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The Pomeranian Review July 1988

VTAmerican Pomeranian Club, 3fnc.Pomeranian ReviewPUBLISHED QUARTERLY JULY 1988f4IJIClko BevJNTor N" S GiifMand s R ami]2 POMERANIAN REVIEWPhynerThe West Coast Has Two New Chocolate MalesPhoto at 5 months.Our grateful thanks to Ann Cannon for Teddi. He is a very special little fellow toPhoto at 3 months.Monkey was discovered in the Bay Area by Moreno's and we thank his breeder, Mr. Ipo Hilacion.As always, all will be shown by Mr. Jeff Nokes the handler who specializes in the extraordinary.OwnersDolly B. Trauner Julie Moreno 2025 Lyon St.San Francisco, CA 94115POMERANIAN REVIEWMorenosProudly Presenting Our GirlsSired by Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bearx Moreno's Sable TemptressKANDI Chocolate FANCEE Orange TAFFY- BeaverSired by Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bearx Moreno's Copper PenniSUGAR Chocolate SASSY ChocolateSired by Ch. Starlite Legacy Choco Bearx Phyner Spellbinderdam of Ch. Phyner Black Molecule, Ch. Phyner Black Minikin sired by Ch. Moreno's Critic's ChoiceLUCY Orange SableSired by Hershey Royallx Nestle Coco MixSARAH ChocolateAll are the foundation for the next generations of our chocolates. None are for sale. All are mostly line or in-bred and are a family affair.Mrs. Julie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973after 10 a.m. our time, please4 POMERANIAN REVIEWTable of ContentsSecretary's Report......................................... 6President's Message......................................7Type, What is it and why............................ 14by Julie MorenoColumbia Pom Club Report......................... 18Ohio Valley Pom Club Report......................18Judge's Education........................................ 20by Sally BaugnietDallas-Ft. Worth Specialty Show................. 22by Mildred PatrickEthical Breeding...........................................28by Wendy FeistBehind The New Champions....................... 30The Stud Register 1988...............................41Helpful Hints.................................................58From Kids to Canines.................................. 62by Nona Kilgore BauerWhen Your Dog Has You Trained............... 66by David LarsenAlong Myway................................................ 70I Remember When.......................................80The Couch Potatoes.................................... 80by Elizabeth DupuisPacific Northwest News and Views............. 82Obedience News..........................................84What do you mean....................................... 94"Do I Have A Breeding Program" by Gerald SappingtonLetting Go...................................................100by Barbara StafferYips and Yaps ........................................... 108Index of Advertisers...................................111Circulation Manager...................................111Please send all material for publication ads and articles] to6902 E. 1st St.Tucson, Arizona 85710I have closed my Post Office Box due to confusions and misunderstandings. Having everything come to the house will be much easier for me. This change is effective immediately. Thank you.Question or comments Call me at602 721-7620Cover StoryTwo and a half years ago when Janie and I got serious about buying our first show dog, little did we know that that ball of fluff we called Rambo was going to be such a special boy. He finished his championship at less than eight months of age with one Group win, several Group placements and many Bests of Breed all with his breeder and handler Charlotte Creed. We have finished one Rambo daughter, Ch. Jan-ShaPs Sky High and hope to finish several more with our handler Pam Campbell.Due to the serious illness of Janie, we had to sell several Rambo show puppies but watch for them in the ring with their new owners this summer and fall.We would like to thank Maynard Wood for the time and help he has given us. He is indeed a very special person.JAN-SHARSharon Hanson and Jane Fleshman Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WVa 24966304 497-2446Many thanks to Julie Moreno for sending me material for the Anniversary Issue already. I would appreciate receiving anything that you think would be interesting for this special issue old articles that bear repeating, photos of Pom people and their dogs at shows, at rest, at play, working. It will take some effort on your part, but the result will be well worth it.I greatly appreciate the work that goes into all the articles that are sent to the Pom Review. The regular columnists don't receive nearly enough credit for all the work they put into each issue. If you haven't written to or spoken to these people, please do so. They make each issue exciting and educational. I want to encourage anyone who enjoys putting thoughts on paper to join in. Just recently Wendy Feist and Barbara Staffer have begun contributing regularly and their work is most interesting and enlightening. Thank you and keep up the good work.The EditorPOMERANIAN REVIEWPomeranian ReviewOF THEAmmratt Pnniprattum Club, Jur.OFFICERS OF THE CLUBPresident................................................................................................................Olga BakerFirst Vice President ............................................................................................SamZaneoffSecond Vice President......................................................................................Sue GoddardRecording Secretary...........................................................................................Mary VickersCorresponding Secretary............................................................................... Audrey Roberts1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446 Treasurer...........................................................................................................Morris CarsonBOARD OF DIRECTORSDolores Watts John CribbsPeter Galindo Marlene PresserDianne Johnson Fred BassettDelegate to AKC................................................................................................................Fred BassettPOMERANIAN REVIEWEditor......................................................... Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, AZ 85710Circulation Manager............................ ....... john Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box249, Doswell, VA 23047Published quarterly January, April, July, OctoberJ in Tucson, AZ by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 20.00 per year. Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto, Rico, APOs. U.S. funds only. Address all subscriptions and inquiries about same to the Circulation Manager. Send all ads and material for publication to the Editor.Make checks payable to American Pomeranian Club, Inc. for all subscriptions and ads.ADVERTISING RATESNonMembersMembersCover............................ 120.00 150.00Inside Front Cover............65.00 80.00Center Spread................ 120.00 150.00Full page........................... 55.00 65.00Three-quarters page .. . .45.00 55.00Half page.......................... 35.00 45.00Quarter page.....................15.00 25.00Classified Ads..................... 5.00 7.00Photo Reproduction .... 10.00 10.00Color ...................................Call for pricesPictures are returned after publication.CONDITIONSAll ads are PREPAID. Send payment for space ordered and reproduction of all photos 10.00 each. Editor reserves the right to reasonably edit copy or to refuse advertising not considered appropriate. Photos must accompany ad copy. ALL COPY MUST BE TYPED OR PLAINLY PRINTED.DEADLINESNovember 15 January IssueFebruary 15 April IssueMay 15 July IssueAugust 15 October Issue6 POMERANIAN REVIEWSECRETARY'SREPORTBY Audrey Robertsifc TSA3ISPictured above is the lovely quilt made by Marlene Presser left that was raffled at the APC Specialty in New York and won by Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane right.The APC has updated its Information Booklet that it mails out. They will be available the end of May.We have had Decals printed and they are now available for sale. They are a lovely blue, gold and white. They are the same as the club pin. You may buy them by the set, one large and two small for 2.00. They turned out gorgeous and I hope everyone buys ten setsNew members recently voted in areJackie and Ken Rayner Jr.748 Norway Ave.Hamilton, NJ 08629Jon Marcantonio RR 1, Box 527B Avondale, PA 19311Patricia and William Westlund Rt. 8Lincoln, NE 68516Pamela R. Welsh 1 Deerfield Rd.Sherborn, MA 01770Sharon Shipek 2712 3rd Ave N Great Falls, MT 59401Barbara Ann Stoffer 13810 Easton NE Alliance, OH 44601Donna E. Snyder 2281 Edwards Rd.Waterloo, NY 13165Margaret Johnston Rt. 1, Box 450 Kaufman, TX 75147Maureen Quinlan 447 Currans Rd.Middle Island, NY 11953John PriceBox 568-4 Bachman Rd.Macungie, PA 18062Patricia Krause 10325 W. Courtland Ave.Wauwatosa, Wl 53225Marianne and Thomas Bell 9100 NW 7th Ct.Pembroke Pines, FL 33024Mary E. Hechinger 2942 Demorest Rd.Grove City, OH 43123Gladys Von Horn 3419 NW 124th St.Vancouver, WA 98685Jo Ellen Corley Rt. 3, Box 90 Coweta, OK 74429Judith Knauf 2202 Lochwood Ct.Richmond, VA 23233Happeth Jones 11 Johnston Ave.Northport, NY 11768Karen Power N 4180 Silver Lane Rothdrum, ID 83858Permission has been granted the San Diego Pomeranian Club to host a Specialty on continued next page.POMERANIAN REVIEWPRESIDENT'SMESSAGEby Olga BakerThe American Pomeranian Club's specialty show in New York this February was covered by Ms. Audrey Pavia, an AKC Gazette editor, and will be featured in an upcoming Gazette the July issue, I believe. That should be truly wonderful and fun to read. Watch for it.Our Pomeranian Review editor, Phyllis Ripley, has a monumental task facing her now the compilation of the October 1988 Anniversary Issue of the Pomeranian Review.I understand she has commissioned Sam Zaneoff to assist in this fine project, and Sam has in turn requested help from other sources. What a job that will be to try to get everything together, include people and dogs of "Pomeranian prominence" for recognition, and get articles into the publication that will be of interest to everyone. Such an important task We thank those dedicated people in advance and are looking forward excitedly to that issue Thanks, Olga. We need lots and lots of support to make this Anniversary issue the best Pomeranian Review ever Save your money so you can have a color ad The EditorPomeranians are going to the top everywhere these days. Sorry I haven't all the pertinent details right now, but I do know that three count 'em more Pomeranians have achieved Bests in Show just since the first of this year Ch. GreatElms Pride and Joy, Ch. Tim Sue's Highlights, and Ch. Homestead's Spit N Polish Way to go, Pom people. We are proud of you all. Wins such as these can only help in our quest to let the world know that there is absolutely nothing so wonderful as a much-loved Pomeranian.Your Board of Directors was called upon for extensive research and work recently regarding formal charges filed against a member, requiring Board attention. Ruling was made that conduct in the charges did indeed appear detrimental and prejudicial to the best interests of your parent club. Vote of the hearing committee was for suspension, with review to be held in February, at which time recommendation will be for expulsion from the Club. This was a most unfortunate situation, but your Board acted properly and appropriately.The committee to standardize ou Standard, headed by Sally Baugniet, witl fellow members Kenneth Miller and Mar McCoy as co-committee members, is workini now toward revisions and rewriting that ma be needed to our Standard. We will hear mon on this. Committee will be assisted in its tasl by a Sub-Committee consisting of Sui Goddard, Jacqueline Liddle, and Nadim Hersil.Pass the word. Poms are winning and being admired. Congratulations to every single one.Thanks so much to each of you for you help, support and kind words.Secretary's Report, continued.November 12, 1988, a Saturday, at the Bonit Optimist Club Community Center at 461 Sweetwater Rd., Bonita, CA.Permission has been granted the De Moines Pomeranian Club to host the APC Summer Specialty on September 9, 1988 a the Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines Iowa.Permission has been granted the Columbia Pomeranian Club to host its Specialty in July 1988, in Bursh Prairie, WA.Permission has been granted the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club to hold its Specialty September 16, 1988 in Ft. Worth, TX.Permission has been granted the Pomeranian Club of Creater Des Moines to hold its Specialty in September 1988 in Des Moines, IA.The pomeranian Club of Great Houston has been granted permission to hold its Specialty in August 1988 in Houston, TX.Permission has been granted the Pomeranian Club of Michigan to hold its Specialty in November 1988, in Detroit, Ml.Permission has been granted the Columbia Pomeranian Club to hold its Specialty in January 1989, in Brush Prairie, WA.I wish to send apologies to these new members for not getting their names in the Roster. They got lost in the paper work shuffle Please add them to your Roster.Shari A. Stoffer 13810 Easton St. N.E.Alliance, OH 44601 216 823-5063continued on p. 82.r rArrfafmjxnCL'^Wattzx \ dimjdoLLafl O' cCf-mtjzzLyn-Lee's newest champion, Amber is a double Ch. Mercer's Touch of Duke granddaughter.Our thanks goes to Maxine Watters for the opportunity of loving her.See pedigree in Behind The New Champions."cJ-fonzycC\\eXO.X i.fa A 12- . a.With judge Ken Miller, Honey is shown taking her first 2 points, WB and BOS from the 6-9 puppy class. Justine is "just a honey" in the ring.Our thanks goes to her breeder Dan Mercer for allowing us and everyone else to see just how sweet she really is VOP. StyWINNERSPrTCENTRAL OHIO KENNEL CLUBAPRIL 24 19882 HO,K BOOTHrr2axtaj2ijrz-J2zzzy\\orLt dcciLa3A Millamor V Mercer bloodlineAt 10 months of age, Carla is shown going second in the Toy Croup under judge Iris De La Torn Bueno, after going BOB from the Bred by Exhibitor class for a 3 point major.She proves to be a successful blending of these two established lines.Jjljn.-. Use.Evelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Rd. New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-924510 POMERANIAN REVIEWm Wee Hearts Newest Handler mMiss Krista Headytrrr aymI4fcpiWee hearts Ultimate SunriseKrista has made a smash hit in the Pom ring. In very limited showing one month] she put 2 pts. on Sunni under Mr. Emil Klinckardt.hainbeaus Mighty MissAt the same time, she put 4 pts. and BOW under Mr. Merrill Cohen and 3 pts. and BOW under Mr. Ken Miller on Mighty Miss. Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor's Dynasty received 3pts. and BOW under Frank Dale and 4 pts. and BOW under Richard Koester with her capable guidance.Many thanks to the judges who appreciated these fine Poms shown by this gracious young lady.Rainbeau Wee HeartsJeanS. Cook Cassandra Ready 6810 Magnolia 803 593-3600 Ocala, FL 32676 904 237-1636scBEST OF WMNERSAUGUSTAKENNEL CLUB SHOW _ JWLtPOMERANIAN REVIEWas liWee HeapfsLets Heap It Fcp The GirlsWee Hearts Pretty Please Lu-QhaBreeder Lucha SchroderWe would like to thank the following judges Mr. James Moran, 2 pts. Mrs. Herwood Hartley, 3 pts. Mrs. Dorothy Nickles, 2 pts. Mrs. C. Humphreys, 2 pts. Mrs. Sue Kaufman, 4 pts.iBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXNEWNAN KENNEL CLUB SHOWOCT IM7 PHOTOS JTT_____ AWESSOHWee Hearts Ultimate SunriseSolo D'Oro x Lennis SunriseDebra8 pts., 1 majorSunni's show record Mr. Emil Klinckhardt, 2 pts. Mr. Robert Dale, 2 pts. Mrs. Sue Kauffman, 4 pts.Sunni will be the 8th champion produced by Solo.BreederCassandra ReadyOwned byC. Ready and Regina Ready Rt. 1, Box 167 JJ Craniteville, SC 29829 803 593-36009 I iJiifV32 POMERANIAN REVIEWnrWee HeartsM11imGh. Southland N. Bev-Ncns DynastyJudge Frank DaleDynasty finished with 4 majors, 3 BOB and a Croup 4. Judges include Mr. Frank Sabella, Mr. Dale and Mr. Richard Allen Koester to finish.Special thanks to Charlotte and Beverly for breeding such a wonderful dogBreedersCharlotte Creed Beverly NorrisOwnersCassandra and Regina Ready Wee Flearts 803 593-3600 1HandlerKrista ReadyPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1m nOh. Wes Heart's Mercedes Benzm' 7At '. ftjfKENNEL CLUB APRIL I960BYtJudge Mrs. William KendrickSpecial accolades to the judges that appreciated Mercedes' type and animation. She is a super show girl She will be specialed by us and handled by her co-ownerbreeder, Cassandra Ready, to whom we send our deepest appreciation for allowing us to own such a super PomOwnerPolly S. Harris 1700 Green Palm Circle Niceville, FL 904 678-4721BreederCo-OwnerCassandra Ready Wee Hearts 803 593-36004 POMERANIAN REVIEWTYPEWhat is it and whyby Julie MorenoHow does one choose a type What does it eally mean This subject has many answers ind probably many more methods of useage n the dog fancy than any other I know. However, there are certain key factors that vvill influence the selection of a type."I wish to breed and establish a family of Pomeranians that are of the same TYPE that Mrs. Lulu always seems to produce and win with in the show rings." We all started with something close to that thought in mind. What do we need to know or know in order to do this What are some of the essentials we should consider in arriving at one's ideal Pomeranian, or if you will, at picking a type One way is to be totally familiar with the Standard for the breed as recognized by The American Kennel Club, and by the American Pomeranian Club. Each breed of dog recognized by AKC has a Standard of perfection calculated to describe the perfect dog of the breed. But achieving the "Mrs. Lulu" goal is a two-fold question. First, how do I breed Pomeranians just like Mrs. Lulu's and second, which is the more important, I think how do I go about selecting the correct Pomeranian type There are at least 3 important aspects to each question, so let's take one at a time.First, we need a definition of the terms that are commonly used in describing type. Second, what other requisites are there to considering and determining your type of Pomeranian. Third, why select a type in the first place Why is this importantThere are many terms and words in our vocabulary that we use in describing dogs and unfortunately, all words do not mean the same things to all people. Hence, interpretation comes into the picture. You all know what I mean."Well, so and so is a dear, and has been in Poms for years, yet she sure has her own interpretation of what a Pom should be and no one is going to have any luck changing her mind . . . and is she wrong" Sound somewhat familiar Each of us controls our own thoughts of interpretation, but we must also stay on one parallel if we are to arrive at the same end. Moreover, we can'talways run to Mr. Webster but let's do it just this once.According to the dictionary, type can be defined one way as something that represents or symbolizes something else an image, a symbol or an emblem, for example. Type can also be defined as an object representative of the unique characteristics of a class. One other definition that appeals to me with regard to dogs, is that type is a relationship of organisms with very specific reference to those structural and physiological characteristics which make them representative of a group, species or class. I like this one The general plan in relation to Pomeranians strikes me as one of the key factors. But we must of course have a model. A model is usually an object in miniature representing something already made something that already contains an existing plan. A model can also be something that strikingly resembles something else. Thus, the standard for the breed is our model to use in order to eventually reach our goal of symmetry. This is a very important word. Symmetry is found in almost all of the breed standards. Not only that, but it seems today to be used by everyone. It is defined as the corresponding arrangement or balancing of all the parts or elements that they hold in respect to size, shape and the position of the opposite sides of an axis or a center. You can see just how loosely we sometimes use the word. Symmetry can also mean congruity or harmony. The way we use it in dog parlance is balance. One other definition is "having an element of beauty in nature or art that results from such parts of arrangement and balance a part of the general plan." One final word we should consider and define is ideal. After all, that is what we must be breeding for the ideal. Ideal, as an adjective, means existing only in the imagination of such perfection as to be practically unattainable. As a noun, ideal is defined as that which is taken as a standard of excellence or beauty the ultimate object of attainment a model or type. Therefore, type must refer to that unique set of characteristics that will distinguish a givenPOMERANIAN REVIEW 1CONGRATULATIONSfrom6I ...Ch. LLL Ts Gold Country Missyto their 1 Top Producing Sire Ch. LLL Moongold Trapper.Both of our girls have beautiful daughters. Watch for them in the ring.For Sale Show quality Trapper sired male and female.Ch. LLL Trappers Gold DaiseymaePixie's Hillcrest PomsCarol A. Calavich 52821 German Hill Rd. Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614 458-1705Meg's Poms Donna C. Megenhardt 8026 SR 43Streetsboro, OH 44241 216 626-4368e 94 '.UiiHm16 POMERANIAN REVIEWanimal from another recognized breed, or a mongrel on the street. That is pretty concise.In the first part of this article I stated that the subject of type has probably as many answers and methods of arriving at a conclusion as any other part in the dog fancy.I can reiterate that statement in referring to the Standard of the breed, for I am convinced there would be considerably different interpretation in every one of the parts of the written words of the Standard for the Pomeranian as there are differences in people. This cannot be condemned for it is healthy. Just mention Standards to any breeder or judge and see how fast that ole can of worms opens.In my opinion, the first and most important requisite in picking or choosing type is that we must have sincere dedication to the breed in the first place. One must be very serious in his purpose. He must have the courage to continue relentlessly in the real pursuit of the "unattainable goal" the perfect Pomeranian. One must be able to picture and see in their own mind the ideal toward which to strive. One must study the breed standard and the anatomy of the dog. One must also, with the help of the breed standard, conjure up a vision which represents the ideal Pomeranian. A beautiful dog most assuredly gives as much pleasure as a great sculpture or a lovely painting. Yet, no sculptor or artist would begin their work without a definite concept of what he is attempting to create. They may fall short of the ideal, but the knowledge attained in the process also enables him to an approximation of his ideal. In dogs, or any other living creature, we must relate to objectivity, as there is no perfect specimen. One must clearly realize and understand that type is the whole or entire makeup of the dog, and not just one or two favorite features. A superior head does not make type a long and bushy tail does not make type. A superior head needs to be attached to a proper neck and body that is well proportioned and correctly built for itself one that is covered with a proper amount of coat of a proper texture and on a dog that moves in the proper manner for its own breed. In general, it is the all around excellence in proper proportion to itself.Having established in your mind the ideal type, you must also have the courage not to be swayed by the current ring fashion or fad.Most every breederexhibitor seems to have passed through a few of these. The Pomeranian who appears to the ringside judges to have a ton of coat could be the result of artful grooming, when in fact he very well might have incorrect texture for a Pom. A Poodle that appears to be ultra short in back, if it is actually short in its entire back, ribs and loin could very well have a reached back under its coat. However, in gaiting you may be able to. better understand the facts involved. But gait is a subject that is best dealt with at some future, time. In essence, what is incorrect for one breed, might be totally correct and desirable in another.We will always find those who will want to try to establish their own Pom according to their interpretation which may be correct to them, but the over-all appearance could lack the balance, symmetry, correct anatomy, model, type or any other part which really makes a Pomeranian unique among purebred dogs. In essence you would have lost breed type.Over emphasis on extremes or ring fashions whatever you want to term them cannot play a part in any breed without showing some damage. If you build what you like in the Kuvasz for instance, that being the smaller type, and continually breed the smallest to the smallest, in a few short generations you may end up with those that will be unshow- able for they will not come up to the required breed size as set forth in their Standard. If one only breeds Bulldogs with very light colored noses because they are more pleasing to you, you soon may have a severe disqualification for the breed. In the Doberman Pinscher standard, they require 42 correctly placed teeth and an overshot mouth of more the 316 of an inch is a disqualifying fault. To continue to breed head extremes will perhaps eventually produce missing teeth and incomplete denture, preventing you from placing your breeding results in the ring. After all, isn't the breed ring the showcase for your breeding efforts Don't you want to be there and winning Remember, we are working on a general plan that is a model, and that is symmetrical for the breed.Handlers, both professional and the breederexhibitor, and judges all play an important role in this effort. Judges can only evaluate and place what you present to them. They cannot see or critique a pedigree. As continued on p. 106.POMERANIAN REVIEWMoreno's sends congratulations toAmourandCh ChoiceMoreno CC Jr nymBESTOF NEWCHAMPIONMoreno's sends congratulations to Shirley Ann K Leu on finishing "CC" our way owne handled all the wayOur thanks to judges Mr. Roy Ayers Sr., Mr. Robert Wills, Dr. William S. Houpt, Dr. Jacklyn E Hungerland and Dr. Jose A. Eisenhut. Five judges, five shows and we have a new champion.Congratulations to Josephine Ching on being the breeder of Best of Breed, Winners Dog and Winners Bitch at the recent Hawaii Specialty. We are proud of you and your selective breeding. I sure pays off.CC is proudly owned by Shirley Ann K and Herbert K Leu 3655 Kawelolani Place Honolulu, HI 9681618 POMERANIAN REVIEWCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUB by Emily UntalanA very big first on the agenda here is to apologize for getting my dogs mixed up I assumed which one should never do that the dog Skip had on the end of his lead at the '86 National Summer Specialty was the same dog which appeared with him in February. My sincere apologies to anyone I may have offended. Skip had Raisin Kane here who stole everyone's hearts. As for the wrong Judge, Michele Billings was the judge for Best in Show.Congratulations to Averil Asbeck on her new champion CJ's Masterpiece of Mark's, a black and tan male. He picked up his last points at the Eastern Washington Circuit. This was one of the largest turn outs they have ever had with over 1900 dogs entered. The shows started in Lewiston, Idaho for two days, then moved on to Washington. Moses Lake had two shows, followed by one day each in Walla Walla, Richland and Yakima. Gladys Von Horn has a new champion also. Singleoak's Wooly Bully, who went out in grand style by also taking the Toy Group.The Club has a new slate of officers. For President, we have Shirley Fund Vice- President, Laura Untalan Secretary, Emily Untalan Treasurer, Averil Asbeck and Board Members, Gladys Von Horn, Jean Schroll and Donna Pickle.As friends of the Pomeranian, we hosted our first ever all-breed fun match in February and had a large turn out. The grand prize was a weekend at the coast, which was won by a Bassett Hound. Another all-breed match is planned for November.Now for a little obedience news I have some wonderful personal news I am bustin' my britches to tell. My husband and I flew to the State of Illinois, Great Lakes Training Command Center, March 20-25, to watch my son, Paul, pass in Review and out of 626 recruits, receive the Navy's highest honors, The Navy Club of the United States of America Military Excellence Award. I know there are some military personnel in our Club and you can understand how proud I am of my son. I taught obedience for five years when he was a toddler so perhaps something rubbed off.OHIO VALLEY POMERANIAN CLUB by Barbara A. StofferOVPC celebrated its first anniversary in March. We now have 55 members and are still growing.We held our first all toy match at the Holiday Inn, Akron, Ohio on March 27. It went just great lots of entries, lots of happy people and 15 Poms representing our breed quite well. Two of our Poms placed in the Groups. Animation's Baby Huey, owned by Damella Powell got 3rd in the Adult group and Idle Acres American Tale, owned by Shari Stoffer, got 2nd in the puppy group. The facilities were just fantastic all indoors and all went very smoothly. We're hoping to have another here in the Fall.In July OVPC will hold our annual picnic and yardgarage sale near Strasburg, Ohio. We hope many people will come and see us. For more information please get in touch with Lorinda Vasuta or Secretary Betty Lepera 216 733-1453.The June meeting will host our first annual Awards Banquet as well as our election of officers. I will have more about that later.We are really proud of our OVPC members who have been doing such outstanding things in the show ring. Olga Baker, one of our charter members, is the co-owner of the great Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II. We congratulate her again on Prince's wonderful win at Westminster. What a super our terrific little breed. But did you know that right here in Ohio another one of our club members has a Pom that has won three Bests in Show in the past two months Bonnie Stetson of Akron, Ohio and her Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy, handled by Karen Albrect, have been rolling right along. They won their first BIS at Minneapolis, MN in March. Then in April they took back to back Bests here in Ohio. We certainly hope they continue their winning ways.Lorinda Vasuta and Darren Lane of Animation Kennels in Akron have just finished two lovely little girls. Both are charmers. Ch. Animation's Elaroo finished at 11 months and Ch. Animation's Raggedy Ann finished at 15 months. Ron Feyh of La-Ron Kennels in Columbus, Ohio just finished his nice little male, Ch. Tim Sue's Brass Lights. Ron is a continued on p. 20." Duk 0\co^yee cfjkeaA 3'cw S7AmAeve'fTivrm0di. 27cutmtTawni, our pride and joy, has whelped 2 lovely daughters sired by Ch. Great Elms Firefight Prince Charming's brother and only one week after taking BOS under Judge N. Patton.She congratulates her sire on another champion, Ch. Benji's Sweet-N-Sunny Dancer, owned I Judy Caplan.Congratulations to Janice Luginsland on the Best in Show on Ch. Tim-Sue's High Lights.We have several litters from our LLL girls sired by Ch. Millamor boys and a repeat of Tawr We can't keep them all.BreederOwnerHandlerVirginia and Warren Dimick 8 Burk wayOklahoma City, OK 73115 405 677-25110 POMERANIAN REVIEWJUDGE'S EDUCATION,ETAL - ETTOO, BRUTUS by Sally BaugnietI am wearing so many hats these days. Today I'm wearing my Judge's Education hat. How-deeThis is an education in itself. I am learning ibout numerous dog judge's workshop organizations. This is a step in the right iirection. Not only does it provide judges the opportunity to learn about the breed oresented that particular night, but gives udges the opportunity to discuss other breeds ivith breeder-judges and judges experienced vith other breeds.Exhibitors who realize this is being done, A'ill hopefully realize we have serious, dedicated, knowledgeable judges. Integrity must always come from within. A person, be it breeder, exhibitor, handler or judge, must constantly remind himherself of this. How many exhibitors or handlers expect a judge to be political when it comes to putting up their dog, because they are who they are Don't expect it We do not want it to be. We want the best dog in the ring, according to the judgement of a serious, dedicated, knowledgeable judge, to go up not your dog, because of who you are. That is integrity It is something we should promote and expect in every aspect of our sport from you, me and anyone involved.I do believe the breed clubs and handler organizations should have seminars for the education of the breeder, exhibitor and handler. Many of the foul-play cries come from people who have not really studied and assimilated the standard of the breeds in which they are involved. I'm sure many of the people showing in the ring could not describe an ideal Pomeranian in detail to an AKC representative, as a judge must be able to do, in applying for additional breeds. I also believe these same people should have the opportunity to attend workshops which have them role-play judge in the ring with actual dogs to judge. It would be easier for them to understand the many things involved in the decisions a judge must make. Education should be a two-way street. Isn't there a saying, "Walk a mile in my moccasins and you will better understand" or did I just makethat up If you are educating yourself in our breed and our sport of dogs, my hat is off to youI'm still looking for your check for a trophy donation to the APC Summer Specialty in Des Moines, 2 Specialties, 3 All-Breed shows, same location. Send checks made out to the Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines, to me, Sally Baugniet, 11224 Hyw B., Mishicot, Wl 54228. HURRYOhio Valley Report, from p. 18.super guy and has done so much for our club. Whenever he and Larry Rookstool are around there is never a dull moment. Both are always coming up with great ideas for new things. For our recent Anniversary meeting and Toy match, they went together and surprised all of us by bringing two beautiful Anniversary cakes one to the meeting and the other to our match where judge Dorothy Kralik helped cut it.Well, the weather here in Ohio is typical "Spring" one day hot and muggy, the next chilly and wet. But there are those few in-between beauties that make the rest worthwhile. Clean, fresh air that smells so good, gentle wind that rustles the sheets that are finally hanging outside on the line, lots of green grass growing too fast to keep up with but smelling so good after it is cut, welcome warm sun shining in through windows that could use another squirt of Windex. Yes, spring in Ohio is here and I love it. The Poms are full of it as they run and play in the fresh green grass. They roll and rear and chase each other across the yard. It's great to watch them tumble around, then lay down with little back legs all stretched out behind them, belly-deep in the cool green grass. Like all the seasons Spring is special in its own way. It's like everything gets a new chance and can start all over again. Happy Spring to all and happy Poms to all even though it will be summer by the time you read this.POMERANIAN REVIEWMorris and Betty Carson 9826 Waltham Drive Richmond, Virginia 23233EMCEES POMERANIANS804 740-7977XCh. Emcee.s Chips of Diaml4 aaj mOFBESTVWINNERSDURHAM KENNEL Cl CLUBMARIMAGESTANDARDTHE TATHAMCHUCKCh. Emcee's Diamond PrincesaCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II x Emcee's Diamond ChippaOur latest champion, Princess. Thanks to Marlene Scott Halsey, our handler, for showing Princess to her championship and our thanks to all the judges who liked her.Congratulations to Olga and Skip for all of Prince Charmings wins. We are so fortunate to have one of his beautiful daughters, who adds another champion for his record.Congratulations to Irene and Sylvia Harbin who have finished another Prince Charming son, Ch. Harbin's Charming Touch, who is a full brother to Ch. Emcee's El Rey. We own the mother, Ch. Harbin's Touch of Class, who is a Solid Gold Diamond daughter.2 POMERANIAN REVIEWDallas Ft. Worth Specialty ShowMarch 25,1988by Mildred G. PatrickPeggy Bush was the Show Chairman and here was a total entry of 86 with 60 dogs.The Sweepstakes began at 500 p.m. judged y Sandy Tremont, a very capable handler vho has shown many Poms to their ihampionships.uppy Dogs 6-9I. Jeribeth's Sir Lancelot, Baker. Tim Sue's Flashing Light, Goddardi. Desiree's SmokeyMt. Prince, HeiseI. Wagner's Tex Tornado of MayKen's,iVagnerMayesuppy Dogs 9-121. Sharel's Southern Image, McCombs2. Shy Acres Our Man Friday, Burnette3. Sharel's Southern Diamond, Hicks4. Patrick's Mr. Tony, Patrick Puppy Bitches 6-91. Tomanoll's Last Love, McDonald2. Cenla's Sugar Dumpling, Williamson Puppy Bitches 9-121. A-Reynold's Tiny Kitina, Simo-Nis2. Southland's Miss Ruth ofG.E., Creed3. Sanrito's Sho-Nuf Beauty Lite, Territo4. Farrar's Edelweiss, FarrarBest in Sweepstakes Jeribeth's Sir Lancelot Best of Opposite Sex A-Reynolds Tiny KitinaRegualr classes began as soon as Sweep- stakes was over. Maxine Beam judged the Regular classes and as usual, did a terrific job. After careful deliberation, she made the following placements.Puppy Dogs 6-91. Jeribeth's Sir Lancelot, Baker2. Desiree's SmokeyMt. Prince, Heise3. Lil Tuffie Collier, Schoenfelt4. Wagner's Tex Tornado of MayKen, WagnerMayesPuppy Dogs 9-121. Shy Acres Our Man Friday, Burnette2. Sho Nuff Runway Light, Whiddon3. Patrick's Mr. Tony, Patrick Bred By Exhibitor Dogs1. Sho Nuf Bodacious Diamond, Whiddon2. Sharel's Southern Diamond, Hicks American Bred Dogs1. Texican's The Monster, Wagner, MoureauOpen Dogs1. Queenaire Starburst, Roach2. Mac's Top Tune, Bullis3. Sharel's Southern Image, BurnetteWinners Dog Queenaire's Starburst Reserve Winners Dog Jeribeth's Sir Lancelot23 dogs 5 points.rMWBest of Breed went to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, owned by Olga Baker and Skip Piazza.Winners Dog and Best of Winners went to Queenaire's Starburst, owned by Dudley and Wanda Roach.POMERANIAN REVIEW 2Pomaunok PomsDenny did itIi \ \ '"BEST OF BREEDy ssCh. Pomaunok AddendumCh. Silver Meadows Pep'R O' Legacy x Starlite Shantilly LaceI'm extremely proud of Denny as he is my first homebred champion. He won with style and pizazz. Pictured is his first major at Harrisburg KC where he not only took WD for a big 5 pt. major, but went BOB over the special thank you, Mr. Maurer, and then went Croup 4 in a tough Toy group under Keke Blumberg Denny is always "asking for it" if not the win, then at least a good talking to He's unbelievably sassy, but so cute Lest you think he's all showmanship, he's sound and moves like a dream. Thanks to Gloria Setmayerfor loving him the way I do, and handling him so well.Special thanks to Gayle Griffin, his co-breeder and Claudia Braczyk for recommending me to Gayle.Speck, Denny's litter brother, who took 2nd BBE at the APC Specialty, is now starting with Gloria. The breeding is being repeated.Fran Bosmann 7 Summit Rd.201 729-7275 Sparta, NY 07871aI24 POMERANIAN REVIEWPuppy Bitches 6-91. Tim Sue's Duchess Delight, Goddard2. Tomanoll's Last Love, McDonald3. Cenla's Sugar Dumpling, WilliamsonPuppy Bitches 9-121. Southland's Ms. Ruth ofG.E., Creed2. De Arta's Flaming Tradition, EppsRinehart3. Mee-Gee's O Such a Joy, Ferguson4. A-Reynolds Tiny Kitina, Simo-NisBred by Exhibitor Bitches1. Wagner's Lil Tiny Mite, WagnerAmerican Bred Bitches1. HHH Kiss N Kate, MotelyOpen Bitches1. Bev-Nor's Classique, NorrisCreed2. Allayn's Southern Comfort, Allan3. Shamrock's A Dash of Nut-Meg, Brogoitti Wilhite4. Cenla's Cosmic Cutie, WilliamsonWinners Bitch Southland's Ms. Ruth ofG.E.Reserve Winners Bitch Bev-Nor's Classique28 bitches 5 pointsBest of Breed Ch. Great Elms PrinceCharming II, BakerPiazzaBest of Winners Queenaire Starburst,RoachBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Southland's Toast ot Bev-Nor, CreedrWinners Bitch went to Southland's Ms. Ruth of G.E., owned and bred by Charlotte Creed.Immediately following the show we all went to the Holiday Inn for our after-show dinner. The food was delicious and everyone enjoyed the casual, happy, relaxed atmosphere.On Saturday, March 26, followingthe Texas Kennel Club Show, Norma Narisi, a very lovely lady and a Pom lover, hosted a dinner party for the Pom people. Norma had Mildred Patrick, Ron and Marion Coy to co-host the party with her. It was held at the Le Baron Inn, 12th floor Penthouse Pavillion. Norma had also reserved a Cabana for the show dogs while the owners were dining a supervised nursery. The dining room had huge windows that overlooked the Dallas Skyline. Cocktails were served at 530 p.m. and dinner at 630. Entrees were prime rib very tender and the way you like it and veal parmesan. The dessert table was a large round table with a big brandy snifter full of orchids in the center, surrounded by the most fabulously tempting desserts you can imagine.Norma's daughter, Maria Narisi came up from Galveston to be her mother and to mee the Pom people. Everyone was having so much fun that no one wanted to say good night. Thank you again Norma for a very lovely evening.On April 6, 1988 the Dallas-Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club held their election. New officers of the club are President Peggy Hendricks, Vice President Earl Steinmetz, Treasurer John Hendricks, Recording Secretary Marti Bradford, Corresponding Secretary Ron Coy, Board of Directors Peggy Bush and Mildred Patrick.We would like to take this opportunity to thank Peggy Bush, our retiring President for her untiring efforts and leadership in behalf of the Club.We wish to thank Maxine Beam for helping to make this year's specialty a great success. Also, our thanks to Sandy Tremont for doing such a great job with the Sweepstakes. She had some beautiful puppies presented to her.POMERANIAN REVIEWjtfou, Tty TKcf,V9SBYSSiSuePicturedgoing Best in Show, 19 months of age, at Manhattan KC under Eileen Pimlott. Co-owner handled to the first BIS for both of us First time out with new handlers, Rickersten family, Croup 3 under Jane Kay and Group 1 under Betty Krause.Chickie, 7 months, is taking a 4 pt. major under Fred Bassett with his son as excellent inside ring steward. Chickie is co-owned by Bernie, Nancy Burnette and Janice Luginsland.Add Ait Ctcadee7 IWINNERS o rOKLAHOMA CITY KENNEL CLUBPHOTO BY PETRULIS-4 i Janice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97316J 443-5157 Americus, KS 66835 .High's breederco-owner Sue Goddard, 318J 543-6622.POMERANIAN REVIEWThankHeavenForLittleGirlsDi-Di at three months.Ch. Chula's Diamond of DragonmarkSee Pedigree in Behind The New Champions..IsBEST OF WINNERS SAN ANTONIOkennel club SPRING I960 0-C. SOSADi-Di was bred to win, her quality obvious as a young pup. She finished with three BW-BOS wins on the tough Texas circuit. She is out of one of Chula's four Ch. litter sisters, all of whom have produced top show quality. Her litter sister, Starlet, is awaiting coat regrowth to begin her show career. Both are good breeding size at 4 and Wi lbs.We are truly blessedChulaNorma C. Cad 915 584-09425908 Westside Rd. El Paso, TX 79932 JPOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Texican Giant Killer ChulaBISS, Multi-Group WinneramAMERICANM POMERANIAN CLUB I 1968 DAVE ASHBEYtr."Killer"Three Nationals Three Awards of Merit1985 Ann Rogers Clark 1986 Kenneth Miller 1988 Dorothy Bonner 31 specialsHe has been Nationally ranked for 3 years.Always a serious contender in top condition.Last show on the Texas circuit at Cen-Tex KC, Killer was Croup 1 over four Multi-BIS winning Toys. Thanks, Dorothy BonnerOur sincere love and deep gratitude to Carolyn Crockett for her loving care and outstanding presentation of Killer, and care and training of our new champion Di-Di.Killer is home now, will be bred to the Chula girls and is offered at stud in El Paso. See pedigree on stud card.Norma C. Cad 915 584-0942Chula5908 Westside Rd. El Paso, TX 79932POMERANIAN REVIEWEthical Breedingby Wendy FeistContracts and agreements are very impor- int in dog sales. They establish what type of og is being sold and any conditions that may aply. The idea is that when a contract is gned, both parties will be in agreement as to hat is stated. A contract should always enefit both buyer and the seller.Ethical is defined by Webster's Dictionary s 1 of or relating to ethics, 2 conforming 3 accepted and especially professional andards of conduct. Synonyms virtuous, onorable, upright.With this defined, an ethical breeder is smeone who will stand behind their animals, hey do not hide behind a technicality. When spresenting a dog to be breedable, for xample, will replace such a dog if it turns out arly to be unbreedable due to a structural roblem. An ethical breeder has his sputation on the line and will do his best to irotect it, along with the breed. He will strive o better the breed at all costs.Then there are the extreme cases that ieither breeder nor buyer can forsee or dequately cover in a contract. This is where in ethical breeder is set apart from the rest, or example, when a structural fault is so evere that it will affect the life of the dog. Vhen repair is next to impossible, or an organ s deformed, there is little choice but to put town such an animal. Some of these cases are lot detectable in the first 48 hours of jurchase and therefore would not be letectable immediately. Too many times the irst thing that happens in a case like this is for he buyer to try to place blame. If he is dealing with an ethical breeder, the buyer leedn't feel this way. Yet if he is dealing with iomeone unethical, perhaps the breeder Reserves this reaction.An ethical breeder would be first sympathetic to the buyers' heartbreak, istening fully to the story being told. This done, the breeder would ask to speak to the veterinarian making the diagnosis, then 'equesting a written report on hospital stationary. He might accept this diagnosis or request a second opinion, if possible. If the general conclusion is finally that a birthdefect or other defect is involved, the breeder would insist on replacing the dog with a comparably priced puppy. The buyer must be patient and the ethical breeder will, when possible, replace the puppy.You see, the ethical breeder is not in the fancy to simply make a buck. Blame can't be put on either party when mother nature is involved. This does not excuse the breeder from rectifying the situation with a replacement. Sad to say there is always the unethical breeder who is perfectly content taking good, hard earned money from someone and if the dog needs to be put down, take the "tuff luck" attitude. It happens to the best of us but two wrongs don't make a right.When an ethical breeder takes charge of the situation all is well. The breeder is highly respected and liked. Their business flourishes because of good sound practices, and the many happy customers will give lots of referrals.If you are an ethical breeder, I congratulate you. You deserve a standing ovation. If you are not, take heed. What goes around, comes around. Your loss in the end will not be worth the little bit of trouble it may take now to satisfy your customers.