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The Pomeranian Review March 2009

The Official Publrcati21 sin Tyumszmiz.zocmranNATIONCAMPIONS rrpvNETS GREate doG sWST-r\v.KS81II-BEST OF BREEDr,AKC - EUKANUBA NATIONALCHAMPIONSHIP HOLLOWAY PHOTO200 ________________________itfrIfrMMri ri HRrAraSj ^BreederO^Tier jMr. Sucade^ Tkvmvakit Co-Owners Louie Anna Mane Chan Handler Sukil RerkrunsruedeeCH CHAR'S MEANT TO BE A PARTI FINISHED MOSTLY OWNER HANDLEDCH CHARS BEBOPPIN' PARTI CREAT IN BLACK TANCH CHAR'S HEART OF MY HEART MAKING YOU LOVE BLACK-\ j"MERLIfc HOME OF MERLINl nAMERICAN CANADIAN CHAMPIONYOUNGEST, FASTEST FINISHING, TOP WINNING PARTI'COLOUR IN BREED HISTORYCHARLOTTE MEYER WWW.CHARSPOMS.COM 906^466 9048CHARSPOMSHUGHES.NETCH LITTLE CHERUBS I CAN DANCE CH CHAR SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT DANCED HER WAY TO CHAMPIONSHIP A CROUP WINNING PUPPYCH CHARS PARTI ILLUSION PARTI-FACTORED COLT DAUGHTERr-siILZr.B.'JCHAR S POMERANIANS PRESENTS SOME OF OUR 2008 CHAMPIONSft 5,V.Rvv.tCH ALDEN'S N CHAR'S POPCORN ONE OF OUR FAVORITE GIRLS HHAR'S ROCK ME AMADEUS PARTI CH CHAR'S most beautiful partiFINISHED AT 5 YEARS OF ACE OUR MOST BEAUTIFUL PARTI GIRLHOME OF TYgR2007 NATIONAL SPECIALTY WINNERWESTMINSTER AWARD OFMERIT WINNERmm MULTIPLE BEST IN SHOWWINNER- .jm HjKWF2006 1 POMERANIAN"TYLER"CH CHAR'S TIKI BEACH PARTI SO SHORT BACKEDCH CHAR'S WHISKEY SOUR PARTI A PARTI-FACTORED CHAMPIONViCHCHAR'S SPICE GIRL SHOWING IN SOUTH KOREAA.......WINCONLINEGLOBAL jJVT aiiila ' POMSPlotl ippinesC vVUAUB80tos-.v ' \iy. V vCw^vV-' - i,iAl'-c -w - ^-AP-QueLT' . v'- ""' - .A 55 rj V 4 MULTIPLE BTSTHATTPHTL GRAND CH.SLARLIGHT'S SMffLE FROM SIAMSire IMS A W'CA TH M Ch. Slsrlichtsprcam C -.Mthejoy and excitement of Mr. J. Suradej Ekvinyakit much coveted AKCEukanuba National Champion. Tr-"ic Copncoh^na "l.OL A"ml msp.t Long Beach, California under resf to have been part of Syams outstandirto have been part of Syams outstanding si wishes goes to Syam as he continues with his sincere gratitude to our dear friend Mr. J for entrusting' career inight008, Best of Breed, id A. Ojalvo the Philippines irth America this very, very special dogCongratulations Jan Stachurski and Carolyn Smith and Levi on yoursHAPilPMlV iTtBreeder OwnerMr. J Suradej Ekvinyakit Starlight Poms, Thailand www.starlightpo m s .com j_jw55hotmail.comJoy SukittvetremixlndlerRerkrungruedee hailand giyahoo.comCo-Owners Louie Anna Marie Chan Global Poms, Philippines www.angelfire.comstars5globalpoms globalpomsyahoo.comc eCHAMPIONS OF 2008CH Barbaro Of Lenette CH Wild Fire Of LenetteCH Magic Touch Of Lenette CH Amber Glow Of Lenette Owner Lenette PomsmarCH Highfield Strike The Band Of LenetteCH Smoky Mtn Rain Of LenetteCH Band Of Gold ROM Honeycomb ROMX Owner Vikki Highfield OwnerLenette PomsCH Highfield On The Road Again Of LenetteCH Music ROMX Sweet Dreams Owner Vikki HighfieldCH Day Star Of Lenette CH Rueben ROM LoveOwner Colleen FranksCH Rialtas Paper Doll Of LenetteCH Band Of Gold ROM Tammy Owner Alta DavisCH Lynnwrights Gia Of Lenette CH Band Of Gold ROM JorjaOwner Donna L. WrightCH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of Lenette CH Rueben ROM Sweet Caroline OwnerLisa DelpCH Faith De Fanchaly Of Lenette CH Rueben ROM CH Amber Owner Lenette PomsCongratulations to Jan Stachurski, Table Top Poms, and Carolyn Smith and LeviKen and Eleanor GriffithalaipnitSi,1fressfi\ts10091 Fand BDWrogressn Dog ShfoChevy is being shown by the RobRoyBoys Bob Kennedy and Chris Lewis, and on limited showing, Chevy has his majors and lacks only a couple minor points. We would like to thank the following judges for noticing our beautiful boy with a gorgeous head, huge proper coat and very nice bone.Mrs. Robert D. Smith - 4 point major Mr. majorMr. Don Sutton Toy Dog Show hmkjJJ Barirarjd'OfJS.COJTJIIIShauna Jenkins Windsor's Poms r rsTfPT rJ rsi iwiobRoyBoys b Kennedy and Chris LewisBEST OF WINNERSIT'S A MAJORtSSSiSSStPDotoampfry byTZot SUUH4.tJjMedicineWmSml11HIliiiiilBBGambler finished very quickly in two days with three times in the ring achieving three five point majors bacTto back and BPISS. He is being handled by our friends Bob Kennedy and Chris Lewis Robroyfroys, who have done an amazing job with our Poms in just a short period of time Thank you gug And thank you Tom Wilson for entrusting us with this wonderful boy Our appreciation to the following judgesMr. Charles E. Trotter - 5 points Mr. Roger Hartinger - 5 points Mrs. Mildred K. Bryant - 5 points Mr. David Gilstrap - Best Puppy in Sweepstakes Mrs. Janie M. Bousek - BOBViOwned'byGail and Bill BertrandReigningpoms.com817-477-1391Breeder Tom WilsonPark Avenue's PomeraniansExclusively Handled and Loved byRobRoyBoys Chris Lewis and Bob KennedySun k 2009 Ho best of opposite I BEST OF WINNERS IBAHIA SUK KEUU6L CLUB0 HOLLOWAY PHOTO , .1,ecial sweetheart. Everyone who meets her loves her.amBESTI1 BEST bred by, tKEMia aueH . FHOTOS by KIT Iis w'Wm-wtK uANTELOPE VALLEY KENNEL CLUBJ HOLLOWAY PHOTO 111Melenbri s Sweet Talkin Guy x Begmupoms Bouncin' Yum YumsDaisy is pictured here with breederjudge Kelly Beimschiissel and with breeder judge Fran Smith-Mi... We are honored to have Daisy ackowledged by two breeder judges who have contributed so much toour breed. Daisy is a pretty little orange girl, with a spitfire attituc6unGlo's U xmmomn IS si \ Nl^V'vHSS.V 'rtf'MAJORWINNERSX A B vi,Av tkJAj ' H 14XHS IMg Iffljai IfILliteyill1 rfl U^ljljgl^iii amts IrUtffitfjilUgif MdUliilMl IMKPfiUMls to Jan Stacburski and George Lane our Ke SKSflfl____Ic PUPBreederOwners Pamela Dodsworth and Larry Fox181 Darlings Island Rood. Darlings Island. New Brunswick. Canada. E5N 6S1 506-832-2161 fDxworIDgoms.comr -i tBESTOF WINNERS WINNERS DOG MAJORNOLAN RIVER KENNEL CLUBU2009 KERRCh. Shyacres Our Man Samson x Sandalwood Vintage Claret"Roy" starts out 2009 with a BANG winning a 4 point major from the 9 to 12 month puppy class under expert toy judge Mrs. Lois Wolff White on 010309. Thank you Mrs. White for your appreciation of our young boy.We are looking forward to showing Roy at Nationals. This is the first time Ellen will have one of her own breedings shown at Nationals and the first time in many years Audrey has a Pom of her own to show at Nationals. We are both very excited about this young boy of ours.Ellen would like to say Mahalo to Roger Lau of Sandalwood for sharing Roy's dam, Claret.And a Special Congratulations to Jan Stachurski of Table Top Poms. Your black Poms impress me and your warm soul WOWS me, too. Keep up the good work with your breeding program.Ellen Takyama Vintagevjntagehawaijyahoo.coinAudrey Roberts ShyacresA u d rey sh ya ere s. comis announces a\lorny g 11Misty completed her championship at 8 months of age in Chilliwack, British Columbia, by going Best of Winners at all three shows Dec. 12-14 for another three majors.Best of WinnersBest Puppy in BreedCalgary IB November 2008Photos- 2008Thank you to all the judges who gave Mtefyhfef wins and to her lovely handler Kim Cowie^pjctured with Misty in the photo above. Special thanks to Lisa Stasuik of Diogenoir for handling Misty to her fir^st major in Alberta. Abov^all, thank you Bey Carter, Misty's wonderful breeder for this lovely little girl. She is a joy to behold in every way Kennel visit congratulations to Jan Stachurski and the Tabletop Poms. Congrats also to Carolyn Smith and Levi.Proud Owner Amy Matsuoka aa sa ri5 Its wa ii.rr.comChic Petite PomsBreeder EA'erley Carter - Damascusroarj Pomswww. d a m a s cu s roa d. oaThe Pomeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index............................................................. 86AKC Breeders Symposium..............................................31APC Board Summary Kelly D. Relmschiissel.....25-29APC National Specialty Info........................ 43, 44, 59, 81APC Officers....................................................................21APC Statement................................................................21APC Stats Joan Behrend..........................................45-51Ask Us Anything Annette Davis................................30, 31Back Issue Information....................................................86Coming Events................................................................ 69Cover Story .......................................................................4Health and Genetics Geneva Coats..........................52-58Judges Education FredC. Bassett................................. 59Kennel Visit Jan Stachurski.......................................35-38Kennel Visits, Future Features........................................31Levi, The Best Is Yet To Come.................................. 67, 68Membership Report Judy Green.................................... 20New Champions Joan Behrend......................................50Performance News Barbara McClatchey................. 62-66Pom Charitable Trust.......................................................69Presidents Report Jane Lehtinen.................................. 22Pom Club of Hawaii..................................................82, 83Progressive Toy Show.....................................................43Purina Plan......................................................................29Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis................................20Review Advertising Rates................................................24Review Mugs................................................................... 44Review Mugs.................................................................. 81Salute to Our Armed Forces............................................72Subscription Card............................................................ 72SubscriptionReview Information..............................72, 86Sunshine and Roses........................................................69Top 20 Invitees................................................................ 42Ways and Means Donna Riehm.....................................44Whats New......................................................................14Website Address............................................................. 21Westminster Kennel Club Results................................... 602009 APC NATIONAL SPECIALTY - March 9 -11,2009 HOTEL HEADQUARTERS - Holiday Inn Hurstboume, 1325 S. Hurstboume Pwy, Louisville Kentucky, 40299 Telephone 1-502 426-2600. 109.90 per night plus taxes. Premium List Rau Dog Shows, Ltd. 610 376-1880 httpwww.raudogsh ows.comshows MarchAPOM09. pdfSUNDAY. MARCH 8 TUESDAY, MARCH 10300 PM-600 PM-GROUNDS SET UP RALLY TRIAL630 PM VENDOR EXHIBITOR SETUP MENTOR SEMINAR700 PM-10PM HOSPITALITY JR. SHOWMANSHIPMONDAY, MARCH 9 ALL NON-REGULAR CONFORMATIONOBEDIENCE TRIAL ALL REGULAR DOG CONFORMATIONSWEEPSTAKES PCT SEMINARPUPPY VETERAN SWEEPSTAKES ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETINGPOMERANIAN JUDGES EDUCATION KARAOKE NIGHTSEMINAR WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11TOP 20 EVENT REGULAR BITCH CONFORMATIONPARADE OF TITLEHOLDERS BEST OF BREED COMPETITION..APC AWARDS BANQUET AUCTIONWhats newAre you interested in serving on an APC CommitteeThe following committees have positions open or are in the process of being formedDelegate to the AKC - contact Carol Leemhuis , Corresponding Secretary 412 848-6987 or corr_sec americanpomeranianclub.orgThe AKC Delegate is required to pay their own expenses to attend Delegate Meetings.Breed AdvisoryThis committee is being formed as designated by our Bylaws. This committee shall be comprised of three 3 members. All inquiries concerning the breed standard, the care, breeding, grooming and showing of Pomeranians shall be referred to this committee. In addition, this committee will be in charge of breeder referral for their area i.e. West, Central and East. Please include what state you are from in your email.Health Genetics - contact Alane Levinsohn, 818 352-9536 orhealthngenetics americanpomeranianclub.orgShow Site Committee - contact David Gilstrap 423 987-0266 or dcgilstrapaol.comThis committee is being formed to look into potential show sites. This committee will consist of members from different parts of the country i.e. West, Mid- West, Mid-East, South, East, North so please tell us what state you are from in your email.Members Only Section - www.americanpomeranianclub. org members_gateway.htmWith a one button click you can now email the entire board with questions or concerns. Just go to the Members Only Section and log in. If you dont have a username or password you can email to receive one.Meeting Minutes, Committee Reports and Pending Motions are also available on the Members Only Section of the APC website. Check it out todayWIIMLUIMLIVMIWISHING EVERYONE A FUNFILLED SPECIALTY AND HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE WITH ...AM.CAN CH.POMHAVENS JUST FUR FUN CAN CH.POMHAVEN S CASA DORAH . rJsj-COLLEEN BELAND - WWW.POMHAVEN.COM - POMHAVENSHAW.CA1 [--V'w1BEST OFWINNERS f GREENVILLE MISSISSIPPI KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 2009 GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHOTO BY GREGvs'a y CH Chriscendo Coltplav X CH Damascusroads Lady Eleanor ROMXMy grateful thanks to Barbara Moore, MoreToys Pomeranians, who owns Elliott and Buster - and to Bronya Johnston who handled Elliott to some of his wonderful wins along the way to his American Championship. You guys are a great team and I really appreciateall you've done with Elliott and my beautiful Busterwww. damascusroad. ca pomsdamascusroad. caBarbara Moore[M IVrCH. DAMASCUSROAD DEEPSEA ELITECH. CHRISCENDO COLDPLAYX CH. DAMASCUSROAD LADY ELEANOR' TVfBEST OF WINNERSGREENVILLE MISSISSIPPI KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 2009 GARDEN STUDIO. INC. PHOTO BY GREG 9rvv,W A v1 .', \\A A J-y. - - NEW CHAMPIONWINNERS5 4 PROifGREENVILLE MISSISSIPPI KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 2009 GARDEN STUDIO. INC. ^ 7ssPHOTO BY GREGUV \J. mELLIOTT FINISHED FROM THE PUPPY CLASS WITH THREE MAJORS, A BEST PUPPY IN SHOW AND SEVERAL BEST PUPPY GROUP PLACEMENTS. THANK YOU TO ALL THE JUDGES WHO HAVE APPRECIATED HIS TYPE AND HIS SHOWMANSHIP. SPECIAL THANK YOU TO MR. HOUSTON CLARK AND MRS. TODIE CLARK FOR HIS BACK TO BACK FOUR POINT MAJORS. ALSO, I WANT TO THANK MY DEAR FRIEND BRONYAJOHNSTON FOR SHOWING ELLIOTT AND TO BEVERLEY CARTER, HIS BREEDER, FOR SHARING SUCH A NICE BOY WITH ME.I ALSO WANT TO CONGRATULATE JAN STACHURSKI AND THE TABLETOP POMS ON THEIR KENNEL VISIT AND CONGRATULATIONS TO CAROLYN SMITH AND LEVI ON THEIR SPECIAL PERFORMANCE FEATURE.LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING EVERYONE AT THE NATIONAL.raadan HaindJars O'j'jnzr4 [ .r hi c- ri 11 rrrtrT ria .7ne. cMarchApril 2009 APC.U n3dIJBESTOFBREED iGOLDEN GATEKENNEL CLUBiJANUARYCALLED PHOTO ATJO'lliI1iUOur first "Lucky Charms" born on 010109rCH ROyEL SirHenry EpiSOde2aljen "Lucky" CH "Lucky" Sire PJ's Sir Richard of Goldchip X Kandi of LenetteSire PJ's Sir Richard Of Goldchip x Dam Kandi of LenetteThanks to all the breeders before me, especially Ken and Eleanor Griffith for helping me from the very beginning.Congrats to Jan Stachurski and Carolyn Smith and Levi featured in this Review.ROyEL Pomeranians - Elizabeth NormandinBreederOwnerHandlerCertified Clicker Trainer - Northern California - 707-447-9342Membership CepcrtJudy Green nRegistrar Rem it Carel Leemhuis822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703 l ,__u PO Box 23163302 798-3023 membershipamericanpomeranianclub.orgLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on published applicants are sent to t le Membership Chair at the address above. Comments must be received witl in 30 days of publication Standing Rule II, 3. Applications can be downloac ed from or can be requested from theMembership Chair.NEW MEMBERS NoneAPPLICATIONS Heidi C. Toney NCSponsors Geno Sisneros, Jeannie ClemmonsMargaret Jo Anderson INSponsors Patricia L. Rowley, Stephanie WittLaurie O. Meng COSponsors Lisa Goodman, Gina WilliamsCyndi Chuck Kappus OHSponsors Lorinda Vasuta, Carol LeemhuisPittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 412 848-6987Registraramericanpomeranianclub.orgGOLD CLUBCH Chars Bringin Sexy Back DOwner Char Meyerimvamm,ini 'V,Mt'COMING IN THE MAYJUNE 2009 POMERANIAN REVIEWC a\ V CImmm w iiiiDiii mamrjJlOrder online ol or pay through PayPal to - or - Send name, complete address, phone number and payment method to Erika Moureau, 32110 Pally's Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354THIS HISTORIC EDITION WILL MAKE GREAT REGIONAL CLUB TROPHIES,DONATE THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY POM REVIEW TO REGIONAL CLUB SILENT AUCTION.NAMESTREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE, ZIPCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE SECURITY NUMBERANNIVERSARY ISSUE PRICESJ35 includes U.S. shinning45 Inreign shinningCARD HOLDER SIGNATUREAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERS TPRESIDENT..............................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 749-1154 Fax 218 741-9435 presidentamericanpomeranianclub.orgFIRST VICE PRESIDENT......................................................................DAVID GILSTRAPPO Box 22442, Cattanooga, TN 37422 PH 423 987-0266 dcgilstrapaol.com2ND VICE PRESIDENT...........................................................................JUDITH GREEN822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703 PH 302 798-3023 razzledazzlepomsverizon.netRECORDING SECRETARY.................................................KELLY D. REIMSCHIISSEL6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003-3419 PH 801 756-2092 rec_secamericanpomeranianclub.orgCORRESPONDING SECRETARY....................................................CAROL LEEMHUISP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 PH 412 848-6987 corr_secAmericanPomeranianClub.orgTREASURER......................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 treasureramericanpomeranianclub.orgBOARD OF DIRECTORSPat Barnett Betsy Owens Celeste SolanoVictoria Oelerich Linda Pelz Geno SisnerosAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Judith Green, 822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703, Phone 302 798-3023 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 21IfVHfteaat2TAS'pJane Lehtinen President7-, H2V13 Id2009 - Where did the last year go With this New Year theres a new board and new ideas. This boards commitment to communicate brings new meaning to relationships between the board and this clubs members.With the start of the New Year, the Board has already been working on establishing a more interactive web site by enhancing the site to be more informative to all club members. Our members only site will now include a spot for us to be able to join committees that are near and dear to our hearts and really be a true part of this club. We have a space for members to contact all Board members and ask questions of us all. All our minutes will be listed there first so one may read them before they go out in print and also any pending motions will be listed. Kelly has done a wonderful job in creating a wonderful place for us to gather information about what is happening in our club.Our national is in two short months. I hope to see each and everyone there if not only to watch but to show us those wonderful puppies that are posted almost daily on many websites. Please make your reservation early as to make sure that you get a room. We will be offering again a wonderful selection of T-shirts, sweat shirts and of course that wonderful goodie bag. If we have any members that would wish to donate to this goodie bag please let me know. We usually have about 200 made and need things to place in them and always need more.The Board is also looking into a new place to hold the national. Please feel free to look into anyplace that is close to you if you think it would work out. There is a certain criteria that needs to be followed in order for us to hold a specialty. Contact any board member to find out what is needed or look on the members only web site for the criteria for hosting a specialty.APC WEBSITE MEMBERS ONLY SECTION. The board has approved adding a variety of information to the Members Only Section so go and check it out Links to the actual changesContact the APC Board - One button click to email the entire board with questions or concernshttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgmembersindex.htmMeeting Minuteshttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgmembersminutes.htm Pending Motionshttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgmembersmotions.htm Committee Position Openingshttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgmemberscommittees.htm Committee Reportshttpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgmemberscommittee_reports.htmTo access the Members Only Site go to httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgmembers_gateway.htmThank you Thank youOn January 26, 2009 the APC received 2,120.76 from the Purina Partnership program. A huge thank you to our members who made this possible.22 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewoinmnicmA-CH Bogey ROM Multi BOB Produced 9 CHsCH Princess Group 3 winner Bred By CHCH Rueben ROM Multi BOB Produced 6 CHsStfcniQt,. StillyVannaProduced 3 CHs PointedCH Melody Produced 1 CH LSmnMy-M j. ,'' hiclftjrajiij JOOtSAljens Hello Kitty Hopeful 2009 Bred ByCH Chippy Group 4 winner AniProduced 3 CHsCH EdenSMrni VmiCH Sugar Multi BOB CH Squeaky Produced 2 CHs Both girls co-owned w Sherry LetsonWe would like to congratulate our great friend Sherry Letson for finishing CH Toby CH Music ROMX CHSqueakyWe would like to thank our dear friends Ken and Eleanor Griffith of Lenette Poms for EVERYTHING.iAljens Optinms Prime PointedBred ByA1 Jen 760-475-8066 aljenspomslmsn.comMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 23The Pomeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.rCheri McDonaldkenBrenKathy NoremBeonEditor................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. CamelotAve., Effingham, EL 62401 PH 217347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.........................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader......................................................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager....................................................................................Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630 PH 256 762-5958 springwoodpomsaol.comBusiness Card Manager....................................................................................Kathyrn Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.......................................45.00USPS Bulk................................................37.00CanadaMexico.........................................55.00Foreign....................................................100.00Single Issue...............................................10.00Back Issues................................................10.00Advertising RatesFront Cover Color...................................600.00Back Cover Color....................................450.00Inside Front Cover Color........................300.00Inside Front Cover BW..........................125.00Inside Back Cover Color.........................300.00Inside Back Cover BW..........................