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The Pomeranian Review September 2005
siwD Si3k. . V.I II I7j'Syueab fmm PayyieiayiiciyifP yieaeyitM an yieitP ^ikayyLfuayi.Oh Greay RUrny Little RascalmlwuWINNERSIu ft\^ 4 ^STATEN ISLAND KENNEL CLUBaM^y27,2005Rob Gerity WWINNERSBESTOFCh Great Rivers Aint No Paint x Ch Ti Amo Liberty Of Great RiversBETBREErUWOHCOMHiXWNNEICUJB Hay 24,2004Like father, like daughter...fLi Great Riv. Aint No PaintBoth PJ and Darla have wonderful movement, type and soundness. PJ is consistently producing very nice offspring.We have orange and parti show prospects for sale to loving homes.jveat aw Wfmmfilo.Gh Great 1 W Lets flay A BaZ3,UCWsr rL Ucc ' JrJU Jsdf. fvirr4Mk' - JAvaBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX 1 rs QVe i as' c IIWIIJIDarla and L HfflA - r j - r r we " - - p GJJ 1 ' LilS^HAz- - a.r A il 1Uy-- p - a. p r c_\v p c_- a,- - -_W_-----------W-P-- WOshipp r - " - p s^_W - - - P C_- Aat River Pomeranians Sharon Yampiro 601-2775. 1M c SMKI", "Ch. Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Ch. Starfires Table DancerThanks Tony Fabian.Co-Owner Co-OwnerDONNA RIEHM FRAN STOLLRiehm Poms - Illinois Stolanne Poms - stolanne650dialup.com618 684-4644 812 254-3857' MV.mi, niV v. V S lg't1 -__v -..vw i ,vyvrfcTiT7 Ta_ ______________FourVrA\iBest InBreed type MovementttitudeAmerican Pomeranian Club 2005 National Summer Specialty Winnerank you arles C. Scott r this BISS winsi jane L. FinchFinchs Pomeranians Kelly, Iowa Breeder www.finchspoms.comKathryn J NoremEagle Creek Pomeranians Knox, Indiana Owner Handler www.eaglecreekpoms.com5js ch, Fyflpi'SLIWMHWOfkr 'lm\ pBEST OF BREEDVARIETYV- .vISJULY 2Z 2005t. JTIONAL SPECIALTY-itl 5mifeM TkIIS.13TY amPixies Miracle Boy X CH Pixies Tuff StuffReserve Winners Bitch end Best oppy at the APB Summer SpecialtyrBESTPUPPYJULY 22. 2005- r SPECIALTY____u-rro.lifiVJr zWfftij v......... \\ilwBreedersii ^rr.rr^. yJIl'ySifr.Owners740458-1705 www.pixiepoms.comk-,Breeders offiM Porvts stu-ce 1957t1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerCH. NOAH OF LENETTE X SWEET BETSY OF LENETTEMale on left. Both are for sale.MLML.fifeakVVV...' '7 \, V . V. V-hi. T t-jzMLML.MLML.MLMLSis4kWe have two exceptional show prospect males available sired by Ch. Magic Touch of Lenette. We also have several females that have show potential.Please call or visit our website.Congratulations to Tammy Moynihan on her new Lenette Champion and also to Jackie Rayner on her new Lenette Champion. Thank you Vikki Oelerich for finishing Ch. Noah of Lenette. This makes champion No. 7 so far this year for our breeding program. We finished three and our clients finished four.Best wishes to Linda DeCicco on your kennel visit.Visitors are always welcome at Lenette so if you are ever in the area please stop by for a visit. No visitors or phone calls on Sunday, please.ML.ML.MLMLML.MLMLSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 9TURNERf\GROUP THIRD aPADUCAH KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2005DON MEYERrCHAMPION STOLANNES ITS MY TURNGROUP THREE WINWhat a wonderful win for Turner and his first love and handler, Debbie Kingery. They made a fantastic pair andcaptured this great win from Judge Mr. Edd Bivin _ _ .Co owner Thankyou JudgeBivin Co ownerBreederDONNA RIEHM FRAN STOtSRiehm Pomeranians IllinoisStolanne Pomeranians IndianaRIBAIf""7o'Sy1 \bAwPmkWINNERS NEW CHAMPION MAJOR WIN CRAB ORCHARD KENNEL CLUB JUNEL- i2005GARDEN STUDIO. INCICH MARBILS RUMOR HAS ITBISBiSS CH Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco X Marbils Shes So FineThank you Judges Charles Trotter and Bettie L. Krause for Rebas majors.Reba was BreederOwner handled from start to finish. She is a joy to show and we look forward to her specials career when she matures.BreederOwner - DONNA RIEHMRiehm Pomeranians 618 684-4644BieederOwneEHandler - MARI IRELANDMarbil Pomeranians 618 435-6127 www.marbilpomeranians.comDOSSMAR PRESENTSCH. ROSELANE THATS MY CHEVYN rA2SBESTOFWINNERS WMAJORBADGERA KENNEL I CLUB May S. 2005 C K. BOOTHBKC vDISCan. Ch. Dossmars Buzz Of My Heart X Roselane Red RobinMy appreciation to Nadine Hersil for her expert handling to finish Chevy in 3 weekends with multiple BOBs and group placements. My thanks to all the judges for their consideration.Chevy is for sale. Please contact owner.Owner BreederMARIAN DOSSINGER MARGARET MCCONNELL262-334-4889 roselaneistar.ca1Oak Acres pomsIS PROUD TO PRESENTCh. Great Elms SarauaCh. Great Elms Mr. Chips X Great Elms Sweet Sue IIBreeder Ruth L. Beam. Thank you for my little gentleman.Thanks to JudgesGeorge J. Heitzman BOB, Mrs. M. Jean Lade BOB, Mrs. Sharon A. Krough BOB, Dr. Edward Patterson Major, Mr. Edd E. Bivin Major, and Mr. Reinaldo Roy Burgos for giving him his last 2 points to finish.Dawn I. Kopf-CollinsOak acres PomsNokesville, 703 594-3541SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 13The Rcmeranian ReviewContents FrentCoverAdvertisers Index..................................................................88APC Board Summary Janice Russell.................................41APC National Specialty Info................................................. 86APC Officers.........................................................................23APC Statement.....................................................................23APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel...................................... 51-53APC Summer Specialty Results .....................................58-63Archives.................................................................................38, 39Ask Us Anything Annette Davis........................................... 28, 29Back Issue Information.........................................................88Canadian Spitz Group, Joan Beech.............................. 40,41City of Angels Pom Club.................................................77-79Coming Events.....................................................................86Cover Story ......................................................................... 14Exhibitor Courtesy Sally Baughniet.................................... 67Health and Genetics Julie Kallbacka................................... 46, 47Judges Education Dot Martin.............................................. 64, 65Judges, Please Read...........................................................65Just FUR Fun.......................................................................45Kennel Visit Linda DeCicco........................................... 33-37Kennel Visits, Future Features................................ 37, 43, 82Letter from the Editor........................................................... 43Letters to the Editor..............................................................43Membership Report Annette Davis.....................................22Memorial Gloria Setmayer..................................................66My First Pom Darrel Olga Baker.....................................68My First Pom Tim Sue Goddard..................................... 73New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel................................. 53Performance News Barbara McClatchey......................70-73Pom Club of Greater Houston.........................................74-76Pomeranian Charitable Trust............................................... 47Pomeranian Standard.......................................................... 69Pom Standard, Just An Opinion..........................................38, 39Presidents Report Marge Kranzfelder................................ 24, 25Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................... 22Structure, A Closer Look Christine Heartz.....................54-57Subscription Card.................................................................86SubscriptionReview Information............................20, 82, 86Sunshine and Roses............................................................82Survey Says.........................................................................81Take A Ride On The Wild Side............................................ 80The Way I See It Sue Lucatorto....................................42, 43Ways and Means Walda Green.......................................... 50Ways and Means Art Contest...............................................44Website Address..................................................................23Owners Lee Look - Donna Jkhmak - [Inna Coventry Firebrook Ioms - De-Jay Poms - Do-Jay PomsToliy is enjoying all the attention he is getting in the show ring, lie woiilil like toIJuality and Looks with the many wins they have awarded him.Toliy w ould like to send "Special thanks to Judges Rose Ellen Fetter and Sondra Esporite for his Rest in Show wins on Saturday and Sunday in Cant on. Ohio. Rack toToll would also Latimer. Dari libk Ashley and -Jerry Miller. Ste iaRiehni, for finishing his kids.ov is looking lorwishows in the future. He says to please say hi and give him a pet when you see him. HeCHARS POMER-rvGRANDSWEEPSTAKESPUPPYBITCHv3 V,MBfa.A. .tJULY 21, 2005 St2uUSPECIALTY fSJATIONAL jiI. c CHARINOOKIE"Nookie is our beautiful Dillon daughter. She was one hot little puppy starting out going Best of Breed over the specials. Well, she started out with a bang and kept those fireworks going non-stop. In New York City for the Progressive Toy Specialty, she went WB for a four point major finishing her championship. She couldnt stop there though as she showed her little heart out and walked away as Best Puppy In Show. What an exciting day Nookie followed that up with the win of Grand Sweepstakes Winner at the 2005 Summer National and Award of Merit. Go Nookie Thank you to our Summer National Judges Brenda Segelken and Charles Scott.BredOwnedLoved byCharlotte Meyer 906-466-9048Co-breederDiane Finch 515-769-2444SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranirn Review - 15Mar- Ds Pomeranians IntroducesMar-D's First Episode rWinners Best Opposite[COOKXI - 1Cinbows Cutting Edge x Sassie the Spit Fire For Mar-DOur first homebred show prospect is certainly off to a fantastic start 6 Winners Bitch, 6 BOS, 1 BOWOur thanks to the following judges for acknowledging, with championship points, this girls great angulation and animation.Darryl Vice, Roger Hartinger, Ms. Dawn Hansen, James Fredierkson, Martha Fielder, Leonard ReppordAnd a very special thanks to our handler Diane StevensonOwnersMary Stephens and Debi BuchananP.O.Box 2162, Cave Junction, OR 97523 httpuser.cavenet.compomsHandler - Diane StevensonThere are no words to adequately express myGRATITUDE TO ALL OF YOU WHO SENT CONDOLENCESwhen Jake passed over the rainbow bridge.There isn't a day that goes by that 1 don't think of him and miss him terribly. YourEXPRESSIONS OF SYMPATHY BRING ME MUCH COMFORT.My personal issue of the Pom Review arrivedEARLY IN THE MORNING, SPECIALLY WRAPPED IN GOLD FOIL AND RED RIBBONS WITH A BEAUTIFUL BOUQUET OF ROSES. I WAS SO SURPRISED AND HONORED BY THIS WONDERFUL GESTUREThank you, Brenda, for arranging this awesomeTRIBUTE TO JAKE, MY BEST FRIEND AND COMPANION. YOU HAVE BEEN SUCH AN ASSET TO OUR APC AND OUR MAGAZINE.With much love,Nina Eppsomoi, eiji... L."0M \A r' , OUTPsH 'JNJLE'i KENNEL CLUB, \UC. Am AY 2005t I\FIRST \U GROUPi gKOHLERBISSCH Mountain Crest II x Showcase Malibu BarbieKenny finished with 3 majors and a Group 1 Bred By Exhibitor. Thanks to all of the judges who liked Kenny Mrs. Peggy Hogg Major, Mrs. Gloria Knapp Major, Mr. Desmond Murphy Major, Mrs. Anne Kafona, Mrs. Lois Wolff White, Mr. Edd Bivin and Mr. Roger Hartinger. Thanks to handler and co-breeder Curtiss Smith for his wonderful presentation. Thanks to David and CarleneGilstrap for letting II come here and visit us at Showcase.Congratulations to Linda DeCicco on her well-deserved APC Kennel VisitacaeaAe owwmvicavid818352-9536 ShowcgsePoms.comSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 19tPje Pomeranian HetotetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor.................................................................... .11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731..................Brenda Segelkenfame62401yahoo.comSubscriptions...........................................PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692.........................................Cheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders...........................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinKennel Visit Manager..........................................................................................................................................................................................................Jessie Klein13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netAdvertisement Manager......................................................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoaniwon.comAdvertisement Manager ..................................................................................................................................................................................................Walda Green8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005 PH 831 336-8285 winstarpomssbcglobal.netBusiness Card Manager....................................................................................................................................................................................................................Becky Sabourin2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642 PH 989 832-3408 Wyndlorchartermi.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class......................................................... ...45.00USPS Bulk.................................................................. ...37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico........................................ ....55.00Foreign...........................................................................100.00Single Issue......................................................................10.00Back Issues.................................................................. ....10.00Advertising DatesFront Cover Color........................................................ .600.00Back Cover Color........................................................ ..450.00Inside Front Cover Color............................................ ..300.00Inside Front Cover BW............................................... ..125.00Inside Back Cover Color.............................................. ..300.00Inside Back Cover BW............................................... ..125.00Page 3,4,5,6 Color..........................................................300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW........................................................ ..125.00Center Spread BW...................................................... ..250.00Full Page Deluxe Color................................................ ..275.00Full Page BW.............................................................. ..100.00Half Page Color........................................................... ..150.00Half Page BW.................................................................60.00One Quarter Page............................................................40.00Business Card 6...........................Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...................................OBEDIENCE.... JanFebFeb 1.................................................................................MarAprilApril 1.................ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1.........................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1..................................................................................SeptOctOct 1..........................MEMORIAL ISSUE...NovDecThe Pomeranian Review......... official A. P. C. publication......... sent to Breed Group Judges......... reasonable rates......... quality reproductions......... only source of APC Archives......... provides APC news and reports......... APC Specialty coverage......... Regional Pom Club coverage......... obedience training information......... interesting, informativeSIPRCCT THE APC SUPPORT TUP REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.20 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewrPomeranian Club of Central Indiana, Inc.Pomeranian Club of Central IndianaWill be holding our 3rd Annual Pomeranian SpecialtySaturday Evening October 1, 2005 after the All-Breed Show at the Indiana State Fairgrounds Indianapolis, INPlan now to j oin usJudge - Tim Catterson Sweeps Judge - Becky SabourinWeekend shows will be Michiana Kennel Club and Hoosier Kennel Club.All Breed SuperintendentRoy Jones Dog Shows.CATALOG ADVERTISING Back Cover 40.00 Inside front and back covers 35.00 Centerfold Spread 65.00 Full Page 30.00HalfPage 20.00Quarter Page 10.00 Add 5.00 for each photoSend ads to Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Ave, Effingham, IL 62401 217-347-5731, fame62401 yahoo. com Make checks payable to PCCI.Ad deadline is September 9, 2005.Show SecretaryJoe Smith10762 W. State Rd 42 Stilesville, IN 46180 westindyjoeaol.comShow Chairperson Janice Russell Indianapolis, IN 46222 indypomsbcglobal.netENTRIES CLOSE SEPTEMBER 14, 2005JSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Revew - 217ii\ 9 j 2.jrKMarge Kranzfelder jpig.KAHLiAA^Taking Care of Business...The APC Board can divide its concerns into two categories. The one that we enjoy thinking about is what this clubs purpose is...promoting and taking care of our breed. You know the things we all expect the National, the Pomeranian Review, the roster, judges education, etc. This list should be endless because the more we accomplish, the more new projects we should want to take on. Lets call it taking care of Pomdom, the reason we all joined the club. The other category of concerns are ones that generally appear invisible if done properly. They are the basic foundation of running a social club which the APC technically is responsibly within the incorporated law. This translates to filing of taxes, fiscal responsibility and strategic planning. Lets call this taking care of business.APC has been in existence continually for over 100 years. This has its advantages and disadvantages, which I wont get into in this article. But the past several boards have wisely believed that APC primarily must run an up-to-date, efficient and responsible organization, which is then free to concentrate on the taking care of Pomdom category. If the invisible category isnt functioning properly, the whole organization will grind to a halt.... either slowly by erosion or suddenly by some major event. As prepared as our organization was, shall we say, life happens.What is all this leading up to I am trying to explain how the APC Board has been very busy since I last reported our progress but the end results might appear to just be about the same as several months previous. As Elvis once said, we were taking care of business. We had to address some matters that needed immediate attention and, as always, needed to follow directions outlined in our Bylaws. Just about all other projects ground to a halt. But as I describe our current status, I think we are even a stronger, better organization than we previously thought possible.First, the board had a vacancy to fill. We are very proud to announce that Donna Riehm is our new board member. You all got to know some of her talents and capabilities as our former Ways and Means chair. Her business and marketing knowledge and experience will be put to good advantage.We also have a new 2006 National Show Chair. We tried to think who has Show Chair experience regionally and, even better, who has experience with giving a Summer Specialty. Lets see, who did the very well organized Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Summer Specialty and Summer National recently When asked who it was, Janice Russell, pleaded the Fifth amendment. But with some arm-twisting, she has accepted the Show Chair position. All agree the 2006 National is now in very capable hands.24 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review22 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewHave you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site athttpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline at or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMZInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.Po_ ____ _Congratulations to Linda DeCicco of Aphrodites Poms on your APC Kennel Visit.Our sincere condolences to Emil Setmayer and family on your loss.Karen Crawford and lohn Pauline McFarlanei iThe APC web site is the clubs face to the public and members, as well as the dog fancy. Web keeping is a very large responsibility that intertwines creative tasks needing technical knowledge as well as those, which address the constant updating and maintenance duties. The Board decided to form a web site committee of Kelly Reimschiissel web keeper, and Elizabeth Heckert. They will be assisted by Jennifer Munn. Instead of a face-lift, they plan to give our site an exciting new face. You will first be aware of the navigation improvements, but there will be lots of other new site features to check out in the future as well.With thanks to these volunteers who have stepped forward to assume these important responsibilities, APC is in fine shape. Now that we have taken care of business, we are now ready to proceed with our mission oftaking care of Pomdom.Dont forget to contribute to the PCT Quilt Project contact Ann Berryman. Tell your favorite artist about our artwork contest.Hope you are looking forward to the arrival of autumn weather, healthy Fall litters, and successful show weekends.SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 25Ch. Tim Sue s Small Talk'AAVIntroducing our newest Champion Tim Sue s Small Talk -winning the first of four majors under the capable handling skills of Audrey Roberts. This title was won, in 4 weekends, from the puppy class every point thanks to Audrey who trained and groomed him to perfection. Talker's sire is Ch. Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue and his dam is Tim Trinket.i m u e omeranians412 Duncan St., Alvin, Texas 77511 281 585-4430 Timsuepomslnetscape.netLegacy Poms aCh. Legacys Machine Gun KellyCh. RolN Dels Pretty Boy Floyd x Legacys Artie FoxKelly is happy to announce his Moms upcoming APC Kennel Visit in the NovDec 2005 Pomeranian Review.Congratulations to Linda DeCicco on her kennel visit. Condolencestothe late Gloria Setmayers husband, Emil.TRISH ROWLEY LEGACY POMS573-765-1775 httphop.toLEGACYKeepsake's On Stageft- V3 .Keepsakes Courtin' Tradition x Ch. Puf Pride Cloudbreaker Stage is tripled on the legendary Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Audrey Roberts Congratulations for your feature in the last issue Linda DeCicco Your Poms get better with every passing yearJessie Klein 903-882-1950www.mykeepsakes.net26 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeeanibk RevewSunGlo's Just Lookin For Trouble\\ Snickersttv3 XsJt ryBEST -yWINNERSKENNEL i OFBEVERLYJUNE- CLUBmHILLS,9 rPHOTOSBERGMAN2005Snickers is pictured here with Mr. John Ramirez taking WDBOW. Snickers is now "JUST LOOKIN FOR SINGLES" to complete his AKC Championship. We would like to thank the late Mr. Ed Jenner Ms. Arlene Czech for Snickers majors and Mr. Stephen Hurt for Snicker's third major at the San Diego Pomeranian Club Specialty.We would like to Congratulate Linda DeCicco her beautiful Aphrodite's Poms, we wish you continued success. We would also like to extend our sympathies to the family of Gloria Setmayer, she will be missed.SunGlo PomeraniansDan Tammee httphome.att.netsunglopomsAnnette Davis6kOur question for this issue is What can I do about coccidiosisAs long as you feed a premium food, normal Pomeranian stools are small, firm, and without foul odor. A change in normal stools is a red flag that something is amiss. A common intestinal disease among dogs is coccidiosis. Coccidia are parasitic protozoans single celled organisms found in the intestinal tract of many animals, including dogs. Coccidiosis cause severe losses of agricultural animals each year, especially calves and fowl. It is highly contagious and extremely difficult to eradicate. Fortunately, the Isospora species that infects dogs and cats is not contagious to people.In dogs, the first symptom of coccidiosis is soft stools that contain yellowish mucous and have a characteristic sweet odor similar to freshly cut alfalfa. The infected animals eyes are often watery and the coat becomes dull and rough. As damage to the mucous lining of the intestines progresses, a secondary bacterial infection sets in and the stools begin to smell foul and often contain large amounts of mucous and blood. It is common for infected dogs to eat each others stools. Symptoms are similar to the protozoan infection giardia, except that in giardia infections, the stools are light colored and have a greasy consistency. It is not uncommon for more than one species of parasitic protozoan to occur at the same time. Because cysts are shed intermittently, it can be very difficult to confirm protozoan infections by fecal examination.Coccidiosis is spread when an animal ingests infective cysts passed via the stools. Cysts may be passed by animals with an active infection as well as carriers that show no clinical signs but continue to harbor infection. There is a common misconception that coccidiosis is only a problem in filthy and crowded kennels. This is simply not the case. Certainly filth and overcrowding will accentuate any disease, but coccidiosis can become a problem in even the cleanest of kennels.Currently, there are no drugs available that are able to kill coccidia. Coccidiostats work by inhibiting coccidial reproduction. Once the numbers stop increasing, the host animals immune system can then wipe out the infection. Prescription Albon liquid suspension has proven to be an effective coccidiostat when given at the rate of 14 ml per pound double the dose for the first day only for 21-30 days. The label directions suggest a shorter treatment time, however a veterinarian I know who has a lot of experience treating coccidiosis in farm animals, advised me that because coccidia run a twenty-one day cycle, best results are achieved by using a longer treatment period.It is important to clean all fecal matter promptly and disinfect all kennel surfaces, bedding, and toys daily. Coccidia are not destroyed by chlorine bleach and many other disinfectants. It has been shown that they are readily destroyed by ammonia and old fashioned Lysol Concentrate 1 part ammonia or Lysol to 10 parts water. Do not use plastic food or water dishes. Coccidia can stay in the crevices. Use stainless steel, crock style, or glass food and water dishes. Change drinking water often and clean the foodwater dishes with a mild ammonia solution regularly.28 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomerxnisn ReviewAsk Us Anything Continued on Page 29CH. Firebrooks Tabasco FiascomfDonna Machniak BreederHandlerGroomer 517-546-7446 www.dejaypoms.comDana Coventry ManagerOwner 248-258-9259 Attorney at Law for the Sport of DogsCongratulations to Linda DeCicco - Aphrodites Pomeranians, on her well-deserved APC Kennel VisitOur condolences to Emil Setmayer and family on the loss of Gloria. Gloria will fondly be remembered.Ask Us Anything Continuedfrom Page 28Separate all infected dogs as much as possible. It is imperative that you do not allow the infected animal to become dehydrated. Supportive care and oral electrolyte solutions are helpful. Keep the animal warm and away from drafts. B vitamins may not be given during the Albon treatment. Albon works by inhibiting folic acid, therefore B vitamin supplements with folic acid may negate its action.Echinacea and a pet supplement that contains zinc and vitamin C may be given during treatment to support the immune system in its fight against the infection. One of the negative side effects of Albon is that it destroys beneficial intestinal bacteria leaving the animal more susceptible to pathogens. During and after treatment with Albon, it is important to give a high potency probiotic beneficial microbial supplement. After Albon treatment has finished, continue the probiotic and give a supplement with B vitamins, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and zinc appropriately dosed for your pet. To avoid future outbreaks, keep your dog in excellent health, free of worms and maintain scrupulous cleanliness. Immediately separate any dog that shows signs of the disease and treat accordingly.Our question for the next issue is What can I do about giardiaYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 E-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 297pliroditesp omeraniansiIntroduces our kids in the ringI would like to introduce Apkrodites Donmar Desperado aka Desi. Desi is also owned, adored and kandled by Donna Majewski. Witk very limited showing Desi kas 11 points including kotk ol kis majors. Desi s dam is Sunrunner BB at Apkrodite and sire is Can. Am. Ck. Ckriscendo Call To Arms. I would like to tkank Mickey Stepkens lor tkis keautilully producing kitck. I would also like to tkank Ckris and Jokn Heartz lor allowing me tke use ol Colt. He kelped me to make a good friend s dream come true. I would also like to introduce Windkiss Apkrodites Posie aka Posie. Again, witk very limited skowing, Posie kas T points including a BOB and Group 3 under ker belt. Her dam is Karadarn Dalila and sire is my Underwoods Little Son Junior aka Junior. Junior produces tke most beautiful dogs. Not only do kis puppies kave tke keads I strive lor but also kealtk, temperament, structure and movement I can t tkank Brenda Underwood enougk lor tkis lil guy A BIG tkank y ou to Donna Majewski lor agreeing to skow my dogs. Donna, you do a wonderful job not only kandlin g tke dogs but most importantly caring lor them.OwnerBreederLinda DeCiccoP HandlerDonnaMaj ewskidonna.maj i. r.m"DESI"POSIE32 - SeptemberOctober 200S - APC Pomeranian Reviewpliroditp omeraniansLinda DeCicco-o9VMy name is Linda DeCicco. I live with my very patient husband Paul and several Pomeranians in the deep woods of Maine. We are surrounded by woods on all sides and have approximately seven acres, one of which is cleared and fenced. This is where the Poms frolic in the grass, playing on bridges, running through tunnels and playing with their toys. They love every waking minute. They are not dogs to me but they are the air that I breathe and what makes my heart beat. These precious jewels live in my home and are never crated unless they go to a show. I try to keep my numbers to a minimum. I place the girls between five to six years of age so I have room for the new show hopefuls.I have two grown children. Thank the good Lord they made it. As those of you with adult children know, there are times when were just not sure they will reach adulthood. You know, either were worried they will kill themselves or times we would be more than willing to do it for them. My son, Adam, is 25 and lives on his own finally. He works for an abatement company. My daughter, Amber, is 22 and has a Liberal Arts Degree. She is continuing her education in the radiography field. I am very proud of both of them.I grew up in the very small town of Galway in upstate NY. Galway is the town next to Ballston Spa where the Ballston Spa Circuit Dog Shows are. I love that showI shared my love of animals with my lovely mother, who has passed. She was a wonderful lady who would take in any stray. If she found an animal, she brought it home to nurse it, no matter what condition it was in. She would take them to the vet for whatever treatment was needed and find them homes. This is how we became close friends with the vet.As my older sister Pam and I grew up, we decided to buy our own purebred dogs. We had always had mixed breeds from the pound. As soon as Pam turned sixteen and had a job, she decided on a Toy Poodle. I was next and decided on a Basset Hound. Imagine that I paid for it with my hard-earned money only to find out that the dam had been kept in a not-so-secure area and had an affair with other than her man. So I placed the dog with friends of ours. Pam talked me into buying a male Toy Poodle so we could breed. Back in those days, things were so different. Through my vet, Sandy, I found a breeder that showed her dogs. I purchased a two-year-old male by the name of Viola Man About Town. Get this folks, he was pointed and had one testicle. Things WERE different back then.As I grew older, married, and had children, my life changed. We had a Doberman and my Poodle Manny who lived to a ripe old age. We moved to Arkansas and later on we moved back north and we ended up here in Maine. I found this house, fell in love with it and bought it. What sold me on it was the family room and kitchen had quarry tile and the dining room hadAphrodites Kennel Visit Continued Page 34SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 33Aphrodites Kennel Visit Continued From Page 33 hardwood flooring. My first thought was what a simply perfect house inwhich to breed dogsBlue, Ch. Trudys Kentucky Blue at AphroditeChad, Ch Aphrodites Dream Date Sire Underwoods Little Son Junior x Aphrodites AkeishaJWoody, Ch. Aphrodites Underwood Gift Sire Underwoods Little Son X Aphrodites AustiAt that time I truly was not aware of the status of the dog world as it is today. I honestly feel it is as different as the breed itself.I had my kids each pick a breed. My son picked out the German Shepherd and my daughter picked the Samoyed.I found a wonderful German Shepherd breeder, named Laura Prewitt. She shows and I would recommend her in a heartbeat. She sold me the dog knowing what my plans were. Unfortunately, Skippy, Skip To My Lou, got pyometra and had to be spayed.The Samoyed was recommended to me by someone at the vet clinic. A customer had just purchased one. Since I knew I was going to breed her, I checked her hips at one year and she had hip displaysia, so I had her spayed, too. Unfortunately, she developed Addisons Disease and one day she had a crisis. The kids were at school. I called my husband, but by the time he called me back, she had passed in my arms. Oh, how I loved that dog I decided I wanted to find that dog in a little package and THAT is how I found the Pomeranian Breed. This was in 1993.Now, mind you, I never entertained the thought of showing. I truly never knew it was an option. Unless you are in the show world or know someone in it, I dont think you are aware of it. I know I wasnt. So I began my search to find my Pom I read a few little books, checked the paper again and again, called some vets, and even called my vet friend in New York. I did find a show breeder and left a message but nothing happened there. Finally I found one, YIPPEE I remember going to look at them and saying, These are bigger than I thought. She replied, Oh, you want the toy ones. And I fell for it and said, Okay, Ill take the smallest one. I named her Autumn and adored her.Next I went searching for a male, with no luck. I finally put an ad in the local paper looking for a male or female Pomeranian. A woman from my town named Alice called me. She had just purchased a female Pom at a show. Alice introduced me to a show breeder and I purchased two males. Immediately I could tell the difference in the dogs I bought from her.One was awesome, Austin, that I still have today. I waited and waited in hopes of getting a female Pom but nothing was happening. So, Alice and I went looking for our new Poms. We must have visited ten breeders in Maine and found nothing. Finally we found one that looked okay and I bought a few broods. Alice picked one out, but changed her mind at the last minute.Now I had my original six Poms and I started frequenting the shows. That was the biggest turn-off of my life. I then decided to just breed to make the nicest34 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewPomeranian I could for the pet population. I spent a lot of time with Alice learning the rights and wrongs of Poms and the Pom world. Alice was also a groomer and she would evaluate my dogs as they got better and better.I owe much thanks to the improvement of the quality of my dogs to Brenda Underwood, whose name I got from another breeder who had purchased a chocolate Pom from her. I wanted a black and tan Pom and he said she had some.I called her right away and got pictures. Thats when I purchased my Apollo. We kept in touch and I called her all the time because I wanted a girl from her. I told her I needed to make my dogs and their ears a bit smaller. She blessed me with a stud dog, Underwoods Little Son. He was the start of my show dogs. She allowed me to use him for six months while she was taking maternity leave from the dog world. I kept one boy, Aphrodites Underwood Gift, my first Champion Pom. He finished in February of 2001, thanks to Paula Payson.I had contacted Paula Payson and asked her to evaluate my dogs. We became best friends at our first meeting we hit it off right at the bat. She taught me everything I didnt know. One thing was NO dog is perfect. I had no clue All this time I was trying to make the perfect dog and what I was actually producing was good enough to go in the ring. That is where I started and it only keeps getting better. Paula started showing Woody, Aphrodites Underwood Gift. And in the fall of that year, Brenda sent me my long-awaited bitch. She came to me with a male I was going to find a home for. When I opened the crate, there went my heart. This dog ended up being the sire of my next two champions and has daughters awaiting only a major to finish. Underwoods Little Son, Junior, produces wonderful dogs.Shortly after Paula started showing Woody, she became ill with cancer and in the spring of the following year, she passed away. My heart still aches at her passing. The wealth of knowledge I received from Paula is priceless and the love untouchable. The only physical reminder I have left of that relationship is my Aphrodites I Dont Karadam, who I still have. She was sired by Paulas Karadam On To Glory. And from my relationship with Paula, I met the people who have helped me to what I am today. That would be Donna Majewski and Linda Saball. Donna is a wonderful friend and handles my dogs. I cant say enough for the way she handles my dogs and the love with which she does it. Linda is a very good friend with whom I co-own dogs. She blessed me with a few dogs that were bred down from Paulas dogs. These girls are out in the ring now and hopefully will finish soon.r I -9 e1Faith, Ch Aphrodites Keepin The Faith Sire Petite Acres Little Man x Aphdodites Diamond In Daruffmmm vMaria, Ch Aphrodites Moonstruck Sire Aphrodites Austin x Aphrodites Co Co ChanelBefore I conclude this visit, I must add a small note about Blue, who is my heart dog. Everyone who knows me knows Blue In the eleven and a half years I have owned the Pomeranian breed, I have bought a total of twelve dogs, nine of which I have kept for breeding purposes. I was very happy with my breeding program until I saw him One day on a list I saw this little six-week-old puppy. I think all puppies are cute, BUT this puppy was it I e-mailed his breeder, Nancy Coddington, and asked her for first refusal for him if she decided to sell him. We kept in touch and I finally asked the BIG QUESTION, how much I jumped at the chance to get this dog.Dakota, Aphrodites Dreamn Dakota Sire Aphrodites Austin x Sunrunner BB at AphroditeThis was one week before the Nationals in 2003 and I was not planning to go, but everything fell into place. I ended up at the Nationals picking up my puppy to the shock, surprise and delight of my friends. I never leave home without much planning, so I figure Blue was a blessing just for me. This was my most memorable show without a doubt. Blue finished his Championship before heAphrodites Kennel Visit Continued On Page 36Macho, Aphrodites Macho Man Sire Ch Trudys Kentucky Blue at Aphrodite x Sunrunner BB at AphroditeSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 35 ILady, Aphrodites Shes A Lady Sire Aphrodites Bailey x Windkiss Aphrodite Fire n Ice9 \i - m- tfPosie, Windkiss Aphrodite Posie Sire Underwoods Little Son Junior x Karadarn DalilaAphrodites Kennel Visit Continued From Page 35turned nine months of age. He now lives his life as 1. He enjoys it too.Now, for the thank yous. Although she is no longer with us, my most grateful thank you is to Paula Payson who gave me a chance and her heart. Also, Brenda Underwood, for without her trust and friendship, I would not have the dogs I do today. Next is Donna Majewski who is AWESOME in every way She has a wealth of knowledge, is a diplomat, and everything I could ask for in a friend and business partner. Linda Saball, who has not only given of all herself, but her home and heart as well. Linda recently showed my Faith to her finish with such care and love My thanks also to Joan Rogenski for taking over for Paula while she was sick and finishing my first champion Woody. Thanks to Mickey Stephens for trusting me with my Sunrunner BB at Aphrodites AKA Tasia. Of course, thank you to Nancy Coddington for my beautiful Blue. Thanks to Dr. Barry Porter and the entire staff at Lake Region Animal hospital for without great veterinarian