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The Pomeranian Review November 2005

meranmn neviBest of Breedfu'UT\si'V 4'e^or^C' 0r\y XM 'foiwf. Ss A J .rvL.9 4a 4 v4 44WINNERSMAJOR WIN munciekennelUB 44mRIDE'SAND ...OH, WHAT A DANCE THIS IS THREE MAJOR WINS Judge Nancy Smith Hafner 3 point major Best of WinnersJudge Betsy A Leedy 4 point major Best of WinnersJudge Eugene Blake 5 point major Best of WinnersDonna RiehmRiehm Pomeranians Murphysboro, IllinoisWe shall miss the great lady Nina Epps. She gave so much to our Pomeranians.Fran StollStolanne Pomeranians Washington, IndianaMy- i SpecialNeta ChampionZmacan uirtnirtii. mmre y m mSbkmm4lw rMl VBEST OF BREED OR VARIETYOUVE BRANCH MS KENNEL CLJJBAUGUST 2005 __ GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHOTO BY GREGfrp iACnesCx H Mountafri^Oiest ExCh SpecialThank You Judge Mrs. FloRise Hogan foR this BOB tainKoRy finished his AmeRican Championship coith 5- 4 point raajoRs and a fine point majoR Finished his Canadian Championship in 4 shotus coith 3 gHoup placements and a BISS at the Onfanio Pomenanian Clnb.Thanks to the supeRb handling by Ann BeRRyman.KoRy is the thiRd BBE Champion fRom Moanfain CResf to qualify foR this year's AKCEukanuba Shococase. Special congRatulations to Patnicia Rocoley and MuRiel MenaRd on youn kennel oisifs.iQkssu iHejuuu^LBDaalHaiflil iiiiij iumis SUaitfijP. O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-02SC5 - Email.- 5cgilstRapaol.comdftphxod.Lte.b 'omeXanianb pK.ou.dlg. pzeienti9"i rftphxodite J^oima Jietpa'cado ".wai hied bg me with, apuzpoie in. mind. Qt wai to make a ipecial fziendi dzeam come tzue. fiez dzeam wai to have a ^olt ion that would make headi tuzn and catch the ffudge i attention, fie hoi moze than fulfilled that dzeam. Jeii ii owned, ihown and loved bg Jonna flcujewiki ofJfonmaz. Jaii finiihed at 8 12 mihi old taking ievezal fi ovez ipeciali. fie i onlg been ipedaled a few timei iincefiniihing. fie hai taken timei withplacing in thegzoup zing 2 timei.Cpngzati to fluziel flenazd and ff tiih ftowleg on the kennel viiiti.Jonna flcgewikiJonjia cftajewikL fj onma. fian.d.Le.Z. owne'zPndn.j eciccoof ftphjLodLLteii Jj'teede'Qwne.t.1v .. w J wfA fhpfvtoditeb J[get Jfibj "J'ilu ivat a little, tutptite ai fat. at how cpiixddg the finithed. jhe itatted off blow then, all of a budded in 4 conbecutative bhawb finithed with c\\fJil^Jific\VJifjJi undet fib. fatticia ft. Jattibbeu fot a 5point mcgot, fj.udge fib. tfandtn fl. Jex cWc^ fot anothet 5point nugot and concluded the weekend going, cl undet ffudge fddJiivin and lait cV^_f undet ffudge fitt. flnne j. 9atona. JUg wot expettlg handeled bgJonna flaehniak. 9. cant thank het enough fot not onlg doing agteatgob but fot the wondetful cate the took of mg little gitl. Jdg wai with Jonnagutt 7 weekt. Jdg it the 4th Champion ptoduced bg flphtoditeb flubtin thib geat. 9. mptetig ptoud offlubtin. fie ll be JZgeatt old on Qanuatg 2, 2006.findaj eciccoJi'z.eeclc.oivietJoma ftacAniak dfianoUet. Jonna flachniakaka BePRESENTING drumrell4V -4 ^'yfyL'vfA TRUE HONOR TO FINISH BO'S CHAMPIONSHIP AT THE NCPC SPECIALTY WITH BEST OF WINNERS UNDER THE ESTEEM JUDGE MS. DOROTHY D. NICKLES.A CHAMP IN EVERY RESPECT AT HOME BO IS A TRUE MISCHIEF MAKER ALWAYS IN TROUBLE. BUT IN THE RING HE FLOWS AS IF SUSPENDED IN AIR, GRACEFULLY AND EASILY.AS BREEDERS, WE TAKE PRIDE IN THE FACT THAT BO IS OFA HIPS EXCELLENT, PATELLAS OFA EXCELLENT grade 0 AND THYROID NORMAL.PROUDLY BRED AND OWNED BYALICE LESSARD AND MARGARET NANCElessardalice ael.cem 209-499-0335Pomeranian ReviewPR Subscriptions make great Christmas gifts that keep givingContact Cheri McDonald at Gift cardscertificates available upon request. 4 5 3 7SUBSCRIPTION RATES USPS First Class ISPS Bulk ForeignCanada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 5 5 Single Issue 10iffie InfFull Page Color Full Page Black White Half Page Color Halt Page Black Fourth Page275. 156fjomeraman IxebietoPomeranian EeilewPome eviewiz' KriabmwdlOzzie In Mexico IAmCanMexFCI Inti CH Showcase Hof TopicfBISS CH Mountain Crest JJ x CH Showcase Charmed Im SureJichelle Paulin-Brown for taking Ozzie to Mexico. Under Michelles guidance. Ozzie went Best of Breed fs in the PrimitiveSpitz Group each day and finished his Mexican and FCI International Championsh IHv idh i iKs to Muriel Menard and Trish Rowley on their APC Pom Rduiew Kennel Uisitsj, hd friends of Nina Epps. Her dedication and contribution to the Pomeranian bceed was legeocShowcase PomeraniansAlane LevinsohnC818J 352-9536 www.ShowcasePoms.comffiJSS Gh. Pinchd See Me Gaminffiaxtand a biy JMCIA JI ta Jlatfuf JVwiemft r-.s .1ST PLACE PUPPY DOG12 To 18JULY 21. 2005 - H IINATIONAL SPECIALTYBart is the first black Parker son to finish and is out of a Travis half sister,Finchs Dancing In The Dark.With his outstanding movement, you can definitely see him comin Bart finished with a HUGE bang going BOB at the Pomeranian Club Of Central Indiana Specialty show, from the classes, under very stiff competition Many thanks to the judges who are willing to reward quality in any color Judge Peggy Hogg, Judge Roger Hartinger, Breeder Judge Janice Earl, Judge Ekart Sangkunakup, Judge Ken Falconi, Breeder Judge Dana Plonkey, Judge Michelle Billings, and BISS Judge Tim Catterson. Thank you Janet Wodrich.BreederOwnerDiane L. FinchFinchs Pomeranians Ltd.Kelley, Iowa515-769-2444www.finchspoms.comdfinchhuxcomm.netLovingly Handled by Kathy Norem8 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewHave you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe.Congratulations to Muriel Menard of Les Petits Princes de Urkeys Pomeranians [France and Patricia Rowley [Missouri of Legacy Poms on your featured visits.pmmgdHappy Holidays to AllKaren Crawford, Kitable Pomeranians John Pauline McFarlane, Foxxtane PomeraniansFor more information about Karen, the video, customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at Video, e-mail Pauline at or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.Pom IamanWe would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.r4 V1r'9ttsasJ-cPOMERANIAN SHAPED GLYCERIN SOAPHANDCRAFTED, CUSTOM MADE JUST FOR YOUPresented by John Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane PomeraniansLooking for a unique holiday gift for yourself and your Pomeranian friends Enjoy the pure luxury of our fine, hand crafted glycerin soap. Make your bath a pleasant experience with our Pomeranian-shaped bath bars and guest soaps.All colors and scents are cosmetic grade. These soaps lather beautifully, are nondiying, alcohol free and have great moisturizing and healing properties. Each is individually wrapped, labeled with color and scent, and sealed for your protection and for gift giving.Soaps may be ordered from those in stock or custom made with many scents and colors 1 have in stock. For more information and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comSoap, e-Mail us at, or call us at 304-813-1541.NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 9AmInt CHAMPION Marbils Down And Dirty4'WINNERSDOGTOW- VAITS A MAJOR NEW CHAMPION IMImw Mwkj Ktyperter t,Vi oCH Marbils Games of Chance X Marbils Dealers ChoiceHe sure stacked the deckVegas finished with three majors. He has a mind of his own and was always a challenge to show, but he did it in style. Judges commented on his stunning rust markings and his incredible movement. Thank you to the judges that recognized his quality and big thank yous to the judges that gave Vegas his majors Mr. Michael Canalizo, Ms Sally Vilas, and Dr. LeeAnthony Reasin pictured.Congratulations toTrish Rowley on her kennel visit. Condolences to friends of Nina Epps.CO-OWNERS Roger and Pat Dague Mtn. View Pomeranians'ytlcM.ntnin^DmtruvadYis1 OWNERBREEDERHANDLER Mari Iffland Marbil Pomeranians \ pomsawaylegypt.netwww. marbilpomeranians. com10 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewNEW CHAMPIONMtn. Views Light Mv Fire1NEW CHAMPON BEST OF WINNERS l 4kNrtr B ISm rCH. Marbils Games Of Chance x Mtn. Views Winter HopeThank you to JudgesTimothy Robbins 4 pointsRobert Stein 4 pointsEdward MArtin 3 pointsArlene A. Czech 3 pointsEdmond Sledik BOBEmber finished with 4 majors, and 1 BOB, and 4 point major and 1 point from the BBE Classes. Our heartfelt thanks to Mari Iffland of Marbil Pomeranians for the use of Fire to produce this wonderful boy.Thank you to David Fitzpatrick for his wonderful presentation of Ember to a finish. Ember will be specialed in the future on a limited basis. Congratulations to Muriel Menard and Patricia Rowley on the their deserved Kennel Visits.We have very special thoughts and memories of Nina Epps. 1 remember clearly, the kind words and advice she gave when we were new to the breed years ago.BREEDERSOWNERS Roger and Patricia Dague P.O.Box 209 Stuarts Draft VAlHtmntAinhflV .. VY, T-.HANDLER David FitzpatrickNovemberDecember 2005 Amekanian Review - 11BISS CH EaUajus Patisactcs Van GoghVinnieU14Avrt\ w,s.ft.44aVelvet Touch Vei'sace jc Palisades Earajus FantasyThank -'Jou Fit. David Krough for appreciating Vinnies soundness, movement and bjpe. Vinnieis at stud to approved bitches.Evensong PomeraniansBreeder KEVIN AND TERESA WHITE CKVnerHandlerLAURA NEWBOED 503 314-9026 TERESA WHITEEEEEN SFfITH\V\V\V. eVensongpoms.com12 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewIntroducingWINSTARIIJ H ViKNIGHTfVi' VAmCan Ch Chriscendo Classico Diogenoir Smoke and MirrorsCan Ch Chriscendo Classic Illusion Pincrests Perfect PavarottiCan Ch Chinadolls Michaelangelo Can Ch Pinecrests Its Crystal Clear Luxys Contessa of PinecrestCh Forever Copperfield Ch Forever Butterfield Forever That Girl Winstar Spangled BannerAustCan Ch Luarts Saintly Phantom Pinecrests Styled 4 Chinadoll Chinadolls Patti PageWinstar wishes everyone a Happy Holiday Seascn and sends cur prayers tc everyone for a safe NewearWalda an Green Winstar PenisBen Lomond California ivinstarpoms sbcglobal.netThe Pcmeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index............................................................ 92AKC CARS Statement........................................................94APC Awards Requirements............................................ 20APC Board Summary Janice Russell................................. 45APC National Specialty Info................................................. 57APC Officers................................................................... 21APC Statement............................................................... 21APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel............................... 51, 52, 53APC Summer Specialty Information................................90Archives.......................................................................... 64Art Contest...................................................................... 50Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................................... 24Back Issue Information..........................................................40, 92Book Report Joan Behrend................................................ 79Coming Events................................................................90Cover Story Ch. Finchs Awesome On All Four................ 14Debarking Charlotte McGowan.....................................48Genetics Geneva Coats...................................................... 60, 61Health and Genetics Julie Kallbacka................................... 58, 59Holiday Safety......................................................................85Hurricane Katrina Shalon Parrott.........................................66, 67Influenza......................................................................... 65JudgesEducation Dot Martin.......................................32,33Just FUR Fun..................................................................49Kennel Visit Muriel Menard......................................... 41-44Kennel Visit Patricia Rowley....................................... 35-39Kennel Visits, Future Features..............................................86, 94Letter from the Editor...................................................... 61Letters to the Editor.........................................................61Memership Dues Notice..................................................23Membership Report Annette Davis................................20Memorial Nina Epps.................................................... 26-28Michigan Pom Specialty........................................................62, 63New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel................................. 53Northern California Pom Club.............................................. 70Performance News Barbara McClatchey................... 72-75Pomeranian Charitable Trust Quilt Project..................... 33Pom Club of Canada.......................................................71Pom Club of Central Indiana...........................................82Pom Club of Central Virginia................................................ 80, 81Pom Club of DallasFt Worth.................................................76, 77Pom Club of Greater Des Moines......................................... 68, 69Pom Club of Ontario....................................................... 84Pom Talk Roxanne Collins.................................................. 79, 79Presidents Report Marge Kranzfelder........................22,23Rainbow Bridge...............................................................40Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis.................................... 20Salute to Our Armed Forces........................................... 89Structure, A Closer Look Christine Heartz..................54-57Subscription Card............................................................90SubscriptionReview Information....................... 18, 86, 90, 92Sunshine and Roses.......................................................86The Way I See it Sue Lucatorto....................................46, 47Ways and Means Walda Green.....................................50Ways and Means Art Contest......................................... 51Website Address...........................................................21,40Trent CeverBISS Ch. Finch's Awesome On All FourstySilSly was only shown one of 2005. He began his specials in April. Over the nest to number 11 AKC Top placements and achieved a BISS as the winner of the APC Mional Summer Specialtyare announceBreederCo-owner - WHiv.Cinchspoms.coniHandler www.ninafetter.comKathyrn J. \oremwww.eagIecreekpoms.comcutsl\0imVw0ftjF ce Jtrv \ V r .vn vjr-TJJ ^. i .iigSSSSiSMy Fellow ,Pom LoversgP^ Tram .BTMalasheA2.'- . ,7'b7^ Elaine Wishnow ^ 2351 East 17th Street - Brooklyn, NY 11229-4437tTdBI -V ftPURINAJileDei4BESTOFWINNERS i OPPOSITE SEX1MOUNTAIN VALLET CLUaTEANEW RIVER VALLEY CLUB- _ IoioiacowoBflPURINA AMERICAN' Kennel Club l^pcDming'Cftar -faMTN. VIEWS LIVE WIREFirebrooks Shenanigans x Mtn. Views Winter HopeThank you Judge Ken Miller.Rebels first show as a 6 12 month old, she went WB, BOW, BOS over a Special for her first 2 points from the BBE class.Rebel will be handled by David Fitzpatrick in the near future.BREEDERSOWNERS Roger and Pat Dague P.O. Box 209 Stuarts Draft Va. 24477Tftcr tint tin \Jtetv. ^pomrtlyufl.viNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 15J9 ^Janesa Pomeranians Jerrie Freia 'Morgan City, Ca www.Janesa. comPresentingRivencfellApplauds Janesa 'Baxter"This typey CittCe 6oy is shown here winning in Jitlanta under Judge Bettie ]rause. Baxter is sure to finish as fast as his father, Champion QBravoCongratulations to drish Rowley on her ennel Visit, dhanjs for all of your help and support, drishRivended Pomeranians Huntsville, JilaSama Carolyn Bonin Soninc Rnology. nettvww. tjiology. netSonincRivendedhtmCangratuladanx tit Trik rRgudety far a welt deserved kennel visitQaad luck udtn TJ fie is, a super nice puppy,See yaw at the clou snows,"Barney and Tat "Barnett ChampionStarfires Sexy Orange PassionCongratulationsPatricia Rowleyon your well-deserved kennel visit.Lloyd and Linda Franques Llo-Lin Poms16 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Review1yBreeders of flm.e Poms sliA.ce V5J1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerI A-Y.ism 'rev.57B . v rwM P. .- - - - m Ylm crPY V -'6 -\UPST[STBURYennelASSOC.cMc"""'CLUSTERA,44444444.-A4CH BAND OF GOLD OF LENETTE AND VTKKIOELERICHWe have some really exciting litters coming up in October and November. We normally have available puppies for pets, breeding and show. Visit our web site or give us a call.Our puppies are priced from 800.00 to 1500.00. Satisfaction is always guaranteed at Lenette.Best wishes to Muriel Menard and Patricia Rowley in being featured in this issue.Congrats to Vikki Oelerich above on her feature in Way I See ItWe are very saddened with the loss of our dear friend Nina Epps. What a delight to be around her at the dog shows.She will be sorely missed. It wont be the same in Louisville with out Nina.Congratulations to Julia Smith on finishing Ch. Julias Music Man of Lenette and Sandra Girth on finishing Ch. Gone With The Wind of Lenette. These are champions 8 and 9 for 2005.44.-444NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranmn Review - 17ft Pomeranian 3etuetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinKennel Visit Manager...........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Jessie Klein13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netAdvertisement Manager..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netBusiness Card Manager..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Becky Sabourin2814 East Blackhurst Road, Midland, MI 48642 PH 989 832-3408 Wyndlorchartermi.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk.................................................37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico................... 55.00Foreign.................................................... 100.00Single Issue................................................10.00Back Issues................................................10.00Advertising PatesFront Cover Color..................................600.00Back Cover Color...................................450.00Inside Front Cover Color...................... 300.00Inside Front Cover BW........................ 125.00Inside Back Cover Color....................... 300.00Inside Back Cover BW......................... 125.00Page 3,4,5,6 Color...................................300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW.....................................125.00Center Spread BW................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color..........................275.00Full Page BW.........................................100.00Half Page Color......................................150.00Half Page BW..........................................60.00One Quarter Page....................................40.00Business Card 6............Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1........................OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1....................................................MarAprilApril 1.ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1...............COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1......................................................SeptOctOct 1.................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pcmeranian Peview.......... official A. P. C. publication.......... sent to Breed Group Judges.......... reasonable rates.......... quality reproductions.......... only source of APC Archives.......... provides APC news and reports.......... APC Specialty coverage.......... Regional Pom Club coverage.......... obedience training information.......... interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT TPE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.18 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewKodys Adventure Calendar 2006Featuring Kody Huckeba in a different activity and storyline each month.Kodys Calendars . New LOW LOW PriceKody personally A _ rvuuy a ^aiciiuai aautographs each Now only 5j1 D.UU each plus shipping and handling. make great Great calendar with his Shipping and Handling 1-2 calendars Priority USPS 4.00 Christmas Gifts paw print. 2-3 day delivery 3-4 calendars 6.00 5 and up 8.00 Order nowtfV J-i jV j IKlm if r -.W'. 'Send personal check or money order payable toKaren Huckeba4611 Wickford Circle, Roswell, GA 30075 Phone 770-640-9936 KarenKKbellsouth.netIANESAS RHETT BUTLERS ROMANCE OFTARAITS MAJOR THREE FOR BUTLER AND ANNThe Third Generation Of The Saga ContinuesCh. Raines Janesas Time to Chat Chatter X Ch. Janesas Scarlett Lives On In Tara TaraButler is shown receiving WDBOW for a 3 point major with exclusive handler Ann Berryman. Our thanks to respected Judge Forrest McCoy for this wonderful winBreederOwner And The Janesa Poms Kennel Name in Honor of Jerrie Freia1216 W Chautauqua Carbondale, IL 62901rlv 4BEST OFWINNERSCJ Septet 2KV4 P"010 OkBy not SMbinski US' k i-wrMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 infoavalonpom. comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site http or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSSusan Plouff WASponsors Paulette Homan, Diana Solano Jean Stumpf NYSponsors Joyce Birks, Jacquelyn Klein Vivian Stark CASponsors Diane Finch, Walda Green APPLICATIONSTerrill Caplan Debbie D. Green-Caplan TX Sponsors Tammee Felix, Wendy DonnellyRex A. Hopkins MOSponsors Patricia L. Rowley, Judy StoneShell L.Tradup MNSponsors Juanita Fiddick, Duane A. GaulkeLisa Goodman COSponsors Jerrie Freia, Katy StalnakerREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road, Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257Hall Of FameCH Valcopy BatboyOwners Ron Merilyn Smith, Melvin Janice Pardue Gold ClubCH Rise N Shines Hes A Hottie Owner Julie ClemenHistorical AwardsRegister Of Merit ROM - To qualify for this award dogs must produce 6 or more titled offspring-, bitches must produce 4 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Excellent ROMX - To qualify for this award do must produce 15 or more titled offspring bitches must produce 6 or more titled offspring.Register Of Merit Supreme ROMS - To qualify for this award dogs must produce 25 or more titled offspring bitches must produce 10 or more titled offspring.Hall Of Fame - To qualify for this award a Pomeranian must win an all-breed Best In Show, or win an all-breed High In Trial, or acquire a conformation championship Ch. and a Companion Dog Excellent CDX title, or, acquire an Agility Excellent AX or Utility Dog UD title, or earn a perfect 200 score in obedience competition.Gold Club - To qualify for this award a Pomeranian must dogs must win 100 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or bitches must win 50 Best Of Breeds andor Best Of Opposite Sex to Best Of Breeds, or, win back-to-back Group Is, or win back-to-back High In Trials, or, acquire an Obedience Championship OTCh, or Utility Dog Excellent UDX, or Champion Tracker CT, or Master Agility Excellent MX title, or, acquire a combination of 3 different titles, one each from conformation, obedience, tracking or agility.Ofispring titles for ROM, ROMX and ROMS may come from conformation Ch, obedience CD, tracking ID or VST, or agility NA or NAJ. Only the first obedience, tracking or agility title level is credited No ofispring will be counted more than once toward a parents ROM title, regardless of how many titles that ofispring acquires. Only AKC titles are countedAPC Historical Awards must be applied for. Titles are given to Pomeranians by The American Pomeranian Club. They may be used as suffixes to the dogs registered name but may not be used when entering official AKC events. The dogs receiving these awards need not be owned by an APC member.If you feel your dog is eligible for a Historical Award, please apply for it Please check the APC web page to see if your dog is listed as having earned an award If your dog is not listed please do not advertise your dog as having received the award magazines, pedigrees, etc.. Send inquiries to Carol Leemhuis, APC Historical Awards Registrar, httpamericanpomeranianclub.oig historical awardshtml20 -NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewm0S,1-AU'MCKEE,'ERIKA\NE LEHTINEN, L'J i maAMERICANPOMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT......................................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 EMAIL marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.............................................................................................JANE LEHTINENPH 218 749-11542ND VICE PRESIDENT.PH 804 556-33801517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY.......................................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093 EMAIL indypomsbcglobal.netCORRESPONDING SECRETARY.....................................................................CYNTHIA BOULWARE6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872 EMAIL lovencountrypeoplepc.comTREASURER..............................................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 OF DIRECTORS........................................Sally Baugniet Donna Riehm Alane LevinsohnJackie Rayner Fran Stoll Greggory WatersTheAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website http If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.NovemberDecember 2005 Amerantan Review - 21From ThePresident -i, 2.3 ,Marse rranzfelderThe holiday time is fast upon us. It is always a time for reflection. This years APCs course of action was not what I had anticipated. But Im sure the people surviving the devastation of Katrina and Rita are saying the same thing about their life, only magnified many times over. I will address what the APC and PCT can and cannot do to assist in this or similar national disaster.First, let me welcome Becky Sabourin as our new APC Rescue Coordinator. Yes, the APC Board voted her to take on this chair the week preceding Katrina. Yes, any fresh recruit, with any sense, would wonder if the coincidence of this has a deeper meaning. The initial flood my apology for the poor pun of information and misinformation was astonishing. I tried to assure Becky just having someone to gather and access all this information was an important function of this chair.Our initial effort was to try to check that each of our APC members in the affected area and their Poms was all right. In order not to tie up needed communications, we resorted to the reliable dog network, often contacting friends of those affected. We were relieved every time we heard that one of you were OK. But that didnt mean we could assume anything about the ones we didnt hear about.At the time I am writing this article, late September, no Poms have been released to any Pom Rescue. This might or might not change. So what can we do to help and what cant we To those that have contacted me with this question, the early on answer was to make your individual donation to established non-profits whose purpose it is to help in such national tragedies. That means the Red Cross, AKCCAR, Take the Lead, or other established organizations you are familiar with and trust to put your donation directly to work. Dollar for dollar this is the best help you can offer. APC was not structured to accept donations and pass them on to worthwhile causes. If we were to collect money for this cause and donate it, we would be taxed on it as income first. So your donated dollar loses much of its value. Some dog clubs, especially newer ones, are structured differently and therefore this scenario isnt their case.What about the Pomeranian Charitable Trust Maybe the PCT can help, but to keep its IRS approved 501c 3 tax- exempt status, all its money must go to Pomeranian welfare. So donating its funds to CARAKC, which is directed to help all breeds, would put this into jeopardy. And most of the funds that are already collected are designed by the donors toward research on the alopecia problem. If we were to change the use of these funds, the IRS would consider us to be no different from the bait and switch scams. It is possible however to now accept funds to be used for rescue... but rescue of Poms only. Is that the most immediate need right now That remains to be seen.There is good news. Due to your generosity, teamwork, and the Boards continuing conscientious effort this past year, APC funds are projected to more than cover expenses this year. As I write this, the Board is pondering what non-profit will use our donation to directly benefit a cause that is in line with our clubs purpose. We can donate funds individually to whomever we choose. But as a club we have a responsibility to serve our By-laws, state incorporation codes, and federal tax law. This is a responsibility that your Board takes seriously. You wouldnt want it any other way.It is the same grave responsibility that the PCT trustees feel to respect the intentions of the PCT donors and to direct those funds in such a way that maximizes their benefit. We are presently weighing how this years allocations should be used.22 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewFrom the President ContinuedYes, this time of reflection is fortunate to include remembrance and thankfulness. The Trustees thank Betsy Owens for honoring Nina Epps with a generous contribution to the PCT. And the APC Board is also grateful to the Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club for their generous donation in memory of our Ms. Nina. The 2006 National will be dedicated to her honor.Plans are now well underway for this upcoming National. Creative juices have been flowing. I dont want to give away all the pleasant details that are planned, trust that some surprises are good. But let it be said that every time I hear about what one of the chairs has planned, I really look forward to this three-day event. Do plan to join the party.Due to many factors this year, we have decided to postpone adding the Top Twenty event until the year 2006. This allows more time to study how other breeds hold similar events. We can