The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pomeranian Review December 1997
Table of Contents
President's Message (JimShearer) 4Tragedy in Washington (Cynthia Bradley) 4
Holiday Dangers 8
Ask Us Anything (Annette Davis) 9
Membership Report (Jerrie Freia) 12
Health & Genetics (Marge Kranzfelder) 13
Soring Oxen (Dr Al Grossman) 17
Mew Champions 21
Kennel Visit (Brenda Segelken) 29
APC March Specialty Report 49
Central Carolina Specialty (Dot Martin) 53
Ohio Valley Mega Match (Ruth Ripperger) 61
A Harrowing Experience (Evelyn Blake) 64
What Can All This Mean (Dr Al Grossman) 65
Behind New Titlists 77
Ch Candyfloss Shall We Dance Front Cover
Ammran ftomrranian EUib, 3nr.December 1997--January 1998. 3IWr0Vvost-tBESTOF BREF.0Puget Sou.._ Pomeranian ClubSPEC\MXY ..SUMMER - 199ffPictography By O ,Steven fcossjiMade with your small breed dog in mind.RGRhLCmIINROttLCMWwvOrScSFor the first time, a dog food manufacturer has introduced a complete line of ultra-premium dog foods formulated to address the unique nutritional needs of small breed dogs during each Iifestage.Royal Canin Cynotechnique International RCCI SIZE Small Breed Puppy, Adult 1 and Adult 2 Dog Foods are designed for a small breed dog's size, age, body structure, growing patterns and energy requirements. We've tailored both the ingredients and the kibble size to each specific Iifestage. And, RCCI SIZE is one of the most palatable and digestible dog foods on the market.So for your small breed dog, choose RCCI SIZE Small Breed Dog Food. It's just the right SIZE for the size of your dog.For more information on RCCI SIZE products, call 1-800-592-6687 or visit us on the World Wide Web at Pet Products Plus, Inc. RCCI SIZE " is a trademark of Pet Products Plus, Inc.American Pomeranian Club 1Contents.... COVERPresident's Message JimShearer.............................4Tragedy in Washington Cynthia Bradley...............4Holiday Dangers.......................................................8Ask Us Anything Annette Davis............................9Membership Report Jerrie Freia.......................... 12Health Genetics Marge Kranzfelder................13Soring Oxen Dr. Al Grossman.............................17Mew Champions....................................................21ennel Visit Brenda Segelken.............................29Vpc March Specialty Report..................................49'entral Carolina Specialty Dot Martin................. 53Ohio Valley Mega Match Ruth Ripperger.........61^ Harrowing Experience Evelyn Blake...............64Vhat Can All This Mean Dr. Al Grossman.... 65 lehind New Titlists................................................77The Pomeranian sent to judges ...offers reasonable advertising ...has quality reproductions ...provides APC news ...contains Obedience information ...has interesting articles very colorfulw r vsVJCh. Candyfloss Shall We DanceMultiple BISS, Group winning Ch. Candyfloss Shall We Dance is sired by BIS Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish ROM. His dam is Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Tatiana ROM. Tatiana has produced two litters 6 pups in two years. 5 of them have finished their championships and one is pointed.At 18 months of age, he is currently 4 Pom All Breeds in the country.OwnerTadaomi TakekoshiBreeder Co-Owner Handler CANDYFLOSS Hideko W. StrasbaughKENNEL VISITSFebruary...Diane Finch Finchs PomeraniansThe February issue will feature a tribute to former APC president Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner. Over the years, Dolly has unstintingly contributed her knowledge, expertise, and finances to the cause of the Pomeranian in America. It is time she was publicly recognized for her acheivements.Nothing could be finer than- -------- ----- ------4 J. srsS A4i '47 n wrCH. ABSOLUTE'S MINI BIKECh. Jan-Shars Harley Davidson x Jan-Shar's Madonna ROMX"LIL BIT" pictured with Judge Dr. Harry Smith after winning Best Of Opposite at the National Specialty Thank you for this winCongratulations to Brenda and her beautiful "FAME" PomeraniansHAPPY HOLIDAYSBREEDERS OWNERS ABSOLUTE Jeanne Robert Blank 616695-7308Jrblankqtm.netCO-OWNER JAN-SHAR Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446"LIL BIT" in CAROLINA''4 1rA AV t1 AxCHABSOLUTE'S MINI BIKECh. Jan-Shar's Harley Davidson x Jan-Shar's Madonna ROMXThe day after the National, "LIL BIT" wins Best in Specialty under Breeder-Judge Mrs. Arlene Benko. Our sincere thanks for this great win Hats off to the members of the Central Carolina Pom Club on the wonderful hospitality you showed us Sharon and Ihad a great timeBREEDERS OWNERS ABSOLUTE Jeanne Robert Blank 616695-7308Jrblankqtm.netCO-OWNER JAN-SHAR Sharon Hanson 304 497-2446Presidents MessagebyJim Shearer4 For those of you who have not heard, the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty is going to be held at the Comfort Inn Six Flags in Arlington, Texas on March 17 and 18, 1998. Norman Patton will be doing the Regular classes Fran Stoll, Sweepstakes Darrel Baker, Junior Showmanship and William L. Chaillot, Obedience. Please note the early closing date.We were able to get a very reasonable room rate of 59, and a free telephone call can make your flight arrangements, rent your room, and make travel arrangements 888-397-7782 with X-Press Travel. They have made arrangements to have a bus to cany you, your dog crates, and your equipment to and from the Convention Center at approximately 10 a call. For the RV buffs, there is limited space available on the Comfort Inn grounds.Something new this year, when the Officers and Board heard Sue Goddard and Olga Baker were handling hospitality, the Board decided to hold their Board Meeting in the afternoon so we would be available to be with all the Pom People for any questions and to enjoy the hospitality.Peggy Hendricks would like to hear from you about any trophy donations and Dudley Roach likewise for any ads for the catalog. Trophy donations are to be received by January 1, 1998, to be listed in the Premium List, and trophy and ads are to be in before February 25, 1998 toPomeranian Reviewgood time to get the pen and check bool out and give X-Press Travel, Peggy Dudley, and Sue all a call.I hope all of your holidays were merr and your New Year will be happy.Nuff said, JimTRAGEDY IN WASHINGTONfromCynthia and James BradleyLast Saturday a fire broke out in th kennel of Darlys Flaata, owner of Cl Damatas Timber Country .Smok inhalation killed all of her upper kenm dogs and five boarding dogs. The flame destroyed the structure and all content The damage was estimated at 50,001 The loss of the canine companions, man quite old, is immeasurable. Her champic producing stud and two of his soi perished in the smoke. 40 years worth breeding gone in a few minutes. Darb was badly burned on her hands and fe trying to get back in the burning buildir to rescue her dogs. In her despair, si could not acknowledge that they were dead. All of her grooming equipment ar dog supplies are now non-existent. Ar and all donations to help this stunni woman back up on her feet would I appreciated. Please contact me at tl following e-mail address.soarerhevanet.comNOTICEPrices for advertising return to usu with the February issue. The prices ai American Pomeranian Club 5 Suttonof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident............................................................................................First Vice-President...........................................................................Second Vice-President......................................................................Recording Secretary..........................................................................Corresponding Secretary...................................................................3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503 Treasurer............................................................................................AKC DelegateBox 180, Earth, TX 79031.... Jim Shearer.. Charlotte Creed ... Linda Brogoitti Marge Kranzfelder ... Brenda Turner... Wanda Roach.... Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsTim Goddard...... Sharon Hanson........ Sharon HicksJane Lehtinen Margaret R. McKee.............. Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor....................................................................................................................... Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760 For Special Delivery 823 E. Hwy 70 Earth, TX 79031 e-mail dudleyfivearea.comBusiness Manager..................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions........................................................................................................ Brenda K. Hutton15755 Greenway Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues...........................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.............................32.00Foreign....................................................55.00First Class............................................... 40.00Single Copy...............................................7.00Full Page................................................. 65.00Half Page.................................................40.00Quarter Page...........................................20.00Photos each..........................................10.00Front Cover, BAA............................... 150.00Color.....................................................375.00Back Cover, BAA..................................90.00Color.....................................................250.00Center Spread.......................................160.00Color.....................................................390.00Business Card ........................................10.00ColorStripping on BWAd......................15.00Inside Color Page..................................150.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan........ ............... Nov 20... ......Dec 25FebMarch... ................ Jan 20... ......Feb 25AprMay....... ................ Mar 20... .......Apr 25JuneJuly....... ...............May 20... .... June 25AugSept....... ............... July 20... ..... Aug 25OctNov........ .............. Sept 20... ...... Oct 25Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversBISA, BISS CH BUBY'S LOVELY STANDIN OVATION mm-V mB IaIa n c eTL YPe1 POMFor 1997, through November AWARDSGBOUPIScottsdale DFAMr. Edd E. BivinGROUP 2Arizona White Mt. KCMr. Robert JacobsenBilly is the son of...Ch. Ruby's One Man Show Encore, ROM Ruby's Charming Maiden of OKRuby Poole918 341-6921Blake Jones360 753-7098TISHA'^dz d Qtaiedi S^mreCh. Watts' Little Bullit x Ch. Tisha's Jammin' S'moreJAX is pictured winning a 3-point major under Breeder-Judge Melv Beech. JAX won his second 4-point major under Mrs. Bari Brewster Tietjen at Central Ohio Kennel Club on 111697. Thank you JAX needs one point to finish.B A TisfyaSince19^7Lka nd Poms4 .......LmPAT FRED DIEBALL\ 2304 KOPER DRIVESTERLING HEIGHTS. A MICHIGAN 48310 810979-6749 - __________________________________ - iHoliday Dangers BewareWith Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Chanukah right around the comer, youve probably got a million things on your mind. Heres one you should add to the list your dogs safety during the holiday season. Just a few simple precautions, however, are enough to ensure that the holidays will be happy, healthy ones for your canine companion.Thwarting Thanksgiving ThreatsThe sight and smell of the perfectly roasted turkey are the essence of Thanksgiving, and your dog is likely to be just as enticed by the aromas as you are. But the typical Thanksgiving meal could be lethal for your dog. First rule for an incident-free Turkey Day Keep your dog and your meal apart.The biggest threat to dogs at Thanksgiving is overeating greasy stuff, says John Saidla, DVM, director of continuing education at Cornell Universitys College of Veterinary Medicine.While scarfing down a large turkey dinner may cause your dog to have gastrointestinal upset-and certainly constitutes an annoying behavioral problem-overloading on fat and grease can be far more insidious. Acute pancreatitis, which, Dr. Saidla says, comes on in a very short period of time, is a condition in which the dogs pancreas starts to digest itself. The initial symptoms are abdominal pain and vomiting, and the dog may subsequently go into shock. This is a dire emergency that requires veterinary intervention immediately.So keep in mind during the holidaysthat greasy food is your dogs arch TTr 18Saidla puts it, greasy food kills them deader than doornails.Another potential problem is chocolate, which, Dr. Saidla says, may or may not be toxic to your dog. In some cases, even a small amount of chocolate, which contains theobromine and caffeine, can be harmful. Rapid breathing and hyperactivity are signs of reactions to chocolate.Dispose of aluminum foil from the turkey and other food carefully. Your dog will lick the fat off the foil if she can gel to it, and may even swallow the foil, which can cause an intestinal obstruction.Although young turkey bones arenl likely to splinter, says Dr.Saidla, they car cause an impaction in your dogs intestines.The best bet is to keep your dog fai from the kitchen and dining room table Make sure well-meaning guests dont feet your dog table scraps, and make sure yoi dispose of the turkey carcass an aluminum foil wrap as quickly an thoroughly as possible.Continued Vigilance at Chanukah and ChristmasThe winter holidays are fraught wit potential perils for your dog. Dr.Saidl says that electrocution is a major problen Especially with puppies who tend to chei on wires. Dogs dont sustai electrocution very well, he states, addin that it is imperative to unplug wires befoi handling a dog whos been shocke otherwise you might also get a shock then seek immediate veterinary care ft the dog.The ornaments may break and injuj paws decorative toys or ornaments a cause an impaction if Rover decides chew or swallow them. If you discov toys are missing, Dr. Saidla advisePomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club 9vatch your dog if he starts vomiting, he lay have eaten them.Take care with lighted candles, since sagging tails can knock them over, pilling hot wax or even causing a fire. Holiday plants, like holly, mistletoe, nd poinsettias can be a problem if your og eats them, causing vomiting or rorse. Keep the plants out of reach. Finally, if youre thinking about giving puppy as a gift, think twice Dr. Saidla Ivises against it. Too many distractions id potential hazards make the holiday ason a