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.This club is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting of the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the Club, please contact Mrs. Audrey Roberts, 1410 S. 10th St., Leesville, LA 71446.If you only wish to subscribe to the Review contact the Circulation Manager, John Cribbs, Rt. 1, Box 249, Doswell, VA 23047.POMERANIAN REVIEWGolden Aires Pomspresents7KviVWiV.l-VsCCr.-iGolden Aires Bon Bon DeliteCh. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Sungold's Maxi RiderBonnie is pictured above winning WB and BOS owner handled, for a five point major. Thank yo Judge Joseph Rowe for this exciting win.Congratulations to Mary Evans with Evans Sweet Caroline and Anna Liselli with Golden Aires L Gold Caddy on their recent wins. Both are daughters of Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico.Best wishes to Patricia Brooks with Golden Aires Moongold Scamp and Leo and Betty Devli with Golden Aires Redi Teddy. Both are sons of Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico.Sharon Masnick 803 928-3511BreederOwnerHCR65, Box 74 Huger, SC 2945POMERANIAN REVIEWIBehind The New ChampionsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian champions belonging to members of the merican Pomeranian Club will be printed free, if sent in by the owner. Please send the dog's ime, color, sex, owner's name, city and state, and breeder's name on a separate sheet of paper, ped or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that don't need to be returned. Mail all formation to the Editor, Phyllis Ripley, 6902 E. 1st St., Tucson, Arizona 85710.H. CHULA'S DIAMOND O DRAGONMARK'range FemalereederOwner Norma C. Gad, El Paso, TXCh. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Pedron's Dragon Deuce Sunras Pattycake Girl h. Pedron's Mark of the DragonCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Pedron's Mark of Dixie William's Red Judy Pedron's Dragon Deuce Ch. Pedron's Mark of the Dragon Pedron's Mark of Dixie h. Chula's Choice of Dragonmark Cold Storm of Highland Gad's Chula Orange Mist Tri-Ards Happy Lady BugH. DAYBREAK'S BARBARA ANNrange FemaleireedersOwners Fran Day Warren and Margaret R. McKee, Richmond, VA.Ch. Model's Son of Fun Ch. Julie's Star Vega Julie's Starlight Susan h. Idlewyld Star Coral CDXMay Morning Social Lion May Morning Small Talk CD May Morning Fun N Frolic May Morning Social Lion Ch. Idlewyld Gemstone CDX Golden Tiara Dambeastie CDX Jaybreak Bruiser of IdlewyldMay Morning Social Lion May Morning Small Talk CD May Morning Fun N FrolicAC CH. HARBIN'S CHARMING TOUCHRed MaleBreedersOwners Irene and Sylvia Harbin, Seattle, WACh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elm's Prince Charming II Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elm's Dolly Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Cold Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassCh. Jestom's Tim's Image Ch. Harbin's Black Gold of India Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaCH. JAKENS SWEET WILLIAMBlack and Tan MaleBreedersOwners Jackie and Ken Rayner, Hamilton, NJCh. Lennis' Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis' Cavalier-Tangie Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp Dunns Wee Teddy Go-Go Annon's Dark LadyAnders La Calvados Valentina Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Again Annons Image in Black N Tan Annon's Tanni-Fanni Jaken's Black-Eyes SusanCh. Snowfires Pecan Sandy Jakens Black OrchidClenarden's Sugar SpiceViews expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. WE INVITE OUR READERS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS ON ALL PERTINENT SUBJECTS.POMERANIAN REVIEWC. dleitfsid Scuuyiita, fedkiee C.D.Tfot foct Attote ^'letty pace-1Jh j-. yrnm assntmxwttmMmntM mm imm m tM197.5Companion Dog Title 197.5 199.0Bred byLorene Bradbury Sandra LoganDog World AwardLoved, Owned and TrainedAlice Lessa 1254 Magic Sands W Turlock, CA953POMERANIAN REVIEWH. JANESA'S DAMIENirange Sable Malereeder Jerrie Freia, Morgan City, LA iwners Leanna Rillieux and Jerrie FreiaCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet Sassy h. Bev-Nor's ToastmasterCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Great Elms Honeybun AC Ch. Hillsboro's Golden Chip AC Ch. Emcee's Golden Chip Ch. Jabil's Stephanie of Emcee anesa's Antique GoldCh. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis' Sable Bunnie Annon's Lucille BallH. JANESA'S TRENDSETTERHack and Tan MaleIreeder Jerrie Freia, Morgan City, LAwner Judy O'Neal, Commerce City, COCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice h. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann Ch. Emcee's Chip Off The Ole Block Janesa's Rebel of Chips Janesa's Krumb Snatcher anesa's Sunkist RunnerRosewood's Timstopper Shadow Janesa's Strait LaceStrait's Bonita of Ashwoodh. LESSARD shangrila of jubilee c.d.Red Sable Female3reeders Lorene Bradbury and Sandra Logan Owner Alice LessardCh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Ch. Moonshadow MicaCh. Model's Red Sulton Queenaire Ruby-Ruby Queenaire Luvy Duk Ch.Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Phyner Black Sombrero Lennis' Creme De Co-Co Jubilee NightsongChula Queenaire Chance Jubilee So BigCinderbar JambaliaCH. MORENO'S CC JR. BY CHOICEOrange Sable MaleBreeder Julie Moreno, San Bruno, CAOwner Shirley Ann K. LeuCh. Queenaire Gamboling Man Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duk Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice Queenaire Headliner Jubilee's Rebel Black Mandy B Wal's Teddy Bell Ch. Effie's Ritzy Guy of Toyland Effie's Sassita of Toyland Tiffany Coquette LepewEffie's Imagio of Toyland Effie's Creampuff of Toyland Precious Wee GuffieCH. SINGLEOAK'S WOOLY BULLYOrange MaleBreeder Charles HunsakerOwner Gladys Von Horn, Vancouver, WACh. Great Elms Timstopper Image Ch. GreatElms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Singleoak Image of Great ElmsCh. Great Elms Timstopper Image Kupee Doll of Great Elms Great Elms Lady Luck Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Yap Yap Timmy Too of Great Elms Amzi Darleen Singleoak Little SusieGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms BlondieEubank's Charlie ChanceCH. SOUTHLAND'S JUSTA DREAMAOrange Sable FemaleBreeder Charlotte CreedOwners Polly Ferguson and Charlotte Creed,Greenville, MSCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Toast to Toasty Pomesto Lady Illi Southland's Maybe I Will White Chief Lady P. White Dove Wedgeworth ButtonsPOMERANIAN REVIEWDe ArtasOakridgeas1U- i ' Vern Iowa , ClubA. IOWA21,1988-S\TE SEXCh. DeArta's Flaming TraditionShown winning a major her first weekend out at 8 months of age. She finished from the puppy class.Breeders-OwnersM. Deane Rinehart De Artas Kennels422 W. Fairchild Dr. Midwest City, OK 73110 405 732-0402Nina K. EppsOakridge KennelsRt. 4, Box 48XEl Dorado Springs, MO 64744FancyGold IMugget of Oakridge14 points, 3 majorsVery expertly handled by friend Virginia Noth.Congratulations on your new Ch. De Arta's Top Tradition, Verla Dagel.Home of Quality,Not Quantity 5 Ch. Males, 7 Ch. Bitchest--5ir6 u ,POMERANIAN REVIEWH. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NOR DYNASTY2d Sable Male-eeders Charlotte Creed and Beverly Norris wners Cassandra Regina Ready, Cranite- lle, SCCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy li. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland Flappy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy ev-Nor N Southland PoastyCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Great Elms Honey BunH. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NOR NUT E FUDGEed Sable Malereeders Charlotte Creed and Beverly Norris iwner Jan WilhiteCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy h. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus ev-Nor and Southland's HopeCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Great Elms Honey BunH. SOUTHLAND N BEV-NOR'S TAR BABYlack and Tan Malereeders Charlotte Creed and Beverly Norris wner LindaS. Brogoitti, Phoenix, AZCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy h. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy lev-Nor N Southland PoastyCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Great Elms Honey BunCH. WATTER'S TINY TOUCH O AMBERFemaleBreeder Maxine WattersOwners Evelyn and Rollie Conley, NewBoston, MlCh. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercer's Touch of Duke Ch. Bonner's Starcrest Minette Ch. KW's Touch of DiamondCh. McPhie's Star of the Heavens Watters Nite Lace of McPhie McPhie's Lancerette of the Mt.Ch. Mercer's Youngduke of Tim Sue Ch. Mercer's Touch of DukeCh. Bonner's Starcrest Minette Mercer's Amber TouchCh. Bonner's Kristin Starmist Mercer's Dark StarTri Don's Shadee LadeeCH. WEE HEART'S MERCEDES BENZOrange FemaleBreeder Cassandra ReadyOwners Polly Harris and Cassandra ReadyCh. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Lennis Tar Son's Image TiggePs Little Tonya Solo D'OroMaples Rowdy Boy D'Oro Magic Dragon of Lennis Lennis Dragon Lady Ch. Tinkler's Li I Play Boy CD Ch. Babe's Teddy Too Hatches Bippie of Shata Scotia Sweet Gypsy RoseCh. May Morning Echo of Highland Starkiss of Highland Aristimist of HighlandCH. WEE HEART'S PRETTY PLEASE LU-CHACream Sable Female Breeder LuchaShroder Owners Cassandra and Regina Ready, Granitevill, SCCh. Theldun's Tim Dandy of Edney Ch. Moe Best Special Order Postscript Afternoon Delight Ch. Silva Lade Midnight CaperCh. Silva Lade Gentle Ben Begay's Plumber Than Silva Lade Hot Pants Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Ripple Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Sha-Na's Bev-Nor Kee-Key Morgan's Buttons Buttons Tinker Toy Satin MedallionPOMERANIAN REVIEWproudly presents our very special little ladies tyoct CctcUf,"TICA"Ch. Twin Pines Tico Tico x Wee Heart Our Girl FridayShown taking her first point. Than you Judge William Bergum. Man special thanks to Sharon and Joh Masnick for allowing us to have th super sound little lady. For all yoi. advice, encouragement and you friendship.ZV.iAwCfauttiCfy ice"LACY"Ch. Shy Acres' I Kan Too x Yap Yap Clemn'tine O' Great ElmsThank you Juanita Fiddick for trusting us with Lacy and making my dreams come true. Lacy has just free whelped two precious puppies sired by Ch. Great Elms Firestarter.Thanks Skip Piazza for helping a novice get an excellent start in Poms.a.-\vsiAnna and Joseph Liselli 27 President Road Mastic Beach, NY 516281-8246POMERANIAN REVIEWCh.Jakens Sweet WilliamAv\sCh. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp xjaken's Black-Eyed SusanWilliam's First Show William's First Major Judge Florise Hogan.He finished at the Kennel Club of Northern New Jersey. Photo was not available but the results follow on the opposite page.BreedersOwnersJackie and Ken Rayner 748 Norway Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08629 609 587-2586POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Jakens Sweet WilliamLocationThe Meadowland's Race Track Kennel Club of Northern New JerseyStarting GatePost Position 3 BBE classTrack ConditionsVery fastWilliam's favoritePost Time1115 a.m.Race ResultsWinOfficial Results "Champion"Not a photo finish photo not availablePlaceVery high in his owner's heart, never to be put in a claiming race.ShowAnd show he did, like a true little "stallion."Jockey Trainersinto position by Chip JackieJackie RaynerStabled atJaken Kennels 748 Norway Ave. Hamilton, NJ 08629 609 587-2586OddsThe odds are you will see him again.Stud Fee and Pedigree on RequestPOMERANIAN REVIEWN.CC.IP.C. Does It AgainYears ago we offered reprints of the long unavailable book by Ives and Thomson, "Show Pomeranians," through the courtesy of the late James Arima, who loaned us his precious original to work from Sorry Sold out no more available from us.Now we are preparing A Comprehensive Book of Pom Pedigrees.Through the courtesy of the late, beloved Mary Casey, we are making her dream come true and publishing a book of pedigrees spanning many years. Basing our work on her beginning efforts, we are merging those she had gathered many dating back to famous dogs of the late '20s and '30s who may be the foundation of some of our well-known modern bloodlines with as many more as we can collect. We want to include as many pedigrees as possible of your champions.We need 5 generation pedigrees minimum of 4 generations, of your champions of the '60s, 70s and '80s. We know you will want your dogs to be represented. This will be a valued reference the Pom fancy will use and study for yearsPlease Include Colors, wherever known the date in parentheses added by AKC to your champion's registration number whenever heshe has produced a registered litter any pertinent breeding information you feel should be noted concerning your champion, such as number of champion offspring and their names. NO show wins, pleaseYour valuable contribution of information for this book will be studied by hundreds of Pom breeders now and for years to come. We want to include those oldies who only live now in treasured memory as well as your newest title holder.All pedigrees of 4 and 5 generations will be as complete and error-free as you and we can make them. Colors, birthdates and those AKC reg. numbers are important.We anticipate publication in time for the 1989 National. We cannot quote price at this time price will be based on cost of publication. A limited run is planned. Additional runs will depend on demand. Let us know now if you would be interested in adding your name to our list of future buyers.Send pedigrees and your request to be notified upon publication toDolly B. Trauner 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, CA 94115Material submitted will only be returned to owners who include a self-addressed, correctly stamped envelope of proper size.Nothing like this has ever been available before APOMERANIAN REVIEWLa Petite PomsProudly presentsH 'MeyerEmcees Solid Gold TucoCh. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond x Emcee's Sparkling Tiny ChipsOh, what a Florida trip we had in January. Tuco went WD under Ken Miller for 4 pts., Best of Winners under Emil R. Klinckhardt for 5 pts., and Winners Dog under Dr. Harry Smity Jr. and 5 pts. Tuco did quite well for himself. I want to thank Carolyn Roberts and Dr. Morris Carson for trusting me with this lovely baby. He is so very sweet.FLASH Tuco finished Saturday May 74 under Ronald Rella. Sunday, moved to Specials, he was BOB and Croup 7 under Martha lane Ablett at LawrencevilleOwnerHandlerYwonnelee Lee McGhee 457 Staten St.Jonesboro, GA 30236 404 471-4209__________________BreederCarolyn Roberts Rt. 6, Box 108-5 Stonebrook Estates Bluff City, TN 37618 615 538-5709 ,POMERANIAN REVIEWJStar fires Poms\ presentVr-y.i"i '--A BESTOF WINNERSGREATER OCALA DOG CLUB APRIL 1968k J Ch. Star fires ValentinoCh. Bev-Nods Statesman x Doo-Shay Elegant N' ChicPictured going Best of Winners from the 6-9 puppy class under judge Joe Rowe for a 5 point major.Valentino finished at 10 months of age from the puppy classes.Thanks to the best pom breeder, Beverly Norris.Tony Cabrera 275 SW 72 Ave. Miami, FL 33144305 266-7471POMERANIAN REVIEW2 POMERANIAN REVIEW4Vi lb., Orange 1987 Top Sire, 6 champions Stud Fee 150.Contact Andrea Hall 913 564-7642 or lanice 316 443-5157.Tim Sue's Dancing Pebble Ch. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. Lucky Miss Cherri of Oakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon WalkerCh. Lil Cold Dancer of Oakridge Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine LLL Happy Tanya CH. LLL MOONGOLD TRAPPER Stalker's Timmy Lee Ch. LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Mama Cass LLL Happy Twinkling TrudyCh. Lil Gold Dancer of Oakridge LLL Lil Cold Copper Penny LLL Happy Co Lucky TammyLLL KENNELSJanice Luginsland Rt. 1, Box 97 Americus, KS 66835Z4uw5 lbs., OrangeMany Croup wins, All-breed BIS Stud Fee 250.Ch. Scotia President Jim Ch. Sunray's Cold Jems President Ch. Sunray's Cupie Doll Ch. Tomboy's Pico ChicoCh. Gold Gem's Fire Dragon Darlin Cold Gem's Shannon M'Lady Cold Gem's Ruffles CH. TEXICAN'S GREAT BALLS O FIRE Ch. Lennis's Tequila Sunrise Lennis's Mour Peir La Pue Lennis's Sable Sabrina Texican's Miss IndependenceCh. Lennis's Tar Son's Image Lennis's YappieToyLennis's Toy of Great ElmsBERRY'S POMERANIANSNina BerryP.O. Box 907 - 203 Larry Iowa, LA 70647 318 582-66904 lb., clear bright orange. Several BOB's needs major to finish. Producing short, cobby, heavy coated, heavy boned puppies. Stud Fee 100.Ch. Lennis Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Lennis' Tar Son's Image Tigger Little Tonya Lennis's Red Denim Levi, UDBonner's Spungold Prettyelf Lennis Spungold MariaSun Toy Sparkle of Spungold CARRELL'S PO WIDDLE POOKIECh. Dixieland Rock of Millamor AC Ch. Midas Ragtime Rock Midas Sunny Legacy Midas Lullaby In RagtimeCh. Millamor's Rock Music Dixieland's Music Box Dixieland's Sweet MusicTAMMY CARRELL5272 Old Va. Springs Rd. Roanoke, VA 24014 703 342-3915POMERANIAN REVIEW7K 4-3Vi lb.. Clear Red-Orange BISS, Multi Croup winner 3 years rated. Produces small, cobby, baby faces. Stud Fee 200.3V4 lbs., Orange wlight sabling. Shown once as a puppy points. Will finish fast this year. Beautiful PomPedigree. Proven. Stud Fee 150.Ch. Scotia President Jim Ch. Sunray's Cold Gem's President Ch. Sunray's Cupie Doll Ch. Tomboy's Pico ChicoCh. Gold Gem's Fire Dragon Da Gold Gem's Shannon M'Lady Gold Gem's RufflesCH. TEXICAN'S GIANT KILLER CHULACh. Creider's Replica of Riptide Ch. Robinhood's Replica Rerun Queenaire Gin Fizz of Hood Meridian CheddarCh. Queenaire Aristocrat Ch. Cay Mystic Sugar N Motion Gay Mystic Fire N IceCHULA POMSNorma Gad 5908 Westside Rd.El Paso, TX 79932 915 584-0942Ch. Jeribeth's Dragon Killer Pedron's Dragon Deuce Sunray's Pattycake Girl Ch. Pedron's Mark of the DragonCh. Millamor's Mark of Dixielan Pedron's Mark of Dixie William's Red Judy PEDRON'S CHULA DRAGON MARK Ch. Scotia President Jim Sunray's President Jim Beau Ch. Sunray's Cupie Doll Pedron's DragonmistCh. Pedron's Mark of the Dragoi Pedron's Fairy Dragon Sunray's Pattycake GirlCHULA POMSNorma C. Cad 5908 Westside Rd.El Paso, TX 79932915 584-0942DT0A1Ch. G.E. Timstopper Again Ch. Creider's Timothy Topcat Creider's Miss Maggie Ch. D-Nee Darin DinadanCh. Queenaire's Jigger O' Scotch Ch. D-Nee's Dorable Dazzler D-Nee's Dorable Dolly CH. D-NEE'S DARIN' DUFFIECh. Queenaire's Jigger O' Scotch Ch. D-Nee's Call Me Wart D-Nee's Dorable Dolly D-Nee's Dawdling Dumplin'Shamrock's Gem Smokey D-Nee's D-Lite of PomirishScotia Double Gr. Dau. O' CavilD-NEE'S POMSNadine Hersil 3128 E. Luzerne Cudahy, Wl 53110 414 481-5556Bright Orange 9 All-Breed BIS 8 National SpecialtiesPOMERANIAN REVIEWI-s3Vi lbs.. Black and Tan tell marked, bundle of joy. Both majors, eeds 3 pts. Proven. Stud Fee 150.Ch. Scotia Cav's Spectacular Ch. Scotia Speckv Happy C's Return Ch. Scotia Robin's Mamas Happy Girl Scotia Mark of Distinction IICh. Scotia W Girl Little Joe Dandy Ch. Scotia Jod D's Tiddly Dee Dum Ch. Sungold's Dee Dee CJ'S MASTERPIECE OF MARK'SCh. Shellcrest Rebelsun Spark Shellcrest Sparkling Kolie Sungold's Sunny Lady Ch. Crystal's IsadoraGolden Glow Happy Dav Harbin's GG Crystalclear Andrews Almost An Angel Owner HandlerAverilAsbeck Victor Feist6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206 5033 774-89124V5 lbs., Irish Setter Red inished with 4 majors. A true lady's man, he mows his job Stud Fee 150.Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Teddy Bear Ch. Tomanoll's Juliet Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidCh. Sunras Lil Beaver Bi-Mar Kandi KaneBi-Mar Cricket By JJ of Andrews CH. BI-MAR SHAWNLarita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. Que Sera's Spirit of Larita La Rita's Top Doll by Kash Bi-Mar Shesa CovergirlCh. Golden Glow Nip Ch. Que Sera GC's Barbi DollCh. Que Sera Cigi of Golden GlowFEISTY POMERANIANSVictor and Wendy Feist 6325 SE 73rd Portland, OR 97206.Ch. Lennis'Tar Baby of Great Elms Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Lennis' Cavalier Tangie Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp Dunns Wee Teddy Go-Go Annons Dark LadyAnders La Calvados Valentina CH JAKENS SWEET WILLIAMCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Annons Image In Black N Tan Annon's Tanni-Fanni Jakens Black-Eyed SusanSnowfires Pecan Sandy Jakens Black OrchidGlenardens Sugar SpiceJAKENS KENNELJackie and Ken Rayner 748 Norway Ave.Hamilton, NJ 08629 609 587-25864V4 lbs. Black and TanPOMERANIAN REVIEW4Extraordinary in every way. Producer of many champions. Croup winning kids.Stud Fee 250.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apples's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Cay lor CH. GREAT ELMS PRINCE CHARMING II Wood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Cold NuggetCedarwood September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms Dolly Great Elms MollieOWNERS HANDLERSOlga Baker Skip Pia207 Shirleen Dr. RR1, 527B, ChurchSeabrook, TX 77586 Avondale, PA 19. 713 326-2250 215268-2Ch. Robinhood's Replica Rerun Ch. Robinhood's Instant Rerun Mac's Anticipation LLL Skip-A-Roo Mitey Dandy Ch. Joda Ephibus Ch. LLL Mite of Gold Suzanna Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Gina CH. SHY ACRES POM THUMB V. JERIBETHCh. Fancy Cold Dancer of Oakric Ch. LLL Fancy Cold Moon Walker Ch. LLL Lil Cold Moonshine LLL Moongold Simply SerenaLLL Charming Cold Bonanza LLL Scooter of Clay Haven LLL Happy Country DameJERIBETH KENNELS3V lbs., excellence of pedigree, soundness, Darrell and Olga Bakerperfect legsmovement, siring beautifully, 207 Shirleen Drivegorgeous head. Stud Fee 150. Seabrook, TX 77586713326-2250r flBeautiful cream with jet black pigment. Son of Prince Charming from Ch. dam. Proven sire. Stud Fee 150.Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Cedarwood's Cold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly JERIBETH'S SIR LANCELOTPedron's Dragon Deuce Ch. Pedron's Mark of the Dragon Pedron's Mark of Dixie Ch. Jeribeth's Chula Dragonette Goldstorm of Highland Cad's Chula Orange Mist Tri-Art's HappyLadyBugJERIBETH KENNELSDarrell and Olga Baker 207 Shirleen Drive Seabrook, TX 77586 713326-2250POMERANIAN REVIEWIV lb. full brother to Prince Charming, tally sound, adorable. Proven sire. Studs 150.7 l I1Prince's full brother. Very sound and up on . lbs. Producer of a Croup winner. By ivate treaty only.Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella Cedarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Caylor CH. GREAT ELMS FIREFIGHTERWood's Sparkling Nugget Cedarwood's Cold NuggetCedarwood September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms Dolly Great Elms MollieJERIBETH KENNELSOlga Baker and Bill Henry 207 Shirleen Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250Ch. Model's Truly A Diamond Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Apple's Traveling Crickette Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Mar-Bi-Lea's Sun Fella C-edarwood's Pitti PattiCedarwood's Laday Gay I or CH. GREAT ELMS FIRESTARTERWood's Sparkling Gold Nugget Cedarwood's Gold NuggetCedarwood's September Dawn Great Elms Sweet CandyGreat Elms Red Robin Great Elms Dolly Great Elms MollieICERAMAS POMERANIANSSkip Piazza and Jon Marcantonio RR 1 527B Church Rd. Avondale, PA 19311 215 268-2266Extremely short back, tiny, high set ears, orgeous head. By private treaty only.Ch. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Got Legs TomanolTs Me-Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mister Beau Jangles Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Mac's Little Lou Lou CH. NANSHADOW'S OH HENRY WILLCh. Fancy Gold Dancer ofOakridge Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Crickett LLL Lil Copper Penny Ch. LLL Charming Gold Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ch. LLL Kaptivating Katy Ch. LLL Moongold KellyICERAMAS POMERANIANSSkip Piazza and Nancy Burnette RR1, 527B, Church Rd.Avondale, PA 19311 215 268-2266POMERANIAN REVIEWf3OrangeCh. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale Ch. Emcee's Chips Ahoy of CoyCh. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamonc Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Emcee's Tartan TamCH. HARBIN'S TIME TO POP THE CORKMoreno's Smoky Joe Tiffany's Puff of SmokeCrones Soda Prince First Lady Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaRosewood's Timstopper Shadow Tiffany's Tanny of Rosewood Rosewood's Timstopper PollyHARBIN'S POMERANIANSIrene N. Harbin 10759 Sand Pt. Way NE Seattle, WA 98125- , vRedCh. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elm's Prince Charming II Cedarwood's Cold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elm's DollyCH. HARBIN'S CHARMING TOUCHCh. Model's Tru ly A Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Gold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassCh. Jestom's Tim's Image Ch. Harbin's Black Gold of India Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaHARBIN'S POMERANIANSIrene and Sylvia Harbin 10759 Sand Pt. Way NE Seattle, WA 98125r m\Bright Orange, 5 lbs.Outstanding legs, movement, and personality. Stud Fee 150.Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Terrific Wee Chips Emcee's Golden Girl of Tammy Ch. Emcee's A Chip of DiamondCh. Model's Gold Memento Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Miss Model Emcee's Sparkling Hot Tamale CH. EMCEE'S GOLD BRENDANCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Eln Lennis's Hunter of Tar Lennis's Cavalier Tangie Emcee's Adorable Bit of Gold Model's Red Whiz Annon's Lucille Ball Wee Lady LoveCOURTNEY AND LINDSAY KYLERt. 1, Box 143 Galax, VA 24333 703 236-3553POMERANIAN REVIEWkK.I4V4 lbs., Deep red Stud Fee 150 100 if brought in.Ar4Vi lbs. Orange Stud Fee 150 100 if brought inCh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Ch. Great ElmsTimstoppers Image Great Elms Linda Ch. Model's Timstoppers Echo Ch. Model's Son of Fun Majestic April LoveBodas Topaze Merry Gold CH. BEAVER OF LENETTEBabys Little Bitsey Maples Rowdy Boy Maples Vickey Tinker Bell of LenetteLennis' Teackie Too Lennis Dragon Lady Tigger Little TonyaLENETTE POMERANIANSK.C. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 704938-2042Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Mr. Roberts Models Tin Goddess Ch. Models Gold Memento Ch. Models Son of Fun Ch. Models Lil Julie Models MarleneCH. WOODS MAGIC MASTERPIECECh. Great Elms Timstopper Again Mar-Bi-Leas Sun Fella Mar-Bi-Leas Bit O'Fluff Cedarwoods Pitti PattiGreat Elms Red Robin Cedarwoods Laday CaylorRosewoods Chilibean CherubLENETTE POMERANIANSK.C. Griffith 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042ileavy coated, 4Vi lb., dark orange. Multi roup winner. At stud to approved matrons, oronto Int. Airport pickup.Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Cold Mico Emcee's Sparkling Flot Tamale Ch. Dupre's Sparkling Gold Buster Ch. Emcee's Texas Pete Dupre's That's My DollyDupre's Ideal Mystery Girl AC CH. EMCEE'S SOLID GOLD AMIGO- Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Ch. Emcee's Diamond Solid Gold Emcee's Adorable Bit of Cold Dupre's Mona Lisa of Diamond Ch. Jeribeth's Ivan Ideal Dupre's Ideal Mystery Girl Dupre's Cajan Dancing GirlMARSHIRE KENNELSMarlene and Frank Penny 430 Kingsleigh Ct.Milton, Ont. Canada L9T1X8 416 875-0269POMERANIAN REVIEW'AProven producer of show get. At limited stud. Fee on Request. Breeder Lorene BradburyBlack AVi lb. Proven Stud fee on request.Bonner's Pep-R-Kute Nightfire Ch. Queenaire Gambling Man Queenaire Doodad Ch. Queenaire Gambling DudeBlossom View Proud Promise Queenaire Luvy Duck Queenaire Dark Velvet CH. MORENO'S CRITIC'S CHOICEMoreno's Mr. Sweet Pickles Queenaire Headliner Creider's Wee Topsy Jubilee's RebelPrince E'ben Eben Black Mandy BMalone's Cindy Golden GirlMORENO'S POMERANIANSJulie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 f415583-4973Ch. Queenaire Gamboling Mai Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Queenaire Luvy Duck Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice Queenaire Headliner Jubilee's Rebel Black Mandy BCH. MORENO'S NIGHT STORM BY CHOIDal's Nicky of Marvel Dal's Shoe Shine of Nickey Dal's Velvet Wee Charcoal Moreno's Black Trinkette Riddle's Little Rebel Audrey's Little Buffy Malone's Sable PixieMORENO'S POMERANIANSJulie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973zr1Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Im Ch. Model's High Voltage Model's Bewitched Ch. Model's Bit O' WhizCh. Model's Son of Fun Wood's Sun GoddessMagic's Little Miss Cuddles MORENO'S MR. G WHIZZCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great E Jestom's Red RobinBritton's Little Miss Muffet Moreno's Summer RoseCh. Queenaire Double Scotch Moreno's Sugar N Scotch Mist Moreno's Sugar N SpiceMORENO'S POMERANIANSJulie Moreno 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973Deep Red 3 lb. Proven. Stud fee upon request. "CW"POMERANIAN REVIEWatJet BlackWinning combination of looks and rsonality. Has 4 pt. major. Stud fee on quest.Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice Jubilee RebelCh. Moreno's Night Storm By ChoiceDal's Shoe Shine of Nickey Moreno's Black Trinkette Audrey's Little Buffy PHYNER STORMY KNIGHTCh. Queenaire Gambling Dude Ch. Moreno's Critic's Choice Jubilee RebelCh. Phyner Black MoleculeCh. Moreno's Critic's Choice Phyner SpellbinderPhyner Kitchen WitchMARGE KRANZFELDER1777 Beach Park Blvd.Foster City, CA 94404 415 572-0149Chocolate3 lbs., Photo at 5 months. Breeder Ann CannonChocolate3'A lbs., Photo at 3 months, tud fee on request. Call after 10 a.m. our me.Ch. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis Ch. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp Annon's Dark Lady Ch. Annon's Dazzling Force Annon's Eager Beaver Annon's Chocolate Chip Annon's Swiss Miss ANNON'S MR' CHARLIE BROWNCh. Annon's Magnum Force of Scamp Ch. Annon's Dazzling Force Annon's Chocolate Chip Annon's Dazzling Brown Sugar Mr. Charley Brown Annon's Swiss MissLennis's Chocolate Cubby BearMORENOPHYNERJulie Moreno Dolly B. Trauner1636 Claremont Dr. 2025 Lyon St.San Bruno, CA San Francisco, CA415J 583-4973Mr. Adonis of Lake Mathews Pombreden's Prayer Party PowrPombreden's Heavenly Brown B-B Hershey Royal eGorrin Chaco of Great Elms Vallapoms Chaca of Pombreden Flaming Orange of LK Mathews MORENO'S PHYNER MONKEY BUSINESS Mr. Adonis of Lake Mathews Pombreden's Parti Joseph Boy Pombreden's Anniversary Party Nestle Coco MixKhani Ebony Eclipse Khani Parti PrideKhani Parti KeepsakeMORENO'S PHYNERJulie Moreno and Dolly Trauner 1636 Claremont Dr.San Bruno, CA 94066 415 583-4973POMERANIAN REVIEWiT-'VV Ws- TA'A.3 -JiallJ v mmmirrH"'- .- ' . - . '-.u- ii ...- . --v--'.- A' V^ ' 'V''Model's Top Kick Ch. Sun-Dot's Just A NipAnn's Little Angel of Sundot Ch. Muller's Just A Nip Jr.Ch. Hadleigh All Star Show Of Blossom View ScarletBlossom View Cold Prince MULLER'S KAZAR TRUMP OF SUNGOLECh. Sun-Dot's Ramboling Man Ch. Sun-Dot's Fashion Fella Correa's Collette Rommel's Miss Fashion TeaseCh. Sun-Dot's Ramboling Man Rommel's Ramboling Tease Rommel's Tutti-Frutti CutieMARYMILHOAN1272 Gibbon Rd.Central Point, OR 97502 503 664-4267Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social Lion May Morning Alice Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Blair's Solitaire Ch Dunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary CH. SUNGOLD'S RIDER ALMOND ROC4Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamo Ch. Millbrook's El Cran Caballero Ch. Millbrook's Suzette Ch. Sungold's KaratCh. Sungold Candy Man Sungold's Peggy Sungold TammySUNGOLD POMERANIANSAnna and Ray LaFortune 3139 Florine Drive Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619463-2700Ch. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Cot Legs Tomanolles MeMe Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mr. Beaux Jangles Ch. Mac's JenniferCh. Mac's Little Lou Lou CH. SUNGOLD'S CASINO OF KAZARLa Rita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. Que Sera Spirit of La Rita La Rita's Top Doll By Kash Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Que Sera Golden Glow Sugar George Ch. Que Sera GiGi of Golden Clow Ch. Bet Lou Little Duke JoySUNGOLD POMERANIANSRay and Anna LaFortune 3139 Florine Drive Lemon Grove, CA 92045 619 463-2700POMERANIAN REVIEW4 lbs., Orangergeous head, harsh coat, young sire of LutifuI show prospects. Stud fee on request.Wr4Vi lbs. Brilliant Orange ellent pedigree, perfect legs and movent, huge coat. Stud fee on request.Ch. Sundofs Just A Nip Ch. Muller's Just A Nip Jr. Blossom View Scarlet Ch. Sungold's Kazars Quarter Back Ch. Sundot's RambolingMan Muller's Rambolin Rose Muller's Best Bett CH. SUNGOLD'S SOLOLaRita's Takesonetoknowone Ch. QueSera Spirit of La Rita La Ritas Top Doll By Kash Ch. Sungold's Portrait of Que Sera Golden Glow Sugar George Ch. Gigi of Golden ClowCh. Bet-Lou Little Dukes JoySTAR DUST POMERANIANSGail Jeub Richard Schuster 9100 61st Avenue Circle N.Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413Ch. Apple's Traveling Diamond Ch. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond Cedarwood's Pitti Patti Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms Dolly SUNGOLD MAX OF HARBINCh. Model's Truly-A-Diamond Ch. Emcee's Solid Cold Diamond Model's Solid Gold Ch. Harbin's Touch of ClassCh. Jestom's Tim Image Ch. Harbin's Black Gold of India Ch. Tiffany's Star of IndiaStar Dust PomeraniansGail Jeub Richard Schuster 910061st Avenue Circle N.Minneapolis, MN 55428 612537-14134V lbs., Orange and White Parti fectly marked. Watch for his grandchildren he shows. Stud fee on request.Lewis Bombardier Beautiboi Extra-ordinare Lewis Little Piddles Westmost Boi BingoCh. Tono's At Midnight Westmost Tonnie Myway Misty Dawn PRESTIGIOUS LUCKY STAR PARTI Beautiboi Extra-ordinare Westmost Boi Bingo Westmost Tonnie Preshus Parti of Prestigious Westmost Boi Bingo Dotties Belle of the WestJay Jay's Wendy of CharmarSTAR DUST POMERANIANSGaii Jeub Richard Schuster 9100 61st Avenue Circle N. Minneapolis, MN 55428 612 537-1413POMERANIAN REVIEW3Vi lb., Irish Setter Red Very linebred, tiny ears, sire of champions. Not at public stud.' ^.Z-f43 lb., red, huge coated, small ears, linebred. Not at public stud.Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly Ch. Duke's Lil Red Baron of O'Kala Aristic Cherub's Wee Cherry Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Town Talk Ch. Edward's Reddy Cash Ch. Tomanoll's Wee Co-Co Girl Tomanoll's Miss Personality CH. TOMANOLL'S WEE SHORT STACKCh. Robinhood's Duplicate Cof Ch. Tomanoll's Tiny Tornado O'Mc Ch. Patrick's Miss Precious Tomanoll's Red's BeautifulCh. Duke's Lil Red Baron of O'K Tomanoll's Tiny TiffanyCh. Tomanoll's Wee Co-Co GirMNM'S POMS-R-USMary Marchbanks 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714 994-0259Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Randy's Jolly Wee PeppiMac's Fancyduke's Wee Wendy Ch. Jolly Wee Fancy Dan of Peppi Randy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Rands Jolly Wee Fancy Lady Randy's Pride and Joy of Duke JOLLY WEE DAN'S MIGHTY MOECh. Randy's Dragonfly Top O Tl Ch. Rands Topper's Red Robin Randy's Wee Brite Star of Duke Jolly Wee Wendy MischiefRandy's Dandy Wee Tuffy Ch. Rands Preshus Wee Wendy Mac's Fancyduke's Wee WendyMNM'S POMS-R-USMary Marchbanks 4986 Avila Way Buena Park, CA 90621 714 994-0259I. Ch. Mac's Rare Addition Ch. Tomanoll's I Got Leggs Tomanoll's Me-Me Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Mister Beaux Jangles Ch. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Ch. Mac's Little Lou Lou CH. SHY ACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY Ch. Tomanoll's I Cot Leggs Ch. Mac's Maybe I WillCh. Mac's Jennifer Jangles Sungold's Corse U WillCh. Amberil Trade Secret Ch. Cherokee's Summer Fashion Ch. Cherokee's Ember Fashion1988 National Sweepstakes Winner Group Winner Multi Croup placer Stud Fee 200.NANSHADOWNancy Burnette 501982-1132POMERANIAN REVIEW4Vi lb. Red Sable'B winner. Sire of BIS and Group winners. Stud Fee 200.May Morning Social Lion Theldun's Almond Fudge Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeLennis's Tar Baby of Great Elms Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Britton's Little Miss Muffett CH. SOUTHLAND TOASTED FUDGE May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight Bev-Nor's Sweet and SassySOUTHLANDCharlotte Creed and Beverly Norris 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360A3V lbs., Black Very typey. Stud Fee 125.Ch. Brown's Fancypepper Mark Ch. Brown's Gambling Man Millamor's Magic Dragon Pumpkin XXVKen-Gay's Little Bouse Dandelion's Honey Girl Ken-Gay Dawn Rose STOLL'S SAMBO SYLVESTERStoll's Sugar Boy Benji Stoll's Peperino Popple Stoll's Peaches N Cream Stoll's Nuggett NicolettePuttertime's Spinky Imp Stoll's Babetta Nicole Puttertime's Irish BlueSTOLANNEFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857KkkvTulti group placer. 5 lbs., orange, heavy nes. Stud Fee 150.00.Ch. Jeribeth's Silver Sparkle Ch. Millamor's Moon RockMillamor's Lullabye of Tim Sue Ch. Dixieland Rock of MillamorCh. Dixieland's Style Stepper Dixieland's Veronica Millamor's Melody Box CH. STOLANNE THUNDERBOLT THOR Ch. Mercer's Touch O' Duke Ch. O My Patty's Touch-O-Pepper Circle M Patty Pepper Cee O My Starmist MinuetteCh. Patri-Arks Stardust of Mercer Joda's Starkist of Patri-Ark Patri-Arks Sugar SpiceSTOLANNEFrances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857POMERANIAN REVIEWA fl V4V4 lbs., Black and Tan Finished with all majors. Stud Fee 150 to approved bitches.Gold Gem's Tar Burt of Lennis Ch. Shamrock's Little Imagemake Shamrock's Candy Kiss Silva Lade The OutlawSilva Lade Midnight Madness Ch. Silva Lade Almond Joy Silva Lade Magnum Force CH. SILVA LADE LITTLEST OUTLAW Ch. Chips of Diamond Ch. Emcee's Chips of Diamond Emcee's Sparkling hot Tamale Ch. Silva Lade Little Miss Marker Ch. Silva Lade Smash Hit Silva Lade Fancy FlairCh. Begay's Plumper ThanSUBER POMERANIANSSuzanne C. Berney 4815 Wards Chapel Rd. Owings Mills, MD 301J655-83301 imFinished championship BOW in 3 4-pt. majors and 1 5-pt. major. Siring show quality puppies. Stud Fee 200.T\ i --l V I V v -r \' V - vBorn May 26, 19887 lbs, 7 oz. 20V2 inches. Top show quality, perfect conformation, excellent disposition. NOT AT PUBLIC STUD.May Morning Social Lion Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted FudgeCh. Lennis's Tar Baby of Great Bev-Nods Sweet and Sassy Britton's Little Miss Muffet CH. IDA'S MR. TOASTY BY BEV-NOR Ch. Creideds Timothy Topcat Ch. Creideds Cut Across Shorty Creideds Joy of T-Town Creideds Camelia O'ldaCh. Great Elms Timstopper Creideds Camille Creideds JezibelleVELVET TOUCHJanet Bordelon 6639 Third St. Alexandria, LA 71303 318 445-0143Martin Ripley Kip RipleyGladys Ripley Thomas Kip RipleyThomas Powers Kye Ripley Irma PowersKELSEY ALEXANDER RIPLEYGeorge McLeod George McLeod Dorothy McLeod Phyllis Ann RipleyHarold Crawford Mary McLeod Lula CrawfordRIPLEY FAMILY6902 E. First Street Tucson, A2 85710 602 721-7620POMERANIAN REVIEWCli. Great Elms IPiWinning HereA.Darrell and Olga BakerWinning EvBests in Show Group Firsts specialties consistentlyC3A"Prince" with "Sir Lancelot" stunning young cream son nearing championship from puppy class. Pictured with Pomeranian judge, Mrs. Hazel Arnold.r ...POMERANIAN REVIEWerywhereCfiarmirg IIIWinning There4Olga Baker207 Shirleen, Seabrook, TX 77586 713 326-2250Co-Owners HandlersSkip PiasRR1, 527-B, Church Rd., Avondale, PA 19215 268-2POMERANIAN REVIEWHELPFUL HINTSby Margaret McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Letters about the last column began arriving efore I even got my Review. All agreed with ly stand on rude and rough judges. Several xpressed concern that I recommended Poms 3 enthusiastically for obedience. While they ersonally have Poms they show in bedience, they fear that a very competitive erson, whose original experience was with augher breeds such as goldens or Border ollies, might be too hard on a Pom. One orrespondent described such a person. She aid this person wants to win, is very emandingof the dog, and puts a lot of stress n the Pom. The writer felt that her fellow xhibitor didn't truly appreciate the Pom- ranian personality.Good point Most Poms cannot "take a eking and keep on ticking." If you are an xtremely competitive trainer, if you prefer Koehler's methods to Diane Bauman's, if you link you can cure any problem with a strong nough correction then please pick nother breed for obedience. But if you are harmed by a dog that adores people, that lances for applause, that is sensitive, that has iis own unique little character, by all means rain him in obedience if you can use fair and entle methods, if you can respect his right o be a dog, if you love him more than all the ilue rosettes in the world.In my last column I asked you to check out umors before believing them or passing them in. Whew, thank goodness Miss A took my dvice a few days later. On Saturday night, a lerson I shall resist characterizing, called Aiss A to inform her that I had taken "that inished bitch" into the classes at Old ominion KC show and had taken the points. iunday at 800 a.m. Miss A met me at ringside ind asked if it were true. I was amazed. Yes, he was a finished champion and I had moved ler up to specials class. We won BOS. ortunately, the handler who had won WBcame up just then and confirmed my version of the story.I'm sure the person who called Miss A thought they were telling the truth. But you see how this sort of thing gets out of hand Suppose Miss A hadn't attended the Sunday show or hadn't confronted me about it By the time the story made the rounds, I would have grown horns and a tail and the bitch would have had 23 points.On the Cherry Blossom Circuit in April, both Dianne Johnson and I were showing pregnant bitches. One acquaintance seemed a little surprised that I would show a bitch in whelp. She asked if 1 took any special precautions. I said, "No," but went on to explain that I'm always careful with my Poms on the road 1 Don't use public x-pens or areas obviously used by a lot of dogs. I carry a small x-pen for both the show and the motel. 2 I carry a variety of foods and feed several small meals a day. 3 Avoid stress. Give extra attention and affection. If I stay for the group I hold them in my lap. Back at the motel, they can snuggle beside me on the bed while we watch TV. 4 Make sure they get plenty of opportunities to rest.There is an advantage to showing a pregnant bitch her coat is at its fullest Dogs hold extra undercoat while expecting. Some let go of some of it about 2 weeks before the due date to line the nest with Dianne's bitch was moody. One day Amanda would show like a million dollars the next she put her ears on the side of her head and gave Dianne a look that said, "You can't make me show" Generally, my bitches have shown better when pregnant. They were calmer on the table and more attentive. However, once I showed a brace, half of which was a pregnant bitch. She did fine in breed and group, but when we went in for BIS, she said, "Sorry, Mom. I'm just too tired."If you're considering showing an expectant lady, check your calendar carefully. Remember that many of them go off their feed at 3 to 4 weeks. You don't want to show her past the sixth week, for her safety and comfort. Also, you'll have an increasing girth to explain to the judge.As announced in the April Review, we'll soon have a new Anniversary Issue. It will be the October issue of the Review and all regular subscribers will get it What a marvelous bonus Extra copies will bePOMERANIAN REVIEWDupre's Pomeranianspresenting anotfer 'Buster sonm. vL VV . -fDupres SparkCing GoCd DusterCh. Dupre's Sparkling Gold Buster x Dupre's Diamond Gold ButtonWatch for Dusty in the fall shows. He promises to pleaseCongratulations Marlene and Frank Penny of Marlin, Canada on Amigo's accomplishments in Canada.OwnerBreederHandlerMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr. Route 2, Box 878-A Colfax, LA 71417 318 627-5180POMERANIAN REVIEWailable, and I suggest you snap up several lickly. They make good trophies or gifts for ents or puppy buyers.If you found the ad prices quoted in April view a bit steep, please note these were ily for color ads. If you want a regular black id white ad, the regular Review rates apply, bargain Do get your ads in by the August 1 ladline.While some people are being invited to ite articles for the Anniversary Issue, you do t need an invitation to make a contribution, ind articles of any length, stories, poems, iizzes, commentary, whatever to the Editor SAP. Also remember, she wants pictures of iportant dogs or pictures that are unusual, larming, etc. that illustrate Pom personality. Did you see "48 Hours" on CBS-TV when it vered the '88 Westminster KC Show What a Dot Apparently the producers picked 4 dogs ley thought had excellent chances of inning and following them through the two lys. They interviewed owners and handlers, lowed the dogs being groomed and on the inches, showed breed and group judging, plained what the judge was looking for. We iw some terrific examples of good lortsmanship, and two examples of very bad shavior. For shame And on national TV hen, unheralded and unpredicted, a cocky, limated ball of fluff came out of nowhere to ike all the marbles. Oh, it was wonderful All irough the show, knowing that tiny Prince as going to win, we chortled at the iticipated glory.Two years ago, a little girl called to ask bout the availability and prices of pups. I nswered her questions, and forgot about it. he next morning her mother called. She said er daughter I'll call her Janie suffered from ivere asthma. She had to be hospitalized 4 mes a year and missed a lot of time from shook Janie was very good about putting up 'ith all the treatments and they wanted to do Dmething special for her. The only thing anie wanted was a Pomeranian. The ediatrician thought it was a good idea the llergist thought it was a terrible idea I jggested a Chihuahua. The mother said Janie cily wanted a Pom.I was very sympathetic, since I had had sthma as a child. I also knew that juvenile sthma can be largely psychological. Perhaps, suggested, if Janie knew that she couldn'tkeep the dog if her attacks continued, she would have a strong motivation to stay healthy. The mother asked if I would let them take the puppy on a trial basis, and I agreed.That was 2 years ago. The whole family adores Muffin. Janie missed 34 days of school the year before she got him. The year after she got him she missed 11 days and this year it was 4. The family is convinced that Muffin has worked a miracle. If you get a chance to place a dog in an allergy home, give it a try. The worst that could happen is that the dog would have to come back to you.I mentioned collapsed trachea in my last column. Let's elaborate on that a bit. The trachea or windpipe connects the mouth and nasal passages with the bronchial tubes. Cartilage rings around this pipe or tube support it. When this cartilage deteriorates or collapses, the windpipe is narrowed and the dog has trouble breathing. The Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook says it is a birth defect. But it only shows up in middle age, seven years or older. It is common in Poms, and quite possibly hereditary.It begins with a soft, dry cough and develops into a hacking cough. Occasionally the dog goes on a coughing jag and he just can't quit. A drink of water doesn't help. Since a cough can be a symptom of many things, a vet's advice is needed. The narrowed area will show up on x-ray.The dog with a collapsed trachea should be kept lean. Too much weight doesn't help his breathing. Both his breathing problems and excess weight put a strain on the heart. Pediatric cough suppressants will give relief to a mild case. Ask your vet for dosage advice. If that doesn't work, the vet can prescribe a stronger medication such as tussionex. Since this has codeine in it, it should only be used for a limited time. It does help to keep the humidity up in the kennel. When I turn on the kerosene heater at night, I put a 2-qt. pot of water on top of it, and throw in a few spices like cloves and a couple of cinnamon sticks. The coughing appears to be worse in winter.It is possible to do surgery but that is a drastic solution. The surgeon puts a spiral of plastic around the trachea to support it. This is major surgery under general anesthesia. A friend took her 7 year old Ch.