The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pomeranian Review January 2005
THEomerantanTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC.' yntwy - y eyy 3ebteto 2^ tmpa'i imiuincjcgiiBISS CH. Firebrooks Tabasco FiascoShyarry vu Lfhe to- c^yrigrcatuhxte and e^o- pre-tfr appreoCatCow to- Laura and VaAe ofLccRajwr PomeraniansTij'Vs^.XCh.LaHajUfrCoimloKLdWe at Shyacrey with ter crrngnatalate LaJRajay Penny and Ch. LalltyuS'CerymhylCCt era finishingtheYear at 7 Onthe3reed ThankYoaher much ferr letting mebe apart erf thty team Cerngraty ter 3 arbara and 3 etty Meyery env Ch. 3 abbty CharmedOne KCghty ChawipiernshlpCerngraty ter Stacey HenJoOny emthe Champ umyhip erfCh. finchyMajtA MiHiemllCerngraty ter Alone Levlnsehn era th winy erf Perninlcjue That y AltfothyThanhs' atserter Lify Curtis', Sat CjodtUand,Cherri and CjeorgeLaMjyavt andVeb Comley. I appreciate alt erfyeruBEST OF WINNERS BAYOUKENNEL CLUB AUGUST 2004O GARDEN STUDIO. INC. PHOTO BY GREGA. ' Mt AsThanks'to- my able assistant JessicaJohnson Shyacrey Professicmat Handling'Audrey KobertySiycuweryhotmoUb. com 713 204-7225i-5Ikvi'WINNERSDOGAUTOEIMCfeaSfelibMk ym Jfox is\syye wie tteraM to tIwm from tl jExhibitor Class wl tough competitionP Juslafey^ lgle points to go.We were ha thought w International regas took B shows... Bred shows and RESERVEH -Of Brt'gm. all four mi uTDirp One all four ISHOljWe are all very proud of thisWe get many comments on his lov^H markings and striking rust points, bu even more comments on hi incredible movement.OwnersPat and Roger DagueMtn View Pomeranians Stuarts Draft, VA 540 337-2965BRED BY INTERNATIONAL ALL BREED CANINE ASSOCIATIONTOBER 2004 TER PHOTO By DonBreederHandlerMari Iffland pomsawaylegypt.netCTCo-0' mer, IfflandMarbil Pomeranians Benton, IL 618 435-6127mir-llPomeraniansis proud to introducem-v vCHAMPIONGOLDENVALLEY KENNEL CLUB 2NOVEMBER i'CM-LEPHOTO ,bv MEG A MAJOR ltrrChampion Avalons Ta-LorD Made For Mar-DMenymonts Spittin Image Ch Guysngals Orange KrushMorenos I Lan Warrior of Hy Jan Le Sire Ch Morenos Special AmigoCh Janesas Very Special Jan-Shar Morenos Lil GoodN SpecialJanesas For Goodness SakeCh Sweethearts Forever Bravo Ch Am Ch Can Ch Morenos PerriwinkleCh Morenos Buttercup BlossomWe would like to thank the following Judges for their help getting our Peanut his Championship Clay Cody, Margaret Robertson, Dr. Lee Reasin, Sharon Krough, Rosalie Anderson, J.E. Frederiksen.Our handler, Diane Stevenson, did a remarkable job with Peanut. Her expertise, kindness, tenderness and patience have made him what he is today. Diane has the hand of an angel and knew how to guide our Peanut to his Championship. It is with humble thanks for her help, understanding, guidance, knowledge and most of all love given to Peanut and us. Now we look forward to having Peedee babies in the ring next year.Dam Avalon-N-Morenos MelissaCH Great ELMS Prince Charming II Rom Rudys CharmingAlanda OklaCh Rubys Gator Maiden OklahomaA special thanks to Annette Davis, Avalon Poms, for our lovely Peanut. Thank you to everyone and God Bless.We occasionally have puppies for sale. Visit our web site.Mar-D PomeraniansMary StephensDebi BuchananPO Box 2162 Cave Junction, OR 97523 Phone 541 592-5161 Website httpuser.cavenet.compomsNew l ied Ey Exhibitor ChampionsCh Mountain Crest. v,tTi__BEST OF 1EEDVARIETYNEW CHAMPION 9 .L\\l0. . . Vtoiciflt3 BEST OF BREEDH OR VARIETY cATLANTA kennel CLUBqXSEPTEMBER 2004" MEYER PHOTO rBy Don 4Congratulations Sherri on your kennel visit We will always be grateful for Logan,CH Paugh Prints on the Mtn Crest.Ch Paugh Prints on the Mtn Crest x Ch Mountain Crest Extra Special The above two special kids make champions No. 19 and 20 for Logan.David and Carlene GilstrapMountain Crest PomeraniansP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga,TN 37422 Phone 423 821-101S E-mail dcgilstrap aol.comipmfr-Congratulations to Sherri Alspaugh on her kennel visit. Wishing continued success to Sherri and the Paugh Print kids.Kdffergn Ner Eagle Creek PemerIs www.edglecreekpeiDS.cem3HL Wtmritfs Ahccmm 0te I\f 5 TPresent your "Little Gem" in a unique settingTaaiPHOTOGRAPHYmmHigh quality portraitschampionNow setting appointments for the 2005 Pomeranian National Call Heidi at 1-909-338-9862 or email CH Valcopy BatBoyAs featured in National magazinesTwo Jan-Shar PomsJanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 7i'i\amour 6 IJcrrvs oni JJooilrscAnimirTraudl^y Tremt OurrDaretai 4 \iVuH K C DOG SHOWlui-r .OKSC.Ownerhandler Amour ASfdrly,-Ann TQ eu3655 TQuaelalani Tlace iTanalulu, ffaaiaii 96816'BreederBfomlene- Teafira ArleneBazelBiotin1340 yaung. St. 2 ffamilulu, 'Wamaii 96814dtfomlene-Teafiroi IBaccaradfor cAmmirSire - Ch. Gourment Howlene-Teahra Caviar Dam - Ch. Howlene-Teahra You Go GirlOur second major and Best of Winners from the Puppy Class at 8 months under noted Judge Jacqueline Stacy.Thank you for this special win.Very special thank you to Arlene, Hazel and Robin for this wonderful boy. He is special. Thank you Judge Glenda Dawkins for his first major and Best of Winners at 7 months old.17B-reeders office Perns slin.ce iS5y1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - s-S9L c SrV mA.'.-r , r tfJk AL'fZ'zesv -1VATIf,PUPPYf.GROUPFIRST ft.___ WESTBUR'kennelSx assoc- esMI nHGlSLtUD CLljSTTJBAlCH. BAND OF GOLD OF LENETTESire Ch. Macs Frankly My Dear Dam Jenny Lind of LenetteWe would like to thank Bogies handler, Vikki Oelerich, 516 795-4058, for doing such a nice job in presenting our boy. In fact, Bogie finished in two weekends with 5 Best of Breeds over specials and two group firsts puppy. Way to go you two.Congratulations to Katie Stalnaker on her two new Lenette Champions, Ch. Kacees N Harmony of Lenette and Ch. Kacees Gamblin Man of Lenette. Gamblin is champion 8 for us this year.AA.AA,4k,AA.AAA,4k.,4k.We would also like to thank Donna Machniak for finishing Ch. Bandmaster of Lenette for us. Bandit was sired by Ch. Creiders Goblin of "A,A AAPost Oak and Katies two were sired by Champions Music and Prince.We have litters on the ground or due from the following studs, Ch. Music Maker Of Lenette, Ch. Magic Touch Of Lenette, Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket, Ch. Band Of Gold Of Lenette, Noah Of Lenette and, of course, Ch. Paughprints On The Mtn. Crest.We would like to thank the Gilstraps for allowing us to breed to Logan and also congratulate his breeder, Sherri Alspaugh in breeding such a prepotent stud. At one time 60 of Logans puppies were finishing their championships. We hope we will be able to add to the 20 champions he has already produced. Best wishes to Sherri on your APC Kennel Visit.Please visit our website or give us a call. Puppies are priced from 800.00 to 1,500.00. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 9The Pcmeranian ReviewContentsFront cover...Advertisers Index........................................................ 76APC Board Summary Janice Russell......................... 39APC National Specialty Info........................................49APC Officers............................................................... 19APC Statement........................................................... 18APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel.........................43, 44, 45Archives.......................................................................40, 41Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.................................. 24Back Issue Information...............................................76Behind New Titlists..................................................... 17Coming Events........................................................... 39Cover Story.................................................................14Dallas Ft. Worth Pom Club Specialty.......................58, 9Driving With the Shattucks......................................... 57Election Results..........................................................42From a Rescue to Best of Breed................................ 78Health and Genetics Julie Kallbacka................46,47,48Its All About Kody....................................................... 34, 35Just FUR Fun..............................................................53Kennel Visit Sherri Alspaugh................................26 - 31Kennel Visits, Future Features................................... 74Malassezia Pachydermatitis Associated Dermatitis...36,37Membership Report Annette Davis............................ 18My First Pom Jackie Hirshberg...................................49My First Pom Sue Lucatorto........................................62, 63Subscription Card....................................................... 74SubscriptionReview Information............................ 16, 72Sunshine and Roses...................................................74Way I See It Sue Lucatorto.........................................60Ways and Means Donna Riehm.................................42Website Address.........................................................19Westminster KC Facts................................................50Westminster Pom Group............................................ 52Why Supplement Diane Finch................................ 50, 51Yips N Yaps............................................................ 61, 63IBISS CH. Firebrook's Tabasco FuscoSire CH. Pufpride Sweet Dreams ParkerDam Firebrooks Citrus TwistToby began his specials career the last weekend of May. 2004. Many thanks to the judges who awarded Toby his 41 Breed wins.We also wish to thank those judges who recognized Toby's soundness and quality by presenting him group placements..........45.64 - 68 Mr. G. Heitzman Gr. 3 Mr. E McCoy Gr. 1...54-56 Mrs. D. Cozart Gr. 3 Mr. W. CunninghamGr. 2....22, 23 Miss S. Lex Gr. 2 Mrs. J. Earl Gr. 1...69, 70 Mrs. M. PurkhiserGr. 4 Mrs. M. Billings Gr. 3....20,21 Mrs. J. Zielinkski Gr. 4 Dr. R. Bemdt Gr. 4.........18.........38Mrs. A. Hearn Gr. 2ow3imz 12005Lee Cook BreederOwner Fiiebrook Poms 704-289-2021Donna Machniak HandleiOwner Dejay Poms 517-546-7446Dana Coventry PartnerOwner Delay Poms 248-258-9259Ms. Coventry provides legal counsel to Dejay and Firebrooh, and to select clients in the Sport of Dogs. 248-258-9259And then there were girlsFour beautiful girlsJodi, Shania, Martina, RebaCh. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco x Marbil s She s So FineWATCH FOR US IN 2005 Big Congrats to friend Sherri Alspaugh and the beautiful Paugh Print Poms.Wishing you continued success.Donna Riehm Riehm PomeraniansMurphysboro, Illinois Mom4pomsaol.comMari Iffland Marbil PomeraniansBenton, Illinois Pomsawaylegypt.netKje Pomeranian PebietoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor................................................................................11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions...................................................................PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues......................................................................7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders.....................................................................Advertisement Manager.......................................................................................................................................................................................................Jessie Klein13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netAssistant Advertisement Managers...................................................................................................................................................... Joan Behrend, Walda GreenBusiness Card Manager................................................................................................................................................................................................Becky Sabourin2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642 PH 989 832-3408 Wyndlorchartermi.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk.................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico...................55.00Foreign.....................................................100.00Single Issue................................................10.00Back Issues................................................10.00Advertising CatesFront Cover Color..................................600.00Back Cover Color...................................450.00Inside Front Cover Color......................300.00Inside Front Cover BW........................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.......................300.00Inside Back Cover BW......................... 125.00Page 3,4,5, 6 Color..................................300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW.....................................125.00Center Spread BW................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color..........................275.00Full Page BW.........................................100.00Half Page Color......................................150.00Half Page BW..........................................60.00One Quarter Page....................................40.00Business Card 6............Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1........................................................JanFebFeb 1....................................................MarAprilApril 1........ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1...............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................................SeptOctOct 1................MEMORIAL ISSUE. .NovDecThe Pomeranian Deview.......... official A. P. C. publication.......... sent to Breed Group Judges.......... reasonable rates.......... quality reproductions.......... only source of APC Archives.......... provides APC news and reports.......... APC Specialty coverage.......... Regional Pom Club coverage.......... obedience training information.......... interesting, informativeSEDPCRT THE APC SLPPCPT TEE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.16 - JanuaeyFebeuaey 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewCH Showcase Hot TopicBiss CH Mountain Crest JJ x CH Showcase Charmed Im SureOzzie is shown with cobreederhandler Curtiss Smith. Best of luck to Linda Lewis with Ozzies brother Showcase -Just Rewards in Indonesia.Congratulations to Sherri Alspaugh and the Paugh Print Pomeranians on your kennel visit. Continued success with this wonderful breedAlane Levinsohn818 352-9536 Website ShowcasePoms.com7Eehind the TitlistsCH. MIBABE ARMDNDANGROUS OF ELLE BREEDER BABE MCCOMBS, JEAN E. COOK DOB 120902 MALEOWNERS STEPHANIE WITT AND BABE MCCOMBSCH ROCK MUSIC BOX OF OAKRIDGE BAR-NET MIBABE BEBOP TO MUSIC CH MI BABE AIM FOR FAME CH BAR-NET TOP GUNCH ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE BAR-NET MIBABE MAYBE SHE WILLMI BABE FORTUNES RAIN BEAUCH TIM SUES HIGH LIGHTS BAR-NET HIGH WINSSHARED S SOUTHERN TRADITION CH MI BABE RAIN BEAUS MARGARITACH OLIVER-R-TWI ST OF FRIPP RAIN BEAUS DAQUIRIRAIN BEAUS RA RAHiand Mtn. Views High Stakes Poker Sends sincere condolences to our friendMari Ifflandon the recent loss of her beloved Asa, Ch. Ace High Dealer. Nothing we can say will ease the pain in your heart, but know that we care.Also, our sympathy to another friend.Diana Downeyon the recent loss of her beloved soul mate Angel.Ch. Ace High Dealer x Mtn. Views This Sweet Dream Last sired son by AsaMtn. Views High Stakes Poker. PokerPat DagneMtn. View PomeraniansStuarts Draft, VA.mXk'RPhoto by Elizabeth HeckertJanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 17MEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N. Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204208 234-0932 davisavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site http or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS Heike Robert Wehrle ILSponsors Juanita Fiddick, Nancy CoddingtonMary Stephens ORSponsors Roxanne Collins, Cindy L. Bowling Lana Price CASponsors Cheri McDonald, Alane Levinsohn Melissa Spranger MISponsors Louise Marie Crowe, Donna MachniakJanet L. Wodrich ILSponsors Mari Iffland, Donna S. RiehmElaine Wishnow NYSponsors Victoria Oelerich, Suzanne BemeyShari M. Fukuyama HISponsors Ellen Takayama, Clarice OganekuPonsakom Pongsak Nissara Komnithayanon Thailand Sponsors Betsy Owens Tony CabreraNancy B. Young OHSponsors Camilla Knight and Carol Leemuis APPLICATIONSRandy Houston Chuck Whittemore TNSponsors Betsy Owens and David GilstrapShelley Wiemer-Martin WASponsors Jessie Klein Randy BuskeKathryn J. Norem INSponsors Brenda Segelken Diane L. FinchKaren D. Wegg AKSponsors Randy Buske Marlene PresserREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257REGISTER OF MERIT CH Jan-Shars Mini Me Owner Sharon HansonGOLD CLUBCH Valcopy BatboyOwners R SmithM SmithJ PardueM PardueVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgWE ACCEPTMASTERCARD, VISA, PAYPAL AND AMERICAN EXPRESS.The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims.If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website http www.americanpomeranianclub.orgIf you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.18 - JanuxryFebruaky 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewipomerantan HeinetoTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...........................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 EMAIL marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.................................................................................. JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.............................................................................. MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAILidlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY............................................................................ JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY...........................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER....................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAUPH 281351-951621522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375 FAX 281 351-6620 EMAIL texicandogaol.comSally Baugniet Jackie Rayner.BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Diana Downey Fran StollAlane Levinsohn Greggory WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgt Pomeranian Jktmto11139 East CamelotAvenue, Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 Email fame62401yahoo.comJanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 19From the I residents DeskMarge Kranzfelderr _ ^New BeginningsThe APC Bylaws sets term limits for the Presidents office. So do the Amendments to our countrys Constitution. Our corporate world relies on personnel shake-ups. Change is healthy. Final version should be reserved for tombstone epitaphs.As I write this, I dont know who exactly composes the new Board. I thought about waiting to write this until after I knew whod be serving alongside me. On the other hand, this time of not knowing is all right, too. Im remembering the first day back to school before my fellow classmates were known. APC was fortunate to have seven capable, dynamic volunteers for six Board positions. Can presidents make a decree to expand the Board by one No. The election outcome will bring some new members to serve on the Board. Already we know some very capable previous Board members will not be serving a consecutive term. Have they made a positive difference They sure have. And I hope they continue to do so.There are previous board members who continue to contribute in various ways. After a respite, sometimes it is right to serve on the Board once again. That is one advantage to a volunteer organization. You have the capability of molding your contribution to fit your life changes.I have already been asked, Why do you do it Taking on responsibility affects ones whole family.My answer is to give back to our breed. Considering the Clubs missions statement, making a better APC means a better care taking of Pomeranians. I look at the challenge of leadership in the APC similar to the responsibility of being a good breeder. As a breeder, I must respect the state of the breed my mentors handed me. As president of APC, I respect the challenges the APC Boards overcame during the past 100 years. As both breeder and APC member, I would not experience what I am today without the caring of those before me. As a breeder, it is my responsibility to hand the future improved Pomeranians. As president, it is my goal to improve on what the organization is today.As Margaret McKee started her first term as president, the Board was faced with the challenge of keeping the Review alive. We needed an editor. We are fortunate that Brenda Segelken stepped up to this challenge and continues to surpass our expectations. Our present challenge could very well be the stable finance of this worthy endeavor. The fact that all Parent Clubs must subsidize their newsletter publication by 40 to 60 percent was collaborated recently at the Parent Club Conference. Among publications of clubs with our size membership, the Review leads the way. For most, color is not possible. Not many can afford to produce six issues per year. Many have resorted to sending newsletters electronic or printed to their membership, with one published annual magazine. So far, APCs subsidy has been offset by the talents and dedication of our past Ways Means Chair, DonnaFrom the President Continued20 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewPomewithomingrdHave you often wondered how the Poms in the show ring are trimmed so nicely and how they do it Then, you need to see this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe.For more information about Karen and the video as well as ordering, please visit our site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, Email Pauline at paulinefoxxlanepoms.comor call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike and Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Jan Stachurski - Tabletop Poms, Eve Smail -Toybox Pomeranians and Laura Newbold - LaRajus Pomeranians on your kennel visits.We wish you all very happy and safe holidays.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlaneFrom the President ContinuedRiehm, and the memberships generous support. Will we be able to continue this in the future I have faith that together we can meet this challenge. But improving our club would be an impossible task if I didnt know there are very capable individuals willing to contribute as a team.One organizational change I am pleased to announce is that Julie Kallbacka is now the Reviews Health Genetic columnist. It is healthy that the membership hears from another respected voice. And I heartily welcome her with this wise toast, Those that educate well also become well-educated.And there will be more organization changes announced in our evolving club, new faces working alongside experienced ones. Yes, my face was once new. Heres another answer for why I volunteer. This opportunity of working together has, in turn, provided friendships throughout North America I would not have experienced otherwise.Paraphrasing from Hope Floats Yes, beginnings are scary. And endings are sad. It is the middle that counts. And it is hope that carries us on that journey along the way.Together lets make a difference for Pomeranians.JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 21Annette DavisuOur question for this issue is What is the best way to find a good Pom breederA good place to begin your search is on the APC Website. Go to and click the Breeder Referral button. Other good resources include the Pomeranian Review and the APC national breeder referral contact, Jane Lehtinen 218-749-1154. While buying from an APC member is obviously not a 100 guarantee, you can at least have the confidence of knowing that all APC members have gone through a screening process. All APC applicants must be sponsored by two APC members who have been APC members for at least two years and who have known the applicant for at least two years. The applicants name is published in the Pom Review so that members may send in comments. The APC Board then reviews the comments and votes on the applicants name.Once you have found a breeder with a puppy available that suits your needs, be prepared to answer questions. A breeder invests many hours of love and care into raising hisher puppies and will likely want to know enough about you so that heshe can feel comfortable about placing a puppy with you. You may need to be on a waiting list if you would like a puppy from show lines.Be prepared to ask questions of the breeder. As long as you are a serious buyer and your questions are polite, the breeder should not mind answering questions about the puppy, its parents, and the conditions in which their dogs are kept and raised. The breeder should be willing to send you a photo of your puppy before shipment and apply your deposit toward another puppy if that particular puppy is not what you were expecting. The breeder also should make a puppy care sheet available to you that describes proper feeding and care instructions.If you buy an older puppy or adult, be sure that the breeder has given the puppy proper socialization and house training.Older dogs which are raised in a kennel can be very difficult to socialize and house train.Be sure to buy from a breeder who offers a written contractguarantee. The contract should allow you a period of time usually 72 hours to have the puppy examined by your veterinarian. If a health problem is detected, the contract should guarantee a refund or replacement puppy. If you are buying a pet, the contract should require you to have the puppy neutered or spayed. If you are buying a show puppy, the contact should guarantee that if your puppy has a major fault for show at maturity, a refund to pet price or exchange will be offered. Most breeders do require that shippinghealth certificate costs to return a puppy are at the owners expense and the original shippinghealth certificate costs are generally not refundable. Some breeders offer a satisfaction guarantee that allows you to return the puppy in good condition for any reason, at your expense during a certain length of time for a refund or replacement. This can be an important consideration.Our question for the next issue is Do you have any suggestions for raising orphan puppiesYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 Email davisavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm24 - JxnuxryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewKeepsakes Sweet Southern Dream - "SpencerBISS Ch. Peach's Daydream Believer X GirrRich's Southern StyleCongratulations BISS Ch.Peachs Daydream Believer on your recent BOBs also, to Keepsakes Star Spangled Banner on earning points her first time in the ring handled by my daughter, TassieWe would also like to Congratulate Sherri Alspaugh and the Paugh Print Pomeranians on your feature, wishing you many more years of successJessie Klein 903-882-1950 Come visit us at www.mykeepsake.netLorelands Marchin To August-VA AmCongratulations PCCI member Sherri Alspaugh on your APC kennel visit.John and Lauretta FlynnLoreland PomeraniansAvon, Indiana Phone317272-7318 lorelandspomsaol.comCongratulationsmmry countyKENNEL CLUB .IVERSON PHOTOto Sherri Alspaugh and the Paugh Print Poms on your kennel visit. I know a lot of hard work has gone into your success.Lakeways Luv LeeLI Elaine Waya Keway5JanuxryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 25Paugh Print Kennel Visit Continued From Page 27One of my goals, Which I have reached, was to have free whelping bitches. I hate C-sections and going to the emergency vet. Stella andTawny, another bitch I have, free whelp for me. They not only free whelp, they produce very large litters. Stellas second litter was six. We call them the six-pack. Her first litter produced three puppies arid a week before her second litter she was not as big as the first. I decided she probably would only have two this time, but by her due date she was as big as the first time so I figured she would have three. When birthing time came, the second puppy was small, so I said, Well, maybe shed have four. After four, she popped out No. 5. I told her, I need to check you. I turned around to get a towel and when I turned back she pushed and popped out No. 6. All six puppies were bom in one and a half hours. What a mom Her next litter was five. Tawny has also been a good producer. She had already free whelped a litter, so I let a friend have her to help the friend out. She had her for almost two years, used several males on her and could not get her bred, so I said, Send her home. Two weeks after she came home, she came into season. I could not send her someplace else if she had a problem, so I bred her to see what would happen. She free whelped four bitches for me. I said, This girl is not going anywhere. Her next litter was five. She is now due any day with another litter, and Im anxiously waiting to see what we get. There is a down side to all this. When you have litters this big, you spend all your time taking care of puppies, and there is no time to train or give much individual time to the puppies. To following up with my goal, I am anxious to see if the next generation will free whelp. We are not doing a lot of breeding at this time for the simple reason that Im trying to hold my numbers down. Thats another problem, when you have that many puppies, it leads to a houseful. One of my philosophies is, if a dog is bom in my house, it can stay there for life if it needs to. Any puppy or dog that does not find a home can stay with me forever. So we have some pets, retired dogs, etc., at home. Its hard to place dogs in my area.\\J ..v .-Nr1_Jake, Obedience Agility Pom My first champion bitch.Ch. Mountain Crest Jumpin JessieI am working on producing a line of black and tans and blacks in my kennel. It is-very slow going, and the limited breeding really holds me back. But I do hope to someday have some really nice black and tans and blacks.Ive started a new venture with Tom Davidson of Hickory Bends Kennels. He is using one of my malesJamie, and we are getting some wonderful puppies. From the first litter, I got Secret who had both her majors by the time she was six and a half months old. She only needs a few singles to finish. The next litter was even better. I have an absolutely gorgeous girl, who I believe is one of the best dogs Ive had since Ive been in Poms. Paris will hit the ring in December. I only regret that she is coming of age as the shows wind down for the season and I wont be able to get her back out until late January. Im expecting big things from this girl. ^P . .... Wevesent a couple dogs up to Canada with good friends Ann and Joe Berryman. Ive been lucky enough to go28 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewup just for the Specialties. In 2003, Cruz went Best Puppy in Sweeps and Best of Winners at the Pomeranian Club of Ontario Specialty. He won a load of prizes and huge trophy that we were not allowed to bring home. He also got a Group 1, several Puppy Group Is and several Best Puppy on the way to his Canadian Chanijs'A lot people dont believe me, but I used to do very little training to get my puppies ready to go in 1 most of my training' ' J ^-1---- 6the'rin the ring, but with the entry fees increasing, fuel cost, etq^ Ive had to start training the^K^q puppies before they go in the ring. All the puppies Ive trained thus far have been ones that I did not whelp but got after the age of three months. I dont know what will happen when I have to raise them myself. When trainingfor conformation, it really helps having the obedience background. It is just easier to train the dogs and make them do what you want, although sometimes I have a problem with an adult dog. It will go on for a while, then I think about it and say, Whos in charge here Were going to do this my way. Thats usually all it takes, and the dogs know theyve lost the battle and quit fighting. Dogs will not fight and resist if they know they cant win the battle.I enjoy a variety of dog sports, including obedience, agility, and herding with the Samoyeds. Ive dabbled in tracking, lure coursing, and some other stuff. There is just not enough time to do it all. When I got into dogs, I just wanted my dogs to mind, so I started taking obedience classes.