less-than-optimal time to troduce a young dog to a new home.Top Holiday Threats to Your Dog Fatty, greasy food Can cause pancreatitis. Hobday chocolate Potentially toxic. Discarded aluminum foil wrap May be covered in grease. Can become impacted in the intestine if swallowed. Electric wires on tree and decorations Can electrocute dogs if they chew them. Tree ornaments and toys Can cause intestinal blockage and injures you swallowed.Lighted candles Can cause bums from hot wax. or fires.Hobday plants Potenbally toxic.Taken from November, 1997, Dog Watch.NoticeThe 1998 American Pomeranian Club membership dues are due rnd payable. If you have not sent them, please do so.LeAsk Us AnythingbyAnnette DavisOur question for this month is "What is CoccidiosisAs long as you feed a premium food, normal Pomeranian stools are small, firm, and without foul odor. A change in normal stools is a red flag that something is amiss. A common intestinal disease among dogs in coccidiosis. Coccidia are parasitic protozoans single celled organisms found in the intestinal tract of many animals, including dogs. Coccidiosis causes severe losses of agricultural animals each year, especially calves and foul. It is highly contagious and extremely difficult to eradicate. In dogs, the first symptoms are soft stools that contain yellowish mucous and have a characteristic sweet odor similar to freshly cut alfalfa. The infected animals eyes are often watery and the coat becomes dull and rough. As damage to the mucous lining of the intestines progresses, a secondary bacterial infection sets in and the stools begin to smell foul and often contain large amounts of mucous and blood. Infected dogs often eat each others stools. Symptoms are similar to the protozoan infection Giardia, except that in Giardia infections, the stools are light colored and have a "greasy" consistency. It is not uncommon for more than one species of parasitic protozoan to occur at the same tune. Because cysts are shed intermittently, it can be very difficult to confirm protozoan infections by fecal examination.Has your Pomeranian Review Subscription expiredCoccidiosis is spread when an animal ingests infective cvsts that are nasseH intnuwicleoduwwtelTIv YArMVs V '1best of breed VSOMERSET z HILLSVT4kennel _ v f v\club lNA\.T fNVe aJfctk.'Sampson'Ch. Elan's Double Entendre x Dimonde's Satin SeductressSampson finished with a group placement and multiple BOB's over special from the BBE class. He is the 1 Black and Tan. Congratulations to Regina and Robert Nunn for finishing Dimonde Flynn's Ziegfield Girl with three 4-point majors "Lana" was superbly handled by HWebster. Thank you Hal.Dimonde's Citrine Solitaire went WD and BOW for a 4-point major from BBE at the 112397 Upper Marlboro KC show.BreederOwnerHandlerDiana M. Downey13301 Sherwood Forest Drive Silver Spring, MD 20904-1202 tmonde Q^Cwvne' ..L. NEWCHAMPIONBEST OF , OPPOSITE50th ANNIVERSAr3URUNCOUN, \ KENNELjhCLUB 11 SUND IpUNE 15iLSUNDAY TOM Dl GIACOMONE 15. 1997____S'CH. DIMONDES WICKED WENONA'Wenona'Ch. Elan's Dan Juan x Dimonde's Satin SorcEressWenona finished with 4 majors from the BBE class. She is a Multiple BOBwinner.Congratulations to Barbara McKinney on Dimonde Flynn's Fling Emma being awarded WB, BOW, and BOS by Judge Paula Hartinger.Thank you, Mrs. Hartinger.eederOwnerHandlerDiana M. Downeydimondebigfoot.comwww.geocities.comHeartlandMeadows2074 ICQ U.I.N. 239706312 Pomeranian Reviewthe stools. Cysts may be passed by animals with an active infection as well as carriers that show no clinical signs but continue to harbor infection. There is a common misconception that coccidiosis is only a problem in filthy and crowded kennels. This is simply not the case. Certainly filth and overcrowding will accentuate any disease, but coccidiosis can become a problem in even the cleanest of kennels. It is best treatedtrade name Panacur 50 given for three days in a row and then repeated at one week intervals until the infection clears generally 3-4 weeks. Pease note Although University studies have shown that fenbendazole is an effective treatment for Giardia, it isIt is important to clean all fecal matter promptly and disinfect all kennel surfaces, bedding, and toys daily. Coccidia are not destroyed by Chlorox and many other disinfectants. It has been shown that they are readily destroyed by Ammonia and old fashioned Lysol Concentrate 1 part Ammonia or Lysol to 10 parts water. Do not use plastic food or water dishes. Coccidia can stay in the crevices. Use stainless steel, crock style, or glass food and water dishes. Change drinking water often and clean the foodwater dishes with a mild Ammonia solution regularly. Separate all infected dogs as much as possible. It is imperative that you do not allow the infected animal to become dehydrated. Supportive care and oral electrolyte solutions are helpful. Keep the animal warm and away from drafts. B Vitamins may not be given during the Albon treatment. Albon works by inhibiting folio acid, therefore B Vitamin supplements with folio acid will negate its action. Zinc and Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids may be given duringeffects of Albon is that it destroys beneficial intestinal bacteria leaving the animal more susceptible to pathogens. During and after treatment with Albon, it is important to give a high potency Probiotic beneficial microbial supplement. After Albon treatment hasOur question for next month is "Can you recommend a good toy puppy formula and some suggestions for feeding puppies that need supplementation" Yon may direct new questions or answers tc these questions toAnnette Davis 391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail davis-stellarcom.comMembership ReportbyJerrie FreiaMembership Report as of 122497 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whos names are published in the Review, are t go to Marge Kranzfelder 821 Brow Road San Juan Bautista, CA 95045.Contact Jerrie Freia for membershi applications.NEW MEMBERSLinda Ayers CASponsorsMarlin PresserAmerican Pomeranian Club 13Kim Crowell CASponsorsAlice Lessard Marge KranzfelderBobbi Earle FLSponsorsJose A. Cabrera Fabian ArienteMiguel Galindo Fuentes SpainSponsorsJackie Rayner Fabian ArienteSponsorsFran Stoll James ShearerDrew and Christel Reno LA SponsorsCharlotte Creed Annette Rogers-RisterHelen Nelson MSponsorsBecky Sabourin Donna MachniakJulio Delgado Francisco SpainSponsorsJackie Rayner Fabian ArienteLloyd and Raileen Graser WI SponsorsJean B. Schroll Jeanne BlankJnda Herrman PASponsorsRoberta Kerr Barbara F. NagyChristy Nichol CA SponsorsJanet Manuszak-Lucido Marge KranzfelderAHealth Genetics Committee ReportbyMarge KranzfelderMeet Me In St. Louisdaya Hunter CAIponsors amberly E. Reed anet Manuszak-Lucidoerry L. Morrow VA ponsorsiana M. Downey helma M. Dunnrail F. Rainey TN ponsors lary E. Wells arbara MessmerNEW APPLICATIONSI was pleased to be able to represent the APC at the Canine Health Conference. The main purpose was to hear presentations of what was the current progress of several of the Canine Health Foundations grants. But an equally important function was to help establish a network of information among parent clubs. An additional benefit was an opportunity to have face to face contact with foremost canine researchers.The center post of this conference was the mapping of the canine genome. Presently 6080 30 out of 38 chromosomes of the genome is mapped. By integrating Dr. Ostranders work at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer ResearchP A.___________l4lI- 1.1. .J. J___________-J. n - i i -1Susie Q wins another major..\ \V^ OPPOSITE MAUI SHOWKE JOHNSON photmikevYellow Rose Black Eyed SusanSusie 0 is shown winning a 4-point major. In 5 shows she has already- gained 11 points, 3 majors, toward her championship.Mahalo to Mr. Larry Shinsato for Woodrose's Making Waves' 4-point major at B months and Carol Rice for showing him.We would personally like to thank all those who supported our Kennel Visit. Without you, it would never have happened.Where Quality CountsClarice and Yvette Dganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744 898 235-8142 Fax 888] 247-49B7IJFnxumrthw p PAW p"A\4-mt. Ch. ifnxuwrth JTiue tar araiiitimtCh. Hock N Tradition of Oakridge x Foxworih FantasiaXnlliiim mas finrr tlian mir tinne in Carolina....'Celeste' is shown winning BOW at the APC Summer Specialty. She also went BOW and BDS at the Columbia Kennel Club Show. Two 5-point majorsOwnerBreederHandler Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox 438 Gondola Point Rd. 'Rothesay,N.B. Canada E2E 1C9 506 849-8120 e-mail e2u3unb.ca16 Pomeranian Reviewdone in Europe, the whole genome would be covered within the next several months.Most of the funding for this project is from the National Institute of Health and from cancer research funding. All mammal DNA share some common information in research-mice, man, and canine genomes are being cross referenced. The most is known of the mice genome. The fact that all mammals share some common DNA codes points out the impossibility of someone taunting, My line has no genetic problems. There are some diseases or conditions common or very similar to all mammals If an unlucky combination of genes happens to occur, a problem will manifest itself seemingly out of nowhere. An answer will not come from studying pedigrees in this case.Usually people think any kind of testing is done with the purpose of eliminating members of the gene pool. The state of our art today is that if your dog tests positive as carrying a trait such as hip dysplasia, hypothyroidism, etc., he is eliminated from your breeding program entirely. Some diseases do not manifest themselves until well after the common breeding age. In the future, with DNA testing, diagnosis can take place early for both treatment or breeding considerations. It could allow us to continue to use carriers. When we can successfully read DNA of an affected individual, carrier, or clear individual on a specific problem, we will be able to plan a breeding with knowledge of this. Breeding a carrier to a clear individual will not produce an affected individual of a recessive trait. The next generation can be retested and breeding planned accordingly so as not to produce an affected individual. This can be repeated until a clear and typy individual isDr. Battaglias seminar on Breeding Better Dogs, usually problems within a breed are known to affect the typiest of individuals. This often is because a typy individual carrying this problem was used extensively by the breed without any problem appearing until many generations later. Most problems are polygenetic. For some rare breeds small gene pools, eliminating every individual with a problem would eliminate the type for which they are striving, if not the entire breed. We would now be able tc work on type and good health simultaneously.Mapping the genome can be thought ol as a similar process as originally mapping our globe. First we had explorers map the larger units of continents and water. Ther we drew in country boundaries. We nov can further subdivide into states, counties cities, neighborhoods, streets, and finalh addresses. In the early days each explore added information to a previous map making it easier for the next explorer tc follow.Our early explorers of the genomi searched for the PRA genes. Dr. Gu Aguirre is our Dr. Livingston of genes, h other words, he found the PRA needles in the chromosome haystack. Now, a the genome markers are establishei street signs, tomorrows search fo specific areas will be more readily found.There is still much more middle groum of the genome to be explored ani information gathered. That is why th AKC has contracted with PE Zoogen t come to Nationals to gather DNy samples. Not for specifically finding win hidden faults or ailments your dog ha but rather to study the canine genome c breeds. Presently, we can not differential the wolf-hybrid from domestic dog b DNA, let alone breed discriminatioi However, proof of parentage caAmerican Pomeranian Club 17wonderful tool of our AKC record-keeping inspection process.Just as we realize we must work together as a club to share information to solve our problems too complex for any one individual, we see we should network with other parent clubs to share information and combine research dollars. This is necessary financially considering the cost of research. The Canine Health Foundation has recognized these needs and is well on its way to being a leading force in finding answers to our canine health issues. We must support this effort individually and as a club.Health Genetics Committee ReportI was able to speak briefly with Dr. Jary Johnson, one of the speakers in St. ^ouis. I still need to get an information lacket to him in regards to the Severe fair Loss Syndrome in Pomeranians, ^gain, I ask for pedigrees of affected logs and their affected and unaffected elatives to be sent to the address ublished in the previous Review.I recommend that we volunteer for the i.KC DNA sample program to be held at ne of our future Nationals, and that we upport the Canine Health Foundation.The networking progress is starting to motion. Upon my return from St. Louis, nd APC member called me as three of er Poms have been diagnosed with a cndition heretofore not found in Poms, y my having a list of Breed health intacts, I was able to supply the name of Le researcher her Vet should contact for ie latest information available.Ive also had several very good phone inversations with individuals requesting formation about the Severe Hair Loss n drome. This kind of oss-information is wonderful. I need to still dont know for sure if we have only one genetic make-up for which we are searching, or several occurrences with similar appearing symptoms. I was very impressed with the openness and willingness to co-operate of these individuals. With this kind of attitude, we will find answers \From The Skeptic TankGoring Oxen As We GoByDr. Al GrossmanAll is well in life as we go along until an event occurs that shakes us up. It could be as simple as the March Gazette which has changed the ratings for a major in our breed in our zone so that it is nigh on impossible to achieve. Or it could be another change in the requirements for applying for your judges license just as you have finished filling out the voluminous forms for the old one. Then comes a might roar. HOW COULD THEY DO THIS Your ox has been gored and you are not going to take this lightly. Now of course if you had been paying attention you would have seen the entries creeping up in your breed so you may have anticipated a change in the point