-C.D. male to a University veterinary school because he was coughing so much that both of them were continued on p. 110.POMERANIAN REVIEWJ-----------------------------------rBlake's PomeraniansrCh. Annon's Sir KennorCh. Peterson's Scamp of Lennis x KennoPs Lady TinaWe are very pleased to announce the addition of Kenny to our breeding program. Thank you, Nancy Mullens for letting us have himKenny is a grandson of Ch. Theldun's John John. "Johnny" was honored in the '87 Stud issue, p. 37 by Jan-Le Kennel.At this time we would like to thank the following breeders for preserving this very special "Showstopper" bloodline Dorothy Bonner, Ch. Bonner's Tiny Showstopper Thelma V. Gunter, Ch. Thelcolynn's Showstopper Ann Blair, Ch. Blair's Solitaire Sophie Mayes, Ch. May Morning Bravo Bravo, May Morning Social Lion Thelma Dunn, Dunn's Little Tomstopper, Ch. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus, Ch. Theldun's John John bred by Thelma, finished by Jane Lehtinen, Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge bred by Thelma, finished by Beverly Norris. Thanks, Bev for taking such good care of Fudge and allowing us to have some beautiful Fudge daughters. Thank you to anyone not mentioned who have had a special part in sharing this great progeny. Thanks a million.Watch for a Kenny son, Blake's Sir Robert John, "R.J." and Donna Megenhardt in the ring this summer.Pedigree on request.Evelyn E. Blake 304 742-3365P.O. Box 85, Rt. 20 South Craigsville, WVPOMERANIAN REVIEWFrom Kids To Canines It's downhill all the wayby Nona Kilgore BauerRemember when your children were Dddlers, and you dreamed of the someday ou'd be free of sticky fingerprints on the oorknobs, and tinker toys and lincoln logs nder the couch No more potty training or 2 .m. tummy aches. A tidy house and a ensible lifestyle. That's what we all dreamed f.So the kids grew up, and you got a dog. Or wo or three. Our own dog family has grown o four. And we thought life was rough beforeOur dream of a model household has been lemolished by rows of noseprints across the iving room window and clouds of dog-down oiling like tumbleweeds where matchbox cars mce raced. We've traded fingerprints for lawprints, lincoln logs for plastic bumpers ,nd baby food for Ken-L-Ration. These rade-offs from kids to dogs often cause our riends to seriously question our sanity.Nowadays instead of tiny muddy tennis hoes, we have muddy paws, only more of hem than my kids had feet . . . bounding up into the bedspread only after it's just been Iry-cleaned or jumping wildly up to greet us always when we're wearing white slacks. So nuch for neat and tidy.My memories of potty training problems lave faded like the pain of childbirth. I even antasize about potty chairs in warm, cozy lathrooms every time I climb into my nowmobile suit and stumble around outside n freezing, 10 degree weather to housebreak i new pup or coddle a dog with diarrhea. The 3ampers crowd should count their blessings.Some things haven't changed much though. Remember those 2 a.m. tummy aches Did 'ou ever wake up in the middle of the night to he retching sound of your dog barfing next to 'our bed Or roll over the smell that smell and wonder who did it this time Then your husband mumbles that it must be your dog, so you'd better clean it upBut we do manage to get a good night's sleep occasionally, in spite of it all. That is, whenever the dogs don't hog my half of the bed. Or my husband's half. Then he rolls overand hogs my side too.We even try to sleep late on weekends . . . sometimes . . .as long as we don't roll over, shift a pillow or lift an eyelid. Our retrievers have sonar hearing and can detect an eye opening at 20 feet or a split-second shift in our breathing pattern.Mealtime hasn't changed much either. After cooking for three sons who wouldn't eat any vegetable grown in North America, I'm an expert at hiding vitamins in the dog food and poking heartworm and allergy pills down strangled throats. But bless them, no grumbling to clean their kennel pansAnd the dog food Three 40-pound sacks, three different varieties, stuffed into that cute little half-bath off the kitchen, the one we were going to redecorate after the kids were gone. I can't seem to find wallpaper to match dog food bags.The coat hooks next to the kitchen door are finally stripped of little scarves and mittens and baseball caps. But are they hung with wicker baskets or clever homemade crafts No room. They're filled instead with choke collars, bait aprons, longe lines and leather leads. Decorations by "Dog World."The kids' favorite cookie jar has also been replaced by a treat can, a can three times the size of the cookie jar. Retrievers like to pig out on extra-large Milkbones.And the tinker toys have been replaced by tennis balls, knotted-up old socks and gnarly Nylabones Ever step on one of those chewed-up suckers in your bare feet Just like the kids, we can't seem to train the dogs to put things back in their toy bucket.Unlike our children, however, who were banished from the den during happy hour, our four 65-pound carnivores join us for martini time, salivating all over the coffee table at the sight of the cocktail franks, ready to lunge at the slightest flick of a fingertip. We can't even sneak an olive without feeling guilty.As for the drooled-on magazines on the coffee table, take note. No more Diaper World or Parent Psychology. We've graduated continued on p. 706.f r..Harbins presen. - m ifFvAm. Can. Ch. Harbins Charming TouchCh. Great Elms Prince Charming II xCh. Harbin's Touch of ClassOur Newest Champion Pretty head Short back High tailset Great legs Huge coatAre we pleased and proudYou bet we areSee pedigree in Behind The New champions.Irene N. and Sylvia I. Harbin 206 365-174810759 Sand Point Way N Seattle, WA 981jfen Ails Pomeiaiucms'-i ISFi i- MmmWL'"wj SPfc '6i -N GR MURFREESBORO KCCh. Glen Iris IvanhoeCroup 3 Greater Murfreesboro Kennel Club Mrs. M. Smith4Yi lb.Bright Orange Stud Fee 150Owned, Loved and Handled byI.JacksonJ. Taylor I038 16th Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Ch. Sunras Cold Cems President Ch. Texican's Wee Will O' Mee-Cee T amara T ara Morrison Ch. Mee-Gee's MasterpieceCh. Jeribeth's Ivan ideal Stansoe's Hidden TreasureMyway Czarina Astrea Stansoe CH GLEN IRIS IVANHOEAC Ch. Emcee's Sparkling Chip AC Ch. Chriscendo Western Express Can. Ch. Chriscendo Chatelaine Cherokee's Autumn OrangeLuell's Dandy Cold Dancer Luell's Scarlet O'HairyLuell's Madam DragonflyQkn 3ms 'Ponmotvmf i m,s fsi.y iSj,11As-'r-Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland4 lb. Red SableCroup winner from the classes. Stud Fee on Request.Handled byMichael KempOwned by Bred byC. JacksonJ. Taylor E. Clark1038 16th Avenue South C. CreedBirmingham, AL 35205 205 328-6603Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-NoTs Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet N Sassy Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight CH lAMEL'S FUGICLE OF SOUTHLAND Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Ripple Ch. Southland's Fudge Generation Ida's Happy Prancing Ideal Ch. Jamel's Smudge Orange Parfait AI-Kas Piece of the Rock Sharel's Tootie of Sunkist AI-Kas Pixie DawnPOMERANIAN REVIEWWhen Your Dog Has You Trainedby David LarsenYour dog or cat rubs against your leg. What .vimp, you think, mindlessly reaching for his vorite food, which is precisely what he had mind."The pet is, in fact, dominating through ibmission," Dr. Bruce Fogle said. "You don't ive to be overtly aggressive to be dominant, id it is something that pets have learned."It is but one of many strategies that amesticated animals employ to get their ay, as explained by the London veterinarian i a new book, "Carnes Pets Play How Not To e Manipulated by Your Pet" Viking, 15.95. When Fogle refers to games, he means the xansactional" kind popularized in the early Os by psychiatrist Eric Berne in his book Harries People Play.""One of the reasons we choose dogs as pets that there appears to be in their attachment capacity for an altruistic love, a willingness please another without outward reward," ogle writes. "But we also choose them ecause we are helplessly programmed to doD."In a recent interview, he expanded on the nought "Humans are programmed for felong parenting. And pets don't hesitate to ake advantage of this need in us."hrewd TacticsThe games take place, the author said, iecause of our tendency to see pet behavior i human terms to anthropomorphize.And shrewd are the tactics that a wily cat, log or bird quickly learns, including being a larent on his own part."A pet dog symbolically plays the role of a larent," the veterinarian writes. "The pet lives comfort and solace, physical contact ind constancy and a loyalty unlike anything lse on earth. A pet dog offers a type of ledication that, outside of infancy, we never et and never hope of getting."But nothing in life comes without a price, ets of any kind, Fogle said in the interview, ire great observers and great psychologists 'better, in fact, than we are."Thus there are eating games"Pet owners honestly believe that their inimals will starve if they don't eat what isplaced before them," Fogle said."In my 17 years of practice, l have never heard of a dog dying of starvation when food is available. Dogs and cats win starvation games because they come across owners who let them."The 'Feed Me' GameDogs are loyal because of the companionship we give them, but they learn to play "Feed me" because for many of them there is nothing much else to do, Fogle said.He told of a cat who had learned to get his meal before dawn by dipping his paw into his water bowl, jumping onto his owner's bed, and splashing him in the face.Obsessive feeders, the author continued, feed their pets excessively, in part because of the signals they receive."Cats use body language. They head-butt and writhe around your legs. Dogs paw you or, if they are small enough, lick or try to get on your lap. My African gray parrot, Humphrette . . . bends her head for a tickle whenever l am near her, and once she feels my fingers, presses into them with all of her body."If a game is being played, the owner can at least play to a tie"There is no room for democracy in an owner-pet relationship," Fogle said. "You have to be a benign dictator. You are the boss."On the subject of social needs, Fogle said that while humans are good cat and dog substitutes for cats and dogs we play with them, we are their leaders, we stroke them we are poor substitutes for birds."Parrots, for instance, are really gregarious. They need a lot of attention. That is why they parrot and learn to talk they want to be social."That is why, if you go to work and leave a parrot alone, it will sometimes react by pulling out its feathers."All of that notwithstanding, it is unlikely that pet gamesmanship will to any extent disappear, if for no other reason than human narcissism.There is more than a little truth to the belief continued on p. 706.POMERANIAN REVIEWSweetheart PomeraniansAk Ms .Sweetheart's Gold MasterpieceShown here taking his first major in Wichita Falls, TX under Mr. George Payton, "Nubby" also went BOB in Monroe, LA under Mr. Merrill Cohen. A grateful thanks to those judges for recognizing his unique soundness and beautiful movement. Nubby is of Great Elms breeding and has puppies available for show or breeding.Kathy Carroll P.O. Box 131525 Tyler, TX 75713-1525 214 566-4648POMERANIAN REVIEWLinchrisr7. O\ 'eyCh. Southland N Bev-Nors Tar BabyButler finished with 3 majors, the first a 4 pt. major from the puppy class. This makes an all champion litter for Ch. Southland's Toasted Fudge and Bev-Nor N Southland's Poasty.His first time out as a special he was Best of Breed at Greater Sierra Vista K.C. under Peggy Dillard Carr.Butler puppies are on the ground and lookin' good. His stud fee is 200 to approved bitches.Special thanks to Charlotte Creed for all your support, and to Ma Bell for keeping those phone lines open.Linda Brogoitti 602 265-49461011 W. Campbell Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85013POMERANIAN REVIEW4 4 8In his first 4 shows, he got4 majors which equals an 8 month old champion.DCh. Southland N Bev-Nor Nut E. FudgeCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Bev-Nor and Southland's HopeFudge is already a breed winner. Watch for him.Fudge puppies will be available this summer. Fudge is very linebred on Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudge. See pedigree in Behind The New Champions.Thanks, Charlotte. Fudge is a super little dog.Jan Wilhite 602 997-4042Charmac Poms and Kees8719 N. 3rd Ave. Phoenix, AZ 850210 POMERANIAN REVIEWALONGMYWAYby Molly Miller P.O. Box 717 League City, TX 77573Much human knowledge is based on sxperience, but occasionally experiences lave such conflicting elements that no cnowledge is gained from them. I had such an xperience this summer. I recount it, not oecause I have any knowledge to offer, but oecause I think you will find it to be interesting, and if you have a similar happening you will not be as surprised as I was.The sequence of events began innocently with my breeding Nan, a young bitch in the prime of life and what appeared to be excellent health. Nan had free-whelped a litter of three ten months earlier. The season and breeding were unremarkable. Four weeks into the pregnancy I checked Nan and decided she was carrying two puppies. At this point i went on vacation for two weeks. When I returned, I checked Nan and could find no puppies. 1 was confused, but I assumed that I had made a mistake.Time passed and Nan continued her happy bouncy way. Normally a round little girl. Nan was no fatter than usual. A few days before Nan was due, she showed the usual pre-whelping mammary development. I put her in a whelping pen. At this time I could feel something in the uterus, but it did not feel large enough in circumference to be a puppy, and there was no movement. Nan had been bred twice. On the day before her first due date, Nan's temperature dropped to 100.2. On her due date Nan sat in her box and looked expectant. This continued for the two due dates, but Nan did not go into labor. At no time was there any sort of discharge. On the second due date Nan came into heavy milk. On this day she lost all interest in her box. She no longer wanted to stay in the puppy room. When allowed to do so, she ran and romped with the other dogs. Of course this day was on a weekend.On Monday I took Nan to the vet. At thistime the once heavy milk was almost all gone. However, a x-ray revealed a puppy in the uterus. Both the vet and I believed that the puppy was dead, but we proceeded to section as if it were alive.The section revealed some other strange things. Nan was in the process of reabsorbing the litter. When the vet removed the puppy that we had seen on the x-ray, the reason for the small circumference could be seen. The placenta closely adhered to the puppy. The vet had to peel the placenta from the puppy as one would a glove from a hand. In the midst of this, the puppy moved slightly. Fortunately we had the incubator ready and popped her into it. She was extremely dehydrated and only breathed once every eight seconds. The vet gave her nearly seven c.c.s of fluid. She could not move except to breathe for almost three hours.I had been correct. There was a second puppy, a male. It was much further in the reabsorption process, and its bone had not shown on the x-ray. In fact it did not appear to have bone. Its whole structure appeared to have been delated. It was flat. The development of hair showed that this puppy had developed to near if not the point of readiness for birth and had then begun to be reabsorbed.The vet was surprised that the uterus was perfectly clean there was no infection. There was not even any gas from the dead puppy. He also said it was extremely unusual for a bitch to begin to reabsorb puppies at such a late date in the pregnancy. Her milk pattern too was unusual. The milk should not have let down so heavily without labor, and it should not have disappeared.Nan recovered from the section in record time. In her mind and I suppose, body she had not had puppies. She paid no attention to the puppy's cries or appearance.I have a very fragile puppy to try to hand raise. Fortunately it had arrived during summer vacation. When I got the puppy home, I weighed her. She weighed slightly under two ounces. Over the years I have raised several two ounce puppies so this did not frighten me until the vet told me that the fluids that he had given her weighed three quarters of an ounce. I began feeding on a two hour around the clock schedule. The first two feedings were extremely difficult. ThePOMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Nansfiadow's Oh Henry WillI9H YiBEST OF WINNERSNC3- WESTMINSTER KENNEL CLUB FEB 1988TATHAM PHOTOThank you Judge Ken McDermott.Henry is pictured winning the major and going Best of Winners at the Westminster Kennel Club show handled by Nancy Burnette. Henry is a Ch. Mac's Maybe I Will son.OwnersSkip Piazza and Nancy BurnetteBreederNancy Burnette POMERANIAN REVIEWupps interior must have been as dry as her xterior. It was extremely difficult to pass the ube. I tried repeatedly. I even buttered the ube. Finally I got it in place and fed the luppy. The third feeding I could not pass the ube. By this time the puppy could move Lround a little and it was hungry. Nan did not lave much milk, and the puppy was not trong enough to nurse for long, but I held lan and let the baby nurse for as long as she ould. She seemed to sleep for about thirty ninutes, and then I could pass the tube and eed her. Although passing the tube was difficult for several more feedings, the difficulty decreased rapidly until that aspect jf her care was normal.During the first hour after her birth, the suppy had the usual infant BM, and her urine output seemed normal. Considering her dehydrated condition, I was not surprised that she did not have another BM for twelve hours.I was concerned when the twelve hours stretched to twenty-four, and I decided that something had to be done when thirty-six hours passed. I cut the tip off a feeding tube and attached it to a syringe. With this I gave her a tiny enema 'A c.c.. It was successful. A few hard balls of stool were followed by a normal stool. Unfortunately the problem was not solved, and I repeated the enema every thirty-six hours for three times. Then the stools came normally.As time passed the puppy grew stronger but did not increase in size. At one week she still weighed two ounces. I did not expect her to live.At a week and a half the next problem arose. The stools now became too soft. At times they were bubbly and nearly liquid. The puppy appeared near death. Of course this happened in the middle of the night when the vet familiar with the case could not be reached. In desperation I crushed half a broad spectrum antibiotic tablet and divided the powder into doses. I mixed a dose with a tiny amount of NutriCal. This I put in the puppy's mouth. I did not expect success, and was amazed that the puppy was obviously better at the next feeding and the next stool was normal. I continued the medication twice a day for three days.Finally the puppy began to gain a little weight. She was a strong-willed puppy for such a tiny scrap of life. She wanted to eat soI switched her to a bottle and added baby meat and cereal to her food. At two weeks she weighed three ounces, but the road was still not smooth. Once a week for two more weeks her stools became soft, and she lost energy. The medication was repeated each time. The problem did not appear after the third occurance. After the fourth week the puppy did not have any more medical problems.Except for her size the puppy's development was normal. Fler eyes opened at twelve days. She walked at two and a half weeks, played with fingers at three weeks and toys at four. At five weeks she knew her name and would come when called. At six weeks she could run and play for over two hours and only be happily tired. Her DHLPP shot caused no disturbance in her system. The other day I remarked that she was average in every way except for her size. I was reminded that her grandfather on both sides is small I must now include that too as normal.I do not know how this information may help you. Perhaps you will find it interesting. Perhaps you will not feel so alone if this happens to you. Or perhaps it will help you to carry on when you think a case is hopeless.s HawaiiuaS6THAURREK, I06 SHOW A"FOR GOOWESSSAkE, LETS GIVE THAT PIT , BULL A MISCELLANEOUS' PRI2EOR SOMETHING1."POMERANIAN REVIEW 7Berrys Pomeranians Aari BESTOF OPPOSITE SEXMEMPHIS KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 1987photo BY atomSouthlands Apollo CreedLook for this perfectly marked black and tan in the ring. Thank you, Charlotte for letting us have this super male. Several litters out of Apollo due in June.VLT7erryCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Ch. Southland's Toasted FudgeCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Southland's Happy Birthday Bill Ch. Bev-Nor's Fudge Delight SOUTHLAND'S APOLLO CREEDCh. Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch. Bev-Nods Toasted Fudge Bev-Nor's Sweet and Sassy Bev-Nor N Southland's PoastyCh. Great Elms Timstopper Too Bev-Nor's Missy Miss Great Elms HoneybunomeraniansNina Berry P.O. Box 907 Iowa, LA 70647-CCh. Shy Acres Our Man FridayThanks Keke Blumberg Thanks Sue WoodleBreederAudrey M. Roberts Shy Acres [318 238-16481w.1tmaGROUPPLACEMENTSEMINOLE KENNEL CLUB 1988PHOTO ST PETRULIS^aswasprNancy and FryThanks Ruth Davidson Thanks Lorraine MasleyOwnerHandleNancy Burnett Nanshado\ 501982-1135 POMERANIAN REVIEWr Apolloette PomeraniansOFFERS FOR SALE1We also have litters due in June out of Great Elms, Queenaire, Hadleigh- Blossom View lines.Ch. Great Elms Timstopper's Image Ch. Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Wee Julie Great Elms Tinker ToyCedarwood's Cold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy Great Elms DollyBLACK MALE PUPPY, whelped May 1,1988Cedarwood's Gold Nugget Watts'Little Cricket of G. Elms Great Elms Dark Sweety Apolloette My ElviraLennis' Midnight Delight Starlite's Midnight Queen Starlite's Gypsy QueenMarlene and Marlin Presser 21789 E. Hwy 4 Stockton, CA 95205Gieal lm Kamels, Reg'tLCongratulations to Bonnie Stetson for the three Best in Show wins so far this year on her Ch. Great Elms Pride and Joy, full brother to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II.Congratulations to Skip and Olga for the continued Best in Show wins on Prince Charming.Congratulations to Charlotte Creed and her new Champion Southland's Ms. Ruth of G.E., third champion for our Cedarwood's Gold Nugget.Due to the arrival of old age, I cannot accept matrons shipped in for breeding.Nothing for sale.Ruth L. Beam Pineville, NC 28134P.O. Box 937704 889-9233POMERANIAN REVIEWSfenette Jo-me'iaman^ ii^ZBreeders of fine Poms since 1957 4345 Rogers Lake Road Kannapolis, N. C. 