- We did really well, and I got hooked. I then went on to conformation and agility. I had drifted away from obedience the last several years but rejoined the local club this year and started training again. In the spring, I started one of my Poms and one Samoyed. Well, I can tell you the Poms are smart enough to know how to get out of itfrf they dont want to do it, so I was left with the Samoyed. He just competed in his first show a couple of weeks ago and qualified for two legs toward his CD title. I hope to finish his CD before the end of the year. I also hope in the future to get more Poms started in obedience7 jFW^w LiV-n5.One of our huge litters. The Six-Pack Ch. Paugh Print Pennies From HeavenOne of the six-pack.and agility. The dog I run in agility got his Open and Open Jumpers titles. He was about 10 years old when he moved up to Excellent classes. He was making clean runs no mistakes, but he just couldnt make the time, as each higher class gets faster and faster. I really felt sorry for him. He was doing a good job but just couldnt makethe time so I retired him. Then, with no dogs ready to go for a couple years and the induction of new agilityrffTclasses with lower jump heights and longer run times, I brought him back out. At 13 13 years old, he has gotten two legs on his Novice Standard Preferred, completed his Novice Jumpers Preferred title, and has two legs on his Open Jumpers Preferred title. He loves to go, but it really takes a lot out of him to run these days.I also go to a lot of seminars. There is a lot of information out there to be had. Most of you know you never stop learning in dogs. Ive gotten so much valuable information from a variety of seminars. I usually go to at least two to three a year. Im lucky, as we have a couple of local clubs that bring in good seminars to our area. Ive learned stuff from dog health to grooming and showing techniques. I like to raise puppies, but I really enjoy going in thePaugh Print Kennel Visit Continued On Page 30JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 29Paugh Print Kennel Visit Continued From Page 29show ring. Some people get really nervous, but it doesnt bother me at all. I think if youre going to compete against the professional handlers you need every edge you can get. Those seminars really help. I really encourage everyone to go to a seminar and see what you can learn.One of the things I think we really need to work on in Poms is health-related issues. I know we are doing a lot for BSD and coat problems. I hope things start opening up and we find some answers. I believe there are a lot of other skin and coat issues going on that are similar. We must stop sweeping it under the rug if we are going to find answers to these questions and work with other breeds and do whatever we need to make things happen. I believethere are other health issues plaguing our Poms that should be looked at also. laV.jT.Although I keep show records, Ive never counted how many champions Ive finished. I have six in the house right now, others not living with me, some that have passed on and several others pointed. There are many dogs that I have put several points on for other people. finished one of my Samoyeds one we lost halfway to his championship. There are several others that I have put points on who are owned by a friend. I also finished an American Eskimo in two months for her. I hope to soon be showing a Keeshond for a friend. I enjoy showing other breeds.I think it helps you learn to show better when working with different dogs and different breeds. The big dogs have really helped me. I would try a new technique, perfect it on the Samoyeds, then miniaturize it for the Poms.I am a member of The American Pomeranian Club, The Samoyed Club of America, The Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Evansville Kennel Club, Evansville Obedience Club, and the Agility Club of Evansville. Is that allHWINNERSBITCHMAJOR WINSOUTHEAST MO KENNEL CLUB50lh ANNIVERSARY JUNE 2004MEYER PHOTO mSBCruz taking Canada by storm. Paugh Prints Ive Got A Secret Needs a'few singles to finish.Do I owe some more dues I keep very Bsy with all those clubs plus taking care of my herd. The Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana held its first specialty show in 2003. We followed up this year by hosting the APC summer specialty, along with our show. Im prou to say I played an integral part in bringing our club up to status to hold shows. I was the show secretary for these shows. I think we put on a wonderful show for the summer specialty and all had a good time. Congratulations to all those winners. We saw some lovely dogs.iWI always try to help new people to the sport. I remember being in awe of those people with the beautiful dogs.But you must help yourself, too. Its all about working to improve the dogs you own. It is possible. After you pay your dues, keep working learn and do all you can to improve your dogs. If you are lucky enough to find a mentor, youre blessed not everyone does. I had to work my way up the hard way. As I said, you never stop learning.You never know whowhatwhere you will learn from. It can be the most unlikely places. My advice is tolistento anything people will tell you or things they will show you. Then, take that information, use what works for you,30 - JanuaeyFebrujsey 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewe f WBEST OF OPPOSITEMAJOR WINPADUCAH KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2003 MEYER PHOTOCh. Paugh Prints Heart ThrobPaugh Print Kennel Visit Continued From Page 30and throwParis and Wendythe rest away. Not all things work for all people.In closing, I want to thank Brenda, Jessie and all the people involved in creating such a beautiful, quality magazine for The American Pomeranian Club. And thank you for asking me to share my story with the readers.visit.Cathy and Bob GouldMember PC Cl Washington, IN.Congratulations, Sherri, on your kennel visit. Im sure you have some Jake grandchildren since you finished 3 out of a litter of four sired by Jake. Wishing you continued success.Note my new address and phone number.-Nina Epps Jake305 N. Maplecrest Nixa, MO 65714 Phone417725-5015JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 31Springwoods Grace KellyCongratulations,Sherri Alspaugh, on your kennel visit. You are dedicated to the Pomeranian breed with your sincere goal of breeding sound and quality dogs for the show ring. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, knowledge and experience with me.Becky JacksonSpringwood Poms513 Springwood Drive Florence, AL 35634 Springwoodpomsaol .com 256 757-9837Congratulations, Sherrion your kennel visit.Your Poms are awesomer^^^WindyJii PllNew BBE Champion CH KALOS BLOWING IN THE WINDSire Kalo's Lionheart of Lenette Dam Kalos Magnificent MillicentOWNERBREEDERCAROLYN BRANDENBURG KALOS Phone 615 452-7463Wssrg jumpin for jog at Courbottp' yr Cherob CNQ at Cburbjztte, Njp, Offinished her Novice Jumpers Agility title and her Companion og Obedience title in 2004. he has been busy4.\cc rI wish to extend my congratulations to herri Alspaugh of Paugh Print Poms for her accomplishments with her breedingshowing program. I enjoy seeing her dogs in obedience and agility as well as conformation. he can do it allCourbcttc poms Victoria kszitnerWaltonville, Us 62894 talespinsrovn.net32 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewStolcunnWy Peach S chnoppyCdStolccyvnely Keep tm'RoUUv o Chs. fcur-Cy Sparkle N TradUtcnvJtuarClo yowJudgePodr^ey Merry for thly jreat bcccb-to-bohb major win. It wccy thrCUdngJ.. J i ,vf iV 4mWalirai,O _____CongratuCation to Sherri CACspaugh ancC the Taugh Print Poms on your XenneC Wisit. My Pest 'Wishes for your continued success.Cin-Jan Pomeraniansanice HusseCCIndianapolis, IN indyjyoms6cgCo6aC.netWe would like to congratulate ECCl memberSherri ilspaushf Pausti Print Pcms cn her Kennel Visit. Pest wishes ter your continued success.Visit cur Web Site at httpwmc.anfielfire.cominpcciindex.htmlThe Pcmeranian Club ef Central IndianaPomeranian. Club of Central IndianaSHERRIONYOURKENNELVISITTYLERInt.Am.Can. CH. U - CH. Paugh Print Endless Tradition Titles coming soon to the other end.PAULETTE ZECCA5143 Washington St.Hillside, IL 60162JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranlsn Revkw - 33Its All About Kodymonth of July, Kody hasArrriy eserve duty. Relaxing in front of their pup tent afteta busy day of training, Captain Kody and Sergeant G.l. Bear check to make sfire their walkie talkies are working pcpperly before they start maneuvers the next morning. EL5, - _ .... -V' . . '7 yiiv- J J-Th- __By Brenda SegelkenFor the past two years, I have personally used a very special Pomeranian calendar unlike any Pom calendar I have seen. The calendar features a darling little orange Pom named Mountain Crest Little Kodiak, aka Kody, owned by David and Karen Huckeba. This calendar was never intended to be a moneymaking project, and, to date, the income does not cover its printing costs. But this story isnt about money its all about Kody.Karen found this very special little orange ball of fluff at the home of David and Carlene Gilstrap in April 1998. This little brave puppy would stand on his back legs, roughly pounce down to attack his toys much like a Kodiak bear hence the name, Little Kodiak, Kody for short.Several years ago, Karen had begun to write special messages of cheer to friends and family facing difficult times in life. Karen felt a letter of cheer might bring a gleam of sunshine at the hospital, at the nursing home, or at home during times of illness, loss of a spouse, or just lonely times.Karen began taking photos of Kody in special little outfits to make a personalized Pom calendar for herself. Smart little Kody figured out fast, that if he behaved and posed for the camera, he would get a special treat. Kody loved the photo shoots. Karen took several pictures to ensure that she got a good one for her calendar. Kody got very good at posing for the pictures. After picking the photos to be used for her calendar, Karen realized there were many darling photos left over.Take one unused Kody photo, add it to the letter of cheer, and it became instant sunshine Karen now mails over 40 letters per month. She receives reminders and phone calls if the letters are late arriving. No one wants to miss a single Kody letter.Occasionally, Karen gets too busy to write the letters, but no worry, Kody steps right in and takes over. He tells the news from his perspective. Once he told his readers about the huge orange snake that a man brought into the house. It went clear up the stairs and wiggled and made noise then spit water all over the carpet. A blue snake sucked up the water but because it was little it couldnt suck it all up and left our carpet wet I stayed away because I didnt want to get sucked up too And Mommy paid him a bunch of money for doing it I cant begin to tell you how many dog bones it would have bought Another letter from Kody told how some men came into their yard. They dug up plants and bushes I barked to let Mom know what they were doing I was so upset I would get in terrible trouble if I did that But then they put out flowers and new bushes and I realized that it was a present for me Great new things to potty on My mom and dad are so thoughtful They even had them put down big white stones for me to walk on so I dont have to get my feet muddy when it rainsKodys Adventure Calendar 2005pictures Kody in a different activity and storyline each month.KODYs Adventure Calendar 2005 20.00 plus 3.50 shipping handlingKody personally autographs each calendar with his paw print.A perfect gift for giving. Easy to Order.Kody's 2005 Calendara5Send personal check or money order payable toKaren Huckeba4611 Wickford Circle, Roswell, GA 30075 Phone 770 640-9936 KarenKKbellsouth.netFriends and family saw Karens calendar and wanted one, too. Karen did a few in 2001, but requests were still pouring in. Kodys outfits became quite elaborate, and Karen began to create backdrops and use more props. They were just too cute Kodys first official Adventure Calendar was published in 2002. Karen notes all of the photos are untouched, and until this year, all were taken with a conventional film camera. Kody personally signs each calendar his little paw print can be found on the month of December.Kody had been purchased with obedience in mind, so right off Karen began to teach Kody to make good eye contact with her. This training has been useful during the photo shoots. Kody is not only a seasoned model but also quite brilliant. In the obedience class he attended, he received a perfect score of 100. The instructor said no dog had ever achieved the score of 100 during the eight years he had been teaching.And Kodys sunshine continues He delivers specially hand-decorated cookies to area veterinarians and friends in colorful costumes during the holidays. A childless family friend has adopted him. When eveiyone is showing their kids photos, 1 just pull out my photos of Kody. Another family friend has an area in her kitchen called Kodys Komer, where she displays his photos and letters.The Huckeba family has an adopted grandmother, Grandma Ford, who lives in a nursing home. She receives extra care and special attention when employees check Kodys calendar to see what he is doing each month. Kodys letters and photos are also shared and passed around the dining room at the nursing home.When visiting nursing homes, Kody rides down the hall in a little wagon pulled by Karen. He performs over 16 tricks, including walking on his back legs, jumping through hoops and over sticks, shaking hands, singing with his head tilted back, doggie push-ups, and waving goodbye. His favorite trick is sneezing. Karen says, I hear youve had a cold and have been doing a lot of sneezing. Kody promptly gives a big sneeze.A sign on the nursing home front door where Grandma Ford currently lives reads NO PETS ALLOWED. While visiting one day, the nurse asked where the little Pom was that was in the letters and pictures. Karen reminded her of the no pet sign. The nurse quickly replied, Oh, that doesnt apply to Kody. He can come anytime. We all know himKody is also well known around Roswell, Georgia. Kody is a regular visitor at the local post office in the Hallmark store. He also rides fearlessly in the carts at the local Home Depot, CopyMax, Michels, Eckerds and other stores that allow dogs. David is now known as Kodys daddy when shopping.Kodys recent adventure was climbing to the top of Springer Mountain, elevation 3,782 feet, in Georgia. Fellow mountain climbers were amazed at the sight of the little Pom marching to the top. Kody on Springer Mountain is featured as the April photo in Kodys 2005 calendar.Karen is pleased and yet amazed at the joy Kody brings during their visits, through letters, and on his calendar. Karen says Kody has his own little ministry in life. He allows people to hold him, even when they talk rough or appear grouchy. He seems to sense their deep need of patience and love.JaNUSRYFeBRUARY 2005 APC POMEEANISN REVIEW - 35Reprinted from the OctoberNovember 1997 Pomeranian ReviewMalassezia Pachydermatitis and Associated DermatitisOne Cause ef Severe Hair LessBy Charlotte CreedMalassezia yeasts are associated with inflammation of the ear canal, areas of the skin that can rub together i.e. neck, groin, arm pit, and generalized seborrheic dermatitis in dogs.Dr. Warren Jourbet, my veterinarian, has been working with what they call the black skin in show Persian cats. The conditions are similar to the ones we label as Severe Hair Loss Syndrome. He has consulted with Dr. Karen Morriello, a board certified dermatologist associated with several veterinary medical schools. Dr. Jourbert related that although Malassezia was mentioned in veterinarian school, it has been just recently recognized as a cause of severe hair loss and therefore been frequently overlooked during diagnosis. Dr. Jourbert contacted the veterinary school to find out how to culture this particular yeast.I had taken two 7-year-old dogs to him for hair loss. They had not had any previous hair problems. I also had a male and a female that seemed to be in early stages of this problem. Their symptoms appeared similar to cats Dr. Jourbert was studying and treating. They were diagnosed with the yeast infection Malassezia.Unless you look closely and frequently at your animals skin through the coat, it is easy to miss the beginning stages. Usually, hair loss first gets your attention. Some symptoms include itching the dogs may scratch or rub their backs or lie down