use the in person meeting to better describe what this event is and to answer what questions you might have regarding it. Then competitors will have a whole year to plan their strategies.Meanwhile, let your creative minds go to work. Brought back by popular demand or lack of alternate source of humor, there will be a 2006 Pom Costume Contest.Hopefully by the time you receive this Review issue, you will have had an opportunity to check out the new APC web site. It should be a convenient and reliable source of information for the public and APC members, novices through judges. It is a way to contact us, purchase items, and eventually even pay dues and make donations.May the New Year be filled with nothing but peace, safety, and recovery. APC MEMBERSHIP DUES NOTICEDear APC Members,Please remit your dues as soon as possible as we would like to have all the CORRECTIONS for the 2006 Roster. Dues paid after January 1st are subject to a 15.00 late charge and names may not be printed in the roster. AFTER JANUARY 31, UNPAID MEMBERS WILL HAVE TO RE-APPLY. MOTION 02-03-10. Membership is effective from Jan. 1, to Dec. 31.RATES PER YEAR ARE AS FOLLOWS USA FOREIGNSINGLE MEMBERSHIP 25.00 30.00JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP 10.00 naHOUSEHOLD MEMBERSHIP 40.00 45.00LATE FEE AFTER JAN 1 15.00 15.00US FUNDS IN POSTAGE MONEY ORDER OR VISAMASTERCARD AND EXPIRATION DATE A 3 processing fee will be added to credit card payments.Make checks payable to AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB and mail toErika Moureau, Treasurer 21522 Rosehill Church Rd.Tomball TX 77377If any of your contact information has changed, please advise the Membership Secretary, Annette Davis or 391 N Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204.NovemberDecember 2005 Amersnisn Review - 23Annette DavisOur question for this issue is What can I do about giardiaLike coccidia see article in previous issue, giardia are parasitic protozoans single celled organisms found in the intestinal tract of many animals, including dogs. Clinical signs may include greasy looking stools, weight loss, vomiting, and loss of appetite. It is also possible for giardia to present in animals showing no clinical signs. Repeated fecal examinations may be necessary to identify the presence of the parasite.Canine Giardia may be contagious to humans. After handling an infected dog, it is very important to wash hands with anti-bacterial soap or use a hand sanitizer after washing. If clinical signs develop in a family member, consult a physician right away. Clean all fecal matter promptly and disinfect all kennel surfaces, bedding, and toys daily.The majority of giardia cases respond well to Flagyl Metronidazole or Panacur Fenbendazole as prescribed by your veterinarian. Separate all infected dogs as much as possible. It is imperative that you do not allow the infected animal to become dehydrated. Supportive care and oral electrolyte solutions are helpful. Keep the animal warm and away from drafts. Echinacea, probiotics, and pet supplements that contains Zinc and Vitamin C may be given during treatment to support the immune system in its fight against the infection.Our question for the next issue is I am having trouble potty training my Pom. What can I doYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 Email infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm24 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomerahkn ReviewIn memory of Nina 0pps53019169032005Nina was a very special person and a friend to many.he was a wonderful, earing person, and her whole life revolved around the poms and her many friends in the pom world.he loved going to the dog shows, and even when she was very ill, she kept going as long as she was able.Nina was a wealth of information about the long ago breeders and exhibitors.he knew many of them personally. he had owned, bred and showed Poms for many years, and had produced many beautiful champion dogs during this time.tier heart dog, ll flmCn Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge, ROMX, flK.fl Jake probably was her most noted aeheivpment. flfter he obtained his flmeriean championship, a Best in how, and a Canadian championship, he became famous for the many champions he sired, fie was the fipC top sire for several years, and sired many champions, producing quality get from any bitch who was bred to him.Nina was a member of fTpCfor many, many years, and had been a member of the Central Arkansas Pom Club for several years also. We think of her often and we miss her. Jake was waiting for her at the Rainbow bridge, and now they run and play together infields of flowers. - -I T-t'i.VNina and JakeWith fill Oar Lovg to Nina,from the members of the Central flrkansas Pomeranian ClubV JI got to know Nina many years ago. I sent several bitches to Ch. RockN Tradition of Oakridge for breeding. I was not a big fan of sending out females for breeding but Jake was such a producer I didnt feel I could pass him up. Jake produced many champions for me. Nina also loaned me Ch. Traditions Legend of Oakridge, one of my favorites. He also produced many champions here at Jan-Shar.Nina and I hit it off from the start. We kept in touch through the phone and would meet up at all the Nationals. She was a wealth of knowledge and loved her Poms. She had a wonderful sense ofhumor, and would keep me laughing I wish I could have spent more time with her. I think of her often and I miss her greatly. I know she is with Jake now, but I wish she could have stayed with us a little longer.Sharon Hanson Jan-SharI remember the first time we met. It showed how her very gracious nature would make those she met feel good. She said, Youre Marge Kranzfelder, arent you I really enjoy your Health Genetic articles every issue of the Pomeranian Review. I cant believe I get to actually meet you. That is what is so special about attending the Nationals. And here I was thinking how fortunate I was to get to meet her in personSince, I regret not having more time to spend with her at the Nationals. Her gracious presence ringside came to be one of the things we always looked forward to every year. Now she will be missed.Marge Kranzfelder Forever YoursNina was a well-established breeder when I started in Poms in the early 70s but sheIn Memoriam By Becky SabourinNina EppsMay 30, 1916 - August 22, 2005Nina Epps was indeed a pillar of the Pomeranian breed. She had a deep love and respect for all Poms and their owners, many who had become wonderful friends during her lifetime. Nina first got involved in Pomeranians in 193 8 after she lost her Spitz. She was never without a Pom after that for her entire life. To her friends who have shared their memories of this wonderful lady, thank you.was kind enough to correspond with me when I started and we retained a friendship for almost thirty-five years. Many of the dogs behind our dogs were the same and we often talked about working together, but the distance was too great. To my surprise, Nina phoned one day to say that she was going to come up for a visit. Now this was probably fifteen years ago and I swear she had no idea how far Missouri was from Nova Scotia, but they made the trip in the motor home. I think it took four or five days. She arrived one afternoon for a quick visit and later that afternoon she was on her way again with Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Causin Comment Jeffy. Jefly went to five with Nina for a year.Later, when Jake came along, we loved both the dog and his pedigree. He was a fabulous producer and I was determined to breed a bitch to him. When we finally sent a bitch to him, unfortunately for us, it was during the middle of the worst ice storm in 50 years, and affected traffic all down the East Coast. John tried to ship our girl from Halifax and it was impossible, so he got in the car and drove seven hours to Bangor, Maine and tried to ship her from there.Unsuccessful, he drove a few more hours and tried Portland. He was exhausted from driving and phoned to say he had still had no luck, so he was coming home. I said, Oh, its only a few more hours to Boston, keep going. So he did. From that breeding we got a single female puppy and she became Can. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Cameo, one of our best producers.Nina always loved to watch the children and grandchildren ofher dogs in the ring. You could always count on her to tell you how many times Jake was in any dogs pedigree. She got amazing strength from the fact that her dogs would live on in the many champions they produced. It kept her going.Nina cut down on breeding in later years but what a gift to have Jake as one ofher last Poms.He made such an impact on the breed and gave Nina so much joy. I cant think of a better tribute to them both to think that they are together once again.Nina Epps, one of the great ladies in this breed, was a unique character and truly dedicated to the Pomeranian.Chris HeartzCHRISCENDO PomeraniansTremendously sad news My head hangs at half-mast for Jake and Nina, and my heart is with them both. I am so sad that they are both gone, but happy that they are together once again.Icons of such splendor are hard to beat and irreplaceable.May they both sit peaceably at ringside in heaven, while we who are still here give great honor to the Tradition of the legacy left behind.I wonder...what happens to us when the icons are gone Who will step into their place Who will we look to Can anyone fill such shoes An empty place has been left and I feel the void.My dogs hung their ribbons at half-mast when Jake passed. Now they hang their tails. Shelly Martin Poetry PomsI met Nina Epps over thirty years ago through a mutual friend, Geneva Pennock Long. Genevahadused JeanBrowns Rocky Ch. Dixielands Rock of Millamor heavily in her breeding program and Nina traveled to Indiana to acquire Poms.Nina was always quick to answer the many questions this newcomer asked. She patiently helped me at the shows, showed me tips on grooming and was always encouraging. Cherished memories include our lunch at the Bass Pro Shop and Ninas homekcooked meal complete with a fresh baked cake. We both dearly loved our sweets One of my fondest memories was at a dog show many years ago. Nina and Sally Sajonce TN were life-long Pom friends and colorful characters in Pomdom, dearly loved by everyone. When I first began showing Poms the standard did not allow trimming. These two fine ladies groomed their Poms beautifully and won frequently without heavy trimming. However, in time, I began to trim for neatness. The next time I saw Nina and Sally at a show, I heard this loud screech, Oh NO Now Brenda is trimming her Poms They fussed and fussed that I had strayed from the standard for years.Ninas dearest love in this world was her Jake. I believe her spark to live died when Jake passed earlier this year.Nina never stopped thanking me for continuing the Pom Review by becoming the editor. Through the past four years I have received several handwritten notes of encouragement and thanks from Nina. She loved her Poms and her Pomeranian Review. Thank you Nina for the memories. May you rest in His peace.Brenda Segelken Fame PomsAt the big National Specialty in Louisville this year, little Nina was with friends. A bit feeble and a little frailer than we all remembered, but she was ringside smiling and watching closely. At some point, her friends took her out of the show area, one remarked, When Nina wants to get something to EAT, we all know to GO, and pretty quickly Nina doesnt like to get too hungiy We thought that was kind of cute and considerate. Her friends will recall that. She was a lovely young lady and an enormous asset to the world of Pomeranians. She will be SO missed, but NEVER forgottenDarrell and Olga Baker Jeribeth PomsI met Nina after moving to Missouri in 1989. One of the greatest things about her was her willingness to help new people in the breed. I had a Pom when I moved here but needed to start with something better. I found her name in a magazine and gave her a call. That was the beginning of our friendship. She sold me a puppy that won a three point major the first time I took her out. Later we co-owned a girl that was the mother ofmy first champion. I didnt think Noel the puppy would amount to anything and I wanted to place her as a pet. Nina kept saying, Dont give up on her yet. If it hadnt been for Nina, I could still be waiting for my first champion. As time went on, she helped more and more. Seems like all my girls were c-sectioned. Our vet was fifty miles away, but close to Nina She would meet me there in the middle of the night, help rub and warm puppies and take them home so I could go to work the next day. She wanted to go to Hawaii and took me along to be her escort. What a wonderful time we had Then I wanted to go to Ireland. Nina moved into my house for a couple of weeks to care for my critters. My first Pom died of old age in Ninas arms while we were gone.Nina had no children, but she was my Tom- mom. I always knew the dogs were first in her heart. People came second. One of the worst things about getting a Pom from Nina was teaching them to eat dog food. She always shared her food with them and they were spoiled rotten. Nina had some of her best days traveling to dog shows. She loved to travel and Jake gave her a good excuse to hit the road. Jake was the love of her life. She was so worried that he would outlive her.I called Nina almost every day during the last year. Just today we had a huge storm and I had the thought to call her to see if she had much rain. I really miss her.Nancy Smith Legendary PomsMy dear friend Nina Epps passed away peacefully in her sleep on August 22,2005 surrounded by her precious Poms. Nina will be sadly missed by everyone who knew her. Nina took me under her wing long ago and so began my obsession with Poms. I considered her my Pom-mom and had the privilege of learning so much from her, especially when we attended shows. Our daily conversations included Poms past, present and future. Her life was dedicated to the breed and she shared her knowledge freely. Though she told me many times there is no perfect Pom, Nina forged forward toward that goal nonetheless.Nina you can never be replaced and will live on in the hearts of your loved ones. Linda and I loved you with all our hearts. You were kind, encouraging and tireless with your words of wisdom. You will be at every show I attend because your spirit will forever be with me. Where there are Poms, so will Ninabe...smiling. Lloyd FranquesLlo-Lin PomsWe first met Nina in the 60s, the first of three times we lived in Texas. She saw a nursing litter we had at the time sired by Ch. Millamors Fancy Gold Dancer. Subsequently she bought a male puppy who became the sire of many of her champions and was in the background of Jake. His name was Tim Sues Dancing Pebble, now way back in the pedigrees. We had continued to keep in touch and had many occasions to visit and compare notes on our Poms. Nina was a fountain ofknowledge and I later found that her first husband, Ray Dice and Nina had the Dicehaven kennel prefix that just happened to be in our first Poms pedigree. Tim and Sue Goddard TimSue PomsMy time with Nina was less than a lot of people in the Pom world, but something I will always cherish. We started traveling together in 1998. We would plan our trips so we would be south in the winter and closer to home in the summer.Nina always bought a catalog at every show and would write comments about each dog. Not everyone was allowed to see this. It took me awhile. We didnt always agree on the dogs being shown. If there was a Jake kid in the ring, I knew Ninas loyalty wasnt with me. Jake was the light of her life.Once in Oklahoma I was showing a male puppy for Nina. He had won the first day and went breed over my special. Another exhibitor came and asked me to trim her male. I did and this person won the next day. Nina never let me forget that.Each November Nina would call and ask if I had hotel reservations for the APC National. I never did tell her I didnt do it until January. I had made a promise that as long as she was able we would go to the National.Nina was diabetic but as long as she ate properly she didnt have any problems. I tried to watch her diet when we were at shows. She did really well except at the Nationals. She never waited for me to go to lunch with her. Instead she would find a table of people that she enjoyed and always had nothing but sweets on her plate. As soon as she saw me walk in the door shed put her napkin over her plate.Nina was a very strong woman and I admired her very much. My respect for her increased tremendously the day she told mef Sjt1L to R Jake, Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge Nina proudly displays the completed plate collection from her travels to all 50 US States Nina receiving ribbon from Judge Brad Jenkins in 2004.H.AjL to R Pam West, MaryWells, Karen Jolley, Shirley Garrison, Diana Nolan Owens, Nina Epps and Lucy Nolanma. afti 'ar V.'mm mitVJt''Nina watches over Jake kids shown by Maria Kneisler, Karen Jolly, and Nancy SmithNinas last show. Vonnie Beard and Nina Epps sit ringside 2005.that she had decided not to take treatment for this last cancer. I was told that she had lived 89 good years and she had had a wonderful life. Better than most people and that she had enjoyed what she had done with her life. Tears were sliding down my face as she was telling me this and she looked at me and said, I dont want to see any more tears from you so just suck it up. I miss our daily calls but most of all I miss calling her on Sunday and telling her who had won that weekend. Betsy OwensI was very blessed to have been a part of Nina and Jakes life. When I first met Nina, I didnt like dogs much. She knew that but became my friend in spite of it. Over the years my attitude toward dogs changed drastically and Nina had a lot to do with it. We moved up to Northwest Arkansas, approximately an hour drive to Ninas. Over the years, she adopted us as a part ofher family. In the course of that time we were privileged to have Jakeas the sire of our Ch. Rocky, Ch. Bubblicious Rockys sister and others who are very special to us.I remember the first time she loved one of our dogs. That was one of the most exciting days of my life. At a dog show we brought Pixie who produced several Canadian and American champions. We had her in her crate and we were on the other side of the show ring area visiting and looking at the vendors. While we werent looking, Nina got Miss Pixie out ofher crate and held her in her lap. When we made the rounds to her, she wondered if we noticed. Needless to say, Pixie didnt return home with us. She was Ninas and Nina didnt let her out ofher arms or sight the rest of the day.When Nina found out her cancer had come back, she said she still had a few things that she had never gotten to do. One was to go to San Antonio to the Alamo, see the missions, river walk, etc. We lived in Dallas at that time. Nina flew to Dallas. She spent a few days at our home and we headed to San Antonio. We went to thedog show. Afterwards we went on the boat ride, on the River Walk and ate Mexican food on the river. Bobby got sick and thought it was the restaurant. Nina, who was very observant, said it wasnt the restaurant at all, it was all the hot sauce and peppers Bobby consumed She definitely had a sense of humor.We spent the next day at the Alamo and then went to several missions soaking up the history. It was a special trip because Nina was there.After her decision to go on Hospice, I spent a week with her. Her beloved Jake died during this time, which was very hard for her. He was such a big part ofher life. I am comforted in the fact that she isnt suffering any more.Bobby and Liz Pietzsch Peachs PomsV JL UEf4rliumksjur the JVlcmonesWe will never fo egetw o it Nina-Trip to Alaska.Trip to Hawaii Trip to Texassharing oar grandchildren and greatgrandchildren Walking on the beach in December going to the Nationals JVteeting at the vetjvr late-night c-sections Talking on the phonejor hoursHebping us get oarfirstshow dogs7VVWe missgoa, lovegoa andgoa will alwags be in oar hearts, sleep tight antil we seegoa again Nina.etj Owens, Nancy Smith and rat 'Barnettrt_____\A Tribute to Nina EppsHow can words ever express the deep feelings we felt for this wonderful lady. She was like a second mom. Her knowledge and love of Poms will be missed by all of us. My husband and I cared for Nina the last five months of her life and we were glad we could do this for such a grand lady so she wouldnt have to go to a nursing home she didnt want to do. She never went a day that she didn't tell me she loved me and I should have been the daughter that she never had. We had so many of the same likes and dislikes.The first thing she did every morning was make sure the dogs went outside and were fed special food. She thought they all needed chicken, rice or something before you ever made your coffee.She had her favorite TV shows she watched every week. Her favorite would be a toss up between Everybody Loves Raymond and Two and a Half Men. She would laugh so loud.Nina had a lot of good dogs over the years. Her mom always raised Poms until she wasnt able to anymore. She always said her mother never lost a puppy in all the years she was raising Poms. I believe that Jake was her most loved companion for 15 years.I will miss all the antique shopping, traveling, dog shows, and her visits to our home but will miss her most of all for the daily talks, just being there for me and loving me.Nina loved outside plants as well as inside plants. She wanted plants before she died and we planted them all around her front and backyards. She did get to enjoy them some until she was unable to go outside anymore.Nina and I co-owned dogs for many years and raised puppies together.I still have six that we co-owned. I can still feel her at the shows telling me good luck or telling me to make him behave in the ring.fNina, we love you and will always miss you.Barney and Pat Barnett JTo our dear Pom-mom'...Mina fsMm was dedicated to the, Pomeranian\Mina widd dine on in odd our hearts.Cinda and f doited he-r deard^,Mina ms dind, encouraging and tiredess with her words oft wisdom.Mdoere there are Poms, so widdMina. e...smidinfi.ddo^d and dinda Franjagddo-Mn Pomsn Mernorq of\ i n a -E p p 9[\jina s- memorq lives- on through Pomeranian his'bory.Thank you for creatin g Dicehaven, vjulo and Tradition line of P omera man9. Th. [pock [\J Tradition of Takndge, continue to engrave hk mark on Pomeranian hktorg.Pnjoq the well-deerved ret, dear friend.David and Parlene pils"brapJKalos Poms proudly introduces our newest BBE ChampionCH Kalos Rock N Music Cityftl I aBESTOF WINNERS NEW CHAMPION LAWRNCVLL K.C.AUG. 2005GRAY PHOTO BY CATHYt Marbils Rock N Chicago x Kalos Sparkling GemstoneThank you to the following judges for recognizing this typie little boy Vicki Abbott - BOW 2 points Maxine Beam - BOW 2 points Mrs. Houston Toddie Clark - BOW 2 points Raymond Filburn - WD, BOS 3 point major Charles Scott - WD 4 point major Thomas Daniels - BOW 2 pointsOn his first weekend out as a special he went BOB over 3 lovely specials. A big thank you to judge Richard Bauer for this wonderful win. Congratulations to Trish Rowley on your kennel visit. You are always so helpful to everyone and a joy to show with. Thanks for all the grooming tips. I just love your Kelly Belated congratulations to Linda DeCicco on your feature. Many condolences to the friends and family of Nina Epps.Carolyn Brandenburg615-452-7463Email Website www.kalospoms.comC-lhflkVtptoiA Ml Babe Bu.-ff' Lu.iU 'R.CllikL B-eflucLuna in weekends with 3 iwajors and two specialty wins. she Is -pictured winning a 4 pt wcajor at the Sooner Pom Club specialty. Thanks to Peggy H-oag, Raym.owo Bay, and Norman Patton -for her majors. Thanks to Erika Moreau. Anne Rogers Clark and Rose Ann Erickson for the rest of her -points. Luna was co-bred with Sue Cook, and is Co-owned by Buff Webb.Congratulations to Trish Rowley on your Kennel visit, you have worked ha rat for several clears now and have accomplished a lot. Keep up the gooot work I'm. wishing you much success in the future.t MCoikvtbs Ml Pointer, LUNAxzr'\\JJ vf WSmh\\ fv yBEST fA OPPOSITE SEX r vU _r ^MP ^ -2005fhc'o ey ME LI A. .fipC Judges educationDot Martin is the American Pomeranian Clubs Judges Education Chairperson.Dot may be contacted at 803-831-8086 or edwarda.martinatt.netTHE STANDARD - PART ONEHis name was Dick. The year was 1888.He was the first dog entered as a Pomeranian at an American Kennel Club show.We dont know his size or his color. We dont know his sire or his dam. We dont even know his owners name.He was the representative of the breed. Beyond that feet he is shrouded in the mists of time and does not seem to have made a mark on the breed. From 1892 until 1900 American Pomeranian exhibitors were allowed to compete in the Miscellaneous Class.It was not until 1900 that those who were fanciers of the Pomeranian in America, managed to get their act together, agree on a set standard and become the parent club. Getting a group of people together who own, breed or show dogs is a monumental task today and Im confident that it was much the same prior to 1900. This could account for the differences in head types etc. that appear in different localities. They are the same things that befuddle new fanciers who want to find a perfeef Pomeranian to show or for a companion. With those facts in mind, the American Kennel Club requires that each breed must have a group of people who have agreed on the basics for their breed. There is no regard for longevity or popularity in other countries or even in this country. This standard must be in place before the breed is approved to compete in AKC shows. There must be a degree of unity in order to preserve our sanity.ENTER THE STANDARD. The first published copy of the standard appeared in the June 3, 1905 issue of Field and Fancy magazine. The American Kennel Club has preserved a copy for us in the library housed on Madison Avenue in New York. It is shared with you here for your information. Not a great deal has changed in 100 years.APPEARANCE - The Pomeranian in build and appearance should be a compact, short-coupled dog, well knit in frame. His head and face should be foxlike, with small, erect ears that appear sensible to every sound. He should exhibit great intelligence in his expression, docility in his disposition, and activity and buoyancy in his deportment.HEAD - Somewhat foxy in outline, or wedge-shaped, the skull being slightly flat although in the Toy varieties the skull may be rather rounder, large in proportion to the muzzle, which should finish rather fine, and be free from lippiness. The teeth should be level, and on no account undershot. The head in profile may exhibit a little stop, which, however, must not be too pronounced and the hair on the head and face must be smooth or short-coated.EYES - Should be medium in size, rather oblique in shape, not set too wide apart, bright and dark in color, showing great intelligence and docility of temper. In a white dog, black rims round the eyes are preferable.EARS - Should be small, and carried perfectly erect or pricked, like those of a fox, and like the head, should be covered with soft, short hair. No plucking or trimming is allowable.NOSE - In black, black and tan, or white dogs, the nose should be black in other colored Pomeranians it may more often be brown or liver-colored, but in all cases the nose must be self not parti-colored, and never white.NECK AND SHOULDERS - The neck, if anything, should be rather short, well set in, and lion-like, covered with a profuse mane and frill of long, straight, glossy hair, sweeping from the under jaw and covering the whole of the front part of the shoulders and chest as well as flowing on the top part of the shoulders. The shoulders must be tolerably clean and laid well back.BODY -The back must be short and the body compact, being well ribbed up and the barrel well rounded. The chest must be fairly deep and not too wide. LEGS - The forelegs must be perfectly straight, of medium length, not such as would be termed either leggy or low on leg, but in due proportion in length and strength to a well-balanced frame, and the forelegs and thighs must be well feathered, the feet small and compact in shape. No trimming allowable.TAIL - The tail is a characteristic of the breed, and should be well twisted right up from the root tightly over the back, or lying flat on the back, slightly to either side, and profusely covered with long hair, spreading out and flowing over the back.COAT - Properly speaking, there should be two coats, an under and overcoat. The one a soft, fluffy under coat, and the other a long, perfectly straight and glistening coat, covering the whole of the body, being very abundant round the neck and forepart of the shoulders and chest, where it should form a frill of long, flowing hair, extending over the shoulders as previously described. The hindquarters, like those of the Collie, should be similarly clad with long hair or feathering from the top of the rump to the hocks. The hair of the tail must be, as previously described, profuse to the hocks. The hair on the tail must be, as previously described, profuse and flowing over the back.COLOR - The following colors are admissible white, black, blue, brown, black and tan, fawn, sable, red and parti-colors. The whites must be quite free from lemon or any color, and the blacks, blues, browns, black and tans, and reds free from white. A few white hairs in any of the self-colors shall not disqualify but are undesirable. In parti-colored dogs, the colors should be evenly distributed on the body. Whole colored dogs with a white foot or feet, leg or legs, are decidedly objectionable and should be discouraged, and cannot compete as whole colored specimens. In mixed classes, i.e., where whole colored and parti-colored Pomeranians compete together, the preference should, if in other points they are equal, be given to the whole colored specimens.N. B. - Where classification by weight is made, the following