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The Pomeranian Review July 2005
DMlmV 'U,A \Qk. sf-'inck's^Itvcscrmc n ^[ttreed 'Type,'1Hbvcme.ntUnA ^IttitnAcin a gorgeous black package Sly is a Multiple Group Placer.\MSPr.^0ntcrdnitlnjkCfltktyn J ey5tm httpwww.EagleCreekPoms.comWhat a 50th Wedding Anniversary SurpriseA BEST IN SHOW...For GPL VALCOPY BATBOYL.Jmam9 JIw. M t.BEST IN SHOW ViDEL SUR KENNEL CLUBI 7 V.tlk as mIwr- fMy,- -V,1 K\-You know how life is Someone special is going to be celebrating that Golden Anniversary and despite all your planning for the occasion - something unexpected will happen.This was better than anything we could have plannedCongratulations to Ron Merilyn, Melvin Janice and CurtissFrom Batboys No. 1 Fan Club Thank You, Dr. Fancy, for this wonderful winOwned by Pen and Merilyn Smith, Janice and Melyin PardueBred By Dana Plonkey Expertly Handled by Curtissv'3BADGER IjS\ KENNEL BKcal CLUBMav s. 2005 K. BOOTHCH. PUFPRIDE S\ R DAM FINCHSThanks to judges Mrs. Marilynn Ellis, Dr. Bernard L. Esporite, Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant, Mrs. Berit Foss, Mr. Leonard S.Reppond, and Mrs. Isabel J. Stoffers.Thank you to Vikki Oelerich and Dolly Pierson for their expert handling of our little Emily.A special thank you to Diane Finch for allowing us to fill our hearts and home with the love of one of her so special childrenEmily is Owned and Loved byGlen Ellyn, IllinoisBreeder Diane Finch Finchs Pomeranians Ltd., httpwww.finchspoms.comCongratulations, Regina, on your first AKC agility titleNJP May 1 this be the beginning of a happy and successful future in AGILITY J for you You are a beautiful girl and an impressive athlete, and ^ we re so proud of youU\.1 exy 0us. 4.A\ i^^ki-s\0DC.O 1 O' UPU-L-KOR VARIETY- r. .r^r-'9mr -iM ST JC ip' 1. IkGREGOTO-Desi is pictured being awarded BOB over some nice specials under toy expert Mrs. Martha M. Olmos-Ollivier. Thank you forrecognizing Desks beautiful attributes under such keen competition.I would like to thank his breeders Tony Cabrera and Fabian Arienti for producing such a beautiful boy with the perfect show attitude. Also, a big congratulations on your history making wins at the APC National Specialty.I would like to thank Nina Epps from the bottom of my heart for taking me under her wing at my very first dog show almost 10 years ago that started this obsession. My deepest sympathy to Nina for the loss of her beloved Jake. Nina, Linda and I love you.Congratulations to Noble and Parker on making Pom history.Thank you, Lee Cook, for entrusting Linda and 1 with our new addition, Firebrooks Lord of the Rings. Ringo is truly a spectacular boy.T J MT Ita pV^yrn^ Lloyd mi LtoJ toncifues_L2l9Vy -L2J-le _L VyJ-G'o^ 821 Doe Meadow Lane, El Dorado, AR 71730 870 862-1095a rftma, ^ 770 tojoyou. Tfoooo60 AottoJopyoor om or. J7ie.o wood. vae, too. vo 00776,SetAy OtoonA, at ^Parnett,a7ei ro om 0UJ7nIJL 1rW w9BEST OF WINNERSSAN JACINTO KENNEL CLUB APRIL 2005 IIUGEIIT PHOTOTcM.Ch. Tim Sues Hightailit, pictured with Sue as a puppy under Rodney Merry, recently finished with expert handling of Audrey Roberts. Tally is a Jake great granddaughter sired by our Ch. Tim Sues Fantastic High High Lights grandson and out of Royalty Destined for Tim Sue High Lights granddaughter. Special licks to AudreyPrized A Promise To Tim Sue, pictured with his handler cobreeder, Carolyn Crockett winning a major under Judge Mrs. Debbie Campbell. Promise sends best wishes to Nina Epps. He is sired by a Jake grandson, Ch. Texstar Dualin For Me and out of a Jake daughter, Ch. Wheats Shy Smile N Tradition.mABEST OF WINNERSSAN JACINTO KENNEL CLUBTED OF .OICTY 1 tt l vTim Sue PomeraniansTim and Sue Goddard - Friday Charlie\ WMffmI wish to thank my soul mate, my husband, my best friend for all his support these many, many years I love you AudreyShyacres announces the rendezvous of CH.Shyacres Our Man Samson with the girls of Vintage Poms Good Luck, Ellen Takayama, and heres hoping Sam will produce many wonderful babies for you and especially with your Oscar daughter Im looking forward to my pup back from that breeding Thanks for giving Sam a funtimeThanks also to Laura Newbold of LaRajus Poms for transporting Sam and I hope youll have some lovely Sam kids to make us all proudAudrey Roberts Shyacres cr,ar\4APC Kennel VisitifcHC " Xr,.Audrey Roberts and SamsonShyACRESAudREy RobeirrsI wish to thank the APC for this opportunity. It has been many years since Ive written our story for the Review. Im sure many new folks dont know who we are or what our journey has been so lets start in 1972. For several years I had known Ms. Olive and Baby Jay her ten-pound Pom because I boarded my horses on her property. Ms. Olive was quite old and had no family nearby so I checked on her daily. On one fateful day I found Ms. Olive had suffered a stroke and I called the EMTs. Since no family was present, I brought Baby Jay home with me. Several months later Ms. Olive passed away and her family let Baby Jay stay with me.The following year I went off to college. My parents werent dog folk so I placed Baby Jay with my future in-laws who definitely were. Baby Jay led ahappy life there for many years. We never knew how old he was and when he passed my in-laws were devastated. Married by then, my husband Charlie and I found two lovely orange pups in Florida where we resided and shipped them home to his parents. There was no airport near Leesville. Back then only the airfield was at Ft. Polk. The pups rode as co-pilots on a military hop with Col. Holmes into the airfield at Ft. Polk where they were met by my sister-in-law. Poms were the perfect choice for my in-laws as my father-in-law was bedridden and needed a small dog that could stay in the house. He had raised and hunted English Setters for many years prior to his illness.My husband left the Navy and we returned to Leesville. My father-in-law, Coompaw, asked me if I would show his male Pom. Stupidly and blindly I said, Sure, how hard can it be I was off to the Alexandria shows and promptly noticed something very different about the showdogs. But I persevered and went onto the Little Rock circuit. Here I realized our dog was not the same One of these things is not like the others I took notice of one lady who was doing a lot of winning and I really liked the look of her dogs. I also met Mr. A.C. Williamson who became a dear friend. He gave me the number of this lady. She was Janice Luginsland of LLL Poms. She is now Janice Earl, an AKC judge. Janice became my mentor and I purchased many LLL Poms through the years. The first two I bought, a male for Coompaw and a female for me, became our first two champions Ch. LLL Models Son Of A Gun, and Ch. Shyacres Amber Love bred by Andrea Hall of Sunsation Poms. It took me two years of regular showing before I put my first points on the Poms. But I was persistent and once I finished my first one I finished the second in three weekends after that. She was Ch. Sunsations Just Jenni. Advice for newcomers here would be Persistence Patience Watch and learn At a dog show in Missouri I was introduced by Janice to Sally Baugniet. I simply watched her groom herPoms for the show that day and I learned how to trim ears. Sounds like something small but it was truly a big deal And I use those techniques still today. Of course Sally was a teacher but she never said a word and I never asked a question I just watched and learned But Id certainly suggest asking questions, just not while someone is getting ready to go in the ringI later purchased Ch. LLL Fancy Gold Moon Walker, who later garnered his ROMX. I purchased from Estelle McDonald in Dallas, TX, of Macs Poms, CH. Macs Maybe I Will, who later received his ROMX. These two boys became the foundation of Shyacres Poms. Many have asked me where the name Shyacres came from. When I was in college, engaged to my husband, I use to sketch and write down my future plans. I named our children and I named our ranch. Which of course would consist of Quarter Horses. It was Shyacres because we only had 20 acres.In the early years I did indeed train, show and raise horses. I was also a Western Equitation instructor. I attribute my ability to see correct structure and recognize balance from the years of showing horses. An unbalanced horse is a nightmare to ride An unbalanced Pom is a nightmare to watch go around the ringI have been blessed in my breeding program. I have bred many wonderful Poms and have won many prizes through the years. I have always kept my Pom population to twelve or less. I typically only bred one to three litters a year. I always believed in quality not quantityI have a few regrets but only a few. The two that stand out are that I am not listed as the breeder on the two Best In Show All Breed boys I really bred. I sat on the floor and did the breedings, whelped the litters, and raised these two boys, but my father-in-law is the breeder on CH. Shyacres Our Man Friday and a good friend, Adrian Shyacres Kennel Visit Continued on Page 12Shyacres Kennel Visit Continued from Page 11Alford is the breederowner on CH. Jimcins The Image Of Friday. In hindsight, I should have asked to co-own the two dams of these boys and in subsequent litters I did co-own them.If you have been in Poms any length of time you know why its called the heartbreak breed. Losing puppies is so devastating but losing the older pups is the worst. I had the dream pup, Shyacres Tap Dancer. He was by my Ch. Macs Maybe I Will and Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Cindy Lou. He was breathtaking From the moment he came into the world I knew he was special. I tried to take pictures of him many times and always something went wrong. One whole roll of film I took with the lens cap on, one roll was overexposed. Then at three months he won Sweeps at the Oklahoma Pom Match. We had pictures taken but the photographer lost them. So when he was six months he came to New York to be in sweeps and bred by. When we got there I was told he wasnt entered. I was crushed. When the judge finished sweeps he walked out of the ring and through the grooming area. He saw me grooming him and asked why wasnt this pup in the ring. I explained I messed up the entry and he said, That sure is a shame., leaving me to wonder what could have been. We went fourth in the bred by exhibitor class, but my daughter Shielah, showing in the firstever Junior Showmanship competition in APC, won and we got a photo with him. When we got home he needed some dental work done and went to the doggy dentist to have teeth pulled. He died under the anesthesia. At this point I still had never received a photo of him. The very next day the photo from APC in NY came and I sat and cried for six solid hours. I then got out my watercolors and did a magical rendition of him that still hangs on my wall.L yV\vV,VCHARLES, AUDREY, SHIELAH, JESSICAS FRIDAY SHIELAH S JONOTHANTITTLEBAUM WEDDING SHIELAH ROBERTS GRADUATION MY INHERITED POM, BABY JAY JESSICA S DAVID JOHNSON WEDDING JESSICA ROBERTS GRADUATION JESSICAS FIRST JUNIOR WIN.I have won many prizes with dogs I bred, owned or showed at APC Nationals. Ch. LLL Kan Too Chunky Queen Bee was WB and BOS and Award Of Merit at the Nationals in New York. Ch. LLL Dazzlin Gold Cindy Lou was RWB at the Nationals, Ch. Shyacres Our Man Friday was Best In Sweeps at Nationals in New York and, a few years later, he won the coveted Best In Show Specialty at Nationals in New York I showed a Friday daughter owned by A.C. Williamson CH.Cenla Annie Laurie OFriday to Best Opposite in Sweeps at Nationals. Ch. Shyacres Steeplechaser went Best In Sweeps at Summer Nationals in Baltimore. Then Friday went on to win Best Veteran at Nationals and Best Stud Dog at Nationals. The only award I havent gotten yet is Winners Dog, although I showed a dog owned by Stacey Hoskins, Ch. Finchs Maxamillion II to RWD on the way to his championship at Nationals. I was in the running this year at Nationals with Bachmans All American owned by Cheri McDonald. So Im gunning for that award yetIve had several dogs owned, bred, or shown by me go on to be top Poms. Ch. Shyacres Our Man Friday, Ch. Shyacres Our Man Samson, Ch. Shyacres Sweet Lovin Man, Ch. Shyacres One Man Kan A BISA dog and top Toy in Russia, CH. Shyacres Millenium Gem, and currently CH.LaRajus Cosmic Kio who I have recently purchased with co-owner Dr. Paulette Blanchet.In the years of showing Poms a few are unbelievably special. Ch. Shyacres Our Man Friday was one of those. He was bom on Good Friday hence his name. His mama loved him but would not feed him so he was hand raised and as is usual with problem pups we really bonded He would play in the bed with Charlie and I and was incredibly spoiled. I didnt think hed be much more than a pet as he was quite small for a long time. At six months his hair was about one inch long all over. I noticed he was so very square and_____________extremely cobby. I decided to go ahead and lead break him and try showing him some. He definitely didnt like that. He wanted to go where he wanted to go only. He would absolutely not bait to anything. So at his first shows in Mississippi on Biloxi beach a friend and I came back from McDonalds with french fries and for the first time ever, he actually looked at us with his ears up. So we offered him french fries and he actually ate. So we found the trick. His nickname became French Fry. He would have hissy fits whenever wed drive through McDonalds drive through. Friday had several handlers and many wonderful wins. The most thrilling was New York, Empire Point, APC Nationals. Adrian Alford was showing him in Best Of Breed. I was sitting ringside with Bill and Lisa Smart his co-owners and my daughter Shielah. The crowd was so into it. The applause was deafening. When Martha Jane Albert pointed to Friday as BOB it was amazing It was at this show where his daughter went Best Opposite in Sweeps, also. The following month he won an all breed BIS. At that point even though he had another year contract on his lease with the Smarts, I asked if could please come home since he had done everything Id ever wanted him to do except produce pups for me which it was time for him to do. He came home as soon as possible and became our bed buddy. He went everywhere we went. He took the NBC Studio tour with us. He toured The Oaks, where Hush... Hush Sweet Charlotte was filmed and, for those younger folks, where Interview With The Vampire was filmed. His motto was Have bag will travel He was one special little guy. Adrian called him Fry Bear, the girls called him little brother, Charlie called him little buddy and I called him French Fry. There will never be another like himCh. Shyacres Our Man Samson, a double Friday grandson, is on his way to Hawaii via California. He has stopped off to breed a couple bitches at Laura Newbolds LaRajus Poms and is going onto Ellen Takayamas Vintage Poms to have some harem time there. I have-M. 4WAemCH. SHYACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY WINNING STUD DOG CLASS APC SEPTEMBER 1995always enjoyed sharing my dogs with other breeders and it has resulted in some lifetime friendships. I raised Sam until he was five months, then he went to visit his new co-owner Peggy Hendricks of HHH Poms where he became a Champion in about a month. He was specialed very successfully. He also had more co-owners G.H. Rumbaugh and Sheila Fields who were his biggest boosters. We have remained close and I cherish their friendship.The Poms were always a family project with my father-in-law getting me started. My husband has been very supportive even when I took his bonus and bought a dog, and when I was disappointed in an emerald and diamond necklace he gave me because I wanted a dog instead And, REALLY I didnt lose it on purpose and I truly treasured it. The girls loved helping raise the puppies. They tolerated my often distracted parenting and my traveling most weekends. My parents watched the kids when they were little and enjoyed bragging about the dog wins. My sister helped with kid sitting, too. Shed watch mine and Id take her two oldest with me and they would show in Juniors and help out. Her daughter showed a Cocker I gave them and many years later became a Cocker handler and has recently bred her first litter of black cockers, all of which are pointed as puppies, and two finished as pups. She is my best cheerleader and always emails me after reading the results with a big Woo Hoo on my wins. She also handled my Ch. Gemmy to many great wins out in California a few years.My husband Charlie has traveled the world and has worked overseas for many, many years. This left me alone with our daughters a lot. This left us very close and now that they are grown and on their own I miss them very much. Shielah is a mortgage broker inShyacres Kennel Visit Continued on Page 14Shyacres Kennel Visit Continued from Page 13 Baton Rouge. She is married to Jonothan Tittlebaum who is a computer programmer. They have been trying to have kids for several years with no success. Shy has gone through two surgeries in the hopes of becoming pregnant. This year on Mothers Day I got a call at a dog show that floored me. They are expecting twins Ive already started buying stuff and they arent due until late November. Wow What a Mothers DayJessica married David Johnson two years ago and they reside in Leesville in the home we raised the girls in. David is a head chef and Jess, of course, shows with me. It is a surprisingly successful partnership. Working with family can often be strained, but with Jess I always know she has my back and that is very comfortingMy girls were my best puppy socializers. Both did their stints at Junior Handling. Shy finished her last year at No. 7 Toy Junior Handler. Jessica quit early as she really didnt enjoy being in the ring. Shy handled Ch. Cenlas Cosmic Kid, a Ch. Macs Maybe I Will son, and Jessica showed Ch. Cenlas Zachary. Both of these dogs were bred by my friend A.C. Williamson of Cenla kennels.A1 is the one who got me involved with the APC. The secretary at the time had quit and they needed a corresponding secretary. I unknowingly volunteered. It led to many years as an officer, board member, show chairman and show secretary for Nationals in New York. I really enjoyed this work even though at times it was tiring and stressful I recommend to everyone to join APC and volunteer in some capacity. Use your skills and contribute. Its quite rewarding Youll get to know people and people will get to know you.I have always done some handling even from the beginning. I always enjoyed exhibiting more than breeding. Breeding Poms is such a heartbreaking endeavor and over the years it grows tiring. As much as I love the puppy kisses, and seeing these little guys turn into lovely show dogs, I decided to hang up my breeding hat. I decided to go into handling as a profession. Surprisingly my daughter Jessica decided to join me in this new endeavor. She actually is enjoying showing and helping. We are having a blast traveling around the country and showing some lovely dogs for some really special people. We are currently handling Poms, of course, Papillons, a Yorkshire Terrier, and we have a new Black Cocker Special bred and owned by my niece in California. His name is Ch. Samamari Middle Man. Our top dog right now is Ch. LaRajus Cosmic Kio. He finished last year as No. 7 Pom. This year whenCH. SHYACRES MAYBE COOMPAW DID CH. SHYACRES WILL OCOOMPAW CH. SHYACRES I KAN TOOLaura Newbold, his previous owner, said she was interested in selling him, I went into a panic. I hadnt realized until that moment how attached I had become. So I told my husband and he said, How much will it cost, with that I know youre going to do this and I cant do anything about it attitude. But he went onto say, I know how attached you are to him and go ahead. Luckily I have a Yorkie client who has agreed to come on as co-owner. Dr. Blanchet has been a gem and I found out long ago it takes a team to successfully special a dog. I want to thank Paulette for coming onboard our team. Recently at Denton Kennel Club, Jessica beat Mom and put a major on Encensis Jumpin Jack Flash, a Pom owned by Johnis McAden. This was the first time Jess has pointed a dog and the second or third time she has beaten me.We want to thank all our clients for allowing us to handle their amazing show dogs and entrusting us with their care. Its so great to love what you do and do what you loveTo the Grand Dame of Pomeranians, Nina Epps, thank you for all your years of dedication to our breed. Your two BIS A boy Ch. Fancy Gold Dancer Of Oakridge and CH. Lil Gold Dancer Of Oakridge are behind my bloodlines Couldnt have doneit without you Your Jake was one of those very special Poms and he will be very missednrr- 9JR. MCH. SHYACRES OUR MAN FRIDAY BEST IN SHOW 1991 BISACH. JIMCINS IMAGE OF FRIDAYCH. SHYACRES STEEPLECHASER CH. SHYACRES MILLENIUM GEM CH. SHYACRES OUR MAN FRIDAYQfout. rfieatttfAgacte ftofeHionai ftan.dLLn.g_ftadteg ft. fgteKtt1984 0frFWfid-. feeiville, frft 71446 773-204-7225 rftudxey. ii^ www. iigactei. comfhbiL5te.d bg .e55ica Q.o AntonShy acres Kennel Visit Continued on Page 16ShvacresBPAudreyRobertsis0t- CH. LARAJUS COSMIC KIOAUDREY AND COSMOS GROUP 2 CH. SHYACRES MACS KANT MISSV 91' CH. shyacresv6ur^an s rSHYACRES TAP DANCER CH. SHYACRES DEJAVUiffHiV .1js- SHYACRES POM THUMB V JERI6 TH CH SHYACRES LITTLE BEAU JANGLESCh. Bachmans All American ^^ ji\ farAt.h^a I If tr- ' f ^ A't f f f.4JLiVARIETY GROUP PLACEMENTBEE-TEXkennel club2005COPR- PHOJO BYcooa'0'yysy\A,Ch. Bachman's All American finishes his title in style with back to back BOB and group Three wins. On the way to his title Ronnie won BOB over specials and had multiple group wins. Ronnie was expertly handled by Audrey Roberts. Audrey, you've made our dreams come true. Thanks for doing such a wonderful job showing Ronnie to perfection. Ronnies Championship was achieved from the puppy class.Ronnie is sired by Ch. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ ROM and out of Bachman's Precious Alexandrite.Congratulations to Lana Price on the completion of Cory's ROM. Lana thank you for sharing Cory with us. We will cherish our Cory kids forever.Thank you to Mrs. Paula Hartinger for the WD BOWBOB win to finish Ronnies title pictured at right. And another big thank you to Group Judge Mrs. Tomas Alone L. Gomez for the wonderful Group 3 win. pictured aboveCongratulations Audrey on your kennel visit. You have made your mark in Pom history first with your breeding program and now with your Professional Handling. We wish you continued success in the ring for many many more years to come.Our condolences to Nina Epps on the loss of her Jake, Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge. He will be missed by many.p A3f BEST OF breedvarietyNEW CHAMPION .kennIlVub2005SFJ0SADaphne Bowyer Co-OwnerBowbell Pomeranians McDonald BreederCo-OwnerBachman Pomeranians cheribachmanpoms.comAudrey Roberts Professional Handleraudreyshyacres.comwww.shyacres.comJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 17The Remeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index..................................................................86Advertising Rates................................................................. 75AKC 2005 Pom Point Schedule........................................... 73APC Art Contest Rules Form............................................ 54APC Board Summary Janice Russell.................................31APC National Specialty Info................................................. 80APC Officers.........................................................................34APC Statement.....................................................................34APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel............................... 51, 52, 53APC Summer Specialty Information.....................................80Archives...........................................................................56, 57Ask Us Anything Annette Davis............................................32Back Issue Information.........................................................86Behind New Titlists...............................................................62Card Shower Nina Epps......................................... 36, 37, 38Central Carolina Pom Club Results.................................70, 71Coming Events.....................................................................80Cover Story ......................................................................... 18Health and Genetics Julie Kallbacka.................................. 58Helpful Hints Geneva Coats............................................... 82Judges Education Dot Martin............................................. 59Just FUR Fun.................................................................. 49, 83Kennel Visit Audrey Roberts........................................11 -16Kennel Visits, Future Features........................................31, 76Letters to the Editor..............................................................62Membership Report Annette Davis.....................................26Membership.................................................................. 60, 61Memorial Ch. Rock N Tradition ofOakridge...................... 35New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel................................. 53Northern California Pom Club.............................................. 42Performance News Barbara McClatchey....................64 - 67Pomeranian Charitable Trust Fund Quilt Project................. 74Pom Club of Central Indiana................................................55Pom Club of Greater Des Moines........................................ 59Pom Talk Roxanne Collins............................................ 68, 69Presidents Report Marge Kranzfelder.......................... 28, 29Red White Blue Anniversary.............................................29Registrars Corner CarolLeemhuis..................................... 26Review Rates.................................................................. 75, 76Show Quality Vs Pet Sally Baugniet................................... 72Structure Part 1 Christine Heartz............................43, 44, 45Subscription Card.................................................................80SubscriptionReview Information............................ 75, 80, 86Sunshine and Roses Donna Machniak.............................. 76Take A Ride On The Wild Side............................................ 74The Way I See It Sue Lucatorto..............................46, 47, 48Ways and Means Walda Green.......................................... 50Ways and Means Specialty CD Order Form........................ 50Website Address.................................................................. 34Ik ill CoverCh. Finchs Awesome On All Four mWhen Slys breeder, Diane Finch, called me to tell me she had an exceptional show prospect for me, she wasnt kidding He has been a thrill to show every single time we step into the ring. Sly is a Travis AND Colt grandkid and that is very apparent with his structure, movement, and personality He finished his Championship from the puppy classes with 3 majors, 3 Best of Breed wins, 2 of which were over very nice specials, and a Toy Group 3 placementSly was only shown one weekend during the first quarter of 2005 but is quickly rising in the rankings. Showing an owner-handled black as a special can sometimes be a challenge, but the rewards are definitely worth the effort. My deepest appreciation goes to the judges that recognize and reward quality in any color.Eagle Creek Pomeranians Kathryn I NoremKnox, Indiana www.eaglecreekpoms.comBreeders office Poms sum. e1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerPresenting oar newest stud.srv V 0y . jLfiaBEST OF BREEDBEST OF WINNERSSire Ch. A Js Smokin Joe X Tammys In Love of Lenette Handler Vi" AWeare very pleased with the new puppies sired by our latest champions, Ch. Band of Gold and Ch. Magic Touch. AHopefully, we will see some new Toad puppies soon.Check our website or give us a call if interested in a Lenette pup. We do not ship to foreign countries.You are welcome to call Monday through Saturday. __Best wishes to Audrey Roberts in being featured in this issue.Our deepest sympathy to Nina Epps in the loss of your beloved Jake. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during your illness.Please remember when you buy a Lenette pup you can return it if not completely satisfied. Simply return within 3 days for a refund. We rarely have a pup returned because we try our best to give a truthful evaluation of each pup sold.Congratulations to Noble Inglett on your new Lenette champion and to David and Carlene Gilstrapon your new Lenette champion. This makes champion No. 4 so far this year.July August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 19AFADreamWeaver- PomeraniansTiroPresents ou^ewjp05 hopefulsCreme Dustinr'- i-j-- T' ' -5.. i - 7.Vw'._,-V,.7- - 4E - - -- . - ' 9e --r - '- r' . , r- - DreamWeavers Tiramisu-Tira DreamWeavers Creme Broulee-Creme Sire CH Desert Thunder Of Lenette Dam Letitcia Of LenetteDreamWeavers Cracklin Fire DustinSire AmInt CH DreamWeavers Sparklin Firecracker Dam CH DreamWeaver Sparklin Fire RoseCongratulations to Audrey Roberts on your Kennel Visit Condolences to Nina Epps on the loss of Jake, he was one of the great ones. , LA KT-1 w V DreamWeaver Poms Linda Pelz, Liz Mike Wellswww.dreamweaverpoms.com20 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005'-yuue9\r. c7alee mac-ipmfn Jloin.IGROUPFIRSTvtRHODE A ISLAND RlAcfe _ KENNELCLUBA-________---. rKira takes a Group 1 under breeder Judge Arlene BenkoCh. Teralees Ornge U Mis-BehaveN is being breederowner handled in the breed ring. I am veiy proud of my little girl. I would like to thank all the judges who have given Kira breed and especially Mrs. Benko for giving Kira her Group 1. At this moment Kira is the number 17 in breed. Here is hoping and dreaming of more placements with Kira.^anne wtAGoffstown, NH 603 674-5805httpwww.geocities.comteralee_poms ppjneramansr7 1 AphroditesPresentsCh Aphrodites MoonstruckAphrodites Co Co Chanel X Underwoods Little Son JuniorWinners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex at the Nor East Toy Dog Cluster on Sunday finished this lovely bitch. Thank you Judge Mrs. Vicki L. Abbott for appreciating my girl and presenting her with this wonderful win. Maria is my second homebred bitch champion this year. Needless to say I'm thrilled. Watch for her son, Aphrodites Woolly Bully, in the ring soon.My condolences to Nina Epps and best wishes.BreederOwnerLinda DeCicco Aphrodites PomeraniansWindham Me 207 892-667622 - APC Pomeranian Review - Jury August 2005I.zswffilW5i ^PresentsTmePt\ v.tma1ST PLACE12 TO 18 B I TCHmNATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 2004Lakeways Jakes Still Rockin X Millie Is A MillionaireThe Ch. Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge lives on in his granddaughter. Thank you, Nina.This is my favorite picture of Lee at her first real show. It was a Luv Lee experience showing this typey girl with great attitude. Thank you Judges L. Vickers Smith, B, Jenkins, J. Forsyth BOB,B. Krause BOB, P Carr, C. Yokum, E. Muthard, W. Cunningham BOW.Elaine Way615 444-0163 Lakewayspomscs.comJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 23THREE CHAMPION JAKE KIDSCH. STOLN TRADITION CARRIES ONVA A4ki aCH. FAN-C'S SPARKLE N TRADITION CH. STOLANNES WA T N IN THE WINGSTHANK YOU SO MUCH, NINA, FOR ALLOWING US TO HAVE BRED TO JAKE, A BEAUTIFUL BOY, THAT GAVE SO MUCH BACK TO THE BREED.HIS LEGACY IS IN HIS KIDS AND THE GENERATIONS THAT FOLLOWAND NINA, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR BEING THAT SPECIAL PERSON, YOU HAVE GIVEN SO MUCH TO OUR POMERANIANS.FRAN STOLLSTOLANNE POMERANIANS WASHINGTON, INDIANADONNA RIEHM RIEHM POMERANIANS MURPHYSBORO, ILLINOISJANICE RUSSELL CIN-JAN POMERANIANS INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA3 MONTHS OLDLARAJUS HOLLYWOODS LIL OSCAR X VINTAGE CHARDONNAY FOR CASSCONGRATULATIONS to Audrey Roberts for your well-deserved kennel visit. I have admired your Poms for many years and was thrilled to meet you in person at the Nationals in 2003. I was saddened to learn that one of my favorite Poms, Friday, was no longer alive. These puppies go back to Friday as their paternal granddam is doubled up on Friday in her pedigree.Thank you to Laura Newbold of LaRajus for sharing Oscar with me. He will be a great addition to my breeding program, and I just love him.Deepest sympathy to Nina Epps on the loss of her beloved Jake. I only wish I had gotten to meet you sooner.Ellen TakayamaVintage-- . YintageRawaiiyahoo.comMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204 208 234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Website or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERS Linda A. Jewell LASponsors Diane L. Finch, Karen L. ChisamDanielle Denise Sartain MISponsors Donna Machniak, Charlotte MeyerHelen Brinn VASponsors Diana M. Downey, Margaret McKeeConnie Trent TNSponsors K.G. Griffith, Elaine WayTommy Alta Davis NCSponsors Lee D. Cook, David GilstrapAnne Hendler NCSponsors Benson E. Ray, Jackie Rayner Roger Lau HISponsors Alane Levinsohn, Sally BaugnietJackie Sampson MTSponsors Karen Power, Terry RothellLinda Sue Lewis CASponsors Cindy Bowling, Alane LevinsohnRobin Watanabe HISponsors Shirley Ann K Leu, A. Margo Koga Hazel Miller HISponsors Shirley Ann K Leu, A. Margo Koga Arlene Otaguro HISponsors Shirley Ann K Leu, A. Margo Koga Dana Coventry MISponsors Donna Machniak, Katy L. StalnakerREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257ROMCh. Nguyen Cory Loverboy of GQ Owner Lana PriceMembership ContinuedChajvat Toby Tangkaravakun Prakit Chularojmontri THAILANDSponsors Christine D. Heartz, Tony CabreraChristine Larry Surtees Foreign household CANADA Sponsors Christine D. Heartz, Kelly D. ReimschiisselTina Elliott GASponsors K.G. Griffith, Brenda SegelkenLaura L. Newbold CASponsors Walda Green, Audrey RobertsAPPLICATIONSRebecca Lane Julie Jackson ALSponsors David Gilstrap, Sherri AlspaughLinda Tindle ORSponsors Marlene Presser, Terry RothellDavid Jessica Solis CASponsors Sharon Hanson, Walda GreenPatricia L. Miller ILSponsors Mary A. Bonnell, Juanita FiddickElizabeth Wells MISponsors Marshall Rokos, Fred DieballAngela Blocker ALSponsors Jerrie Freia Carolyn BoninTeresa G. White ORSponsors Marlene Presser, Terry RothellJen Hryniuk CANDADASponsors Joyce Urban, Mary A. BonnellKim Frederick FLPATRON26 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005^4t.Dss if9l_pr- - ..SKWWt'-v V.-ip. V"mBISS CH Mountain Crest JJ x CH Showcase Charmed Im SureOzzie went to Canada and came home with a new title of Canadian Champion Thanks to his friend and Canadian handler, Deena Simon, and to Starlight Poms Ron and Merilyn Smith and Deronda and Derrik Sharp for their help and support.Congratulations to Audrey Roberts. May you continue with your success in this wonderful breed.My condolences to Nina on the loss of the beloved Jake, who had such an impact on the breed.818 352-9536 ShowcasePoms.com5 t 12SAJBjg KAHUNAhJ[ziSsMargeIkranzfelderI hope you are all enjoying a wonderful midsummer holiday. Here in the United States, the Fourth of July means picnics and fireworks along with long weekend show circuits. It is one holiday I truly missed back when we lived aboard. The red, white and blue buntings are to remind us it is a patriotic holiday.A patriot is one who loves his country and supports its interests. The word originates from the term used for the first citizens of Rome, Patricians. Here in Pomdom, we have our equivalent... the Patron. Websters defines patron as a person chosen, named, or honored as a special guardian, protector, or supporter. A few years ago, the APC Board realized the need to recognize individuals other than those who fit the requirements and commitments for membership. We now acknowledge these people as Patrons. Their requirements are outlined elsewhere in this issue. If you know of people new to our breed or who are loyal fanciers, please share this information with them. Except for your personal invitation, they easily might not be aware of this enjoyable possibility.The Independence Day celebration isnt complete without fireworks. When I picture fireworks in my mind, I picture lots of bursts of contrasting color. So, it is a great month for our Review to celebrate that our Poms come in such a variety of gorgeous colors. Someone questioned that the judges directive that appeared in the preceding issue of the Review counters our complete present standard. The answer is no. From time to time, a breed club sends out directives to judges about a particular item of the standard that might happen to be a current concern. Judges understand that one item is isolated for the point of discussion but that it also must be reinserted into the context of the whole standard. Judges are used to making judgments regarding the overall dog. Still, it is necessary to pull out and discuss one item at a time. Nowhere are we advocating what is called fault judging. I would like to see more articles talking about one item of our standard in depth. Have you ever done that in your local clubs Devote a discussion to just one clause of our standard. I think everyone learns from this type of activity sometimes it might be only that your interpretation is different than someone elses and that you both might be able to defend your ideas. One thing all teachers finds out, if they have to explain their ideas to someone else, they end up understanding the issue better themselves.And speaking of colorful celebrations, how would you feel winning a BISA with your Pom Pretty good, right Color that dog BLACK. Even better, right Add a 50th wedding anniversary to it WOW It couldnt happen to a nicer APC couple, Ron and Merilyn Smith. Let me add my hearty congratulations here.This particular holiday is thankfully full of tradition. Did I say, TRADITION Who brought tradition to this breed Tradition is now spelled J A K E. Nina Epps sitting ringside at our Nationals shares with us that warm feeling of true dogdom tradition. Nina Epps having shared her Jake with our breeds gene pool will affect show Poms for many future generations. This feat is rare, but Nina you are one of a kind. And the opportunity to meet you at the Nationals PRICELESS.Now I am looking forward to seeing many of you and many beautiful Poms at the Summer National in Ohio in just a couple weeks. Until then, stay cool.A4I UN28 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005\ f. 'irr 2 -_VMarch 27 1455 was her day. The cjajr was just like the dream of every young girl.Meriiyn Joyce Conrad married her sweetheart Ronald Dean Smith in a small church in California. The day was perfect. The bridesmaids wore pink and the groomsmen wore white. Family and friends joined in the celebration. The beginning of thatperfectly planned life began______ 'Hhen life happened Wow, how fast time flies.Jhree_children andr9 grandchi 1 drerkwith four great grandchildren happened overnight If surelywent that fast. Most of the married years were spent in Southern California with a short hiatus in .Clearwater, Florida.Through all those years of raising a family, continuing education, and striving to achieve financial stability there was always a family dog or two around. For Merilyn it was toy poodles and there was one or more in the home from about 1964 through1993. Miscellaneous, other breeds made their way into this busy household such as a Fox Terrier, German Shepherd, Boston Boxer, and Rons favorites, two lovable Bulldogs. Of course we would not want to omit the occasional alley cat or two that always the house as well.ftBy Deronda SharpMVTlttvTerrier, lived inIt was in the summer of2000 that the life of Ron and Merilyn changed forever. No, it was not a new child, grandchild or even great grandchild. It was a little red Pomeranian. A new passion was discovered by this couple. Pomeranians were just the companions that Ron and Merilyn had hoped to find. Determined little packages of independence, fun, humor, and love were these little dogs. That same summer, Ron and Merilyn visited their first actual dog show. They watched with great awe at the little Pomeranians strutting their hearts out. They actually acquired their second Pomeranian shortly after. It was the beginning of a new life for the couple. The show bug had bitten and bitten hard.Ron and Merilyn have had a remarkable first 5 years in exhibiting Pomeranians. In 2001 they had their first Eukanuba Invitation for Ch. Jan-Shais Betty Crocker. 2002 brought the next top 25 Pomeranian with Ch. Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief. 2003, Chiefs littermate Ch. Jan-Shars Commander N-Chief caught up with his Top 10 rating as well.In 2004, Ron and Merilyn fell in love with Ch. Valcopy Batboy. Batboy, was being shown by Curtiss Smith and the pair were a magical duo in the ring. Through the kindness of Melvin and Janice Purdue and Batboys breeder, Dana Plonkey, Ron and Merilyn were able to add this lovely black Pomeranian to the Starlight kennel. Batboy is a dream come true. This little dog is true to standard. With beautiful almond eyes, a short back and movement to delight the observer. Batboy has many of the virtues so required in our breed. This is definitely a dog that a breeder can be proud to say he bred.Batboys timing is another of his strengths. Now I am sure you are wondering, what timing Well, on March 27,2005, which just happened to be the Golden 50th Wedding Anniversary for Ron and Merilyn, Batboy was the Best In Show that day. Ok, so I am a little jealous. After a year of planning and a surprise cruise that the family was giving Ron and Merilyn that night, nothing could compare to the thrill of that Best In Show. Curtiss and Batboy were truly poetry in motion that day and it was like the little Pomeranian knew it was a big day for Dad and Mom. He gave it his all, and was rewarded.I know how thankful Ron and Merilyn are to Melvin and Janice for sharing ownership of this lovely boy. They are truly a delight to co-own with. To Dana Plonkey for the outstanding breeding program that has brought us so many wonderful Pomeranians, but most especially our BIS Ch Valcopy Batboy. And to Curtiss who loves and trains Batboy, whose expertise with handling is so admired by us. And finally to all those judges that have taken the time to see the little black dog and found merit in his structure, type and movement, you are truly appreciated.Best wishes to another wonderful 50 years, and many Best In Shows to come.Starlight Paws,, Ron Merilyn Smith Derrik Deronda Sharp, Anaheim Hills, CA, 714 404-2456July August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 29AnniePomerzaniansand especiallyCases BLack N Tannfewould like to congratulate the following The Pomeranian Review on its color issue. Audrey Roberts on her kennel visit.A HUGE CONGRATS TO OUR DAUGHTER ANNA, on her acceptance into a PH. D. program. Love, Mom, Dad and SistersOur sympathiesto Nina Epps on her loss of Jake.Sue LucatontoFloral Park, NY 718 470-6267 casespoms1111yahoo.comHave you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline at or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Congratulations to Audrey Roberts of Shyacres Pomeranians on your APC Kennel Visit.Nina, please accept our sincerest condolences on your loss of Jake, CH. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge. The fact that he produced 55 Champions should make you and all involved so proud. Remember the good times Our prayers are also with you for a speedy recovery.Karen Crawford and John Pauline McFarlaneAPRIL BOARD SUMMARYAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netIn case of an overdraw, judges filling the overdraw who judged only the nonregular classes, will still be eligible to be placed on the eligible judge list. There will be no limitation on judges forjudging Companion events at the National except those required by AKC.The following wording will be placed on the Dues NoticeWording______I am choosing not to renew my membership.Optional Reason why_________________________________MAY 2005 BOARD SUMMARYA motion passed which for the purpose of increasing subscriptions and advertising, the PR editor may use discretion to send overage issues to be handed out at Pomeranian RegionalNational Specialties. The number of issues sent will be dependent on their availability and keeping shipping cost to a reasonable minimum.APC restricts a conformation judge from judging either the National or the APC Summer Specialty more often than once in five years. All APC National and Summer Specialty conformation judges agree not to judge the Pomeranian breed the 4 months prior to their NationalSummer assignment.The red dog was red hot in MayIn just one month Gemmy accumulated ten BOBs, 4 Group lls, 1 Grp III, and 1 Group IV. Thanks to all the judges who can find an owner-handled dog25XHr.Congratulations to Travis Clark on his 1st championChampionIdlewyld Pocket Change of Tramark.Warmest congratulationsto Audrey Robertson her Kennel Visit.Audrey has bred some gorgeous dogs.Margaret McKee - Idlewyld - 804-556-3380 - Goochland, VAHEARING COMMITTEE REPORTIn accordance with the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Bylaws Article VII - Section 3, it is the decision of the Discipline Committee Members to sustain the charges against Ms. Diana Downey. The Committee Members agreed by a majority vote that Ms. Downey will be suspended from all privileges of the Club for a period of one month beginning June 1,2005 and ending July 1,2005.Respectfully,Marge Kran2felder, APC President Disciplinary Committee ChairOn May 28th, the Corresponding Secretary received Diana Downeys resignation as Board Member, Web Keeper, National Rescue Coordinator and National Specialty Chairperson.r Sunrunncr Poms N1Sunrunncr Mouse ThM RoArety PeAnwt, wishes to extent his svjmpAthies to "NinA Epps on the loss of his grAnbsire, ]Ake.Mickevj Stephens Ant The PeAnwt 915" 821-8200July August 2005 - APC Pomerxnisn Revew - 31Annette DavisBillions of bacteria and other microorganisms live in the intestinal tract. Some of these microorganisms are beneficial while others are pathogenic harmful. In a healthy person or animal, the numbers of beneficial microorganisms outnumber the pathogenic ones, thus creating a state of intestinal balance. The beneficial bacteria also manufacture B vitamins, assist with the digestion of food by producing enzymes such as lactase, and produce antibacterialantifungal substances.A number of things such as stress, disease, poor diet, administration of antibiotics or cortisone, colonic pH levels which are too alkaline, etc. can cause the numbers of beneficial microorganisms to decrease. When there are not sufficient numbers of beneficial microorganisms to hold the pathogenic microorganisms in check, they multiply rapidly causing intestinal disease. Intestinal disease is a major problem for animals and people worldwide.A healthy digestive tract is a major factor in maintaining overall health. Digestion breaks food down into useable energy and processes the necessary elements that support all of the bodys systems. The digestive process also eliminates toxins and undesirable elements from the body. An unhealthy digestive system can cause a good number of undesirable things to happen including stomach ache, heartburn, gas, intestinal perforation that allows partially undigested food to enter the blood stream, leading to allergic reactions, overgrowth of yeast and fungus, non-production of B Vitamins, poor assimilation of vitamins and minerals leading to nutritional deficiencies, toxin build up, stress on the kidneys and liver, underactive adrenal function which leads to fatigue, arthritis, premature ageing, skin disease, and so on.The term Probiotic refers to a live microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance. Elie Metchnik, a Russian zoologist who lived from 1845 to 1916, is believed to be the first person to document the benefits of probiotics. He observed that people who regularly ate yogurt tended to live longer. This discovery led to further research that has shown that the administration of live beneficial bacteria can help restore the intestinal balance leading to better overall health. Controlled clinical trials particularly including the probiotic strains of acidophilus and bifidobacterium have shown that the regular administration of probiotics helps to keep pathogenic microorganisms in check, limits allergies, helps to control bacterial, yeast, and fungal infections, and leads to a better state of overall health.There are a number of products on the market which contain probiotics. Just be sure that the product you purchase guarantees the number of cfu colony forming units on the label. A billion or more cfu per serving is desirable. Some probiotic supplements do not contain enough cfu to be of much benefit. The more cfu per serving, the more effective the product will be. You should store your product under refrigeration to increase the shelf life. You must keep it out of contact with moisture, oxygen, direct light, and heat, as these things cause the beneficial bacteria to die more quickly. Most products should be discarded after one year, as few viable cfu will remain after that time. Freeze dried products kept under ideal conditions can remain viable for longer periods of time. Digestive enzymes will further increase the effectiveness of your probiotic supplement. If you can find a product that includes digestive enzymes amylase, protease, and lipase, you will get more for your money.Our question for the next issue is What can I do about coccidiosisYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions to Annette Davis, 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello, ID 83204, PH 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792. Email Previous Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm32 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 200SRazi, Bunny Hal with Julierm5.I\XPuppy hopefuls you will see in the FallCongrats to Audrey Roberts on your APC Kennel VisitBest wishes to Nina Epps.Special thanks to my friends Carlene and David Gilstrap and Cheryl Jackson for their wonderful support when I needed it.Becky Jackson 5pringwood Poms513 Springwood Drv Florence, AL 35634 256 757-9837-V.1ian11..Mi m m___AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT....................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 EMAIL marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.........................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT...................................................................... MARGARET MCKEEPH 804 556-33802426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY...................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY..................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufinan, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER...........................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 OF DIRECTORS............................Sally Baugniet Diana Downey Alane LevinsohnJackie Rayner Fran Stoll Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website http Patron memberships are welcome, no sponsors are needed. If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email orfax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to oradvertise in the Pomeranian Review.34 - APC PoMERamaN Review - July August 2005MemorialCh. Rock N Tradition Of OakridgeAKC Conformation Champions sired by Jake Ch. Allayns Rock N Rebellion Ch. Bets NRaines Rockn Roxey Ch. Brilliants Golden Glory Ch. Chas-T-Dee Bom To Show Ch. Chas-T-Dee Peprmint Patty Ch. Chas-T-Dees Jake Junior Ch. Chrisdens Ozark Tradition Ch. De Arta Kewpie Doll Of Falcor Ch. Fan-Cs Chip Of Tradition Ch. Fan-Cs Sparkle N Tradition Ch. Fan-Cs Talisman Of Toyland Ch. Foxworth Fanfare Ch. Foxworth Five Star Tradition Ch. Glen Iris Castle Kneisler Ch. Halleys Gift Of Oakridge Ch. Heartlands She Walks Like An Angel Ch. Heartlands Top Gun Tradition Ch. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition Ch. Itoba Rock NRoll Legend Ch. Janesas Traditional Trend, CD ^Ch. Jan-Shars Anastasia Ch. Jan-Shars El Nino Ch. Jan-Shars G.I. Joe Ch. Jan-Shars Its The Real Thing Ch. Jan-Shars Show Me The Money Ch. Kenneys Rockette Of Oakridge Ch. Kneislers Nikkis Tradition Ch. Kneislers Secret Tradition Ch. Legendary My Salyuri Ch. Nanshadows Mark Of Oakridge Ch. Ozarks Rock Candy Of Oakridge Ch. Ozarks Spirit Of Oakridge Ch. Paughprint Endless Tradition Ch. Paughprints Tradition Rocks On Ch. Paughprints Tymeless Tradition Ch. Peachs Rock N Bubblelisous Ch. Peachs Tradition Texas Rock Ch. Reginapoms Rock Alternative Ch. Rhynstone Angelica Ch. Rhynstone Mastercard Ch. Rock Comet Of Oakridge Ch. Rock Music Box Of Oakridge Ch. Rosewoods Nosey Rosey Ch. Shady Park Trace Tradition Ch. Starhavens Righteous Rock Ch. Stolannes Waitin In Th Wings Ch. Stoln Tradition Carries On Ch. Tim Sues Rocky Mm High Ch. Toylands Christian Tradition Ch. Traditions Legend Of Oakridge Ch. Valhalla Rock-N-Roll Of Oakridge Ch. Westwinds Little Big Shot Ch. Westwoods Amazing Grace Ch. Wheats Shy Smile N Tradition Ch. Woodrose Olde Tyme TraditionISLA4MMBreederOwner Nina EppsSAnobdfaezz^z zzzz^^eadz, ^zzd '^zzzzjzd cznoczdzzzzedo dedzc^^,^zzvzzdz ^ezzoorz ^ozoZZZZ^z^OZZ.^ozoZ JdzozzzTKzvuf, ttlew. ilaqti4onOMfO,Qc6l4tot joAnVfotfeDanSana- "TKmne WometotfA'Mianifat fawen, 'Tttanifai 4 Pom7enea ALive^ecf, De4ipt4.'Ijomtie Deand ]XM 4 PMl'U'tanlme P,w4en Afioltoettefata Du^t DZiAfalet pomJliada favel 'KutwiaA pom"Vuiymoz DimicA pu^inide pom'David faniettefaUtnafi "TKt. faet Pmi.40ll f1l tPPiendaUPeimachllclciianCleo ancl SPmno2an4eHe PPailain200411 PPcmeMznJano3kga Hocxman jVotMwrboci PPomo2ell-ie UPollcwiclea PPficial2 PPomo^ctyce PBitAo^omoPPoraly PBuole PRondySo UPomojVina, PPach a leaali^ul lillle legend in oat PPcunUMyUcl'. hanlv ysoafeyv eneiylliirajf yoa'vej^venlcall ofi uo. 6owe2aneHorul 0l^a PPalceiffeidlelh Ponodlaileene JMcwmowPPhotvloal PPcwnenzrUamoPPliaAtm PPliifreliHxlane SPotrieiariiario2an V^clollenjlletcei tMe^ce^o SPomosilane SPemnoclmPPkoavcaoe PPcmoPPtoocanne Hollino __________ ^CHoAomi PPwrioJuly August 200S - APC PoMERjmiflN Review - 37JVMas fyPedvuves'il'2Binda 22 yiyyy rj2fih'tC'c2i2iy.vd'latfja'iCt' jMcCfCee2Pc22eUyg2c2B a2ty SBitye^'tyBiag 1- SPcmySB etyvgSPfi'tinjW'vo'c2 SPotnfrSP2ygc2 anc2 SBinda SP'ianjguey SPltySPirv SPtymAsfol'Ctine' dl'ctgSBaBetwag SPcmy2^2fyn dPyg'niitB^eynuuyaney SPymetaniarvyC'Ca'iesn dPurtdypyige"iSPfii'iil' SP0'rrte"ictnian.v2222yn SPaBaga^na'12in2agey SPtyme'vantanb'rjddiyy Po a'flytynSPaPgon SPcymyS22einCCe'e'f tyaBe SPyrnyanianyaG^ajAiA OMWAAvuvnA,TDe. vianX. to tlxatvlc tuktj. Rx2zX, QujaxyieA- jxyi ixanZii'acp Eqamo Jox -tlxejuaaJC i^cic ta [She, ^7 Pom 2004. 3Ce jul Jxoma Jxia IxLtlx ^exviJi ouZ ^a1 fiea. TDx jxei u3^eij. ia, lilce jxw'uij., 04x3- Soatno. Yiidd lie IxAiincj, jMwumorvtEij.vPitlx Hex. 3Ce Han3e3 ao Wx0 viittfi Hex, an3 -tHey, oxe on LaaepaxaHik 'team. TDe -caufen -t Hxealc 'tHem np. o\k.,jScLULa 0t^vsXafe-v^v^mL -EaicijUAji^^ com.SiTvaif JSacvtfiic534-4^aof. comM25..3LACEGROUP PLACEMENT DH TRIANGLE KENe EL30UQan MAYSTUC 0JARD6NPHOTO2005 S^aup ^1 ^F-EcLcmp.0fS^P ]P6en'tGeeBears Wishing On A StarJ'VR10 GRAiNDE KENNEL CUJ j BEST OF ' OPPOSITE SEXo KOHLER I l WINNERSCh Nans Wishin N Hopein X Blazin Shyacres Celtic DragonGina and Andy Williams3f 666tfjP ^Gm\Selena took her first points from the BBE class at the Rio Grande KC. Thank you, Judge Marylin Mayfield, for this wonderful win.This was our very first BBE win and we would like to thank Audrey Roberts forselling us our very first brood, Kelly, who is Selenas dam. We couldnt have done it without you Congratulations on your handlers spotlight. You deserve itNina Epps, my deepest sympathy on the loss of such a wonderful Pom. We hope you get well soon.Albuquerque, New Mexico August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 39BISA CAM. AM. CH. CHRISCENDO CALL TO ARMSCOLT IS COMMGi_Charlotte MeyerChars Poms906 466-9048 www.charspoms.comTO THE U.S. TO STAND AT STUDThank you, Christine and John Heartz, for allowing me to lease your beautiful Colt and stand him at stud June, July, August and September.imr rs A AmA^'i. 1 -c' ' ' - Rif TTHE THIRD GENERATIONOF THE SAGA BEGINSCh. Raines Janesas Time to Chat X ChJanesas Scarlett Lives On In TaraJr -.Butler is shown receiving his first points 4 point major with exclusive handler Ann Berryman. Our thanks to respected Judge Elaine Mathis for this major winmMarcia CoxWINNERSf.major winBIRMINGHAMKENNEL CLUB2005MsF SOSAl1 L 504-889-9996 IAnd the Janesa PomsKennel name in honor of Jerrie Freia1216 W. Chautauqua St. Carbondale, IL 62901THINKING OF YOU,, . OM YOU ft LOSS OF JAKE.CONGRATS TOON HER FEATURE. YOU ARE AN ASSET TO THE BREED. THANKS FOR CO-OWNING TRACEY WITH ME. I WISH YOU MANY YEARS OF CONTINUED SUCCESS.ROXANNE COLLINSKISSAMI KENNEL1219 377-4464 WWW.ANGEIFIRE.COMIN Kl SSAMI KEN MEUXREM S. HTML COTTO N LITE N ET N IT CO. N ETfoMmom n etn rrco. n etWBubbaGeminis Blu Rebel TuffSakari Silver MoonX CH RaintreesTuff E Nuff Thank you, Christy of BC Poms, for being such a great partner This adventure wouldnt be the same without you Thank you, Dorothy of Two Ts Poms, without you my Bubba wouldnt have been possible Nina, my heart is with you on your loss. Jake has left a paw print on the breed for which you should be very proud. Congratulations to more of you than I can mention here-you know who you are And good luck to those of you expecting your newest BISS and BIS winnersTrish www.geminipoms.commJL. , mm.iJkUBEST OF OPPOSITEKBIG SPRING KENNEL CLUB MAY2005 _ ft LAMBERT PHOTO . Pis lieasuieCh. Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue x Tim Sues Traces TrinketCongratulations Audrey Roberts on your kennel visit. Thank you for your expert handling and friendship.David and Johnis McAden16430 SunLamp Ct. Houston, TX 77095 Phone 281 345-4256 E-mail j ohnismcadenhotmail.comJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeeanisn Revew - 41Northern CaliforniaPcmeranian Club Specialty ShewAugust t. 2C0J I ixc n. CalifcrniaThree Shows in Two CaysJCCGESCiohmond Cos Tanoiers S6 Sat.Gres Waters................... SweepsErika Moureau..........Cesular classesNorthern Galifornia Comeranian Glub Specialty Show S6 Sat. NishtEecky Sabcurin........SweepsCorothy Niokles.....____Cesular classes \ \Ciohmond Cos Eanoiers S7Cale Martin____________ SweepsCAi Oyoo4^VAN .Elizabeth Lani McCenncn..._______Cesular classesCATAICG AdvertisinsCenterspread...........______ ........_____.S65.CCO utside Caok Coyer Cclr.......S45.66Inside Caok Cover Color..........35.66Full Case..................................................25.66 black whiteCalf Case_________ ________________S 15.66 black whiteQuarter pase........................................ ....16.66Add 16.66 for each photoColor ads are 16.66 extra per ad center spread 75.66, full pase 45.66, half pase 35.66-e payabli a ComerChecks should be payable to Northern Galifornia Comeranian Glub, ads can also be e-mailed to Cindy Coulware photos must be clear and scanned at no less than 266dni at Ceadline for placins ads is July 8.Cindy Coulware 6456 Collins Ceishts Gir Caufman TX 75142All mailed Photos will be returned.42 - APC Pomeranian Review-July August 2005Permission to reprint granted by Author Christine D. Heartz. This article may not be reproduced.By Christine D. HeartzSTRUCTURE BALANCE AND OUTLINEIn this series of articles we will look at some of the finer points of the Pomeranian. I hope it will be thought provoking for everyone from first time Pom owner to the experienced breeder. The standard is meant to be a blueprint for both breeders and judges to follow. The details are personal interpretation. A clearer understanding will help us all breed better Pomeranians.If you dont have the ideal constantly and clearly before you and dont regularly measure and explain your failures to attain it, you will never come close to what you are striving for. These may seem like very strong words, but no one ever said breeding Poms was easy, and breeding good ones is much more difficult.Balance and OutlineBefore we study the individual parts we need to look at the whole, for nature demands that the whole must be the sum of its parts. It is important to study balance first. If any one of the parts is not in balance, the proportion of the dog is thrown off.Our standard begins with General Appearance. This is a guideline to what a Pom should look like, whether you are looking at your dog in the living room or judging a class of twenty-five in the ring.If you read the standard, these words are repeated square, short-backed, sound and balanced. So we have determined a major difference from a Pekingese, which asks for a dog heavy in front and low to the ground. The word sturdy is mentioned, which means that the Pom should differ from the Papillon, whose standard asks for a dainty, fine-boned dog.We have now established that the overall appearance of a Pom is a squarely-built, short backed, balanced dog. To evaluate the body structure of a Pom you must be able to take all that hair out of the picture. You are looking for a square dog. Place one hand flat against his buttocks and the other hand flat against his chest. Compare this to his height at the top of his shoulder. Is he square You may in fact want to get out a ruler to help you see this. Find the top of the shoulder, measure the dogs height, measure the leg length, measure the length from the furthest point of the rear to the front of the chest. Go ahead. If you have several dogs, measure them all and chart the measurements. You must be able to understand what a Pom looks like without the hair to determine body balance. It doesnt matter how big or how small he is, balance is what is most important. Look at the drawings provided and see if you can determine the differences in the balance of these dogs. I have used excellent examples, each with one fault that changes the balance. Look at each dog, with and without hair, then read the descriptions that follow.July August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 43This is a nicely balanced, square built dog. Measurements will indicate just how balanced he is. His height from top of shoulder to the ground is the same distance from the furthest point of the buttocks pin bones to the furthest point of the forechest. The elbow is equidistant between top of shoulder and the ground. This would be ideal.WThis dog is out of balance because the straight shoulder assembly sets the legs too far forward. Notice how the shoulders are no longer set well back, and the dog lacks forechest. Also note how the back length remains the same as the ideal dog, but covers more grand standing. This is a very common problem.mThis dog is over-angulated in the rear. The angles of the rear dont match the front, but again the length of the back remains the same as the ideal and yet he covers more ground. This dog would probably sidewind or cross over behind when he moves to compensate for the mismatch. Again, this is a common problem in the breed.44 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 200SThis dogs problem is length of leg. The legs are not in proportion to a well-balanced frame. They are in fact almost half of the length they should be.