and roll in the grass excessively. There may be a yellow, oily, dander material on the skin. There may be a small reddish bump, ringworm-like spot, small crusty, dark brown area, or black spots or area. Where these sign occur, the hair is damaged and eventually lost. It usually appears first under the armpit, neck, chest, back legs, buttocks areas where dampness is likely to occur then progresses over the entire dog. As in other sources of major hair loss, further darkening of the exposed skin results.The following is the recommended treatment that Dr. Jourbert found successful for both dogs and cats. Consult your Vet before using these as proper diagnosis is always appropriate. Be alert for any possible allergic reactions.TreatmentAdminister 13 capsule of 100 mg Sporonox daily for two weeks. Continue this dosage twice per week if needed. Do not breed any animal presently under treatment.Bathe all dogs, those affected and unaffected two or three times weekly in a sulfur or anti-fungal shampoo suggested below. Make sure all the skin appears clean. Rinse them thoroughly.After the bath, use one of the dips listed below. Allow the dip to dry on the coat, but it is very important to be sure the dog is thoroughly dried. Yeast or fungus thrive in a damp highly humid environment.Because of the seriousness of this condition and treatment, it is important to return to your Vet in two weeks for a progress check.SHAMPOOSSULF-OXYDEX SHAMPOO HEXADENE SHAMPOOAntibacterial-Benzoyle Peroxide 2.5 Anti-fungal-Chorhexidin Gluconate 2Micronized Sulfur Pharmaceutical Allerderm36 - JanuxkyFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian RevewCHOLORHEXIDINE GLUCONATE 2 Anti-fungalMALACETIC SHAMPOO Acetic Acid 2 - Boric Acid 2 DermapetAllerdermI feel that Malacetic is the most effective, as it was recently formulated specifically for the treatment of this yeast. My next preference is Nisoral.DipsCHLOROX - 6-8 oz. per gallon of water CHLORHEXIDERM - Scrub 3-4 oz. per gallon of water RESICHLOR - conditioner - anti-fungal Excellent resultsRelated Staph InfectionOnce the skin is broken down by this yeast infection, a staph infection is likely to develop. I had to treat every dog in my kennel twice daily for three weeks for staph. There were different stages of the yeast and staph on all my dogs. It is contagious. However, it appears that different dogs immune systems reacted differently. Other factors that affect the severity include age, other non-related illness, estrus cycles, males reaction to females in season, and humidity of weather.Treatment recommended by Dr. Jourbert for StaphCephalexin 250 mg - 1 cc 5 pounds twice daily for 3 weeksAnother suggestion for immune system support by Marge Kranzfelder was a dietary change. I changed to Nutros Optichoice with a supplement of raw meat. IF YOU CHOOSE TO USE RAW MEAT, RATHER THAN COOKED, BE AWARE OF THE RISK OF E.COLI AND THE NECESSARY PRECAUTIONS THEREOF.Reprinted from FebruaryMarch 1998 Pomeranian ReviewYeast Infection By Charlotte Creed Added to the procedure Thoroughly saturate the entire dog with Goop hand cleaner. Use Goop only - NO SUBSTITUTES Then, wash the Goop off with Dawn dish detergent soap mixed 13 soap to 23 water. I use the antibacterial form. Probably any of the detergents would work. Follow this up with a bath with one of the above soaps, dips or Resichlor. Also, I am disinfecting my grooming utensils between each dog.Amazingly, within a couple of weeks, normal hair was growing on both dogs at the same rate and in another one in the early stages. Dr. Jourbert believes getting the skin clean is a must. Goop helps accomplish this.I took the dogs to Dr. Jourbert, and what he saw amazed him. He said, This is normal, healthy hair, just as if you had clipped them down and it is growing back, not at all like you see with true elephant skin.Hair is coming in - almost overnight it is healthy in appearance, feel, and color. I really believe that we have identified ONE of the causes, and it is treatable.Again, we must talk and share information. Research and education with an open mind is the answer. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review do not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a licensed veterinarian.JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 37. . . Jk i.J^ . x , r3MAJOR WINBEST OF OPPOSITEEVANSVILLEkennel CLUBII11V it''. .Clx StolaJ Ine S Sucker For Cute, Lollipop finished her champion with a third 4 point major under Judge Michael L. Canalizo. Thanks to Judges Joe Rachunas and Norman Patton for her other majors and to all the judges who appreciated this sound girl.Congratulations to Sherri Alspaugh on your Kennel Visit. You have heen very successful Loth in breeding and showing beautiful Poms and in leading PCCI forward in our quest to hold specialty shows. Thanks so much for all you have done for the club I truly appreciate all your hard work.^ftoavviie QVmA - QftollPhone 812 254-3857 E-mail stolanne650dialup.com40 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewrtv XWINNERSTERREHA KENNELBmHiJfssSr.-'. . 0C ^O' xdAamjbttMiCk. Stolanne S Song Of The South, Savannah , is shown winning the first of three 5 point majors all in one weekend from the puppy class. Thank y ou to Judges Mrs. Helen Lee James, Dr. Roger S. Pritchard, and Mr. Thomas A. Kilcullen for these fabulous wins. Her vivacious personality is hard to ignorermiPhone 812 254-3857 E-mail stolanne650dialup.comJsnuaryFebruaky 2005 APC Pomernian Review - 41Donna RiehmgjgygsyAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Greetings APC members and friends. Happy 2005Can you believe just how fast time flies Can anyone explain to me just why 2004 went by SO FAST First I was planning on being a part of the biggest specialty ever in March in Louisville. Seems I just thought about it and then I was there then it was over. Whew Then it was plan and get to the summer specialty in Indy that was a grand event in case you missed it then the birth of my first grandbaby then Thanksgiving and Christmas and wow The year was goneAs you read this, please note that we are now in the planning stage for the 2005 Specialty fundraising. We need your donations for the auctions. I am sure you know from past articles from Ways and Means that we have been so blessed by the support of our members and friends with such wonderful donations, all so different and yet each and everyone so special. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your time and efforts in support of our club. I so appreciate the fact that you all realize that this is one of the clubs main avenues for revenue and your generosity continues to grow each and every year. I have often commented to our officers and Board members that we have by far the greatest bunch of folks to work with as they just go out of their way to make each and every year that much better. THANK YOUSo, be thinking about what you will bring or send if you cant attend.We still have items for sale. Check your last issue for details, and call to confirm availability.Wishing 2005 brings you great wins and the company of great friends.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB ELECTION RESULTSSubmitted by Cindy Boulware, Corresponding SecretaryOFFICERS 2005-2006President Marge Kransfelder 1 st Vice President Jane Lehtinen 2nd Vice President Margaret McKee Corresponding Secretary Cindy Boulware Recording Secretary Janice Russell Treasurer Erika MoureauBOARD OF DIRECTORSSally Baugniet Diane Downey Alane Levinsohn Jackie Rayner Fran Stoll Gregg WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club Membership Dues are due January 1. Dues arriving January 2 through January 31 will be accepted provided the 15.00 late fee is included.42 - JamjaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewHmertcan ipomerantan ClubJanuary 1, 2004 through September 5, 2004 as reported by the American Kennel ClubCop 10 preeb lspstemKelly D. ReimschiisselWins Total ChairpersonBank Name Sex BOB Points Ownerfs1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D 100 1987 Noble IngleLt, Diane L. Finch2 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco D 41 886 Lee Cook, Donna Machniak. Dana Coventry3 CH Sundowns Keegan Xavier D 51 858 Camilla Knight4 CH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty D 49 843 Tony Cabrera, Fabian Ariente5 CH Valcopy Batboy D 54 642 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Bon Smith, Merilyn Smith6 CH Bodis CB King of Gondor D 39 641 Celeste Solano, B. Solano. Bon Smith, Merilyn Smith7 CH LaBajus Cosmic Kid D 36 498 L. Newbold8 CH Sirius It Wasn't Me D 34 419 Ginny Aulik, Mary Lou Laller9 CH Starfires Bobcary Sobe It D 31 370 Carol Schrimpsher10 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief D 18 285 Bon Smith, Sharon Hanson, Merilyn SmithCop 10 group JsustrmGroup TotalRank Name Sex BIS I II ID IV Points Owners1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D 15 45 29 6 8 26,872 Noble IngfeLt, Diane L. Finch2 CH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty D 15 34 5 5 2 26,108 Tony Cabrera, Fabian ArienLe3 CH Valcopy Batboy D 1 8 2 5 5 4,224 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Con Smith. Merilyn Smith4 CH Sundown's Keegan Xavier D 8 7 10 3,423 Camilla Knight5 CH Rodi's CR King of Kondor D 1 8 6 4 3,096 Celeste Solano. C. Solano, Con Merilyn Smith6 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco D 2 3 3 3 2,194 Lee Cook,Donna Machniak,Dana Coventry7 CH Starfires Robcaiy Sobe ft D 1 1 6 2 4 1,886 Carol Schrimpsher8 CH Lil Darlins 1 Got The Power D 1 1 1 3 1,266 Joanne Reed9 CH Candyfloss Lord Wilton D 5 2 1 3 1,606 B. SLetson. Hideko Strasbaugh10CH LaRajus Cosmic Kid D 1 4 1 2 1,244 L. NewboldAmerican Pomeranian Qub Members are noted with an .In order to be eligible for APC Awards gjven at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Qub Members are noted with an .Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors to the attention of the Annual Awards Chairperson. If your dogs are listed in the "corrections" of the AKC Awards issues, please contact Kelly D. Peimschiissel at before January 15, 2005.JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 43pmber, Exhibitor, tre BamJanuary l, 2004 tfjrougJ Jseptemfter 31, 2004 as report by tfje mmtan itetmel ClutCop Cxfpbttors Cop SreebersSharon L. Hanson 16 Sharon L. Hanson 10Diane L. Finch 14 Annette Rister 5Nancy Coddington 6 Arlene A. Otaguro 5Jane Lehtinen 6 Robin Watanabe 5Fabian Arienti 5 Charlotte Creed 4Jose A Cabrera 5 Diane L. Finch 4Camilla Knight 5 Noble Inglett 4Juanita Fiddick 4 Jane Lehtinen 4Jerrie Freia 4 Hazel Miller 4K. G. Griffith 4 Charlotte Meyer 4Noble Inglett 4 Kathryn J. Norem 4Charlotte Meyer 4Cop litres Cop BamsCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 16 Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene 3CH Jan-Shars Mini Me 5 Trudys Cream Delite 3CH Howlene-Teahra Impero 4 Blyss Sugpr Magnolia 2Brynrose Icuddabeenacontenda 3 Finchs Flash Point To Excite 2Finchs Causin A Comotion 3 Finchs Walk Upon A Star 2CH Finchs He Walks On Water 3 CH Jan-Shars Dixie Chick 2CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite 3 CH Jjs She Talks To Angels 2CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette 3 Karokels Just Gimma A Chance 2CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright 3 Perrien Parti Dot Meeka 2CH Jan-Shars N Sync 3 Pufpride-Ralston Rockn Robin 2CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke, CD 3 CH Sungolds I Do What I Like 2Velvet Touch Versace 3 Talicos Forever Spirit 2Trudys Cover Girl 2Junior J5f0tomansfipNovember 1, 2003 through August 30, 2004 as reported by Cathy JessenJordan Rothell 234 Mariah Seering 32Jessica Christiansen 101 Miss Lee Amber Jessen 23Taylor Irvin 51 Stephanie Burdick 22Miss Naomi Jean Bryant 44 Amanda Hagerman 21Danielle Miller 40 Caitlin Blowney 1744 - JanuakyFebruaky 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewJgeto CfmmptonOII]ampfDtis af HecoriJ are Eonfirmeb troAugustCH Animations Nell Fenwick B CH Pomsprings Wild Thing x Animations Faline. Owned Bred by Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.CH Chriscendo Career Girl B Peppipoms Classically Yours x Chriscendo Cameo Rose. Owned Bred by Christine D. Heartz.CH Dhcrew Ruff-N-Ready DCH Reginapoms Ready To Rumble x Underwoods Sadie T Of Dhcrew. Owned Bred by Harold E. Webster, Jr.CH Dias Gentlemen Preffer B Dancos Eskimo Pi x Dia's Little Bit O Spice Owned by Renee K McGrath D.V.M.Bred by David Hogg.CH Finchs Awesome On All Four D CH Finchs Walkin After Midnite x Finch's Precocious Debutant. Owned by Kathy Norem. Bred by Diane L. Finch. CH Finchs One Tough BabeB CH Finch's A Noble Tradition xCH Finchs Amzing Lil Walker. Owned by Kathy Norem. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Great Rivers Aint No Paint D Great Rivers Michelangelo x Ryan N Beau James Hot Chilli. Owned by Sharon Yampiro. Bred by Diane Price.CH Jakens Splashing In The Rain At Jan Le D Making ASplash At Lenette x Tresstique Rosemary. Owned by Jane Lehtinen, Jackie Rayner Eddie Dziuk. Bred by Jackie Rayner Jane Lehtinen.CH Jan Les Marsha Marsha Marsha B CH Jan Le's Just A Dash Of Millamor x Jan Les Just A Lady CD. Owned by Jane Lehtinen Judy Corbett. Bred by Jane Lehtinen.CH Jan-Shars Liz Claiborne B CH Jan-Shars Mini Me x CH Jan-Shars Dixie Chick. Owned by David Solis Jessica Solis. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jolvin Crown Jewel B CH Jolvin's Legacy Of Ginger x Oakrose Forbidden Dragon. Owned Bred by Joan Beech Melvin Beech.CH Mai-T-Tois Son Of Sam D CH Mai-T-Toi's Flaming Samba x CH Dhcrew Manic Monday Mai-T-Toi. Owned Bred by Angela Nisbet.CH Mibabe Armdndangnous Of Elle D CH Bar-Net Top Gun x CH Mi Babe Rain Beaus Margarita. Owned by Stephanie Witt Babe Mccombs. Bred by Babe McCombs Jean E. Cook.CH Mt Crest At Springwood D CH Pierce Arrows Justin Timex Mountain Crest Abby Owned by Rebecca B. Jackson Carlene B. Gilstrap. Bred by Carlene Gilstrap.CH O My Wham Bamb D Valencias Pretty Boy Mike x 0 My Pistol's Ebony Jewel. Owned by Carol L. Wittrock. Bred by Opal Dumler.CH Odysseys Chase The Wind B CH VI Ps Desperado x CH Odyssey's Butterfly Kisses. Owned Bred by Janet Manuszak-Lucido.CH Paradise Valley Rock N Robin B CH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion x Star Haven's Righteous Sparkle. Owned Bred by Marshall Rokos Cindy Rokos.CH R-Luv Little XS-N-OS B CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD x R-Luvs My Funny Valentine. Owned Bred by Tina J Petrina.CH Rise N Shines Shes A Hottie B CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x CH Rise N Shines Leading Lady. Owned Bred by Julie Clemen.CH Shamais One Hot Summer Night B CH Shamai N Mnms Cruzin N Style x Shamai And Mnms Tiger Lily. Owned by Kelly Klingbeil.Bred by Kelly Klingbeil Karen D. Wegg.CH Showcase Hot Topic D CH Mountain Crest JJ x CH Showcase Charmed Im Sure. Owned Bred by Alane Levinsohn Curtiss G. Smith.CH TLCs Duke of the North D CH Tics Southerngentlemanof Lenette x Charles Delilah Of Lenette. Owned Bred by Connie Charles.CH Tokie Tailored To Win B CH Tokies Mercury x CH Sunterra Stylish Affair. Owned by Chaivat Tangkaravakun Prakit Chularojmontri. Bred by Chaivat Tangraravakun.CH Tresstique Gr8 Memorial Barbq B Chinadolls Pianoman x CH Tresstique You Go Girl. Owned Bred by Bonnie Harris.CH Trudys In A New York Minute D Lil Darlins Power VTrudys xTrudys Cover Girl. Owned by Debby Gonyeau. Bred by Nancy Coddington.SeptemberCH Babbis Charmed One Knight D Goldkist Rockin Knight x Creampuff Delight. Owned by Barbara 0Rear Betty Meyer. Bred by Barbara O'Rear. CH Bravo Peppermint Pattie B CH Bravo My Little Hercules x Veejays Ginger Of Lenette. Owned Bred by V. J. McEvilly.CH Chars Parti Til You Tucker D CH Finchs Rockin Parti x Dossmars Miss Sparkle. Owned by Deborah Stoehr. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Cinnakees The Magician D Cinnakees Pendragon x Cinnakees Watch This. Owned Bred by Cathy Cinnamon Gary Cinnamon.CH Damascusroad Dream Buster D CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Bavanews Angel On Damascusroad. Owned by Barbara Moore. Bred by Beverley A. Carter.CH Daystar Sophistication BCH Daystar Celebrity To Janlors x Daystar Foxglen Way To Cool. Owned by Robert Solano Celeste Solano. Bred by Karen Power.CH Elans Impersonator D CH Elan's Chevalier x Elans Ready To Rumba. Owned Bred by Melissa R. Dahlenburg.CH FinchsXcite Cascade Wonder D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Flash Point To Excite. Owned by Marilyn Robertson. Bred by Karen Crawford. CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile B CH Zanara Glen Iris Braveheart x Glen Iris Sunpower Of Zanara. Owned by Geno Sisneros. Bred by Cheryl A. Jackson.CH Howlene-Teahra Abcde B CH Howlene-Teahra Impero x Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene. Owned Bred by Arlene A. Otaguro, Hazel Miller, Robin Watanabe.CH Inchallahs Heavens To Betsie B CH Trudys Country Club x CH Inchalla Steel Magnolia. Owned by Heike Wehrle Tanya Wehrle. Bred by Heike Wehrle.CH Jan- Shars Seabiscuit D CH Jan-Shars Mini Me x CH Jan-Shars Fairest Of Them All. Owned Bred by Sharon L. Hanson Letita Cannon.CH Jan-Shars Dr. Phil D CH Jan-Shars If Looks Could Kill x CH Jan-Shars Dixie Chick. Owned by Howard Sklar. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Getting Rave Reviews B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Jan- Shars Kiss And Tell. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Uncle Sam Wants You D CH Jan-Shars N Sync x CH Jan- Shars Beauty Is My Business. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH JanesasTag You Are ltD CH Sundown's Hide N Zeke CD x Raine-Bets Wrapped 'N Ribbons. Owned by Debby Gonyeau. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Jenuwane Caught You Look N D CH Jenuwayne Made You Look x Jenuwane Fall Classic. Owned by Debbie A. Hollander Joanne Norris. Bred by Jenny Hryniuk.CH Jenuwane Look IM The Candyman D CH Jenuwayne Made You Look x Stylish's Zoom N To Jenuwane. Owned by Margaret Brown. Bred by Jenny Hryniuk.CH Larajus Palisades Van Gogh D Velvet Touch Versace x Palisades Larajus Fantasy. Owned by Teresa G. White. Bred by Ellen Smith Laura Newbold.CH Lil Ponderosa AMillion Bucks D CH Dreamweavers Cloud Jumperx Lil Ponderosa Bedazzled. Owned Bred by Sherry L. Cartwright.CH Marbils Lgndry Irish Coffee D CH Park Aves Step'n Up Playboy x Marbils Dealers Choice. Owned by Nancy Smith. Bred by Mari Iffland.CH Oakrose Let Freedom Reign D Jandalas Wrongway Corrigan x Oakrose Calico And Lace. Owned by Charlotte Meyer Diane L. Finch. Bred by Joan Rose Gail Stewart.CH Pom Acres Mecedes B CH Pom Acres Atomic Red Dawn x CH Pom Acres What A Babe. Owned Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Pom Acres Rios Gem B CH Classics Diamond Rio x CH Pom Acres New Days Dawn. Owned Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Pomdragon Yukis Carousel B Sandalwood LG Vintage Wizard x Woodrose Princes Hi Jubilee. Owned by Eleanor Y. Goto, Arlene Otaguro Himller, Robin Watanabe. Bred by Kay Spencer.CH Ryms W Focus On Fashion D Designs Special Messenger x Windmist Fashion Statement. Owned Bred by Shelley Wiemer.CH Sapphires Dancing In The Dark B Heartlands Knight Ryder x Heartland's Lady In Red. Owned Bred by Beth Shattuck.CH Serafinas Rush Hour D CH Star Havens Rush Hour x CH Bi-Mar's Jitterbug. Owned by Sandra Girth. Bred by Mary A. Rosenbaum Margaret Nance.CH Starfires Fransesca B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Starfire's Natalia. Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Starfires Sexy Santino D Starfires Im Very Sexy x Starfires Lola. Owned by Annette Rister. Bred by Tony Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Trudys Wyndlor Causin Havoc B CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright xTrudy's Cream Delite. Owned by Becky Sabourin. Bred by Nancy Coddington.CH Woods Whispering Mist B CH Woods High Tech Toy x Wood's Tina Marie. Owned Bred by Maynard Wood.CH Woodroses Forever N Ever D CH Island's Here We Go x Woodroses Sylvia. Owned Bred by Clarice M. Oganeku Yvette H. Oganeku.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2005JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 45Health and Genetics Continued from Page 47 the eye, damage may be done. If persistent cases of entropion are not surgicallycorrected, the rubbing of the eyelashes against the eye can result in ulcers on the cornea and the cornea can become pigmented. Entropian breeding advice varies by breed since some breed specific characteristics predispose certain breeds to the condition however, it is recommended that only normal dogs be bred in order to reduce the occurrence of this disease.Distichiasis Distichiasis is an eyelid disorder that is characterized by extra eyelashes along the inside margin of the eye rim. These extra eyelashes usually do not cause problems if they are soft. If they are harsh, they can cause irritation and can lead to corneal ulcerations. Dystichia is a hereditary disease. Sometimes surgery is required to remove the offending lashes. Breeding advice for Distichiasis is breeder option.CERF recommends annual exams for all dogs used in a breeding program. Show-giving clubs often hold eye clinics in conjunction with their shows. These clinics offer a discounted exam price. Many cities in the United States now have CERF certified veterinary ophthalmologist practices, making it fairly easy for anyone desiring to have their dogs examined for CERF certification to do so. The exams are painless and only take a few minutes.For more information about CERF and hereditary eye diseases, please visit the CERF Website at newpolicv.htmlCERF History RecountedAPC members should stand tall with pride. The concept, start-up, operation, and defense of CERF came about by one of our own. Dolly Trauner Phyner Pomeranians was responsible. In recognition, the AKC awarded her the first lifetime award before it formalized the process and awarded them annually.Of course, the infancy of CERF happened before my being active in the breed. Dolly and Julie Moreno were still in Poodles. Poodles had a major problem with PRA. The Poodle Club of America lead the way with supporting canine eye research by Dr. Aguirre who was then at the University of Pennsylvania. Dolly helped raise a lot of money within a record amount of time to save his research project there. Her husband, a medical doctor, helped her envision a way that might save the breed. Previously, the Packards had tried to create an open registry for this. Dolly realized the dog fancy was not ready to participate in an open registry yet. There were two key reasons this new project did not fail. Only the owner of the tested dog would be privy to advertise the results. People would advertise their dog passed. So, if one did not advertise that his animal was tested and passed, it was assumed that animal did not pass. But all information collectively was available for researchers. Years later, this probably contributed to finding the PRA marker. The other important factor to its success was that only board certified ophthalmologists could do the testing. This assured that the test results would be more accurate and uniform.So, these two ladies plus one other volunteer opened up an office within Dollys Pacific Heights home in San Francisco and kept all the records for CERF for many years. Positive results in breeding programs began to take hold. Then, a few non-board certified veterinarians challenged in court their right to have their testings be accepted by CERF. This was about dollars and cents for the average vet. Dolly believed in the principle she had originated, and she backed up that principle with her private funds and perseverance. This higher-level court case dragged on for years. This translated to costing multimillions in dollars and the persistence of a bull terriers temperament. During these years, Dolly and Julie became Pomeranian people, and so did I. Thus I remember the joy, sense of accomplishment and monetary pay back Dolly finally had when a ruling was declared in her favor. This must of been in the late 80s or early 90s. Meanwhile, CERF was growing by leaps and bounds. Dolly then knew it was time for CERF to have the permanence and manpower that an educational institution could provide and therefore made an agreement with Purdue University to take over CERFs operation. CERFs administration then became associated with OFA and they in turn with CHIC.A tool for better breeding was created and accomplished by two women over a cup of coffee thinking of what they could do to help their breed, then finding no others willing to help with this vision, saying, Lets just do it. And so they did. Today, all our dogs are better for it. Marge Kranzfelder itnsRalph E. Hamor, DVM, MS, checks the lens of the eye.2005 APC National SpecialtyLouisville, KFAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MARCH 2005 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKYMonday, Tuesday, Wednesday, March 14, 15, 16, 2005 Executive Inn, Louisville, Kentucky 978 Phillips Lane Phone 1-800-626-27062005 AFC National SpecialtyLouisville, KFRV parking will be located at the fairgrounds across the street from the Executive Inn. Hook-ups are available.For reservations, phone 502 367-5000.Louisville Airport is located across the street from the hotel. Executive Inn will send a van to pick you up. Call from the airport courtesy phone after picking up your luggage.Monday WednesdayPuppy Sweepstakes - Judge Christine Heartz Specialty Bitch classesVeteran Sweepstakes Specialty BOBPomeranian Charitable Trust event not yet determined Obedience Trial Brussels Griffons Obedience TrialJudges Education Seminar PCCV Match HospitalityTuesdayJr. Showmanship classes - Judge Fred Bassett Specialty Dog classes - Judge Fred Bassett Non-Regular Classes Parade of Champions Rally Workshop Annual MeetingMid-Kentucky Kennel Club - Thursday, Mar 17,2005 Louisville Kennel Club - Friday, Mar 18 Greater Louisville Training Club, Saturday, Mar 19 Evansville Kennel Club - Saturday, Mar 19 Louisville Kennel Club-Sunday, Mar 20Superintendent Onofrio Dog Shows 405 427-8181 orwww.onofrio.comPlease support the APC National Specialty by placing an ad in the show catalog. Send all ad copy and payment check, VISA, MasterCard, American Express to Cindy Boulware, 6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142, 972 962-3872. The winners of the drawing held at the Summer Specialty for the color pages in the March 2005 APC National Catalog include Back Cover-Audrey Roberts Inside Back Cover - Annette Davis Centerfold - Bonnie Harris.The Executive Inn room rate is 82.00 plus tax, per night for a double or king room, with a 75 refundable pet deposit. Reservations must be made no later than February 11,2005. Please tell the reservations desk that you are with the American Pomeranian Club.Volunteers are still needed, please contact Cindy Boulware as soon as possible if you would like to help.Show Chairperson - Diana Downey 4705 Newline Road, Gum Spring, VA23065 804-556-2877Obedience Chairperson-Wendy Donnelly 220 Spring Falls Rd, Alpharetta, GA30004-3725 407-948-0385Show Secretary-Cindy Boulware 6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142, 972-962-3872Trophy Chairperson - Pati Danielson 616 Mystery Bridge Rd, Evansville, WY 82636 307-265-3305. Please donate generouslyto the trophy fund.Advertising - Help We need a volunteer Grounds - Gregg WatersVendor Booths-Gregg Waters, 1625 E 11400 S, Sandy, UT 84092 801-571-4959Hospitality Chairperson - Kelly Reimschiissel 6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003-3419 801-756-2092. Two or three additional volunteers are needed.Awards Chairperson - Kelly ReimschiisselPhotographer-Judy MehcizChief Ring Steward - Volunteer neededRing Steward for Sweepstakes on Monday - 2 Volunteers neededRing Steward for Regular Class dogs on Tuesday-2 Volunteers neededRing Steward for Regular Class Bitches BOB on Wed - 2 Volunteers neededRing Steward for Obedience Trial on Wed -2 Volunteers neededWays Means Chairperson Auctioneer- Robert Fiddickwill be held in combination with the Pomeranian Obedience Trial. The breeds will be judged separately, and judges books will be kept separate but, group exercises will be done together with individual scores written in the appropriate judges book for that breed.Awards Banquet AuctionOur Obedience was changed from Thursday, Mar 17, to Wed, Mar 16, because the Louisville Cluster will be having an all-breed show Thursday.JanurryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranmn Review - 49^omerantan fttsftorpWestminster Kennel Club Pomeranian Group Placements 1924-2003YEAR2004 Group 41988 Group 1BIS 1987 Group 3 1982 Group 2 1981 Group 2 1980 Group 2 1979 Group 1 1978 Group 2 1976 Group 2 1971 Group 1 1967 Group 1 1962 Group 1 1960 Group 3 1955 Group 2 1951 Group 2 1949 Group 3 1948 Group 1 1947 Group 1 1944 Group 2 1943 Group 4 1942 Group 1 1941 Group 2 1940 Group 4 1939 Group 2 1938 Group 2 1937 Group 2 1936 Group 1 1935 Group 1 1934 Group 2 1933 Group 2 1932 Group 3 1931 Group 1 1930 Group 2 1929 Group 3 1928 Group 1 1927 Group 1 1926 Group 1 1925 Group 2 1924 ReserveCh Starfire's Wicked Mean N NastyCh Great Elms Prince Charming IICh Lennis's Tar Lacy FoxfireCh Duke's Lil Red Baron O'Kala Ch Leader's Little Buck-a-Roo Ch Pixietown Serenade of HadleighPomwin Doreen Ch Little Tim StepperCh Moneybox CurrencyCh Salisburgy Sensation Wonder SonSealand CareerCh Bogota Firebug Ch Little Rajah Glen Rose FlashawayOWNERfSIWm Cosby, J Heath, J Cabrera, F ArientiSkip Piazza Oga BakerEdward B JennerMrs Joyce Graves Ina F KniffinRuth Belleck Lady Florence ConyersMrs Blossom M Sandy Mrs V MattaMrs V MattaMrs Andres W Rose Miss E G HydonRadiant KennelsMiss E G Hydon Mrs V Matta Joseph Greenwood52 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review0y t 3 ^Wheres the jelly Ty, submitted by Alana, Olivia and Joanna DillonWhy does everyone keep calling me Daisy Submitted by B. RobertsonNuttin says lovin like something from the oven. Joanne NorriswaAhh...My brother makes the best pillow.S.Wrong My sis makes the best pillow.Joanne Norris r\ Roxanne CollinsWANTEDI ODlqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its M Far Fan.f Tr3rt- AJVVINNERS BITCHSPECIALTY SHOWV\W,7E JCnteCNPom Club of Hawaii Continuedfrom Page 55Bred By Exhibitor Bitches1 - Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy-Yuki - bred by Arlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe and owned by the breeders and Eleanor Goto Sire Ch. Howlene- Teahra Impero - Dam Pinnacle Holly of Howlene2 - Woodroses Uptown Girl - bred and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku, Sire Ch. Gayels Kit Carson - Dam Woodroses Blond BombshellOpen Bitches1 - Weewyn Whos in Charge Here - bred by Cathy Anderson owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku Sire Ch. Weewyns A walk in the Park - Dam Weewyns Oncore Performance2 - Amours Shes a Hot Diva - bred by Noelle Sasaki and owned by Noelle Sasaki Shirley-Ann K. LeuSire Ch. Amours Thats Hot to Trot - Dam Haikus Mochi Bear3 - Sandlwood Vintage Vin Rose - bred by Roger Lau Joan Kaneshiro and owned by Ellen TakayamaSire Ch. Sandalwood JI Marty Jr - Dam Sandalwood KG AnyaWinners Bitch - Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy-Yuki Reserve Winners Bitch - Weewyn Whos In Charge HereBest of Winners - Woodroses PikachuBest Bred by Exhibitor - Howlene Teahra Almond JoyYukiBestPuppy - Woodroses PikachuOur Parade of Champions had an entry of five.Ch. Gourmet Howlene-Teahra Caviar - Denzel is one of the first black Poms to finish in Hawaii in recent years.He just completed his title earlier this year and is a toy group winnerCh. GuysNGals And All That Jazz - Jazz completed his title handled by Charlene Yoshida. They were a great team until he retired and is now the King of the Yoshida household.Ch. S-M Legacy Objet of Mystique - Jetta is Sylvias first homebred champion and was breederowner handled to his title. Although he is an adult, he is playful as a puppy with a BIG DOG attitude.Ch. Vintage Brandy Alexandra - Lexi is the first champion bitch that Ellen has ever specialed. She is a group winner and has captured the hearts of many onlookers.Ch. CaneFyres Tatertot - Tater is Sharis first home-bred champion. She is a multiple group winner and a BISS winner. Being that it was Halloween, she was dressed for the parade as Miss Dragonfly. Just too cuteBest of Breed - Ch. Vintage Vino Vino - bred by Ellen Takayama, Owned by Shari Fukuyama and Ellen Takayama Sire Ch. Starfires Playboy of Haiku - Dam Vintage Canadian MistBest of Opposite Sex - Ch. Canefyres Tatertot - bred