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color................................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW.................................125.00Center Spread BW.................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color...........................275.00Full Page BW.........................................100.00Half Page Color.......................................150.00Half Page BW..........................................60.00One Quarter Page Color............................75.00One Quarter Page BW.............................40.00Business Card 6...........Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1........................OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1....................................................MarAprilApril 1...................National Report...MayJuneJune 1.................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1........ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1..................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pomeranian Review.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeSUPPORT TUP APC SUPPORT TUP PPVIPWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460 Or Email Make all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.A3fAmericanPomeranian Club, Inc.Secretary RecordKELLEY D. REIMSCHIISSELT6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003 rec_secamericanpomeranianclub.orgMeeting Minutes are called the Secretarys Record until the board has approved the minutes at the next board meeting.Secretarys RecordConference Call 730 p.m. CST, January 20, 2009Present Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano.Absent Mrs. Boulware, ex-officio PresidentThe meeting was called to order at 740 p.m. CST. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present. Copies of the December 15th and December 20th meetings were made available to all Directors. The Board reviewed the minutes of the December 15th and December 20th meetings. Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilstrap and seconded by Mrs. Moureau the December 15th Board meeting minutes were approved unanimously. Upon a motion made by Mr. Gilstrap and seconded by Mrs. Moureau the December 20th Board meeting minutes were approved unanimously.Presidents Report Welcome to the new Board Members. Membership Welcome letteremail from the new Board to the members was discussed.1st Vice Presidents Report None2nd Vice Presidents Report NoneRecording Secretary Report Meeting minutes from the December regular conference call, emergency conference call, new applicant information, and updated standing rules were received via email from Janice Russell, previous recording secretary. The APC Board list ownership was transferred. Outgoing board members still on the list were removed. A list was created for Executive Session.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it was VOTED unanimously that all business conducted on this list be considered Executive Session and be held to all the rules and regulations specified in Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised RONR.3. Confirmed with the 2010 National Specialty Judge that the Board agreed the Specialty would be in Louisville where she will be on the all- breed panel and that she can accept for 2010 rather than defer to 2011 because our show will be in Louisville also. Discussion ensued.4. Sent Election Tellers Report the Editor of the Pomeranian Review for publication per instructions from the Parliamentarian.5. Forwarded emails received to the Board ListB-Unique Vendor at Nationals New Title Rosettes for Nationals Information from Louisville Cluster Chair Westminster Commentating needs our input - Mrs. Reimschiissel will review.Web Vet needs our input - Mrs. Solano will review.AKC Canine Health Symposium Info - will be sent for Review publication.Pacific NW Rescue EmailDogs 101 on Animal Planet FL Breeders6. Sent the Newly elected OfficersBoard names to AKC per their request for updated information when it became available.Treasurers Report A motion was made by Mrs. Moureau, seconded by Mrs. Owens and it was VOTED unanimously to add 3,000 to the CD we have.COMMITTEE REPORTS Standing CommitteesBreed Advisory - Marge Kranzfelder resigned March 1, 2007.Bylaws require this committee and should consist of three 3 members. Discussion to combine the Breed Advisory and Breeder Referral with a member from the east, west and central. Positions will be posted on the Members Only Section of the Website and Review.Breeder Referral noted above.Education Coordinator Marge Kranzfelder resigned March 1, 2007. A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Moureau and it was VOTED unanimously to rescind the position of Education Coordinator.Corresponding Secretary Report - through January 19, 20091. Answered emails from the public.2. Ongoing updating the Membership database based on the changes sent in for member for addressesphone numbers emails.General Education Coordinator A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mr. Sisneros and it was VOTED unanimously to rescind the position of General Education Coordinator as it is the Breed Advisory Chair.If an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contact the Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chair within two weeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board is aware of those concerns.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 25Secretary Report ContinuedHealth Genetics Marge Kranzfelder resigned March 1,2007. A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mr. Sisneros and it was VOTED unanimously to appoint Alane Levinsohn to this position as she has exhibited her knowledge and commitment to the breed for the past several years.Historian A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis and it was VOTED unanimously to rescind the appointment of Cindy Boulware as the Historian Chair due to her past illness.A motion was made and amended by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis and it was VOTED unanimously to appoint Geneva Coats as Club Historian, if she declines the position it will be offered to Leesa Molina.Historical Awards Oral report was given by Carol Leemhuis, Chair.Juniors A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Pelz and it was VOTED unanimously to discharge the Juniors Committee as the information is now compiled by the Awards Chair through Education Written report was given by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Judges Education Committee.Membership Written report was given by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Membership Committee.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mr. Gilstrap and it was VOTED unanimously that the Membership Chair be a member of the board and be filled by the 2nd Vice President.Performance Events Written report was given by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Performance Event Committee.Rescue Written report was given by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Rescue Committee.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Moureau and it was VOTED unanimously that a Rescue Program Committee be formed to look into a program that the APC can follow regarding rescue or to form a separate Rescue 501c3. Linda Lewis is appointed the Chair with Alane Levinsohn also appointed on the committee. Linda Lewis will be sent the names of the individuals who marked they would be interested in helping with Rescue on the returned survey of2008 to choose an additional individual to complete the committee.Ways Means Written report was given by President Jane Lehtinen on behalf of the Ways Means Chair.Website Written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair. Special CommitteesAudit Committee 2007 Written report was given by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Audit Committee. Mrs. Green will follow up with the committee for 2006 and 2008 as well.Constitution Bylaws Committee Amotion was made by Mrs. Moureau,seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously to add Kelly D. Reimschiissel to the Constitution and Bylaws Committee.Standard Revision Committee Oral report was given by Erika Moureau, Chair.Show CommitteeShow Chair Written report was given by President Jane lehtinen on behalf of the Show Chair.Grounds Written report was given by Recording Secretary Kelly D. Reimschiissel on behalf of the Grounds Chair.Hospitality Written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair.A motion was made by Mrs. Moureau, seconded by Mrs. Barnett and it was VOTED unanimously to spend 50 total to purchase thank you gifts for the Conformation and the Obedience Judges at the National Specialty.ELECTION OF NEW MEMBERS None UNFINISHED BUSINESS NoneNEW BUSINESS A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC accept a three 3 year contract for the production of the DVDs for the National Specialty.A motion was made by Mr. Gilstrap, seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis and it was VOTED unanimously to put a button on the front page of the members only site. This is for direct contact for members to the entire board.A motion was made and amended by Mrs. Solano, seconded by Mr. Sisneros amended by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Oelerich and it was VOTED unanimously that the Health Genetics chair choose at least two 2 additional health tests in addition to the CERF test for Pomeranians and join CHIC.A motion was made by Mrs. Solano, seconded by Mrs. Pelz, amended by Mrs. Green, seconded by Celeste Solano and it was VOTED unanimously to have the Health Genetics Chair develop a survey to determine what health issues breeders and owners are facing in the Pomeranian.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was VOTED unanimously that any Standing Rules that are redundant either in the Bylaws or RONR be eliminated from the Standing Rules list.A motion was made by Mr. Gilstrap, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it was VOTED unanimously that Janice Russell send the board a copy of every contract she has signed or agreed to in the past two 2 years.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously to convert the Standing Rules to Policy Procedure Manuals.26 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewA motion was made by Mrs. Moureau, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it was VOTED unanimously to donate 200 to NAIA.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mr. Sisneros, amended by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC offer New Title Rosettes at the National to dogs that complete their title at the National, not to exceed 5 per ribbon.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was V OTED unanimously thattheAPCpublish pending motions on the members only site.A motion was made and amended by Mrs. Solano, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel, amendment seconded by Mrs. B amett and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC form a Show Site Committee with David Gilstrap as the Chair and additional members being chosen from different areas of the country.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis and it was VOTED unanimously to post new Committee positions on the Members Only Site.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was VOTED unanimously that each Committee has a Board Member as an advocateliaison for communication purposes.A motion was made by Mrs. Moureau, seconded by Mrs. Barnett and it was TABLED until the next meeting and further discussion that we offer the position of Delegate to the American Kennel Club to Mr. Gilstrap, if Mr. Gilstrap refuses the offer then the same offer be made to Mrs. Green.A motion was made and amended by Mrs. Moureau, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it was VOTED unanimously to rent a storage unit for the Pomeranian Review on a month by month basis until a climate controlled unit becomes available.A motion to amend a previously adopted motion by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was VOTED unanimously that all electronic reports received from AKC shall be sent to the Corresponding Secretary who shall then send them to the appropriate Committee Chair.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously that we add a link to the Westminster Kennel Club on the home page of the APC website.Amotion to amend a previous motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Pelz and it was VOTED unanimously to amend that the meeting minutes will be published beginning with the January 2009 meeting forward.Upon a motion made by Mrs. Reimschiissel and seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis the meeting was adjourned at 948 p.m. CST.AdjournedAttestKelly D. Reimschiissel, Recording Secretary2009 APC NATIONAL DVD ORDER FORM DVD 1Puppy Veteran SweepsJunior Showmanship 20.00 each plus shipping DVD 2Winners DogWinners BitchBest of Breed 25.00 plus shipping DVD 3Top Twenty10.00 each plus shipping SHIPPINGUSPS 3.00Foreign 8.00 FULL SETAll Three DVDs 55.00 plus shippingUSPS 4.00, Foreign 10.00NAMESTREET ADDRESSADDITIONAL ADDRESSCITY, STATE AND ZIP CODEPHONF. N1 IMRF.R h F-MAII. ADDRESSMail toThe American Pomeranian ClubErika Moureau32110 Patty's LandingMagnolia, TX 77354MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 27COMMITTEE REPORTS JANUARY 20, 2009Standing CommitteesBreed Advisory - Marge Kranzfelder resigned March 1, 2007 Breeder Referral - Jane Lehtinen Delegate Report - Darrell Baker Gazette Columnist - Olga BakerHealth Genetics - Marge Kranzfelder resigned March 1, 2007 Historian - Cindy BoulwareHistorical Awards - Carol LeemhuisNeed October, November, and December reports from the Awards Chair. When received ROM, ROMS, ROMX, GC, HOF will be updated and awards given out.Judges Education - Fred Bassett, Curtiss Smith, Mrs. Oelerich, Nadine HersilEnd of Year report was received. Invitation letters to mentor candidates chosen by the sub-committee are being currently being worked on and mailed.Membership - Annette DavisWelcome letters were sent to the 9 applicants voted in at the last meeting. Received 3 applications, entered data, and then forwarded information to Janice Russell. Report was sent to the Pomeranian Review. Informed an applicant they needed a second sponsor. Updated membership database and processed mailing labels for Janice Russell.Performance Events - Margaret McKeeThere was one inquiry involving obedience annual awards. The owner is not an APC member and so is not eligible. Pomeranian Review - Brenda Segelken. No Report.Rescue - Linda LewisThe majority of rescue at this time consists of receiving and forwarding e-mails regarding poms in need of assistance to the appropriate person or group for follow up.I have updated information on the APC website with the help and efficiency of Kelly R. I need to continue follow up and checking on the remaining contact information as well as revise the introduction to rescue.I sent out a questionnaire to the APC members listed in the rescue section of our directory and was pleased to see that almost all who responded are operating in the same fashion with regard to spayneuter, adoption fees, fostering, screening applicants and micro-chipping Now I just need about 70 or 80 more to do the same across the U.S. and well be setI have recently learned that there is a rescue fund of 150.00. It is my understanding that there are no written guidelines for dispersal. As I understand it these funds are the result of In Memory Of... donations.There are more Pomeranians than ever in rescue due to the economy and people losing their homes. There are many, many rescue groups out there eager to help but I believe that it is very much catch as catch can.Ways Means - Donna RiehmWould prefer not to do pre-sales of logo items.Website - Kelly D. ReimschiisselInteractive Members ListForum. The Members Forum has been created on the Members Only Site. The board has been given access to the site for review.APC Website. An audit was performed checking the links and link back buttons. Links not working were removed. Notification was sent to members who did not have the required APC link on their website giving them 7 working days to correct the problem. Sites were rechecked after 7 working days and those without a link back to the APC site had the link removed from the APC site.Special CommitteesAudit Committee 2007 - Christine Crane, Jennifer Munn, Elizabeth HeckertAPC books for 2007 were received but many bank statements were missing. Without the bank statement there is nothing to reconcile to. Statements will be requested and if received an audit can take place the weekend of January 17th. Statements were scanned in and sent.Committee Reports Continued28 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewThe American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP Program may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that will benefit their breed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more than 710,000 generated for health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubs participating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purina brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifying weight circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parent breed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of the value of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parent breed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets the Foundations funding guidelines.Committee Reports ContinuedAudit Committee 2006 2008 - Needs to be appointed.Constitution Bylaws Committee - Alane Levinsohn, Judy Green, Margaret McKeeStandard Revision Committee - Erika Moureau, Jerrie Freia, Kathy Norem, Fran Stoll, Terry RothellThe Standard revision committee is working on the color section. I thought that this would be the hardest section, but it appears that the members are in favor of leaving it as is. So all we have left is the very last paragraph, which does not require any change, and putting the requested changes in. Discussion followed.Show CommitteeShow Chair - Janice RussellPremium Fist has been proofed and returned to Rau. Working on Rooming List and Judges Transportation. Need answer from Board on 3 year DVD contract so can wrap that up. My recommendation is we do it. Christine is moving along nicely on the Top 20. Talked with the hotel and the ribbon people. Kelly reported that hospitality is taken care of also.Grounds - Gregg WatersThe Holiday Inns Grand Ballroom is smaller than the Executive Inns ballroom and we also had the stage which was used for the photographer which we dont have at the Holiday Inn. Grooming will be in the Claiborne and Ashford. The photographer may be in the Calumet if there is no room in the ballroom. There will be a door for exhibitors entrance only and a door for show committee, reserved seating and the videographer. Main entrance will be where the vendors and Ways Means are. Reserved seating was measured out and only 45 reserved seats will be available. There will only be one row of chairs - there will be no chairs behind the reserved seats. Vendors will have 10 foot tables with 2 feet between each table and vendor space. Ring size will be 40 x 50.Hospitality - Kelly D. ReimschiisselMenus have been received from the hotel and forwarded to Christine for Top 20. The prices are higher than the previous hotel so this will change the bottom line for the budget. Banquet and morning hospitality menus were chosen, layout of banquet room was discussed. Banquet reservations are starting to come in.Top 20 - Christine Creasey - noted in Show Chair report.Trophy Chair - Margaret McKee - No Report.