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 K. G. GRIFFITH, Owner89WINNERS DOGrubber cityKENNEl aue SHOWJUNE OT PHOTO BY MOBMCh. Peach Elm of Lu-NetSired by Ch. Great Elms L'il Man of Lenette. Breeder Teri Deiler. Owner Tom McCann.We have several promising males and females for show homes. Write or call for our latest price list. Our free newsletter is also available upon request.Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.Ch. Great Elms Beve of LenetteSired by Ch. Beaver of Lenette. Breeder Helen Holt. Owner Bonnie Stetson.This fine male is now being specialed so watch for him in the show ring. Congratulations also to Ch. Great El. s Pride and Joy on his 3 Best in Shows. PJ is a full brother to Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II, bred by Ruth Beam. PJ is owned by Bonnie Stetson.,' IA'Ch. Janesas TrendsetterCh. May Morning Bravo Bravo May Morning Social LionThis super sound black and tan is producing May Morning Alicehis color and clear oranges. Look for his Ch. Theldun's Almond Fudgeoffspring in the ring. Ch. Blair's SolitaireCh. Dunn's Little Tina Preshus May Morning Sweet Mary Ann CH. JANESA'S TRENDSETTERCh. Emcee's Chip Off The Ole Block Janesa's Rebel of ChipsBreeder Janesa's Krumb SnatcherJerrie Freia Janesa's Sunkist RunnerPO Box 2775 Rosewood's Timstopper ShadowMorgan City, LA Janesa's Strait LaceStrait's Bonita of AshwoodOwnerJudy O'Neil 7670 Hwy 2Commerce City, CO 80022 303 289-1264Vp-4 VXVTtBEST OF WINNERSNASHVILLE KENNEL CLUB MARCH 1988PHOTO by SABRINACh. Janesas DamienCh. Bev-NoPs Toastmaster x Janesa's Antique GoldDamien's recond, shown by Joel M. Taylor and Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson of Glen Iris Pomeranians ir Birmingham, AL, speaks for itself31388 BOW Mrs. Beverly Lehnig 2 pts.31988 BOW Mrs. V.M. Olmos-Olliver 4 pts.4 388 WD Mr. Norman Patton 4 pts.41588 WD Mrs. William Kendrick 5 pts.42188 BOB Mr. Frank Dale42288 BOB Mr. R. A. Koester42388 BOB Mrs. Lena WisemanThanks again, Joel and Cheryl.OwnerLeanna Rillieux 5125 Elysian Fields New Orleans, LA 70122Co-OwnerBreederJerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466w POMERANIAN REVIEWI Remember Whenby Dorothy BonnerAfter my beloved "Baby" died in 1942, we bought our second Pom, Aristic Honey Chile. She was small but very gorgeous and gave us several Caesarian, single-birthed puppies, the best being Bonner's Adorable Nip who appears in some of our very old pedigrees. Nip should have finished except for the fact that he was doomed to follow on the heels of any shown by Gladys Schoenberg, a constant winner competing against me, a green and ignorant exhibitor. Finally, my next was given to Clara Alford, who showed in other areas and soon sent me back my first Bonner champion stud.During the next few years several Aristic broods were bought, but they were small and produced sparingly. One day at the Schoenberg's, two adorable twin sisters caught my eye as they waddled out of their nest box. One was slightly larger than the other, but both showed prospects of developing into sizable broods. Gladys agreed to sell them to me, but did not want payment while they were so young. I watched them daily and asked several times to pay for them, but was put off. One day when they were two months old, Gladys greeted me with the news that she had sold the little one. No explanation or excuses offered. I expressed shock and disappointment, but one never challenged the "queen." So the inevitable was accepted, and I hurriedly wrote a check, grabbing the remaining baby. Gladys named her Aristic Mighty Cute, her dam being Aristic Little Cute Face, also a cream. This was the root of my baby faces. The sire was a Pepper Pod son, Ch. Aristic Chile King.Mighty Cute matured at about 7 pounds and produced litters of five byCh. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod, a successful line breeding. As most of her girls were kept, Mighty Cute became my foundation bitch. All were dainty, beautiful, medium-size and show type in conformation. Unfortunately most of the boys were slightly coarse and too large. An exception was Ch. Bonner's Peppercorn, a solid gold-orange who became Patricia Hopkin's foundation male, later resold to Jackie Klein. Mighty Cute and Pepper Pod produced puppies of many colors cream,orange, red, black and tan, chocolate, and lovely cafe-au-lait. Some were not finishable because of the Pom standard on colors, so sold as pets. Since Mighty Cute and her dam were both cream, this color was deeply ingrained in the genes and still appears in my puppies. Even now, precautions are taken in breeding to light colors as we want to retain our black noses and eye rims.My love and thanks go to this wonderful girl who stamped the type for future generations with the quality that is now enjoyed.The Couch Potatoesby Elizabeth DupuisOne potato, two potato,Three potato, four. . .Oh how I want these Poms Down on the floorI can't stretch out.I can barely sit.Do I dare to force them off And risk a pint sized fitThey do look so content And comfy and cozy too.It really is a dilemma,Tell me, what am I to doShould I coax them off With their first choice treatOh no, not thatThey'll demand sauteed meatShould I give a gentle push And hope they'll land on trackNo, I mustn't do thatOne could easily hurt his back.I guess I'll sit and tough it out And share my precious couch.Afterall, they are my T.V. palsAnd I'd weep if they labeled me GrouchYou know, I do love them so very much And wouldn't want to cause them sorrow. Besides, it's time for our favorite show I'll just have to think about it tomorrow.POMERANIAN REVIEWGLADYANBreeder andor Owner of 78 American Cocker Spaniel and German Shepherd Champions proudly introduces Champion 79 and our first Pomeraniannr .Singleoaks Wooly BullyPedigree Behind The New Champions"Herbie" is pictured here going 1st in Group from the Open Class, over a special, and defeating top winning champions in the Toy Group.Thank you, Jean Schroll, Emily Untalan, Laura Untalan and Jean Read for all your help and friendship. Special thanks to Charles Hunsaker Singleoak for all his advice.We show what we breed. Watch for Cladyan's Mel-O-Dee, orange female, and Gladyan's Me-Tuff-Stuff, black dog, from the first litters.HandlerJerry Moon Portland, OROwnerGladys Von Horn 3419 NW 124th St. Vancouver, WA 98685 206 573-9865HandlerGreg Robinson Yakima, WA12 POMERANIAN REVIEWPACIFICNORTHWEST by Irene HarbinNEWS AND VIEWSIn our quest to build "our own line" we sometimes forget the basic founders of our Pomeranian. It seems that many are too busy trying to discredit others and their efforts. They forget that most stem from what I like to think of as the root of the American Pomeranian. Ruth Beam has recently received a lot of recognition because of Best in Show winner Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II at Westminster, and before that for Ch. Great Elms Timson and his sons. Before Ruth, and one of the greatest ladies of all time, was Gladys Schoenberg with the great "Aristic" line and her Ch. Aristic Wee Pepper Pod, to whom we all point so proudly when we can find him in our pedigrees. There are so many others Dorothy Bonner, Ed Corn breeder of Ch. Corn's Duke Dragonfly, Anna LaFortune breeder of Ch. Sungold Gay Cavalier, Mrs. Elsie Sivori, Kenneth and Edith Rose Mayes, Mrs. Norris McKamey and Paulie Hughes.At this time I would like to remember a very great lady known best as Sally Cohen. For many years now Elva Cohen McCilbry, now 81 years old, has written her thoughts on the Pom and the show world. I would like to share some of them with you."I always felt I was three people with different thoughts on our breed.The Breeder to study pedigrees trying to linebreed and hoping always to breed a better dog.The Exhibitor showing the best you had. Good condition, well trained. Hoping to win but able to see the good qualities of your fellow exhibitor's entry, always remembering each show is asking for one person's opinion of your dog.The Judge forget you are a breeder and exhibitor. Clear your mind of faults you dislike. Look at each dog as a complete picture of that specimen. Every entry has his good qualities. Find them and then compare what you have to judge that day. Be honest with yourself. When you finish your days work, be clear in mind and conscience of having done your best.My ethics were always to show a good specimen in good show condition. Be surethat the future champion has sired a litter before finishing a female whelped a good, live litter before finishing.The show ring is there to better our breed. Keep improving. Be as good a loser as a winner. Your competitors think they have the best specimen or they wouldn't be there.Be good and helpful to the novice. They are our future breeders and show dogs."Thank you, Sally. Tragedy struck the Golden Glow Kennel and most were lost. However, l had two very special, beautiful dogs. One is a very beautiful girl that is singled out by everyone who sees our Poms. It's always, "Who is that one" She is Harbin's Tiger's Final Fling. The other is a beautiful male we finished in 1980 by the name of Ch. Harbin's Golden Cold Happy Don, sired by Golden Clow Happy Day.The Golden Glow line of old is basically dead, as is the Aristic line, but let's not forget the greats behind today's Pomeranian. It's nice to review our heritage.Secretary's Report, from p. 7.Dr. Harold and Lillian Collings, Jr. 765 Marlin Dr.Fripp Island, SC 29920 803 838-4658Brian O'Reel Box 16 Spruce Home Saskatchewan, Canada SOJ 2NO306 764-8278Clifford and Doris Wheeler 3016 Hiawatha Dr.Dayton, OH 45414 513 278-6071Shirley Ann K Leu 3655 Kawelolani PI.Honolulu, HI 95816 808 732-7427Naimi Cail Winkler 64 Robinson Dr.Medicine Hat, Alberta Canada TIB364 403 527-8787Sue and Lary Chewning 1420 W. Beverly PI.Tracy, CA 95376 209 835-9674POMERANIAN REVIEW rPftyner Stormy Xnigfit^41Ch. Moreno's Night Storm By Choice xCh. Phyner Black MoleculeJunior would like to thank Judge Derek Rayne for his four point major Judge Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland for a BOS and Judges Frank Nishimura and Thomas Baldwin for his other points. Watch him finish up soonMarge's heartfelt thanks go to Jeff Nokes for his expert presentation and loving care of Junior Dolly Trauner for sharing Junior, along with his half-brother and sister. Watch for their show debuts shortly. Julie Moreno, for my complete existenceOwnerMarge Kranzfelder 1777 Beach Park Blvd. Foster City, CA 94404 415 572-0149HandlerJeff Nokes 1407 North Concord Ave. Fullerton, CA 92631 714 526-445814 POMERANIAN REVIEWOBEDIENCE NEWSby Brenda Hutton 102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 517485-5183As many of you may know by now, there was a Obedience Advisory Committee that met in February for the purpose of revising the obedience rules. Their recommendations were published in the May Gazette. Some of you may receive this Pom Review in time to write your reactions to some of the changes. If you can get a letter off before the July 15 deadline, it is imperative that you do so. Some of these changes are wonderful, others common sense, others border on totally nuts. I will try to give you a quick overview of what these recommendations are. Write to American Kennel Club, Obedience Department, 51 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Again, the deadline is July 15.1. Where a dog has been notified by three different judges that the dog has received the necessary qualifying scores, that dog may be entered in the next higher class before receiving AKC notification providing the third leg is earned prior to the closing date of the trial in which the entry in the higher class is to be made.2. Any dog, whose hair over his eyes might interfere with his vision, may have the hair over his eyes tied back with either a neutral colored rubber band or a small plain barrette.3. Clubs would be required to provide ribbons for the dog with the highest combined score in Open and Utility.4. When judging takes place indoors the rings shall be rectangular for all obedience classes and should measure approximately 40' x50'.5. Standard of Perfection Speed and animation are not to be considered as the equivalent of willingness and enjoyment.6. If a dog is to be rejudged in a group exercise, it will be judged with the group immediately following. If there are not more groups, the dog will be judged alone.7. Chapter 2, Section 12 After the awarding of the prizes and the turning in ofthe Judge's book, the judge is encouraged, but not required, to discuss the scoring with the exhibitors.8. Leashes must be of fabric or leather.9. All dogs must wear well-fitting slip training collars of pliable material of leather, fabric or chain.10. In all exercises in which the dog is required to "heel free" the handlers arms and hands shall swing naturally at the handlers sides while moving, except during the fast portion of the exercise when the arms and hands, for the sake of balance may rise naturally. The arms and hands shall hang naturally at the handlers sides while stopped. There shall be a substantial deduction if the hands and arms are not carried in the manner stated above.11. Recall replace "the dog must come in straight" to "the dog must come in directly."12. Croup exercises scoring A substantial deduction will be made for a dog that changes its position after the handler has returned to the heel position and before the judge has given "Exercise finished."13. Drop on Recall judges will give a hand or arm signal only.14. Retrieve on the Flat The dumbell, which must be approved by the judge, shall be made of one or more solid pieces of one of the heavy hardwoods, or of a rigid, hard, non-toxic, non-wooden material, similar in size, shape, color, and weight to the wooden dumbell.15. Retrieve on the High Jump jump heights shall be VA the height of the dog. A chart showing the dogs height and the height to be jumped will be developed and inserted.16. High Jump Scoring a substantial deduction will be made for the dog that touches the jump in going over or displays any hesitation or reluctance to jump.17. Broad Jump on leaving the dog the handler will go to a position to the right side of the jump, 12 feet past the lower edge of the first hurdle and 2 feet out from the line extending along the right edge of the jump with his back to the dog. The handler shall give the command andor signal to jump and the dog shall clear the entire distance of the jump without touching and without further command or signal, go immediately to a sitting position in front of the handler.POMERANIAN REVIEW"Duffie"Duffie is now home for a vacation in wonderful Wisconsin and just "panting" hot and heavy for al I your girlsSee pedigree in the Stud Register. Call Nadine at 414 481-5556.POMERANIAN REVIEW3618. Substantial deduction to zero shall be made for a handler who moves hisher head, less than the distance to see the dog when giving the command andor signal to jump.19. Utility classes must be divided into A and B as in Novice and Open.20. Delete the Utility Croup Examination. Instead will be a moving Stand and Examination. The handler will heel about 10 feet and without pausing command andor signal the dog to stand while continuing 10-12 feet and halts with his back to the dog. The judge will give the usual Utility exam with the handler's back to the dog. Then the handler will command andor signal the dog to heel with his back to the dog.21. OTCH points will not be awarded for 1st or 2nd place wins at specialty trials, only for all breed trials, whether held separately or in conjunction with an all breed dog show.22. The Veterans Class shall be for dogs that are eight or more years old on the date of the trial.23. Obedience judges should be required to attend an AKC Obedience Judges Seminar at least once every three years. Additionally, the Obedience Department should periodically prepare and distribute to Judges written reviews to be completed and returned. Judges who fail to meet these requirements should no longer be approved for assignments until such requirements are met.These are most of the changes, and if I very quickly am reading correctly, all of the big changes. Notice they want to drop the jump height to 1 14 At least it's something. If nothing else, at least it's a compromise between those who do and those who don'twant the jump___leight to remain the same.Notice the Broad Jump and the Moving Stand for Exam with your back to the dog. When if real life would you issue a command to your dog with your back turned Maybe with the dog's back turned, but yours No one I've talked to has any idea what this proves except a lack of teamwork that you're very rude to your dog, and that Open A will become almost impossible for most dogs to attain. Notice poorly jumping dogs will be penalized for showing reluctance or hesitation to jump. Does this also apply to stutter-stepping dogs Notice the judge is encouraged to discuss scoring with exhibitors after turning in the judges book. There's a nice touch. Notice alldogs must wear choke collars in the ring. Many of us with Poms don't use a choke collar. I have yet to find an 11" that fits Sunni, and a 12" hits her in the face both on the fast heeling and retrieving over the high jump. The reason for this change is that some people are using electric shock collars to train their dogs, then showing them with a tight, wide collar to simulate the shock collar. It's sort of like taking a pinch or prong collar into the ring, only worse. So they will penalize all of us for the cruelty of a few. Notice arms down and swinging naturally at the handlers side. This one should be interesting and is evoking quite a lot of response from people with the bigger dogs. Notice other materials than wood may be used for the dumbells. Notice a chart will be proved for jump heights. No more 12" under this judge and 14" under another judge.These changes need your attention and quick response both for and against. AKC is finally listening to the fancy. Don't let your voice be denied its expression when it will do some good. Write AKC quickly, please. Obedience SpecialtyThere will not be Obedience offered by the American Pomeranian Club at this summer specialty this year. AKC, in its infinite wisdom, has denied us saying that we used to offer obedience but stopped. Does anyone, living or dead, happen to know when the APC was granted permission to offer obedience Anyway, I believe there is obedience at several shows before and after the Pom Specialty for those of you planning to attend. Too bad. Iowa would have been a great central location and I think we would have drawn a very nice entry. The English Cockers just finished theirs I think it was in Kansas and had the biggest show in their history.New TitlesSince I'm running late on this column, I'm only going to include the new titles earned. I understand Bernie Brown is now showing a Pom, but I don't have scores on them yet.New CDXsLarae Brown in California has put a CDX on Larae's Midee CD breeder, Melody L. Jackson with some very nice scores and placings Alice Lessard, look out. Last issue we reported on a 195 and 196 from Open A they've now earned a 193.5 and 3rd place and a 194 and 4th place. Congratulations LaRae.Co-owners Irene Hummel and Keith L.POMERANIAN REVIEW 8nMerrymontproudly presents-7M ,AMerrymont Image MakerCh. Cedarwood's Image of Diamond x Foskes Foxy LadyStevie, our first homebred, is well on his way to finishing his championship with two 4 pt. majors. His short back, heavy coat, and sound movement exemplify the characteristics desirable in a Pom. Stud fee150.Congratulations Joyce Apple on the success of Image's get in 1987 Top Pom, Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II and Top Pom female, Ch. Clairmont's Carolina Delite. Watch for another Image son, Merrymont Sat'rday Nite Fever. Can he ever danceImage did it again with Queenaire Starburst BOW at the Ft. Worth Specialty, owned by Wanda and Dudley Roach, bred by Merrymont.BreederOwnerPatty Griffin 2767 Calumet St. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 919 724-7562HandlerPam Campbell Rt. 4, Box 333 Trinity, NC 2737018 POMERANIAN REVIEWNeuway have put a CDX on Puff Ball's Mister Terrific CD breeder, Keith Neuway and Ruth Ann Neuway. I find four legs 171, 189, 185 and an insurance leg of 184.In the meantime, Judy Lofgren got the 3rd leg on Theodore Fox CD with a 188 and 3rd place.Also finishing a CDX were Mrs. Fred McConnell on CNM's Magic Star Chaser CD breeder, M. Deane Rinehart. They got their 3rd leg with a 188. Congratulations to all the new CDXsNew CDsThe star of the Novice world has got to the Ch. Lessard's Shangrila of Jubilee CD breeder, Lorene Bradbury and her amazed and thankful owner, Alice Lessard. Alice has been telling me that Zannie was her best Pom yet, and is she ever proving it to all the world. Last issue we reported on her 2 legs of 197.5 each. Zannie finished her CD with a 199 and 1st place in Novice B, 2nd High in Trial and High Scoring Toy Dog of the day at Fresno DTC under judge Mrs. Marilyn Little. Afraid that after 3 tries Zannie might not have good enough scores to enter the Gaines Regionals July 2-4, Alice had her entered for a few "insurance" legs to be sure they would get the needed scores. Her first three were plenty good enough as it turns out. What followed can only be described as a dream come true. In a matter of less than a month, they received a 197.5 and 1st place, winning a run-off 194.5 after Zannie tried doing an about turn when they were actually doing a forward and still got 2nd place 198 and 1st place 198 and 1st place in a run-off with 4 Goldens which Alice won we were beginning to think Alice couldn't handle run-offs earning them 2nd High in Trial and Highest Scoring Toy Dog another 198 and 1st place 198.5 and 1st place and a 199 Would you believe they lost a run off for 2nd place and wound up in 3rd place Later, with a ring right next to a duck pond which occupied most of the dogs' attention, they earned a 196.5 and 2nd place and the next day a 195 and 4th place.Alice reports that by now it's become really exciting though, because since they've been so successful, people are really beginning to notice them. They draw quite a crowd while in the ring. Whew, what a team Gaines look out Alice and Zannie are on their way.Alice also reports that she and several friends have been raising money by teaching obedience classes locally, having garage sales and the like, and so far have raised enough money for all of them to go to Gaines and back, completely paid for and still have money left over. Not only that, but they're turning people away from their classes. Kinda makes me want to move to California.There have been some other CDs earned recently. Chris Ellicott in Kentucky has finished a CD on Sable Shaddow of Chablis Cle breeder, Darlene Landman. Their 3rd leg was a 187.5. Also getting a title was L. Harlip with Someday Andy Fella. He finished with a 193 and 191.5.Nancy Menard got the third leg on Novell's Texas Pistoll breeder, Mary Cochran with a 193 and 4th place. Alice Richardson from the Baltimore Pom Club finished a CD on Honeybear's Jolly JR Fox breeder, Loretta Nelson. They followed a 194 with a 196, losing a run-off for 4th place. The next day they earned a 196.5 and 3rd place. Henry and Eileen Stopa finished Stasia Fox breeder, Dorothy Wamsley. Pettistree's Puregold breeder, Woodrow W. Scott, owned by Helen Tyler finished a CD with a 197 and 1st place from Novice B. Also in Novice B was Patricia Young and Mar-Vue's Midas Touch breeder, D. Buckley. They finished their last two legs with a 195 and 3rd place and a 191.5.Do you remember Donna Crain and OTCH Twinkle Little Super Star, the 2nd Pom ever to earn an OTCH Well, Twinkle's gone now, but one of her puppies, Belmare's Little Widge breeder, Jo Ann Geeslin and Donna Crain is owned by Mike and Nancy Nesbit, has finished his CD. Last issue we reported on his first leg, a 196.5 and 3rd place. I didn't realize this was a Twinkle puppy at the time, but he's following his mom with some good scores 194.5 and 1st place, 197 and 2nd place, 194 and 2nd place, 195 and 1st place and 197.5 and 1st place. We'll be looking forward to seeing Widget in Open. Congratulations to all the new CDsI recently received a very nice letter from Lois Campbell in Fresno, CA regarding seeing her Ch. Moonshadow's Eye of the Tiger in the last column. Of course, the scores I got from the Awards were the lowest he got. He also got a 185 and 185.5. Lois also reports Tiger will be competing in Open A some time soon.continued on p. 96.POMERANIAN REVIEWCh. Emcees Gold Brendanm\XrtBEST OF WINNERSXH r' I------------ RALEIGHkennel club MAR 1988THE STAcNDu4ItEmNEW CHAMPIONCh. Emcee's A Chip of Diamond x Emcee's Adorable Bit of ColdWe're very proud to announce our new champion. Brendi finished under Judge Chuck Tathi with a 4 pt. major. David Fitzpatrick expertly and lovingly guided Brendi.Our sincere appreciation goes to David and all the judges who appreciated Brendi's excel It qualities. Brendi finished easily, demonstrating his superb showmanship, outstanding legs, a movement.Thank you to Morris and Betty Carson for allowing Brendi to join our family. A special thank y to Joyce Apple and Patty Griffin for all their love, encouragement and help. We love youOwnersCourtney and Lindsay Kyle Rt. 1, Box 143 Galax, VA 24333 703 236-3553HandDavid Fitzpatri 11209 Tippett R Clinton, MD 207I POMERANIAN REVIEWTim Sue PomeraniansAm. Can. Ch. Chriscendo City LightsCh. Millamor's Moon Rock Ch. Millamor's Rock Music Millamor's Marlita AC Ch. Millamor's Rock Concert Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock Millamor's Rock Rosette Millamor's Marrilynn LC CH. CHRISCENDO CITY LIGHTS Ch. Millamor's Moon Rock AC CH. Millamor's Rock Medallion Millamor's Marrilynn Can. Ch. Chriscendo ChatelaineCh. Mercer's Touch of Duke Mercer's Melodee Touch Mercer's Cayla DeeRecent photo Age 4 ass '0AVA kmmCity Lights sends congratulations to his son, Ch. Tim Sue's High Lights on his Best in Show and group wins and placements. Special licks to High Lights' co-ownerhandler, Janice Luginsland.Congratulations tp Ron Feyh on his City Lights son, Ch. Tim Sue's Brass Lights. Congratulations to City Lights' son Ch. Wharton's Sepple Von Honig on his many group wins, owned and'bred by Ed and Nancy Wharton.Congratulations fo Carolyn Crockett for 3 majors on Tim Sue's Sunlight.Best of luck to Joel Taylor and Cheryl Jackson with their pretty girl puppy, Tim Sue's Evening Lights.. . . And hopes that many other now showing will add Ch. to their names soon.City lights is bred and co-owned by Chris Heartz.Tim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-6622POMERANIAN REVIEW 9Tim Sue PomeraniansTim Sues Flashing LightsBoth majors at 8 months.4'or.rTim Sues Duchess DelighLitter sister both majors, 11 points at 9 months.Tim and Sue Goddard Rt. 2, Box 540 Opelousas, LA 70570 318 543-66222 POMERANIAN REVIEWisV QCtftV i 4 arfi' wWAi3 N.Ch. Southland's Ms. Ruth of C.E."LiI Ruthie"What can I say She was entered in three shows, she took three five point majors and she's a championThanks, Ms. Ruth for Little Ruthie. What a super moving, animated girl. She's everything I had hoped for and more.BreederRuth BeamGreat Elms Kennels, Reg'd P.O. Box937 Pineville, NC 704 889-9233OwnerHandlerCharlotte Creed Southland Poms 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456POMERANIAN REVIEWBeverly, you said he was bred to produce and boy, were you rightCongratulations to all "Lil Toasty" kids and owners on their recent winsBIS Ch. Southland's Mr. V.IP. O' Ida, bred by Ida Tarver and myself. Owned by Edward Jenner and myself.Ch. Southland's Toast To Jamel,bred by Eleanor Clark and myself and owned by myself. Finished with 4 majors and a Croup 3.south I4.4nd 3i .'Lil Toasty"Ch. Janesa's Hi Struttin' Daisy, bred and owned by Jerrie Freia. Finished with 4 majors.Ch. Jamel's Fugicle O' Southland, bred by Eleanor Clark and myself, owned by Cheryl Jackson an Joel Taylor. Multi BOBand Croup 1 winner.Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Tar Lacy, bred by Bev Norris and myself, owned by Tony Cabrera. A BO winner.Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor's Dynasty, bred by myself and Bev Norris, owned by Cassandra an Regina Ready. Finished with four 4 pt. majors and a Croup 4. The last two majors put on by 13 ye old Krista Ready.Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor's Tar Baby, bred by Bev Norris and myself, owned by Linda Brogoitt Finished with two 4 pt. majors and two 3 pt. majors.Ch. Southland N Bev-Nor's Nut E Fudge, bred by Bev Norris and myself, owned by Jan Wilhite Fudge was only entered in four shows. Fie took four 4 pt. majors and finished at 8 months with BOB at 9 months.Ch. Southland's Justa Dreama, bred by myself and owned by Polly Ferguson and myself.Ch. Courbette's Fudge It Budget, bred and owned by Vicky Leitner.Southland's New Year Toast, bred by myself and Vicky Carney, owned by Opal Peterson. 4 pt major and points.Ida's Prince O'Southland, bred and owned by Ida Tarver. 4 pt. major.Southland's Step Aside Boys, bred and owned by myself. Both majors and points.'Lil Toast' has had eight of his progeny finish their championships since January 1988.BreedersOwnersBeverly Norris 7747 Meadow Rd. Pasadena, MD 21122 301 255-1343Charlotte Cree 6618 Lost Ridgi Pineville, LA7136 318 466-345I94 POMERANIAN REVIEWWhat do you mean"Do I Have A Breeding Program"For the Novice and others willing to learnby Gerald SappingtonThe newcomer to the world of dog breeding keeps hearing the phrase "breeding program." It is always uttered in mystical tones that assure the hearer that it must represent some level of attainment achieved by only the blessed few. However, given a short period of time, the novice finds that the term can be quite useful. If fact he can speak of how this dog or that line would work well in his breeding program. After a short time the novice can graduate from being a new breeder who doesn't know what a breeding program is to being a seasoned veteran who can salt his own conversations with the term "breeding program" but who still doesn't have a clue what it's really all about.So, what is a breeding program and how do you go about developing one Don't assume the rest of this article will give the final definitive answer to everything you have ever wanted to know about breeding programs. It won't Instead consider this a beginning point from which you may actually be able to develop a breeding program that has some substance and rationale.The first step is to determine what you really want. In other words, what is your goal Decide exactly what it is that you want to accomplish and then begin to work toward that goal. Put your goal down on paper and then begin to determine what you are going to have to do and how long it is going to take to accomplish your goal. At this stage be very realistic and put all your thoughts down in writing.The next step is to determine your resources and your limitations. How many dogs do you want to work with How many dogs can you properly take care of How much money can you commit to obtaining the best dogs to begin with Can you realistically utilize any of the dogs you may now have Are you going to be able to act as a responsible breeder in placing all the puppies you produce in good homes How much of your time and energy are you going to be willing to spend over the next several years. Again, write down youranswers to all these questions.With your goal in front of you, and with a clear understanding of your resources and limitations, formulate your plan. Write this plan in terms of time. Think in terms of at least five years. Keep your goal in front of you and let it determine your decisions. Never buy any dog that will not help you toward your goal. Do not allow yourself to keep dogs that are not a viable part of your breeding program. I realize we all have at least one that we "just can't bear to part with," but we must learn to give up some dogs for which we have grown very fond.Space does not permit a detailed discussion of everything you need to know to carry out a successful breeding program. However, note the various suggestions below1. Stress quality over quantity. Get the best dogs you can. Be prudent you can often find a very dog good from one breeder at half the price of the same quality from another breeder.2. Check out the breeder from whom you are thinking about buying. Don't believe everything you hear. But talk to several people who have dogs from that breeder and see what their experiences have been in working with this breeder.3. Talk to successful breeders to see what strategy has worked for them.4. Study the pedigrees of the best Poms to see what produced them not what specific dogs or lines, though that may be helpful at times, but what strategy produced them. Where were the total outcrosses How much line breeding was involved How much inbreeding5. Study the pedigrees of the top ten Poms of the year. Look for the same type of information as above.6. Dare to be different not just for the sake of being different, but if some idea seems plausible, experiment. Just act responsibly.7. Listen readily, but "believe what you hear hesitantly" There are a lot of "old wives' tales" in breeding circles.continued on p. 96.POMERANIAN REVIEW'foftltBsiSii^X -Atv ScW S\BEST OF BREED VrSilverwoods Mozarts JupiterThis little homebred guy at the tender age of 7 months and at his first show, was Best of Breed under Mr. Robert C. Graham. Thank you Mr. Graham for your kind and gentle handling.Silverwoods Tik Tok ToyMy second homebred guy, 2 weeks younger than Mozart, captured Mrs. Keke Blumberg's eye for Best of Breed. Thank you Mrs. Blumberg for your sensitive touch.BreederOwnerHandlerBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613V-yJ16 POMERANIAN REVIEWObedience News, from p. 88.At the same time she tells me that her Moonshadows Copper Penny CD just finished as well, while showing in the breed ring at the same time. Penny got a 188 in Novice B and Best of Winners on the same day. Right after, they got a 190, Best of Opposite and another 190. All this in the same weekend. She also says, "I called and you are not home." Well, I try, but sometimes I gotta go to work. Lois also mentioned that she and Alice Lessard were showing in the same ring recently and they got a lot of comments on how unusual it was.Margaret McKee writes that since Val finished his CDX he's earned one 1st on Open A with a 195.5 and a 1st and 3rd from Open B. Here come the Shuman Points. She also says that twice she entered under judges she thought Val would do well under, only have a last minute judging change. One of those deducted 1.5 points for correcting her dog in the ring which did not happen and was very smug about costing Val High in Trial. Unfortunately, she didn't tell me the judge's name You may have noticed that with a lot of the higher scores I've been trying to include the judge's name, at the suggestion of Alice Lessard. It might help to know if a judge has given another Pom a good score when you're trying to get scores for competition.That's all for this column, but keep those letters and phone calls coming. Call me any time at 517 485-5183. I may not be home, but the answering maching is always on. Here's hoping your dog is always a happy heeler.Breeding Program, from p. 94.8. Be careful who you listen to. Remember, "there are breeders with 25 years experience and there are other breeders with one years' experience repeated 25 times."9. Turn a deaf ear to any breeder who assumes that his experiences represent the totality of all there is to know about breeding Poms.10. Never buy any dog without a written contract that spells out such matters as the liability of the breeder if the dog proves sterile.11. When you think you know enough to start some planning, stop and ask yourself if you have the time, the energy, the space, the patience, the commitment, and the resources to begin such a program.12. If you are going to stay small you will probably want to work only with one line or with a couple of lines that have proven compatible. If you are lucky enough to find an ethical and successful breeder who will work with you, you might be wise to work primarily with him. However, realize that you may deplete your "gene pool" very rapidly and your dogs can become very inbred.13. The key to breeding is sound genetics and common sense. Yet, you do not have to become an expert in genetics. However, when ever you get a chance to discuss genetics with someone who is knowledgeable, listen carefully. Do stress common sense. Realize that when you breed two dogs who have long ears, you are most likely going to get long-earred puppies. You don't have to know much about genetics to figure this out.14. Never buy a "great dog" just because it is a great dog. It may be great, but not be harmonious with your breeding program. And great dogs have been known to produce only pet quality puppies.15. Don't just breed what you have or what you can get. Do so according to some plan. Almost any plan is better than no plan. Some great poms have been bred by accident, but most are the result of a carefully planned breeding program. This is why there are a lot of breeders, but only a few are consistently successful.POMERANIAN REVIEWnysMee-Gee Pomsintroduces another "LiI Toasty" championtr 9mA HCCh. Southland's Justa DreamaCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Southland's Maybe I Will"Punkin" really is just a dream, and I thank Charlotte for letting me have this fine little girl fun to show, fun to love that's Punkin.Breeder Co-OwnerCharlotte Creed Pineville, LAOwnerHandlerPolly Ferguson Greenville, MS 38701I POMERANIAN REVIEWWe Had Fun ...WINNERSVALDOSTA KENNEL CLUB FEBRIMRr 1988 z4 y4 S - Crescendo ForteCh. MillamorMood Music xCh. Crescendo Counter PartForty had fun with us, taking 2 five point majors and 1 four pointer on the Florida January circuit, hen two points under Michelle Billings above to finish. Just turned two, Forty is the dam of a ovely male, soon to be shown, and she is again in whelp.Crescendo Pomeranians3reederOwnerHandler 3ernie and Lois Ciliberto813 996-38119605 Land O' Lakes Blvd Land O' Lakes, FL 34639POMERANIAN REVIEW 9Looking Forward To More Fun ...hUBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXTALLAHASSEE KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 1988photo by SABRINA-V-,MillamorN Crescendo Pepsi HiCh. Bev-Nor New Creation x Millamor's Musical BoxBreeder Eleanor Miller.Pepsi had fun going Match Croup 1 at her first outing, then winning two three point majors in he first three shows. At just a year of age, Pepsi is looking forward to more fun on the Florida summe circuit. Crescendo is Hi on Pepsi. Thank you, EleanorCrescendo PomeraniansBreederOwnerHandler Bernie and Lois Ciliberto813 996-38119605 Land O' Lakes Blvd Land O' Lakes, FL 3463S100 POMERANIAN REVIEWLetting Goby Barbara STofferThat special little fellow there playing with the restIs sold on hold, all picked out, and I seem to love him best.Of this Pom litter I offered one for sale as we sometimes mustOne was sable, one was cream and one was red as rust.All were very special pups, but I chose the other two instead.Now as the time draws ever close, to let little "Rusty" go,I find my mind working overtime to find a way to just savno.This little one has wiggled his way straight into my heartSitting there looking up at me, he gives a tiny bark,Those bright button eyes don't miss a thing. From his pen he watches me.He whines, coaxing to be picked up, to be out and running free.I really didn't pick him out for special attention at all.It just seemed to happen and before I knew it, he was the one I would call.The other two are just as cute and very promising too.But there always seems to be a certain one that takes a liking to you.Maybe it's his quick response to sounds and smells and love,For he is always the first to come while the other two play push and shove.I know I just can't keep them all, but it does tear at year heartWhen after weeks of TLC the time has come to part.The lady called me just today, "Is he ready to be mine"With heavy heart l said, "He is. He's doin' extra fine."I pick him up and hold him close, my little bit of fluff.The price I quoted way back when just now doesn't seem enough.He nestles up against my neck and licks my nose and cheek.How can you feel so very much in only six short weeksIn every litter there's always one that steals your heart away.It's never easy letting them go, when your heart wants them to stay.But a promise made and deposit paid means he belongs to Mrs. Dow.So with sad heart I'll give him up and try to smile somehow.Pom puppies are the dearest ones in all the world I know.No one can resist their beguiling ways, for love, for pets or show.And so next year, when the time comes near to have a new litter to tend,I will try to refrain from getting attached again to a precious Pom puppy only on lend.My tiny Rusty Red comes bouncing over to me.Scampering so fast across the rug that he tumbles and rolls right into my knee.Sitting here on the floor, playing with him now,Tomorrow she will come to take him home and I must say goodbye somehow.So it is with each Pom child we let go,giving up but getting back the love we know will grow.Take care. Cod bless you, my tiny Rusty Red.Much love and new friendships await you up ahead.You new family will be good to you, I knowAnd part of my heart will be with you, no matter where you go.Someone once said, "You can't packagelove for sale." Well, I guess they never boughta Pom puppy.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11Wee Heart's Why WorryDon't Worry . . ."Why Worry" is comingTwin Pines Bee Gee x Wee Heart's Angel of MercyShown here at 11 weeks strutting his stuff, "Chug" will be ready to go this fall. We are both looking forward to making new friends in the show world.Special thanks to Cassandra Ready for her help and encouragement.OwnerBreederMolly Cray 1500 HunstmanAiken, SC 29801 Co-Owner Cassandra ReadyIdas Prince OSouthlandu \VI'.'VlkiIdas Pomsng .BIRMINGHAM KENNEL CLUB SPRING I8B8 0 PHOTO BTCh. Southland's Toasted Fudge x Ida's LilPeachy GirlPrince is pictured taking Best of Winners at his 2nd show for a 4 pt. major, and he has picked up 2 points since. He has sired 2 puppies, 1 male and 1 female, which are available now.I also have for sale 1 orange sable male, 6 months old, show quality Bev-Nor line, 1 black female Great Elms and Bev-Nor, 1 year old 1 black and tan male Bev-Nor line breeding, a full brother to Prince, 1 year old 1 orange female 4 years old Jolly weeBonner1 orange female 5 years old EmceeLLL.Ida Tarver102Vi Cordon St. Pineville, LA 71360 318 443-3733102 POMERANIAN REVIEWPooh Bear presents his daughterCh. Daybreaks Barbara Ann1Ch. Idlewyld Star Coral CDX x DaybreakBruiser of IdlewyldThis lovely girl finished in the snow at Fredericksburg KC on April 19, 1988 with a 4 point major. And none too soon On May 11, she free-whelped 1 boy and 2 girls. Proud daddy is Ch. Idlewyld Lavalier CDX His pedigree in April Review, B'Ann's in this issue. Please write for pedigree it is gorgeous. In four generations it goes back five times to Social Lion, twice to Ch. Model's Son of Fun and has four different CDX Poms on itBreederOwnerFran Day Warren, DaybreakBreederCo-OwnerHandlerMargaret R. McKee, Idlewyld 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Patty's tSus yCcreyPomeranianscoriyratuatessexGreat Elms, Showstopper, Creider, Queenaire, Robinhood and Fox Flame bloodlines.and breeder Janice LuginslandPuppies for sale at reasonable prices.TOP SIREPatty Jensen His sisters and brothers6520 Came Farm Road East Kelly, Serena, Jogger and RockyMound, MN 55364 and all his grandkids612 472-5950 Beebe and Theo at Shy Acres say"BRAVO"POMERANIAN REVIEW 1Anniversary IssueI have talked about this issue for some time now. I hope you have all been preparing your photographs and saving your money. It promises to be the most beautiful, most exciting Pomeranian Review ever. I have great plans for your ads to make them not only colorful but truly an advertising "experience." That may sound like a cliche but I'm really excited about all the possibilities.Because we had such enthusiastic response when I asked if advertisers would support a color issue, we are going ahead with our plans. The price l was able to get for color is guaranteed to be the lowest you will ever see because we will spread the greatest costs over all the advertisers and no one will have to carry to whole load as with a single page in color. It may still seem high to the uninitiated but if you want, do a comparison check and then take advantage of this splendid opportunity. It will only come around once every ten years or so. For the special Poms in your life this "Year of the Pom," it will be worthwhile.I am especially excited about seeing all the lovely colors of Poms that have been winning parti-colors, chocolates, blacks, black and tans, etc. not to mention all the shades of orange and sable that we have come to think of as "Common." Nothing will appear "common" in this sensational issueColor will be offered on full page ads onl You may chose to have colored lettering f your dogs name and a background color f the whole page instead of a white or blai page which is available now, you might wa a blue page, for instance. This option available for a slight additional cost and well worth it. A color photograph on a whi page, while attractive, is certainly enhancf greatly by additional color borders ar complimentary background tones. Also, you would like a full page ad without photograph, but with colored borders ar background, that is available also. See tl rates below.In addition to the color pages, we a planning exciting articles for your enjoyme and enlightenment. One of the plans just whet your appetite is to feature Poms of tl past, present and future. I am most anxious receive articles on any subject about tl breed. More importantly though, I would lil to have photographs of old dogs dogs wl are important ancestors of today's dogs. The photographs will be guarded lovingly ar returned promptly. If there are things yc would especially like to see or read, please I me know now so they can be planned.Because I anticipate a huge issue the la Anniversary Issue was 210 pages this or could dwarf it, plan now for an early deadlir of August 1 for all ads and articles.Rates for Anniversary IssueMembers Non-MembersFull page w color photo 175 200Color Borders 25 25Lettering BackgroundFull Page no photo 80 90Color border and backgroundWe would like this to be an all color issue but if you simply can't do it, don't dismay. It is fa more important to be included in this keepsake issue than to worry about the fact that it may no be all color. You are invited, nay encouraged, to be a part of this issue. Everyone who shows breeds or even owns a Pomeranian needs to be seen in this issue in some way. Please plan now si that the August 1 deadline doesn't sneak up