Shari Fukuyama Mark Kupau, Owned by Shari Fukuyam, Laurella Pang Lynn Kamiya Sire Ch. Sandalwood JI Marty Jr - Dam Canefyres Hi-Speed RacinThe show was followed by a raffle that is getting more successful every year. Special thanks for Judy Leadbeater for organizing the raffle and soliciting donations to Amy Matsuoka and Joan Kaneshiro for helping set up the raffle items and helping sell tickets, and to the many companies and individuals for their generous donations.Our judges dinner was held at a restaurant in Waikiki that had our favorite crab legs and prime rib buffet. We enjoyed the wonderful food and each others company for the evening before all too soon it was time to leave.56 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 itPC Pomeranian ReviewWITHBETH AND BOB OF HADLEY MICHIGAN1949MERCURYSHATTUCK.'DRIVINGAPC member Beth Shattuck, husband Bob and their Pomeranian, Turbo, were featured in the Detroit Free Press newspaper October 21, 2004. Driving With is a regular Free Press column written by staff writer Joe Guy Collier that features people and their unusual automobiles.Bob and Beth own several classic cars including a 1969 Chevelle, 1963 Nova and a 1963 split-window Corvette. However it was their purple 1949 lead sled Mercury that was the featured ride, complete with photos of the Shattucks and Pomeranian Turbo.Beth, who runs a DJ service, said the purple Mercury is always a head-turner with or without the little mascot Turbo. Most 1949 Mercurys are usually red or black.The Shattucks show and own several Pomeranians, as well as the collectible cars. They currently have several AKC champion Pomeranians, including Radar and Mocha. Two other Poms only need a few single points to finish.A photo of the Shattucks Pomeranian, Turbo, also will be featured in the motor compartment of a 1937 Chevrolet, which will be on display with Jay Lenos car at the Academy Awards.DRIVING WITH THE SHATTUCKS HADLEY COUPLE SAY THEIR 1949 MERCURY IS A HEAD TURNER, ESPECIALLY WHEN POMERANIAN TURBO RIDES ALONG.tfWhats your Pom been up to lately Please share with our readers.Email information to the editor at Articles will be used as space permits.JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 57DALLAS FT. WORTHPOMERANIAN CLUB SPECIALTY3By Bob and Elizabeth PietzschThe 45th Dallas Ft. Worth Pomeranian Club Specialty was held Friday, September 17, 2004, at the Will Rogers Coliseum complex in Ft. Worth, Texas.Present at the show were wonderful examples of the Pomeranian breed to ooh and ahh over not just the Lone Star State represented, but Pomeranians from New Mexico to Florida. All entries made this another memorable specialty. Thanks to all the exhibitors and wonderful judges who so graciously consented to help make our show special.The Sweepstakes Judge was Tammi White. The Sweepstakes results are as follows9-12 month dogs1 st Lil Roks Citibank Mastercard6-9 month bitches1st DreamWeavers Rainn Fire2nd Geebears Secret DestineyBIS Lil Roks Citibank Mastercard BOS DreamWeavers Rainn FireThe Regular Class Judge was Kathy Sawyer The Regular Class placements werePuppy Dogs 6-9 months1st Starfires RobCary Bad Boy2nd Pufpride Cause for Applause12-18 month Dogs1 st Keepsakes Make My Day 2nd Sweethearts Texas Two StepBred by Dogs1 st Lil Roks Citibank Mastercard 2nd Peachs Simpley IrresistibleOpen Dogs1 st Prestigious High Octane 2nd Starfires Sexy Santino 3rd Finchs Livin In Style 4th Damascusroad Dream BusterWD Prestigious High Octane RWD Starfires Sexy SantinoPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st Geebears Secret DestineyP7 P , '" A. Amm . kFid ii58 - JanuaryFebruaey 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewBred by Bitches1st Dreamweavers Rainn FireAOpen Bitches1st Julies Secret of Ivon 2nd Chipawas Scouts Honor,WB Julies Secret of IvonRWB DreamWeavers Rainn Fire'arrfrBest Of Breed CH Peachs Day Dream BelieverBOWBOS Julies Secret of IvonA-,...MN,Following the show, most of the spectators andexhibitors met at an appropriately chosen Tex Mex Restaurant in the historic Ft. Worth Stockyards for food and fellowship. It was a good time to renew old acquaintances and make new ones, too.This show would not have gone on without the hard work of the dedicated members of the club and thanks to them, we had another great Pom gathering. A special thanks goes out to Cindy Boulware, our club President, who unselfishly gives so much of her time to the club and the Rescue Program. And, in her spare time, is the APC secretarysc .The wcua i see it'^ avid MoreWith Sue LucatortoAKC licensed Judges responses are welcome and appreciated. Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.Patricia Larrissey Cleveland, Ohio1. How long have you been an AKC licensed Judge Ito improve the average show Poms presentation Most Poms are little showmen all by themselves. The dog can be trimmed to accentuate the circle and tail set, but I want to see guard hairs over the entire body.was given regular status for my first two breeds Chihuahuas and Papillons in October 2003.2. Why did you apply to become a judge Physically, I was no longer able to show dogs but wanted to stay involved in the dog show world.8. Do you have any comments concerning our present Breed Standard I was disappointed to see the color classifications removed. I worry that we will soon see black dogs with white feet and chests, etc. being shown, and that, to me, is not a show Pom.3. What breed of dogs have you owned, lived with, and bred I had bred and owned Pomeranians, Miniature Poodles, Papillons and Chihuahuas.4. Did you ever own or show a Pomeranian Yes, several.If so, please tell us about some interesting facts andor accomplishments about the Poms. In 1967,I bought my first Pom, to show in obedience, Russeds Smokey Joe CD. He was black and of average quality, so I also showed him in conformation when the Open class was divided by color. Though he never won any points, I got hooked on showing. I bought my first show bitch, bred a few litters and showed my dogs to both their conformation and obedience titles.5. What do you enjoy about judging Poms I enjoy seeing a sound Pom, groomed correctly, with correctly shaped eyes.6. What do you expect from the exhibitors in your ring I expect a clean dog that is not overtrimmed, that stands on the table to be examined.7. In general, what do you think an exhibitor can do9. If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to express them. I plan to judge only those breeds I really care about, and Poms are one of those breeds.mkiPatricia Larrissey 1970 with Patricia Larrissey 2004 one of her CH. CD PomsMASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS AND PAYPAL ACCEPTEDVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.org60 - JxnoaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranikn ReviewyipsN yapsIn My Opinion by Sherrilynn RogersIn review of the various responses to the MayJune 2004 Pom Talk questions, I found the prevailing responses to not only not really address the questions, but I believe we failed to ask the correct questions. Instead of asking If you sell a Pom as a show prospect and it doesnt turn out, what do you do, perhaps we should have first asked the following questions1. Between buyer and seller, who determines whether a show prospect Pom puppy fulfills the requirements of the contract2. At what age do you make a determination whether the show prospect fulfills the requirements of the contract or notToo many times I have seen this rush to right a perceived wrong. Or battle lines drawn and enemies made from what should be friends, all because both parties in the exchange failed to lay out the ground rules before coming to an agreement. After all, nobody is twisting the buyers arm to buy a particular puppy from a particular breeder. The breeder is only hurting their marketability as a reputable breeder if they sell a puppy as a show prospect that they know has faults or problems that would prevent it from being a viable show prospect under normal circumstances. We all know there are professional handlers that can finish a stick dog based on their reputation and familiarity with the judges, but that is not normal circumstances. No buyer should have to resort to a high- priced professional handler to show their show prospect just for their dog to be competitive, provided they are willing to take the time to learn to do it themselves if that is their intent and they are able to accept constructive guidance from mentors and other exhibitors and use it to better themselves, especially buyers who are new in Poms.You see, the words show prospect mean just exactly that, that the puppy has in the opinion of the breederseller all the makings of what it takes to compete in the show ring. The breederseller is not guaranteeing that the puppy is going to win nor are they guaranteeing that the puppy is going to go out and complete its championship by the time it is 7-8 mos. old. I, as a breeder and occasional seller of show prospect puppies, have had a number of show Champions that were not shown until they were 18 mos. to 2 yrs. old because, although I knew them to be show quality prospects, I also knew they werent ready until they were more mature, either mentally or physically. Sure, Ive seen a lot of puppies run right out and finish by the time they were 7-8 mos. Old, but Ive also watched a number of them fall apart by the time they reached adulthood. When I buy a Pom puppy, I want something that is in it for the long haul not just a pretty toy that will go out and finish real quick, maybe even be a good Special for a year, then go home and fall apart. Thats one reason Id rather evaluate and purchase older puppies, typically 6-8 mos., than to buy the cute little 8-12 wk old fluff- ball, that may or may not hold together past their 1st birthday. Thats also why, unless there are some significant faults or detractors, I am willing to sit on my own puppies until they are 6-8 mos. old before culling out the pets and determining which ones are good show prospects, brood bitches or stud dogs.When you use the term show prospect you need to have a written contract and you need to define just what you mean. As many long-time and even not so long-time breederownerhandlers know, some of us can go out and finish a dog that its owner has had no luck with at all. Why Thats for us to know and you to find out But seriously, for the most part it is because we know the game and we take it seriously. We know the dogs good points and bad points, we work to enhance the good and minimize the bad. We know the rules of the ring and we control and present the dog to the best of our ability to present that dog as a serious contender for the win. We dont just slap a lead on a dog and walk it into the ring and lolligag it up to the judge letting it just stand and walk any way it wants. We have worked with that dog we have trained that dog to walk, stand and present the way WE want it to.Unless the buyer is an experienced breederownerhandler in their own right, they must be willing to accept the evaluation and opinion of the breederseller. If they are new at showing Poms, they must be willing to pay their dues work hard at training the dog, go to classes, go to puppy matches, talk to and learn from others, learn how to groom, learn the rules of the ring, practice good sportsmanship, thats a tough one sometimes, I know and accept that they are not always going to win.When I sell a show prospect puppy, I have enough faith in the qualities of that puppy to offer to show it for them for the first couple of shows, provided they are willing to pay the entry fees and they attend the show to learn how to do it themselves, if that is their intent.I also offer to show the dog through completion of its conformation title, for a nominal by show fee, if they prefer, and if I can work it into my schedule.On evaluation of a show prospect puppy when it reaches show age, I will do one of 4 things1. Re-confirm my belief that it is a very showable puppy and offer to show it for the new owner if they desire.2. Recommend the owner give the puppy a little more time, maybe it doesnt have enough coat, maybe its movement is stillYips N Yaps Continued on Page 63 JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 61MYFIRST POM14r_Ni ctyThis story is about my first Pom. Her name wound up being Nicky. When I first spotted her, she was looking at me through a window at a pet store. As a matter of fact, she was in the window. I went into the pet store to complain about puppies in the window. I was passing in the mall and had spotted them. No way was I looking for a dogI mentioned to the manager that I did not think this poor business practice was allowed anymore. I proceeded to tell him that I was going home to make some phone calls. To quiet me down, as I was getting quite excited, he said, ALL RIGHT Lady, I will move them. As he instructed an employee to move the four or five in the window, this little red thing jumped out of the workers arms and almost fell. I went over to help the fellow, to see if the pup had fallen. I held the pup who proceeded to bite me on the nose.I said, My Goodness, what kind of temperament is on these dogs that you sell This puppy just nipped my nose. By this time my husband had come into the store to see what the commotion was and found me. He did ask me what had happened to my nose. I showed him this feisty piece of red fur. I didnt even know what breed it was. The store manager explained that this was a Pomeranian puppy and that they had named her Lena. It seems that she was the 200.00 special for the week. She was almost six months old and they hadnt been able to sell her. One of the employees that had taken care of her had always played with her and somehow taught her to nip people on the nose. He though it was a very cute trick. When I expressed a serious interest in her he said, Let me take off 50.00 if you give her a home and dont make any waves about puppies in the window. I promptly told him that I had to give this feisty thing a home and I sincerely hoped that the puppy in the window practice was a memory.We parted on somewhat friendly terms. As I left the store, Ed said to me, I am so happy that you consulted me on adding a puppy to the house. However, she is quite cute. That all took place almost fifteen years ago. Naturally, by the time we left the pet store, I had books on Pomeranians, and I was determined to learn all I could about the breed. I couldnt wait to get her home and show her offThe kids were so excited with their new pet. However much of the excitement wore off when she began nipping everyones nose. Since she started off by nipping mine, Ed suggested we call her Nippy.62 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewMy First Pom ContinuedAs what usually happens, for the dogs first few days she was the center of family attention. After the weekend, the commotion died down and everyone returned to school and work. I was pleasantly surprised to find this little tyrant at the door, barking furiously as I returned from my part time job. She welcomed me home every day, by telling me off I found it so hard to believe that such a tiny thing had taken command of my life. She came with me everywhere. She used to crawl into my purse and go to sleep. I do carry a somewhat large purse. She was content as long as we were together. She became my partner. It was amazing to me the bond that this little creature created.The name Nippy was changed however to Nicky, in the hopes of teaching this dog that nipping was definitely not allowed. When Nicky was stressed, she did continue to nip noses throughout her life. On her first vet visit, Nicky was given the usual exam. When it came to the shot, she tolerated it well. When the vet was finished he bent down, petted her and proceeded to tell her what a good girl she was. Nicky jumped up and let him know what she thought of his shots and nipped him on the nose. For future visits, he made sure never to bend down again.One day, I noticed Nicky was walking in a peculiar manner. She was quite close to the wall and appeared as if she was drunk. We had the vet do all the usual tests and then a sonogram. We discovered that Nicky had an inside liver shunt. She was put on a low protein diet. Nicky lived many years with this ailment. From time to time, we did have