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 29Annette Davis, CNrilThe question for this issue is I have a brood bitch that seems to skip heat cycles. Is there anything I can do to help increase her fertilityBitches typically have their first estrus also called heat or season between six and nine months of age. Because a bitch is immature at this age, it is not considered a good practice to breed her until her second season. The bitchs season is divided into four periods. The first period, which typically lasts for 9 days, is called proestrus. The start of proestrus is marked by a bloody discharge, followed by swelling of the vulva. In order for a successful breeding to take place, it is very important for the breeder to take note of the first day of proestrus. In some bitches, the swelling and discharge is quite obvious making this easy. On the other hand, some bitches experience very little vulvar swelling and routinely lick away the bloody discharge making the task difficult at best.Below are some tricks to aid the breeder in recognizing the first day of proestrus1 Carefully trim the hair on your bitchs rear so that her vulva is visible.2 Each day, lightly dab the vulva with a clean white tissue. When you spot a tinge of pink, youll know that is the first day of her cycle. Record the date on a calendar so you dont forget.3 If you own the stud you intend to use for breeding, supervise him and your bitch playing together for at least a few minutes each day. A good stud will alert you to the fact that she is about to come into season.The second period is called estrus and also lasts for 9 days. A surge of LH Lutenizing Hormone usually triggers ovulation within 48 hours of the onset of estrus. However, the time that ovulation occurs can vary and explains the need for more than one breeding to take place. It is best to attempt the first breeding on day 10, and then repeat the breeding at least every other day until day 14 or until your bitch refuses to accept the stud.If a breeding occurs at the right time, pregnancy will result. Regardless of whether or not the bitch is pregnant, the 3rd period diestrus follows and lasts for 60-90 days. The 4th period, anestrus follows and lasts 3 or more months until the cycle begins again. An average time between heat cycles is 6 months.If you have bred your bitch at the right time, and she still does not conceive, it is important to have a sperm count run on the stud. Your vet may also test your bitch for bacterial infection such as mycoplasma.Certain dietary and lifestyle measures can also help with infertility problems1 Feed a premium food and do not allow your bitch to become overweight.30 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewAsk Us Anything ContinuedAsk Us Anything Continued2 Feed a fish oil supplement such as salmon oil daily. Salmon oil contains Eicosapentaenoic acid EPA and Docosahexaenoic acid DHA. These long chain Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids play a vital role in overall health. They are only found in significant quantities in fish oil. Studies have shown that EPA and DHA supplementation helps to increase fertility and support brain development in the growing fetus.3 Give a capsule of Sarsaparilla herb daily hide the capsule in a treat, or open it and empty the contents onto food. Sarsaparilla is rich in phytosterols which support the production of hormones necessary for ovulation. You can also give it to your stud to support healthy sperm production. Stop giving Sarsaparilla to your bitch once the final breeding takes place, and switch to Red Raspberry Leaf to help support a healthy pregnancy.4 Consider a premium top dressing such as The Missing Link or Nupro to support general health.5 Allow some play time outdoors each day and dont turn the lights out too early. A decreased photo period can decrease fertility.Our question for the next issue is What is hypoglycemia and how can I prevent my Pom puppy from experiencing itYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, Certified Nutritionist, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm2009 Breeders Symposiums Presented by the American Kennel Club MAY JUNE 2009and AKC Canine Health FoundationApril 4,2009 Western University of Health Sciences, Pomona, CAJuly 25,2009 Location TBD, Tampa, FL KENNELSeptember 19,2009 Chisholm Trail Pavilion, Enid, OK X TNovember 14,2009 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA VisitSaturday 800 AM - 500 PM Breakfast at 730 am Registration opens Saturday at 730 amGeneral Admission 95.00VeterinaryVet Tech Admission 200.00Topics to include Hazel Hiller, Arlene Otapro,Breeding GeneticsNutrition Robin WatanabeReproductionVaccination ProtocolsInfectious DiseaseAnd others Howlene-Teahra PomsTo register online, go to www.akcchf.orgClick on Register for Events located on left Advertising DeadlineFor More Information, Contact Ronald Rella, 212-696-8303 or e-mail April 1,2009rnrakc.orgor Erika Werne, 888-682-9696 or e-mail eawakcchf.orgMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 31iAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netADecember 2008Motion 081102 - motion that we post the election tally to the Members Only site immediately. Made by Erika Moureau with second by David Gilstrap.Vote was taken. Those voting Yes were David, Judy, Sally, Jackie, Gregg, Janice, Fran, Carol and Jane.Motion Carried.Motion 081103 -1 move Including this Dec. Board Meeting, all Board Minutes of the APC be printed in the following months Pom Review and also put in the Members Only section of the APC website with the full report that the Board Members receive. This is to include all motions, the names of those making and seconding those motions and the names of those voting Aye, Nay, or abstaining for each motion. The report to the membership will not be condensed Board minutes except for the discussion of a motion, and EXCEPT for the votes on New Member Applications.The Board Meeting Report for the following months will then replace the previous months report on the APC Members Only website as well as being printed in the next Pomeranian Review issue. Motion made by Sally Baugniet with second by Fran Stoll.Judy amended the motion so that minutes will be archived on the website. After discussion a vote was taken. Those voting Yes were Judy, David, Gregg, Jackie, Janice, Fran, Sally, Carol, and Jane. Motion carried.Motion 081201 -1 move The APC Board investigates the use of the Purina Event Center for possible use for our National Specialty, contacting Brock Fitzgerald at brock.fitzgerald . 12608 Motion made by Sally Baugniet with second by Fran Stoll.After discussion, vote was taken. Those voting Yes were Judy, David, Gregg, Jackie, Janice, Fran, Sally, Carol and Jane. Motion Carried.Motion made to approve Tellers Report as printed, Judy second. All present voted in favor and motion passed.A motion had been made regarding QuickBooks which followsMotion 081202 - I make a motion that we upgrade our QuickBooks program to the 09 version, because it is outdated and has ceased to function. The expense will be around 400. Motion by Erika Moureau with second by Jane Fehtinen. The roll was called for votes and the motion passed with 7 Yes votes from those present.32 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewA clr TJx Anythino Cintin 110siThe American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in this program.Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP ProgramMembers of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP Program may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that will benefit their breed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more than 710,000 generated for health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubs participating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purina brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifying weight circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parent breed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of the value of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parent breed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets the Foundations funding guidelines.Committee Reports ContinuedAudit Committee 2006 2008 - Needs to be appointed.Constitution Bylaws Committee - Alane Levinsohn, Judy Green, Margaret McKeeStandard Revision Committee - Erika Moureau, Jerrie Freia, Kathy Norem, Fran Stoll, Terry RothellThe Standard revision committee is working on the color section. I thought that this would be the hardest section, but it appears that the members are in favor of leaving it as is. So all we have left is the very last paragraph, which does not require any change, and putting the requested changes in. Discussion followed.Show CommitteeShow Chair - Janice RussellPremium Fist has been proofed and returned to Rau. Working on Rooming Fist and Judges Transportation. Need answer from Board on 3 year DVD contract so can wrap that up. My recommendation is we do it. Christine is moving along nicely on the Top 20. Talked with the hotel and the ribbon people. Kelly reported that hospitality is taken care of also.Grounds - Gregg WatersThe Holiday Inns Grand Ballroom is smaller than the Executive Inns ballroom and we also had the stage which was used for the photographer which we dont have at the Holiday Inn. Grooming will be in the Claiborne and Ashford. The photographer may be in the Calumet if there is no room in the ballroom. There will be a door for exhibitors entrance only and a door for show committee, reserved seating and the videographer. Main entrance will be where the vendors and Ways Means are. Reserved seating was measured out and only 45 reserved seats will be available. There will only be one row of chairs - there will be no chairs behind the reserved seats. Vendors will have 10 foot tables with 2 feet between each table and vendor space. Ring size will be 40 x 50.Hospitality - Kelly D. ReimschiisselMenus have been received from the hotel and forwarded to Christine for Top 20. The prices are higher than the previous hotel so this will change the bottom line for the budget. Banquet and morning hospitality menus were chosen, layout of banquet room was discussed. Banquet reservations are starting to come in.Top 20 - Christine Creasey - noted in Show Chair report.Trophy Chair - Margaret McKee - No Report.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 29TRIM YOUR POM LIKE A SHOW POMPREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEO GROOMING TIPS, EQUIPMENT NEEDED AND WHERE TO BUY IT, AND HOW TO TRIM EARS.Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the showring and pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo, e-mail Pauline McFarlane at, or call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon of Pominique Pomeranians for allowing us to use AMInt CH Pominique Chasing Tatonka aka Tony as our demonstration model.BEST WISHES TO ALL AT THE UPCOMINGAPC NATIONAL SPECIALTYINICongratulations to Jan Stachurski of Table Top Poms on your Kennel Visit and to Carolyn Smith and Levi on your Performance feature.mmgKaren Crawford, Xitable Pomeranians Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Pomeranians\ 1. ftuirHrThePomeranian Club of Central Virginia Proudly AnnouncessacK to sacK speciaiTiesMemorial Day WeekencLMay 22nd - 25th, 2009 ddinTis for four daysjpftrhaiors in Hampton, VA. The Judging Panelf^HjFriday - Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson Langley KCSaturday - Mrs. Elizabeth Muthard Langley KC and PCCV Specialty Sunday - Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen Gloucester KC and PCCV Specialty nAffT1'' Monday - Mrs. Jean Fournier Gloucester KCJC-. -5"sarjrrn .....E -V..,' . We will also be holding Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes on Saturday ' judge Mr. Paul Gates and our annual Futurity and Maturity on Sundayjudged by Ms. Nadine Hersil.Each exhibitor receives one of our fabulous exhibitor Gift BagsFlampton, VA is located an hour southeast of Richmond, and is only a short drive from such attractions as Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Colonial Williamsburg, historic Yorktown and Jamestown, as well as outlet shopping, j and is about 45 minutes from the shores of Virginia BeachThere are plenty of nearby hotels and restaurants and the show is about 20 minutes from ,33^5^ both Newport News-Williamsburg Int'l Airport and Norfolk Int'l Airport. ^^ggp^llg For Details, contact Beverly Allen 301.934.32163S. TMarchApril2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 33mi1IVO A',Sr w. XdO mV7 \K V WAmBEST OF BREEDNEW CHAMPIONt IWORCESTERCOUNTYrjSUNDAYNOVEMBER 30.2008.o. THE STANDARD IMAGE9 w CLARK' .OCH Tabletop's Black Mail Sender X CH Rodi's AldeaThank you to the Judges who awarded Pippin his points, especially Dorothy Dalton for his first major and Sari Brewster Tietjen pictured for his last major.Pippin is Tabletop's third BLACK champion.We are thrilled to announce Pippin will be struttinghis stuff in 2009 as a special. n , nBreederOwnersJan Stachurski George Landry Tabletop mi8- Afiin-Sv OFbreed variety' -1 r--v--ST 0r n iMmlS Of-PISITE ' -urc5ii Ji ' r.V. -V-jA, -.. 'W-L.' LiVv3-.ANASt. zCSSftb "YJan Stachurski - Tabletop PomeraniansLet me begin by thanking the Pomeranian Review for asking me to write this feature.North West Poland is part of an area once known as Pomerania, and that is where my mother came from and where my father met her. My fatherwas from South Eastern Poland, which is also my birthplace. Dad and mom were survivor children of the devastating WWII. But that is a story not to be visited at this time.I was bom on November 21, 1952 in Novy Borek its a very small town inSoutheastern Poland. My earliest childhood was spent on an old mral farm. When I say old mral I mean things like, our mnning water was the stream at the bottom of the hill and the really good drinking water was over the hill and through the woods, electricity was several towns over.1A YvmV--r.- .r -v 3rvw'.A iic^LT.Four immigrants. Jan is tallest boy. House in Poland similar to the one Jan was born in.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 35Kennel Visit ContinuedOur first family dog was a German Shepherd. My dad worked on a government dairy farm for a while, where he found Rex a dog that had gone feral. Dad re-tamed him by leaving some of his lunch in the field. When he brought Rex home, that huge dog became my best buddy. I do mean huge, at six I used to ride on his back like a pony. It was such a hard goodbye, for this seven year old, to leave him behind to come to America.Oh My word, what a culture shock when we came to America. I can still remember it so well, May 5th, 1960. How strange it felt to meet a set of grandparents for the first time. My dad had not seen his parents for over twenty years stranded in Poland, WWII, long story. From the airport we went to our new home, a small third floor apartment in Brooklyn, New York. Not a blade of grass to be seen, it all just concrete. I wanted to know where the livestock was, and where did they graze. What No cows No chickens This seven and a half year old was desperate I took an egg from the fridge, put it in a dresser draw and lit a flashlight on it. Well, I had once heard of a hatching machine that used light bulbs, and well, it was a light.My dad bought a canary to help me get over the lack of living thing around me people did not count.A couple of years later my parents bought a house and I was in glory land. I had a couple of rabbits and then a pigeon coop on the roof. I also had a pair of bantam chicken for a short time. Roosters, big or small, will crow and neighbors complained, so the chickens had to go. Oh well, it was the city after all.All right, lets fast forward a bunch a years to my early twenties, and here I am in Boston, MA.In 1975, George and I were looking to buy a canary. We found a breeder36 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review. I, .A A- ---fi J. V \Breeding cage bankrami, i_ Viewof bird roomJan Judging Canaries exhibitor of canaries and WOW I found out about shows. I learned about breeding to a standard and competitive exhibition. My choice of Type breed was the Gloster Canary which I paired and bred in the spring of 1976. The season seemed good and the resulting fledglings looked good to me. Now the proof would be in how they did at the show. Yes My birds took a few classes and a Section. Let me tell you,I caught the bug The show bug is absolutely incurable but then you all know that already. You probably have it yourselves.During the course of the quarter century I was very active in the National Gloster Club. I held the offices of vice president, secretary, treasurer, and president and was alsoGetting the Kellogg trophyinvolved as a show manager, classification manager, Constitution By-Law committee and the judges panel. There wasnt much that I didnt have my finger in at one time or another.1981 saw the start of my judging career. The first was a Feather Show Jr. Match and went on to judge some major canary exhibitions and all cage bird exhibitions such as the Great American Cage Bid Show. These assignments took me to places like Oshkosh, WI, Baltimore, MD and Puerto Rico.OK OK I know Enough of that nondog stuffDuring the fall of 1983, a Doberman wandered into the parking lot at work. She was starving and barely able to walk only skin with a bunch of bone in it. We gave her water and a meat sandwich but she couldnt keep itTara the rescued Dobiedown. The receptionist had called the local MSPCA to come get the dog, by the end of the day they were a no show. I could not just leave her there to die, so I put her in the car and took her home. As soon as I got home I called Rita LaPointe, a friend who was a groomer and 4H teacher of dog training and handling. Rita told me to cook up some rice and ground beef this mix would be mild enough to keep down. The next morning she went to the Vet. Dogs need a name to be treated so she became Tara. Tara weighed 40 pounds and should have been 65 to 70. Unfortunately I was able to keep her for only about 6 months. It had become evident that due to starvation and over breeding, her digestive tract would never function properly. Tara could not hold her bowels for more than a few hours and our house was empty for nearly twelve. She needed a home where someone was around all day to let her in and out as necessary.A good home with a young boy and a stay at home mom was found with the help of the Standish Humane Society.Fate worked slowly and did not strike until a Saturday in August of 1988. There I was minding my own business, in a pet shop, only intending to buy some fish. This shop also did grooming and I was very friendly with the owners after all we were in there at least every other week. Out came Rae ownergroomer and asked if I would mind helping her walk the dog because they were short handed and the shop was busy. Well of course I said sure no problem after all I hadnt paid full price for anything in there for years. So she handed me a leash and at the end of it was a POM. CAN YOU PICTURE WHERE THIS IS GOING This was a feisty little guy who had to mark every post, bush and blade of grass, and kick up his heels each time. When we came back in I began to bend down to remove the leash but the little bugger hurled himself up into my arms. I was stunned that such a small dog couldRusty, Jans first Pomjump so high. Rae said, Jan, he really like you as my face was being washed. I said, I think he is adorable. I wish I could take him home. Rae took that opportunity to say, Go ahead take him He has been abandoned here. OK, about 180.00 later for crate, bed, new collar and leash, food, etc Rusty had a new home and I had my first Pom. Actually George spent the money I was too busy gleaming.When I took him to the vet for a check up and shots, I was told he was about 5 years old. Rusty was the most attached dog I have ever known. He wasnt merely my shadow he was almost an appendage. This strong attachment did not develop with time, it happened instantly, right when I first took that leash in the pet shop. He was my TV and bird room buddy and a travel companion.Rusty had very few requirements. All he wanted was a bit of food, water, and romp in the yard and to be with me. Should the occasion arise where he could not be with me, Rusty needed one of my recently worn socks to lie on. Heaven help anyone who might be foolish enough to try and take it from him. Whenever I would travel and he had to stay home, I had to save up socks in a plastic bag so that he could be given a fresh one each morning and at bedtime. Awww. Such love and devotion.My dear friend Peggy Margaret York of Tay-York Boxers, knowing that Iwanted to become more involved in Poms, told me the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club was having a match in March 1995. I got the address from an AKC list and went. This is where I saw some truly beautiful Poms. I reconnected with Barbara Krzewicki of Ursa Minor Pomeranians, whom I had known some years back when she was in the canary club. Barbara sponsored me so I could join the BCPC and I begin learning more about the Pomeranian. I was still very involved with my canaries and the bird clubs, so showing Poms had a slow start. In 1998 I was ready and work out a dealMy first champion, Touch9IKiss my grits Honeywith Barbara to have a couple of show dogs. They were littermates, Ursa Minors Milk Honey, an Isabella parti bitch, and Ursa Minors Touch of Class, an Orange part dog. Touch was co-owned by Barbara and me, and handled by Helen Melucci. Touch became a champion at 13 months of age with a couple best of breed wins. Honey was never shown. She became very ill nine months and after theKennel Visit Continued MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 37Mibeen waiting for just too long for a Pom. She became a Pillow Princess and rules the house like an Empress. Sparky, now Ch Tabletops Short Fuse, went to live with Christine Creasey and took a four point major the first weekend out at the age of six 6 months of age. Sparky went on to finish with three four-point majors. Good work Christinemade into the top 25, which entitled Sender to an AKC Eukanuba Invitation for a 4th year in a row. What more could anyone ask of a show dog Whatever more could I have asked of him Sender retired in December 2008 still receiving purple and gold ribbons on his last official show days. Oh, dont fret. Youll see him from time to time, but only on special occasions.A family sweephospital stay she wouldnt stand on a table to be examined.Then came Pearl, a Honey daughter, by Ch. Ursa Minors Special Effect. I was now ready to do the showing myself. Tabletops Tahitian Pearl, a BLUE, was a true eye catching beauty. On her first day at a show Pearl was grabbed out of my arms by the ring steward this totally freaked her out. A BIG lesson learned Protect your dogs from FOOLS they cause harm, even if it is not intentional. So after bringing her to several shows and having Pearl freak each time we approached the ring I decided not to stress her any longer and stopped showing her.I have made some blunders in the ring but really enjoy handling my dogs. I took a lot of handling classes under the late Jean Duchaine. Jean was always considerate of the safety of small dogs and puppies. I then had a Touch daughter an orange parti bitch Joy who I showed and pointed. Joy was shown for a while she loved being out there, but she was not quite the star I had hoped for and did not finish.Christine Creasey was gracious enough to let me breed Pearl to her CB Hollilys Circuit Breaker. After all I do work for an electrical contractor. This breeding was accomplished by the skillful Leanne Wilkins, CBs cobreeder. From this encounter came the ONE and only Sender, a black, his brother Sparky, a black, and a little sister Katy, an orange. Katy went to live in a pet home. This couple had38 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewNow Sender Ch Tabletops Black Mail Sender. Wow He taught me what a real show dog is, and how grateful I need to be for having him. He is a true dream come true. I took him to the APC National in March of 2005 and I was going into the ring and my number fell off. I was so nervous, Tony Cabrera helped me get it back on the said, dont be afraid you have a beautiful dog. Thanks but I was still totally surprised by Sender being awarded Best Bred by Exhibitor by Fred Bassett. I stood in shock, shaking and I cried Even now I can well up when I think of that day. We have been riding on a high crest ever since. At his next show Sender went BOB under Ed Ennis and was given a Group placement by Philip Lanard III. Bonnie Linnell Clarke gave him his first major and Sender finished at the end of May2005 with back-to-back majors under Vikki Abbott and Joseph Jolly III. He started his specials career at age 10 month and made the Top 20 in both Breed and All Breed Points that year. His invitation to the AKC Eukanuba Championship arrived and we went to Tamp Florida. Judge Anne Katona gave Sender an Award of Excellence.So we head out for my third APC National in March 2006 I am definitely hooked on National anyway. Thank you Judge Erika Moureau for the Award of Merit. It was an honor.2006 finished with Sender again being in the Top 20 Breed and All Breed points. And, again for the year 2007 Sender hit the TOP 20, Breed and All Breed points. For the year of 2008 we did not make the TOP 20, But we stillSender tallied up 104 Best of Breed wins, 8 BOS wins and 32 group placements, always breederowner handled. Do you think I am proud of my boy Well if you have to think about it...During my run with Sender, we bred Pearl to Ch Aphrodites Donmar Desperado owned by Donna Majewski and Linda Diccico. This coupling brought forth a litter of three.Tabletops Dream Catcher, an orange girl who has not yet been shown. Tabletops Pequeno Diablo, a black boy who just needs majors to finish if we had some majors around here. Tabletops Rosa Negra, who only needed one major to finish and was to be my specials bitch, but died on her first birthday. To say the least, that was not a good day. It hit me like a freight train. The necropsy showed nothing wrong. The vet told me it seemed as though she had just stopped living.I have to go back to September of 2006 for a bit. I purchased an addition to my breeding program. Rodis Aldea, bred by Diana Solano, arrived here and instantly made her self at home. Cheryl Kerr knew I was starting to look for a girl and she put me in touch with Celeste Solano. Ginger is a very typie and pretty girl with a tail set to die for. Celeste had put two majors on this little lady and was willing to let me have her. As soon as her coat came back in, we hit some shows. Before long Ginger was Ch Rodis Aldea. I bred Ginger to Sender and free whelped a black boy Pippin and an orange girl Mona on 112407.mDalton. Mona, Tabletops Held for Ransom, was also pointed that weekend. Pippin became Ch Tabletops Return to Sender on November 30, 2008 under Sari Brewster Teitjen with a 5 point major, going BOB over three specials, including his dad, Sender.So here we are up to date with one Ginger X Sender puppy bom in December of 2008 and may I say looking GOOOOD... AND PIPPINI IiKiss my grits HoneyGinger loves ChristmasaflSSA.Jan s Queen of the Night cactusRoza giving kissesA mVfu-.Pippinat 20 weeks' 2These kids started their show careers on the day they turned six months old at the Bay Colony Pomeranian Club Specialty. AND, AND... Pippin, Tabletops Return to Sender, went best in Puppy Sweeps under Marlene Dunbury and then in the regular show he took the major under DorothyJan relaxing with fur kids Mona playing peek-a-boo-u.ntr,. I'v.