services no breeder can be their best. Last but not least, thanks to the Pomeranian Review for giving me this wonderful opportunity for a kennel visit.Shawnee, Aphrodites American Dream Sire Underwoods Little Son Junior x Aphrodites AkeishaWindy, Aphrodites Wings Of Dreams Sire Underwoods Little Son Junior x Aphrodites Dream Come TrueV \iiMFreedom, CH Aphrodites Enduring Freedom Sire Underwoods Little Son Junior x Sunrunner BB ay Aphroditei NfTThe DeCicco home XKVPosiea Rosie36 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewNovemberDecember 2005Muriel MenardLes Petits Princes de UrkysPatricia RowleyLegacy PomsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator Jessie Klein, to suggest or nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or Email a--, Our hats are off to you for a job well doneIf it weren't for your hard work and dedication to the Pomeranian breed we wouldn't have our sweet Noelle. As you can see in the picture, Noelle is happy for you and so are we.Paul, Joanne 8r Noelle BranchiAphrodites Kennel Visit Continued4- orrl.Rob Ambers maPsoTrAdam and daughter Ambermm___, ^ v- P . - HSII1^1SeptembeeOctober 2005 - APC Pomerknisn Review - 37H-PC Jiomeraman ^tanbartiThis article contains two opinions of ow current APC Standard approved December 9, 1996. We purposely asked a long-time 48 years j breeder of numerous AKC Champions, Ken Griffith and a new-comer to Poms 1 year, owner of 2 Champions Danielle Sartctin to express their thoughts and opinions on the Pomeranian Standard As you lead keep in mind these aie their personal opinions, not yours or mine or those ofthe APC. The comparison ofopinions is what The Pomeranian Review was striving for in this article. Please keep an open mind and enjoy. Your responses are welcome and will be used as space allows in the PR Yips N Yaps. Thanks to Ken Griffith Lenette Poms, 1VC and Danielle Sartain, DasarPoms MI. See page 69 for the APCAKC Pom Standard. See page 67 for 1920 APC Standard with point system.Danielle Sartain, Dasar PomsThe Pomeranian should be a short back well proportioned dog. He should have a double coat with the under coat being thick and soft with harsh outer coat. I believe the Pomeranian should be happy and cheerful and express an attitude that says look at me.The Pomeranian should be sturdy with a good amount of bone. I feel the dogs length and height should be equal. He should be just as tall as he is long. But when in full coat the dog should look round at every direction.The muzzle should be shorter rather than longer, but with enough room to hold a proper bite. The skull is rounded and should hold the ears high up on the head. The ears should be small and erect. The coat should cover most of the ear. The eyes are almond shaped and dark. Dogs with light eyes should not be given awards. The pigment should also be dark. And the teeth should be a scissor bite.The front angle of the Pomeranian to me is one of most important areas of the dog, and should carry the head appropriately. The angle of the shoulders allows this to happen. The neck should not be too short and should be able to hold the head up above the shoulders.The Pomeranian should be four square. All legs should be straight and the dog should be up on toe. The hocks shouldnot be noticeably long. The movement should show reach and drive. The legs should move straight and be free of lameness. The dog should not be too wide in the front, but also not too close. The dog should display balance when moving.From an exhibitor who loves color, all colors are allowed, and should be judged equally. This does not always seem to happen, but with the quality of the colors improving, many judges are seeing that color does come in quality.Finally, the temperament of a Pomeranian should be cocky and express much attitude in the ring. The attitude will make him stand out in a group ring. He should move around the ring as if he owns it. He should not be aggressive but alert and happy. He portrays himself as a big dog in a small package.Ken Griffith, Lenette PomsThere never has been or will there ever be a perfect Pomeranian standard. As breeders we will always have a difference of opinion. This overview of the standard is to share my opinion. You will either agree or disagree with my observation.Let me first say I appreciate the past committee and all the hard work that went into the current standard. From what I am hearing I think most breeders would like to have a new standard. Our boardof directors has steadfastly refused to allow any revision. I think my conversation just recently with one of the original committee members pretty well sums up what many breeders think about the standard. She says she is rather embarrassed with how it turned out and quite saddened that this has opened the door to unethical breeders. She goes on to say that she has no doubt other breeds of dogs have been bred into our Poms to create new colors and patterns. I certainly agree with her completely. Stars, bars, stripes, pinks, green and blue eyes just didnt pop up. They were purposely bred into our Poms.Lets take a look at some of the problems I find with the current standard. But before we do, lets point out the major problem that occurred many years ago when we took the point scale out of the standard. I dont know of anything that is judged on a subjective basis that does not have a point scale. By not having a point scale this leaves the judge to decide for themselves what is most important in their opinion. Example The old point scale had either 40 or 50 points for coat. Without a doubt the most important thing in a Pom is the coat. Without a magnificent coat a Pom would not be a Pom. We now have judges that could care less about the amount and quality of the coat. By all means if we ever have the opportunity of getting a new standard we should put the point scale back in.The new standard did raise the size of38 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewPoms for exhibition one pound, which is certainly a step in the right direction. This however did not adequately address the problem. We have judges and breeders who push the smaller 3 lb. Pom. This is an absolute travesty to our beloved breed. I would remind all of us what the purpose of dog shows is all about and that is to promote those excellent specimens that we use in our breeding program. I know of no breeder who uses 2 and 3 lb. females in their breeding program but they continue to win at the dog shows. We should have in our standard that any bitch under 4 lbs. be disqualified. Years ago the standard disqualified Poms under 3 lbs. but the current standard does not specifically say that a Pom under 3 lbs. should be disqualified. The current standard encourages the judge to put the 3 lb. bitch or male over a real nice specimen of larger size. Why would any breed standard encourage a 3 pounder to be put-up over a 5 or 6 pounder Who are we kidding Do we not want to breed a stronger healthier Pom We all know that a 2 lb. Pom has a life expectancy of only a few years whereas a 3 lb. Pom may live to be around 8 years. And we know 4 and 5 lb. Poms have a life expectancy of 12 or more years. Surely we as a breed club should want to encourage the breeding of Poms that live longer. Please excuse the use of our kennel to show an example, but we are currently showing 3 quality broods that each weighs around 6 lbs. each. They are well within the standard but just try to get a major on a 6 lb. female. We have had calls from all over the US telling us how well they liked these gals and wanting to buy them. Two of these gals lack both majors and only one lacks one major. Judges, breeders and our current standard make it extremely difficult to finish a real quality 6 lb. gal. Needless to say a tiny 3 lb. gal is much cuter than a 6 lbs.I am reminded what one of our foremost experts on Poms said over 75 years ago. Mrs. Parker wrote the excellent book many of us treasure in our libraries. She was the breeder of the first orange Pom champion in England and started themovement to produce the modem Pom, as we know it today. She told breeders then that we had better open our eyes and stop breeding these 3 lb. Poms or we would have trouble in the future. Well Her words have certainly come true. I echo her sentiments completely. We as breeders had better wake up and start breeding the larger Poms or we may wake up and find that black skin is the least of our problems.Concerning the head, we need to take out the fox-like expression because some judges interpret this to mean that the Pom should look like a fox. There are actually in the world of judges ones that only will put up a Pom with a long fine muzzle like a fox.Without a doubt the biggest complaint almost all breeders have with the standard is the ears. In one sentence it says the ears should be small and high set and carried erect. In the very next sentence it says they should be low set and carried down on the side of the head. This has been nothing but a big laugh ever since adopted. This has to be corrected.Another confusing point is the legs. In one sentence it says the legs turn neither inward nor outward. Then in the next paragraph it says they turn inward toward the centerline beneath the body.Color is where I get most upset. I know of no other thing whereby a standard is given that color is not considered a quality. In fact many dog breeds list certain colors that are preferred. By saying any color, pattern or variations is judged equally we are inviting unethical breeders to bring in other breeds. I personally want to see a Pom kept pure bred and I realize there are a lot of breeders who think otherwise but if they want a different looking dog, then buy another breed and leave the Pom alone.We have recently read in the Pomeranian Review statements about the eyes. Since the standard does not mention color of eyes, green or blue eyes are permitted by the standard. They can be dark green ordark blue and the darkness is determined by the judge and not us wishing something different. I certainly agree that they should be disqualified but legally they cannot be because of the wording of the standard. We might as well take the description of the almond shaped out because we havent seen true almond eyes for about one hundred years. I think no breeder would actually want them in their breeding program. A true almond eye is an eye that is approximately half open. Lets reword that to read we do not want round eyes but eyes that are somewhat oval.Do we need a new standard I for one think so and if you do too, then please by all means write the APC Board of Directors and let them know your thoughts. The board is not going to touch this unless we as a club show we are ready for a new standard.POM REVIEW ARCHIVES July 1973I cannot understand why new breeders or new judges should find our standard lacking due to the fact that we do not list faults. Im a dense person, but it is common sense to assume that legs that are not straight, would be considered a fault.It is also common sense to assume that flat coat, broad muzzle, muzzle too short or too long, short legs, long legs, down in pasterns, cow hocked, legs too wide apart or too close together, long in body, applehead, over size eyes and ears, low set ears, undershot, overshot, out at shoulders, low set tail, gay tail, a non-fox-like head, long neck, over 7 lb., under 3 lb., off colored nose and eye rims, etc. would be considered faults as they do not conform to the wording of the standard. Why should this be hard to understand What is the point in having a lot of words when fewer words should be sufficient Ruth Beam, Great Elms Poms, Pineville, N.C.July 1973 Pomeranian Review.SeptemberOctober 200S - APC Pomeranian Review - 39ft5ofaaspftItlWHY I AM OPPOSEDTO THE FORMATION OF A SPITZ GROUPBy Joan Beech, Jolvin PomeraniansAt first, I felt ambivalent about an 8th group at the shows, as long as it didnt include the Pomeranian. I have now changed my mind and I am opposed to the formation of a Spitz Group. The Spitz Group issue is extremely important to exhibitors and not to be treated lightly.With the zealousness of the animal rights groups, the proponents of the Spitz Group are charging ahead with their agenda, not allowing or ignoring input from individuals legitimate groups who are opposed. Pomeranian fanciers are not the only people who are not in favour of their breed being changed to this group.The reasons I am opposed areNA A NOooc NAa Pomeranians are a toy breed of Spitz origin. They are valued for their spirit, beauty and animation. The Spitz group would be composed of guardingherdingworking dogs, a totally different focus. The toy breeds are fancies, not valued for their expertise in the hunt, nor their herding ability, nor their ability to chase off a burglar or protect their territory. Yes, Pomeranians can do agility, obedience, etc., as they are now able to compete in those activities from the toy group.b Safety. Nobody ever told a Pom he was small, and Pomeranians will challenge other dogs, size notwithstanding. If in the Spitz group, they would be gathering at ringside or in the ring with Akitas, Siberian Huskies, standard American Eskimos, and other larger dogs. It is easy to say that the owners should be able to control their animals so there would be no danger to Poms, but many times I have seen novice or inattentive handlers whose animals were not well controlled, or who were physically unable to hold the dog back if it decided to lunge. Yes, any time you are at a dog show, you must watch your Pom and other dogs carefully. The incident at a US show last year where an Irish Wolfhound attacked a Schip and killed it comes to mind, as does the incident a few years ago where a Great Dane grabbed a small child by the head and had to be forced to release the child after shaking it a number of times. A toy dog would have been killed. There are many examples of such incidents. Sorry, folks, but a toy dog is seen as quarry by many other dogs at the shows its their nature, and no, their handler doesnt always have things under control or know how to handle a situation. If a toy dog is in BIS, there are only seven dogs in a large ring, and spacing and experience at that level can usually avoid bad situations.fa-HToy dogs are judged as a total package coat, beauty, breed type, movement peculiar to the breed Pekingese Min-Pins etc. The Pomeranian does not fit into the purposes of the Spitz group breeds. It is easy to say that judges will be aware of the difference and value the breed for the correct type however, when every other breed in the group has essential breed type related to their function, how does this toy dog fit in Example The Siberian Husky must exhibit those qualities, which would enable it to endure extreme cold and sledding ability. Will the Pomeranian breed be judged with a similar yardstick Will the breed eventually become much larger, reverting to its Spitz origin Dont forget, at one time Poms were 40 lbs., had long ears, long muzzle, long body, hare feet what Ann Rogers Clark calls the dregs of the breed.We have worked hard to get away from these characteristics, lets not step backwards and ignore the history and evolution of Poms. I have seen Yorkies in countries where the breed is shown in the Terrier group. Yorkie breeders in N. America value temperament, coat colour and texture, etc., and the Terrier group Yorkies had smutty gold colour, black woolly coats and just wouldnt be competitive here.There are Spitz groups worldwide, but our closest comparison is to US shows. Why would we want to do what the Europeans do In Australia, the Great Dane is in the Non-Sporting group along with poodles and bulldogs. Does that mean we should change the breeds exhibition here I dont think so. Spil.Group continuedonpage4i40 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review 11 ' iAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netBoard Summary June 2005The Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club regretfully accepts Diana Downeys resignation from her positions of Director, Show Chairman, and Web Keeper.The Board did not accept jurisdiction of charges between two members.The Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club elected Donna Riehm as Director to fill the vacant board position.The Board may decide that the member bringing charges is responsible to pay the costs of administering the jurisdiction decision and the possible resulting Hearing. The costs will be a reasonable estimate provided by the Board and to be paid in advance of any of the proceedings. Any unused portion will be returned to the member, which paid.July 2005 Board Summary for the ReviewAll National entry payment methods and processing fees are established by the Show Secretary with Board approval.APC will accept credit card payments for any amount over 75.00 for purchases or payments less than that amount, a 4.00 Convenience Fee must also be included. All On-line orders or payments will charge a 4.00 Convenience Fee plus Shipping Fee if it applies.APC has formed a web site committee composed of Kelly Reimschiissel as chair keeper and Elizabeth Heckert. Jennifer Munn will also assist with this committee.APC has directed the web site committee to begin a redesign of our web site while currently maintainingupdating the present site. The Board will remain responsible for the site look and content and will approve each page as it is developed. APC will remain with our present server until decided otherwise.Spitz Group Continued from Page 40With the establishment of an 8th group, the overall numbers and quality in the remaining groups would weaken. Some countries have ten groups etc., but that doesnt mean all were strong. Competition is healthy and meaningful if there is strength.For show purposes, breeds are roughly divided according to function, not physical attributes or origin. Notwithstanding, the Toy Manchester and Yorkshire Terriers are not in the Terrier group, but are primarily considered to be Toy dogs. The Cavalier and English Toy, although of ancient spaniel origin, are not in the Sporting group, but are primarily considered to be Toy dogs. The Italian Greyhound is not in the Hound group, but is primarily considered to be a Toy dog. Following these precedents, the Pomeranian, while of Spitz origin and descent, belongs in the Toy group as well. If groups are to be formulated based on origin or physical attributes, should all short-coated dogs be grouped together, or all breeds with achondroplastic fronts be grouped together Custom and history in our dog show world are that common function overrides common physical characteristics for the group divisions.Please weigh the implications of the Pomeranians in the Spitz Group carefully. This has been considered in the US, according to Sally Baugniet, and it was decided that the Pom belongs in the Toy group.Note from Pomeranian Club of Canada This article by Joan Beech has been endorsed by the Pomeranian Club of Canada as it reflects the Clubs official position on this issue, as communicated to the Canadian Kennel Club. It also reflects the views of the vast majority of Club Members. Bev Carter, Vice President, PCOCSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 41faA'Theway i see it'The first Pomeranian Review Way I See If column was published in 1958.Sue LucatortoAKC licensed Judges responses are welcome and appreciated. Pomeranian handler responses are also welcome. Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.Judge Charlotte Patterson - Destin, FloridaPR How long have you been an AKC licensed judge CP I was initially approved to judge in 1991.PR Why did you apply to become a judgeCP After several years as a breeder-owner-handler, and then several more as a professional handler, the next logical step was to judge.PR What breed of dogs have you owned, lived with and bredCP Pugs.PR Did you ever own or show a Pomeranian If so, please tell us about some interesting facts andor accomplishments about the Poms.ACharlotte PattersonCP I showed a Pom for a club member many years ago and when I called to tell her of a win, she cautioned me not to give any hard toys as he had a loose tooth. At that precise moment he was on my bed chewing on a small rawhide. I jumped up and had a look and thankfully the tooth was still there.PR What do you enjoy about judging PomsCP Poms are not only an attractive breed, they are natural bom show offs. You cannot help but smile at their antics. Poms are also one of the Toy breeds that has many owner-handlers in the classes and I enjoy that immensely.PR What do you expect from exhibitors in your ringCP I expect them to present clean, trained dogs in a polite manner always remembering to be good sports no matter what the outcome.PR In general, what do you think an exhibitor can do to improve the average show Poms presentation CP Leam how to trim properly. Have someone else gait the dog at home so you can know and understand the good and bad points. Watch the judges pattern before you class so you wont have to ask the judge very annoying. Gait the dog at a proper gait. Do not stare at the judge.PR If you have been judging Pomeranians for over ten years, please answer the following questions.PR How has the overall quality of the Pomeranian improved since you have been judgingCP I feel the quality has improved significantly.Way I See It Continued on Page 4342 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewLetters tc the EditerI was at Nina Epps today, and I just wanted you to know how absolutely delighted and amazed she was to receive her Review. You shipped it in such a magnificent way She reads some and cries some. Everyone who comes to visit has to look through the magazine and hear about Jakeincluding the Hospice nurse who knows nothing about dogs. I know being the editor is your job for our club, but you went way above and beyond on this.Barney Barnett took some pictures of Nina opening the magazine, and shell be sending you one. Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for what you made possible.... Im so happy she got her magazine in time to enjoy it. Thanks again. Love,Nancy SmithLiz talked to Nina Epps this morning and Nina told her how she couldnt believe so many people cared. She told Liz she would read awhile and then cry awhile...I think that this really touched her. In light of all thats happening in her life right now she really needed this. Thank you for your effort in making this happen.Bob and Liz PietzschLetter Lrem the EditorBelow is a photo of the JulyAugust Pomeranian Review that was sent to Nina Epps. Thanks to Lloyd and Linda Franques and Bob and Liz Pietzsch for underwriting the overnight delivery costs. Ninas thank you appears on page eighteen.Please read the Letters to the Editor for some very special notes we received after Nina received the Pomeranian Review with the Memorial to Jake. Thanks to everyone who made this memorial edition possible.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgMASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTEDWay I See It Continued from Page 42PR Do you have any comments concerning our present Breed StandardCP I feel your breed standard is one of the better ones.PR If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to express them.CP Exhibitors, handlers and judges should always remember that our sport of dogs should be one you enjoy. Remember the reason you got into the sport of dogs is that you had a dog you loved decided to show it. Enjoy the moment. Enjoy each and every win, big or small, and above all, enjoy your dog.VISITSNovemberDecember 2005Muriel MenardLes Petits Princes de IrkysPatricia RowleyLegacy PomsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator Jessie Klein, to suggest or nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or Email 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 43PCCVPomeranian Club of Central VirginiaCongratulations to PCCV member Linda DeCicco on her APC Kennel Visit.The PCCV membership sends condolences to the family and friends of Gloria Setmayer.Bowen-tot'Qk. . 'HThe Pomeranian Club oCentral Virginia sends a HUGE Congratulations to Furweeds Little Warrior CGC, TDI and his adopted owner Helen Brinn for being nominated for a 2005 AKC ACE Award. Bowen is also a medical alert dog, top ranked IWPA weight pulling dog, and UKC Obedience. And he does it Congrats Helen and Bowen.APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY LOGO ART CONTESTThe American Pomeranian Club will offer an art contest for all artists, APC members and non-members, in the pursuit of creating the APC Specialty Logos for the years 2007 through 2010, while recognizing the creative talents of numerous artists.This contest will begin March 17,2005, and end January 1,2006. All artwork entered must be received by midnight January 1,2006.A panel of judges will be selected and announced in the Pomeranian Review.Entries will be accepted in any media Oil, PencilColored Pencil, Ink, Computer generated.Winning entries will be announced for the years 2007,2008,2009 and 2010.All artwork submitted becomes the property of the American Pomeranian Club. No one person shall financially gain from the artwork. All proceeds will be used for the APC general operating fund.No entry will be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance or use.All entrants will be display ed at the March 2006APC National Specialty, and the winners will be announced there.If artwork donations are numerous, artwork that is not selected for logos will be used as auction fundraising items within the next five years at the National Specialty.PRIZES Winners Certificate of Appreciation, Rosette, F eature in the Pom Review magazine. All attending the 2006 APC National Specialty may vote for a Peoples Choice award by casting onsite cash ballots.The American Pomeranian Club looks forward to the participation ofthe many gifted artists, both members andnon-members. Entry forms may be obtained by contacting Donna Riehm at669Ava Road, Murphysboro, IL62966, email mom4pomsaoLcom orphone 618 684-4644orphotocopy the entry blankbelow.NATIONAL SPECIALTY LOGO ART CONTESTI PARTICIPANT ENTRY FORM PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND MAIL TODONNA RIEHM, 669 AVA ROAD, MURPHYSBORO, IL 62966.NAME______________________________________________________________ADDRESS___________________________________________________________PHONE NUMBER_____________________________________________________ CELL PHONE NUMBER_______________________________________________EMAIL ADDRESS____________________________________________________THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB THANKS YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATIONI-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------144 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Revieww W2\XjmMary-Ann Yanez, Yanezsheltaol.comCall the emergency vet Fideli owned by Marie Wixstromm i9S'--' - 0 Whatmakes you think you were adopted Mindy and Hilton submitted by Donna Wasidewski'vTrick or treat Sweet Pea owned by Fran Kampmm going to have a ball raking leaves. Owned by Danielle Sartain gUa n i \A n1.v- WMary-Ann Yanez, Yanezsheltaol.comPomeranian artwoYkfrsed throughout the Review was created and donated byi .... c in . u i irccu professionaTeatistmdry-Arm Yanez. This artwork, as well as the entire Pom ReviewiSffltf-lam hldin9 from Mom submitted by Jackie Deiber PJepage s^rmfie copied or reproduced whhout the EtM and ARCS wrimnapproval.NANTEDI Oniqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its 5t Far Fan.tiefivrtiflVfiN 6eNencJulie KallbaekaHappy summer This months column is going to be a little different from the usual. I dont ordinarily report about products here but this time I am making an exception in order to tell you about a product with very positive health benefits for our dogs. So rather than talk about hereditary illnesses this month I will relate my experience with a new product that actually seems to live up to its advertising hype. It is called DAP, Dog Appeasing Pheromone. This product is marketed as a diffuser similar to the plug in air fresheners this is the one I have been using and as a spray. It is reported to be 100 percent safe for pets and humans, has no smell that humans can detect, neither does it have any effect on humans, but it works to keep dogs calm and content. It reduces stress and anxiety driven behaviors such as excessive barking and inappropriate chewing, and is especially helpful to those folks whose dogs must be alone for long periods of time each day.Dog Appeasing Pheromone is a naturally occurring hormone that the nursing female secretes during the first 4 weeks after whelping. It is the necessary component for a happy, content puppy. Scientists have discovered how to market this pheromone for use in adult dogs. Being the skeptic I am, despite positive reports from a couple of rescue folks, I did not believe that this product would really live up to its marketing propaganda and actually work on adult dogs in a manner similar to the natural occurring pheromone secreted by the nursing female that comforts her pups, so I had to give it a try and see for myself if this was just another come on, or if there was really something to it. I also convinced a friend of mine who works during the day and has a rather hyper new Pom youngster in her home to also try it so that we could compare notes. We both have seen a reduction of stress behaviors in our dogs. Both of us have seen the dogs calm down and become more content when within the radius of the DAP sphere. We both have also noticed decreased barking and less stress related behavior from our dogs while in the effective area of the DAP diffuser. Seldom does a product lived up to its advertising claims but I believe this one really doesClinical studies have proven that D.A.P Dog Appeasing Pheromone helps reduce destructive behavior in 86 of dogs, excessive barking and whining in 70 of dogs and house soiling in 67 of dogs. From my experience it really does work I have one dog who really dislikes being crated and over the summer has needed to be crated for approximately 6 hours a day while no one is home. This dog had compulsively licked his front legs during the time he was confined and I expect engaged in some barking and whining too, but since using the DAP diffuser in the crating area he has stopped his stress behavior and is no longer the stressed out maniac that he used to be when we return home. I have truly been impressed by the effectiveness of this product.I am excited about this product and can see numerous applications for its use in training dogs and puppies. I have not yet used it for carsickness but I am planning to try the spray for this purpose and see if it will work to reduce this common problem that so many show folks must deal with. I suspect it just might prove to be an effective means of controlling many of the stress symptoms experienced by our show dogs including the diarrhea that they often get as a result of the stress of the show circuit. I can see benefits and applications for this product for kennel owners, show enthusiasts as well as pet owners. The spray could be very instrumental in helping reduce shipping anxieties for both the dog and the breeder or owner. It could be helpful to the adjustment of the newly acquiredHealth and Genetics Continued on Page 47Pomeranian Charitable TrustQUILT PROJECTWe will be making a t-shirt quilt to be raffled off in Louisville next year at the nationals. We need contributions. I will embroider your name either on the front or back of the t-shirt quilt square that you have donated. Please try to send a clean shirt that is not stained. We can also make a quilt out of canvas bags if we get enough.All proceeds will go to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust to try to find a cure for alopecia. Ticket prices will be announced later. Please send your shirts or canvas bags to me and I will have them assembled. If you have any suggestions for colors you would like to see used please let me know. When a picture is ready, I will send it to Diana Downey so it can be posted on the APC website. I thank each and every one of you for your participation and dedication to our beautiful Pomeranian angels. My address is as follows Ann Berryman, 521 Layfield Road, East Ridge TN 37412 Email YOUWhat a positive way to memorialize two back-to-back BIS wins Donna Machniak and Dana Coventry sent in a 500.00 contribution to the PCT in honor of Ch. Firebrooks Tabasco Fiasco Tobys accomplishments. Knowing that this contribution will directly help all Poms in the future should make that pleasure of winning in the show ring even more positive and long lasting. A list will be kept and posted of Poms honored in this way.The Trust has also received an on-going contribution of 100.00 from Pauline McFarlane and Karen Crawford as a result of their sales of the video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford. This donation will become part of the dedicated funds to the Hair Loss Study.We have heard the expression putting money where your mouth is. These people have put money where their heart is. Along with all Poms, the Trustees are sincerely appreciative.Health and Genetics Continued from page 46puppy or adult in adjusting to its new surroundings and routines.The diffuser can be purchases on line for a reasonable price. About 30.00 at various websites and from wholesale pet catalogs like Omaha Vaccine. Pet Smart also carries the product but with a higher price tag. The diffuser lasts approximately 30 days with continual use. The spray version comes in a 60 ml bottles for around 23.00 and of course, how long it lasts would depend on how much and how often one uses it.There is also a feline equivalent named Feliway that is reported to have a 95 success rate at reducing or eliminating urine marking and vertical scratching.In closing, I hope you dont mind my touting a product in this column this time. But I felt that this new product could be a boon for both dogs and their owners to facilitate a more comfortable co-existence by reducing canine stress levels and the often destructive behaviors that arise due to canine stress and anxiety.Please feel free to email me at to share your experiences if you decide to give this product a try.Until next time, have a safe and exciting summer, Julie.fewePftftBritish Lane N Fame Parti BoyBreeder Wendy Chambers___British Lane - - 815 368-3203. Female breeding has been repeated.VRv ^ yM v 'British Lane N Fame Parti GirlMole breeding will also be repented. fameG2401 217-347-5731 Owner Brenda SegelkenWaysTIM_ andMeansHello EveryoneWell, the summer national is history now. A big congratulations to all the winnersAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Walda GreenmVI want to extend a big apology to Lauretta Flynn. I am SO SORRY your name was omitted on National donations thank you list in the last Review. Thank you so much for the making and donating that wonderful frame for the beautiful artwork by Stefano Scullino. Also, thanks to Stefano Scullino for the two fabulous pieces of artwork. HOW COULD I forget these two very gracious people THANK YOU BOTH SO VERY MUCHThe following items are available from your Ways and Means committeeAPC set of three logo decalsYou can use these on your crates, tack boxes, car windows etc..........................................5.00APC Lapel Pin members only.............................................................................................5.00We are currently out of the APC Illustrated Standard. We will list it in future Ways N Means report when it becomes available again. The Illustrated Standard, with lovely color illustrations, is a must for anyone in Poms.Prints by Chris Heartz limited 50, signed and numbered2003 Specialty Edition Meet Me In Kentucky................................................................45.002004 Specialty Edition The Race is On...........................................................................45.00Prints by Stefano ScullinoBlack and White print............................................................................................................35.00Color Print ............................................................................................................................45.00All above prices include shipping, make all checks payable to APC and send to Walda Green 8120 Harvard Dr., Ben Lomond, CA 95005 Questions E-mail winstarpomssbcglobal.netAnd dont forget that great video of the 2005 Winter National. Those of us that already have it agree it was beautifully done. THANKS to Cheri McDonald for doing such a splendid job.2MNIS AIC National Specialty VideoName_________Mailing AddressQuantity_________ 19.99 US eachForeign orders add 5.00 Credit Card, and PayPal orders add 3.00.Subtotal _________________ __________________ __________________U.S.Total Payment ________________________Credit Card Number_______________________________________________________________Expiration Date CID Number last 3 digits on back of card ________________________Please check format ______________ VHS __________DVD __________DVD in PAL formatPlease mail this order form with receipt if using PayPal toWalda Green ST\APC Ways Means ^J8120 Harvard Drive Ben Lomond, CA 95005Make checks and money orders payable to American Pomeranian Club U.S. funds only. Please allow up to 4 weeks for delivery.50 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewTOP TENas reported by the American Kennel ClubmeKelly D. Reimschiissel ChairpersonBREED SYSTEM January 1, 2005 through July 9, 2005by DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED COMPETITIONRank12345678910Points Name794 CH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTY D Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby, FabianAriente Jose A. Cabrera762 CH FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO D Owners Lee Cook Donna Machniak, DanaCoventry573 CH VALCOPY BATBOY D Owners Ron Smith Merilyn Smith J. Pardue, M. Pardue 491 CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS D Owners Diane L. Finch Noble Inglett476 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER D Owners Linda Mulso B. Wollman232 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME D Owners Judy Paris LetitiaCannon388 CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM D Owner Margaret R. McKee294 CH BOBUS RETURN OF THE KING D Owner Bobii Earle277 CH JAKENS SPLASHING IN THE RAIN AT JAN LE D Owners A. Hendler, E.Dzuik269 CH RYMS W FAIR WARNING D Owners S. Wiemer-Martin R. Martin, S. Plouff, L. PlouffGROUP SYSTEM January 1, 2005 through July 9, 2005by DOGS DEFEATED IN BREED, GROUP AND BEST IN SHOW COMPETITIONRank Points1 14,7732 8,6383 5,6504 5,3305 4,2266 1,9867 1,6388 1,4029 1,27610 1,204NameCH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N-NASTY D Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby, FabianAriente Jose A. CabreraCH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS D Owners Diane L. Finch, Noble InglettCH VALCOPY BATBOY D Owners Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Pardue, M. PardueCH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS OF ME D Owners Judy Paris LetitiaCannonCH FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO D Owners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak DanaCoventryCH KIMS CAMEO SIR LANCELOT D Owners Kim Smith, Jessica Smith Satallante CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER D Owners Linda Mulso, B. Wollman CH RYMS W FAIR WARNING D Owners S. Wiemer-Martin, R. Martin, S. Plouff, L. Plouff CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM D Owner Margaret R. McKeeCH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTY B Owners Fabian Ariente Jose A. CabreraAPC members are noted with an In order to be eligible for APC Awards at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year. lEvery effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors or if your dogs are listed in the 'corrections" of the AKC Awards issues, please contact before January 15. ten - Breeder, Exhibitor, Sire, Damstatistics by the American Kennel Club January 1,2005 through June 30, 2005Top Breeders Top DamsDiane L. Finch 9 Firebrooks Beanie Baby 2Fabian Arienti 7 CH Jan-Shars Brewin Up A Storm 2Jose A. Cabrera 7 CH Kacees LTL Darlin Want-A-B 2K. G. Griffith 6 Ch Starfires Table Dancer 2Sharon Hanson 6Jerrie FreiaLee D. Cook52 Top ExhibitorsLaurie Otis 3Dana PI on key 3 Fabian Arienti 6Sharon Yampiro 3 Jose A. Cabrera 6Sharon Hanson 6Top SiresCharlotte MeyerLaurie Otis33Pongsakora Pongsak 3CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 9 Valerie Allridge 2CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco 4 Sherri Alspaugh 2CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright 4 Christine Bousquet 2CHJan-Shars N Sync 3 Prakit Chularojmonth 2CH Aj's Smokin Joe 2 Linda DeCicco 2CH Ajs Tuff As Nails 2 Jerrie Freia 2CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second 2 David Gilstrap 2CH Finch's Rolling Like A River 2 K.G. Griffith 2CH Finch's Walkin After Midnite 2 Noble Inglett 2CH Great Elms Mr Chips 2 Jessie Klein 2CH Janesa's For Keep-Sake 2 Jane Lehtinen 2CH Music Maker Of Lenette 2 Alane Levinsohn 2CH Nguyen Cory Loverboy Of GQ 2 Clarice M. Oganeku 2CH Paughprints Tradition Rocks On 2 Yvette H. Oganeku 2CH Reginapoms Gator In Motion 2 Dana L. Plonkey 2CH Starfires Nicolas El Grande 2 Annette Rister 2CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty 2 Celeste Favilla Solano 2CH Tim Sue's Fantastic High 2 Robert Solano 2CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino 2 Chaivat T angkaravakun 2Velvet Touch Versace 2 Maynard Wood 2Sharon Yampiro 2Top Junior HandlersCatherine M. Jessen, Juniors Chair as reported by AKC Awards Issues January through April November 1, 2004 through October 31, 2005 APC YearHaley Page 34Mariah Seering 29 Jordan Rothell 18 Letesh Gith 10Blake Armstrong 29 Jessica Page 17 Taylor Irvin 8Hunter Seering 20 Danielle Miller 12 Jocelyn Margret Lusk 652 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranisn ReviewCfjamptonsChampions of Record are Confirmed by AKCCH Aphrodites Moonstruck B Aphrodite's Austin x Aphrodites Co Co Chanel. Owned Bred by Linda DeciccoCH Articpoms-Wyn-Lighting-Strks D CH Articpoms Iron Will x Artie Poms Yakk D Yak. Owned Bred by Julie Volkheimer Sharry Christianson.CH Castile's Picasso D CH Zanara Glen Iris Braveheartx CH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile. Owned Bred by Geno Sisneros. CH Clairmont's Carolina Beau D CH Great Elms Mr Chips x Clairmont's Carolina Sunshine. Owned by Rita Baldauff Joyce Urban Bred by Lance Bryson.CH Cr Classic Edition D CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x CH Rodi's Cr Queen Of Stars. Owned by Robert Solano, Celeste Solano, Dr. Molli Wilson Alexander Wilson. Bred by Celeste Solano Robert Solano.CH Extane Banner Performance D Apolloette Gold Bannerx Apolloettes Naughty N Nice. Owned Bred by Sharon Shipek. CH Finch's One Hot Mama B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Finch's Shesa Lil Brick. Owned by Charlotte Meyer.Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Red Sky At Night B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finch's Simply Breathtaking. Owned by Jacqueline R. Deiber Tammy A. Deiber. Bred by Diane L. FinchCH Firebrook's The Heat Is On D CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco x Firebrook's Beanie Baby. Owned by Mary E. Latimer. Bred by Lee D. Cook.CH Great Rivers Little Rascal B CH Great Rivers Aint No Paint x CH Ti Amo Liberty Of Great Rivers. Owned Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Great Rivers Puppet on a String D CH Great Rivers Lil Lover Boy x CH Starfire's Sarina. Owned by Angel Arocho.Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Honeykist I'M A Bizzy Bee B Emcee's Golden Ferrbee x Honeykist Dark-N-Darling. Owned Bred by Christine Bousquet. CH Honeykist Struck Gold D CH Honeykist Gold Rush Fever x Honeykist Ginger Snap. Owned Bred by Christine Bousquet. CH Horizon's Gator Legacy At Kc's B CH Reginapoms Gator In Motion x CH Kacee's LTL Darlin Want-A-B. Owned by Katy Stalnaker. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Idlewylds Pocket Change Of Tramark D CH Idlewyld Treasure Trove x Terimars Idlewyld Gold Ring. Owned by Travis Clarke. Bred by Margaret R. McKee.CH Jan-Shars No Rhymn Or Reason B CH Aj's Tuff As Nails x CH Jan-Shars Brewin Up A Storm. Owned Bred by Sharon HansonCH Janesa's Wanna Play Jax D CH Sundown's Hide N Zeke CD x Raine-Bet's Wrapped 'N Ribbons. Owned by Jean Kroll.Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Julie's Secret Of Ivan B Carousel You Lite Up My Life x CH Legendary Rose Of Ivon. Owned Bred by Lavonne Beard Dwight D. Beard.CH Larajus Palisades Picasso D Velvet Touch Versace x Palisades Larajus Fantasy. Owned by Laura Lynn Newbold Sara Reyes. Bred by Ellen Smith Laura Lynn NewboldCH Linetrees Brooke O Cottontop B Linetrees Master Blend x Cottontop Moonlite Affair. Owned by Clint Taylor Marsha Taylor. Bred by Mary Bonnell Linda L. Mulso.CH Making A Splash At Lenette D CH Dominic Of Lenette x CH Sweet Charlotte Of Lenette. Owned by Jackie Rayner Ken Rayner, Jr.. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Marilyn's Little Bit Of Gem D CH Marilyn's Show Gem O Rubys x Marilyn's Crystal Applause. Owned by Marilyn Garner. Bred bv Marilvn Garner.CH Mi Babe Buffs Luna Rain Beau B Bar-Net Mibabe Bebop To Music x CH Mi Babe Rain Beau's Margarita. Owned by Buff Webb Babe McCombs Bred by Jean E. Cook Babe McCombs.CH Mini-Aker's Lil'buger Bear D Velvet Touch Cajun Of Milady x Miladys Sure Is Dallas. Owned by Cathie Ake. Bred by Susan E. Owens.CH Mtn Crest Q'N Latifah Of Lenette B CH Magic Touch Of Lenette x Dee Dee Of Lenette II. Owned by David Gilstrap Carlene Gilstrap Bred by K G. Griffith.CH Patricia's Golden Phoenix B CH Weewyn's A Walk I n The Parkx CH Patricia's Golden Bee. Owned by Kelly D. Reimschiissel Susan Adamson. Bred by Pati Danielson.CH Roselane That My Chevy D Dossmar's Buzz Of My Heart x Roselane Red Robin. Owned by Marian F. Dossinger. Bred by Margaret L. McConnell.CH Rueben Of Lenette D CH Aj's Smokin Joe x Tammy's In Love Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Showcase Boys Will Be Boys D CH Mountain Crest JJ x Showcase Malibu Barbie. Owned Bred by Alane Levinsohn Curtiss G. Smith.CH Starfire's Between The Sheet B CH Starfire's Nicolas El Grande x CH Starfire's Lady Of The Night. Owned Bred by Fabian Arienti Jose A. Cabrera.CH Starfire's Casanova D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Starfire's Between The Sheet. Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Sugar Rae's Pie In The Sky D CH Davins Midnight Eclipse x Sugar Rae's Copacabana. Owned by Angela Semansky Kevin Orr Bred by Angela K. Semansky.CH Tabletop's Black Mail Sender D Hollily's Circuit Breaker x Tabletop's Tahitian Pearl. Owned Bred by Jan Stachurski.CH Ti Amo's The Sky's The Limit D CH Great Rivers Lil Lord Adonis x Ti Amo's Mandolin O' Kisses. Owned Bred by Dr. Rosanne M. Cebelenski.CH Tim Sue's Hightailit B CH Tim Sue's Fantastic High x Royalty Destined For Tim Sue. Owned Bred by Tim Goddard Sue Goddard.CH Toon TownsTiny Bear Paw D Skippys Lil Buddy 'O' Toontown xToontown Fairwyn Okey Dokey. Owned by Sherry Heise Michelle Ridenoor. Bred by Mary E. Ridenour.CH Valcopy Stillcove Girl Talk B CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x Candyfloss Road Runner. Owned by Dana L. Plonkey Cynthia Bradley Bred by Dana L. Plonkey, Hideko Strasbaugh Cynthia BradleyCH Wee Hearts Charming Puff Daddy D Wee Hearts Domino's Shadow x Rocky Tops Sassy's Shadow. Owned by Lucy Zambrano. Bred by Janice McMahan.CH WindkissThe Devil Made Me Do It D Aphrodite's Austin x Windkiss Red Ruby. Owned by Linda L. Saball.Bred by Linda L. Saball.CH Wood's Truly A Legend D CH Wood's I Wanna Talk About Me x Wood's Sweet Sensation. Owned Bred by Maynard WoodCH Wyndlor Daisy Doright B CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright x Absolute Wyndlor Gold Charm. Owned by Pat Diebull Becky Sabourin. Bred by Becky Sabourin.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2006SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 53This article may not be reproduced. By C hristine D. HeartzSTRUCTURE AND DETAILS THE HEADHI Mwrnymw K EdSPExamplesof good heads. Each one is slightly different. You may find one appeals to you more than another, and this allows for difference inAn important part of the Pomeranian breed is the head. Many breeders feel that unless you have a big coat and a pretty head, you dont have a good Pom. To an extent, this may be true, butthese points cannot take precedence over other important breed traits such as outline, type and carriage. Even if the head is considered very important, it cannot be more important than the body carrying it. A beautiful headpiece must be on a sound and typey body before you have a good Pomeranian.The Pomeranian should have an alert, foxy expression. This expression can only be obtained if the head, eye and muzzle details are correct according to the Standard. Amy deviation from the ideal head details will detract from the correct expression.To understand the Pomeranian head we must remember that a Pom is a Spitz breed. This group of dogs includes the Keeshond, Samoyed, Siberian Husky, Finnish Spitz and the Elkhound. These dogs, particularly the Kees, are distant relatives of the Pom and even though they vary in body structure and coat type, they all have the characteristic alert expression, high set, pointed ears, wedge shaped muzzle and almond shaped eyes.The Pomeranian head, when viewed from above should be wedge shaped and the muzzle should finish rather fine. The muzzle should continue back in a smooth, straight line to the back skull. If you were to measure the head, and each one will vary, generally you will find that, from the tip of the nose to the stop and from the stop to the back of the skull the measurement would be about 12.Here we examine the head, a front view. Without hair is easier to determine structure.When looking at the head straight on, notice about half the ear stands above the head. The other half is hidden in the coat. A balanced head can be divided into four fairly equal parts. Obviously each dog is built somewhat differently, but it often helps to look at the structural makeup of bad head and a really good head to see the differences. Often it comes down to balance. Tall ears, a long muzzle, too much skull, all throw the head out of balance. Coat plays an important part in the appearance of the head, too. Some lines of Poms mature with fuller muzzles or more head coat and feeling with the hands may be necessary to determine that the structure is still a wedge........Sr" rCorrect wedge shaped muzzle. The muzzle on this dog is too round. It should always bea wedge shape, fitting smoothly into the back skull, not a ball mounted on the front of the skull.When viewed front on, the muzzle should appear to fit smoothly into the skull like a wedge. The muzzle should not be heavy, round or Chow-like. The Pomeranian Standard asks for a rather short, straight, fine muzzle. The Standard also says free from lippiness, which indicates a smooth, clean face with no flew hanging down.SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomerotimj Review - 55The details on the head can change the expression dramatically. The correct eye should be almond shaped, which is typical in most Nordic breeds. Correct eye shape is hard to achieve today partly because of the fad for baby doll and teddy bear faces, which encourages a rounder eye, a rounder muzzle and a domed head. The correct almond eye shape gives a soft expression and when combined with small ears that are set high, gives the alert, intelligent look that is so desired according to the Standard. The nose too should be in balance with the rest of the head and should be about the same size as the eye. The correct almond shaped eye.U.KiP.frTheeye is too small.3mm NilTheeye is too large and round...f rdLN2kis M a.The dogs ears, while small, are mounted too low on the head. This dog s ears are too large.It is generally accepted that a Pomeranian can never have ears, which are too small or too high set. I dont believe I have ever seen a Pomeranian that could be faulted for too small or too high an ear set.When bathing a Pomeranian, it becomes obvious how large the ears really are. About 50 of the ear is mounted on the side of the head while the other 50 stands above the top of the skull. Look at the correct head diagram again. Notice how, even though the ear is mounted on the side of the head, it must be carried erect, not off to the side. Erect ear carriage is paramount in achieving an alert and foxy expression.kj.tMiCorrect ear set. Tiny ears set high on the head.56 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewIn profile, the head should have a definite stop but the skull itself should be flat or slightly rounded, not domed. Again, the head should be a wedge. The muzzle will finish fine if the dog has a correct scissors bite. The skull should never be open. If the dog has a lot of head coat, the skull may look domed. Feel to be sure.The head in profile. Without hair it is easier to examine the structure.RSRW,The muzzle is too long. The muzzle is too short.n.This dogs underjaw is too prominent. It does not finish fine. A strong underjaw also indicates a possible undershot mouth.SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 57Y5American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty ResultsRichfield, Ohio - July 21 and 22, 2005M7CJr GVThe Ohio Valley Pom Club hosted the APC Summer Specialty at the Quality Inn in Richfield Ohio, with a total of one hundred and twenty five entries.SWEEPSTAKES Judge Brenda SegelkenDOGS6-9 months1 Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir - BreederOwner Judy Green2 Razzle Dazzle Choir of Angels - BreederOwner Judy Green3 Chars Strike N Gold - BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer4 Chars Surfin USA - Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer9-12 months1 Chars All That Jazz - BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer2 Janlars Indian Outlaw - Breeder Janet Wodrich Mari Iffland, Owner Janet Wodrich3 Finchs All The Right Moves II - Breeder Diane Finch, Owner Danielle Sartain Linda Yax Sartain4 Chars Pillow Talkin Pari - BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer12-18 months1 Chars The Legend Bums On - BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer2 Marbils Dont Rock The Jukebox - Breeder Mari Iffland Donna Riehm, Owner Donna Riehm3 Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown - Breeders Laurie Otis, Camilla Knight, Jerrie Freia, Owner Laurie Otis4 Razzle Dazzle Ready To Rhumba - Breeder Judith Green Lisa Pauls, Owner Judith GreenBITCHES 6-9 months1 Jan-Shars Gretta Garbo - BreederOwner Sharon Hanson2 Janesas Foo Foo The Snoo - BreederOwner Jerrie Freia3 Pixies Carmel Kissed - Breeders Carol Galavich Evelyn Newyear, Owners Caroll Galavich Donna Megenhardt4 Stolannes I Wanna Talk ABT Me - BreederOwner Frances Stoll9-12 months1 Bushs At Last - Breeder Virginia Bush, Owner Kelley Witter Virginia Bush2 Jolvin Sweet Song Singer - BreederOwner Joan Melvin Beech3 Animations Kim Possible - BreederOwners Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane4 Animations Dig Em - BreederOwners Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane12-18 months1 CH Chars For Love Or Money - Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer2 Jolvin Opaline Sweet As Sugar, BreederOwner Joan Melvin BeechBEST JUNIOR IN SWEEPSJan-Shars Gretta GarboBEST OF OPPOSITE JUNIOR IN SWEEPSRazzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir BEST SENIOR IN SWEEPSCH Chars For Love Or MoneyBEST OF OPPOSITE SENIOR IN SWEEPSChars The Legend Burns OnGRAND SWEEPSTAKES WINNERCH Chars For Love Or Money BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKESCH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance - Camilla KnightREGULAR CLASSESJudge Charles ScottDogs6-9 months1 Chars Strike N Gold, BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer2 Finchs Chars Good Vibrations, Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer3 Janesas Horizon Cappucino, Breeder Jerrie Freia Laurie Otis, Owner Jerrie Freia4 Chars Surfin USA, Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer9-12 months1 Chars All That Jazz, BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer2 Janlars Indian Outlaw, Breeder Janet Wodrich Mari Iffland, Owner Janet Wodrich12-18 months1 Finchs See Me Cornin, Breeder Diane L Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer2 Chars The Legend Burns On, BreederOwnerCharlotte Meyer3 Marbils Dont Rock The Jukebox, Breeder Mari Iffland Donna Riehm, Owner Donna Riehm4 Razzle Dazzle Ready To Rhumba, Breeder Judith B Green Lisa Pauls, Owner Judith B GreenBred Bv Exhibitor1 Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown, Breeder Laurie Otis, Camilla Knight Jerrie Freia, Owner Laurie Otis2 Razzle Dazzle Heavenly Choir, BreederOwnerJudith Green Open Red, Orange. Cream Sable1 Finchs Bettin On Chars, Breeder Diane L Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer58 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomerjman Review2 Beau James Back To Indian Rock, BreederOwner Cynthia Wallen3 Beau James Dream Catcher, BreederOwner Cynthia Wallen4 Great Elms Carbon Copy, Breeder Ruth Beam, Owner Bonnie StetsonOpen Any Other Allowed Color1 Chars Pillow Talkin Parti, BreederOwner Charlotte Meyer2 Janesas Tuff Act To Follow, Breeder Jerrie Freia, Owner Katy Stalnaker3 Finchs All The Right Moves II, Breeder Diane L Finch, Owner Danielle Sartain Linda SaxWinners Doa 15 point majorHorizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown Reserve Winners DogChars Strike N GoldBitches 6-9 months1 Pixies Carmel Kissed, Breeder Carol Galavich Evelyn Newyear, Owner Carol Galavich Evelyn Newyear2 Janesas Esther Price, BreederOwner Jerrie Freia3 Stolannes I Wanna Talk Abt Me, BreederOwner Frances Stoll4 Chars Parti In My Dreams, Breeder Charlotte Meyer, Owner Charlotte Meyer9-12 months1 Bushs At Last, Breeder Virginia L Bush, Owner Kelley L Witter Virginia Bush2 Animations Kim Possible, Breeder Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane, Owner Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane3 Jolvin Sweet Song Singer, Breeder Joan Melvin Beech, Owner Joan Melvin Beech4 Animations Dig Em, Breeder Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane, Owner Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane12-18 months1 Jolvin Opaline Sweet As Sugar, Breeder Joan Melvin Beech, Owner Joan Melvin BeechBred By Exhibitor1 Mai-T-Tois Ms Shelamar, BreederOwner Angela Nisbet2 Razzle Dazzle Hallelujah Chorus, BreederOwnerJudith Green3 Stolannes Essence Of Barkley, BreederOwner Frances Stoll Open Red. Orange. Cream Sable1 Oakrose Wrapped N Ribbons, Breeder Joan Rose Gail Stewart, Owner Charlotte Meyer, Joan Rose Gail Stewart Open Black, Brown Blue1 Horizon Mayan Sundown, Breeder Laurie Otis Donna Machniak, Owner Camilla Knight2 Weewyns Tilly At Linetree, Breeder Cathy Anderson, Owner Mary BonnellOpen Any Other Allowed Color1 Finchs Chars Kiss NTel Parti, Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch, Owner Charlotte MeyerWinners Bitch 5 point majorHorizon Mayan Sundown Reserve Winners BitchPixies Carmel KissedBest Of BreedCH Finchs Awesome On All Four, Breeder Diane L Finch, Owner Kathryn J NoremBest Of Winners Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown Best Of Opposite SexCH Horizons Wishful Thinking, Breeder Laurie Otis, Owner Laurie OtisAwards Of MeritCH Horizons Wishful Thinking, Breeder Laurie Otis, Owner Laurie OtisCH Tokie The Legend Continues, Breeder Chaivat Tangkoravakun Prakit Chvlarojmantri, Owner C Tangkoravakun, P Chvlarojmantri, M Koga Noble Inglett CH Chars For Love Or Money, Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch, Owner Charlotte Meyer Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown, Breeder Laurie Otis, Camilla Knight Jerrie Freia, Owner Laurie Otis Horizon Mayan Sundown, Breeder Laurie Otis Donna Machniak, Owner Camilla KnightBest Puppy In Regular ClassesPixies Carmel KissedBest Bred By ExhibitorHorizon-N-Janesa Indian SundownVeterans 6-9 Years1 CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD, Breeder Camilla Knight, Owner Carol LeemhuisVeterans 9 Years1 CH Janesas N Jan-Shars Chance, Breeder Jerrie Freia, Owner Camilla KnightBest VeteranCH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD, Breeder Camilla Knight,Owner Carol LeemhuisBest Junior Handler Novice Junior ClassArielle Grover - Bushs At Last Owned by Kelly Witter and Virginia Bush Best BraceChars The Legend Burns On, CH Chars For Love Or Money, BreederOwner Charlotte MeyerObedience - JUDGE JEFFREY SHOWMAN Novice B Class1 Mil-Pines Max In Motion, Breeder Patricia Jo Barnett, Owner Margery Sturm2 CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD, Breeder Camilla Knight, Owner Carol Leemhuis3 CH Paughprint Endless Tradition CD, Breeder Sherri Alspaugh, Owner Paulette ZeccaVeterans1 Animations Robocop, Breeder Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane, Owner Carole Bray Lorinda Vasuta2 Ballykin Commando Cody CDX, Breeder Renee McGrath DVM, Owner Paulette ZeccaHigh In TrialMil-Pines Max In Motion, Breeder Patricia Jo Barnett, Owner Margery SturmHighest Scoring AKC Champion of RecordCH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD, Breeder Camilla Knight, Owner Carol LeemhuisSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 59American Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty July 21, 2005 Richfield, OhiohrVSWEEPSTAKESOPPOSITE7 SENIOR4m SPECIAITYIAT10NAL 'v \v. AI GRANDSWEEPSTAKESPUPPYBITCH4 , ZJULY 21. 2005V- IQ.,5^.., - V J3 'M ISWEEPSTAKESNATIONAL SPECIALTY.yJUNIOR J F'SPECIALTY.JATIOMALJlir 4BESTJUNIOR HANDLER NOVICEJULY 21. 