episodes. I learned that there is really not much that can be done. We had her medication and diet to keep her comfortable.Nicky did see the inside of the show ring as a juniors dog. She did like to show but did not have the conformation. Fortunately for us, Nicky never bit the judges nose.We had Nicky for fourteen years, which was a good age for a dog with her problem. Nicky did possess all the characteristics of a Pom. She was courageous and dedicated to our family. She inspired in us a love of the breed that has never changed.Yips N Yaps Continued From Page 61puppy gangly, maybe the puppy is not well socialized and needs to get out more. There could be a number of reasons the puppy is not ready but that does not diminish my belief that the puppy is a show prospect. If this is the case, I set a specific timedate in the future when the puppy should be re-evaluated, usually no more than 6 mos.3. Make an honest evaluation and determination that the puppy does not have all the makings of their next champion, but weigh the good against the not so good and determine whether the puppy makes a good prospective breeding male or female or maybe they want to do obedience, is it a good obedience prospect Determine just what the buyers goals are. Did they buy it because they wanted to finish a new champion and get into breeding or what Offer a reduction in the price of the puppy if they are willing to keep the puppy and consider alternate uses for the puppy, or offer replacement at no more than 1 yr in the future, with immediate return of the puppy currently in their possession, so you still have an opportunity to place that puppy while it is young. Sometimes this demand for immediate return brings out feelings that may not have been readily apparent before, and the new owners think real hard and fast about whether they really want to let that puppy go.4. Determine and agree on evaluation that there are significant faults with the puppy, or maybe even not a good puppybuyer mix thats been known to happen and offer to replace the puppy within 1 yr or immediately refund their money. In either case, take immediate repossession of the puppy.In all cases, I will replace with the same sex if at all possible, unless the prospective buyer has no particulars. I will attempt to repeat the same breeding if that is their desire but I do NOT guarantee it because you never know what can happen to or between dogs a year in the future. Maybe one or the other is deceased or not capable beyond breeding age, or not available, out of the country on the show circuit or something. Who knowsLast and foremost, do a contract. Spell out in the contract what is determined to be show prospect. The seller makes the call, after all, the buyer has the right to go elsewhere if they dont like the terms Nobody is forcing the buyer to buy a particular puppy from a particular breeder. When a buyer takes a show prospect puppy that is exactly what they are getting, a show PROSPECT. Much of the rest of it is up to them. That puppy doesnt turn into a champion sitting in somebodys house or kennel and never getting out or getting worked with.The breeder breeds the SHOW PROSPECT but the buyer makes it a SHOW CHAMPION,JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 63rNEWS IND VIEWSby Barbara McClatcheyRALLY SPECIAL\ COLUMNRALLY formerly Rally-style Obedience is now a titling class with AKC and will be soon with UKC we did not have specific information on the date this column was due. We hope to have the name of the first Rally-titled Pomeranian for you in the next issue. Meanwhile, heres some information to go on.Rally is the newest dog sport, in which the judge lays out a course in the ring with signs at various stations to tell the handler what the team is to do at that station. Some of the simplest exercises are obvious Left Turn, Right Turn, Fast, Slow, Normal. Some are more exciting 360 Left Turn, 270 Right Turn, Spiral Right, Serpentine. A great excitement builder for the dog is that this is not bread-and-butter heeling its cake-and-ice cream. Since the dog never knows what will happen next, he has to keep a close eye on the handler.Dogs who have tried Rally have nothing but good things to say about it. Listen to Taffy Johnstoys Friday Jam Session CDX This Rally thing is more fun than chasing squirrels. Ive finally got Mom to understand that when we are together it is not for being all serious and quiet, but for talking and having a good time. Im happy to walk with Mom and sit and lie down and run because shes always telling me how wonderful I am when I do it. She just didnt know when I was bored doing Obedience that it was because I need lots of feedback, like, NOW. So when were at a dog show, and Mom says, Taffy, lets Rally I know that the good times, they are acornin.That is one major difference between Rally and traditional ObedienceRally encourages unlimited communication between dogs and handlers. Praise, extra commands, and lots of sweet loving talk is at the heart of Rally. The very best handlers in Rally are the ones who are willing to make a fool of themselves. You know that prayer, God, please let me be the person my dog thinks I am In Rally, you can be that person, and your dog knows itdogs love people who act silly, and will do anything for themI WHO CAN DO RALLYThats easyyou and your Pom If the dog can sit and lie down oncommand, theres not much in the Rally ring that you cant do together.It is proving to be a great introduction to the Obedience ring forhandlers who are new to dog sports or for those who have done onlyConformation or Agility with their dogs. Its a wonderful confidenceandenthusiasm-builder for dogs who are presently working on classicObedience titles. And it is the perfect venue for dogs that have beenretired from classic Obedience competition and are missing being in thering. Personally, I will be showing and have been while Rally has beenI a Non-Regular Obedience class three retired dogsTuffy, Taffy, andTiffanyas well as Oliver, who is currently working on his CDX.Theres a real competition among Rally people to see who can title theoldest dog in Rally it is easy on them physically, but brings them backto their old level of excitement in showing, as well as the opportunity tobe once again the important dog in their handlers life.I Continued on PageL_______________________.64 - JanuakyFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReihewLeft TurnUUD Mar-Vic's Stuffd Black Bear UDX NA NAJ HOF GC, owned by Barbara McClatcheyRally Novice CourseRally Novice CourseSTART1. HALT-Sit, 32. 360 Right Turn, 113. Left Turn, 64. Call Dog FrontFinish Right-HALT, 155. 270 Right Turn, 96. HALT, DownWalk Around Dog, 317. Moving Side Step Right, 208. About U Turn, 89. Spiral RightDog Outside, 2110. Slow Pace, 17FINISH270Right6oqpunojv WMuMonE IoLeftTurn Spiral O O RightDog OutsidebiyaiSSPSUlAOflxr10380Right Slow I Pace IQujnj_AStartExplanation of this Rally course Every course will be different in RallySTART The team stands dog may sit with the sign on the handlers right side. When the handler is ready, the judge says, Forward, and no other orders are given by the judge during the course.1. HaltSit. The team heels forward, stops, and the dog sits, just as in traditional Obedience.2. 360 Right Turn. The team heels forward, makes a small circle to the right and continues on the same path.3. Left Turn. While heeling, the team turns to the left, as in traditional Obedience.4. Call FrontFinish RightHalt. While heeling, handler calls dog into a front position handler may take a few steps back. Dog sits in front, and dog is then sent behind handler coming into a sit in heel position.5. 270 Right Turn. The team makes a small 270 circle to the right and continues heeling.6. HALT, DownWalk Around Dog. Team stops, dog sits. Handler downs dog, then walks counter-clockwise around dog, returning to heel position.7. Moving Side Step Right. While heeling, the handler takes one diagonal step to the right and continues heeling forward. Dog must remain in heel position.8. About U Turn. Dog and handler make a small 180 turn to the left this need not be a pivot.9. Spiral RightDog Outside. The team passes the first of three cones and turns to the right, passing all the way around the three cones. Back at the starting point, they then circle the first two cones. Finally, they circle the first cone only, and follow the direction given to exit from the Spiral.10. Slow Pace. The team slow down at the sign and heel slowly until they pass the Finish sign.FINISH All doneNOTE The handler is encouraged to talk to the dog, give commands and signals, and generally be a cheerleader for the dog in Rally. Lots of praise and all sorts of happy talk is what makes Rally so much fun for dog and handler alike.Performance Continued on Page 66JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 65Continued From Page 65WHAT HAPPENS IN RALLYIn a word, LOTS Take a look at the pictures accompanying this column. Of course there is some basic heeling between signs, but other things happen, too. In each case, the team does the exercise near the sign, but the judge doesnt tell them when to do it exact timing is up to the handler. The judge also doesnt say Exercise Finished, as in classic Obedience, but the handler decides when the exercise has been completed. Of course, the judge is scoring it, but the scoring is not as tough as in classic Obediencethere are no half-point deductions.Klondike, the white Pom, is shown in the process of doing one of the 5 Front exercises available in Rally Novice. These are all done while heeling, with the handler suddenly backing up while calling the dog to come in front and then to sit in front when the handler stops moving. There are several different turns in Rally besides the usual Right, Left, and About Turns. Flitter, the sable Pom, is showing great excitement while doing the 270 degree right turn there are also 360 degree turns, an About U Turn to the left instead of to the right, and a Left About Turn, which is like the Schutzhund About Turn, with the handler turning left while the dog goes to the right around her. Dogs love that one, as do handlers once they figure out which side is left.There are several exercises requiring a stop, from the simple Halt-Sit, which is the traditional Obedience Halt, to the Halt-Sit- Down, and then the handler walking around the dog on both of those. There is a Moving Down, where the dog must lie down instead of sitting when the handler stops, and a 3-step Halt, where the handler takes first one, then two, then three steps, with the dog heeling forward and sitting each time. And at the Advanced and Excellent levels there are even more difficult versions of these.And then there are the cone exercises. Some require circling a certain number of cones see Spiral Right on the course map and others require weaving through the cones see pictures.v jMem\ri iz. i a-Call Front-Finish Right FIALT-Walk Around DogJohnstoys Friday Jam Session CDX, KbarJs Klondike Bar CD NA CGC, owned by Barbara McClatchey shown by Carla Brown,picture by Crystal BrownSpiral Right Dog OutsideUUD Mar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear UDX NA NAJ HOF GC, owned by Barbara McClatcheyAdvanced and Excellent Rally add jumping to the things dogs must do, and Excellent has an Honor exercise, where the dog must sit or lie down beside or in front of the handler judges choice while another dog runs the course. Novice Rally is done on leash, but Advanced and Excellent are off leash. Most of us find that with all the talking we are allowed to do to our dogs in Rally, the dogs dont even know they are off leash. Excellent also has a new exercise that is exciting to watchBack Up 3 Steps. For this exercise, the dog heels backwards beside the handler for 3 steps. Since it is done in the middle of forward heeling, it looks like a dance move. Dont tell the AKCit IS a dance moveINTERESTEDIf I have piqued your attention, now is the time to do something about it. The APC National Specialty in Louisville will be offering a Rally Workshop on Tuesday evening. Come out and join us What Your dog doesnt know how to sit Thats all _______66 - IanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewr2Lois Morkassels Flitter FastUCD Second Chance Oliver Twist CD, owned by Barbara McClatcheyright, I have one course just for show dogs who havent learned to sit on command. Ill bet your dog sits on his own sometimes, though, so Ill let you in on a secretits not hard to put it on command. This workshop will be fun for you and your dog both, so get your registration in early. Oh, yes, the workshop presenter is someone you all knowmeTITLES, WE GOT TITLESAKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion Dog Companion Dog ExcellentLil Cherob Bcnu At Courbette CD NJP, Victoria Leitner, 101304 Ballykin Commando Cody CDX, Paulette Zecca, 92304Our October Storm CD, Rebecca Smith Carol Yoder, 103104 Kramie Pendriss CDX OA OAJ, Peggy Mcgrath, 103004Utility Dog Excellent 2 Mcs ChocletKanya-Doit Bar CDX, Martha J Chastain, 102404Tucker The Third Muskateer UDX2, Joyce Hance, 71204, ILPNovice AgilityFrosty Northern Breeze NA NAJ, Mary Mersereau, 92604, ILP Cayden R U Ready NA NAJ, Patricia Mcmahon, 10904 Gracie NA NAJ, Linda Neuzil, 10904 Pom Acres High Stakes NA, Dena Brown, 10304 Pomacres Iridescent Dragnfly NA, Lois Morkassel, 101704 Riverstones Live Wire NANAJ, Trish Whitley, 101604 Stans Black Sky Is The Limit NANJP, Stan Halifko, 10904 Open AgilityKielys Honey Dew OANAJ, Amanda Kiely, 91104, ILP Kramie Pendriss CD OA NAJ, Peggy McGrath, 8704 Pepe OA NAJ, Leslie Smith, 100304Open Agility PreferredTaffy Of Peaceful Pakers NA OAP NAJ OJP, Sandra James Lockwood, 92304, ILPAgility Excellent PreferredWolfie AXPNAJ OJP, Melissa Smith, Dvm, 92604, ILP What About Me OAAXP OAJ AJP, Trudy Kiefer, 10204Master Agility ExcellentApril May Wicket Moxon MX AXJ, Todd Moxon, 90404 Funquests Surfin Usa MX MXJ, Pritamo Kentala, 103004Novice Agility JumperCayden R U Ready NA NAJ, Patricia Mcmahon, 10904 Diesel NAJ, Lindsay Hamish, 102304 Molly NAJ, Ashley Cannon, 102404 Riverstones Live Wire NANAJ, Trish Whitley, 101604Novice Agility Jumper PreferredCH Ben Aires Emma Lena CD NJP, Gloria Ray Flippen, 91904Lil Cherob Bcnu At Courbette NJP, Victoria Leitner, 91804Open Agility JumperKielys Honey Dew OA OAJ, Amanda Kiely, 92504, ILP Tappy OA OAJ, Keiko Izumi, 91904, ILP Clemments Little Abu CD OA OAJ, Karen Barth, 102404 Kramie Pendriss CD OA OAJ, Peggy McGrath, 101004Pom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA NAP OAJ NJP, Lois Morkassel, 101704Riverstones Live Wire NA OAJ, Trish Whitley, 102404Master Excellent JumperFoxfire Jack CDX OA MXJ, Gail Donaldson, 90604 April May Wicket Moxon MX MXJ, Todd Moxon, 91204Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to Continued on Page 68kJanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 67r nPerformance Continued From Page 67American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. AH Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AgilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or Email meRescuesecondchancepoms.orgm MSISepentine Weave OnceUCD Second Chance Oliver Twist CD,owned by Barbara McClatchey360 Turn LeftJohnstoys Friday Jam Session CDX, owned by Barbara McClatcheySpiral Left-Dog Inside KbarJs Klondike Bar CD NACGC, shown by Carla Brown, picture by Crystal BrownLMoving DownJohnstoys Friday Jam Session CDX, owned by Barbara McClatcheyHeelingUCDX Janesas Tiffany Is an Angel UD NA NAJ HOF, owned by Barbara McClatcheyStraight Figure 8 Weave TwiceUCDX Janesas Tiffany Is an Angel UD NA NAJ HOF,owned by Barbara McClatchey68 -JxNUARYFEBRnxKY2005 APC Pomeramisn ReviewPom Talfci Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 65ON, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or evWhat product do you use for fleastickscheyletiella mites and when, how often, and do you use year roundI use Ivermectin once a week for 4 weeks for mites. I use Ivermectin one a month for heartworm, also. I use Front Line only if we get fleas. I do not use it as a precautionary measure. LindaNothing compares to Revolution for internal and external parasites. I understand it isnt as effective as Frontline for fleas but I conquered my flea problem by applying Revolution in the Spring before the fleas made their appearance. It