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The Pomeranian Review March 2005
OMffWns-' "i- "x f-^ . Si' ' .' -J-'v- - ''. "w V, , y.______Basic Black Always in style ..,Chosfn by c HAMIMONSLas Lunas Kennel ClubBES" ROW1BIS Ch. Valcopy BatboyThank you Lee Anthony Reason for this BIS win.Batboy was a top Pom for 2004 Both systems.Watch for this stylish team as they continue their winning ways in 2005.Owned by Ron and Merilyn Smith, Janice and Melvin PardueBred by Dana Plonkey Handled by Curtiss SmithModel KennelsJulias PomeraniansHavenss PomeraniansHoneykist PomeraniansUenette Pomeraniansawn Collins pomsWhispering pines PekingeseCreat 01ms KennelsNan-K Pomeranians0meee PomeraniansWenkest Pomeranianspuppy Uovp Pomeraniansonnie stetson Pomeraniansesire PomeraniansChip-fl-Way PomeraniansTrindale MinpinsChar-id Minpins flspen Hills MinpinsMilamor Pomeranians Twin pines Pomeraniansue-lsyns MinpinsMagics Pomeraniansflnwin Pomeraniansawn Collins Pomeranians Janet MeWortpr poms Merrymont Pomeranians Merrymaker Kennels Powells PekingesehenBlu Pekingese frank Tingley PekingeseTHANKS SO MUCH FOR THE MEMORIES AND WE WISH EVERYONE CONTINUED SUCCESS IN ANDOUT OF THE SHOW RINGS. SEE YOU IN THE RINGMaynard WoodWoods Pomeranians Park Station PO Box 2296 Waynesboro, VirginiaElmsWoddFishersChamnion Retros AnastasioV_-rI2004best ofV\\NNERS KOHLERA-r- tis anxiously awaiting the arrival of his firstthree litters of pups out of CH Jan-Shars Summer Rain, CH Belstars Super Nova and CR N Rodis Black Hills Gold.Congratulations Sharon, on your APC Kennel VisitCAN CH FOXWORTH FRONTIER SPIRIT BIS AMCAN CH CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMS, ROM CAN CH CHRISCENDO CALL GIRL FINCHS RETRO SON OF THE REVOLUTIONBIS,BISS,CH FINCHS HE WALKS ON WATER.roms.gc.hof FINCHS JET BLACKFINCHS HAVIN ABLOND MOMENTCH RETROS ANASTASIOBest of luck to all the National Specialty PomsOwnerKaren HuntsbergerSpirit Poms 520 404-9637BreederCo-OwnerElizabeth MolinaRetro PomsElizabethRetropoms.comCH BLAKES DYNAMITE ROCK CH JAN-SHARS JOHNNY BE GOODCH JAN-SHARS WHISTLIN DIXIE CH JAN-SHARS MOTHER NATURECH TRADITIONS LEGEND OF OAKRIDGE JAN-SHARS WAKE UP LITTLE SIIZTEJAN-SHARS ON CLOUD NINEm\Phantom English TannerRN,CGC,TDITannerOwned, trained, and loved by Barbara Proctor Congratulations toSharon Hanson of Jan-Shar Pomeranianson your well-deserved APC Kennel VisitWe send our best wishes for continued success.Thank you for allowing me to have my precious little boy, Tanner.He has a wonderful calm, friendly, outgoing personality and a quick, clever mind, always ready for a challenge.Tanner was the first dog to earn a Rally Novice leg in the state of Texas and was the first dog to title in Rally Novice in the state of Texas Galveston Kennel. Club Rally Trials January 7, 8, and 9,2005.uBarbaraProctorJackson, Mississippi601 362-3263Email bproctormdabl.copiwere. ft93fcmer.^o1 1 Am. Ch. Jan-Shars Shaquille ONeal X Jan-Shars Crown Victoria Breeder Sharon HansonAbby went Best of Opposite at the Canadian National Pom Specialty at the Lower Mainland Show, Canada's largest dog show. Abby is shown with respected toy judge Mrs. Jean Fournier. Congratulations to Sharon Hanson on her well-deserved APC Kennel Visit.OWNERHANDLER NAIMICUENTHERnaimiguentheryahoo.comDreamWeavMpl^SSdJllJJijW UjJJUJJJRansom N DW Midnight CaperAdorn30f ' i Vjr m' BEST 0WINNERS'ri.nmKENNELNOLAN RIVER KENNEL CLUBRINEHART photography LUKE ALLENAmlnt CH DreamWeaver Sparklin Firecracker X Reginapoms Gator PrincessAdam is one oi the new members ot the DreamWeaver Team. This beautiiul orange sable boy is small but makes bis presence known in the ring, with his attitude, movement and cute face.We wish to thank Judges lacklyn Hungerland, Joseph lolly and Victor Joris Major win tor appreciating this well-moving pom. We also want to thank Anna Ransom, his breeder, for allowing us to own Adam.Watch for Adam in a ring near you.Good Luck to oil otthe 2005 Nationals.Linda Petr Michael Liz Wellswww.dreamweaverpoms.comfsr V OrvKyBEST OF BREEE OR VARIETYSHREVEPORT KENNEL CLUB APRIL 2004V ' GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHOTO BY SHIRLEYmK 3Wins Award of Merit at the Eukanuba InvitationalKeep your eyes out for him in 2005.Congratulations to Sharon Hanson on your APC Kennel VisitExquisitely Handled byBronya JohnstonOwner BreederCo-OwnerVonny Beard David and Carlene GilstrapMountain Crest PomeraniansP.O. Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423 821-1015 Email dcgiIstrapaol.com89.At,^9-.A,A^99_1B.readersoffice Pouts slivce1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerIM-M-. WWM iCh. Paughprints On The Mtn. Crest x Honeycomb of LenetteAA4r^ZtA.AA.AA.AAskNot only do we have new litters by the above stud Logan but also Ch. Music Maker of Lenette, Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette, Ch. Band of Gold of Lenette, Noah of Lenette and Ch. Great Elms Little Cricket.We would like to thank the following for finishing Lenette Poms Jane Zimmerman, Connie Charles, Katie Stalnaker two, Alice Lynch and Darlene Thompson. We finished four, making a total of 10 Lenette Poms finishing during 2004.A.AA.AAl Yes, we do sell some of our better Poms. Looking for something to show or breedCheck out our website, or give us a call.Best wishes to Sharon Hanson in being featured in this issue. You certainly have bred some fantastic Poms. May you continue to do so.AAARPC Pomeranian Review - 9Ch Designs u\wransaction-V nV1v_VwW- M_ iVhJ BESSWEEPSTAKES L VL1SOONER POMERANIAN CLUB OF OKLAHOMA CITYMAY2COAlMiMiMfcflm' rsmuCH Pufprides Million Dollar Baby X Designs Nun on the RunCh. Designs Cash Transaction finishes in style on December 5 at the North West Arkansas Kennel Club under Judge Ed Bivin.Id like to extend my sincere gratitude to Virginia Dimick for the use of Cashs sire. I look forward to incorporating the Pufpride lines with some of Designs bestTeresa LivezeyDesigns PomeraniansP.O. Box 386 Depew, OK 74028 Phone 918 324-5390 www.geocities.comdesignspomeranianslO-APC Pomeranian ReviewzCh. Puf Pride Cloudbreaker X Keepsakes Courtin TraditionStarla earns 3 points her first time in the ring proudly handled by my daughter Tassie. Her second time out she walks away with a 4 pt majorThank you to our friend Bob Pietzsch for handling Starla to this winWe would like to wish everyone attending the APC National Specialty the best.Last but not least, congratulations, Sharon Hanson, on your feature. Your dedication to this breed deserves recognition... Sincerely, Jessie Kleineeb6aA'e Tyler, TX 903 882-1950APC Pomeranian Review - 11pritfef lamBaliasBritish Lane Texas Hold EmPomeraniansDallaswilldebut at the Specialty Match in March.Wendy ChambersRt 1 N 14 Rd.Sire Ch. Wang Tsu Aim To Fame Shane Lostant, IL 61334Dam Wildwoods You Go Girl orgwht parti 815 368-3203Suttyla dit ^ ^^e4ticwould like to wish everyone Best of Luck at the 2005 American Pomeranian Club Nationals.Suutyto- 'PomenavtitMdbreederownerhandledDan Tammee Felix619-282-5520 httphome.att.netsunglopomsBISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Sunray Riders Samantha Rosey 'iSWelcomesThank you, Sharon. I am sure Clarie will be a nice mix in our breeding program. Clarie is well on her way to finishing her Canadian Championship and is pointed in the USA. Clarie is co-owned and occasionally shown by Naimi Guenther.i -jm GROUPTWOLower Mainland Dog Fanciers of BC . Abe^004Ii HaztkbzzqJLyafAi XtFollows in his fathers footprints taking multiple GROUP WINS, Placings and a BEST IN SHOW. Bentley is always proudly presented breeder ownerhandled.Congratulations Sharon and Tish with your wins with POMHAVENS LIL RED CORVETTE, a Bentley son.' www.pomhaven.comThe Pomeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index.............................................................88AKCEUK National Championship Show...................72 - 74APC Board Summary Janice Russell............................. 41APC Breed Standard................................................... 86, 87APC Membership Application......................................68, 69APC National Specialty Schedule................................... 78APC Officers.................................................................... 23APC Statement................................................................23APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel.............. 47, 50, 51, 52, 53APC Summer Specialty Information................................86Artist, Stefano Scullino.....................................................57Ask Us Anything Annette Davis..................................26, 27Back Issue Information, Laura Meineke..........................88Behind New Titlists..........................................................59Coming Events.................................................................86Cover Story Sharon Hanson............................................14Delegate Report Darrell Baker........................................67Getting To Know You Walda Green................................44Health and Genetics Julie Kallbacka....................54, 55, 56Historical Awards Report.................................... 39, 40, 41Info Dot Mary Allen..........................................................86Just FUR Fun...............................................................45, 87Kelly Gina Williams, Chani Kaibetoney...........................79Kennel Visit Sharon Hanson, Jan-Shar.................... 30 - 34Kennel Visits, Future Visits.........................................22, 82Membership Report Annette Davis................................. 22My First Pom Jackie Hirshberg........................................80New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel..............................47Pat Krause Retires Sally Baugniet..................................60Performance News Barbara McClatchey..................64 - 67Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana...............................77Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston Connie Zieba........58Poms In The News SherriAlspaugh................................ 15Pom Talk Roxanne Collins..........................................70, 71Presidents Report Marge Kranzfelder........................24, 25Progressive KC Joan Behrend........................................74Registrars Corner CarolLeemhuis..................................22Review Covers.................................................................90Review Rates...................................................................20San Diego Pom Club....................................................... 86Santa Paws Connie Zieba...........................................76, 77Stats Kelly Reimschiissel........................ 47, 50, 51, 52, 53Stud Book Example.........................................................59Subscription Card............................................................ 84SubscriptionReview Information......................... 20, 84, 86Sunshine and Roses Donna Machniak...........................84Way I See It Sue Lucatorto.........................................42, 43Ways and Means Walda Green.......................................46Website Address..............................................................23Westminster KC Results Joan Behrend..........................75front CoverWASire CH. JAN-SHARS N SYNC Dam JAN-SHARS ESMARELDAHis first weekend out Dutch Jan-Shars Rembrandt received a 4 Point Major at the prestigious Long Beach Kennel Club under Judge Ms. Margaret A. Reed. January 7,2005, his second weekend, Dutch hit the rings in a whirlwind beginning with a Best Puppy In Show under Toy judge Ms. Jill Hopper at the Toy Dog Show Breeders Association of Southern California.The next day, at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs All-Breed Show, under Judge Mrs. Ruth H. Zimmerman Dutch earned a Puppy Group I. On Sunday, January 9, 2005, Dutch received his second 4 Point Major from the 6-9 month class at the Kennel Club of Palm Springs under Judge Mr. John Russell Palmer. A great start for a little guy all from the 6-9 month Puppy Dog ClassThanks to Tish and Orville Cannon and Moonlight Magic Photography for the photos.N - pomsjanshar.comifPomewithommgrdHave you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is doneWe are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comAideo, Email Pauline at or call Pauline at 304 813-1541.We would like to thank Mike and Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Sharon Hanson, Jan-Shar Poms on your APC Kennel Visit.Best wishes to all at the APC National Specialty.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlanePOMSINTHENEWS'iMruRecently, the Louisville Kennel Club held their all-age dog match at the Kentucky Fair and Exposition Center. More than 400 canines were entered and strutted their stuff for fun. The AKC Sanctioned match offered dogs and owners a trial run for actual show competition.APC Member Sherri Alspaugh was interviewed and featured in an article published by Louisville, Kentuckys Courier-Journal Newspaper while participating in the Match, January 23, 2005.Sherri was quoted by Courier-Journals reporter Scheri Smith, Its as close to a real show as I could get. Alspaugh of Boonville, Indiana, thought it was a good idea to give her Pomeranian, Paris, a chance to shake off her show-ring jitters before a major event. Were here because she Paris gets nervous.The more a dog is exposed to the show atmosphere, including other dogs barking, a variety of other noises and constant distraction, the more a dog will become accustomed to it. Dogs learn through repetition, Alspaugh said. If they see that nothing hurts them, then they learn its OK. Send us your Poms In The News________________THANK yci SHAPCN fcr entrusting Netty with me. youre a PEACHfi"aA UCand^s rrankenCerrieSire ill. reepsakes Berrie Traditional Dam Bandy's Suit S Honey sranddam Jan Sliars No No SannettePandys 360 825-2103APC Pomeranian Review - 15fCottonlite Mini XpensWishes you all GOOD LUCK in Kentucky" I v I rmil I . rrnar- t-nd.mi i rill'llillili-UJiltUMli fit-Itf'JSStandardPens - Apprx. 45 inches in diameter18 tall x 8 panel............ 60.0020 tall x 8 panel............ 64.0024 tall x 8 panel............ 68.00Deluxe Pens - Approx. 55 inches in diameter 18 tall x 10 panel............... 70.00 20 tall x 10 panel............... 74.00 24 tall x 10 panel............... 78.00We still offer the 6 panel puppy pens in all above heights at the price of 50.00 for either the 18, 20 or 24 inch.We are now doing, for a limited time, an 18 inch puppy pen, 8 or 10 panel. It is made the same way as our other quality x-pens only this wire is lighter, has 1 by 1 inch square spacing instead of the 1 by 2 as on our regular pens. These pens are priced at 70.00 for the 8 panel, 80.00 for the 10 panel. This wire is much more costly due to closer spacing.Special order pens also still available upon request, and priced accordingly.Shipping within the Continental U.S. is 17.00 Call for pricing to Hawaii, Alaska and CanadaPrices subject to change without notice Reduced shipping on multiple orders Roxanne Collins 6405 W. 650 N Fair Oaks, IN 47943 219-866-4464VISAMASTERCARD ACCEPTED www.angelfire.cominkissamikenneFxpens.html^ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ^16 - APC Pomeranian ReviewThe Central Carolina Pomeranian ClubCordially Invites YOUto our Pomeranian SpecialtyFriday April 8, 2005Followed by two all-breed shows on Saturday and Sunday Regular Classes Jr. Showmanship Judge Dr. Roger S. Pritchard Sweepstakes Judge David Gilstrap Enter early - there is a limit of 1,600 dogs per day for these shows.LOCATION Piedmont Kennel Club Showplace, 13607 Choate Circle, Charlotte, NC.To celebrate the sport of showing dogsMany valuable class prizes will be awarded Including a minimum cash prize of1,000.00to Best Of Winners regular classes Pomeranian SpecialtyIn conjunction with the Carolina Combined Specialties,Participants will automatically be entered into two drawings.No raffle tickets to purchase.For each dog or bitch entered and shown in one of our Specialty Shows, Exhibitors will receive a ticket that will be entered in the drawing for their breeds club.example 5 dogs entered equals five raffle tickets and five chances to win.100.00 cash will be awarded By each participating clubOne free night will be awarded to an exhibitor-guest on show weekend.You must be a guest at Comfort Inn to participate.Drawing will be held prior to the single drawing.An additional single drawing will be held from the combined tickets from all clubs towin500.00 cashBest Of Winners Final Prize will be 1,000.00 or 10 per entry whichever is greater.For complete list of awards email T. Carpenter at bmfree22939yahoo.comParticipating clubs Carolina Cocker Spaniel Club Doberman Pinscher Club of CharlotteDalmatian Club of the Piedmont Central Carolina Pomeranian Club Central Carolina Pug Dog Club Greater Charlotte Shetland Sheepdog ClubAPC Pomeranian Review - 175i..rsends many, many II fieri N U ua to everyone who sent supportive ads and emails of congratulations for our kennel visit.ft 1Ch Heartlands Top Notch Tradition, ROM Ch Paughprints on the Mtn Crest, ROMMountN Crest Miss Hollywood, ROM AmCan Ch Moutain Crest QuigleyCh Emcees Kojak Of MC Moutain Crest NoraMountain Crest She IsCh Great Elms Little Tiger Mountain Crest Lucky LesterGreat Elms Sweet Allie Paugh Prints Tawny RoseCh Great Elms Sweet Prince Mountain Crest FreddaGreat Elms DeltaHere is your chance to get Logans bloodline. One, maybe both of these girls will be available as show prospect to show home.812-925-6477paughprintpomspeoplepc.com18-APC PoMEEANWf Reviewcl. AJ's Made In NaWmsShown going BB for a 4 pt major under breederjudge Erika Moureau.S^rivn3aBEST OF BREEDVARIETYMASON CITY KENNEL CLUB\'.-X, 2004C ill photo sv MELIA4BEST OF'22 atH4K7'. vr-s.11 CTrAi 3fy BreederOwnersAshley and Jerry Miller850 474-62.77Handfer Nadine Hersi 414 481-5556Shown finishing AKC championships with a 5 point major under highly respected Judge Mrs. James EdwardClarkshrimp finished with 4 BB, 1-4 point and 1-5 point majors. All by the old age of 7 months and 1 week under the expert liandlina of Mrs. Nadine Hersil.Thanks to all the judges who saw the quality in shrimp.APC Pomeranian Review - 19W\t Pomeranian 3kebietoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor...............................................................11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731.................Brenda Segelkenfame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions.......................................PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692........................Cheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues......................................................................................................................................................................................................Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513-27J-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders................................................................................................................................. .......................................... Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinAdvertisement Manager..............................13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 Assistant Advertisement Managers.......PH 903 882-1950.............................. Jessie ..Joan Behrend, Walda GreenBusiness Card Manager....................................................... ........................................................................................................................Becky Sabourin2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642 PH 989 832-3408 Wyndlorchartermi.netSubscrinticns6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.................................. ..................45.00USPS Bulk..............................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico ..................55.00Foreign................................................. ................100.00Single Issue.......................................... .................. 10.00Back Issues.......................................... ....................10.00Advertising KatesFront Cover Color.................................J,...........600.00Back Cover Color................................ ..^Ht..450.00Inside Front Cover Color...................... .................300.00Inside Front Cover BW....................... .................125.00Inside Back Cover Color...................... .................300.00Inside Back Cover BW....................... .................125.00Page 3,4,5,6 Color................................ .................300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW................................. .................125.00Center Spread BW...............................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color........................ .................275.00Full Page BW...................................... ................100.00Half Page Color................................... ................150.00Half Page BW..................................... ..................60.00One Quarter Page................................. ...................40.00Business Card 6......................Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...................................................................... JanFebFeb 1..................................................................... MarAprilApril 1.........................ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1...................................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1................................................................... SeptOctOct 1........................