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The Pomeranian Review January 1988

American Pomeranian Club, 3nc.JANUARY 1988PUBLISHED QUARTERLYPMXMl r 113A_Ch. Texican's Giant Killer Chula2 POMERANIAN REVIEWHyj3 BIDH]Watts PomeraniansChampion 21will. LAABEST OF OPPOSITECHARLOTTESVILLECh. Watts Little Im A RaisinetteCh. Watts' Little Chipper of G. Elms x Ch. Moe-Best Constant AttentionThis little 4 lb. orange beauty caught many an eye along the short route to her championship, both from spectators and judges. We wish to thank all those judges who pointed her. She is pictured taking her first points under Mrs. B. Jarmoluk, handled by my very capable assistant, Dave.She was also entered in the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore's very first Sweepstakes Futurity and captured Best in Futurity.This makes champion 9 for her sire and champion 5 for her dam, both of whom shared the spotlight together as the second top producer and brood bitch for 1986.See pedigree in Behind the New Champions.Watts Pomeranians 4800 Floral Park Rd.301 372-8782 Brandywine, MD 20613rfmlPOMERANIAN REVIEWWatts PomeraniansChampion 20JsfeSc-y\ rAam WINNERS4 iCh. Apolloettes Little TrixseeTrixsee is shown with Sue going WB at Penn Treaty KC for a 4 pt. major. This little gal has always shown with so much animation and little twirls and tricks of her own, that I feel she was appropriately named Trixsee. In spite of all that, she finished her championship and three weeks later whelped three beautiful puppies, and has never once slowed down.A special thanks to the Pressers of California for breeding her.The following is a record of her wins Columbia Pom Club Specialty, Mrs. J. Klein, WB, 5 pts., Old Dominion KC, Mrs. W. Hunter, WB, BOW, 3 pts., Penn Treaty KC, Mrs. Colbert, WB, 4 pts., Huntington Valley KC, Mrs. l.T. Bueno, WB, BOS, 2 pts., Talbot KC, Mr. Wills, BOW, 1 pt.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Watts Pomeranians 4800 Floral Park Rd.301372-8782 Brandywine, MD 206134 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsPresident's Message...........................................6Obedience Profile Margaret McKee................8Specialty Clubs, by Dr. Al Crossman..............12Personal Record Keeping, by Wendy Feist. .21Bay Colony Pom Club.....................................24La Cajun Pom Club.........................................24Ohio Valley Pom Club....................................24Report From the AKC Filming.......................26Classified Ads..................................................26Very Early Training, by Mary Vickers............28Behind The New Champions..........................34Time To Say Goodbye, by Barbara Staffer. .42Obedience Update A Champion-U.D............. 46Obedience Statistics........................................ 46Pacific NW News and Views..........................50I Remember When, by Dorothy Bonner. . . .50Dog Show Thoughts........................................52A Visit to the Watts Kennel of Maryland ... 59Obedience News..............................................68Across Canada.................................................78Helpful Hints...................................................84Starting At Square One, byD. Edwards ... .88Index of Advertisers........................................94Circulation Manager........................................94Please send all material for publication ads and articles to6902 E. 1st St.Tucson, Arizona 85710I have closed my Post Office Box due to confusions and misunderstandings. Having everything come to the house will be much easier for me. This change is effective immediately. Thank you.Question or comments Call me at602 721-7620Cover Story"Killer" is my once in a lifetime Pom. I've had other lovely winning Specials, but he is very, very special.He was bred by Erika Moureau of Texican Poms and I chose him from a snapshot taken when he was three months old. Even then he had that wonderful sweet loving quality that showed in his beautiful little "baby doll" face.Killer had Parvo when he was 4 months old and amazed everyone with his stamina in surviving it. When I finally was able to fly to Houston to pick him up he was five months old, a tiny hairless bit of a Pom. His development was very slow and he was over a year old before he made it to 3 pounds.Even so, Olga Baker spotted his quality in the Puppy Sweepstakes at the huge Dallas-Ft. Worth Silver Anniversary Specialty, awarding him first place in the 9-12 puppy class. Darrell Baker judged him soon after, giving him his first points and Killer was on his way. He earned three BOB and a Group placement from the classes, finished in Arkansas with back to back 5 point majors and has never looked back.Killer was never campaigned extensively, other than the year he was shown by his breeder. I was always unwilling to send him out with a handler and missed him terribly when he was gone.In spite of this, through 1985,86 and 87, he was never out of the Top 100 Toys, nor the Top 10 Poms. In 1986 he won the two biggest Toy Groups in the country San Jacinto and Sahuaro State. He is a multi-Group and Specialty winner and in two trips to the National was awarded two 1st Award of Merits. He always competed in top competition.To all of the judges who have found him deserving, and to all of his many Pom breeder fans, I send a big, heartfelt "Thank you for loving him as I do." I think the most fitting compliment he has had was "Killer is not just a show dog, he is an entertainer" To know him is to love him.Norma C. Gad Chula Pomeranians 5908 Westside Road El Paso, Texas 79932 915 584-0942POMERANIAN REVIEW 5Pomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmran ftompratttan Qllub, 3m.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident...................................................................................................................... Olga BakerFirst Vice President ................................................................................................. Sam ZaneoffSecond Vice President..............................................................................................Sue GoddardRecording Secretary............................................................................................................... Mary VickersCorresponding Secretary......................................................................................Audrey Roberts1410S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446 Treasurer...............................................................................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSDolores Watts John CribbsPeter Galindo Marlene PresserDianne Johnson Fred BassettDelegate to AKC......................................................................................................................Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor............................................................Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85710Circulation Manager......................................John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, October in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto, Rico, APOs. U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover...............................120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover..............65.00 80.00Center Spread....................120.00 150.00Full page..............................55.00 65.00Three-quarters page . . . .45.00 55.00Half page.............................35.00 45.00Quarter page........................15.00 25.00Classified Ads....................... 5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction .... 10.00 10.00Color .................................... Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 January IssueFebruary 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October Issue6 POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 207 Shirleen Seabrook, TX 77586As you read this, our New York National Specialty is approaching. This event is always wonderful, but this time may be just a little more spendid. It is the 100th anniversary for the Pomeranian and this will be featured at our February Specialty. The Specialty will be filmed by the American Kennel Club for a feature presentation in the AKC Gazette. Please try to be there. It is a "don't miss" thing and now that plane fares have become within reach of even plain folks like us if you reserve early we hope you can all be there.I am never negative, but have recently been saddened at some demonstrations of tacky and unacceptably bad sportsmanship at dog shows and clearly from some Pomeranian people. This is a disappointment to me personally and to the pom world in general as pom people take pride in being the nicest, most congenial, caring, fun-loving, friendship-oriented dog people in the world. Ask anyone. They'll say, "Boy those Pom people are incredible really different from other breed people. They really like one another."Suddenly things seem to have taken a turn for the worse, and we observe that some just can't seem to take it in stride. Nerves get a little frayed people become ridiculously intense about competition, haughty and storming away from ringside with a curt "congratulations," at least sometimes and we have a disaster. Knowledgeable people laugh at such behavior, but it still is not what dog shows are about. The "lasting people," those who stay at it for long times, have no need for such nonsense. Often those trying desperately for a little notoriety a bit of recognition, are the offenders. However, the seasoned ones can offend as well. Just saying, "congratulations" and storming from a ring in a huff is not what constitutes good sportsmanship. Rather, getting together with everyone, looking at their little dogs, enjoying their company, exchanging breed information, giggling together, having a fine time, understanding both the good and the bad, and why the judging was as it was that day . . . that is what dog shows are about. We've seenpeople acting just a little crazy about all this. Rumors abound of telephone threats to dog people. Absurd anonymous letters going out silly "scare tactics" designed to do Cod knows what, etc. etc. A dog-eat-dog philosophy cannot prevail. It's silly, is talked about a lot and those who do it are made to look foolish.Have fun with this thing. It is delightful and exciting to compete, to put one pom child against another's and see who the judge thinks looks best on that day. Pom people have been aware recently and have asked me to comment of these exhibitions of bad sportsmanlike behavior. As Darrell my guy commented, for lots of years we've seen only the good and the bad. Now we're seeing the ugly, too. I think he's right. Come on. Bite your tongue and don't give into some compulsion to downgrade and criticize every dog but your own. Do you ever stop to think how silly you sound saying something like, "Well, no wonder that dog won, consider the blah, blah, blah" or "My dog has good stifles and all his teeth, but blah, blah, blah" and "Gee, I wish I could win with a dog that looks that bad, etc. etc."Let's not make dog shows our life's work, for pete's sake. This is a wonderful avocation a hobby a fun and rewarding thing. Be on guard for the "bad guys" that may surround you. Turn your back and go have fun with the pom people that have the reputation of being the best of all dog folks.And that's just about the majority of pom people, thank goodness.As for these reflections of bad sportsmanship, if the shoe fits . . .Thanks for all the continuing support from everyone. And by the way, isn't the Pom Review terrific these days Thanks, Phyllis.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7ALOHAv.riBB9i 3IIrwIV.Si1Hawaii's NewestCh. Jolly Wee Tippys Tiger RagCh. Jolly Wee Tippy TheTigerxCh. Jolly Wee Peppi's PizazzTiger's first show out of quarantine he was WD, BOB and Croup 3 under Mrs. Elaine Young for 3 points. Going on to finish, he won under the following judges Mr. William Bergum 4 pts., WD, BOW Mrs. Connie Bosold 3 pts., WD, BOB Mrs. Erica Thomsen 3 pts., WD, BOW Mrs. Betty Dexter 3 pts., WD, BOW.Thank you judges Thanks to Mrs. Randy Frach for breeding and sending such a fine dog. Thank you to Dru and Michael Thorstad for handling and TLC.OwnerJanet M. Cox 808488-2485^ 98-119 Hekaha Street Aiea, HI 96701 f8 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience Profile Margaret McKeeby Mary Vickers"No two dogs are the same even of the same breed. What worked for Dougal was terrible for Tiara. What worked for Tiara, just doesn't work for Pooh Bear. A good trainer has to be flexible, patient, creative, as well as knowlegable. The great thing about obedience is that I am constantly learning. Constantly wondering why, looking for answers, observing, reading and asking questions. To say obedience is mentally stimulating is an understatement."Believe the above words. Margaret said them. Nineteen years ago Margaret got her first Pom, Crindl, from a pet shop. Obedience trained but never shown, Grindl died. But Crindl and then Margaret's first CD Pom, McDougal Dambeastie, began a legacy that continues today. It caused Margaret to join the Richmond Dog Obedience Club and serve in many official capacities, many times over. She has over 500 hours of instructing, mostly at the beginners or sub-novice level. The record on her Poms is uncontested. From a very small kennel, 10 Poms or less, with only 2 litters a year and working with a shoe string budget, have come 8 champions and 12 obedience titles. And this is only on her own dogs. It doesn't count the championship she put on Fran Warren's King Midas of Twin Pines CD and the CD she put on Fran's Dulcy, and it doesn't count Carolyn Edward's Idlewyld Wild Bill Cody CD which Margaret bred and sold.Besides Grindl and Dougal, Margaret's Poms includeCh. Just a Trinket Dambeastie who still putts around at 1312 years.Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX deceased.Ch. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CD deceased.Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX who was the first Pom born at Margarets. He is the sire of champions and obedience titlists as well as a dual titlist. He is now 11 years old. A nice coincidence Merrill Cohen gave Gem his final major to finish his championship and also gave him the 3rd leg on his CDX. Years before, Margaret had attended an obedienceseminar conducted by Merrill Cohen. At one point he pointed to her and Dougal and said, "The Pom is next. It is a Pom, isn't it" which basically is why Margaret is a breedobedience person.May Morning Small Talk CD deceased.Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX Pooh Bear was sold to Greg Hollard but Margaret showed him to his championship. He finished with 2 BOB's and 3 majors and was RWD at the NY Specialty. He was then bought back. His "X" was with placements enough to rank him 6 in the Delaney System. Pooh's "X" was a time for tears. In the fall of '84, Margaret began showing him in Open A. At the first trial the lighting was poor and so was his timing. He hit the high jump hard. He busted 8 straight trials, refusing the high jump. She tried a number of solutions extra conditioning, cavaletti, etc. Then the thought occured he was very upset about jumping indoors, which was throwing his timing off. Outdoors, he was relaxed and confident and successful. In the spring when the trials went outside, Pooh jumped every time. First leg he got a second place in the rain second leg, a first place with a 196 and 3rd leg, 1st place and again in the rain Pooh has been in training for his UD. Jumping doesn't seem to be a problem, but getting him to remember to use his nose for scent work has given his owner a big headacheCh. Idlewyld Star Pendant CD Penny is a full sister to Pooh Bear. She is the dam of a Ch-CD, a Ch. and other pointed get.Ch. Idlewyld Chrysoberl Chris Ch. Gem CDX x Ch. Penny CD is a full sister to Val and Hope.Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CD Val finished with a 5 pt. major, two 4 pointers and a 3 pt. major. Rachal's partner in Junior Showmanship, she also put on the CD. He is now in training for Open. Val is a frequent winner in Graduate Novice and just gave Margaret her "cloud nine" score of 1992 from GN this past fall.Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Hope is the dam of Marquis, Cody and Cagney.continued on p. 64.POMERANIAN REVIEWAnnouncing a new obedience titlistPTrinketsRapid Transit CDX"Skeeter"Always ready to go for obedience.FAIR WINDSJunie Dunn 904 752-5285P.O. Box 1303 Lake City, FL 3205610 POMERANIAN REVIEWlords and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive chmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Ch. Emcee.s Chips of Diamond^5BEST OF BREED or VARIETYkennel clubOCTOBER 1987^photobt BONNIECh. Emcee's Solid Gold AmigoCh. Dupre's Sparkling Cold Buster x Dupre's Mona Lisa of Diamond See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Amigo possesses personality plus showmanship and finished with two majors back to back. He is proven, a lovely dark orange and just what we are looking for in our breeding program.Thanks to Marlene Scott Halsey for showing Amigo to his championship. Thanks also to Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. for allowing us to own and have Amigo with us. He is a wonderful asset to any breeding program.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Morris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977Ch. Emcee.s Chips of DiamonCh. Emcees A Chip of DiamondCh. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips x Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Miss Model 4V, lb. orange.^17i....