\'czThe proportions of this dog are exactly the same as the ideal dog, the only thing that has been changed is his tail set. The high flat tail set is of prime importance in attaining a correct outline.When judging the Pomeranian, I dont think one can talk about balance without also mentioning outline. A balanced dog will have a correct outline, and will require very little trimming. Any trimming should only enhance the outline. Remember, trimming can also be used to make a dog appear to be built correctly.The best way to judge the Pomeranian for correct balance is to watch him moving from the side. Properly built, the dog will remain short and upstanding when moving freely. A dog that appears short standing and lengthens when moving is structurally incorrect.mtr9M A 'm A_NextThe Head, Structure and Details.July August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 45"The wau i see it'^ fliA-d MoreAKC licensed Judges and Pomeranian BreederHandler responses are welcome and appreciated. Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.BreederOwner Perspectives Julie ClemenRise N Shine Poms, WashingtonIve been active in purebred dogs for thirty years and specifically in Poms 10 years. I consider myself a breeder owner handler although I have handled other breeds of dogs for friends over the years.I chose the Pomeranian because of its portable size, and its big dog spunk and attitude. My main concern for the Pom is all the health issues in the breed. I feel the parent club needs to develop an anonymous breeders survey to see what the most pressing issues in the breed be it adrenal, fertility, food allergies or poor immune system. We, the breeders, need to be more proactive in the health issues regarding our diminutive breed, or we could have some serious problems polluting the whole gene pool through popular sire syndrome. Black Skin DiseaseAlopeciaSevere Hairloss Syndrome, whatever you feel most comfortable calling it, may be just such a problem. If it was addressed five years ago, maybe it would still be unheard of instead of a concern.My first show Pom was a female. I felt a female left me with more versatility than a male. I could breed a female to any male in the country, whereas a male you cant. The drawbacks to females are their heat cycles and keeping them in full coat.Everyone who shows pretty much is aware there is some political game to the sport, like anything in life I expect the judge to judge the dog not the handler, not the owner, but the dog itself. Id like to see the judges put more emphasis on the Poms structure and temperament. A dog that doesnt want to be in the ring and puts its tail down is not a pleasant sight to see and for me goes against the standard of cocky and commanding and a vivacious spirit as referred to in the standard. As does a structurally unsound Pom since the standard states, The Pomeranian must be subject to the same requirements of soundness and structures prescribed for all breeds.My most embarrassing show moment was right before going into the ring I was gabbing to a friend instead of paying attention to what class they were on. I thought they were on my class, and I ran into the class, late of course, and the steward stated there was not an armband number like mine in the class and arguing with them and finding out I was in the WRONG class. Needless to say, I didnt place in my class46 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005My advice for anyone new to Poms or to showing is to attend as many handling seminars by various instructors as you can. Watch the top professional handlers in the ring and videotape them if you can. Have someone videotape you in the ring so you can see what youre doing. Go to the grooming bam, and watch the Sheltie people groom their dogs. Tell them you have Poms and that you want to watch them groom as youre just learning how to groom. Sheltie grooming is amazing. Congratulate who ever wins and always clap. We seem to be losing the sportsmanship in the sport. In the ring, always keep one eye on the judge, and NEVER quit showing your dog in the ring. While waiting your turn on the table, dont just stand there present your dog Even though the judge maybe judging the dog on the table they can still look down the line.Getting a Pom ready for show for me starts from the inside out. The dog should be fed a good diet that helps promote correct coat growth and a healthy coat. I feel a diet full of variety is in the best interest of the dog. My dogs get a variety of different kibble. Currently, Im feeding Chicken Soup for The Dog Lovers Soul and Dick Van Pattens Natural Balance Duck Potato. My dogs always get scrambled or poached chicken or duck eggs at least three times a week along with canned salmon, plus lots of raw vegetables like carrots, zucchini, broccoli, peas etc. Rotate kibble routinely and feed as much raw as possible. Provide LOTS of chewies, bully sticks, raw knucklebones, rawhide sticks dont do chips had them choke before and cow hooves to help keep teeth clean.The dogs are bathed and groomed weekly and conditioned with olive oil and water. A week before a show, I trim them in a show trim and cut their nails. I grind their nails and do cleanup trimming a couple days before the show. I bathe my dogs in a hypoallergenic nondetergent shampoo not for them but for me as Im allergic to shampoos and conditioners. Ive developed my own type of conditioners using lanolin, coconut oil and aloe.To help prepare them for shows, I practice with them on my counter tops and on various high surfaces so they are used to being in high places. I take them for walks downtown in the noisy city streets and give a treat to anyone who wants to pet them to give to the dogs before they pet them. I take them to the kiddie playground and walk them on all the bridges and through the tunnels for different type of footings. All this helps prepare them for the show ring.Even though Ive been breeding and showing a long time, there are many things that I do not know today Im always interested in other Pom breeders ideas and helpful advice. A person needs to always have an open mind and keep on learning. No one knows everythingI have been exhibiting Poms for well over forty years as a breederowner. I love the breed and have always enjoyed showing Poms. When I was a child, my parents had two red Chows and I loved them. I still admire Chows at the shows. But when Ken and I got married, I wanted a small breed and fell in love with Pomeranians. It wasnt easy finding a good Pom for showing or for breeding, as many people find this true even today. We went to shows and studied what was being shown so we could decide what type we admired. And we drove on long trips about every weekend to see the Poms at other kennels and see for ourselves just what types they bred.Eleanor Miller - Millamor Poms, North Carolina The Way iSee it Continued on Page 481July August 2005 - APC Pomerammjm Review - 47Our first two poms we purchased were given away for pets. And we started over. We had Mrs. Leone Ricketts who wrote some books on the Complete Pomeranian many years ago. She showed me how to trim and groom, and how to make out an entry, and directed us to a breeder she knew had quality Poms.My first champion was a male we purchased, and we hired a professional handler to show and finish him. Our second champion was also purchased and a professional handler finished him. All the time he was being shown by a handler, I would enter some puppies to get experience in handling myself. Then we decided that it was time for me to show my own poms if I was going to continue breeding and showing.I have always preferred male Poms. I like their personality and think theyre easier to housetrain. But I have to have some females if Im going to have puppies coming up for me to show later I have always bred for myself, never with the idea of selling the puppies, though not all of them are show quality, so those are sold on a spayneuter basis.I am an admirer of profile in a Pom. With profile, you see the balanced dog, high set tail, and head held up proudly as they go around the ring or as you are baiting them for the judge to see. I have always wanted almond eyes, especially that high tailset, and as short a back as possible. And I love coatA judge can check a pom for the structure and bite, and some other things on the table, but to get the profile of a Pom, they have to stand away from the class of dogs, far enough away to see the profile on every pom in that class. In other words, I feel a judge needs to stand across the ring to check the appearance of each and all the dogs in the ring at that time, and then send them around the ring and choose the ones they place on that day. I also feel that every dog is to be judged the same way. All go in the ring in each class, whether it be one or twenty, they stand and pose until the judge sends them around the ring. Then each dog is tabled, examined, individually gaited, then around the ring and back to the last one in line. If there is only one in that class, they should do the same thing as any dog in a large class. Please dont just send them to the table first, let them go around the ring like the others do. I want a judge to be pleasant, courteous, and act like heshe enjoys judging. I want the judge to look at my dog. We each pay our entry fees and should all be given an equal opportunity to have our dog looked at completely, never ignored. Please judges, always be pleasant to each and every exhibitor. Some exhibitors might be in the ring for the first time. Lets make it a pleasant experience for them as well as all of us. Be light handed with Poms on the table, especially the puppies. Dont scare ourThe Way I See It Continued from Page 47dogs as it will take a long time to get them over an unpleasant experience.As I said previously, I look for profile because that shows the length of the body, chopping off the bib and the pants dont give the picture of a shorter body, the tail set, and how the Pom holds his head. To me, profile shows about everything, plus it shows the coat. And I am a lover of coat. Too many seem to think they can chop all the hair off and to me, that just isnt a Pom. A little trimming for neatness is fine, just dont chop off the bib, the pants, the sides of the dog, or all over the dog. Yes, this is one of my big complaints seeing some Poms in the ring today. I have noticed though, that in some shows, we are seeing a lot more coat on the Poms, and less being chopped off. Our standard states in two places regarding the coat of a Pom. The coat is very important.Several days before a show I bathe the Pom so he will be clean, coat sparkling and allow the texture back into the coat. Some shampoos can take the texture away whereas others seem to keep the coat texture on the Pom. I keep experimenting to find which shampoo works the best. Cant say which one, as I seem to change shampoos from year to year, or even month to month I like to trim the ears, feet, etc. before I bathe the dog. Seems more difficult for me to trim the feet and ears shortly after it has been bathed. Nails need to be trimmed often.What is the most important asset to a show Pom Well, there are many assets but attitude is very important. The best Pom in the world will never win if he will not show well. So make sure that your Pom has great attitude along with as many quality assets as you can get. Remember, there is no such thing as a perfect Pom.I think food is very important for growing coat. Cant say which one, because I am constantly reading labels, trying different foods, and discussing food with other breeders. At present, I am using a lot of Royal Canin Mini 27, a food which I dont think has been made for very long, like maybe three or four years, but the dogs do like it and I feel that it has good ingredients.What do I feel is the most overlooked quality in the show ring Overtrimming and low tail sets. Perhaps a lot of judges arent aware of tail sets and overtrimmingFor the future of the breed, please breed because of love for the breed and strive for the best qualities you can get. I see too much breeding going on just for the sake of selling to make money. Breed because you want the puppies resulting from this breeding for yourself.48 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005SM1fa0 a'j iinlmLULJc,ty1 CoDftGSD0GSL'a-^KThe new Pom artwork used throughout this Review are original drawings donated by Mary-Ann Yanez, of Prescott, Arizona. Mary- Ann is currently a geriatric nurse who shows in conformation and does therapy work with her dogs. She is a professional artist specializing in colored pencil dog portraiture" logo design and hand-made dog sculptures, without molds. The artwork may not be copied or reproduced without written approval.-i. 1 -TVFluff Dried.Teetles owned by Barb HunleyBandit, sj XI year old rescue Pom, at a rest stop in lowaris owned by Jeanne Wasielewski.Whered everybody go Teetles owned by Barb HunleyA__-fluppy, my honorary Pom, and Siryn, 1 14 year old Border Collie. Owned by Donna Wasielewskiflippy, a 5 34 year old Pom owned by Donna Wasielewski, checking out the 2000 lb. cement gorilla statue located at the Intake Coordinator of the Ponderosa Pomeranian Rescue residence.MTEDI Onfqtie and candid Pom photos anpablished are welcome. It s dast Far Fan.WaysWalda Green ChairpersonAmericanPomeranian Club, Inc. and Means____Well, the numbers are in, and I am impressed Together we raised 11,047.49. With entries lower than last year, this is tremendous, you all deserve a huge THANK YOU for your efforts.Without your generous donations and your generous purchasing, this would not have happened. This is the main fundraiser for your APC this is what supports the APC for the year and helps pay for the National. Following is a list of donors, I hope it is complete. If I have inadvertently left you out, please e-mail me so I can acknowledge you in print.Ken and Eleanor Griffith, Sherrilyn Rogers, Virginia Watkins, Brenda Segelken, Mary Carlisle Family, Margaret McKee, Sally Baugniet, Cyndi Vande Hoef, Becky Sabourin, Beth Shattuck, Libbys Leashes, Roxanne Collins, Starlight Poms, Marcia Cox, Ann Berryman, Kathy Launderville, Wendy Donnelly, Lisa Shefield, Jane Lehtinen, Pat Murk, Billie Hurst, Jan Stachurski, Jo Norris, Linda Allard, Bob and Juanita Fiddick, Janice Russell, Thelma Dunn Family, Danielle Denise Sartain, Betsy Owens, Erika Moureau, Carolyn Brandenburg, Bill Brenda Adams, Sherry Cartwright, Marge Kranzfelder, Cheri McDonald, Laura Meineke, Barbara Pluff, Jackie Hirshberg. Karen Crawford, Pauline McFarlane, Diane Finch, Caryl Scrimpsher, Sherri Alspaugh, Donna Riehm, Lana Price, LeeAnn Wilkins, Christina Creasey, Billie Hurst, Love 4 Poms, Virginia Watkins, Kelli Reimschiissel, Mary Mullen, Moonlight Magic, Faith Chinen, Kay Spencer, Danny Quest Designs, Originals by Yvonne.APC Membership pins and decals are available. Please contact me for further information and prices.2MIOS AIM] Kafioiuil Specialty VideoName____________Mailing AddressQuantity_______ 19.99 US eachForeign orders add 5.00 Credit Card, and PayPal orders add 3.00.Subtotal ____________ _____________ _____________U.S.TotaI Payment _______________Credit Card Number________________________________________________Expiration Date CID Number last 3 digits on back of card ______________Please check format ________ VHS _______ DVD _______ DVD in PAL formatPlease mail this order form with receipt if using PayPal toWalda Green APC Ways Means 8120 Harvard Drive Ben Lomond, CA 95005Make checks and money orders payable to American Pomeranian Club U.S. funds only. Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.50 - APC PoMERflNKN Review - July August 200SAPOIas reported by the American Kennel ChibTOP TENKelly D. Reimschiissel ChairpersonGROUP SYSTEMJanuary 1, 2005 through May 5, 2005by DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED, GROUP AND BEST IN SHOW COMPETITIONRank12345678910Points Name14,773 CH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NAST Y D Owners 2 Heath, W. Cosby, FabianAriente Jose A. Cabrera8,180 CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS D Owners Diane L. Finch, Noble Inglett3,112 CH VALCOP Y B ATBO Y D Owners Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Pardue, M. Parchie3,022 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME D Owners Judy Paris, LetitiaCannon2,192 CH FTP EBP OOK S TABASCO FIASCO D Owners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, DanaCoventry917 CH RYMS W FAIR WARNING D Owners S. Wiemer-Martin, R. Martin, S. Plouff, L. Plouff 878 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER D Owners LindaMulso, B. Woilman 876 CH JAKEN S SPLASHING IN THE RAIN AT JAN LE D owners a. Hendier, e. Dzrnk 819 CH BOBIIS RETURN OF THE KING D Owners Bobu Earle731 CH ST APFTPES JOSEFINA IS NASTY B Owners Fabian Ariente, Jose A. CabreraBREED SYSTEM January 1, 2005 through May 5, 2005by DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED COMPETITIONRank Points Name1 794 CH ST APFTPES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTY D Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby, FabianAriente, Jose A. Cabrera2 487 CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS D Owners Diane L. Finch, Noble Inglett3 455 CH FIREBROOK S TABASCO FIASCO D Owners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, DanaCoventry4 300 CH VALCOPY BATBOY D Owners Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Par due, M. Pardue5 273 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER D Owners Linda Mulso, B. Woilman6 232 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME D Owners Judy Paris, LetitiaCannon7 208 CH JAKENS SPLASHING IN THE RAIN AT JAN LE D Owners A. Hendier, E. Dzuik8 176 CH RYMS W FAIR WARNING D Owners S. Wiemer-Martin, R. Martin, S. Plouff, L. Plouff9 165 CH BOBIIS RETURN OF THE KING D Owners BobiiEarle10 141 CH DREAMWEAVERS BILLY THE KID D Owners Mary Wells, LindaPelzAPC members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year. Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors or if your dogs are listed in the corrections of the AKC Awards issues, please contact before January 15, 2006.2AMTOP TENBreederExhibitorSireDamstatistics by the American Kennel Club January 1, 2005 through April 30, 2005Top TLxiiilritnrsSharon Hanson 4Fabian Arienti 3Jose A. Cabrera 3Pongsakora Pongsak 3Chaivat Tangkaravakun 2Clarice M. Oganeku 2Jerrie Freia 2Laurie Otis 2Noble Inglett 2Prakit Chularojmontri 2Yvette H. Oganeku 2RallyBarbara McClatchey 4Marcia Messina 3Crystal Brown 2Debra A. Watson 2Tup JBcnu'SCh Starfires Table DancerTup 'SJreeber'SDiane L. Finch 5Jerrie Freia 5Fabian .Arienti 4Jose A. Cabrera 4Sharon Hanson 4Chaivat Tangkaravakun 2Charlotte Meyer 2Jessie Klein 2K. G. Griffith 2Lee D. Cook 2Pongsakom Pongsak 2Prakit Chularojmontri 2Sherry D. Dollar 2Rallj7Gwen R. Hodson 2Anita L. Platt 2Cup riSrirnsCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 5CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright 3CH Finch's Rolling Like A River 2CH Finch's Walkin After Midnite 2CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco 2CH Janesa's For Keep-Sake 2CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty 2 CH Tokie's Mercury 2up 3J mttur itCmtiiivrsCatherine M. lessen, Juniors Chair as reported by AKC Awards Issues January through April November 1, 2004 through October 31, 2005 APC YearBlake .Armstrong 21Haley Page 18 Mariah Seering 16 Hunter Seering 7Jordan Rothell 18 Danielle Miller 12 Jaclyn Margret Husk 5Jessica Page 17 Taylor Irvin 8 Miss Savannah Souknihindy 5HljmnpmnsChampions of Record are Confirmed by AKCJ^iccrthCH Bar-Jons 'N Aj's I'm Smokin Too D CH Aj's Smokin Joe x Bar-Jon's N'Janesa's Julie. Owned Bred by Barbara Messmer.CH Cottontop The Right Attitude B CH Wyndlor Doin' It Right x Cottontop Skylark. Owned by Lee Kraft. Bred by Linda Mulso.CH Cristasand Rocky MTN Thrill D CH Cristasand Rocky MTN Rumor x Mia Sweet Sinsation Too. Owned by Paula Ohlemacher. Bred by Tim Sanders Christy Sanders.CH Jan Le's Come What May B CH Jan Le's Don't Rain On My Parade x CH My Faith Of Lenette. Owned Bred by Jane Lehtinen.CH Janesa's Dont Kiss And Tell D CH Raine N Janesa'sTimeTo Chat x Janesa's N' Kacee's Kiss Me. Owned Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Janesa's Flavor Of The Month B CH Janesa's For Keep-Sake x Sundown's Mistress Of Janesa. Owned by Camilla Knight. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Kalasic's Out Of The Ashes B CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ" x Keynote's Kalasic Elegance. Owned by Gloria Carlin Julie Kallbacka. Bred by Julie Kallbacka, John McFarlane Pauline McFarlane.CH Kim's Cameo Sir Lancelot D CH Paradise Valley Moonstruck x Kim's Cameo Sweet Pea. Owned Bred by Kim Smith Jessica Smith Satallante.CH Lakeways Luv Lee B Lakeways Jake's Still Rockin x Meallie Is A Millionaire. Owned by Elaine Way. Bred by Patsy Fann.CH Lana's Let Me Introduce Myself D CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright x Dupre's Sparkling Gold Patina. Owned Bred by Lana Price.CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cluster B CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow x Li'l Behrs Ever Ready Reprised. Owned Bred by Joan C. Behrend.CH Maitai's Special Gift B Del Rey Do Wacka Do x Maitai's l-A Heidi U- A Cindy. Owned by Susan Plouff Kathryn Hartz. Bred by Michael Cariaso Susan Plouff.CH Mountain CrestTalking Back B CH Stolanne's Back Talk x CH Warrior Princess Bebe. Owned by David L. Gilstrap, Carlene B. Gilstrap Ann M. Berryman. Bred by Ann M. Berryman.CH Paugh Print's Blond Bombshell B CH Paughprints Tradition Rocks On x Hickory Bend I Vant To Be It. Owned by Sherri Alspaugh. Bred by Tom B. Davidson.CH Pominique Spirit Of The Wind D Pj's Sir Richard Of Goldchip x Notable's Uptown Girl. Owned Bred by Cande L. Gordon Michael H. GordonCH Starfire's Go Go Dancer B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Starfire's Table Dancer. Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Starfire's Shining Star D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Starfire's Table Dancer. Owned by Pongsakora Pongsak.Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Starfire's Wicked Mary B CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty x Starfire's Marisa. Owned Bred by Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Sunsation Cast A Spell D CH Ragdoll's Heat Advisory x Sunsation Black In Style. Owned Bred by Andrea Hall.CH TokieThe Legend Continues D CH Tokie's Mercury xWindmist Sunterra Selectra. Owned Bred by Chaivat Tangkaravakun Prakit Chularojmontri.CH Unchanged Melody Of Lenette B CH Mac's Frankly My Dearx Honeycomb Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Bachman's All American D CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ""x Bachman's Precious Alexandrite. Owned by Cheri McDonald Daphne Bowyer. Bred by Cheri McDonald.CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible B CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti x Apt To B Alice In Wonderland. Owned by Elaine Waugh. Bred by Elaine Waugh.CH Cr Spittin Image B CH Rodi's Cr King Of Gondorx CH CR Toast To Daystar. Owned Bred by Celeste Favilla Solano Robert Solano.CH Dhcrew Rock-N-Rumble D CH Dhcrew Ruff-N-Ready x CH Dhcrew Elizabethan Agenda. Owned by Cindy Onosko. Bred by Hal E. Webster, Jr..CH Dockiloc's As Good As It Gets D CH Finch's Rolling Like A River x Finch's Nut Bush City Limits. Owned by Jessica Solis David Solis. Bred by Theo Dockett.CH Finch's Steele Magnolia B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finch's Baby Likes To Rockit. Owned by Sandra Girth.Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch'sTagalong On A Roll D CH Rnch's Walkin After Midnite x Finch's Black In Fashion. Owned by Linda Haggstrom. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Walkin With Dasar D CH Finch's Walkin After Midnite x CH Finch's Breathtaking Romance. Owned by Danielle Sartain. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Firebrook's Aim To Please B CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco x Firebrook's Unchained Melody. Owned by Stephanie J. Pineault. Bred by Lee D. Cook.CH Horizon's The Rock Of Ali-Mae D CH Reginapoms Gator In Motion x CH Kacee's LTL Darlin Want-A-B. Owned by Laurie Otis Kelly Tracy Nichols. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Howlene-Teahra Almond Joy-Yuki B CH Howlene-Teahra Impero x Pinnacle Holly Of Howlene. Owned by Arlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller, Robin Watanabe Eleanor Goto. Bred by Arlene A. Otaguro, Hazel Miller Robin Watanabe.CH Indy's Cedona Of Lenette B CH Indiana Jones Of Lenette x Kirstin Of Lenette. Owned by Noble Inglett. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Jan-Shars Rembrandt D CH Jan-Shars N Sync x Jan-Shar Esmarelda. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Rush To Judgement D CH Aj'sTufFAs Nails x CH Jan- Shars Brewin Up A Storm. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Keepsakes Whispers Of Ginrich B CH Peach's Day Dream Believer x Gin-Rich's Southern Style. Owned by Jessie Klein. Bred by Jessie Klein Bob Pietzsch.CH Lessard's Swing'N Serafina B CH Bi-Mar's Boogie Woogie x CH Lessard's Oopsy Daisy. Owned by Margaret Nance. Bred by Margaret Nance Alice Lessard.CH Monarc's Classic Butterfly B CH Tresstique's Weekend Warrior x CH Monarc's Shady Lady. Owned by Sherrilynn Rogers. Bred by Sharon A. Shields.CH Peannete's Wave Of Dreams B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Jan-Shars Making Waves. Owned Bred by Anne Hendler.CH Pom Acres Inchalla Lexus D CH Pom Acres Thrill Of Victory x CH Pom Acres Atomic Enola Gay. Owned Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Powerpom Call In The Night B CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x CH Noble's I Wanna Talk About Me. Owned Bred by Pongsakom Pongsak. CH Saphire's One Night Stand B CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright x Sapphires One Night Love Affair. Owned Bred by Beth Shattuck.CH Showin's Midnight Special D Showin's Chocolate Choo Choo x Sho- Win's Shadow At Nite. Owned by Mrs. Audrey B. Caywood. Bred by Barbara Raymond.CH Sirius Look At Me Too D CH Gold Card At Sirius x Starfire's Rosita. Owned by Kathleen King. Bred by Becky Sabourin Nina M. Fetter.CH Stolanne's Peach Schnopps B CH Stolanne's Keep 'Em Rollin' x CH Fan-C's Sparkle N Tradition. Owned by Janice C. Russell. Bred by Frances J. Stoll.CH Sundown's Aurora Borealis D CH Janesa's N Jan-Shars Chance x Janesas Louisiana Sundown. Owned by Sue Green. Bred by Camilla Knight.CH Trudy's Who I Am AtLinran D CH Trudy'sWild Guessx Trudy's Best Friend. Owned by Linda Nippe Randy Nippe. Bred by Nancy Coddington.CH Weewyn's Black Gold D Star Haven's Chasin Glory xWeewyn's Back In Black. Owned by Clarice M. Oganeku Yvette H. Oganeku.Bred by Cathy Anderson.C H Wood's Ava Maria B CH Great Elm s Little Aristocrat x Wood's Tina Marie. Owned Bred by Maynard Wood.CH Woodrose's PeppermintTwist B CH Woodrose's Stash The Cash x Woodrose's Lady Teresa. Owned Bred by Clarice M. Oganeku Yvette H. Oganeku.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2006THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLVB NATIONAL SPECIALTY LOGO ART CONTESTThe American Pomeranian Club will offer an art contest for all artists, APC members and non-members, in the pursuit of creating the APC Specialty Logos for the years 2007 through 2010, while recognizing the creative talents of numerous artists.This contest will begin March 17, 2005, and end January 1, 2006. All artwork entered must be received by midnight January 1, 2006.A panel of judges will be selected and announced in the Pomeranian Review.Entries will be accepted in any media Oil, PencilColored Pencil, Ink, Computer generated.Winning entries will be announced for the years 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010.All artwork submitted becomes the property of the American Pomeranian Club. No one person shall financially gain from the artwork. All proceeds will be used for the APC general operating fund.No entry will be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance or use.All entrants will be displayed at the March 2006 APC National Specialty, and the winners will be announced there.If artwork donations are numerous, artwork that is not selected for logos will be used as auction fundraising items within the next five years at the National Specialty.PRIZESWinners Certificate of Appreciation RosetteFeature in the Pomeranian Review magazineAll attending the 2006 APC National Specialty may vote for a Peoples Choice award by casting onsite cash ballots.The American Pomeranian Club looks forward to the participation of the many gifted artists, both members and non-members.Entry forms may be obtained by contacting Donna Riehm at 669 Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL 62966, email or phone 618 684-4644 or photocopy the entry blank below.l------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLVB NATIONAL SPECIALTY LOGO ART CONTESTj PARTICIPANT ENTRY FORM jI PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND MAIL TO DONNA RIEHM, 669 AVA ROAD, MURPHYSBORO, IL 62966.NAME___________ADDRESS________PHONE NUMBERCELL PHONE NUMBER____________________________________________________EMAIL ADDRESS_________________________________________________________THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB THANKS YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATIONvAC0TI__________________________________________54 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005JPomeranian Club of Central Indiana. Inc.Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaWill be holding our 3rd Annual Pomeranian SpecialtySaturday Evening October 1, 2005 after- the All-Breed Show at the Indiana State" Fairgrounds Indianapolis, IN\ ^L\ Jk. JT WhiHS i uAISSweeps Judg\ySabourin . ,freekend shows will beMichiana Kennel Club and Hoosier Kennel Club. JL ^^^All Breed Superintendentf ce^yjonesDogSliows-iamShow SecretaryJoe Smith10762 W. State Rd 42 Stilesville, IN 46180 westindyjoeaol.comShow Chairperson Janice Russell Indianapolis, IN 46222 indypomsbcglobal.netJJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 55ft r- Ar-Whoare we What year did we appear in the Pomeranian Review Answers below. \VA MrUdT ^ .._4h"'W4r v4 LTopto bottom, L to R Car wont start, but the Review MUST be mailed. Subscription Manager, John Probsts grandchildren and Pom, Petra, pull the sled of Reviews to the post office 1972 APC Member Yvette Oganeku 1973 Ch. Pixietown Serenade of Hadleigh 1963 Joy Brewster date unknown published in Cassio KV 1967 Margaret McKee 1983 A doll house full, chocolates over blacks, J.L. and M.M. Gorman, Ml 1978 Rachel McKee Sager 1983 Shy Roberts at 6 years old 1985 Donna Megenhardt, Ohio 1973 and Sally Baugniet 1975.APC Pomeranian Review Archives56 -APCPomeranisnReview-JulyAugust2005APPEARANCE Compact, short-coupled, well-balanced, well-knit buoyant, active but docileHEAD somewhat foxy, wedge-shaped skull slightly flat, large in proportion to muzzle hair smooth, short-coaled no lippiness muzzle rather fine. Teeth scissors gripEARS small not set too far apart or low down, erect covered with soft, short hairNECK rather short, well-set-in lion- like mane profuse frill of long, straight hair sweeping from under jaw. also covering whole of front, top part of shoulders, chestBACK short, levelTAIL turned over back, carried flat profusely covered with long spreading hairHIND LEGS well-feathered to hocks fine in bone free in actionHOCKS turning neither in nor outFEET small, compact well up on toesSIZE Weight, 3 to 7 lbs ideal 4 to 5 lbs RIBS Body well-ribbed-upSTOP slight-x i ...1iEYES medium-size rather oblique dark, bright set neither too wide nor too close rims of blues and browns self-colored, all others blackNOSE Blues and browns self-colored all others blackSHOULDERS clean well-laid-backCHEST fairly deep not too wideFORELEGS perfectly straight well- feathered proportionately medium lengthCOAT double undercoat soft, fluffy outercoat long, perfectly straight, glistening texture of guard hairs harsh to touchCOLORS 12 colors or combinations black, brown, beaver, red, orange, cream, orange-sable, wolf-sable, blue, white, parti-color. Beaver is dark beige. Partiswhite with even patches of orange or black white blaze desirable. Sable-colored uniformly shaded, no self-colored patches OSundercoat light tan, deep orange end in black tippings.WSundercoat light gray, steel-gray guard end in black tippings. Shaded muzzle permitted for, self-colored black mask major fault. White on whole-coloreds major fault. Open class may be divided by colorPOMERANIAN standard visualizationOFFICIAL STANDARD of thePOMERANIANApproved April 12. 1960 AppearanceThe Pomeranian in build and appearance should be a compact, short-coupled dog, well-knit in frame. He should exhibit great intelligence in his expression, docility in his disposition, and activity and buoyancy in his deportment, and be sound in action.HeadThe head should be wedge-shaped, somewhat foxy in outline, the skull being slightly flat, large in proportion to the muzzle. In its profile it has a little stop which must not be too pronounced, and the hair on the head and face must be smooth or short-coated. The muzzle should finish rather fine. The teeth should meet in a scissors grip, in which part of the inner surface of the upper teeth meets and engages part of thc outer surface of the lower teeth. This type of bite gives a firmer grip than one in which the edges of the teeth meet directly, and is subject to less wear. The mouth is considered overshot when the lower teeth fail to engage the inner surfaces of the upper teeth. The mouth is undershot when the lower teeth protrude beyond the upper teeth. One tooth out of line does not mean an undershot or overshot mouth. EyesThe eyes should be medium in size, rather oblique in shape, not set too wide apart, or too close together, bright and dark in color. The eye rims of the blues and browns are self-colored. In all other colors the eye rims must be black. EarsThe ears should be small, not set too far apart or too low down, and carried perfectly erect, and should be covered with soft, short hair. Trimming unruly hairs on edges of ears permissible. Nose--Should be self-colored in blues and browns. In all other colors should be black. Neck and ShouldersThe neck rather short, well set in, and lionlike, covered with a profuse mane and frill of long, straight hair sweeping from the underjaw and covering the whole of the front part of the shoulders and chest as well as the top part of the shoulders. The shoulders must be clean and laid well back. BodyThe back must be short and level, and the body compact, being well ribbed up and rounded. The chest must be fairly deep. Legs The forelegs must be well feathered and perfectly straight, of medium length and strength in due proportion to a well-balanced frame. The feet small, compact in shape, standing well up on toes. The hind legs and thighs must be well feathered down to the hocks, and must be fine in bone and free in action. Trimming around the edges of the toes and up the back of the legs to the first joint is permissible. TailThe tail is characteristic of the breed, and should be turned over the back and carried flat, set high. It is profusely covered with long, spreading hair.CoatThere should be two coats, an under and an over coat the first a soft, fluffy under coat, and the other a long, perfectly straight and glistening coat covering the whole body, being very abundant around the neck and forepart of the shoulders and chest where it should form a frill of profuse, standing-off, straight hair extending over the shoulders. The hindquarters should be clad with long hair or feathering from top of rump to the hocks. The texture of the guard hairs must be harsh to the touch.ColorTwelve colors, or color combinations, are permissible and recognized, namely, black, brown, chocolate, beaver, red. orange, cream, orange-sable, wolf-sable, blue, white and parti- color. The beaver color is a dark beige. A parti-color dog is white with orange or black color distributed in even patches on the body, with white blaze on head desirable. Where whole-colored and parti-colored Pomeranians compete together, the preference should, other points being equal, be given to the whole- colored specimen. Sable-colored dogs must beshaded throughout as uniformly as possible, with no self-colored patches. In orange-sable, the under coat must be a light tan with deeper orange guard hairs ending in black tippings. In wolf-sable, the undercoat is light gray with a deeper shade of steel-gray guard hairs ending in black tippings. A shaded muzzle on the sables is permissible, but a black mask on sables is a minor fault. Orange Pomeranians must be self-colored throughout, with fight shadings of the same tone not white breechings permitted. A black mask on an orange Pomeranian is a major fault. White chest, white foot, or white leg on whole-colored dogs are major faults. White hairs on black, brown, blue or sable Pomeranians arc objectionable. Tinges of lemon or any other color on white dogs are objectionable. The above colors, as described, are the only allowable colors or combination of colors for Pomeranians.SizeThe weight of a Pomeranian for exhibition is 3 pounds to 7 pounds. The ideal size for show specimens is from 4 to 5 pounds. ClassificationThe classes for Pomeranians may be divided by color in Open Classes as follows Black and brown red, orange or cream sable. Any other allowable color.FAULTSMajorRound, domey skull. Too large ears. Undershot. Pink eye rims. Light or Dudley nose. Out at elbows or shoulders. Flat sided dogs. Down in pasterns. Cowhock. Soft, flat, open coat. Whole-colored dogs with white chest or white foot or leg. Black mask on an orange. ObjectionableOvershot. Large, round or light eyes. High or low on legs. Long toes. Too wide in hind legs. Trimming too close to show date. Tail set too low on rump. Black, brown, blue, and sable should be free from lemon or any other color. Black and tan. Underweight or overweight.MinorMust be free from lippiness. wide chest. Tail should not curl back. Black mask on sable. White shadings on orange.fietiJoTfi an eeNericiJuli KallbaekaiF _ElongatedSoft Palate in PomsElongated soft palate is one of the most common obstructive airway diseases in shortnosed breeds of dogs, and it is a disorder that often affects our Poms. The soft palate is an extension of the hard palate that composes the roof of the mouth. The soft palate is a mobile flap that prevents food and water from entering the nasal passages and lungs during swallowing. A soft palate that is elongated will eitherhang in front of the airway or will fall into the larynx during inhalation thus obstructing breathing. Symptoms of the condition include noisy breathing, especially when the dog is excited, mouth breathing, snoring, snorting and reverse sneezing. These symptoms become more pronounced when the dog is hot or during periods of exertion and the affected dog will often gag in an attempt to clear their airway, occasionally bringing up foam and saliva and even some stomach contents. The more difficulty the dog has breathing the more irritated and inflamed the elongated palate will become creating a cycle of chronic breathing problems. Over time, the excessive effort and pressure expended by the affected dog in an effort to breathe will cause the ligaments that support the tracheal cartilages to stretch and weaken gradually leading to a gradual collapsing of the trachea. An elongated soft palate may be difficult to positively diagnose on physical examination. The condition is confirmed while the dog is under general anesthesia and surgical reduction of the elongated palate may be attempted at the time the diagnosis is confirmed. Even though surgical correction is the best means of treatment, it is not without risks. Excessive scarring of the surgical site may lead to even more airway obstruction than that originally presented by the elongated soft palate. For surgery to be most effective it must be done before destructive changes occur in the larynx. Other treatment methods are palliative and aimed at keeping swelling and inflammation of the soft palate to a minimum and may include the use of antihistamines and corticosteroids such as Prednisone. The condition is common in short nosed breeds of dogs as well as toy dogs so it is thought to be hereditary although the exact mode of inheritance is unknown. Breeding advice related to this condition is similar to that associated with other obstructive breathing disorders. Like other obstructive breathing disorders, a severely elongated soft palate can become life-threatening leading to acute respiratory insufficiency and cardiac arrest. Thus any breeding decisions must be made with the welfare of the affected dog uppermost in mind.'NX"ILAGESOFTLAlrp21 '1PALARESOPH CAREHIGL OTTISNormal AirwayRED CEDLOWARAbnormal Airwayss The Pomeranian Club ofGreater Des Moineswould like to invite you to ourFall Pomeranian SpecialtyWhen Friday September 9, 2005Where Iowa State Fairgrounds, Des Moines, IA climate controlled buildingWho All Pomeranian Exhibitors and EnthusiastsWhat Specialty Show and Silent Auction always lots of neat thingsOur annual picnic on Friday evening - its free to all exhibitors and friends.JudgesSweeps - Tricia Stanczyk,Regularnon-regular classes including Junior Showmanship - Sandra Goose Allen, OB Novice A B - Dave Maurer, Open A - Chuck Bush, Open B - J Blenkey, Utility A B - K Griner, Rally- Dawn Antoniak-MitchellTwo all-breed shows follow on Saturday and Sunday at the same site. For details check out Onofrio website.ot MartinflpC Judges 0dueationATTENTION JUDGES PLEASE READThe Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club respectfully requests that you take note of the following information.The official standard that was approved by the American Pomeranian Club membership and the American Kennel Club in 1997 makes this statement with regard to the eyes of the Pomeranian The eyes are dark, bright, medium in size and almond-shaped.It has been brought to the attention of the Board that there is a movement underway to show and win championship points on animals that have eyes that are blue andor green in color. These colors are not dark. Dogs bitches that have blue or green eyes are not acceptable and should be penalized to the point of eliminating them from competition. At no time since the breed was introduced in America before 1900 and approved for competition has the eye been any color other than dark brown.We wish to encourage breeders to breed to the standard and concentrate on correcting faults that are clearly stated rather than introducing factors that are in direct opposition to what is already approved. While this is not a DISQUALIFICATION, you cannot eliminate such dogs on that principle however, ribbons can be withheld for lack of merit or simply place those dogs out of the ribbons.Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated, and, if you have any questions, please contact me at or at 803-831-8086. Judges understand that one item is isolated for the point of discussion but that it also must be reinserted into the contextof the whole standard. t Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803 831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 59APC MEMBERSHIPFor your convenience, you may download a copy of the Membership application at the American Pomeranian Clubs website at A copy may also be requested from the Membership Secretary. See page 22.Membership - A completed Application Form, with sponsoring endorsements of two 2 members in good standing who have been APC members for two years, have known the applicant for two or more years, do not reside in the same household, and are not related to each other or the applicant, accompanied by the proper dues, must be sent to the Membership Secretary.The applicant must be in good standing with the American Kennel Club. The application will be read at the first meeting of the Board of Directors following its receipt. At the next Board of Directors meeting, the applicant will be voted upon by secret ballot and an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Directors will be required to elect the applicant. Please contact the Membership Secretary for details.Foreign Residents 30.00 Foreign Residents na Foreign Residents 45.00Dues must be paid in USA funds.Must be under 18 years of age may not vote or hold office.Annual dues are payable by January 1.APC PATRON MEMBERSHIPSponsors are not needed. No vote is required. You must fill out and return the regular APC Membership Application and a signed code of ethics see below with your donation.Please send 15.00 or larger donation toAnnette Davis APC Membership Chair 391 N Mink Creek Road Pocatello ED 83204Patrons may contribute to APC with a donation of money and possibly volunteer efforts. Patrons are people in good standing with the American Kennel Club who1. Donate a minimum of 15.00 annually2. Sign the APC code of ethics3. Understand that being a Patron is NOT a precursor to becoming a member.4. Receive a copy of APCs Roster for the year they donate. If they donate after August 1, they receive the Roster for the following year instead. If they donate before January 1, they will be listed as a Patron in the Roster. Their listing in the Roster will not be the same information as a member, it will be their name, state and phone contact5. Patrons are not listed on the APC website, but they will be invited to join the APC Members Only web site, hosted by, if they have Internet access.Types of APC Membership include UA Residents Foreign ResidentsIndividual membershipJunior membership Household membershipi .4 1USA Residents 25.00 USA Residents 10.00 USA Residents 40.0060 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005APC CODE OF ETHICS1. I agree to follow the regulations as set forth by the American Kennel Club as they pertain to my purebred dog operations.2. I will furnish a signed registration application with each puppy sold unless a written agreement is made with the purchaser at the time of sale that papers will be held.3. I will not sell my puppies to pet shops or commercial pet mill establishments, nor will I donate puppies for raffles or auctions.4. I will not crossbreed or advertise for sale puppies that have been crossbred.5. I will not give stud service to unregistered bitches.6. I will advise the purchaser of my puppy to have the puppy checked by a veterinarian within 2 days 48 hours of the sale additional time allowed if the puppy is sold on a Friday or Saturday. I will refund the purchase price or take the puppy back and replace it, if it is found to be unfit.j . fj-g i.7. Except for unusual situations, I will not sell my puppies at less than eight weeks of asee thatJK8. I will maintain the best possible standard of health and care in all1 ^ Mand checked for parasites.9. I will price my puppies within the breed V 4a10. In my breeding program I will keep alert for and work to control andor educate inherit conditions that are particular to my breed, and breed as closely as possible to the standard of the breeandmypromunizedand11. I will represent my dogs as honestly as possible to prospective buyers and try to assist the serious novice in hisand keep in mind that 1understanding of the breed.VV12. I will try at all times to show good sportsmanship any personal printmailing addressphone number and email addresssignatureood_- 2Osof the breed comes beforedateAPC Code of Ethics can also be found and printed out at under membership.July August 200S - APC Pomeranuot Review - 61r_SEWS MD rawsby Barbara McClatcheyOUT OF NO VICE A.... . . come all the best people This is almost 100 true, since most Obedience handlers have to start there. The exception is someone showing their first dog co-owned by someone who has previously titled a dog in Obedience. We have a wonderful Novice A handler to profile this time.Angie Patchen is the owner of Sunpoms Kodak Moment CD, who was the winner of the APC Specialty High in Trial on March 16 in Louisville, KY. Kodak, who was 4 years old in May, is Angies first dog. She got him off the Internet, but says she knows better now. She was just wanting a little lapdog, but Kodak was independent and wild. To try to gain some control, they took a home obedience class and did not do well at all. Angie then took him to an advanced obedience class just for the fun of it, attended a seminar, fell in love with the sport, and the rest is history in the making.Angie trains with Karla and Terry Hamlin at Gardner Dog Training School in Sylvania, OH. She takes classes 3 times a week, and trains between formal classes just occasionally, especially when she is getting ready to show or has some other goal. When she is training like this, she makes Kodak work for his dinner. She says that most of her training is positive, using Joanne Fleming-Plumbs her coach from Stayner, Ontario method of using the dogs drive for food from the very beginning. She is also experimenting with the e-collar, using Martin Deelys method, especially with run-away behaviors.Angie says, We spent a few seminars with Kodak tied up away from me or with him watching me play with other dogs, anything to get him to want to work after hed made a mistake. I never thought wed actually go into the ring at all. I strongly believe the drive method, combined with the e-collar, have made this possible. Praise is preferable, but sometimes you have to make corrections. We believe it has to be fair the trainer needs to do hisher homework and make sure the dog understands what were asking before we use the correction.Their first time in the ring was in November of2004. Kodaks off-leash heeling was all over the place, with a score of 181 4. His next 2 scores were both 1st places, with a 194 and a 195 Vi. He finished the CD title in Toledo on March 6. Angie found out pretty late about the APC Specialty and had to send her entry in overnight, and Im sure she is glad she did Her goal for Kodak is the Utility title. She wants to show in Open A at the summer Specialty in Akron, and may get back to the National in Louisville in 2006. She says that Kodak is a little entertainer, everybody adores him, everybody loves to watch him. Including, no doubt, his mom64 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005rAngie now has two other dogs, a 2 Vi year old female Schipperke and a 1 Vi year old male Great Dane.The Schip is getting ready for Novice and is also training for VPG formerly Schutzhund, as is the Dane.The Dane is also learning tracking and obedience, and she hopes he will do AKC obedience competition eventually.I also asked Angie for some personal information to share with you. Angie is 27 years old and has been married for three years. Her husband was at the Specialty which I didnt know and didnt get to meet him under special conditionshe was home for 2 weeks from Baghdad, where he has been stationed since January. What a great brag he had to take back with him Angie says that, He was really excited for us I and very proud of our little guy.And we are proud of him and of all of our military personnel who are out there protecting us.AWARD FOR CANINE EXCELLENCEFurweeds Little Warrior CGC, TDI, aka Bowen, the white three-legged Pom owned by Helen Brinn, who was at the Specialty this year, has been nominated for the AKCs 2005 Award for Canine Excellence. If you were at the Rally Workshop, you will remember Bowen. While he may not get to participate in AKC events, Bowen is a wonderful and well-trained little dog. I believe Helens article appears elsewhere in this magazine, I hope with a picture. Even if Bowen is not finally named for the ACE, to be nominated is a I great honor, and we congratulate Helen and Bowen.RALLY ROUNDJ lam proud to announce that on March 11, 2005, my Tiffany, UCDX Janesas Tiffany Is an Angel UD RE NANAJ HOF CGC TDInc., became the first Pomeranian to get the Rally Excellent title, and she did it with a perfect score of 100. This was her 5th perfect score out of 9 trials. Anything other than a 100, of course, was my faultRally does allow the handler a lot of chances to goof up the dog There are also 8 new Rally Novice titles and 2 new Rally Advanced titles listed in this issue. Our total of I Rally Advanced titled Poms has now reached 5keep them comingId like to talk about one of the Rally exercises that I as a judge see performed incorrectly the most often.It is not, as you might think, a difficult exercise, except that the handler really has to concentrate on what is being done during the exercise. 31. HALTDownWalk Around Dog. With dog sitting in the heel position, the handler commands the dog to down and stay, then proceeds to walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. The dog heels forward from the down position.Lets talk about where the HANDLER can mess up on this exercise. This is not an all-inclusive list With dog sitting in the heel position The handler needs to heel forward into this. If the handlers heeling I is uncertain perhaps trying to read the sign and not paying attention to the position, the dog mayfollowing the handlers leadsit crooked for a 1-point Out of Position deduction. The handler commands the dog to down and stay. The handler may not wait for the dog to sit completely before giving the Down command10 points for Incorrect Performance. Then proceeds to walk around the dog to the left, returning to heel position. The handler may move forward to circle the dog before the dog is completely Down, elbows and all10 points. The handler may move forward before the dog has relaxed into theContinued on Page 66L.-------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------JJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 651r ------- ---------- --------- ---- ---- -----,Continued From Page 65 Down, causing the dog to pop up again10 points. The handler may forget to give the Stay command, causing the dog to pop up10 points. The handler may yes, I have seen this walk around the dog to the I right, doing a sort of about turn in place and walking around the dog that way, about turning again when back I in Heel10 points. The handler may back up as she walks around the dog Ive seen this one, too10 I points. The handler may have a nervous dog with a tendency to want to pop up on its own during the walk ' around, forget that she can keep saying Stay, stay, stay, and the dog may pop up10 points. The handler must pause in heel position before moving forward to the next station. The handler may neglect that line in the description entirely, and may just move straight on-10 points. The handlers idea of a pause may be one . foot beside the dog and the other up in the air preparing to move forward this is a weird one, but I have seen I it10 points. The dog heels forward from the down position. The handler may allow the dog to pop up into a sit before moving forward10 points. Who ever said Rally was EASY Any of the Incorrect Performance problems, by the way, may be corrected by the handler moving back with the dog a few steps, heeling up to the station, and re-doing the exercise correctly3 points instead of 10BREEDERS' If you breed Poms for brains and soundness, and think you produce good Obedience and Agility potential,J please e-mail me. I will be sending out a questionnaire soon.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESI AKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYI Companion DogI Martis Mini Oreo CD NA NAP NAJ NJP, 32705, Marti Halifko I Sunpoms Kodak Moment CD, 3605, Angie Patchen Princess Cocoa Latte CD, 42405, Mark Apana Sparky The Charming Boy CD OA AXJ, 4305, Mary Sundholm, ILP I Rally Novice Beelzebubba Pork Chop CDX RN OA OAJ, 32605, Brandon K Watson Johnstoys Friday Jam Session CDX RN, 3505, Barbara McClatchey Lily Belle Of Brisbane CD RN, 3505, Jeanine WitlingsJ Pomde Firsthymn Grandquarry CDX RN OA OAJ, 32605, Debra A Watson ' Pompuf Tipper Bear CD RN, 32605, Jim WatsonI Second Chance Oliver Twist CD RN, 3505, Barbara McClatchey, ILPI Shenanigans Jack Frost UD RN AX AXJ, 32605, Debra A Watson I Sierra CD RN, 3505, Harmony B. Mcdaniel, ILP Rally Advanced Lily Belle Of Brisbane CD RA, 42305, Jeanine Winings I Music To My Eyes CD RA, 4905, Marcia Messina Rally Excellent Janesas Tiffany Is An Angel UD RE NA NAJ, 31105, Barbara McClatchey Novice AgilityBebe Luc Doyon CD NA NAJ, 32705, Guylaine Doyon, ILP J Muku NA NAJ, 31205, Leslie Erickson, ILP Nickie NA NAJ, 3505, Kay Sellman, ILP I Diesel NA NAJ, 41405, Lindsay Hamish, ILP I Falcons Perennial Hurricane NA NAJ, 4905, Kathryn S Decastro Rise N Shines Black Coffee NA NAJ, 41605, Anita Moran Novice Anility Jumper Bebe Luc Doyon CD NAJ, 31305, Guylaine Doyon, ILP Luvpoms Painted Gypsy CD NANAJ, 3505, Carlota Cloney, ILP Muku NA NAJ, 31205, Leslie Erickson, ILP Pomacres Iridescent Dragnfly NA NAJ, 32505, Lois Fae Morkassel. Falcons Perennial Hurricane NA NAJ, 4905, Kathryn S DecastroJ66 - APC PoMEESNiflNReview - July August 2005r nRise N Shines Black Coffee NAJ, 4205, Anita MoranSundowns Miss United States NAJ, 43005, Mary Kay Parrish Camilla KnightNovice Agility PreferredUrsa Minors Autumn Leaves OA NAP OAJ NJP, 32605, Diana Huntress Clemments Little Abu CD OA NAP OAJ, 42305, Karen Barth, ILP Novice Agility Jumper PreferredUrsa Minors Autumn Leaves OA NAP OAJ NJP, 32605, Diana HuntressClemments Little Abu CD OA NAP OAJ NJP, 42405, Karen Barth, ILP Feather In My Cap NJP, 41605, Catherine Smith, ILP Open AgilityTasmanian Devil Copperstopit CD OA AXJ, 31305, Sara Langston Our Little Indy Man OA OAJ, 4905, Carol Delton Mehlhaff Open Agilitv JumperOur Little Indy Man NA OAJ, 3505, Carol Delton Mehlhaff Bebe Luc Doyon CD NA OAJ, 41505, Guylaine Doyon, ILP Cayden R U Ready NA OAJ, 42405, Patricia Mcmahon, ILP Rise N Shines Black Coffee NA OAJ, 41705, Anita Moran Open Agilitv Jumper PreferredLegacys Chocolate Surprize OJP, 3605, Laurie NicholsPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA NAP OAJ OJP, 31605, Lois Fae MorkasselStans Black Sky Is The Limit NA NAP OAJ OJP, 42405, Stan Halifko Agilitv ExcellentKielys Honey Dew AX OAJ, 42405, Amanda Kiely, ILP Excellent Agilitv JumperSparky The Charming Boy OA AXJ, 31305, Maty Sundholm, ILP Pepe OA AXJ, 4905, Leslie Smith, ILP Master Agilitv ExcellentHoneys Wee Bitz Of Trouble MX AXJ, 3505, Lou Ann Groth Kodiak MX MXJ, 32005, Sheryl A Petruska, ILP Excellent Agilitv Jumper PreferredWolfie AXP NAJ AJP, 4305, Melissa Smith, Dvm, ILP Master Excellent Jumper PreferredKodiak Bear On Fowlers MT. AXP MJP, 41705, Janet Sankey Master Agilitv Champion 2MACH2 Chut Tanu Khuse, 31905, Sam Catherine Clemente Master Agilitv Champion 4MACH4 Bouncin Bundle Of Bear CDX, 32005, Shirley MichaelsUKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYI am no longer subscribing to Bloodlines, which carries this information, so any UKC titles will have to be sent directly to me in order to be published in the Review.Dogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. Ah Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show. and title their Poms in Obedience and AgilitvDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson,TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail meRescuesecondchancepoms.orgL . ^. , 4July August 2005 - APC Pomeranikn Review - 67Pom TalK Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at isapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netOur question this issue is What, if any, type of testing do you do on your Pomeranians and why6VThe only testing I do on my Poms is the rabies blood test that is required for us to be able to travel abroad and bring our Poms back home with us. I also give the puppies a physical when they are around 8 weeks if that counts as a test. Marie Little, PomPoms Kennel, SwedenI usually take my newborn babies to see the vet with their mother within the first week. We stay outside until the vet is able to go over them and take them outside immediately after. They also do the dewclaws at that time. I worm my puppies and give them their shots. I take them to the vet at about 6 months, before they would be in the ring, to make certain all is well. This consists of a general physical and patella check. At 1 year I take them for a blood test. If all is well they do not go again for any kind of tests unless they have a problem. Bobii Earle, Bobiis PomsWe OFA patella and hearts, and do MSU thyroid testing on our Poms. We started doing testing a few years ago because we feel there are too many problems with these issues in Poms and wanted to breed healthier dogs. Linda Pelz, Dreamweaver PomsI started with thyroid testing about 3-4 years ago when one of our dogs showed coat loss. Every single dog at that time, plus all but one of the current ones has been tested minus the ones too young. Patellas are vet checked and written on a health form I created, which was reprinted in the Pom Review with my permission. I do not send to OFA. I have 3 Poms currently CERFd.The health form has vet info for eyes, heart, patellas, teeth, ears, other. A separate section at the bottom to notate MSU thyroid testing, brucellosis testing, heartworm testing, fecal exam and vaginal smear. To answer Why my question would be, Why dont you People are willing to spend thousands on a single dog, but they wont spend a few hundred to have whatever health testing is available done I dont OFA hips, elbows or run in depth testing which may target one specific issue that is rarely seen in Poms, but the basics MSU or other accredited facility thyroid testing, vet patella checks, CERF those are pretty basic and as far as the other things brucellosis, etc. Those should be done to protect your breeding stock, to put it very basically. Shalon Parrott, Ragdoll PomsI do thyroid testing on all dogs over two years of age. I do the full panel with an endocrinologists report from Michigan State. Reason Because I had a major problem with hypothyroidism several years ago that caused my breeding program of that time to go belly up. I do suspect that at least part of that problem was that I was way, way over vaccinating - as most of us did at that time to prove what good and responsible breeders we were.I have patellas checked by my vet every time I take a dog in and a formal grading when they are in for their thyroid check. I do not do the OFA patella program because, frankly, there is no saying how good, bad or indifferent - or how willing or eager to please - any one individual vet is, so I dont place a whole lot of reliance on those reports. I think it takes quite a bit of vigilance to maintain good legs, as the structure is under the influence of so many genes.Another thing I have checked at the time of the thyroid check is hearts. Plain ole auscultation a quick listen-in with a stethoscope is all that is required by the OFA for certification. I dont do the OFA thing on those, either, but who in their right mind would breed a dog with heart murmursI have done a few other things, but not as a routine, on the Poms. The poodles are tested out of their tiny little minds, of course. I feel that knowledge is the answer to good breeding. The more you know about the dogs you are breeding together, the better decisions you can make. Or should. Mary Allan, AllaynsYou bet I test my Poms. I have my Pom, Pollyanna, tested regularly. She will be 16 in July and has several things wrong with her that I must keep on top of to keep things running smoothly. She has Addisons disease and gets a shot of Percorten V every 25 days as well as Prednisone every day. I have to have blood work done regularly to make sure that everything