguson 239 Ridge Ave.Greenville, MS 38701 601J 334-9569Bred byJanesa's Poms Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Janesa's Hi-Struttin' Daiseym v- ^ ^5. _ tt.CCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge xCh. Janesa's Roulette]Pictured taking a 3 point major. Watch for her in the ring after she recovers from a broken leg suffered at ringside the following weekend.Daisey congratulates her half sister, Southland's Step Aside Boys on her major win.JanesaJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-746614 POMERANIAN REVIEWAPC Summer Specialty ShowJudges Critique By Darrell W. BakerThe Parent Club's Summer Specialty was one of those talked-about events, with people in attendance from all parts of the nation. It was my priviledge and pleasure to have been selected to judge for the California hosts. My fellow dog show judge for the San Diego Specialty the following day was Mrs. Thelma Brown, a much-admired and respected judge and lady. She and I had an in-depth discussion of the two days of dog shows as we shared a head table spot at the Club's dinner. We were in full agreement that quality abounded at these two exhibitions, beginning with the young dogs and all the way through to the Specials classes.H'9J. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Great Elms Firestarter, owned by Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio.I saw a few exhibits with some bite and teeth problems ... a few with ears not quite where I prefer them to be and a little larger than I like . . . some interesting colors ... a limited number with some cowhocking or improper movement, but purely a minor problem. Most were excellent dogs. As judges, we must keep the various faults we see in proper perspective and count these anomalies purely as faults. The old adage that all dogs have faults is true certainly. California's shows however were show places of excellent, wonderfully groomed and presented Pomeranians, causing me to takevCtWinners Bitch went to Tammy's Dancing Bear, owned by Tammy Wulstein.more time not only in judging, but also in enjoying the dogs, because Pomeranians are, after all, my number one breed.Deadlines preclude extensive commentary here. The show will be reported elsewhere. If I fail herein to mention your dog, please do not misinterpret my intent.Puppy entries were large and quite exceptional, dogs and bitches. The Winners Dog, Great Elms Firestarter, owned by Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio, emerged from a tight contest with my Reserve Dog, Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales, owned by Dolores A. Watts, a puppy that I later learned was the Sweepstakes winner. Tammy's Dancing Bear, owned by Tammy Wulstein, was selected Winners Bitch and, in my opinion, well- deserved. Reserve to this beautiful Pom was a fine black and tan girl owned by Wanda and Dudley Roach.Judges frequently comment that there were many dogs shown that they would like to take home. I avoid that statement, primarily because my experience has been that Olga too frequently does just that takes one home. Now that I am safely back, I can in good conscience take that statement. I must comment on the Veterans, as the two classes dogs and bitches captured the crowd and maybe even a damp eye or two. The familiarPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1I'O'Lai''1Best of Breed went to the Veteran Dog, Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, owned by Nadine Hersil. Handled by Jackie Liddle. Judge, Darrell names of the two dogs, "Duffie," owned by Nadine Hersil, and "Josh," owned by Anna LaFortune showed like youngsters. Both were in excellent condition and appreciated by the crowd. The bitch class of oldsters included a little 8 year old, owned by Kim Dickinson, and a 10 year old, slightly overweight gal, owned by Erin Hundley. Ch. Rap's Enchantress of Beaver and Ch. Que Sera Cigi of Golden Glow showed off and were respected by the crowd.Best of Breed competition included three or maybe four dogs I singled out mentally as top contenders, with others also presented nicely.M..Ml Ij- 1Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina, owned by Tim and Sue Goddard.each a candidate for the purple and gob ribbon. The Veteran Dog, Ch. D-Nee's Darir Duffie showed magnificently and was in to form, and was my choice for best of the day Best of Opposite Sex was a very sound an huge coated bitch, Ch. Tim Sue's Ange Sabrina owned by Tim Goddard.I wish to thank the California people fo inviting me to judge their special event. It wa an honor and an assignment especialh enjoyed.REGULAR CLASSES Judge, Darrell W. BakerPuppy Dogs 6-9Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales, Dolores WattPuppy Dogs 9-12Pomirish Victor's Challenger, Sally BaugnietBred By Exhibitor DogsPop Corn of Point Loma, Pauline HughesAmerican Bred DogsTellez Simply Thumb Print, Tony TellezOpen Dogs, Black, Blue, BrownJubilee's Winning Ways, Lorene Bradbury 8Nitsa TraylerOpen Dogs, ROCSGreat Elms Firestarter, Skip Piazza Jor MarcantonioWinners Dog Great Elms Firestarter Reserve Winners Dog Silva Lade Outlaw Josey WalesPuppy Bitches 6-9Watts' Little Black N Tandy, Wanda anc Dudley RoachPuppy Bitches 9-12Lana's Mandy, Lana Ejchorszt Novice BitchGloria's Juliet Love of Mort, Alexandra GonosBred By Exhibitor BitchesWatts' Little I'm A Raisinette, Dolores WattsOpen Bitch, Black, Blue, BrownPhyner Black Minikin, Dolly TraunerOpen Bitches, ROCSTammy's Dancing Bear, Tammy WulsteinWinners Bitch Tammy's Dancing BearReserve Winners Bitch Watts' Little Black NTandyVeteran DogsCh. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, Nadine HersilVeteran BitchesCh. Rap's Enchantress of Beaver. Kim Dickinson16 POMERANIAN REVIEWBest of Breed Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie Best of Winners Great Elms Firestarter Best Opposite Sex Ch. Tim Sue's Angel Sabrina, Tim and Sue GoddardA PC SPECIALTY SWEEPSTAKES Judges Critique by Olga BakerI can add little to Darrell's critique. I had a wonderful time judging the Sweepstakes entries and I continue to be a very avid fan of Sweepstakes competition in Specialty shows. I'm disappointed always when there is no puppy competition.This event, hosted by the San Diego Pomeranian Club, was extraordinary and especially rewarding for me to judge. Future Pomeranian stars abounded here on a really wonderful show site, colorfully laid out on big tennis courts, with plenty of space, convenient access to everything, lots of grooming areas for exhibitors, nice ring arrangements. Everything to make everyone comfortable. Even the weather cooperated. Sunny California was not quite so sunny, with a nice overcast sky that provided cool breezes and comfort. Perfect.Puppies are notorious for getting to the dog show and embarrassing exhibitors, amusing spectators. This time they did not cooperate very well. They all showed, walked on lead and behaved Quite an exception to the normal rule of puppies balking, not walking, sitting down at inopportune times, screeching when you tug them just generally being brats. Something happened at San Diego. They all acted like show dogs. My four choices for first place ribbons were beautiful Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales in the Puppy Dog 6-9 class. Owned by Dolores Watts. Cute- stepping Pomirish Victor's Challenger, owned by Sally Baugniet from the 9-12 class. The Puppy Bitch 6-9 class went to the delightful black and tan, Watts' Little Black N Tandy, owned by Wanda and Dudley Roach. Another really lovely girl won the 9-12 class, My-Joy Cassie of Apolloette, owned by Sue and Larry Chewning. Best in Sweepstakes was Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales. Best Opposite went to Watts' Little Black N Tandy.I loved them all, but felt so really good with my placements as they returned for the finals,I decided maybe I might be a pretty good Pom judge some day bet there are some pros andnt'i r vBest in Sweepstakes winner Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales, owned by Dolores A. Watts. Judge, Olga Baker.cons on thatThank you nice people for letting me judge and handle your Sweepstakes entries. It was truly my pleasure and it is such a nice compliment to have someone enter a dog for you to examine, indicating that you are at least interested in my opinion. Wonder if all judges feel this way . . .No more dog show talk, but I must take this opportunity to extend sincere gratitude to all those who made the California shows and events special for everyone. There were untold people working in the background keeping guests comfortable, providing absolutely everything anyone could want. Sweet Beverly Griffiths and June Smyth did hospitality and it could not have been lovelier. They even fed everyone lunch both days, right there at the hotel show site. Beverly seemed to be always caring for somebody getting food, coffee, something, almost to the exclusion of her seeing the dog shows Little Kim Dickinson was everywhere organizing, busying over everyone, being so blooming cute as she always is and being the foreman of all activities. There were so many others. "Duke" our ring steward, did a terrific job and was so fun to be with. A special "atta-boy" should go to Anna LaFortune. She did trophies and advertising. The trophies were so very, very special that I even made a little "scene" until they finally gave me one of the precious Pom magnets. Those hand-painted plates Anna made were coveted by everyone there.This is a judges' critique section, not aPOMERANIAN REVIEWsounding board for just everything, but I must also extend appreciation to Mr. Peter Galindo for taking charge of these two shows skillfully and seeing that everything ran properly from start to finish. As Show Chariman, he really works Masochistic, obviously.Kim and Beverly and the others planned one of the loveliest events I've ever experienced as social activity for their specialties the beautiful cruise along the gorgeous bay on a spacious paddle-wheel boat with a dinner to die for. The shore is splendidly lighted and quite spectactular at night and everyone thorougly enjoyed that evening. The bus trip from hotel to dock and back was just as dog gatherings should be. Good friends, new friends, many acquaintances enjoying one another, acting goofy and singing, carrying on. Just everyone, camaraderie very much envied by those in other breeds. Aren't Pomeranian people fantasticThanks again to you wonderful California people. We'll never forget that oneSWEEPSTAKES Judge, Olga BakerPuppy Dogs 6-9Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales, Dolores WattsPuppy Dogs 9-12Pomirish Victor's Challenger, Sally BaugnietPuppy Bitches 6-9Watts' Little Black N Tandy, Wanda and Dudley RoachPuppy Bitches 9-12My-Joy Cassie of Apolloette, Sue and Larry ChewningBest in Sweepstakes Silva Lade Outlaw Josey WalesBest Opposite in Sweepstakes Watts' Little Black N TandySAN DIEGO POMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY Puppy SweepstakesJudge, Mrs. Dora HendersonPuppy Dogs 6-91. Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales, Dolores Watts.Puppy Dogs 9-12Bev-NoPs Echo, Frances and Kenneth FreemanPuppy Bitches 6-91. Suncrest Lil Farrah Facet, Kim DickinsonPuppy Bitches 9-121. My-Joy Cassie of Apolloette, Sue and Lar ChewningBest in Sweepstakes My-Joy Cassie ApolloetteRegular ClassesJudge, Mrs. Thelma R. BrownPuppy Dogs 6-91. Apolloette Lucky of Gambler, Marlene ar Marlin PresserPuppy Dogs 9-121. McKamey's Enchanting Magic, Norr McKameyBred By Exhibitor Dogs1. Pop Corn of Point Loma, Pauline B. Hughe Open Dogs Black, Blue, Brown 1. Jubilee's Winning Ways, Lorene Bradbu and Nitsa TraylerOpen Dogs ROCS1. Prestigious Throw A Parti, Sherry and Ea SteinmetzWinners Dog Prestigious Throw A Parti Reserve Winners Dog McKamey's Enchaning MagicPuppy Bitches 6-91. Apolloette O'So Sassy, Marlene and Marli PresserPuppy Bitches 9-121. Watts' Little Country Bumpkin, Sharo ShipekNovice Bitch1. Gloria's Juliet Love of Mort, Alexandr GonosBred By Ehxibitor Bitches1. Jubilee Whisper of Mica, Lorene Bradbur and Sandra LoganOpen Bitch, Black, Blue, Brown1. Phyner Black Minikin, Dolly TraunerOpen Bitches ROCS1. Alexand's Starlight, Alexandra L. GonosWinners Bitch Jubilee Whisper of Mica Reserve Winners Bitch My-Joy Cassie c Apolloette Veteran Dog1. Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie, Nadine HersilVeteran Bitch1. Ch. Rap's Enchantress of Beaver, Kir DickinsonBest of Breed Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie Best of Winners Prestigious Throw A PartiBest Opposite Sex Jubilee Whisper of Mic18 POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGE'S CRITIQUE by Mrs. Thelma R. BrownThe San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty, held the day after the National Specialty in San Diego, brought together a fine collection of Poms representing a wide geographical spread. It is a rare opportunity to assess the current status of a breed when this occurs and I was fortunate to have that opportunity.The quality in the puppy classes was quite outstanding. Several of the puppies, not placed on the day will have great potential in their owners' breeding programs if they mature as promised.Open dog ROCS class was large and with enough quality that I made a cut to indicate this prior to making the placements. Winners Dog was Prestigious Throw A Parti, owned by the Steinmetz from Dallas, TX. Reserve Winners Dog was a sound stylish puppy with good leg length, McKames Enchanting Magic, owned by Norris McKamey of Le Claire, Iowa.The bitch quality was high throughout the entry with the Bred By Exhibitor class especially nice, as sometimes happens at a Specialty. This is a class which always deserves a long look for quality in depth is found here.In this case, Winners Bitch came from Bred by. Jubilee Whisper of Mica, owned by Lorene Bradbury and Sandra Logan, Fresno, CA. Reserve Winners also from Bred by, was My-Joy Cassie of Apolloette, owned by the Chewnings of Tracy, CA. 1 understand the Reserve Bitch also won the Sweepstakes.Veteran Dog and Bitch brought out great quality entries. The dog winner 7 years, the bitch 8 years, both in gorgeous condition which speaks well for Pom staying qualities.The Specials class was a grand sight and the rindside acknowledged their quality with applause as each was moved. A very nice gesture. The cut in this class brought out the Veteran dog and two brothers who are from litters two years apart.Final Best of Breed was Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie from Veterans. Absolutely sound, with great depth of coat color and showing every minute, he was outstanding. Best of Winners was the dog. Prestigious Throw A Parti and Best Opposite to the very nice Bred by Bitch, Jubilee Whisper of Mica.In thinking back over the quality of the large entry, several things stood out. Fronts were generally quite good, bone was straight and movement in most cases true. Rear angulation and movement was better than expected. There were almost no dogs with really stilted rears and moving away, hocks were sturdy. Bodies were substantial and well ribbed with nice firm toplines. In all these areas, the breeders have done a good job.My concern was with the heads. Always within a breed you get a range of type but I see a drift toward broader, flatter heads that I feel you as Pomeranian breeders should assess before it becomes a problem.My sincere thanks to everyone who showed me their lovely Poms. I enjoyed judging them and appreciated your courtesy and good sportsmanship. Also, a big'thank you to the San Diego Pomeranian Club, who are small in numbers but very big in warmth and hospitality.Yips and Yaps, from p. 8.chart is entitled "Pet Food Ingredients and Why They Are Added." I looked at Artificial Color, Caramel Color and Titanium Dioxide. It is added because "U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved color for human and pet food products." That's just great There is no reason to add artificial color other than FDA said they couldThis chart at least makes some sense of the multisyllabic words on dog food bags. I'm not sure, as in the instance noted above, that I'm altogether comfortable with what I see here, but at least it's here.The last chapter gives suggestions on feeding practices and management, again with very helpful charts and graphs. For show people, most of the information is pretty basic. It might be a good resource for your pet people. At least you'd have a book to copy information from, rather than saying, "Just do it like I say, because I say to."If you don't have a resource at hand that deals directly with canine nutrition, this one would be a good one to obtain. It never hurts to be able to look up the function of some element in your dog's diet, without going to the library. For those who are actively breeding and showing however, I wouldn't make this my only resource.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1rJubilee Whisper of MicaNiJCh. Moonshadow's Mica x Jubilee NightsongLorene Bradbury, the lovely lady who breeds beautiful dogs for everyone else, decided to keep this one and have me show her. Whisper is 9 months old and has 3 majors. When she gets her last two points she will be Lorene's first homebred and owned champion. We thank Mrs. Victor Olmos-Ollivier 5 pts.J, Mrs. Denny Kodner3 pts., Mrs. Thelma Brown 5 pts. and BOS over Specials, San Diego Specialty.Good luck to other Mica and Boo babies Lessard Shangrila of Jubilee 10 points, owner Alice Lessard, Jubilee's Winning Ways 2 pts., owner Nitsa Trayler, Odyssey's Onyx of Jubilee 2 pts., owner Janet Manuszak.OwnerBreederLorene Bradbury Turlock, CA 209632-0248OwnerBreederHandlerSandra Logan Fresno, CA 209 227-229720 POMERANIAN REVIEWWee HeartsDreams do come true . . .all in one dayT1Ch. Wee Hearts Just-E-NuffWinners Dog and Best of Winners from puppy class. Needs only 4 points to finish.Thank you, thank you, thank you Judge Miss Virginia E. Sivori for these lovely wins.Wee Hearts Mercedes BenzWinners Bitch and Best of Opposite Sex from puppy class.Thanks to our many Pom friends for all the support and compliments. A special thanks to Jane McDaniel and Jean Haas for helping handle. Thank you allC7--VfCh. Wee Hearts Bit of Gold DustBest of Breed and on to Toy Croup FirstOwnerBreederHandlerCassandra and Regina Ready Rt. 1, Box 167 JJ Craniteville, SC 29829 803 593-3600POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Wee Heartspresents with prideCh. Wee Hearts Rose RoyceRose thanks judges Mrs. Keke Blum- berg 2 pts., Mr. James Moran 3 pts., Mr. William Usherwood 3 pts.J, Mrs. Michelle Billings 2 pts., Mrs. Toddie Clark 2 pts., Mrs. Paula Hartinger 2 pts. and Mrs. George Wanner 4 pts. going BOS over a special in Atlanta. All by 9 months of age.