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pomeranian Review.official A. P. C. publication.sent to Breed Group Judges .reasonable rates.quality reproductions.only source of APC Archives .provides APC news and reports .APC Specialty coverage .Regional Pom Club coverage .obedience training information .interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT TEE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.20 - APC Pomeranian ReviewBISA-BISS.CH. AN-SHARS DADD SAS IM DARLING HOPGCThank you Judge Eugene Blake for this Group 2 placement.Congratulations to Sharon Hanson of Jan-Shar Pomeranians on your well-deserved Kennel Visit. Best Wishes for your continued success in breeding and showing.Most of all THANK YOU FOR MY CALLIEKaCees PomeraniansKaty Stalnaker OwnerHandler Charles Stalnaker Pennsboro, WV 26415 www.KaCees.Corn-k'5 - ait RUBBER CITY KEKHELCLUMHC. Jan. 9, 2005it. 45 Oitftow ''vjs tf- wxwat wo mi case. v" - J15151 R C lKI NNKI.C ,.l IIN LOVING MEM OR.'n W VM Jr.'flicfAlanand Jackie Hirshberg, Chippewa and Zieba Pom friends Carolyn and Archie, John David Zieba and Keoki, Jackie Hirshberg and Chippewaam so deeply saddened by the uretlmely, unexpected death of little Chippewa. My deepest ared slrecerest ooredolereoes ared heartfelt sympathy tojaotele ared husbared Alare. jaotele a red Alare, you. have beoome such great veR.y special frlereds to me, ared will so miss your little Chippewa slttlreg Ire my lap helping me put ore my matee-up. The CNTTR.5 Pomerarelare club of greater ttoustore ewjoyed havlreg Chippewa a red jactele ared Alare come from Dallas to attered the Christmas party, Decemeber 2004.APC POMERANIXN REVIEW - 21MEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVISREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204208 234-0932 davisavalonpom.com2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257Letters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review are to go to Janice Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Website http or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSRandy Houston Chuck Whittemore TN Sponsors Betsy Owens and David GilstrapShelley Wiemer-Martin WASponsors Jessie Klein Randy BuskeKathryn J. Norem ESISponsors Brenda Segelken Diane L. FinchRegistry Of Merit Supreme ROMSCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams Owner Diane Finch Noble InglettRegistry Of Merit ROMCH Wyndlor Doin It RightOwner Linda Mulso Becky SabourinGold Club GCCH Sundowns Keegan Xavier Owner Camilla KnightCH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco Owner L Cook, D Machniak, D CoventryHall Of Fame HOFGidgets Cinnamon Prince UD Owner Mike Carolyn SmithKaren D. Wegg AKSponsors Randy Buske Marlene PresserRiverstones Live Wire AX AXJ Owner Trish WhitleyAPPLICATIONSJessica K. Satallante FLSponsors Arlene Benko, Bobii EarleDaniel Yona NYSponsors Valerie Allridge, Mary AllenAlan Heidi Merrigan CASponsors Kay L. Chaney Tammee FelixLee-Amber Jessen Junior, IDSponsors Annette Davis Jackie RaynerLaFaye E. Gowan ALPATRONKENNELMayJune 2005 y j Bonnie HarrisTresstip PomeraniansPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Coordinator, with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704,Ph. 903 882-1950 or Email - APC Pomeranian ReviewtETfjc Pomeranian HXcbtetoTHE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INCORPORATEDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT............................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 Email marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDE^^^^^.-.I^^^S^^y............................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 FAX 218 741-9435 Email janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT.......................... .................................................. MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 Emailidlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY...........................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 Email indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY..........................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufinan, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 Email lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER...................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 OF DIRECTORS.................................Sally Baugniet Diana Downey Alane LevinsohnJackie Rayner Fran Stoll Greggory WatersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe objects of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Article 1 Section 2 shall beTo encourage and promote the breeding of pure-bred Pomeranians and to do all possible to bring their natural qualities to perfectionTo encourage the organization of independent local Pomeranian Specialty Clubs in those localities where there are sufficient fanciers of the breed to meet the requirements oftheAmerican Pomeranian ClubTo urge members and breeders to accept the standard of the breed as approved by the American Kennel Club as the only standard of excellence by which Pomeranians shall be judgedTo do all in its power to protect and advance the interest of the breed and to encourage sportsmanlike competition at dog shows and obedience trialsTo conduct sanctioned matches, specialty shows and obedience trials under the rules oftheAmerican Kennel Club.We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgIf you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or fax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.APC Pomeranian Review - 23Annette DavisOur question for this issue is Do you have any suggestions for raising orphan puppiesThe following article was written by Lois Ciliberto Rinehart was published years ago in the Pom Review. It has such good information that it merits republishing in response to this question.Raising Orphans With an Adoptive DamIf there is a bitch around who has a great disposition and can adjust to simply loving the pups, curling around them to keep warm and licking them, then I would give that the best try I could. Remember, adoptive dams need not be nursing moms. If you can supply the food, a non-nursing adoptive dam can take care of the rest of the burden for you. I have seen some who insisted taking over, others who warmed to the idea slowly, and yet others who would kill the pups sooner than blink an eye. First, know your adoptive mom, second rub a tiny bit of vanilla into pups to change their scent, then put butter on their rears and under the chin. Avoid umbilical area so adoptive mom does not get too anxious and chew on that area.Slowly, holding a pup in hand, fingers curled around pup, back of hand up toward adoptive dam in case she snaps better your hand than the pup - see if the bitch has any sniffing interest. This can take time. Its all new to her, and patience is the guide. If she expresses curiosity, go one step further and let her really smell the pups rear. Let her lick at the butter, but be ready to pull hand back and say no like you really mean it if necessary. If this works, let her lick the butter under the chin, being ready with your free hand every minute to interfere if there is animosity from the bitch.If the bitch is interested, you will be able to tell. Do not give the pup to her yet. Put all pups in a cardboard box near bitch who I will assume is in some kind of confining pen. My dams always shredded papers for their pups. If your bitch has shredded papers with pups before, use this system now. If she hasnt, use whatever system she had when she raised pups. We are assuming you are only trying this with an experienced mom Put some bedding in with the hopefully adoptive mom. See if she attempts to make a bed. Give her some time. Fondle pups to make them squeal a bit while this is going on so she can hear the pups, but cant really get to them. You can see by her head cocking more or less how interested she is. In many cases the bitch will be so encouraged, she will shred paper and dig into bedding trying to make a nest, stopping to listen to the pups every so often. If she establishes interest by this type of nesting behavior, the battle is half won. Dont get discouraged if the bitch does not nest at first. As long as she has interest and is not growling or squirming to get away, you have a foothold. If this interest is expressed, keep those pups squealing a bit. It isnt going to hurt them to squeal a little and crawl about.Assuming you have a potential adoptive dam who is interested, proceed with some risk, exercising caution too, but the risk must be taken. Try the next pups the same way as the first one and see what the bitch thinks of them. She will know they are different pups. Then put butter on all pups and gingerly lay one down in the pen with the bitch - being ready to spring and cover the pup if the bitch gets upset. Now it is a waitseepraybe ready to spring to protect pupgame.If the bitch seems to want to help the pup, give her a little trust and encouragement, petting her with one hand, being ready to cover the pup with the other hand. If the bitch takes to the puppy and you can see that she has no intention of harming it, then give her a little slack and see what she will do with the puppy. She may go away from it for a bit and return, and may look anxious - after all she has not had proper time to prepare a nest and so on. This sounds atrocious, but I always led with the scrawniest or weakest of the pups. If something was going to happen and the bitch was going to harm it before I could stop her, better to be with nature and go for the one best able to be sacrificed. If all goes well, do not wait too long to introduce the rest of the pups. Hang around as close as possible for26-APC Pomeranian Reviewhalf an hour to see what the bitch will do. Once she settles in and is warming and licking the pups, let her be, but also give her some latitude. If she likes her bed at the other end of the pen, let her have it here. I always say that mother knows best.With an adoptive dam, I always fed the dam away from her pups so there would be no lurking jealousy over the food - at least until I saw what the dam was like in that situation. For the first few days, keep butter on the pups rears to assure licking stimulation. After that, its home free except for feedings if your adoptive dam is not in milk. I have seen so many non-nursing substitute moms take pups that it is well worth the effort to try it. The pups are happier, and you get more rest. But if you try, and they die anyway, dont feel guilty. In all probability, they would have died anyway as it is difficult to hand rear them successfully.Hand Raising Orphans With No Adoptive DamI used a cardboard box on the kitchen table, with a heating pad under the outside of the box, not in it. Too much heat kills as fast as too little. Place a towel in the bottom of the box and keep adjusting the heat until it is barely warm. I always kept a large paper towel section to toss over the pups as it gave them coverage and allowed air in. Do not tuck it down and it will move about somewhat as they do. Crying does not hurt pups. I always worry more when there is no noise. Dead quiet pups are about to be dead is my motto. Continual crying, of course, means dissatisfaction - usually not enough to eat, which you can gauge by looking at the tummy. Puppies should be instinctively searching for the warm comfort of a mom. When she isnt around, they are going to cry a bit more than normal. When they draw their legs to their tummy, it is colic or worse. The pup may also need stimulated to have a bowel movement.I also placed the old time honored method - a ticking clock under the towel in one comer as it does make the pups gravitate toward it and they will kind of curl up on it slightly elevating their heads as they do when sleeping on their dam. This helps the natural flow of blood and food. I never used a lamp of any sort, and when it came to nighttime, I kept overhead lights to a minimum so I could just see when I fed and pottied them. They need to instinctively know time, just as they would in the wild.In the daytime I fed 2-3 hours apart depending on how much they took at a sitting. Goats milk or a goats milk-based formula works well for feeding. At night, every 4 hours is fine. I sometimes even missed the 400 A.M. feeding and never lost a pup because of it. A little sleep doesnt hurt the surrogate mom every now and then After every feeding, use a Kleenex - slightly wet with warm tap water to stimulate bowel movements. A bit of butter on the rear now and then does not hurt. If they are doing well, weighing them is silly. It only keeps you stressed out and accomplishes nothing. You can feel full tummies and normal, undehydrated pups by hand. A once a week weigh in is sufficient. If no gain, and they are otherwise eating and not in agony or cold and dying, everything will be fine. You cant possibly expect an orphan pup who is not getting dams milk and normal dam attention to gain as much as one who is getting that benefit. Be happy they are alive, and weight gain can come later.Tube feeding is fine, and many practice it. I have used it, but it was never my cup of tea. Bemie patented a method that was great and it enabled one to know if the pup was really wanting to eat and thereby had the strength and will to live. A lot of times by tube feeding, we are going against nature and just keeping something alive that wants to die or that nature has decreed is going to die. If you wish to tube feed, use a 5 French tube and ask your veterinarian to show you how to do it. However, if you can get the hang of this other method, youll love it. You need a regular clean syringe with no needle. It must be kept moist so it doesnt dry up. Bemie kept it in the formula glass in the refrigerator. Warm the formula just to wrist temperature, then suck up the cc amount you have determined. Place the pup on a towel, belly down. Gently lift head between your fingers, put filled syringe into mouth. Tap slightly between roof of mouth and tongue and maybe squeeze very gently on syringe end so that a dab of milk comes out and the pup gets a taste. The pups little tongue will wrap around the end of the syringe. You just hold the syringe with your thumb on the end that injects - but not actually pushing down. Syringe plunge end down, not up If they suck, the end goes down as they nurse with your ever so slight pressure helping. I have never choked one with this method. Once they do it and you do it, youll never want to use another method. They suck like little pros, and you can measure exactly what they took in by looking at the cc on the syringe. They have to suck to get the food, but not so hard to tire them. Many pups wither from tube feeding, as they do not have the sucking exercise. I have never seen a baby bottle worth its salt. This method is a charm and kept many a Crescendo orphan alive and well. The syringe can be rinsed in warm soapy water, rinsed well, and easily re-used. Forget all of the sterilization nonsense. As with human babies, a little natural exposure to a few germs is not going to hurt. We did have to change syringes a lot as they wear out when the rubber part gets too stiff to work, but that is nothing. Good luck You are certainly in for it hand raising a litter of orphans, and deaths can be experienced. You can drive yourself to the point of weariness and insanity, but there is also a great reward in the pups that do make itOur question for the next issue is Is there anything that can be done to help save a fading puppyYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204Phone 208 234-0932, Fax 208 234-0792 Email davisavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmAPC Pomeranian Review - 27it PeanutVSl-i ftiMar-D PomeraniansChampion Avalons Ta-LorD Made For Mar-0 HandlerTrainer Diane StevensonWe now have Puppies for Sale See our site for all pictures, pedigrees and all information regarding puppies for sale.Mar-D PomeraniansPO BOX 2162Cave Junction, OR 97523OwnersBreeders Mary Stephens Bebi BuchananEmail Web httpuser.cavenet.compoms 541 592-5161rv-JThank You Sharon for helping us in getting such beantiiui PomsLuizaPortugalif'TK'a-.Aharon Hanson, congratulations on our Kennel feature. Jan-Shar Poms certainly eude class and beautyValerie AlVridgeAnchorage, WasKa28 - APC Pomeranian Review' , A omeraniansn. jJkCongratulations haron tlanson on your kennel visit, you have boon a truo friend and mentor.Cti Janhars fantasia - Janfhars fill 0yes On Mo - Ctt Jan-lhars isiz ClaibornoJessica and avid olis Jas w2bspldsbcglobal.netJan-Shars Toy of PikatchuVDear Sharon, Thank you very much for sending me this beautiful little boy. I am very happy with him and look forward to showing him soon I am pleased to congratulate you on your APC Kennel Visit.Sabine JorgTiefmattweg 7, 4563 Gerlafingen SwitzerlandTelephone 0041 32 675 13 22Congratulationson your kennel visit SharonThank you very much for entrusting me with this wonderful little boy. All my best wishes for many many years of success.JAN SHARS TOM SAWYER9 months oldvLA PETITE MORINIERE POMERANIANS Cecile JAMET FRANCEAPC Pomeranian Review - 29Viamn 'Icmwn QAopI started breeding Pomeranians approximately 20 years ago and Australian Shepherds 30 years ago. I cant believe it has been that long We have a farm, and I was always quite active in using Aussies for herding the cows and the sheep. In the middle of my breeding program with Australian Shepherds, I became really ill and had to quit. They were my love, and I will always have an Aussie. The Aussie will always be part of the farm.When I became ill and had to stop almost all activities, I was bored to death. I was no longer able to handle sheep, cattle or the Aussies. I was desperate to find a toy breed. I looked at several toys and finally found a Pom I liked. Like most of us, I started with a couple of pet quality dogs.My good friend, Janie Brumfield, and I started a breeding program of Poms. Hence, JAN-SHAR comes from combining our names, Janie and Sharon. Our first dog we obtained together was CH BEV-NOR AND SOUTHLANDS RAMBO. We were very fortunate he turned out. Rambo was purchased at 4 weeks of age, and we were glad to get him. Anything from Bev or Charlotte was hard to come by most were sold at birth. Charlotte Creed finished him for us, and we were so proud. Rambo turned out to be a dream come true. He produced as well as he was and threw many champions for us. Unfortunately, he cut his foot, and we took him to the vet to sew it up he died under anesthetic. We were devastated. What a loss. Janie became sick about four years into our venture and eventually had to quit breeding dogs totally. She is finally well today. However, she was sick for many years. We are still good friends today.I have learned a lot about breeding over the years. One of the first things in my breeding program I discovered was, that as the time went by, the dogs started getting worse instead of better. Too much inbreeding made for poor30 - APC Pomeranian Reviewrears and coarse heads. Jeanne Blank sent me her dog CH. DOO-SHAYS ABSOLUTE, and I started to use him on everything. He was almost a total outcross his pups were beautiful, very glamorous. Jeanne took him back but left me with a great son, CH JAN-SHARS ABSOLUTLY A MASTER PIECE. He took over most of the breeding here for many years. He, too, was lost under anesthesia. Not a cut foot this time. It was after having his teeth cleaned.I have tried many outcrosses over the years some work some did not. Another big influence on my dogs was CH ROCKN TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE. His owner and breeder is Nina Epps. The first 3 bitches I sent to JakertLwCH BEV NOR N SOUTHLAND RAMBOproduced 13 pups. I sent several more females to him. Out of Jake, I got CH JAN- SHARS ITS THE REAL THING, another big producer here at Jan-Shar. She also loaned me Mikey, CH TRADITIONS LEGEND OF OAKRIDGE. I loved Mikey. He was one of my favorite dogs. He produced JAN-SHARS MINNIE PEARL ROMX, who is still producing. He also left me with CH. JAN-SHARS IF LOOKS COULD KILL, one of my main men.My next outcross was TOOKEYES THE GOLDSMITH. I bought him from Ruth Keyes of London, England. Callum was his call name. He was too big to finish here and in England. Callum was a true cream color.He had a beautiful head, big bone and was very sound. Many of his pups were too big, but many were gorgeous. He could really put fancy in his pups. I lost him, too, at about 6 years old, from a defective heart valve they think no one was really sure. He left me with many males and females. His best offspring are CH. JAN-SHARS N SYNC AND CH. JAN-SHARS MINI ME.All of these lines I have mentioned are the Jan-Shar lines of today. I am always looking for the next outcross to click with my line.My latest venture is breeding whites. This time, I mostly started with white bitches and bred to my orange champion males. I am trying to breed a white as good as our oranges. This has not been an easy task. I have been at it for five years and still get manyC.tMCH JAN SHARS ABSOLUTELY A MASTERPIECEJan-Shar Kennel Visit Continued On Page 32 APC Pomeranian Review - 31Jan-Shar Kennel Visit Continued From Page 31em\YaIVV,n \CH JAN-SHARS AN AMERICAN TAIL, a CH RAMBO son Owned by Dave and Ellen Robertspets. If you breed too much out of the white line, you lose the white color. If you breed too much white, you lose the quality. I have not gotten it down to a science, yet. Not so sure I will, but its a great challenge. It keeps me interested in the breed.I am proud of my accomplishments in the last 20 years. I was the APC breeder of the year from 1992 until 2002 and was No. 2 breeder in 2003.1 was top APC exhibitor for 1989 and 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, and No. 2 in 2003. JAN-SHARS BIG MAMA ROMX was top brood bitch 1996 and 1997, the only bitch to ever receive this honor twice. JAN-SHARS ASHLEY was top brood bitch in 1998. JAN- SHARS MINNIE PEARL was top brood for 2003. TOOKEYES THE GOLD SMITH was the top sire 2001. CH. JAN- SHARS DADDY SAYS IM DARLINGwas number No. 1 2001 and top pomeranian 2002 she is owned by Charles and Katy Stalnaker. I have bred over 200 Pomeranian champions to date.At this time, I am having a new kennel built. I have needed it for years. I really wanted to sell this big farm and move to one of the smaller farms. But it does not look like this is going to happen. Consequently, I decided to go ahead with the new kennel. I am looking forward to its completion. It will make things a lot easier for me. I have two new girls to help me, Sheena and Chrystal. Both are great with the dogs. I miss Chrissy, who was with me for five years. She still visits me and the dogs from time to time.S.9WINNERS BEST OF WINNERS national specialtyAMERICANPOMERANIAN^CLUB q 5Baines Photot n CHJAN-SHARS IN LIVING COLOR, a CH BEV-NOR N SOUTHLAND RAMBO sonCH JAN-SHARS MR NICE GUY A MAGIC MOUNTAIN SON32 - APC Pomeranian ReviewlvC41ERSTCHAMERICANPOMERANIAN^-oCLUBy u-'Iilr rCH JAN-SHARS I FEEL LUCKY