scale, passed by the Club as the most suitable division, should be adopted by show committees 1. Not exceeding 8 pounds Toys 2. Exceding 8 pounds. Where classification by color is made, the following should be adopted 1. black 2. white 3. brown 4. blue 5. any other color.SCALE OF POINTSAppearance.... ....15 Ears.....................................5 Body.... ......10 Coat......... .P0Head................... ....10 Nose............................... ...5 Legs.... ........5 Color.. .....10Eyes.........................5 Neck Shoulders.. ...5 Tail.......... ....10Total 100 Judges Education Continued on Page 33n4fot Martin32 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomersmikn Reviewlam,aj8\s 8^00^A T-shirt quilt made from donated T-shirts will be raffled off in Louisville at the 2006 APC Nationals.We still need clean Pomeranian T-shirts no stains, please. I will embroider the donors name on the front or back of the quilt square that you donated. We can also make a quilt out of canvas bags, if we receive enough donations.All proceeds go to the Pomeranian Charitable Trust to help find a cure for alopecia. Ticket information will be available soon. Please send in your shirts and canvas bags and I will have them assembled. If you would like to suggest colors for the quilts, please let me know. When the quilt is ready, a photo will be posted on the APC website.I am currently embroidering the donors name on the squares I have already received. A special thanks to Donna Riehm for sending 10 T-shirts What a girl and what an effort But we still need more shirts.If more T-shirts are received than needed to complete the quilt, a wall hanging and lap quilt will be made for future raffles or possibly a bonus draw Thanks to all who have donated your precious shirts to further research for our beautiful wonderful Poms.TICKET DONATION One for 5.00 orFive for 20.00To purchase tickets or donate T-shirts and tote bags please contactAnn Berryman 521 Layfield Road East Ridge TN 37412 E-mail joeannberrybellsouth.netI_______-_______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1Judges Education ContinuedThis standard was good for our founders until the late 1960s when the first revision was approved on March 9,1971. Some of the issues that faced these pioneers are discussed in early publications. The foxlike expression has long been a point of contention. In 1928, Mrs. E. Parker in her book, The Popular Pomeranian, elaborates Ears - A Pomeranians ears are closer set, are carried perfectly erect and high on the head, not spooned or pointing forward like those of a fox. Low set ears are objectionable in a Pomeranian and usually have the additional failing of too great a width at their base. The ears should be very small, well shaped and placed where this is the case they give effect to that intelligent and alert expression so greatly prized in the breed. Teeth - A Pomeranians teeth should nearly meet in front, that is to say the tips of the upper teeth should only just close over the tips of the lower set. If the upper protrude over the lower, the fault is called overshot or pig-jawed if the lower teeth protrude it is called undershot. Both are bad faults and very ugly. The level bite was revised in the 1971 and 1995 standards to read scissors bite but no fault was declared for the level bite that was accepted earlier.Under Eyes, Mrs. Parker writes The eyes should be medium in size, oval in shape and never large or prominent. They should be placed rather close together, be very dark in colour and above all should express happiness and intelligence. In Pomeranians of all colourings, except browns, blues and beavers, the rims of the eyes should always be black. Browns, blues and beavers show self-coloured eye rims and noses. The first standard says the eye is oblique. Dictionaries explain oblique as slanting. One adds neither perpendicular nor horizontal. Mrs. Parker introduces the notion that the eye is oval. Dictionaries define oval as elliptical or egg-shaped. Later revisions of the standard say the eye is almond-shaped. Somewhere between oblique and almond, round eyes have slipped in and are more nearly the norm than the almond-shaped. The oblique, almond-shaped eye is consistent with the requirements for the larger Nordic breeds and many of the herding breeds. Never has the eye color been described in any version as other than dark, and Mrs. Parker adds the adverb very to the dark in color.To describe the nose, we find The nose should be small and, excepting those dogs of the colourings just mentioned, jet black with no tendency to off colour. The same may be said of the rims of the eyes, for a good expression is frequently marred by pale eyerims. The standard of the day allowed Poms of other colors to have brown or liver colored noses, but not parti-colored and never white. Later versions address the nose under the HEAD and pigmentation that must be black or self-colored.Due to the limitations of space, this comparison will be continued in the next issue. We will explore the evolving changes in the allowed colors, changes in size considerations, coat and other issues. Quotes from other authors will be included.I want to thank Ms. Barbara Kolk, Librarian at the American Kennel Club, for researching and making early publications available for use in this article.It is my opinion that unless we know our origins, form and function, we cannot make reasonable, logical decisions that will improve the breed we love. Dedicated, knowledgeable breeders and judges will be of great service to our future.NovemberDecember 2005 Amerrwian Review - 33Moss Meadows Pomeranianscongratulates Crisf feitolep tottfj 1Ugacp Pomeranians on tier fennel Visit. fKjanfcs for all of tfje fjelpful abbiSe ober tlje pears. Wishing pou continueb Success tnitfi pour breeding program.Ir3EST OF OPPOSITESORTED ENTRY VIN OSLOCLUEkenneliPhooHolloway2005CH. Moss Meadows Precious LokiBreeder Gina Moss Owner Michelle Wilhoite www.Mosspoms.comAly deepest condolences ta the Pomenanian watld fat the lass of. JVina Epps. She was a lovely lady. and will he missed hy all, especially, the Genital Lilians as Pomianian Huh memhets.Cangxatulatians Tush, an yoax CUPd Kennel Visit.3 always took fauacvul ta seeing, you in the tiny.Norma Smart'Keepsafps young N The fysmss[Cb. Puf-Pride Cfoudbreafer^ JAabin s Labor ofLuvJ 'Nifbj was producedthru tbe collaborated efforts of myself andvery dear friendLarry Lopez. Than fyouConyratulations to Patricia Powley and '.Muriel Menardon your fennelvisitsOessie lein goySSz-ig^Owww. myfeepsafes. net SON OF MACHINE GVN KELLEYThinks Trisk for a11 vfovi bo for Poms Anb new people in the business like melLmbA SovitcVii3124 Le^nn^ Lxne Benton, AR 72015 501 315-3012 501 253-365834 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewVPatricia Rowley APC Member 2000egaG PoiksFirst thing is to thank the Pom Review for the honor of this article.As most of you know I like color, my favorite being the creams and whites.I dont think there is anything more striking than a beautiful white Pom with deep black pigment floating around the ring. But I will go into more of this later.I have to thank my mother Molly McDaniel for my love of animals. They always came first. We always had some kind of fur-kid around from the time I can remember. The love of competing came from her also. We had horses for a very long time and we showed them very successfully. Then came the Samoyeds, which were shown to titles at both ends. I guess this is where my love of the whites came from. The Samoyeds are so beautiful and graceful.I dont work anymore and I live by myself. I devote all my time to my beautiful Pomeranian babies. Work got in the way of spending time with the fur-kids and showing. So as I got better at the showing I started taking in client dogs to show. I will introduce some of them to you later. I am very picky as to what I show as I have a couple of pet peeves with our Poms.This I will share with you in a bit.My babies are all raised in the house for that one on one attention. When they finally do go to the kennel it is mainly for the exercise. I have huge outdoor runs and heated and air conditioned indoor runs. Even in the kennel they get daily attention as I feel this is very important. Exercise is Patricia Rowleyvery important to the development of muscle tone for good strong legs. These may be toy dogs but at one time they had a working purpose. I feel even with the small size they have become they should still be able to do the job they were first intended for of course size proportioned.I am a member of the American Pomeranian Club and the Memphis Toy Dog Club. The MTDC will have our first sanctioned show soon. Elope to see a lot of you there for a good Pom entry. And last but not least, I am a member of the Central Arkansas Pom Club. I hope to see you at the specialty in Benton, Arkansas in October. We recently lost a dear member, Nina Epps. Nina you will be forever missed. You and your dearly departed Jake will live on through what you have produced and also in our hearts.My start in Poms came when I was a real estate broker. I listed the home of a gentleman that had this fiesty little red fur-ball. I was there all afternoon for an open house and he was my company. This amusing and personable little fellow stole my heart. I took my sister, Judy Stone, out there on one of19- _____Legacy Kennel Visit Continued From Page 35my visits and she also was hooked. Imagine that a fur-ball of barely 4 lbs. stealing our hearts. We were telling our mother about this little guy and to our surprise she got each of us a Pom for Christmas. Of course these little dogs were not show quality as they were bought as heart dogs. As my love of these dogs grew, I wanted to breed and of course not really planning on showing got a male that was not great quality. He did have some good dogs in the background. As we got better dogs the others were placed as pets. My first was red, but my love of the whites was still there. It was almost impossible to get good whites at that time so it was breed and cull. Judy acquired Chacres Snowman OfNeujahr Nabob breeding and this was great we had a decent male to start getting the whites we wanted. My champion males and some of my girls go back to him. Out of a snowman daughter Chacres Fancys Crystal Ice and Beau James At Basting Place a Ch. Bi-Mar Whipporwill son I got two of the most adorable puppies I had ever seen. These two were kept up and pampered for show, not to say the rest werent pampered, but these two got a little extra. It was a brother and sister both were a dark cream.These two turned out great so I started showing them. Magic didnt like the grooming that went with showing, but still pulled many reserves. Ivory pulled many points but at that time was overlooked because of color.Then I had Chacres Snowy Summer out. She was a very beautiful white with absolutely gorgeous blackpigment. She had correct coat and vivacious attitude. Unfortunately she never pulled a point, but a lot of reserves. I think this is my biggest disappointment in the Poms. She would show like she was the only dog on earth and she knew she was special. She deserved her championship. A judge almost made me give up, but ultimately led to my stubborn streak setting in. He whispered to me while giving me 3 of 3 in the bred-by class that I had the best looking white he had ever seen and to get myself a professional handler and he would put her up. Well after I cried I got mad because that told me I was definitely on the right track.I lost my special girl, Summer, last year due to renal failure right after her seventh birthday. This loss nearly tore my heart out. I have a very good vet and he tried to save her. But when we saw she was not getting better I had to make the hardest decision of my life. I could not stand to see this girl that usually had so much life and love try to stand up for me when I sang her song to her. You are gone but definitely not forgotten my dear Summer girl.I will take this opportunity to mention some of the lines I work with. I really didnt have a mentor or much help for that matter when I started. I think everyone thought I would just go away. Well I didnt and I have made some wonderful friends in the Pom world.I, of course, have the Nabob line and Silver Meadows. My best brood Legacys Arctic Fox also has a little Blitzen and Bonner. Foxie is what I set the standard for movement on. When she moves she floats and takes my breath away. A\ -. mjiLEGACYS ANGEL OF EXOTICAI acquired a male from Evelyn Newyear that is a son of Ch. Mercers Exotica, which we all know has a lot of Bonner. I think Dorothy Bonner produced some of the finest dogs. I love the coat and bone produced with this line. I have a beautiful doubled up daughter of his, Legacys Angel of Exotica. Angel is major-pointed and white.I also have a male Rosewoods Sunmark Sensation from Mary Hammond. Bucky is very old now, but he is out of some of the old Millimor lines of Ken and Eleanor Miller. They produce dogs with wonderful faces and ear sets. The coat is very correct and harsh. Bucky has a champion son and grandson and I am working on somer9 CH. ROLN DELS PRETTY BOY FLOYD36 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomersnhn Reviewgreat grandsons. Buckys son, Ch. Roln Dels Pretty Boy Floyd, is out of one of my foundation girls. I have to thank Delores Zahner retired from Poms now for all her help and support. She has been a great friend. I now co-own Pretty Boy with Judy Stone, Molly McDaniel Exotic Poms and Stephanie Witt Witt-Elle Poms. Pretty boy was the first client dog I finished. I think that is one of the most exciting times I can remember. I am acquiring Buckys last male produced by Delores before retiring. His name is Roln Dels Rhinestone Cowboy Bucky Jr.. Bucky Jr. has the harshest coatWv yltfiv'i AMF RICANROLN DELS RHINESTONE COWBOYI think I have ever seen. He has that vivacious attitude that first attracted me to this breed. He has gotten his first two points and hope there are more to come soon. I have to thank Mindy Slage for allowing me to buy this boy from her.Pretty Boy, of course, sired my first home bred champion. Ch. Legacys Machine Gun Kelly is a very light cream, almost white. It is the combination of these wonderful lines that have created some very nice whites and creams with good movement, coat and type.Now the Kelly story, as he has given me so much pleasure. Kelly was the puppy nobody wanted because he was cream not white. So I started1 1i I__^CH. LEGACYS MACHINE GUN KELLYtraining him and then when he was old enough I started showing him. He was such a pleasure to show he has great attitude and showmanship. He started by taking reserve to the majors, then on to taking the points and many best of breeds. I guess the most memorable show was Little Rock, Arkansas in 2002.1 had him and his litter sister Jrs Shady Lady showing. That weekend Kelly took breed both days and Sadie took best of opposite both days. Kelly will be with me until the day he goes over the rainbow bridge. He may be the puppy no one wanted but he is my precious boy. I took Kelly to the national in 2004 not expecting for him to even make the cut with so many nice dogs there. But to my surprise he made the first cut. It was awesome. Not bad for a very light cream boy in an orange world.Advice to prospective Pom owners or exhibitors would be to do your research. I recommend you read The New Pomeranian by Sari Brewster- Tietjen. It has a lot of history and helpful information. There are a lot of health issues and care required breeding and raising of these precious little ones. When you decide this is the breed for you, then go to a breeder that has the type of dog you prefer. There are manyshapes and sizes to the Poms, and many colors. The colors are harder to finish and have to be better than the oranges. That is sad to say but to give credit it is easier now than it used to be. Thanks to the many color breeders out there now. If you are a new exhibitor and want to show the dog your self buy an orange or red or sable. Why I say that is because it is the safe road and you will get your feelings hurt a whole lot less. A lot of new exhibitors get that show dog and dont realize the expense and time it takes to take a dog to its championship. They go to a couple of shows and dont win, then quit.So first get a good dog preferably not a puppy as it might not turn out. Get a six or seven month old dog as it is what it will probably be at that time. And please remember no dog is perfect so decide beforehand what faults you will be able to live with especially if you plan to breed too. Second go to training classes so you and the dog can train together if there are some close. If you dont have a club close then there are many wonderful people out there in the Pom world that will take ou under their wing and help you. But you must be dedicated. Then on top of this you must learn to groom that abundant coat that you just bought. Again someone close to you will probably help. Go to the shows and talk to some of the breeders and exhibitors. Also remember they are a lap dog first, show dog second.They love to be loved.Attend some puppy matches that are held after the shows sometimes. They are a lot of fun. I wish I would have known all this when I first started, it might have saved me a lot of heartaches. But of course itLegacy Kennel Visit Continued On Page 36NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 37"b 'O'0,\VWINNERSARKANSAS kennel club ^JUNE W ' 2005garden studio. \nc. r PHOTO BY JAY VAWitt-Elles Queen of DenialTrishCongrats on your kennel visit Your knowledge and willingness to share it with others cannot be beat. Thank you for taking such good care of our furkids when they are with you.I have no doubt Nile will be our next champ, thanks to you.Your dedication and talent is inspiring.Roger Stephanie Witt Witt-Elle Pomeranians 870-793-6840httpcox-internet, comwittellepomsTHE RAINBOW BRIDGEThere is a bridge connecting heaven and earth.It is called the Rainbow Bridge.Just this side of the Rainbow Bridge there is a land of meadows, hills, and valleys with lush green grass.When a beloved pet dies, the pet goes to this place.There is always food and water and warm spring weather. The old and frail animals are young again.Those who are maimed are made whole again.They play all day long with each other.There is only one thing missing.They are not with their special person who loved them on earth.So each day they run and play until the day comes when one suddenly stops playing and looks upThe nose twitches The ears upThe eyes are staring....and this one suddenly runs from the group.You have been seen, and when you and your special friend meet, you take him or her in your arms and embrace.Your face is kissed again and again and again, and you look once more into the eyes of your trusting pet. Then you cross the Rainbow Bridge together, never again to be separated.Author UnknownMASTERCARD, VISA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, DISCOVERY, PAYPAL ACCEPTEDVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgPomeranian ReviewsBack Issuesmake great gifts. Place your order todayLaura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue Cinncinati, OH U5227 513271-3983panachepoms. hotmail.comtmII-40 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewAccording the rooter, I am the only American Fomeranlan Club member in all Europe. When Brenda asked me to honor the Pomeranian Review with an APC Rennel Visit, I wondered, Me The little Pomeranian breeder from the other side of the sea But the honor was for ME Thanks a lot for this great joy.I present myself to you. My name is Muriel Menard I am 55 years old and a florist. My only children are my Poms I live in Normandy France, a famous area for The Landings of 1944. Normandy is near the English coast where my grandfather James Cross was born.T7\uul yy\i.Los PetitsPrincee de Urkys\APC Member Since 1996 - France Vfief5 vIHere is my story. Perhaps with some mistakes my translator is a young student.I will tell you how I caught the Fomeranlan virus bug. It all began when my aunt was searching for a white Loulou de Pomeranie. She wanted a white dog of medium height, but fell in love with Joucki who was black and tiny He was 4 months old. I was 10 years old and it was pure happiness every time I played with the little black Pomeranie. When my aunt, who also was my godmother, asked me what I would like as a present, I aneweredTMuriel at 14 years old with Nesta her first loulou de Pomeranie 2 months old.immediately, A little dog like you have That is how Nesta, my first little black loulou, came into my life. I was 14 years old when I received Nesta. My love of Poms has continued for over 41 years.The name of my kennel Les Petits Princes De Urkys is a mixture of names of my first loulous Nesta, Uki, Reyh for Urkys and Petits Princes because for me they are really the Princesses.14MHere our first Loulou Joucky NestaLet me tell you how I began breeding Pomeranians. What happens when you have a couple male and female Poms in the same house Puppies of course I was 18 years old with no experience. I lost one of two babies.At that time in France only one size could be shown. Now we can show three sizes. Even though Rexyh was a little bigger, he won some 1st prizes and CACIB. This was in the 70s. Then came Ursulett de la Polmeraie, a marvelous black doll. She was bred to Uki de la Quimbault cream. They gave me my first two French champions Isathy and Jolie Kathya Des Petits Princes De Urkys and Europe Ch Maya Des Petits Princes De Urkys.By the pure chance, Venus dOr du Missouri, a wonderful orange-red female, entered in my life. She quickly became a champion. I purchased Joss des Mascottes de Villagrains because I liked his sire Ayone Charlie Brown, an English Fomeranlan, very much. Joss was orange- sable and a good reproducer.From 1968 to 19B2 I bred twenty litters for 46 puppies. I kept 23 of the Poms. Then I quit breeding for nine years. However, when you have such passion and love for these little dogs they never leave you.I bought two new Spitz for my 40th birthday, but I decided I had to have anNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 41English Pom. A lot of letters were sent to Great Britain but I only received a few responses. The search fora Fomeranian began. After much travel to dog shows and Pomeranian kennels I came backfrom Jersey The Channel Islands with Thelbern May Bee, a splendid orange female from this famous kennel. Thelma hesitated to sell her. Maybe yes or maybeThelbern May Beeno This is how her name became May Bee It was a veritable luck to come back from the Channel with this 3-month-old doll. She had an excellent pedigree Sableways, Paddockwood, Toy Box and she was a POMERANIAN and not a Spitz What a difference of type, shorter, rounder, more coat, different to the German type. Thelbern May Bee is my foundation bitch and the mother of my three champions in only two litters. At 13 years old, she is always the Queen here.During this same period, I had been a long time admirer of the Pomeranians on the other side of the Atlantic United States. In 1975 I wrote a letter to the ARC, but it was returned due to the wronq address. I was successful in subscribing to the three American Fomeranian magazines of the time The Pomeranian Review, Pom Reader and Pom Registry. It was a great pleasure to receive each issue, just as it is still today.I purchased many back issues and now have a beautiful collection. I love my collection of Pomeranian publications and love to look at them again and again.My first contactfrom the United Stateswas with Mrs. Mary Allan of Allayns Pomeranian. I had met Mr. Allan at the Barneys Show in England. Thanks, Mary for your photos, letters and video.Then one day, I fell hopelessly in love with Mrs. Sharon Masnicks Ch. Golden Aires Moonwalker. He was the type I had searched for. That was over 12 years ago and with little access to fax or the Internet. Letters were very slow. Three years after beginning my search for an American Pom, I was thrilled when Sharon announced she would reserve a beautiful tiny male for me. Thanks again Sharon for this dream come true.Afterthe long trip from the US to France, Golden Aires Check Mate aka Checkers arrived. OhmyGodl As soon as I saw him, I knew he was all I had wished for. Checkers was tiny, with a short body, a large and short muzzle, tiny ears, and an incredible skeletal structure for such a small creature. He had a sweet irresistible little face, an adorable character, with wonderful movement. The French breeders adored him when some months later I presented him at the French National Championship Show equal to your American Specialty. His type was so different than the norm in France, it was difficult, but finally the judges had to recognize his quality.Now, the winners are all Poms Checkers was the first Pomeranian imported in France from The States. He is a champion and the proud daddy of 5 champions. He has the highest merit 6lCh Golden Aires Check Mate aka Checkerstwo of his daughters were Top Winning Bitches Ch LLDarling in 1996, Ch Magic Amour in 1997 his son The Best Golden Aires Des Petits Princes De Urkys is European Junior Ch, Multi group and BIS 3. Although Checkers wasnt the son of Ch Golden Aires Moonwalker ROM Wally his pedigree is wonderful Great Elms, Wee Heart, ChriscendoAfter that, I imported Macks Diamond Rose and Ben Aires Mataline known as Mattie a Ch Golden Aires True Rewards daughter and granddaughter of the great sire Ch Millamors Mark Tradition. Mattie was a Champion in three weeks and Top Winning Bitch in 1999. Unfortunately after health problems, Diamond and Mattie werent capable of having puppies but they are still loved by me.. . .-iGolden Aires Des Petits Princes De Urkys aka WallyThose importations were followed by Golden Aires Moon Dance a Wally son and littermateto Ch Golden Aires Moon Chip. Bred to Ch LLDarling Checkers X May Bee they are the proud parents of five champions Optimum, Odyssey, Show Me, Sweet and Scoty. Their two last daughters Wonderful Wondy and Beautiful Beauty 6 months old are my new hopeful puppies. Faithful to Sharon Masnick and Benson Ray my last importation is Golden Aires Wahlena, a Ch Golden Aires Wallace Jrs daughter, mother of my Wally. I like their lines and I am so happy of their confidence. I cant thank them enough them for their honesty and for all their marvelous Pomeranians that they entrusted to me and permitted me to have the following42 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomersnhn RevewjmGolden Aires Moon Dancevery nice titles 12 Champions presents at my kennel Ch LL Darling Top Winning Bitch 96 Ch Magic Amour Top Winning Bitch 97 Ch Mattie Top Winning Bitch 99Ch Show Me Dance Des Petits Princes De Urkys Wally European Jr Ch Multi group and BIS 3 Best Breeding Group 5 Poms together same size 1999, 2000, 2002, and 2003.Many thanks to my two APC sponsors Sharon and Benson. I was so happy and-proud to enter in the family of The American Fomeranlan Club in 1996. Thanks for allowing me to join the APC.As a Committee Member of the Club Francaisdu Spitz for the pastlOyears, I am proud to have prevented the elimination of the color orange-sable. This class other colors is now well represented at shows. But unfortunately, there is again some interdictions even theGolden Aires Wahlenaparti of 3 colors or orange with white. In France, the rules are severe. The breeding are obligatorily between same color and same height, just a difference of two cm and black are admit with brown. At my opinion, superb breedings are lost-. -J.Absolutely Wonderful Dance 3 months oldCh Optimum Moon Dance Des Petits Princes De Urkys in natural coatI always admired Ch Great Elms Prince Charming II, Ch Odyssey Keno Wiz, Ch Finchs Fie Walks On Water, Ch Starfires Superman, Ch Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor, and others. Today my models are Parker Ch Pufpride Sweet Dream, Sly Ch Finchs Awesome On All Four, ColtCh Chriscendo Call To Arms, Luther Ch Starfires Wicked Mean N Nasty and many others.I like to show my Poms, however its not my priority. The joy of living with them is more important. To have under my eyes these little balls of furs and wonderful sweet faces is every day a treat.In spite of their number, the Poms are all in my house without cages as pets. It just takes organization. All my 2B Poms live together in harmony and May Bee supervises them She is the big chiefrMy Best Breeding Group 2003 5 Petits Princes De Urkyshere. I have 12 males 4 generations. They are very sociable and never have problem. I have fortunately a big house with a garden. Of course, girls go in my bedroom when there are in heat. The babies are born in my bedroom, at 6 weeks old they come in my living room during the day and in my bedroom at night. I only have an occasional litter when I want something to show because I haverS .. arjtMy litter 2005 Wondy, Amour and BeautyNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Revew - 43a big problem. I hate to sell any puppies. Only4 in 20years Its why my Pom family is so manyI live in a small village of1200 inhabitants. My flower shop is within my house so between my customers, I am often with my little bogs. Their life as a group is really interesting to observe. Its as amMy living roomlittle pack with rules and all are nice. Girls know that they are girls and the boys know they are boys For example, when I say, Just the girls, the girls pass but the boys dont move I never train the Poms, the young learn by imitating the older Poms. In my life, I have only had this marvelous breed so I cannot compare with other breeds but Poms are so intelligent and attaching. Their happiness is my priority. How can one resist their little facesI like also horses. I have a French Saddle Pony Beaute de Urkys who is 2fi years old. Yes, Beaute is fine I love to draw Poms and horses. I am dramnoj for English, Kmencan and Canadian Clubs.The breeders life can be good and less good at times. To have beautiful Poms, to win in shows, its real exciting but to lose young dogs is very very difficult. Lovthye Dor and Fleur were both lost by caesarean at 3 yearn old. My last great sorrow was the death of Amour Of Dance, a three-month-old puppy, by a medical allergic reaction. I had a big feeling Amour was not feeling normal. You certainly know the feeling. As with Melodie and Fleur, Amour was a LOVE.It been an honor and a pleasure to be invited to share my Pomeranian experiences with The Fomeranlan Review. Its a great privilege. Thank you for this opportunity. Congratulations to Brenda Segelken for a great job with the Review. It is so nice.You can see all my Poms on my website pom.menard. urkystMy pony Ma Beaute de Urkys 28 years oldI' . 