-fAu ' __Ch. Wee Hearts Just-E-NuffJustin thanks Mr. James Moran 3 pts., Mr. Kenneth Miller 4 pts., Mr. Merrill Cohen 2 pts., and Miss Virginia Sivori 2 pts.. He has 11 points and both majors.Thank you to all these fine judges Thanks also to Dr. Harold Collings for the 3 points on Rose Royce. You're a super handler Thank you Bonnie Crain for handling Rose also.For a Pom bred to win, contact Wee Hearts. Puppies available by Ch. Dustee and Just-E-Nuff, mostly Great Elms and Scotia lines.Cassandra and Regina Ready 803 593-3600Rt. 1, Box 167JJ Craniteville, SC 298292 POMERANIAN REVIEWThose Chula GirlsThe next generation From 2 of our 4 champion litter sistersCrabber's Cirls1lif nlPrincess Di StarletCh. Pedron's Mark of the Dragon xCh. Chula's Choice of Dragon MarkLook for four champion sisters on the October cover Peppermist's Girl she has a Houston brotherMoreToCome rTwo Sisters To GoYum Yum bred by Erika MoureauYum YumCh. Tomboy's Pico Chico Killer'ssire xCh. Chula's Texican PeppermistNorma C. Gad915 584-09425908 Westside Rd. El Paso, TX 79932POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Ch. Texican Giant Killer Chula 3 Pomeranian, 1986Routledge, Kennel Review, Dog Week Systems Finalsif WKILLERIn very limited showing in 1986, Killer's wins were 1 BISS 6 Croup 1 3 Croup 2 3 Croup 3 2 Croup 4 31 BOB1st Award of Merit, New York 2nd Year Always in very strong competition.OwnerNorma C. Cad, Chula PomsBreederErika K. Moureau, Texican PomsCHULA POMS5908 Wests ide Road El Paso, TX 79932 915 584-094224 POMERANIAN REVIEWDallas Forth Worth Specialty ShowBY PEGGY HENDRICKSMarch 20 the Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club, Inc. hosted its 1987 Spring Specialty. This show was held in conjunction with the combined specialties at Amon Carter Square in Fort Worth, TX with a entry of 45 dogs and a total entry of 66.Our Sweepstakes began at 500 p.m. judged by Sue Goddard, who used her many years of experience, devotion and knowledge of our breed in the placing of the 21 adorable puppies as follows4. Texican's Berry Mouse, Erika Jennifer MoureauPuppy Bitches 9-121. HHH Cagey Cadette, Peggy Hendricks2. Berry's Sassy Sue Sie, Erika Jennifer Moureau3. Prestigious Prize Possession, Sherry Earl Steinmetz4. Tomanoll's Dolly Dimples, Opal Mosher Best in Sweepstakes Great Elms Firestarter Best of Opposite Sex HHH Cagey CadettePuppy Dogs 6-91. Tellez Simply Thumb Print, Tony Tellez2. Reggie's Spark for Kentucky, Lynn HohenshellPuppy Dogs 9-121. Great Elms Firestarter, Skip Piazza Jon Marcantonio2. Collier's Pretty Boi Floyd, Lula Mae Collier3. De Artas Gold Cricket, M. Deane Rinehart Nina Epps4. HHH Sunny Side Up, Peggy HendricksPuppy Bitches 6-91. Shadomountin Baby Angel, Kathy M. Bucher2. Southland's Justa Dreama, Polly Ferguson Charlotte Creed3. Prestigious Top Trick, Sherry Earl Steinmetz4Best in Sweepstakes went to Great Elms Firestarter, owned by Skip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio.A big thank you to Sue from the club for her expert judging and for all the years of support she has given to our club.Regular classes began at 600 p.m. with Mary McCoy judging the entry of 16 dogs, 12 bitches and 8 Best of Breed a task Mrs. McCoy handled with expertise. After careful deliberation she made the following placementsPuppy Dogs 6-91. Tellez Simply Thumb Print, Tony Tellez2. Cheelan Starpower, Karen Holder3. Reggie's Spark For Kentucky, Lynn Hohenshell4. Carousel's Class Tiger, Linda GustafsonPuppy Dogs 9-121. Great Elms Firestarter, Skip Piazza Jon MarcantonioWinners Dog went to Tomanoll's Mucho Mucho Mucho, owned by Opal Mosher.POMERANIAN REVIEW2. De Artas Cold Cricket, M. Deane Rinehart Nina Epps3. Collier's Pretty Boi Floyd, Lula Mae Collier4. Bev-Nods Echo, Frances Kenneth FreemanOpen Dogs1. Tcmanoll's Mucho Mucho Mucho, Opal Mosher2. HHH Sunny Side Up, Peggy Hendricks3. Cenla's Cosmic Kid, A.C. Williamson4. Creideds Winterhawk, Norma CreiderWinners Dog Tomanoll's Mucho Mucho MuchoReserve Great Elms Firestarter Puppy Bitches 6-91. Shadomountin Baby Angel, Kathy Bucher2. Prestigious Top Trick, Sherry Earl Stein metz3. Southland's Justa Dreama, Polly Ferguson Charlotte Creed4. Texican's Berry Mouse, Erika Jennifer MoureauPuppy Bitches 9-121. HHH Cagey Cadette, Peggy Hendricks2. Prestigious Prize Possession, Sherry Earl Steinmetz3. Tomanoll's Dolly Dimples, Opal Mosher American Bred Bitches1. Beau's Black Beauty, Deborah Schoenfelt2. HHH Kiss 'n Kate, Donna MotleyvSfWinners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best of Opposite Sex and Best Puppy in Classes after taking Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes, HHH Cagey Cadette took it all Owned by Peggy Hendricks.Open Bitches1. HHH Honeysuckle Rose, Peggy Hendrick2. Rockwood's Pagan of Dee Nay, Ruby Daf3. Berry's Sassy Sue Sie, Erika Jenni Moureau4. Scotia Wee Coquette Contessa, Nar ShellmanWinners Bitch HHH Cagey Cadette Reserve HHH Honeysuckle RoseBest of Breed went to Ch. Great Elms Prir Charming II, owned by Skip Piazza and Ol Baker. Best of Winners, Best of Opposite 5 and Best Puppy in Classes went to HHHCag Cadette.We wish to thank Mary McCoy for her he in making this yeads spring specialty anotf success.The after show dinner was held followi the show at the Great Oaks Inn. Guests honor were Mrs. Mary McCoy and Mrs. S Goddard. Each in turn spoke to the attendi members and exhibitors, expressing th thoughts as they judged each precious Pom. great ending to a perfect evening. Thar again to our judges and all the faithl exhibitors who made this a successful show.Best wishes to all at the shows and we ho to see you at our Fall Specialty, September 1 1987.If you are not on our mailing list and wou like to be added please contact me. We wou love to include you.MBest of Breed went to Ch. Great Elms PrinCharming II, owned by Olga Baker and SkiPiazza.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWWatts' PomeraniansIIIWINNERSi tidewater kennel club of VirginiaJam MARCH I9B7JIIICh. Watts' Little Ebony of ScotiaCh. Watts' Little Peter Tan Mo-Best x Watts' Little Crisco of ScotiaChampion 18Midnite, as she is affectionately known around the kennels, is champion 4 for her dam, Watts' Little Crisco of Scotia. Crisco is one of those bitches, though never having been in the show ring, is worthy of a 1 place in her role as a top Brood Bitch.Many thanks to the judges who played a part in Midnite's championship, and a special nod to Sue Whaley for showing her.I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate Midnite's full brother, Ch. Watts' Little Love Bug, who finished recently and to her half brother, owned by the Pressers in California, Ch. Apolloette's Coast to Coast, who also finished recently.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Puppies OccasionallyWatts Pomeranians 301 372-8782POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Watts' PomeraniansrV""'wr"4, BEST OF ' 'INNERS'fJlARRISBURGENNEL CLUBCh. Watts' Quizmaster Billy JoeCh. Scotia Commander's Gin FizxCh. Scotia Dandy's Treasure ChestChampion 19Billy Joe is shown finishing his championship under judge Mrs. E. N. Hellerman, going BOW for a 4 point major. Billy Joe is a very sound little guy with a temperament that rates a 10. Many thanks to those judges who pointed him along the way.Finishing this little guy was especially meaningful to me as I know how much it pleased Edna to add yet another Champion to her long list of champions.Watts' Pomeranians 301372-8782Puppies Occasionally4800 Floral Park Rd. Brandywine, MD 2061328 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Claire FlesnerWe at Bay Colony are having a great Spring seasonFirst, our Spring Match brought out a record number of entries. There were some 40 plus entries. What a sight Puppies were everywhere I can't recall seeing so many puppies for each class, not even at the APC Sweepstakes. Our judge James R. Butler was kept busy and enjoyed every minute. In the obedience ring we had 8 entries. Judge Noreen Bennett put the little ones through their paces.On May 9 we had our annual Specialty show. Again we had a record number of breed entries 36. The one obedience Pom, Stasia Fox, owned by Eileen Stopa, got her first leg toward her CD. The breed was judged by Mrs. Betty Moore of Texas. Bay Colony winners were Claire Flesneds Silver Meadows Mr. Randy, who went Reserve Winners Dog and Tommi Hooban's Ch. Tomho Alabaster Coyote, who went Best Opposite Sex. Best of Breed went to Ch. Clairmont's Carolina Delite, owned by Lance Bryson. Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Dolores Watts' Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales. Winners Bitch went to Mat Ruman and Lynn Waller's Jan Le's Martha Magic of Aldon.After the judging the annual buffet of the BCPC was held. The Richardson family was in charge of the buffet this year all three of them, Betty, Fran and Brandy 3 generationsj. Everyone ate too much and loved every minute of it.It was good to see our club president there. Gladys Dykstra broke a hip in March, but she was there walking with the help of a cane. We all wish her well and complete recovery soon.Many club members are on the show trail. The three Richardsons have been burning up local matches with their obedience Poms, all of them getting high scores and high scoring dogs. My Silver Meadows Mr. Randy got BOW in Scarbough, ME for 2 points in April and BOW in CT in May for another point.Have you hugged your Pom todayLOCAL CLUBS COMMITTEEby Claire FlesnerProposal I suggest to the President and recommend to the APC Board that a LocalClubs Committee be formed.Rational Your attention is called to our Constitution, Section 2 bj . . . "encourage the organization of independent local Pomeranian Specialty Clubs." As an officer in a young, local Pom club, I could write pages about the need for some help from the APC.This committee might be composed of delegates from local clubs both old and new. It could have as its primary responsibility to communicate local clubs' activities similar to what is being done through the Review to all interested parties, but act more like a resource board for help, knowledge, guidance, etc. There are many clubs which do not file a report in the Review.This committee would have and keep track of all local Pom clubs, whatever stage of activity they are in active, dead, non- sanctioned. This might eliminate some of the load on the Corresponding Secretary, but it would be advantageous to have her on this committee.It could also foster new clubs through their AKC process and growth via communication with others in the same situation.This committee could direct and guide newlocal clubs as far as education, the Standard, AKC policies, APC policies, etc. Gee folks, what are we going to do about the non-sanctioned clubs that have the class known as "7-Ups" for those Poms over 7 poundsThe above proposal was approved by the American Pomeranian Club at the annual board meeting in February. I was appointed to be chairperson of this committee.This is the first time, to my knowledge, that an attempt has been made to involve the local clubs with the APC and vice versa. This should be beneficial to both parties.The local clubs, through this committee, can share all sorts of experiences, solve some of our problems and become more involved in promoting our beloved breed.There is no way this committee could hold meetings as such, as the local clubs extend from New England to Hawaii. This will be a correspondence-type committee.What I am asking from the local clubs is a delegate to serve on this committee. Help is needed to get this project off the ground and make our voices heard in the APC.Your involvement and cooperation in this with me will be deeply appreciated. AnyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 2Sus ytcreLWinners Bitch and Best Opposite Sex at Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston. Thanks, Darrell Baker'.51rBEST OF OPPOSITEHOUSTON COMBINED SPECIALTY CLUBS\'SPRING 1987Gi. ,yy fiat cToo jumuf J2aeei QlieeABEST OF WINNERSGALVESTON COUNTY KENNEL CLUB SPRING I98T 0PHOTO BYWinners Bitch and Best of Opposite, Galveston K.C. Thanks, Mrs. Hellerman Also not pictured, Best Opposite, Houston K.C. Bee is currently bred to Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will, her grandfather.Shy AcresC.M. and Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.Leesville, LA 71446 318 238-1648LLL KennelsJanice Luginsland Rt. 1 Box 97 Americus, KS 66835 316 443-515730 POMERANIAN REVIEWsuggestions or comments you might have are welcome.All the above material was sent out in April to our known local Pom Clubs. Up to now, only the San Diego Pom Club has replied to my letter and supplied me with some excellent suggestionsHow about the rest of you Pom Clubs There are some twenty or so more clubs and I would like to hear from each of you.Our Pom world could benefit greatly from this committee. Isn't the Pom the reason we are all reading the Pom Review Think about itPOMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER BALTIMORE, INC. by Dianne JohnsonFebruary was a most exciting month for the PCCB because we received approval from AKC to hold B-OB matches. We have all worked so hard to get this approval. We were also granted permission from APC to host the Summer Specialty in 1990. We are all planning to continue our hard work and if the Cods smile on us favorably, maybe we will be able to hold our first Specialty at the same time.Another source of excitement is our futurity. The entries closed March 13 and we are anxiously awaiting the day of judging September 13. It will take place at our annual picnic and the futurity stakes is 400.00. The judges are Sharon Dwier, Marlene Scott Halsey and Burt Halsey.We have some new champions in our club. Ch. Watts Little Blackjack, bred by Sharon Greenly Rae and owned by Dolores Watts Ch. Moe-Best Sugar Kane, breederowner Terri Moebuis and Ch. Lynnwrights Ms. Salleken- mar, bred by Cindy Silhan, owned by Mary Ellen Snyder.Outstanding winners were Skip Piazza and Olga Baker with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II with a Best in Specialty Show at the Dallas Fort Worth Specialty and an all-breed Best in Show the next day at Fort Worth Kennel Club. Prince also has several Group Firsts and placements.Dolores Watts was Best of Winners at Bay Colony Specialty with Silva Lade Outlaw Josey Wales. Both Skip and Dolores are leaving this week for the shows in California, along with Bess Roberts and perhaps a couple otherPCCB members. Good luck to all and have a good time.COLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanEverything is swinging into full motion here as the show season gets underway. We now have new coats and grown "teenagers" in the ring who are collecting their wins. Masterpiece of Mark's, a very cobby, heavily coated black and tan owned by Averil Asbeck, picked up a nice 5 point major in Richland, WA April 25. On her first outing, Wendy and Victor Feist's Feisty's Spice of Life went 2 for 2 at Moses Lake, WA April 21 and 22. This is a bred by who was sold and returned because she was unsatisfactory Gladys Van Horn's Singleoak's Wooly Bully was Winners Dog at Moses Lake for 2 points and again at Walla Walla, WA for 5 points. Laura Untalan has a new champion, Autumn's Roman of Bi-Mar. Her Ch. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar accumulated three more BOBs on the Eastern, WA circuit. The other four days were split between Ch. Sungold's Knick-Knack and Ch. Apolloette Moonlight Gambler. The weather was sunny and warm during the days, however the desert evenings and early mornings were another matter. There was ice in the dogs' bowls Laura's Boo added another BOB at Whidbey Island on May 2 and again at Central Point May 10.How about our new point system starting May 15 Division 4 Oregon, Washington, etc. needs twice as many dogs for a five point major as anywhere else in the U.S. Are we being discriminated against We're right up there with the Labs and Afghans. The only breeds requiring more dogs are German Shepherds, Dobies and Shelties. Our Specialty entries last year were as follows APC, NY 93 APC, OR - 80 Columbia PC 73 Houston PC - 42 NCPC - 38 Western'PC - 23 PCD, IA 21 Hawaii 12 and 10. We have been having very large turn outs in Poms for our all-breed shows over the past two years, which may explain the increase in requirements. Gossip has it we may be seeing other things in the ring to fulfill those requirements, however. It reminds me of a young man who told me last year that his bitch and a very nice one at that had one major and 27 single points. Those points cost him 364.50 in entryPOMERANIAN REVIEW 3Welcome To Our House, Millamor BoysCh. Mittamors Rock MusicThanks Ken and Eleanore for letting us have these beautiful boys to go with our beautiful Millamor girlsaX INBEST OF BREED or VARIETYLAKELAND-WINTER HAVEN KENNEL CLUB JUNE 1985PHOTO BT natamCh. Mittamors Mark TraditionSeveral litters due in May and June sired by these lovely champions.M. Deane Rinehart, De Arta Kennels 422 W. Fairchild Dr.Oklahoma City, OK 73110 405 732-0402Nina Epps, Oakridge Kennels Rt. 4, Box 48X El Dorado Springs, MO 6474452 POMERANIAN REVIEWfees. For that price one could well afford to fly, round trip, to California for a majorThe club elected new officers in April. They are as follows President Emily Untalan Vice President Paul Fund Secretary Laura Untalan Treasurer Averil Asbeck. Board Members are Jean Schroll, Victor Feist and Gladys Van Horn.Before I end this column, congratulations to Linda Callacher and her new CDX Pom. She added that title in Klamath Falls, May 9.POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONby Barbara Dignowity, Olga Baker, and Tony TellezIt's been awhile since you've heard from us so we have lots to catch up on.Our Spring Specialty on March 13 was a great success and found Fred and Barbara Dignowity with their chefs hats on, in the show site parking lot cooking spaghetti sauce and pasta. Thanks to all the members who contributed to the success of the show and the dinner.We have been fortunate in having several new members join our Club. We're happy to welcome John and Diana Ayers, Sonny and Riki Barker, Jr., Lois Benko, Thomas and Dori Upton and Patty Wein. Lois is from Austin and involved in obedience and she also has a couple of possible "stars." They are boys of her concentrated Pepperoni El Paso bloodline. Well, Olga Baker just bought one of the two boys and Olga says her phone rings at least three times a week with Lois inquiring about the baby. New mothers are like that.Carolyn Crockett got a fat 4 point major on a beautiful little male owned by fellow member, Karen Holder. Star is just a youngster, but holding his own nicely in the show ring. Carolyn is also presently handling the little super star, Killer, owned by still another buddy and member, Norma Gad. Consistently getting BOBs and nice Group placements, he's looking good.Olgd Baker and Skip Piazza are now owners of the star of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Specialty. His appropriate name is "Prince Charming." Nothing less than a BIS for this elegant speciman. He took the Breed at Dallas, and at Fort Worth he took Breed, Group 1 and Best in ShowThe next day he was Group 2. What a wonderful weekend Those who witnessed allthis excitement report that Olga handled it with calm, poise and no undue show of emotion whatsoever. Yeah right The very best in show to you, Olga and Skip. Prince has been in Pennsylvania and is now enroute to Texas to reside in Houston for awhile.Molly Miller finished a really good looking girl, "Aurora" recently and just prior to that, finished another beauty, "Cupcake." Congratulations, MollyErika Moureau has a beautiful little girl who finished with 4 majors named Berry's Sassy Sue Sie. Way to go, Erika Congrats to you, tooThe Dignowitys, Barbara and Fred, are understandably overjoyed at the accomplishments of their own private little Group dog, "Chrissy." Although still quite young, he and his handler, Erika Moureau, have added up lots of BOBs and fine Group placements. "Chrissy" often cuts up in the ring to the delight of the spectators and the total dismay of his owners and handler.Wonderful Mildred Patrick is fresh from recent back surgery and back in the ring naturally Pom people, while the most wonderful in the world, also often show questionable judgement on such things as sickness and other minor priorities. Anyhow, Mildred put some terrific wins on "Barney." He is a neat male owned by some of our newest Houston members, Sherry and Rowdy Steinmetz. One 4 pointer we know of, plus some other wins. Sorry, but info is sketchy on this. Sherry and Rowdy, as you know, are those ambitious and dedicated folks in Dallas who are working zealously on breeding quality Parti colors. We are so glad to have these nice guys in our Houston Club.Tony and Connie Tellez have a cute little male right now at home growing coat. Tony is our new Club President and dedicated beyond belief. He and his staff Darrell Baker, Barbara Dignowity and Carolyn Crockett keep us all "whupped" into shape and managing the Club's affairs beautifully.Peggy Doyal has several lovely girls and we do mean "several." She's even got a new little boy. You'll no doubt be seeing them in the ring soon. Some of the girls are "Chrisss" half sisters and one of them resides with "Chrissy" at the Dignowits. Good going, PeggyWhile we're convinced you'll believe we're making this up, still another of our ClubPOMERANIAN REVIEWSZnadorStcmmOPPOr6E.S\W.cvnVkEN19S1XLOLSOHCtnadors Country CourtneyAnador's Decent Exposure x Pomirish Little MatildaCourtney is pictured above, owner handled, under judge Jane Kay. Thank you Mrs. Kay and also judges Sally Baugniet, Edna St. Hilaire and Mrs. Frasier for her recent wins in the U.S. and Canada.I thank and wish the best to recent Anadors Pom buyers Riki Barker Mosaic Poms of Texas, with Cinculas Cinder of Anadors and Anadors Silverpepper Lining, to Shirley Uphouse Talismen Keeshonden Kennels of Florida with Anadors Sgt. Pepper, and most recently to Canadian handler, Richard Lake with Anadors Happy Tyme Tobie, who won the Toy Croup and Best Toy Puppy at Lakehead in Thunder Bay on May 2 from 9-12 puppy class, under Pom breeder-judge Sandra Nelles Edwards.Ann Welshinger Rt. 2, Box 448 Superior, Wl 54880 715 399-270234 POMERANIAN REVIEWmembers, Nancy and Edd Wharton of Amarillo just reported that their little