-VtCh. Emcees Solid Gold PrinceCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II xCh. Harbin's Touch of Class 4Vi lb. orangeUsually we have a few puppies available from our above males.12 POMERANIAN REVIEWSpecialty Clubsby Dr. Alvin GrossmanIn most instances Parent Clubs carry out many of their functions through local breed clubs that work for the betterment of the Breed. In general, the purpose of the local clubs are in support of the major objectives set forth by the Parent Club. Typical objectives areA. To encourage the promotion, breeding, protection and exhibition of the Breed and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.B. To urge members to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard by which they will be judged.C. To do all in its power to protect and advance the interests of the breed and to encourage sportsmanlike conduct and competition at dog shows and obedience trials.D. To conduct either under its own auspices or to encourage the conduct under the auspices of member clubs, sanctioned matches, specialty shows, field trials and obedience trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club.E. To provide the opportunity for educational programs on a variety of subjects to further the aims of the clubs and the breed.The Specialty Club differs from the All Breed club in that its focus is on one Breed alone. Its entire efforts should go into promoting the breed and educating its members about the dog and its attributes. Specialty clubs should be formed with the primary idea of promoting the Breed in the geographical area in which they are located. Happily these motivating reasons generally dominate and the majority of clubs remain active and prosper throughout the years. The fact that a certain proportion of the clubs which were formed many years ago are now inactive or disbanded should be a cause for concern. There should only be one reason for a Club to cease to function the advanced age of its membership and its inability to attract bright and eager newcomers to its ranks. But probably the greatest reason for the falling away from the active participation in the "dog game" by any club is the lack of interest on the part of the membership.When a club is first started, the initial enthusiasm that conceived the club will often carry it for a year or two without the necessity of any real constructive program of membership activities. Such zeal abates in the passing years and unless refreshed continually, will die down so that the club becomes nothing but a name. This is especially true of the smaller clubs initiated soley for the purpose of holding an annual AKC licensed dog show.It is not necessary to go into detail regarding the paramount importance of licensed dog shows. The facts concerning their necessity are self-evident. But licensed dog shows are by no means the only important phase of canine activities. Any club that "puts on" a licensed AKC dog show, is extremely altruistic and generous. Altruistic, because members of the show giving club devote their time and energy to making the show a success with no reward for themselves generous because they contribute financially for trophies and cash awards, and seldom win anything back for themselves. Usually everybody concerned benefits in one way or another, as a result of a licensed AKC show, except the members of the show-giving club.One of the greatest stimulants to breeders is the AKC sanctioned match. At these, as much or as little of the pomp of a licensed show, can be invested, as the club desires. The informality of a sanction match engenders more good feelings, more sheer fun and considerably greater enjoyment than is usually possible with the formality of a licensed show. A sanction match provides an inexpensive training ground with show-like atmosphere for novice owners and novice dogs it furnishes a "try-out" opportunity for the young stock of experienced owners.Because a sanction match can be held more inexpensively than a licensed show, the entry fee can be correspondingly lower, encouraging the new and untried dogs and owners to get a start in the show ring. As sanction matches are run primarily for the benefit of the match-giving club's members, they are a "continuing" activity to help maintainPOMERANIAN REVIEW 13Ch. Jan-Shars Fuzz Buster..I 5filer BREEDtigOfBOUTMEM MXRWOJLC DOB CUJB MOHUB B7Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Hanson's Just Noel4V4 lbs. Red-OrangeBuster finished with 4 majors. He is the first in what we hope will be a long line of homebred champions.Watch for Jan-Shar's Sky High pointed and Jan-ShaKs Fatal Attraction soon to be shown with handler Pam Campbell. Both are sired by Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland's Rambo.Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966Proud OwnersJane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 375C Lewisburg, WV 2490114 POMERANIAN REVIEWmembers' interest. Thus they help keep the club alive and popular. Furthermore, sanction matches in general furnish an informal means of training newer faces of the club's managing personnel in the modus operendi of show-giving and the operation of licensed shows. New officials and new committees have to be taught administrative and show procedure just as a puppy needs to have "ring training" and manners instilled into it. Sanction matches do this.Any Specialty club which numbers twenty or more active members of different families on its membership roster could advantageously put on several successful sanction matches a year. Experience has shown that such sanction matches practically carry themselves financially. Also, where entries are not restricted to club members one or two or more new members can usually be enrolled at each match.It would be most helpful to those clubs not now having a sanction match program if the boards of directors of these clubs would seriously consider these matters. First, there should be appointed a sanction match committee consisting of members willing to workThis sanction match committee should select the type of match the club wishes to hold. Plan A type matches are practically similar to a licensed show. They require the issuance of a premium list and a catalog. Plan B sanction matches are much more informal. No premium list or catalog is required. Entries may be taken at the match. There is no AKC fee for this type of match. Classes may be offered at the club's discretion. However, clearance from AKC is required. A third and most popular type is the fun match. This is not regulated by AKC and the club may set its own ground rules. All sorts of extra classes can be included.After selecting the type of sanction match to hold, the committee should then decide whether the entries are to be open to all owners or restricted to the membership. It is also advisable at this time to plan on how many matches to hold that year and seek clear dates. A judge should be selected and invited, the AKC should be contacted and asked for the proper forms to be filled out by the club and returned to them for approval.When AKC approval is received, noticesshould be sent out to all known breeders in the area. Local radio and TV stations should also be notified as many of them do community service announcements of this type. The local press should also be notified. If possible, a picture of the Best in Match winner and the other awards should be given to the local press. Ribbons and rosettes with the proper inscriptions should be ordered in plenty of time for the match. Arm bands and posters pointing the way to the show can be obtained from many dog food companies.Now the day of the match has arrived and the judging has begun. Usually the club will offer classes for puppies and adult dogs. Most of the time a club will restrict the entry to non-point winners. Many times puppy classes as young as two months of age are offered. Judging can follow a regular variety format with a best puppy and adult from each variety. Finally a Best puppy and Best adult are picked. Most clubs do not have them compete for an ultimate Best in Match.Just about every club holds at least one regular show a year. Most are successful. But the tough decisions that lead up to a show often cause internal problems, especially the selection of judges and who will run the club. The business of promoting, budgeting, housing, locating, selecting judges, selecting dates, establishing a prize list, choosing a show secretary and superintendent, securing entries, creating a gate, etc., is a business which must be understood and worked at if a club is to get the results they desire.No Specialty club is functioning in the best interests of quality dogs and their owners when it operates at a loss. A Specialty club just can't do the things it should do to put on a top flight show if it operates with a previous deficit and a fear of future deficits. And the farther a club falls from putting on a first class show the greater the danger of financial loss and the harder it becomes to set things back on a right course.A good club should be able to put on shows of sufficient quality that they should operate at a profit two out of every three shows. My own club, Mission Valley Cocker Spaniel Club, is a highly successful show giving club. One of the ways they accomplish this is by having a policy on geographically selecting judges. Generally, in a three year period, the club will select a judge from within the statePOMERANIAN REVIEW 1IArCh. Janesas TrendsetterCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge x Janesa's Sunkisted RunnerChampion 34 for his sire and number 2 for his dam. This excellent young stud is producing his type and soundness.OwnerHandlerJudy O'Neil 7670 Hwy 2Commerce City, CO 80022 303 288-5268Co-OwnerKay Dickeson P.O. Box 374 Frisco, CA 80443Proud BreederJanesa's Poms, Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-746616 POMERANIAN REVIEWof California, one from West of the Mississippi and in the third year a judge from a greater distance. This allows for coverage as well as controlling the amount the club will have to pay for a judge. By tying in with a top All Breed club on the following day at the same show site, it makes for a very favorable show and economic climate. Additionally, Mission Valley has an excellent working arrangement with the Santa Clara Valley Kennel Club so that they can recommend the Cocker judge on the following day. By presenting a double balanced judging slate, Mission Valley has averaged close to 200 entries per show.A successful Specialty club must attract the best quality dogs in their geographical area, and occasionally, by virtue of its judging slate and prize list, attract some of the top dogs from other points of the compass. It is this quality of dog which interests the new breeder. They can come to the show and actually see the dogs that have been widely written about and have won top awards. This is how they can visualize the breed and set standards for their own future breeding programs.In order to have a degree of commonality, the American Kennel Club has promulgated a set of by-laws which it recommends each local club use. The local club's by-laws must be approved by the AKC. In most instances they must also be submitted to the Parent Club since the local club usually has an affiliation with the Parent Club. Each local club elects its own officers and holds its point shows under the auspices of the AKC. Before holding a show they must get permission from AKC as to its judging slate. AKC alone approves dates and sites. The club must function under those regulations in a forceful, respectful manner developing a policy of good sportsmanship toward old and new fanciers. To do this effectively the club must give consideration to the1. Fraternal or social side of fancier's interests.2. Informative aspects.3. Complete and detailed reporting of the club's finances and events.The informative aspects are of the greatest concern. If a Specialty club does not inform its membership about the nuances of breeding and showing dogs they will soon lose their membership and become nothing more than a debating society. Because of the fiercecompetitive nature of the sport, new exhibitors who do not have early success tend to leave the dog game. They give many reasons. The judges are crooked, you can't beat the handlers, the clubs pick judges who are biased toward other exhibitors etc., etc. But if a club had done its job properly, most of these people would have a better perspective of the dog game, be informed about what it takes to achieve success in the dog game, and have an educational program that prepares them for the various phases of being a breeder and exhibitor. Unfortunately, most clubs do not carry out that function to the best extent possible.Here is a series of topics that could be used in planning a club's educational program Sportsmanship Basics of Canine genetics Breeding for color The Stud dog care and breeding The Brood Bitch care and whelping Campaigning Your Dog Evaluating movement Judging Pure Bred Dogs Advertising Your Dog Proper Grooming Choosing the best puppies Raising a LitterParasites and their debilitating effects The role of the professional handler Interpreting a pedigree properly The Breed as a field dog The Breed in the obedience ring Diseases that effect dogs Hereditary Breed problems The dollars and cents aspect of a kennel Animal nutritionThere are of course many, many other topics that would make excellent programs. The AKC and many dog food companies also have material available.Training groups should be formed with other local clubs to hold classes for obedience, field trial and show ring training. Each club meeting should be viewed as an opportunity of making club members acquainted with each other. Simple social activities should follow each meeting. New members should be encouraged to serve on committees.A Specialty club should encourage its members to exhibit not only at their own show but in nearby shows as well, so that a return entry may be expected and received.continued on p. 94.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1SunsuJeptannounces Sundae has earned his CDX..m, .^ vk 0O Wi-niJ.iiCHiNTIMINIKENNEL CLUB WINTER I98TfcBSunsuJept Hot Fudge Sundae CDXPombreden's Prayer Party Powrx Mason's Chocolate PuddingIt wasn't easy but we finally made it Now it's on to bigger and better things. We'll be in the Utility ring starting in January, so come cheer us on. A big thank you to Betty Jo Mason for sending Sundae to me.I am also pleased to announce Bizzy's CD Lady Di's Life of the Parti CD. She is quite a handful but lots of fun to train. We'll continue training for her CDX after maternity leave this winter. Thank you Diane for my bratty little girl and I said I would never train another bitchLinda Callacher 503757-73502035 SE Bethel Corvallis, OR 9733318 POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Starlite Legacy Choco BearNi1A1 CHMIPTO1WHHERS DOG-SKCRMAEHTOIBWELCUAI\ .Finished under noted judge Ann Stevenson, Choco is the 2nd chocolate Pom to finish in about 20 years, earning his title at just under 18 months with 3 majors. See Behind The New Champions for pedigree.On Lease to Phyner Poms Dolly B. Trauner and siring beautiful puppies.OwnerBreederCayle Griffin P.O. Box469Amity, OR 97101Beautifully handled byJeff Nokes Fullerton, CA 714 526-4458POMERANIAN REVIEW VCh. Phyner Tea Muffin-First chocolate Pom to finish in nearly 20 yearsFinished at just under 12 months with 3 majors, 6 BOS. See "Behind The New Champions" for pedigree. Thanks to the following judgesFrank Dale San Fernando KC 2 pts. and BOS Dick Hammond Del Monte KC 3, BOS Roland Adameck Santa Clara 3, BOS Frank Sabella Umpqua KC 2, BOS Robert Caviness So. Oregon KC 2, BOS Lois W. White Utah Valley 3, BOSBreederOwnerDolly B. Trauner 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115Special thanks to handlerJeff Nokes20 POMERANIAN REVIEWPhyner Black Molecule-HHS BMTwo year old proven matron WB, BOW, BOS for a major Her 3rd time shown. Thank you, Judge Ann Stevenson.Molly now has 11 points, both majors, after 5 shows. Watch for her son, Phyner Stormy Knight "Junior", by Ch. Moreno's Night Storm by Choice, owned by Marge Kranzfelder.FLASH Molly finished with 3 majors, including 5 points at Golden Valley KC under Ann Rogers Clark, WB and BOSBreederOwnerDolly Trauner2025 Lyon StreetSan Francisco, CA 94115Perfectly presented byJeff Nokes Fullerton, CA 714 526-4458POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Personal Record Keeping For The Show Kennelby Wendy FeistSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHas paper work gotten you down Are you up to your armpits with AKC's required record keeping What about records that AKC does not require you to keep should you be doing more We have read articles on what records AKC requires that we maintain, but we rarely hear of anybody's ideas or suggestions on how to keep and organize our own records. I have a few suggestions.To begin with, each and every one of my dogs has their own three ring binder, all of which are a uniform black with their name on the spine. This way my book shelves aren't a terrible eye sore. When all the dogs' records are kept in the same book, information can be misplaced and it can be confusing. This way there is no question where to find records on each particular dog. It's all in his own book.Each binder contains a pedigree, AKC registration papers and all the breeding history for this AKC sells a great book of forms that I use. Then, using plastic page protectors, I save all show ribbons in the order that they were won, show pictures next to the corresponding ribbons. There is also a section for miscellaneous pictures. For example, in my champion's book I keep pictures of bitches bred to him, along with that bitch's pedigree and, when possible, pictures of the litter at different stages. I like to be able to compare different pedigrees and litters to see how best my dogs can be bred.Another form I have found invaluable is a show record. It keeps track of shows entered, judges, dates, classes and how the dog placed. There is also a section for the entry fee, gas, hotel and miscellaneous expenses. In some cases you may faint, but it allows you to know exactly how much it cost and how the dog really did get his championship. Believe itor not, I found this form in a show calendar.There is another section for puppy sale contracts, spay and neuter contracts witl proof attached to each. In the case of a bitch this section will include all information 01 litters. Once again, AKC provides a form fc this.Each dog also has a medical chart in hi book. Most binders sold have a front or bac pocket in which I keep a manila folder. Thi folder holds information on any illnesse shots or wormings. You never know when yo may change vets and it's been our experienc that vets are not very keen on transferring lot of medical records and in some cases the aren't very complete. Further, in the case of bitch, I keep information on how a bite whelped, the birth weights of the puppies an data on how they do day by day. I send out form letter to my new pet owners to see ho\ the puppy is doing. Many of the letters hav important information and pictures so I kee these letters in this chart. Miscellaneou receipts are also kept in this chart.When you are selling a puppy this system i really great as you have everything at yor fingertips. Some of my buyers have been s impressed that they too have adopted m system. Some others may find that this is to much work, but some day your dogs will pas on to greener pastures and so much would b lost it you didn't take the time to keep mor than a bare minimum. I find record keeping challenge. I have been doing it for seven year now, bettering it when a new idea cam along. I hope my ideas have helped someon else and I certainly would like to hear abor. anyone else's ideas.sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss22 POMERANIAN REVIEWis proud to announce its first championAIf4StvC tufas Foxys LiC JewelCh. Texican's High N Mighty x Gad's Chula Lil SugarMy champion Tiffany finished in style with a Best of Breed and a Group 3. A very special thanks to Norma C. Gad for allowing me to have Tiffany. Another special thanks to the following judges Wilma Hunter 3 pts., BW, BOS Frank Nishimura 3 pts., WB, BOS Frank Oberstar 3 pts., WB, BOS William Bergum 3 pts., WB, BOS Dr. T. Allen Kirk, Jr. 1 pt., WB, BOW, BOB William Lehnig 8 1 pt., WB, BOB over a special Mrs. Georgia Lane Group 3.One more special thanks to Susan Barr, my handler, who expertly handled Tiffany to her championship.Owner Flandler BreederToby Santistevan Susan Barr Norma C. CadP.O. Box 1046 Wendover, UT 84083 702664-2117POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Multiple BISCh. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid---mem m1.teRatedNumber One Sire for 1986 All Systems Toy Group First Judge Dr. William Field, Richland Kennel Club Toy Group 2 Judge Dr. W. Houpt, Lewis and Clark Kennel Club Toy Group 2 Judge Morris E. Howard, Portland Kennel ClubCongratulations toAmerican and Canadian Ch. Bi-Mar CJ's Promise on finishing both her championship titles in less than two months of showing. Owned by Pete Casteneda.Patricia Philipp on the purchase of Bi-Mar Impressive. Boots needs a 3 pt. major to finish.For SaleRed-orange female whelped 42087, sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid. Repeat breeding that produced Ch. Sandtown's Bi-Mar April. 