- "A. , -J iiAni- J.j-1Pippins first major Making pierogi with Mom Dad showing of his catchMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 39h. Tabletop's Short Fuse\i- .-0yrsv a\mm.msmmSparky finishesUnlike his brother. Multiple group placing Ch Tabletops' Black Mail Sender, Sparky took his time finishing, but it was worth the wait. We're proud to have this little boy here with us. We're also proud to call Jan a friend. Congrats, Jan, on your feature this month.Love ya,Christine Peter CreaseyHollily PomeraniansKennel Visit Continued. . 5-.l. ft V._ ___ _______SENDER, THE CHICK MAGNET WHAT NEICES WILL DO WAITING ON A BELLY RUBis the new special you will be seeing George or me out in the ring with.The list of thanks could go far too long so I will only mention the most important.A grateful thank you goes to my dad,Kazimierz, for taking the time to love his children and spending the time, even when he hadnt slept and my mom, Antonina, who walked through fire for my sister and me literally walked through fire and so much more. I miss you both tremendously. And of course thanks to George Landryfor encouraging me and putting up with my insanity for 35 plus years and of course his eye for balance when it comes what is worth showing. I am also very grateful for having a nice group of people in this area who support each other.40 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review.tVV'7 ^SPLUM CREEK \ KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY E33i BEST BRKCt MMN GROUP .-KOHLER V \AivEyTjjgM Tbp Ip on yoiir komci vMlinkMk pi lipBfowhhIlMIB]KiC 1POM Swavaw Lr jMffnt -wimSHOWBOAT POMERANIANSWe're sending all the best to those attending Nationals and hoping that you have the time of your lives.Our exciting new puppies by Moxie and Bo are now eight weeks old.Valcopy champion - sired black and tan litter due mid March.Come visit our website.Karleene,Ch. Raz Berrie and all the show kids at showboatpomshotmail.comtNmorr\,Congratulations Jan Stachurskion your feature.Its always such a pleasure to see you and George..4 jsrCan. Am. Ch. Chriscendo Call To Arms ROMSx Ch Great Rivers HotT'MollyAnd introducing.... LiLis Go For The GustoGus will be presented by Vikki Oelerich at the APC Nationals. Look for him in the Open ClassOwned by Lisa Aiello Frances Zozzaro Bred by Lisa Aiello Sharon Yampiro 0 VCZZ VPtty p^^ZZZ jpZZZZZ0 Zzz ZZT4^ pZzZZZzzzs'Oozzr MzZyzzzjr zzzz pzzrC^C^\^zyzZ.C^sL^ZZZZZ Z\zt^ZizzZ7zZJ4^ Z7ZS ZZZZzZ C^zZZZS'TOP 20 EVENT POMERANIANINVITEESAmerican Pomeranian Clubs Top TwentyStarting January 1, 2008 and ending December 31, 20081 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon BonD OwnerM Koga2 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of IsabellaD Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, MSmith3 CH Powerpom High PerformanceD Owner P Pongsak4 CH Chars Bringin Sexy BackD Owners C Meyer5 CH Oakrose HighN MightyD Owners J Rose, G Stewart6 CH Majesties Artistic ImpressionB Owner A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, STurner7 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-MeD Owner R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon8 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce MyselfD Owner L Price9 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear WatsonD Owner H Sklar, S Hanson10 CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own MeD Owner D Gilstrap, C Gilstrap11 CH Pufpride Somewhere in TimeD Owner L Beard12 CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut CheerioD Owner J Behrend, B Behrend13 CH Kalos Rock N Music CityD Owner C Brandenburg14 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirD Owner J Green15 CH DonT Play With Funny Money WowD Owner O Heong16 CH Gayels Destinys ChildB Owner N Guenther17 CH Golden Stars TerminatorD Owner A Sanehmahakul18 CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of LenetteD Owner L Delp19 CH Valcopy Janels SpidermanD Owner J Reich, J Pardue20 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian SundownD OwnerL OtisgiPROGRESSIVEo 14m 4mPoonM iffESE-tcr Dee shcwNEW YORK, NEW YORK - FEBRUARY 6, 2009Photos by Bruce and Joan BehrendTOY GROUP JUDGE Mrs. Shirley D. Limoges POMERANIANS JUDGE Mr. Don SuttonBEST OF BREEDGROUP 4 CH VELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BON. Dog Owner Margo Koga. Breeder Daniel Yona.BEST OF OPP SEXTRESSTIQUE 4EVER-N-BLUE JEANS. Bitch Owner Bonnie Harris. Breeder Bonnie Harris.WINNERS DOGBEST OF WINNERS WINDSORS FASTEN UR SEATBELT. Owner Gail Bertrand Breeder Shauna JenkinsRESERVE WINNERS DOGRAZZLE DAZZLE BROKEN RECORD. Owner Judith B Green.Breeder Judith B Green.WINNERS BITCH BEST PUPPYSILOUETTES STOP THE PRESSES. Owner Bruce Joan C Behrend. Breeder Elizabeth Heckert.RESERVE WINNERS BITCH LYNNWRIGHT N SIRENS L-WORD OF LENETTE. Owner Donna Lynn Wright Lorelei Sibet. Breeder Kenneth G Griffith.ii i-" tsa mm TOYP0 OU'iS, mILLOODLlMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 43Ways.MeansAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Greetings,L''Donna RiehmHope this finds everyone doing well. In Southern Illinois we are trying real hard to stay warm in the middle of a winter weather event where ice has taken its toll on power lines and all major and secondary roads are just awful. I have reaffirmed that there will always be something very special about snuggling with one or more Poms. They are great little heaters and you get your faced washed at the same timeI cant believe our National Specialty is so very close. Many of you may be thumbing through the pages of this issue as you enjoy the show in Louisville.Just one last reminder to let you know once more that your donations to our fundraising auctions are very important to our club. The revenue that the Specialty auctions bring is a major source of funding needed to provide you with the first class show that we all enjoy each and every year.Thanks to all who have already responded with pledges of quality art, crafts and collectibles and some very unique furry friend items.PLEASE DONATE. We need everyones help.PLACE ANEW BUSINESS CARD ADIN THE POMERANIAN REVIEW AT THIS SPECIALTY AND RECEIVE1 50tH ANNIVERSARYONE FREE MUGThis offer is only for NEW business card ads placed at the 2009 APC National Specialty.ONE YEARSIX INSERTIONSNO BUSINESS CARD LET US DESIGN YOUR AD FOR YOU. JUST GIVE US YOUR PHOTO, AD TEXT AND PAYMENT. WE WILL DO THE REST.PAYMENT MUST BE RECEIVED AT THIS SPECIALTY. YOU MAY EMAIL YOUR PHOTOS AND TEXT DIRECTLY TO THE EDITOR AT fame62401 MAYJUNE DEADINE IS APRIL 1.y, American P omcranlan Clk PAYMENTMUST BE RECEIVED DURING THE APC SPECIALTY BEFORE MARCH 12 TO RECEIVE THE FREE MUGS. SORRY, ABSOLUTELY NONE WILL BE MAILED. THIS OFFER IS GOOD ONLY ON NEW BUSINESS CARD ADS.The BCA mug supply is very limited.Choice of mugs will be made, as available, by Review staff.American Pomeranian Club 2008 AwardsRankTOP 10 BREED DOGSName BOBTotalDefeated1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon 102 1,8562Owner M Koga CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella 86 1,2233Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M SmithCH Powerpom High Performance 62 9414Owner P PongsakCH Chars Bringin Sexy Back 69 9245Owner C MeyerCH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me 15 3986Owners R Mellem, L Newbold, L SolomonCH Lanas Let Me Introduce Myself 26 3697Owner L PriceCH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson 43 3668Owners H Sklar, S HansonCH Mountain Crest U DonT Own Me 31 3659Owners D Gilstrap, C GilstrapCH Pufpride Somewhere In Time 25 34710Owner L BeardCH Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio 37 341Owners J Behrend, B BehrendTOP 10 ALL-BREED DOGSTotalRank Name BIS I II III IV Defeated1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon BonOwner M Koga7 38 25 13 7 17,2122 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of IsabellaOwners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith4 28 15 12 5 13,2963 CH Powerpom High PerformanceOwner P Pongsak1 8 10 10 15 7,2484 CH Chars Bringin Sexy BackOwner C Meyer0 6 12 5 9 4,1485 CH Larajus Don Juan At So-MeOwners R Mellem, L Newbold, L Solomon0 3 3 5 0 2,0386 CH Lanas Let Me Introduce MyselfOwner L Price0 3 2 4 2 1,9587 CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own MeOwners D Gilstrap, C Gilstrap0 1 5 2 2 1,5618 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear WatsonOwners H Sklar, S Hanson0 3 3 3 7 1,5609 CH Lil Behrs Honey Nut CheerioOwners J Behrend, B Behrend0 1 3 5 4 1,35610 CH Razzle Dazzle Heavenly ChoirOwner J Green 0 1 2 3 1 1,243APC Member denoted by In order to be eligible for APC awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquetyou must have been a member for one calendar year.AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB 2008 AWARDSTOP 10 BREED BITCHESRank Name BOBTotalDefeated1 CH Majesties Artistic Impression 36 5222Owners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, T TurnerCH Gayels Destinys Child 12 2443Owner N GuentherCH Starfires Wicked Wanda 6 704Owners J Cabrera, F ArientiRagdolls Dazed N Confused 3 605Owners M Parrott, S ParrottCH Northmoor Wind Dancer 7 585Owner L GoodmanCH Tradewind Amazing Grace 5 587Owner G Shaffer, J FiddickCH Chriscendo Congeniality 2 508Owner M Latimer, R Kennedy, C HeartzCH Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta 3 349Owners A Otaguro, H Miller, R WatanabeCH Great Rivers N Viktres Beau-Nita 6 2810Owner S Yampiro, V OelerichCH Ursa Minors Easy Ramble 3 10Owners R McKim, B Krzewicki, H McKimTOP 10 ALL-BREED BITCHESRank Name BIS I II in IV Defeated1 CH Majesties Artistic ImpressionOwners A Rister, C Creed, B Turner, T Turner0 2 2 l 3 1,4942 CH Gayels Destinys ChildOwner N Guenther0 1 2 2 1 1,3943 CH Starfires Wicked WandaOwners J Cabrera, F Arienti0 0 0 2 1 4644 CH Great Rivers N Viktres Beau-NitaOwner S Yampiro, V Oelerich0 0 0 2 0 2535 CH Tradewind Amazing GraceOwner G Shaffer, J Fiddick0 0 1 1 0 2246 CH Howlene Teahra Dolce MetaOwners A Otaguro, H Miller, R Watanabe0 0 0 2 0 1167 CH Northmoor Wind DancerOwner L Goodman0 0 0 0 1 878 CH Ursa Minors Easy RambleOwners R McKim, B Krzewicki. H McKim0 0 0 1 0 779 CH Peperie PetuniaOwners P Fetter sen,V Oelerich0 0 0 1 0 7210 Ragdolls Dazed N ConfusedOwners M Parrott, S Parrott0 0 0 0 0 60APC Member denoted by In order to be eligible for APC awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquetyou must have been a member for one calendar year.APC 2008 AWARDSJanuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 as reported by the American Kennel ClubAPC Top Exhibitors13 Charlotte MeyerCH Chars Dare To Dream CH Chars Heart Of My Heart CH Chars Most Beautiful Parti CH Chars Something To Talk About CH Chars Parti Illusion CH Little Cherubs I Can Dance CH Chars Meant To Be A Parti CH Chars Rock Me Amadeus Parti CH Chars Whiskey Sour Parti CH Aldens N Chars Popcorn CH Chars Taylor Made To Parti CH Chars Tiki Beach Parti CH Chars Be-BopN Parti10 Diane L FinchCH Finchs Check Me Out CH Finchs Dream Parti CH Finchs Excuse To Parti CH Finchs One Smart Cookie CH Finchs How Sweet It Is Parti CH Finchs Black Satin Dreams CH Finchs All American Girl CH Finchs Spectacular Parti CH Finchs Time Is Right For Pomjoy CH Finchs Shes Not That Innocent8 Celeste SolanoCH Islands Hanging With The Band CH Cr Classic Charm CH Lovely Worther Weight N Gold CH Cr Lovely Giovanni CH Cr Classic Act CH Finchs Black Satin Dreams CH Elusive Toys Artimus Gorgeous CH Rodis Aspen7 Sharon HansonCH Jan-Shars A Force To Recon With CH Jan-Shars Patsy Cline CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson CH J-Das N Jan-Shars Center Stage CH Jan-Shars Chairman Of The Board CH Jan-Shars Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy CH Jan-Shars Louie Vuitton7 Robert SolanoCH Islands Hanging With The BandCH Cr Classic CharmCH Lovely Worther Weight N GoldCH Cr Lovely GiovanniCH Cr Classic ActCH Finchs Black Satin DreamsCH Rodis Aspen6 KG GriffithCH Barbara Of Lenette CH Wild Fire Of Lenette CH Faith Dee Fanchaly Of Lenette CH Jjs Crown Prince Of Lenette CH Smoky Mtn. Rain Of Lenette CH Day Star Of Lenette5 Fabian ArientiCH Starfires Trouble N Paradise CH Starfires Sinfully Delicious CH Starfires Elizabeth Trailer CH Starfires Wicked Wanda CH Showins Thunderball5 Jose A CabreraCH Starfires Trouble N Paradise CH Starfires Sinfully Delicious CH Starfires Elizabeth Trailer CH Starfires Wicked Wanda CH Showins Thunderball5 Juanita FiddickCH Linetrees Nathan Of Pom Acres CH Pom Acres Knigt Rider CH Pom Acres Inchalla Red Alert CH Pom Acres Mr Markus CH Tradewind Amazing Grace5 Nina FetterCH Tan LeShe Says It All AtjakenCH Siriuss Shake Not StirCH Cottontop N Weewyns Taking A Chance At Sirius EcCH Surely You Are Not SiriusCH Chelanes The Other White MeatAPC 2008 AWARDSJanuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Breeders16 Diane L FinchCH Chars Most Beautiful Parti CH Finchs Day Dreams CH Finchs Check Me Out CH Finchs Dream Parti CH Finchs Excuse To Parti CH Finchs One Smart Cookie CH Finchs How Sweet It Is Parti CH Finchs Black Satin Dreams CH Finchs All American Girl CH Finchs Spectacular Parti CH Chars Spice Girl CH Finchs Life Of The Parti CH Finchs Time Is Right For Pomjoy CH Finchs Shes Not That Innocent MACH2 Finchs Peach Melba Delight NF Finchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJ MJP214 Charlotte MeyerCH Chars Dare To Dream CH Chars Heart Of My Heart CH Chars Most Beautiful Parti CH Chars Something To Talk About CH Finchs Day Dreams CH Chars Parti Illusion CH Chars Meant To Be A Parti CH Chars Rock Me Amadeus Parti CH Chars Whiskey Sour Parti CH Chars Spice Girl CH Chars Taylor Made To Parti CH Chars Tiki Beach Parti CH Chars Be-BopN Parti Chars Its My Parti CDX RN11 Sharon HansonCH Jan-Shars Dressed To The Nines CH Jan-Shars Take Your Best Shot CH Jan-Shars A Force To Recon With CH Jan-Shars Patsy Cline CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson CH J-Das N Jan-Shars Center Stage CH Jan-Shars Chairman Of The Board CH Jan-Shars Rosa Parks CH Jan-Shars Save A Horse Ride A Cowboy CH Jan-Shars Louie Vuitton CH Jan-Shars Tamarac10 KG GriffithCH Barbara Of LenetteCH Highfield Strike The Band Of LenetteCH Wild Fire Of LenetteCH Faith Dee Fanchaly Of LenetteCH Highfield On The Road Again OLenetteCH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of LenetteCH Rialtas Paper Doll Of LenetteCH Smoky Mtn. Rain Of LenetteCH Day Star Of LenetteCH Lynnwrights Gia Of Lenette9 Tom WilsonCH Larajus California Gold Rush CH Park Avenues Cinnamon Girl CH Park Avenues Darling Diva CH Larajus Paragons How D West Was Won CH Park Avenues Texas Hold Em CH Park Aves Red Hard And Delicious CH Parkave Mar-Ds WinkE DinkE Doo CH Park Avenues Singular Sensation Park Aves Lyn Large In Charge AX AXJ NF8 Fabian ArientiCH Starfires Mamasita CH Starfires Trouble N Paradise CH Starfires Latin Dancer CH Starfires Sinfully Delicious CH Starfires Wicked Wanda CH Starfires Elizabeth Trailer CH Starfires Robcary Too Cool CH Starfires Dbl Trouble8 Jose A CabreraCH Starfires Mamasita CH Starfires Trouble N Paradise CH Starfires Latin Dancer CH Starfires Sinfully Delicious CH Starfires Wicked Wanda CH Starfires Elizabeth Trailer CH Starfires Robcary Too Cool CH Starfires Dbl Trouble8 Carlene B GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Caught Up N U CH Mountain Crest Let Mikey Havit CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own Me CH Mountain Crest Rock Star CH Mountain Crest All That Glitters CH Mountain Crest Rock Princess CH Mountain Crest Tiny Bubbles CH Mountain Crest Rocketman48 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review8 David GilstrapCH Mountain Crest Caught Up N U CH Mountain Crest Let Mikey Havit CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own Me CH Mountain Crest Rock Star CH Mountain Crest All That Glitters CH Mountain Crest Rock Princess CH Mountain Crest Tiny Bubbles CH Mountain Crest Rocketman7 Juanita FiddickCH Pom Acres Inchalla Red Alert CH Pom Acres Mr Markus CH Tradewind Amazing Grace MACH2 Cody Joe C ManPom Acres Atomic Dragonfly CDX RAE NA OAJ MXP MJP Pomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RE MX MXJ Pom Acres Copper Dragonfly NA NAJ4 CH Finchs Bet On The PartiCH Finchs Dream Parti CH Finchs Excuse To Parti CH Finchs How Sweet It Is Parti CH Finchs Time Is Right For Pomjoy4 CH FinchScharSspellboundpartiCH Chars Meant To Be A Parti CH Chars Taylor Made To Parti CH Chars Tiki Beach Parti Chars Its My Parti CDX RN4 CH Great Rivers Cupids ArrowCH Great Rivers Beau DLicious CH Great Rivers N Viktres Beau-Nita CH Great Rivers Ho-Beau CH Great Rivers Rain-Beau-Brite7 Sharon YampiroCH Great River N Gar-Vs Big Mac CH Great Rivers Beau DLicious CH Great Rivers Ooh La La CH Great Rivers N Viktres Beau-Nita CH Great Rivers Ho-Beau CH Great Rivers Rain-Beau-Brite CH Great Rivers So Far So GoodTop Sires9 CH Pufpride Sweet DreamsCH Finchs Day Dreams CH Finchs Check Me Out CH Finchs One Smart Cookie CH Starfires Latin Dancer CH Nobles Sweet Talker CH Finchs Black Satin Dreams CH Finchs All American Girl CH Park Aves Red Hard And Delicious CH Finchs Shes Not That Innocent5 CH Band Of Gold Of LenetteCH Highfield Strike The Band Of Lenette CH Firebrooks Thymeless CH Rialtas Paper Doll Of Lenette CH Smoky Mtn. Rain Of Lenette CH Lynnwrights Gia Of Lenette4 CH Cheyennes Kodiak Bear SecondCH Cr Classic Charm CH Cr Classic Leap Of Faith CH Cr Classic Act CH Bachmans Wild Wild West4 CH Mountain Crest Hard RockCH Mountain Crest All That Glitters CH Mountain Crest Rock Princess CH Mountain Crest Tiny Bubbles CH Mountain Crest Rocketman4 CH Mt Crest At SpringwoodCH Bar-Net All About Springwood CH Robcarys You Rock My World CH Bar-Net Home Bound Of Oakridge CH Castiles Envy Of Springwood4 CH Rueben Of LenetteCH Hillsides Maximillion DBri-Cor CH Faith Dee Fanchaly Of Lenette CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of Lenette CH Day Star Of Lenette13 Dogs Tied with 3 Champion Get EachAwards ContinuedhW]cWestminster results may be found on Pages 60 and 61MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 49J^eto CfjamptonsNOVEMBER CHAMPIONS CH Animations Heckle B CH Heartlands Knight N Day x CH Dress Circle Animation. Owned by Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane. Bred by Mrs. Pat Dresser Lorinda Vasuta.CH Aphrodites Thank You Daddy D Aphrodites In Charge x Aphrodites Simply Adorable. Owned by Linda Decicco. Bred by Linda Decicco.CH Bobiis Just The Woman In Me B CH Bobiis IB Vanilla Ice x Bobiis Lalique Of GR Elms. Owned by Bobii Earle. Bred by Bobii Earle.CH Eaglecreeks One Petulant Parti B CH FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti x Heartlands A Flash FromHeavn. Owned by Kathryn J Norem. Bred by Kathy Norem.CH Great Rivers Rain-Beau-Brite B CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow x CH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A Ball. Owned by Sharon Yampiro. Bred by Sharon Yampiro. CH Great Rivers So Far So Good B CH Great Rivers Tonitesthenitehone x Great Rivers N Times Lil Chicadee. Owned by Sharon Yampiro. Bred by Sharon Yampiro. CH Lynnwrights Gia Of Lenette B CH Band Of Gold Of Lenette x Joija Of Lenette. Owned by Donna Wright. Bred by KG Griffith.CH Majestics You DonT Know Jack D CH Majestics lumpin Jack Flash x Majesties Coochy-Coochy. Owned by Annette Rister Charlotte Creed Brenda Turner Terry Turner Suzanne Bemey. Bred by Annette Rister Charlotte Creed Brenda Turner Terry Turner.CH Oakrose Athena Warrior Goddess B CH Oakrose HighN Mighty x Flies On The Butter By Gemada. Owned by Joan Rose Gail Stewart. Bred by Joan Rose Gail Stewart.CH Park Avenues Singular Sensation B CH Jakens Splashing In The Rain At Jan Le x Star Havens Spirit Medicine. Owned by Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand. Bred by Tom Wilson.CH Powerpom Roller Coaster D CH Powerpom The Incredible x Windmist Fly Like A Bird. Owned by Pongsakom Pongsak. Bred by Pongsakom Pongsak.CH Sal-Mar Lil Hurricane Maggie B CH Sal-Mar Stormy Night x Emcees Doritos Sassy Bee. Owned by Sally A Jenkins. Bred by Sally A Jenkins.CH Tabletops Return To Sender D CH Tabletops Black Mail Sender x CH Rodis Aldea. Owned Bred by Jan Stachurski George Landry.CH Velocitys It AinT Easy Being Me D CH Nobles So-So Sharp x Velocitys Simply Stunning. Owned by Daniel Yona. Bred by Daniel Yona.DECEMBER CHAMPIONS CH Chars Be-BopN Parti B Soldier Of Fortune Of Haase x Chars Power Of The Parti. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Clairmonts Angelique B CH Great Elms Mr Chips x Clairmonts Earth Angel. Owned by Sherry Letson Alfredo Lapuz. Bred by G Lance Bryson.CH Domes Destin At Dome Doi D Pak Domes Moji San x Pak Domes Sugar Plum Fairy. Owned by Mr. P Narong Dr. Ml K Apiwut. Bred by Mr. P Narong Dr. Ml K Apiwut.CH Exotic Dream Machine D Exotic Kits Knight Rider x Exotic Dream Cycle. Owned by Molly Mcdaniel Judy K Stone. Bred by Molly Mcdaniel Judy K Stone.CH Exquisites Whispering Dream B CHDamascusroad Dream Buster x CH Avalons Angelina. Owned by Wahyuni Wibowo. Bred by Wahyuni Wibowo. CH Fons Chasing Time D Pak Domes Every Time x Fons Smile Sweetly. Owned by Sujitra Peeyachaiprapha. Bred by Sujitra Peeyachaiprapha.CH Horizons Intoxicating B CH Heartlands Knight N Day x CH Darlins Birthday Wish. Owned by J Candy Schlieper. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Mountain Crest Rocketman D CH Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Mountain Crest Rainy. Owned by Connie Russell Ron Russell. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.CH Mythical Princess Diaries B Mythical Legend Of A King x Babydolls Bipity Bopity Boo. Owned by Elizabeth Heckert. Bred by Nady Godbout.CH Pomhavens Just Fur Fun D CH Starlights Fun Time x Pomhavens Viva Las Vegas. Owned by Colleen P Beland. Bred by Colleen P Beland.CH Rodis Aspen D CH Bachmans Precious Diamond x CH Rodis Aldea. Owned by Celeste Solano Diana M Solano Robert Solano. Bred by Diana Solano Celeste Solano.CH Windkiss Donmar Mini Coupe D CH Aphrodites Donmar Desperado x Windkiss Red Ruby. Owned by Linda L Saball. Bred by Linda L Saball.m rAPC 2008 AWARDSJanuary 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 as reported by the American KennelClubJoan BehrendTop Dams4 CH Great Rivers Tiamo Lets Hav A BallCH Great Rivers Beau DLicious CH Great Rivers Ooh La La CH Great Rivers N Viktres Beau-Nita CH Great Rivers Rain-Beau-BriteAPC Top Flvball PomeranianAs reported by The North American Flyball AssociationPrince Marco Polo CGC, FD, FDX, FDCH, FDCH-S, FDCH-G, FM, FMX, FMCH, ONYXOwned by Kim and John Cagle3 CH Amber Glow Of LenetteCH Barbara Of Lenette CH Wild Fire Of Lenette CH Faith Dee Fanchaly Of LenetteTop Junior HandlersAs reported by BestJunior.com3 CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-BooCH Carleez On The Catwalk CH Carleez Boom Boom Boom MX MXJ CH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJ OJP3 Windkiss Red RubyCH Windkiss Pistol Pete CH Donmars Young Gun Of Windkiss CH Windkiss Donmar Mini Coupe25 Bitches Tied with 2 Champion Get EachStephanie Hentschel 488Amanda Seitzer 477Rebecca Silverberg 132Hope Gould 40Ginger Riley 32Colten Pfannerstill 13Letesha Girth 11Nathan Lisenbee 11Taylor Brown 10Samantha Hyde 9Bailey Pfannerstill 9Chelsea Valles 9APC Top Agility Pomeranian Stephanie Hentschel and Amanda Seitzer finished theyear First and Second respectively in the Toy Group.MACH2 Cheris Popeye the Zailor Rebecca Silverberg finished 17th in the Toy Group.Owned by Gena Mike Zglinski Stephanie finished 19th overall and Amanda finished21st overall in AKC Junior Showmanship. Congratulations to these hard working JuniorsAPC Top Obedience PomeranianCH Paughprint Endless Tradition The Pomeranian Review includes all PomeranianCDXRN Exhibitors in their publication. American PomeranianOwned by Paulette Zecca Club Members are noted with an . In order to beeligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - S1Health GeneticsTOPICS IN NUTRITIONBy Geneva Coats, R.N.DIET and HEALTHScientists have long advised us that fresh, whole, raw foods provide greater nutritional benefits than processed foods. Eating processed foods with supplements added does not provide the same level of nutritional benefits aseating whole foods. We also are learning that the nutrients in whole foods work best in combination. Does this knowledge apply to feeding our dogs Of course Weve probably all been advised to avoid giving our dogs table scraps, leftovers, and people food. Weve heard that it is best to buy a commercial complete and balanced dog food. But where can we get advice on how to formulate a fresh, wholesome diet Exactly what do our dogs need to eat How can we balance their dietGeneva Coats, R.N.In recent years, we seem to be noticing an increase in skin and coat problems, allergies, cancer, arthritis and other degenerative diseases in our dogs. Is this more than a coincidence Lifespans also seem to be getting shorter than they were just a few generations ago, and chronic illnesses are being noted at an earlier age. Naturally, there are genetic and environmental factors which can adversely affect health, but diet is a major factor over which we do have some control.YOUR DOG IS A CARNIVOREThe dogs anatomy and physiology provide us with clues to understanding his food requirements. Over thousands of years, dogs evolved from wolves. They became our work partners and our pets, sharing in the hunt, the resultant meals, and they also scavenged from our trash heaps. Genetically speaking, the dog today remains nearly identical to the wolf. In 1997, UCLA molecular biologist Robert Wayne conducted a study comparing the genes of dogs, wolves, coyotes and jackals. He found that dogs and wolves share 99.8 of their mitochondrial DNA. Mitochondrial DNA is inherited through the tail female line. In dogs, this genetic material goes back to a few original common ancestors. According to Wayne, of modem dogs resulted from a single female wolf lineage. Dogs clearly originated from wolves, and have recently been classified as a subspecies of the grey wolf Canis lupus familiaris.Dogs have the same basic anatomy as wolves. Both the wolf and the dog have a digestive tract that is custom-designed to efficiently process meat and bone. They have sharp teeth designed for ripping and tearing. Molars are pointed for tearing, not flat for grinding and the molars mesh in a jigsaw manner, further hindering the ability to grind food. A cow or a human can chew and grind by using a side-to-side jaw motion, but a dog physically cannot. The canine jaw opens wide, is heavily muscled, and has a hinge design for swallowing chunks however, the jaw cannot move side-to-side. Food remains in a dogs stomach for many hours, where meaty, bony meals are easily digested in an extremely acid environment. Their intestinal tract is much shorter, smoother and more muscular than ours. The dog is highly efficient at digesting proteins and fats, but less efficient digesting plant matter such as grains, fruits and vegetables.Human saliva contains amylase, an enzyme which begins the process of digesting starchy carbohydrates. The dogs saliva contains no digestive enzymes, so carbohydrates must be digested entirely in the intestines. However, the dogs intestinal tract is short, only about one third as long as ours. Grains and other high-carbohydrate foods require a long time in the intestines to be broken down. Ruminant animals have multi-chambered stomachs, processing and fermenting grass andgrains. A dogs short digestive tract cannot do this. Their short muscular intestine is designed for rapid absorption of fats and amino acids. If all that wasnt enough, dogs do not produce the digestive enzyme cellulase, which is the enzyme needed to break down the fibrous cell walls of plant-based foods. No question about it, just like the wolf, your dog is a carnivoreDogs have traditionally survived quite handily on mans table leftovers. However, in the early 20th century, food producers thought of a way to change what would otherwise be waste material into profits. Using slaughter waste and grain remnants, they began to make canned and kibbled pet food.COMMERCIAL DOG FOODFor thousands of years, dogs ate raw, unprocessed, whole foods. Dogs have only been consuming processed commercial food for less than 100 years. In that time, man has radically changed their diet. From a primarily moist, protein-based diet, with a wide range of naturally-occurring microbes, enzymes, vitamins and full complement of amino acids we have change their diet to a dry, carbohydrate-based food, devoid of most natural nutrients.Over the past decades, the pet food industry has perpetuated these mythsMyth 1 Commercial pet food is complete and balanced Myth 2 Dry food is all your dog should ever eat.Myth 3 Its best to stick with one diet and not ever change it.Myth 4 Dogs should not eat table scraps or people food.Myth 5 Adding fresh foods to a commercial diet will unbalance it.Myth 6 Dry food cleans the teeth.Myth 7 Cooking meat is necessary for safetyRegardless of how many of our pets are sickened or killed by commercial dog food, these myths persist. Over 150 brands of commercial foods were recently affected by manufacturer recalls due to melamine contamination. Aflatoxin poisoning in pets is also a recurrent problem, ever since the first kibbles were invented. Toxic levels of Vitamin D and zinc have been the cause of some deaths, resulting in more recalls. Most recently, cats in Australia have suffered with neurologic problems resulting in death all these cats have in common the same commercial diet. Irradiation of this commercial kibble upon import is suspected to have resulted in dangerous vitamin deficiencies and possibly free radical production causing the illnesses and deaths. The troublesome fact is that commercial dog food is not safe, and likely not truly complete or balanced, either.As public awareness heightens to the dangers of commercial foods, consumer demand for safe and nutritious pet food has produced a dizzying array of choices. Organic Human Grade and Premium have become buzz words. Raw diets have rightfully come into vogue, and commercially prepared raw diets are readily available. We have come to realize that balance is not needed within each individual bite, but is achieved over time. Many people have decided that home-prepared meals arent such a bad idea after allWith todays economy, costs are an important consideration fresh foods are often much more expensive than commercial dog foods. And, in todays fast-paced world, pre-packaged dog foods are convenient, and may need to be relied on as a large part of the diet. In this series, well look at the basics of canine nutrition as well as address some factors to consider when preparing or selecting food for your dog. I hope to provide you with some inspiration for adding fresh items to the menu, and also some practical ideas for keeping your food costs within your budget.BASICS OF NUTRITIONProteins, carbohydrates, and fats are the three basic nutrients derived from food. These three major ingredients are called Macronutrients. These macronutrients provide energy, while proteins also provide building material called amino acids. Foods particularly fresh, whole foods also contain varying amounts of micronutrients vitamins, minerals, antioxidants probiotics and enzymes. There are untold thousands of different micronutrients. More are being discovered every day.The dogs digestive system is not designed to process carbohydrates, so calories should be obtained primarily from protein and fat. Fiber can also be included, although fiber is not digestible by dogs, and is non-nutritious. Fiber can, however, serve to provide some bulk to the stool.Water is the most important substance in the diet and, even though not a food, should always be made readily available. Filtered or purified water may be advisable if you live in an area where the quality of the tap water is in doubt.PROTEINProtein is the staff of life, and should be a mainstay in the diet of the dog. Protein is necessary for tissue growth, maintenance and repair. High dietary protein levels are necessary during periods of growth and reproduction. Studies show that high dietary protein levels are also beneficial for older dogs. Foods high in protein include muscle meats, organ meats, fish, dairy products, and eggs.Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids. In the stomach, the pancreas secretes enzymes to break down these proteins into their amino acid components. The amino acids are absorbed through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, and then reassembled by the body into various new proteins. Animals need specific amino acids, not just any protein.The nutritional value of protein depends on its amino acid profile and its digestibility. There are two types of amino acids in dietary proteinESSENTIAL amino acids - must be included in the diet, and NON-ESSENTIAL amino acids- can be made by the body.To be maximally useful, a protein should contain all of the amino acids in its makeup. Lack of any essential amino acid will eventually produce illness.Essential amino acids for dogs includeArginineHistidineIsolueucineLeucineLysineMethioninePhenylalanineTrypotophanThreonineValineTaurine conditionally essentialNonessential amino acids includeAlanineAsparagineAspartateCarnitineCysteineGlutamateGlutamineGlycineLysineHydroxylysineProlineSerineTyrosineMeat, fish, eggs and dairy products all contain high amounts of protein. Plant foods such as com, wheat and soy also supply some protein however, there is a difference in the quality of protein. Animal proteins contain all the essential amino acids, and are considered very high quality, complete sources of protein. Plant proteins do not contain all the essential amino acids, so these plant proteins are considered incomplete proteins.Amino acids that are often missing in plant proteins include arginine, taurine, methionine, lysine and tryptophan. Com does not contain any glycine, lysine or tryptophan. Wheat is low in lysine, methionine, and threonine. Rice is also low in lysine, but high in methionine. Lack of some essential amino acids means the protein from these plant sources is of lower quality.Most of us are in the habit of checking labels to see what percent of protein that food contains. However, more important to consider is how much of the foods protein can be utilized once it is eatenThe Biological Value scale is a measurement of effectiveness for protein. Eggs are considered the gold standard forcomplete, digestible protein. They rate 100 on the Biological Value scale, meaning that eggs are the most useful form of protein known. By comparison, animal protein derived from meat and organs is rated around 80-90, while plant proteins such as those in com or wheat may rate as low as 40.Every amino acid has specific roles in metabolism. For one example lets look at tyrosine. Tyrosine is needed for synthesis of the chemicals epinephrine, norepinephrine, dopamine and serotonin, important neurochemicals which can affect mood. Tyrosine also aids in the production of melanin a pigment responsible for hair and skin color and in making and regulating hormones produced by the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands. Tyrosine can be manufactured in the body from the essential amino acid phenylalanine. Meat sources are rich in both phenylalanine and tyrosine, so deficiency is unlikely.Overcooking can destroy vital amino acids. Those most susceptible to heat damage include lysine, taurine, methionine, carnitine and histidine. Shorter cooking times and lower heats will cause less damage. Luckily, dogs have digestive tracts designed to readily and easily digest raw meat.When reading dog food labels, look closely at the source of protein. You want to see listed in the first few ingredients quality protein sources such as beef, venison, pork, lamb, fish, poultry or eggs, and avoid such ingredients as unspecified meat, meat meal, com gluten, wheat gluten, rice protein or soy. Remember that the grains in the food contribute to the listed percentage of protein content, but do not provide the complete proteins that are necessary to maintain a healthy body.Proteins derived from grains are not readily digestible, and can contribute to formation of allergies, bloat and gas. Cooking a protein alters its structure, and this may also contribute to the formation of allergies. When people suffer from allergies, we sneeze and sniffle as our bodies respond to histamine released by mast cells in our nose and upper airways. Our pets, however, have very different symptoms when they develop an allergy. Dogs and cats have many more histamine receptors in the skin, and few in the nose. While we may sneeze, our allergic dog will instead typically develop itchy, inflamed skin. Allergic skin problems are very commonly seen in our companion animals. It is estimated that up to 23 of allergies in dogs are related to food.Contrary to popular belief, high levels of dietary protein do NOT cause liver or kidney problems, nor does this cause bone or joint problems in large breed puppies. Protein restriction may sometimes be indicated as therapeutic treatment for dogs with pre-existing liver and kidney disease. When protein is metabolized, nitrogenous waste products are produced. Normally, the liver andor kidneys filter out these waste products, but if these organs arent working well, waste products can build up in the bloodstream, making the dog ill. A low protein diet helps to keep down the levels of these waste products in situations where liver or kidneys are not functioning properly.Excess amino acids can be stripped of their nitrogen and converted into glucose. This glucose can be used immediately for energy, or can be stored in the liver as a glycogen reserve bank for future energy needs.Normally, intact proteins cannot be absorbed. However, puppies during the first 24-48 hours after birth are able to absorb large protein antibody molecules from the colostrum in breast milk. This allows them to temporarily enjoy the same protective immunity to diseases that their mother has been exposed to, or was vaccinated against.GLUTENS AND MELAMINE TOXICITYGluten is a sticky protein substance that remains when starch is removed from cereal grains such as wheat, rye, barley and com. Glutens are added to pet foods as an inexpensive protein source. The protein obtained from gluten is plant protein, which lacks one or more amino acids, and is also poorly digestable.There are bigger problems with gluten, however, than their low basic nutritional value. Recently, melamine was found contaminating glutens and rice proteins sourced from China. Melamine, a high-nitrogen chemical, was intentionally added to glutens to artificially boost their measured protein levels. Melamine, however, can crystallize in the kidneys and cause kidney failure. This reaction was noted most particularly when melamine was ingested in combination with cyanuric acid, another contaminant found in some glutens.Melamine contamination has been found in wheat gluten, rice protein product, com gluten, and in chicken jerky. All these were sourced from China. The U.S. Food and Dmg Administration has received reports of approximately 8500 animaldeaths, including at least 1950 cats and 2200 dogs who have died after eating melamine-contaminated food.Melamine has since has been found in milk produced in China. The latest contamination has caused kidney stones and kidney disease in more than 50,000 human infants and caused the deaths of several human babies when melamine found its way into infant formula.Avoid products which contain any sort of gluten or rice protein in their list of ingredients. Also, avoid commercial puppy milk replacer formulas. These may be contaminated with melamine, just as human infant formulas have been in recent months. There are several recipes out there for making your own puppy milk replacer formula using fresh ingredients.. .that is a topic for another dayBY-PRODUCTSOur little wolves dont just eat muscle meat, they eat bones and organs, too. This helps to balance their diet. By-products is the term for non-muscle meat ingredients used in pet food, such as liver, kidney, heart, and intestines. These are usually derived from healthy animals slaughtered for human consumption. As such, they can be a very valuable source of nutrition. By-products can be a protein source in commercial foods which is far superior to plant glutens.It is desirable if the manufacturer is willing to specify the exact by-product, such as Chicken liver meal however, few producers are willing to commit to the use of a specific quality ingredient. The content of by-products can vary greatly from batch to batch. Allowable ingredients for meat by-products can include liver, lungs, spleen, brain, blood, bone, and cleaned intestines. These are usually derived from cattle or swine.Chicken by-products Consists of the ground, rendered, clean parts of the carcass of slaughtered chicken, such as necks, feet, undeveloped eggs and intestines... AAFCO definition. Some food producers claim to only use organ meat for their chicken by-products and not feet etc. Realistically, when many of the high-end foods are manufactured at the same plants as the grocery store brands, can we really believe that the bulk ingredients included will be differentRAW EGG WHITESIn the 1920s, an experimental diet in rats included large amounts of raw egg whites. This diet produced symptoms of toxicity within a few weeks. These symptoms became known as egg-white injury syndrome. The syndrome was caused by a lack of the B vitamin biotin. Biotin is essential for healthy hair, nails and nerves. The major findings with this diet included severe dermatitis, loss of hair, and lack of muscular coordination. Biotin deficiency isnt common unless you feed raw egg white, which contains a protein called avidin. Avidin blocks the absorption of biotin. Cooking egg white inactivates avidin so that it wont pull biotin out of the diet. Avoid feeding raw egg whites on a regular basis. Egg yolk is high in biotin, so biotin deficiency from consumption of whole raw eggs would be unlikely.TAURINETaurine is an amino acid, found in protein foods like meat. Taurine is not generally believed to be an essential amino acid for dogs because they can convert carnitine to taurine. Both carnitine and taurine, however, are destroyed by heat and processing. Some evidence is now surfacing that cardiomyopathy in dogs may be related to taurine deficiencies. Large dogs in particular may not be able to convert as much carnitine into taurine as they need to maintain good health.Taurine deficiency can result in heart failure cardiomyopathy and retinal degeneration leading to blindness. In the 1970s and 1980s, cats were dying by the thousands from heart failure. The problem was determined to be a dietary deficiency of taurine. Cats in particular must have adequate amounts of taurine in their diet, they cannot synthesize taurine as many other animals can. Taurine is abundant in meat, fish, chicken, organ meats and shellfish. However, when cooked, a large percentage of taurine is destroyed. It is estimated that about 50 of the taurine in meat is destroyed by heat.Commercial cat foods now are all supplemented with taurine. Unfortunately, the worlds major supplier of supplemental taurine as well as many other vitamins and supplements is China. Contamination of these imported ingredients is a real concern at this point in time.POTTENGERS CATSIn the 1930s, Dr Francis Pottenger conducted a feeding study on over 900 cats. He fed one group of cats a diet of raw foods including meat, bone, milk, and fish oil. Another group of cats was fed the same diet, but the food was cooked. After observing the effects over several generations, Pottenger found the raw-fed cats completely healthy, while those fed the cooked foods developed health problems such as arthritis, skeletal anomalies, mouth and gum disease, thyroid problems, bladder inflammation and decline in reproductive capability.The reason for failure to thrive of the cats fed the cooked diet was not understood at the time, but in retrospect it is believed that probably taurine deficiency was one important factor involved. It took Pottenger another four generations feeding a raw diet to restore health to the line of cats that had been previously sustained on the cooked diet.See the Price-Pottenger website for more information httpwww.ppnf.orgThis raises an interesting question Is that health problem that you are noticing in your line due to genetics, or could it perhaps be related to dietary deficiencies Several generations of an improved diet consisting of fresh foods may possibly restore health and vigor to your dogs.CALCIUM and PHOSPHORUSCalcium is the major mineral needed in the diet. Along with calcium, phosphorus is needed for building healthy strong bone and teeth. Calcium and phosphorus in partnership give bones and teeth their strength and rigidity, and are present in a 21 ratio in bone. Calcium in the body is also relied on for nerve conduction, blood clotting, and muscle contraction. Phosphorus represents a structural component of cells, including soft tissue. Muscle tissue contains