bitty guy named "Sepp" just won a Croup. The very next day he got a Croup 2 at some out west shows Imagine that Croup wins from the classes on a kid The Wharton's weren't too excited or anything. The Bakers reported somewhere between 12 and 15 calls from the proud owners to talk about it. And who can blame them that's exciting. We know every time "Chrissy" wins there just aren't enough people to brag to. Good luck in the future, WhartonsThen, never to be outdone, we got a wonderful bit of news from our ex-friends, Sue and Tim Goddard. Ex-friends because the Houston people are still trying to decide if we'll ever forgive them for leaving Houston Anyway, their pretty class male, "High Lights" just won a Croup with Janice Luginsland handling him.Here we are reporting on 5 Houston members' dogs winning and placing in Croups. Now this is pretty incredible. Sure makes it sound easy, doesn't it Oh, so what's just a little ole Croup placement Do you realize that many serious dog people go through their entire life never even receiving any Croup placements, let alone a Croup win I would say the majority never experience such excitement. Yet here we are reporting on Killer, Chrissy, Prince Charming, Sepp and High Lights. Nothin' to it, right WRONG It says, and I compliment you all, that Houston people are breeding and showing excellent dogs. That's admirable and deserves at least a couple of "Atta boys"At this writing, many of our Houston dogs and their owners are headed for San Diego. We know Killer and Prince Charming and Star will be there. We wish everyone a BIS. They're all deserving.Well, in the beginning we told you we had lots to report. It took three of us to write this article.Don't forget our Summer Specialty in August. See our ad in this issue. It will be at the Astro Dome on August 6. An after show dinner will be at the Stables Steakhouse near the Dome. Take advantage of our three day all-breed dog shows under one roof and air-conditioned. Can't imagine life without it. Ya'II come.FLASH An urgent call came into the Dignowity house this morning from SherrySteinmetz reporting the Rowdy lead Ch. Prestigious Pee Wee Parti to a Croup 1 This small miracle occured in Denton, TX on May 10. Pee Wee is the first parti to win the breed, let alone be a multi breed winner and now the first parti in history to win a Croup Let's make that six super fantastic dogs we're report on this timeOHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara StofferOur first meeting was held in Sugarcreek, OH on March 27, 1987 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Shearer. Several Pom fanciers from all over Ohio were in attendance.Following the suggested AKC club procedures as closely as possible, our first meeting brought forth many interesting and excellent ideas.Temporary officers were appointed as follows Chair person Lorinda Vasuta Secretary Judy Shearer Treasurer Fran Johns. A regular election of officers will be held at the July meeting.Shari Stoffer is in charge of putting together an outline for a constitution, to be discussed at the next meeting. Darren Lane is in charge of drawing up a club logo. Plans for a late summer Fun Match were made, to be further discussed at our next meeting.Membership dues were agreed upon at 10.00 for adults and a Junior membership of 5.00 for 16 years and under.With our second meeting we had more Pom people joining us and we would like to encourage anyone interested in our Pom Club to contact our temporary Secretary, Judy Shearer, 523 Miller Ave., Sugarcreek, Ohio 44681. Anyone joining during the first 3 months will be considered Charter members.At each of our meetings we have had an open and very friendly atmosphere, with everyone having ample opportunity to voice their opinions and make suggestions. We will offer a referral service within the club for members wishing to sell their Poms. Edie Allen will be in charge of the Referral List.Future meetings will be held in Cambridge, OH at the Bonanza Restaurant Banquet room. They will be the 3rd Saturday of each month at 8 p.m. We're hoping to hear from many of you Pom people. We need you to help realize our goals.POMERANIAN REVIEWTim Sue PomeraniansAm. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City Lightssends congratulations toii. -v 'Vs.Tim Sues High LightsHigh Lights has 2 Group Firsts and a Group Fourth with co-owner Janice Luginsland. Special congratulations to Ch. Dignity's Chris O' Lights bredOwned by Barbara and Fred Dignowity on his multiple Best of Breeds and Group placements.And to new Ch. Wharton's Seppl Von Honig another Group winning son at 8 months, bred and owned by Ed and Nancy Wharton.Hey We are waiting in the wings and looking goodir.rr L.WmTim and Sue Goddard 318 543-6622Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 705706 POMERANIAN REVIEWJan-Le KennelAmGan Gh, Theldun's John JohnA Johnny-Come-Lately Not on your life Johnny is the result of decades of conscientious breeding by the much respected breeder, Thelma Dunn. We have a special pact with Thelma, especially with regard to our Johnny. This line has been the foundation of many top winning lines and we at Jan-Le are pleased to have Johnny as part of ours. With only limited use, he has produced some outstanding get, some of which areSire of AmCan Ch. Ken-Nods Don't Letem Kid Ya Duane GaulkeMultiple Group winner, 1982 Westminster Winners Dog and 1982 5 Pom in Canada with very limited showing. Can. Ch. Ken Nor's Maker of Fools Til Labovitch and usCroup placer and called "Maker of Legs" Can. Ch. Highview's Short Stuff Group winner. The little guy with no back. Can. Ch. Jan-Le's Too Hot To Touch Ron and Elaine TerryMultiple Group winner and 2 Best Puppy in Show, all from the puppy class. She is a double on Johnny. Ken-Nods You Gotta Be Kidding Arlene DobsonPointed, both majors. Jan-Le's Cedarhurst Flambe Arlene DobsonCanadian pointed. Jar-La's This Is Ridiculous Arlene DobsonCanadian C.D.Grandsire of Can. Ch. Gaulke's Pepper Upper Owned by usMultiple Group winner, Best Puppy in Show, 6 Pom in Canada, 2 Bitch 1985. Dam of Jan-Le's Too Hot To Touch. Jan-Le's Danny of PomLair Heather GriffenCanadian pointed. Can. Ch. Ken Nods Charlotte Amber Ron and Elaine TerryThere are many more Johnny kids out there who are outstanding winners and producers, however there is only so much room on one page7JJane Lehtinen 218 744-3641JAN-LE KENNELSRt. 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751We Feed Science Diet.POMERANIAN REVIEW 3AmCan Ch. Theldun's John JohnS'Dunn's Little Tomstopper x Theldun's Bonnie HeatherPut in a picture of "Johnny" without his usual long, dense and very harsh coat. . . why not He has the soundness that we lack in so many of our Poms today. We wish to honor him and some of his children in this issue.Due to lack of time on my part and Johnny's age, he is not at public stud.We also wish to thank Thelma Dunn for Theldun's Tia Marie. She has been bred to AC Ch. Ken Nor's Don't Letem Kid Ya.Jane Lehtinen 218 744-3641JAN-LE KENNELSRt. 1, Box 55 Iron, MN 55751We Feed Science Diet. POMERANIAN REVIEWrI - iif- in Qmenaire, Reg.Let us introduce you to our new dogs with whom we are so pleased . . .Ch. Great Ems Chip of GoCdWe are truly grateful to Bob Goodrich and Ruth Beam for allowing us to purchase Chip. It fulfills a long-standing ambition. Chip was sired by Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too and out of Great Elms Sweet Candy. He finished his championship by going BOB over specials and on to Group 2.Watts' Little Black N Tandy. Tandy is a lovely black and tan bitch who was sired by Ch. Moe-Best Special Order and out of Ch. Watts' Little Ebony of Scotia. We will be showing her soon. Thanks, Dolores for letting us have her.Queenaire Diamond Apple. Star is a gorgeous orange male who will make us proud in the show ring. When he puts the ring procedure together, you will be hearing about him. Star is sired by Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond and out of Foskey's Foxy Lady, a daughter of Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond. He was bred by Patty Griffin and owned by Joyce Apple.Queenaire Starburst. Mikey is a tremendous 4 month old son of Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond and out of Ch. Chip A Way's Diamond Keepsake, a Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips daughter. Mikey was bred and owned by Patty Griffin. Thanks Patty and Joyce for making it possible for us to own these lovely dogs.612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, CA 95350JhJDudley and Wanda Roach 209 529-5270POMERANIAN REVIEW 3Our recent show record includes . . .Queenairej Reg.\.AMdCYCfi. Creiders Queenaire BonanzaBeau completed his championship November 22 with four 4 point majors.1iUICfi. Queenaire Pafe RiderRider finished his championship November 20 with his third 5 point major. He is now owned by Rosewood Kennels.4 ftm-sV\iL rCfl, Queenaire SignaturePixie wound up her championship with a 5 point major.Our sincere thanks to the judges who put these dogs up.Dudley and Wanda Roach 612 Woodrow Ave. Modesto, CA 95350 209 529-52700 POMERANIAN REVIEWNew Publications for the Serious Breeder Exhibiterfrom Denlinger Publishers. All by Dr. Alvin Grossman.The Audio-Visual LibraryFor many years we have sought a straightforward, economical way to bring the latest and best information and knowledge of the dog game to you.We have presented and will continue to present a wide array of well written dog books for your perusal. And now we have added that extra dimension-an audio-visual library of slidetape programs that can be appreciated individually or as a series of programs for your dog club.We have been fortunate to get Dr. Alvin Grossman, a noted judge, lecturer and author, to direct and narrate this series, along with a host of other talented individuals. Dr. Grossman's work has appeared in the AKC Gazette, Kennel Review, The American Cocker Review and has been reproduced in France, England, New Zealand and Japan.We think you will agree once you have seen one of these exciting new programs that a new day has dawned over the dog show scene.The Standard Book of Dog Breeding'The consistent breeding of show quality dogs should be considered an art',' writes Dr. Alvin Grossman in his new book. The Standard Book of Dog Breeding. Dr. Grossman combines the artistic principle of "having an eye for a dog" with sound scientific principles of breeding and genetics, which will prove to be of immense value to both the first time breeder and the successful breeder of many champions.'The dog as a whole is more important than any one of its individual parts" the author states, and he goes on to examine each part individually to determine its role in the overall structure and movement of the animal, taking into consideration all aspects of hereditary and environmental development.The Standard Book of Dog Breeding is a study of what is involved in breeding with a view to producing an ideal dog. Genetics-from its humble beginnings in the laboratory of Gregor Mendel and his experiments with peas, to the present controversial work being done in gene splicing and test tube reproduction-plays the key role in Dr. Grossman's discussions in this book. The breeder who reads this book in the hope of learning how to breed better dogs and contribute to the betterment of his breed, will not be disappointed.The Great American Dog Show GameA hilarious look at the foibles, pitfalls and pratfalls that novices experience on way to becoming unflappable, experienced breeders and exhibitors, illustrated over 95 cartoons.The cartoons by Joe Murray are worth the price alone. Follow Ralph, Grace and their dog, "Rudolph" on their rib tickling plunge into the world of pure bred dogs.withDENLINGER PUBLISHERS P.O. Box 76, Fairfax, VA 22030Please send me a copy of Standard Book of Dog Breeding at 14.95 Plus L55 Postage.Please send me a copy of The Great American Dog Show Game at 22.95 Plus 1.55 for Postage.Please rush me more in-depth information on the SlideTape show library.Total Enclosed ___________Name ___________________________ .. _ _ .Address__________________________________City____________________ State_____ Zip _____ Payment enclosed Charge MasterCard VISAAccount st______________________ Expires _Signature--------------------------------POMERANIAN REVIEW87 has been a very good yearCh. Animations Sweet PeaNmrnmniiwninm 11111Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Ch. Animation's Babe From ToylandSweet Pea finished in only four months of showing with an impressive record.11- 23-86 Michigan Pom Specialty, WB,BOW Mr. Lou Durocher, 3 pts.12- 12-86 Richland County KC, BOB, Mrs. Merle Smith, 3 pts.12-14-86 Western Reserve KC, BOB, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh, 3 pts.2-22-87 Kennel Club of Niagra Falls, WB, BOW, Mr. John Loftus, 3 pts.Sweet Pea is now retired to motherhood, due to whelp in May.Proud BreedersOwnersHandlersAnimation Kennels Lorinda VasutaDarren Lane 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216762-75672 POMERANIAN REVIEWDur third 87 championCh. Animations Atom AntBEST OF BREED OR VARIETY'BLOOMINGTON IND. KENNEL CLUBPHOTO BT K. BOOTHCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy xCh. Emcee's Suss'AnnaAtom is our fourth finished champion from this breeding. He finished at 1 year 4 days of age, is heavy coated, clear orange and already has two litters on the ground.11-23-86 Michigan Pom Specialty, WD from puppy class Mr. Lou Durocher1-17-87 Livingston KC, WD, BOS, Mr. John Lusk1- 18-87 Pontiac KC, WD, BOS, Mr. Lou Durocher.2- 22-87 Kennel Club of Niagra Falls, WD, BOS, Mr. John Loftus3- 16-87 Bloomington KC, BOB over a special, Mrs. Dorothy Welsh3-22-87 Steubenville, BOB, Miss Martha Jane Ablett3- 29-87 Laurel Highlands, BOB, Dr. Leon Seligman4- 12-87 Delaware OH K.C., BOB, Croup 4, Mrs. Robert Sharp.Proud BreedersOwnersHandlersAnimation Kennels LorindaVasuta Darren Lane 63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310 216 762-7567POMERANIAN REVIEWOur championCh. Animations Sylvester The Ca- CBEST OF WINNERS MEDINAKENNEL CLUB SHOWDEC 1986PHOTOS BY JU.VEBSOMCh. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy x Ch. Emcee's Suss'AnnaOur champion, "Baby" finished in a surprizingly small number of shows. We would like to thank the following judges who made this possible with their votes of confidence Mrs. Merle Smith Mrs. Paula J. BradleyMrs. William Lehnig Mrs. Lorraine Heichel MasleyMr. Alvin E. Maurer, Jr. Mrs. Dorothy WelshDr. Leon Seligman Mr. Robert Sharp.A special thank you to Lorinda for giving us your unselfish help, patience and encouragement with Baby and Punky Brewster. Thanks for being a good friend.OwnersBetty F. Lepera and Jamie 1212 S. Munroe Rd. Tallmadge, OH 44278 216 379-8474 or 733-1453BreederLorinda Vasuta Animation Kennels4 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's lame, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, yped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all nformation to Jhe Editor, Phyllis Ripley, P.O. Box 31927, Tucson, AZ 85751.INADORS MANITOU AmCan CDTeam Sable Male Dwner Lois Morkassel Ireeder Ann WelshingerCh. Sisson's Duke's Little Big Man Sisson's Silver Dollar Joda Choas Katrina ih. Anador's Silver N SmokeCh. Pomirish Finally A Man Pomirish Little MatildaScotia Double Cr Da O'Cavilier Sisson's Coldpepper Cino Anadors Coldpepper Daniel Ellendale's Tina ih. Anadors Goldpepper CalicoCh. Pomirish Cav's Bit O' Hadleigh Anadors Crystal Candy Anadors Cavalier TaffyiH. ANIMATION'S ATOM ANTGrange MaleSreederOwner Lorinda Vasuta, Akron, OHJewel Ken Flaming Fantasy Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Adkin's White Camellia ih. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Adkin's White Christmas Jewel Ken's Little White Dove Lady Snowball of Coram Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Cold ih. Emcee's Suss'AnnaCh. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Hillsboro's Little Missy Lennis' Little LoveCH. ANIMATION'S SWEET PEACream FemaleBreederOwner Lorinda Vasuta, Akron, OHJewel Ken Flaming Fantasy Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Adkin's White Camellia Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Adkin's White Christmas Jewel Ken's Little White Dove Lady Snowball of Coram Jewel Ken Crumpet N' Cream Ch. Cinquay Yankee Doodle Dandy Jewel Ken's Little White Dove Ch. Animation's Babe From Toyland Li I' Mr. Duffy Honey's Tootsie Angel Angel's Lil' Honey BeeCH. AUTUMN'S ROMAN OF BI-MARMaleOwner Laura Untalan, Portland, OR Breeder Mary RosenbaumCh. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidInt. Ch. Sunras Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket by JJ of Andrews Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Bi-Mar MistyCh. Golden Glow Nip Bi-Mar Carmel Candy Bi-Mar Kandy KaneViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWJ-mmPomspring's Tickle Me TooACCh. Great Elms Shining Starr x Can. Ch. Scotia Tickles Me PinkIntroducing our little Cougar, the gratifying result of a very special breeding Pictured at 4 months.BreederownerMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328 Alexandria, Ontario Canada KOC 1A0 613 347-227516 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. BONNER'S PENDART CHAMPAGNEOrange MaleBreederOwner Dorothy Bonner, San Antonio, TXCh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonner's Kristin StarmistCh. Bonner's Pepper-K Goldmist Bonner's Starlyn ModartCh. Bonner's Stylepepper Preshus Bonner's Styletess Modiste Bonner's Peppertess Ch. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonner's Kristin StarmistCh. Bonner's Pepper-K Goldmist Bonner's Starlyn Gorg'us PennyAristic Pepper Pod's Gorgeous Bonner's Little Miss Gorgeous Bonner's Sunfire MischiefCH. DOO-SHAY'S HOOLIGAN SABRARed FemaleBreederOwner Shannon Johnson, Holly, MlCh. Model's Truly A Diamond Wood's Wee Gold DandyCh. Toman's Precious Gold Mendy Lyn-Lee Dimitry of Pixie's Julie's Star Ben Pixie's Misty DawnSilver Meadows Cinder Mist Bonner's Starpuff Power Chesai Sunpower Cyclone Collier's Golden Charlene Mercer's Allyssa of Doo-ShayCh. Mercer's Touch O Duke Mercer's Marisa Touch Mercer's Gayla DeeCH. HHH HONEYSUCKLE ROSEOrange FemaleBreederOwner Peggy Hendricks, Grand Prairie, TXCh. Emcee's Ship Off The Ole Block Ch. Mac's High PocketsCh. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. HHH High Speed BanditCh. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles Sherry's Precious Beaux-pEEPSherry's Happy Surprise Ch. Sheeba's Little Corn Duke Ch. Count De Shawn Delight's Little Trixie Hendrick's Ima Honey Leo LeePeg's Lit'l Miss PrissLit'l China Copper's Love BugKASSEL'S DANDELION DOWN AmCan CDOrange FemaleOwner Lois Morkassel, Fargo, ND Breeder Betty Jo MasonPombreden's BT Disciple O God Vilamero Blue Boy Pombreden Pombreden's My Blue Heaven Sir Szilagy John BoyCh. PurteeSkoshi Tom-Tom Gorrin Cute DannaCute Doll of Hadleight McKamey Palmer's Petro of Blossom View Ch. Edan's Fire Cracker Gold Gem's Contessa Mason's Baby DollCrone's Dandy Andy Mason's Li I Bit O' Heaven Crone's Bee Jay GirlCH. SKYLARK FAIRY GOLDRed FemaleBreederOwner Nancy C. Parker, Antioch, CASkylark Radiant Banner Skylark WiskeyCh. Skylark Cold Carolin Ch. Skylark War BannerSkylark Radiant Banner Skylark Cold PunkinJewells' Glowing Tasha Ford' Silver Cool WhipCotton Candy XXIII Lucy XXIIICh. Skylark Parade Banner Tootsie XXVI11 Orange Puff IICH. SOUTHLAND'S TOASTED FUDGERed Sable MaleBreederOwners Charlotte Creed and Beverly Norris, Pineville, LAMay Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-NoPs Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Britton's Little Miss Muffett May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Southland Happy Birthday BilCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Tudge Delight Bev-nor's Sweet and SassyPOMERANIAN REVIEWJ--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MarieGlen Pomeranians\_______________________________________________________FudgesMidnight Lace Marie Glens Copper CreationLacey Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Well's Lady is a Vamp was bred to Tru Kep's Star Sensation. Mitzi Ch. Bev-Nor's New Creation x Vamp's Earthly Starburst was bred to Ch. Theldun's Dandy Sensation. Both produce gorgeous red and orange pups. Both due in June.Leslie D. Whitehead 6434 Lamplighter Ridge Glen Burnie, MD 21061 301 760 1840Attention Obedience Trial EnthusiastsIntroducing Marie Glen's First Place, sired by Ch. Theldun's Dandy Sensation. Buddy is my miracle pup. He was born a runt in a premature litter. His only mother was yours truly. Buddy conquered his long fight for life and now, to my surprise at age 7 months, he is a very healthy 10V4 pounder. I'm sure you will agree that it would be a shame to waste his potential being just my pet. Buddy deserves to be a champion, or at least given the opportunity to try. His attributes are a fantastic pedigree, an enormous coat, sound bones, vibrant orange color and perfect bite, not to mention he's just plain beautiful.8 POMERANIAN REVIEWh. theldun's new fudge recipeted Sable MaleBreederOwner Thelma M. Dunn, Aberdeen, vIDCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice rheldun's Diamond Solitaire Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. Tunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Cedar-view's Little Teddy Bear Cedarview's Bronze Charm Cedarview's Goldie Melinda Cedarview's Bronza Q B DollLuell's Chippewa Warrior Pomrun's Wee Wandee of Cedarview Swavels Penny SerenadeCH. TNT CLASIC STYLE-N-BASIC BLACKBlack Female3reederOwner Dolores Stanger and Marcia DoaneE.Ch. Wynwright's Mid-Boy E. Ch. Home James of Rosskear Caret DustettGold Blackacre James Bud IICh. Cold Blackacre Sungold Honey Gold Blackacre Sungold CupidPassfield Peachie of Cold Blackacre Ch. Winkel's Red Hot Pepper Ch. Ceerae's Dandy StarCh. Ceerae's Star Gold Honey Ch. Don-Ra's Starette of DandyCh. Varney's Cavilier Ringmaster Don-Ra's LollipopMinnick's Rock CandyCH. WATTS LITTLE EBONY OF SCOTIABlack and Tan FemaleBreederOwner Dolores Watts, Brandywine, MDCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Moe-Best Special OrderPostscripts Aft R Noon Delight Ch. Watts Little Peter Tan Mo-Best Ch. Moe-Best Special Order Ch. Moe-Best Constant Attention Pomesto Cassandra Tono's May Morning Echo of Highland Ch. Zodiac Cavilier Commander Ch. Cavs Sensational Conquest Watts Little Crisco of ScotiaScotia Happy Go Lucky Corey Scotia Corey Meg's Story Cook Robins Meggie of ScotiaCH. SUNGOLD'S COURSE U CANOrange FemaleBreederOwner Anna LaFortune, Lemon Grove, CACh. Tomanol's I Got Legs Ch. Mac's Maybe 1 WillCh. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Amberil Trade Secret Ch. Cherokee's Summer Fashion Ch. Cherokee's Amber FashionPUGET SOUND POMERANIAN CLUB by Jessie StephensOur greatest amount of energy has lately been put toward our point show. For our members who have long worked toward this goal, we so wish for it to become a reality. Our meetings now are so productive and interesting. With some newer members who have so much to give, we all enjoy our plans.Other activities have involved a food drive for Senior Citizens, which has been responded to very well. Several members supported a "Run with Rover" event to aid the guide dogs to the- blond. Ours was the only club as a whole which supported this event. To those who chose to give of their time, a hearty thank you.Recently we were lucky enough to have Leslie Rodgers, the well-known judge from Canada attend a meeting. He kindly gave us some time for a question and answer session. Hopefully he can come back some time and give one of his talks for which he is so famous.We have also implemented a gift exchange at each meeting to net us some cash. The idea has been well received and plans for future club education are well underway.We were able to get together with Sally McCilbry of the famous Golden Glow Kennels in January for her birthday. She is always such a delight. One of our charter members, Viola Children has been breeding Poms for 60 years, so along with Sally, they can tell you a lot about the past. Viola still has time for new people in the breed and is still breeding herself. We only hope that the newer people will be inspired by their dedication to the breed, that they may be remembered as happily as Sally and Viola are.The San Diego specialties are over by now, so congratulations to all and on to the July Specialty, July 14.POMERANIAN REVIEWKassels DogsXISCOKasselsDandelion Down AmCan CDDande earned her Am. CD in the first 3 trials in which she was entered, April and June 1986.She also earned her 3 qualifying legs for a Canadian CD in 3 days of trials at Portage La Prairie for July 4th fireworks while she was 30 days into her first pregnancy.We still have 2 neutered males out of this litter still looking for homes x Ch. Theldun's John John.Breeder Betty Jo MasonAnadors Manitou AmCan CDMan earned his CD in his first 3 trials plus 2 back-up legs with higher scores once the pressure was off in Aug. and Sept. 1986.He also earned his Canadian CD in 3 days of trials in Winnepeg, October 1986.Breeder Ann WelshingerOwnerHandlerLois Morkassel701 280-14131412 Second Ave. S. Fargo, ND 58103POMERANIAN REVIEWimElatrmcmtmmnBEST OF OPPOSITEDurham kennel club mar 1967TATHAM PH__Of- Klatrmonfs ^Barm ^BeltteCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond xCh. Dianti Delite of D-Nee'sMegan and Molly were the only two puppies in their litter. Both are now finished. Megan finished with 3 majors under A. Treen 3 pts., K. Miller 4 pts., H. Smith 4 pts..Many thanks for all the help and support from my friends Pam Campbell and Joyce Apple with my first two homebred champions.Congratulations to Mattie Coble on finishing Ch. Coble's Traveling Bear Ch. C.E. Model's Timstopper x Apple's Traveling Elvira, handled beautifully by Joyce Apple. Congratulations also to Patty Griffin on her free whelped litter of four by Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond out of Ch. C.E. Honey of Lenette.BreederOwnerLance Bryson 535 Huffman Mill Rd. Burlington, NC 27215 919 584-9241AgentPamela Campbell Rt. 4, Box 333 Trinity, NC 27370POMERANIAN REVIEWElmvmtxnim'V,zVARIETY GROUP PLACEMENTR 4HUNTSVILLE KENNEL CLUB SPRIN6 1987 9dJtj. Clcrirmimts Carolina ^rltirCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Ch. Dainti Delite of D-Nee'sThis is my first homebred champion. Molly finished her first weekend out in 4 shows with 4 majors 5-4-4-4, taking BOB over specials two days and BOS the other two days at eight months of ageHer first weekend out as a special she went BOB under F. Hogan and Croup 2 under Mrs. R. Forsythe. The next day she was BOB under Mrs. Forsythe and Croup 3 under Mr. Richard Koester. Later, Molly was BOB four days in a row with a Croup 3 and 4 thrown in.We hope this is just the beginning for this lovely young bitch.FLASH Molly goes BOB at the Bay Colony Specialty under judge Betty Moore. FLASH FLASH Molly is Croup 1 at Oak Ridge KC on May 76BreederOwnerLance BrysonAgentPamela Campbell2 POMERANIAN REVIEWAs I See It. Thelma R. BrownWhile a Pomeranian is a toy dog, still he elongs to the Spitz family of canines, a very aid and well defined group of dogs with some Generally identifying characteristics which are rommonly shared by all Spitz breeds. These ire the wedge shaped head, high set prick ars, almond shaped eyes set in the skull vhere it starts to curve to the side. Other rommon traits are high set, tightly curled tail ind a stand-off coat with dense undercoat.Since the Pomeranian is the smallest of the spitz breeds which range from the big vlalamute down through many groups and areeds, he has his Spitz type somewhat modified by his diminutive size, as in all toys. His head will demonstrate a bit more stop Standard "pronounced stop", and his muzzle will be fine as befits a toy dog Standard "muzzle fine but not snipey".There is a set of characteristics which I call dwarfing characteristics, in all breeds diminished in size. There are large round skull apple headed, big round eyes, tiny foreface in proportion to skull, bowed front legs, poor hindquarters with slipping patellas and bowed rear movement.These are the qualities which creep in when size is diminished excessively. Breeders of toy dogs with one of more of these traits need to select against them. Some toy breeds have gone the route of incorporating those qualities into their breed type, as the Chihuahua with the large rounded skull and the Pekingese with the dwarfed, bowed front legs. The Pomeranian fancy has chosen to go with a miniature of the larger spitz breeds so their standard puts in parameters beyond which breed type becomes breed faults.In the section under skull in the PomStandard, it calls for wedge, pronounced stop, but not domed. Eyes, medium in size, almond shaped, not set too wide apart nor too close. This calls for a moderately long, wedge shaped head since the short very broad skull will have more dome and eyes will be set far apart and looking forward as in the Shih Tzu rather than a bit closer together and smaller as in the Schipperke or Keeshond, who have a similar head type and belong to this same Spitz group.The section in the Standard on ears again demonstrates the same concern. . . "Small, carried erect, mounted high on the head and placed not too far apart." The broadly rounded head will have ears placed out at the sides which when viewed in the full ruff will give the appearance of set far apart. If the skull is the proper moderate wedge, the ears will be up tight on top when at attention.When judging heavily coated breeds, there are certain guidelines which a judge will look for. One will be eye placement to give a clue to breadth and shape of head. Another will be width between ears and those two will sketch for him a clear indication of head structure before the dog is touched.One of the great charms of the Pomeranian breed has always been the alert, quizzical expression which constantly questions, "what is it" This is not present in the broad faced dogs with the large eyes. Theirs is a rather soft expression which is not so typically Pom.Over the history of the breed, the size has steadily diminished. In breeding the smaller dogs, fanciers should be alert to the need for constant care so that they not drift into a different type of head than that originally present in the breed.POMERANIAN REVIEWIMdKameys Sundown Sonnetsproudly presents-Ofbestofbree^j "dubuque k.c._]iCfi. McIKameys Ideal CountessCh. McKamey's Ideal Style Stepper x Ch. McKamey's Countess Cold IdealWow, what consistency Four majors on two weekends under four different judges, our homebred girl took Best of Breed twice, and four Best of Winners. Thanks to the judges, R. Wills, BOB, 4pts. D. Doane, BOB, 3pts. D. Hansen, BOW, BOS, 4 pts. C. Winslow, BOW, BOS, 4 pts. We thank the able handling of Nadine Hersil who showed her to her wins.New litters expected by Ch. Daja Justa Rocksample, a Ch. Moonrock son, Ch. McKamey's Ideal Sunsation, Ch. McKamey's Ideal Style Stepper. Loveable puppies for pets, loving and show ring.Mrs. Norris McKamey 1112 Sycamore Drive Le Claire, IA 5253 319 332-5809POMERANIAN REVIEWAutumns PomeraniansA"VPR.1 1Ch. Autumns Red Blaze of Bi-Mar"Boo" is a consistent breed winner here in the Northwest. He is definitely one of a kind.This is probably the best picture I have seen of him. Because he is so short backed and carries such a thick, coarse coat, to me he always looks "scrunched" up in his breed photos.His first litter is now old enough to evaluate and he has managed to repeat himself perfectly. His puppies are definitely Boo-type.OwnerHandlerLaura Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Ave. Portland, OR 97218 503 246-2448My Partner and MomEmily Untalan 10255 S.W. Kable St. Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-1730POMERANIAN REVIEWAutumns Pomeraniansr.iicS'. iragCh. Autumns Roman of Bi-MarThis late starter whelped 61185 finished in less than two months, completely out of coat. He may look small, but is an extremely cobby, orange sable with proper coat and weighs in at five plus pounds. He is a half brother to Ch. Autumn's Red Blaze of Bi-Mar and Ch. Bi-Mar Bit of Tassajara. Roman will remain here at Autumns, as I am very pleased with his progeny. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.His record Salem, OR 4 pt. Yakima, WA 5 pts. Monroe, WA 2 pts. Olympia, WA 3 pts., Klamath Falls, OR 2 pts.OwnerHandlerLaura Untalan 10830 S.W. 61st Ave. Portland, OR 97218 503 246-2448My Partner and MomEmily Untalan 10255 S.W. KableSt. Tigard, OR 97224 503 684-1730POMERANIAN REVIEWHarbins Pomeraniansyirtnofs Yy Swft lateo3BettyoCh. Emcee's Sparkling Jody xCh. Harbin's Touch of ClassBest of Winners and Best Opposite Sex at Seattle Kennel Club to complete her championship and celebrate her first birthday all in the same day. Thank you Mrs. Betty Moore.Betty would like to send congratulations to her two half brothers and sisterCh. Emcee's Final Edition Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of Coy x Ch. Harbin's Touch of Class on completing his championship. Owned by Sally Jenkins.Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Prince Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II xCh. Harbin's Touch of Class on his three straight majors. Not bad for an 8 month old puppy. Owned by Dr. Morris Carson.Ch. Tillabay's Anny BanannyCh. Emcee's Sparkling Jody xTillabay's Cotton Candy on completing her championship with back to back 5 pt. majors. Owned by George and Jane Reed.POMERANIAN REVIEWHarbins PomeraniansCorky M2' .' i1Ch. Emcee'sChips Ahoy of CoyxCh. Tiffany's Star of IndiaSends congratulations to his littermatesCh. Chip's First Edition "Caesar" on his Croup 2 at Olympia Dog Fanciers. Caesar is owned and nicely shown by Karen Powers. Good job, KarenCh. Harbin's Diamond Solitaire "April" on completing her championship in such style. April is owned by Carolyn Roberts and Patricia Whitaker.These three beauties giveCh. Tiffany's Star of India five champions to her credit, plus 5 grandchildren.Irene N. and Sylvia I. Harbin 206 365-174810759 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125I POMERANIAN REVIEW3 La Petite PomsCft. Emcees Fancy GoCtf BugLittle Bug is shown going Best of Opposite Sex under Mrs. Betty Moore for a 3 pt. major.A very special thanks to Carolyn Roberts for breeding such an adoring Pom. I love him.BreederCarolyn Roberts Rt. 1, Box108A Bluff City, TN 37618 f BEST OFOPPOSITE SEXGREATER DAYTONA DOG FANCIERS ASSN. JANUARY 1987I it SABRINAk.TAMPA BAT KENNEL CLUB JANUARY I987PHOTO BYLittle Bug is shown here going Best of Winners under Mrs. Paula J. Bradley for a 4 pt. major.We had lots of fun on the Florida Circuit. Little Bug is the proud father of two boys and one girl.OwnerHandlerYwonnelee Lee McGhee 457 Staten Street Jonesboro, GA 30236POMERANIAN REVIEWLa Petite PomsN IWPIEDMONT KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARr 1987-.Cft. Emcees Fancy GoCd BugA special thanks to the judges that liked Little Bug Mrs. Dawn Vick Hansen WD, BOW, 1 pt. Mrs. Barbara K. Camp WD, 1 pt.Ms. Martha Jane Ablett WD, 1 pt. Mrs. Betty Moore WD, BOS, 3 pts.Mrs. Paula J. Bradley WD, BOW, 4 pts. Mr. Edward B. Jenner WD, BOW, 2 pts.Mrs. Robert Forsythe BOW, BOS, 2 pts. Sr. Antonia Quiroga WD BOW, 3 pts.Congratulations to Cassandra Ready on your Group 1 with Wee Heart's Bit of Gold Dust Dusty, and a sincere thanks for all your help.Lee and Lowell McGhee 457 Staten Street Jonesboro, GA 30236POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063JLES I've seen it happen twice at lecialties one a Tibetan Terrier Specialty id, more recently, at a Pom Specialty. An hibitor entered a dog in the regular classes "iich was co-owned by the Sweepstakes dge. Sorry folks, you can't do that Rules oplying to Registration and Dog Shows, lapter 14, Section 14, paragraph 1, "No dge or any person residing in the same jusehold with a judge shall exhibit or act as ent or handler at a show at which he is ficiating as a judge and dogs owned wholly in part by such judge or any member of his jusehold shall be ineligible to be entered at ch show." Paragraph 4, "The above shall ply to judges of Sweepstakes or Futurities ld with licensed or member shows exactly it does with judges of regular competition shows." That's pretty clear. It is not the sponsibility of the show superintendent or e show secretary to screen entries for olations. After the fact, AKC would disallow I awards and demand the return of any sbons and trophies. Ignorance is no excuse, cause every time you sign an entry form, u are acknowledging the fact that you have ad the rules. This rule applies to entering a g in conformation which might be -owned by a judge officiating in obedience, lapter 14, Section 14 doesn't preclude itering a dog under a judge with whom you -own another dog, but the wisdom and hies of such a move could certainly be restioned.TRAINING Anyone who trains a dog in any ipacity must be flexible, patient and eative. He cannot know just one method or chnique and expect all dogs to respond lually well. Pooh Bear had a terrible time arning scent work. We had begun by putting rt one scented article with several articles iat no dog in his right mind would retrieve ass doorknob, giant pine cone, hair brush, rge wooden block. This was easy and Poohwas having a good time. Then the instructor suggested a tie-down board. Now, I've never thought much of the tie-down board but thought it wouldn't hurt to try it. The wrong article was tied loosely on a six inch string a mistake. Pooh raced out to the board, snatched the first article he came to, and turned to run to me. When the slack was gone, the metal article clanged against his teeth. Pooh Bear thought this was a severe correction. He was terrified of scent articles. Indeed I spent months teaching him to retrieve a wooden dumbbell happily again.When we began to work on scent again, I took it slow and easy, using the inducive positive methods that had worked so well for Tiara. He just didn't catch on that there was any difference between the articles. I tried food on the article. Bologna rubbed on the article and a bite of bologna when he brought the right one. No progress. How could I get the idea across to him that he had to use his nose Finally, about ten months after the original set-back, I hit upon the idea of hiding the articles. Now Pooh had been taught to look for his dumbbell in high grass in Open training, so he understood that.I began by having him find one scented article in deep grass. Fine. Then I partially hid the scented article under dead leaves. Next the article was completely hidden by the leaves. Great, he understood this game, "I can't see it but I can smell it." Now when I added one or two unscented articles under the leaves, he continued to bring back the right one. Gradually, I began to get careless about hiding the articles under the leaves they became more and more visible. Occasionally he'd pick up the wrong one. "Unh uh, baby, that's not it. Find mine." He accepted this verbal correction and continued to look. Break throughPooh also was slow learning the stand signal. Then our instructor pointed out that the dog will always hear the judge say, "Stand you dog" in the ring. So instead of giving commands to the dog, I pretended to be the judge and said, "Stand you dog" before giving the signal. It really helped.Val's problem has been the basic retrieve. I had used the method in Bill Koehler's Open book on Gem and Pooh Bear, and it worked like a charm. Both are happy, reliable, eager retrievers. So I confidently began teaching Val the same way and hit a wall. There wasPOMERANIAN REVIEW00-j8fyagDoo-Shas Hooligan Sabra battles it out with LLL Bit O Gold Jigger.TVrlA nJHoojHraus Hooligan j^abra HICH Wiiid dolb tggerJudge Dawn Vick Hansen, thanks for a wonderful day.Shannon, Jr. with Jigger. Shannon, Sr. with Sabra. They're neck and neck with 11 points each.Sabra Ladies first She has several BOBs and has been turned on" with showing for about 7 months now. In a few months she will go for the gold and be bred to Jigger.Jigger Undefeated thus far First time out, 5 pt. major at the NY Specialty thanks to Jeanne Stafford. He also has a BOB over a special at 11 months. Thank you Janice Luginsland for this very handsome showman. We will continue to make you proud as we hope to carry on as a special soon.Puppies will be available to loving show homes.FLASH Sabra finishes with back to back majors under David Patton and H. Tyler. Thank you David B Gibbons, our dedicated handler.Shannon and Doug Johnson 6270TrippRd. Holly, Ml 48442 313634-1331POMERANIAN REVIEWrofound resistance at every step. Back up, art over. I taught him "Hold it," quickly and isily. Fine, he holds great. He heels, jumps, nd comes with it in his mouth. Good, he kes jumping. Knowing he is going to get to imp, he'd open up and take the dumbbell. fowy, we've progressed to a 4 ft. retrieve ith my hand near the tossed dumbbell, ientually, we'll make it. Once he's retrieving e'll have all the Open work, but he and I ave to live that longIn conformation, most dogs take to baiting sadily. But sometimes a client's