11The Floral ShopAmour Of Dance Des Petits Princes De Urkys 3 months oldSuper Dance Des Petits Princes De Urkysif9Ch Sweet Dance Des Petits Princes De Urkys\V rs Artwork by Muriel Menard--YChTennessee Des Petits Princes De Urkys44 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.0^Board Summary IfrSilVJANICE RUSSELL- 3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email Review Board Summary for AugustMotion made, seconded and motion carried to donate three commemorative medallions for BOB, BOS Best BBE at the January 2006 AKCEukanuba Nationals. The price of the medallions is 75 each.Motion made, seconded and motion carried that the following statement regarding returning club materials be added to our Standing Rules.Any Chair or member assigned any responsibility or duty for the Clubmust upon vacating their position, turn over within 2 weeks to the Corresponding Secretary or to someone designated by the Corresponding Secretary any written or electronic material relating to this task.September 2005 Board SummaryA motion was passed that APC buy a set of plastic jumps for our obedience.Becky Sabourin will be the APC National Rescue Coordinator.The 2006 APC National Specialty in Louisville Kentucky will be dedicated in memory of Nina Epps.The following will be included in the Standing Rules, Section III Specialty Shows, subtitled Summer Specialty. They are presently in the Summer Specialty Guidelines but not in the Standing Rulesa. If breed judge is not part of all-breed panel, will provide up to 200 for a judge residing up to 100 miles from site, or 350 for a judge living more than 100 miles away as coverage for the fee, and cover the cost of the banquet.b. Pay for one nights lodging and banquet cost of sweepstakes judge.c. When a separate Obedience Trial is held, pay expenses for a local obedience judge and banquet reservation.d. Offer trophies of 50 value or 50 cash for both Best Of Breed and Highest Scoring Pom in Trial.APC will pay two 2 nights hotel charges for the breed judge in addition to the allowed fees at the APC Summer Specialty.NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 45_____IT _The wau i see it'The first PR Way I See It was published in 1958.AKC licensed Judges and Pomeranian BreederHandler responses are welcome and appreciated. Contact Sue at Email, phone 718 470-6267.Sue LucatortoArlene Benko, Cape Coral, Florida, writesPR How long have you been an AKC judgeAB I have been an approved judge since June 1970.PR Why did you apply to become a judgeAB Since I was successful in breeding some outstanding Collie champions, I felt I wanted to do more for our lovely breed.PR What breed of dogs have you owned, lived with and bredAB I started with the Collies and was fortunate to breed and show one of the top winning bitches in the late 60s and early 70s, Ch. Blossom Heights Tami. Her littermates were Ch. Blossom Heights First Lady, Jackie, and Ch. Blossom Heights Jetsander. There were many more that followed. I also had Shelties and Poms.PR Did you ever own or show a Pomeranian Arlene BenkoAB Yes. At a local show I sat and watched the Toy Group and the Pomeranian took my breath away. By that time some of my Collies had crossed the Rainbow Bridge andI searched for a Pomeranian for two years. In my search I met the late Goldie McGuire and Ken and Eleanor Miller and we became good friends. In time, I got a puppy bitch from Goldie and she became my first Pomeranian Ch. McGuires Little Nike, Gidget. The next Pom was a puppy bitch called Blossom Heights Bolero. In time she was bred to Ch. Homesteads Spit N Polish, a Best In Show dog. She gave me a super show dog and producer named Ch. Blossom Heights Firecracker. From Cracker I got the bitch Ch. Blossom Heights Dynamite and an outstanding dog named Ch. Blossom Heights Jackpot, Jackie and others.PR What do you enjoy about judging PomsAB Their beauty and showmanship.The whole package.PR What do you expect from exhibitors in your ringAB To bring in a clean ring ready Pom that enjoys being there. The Pom should be trimmed neatly but never sculptured.PR In general, what do you think an exhibitor can do to improve the average show Poms presentationAB Just to have knowledge of the Pomeranian standard and pay attention to ring procedure. Listen to what the judge is asking you to do. Show the Pom on a loose lead.PR If you have been judging Pomeranians for over ten years, please answer the following questions. How has the overall quality of the Pomeranian improved since you have been judgingAB At some shows, yes, except for thesculpturingPR Do you have any comments concerning our present Breed StandardAB I did not agree with some of the changes but have to judge the Pom according to the revised standard.PR If you have any additional questions or comments please feel free to express them.AB I have no additional comments. Thank you for inviting me.Victoria Oelerich I am a native New Yorker from Long Island. Let me try to answer the questions asked in an open and hopefully informative way. How long have you been exhibitingI began showing 30 years ago in 1985 by hiring a young, local handler to show our family pet boxer. She was bought from a show breeder who asked, as part of the sale agreement that she be shown. She turned out to be a beauty, winning back-to-back 5-point majors at the American Boxer Club Regional Specialty. From that moment on my heart was hooked on dog showing.Are you a professional handler or a breederownerA mix of both. I began as an ownerbreederhandler. I still get the greatest joy showing puppies and dogs I have bred and raised from birth, but there is a great thrill in having others allow me to show their dogs. I have had such wonderful experiences with so many magnificent dogs, experiences that would have been denied if not for the trust others have put in me by allowing me to be their handler. The winning is just as pleasing, and the losing is just as disappointing whether Im in the ring as an owner, or a handler.46 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Review.- t m3 ' \\Victoria OelerichWhat attracted you to the PomeranianYears back, at a show in Buffalo, New York I was sitting ringside and was awestruck by CH. Glen Iris Castle Rock shown by Nina Fetter-Work I became intrigued and inspired in that moment My dear friend Peter Pettersen and I had been talking about finding a new breed that we could explore together as a team. The answer crystallized in that moment It would be Poms for the two of us.What concerns do you have for the future of the breedI would have to say my major concerns are the Pom health issues. As with most purebred dogs, these are multiple. I feel these issues are totally in our hands as breeders, and being so, they should always be considered as paramount in importance. It shouldnt be most important how beautiful our next generation of puppies is going to be, nor how much winning am I going to be doing. Neither should caring more how important are the statistics going to make me look, nor how much money will I be able to make with my top winning line of Poms. But rather, how healthy, physically, are the next generations going to be. This consideration and this alone should govern our breeding programs. Unfortunately we end up finishing most of our champions before many of the major health concerns become evident. Seizures, thyroid issues, heart problems, skin and coat diseases all have to be reckoned with even if it is at the expense of a winning line of dogs. We owe it to our breed as a whole. We owe honesty about health concerns to our fellow breeders whetherwhen selling puppies, foil grown breeding stock or stud services to be used in a program. Without accurate testing and DNA markers, our openness and honesty are the best tools to ensure progress against these afflictions. Perhaps one day we will have more scientific help to guide our breeding programs and spare these wonderful dogs suffering.What do you expect from a judge in the ring the day you are showingWhen exhibiting to a judge, I would expect that they come to the ring with a working knowledge of the essence of whichever breed they are judging and that they go by the AKC Standard as it is written leaving personal opinions aside. They should come to do their job with respect for the people exhibiting under them and have patience with the animals as well. Too often you exit the ring thinking the judge would obviously like to be doing anything other than judging dogs that day, orthatthey have no recollection how it felt to deal with unruly puppies or headstrong adult dogs. We as exhibitors pay for their expertise, one should never leave the ring feeling disrespected nor disregarded.What improvements would you like to see in the breedI would love to see better patelas on our Poms. I get to feel too many dogs with slipping patelas. I always saythatlfeelthesedogsare forced to live with glass legs. Any stress can cause them debilitating pain and even eventual crippling injuries. It is not a good enough answerto just say, They are toy dogs. They arent working dogs. They still need four good legs under them for a foil life of running, jumping and playing.What do you feel is the most important asset to a show pomIf I had to narrow it to a single asset, a correct coat texture, volume and density. It is the glorious part of the breed. It sets them apart when it is full, beautiful and not cut down to oblivion. I have been accused of showing dogs with too much coat, I say let that be the case I love their coals.What advice would you give to help a newcomer to exhibiting before the show, at the show, in the ringMy best advice would be to leam everything there is to leam and leam it from the right people. Sit and watch before you choose a mentor. Then listen carefully. Another good piece of advice for anyone in this game is to always honestly know what it is you have on the end of your lead. Dont make excuses nor disregard faults. It is only by recognizing all traits, good and bad, that can help you make the most of what it is you have, whether in the ring, or in the whelping box.Do you have any suggestions for dog show superintendents pertaining to specificallythe toy breedsYes Allow crates at ringside. It is not just a convenience, but it is a safety issue with the frenetic activity ringside. Another thought setting aside of a ready ring area, ringside, is a great help getting and keeping the toy breeds ring ready and safe from big dogs immediately prior to judging.What, if anything, would you like to say to the majority of Toyjudges First be gentie. Slow and gentle should be the ground rules when going over a Toy. Also, great care goes into the primping and grooming of many Toy coats. It is always distressing when the judge steps away from his exam and it looks as though theyve left atussled mess. Body structure can be examined without wrecking the grooming effort or man handling little mouths. So I would ask, examine the dog completely and thoroughly, but leave the dog mentally intact and still groomed when the exam is completed.What are the procedures you follow to get a Pom ready the week prior to a dog show When do you trim, bath What products do you useOne week before a show I bathe and rough trim a dog if he hasnt been recently shown. Nails are done at that time, teeth checked and cleaned, as are the ears. During the week leading up to the show, I watch the dog as he moves about off lead looking to see what could be done to improve his look his outline, improve his assets and minimize his flaws. On the day before the show, they are generally spot bathed again pants, ears, boys bellies, legs and given a fine tuning trim". Nails will be ground back one more time, the shorter the better. The products I use are all determined by a particular dogs needs. Dry areas get a conditioner, soft coats fortified, weak coats texturized etc. Being best friends with Peter, a professional hairstylist, has taught me thathuman products are usually of better quality than are products marketed directly for dogs. So that is what I most often use, some quite expensive, but worth the cost when you see the results.How do you routinely condition a Poms coat for showing Products FoodThe everyday routine conditioning of a dog is what is of utmost importance. If a dog is regularly maintained, little needs to be done prior to show time. If the dog is poorly maintained, one week of emergency grooming will never be enough to undo the damage. They must be well cared for, well-socialized, exercised, trained, parasite free and on a high caliber diet I feed my dogs an exceptional and costly diet so I dont go for many supplements. Their normal diet affords them the advantages superior nutrition can deliver. Were constantly cooking and preparing fresh food for our dogs, often before we cook our own meals. What quality of the Pomeranian, in the AKC APC Standard that you feel is overlooked the most in the show ringMy feeling is that the determination oftype is the most abused or confused element within the standard. So very often people say to me, Oh, he is a different type. The Standard should emphatically clarify that there is only one type. There is not the old fashioned' type, the spfc type, the fox-like type, the baby doll' type, the teddy bear type. I hear the terms and I feel it is the source of confusion and inconsistency in judging. The Standard should more satisfactorily take away the which type question. I thinkjudges should be more strongly guided by the written Standard in this critical decision area.Thanks for this opportunity to share my thoughts.NovemberDecember 2005 Amerankn Review - 47Debarking.- BarkJSofteningHytnS anc i actsANIMAL RIGHTS GROUPS ATTACK LIFE-SAVING DEBARKING PROCEDURE By Charlotte McGowanThere is a move around the country by animal rights interests to outlaw the practice of debarking dogs. So much misinformation about this procedure abounds that it is truly time to set the record straight. As a dog breeder for over 40 years, I can tell you that debarking in the hands of a well trained veterinarian is a very useful tool for breeders and owners and it saves lives.I have had a lot of dogs debarked over the years and the usefulness of this procedure should not be ignored. I know friends who have used debarking for decades with no ill effects on the dogs.Q What is debarkingA This is a surgical procedure to reduce tissue in the vocal chords.Some vets use a punch to remove tissue. Other surgeons make cuts of varying sizes and I have heard of some using a laser. The goal of the surgery is to lower the volume of the dogs bark and the ability of the bark to carry over a wide area Q Does debarking remove the dogs ability to barkA No. Debarked dogs continue to bark. What debarking does is to lower the volume of the bark so that it does not cany for miles around.Q Is the surgery always successfulA Sometimes scar tissue forms and heavy barkers will become louder than when first debarked. The skill of the veterinarian is also a factor.Q Is this a cruel and barbaric procedureA No. People with little or no experience raising naturally noisy and talkative breeds may tell you this. People with breeds like Shetland Sheepdogs Shelties can tell you that this procedure is simple and that it saves lives of dogs that might otherwise be dumped in the pound for their barking. Debarking is a more simple procedure than removing the uterus in spaying or removing testicles in neutering.Q Do dogs suffer emotionally from debarkingA It is a huge myth to suggest dogs are emotionally disturbed by debarking.Debarked dogs can bark Even if reduced sound comes out of their mouths, they dont seem to notice at all Debarked dogs that are not being constantly disciplined for barking, in fact, tend to be much happier dogsQ Is it true that only criminals and drug dealers debark dogsA This is the biggest myth about debarking The majority of people who debark dogs are responsible dog owners at the end of their rope with dogs whose bark is so piercing that they can be heard for miles around. To be breed specific, Sheltie, Collie and other herding breed owners are the people most apt to do this. Herding breeds, by nature can be very vocal in their work. They also are joyful in their barking. They bark at squirrels, strangers, in play. They bark just to bark. Sheltie and Collie breeders are not criminals and drug dealersQ Is it true you can train any dog not to barkA I defy some of the so-called new wave of dog behaviorists to train a group of Shelties not to bark Shelties in numbers larger than one love to do group barking. It is part of who they are.Q Isnt debarking a hazardous procedureA Any procedure that requires anesthesia, whether it is a dentalcleaning, spay, or debarking has intrinsic risks. The key to success is good veterinary skill in all these procedures.Q Do people debark just to avoid training their dogsA The majority of people who debark have run out of options and are trying to be good neighbors. We are not talking about people who are irresponsible and leave their dogs out all night or ignore chronic barking. We are talking about people who understand that the piercing bark of a Sheltie, even on limited occasions, can be enough to cause a war in built up residential neighborhoods. Animal rights interests have painted debarking as a cruel quick fix when in fact it is something no owner does lightly.Q Is excessive barking due to bad breedingA Heres another myth. Shelties kept birds of prey away from lambs on remote Shetland. They also kept livestock out of the crofters meager gardens and protected fish drying on the beach from eagles and other raptors. Barking is a useful tool for this work It also helps let the owner know where the dog is. Unfortunately, in modem life, neighbors are not impressed when Shelties bark at birdsQ Anti debarking legislation is being put forth around the country as part of anti dog fighting bills. Isnt this a good ideaA Criminals pay no attention to laws. They are not going to license their dogs in the first place, let alone report any that may be debarked. The people impacted by anti debarking laws are responsible owners, especially people with Shelties and Collies. Animal rights interests want to outlaw any procedures they deem unnecessary. Responsible and compassionate veterinarians should understand that debarking can save lives by keeping dogs out of shelters and in homes. While some dogs, especially when they are the only dog in a home, can be trained to reduce their barking, others cannot be trained to the point where neighbors will not be annoyed.Q Do you debark ALL your dogsA No. Some dogs are less noisy than others. I do debark the dedicated squirrel chasers because they can be extremely noisy and the squirrels are always going to be out there. I wish I could train the squirrels to move to another neighborhood but thats just about as hard as training a sheltie not to barkCharlotte McGowan is the author of The Shetland Sheepdog in America and is an honorary Life Member of the American Shetland Sheepdog Association. She has bred dogs for over 40 years. She has been an AKC dog show judge for over 30 years.48 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewjJ.oSanta s helper. Linda DeCiccofcrSfWill the real Santa please stand upreat new chejRoy SlBfcMMasieJewskimFerin and Brenna submitted by Roselie Malonerx Far1X .SSISft m...Santa 2. Fran Kamp iv.AMTEDI Dnique and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its Dost Far Fan.'sWaysWalda Green ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. and Means\ sWell, it is time to start looking forward to the next APC Winter National already, I wish I could take credit for this new idea but it has come to me from others. Wouldnt it be fun if each club sponsored a basket of goodies It could reflect your part of the country, representative of what your area is best known for i.e. Kentucky and the Derby. Discuss this in your club meetings, plan your basket and select a representative that can be responsible for getting it to the National in March. We can then tag each one so we know what club is donated it. I can see this growing into a fun competition between the clubs.We will also be trying something else new this next year. The opportunity to pre-order t-shirts The details are still being worked out so watch for future announcements. THERE WILL BE A CUT OFF DATE FOR ORDERS, IF YOU MISS THE DATE YOU WILL HAVE TO WAIT FOR THE NATIONAL. THERE WILL BE SHIRTS AVAILABLE THERE. WE WILL NOT MAIL SHIRTS TO YOU, THESE ARE SOUVENIRS OF THE SHOW AND MUST BE PICKED UP THERE, IF YOU WILL HAVE SOMEONE ELSE PICK UP YOUR SHIRT I MUST KNOW WHO THAT WILL BE WHEN YOU ORDER YOUR SHIRT. WATCH THIS ARTICLE FOR MORE INFORMATION AND AN ORDER FORM.And to wishes for a safe and wonderful Holiday SeasonAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTY LOGO ART CONTESTThe American Pomeranian Club will offer an art contest for all artists, APC members and non-members, in the pursuit of creating the APC Specialty Logos for the years 2007 through 2010, while recognizing the creative talents of numerous artists.This contest will begin March 17,2005, and end January 1,2006. All artwork entered must be received by midnight January 1,2006.A panel of judges will be selected and announced in the Pomeranian Review.Entries will be accepted in any media Oil, PencilColored Pencil, Ink, Computer generated.Winning entries will be announced for the years 2007,2008,2009 and 2010.All artwork submitted becomes the property ofthe American Pomeranian Club. No one person shall financially gain from the artwork. All proceeds will be used for the APC general operating fund.No entry will be accepted which specifies any condition as to its acceptance or use.All entrants will be displayed at the March 2006 APC National Specialty, and the winners will be announced there.If artwork donations are numerous, artwork that is not selected for logos will be used as auction fundraising items within the next five years at the National Specialty.PRIZES Winners Certificate of Appreciation, Rosette, F eature in the Pom Review magazine. All attending the 2006 APC National Specialty may vote for a Peoples Choice award by casting onsite cash ballots.The American Pomeranian Club looks forward to the participation ofthe many gifted artists, both members and non-members. Entry forms may be obtained by contacting DonnaRiehm at669Ava Road,Murphysboro,IL 62966,emailmom4pomsaoLcomorphone618684-4644orphotocopy the entry blankbelow.rNATIONAL SPECIALTY LOGO ART CONTESTPARTICIPANT ENTRY FORMPLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION AND MAIL TO DONNA RIEHM, 669 AVA ROAD, MURPHYSBORO, IL 62966.NAME__________ ___ADDRESS___________PHONE NUMBERaoCOnCELL PHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESS___________________________________________________________________THE AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB THANKS YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATIONI__________________________________________________________________________________50 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian RevtewJafucas reported by the American Kennel Club, Inc.Sxdlp 73. 33.etmsrijitSSel, CljatrTop Ten ALL-BREEDJanuary 1, 2005 through September 7, 20051 CH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N- NASTY D Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby,Fabian Ariente, Jose A. Cabrera14,7732 CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS DOwners Diane L. Finch, Noble Inglett8,638oJ CH VALCOPY BATBOY D OwnersRon Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Par due, M. Pardue6,3724 CH FEREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCOD Owners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry6,3435 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THEBOSS OF ME D Owners Judy Paris,Letitia Cannon5,3156 CH KIMS CAMEO SIR LANCELOT DOwners Kim Smith, Jessica Smith Satallante2,3187 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTERD Owners LindaMulso, B. Wollman1,9338 CH TOKIE THE LEGEND CONTINUESDOwners Chaivat Tangkaravakun Prakit Chularojmontri1,6469 CH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE TOPDOwner Nancy Coddington Robert Coddington1,42410 CH RYMS W FAIR WARNING DOwners S. Wiemer-Martin, R. Martin, S.Plouff, L. Plouff1,410Top Ten BREEDJanuary 1, 2005 through September 7, 20051 CH FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO DOwners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry8982 CH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N- NASTY D Owners J. Heath, W. Cosby,Fabian Ariente, Jose A. Cabrera7943 CH VALCOPY BATBOY D Owners Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Pardue, M. Pardue6594 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSSOF ME D Owners Judy Paris, LetitiaCannon 6205 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER DOwners Linda Mulso , B. Wollman5416 CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS DOwners Diane L. Finch, Noble Inglett4917 CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM DOwner MargaretR. McKee3428 CH FINCHSCHARSSPELLBOUNDPARTID Owner Charlotte Meyer, Diane FinchD [j9 CH BOBHS RETURN OF THE KING DOwner Bobii Earle31010 CH JAKENS SPLASHING IN THE RAINAT JAN LE D Owners A. Hendler, E. Dzuik305APC members are noted with an In order to be eligible for APC Awards at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year, however you will be listed if you do not have a year membership in the Top Ten. Every effort is made to compile accurate statistics. Please bring any errors or if your dogs are listed in the corrections' of the AKC Awards issues, please contact before January 15,2006.2tfCop Wmas reported by the American Kennel Club, Inc.BREEDEREXHIBITORSIREDAMJUNIORSJanuary 1, 2005 through August 31, 2005TOP BREEDERSDiane L. Finch 14Jerrie Freia 9K. G. Griffith 8Fabian Arienti 7Jose A. Cabrera 7Sharon Hanson 7Charlotte Meyer 5Lee D. Cook 4Julie Clemen nJLinda Decicco nJNoble Inglett-JCamilla Knight-DCeleste Favilla SolanooJRobert Solano oJFrances J. StolloJSharon Yampiro 3TOP EXHIBITORSCharlotte Meyer 9Sharon Hanson 7Fabian Arienti 6Jose A. Cabrera 6Camilla Knight 4Celeste Favilla Solano 4Robert Solano 4Linda DeCicco 3Jerrie Freia 3K. G. Griffith 3Clarice M. OganekuoJYvette H. Oganeku oJT OP J UNIORS as reported by Cathy JessenDanielle Miller 42Haley Page 34Mariah Seering 29Blake Armstrong 28Hunter Seering 20Letesha Girth 18Jordan Rothell 18Jessica Page 17Miss Chelsea Vales 9Taylor Irvin 8TOP SIRESCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 15CH Music Maker Of Lenette 7CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco 5CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second 4CH Jan-Shars Dudly Doright 4CH Jan-Shars N Sync 4Aphrodite's Austin 3CH Finch's Nicely Packaged Deal 3CH Chriscendo Call To Arms 2CH Diogenoir The Next Generation 2CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti 2CH Finch's Rolling Like A River 2CH Finch's Walkin After Midnite 2CH Great Elms Mr Chips 2CH Janesa's For Keep-Sake 2CH Janesa's N Jan-Shars Chance 2CH Nguyen,Cory Loverboy Of GQ" 2CH Paughprints Tradition Rocks On 2CH Reginapoms Gator In Motion 2CH Starfire's Nicolas El Grande 2CH Starfire's Robcary Sobe It 2CH Starfire's Wicked Mean-N-Nasty 2CH Tim Sue's Fantastic High 2CH Tokie's Mercury 2TOP DAMSChesai Katrina Of Robcary' 2Finch's Seasoned Just Right 2Firebrook's Beanie Baby 2CH Heather's Sunkiss Beach Baby 2CH Jan-Shars Brewin Up A Storm 2CH Lessard's Oopsy Daisy 2CH Rise N Shine's Leading Lady 2CH Rodi's Cr Queen Of Stars 2CH Starfire's Table Dancer 2Sugar Rae's Copacabana 2Junior stats as reported by AKC Awards Issues January' through May. November 1, 2004 through October 31.2005 APC YearTop Ten Breeder. Exhibitor. Sire, and Dam are awards recognized by the APC. Only APC members that have been a member for 1 calendar year are listed for these Top Ten Awards.Jleto Champions fullJuneCH A Promise Kept Of Lenette D Ju-Mars Tollhouse Of Lenette x Ju-Mars Peach Pie Of Lenette. Owned by Collen A. Scott. Bred by Eve Sharpee Sandy Restertiouse.CH Abbapoola's Winning Oscar D CH Music Maker Of Lenette x Clairmont's Carmelita. Owned by Tammy Moynihan. Bred by K. G. Griffith CH Animation's Bullseye B CH Animation's Jeep x CH Animation's Mulan. Owned Bred by Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.CH Cascade-Lacueva Panaches Tinker B CH Lacueva's Peppered Palomino x Cascade Bev-Nor Black Velvet. Owned by Laurie Meineke. Bred by Doris Wheeler.CH Finch's Center Stage B .CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finch's Seasoned Just Right. Owned by Kristin Dang S Jennifer Smith. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Exceeds Code D CH Finch's Walkaway Joe x Finchs Dancing In The Dark. Owned by Mary A. Valles Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Great Elms Sarava D CH Great Elms Mr Chips x Great Elms Sweet Sue II. Owned by Dawn I. Collins. Bred by Ruth L. Beam.CH Great Rivers Snugasabuginarug B Great Rivers Michelangelo x Great Rivers Indy Fashion. Owned Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Horizon's Wishful Thinking B Wee Hearts Just The Ticket x CH Darlin's Birthday Wish. Owned Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Increase D'Peace Of Allridge D CH Clairmont's Max In Carolina x Ragdoll's Hope Of Allridge. Owned Bred by Valerie Allridge.CH Jan Les Quest Of Random Task B CH Avalon's Prince Charming x CH Jan Le's Quest Of Mine. Owned Bred by Jane Lehtinen Victoria Ann Palmer.CH Jan-Shars Briggette Jones B CH Jan-Shars N Sync x Jan-Shars Miss American Pie. Owned by Jacklin Matthews Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Jan-Shars Lady Sings The Blues B CH Jan-Shars N Sync x CH Jan- Shars The Cookie Monster. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Lyndor Knot E But Nice B CH Pomhaven's Nip N Tuckx CH Daystar Rejoice. Owned by Jackie Sampson. Bred by Jackie Sampson Karen Power.CH Majesties Rebeling Ms Dixie B CH Southlands Rebel Rouserx Majesties Jewel Of Brynrose. Owned Bred by Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner S. W. Turner.CH Marbil's Rumor Has It B CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco x Marbil's She's So Fine. Owned Bred by Mari Iffland Donna S. Riehm.CH Mc's Rockin Rachelle B Mc's Hearts Desire Rowdy Riley x Mc's Heart's Desire Nikki. Owned Bred by Christina L. Armstrong Michael V. Armstrong.CH Paragon's Ain'T She Sweet B Paragon's Life 'N Da Fast Lane x CH Paragon's Ms Panache Of Park Av. Owned Bred by Christine Endow S Janice Endow.CH Paughprints I'Ve Gotta SecretB CH Paughprints Tradition Rocks On x Legendary Leilani Of Oakridge. Owned by Sherri Alspaugh. Bred by Tom B. Davidson David L. Lamb.CH Pomhaven's Tommy Hilfiger D Chikai West Side Story Sorvex Pomhaven's Sweet Nutmeg. Owned by Erin Clark Colleen Beland. Bred by Colleen P. Beland.CH Pominique That's All Folks D CH Foxworth Fanfare x Pominique Black Hills Gold. Owned by Alane Levinsohn Diane Luett. Bred by Cande L. Gordon Michael Gordon.CH R-Luv Growing Up Gotti D CH LynnwrightsTony Sopranox R-Luv Summer Sunrise. Owned Bred by Tina Joanne Petrina.CH Rise N Shine's Hot Shot D CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x CH Rise N Shines Leading Lady. Owned Bred by Julie Clemen.CH Starfire's Hello It's El Hottie D CH Starfire's Nicolas El Grande x Starfire's Strawberry Marmelade. Owned Bred by Jose A. Cabrera Fabian Arienti.CH Stolanne's A Song For Timothy D CH Music Maker Of Lenette x CH Marbil's Place In The Sun. Owned by Renee K. McGrath, D.V.M.. Bred by Frances J. Stoll.CH Townsend Lil Darlins Hard Copy D Sweetheart's Firecracker x Wee Hearts Star Of Lil Darlin. Owned by Jean Elting Rowe. Bred by Gina Alford Jean Elting Rowe.CH Valcopy Janel'sSpiderman D CH Valcopy Wakhan Batman xValcopy Crystalton Chrisma. Owned Bred by Janell R. Reich Dana L. Plonkey.CH Alden's Tanspy Lady BAlden's Special Little Zion xAlden's Truely Trudy's Trouble. Owned Bred by Alden A. Domrase Janet R. Domrase.CH Antom's Boss Hoss D CH Antom's Pocket Change x Antom's Put A Cork In It. Owned by Betty Burns. Bred by Anita J. Farr.CH Cheyennes Jolly Dolly B Spinners Image Of Lenette x Cheyennes Barbie Doll. Owned by Robert Solano, Diana M. Solano Celeste Solano. Bred by Colleen Franks.CH Finch's Awesome Wave Parti D CHFinch'sOiaris MakinWaves Parti x Finch's Parti Daiquiri. Owned byCharlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Bet On The Parti D CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti x Finch's The Best Parti. Owned by Charlotte Meyer.Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Bettin' On Char'S D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finch's Seasoned Just Right. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Char's Amazing Grace B CH Finch's Nicely Packaged Deal x Cascade's Mountain Holly. Owned by Kevin M. White Teresa G. White. Bred by Diane L. Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Firebrook's Sugar Plum Fairy B CH Firebrook's Tabasco Fiasco x Firebrook's Fancy Is My Name. Owned by Linda K. Wilson. Bred by Lee D. CookCH Glen Iris Essence Of Cuilean D Heartland's Too Close To Call x CH Glen Iris Castle In The Sky. Owned Bred by Cheryl A. Jackson. Geno Sisneros, Isabel Taylor Lawrence Myers.CH Janesa's Bar Jon's In Fashion B CH Janesa's Fashion Statement x Bar-Jon's N' Janesa's Rave. Owned by Barbara Messmer. Bred by Jerrie Freia.CH Julia's Music Man Of Lenette D CH Music Maker Of Lenette x Irina Of Lenette. Owned by Julia L. Smith. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Koteries Windwalker D CH Diogenoir The Next Generation x Kouteries Wind Beneath My Wings. Owned Bred by Renate Richter. CH Kouteries Pia Of Chipawas B Kouteries Got A Bad Rap x Chipawas Seminole Kita Music. Owned by Renate Richter. Bred byMark Ward.CH Luminesque Journey Thru Time B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Dhcrew Luminesque Novel Meg. Owned Bred by Jacqueline A. Moore. CH Luminesque's In My Red Dress B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Dhcrew Luminesque Novel Meg. Owned Bred by Jacqueline A. Moore. CH Noah Of Lenette D CH Mac's Frankly My Dear x Anissina Of Lenette. Owned Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance D CH Traditions Legend Of Oakridge x Chriscendo Call Girl. Owned Bred by Judith B. Green.CH Rise N Shine's He's A Hottie D CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second x CH Rise N Shine's Leading Lady. Owned Bred by Julie Clemen.CH Ruffgaates Flicker In Time NJP D Gatekeeper's Just-In-Time x Finch's Mystical My Molly. Owned by Heather L. McKim Barbara Krzewicki. Bred by Lynda Willis.CH Showin's Howdoya Like Me Now D Sho-Win's The Keno Kid x Mitzi's Wonderful Wolfee. Owned by Lori Ann Solomon Roxanne Meliem. Bred by Barbara Raymond.CH Silhouette's Slow Dance B CH Foxworth Fast Lane x Razzle Dazzle Bluegrassmusic. Owned Bred by Elizabeth Heckert Judith B. Green.CH Starlights Simon Says D CH Jan-Shars Hail To The Chief x Jan- Shars Martina McBride. Owned Bred by Ron Smith. Merlyn Smith, Deronda Sharp Derrik Sharp.CH Tim Sue's Small Talk D CH Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue x Tim Sue's Traces' Trinket. Owned Bred by Sue Goddard Tim Goddard.CH Weewyn's Double Ooh Seven D CH Weewyn's A Walk In The Park x CH Finch's Steal'n The Show. Owned Bred by Cathy Anderson.American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January L5, 2006.NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 53By Christine D. HeartS'JPermission to reprint granted by Author Christine D. Heartz. This article may not be reproduced.CloserFRONTS AND FEETWhen viewing the Pomeranian from the front, it may be difficult to determine what is actually under the coat. Crooked legs can be trimmed straight, and a lack of body can easily be hidden from your view under an abundance of coat. It is important to feel the dog underneath the coat to know what is really there.The ideal front structure viewed from the front.i U.J -jJlThe legs should be straight and parallel to each other. They should be of medium bone. There may be some question as to what medium bone is. If you were to compare two Poms, one may appear to have fine bone while the other, heavy bone, but this may simply be appearance. Some lines carry thick leg coat, while others carry less. The two dogs may in fact have the same amount of bone, but a different amount of coat. Some people prefer to leave it on. The trimming of the coat on the legs is a personal preference. Feel the leg. What you do not want is a Pom with very fine bone or heavy bone, i.e. medium bone.The Standard asks for a body that is well ribbed. From this it can be determined that we are looking for a dog that is neither barrel chested, where the rib cage is shaped like a barrel, nor one which is slab sided, where the ribs fall in an almost straight line down to the chest. The correct chest allows for shoulder assembly to function efficiently.54 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewo' f\ A \ \ ri ijti.lKLAThe ribs are too well sprung. The dog is barrel-chested.JAitL____The dog is slab sided. The ribs are not well springmi,7VBW'\W-'-W,VM - V.vFV^'fif I iVV' \Often puppies or young dogs are somewhat slab sided, a symptom of immaturity. This is more desirable than being barrel chested because as a dog matures, it will usually develop more chest and may reach the desired development when mature. However, a barrel chested puppy will undoubtedly end up being a poor moving adult. Unfortunately judges must evaluate the dog on the day. Sometimes an immature dog will lose to an inferior, but more mature adult.The chest is too wide.The chest is too narrow.NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 55A Closer Look - Structure ContinuedTOEING OUTBoth the faults of a too narrow chest and of toeing out may be found in the same dog and can be a sign of immaturity.Elbows should lie flat and close to the body. You should be able to run your hands down the shoulders, straight down the legs and not feel the elbows sticking out.m ^ \ ICJ-_NjomSi- ., - LL,,TLr"The feet are well arched, compact and turn neither in nor out. The Pomeranian stands well up on his toes. This is a correct, compact foot. When in full coat and the feet are trimmed, the Pom should appear to have no toes at all.Lr'The foot here is oval and not compact.iH'The foot is flat. Down at the pasterns is aThe toes are long. major fault in this breed,so good feet should be rewarded.Next issue Fronts Continued.fBe careful that the shoulders are not so straight as to cause the dog to knuckle over as shown here. The dog will appear to be falling forward56 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewOriginal Pom Art by Stefano Scullino. ItalyO' ,V'V v ' 'AmericanV P Club aomeranians V_-Mel ^. .MrV,v 2006Btf VNationalSpecialtysw 1 J ,5Louisville, Kentucky - March 13, 14 15, 2006Brs a pizzaiib Pa PamwISHOW SITE Executive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY, Monday, Tuesday Wednesday, March 13, 14 15, 2006HOTEL INFORMATIONExecutive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY 40209-1399. Reservations Phone 800- 626-2706 or 502-367-6161. Room Rate is 85.00 plus tax per day, you may reserve a king or double room for this rate, 1 to 4 guests per room. There will be a 75 refundable pet deposit. Reservations must be made no later than February 10, 2006 to guarantee this rate be sure to mention that you are with APC.JUDGESSweepstakes Mrs. Sue Goddard, 412 W Duncan. Alvin, TX 77511 Junior Showmanship Mrs. Erika K. Moureau, 21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77377 Regular Non-Regular Conformation Classes Erika K. Moureau. 21522 Rosehill Church Rd, Tomball, TX 77377Obedience Trial Patricia Ray Krause, 4329 Islandview Rd, Rhinelander, WI 54501 PendingRally Patricia Ray Krause, 4329 Islandview Rd, Rhinelander, WI 54501 PendingCOMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONSShow Chairperson - Janice Russell 3540 Kessler Blvd N Dr, Indianapolis, IN Ph 317-924-6093 Fax 317-924-9199ObedienceRally Chairperson-Wendy Donnelly 220 Spring Falls Rd, Alpharetta, GA 30004-3725 770-753-2715 Show Secretary - Cindy Boulware 6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142, Ph 972-962- 3872 Fax 972-962-3872 Trophy Chairperson - Juanita Fiddick Jane Lehtinen, 1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792, , Janes Ph 218-741-2117, Juanitas Ph 319-989- 2199Advertising - Carlene Gilstrap, PO Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422, Ph 706- 539-2355, Grounds and Vendor Booths - Gregg Waters, 1625 E 11400 S, Sandy, UT 84092 801-571-4959 Hospitality Chairperson - Kelly Reimschiissel 6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003- 3419 kileipomsworldnetattnet 801-756- 2092 We need two or three volunteers to help Kelly with hospitality.Awards Chairperson - Kelly ReimschiisselPhotographer - Judy Mehciz, 304 Morey St,Waukesha, WI 53188, Ph 262-544-1822,mehciz8195msn.comChief Ring Steward - Volunteer neededRing Steward for Sweepstakes on Monday - 2Volunteers neededRing Steward for Regular Class dogs on Tuesday- 2 Volunteers neededRing Steward fer Regular Class Bitches BOB on Wed - 2 Volunteers neededRing Steward for Obedience Trial on Wed - 2 Volunteers neededWays Means Chairperson - Walda Green, 8120 Harvard Dr, Ben Lomond, CA 95005,, Ph 831-336- 8285, Fax 831-336-8414 Auctioneer - Robert FiddickSHOW SCHEDULE Events will be held in the order listed exact times will be announced at a later dateSunday, March 12Board MeetingGrounds, Exhibitor Vendor Set UpHospitalityMonday, March 13Puppy SweepstakesVeteran SweepstakesAPC SeminarCostume ContestTuesday, March 14Rally TrialParade of TitleholdersJunior ShowmanshipAll Regular Conformation Class DogsAll Non-Regular Conformation ClassesAnnual APC Membership MeetingWine Cheese Get TogetherWednesday, March 15All Regular Conformation Class Bitch ClassesAll Best of Breed CompetitionJudges Education SeminarObedience TrialAwards Banquet AuctionATTENTION EXHIBITORS, BREEDERS HANDLERSAPC Is now accepting bids for the Front Inside Front Cover of the 2006 National Show Catalog. The Front Cover will display a colored picture of your Pomeranian along with his full name, the Inside Front Cover may be used to further advertise the Cover Pomeranian or to advertise a different Pomeranian in your kennel.If you wish to place a bid for the Cover Ad mail or email your bid to Cindy Boulware, 6450 Rolling Heights Cir, Kaufman, TX 75142, . Bids will close December 31, 2005.A drawing for the 2006 Catalog Colored ads Centerfold, Inside Back Cover Outside back cover was held at the Summer National in Ohio, the following persons were the winners. COLORED CENTERFOLD AD Sandra Johnson, N 6603 Forest Ct, Holmen, WI INSIDE BACK COVER LAURETTA FLYNN, 6930 Princess Lane, Avon, IN OUTSIDE BACK COVER Darrell Olga Baker, 4916 43rd Street, Dickinson, TXif A\ R T If I9tiefUstti fiN oeNericiJuli KallbsekaAre You ReadyI am writing this while still reeling at the reports of the devastation left in the wake of hurricane Katrina while also listening with much trepidation to the reports about Rita. Needless to say it has me and I suspect most of us thinking what can we do to assure the safety of our pets in the case of a disaster. As most of you may already be aware, in the event of a natural or man made disaster that would require the use of emergency public shelters, such shelters will NOT allow pets inside. So making sure you have a plan for your animals is critical to insure the survival of your pets.Each animal should have a crate or carrier equipped with food and water dishes and ready to go at a moments notice. The crate should be permanently marked with the pets name, microchip information, make sure the chip registry has your current information current rabies vaccination information, owners name and any medical information, including prescription drugs and dosages your pet is taking. This can assist rescue workers in saving your pet and reuniting you in the event that you and your pet become separated. Make sure you pet is familiar with and comfortable in the crate before the crate is needed in a crisis. It is also a good idea to attach a loop type leash that can quickly and easily be slipped around the animals neck ifwhen it must be removed from the crate.Each member of the family should maintain their own personal emergency kit. Have copies of your own ID, as well as other important papers in your kit. Keep copies of these papers in your car as well as in your emergency travel kit. It is also a good idea to keep copies of these in a safe deposit box in case the other copies are lost. Your kit should contain a change of clothing, an all weather insulated blanket that can reflect sun and heat as well as keep in warmth, a sweatshirt, hoody or other jacket that can be put on or off as needed and which does not take up a lot of space. A rain slicker, sturdy durable shoes that will hold up if one must walk to safety. Each individuals kit should also contain a flashlight with extra batteries, a small battery operated radio with extra batteries, several days supply of any critically needed prescription medications such as asthma inhalers, insulindiabetes medications, heart medications, etc. These kits should also include scissors, a knife, a full water bottle, protein barsjerkydried fruit or other nonperishable foods, a can opener, adhesive bandages, Vetwrap type flexible bandages, antiseptic, stop bleed, aspirin, Tylenol, antihistamines in case of insect bites, needles, thread, soap, hand sanitizer, disinfectant, rubber gloves, wetwipes, tissuestoilet paper, toothbrush, other personal hygiene items as may be required, plastic bags, matches andor lighter in a water proof container, a Leatherman type multi tool, pen, paper, a map of your local area, emergency phone numbers, including the contact information for your familys contact person, a book andor deck of cards and other items that you feel could be useful in an emergency. Each individual kit should be updated regularly.I also maintain a kit specifically for the dogs. Many of us who show maintain such kits already. We call them tack boxes, but for an emergency kit trim out the grooming and show paraphernalia which will make the kit more portable. Both human and canine kits should be easily accessible and ready to go on a moments notice.Remember that in an emergency people often forget things that they otherwise know readily such as phonenumbers. So write down and carry with you any information that could be needed but might be forgotten in the stress of an emergency.Disaster planning experts recommend that you secure in interior room of your home, one without windows, and stock it with emergency supplies. In addition to the items listed for the personal kits, the safe room should be supplied with water to last each family member 72 hours. The Office of Homeland Security recommends a gallon of water per day per person. The amount needed for pets would of course be dependant on the size of the pet. The OHS also recommends keeping a supply of water in your vehicle in case you become stranded during an evacuation attempt. Emergency food rations should also be included in your emergency safe room as well as your vehicle. Canned and dry foods are good choices to stock in your safe room and vehicle. Fire extinguishers, flares, sleeping bags, tape and rolls of plastic are other useful items to keep in your safe room or car. Sporting goods stores and military surplus stores carry items for purifying water as well as other supplies that could be useful in stocking your safe room and vehicle.It is important that you and your family have an emergency contact person who lives well away from your area and who is not likely to be affected by the same disaster that you might find yourself in. Discuss the responsibilities that this person will have, should disaster strike, well in advance of such disaster. Make sure this contact person has information about you families whereabouts during the course of a normal day and that the person has contact information for each member of the family. This person should have basic health information about each family member including your pets, a list of medications for each person and pet. This person should also have contact information for physicians and veterinarians as well as local emergency numbers.Each family member should always carry with them the name address and phone number of the contact person and should be instructed to contact this person as quickly as possible if separated from the family during an emergency. This can mean the difference between a lengthy worrisome separation and knowing that your loved one is safe and will be reunited with you as soon as possible. This contact person will act as a liaison between other family members as well as emergency and rescue personnel. This person will coordinate and relay information that will facilitate reuniting your family members as well as keeping you informed of important information.Another very important point that pet owners must keep in mind is the fact that disaster areas are breeding grounds for disease. Make sure your pets are current on vaccinations, particularly rabies. For those who are worried about the routine vaccination for diseases such as distemper and parvo, it is advisable to have titer levels done on your pets as advised by your veterinarian in order to be sure they are still protected from these diseases.Animal lovers must remember that pets can carry and transmit diseases to human, so extreme caution must be used when approaching unknown animals in a disaster area. Stray animals in a disaster area may have been exposed to any number of zoological diseases and they may also be carrying parasites that could transmit deadly diseases such as plague to the humans who might try to help them. Make sure your pets are as protected as possible from becoming ill themselves or becoming potential vectors for causing illness in humans.If you must evacuate your home and leave your pets behind, make sure the pets are in an interior above ground room and not confined to their crates. Leave them with plenty of food and water perhaps fill the bathtub to provide them with water. Affix a sign to the door stating that there are pets within and if possible leave a list of the animals names, any health problems they each may have and the medications that each much take. If possible leave a supply of medications in the room but out of reach of the pets.While I hope that none of us have to experience an disaster situation at all, especially one that would require us to leave our pets behind, with some planning we can insure the greatest chance of survival for both our human and animal family. jJ'CONSIDERATIONS FOR DOG BREEDERSBy Geneva CoatsGenes are the factors, which determine the inheritance of characteristics from parents. Every trait that is present in a dog, from his personality to his structure to his physiologic functioning, has its basis in genetics. Health disorders can be produced in a breeding program, which range from mild to severe. A breeder must prioritize and work to eliminate the problems, which cause the most pain and suffering.When a genetic disorder is suspected, there are four questions, which must be addressed1. Has a genetic origin of the problem been verified2. What is the incidence of this problem3. What is the mode of inheritance4. How can recessive carriers be identifiedTo verify a genetic basis for a disorder, other causative factors for a condition must be ruled out. While in the uterus, were the puppies exposed to drugs, chemicals or infectious bacteria or viruses Did uterine crowding or lack of amniotic fluid cause a physical deformity Overdoses of vitamins and minerals in the diet have been proven to cause a variety of problems, such as cleft palate, heart defects and skeletal anomalies. Seizures have a wide variety of causes, including infection, low blood sugar, calcium imbalances, and birth trauma. Most disorders present at birth are isolated cases with little hereditary significance. However, if the problem appears again when one of the parents is bred to a different mate, or if the problem surfaces again in succeeding generations, then a genetic linkage must be considered. The unthinking assumption that all health and birth abnormalities are genetic in origin can be dangerous. Many veterinarians will take the easy route of blaming all health concerns solely on genetics. This is unfair and unfortunate. Irreplaceable bloodlines and the pride and morale of a breeder can bedamaged by thoughtless dismissal of causative factors for disease.A trait, which occurs among members of the same family, can be due to shared genes, shared environment, or a combination of genes and environment. Relatives are often exposed to the same environmental factors, such as climate, diet, stress, vaccinations, and toxic plants or chemicals. Research in every situation is necessary. For some health problems, the causes remain undetermined. Weigh the evidence before blaming parents and related bloodlines. However, it is imperative to be realistic, and not blame all congenital disorders on environmental causes.Incidence of a genetic problem in a certain breed may be difficult to accurately assess. Information in health registries is limited, as information sent to registries is usually on a voluntary basis. Sometimes breeders only submit their good results to the registries and databases, or they may submit no results and use their information only for their personal breeding program. Although information through registries may be limited, it is surely much betterthan no information at all. Information from registries can be invaluable to new breeders. Knowledge of the extended pedigrees of breeding stock is necessary and should be kept on record. Notate both depth of pedigree looking back at ancestors as well as breadth of pedigree looking at siblings and cousins in the pedigree. Keep in touch with your puppy buyers to know what health problems you may be producing.The mode of inheritance of a condition affects a breeding plan. Dominant traits are always evident, and easily eliminated by excluding affected animals from breeding plans. Recessive traits can lie undetected for generations. Unfortunately, the genes responsible for many genetic problems are recessive. Some diseases are produced through the interaction of several different genes. This type of disease is labeled polygenic, meaning that it requires multiple gene combinations for expression. Recently, there have been great strides in identifying genetic markers and the carriers for some diseases. Genetic markers have been found for approximately 15 different breed-specific diseases, including PRA,Letter Lrom The Editor Letters Tc The EditorAs you go through this issue you will read stories of sorrow and heartship across our great land, whether weather related or grief from death. As we reflect the approaching climax of another year in history, let us give thanks for the freedom we share in the USA and make time to love and enjoy our family, friends and Poms.Pomeranians are eager to show their gentle love, devotion and affection. They never nag, get mad or sit and pout. They dont hold grudges or keep tabs of our failures. They dont remind us of our forgetfulness or weaknesses. They never ask, Where are you going or Wfry are you doing that They dont complain about the type of food they eat or our cooking. Never has a Pom fussed how the furniture is arranged or about the housekeeping. Poms dont care if an outfit makes you look fat. Poms allow you watch your favorite TV channel and never tries to control the remote. Poms are always thrilled to see us even if we return home later than expected. If only we would imitate a few of our Poms virtues, how much better life would be. Brenda SegelkenI just wanted to say that I enjoyed reading Ken Griffiths thoughts on the Pom Standard in the last issue. I totally agree with him in what he saysRegards,Marie WixstromLittle PomPoms KennelSwedenI was very pleased to read Danielle Sartains viewpoint on the standard. I am impressed with how much she has learned in her short time in the breed. I think it would be interesting to read more of these viewpoints.Char Meyer Chars PomsGenetics Continued from Page 58Von Willebrands Disease, and copper toxicosis. However, this is a relatively small amount compared to the number of diseases that exist. An exciting prospect for the future is gene splicing and recombinant technology, which could eliminate many genetic problems.Further complicating the picture is the fact that some disorders which appear later in life may be acquired rather than genetic in origin. Some cardiac diseases, musculoskeletal problems, epilepsy, cancers, autoimmune diseases and eye disorders can be caused by injury, toxins, or infection during the course of the dogs lifetime.Most breeders are in agreement that affected dogs should not be bred. All breeds carry recessive genes for various health problems. For many health problems, no genetic test to determine carrier status currently exists. In the absence of a specific genetic test, identification of carrier status can be difficult to determine. If a dog producesa certain health condition in progeny with mates of different bloodlines, and environmental factors have been ruled out, a carrier status may be presumed. If carriers for recessive traits are identified, the next question is, should they be eliminated from a breeding populationWhen dealing with common breeds involving large, diverse gene pools, identified carriers can be eliminated with small risk of adversely narrowing the gene pool. In breeds with a small gene pools, as is the case with many pure breeds, elimination of identified carriers may not be the best strategy, as genetic diversity would become dangerously compromised. A genetic bottleneck can also occur when culling severely a trait that is widespread throughout a breed. One plan used by many breeders is to breed identified carriers only to individuals who test clear of a condition. This would eliminate producing affected individuals, while maintaining thegenetic diversity of the breed. The idea here is to gradually decrease the percentage of carrier dogs via selection down through the generations. This approach requires honesty on the part of the breeders and a willingness to work together. Asking breeders to eliminate suspected carrier dogs is asking them to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Working with them to help reduce the incidence of heritable health problems may require more patience and tolerance, but will ultimately improve the health status of your breed. And that is a goal we can all agree upon.References and recommended reading Isabell, Jackie Genetics, an Introduction for Dog Breeders Padgett, George A. Control of Canine Genetic Diseases and Willis, Malcolm B. Genetic of the Dog.I welcome your comments coatclosetmsn.comMichigan Pomeranian Chi6 SpecialtyQoodetis, Michigan Sept 17, 2005r\.OB OFfNon pScvUBOpTO ITThe 'Michigan Pomeranian Club Sweepstakes was judged 6y Mr. Laurie Johnson from Oakham, MABestJunior In SweepsChars Stride N gold- Char MeyerBest of Opposite to Best JuniorDreamWeavers First Light - Mike eZ Liz Welts eZ Linda PelzjBest Senior in SweepsWee Hearts Excuse Me - Laurie OtisBest of Opposite to Best Senior in Sweeps CH. Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown - L OtisBest Veteran in SweepsCSCJan-Sbars Dudly Doright - Bechy SabourinQrandSweepstakes winner Chars Stride '5V gold- Char MeyerRegular classes were judged by Mrs. Charlotte PattersonPuppy 6-9 mo winnerChars Stride IN gold- Char Meyer9-12 moDouble K Waco Kid- Kay eZ Hurt Fanson Bred ByHorizon Purple Haze - Laurie Otis Am BredCarmas James Colburn - Mary Ann Cargo Open BBBSapphires Night Move - Beth Shattucf Open ROCSReport by Donna MachniakCPixies Hot Lips - Carolgalavich, Donna Megenhardt, Evelyn NewyearAOACTinchsAllthe Right Moves 11 - DanielleSattain, Linda TaxWinners Dog - Double K Wacko Kid Reserve Winner - Horizons Purple Haze6-9 Puppy BitchAnimations Rochet J Squirrel - Lorinda Vasuta eZ Darren Lane 9-12 mos BitchTrudys Club Paris - Nancy oZ Bob Coddington 12-18 mos BitchWeeHearts Excuse Me - Laurie Otis Bred By ExhibitorTrudy s Hugs and Kisses - Nancy oZBob Coddington Open BBBTishas Aspiration - Ered eZ Pat Dieball Open ROCSJolvin Opaline Sweet as Sugar - Mel, Joan Beach eZ Ann SimmonsAOACTinchs Chars Kiss NTell Parti - Char MeyerWinners Bitch - Jolvins Opaline Sweet As Sugar Reserve Winner- Animations Rocker J SquirrelBest of BreedBest Of Winners - Double K Wacko KidBest Of Opposite Sex- Jolvin's Opaline Sweet as Sugar62 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewViir.,mUi-P-'VSfec Michigan Pomeranian Chu6 SpeciaCtyCjoodeths, Michigan Sept 17, 2005r\.OB OFrRoilcv-UB ofRonAIR5ms SiC LJ-a\ MiSKNovemberDecember2005 Ameranian Review - 63ReportBySaliyBaugnietU \\1 IAPCPRESIDENTS 1959-2005Anna Katherine Nicholas 1959, 1960Mrs. Dorothy E. Husted 1961, 1962Elsie Sivori 1963, 1964James J. Kermath 19 6 5Edna E. Girardot 1966, 1967, 1968Mary F. Casey 1969, 1970, 1971Matjorie Bullwinkle 19 7 2Marlene Scott 1973,1974,1975,1976Darrell Baker 1977, 1978Sophie Mayes 1979, 1980Nadine Hersil 19 8 1RobertaMassey 19 8 2Marlene Scott Halsey 1983, 1984Sue Goddard 1985, 1986Olga Baker 1987, 1988Dolores Watts 1989, 1990Mary Vickers 1991, 1992, 1993Dolly B. Trauner 1994, 1995, 1996BUSPMEfJames Shearer 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 Margaret McKee 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Marge Kranzfelder 2 0 0 5APC DELEGATES TO AKCCharles G. Husted 1959 - 1961W.W. Steinhauer 1962 - 1966Burt Bedell 1967 - 1970Kenneth E. Miller 1971 - 1975H. W. Pottebaum 1976 - 1980Fred Bassett 1981 - 1988SamZanoff 1989 - 1998Marge Kranzfelder 1999 - 2004Darrell Baker 2005EDITORS9x 6James Arima 1959, 60, 61RuthHBellick 1962,63Victoria B. Sweenie 1964, 65, 66, 67, 68 Sophie Mayesl969,70,71,72, 73, 74, 75,76,77, 78 Mrs. Elton Pat Lewis 19791979 published Jan, May, Aug, Nov. RobertaMassey 1980, 811980 published Feb, May, Aug, Nov.Phyllis Pereeny 1982, 831982 published Jan, April, July, OctPhyllis Ripley 1984, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89 1986 5 issues pa year, Jan April, July, Sept, Nov. 19891st color coverE. Bruce Drivers 1990Gail A Garvey 1991,921991 -11x 8 V, 6 issues payearDudley Roach 1993, 94,95, 96 97, 98, 99,2000 1993 - 9x 6, 1993 MayJune some colorpages Brenda Segelken 2001, 02, 03, 04, 05 2001 - llx 8 Vz7CIRCULATION MANAGERSBernice Lovelace Dorothy Husted John R. Probst Thelma M. Dunn J. Michael Meyer Patricia Brooks Judy Blocker Wanda Roach John Cribbs Brenda K Hutton Cheri McDonald1959 through 1967 1968 through 1970 1971 through 1972 1973 through 197619771978 through 1979 1980 through 1982 part of 1983 1983 through 1990 1991 through 2003 2004, 2005THE DELEGATES DEPARTMENT By Bert Bedell October 1970 Pomeranian ReviewThe summer vacation period does not as a rule afford much news for our column, the present year being no exception. We are therefore afforded an opportunity to reflect upon a matter of vital concern to all who breed, show and sell Pure Bred Dogs. The writer of course is concerned about this condition and the effect that it has upon the finest of all Toy Breeds, our Pomeranian It is understood that the condition is also of concern in Feline Circles as well.Recently, on a visit to the worlds largest airport, I was surprised at the volume of incoming crates filled with dogs arriving from every part of our country. The shipping tags of each were in effect similar FROM JOHN Q. BREEDER, ANY KENNEL, U.S A. TO XYZ PET SHOP, CUT RATE PLAZA ANYTOWN. Among the crates was one containing Pomeranians shipped to a local pet shop from a breeder in a western state. After a few days the Poms were found in the consignee Pet Shop offered for sale at 125.00. They were advertised as having all inoculations, having replacement guarantees and with AKC papers.Using simple arithmetic, it is reasonable to assume that shipping costs, rent, heat, light and all other Pet Shop operations, Veterinarian Fees, along with consistent large scale advertising, would add up to a good bit of money coming from the sale price. The Pet Shop stays in business because of profit realized from sales. What, may I ask, dear reader is the amount paid to the breeder From fairly reliable sources the amount paid the breeder in this instance was not over 40.00.Now we are concerned with correction of this condition if we as honest and reliable breeders are to survive. We have a right to concerned about the basic quality of Pomeranians being offered to the American public. We have a right to be concerned with competition in our business as it concerns the Puppy Factories. It is safe to say that breeders who sell to the Cut Rate Market are breeding their bitches as last and as often as the bitches can whelp.We learned from authoritative sources in the American Kennel Club that they are concerned with the Puppy Shop operations. They state, however so long as the Puppy Shops keep adequate records, identifying the dogs they sell that there is not much that can be done about the condition. AKC is also of the opinion that there are good and bad in both Puppy Shops and among breeders. The education of the buying public by breeders of good repute and integrity is believed by AKC to be the best answer to the problem.In the opinion of the writer the answer is as clear as ABC. A Strong Organization of Pure Bred Dog Breeders is most logical. AMERICAN BREEDERS COUNCIL, INC. seems like a good suggested name. Such organization would have a membership of carefully chosen breeders, dedicated in every respect to the improvement of their breeds. Such an organization could advertise and properly educate the American Dog Lovers of the reasons for purchase of the dog oftheir choice, from a reputable breeder. The oiganizafion could afford a place for breeders to advertise their present stock and also expect litters.Such collective effort, which could be realized, would afford the strength and opportunity to combat the evils, which plague our Pure Bred Dog business. The writer intends to submit this idea the Board of Directors at the September meeting. It would be rewarding to receive comment and constructive ideas and opinion Remember, you saw it in the Pomeranian Review. October 197064 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewN anine InfluenzaEvery year brings rumors of a new parvo or new kennel cough. This past September you might have received email reports of this new Canine Flu. Unfortunately, its existence is substantiated.The New Canine Flu, which has killed so many Greyhounds, is now in the domestic dog population. There is no prescribed, documented treatment and no vaccine. It has jumped species by feeding Greyhounds raw horsemeat that was infected with horse influenza. Horse influenza is avian flu, which jumped species from birds to horses. The indications are that there may be a potential cross contamination problem for humans. It is deadly. The CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is watching this disease. The domestic dog population is at present risk and show populations are now infected. The majority of veterinarians have never heard of the disease. It is not kennel cough but does mimic it.The period of incubation is 2-5 days. It is airborne. It can be transmitted by inanimate objects and clothing. Virtually all exposed will contract. The morbidity is 80 with 20 being sub clinically affected and shedding the virus. The course of the disease is four weeks. There are two forms, the milder and very extreme. Two weeks into the viral disease the dog looks like he is getting over the cough and then bacterial infections become an acute problem. Often the owner has reported the dog is well, only to find that a short time later an acute bacterial infection has taken over the dog in a matter of hours. The owners think the disease has run its course only to learn it hasnt really gotten started yet, so dogs are dying needlessly often due to pneumonia complications.Earlier rather than later treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is the best way to treat the disease. With proper vet care, it is hoped that there will only be a mortality of 1-5.Vets need to know this is not kennel cough so they will not utilize conventional kennel cough vaccine while ill this is contraindicated, and that they will monitor beyond the two-week period.For more information or to refer your vet, a link to the FLA Veterinary Alert and Advisory, which was put out by the FLA VET MED ASSOC, at the request of the State Vet., is Click on FVMA EMERGENCY ALERT CANINE INFLUENZA VIRUSNow is the time to rethink your vaccination programDecember is a good month to usually update your vaccination programs. It generally happens that most females are mid-season. But this year it is even more timely an issue. First, although there isnt any vaccination available to prevent the new Canine Flu, one rationale for updating other vaccines is to give your dogs a more favorable change of warding off this disease by their not having their resistance lowered by other preventable illnesses.But there is even a more likely reason to worry about canine communicable disease this year. Hundreds and hundreds of rescued animals from the Katrina and Rita storm areas have been flown and distributed to foster homes all over the US. These animals have been stressed and housed in crowded, cramped conditions. That equates to disease outbreaks.The old saying certainly applies here, An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 65Z V Pomeranian Club olGreater Des Moines, Inc.September 9, 2005The week of our September Specialty started with the news our show site had been taken over by the Governor of Iowa and was filled with 1,000 cots waiting for the arrival of 1,000 refugees from Hurricane Katrina The Des Moines Kennel Club was busy looking for another location. It was decided the show would go on. The Show Superintendent came prepared with tents that would be used on the racetrack at the fairgrounds. As the temperatures were forecasted in the upper eighties, it was not the best prospective location.Luck was with us as the refugees decided Iowa was not where they wanted to live. Thursday morning the cots were removed and the rings were set up. We had a lot of observers as the National Guard, Highway Patrol and local Church Groups were at the fairgrounds. On Friday morning 24 refugees arrived and were taken to Des Moines homes and hotels, sponsored by local churches.So our show went on, even with the confusion of that week. Only two dogs were absent and that was because of car troubles. Our auction was a huge success. We had lots of donations and we made over 700.00. Thanks to all who donated and purchased the unique items our members and friends contributed. Participating, by donations and buying helps allow a small specialty club put on shows. Our club has two specialties a year. Again, we thank you.Following our show our club put on a picnic for all the exhibitors. We always have wonderful food and a very good turn out. Im proud of the way our club works together and we all get along so well. It makes our shows successful and hopefully makes a good experience for the exhibitors. Love our Poms, Juanita FiddickSWEEPSTAKES - JUDGE MRS. TRICIA STANCZYKPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1BSS CHARS STRIKE TNT GOLD. BREEDEROWNER Charlotte Meyer2 FINCHS BETTER IN BLACK. BREEDER Diane Finch OWNER Charlotte MeyerPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1 POWERPOM ETERNITY BREEDER Pongsakom Pongsak OWNER Vinni JacobsenPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1 RADARS PRETTY AS APICTURE. BREEDEROWNER Fred C. Prince2 POM ACRES ICE PRINCESS. BREEDEROWNER Juanita FiddickPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1 ALDENS TAME-ME-TAMMY BREEDEROWNER Alden Janet Domrase2 POMPUF MIRACLE OTHE PHOENIX. BREEDEROWNER Bonnie Hodson, Gwen HodsonPOMERANIANS, Junior Bitches 12 Mos Under 18 moslOSS LINETREES WHISTERIALANE. BREEDEROWNER Mary BonnellBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES - CHARS STRIKE N GOLDBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX SWEEPS - LINETREES WHISTERIALANEREGULAR CLASSES JUDGE Ms. Sandra Goose AllenPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs 6 Mos Under 9 Mos1R CHARS STRIKE N GOLD. BREEDEROWNER Charlotte Meyer2 FINCHS BETTER IN BLACK BREEDER Diane Finch OWNER Charlotte MeyerPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs 9 Mos Under 12 Mos1 POWERPOM ETERNITY BREEDER Pongsakom Pongsak OWNER Vmni Jacobsen POMERANIANS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Dogs1TIMBEROAK LEVI DUKIN IT OUT. BREEDEROWNER Linda Byron Eichmeier POMERANIANS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 BEAVER CREEK GRAND SLAM REGGIE. BREEDEROWNER Tina BottorfF Jane LehtinenA. Zm4 TmV1 r -'i.___ ___ .1^ - l.m A68 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Review2 POMPUF LEADER OF THE PACK. BREEDER OWNER Bonnie Hodson Gwen Hodson3 KAMALAS KODIAK MOMENT. BREEDEROWNER Kathy LanndervillePOMERANIANS, Open Dogs Blk, Bm, Blue1 FINCHS SEE ME COMDSf. BREEDER Diane L Finch OWNER Charlotte Myer2 CLASSICS CAN YOU SAYHEMT BREEDER Pat Gross Amy Gross OWNER Roberta TompkinsPOMERANIANS, Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream Sable1AVZBW ACMES CONSIDER IT DONE. BREEDER Jeanette Malle OWNER Mary Allan and Jeanette Malle2 POM ACRES MR HOLLANDS OPUS. BREEDER Dennis Holland OWNER Juanita Fiddick3 COTTONTOP MISSOURI GAMBLER BREEDER Linda Mulso OWNER Lee Kraft4 POM ACRES AIR BUD. BREEDER OWNER Juanita FiddickPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches 6-9 Mos1 RADARS PRETTY AS APICTURE. BREEDEROWNER Fred C. Prince2 FINCHS TASTE OF DIAMONDS BREEDER Diane Finch OWNER Charlotte Meyer3 CLASSICS KISSIN DYNAMITE BREEDEROWNER Pat Amy Gross4 POM ACRES ICE PRINCESS. BREEDER OWNER Juanita FiddickPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches 9 -12 Mos1 ALDENS TAME-ME-TAMMY BREEDER OWNER Alden Janet Domrase2 POMPUF MIRACLE OTHE PHOENIX. BREEDEROWNER Bonnie Hodson Gwen HodsonPOMERANIANS, Twelve To Eighteen Month Bitches1RUNETREES WHISTERIALANE. BREEDEROWNER Mary BonnellPOMERANIANS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches 1AVOS PATRIOTS PRIDE N GLORY BREEDEROWNER Lee Kraft2 BEAVER CREEK MOVIN ON UP. BREEDER Tina M. Bottorff Jane Lehtinen OWNER Tina Bottorff3 CLASSICS LIVE WIRE. BREEDER OWNER Pat Gross Amy GrossPOMERANIANS, American-Bred Bitches 1 FINCHS CHARS KISS NTELPARTI. BREEDER Owner Diane L Finch OWNER Charlotte MeyerPOMERANIANS, Open Bitches Red, Orange, Cream Sable1 AC DYNASTY DREAMS OF LION. BREEDEROWNER Abel Choi2 POM ACRES NIKE. BREEDEROWNER Juanita Fiddick3 DAMASCUS ROAD DREAM OF SARASOTA. BREEDER Beverly A Carter OWNER Charlotte Meyer4 TTOBAMISS CONDUCT. BREEDER Owner Patricia Murk OWNER Joyce B WinkelsPOMERANIANS, Open Bitches AOAC WEEWYNS TOLLY AT LINETREE. BREEDER Cathy Anderson OWNER Mary BonnellBestofBreedCH FAME LONE RANGER BREEDEROWNER Brenda Segelken Best of Opposite Sex PATRIOTS PRIDE N GLORY Best of WinnersACMES CONSIDER IT DONE^ i""litNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 69CAiAoso r-2oosAcV^ANNorthernCaliforniaPomeranian Club Specialty emitsReported by Vivian StarkRegular classes6-9 Dogs1 Majis Daredevil of Pawegre2 Cinbows Shadow Darkness9-12 Dogs1 Park Avenues Shorty Bang Bang2 Jan-Shars Code Red12-18 Dogs1 La Rajus Just a Parti AnimalBred By Exhibitor Dogs1 Larajus Lil Eddie Bowzer2 Park Aves Putting on the RitzOpen Dogs ROCS1 Lessards Boisterous Serafina2 LaRajus Thank God its Friday3 Canton Curtain Call4 Lil Darlins the Need for SpeedOpen Dogs AOAC 1 Lil Darlins Irresistible Challenge6-9 Bitches1 Jan-Shars Gretta Garbo2 Precious Amazing Grace3 Royels Sweet N Sassy Bella Rose9-12 Bitches1 Dockilocs Ima Image of Daddy2 Mar-Ds First Episode3 Palisades Liberty BelleBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 Townsend Lil Darlins Moulin Rouge2 Poms DOr Chariots of Fire3 Palisades Angel in Waiting4 Lessards Wannabe Serafina70 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Bred Bitches 1 Precious Little JewelOpen Bitches ROCS1 Belstars Super Dream2 Larajus Bohemian Rhapsody3 Lil Darlins Private CollectionOpen Bitches BBB 1 Finchs Time to Shine N BlackWinners Dog Lessards Boisterous SerafinaReserve Dog Majis Daredevil of PawegreWinners Bitch Jan-Shars Gretta Garbo Reserve Bitch Belstars Super DreamBEST OF BREED Ch Starfires Hello Its El Hottie BEST OF WINNERS Lessards Boisterous Serafina BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX Ch Tokie N Dome Doi The Way You Make Me FeelBEST BRED BY EXHIBITOR LaRajus Little Eddie BowserSweepstakes Results Best In Sweepstakes Jan Shars Gretta GarboBest of Opposite Sex Sweepstakes Jan-Shars Code RedBEST JUNIOR HANDLER Justin D. Newbold_CAio---AWanV JQLvvBest Veteran Best InSpeciafty StowV A,Pomeranian CCu6 Of CanadaXalionatSpecially'Pomeranian CfuS Of Canada itunulSptehtty-t........,POMERANIAN CLUB F CAiADA 2005 SPECIALTY 1REIPIRTSubmitted by Christine SurteesWe started the Specialty weekend on Friday with a Pom Hospitality evening at our campsite at Ferrans Park. Bob Gibson was the PCOC Show Chairman.Marg Bauer, our sweeps judge, is a local Ottawa area Min Pin Breeder who has taken a great interest in Poms over the years. Her Best in Sweepstakes dog was Chris Heartz handsome boy. Her Bitch choice was one of Brenda Gibsons girls.Our Specialty judge was Mrs. Jackie Walsh from Middlesex, England. Mrs. Walsh commented on what a lovely range of dogs she had to judge. Her choices were BIS, BW, BP CHRISCENDO CONNEXION BOS - FINCHS SEE EM COMINOn Sunday, the Booster Judge, Mr. George Heitzman, chose Marie Jacques CH. FLASHINGSTARS TOP HAT AND TAILS for his Best of Breed and Group 1 dog. Larry Fox and FINCHS SEE EM COMIN went Best of Opposite and Catherine Bolahoods PINECRESTS MY BOY TROY, shown by her husband Wayne, took Best of Winners and Best Puppy.The raffle for the slate to be painted to order by Chris Heartz was won by Karen Palylyk of Abbotsford, B.C.Although this may not have been one of the larger entries for the National Specialty we had quality if not quantity in the show ring and everything ran pretty smoothly. I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend and had a safe trip home.SPECIALTY - Judge Jackie Walsh, Middlesex, England WINNERS MALE CHRISCENDO CONNEXION -Owner Breeder, Christine HeartzRESERVE WINNERS MALE FLASHINGSTARS TOP BRASS - Owner Breeder Marie Jacques Harold HildebrandtWINNERS FEMALE FINCHS SEE EM COMIN - Owner Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox, Breeder Diane Finch RESERVE WINNERS FEMALE POMAMANIAS TRIPLE A LICIOUS - OwnerBreeder Brenda GibsonBEST OF BREED CHRISCENDO CONNEXION BEST OF OPPOSITE FINCHS SEE EM COMINBEST OF WINNERS CHRISCENDO CONNEXIONBEST PUPPY CHRISCENDO CONNEXIONBEST VETERAN CH. FLUFFALOVES GUILTY AS SIN OwnerChristine Surtees, Breeder Barbara MacCrimmon, H.l.T. JOLVINS SPENCER, Owner Thelma MacDonald, Breeder, Joan and Mel BeechSWEEPSTAKES - Judge Margaret Bauer, Perth, Ontario WINNERS FEMALE POMAMANIAS TRIPLE A LICIOUS BEST IN SWEEPSTAKE CHRISCENDO CONNEXIONSUNDAY BOOSTER RESULTS - Judge Mr. G. Heitzman BEST OF BREED Group 1 CH. FLASHINGSTARS TOP HAT AND TAILS - Owner Breeder Marie Jacques Harold HildebrandtBEST OF OPPOSITE FINCHS SEE EM COMINBEST OF WINNERS, BEST PUPPY PUPPY IN GROUP PINECRESTS MY BOY TROY - OwnerBreeder Catherine Paige BolahoodNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 71NEWS AID HEWSby Barbara McClatcheyTonights my first night as a watchdog and here it is Christmas Eve.The children are sleepin all cozy upstairs, while Im guardin the stockins and tree. Whats that now Those steps on the rooftop Could it be a cat or a mouseWhos makin that noise in the chimney A bearded thief whos robbin the houseIm barkin, Im growlin, Im bitin his ankles. He howls and jumps back on his sleigh.I scare his strange horses, they leap in the air Ive frightened the whole bunch awayNow the house is all peaceful and quiet again. The stockins are safe as can be.Wont the kiddies be glad when they wake up tomorrow and see how Ive guarded the tree Author UnknownEVACUATINGBy the time you read this, hurricane season 2005 will be over and done with, but for those of us on the Gulf Coast as I write, it is still very present in our minds. I have just returned from evacuating needlessly, Im glad to say from Rita, and there is another tropical system brewing in the Caribbean. Heres the short version of my Excellent AdventureOn Tuesday, September 20,1 saw that the better part of valor would be to pack my van conversion mini-motorhome and get out of the way of Rita. Spent time putting in food and water for me and the 6 dogs including 3 Rescue fosters, enough for 2 weeks, packed up house title and other important papers, sorted out anything in the house that I would really miss THAT was a learning experience, and called Linda in Pearland, who was to have had a home visit on Wednesday for her application for Carl and Carlotta. She said she was really sorry we hadnt done it the previous week she could have taken them with her when she left. I suggested doing the home visit ON MY WAY out. I did, she passed, and I made sure she knew the problems involved. She loved Carl and Carlotta and took them both I provided a crate for evacuation transportation. I went on with only four dogs.Tuesday night I spent in the RV park at Traders Village north of Houston, then on to the RV park in Marble Falls.I called Linda Wednesday night, and she said she really wasnt sure that 2 dogs was such a good idea. I said we would be happy to take one or both of them back after I got home again. She called me on Friday night and announced that I would have to shoot her to get either one of them away from her A good placement.And I didnt have to have stinky Carl in my motorhome for a week. This dog smells really bad, especially when in a small area it isnt as bad when he is in a large house. We had his teeth cleaned of course when he was neutered, had the anal glands expressed, and I even paid the vet clinic to bathe him, since I couldnt do it with my cast on. But nothing helped. I warned Linda about this, but she doesnt mind. As I said, as long as hes not confined, its not so bad, and it may diminish with time.The dogs and I had a view of the Colorado River out the back of the motorhome, and walked down there in the evening when it was cool. Mostly it was too hot and sunny record temps to leave our air conditioning. Tiffany managed to talk me into training her once, briefly, but it was really too hot, and the RV park was up and down rather than flat, not good for Rally Im glad to be home.72 - NovemberDecember 200S APC Pomeranian Reviewp -IBy the way, Oliver offered to write this for me again, since I didnt get my cast off because of evacuating for Rita, but after seeing what he wrote the last time, I declined.WHAT TO TAKE WHEN YOU EVACUATEThere was a really good article in the Pom Review a year or two ago on what to take when you have to leave home suddenly, all about your important papers, house title, insurance records, birth certificates, registration papers, etc. Im not going to add to that except to mention some of the oddities I found myself packing. I looked around my home and asked, What would I really miss if this place were destroyed as homes were in New Orleans I had very little packing space what with 6 dogs and supplies for all of us. I did pull out most of my photo albums and wrap them in plastic bags. And I packed just one of my cup-and-saucer collection. The ivory ball-within-a-ball-within-a-ball that had belonged to a grandmother. A few pieces of antique jewelry that belonged to my grandmothers. I keep a Bible and a Shakespeare in the motorhome all the time, but I picked irreplaceable books to take with me, mostly out-of-print childrens books which I re-read during my enforced vacation. And then there was the dog stuff. I grabbed Olivers dual set of Utility articles, both the dumbbell-type and the basketbaby shoe kind. And of course his Utility gloves and the two plastic dumbbells. Then there was the set of miniature Rally signs with their tiny plate holders for doing quickie Rally course set-ups. I always keep a copy of the ObedienceRally Regulations and Rally Sign book in the motorhome anyway. And I took all my judging contracts, in case my phone number and address should change suddenly. You do learn a lot about yourself at a time like that. SASSY GIRL SHEFFIELD UD By Lisa SheffieldThe first time I saw Sassy, it was love at first sight. My husband and I were having our daughters sixteenth birthday at a Misty Hollow Farms in Millington, TN. Jerry and Lisa Tennyson own it and Sassys mother Pearl. Lisa and I had been friends for a while and she invited me into her house to see some new babies. Sassy stood out as she was the only cream in her litter. She has two orange sable siblings, one male and one female along with an orange sister.I told Lisa she was mine, if she hadnt already sold her. She said she hadnt. I counted the days until I could pick her up and visited several times in between. I had never heard of obedience training.Growing up, I loved watching Lassie and wanted to have a friend like her. So, I decided I wanted to learn how to teach Sassy to be my friend. I asked several of my co-workers who had dogs if they knew anywhere you could learn to train dogs and Dogwoods was recommended to me. So in May of2000 Sassy and I began our date nights. Needless to say, Sassy was one of the smallest in the beginner class but she had spunk and was a very quick learner unlike her handler. I enjoyed taking Sassy and it made her happy as well.In September 2001, Joann Geeslin, our instructor, asked if I was interested in showing Sassy. I had no clue what she was talking about. She explained to me about AKC Obedience trials and told me I should take Sassy to get her CGC at the St. Jude Showcase of Dogs in October. I took her up on it and Sassy passed with flying colors. I also saw my first obedience trial. I thought to myself that I could do that. It didnt look too hard. I worked and Sassy got her CD at the St. Jude Showcase of Dogs in October 2002 showing and placing for all three legs that weekend. I was hooked.I moved to the Open class with Sassy, and it took nine months to get Sassy to want to retrieve the dumbbell. She enjoyed jumping the jumps and I enjoyed our date nights so we kept with it. I wanted to get the CDX with her and then quit. I entered her in fall shows and again Sassy got her CDX in three consecutive shows in 2003 placing each time. Isnt that what you are supposed to do I wasnt confident in myself that I could teach her the utility exercises. But myinstructors said that I had taught her all the groundwork for the utility exercises and were confident Sassy could get a UD if I wanted to pursue it. I continued to show Sassy in Open B just for the fun of it. Each show, I would watch the folks in Utility B who made it look so easy. I decided to go for it. I knew that we could do it in three shows just like we did for the CD and CDX.I worked and worked with Sassy on each exercise and thought to myself self, she can do this and so can you. You got her other two titles no sweat so this one will be a piece of cake. So I set my goal to show her in the fall of2004. Our first show was in September in Hot Springs, AR. This is also was when I first realized you and your Pom play mindgames with each other during the utility exercises. You know they know the exercises and it becomes a matter of if they want to do the exercises or not. That is also when you realize you may have an attention deficit Pomeranian. I was introduced to the term green dog at this show. Needless to say, Sassy stood and looked at me like I was invisible on the signal exercise. The judge tells you to relax like you can even though you know you just NQd. Of course, in Utility Performance Continued on Page 74L--------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------JNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 73Continued From Page 73A it becomes a training session but who is training who may be the question. We made it through the article exercises, gloves, and moving stand and then came directed jumping. Sassy loves to jump. So, I sent her out and she didnt sit. The judge told me to send her to the bar jump. She went over the high jump. At this point the judge looks at me and tells me to pick whichever I wanted her jump. Not Sassys plan. I sent her out and she went promptly to the bar jump, jumped it and immediately turned and stopped and looked me with that Pomeranian grin letting me know she picked the jump. Getting a chuckle from the judge who stated, She wasnt going to let you pick was she Thank God, I had only entered her one day that weekend as we obviously had work to do but I did have her entered in a couple of more shows coming up in October.One of those shows was in an outdoor bam in Benton, AR. Not good for newbie up and coming utility Pomeranian. We made it through the signal exercise on the second day of this show and I was feeling very confident that we might have our first utility leg when it happened. I sent Sassy out to get her first article and she was diligently looking for it when a pigeon feather stuck to her little wet nose as she worked the pile. She stood frozen for a moment-looked frantically at me and ran to me for help. Just as I bent down to wipe the feather off she quickly licked her nose and swallowed the feather. Needless to say there were no other problems.I was really hoping to get our UD by Christmas 2004, but it was not in Sassys plan. One show she literally bowed on the down signal. One show she would anticipate