650.00 to show home only. We have several other outstanding show prospects sired by BIS Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance Kid.BreederOwnerFlandlerMary A. Rosenbaum Bi-Mar Pomeranians 36520 28th Avenue South Federal Way, Washington 98003 206 838-6397 or 927-236924 POMERANIAN REVIEWBAY COLONY POMERANIAN CLUB by Claire FlesnerWe hope you al I had the best hoi idays everBay Colony members are looking forward to 1988. We have some fun events planned. In March, we will all escape the winter blahs when we hold our Spring AKC Sanctioned B-OB Match. Then comes our annual Specialty Show on May 13, held in conjunction with the Springfield Kennel Club in West Springfield, MA. Judges will be announced later.Remember, all Pom exhibitors are always welcome to join us for our annual buffet lunch.1987 was a good year for championships for our Bay Colony Poms. Finished are Anna Benedetto's Ch. Chesai Sisnben Scarlet Rose, Toni Collings' Ch. Sirius Simply Splendiferous, Claire Flesner's Ch. Silver Meadows Mr. Randy, Jackie Klein's Ch. Silver Meadows Love Jeremy, Ina Kniffin's Ch. Jeremy's Mi Mandy of Tiny Tykes, Fran Richardson's Honeybear's Megan CD Megan got her CD in just one weekend], and Bunny Sweet's Ch. The Pine's Strut-N My Stuf. Congratulations to allHave you hugged your Pom todayLA CAJUN POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara WhiddonOn August 29, 1987, La Cajun Pomeranian Club had its first Fun Match in Shreveport, Louisiana. Mrs. Opal Peterson did a marvelous job of judging and Mr. A.C. Williamson was our terrific Match Chairman. Thank you, Al for a good job on our first match.There was a total entry of 24 Poms and the class winners follow3-6 Puppy Dog Southland's Apollo Creed, Nina Berry.6-9 Puppy Dog Nanshadow's O Henry Will, Nancy Burnette.9-12 Puppy Dog Jolly Wee's Piece of the Rock, Sue GoddardRandy Freeh.Open Dog Bayou Front Runner, J. LewisA. Verret.3-6 Puppy Bitch HHH Amanda, Peggy Hendricks.6-9 Puppy Bitch Shy Acres Maybe Precious,Audrey Roberts.9-12 Puppy Bitch Ida's Delight of Southland, Janet Bordelon.Open Bitch Bonner's Chesai Darling, Sandra Territo.Best Puppy Nanshadow's O Henry Will Best Adult Bayou View Front Runner Best in Match Nanshadow's O Henry WillThe chairman of our next match will be Jerri Freia of Morgan City, LA. Our club has 50 charter members. Anyone interested in becoming a member, please contact Tim Goddard, Club Secretary, Rt. 2, Box 54, Opelousas, LA 70570.The December meeting and Christmas Party, now past history, are planned at this writing to be held in Alexandria, LA.Any club member having finished a champion in 1987 is urged to report this information to the club secretary. This information is needed for the newsletter and for our club report in April. Thank you one and all.OHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara StofferThe weather is just beautiful here in Ohio. Autumn is my favorite time of year. The colors are breath taking and the crisp, clear air is so invigorating. By the time this issue comes out however it will probably be all snow, but I kind of like that too. Each season and the changes they bring make living here a real joy.Our first fun match in Mt. Vernon, OH went along quite smoothly. We are happy to say there was a very good turnout, in spite of the overcast day. The judges were exceptionally nice and we had some great stewards who did a super job, even though most were not experienced. I'm sure everyone learned a lot from this first match. We will be holding another next year, as well as a Specialty. Things are moving right along with our club. We now have 50 members and are still growing. At the October meeting we discussed the proposed AKC changes and everyone at the meeting was opposed to them. We will be writing to voice our opinions. Shari Stoffer Kubankin was in charge of the Open Forum for October and she chose the subject of Puppies and Pom Prices. Needless to say, there followed a very interesting and varied discussion. The nextPOMERANIAN REVIEWIDOKINGBACK..PmfSsIt's been a busy year because we moved but we did finish two Poms in the U.S.Am. Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein co-owned with Eleanor Miller by Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion x Chriscendo Confetti.Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cachet by Ch. Coy's Top of the Mark x Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cashmere.Congratulations to Matt Heindl on finishing Can. Ch. Bavanew's Lady Medugorje, multiple Croup winning puppy and Medallion's 23rd Canadian champion.Christine and John Heartz Brookfield N.S. Canada BON 1C0P.O. Box 189 902 673-24466 POMERANIAN REVIEWDpen Forum will be at the January 1988 neeting and Shari will discuss Pom \dvertising. It also should be most interest- ng. We have been in touch will other Pom lubs, getting acquainted and exchanging newsletters. Let's all share more about our 3oms.This weather is making the Poms feel so good. They are really struttin' their stuff. Many of our members have been doing especially well at the shows. Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane of Animation Kennels have had their Ch. Animations Atom Ant entered in 15 shows and he has won 14 BOB as well as several Croup placements. Animation Kennels has produced at least 8 homebred champions in the past two years, as well as several pointed get. Carol Calavich of Pixie's Hillcrest Kennels has produced 21 champions in the past several years since they first started showing Poms. Carol should be about to finish another with Pixie's Puffed Up Fancy Image. Bonnie Stetson has just finished her first champion, Great Elms Pride and Joy. The rest of us are working towards our final few points or seeking that last elusive major.I have noticed that many beautiful Poms have been making their mark at the shows lots of Group wins and Bests in Show. It is such great publicity for our breed. It seems that the overall quality of the Poms being shown is improving all the time. Let's hope everyone keeps up the good work.That's about all for this time. See all of you next issue. Love those Poms.REPORT FROM THE AKC FILMING by Dorothy BonnerOn October 6, 1987, the Pomeranian Video was filmed in New Jersey at St. Hubert's Ciralda, an animal welfare and educational center consisting of many beautiful wooded and park-like acres. A few small buildings included a wonderful museum and other facilities. From all parts of the country, over 40 Pomeranians were filmed, from Best in Show winners to pets and obedience trained specimens. All were given equal time before the cameras, no partiality shown, the object being to educate both judges and others with the results. Judge Maxine Beam was the AKC Consultant whose comments were recorded as the Poms were photographed. The filming wasdirected so professionally that it was completed by early afternoon and each Pom handler and owner was thrilled and happy. For owners who could not make the trip, professional handlers brought a number of dogs. Pens were set up under the numerous shade trees and the weather cooperated with the windless, mild coolness of a sunny autumn day, comfortable for the dogs and people. Each dog was given a number and each filmed in sequence, given equal consideration. Handled by John Heartz AKC appointed detailed shots were taken on a grooming table from every angle.After sandwiches and cold drinks were served to all by the AKC, movement was filmed on the driveway, then Obedience work, and last, two adorable Pom babies who fought over the leaves in the grass and behaved for the cameras as if at home.The Video will be edited and presented for final completion to the Committee on December 14 in New York. We all watched the monitor for some of the filming and were astounded at the beauty of the shots. The orange and red colors were brilliant with the sables, brown, blacks and parti-colors amazingly true. Color variations were stressed, as was standard-specified trimming. All of us human folks were excited that something had been completed that will make us proud for years to come.Much credit goes to Edna Midge Horn, AKC Educational Coordinator, Norman the filming director, John Heartz, handler and Skip Piazza, assistant handler, and Maxine Beam, consultant. Also deserving a hand is the Pomeranian Video Committee of Dorothy Bonner, Chairman, Olga Baker and Christine Heartz who assembled the owners and Poms long in advance and managed the day of filming.CLASSIFIED ADSFor Sale Beautiful one year old male. Dark orange show quality Millamor lines. Also orange female puppy show quality. Louise Piner, Rt. 1, Box 216A, Maywood, Missouri 63454, 314 478-3394 after 6.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2nsS TO R G IS ICENNEL CLUBOCTOBER 31 1987CL Great Elms Pride And JoyCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Great Elms Sweet CandyIn just a few weekends as a special, this full brother to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II is following in his brother's pawprints. He is pictured going Group 3 under judge Frank Oberstar.Thank you to the many judges who have appreciated his fine quality and have given P.J. and Karen several group placements.A special thanks to Ruth Beam for allowing me to have P.J. he truly is my pride and joy.FLASH P.J. went Croup 7 at Lumberton KC under Jayne Kay and Croup 7 again at Indian Head KC under Mrs. Thomas CatelyOwnerBonnie Stetson 216 753-9331BreederRuth L. Beam Great Elms KennelHandlerKaren S. Albrecht 215 268-8539 r28 POMERANIAN REVIEWVery Early Trainingby Mary VickersHoney, a Pomeranian, seen this Fall and Winter in KPT and Basic, had some difficulty completing her final classes. Although enthused at the prospect of seeing her new found friends at Capital, after a few minutes of class Honey could be found napping in a corner of the ring. Perhaps she knew of the labor ahead of herNine days after her classmates received their certificates, Honey found out all about hard work. Instead of a certificate, Honey's accomplishment is that she is the proud mother of male and female pups.Huggy, the mesmerized father, and Mary, the thrilled owner, are in the midst of UD training. As both recognize the difficulty of training, all the combined experiences of the above caretakers are being transposed to the newborns.According to the Bauman ideas on training, ATTENTION is the first necessary step. This was accomplished with the verbal command "breathe" Quickly mastered, this is already an automatic response that the pups will not soon forget. Continuing on with Bauman, novice training, although necessary, is boring and utility is much more fun for both the trainer and the dog. Many dogs are not natural retrievers including Poms and utility has three exercises using retrieving, so this was taught next."TAKE IT" is the verbal command and with some manipulation of the mouth and the nipple, each pup soon enjoyed this vital exercise. The male was somewhat sluggish and skeptical at first, but the ear sandwich did not prove necessary.Scent discrimination is a problem for some, but not for these newborns. The pups areusually sleeping on toweling under a heat lamp while Honey naps on the opposite side of the whelping box. A very soft "FIND YOURS" is all that is needed to get heads bobbing and feet scrambling. You wouldn't believe the straight line that they make going to these delectable articles."CO OUTS" were attempted before the articles were introduced. Utilizing the same set-up pups and mother on opposing sides of the box, a light fingerstroke along the side of the pup's head produced a straight line directly to the target.The American Pomeranian Club agrees with many obedience fanciers that jump heights should be lowered. As the AKC does not agree with them, it seems like a good idea to start these pups young. Unfortunately, the pups appear to have problems in jumping. When faced with the one inch step of their whelping box, if they attempt to surmount this wall the only result is crying, wiggling and mad scrambling of feet. Scaling the object is what they are doing. As this is not what is required, jumping will begin at a later date.Heeling, an important exercise involved in all obedience titles, will also be introduced at another time. The pups haven't figured out how to stand on their four feet and walk.These pups are off to a pretty good start, but the most interesting result is that some of this training has rubbed off on the mother. Co-outs seem to be her specialty. Whenever she is away from the puppy box the command of "PUPPIES" immediately takes her from whatever she is doing straight to their box. A quick turn and sit and her two charges gather around her. All await the next command.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2'WindjammeryAfC Ch. Willu mot's J m i4 WindjammerThis photo was taken at the Western Chicago Pomeranian Club's Specialty show, Jammer's third Specialty win Our congratulations to Jammer's 1987 champions, and to these proud owners of recent litters sired by Jammer Lisa Stout Ml, Barb Curry Wl, and David Hogg IN.Congratulations to Shirley Uphouse FL on her recent purchase of Windjammer's Sundae Supreme, an orange male sired by Ch. Bev-Nods Fudge Ripple. And to Karen Munster IL on her 8 points and 4 pt. major on her 6V2 month old Jammer granddaughter, Norma Jeannev\FLASH Jammer wins Specialty 4 Michigan Jammer congratulates his son AC Ch. Windjammer Night Ranger, who can be seen on Purin advertisements coast to coastIftCh. Windjammer's Zouch of PetitePetie finished in grand style with fou Best of Breed wins over Croup winninj specials. Watch for this boy, he' special Several litters due in Dec. anr Jan. sired by these two boys.FLASH Petie was Best in Sweep stakes at the Michigan Specialty FLASH Norma Jean finished at I Michigan Specialty with a 5pt. majorJeanne and Bob Stafford 1231 Carberry Rd. Niles, Ml 49120 616 683-021430 POMERANIAN REVIEWTDius oms[Exotics Occasionally.N.Ch. Via's Princess Cinna eurAmCan. Ch. Millamohs I'm A Windjammer x Dia's Plum Princess BearPrincess is one of a litter of two, both finishing their championship. Piper now lives in Tennessee with Sue White. Congratulations to their sire Jammer on his third Best in Show Specialty win. We have another young male sired by him, possibly his best puppy yet. Watch for him soon to be shown by his friend Jeanne Stafford. Our thanks to Harry Pennington and Jeanne Stafford on their care and handling of Princess.HandlerJeanne Stafford 1231 Carberry Rd Niles, Ml 49120 616 683-0214BreederOwnerDavid Hogg 321 S. 14th St. Richmond, IN 47374 317 966-8878HandlerHarry Pennington 2263 Coosawatter Dr. Atlanta, CA 30319 404 233-4798POMERANIAN REVIEWWhite tuvenBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYPROGRESSIVE D. C. OF WAYNE COUNTY APRIL987 BOOTH PHOTOi,.asCh. Via's Sandpiper GearAmCan Ch. Millamor's I'm A Windjammer x Dia's Plum Princess BearPiper finished in fine style with four majors and two Best of Breed wins over specials. Our thanks to his exclusive handler Jeanne Stafford on her extra special TLC with Piper. He has many promising puppies soon to be shown, and many more litters due soon. Contact us for your next puppy.OwnerSue White911 Tipton StationKnoxville, TN 37920HandlerJeanne Stafford 1231 Carberry Rd. Niles, Ml 491202 POMERANIAN REVIEWr Britestar PomeraniansWe are proud to announce the purchase of Ch. Queenaire Coup D'Etat. He has made an excellent addition to our breeding program.He is the sire of champions and finished as a puppy. At stud 100. Color pictures and pedigrees upon request.We would like to thank all our new friends who have supplied us with some excellent dogs andor advice, Mary Rosenbaum, Anna LaFortune and Sandy Conos.Bloodlines Queenaire, Models, Bi-Mar, Scotia, Sunray and Great Elms. Champion sired puppies available. Champion sired whites occasionally. All inquiries welcome and answered promptly.VDiane Carlson 714685-93515723 Hudson St. Riverside, CA 92509X eCh. Queenaire Coup D Etat yAmerican Canadian Champion Chips Ahoy of Coy"Chipper"Jestom's Red Robin"Timmy"Direct Lennis Tar Baby sonBoth are sire and grandsires of champions and Specialty winners.We would like to say thanks for the inquiries and please note our new address and phone.beHappy Holidays To AllWe occasionally have linebred puppies available. Congratulations to Dolores Watts on her Kennel Visit.Lt. Cmmdr. T.L. and Mrs. J. Stephens Route 4, Box 242 A Chickasaw Place Mechanicsville, Maryland 20659 301884-5453 JPOMERANIAN REVIEWCL Stive Tfteadom TKn. AcutelyMany loving thanks to Jackie Klein for letting me have this very special boy. Thanks to all the judges for his nice wins. Many thanks also to David Ramsey for his belief in Randy and for making my dream of my first Pom champion possible.OwnerClaire Flesner 38 East Aldea St. Lowell, MA 01851 617 458-0724HandlerDavid P. Ramsey 281 Maple St. Warwick, Rl 02888 401 781-27751 POMERANIAN REVIEWBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the merican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's ime, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, ped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all formation to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, Arizona 85710.H. APOLLOETTE'S LITTLE TRIXSEEemaleiwner Dolores WattsCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Apolloette Foolish Pleasure Jubilee's Rebel h. Apolloette Brandy Blazer Manies' Lil Gold Brick Ch. Apolloette Touch of Class NikalenaCh. Corn Duke Dragonfly All-Star's Hadleigh Dragonfly All-Star's Hadleigh Sas-C-Gay ll-Star's Daisy DukeAndrews Mr. Continental Que Sera Queen of the Muppets Ch. Scotia Dolly's Dandy SibylH. EMCEE'S SOLID GOLD AMIGO'range Malereeder Mrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. 'wners Morris and Betty CarsonCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Gold Mico Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale h. Dupre's Sparkling Gold Buster Ch. Emcee's Texas Pete Dupre's That's My DollyDupre's Ideal Mystery Girl Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Diamond Solid Gold Emcee's Adorable Bit of Cold upre's Mona Lisa of Diamond Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Dupre's Ideal Mystery Girl Dupre's Cajun Dancing GirlCH. FRY'S MAGIC JEANNEOrange FemaleOwner-Breeder Nancy L. Fry, Washington, INCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaMillamor's Melody Box Pixie's Maximilian Maximilian's Brite Buttons Hot Shot's Brite Delight Fry's Charming MuffyJitterbug's Jingle Jangle Joy J.J.'s Golden Charmin Gay Golden CharmKASSEL'S GARDEAN SIR PRIZE CDBlack MaleBreeder-Owner Lois Fae MorkasselCh. Blair's Solitaire Dunn's Little TomstopperMay Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Theldun's John JohnCh. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Theldun's Bonnie Heather Theldun's Princess Tiffany Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden SirSzilagyi John Boy Gorrin Cute Danna Kassel's Dandelion Down CD Ch. Edan's Fire Cracker Mason's Baby DollMason's Lil Bit O' HeavenViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEW NPuf-Pride PomeraniansCh. Puf-Pride Tandlizing TawniPictured with Judge Wm Field left and Judge C.C. Johnson, below with her owner-handler, earning her majors at the highly competitive Houston and Dallas Specialties. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Tawni, with her animated, "tantilizing" personality, has been my most fun dog, in or out of the ring. We have repeated this breeding and are looking toward to a new year in the show ring."7I c\rSPECIALTY ClWS SUMMER lWncr w S9UELcLA special thanks to Judge C.C. Johnson for her Best of Breed at Faith City KC show and judges Jean Lepley 2 pts., Norman Patton 2 pts., Shirley Thomas 2 pts. and Virginia Sivori 2 pts..We look forward to puppies from our Ch. Bell's Golden Sandpiper Pom Review, 1-87 and our LLL, Pride girls. Congratulations to all the 1986 Sooner Pom Club champions and for a great fun match. Keep up the good work.BreederOwnersWarren and Virginia Dimick 8 Burk WayOklahoma City, OK 73155 405 677-2511pl.ti yBEST OFWINNERSi'y36 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. MILLBROOK'S MAJESTICAOrange Female Owner Anna LaFortuneCh. Great Elm's Timstopper Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Millbrook's Sauci TopperCh. Li I Elmo of Point Loma Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Millbrook's White Flair Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Ch. Millbrook's El Gran Caballero Ch. Millbrook's Suzetta Ch. Sungold's Gold AnteCh. Sungold's Candy Man Sungold's Peggy Sungold's TammyCH. PHYNER BUST MY BUTTONSBlack MaleBreeder-Owner Dolly B. Trauner, San Francisco, CACh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice Queenaire Headliner Jubilee's Rebel Black Mandy B.Ch. Moreno's Hot Off The Press Ch. Phyner Night Editor PhynerChiquita Negrita Phyner Kitchen Witch Chipper IX Happy Dancer Tishka TanyaCH. PHYNER TEA MUFFINChocolate FemaleBreeder-Owner Dolly B. Trauner, San Francisco, CACh. Moreno's Hot Off The Press Ch. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Chiquita Negrita Phyner Editor's TalismanCh. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Kitchen Witch Happy DancerCh. Moreno's Hot Off The Press Ch. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Chiquita Negrita Phyner Morgana Le FeCh. Phyner Black Sombrero Phyner MorticiaPhyner Kitchen WitchCH. POMIRISH CHANCE'S DINA MITEDark Cream Female Breeder-Owner Sally BaugnietPomirish Pooh Bear's Tigger Cn. Ch. Pomirish Tiggefs Huny Bear N Edna of LenetteAC Ch. Pomirish Cr Puff's Only ChanceShamrock's Pomirish Gem Smoky Ch. Pomirish Cream PuffScotia Double Cr Da O'Cavilier Ch. Randy's Pomirish Super Sport AC Ch. Pomirish Bubble's Lil Squirt Ch. Varney's Bubbles Up CD Pomirish Squirt's Come AgainCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Jilltara's Anniversary Gift Jilltara's Sweet CharlotteCH. POMIRISH JACK'S THANKGIV'N PUFLt. Cream Female Breeder-Owner Sally Baugniet Ch. Pomirish Li'l Cuy Ch. Pomirish Li'l Cuys Hundr'd Pruf Pomirish Cream Puffs Carry On Ch. Pomirish Pruf's Jumping Jack Pomirish Glory's Hallelujah Pomirish Hallelujah's Glory Dee Dee of Lenette Cn. Ch. Pomirish Tigger's Huny Bear N Ch. Pomirish Cr Puff's Only Chance Ch. Pomirish Cream Puff Ch. Pomirish Chance's Dream PuffRandy's The Rock of Jolly Wee Pomirish Jolly Wee Dream Whip Randy's Dandy Wee SallyCH. PUF-PRIDE TANTILIZING TAWNIFemaleBreeder-Owner Warren and Virginia Dimick, Ok City, OKCh. Millamor's Moonrock Ch. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor Dixieland's Veronica Tiny Sundancer of OakridgeCh. LLL Fancy Cold Cricket Ch. LLL Charming Cold Buttercup Ch. LLL Dancing Gold Cidget Stalkers Timmy Lee Ch. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Mama Cass LLL Happy Twinkling TangeeCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny LLL Happy Co Lucky TammyJkL4,-e'I Ch. Precious Petite's GabrielDad Best of BreedCh. Carousel's Ch. Carouse Glass Tiger Angel For AllaSon WD and BOW Daughter WB and BOSA family affair at the Greater Emporia KC show on September 13, 1987. Thanks to Kathy Such for handling Butch to his championship on Oct. 4. Congratulations to his litter sister, Angel, wl finished Nov. 8 and to her ownerhandler Marry Allan pending AKC confirmation.A special thank you to Mrs. Norma Chrider for letting us have our beautiful Jessie, without whc none of this would have been possible.Proud motherCarousel PomeraniansArt and Linda Gustafson 5001 S. Peebly Road Newalla, OK 74857 405391-2960"Vm.Ch.Creider's Jessica8 POMERANIAN REVIEWCH. SCOTIA LITTLE DAVEYVlaleBreeder Edna E. Girardot Dwner Dolores WattsCh. May Morning Echo of Highland Tono's May Morning Ali-Echo May Morning Alice Ch. Zodiac's Cavalier CommanderCh. Scotia Cav's Sensational Kid Ch. Cavy's Sensational Conquest Ch. Scotia Starlight Starbright Ch. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Ch. Scotia Specky Happy C's Return Ch. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy Girl Ch. Scotia Best Yet's Lisa DollCh. Sungold's Cay Cavilier Ch. Scotia Cavilier's Best Yet Ch. Royal Trudie of Lane-MarrCH. SILVER MEADOWS MR. RANDYOrange Sable MaleBreeder Jacquelyn KleinOwner Claire Flesner, Lowell, MACh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonners Kristen StarmistCh. Bonners Pepper K. Coldmist Ch. Silver Meadows Starmister Oak Hill Thorn Silver Meadows Geraldine Silver Meadows Cay Melody Ch. Bonners Kristen Starmist Ch. Bonners Lisa Star Legacy Bonners Little Miss Wag Ch. Silver Meadows Spice O' LegacyCh. Silver Meadows Sun Dee Cub Ch. Silver Meadows Sparkle Plenty Ch. Silver Meadows Echo of FunCH. STARLITE LEGACY CHOCO BEARChocolate Male Breeder-Owner Cayle GriffinCh. Bonner's Darlastyle Xmas Toy Ch. Bonner's Krist StarmistCh. Bonner's Pepper-K-Gold Mist Ch. Bonner's Lisastar LegacyCh. Bonner's Stylemodel Wee Wag Bonner's Little Miss Wag Bonner's Sunfire Mischief Ch. Moreno's Hot Off The Press Ch. Phyner Night Editor Phyner Chiquita Negrita Starlite Editor's B'WitchedJubilee Lucky Chance Starlite's Lucky FlameStarlite Rigal Miss RhapsodyCH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOROrange MaleBreeder Frances J. StollOwner Frances J. Stoll, Washington, INCh. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's VeronicaMillamor's Melody Box Ch. Mercer's Touch O' Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch-O-Pepper Circle M patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Patri-Ark's Suger SpiceCH. SUNGOLD'S CASINO OF KAZARRed Sable Male Owner Anna LaFortuneCh. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoles I Cot Legs Tomanoles MeMe Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Mac's Little Lou Lou LaRita Takesonetoknowone Ch. Quesera Spirit of LaRita LaRita Top Doll By Kash Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Quesera Golden Clow Sugar George Ch. Quesera CiCi of Golden Clow Ch. Bet Lu's Little Duke JoyCH. WATTS' LITTLE I'M A RAISINETTEFemaleBreederOwner Dolores WattsCh. C. ElmsTimstoppers Image Ch. C.E. TimstopperToo Great Elms Wee Julie Ch. Watts' Little Chipper of G. Elms Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms HoneybunGreat Elms Tan Fanny of Lennis Ch. Theldun's Tim Dandee of Edney Ch. Moe-Best Special OrderPostscripts Aft R Noon Delight Ch. Moe-Best Constant AttentionCheridel's Pomesto Remember Me Pomesto Cassandra Pomesto SweetiePOMERANIAN REVIEWPtdtr Presentsvi ii9g1Ch. Bayou View Pop TartCh. Bev-Nor's Toastmaster xCh. Bayou View Sugar N SpicePoppyBayou View proudly presents our newest champion, Ch. Bayou View Pop Tart.Many thanks to our good friend Jerrie Freia, for her care in taking this stylish girl to 13 points, both majors.Her last 2 points were under the capable guidance of handler Hiram Stewart.Her litter brother, Bayou View Front Runner, is now out with Hiram and has both majors.This breeding has been repeated and we should have Thanksgiving puppies. Inquiries invited.Bayou View Pomeranians BreederOwnersJohn Lewis and Adam Verrett P.O. Box 1943504 384-0486 Morgan City, LA 703810 POMERANIAN REVIEWMosaic PomeraniansWelcomes "Happy"V'-r v..--.vr.'K--V\\Y.\\v .A--Can.Ch. Anadors Happy Go DragonAmCan Ch. Anadors Dragon Smasher x Cheryls Venture of AnadorsHappy is a beautiful dark sable with a huge harsh coat and sweet temperament and we feel rivileged to have him. Our sincere thanks to Ann for all the help and encouragement we have eceived and for sharing her Poms with us.Happy congratulates his son, Can. Ch. Anadors Happy Tyme Tobie Happy x Cinculas Lil Polly Minders on BIS win at Algoma Dog Fanciers All Breed Show in Sault Ste Marie, Ontario, Canada in August under judge Stan Whitmore. He has had multiple group placements also. Teddie is owned y Richard Lake and his daughter Kathy of Canada, and was bred by Ann Welshinger.Thanks also to Molly and Linda Miller of Myway Kennels for their unending patience and help to lovices.Dwner BreedervArs. Riki Barker Mrs. Ann Welshinger18 Van Winkle Dr. Rt. 2, Box 448.ake Jackson, TX 77566 Superior, WE 54880409 265-6672POMERANIAN REVIEWRazzle DazzleI 0sfSI0BEST BREEDOFUNION COUNTY NNEL CLUB INC MAY 19871ISAm. Can. Ch. Chriscendo ClassiqueCh. Millamor's Moon Rock and Chriscendo CassandraAmber, our pride and joy, is shown taking BOB under noted toy judge James Cavallaro at Union County Kennel Club. She has style, presence and lots of Razzle Dazzle. Congratulations to Dolores Watts on her well-deserved Kennel Visit.BreederCo-OwnerChristine Heartz P.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S. BON 1CO CanadaCo-OwnerHandlerJudy Green 822 Parks ide Blvd. Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-5962POMERANIAN REVIEWTime To Say Goodbyeby Barbara StofferAutumn, beautiful glorious autumn, alive 'ith colors, crisp cool air, unique smells and listy foggy mornings. First frost on the car indows quilts of leaves to blanket the eeping earth. Autumn is so alive, yet a ason of dying too, for we will soon lose all le gracious beauty that surrounds us now. At ast for a while. And so it is with all things. A me. A season. A purpose.This autumn brings me a deep feeling of idness as I look out the windows at the eeting beauty of nature, for it is now time for le to say goodbye to one of my best friends.have often wondered why the word oodbye has "good" in it, for I can't ever call any goodbye as being good, especially rose that are permanent.Today I'm sitting here with such an ache in ly heart dreading tomorrow. My thoughts aep reflecting the images of many happy, atisfying and sometimes, just comforting mes spent together. How do you say oodbye to one of your closest friends a onstant, loyal and loving companion for 14 ears. Particularly this goodbye, knowing that must make the final decision that will take im from me and from this life. How l have readed this moment that I knew would come ut I cannot let my little friend suffer when lere is no hope of recovery. Moreover, I annot deny him the right to retain some of is dignity and pride, if dogs do indeed feel lese emotions, and I feel they do.I have watched the other Poms acknow- dge the respect that the senior Poms have arned without question. They seem to sense lat the aging monarch is older in mind as ell as body and don't dispute his rights or his arritory. [People could learn so much from hese social creatures.Idle Acres Puff-O-Smoke, my old Nudie, as one of my very first Poms. He has been here through the ups and downs through iappy times and sad, coaxing with his tiny law, scratching at my leg for me to play with lim, prancing happily around, so full of life nd vitality. He strutted proudly by my side at hows or just out for a walk and quietly lay his lead on my lap when he knew I was sad or ipset, cocking his little head first one waythen the other as I talked to him as if he understood my every word. Sleeping under my bed at night, he guarded fiercely if anyone ventured by the door almost like a little troll under a bridge. He took very seriously his self-appointed job of guarding me and his personal toys.Dear Nudie, how my heart aches for you as I see what time has taken from you. I listen at night and hear you cough as you try to clear your throat. Other times I hear you struggle for breath with lungs that are filling up with fluid. The pills and cough syrup that you hate so much no longer give you much relief. There are no more shots or medications that can bring back the vitality you so valiantly try to muster. Rheumatism has made your once strong legs slow to a painful, unsteady few steps at a time, yet you try to come to me with your tiny ears up and head held high. You coax with a tiny paw for me to scratch your back which you have always loved. The extra exertion brings another spasm of coughing and tears come to my eyes as I watch you. Your trusting eyes that try to follow my every move are now clouded by a milky haze that has relentlessly crept up on you. Silky ears that used to catch each change of tone in my voice now fail to hear my call unless I'm very loud and close. The once proud, gayly carried and quite beautiful tail still wags when you know I'm near, but time has robbed it of its long black hair and it looks so small and sparse.Even with all of the reasons, the obvious indications that time has caught up with him,I look at Nudie and see his quiet dignity. The wonderful spirit the will to retain his place . .. and yet.Tomorrow . . . tomorrow I must say goodbye. I have to let you go, my old friend, while you still retain some of your dignity. And it's not goodbye, just so long for a while.I force myself to make the call. The appointment is for 530 p.m. It is now 11 a.m.. Tomorrow is here.I brush and groom Nudie for the last time. I feel so badly as I hear his labored breathing and hacking cough, for I can't relieve him or make him better again. I strokePOMERANIAN REVIEWVANHAASKENNELSPat-El Vanhaas Terry Tunes OVanhaas4a m SI 4iWI - rSable bitch bred by Pat Lewis of Terry, MS, shown winning from the classes over specials under Nick Calicura and going Best of Breed and Croup 3 under Georgia Buttram. Nicely handled by Harry E. Pennington.Ch. Vanhaas Black Fox LuciferShown finishing under Mr. Alvin Maurer with 4 point majors under Dr.Harry Smith Jr. and Mrs. William Lehnig.Stud service Black, BlackTan, Red,Orange, Sable and Cream.Puppies and Adults occasionally.VanHaas KennelsHenry and Jean Haas Rt. 2, Box 6239 Auburn, CA 30203if 'LAWRENCEVILLE KENNEL CLUB HAT 1987POMERANIAN REVIEW14lis now thin coat where once the luster and ullness of his beautiful black fur stood out so jroudly. I hold his warm, full little body close n my arms and feel the beat of his heart igainst my hand. He has not lost weight and le feels so alive. How can I take him to the ret and say goodbye It's so hard for those of js who stay here. I guess I'm just feeling sorry or myself and my own sadness, when I'm sure hat Nudie would prefer it this way . . . but for hat tiny doubt in the back of my mind. Vould he want to leave me for any reason, xcept to go to sleep on his own Is there any 3ther way Maybe the doctor will say there is ome small hope . . . But then the reality is bat Nudie is not himself. He can't do any of he things that brought so much happiness ind contentment to his life and his small rvorld. I can't let him suffer like this.So I hold him close and pet his tired old lead. I take him for a walk, carrying him in ny arms around the house that he loves so much, letting him sniff at each of the other ^oms. They all seem to sense that something s wrong and are unusually quiet and curiously somber. I take Nudie to the back door and let iim smell the fresh, clean autumn air. He whiffs all the good smells that only dogs seem o sense and wags his tail and licks my hand. He looks up at me with the same trust and love as always. I find it impossible to hold oack the tears and gently put him down. He slowly and unsteadily walks away across the oom to his favorite pillow for his regular afternoon nap.I have prepared a small box with an old Flannel shift, my smell still on it, and a soft layer of foam rubber. One of Nudie's favorite squeeky toys, a small stuffed rabbit he loved and a chew bone to guard are tucked in the corners.The box goes with us to the vet's office. The brightness of the day has faded, turning chilly, cloudy-gray and misting rain. I gather Nudie up for his last ride. How he used to love to go in the car with me. Even now he is eager to go. I just can't stop the tears as he sits happily on the seat beside me, looking around to see where we're going.The doctor's office is quiet except for the muffled sounds of other patients confined in the back. As I hold him in my arms, Nudie is restless and presses close to me. He never did like coming to the vet. Once in a while he looks up into my face with his head resting onmy chest. The hacking cough brings intermittent spasms. In the lull between the coughing his breathing is more labored. I know he is very uncomfortable, but he does not complain. 1 can't tell if my heart aches more because he is uncomfortable and I can't do anything about it, or if it's because he will soon be gone forever. Whichever it is, it is one of the hardest and saddest things I've ever had to do.The doctor comes in and gently gives Nudie a final examination. There is nothing more to do for him. His lungs are failing because of fluid build-up in the chest and abdomen, brought on by poor circulation to the heart which is also failing. Deterioration of the heart muscle, arteries, etc., etc., . . . too much detail, no use anyway. The final results are the same. Nudie presses against me again as he sits on the exam table. He was always glad when we were done. This time I put him in the doctor's arms again. Nudie, I can only pray that you will understand and forgive me.In less than five minutes it was painlessly over. My Nudie is now free. No more fighting with a body that wouldn't respond. No more pain. He is free to be Nudie again, somewhere else.I carried the box to the car and we drove slowly back home in the gray, rainy late afternoon.Nudie's body now rests peacefully in the back yard on a small hill where he loved to run and play.Perhaps death is not a final thing, but only a passage to another time that is free of worldly cares and pain where all our loved ones wait to greet us. I truly believe there is a place in heaven for Poms, for what would heaven be without them. My Nudie is surely there now with all the other little friends, playing and waiting.Dear Nudie, you will always live in my heart and in my memories you will be forever young and strong and happy. Any time I feel lonely you will be laying a tiny black paw on my leg and tugging at my heartstrings. I only wish I could turn back the hands of time for us and we could be young and happy together again. But the Good Shepherd will bless you now and take care of you for me. Until we meet again, goodbye little friend.POMERANIAN REVIEWlti. \fry Magic JeanneA-appoantlOU\SBREEDERMOeCh. Dixieland Rock of MillamorxFry's Charming MuffyJeanne is shown here with Dr. Jose Luis Payro. We want to thank Dr. Payro along with judges Lena Wiseman, Ralph Lemcke, Mrs. Wm Lehnig, Mrs. Robert Tongren, Leon Seligman, Toddie Clark, Ken Miller and especially Mr. Cerhardt Plaga for placing her Croup 3 at Hodgenville, KY. Showing Jeanne is my daughter Jennifer Carlton, without whom I could not show.OwnerBreederNancy Fry Rt. 2, Box 371 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-4528\firy Magic IPiruiHandlerJennifer Carlton 3200 Bruceville Rd. Vincennes, IN 47591Ch. Brown's Rock n Robin xFry's Charming MuffyWe are proud of our Pruddie, who at9'2 months of age has already won a Group 2, shown here with Mrs. Mildred Bryant and a Croup 4. Thanks to Mrs. Betty Munden. Pruddie needs only a major to finish.vPuppiesAvailable.c gPOMERANIAN REVIEWObedience UpdateA Champion Roz GoltzMorris Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold of Jabil UD erCan CDX has now received his third leg, i Utility, allowing him to become the only ving Champion-U.D. Pom and only the cond one to achieve this honor. I also elieve he is the only champion Pom to hieve a CDX in three countries.Needless to say, 1 am quite thrilled. We ent to almost 50 shows in Utility. He had ecome ill with a thyroid condition of which was not aware, at first and hit the jumps sry badly. He subsequently refused to do D-outs and it was a very frustrating 214 years, hen he was feeling better, he started doing le routines everywhere except in the ring jainful memories. I almost gave up, but lanks to the encouragement of friends I did ike him to the Shrewsbury DTC Trial on ctober 18, 1987.I was so pleased when Morris did the gnals, then the articles and glove. But then ly stomach turned into a knot, as it had in so lany shows.. Would he do a 6 foot go-out, op, turn around and walk back in I sent him Jt and he did a beautiful, straight go-out ntil I called for him to sit. I was so shocked I most forget to give the sit command. He arted to go towards the high jump on my gnal, but veered slightly away. I thought he ouldn't jump. I literally held my breath but 3 trotted back towards the jump and went ier. The audience gave a huge sigh of relief. ie second go-out was also beautiful and he ew over the bar jump. By this time the crowd as cheering and screaming so he never it. I lost some points on 2 no-sits, but he ound up with a 191 and Highst Scoring Pom the Trial with competition. The judge, Joe uard, was surprised by the audience articipation from the Utility B ring, until he Bcame aware of our historic event. I could at enter the Utility A class that day as the idge Mrs. Dion had already given us a utility g.Morris's obedience career with many ups id downs due to his illness, a fear of walls nd being attacked and carried off by aRottweiler at a trial includes5 High in Trials3 Dog World Awards and a 200 score.He was shown very little in conformation, but his wins include 6 Best of Breeds and a Croup placement.Morris is temporarily retired, but I may be tempted next year to try and get his Canadian and Bermudan Utility titles. What's a few more gray hairs anywayOh yes. On November 15 Purina announced a "new" dog foor for small dogs. The Pom is Morris.Editor's Note Am. Can. Mex. Ch. Kavilla's Christmas Joy, Am. Can. Mex. CDX, breeder, Mrs. Vi Munz, owner Margaret Carlos. She holds the record for the most titles.Obedience StatisticsShuman SystemThe Shuman System records points on a cumulative basis for the calendar year. Points are awarded for every qualifying score in the advanced classes based on a pre-described table. Only 4 placements for most breeds.1. OTCh Noah's Abra Ka Dabra.................. 