ratings. Changes in the judging procedure come along at such a rapid rate that also should have been anticipated. That will teach you not to procrastinate-that form was ready to go weeks ago but you still had doubts as to whether you would apply or not.Most of us tend not to notice events that will impact our lives until they are thrust upon us. We open our mail to see this months Utility bill and go through theOOl 11 rr tins f0k-Watts' Little Smidd"Smiddy"Ch. Rock N Tradition akridge x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Certain CharmWatts' Little Gassy'Cotton'Ch. Rock N Traditior akridge x Ch. Watt Little Lee ReneeWATTS' POMERANIANS DDLDRES WATTS, BREEDER 4800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613 301 372-8782 Fax on 7th ring e-mail WattsPomserol.comV Tmu m3EST OF BREEDBest of WinnersNew ChampionNational Capital Kennh Club81997 J. Kay KeminCh. Chriscendo CertificateTatti'Ch. Silvarwood's Fire Down Below'Devil' At stud with owner-m-'rBEST OF WINNERS"-lm c3SET CLU nSATUHDAT,[PT 19FrMUCK TATHAMCh. Silvarwood's Ashford 'Ash' At stud with ownerCh. Silverwood's Fowl Flay O'Watts x Silverwood's Strutting AshleyAshford is a beautifully marked black and tan who finished in 9 shows.WATTS' POMERANIANS DDLDRES WATTS 4800 Floral Park Road Hrandywine, MD 20613 301 372-8782 Fax on 7th ring e-mail WattsPomserol.com20 Pomeranian Reviewfor road maintenance. How in the H did that get on there. They cant do that to me However, if you had read the local paper and seen that the mayor had appointed a task force seven months ago to develop a cost effective scheme for doing this, it would not have come as such a shock.Most of us go through life viewing the road just in front of our windshield instead of looking up just under our rear view mirror to see the road ahead and be able to anticipate what was developing before catastrophe struck. As a pilot I was taught to look around every five minutes and pretend my engine had just conked out and calculate where and how was I going to land this light aircraft. I had to view the terrain, check altitude and wind direction and decide how I was going to get down in one piece.In the dog world we seem to go along blithely in our own little world and not let the real world intrude. When we get a litter of puppies with cleft palates or other serious problems, do we begin to investigate the causes Do we check the pedigrees of sire and dam and check to find out from others if such problems occurred in similar matings Do we just check it off to bad luck and repeat the breeding because it seems like such a good nick What do good breeders doWhat if PRA is running rampant in our breed and you learn that one of your popular stud dogs has sired offspring that have come down with this affliction Do you sweep it under the rug and not inform others who have bred to your dog of the possible problem Do you remove this carrier from the gene pool It is your Ox, what do you do A better question is what should you doLet us look at the people who have bought these puppies from the afflictedturn will unknowingly pass these genetic afflictions on to the next generation. By this time everyones Ox is being gored and a mighty roar goes up from the fancy. Do you want to be the object of their rage and derisionMost of us want to be left alone and not have unwanted events intrude upon our lives. We dont want our boat rocked. Lifes ruts are great as long as we are comfortable in them. Live and let live-all these cliches are used every day and describe a day-to-day existence that really doesnt exist. Life is full of change. Most are so small and gradual that they sort of creep up on you without your realizing they have happened. Small steps are easier to handle. We have time to make modest adjustments and, generally, they are not life disrupting. When a major change is thrust upon us we are just not ready for it. However, there is no way to leap across a gorge in small steps. It takes one giant leap. So major change is hard to handle.Let us look at the AKC move to North Carolina in this light. The proposals before the AKC Board of Directors were to move the whole operation to the Carolinas, keep everything now in New York there for the foreseeable future or move to Louisville, KY. The Board hit the brakes hard They deadlocked. No decision The CEO then made a unilateral decision, which was his prerogative. Move everything except the administrative staff, the Library and the Gazette to North Carolina.Many, many Oxes were gored. Many, many people were offended. Pundits came out of the woodwork and, depending upon their bent, proclaimed this to be the worst thing AKC had ever done or credited the CEO with the wisdom of Solomon. What ever the case,American Pomeranian Club 21steps. Can it be done Will it cause such problems that his administration will be threatened Time will tell.In many cases, like the AKC matter, there will be an outcry from those whose position was not upheld. Goring Oxes can be noisy and messy. Unfortunately, there are not too many occasions in life where it is a win win situation. It is much to be hoped for but seldom achieved. In most cases there are winners and losers. In one breed a standard change on one point has been festering for 20 years and six votes, all defeated. Another vote is in the offing.The proponents of the change have really felt their Ox was gored Twenty years is a long time to rage and fulminate.Maybe all of us should sign up for a defensive driving course. The lessons taught in these courses focus on looking ahead and anticipating what might happen by seeing far enough ahead to be prepared for any eventuality. Lets all adopt the Boy Scout motto BE PREPARED" and let the Oxen rest in peace.Dr. Grossman is a noted Sporting Group Judge and the Publisher of Doral PublishingNew ChampionsOctober and November AKC Awards MagazineAbsolute's Driving Miss Hanson B by Ch. Jan-Shar's Johnny Be Goad x Ch. Absolute's Biker Babe. BreederGwner Jeanne and Robert Blank.Apolloette Sundae Delite B by Ch. Apolloette Coast to Coast x Apolloette liamond Lil. Breeders Marlene and Marlin Presser. Owners Ann M.Schmitt and limothy Reese and Randy L. Winters.Arctic's Trilogy of the Rings D by Ch. Stuber's Heza Dream Maker x Suber's leflection D'Artie. Breeder Sherry Christianson and Suzanne Berney. Owner Sherry Christianson.lascade's Satin and Lace B by Ch. Watts' Little Penny Serenade x Millamor's Ihantilly Lace. Breeder Doris Wheeler. Owner Doris Wheeler and Evelyn ionley.IJ's Almost An Angel B by Fame Jacque Gustow x Theldun's Miss Majorette. IreederDwner Cathy Lasota.limonde's Twice Enticed D by Elan's Double Entendre x Dimonde's Satin aductress. BreederOwner Diana M. Downey.eisty's Autumns Bewitched Bj by Ch. Patty's Bev-Nor Teddy Ruxpin x ntumn's Champagne Wishes. Breeder Wendy Feist. Owner Deanna French.ame's Lil Gentelman Dillan D by Ch. Wee Rambo of Coy's Top Mark x Fry's atie Hooper Magic. Breeder Mrs. Brenda K. Segelken. Owner Maureen E.KILPATRICK'S POMERANIANSOffers Puppies for Sale-pictured at 12 weeks of age\\\Ch Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips Emcee's Shaw's Wee Sunny Chip-A-Ways Golden Patty AC Ch Kilpatricks Wee Rebel Rouser Ch Jolly Wee Magic of Tim Sue Hallmark's Charade Ch Feisty's Bombshell AC Ch Chriscendo Calvin Klein Ch Hallmarks Maximum Attraction Millamor's Marrakesh Hallmarks Rockin SavannaAC Ch Chriscendo City Lights Hallmark's City Girl Chriscendo Camille oj'Female, same litter, brood prospect...Lorraine Kilpatrick Rt. 1, Box 726 Miami, AZ 85539 520 473-304From2enJuuv^Pi curuzAJirvuxnAsVp V ' UiSL ...E CELEBRATE 1997 WITH "DENTON'S DIAMOND DELI6HT" DELLA AND A VERY PECIAL "JOART'S SUPER HARLEE DAVISON." THANKS TO JOY AND ART DAVISON.Thank You to all those Wonderful 'Tom People" and their Beautiful Poms. You all made our trip to the Carolinas a memorable experience. Most of all, our Very Special Thanks to Charlotte Creed for her Interest and for her winwith Harlee.6851 Avenida de Santiago Telephone 714 281-179924 Pomeranian ReviewFoxfire's Shy Girl Friday B by Ch. Shy Acres Our Man Friday x Ch. Polly's Adora-Dolly of FF. Breeder Linda Parks. Owner Audrey M. Roberts.Jerbo's Workin Man's Phd D by Cheyenne's Diamond Chipper x Dupre's Ms Chip of Buster. Breeder Jerry C. and Betty Owens. Owner Karen Chisam.Mayfair's Litl Magic Maker D by Jan-shar's-Walkin-Away-A-Winner Mayfair's Calamity Jane. Breeder Mary Lee Linger. Owners Elizabeth Blake Joyce G. Fortney, Mary Lee Linger.Pom Acres Atomic Fireball D by Ch. Pom Acres Stunningly Sable x Windi Hills Dolly 0 Pomacres. BreederOwner Juanita Fiddick.Razzle Dazzle Willow's Song B by Chriscendo Centre Stage x Razzle Dazzlf Summer Music. Breeder Judith B. Green and William H. Green. Owner Suzanne Warfield and Judith B. Green.Sandy's Miss Whirl Away B by Jan-Shar's Take a Chance On Me x Sandy' Foxy Lady Farley. BreederOwner Sandra Farley.Silver Meadows Jus' Peachey B by Ch. Silver Meadows Jus' A Lil Teddy Silver Meadows Peaches Brite. BreederOwner Jacquelyn W. Klein.Sunterra Sweet Seduction B by Great Elms Little Buddy II x Windmis Angelfire. BreederOwner Douglas B. Stratton.Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet Letter B by Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino x CL Valcopy-Wakhan Scarlet Fever. Breeder Dana L. Plonkey and Randy Gemmil Owner Dennis J. Litonjua and Mario J. Litonjua.Woodrose's Little Big Man D by Ch. Creider's Bound For Glory x Woodrose' Sunflower. Breeder Clarice M. Oganeku. Owner Cindy Edlao and Clarice N Dganeku.Absolute's Primetime Pom D by Ch. Absolute's Magic Mountain x Absolute' Charm of Prism. Breeder Robert an Jeanne Blank. Owner Barbara and Alfrei Boehmer and Jeanne Blank.Beltane I'm Only One Man D by Ch. Tim Sue's Just A Bright Lite x Ch. Beltan Gold Digger. Breeder Owner Paul T. and Barbara A. Curry.Finch's Petipom Chances R D by Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water x Ch. Finch' Exquisitely Obvious. Breeder Diane L. Finch. Owner Pat Cummings.American Pomeranian Club 25Holden Aires Moon Chip D by Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker x Golden Aires Hake A Wish. Breeder Owner Sharon Masnick and Benson Ray.Alley's Gift of Oakridge B hy Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Fancy Gold landee of Cakridge. Breeder Nina K. Epps. Owner Jonna Hickcox Payne.fHFs Lady Lexus B hy Jack's Copper Birnbeau x Max's Charming Bizzy Bee. Breeder Geneva Pennock. Owner Donna G. Riehm and Mari Iffland.Hillamor's Rock Dance D by Ch. Millamor's Dance of Sourwood x Great Elms Iweet Mandy. Breeder Eleanor Miller. Owner Terry Wilford.Ihea-Na Columbo of Lynnwright D by Ch. Whispering Lane Nevada x Glen ris Distant Smile. Breeder Stephen V. Nagy, Dr. Cheryl Jackson, and Barbara F. lagy. Owner Donna Lynn Wright.thea-Na's Little Miss Mischeif B by Ch. Lynnwright7s Dracula x T and Ts As ur Blue of Rhea-Na. Breeder Stephen V. and Barbara F. Nagy. Owner Charles richer and Wayne Sulser.landhills Shadow Dancer D by Ch. Mercer's Exotica x Sandhill's Jessica, reeder Owner Debby Wilkinson.hady Park B Bopper D by Ch. J and J's Billy Bob x Shady Park Tangie of aptain. Breeder Lucille Nolan and Diana L. Nolan. Owner Lucille and Diana olan.ilverwood's Ashford D by Silverwood's Foul Play O'Watts x Silverwood's trutting Ashley. Breeder Bess P. Roberts. Owner Dolores A. Watts.tarfire's Aunt Jemima B Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino x Starfire's Rosa's ite Live. Breeder Jose A. Cabrera. Owner Jose A. Cabrera and Fabian Ariente.tarfire's Playboy of Haiku D by Ch. Starfire's I'm Too Sexy x Starfire's rnciela. Breeder Jose A. Cabrera. Owner Marit Hattori.sakwood's Two Thumbs Up D by Ch. Teakwood's Best Wishes x mkwood's Wee Hearts A Fire. Breeder Owner Laureen Ivey.jmho Revel Lee D by Ch. Texican's Robert Redford x Ch.Tomho Strutting erri Lee. Breeder Tommi and Sandi Hooban. Ownerrsa Minor's Black Pearl B by Ursa Minor's Sea Change x Ursa Minor's laris N Lalique. Breeder Owner Barbara Krzewicki.Shy Acres Sweet Lovin ManGROUP SECOND SOUTHEAST MO. KENNEL CLUBMEYER PHOTO BY GREGMcGuire's Key To My HeartSparkie was bred by Goldie McGuire and handled by Brenda Segelken.Shy Acres Sweet Lovin Man,handled by Brenda, is 10 in Breed.Congratulations, Brenda on your Kennel VisitOwner Jo and Russell Kern Freeburg, IL G18 539-3984Ch. Ban's Yo Yo MaWe are very proud of this beautiful boy who finished so quickly-expertly handled jy Fran Stoll. He is the son of our lovely black Ch. Elan's Terminator who is a Ch. Great Elms Firestarter son and a grandson of Ch. Bev-Nor's Statesman.Congratulations, Brenda, on your Kennel Visit.Congratulations anil the best nf euerytljing tn tlje 2vteiu ifear.ELAN Lissa and Dave Dahlenburg Box 11BD Loxahatchee, FL 33470 5B1 733-D975 Fax 561 791-0293MBt iWBTnflyiL. iAA28 Pomeranian Review------70m----- 3. Vrm MuBrenda Segelken and Faithful Friends.American Pomeranian Club 29FAME POMERANIANSByBrenda SegelkenGreetings to you, from Phil and Brenda iegelken, of Effingham, Illinois, home of AME Pomeranians.The coffee pot is .lways on, come and visit. Effingham, llinois, is centrally located between St. reuis, Missouri and Indianapolis, ndiana-a great location for numerous log showsPhil and I are originally from DuQuoin, small town in southern Illinois, where re met my first day in Kindergarten. We ave been married 32 years and have a on Wayne and daughter Leslie. Wayne nd Sheila have two children, Karley, 4 ear old and Cameron, 5 months. Greg nd Leslie Kueker have a 3 year old aughter, Elizabeth. Grandchildren are the reatest I highly recommend themAfter the move to Effingham in 1996,1 tired from over 20 years as professional og groomer. Now, I am proud to be a omemaker. I have many time consuming iterests church involvement, grand kids, rawing, oil painting, sewing, antiques, omputers, orchids, photography, and ofcourse, the Poms I collect anything Pomeranian and have a large collection of kerosene lamps. I love contemporary Christian music and enjoy some country.I am currently a member of the. American Pomeranian Club, Indiana Pomeranian Club, and the Mattoon IL. Kennel Club, an all breed club. I have held positions as APCAKC Breeder Referral Person and Rescue Coordinator. I have served as match and trophy chairman, newsletter editor, secretary and ring steward for all breed clubs. I enjoy and am proud to judge matches and sweepstakes.Phil is the Wind beneath my wings." He is a wonderful companion, has encouraged me and is my pillar of strength. Without his help, emotional strength, buildingrepairing, dog sitting, while I am away at shows, FAME would not be complete. Phil enjoys gun collecting, quiet times at the