is in order. She also has an infected gall bladder since last July and takes medication for it daily so she has to be tested for that also, as well as an ultrasound every so often to see how its coming along. Along with those things she also has some heart problems such as an enlarged heart as well as mitro valve 68 - APC Pomeranian Review - Joly August 2005problems. She is on meds for that. When they do the ultra sound for the gall bladder they also check on the heart. And lastly shes been losing weight with no apparent reason, so the vet is keeping on top of that, also. Ursula TaylorMost often the testing I do is for Brucellosis on newly acquired older dogs and sometimes coccidiosis if I have a suspicion that warrants it. If I have a bitch that has not become pregnant I have her tested for a broad range bacterial titer to see if there is an imbalance causing her not to take. Also, the occasional sperm count check for amount and mobility. Catherine lessen, Elusive ToysTo make sure my Poms are healthy, I periodically have the following tests done stool test for parasites, thyroid, and complete blood count. All puppies patellas are examined and their heart rate and rhythm checked by my vet at each of their 3 puppy exams. He also examines ears and eyes and checks for retained baby teeth. Sandra Johnson, SandpomsICERF eyes because Ive run into eye problems in the Pom breed. Because not enough Poms have been CERFd the problems cannot be considered not passing like in other breeds of dogs. I make sure I do not breed two Poms together with the same disorder and to do this I have to CERF all Poms. IOFA hips because I have had over 8 mildly dysplastic Poms. I do not wish to breed two Poms together that are both dysplastic so the only way I would know this is to OFA all my Poms hips. I wouldnt breed a dog that is mildly dysplastic to a dog that is fair or dysplastic. And why might you ask would I breed them at all Because where can I find another breeder that has tested their dogs hips and know I wont be buying another dog with hip dysplasia. Heart testing If I feel a dog might have an issue I take the dog to a certified heart specialist as needed. BAER testing if I feel the dog might have a hearing issue. I will check it out. Julie Clemen, Rise N Shine PomeraniansPrior to sale at 10-12 weeks, my pups get a complete vet exam. The exam includes a stool sample, heart check, and stifles check. I want to know that I am selling a healthy puppy. A health certificate goes with the puppys paperwork. Gloria Carlin, Maranatha PomsI only have a few Poms but I have done research on the thyroid problem. I had a male years ago which I had known to have this. If there is any history of thyroid disease behind your dogs it pays to have their thyroid checked around 1 yr old, 6 or 8 months later and 6 months after that. What you can detect by doing this simple blood test is a failing thyroid before it completely stops working and causes all the side effects like hair loss and neurological problems. If a puppies level is say 2.5 at 1 yr and then at 20 months it is 1.8 you may very well have a failing thyroid.It seems, once the dog goes through maturity the thyroid can begin to fail if it has this disease. That is why we see some dogs that appear fine until they are over 2 yrs old and then of course usually the first sign is coarse hair or hair loss. Also, do not overlook the temperament of the dog. With a bad thyroid a dog may exhibit fearfulness and flinch at loud noises. I have gone thru this exact thing and by the time my dog was diagnosed it was to late. He never lost his hair but did suffer the fearfulness, had damage to his heart and did have a course coat. Also, after minor surgery he developed a staff infection, which was caused from an under active thyroid with his immune system that was down.The vets will tell you that a thyroid range of 1 to 4 is in the normal range but as I stated before if your puppys thyroid was 2.5 at a year and then at 2 yrs its 1.4 I would personally think he was developing an inactive thyroid. Caught early your dog may not suffer all the complications from a failed thyroid gland and the medicine, Soloxine, is very inexpensive. I hope this information helps someone as I was not able to get this information for my little dog at the time and lost him at 6 yrs young. Alta DavisI feel that health and genetic testing is essential if improvement of the breed is the breeders true goal. All breeds of dogs have health and genetic concerns, and Pomeranians are no exception. Many times in our rush to breed at a young age from the really nice ones that we own, we fail to do an adequate job of screening for health concerns such as patellar luxation, hypothyroidism and heart problems. There are also problems which cannot be tested for yet, but are thought to be genetic or familial in nature. The dreaded Black Skin Disease or hormone related alopecia is at the top of that list. It is difficult to find a dog of excellent conformation and nice temperament, who has no associated health concerns.The responsible breeders who do health check and test their Poms will at least have the necessary knowledge to make their breeding decisions. They can also educate their puppy buyers about the problems in the breed so they can be aware, provide proper care for their pet, and let the breeder know if a health concern develops. Since a perfectly healthy dog can carry genes for genetically transmitted problems, the knowledge of the health condition of previously produced puppies is a very valuable tool in planning future breedings. I would encourage breeders to keep in touch with their puppy buyers for this reason.Our parent club, the APC, is to be commended for their recent endorsement of CERF testing in our breed. I hope to see more awareness and education on the health problems in our breed. Our dogs will have a brighter future if we work together for improvement.My dogs are tested for thyroid deficiency and checked for patellar soundness. I have not done any official OFA testing as of yet, but I do have that as a personal goal for the future. I also plan to include CERF testing at the upcoming clinics in my area. I dont anticipate any eye problems, but if a problem is there, I sure want to know about it.There is a Yahoo Group, Pombreeders GT, which discusses genetic testing. It is worthwhile joining this group to read the archives. There is lots of great information included there. Celeste Solano is the group moderator. Best wishes to all for healthy puppies, and for a bright future for Pomeranians. Geneva CoatsOur question for the next issue will be What do you do for tearstainsPlease send responses via email to or by phone 219 866-4464. Thanks Roxanne Collins Opinions, suggestions and techniques in this article are the opinions of each individual author. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review do not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a licensed veterinarian and legal counsel.July August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 69Report by Terry CarpenterCentral CarolinaPomeranian ClubWe were so glad to see so many entries this spring at our Specialty this year. Beginning with the Sweepstakes, Mr. David Gilstrap Judged an entry of 13 males and 12 bitches.Judging began at 900 AM with ring steward Mr. Russ Tesarz calling for the first class. After careful examination on the table and movement and presentation in the ring Mr. Gilstrap awarded ribbons as follows9-12 months puppy dogsRueben of Lenette, BreederOwner K.G. Griffith12-18 months puppy dogs Showins Midnight Special, Breeder Barbara Raymond, OwnerA. Caywood6-9 months puppy bitches Stealurhearf s Call of the Heart, BreederOwner, Margaret Johnson9-12 Months puppy bitches Abigail of Lenette, BreederOwner, K. G. Griffith12-18 months puppy bitches Firebrooks Aim To Please, Breeder, Lee Cook-Owner S. PineaultBest In Sweepstakes - Firebrooks Aim To PleaseBest Of Opposite to Best in Sweepstakes - Showins Midnight SpecialAfter a short break Judging, of Regular Classes began. There were a total of 57 Dogs and Bitches entered. Judging was noted Breeder-Judge, Dr. Roger Pritchard, of Oklahoma, Oklahoma.Winners in each class were as follows Puppy Dogs, 6-9 months Monarcs Rocket Man. BreederOwner Shari ShieldsPuppy Dogs, 9-12 months Mustangs L.R.L. Little Loki. Breeder Owner Joyce Birks12-18 months dogsJanesas Tuff Act To Follow, Breeder Jerrie Freia, OwnerKaty StalnakerBred By Exhibitor DogsBenaires Tmly Regal. BreederOwner,Benson Ray Sharon MasnickAmerican Bred DogsWoods Little Ritchie. BreederOwner,Maynard WoodOpen BBB DogsShowins Midnight Special. Breeder Barbara Raymond, Owner Audrey CaywoodOpen ROCS DogsWoods Truly A Legend, BreederOwner, Maynard WoodOpen AO AC DogsHeathers Rio Bravo, BreederJeanGoodson, Owner, Greg Golfomitsos BESTINSWEEPSTAKESHi, wf Mem iiftiii CwbWINNERS DOG - WOODS TRULY ALEGENDRESERVES WINNERS DOG - SHOWINS MIDNIGHT SPECIALPuppy Bitches 6-9 months Lacueva Jenuwne Debutante, Breeder Owner Sherrilynn RogersPuppy Bitches 9-12 months Firebrooks Sugar Plum Fairy, Breeder Lee Cook, OwnerKayla Wilson12-18 Months Bitches Horizons Gater Legacy At KCs, BreederLaurie Otis, OwnerKaty StalnakerBred By Exhibitor Bitches Nsync Triggers Mustang Sally, BreederOwner, Jean GoodsonOpen ROCS Bitches Monarcs Classic Butterfly, Breeder Shari Shields, OwnerSherrilynn RogersWINNERS BITCH-NSYNC TRIGGERS MUSTANG SALLY RESERVE WINNERS BITCH- MONARCS CLASSIC BUTTERFLY70 -APC Pomeranian Review-July August 2005IJAIajdf OUMMEhl-Prior to Best of Breed Judging, Mr. Terry Carpenter on behalf of the Central Carolina Pomeranian Club recognized Mrs. Ruth Beam and Dr. Morris Carson, for their years of devotion to the breed and inspiration to all fanciers.All competitors for Best Of Breed were then called into the ring along with Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. After careful judging on and off the table, Judge Pritchard awarded the followingBEST OF BREED-CH FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO,BREEDEROWNER, LEE COOK, DONNA MACHNIAK, DANA COVENTRY.BEST OF OPPOSITE-CH JAN- SHARS DADDY SAYS IM DARLING,BREEDERSHARON HANSON, OWNERKATY STALNAKER.BEST OF WINNERS-NSYNC TRIGGERS MUSTANG SALLY, BREEDEROWNER JEAN GOODSON.After the judging, Dot Martin entered the ring and presented Best Of Winners a check for 1000.00 donated by Flexteam of Ohio.Glass Decanter sets were presented also to the three top winners in Memory of Bob Goodrich of the Models Pomeranians, donated by Maynard Wood and Terry Carpenter.We wish to thank both David Gilstrap and Roger Pritchard for their fine judging and all of the wonderful prizes and trophies donated by so many people. The winner of the 100.00 cash drawing was the armband belonging to Jackie Moore.Thanks to everyone, and come join us next year. A minimum of 3000.00 will be awarded.July August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 71uryury By Sally Banears ago there was a non-Toy-dog breeder who soldwhat she believed to be pet quality or show quality for the same price. She never had any disappointed buyers.I now do the same thing. I no longer am looking to make or break records, receive awards, prove a point with my dogs, or feed my ego. I see no reason for a show dog to be more valuable to a show person or a pet dog to be less valuable to a pet owner. The secret to it all is to find an honest sincere buyer who will love and properly care for the dog they wish to purchase. Several conversations with the right answers to pertinent questions, must give you a good feeling for the future owner of your precious dog, be it for show OR pet.Having said that, I do not condemn those who do want to break records, receive awards, prove a point with their dogs, or feed their egos, for they have established their own goals. If the goals they set are good goals, it is a good thing for themselves and for the breed. I used to be in this category. Now I am in the other category. Maybe a persons age, makes the difference between the two viewsletA dog that shows show potential at three months of age, may not show the same potential at eight months of age. Bites can go off. Testicles might not drop. Gait might not be as good. Stifles may go bad. Coat problems may develop. Topline may go bad. There is a myriad of potential problems that can change a show potential dog from show quality to pet quality.There is a wise saying, Dont throw the baby out with the bath water. It is wise to ask another competent breeder, handler, andor judge to evaluate your show potential dog after the dog is eight months of age or older. The proof of the pudding is showing the dog in several shows to get a variety of judges opinions. If the quality is just not there, dont waste your money Sell the former show potential to a good home as a pet after getting it spayed or neutered. A real pet owner does not want to breed, hopefully. Selling it spayed or neutered guarantees that it wont be bred. Besides that, it also guarantees that it doesnt go to a puppy miller. Puppy millers dont want a spayed or neutered dogIf you charge the same for show quality as you do for pet quality, you eliminate a lot of problems with the show people, for if the dog does not turn out to be show quality the show person can always sell it for pet and look for another that ismight be show.This brings up the two terms show quality, or show potential. A dog is never proven show quality until it has actually gotten a show point at a regular show, given by an AKC approved judge...but anyone can give the opinion of its POTENTIAL. A successful long time show breeder, handler, andor judge would be a good source for several honest opinions. Even AKC requires two majors from two different judges plus a total of 15 points.In conclusion Breeders, if you dont want disappointed show buyers, sell your show potential at pet price so that an unhappy buyer can then sell their disappointment to a pet buyer and look for a better show potential. Do not expect to make money breeding dogs. To alleviate your dog breeding and showing deficits, make money selling dog related things, such as dog food, dog supplies, dog art, doing grooming, boarding, training, handling, veterinary related work or be content losing money.Show buyers if you want a dog that qualifies as show quality, get another opinion of the dog after it is eight months old, from another long time show breeder, handler, andor judge and hope for the best If you paid pet price, you have no gripes coming '72 - APC PoMERSNiaN Review - July August 2005IAKC SCHEDULE OF POINTSPOMERANIANS - EFFECTIVE MAY 16, 20051 POINTDogs Bitches2 POINTSDogs Bitches3 POINTSDogs Bitches4 POINTSDogs Bitches5 POINTS Dogs BitchesDIVISION 1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New 2 2 4 4 7 9York, Rhode Island, Vermont.8 10 11 13DIVISION 2Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania.2 2 5 5 8 8 10 10 13 14DIVISION 3District of Columbia, Kentucky, Maryland, North Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia. 22 66 10 10 15 13 24 19DIVISION 4 Alabama, Arkansas, 2 2Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina.6 5 9 8 11 9 14 12DIVISION 5Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio.2 2 7 7 12 11 14 13 17 16DIVISION 6Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Wisconsin.2 2 6 6 9 10 11 12 15 17DIVISION 7Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.2 2 6 5 10 8 12 9 15 14DIVISION 8Colorado, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.2 2 7 8 12 13 15 15 21 18DIVISION 9 California.2 2 7 7 11 12 13 13 17 16DIVISION 10 Alaska.2 2 3 3 4 4 6 5 8 7DIVISION 11 Hawaii.2 2 5 3 8 4 9 7 10 8DIVISION 13Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota.2 2 7 3 10 4 14 9 16 10July August 200S - APC Pomeranian Review - 73Ann Fulton of Chinookwinds Pomeranians in Canada lost her home and 19 Poms in a house fire. Our sincere sympathy goes out to Ann on her losses.Ann Griffith Morris lost her home, 3 Chows, 2 Pomeranians, and 1 Smooth Collie in a fire. Our sincere sympathy goes out to her on her losses, too.We are sending good wishes and a speedy recovery to Becky Sabourin who is suffering from back problems.Congratulations to Phil and Brenda Segelken, Fame Poms, on their 40th wedding anniversary in August. Also, Happy Birthday Brenda.Congratulations to David Hogg, Dias Poms, on recently receiving a Master of Divinity degree from Earlham School of Religion, Richmond, IN. It is quite an achievement.Our sympathy to Nina Epps on the loss of Jake. He will be fondly remembered. Jake is in many of our pedigrees, and has truly left his mark in the Pom world. Well wishes go out to Nina and hope she is gaining strength and feeling better.Congratulations to CH PufPride Sweet Dreams on breaking the All Breed BIS Pomeranian record. Parker was bred by Virginia Dimick and is co-owned by Diane Finch and Noble Inglett.Congratulations to Wayne and Joanne Norris on the birth of their first granddaughter May 28.Happy Birthday to Virginia Watkins June 5 Many happy returnsLynn Meyer and Mike Allway will be married on a ship off the coast of Florida on June 21, 2005. Congratulations and best wishes to the newcouple Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna MachniakPhone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members addresses are published in the APC roster ifyou would like to send cards.APCKENNELvisitsSeptember October 2005Linda DeCiecoAphrodites PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor with comments or nominations for upcoming APC Kennel Visits All APC Members in good standing with the APC and AKC, presently breeding, finished AKC Champion Pomeranians and have not had a kennel visit for 5 years are eligible.76 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005rADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact 217 347-5731 fame62401 yahoo. comV.74 - APC Pomeranian Review - July August 2005Champion PomeraniansA UNOMipMi rumsMcAom^trJcts nATTENTIONBeaicnal Pcm Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special low advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.Send coming events, reports, and photos to the editor.orOChel esSpecializing in parti and parti- factored Pomeranians WGunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time Tina Ch. Finchs Peacemaker PartiElaine - OhioCheryl Kerrkeishacheschelanes. com New Hampshire iVf- ITinaReaverH \\ rLinda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comJacinda PomsTty,. r krXScts- 2JenniferFalic810 387-9570 falkstergreatlakes.netCindy Golden321 638-4291 www.jacindapoms.comPAMA1Tom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEytuifor PomsBecky'Wyndtor TomsJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 77vaupeaAe omMua2AStfime of^GQgeceJbticncd 5rnerrmkm3^ane QfwnoAvifieuKaAe- ememmm6818 352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.comFmicrWhipstaffPomeraniansJoe and Janette Dally St. Louis, MO 314 389-3275 utrkaosswbell .net TLong Island, New York 631 366-2330httpwww.geoeities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services, Limited Soardlng AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherineBolahood905 697-24882404 Re. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4www.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthElusive Toys Rigby id 83442208 745-5267PomsandToyfK it1n VJrTk \wiansShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727sshieldserols.comSac kman iWhere Type, Quality and Soundness Countcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.com3-3dnCheri McDonald909-394-7923 Southern CaliforniamMLWINWalda A Green8120 Harvard Drive Ben Lomond CA 95005Phfax 831 336-8285 winstarpomssbcglobaljret78 - APC Pomerrmsn Review - July August 2005BI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email http www. bi-mar.comMarbilPomeranianstIa.i IA. - Mari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netProfessional Handling Services Inquiries welcomek ii -Bonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223 tresspomshotmail.comfwzlovi-JC Ch.Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.JPatrim sVomeramanskCH. PATRICIAS LIL MISS MOLLYROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionally1Paii 'Danielson616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID- danielsonpomsIII in Hi IMPIIMwww.plushpuppyusa.com8tflofeAbLonaldiandLLruj.\ V -Y7\\fhudley. rfi. ffiobctb7984 VfW fid. pe.cbville.. 