158Diane Bauman also 4 Toy Dog2. Annon's Huggy Bear From Scamp CDX .69 Mary Vickers3. Midnight Shogun UD.................................58Jo Ellen Corley4. OTCh Twinkle Little Super Star................54Joann Ceeslin, Donna EddinsHighest Scoring Dog in TrialPenneylane Is In My Heart, Cheryl and Eddie Hutson72886, Nashville DTC 197 NovicePomirish Movin' On, Marian Lazarra10486, Janesville-beloit KC 199 Novice B OTCh Noah's Abra Ka Dabra, Diane Bauman 10486, Port Chester DTC 198.5 Utility 111586, New England DTC 199 Open B 111686, North Shore KC 199.5 Open B 121186, Lorain County KC 198 Open B 121286, Medina KC 198.5 Open B12987, Princeton DTC 200Open B continued on p. 52.fft' nu.' rCh. Clairmont's Carolina Delite"MollyAmerica's Number One Pomeranian BitchCongratulations and appreciation to Ruth Beam for her 50th Anniversary in Poms, and for life-long devotion to the breed.BreederOwnerLance Bryson535 Huffman Mill RoadBurlington, NC 27215HanPam CampPOMERANIAN REVIEWStolanne Pomeraniansi jrNEW . CHAMPION A...BEST OF BR or VARIETYTERRE HAUTE KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER 1987PHOTO BY gnaitUK 8L,i\i. rv HiCh. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorThor is pictured taking his second major and finishing his championship a day before he was 10 months old, under judge Mrs. Robert Forsythe. He took the points in 8 of the 11 shows in which he was entered, with all wins taken from the puppy or bred-by-exhibitor classes.A special thank you to Opal Dumler of O My Poms, breeder of Thor's dam, O My Starmist Minuette. Thanks also to Mrs. Wilma Jean Brown for allowing me to use her great stud, Ch. Dixieland Rock of Millamor.We are anxiously awaiting the show ring debut of two little bitches from a repeat breeding. We have one and Suzann Henderson has the other. Good luck to herThor's first offspring are due soon and we hope he passes on all his fine qualities. See his pedigree in Behind The NewChampions.BreederOwnerHandlerFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857POMERANIAN REVIEWStolanne Pomeraniansrlr3 VARIETY GROUP THIRDTERRE HAUTE KENNEL CLUB SEPTEMBER IMTit SABRINACh. Stolanne Thunderbolt ThorCh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor x O My Starmist MinuetteThor completed a great day by placing Group 3 at the Terre Haute Kennel Club Show. Thank you to judge Mildred Heald for this lovely win.As a special, Thor's most prestigious win was over a group of 7 specials in very stiff competition for a BOB and another Croup 3 at Northeastern Indiana Kennel Club. Thank you Judge Robert Reedy.Thanks also to Judges Richard Hammond, Paula Hartinger, Dr. Harry Smith, Dolly Ward, Frank Oberstar, Barbara Jarmoluk, Cerhardt Plaga and Dr. Bernard Esporite.BreederOwnerHandlerFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-38570 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFIC NORTHWEST NEWS AND VIEWSby Irene Harbin 10759 Sand Point Way N.E. Seattle, WA 98125It has been rather quiet in the Northwest, he Washington Chapter of the Judges' ducation Association held their second eminar November 21 and 22. They featured a ireeder judge of Pomeranians, Mary Rosen- iaum, for one of the toy presentations. It was lice to see the Pomeranian selected. From onversations I have had with exhibitors, nany feel judges could be more informed ibout the Pomeranian.By the time this is in print AKC will have net and voted on their recommended rule hanges. I talked to some breederexhibitors ind the majority are against section "A" and 'B" changes. This was a time when Dreederexhibitors needed to make them- ielves heard. Did you The changes appeared with deletions and inclusions as they were to ne revised in the October Gazette. Delegates rom clubs were the only persons who were allowed to vote, along with AKC representatives.Dana Plonkey, a breederexhibitor of Poms, has been granted his judges license for forkies and Poodles. Hopefully the Pom will be next. Congratulations, Dana.The Columbia Pomeranian Club is moving their Winter Specialty to January 1988. Hopefully there will be two Specialty clubs available to the Pacific Northwest soon as the Puget Sound Club is once again moving toward being sanctioned. Their president, Nora Higbee is moving that club in the right direction and it certainly takes a lot of work. It will be nice to have two specialty clubs within a reasonal traveling distance with friends in each.The weather has broken. Washington is finally getting rain. Our reputation was almost ruined with all the sunshine.I Remember When . Dorothy BonnerWhen our kennel was built on the ranch over 20 years ago, we were pleased with a double fence that circled the runs, there being some eight inches between the two, forbidding any nose-touching with strangers. Dividing the runs inside, fencing was only 24 inches high an easy step-over making outside gates necessary only at each end. Except for rare visits from a neighbor dog, there was only wild life and we felt double secure.Nearby lived an amiable black Labrador named Soot whom we saw occasionally. One day Soot decided to investigate the kennel and was tempted to climb over the outer 6 foot fence. During his previous adventures, one climb had always completed the process, so he attained the top and dropped. To his surprise and amazement, he was tightly wedged between the fences, his legs, instead of touching the ground, sticking through the coarse mesh of the lower, inner fence a stiaution totally confusing to a dog of the world." The two Pom occupants of the first run were biting at the protruding legs while those of other runs were in a frenzy of uproar. Soot was unable to move, and in his wildest dreams had never visualized such a predicament. He began to howl, so the trouble spot was easily located. Soot was glad to see me, realizing that help was on the way, but seemed totally incapable of cooperating. The fence was too high for one to lean over, and lifting a hundred pound dog was impossible for a lone woman who weighed less. The first pen biters were hurriedly relocated, which helped the situation considerably, and Soot's owner was called. Soot was happy to see her and calmed down a bit during our efforts to lift him from the bulge between the fences. Because of his dangling legs, he was unable to assist in any way and our efforts bore no results. With no nearby men folks at home, there was simply a long wait ahead, so gave Soot a drink and attempted to decrease the kennel barking. It was a losing battle as my Poms were wildly enthusiastic over finally cornering ancontinuedPOMERANIAN REVIEWtenette c -me'iaman^Breeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Ownerf - To ^I,''1 -Sn\SC 2h2 T s14 ims.Sire Ch. Coy's Top of the MarkSire Ch. Apple's Traveling DiamondSire Ch. Coy's Top of the MarkSire Great Elms Sweet PepperWe have seven new litters of pups and four more bitches due to whelp. Puppies available for pets, show and breeding, priced from 200.00 and up. We try very hard to give a fair and honest evaluation of each pup. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette. We are currently trying to breed quality poms in the 5 to 6 lb. range. We use not only our own two champions at stud but also other top stud dogs that we feel will be an asset to our breeding program. Our bloodlines are mostly Great Elms but we also have other bloodlines.POMERANIAN REVIEWDog Show Thoughtsby Barbara A. Stofferstill dark as we load up the car vith everything for the show. must be nuts or we'd still be asleep,ike most normal folks we know.e last check just to be surejuess we'd better get our Pom and his crates road stretches away like a ribbon of gray he countryside is peaceful and still, oughts drift ahead to the day at hand, is we ride through the valleys and hills.II the judge be fair, honest and keen, wi 11 he see the fau Its of each will he just pick his type again, f he does I think I'll screech.ll, here we are, let's unload the car,give the poms some exercise.s'll have to hurry, it's an early classand we don't want any surprises.ring side we'll get to talk with friendsand other Pom people tooh is ready and waiting their turn,Praying for a ribbon of blueh lovely Pom struts around, showing his very best, e judge will have a difficult time,They'll put him to the test, seems to be nice and studies them all, not hurrying them along, refully touching, then stepping back He hasn't done anything wrong . . . yet5 choice is made and he points to one,So it looks like we didn't win. serve isn't so bad so we won't be sad,We just won't show under him again, ck to the car, chatting away,Trying to figure it out.le time you win, next time you lose.Sometimes you are in doubt.iur Pom is really looking his best,He should have won that class, aybe the judge wasn't so good after all,So we'll just let this one pass.It really is a game of chance Showing in that ring.But oh, the great feeling of joy, That next-time's win will bringHappy Showing To AllObedience Statistics, from p. 46.Pettifree's Puregold, H. Tyler 41987, Longview KC 198.5 Novice B Trivial Pursuit CDX, Janet Kunkle7687, Longview-Kelso KC 199 Open BAPC Obedience Award WinnersTop Novice Pom Marian Lazarra andPomirish Movin' On CDTop Open Pom Rosalind Coltz and Ch.Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy CDXTop Utility Pom Diane Bauman and OTChNoah's Abra Ka DabraTop Obedience Pom OTCh Noah's Abra Ka DabraFollowing is the break-down of Obedience titles achieved this year11 HIT'S 34 C.D.'s 5 C.D.X.'s 4 U.D.'s 1 OTCH APC members II Remember When, continued.intruder, a happening that had all the realization of a long time fantasy an ideal example of prime fun without danger, especially since I was there on their side and they were confident on my back-up. The neighbor returned home to await her husband's arrival, while I stayed on the scene to retain some semblance of order. It was a time of relief when a disgusted neighbor husband appeared with wire cutters. Released, Soot made a bee-line for his pickup, no longer curious or venturesome, but thoroughly vanquished.We were not included in any of his further visits.IPOMERANIAN REVIEWPOMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious PomeraniansSi 9imm J I4FIRSTnCLUBETRULISCh. Prestigious Pee Wee PartiThe Number 1 parti-colored Pom in the history of the breed.Congratulations to all persons who have shown, pointed or finished parti-colors recently. You know who you are.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229 214 358-5549 or 398-5981POMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious PomeraniansPrestigious Top GunCh. Pomirish Robins Top Shelf x Prestigious Cream O' The CropGunner is for sale to a show home. He is pictured at 7 months, whelped Feb. 21, 1987. He has been doing great in his first few puppy classes with 1 RWD. He is 4'A lbs., sturdy, with beautiful rear legs and angulation. Easy to show, guaranteed to finish and produce. 5 year replacement guarantee against heriditary defects. 850.00FlashPrestigious Valentine Parti free whelped 2 beautiful girls 1 orange and 1 blond, out of the super fantastic, one of a kind, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II.Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229 214 358-5549 or 398-5981CongratulationsTo Gail Jeub,You have just entered the twilite zone of showing and breeding partis. Good luck with the most perfectly marked parti I have ever seen, Prestigious Lucky Star PartiPOMERANIAN REVIEWPrestigious PomeraniansiV'xzrnjpkMUfTr.Prestigious Throw A PartiShown here winning a 5 point major at the San Diego Specialty. A very sincere thanks to the beautiful Jackie Liddle.He has sired a special baby parti-color female and has more pups due Nov. 24 out of Prestigious Prize Possesion 4 pts..Sherry and Earl Steinmetz 10016 Marsh Lane Dallas, TX 75229 214 358-5549 or 398-5981POMERANIAN REVIEW^ar kGml Elm Kewefo, Reg'LThis ad takes care of some sad business for me. First, I want to bid a fond farewell to a dear friend, Anne Riddick, who died November 3. She was one of the kindest and most honest ladies I have ever known.Anne should forever be remembered as the breeder and owner of Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond. He was the sire of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, several other champions and more on the way.Anne's death was due to a number of strokes that kept her bed-ridden for the past 3 years. Soon after her first stroke, Anne gave Image to Joyce Apple, who was a dear and devoted friend.Second, I would like to address the reasons for which I felt it necessary to cancel the 50th Anniversary Party my dear friend Ken Griffith had planned for me on November 21. It truly saddened me to have to do so.The most important reason I called off the party was due to the fact that I live alone, and at the time I am writing this, I have four litters of young nursing puppies in my kitchen. Due to cold weather, I cannot move them elsewhere. I dare not leave home for more than one hour for fear there may be some terrible battles among the mothers and the possibility of injury or death to puppies. Strange things can happen when you are away from home, especially if it involves young litters. I know this to be true from experience. I was also bottle-feeding some of the pups.I also had two litters due that weekend and both could whelp on the 21st. It will be first litters for both girls and one is small. I just don't leave home for any length of time when I have young litters andor when matrons are due. In the past I have encountered such problems as mothers pulling and chewing on the naval cords to the extent that two mothers disembowelled puppies], so I hold the mother on my lab and let the puppies nurse every two hours until the cords fall off. Sometimes it takes 48 hours.I feel very responsible for my dogs. I sincerely hope my friends will understand.Ruth Beam Box 937Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233_______POMERANIAN REVIEWSUE N. WHALEY Tatty'sTomeraniansCongratulations on your Kennel Visit, Dolores. May 1988 be twice as good as 1987 for you.With love,I have male and female pups for sale 250 500. Also, one heavy sable brood bitch 350. Creat Elms, Showstopper, Creider, Queenaire, robinhood and Fox Flame lines.Sue N. Whaley "Momma Sue" Your handlerGood luck to all you Pom People in 1988Patty Jensen 6520 Game Farm Rd. E. Mound, MN 55364 612 472-5950To Mrs. Ruth Beam Great Elms PomsWe commend you for what you have done for us allWe salute your 50th year of excellence in this breedWe admire you and we love you for very special reasonsmU.Thank youDarrell and Olga BakerAll the best in 1988 From our house to yours The Ripley Family Tom, Phyllis Phinny, Jacob and CollinPOMERANIAN REVIEWA Visit To The Watts Kennel of Marylandby Agnes GrosskurthEvery kennel has its beginning and for Dolores Watts it began in 1968, but not in the Pomeranian breed for which she is so well known. At that time, Dolores and David Watts were members of the Greater Washington St. Bernard Club and they had purchased a Saint from Lou Mai Ion of the Von Mai Ion Kennel, named Zsa Zsa Von Mallon. They began to breed their own Saints. Soon, the entire family was involved with the gentle and lovable Saints. Their son, Stephen, then eleven years of age, showed his very own Saint, Watts' Memo Von Mallon. Memo was Winners Dog and Best of Winners twice at Specialty Shows. Their youngest child, Laura, was a toddler at the time and was often observed napping on top of her favorite place, warm and soft Memo. Memo has lived out his years and is buried at the family's country home in Brandywine, Maryland.On Christmas Eve 1972, a Pomeranian bred by Edna Girardot, owner of the Scotia Kennels in Floral City, Florida arrived at National Airport in the Nation's Capitol. A Christmas wish for something warm and soft had arrived in the form of something very small, very soft, orange in color and instantly lovable a female Pomeranian named Scotia Renee's Noel v Watts. Although Noel had flown into the Nation's capital, she had landed right into Dolores' heart. Needless to say, Dolores was not aware that Santa's gift of something soft and warm for her daughter Laura would be thebeginning of Watts' Pomeranian Kennel Brandywine, Maryland.Noel's arrival changed the Watts' househ forever. One by one the family members v\ won over each one claiming Lau Christmas gift as their dog Naturally, N took all the fussing over her in stride, for is the way Pomeranians like their owner be As the time passed, Dolores watched N with continued interest and it wasn't very I before she was convinced that the Pomi nian breed would be her own."SayWatt"Dolores is a person who always strives excellence therefore she began to caref study the breed and to select the bloodli she felt would eventually be incorporated i her kennel. Her experience with the Sai even though the years were few, gave her insight of the path that she would take, kennel must have only the best of standard of the breed and with this goal fir fixed in her mind, Dolores' desire the br poms began in earnest. Her purchase of h was no accident she then purchased second bitch from the Scotia Kennel nar Scotia's Little Angel v Watts. The f breeding of Angel and Ch. Edney's Tim Da produced two puppies, a male, Watts' Li Peppi Joe and a female, Watts' Little Darling. Both poms finished their champi ships very quickly. The Watts' kennel begun.POMERANIAN REVIEWReturning from one of her trips, Dolores opped at the Great Elms Kennel owned by jth Beam. With her keen eye, Dolores lected a two-week old puppy dog she felt ould be an excellent addition to her kennel, le puppy is known as Ch. Watts' Little ynasty of Great Elms. Dolores later jrchased another puppy dog from Ruth out Timstopper II who has become Ch. Watts' ttle Chipper of Great Elms. To date, Chipper is produced nine champions and has several linted offspring. He is the top stud at the atts' kennel and is the second top oducingstud Pomeranian for 1986. Another lor of the breed now caught Dolores' eye id she pruchased her first black and tan from rri Moebuis of the Moe-Best Poms, known Watts' Little Peter-Tan Moe-Best who ortly thereafter added a championship to s name. Dolores next bought a tiny deep ange sable from the Great Elms kennels, a ven month old dog. At this age, Ruth Beam pressed doubts that Dolores would be able finish him since he had not been lead lined. However, good breeding shows and -Jo finished as well.Excellent stock needs an expert handler, so ain Dolores carefully studied the problem id selected a handler to show her imeranians on the circuit. She selected Sue haley, a well-known handler of several eeds. Sue began her chores with Dolores' ims with the very lovable and by now, very oiled, Noel. She finished Noel and up to 87 has finished eleven champions in the atts' kennel. Not content to be on the itside of the show ring, Dolores decided she iuld like to show her Poms too. The other Je of the coin in breeding Poms is the allenge of the show ring, so Dolores-the- eeder became Dolores-the-handler. She has lished twelve of her dogs.Now it is time for Dolores' husband to enter e picture. By way of introduction, David atts is and has been a custom home builder Prince George's County, Maryland for over years. You guessed it Dolores put Dave to irk constructing her kennel. Now Dave, the se husband, gave his wife's "honey-do" a eat deal of thought and many of his ideas r the care and comfort of the dogs have en incorporated into an outstanding C3.kennel.First, the kennel must be conveniently near the family home for Dolores, so David built the kennel wing off the family room. You enter the kennel wing though French doors. The first room is Dolores' office. Here she conducts her business in a chalet-type designed room. It has a beamed cathedral ceiling with soft beige colores walls and earth tone carpeting. She has selected an antique golden oak "S" cylinder secretary, a walnut etagere filled with dog figurines mostly poms and an oak table which is laden with her paperwork and her necessary phone. Pomeranian pictures are hung on the walls and above her writing table. A handcarved clock from the Black Forest in Germany ticks away the hours and a sleep-sofa is also there for those long night vigils every breeder experiences.Through a door and one step down is the 24 x 14 foot whelping room. It has space for 10 whelping pens. Four of these pens have their own outside exit to a separately fencedPOMERANIAN REVIEWWatts PomeraniansChampion 22r m 7A5'Vi,a4Ch.Scotia Little DaveyCh. Zodiac's Cavalier Commander xCh. Scotia Best Yet's Lisa DollDavey was very patiently waiting his turn to travel to the shows and when he went out to his first show on Sept. 13, he went BOB under judge Mr. F. Sabella for his first 2 points. He finished on Oct. 25 going BOW for a 4 pt. major under Mrs. Limoge at Progressive Dog Club.He is a very sound, excellent moving specimen of the Standard. I know his very quick finish was special to Edna, his breeder.We would like to acknowledge the following judges who were responsible for his championship Mrs. Lehnig Queensboro KC, 3 pts., BOW Mr. Tom Conway Fingerlakes KC, 2 pts., BOW Mrs. Paula Bradley Onondaga KC, V PTS., BOW Mr. F. Sabella Berk Co., 2 pts., BOB Mrs. B. Jarmoluk - So. MD KC, 2 pts., BOW Mrs. Limoge Progressive DC, 4 pts., BOW.