ijCH JAN-SHARS JOHNNY BE GOODI, like most of you, do much of my own vet care. I give my own shots and take off dew claws. I am quite familiar with medicines. Being on the farm all these years teaches you a great deal about medicines. The vets work well with me, giving me most things I ask for in the medicine line. After 20 years, I sometimes know as much as they do. One thing I have learned, cleaning teeth is one of the most important things you can do for your dogs. My males have their teeth cleaned twice a year and the bitches always once and sometimes twice a year. This is a huge task but well worth it. It is much safer than it was years ago. They do a blood test on them before they give them anesthetic and have much better medicine to put them to sleep. I also shave the dogs spring and fall. It makes for a much cleaner and cooler dog.I am looking forward to spring winters here in West Virginia can be tough. I am planning a trip to Egypt for the month of April. And frankly, I cannot wait Good friend Barbi Kutilek and I are planning a wonderful trip. hi-v MI UTTER BYCH ROCKN TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE AND JAN-SHARS WYNONNA CH JAN-SHARS ANASTASIA, CH JAN-SHARS EL NINO, CH JAN- SHARS ITS THE REAL THING, AND JAN-SHARS THANK YOUR LUCKY STARSfBEST OF WINNER2004 HOLLOWAYCH JAN-SHARS MINI COOPER CH JAN-SHARS N SYNC sonJan-Shar Kennel Visit Continued On Page 34 APC Pomeranian Review - 33Jan-Shar Kennel Visit Continued From Page 33I would like to thank Tish and Orville Cannon.They are always there when I need a favor and are great handlers and caregivers to my JAN-SHARS dogs. Also, welcome to Joyce McComsky, who is now handling some of my dogs. Thanks to the Pomeranian Review for asking me to do this kennel visit. It is always an honor to be asked. Good luck to everyone at the National in March See you there.pfiart'ji 'i-g'jf. - QJrrr'\onIorttSHOW AHOW,CH JAN-SHARS DOC HOLIDAY, a JOHNNY BE GOOD son Owned by Bill and Pat StroudLeft CH JAN-SHARS DR PHIL, a CH. JAN-SHARS IF LOOKS COULD KILL sonBelow Future Kennel for Jan-Shar Poms Right JAN-SHARS REMBRANDT3 8pnntThanks to Moonlight Magic gg Photography front cover and ^4 Rembrandt.34 - APC POMERANIAN REVIEWIntroducinWfhstar OptimysticirFfmrr . " .tlr- Tpictured at 12 weeksDiogenoir Smoke and Mirrors Pinecrests Perfect PavarottiCan. Ch. Pinecrests its Crystal Clear Winstar OptimysticAm. Ch. Bavanews Saxton YJarnor Winstar SacagaweaPinecrests Sytled 4 ChinadollWfhstar PomsWalda Green031 336-B2B5 winstarpomssbcglobal.netAPC Pomeranian Review - 35Whipstaff PomeraniansProudly Presents..,hs 0Int Ck, Marbil'-MNM Maid In MankattanFirebrook s Ckase Mankattan x MNM N Skamai Blk Ice AdvisoryMiss J f inisked ker International Ckampionskip in one weekend. Ske is also AKC pointed and is looking forward to seeing everyone at tke APC Specialty in Marck. Tkank you Donna Riekm lor allowing us to kave tkis beautiful girl.MNMs Dawn of Rock N RollMNM s Rock N Roll Revival X MNM s Darkest Before Tke DawnKendra kas just started ker skow career and we are very proud of ker. Ske will also be at tke Specialty and would love to meet everyone tkere. We send a big tkank you to Mary Wells for breeding tkese two remarkable girls.IERPANOwnersJanetteand Joe DallyWhipstaff PomeraniansBreederMary E. WellsMM PomerAvtiaaisutrkaosswbell.net314 389-3275mnmpomspony express.net660367-225436 - APC Pomeranian ReviewNo Tricks.. . . All Treats lvt. CH. MNMs Acc H15I1 Bibs FirstCH Ace High Dealer x Marbils Playing With ColorAll my kids are trained andhandled exclusively by Mari Iffland and Debbie Kingery.. 53'dunVNTERNATIONALCHAMPIONINTERNATIONAL ALL BREED CANINE ASSOCIATIONII- i-jz rCongratulations to Janette Joe Dally on Miss J, Marbil-MNM Maid In Manhatten, acquiring her International title, and best of luck to you with MNMs The Dawn of Rock N Roll, Kendra.Bidder went to the International Shows over Halloween weekend and treated himself to an International Championship He is AKC pointed and hoping to finish his Championship this year. Even though its hard to take your eyes off Bidders gorgeous head, please take a look at my other kids gracing the ringMNMs Trek to the Stars - just looking for those majors MNMs Spirit of Remembrance - Starting his show career in February MNMs Ashes of Victory - Also starting in the ring in February Marbils Casino Royale - just started her show career, but already pointedHAnblerBreeOer Mari IfflAnb Benton, 1L 61S 431-6127 www.mArbilpomerAniAns.comOwnerBreeber M^rvj E. Wells12909 123Tt St VMtonsburg, MO 64670 660 367-2234 www.Anse1fire.commomnmpomerAniAnsHAnbler Debbie Kinservj Debwt PomerAniAns Mt. Vernon, 1L 61S 214-7874 APC Pomeranian Revew - 37ANOTHER GROUPFrom the puppy classForytoneykist truck jpotASire Ch. Honeykist Gold Rush Fever x Dam Honeykist Ginger SnapMw', ' l 53S,F-GROUPPLACINGCHARLOTTESVILLE ALBERMARLE KENNEL CLUBV,fcOCT. 24.2004 eJOHN ASHBET - Thanhyaw Judge Sue 'Waddle far Msfirst paints 3 paint major and TOT Oder Specials-. Tfem fas- Qraup 3 far fas farst sfimo.Judge Tvlrs. Julie TvL Ufalm Tar fas TOT amr Specials- Ms- secand weekend aut.Judge Tdd C. Timm far fis- second Qraup 3 second wedzend aut. cAnd mast of ad, mgfiend 'Maynard 'Woodfar Ms superb presentation as always.TreederOwnerCfuritin ISouquebhoneykist Tom38 - APC Pomeranian ReviewJjmesmUe, VcAfioneykist] 434 277-8918Historical AwardsCarol LeemhuisAPC Historical Awards must be applied for. These titles are given to Pomeranians by The American Pomeranian Club. They may be used as suffixes to the dogs registered name but may not be used when entering official AKC events. The dogs receiving these awards need not be owned by an APC member.If you feel your dog is eligible for a Historical Award, please apply for it. Please check the APC webpage to see if your dog is listed as having earned an award, httpamericanpomeranianclub.orghistorical_awards.html If your dog is not listed, please do not advertise your dog as having received the award magazines, pedigrees, etc.. Inquiries may be made to Carol Leemhuis, APC Historical Awards Registrar. Lets get those new awards publishedOffspring titles for ROM, ROMX and ROMS may come from conformation Ch., obedience CD, tracking TD or VST, or agility NA or NAJ. Only the first obedience, tracking, or agility title level is credited. No offspring will be counted more than once toward a parents ROM title, regardless of how many titles that offspring acquires. Only AKC titles are counted.Register Of Merit ROMTo qualify for this awarddogs must produce 6 or more titled offspringbitches must produce 4 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Excellent ROMXTo qualify for this awarddogs must produce 15 or more titled offspringbitches must produce 6 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Supreme ROMSTo qualify for this awarddogs must produce 25 or more titled offspringbitches must produce 10 or more titled offspring.Hall Of FameTo qualify for this award, a Pomeranian must win an all-breed Best In Show, or win an all-breed High In Trial, oracquire a conformation championship Ch. and a Companion Dog Excellent CDX title, oracquire an Agility Excellent AX or Utility Dog UD title, or earn a perfect 200 score in obedience competition.Gold ClubTo qualify for this award, a Pomeranian mustwin 100 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or bitches must win 50 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or win back-to-back Group Is, or win back-to-back High In Trials, or acquire an Obedience Championship OTCh, or Utility Dog Excellent UDX, or Champion Tracker CT, or Master Agility Excellent MX title, or acquire a combination of 3 different titles, one each from conformation, obedience, tracking or agility.REGISTRARS CORNERCarol Leemhuis2318 Rose Garden RoadPittsburgh PA 15220Home 412 344-8257RegistrarAmericanPomeranianClub.orgSince being appointed as the Historical Awards Registrar, I have had a big goal. The goal was to find a way that all Poms that are eligible for Historical Awards receive them. It isnt the dogs fault that as humanswe dont always communicate well and stay in touch regarding offspring, that we forget to submit applications, that ownership changes or unfortunate circumstances prevent applications from being submitted or that we just dont know to apply. So, in my quest to be an advocate for all Pomeranians, I have solved the problem for dogs bom after 1980. I discussed with AKC what I hoped to do and what information I needed. They were able to provide me with a computer report of all titlists from 1980 through 2004. The report includes the correct spellings of all dog names and the sires and dams as recorded by AKC.As a result, I was able to spend countless hours searching the report and have approval to grant the awards that follow. Hopefully in time I will be able to obtain copies of the old Gazette Award Books from 1900 through 1980 which would complete our records. If anyone lives near the AKC Library and would like to help with photocopying for me, please contact meHistorical Awards are granted by the American Pomeranian Club Registrar using the criteria on the previous page. Applications for awards are normally submitted to the Registrar with proof of eligibility. These awards are being granted to catch up our records and as a tribute to the dogs that earned them. Please continue to submit applications in the future and contact me with questions if needed.I often receive questions regarding the APC Annual Awards. Please direct those questions to Kelly Reimschiissel at or 801 756-2092. I also receive questions about Pomeranian Histoiy and these should be directed to the Club Historian Cindy Boulware at or 972 962-3872.Two awards previously granted to dogs bom after 1980 have been rescinded due to lack of the necessary number of titled offspring. Both had been erroneously credited with one offspring from the same kennel. If the owners of these dogs can provide record that either has more titled offspring than appear on the AKC report, please contact me.CH Emcees Chips Of Diamond D - ROM rescindedCH LLL Kaptivating Katy B - ROMX rescinded and ROM grantedI will continue to search the AKC records to correct spelling errors and other errors as time permits.The following awards were earned by producing titled offspring. Registry Of Merit Supreme ROMSTim Sues Duchess Sabrina BCH Great Elms Mr Chips DCH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino DRegistry Of Merit Excellent ROMXDaystar Leslies I Love Lucy BHistorical Awards Continued on Page 40 APC Pomeranian Review - 39Historical Awards Continued From Page 39 CH Glen Iris Chardonnay BGreat Elms Becky Sue BCH LLL Mite Of Gold Suzanna BO My Starmist Minuette BMountain Crest Ronni BCH Pom Acres New Dawn BPomirish Hallelujahs Glory BJan-Shars Shelly At Blakes BWindy Hills Dolly O Pomacres BCH Dixieland Rock Of Millamor DCH D-Nees Darin Dinadan DCH Paughprints On The MTN Crest D CH Sunrays Lil Beaver DRegistry Of Merit ROMCH Annons Lea Tar Of Dover BCH Auroras Crown Jewel BCH Brilliants Golden Glory BDaystar Summer Rain BDias Brandy Bear BDixielands Music Box BD-Nees Dawdling Dumplin BEmcees Diamond Chippa BCH Finchs Walkin In Fashion BFinchs Walk Upon A Star BFrys Charming Muffy BCH Gaulkes Pepper Upper BCH Golden Wheats Smiling Lights B Idas Princes Of Bev-Nor BJambos Kismet BJanesas Heather BJan-Shars Absolute Ivy BJan-Shars Miss Moonglow BCH Jan-Shars Zsa Zsa BJulies Starlight Susan BLadys Darkness At Dawn BLegendary Fortune Cookie BCH LLL Kaptivating Katy BCH Manchesters Misty Dawn B Marbils Tickle Your Fancy B Moonshadows Tiffany Rose BMorrocos Shady Lady BPom Acres Touch Of Klass BPost Scripts Jasman BRaine-Bets Wrapped N Ribbons B Reginapoms New Agenda BStar Havens Righteous Sparkle B Starlite Shantilly Lace BThelduns Billys Lil Paty Cake BT-JS Lil Rockn Hot Toddy BVelvet Touch Ms Ecstasy BCH Velvet Touch Southern Belle BCH Absolutes Sole Survivor DCH Apples Travelin Diablo DElan D Chip-A-Ways Chips Of Aristo DCH Coys Top Of The Mark DCH Emcees A Chip Of Diamond DCH Fancy Gold Dancer Of Oakridge D Finchs Causin A Comotion DCH Finchs Walkin After Midnite D Hi-Crest Guysngals Handsome High D CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette DCH Jabils Simply Sinful DCH Jamols Klassic Hi Time DCH Jan Les Just A Dash Of Millamor D CH Jan-Shars Johnny Be Good DCH Ken-Gay Cavalier Joe DCH Lennis Tar Son Image DCH O My Pattys Touch O-Pepper DCH Paradise Valley Royal Reward DPeppipoms Classically Yours DCH Pom Acres Atomic Fireball DCH Pompuf Tynee Touch Of Class DCH Precious Petites Gabriel DRandys Jolly Wee Sparky DRussells Fox Flame Gay Pepper DCH Shy Acres I Kan Too DCH Silver Meadows Pepr O Legacy DCH Silver Meadows Starmister DCH Subers Presents Atom Ant DCH Sun-Dot Pominique Starchaser DCH Sungolds Kazar Quarter Back DCH Traditions Legend Of Oakridge DCH Wee Rambo Of Coys Top Mark DCH Wilmas Golden Party Boy DThe following awards are granted based on titles each dog earned.Gold Club GCApril May Wicket Moxon MX MXJBig Furry Chop-Monster MX MXJCody Joe C Man MX MXJDawns Cork In A Bottle MX NAP MXJFunquests Surfin USA MX MXJHimself The Elf MX MXJJan-Shars Dax Emmanuels Gift CDX MX MXJMACH Cowboy The Party PomMACH Bubbis Beauty CDXMACH Chut Tanu KhuseMACH Finchs Peach Melba DelightMACH Little Polly Party GirlMACH Maya Mango Shes A DelightMACH Sargeant CeasarMACH Toyrific LilbuttonsMACHS Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDXMACHS Cindys Little Muffin CDXMACHS Muffys Fluffy Muegge CDXMegans Spitfire CDX MX AXJOTCH Crickettes Midnight Song CSOTCH Tinklers Tom TomOTCH Twinkle Little Super StarOTCH Uhlands Creme Puff DelightPainters Passion Diamond UDXRazzle Dazzle Concerto UDXSilver-Bearss Ebony Spitzfire MX MXJToby En Charge CDX MX MXJTucker The Third Muskateer UDX2Walters Dame Cheeky MX MXJWalters Teasie Tootie MX MXJHall Of Fame HOFAdkins Wee Hadleigh Doll UD TD AJs Streak Of Lightening AX AXJ Annons Peterbilt UD Annons Sun Bear UD April May Wicket Moxon MX MXJ Barbaras Little Sunbeam CD AX AXJ Beau James Fae Joyous Merit AX AXJ Big Furry Chop-Monster MX MXJ Billy Boys Susie-Q UD TD Black Magic AX AXJ Bon-Bons Jamica Me Crazy UD Captain Pug White UDCH Bo Jas General Jackson CDX n , nHistorical Awards Continued on Page40 - APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netDecember 2004 APC Board SummaryMotion passed to accept the Ohio Valley Pomeranian Club request to host the 2005 APC Summer Specialty on Thursday, July 21, 2005, and Friday, July 22, 2005 in Richfield, Ohio.January 2005 APC Board SummaryMotion passed to appoint Walda Green as Chair of the Ways and Means Committee.Motion passed that we are offer the co-owners of a dog that will be receiving an Annual Award trophy the option of purchasing, at their expense, their own copy of the award. The order and purchase price must be sent to the Annual Awards Chairperson by the deadline set by himher.Motion passed that we establish the audit committee of Tim Goddard, Sue Goddard, and Olga Baker for the 2004 audit of records.Motion passed that we invite Olga Baker to continue to be our Gazette columnist in 05.Motion passed that Dot Martin be appointed as the Judges Education Coordinator.Motion passed that APC purchase 25 Year Bar Pins.Historical Awards Continued From Page 40CH Jubilee Whisper Of Mica CDXCH Milarts Inky Dinky CDXCH Moonshadows Eye Of The Tiger UDCH Pomirish Chances Dina Mite CDXCH Razzle Dazzle Music Man CDXCharmins Royal Flush UDChut Tanu Miy AX AXJCody Joe C Man MX MXJDawns Cork In A Bottle MX NAJ MXJEbony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze SX OAJFinchs Little Sister Megan UD OA OAJFoxy Little Sister CD AX OAJFrog Hollows Dark Princess UD AX OAJFunquests Surfin USA MX MXJGidgets Cinnamon Prince UDHallie AX AXJHimself The Elf MX MXJHoneys Little Boo Boo Bear CD AXHoneys Wee Bitz Of Trouble AX AXJIm A Candy Angel Doll UDJacobsons Nelly Don UD TDJan-Shars Dax Emmanuels Gift CDX MX MXJJerry AX AXJJohn-Codys Missy Crumpet UD Kodiak AX MXJLady Heidi Of Nottingham CD AX OAJ Laraes Midee UD Laulyslickety-Split AX MXJ Lindsey Of Dover Holihouse UD Little Miss Turbo CD AX NAP AXJ NJP Lollie P. Rushka AX MXJ MACH Cowboy The Party Pom MACH Bubbis Beauty CDX MACH Chut Tanu Khuse MACH Finchs Peach Melba Delight MACH Little Polly Party Girl MACH Maya Mango Shes A Delight MACH Sargeant Ceasar MACH Toyrific LilbuttonsMACHS Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDXMACHS Cindys Little Muffin CDXMACHS Muffys Fluffy Muegge CDXMachs Little Ginger Boy CDX AX AXJ OJPMcs Chocolate Dawn Kaci Bar UDMegans Spitfire CDX MX AXJMinute Of Whispering Pines UDMiss Chief Suzy Morse UDMiss Natashas Kit-N-Kaboodl AX NAP AXJ NJPMiss Royal Red UD NA NAJOTCH Tinklers Tom TomRa-Joys Dixie Darling CDX AXRazzle Dazzle Concerto UDXRC Royal Crown CD AX AXJRehmans Little Dream UDShawn Of Brockton UDShenanigans Jack Frost UD AX AXJShopes Cupid Bella Donna UDSilvakress Viva UD TDSilver Meadows Beau Jangles UDSilver-Bearss Ebony Spitzfire MX MXJSkylark Kiwi UDSkyridges Harlequin Hullabaloo AX AXJ Sumi II CDX AX Sunrunner Keegan AX MXJ Teddy Schoenberg AX AXJ Toby En Charge CDX MX MXJ Tootsies Buster Boy CD AX Tucker The Third Muskateer UDX2 Walters Dame Cheeky MX MXJ Walters Teasie Tootsie MX MXJI will bring new Historical Awards Certificates for each of the above dogs to the National Specialty in March. Please see me there to get your certificates. Anyone who would like their certificates mailed after the National Specialty, please contact me with your mailing address and which dogdogs belong to you. I hope these awards bring back fond memories and make many people smile. The dogs earned them and deserve to have them. Congratulations Heres to a great 2005.APC Pomeranian Review - 41____tiMt wau i see it'^ RiA,d MoreAKC licensed Judges responses are welcome and appreciated. Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.years. I judge the Sporting Groups, Best In Show and Juniors.Charlotte McGowan1. How long have you been an AKC licensed JudgeI have been judging about thirty Working, Terrier, Toy and HerdingThe majority of Poms come in fine, but some few could be brushed out a bit more, and I do wonder if some of the dogs get enough exercise. These are toy dogs, but they are still dogs, and a little exercise and muscle tone is good for any dog. My Papillons get lots of exercise and are fit. Judges always appreciate that.2. Why did you apply to become a judgeWhen I was a teenager I was invited to judge a match show the entire Working Group. Being young and adventurous, I accepted, even though I told them I didnt know the details of all the breeds. After that I was invited to do a great many matches so I guess people thought I did OK and I really liked the challenge of trying to get the dogs in the right order. I also liked judging them as breeding stock.3. What Breed of dogs have you owned, lived with, and bredI started out with Shelties and bred them for decades with Best In Show winners, specialty winners, etc. I even wrote a book on them. Then I bred Dandie Dinmont Terriers on a small scale, won the national, won the breed at Montgomery, etc. Currently I have bred Papillons for a number of years and I have two Award Of Merits at the National and specialty and group wins. I have bred, I think, twenty-eight champions so far in this breed. I havent had anything else for quite a few years.In the past I had one of several other breeds a Keeshond, a Smooth Fox Terrier, a Golden Retriever, and a Doberman, but now it is just Papillons.8. If you have been judging Pomeranians for over 10 years, please answer the following question How has the overall quality of the Pomeranian improved since you have been judgingIm not sure how long I have been doing Poms, but I do think the breed differs greatly from one area to another. Some areas they are really lovely and in other places they are less so. Overall, I do think breeders have done a great job breeding personable, charming little dogs. I continue to be dismayed that rears are often weak and a lot of dogs have bad patellas. Papillons can have bad patellas, too, but as toy breeders, we have to strive to keep our dogs sound as well as beautiful and typey.9. Do you have any comments concerning our present Breed StandardIll leave that to you, the Pomeranian breeders.Way I See It - Exhibitor Linda Pelz, DreamWeaver Poms, Texas4. Did you ever own or show a PomeranianNo, I have never had a Pom. I have roomed with a friend going to shows with Poms and that is as close to having one as I have been.5. What do you enjoy about judging PomsI really like toy dogs, period. I love Poms for their attitude, foxy little faces and bright, happy ways.6. What do you expect from the exhibitors in your ringPom exhibitors are nice people. Most of them seem to be having fun, have their dogs trained, and make an effort to have them looking their best.7. In general, what do you think an exhibitor can do to improve the average show Poms presentationHow long have you been exhibiting I have been showing Pomeranians since 1997.Are you a professional handler or breederowner I am a breederownerhandler.Was your first show dog, a dog or a bitch My first show Pom was a male.Why Actually, I just told the breeder, Ken, I wanted a dog to show, and didnt specify if I wanted a dog or a bitch.What attracted you to the Pomeranian breed The Pomeranian has a big dog attitude, in a small body and I love their type and cute faces.What concerns do you have for the future of the breed There are many Pom health issues.What do you expect from the judge when you are showing expect the judges respect, and to receive myfidl two minutes even though they dont care for my dog that day. They42 - APC Pomeranian ReviewXXvenueTom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netDue to overwhelming, hot welcomed, success in the whelping box, Park Avenne Poms offers for your consideration Parker Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams puppies. Pedigrees include Park Avenne, Finch, Oakridge, Queennaire, and Jan-Shar.should be gentle with these Poms. Many judges treat them like big dogs during the table exam and practically knock them off the table.What improvements would you like to see in the breed The Poms should have sounder movement than what we are currently seeing. It seems that the movement is getting worse, and I am seeing more bad fronts than before.Do you have an exhibitors blooper you would like to share Knock on wood, I cant think of one to date.What do you feel is the most important