dog comes in lat won't take food from your hand, let alone lert for the proffered tidbit. For Mighty, I and fed him every mouthful he got for a 'eek. He got the idea.Cagney was a much more difficult case. I ad to start with sitting beside her cage while le age. Even that made her nervous. Then I aned over the exercise pen while she ate. lext I put my hand near her dish then on it. inally I reached the point where I could hand ed her her supper. All that just to get to quare oneIf it is important to you, there must be a ay to teach it. Be creative. Ask others for uggestions. Try to see things from the dog's oint of view. Be willing to try something ifferent, even if it seems a little off the wall. Vith patience, you can do it. CO-OWNERSHIP I've read several articles i recent years on the subject of co-owning logs all quite negative. That's a shame, here must be advantages to such an rrangement, because so many dogs are o-owned. For the buyer, a co-ownership may nean a lower price or getting a dog whose ireeding or potential he especially wants. For he breeder, it means keeping his name on a iromising animal or seeing that certain goals uch as a championship or a puppy back are eached. I was driving to a show with a friend everal years ago when she asked, "What does o-ownership mean What does it allow me to lo" Knowing that her latest Yorkie was o-owned with the breeder, I was shocked she lidn't know what her rights were.Basically, co-ownership means what the arties involved say it means. For every o-owning situation, there should be a written ontract or sales agreement which spells out xactly the rights and responsibilities of each arty. Who pays for training, entry fees, and landling bills Who pays routine care and vetbills Who keeps the dog Who pays for show pictures, advertising If it's a bitch, who decides when she is to be bred and picks the stud Who pays stud fees Who whelps puppies How and when are puppies to be divided If a male, who manages stud service and gets stud feesYou see, so many variables and each one needs to be considered before the deal is made, and spelled out in the contract. That is the only way to avoid confusion, fights and unhappiness.I have co-owned several dogs for different reasons and all have been satisfactory arrangements. On Val, I gave Rachal the co-ownership as a reward for finishing his CD. I still have all the financial responsibility, except she paid his entry fees when she showed him in Juniors. When I bought Pooh Bear back, I gave his former owner a co-ownership simply to recognize the fact that he owned the dog when he was shown to his championship. Otherwise, the dog is fully mine. Nevertheless, Greg's ex-wife thought she should get free stud service because he co-owned the dogFran and I have co-owned Bruiser for about 3 years. Fortunately, Fran and I had been friends as well as client and handler for years so we were able to anticipate some of the questions the contract needed to cover. For example, knowing Fran's reactions to medical emergencies, I specified that I would whelp and raise to seven weeks all of Bruiser's pups. Fran and I have a good working relationship, and a detailed contract keeps it that way.If you're buying a dog and the breeder is going to keep a co-ownership, find out what the breeder wants and get it in writing. Don't let anybody tell you, "That's understood" or "Everybody knows that." Noble-sounding phrases like, "I just want to protect the dog," "I want to make sure he finishes his championship," or"That's only so he'll always have a home with me" are vague. Is the co-ownership forever or just until the breeder gets the puppy back Does the breeder plan to chip in on the cost of showing the dog to the championship To CD Do you have the right to sell your share to someone else Don't just discuss it verbally. Each of you should have a signed copy of your contract to go along with your sense of fair play and a willingness to compromise.POMERANIAN REVIEW HHH Pomeraniansproudly presents our newest champion o0Ch. HHH Honeysuckle RoseRoseanne is4V4 pounts of curiousity. Better known at home as "Nosie Rosie," she was retriev from numerous places around the house as a puppy including the kitchen cabinets, the refrigera and the dishwasher, if left open for more than two minutes. The fun and enjoyment she gave us a puppy only increased as she began her short show career. Roseanne achieved her championsf at the age of 9 months, having won 4 majors,a 2 pt. award, 3 Best of Winners, 3 Best of Oppos Sex and a Best of Breed over 2 specials.We would like to express our gratitude to the judges who saw her merits Denis Grivas, Dr. All Kirk, Sari Tietjen, Merrill Cohen and Ann Clark.John and Peggy Hendricks 214 262-0815418 W. Grenob Grand Prairie, TX7504 POMERANIAN REVIEWFRIENDS We often read criticism of dog eople in these pages, including this column. Vriters have given examples of dishonesty, ettiness, selfishness, excessive competitive- tess or rudeness. Sure there are crumbs imong us, and occasionally even our good riends do something to irritate us. But when he chips are down, real dog people come hrough.Two weeks ago my daughter's Gordon Setter puppy was killed. A devastating blow. I nly told two people. The next day friends egan calling to express their sympathy. Cards irrived in the mail. One friend called to ask if he could plant a rosebush on the grave, and our people offered to co-own promising juppies of various breeds with Rachal. Dog people truly are the greatest.MAX, THE OBEDIENCE CAT I've often ecommended proofing in this column. I once ot help with proofing from an unexpected source. Max was a grey kitten who belonged o the people across the street. I first noticed lim when 1 was practicing Open with Pooh 3ear in the front yard. Max sat in his yard watching intently. A few days later he was at he edge of his yard. Next day he crossed the street to sit at the edge of our yard and watch.It wasn't long before Max began participat- ng. He was a very smart cat and quickly figured out not only what the obedience outines were, but how he could join in. While heeling with Pooh, Max got up in the Linden tree, hissed, and jumped down behind js. When I tossed the dumbbell, the cat raced out to it and dared Pooh Bear to take it. It was a bluff, but Pooh wasn't sure and I got in some good corrections.Max knew which way Pooh would come over the high jump by where I stood to begin the exercise. He got on the opposite side of the jump, right next to it, out of sight. As Pooh cleared the jump, Max would leap up and swipe at him. It startled Pooh, but he had to keep going after the dumbbell. On the broad jump, Max lay down between the hurdles and again ambushed Pooh as he jumped. No "tiptoeing through the tulips" on this exercise for Pooh When the neighbors moved away, I really missed my partner in obedience training."I Remember When Dorothy BonnerInvolvement in book keeping is definitely not for me. Math was always a difficult subject in school and the feeling was one of relief when the required amount had been acquired for a University journalism degree. During the years of a large and successful dancing school, all income was simply posted, leaving the remaining work to a professional at income tax time. Finally, a full time book keeper was hired. She bought an expensive set of leather-bound ledgers, which she kept in the most meticulous order. After a year, when she threatened a strike for more salary, I let her go and she wasn't even missed. Pages of neat figures were torn out of the largest ledger and it became a Pom record book. The main section was used as a journal where day to day events were posted. Another section was for litters whelped, enumerated with information on what had happened to each Pom. Those sold were listed with their buyers, complete with addresses, and those retained, with additional information. Another section was devoted to breeding, dates, and the male used. This sturdy record book has served for over 40 years and is still being used in a reglued but serviceable condition. No breeder could have better records.Recently a retired Army family wrote that their male Pom, bought from me some seven years ago, had moved with them all over the world. They were now retired and hoped to use him at stud but registration papers had long since been lost without any remembrance of his parentage or other details. The age clue made his records easy to find and all of the information necessary was sent to the AKC to issue duplicate papers. This story had a happy ending because of the faithful old record book.POMERANIAN REVIEW.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Coy's Top of the MarkMultiple Best in Show Winner A- 'Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland x Cedarwood's Linda LeighWell known in the show ring, Topper is now gaining quite a reputation with the "ladies." An interesting blend of the best of Millamor and Great Elms lines, pedigree on request.Topper sends congratulations to his daughter Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cachet on her recent U.S. wins.COY'S POMERANIANSJune J. Coy and Jane E. Johnston 3429 Oak View Dr. Lakeland, FL 33811 813 644-5389POMERANIAN REVIEWTNT PomeraniansWhen the TNT Poms that we show went to New York for the Specialty and Westminster, they had one thing in common that set them apart from all other Poms entered at the two events they were the only ones that were either imported from England or had heavy English breeding in their pedigrees. The four Poms had a combined entry of five classes and rolled on to set the following record. The Specialty placing is on the first line and Westminster is on the second line.SpecialtyClass Name Garden English ConnectionBBE DogAm BredTNT Davey Crockett RWDFirstCh. Rosskear's Home James gr.son xCh. Hadleigh's Honeygold CC grdaiOpen Dog Rosskear's Fly By Night FirstSecondImported from England.Open Bitch Black,BlueTNT Classic Style N Basic BlackFirstRWBLittermate to Davey CrockettVeteran Bitch Ch. Don-Ra's Starette of DandyFirst Ch. Hadleigh's Honeygold 7th gen x Am. bred linesBrood Bitch Ch. Don-Ra's Starette of DandyFirst Get used was the Crockett kidsOur winning boys are featured in full page adsi in this issue, along with TNT'sFascinatin' Ryhthm, a young dog purchayed by Karen Shaver. The winning ladies will be featured in the next issue. A very big thank you to Pamela Campbell for showing Raymond for me at the Specialty. She got acquainted with him on the way into the ring and went on to do an outstanding job handling. Also, thank you to Donna Megenhardt and Carol Calavich for helping with the Brood Bitch Class.We are happy to announce the arrival of three litters of puppies and a select few will be available to show homesCh. TNT Davey Crockett x C'KAS Simply Sinsation Star ptd This is a half sib breeding and will be an outstanding cross. It doubles up on Ch.Don-Ra's Starette of Dandy and outcrosses to Ch. Jabil's Simply Sinful and Ch. Rosskear's Home James. There will be 1 bitch and possibly 1 male available.Ch. Bi-Mar's Sunny Go Lucky x Bi-Mar's Summer Sunshineptd have a nice daughter that is not for sale.TNT The Devil Made Me Do It x C'KAS Sable Gem of Mi-Lo This breeding brings together the old MillamorMi-Lo lines with the Jabil and Edney, while adding a dash of Hadleigh. There will be one female available. In several months there will be several young pure English puppies available to the right homes.Ch. Rosskear's Fly By Night x Berfnie's Ivontobealone ptd have 2 males and the first Raymond daughter yet. Congratulations to Bob Burna Wouldn't you know the only girl would be in someone else's litterInquiries Welcome.Dolores Stanger and Marcia Doane 5417 Bassett Rd. Atwater, OH 44201 216947-38848 POMERANIAN REVIEWTNT Pomeraniansis proud to introduce our English import the last Rosskear imported to this countryCh. Rosskears Fly By NightRaymond is a lovely red-orange with an ultra short back, excellent bone and soundness, a true double coat with superb texture and a sweet disposition. Proven sire.He sends a special thank you to the following judges Francis Thornton BOB, Betty Dexter WD, BOS, Mildred Heald WD, BOW, Max Riddle BOB, 5 pts., Sari Tietjen WD, BOW, 3 pt., William Bergum 2nd in Open Dog, Carden, Paula Hartinger 1st, Open Dog at Specialty.E. Ch. Wynwright's Mid-Winter Boy E. Ch. Mycariad A Winter Flutter atRosskearCaesarea Solitaire Ch. Rosskear's Fly By NightE. Ch. Mycariad Man in a Million atWyn wrightsWilmscote Miss Charming At Rosskear Wilmscote Waltz CloudDolores Stanger and Marcia Doane 5417 Bassett Rd. Atwater, OH 44201 216947-3884POMERANIAN REVIEWT1\T Pomeraniansintroduces our stunning homebred championCH. TNT Davey CrockettDaves a cobby, orange-red 58 English Rosskear Hadleigh bred dog who combines showmanship, style, type, soundness with excellent movement and disposition. We could rave about him for ages but will let his pictures do it all for us.4 ^ Vass'Z 7 - .7. wHi"F BREEDA special thank you to the following judges for their confidence in Dave and giving him his wins from the puppy or bred by exhibitor classes Mrs. William Lehnig BOB, Mr. Jack Nickerson BOS, BOW, Keke Blumberg BOS, BOW, Jane Kay WD at '86 Michigan Specialty, Sari TietjenBOB over specials, Mr. Cyrus Bernfield WD, Mrs. William Bergum 1st, Am Bred, Carden, Paula Hartinger RWD, APC Specialty.E.Ch. Wynwright's Mid Boy E.Ch. Home James of Rosskear Caret Dustette Cold Blackacre James Bud IICh. Cold Blackacre Sungold Hone^ Gold Blackacre Sungold Cupid Passfield Peachieof Cold Blackacr Ch. TNT Davey CrockettCh. Winkel's Red Hot Pepper Ch. Ceerae's Dandy Star Ch. Ceerae's Star Cold Honey Ch. Don-Ra's Starette of DandyCh. Varens Caviler Ringmaster Don-Ra's Lollipop Minnick's Rock CandyDolores Stanger and Marcia Doane 5417 Bassett Atwater, OH 44201 216947-38840 POMERANIAN REVIEWTNT Pomeraniansintroduces our newest starTWT The Devil Made Me Do ItWatch for us in the Bred By Exhibitor class this fallMi-Lo's Red Pepper Mi-Lo's Mischief Teddy Mi-Lo's Mischief Lacie Mi-Lo's T eddy Treviano CD Ch. Mi-Lo's Mischief Robin Mi-Lo's Mischief Kandee Mi-Lo's Mischief Jeanie TNT The Devil Made Me Do ItAC Ch. Jabil's Simply Smashing Ch. Jabil's Simply Sinful Jabil's Sun Goddess C'KA Simply Sinsational Ch. Ceerae's Dandy Star Ch. Don-Ra's Starette of Dandy Don-Ra's LollipopToot-Toot's show career was put on hold last year after my husband's heart attack. Watch for him this fall he'll be the cobby, well balanced light orange with the tremendous coat and movement who will delight in demonstrating 52 ways to misbehave and his excuse will be the devil made me do it Proven sire the devil made him do that tooDolores Stanger and Marcia Doane 541Bassett Rd. Atwater, OH 44201 216947-3884POMERANIAN REVIEWLil Shaver PomeraniansAmy Lou, my first AmCan black champion, and I are proud to announce the purchase ofN rBEST OF WINNERSSARATOGA kennel club 1987 DAVE ASHBEYTNT Fascinatin RhythmC.Bs show career is off to a flying start with his new owner Karen Shaver. In a total of 6 weekends in the US and Canada, he needs only 1 pt. to finish in the states and 2 pts. to finish in Canada. I'd like to thank the following judges for their votes of confidence in this young male and for helping him to achieve this outstanding show record Mr. Sandy Schwartz 4 pts., Tom Baldwin WD, Robert Reedy WD, BOW, William Bergum 3rd, Open Dog, Westminster, Denis Grivas BOB, major, Langdon Skarda WD, BOS, major John Eileff WD.Karen L. Shaver 124 Austin Ave.Mi-Lo's Mischief Teddy Mi-Lo's Teddy Treviano CD Mi-Lo's Mischief Kandee Sue TNT Fascinatin' Rhythm Mi-Lo's Jimmy Boy C'KAS Sable Gem of Mi-Lo Eileen's Miss Love A Lot 11Due to "Final Four Fever" Syracuse U basketball CB and I have taken a brief hiatus to recouperate. CB is always owner- handled.Syracuse, NY 13207 315 476-27762 POMERANIAN REVIEWorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive hmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Ch. Emcee.s Chips of Diamond1w., BEST OF WINNERSBALTIMORE COUNTY KENNEL CLUBI9BTASHBEYSS4ACh. Emcees Solid Gold Prince"El Rey" finished his championship at 8 months at Gloucester. The next day, moved to Specials, he went BOB over 4 Specials and on to a Croup 3. Shown here winning a 5 point major at Baltimore KC under judge Toddie Clark, with his handler Marlene Scott Halsey."El Re' is at stud to approved bitches. Stud fee 250.00. Our thanks to Irene and Sylvia Harbin, his breeders, for this special PomCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Great Elms Sweet Candy Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Prince, "El Rey"Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassCh. Harbin's Black Cold of IndiaWatch for Marlene and El Rey3 FIRSTIINOLE L CLUB 981petrulis-----BBCh. Precious Petite's GabrielNumber 1 Pomeranian 1986and 1987, as of February Gazette. All SystemsStud fee and Pedigree upon request.OwnerBreederClaudia Pfeffer Precious Petites 504 737-1729Handled exclusively by Kathy Bucher 918 266-1731TVST. 4WINNERSSTURGIS KENNEL CLUBPHOTO BT K. BOOTHCh. Precious Petite's Touch of RipleJasonJason is a full brother to Ch. Precious etite's Riple Supreme, the 2 Pom. He is i multiple Croup placer.For Sale. Also, he is at stud. Price or stud ee on request.BreederCo-OwnerClaudia Pfeffer P.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181 504737-1729Co-OwnerJeanne Stafford 616 683-0214May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-NoPs Fudge RippleCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-NoPs Sweet and Sassy Britton's Little Miss Muffet Ch. Precious Petit Touch of RipleCh. Great Elms TimstoppePs Image Desiree's Timstopper Sandee's Christman Mistletoe Bev-NoPs Golden Nugget Great Elms Red Robin Sandees Baby Lou Great Elms Molliex'M ntfitlH Mi wttCh. Bev-Nor's Fudge RippleFudge RippCeSire of Ch. Precious Petite's Gabriel, 1 Pom Ch. Precious Petite Riple Supreme, 2 Pom Both sons are eligible for Purina Invitational., Ch. Precious Petite Touch of Riple. At stud. Pedigree and fee upon request."Ratings from Canine Chronicle, Pom Reader, Top Notch Toys.PRECIOUS PETITESClaudia Pfeffer P.O.Box 10432 lefferson, LA 70181 504 737-172976 POMERANIAN REVIEW Millamor PomsVChrisccndo Calvin KleinCh. Millamor's Rock Medallion xChriscendo Confetti a tripleMedallion granddaughter Co-Owned with Chris Heartz, ChriscendoCalvin, pictured above winning the Breed from the puppy class, he went on to win the Croup under Mrs. Denny Kodner. He will be at stud here at Millamor later this year along withCh. Millamor's Trademark Ch. Millamor's Mood Music Ch. Millamor's Mark Medallion Ch. Millamor's Copyright Ch. Bev Nor's New CreationKen and Eleanor Miller 813 646-5864MILLAMOR POMS5426 Spring Lake Dr. Lakeland, FL 33811POMERANIAN REVIEW TWho Ya Gonna Call\1w\Ch. Bev-Nor'sToasty's GhostbusterBuster ain't afraid of no ghosts, even though at 8 months of age, ready to be shown at the APC Specialty in New York 1986, he accidentally got a taste of boric acid while helping his owner on a job, causing a lengthy set back in his career. Then it was shedding time and another set back. Now, with all his ordeals behind him, Spring 1987, he took one 2nd place and then four majors in a row to complete his championship.Many thanks to the judges for recognizing his qualities and special thanks to Beverly Norris for her friendship and support over the years.Ghostbuster will be shown as a special by his owner, and watch for those Ghostbuster kids, soon to enter the rings. His stud service is 200.00. Inquiries welcome.OwnerLynnwright's Poms Donna Lynn Wright 728 Belair Rd.Bel Air, MD 21014 301 879-1459Co-OwnerBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-134378 POMERANIAN REVIEWJan-SharCh. Bev-Nor N Southland RamboRambo is home now, earning his keep and loving it. We would like to thank Michael Kemp and staff for the excellent care they gave Rambo while in their care. Watch for Rambo as a special at a later date. Several show prospect puppies for sale.Puppies due out of Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Ch. Great Elms Jeany of Dendy. Both Great Elms Mountain Mama and Shell Bark's Shara Lee have been bred to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming.Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick WV 24966 304 497-2446Jane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 24901 304 497-3190Proud OwnersPOMERANIAN REVIEW 7Donarais proud to introduceDonaras Pip of JDs PiperCh. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper x Woodland's Tiny TaffyThank you, Erika Moureau for presenting this sweet little boy for me. Stud fee on request.OwnerNancy Shellman P.O. Box 415 Kilgore, TX 75662 214 984-0948HandlerErika Moureau 21522 Rosehill Church Rd. Tomball, TX 77375 713351-7907BreederJane Fleshman80 POMERANIAN REVIEW^Eenette me^anian^Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C, 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, OwnerCz. ''Beaver of JZenetteBeaver was shown five times in April winning the points at every show. Thank you Jackie Liddle for doing such a fine job with Beaver. Beaver is one of our more prepotent males and stands at stud for 100.00. Pictured below are some of his puppies that we hope will finish this year. Beaver is sired by Ch. Model's Timstopper's Echo.-aMCongratulations to Tom McCann on his new champion, Peach Elm of Lu-Net, sired by Ch. Great Elms Lil Man of Lenette. Little Man, along with our other three champion males, is at stud for 100.00.Congratulations to Bonnie Stetson and Great Elms Beve of Lenette on winning your second Toy Group in puppy matches.Congratulations to Great Elms Annice of Lenette and Chesai News Flash on your litter of 3 black and tan girls. Hope they all become champions.Congratulations to Peaches and Ch. Great Elms L'il Man of Lenette on your new litter of 3 and also congratulations to Patina and Ch. Wood's Magic Masterpiece on your new litter of 3 puppies.Puppies almost always available from our four Champion studs, as well as other top studs. Priced from 200.00 and up. Color pictures and pedigrees are available upon request.Litters due from the following studsCh. Coy's Top of the Mark Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Chesai News Flash Great Elms Tar Baby ' ,Hi. 'jsk '' .iiiytm aPOMERANIAN REVIEW tCh. Great Elms Prince Charming IIr TOTruly the BESTBEST breeder the wonderful Mrs. Ruth Beam, Great Elms KennelsBEST quality Prince seems to be the one no one can find anything wrong withBEST pedigree Skillfully planned ancestry.BEST producer winning offspring and lots of them.BEST stud dog dependable, dominant for his qualities.BEST handlers formerly Maynard Wood, who did a terrific job with Prince prior to our owning him. Now being shown by his owners, Skip Piazza and Olga Baker.BEST judges Being admired and awarded top wins by the finest judges in the country. BEST showman Comes beautifully to life in the ring, stepping out, enjoying ringside support, and reflecting star quality.BEST in Show Fort Worth, Texas over 3,000 dogs, Judge Mrs. Thelma Brown BEST in Show San Diego, California, Judge Mr. Robert Waters BEST in Show Lafayette, Louisiana, Judge Mr. Don Rogers. . . and the BEST in yet to comeOur special thanks to judges who have appreciated Prince Charming, and to his growing fan club of Pom people and dog people who love him.At stud. Fee 200.00.207 ShirleenOwnersSkip Piazza and Olga BakerSeabrook, TX 7758652 POMERANIAN REVIEWmrm rVConsistent Croup placer. Finished from puppy class. 3'A lb. Orange. 150.00.Ch. MillamoPs Rock Music AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert MillamoPs Rock Rosette AC Ch. Chriscendo City LightsAC Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Mercer's Melodee Touch CH. DIGNITY'S CHRIS O' LIGHTS Jeribeth's Izzisit Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Jeribeth's Idol Baker Ch. Sha Mar Kira Lucia of Roxie Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Cricket Ch. Dancing Cold Muff of Oakridge Wee Dancing Penny of OakridgeDIGNITY'S POMERANIANSFred and Barbara Dignowity P.O. Box 84 Simonton, TX 77476 713346-1710S31Rambo is siring very typey, sound puppies. 200.00.Ch. Theldunn's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-NoPs Toasted Fudge Bev-NoPs Sweet and Sassy Ch. Bev-Nor's ToastmasterCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Great Elms FJoney Bun CH. BEV-NOR N SOUTHLAND RAMBO Ch. Great Eims Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Bev-Nor's DesareeGreat Elms Red Robin Sandee's Baby Lou Great Elms MollieJAN-SHAR POMERANIANSSharon Hanson Jane FleshmanRt. 2, Box 263 Rt. 2, Box 375CRenick, WVa 24966 Lewisberg, WVa 24901 304 497-2446 304 497-3190 '11JSpecialty and Croup winner. Sire of 2 champions in 1987 with 2 more only .points away. 150.00.Ch. Dixieland's Style Stepper Ch. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Dixieland's Dragonfly Delite Ch. Millamor's TrademarkCh. MillamoPs Rock Music MillamoPs Musical Box MillamoPs MarlarkvAC CH. MILLAMOR'S I'M A WINDJAMMERCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. MillamoPs Moon RockMillamor's Lullaby of Tim Sue Millmor's Rock RosetteCh. MillamoPs Mark of Dixieland Millamor's Marrilynn Lou-Lan's April GoldWINDJAMMERBob and Jeanne Stafford 1231 Carberry Rd.Niles, Ml 49120 616 683-0214POMERANIAN REVIEW 8IJAn extraordinary dog, with Ruth Beam's quality breeding. Already demonstrating in his offspring amazing Pomeranian excellence. 200.00.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Cedarwood's Laday Caylor CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Cold Nugget Cedarwood September Dawn Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Red Robin Great Elms Dolly Great Elms MollieJERIBETH KENNELSDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Dr.Seabrook, TX 77586 713326-2250X3' lbs., excellence of pedigree, soundness, perfect legsmovement, siring beautifully, gorgeous head. 150.00.Ch. Robinhood's Replica Rerun Ch. Robinhood's Instant Rerun Mac's Anticipation LLL Skip-A-Roo Mitey Dandy Ch. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina CH. SHY ACRES POM THUMB V. JERIBETHCh. Fancy Gold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine LLL Moongold Simply Serena LLL Charming Gold Bonanza LLL Scooter of Clay Haven LLL Happy Country DameJERIBETH KENNELSDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713326-2250VThis lovely little male 43A lbs. has huge coat, very short body, lovely quality, strong concentration of Duke Dragonfly bloodlines. He was not shown due to leg accident as youngster. Very fine quality. Terrific stud dog. 100.00.Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Fancy Lady Ch. Jolly Wee I'm A Pepper Too Ace H i's Teddy Bear Randy's Brandy of Jolly Wee Randy's Pride and Joy of Duke JOLLY WEE DUKE OF THE WEST Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee Peppi Mac's Fancy Duke's Wee Wendy Ch. Jolly Wee Joy of PeppiCh. Randy's Duke of Dragonfly Randy's Pride Joy of Duke Ch. Ace Hi's Beaut MicheleJERIBETH KENNELSDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Dr. Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-225084 POMERANIAN REVIEW '-vJosh. Clear Orange. Ship to San Diego.V4 orange young sire of show prospects. Breeder, Anna LaFortune.Ch. Majestic Sparklin Diamond Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Model's Truly Fair Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Model's Son of Fun Model's Solid Cold Model's BewitchedCH. MILLBROOK'S EL GRAN CABALLEROCh. Adonis of Point Loma Ch. Lil Elmo of Point Loma Great Elms Pretty Cal Ch. Millbrook's SuzetteCh. Spungold's Timspepper Pal Millbrook's White Flair Barbara's Pride IISlINGOLD POMERANIANSRay and Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr.Lemon Crove, CA 92045 619 463-2700Ch. Sundot's Just A Nip Ch. Muller's Just A Nip, Jr. Blossom View Scarlet Ch. Sungold's Kazar's Quarterback Ch. Sundot's Ramboling Man Muller's Rambolin' Rose Muller's Best Bett SUNGOLD'S SOLOLaRita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. Que Sera Spirit of La Rita La Rita'sTop Doll by Kash Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Que Sera Golden Clow Sugar George Ch. Cigi of Golden ClowCh. Bet-Lou Little Dukes JoyGAIL JEUB AND RICK SCHUSTER9100 61st Ave. Cir. N. Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413Mail all advertising and material for publication toPomeranian ReviewPhyllis Ripley P.O. Box 31927 Tucson, AZ 85751If you need to use special delivery or Air Express service to meet a deadline, mail to6902 E. First Street Tucson, AZ 85710Questions602-721-7620CLASSIFIED ADSStrong linebred Great Elms litter expected late May. Will be excellent foundation stock. For pedigree call or write Jean Haas, VanHaas Kennels, Rt. 2, Box 6239, Auburn, GA 30203. 404 867-8675.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8ftSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSTEXAShhtT-"VKkkioC9^.TAH torDPomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty and SweepstakesTHURSDAY, AUGUST 61987Regular Classes Dr. William E. Field, Jr., Austin, TX Sweepstakes Mr. Bill Norris, Dallas, TXThree all-breed shows, August 7, 8, 9, 1987. Premium information, Tony Tellez, P.O. Box203, South Houston, TX 77587-0203.After show dinner will be at the Stables Steak House, 7325 S. Main. Reservations must be made prior to August 1. Please contact Carolyn Crockett, 215 Westmoreland, Houston, TX 77006, or call her at 713 630-0627.86 POMERANIAN REVIEWNew Friendsby Emily UntalanI recently met a lady I have come to admire greatly. Her name is Connie. Over a year ago her young children bought her a Pom bitch. When the bitch came into her second heat, she found me and we arranged for a breeding with one of my non-champions. Connie and Lady came to the house and she immediately changed her mind when she saw my red Champion. Unfortunately, he won't and I mean he will not breed a virgin who objects to the act. But Connie had fallen in love with the red color, so arrangements were made to breed to my Champion's half brother, also red and a Champion. Time passed, as those sixty some days do, and Lady free-whelped a litter of four on a Friday at 3 p.m. Wasn't she considerate mine always whelp in the middle of the night I was away for the Eastern Washington circuit and didn't return until very late Sunday night. Monday morning Connie called and had run into trouble. One girl had died and the other three were not nursing. She had called her vet and he said that it was o.k. as they could go for 36 hours without nursing. However, she felt that they seemed very weak. I asked for directions to her house, gathered up my puppy equipment and successfully found my way there. With scales as the first order of business, we weighed them all then I proceeded to show her how to tube feed. They were weak but not too weak to object to the tube going down. Eventually, with tummies full, I was able to learn that she had been up every two hours since Saturday, literally squeezing milk from the mother into their little mouths. Lady's teets were not extended enough for the pups to get a good hold. Three hours later I left and Connie and Lady had worked out a schedule.Tuesday p.m. Connie called and was upsetbecause she had lost another female. It seemed she had a bloated stomach and the others were bloating. I had no answer for her and could only advise she call my vet. She had already called four other vets and they all suggested she just let them die, but Connie would not. She wasn't going to just sit by while the rest of her litter died. There had to be something she could do that wasn't mentioned in all the books she had purchased and read prior to Lady's whelp. My vet suggested a liquid to aid in the release of gas, called a friendly something or other, related to bacteria. She rushed off to find that, found a substitute and gave them a couple of drops.I had a Pom Club meeting that evening and asked around about what other members had experienced. Only a handler had an answer. Connie is a God loving woman and she must have picked up the conversation, as that is exactly what she did. Mind you, here is a lady who has never whelped a litter in her life, yet she was able to analyze the problem and immediately proceed with the solution. What she did was re-insert the tube and extract the gas It worked She now has two babies who are happily nursing on their own. This is one week later and both Connie and Lady are happy about their achievements. Connie loved every minute of her labors and though she is exhausted, she would gladly repeat it, if it meant saving only one. She had found her strength and was able to go on. She loves her Pom and rightly so as Lady is very intelligent and they have worked as a team.Connie, you deserve a big round of applause and Cod loves you for your devotion to His animals.By the way, Connie is currently a member of no club, but I shall soon see to thatPOMERANIAN REVIEWNANCY BURNETTE501982-1132913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076MS2 dD 0 Wn2Ch. Nanshadows Not-Worth-A-PeiinyPenny is shown taking breed under Judge Sadie Thorn at 10 months of age. She will be out for some very limited showing until she is bred this fall. Be sure to watch for this girl now a dark orange sable at the shows this summerPOMERANIAN REVIEW18NANCY BURNETTE501982-1132913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076Mji dD aW1l MBEST OF WINNERSiTRI- STATE KENNEL CLUB 1986PHOTO BY PETRULISCh. Nanshadows Hurricane JuanJuan is shown taking his majors, both times going Best of Winners over some very difficult and beautiful competition. Juan has the showmanship that makes him a joy to show.I would like to express my thanks to Audrey Roberts for being such a good friend and for making Juan and Penny possible. I would also like to extend my deepest sympathy to Audrey on her loss of Shy Acres Tap Dancer, who was probably the most perfect puppy I have ever had the priviledge to see. I have no doubt that she will do it again.POMERANIAN REVIEW 89NANCY BURNETTE501982-1132913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076D owOFBESTWINNERSmid continent kennel clubI987photo by petrulisPHOTO BY PtlKULIO 'i \ .Ch. Nanshadows Hurricane JuanCongratulations to Diana Simo-nis on her litter out of Juan that is going to be in the show ring this winter, and on her lovely new LLL bitch that will be starting the shows this summer.Good luck to Armetha Reynolds who is expecting two litters sired by Juan in June and July.90 POMERANIAN REVIEWSouthland qqqqqqqqqqqqqq qqproudly presentsiBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXSouthland Step Aside BoysCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Southland's Fudge Double Dip, ptdStepper is shown taking her first major over specials from the puppy class.She is Lil Toasty's first born. We would like to congratulate his second born, Janesa's Fli Struttin' Daisey on her first major. The next weekend she broke her leg and will be out a while, but hopefully back in the ring soon. Watch for other Lil Toasty kids in the ring soon.BreederOwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms "Rays of Sunshine"6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc6l\traBEST OF BREED or VARIETYTUSCALOOSA KENNEL CLUB APRIL 1986^lPHOTO by SABRINA...Ck. Saut6zctd Hottefed 'pudyeBIS Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Ch. Southland Happy Birthday BilLil Toasty is producing in the style for which he was designed. Congratulations to his first offspring now hitting the ring Southland's Step Aside Boys 3 pt. major and BOS over special, bred and owned by myself.Southland 'n Bev-Nor's Dynasty 4 pt. major, bred by myself and Bev, owned by Shannon Johnson.Southland's Justa Dreamer 4 pt. major, BOW aVd 2 pts., bred by myself, co-owned by myself and Polly Ferguson.Janesa's Hi Struttin' Daisey 4 pt. major, bred and owned by Jerrie Freia.And another lovely daughter with 2 points at exactly 6 months of age, bred and owned by Vicky Leitner.Four major pointed as puppies and the fifth pointed at 6 monthsSouthland would also like to congratulate Porter and Dickey Washington on their recent group placements with Ch. Southland's Toast to Prancer, and Barbara Humphries on her Gr. 3 on Ch. Ida's Touch of Bev-Nor in tough competition. Speedy now has 3 Gr. 1s, 1 Gr. 2 and 1 Gr. 4 at 1 Vi years of age with only limited showing. Speedy is owned by Dorothy Hagemen, Ida Traver and Charlotte Creed and is being specialed by Barbara Humphries.cccciOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO92 POMERANIAN REVIEWKVARIETY GROUP FIRST THSONATEESMCh. Idas Touch of Bev-NorCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster x Ida's Lil Magnolia Blossom"Speed' returns to the ring in style with back to back Croup 1s followed by a Croup 2 on the tough Florida Circuit. He now has 3 Croup 1s, 1 Croup 2 and 1 Croup 3, at the tender age of 16 months. Speedy has been leased by Dorothy Hagemen and will be shown by Barbara Humphries. Watch for this super boy. Everyone says he's going to be a great oneOwned byDorothy Hagemen 5500 Sonoma Hwy Napa, CA 94558Idas Ms. Pris By Bev-NorCh. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge x Creider's Camelia O' IdaMs. Pris thanks Judge Ed Jenner for this 4 pt. major and BOW from the 6-9 puppy class. Watch for this super girl in the ring, and her litter brother making his debut soon.Breeder Co-OwnerIda Tarver 102Vi Gorden St. Pineville, LA 71360 318 443-3733Co-OwnerHandler hereCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Breeder-OwnerIda Tarver 102 Cordon St. Pineville, LA71360 318 443-3733Handler-GodmotherCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEW 9If You're Going To Go, Go First ClassBY AL GROSSMANWhen people seek the services of a doctor or a lawyer they usually look for one with a good professional reputation and avoid the "quacks" and "shysters." When shopping for major purchases, brand names and quality are sought in preference to the unknown and untried.Then why, oh why does the novice breeder select an often unproved or less than adequate breeder as their mentor It is so often a case of the blind leading the blindThis is not universal by any means. There are many novices who have had the good fortune of enjoying the association of respected, successful breeders. From them the novice receives a valuable education about many aspects of breeding and showing dogs as well as the basic rules of sportsmanship. Often times this association comes about purely by chance or propinquity. Very seldom is it sought. Perhaps the novice feels hesitant about seeking such contact out of fear of being rebuffed.The experienced and successful breeder neither needs nor wants the "coat tail crowd" those that look to him for every assurance, opinion and reflect his exact thoughts back to him. Through experience it is not difficult for this breeder to discern fairly easily those worthy of his time and efforts. Novices are not expected to know it all and those who act as though they do are quickly given the cold shoulder. Novices are expected to ask questions and shouldn't feel their questions will be regarded as silly.Perhaps it is from fear that the big breeder will not want to bother with him that makes the novice seek out second best. Or, more than likely an association with a lesser light breeder is sought because in the eyes of the novice any accomplishment looms large beside his own insignificant fumbling beginnings. To the novice the word "champion" is truly the magic word this before he develops the ability to discern that there are champions, and then there are champions.There are many breeders both successful and near successful who are more than happy to lend a helping hand. They have usuallyreached their own pinnacle of success due t another's assistance along the way. Howeve whereas successful breeders desire to hel those deemed worthy, many not so successfi breeders encourage the association of on and all. In fact, the more the merrier. T gather a group of disciples around gives man less than successful breeders a prop for the sagging egos. It's not uncommon to find thes breeders with their own personal retinu accompanying them everywhere, hangin onto their every word and taking all they hav to say as the gospel truth. They are seen at th dog shows, clustered around the breeder crates, listening only to him. They pay n attention to the other dogs, rarely watch th judging where they might learn something and have eyes only for the dogs belonging t their "friend."The disciples end up with very little tru knowledge of the breed which they original I sought. Actually, they have been "used rather than helped. They are often kept withi the fold by being made to feel obligated as result of free stud services, gifts of dogs an "deals". If they would only look around ther and see the light they would realize that fre stud services are not offered on good dog dogs are not given away that possess monetary value and for which there is demand and deals rarely work out t everyone's satisfaction.Many of these people have long ago los sight of their original goal and have becom enmeshed in all sorts of dog activities tha lead them nowhere. These are the ones wh throw in the sponge and become yet