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Watts Pomeranians 301 372-87824800 Floral Park Road Brandywine, MD 20613dnLmsPOMERANIAN REVIEWtercise area for the bitches and later for their jppies. There is a 14 foot long counter with a ainless steel sink. Beneath this counter there a built-in refrigerator for medical supplies id there also is ample cabinet space for helping pen supplies. Above the working junter surface, David has installed two five lot one-way observation windows so Dolores in observe the main kennel room. The swborn puppies remain in the whelping om until they are old enough to be placed in ie puppy pen in the main room of the nnel.The main kennel room is 36 x 24 foot. This om can accommodate fifty dogs, with four ogs to each pen. There are nine 6x8 foot ainless steel fenced pens presently housing 3 Pomeranians. Each pen has its own exit oor to a 55 foot long grassed and anchor nced run. There are double hung windows n three sides of the kennel room for excellent ghting and ventilation. The floor has three rains to accommodate the weekly steam eaning of the kennel. The kennel is heated a three-zone radiant heating system in the inter and it is air conditioned in the summer, he fourth side of the main kennel room has nk for bathing the dogs and stationed nearby a grooming table complete with mirror to ew the groomed pom. The boiler room off le mail kennel has a large shelved area for ie kennel supplies. The cinder block ructure of the kennel wing has been sealed gainst outside moisture and painted to blend ith the color of the siding of the Watts' brick ome. The Pomeranians' daily care is 'ovided by an experienced kennel employee, o complete the overall view of the main nnel room there is an impressive array ofI1'show ribbons over each of the pens that have been awarded to its occupants. These ribbons are a silent testimony to the quality of show dogs bred at the Watts' Pomeranian Kennel.County inspections of kennels are unannounced, so each breeder must adhere to the county's requirements on a daily basis. During the first inspection of the Watts' kennel, the Prince George's County Inspector made the following comments "Mrs. Watts, these dogs do not have a kennel, they have a home. This has got to be the finest facility in the County, if not in the state."flk' .,1Dolores'commitment to the breed does not end with the operation of a fine kennel it has extended itself to supporting her Pomeranian Club and the American Pomeranian Club by the offices that she has held. She has served as Corresponding Secretary, APC for two years and is presently serving on the Board of Directors of the APC. She is a pioneer member of the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore and is past Vice President of the PCGB. She is also on the Board of Directors of this club and chairperson of the Judging and Trophies committee since the club's inception. She was also invited by the Northern California Pomeranian Club to judge their 1986POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Watts Little Instant ReplayToy Group 3Upper Potomac Valley Kennel ClubVARIETY GROUP THIRDUPPER POTOMAC VALLEY JUNE 1967PHOTO BY'mVfCh. Watts' Little Chipper of G. Elms x Watts' Little Crisco of Scotia Sire 9 champions Dam 5 champions"Mikey" who is very lightly specialed has received 4 Best of Breeds and a Toy Group 3 so far t year, while always facing tough east coast competition. He wanted me to especially place this to congratulate Dolores Watts on her Kennel Visit, and also to let her know how extremely prc he is to be a Watts' Pom. I would also like to again thank Dolores for parting with this little gi who has given me so many wonderful times both in the show ring as well as at home. Good luck the future and keep producing those championsMary Joyce Dembinsky, OwnerHandler Upperco, Maryland 211921 Emory Church Road 301 239-2534 POMERANIAN REVIEW"Vi."Hitch your wagon to a star."Sweepstakes Specialty. Dolores is listed in the Official Show Awards book of the AKC Gazette as the top exhibitor in Pomeranians for 1986 and is well on her way to being one of the top ten exhibitors for 1987. She has presently twenty champions in her kennel and another five pointed.Her involvement with Pomeranians has also fostered a friendship between herself and Edna Girardot. A friendship that through the years has developed into something very special. When Edna decided to retire, due to health reasons, she sold her home and dogs. She then accepted Dolores and David's offer to spend her remaining years with them, in Maryland, surrounded with the breed she has loved for some fifty years the Pomeranian.A truly dedicated Pomeranian breeder for over fifteen years, Dolores even today still carefully selects each breeding for her Pomeranians. Always striving for superior quality and excellence, it is no wonder that a growing number of people desire a Pomeranian from the Watts' Pomeranian Kennel of Maryland.Obedience Profile, from p. 8.Idlewyld Charm Bracelet Charm is in novice training.Ch. Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond Marquis has a Best in Match to his credit and finished with 5 majors. He also received an Award of Merit at the APC Specialty in February 1987. His litter brother is the previously mentioned Cody, who is showing for his CDX.Idlewyld Diamond Solitaire Cagney is just beginning.It is readily seen that Margaret has the greatest number of dual titled Poms bred, owned, handled and living under the same roof than anyone else in breed history. She also is the breederowner of the only dual titled Pom sired by a dual titled dog, out of a dual titled dam and she didn't even know she was doing this when it occured.Margaret is justly proud of her accomplishments, but some of her proudest moments come from memories of demonstrations. She has been RDOC's Demonstration Chairman for 8 years. Her Poms have participated in countless showings for schools, scout troops, State Fairs and even TV. She also has been at 2 demos in New York at the Specialty. The last one she moderated and demonstrated.Although she has never had a High in Trial, each and every leg is great. A placement is real thrill and a first place is fabulous Believe me, she has had many.Most of you know Margaret. She expresses herself via the "Helpful Hints" column in almost every Review for the past 8 years. She is a person who gives a lot, whether to her dogs, her classes or to her family. The old adage that'it all comes back again' sure holds in Margaret's case. Her daughter Rachal, is very involved in the fancy. Elaine, who just became eligible for Juniors, is a better obedience steward than most adults. Lang- horn, at 16, is the typical teenage male. He helps out, is supportive, but there are better things to do. Her husband John is the true support. Married for 21 years, John is well used to Margaret's doggy activities. With the 3 females in the family involved with dogs, well, let's just say the majority rules and Margaret leads the majority.POMERANIAN REVIEW'PorttbCONGRATULATIONS, DOLORESOur family wishes you much continued success. We are truly honored to own one of your lovely Poms . . .Watts-Scotia Little Bobbi JoCh. Scotia Quizmaster Billy JoexCh. Apolloette Little TrixseeDolores is pictured here holding Bobbi Jo.OwnerMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328Alexandria, Ontario Canada KOC1AO 613 347-2275-rO'.V-.\ "ZACK"Southland's Mr. V.I.P. O' Ida ispictured taking a Croup 1 from the puppy class under noted Judge Ed Biven. Watch for him this Luc BoileauOwnerEdward JennerCo-OwnerCharlotte CreedSOUTHLAND Rays of Sunshine 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318466-3456Vmj,V.6 POMERANIAN REVIEWLanas PomeraniansFVm-m i DEL MONTEKennel Club\ Tyj.-- _A ' ft987 ____________ ... Ch. Lanas Top PriorityCh. Sungold Bingo Lil Muller x Ch. Lana's Moonlight Fan DancerTopper first attracted much notice and comment as a young champion dog during the Pomeranian Regional weekend in May. Beginning his adult specials career with a Croup 2 at the prestigious Kennel Club of Beverly Hills in June, Topper has garnered 7 Group 1's in top west coast competition, and numerous Croup placements. Breed authorities and all-rounders have made him "the finest ever," commenting on his remarkable ears and expression, marvelous station and coupling, and exceptional soundness. A special thank you to Mr. Don Walker, in whose capable hands Topper has grown from an exuberant young hopeful to an important contender for top honors. Just nearing two years old, Topper will be campaigned extensively during 1988.Owners HandlerLorra and Mike Craig Don Walker5915 Hudson Ave.San Bernardino, CA 92404 714862-8623Breederco-OwnerLana Ejchorszt 5001 Encinita Ave. Temple City, CA 91780 818 285-3535POMERANIAN REVIEWLanas Pomeranians9AWA mm SHBHILanas Top EchelonCh. Lana's Top Priority x Millwood Pert UpstagerLoni is following in his Daddy's footsteps, his second time out taking BOB under Mrs. Betty Moore and on to a Croup 4 under Mr. Tom Stevenson at Malibu KC. All of this at only 6 months old.A very special and long overdue thank you to Anna and Ray LaFortune for being such wonderful and supportive friends, and also to everyone else who has encouraged me to keep trying. It's finally paying off.BreederOwnerHandlerLana Ejchorszt 5001 EncinitaAve.Temple City, CA 91780 818 285-3535POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517485-5183according the "The New Complete neranian," by Viva Leone Ricketts, the first neranian ever to earn both a Champion- 3 and a Utility Dog Title was Ch. Nino of dcolynn UD, owned by Mrs. E.P. Lambert, n extremely priviledged to be able to report 'ou that there is now a second Pom earning s distinction. On October 18, 1987 at swsbury, Mass. Rosalind Coltz APC mber handled to his third UD leg, Ch. cee's Solid Cold O' Jabil UD.Morris, as he is called, earned his first leg in 15 and the second leg in 1986. He's been ered in what Roz says must be at least 50 ils. You won't want to miss the details of z and Morris' incredible story. See it ewhere in this issue. I've spoken with Roz ce by phone now and I can tell you she still sn't come to earth. This is quite an omplishment and one that's been long in ming. Roz mentioned that Morris does have e UD leg in Bermuda. He also may be the ly living Pomeranian holding the title CDX three countries Canada, United States and rmuda. Congratulations, Roz and Morris There has been some discussion as to why ms aren't able to get both breed recognition d advanced obedience titles. Certainly Mrs. mbert, Roz Coltz and Margaret McKee uld have some comments on that subject, has been said that advanced obedience is a much work and too time consuming and at's the reason you don't find Poms doing ith. I've been told when looking for a Pom r breedobedience that I'm looking for the rfect Pom, and it doesn't exist. It's been id that Poms are toy versions of working gs, bred down from sled dogs and should be ile to handle obedience and breed with no oblem. Does it really take a perfect dog to championship worthy and sound enough r obedience What do you thinkThe results of the 1987 Obedience Awards e out. For the Top Novice, Open and Utility ameranians, the high average of any threescores by an APC member, owner-handled Pom published via AKC Show Awards from October through September issues are used. The results are announced in the January Review. It's open to all APC members, and since it comes from the Awards, no submission is required.The Top Novice dog and handler team is Marian Lazzara with Pomirish Movin' On CD Drifter. The Top Open team is Rosalind Coltz with Ch. Penru's Sugar Plum Fairy CDX Sugar Plum. The Top Utlity team is Diane Bauman and OTCh Noah's Abra Ka Dabra Abra.There is also an award for the Top Obedience Pomeranian which goes to the APC member, ower-handled Pom who has defeated the most dogs in the above- mentioned period. The 1987 winner is Diane Bauman and Abra. This twosome defeated 1,124 dogs while compiling seven High in Trials. Congratulations to Marian, Rosalind and Diane for an excellent year.There are all kids of scores and titles to report. Due to a snafu I wasn't able to include results from earlier this year in the last column, so there are now six months of results to report. If I've missed yours, please write me and we'll catch them in the next issue.Kitty McConnell from Oklahoma finished a CD on CNM's Magic Star Chaser with scores of 190, 196'A, and 195. Be looking for Star to appear in Open. Kitty's previous Pom was Myway Jimbo Jangle UD.Emily King from Georgia finished a CD on Rana's Chip O' Robin Toby at the age of 10 years He earned a 183 and 4th place, a 195 and 2nd place and a 191 Vi. Due to the shortage of trials in their area, they ended up with legs from Tennessee, Georgia and Mississippi. Also, at Spartanburg, Emily got Leg 1 on Ace's Hi Kingcastle Kid with 183Vi.Don King is working with Kingcastle's Mighty McDuff now 9 years old in Open. He's hoping to get some help with the dumbbell work at a Bauman seminar this winter.Jo Ellen Corley is showing I'm a Wee Bit Flashy CD Luke in Open. Their first leg was 188.June Dunn has Trinket's Rapid Transit CD on the Open trail too. They have finished their CDX with good scores in Open A 190, 192 and 3rd place and 185.POMERANIAN REVIEWKassel's Gar-de-an Sir Prize AC CD"... Someone to watch over me."Fang earned his 3 legs in the states with scores of 175, 190V2 and 190. He earned his 3 legs in Canada with scores of 187V2,189 and 191.He had earned all 6 legs by the time he was 11 months old.Be watching for my 2 brothers at the Spring shows in Novice B classes.Lois Fae Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, North DakotaPOMERANIAN REVIEWSally Elkins and Sue Goddard, co-owners to m-Sue's Huri to Moon Schooze have ished their CD with 188, 190, 182, 1892, V2, and 190. Very good, consistent scores. Lois Morkassel has finished a CD on Kassel's tr-de-an Sir Prize Fang. This was no small complishment. He had several trials where NQed from various things you'd be hard ssed to proof for. Are you ready for this Bassett hound baying and covering Lois' 'ice on the recall, a cocker spaniel ranading through group exercises, and gs hopping through the ring during group ercises. He did finish though with a 175, 190 d 190Vi. Then he went to Canada and lished his Canadian CD in three straight als with 187 Vi, 189 and 191.Tammy Carrell recently wrote to tell me out Khani Choc Covered Cherry Cherry ho is her chocolate bitch from Conni sndricks in California. After having "semi- tired" Levi UD, she hadn't had an obedience g who was very much fun to train or show comparison . . . until now Cherry took her st High 4n Trial at her first show for her first J leg with a 198 under Mrs. Maggie Patton, er preparation for this leg was only four eeks of serious training after about a year of rf and on training. She had only been to ne fun match where she scored 197 and got igh in Match. She also reports finishing a CD n Ch. Dendy's Li I Buttercup with scores of 37, 189 and 186 and 3rd place. She hates to e trained, but loves dog shows, crowds and pplause of which she got loads.Brenda Hutton that's me has finished a i-CD on BK's Sunshine Supergirl Sunni, fter receiving her first leg in the spring utdoors, no shade and 85 degrees with a 198 nd 2nd HIT, she finished in September with a 96 and 3rd place and a 192. I think that lakes either the 4th or 5th Pom to earn a l-CD. If you haven't tried it yet, look for a how near you because their exercises are fun.At the September UKC shows I met Mary ones, formerly of Texas but now living about hours from me in Deford, Ml. She was howing Foxy Lady Jenny Jones Jenny. Jenny arned her Am. CDX in 1986 and got two legs oward her U-CD that weekend with 193V2 ind 193Vi. As I write this there is another UKC rial in progress where she may be getting that hird leg. Later I received a call from Mary to ay they had gone to London, Ontario, lanada in mid-October. There Jenny earnedher Can. CD in three straight trials with scores of 197 and 2nd place, 199 no placing and 195. That's a Dog World Award Cood going, Mary. She is also in the process of building a set of agility equipment for toys during this winter, and we plan to get together in the spring with some other toy dogs and give agility training a try. It should be entertaining and a nice change of pace for the dogs.Donna Crain Eddins in Tennessee is now showing her OTCh Twinkle's puppy, I Fidgit in Style Fidgit. Twinkle, as you remember, is the second Pom ever to earn and OTCh and this spring went to Pom heaven. Fidgit was started early in 1987 and earned her CD with 197, 197 Vi and 194. She was shown a total of 12 times, always placed and had a total average of 196.29Kenneth and Kay Love of Iowa have put a CD on Minute of Whispering Pines from Novice A. They had scores of 191, 184y2 and 181.Barbara Myers in Iowa also put a CD on Checkers from Novice B with scores of I8OV2, 184 and 172.Pamela Peat has earned a CD on Dainti Princess Nissa from Novice B with 193V2, 190 and 189. It's interesting to note that Nissa is a Ch. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie daughter.Charlotte Bell in Florida has earned a CD on Bell's Trixie-Toy of Scotia breeder, Edna Girardot with wonderful scores 196 and 2nd place, 194 and 4th place, and 196V2 and 1st place. On the last day she also won first Open Junior in Jr. Showmanship with the same dog. What a teamJimmie Robinson in Texas has finished a CD on Crickett's Midnight Song Cs. Along the way they earned a Dog World Award with scores of 19612 and 2nd place, 1962 and 2nd place and 195V5.Gayle Meade, also in Texas, earned a CD on Futurland's Demetrie Monroe. They finished in August with I88V2, 175 and 176 from Novice A.Shirley Hoffman, breederowner of Skylark Kiwi has completed a CD in August. They did nicely with 191, 193,196 and 192.H. Tyler hasn't done too badly with Pettisfree's Puregold, also down in Texas. Is it something in the water down there He received his first leg toward his CD from Novice B with a 198V2 and High in Trial I suspect there will be more to come from this one.POMERANIAN REVIEWsr La Perire Pomeranians andWee Hearts11-m BEST 0 BREEDmuMONTGOMERYKENNEL CLUB SPRING 1987 0T0 BYL. SOSA MiCB - WeeHearts Max-A-MillionSolo D' Oro x Wee Hearts Martini of LennisMax is shown here going Best of Breed at just ten months of age under Ms. Margie W. Bartley, his third time in the ring.A special thanks to Cassandra Ready for sharing this little sweetheart with me, for your guidance and your friendship.Co-OwnerHandlerYwonnelee Lee McGhee 457 Staten St.Jonesboro, CA 30236 404 471-4209Co-OwnerBreederCassandra Ready Rt. 1, Box 167 JJ Craniteville, SC 29829 803 593-3600POMERANIAN REVIEW72Margaret McKee has both some good news and some bad news. She sadly reports the death of Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX in April, just short of her 13th birthday. Tiara's attempt at a UD was sidetracked by a slipped disc, an attack by a Basenji, the loss of one eye, and later her hearing. After that she was shown in Veterans some, always using hand signals because of her deafness. She always won her class. She was the dam of Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX and grandmother of champions and obedience titlists.She also reports on the Pom results at the Richmond DTC. There were five Poms entered 1 in Novice A, 1 in Novice B, 2 in Open A and 1 in Graduate Novice. No Poms qualified in regular classes, but Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CD Val received a 199 in Graduate Novice Have you come to earth yet, MargaretIn a previous column I reported on a Pom that was a Great Elms Ruth Beam breeding getting a CD and wondered if that was a first for Ruth. Of course not Margaret's Ch. Great Elms Idlewyld Jewel CD finished her obedience title in 1976.Lilae Shope writes that Rosewood's Moon Gold of Lilae CD earned a beautiful 18" pink rosette at the Allentown DTC obedience trial. He placed first in Graduate Novice. Good going, Lilae She also reports Lilae's Animated Nikk-Nakk has won a 4 point major in the breed ring at just 7 months old. She now has both majors for a total of 7 points in only 5 shows. She says it's like a dream come true.Claire Flesner also has had a dream come true. Her Ch. Silver Meadows Mr. Randy has now finished his breed championship with 4 BOB and one Group 3 this summer. And he's back into obedience He hasn't been worked in a year now, but she entered him in a match in September. He came in 4th out of 5 in sub-Novice because he blew the long down.Fran Richardson and Honeybear's Megan earned their CD in just one weekend in Maine with scores of 197, 195 and 188. Mother-in-law Betty and her Honeybear's lolly J.R. got 2 legs in Novice with scores of 197Vi and 194.Cheryl and Eddie Hutson showing Penny- lane Is In My Heart CD have earned the first leg toward a CDX at Memphis with a 188 and 2nd place. Penny was reported earlier to have earned a High in Trial from Novice in September 1986.Leslie and Ron Dubbs have also earned Leg 1 on their CDX with Leeron's Jigger Full O' CD.Jane Thompson is showing Taffy Lynette CD in Open A. They've earned a 197 and 3rd place and a 185.Jo Ellen Corley has had her CD published on My Fine and Dandy Man.Maggie Patton, obedience judge, has a CD published for Desiree's Charioma.Jayne Levena Hoemke has earned a CD on Jayne's Spunky Little Noah.Deborah Schoenfelt, ownerbreeder of Arias Teddy Bear earned a CD this summer.It seems that where ever you find a Diane Bauman seminar, you see also to find a "Pom specialty." Margaret McKee reports attending a Bauman seminar in Richmond this past July it was fabulous, she says. In attendance were Carolyn Edwards with Idlewyld Wild Bill Cody CD, Mary Vickers with Annon's Huggy Bear from Scamp CDX, Margaret with Ch. Pooh Bear CDX and Ch. Val CD, and another gal from North Carolina. Pooh Bear is still struggling with Utility, but Margaret is greatly encouraged by his response to techniques and attitutes learned at the seminar.I think that's all the titles, scores and results. What a bunch Many, many thanks to Mary Vickers from me. Without her this column would be about a quarter of a page. Have you ever seen an AKC Show Awards Magazine In the back it lists every show, trial, field event, tracking test, etc. It shows all dogs in obedience qualifying in each class, their scores and placings and HIT. Each page has four columns with about 1,000 lines in each column. People think I track down these show results. I'm afraid not. Mary goes through each obedience trial every month 15-20 plages, at least, probably using a microscope to be able to read the print. From this she pulls out every bit of information pertaining to Poms and relays that to me quarterly in a very legible, organized report along with comments she may have. This folks, is dedication In looking through a friend's Show Awards once and had a headache before finishing the first page. Mary, thank you. I couldn't write this column without you, and I really appreciate your hours of hard work.Have you noticed that in the last couple of years there seem to be more and more Poms being shown to their CD all over the countrycontinued on p. 78.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Carrells PomeraniansLenniss Red Denim Levi UDjumps for joy over his kidsCarrells Po Widdle PookieLevi UD x AC Ch. Midas Ragtime Rock daughterPookie is shown here receiving his first point. Since then he has won two Best of Breeds over specials, once from the puppy class. He has 9 points including a major. Always owner handled.Pookie litters and Ch. Coble's Traveling Bearx Levi daughter due. All inquiries answered.iSSHtfciFTiTammy Carrel I 5272 Old Va. Spgs. Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 703 342-3915Levis Red Denim LucyLevi UD x Ch. Dendy's Miracle BoydaughterLucy whelped 2-1-86, pictured at 6 months has 8 points to date. She is owner handled by Pam Churn. Look for Pam and Lucy in the 1988 Obedience Rings, tooBreeding for perfection Beauty and BrainsPam Churn 721 Holston St. Kingsport, TN 37660 615246-145474 POMERANIAN REVIEWCarrell's Pomeranians ^High in Trial New C.D.-vKhani Choc Covered Cherry Ch. Dendy's Lil Buttercup CDCherry was HIT from Novice B with a 198 in her first trial She is chocolate and has an interesting pedigree.Punkin finished her CD with a 3rd place. She was proudly ownerhandled to her championship, also. Both girls are happy, eager working dogs.Obedienceshow puppies due this spring. All inquiries answered.Breeding for perfection beauty and brains.Tammy Carrell 5272 Old Va. Springs Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 703342-3915Peggys PomeraniansThese two lovely little males are from Ch. LLL Dazzlin' Gold Mike x Tim Sue's Antique Brass a daughter of Ch. Shy Acre's Pom Thumb v Jeribeth. Both are show prospects. Inquiries invited.V 4VJ713Peggy Doyal 713 578-12113115 Conrad LaneKaty, TX 77449_______POMERANIAN REVIEWIn CMemoryT W' vn.' Cfi. Star Child dt dobbitCan. Am. Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip x Emcee's Diamond StarlisaEvery now and then a dog comes along that is special for reasons beyond accomplishment in aAlthough Smidge is gone, her spitfire attitude to life is carried on by her offspring, sired by A Can. Ch. Hillsboro's Golden Chip. Here with us are Can. Ch. Hobbit's Hallmark and Hobbit's S Kissed, and with Carolyn Roberts, Am. Ch. Hobbit's Heavenly Body and her daughter Chip-A-W Heavenly Body, already pointed.Hobbit PomeraniansFrances and Michelle McDonald Halifax, Nova Scotia, Cana14 Palisade Place B3M 2Y8 902 443-8576 POMERANIAN REVIEWCara Mia Hits The Spot Parti Poms Do WinBEST OF OPPOSITEGREAT BARRINGTON KENNEL CLUB AUG 1987tatham photoCh. Clear Lakes Choice Cara MiaThis charming little lady with her prancing gait and lovable disposition received her championship within six months.My gratitude and appreciation is extended to her handler and to the following judges who had faith in her quality and color Mrs. Alyce Seekins Naugatuck Valley, Winners Mr. F.W. Braun Greenwich KC, BOW Dr. Leon Seligman Carroll County, Winners Mrs. Kathleen Kolbert Trapp Falls, Winners Dr. Harry Smith Jr. So. Adirondack DC, 4 pts, BOW Mr. James G. Reynolds Bennington Co. KC, 4 pts, BOW Mr. James P. Cavallaro Newtown, Winners Mrs. Vera Bistrim Cr. Barrington, BOS, Championship.OwnerNola Williams, Sugar Hill 57 Richards Ave.Paxton, MA 01612 617 754-8996Exclusive HandlerJoyce McComisky Westminster, MAPOMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducing our two new championsc-i4ivswStP\pWCflQOtSOHCh.De Artas Gold CricketCh. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor x De Artas Dancing DeliteShown winning a 5 point major at Des Moines Iowa. Finished in October.Ch. Wee Robins Dancer of OakridgeCh. Dixieland's Rock of Millamor x Ch. Wee Dancing Robin of OakridgeShown winning his first major at 8V2 months. Finished in November pending AKC approval.OwnerBreederHandlersM. Deane Rinehart, De Artas 422 W. Fairchild Dr.Midwest City, OK 73110 405 732-0402PETROUSNinaK. Epps, Oakridge Rt. 4, Box 48X El Dorado Springs, MO 64744'8 POMERANIAN REVIEWACROSS CANADAChristine HeartzP.O. Box 189 Brookfield, N.S. Canada BON 1C0As I thumb through the Review I can't help out admire its quality and content as well as the tremendous support it gets from all the \PC members. Which brings to mind the news that Jan Barrett has turned over the production of our Canadian Newsletter to Elizabeth Dupuis. Elizabeth, although a new mother, has agreed to take over this monumental task. The first issue arrived today and it looks great. Elizabeth of course is counting on support from fellow Pom fanciers both in Canada and elsewhere. Her address is Box 328, Alexandria, Ontario, Canada KOC 1A0. Membership to the Pomeranian Club of Canada is 15.00 and includes the newsletter.A also want to mention that Elizabeth's husband Reg, and Muffin took part in a Walk-A-Thon in their town to raise money for Guide Dogs for the Blind. They helped to raise over 15,000 for the cause. With that kind of earning potential I guess Elizabeth should hang on to herElizabeth also had news that her homebred puppy Can. Ch. Pomsprings Tickle Me Too by Ch. Great Elms Shining Starr x Ch. Scotia Tickles Me Pink "Cougar," went to shows in Long Island and picked up 2 points which qualifies him for the Garden, which tickles Elizabeth pink While there they brought home a new puppy from Dolores Watts Watts' Scotia Little Bobby Joe.Had a note from Matt Heindl filling me in on the news at Bavanew. Matt has recently imported two girls from Dan Mercer Mercer's Madona and Mercer's News Charm. One girl was in whelp when she arrived and I believe he now has a new boy from Madona and Chesai Golden Challenger. Matt couldn't be more pleased. He recently finished a puppy in two weekends at 6 months of age with some very nice wins. Four Group Firsts and two Best puppy in Shows. This pup issired by Ch. Millamor's Rock Medallion x Mercer's Keri Sugar Sun, whom he purchased from Dan a couple of years ago.In news from the Pomeranian Club of Canada, Michele McDonald has been elected as President. Many of you know Mik who is always in New York with her mother Frankie. Both ladies work very hard for the breed. Michele had news of our 1988 Specialty Show. It will be held in conjunction with the Anubis Dog Fanciers Club Shows, July 8-10 in Regina Sask. Judge will be Mr. Ken Miller of Lakeland, Florida. More information is available from Heather Core, 130 Read Ave., Regina, Sask. S4T 6P8. Why not plan a trip to Canada next summerObedience News, from p. 72.It's very interesting to look through the columns and see the people and breeders represented. I'm not sure why we're seeing more, but it's great They do seem to be scattered in pockets. This column saw several from Texas and Tennessee. Do we have some breeders encouraging their buyers to try obedience Is the economy causing people to get smaller dogs instead of working or sporting breeds more than in years past Are there just more obedience classes and clubs available doing a wonderful job of teaching people the potential of their pets Is the APC taking a more active role in encouraging obedience since the renewed interest in the past few years Are the local Pom clubs encouraging obedience Are more breeders themselves giving obedience a tryThat's all the news that I have. If you're in a hurry, call me anytime at 517 485-5183. I love talking Poms so beware your phone bill The answering maching is left on, too. Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeler.POMERANIAN REVIEW 7r f^omiprincfS jf^om.61r, r,n^ J I ry_^y^ iNGROUP 4 th. BfNSTGPRoup^ USSOCItflOM CAMi.'C87m. 3L Pomiprinv Dickie We Do,Cougar... a Canadian champion and pointed in the U.S. before nine months of age. Shown here winning a Group 4 under Tom Gately. The following day he was awarded Best Puppy in Show by Peter Smith.Hope everyone has a safe trip to New York. See you thereMrs. Elizabeth Dupuis P.O. Box 328OwnerBreederHandler613 347-2275 Alexandria, Ontario, Canada KOC 1AO80 POMERANIAN REVIEWA Tribute To A Tim Tomeranim dlttiyf\ rCh. Mercers Touch O DukeCh. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim SuexCh. Bonner's Starcrest MinetteJanuary 1,1977 August 8,1987We are thankful for the years we had Touch and for the plentiful supply of offspring that he left with us. Our only regret is that living in a remote area of the country as we do, more breeders were not able to use him.Congratulations to Joan Reilly on her major wins with Magic.Prairie Wind Breeders of beautiful pomeranians since 1967Dan and Jo Ellen Mercer 308 889-3109P.O. Box 147 Big Springs, NE 69122POMERANIAN REVIEWChesai Pomeranians8IVyBEST OFWINNERSSUPERSTITIONKENNEL CLUB-MISSYPHOTOMercers Magic Touch O DukeCh. Mercer's Touch O' Duke x Mercer's Mocha Star a Starmist dauOur condolences to Dan Mercer on the loss of his beautiful Ch. Mercer's Touch O' Duf "Touch," like his sire before him, was a producer, siring top quality puppies. We are fortunate have both a Touch son and a Touch daughter.Our thanks to Jean Verbiage for bringing Magic to top condition and for her very capal handling. Magic has both majors and will soon be another champion added to his sire's record.FLASH Magic is now finished with 4 majorsChesai PomeraniansMostly BonnerAristic linesBob and Joan Reilly 26093 Highway 281 Noi512 438-2667 San Antonio, TX 78282 POMERANIAN REVIEWtSuy yCcreWifesojupratuatCh. Cenla's HHH Special Edition Croup 1 from the classes at Texarkana KC. Thank you Toddie Clark He also completed his championship Owners, John and Peggy Hendricks. Ownerhandled all the wayCh. Nanshadow's Hurricane Juan Recent Breed wins and Croup placements. Owner, Nancy Burnette.Ch. Sungold's Casino of Kasar Finished in 3 weeks Owner, Anna LaFortune. HHH Gidget Will Cidget has several wins out of puppy class and 8 points. Thanks to Sari Tietjen, Paula Bradley and Toddie Clark. Owners, John and Peggy Hendricks.Nanshadow's Oh Henry Will Best in Match at La Cajun Pomeranian Club's first specialty. Best in Match at Hotsprings KC, Arkansas, WD for 2 pts. at Tulsa, thank you Ken Miller. Owner, Nancy Burnette. Co-owner, Skip Piazza.Shy Acres Johnstoy Pistol Best of Breed, Greater Collin KC. Thank you Marilyn Ellis. Owners, Bronyaand Richard Johnston.Cenla's Cosmic Cutie 5 pt. major, WB, BOS at Baytown KC. Thank you Al Treen. Flash Cutie has 2 fabulous pups by her father Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will. Look out for them. They're keepers Owner, Al Williamson.Continued good luck to these Willy offspringGood luck to these future prospectsShy Acres Maybe Precious co-owned by myself and Nancy Burnette.Shy Acres Our Man Friday owned by me.Audrey Roberts 1410 S. 10th St.SHY ACRES318 238-1648 Leesville, LA 71446rPOMERANIAN REVIEWPhilbrooks FancyAm. Can. Ch. Dainti D-Nees DesiraeCh. D-Nee's Darin' Duffie x Dainti Devilish DeliteMy deepest thanks to the following judges for awarding Dee her Canadian groups Mrs. Jane Forsyth Group 2, Mr. Levien Debruyne Group 2 and Mr. Larry House Croup 4. Dee finished in 3 shows at the age of 10 months.5u i-BEST OF OPPOSITEJ- ^I would also like to thank the following judges for making Dee's American championship possible majors from Mr. Filbrun, Jr., Mr. Braun and Mrs. Limoges Best of Breeds from Mrs. Kendrick and Mr. Graham, as well as all of the other judges who have awarded Dee with nice placements. I can't thank Jackie Liddle enough for suggesting Dee to me and also Doreen Fernandex who is the breeder of Dee. Dee is my first champion and I'm proud to say that she was owner- handled all the way.OwnerSusann Stackhouse Box 1070 Rancocas Road Mount Holly, NJ 08060 609 267-4644 EPOMERANIAN REVIEW1CHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063I am often asked at dog shows how I get my logs to drink out of water bottles my friend, andra calls them "licky bottles". Actually, it quite simple. Take away the dog's water lish and hang up the bottle. Jiggle the spout ith your finger it will rattle and attract the log's attention. It will also loosen a drop or wo of water. It is amazing how quickly most logs catch on. Water bottles keep the water lean, free from powder and hair. They don't pill. I have one client dog who thinks water ians are for dancing in, so he must have a iottle.The pressure of restrictive zoning ordi- lances and snoopy neighbors have forced nany of us dog fanciers to abandon the uburbs and move to the country, where a few cres and less restrictive zoning let us have all he dogs we want. Fran Warren did the ipposite she moved from a suburb into the ity. She bought a triplex a townhouse livided into three apartments, lives in the round floor apartment, and rents the other wo. The city of Richmond permits four dogs ier unit so Fran can have 12 dogs, which is nore than she has or can care for. She has six, iut one or two are usually in residence with ne. Her current tenants each have cats, Ithough she would permit them each one log. There is no backyard the dogs must xercise on a small deck. There is a mini-park cross the street, but dogs are not permitted. Since the park isn't fenced, that's a silly rule. ran is just minutes from her job, shopping, a et, and the dog obedience club. An elegant olution to her problemAs I've mentioned before, I'm an avid eader. When I want to know something, vhen I undertake a new project, I begin by eading whatever I can find on the subject. If he answers aren't in my own library, I head or the village which has a very respectable ibrary. But sometimes Ican't find the answers n print and so must try to pick the brains ofsomeone who might know. For the novice dog fancier, what you don't know can be very frustrating. Ignorance can be embarrassing, frightening, or dangerous. Begin by reading all you can. Start building up your own library. Write AKC for literature it has lots available, most of it free. Ask fellow exhibitors or breeders. Observe grooming at shows. Get real brave and ask if you can watch a litter being whelped.Lots of things Ive learned the hard way. Somehow, nobody told me. For example, I had always bought 3 or 4 month old puppies. When my first litter was born, I'd had no experience with "puppy breath," that funny acrid odor they develop at about 4 weeks. I was appalled Was something wrong with my darling boys I was all set to rush to the vet when a phone call to a more experienced dog person set me straight it's normal and it will go away by itself.The books didn't tell me about "silent seasons" either. The bitch is in season, but doesn't give the usual signs. Chatter's first season at 7 months was normal. The second season at 12 months, I noticed some swelling, but there was no discharge at all. Was this a real season Maynard Wood advised me to try to breed her anyway. Two months later, she gave me 2 puppies, one of whom became Ch. Pooh Bear CDX. Thanks, Maynard After that she always had silent seasons, about four months apart, and was fertile. I had to watch her carefully, since she was almost without symptoms and my boys are sneaky.Few books mention an "outside tie" when breeding. You're familiar with an inside