seems if fleas are stopped early on they dont multiply to become a true infestation. I only found it necessary to use it once this year, but used it three times last year during the summer. I live in Missouri so I dont have the problem that people living in Southern states would have. They would have to apply it monthly, or they might decide to use Frontline if their main problem was fleas. On the other hand if one needs to control or get rid of ear mites and cheyletiella mites this product is easiest and best. JanI usually use Revolution when needed, but up here 1 dont have much of a problem with fleas or ticks. What I did have a problem with is lice. A woman I know decided to give up on breeding and her dogs had lice, which I didnt realize. This was over two years ago and I tried bathing, I tried Revolution, no luck. They kept coming back. I searched the internet and got Defend ExSpot last spring and I kid you not, one application to all my dogs and a good bombing fogger of the puppy room and I havent seen a louse again. This stuff worked wonders. It also cleared up the ear mites some dogs had. It is supposed to also get fleas, ticks and mites, and repel flies and mosquitos. Ive still got a bunch left as I was going to do two applications, but since I couldnt find any lice on the dogs, I decided to not do the second go round, as I really dont like using chemicals too much. JanetI love the Goodwinol shampoo, however since it is no longer being manufactured I have not found a suitable alternative. We have treated our yard with nematodes they are a small worm that lives in the dirt and eats fleas and other bothersome bugs. You do not see them once they have been put down, so who knows if they work and continue to live underground doing their duty, but we have never seen a flea or a tick on one of our dogs or cats in the 2 years we have been here. During the summer months and before traveling I use the Frontline spray, one squirt per pound of body weight. It allows us to treat the ChowChow and the Poms with one medication and is very cost effective for multiple animal households. JoI use Frontline Plus. 14 cc for my Chihuahuas and the same for Solo. I use 12 cc for the Papillon. BeckyI normally use Advantage if only a for flea protection and Frontline if for fleas and ticks, but I use Revolution on the big dogs and even used it on all the Poms when I was down with spinal surgery. There was no way I could brush and bathe all at the same time. Revolution is such a great product it gets most all the critters. There was a mite problem in some of my friends dogs. We all decided that any us who had crated close together at shows would use Revolution on all our dogs at the same time, just to be safe. I think that one time eliminated the problem for all of us. VirginiaSince I have my own dogs and a never-ending stream of Rescues, this is an ongoing concern. My own dogs get Frontline Plus every three months, more often lxmo if we will be traveling where there may be ticks. Rescues with obvious fleas get Capstar followed by Frontline those without obvious fleas get Frontline. I do think that this is an area-related thing. In my part of South Texas, we have not found any success using Advantage.I will occasionally use it for a one-month deal between applications of Frontline in the winter, just to keep the little monsters from becoming immune to the Frontline, which my vet suspects could happen. BarbaraI use Ivomec given monthly year-round. Helps with everything including heartworm. WaldaA fleatick problem is not something I usually had to deal with, but when living in Missouri the past two years, I did have to deal with it. My kennel dogs never had the problem, but the house dogs did, because they were free exercised in a grassy enclosure away from the kennel. My broods always whelp in the house, so they were exposed also. The thought of fleas crawling off the mother on to little newborns made me sick. Finding something that wouldnt hurt a pregnant bitch was difficult. I tried baths and smothering the fleas in soap, but it was only a temporary fix. I finally put Revolution spot between the shoulder blades on them. Revolution is recommended for fleatickmites and heartworm control. A blood test isJanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 69wwsMAe onw'rrmkwA3eme f'TSxeejtionao menman isYYS^latie QvinAoAivpfiewmAe emer-anian6818352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.com_7YY ' __SemteerztizTe10mJoan C. Behrend Long Island, New York ^ 631 366-2330httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services Limited Boarding Available4165 E100 NorthElusive Toys Rigby id 83442208 745-5267t 'IPomsand_PoodlesPinecrest KennelsChampion Pomeranians Mancester Terriersnr nCatherine Bolahood 905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4bolahoodspeedline.cawww.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caaATTENTIONRegional Pom Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs receive lower advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.Send coming events, reports, anrlr \advertising RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESFirst Class 45Bulk Rate 37Foreign Rate 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contactBrenda Segelken 217 347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.comV J72 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewKENNELVisitsMarchApril 2005Sharon Hanson Jan-Shar PomsDeadline February 1, 2005Please contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Co-ordinator with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882- 1950 or email v,ixxwcixi.i 1WV.VVV iivt uiuuoc kji xccuiiiinciiu any piuccuurc ur accepi responsioiiiiy or tneir use. Always consult a licensed veterinarian. 70 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone360767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email Mari IfflandBenton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email website www.marbilpomeranians.comProfessional Handling Available Inquiries WelcomeBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comw VvCh. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.JPafrim sVomeramam151CH. PATRICIA'S LIL MISS MOLLY ROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionally'Pali 'Danielson616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID- eimcresProfession^'.Pfandfinj Audrey JA. PphertsIngleside, Texas Phone 713 204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonJanuakyFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Review - 73Rcmeranian ReviewAdvertisersBehrend, Joan........................................................... 72Bolahood, Catherine................................................. 72Brandenburg, Carolyn...............................................32Carlson, Alice........................................................... 75Carson, Hazel............................................................10Cartwright, Ron and Sherry......................................77Collins, Roxanne.......................................................10Cook, Lee.........................................Front Cover, 14Coventry, Dana....................................Front Cover, 14Crawford, Karen.......................................................21Dague, Pat....................................................... 4, 17, 75Danielson, Pati..........................................................73Davis, Annette and Erik............................................73Elliott, Alyce.............................................................10Epps, Nina................................................................ 31Falk, Jennifer............................................................71Ferguson, Nancy.......................................................10Finch, Diane..............................................................75Flynn, Lauretta..........................................................25Freia, Jerrie............................................................... 75Gilstrap, David and Carlene....................................... 6Golden, Cindy.......................................................... 71Gould, Bob and Cathy..............................................31Griffith, Ken and Eleanor........................................... 9Harris, Bonnie...........................................................73Hirshberg, Jackie...................................................... 79Hughes, Andrea........................................................71Iffland, Mari..............................................................73Jackson, Rebecca...................................................... 32Jessen, Catherine.......................................................72Johnson, Sandra...................................71, Back CoverKerr, Cheryl..............................................................71Leitner, Victoria........................................................32Leu, Shirley Ann.........................................................8Levinsohn, Alane................................................17, 72Lewis, Betty..............................................................10Machniak, Donna.........................Front Cover, 14, 75McFarlane, Pauline...................................................21Mendell, Lindy..........................................................10Merrigan, Alan, Heidi.................................................7Monahan, Sandy....................................................... 10Moonlight Magic Photography...................................7Newyear, Evelyn...................................................... 71Norem, Kathy..............................................................7Pelz, Linda................................................................71Perrien, Therese........................................................ 10Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana........................ 33Riehm, Donna...........................................................15Rack IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 80 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgRoberts, Audrey.................................................2, 3, 73Rogers, Sherrilynn.................................................... 11Rosenbaum, Mary...............................................10, 73Russell, Janice........................................................... 33Sabourin, Becky........................................................71Shields, Shari.............................................................75Smith, George and Janice..........................................13Stephens, Mary............................................................5Stoll, Fran........................................................... 40, 41Takayama, Ellen........................................................12Trent, Connie.............................................................75Waters, Gregg and Charlene..................................... 75Waugh, Elaine...........................................................71Way, Elaine............................................................... 25Wells, Mike...............................................................71Wilson, Tom.........................................................,....71Zecca, Paulette...........................................................33Ch Lil-Ponderosa J- on Bucksfinished entirely from the Bred-By ]Judge Peggy Dillard Carr 3pt. Major, Judge Michele Billings BOB, Judge Peggy Dillard Carr Best Bred-By, Judge Judy Moss Bred-By Group 1, Judge KeKe Kahn BOB Group 2, Judge Peggy Hogg 5 pt. MajorJudge Mildred Bryant, Judge W. Everett Dean, Jr., Judge Martin Doeherty, Judge R Chashoudian, Judge Margretta Patterson Kaufman, Judge Robert Bemdtc1JANESVILLEBELOITK'AI'ft BELU1IVw kenneiCLUBu'y,i2XH tBOOTHBEST BRED BTEXHIBITORRon Sc SRotry CattvmgRt LiRRondorosa Runny 715 874-6936 httpwww.lilponderosapoms.com1 ycur Ad should he MEREx, ^ Support the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Advertise in the Pomeranian ReviewSend ad text, photo and payment toThe Pomeranian Review11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401Email Phone 217 347-5731kiiJ rPresent your "Little Gem" h in a unique setting' mmCX3MasterCard, VISA, American Express PayPal accepted.0\-1fiFrom Fescue tooBy Jackie HirshbergIt was October 2001. My friend, Cindy, and I were driving home from a dog show when Cindys stepmother called to tell her that her father, who had been ill for some time, was in a coma. Sadly, two days later, he passed away. That evening, I went to Cindys house to see if I could help in any way. She showed me a 3-month-old female puppy which had scratched her eye. Complications had developed from the scratch, and Cindy said she was probably going to lose her eye. I decided that my way of helping would be to bring the puppy home with me and consult my vet.ScoutWhen I arrived home, my husband, who is in the optical business, took one look at the eye and agreed with Cindys prognosis. Her eye was milky white and so swollen with infection, it looked like there was another eyeball in there somewhere. It must have been terribly painful.Early the next morning, the puppy and I were at the vet. He said she would probably never see out of that eye and gave me only a 7 chance that the eyeball could be saved. He proceeded to describe the gruesome surgery that would probably take place. We returned home with antibiotic ointment and pills. I faithfully followed the instructions from the vet until the next appointment in two weeks. We could both see progress, so treatment was continued. This two and one half pound puppys life and mine revolved around vet appointments every two weeks and medical attention around the clock for the next two months. Fortunately, she loved going to the vet. She was spoiled by everyone and was fed lots of good treats.Because of determination, lots of love, superb medical attention, and perhaps a tiny little miracle, this little girl has two good eyes and sees beautifully.My husband, Alan realized this puppy would be returned to Cindy and placed in a pet home, kept saying repeatedly, When she leaves, you are going to miss her. I told Cindy I thought he had become attached. She said we could have her. So goes the story of the little rescue of my little girl we named Scout. Soon she blossomed into a beautiful girl with show qualities. In all the excitement over her show career, I forgot to tell her that Best of Breed should be reserved for champions. Last May in Denton, Texas, Scout was Best of Winners and Best of Breed.This honor given Scout owes many thank yous toDr. Carter, Lisa and the entire staff at Springhill Vet Clinic for their dedication, expertise and persistence Cindy Boulware for trusting me and allowing me to adopt ScoutJudge Steve Keating for Best of Breed honorsAll my Pom friends you know who you are for your help and guidanceAlan Hirshberg, my husband, for loving me and tolerating my Pom habit.Hopefully, coming in a future issue From Rescue to Best of Breed to Champion78 - JanuaryFebruary 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewri A 7BEST OF BRFFDVAfilfn'DENTON 4EL CLUB V. 2004RT PHOTO 3pfnHere she is The RESCUE turned STAR, in the ring and at home. Scout, your family loves you and we are very proud of you.JACKIE HIRSHBERG DALLAS, TEXAS'047k6 Sftwudlu advnoimeeb owp neaieAt ^^AumMnL3\7 7 .13ki. cLIFT'^LLCIl Sand [ones Mm LulCooluoSire Ch. Sirius Its All About Me Ricky Dam Ch. Avalon's Crystal Of Sandpoms CrystalMea finished her championship from the 6-9 puppy class. She won a 4-point major and three 5-point majors. Thank you to the following judges Bettie L. Krause, Mr. Timothy Catterson, Ms. Sandra Goose Allen, and Mr. Clay Coady.Thank you to handler Nadine Hersil for her taking good care of Mea, and finishing her so quicklyWe are so glad to have Mea home again.Look for Crystal's new baby Sandpoms Alexis Lexi" in the show-ring this coming spring, along with the return of Avalon's Mr. Mario Sandpoms who has 6 pts so far.Thank you to Annette Davis of Avalons for Crystal and Mario.a 'omA fjrcrrrr Of M04VTop quality Pomeranians - raised in our home with love and attention.Sandpoms Pomeranians located in Holmen, WisconsinE-mail Website httpwebpages.charter.netsandpoms