cabin, hunting and fishing. He is an avid Jeff Gordon fan. He has several 1962CHRISDEN POMERANIANS'mmmmimmfifey Sift'SI 3s. r ftzk\L1H4^kBISA, BISS AMPHCH. JAN LE S NAHIN TRAX TO POMPEIIBreeder Jane Lehtinen'Piper" is now "Makin it to thB Big Wins4A BEST IN SHOW All Breeds under Mrs. Mary Kemp Australia. Thank you fcsuch a memorable winSpecial thanks to Judge Elaine Rigden for 'Piper's" BOB and Group I.Congratulations to Brenda Segelken and her FAMEous Poms on her well-deserved Kennel VisitPROUD OWNERS Dennis and Mario Litonjua Phone 011 632 632-7025CHRISDEN POMERANIANSv5SaSOI cr 2MI- " ,vPt TrOCmrymjm- CH. CHRISDEN'S WATARI'Watari" finished his championship in just three shows with a record ofBest in Show All Breeds, Phil Born Group I Group 2 Group 32 Best of Breeds \\ j-K- yliiil - iii1- ilii- ii- - ife rdf ]t vq fv -iJ . fc pi. And he's only just begun at ID months of age...and need we ask for more... Thank you, Judge Elaine Rigden for recognizing our boyIrBadarsOwnarsHandlars Dennis and Mario Litonjua 15 San Juan St. Capitol, asig City Philippines 1600 Fax Oil 632 632-5085 746-0374 e-mailchrisden Pomeranian Review7^ X bn Brenda, attempting a breeding.Chevrolet Impalas, with the infamous 409 motors, complete with four on floor 4 speed transmissions, dual quads and post-tractions. Ever heard the Beach Boys song, "Shes so fine, my 409"Most people arent aware that I claim to be a "one man show." I am proud to breed, own and handle most of my Poms.I am my own beautician. I style, cut, perm my hair, and create my acrylic nails. I do most alterations on my clothing petite clothing isnt short enough when you are under 5 foot tall.When Dudley asked if I would like to be featured in the DecemberJanuary Review, I was thrilled. Then he said, "Make it personal, people would like to know about you." I didnt think that would be hard until I sat down at this computer. When I first started writing, I refused to get personal. Then, Pat Cummings suggested I share the following to inspire those having tough times, too. No sympathy wanted or expectedPain is a constant companion for me. As an infant, my parents were aware that somethina was wrone with me. At aeethree, I had surgery behind my right knee to remove a large non malignant bone tumor. Multiple bone tumors were found throughout my entire body. I am thankful to God that they are "out of sight", but pray that they be "out of mind", also with the pain they are seldom forgotten.These tumors grow from inside of the bone outward, usually at the joints. Some are the size of a golf ball, others resemble antlers. Due to these tumors, in 1974 I took my last bike ride, which I dearly loved. A few years ago, I "gave in" to an automatic transmission car. I loved to drive 5 speed, stick shift cars, like Mario Andretti.With my physical problems, dog shows continue to be a challenge. Sometimes I cannot go up and down steps, and have to take precautions. Kneeling Oh, am I thrilled when I can show a free stacking Pom I am thankful to God that I am still able to show.As a small child, I had big ambitions. My parents encouraged us to dobe what we wanted. I wanted to become a professional boxer, a cowBOY or a nurse. I also created a scrap book with 25J .WMnnMWfSfarhnrk and SO uesr nlrl hparAmerican Pomeranian Club 33rCh. Fame Gift of the Spiritictures, cut from magazines, of different reeds of dogs that I would someday wn.As an adult, I still have ambitions, lough they have changed. I would love earn a nursing degree I read every ledical book I can. I would like to play ie violin, conduct an orchestra and judge le perfect Pomeranian at Westminster, till strange, huhI strive to be creative. I like to make tings that are unique. I recycle mink, fox id other exotic furs from antique shops id sew "Fame Furevers," squeaky show ys for dogs. I create original Pom iweliy from acrylic clay, and have icently began to write a unique rooming book for Pomeranians, thanks i a dear friend, Donna Machniak.Even though Phil is wiser than myself, I ways say with pride, "I have good imrnon sense." However, Phil loves to minds me about a few poor decisions, I ivc made. In his words "Remember the me Dec. 91 when the airport in St. ouis, MO. was nearly closed due to a rrible ice storm Wasnt that the day m flew to Lakeland, Florida with twobitches to breed to Topper, CH COYS TOP OF THE MARK"I admit to the above, but you have to understand Think about the timing and planning involved. Two bitches in season a day apart, one owned by Geneva Pennock and the other, myself, huh shared expenses Both bitches were in my kennel. But....terrible ice storms, was Topper available....for two bitches Could the late Jane Johnston and June Coy accommodate my plans Was the late Goldie McGuire available for 4 days Goldie was the only person that handled Toppers affairs Hotel arrangements, air farereservations and the rental car. Timing was everythingIt worked, though. Everything went perfectly. I flew down girls tucked safely under the seat and on Day 1 we bred bitch A on Day 2, bitch B on Day 3, bitch A, and on Day 4, bitch B. I returned with two impregnated Poms. Results Genevas bitch produced a beautiful orange male, "Florida Fuzz," HHPS TOP MARK FLAME. My bitch free whelped orange female, "Farrah," FAME FLORIDA MISS FORTUNE. Files and 4tvCh. Fame Piece Of The RockPETIPOM PROl DLV PRESENTSAM GW Ch ampionyi\a. F inc hs Hot T ickef FaceCh. Tim Sues Moon Rocket x Finchs Shesa Fancy NotionaThank you judges J. Cavalero, K. Miller, Mrs. A. Clark, M. Billings, F. Hogan, C. Harris, R. Miller, L. Boileau, J. Walton, and D. Walsh.Thank you breeder Diane Finch. Face was my first show Pom. Thanks, not only for this lovely girl, but for all your help and advice-and for believing in both of us.Thank you, handler Diana Nolan. You made a wonderful teamPat Cummings Box 279 Maryville, MO 64468 660 562-2572 e-mail dogs5AOL.comPETIPOM PROl DLY PRESEMTSAnother Mew Cha mpionni1 oI BEST OF I WINNERS4MISSOURI RHINELAND KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1997PHOTO BT DOWNEY 0m a. F inc Jis Retie cm CP ances R Ch a nee. Finchs He Walks On Water x Ch. Finchs Equisitely ObviousChThank you judges A. Hussin, G. Moran, Mrs. J.E. Clark, C. Harris, M. Bryant, and J. Esporite.Thank you breeder Diane Finch for this exceptional boy. His first puppies show great promiseThank you, handler Troy C. Dargin for your wins with Chance.Congratulations to Brenda Segelken on her Kennel Visit She is a lovely person and an excellent handlerPat Cummings Box 279 Maryville, MO 64468 660 562-2572 e-mail dogs5AOL.com36 Pomeranian Review -ifvr4iGrand kids-Korley and CameronFarrah are a great asset to our breeding program. We recently bred the two and had a beautiful litter 3 females and 1 male."AND remember when you fell 1030 PM in over the X pen, landing on an outstretched right hand You tried to convince me and yourself that you could leave at 330 am, drive alone four and one half horns, one handed, while throwing up and fainting, to a dog show""But Phil, I have to show" Needless to say, I didnt go, actually I couldn't go, though I tried twice. At the time, I couldnt understand why Phil was so upset at my determination.The Poms feel right at home in our double car garage, located off the dining room and adjacent to our family room. They are quite comfy in 2 X 3 puppy pens, with snugly hooded beds. Whelping bitches and nursing mamas are located in our guest bedroom The Pom Room, while growing pups enjoy the everyday activities in the kitchen. The Poms are allowed to play in the 13 acres fenced back yard Pom proofed, of course. I alsoliQrrp ofs'iroral Y nanc nnt fnmake 3 large portable X pens across the yard, to separate puppies, males and females, plus not everyone gets along.Our breeding program is small and a bit out of balance, as usual. I love male Pomeranians. We currently have 3 group winning Champion males CH FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK, CH FAME KING LINUS and CH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT. Two males are currently being shown FAME ROCK OF MILLAMOR, needs 6 singles and FAME PARAGON, just beginning his show career with a 4 point major from bred by- exhibitor class. FAME CALVIN KLEIN, a black show male, purchased from Geneva Pennock Long, recently had a serious eye injury. We are prayerfully awaiting the end results stitches will be removed first week in Dec.. We recently added "Florida Fuzz" HHPS TOP MARK FLAME mentioned above to the FAME stud force, also.Four of our eight bitches are Champions CH FAME GREATEXPECTATION, CH FAME IHS SPIRIT, CH FAME MON SHEREE AMORE and CH FRYS MAGICmmJs 1cV ronrlrlm ink^Atr ClirfOhath Lf mlriAmerican Pomeranian Club 37-Ch. Fame Piece of the RockIEANNIE. Three of our bitches are etired from breeding. Two female auppies four months old are currently Deing evaluated in hopes to be added to he FAME team. I believe strongly, that ill but one Pom we currently own could iave finished their championships.FAME puppies are very slow to mature. We rarely have knock-out gorgeous nippies. Our puppies appear to be all egs, noses and ears. Which, if I am evaluating and can "dress" the dogs with ny eyes, is exactly what I am looking for provided they are from heavy coated 3oms, and all else is there good shoulder ay back, excellent tail sets, straight legs, xpression and attitude. No, I do not vant long length of muzzle, but I am not rying to breed flat nosed Poms, either, fes, I want a pronounced stop. No, I do tot want large ears, but I do want high et, small ears. Yes, I want some length of eg. Some FAME Poms do not mature intil nearly 2 1\2 years old.FAME Poms are heavily line bred to nclude two famous Poms. CH COYS OP OF THE MARK and CH lTYTFI ANDY ROPK- OF 1UTT T AMORAlso included in our pedigrees are Millamor, Great Elms, Van Hoosiers, VI-Ra, Aristic and Gold Toy, which without these great breeders, FAME Poms would not be possible.Our first Pomeranian was purchased from Jewel Weber, formerly Jewel-Ken Pomeranians. Jewel taught me to groom ears correctly. I still trim as she taught and continue to pass on her instructions. I purchased a collection of Pom Reviews, dating back to 1960 from Jewel. These were instrumental in finding the type of Pom I wanted to breed. I was at "awe" at the famous breeders spotlighted in the Reviews, NEVER dreaming that someday I would be so fortunate to be writing thisMy first Champion, Rocky, CH FAME PIECE OF THE ROCK, was bred by Geneva Pennock, from Indiana. Norman and Geneva Pennock Long, and Genevas mother, the late Ruth Pennock, entrusted me with their beautiful Poms. They were there to answer my unending questions on breeding, whelping and raising puppies. The combination of their breeding knowledge and my ability to groom and handle resulted the FAMEt Ph Pamo Mnn Qharoo A rnnra0ecn- dz'-dcst^ dttPe- cecte^0cc 'Sshxp^s tz-czc 'bz'M7i6tce^ce^^at teccdcm SPPcce- '2tfia,iefi- J^ccide ^Pcd cctendecyccc- ^siccrce-PPPxc^ Jp^cccce, cccct- -K^dcocec cccc^ crfdr- deotecM,PAc etct^Pacci^-, sdPet^. ryZcz-tt^- P^cetd' ^trcst^ ecd tfe-^Pzte- c^'occec^tted,SZe-cce SZ^ceete'^Ptte- ry^ZZte- Z^eetet^- Srtezo etcttzcce aecec z-twtZ' ZtteZ^Zeete- tde-. ZZ^entemczcfy'ttewec ^ectccctet^ tZcxte- eatetjec^cZe- ZPtzeetA- a tett^- tecc tie- ccttc ZzffteetecUl- estate a te- tied- ttep- etc^Ztie- ccttc ZZed fcded- cctcc-^d-,Marcia and Bruce Cox"Scarlett Rainey" Raine's Rhett Butler's Dream And "Percy Fame" Fame MrPersonalityFAME MR. PERSONALITYi-A \A.r-'YmBEST OF WINNERSkMOBERLY IMOI KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1997PHOTO BY DOWNEY 0ACh. Fame Showtime x Bo's Charms A-PlentyAt just 3 Vz pounds Tercy' continues to show he's got what it takes to run with the 'Big Boys' Many thanks to Judge William Usherwood for this BW win.Percy is loved and shown exclusively by Peggy and Boug Vest.^ We will be forever grateful to Donna Riehm for allowing us tD have this special r . loving Me guy with us always . _ _^ 'Scarlett' says her True Companion Tercy' is one in a MillionOwners Marcia and Bruce Cox Mr. Vernon, L B28B4 Breeder Brenda Segelken 217 347-573140 Pomeranian ReviewRuth always prayed for my safety traveling to\from dog shows. They always encouraged me and built my confidence.Geneva HHP, Hoosier Home Place originally bought her Poms from Joyce Brown from Cumberland, Indiana, home of Gold Toy Poms. CH GOLD TOYS GAY FLAME was bred to several of Genevas females. The late Norma Jean Brown from Indianapolis, IN. owned CH DIXIELAND ROCK OF MILLAMOR, CH BROWNS ROCK N ROBIN, CH BROWNS GAMBLING MAN, and BROWNS WEE FLAMBEAU MARK to name a few. Most of these appear on HHPs and FAME pedigrees. Geneva also bred bitches to CH VI-RAS PRINCE CHARMING and CH VI-RAS FANCY TANGO DANCER, owned by Ralph and Vivian Bouse.CH. WEE RAMBO OF COYS TOP MARK, a son of CH COYS TOP OF THE MARK, purchased by Geneva, from the late Jane Johnston, the late Jim Coy and June Coy, was a great asset to the HHP breeding program, and that produced the FAME Poms.Though the FAME Poms will continue to cany the HHP Poms in their pedigrees,I am sorry to say that Geneva is no longer breeding her beautiful Poms. Geneva had bred Poms for over 40 years, a job well doneFAME puppies do not leave until they are 12 weeks old. Pet puppies are placed or sold at that time. I prefer to keep show prospects for at least 6 months. It takes devotion and hard work to nurture a puppy into a show dog. There are teeth to watch and pull at the correct time. There is lead breaking, crate training, table training, stacking, conditioning, baiting, bathing, and constant grooming. Hours and hours of work, if left unattended to. can ruin the puppys future show career.I do not believe that the dwarfrunl Poms should be bred. Breeders of the pasl reduced the Pom to its current size. We do not need to continue to reduce size. When we evaluate a puppy to keep as a showbreeder prospect for our own kennel, we tend to keep a medium or the largest puppy in the litter. Our show dogs are our breeders. We breed males and females that are within one pound of each other. We do not breed a tiny male to a large bitch. We do not have or want tin tiny males. We have bred for consistenl . "Li - - .. . ' - - .1 -.a...