asset to a show Pom The Poms coat and conditioning is very important in the show ring. What advice would you give to help a newcomer to exhibiting, before the show, at the show, and in the ring Get to the show in time to set up your grooming area, watch the judges ring procedure, relax and groom your dog. Watch the judge before you go into the ring so you know his directions. Also, be polite to other exhibitors, dont run up on them, and be gracious win or lose.Do you have any suggestions for dog show superintendents pertaining to specifically the toy breeds Definitely Please allow crates at the toy dog rings for the safety of our dogs.What, if anything, would you like to say to the majority of Toy judges My pet peeve, and I would like to say, Judge, please judge the south end of the lead instead of the north end. I know its sometimes easier to judge the person at the end, but its very irritating watching some judges glance at the dog then follow the lead up to see who is handling. And if it is a well-known handler, they continue to watch that person not the dog the whole time, and not watch the other exhibitors in the ring.What are the procedures you follow to get a Pom ready the week prior to a dog show When do you trim, bathe, what products do you use I use different products for different coat types, and I wash according to coat type as well. Puppy coats usually get done the day before adult dogs with a harsher coat get done earlier in the week. I do most of my trimming on a clean dog, after the bath.How do you routinely condition a dogs coat for showing, such as products and food I use Plush Puppy and Pure Paws Products. I free feed 3 different types of dry and Prairie Natural Variety canned once a day, with different supplements. All of the dogs I am showing get Inflight.What is a quality of the Pomeranian, in the AKCAPC Standard, you feel is overlooked most in the show ring I feel too many full coated, trimmed for neatness only Poms are overlooked for the sculpted look. Also, too many Poms are being judged by head cuteness, not overall type, structure and movement.APC Pomeranian Review - 43Hi there. My name is Walda Green. While I am relatively new to Poms I am not new to the world of dog shows. I got my first show dog when I was 15 years old. I started with Afghan Hounds and enjoyed showing them for several years. My claim to fame was my last boy I co-owned him with his breeders, one of the top kennels in the 70s. He was Am Intl Ch. Coastwind Obsidian, he won his Intl title in the days when one had to go to Europe to do it, and we had a friend in Germany who showed him for us. He was a multiple Specialty winner and was the second Afghan and the first black one to go All Breed BIS in California.GettingToKnowYou'"A.daughter, Rachel is 13 years old she is my artist, always drawing these wonder mystical beings.The whole family enjoys the Poms. I purchased my first Pom, as a pet, five years ago, was not going to get involved in showing again, but I guess once you are bitten by the show bug you are bitten for life. So, here I go again. I have made some wonderful friends along the way I cherish each one. I have found that most Pom people are like their dogs they are very friendly and are lots of fun to be around I am nearing the end of my second term as president of the Northern California Pomeranian Club, and I get to be the show chairman for our specialty. This is all just way too much funI retired at the age of 30 years to have my family. I have three great children and am fortunate enough to be able to homeschool them. I have two boys, Allen, 16, and Justin 11. Both are in love with their video game machines MyWalda GreenWays \ Means ChairpersonGetting To Know You will introduce the many talented fine folks serving the APC and help with the APC Pomeranian Review.Look for me at the Ways and Means booth in Kentucky. I will be the one with the lost look on her face, Donna is a hard act to follow, but I will do my best. She has been a great help guiding me along. I have already met some wonderful new friends and am looking forward to meeting more44 - APC Pomeranian ReviewBED MAKING 101By Barbara McClatchey1. Remove sheets from diyer and place on bed.Adjust love Big Bird Sent in by Danielle Sartain 2. Remove Poms.3. Spread sheets on bed and tuck in.Passed out. From Diane Finch 4. Remove Poms.5. Spread blankets, quilts, etc. on bed.xVdpi_.Jump for joy Eleanor Miller 6. Remove Poms.7. Go to bed with Poms.-\____Find the puppies Submitted by Diana Belstar Eat it or wear it. From Babe McCombsWANTEDI Mqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. 0asf Fur Fan.Ways ,andAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. MeansWalda Green is finally here, the National Specialty in Louisville And now, my first assignment as chairman of the Ways and Means Committee. Donna Riehm is a hard act to follow to be sure. What a great job she has done and is doing as she continues to advise me, teach me and lend moral support Thank you, DonnaThanks also to all of you who have generously donated so many wonderful items to be auctioned off Without your donations and purchases, this would not work.This year I requested read begged help in the booth, and again so many of you responded, volunteering your time. Thank you, thank youWe have some fabulous items for the auction, both Pomdoggy related and some handcrafted items. Come by the booth, say hello, and check out all the great stuff We are also having a raffle to benefit the APC General Fund. Renowned artist Stefano Scullino from Italy has generously donated an original full color piece of art shown below in grayscale. It would be a great addition to any Pom art collection. Jane Lehtinen will be selling those tickets, so look for her. You wont want to miss out on a chance to win We are also having a 5050 raffle tickets will be sold at the booth only. APC keeps half the money collected, and the winner gets the other half. Could this be a chance to pay for your funfoodhotel bill How much will it beAs you know, I am not new to the doggy world but am new to Poms. And, once again, I am reminded that people are indeed much like the dogs they choose to spend their lives with. Pom people are like their Poms, friendly and caring. This is just too much fun'YALeft Original color-pencil artwork by Stefano Scullino, Italy. Tickets may be purchased at the National Specialty.Below T-shirts, sweatshirts and welcome bags will be adorned with the Scullino APC National 2005 Logo.A PC National Specialtya2005 Louisville, Kentucky46 - APC Pomeranian ReviewAi fmertcmt reported by the American Kennel Qub January L 2004 throqgjh December 31, 2004QuitKelly D. Reimachiieel Awards ChairpersonThe APC Awards Committee would like to congratulate all members who placed in the Top 10 categpries and finished a title on their Pomeranian for the 2004 APC Awards Year. Be sure to pick up your new champion and title certificates at the National See you there.nlap 10 'ijreeb ^rrgsName BOBDqgsDefeated OwnersCH Pulpride Sweet Dreams 109 2,133 Diane L. Finch, Noble InglettCH Sundown's Keegan Xavier 62 1,018 Camilla KnightCH Rrebrooks Tabasco Fiasco 46 996 Lee Codd, Donna Machniak, Dana CoventryCH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty 49 m Tony Cabrera, Fabian ArienteCH Valcopy Batbcy 65 710 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Don Smith. Merilyn SmithCH Eodis 02 Kiflg of Gondoi 39 641 Celeste Solano, E. Solano, Eon Smith, Merilyn SmithCH Starfire's Eobcaiy Sobe It 33 383 Card SchrimpsherCH Paradise Valley Poyal Medallion 23 270 Marshal Eokos, Jessica Smith and E TurnerCH Mountain Crest Mercy Me 20 303 Lavonne and Dwight Beard, David and Carlene GilstrapCH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief 18 285 Eon Smith, Sharon Hanson and Merilyn SmithHrrp 10DqgsName BOB Defeated Owners1 CH Starfires Josefina Is Nasy 13 285 Jose A. Cabrera, Fabian Ariente2 CH Trudys Aiming For The Top 11 97 Nancy Coddirigten, Eobert Coddington2 CH Majesties Change Your Luck 11 97 Annette Pister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner, S. W. Turner4 CH Gayels Hello Dolfy 4 84 Gale A. fiivers5 CH Starfires Maty Lou II 5 54 Jose A. Cabrera, Fabian Ariente6 CH Monarcs Shady Lady 3 52 Shari Shields7 CH Jan-Shars Daddy Says Im Darling 3 50 My and Charles Stalnaker8 CH Wyndlor Its My Wish 2 36 Becky Sabourin9 CH Shimmeree Fulla Pizzazz Wow 1 35 Charlene and Greggoiy Waters, Terry Eothell, Jordan Eothell10 CH Lakota Sioux Of Lenette 1 32 Linda Pelz, Michael WellsAPC Pomeranian Review - 47Oldies But Goodies^ ' 'wr^JSWatch Ch. Southpaw of Sisnben Sarahand her half sister Ch. Southpaw Ter alee Mis- Behave'N Mika strut their stuff in the Veterans Class at the Nationals. They will show the young ones that with age you only get betterLeanne WilkinsTeralee Poms603 674-5 8 05Christine CreasyHollily Poms203 518 0098yiDauamersM Ii .Ch. Hollily s A Dream for Teralee AshleeGone but not forgotten.Doo-Shay's Short Circuit Shorty has crossed over the bridge but his legacy lives on in...aCh. Teralee s Ornge U Mis-BehaveN KiraHollily's Circuit Breaker CBTeralee's R U Mis-Behave'N ElizaGrandsonsLeanne WilkinsTeralee Poms603 674-5805Christine CreasyHollily Poms203 518 0098Jan StanchurskiTabletop PomsTabletop's Short Fuse SparkyTabletop s Black Mail SendercrpGroup TotalBIS I n in IV Defeated Owners1 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 15 46 34 6 8 28,116 Diane Finch, Noble Inglett2 CH Stariire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty 15 34 5 5 2 26,108 Tony Cabrera and Fabian Ariente3 CH Valcopy Batbqy 1 8 8 5 8 5,272 J. Pardue, M. Pardue, Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith4 CH Sundown's Keegan Xavier 8 7 12 3,819 Camilla Knight5 CH Rodis CR King of Kondor 1 8 6 4 3,096 Celeste Solano, R. Solano, Ron Merilyn Smith56 CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco 2 4 3 5 2,859 Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry7 CH Starfire's Robcary Sobe It 1 1 6 3 4 2,023 Carol Schrimpsher8 CH Cotiontop Doin' It Better 1 1 1 1966 Linda Mulso and Barbara Wollman9 CH Candyfloss Lord Wilton 2 3 1 3 1918 B. Stetson, Hideko Strasbaugh10 CH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief 1 4 4 1354 Ron Smith, Sharon Hanson and Merilyn SmithtUop 10 jBtid2NameGroupTotalBIS I EIDIVDefeated1 CH Starfires Josefma Is Nasty 33 2 14132 Starfires Wicked Maiy 11 2903 CH Starfires Fransesca 11 2874 CH Monarcs Shady Lady 1 2135 CH Majesties Change Your Luck 1 2076 CH Trudys Aiming For The Top 1 1 2037 CH Lakota Sioux Of Lenette 1 1608 CH Jan-Shars Daddy Says Im Darling 1 1119 CH Animations Olive Oyo 1 10810 CH Teralee's Omge U Mis-Behave'n 1 105tUnp bziiX2iOwnersJose A. Cabrera, Fabian ArienteJose A. Cabrera, Fabian ArienteJose A. Cabrera, Fabian ArienteShari ShieldsAnnette Bister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner, S. W. Turner Nancy Coddington, Robert CoddingtonLinda Pelz, Michael WellsMy and Charles StalnakerDarren Lane, Lorinda VasutaLeanne WilkinsTiny Tim Pendeltoa CGC UD with an average score of 196 owned by Wendy Donnelly Janet DonnellyThe Top Exhibitors and Top Breeders column headers of the Annual Awards were switched in the JanuaryFebruary 2005 Pomeranian Review. I apologize for the error. Kelly Reimschiissel50 - APC Pomeranian Reviewirp JNnfrtce ffimtiermxmttLil Cherub BCNU At Courbette, CD NJP owned by Victoria Leitnerjxett ^pimtermttmrNone Submittedrtp JMttlttg ^mtteratromTiny Tim Pendelton, CGC UD owned by Wendy Donnelly Janet Donnellynp mcfemg mxmnNone SubmittedJVgtlttirKeokiowned by John David and Connie Ziebaap ^JnmeraiTtmia reported by NAFAKeokiowned by John David and Connie Ziebanp 3jumnrCatherine M. Jeaaen, Junior's Chair As reported by AKC Awards issues January throygjh December November 1, 2003 through October 31, 2004 APC Year denotea tieJordan Qothell 303Jessica Christiansen 151Taylor Irvin 94Danielle Miller 65Miss Naomi Jean Bryant 49Mariah Peering 35Kira M. Parkin 28Miss Lee Amber Jessen 24Stephanie Burdick 22Amanda Hagerman 21Jessica Page 21APC Pomeranian Review - 51ffiqmxvpmrtzChampions nf ^Rcrrrrir are Crmfirmcil irg^jp-QIctnimrCH Ajs Made In Nawlins D CH Janesas Fashion Statement xAjs In Harmony With Janesa. Owned Bred by Ashley Miller Jerry Miller.CH Band Of Gold Of Lenette D CH Macs Frankly My Dear x Jenny Lind Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Castile Evelynne DGlen Iris B Zanara Late NiteAt Gleniris x CH Glen Iris Castle In The Sky. Owned by Geno Sisneros. Bred by Cheryl A.Jackson, Isabel A. Taylor Geno Sisneros.CH Emcees Mightee Tuffee B Millamors Mightee Of Emcee x Woods One Tough Cookie. Owned Bred by Morris E. Carson Betty F. Carson.CH Finchs Chars Rock N Roll Parti D CH Finchs Rockin Parti x Finchs Come Parti With Me. Owned by Charlotte Meyer Danielle Sartain. Bred by Diane L. Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Finchs Walkin N Talkin D CH Finch's He Walks On Water x Finch's BeASparkling Star. Owned by Jayne Hoemke. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Gar-Vs Irish Cream D CH Great River Sonshine OKisses x CH Gar- V's Summer Magic. Owned by Sharon Yampiro. Bred by Gail A. Garvey.CH Jan-Shars Mini Cooper D CH Jan-Shars N Sync x CH Jan-Shars Beauty Is My Business. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Janesas American Cutiepye D CH Janesas This Bud Is For You Aj x Janesas Ima Cutie-Pye. Owned by Cheri Fields. Bred by Jerrie Freia Adrienne Pye.CH Kacees N Harmony Of Lenette B CH Music Maker Of Lenette x Great Elms Barbie Doll II. Owned by Katy Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Kalos Blowing In The Wind B Kalos Lionheart Of Lenette x Kalos Magnificent Millicent. Owned Bred by Carolyn G. Brandenburg.CH Kayras Busting Out Diamonds D Joarts Diamond Chips x Kayra's Dancing Duchess. Owned Bred by Reed Adams Kay L Chaney.CH Linlus Shogun Yoritomo D CH Sungolds Lumber Jack x Jane's Pupsickle Peggy. Owned Bred by Linda L. Tindle.CH Mountain Crest Special Design D CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest x CH Mountain Crest Extra Special. Owned Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap.CH Mountain Crest Special Edition B CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest x CH Mountain Crest Extra Special OwnedBred byDavid Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap.CH Nans Are You Ready For This D CH Reginapoms Ready To Rumble x Nans Sweet Pea. Owned Bred by Nancy L. Reed.CH Odyssey-N-Vips High Octane B CH Odyssey-Vips Movin Vilation x V I P Raisin Cane O Kandi. Owned by Janet Lucido Fran Smith-Milteer. Bred by Fran Smith-Milteer.CH Pomhavens Gucci Accenti B Chikai West Side Story Sorve x Pomhavens Sweet Nutmeg. Owned Bred by Colleen P. Beiand.CH R-Luv Columbian Kingpin D CH Lynnwrights Tony Soprano x R-Luvs My Funny Valentine. Owned by Ann Scott. Bred by Tina J. Petrina.CH Showins Powerball D CH Barbara's Dancing With Silver x Pomsotic Dafnes Silver Dsire. Owned by Audrey Caywood. Bred by Barbara Raymond. CH Sirius Its Only Make Believe D CH Sirius Its Sable Adam x Wyndlor Three Wishes OwnerNina M. Fetter Bred byNina Fetter Becky Sabourin CH Starfires Nasty Be Itch B CH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty x Starfires Cecilia. Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Stolannes Doin It My Way D CH Wyndlor Doin It Right x CH Marbils Place In The Sun Owners Donna Riehm Frances Stoll Bred by F. Stoll CH Stolannes Sucker For Cute B CH Stolannes Keep 'Em Rollin x CH Fan-Cs Sparkle N Tradition. Owned Bred by Frances J. Stoll.CH Valcopy Kid Wyatt Stillcove D CH Valcopy Kid Rock x CH Stillcoves Rhythm Of The Nite. Owned Bred by Dana L. Plonkey Cynthia Bradley. CH Windsors Darling Debutante B CH Shyacres Our Man Samson x CH Velvet Touch Southern Belle. Owned by Victoria Oelerich Shauna Jenkins. Bred by Shauna Jenkins.JNnfremiterCH Antoms Jes A Mucho Macho Man D CH Sanlee-Antom Academy Awards xAntoms Caught-N-Charlotts Web. Owned Bred by Anita J. Farr. CH Avalons Ta-LorD Made ForMar-D D CH Morenos Special Amigo x Avalon-N-Morenos Melissa. Owned by Mary Stephens Debi Buchanan.Bred by Annette Davis.CH Bandmaster Of Lenette D CH Creiders Goblin Of Post Oak x Honeycomb Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Castle Hermione Of Glenris B Glen Iris Castle Knight x CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile. Owned by Dr. Cheryl A Jackson Lawrence J Meyers. Bred by Geno Sisneros.CH Falksters Little Miss Daisey Duke B CH Wyndlor Absolute Spellbinder x Star Haven Coppers Jet. Owned Bred by Jennifer Falk.CH Firebrooks Daydreams B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Firebrooks Citrus Twist. Owned Bred by Lee D. Cook.CH Gayels Hello Dolly B CH Gayels Jon Bon Jovi x CH Gayeis Miss Kitty. Owned Bred by Gale A. Rivers.CH Jan-Shars Mother May I B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Jan- Shars Very important Pom. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Kacees Gamblin Man Of Lenette D CH Charming Prince Of Lenette x Cherica Of Lenette. Owned by Katy Stalnaker Charles A Stalnaker. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Lancelots Rainmaker D Firebrooks Samson Lance x Sundowns Delilah Lance. Owned by Alta Davis. Bred by Cindy Lance.CH Nobles Rags To Riches D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Dupres Sparkling GoldAnnie. Owned Bred by Noble Inglett.CH Nobles Xcentuate Th Pawsitiv D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Sungold's Dark Miss. Owned byPongsakom Pongsak Bred byNoble Inglett CH Oregon Fantasy Of Lil Darlin B CH Lil Dariins Die-Hard Dakin x CH Oregon Tickle My Fancy Danny. Owned by Sandra Jean Baker Trilvie V. Haynes. Bred by Sandra Jean Baker.CH Paragons Little Big Man D Park Aves Live Wire x Paragons Uptown Julie Brown. Owned by Christine Endow.Bred by Sylvia Lopez Jessica Vasquez.CH Pomamanias Buba LiciousD Bavanews Dream Catcher x Freelance's Ruby At Pomamania. Owned Bred by Brenda Gibson.CH Raffihan Tramark Ebony Legend B Del Rey Az Legends O Moondog xAlden's Ebony Of Raffihan Owned byKay Lyman Bred byTeresita A Hughes CH Sandpoms Mea Tuf Cookie B CH Sirius It's All About Me x CH Avalons Crystal Of Sandpoms. Owned Bred by Sandra Johnson.CH Serafinas Got The Jitters B Foxworth Fall Classicx CH Bi-Mars Jitterbug. Owned Bred by Margaret Nance.CH Showins Prima Donna B Park Avelrajus Rock DCasba x Showins Sweet Talk Owner Audrey Caywood Geri Arnold Bred byAudrey Caywood CH Starfires Robcary Bad Boy D CH Starfires Robcary Sobe Itx Starfires Between The Sheet Owned byCaryl Fennell Scrimpsher Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Teralees Ornge u Mis-Behaven B Doo-Shays Short Circuit x CH Southpaw Teralee Mis-Behaven. Owned by Leanne Wilkins. Bred byLeanne Wilkins Sandra O. Shaneyfelt.CH Traveling Daily News Of Lenette D CH Great Elms Mr Chips x Clairmonts Little Thumbelina. Owned by Darlene L. Davis-Thompson David E Thompson. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Weehearts The Thrill Is Back D Wee Hearts Makin A Mark x Weeheart A Walk N The Clouds. Owned Bred by Cassandra Evans.CH Beachside Poms Luluo Lenette B CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x Calamity Jane Of Lenette. Owned by Alice Lynch. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Designs Cash Transaction D CH Pufprides Milliondollar Baby x Designs Nun On The Run. Owned Bred by Teresa Livezey.CH Dhcrew-N-Darlins Gator Bay B CH Dis San Francisco Bay x CH Dhcrew Gator Agenda. Owned Bred by Hal E. Webster Jr..CH Janesas Block The Quaffle B CH Carleez Dr Zeuss x CH Janesas The Golden Snitch. Owned Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Janesas Keeping Time B CH Janesas Just In Time x CH Janesas Whoisit. Owned by Louis Conway Marjorie Conway. Bred by Jerrie Freia CH Peannetes Excitement Wave B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Jan-Shars Making Waves. Owned Bred by Anne Hendler.CH Sundowns Green Eggs N Ham D CH Carleez Dr Zeuss x CH RJ N Janesas Sundown Serenade. Owned Bred by Camilla Knight.CH Sundowns Cmon Gimme A Chance B CH Sundowns Little Casino x Karokels JustGimmaAChance. Owned by Elizabeth Cockrill. Bred by Camilla Knight.