high levels of phosphorus.Calcium and phosphorus intake should be balanced in a ratio of approximately 11 or 21 in other words, between one to two parts calcium for every part phosphorus. Phosphorus is abundant in the diet. Meats and organs are very high in phosphorus, but contain little or no calcium. The calciurmphosphorus ratio in meat can be as high as 120 1 part calcium to 20 parts phosphorus. The ratio in some organ meats such as liver can be as high as 150 A diet based on just meats and organs is very high in phosphorus, and needs to have some bone or other supplemental calcium added to provide balance.Carnivores like dogs and cats have a very high requirement for calcium due to the high level of phosphorus in their nearly all meat diet. People require less calcium, if they are eating a primarily plant-based diet. Herbivores require even less calcium, and all the calcium and phosphorus they need is contained within the plants they eat.The need for calcium in the diet will be even greater if the food contains large amounts of grains. Phytates which are found in grains, nuts, and seeds and oxalates found in many fruits and vegetables bind with calcium and block absorption. Most commercial dog foods rely heavily on grains, so they need to add more calcium to balance out their formulas.Availability of calcium for absorption is referred to as bioavailability, and is influenced by factors such as the presence of phosphorus and Vitamin D, amount of plant matter in the diet, and by whether or not elemental calcium is released from bonds which it has formed with carbonate, phosphate, and oxalate.Calcium is stored in the bones as a sort of bank. When blood levels of calcium drop, hormones will stimulate release of calcium from the bones to keep blood levels of calcium where they need to be. A high phosphorus diet will draw calcium from the bones, because phosphorus has a high affinity for calcium. Over time, this can result in bone weakness, deformities and fractures. The same happens in humans. A diet of hamburger and soda pop is very high in phosphorus, but lacks calcium. Osteoporosis can be the end result.Dogs who have some raw meaty bones included in their diet will get enough calcium, in an optimal ratio. This is logical since they are approximating their natural diet. Soft raw bones such as ribs, backs and necks are preferable to the harder, weightbearing bones such as leg and thigh bones. Bones should never be served cooked as they become brittle when cooked any may splinter.Some people have safety concerns about serving raw bones, and choose to omit them from the diet entirely. If you are feeding meat either raw or cooked without any bone, calcium should be added to the diet in the form of a calcium supplement, bonemeal, or ground eggshells. Add Vi tsp ground eggshells, or 1000 mg supplemental calcium, or 1-12 tsp bone meal per pound of food. This will provide the proper calciumphosphorus ratio. If you add grains to the diet you will need to add a bit more calcium. If bones are not included in the diet, you will need to add some vegetables or fruits to the diet. This will provide some bulk to help maintain firm stools.Calcium supplements such as calcium lactate, calcium citrate or calcium carbonate can be used. Turns brand is a calcium product it contains primarily calcium carbonate derived from limestone. It is intended for use as an antacid but can be used as a source of calcium. Turns does not contain aluminum as other antacids do however, Turns may contain other undesirable ingredients such as sugar, starches, herbs and flavors.Dairy products including cheese and yogurt can be a way to include calcium, and these foods also include some vitamin D, which enhances absorption and metabolism of calcium. Ricotta cheese, hard cheeses, yogurt and evaporated milk are all good sources of calcium. Cottage cheese is much lower in calcium than most other dairy products, and is also high in sodium and phosphorus. Some dogs, like some humans, can have difficulty digesting milk products.What about bone meal Ground eggshells contain 98 pure calcium carbonate, while bone meal contains calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and other trace minerals. Bone meal contains two parts calcium to one part phosphorus. When using bone meal, you are not just adding calcium, but you are also adding more phosphorus to the diet as well. So, you will need to add to food a larger amount of bone meal than you would ground eggshells. Instead of Vi tsp of eggshell per pound of food, you would need to add about 1-12 tsp bone meal. Research in the 1980s found that many bone meal preparations were contaminated with lead and other toxic metals. Look for a high-quality bone meal intended for human consumption.Do not add calcium to commercial diets that advertise as being balanced, since they already include calcium and phosphorus in their proper ratio. If you are feeding raw meaty bones on a daily basis, you do not need to add any supplemental calcium.Overuse of calcium may cause magnesium deficiency and constipation. Too much calcium also inhibits zinc, copper and iodine absorption. Excess calcium in the diet is not absorbed from the intestines, and is excreted in the feces. The exception to this is young puppies under six months old. There are indications that overfeeding calcium to large breed puppies may have an adverse effect on bone growth and development.Excessive calcium intake during pregnancy may cause problems. The parathyroid gland responds to low blood calcium levels, and releases a hormone to stimulate calcium release from bones. This maintains calcium balance in the bloodstream. The prevailing theory is that if you are feeding a steady supply of calcium to the mother, her bloodstream maintains constant levels of calcium. The parathyroid gland then becomes inactive, since it is not needed. Later, when parathyroid hormone is needed to manage calcium levels during birth and lactation, the gland may become lazy and not work as well as it should. Dangerous low blood calcium levels can occur. The end result could be the need for a c-section, as the uterus may not contract well due to low blood calcium levels. Another life-threatening problem from low calcium is eclampsia, a condition where the dam has seizures. Once the puppies are bom, plenty of calcium should be added to the bitchs diet, but prior to birth do not fall into the habit of including excessive amounts of calcium in her diet.Vitamin D is necessary in the diet for proper calcium metabolism. Vitamin D is needed to absorb calcium, to regulate blood levels of calcium and to enable bone mineralization. Fish such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel and fish liver oils are among the best sources. Vitamin D is also found in beef liver, cheese, and egg yolks. Vitamin C in the diet will also enhance calcium absorption.Cod liver oil contains both vitamins A and D, but dont overdo it These fat-soluble vitamins are stored by the body and can be toxic in large amounts. Nutri-Cal and Nutri-Stat both contain substantial amounts of cod liver oil, so please use those products sparingly. When fed to the bitch during early pregnancy, too much of these vitamins can cause birth defects.In Part Two, we will cover fats, fatty acids, fish and fish oils, Vitamin E, and carbohydrates. See you next issueWELCOME BAG DONATIONS NEEDEDDonated items for the 2009 APC Welcome Bags are still needed. Items must be delivered by Sunday evening to be included in the bags. Phone in Kentucky 217-343-9466 to know where to deliver the items.58 - MarchApwl 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewflpC Judges 0daeationGreetings to all of my fellow Pom fanciers, and best wishes for a GREAT National Specialty gathering. I am really looking forward to it myself, and to the educational offerings we will have there. By the time you read this all the preparations will be complete, your entries will be in, and all that will remain is for us all to enjoy it.I am going to recap the scheduled educational activities during Nationals in Louisville belowMonday March 9th - 300 to 430 PM - Derby RoomPomeranian Judges Education Seminar - Judges Study GroupThe American Pomeranian Club will hold a Sanctioned Judges Education Seminar in conjunction with the National Specialty. Ringside tutoring will also be available Tuesday and Wednesday, March 10, and 11. There is no charge for the judges seminar or ringside tutoring.Tuesday March 10th - 800 to 1000 AM - Derby Room Mentor Seminar Approvedmentors are an essential part of APCs Judges Education program. Prospective Judges studying Pomeranians use Parent Club Approved Mentors for ringside observation experiences and discussions of the breed. If you want to give something back to your breed you need to attend this seminar to become an APC Approved Mentor. The first hour of this session will be the same Pomeranian Seminar that is presented for Judges Education, followed by a discussion of the details of the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observation program. APC Standing Rules require that anyone desiring to become an Approved Mentor must be an active Pomeranian Breeder Exhibitor for 12 years with 5 Pomeranian Champions and have attended the APC Sanctioned Seminar. There is no charge for this seminar.The Mentor Committee has completed their work, and in January invited a number of APC members to become approved mentors. We are fortunate to have so many knowledgeable long-term members in our Club, who are also willing to serve the Club and the breed in this way. I want to thank my committee of Nadine Hersil, Curtiss Smith and Vikki Oelerich for their work on this project.I sent the APC Board a recap of Judges Education activities for 2008, and I would also like to publish them here. As you can see we had a very active year with presentations, and are pleased to have educated in excess of 100 aspiring judges on Pomeranians. Following is a report on the Judges Education and Mentor Education presentations completed in 2008February - Dog Judges Assn, of America, New York City - 30 attendeesMarch - APC National Specialty - 15 Judges Education attendees, 10 Mentor attendeesApril - Michigan Dog Judges Assn. - 10 attendeesApril - Western Dog Judges Assn., California - 8 attendeesJuly - AKC Toy Institute, Houston - 20 attendeesAugust - American Dog Show Judges Advanced Institute, Pennsylvania - 16 attendees September- Progressive Toy Dog Club of NYC - 15 attendeesTotal JEC participants 114, Mentor participants 10.I look forward to seeing many of you during the Nationals activities, and hope that you will enjoy them. If any of you have questions about the seminars please contact me via email or phone home phone 918-355-1188, cell phone 918-808-1951. Thank you.Fred C. BassettMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 59The Westminster Kennel Club Dog ShowCONGRATULATIONS WESTMINSTER WINNERSP .Febraary 10, 2009 Photos by Bruce and Joan BehrendPOMERANIANS Judge Mr. W. Everett Dean, Jr..1 f BESTOFBREEUCh Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bmr ChFoxworth Five Card Stud AWARD OF MERIT Ch Golden Stars TerminatorW -wTW 1JKar.A,U J Mn w ,V,B 11 if vSk A,r-r'_______[HPomeranians present forjudgingCh Foxworth Five Card Stud, Dog Breeder Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox Owner Pamela Dodsworth Lany FoxCh Reignings U Wish U Were Mia, Bitch Breeder Gail Bertrand Bill Bertrand Owner Gail Bertrand Bill BertrandCh Jan-Shars Tamarac, Dog Breeder Sharon Hanson Owner Paula ClarkCh Golden Stars Terminator, Dog Breeder Anake Sanehmahakul Owner Anake SanehmahakulCh Chars Bringin Sexy Back, Dog Breeder Charlotte Meyer Diane L Finch Owner C Meyer J D Kim Ay Jung W Lane G JohnsonCh Velocitys Shake Ur Bon Bon, Dog Breeder Daniel Yona Owner Margo KogaCh Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella, Dog Breeder Celeste Solano Robert Solano Lori DrewOwner Robert Solano Celeste Solano Ron Smith Merilyn Smith P PongsakCh Great Rivers Ho-Beau, Dog Breeder Sharon Yampiro Owner Amando HernandezCh Tresstique 4ever-N-Blue Jeans, Bitch Breeder Bonnie Harris Owner Bonnie HarrisCh Majestics You Dont Know Jack, Dog Breeder A Rister C Creed B Turner T TurnerOwner A Rister C Creed B S W Turner S BemeyCh Jolvin Hot On Your Heels, Bitch Breeder Joan Beech Melvin Beech Owner LeeAnn LambertCh Olympus Sir Ivanhoe, Dog Breeder Cherri Johnson Owner LeeAnn LambertCh Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio, Dog Breeder Joan C Behrend Owner Bruce Joan C BehrendCh Castiles Endless Love, DogBreeder Dr Geno SisnerosOwner Geno Sisneros Corey GatewoodCh Glen Iris Evian DCastile, Dog Breeder C Jackson G Sisneros I Taylor L MyersOwner C Jackson G Sisneros I Taylor L MyersCh Silhouettes Speakeasy, Dog Breeder Elizabeth Heckert Owner Elizabeth Heckert60 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review'i as-_rC3MsmSssraftfSTnrfMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 61k l\ hrn- im nt, I ..V"rii j SEWS AI HEWS Lyj By Barbara McClatcheyBARKINGI have been asked recently to explain how to get a Pomeranian to stop barking. Now you need first to understand about Poms and barking. Cross a Pomeranian with a giraffe, and what do you get A dog that barks at airplanes But to help calm that barking here are some suggestionsDont use a lot of talk with her. People scold the dog, but the dog just hears, Blah, blah, blah, and learns to tune you out. So when she barks1 Check it out to see if there is a reason. I go to the window, look out, see its only the neighbor kids, and as I am ALPHA dog in the home tell the dog, Its only the kids. Hush I have now assured the dog that I am in charge and that I have made the decision that there is nothing to bark about.2 Dont shout at the dog. Quiet Shut up Quiet No are all just more barking, to the dog, and he will cheerfully bark along with you. Or he may decide that you really are a very big dog and start submissively urinating. Taffy did this when I shouted at him, so I had to re-think what I was doing and what I wanted. I wanted him to stop barking. When he was at the front window, he was barking. When he was in my lap in the other room, he was not barking. So I called, in my sweetest voice, Taffy, Come He immediately came running for his love time, and was no longer barking.3 If that doesnt work, you can use either Hush or Aaatt for a command. Follow up immediately with a spritz of water. At this point, no further commands are needed, just a subsequent spritz.4 Alternatively, I have used the power of the press. You can throw a Readers Digest or something similar in the dogs direction. It makes a big flapping noise, but cant hit the dog, and even if it did, it wouldnt hurt I originally discovered this trick when housebreaking a Rescue who was deaf. When he lifted his leg, I threw the magazine a visual distraction, and it stopped him in mid-stream5 If she doesnt stop, put her in the crate for a time out. This is not punishment, it is just letting the dog get calmed down.6 I once told Tiffany when she barked at the door after I told her to stop, If you continue to bark, I will send you to your crate. She woofed again, so I sent her to her crate. After 2-3 times like that, whenever she wanted to bark at the door, she simply ran to her crate and barked from thereHa, ha, you cant send62 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Reviewp 1me to my crate now. This was fine with me, since all I wanted was for her not to bark at the door, and I got thatBarking for meals is another problem. I have found that I can control that by letting the dogs know that IF they bark, the meal preparation stops. They know when I get the food dishes and head for the dog food canister that dinner is coming. Oliver, in particular, seemed to think that he could hurry the process along by shouting about it. I finally stopped that by physically stopping. Wherever I am in the food preparation Iprocess, and someone barks, I freeze in place. I may also quietly say, If you bark, I will not continue. It has now reached the point where Oliver may start to bark, but my screeching halt in dishing up silences him instantly. The others, who followed his lead in barking, now also follow his lead in being quiet. It is much more difficult, though, when I have rescues here who have not learned the rules, and I must confess that the sound is great enough that I sometimes cave in and just get the food fast to shut them all upCGCI arrived at a recent show where I was to judge Rally the next day, and discovered that their Canine Good Citizen testing was still going on. I had thought it would be over before I arrived, but had been wanting to do this evaluation with Tessie some day. I had not trained her for it, but thought, Nothing ventured, nothing gained. So I forked over my 10, went back to the RV for a brush a necessary component, and waited our turn.The Canine Good Citizen test is designed to evaluate whether a dog will make its owner happy, and not make anyone else unhappy. In other words, is this a reasonably well-behaved dog To decide that, there are a series of tests, all done on leash.The first set of tests measures whether the dog behaves well with individual people. The evaluator comes I up to you and the dog, introduces herself, and shakes hands. She then asks to pet the dog and does so, then brushes the dog lightly on the back with the brush you have provided. Tessie was in her element for this one, especially the petting, where she got in lots of slurpy Pom kisses.The next set of tests shows how the dog behaves walking in public. You and the dog walk, with the dog at your side, not necessarily in heel position, but not pulling on leash and not trying to go a different direction loose leash. You must do a right turn, a left turn, and an about turn. The dog then sits and downs on command, and stays while you go 20 feet away 20 ft lead provided by the testing club and back. He then stays while you walk 10 feet away, and comes when you call him. Tessie aced all of this, and in fact she did a perfect Front and a perfect Finish not required that had the evaluator calling her a little show-off.Walking through a crowd and with distractions is the next sequence, with the two of you weaving in and out of a group of people milling around, and walking near someone in a walker or wheelchair this can also be a child on a bike or running, a book dropped, or other sight and noise distraction. Again Tessie had no problem we do this all the time anyway.The last evaluation is whether the dog can handle being left for 3 minutes. Uh-oh. I have never trained Tessie for the out-of-sight stays. No real stay is required, but the dog cant try to follow you, or show any signs of distress. This is the only part of any AKC test in which judging can be breed-specific. If a terrier Ipaces up and down, well, thats what terriers do, but if a St. Bernard paces up and down, it is showing anxiety. Because I did not want to give her a Stay command, which she would not hold for the time IPerformance Continued L__________________________ ________ ______JMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 63rPerformance Continuedwould be gone, I just told her what I say when I go out to the mailbox or to the store, You wait here, Ill be right back. I KNEW what would happen. When I returned, the evaluator was laughing and shaking [ her head, and her pencil was hovering over the test sheet. I asked KNOWING the answer, What did she do She spun in little twirling circles and stood on her hind legs waving her little paddy-paws and trying to get the person holding her leash and the evaluator to pet her. I asked, Well, isnt that breed-specific behavior Was she looldng nervous or upset that I was gone No. Was she aggressive and trying to bite anyone No. She passed.Tessie is now Janesas Wrinkle in Time RN CGCA FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEDian Nipper wrote, Diva spent all weekend humbling me. We had taken a break in Agility for a couple I of months to work on some issues. My friends talked me into entering her at a 4 day Agility trial this past weekend. As soon as I entered her, the rains started and many of my classes were cancelled. Long story short, Diva decided that weaves normally her best obstacle were to be avoided at all costs. The first class she stopped peed on them. The second day she ran great runs except every time it came to the weaves she ran off. She did come back and go back to work that was a good tiling.The last run of the weekend, my friend asked to run her. She was doing great, every obstacle perfect, hit every contact. He sent her over the jump and called weave. She took off like a bullet, passed the \weaves, and jumped on the lap of the pole setter, who was sitting in a chair at the side of the ring. She \turned and looked at my friend and said Make me. Poms are great at keeping us humble and tuning our senses of humor. And Kathy Baumler wrote that My little guy MacKenzie finished his NAJ title today in cold and rainy Ohio with a clean run. Wasnt sure how my pampered pooch would do running in a horse barn on the mulch, but he seemed unfazed. I think we Midwesterners are probably too accustomed to matted surfaces. On tomorrow to run with the big kids in Open. \TITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogBeauty-Full-Dream-Wendy CD RA, Kevyn Michael Thomas, 11222008Companion Dog ExcellentChars Its My Parti CDX RN, June Mintchell, 11222008 Courbette Encore Summer Song CDX RN, Erika C Wilson, 11162008Rally NoviceLovepats CanT You Hear My Heart Beat CD RN, Helen Fonteneau, 1112008 Pombeach The Big Kahuna RN, Bette Gary Meredith, 1192008Rally ExcellentOTCH Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RE, Mike Carolyn Smith, 11152008L_____________________________ _ ___________________________________ _______________________________ ______________________ j64 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewI would be gone, I just told her what I say when I go out to the mailbox or to the store, You wait here, Ill be right back. I KNEW what would happen. When I returned, the evaluator was laughing and shaking her head, and her pencil was hovering over the test sheet. I asked KNOWING the answer, What did she I do She spun in little twirling circles and stood on her hind legs waving her little paddy-paws and trying I to get the person holding her leash and the evaluator to pet her. I asked, Well, isnt that breed-specific l behavior Was she looking nervous or upset that I was gone No. Was she aggressive and trying to bite anyone No. She passed. Tessie is now Janesas Wrinkle in Time RN CGCA FUNNY THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE TITLEI Dian Nipper wrote, Diva spent all weekend humbling me. We had taken a break in Agility for a couple I of months to work on some issues. My friends talked me into entering her at a 4 day Agility trial this ' past weekend. As soon as I entered her, the rains started and many of my classes were cancelled. Long ' story short, Diva decided that weaves normally her best obstacle were to be avoided at all costs. The \ first class she stopped peed on them. The second day she ran great runs except every time it came to the weaves she ran