-'l ' ' ' V'. ft-1 American Pomeranian Club 41size and quality, though like everyone else, we do have the occasional throw-backs.For the last few years our Poms consisted of oranges, orange sables or reds, all weighing between 4 and 6 pounds However, last year we added two black pups, a male and female HHP to the breeding program. FAME DESIGNER GENES, the black female, and an orange female, were just bred to Hina Epps Jake, CH ROCK N rRADITION OF OAKRIDGE. This should be exciting, maybe adding more solorIts not that I do not like, or appreciate sxotic color Poms. I think a beautiful Pom in any color is breathtaking. My rrief experience with the exotics was not leasing. I did not get type. My hat is off, hough, to the dedicated breeders who lave been faithful and successful with heir exotic Poms. I love to admire your esults, keep up the good work.The best advice I could give someone ust beginning to breed Poms is to get the est bitch YOU can afford, from a free vhelping line. Study her pedigree and ightly line breed her to a Champion male hat is the TYPE of Poms YOU prefer. ur Champion females have been our reatest asset in the FAME breeding irogram.I evaluate my puppies, as if I were a udge in the ring. I look for a balance of ype, soundness, correct coat, and showy ttitudes. Usually a puppy with correct onformation can walk as fast as other uppies can run. Watch your puppies. Vho is the bouncer Who can move with re least spent energy Then, who is the hy one If we could only take this from lis one and that from that one you know, lways trying to make the perfect Pom. Before I breed a Pom, I review her edigree and evaluate what will be a closetip Krpprlintr Wmrprrpr flva fitvildecisions rests upon what each bitchesstuds strengths and weaknesses are. I try to combine what would create the perfect Pom. To date, I have not bred "the perfect Pom." I rather doubt if I ever see one in my lifetime, as I am much too critical.If you are not familiar with correct bone structure, try to attend a seminar. It will be invaluable. There are also books and videos available. Then go over your Poms. Feel each one and make notes on your dogs strengths and weaknesses. Keep this information in mind, when planning a future breeding.The Pomeranians require a lot of time, if the job is properly done. Guard against too much involvement, when your children are small, unless it can be a family affair. My dogs still interfere with a lot of family planning. I have always tried to put the family first and dogs second.I began to show Poms in 1983, with a little female Pom, FAME LIL SPARKLING FANCY. Fancy would not walk her first time in the ring. We had a very patient judge, who was willing take extra time with us. The second day, totally untrimmed, Fancy went Winners Bitch for 2 points. Barb Chance encouraged me to continue to show Fancy. Her next week end out, Fancy still untrimmed again received Winners Bitch and 2 points The dear judge, Georgia Buttrum, while taking photos, explained that I should ask someone to help me to trim her.Fancy did not finish her championship, however, it was not due to her quality. I did not have enough confidence. I didnt think I could ever finish a Pom, and gave up too soon. Looking back, I regret that I didnt finish several Poms in our first generation FAME Poms, as they could have finished fairly easy.GODFREY"i riMAJESTICSSIRGODFREYCh. Southland's S Impressive x Ch. Judges Morning MajicA Major winNeeds one Maj to finish.Bred, owned, loved and presented by Annette Rogers-Rister.ASSYLEE' . .-i , .VmViCh. Majestic SouthlandCh. Southland Mighty Impressive Ch. Southland's M Ruth of G.E.]New Champioi A Major winBred by Rwner and Charlotte Creed. Owned, loved and presented byAnnette Rogers-Rister"STEPPER" WINS 5TH BISS ^ulti BISA, BISS Am. Int. Ch. Majestie s Willie B Steppn Up With Toy Authority Judge Mr. Victor JorisThank you for all three prestigious wins- M- _________________r'. .... .- - Wm'J' It V T ,if 1^' ' \ . dtr2 .SPECIALTY BEST OF BREED-1ASSOCIATED SPECIAL" LUflS OF N ORGANSPALL 199 0iSVjBv-' ...f. Bred by Annette Rogers-Hister and Charlotte Creed Owned, Loved and Presented by Annette Bogers-RisterMAJESTIC PUMS Box 50 Corpus Christi, TX 78403rqi 9 QQ9_R9VV nftor 7-lin44 Pomeranian Reviewwas. No help at the shows, no mentor. I believe that is why today, I love to help newcomers in the ring, and coachteach to groom their Poms. Before I begin, I inform them the way I trim is not the correct way, as I still have never been shown "correct," but it is my way, the FAME way I receive constant comments about how well my dogs look and are groomed, so I must be doing something rightIf you would like to learn to groom your Poms for show, ask an exhibitor, whos grooming you admire, if you can watch. Do not approach them, before youthey have shown. Watch carefully and go home and groom a pet or kennel Pom. Never attempt your first show pattern on a show dog. I know from BAD experience, this is very embarrassing Practice again and again. If you still cannot trim to please yourself, approach the exhibitor again and ask if they would be available to trim your Pom before the next show, and pay them for their expertise. It should be easy for you to follow an established pattern.If I am ever at a show, and you need help, please feel free to ask. I caution you, though I reserve the last hour before ring time for the Poms I am showing that day. I am all business, at that time.In the past, I have trained Poms in conformation, obedience, agility and therapy work. I currently handle exclusively Poms for Russell and Jo Ann Kern, Donna Riehm and Pat Philipp, as well as myself. They keep me quite busy with their gorgeous Poms. I have finished numerous Poms for them and two were in the APC Top Ten several years overall winning.Breeding and showing Poms sure has its highs and lows. One week, I was totally stressed, missing nights of sleep, delivering puppies, tube feeding and thenTime to quit." Then the next two week ends, I came home from 5 shows with 7 majors on 4 Poms and 2 Best of Breeds, even though I wasnt showing a specialThe time involved with the dogs is immeasurable. Proper daily exercise, cleaning, individual socialization and care must be met. Daily care of a show coat and proper training is a must. Vet appointments, proper handling of breedings, this is a thankless never ending jobThe competitors in this area think that I am all business while showing the Poms. When it is TIME to be intense, then I am all business. I do love to have fun, though, even in the ring, occasionally. Though we dont often show against each other, Sue Malek and I tell each other jokes while in the ring provided its a large class and time permits.Once, while showing to the late Frank Oberstar, I lost an arm band in the ring. The ring steward helped me get it back on unknowingly upside down, 6 became 9. My bitch placed fourth. As Frank was marking the judges book, he noticed the incorrect number, and told me I would have to stand on my head for that ribbon. I said, No way for fourth, however, I certainly will if you give me first" Everyone cracked up.My pet peeves this year areNumber 1. Hey, at dog shows, dont get mad at me or too disappointed if I win when you have the better dog. Im not the judge. I dont point the fmger. I have never shown a perfect Pom. I have done more than my share of winning, but that is my responsibility to the dog, myself and clients in the show ring. Show the judge your dogs best assets. Present the Pom the best way possible for that dog. Dont try to hide your dogs faults, butAmerican Pomeranian Club 45accentuate its strengths. I dont like to loose, either, but I am not the judge.Number 2. Please have fun. Shows are great When I can no longer have fun at the shows, win or loose, I will retire. Keep the dogs happy, too. There is nothing uglier than a Pom in the ring that hates being there. I have shown a few that really dont like to show, and it is hard to finish an unhappy Pom. These little Poms are very keen and know when you are upset, nervous or unhappy. Tell them they are beautiful. Lets have funNumber 3.1 resent remarks made about professional handlers. I spend more time with clients dogs, than I do training my awn Poms. I have to win that little Poms onfidence, love and bond with him 'sometimes within a few days. I make sure that he is happy, clean, well groomed md comfortable traveling to the shows, rhis can be challenging and hard work. iVhat if we charged by the horn Hey, low thats a keen ideaPatience is a virtue, the Bible says, and I jelieve I normally have a lot, but I am jatiently waiting for that Best in Show Vll Breed, or that Best In Show Specialty vin. We have come close, oh so close, everal times. But no BIS,yet. Patience, latienceWe have had many tremendous wins hrough the years. The Louisville, Kentucky spring shows are the largest all reed shows in the United States and the ompetition is tough. Most of the top winning Poms are shown there each larch.We have had numerous big wins at -ouisville, including two back to back 5 oint majors on CH FAME PIECE OF 'HE ROCK. The following year, Brother" CH DOUBLE ROCK TOP LA.RK, a half-brother to Rocky, and ttermate to CH FAME KING LINUS cnt Best of Breed. In 1994 a Rocky son,ROCK, "Chips" won Best of Breed. I usually keep my composure in the ring win or loose however, that day I lost it. Dianne Kieffer practically held me upright, while receiving the ribbon.CH FAME IHS SPIRIT, "Spirit," a Linus daughter, also won a 4 point major and Best of Opposite Sex at Louisville. Then in 1995, a 7 month old Rocky grandson and ChipsSpirit son, CH FAME GIFT OF THE SPIRIT, "Gift," won back to back 5 point majors. These were not easy tasks, considering the amount of Poms entered and the quality of exhibits.I enjoy entering the Bred by Exhibitor class at the APC National Specialties, and have placed first in this class several times. CH FAME IHS SPIRIT won her BBE class in New York in 1995. Then in 1996 CH FAME SHEREE AMORE, "Sheree," won the BBE bitch class and Best Bred by Exhibitor. Both are wonderful compliments to our breeding program.Though I know that I havent made much of a difference in this world, never breeding the perfect Pom or finding a miracle cure for AIDS, my greatest dreams will be fulfilled when I am in Heaven not by merits of my own, but through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and am surrounded by my family and friends. To quote one of my favorite heroes, James Dobson as he speaks to his family and friends, "Be there, just be there"We feel very honored to be chosen as this months Pomeranian Review Kennel Visit and I hope you glean something of value from it. This has been fun to write, and rewrite at the last minute thanks to a computer error We thank everyone that has had any involvement with this issue. Thanks to the wonderful people world wide who have admired the FAME Poms.Pebblebrook's Copper PennyCh. Whb Challenger of Lanatta x Creider's Countdown to GloryCongratulations, Brenda, on your Kennel Visit. Thank you for your expei handling of my dogs, and especially far all of Pennes exciting winsPat Philinn 2788 Mayor Road Foristal, MO 83348 314 483-1258i ea cjja e^jja jja0 .- v CH. FINCHS BCACH LACEBIS, BISS Ch. Finch's He Walks One Water x Finch's Black Fad FashionShe started her show career at 10 months oi age in the Open Bitch class and just kept winning. ShB finished with two four-point majors and a Best of Breed over Special. Lace was Reserve Winners Bitch at the AFC Specialty inCharlotte.Lace was shown to perfection by Brenda Segelken. Thanks, Brenda, for all the joy of watching this duo at work in the show ring...Congrats on your Kennel Visit.Donna S. Riehm 669 Ava RoadMurphysboro, Illinois 62966 618 684-4644 e-mail'C 'allC'48We love and appreciate our ring side cheering section. God bless you allTo my husband and clients For your financial assistance, and your emotional support, For your encouragement, or just listening for your delight at what we did great, and your indifference when we failed for the memories, FAME and glory, I thank youLove, Brenda and FAMESILVER OR GOLDGod, tell me quickly, "What is this, these tiny strings so rareTheir value must be, oh so great,No, no, I shall not share"Theyre on my socks, in my drawers, they creep around at night.To church, to bed they travel well, theyre never out of sight.It must have wealth and magnitude, no fat or cholesterol.Why else would this be in our house on dishes, clothes and walls"But, last I shall forever know,Ill send this creature far.To a lab to test and magnify in search of what you are."It glistens, glitters and reflects.Just look its everywhere.Ill gather it and bottle it Ill be a millionaire""Youll not get rich," the Mrs. says,"Not strings of gold so rare.""Shut up and eat your veggie soup, Relax, its just POM HAIRBrenda Segelken 94American Pomeranian Club 49YALL PLAN TO COME TO TEXAS FOR SOME BODACIOUS DOG SHOWS 9 SHOWS IN 11 DAYSSet your sights on Texas for fun, hospitality, and the chance to visit with your Pomeranian friends. Start your trail ride in Houston for 3 shows and mosey up to Dallas-Fort Worth area for two days of the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty followed by 5 more Texas-sized shows. If you are looking for majors there should be plenty to try for.Friday, March 13.....................................The Houston Pomeranian Club HoustonSaturday, March 14................................................. Houston Kennel Club HoustonSunday, March 15............................................... Galveston Kennel Club HoustonMonday, March 17...............................................................Travel and Shopping DayMarch 17 and 18........ American Pomeranian Club National Specialty ArlingtonThursday, March 19...........................Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club DallasFriday, March 20........................................................... Texas Kennel Club DallasSaturday, March 21..........................Texas Kennel Club Centennial Show DallasSunday, March 22........................................ Fort Worth Kennel Club Fort WorthMonday, March 23......................................Trinity Valley Kennel Club Fort WorthNewport Dog Shows Jack Onofrio, Superintendent Wanda Roach, Show Secretary 806 257-3817MB-F, SuperintendentSPECIALTY ROOM AND TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTSThe American Pomeranian Club will be holding its specialty at the Comfort Inn Six Flags in Arlington, Texas, which is convenient to the DFW Airport and centrally located to the Dallas and Fort Worth shows. The Comfort Inn will serve as our headquarters and will allow us to enjoy all the shows because of its proximity to them. The club has arranged a special rate of S59.00 for a single or double room which includes a continental breakfast. Door to door bus transportation for you, your dogs, and your equipment has been arranged for a low price of 10.00 round trip. The buses are on a regularly scheduled basis. The buses will save you the hassle of driving in downtown rush hour traffic, finding an affordable place to park within walking distance of the show sites, and then having to repeat the experience for the return trip. We have made arrangements through X-PRESS TRAVEL to make Hotel reservations, airline reservations, transportation to and from the airport, and bus transportation. All these services can be accomplished with one easy toll free call to 1-888-397-7782 or 972-641-0186 if you cannot use the toll free number. Please note that you must make your hotel reservations through X-PRESS TRAVEL to get the special room rate because they have reserved a large block of rooms for our show. They will also make your other travel arrangements if you wish. X-PRESS TRAVELS address is 2424 S. Carrier Suite 109 Grand Prairie, TX 75051.The Club has also made arrangements for round trip bus transportation to the D-FW Pom Clubs after show dinner on March 19.BK33B^lF^BKI3BBEZaBLIL LUKE IS AWARDED ANDTHER SHDUP PLACEMENTBKZ2BI IB^Bf mGROUf] PLACINMIDDLEBl KENNEL C ^FRIDAY ., ocr.24. 197 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___Ch. La Cherie's Lil Luke Skywalker rThanks to eminent judge Dr. Harry Smith, Jr. for this win jCongratulations to a lovely lady, Brenda Segelken, and the Fame [ Poms on a greatly deserved Kennel Visit ^BOB^^BOIDot and Ed Martin 5354 Bluebird LaneYork, SC 29745 803 831-8086Ch. Rock N Tradition of Dakridge'JAKE'-Top Producing Sire 1996 and 1997 Hopefully 1998 alsov\Jake sends congratulations to his daughter, Foxworth Five Star Tradition who was Best of Winners at the North Carolina American Pomeranian Club lecialty. Congratulations also on the other five-point major, all from the 6-9 monthpuppy class.Congratulations to Brenda Segelken on her Kennel Visit. She is a super lady andan excellent handlerNina K. Epps 908 Bryce LanB Nixa, Mo G571452 Pomeranian ReviewTTTT\r'lCSom Srfjumfi ^otitcrmtmn^28iIje ^bcrtjonejABEST OF BREED,Iears in Heaven of Tom ThumbSire AC Ch. Harbins Charming Touch by Ch. G.E. Prince Charming IIPhoto by Animal WorldIddy Bitty with limited showing in 97 has another BOB. Watch for him in 98XC7DfX^ 7G^7eAIZV\J5QAAers Am tyeuv C.ensiic.tfaUen....Ci. yZub^'s frQcc flczcbcL^ais^cBIS Ch. Lovely Jessie Sais So x Rubys Sassy Weetart LadyJezebel...beautiful rich rcd-orangc grows coal lo the floor, finished with four majors and Bcsl of Breed over a group w inning special Proven free w helper. just turned 4 years old.DONT MISS YOUR CHANCE TO OWN THIS GORGEOUS CHAMPION BITCH.Also available nicely marked, good quality w hilcblack parti male. MUST SELL For additional informationVictoria "Vic" LoveK 1406-D 54lh Ave ETacoma. WA VX424-I2X456 Pomeranian ReviewGlen Iris Distant Lady. Winners were awarded rosettes, plaques with the theme picture in color and the American Pomeranian Club Medallions. First place in each class received rosettes, a Medallion, a crate pad with a Pom motif, notepads with club logo and other items. See ond Third and fourth place winners in each class received rosettes and notepads with club logo. Best Bred By Exhibitor received a rosette and 25.00 cash offered by David and Melissa Dahlenburg. Immediately after the judging, wine and cheese was served for exhibitors and guests.The evening concluded with the Banquet at the lovely T-Bones on Lake Wylie. There were four entree items on the menu and the 108 guests were served quickly by the staff. Ed Martin serenaded all with his own special rendition of "Nothin Could be Finer than Poms in Carolina" and there were some interesting tales about "Jeny" Shearer and other Board Members. Door prizes were awarded before the dinner was served. The auction concluded the evening. The "hot" ticket items were a hand made leather wallet with a Pom and flowers carved into the leather and a lighted wall clock with the theme picture in color in front of one of the lights. There was also a framed cross stitch of a Pom head study and several drawings of Poms in addition to numerous other items. Our thanks to Alta Davis who did such a great job coordinating the auction.Friday was a lovely day for a show which began at 900 a.m. with Sweepstakes. Judge Mrs. Ann D. Hearn had 7 males and 10 females competing for Junior puppy. Jan Shar N Janesas Kitty Cool, bred by Sharon Hanson and Jerrie Freia - owned by Sharon Hanson was13 dogs and 12 bitches vying for Best Senior Puppy. The winner was Emcees Ultimate Chip, bred and owned by Morris and Betty Carson. The Grand Sweepstakes Winner was Emcees Ultimate Chips. All winners received a rosette and a Plaque with the theme picture in color. First in each class won a trinket box, crate pad with Pomeranian motif and notepad with club logo and other items. Second, third and fourth place winners in each class received rosettes and notepads.Mrs. Arlene Benko had 142 dogs in competition with 64 males and 50 females in the classes and 26 champions in Best of Breed. Two veterans were entered. Winners dog, Golden Aires Moon Chip was from the open ROCS Class, bred and owned by Sharon Masnick and Benson Ray. Reserve winners dog was Mai T Tois Jelly Bean from the Open BBB Class, bred and owned by Angela Nisbet. Winners Bitch, Great Elms Buttercup was from the Puppy 9-12 month class, bred and owned by Ruth Beam. Reserve winners bitch, Foxworth Five Star Tradition was from the Puppy 6-9 month class bred and owned by Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox. Best in Specialty was Ch Absolutes Mini Bike, bred by Jeanne and Robert Blank and owned By Jeanne Blank and Sharon Hanson. Best of Winners was Golden Aires Moon Chip and Best of Opposite was Ch China Doll Bette Midler, bred by Darlene and John Boyd and owned by Ann Simmons. Best Bred By Exhibitor was, Millamors Style Maker, bred and owned by Eleanor Miller. Best Veteran was Ch Tim Sues High Lights, bred and owned by Tim and Sue Goddard. All winners received rosettes and plaques with the theme picture in color. First place in each classAmerican Pomeranian Club 57cenes donated by Roberta and Beth Cerr,- crate pads with Pomeranian motif, Lotepads and other items. Second, third ind fourth place in each class received osettes and notepads. Best Bred By Exhibitor received a rosette and 25.00 ash offered by David and Melissa Dahlenburg.Immediately following the judging wine nd cheese were served. Our thanks to itella Lizambri, Hospitality Chairman nd Janet McWhorter for their assistance.Thirty minutes after Best in Specialty, a udges Breed Study Group was onducted by Charlotte Creed, Chairman f the Standard Revision committee. The ew illustrated standard was distributed to le 77 people who attended. After the cture portion that featured pictures on anoverhead projector and live dogs to help demonstrate various points, the group returned to the rings for hands on tutoring. It was a very informative session. Thanks to all who brought their dogs to help with the demonstration.The evening concluded with a Southern Social hot dog supper complete with grilled dogs, chili, slaw, potato salad, fruit salad, dessert and iced tea. Thanks to Ken and Eleanor Griffith who were in charge of the event and to Jeff and Lisa Braddy who assisted. Also thanks to all club members who provided food.Many exhibitors stayed for the All Breed shows on Saturday and Sunday. A good time was had by all and we hope to see you again in the future.m. \f aai-Best of Breed2\ancio Xista omer araansytciC4vti'mt^^txA-yrytexctciic i C^M-ce Qcry euxd, \ s tcslvPhoto by Susan CappockThese beautiful little lads were born in July, 1997 and exhibit all first rate featur shared by their parents. Sired by Ch. Luv-n's Storibook Cupid x Ch. Winston's Sw Emily O'Loma, we expect to see both youngsters in the ring in February, 1998.Prince will be trained and presented by professional handler, Karen Crawford, ai will begin his show career in California and Nevada. Watch out for this royal kniglOwner Trainer Handler Karen CrawfordCD-Owner BreederHichard E. Lane--dickspomsAOL.com0cmtt S oma IftomzramansytciC4xti" r\BESTOF BREED4'I-fjilag DEL SURKENNEL j CLUBr PHOTOS by KITTENkJVy\tvuf S^-tcce erf Jeuet Ms. Mary AliceCh.Nice Guy of Point Loma x Princess Nocturn of Loma Photo by Kitten RodwellAnother Point Loma girl on her way to the top Expertly presented by Amador Nava Valdovinos, lil Mary Alice" took Best of Breed under judge Don Rogers tured and Best Opposite Sex under Canadian judge Margaret E. Robertson at the dIo grounds in Rancho Santa Fe, CA in November, 1997. THANK YOU, judges luch appreciation to Pauline Hughes pictured above for allowing me to benefitfrom her bloodline.OwnerBreeder Richard E. Lane Box 4253, Carlsbad, CA 92018HandlerAmador Nava Valdovinos60 Pomeranian Reviewn n ' 4 yJtMs 'j.kTL.reijkV mBest Opposite Sex Ch. China Doll Bette MidlerCI WAr^Best of Winners Golden Aires Moon Chip7jT AAAliJ .jf 4 x ' Tw \^y 4A 'ItX.kf 4WinnersBitch Best in SweepstakesAmerican Pomeranian Club 61OHIO Valley Pomeranian Club Mega MatchbyRuth RippergerLet the Happiness BeginFriends, fun, food, and fuzzy Poms in a uotel banquet room in Columbia, Ohio, in a rainy Fall weekend. Theres nothing [uite like a home cooked turkey dinner vith dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, Dts more scrumptious choices for filling p the plate and stomach including a ariety of pies, cakes, brownies, and even 'om cookies. Put that together with lots f great Pom exhibitors, lots of prizes, nd fuzzy pups and what do you have The Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club lega Match drew over 80 entries all eserving of a blue ribbon. But there wasnt a ribbon to be found anywhere. iTio needs ribbons We awarded eautifully embroidered grooming towels ir the first four places in each class, ldup dog show chairs with Poms enciled on them, of course for best inior puppy, Senior puppy, and Adult, id a cool EZ up canopy for BIM.No one went away empty handed as ich entry received a goody bag filled ith samples, dog toys, and who knows hat...and for those who were determined take home something really special, ere was the silent auction table-filled ith beautiful items to delight and tempt. The costume class winner was The im Bull FameParagon owned by Brenda gelken.The Tack Box Rat winner was iviously the sexiest RAT shown, iwever, I do not have a record of the ts name which was handled by Pat amey. There is some question about the dge taking bribes in this class. Let me sure you all that HE DID indeed solicitand take bribes A great big thank you to our TBR judge, Bob Fiddick.We were very sorry to hear that our judge for the regular classes, Jeanne Blank, couldnt join us because she caught the flu bug that was going around. So weve invited her to join us next year. Stay well, JeanneMany thanks to Phillip Heinz who was able to step in at the last moment to judge-and did a wonderful job Mr. Heinz is an AKC judge who plans to apply to judge Poms in the near future. We can never have too many good Pom judges.Best Junior Handler was Courtney Evans showing Jodi Beatys Pom, Cashmeres Sapphire Gold.Best Junior Puppy from the 2-4 puppy bitch class-LYNNWRIGHTS CARRIE owned by Donna Lynn Wright.Best Senior Puppy from the 6-9 puppy dog class-HONEY DEWS FUZZY LITTLE THING owned by Angie Roberts.Best Adult-HEARTLAND S KNIGHT RIDER owned by Dianne Kieffer.Best in Match went to the little black adult Pom. Kit just showed his little furry heart out and would not be denied. I think maybe hes been taking lessons from his dad-Ch. Heartlands In the Nicka Time.Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make this match a truly memorable experience First of all, our hard-working match chairperson, Karen Schwartz, the show committee members and other OVPC members who contributed of their time and talents. And a very special thank you to all our Pom friends who came from near and far withEIEIEIEIEIEIEIEEsEEinEEr,11 SVEb\emI\ubagAugEEECh. Forever Darin to DreamAnother champion for 'Bobbi' Bearcat. We are proud of Darin's 5 BDB's from the classes. If our entry got in, watch for us at the Garden.Also taking Breed from the classes is Forever Tiger Eye, a dark sable Hatfield son.Iforeimr [nurs,Marge KranzfelderMUSTAPfOSSHORT STOPJust an example of the type puppies Sunny is producing. He's carrying on the TRADITION of his daddy, AC Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge and his granddaddy Ch. Millamor's Tradition. We are very proud of Sunny and his typy, short-backed offspring. Can't thank you enough Nina Epps and Nancy Smith for this gorgeous little boyWe wish all of our Pom friends a Happy New Holiday Season and a Great New Year filled with lots of show ribbons and healthy puppies.Looking forward to seeing you all in Texas in MarchJoyce Birks RD1, Box 8S-H Sayre, PA 1884U 717 888-419564 Pomeranian Reviewcarloads of some of the cutest puppies on EarthThe best thing about showing and breeding Poms is the kinship felt with others who are owned and loved by these incredible little dogs.See yall next year when the OVPC Mega Match will be held after the APC Summer Specialty Show. Both the Specially Show and the OVPC Match are being held in the same location.ovTBest Adult and Best in Match Heartlands Knight RiderV2.Best Senior PuppyA Harrowing Experienceby Evelyn BlakeMy name is Evelyn E. Blake. I have story to tell, that may help other people or you may have a family member, o friend, that may profit from the ternbli agony I have just experienced.In the spring of 1994, my son came t visit, he was between jobs, and is a ver good carpenter. He said if I wanted hin to do some repair work, and remodel m home he would take the time and do it fo me. At that time, I had a young male ou being campaigned. He was Blakes Yo Light up my Life he had both majors, thought since Jack was willing to do thi for me at little, or no expense for himsel I chose to take advantage of the offer. We all know the expense to show i getting out of reach, so I quit showing, could not do bothMy son had put on a few extra pound and he was feeling sorry for me, too. had gone up to 163 pounds and for m frame and height I looked awful So, on morning my son Jack said to m Mother, I am going to start on a diet d you want to share this with me I to him no, I was not ready to start on a di just yet I weighed myself the ne morning, and decided it was time to tal action. We started to eat lots of salad chicken, tuna, and lots of fruit. I choo for a sweetener,Contact Evelyn for tl name and distributor of this product stayed on a pretty strict regime during tl time my son was at my home. It alwa helps if someone else is dieting wi you. I lost several pounds, and w feeling pretty good about my will pow to stick with our