the jump. One show got the wrong article. Well, she finally decided to do everything and we got our first leg in Jackson, MS in December 2004. She got first place and was the only dog to qualify. I was very proud of her. We finished her title in Pine Bluff, AR for my Valentines present 2005 also placing each time. Now we are hopeful for a UDX sometime but Sassy doesnt think I will be able to handle that right now as she decides which exercise she needs me to work harder with her in utility and whether or not she wants to stay sitting on the open stays. Laying down is much easier you know. But she does stay quite well. And she always has that beautiful grin and brown eyes that I cannot possibly get mad at. So I am sure when Sassy decides to, she will get her UDX.TITLES, WE GOT TITLESSorry, only Agility titles this time, and only through June. Your columnist did not receive other titlest in time to get them in.AKC OBEDIENCE AND AGILITYNovice AgilityKoteris Skye Guy NANAJ, 53005, Allison Holloway Frazee, ILP Smokie Carebear Slininger NA, 52205, Debra Michael Slininger Valentines June Bug NA NAJ, 52805, Miranda Terri Valentine Novice Agility JumperAis Wind Beneath My Wings NAJ, 52705, Darlene Hunt Kielys Miss Lilly Belle NAJ, 52205, Amanda Kiely Koteris Skye Guy NAJ, 52905, Allison Holloway Frazee, ILP Ursa Minors Secret Agent NAJ, 52705, Diana Huntress Valentines June Bug NA NAJ, 52805, Miranda Terri Valentine Sundown N Janesas Chance Event NAJ, 62505, Camilla Knight Novice Agility PreferredLonestars Lady Foxy Roxy NAP, 5105, Kylo Murray-Gann Novice Agility Jumper PreferredHot N Spicy Cocoa NANAJ NJP, 52805, Kathi M. Gullace Lonestars Lady Foxy Roxy NAP NJP, 52205, Kylo Murray-Gann Oh Behave Dobie Boy NJP, 52705, Heather MckimRuffgaates Flicker In Time NJP, 52905, Heather Mckim Barbara Krzewicki Sundowns Regina Elizabeth NJP, 51505, Janice Smith, ILP Open AgilityDiesel OA OAJ, 53005, Lindsay Hamish, ILPLymans Little Lazer Jet OA OAJ, 5705, Judy Thompson, ILPJudy writes about Lazer My Lazer sometimes has the attention span of a bug, but he has a big fan club in Michigan because of his cuteness He again humiliated me this weekend by finishing only two of his six runs in Excellent A - when he was done paying attention after a few obstacles and would try to run out of the ring looking for his treats and I told him to "SIT , he would roll over and look like I was going to beat him This always causes my agility friends to yell, Quit beating your dog, Judy Then today when he did almost a full course and only ran by a few obstacles and did go over the final jump, he got more cheers than some of the fastest and most accurate dogs. He makes everyone laugh just because of hiscuteness and entertainment value. Stans Black Sky Is The Limit OA NAP OAJ OJP, Stan Halifko74 -NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Reviewr tFalcons Autumn Breeze OA OAJ, 6405, Kathryn DeCastro Poolside Au Naturel OA OAJ, 6405, Susan Major Open Agility JumperDiesel NA OAJ, 52905, Lindsay Hamish, ILP Poolside Au Naturel OA OAJ, 6405, Susan Major Open Agility PreferredPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA OAP OAJ OJP, 52105, Lois MorkasselLois writes August 6,2005 at 4RK9s UKC agility trial in the Amanas, Li, Flitter finished her UACHX The UKC Agility Champion Excellent was the highest agility title that'could be earned until Aug 1,2005 when the new rule changes took effect. The requirements for the UACHX are 5 legs out of ' UAGUIclasses under 3 judges with scores of196-200. There is a combination of equipment usedfrom the UAGIand UAGIIclasses with the additional challenge of handling the weave poles and table with 6 lateral or send distance and 2 piece ofequipment that are designated to be handled with the dog on the right side.Flitter started on this title Aug 9,2003. We only have 2 weekends a year that we can try for the UKC agility trials so it took until 2005 to finish. In 2003 she had 4 trials on the first weekend and earned 2 legs, both 200s andfirst places and 1 was a HIT. In 2004 she had 3 trials on thefirst weekend and earned 1 leg with a 199 and a first, and 4 trials on the 2nd weekend and earned her 4th legwith a 198 and first place. She finished this year with a 200 and first place. The same weekend that Flitter earned her UACHX, she earned herfirst U-CD leg. The following weekend at Fort Dodge, IA, she finished her U-CD. Flitter is now UACHX UCD Pom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA, OAJ, OAP, OJP, ThDesv, BPDX, VCC, CGC, UKC HTTx2, FFX-AP2, FFX-AG IIri is working on her UACH and is picking up points tofinish that title. The UKC Agility Champion title requires 100points based on the dogs score with points awarded to scores of196-200. Thepoints are earned out of the UA GI and UA GU classes with at least 40points coming form the UA Gil class.On Sat, Aug 13, 2005 at Fort Dodge, IA, Iri earned High Combined in Agility in trial 1. I was so proud of my little girl She has had to overcome a lot of problems in showing not the least of which is afear of people on the course since shefell offthe teeter and was knocked out due to ajudge crowding us on the course last spring Iri is UAGIIPomAcres Iridescent Dragnfly NA, NAJ, ThDesv, CGC, UKC HC, FFX-AG"Tappy OA OAP OAJ OJP, 52905, Keiko Izumi, ILP Ursa Minors Autumn Leaves OA OAP OAJ OJP, 52905, Diana Huntress Open Agility Jumper PreferredTappy OA NAP OAJ OJP, 52805, Keiko Izumi, ILP Ursa Minors Autumn Leaves OA NAP OAJ OJP, 52705, Diana Huntress Agility ExcellentHoneys Bouncing Bager Boy AX OAJ, 52805, Lou Ann Groth Excellent Agility JumperWhat About Me OA AXP AXJ AJP, 61005, Trudy Kiefer Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredNotorious Tory Borealis NAJ AJP, 5105, Colleen Crowe Master Excellent JumperLittle Miss Turbo CD AX NAP MXJ NJP, 52905, Mona Gitter Master Agility Excellent PreferredKodiak Bear On Fowlers MT. MXP MJP, 5605, Janet Sankey Master Agility ChampionMACH Walters Teasie Tootsie, 52905, Patricia Walters MACH April May Wicket Moxon, 61805, Todd Moxon Gail Donaldson Master Anility Champion 2MACH2 Maya Mango Shes A Delight, 62505, Betsy RybaDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to www.americanpomeranianclub.orgAmerican Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. AH Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.Congratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience and AgilityDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Call 979-297-7383 E-mail Why not join our E-group Brags and advice available at"MiTaffy during Hurricane Katrina evacuation________NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranisn Review - 75 i-v m4 IPOMERANIAN CLUB o___i___ oo onSeptember 23, 2005 , flf' ..By Connie Zieba Photos by John David ZiebaThe Dallas-Fort Worth Pomeranian Club held its 46th Fall Specialty Show on Friday, September 23, 2005, in Fort Worth, Texas. The event was truly a momentous occasion as almost insurmountable circumstances threatened to overwhelm the show. The first challenge came from Hurricane Katrina as a large group of displaced citizens of New Orleans were brought to Fort Worth to shelter in the very building the show was scheduled to be held in. A new show location had to be arranged and many concessions to the new area had to be made. Next Hurricane Rita sent 2.7 million residents of Houston fleeing to safety. This included many people who were participating in the Specialty, including Darrell Olga Baker, Carolyn Crockett, Sue Tim Goddard, Valerie Humbird, Robert Kennedy, and Virginia Watkins.Finally the mass exodus and approaching hurricane also affected the travel plans of Houstonian, Erika Moureau, who had been selected as the Regular Non-Regular Classes Judge. A new judge had to found in a hurry and Mr. Don Sutton graciously answered the call.Exhibitors Audrey Roberts and Jessie Johnson and their husbands successfully made the grueling journey from Houston to Fort Worth in time for the Specialty, enduring many hardships along the way. John David and Connie Zieba also made it to the show after spending 17 hours on the road traveling less than 300 miles.The Show Committee, Dallas-Fort Worth Club, Judges, and Exhibitors carried on with good humor, strong resolve, and the hospitality they are known for. The resulting Specialty was a wonderful event with beautiful Poms, gracious exhibitors, and warm and welcoming club and committee members. Judge Don Sutton and Sweeps Judge Barbara Moore were friendly, helpful, and delightful to be around.Sweepstakes Judge, Mrs. Barbara Moore from Paris, Texas, selected Cutiepyes Whizeewig as the Best in Sweepstakes winner. Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Sweepstakes was awarded to Dreamweavers Tiramisu.The Best of Breed competition was comprised of a large group of truly exceptional Pomeranians. In addition to handsome Winners Dog Ransom N DW Midnight Caper, and adorable Winners Bitch Jeribeth Mini Vini, eight very attractive Specials were in the ring.Judge Don Sutton awarded CH Celestials Classic Image with the title of Best of Breed. Monster is a real sweetheart and owner handler Nancy Reed was thrilled with the honor.Best of Winners awardee Ransom N DW Midnight Caper is a fun-loving boy who loves to mug for the camera. CH Majestics Dream Come True was selected Best of Opposite Sex to Best of Breed.Mr. Sutton finished the show by awarding Best Bred By Exhibitor to DreamWeavers Cracklin Fire and then naming Jeribeth Mini Vini as Best Puppy in Regular Classes.The trophy table was covered with a beautiful antique tablecloth depicting a hand painted Pomeranian. A splendid arrangement of flowers supplied by Kevin Orr graced the table. Trophies included royal pet feeders, animal print dog beds, and fabulous Pomeranian jewelry boxes handmade by Jackie Hirshberg. The Cookston-Patrick Challenge Trophy was given to the Best of Breed winner as well as a luxurious dog bed and plush dog toys.Diane Steadman performed the duties of Chief Ring Steward. Diane insured the smooth running of the Specialty andwas bright and cheerful throughout. Jackie Hirshberg, Kevin Orr, and Elizabeth Bobby Pietzsch chaired the committees for trophies, advertising, hospitality, catalog sales, and grounds. They did a fantastic job with everything. Cindy Boulware served as Show Chair and Show Secretary, and serves as President of the Dallas-Fort Worth Pom Club. Cindy was her usual wonderful self, friendly and efficient in every way.At the conclusion of the Specialty Show, most of the exhibitors and club members proceeded to a nearby restaurant for the traditional after-show dinner. An excellent restaurant called the Blue Mesa was the scene for much socializing and celebrating.Sherry Dollar, Dawn Freeman, Brenda Heimbach, Jessie Johnson, Bronya Johnston, Carol Kivch, Kevin Orr, Linda Pelz, Bob Pietzsch, Nancy Reed, Annette Rister, and Audrey Roberts stepped into the ring with truly outstanding Pomeranians. It was a pleasure and a treat to watch these fine exhibits being presented.In the midst of so much stress and worry about Hurricane Rita, the Club managed to hold a truly superb SpecialtySWEEPSTAKES JUDGE - Mrs. Barbara MooreSweepstakes Puppy Dogs, 6 Months Under 9 Months1st - DREAMWEAVERS CRACKLIN FIREBreeders Owners Linda Pelz Michael WellsSweepstakes Puppy Dogs, 9 Months Under 12 Months1st - CUTIEPYES WHIZEEWIGBreeder Adrienne PyeOwners Sue Goddard Adrienne PyeSweepstakes Puppy Bitches, 6 Months Under 9 Months1st - DREAMWEAVERS TIRAMISUBreeders Linda Pelz Michael WellsOwners Linda Pelz, Elizabeth Michael WellsSweepstakes Puppy Bitches, 9 Months Under 12 Months1st-JERIBETH MINI VINIBreeder Owner Olga Baker76 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranmn ReviewBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESCUTIEPYES WHIZEEWIGBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES DREAMWEAVERS TIRAMISUREGULAR NON-REGULAR CLASSES JUDGE - Mr. Don SuttonPuppy Dogs, 9 Months Under 12 Months1st - CUTIEPYES WHIZEEWIGBreeder Adrienne PyeOwners Sue Goddard Adrienne PyeBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1st - DREAMWEAVERS CRACKLIN FIREBreeders Owners Linda Pelz Michael WellsAmerican-Bred Dogs1st - SWEETHEARTS TEXAS TWO STEP Breeder Kathy Carroll-Hidalgo Owner Carol Kivch Open Dogs1st - RANSOM N DW MIDNIGHT CAPER Breeder Anna Ransom Owner Linda PelzWINNERS DOGRANSOM N DW MIDNIGHT CAPER RESERVE WINNERS DOG DREAMWEAVERS CRACKLIN FIREPuppy Bitches, 9 Months Under 12 Months 1st-JERIBETH MINI VINI Breeder Owner Olga Baker Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitches 1st - DREAMWEAVERS TIRAMISU Breeders Linda Pelz Michael Wells Owners Linda Pelz, Elizabeth Michael Wells Open Bitches1st - KEEPSTAKES STAR SPANGLED BANNERBreeder Jessie Klein Bob PietzschOwner Jessie KleinWINNERS BITCHJERIBETH MINI VINIRESERVE WINNERS BITCHKEEPSTAKES STAR SPANGLED BANNERBEST OF BREEDCH CELESTIALS CLASSIC IMAGEBreeder Celeste Favilla Solano Owner Handler Nancy ReedBEST OF WINNERSRANSOM N DW MIDNIGHT CAPERBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST OF BREEDCH MAJESTICS DREAM COME TRUEBreeders Owners A. Rister, C. Creed, B. Turner, T.TurnerBEST PUPPY IN REGULAR CLASSES JERIBETH MINI VINI BEST BRED-BY-EXHIBITOR DREAMWEAVERS CRACKLIN FIRE0 iVn-- -tithROXANNE COLLINS Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405 W. 650N, Fair Oaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netfOur question for this issue is What do you use for tearstains on your PomsFor tearstains, I wash the face and eye area carefully daily with a wet facecloth. For bad stains, I wet a cotton pad not cotton ball with Revlon Non-oily Eye Makeup Remover or Maybelline Expert Eyes Non-oily Eye Makeup Remover. Gently soak the area under the eye with the eye makeup remover. Be sure not to touch the eyes. Then wet a clean cotton pad with water and gently rub off most of the dried material. Then I take a flea comb and comb out what is left. You will be amazed a how much gook is there. Then wet another cotton pad with water and cleanse again. Then I take just a dry cotton pad and dry up the area. Voila Clean eyes. If you do this at least once a week, you will have clean eyes.I have a white boy and use Shaws Pretty Eyes Lotion daily. Two weeks before a show, I also use Terramycin ointment antibiotic daily. Ive been told his eyes look greatI have had the same problem with my puppies. I took them to my vet and he said it was blocked tear ducts. He checked for this by putting a dye in the eyes and it should have turned the nose green, it didnt. He said it could be fixed but would most likely become blocked again. He suggested to wait the problem out and see if it didnt correct itself as the pups got bigger. In the meantime he sent home some Durafilm Opthmolic drops as a preventative. The drops worked great. I didnt have to do it on a continuous basis, only if the tearing got out of hand. The pups eventually grew out of their tearing problem so the ducts must have opened up enough to allow drainage to the proper location. I didnt go back to the vet to have them rechecked.You can try Colloidal Silver. It kills bacteria which can cause the eye to drain. Put it in the eye and around the eye. Revival carries it. Use only real colloidal silver. This also works great for puppy mange that they can get on their face.Make sure your vet does an eye stain to make sure the dog doesnt have clogged tear ducts. How can your vet give accurate diagnoses without a tearstain test Probably your best bet is to find a certified dog ophthalmologist if your dog has a chronic issue. Thats what I would do. Did the vet check for dystocia ingrown eyelashes which could also cause eye irritation and excess watering.Ingrown eyelashes can be removed. There is also entropia where the lid rolls the lashes in towards the eye and this too can be fixed surgically. I have found both of these conditions in Poms. I had one Pom that didnt produce enough tears and had to have drops the rest of her life. There are clogged tear ducts in Poms very commonly which cause runny eyes. This too can be fixed surgically but most do not. Its not a threat to the dog just more of a nuisance. Its a very expensive surgery to fix. Breeders should be aware as it is a problem that can be bred out. A dog with the problem should not be bred to another dog with the same problem. In Poms one must choose your evils when breeding and its more of a cosmetic issue than a life threatening issue.On orange dogs we only have to get back to orange. Ive found that a little Peroxide on a cotton ball or swab bleaches the dark area under the eye back to orange in about a weeks time if done daily and doesnt irritate the eye if a little gets in it. On white and parti dogs it would not work, it would only turn them yellow.78 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewI use Bausch Lomb tears and most any kind of eye wipes for cleaning. Put a pinch of Tylan powder in their food each evening. I only do this for the dogs that are showing, or I would put it into the water.I wash the Pommies faces with a regular baby wipe, then go down their back, flip the wipe over, down the tummies, and across their fannys, for a complete quickie bathI do everyone at least once a week, or when their eyes look goopy, seems the cream Poms need it a bit more often, but that may be because I just notice it moreSimply use warm cloth each day to wipe eyes. Then use some cornstarch and boric acid powder mixed half and half to pat into stains. Powder will help bleach while absorbing stains. Another solution is 1 T. boric acid powder in 1 c. boiling water. Mix and place in a Rubbermaid container with makeup remover cotton pads. Each day, wipe the eyes with one of the pads. Make a new batch each week to avoid infections caused by bacterial growth. For real tough stains, use the half and half comstarchboric acid powder listed above add water and form into a paste. Apply the paste cautiously on stains and let dry. Once dried, brush off and wipe clean. Be careful not to allow any of the powder to enter the eyes, may lead to an eye ulcer. Boric acid powder can be found in larger drug stores.For prevention there is a flower essence called eyebright that can be digested by adding it to their food. It only takes a drop or two once a day. I also have had good results from giving an eye lubricant once a day, something like Refresh, but dont use the medicated ones for red eye.I use veterinary eyewash on them once a day and after hikes, to flush out any allergens. I find a sterile gauze pad works best no paper lint or cotton fibers to shed into the eye, which can occur with regular facial tissue or cotton balls.Eye stain remover for dogsMix 12 peroxide and 12 WooliteMix the peroxideWoolite mixture to 12 part waterUse this mixture same as you would dog shampoo. Allowto sit on the stain 5 minutes. Shampoo out with dogshampoo.Our question for the next issue isWhat do you do when you encounter the winter dudley noseSuggestions and techniques in this article are the opinion of each individual contributor. The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. and the Pomeranian Review does not endorse or recommend any procedure or accept responsibility of their use. Always consult a professional, legal council andor a licensed veterinarian.Book Report By Joan BehrendHIGH STAKES by Ron HevenerRon Heveners press introduction to his book, High Stakes reads as follows High Stakes, a commentary on the animal rights movement and its threat to today s society, is being called one of the mostpowerful novels ever written for animal lovers. When I read that statement, I believed the book would be a long diatribe on where the animal rights movements are failing. I couldnt be more wrong. Ron Hevener wrote an entertaining love story with which to illustrate his views.The book begins with a hiker finding a seriously wounded greyhound wandering on amountain. After the dogs recovery, the dogs tattoo number traces him back to a greyhound racing kennel where he had been bom. Clue had been given to a greyhound rescue group earlier with a promise that they had home for him, and the kennel owners and Clues new owner try to investigate why he was not placed as promised, but wandering miles away seriously injured.A wonderful relationship starts, and Clues new owner is introduced to the greyhound racing world, and the animal rights groups and individuals who are against our animal sports.Ron Hevener uses fiction to illustrate the lengths that PETA, ALF Animal Liberation Front, and other like groups will go in the name of protecting animals. He illustrates the point that many of these groups are run by fanatics who will not be afraid to harm people, property, or the animals they are professing to protect, just to make a point. In the book, a greyhound racing kennels coalition has to fight against legislation to shut down their sport, and also fight against acts of vandalism and violence.The last third of the book is real life reports of the vandalism and violence that we have experienced in the last few years in the name of animal rights. In the dog show world we have seen isolated incidents of this vandalism, and it concerns all of us.High Stakes can be purchased from the authors website, for 12.95. While you are there, take a look at the beautiful dog watercolors and ceramics done by the author. An earlier book written by the author is about dog kennels, The Blue Ribbon and he has done a line of ceramics of the breeds in the book. He has a ceramic Pomeranians in five different colors and patterns, and a beautiful Pomeranian watercolor, both of which can be purchased on his site.RCCVPomeranian Club of Central VirginiaFuturity Stakes June 25, 2005Richmond, VA ResultsJudge Mr. John Cipollina, Aylett, VAPuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos., Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - STEALURHEARTS ANNIE GETCHA GUN. 09282004. Ch. Chriscendo Call To Arms - Idlewyld Uve Got AFriend. BreederOwner Margaret R. Johnson, Sire Owner Christine Heartz.2 - STEALURHEARTS CALL OF THE HEART. 09282004. Ch. Chriscendo Call To Arms - Idlewyld Uve Got AFriend. BreederOwner Margaret R. Johnson, Sire Owner Christine Heartz.3 - IDLEWYLD IMPERIAL SCEPTER. 09302004. Ch. Idlewyld Scepter - Ch. Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette. BreederOwnerSire Owner Margaret R. McKee4 - IDLEWYLD IMPERIAL EMBLEM. 09302004. Ch. Idlewyld Scepter - Ch. Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette. BreederOwnerSire Owner Margaret R. McKee6-9 Months Age Group Winner STEALURHEARTS ANNIE GETCHA GUN 6-9 Months Reserve Age Group WinnerSTEALURHEARTS CALL OF THE HEARTBEST PUPPY IN FUTURITY STEALURHEARTS ANNIE GETCHA GUNJunior Dogs, 12-15 mos., Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - MTN VIEWS LIGHT MY FIRE. 06202004. Ch. Marbils Games Of Chance - Mm Views Winter Hope.BreederOwner Patricia Dague Roger A. Dague, Sire Owner Mari Iffland2 - IDLEWYLD TREASURE COAST. 04052004. Ch. Idlewyld Treasure Trove - Ch. Idlewyld Piper Of Lenette. BreederOwnerSire Owner Margaret R. McKeeJunior Bitches, 12-15 mos., Red, Orange, Cream and Sable1 - SILHOUETTES SLOW DANCE. 04272004. Ch. Foxworth Fast Lane - Razzle Dazzle Bluegrass Music. BreedersOwners Elizabeth Heckert Judith B. Green, Sire Owner Pam Dodson and Larry Fox.12-15 Months Age Group Winner MTN VIEWS LIGHT MY FIRE 12-15 Months Reserve Age Group WinnerSILHOUETTES SLOW DANCE BEST JUNIOR IN FUTURITYMTN VIEWS LIGHT MY FIRE GRAND FUTURITY WINNER STEALURHEARTS ANNIE GETCHA GUNSpecialty B Match Results - June 25, 2005 - Richmond, VAJudge Mr. Clayton Mooney, Gaithersburg, MD Puppy Dogs, 3-6 mos.1 - ACHILLES HOUSTON WE HAVA PRBLM - Jennifer Munn and Susie Lethchworth2 - ACHILLES ISNT IT ROMANTIC - Jennifer Munn3 - ROWDY - Patricia and Roger DaguePuppy Dogs, 6-9 mos.1 - ACHILLES FIT TO BE THAID JenniferMunn Puppy Bitches, 3-6 mos.1 - REBEL - Patricia and Roger Dague2 - MATTIE - Patricia and Roger DaguePuppy Bitches, 6-9 mos.1 - STEALURHEARTS ANNIE GETCHA GUN - Margaret R. Johnson BEST PUPPY IN MATCH ACHILLES HOUSTON WE HAVA PRBLMBEST PUPPY OF OPPOSITE SEX STEALURHEARTS ANNIE GETCHA GUN Dogs, 12-18 mos.1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE TWO TO TANGO - Judith Green and Ellen Parkin2 - IDLEWYLD KEEPSAKE - Margaret R. McKee Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 - MTN VIEWS LIGHT MY FIRE - Patricia Dague and Roger A. Dague Open Dogs1 - BLUEROCKS HAPPY TALK - Helen Brinn2 - RAZZLE DAZZLE HAT DANCE - Judy Green3 - IDLEWYLD TREASURE COAST - Margaret R. McKee Bred-by-Exhibitor Bitches1 - STEALURHEARTS CALL OF THE HEART - Margaret R. Johnson Open Bitches1 - SILHOUETTES SLOW DANCE - Elizabeth Heckert and Judith B. Green2 - RAZZLE DAZZLE SOUND OF MUSIC - Margaret Johnson3 - LNQUEST MYSTIC CHARM OF LENETTE - Ellen Parkin4 - EMCEES LITTLE JEWEL - Jacqueline M. Sanderford BEST ADULT IN MATCH STEALURHEARTS CALL OF THE HEART - Margaret R. Johnson BEST ADULT OF OPPOSITE SEX MTN VIEWS LIGHT MY FIRE - Patricia Dague and Roger A. Dague Veteran Dogs1 - FURWEEDS FIRST KING - Helen Brinn Stud Dog1 - RAZZLE DAZZLE HAT DANCE - Judy Green80 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewPCCV - Supported Entry - Charlottesville-Albemarle Kennel Club June 18th, 2005, Charlottesville, VA- Judge Barbara J. WoodBest of BreedCh. Emcees Mightee Tuffee Owner Morris E Carson Sally A Jenkins, Breeder Morris E Betty F CarsonBest of Opposite Sex Ch. BlueRocks Talk About Me Owner Billie Y Hurst, Breeder Billie Y HurstWinners Bitch and Best of Winners Luminesques In My Red Dress Owner Jacqueline A Moore, BreederJacqueline A Moore Winners DogDimondes Gem Covered Joker Owner Diana M Downey Clayton R Mooney, Breeder Diana M DowneyPCCV - Supported Entry - Virginia Kennel Club, Inc.June 25, 2005 Richmond, VA - Judge Mr. Timothy S. RobbinsBest of BreedCH Idlewyld Precious GemOwner Margaret R McKee, BreederMargaret R McKeeWinners Bitch and Best of Opposite SexLuminesque Journey Thru TimeOwner Jacqueline A Moore, BreederJacqueline A MooreWinners Dog and Best of WinnersMtn Views Light My FireOwner Patricia Dague Roger ADague, Breeder Patricia Dague Roger A DaguePomeranian CM of Central IndianaPomeranian Club of Central Indiana SpecialtyOctober 1, 2005 - Indianapolis, IndianaThe Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana Specialty was held October 1,2005 in Indianapolis, IN. Our Sweepstakes judge was Mrs. Becky Sabourin and Regular Class judge was Mr. Tim Catterson. We had a wonderful hospitality table, great trophies and an assortment of silent auction items. Thanks to all for your help, and support. The winners are shown below.SWEEPSTAKES Judge Ms. Becky SabourinPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs, 6 months Under 9 months.1 CHARS STRIKEN GOLD. Owner Charlotte MeyerPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs, 9 months Under 12 months.1 HEARTLANDS UP IN SMOKE. Owner Wanda Sue Cox2 STARFIRES LATIN DANCER. Owner Frances Stoll Donna Riehm3 LINRANS BOO I AM. Owner Linda Randy Nippe4 ALI-MAES READY TO ROCK CINMAR. Owner Cindy OnoskoPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dogs, 12 months Under 18 months1 JAN LARS INDIAN OUTLAW. Owner Janet Wodrich2 CHELANES PEACE KEEPER PARTI. Owner Elaine Waugh3 PANACHES NEW ATUVE OF JOY. Owner Alice P. Craig4 JOAYNES KEEPSAKE COWBOY. Owner Gerro Basinger Joanne NorrisPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches, 6 months Under 9 months.1 HORIZONS PASSION FOR PURPLE. Owner Katherine Meany2 SPECIAL D S IMA LOOK N AT U TOO. Owner Debbie HollanderPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches, 9 months Under 12 months.1 I WANNA TALK ABOUT ME. Owner Frances Stoll2 PIXIES CARAMEL KISSES. Owner Carol Galavich, Donna Meganhardt, Evelyn New Year.3 MARBILS IMAGINE THAT. Owner Mari Iffland Donna RiehmPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitches, 12 months Under 18 months.1 PHOEBE OF LENETIE. Owner Lauretta FlynnBEST IN SWEEPSTAKES1 HORIZONS PASSION FOR PURPLE. Owner Katherine MeanyBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES 1 JAN LARS INDIAN OUTLAW. Owner Janet WodrichVETERANS SWEEPSTAKES POMERANIANS, VETERAN DOGS1 CH DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE. Owner Cindy Onosko2 CH POM MEADOWS CEDAR OF LENETTE. Owner Laurie OtisPOMERANIANS, VETERAN BITCHES 1 CHMOBETAS FLUFF BUTT. Owner Frances Stoll.BEST IN VETERAN SWEEPSTAKESCH DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE. Owner Cindy OnoskoBEST OF OPPOSITE SEX TO THE BEST VETERAN IN SWEEPSTAKESCH MOBETAS FLUFF BUTT. Owner Frances J. Stoll.REGULAR CLASSES Judge Mr. Timothy CattersonPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dog, 6 months under 9 months.1 KAYRAS CALIF. DREAM AT TRUDYS. OwnenNancy Robert Coddington2 HORIZONS PURPLE HAZE. Owner Laurie OtisPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dog, 9 months under 12 months1 HEARTLANDS UP IN SMOKE, Owner Wanda Sue Cox2 JANESAS HORIZON CAPPUCINO, OWNER Jerrie Freia3 LINRANS BOO I AM, Owner Linda Randy Nippe4 ALI-MAES READY TO ROCK CINMAR. Owner Cindy OnoskoPOMERANIANS, Puppy Dog, 12 months under 18 months1 MARBILS DONT ROCK THE JUKEBOX, Owner Donna Riehm2 PANACHES NEW ATUVE OF JOY, Owner Alice Craig3 JOAYNES KEEPSAKE COWBOY, Owner Gerri Basinger Joanne NorrisPOMERANIANS, American Bred, Dogs 1 HEARTLANDS KNIGHT N DAY, Owner Laurie OtisPOMERANIANS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 ADAMS THUNDER AND LIGHTENING Owner William Brenda Adams2 JAN LARS INDIAN OUTLAW, Owner Janet Wodrich3 STOLANNES WHOS YOUR DADDY, Owner Frances Stoll4 LORELANDS MARCHIN TO AUGUST, Owner Lauretta FlynnPOMERANIANS, Open Dogs Black, Brown, Blue1 FINCHS SEE ME COMIN, Owner Charlotte Meyer2 BI-MARS JAZZING IT UP, Owner Maiy RosenbaumPOMERANIANS, Open Dogs Any Other Allowed Color 1 CHELANES PEACE KEEPER PARTI, Owner Elaine WaughPOMERANIANS, Open Dogs Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 LIL BOW WOWS RHYTHM N BLUES, Owner Angela Gunter2 PIXIES HOT LIPS, Owner C. Galavich, D. Meganhardt, E. Newyear3 COTTONTOP MISSOURI GAMBLER, Owner Lee Kraft82 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian Review,ss'Wmt0hilx \coN 'va z4 FIREBROOKs SHENANIGANS, Owner Mari Iffland Mary WellsWinners Dog FINCHS SEE