on youRemember Early Deadline of AUGUST 1,1988.4 POMERANIAN REVIEW"Until there is a cure there is help"AnnouncingThe Establishment Of The Robin F. Hernandez Memorial CenterRichard C. Beauchamp 11331 Ventura Blvd. 301 Studio City. California 91604 818761-3647Nat Gloria Reese 9601 Wilshirc Blvd. Suite 644 Beverly Hills. California 90210 213278-8300Hazel Y. Arnold 13626 Jarvis Road Cypress. Texas 213HUS-1873permanent center in the greater Los Angeles area is being established in the memory of Cobin F. Hernandez, a revered member of the dog fancy. The center will provide emotional support and guidance for persons afflicted with the lethal AIDS virus. The center will serve as a training headquarters for individuals who will assist in this work, and also for volunteers to visit children's hospitals where, in many cases, infants afflicted with the virus have been abandoned.The center will be under the auspices of Northern Lights Alternatives, which provides the "AIDS Mastery Weekend" throughout the United States. This workshop is provided free of charge to all persons afflicted with the AIDS virus. The "AIDS Mastery Weekend" challenges the media portrayal of people with AIDS as "victims" with no option other than suffering. It is not about dying. It is about living full. rich, active lives and calling upon the self-healing powers that exist within all human beings.Your help is needed Volunteers and contributors who can assist us in establishing the center may contact those listed at left for additional information.POMERANIAN REVIEW 1CAnimationour first 1988 champion7eBWINNERSBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXEVANSVILLE KENNEL CLUBMUCHphoto orMCft. Animation EiarooCh. Devenns Mason Dixon Dandy xCh. Animation's Tweety BirdEiaroo finished at 11 months of age, handled all the way by Darren. She's a very cobby, rich, orange sable. To all of those asking if we'll be specialing her, thank you for the compliment, but Eiaroo will be retired to motherhood her next season.Thanks to all the judges who loved her as much as we do.Lorinda VasutaDarren Lane 216762-7567Breeders Owners63 E. Cuyahoga Falls Ave. Akron, OH 44310106 POMERANIAN REVIEWType, from p. 76.breeders we must constantly be aware of the part extremes play in the finishing touches, or as a part of what is commonly called the "frosting on the cake." But they can be dangerous. Our breed could someday be in serious trouble that could be irreversible unless we recognize the difference between extremes and correct structure. Remember, the Pomeranian must be just as structurally correct according to its Standard as the Great Dane is to theirs, but type will distinguish the difference.To some, what they read in the words of the breed Standard will appear far different to them than what they actually see in the ring, but if we all strive to breed as closely to this guideline as possible, perhaps eventually we will not confuse the newcomers as much as it appears we do now. We do not want to create a look that will cause everyone to "go for it" unless the most important factor of symmetry is that entire Pom. We must never lose sight of the total dog. A dog should be in good proportion. Do not lose sight of balance. Always remember that type is one key factor, but symmetry and balance in the end make up the total dog. Be careful not to use symmetry when you actually mean balance. I was once told by a newcomer that what they thought they wanted in a Pom before reading the breed standard was in the end far different after having read it. Think about that and then play a game with yourself. Have someone read slowly each part of the Standard while you are drawing what the words say and mean to you. Did you come up with anything close to what you thought you wanted in a Pom Does the picture relate closely to what you have in your own Poms Is it what you think a Pom should be Is it even close to what is winning today For some it will be, for others it will not. Being an artist has little to do with it, so don't use this as a cop out. Few of us are gifted to truly be creative and correct in drawing even a straight line, let alone a visual rendering.Remember these important key factors type, balance and symmetry. Each is truly important to the overall picture.From Kids to Canines, from p. Gun Dog, Omaha Vaccine and the ever-popular Rockford Wholesale Veterinary Supply. There might be an LL Bean under there somewhere.No more Lladros and Hummels cluttering up the coffee table either. Our four joyously-wagging retriever tails long ago cleared such rubble from the table tops. Less to dust, now that I have the time.We discovered how to preserve the rest of the furniture, however. After the kids wrecked it, we had it all reupholstered in gold and rust frieze to match the dogs, and it's being protected from sun-fade by a thick screen of dog hair. We also have a closet full of gold and rust clothes to match the furniture.About those trips we planned to take once we were alone . . . Vegas, luxury hotels, Caribbean cruises. Weeel, maybe we'll camp out with our four big guys instead, find a nice lake and toss the frisbee around, travel to a dog show or two.Considering all the problems raising kids and dogs, would we do it differently change even one little thing Yup, we sure would. Next time we won't wait so long. We'll get the dogs as soon as we have the kids and raise them all together, so we can let the kids in on the fun, too.Subscribers Note Those of us who have had children can well relate to this article. I loved it. I must say I do disagree at the very end though. I did have four huntingfield trial dogs twenty plus years ago and, because of the tremendous work involved with their training, had to give them all up. However, had those dogs been Poms, it would have worked out perfectly.Emily UntalanWhen Your Dog, from p. 66.that pets often look like their owners."Most of the time we choose pets that complement our personalities, or at least the image that we have of ourselves," the veterinarian concluded. "In that sense, a pet is really an extension of its owner."And does anyone for a moment doubt that the animal realizes thisPOMERANIAN REVIEW 107TEXAS-r ivWOL-wiltrxs p 'Illw'.n Y^SOfccS-k-nW3j-rKoua23roW"Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Specialty and SweepstakesTHURSDAY, AUGUST 4,1988Regular Classes Hazel Arnold, Cypress, TX Sweepstakes Ruth Winston, Houston, TXThree all-breed shows, August 5,6,7, 1988. Premium information from Tony Tellez, P.O. Box 203, South Houston, TX 77587-0203.After show dinner will be at the Stables Steak House, 7325 S. Main. Reservations must be made prior to July 20, 1988. Please contact Dr. Cindy Rigoni, 15407 Jupiter Street, Houston, TX 77053 or call her at 713 433-1517.SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSggyyyyyg^08 POMERANIAN REVIEWYIPS YAPSNew York New YorkDuring our Annual Meeting in New York it was decided to vote on whether to move our National Specialty from New York to a more central location. This vote will go out with the elections in November, if a poll reflects the membership wants to vote on this issue.A suggestion was made by a member to poll the previous years to see if the Summer Specialties, which are already moved for convenience, ever bring larger entries. I took a poll of the Specialties back to the Summer of 1984 and the results followMay 1987 Summer 77 Feb. 1988 Nat. 164July 1986 Summer 90 Feb. 1987 Nat. 114Aug. 1985 Summer 83 Feb. 1986 Nat. 110Nov. 1984 Summer 134 Feb. 1985 Nat. 108As you can see, only one year did the Summer Specialty bring in more entries than the National in New York. That was the year of the AKC Centennial in Philadelphia, a very special occasion. Furthermore, Philadelphia is hardly a central location. So I think the theory of bringing in bigger entries elsewhere is blown right out of the water.I feel very certain that if I had the statistics to go farther back in time I would have found similar results.I hope we will hear more comments and opinions in the months to follow. An informed vote is a good vote. I would like to encourage pro or con comments on this issue. It will be a Constitutional change and a Charter change, which we are not even sure is possible.Thank you.Audrey RobertsTop DogsI agree that it is a shame that the Top Producing Stud as well as Bitch are no longer being recognized by our breed club through the magazine each year. Also, the Top Show Dog and Bitch should be recognized. I believe all of this information is readily available from AKC. They now have a new computer program. Someone should check into this from the club. After all, we are a breed club.Our main objective is to breed quality Poms. I think it would be a good idea to give a trophy for each of these four feats. We get "all we ever wanted to know about" obedience, including each score on some, but we have to subscribe to the Pom Reader to find out who's excelling in the show ring the showcase for our breed. I will be happy to help by compiling information on sires, dams and breeders.Something else that is lacking and very much needed are more articles on breeding, whelping and raising our precious little ones. Anything that will help save even one is worth sharing. For example, I recently had severe diarrhea with a litter I was hand raising. They couldn't tolerate milk. My vet gave me a powder called "Micro Vet SF." It's for livestock. I added 18 teaspoon to their bottle twice daily and like magic the problem cleared up. It works with adult dogs too.Thank you.Patty GriffinTidbitsIt's a pretty common practice to use a cardborad box of some sort to whelp puppies in. This box is then put in a larger whelping box of more sturdy construction.There are so many disadvantages to this cardboard box technique Everyone may not be aware of some of the problems unless they have experienced them personally. One such problem is a puppy getting under a loosened flap. The puppy can be crushed to death. If you continue to use boxes, tape all the flaps down inside with a heavy filament tape. With a bitch that has a very strong nesting instinct this procedure may not work and a puppy could get stuck instead in a sticky bunch of tape The other major problem is that cardboard absorbs odors and in no time it really smells. With my latest litters I have started using extra large kitty litter boxes. They are great easily disinfected and a heating pad may be used between the bottom and the pups, although you may want to put a towel over it to adjust the heat. As the puppies develop they can easily get in and out of the box and wi 11 often use the box to cudd lePOMERANIAN REVIEW 10in a huddle I hope this helpful hint works for you as it has for me.Another little tidbit have you all read Sari Brewster Tietjen's book "the New Pomeranian" It's fabulous. It's a great mixture of different opinions and ideas. Because of reading this book prior to my last litter, I was able to save one of my puppies and avoid a costly C-section. There is always a new technique to be learned. I you haven't read it, then it's must on your reading list.By the time this is published, summer will be on us and many new breeders will be having their first litters. It's a good time to remind everybody to spay and neuter those pet quality Poms. As a breederexhibitor of a small hobby kennel, we are often approached on this subject. A question often asked is how do you handle a sale of this kind It's very simple, really. Draw up an agreement for the customer to fully read and sign explaining that once proof of spay and neuter is provided, you will give them the papers. As long as this is in writing, it is acceptable. Vets have a standard form they supply the owner after the surgery and most counties require this to accompany dog license fees. If the animal is of age, then have the procedure done yourself and there won't be any'questions. Another option we have in our area is that of purchasing a prepaid certificate for the new owner. It can be purchased at our local animal shelter and may be redeemed at most vet offices. Let's protect our breed and keep it special, preventing pet stock from being used as breeders and their unwanted get out of the animal shelter.Respectfully submitted,Wendy FeistKennel ReviewYour support is needed. Enclosed you will find camera-ready art work for a very important announcement. If you will join me in supporting this wonderful project, I would greatly appreciate it.How can you help Simply find one page in your publication on which to run this announcement. That simple yet, your act offers something money alone cannot a sense of caring.Thank you for your contribution.Richard C. Beauchamp PublisherAKC Statistics Indicate a Nation of Dog LoveMore dogs are being registered than evi before, according to the American Kenn Club, the nation's leading registry c pure-bred dogs.The yearly registration statistics compile by AKC show that overall individu registration increased 3 to a record high c 1,187,400 in 1987. The previous record w 1,129,200, set in 1971. Litter registration als broke last year's record of 453,100 by jumpin to 196,900, a 9.7 increase.Part of the increase was due to th introduction of the Finnish Spitz to AKC registry. This Non-Sporting breed, resemblin a reddish-gold fox, began its first year of AKi recognition ranked 78th, with 811 dogs. Th Finnish Spitz is the 130th breed recognized b the AKC.The top ten most popular breeds remainei unchanged from 1986 to 1987. Cocke Spaniels, number one for the fifth consecutivi year, and Chow Chows, number six, both ha increases of over 6,000 more dogs registerei in 1987 than 1986.The top ten rankings for 1987 are1. Cocker Spaniels2. Poodles3. Labrador Retrievers4. Golden Retrievers5. German Shepherd Dogs6. Chow Chows7. Beagles8. Miniature Schnauzers9. Dachshunds10. Shetland Sheepdogs.Smaller breeds continue to increase in popularity. In addition to the Cocker Spaniel, the Beagle and the Dachshund holding fast to their positions in the top ten, the Shih Tzu moved up two places to claim the 11th spot. It could become the first Toy breed to enter the top ten since 1975.Doberman Pinschers, once the second most popular dog in the United States, dropped from 11th place to 15th, while Rottweilers moved up from 15th to 12th place, with an increase of 28 in both individual and litter registrations.Other breeds showing a significant increase in registrations include the Bichon Frise, rising 32 for the year, and the AKita, with a 14.7 increase.110 POMERANIAN REVIEWHelpful Hints, from p. 60. losing sleep. The vet there recommended this surgery. He told her it would cost 750-51,000, and the dog only had a 50 chance of surviving the surgery She decided those were lousy odds and persisted with all the other treatments. Gradually the dog improved to the point where he could be taken off the strong cough suppressants.Brenda Hutton suggests that when you call your puppy, instead of reaching for him, point to the floor at your feet. Make let him come all the way to you. This will help avoid making him hand-shy and teach him to come close before it is praised or picked up. Hopefully, you'll discourage that annoying "catch-me-if- you-can-game" when he gets older.At a show on the Tar Heel Circuit in March, a bitch was entered in Open, Any Other Allowed Color. When she stepped into the ring, spectators began murmuring. The bitch was clearly orange. The judge, after consulting with an AKC rep, excused the dog for being entered in the wrong class. The handler was angry, insisting quietly that the dog was correctly entered. She said the sprinkling of black hairs across the bitch's shoulders meant she had to be in AOAC. Two other professional handlers agreed with her.I think these people's opinion was colored by wording from previous standards, but I think they were still wrong and the judge right. What do you think Go get the current standard. Reread the section on color note the phrase "any sold color with sable or black shadings" and the section on classifications. What color was that bitch, and which class should she have been inActually this problem could be avoided altogether by dropping the color divisions for the Open classes. We've always had problems with these divisions. I know of one exhibitor who has finished several dogs of unusual colors. Whenever the Open classes were divided, she showed in Puppy or Bred-By-Exhibitor to avoid any questions of color. The only justification for keeping the color divisions is to try to reduce the size of Open Classes at Specialties. But it does not achieve that aim. At the '86 National Specialty in NY, there were 2 males in Open Black, Brown and Blue 2 females in Open Black, and no entries at all in AOAC. At the huge '88 Specialty there were at least 4 males in BBB and 3 males in AOAC. There were 2 bitches in BBB and 1 inAOAC. I suggest that such entries at our very biggest show do not represent a significant reduction in the size of the Open Classes. Why don't we just do away with the color divisionsHow do you people who show some of these unusual colors feel about such a suggestion We agree that it is harder to finish a black or a parti-color than an orange. Would elimination of the split classes help or hinder your cause Let the Education Committee know how you feel. This group is supposed to be working on making our Standard conform to AKC's format. If we are going to make a change, now is a good time. The Education Committee is Sally Baugniet, Chr., Ken Miller, and Mary McCoy.Make an effort this month to do something special call someone you haven't seen in a while, do a favor for someone, say "I'm sorry," pay someone you don't like an honest compliment, write that overdue letter. Let the sun shine inYips and Yaps, continued.Addressing these trends, AKC President Ken Marden said, "The marked increase lends impetus to the AKC's effort to provide even more opportunities for participation in the entire sport of dogs."Our emphasis on performance events such as obedience trials, hunting tests and field trials, and our study of additional events like herding tests is designed to provide these new opportunities for involvement."The Pomeranian didn't change its position from 1986 to 1987. It remained in the number 16 spot with 27,911 dogs registered in 1987 It ranks number 6 in litters registered with 20,068. Because of small litter sizes, it makes you wonder if the breed isn't really more popular than the statistics would have you believe.POMERANIAN REVIEW 11INDEX OF ADVERTISERSAsbeck, Averil...............................................44Baker, Olga Jeribeth................... 45,46,56,57Beam, Ruth Great Elms............................. 76Berry, Nina Berry's.................................42, 73Birney, Suzanne Suber.............................. 55Blake, Evelyn Blakes................................. 61Bordelon, JanetVelvet Touch......................55Bosmann, Fran Pomaunok........................ 23Brogoitti, Linda Linchris..............................68Burnette, Nancy Nanshadow...........46,53,71Cabrera, Tony Starfire................................40Carrell, Tammy Carrells.............................. 42Carroll, Kathy Sweetheart.......................... 67Ciliberto, Bernieand LoisCrescendo . .98,99Conley, Rollieand Evelyn Lyn-Lee............. 8,9Cook, Jean Rainbeau.................................10Creed, Charlotte Southland . . . .54,92,93,97 Dimick, Virginia and Warren Puf-Pride... 19Dupre, Mrs. James Dupre..........................59Epps, Nina Oakridge..................................33Feist, Wendy and Victor Feisty.................. 44Ferguson, Polly Mee-Cee.......................... 97Fleshman, Jane Jan-Shar............Front CoverFreia, Jerrie Janesa................................... 79Gad, Norma Chula............................ 26,27,43Galavich, Carol Pixie Hillcrest....................15Goddard, SueTim Sue...................... 25,90,91Cray, Molly................................................. 101Griffin, Patty Merrymont.............................. 87Griffith, K.C. Lenette..............................48,77Flanson, Sharon Jan-Shar...........Front CoverHarbin, Irene and Sylvia Harbins 47,63Harris, Polly..................................................13Henry, Bill.....................................................46Hersil, Nadine D-Nee............................ 43,85Jackson, Cheryl Glen Iris...................... 64,65Jensen, Patty Patty...................................102Jeub, Gail Star Dust................................... 52Kranzfelder, Marge..................................50,83Kyle, Courtney and Lindsay.................... 47,89La Fortune, Anna and Ray Sungold.......... 51Lane, Darren Animation........................... 105Lessard, Alice Lessard...............................31Leu, Shirley and Herbert K Amours........... 17Liselli, Anna and Joseph An-Jo..................35Luginsland, Janice LLL......................... 25,42Marcantonio, Jon..........................................46Marchbanks, Mary MNM............................ 53Masnick, Sharon Golden Aires...................29McGhee, Ywonlee La Petite.......................39McKee, Margaret Idlewyld.......................102Megenhardt, DonnaMeg's...........................15Milhoan, Mary...............................................51Moreno, Julie Morenos....................2,3,49,NCPC............................................................Norris, Bev Bev-Nor................................54O'Neill, Judy.................................................1Penny, Marlene and Frank Marshire........... Piazza, Skip Icerama..............45,46,56,57,Presser, Marlene and Marlin Apolloette ..7Rayner, Jackie and Ken Jaken..........36,37,4Ready, Cassandra.................10,11,12,13,10Rillieux, Leanna............................................7Rinehart, M. Deane De Arta.......................3Roberts, Audrey Shy Acres.................. 74,1CRoberts, Bess Silverwood..........................9Schuster, Richard Star Dust.......................5Stoll, FrancesStolanne................................ 5Tarver, Ida Idas........................................ 10Taylor, Joel Glen Iris .............................64,6Trauner, Dolly Phyner...........................2,3,5Vasuta, Lorinda Animation....................... 10Von Horn, Gladys Cladyan.........................8Warren, Fran Daybreak............................ 10Wilhite, Jan Charmac................................. 6CIRCULATIONMANAGERLt. Col. John Cribbs Rt. 1, Box 249 Doswell, VA 23047 804 876-3643SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION"Your inquiries answered within 24 hours''20.00 per year Third Class Mail Rates apply to U.S., Canada, Mexico, APOs, Puerto Rico U.S. Funds Only25.00 per year First Class Mail Mailing Time3rd class 10-14 days 1st class 3-5 days If you move, 3rd class mail is NOT forwarded by the Post Office. Let me know our new address six weeks before you move.BACK ISSUES1980 to date 5.00 each Years prior to 1980 4.00 each.POMERANIAN REVIEWAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.SUMMER SPECIALTYFour Shows, Three Obedience Trials One LocationSTARTS SEPTEMBER 9,1988 IN DES MOINES, IA.September 9 American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty. Judge Janice Luginsland.September 10 Pomeranian Club of Greater Des Moines Inc. Specialty. Pom classes at Central Iowa Kennel Club, Inc. Judge, Darrell Baker. Des Moines Obedience Training Club, Inc.September11 Des Moines Kennel Club, Inc. All Breed and Obedience. Judge, Keith Miller.September 12 Keomah Kennel Club, Inc. All Breed and Obedience.Premium Lists for all shows available fromJack Onofrio, Show SuperintendentFor further informationTony Short 2850 E. Douglas Des Moines, IA 50317 515 266-8995