off. She did come back and go back to work that was a good thing.The last run of the weekend, my friend asked to run her. She was doing great, every obstacle perfect, hit every contact. He sent her over the jump and calledweave. She took off like a bullet, passed the \ weaves, and jumped on the lap of the pole setter, who was sitting in a chair at the side of the ring. She 1 turned and looked at my friend and said Make me. ' Poms are great at keeping us humble and tuning our senses of humor., And Kathy Baumler wrote that My little guy MacKenzie finished his NAJ title today in cold and rainy I Ohio with a clean run. Wasnt sure how my pampered pooch would do running in a horse barn on the mulch, but he seemed unfazed. I think we Midwesterners are probably too accustomed to matted surfaces. On tomorrow to run with the big kids in Open. 1TITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUB Companion DogI Beauty-Full-Dream-Wendy CD RA, Kevyn Michael Thomas, 11222008 Companion Dog Excellent Chars Its My Parti CDX RN, June Mintchell, 11222008 I Courbette Encore Summer Song CDX RN, Erika C Wilson, 11162008I Rally Novicej Lovepats CanT You Hear My Heart Beat CD RN, Helen Fonteneau, 1112008 Pombeach The Big Kahuna RN, Bette Gary Meredith, 1192008[ Rally Excellent[ OTCH Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RE, Mike Carolyn Smith, 1115200864 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review62 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Reviewijr TlGoldchips One In A Million CD RE, Rae LaPotin, 1112008Rally Advanced Excellent 2 Jan Les Makin Magic CD RAE2, Jayne Hoemke Jane Lehtinen, 1192008Rally Advanced Excellent 3He Sent Tedi Of Tiny Tykes CDX RAE3, Gertrude Adair, 1192008 Novice AgilityCH Carleez Front Page News NAAXJ, Janice George Smith, 1112008Valentines Spyder NA, Terri Valentine, 11302008 Bella Renee NA NAJ NJP, Linda Terry Hall, 1262008Bug Bears Piper The Polar Princess CDX RAE NANAJ, Diedre Schloyer, 12272008 Castaway Supersonic D Hedgehog NA NAJ, Julie Vanoni, 12282008, ILPNovice Agility PreferredCH Warrior Princess Bebe NAP NJP, Ann M Berryman, 1182008 Open AgilityBabaghoush Is Falling OA OAJ, Maria Badamo 11162008CH Carleez Front Page News OA AXJ, Janice George Smith, 1112008Agility ExcellentBoffo Barking Binnie CD AX AXJ, Julie Lindsey, 11152008, ILP Woodards Blackjack AX AXJ, Darcey Woodard, 1182008Novice Agility JumperPom Acres Copper Dragonfly NA NAJ , Lois Morkassel, 11222008Spencer Oliver NAJ, Eric Teresa Lakin, 1192008, ILP Boxwood Wannabee NAJ, Shelly Wallens, 12132008Bug Bears Piper The Polar Princess CDX RAE NAJ, Diedre Schloyer, 1262008 Red Hot Samson NAJ, Cynthia Little, 12132008, ILP Ursaminr Devils In Thdetail NAJ, Edward Hunt, 1272008Novice Agility Jumper PreferredCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJ NJP, Janice George Smith, 11222008 CH Warrior Princess Bebe NAP NJP, Ann M Berryman, 1182008Open Agility JumperBabaghoush Is Falling OA OAJ, Maria Badamo 11162008Open Agility Jumper PreferredCH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJ OJP, Janice George Smith, 12132008 Excellent Agility JumperPrincess Wanna Be OA AXJ NF, Andrew Yokas, 11292008, ILP Ajs Wind Beneath My Wings OA AXJ, Darlene Hunt, 1272008Performance Continued I MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 65r t1 Performance Continued' Master Excellent Jumper Max AX MXJ, Barbara Timothy Gilligan, 1122008, ILP j Master Excellent Jumper Preferred .Finchs Whirling Dervish CD RE AXJMJP2, Paula Kerezsi, 1262008 American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for annual awards. These awards include Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, Top Flyball Pom, etc., and they must be applied for by the owner. Now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame Now eligible for the APC Gold ClubThe Hall of Fame and Gold Club are Historical Awards available to any Pomeranian, but the owner must apply for them. To read about the requirements only some of which are based on titles for these awards, go to . Eligible Poms are enrolled as HOF or GC in the records of the American Pomeranian Club, and their names are listed on the APC website.ILP or PAL dogs are usually rescues.Please write me at udxpom with your own performance news and viewsLCD SECCNE CHANCE CI IVI E TWIST CI A CAE CCCIS JUMPING FOR JOY TOCONGRATULATE-SCOTCH Gidget's Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RE"Levi"First Place in the Toy Group Eukanuba AKC National Obedience Invitational"We knew you could do it"Barbara McClatcheyLake Jackson, Texas www.secondchancepoms.orgTHE 5ETIS YET TO COMEAKC NATIONAL OBEDIENCE INVITATIONAL FIRST PLACE TOY GROUP WINNEROTCH GIDGETS CINNAMON PRINCE UDX5 REOn December 13, 2008, OTCH Gidgets Cinnamon Prince UDX5 RE Levi had the honor of showing in the AKC National Obedience Invitational in Long Beach, CA. This was the third time for him to get invited but our first time to participate. The AKC National Obedience Invitational is a very special invitation-only event. To be invited to participate through championship points, each dog must be ranked in the top twenty-five dogs by number of Obedience Trial Champion OTCH points or be ranked in the top three of their respective breed by OTCH points. The total number of dogs invited was 100, and Levi was one of those dogs.m34IOn the first day of competition each dog competed in six rings OTCH GIDGETS CINNAMON PRINCE UDX5 REthat were judged by six judges. All dogs entered also did aLong Sit 3 min and a Long Down 5 min with the handlers out of sight. During Saturdays competition we were not told our score for each ring, we just did the exercises in one ring and then went to the next ring to wait for our turn. By the designated time for Sits and Downs, Levi had completed 4 of the 6 rings. When all of the dogs finished the Sits and Downs, a lunch break was taken before competition began for the afternoon. We were truly grateful that we only had 2 rings to go, as it had already been a very long day.Each ring had a total of 4 exercises so with the Sits and Downs there was a total of 26 exercises for the day. Levi completed all the exercises except one. He retrieved the wrong glove on the Directed Retrieve exercise in ring 3. This did not put us out of the competition, but it did cost us 30 BIG points. I was very proud of the way he worked. He kept upbeat and worked with enthusiasm on each exercise. He was very happy to be there and he showed it with his spins of excitement.After a hard grueling day, Levi got to sleep as handlers went to the Awards Dinner to find out what our placement for the day was. I was beyond excited when Levi was the 19th dog called for a second day of showing. Only 32 dogs go on to the second day for a one on one competition. I knew it would be very tough competition and wasnt too disappointed when we lost our run off to an exceptional Border Collie. Now we could relax and watch the rest of the competition.As we were getting ready to watch the final two dogs compete for the 1st Runner Up and National Obedience Champion Title, the fire alarm went off. We were on the third floor of a very large convention center but no one moved to leave the building. Everyone was laughing and refusing to give up their ring side seats to this event. The alarm sounded for what seemed like forever but finally stopped. We sent one of our friends down to check outMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 67witrwhat was going on and he came back with the report that it was actually a small fire in a vendors kitchen. Silly us, we just sat there After competition began, the alarm sounded again but for a shorter time. Everyone was glad when everything was back to normal and we could get on with the dog showIm very pleased to announce that Levi won 1st place in the Toy Group. He finished 32nd overall with a very respectable score. Not bad for what was my Novice A dog competing with the very best Obedience dogs in the nation.Levi never ceases to amaze me by his commitment to me. Whatever I ask him to do, he does willingly out of love and respect. The year 2008 was an exceptional one for us. He finished his Obedience Trial Champion title in January then he had a six-month period with no training or showing, due to an illness caused by Rocky Mountain Spotted Tick Fever. At that point I didnt know if Id ever be able to show him again, but he was released in August for mild training. I really didnt know if we could get proper training in before the Nationals so I took him with no expectations except that we would just go and do the best we could.My motto for Levi has always been The best is yet to come. After his Obedience Trial Champion title in January and his 1st place in the Toy Group at the AKC National Obedience Invitational in December, I have to say this was our best year yet, but am I ready to concede our motto No, not yet, because with Levi the best may be yet to come.jr S I A""n.k.-j i-.A A y 1.7-1'rnT r. iVy n 4 S68 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewPomeranian Charitable TrustMarge Kranzfelder, TrusteePomeranian Charitable Trust supports 2009 Alopecia StudyOn January 13th, the PCT received notice that the Canine Health Foundation approved the acorn grant for Dr. Leebs current DNA study relating to Pomeranian Alopecia X. We were pleased to be able to send the complete requested amount of 6,480 immediately. This was made possible by the generous and continuous support of our contributors. Thank you for this dedicated caring. Dr. Leeb reports that this project is progressing well.Since the PCT was able to meet the requirement entirely, this has the added benefit of freeing up the CHF Pomeranian donor-designated fund for health studies which are important to Pom health but not necessarily Alopecia oriented since those funds are not further restricted.Sutid tineAKC Judge George Heitzman passed away Tuesday, February 3, 2009. He is sadly missed by the entire dog fancy. Our condolences to his friends and family.Sympathy and prayers go out to Cassandra Evans of WeeHeart Poms on the loss of her mother.Jeff Meyer, husband of Char Meyer of Chars poms had recent surgery and we are wishing him a speedy recovery.Prayers and well wishes are going out to the husband of Diana Solana of Rodis Poms on his recent illness.Congratulations to Jordan Rothell a new baby girl and to proud grandmother Terry Rothell - Lusk of WOW Poms.Sympathy and prayers go out to husband and Randy Buske ofA SlewedRandys poms on the recent passing away of him mother, Randys mother in law.Belated birthday wishes, February 7, to AnnaLaFortune, who turned 80 years old. Birthday greetings may be sent to Anna LaFortune, 4521 Onondaga Ave, San Diego, CA 92117Long time AKC Field Rep on the west coast, and popular judge, Mike Shea has passed away. Condolences to his friends and family. Mike will be missed by all who knew him.Ron Smith, husband of APC Member Irene Smith, passed away in February. Our deepest condolences.Happy Birthday Ruth Beam. Ruth will celebrate her 96th Birthday April 2. Send cards to Ruth Beam, co White Oak Manor, 4009 Craig Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28211. Phone 704-442-0618.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email All APC members' addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.COMING EVENTSMarch 21,2009 - Northern California Pomeranian Club, Inc., Solano County Fairgrounds, Vallejo, California 94589, Judge Mr. Fred C. Bassett, Ms. Joann Clark, Show Secretary, co MB-F, Inc.April 18,19,2009 - Indianapolis, IN, Breeding Better Dogs That Wm with Carmen Battaglia PhD. Contact Brad Phifer. b.phiferbracpet.comMay 2009, City Of Angels Pom Club California Specialty.May 23 and May 24,2009 - Pomeranian Club of Central Virginias Back to Back Specialties in conjunction with the Gloucester andLangley Shows, Hampton, Virginia.Sweepstakes and Annual Futurity and Maturity. Contact Beverly Allen by email or phone at 301 934-3216.June 2009 - The Sooner Pomeranian Club Oklahoma Specialty in conjunction with the All Breed 4 day Oklahoma Summer Classic show, at the Cox Center in Ok] a. City. For more info contact Virginia Dimick.December 13,2009 AKCEukanuba National Championship Long Beach, Calif. Judges Poms Grace Moran, Bred By Exh. Toy Group Sharon A. Krogh, Toy Group Judge William R. Taylor, BIS Robert J. Moore.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 69Randy Buske Bree derExhibitorMember American Pomeranian Club Puget Sound Pomeranian ClubP omeranian7V '1NoreKnox. IN 46554 574-772-5910ecpomsearfcL]inlcnet www.ea^'Trcj r7V,0' 7^yP-O-Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 253 740-5060 www.RandyspoirLS.comRivendell P omeraniansCarolyn BoninBlountsville, Alabama 256-931-4838 bonincotelco.netBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"mJ C ctVElaine Wislinow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and SheltiesPw5,- L-TtofMfacttpomeiamcu^MultiGroup Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail\ZameuuudlBRon Irene Smith3388-B Merlin Rd 356, Grants Pass, OR 97526 541-441-7634lrenereonpomeranians.comMember ol the American Pomeranian Clob, Inc.EL. t -mKimpossible's Dare To DreamBill ond Kim CrutchfieldRiverside, CA 92516 951 313-9652website www.kimpossiblepom.coin70 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewMlXyp^ t o 7^2uC-vuotLa.LAS VEGASSINCITTI MSMichele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722 702 203-47901w.AO^CowCene - ^JL^eafiraPomeraniansJLrCene Otaguro tKazeC MiCCer Kj5in Watana6e_Ar-Dan's grooming SaCon Phone 808-593-2322 -yggcatsfawan.comA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. Waters Charlene R. Quality PomeraniansoFine Po4anj Latimcwww.soiiiiepoms.coii]manjllmac.con]979-690-7179ffiancif ffiace pPwis Cyftendi _zV^isonwww .jancyfacepoms. com fmc\jfacepemsd'CjMwt netMember of the American Pomeranian Club and Nor-Cal Pom ClubVaV.AtAKC Registered Pomeranians puppies available occasionallyValerie Crane3683 N. 1800 E. Rd. Clifton, IL 60927\foCAW\A.\ALEE-ANN LAMBERT KINCARDINE ONTARIO, CANADA WWW. S U G ARLAM B. C A MCQTNT21 .COM 519-396-6464MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 71.RLEN^VlARCHARLENBMTony Phillipvs2016 Vista View Roanoke, TX 76262 817-637-3533 WWW.KCPOMS.COMiDave Victor- and Tessa Riley Kelso. WA. [503] 887-B86DRaised with Love in our voyagereskies yahoo.comMAY JUNE 2009FENNELV, VisitHazel Miller Mene Otapro, Robin Watanabe Howlene-Teahra PomsAdvertising Deadline April 1,2009The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.THE RCMERVNIAN REVIEWSubscription CardSubscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESubscriptions Per YearPublished Bi-Monthly45 First Class USPS 37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico 100 ForeignSTREET ADDRESSCITY. STATE. ZIP CODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXPDATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE72 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewTABLETOPJan Stachurski21 Perry Avenue Brockton, MA 02302 508587-6146 TabletopPomsverizon.netSPomsyrsrrijwtAiCsdXiti XmHsria Jose QueneippsrtJo te Crreos n 37 Ig^Jm E-08820 El rst de Uobtapt eID, EspaBsWWKiSf KoM 3 696 96 13 65wV v poTOScsDxiaxIa.eOTohttp www. c SDxiuxlu. cotoTop winning BIS Poms Home of Batman Spiderman tod service to approved bitches We breed on limited oasis a few puppies available 360 435-5978Janell Reich breederAPC Member Tish Cannon Handler 760 9854656SHOWBOATPOMERANIANSon the Coast of OregonBABBI'SPOMERANIANS136 W. Queens Drive Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704 yippyvonworfexcite.comCH RAT BERRIE, AOMKarleene L. Morrowwww.showboolpoms.comshowboatpomsholmQil.comr . u fyeaveeCt \jy.wvw 503 395-2225 Ranier. h ttpCeminiPoms. com iJte oCave a iJte Ceeed503 429-8019 Vernonia, OR h ttpBeaverCreekPoms. comMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 73Monty Hart ,A[ora Hart-W'\ 'A.' yPOMERANIANSphone 907 346-2506 e-mail www.starfoxpoms.comfelA^iljKP wumsuitSllIfESSlSfiSIlK yuaintIgflJnftTgr 0 5 ItWIWSlsgr JvTradeDry mYYI ,CJ-i 'AVDm'itntPrudsnw . dens t-t-'f B.i 4'.'prudjsici4s Pmdens Lil Lucy j specializing in the chocolate pomcteermiy ziayic.ijiikij -sPERFEC EVERY ANGLEVINTAGEEllen TakayamaP.O. Box 905Pearl City, HI. 96782-0905 Phone 808 488-8325vintagehawaiiyahoo.com74 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewLaCueva Kennel PomeraniansSherrilynn J. RogersBreederOwnerHandler Dayton, OH 45414 937 275-4062 937 386-1462 Cell Email lacuevaknlaol.comBREEDING FOR QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY7. APoffoCCify PomeraniansVChristine Crease30 Short St, OafyyiCCe, CH06779 Phone 860274-7997 hoHifypomssnet.net9Evensong PomeraniansKevin and ^VTeresa WhitePortland, Oregone-..i ereYPortf.. .'V,Si-. vWi Jv Vjjr Si 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERomemmanoJ7rewrrBeauty and brains in one well-balanced pockage home ol record selling 8 duaHillisl.Margaret R. McKeeExhibitarBreederHandlerGOOCHLAND, VA 'w0mb-IA1A_,Hawditwgwww.asuQWMKost.cDMA.nsl^\A,Wti6gCMumD.C0MA.arOCkelSpecializing in Parti andParti-factored Pomeranians_________ ..... ,.taw V'CH Chrissy CH Gunner ROM CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMElaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH Keeper CH RemySacramento, CAparkavepoms [ronticrnet.netPUPPIES 111 ASIIWLLY U UL IBLfc1Vaomcrcmt-se mat P^4^eMarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 75eOffiwiemnwtsriAtern.Home ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI IntiCh Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All Breed'loweeAe ffiemmnan6818352-9536ShowcasePoms.comjtfyoe 314 397-5606 P. 0. Sax m 'TKnacautnA, 6A 62255 vyaetTurud 954byaAaa. cawWhere Type, Quality Soundness Count1Ch. Bachmans Precious Jewelwww.bachmanpoms.comBISS Ch. Bachman's Brightest StarCheri McDonald 909-394-7923v HerMajestys PomeraniansRandy Houston Chuck WhittemoreCleveland, TN423-728-0200E-Mail www.hermajestyspoms.comD'72- sriZOCPZkn.Tv.polllsel sttififisiii'iTiftil sdisi fsjih-3Qfbhowin SomsSpecializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-colored Partis and occasionally other colors.CSarbura Aa^mond Audrey Aapweed503 864-2459 276 629-9483httpwww. showinpoms. com76 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email'pomenaaizaV T-i.iiii.Ch. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.alE.I.5CCI\lDJohn Christine Heartz P.O. Box 189242 Shartis Lake West Rd.Brookfield, N.S.CanadaBON1COphone 902-673-2446web www.chriscendo.comemail chriscendonorthnovecableBelstar Pomsa JbHAtMember American Pomeranian Club and Columbia Pomeranian Club Top 10 CH Belstar's Sweet November "Keanu" OFACERF Show Quality Whites 3 generations of OFACERF Champions Diana Cross - Eugene, OR 541 543-4271 - - ' V, jr I 1 i r J1 I1 1 M \Linda Petz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comHI- -r -Am liwiSee. IijVWjgliglgliglgCH. LaRajus Cosmic KioShyacres Pomeranians Audrey Charlie Roberts, _ . Santa Fe, TXs www.shyacres.comi t .j. t r c- t r -T. r - T r - 7 r -i. T . r Q T . i Q f . i MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 77Del-May PomeraniansDeborah K. Barrett1446 West Square Lake Road Bloomfield Hills, MI 483021 j Phone 248 745 3888..wfQt- 4.Email delmayl wowway.comJoanne Jo NorrisSmaller Paws Pom RescuemWHEN YOU'RE LOOKING FOR A DOG TO or hnpywwwlpetfinder.comsheltersIN294.html Phone 260-982-8541 Cell 574-527-1451 E-mail North Manchester, IN 46962Damascusroadcli tiiHome to four generations of and breeder of the I Pom in Franceipion bitches n 2005 and 2008IBeverley A. CarterConception Bay Highway. Hojyrood. NL. Canada. A0A 2RO 709-229-1783 pomsdamascusroad.cawww.damascusroad.caXVVRd-fyOsC Te^ pmsOuwer An^et Bickeruj-uham rd-tyafeep-vns. CS-rw256-586-0282 w 256-550-2251Srvu, Ge-d Lv-es yu,UBUCKHORNLEATHERcK-9 Electric Blowers pM-sVSTIE BIST FOR f OUR SiOlf Driggers Lil' Treasurers, Inc.and DLT PomeraniansMark Cathy DriggersOwner, Breeder, Handler ^ Lake Helen, FloridaAKC Registered Pomeranians, Dog Supplies and Specialty GiftsAuthorized Solid Gold Dog Food DealerPhone386-228-1010 Fax386-218-5739E-mail infodriggersliltreosures.tom www.driggersliltreosures.com78 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewMILLAMOR POMSrtkm jmKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email Breeding again. Puppies avaiCabCc to Coving homes.n CL. Lll tLrs HiaeijCheerio r-Joan C BeLend Long Island, New JoanLilBehrsPoms.netHandling Services - Limited Boarding Available 631 366-2330asanAyumi PomeraniansAmy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec.434 589-3652Lake Monticello, VAWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COMWee Bonny Bears PomsA-jPinch's Pomeranians Ltd.CH PUFPRIDES SWEET DREAMS CH FINCH'S CHARS MAKIN WAVES PARTICc 1 .H HSPPARAKSEne HR - www.finchspoms.comfJ 17aPINECREST KENNELSChampion Pomeranians andManchester TerriersCatherine Bolahood905 697-2488 2404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4 www.manchesterterriers.caflBredfor beauty and soundness of body and mindjamsah [lomeranians1 J ferrie ffrdaBbone 985384-7466 1072. Landry La^985384-8628 Tvloryan City, LtA 70380MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 79r iAnnual Specialty ShowNorthern California Pomeranian Club, Inc.UnbenchedAmerican Kennel Club LicensedSolano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive Highway 37 Vallejo, California 94589Saturday Evening, March 21, 2009SHOW HOURS 700 P.M. To 1100 P.M.All judging will be indoors LIMITED TO 50 DOGSEntries Close at Show Secretarys Office, at 1200 NOON PST, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 2009, or when the numerical limit has been reached, after which time entries cannot be accepted, cancelled or substituted, except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules.Mail All Entries With Fees ToMs. Joann Clark, Show Secretary co MB-F, Inc.P.O. Box 605, Pinole, CA 94564Entries may be made online - or through Dial-N-Entry - 1-800 334-8978 or336 379-9605.Fax Entries, 1-336-272-0864 or 1-800-SHO-FAXS.Judge Mr. Fred C. Bassett 737 W. Helena St., Broken Arrow, OK 74012BREED CLASSES JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITIONNCPC is fortunate to offer a prospective Judges Seminar and Breeders Seminar given by APC Judge Education Chair Fred Bassett. The Judges seminar will be Saturday, March 21, 2009 during the San Mateo Kennel Club Show. The Breeders Seminar will be given on Sunday, March 22,2009 following judging at the Oakland Kennel Club Show. To register please contact Walda Green at or 1-831-336-8285. There is no cost to attend this event.CAiOX XTo r-Ooi______________________________80 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewJ2099 jitarn rto^uikjsA-- - .'5UA- sSl. Tf^ Jg ,ju 9si aS^junjAy s i4JUUljl jU.AfZwr fc-mshy SiitssMjlllR^llUITW.frtVl'JtIXE AfC MUGTHE POMERANIAN REVIEWALL MUGS MUST BE PICKED UP AT THE APC NATIONAL IN KY. ABSOLUTELY NONE WILL BE MAILED.Only available in Kentucky Only available in KentuckyTop 20 USA08. BIS. American. Canadian InternationalCH DON'T PLAY WITH FUNNY MONEY WOWow showjns in Malaysia and ThailandAnxiously waiting for Conner's puppies to arrive in Malaysia.Owner Ooi Cbee Heong DurainsamCo-Owners Randy Buske and Terry Rothell Breeder Terry and Jordan Rothell