ME COMTNReserve Winners Dog HEARTLANDS UP IN SMOKEPOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitch 6 months Under 9 months1 HORIZONS PASSION FOR PURPLE, Owner Katherine Meany2 SPECIAL DS IMA LOOK N AT U TOO, Owner Debbie Hollander3 HORIZONS LIVE AND LEARN, Owner Linda AltomarePOMERANIANS, Puppy Bitch 9 months Under 12 months1 STOLANNES I WANNA TALK ABOUT ME, Owner Frances Stoll2 TRUDYS CLUB PARIS, Owner Nancy Robert Coddington3 PIXIES CARAMEL KISSED, Owner Carol Galavich, Donna Meganhardt, Evelyn Newyear4 MARBELS IMAGINE THAT, Owner Mari Iffland Donna RiehmPOMERANIANS, Twelve To Eighteen Month, Bitch 1 PHOEBE OF LENETTE, Owner Lauretta FlynnPOMERANIANS, Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitch 1 TRUDYS HUGS AND KISSES, Owner Nancy RobertCoddingtonPOMERANIANS, Open Bitch Any Other Allowed Color 1 BRITISH LANES IDEA IN MOTION, Owner Wendy ChambersPOMERANIANS, Open Bitch Red, Orange, Cream, Sable1 ITOBAMISS CONDUCT, Owner Joyce Winkels2 MNMS DAWN OF ROCK N ROLL, Owner Janette Dally3 LORELANDS BIT O HONEY, Owner Lauretta FlynnWinners BitchTRUDYS HUGS AND KISSES Reserve Winners Bitch ITOBAMISS CONDUCTPOMERANIANS, Veteran Dogs 6 Years Under 9 Years.CH DH CREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE, Owner Cindy Onosko CH POM MEADOWS CEDAR OF LENETTE, Owner Laurie OtisPOMERANIANS, Veteran Bitch 6 Years Under 9 Years.CH MO BETAS FLUFF BUTT, Owner Frances StollBest Of Breed, Best Of Winners FINCHS SEE ME COMINBest Of Opposite Sex To BOB, Best Bred By Exhibitor TRUDYS HUGS AND KISSESNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 83^aANI4AQOntoPOMERANIAN CLUB OF ONTARIO SPECIALTY -7 AUGUST 2005SWEEPSTAKESJUDGE MRS. KAREN CRAMJUNIOR PUPPY DOG CLASSFirst - PINECRESTS THE TITAN, Catherine Paige BolahoodSENIOR PUPPY DOG CLASSFirst - CHTKAI WALK OF FAME AT SAFARI, Judith BelisleOPEN DOG CLASSFirst - FLASHINGSTAR TOP HAT AND TAILS,Marie Jacques, H. HildebrandtMOUNTAIN CREST DALY SPECIAL, AnnBerryman, David Carlene GilstrapCH. FLASHINGSTAR TOP OF THE CLASS,Marie Jacques, H. HildebrandtCH JENUWANE KOOL RUNNING Jen HryniukJUNIOR PUPPY BITCH CLASSFirst - MONARCS IM FOR SHOW ONLY, Shari ShieldsSENIOR PUPPY BITCH CLASSFirst - POMAMANIAS WITCHY WOMAN, Christine Lany SurteesOPEN BITCH CLASSFirst - MTN REST QN LATIFAH OF LENETTE, David Carlene GilstrapBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESCH. FLASHINGSTAR TOP OF THE CLASS,Marie Jacques, H. HildebrandtBEST OF OPPOSITE SWEEPSTAKES MTNREST QN LATIFAH OF LENETTE, David Carlene GilstrapREGULAR CLASSES JUDGE MS. ISOBEL KNIGHTJUNIOR PUPPY DOG CLASSFirst - ROSELANE JOHNNY B GOOD, Crystal Reid, Breeder Margaret McConnell12-18 MONTH DOG CLASSFirst - MOUNTAIN CREST DALY SPECIAL, Owners Arm Berryman,David Carlene Gilstrap BreederDavid Carlene Gilstrap.MOUNTAIN CREST FRIDAYS SPECIAL, David Carlene Gilstrap BreederOwners Ann Berryman Moved to SpecialsCANADIAN BRED DOG CLASSCHKAI WALK OF FAME AT SAFARI, OwnerJudith Belisle, Breeden William Ho Moved to SpecialsBRED BY EXHIBITOR DOG CLASSFirst - PINECRESTS THE TITAN,BreederOwner Catherine Paige BolahoodFLASHINGSTAR TOP HAT AND TAILS, BreederOwners Marie Jacques,H. Hildebrandt Moved to SpecialsOPEN DOG CLASSFirst - SHOWINS MIDNIGHTSPECIAL, Owner Audrey B. Caywood,Breeder Barbara Raymond, Agent Deborah WheelerSecond - POMLAND SHERE KHAN BABY TIGER, Frank Marie Hueston, BreederOwner, Agent,Tom CurleyWINNERS DOG - MOUNTAIN CREST DALY SPECIAL RESERVE WINNERS DOG - PINECRESTS THE TITANVETERAN DOG CLASSFirst - CH. FLUFFALOVES GUILTYAS SIN, Owner Christine M. Surtees,Breeder Barbara MacCrimmonJUNIOR PUPPY BITCH CLASSFirst - MONARCS IM FOR SHOW ONLY, OwnerBreeder Shari Shields Second - ROSELANE THATS MY KIYA, Owner Breeder Margaret McConnellSENIOR PUPPY BITCH CLASSFirst - POMAMANIAS WITCHY WOMAN, Owner Christine Larry Surtees, Breeder Brenda Gibson12-18 MONTH BITCH CLASSFirst - MTN REST QN LATIFAH OF LENETTE, David Carlene GilstrapOPEN BITCH CLASSFirst - TAMMYS IN LOVE OF LENETTE, OwnerBreeder K. G Griffith Second - PINECRESTS SHIMMER Owner Breeders Catherine Paige BolohoodWINNERS BITCH - MONARCS IM FOR SHOW ONLY RESERVE WINNERS BITCH TAMMYSIN LOVE OF LENETTESPECIALSCH. FLASHINGSTAR TOP OF THE CLASS, Dog OwnerBreeders Marie lacques, H. Hildebrandt CH. PONDSIDE WINGS OF ANANGEL Bitch OwnerBreeder Roberta L. MalottCH. JENUWANE KOOL RUNNING Dog OwnerBreeder Jen Hryniuk CH.BAVANEWS SIR VINCENT,Dog Owner Lynda Woolley, Breeder Matthew HeindlCH. ROSELANE CHEVY 2, Dog, OwnerBreeder Margaret McConnell CH. KRISTARIS ROYAL FLUSH,Dog, OwnerBreeder Christine Warden CH. PINECRESTS ANGELIQUE,Bitch, Owner Christine Warden,Breeder Catherine Paige Bolahood CH. PINECREST lOKES ON YOU, Dog, OwnerBreeders Catherine Paige BolohoodBEST IN SPECIALTY MOUNTAINCREST FRIDAYS SPECIALBEST OF OPPOSITE MONARCSIM FOR SHOW ONLYBEST OF WINNERS MONARCSIM FOR SHOW ONLYBEST PUPPY MONARCS IM FORSHOW ONLYAWARD OF MERIT CH.FLASHINGSTAR TOP OF THE CLASSBEST VETERAN CH.FLUFFALOVES GUILTY AS SINEXHIBITION ONLYCH. PONDSIDE CIRCUIT BREAKER OwnerBreeder Roberta Malott CH. PONDSIDE HIGH VOLTAGE, OwnerBreeder Roberta L. MalottBEST BRACECH. ROSELANE CHEVY 2,ROSELANE THATS MY KIYA, OwnerBreeder Margaret McConnellPARADE OF CHAMPIONSCH. FLUFFALOVES GUILTY AS SIN, Owner Christine M. Surtees CH. PONDSIDE WINGS OF AN ANGEL Owner Roberta L. Malott CH. PONDSIDE CIRCUIT BREAKER Owner Roberta L. Malott CH. PONDSIDE HIGH VOLTAGE,Owner Roberta L. MalottCH. SIR VINCENT, Owner LyndaWoolleyCH. KRISTARIS ROYAL FLUSH,Owner Christine WardenCH. PINECRESTS ANGELIQUE,Owner Christine WardenPARADE OF VETERANSCH. FLUFFALOVES GUILTY AS SIN, Owner Christine M. Surtees84 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewmpTIS THE SEASON - PET SAFETY DURING HOLIDAYSTake Precautions to Keep Pets Away From Candy and Tree LightsBetween now and New Years, the holiday season brings an abundance of family, friends, food, and festivities to many households. But amidst the merriment, it can be a potentially hazardous season for pets. In the spirit of the season, California veterinarians remind pet owners to be extra cautious so the holidays dont send their pooch or kitty to the animal hospitals emergency room.The holidays can be a vulnerable time for our furry friends, said Jon Klingborg, DVM, president of the California Veterinary Medical Association CVMA. Above all, we want you and your pets to enjoy a healthy, happy holiday season.To ensure your pets holidays are safe and carefree, the CVMA offers a few safety tips to keep in mind1 Keep all sweets away from pets. Chocolate, in particular, contains theobromine, a caffeine-like ingredient that can be potentially lethal to dogs. Gobbling up too much chocolate can result in vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and insevere cases, death. Do not place gifts of chocolate under your tree or on a tabletop where an inquisitive pooch might find them enticing.2 Keep wrapped candy away from pets. Small candies can cause choking, and the crinkly cellophane or aluminum wrappers can lead to stomach obstructions, if swallowed.3 Avoid tying yam or ribbon around your pets neck. If you want to dress himher up for the holidays, buy a festive, seasonal collar.4 Holiday plants particularly poinsettias, mistletoe, holly, and amaryllis can be toxic to pets. Keep them out of your dog or cats reach.5 Feed your pet nutritious snacks rather than treating them to high-calorie holiday foods. Our pets can put on extra pounds as quickly as we do during the holidays Also, keep plenty of fresh water available for drinking. Pets should not be allowed to drink Christmas tree water, as it may contain pesticides or bacteria from the tree.6 Keep a careful eye on holiday decorations. All the extra cords for lighting can be tempting targets for chewing by pets. If possible, hide or tape them to the floor to prevent shocks or electrocution. Styrofoam decorations that look like candy or berries can be appealing to puppies, but can cause distressing consequences if chewed and swallowed.7 Christmas trees can become climbing posts, particularly for new kittens. Be sure your tree is secure and stable consider anchoring it to the wall with fishing line, if necessary. To avoid pets shattering glass ornaments, hang breakable ornaments higher up on the tree. Loose tinsel isespecially dangerous for cats, who consider it a play toy, but swallowing the metallic string can cause severe intestinal distress and damage.8 If youre traveling for the holidays, bring along your pets favorite blanket, toy, and foods so heshe feels as comfortable as possible. Bring your veterinarians phone number with you, in case of an emergency.If you suspect your pet has consumed any of the items mentioned above, please contact your veterinarian immediately.Ed Thanks for the reminder ofthe dangers ofthe Holidays with Poms. This reminded me of what happened December 2004.Christmas was approaching. Tree up, gifts wrapped I was so thoughtful NOT to put the wrapped boxes of chocolates for my two dear elderly aunts under the tree due to our busy little Poms. But our Ranger is much more selective than I had thought.While working on the Pom Reviw late one night, a crinkling sound could be heard coming from the living room. I stopped and checked dogs. Most were sleeping quietly at myfeet, except our youngest, Ranger.I called for Ranger and he did not respond, but the crinkling sound subsided Back to work A little later the crinkling sound began again. Ranger has been known to help himself to Christmas decorations and demolish pinecones, but to date has not consumed them. Again, I call out to our busy little Ranger. Crinkling stops. Back to workA few minutes later with no advance warning I notice a little Pom tip-toeing into the office complete with a nicely wrapped Christmas gift, tangling by the bow, in his mouth. Ranger had my mother's diamond necklace. Not sure if he thought he would eat it or wear it, but he didnt answer me whenl asked "What are YOU doing "I have always been amazed with Poms and diamonds. I can wear nearly any jewelry, but it is diamonds the Poms always want to lick and try to chew off the mountings. At shows, when the Poms are visiting laps of total strangers, they will pick out a diamond to amuse themselves not certain why, if the stones are cold or if these Pomies just have good taste.So, beware. Poms love diamonds. Keep them up and out of reach with the chocolates and Poinsettias during the holidays.NovemberDecember 2005 Ameranmn Review - 85Sufufiine ResetThe entire Pom community wants to send our good wishes to everyone who encountered hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Our thoughts and prayers were with you all.We are sorry to report that Judge Bill Mott NY passed away.Sending well wishes to Nancy Pathfinder who is in need a knee replacement.Nina Epps passed away in August. Nina will be long remembered for her achievements in the Pomeranian world. She is now at peace and playing with her Jake who also left his mark on the Pomeranian world.Life-long dog fancier, esteemed judge, and three-term AKC Board member, Dr. Asa Mays, DVM died at his home in Duluth Georgia August 10, 2005. We extend our sympathies to family and friends.Sending Laurie Kinsman well wishes for a speedy recovery from her illness.Condolences to friends and family of long-time handler C.L. Eudy. C.L. was well-known and greatly admired for his knowledge and sense of humor.Prayers of continued healing to go Bob Fiddick who had back surgery in September. Our prayers for Juanita Fiddick as she will soon have badly needed back surgery.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna MachniakPhone 517 546-7446 or Email members addresses are published in the APC roster ifyou would like to send cards.i umiJanFeb 106 VISITSJoyce lliitMustang PomsMarApril 106Alane LevinsohnShowcase PomsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator Jessie Klein, to suggest or nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or Email \ADVERTISING RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico 55Single Issue 10For more information contact217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comV86 - NovemberDecember 2003 APC Pomeranian Review1K aa-iHi iliiiiWiiJEvensong Pomeranians0Kevin Teresa WhitePortland, OR 503 314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comHome of BISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van GogharOChel esSpecializing in parti and parti- factored Pomeranians WTina GunnerCh. Finchs Parti Time Tina Ch. Finchs Peacemaker PartiElaine - Ohio^ 2 Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Weds - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comAkf, LAJacinda Poms7mmVvf-i- V . mm i.1r T,.- is ",' .2tJennifer Falk810 387-9570 falkstergreatlakes.netCindy Golden321 638-4291 PromiseMe3 aol. com www. j acindapoms .comPARKtvPomdTom Wilson916-689-9586 Sacramento, CA parkavepomscomcast.netPUPPIES OCCASIONALLY AVAILABLE.Hiyridfor PomsBecky'WyndtorTomsNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 87u'WeaAe cmSmuianA' omemncan dkoA3^rme Qfgamawv'wwcaAe -s omemuam818 352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.comWhip staffPomeraniansJoe and Janette Dally St. Louis, MO 314 389-3275 I - Y J" fVrvj v . ^ yrrr 'Long Island, New York 631 366-2330httpwww.geocities.comlilbehrs_poms Handling Services, Limited Hoarding AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherineBolahood905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4www.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.caCatherine Jessen4165 E 100 NorthEl us iv e Toy s Rigby id 83442208 745-5267K __LPomsandToyPoodlesc^PoiviGiantangShari ShieldsOiicnton. Ill miLPUw-,JSiJ Y7.cJintan 7ometcvuWhere Type, Quality and Soundness Count-cheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.comiCheri McDonald909-394-7923 Southern California^4WinWalda A Green8120 Harvard Drive Ben Lomond CA 95005Phfax 831 336-8285 winstarpomssbcglobal.net88 - NovemberDecember 2003 .RPC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email Pcm Clubs Regional Pom Club Coming Events are published free of charge in the Coming Events. Regional Clubs receive a special low advertising rates. Reports and photos of Pom specialties and matches are published free.As space allowsSend coming events, reports, and photos to the editor. m Jfin1 We salute the courageous men, women and their families of our armed forces. May they be safe and protected from all harm.Let freedom ringMarbilPomeraniansMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netProfessional Handling Services Inquiries welcome.AfBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223'Pomenatiact\a TC.Ch. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.imcresIProfessionaf 'Mmdfina Audrey Jd. 'Rgherts\ ' 'Ingleside, Texas Phone 713 204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranixn Review - 89r-'' - .IP. ..Del-May Pomeranians Deborah K. Barrett 2035 Mapledale Ferndale, MI 48220 j Phone 607 435 53256o7'369'2i65 Email delmayfrontiernet.netLil-P onderosaPoms, ^-e6 di- . r AVs, _Ron Skerry CartwrigktPhone 715 874-6936 httpwww.lilponderosapoms.comCOMING EVENTS2006January 14 March 13, Kentucky. See page March 16 March 17 March 18 March 19 Onofrio 2006 APC- 15, 2006 - AKC Eukanuba Invitational, Tampa, FI. 14, 15 2006 APC National Specialty, Louisville,57 for further information. Mid-Kentucky KC, Louisville, Kentucky Louisville KC, Louisville, Kentucky Evansville KC, Louisville, Kentucky Louisville KC, Louisville, Kentucky SuperintendantSummer Specialty - Toy Dog Club of Central FloridaF or updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgJannarvFebrnarv 2006 Pomeranian ReviewDEADLINEDecember 1,2005Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Il l I HI I ASIAN REVIEWSubscription CardSubscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESubscriptionsPer YearPublished Bi-Monthly45 First Class USPS37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico100 ForeignSTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONENUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSVISAMASTERCARDAM EXPRESS CREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATECARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE90 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomeranian ReviewACRES AgLOOffering quality show and-pet stochfor your consideration From The EOF LINES ofFoms SheCties Mini HorsesChriscendo, Midamor Barwoods, Ejsmet Paint6rusH, Bewers, Jan-Shar, QrEtms,Lenette Apple Acres, Lan6ur Xpmohos, Boones Starhaven,Marshires WahdenwoodAfenCoch Egyptian,Orion Bonner, Queenaire,Einch Jademist, Cu6 HillEmcee A rtic, Chip away Septem 6er, QoldenhytxtesDou6Ce Homogyous BCachWhite Eo6iano Faint Horses Summer Breeze, 3 Bars, Era Bruiser, Sonny Dee Bar, ContinentaC,Bonanza,poco BuenoCCTrent, Bo^525,Mtn. Home, TN37684E-mail 423-794-9791 after 9pm ESTCH. Firebrooks Tabasco FiascoDonna Machniak BreederHandlerGroomer 517-546-7446 www.dejaypoms.comDana Coventry ManagerOwner 248-258-9259 Attorney at Law for the Sport of Dogs3A REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S Waters Charlene R Waters1625 East 11400 South Sandy, Utah 84092-5428 801-571-4959SHIMMEREEMSN.COMQuality PomeraniansFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.2m1Mtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965Teresa LivezeyP.O.Box 386 Depew, OK 7402J Phone 918 324-5390 www.geocities.comdesignspomeraniansCH PUFPRIDES SWEET DRF.AMS CH FINCHS CHAR'S MAKIN WAVES PARTILc4HiAK-R __cHSPLASH28453 530 th Avenue, Kelley, IA 50134 - Phone 515 769-2444 - www.finchspoms.comBredfor 6eauty and soundness of 6ody and mindvinJanesa^PomeraniansJerrie TreiaRhone 985 384-7466 1 072A Landry Tay985 384-8628 Morgan City, LA 703807Q,La ILL ^ MML Jrw '26009 Edgewater Drive Corpus Christi, TX 78412 361-991-5410 361-993-4059 fabyanpomssbcglobal.netNovemberDecember 2005 Ameranian Review - 91The Pomeranian ReviewAdvertisersArkansas Pomeranian Club...Barnett, Barney and Pat..............Barrett, Deborah.........................Behrend, Joan.............................Bolahood, Catherine...................Bonin, Carolyn............................Brandenburg, Carolyn................Carlson, Alice.............................Cartwright, Ron and Sherry...Coventry, Dana..........................Cox, Marcia...............................Crawford, Karen.........................Dague, Roger and Pat.................Dally, Joe and Janette.................Davis, Annette and Erik..DeCicco, Linda...........................Falk, Jennifer..............................Finch, Diane...............................Franques, Lloyd and Linda....Freia, Jerrie................................Gilstrap, David and CarleneGolden, Cindy............................Green, Walda..............................Griffith, Ken and Eleanor..Harris, Bonnie............................Huckeba, Karen and Kody....Iffland, Mari...............................Jessen, Catherine........................Johnson, Sandra..........................Klein, Jessie................................Lessard, Alice.............................Levinsohn, Alane.......................Livezey, Teresa..........................Machniak, Donna...................... .Majewski, Donna.......................McCombs, Babe........................McDonald, Cheri.......................McFarlane, Pauline....................Moss, Gina.................................Nance, Margaret.........................Norem, Kathy.............................Owens, Betsy.............................Pelz, Linda.................................Riehm, Donna............................Roberts, Audrey.........................Rosenbaum, Mary......................Russell, Janice...........................................................25.......................16,29,30.................................90................................88.................................88.................................16..................................31................................91.................................90..........91, Back Cover.................................19..................................9.............10, 11, 15, 91.................................88................................89...............................4, 5................................87Front Cover, 8,14,91............................16,30...........................16, 91.............................3, 30.................................87...........................13, 88.................................17.................................89.................................19...........................10, 89..................................88.................................87.................................34....................................6.............................7, 88.................................91...........91, Back Cover...................................4.................................31..................................88...................................9.................................34....................................6..........Front Cover, 14.................................29.................................87.....................................2..................................89.................................89.................................95Cack IssuesTo order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are SI00.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Web site at http www. am eric anpomerani anclub.orgSabourin, Becky..........................................................87Shields, Shari..............................................................88Smart, Norma..............................................................34Smith, Nancy...............................................................29Sontchi, Linda.............................................................34Stoll, Frances.................................................................2Trent, C. L...................................................................91Waugh, Elaine.............................................................87Waters, Gregg and Charlene......................................91Wells, Mike.................................................................87White, Teresa........................................................12, 87Wilson, Tom................................................................87Wishnow, Elaine.........................................................15Witt, Stephanie............................................................40v.[Cfcg- ^1. Gather presents, boxes, paper, etc. in middle of living room floor.2. Get tape back from puppy.3. Remove scissors from older dogs mouth.4. Open box.5. Take puppy out of box.6. Remove tape from older dogs mouth.7. Take scissors away from puppy.8. Put present in box.9. Remove present from puppys mouth.10. Put present back in box after removing puppy from box.11. Take scissors from older dog and sit on them.12. Remove puppy from box and put on lid.13. Take tape away from older dog.14. Unroll paper.15. Take puppy OFF box.16. Cut paper being careful not to cut puppys foot or nose that is getting in the way as he helps.17. Let puppy tear remaining paper.18. Take puppy offbox.19. Wrap paper around box.20. Remove puppy from box and take wrapping paper from its mouth.21. Tell older dog to fetch the tape so he will stop stealing it.22. Take scissors away from puppy.23. Take tape older dog is holding.24. Quickly tape one spot before taking scissors from older dog and sitting on them again.25. Fend off puppy trying to steal tape and tape another spot.26. Take bow from older dog.27. Go get roll of wrapping paper puppy ran off with.28. Take scissors from older dog who took them when you got up.29. Give pen to older dog to hold so he stops licking your face.30. Remove puppy from present and hurriedly slap tape on to hold the paper on.31. Take now soggy bow from puppy and tape on since the sticky stuff no longer sticks.32. Take pen from older dog, address tag and affix while puppy tries to eat pen.33. Grab present before puppy opens it and put it away.34. Clean up mess puppy and older dog made playing tug-of-war with remnants of wrapping paper.35. Put away rest of wrapping supplies and tell dogs what good helpers they are.AKC and AKCCAR SEND FIRST RELIEF SHIPMENT TO GULF STATES AND LAUNCH WEB- BASED DONATION EXCHANGE -100 Percent of Donated Dollars Goes To The DogsNew York, NY - The American Kennel Club AKC and affiliated organization AKC Companion Animal Recovery continue relief efforts with a shipment of bowls, crates and exercise pens to the Louisiana State University Veterinary School staging area in Baton Rouge in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. For people wanting to volunteer much needed equipment, housing and personal resources, such as foster homes and offers of transporting dogs, AKC has set up a web- based donation exchange on its website at As is our tradition, AKC will take whatever steps are necessary to do what is in the best interests of helping dogs in need, said AKC Chairman Ron Menaker.AKC and AKCCAR want concerned animal lovers to know that 100 percent of donated funds go directly to helping animals with no funds used for administrative purposes, said AKC President and CEO Dennis B. Sprung. The AKC family is a vast network of clubs, club members and individuals from around the country who have opened their hearts to helping dogs that have been lost, displaced or injured by Hurricane Katrina. As an organization we will continue to send whatever supplies are needed to help in our relief mission.In addition, AKC launched a donations exchange database on its website with Need Help or Want to help buttons on its home page. People can list resources, equipment, and transportation offers to those canine victims and their owners in the devastation in the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and in Texas and Florida where relief efforts are underway. So far, we have an outpouring of relief from many people including a homeowner with a spare bedroom for a family with pets to offers of fostering dogs with medical needs to driving animals to a shelter. Those in need of such assistance can search the database by state.AKC is a club of clubs with nearly 5,000 member, licensed, and affiliated dubs with thousands of volunteers across the country ready to help the dogs affected by the disaster. While donations are paramount on everyones mind now, relief efforts will continue for weeks and months. AKC clubs are coming forward donating portions of their proceeds from dog shows, and collecting funds at their AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day events at the grassroots level.As always, since the terror struck dogs and their owners just over a week ago, AKC continues to work with its club delegates, presidents and secretaries and with the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Louisiana State University Veterinary School, the Houston Kennel Club and the Florida Association of Kennel Clubs to provide aid where it is needed most.We continue to post updates to our website. Clubs, shelters, or individuals in need of assistance can check the AKC website home page or contact us at or 1-800-252-7894.Contributions made to the AKCCAR Canine Support and Relief Fund are used to immediately purchase needed equipment and supplies and deliver them directly to contact centers. If you wish to make a fully tax-deductible donation, you may send it to the AKCCAR Canine Support and Relief Fund at the address below or visit the AKC website at AKCCAR Canine Support and Relief Fund, Attn Ms. Kim Luong, co American Kennel Club, 260 Madison Avenue - 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016-2401AKCCAR is a permanent charitable fund which provides resources, support and other assistance to not-for-profit animal shelters and similar not- for-profit organizations providing care for domestic animals orphaned or displaced as a result of natural or civil disasters.The American Kennel Club AKC, founded in 1884, is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of purebred dogs. The AKC maintains the largest registry of purebred dogs in the world, oversees the sport of purebred dogs in the United States, and along with its nearly 5,000 licensed and member clubs, educates the general public about responsible dog ownership. More than 16,000 competitions for AKC-registered purebred dogs are held under AKC rules each year including conformation, agility, obedience, rally, tracking, herding, lure coursing, coonhound events, hunt tests, field and earthdog trials. Affiliate AKC organizations include the AKC Canine Health Foundation, AKC Companion Animal Recovery and the AKC Museum of the Dog. For more information, visit AKC is a registered trademark of the American Kennel Club.AKC Companion Animal Recovery, an affiliate of the American Kennel Club and a 501c3 not-for-profit organization is the largest non-profit recovery service provider in North America. Established in 1995 as a public service to help pet owners reunite with their lost animals via identification and live operators, the organization has enrolled over 3,000,000 companion animals and recovered over 280,000 lost pets.' w A\ n V^2coo K orVb ^KENNEL-JanFeb2006 TTJoyce Dirks ^ ^Mustang PomsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator Jessie Klein, to suggest or nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or Email 1myGive a gift that gives throughout the yearA subscription to the Pomeranian Review. There is still plenty of time. Order NOWCant find that perfect gift for someone new in PomsA gift like no otherPomeranian ReviewBACK ISSUESChristmas Card Gift Announcements and Gift Certificates are available.We accept MasterCard, VISA, American Express, Discover and PayPal.94 - NovemberDecember 2005 APC Pomerxnian Reviewk.V.V. V. "-'V ,''vkT 5g5fr - f"-W.fcrv ., ,Janice Russell Cin-Jan Pomerania Indianapolis, INvi'. AI HAVE ALOPECIA XSo do many many others.ZI U12005THEWINNINGIMAGE.COMSdyThe Pomeranian Charitable Trust is working to find a cause and cure.I'm sending my contributions. Won't you help For more information see the APC website at Dana DeJay Poms