anothe "five year statistic." The average person last only this long in the Dog Game. Very few g on to become successful breeders on thei own for that requires independent though and they have not been conditioned to d this.It should not be too difficult to establisl criteria of some sort to distinguish betweei those breeders capable of assisting the novic and those who use the novice to further thei own interests. First off, what constitute success What assurance can the novic obtain that his would-be mentor ha94 POMERANIAN REVIEWsomething to offer Is it because he has bred a champion Realize, please, that many a champion is the result of luck in breeding or persistence in showing. Maybe he has bred several champions. Then ask, what kind of champions Did they finish quickly in good competition or were they dragged through to their titles winning against inferior competition Also, ask how others regard these champions. Do other well known breeders desire their offspring or breed to them, or does their "popularity" result from the novice and pet trade Is this person known only in their own locale or known throughout the state and country as wellAnswers to these questions, honest answers that is, should provide the beginning breeder with some insight as to where they should look for assistance. Then there is the matter of integrity. Does this breeder constantly knock dogs belonging to others Does he start or perpetuate rumors based on heresay or inconclusive evidence Does he, when selling his stock, "guarantee" that eight week old puppies will finish their championships Does he imply that his stud dogs will sire top quality regardless of the bitches bred to them Does he profess expert knowledge of bloodlines with which he has had no experience If the answers to most of the questions is yes, look elsewhere for your guidance. If you chose these kinds of people your chances for success are slim and none.To become completely dependent upon another for your success in dogs will, in the long run, not serve you well. To be a good breeder you must be able to think independently and, when ready, begin to make your own decisions to buy that puppy, to line breed correctly, to keep that one great puppy. Learn all you can from your competent mentor and then go out and apply that knowledge on your own. Of course you will make mistakes, who doesn't Remember, you can learn as much from failure as you can from success. Co over the dogs who are winning find out why. Ask questions when you don't understand something. Have an inquiring mind. And by all means watch the judging and learn by observing where the judge puts his hands, what he comes back to when he goes over a dog a second time. Many "signal" the ringside what they are looking for.Now you will find some top breeders whoare leery of helping a novice. That is because they have had some bad experiences. They have run into the know it alls, the stubborn ones who will do it their way only, and the troublemakers. There are also unfortunately, always novices out there who, in order to make a quantum leap to stardom, set out to accomplish something that has never been done before. Maybe an experienced breeder with a good knowledge of genetics may hazzard such a venture, but the rank novice is headed for disaster. And when he crashes on the rocks he blames all but himself.Let us say you have been fortunate enough to get yourself a good mentor and have learned your lessons well. You set out on your own and dame fortune has smiled upon you. All is wonderful, you are a winner and you bask in the reflected glory of your winning dogs. Great, except something is not quite right You have the uncomfortable feeling that all your winning is not going over too well with your fellow exhibitors. Where did you go wrong After all, isn't the idea of this whole thing to be a winner Let's look into that part of the game a bit more.Much emphasis has been placed on the importance of being a good loser but little or nothing is said about the difficulty of being a good winner. To be a good loser is not difficult, in fact it happens frequently to most of us. But acting appropriately as a winner, is something else indeed.At any show whether it is a Specialty or All-Breed, there can only be a few winners. Should one exhibitor's entries account for more than one win, the left over pickings become even smaller. This means only a small number of people go home perfectly happy from a dog show. The vast majority console themselves that there will be another day or at least the judge did a conscientious job and gave them a fair shake.Let's face it, we would rather win on any given day rather than lose. In the dog game we have learned that a top dog probably will win 3 out of 5 times and be close when he loses. The average competitor will probably finish in 15-20 shows, winning perhaps six times. So you see, losing is the norm. However, we go into each show with the expectation of winning and as a result we get disgruntled when we don't. Turn to the person standing next to you and remark about the poor job of judging that old NicholasPOMERANIAN REVIEW 95Wee Hearts andTwin Pinescoming out together withWee Hearts Mitey-Knight\\ .No noseCobbyCassandra Ready803 593-3600John and Lillian Cribbs804 876-36433 POMERANIAN REVIEWApplebee is doing today and chances are you will get full agreement. What's so strange about that However, point out that old Nicholas is really on the ball today and is picking the top ones and you will most likely get a baleful stare. Remember there are many losers and only a very few winners on that day.You learn that it's hard to be a winner by any standard. Everyone's goal is to be a winner and get to the top. However, for many that winning spirit can get us into trouble with our peers and reaching the summit can become a hollow victory. Your dog has won, you're thrilled, elated, on cloud nine and you want to shout about it from the rooftops and let the world know about your accomplishments. But you don't, or you have learned not to because, let's face it, you are happy but most of the other exhibitors are not So you adopt the reserve of the English and smile inwardly. To have your dogs' wins greeted by indifference or snide remarks takes the wind out of your sails and much that should be joyous becomes just the opposite. So, after coming up against the "wet dish rag" form of enthusiasm, you keep your happiness to yourself to be taken out later and savored privately. While it will have to suffice it's not what it should be like. The losers of the day, on the other hand, are walking around muttering under their collective breaths that they were robbed or the judge was stupid or both. Perhaps some day there could be a cartoon that poses the question, "Guess who the losers at the dog show are" Not too long ago a top winning Special went up for the breed and one of the losers came over to the handler and said, "Nice win, too bad he didn't deserve it." Comments like this can help to make a winner's day.As you can see being a winner is not easy no matter how desirable this position looks from afar. To come up with winning dogs year after year places many breeders in the position of being a prime target for all the unsuccessful, jealous and petty breeders still striving for success. Because of some quirk or another of human nature, it seems that people feel the need to elevate their own kennel's status, not necessarily by breeding better dogs, but by downplaying those belonging to others. Everyone, at one time or another, has been guilty of this to some degree. However, the driven ones give little heed to the feelings ofothers and strive to demean their accomplishments at every turn. Perhaps this is their way of lessening the threat to their aspirations.The point should be made that this type of behavior is not soley confined to those engaged in dog activities. It is evidenced even more clearly in the business world by price cutting, false advertising and disparaging your competition. It's frowned upon by the Better Business Bureau. In Dogdom, we have no BBB, only unenforceable club codes of ethics.By now you must recognize that a healthy competitive spirit and a thick skin are prerequisites to success in the dog game. Obviously when competitive spirit meets competitive spirit, some sparks are going to fly. Think of it as two Terriers being sparred against each other in center ring. It's a good show, but when it's over, it should be overIn order for any one breeder in an area to attain success, others must, by necessity, lose out along the way. This cannot be helped for it takes many losers to make a winner. Those on the threshold of success might do well to remember that the time will come when they must come face to face with some of these same losers as they lose their grip on the top rung and slide downward. No matter how good we are as breeders, there comes a time when not every success is topped with yet another success and we lose our momentum and backslide a bit.Very few, if any, have the good fortune of having their cake and eating it too. That is to say, few breeders can continually enjoy success without ruffling some feathers of their losing breeder acquaintances. Some people just can't take the slings and arrows that come their way as the winner. They have thin skins and suffer greviously. What to do Some breeders just up and quit. To them it's just not worth it. Maybe they feel they have achieved what they set out to do and don't want to settle for second best. Many learn to compromise. That is they can share the winners mantle with others without feeling they are a failure. These are the ones who survive. Their accomplishments and abilities are recognized but they no longer hold a monopoly on success. As a result they have a degree of popularity with their fellow breeders and have gotten away from the fusillade allowing them to enjoy their hobby.These "old timers" no longer have to prove themselves in every outing. The "comers," onPOMERANIAN REVIEW 9MerrymontMerrymonts Lil Red Bear onThis 4 pound bundle of energy will start his show career when his coat comes in, but has been practicing at matches. He has two Best Puppy in Match, both over major pointed puppies. Thank you, Joyce for trusting him to me.sViBEST OF WINNERSSALISBURY N.C. KENNEL CLUB MAY 1986PHOTO BY if.Ch. Cobles Traveling BearTad wished to congratulate his sire i completing his championship local Bear is owned by Mattie Coble.BreederHandler Joyce AppleOwnerPatty Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-756298 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Erin Hundley 12600 SE 88th 21 Clackamas, OR 97015There's a heatwave in the Northwest. So where am 1 going for vacation South to San Diego to the National Specialty, of course Hope I see all of you there, and that you have as much fun as we did in Portland last year.Some wonderful Pomeranians are still being seen at this year's Northwest shows. In British Columbia at the Lions Cate cluster shows So Hi's Memento of Cavilier was Best of Winners twice from the puppy class. He is bred by Virginia Niehouse and owned by Phyllis Andrews. AmCan Ch. Harbin's Time To Pop The Cork was Best of Breed one day for breederowners Irene and Sylvia Harbin. Can. Ch. Luxton's Forever Perry Pickle was Best of Breed the other two days. Harbin's You Sweet Talker took a Winners Bitch for Irene and Sylvia Harbin and Sha-MaKs Silys Summer Odyssey took a Winners Bitch for breeder owner Alesha Marie. This lively black later finished her Canadian championship.In Eastern Washington, Masterpiece of Marks, bred by Pete Casteneda and owned by Averil Asbeck took five points. Feisty's Spice of Life, bred by Emily Untalan and owned by Victor and Wendy Feist took two points at two shows. Gladys Van Horn's Singleoak's Wooly Bully also won a five pointer. On three days, Ch. Autumn's Blaze of Bi-Mar was Best of Breed, with Ch. Sungold's Knick-Knack and Ch. Apolloette Moonlight Gambler taking two breeds each. Congratulations to all.Two new champions were finished at the Seattle Kennel Club show under judge Alexander Schwartz. Tillabs Anny Bananny, owned by Jane Reed and Karen Powers' lovely male out of Ch. Tiffany's Star of India are the new stars. Both are sired by Jessie and Tom Stephens Ch. Emcees Chips Ahoy of Coy. Another new champion is Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Prince, bred by Irene Harbin and owned by Betty and Morris Carson. The sire is Great Elms Prince Charming and the dam, Ch. Harbin's Touch of Class. El Rey will soon beseen with Marlene Scott Halsey.We are very fortunate to have two very active Northwest Pom Clubs. They really do some things right. Both put out very interesting newsletters. Portland's Columbia Pom Club is busy preparing for their July and December Specialties. The Puget Sound Club has been very active in community projects. Each member brings a can of dog food to their meeting. The food is then donated to senior citizens to help them keep their pets. Cash donations are also being received, as well as dog food coupons. These coupons are given to the animal shelter to help reduce costs. They also participated in a fund raiser called "Run With Rover" which was fun as well as profitable.If You're Going, continued.the other hand, strive and claw their way at every step. These are the ones who "work" the judge and demean the competition. This aggressiveness is what makes them tick and can lead to success but at what cost Many of you have run across such people in the dog show game. The desire for recognition is one thing but you can carry the craving for success too far and alienate everyone around you.Once you have climbed that mountain and become "top dog," you may well find out that it's very lonely on top of that peak. There just isn't much room at the top the kind of personality that's driven you there doesn't allow for sharing the top perch. This fact is usually not recognized by those hell-bent for election on getting there. It can only be truly understood by those who have experienced this heady sort of success with all of its accompanying drawbacks.It doesn't have to be like this. In fact, in many instances it's not. However, there are too many cases where this is the norm in the Dog Game. They love you when you're a point maker. In fact your dogs are not bad and, with a little help, might do some real winning. On the other hand just as soon as you do start that real winning well, it should be all too familiar.POMERANIAN REVIEW 99Chez Jo DandeeGracious, generous, helpful and an all around lovely lady, Thelma Dunn is all of these and more. With her help and the cooperation of her Ch. Dnadd, and of course my Fudge Ripple's Jo-Jo, we came up with a stunning, sassy red sable female oup, Shea. This breeding has been repeated and two other litters are due.Thelma, thanks for showing me the right wayWillow Brook PomsJoyce M. Carleton 6 Winding Woods Way 301 255-5646 Pasadena, MD 21122. .v v .j- i a- A" irbk' Ch.Sungolds Corse U CanCh. Mac's Maybe I Will xCh. Cherokee Summer FashionCan Can is in whelp, bred to half brother by Willy Dam Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Quesera.Pedigree in Behind The New Champions.OwnerHandlerAnna LaFortune 3139 Florine Dr. Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700100 POMERANIAN REVIEWMONORCHIDISMby Donia ClineIt might be interesting, especially to some of our younger enthusiasts, to read what I had written long before monorchidism was considered a fault and a disqualifying one, by the American Kennel Club. It rather dates me, but after I had traced monorchidism in a line of Boston Terriers and also one in Dachshunds for a laboratory in the east, the late Bert Heath, who was the owner and publisher of KENNEL REVIEW, asked me to write on the subject. The following article first appeared in the September 1951 issue of that magazine, page 24. "Time and again, I have been asked how I feel about monorchids. Most of my friends know how I feel and it is natural for me to carry on with the ideas I learned as a child, when my father had some very good trotting horses. It was for dead sure that no good mare was ever bred to a monorchid stud. The horse was simply gelded and put to work in whatever capacity he was best suited for. It monorchidism is considered a bad trait which reproduces down through the generations, and I have seen it happen in dogs."I do not like monorchids as studs, nor do I ever consider one atop show specimen. I am rather tired of the old 'wheeze' in defense of monorchids that they can reproduce and that they are fertile studs. O.K. so they are fertile. So is the dog with an overshot mouth, the one with a bad tail, the dip behind it's withers and the one that had a bad accident as a puppy and lost a leg, and the one with a blind eye, etc. The mongrels running the streets are considered the most fertile and prolific of all dogs and you can get a stud service from them any time no charge. I know of several occasions where services were 'got' even without the wanting, simply because the mongrels were such rambunctious studs. I never found out if these boys were monorchids or not, and no one seemed to care, because the whole thing was just awful anyway and no pedigrees were wanted. Neither were the puppies, which ten to one arrived healthy and mongrel."Another 'wheeze' during monorchid discussions is usually that how is one to tell that a bitch can produce. Up to this point, ajudge doesn't have time on the day of judging, to breed her and wait out the 63 days for her to whelp to find out. Neither has the AKC made it a rule for male entries to carry a Vet's certificate to prove that he is a fertile stud and so the judge can't possibly know, but it is not unusual for a certificate to be handed to a judge in the showing of a monorchid, to prove that he has produced. It doesn't make sense to say there is nothing in the Standard against it, because there is nothing in the standard that says anything about a dog only having one eye, or one ear, or three legs instead of four, and there is nothing in the Standard that says if a dog is born with a good bite and set of teeth, but the teeth have been ruined by distemper, a judge should overlook the bad teeth."I have been very fortunate up to now, in not having had a monorchid, but I have had a lot of bad luck with dogs I have bred and owned where teeth have been ruined by distemper and where perhaps a dog has not grown to the size the present day judges desire. I have not tried to win with them because I would not get very far. Judges are not likely to ask if a dog can sire puppies or if a bitch can produce them. It is the job of the judge to select to the best of their ability, the dog which comes nearest to perfection of its breed and every Standard clearly states that a dog must be sound."Mr. Webster's New International Dictionary, second edition, unabridged says that 'sound' means free from flaw, defect, or decay perfect of the kind complete thorough. Naturally, it is supposed that all dogs and bitches coming into the show ring will be able to reproduce. This is more or less up to the honor of breeders and exhibitors, so far as they may know, but an altered dog or bitch is not eligible so far as AKC rules are concerned. No one would knowingly buy a three-legged dog as a show specimen, or one that lacked an ear, or an eye and yet, unfortunately, a lot of unsuspecting folks have bought themselves a monorchid, because they don't know what it's all about."Due to the fact that the evidence is in a rather remote section of the dog, it is not easy continued on p. 104.POMERANIAN REVIEW 101Gneal Elm Kemelt, RegUI wish to thank the Officers and Board Members of our APC for the gorgeous etching of a Pom on glass. It is outstandingly beautiful. I appreciate it more than words can express.I especially thank Sam Zaneoff who had the etching packaged and shipped to me.Congratulations to Ken Griffith for his new champion, Beaver of Lenette, sired by our Ch. Model's Timstopper's Echo.Congratulations also to Dudley and Wanda Roach for their new champion, Great Elms Chip of Gold, 11th champion sired by Timstopper Too from his final litter.The best of luck to Skip Piazza and Olga Baker in the show ring with Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II.Nothing For Sale.Dear Friends,I apologize for not answering the nice letters I receive, but with no help in kennel, house or yard and being 74 years old. I've slowed down to a snail's pace. I cannot write letters when I'm tired, and when I stop work I'm tired.