tie, in which glands at the base of the penis, as well as the penis itself, swell inside the vagina, "tying" the male to the female. To most people the tie is clear evidence that a breeding has taken place. When an outside tie occurs the glands and penis swell, but the dog is still able to slip free of the female. A breeding has occurred. The stud owner can charge his stud fee in good conscience. If penetration has occurred but no swelling happens, it is doubtful that a breeding has taken place.Don't ask me why some ties occur outside, but I suppose the explanation is in the male's anatomy. Pooh Bear has always had outside ties, and always gives me pretty puppies. After the male pulls free, I turn him on his back and cover his engorged penis with a wetPOMERANIAN REVIEWrfe Did 7tfThe first in over 25 years.The second in the history of his breed,Able to conquer fear and sickness.Champion Morris the Pom earned his Utlity Dog Title on October 18, 1987.C. wcee Solid fold fedkt ICD, Sei. Cok. CDXIt went on for almost three years,Through illness, frustration and tears.Would that third leg ever beYes He finally did it forme.Roslind Coltz 914 725-5159Thank you, Morris. I love you70 Sulgrave Road Scarsdale, NY 1058356 POMERANIAN REVIEWloth, to prevent it from drying out and getting irritated. After the swelling subsides, I heck to make sure the foreskin is completely overing the penis and no hair is caught nside.Mary Vickers sent me copies of a nifty little magazine Dog Week. It is published weekly except the last 2 weeks of December, for 40. It is 8Vi x 11", printed on slick paper and has some colored pictures with a high ratio of editorial pages to ads. A real bargain If you're interested, contact Dog Week, 4401 Zephyr St., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033-3299, 303 420-2222.We are frequently admonished in print and ay bumper stickers to buy from a reputable oreeder. But how is a novice to know which breeders are reputable Occasionally the Review gets letters of complaint from people who have had disappointing experiences trying to buy Poms from "reputable" breeders. vVho can you trust Try asking the following questions1. Where does he advertise Frankly, I would be leery of someone who advertises in Dog World or Gazette but not in Pom Review. This makes me wonder if the breeder is only interested in selling puppies. Why doesn't he want the Pom fancy to know what he has and what he is doing2. Does he show in conformation or obedience How can he compare his stock to others if he doesn't show Be suspicious of someone who claims he doesn't have to show because he knows his dogs are superior. A good breeder also goes to shows to watch, to study, to continue to learn, to meet other breeders. When is the last time he attended a Specialty3. Can he readily tell you about the bloodlines behind his dogs A good breeder has a working knowledge of genetics and studies pedigrees. He has seen many of the dogs on his pedigrees and can describe grandparents and great-grandparents. Once out of curiosity I called in response to an ad in the local paper for Pom puppies. When I asked about the puppies' bloodlines, the womas asked, "What do you mean"Me "You know, the pedigree, the family tree, their ancestors."Her "Oh well, I have both parents in the back yard."4. Is he a member of any dog clubs, especial ly the American Pomeranian Club A goodbreeder cares about more than selling puppies and making champions. He is interested in the welfare and future of the breed. Does he subscribe to a code of ethics He has to to join the APC. Does he work for the betterment of the breed Does he do anything for his club Is he an officer, committee chairman, steward, writer for the newsletter5. How long has he been breeding Certainly a novice can get good dogs in his first litter, but he is inexperienced in evaluating young puppies. An experienced breeder knows his bloodline, knows how they grow and develop. He has more bases for predicting ultimate color, size and quality of his puppies.6. If well-known breeder doesn't have any puppies for sale, will he refer you to others Do you really want to deal with someone so selfish that he won't recommend other breeders A good breeder wants every purchaser of a Pom to be happy with the dog, and the dog happy in his new home. Is he willing to lose a sale in order help you find just the right dog Does he offer to let you visit his kennel just to look, learn, ask questions7. Does the breeder put you through a screening process, or does he just quote a price and wait to see if you gasp Does he ask questions to see if you really want "just a pet" or if you're really looking for breeding stock A good breeder has a lot invested in his valuable puppies and he wants them to go to a good home. He doesn't define a good home merely as someone whose check doesn't bounce. A good breeder won't sell to just anyone. You shouldn't be offended by a screening procedure, but be pleased to see it as evidence of the type of breeder you want to deal with.8. Is he interested in the puppy after it leaves his kennel Does he want or offer a co-ownership Will he give you grooming or handling lessons Does he urge you to take the puppy to obedience class Does he ask you to keep in touch and send pictures Is he reluctant to ship and prefers that you come get the dog Under what circumstances will he take the dog back9. Is he willing for you to contact others who have bought puppies from him If you do decide to take this route, contact several purchasers. One disgruntled customer should not tip the balance. Anybody who has been breeding for very long is bound to have one disappointed customer. A nationally knownPOMERANIAN REVIEW 8^omeramasisjA. djkavAAsup AoAd AAuter^BreederOwnerHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Route 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417 318 627-5180ueaonrpJAreetma88 POMERANIAN REVIEWbreeder told me that a lovely my opinion bitch puppy had been returned. When he asked the buyer why she wanted to send her back, she responded that the puppy had an. opening in her skull. "How did you discover that," asked the breeder. "Well, when I dropped a plate on her head, she passed out" Holy cow.A negative answer to one of the above questions may not disqualify a breeder. You will consider some of these criteria more important than others. You're about to make an important investment, and you should certainly investigate the breeders that you're considering. There is nothing wrong with comparison shopping. If at all possible, go to shows to see dogs of bloodlines you're interested in and try to meet the breeders.It is also important that you approach the breeder in a way to put you in a favorable light. I recommend that your initial contact be a phone call. You will get a response letters have been lost or ignored, and get an immediate idea of what is available. Try to pick a convenient time of day to call. Consider time zones. Don't call at dinnertime Identify yourself It really makes me mad when someone calls and starts asking questions without telling me his name. Be prepared to state exactly what you're looking for."Hello, Mrs. Jones, my name is Margaret McKee, and I'm calling from Goochland, VA. I'm looking for a bitch for breeding. If she is show quality, so much the better. You can be assured I would show her. I prefer an older puppy or a young matron. I don't want black or chocolate but otherwise color is immaterial. I'd like her to be about 5 or 6 pounds at maturity. Do you have anything that might fit the bill"It is better if your requirements are not too rigid. If you're flexible, you're more likely to find a Pom to buy. Be prepared to answer questions about your background and experience with the breed.All Pomdom rejoices in the thrilling news that after so many years, we once again have a Champion-Utility Dog Pomeranian. I'd be willing to bet he is the only one in the world. Heartiest Congratulations to Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold of Jabil UD, CanBer CDX and his dedicated ownerhandler Rosalind Goltz.Starting At Square Oneby D. EdwardsHaving been in the breed for only three years it is very difficult to know everything. I often wonder why it is so hard for established breeders to remember what it was like starting at square one.Novice breeders are often criticized for their breeding choices but they can't automatically know what it has taken established breeders years of trial and error to learn. Even when Novices ask questions, their critics side-step the questions leaving them with more unanswered questions. We try to read everything published on breeding but again get mixed and often contradicting answers anything from "never breed a bitch under five pounds" to "It's ok [to breed a bitch under 5 pounds] if the bitch has had two or three sections as long as she is healthy." In such cases Novices are forced to try just about anything to get what he is seeking from a particular breeding.So what are we to do Answers to questions and our reading does more to confuse us than educate. Could this be a plot to discourage Novices from breedingWe all share a common bond in our love for our breed. This should be the catalyst that binds us together, breaking down those walls that separate us. Better communication would benefit us all, as well as our breed. Rather than having the attitude of, "I learned the hard way. Why shouldn't he," why not take the time to give solid advice and hold back just a bit on the criticism. As a Novice I know I have a long hard climb ahead. There will be times when I will become discouraged and think of giving up. I guess the trick is not to to keep on trying no matter how many times you fall. If I keep doing my best then maybe, just maybe, somewhere along the way a fellow breeder just might remember what it was like starting at square one and offer some special advice.POMERANIAN REVIEW 89Courbettemmm 1BEST OF OPPOSITEmnCourbettes Fudge It BudgetUrsala is a super sound black and tan, homebred bitch with personality to burn She is well on her way to a fast championship. Many thanks to the judges she has charmed, and to Cassandra Ready of Wee Hearts and Charlotte Creed of Southland for their help in making this breeding possible.November puppies available from Ch. Shirwood's Golden Nugget x Wee Hearts Sunrise at Courbette.OwnerBreederHandlerVictoria Leitner Box 338Bonnie, IL 62816 618 279-3130Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Ch. Lennis's Tequilla Sunrise Lennis's Teakie Too Angelica IIWee H'r't's Sunrise At CourbetteCh. Scotia JD's I'm The Pied Piper Wee h'r't's Lullaby of ScotiaScotia Nugget's Happy G's Tamm'POMERANIAN REVIEW50SimO'nis Pomeranians\mBEST OF BREEDOR VARIETYCh. Simo-niss Wee Willy MaketteProudly presenting our first homebred champion, Willy and handler Nancy Burnette of Nanshadow had a successful run this summer. Excessive heat and blown coat did not stop this sweet boy from his chance at a title.Congratulations to Babe McCombs and handler Nancy on finishing her beautiful little girl Ch. Pomirish CC Scooter's Sherry'Poms for fun, not profit."BreederOwnerDiana Simo-nis Rt. 1Adona, AR 72001 501 662-4251HandlerNancy Burnette 913 Shall Court Jacksonville, AR 72076 501 982-1132POMERANIAN REVIEW 9'Feistys Pomeraniansd ' ....Feistys Spice of LifeScotia Mark of Distinction II x Feisty's Elegant HighlightsThis typey girl is definitely hot and spicey Shown here winning BOS her first time in the ring under judge Betty Munden under Wenatchee Kennel Club. Look for her half brother Feisty's Razzel Dazzel in the ring this winter. Many thanks to Kathy Carroll for our new addition, Sweetheart's Feisty's Beauty.OwnerBreederHandlersVictor and Wendy Feist 6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206 503 774-891292 POMERANIAN REVIEWJamie-mISVARIETY GROUP PUCEIOTKa CLUB FALL 1987 8ACh. Southlands Toast to JamelCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Ch. Jamel's Smudge Orange ParfaitJamie finished with 4 majors as a puppy and made her debut as a special with two BOB wins and a Croup 3. She was bred by Eleanor Clark and Charlotte Creed.Congratulations to other Lil Toasty kids on their wins Southland's Mr. VIP O' Ida Group 1, owned by myself and Ed Jenner, Southland's Step Aside Boys both majors Southland N Bev-Nor's Dynasty both majors, BOB wins and group placement, owned by Shannon Johnson Southland N Bev-Nor's Tar Baby both majors, owned by Linda Brogoitti Southland's Justa Dreamer major and pts., owned by Polly Ferguson and myself Jamel's Fugicle O Southland BOB wins, ptd., owned by Joel M. Taylor and Cheryl Jackson Courbette Fudge It Budget 11 pts., owned by Vickey Leitner Bayou View Casual Concept 2 pts., owned by John Lewis and Adam Verrett Janesa's Hi Struttin' Daisy 4 pt. major, owned by Jerri Freia Southland's New Year Toast 4 pt. major, owned by Opal Peterson."Rays of Sunshine"Southland 6618 Lost Ridge318J 466-3456 Pineville, LA 71360mPOMERANIAN REVIEW 92fommistt KenvecsDick fr Sally Ilaugniet Phone 414 - 755-2994wPOMERANIANS JKte.-.. NORWICH TERRIER11224 County llyw. B Mishicot, His. 54228IRISH SETTERSBreeders of 44 Pomeranian Champions, 27 Norwich Terrier Champions, 1 Irish Setter ChampioCh. Pomirish Chance's Dina MilAC Ch. Pomirish Cr Puff's Onh Chance x Pomirish Squirt's ComiAgainDina is co-owned with my sister, Pa Krause. Watch for her Obedienci career She is our homebred champioi number 43 pending AKC confirma tion.v-c\ 'dr a 4 it i rjft.BEST OF WINNERSV . BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXmu S ir-,BURLINGTON. WIS. KENNEL CLUB JULY1887 PHOTO BYK. BOOTH11Ch. Pomirish Jack's Thankgiv'n PuffCh. Pomirish Pruf's Jumping Jack x Ch. Pomirish Chance's Dream PuffShe is our homebred champion number 44 pending AKC confirmation A few puppies available occasionally.Both bitches are true, sound moving Poms. Dina is Chance's 5th champion. He is sire of two more bitches close to finishing.94 POMERANIAN REVIEWINDEX OF ADVERTISERSBaker, Darrell and Olga.................................. 58Barker, Riki Mosaic......................................40Baugniet, Sally Pomirish.............................. 93Beam, Ruth Great Elms................................ 57Bryson, Lance Clairmont...............................47Carlson, Diane Britestar................................32Carrell, Tammy Carrell............................73,74Carson, Morris and Betty Emcee..............10,11Cox, Janet.......................................................... 7Craig, Lorra and Mike....................................... 66Creed, Charlotte Southland.......................65,92Dembinsky, Mary Joyce..................................63Dickeson, Kay.................................................15Dimick, Warren and Virginia Puf-Pride . . .35Doyal, Peggy Peggy's....................................74Dunn, Junie........................................................9Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre's...........................87Dupuis, Elizabeth Pomsprings ................65,79Echjorszt, Lana Lana's............................. 66,67Epps, Nina Oakridge......................................77Feist, Victor and Wendy Feisty....................91Flesner, Claire................................................. 33Fry, Nancy, Fry's.............................................45Cad, Norma Chula....................................CoverGallacher, Linda Sunswept........................... 17Coltz, Rosalind Penru................................... 85Green, Judy Razzle Dazzle...........................41Griffith, Ken Lenette.....................................57Gustafson, Art and Linda Carousel ...............37Haas, Henry and Jean Vanhaas ....................43Hanson, Sharon Jan Shar.............................. 13Heartz, Christine and John Chriscendo 25,41Hogg, David Dia's.........................................30Jensen, Patty Patty's...................................... 58Jones, Happeth Hapian..................................95Leitner, Victoria Courbette...........................89Lewis, John Bayou View..............................39McDonald, Michelle and Frances Hobbit .75McGhee, Lee La Petite................................. 71Mercer, Dan and Jo Ellen Mercer's...............80Morkassel, Lois Kassel................................. 69O'Neil, Judy.....................................................15Ready, Cassandra Wee Hearts......................71Reilly, Bob and Joan Chesai.........................81Rinehart, M. Deane De Artas........................77Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres............................82Rosenbaum, Mary Bi-Mar............................23Santistevan, Toby Foxy's.............................. 22Simo-nis, Diane Simo-nis.............................. 90Stackhouse, Susann.........................................83Stafford, Jeanne and Bob Windjammer.. .29Steinmetz, Sherry Prestigious..............54,55,56Stephens, T.L. and Jessie Jestom's................37Stetson, Bonnie................................................27Stoll, Frances Stolanne.............................48,49Specialty Clubs, from p. 16.A Specialty club should maintain a question and suggestion box at each meeting and invite members to ask questions or suggest topics for future programs or to complain about an area of concern.A Specialty Club is usually what its members want and make it. Each member must realize they are the one who elected the officers of the club and therefore it is wise to accept the results and attempt to contribute to the success of the club. It's very important to elect the right people to office or a large monkey wrench can be put in each breeders' machinery. It's important to attend meetings and help create interest. It's vital to contribute time and effort to exhibit at the shows to help secure trophies and pledges to the trophy fund act with sportsmanlike behavior be prepared to sell the breed to the public in fact, to do all the things one expects others and especially the club's officers to do and to see to it that others do likewise. Be interested, contribute interest, get things done by doing your share if there is cause for criticism, give it graciously and after exhaustive reflection. After all, you are the Specialty Club.CIRCULATION MANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours"20.00 per year Third Class Mail Rates apply toU.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know your new address six weeks before you move.Trauner, Dolly Phyner.........................18,19,20Watts, Dolores Watts..........................IFC,3,61Whaley, Sue N.................................................58White, Sue White Haven...............................31Williams, Nola Sugar Hill.............................76POMERANIAN REVIEW 9Hapian Pomsk' y.Xrr HrBEST OF OPPOSITEitftSOMERSET HILLS KENNEL CLUB SEPT 1967TATHAM photoEmcee's Wee Gold Yetta[Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond x Emcee's Terrific Wee BetsyJolie made her debut taking toy Group 4 and 2 at her first two puppy matches, and she has made a great start at the point shows by going BOS her second time out. She is shown here at age nine months. Thanks to Judge Sue A. Kauffman and a very special thank you to Morris and Betty Carson for allowing me to have this very special little girl.OwnerHappeth Ann Jones 11 Johnston Ave. Northport, NY 11768 516 757-5054POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICANANNUALPOMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY SHOWSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 7,1988CELEBRATION THE 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE POMERANIAN ARC AND APC CENTENNIALJUDGESRegular Classes Mrs. Dorothy Bonner Sweepstakes Mrs. Olga BakerENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 20,1988Mail Entries ToCoastal Ribbon Co.2321 Blanco Rd.San Antonio, TX 78212 [512] 733-4366For More Information Show Chairman, Audrey Roberts [313] 238-1648PLEASE NOTEThe ARC will be taking pictures at the Specialty for a feature article in the Gazette. Be sure to be there