diet. One night I wo up with a strange feeling of my he racing, my tongue felt like it wAmerican Pomeranian Club 65rom The Skeptic TankWhat Can All This MeanByDr. Al GrossmanAKC to Maintain Status Quo reads one eadline No resolution to Location lonflict reads another A Great iecision reads a third.What and who are we to believe Does make any difference to the overall dog row fancy Did we get our moneys 'orth from the consultants study which fas to help the Board make a decision as the future location of the American .ennel Club.For those of you that have spent the last n years herding goats in Outer Bator or i a monasteiy in Tibet and are not versed i the goings on at 51 Madison Ave., here a nutshell is the story.A former board light years ago, for hatever reasons, judged that much of e backroom read computer and record eping function of the kennel club uld be done more efficiently and onomically by being moved to North arolina. A major presence was tablished there under a Vice President hose training was in data processing and it in dog processing. Let us be kind and y the operation was not the sterling ccess it was predicted to be.Subsequent boards poured more dollars, anpower and administrative talent into e breech to correct the situation. Then 3 final scenario forecast a total move to other site in the Carolinas and land was rchased. This new site had an ibitious plan which included a campus e environment, a possible show site d a hotel to be leased and run by a hotel rporation. There was much to do in rtain segments of the press over this rnned move and certainly the location.majority favoring the move and caused a total new Think". The air was filled with new plans and new strategies. At the same time a new non doggy President was selected to lead the kennel club into the next century. Key members of the board presented position papers on how it was best to reexamine the whole notion and to hire a consultant to study the problem anew. In the meantime, other states got into the act, principally Kentucky with what looked like a wonderful offer on the surface.Finally the consultants after weighing all factors made a report to the board which compared all the possible choices. The main ones were l stay put 2 move to new site in Carolina 3 move to Kentucky. Faced with these choices the board deadlocked. Kentucky was out. Since there was no consensus, the new president after studying all the variables, came up with a compromise. Shift everything but the administrative staff, library and Gazette to the old site in North Carolina and the rest remain in New York. Now while this was a decision, and considering the fact the new president was not conversant with the feeling of those not on the Eastern seaboard, it really did not settle the political animosity about New York City being the hub of the dog world. There was a feeling that the decision was not even worth a half a loaf.It is hard to fault the new president. He was given a lemon by the board and he tried to make the best lemonade he knew how from the ingredients he had on hand. So, what does all this mean Not much I am afraid. It turned out to be a very large tempest in a very small teapot. Many staffers faced with the move to the South will opt out. Especially the lower echelon people. This means hiring and training a new staff . Hopefully, North Carolinabrystar foms CM.DfjCl2-Special thanks to my good friend, Val Murray, for all her encouragement in our pursuit of quality partis and for letting me have this wonderful chocolate parti girl Thanks also to Janet Manuszak-Lucido for teaching me so much about showing poms. Look for Heidi in the ring.Bred byVal MurrayWildwood Pomeranians 209 787-2392Owned and Handled byChristy Nichol Visalia, CA 209 798-2701eMSHSBkMCWikSSskJ-r.fe'- mi- r- MVrTS-sl'Sy I -"tu. y oWINNERSA9INGERLAKESB.tJ1E0JBRCJWN11 Huger Ashcraft H 5, Box 52 jmesburg, PA 1537 412 499-540268 Pomeranian Reviewunder competent leadership. However, with the administrative staff headquarters still in New York City, the long festering antagonism from those removed by many miles from the scene will only get worse. It is imperative that the headquarters staff reach out to those who feel wounded by the decision to remain in New York City.A good way to start might be that elusive rewrite of the constitution and by-laws that changes the makeup of the AKC delegate body. As we know only a handful of clubs are represented and those West of the Mississippi are poorly represented. Just encouraging all clubs to become AKC member clubs would not work for the delegate body would become unwieldy and finding a meeting place for this large convention each quarter would be nigh on impossible. I might suggest the reader review two of my previous articles, NOW HEAR THIS and TheRole and Function of the AKC in the 21 st Century in which I spelled out plans tc reorganize and make more democratic the workings of OUR Kennel Club.If some of these things are not done in the near future I predict a number oJ brush fire like challenges to the boards recommendations and authority wil occur in the delegate body. Sniping at the administration will increase by those feeling disfranchised. It is a shame tha these things happen but in such competitive sport such as ours, little things can grow into giant appearing problems if not dealt with quickly and ir a winAvin atmosphere. The situatioi today seems to be one of control weve got it and you dont so do not stick you nose into places where it does not belong I wish this was not so but alas it seems te be. At this point my crystal ball i clouding up and I cannot see the futuri clearly. Time to turn to the tea leaves.Congratulationsto E3renda Segelkon on her Kennel Visit She is a good pereon, a good handler, and a good friend.fromFAN-C POMERANIANSFlorence and Carl Scott 2958 Mayfield Road Wickliffe, KY 42087merican Pomeranian Club 69Continued from page 64ie same time. I got up and went to the athroom in a half zombie state I knew imething was going wrong, but did not ive good sense about me to decide what ' do, like my brain was not functioning ght either I headed to my sons room, id at the same time going from the livening to the shakes. My knees were locking together, so bad I could hardly alk I managed to turn the light on, and y son looked at me and said "Mother hat is wrong I was grouchy as an old sar My husband said he was getting ady to send me to a psychologist Im rry, I dont remember much, except I lew I was not feeling normal I had ways been very healthy, and had not en to a doctor since 1974, did not have liat some people call a "family" doctor, when these feelings hit me, it never .wned on me to go to the doctor. I called fiend of mine, Rosie, who had bought a tail female Pom from me, and we came friends. Rosie was an LVN, and irked in a clinic not far from my home, isked her to make an appointment for , that I had something terribly wrong my body, causing me lots of mental guish I thought it must be cancer It ist be in my brain It must have my dy ate up The thing that was my gest concern was my Pomeranians, tiat would happen to them Would they t good care Everything went through ' mind My love for my Poms, and dr daily care kept me going.Vhen my time came to go to the doctor, old him of my "attacks" or seizures, ich was now happening on a regular is. I would go into a zombie state, my th clinching together, my body shaking over, my body feeling like it was iched to a live electric current. My iband, bless his heart, when I knew Iknew before the time because of the symptoms he would stay with me, sometimes missing work, taking my blood pressure all the time I was going through my "attack." It would shoot up high on both ends, and then when it was all over, go down real low. When it was over I was very limp, and could not lift my legs to take a step My memory was leaving, I received my new bank checks in the mail, put them in a safe place, and I have looked every place. I still have not found them I may have thrown them in the trash, who knows, I dont My EKG came back O. K. my heart was normal at that time. All my blood work was normal. When the doctor called to tell me everything came back 0. K. I said, If all is true what is causing my heart to race as though Im having a heart attack" He said my blood pressure was up a "little bit," and he prescribed a high blood pressure pill. I did not wonder why it was up, after all I had been through, but never did think that was my problem. The last attack, that I was to see a doctor was 3-10-97, a woman doctor at the clinic took me in to her examining room, and checked me out. I was so weak, dizzy, and my heart beating irregular. I felt like I would pass out any minute as if I was having morning sickness and a heartcould do was shake my head, and with that he said, "Do you want me to take you to the emergency room He said, come and sit down. I sat down in the chair beside his bed, and went into the shakes, I could not speak, or control my body. My husband heard us talking, and came to my sons room, thinking because I was shaking I was cold, he began to talk of going to the hospital, and at the same time trying to wrap his arms around me for warmth. I could not speak, my teeth clinching very tightly together, and my oSfcNs.-.. .i1WJSBtis All rights reservedHappy Holiday Season to All And a Great 98Congratulations to Brenda SegelkenlMo J6Ofienos ''h'ommanians650 583-4973 Fax 650 583-6305Pomeranian. Pendant.. 14 K gold...275 each Pomeranian Antique Brooch...l4 K. Gold...200 each Paw long Pendant.. 14 K. gold...130 each Paw Earrings... 14 K. gold...100 pair Small Rosette 14 K. gold with sapphire or ruby...105 each Medium Rosette 14 K. gold with sapphire...300 Large BIS Rosette with ruby and sapphire and diamond letters...13D0 Small Rosette with sapphires and a diamond in the center...25D Champion Charm... 14 K. Gold...34Td Order305 220-5221We accept Visa, Master Charge, and American ExpressMail Checks or Money Orders toORIGINALS BY OMAR 13876 SW 56 Street. Ste. 164 Miami, FL 3317572 Pomeranian Reviewnew bom baby In a period of 20 minutes the shaking let up, and I was released from the seizure, or what ever it was, and it felt as though I was released from a very high current of electric, and I went limp. I told my son and husband I was O K., and my husband took me back to bed. As we were talking I began to shake again, and this one lasted around 5 minutes. It was all over, and we went back to sleep. The next day I wondered what had caused this seizure to happen to me, but feeling O. K. I continued to do the normal routine. At that time, I was, what you would call a rescue home for all mistreated Pomeranians. I was buying them just to get them away from the treatment they were receiving, if you know what I mean. I was so attached to a lot of my own breedings, that it was a frill time job caring for them. I was trying to help my son as much as possible, doing the office work for my husbands shop, so I blamed the seizure on stress. I began to feel tired all the time, but forcing myself to carry on. In the meantime I was forced to kind good homes for a lot of my dogs. I began to lose interest in everything, became depressed, and had no desire to do the things I was interested in I was doing geneaology, had written two early marriage books when you had to be bonded to marry and was on my third book when my mind began to fail. I could not concentrate, and do that which I had no trouble doing before. I thought well, that comes with getting older, and let it go at that. I had to write down all important stuff, because I would forget. I can look back at some of the things I did, and the people I talked to, and it is like a dream, remembering only parts of it I would be at my computer, trying to put in data on my book, and I would go into a zombie like stare, and not even remembermy senses again. I was still feeling depressed, and getting weaker until all I did was keep a path cleaned through my house. I hired a woman to come twice a week to help with the Poms, and clean my house.Again I told the doctor of my symptoms. She ordered an EEG, and more blood work.They tested for thyroid too, because I told her my hair was starting to fall out. My body had became one big nervous system, my insides trying to get outside I was uneasy all the time never knowing when these "attacks" would happen. I did not drive for a year, for fear of having an "attack in my car," and maybe hurting someone elseWhen my test results came back, I was told all of my tests were O.K How could this be happening to me I knew something was wrong The new doctor prescribed a very low dose of thyroid medication, and maybe it was a "little" low, but that was not my problem. Why was none of my tests revealing what was wrongWhen I could think clearly, I told my husband I was going to eliminate everything I was taking into my system, and I started with my vitamins. I started taking that because I was starting to have problems after I would eat, and was noi eating much because I still did not know what was causing my seizures on top 01 everything else, my stomach wai beginning to hurt I quit that for 3 or ^ days, I was still having my attacks, so ' started with my food. I eliminated all the foods, one by one, and the "attacks' continued. All that was left to eliminatf was a FDA approved product that wa1 supposed to be safe for consumption, sojust to prove to myself, it was the onb American Pomeranian Club73The one thing that even children are taking into their system, even vitamins lias this product in them It is called STUTRASWEET That was 10-03-1997.1 lave not had a seizure since. My eyesight las returned. Oh, I didnt mention my jyesight did I I was needing my glasses changed bad. Not anymore I see fine vith the ones I have. My memory is mproving, I am back in my computer, vorking on my new book. I still have reart palpitations, but they are farther ipart. I have been off of the sweetener for ilmost 6 weeks now. I have almost returned" to normal, and last week I vent to see the first doctor that did the sKG and all the blood work. I told him I bund out what had caused all my agony or 2 and a half years, and he said, "Oh bats good". I have trouble believing that octors are compassionate, and caring I ailed my brother in Georgia and was dling him of my illness, and what had aused it. He said to go on line to the web age and put in Aspertame search, I did, tid I could not believe my eyes There is age after page telling about the danger of spartame, what it is made from, and tter after letter of people like me, having le same symptoms, and how they found ut it was aspartame that caused their salth problems. There is over 9,000 roducts on the market with aspartame in iem. If you use products with aspartame, id have physical, visual, mental oblems ailments the doctors cant seem cure....then please try the 60 day no part am e test. When your symptoms sappear, please get involved in an temational effort to get this deadly lurotoxin off the market. Write a letter the FDA, with a copy to Betty Martini Dr proof of how the FDA doesnt keep oper records. Write your congressmen. By the way, for those of you who do not ve a computer and cant find a friend made up of, here is what I found on line Phenylalaine, this is in Equal aspartic acid, methyl alcohol wood alcohol, formaldehyde embalming fluid , formic acid ant sting poison and other toxic chemicals.Say "no" to methanol, formaldehyde, and DKP a tumor agent, and to embalming., until AFTER you dieBehind New TitlistsCh Dimonde Flynns Ziegfield GirlOrange Female Breeder Diana Downey Owner Robert and Regina NunnCh Great Elms Prince Charming II ROMX Ch Dimonde's Crown PrinceDimonde Solitaire of Emcee ROM Dimonde Flynn Fire Crown Ch Elans Inferno Ch Dimondes Saf-FireDimonde Solitaire of Emcee ROM Ch Apples Traveling Rambler ROM Ch Apples Travelin Diablo DElan Apples Traveling Courtney Dimondes Satin Seductress DMDs British Red Coat Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee ROM Emcees Simplemente MielLenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Poms since 1957P mCh. Great Elms Mr. Chips x Great Elms Little SweetumCh. Great Elms Mr. Chips Ch. Millamor's Dance of Sourwood Ch. Yolanda's N Golden Aires Duke Clairmont's DylanWe have several brood prospects as well as a couple of top show prospects. All of our bitches have Great Elms in their pedigrees.Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.K.G. Griffith 144D Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28D81 7D4 338-2D42 Fax 7D4 938-7578Te Jay PomeiamGnsMicro, Dliver, and all the DeJay Poms wish everyone "Merry Christmas anda Happy New Year."To Brenda and Phil,It is a pleasure to know such a nice couple. Thanks for the friendship and the good times together. May you have continued success with the Fame Pomeranians. Congratulations on your Kennel Visit.Love, Donna and Richbellow 7pmveAMniav bonnet H l-Uf'hnuih237 CJ ro-velarul ti4teLilicAiyan 48843w L ^1 a- \v . ya\517-546-744631 tt dJtmmrtam iilary Tnny pUnxmumbpic Ijafre lips moment to trolir m our hartirs,J\nir to feel as it slips ilprougb our fingers like sanic ISesierttags gone antt touiorrofo retag nefrer come,Put foe tjafre lips moment iobag.GaitherGary E. Young, Sr. Iilac_hillskyenet.netHI^ongtatitlatiottSQ-ongiatniations to ',Q good j-Jiiend and went oil. ^ou desellte tHe tiibute to tHe "0tMe" Poweianians. .Mgain, congjiatudations and continued success j-jlom. youn ^iend, Mc^y GonJlisde..William and Mary Carlisle 3433 County Rd. 900 N Wheatfield, IN 46392iGREAT CHRISTMAS GIFTS Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club Educational Videos Grooming the Pomeranian...Chris Heartz Whelping the Pomeranian.. .Doris Wheeler Handling the Pomeranian.. .Joanne Reed C-Section.. .Bruce W enger, D VMEach of the above is 25.00 each 1997 OVPC Mega Match Tape Available at 15 each.All prices include U.S. shipping. Send checks or moneyorders no charge cards toJim Shearer9995 Ragersville Road SW Baltic, OH 43804FOR SALEPOMERANIAN REVIEWSI am offering for sale back issues of the Pomeranian Review. They range from January of 1975 to October of 1990. The following are missing issues Oct. 75, April 77, April and July 79 photocopied, and April 81.I will accept the BEST offer, and I will NOT respond to any inquiries until January 5, 1998. Thats when Ill be back at school and can hit the computer again.My e-mail address is Mary Vickers maryvickershotmail.com78 Pomeranian RevievLOVELY POMERANIANSVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma, WA 98424-1284 253863-8608 home faxE-Mail LovelyPomsAOL.com7WENlffiSf POMESamiformerly Pitd Poms PomeramePuppies Occasional Champion at stCh. Pitti Poms Lil Sir Lancelot OFA Patellar Normal at 47 monthsWendy Swimme PO Box 9604 Chesapeake. VA 2332l-9 757 488-7117inkling fomusminjIm263 mtytmrj mm smkrtm, ft 18964 215, 799-0611 i W Most ColorsIncluding PartisCPhtLbrook's Jancyr KennelSusann Philbrook, Owner 1209 Forceville Drive Westampton, NJ 08060Telephone 609267-4644 Email pomathonbigfoot.comVisit Our Web Site Athttppages.prodigy.compomathonpomerama.htBonnell's Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021Ch.Ch.Ch.Ch.Ch.FINCHS POMERANIANSFinchs He Walks On Water Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Appoloette Wild Fire Finchs A Noble Tradition Finchs The Legend ContinuesWhiteRedOrange and WhiteBlack am Black and Tan parti puppies. Stud ServiceDiane L. Finch 28453 530th Kelley, IA 50134-8549 515 and 7 pages on internet atwww.prodogs.comdbnFinchimerican Pomeranian Club 79Linchris PomeraniansHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 14410 N. 71st Ave.Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336 FAX 602 979-6299TfUmtx peHOME RAISED POMERANIANSJthan Oumer7SejuIt 1835 Qatlttn. fJhmdTVee JCrjtetL vt rDtnlL 761a. rDue. "GhaHi,JUtiburn, CfL 34748 352323-8301jrista ^Bameranicmsy\yJim Judy Shearer95 Ragersville Rd SW Baltic, Oh 43804 Ph 330897-0720 Fax330 897-2101Member American Pom Club AndOhio Valley Pom ClubI MORENO'S IBreeder of quality Pomeranians since 1967Please call after 10 am Pacific timec AH limits reservedVisits by appointment onlyMrs. Julie R. Moreno650 583-4973 FAX 650 583-6305CASCADE KENNEL POMERANIANSDoris Wheeler 3016 Hiawatha Dr. Dayton. Ohio 45414 937278-6071504 384-7466 After 700pmJanesa s LPoms1072 A Landry Road Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70380Am.Can. Champion Cascade's Sunkist GoldenrodMlLLMOVt TffMST fI fEleanor Ken Mill r 3545152 East Salisbury, 28146 FX704-857-1137 a^704-857-9059 Email94illanwr75proiiiyy. ne tS.W. and Brenda TurnerBrynRosePOMERANIANS3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75501 903-832-7742siSpring "Eggs-travaganza Sacramento, California11, 1998MWf inkMirafSacramento Kennel ClubNorthern California Pomeranian Club SpecialtyApril 11, 1998 Conformation Judge Mrs. Toddie ClarkApril 11, 1998Sweepstakes Judge Fran Smith Conformation Judge Dr. Samuel DraperApril 12, 1998 Conformation Judge Mr. Chuck WinslowShow Chairman Janet Manuszak-Lucido 209 438-D55BShow Secretary Diane Hildehrant 918 485-595DAt Cal Expo Fairgrounds, Bldg A 3D minutes after Best in ShowEntries close March 18, 1998mfomermrian Specialtyhosted byNorthern California Pomeranian ClubNOBLE POMERANIANS would like to thankits friends, family, fellow Pom fanciers, and handlers for a great 1997.I finished almost all of the rest of the Poms here at NOBLE POMERANIANS.All are now finished except for a brood bitch and one beautiful black show bitch that hates the ring. I can't wait to see what happens In 1998 because I have some very promising puppiesNOBLE POMERANIANS HAS ONE SMALL RED SHOW MALE FOR SALE. HE WAS BORN 3797.INQUIRIES INVITEDNoble Inglett 19229 Arminta Street Reseda, CA 91335 818 349-8494 Fax 818 701-794382 Pomeranian ReviewWyruttor PomsAKC PomeraniansJack and Becky Sabourin 2814 Blackhurst Rd. Midland, Ml 48640 517 832-3408Xafasic PomeraniansJulie Kallbacka3703 Hancock Rd. Magna. UT 84044 8H 252-1676 h stud sen ire Puppies nccuMonallxIttAz.Judy Sams 2815 n. w. 20th Oklahoma City, Ok. 73107 405 947-0111 l.Jeribeth's Pomeranians"With Planned Parenthood"Darrell Olga Baker281 337-00374916 43rdDickinson, TX 7753 Houston AreaJlvaion PomeraniansHome of. Ch. Avalons Valentino Starfire, Ch. Starfires Armani, Multi-Group Winning AmCan Ch. Morenos Perri WinkleCo-owned with Mrs. Julie MorenoAnnette Eric Davis 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.stellarcom.comdavis Lovingly raised puppies occasionally. Reasonably priced, inquiries welcome.If 31 n iMzmzivwmWe would like to acknowledge our dear friends who will be sadly missed. Though they are gone from this earth, the memories they leave will be cherished. Their dedication to the Pomeranian will continue to live through the pedigrees they so carefully created. Auf Wiedersehen farewell our dear friends. Td we meet again.Brenda Segelken 1297^orraa JJeart 3x atari Indianapolis, IndianaNorma Jean, fondly remembered as Jean, died of heart and kidney complications. She lovingly owned Ch. Dixieland's Hock of Millamor, and was the breeder of numerous champions, including Ch. Brown's Gambling Man, and Ch. Brown's Hock N Hobin.diolirte JRrQlmreEagle Lake, FloridaGoldie died suddenly in November, due to an aneurysm. Goldie had bred many champions, including Ch. McGuire's Wish Upon A Star and Ch. McGuire's Key To My Heart. Cards and letters of condolences may be forwarded to the family and husband, Dan McGuire at Box1055,- Eagle Lake, FL 33839.J0xrgmtaSt. Louis, MisssouriVirginia, a charter member of the Spirit of St. Louis Poodle Club, was instrumental in developing the former St. Louis Pomeranian dub and the active St. Louis Toy Breed dub.She will be missed ring side.efrerlgTerre Haute, IndianaBeverly, fondly remembered beaming with pride in the show ring, passed away after a long hard fought battle with cancer. Haymond Smith would appreciate cards and letters of encourgement at 1999 Lakeland,- Terre Haute, IN 478D3Amt pialfcerPaducah, KentuckyAnn passed away this year due to complications from cancer. Ann owned and handled numerous champion Pomeranians and Miniature Pinschers. Condolences may he sent to Cotton Walker,-1065 Mayf Metro Hoad,- Paducah, KY 42D01.We pray that 1997 has been a productive and prosperous year for you and yours. Each year presents us with wonderful memories as well as sad momentsV84 Pomeranian RevievBACK ISSUESMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380 If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75 ......Oct 77......May 79 .... April 808.00 eachJul 77... ...Feb 80.......Jul 81 ... ....Oct83Apr 86. ....Jan 80 .......Jan 907.00 eachJul 80.......Oct80... ... Apr 82.......Oct82Jan 83... ...Jul 83.... ...Apr84... ....Oct 84Jan 85...... Apr 85.......Jul 85.... ....Oct85Jul 86......Sept 86......Nov 86........Jul 87Oct 87......Jan88 ... ....Jul 88.... .....Jan 89Apr 89.....Jul 90.... ....Oct 90........Jan 91Mar 91....May 91 ......Jul 91from Sept, on except Aug. 97 which is 15.AdvertisersOlga Baker..............................................................82Joyce Birks..............................................................63Jeanne and Robert Blank Sharon Hanson ... 2, 3Mary Bonnell..........................................................78Linda Brogoitti....................................................... 79Mary Carlisle.......................................................... 76Naida Coburn..........................................................54Lissa and David Dahlenburg..................................27Annette and Eric Davis...........................................82Darlene Denton.......................................................23Pat and Fred Dieball.................................................7Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox..............................15Diana M. Downey............................................10,11Nina K. Epps..........................................................51Diane Finch............................................................78Jerrie Freia..............................................................78Carol Galavich........................................................67K.G. Griffith...........................................................74Sue Hughes Evelyn Newyear...............................82Noble Inglett..........................................................81Julie Kallbacka.......................................................82JoAnn and Russell Kern.........................................26Lorraine Kilpatrick.................................................22Marge Kranzfelder.................................................62Richard E. Lane......................................................58, 59Dennis and Mario Litonjua.....................................30, 31Victoria Lovely.......................................................55, 78Donna Machniak....................................................75Dot and Ed Martin.................................................5CEleanor Miller........................................................79Julie Moreno...........................................................70, 75NCPC....................................................................8CChristy Nichol........................................................68Clarice and Yvette Oganeku...................................UOriginals by Omar.................................................71OVPC.....................................................................77Susann Philbrook...................................................78Pat Phillip..............................................................48Sandra Plum...........................................................78Donna S. Riehm.....................................................47Annette Rogers-Rister...........................CenterspreacRoyal Canine Size......................................Inside FCBecky Sabourin.....................................................8^Judy Sams..............................................................8^Florence and Carl Scott.........................................68Brenda Segelken.............................. 83, Back CoveJim and Judy Shearer.............................................78Hideko W. Strasbaugh............................Front CoveWendy Swimme.................................................... 78Brenda Turner.......................................................7SMary Vickers...........................................................TDolores Watts...................................................18,15The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions arc 32 per year 3rd class mail 40 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor."Starbuck" the FAME "Pom with Substance" has begun his show career with Winnrs Dog and Best of Winners for a 4-point major, from the Bred by Exhibitor class, under Judge Tom Kilkullen. Watch for this exciting mover in the ring soonPhil and Brenda Segelken 217 347-573144 Camelot Avenue Fax 217 347-5731Effingham, IL 62401 e-mail brendaeffingham.netI,FAME PARAGON "Starbuck"tThe Officers and Board of theAmerican Pomeranian Club wish each and everyoneaMERRY CHRISTMAS andHAPPY NEW YEARiMlSsAtor7ifrVvvV EfiE^taiiLaeJL FtA