77446773-204-7225flu.dt.ey bhyactcb. com phbbibted by Q.ebbica QohnbonJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranisn Review - 79iAit0Del'May Pomeranians Deborah K. Barrett 35 Davis Drive Unadilla, NY 138496o7'369'2i65 Email delmayfrontiernet.netCOMING EVENTS2005July 15 - Greater Houston Pom Specialty July 16 and 17, 7-9 RM.Columbia Pomeranian Club, Seminar Pregnancy WhelpingNeonatology Chery Lopate, MS, DVM, Christy Mmphy, 503 429-8019 or July 21 22 - APC Summer Specialty Richfield, Oh.Hosted by the Ohio Valley Pom Club, Hotel 330 659-6151August 5 - 7 - Pom Club of Ontario August 6 7 - Northern California Pom Club, Walda Greer4winstarp0mssbcgl0bal.netSeptember 4 - Bay Colony Pom Club September 16 17 - Michigan Pom Club September Pom Club of Greater Des Moines Specialty.2006January 14 - 15, 2006 - AKC Eukanuba Invitational, Tampa, FI.March 2006 APC National, Louisville, Ky.2006 APC Summer Specialty - Toy Dog Club of Central FloridaFor updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgLilJP ondemsaPoms. Reg'cl7PRon Sliemj CartwrightPhone 715 874-6936 httpwww.lilponderosapoms.coin vigv , \1 We salute thecourageous men, women and their families 0 our armed forces. May they be safe and protected from all harm.Let freedom ringThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.THE PCMERANIAN REVIEWSubscription CardSubscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESubscriptions Per YearPublished Bi-Monthly45 First Class USPS 37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico 100 ForeignSTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSVISAMASTERCARDAM EXPRESS CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATECARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE80 - APC Pomerxnisn Review -July August 2005AcmsjLgLoOffering quafity show and-pet stochforyour consideration From Ehe EOF LISLES ofToms SHe [ties MinidorsesChriscendo, Miflamor Harwoods,Kismet Paintbrush, Sewers,Jan-Shar, QrECms.Lenette Apple Acres, Lan6ur Kpmohos, Boones S tarhaven, Mars hires WaCdenwoodAtfenCoch Egyptian,Orion Bonner, Queenaire, Finch Jademist, Cu6 didEmcee,Artie, Chipaway September, QoCdenhyhtesDouble domogyous BCachdUhite Eobiano Paint dorses Summer Breeze, 3 Bars, Eru Bruiser, Sonny Dee Bar, Continenta[Bonanza,Poco BuenoCCTrent, BoyS2S,tMtn. Jfome, UK37684E-maiC 423-794-9791 after 9pm ELSEX1H. Firebrooks Tabasco FiascoDonna Machniak BreederHandlerGroomer 517-546-7446 www.dejaypoms.comDana Coventry ManagerOwner 248-258-9259 Attorney at Law for the Sport of DogsA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy, Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COMQuality PomeraniansMtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965Finch's Pomeranians Ltd.cHPARKERamTPRTD^SWHE^RFAMSVCH FINCHS CHARS MAKTN WAVES PARTI-fir44 iM jFinchCHSPLASH28453 530 th Avenue. Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 769-2444 - www.finchspoms.comBredfor 6eauty and soundness of body and mind Janesa ^Pomeranianswww.janesa. compRone 985 384-7466 Toy 985 384-8628Jerrie Treia 1072A Landry Lane Morgan City, LA 70380mTeresa LivezeyP.O.Box 386 Depew, OK 74028 Phone 918 324-5390 www.geocities.comdesignspomeranianscwr,1\[\ VB6009Edgewater Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-991-5410 361-993-4059 fabyanpomssbcglobal .netJuly August 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 81Best InandHark to Back It-CamkBreeder - OwnerShowVMBSnb.Zi, iftXVk-'-a3' '' HrQll1ft. SOUTHERN INDIANA I KENNEL CLUB, INC.1 SATURDAY^ JUNE 4, 2005KWorossySVS3WZWXf111. Wang Tsu Whopper Junior X Ch. Great Elms Famo us DollyThank you BIS JudgeCarla J. LaFave,Group 1 Judges Toddie Clark and Bill Russell, Jr. Z1azzzePhil and Brenda Segelken, Effingham, Illinois 1217 847-5731The Pcmeranian ReviewAdvertisersAllan, Mary............................................................................ 36Baker, Darrell and Olga..........................................................37Barnett, Pat...............................................................................7Barrett, Deborah.....................................................................80Beard, Vonnie........................................................................ 36Behrend, Joan.........................................................................78Birks, Joyce............................................................................ 37Blanchet, Paulette...................................................................89Bolahood, Catherine....................................................... 78, 91Bowyer, Daphne.....................................................................17Bush, Gina..............................................................................36Buske, Randy..........................................................................37Carlson, Alice.................................................................. 38, 81Cartwright, Sherry........................................................... 80, 91Chambers, Wendy..................................................................90Collins, Roxanne..............................................................37, 41Coventry, Dana...................................................................... 81Cox, Marcia............................................................................40Crawford, Karen.....................................................................30Crockett, Carolyn................................................................... 87Dague, Roger and Pat............................................................ 81Dally, Joe and Janette.............................................................78Danielson, Patricia..................................................................79Davis, Erik and Annette......................................................... 79DeCicco, Linda................................................................ 22, 38Deiber, Jerry and Jackie........................................................... 4Dimick, Virginia.....................................................................36Falk, Jennifer..........................................................................77Finch, Diane...........................................................................81Franques, Lloyd and Linda.................................................6, 38Freia, Jerrie............................................................................ 81Gamer, Marilyn...................................................................... 36Gilstrap, David and Carlene.............................................36, 93Goddard, Tim and Sue............................................................. 8Golden, Cindy........................................................................ 77Goodman, Liza.......................................................................37Green, Walda..........................................................................78Griffith, Ken and Eleanor.......................................................19Harris, Bonnie.................................................................. 79, 90Heimbach, Brenda.................................................................. 37Hollander, Debbie...................................................................37Hryniuk, Jen........................................................................... 38Huntsberger, Karen................................................................ 38Iffland, Mari........................................................................... 79Inman, Trish...........................................................................41Jackson, Becky.................................................................33, 38Jessen, Catherine.................................................................... 78Jewel, Linda............................................................................36Johnston, Bronya....................................................................36Johnson, Sandra......................................................................77Jolley, Karen.............................................................................7Kerr, Cheryl............................................................................77Klein, Jessie............................................................................38Levinsohn, Alane.....................................................27, 37, 78Livezey, Teresa................................................................36, 81Lucatorto, Sue.........................................................................30Machniak, Donna....................................................................81McAden, David and Johnis....................................................41McDonald, Cheri..............................................................17, 78McFarlane, Pauline.................................................................30McKee, Margaret................................................................... 38Mercer, Dan and JoEllen........................................................37Meyer, Charlotte.....................................................................40Moore, Barbara...................................................................... 36Morrow, Karleene.................................................................. 37Eack IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.0015.00 10.00August 1997 Available Back IssuesThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USAandAPOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Advertisers ContinuedNewbold, David and Laura.............................................................39Norem, Kathy.................................................Front Cover, 2, 18Northern California Pom Club....................................................... 42Owens, Betsy....................................................................................7Pardue, Melvin and Janice............................................................... 3Pelz, Linda................................................................................. 20, 77Pietzsch, Bob and Liz.....................................................................62Pom Club of Central Indiana..........................................................55Pom Club of Greater Des Moines.................................................. 59Presser, Marlene............................................................................. 36Price, Lana................................................................................... Back CoverRiehm, Donna.................................................................................24Rivers, Gale....................................................................................38Roberts, Audrey....................................................................9, 10, 79Rogers, Sherrilynn..........................................................................94Rosenbaum, Mary.......................................................................... 79Russell, Janice........................................................................... 24, 95Sabourin, Becky............................................................................. 77Sartain, Danielle.............................................................................37Sharp, Derrick and Deronda............................................................ 3Shattuck, Beth................................................................................ 92Shields, Shari................................................................................. 78Shipek, Sharon............................................................................... 37Segelken, Phil and Brenda................................................. 63, 84, 85Smith, George and Janice.................................................................5Smith, Nancy....................................................................................7Smith, Ron and Merilyn...................................................................3Stachurski, Jan................................................................................88Stoll, Frances..................................................................................24Takayama, Ellen........................................................................25, 38Trent, C. L......................................................................................81Waugh, Elaine................................................................................77Way, Elaine............................................................................... 23, 38Waters, Gregg and Charlene.......................................................... 81Wekwert, Nelda..............................................................................38Wells, Mike and Liz..................................................................20, 77Wilkins, Leanne.............................................................................21Williams, Andy and Gina...............................................................39Wilson, Tom...................................................................................77aA MEMORIAL TRIBUTE TO CH. ROCK N TRADITION OF OAKRIDGE, ROMX-Again, the Pomeranian world has to say farewell to another of its beautiful Best In Show Champions and FABULOUS producers who made a huge impact in the Pomeranian breed. JAKE was the top producing sire for FOUR consecutive years. Fortunately, I have the privilege of owning one of y the beautiful champion children he produced, pictured above, finishing her championship at nine months of age, and co-owned with Mona DeLancy. She is truly a gorgeous tribute to JAKE, who may be gone, but will never be forgotten. As a remarkable stud dog, his greatness will live on in his get. I am proud to be a part of JAKES TRADITION.. CH.WHEATS SHY SMILE N TRADITIONNina, my most sincere heartfelt sympathy and condolences on your loss of JAKE.fanolcpttyre fit Aqyzrtisinq fates nnaf itmreat ArticlesInformationPomeranian mebteto ml HU I IrfanumycitfbruaTy 2005For tnrlhpr inlnriimliim rnnliirl tail us ill tiiniii2101 Viihdii.cuiiiHalf Pair liliick ITIiilc 0.11l-iiiirlli I'iiiic S III.1111lliisiness Mills sf II. nil M mill IIan11 ark iXIntroducing my first homebred ChampionCH TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDERrBEST OF BREEDVARIETYl . ST. HUBERTKENNEL CLUBAthb Photo byMAY 14, 2005 c DAVE McCURLEYDoo-Shay s Short Circuit Sire Hollily s Circuit BreakerCh Southpaw of SisnbenCh Ursa Minor s Special Effect Dam Tabletops Tahitian PearlUrsa Minors Milk HoneySender has been a whirl wind finishing at 10 months of age. Thank you, to the judges who appreciated this thick coated, self-stacking, handsome black boy, with a tough as nails but always kissable attitude.Mr. Fred Bassett - Best Bred by Exhibitor - at the APC NationalMr. Robert D. Ennis - 2 Points and Mr. Phillip A. Lanard III - Group 4thMrs. Clover Allen - BOW - 2 PointsMr. Alan L. Harper - BOW - 2 Point BBE Group 1stMs. Bonnie Linnell Clarke - BOW - 4 Point MajorMrs. Vikki L. Abbott - WD - 5 Point MajorMr. Joseph F. Joly III - WD - 3Point Major Mr. Larry C. Abbott - BBE Group 4th Mrs. Dorothy McDonald - BOB pictured aboveCongratulation Audrey Roberts on your kennel visit.BreederOwnerHandler -Mr. Jan Stachurski - Tabletop Poms -jasuslaclidbaolcomSEJSBIiretf'S DEUCES WILDs 0 iLji jWINNERS DOG BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX-ySAN JACINTO KENNEL CLUBm . APRIL 2005 NUGENT PHOTOCH STRINGERS GAMBLIN' ON DESTINY X SUNFLOWERS SADIE. BRED BY STEPHANIE STOKES. SERENITY YORKSHIRE TERRIERS Thanks Audrey for helping a novice with a spoiled little Yorkie. You are doing a great job handling DeuceThanks also for your patience with a novice me. You have answered all my dumb questions and have kept me abreast of the progress and antics of Deuce. I miss and love him dearly.Best wishes with Coz, Ch. Larajus Cosmic Kid, whom we now co-own. Coz was number seven in the nation last year and is doing very well this year. He now' has several Group 2s and a Group 1 first weekend back from a break. Audrey and Coz A great teamCongratulations Audrey on your well-deserved APC Kennel VisitOwnerPdirteftfte Blemeltef337 232-2520 204 Bienvenue Circle Lafayette, LA 70501HandlerAudios 111. SobepfisShyacresI- IiI I 1ICongratulations Malgorzata Supronowicz on all your multi wins with Al. You make a great team.I would like to thank all my Pom friends lor their congratulatory ads on my2Bonnie Harris 20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island. NY 11953 631205-5223 tresspomshotmail.com0 si\nr 7 1ST PLACE BITCH V, NATIONALSPECIALTYSavannahs pup and another Briti^Ji parti pup. 9oth puppies are WeeHeartsHeartlandsFinch linesMAR. 16. 2005SavannahBritish Lane Idea In MotionpiritM lane - ilentrp Chambers Finch's He's A Gold Investment X Wildwoods You Go Girl815 368-3203 Lostant, Illinois httpwww.britishlanepoms.comSavannah is shown winning first in AOAC at the 2005 APC Nationals in Kentucky handled by Brenda Segelken Savannah has both majors with limited showins.1 a aftAT KIJfcKm _Lil-PonderosaSparks A'FlyinJulia's Li'l Ponderosa Tiger Lil-Ponderosa Sparks A'Flyin Li'l Ponderosa Design OTlairCongratulations everyone on their features and acomplishments, and to Nina Epps our most sincere sympathy on Jake's passing to the Rainbow Bridge.Ron 8c Sherry CartwrightLil-Ponderosa Poms, Reg' 71S 74-6936httpwww.lilponderosapoms.comCfiN. cti. piNeCRes"Thg Jokerfinished his Championship at just 7 months old - undpfpatpd - winning 6 pst of rppd in 2 wppkpnds of showing,brppdprownpr handled.PKgi on youpineerpst fenngls Rszgdowmanvillp, Ontario Canada lstC3K.4 905-697-24SSCatherine olahoodpinperpstrogs2rs.comaALEXSMITHmotoouhrbest of best puppy breed in breed I AURORA ' pva cue _ Hrhbn itYWi injitsywa."1ST PLACEOOGNATIONAL SPECIALTY111LA POETE COUNTY KENNEL CLUBAT yToffee finished with all majorsM pcfifrk. 6fryjkite. Pfrnciny In Tkz Pfcrk.Mocha finisned with three majors.I would like to wish Kathy Norem continuing success with Ch. Finchs Awesome On All Four, who won multiple Best of Breeds and a Group placing from the puppy class.FLASH Slyjust won a Group 3Thinking of you, Nina Epps'Kiykt HoVe-SSeger won 8 points in two weekends with one major.Beth Shattuck5dvvhire- Goodrich, MI 810 797-3527I" ' lr IHW4 .-, V.3 l-\BEST OF OPPOSITE SEXJA..'i -ViBIRMINGHAM KENNEL CLUB2005COPR. PHOTO BYLUIS F. SOSA8 504-889-9996- ,Tr.rThank you jLidge Robert Moore, who gave Latifah her first major, and handler Ann Berryman.Finishing with 3 major wins, almost never defeated. Thank you to her breeder Ken Griffith for allowing us to have such a beautiful girl. Thank you Ann Berryman for expertly handling Latifah and to Bronya Johnston for the final major.Sincere condolences to Nina for the loss of her best friend Jake. He will long be remembered by all in the Pom fancy.Congratulations to Audrey Roberts for your feature.MOUITAIS CREST IOMERAIIAI DAVID AVD CARLEIE GILSTRAPP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423 987-0266 Email dcgilstrapaol.comNEW CHAMPIONMonutc'imracBUTTERFLYUCUEVAat rv .KENNELintroduces55WINNERSmajor^LOUISVILLE rw kennel CLUBIRQ C BOOTH PHOTO BT KENNEDY4ItCIIM99YiTlJolldCJlBE5IOFOPPOSITE SEXCh Tresstiques Weekend Warrior X Ch Monarcs Shady LadyThis typey little red girl finished with style and grace with a 5 pt major at Terre Haute, IN on 22 April going WB and BOS over two bitch Specials after taking a 5 pt major at Louisville after the Nationals. A Ch Indiana Jones of Lenette and Ch Great Elms Prince Charming II granddaughter, she has been bred to Ch Pom Meadows Cedar of Lenette a Ch Dominic of Lenette son, another line-breeding on the Ch Cedanwoods Image of Diamond lines for LaCueva Kennel. I am extremely pleased with my show prospect puppy dog from my last Diamond line breeding who made his debut by taking best puppy in breed at the puppy match at Terre Haute.Congratulations go out to dear friends Katy Stalnaker on finishing Lacy Horizons Gator Legacy at KCs and Cindy Onosko on finishing new Ch DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble sire of my Ch Oasis A Life of Riley and to AudreyRoberts and Nina Epps on your feature articles.f UERRILYNN ROGERS - LACUEVA KENNELDayton OH 45433, 937 275-4062, LacuevaKnlaol.comCh. StoiaSkew Champion12LHU91^I NEW CHAMPION- TERRE HAUTE f ^^.KENNELst rY n ApdJi.MB FBESTOPPOSITE SEX ' - -Ch StoCanne's 'Keep ,Em RoCCin xCh. Fan-CsSparse WTraditionPeachesfinished her championship with a fantastic five point major win going Best of Winners, and Best of Opposite Sex It was a very thrilling day lThis 6eautifuCgirlfinished with 4 major wins........owner handledThanfyou judgesMs. Denny Mounce---- 5 point majortMr. Rgdney Merry---3 point majorMrs. Eri^a Moureau 3 point majorMrs. eke Kahn---------- 4 point majorPeaches is a Jake granddaughter. With deep appreciation to Fran StoCCfor allowing Peaches to own me. Congratulation to Jiudrey Pp6erts, Shyacres Pomeranians on her Kennel Visit.a WLjflJanice cRusseCC Indianapolis, IDf indypoms6cgCo6aI.netD Ch. Nguyen, Cory Lover6oy of ^QROMCh. Bachmans Precious JewelfZ ,hiuCh. Absolutely Fabulous Mini iAmCan Ch. Maranathas Star Spangld Baner7 Ch. Lanas Pleased to Meet YouCh. Kalasics Out of the AshesCh. Bachman s Al Amencani SATfMiI am very proud to announce the accomplishment of my boy Corys ROM award. I want to send a BIG thanks to all of my friends and fellow breeders who have helped to make this possible. Id like to especially thank Cheri McDonald who has played a major role in this amazingly she is breeder of 3 of his 6 titlists, one co-bred with Maya Landvogt. Monica Gayle Kern for finishing her Mini very quickly, Gloria Carlin who has worked very hard on finishing two, one she bred herself and one which was co-bred by Julie Kallbacka and John and Pauline McFarlane. There are several other pointed Cory kids in the ring so I hope all this success continues. Thank you guys for your hard work and dedication.Lana Price