2005 lSWEEPSTAKES BEST OPPOSITEli JUNIORI uw i-MNATIONAL SPECIALTYrsSH-- --- IL T . i 1 '--0 ^- ^ MAJOR U BRED BY EXHIBITORft-W5^ . t- INBRACE 1ST PLACE is2 Jc -vSENIORVETERAN WINNERS DOGJULY 21. 2005ElIATIONAL SPECIALTYJULY 21.2005Jm. fevSPECIALTY.NATIONALNAL SPECIALTYm60 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club Summer Specialty July 22, 2005 Richfield, Ohiors id.-4\xAWARD OF MERITY2NATIONAL SPECIALTYm-AVIAJORATIONAL SPECIALTY- IAWARD OF MERIT jJULY22.20 05. . _ r RATIONAL SPECIALTYSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 61JLb 11 UltU ClL'LU'lUlIlg Lu uiv kjvuimuiw.There is no perfect Pomeranian. At least, not according to the standard. As breeders and exhibitors we know that. Judges know that too.Breeders and judges should have the standard foremost in their minds when evaluating puppies and dogs. It is the ultimate guide when making decisions that affect breeding stock and will eventually take a breed to higher planes or down to ultimate destruction.Dot Martin As much as we would like to think that all the puppies in our latest well-bred litter are candidates for championship status, that may not be the case, at least, not according to the standard.There are no disqualifications for the Pomeranian other than those which are common to all breeds i.e. lack of two testicles of the same size in males andor any attempt to bite a judge.According to the Toy Fox Terrier standard, there are 9 reasons a judge can disqualify an entry, and thereby eliminate it from competition. Five of them have to do with color. Since this is a breed that has a job to do which is disposing of vermin on the owners property, I dont really no why the color has such emphasis put upon it. It is probably due to what distinguishes the breed from other breeds, i.e. commonly known as breed type. But the American Toy Fox Terrier Club does not want any other colors to be recognized in their breed. It is supported by their membership and as a judge, I must abide by their standard. Just because nothing is designated a disqualification in Poms does not mean that all exhibits are deserving of championship points. Judges weigh the good against the not so good and determine which exhibit is the best specimen. Sometimes no exhibit is worthy.The American Kennel Club and the American Pomeranian Club have duly established the current standard for the Pomeranian. There is no reason for change to allow for the latest fad being produced by some because they can do it or because they will obtain more profit for something different.There is a movement among some who desire to change our wonderful breed to something it is not and create something that is new and different but not according to the standard. The motives are questionable and open to speculation.In the March 2005 issue of Dogs in Review, Judge, Dr. Dorothy McDonald, who has been a Brittany Spaniel breeder since 1955, answers two questions1. Do you feel that the current A K C breed standard is adequate2. In what foreign countries have you judged Brittanys, and how did they compare and what is the reason for any discrepancy in typeThis is her response The standard is a good one - it just needs to be followed closely. The discrepancy between the Brittany in France and the United States goes back to World War II. After the war France had almost no gene pool available, and while we did send over some breeding stock it was necessary for them to cross their dogs with Braques and French Spaniels. Consequently, they got the black color gene and instead of working to eliminate it in time, they simply changed their standard to allow black. We saw no reason, and still do not, to change our standard to accommodate bastardization.There are web-sites on the internet that proudly feature Poms that are blue merle and Poms that have blue eyes. The resemblance to the Poms that I first saw over 30 years ago and fell in love with is very remote. However, anyone can establish a web-site and call the animals shown there Pomeranians. Those who are naive and have never heard of the standard, much less, read it, may possibly fall for the latest fad. This is deception in its worst form.Our breed is not the only one having problems with the Merle gene. Chihuahuas are seeing it appear in that breed. Those breedsJudge's Education Continued on Page 6564 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review62 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewATTENTION JUDGES PLEASE READThe Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club respectfully requests that you take note of the following information.The official standard that was approved by the American Pomeranian Club membership and the American Kennel Club in 1997, makes this statement with regard to the eyes of the Pomeranian.The eyes are dark, bright, medium in size and almond-shaped.It has been brought to the attention of the Board that there is a movement underway to show and win championship points on animals that have eyes that are blue andor green in color. These colors are not dark. Dogsbitches that have blue or green eyes are not acceptable and should be penalized to the point of eliminating them from competition. At no time since the breed was introduced in America before 1900 and approved for competition has the eye been any color other than dark brown.We wish to encourage breeders to breed to the standard and concentrate on correcting faults that are clearly stated rather than introducing factors that are in direct opposition to what is already approved. While this is not a DISQUALIFICATION you cannot eliminate such dogs on that principal, however, ribbons can be withheld for lack of merit or simply place those dogs out of the ribbons.Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated and if you have any questions, please contact me at or at 803-831-8086.Thank you.Dorothy F. Martin, Judges Education CoordinatorJudge s Education Continued from Page 64that allow all colors to be judged equally face that problem. In an article written by Dr. Malcolm White of The United Kingdom and published in Top Notch Toys magazine Feb-Mar issue, the following is explained One color that does not exist naturally in the Chihuahua breed is merle, the dominant merle gene is found in Shetland Sheepdogs, Rough Collies, Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, Dachshunds and a few other breeds. Recently a number of Chihuahuas that carry merle have appeared in the USA and are gaining some credence as fashion accessories and the like. Most reputable breeders are against the gene and it would be fair to say that it must have come in through a crossing, probably with Dachshunds. Since AKC would not register crossbreeds as Chihuahuas, one has to conclude that somewhere Dachshunds have appeared in pedigrees as Chihauhuas with false names.It is crucial to point out that merle is a dangerous gene. The homozygous merle MM is usually white and very often has impaired hearing and sight. Some 30 years ago, Hannover workers showed eye problems in merle Dachshunds, sperm imperfections and impaired hearing. Hearing faults ranging from complete deafness to slight hardness of hearing occurred, thus merle is a gene that would be best eliminated as a defect and certainly not introduced to new breeds where it does not really exist. To read the complete article, please see Top Notch Toys magazine - Feb-Mar 2005 issue.The Board of Directors of the American Pomeranian Club has a legitimate concern about the attempts being made to change the breed and the standard in order to accommodate the interests of those who wish to start a new trend. Therefore, judges are being asked to eliminate from competition those dogs who deviate from the requirements of the standard. Blue eyes are not dark and do not conform to the standard. Such exhibits should be eliminated from competition.Breeders have enough concerns to try to improve and to correct in order to have a dog that is good breeding stock and good representatives of the breed. Those who purchase our dogs deserve to have pedigrees that they can trust to be exactly what they say they are. Think carefully about what you are doing before you succumb to the temptation to try the latest trend. Then all your puppies will be bred according to the standard.SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranisn Review - 65MEMORIALGloria SetmayerrCHARLESTONIn loving memory. Gloria Setmayer was one of the first people in dogs that I met back in 1990. I admired her in many ways. She was a great handler in her day and one thing that stands out in my mind, on one of our many trips to dog shows together was a book she showed me that she was in Whos Whos. She was named as one of the top handlers.Gloria finished my first champion that I bred Ch Tresstique Lil Orphan Annie, out of her pride and joy Ch Homesteads Spit-N-Polish whom she won multi BOB, group wins and BISs with. What an accomplishment.When Glorias health started to fail I knew she needed a good dog to keep her going, and I was glad that I had Ch Tresstique No Bull Im Cute Noble to let her have. She finished him quickly. She would be in the hospital and tell the doctors I cant stay, I have a dog show to go to. I loved her spirit, even though at times when she would get to the show her asthma would be so bad her loving husband Emil would have to take the dog in the ring for her.Glorias in Gods loving arms now with all her many dogs she handled over the years. She was one of the greatest and will be missed by many.A loving friend Bonnie Harrisr ' fjlif.r\\ftHy-itit.rQXT ]X^^XHIBITOR COURTESYThose of you who have been exhibiting for many years know there are certain courtesies that are extended to fellow exhibitors. Occasionally there is an exhibitor who chooses to ignore those common courtesies and do everything in their power to try to make another exhibitor lose, so hopefully they will win. We call this Poor Sportsmanship. A new exhibitor asks, How do we deal with that Im not sure I have the solution, but perhaps there are a few things you could think about.By Sally Baugniet For example Occasionally an exhibitor will run up on the dog in front of them in the ring. When it was by mistake, all that is needed is a few kind words to the offending party. Please stay back from my dog as I do not want him to be stepped on and hurt. This is usually a good enough reminder, if indeed it was accidental.If it happens again, it was probably not accidental In that case, perhaps stopping while the dogs are gaiting around the ring, making sure your dog is in front of you out of harms way, and asking the offender to please, either stay back or go in front of you. Perhaps the words would be in the hearing range of the judge. Be sure to be polite so the judge does not think you are the offender. Then ask the judge, politely, if he she would ask the exhibitor to either stay back or go ahead of you so your dog is not injured.If the offender runs up on your dog at every show, perhaps you might try this. Before you come in to the ring, ask the ring steward to relay the message about the person who always runs up on your dog. Or, if you are to come in the ring in numerical order and the person is directly behind you, you could ask the ring steward to ask the judge if you could be placed behind that person because he always runs up on your dog and you are afraid heshe will injure your dog. No judge wants to see a dog injured, especially not in their ring. Im sure the judge will handle it appropriately. Never make yourself look like the bad guy. We dont want anything to escalate into a Bench Show Committee Hearing Most exhibitors are courteous and helpful, but occasionally we come across a bad apple. The good thing is they dont usually last in our sport for very long. Bad apples rot and disintegrate.AKC encourages good sportsmanship at dog shows. When poor sportsmanship and bad tempers raise their ugly head, AKC has provisions set for a Bench Show Hearing. I know that no one wants to go before a Bench Show Committee. So let us hope that we all try to be on out best behavior and be helpful and courteous to all involved in our world of dogs. Lets be sure we help the newbiesTHOUGHT FOR THE MONTH Always remember the compliments you receive. Forget about the rude remarks.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. ARCHIVESStandard and Scale oe Points oe theAmerican Pomeranian ClubAppearance------The Pomeranian in build and appearance should be a compact, short-coupled dog, well-knit in frame. His head and face should be fox-like, with small erect ears that appear sensible to every sound he should exhibit great intelligence in his expression, docility in his disposition, and activity and buoyancy in his deportment. 10 PointsHeadThe head should be somewhat foxy in outline, or wedge-shaped, the . skull being slightly flat, large in proportion to the muzzle, which should finish rather fine, and be free from lippiness. The teeth should be level, and on no account undershot. The head in its profile may exhibit a little "stop, which, however, must not be too pronounced, and the hair on the head and face must be smooth or short-coated. 5 Points EyesThe eyes should be medium in size, rather oblique in shape, not set too wide apart, bright and dark in color, showing great intelligence and docility of temper. In a white dog, black rims around the eyes are preferable. 5 PointsEarsThe ears should be small, not set too far apart nor too low down, and carried perfectly erect, like those of a fox. and like the head, should be covered with soft, short hair 5 PointsN0seShould be self-colored in Browns and Blu^es. In all other colors, should be black. 5 PointsNeck and ShouldersThe neck, if anything, should he rather short, well set in, and lion-like, covered with a profuse mane and frill of long straight hair, sweeping from the under jaw and covering the whole of the front part of the shoulders and chest as well as the top part of the shoulders. The shoulders must be tolerably clean, and laid well back. 5- PointsBodyThe back must be short, and the body compact, being well fibbed up and the barrel well rounded. The chest must be fairly deep and not too wide10 PointsLegs. The forelegs must be well feathered andperfectly, straight, of medium length, and not such as would be termed "leggy or "low on legs, but in length and strength In due proportion to a well balanced frame. The hind Jegs and thighs must be well feathered down to the hocks, and must he neither cow-hocked nor wide behind- They must be fine in bone and free In action. The feet should be email and compact in shape. 10 pointsTailThe tail is a characteristic of the breed, and should be turned over the back and carried flat, being profusely covered with long spreading hair. 10 PointsCoatProperly speaking there should be two coats, an under and an over coat the one a soft fluffy undercoat, and the other a long, perfectly straight and glistening coat covering the whole of the body, being very abundant around the neck and fore part of the shoulders and chest, where It should form a frill of profuse, standing-off, straight hair, extending over the shoulders as previously described. The hindquarters like those of the Collie, should be similarly clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. The hair on the tail must be, as previously described, profuse and spreading over the back.25 PointsColorThe following colors are admissable. J31ack, Brown, Chocolate, Red, Orange, Cream, Orange-Sable, Wolf-Sable, Beaver, Blue, White, and Parti-Colors. The Blacks, Blues, Browns and Sables must be free from any white, and the Whites must he free from lemon or any other color. A few white hairs in any of the self colors shall not absolutely disqualify -but should carry great weight against a dog. In Parti-Colorea dogs, the colors should be evenly distributed on the body in patches. A dog with a white foot or a white chest would not be a parti-colored dog. Whole colore^ dogs with a white foot or feet, leg or legs, are decidely objectionable and should be discouraged and cannot compete as whole colored specimens. In mixed classes where whole colored and parti-colored Pomeranians compete together, the preference shouldif In other points they are equalsbe given to the whole colored specimens. Sables must be shaded throughout withthree or more colors, as uniformly as possible, with no patches of self color. Oranges must be self colored throughout and light shadings though not disqualifying, should be discouraged. 10 PointsTotal, 100 PointsN. B.Where Classification by Weight Is made, the following scale, passed by the Club as the most suitable division, should be adopted by Show Committees.1. Not exceeding 7 pounds.2. Exceeding 7 pounds.Where Classification by Color is made, the following division should be adopted.1. Black.2. Brown or Chocolate.3. Red, Orange or Cream.4. Sables.5. Any color not mentioned above.fluAPC Standard copied from the APC Constitution and By-Laws in the 1920s. Actual date unknown, but Article 3, Sec. 3 states Annual dues increase became effective May 1,1928.SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 67MYFIRSTPOMDarrell and Olga BakerFrcDarrell and I had been breeding and showing nice Dachshunds for several years. Then I saw the magnificent at that time Champion Aristic Wee Pepper Pod at a dog show, and knew we were destined to be Pom-peopleI did everything WRONG...sent letters, called, contacted, all the famous Pom people, with a dumb, I want a wonderful female, showable, breedable, reasonably priced, etc. etc. etc. As you can imagine, I got NO ANSWERSPursuing our idea, I watched newspaper ads a really credible source, RIGHT. We knew better, but found one newspaper ad, and visited some truly lovely people...but NOT dog-showing people...with a Pom puppy that I bought on the spot with Darrell noting faults slightly cow- hocked, tiny.... A decent pedigree, healthy...she was chosen to be JERIBETHS BITTY BONUS...purchased for 85.00 with his bonus money...all of itHey, dont giggle at this huge purchase amount...times were a bit different then, and that was a pretty LARGE bit of money...that was our FIRST POM ... AND what a bit of good fortune...Little Bitty, bred well and carefully, became the grandmother of the famous CHAMPION CORNS DUKE DRAGONFLY...and a delightful family pet, and wonderful producer.Basis for all our Duke Dragonfly breeding. At the time, we didnt realize the value and importance of this little girl, but we loved her always, and appreciated her always...and she was OUR FIRST POM Sounds a little corny...but the truth. We will look forward to other folks FIRST POM stories and see if they are as bizarre as ours.68 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewThe Official APCAKC Apprpved Dpce,,,te9',9Pomeranian StandardGeneral AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, active toy dog. He has a soft, dense undercoat with a profuse harsh-textured outer coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky, commanding, and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and action.fP9 s\Size, Proportion, SubstanceThe average size of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to 6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. The distance from the point of shoulder to the point of buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest point of the withers to the ground. The distance from the brisket to the ground is half the height at the withers. He is medium-boned, and the length of his legs is in proportion to a well-balanced frame. When examined, he feels sturdy.HeadThe head is in balance with the body. The muzzle is rather short, straight, fine, free of lippiness and never snipey. His expression is alert and may be referred to as fox-like. The skull is closed. The top of the skull is slightly rounded, but not domed. When viewed from the front and side, one sees small ears, which are mounted high and carried erect. To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through the center of the eyes and the tip of the ears. The eyes are dark, bright, medium in size and almond-shaped. They are set well into the skull on either side of a well-pronounced stop. The pigmentation is black on the nose and eye rims except self-colored in brown, beaver, and blue dogs. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. One tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major Faults Round, domed skull under-shot mouth overshot mouth.Neck, Topline, BodyThe neck is short with its base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is short with a level topline. The body is compact and well ribbed with brisket reaching the elbow. The plumed tail is one of the characteristics of the breed, and lies flat and straight on the back.ForequartersThe Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high. The shoulders and legs are moderately muscled. The length of the shoulder blade and upper arm are equal. The forelegs are straight and parallel to each other. Height from elbows to withers approximately equals height from ground to elbow. The pasterns are straight and strong. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws may be removed. Major Faults Down in pasterns.HindquartersThe angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. The buttocks are well behind the set of the tail. The thighs are moderately muscled with stifles that are moderately bent and clearly defined. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and the legs are straight and parallel to each other. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws, if any on the hind legs may be removed. Major Faults Cowhocks or lack of soundness in hind legs or stifles.GaitThe Pomeranians gait is smooth, free, balanced and vigorous. He has good reach in his forequarters and strong drive with his hindquarters. Each rear leg moves in line with the foreleg on the same side. To achieve balance, his legs converge slightly inward toward a centerline beneath his body. The rear and front legs are thrown neither in nor out. The topline remains level, and his overall balance and outline are maintained.CoatA Pomeranian is noted for its double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense. The outer-coat is long, straight, glistening and harsh in texture. A thick undercoat will hold up and permit the guard hair to stand off from the Pomeranians body. The coat is abundant from the neck and fore part of shoulders and chest, forming a frill, which extends over the shoulders and chest. The head and leg coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the body. The forequarters are well feathered to the hock. The tail is profusely covered with long, harsh, spreading straight hair. Trimming for neatness and a clean outline is permissible. Major Faults Soft, flat or open coat.ColorAll colors, patterns, and variations there-of are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Patterns Black and Tan - tan or rust sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat, and fore chest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. The richer the tan the more desirable Brindle - the base color is gold, red, or orange-brindled with strong black cross stripes Parti-color - is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head. Classifications The Open Classes at specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Open Black, Brown, and Blue Open Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.TemperamentThe Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog.Even though a Toy dog, the Pomeranian must be subject to the same requirements of soundness and structure prescribed for all breeds, and any deviation from the ideal described in the standard should be penalized to the extent of the deviation.rPerformance Continued From Page 71Judy Thompson from Grand Rapids sent this. GRAC Grand Rapids Agility Club would like to congratulate Betsy Ryba and her black Pom, Polly, for winning a Perfect Weekend ribbon at our CPE agility trial this past weekend. Polly was the only dog to qualify in all ten of the weekend runs. They managed to do this in spite of the heat and humidity that weve had all summer in Michigan. Betsy and her Poms continue to amaze usThen breeder Julie Clemen Rise N Shine Pomeranians wroteOne of my kids and her handler are burning up the agility ring so I thought Id send her brags for the APC Mag The team is Anita Moran and Rise N Shines Black Coffee, OA, OAJ, NAD. Anita says, Its official. Gina is now OA OAJ. Finishing her Open title with yet another first place. She also picked up an Agility Excellent A Jumpers leg, and a fan club in Fairbanks. Then on Sunday, Gina got her 2nd Excellent A Standard leg with a 1 st place. And she got her first Excellent A Jumpers again with a first place. And the fan club is bigger. A couple of the competitors came up and told me their husbands really enjoyed watching her run. What is it with guys and Poms When Bill called the other day, he asked about Gina first and just grinned through the phone. I could hear him. Were off to Soldatna south of Anch for 3 trials next weekend. Gina is NOW Rise N Shines Black Coffee OA AXJ. She also has one Excellent Standard leg.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESMom took a poll on the Active Pomeranian list, using the question, How important is it to you that the Pomeranian Review lists the ObedienceRallyAgility titles The choices were Important -1 like to see what everyone is doing. [This took 73.33 of the vote.] Very important - thats why I subscribe.[26.67 chose this one.] The remainder, Its OK - I look to see myself and my friends there Not very important - I wouldnt miss it much if it were not there and Not at all important -1 never look at it took 0 of the votes. So I guess Mom will continue to list the titles. This month she is falling down on her job, though. Thats partly because she fell down on her job. She was training Tiffany and tripped on a mat. The first doctor thought her wrist wasnt broken, but another doctor went and put a cast on it, and thats one reason Im writin this for her. I dont know nothin bout Agility, except that those silly dogs run around and around, and they even BARK So, Mom says she will catch up on Agility next time.AKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYCompanion DogCH Paughprint Endless Tradition CD, 15-May-05, Paulette Zecca Teddy CD, 22-May-05, Karen Jones, ILP Companion Dog ExcellentSecond Chance Oliver Twist CDX RA, 21-May-05, Barbara McClatchey, ILPRally NoviceBanshees Mickey Mike CDX RN, 27-May-05, Dorothy ODonnell, ILP Bug Bears Piper The Polar Princess CD RN, 27-May-05, Diedre SchloyerMorgens Squirrel N Merlin CDX RN OA OAJ, l-May-05, Judi John Rought, Elizabeth Baugh Sunglo N Showcase Gangsta Style RN, 27-May-05, Diedre Schloyer Viscount Charley Pomeroy RN, 7-May-05, Linda Miles, ILP Rally ExcellentMusic To My Eyes CD RE, 8-May-05, Marcia Messina Rhett Butler CDX RE, 30-May-05, Dell BrownL_____________________________________7 SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewMYFIRSTPOMyT7Mi-\ v\5, ' A .rSTim and 5ue GoddardWe purchased our first Pom in 1961 from a multiple breed lady who was getting rid of the Poms because they were not profitable As it happened he did have a good pedigree with Van Hoozer lines and was probably nice enough to have been shown had we chosen to do so. We sold a small chest of drawers to get the 50 purchase price We named him Tip Top Tiny Toy Tiger I was in to alliteration. He is pictured with our first of three daughters when she was just about 3 years old, Zarena, in Colorado. Thank you for this opportunity to delve backinto the beginning.Tim and Sue GoddardDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. AU Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AbilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me- Rescue, SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 73V jl r THE POMERANIAN CLUB OF GREASPECIALTY 7211rirThe Pomeranian CmhsJ\ iJthof Greater HoustonA TtjUSTONWritten by Connie Zieba Photographer John David ZiebaTThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston held its annual Specially on July 21st, 2005 in Houston, Texas. The Specialty was part of the four-day Reliant Park World Series of Dog Shows formerly the AstroWorld Series of Dog Shows. This is a HUGE show sponsored by 1AMS and televised by Animal Planet. Just about every indoor dog activity imaginable, such as agility, flyball, obedience, and much more, is included. The shopping alone includes hundreds of vendors, taking hours to walk all the way through.Our Specialty drew 26 entries, providing a five-point major in bitches. We began the day with Sweepstakes, judged by Ms. Sherry Dollar from Dallas, Texas. Sue Goddard took home the big award of Best in Sweeps with her handsome boy, Tim Sues Small Talk Talker. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes was awarded to Sofines Legally Blonde shown by Valerie Humbird. Owner Breeder Mary Latimer proudly watched her pretty girl from the sidelines.Our Regular Class Judge was Mr. Rodney R. Merry from Houston, Texas. Mr. Merry had several excellent partis and blacks to look over as well as many lovely creams and oranges. The quality of Pomeranians exhibited was first-class.We were honored with the presence of several out-of-state exhibitors including Cristy and Jessica Christiansen from Utah. Jessica lead an adorable black bitch into the ring she calls Blondie. Karen Chisam came all the way from Missouri with her beautiful Poms.This year our club, through the generosity of Virginia Watkins, added a new trophy for Best in Bred-by-Exhibitor Classes. Mrs. Watkins believes deeply in the necessity for a strong Bred-By-Exhibitor participation. Virginia was present to act as Ring Steward and to present her lovely Waterford candleholder to the winner, Tim Sues Small Talk.To honor the outstanding Specials present in the Best of Breed competition, each BOB entry was given a miniature picture frame customized with the club logo. Thanks to our wonderful supporters, we were able to award many fine trophies including clocks, clock pen sets, 8X10 frames, keepsake boxes, and crystal ornaments, each customized specifically for our club.Our gorgeous Veteran Bitch, CH Golden Wheats Smiling Lights Bliss, was a crowd favorite. Twelve-year-old Bliss has produced several champions. Two of her grandchildren were also present competing in Bred-By Prized Happy To Walk N Tradition and Open Dogs Prized A Promise To Tim Sue.Winners Dog and Best of Winners was awarded to Finchs Awesome Wave Parti Surfer shown by Karen Chisam. These well-earned points allowed Surfer to finish and move up as a special. Surfer was one of two exquisite partis, bred by Diane Finch and owned by Charlotte Myer, present at our Specialty.74 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewPC of Greater Houston Specialty Continued on Page 76y -JPr'r'ti 'i.'VWV- 3fte W-i ^S3HS V -' ,'2^ iki^Jht^.S- dP'WS53I nitrn^3A 315,.V- ' " V-'-n-Xi I 'rJVm fVCfL 1 -M \4 f "t-"e. A W'."JT6SeptemberOctober2005 - APC Pomerrnirn Review - 75Greater Houston Specialty Continued from Page 75Kouteries Pia Of Chipawas Pia handled and owned by Renate Richter, bred by Mark Ward, earned Winners Bitch and Best of Opp. Sex to Best of Breed. Pia went on to have a great weekend at Reliant.CH Sugar Raes Pie In The Sky Pie was awarded Best Of Breed. Pie is a magnificent black 17-month- old dog handled by Kevin Orr. This was Pies second BOB Specialty win. The first was in Oklahoma in May, where he also finished. Pie is a Travis great grandson out of Cole, bred by Angela Semansky and co-owned by Angela Semansky and Kevin Orr.At the conclusion of the Pom Judging, a raffle was held in the club grooming space. Many of the donated items were handmade. A dog-themed wreath, Pom charm bracelet, pearl necklace, Pom embroidered towels, fancy dog beds, and a dog house complete with plush dogs, were just some of the great items donated by generous members and friends. We also heartily thank everyone who bought ticketsAn After-Show Dinner at a nearby restaurant followed the Specialty. Our Club President, John DavidZieba, toasted the judges, winners, exhibitors, club members, visitors, and many fine Pomeranians presented that day.We would like to thank the exhibitors who came to Houston for our Specialty, as well as everyone who helped with the show. Erika Moureau gave her assistance throughout We hope all of you will be back next July and we look forward to seeing new faces as wellSweeps 6-9 Months Puppy Dog Class -TEXSTARS BADITUDE Handler Owner Breeder Bonnie AcquardSweeps 9-12 Months Puppy Dog Class - TIM SUES SMALL TALK Handler Sue Goddard, Owners Breeders Sue Tim GoddardSweeps 6-9 Months Puppy Bitch Class - JERIBETH MINI-VIM Handler Darrell Baker, Owner Breeder Olga BakerSweeps 6-9 Months Puppy Bitch Class - SOFINES LEGALLYBLONDE Handler Valerie Humbird, Owner Breeder Mary LatimerBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - TIM SUES SMALL TALK Handler Sue Goddard, Owners Breeders Sue Tim Goddard9-12 Months Puppy Bitch Class - SOFINES LEGALLY BLONDE Handler Valerie Humbird, Owner Breeder Mary Latimer12-18 Months Bitch Class - HOMESTEADS HEAVEN SENT Handler Carolyn Crockett, Owners Dale Martenson Virginia Watkins, Breeder Faralyn TucketBred-By-Exhibitor Bitch Class - PRIZED HAPPY TO WALK N TRADITIONHandler Carolyn Crockett, Owners Breeders Carolyn Crockett Mona DeLancyOpen Bitch Class - KOUTERIES PIA OF CHIPAWAS Handler Owner Renate Richter, Breeder Mark WardBEST OF OPP TO BEST IN SWEEPS -SOFINES LEGALLYBLONDE Handler Valerie Humbird, Owner Breeder Mary Latimer9-12 Months Puppy Dog Class - FINCHS AWESOME WAVE PARTI Handler Karen Chisam, Owner Charlotte Myer, Breeder Diane FinchWINNERS BITCH - KOUTERIES PIA OF CHIPAWAS Handler Owner Renate Richter, Breeder Mark WardRESERVE WINNERS BITCH - SOFINES LEGALLY BLONDE Handler Valerie Humbird, Owner Breeder Mary Latimer12-18 Months Dog Class - FINCHS SPLISH SPLASH PARTI Handler Carolyn Crockett, Owner Charlotte Myer, Breeder Diane FinchBred-By-Exhibitor Dog Class - TIM SUES SMALL TALK Handler Sue Goddard, Owners Breeders Sue Tim GoddardOpen Dog Class - TIM SUES FLYING HIGHHandler Bob Kennedy, Owner Patrick Farmer, Breeders Sue, Tim GoddardWINNERS DOG - FINCHS AWESOME WAVE PARTI Handler Karen Chisam, Owner Charlotte Myer, Breeder Diane FinchRESERVE WINNERS DOG - TIM SUES SMALL TALK Handler Sue Goddard, Owners Breeders Sue Tim Goddard6-9 Months Puppy Bitch Class - JERIBETH MINI-VTM Handler Darrell Baker, Owner Breeder Olga BakerVeteran Bitch Class - CH GOLDEN WHEATS SMILING LIGHTS Handler Carolyn Crockett, Owners Breeders Carolyn Crockett Mona DeLancyBEST OF BREED - CH SUGAR RAES PIE IN THE SKY Handler Kevin Orr, Owners Angela Semansky Kevin Orr, Breeder Angela SemanskyBEST OF WINNERS - FINCHS AWESOME WAVE PARTI Handler Karen Chisam, Owner Charlotte Myer, Breeder Diane FinchBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREED KOUTERIESPIA OF CHIPAWASHandler Owner Renate Richter, Breeder Mark WardBest In Bred-By-Exhibitor Classes - TIM SUES SMALL TALK Handler Sue Goddard, Owners Breeders Sue Tim Goddard76 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Reviewpo^\-W0-iis -if3o n-5 SJV0 Cs9SCity cf Ansels Pomeranian ClubThirteenth Annual Specialty Shew and Sweepstakes Pomona, California Thursday, May 26,2665- ^ vB3TtAbig thanks to all the participants in our annual specialty show. We had 10 sweepstakes entries and 47 entries in conformation. A continental breakfast and buffet luncheon was provided by the club. We had many generous vendor donations to our raffle this year, which helped provide funding for the event. This show could not have taken place without the combined efforts of all our club members. Everyone pitched in and helped as needed. What a great group To our show chairman Leesa Molina, our show secretary Marcie Dobkin, and our ring steward Lani McKennon, we offer our heartfelt gratitude.Our sweepstakes judge, Mr. John D. Boughton, selected the 6-9 month puppy bitch Lanas California Dreamin as his Best in Sweepstakes winner. She was breeder-owner handled by Lana Price. Best Puppy Dog went to DJs Chance Affair. Chance was also breeder- owner handled by Donna Johnson co-owner Elizabeth Molina. Mr. Bougton felt that most of the exhibits demonstrated excellent Pomeranian type. He also noted that most had good movement and nice scissors bites.Our conformation judge, Mrs. Margaret Young-Renihan, made her decisions after careful consideration. Best of Breed was awarded to Ch. Valcopy Batboy, bred by Dana Plonkey, and owned by Ron and Merilyn Smith and Janice and Melvin Pardue. Batboy is handled by Curtiss Smith. Best of Opposite Sex went to Ch. Kalasics Out of the Ashes, owner- handled by Gloria Carlin, and bred by John and Pauline McFarland and Julie Kallbacka, co-owner Julie Kallbacka. Best of Winners, for a 5 point major, went to the 6-9 month puppy dog, Starlights Simon Says, handled by Deena Simon, breedersowners Ron and Merilyn Smith and Derrik and Deronda Sharp. Winners Bitch, for a 3 point major, went to Lanas California Dreamin, breeder-owner handled by Lana Price. Reserve Winners Dog went to Jan-Shars Sponge Bob Square Pants, breederowner Sharon Hansen, handled by Tish Cannon. Reserve Winners bitch was Butterfly of Love of Lenette, breederowner Ken Griffith and handler A1 Lapuz.Mrs. Renihan felt that, in general, the exhibits demonstrated nice balance and condition. She wishes to commend the breeders. She liked the type that she saw. The dogs had nice movement, with good balance between front and rear assemblies. She felt this was a strong competition. Coats were in good condition. Expression was there. Size was good, with no leggy or tall dogs. Bites were satisfactory, a few could have been better. Overall, she was impressed with the nice type and balance that she saw. She would have enj oyed seeing a nicer presentation of some dogs on the table, with proper leg placement so that the dog could be seen by the judge in its optimum position to evaluate type and balance.m AQPrQS 7I.City of Angels PC Specialty Continued on Page 78SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 77City of Angels PC Specialty Continuedfrom Page 77 Class placements were as followsPuppy Dogs 6-9 months1- Starlights Simon Says BreedersOwners Ron and Merilyn Smith and Derrick and Deronda Sharp2- Penrods Dream of Victory BreederOwner Linda Penrod3- J-Das National Treasure BreederOwner Jessica SolisPuppy Dog s 9-12 months1- Aljens Final Fantasy of Lenette Breeder Ken Griffith, Owners A1 and Jen Lapuz2- Kayras White Hot Diamond BreedersOwners Kay L. Chaney and Reed Adams, Co-Owner Elizabeth MolinaBred by Exhibitor Dogs1- Showcase Boys Will Be Boys BreedersOwners Alane Levinsohn and Curtiss Smith2- Lanas Can Ya Guess My Name BreederOwner Lana Price3- Sunglos Just Lookin For Trouble BreedersOwners Dan and Tammee FelixOpen Dogs Red Orange Cream and Sable1- Jan-Shars Sponge Bob Square Pants BreederOwner Sharon Hansen2- Hertigs Look at Me Im Eddie Breeder Arlene Hertig, Owner Jacklin Mathews3- DJs Chance Affair BreederOwner Donna Johnson, Co-Owner Elizabeth Molina4- Pominique Thats All Folks BreedersOwners Mike and Cande GordonOpen Dogs Any Other Color, Pattern or Variety1- Finchs Sonic the Hedgehog Breeder Diane Finch, Owners Carol and Scotty Moore2- Aljens Fashionably Gorgeous Breeder Alfredo Lapuz, Owner Robin ClemansWDBOW-Starlights Simon Says RWD-Jan-Shars Sponge Bob Square PantsvPuppy Bitches 6-9 months1 - Lanas California Dreamin BreederOwner Lana Price2 - Penrods Cleopatra Breeder Linda Penrod, owner Carole and Scotty MooreOpen Bitches Red Orange Cream or Sable1- Butterfly of Love of Lenette BreederOwner Ken Griffith2- Mathews A Lil Sassy Attitude Breeder Gail Hansen, Owner Jacklin MathewsPuppy Bitches 9-12 months1- Sunterra Sweet Pea BreederOwner Douglas Stratton2- Jan-Shars Brigitte Jones Breeder Sharon Hanson, Owner Jacklin Mathews3- Moss Meadows Precious Loki Breeder Gina Moss, Owner Michelle Wilhoite4- Mathews Queen of Hearts Breeder Jacklin Mathews, Owner Billie PattersonBred By Exhibitor Bitches1- Sunglos Sinnamon Sugar Plum BreedersOwners Dan and Tammee Felix2- Cameos Enchanting Angelina BreederOwner Karen Betz3- Bachmans My Dream Porsche BreederOwner Cheri McDonald78 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewOpen Bitch Any Other Color, Pattern or Variety1-Heartbreakers China Doll of Pombreden Breeder Barbara Breden, Owner Arnold RodriquezWB-Lanas California DreaminRWB-Butterfly of Love of LenetteBEST OF BREEDCh Valcopy Batboy Breeder Dana Plonkey, owners Ron, Merilyn Smith and Janice, Melvin PardueBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh Kalasics Out of the Ashes Breeders John, Pauline McFarlane and Julie Kallbacka, Owners, Gloria Carlin and Julie KallbackaReport and Photos by Geneva CoatsHt-^3ITCHSWEEPSTAKESSWEEPSTA Tt m ijPOMERANIAN CLUBAl-.PHOTOSCity of Angels PC Specialty'eu.Sr_'i'31C_Iv. 5411SeptembeeOctobee 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 79Tafefc A Rldft OnOHIO POMERANIAN OLYMPICSThis year, at the APC Summer Specialty, Cindy Boulware was accompanied by her mother, daughter and granddaughter,Taylor.On Friday, I proceeded to take photos of Pomeranians, Mr.Scotts judging, and ringside spectators for the Pomeranian Review.Sitting ringside was Taylor, watching the judging patiently with her mother. On Taylors lap was a small chalkboard. As Mr. Scott examined each Pom on the table, Taylor would write something quickly on the