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an .New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2005.52 - APC Pomeranian Review^xkibtter, Jitr amrrp ^rzzbzrs trp ^xlrtbrlorsAharon L. Hanson 17 dharon L. Hanson 12Diane L. Finch 15 Noble Inglett 5K. G. Griffith 10 Jane Lehtinen 5Fabian Arienti 7 Annette Pister 5Jose A. Cabrera 7 Charlotte Meyer 5Jerrie Freia 7 Fabian Ariente 4Camilla Knight 7 Jose A. Cabrera 4Nancy Coddiqgton 6 Charlotte Creed 4Noble Inglett 6 Jerrie Freia 4Charlotte Meyer 5 Carlene B. Gilstrap 4Jane Lehtinen 5 K. G. Griffith 4Juanita Fiddick 5 Diane L. Finch 4trpJStresCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 21 Trucks Cream Delite 3CH Jan-dhars Mini Me 5 Finch's Come Parti With Me 2CH Finchs He Walks On Water 4 Finch's Flash Point To Excite 2CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette 4 Finch's Walk Upon A dtar 2CH Jan-dhars N dyne 4 Firebrook's Citrus Twist 2CH Finch's Walkin After Midnite 3 CH Jan-dhars Beauty Is Nfy Business 2CH Jan-dhars Dudly Doright 3 CH Jan-dhars Dixie Chick 2CH Paughprints On The MTN Crest 3 CH Mountain Crest Extra dpecial 2CH dundown's Hide N Zeke, CD 3 CH dungold's I Do What I Like 2CH Wyndlor Doin' It Pight 3 Trudys Cover Girl 2VI P Paisin Cane O' Kandi 2Wyndlor Three Wishes 2Yearly Awards published are American Pomeranian Club Menfoera only.In order to be digjbte for APC Awards gven d the Annual Banquet you must have been a msnber for one I calendar year.Eveiy effort ia made to compile accurate atatiatica. Please briig ary error to the attention of the Anmal Award Chairpereon. Fyour dogjja are bated in the-corrections" of the ART Awards iaauea, please contact Kelty D. Qeimschiiaael at awardeamericanpomeraniancltb.ofg before January 15, 3006.APC Pomeranian Review - 53flND 3eN0TIdJuli KallbaekaEvery breeder and owner dreads the diagnosis of heart disease. Terms like congestive heart failure, heart murmur, and arrhythmia strike terror into the minds of humans, and this is even more so when such words are being used to describe what is happening with a sick Pom. There are many causes of heart disease in dogs, and this article will touch on some of the more common defects that lead to heart failure in dogs.In the normal mammalian heart, there are two sides, a left side and a right side. Each side has two chambers called the atrium and the ventricle for a total of four chambers. These four chambers must beat in an organized manner. The four heart chambers fill with and pump blood. On the right side, blood is returning to the heart from the body venous blood that has already had oxygen taken from it and enters the right atrium. Blood flows and is pumped from the right atrium across an open valve into the right ventricle. The right ventricle sends the blood to the lungs to get oxygen. These arteries carry blood to the lungs to be oxygenated. Oxygenated blood is returned to the heart by pulmonary veins. This oxygenated blood flows into the left atrium, which then sends the blood to the left ventricle. The left ventricle sends the blood out into the aorta and arteries to take oxygen and nutrients to the rest of the body.To keep blood moving forward through the chambers when the heart contracts and to force blood to go out of the heart and return to the heart when it completes its cycle, there are four one-way valves. The four heart valves are the tricuspid valve, located between the right atrium and right ventricle 2. the pulmonary or pulmonic valve, between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery 3. the mitral valve, between the left atrium and left ventricle and 4. the aortic valve, between the left ventricle and the aorta. The proper functioning of these valves is critical to maintaining adequate heart function. Things can go wrong with any of these mechanisms, leading to heart disease and heart failure.The most common congenital heart diseases found in puppies is called Patent Ductus Arteriosus PDA. This condition occurs when the vessel called a ductus arteriosus fails to seal after birth. This compromises the circulation of blood through the heart. It occurs in many breeds and is seen more often in females.Before birth, most of the blood from the fetal heart bypasses the fetal lungs via the ductus arteriosus. Normally, this vessel will seal when the animal begins to breathe. But if it doesnt, it causes a sort of short circuit in the circulatory system, which compromises the pumping ability of the heart. Because the pressure within the aorta is always higher than that of the pulmonary artery, shunting is continuous and produces the classic continuous, machinery-like murmur. The result is a volume overload of the pulmonary arteries and veins, left atrium, and left ventricle. Dilatation of these structures becomes evident. Left atrial and left ventricular dilatation may result in cardiac arrhythmia. Chronic volume overloading and dilatation of the left-sided cardiac chambers usually result in signs of left-sided congestive heart failure pulmonary edema, cough, fatigue. Therefore, most untreated cases develop congestive heart failure.Symptoms of this defect are exercise intolerance, lethargy and collapse. Most young animals do not demonstrate clinical signs. Those with a large shunt and older animals often have signs of left-sided congestive heart failure such as cough, rapid breathing, exercise intolerance, and weight loss. Treatment consists of controlling any symptoms of congestive heart failure with medication and the surgical closure of the duct. Early diagnosis of the disease with early intervention leads to a better prognosis for recovery.tiefivrtiCanine PDAIAortic Stenosis', M Subaortic rwgMitral Valve Dysplasia' ^ Stenotic valveAbnormalHypcrtropy of the left ventriclePersistent Rtaht Aortic ArchPulmonic,.SignalsTricuspid Valve Dysplasiasichordae tcndincacPulmonic stenosis is another common congenital heart defect, which causes a blockage of blood flow in the right ventricle, usually due to a malformation of the pulmonic valve. It is found in all breeds, though some breeds are thought to be at greater risk suggesting the potential for this being a genetic defect. With this condition, the outgoing flow of blood, from the heart to lungs, is partially blocked by the malformed valve. This pinches flow and causes a restriction. The effect of this partial obstruction is to force the heart to work harder to pump blood to the lungs. The extent to which a dog will be affected depends on the degree of narrowing stenosis of the valve area. When the dogs heart must work harder than normal, it leaves the dog subject to heart enlargement and excess fluid build-up in the lungs. Affected animals may have a history of failure to thrive and exercise intolerance. Right-sided congestive heart failure may be present. A prominent ejection- type systolic murmur can be heard at the pulmonic valve area. Jugular distention and pulsation may also be present. Animals with moderate or severe pulmonic stenosis will benefit from balloon valvuloplasty or surgical resection. Palliative therapy with diuretics and vasodilators should be initiated if right-sided congestive heart failure is present.Aortic stenosis, like pulmonic stenosis, is a congenital heart defect in which a malformation impedes the flow of blood through the heart. However, where pulmonic stenosis blocks the flow of blood from the right side of the heart to the lungs, aortic stenosis blocks the flow from the left side of the heart to the body, with more serious consequences.The major ramification of left ventricular enlargement is the creation of areas within the heart muscle with poor circulation. A decrease in the blood supply to the heart is a major factor in the development of serious life-threatening ventricular arrhythmia. There may be a history of exercise intolerance and with occasional loss of consciousness. Animals with no history of illness may die suddenly, and the defect is first detected at necropsy. An ejection-type systolic murmur is heard at the aortic valve area. The intensity of the murmur correlates fairly well with the degree of constriction and may increase as animals mature, reflecting progressive obstruction. Puppies without detectable murmurs should not be considered free of disease until they reach six months of age because the murmur may be very soft in the first months of life. Treatment options include balloon valvuloplasty and surgical resection. The use of B-adrenergic blockers propranolol, atenolol have been advocated in animals to reduce the frequency of arrhythmias. Affected animals should not be used for breeding.Dogs can also suffer from the classic hole in the heart, otherwise known as a Ventricular Septal Defect VSD. The term describes a malformation of the heart where there is a hole between the left and right ventricles. This causes blood to leak between the two chambers, reducing the hearts ability to pump blood around the body. The consequences of a VSD are determined by the size of the defect. Definitive treatment of symptomatic or severe lesions requires surgery using cardiopulmonary bypass and is rarely performed. Pulmonary artery banding can sometimes be helpful in dogs with large VSD. If surgical correction or palliation is not an option, medical management of congestive heart failure may be required. Prophylactic antibiotic therapy should be considered in patients with VSD when there is known potential for hematogenous exposure to infectious organisms.Valvular malformations are another common congenital cardiac defect in dogs.Mitral valve dysplasia results in mitral insufficiency and systolic regurgitation of blood into the left atrium. Any component of the mitral valve complex valve leaflets, chordae tendineae, papillary muscles may be malformed. Often, more than one component is defective.Tricuspid Valve Dysplasia is a congenital defect that is suspected to be hereditary. In this condition, the tricuspid valve the valve between the right atrium and right ventricle is not properly formed. TVD ranges in severity from very mild to very severe. The very mild tomoderate cases may not ever show any clinical signs of disease and, thus, no one knows they have this problem. They live happy, healthy, active lives. The problem arises with these individuals not because of any problems to themselves but because, if this problem is hereditary as it is suspected to be, the offspring of asymptomatic parents might have the problem and, if so, can often have a more severe form of the disease. Individuals affected by a more severe form of the disease are unable to have a properly functioning heart and usually develop congestive heart failure when the defective valve allows regurgitation of blood back into the atrium. This leads to the development of right-sided congestive heart failure. With medical management, these individuals can survive for a period of time few month to couple of years. Obviously, affected individuals should not be used for breeding.Congenital malformation of the mitral valve complex mitral valve dysplasia is a common congenital cardiac defect.Mitral valve dysplasia results in mitral insufficiency and systolic regurgitation of blood into the left atrium. Any component of the mitral valve complex valve leaflets, chordae tendineae, papillary muscles may be malformed. Often, more than one component is defective. Chronic mitral regurgitation leads to volume overload of the left heart, which results in dilatation of the left ventricle and atrium. When mitral regurgitation is severe, cardiac output decreases, which results in signs of cardiac failure. Dilatation of the left-sided chambers predisposes affected animals to arrhythmias. In some cases, malformation of the mitral valve complex causes a degree of valvular constriction as well as insufficiency.Clinical signs correlate with the severity of the defect. Affected animals usually display signs of left-sided heart failure, including weakness, cough, and exercise intolerance. A systolic murmur of mitral regurgitation is prominent. A diastolic gallop rhythm is present in some cases. Affected animals may have a precordial thrill over the left cardiac apex. Atrial arrhythmias atrial premature complexes, atrial fibrillation are common. There may also be evidence of both left atrial and left ventricular enlargement. Thoracic radiographs reveal severe left atrial enlargement. Left ventricular enlargement is also present, and pulmonary veins are congested. Echocardiography demonstrates malformation of the mitral valve complex fused chordae tendineae and thickened, immobile valve leaflets and left atrial and ventricular dilatation. Doppler echocardiography demonstrates severe mitral regurgitation. Prognosis for animals with clinical signs is poor. Mildly affected animals may remain free of clinical signs for several years. Therapy is palliative to treat the symptoms of congestive heart failure.Tricuspid dysplasia is similar to mitral valve dysplasia only it affects the right side of the heart. Affected animals usually display signs of right-sided heart failure, including jugular distention and pulsation, edema, abnormal accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, rapid breathing, and exercise intolerance. A harsh systolic murmur of tricuspid regurgitation is prominent at the right cardiac apex. Atrial arrhythmias, especially convulsive atrial tachycardia very rapid heartbeat, are common and become serious enough to cause death. Thoracic radiographs reveal severe right atrial and right ventricular enlargement. The caudal vena cava may be significantly enlarged. Echocardiography demonstrates malformation of the tricuspid valve and usually severe right atrial and ventricular dilatation. Doppler echocardiography demonstrates severe tricuspid regurgitation. Prognosis for animals with clinical signs is guarded. Periodic abdominocentesis may be needed to control excess peritoneal fluids. Diuretics, vasodilators, and digoxin may also be indicated.Persistent Right Aortic Arch is an abnormality of the vascular ring. In normal fetus development, fetal blood vessels near the base of the heart initially serve a function but then deteriorate and disappear as the embryo grows. Occasionally, these vessels in the chest cavity, called the aortic arches, will fail to disappear. The right aortic arch passes near the esophagus. If this blood vessel persists in the newborn, the esophagus is trapped between it and the heart. This inhibits the growth and function of the esophagus, thus restricting food passage to the stomach. Usually, symptoms appear before six months of age and include stunted growth and regurgitation immediately after eating. The affected puppy may also experience difficulty breathing if regurgitated food is aspirated or if the trachea is also restricted. Without treatment, growth will be severely stunted, as the puppy will be unable to digest adequate amounts of food. Severe respiratory disfunction such as pneumonia may also develop. Many affected puppies will not grow at a normal rate and will be smaller than their littermates.Treatment for the condition consists of surgical removal of the stricture narrowing caused by the persistent right aortic arch. It is important to perform surgery early in the disease, before permanent growth damage has occurred.The presence of a serious congenital heart defect often results in an enormous emotional and financial strain on an owner or breeder at a very vulnerable time. Education is an important part of successfully coping as well as making the right decisions for you and your Pom.2005 National SpecialtyGuestArtistBy Becky SabourinrAmerican Pomeranian ClubMr. Stefano Scullino of Doubleesse Pomeranians and Shih Tzus, has graciously donated another piece of his artwork for the 2005 American Pomeranian Club National Specialty. He has donated two other pieces that were auctioned at APC Nationals in the past.Mr. Scullino attended an artistic school and graduated with an interest in architecture. He has been doing artwork since childhood. His artwork includes kennel logos, drawings and portraits for breeders of many different breeds worldwide. When he is not working on his artwork or showing his Poms and Shih Tzus, he runs a pet shop.v-r-yHis artwork is usually done in ink, pencil or colored pencil. He has also used watercolors and other mediums and techniques. The first piece he donated was in 1997. The drawing was of three Pomeranians in a basket done in colored pencil. The second piece, donated in 2001, was of two Pomeranians. It was done in matita sanguigna otherwise known as a sepia drawing. The 2005 Logo for the APC National Specialty is from a private collection and has been reproduced in black and white.To quote Mr. Scullino I feel that being a good dog artist is rather difficult in that you can be a good artist, but, if you dont have a certain knowledge of dogs, their standard and, generally speaking, the way that breed is supposed to look like, you can do a piece of artwork that is beautifully made but the dog is just incorrect. On the other side, you can be a dog expert and really know what each breed is supposed to look like, but, if you are not a talented artist, you wont be able to put it on paper so to speak. Very definitely, you need both qualities.The American Pomeranian Club wishes to thank Mr. Scullino for his generosity, and we are looking forward to seeing this years artwork. Maybe you will be the big winner of Mr. Scullinos 2005 artwork.Right Win this original color Scullino 2005 Artwork. Raffle tickets may be purchased at the APC National Specialty in Louisville, Kentucky March 2005.,sv "v1 12. Beautiful example of Scullino artwork ownedshared by Julie Risk, Australia.-3.1 1f- ScullinosItalian CH. For Your Eyes OnlyMr. Scullino may be contacted at Via Cappuccinelli, 12, 89126 Reggio Calabria, Italy Telephone 965 892578 Email cinomaniatiscali.itAPC Pomeranian Review - 57The Pomeranian fTHiTi Regional Pom Club ReportJJSof Greater HoustonThe Pomeranian Club of Greater HoustonChristmas PartyThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston held its annual Christmas party Saturday, December 18,2004. Club members and their guests gathered at the home of John David and Connie Zieba in League City, Texas. Ifapaaie City istosated just southeast of Houston, in the tjfftSj'V area. Twenty members and guests attended the event. Many are also members of the Dallas Fort WortliPoiiiiTuiian CIutT T I 1 [IIIThe club provided a honey-baked ham. The members brought tasty appetizers, side dishes, and desserts. The evening began with dinner and conversation. After the meal, the games began. A form ofTrivial Pursuit was the main event of the evening. All tjae members were divided into teams. Each team was named after a celebritymisadventure from 2004. The questions were divided into categories such category included questions such as, Name the two current members whoioundedifcr cl the two lady members who are pilots, and so on. Each team was asked a'question. If answj team with the most cash after a certain number of questions had been asBed was the winner, place team went first, the second-place team chose second, and so on. Ea^team metnber as doggy notepads, Christmas votives, and a variety of other things. Free] the conclusion of the game, the party goers gathered for toasts. Cocktails-anIRhampa gave a wonderful toast congratulating all the exciting title wins of 2j004 and wisl'I . IDarrell Baker gave a beautiful toast celebrating all the accomplishments of thp Hd many other achievements were acknowledged by Mr. Baker. His ti Ziebas toast was one of thankfulness for good times shared with good Iriendsfjjdll was unusually polite, so very little stealing took place. All kinds of cut gifts were well.the Past Year, Baby Boomer Trivia, and Pom Club Stuff. The last Name the club members whose primary residence is on a boat, Name correctly, the team leader drew a dollar amount from the bowl. The xt each team made a trip to the prize table to select prizes. The first- a prize. The prizes were donated by the Ziebas and included such things .on Crockett were quick with the right answers to just about everything. At ere^ased around, along with a selection of desserts. Carolyn Crockett eryone grit success in the New Year.m Club and its members. Great friendships, a delightful Specialty Show, and Stan Wasilewsky toasted the group and made everyone laugh. John David ng the toasts, everyone drew a number for the gift exchange. The membership Iped, some dog-themed, some Christmas-themed, and other clever ideas asThe last event of the evening was the handing out of door prizes, provided by CartrlyrWConnie, and Olga. There was something for everyone. Alan and Jackie Hirshberg had traveled the furthest to attend the party. They hail from-Nrtfr-Eaflas. Mafgai'dfHooker had the next longest distance to drive, from Hungerford, Texas. The best food dishes were from just about everyone - Jackie Hirshberg for her combread, Olga Baker, Margaret Hooker, Lindy Mendell for their great side dishes, and Carolyn Crockett, Johnis McAden, and Jeanie Nichols 1hols fir thEil fabulous disserts. 8 i of wearer Hoistonire were a Iofoi great outfits to praise. DarreirBakerhad on aAs for most festive Christmas clothing, once again there were a Iofoi gfeafoufBls^dpraiserDSrerrBatcefhaS ona Santa Paws sweatshirt. Carolyn and Johnis were perfectly turned out in pretty holiday ensembles. Jackie and Olga were wearing beautiful Christmas sweaters. Jennika Wasilewsky had on a sporty jeans outfit. Jeanie was wearing a striking red sweater that she designed herself. Patti Edwards was given happy birthday wishes by the membership to celebrate her birthday on Christmas Eve. Malinna Freemans boys, Jacob age 6 and Dustin age 4, were the only children present. The club has watched these two boys grow up. Every Christmas, they are bigger and cuter than ever.The Houston Pom Club has wonderful members, and our Christmas parties reflect the fun and enjoyment we receive from being together. Of course, our common thread is our love of Poms and the extra meaning they give to our lives. We invite all of you to Christmas Party 2005aA"'44rk 'k . , ' - V v' Iu- V...'