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box937 Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233E1w102 POMERANIAN REVIEWfOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517485-5183Recently I received the nicest phone call from Alice Lessard in California. She was very excited about how her dogs have been doing and about all the fun things that happened in New York. Yes, she's planning to attend if the first ever Pomeranian Obedience Specialty is held in Des Moines in 1988. She does want me to be sure to correct one slightly incorrect statement in the last Review. In the last issue it was reported that she has retired Geisha to concentrate on showing in conformation. Yes Geisha is retired she is showing Zany in breed. Zany incidentally now has 10 points. But, Zany will also be coming out soon in the Novice B ring. Alice has set for herself the goal of Zany earning both her CD and CDX within the same year.Bobbie Williams in Valpo, IN reports her Daphney has finished her UD with a 182. Daphney's average scores for her titles were CD - 191 CDX - 191 and UD 186. Great going, Bobbie This is Bobbie's first UD on a Pomeranian.Claudia Frank reports some bad news. "For over a dozen years I've been a regular Pom Review reader. Happily I was able to contribute good news and titles won to the obedience column for many years. As time passed Gala UD and Viva UDT did their winning from the Veteran's class."Today I have very sad news to pass along. Silvakress Viva UDT passed away on March 5. We knew she had a heart condition and had been able to keep her in excellent health, but congestive heart failure took her in only a few hours despite the wonderful efforts of our very caring vets. She was IOV2 years old. A super wonderful pixie, we miss her terribly She is survived by her mother, Gala UD, who is now nearly 13 years old. Gala is in excellent health and we hope to have her for many years."Things have been a little slow and there aren't many show results. Linda Blank from Oregon both bred and showed Cavalier Smokey Bear to his CD. No scores areavailable. And then there's Abra. January 18 she placed 2nd in both Open B and Utility, both times to housemate Reggie Golden Retriever. But, on Jan. 24 she got a 197 from Open B and 3rd place while Reggie took first place with a 200. Abra then took Utility B with a 200, tied with Reggie, and won the run-off for HIT with a 200 . Looks like the girls really showed their stuff Feb. 15 she was out again at Staten Island CDTC to take 1st place in Open B with a 198.5. Now for the bad news. Abra is now retired. Diane writes, "Abra retired after the Ohio Circuit. She no longer wanted the stress of having to practice obedience every day. It was entirely her choice, and l felt it only fair to comply with her wishes. My next dog is a Keeshond rescued at VA years of age. I am her 5th home. She is trained through Utility now and will start showing in Novice next winter. There is however another Pom on the scene Anyone surprised Lindsey now 5 months is doing very well. She seems to thrive on jumping and retrieving. I am making a short documentary film about Abra which will be available on half inch VHS video film by June. It's actually a school project, but if it comes out well enough, I'll make it available to clubs, etc.."A woman was overheard to grill Diane, "I heard you got rid of Abra to a pet home How could you" Diane's reply was, "Yes, Ma'am, she went to Diane Bauman's pet home." Those of you attending the Specialty in New York in 1986 were lucky enough to be able to see Abra in action, but maybe with a little bit of coaxing we'll be able to talk Diane into at least bringing her when we have our first obedience specialty.Lilae Shope sends news on Shope's Cupid, Belladona. Belle is showing in Open B while preparing for Utility work. Her first shows out she received a 195 and 196.5. Good job Lilae Belle also won H.S. Toy from Open B at the Lancaster, PA show. She won by defeating a Toy Manchester Terrier. Do you think a Manchester is a toy The people at the show did until Lilae remembered some recent advice to read page 10 in the Regulations. If you haven't lately, it just takes a minute.In my last column I mentioned in the section about Diane that she gives many seminars throughout the country. I just had the opportunity to attend one in March near Chicago. It was informative, entertaining, thought-provoking and completely enjoyable.POMERANIAN REVIEW 103Ea-Don's Pomeranians.. .bS0BEST OF OPPOSITEMOHAWK VALLE KENNEL CLUB 1987 ASSEI ,1SCh.Ea-Don's Mister SandmanSandman is pictured above with Judge Sharp winning his championship before his first birthday.Special thanks to Jerome Cushman of HiLane Kennels for getting us started in breeding and showing.Additional thanks to the many friends we have made, especially Angie Nezbet of Mai-T-Toi and Tommi Hooban of TomHo.We appreciate all the encouragement, support and knowledge you have all shared with us.BreederOwnerHandlerDonna E. Snyder 2281 Edwards Road Waterloo, New York 13165 315 539-2468104 POMERANIAN REVIEWNot only that, but we had a Pom Party Unbeknownst to each other in advance, there were in attendance no less than 8 poms, including Diane's newest. Joining Diane and myself were Ruth Ellis from Arpin, Wl, Ruth is an APC member, breeder, exhibitor and obedience trainer and exhibitor. New to me was Carol Watson from Lawton, Ml who had had Lhaso Apso for years both in breed and obedience and Virginia Huckabee from Ft. Worth, TX. Virginia bought her Teddy from a pet shop and went to training classes tocally. After being taught to yell and beat on the dog when he made a mistake, she quit, and it took her six months to get him over the fright. After hearing about Diane's methods she was so impressed that she talked hubby into sending her to the seminar, all alone, and that's her treat for the year. We should be hearing more on Teddy on the future.I hope you enjoy the picture. We were so astonished at having so many poms that we asked the first person with a camera to snap one for us. She turned out to be a friend of Susie Piatta in Iron Mountain who has Feather. Thank again to Carol Carlson for taking the picture for us. Also at the seminar but not in the picture was Bobbie Williams from Valpo, IN. She had come with her Sheltie but left Daphney home, or we would have had 9 poms. Finally we were able to listen to someone who had some insight into the special problems of training toys. Friendships were made that I hope will last for years to come.The answering machine is in, so don't be bashful. If you want to talk Poms, report obedience news and don't have time to write, give me a call at 517 485-5183. All calls are returned, I promise. Till next time, here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeling dogMonorchidism, from p. 700. for the novice to detect the deficiency. It would be easy enough if the dog had only one eye and the other one was just not there. The customer could just be told that it's O.K. because the other eye is back there in the dog's head. It just hasn't come out yet but he can sire puppies. Tell it to Sweeney, but don't tell it to me. I like all of everything to be where it's supposed to be and that includes both eyes and both orchids."Although I wrote this article a long time ago, I still feel the same about monorchids. Several articles have stated that the AKC rule disqualifying monorchidism is the "rule that breaks a breeder's back." I can say it has never broken my back because I would never breed to one, l would not own one or show one , and in all the years I have been judging, I would never put one up. It was not many years after I traced the lines in the two breeds which we owned that the AKC made it a rule that monorchidism was a disqualification. While there was no rule about whether one should use one at stud, it did put the brakes on using monorchids. Although I have not researched it, I don't hear as much about it these days. I would now like to see a rule that if anyone has a monorchid stud, it be stated on the dog's registration and a full explanation given to anyone using him. If it is not a trait to be carried on down the line of breeding, then I don't see how anyone can account for the fact that it keeps popping up not in all of the get. All dogs can carry the gene and in line breeding, this can be carried in the bitches and then passed on. Of course not all of the puppies will show up with the fault, but sooner or later, as in humans, the deficiency will pop up. In humans, we call it a hereditary trait and that is what I call it in dogs. One well-known judge, who is a veterinarian, explained the problem can cause cancer in male dogs.POMERANIAN REVIEW 105Deborahs PomsCutshaw's Lil Bit of Magic x Cod's Miracle LadyGrandsires of this female puppy are BIS Ch. Anwin's Lil Sirius and Ch. Wood's Magic Masterpiece.Congratulations Cutshaw's Colden Girl and Cutshaw's Lil Bit of Magic. 2 females and 1 male whelped 51285 will be for sale.Two black females, 6 months old, will be large enough for breeding. Great Elms and Model bloodline 450.00 each.One proven black female matron. Well bred. Daughter of Great Elms Tar Baby.Puppies occasionally in Orange, Red and Black. Stud service available on Cutshaw's Lil Bit of Magic.Male puppies sired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette x Cutshaw's Golden Girl.BreederOwnerDeborah Cutshaw 704 279-5906Rt. 3, Box 364 Rockwell, NC 28138106 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADAChristine HeartzP.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S. Canada BON 1C0As I write this column, I want you to know, our place is a mess We have just moved and everything is in a box, somewhere. The things I need are always in a box under or behind one I won't need for at least a year My husband, John, is the most organized person in the world unlike me so he is a very handy person to have around at a time like this. I'd better get on with the news ... if I can find paper, or an envelope.I am sure Jenny Noonan is on Cloud 9 about now because she has just won her first Best in Show on Ch. Tiniest Toy's Fine and Dandy bred by Carol Calavich. Could this be the start of something bigHappy to report that Elizabeth Dupuis, whom some of you might remember meeting in New York last year, is the proud mother of a new baby boy yes, a real one, not a puppy Congratulations to the parents from all of us. Elizabeth recently finished Tynan Star Chaser O' Pomsprings, handled by Wendy Paquette, Elizabeth, of course, being "heavy in whelp." "Chase" was out only four weekends. He was bred by Natalie Dunfee, and sired by multiple BIS winner and Top Pom in Canada, Can. Am. Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr, and out of Tynan Brasin Rasin who I believe is sired by Morris Carson's darling black male he had a few years ago.Natalie is doing very well with a puppy of her -own, also sired by Shining Starr, Ch. Tynan Timepiece. He finished very quickly and won at least one Best Puppy in Show.Which reminds me, some of you may not even know what a Best Puppy in Show win is If you think about a Specialty, often they will choose a Best Puppy, where the first place winners from the puppy classes compete. In Canada that Best Puppy award is given at every show, in every breed. The Best Puppy in Breed winners compete against the others after the Group for a Best Puppy in Group, then the seven Puppy Group winners afterBIS compete for Best Puppy in Show. There are no points awarded, but it's great practice and if your puppy is nice he gets a lot more exposure to the ring in one day than the 3 minutes in the breed ring and practice makes perfectBack to Natalie. She also has another nice puppy she's just starting called Tynan Pacemaker, sired by Michele and Frankie McDonald's Can. Am. Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip.Dorothy and Walter Jones also have a new puppy out, named Onabrook's Sheer Delight. He is half finished as I write so may be done before you read this. He is sired by Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion.Another Medallion son, Ch. Maracaibo Matador, owned by Kay and Fred Baxstrome recently came back from the Tar Heel Circuit with 7 U.S. points. He is a multiple BIS winner in Canada.Also on the Tar Teel was my own bitch, Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cachet who now just needs a major to finish. This one is sired by Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark.I don't know how many of you remember the male puppy I brought to New York, Chriscendo Calvin Klein, who didn't do a lot of walking that day. You know the old story, "he walks perfectly at home." Well, Eleanor Miller now co-owns him and I don't know if he just likes Eleanor or Florida better but she already has a Group 1 on him and he's only 9 months oldWe had a nice visit in the Maritimes from Ruth Lowe Pandalowe Kennels of Drum- heller, Alberta recently. Ruth has relatives in Nova Scotia and couldn't resist dropping in to a dog show while in the area. It's nice to meet some one you "know" from the newsletter. Ruth brought pictures of her dogs, her kennel set-up and of her miniature horses. Such a nice ladyI must end this and begin the search for a stamp . . .POMERANIAN REVIEW 107r Pom Acres KennelThe Home of the Boss R.5 .t ssBESTWINNERSkennelPETROUSCh. Shy Acres I Kan TooProducing sound babies and beautiful coats.Robert and Juanita Fiddick Rt. 4Cedar Falls, IA 50613 319 989-2199Presenting our newest championTheldun's Diamond Solitaire xCedarview's Bronze Q B DollCz. rTieiduris j\few cTudge 'RecipeA sincere thank you to Morris E. Floward, Judge and Billie Shull, Handler for the win that finished Fudge to his championship.Our Fudge is a 4Vi lb. rich red sable. He is sound with an outgoing personality. A proven stud siring puppies of excellent type. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Currently being shown, Tru- Kep's Star Sensation, a Ch. Theldun's Dandee Sensation son. Both majors, needs only single points to finish.Theldun PomeraniansThelma M. Dunn 3400 Carvale Drive Aberdeen, MD 21001 301 879-5397108 POMERANIAN REVIEWnVShannons PomsfCh. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp xAnnon's Whiffet of TaniAnnons Rowdy ForceA 3'2 lb. lovely black and tan boy.Thank you Ann Cannon for letting me have Rowdy to start my breeding program for black and tans.Also, thanks Cassandra Ready for Wee Hearts Heaven Can Wait, a half sister to Ch. Wee Heart's Bearly An Angel. Expecting beautiful black and tan puppies from these two this fall.JoAnn Shifflett Rt. 1, Box 280 Montvale, VA 24122 703 947-2347De Artas KennelsDe Artas Gold CricketCh. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor x De ARtas Dancing DeliteThanks Nina for all your never ending patience, understanding and guidance, plus your knowledge of breeding but most of all your friendship.De Artas KennelsM. Deane Rinehart 422 W. Fairchild Dr. Midwest City, OK 73110 405 732-0402Ur iUn-BEST OFWINNERSOZARAS kennel club 19 6 7PHOTO 6T PETRULISPOMERANIAN REVIEW 10JD's Pompous Poms-JD'sBella DonnaPictured at 6 months of age.Well, we are finally settled into our own home and are back showing on a limited basis.Pictured at 5 months of age.We have a few show prospect puppies for sale. Pedigrees on request.r. -J's ovv.Janey Hovey and Dan Farrell 34856 Acton Canyon Road Acton, CA 93510 805 269-5575110 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSBaker, Darrell and Olga Jeribeth............81,83Beam, Ruth Great Elms...........................101Bradbury, Lorene......................................... 19Bryson, Lance Clairmont...................... 50,51Burnette, Nancy Nanshadow............ 87,88,89Carleton, Joyce Willow Brook.................... 99Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee............... 72Coy, June Coy's.......................................... 66Creed, Charlotte Southland...............90,91,92Cribbs, John and Lillian Twin Pines............ 95Cutshaw, Deborah Deborah's..................105Dignowity, Fred and Barbara Dignity's ... 82Doane, Marcia TNT.....................67,68,69,70Dunn, Thelma Theldun............................ 107Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre........................ IFCDupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings...................45Epps, Nina Oakridge...................................31Farrell, Dan JD's...................................... 109Ferguson, Polly............................................ 12Fiddick, Robert and Juanita Pom Acres.. 107Fleshman, Jane Jan-Shar......................78,82Freia, Jerrie Janesa.............................. 11,13Cad, Norma Chula................................. 22,23Goddard, Tim and Sue Tim Sue................ 35Cray, Molly........................... Inside Back CoverGriffin, Patty Merrymont.............................. 97Griffith, Ken Lenette................................... 80Hageman, Dorothy.......................................92Hanson, Sharon Jan-Shar..................... 78,82Harbin, Irene and Sylvia Harbin............. 56,57Heartz, John and Chris Chriscendo.............. 9Hendricks, John and Peggy HHH..............63Hovey, Janet JD.......................................109Jackson, Cheryl Clen Iris.............. Back CoverJeub, Gail..................................................... 84Johnson, Doug and Shannon Doo-Shay . . 61Johnston, Jane E..........................................66LaFortune, Anna and Ray Sungold . . . .84,99Lehtinen, Jane Jan-Le.......................... 36,37Lepera, Betty and Jamie.............................. 43Logan, Sandra..............................................19McGhee, Lee and Lowell La Petite .... 58,59McKamey, Mrs. Norris McKamey................ 53Miller, Ken and Eleanor Millamor............... 76Morkassel, Lois Kassel.............................. 49Norris, BevBev-Nor..................................... 77Pfeffer, Claudia Precious Petites .. .73,74,75Ready, Cassandra Wee Hearts........ 20,21,95Rinehart, M. DeaneDeArta...................31,108Roach, Dudley and Wanda Queenaire. 38,39Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres........................29Schuster, Rick.............................................. 84Shaver, Karen Lil Shaver...........................71Shellman, Nancy Donara........................... 79Shifflett, JoAnn Shannon......................... 108Snyder, Donna Ea-Don............................103Stafford, Jeanne and Bob Windjammer74,82Stanger, DoloresTNT................... 67,68,69,70Steinmetz, Sherry and Earl Prestigious... 6,7Stephens, T.L. and Jessie Jestoms.........FrontTarver, Ida Ida's..........................................92Taylor, Joel Clen Iris..................... Back CoverTerry, Ann..................................................... 10Untalan, LauraAutumn........................... 54,55Vasuta, LorindaAnimation...................... 41,42Watts, Dolores Watts............................. 26,27Welshinger, Ann Anadors...........................33Whitehead, Leslie D Marie Clen..................47Wright, Donna Lynn Lynnwright................. 77, CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date 5.00 each Years prior to 1980 4.00 each.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1119Ch. Wee Hearts Bearly An AngelAnnon's Ebony Mark II x Wee Heart's I'm No AngelBearly finished on February 14, 1987. All my thanks to Cassandra Ready of Wee Heart's for this beautiful valentine She has already stolen our hearts. We hope to have puppies by Bearly and Wee Heart's Just-E-Nuff by the time this is printed.OwnerMolly CrayBreederCassandra ReadyWee Hearts Angel of MercyAnnon's Ebony Mark II x Lynne's Surely Good As ColdMercy has 5 pts. and went reserve to her half-sister Bearly on Valentine's Day.My thanks to John and Lil Cribbs for their kindness in letting me have my first homebred girl back.1OwnerBreederMolly Cray1500 Huntsman Road TAiken, SC 29801154ifv. S'y 7ZSQen 3tis ^omeianlcms presents a work of artte. KTV r1h m.ACfi. J\iee-jees ^MasterpieceCh. Texican's Wee Will O' Mee-Cee x Stansoe's Hidden TreasureWe would like to thank Polly Ferguson for letting Masterpiece come home with us, and Hiram Stewart for presenting him beautifully to both of his majors. Finally, we would like to recognize those judges who have helped finish this work of art Mrs. Denny Kodner BOB, Jean Lepley, Keke Blumberg, Marilyn Ellis BOB, Mrs. R. Forsythe, Virginia Sivori, Mary McCoy, and Margaret Young. Look for MF^s son, Glen Iris Ivanhoe with Hiram Stewart.Cheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor 1038 16th Ave. So. Birmingham, AL 35205 205328-6603