chalkboard. Taylor would repeat this procedure time after time, Pom after Pom. After watching Taylor a while longer, I finally realized what was taking place Pomeranian Olympics.As each Pom circled around the ring, Taylor would hold her chalkboard up for the facing spectators to see how she had scored that Pom. Much to my pleasure, Taylor scored most Poms a perfect 10ITaylors interest in judging and scoring system reflects a positive hope for a future generation of AKC Judges.HORNS OR HALOSIsnt it strange Even in the world of digital cameras, no matter how hard we work and plan to take the perfect photo, we can still come up with unexpected results.Once a friend told me about an unusual dog show win photo that just did not turn out right. A shirtless male spectator, wearing shorts, was standing off in the distance directly between the judge and the handler. The table blocked the shorts. Now you can guess what the man looked like he WASNT wearing in the finished photo. Needless to say, the photo was never published.Here is a photo taken July 22, of Cindy Boulware at the APC Summer Specialty in Richfield, Ohio. We could not have planned the end results. What shall we name the photo Homs or HalosBIG FOOT LOCATEDThey never cease to amaze me, but Pom Specialties never pass without really unusual weird results happening somewhere, sometime, to someone. Please share your funny, unusual or downright embarrassing moments with us in the Wild Side.Cant name names or places. Would not believe it had I not seen it, but somewhere in Ohio are the headless remains of Big Foot. The remains are closely guarded by several Pomeranians. Now let your mind wonder. Is this location near a house with a huge master bathroom complete with trees and flying birds The same bathroom where 12 APC members were conversing I say no more. The PR pSurvey SaysThanks to the many Judges who respondedI enjoy being informed about the breeds I judge and the parent club magazine is one of the best ways to be up to date with breed issues.Carolyn HerbelI enjoy your official voice of the American Pomeranian Club. Loraine BoutwellI enjoy keeping up with what the breeders are doing including the problems they are having. The articles on the breed are excellent and very educational.Doris CozartI enjoy the Pomeranian ReviewDr. John C. SheltonI enjoy reading the Pomeranian Review and appreciate receiving itJoan C. ScholzThe Pomeranian Review contains lots of info and I enjoy the pictures.Tomas and Alane L. GomezI always enjoy the magazineJ. Robert JacobsenI enjoy the magazine very much.Helen Lee JamesI do enjoy the Pomeranian Review.Charlotte PattersonI enjoy receiving your magazine about your wonderful breed. Elaine MathisI like seeing a breed club do such a well-done publication. Janet Allen JacobsenThank you for your generosity in making the Pomeranian Review available to those of us who judge your breed.Sally VilasI enjoy reading articles in various breed magazines. I think as judges, we need to keep abreast of things concerning breedersexhibitors.Lois WhiteI enjoy your magazine and thank you very much for making it available free of charge to licensed judges.Lloyd Graser, Jr.I enjoy the Pomeranian Review thoroughly.Bonnie Linnell ClarkeI enjoy getting it. I am a Pom person in a Yorkie persons body. CarlI enjoy.Bob MooreThe Pomeranian Review is a fine publication and I look forward to reading each new issue.Leonard ReppondI like the Pomeranian Review very much. This is my original breed and I care about it very much.Daniel AugustusI enjoy your magazine.... Poms are very special to me as I handled a lot of them in years past.Virginia BuchananThank you for the opportunity to read and learn more about your wonderful breed.Elaine J. LessigI do enjoy getting your magazine.Mildred BryantI enjoy the Pomeranian ReviewWilliam BergumLove the magazineBeverly K. LehnigThe articles are excellent and I continue to learn about Poms. Carol Kniebusch NoeWe enjoy the Pomeranian Review and look forward to receiving it.Dr. Harold and Mrs. Etta B. OrensteinI enjoy the Pomeranian ReviewJanis M. Mercer1 enjoy the magazine. Thanks.Jeff BazellPleasure to read.Bob CavinessSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 81Sumhine fRoaeWe are sending our sympathy to judge A1 Treens family on his passing. A1 would have been 97 in August.Our sympathies go out to Deb Procaccini of Procs Poms on her Dads passing.Carla Timmins of Kirkfeld Kennels from Australia has passed on. Carla had many friends in the states. Our sympathies go out to her family at this time.Long time Pom breederhandler Gloria Setmeyer from New Jersey passed away in June. Our condolences go out to family and friends on their loss.Eleanor Miller of Millamor Poms broke her hip in June. Continue to prayer for healing.Beverley Carter of Damascusroad Poms in Canada broke a rib. We are wishing her a speedy recovery.Congratulations and well wishes to Debbie Barrett of Del-May Poms on her move to Michigan and her new job.Congratulations to the recent Best In Show winners, and to all who have finished Champions. Also, congratulations to the APC Summer Specialty winnersWell-known AKC Judge, Dr. Esporite passed away in July. Our condolences to the family.Best wishes to Joan Behrend for good test results.Bruce Harris, husband of APC Member Bonnie Harris, underwent heart catherization in July.Condolences to Linda Herrmann on her mothers passing.Darlys Flaata of Damata Kennels and Showtime kennels fell and shattered her hip, we are sending prayers and well wishes for a speedy recovery.Wendy Chambers had a hip replacement in August 4, 2005. Best wishes for a speedy continued recovery.We are saddened to hear Colleen Belands son, Jack, age 28 passed away July 15, 2005. Our continued prayers are with Colleen and family.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email AH APC members addresses are published in the .APC roster if you would like to send cards.I a MCHI 91HISllSNovemberDecember 2005Muriel MenardLes Petits Princes de LrkysPatricia RowleyLegacy PomsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator Jessie Klein, to suggest or nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or Email RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SIJRSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact 217 347-5731 fame62401 yahoo.com82 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review3VhATTENTIONPefiicnal Pcm Clubs Regional Pom Club Event information is published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs special low advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.Send coming events, reports, and photos to the editor.arOChel esSpecializing in parti and parti- factored Pomeranians WTina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time Tina Ch. Finchs Peacemaker PartiElaine Waughewaughwoh. rr. com OhioI,p-Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comJacinda Poms , ' V ..r 'V -miS' ' 1' ' - ifuLJ.Jennifer Falk810 387-9570 falkster greatlakes. netCindy Golden321 638-4291 PromiseMe3 aol. com www. j acindapoms .comPARKIraTom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLEyruitor PomsBecky 989-832-3408 wyndlorchartermi .net'Wyndtor TomsSeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 83ww^eaAeGmejrMikfyiASffome of ^SxceMoml fffmemuai ffoyd3ajie QjeumAoinffiowoade ffememRtand818352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.com6Whip staffPomeraniansJoe and Janette Dally St. Louis, MO 314 389-3275 utrkao ss wbell .net sJ sor sjo 'soos'.CkO'. VVwA Long Island, New York 631 366-2330httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services. Limited Boarding AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherineBolahood905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4www.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthElusive Toys Rigby id 83442208 745-5267tifw 1 PomsandPoodlesrN\ N.A LJCVomMuansShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113301-261-3727sshieldserols.comjcJuncui Tome.t.cLniWhere Type, Quality and Soundness Countcheribachmanpoms.corhwww.bachmanpoms.comCheri McDonald909-394-7923 Southern CaliforniaHimWalda A Green8120 Harvard Drive Ben Lomond CA 95005Phfax 831 336-8285 winstarpomssbcglobal.netWiNSTAR84 - SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANS.W, BIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email r ...9Mari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netProfessional Handling Services Inquiries welcome.Bonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comtvaCott'Pomeruutiavi Iwar J -vCh. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.JLPatriciasromeramanslbCH. PATRICIAS LIL MISS MOLLY ROMCh. Stud service available to approved bitches Puppies and Adults available occasionally1afi 'Daniefwn616 Mystery Bridge Road Evansville, WY 82636 307 265-3305 Email patipomsyahoo.comNeat stuff for sale on EbayEbay Seller ID- danielsonpomsrwww.plushpuppyusa.com8'tfcoft.MionaLftanxLi.Ln.cj_ftudxey ftobefctb7984 VfcWftd. 'P.ebvilLe., jtfl 7744b 773-204-7225www. bhyacceb. com aud'cey bhycLCfte. com rftbiited by. Qcbbica .ouion.SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 85The Pcmeranian ReviewAdvertiersAphrodites Crate Sisters................................................30Barrett, Deborah............................................................86Behrend, Joan.................................................................84Bolahood, Catherine......................................................84Branchi, Joanne..............................................................37Buchanan, Debi.............................................................18Carlson, Alice................................................................87Cartwright, Sherry.........................................................86Chambers, Wendy.....................................................46, 47Collins, Dawn...........................................................13,31Cook, Lee............................Front Cover, Bk Cover, 14Coventry, Dana...Front Cover, Bk Cover, 14, 29, 87Cox, Marcia...................................................................91Crawford, Karen............................................................25Dague, Roger and Pat....................................................87Dally, Joe and Janette....................................................84Danielson, Patricia.........................................................85Davis, Annette and Erik................................................85DeCicco, Linda..............................................................32Domrase, Alden and Janet.............................................91Dossinger, Marian......................................................... 12Earle, Bobii....................................................................90Epps, Nina..................................................................... 18Falk, Jennifer.................................................................83Felix, Dan and Tammee.................................................27Finch, Diane...................................................................87Freia, Jerrie....................................................................87Galavich, Carol................................................................8Goddard, Tim and Sue...................................................26Golden, Cindy............................................................... 83Green, Judith.............................................................16, 17Green, Susan..................................................................94Green, Walda.................................................................84Griffith, Ken and Eleanor................................................9Hanson, Sharon..............................................................93Harris, Bonnie................................................................85Iffland, Mari..............................................................11, 85Jackson, Rebecca...........................................................92Jessen, Catherine............................................................84Johnson, Sandra.............................................................83Klein, Jessie...................................................................26Lehtinen, Jane................................................................95Levinsohn, Alane......................................................19, 84Livezey, Teresa..............................................................87Machniak, Donna........Front Cover,Bk Cover, 14,29,87Majewski, Donna...........................................................31McDonald, Cheri...........................................................84McFarlane, Pauline........................................................25Megenhardt, Donna.........................................................8Eack IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USAandAPOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 peryear. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor. Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.'4Meyer, Charlotte.....................................................................15Newyear, Evelyn.......................................................................8Norem, Katherine...................................................................6,7Palmer, Victoria......................................................................95Pelz, Linda..............................................................................83Pom Club of Central Indiana..................................................21Pom Club of Central Virginia.................................................44Riehm, Donna..............................................................4,5,10,11Roberts, Audrey......................................................................85Rosenbaum, Mary...................................................................85Rowley, Patricia......................................................................26Sabourin, Becky.....................................................................83Segelken, Brenda ............................................................48, 49Shields, Shari..........................................................................84Smith, Julia.............................................................................89Stephens, Mickey...................................................................31Stephens, Mary.......................................................................18Stoll, Frances................................................................4, 5, 10Trent, C. L..............................................................................81Waugh, Elaine........................................................................83Waters, Gregg and Charlene...................................................87Wells, Mike............................................................................83Wilson, Tom...........................................................................83Yampiro, Sharon...................................................................2, 3Ch. Julia s Music Man cf LenelteWINNERSCAMBRIDGE KENNEL CLUB JUNE 2005 r If t\ ivMusic Man finished under Ms. Charlotte Clem McCowan.Thanks tc ten Criffith. Lenelte Lems, fer this lovely male. EM thank you tc handler, Jane Lehtinen for finishing Music Manunder one year cf age.Congratulations to Linda DeCiooo on her Lennel Visit. Condolences to Cloria Setmayers family.Julia L. Smith - Sandstone, MN051 894 3603SeptemberOctober 2005 - APC Pomeranian Review - 89GH Sobiis Return of the KinSt 7th in Breed June 30according to fog Nows.Thanks, Vikki for your wonderful care and handling.ST"Bobiis 0 'Tak My Breath flway ill be seeing you.Bobiis poms bobiipomcfl.rr.eomHandler Vikki Oclcrieh ViktrGspomsaol.coiTA's nmrr t WfcL'K'S KO.uCWL' OE TAKA,AKOUiLK luLILMl WIN R" AND ANNTHE THIRD GENERATION OF THE SAGA CONTINUESCh. Raines Janesas Time to Chat Chatter X Ch. Janesas Scarlett Lives On In Tara TaraButler is shown taking Best of Breed over three nice specials for his second four point major with exclusive handler Ann Berryman. Many thanks to respected Judge Richard Chashoudian for this exciting win It just doesnt get much better than thisMa CoxBreederOwnerAnd the Janesa Poms Kennel name in honor of Jerrie Freia 1216 W. Chautauqua St. Carbondale, IL 62901- 9fBEST OF O'BREED VARIETYMERI - MISSKENNEL CLUB JULY 2005LAMBERT PHOTOP.S. Champions Grandma Scarlett, Mom Tara and Aunt Miss Rhett and Aunt Belle, CGC have decided there will be no living with this little guy when he comes homeCH. ALDENS TANSPY LADY- lcW.Mi'T'f f..tAn. - c- f'ii Exclusivelyhandled by Kyle BohnenkampjAElburn, IL630 232-4251i P_INTRODUCING OUR. NEWEST CHAMPIONOwned and loved byAL JAN DOMKASE6810 Barnard Mill Road, Ringwood, IL 60072 Phone 815 728-0559 Fax 815 653-5106 www.aldenskennels.comLDENS KENNELlyC'C Z2 , ctf . is uy yfl4sMZ45 SnowsBOBnrand\Group 2 vnH'aWlj liiki llilmiOak RidgeKennel ClubMICMat W. WO Wilcox PbotojCJ I liliiini'liiiiiliiiiLySire Ch. Pierce Arrow s Justin Time Dam Mountain Crest AbbySpecial Congratulations to Noble and Parker on record breaking career win. You guys rock... Congratulations to Linda DeCicco on her APC Kennel Visit.Congratulations to Larry and Cheryl on your marriage.OwnerHandler Becky Ja 513 Springwood Drive, Florence,vz-czzvd' - Breeder Carlene Gilstrap gvvoodpomsaol.comu lAN-ShAR SSWEEPSTAKESBESTJUNIOR iNPUPPY0JULY 21, 2005_t.JATIONAL SPECIALTYSIRE- CH. JANSHARS N SYNC DAM" JAN"SHARS I COT RYTHYMK1 PlCTUREd HERE WITH JudqE BRENdA SeQeIUeN ANdhANdlER Tish Cannon at tIie A.P.C. Summer SpEciAlry.ER BREEde ANSON1Jan MERANIARhiCh Sundown'sAurora BorealisBubba- IINNERS\l CHAMPIONLEBANON COUNTY KENNEL[tn CLUB"5CAPRIL 14, 20051\cTOM digiacomo5ire Janesas N JanShars Chance Dam Janesa s Louisiana SundownBubba is shown taking a 4 point major to finish at the Lebanon County Kennel Club Show, in Harrisburg. Pa. on April 14. EB05. Thank you to Camilla Knight for breeding Bubba and beginning his show career. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to own Bubba. Thanks also to Jane Lehtinen for finishing Bubbas championship title. Thanks to all judges who recognized Bubbas quality.Susan Breen - Owner315-415-9931 Cleveland. New YorkBreeder Camilla Knight Handler Jane LehtinenQf. Avalon's Prince Charmingcl. Jan Le's Quest of Mine Proudly present weir newChampionCongratulations to Linda DeCicco on your APC Kennel Visit.aFARGO-WIOORHEAD KENNEL CLUB iIEJUNE 2005 BEST OF WINNERSBESTrOF BREEDKPHOTOSz r7' KOHLERJan Le's Quest of Random Task"Randi Jane"BreedersOwnersJane Lehtmen J an Le Pomeranians Virgina, Minnesota 118-741-1117Victoria PalmerMaple Grove Minnesota763-494-4605Tfrank you Jane for being a wonderful mentor and for allowing me the privilege of starting my breeding program with a foundation bitch as well bred as was Mini Me. Randi is her only daughter and my first bred-by champion.IlloVSPECIAL DeJay Poms Vol. 2TOBY EARNS BACK-TO-BACK BIS WINS Tremendous thrill for rising starBy Dana Coventry DeJay PomsCANTON, OHIO, June 11 and 12 Tobyand his owners will always cherish the memory of this sweltering June weekend at the McKinley Kennel Club. The sun was baking and the temperatures were broiling, but Ch. Krebrook's Tabasco Fiasco and his handlerowner Donna Machniak were cool, if not collected, when Judge R.E. Fetter walked toward them with the red. white and bluerosette. We are so humbled to win this honor from a noted Pom specialist" Toby was quoted as saying. I am so happy that Mrs. Fetter appreciated my soundness and good looks. But dont print that 1 dont want to sound stuck-up It was quite an outburst for the normally suave Toby. But if the handsome lad was deliriously happywhile licking her face. "This is a dream come true, he told her between kisses. "I want to thank my owners and supporters for all their good wishes. I hope 1 can keep making everyone as happy as they make me When questioned. Toby hinted that he might be considered a teeny little bit pampered. 1 understand that some dogs dont get to sleepon Saturday, he had another shock in bed. But thats were 1 get my bestcoming on SundaySaturday's excitement had barely begun to sink in when Mrs. Sonrdra Esporite walked toward Toby on Sunday carrying the rosette. Toby forgot his debonair image entirely asbeauty sleep He seemed to remember himself, then, and ended the interview on a serious note. "Id like to wish everyone peace, happiness and good health. And best wishes for whatever you want most With thathe gushed thanks to Mrs. Esporite he trotted off to the cameras. BIS photos not available at time of press