-Tifl.58 - APC Pomeranian ReviewPOMERANIAN REVIEW STUD ISSUE MAYJUNE 2005ONE THIPD PA6 ONLYTITLES AND REGISTERED NAME HERExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxINCLUDES PHOTO, THREE GENERATION PEDIGREE, SHORT DESCRIPTION INCLUDED DEADLINE APRIL 1, 2005Eetiind the TitlistsCH. SANDPOMS MEA TUF COOKIE FEMALE ORANGE DOB 030204 BREEDEROWNER SANDRA JOHNSONi ACH ABSOLUTES HARLEYS SON DAVID CH ABSOLUTES SOLE SURVIVORABSOLUTES CHARM OF PRISM CH SIRIUS ITS ALL ABOUT MECH GLEN IRIS LUCKDRAGON CH GLEN IRIS CHARDONNAYCH TIM SUES SPARKLING LIGHTSSTARFIRES CONAN THE BARBARIAN CH AVALONS PRINCE MATCHABELLI AVALONS QUEENNEFERTITI CH AVALONS CRYSTAL OF SANDPOMSCH DIAMONDS BIT-O-BOLD BRAVADO AVALONS VALENTINES ROSEAVALONS CHERRY BLOSSOM OF LENETTEThe American Pomeranian ClubHall of Fame[gets Cinnamon Prince UDLoved by Mike and Carolyn SmithIn two short years, Levi has completed 3 AKC, 2 UKC and 1 ASCA Obedience Titles. CGC, TDI, HOF and FFX-OG. Levi, we are so proud of you, and we know the best is yet to come.Carolyn SmithCssmithl A ^____ Tv- ' v y. APC Pomeranian Review - 59Ya Ya CYaYa5252Pat was bom Patricia deNeveu Ray 5 Vi years after her sister that is me was, a few decades back. She lived in the Milwaukee area all of her life until AKC took her away from us and moved her to North Carolina. Her family is happy to finally get her backDuring her employment at AKC, she implemented many new programs, the latest being Rally. I am sure the people now participating in Rally will be forever grateful to her. It is a growing, very popular sport.Pat and A1 have rebuilt their cottage on Lake George in Rhinelander, Wisconsin, making it their permanent home. A1 has been waiting for this for a long while I am willing to bet that you will see her back in the ring, judging her favorite Companion Events, soon. Having worked all of her adult life, Im sure she will get bored just staying at home and fishing all day.Julie Eagle, her secretary at AKC, wrote the followingPat Krause has been in the dog show world since 1965 showing Irish Setters in obedience, conformation and field events. In addition to the Irish Setters, she has earned numerous titles in obedience with her Border Collies and Champion Pomeranian.Pat was an Obedience Judge for 25 years prior to her employment at the American Kennel Club. She was the Assistant Director of Training at K-9 Obedience Training Club of Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, the Director of Training for the Irish Setter Club of Milwaukee, and a private trainer at several other clubs in the Milwaukee, Wisconsin area.Pat came to the American Kennel Club in 1999 as the Director of Obedience. In May 2000, she was named Assistant Vice-President of Companion Events, which includes Agility, Obedience, Tracking and Rally. Pat is a big fan of fishing and enjoys an occasional round of golf. She has always been in love with the outdoors and was a licensed Wildlife Rehabilitated in her spare time, specializing in raptors.She has added so much to the obedience world since she came on board. It was her dedication to the sport and the fancy that she knew she was going to have to work nonstop and long hours to get things moving. She would not leave the office until 800pm or 900pm four out of five nights. You called the office to talk to her at night, not her house. And yet, she would still manage to come in to the office every morning with a smile on her face and say, Good Morning. How is everyonePats first year here at AKC she made it a point to get out in the obedience, tracking and agility world and at that time Canine Good Citizens was a part of our department. She was gone 37 out of 52 weekends that first year, and that is why we have, what we have today in Companion Events. It takes someone with dedication and determination.Pat has gone through many trials and tribulations since she has been here her son in Wisconsin won a bout with cancer then not long after, Pat won a bout with cancer. In the next year, she lost all three of her dogs just months apart. But she never failed to perform to her best and never had the importance of what was needed to enhance Companion Events far from her mind. I dont know how we will ever replace her its going to take a mighty big person to fill her shoes.Thank you, Pat Krause----forbringing Rally into AKC. . .and for bringing such joy into the lives ofyoung dogs. . .. . . and oldm-i77X-Photos by Robin French. . . with love from all of the exhibitors and dogs in Obedience, Agility, and Rally who have benefited by your wise guidance.Barbara McClatchey Lake Jackson, Texas www.secondchancepoms.orgAPC Pomeranian Review - 61BBSS S 1 4r'StBarbara Proctor and Tanner atRally Trial Levi F'9ure 8 Owned by Mike andCarolyn SmithM v 'Happy retirVIPJ 4 iy Girl Sheffield CDLevi Owned by Mike and Carolyn SmithSassy Girl Sheffield CDX Owned by Lisa Sheffield_________ Pom Friends at the Magnolia Christmas Classic, Jackson, MS, Saturday, December 11, 2004 Obedience Match. L-R back row Princess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif and Sassy Girl Sheffield CDX UCD, owned by Lisa Sheffield standing in back, Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UD ASCA CD HOF CGC TDI Levi owned by Carolyn and Mike Smith, and Phantom English Tanner Tanner owned by Barbara Proctor. Front is e Attitude in Motion Nike owned by Carolyn and Mike Smith.asM 7 i w.f. Tiffany Owned by Barb McGlatchey' "TI k. A ^ k . i 4. . ^ iKfViWith love from Obedience and Rally Poms.3V'5 r sirPom Friends attending the Jackson Obedience Training Club Rally Trials.GULF COAST LINEr095 7,'LTanner Down Stay Barbara ProctorTuffy front, Barbara McClatcheyAJPBRfORMANCtms UND VIEWSM By Barbara McClatcheyAKC NATIONAL OBEDIENCE INVITATIONALTwo Pomeranians were represented this year at the AKC National Obedience InvitationalTucker The Third Muskateer UDX2, owned by Joyce Hance the first Pom to earn the new UDX2 obedience title placed third out of nine in the Toy Group with a score of 600 out of 680 points.Tiny Tim Pendleton UD, owned by Wendy Donnelly, placed fifth in the Toy Group with a score of 562.Wendy wrote this report immediately after returning from FloridaThe event on Saturday was exciting and got down to the final few exercises of the day.Tucker s handler Joyce Hance owner who recently moved to Idaho Falls from Las Vegas, NV accidentally NOd Tucker on the drop on recall. She mistakenly thought it was the signal exercise and from 50 ft away gave Tucker the down signal which he obediently did. She should have done the recall and drop on the judge s command. Oops.Timmy was so tired and on the next to the last exercise of the day his eyes were glazing over and it was signals. I gave him the down signal nicely he looked at me like Im tired and cant see straight did you say something and I had waited him out to see if he would figure it out without the double command but then he just stood there like huh what. Every other exercise was done correctly the whole day. Boy was I proud of him.On day two Tucker, making the final cut of 32 on the first day, went on and made it through round one of the competition and then as the competition got tougher up against a Golden Retriever, Tucker wasnt as precise as he should have been and missed out during the 2nd round.We are very proud of these dogs and look forward to watching Timmy work at the Specialty in LouisvilleL__64 - APC Pomeranian ReviewJrTUCKER UDX2When Tuckers UDX2 title came to me in time for the last issue, I knew I had to track this dog down and find out more about him and Joyce Hance, his ownerhandler. The UDX title requires the dog to qualify pass in j both the Open and Utility classes at 10 different trials. That kind of consistency is hard for Poms, whose stamina tends to be a little lower than that of the larger breeds see above. The UDX2 means that Tucker has qualified in Open and Utility at 20 trials. And I know he is going for still more - UDX3 may be the next I thing we hear from him. Joyce is not on the Internet, so it took me some time to locate her, but I finally I received a snail-mail report on Tucker, and it was an interesting story. She says Tucker spent most of his first two years in a cage in a garage in South Dakota. He then was given to a young J family with children and other dogs. He did not fit in there and was taken by two relatives who drove to Las\ Vegas with him. Because the new owner was returning by bus, Tucker could not go, and I was able to adopt J him. This two-year-old dogs teeth were brown, and he had a terrible odor. On the way home, we stopped at the pet store for shampoo, toothbrush and paste, and dog food, got him home and bathed him. He wouldnt let me brush his teeth at that time, though he loves it now. We got him to a veterinarian for shots, checkup, and tooth cleaning. Tucker knew only two things when I got him his name and how to sit. I got him into obedience classes and then with me working full time and most weekends, it took several years to get his UD. \I I retired then, so in only six months he had his UDX. He also has 11 OTCHpoints. Obedience Trial I Champion - it takes 100 points to get the title. Tucker likes being the baby in my home. The only thing he likes better than to be held is to be picked up. He is always bouncy and energetic. He has flown nineteen\ times on commercial airlines under the seat. One time Tucker and Iflew in an open cockpit bi-plane for two J glider pulls. After landing - he still loved meTHE FIRST RALLY TITLES I promised in the last issue that I would have the first Rally-titled Pom for you in this issue -1 lied. We had 5 - count them - Pomeranians who titled in Rally Novice on January 1 and 2. Normally, the AKC does not allow I clubs to hold shows or trials on New Years weekend, but because Rally became an official titling event on I January 1, and because excited clubs petitioned to be the first, AKC made a one-time exception to their rule.I AKCs new ObedienceRally rule also allows clubs to hold two events on one day, and several clubs took advantage of this combination of rule and exception to hold three trials on New Years weekend. In twoJ locations, Pomeranians entered all three trials and completed their Rally Novice titles APC has decided to J count them all as first RN title rather than try to work out which came first in time. Here they are From DOTCORNY in New York Jazz, aka Music to my Eyes CD RN also CGC and TDI, owned by Marcia Messina Jagger, aka Street Fighting Man RN also CGC, owned by Marcia Messina 1 Princess Phoebe, aka Satrapis Sayornis RN also CGC, owned by Marcia Messina II And from Rapid City Kennel Club in South Dakota IDesert Fire Rose CDX OA NAJ NAP RN also CGC, owned by Crystal Brown Extane Haleighs Fire Dream CD RN also CGC, owned by Crystal Brownj All of which just proves what Ive always known - you cant have just one Pomeranian. Take two - or three theyre small. -Performance Continued on Page 66 IL JAPC POMERANIAN REVIEW - 65r iPerformance Continued From Page 65 There are several other RNs by now. Personally, I have two nurses in my household - Tuffy and Tiffany finished their first Rally titles on January 15 in Canton, MS. And I judged - and qualified - the first Rally leg for the first Pom to title in Rally in Texas, Phantom English Tanner RN, owned by Barbara Proctor of Jackson, Miss. Rally is perfect for Poms, who love the excitement generated by an enthusiastic handler. Its not a very I competitive sport - if s just plain fun Find out more at the Rally Workshop in St. Louis on March 15.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESAKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion DogDaisy Lynn Beckman CD, Kris and Craig Beckman, 11604 Simbas Little Casady CD, Lon and Teruuko Smith, 111304 Tater Mater Later CD, Bill Ralph, 12404 Utility DogGidgef s Cinnamon Prince UD, Mike and Carolyn Smith, 121104 Novice AgilityMartis Mini Oreo NA NAP NAJ NJP, Marti Halifko, 11504 Our Little Indy Man NA, Carol and Delton Mehlhaff, 112004 Sparky the Charming Boy NA NAJ, Mary Sundholm, 112704, ILP Luvpoms Painted Gypsy CD NA, Carlota Cloney, 123104, ILP Novice Agility JumperMartis Mini Oreo NAP NAJ NJP, Marti Halifko, 102304 Sparky the Charming Boy NANAJ, Mary Sundholm, 112704, ILP Stans Black Sky Is The Limit NAJ NJP, Stan Halifko, 10804 Our Little Indy Man NANAJ, Carol and Delton Mehlhaff 12904 Novice Agility PreferredMiss Natashas Kit-N-Kaboodl AX NAP AXJ NJP, Teresa Tuttle, 111304 Stans Black Sky Is The Limit NANAP OAJ NJP, Stan Halifko, 121804 Novice Agility Jumper PreferredLegacys Chocolate Surprize NJP, Laurie Nichols, 112804Miss Natashas Kit-N-Kaboodl AX NAP AXJ NJP, Teresa Tuttle, 111304Open Agility JumperFrosty Northern Breeze NA OAJ, Mary Mersereau, 111904 ILP Pepe OA OAJ, Leslie Smith, 112004, ILP Stans Black Sky Is The Limit NA OAJ NJP, Stan Halifko, 11604 Agilitv ExcellentEbony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze AX OAJ, Nadine Harmon, 121104 Riverstones Live Wire AX AXJ, Trish Whitley, 12504 Excellent Agility JumperEbony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze AX OAJ AXJ, Nadine Harmon, 121204 Riverstones Live Wire AX AXJ, Trish Whitley, 12404 Master Agility ChampionMACH Lord Peter of Bristol Court, John David and Connie Zieba, 112104 Keoki is only the 15"' MACH Pom in historyUKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYUnited Companion DogUCD Pompuf Tipper Bear, Jim WatsonTCD Shananigans Jack Frost, Debra WatsonUCD Pomde Firsthymn Grandquarry, Diana HowlandPerformance Continued on Page 6766 -APC Pomeranian ReviewZBarbara Proctor and Tanner, Phantom English Tanner RN, bred by Sharon Hanson.Photos by Robin French\l 4 Al lDelegates DepertDarrell BakerDelegates Meeting 2004 March, June and SeptemberChanges to be considered of interest to parent clubsJune 7, by a roll call vote, the proposed amendment to Chapter 16, Section 1, of the rules applying to dog shows, which would have provided points for RESERVE at one National Specialty Show per breed per year, at the choice of each parent club, was not adopted. Votes needed to adopt 186. Failed for 159, against 120.On-line registration has been an extremely successful plan. Registrations had a large increase in 2004, surpassing substantially year 2003. Personal view on this, while many are not involved with computer and online systems, this method has proven fast, convenient, and easy. AKC has made it fairly simple, to walk you through this process.There has been furor and requests for more information regarding AKCs Parent Club Breeder Referral System. This is a very lengthy, but important, issue for all parent clubs and can best be described by referring to the AKC Website. fwww.akc.orgNew ruling passed in September 2004 on issue that existed previously, but is amended No signs offering dogs for sale, to eliminate selling dogs at dog shows previous Chapter 13, Section 4 states No signs shall be displayed on a bench except the plaque or emblem of a show-giving specialty club to which the dogs owner belongs, and signs not over 11 by 14 inches offering dogs or puppies for sale, or giving thekennel name and address of the owner, or the dogs name and list of awards won by it at that show, or the name of showgiving specialty club of which the dogs owner is a member. No prizes or ribbons shall be displayed on the bench except those won by the dog at that show.The following new Section 4 passed September 2004Each show, giving club may specify whatever signage andor decorations will be allowed at the individual benches no prizes or ribbons shall be displayed on the bench except those won by the dog at that show.Most of us are now aware that any signs of viciousness or aggressive behavior toward another dog, the judge, or another exhibitor will be penalized.At the September 2004 meeting, amendment states A dog recorded as Excused for threatening or menacing by a Judge on two occasions will be administratively disqualified by the American Kennel Club.Personal note In the past, generally, the wording states that a judge may disqualify such a dog. Now it emphatically states that the judge will take the action.Perhaps I have overly simplified these rules and changes, but as your delegate, I try to weed out those issues in which our parent club would have no interest or would not ever be involved, and have included only those that can, or could, become of interest to us.Feel free to contact me anytime, and Ill try to help if I can. Regards to everyone. Performance Continued From Page 66Dogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to .American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. All Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AgilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979 297- 7383. Or Kmail - , , dlAPC Pomeranian Review - 67r iAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please type or print clearlyNOTICE Except for patrons, applications must be endorsed by TWO members in good standing a who have been APC members for two 2years or more b who have known the applicant two 2 years or more c who do not reside in the same household d who are not related toeach other or to the applicant. Applications must be accompanied by the correct dues amount in US funds.Answer ALL questions. Pay particular attention to the Sponsors' Section.This application is for SINGLE HOUSEHOLD FOREIGN JUNIOR f PATRON see reverse NameOccupation________________________2nd Household Applicant if applicable.Occupation_________Address___________________________Phone. URLFax E-MailKennel Name Do you participate in Rescue _Were you previously an American Pomeranian Club member_______________When_________________________________________Was prior membership under another name__________ If yes, what name___________________________________________________Are you a if yes, please indicate breeder exhibitor obedience exhibitor Judge handler How many showstrials have you entered in the last three 3 years_______ How many Pomeranians do you own________ Are yourPomeranians American Kennel Club registerable____ Have you ever been suspended from the AKC_______if you have been suspendedfrom the American Kennel Club, please tell us why, when, and how long on a separate sheet of paper..List memberships in any all-breed, specialty, or obedience clubs in which you now or have been a member. Give dates.List memberships in any local Pomeranian clubs. Give the dates you were a member and the club Presidents' namesDo you subscribe to the Pomeranian Review_____ Are you willing to support the goals and projects of the American Pom Club_______SPONSOR REFERENCE 1How long have you known the applicant___ Have you met the applicant in person___ Have you been in theapplicant's home___ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper tf neededPrint Name. Signature DateSPONSOR REFERENCE 2How long have you known the applicant___Have you met the applicant in person___ Have you been in the applicant'shome____ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet of paper if neededPrint Name- Signature DateAPC Membership Application Revised 0603 Pg. 1I____________________68 - APC Pomeranian ReviewJr iCurrent Dues to be Included with this ApplicationSingle Membership - United States Resident 25.00 Foreign Resident 30.00Household Membership - United States Resident 40.00 t Patron Minimum 15.00 donationJunior Membership - United States Resident 25.00Note Payment must be in US Funds. VisaMastercardPay Pal Accepted 3 surcharge for credit card Pay Pal payments. -Household Membership means 2 people over the age of 18 living at the same address.-Junior members are under 18 years of age - they may not vote or hold office.f Patrons are individuals who wish to contribute to the APC but do not meet the sponsorship requirements for membership.Patron status is not a prerequisite to obtaining APC Membership. Patrons may not vote or hold office. Their names will be published in a special section of the Roster and they will receive a copy of the Roster annually.Make checks or money order in US funds payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail toMrs. Annette Davis 391 North Mink Creek Rd Pocatello, ID 83204 davisavalonpom.comCode of EthicsI agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.I will furnish a signed registration or transfer with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be withheld.I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of age.I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all of my dogs and see that puppies are immunized and checked for parasites.I will price my puppies within the breed range.In my breeding program, I will keep alert for and work to control andor eradicate problems and conditions that are particular to my breed and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breed.I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in his understanding of the breed.I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship and keep in mind that the good of the breed comes before any personal benefit.I, an applicant for membership in the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. or patron certify that I have read the Code of Ethics and agree to abide by them on pain of disciplinary action under ARTICLE VIII of the By-Laws of the Club.Print Name___________________________________ Signature____________________________________ DateDO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY Date received Date published Date accented Membership packet sent on1 Date dues received Check No. Current POMERANIAN REVIEW subscriber Yes No 1APC Membership Application Revised 0603 Pg. 2APC Pomeranian ReviewLPom TalK Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 65 ON, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or 6VWhat do you think the advantages are of being an APC memberThe significant advantage that I see of being an APC member is that I was told the APC board doesnt listen to you unless you are a member. And since I think they need to listen to Pom people period, thats the meaningful one on my mind right now. AnonymousIve had show dogs for sixteen years started with Kees. I have had some very nice show dogs. I am new to Poms, having had one for almost two years. Hes doing well as a special. Why would I join the APC Because I think it makes a statement that one is serious about a breed, is willing to adhere to ethics guidelines and is formally interested in the betterment of the breed. Do I think APC will do something for me No. Will I probably join Yes. BrendaThe advantage to being an APC member is my email and website is on the APC referral link. JulieI do not think of APC membership as advantageous. Membership is a duty and a responsibility to our breed. As a mostly cohesive, sanctioned group, we are in a better position to work for the betterment of Poms than any of us would be on our own.Regards, CarolynI do not belong to APC. Maybe APC should let people know what the advantage would be. Possibly it would be an APC Stamp of Approval issued each year to members from APC. Members are interviewed. Interview committee believes they are ethical and responsible breeders. All have signed an oath to subscribing to the club code of ethics before they can become a member. One should be selling only healthy dogspuppies and they will take their dogs back with full refund should a vet find the dog unhealthy within the first twenty-four hours. Plus breeders will always take their dogs back from buyers should buyer decide not to keep it. They would not sell puppies earlier than xx amount of weeks old should be 12 weeks. This would mean a Stamp Of Approval for buyer to know it is best to purchase from APC members. VirginiaAs a new member, as well as a new Pom fancier, I feel honored to be accepted to such an established group of well-respected people who, through years of dedication and hard work, made the Pom what it is today. By being a member of the APC, it gives me access to information firsthand and allows me to be to part of an organization where several well-informed individuals collectively share their thoughts to enhance the quality of our breed. Jo70 - APC Pomeranian ReviewThe APC is a breed club. A breed club is a group of people who got together because they share a common interest. It is this interest in a certain breed that should want us to become members, and not some idea of furthering our own agendas. If you must have advantages, the club puts out a very nice and truly informative magazine. We hold a well-run National Specialty, with seminars and hospitality, etc. We sponsor another specialty during the summer. I know that you have to pay for the magazine and for attending the shows and seminars, but if APC would disappear today, you couldnt do any of these things period. ErikaThe advantage of being an APC member is an opportunity to work within the parent club for the betterment of the breed in a positive way. If you sit back and dont participate other than paying your dues, there are no benefits other than saying you are a member of APC and being eligible for the annual awards. The real benefits come from volunteering your time for the betterment of the club and yes, you can do it from afar thanks to computers. Volunteering, I have benefited by meeting some really great and dedicated breeders who have made positive contributions to the club volunteering their time and money. Try it, youll like it BeckyFirst let me define my history. I was the APC Corresponding Secretary for five and a half years. I did the job now done by four people. I did the Review Subscriptions, Membership Subscriptions, all Board correspondence, and I did all the Awards and Stats. Geesh Those were the days I also served as 1st Vice President for one term and was on the Board for a while. So, I may be prejudiced, when it comes to this discussion. But my APC membership has been integral to my breeding program, both through education and incentive. It encouraged me to try harder and do better. To uphold the ethics set by the club. It also gave me the opportunity to vote on very important issues through my years in this club. The club has gone through many hardships through these years, and I have been a part of solving the problems and bringing the club forward. If you want a voice, you must join the club. I dont feel you have any reason to complain about the standard or the club events or activities if you are not willing to participate My suggestion is to definitely join, and then volunteer, and run for office, if so inclined, and be a part of the decision-making Then you can complain all you want and people will listen I have been honored to serve this club through the years, and I hope Ive given back what they have given to me and more And the question of what is the advantage of being a member should be, What advantage could you bring to club through your membership Since when is it all about YOU Thanks. AudreyActually, I am not sure, unless being on the roster, and being able to write articles for the Review are the two biggies. I think that being a member of the parent club would help to give more of a voice in the breeding concerns and issues that are specific to our breed. I also think that being a member of the national club helps to bring us together for the specialties, rescue efforts, and concerns for education. KelleyThe advantages of being an APC member is that, if and whenever there would be any type of change in the standard, you would get to have input and vote on it. I also feel that the more people we have as members hopefully the more impact we can have on the research on problems of the breed. KayI think the advantage for me is that it is a reminder to me that I have ethics to live by, like the Ten Commandments. I have an obligation to the breed to make improvements in my lines and others that come to our kennel. JudyI believe credibility and respect of breeders attempting to maintain the Pom standard are the members of APC. It is a reliable source for referring potential ownersbreeders of Poms. There is a standard for APC members that needs to be met as well. RobertaFor further APC membership information, please see the Presidents Report pages 24 and 25, as well as the APC Constitutional Objective on page 23.APC Pomeranian Review - 71By Sally BaugnietThis year, I was in charge of the APC Meet the Breeds Booth in Tampa, Florida. The booth was simple but visitor friendly. I chose to use the Pom Royalty theme. It was worked around the prize-winning Art Poster Contest for the AKCEukanuba National Championship Fourth Annual All-Breed Invitational Dog Show, since the winning poster featured a Pomeranian.Flowers and leis were brought from Flawaii by Roger Lau. Poor Roger He came all of the way from Hawaii on an overnight flight, overslept Saturday morning because of the jet lag that occurs with the difference in time zones, and missed the Pom judging. He promised to come to our National Specialty in Louisville in March. He will get to see the Poms he missed in Tampa plus even more gorgeous Poms.We had a photo album, Pom magazines, books, and handouts on the table, and, of course, we had some real live Pomeranians on the table for people to pet and hug.I am grateful for the Pom people who came forward to help in the booth. David Gilstrap helped me set it up. He took care of the high things. My hair is getting too old to have me stand on a chair and risk falling from it. The Sunday crew helped take things down.David, Roger, Teresa Picon, Carol Leemhuis, Camilla Knight, Laurie Otis, Bobii Earl, and Donna Machniak all volunteered to help on Saturday. On Sunday, volunteers were Sherry Christianson, Julie Volkhemer, and Toby Tang, who came from Thailand to handle a Pom. Courtney Johnson and Mary Mullen worked in the booth both Saturday and Sunday.The Poms in the booth were fantastic. Two of them are therapy dogs. They let kids and adults pet, hug and hold them all day long.Booth hours were from 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. The aisles were crowded during those hours, but I did manage to sneak in a few pictures. Many thanks go to all of our volunteers. I will bring signed posters that anyone ordered from me to the National Specialty in Kentucky in March. Extras may be available. See you there. \72-APC Pomeranian ReviewAVtiResultsBEST OF BREEDCH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTYDog Birthdate 101902Sire Ch Pufpride Sweet DreamsDam Ch Starfires Table DancerBreeder Jose Cabrera, Fabian ArientiOwner Jean Heath, Wm H Cosby Jr, J Cabrera, F ArientiAWARDS OF MERIT 3CH MOUNTAIN CREST MERCY ME Dog Birthdate 082001 Sire Ch Great Elms Mr Chips Dam Mountain Crest Mariah Breeder David GilstrapOwner Lavonne, Dwight Beard, David, Carlene GilstrapBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX CH PICONS SWEET SUGAR Bitch Birthdate 120900 Sire Cases Goldstrike Of Lenette Dam Ch Picons Precious Rock Breeder Owner Owner Teresa PiconBEST BRED BY EXHIBITORCH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF MEDog Birthdate 100903Sire Ch Jan-Shars Mini MeDam Ch Jan-Shars Olivia Newton PomBreeder Letita Cannon, Sharon HansonOwner Judy Paris, Letita CannonCH FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO Dog Birthdate 092302 Sire Ch Pufpride Sweet Dreams Dam Firebrooks Citrus Twist Breeder Lee D CookOwner Lee D Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana CoventryCH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF MEDog Birthdate 100903Sire Ch Jan-Shars Mini MeDam Ch Jan-Shars Olivia Newton PomBreeder Letita Cannon, Sharon HansonOwner Judy Paris, Letita CannonBreeder Letita Cannon, Sharon HansonOwner Judy Paris, Letita CannonPomeranians Qualified for Eukanuba Invitational 2CC5CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams D FinchN Inglett CH Bobiis Return Of The King B Earle International InviteesCH Sundowns Keegan Xavier C Knight CH Bravo Peppermint Pattie V Mcevilly The AKCEukanuba National Championship has beenCH Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty J HeathW CosbyJ CabreraF Arienti CH Conans Rocky MTN Momin N Applegate extended to international canines. The top ranked dog inCH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco L CookD MachniakD Coventry CH Valcopy Batboy R SmithM SmithJ PardueM Pardue CH Rodis Cr King Of Gondor C SolanoR Solano CH Sirius It Wasnt Me G AulikM Lafler CH Laraj us Cosmic Kio LNewboldCH Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief R SmithM SmithD SharpD Sharp CH Starfires Robcary Sobe It C ScrimpsherCH Mountain Crest Mercy Me L BeardD BeardD GilstropC GilstrapCH Idlewyld Precious Gem M MckeeCH Articpoms Iron Will S ChristiansonCH Lil Darlins I Got The Power G MalmgrenJ ReedCH Sirius Its All About Me B BirdCH Paradise Valley Royal Medallion M RokosR TurnerCH Jan-Shars You'Re Not The Boss Of Me J ParisL CannonCH Darlins Major Commotion L OtisCH Peachs Day Dream Believer B PietzschJ KleinCH Antoms Jes Walkin Tall A FarrCH Cottontop Doin It Better L MULSOB WollmannCH Candyfloss Lord Wilton B StetsonH StrasbaughCH Paradise Valley Moonstruck M RokosR TurnerCH Vip-Odyssey Pocket Rocket D BalanagATantucoCH Finchs Moonlight Sonata M RobertsonCH American Pride Of Allridge V AllridgeCH Antoms Jes Walkin Tall A FarrCH Bar-Jons Chattin With Janesa's B MessmerCH Cr Classic Attitude R SolanoC F Solano CH Fame Lone Ranger B Segelken CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco L Cook CH Howlene-Teahra Abcde A OtaguroH MillerR Watanabe CH Howlene-Teahra Dab O' Shalimar A OtaguroR WatanabeH Miller CH Howlene-Teahra Precious Cargo A OtaguroR WatanabeH Miller CH Inchallah's Heavens To Betsie H Wehrle CH Jan Les Don'T Be Silly J LehtinenC Van Leur CH Jan- Shars Seabiscuit S HansonL Cannon CH Jan-Shars YouRe Not The Boss Of Me S HansonL Cannon CH JJs Not That Kind Of Angel J Javemick CH Lil Ponderosa A'Million Bucks S Cartwright CH Lydon Honey Bee L Cole CH Mai-T-Tois Son Of Sam ANisbet CH Midnight Storm Shadow A Berryman CH Picon's Sweet Sugar T Picon CH Pinnacle IM Stakin My Claim R LauJ Kaneshiro CH Reon Pepsigeneration Amette I SmithG Arnold CH Reon Shilo V Am-Ette G AmoldI Smith CH Rise N Shines Shes AHottie J Clemen CH Ryms W Focus On Fashion S Wiemer CH Showcase Hot Topic ALevinsohnC Smith CH Stolannes Starr Of The Parti F Stoll CH Velocitys Simply No Regrets D Yona CH Woodrose's Forever N Ever C OganekuY Oganekueach AKC registrable breed has been invited from those countries around the world with registries that issue pedigrees acceptable for AKC registration. The system used to select the top dog in each breed will be determined by each countrys national kennel club.UK - Pomanna Silver Arrow at JacobianBrazil - Ruan Carlos of Lovely AngelBrazil - Lake Buena Vista TNTBrazil - Starfires Vagabon LoverCanada - CH CINNAKEES THE MAGICIANColumbia - GRAFENHORSTS DIAMOND CHIPCosta Rica - Camp.Cr.Ven.Amer.04 Gali-Gau-Gos Del PanadesPeru - Apricot Sweet Bon Bon Magic PomsThailand - TH. CH TOKIE THE LEGEND CONTINUESThailand - TH.AM.CH. TOKIE MERCURYTop 25 Dogs In Each Breed or Variety - Eligibility dates were October 8,2003 to October 5,2004.Bred By Exhibitor - Dogs must have earned every one of their championship points from the Bred-by -Exhibitor Class, with the final points needed for the title awarded during the qualification period, October 8,2003 to October 5,2004.APC Pomeranian Review - 73Progressive Kennel Club Toy Show' By Joan BekFebruary 11, 2005 Hotel Pennsylvania, New York, NYBy Joan Behrend Photos by Brace BehrendThe 2005 Progressive Toy Dog Classic was truly a prequel to Mondays Westminster judging. There were maj ors in dogs and bitches, with 13 specials for Best of Breed. The specials ring was a whos who in Pomeranians, every one of them showing expertly. The ring was mostly comprised of orangered dogs, with 2 blacks and one parti. Judge Mrs. Doris Cozart chose Luther for her BOB.BOB Ch Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty, Owner J Heath, W Cosby Jr, J Cabrera, F ArientiBOS Ch Majesties Dream Come True, Owner Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, B, S TurnerWD BOW Starfires Nasty Nathaniel, Owner Annette Rister, J Cabrera, F ArientiRWD Chars The Tradition Bums On, Owner Charlotte MeyerWB Chars for Love or Money, Owner Charlotte MeyerRWB Great Rivers Gota B Init T Winit, Owner Lisa AielloBest Puppy, BPIS Chars for Love or Money, Owner Charlotte MeyerX . - kryyji. mVi.AKC EUKANUBA INVITATIONALAKC EUKANUBA ^TXAUTATIinMAI r1hotos by Johnson1____74-APC Pomeranian ReviewctSWciTi liTtWaWITjpiejsmicstmuister fennel ClubJudge Mrs. Anne Katona - February 14, 15, 2005 - Madison Square Garden, New York, NYBest of Breed, Toy Group IICh Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty, D, Breeder Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti Owner Capt Jean L Heath W H Cosby Jr J Cabrera F ArientiBest of Opposite SexCh Majesties Dream Come True, B, Breeder Annette Rister C Creed T B Turner Owner Annette Rister C Creed B SW TurnerAward of MeritCh Puffpride Sweet Dreams, D, Breeder Virginia Dimick Owner Noble Inglett Diane FinchCh Valcopy Batboy, D, Breeder Dana Plonkey Owner Ron Merilyn Smith Janice Melvin PardueCh Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco, D, Breeder Lee D Cook Owner Lee D Cook Donna J Machniak Dana CoventrySP-ZaToy Group Judge Ken McDermott, Handler Bill McFadden with Ch. Starfire Wicked Mean-N-NastyI71_APC Pomeranian Review - 75--11V, oTrDarrell Baker, otherwise known as, Santa Claus and his furry friends.PawsWritten by Connie ZiebaEveryone knows Darrell Baker as a well-liked dog judge, breeder, exhibitor, longtime member of the American Pomeranian Club, and loving husband of Olga Baker. However some of you may not be aware that for six weeks every winter Mr. Baker becomes a professional Santa Claus.Darrell first became motivated to take on the Santa persona after watching the classic movie, Miracle on 34th Street. The film inspired him to pursue the job at a shopping mall near to his home in Dickinson, Texas. He inquired at the Almeda Mall in 1988 and was immediately hired. 16 years later he has been Santa Claus for the Almeda Mall, then Baybrook Mall, and now for the last five years, the huge Galleria Shopping Mall in Houston.Darrell absolutely loves the job of Santa Claus. Olga says her husband, comes to life at this special time of year. Darrell attributes his enjoyment as coming from loving children. He loves seeing their faces light up. He enjoys asking them if theyve been good, or at least pretty good. If they look a little unsure, he tells them there is still time to be good before Christmas gets here. He loves the things children say. One time a little girl with a well-loved teddy bear sat on his lap. She told him for Christmas she wanted a new teddy bear. When Darrell asked her why she needed a new one, she replied because her little sister put the old one in the oven and cooked itSantaSome of the requests tug at the heartstrings. Mr. Baker has had requests to bring my daddy back and to make mommy well again. Several children asked for a snowy Christmas. When it unexpectedly snowed on Christmas Eve, Darrells grandson commented all those kids must have thought Santa brought them snow. One child told Santa she had asked him for a violin for the last three years and she still did not have one. Darrell looked over her shoulder to see the reaction of her mother. The Mom nodded affirmatively so Darrell was able to assure the girl this year she would receive her violin. After watching the movie, A Christmas Story. Darrell began telling the boys who ask for B.B. guns that they will shoot their eye out. This always gets a laugh.Olga is amazed at the variety of questions Santa is bombarded with every year, and at her husbands ability to come up with satisfactory answers. Apopular question is, Where are your reindeer Darrell replies, The reindeer are at home resting up for Christmas Eve when they will have to deliverall the presents. Some children want to know why the reindeer are not at the mall with Santa. Mr. Baker tells them some people might be scared byreindeer even though he knows you the child wont be. Santa Paws Continued on Page 771-rx1'"X41 a76 - APC Pomeranian ReviewRegional Pom Club ReportPomeranian Club of Central IndianaPomeranian Club of Central IndianaThe Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana held its annual Christmas Party and meeting December 12, 2004, at the First Friends Training Center in Fishers, Indiana. We had a wonderful turnout as well as lots of cute Poms.After visiting and sharing a variety of home cooked goodies, the board meeting and club business meetings were held. Shortly after, the Christmas party began with our annual steal a gift Christmas exchange, which is alwaysftja lot of fun. There were people who tried hiding their new gifts so others would not see them and steal. Even though it was not always successful, dramatic tales were told why gifts should not be stolen. It was a fun time for all who participated.Photographer Ron Anderson, with great props, was on hand to take photos of the Pomeranians for a nominal fee. He also took an annual Christmas photo of PCCI members left, our Pom friends and guests. A good time was had by all.Santa Paws Continued From Page 76Santa Claus is popular with older kids and adults who stop by to chat and pose for pictures. Of course, Darrell has had many local celebrities drop in through the years. Shapely Anna Nicole Smith has sat on Darrells lap. Astros Manager Larry Deirker posed along with his grandchildren. Local newscasters such as Debra Duncan have also taken a seat. Darrell makes an uncommonly good-looking Santa and his popularity in Houston is legendary. Frequently he is recognized when out and about all during the year. Many families bring their children to him each and every year, some for as long as nine years running. Darrell has worked for private parties as well, such as a local credit union and for a Montessori school. There is one party that he can be depended on to clear his calendar for. For the last five years, a few days before Christmas, Mr. Baker goes to the home of a special needs girl. She is now 13 and she and her family and friends have become very special to their Santa.The Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston has also benefited from the attentions of their favorite Santa. Last year at the Club Christmas party, Santa Claus made a special appearance just to pose with all the well-loved Pomeranians belonging to our lucky club members. That particular party had the largest attendance of any club function in recent memory. Members traveled all the way from Dallas, Corpus Christi, and elsewhere and brought several Poms each. Santa sat with each and every Pom and then posed with the children human and then all the lovely lady members. Needless to say, Mr. Baker has been requested again for our next Christmas party.Sometimes, Darrells special expertise with canines comes in handy as Santa Claus. When movies or events come about that create a huge demand for certain dog breeds, Darrell tactfully suggests the children and parents think again before bringing home a puppy that might not make a successful pet. The Galleria also hosts a successful event called Pet Day where dogs and cats are welcomed to visit with Santa. Naturally, Darrell is a master at handling the dogs and getting them to sit for a nice picture. Many times this means a child is sitting on one knee and an excited dog is sitting on the other. One little girl was stunned when Darrell, as Santa, successfully recognized her dog as the unusual breed of a Rhodesian Ridgeback.When a child asks Santa for a Christmas puppy, Darrells response is to look at the parent to see his or her reaction before answering. If consent isnt apparent, Santa will tell the child he has to check with the parents before he can give a live animal. People who do not know Darrells interest in dogs have asked him if he minds posing with animals. Mr. Claus has posed with cats, dogs, and even a Cockatoo. One lady asked if she could bring in her Boa Constrictor. After that request the event coordinators specified no reptiles.Over the years Darrell aka Santa Claus has been reported in several local news publications. He has also been featured in an advertising video in which he had to dance and rap hip-hop style.Recently, when Darrell received his paycheck for his work as Santa, he deduced he had been overpaid by 700.00. Mr. Baker promptly returned the amount to the company, thus proving beyond all doubt that Darrell is truly Santa Claus in heart and body.Darrell and Olga Baker are both Past Presidents of the American Pomeranian Club. Darrell is currently serving as Delegate to the American Kennel Club. Olga and Darrell Jeribeth Pomeranians are well-known for their many years of top winning Poms, including CH Great Elms Prince Charming II, winner of Best in Show at Westminster in 1988.APC Pomeranian Review - 77A PC National SpecialtyN2005 Louisville, KentuckyEvent ScheduleMonTuesWed, March 14-16 APC National Specialty Thursday, March 17 Mid Kentucky Kennel Club Friday, March 18 Louisville Kennel Club Saturday, March 19 Greater Louisville Training Club Saturday, March 19 Evansville Kennel Club, Inc.Sunday, March 20 Louisville Kennel Club, Inc. Cindy Boulware, Show Secretary 972 962-3872, Lovencountrypeoplepc.comSPECIALTY HEADQUARTERS AND SHOWExecutive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville, Kentucky, 40209. Phone 1-800-626-2706. 82.00 per night plus applicable taxes, 1-4 guests per room. The Louisville Airport is located across the street from the hotel. For Executive Inn van pick up, call from a courtesy phone, located in the airport, after you pick up your luggage. RV PARKING - RV Parking is located at the Kentucky Fairgrounds, across the street from the hotel. Hook ups available. For reservations, phone 502 367-5000.JUDGES - REGULAR CLASSESMr. Fred Bassett, 2713 South 111th East Ave, Tulsa, OK 74129-7670 SWEEPSTAKESMrs. Christine Heartz, PO Box 189, Brookfield, Nova Scotia, CANADA OBEDIENCEMr. Richard Mullen, 2478 Drinnen Rd, Knoxville, TN 37914 SPECIAL EVENTS SUNDAY, MARCH 13HOSPITALITY Everyone is invited to help us kick off the APC Specialty with good food and fun conversation on Sunday, March 13, at 700 p.m. in the Pub Room. The American Pomeranian Club will provide beverages, meat trays, rolls, and condiments. Please bring your favorite dish to share. Contact Kelly D. Reimschiissel 801 756-2092 or and let her know what you are bringing. Hope to see you thereMONDAY, MARCH 14 - PUPPY AND VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. POMERANIAN CHARITABLE TRUSTMain Ballroom - APC is hosting an educational seminar to benefit the Pomeranian Charitable Trust. Dr. Mark P. Haverkos, D.V.M. of The Village Veterinary Clinic in Oldenburg, Ind. will be presenting a seminar on Alternative Care. Dr. Haverkos is a licensed Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with training in Homeopathic remedies, Chiropractic methods, herbs, and the ancient Chinese healing art of Acupuncture.Assure your invitation to attend by sending a 25.00 US check donation per person payable to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust to Marge Kranzfelder, 821 Brown Rd., San Juan Bautista, CA 95045 postmarked no later than March 5. Your contribution can be considered a tax-deductible donation to this non-profit dedicated to health, education,and welfare of the Pomeranian breed. Tickets will not be mailed, but confirmation can be emailed if you include your email address along with your check. We will admit according to the list of names at the seminars entry.600 p.m. - 730 p.m. - JUDGES EDUCATION SEMINARThe American Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned Judges Education Seminar in conjunction with the National Specialty. The Seminar will be held in the Pub room at the Executive Inn. There is a 15.00 per person charge to help defray expenses. Ringside tutoring will also be available Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. There is no charge for ringside tutoring. To make your reservations, contact Dot Martin by March 10, at 5354 Bluebird Lane, York, SC 29745, 803 931-8086, MATCHThe Pomeranian Club of Central Virginia will host a B-Match for Pomeranians 4 months of age and up. Junior Showmanship classes will also be offered. For further information please contact Diana Downey, 4705 New Line Rd, Gum Spring, VA 23065, Phone 804-556-2877, .TUESDAY, MARCH 15 - Jr. Showmanship, Specialty Dog Classes, Non-Regular Classes, Parade of Champions 500 p.m. - 700 p.m.OBEDIENCE RALLY WORKSHOPIf you are looking for entertainment, come to the seminar as a spectator. If you are interested in learning how to compete in the sport of Rally come to the seminar as a participant. Barbara McClatchy will conduct this seminar and guarantees that it will be fun and educational.730 p.m. - 830 p.m.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB ANNUAL MEETING All members are encouraged to attend. This is your opportunity to voice your concerns and suggestions to the APC board. Non-members are welcome.WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16- Specialty Bitch Classes, Specialty Bestof Breed, Obedience TrialAPC BANQUET AND AWARDS CEREMONYThe APC Banquet will be held Wednesday, March 16, 2005, at 730 p.m.Cash Bar from 630 p.m. - 730 p.m.30.00 per person includes meal, beverage and dessert buffet style. Send check or money order payable to American Pomeranian Club Kelly D. Reimschiissel, 6214 W. 10150 N, Highland, UT 84003 DEADLINE for banquet reservations is March 5, 2005. The APC will accept Paypal using . Credit cards are not accepted on this account, please send a copy of payment with reservation info to, SILENT AUCTION and BUY IT NOW APC needs items for the Ways and Means booth. Our Ways and Means auctions help to defray some of APCs large expenses to host this show. Please bring your items to Kentucky and drop them off at the APC Ways and Means booth and meet new Ways and Means Chairperson, Walda Green.RAFFLE Purchase tickets for the original artwork pg. 57 donated by renowned artist, Stefano Scullino, Italy. See pages 46 and 57 for more info.TROPHY DONATIONSOur trophies this year are an assortment of useable items such as crates, crate mats, crate covers, dog toys, etc. You may still make a donation to the APC General Trophy Fund. Your donation will be used to help defray the cost of our ribbons and rosettes. Mail checks to Pati Danielson, 616 Mystery Bridge Rd, Evansville, WY 82636. Phone 307 265-3305.APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY DONATIONYou may still donate money to the general APC National Specialty funds. When paying with a money order or by check, make it payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail to Erika Moureau, 21522 Rosehill Church Road, Tomball, TX 77377-5854. Or you may drop off your donation at the Ways and Means booth or see Pati Danielson at the trophy table in Kentucky. Any amount is accepted and appreciated.78 - APC Pomeranian ReviewA Little Dog NamedKELLY. .It-4 ASPC Larry Kaibetoney Jr. in Korea, January 2004By Gina Williams and Chani KaibetoneyOn December 3, 2004, Blazin Shyacres Celtic Dragon Kelly was retired from a show-breeding program and placed as a pet in a wonderful new home. Chani Kaibetoney is an Army wife who had wanted a Pomeranian from the first time she had met her best friends Pom in high school. With husband Larrys approval, she adopted Kelly. Her husband, who was stationed in Mosul, Iraq, for the year, had told her on the phone to remember that Kelly was her dog. He wanted a big dog when he returned home. Each morning, Kellys previous owner who also happened to be Chanis best friend received phone calls about her and what cute thing she had done the evening before and how Kelly was fitting into her new home and routine very well. But a different type of a phone call came one morning. There had been a bombing in Iraq.SPC Larry Kaibetoney awoke to see a soldier lying next to him with a wound to his head. Larrys first thought was to help his comrade, but he quickly realized his injuries were very serious and he could not move. Larry had been standing in line for lunch at the mess hall when a suicide bomber attacked just 8 feet away. Larry was MEDAVACd to Germany and finally back to Ft. Lewis, WA. A few weeks later, he received a purple heart and was released from the hospital, with yet a long recovery and many surgeries in his future. But he was thankful to be alive and glad to be able to go home.Larry came home and met Kelly and said she was alright for a little dog. Chani went back to work and would come home to care for her wounded husband. Many times found Kelly on the couch cuddled next to the soldier who only wanted a big dog. Each week after asking how he liked Kelly he would say she was alright. Chani came home one day and found the sight in the picture above. Larry was finally willing to admit that the dog was more than just alright. Kelly hasnt left Larrys side since he has been home. She always brings a smile to his face when she gets excited and does her dance, as he says, when he comes in the house. She has become the best therapy Larry has had since the bombing, and it looks like little Kelly has found her permanent lap in life, LiAPC Pomeranian Review - 79MYFIRST POMCovYs\i 5025KI was 12 years old and had owned a Cocker Spaniel and a Boxer. At the time, however, I was petless and was dragging home any stray dog I could find. Unbeknownst to me, my father had been observing my futile efforts and decided it was time to bring an end to my petless situation.Christmas was coming, and my father decided a new puppy would be the perfect gift for me. The search was on. He contacted a breeder and made an appointment for him and my brother to look at Poodles. When they arrived, they were greeted for the first time in their lives by several cute little balls of fur known as Pomeranians. The rest of the story is history.My first Pom was a little orange boy named Corky, who weighed in at three and one-half pounds full-grown. He was smart, sassy and beautiful. Corky went with me everywhere I went. He was entered in the annual pet parade every summer and would usually win the prize for the best- groomed dog, thanks to my dad. Corky provided our family with love, joy and laughter for 14 years.So began my love affair with Pomeranians that continues today.I want to say thank you to my dad for giving me my first Pom. I inherited my love of dogs from you and hold you totally responsible for my Pomeranian addiction. Much gratitude goes to my mom, gone but not forgotten, who liked dogs all right but loved Corky and all of my future Poms because she loved me.Thanks also to the Pomeranian Review for asking me to write this article.80 - APC Pomersotsn ReviewChampion Pomeraniansa icn i ipiui i runic. 4ta7.tM\FRANSUft WOLFIE-APIXIE POM EXOTICS TO LOVEANDREA HUGHES EVELYN NEWYEARP.O. BOX 57 SOD, WV 25564 PH 304 756-9356WE DO NOT SHIPNEUJAHRorOCkel esSpecializing in parti and parti- factored PomeraniansTina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time Tina Ch. Finchs Peacemaker PartiElaine - OhioCheryl New Hampshirecf a Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comiJacinda Poms-muLiA-mmfflfMv.mJennifer Falk810 387-9570 f alkster greatlakes. netCindy Golden321 638-4291 www.jacindapoms.comPARKATom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE__- yrui[or PitilomsBecky 989-832-3408 wyndlorchartermi .netyVyndtorTomsAPC Pomeranian Review - 81wweaAe owirmiimiA5omemnkm CWtA3aie tS^etmUeiAvOfcweaie omer-anian'i818352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.comM-_WhipstaffPomeraniansJoe and Janette Dally St. Louis, MO 314 389-3275 utrkao ss wb O ysss.jyrr l s' Long Island, New York 631 366-2330httpivmv.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services. Limited Boarding AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherineBolahood905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4www.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caElusive ToysCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 North Rigby ID 83442 208 745-5267Poms,9 andToyPoodlesATTENTIONRegional Rom Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special low advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.Send coming events, reports, and photos to the editor.APCComing soon.KENNELVisitsMay June 2005Bonnie HarrisTresstique PomeraniansPlease contact Jessie Klein, The Pomeranian Reviews Advertising Manager and Kennel Visit Coordinator, with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, TX 76306, Ph. 903-882-1950 or Email - APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netTresstiquePomeraniansIBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comIwzloa15Ch. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.JPatricia svomeramansV iLl _CH. PATRICIAS LIL MISS MOLLY ROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionally'Pafi 'Daniefson616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID- danielsonpomswww.plushpuppyusa.comnrncresProfessional 'Handliny Audrey 74. Rpoerh sIngleside, Texas Phone 713 204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonAPC Pomeranian Review - 83APC NATIONAL SPECIALTYMarch 14,15,16, 2005 Specialty Judge Fred Bassett Sweepstakes Judge Christine Heartz Louisville, Kentucky see page 78March 25, 2005 San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty contact information page 86April 8 Central Carolina Specialty further information see page 17July 21 and 22, 2005 APC Summer Specialty, Richfield, Ohio host Ohio Valley Pom ClubJanuary 14 and 15, 2006 AKCEukanuba National Championship, Tampa, FL. Anne Katona judging PomeraniansRegional Pomeranian Club events are published free of charge.Info Dot by Mary AllanHomemade electrolyte replacement1-quart 950 ml water Vi teaspoon 2.5 g Baking Soda Vi teaspoon 2.5 g Table Salt 3 to 4 tablespoons 45 to 60 g SugarIf available, add teaspoon 1.25 g Salt Substitute, such as Lite Salt. PotassiumX-San Diego Pom Club SpecialtyFriday March 25, 2005Beautiful Pomeranian Quilt to be raffled off at the San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty on Friday, March 25, 2005. Need not be present to win. We will ship Tickets are 5 each or 6 for 20.More details on the SDPC website 7Esandiegopomclubevents.htm sandiegopomclubatt.net86 - APC Pomeranian Reviewxcuiicui xixv. uujvi IJU uuiu uiv 14j vui y uand 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor. VJPWe salute thecourageous men, women and their families of our armed forces. May they be safe and protected from all harm.Let freedom ringADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SURSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact 217 347-5731 fame62401 MASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS,DISCOVER AND PAYPAL ACCEPTEDIL______________84 - APC Pomeranian ReviewCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATEI______ Ja IMotherly love. Roxafine CollinsPrize inside. Tammee FelixeJ k k.rV'^2.Never miss a meal. Mika owned by Leanne Wilkins COOKIE Geneva CoatsWANTEDI Mqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. t7s hast Far Fan.The Pcmeranian ReviewAdvertisersAllridge, Valerie............................................................28Alspaugh, Sherri............................................................18Beard, Vonnie..................................................................8Behrend, Joan................................................................ 82Beland, Colleen............................................................. 13Bolahood, Catherine......................................................82Bousquet, Christine....................................................... 38Buchanan, Debi............................................................. 28Buske, Randy.................................................................15Cannon, Tish............................................................94,95Carlson, Alice................................................................85Carpenter, Terry.............................................................. 3Central Carolina Pom Club........................................... 17Chambers, Wendy......................................................... 12Collins, Roxanne........................................................... 16Cook, Lee......................................................Back CoverCottonlite Xpens............................................................16Coventry, Dana.............................................Back CoverCrawford, Karen............................................................15Creasey, Christine............................................ CenterfoldCrockett, Carolyn..........................................................21Dague, Roger and Pat....................................................85Dally, Joe and Janette................................................36, 82Danielson, Patricia.........................................................83Davis, Annette and Erik................................................83Falk, Jennifer.................................................................81Felix, Dan and Tammee.................................................12Finch, Diane...................................................................85Freia, Jerrie................................................................85, 93Gilstrap, David and Carlene............................................8Golden, Cindy...............................................................81Green, Walda.................................................................35Griffith, Ken and Eleanor................................................9Guenther, Naimi..............................................................6Elanson, Sharon......................................Front Cover, 14Harris, Bonnie............................................................... 83Hirshberg, Alan and Jackie........................................... 89Hughes, Andrea.............................................................81Huntsberger, Karen..........................................................4Iffland, Mari.................................................................. 83Jamet, Cecile..................................................................29Jessen, Catherine........................................................... 82Johnson, Sandra.............................................................81Jorg, Sabine................................................................... 29Kerr, Cheryl...................................................................81Klein, Jessie...................................................................11Levinsohn, Alane...........................................................82Livezey, Teresa..........................................................10, 85rack IssuesVTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00Luiza..............................................................................28Machniak, Donna....................................85, Back CoverMcClatchey, Barbara........................................ 61,62,63McDonald, Cheri...........................................................92McFarlane, Pauline....................................................... 15Miller, Jerry and Ashley................................................19Miller, Hazel................................................................. 91Molina, Elizabeth............................................................ 4Moonlight Magic Photography.....................................92Newyear, Evelyn...........................................................81Obedience Poms............................................................ 62, 63Otaguro, Arlene............................................................ 91Paris, Judy..................................................................... 94Pelz, Linda................................................................ 7, 81Pardue, Melvin and Janice.............................................. 2Proctor, Barbara...................................................5, 62, 63Rally Poms.....................................................................62, 63Roberts, Audrey............................................................ 83Rosenbaum, Mary.........................................................83Sabourin, Becky............................................................81Sheffield, Lisa................................................................62, 63Smith, Mike and Carolyn..................................59, 62, 63Smith, Ron and Merilyn....................Inside Front CoverSolis, David and Jessica................................................29Stalnaker, Charles Katie............................................... 21Stephens, Mary..............................................................28Trent, C. L.....................................................................85Watanabe, Robin...........................................................91Waters, Gregg and Charlene.........................................85Waugh, Elaine...............................................................81Wells, Mary...................................................................37Wells, Mike and Liz..................................................7, 81Wilkins, Leanne............................................... CenterfoldWilson, Tom..................................................................43, 81Wood, Maynard...............................................................3m r u4-mlWh , \^HH .j^i"WMM4 'VV"Co-Owned by Jackie Hirshberg and Mark WardIt was love at first sight Chippewa wormed his way into my heart immediately, and was adored by everyone who knew him. He will be missedThank you is not enough, and words cant express my gratitude toMark Ward for giving me Chippewa for three years.Carolyn Crockett, for loving him, for your loyal friendship and your round-the-clock support during the last month of Chippewas life.Cindy Boulware and Lynne Heise for convincing Mark that I needed Chippewa in my life.Jackie Hirshbergnkm aonmanian Jxebieto eramanQ Pomeranian PebioiD2fcts-uzr- Oxetv 2002if3 r'JctthStuvc2 ia Vciucih Ja SBc WJJfcjaF' v.v 7.,7..Pc fflEJU-Of cj .frr9C S omerantanQ iBlackXrlourlli III.For inn I onian us a j iPom ifobtetoCh Ersbrook's 'Jbbusco fiascoomerantan AxebtetoWt\A k . 11-rtmSrt Jts I et-fa xt cm in irDomcraman ivcuiciumMiJJilXl -'50TIinISPomeranian l\cUicm 3- . \-XreomWeHawaii's1 Pomeranian '02, '03 '04 ,ero^^ 3 Toy8 All-BreedCh Howlene-Teahra Impero, HOF, GC .E'ATop Sire 4 January 1, 2004 through September 30, 2004Pero never fails to Amaze us Still a 3 year-old, he has placed in the Top 10 All Breed and has been 1 Pomeranian for 3 consecutive years, always owner- breeder handled. His daughter, Abcde, became his 5th champion at the very tender age of 8 months. Her littermates, Joy and Donnie, are major pointed.Thank you - Judges and FriendsArlene Otaguro Hazel MillerHowlene-Teahra Kennels 808593-2322Robin Watanabe yggcatshawaii.rr.comBachmans All AmericanRonniemft Watch Sor Ronnie and Audrey Roberts in the ring together in 2005.Were very excited about our newest star.Thanks to our good friend Lana Price for allowing us to use her beautiful Ch. Cory once again.Good luck to all the participants at the APC Nationals.Sire Ch. Nguyen, Cory Loverboy of GQDam Bachmans Precious AlexandriteBachman Pomeranians - Chert McDonald - - 909 3947923-IntMexAMCHBustingOutDiamondsCH Valcopy BaiBoyNow setting appointments for the 2005 Pomeranian National Call Heidi at 1-909-338-9862 or email infomoonlightmagicphoto.comAs featured in National magazines\ 1Two Jan-Shar Pomswww.moonlightmagiqphoto.com92 - APC Pomeranian ReviewJamJamjr f\ A PfWUdl PrMDijtJ55 of YonkmilC7 a.\LWINNERSw\ssm\^2-ffTEWR jUnrayWwiiilUiiilP sVs\X 'AFergie is Janesas latest showgirl, handled by Carol Leemhuis. Watch for this typey little bitch in a show ring near you.Congratulations to Sharon Hanson on her Kennel Visit.Tookeyes the Goldsmith Jan-Shars N Janesas HurrahJan-Shars Wildwood Flower Janesas Duchess of YorkCh. Jan-Shars Head Over Heels Jan-Shars N Janesas CarolwinsJan-Shars Little Orphan AnnieCarleez Pomeranians Janesa ph 985 384-7466Congratulations Sharon HansonCo-Breeder Tish CannonCH. Jan-Shars You're Not the Boss Of Me AAmBEST..First Award of Merit at The National Show AND Best Bred-By ExhibitorThank you Judge Joe Walton.Figgy aka Fig Newton has had a multiple group placings and now his first BEST IN SHOW 1302005.Thank you Judges MR. JOE WALTON, MR.WAYNE BERTON.We know there will be many more to come for this young dog.Sire Jan-Shars Mini Me Dam Jan-Shars Olivia Newton PomSharon, I cant thank you enough for being my friend, mentor and sage. Its a special breeder that will send you TWO BIS puppies And you sent me Tish The two of you have made this all happen for me.. .lots of phone calls, lots of hugs, very few tears. Doesnt get better than thatOwner Judy Paris Bothell, WACo-Owner Tish Cannon Apple Valley, CAHandlers Loved to perfection by Tish Cannon and Mike KurtznerBreeders Sharon Hanson and Tish CannonPA. ST Thank yoo for mok.i_r\0 me one of the top Pom handlers.PRESENT Thc\^k- tjOu for betr\0 ro^ frLend.FUTURE The -fuEufe toLW be c\cr\cyz-Lr\0 ustLh Lhe neuj Tvr-Shc\r puppLeS.' Thank yon Sharon for co-breeding nine BBE Poms with me and Bred-By-Exhibitor BIS til Jl-SHARS YOURE SOT THE BOSS OF ME Figgy.Tish Cannon ^ 12540 Indian River Drive, Apple Valley, CA d 760 240-4884Biss Ch. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco msx Lan.Lee Cook BreederOwner Firebrook Poms 704-289-2021Donna Machniak HandlerOwner Dejay Poms 517-546-7446Dana Coventry PartnerOwner Dejav Poms 2^8-258-9259tailing the year with back to back Group 1 awards in Ohio, a Group 2 in Sarasota, Florida and an Award of Excellence at EukanubaMs. Coventry provides legal counsel to Dejay and Firebrook. and to select clients in the Sport of Dogs. 248-258-9259