Thank you Terry' and Jordan for entrusting Conner to me. Contact durainsamyahoo.comFREE POM REVIEW MUGwith new, extended, or renewals subscriptions New Subscriptions Sub Renewals Extended Subscriptionsreceive ONEmemtmmVL ---crCh Pocobreden's Icy Miss D Meaner OFACERF BeistaCs Snow Devil OFACERF PtdDiana Gross - Belstar PomsOFACERF Champions www. belstarpom. com dianabelstaraol.comAvailable White Show Male DOB 9-28-08 CH sired Cream Show Male DOB 6-28-07 Free Whelping Cream Brood DOB 1-07-07VSWEEPSTAKESJUDGE LEI TAFT CRITIQUE.First of all, I want to thank the club for your invitation to judge your sweeps. Your hospitality was superb. It was lots of fun and I enjoyed not only the dogs but the exhibitors as well.I apologize for commenting only on the BISS and BOSS winners. A critique was requested several days later and I felt it would be unfair to state specifics, just in case my memory wasnt accurate.BISS - My choice for BISS was a quality, typey bitch in excellent condition. She was compact and short backed with a correct double coat. Her movement on the go around was level and sound with a tad more reach and drive than the dog, giving her the edge on this day.pomcmmak aoe or hovcmci i mThe morning of the show, Amys husband Masa picked us up for the show. This show is held at the VCA Kaneohe Animal Hospital in Kaneohe. This venue is perfect for a small specialty show. Large airy conference room with a nice ring. Another Lei Greeting from my excellent ring steward, John Gaidos.Now, the best part, the dogs. On leaving the mainland for the trip over who would have thought that you would find an entry where 16 of the 17 dogs entered deserve to become champions some day. We all know that I had to choose, but what fun it was. When the entry has this much quality, I had to truly nit-pik for my winners.Winners Dog, Best Puppy Tidbit of Lenette Very nice vibrant red. Square, very showy, and moved perfectly. Very slight bend in the pasterns, eliminating the straight pole look in front. Slightly larger than I normally choose, but so well balanced he had to win on this day. Terrific showman, groomed perfectly.Reserve Winners Dog Bryelle Howlene- Teahra L Hummer Extremely nice blondred dog. Very typey and balanced. Moves nicely, and could be winners dog on any other day.set Uses his entire body to show off. This dog would not allow you to stop looking at it. He begs for the win, and deservedly so.After the show, Amys husband, Masa took my family on a sightseeing trip of the Windward side of the island. Pah Pass, Diamond Head, beaches etc. What a wonderful drive back to the hotel.The evening of the show we were again picked up for the after show dinner. This was held at one of the most beautiful restaurants. Gardens, Koi Ponds and great food. We sell Koi in our other life, so this experience seeing thousands of them at one site was a joy we will remember along with the beautiful dogs.If you are invited to judge the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii, DO NOT hesitate to say yes. This club and its members know how to put on a perfect show. I have never seen this much hospitality in my 39 years in dogs.Again, Thank you Amy, Masa and all the members of your club for an extremely enjoyable experience.BOSS - What a delight to be presented with such a lovely specimen of the breed as my first exhibit of the morning. Not only was he confident and balanced on the move, he displayed good proportions with a beautiful outline. Nice expression and a dog that exuded quality.JUDGE STEVEN B. ARNOLD CRITIQUEIf you are invited to judge this Specialty, say YES. This assignment was a standout in my numerous years of judging. The hospitality from the Show Chair, Amy Matsuoka and her husband Masa was exceptional. This date also fell on my In-Laws 60th wedding anniversary, so we asked them along. We were met by Amy and Masa at the airport in Honolulu with a Lei Greeting.We flew in a few days early to sight see before the show, Pearl Harbor-Shopping-USS Missouri- Shopping-Luau-Shopping-Dole Plantation and Amy checked on us daily to see if we needed anything.82 - MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewWinners Bitch, Best of Winners, Best in Sweepstakes Howlene-Teahra Guinnevere Beautiful, red, compact-but square little bitch. The exact size I prefer. Beautiful ear set and expression and eyes. I could have put this one under my jacket to carry home. She couldhave been BISS on any other day.Best of Opposite Sex Ch. Howlene-Teahra Dolce Meta Very nice red bitch. Nice movement, perfect size, and a show girl. Slightly over weight for me, but so wonderful in every other way.Best in Specialty Canefyres Will You Be Ready When the Specials class entered the ring I was delighted with the outstanding quality. Eight specials you could not go wrong with. What a joy to be able to judge these dogs and choose my winner. This is a wonderful light red dog with perfect balance and size. Moves true with that slight give of pastern. Stops on a dime and shows himself off. Outstanding expression with a beautiful head, eyes and earRESULTS The Pomeranian Club of Hawaii held its 32nd Specialty Show and Puppy Sweepstakes on Sunday, November 2, 2008 at the VCA Kaneohe Animal Hospital Conference Room. We were quite fortunate to get Ms. Lei Taft, a Golden Retriever judge, come all the way from Hilo on the Big Island to judge our puppy sweepstakes with an entry of five puppies. Her selections are shown below6-9 Month Puppy Dogs1- Tidbit of Lenette - bred by Ken Griffith and owned by Clarice Yvette Oganeku9-12 Month Dogs1 - Howlene-Teahra Fiat of Joy - bred by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe and owned by Wendy Yokoyama the breeders6-9 Month Puppy Bitches 1 - Howlene-Teahra Guinnevere -bred and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe2- Princess Victorias DLight-bredby MarissaCapelouto and owned by Victoria Rodrigo Almosara9-12 Month Puppy Bitches 1 - Vintage Venetian Prosecca - bred and owned by Ellen TakayamaBest in Sweepstakes - Howlene-Teahra GuinnevereBest of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes - Tidbit of LenetteRegular classes were judged by Mr. Steven Arnold from Yakima, Washington. Presented for his opinion were five class dogs, four class bitches, five male specials and three bitch specials. After careful consideration he made the following selectionsPuppy Dogs 6-12 Months1 -Tidbit of Lenette - bred by Ken Griffith and owned by Clarice Yvette OganekuBred-By-Exhibitor Dogs1 - Howlene-Teahra Fiat of Joy - bred by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe and owned by Wendy Yokoyama the breeders2 - Vintage Fridays Southern Comfort - bred owned by Ellen TakayamaOpen Dogs1 - Bryelle Howlene-Teahra L Hummer - bred by Noelle Sasaki Shirley Leu and owned by Ann Aotani, Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe2 - Sandalwood LP Baxter - bred and owned by Roger LauWinners Dog - Tidbit of LenetteReserve Winners Dog - Bryelle HowleneTeahraLHummer6-12 Month Puppy Bitches 1 -Princess Victorias DLight - bred by Marissa Capelouto and owned by Victoria Rodrigo AlmosaraBred By Exhibitor Bitches1 - Howlene-Teahra Guinnevere - bred and owned by Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro Robin Watanabe2 - Bryelles Shall We Dance -bred and owned by Noelle Sasaki3 - Vintage Venetian Prosecca-bred and owned by Ellen TakayamaWinners Bitch - Howlene-Teahra Guinnevere Reserve Winners Bitch -Bryelles Shall We DanceBest of Breed - Ch. CaneFyres Will You Be ReadyBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Howlene-Teahra Dolce MetaBest of Winners - Howlene-Teahra Guinnevere Best Bred by Exhibitor - Howlene-Teahra GuinnevereBest Puppy - Tidbit of LenetteSince our sweepstakes judge was not able to stay and join us for our judges dinner, we made a potluck luncheon with sandwiches and a variety of local dishes which the judges raved about. The luncheon was coordinated by our show chairman, Amy Matsuoka, who did a wonderful job putting together the luncheon at the last minute. We are also fortunate Amys husband, Masa, our official photographer, take candid pictures during our show and banquet.The show was followed by a raffle that is getting more successful every year. Special thanks to Judy Leadbeater for organizing the raffle and soliciting donations and to Amy Matsuoka and Joan Kaneshiro for helping set up the raffle items. And a warm MAHALO to our very generous members as well as the many companies for their generous donations to our raffle. This raffle has been instrumental in allowing us to supplement our treasury so we can obtain quality judges just for our specialty, since we are such a small local club with very small entries.Our judges dinner was held at the Pagoda Restaurant where we had our own private gazebo floating above a beautiful koi fish pond. This is one of our favorite restaurants with a prime rib and crab legs buffet and most of us were stuffed by the end of the evening. We enjoyed the company of Steven and Judy Arnold and Judys parents, Les and Virginia. The Arnolds entertained us by sharing some wonderful stories of their experiences in the dog show world over the years and we enjoyed their company tremendously. All too soon it was time to leave after such a fun filled evening.IJUP1TERS POMERANIANS JUNOESQUES POODLE.V i- ftAngie Lessner, 520-459-3181 alessnermsn. com Jupiter-puppies. comI II I If fI I TBEST OF OPPOSITEWESTMINSTERkennel clubBPIS AmCanCh Jolvin Hot On Your Heels CGNThank you to Mr. Everett Dean Jr for rewarding Hotties type and showmanship with this BOS Win at the GardenPresented by Deborah Wheeler - Bred by Melv and Joan BeechLeeAnn Lambert - - www.sugarlamb.caIl l I til I VNl\S I I H II VII 1ISII IM I VADVERTISERSArvanites. Michele........................................................71Barrett, Deborah............................................................78Beard, Lavonne.............................................................89Behrend. Joan................................................................79Beland, Colleen.............................................................15Bertrand, Bill and Gail................................................6, 7Blocker, Angela............................................................78Bolahood. Catherine.....................................................79Bonin, Carolyn..............................................................70Buske, Randy............................................................70. 81Carter. Beverley........................................................16, 78Caywood, Audrey.........................................................76Chan, Louie and Anna Marie..................Front Cover, 4City of Angels Pom Club..............................................87Crane. Valerie...............................................................71Creasey, Christine.........................................................75Crutchfield. Bill and Kimberly.....................................70Dally. Joe and Janette...................................................76Davis, Annette and Erik................................................77Dodsworth, Pamela.........................................................9Driggers, Cathy...............................78, 95. Back CoverDurain, Sam..................................................................81Ekviriyakit. Suradej...............................Front Cover, 4Felix. Dan and Tammee................................................10Finch, Diane..................................................................79Fox. Larry........................................................................9Freeman. Bruce and Dawn............................................88Freia, Jerrie....................................................................79Gilstrap. David and Carlene.....................................70, 92Griffith, Ken and Eleanor...............................................5Gross. Diana.............................................................77, 81Flanson, Sharon.............................................................74Flart, Monty..................................................................74Fleartz. John and Chris.................................................77Flouston. Randy............................................................76Jackson. Becky.........................................................78, 94Kerr, Cheryl..................................................................18Lambert, Lee-Ann....................................................71, 85Lapuz, A1......................................................................23Latimer. Mary...............................................................71Leemhuis. Carol............................................................76Lessner. Angie...............................................................84Levinsohn, Alane..........................................................76Marsh. Charlene........................................................41, 72Matsuoka. Amy.............................................................13McClatchey, Barbara....................................................66McDonald. Cheri...........................................................76McKee. Margaret..........................................................75McKim, Ron and Heather.............................................11Meyer. Barbara.............................................................73Meyer. Char............................................................2,3.74Miller. Eleanor..............................................................79Miller. Hazel.............................................................71, 90Moore, Barbara.............................................................17Moore, Scotty and Carole.............................................79Morrow. Karleene.....................................................41, 73Murphy. Christy............................................................73Nilsson, Wendi.............................................................71Nonell, Ignacio..............................................................74Norem, Kathryn............................................................70Normandin. Elizabeth...................................................19Norris. Joanne...............................................................78Northern California Pom Club......................................80Oiello. Lisa....................................................................42Otaguro. Arlene........................................................71, 91Pelz, Linda....................................................................77Phillips. Tony................................................................72Pruden. Darlene.............................................................74Quintanilla, Maria.........................................................73Raymond, Barbara.........................................................76Raynor, Jackie..................................................................8Reich, Janell...................................................................73Reimschiissel. Kelly......................................................75Riley. Tessa....................................................................72Roberts. Audrey.............................................................77Rogers, Sherrilynn.........................................................75Rose, Ashlynn................................................................75Rosenbaum, Mary..........................................................77Russell, Ron and Connie................................................78S and S Pet Supplies......................................................78Scrimpsher. Todd and Caryl..........................................93Sisneros. Geno...............................................................90Smith, Ron and Irene.....................................................70Stachurski, Jan...........................................................34, 73Stephens. Micky.............................................................77Takayama, Ellen........................................................12, 74Thompson, Darlene Davis..............................................74Tsay. Amy......................................................................79Victor, Dave...................................................................72Watanabe, Robin.......................................................71, 91Waters, Gregg and Charlene..........................................71Waugh, Elaine................................................................75Wells, Mike....................................................................77White, Kevin and Teresa................................................75Whittemore, Chuck........................................................76Wilson. Tom................................................................8, 75Wishnow, Elaine........................................................42,70Zech, Tom and Diane.....................................................79l\ I ISSUESTo order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00INFORMATIONThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the pubiishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.City of AngelsPomeranian Club Pomeranian SpecialtyDate Thursday,May 21,2009Entries Close May 6, 2009Attention all Bred by Exibitors 600 Cash prize for Best BBE 400 Cash prize for Best Opp to BBE 100 Cash Prize for Best Puppyox-aoO''1cv cssLos Angeles County Fairgrounds Pomona, CA-LocationJ\Show Secretary Janis McManigal DiRECfOR,irn...yAvenueRiverside, CA 92506 951682-3812 - Office 951684-2594- Fax Emailjanis dogshowsecretary.comOnline Entries Available httpswww.dogshowsecretary.comJudgesConformation Judge Margaret ReedSweeps Judge Meg PriorShow Chairman Information Cheri McDonald 909-394-7923cheribachmanpoms.comCome for the Specialty and stay for the Mission Circuit 4 All Breed shows at one location.Indoors and Air conditioned with plenty of grooming space.MarchApril 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 87By Ch Texstar Dualin For Me, "Duli" x Cardinal Hill Sara Sunshine, "Sara" pointedAnnie finished her title under Judge Joe C. Walton at the St. Charles MO Kennel Club Show. Thank you Judge Walton for awarding Annie WB and BOS.IJ Xk ..3 HT-MJ Jt k. i .y NEWCHAMPIONWINNERSBITCHST. CHARLES KENNEL CLUB JANUARY 2009 MEYER PHOTC By BruceI would like to thank the following judges for contributing to her successMr. Lester Mapes Major Mr. Richard Beauchamp Major.Huge thanks to two wonderful friends Judy Stone, my handler extraordinaire, and Bonnie Acquard, who is not only Duli's Mama but handled Annie for her first point.Bruce and Dawn bdfreemanairmail.netIVON POCH. PUFPRIDB^GJ 0 PO' 1ME1V7HERE IN TIMJ3 ,ukjaian in the nationrslNfi BUKKJJ TOTALS WITHi I iW AT'.U-iUNlJ,Ki.9Kwp mAri4J BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY FORT SMITH KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 2008PHOTO BY GREG GARDEN STUDIO. INC' ...-Li.srxxv jus juj MrjrjjnjsoHorpfiucjembsMOVKMJ2NT. TYPJSY. JJKS JOT JT AJJ. TJUNK VOXkoj tjjk ujvk orsrXXV WJJJ. JiK SHOWN AT TJJK AW N. SJ'KOJAJ.TY JJV MV JJKAJNJ KJHKNJK JJJ^ONYA .JOHNSIVON POMS - MVONNE MNHiJJTJl.WK JiJHVB KJMONJ. OK 7aiJ4 i-iuw TAU-1-1'. jvonjOJCfi. CastiCe's LndCess Love4"^fiai y. 4AKJL \ Eukanuba^7 NATIONCHAMPION rrp \VVHd3IBred-by Exhibitor] Group 3DECEMBER 13 14 2008 I cTOM NUTTING 7 nuba- [CANTlubsSIS IntjlmcRusstcFinLtLvSa.[t Ch fkn Iris Evian d'CastiCe jc Ch- CjCen Iris Duchess of Castile SOiMSftp ottoOur trip to Long Teach for the NationalChampionship was a good one J got to meet many people who J wouhf not norm ally run into at shows, andjApolla was honored in the Breed competition 6y judge David OjaCvo, who awarded him Test Bred-By EyhiSitor, and 6y judge JQndrew Brace, who awarded him a Tred-Ty Croup Third in a very tough group ofweff. fnown and successful dogs and owners. JZpollo made his mother proud.Jfter Long Beach, I handed the head to 'Eden Terry, who started2009 with a 6ang andis aiming for the top. I Catch for this Seautifulpair in the upcoming months.I would life to thanfjThe Pomeranian 'Review for encouraging my fennel visit and everyone who contributedsuch find and thoughtful ads in my support. I wish everyone a great 2009Breeder Dr. feno Sisneros Owners Dr. eorge ficlfee, Dr. feno Sisneros and Corey fatewood-- nAij TrouaCy presents 3-Caw an1 s 1 Tom for the 7th consecutive yearl11-rrrr jlVIT' V- MLIA-rrrfCfL TfowCene Teafira Trecious Cargo, jCInspired By Lance ^Armstrong's seventh victory, I toCcC dazeC and Rohin of my whimsicaC goaf of dupdcating his record-with our Toms. ^Achieving this in 2008 was difficuCtfor several reasons. There were many worthy dogs competing, we were unaware of Mikey's medicaCproBCems and I had to deaCwithmedicaCprohCems of my own.Many heartfeCt thanks to the judges, our wonderfuCfriends andXosei Inoue, who hefpedhandCe our "hahies". To "JAuntie" T ever By n Xanakuri, Mikey's Biggest supporter - much Cove.Arlene Oiaguro 808-593-2322CjoodLuck to everyone in 2009.Hazsl MillerHLhinjaol.comRobin 'Wnmmiblyggcaishi72di.jr.ooxiMountain Crest thanks and congratulates all the great people who finished Mountain Crest dogs in 2008 We are looking forward to 2009WrWhMisDog-WMOUNTAIN CREST ROCKET MAN N CONNIE RUSSELL OWNERS-' 'BEST OF WINNERS MAJORLAWRENCEVLLE0 FEB. 2006 guT photo er asTttimuCH MOUNTAIN CREST ALL THAT GLITTERS RON CONNIE RUSSELL OWNERSCH MOUNTAIN CREST ROCK STARB-9IAVCH MOUNTAIN CREST ROCK PRINCESSBEST OF WINNERSNEW CHAMPION ATLANTA KENNEL CLUBSEPTEVCER 2008WCongratulations to Jan Stachurski on your kennel visit. Congrats also to Levi and Carolyn Smith on your featureCH MOUNTAIN CREST CAUGHT UP N U CO-OWNED WITH BARBARA MOORECH MOUNTAIN CREST TINY BUBBLESDavid and Carlene Gilstrap - Mountain Crest PomsP.O. Box 22442. Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 e-mail www.mountaincrestpomeranians.comJf . JWdTfrBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXNEW CHAMPIONWINNERS BITCHNOLAN RIVER KENNEL CLUB2KERR 2009l SVThank you Rodney Merry for awarding Gabby WB BOS over a Special for a four point major to finish from the BBE classes Gabby is a beautiful, very sound girl. She will take time out for maternity leave this spring.Congratulations Larry and Pam on your Foxworth Poms feature.WANTED We are still looking for an exceptional silver cream or wolf sable for stud service and a female to purchase.ROBCARY POMSCaryl Todd 210-889-8939Spnji^wood.rJ CD of the nr.Ch. Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Springwoods Grace Kelly- MMgWi- BEST OF1 OPPOSITE SEX ' MAJOR f uvB8CEUXP J FEB. 2009 I woTosiewm^Jgl3 \D b ^r r h it19^ JMMI'4A JndVr 1Apple started her show career in Atlanta with a big bang. Apple goes WB for four point majors all three days, going BOS two days and BOW on Saturday from the bred by class. Thank you Ken Rayner, George Milutinovich and Frank Sabella for these majors Apple is more than we had hoped for. Congratulations to Jan Stachurski on his well-deserved kennel visit. Congrats also to Carolyn Smith and Levi-5 n rfnc_rrccbr 7 yi AL M WJrj in e ra n Becky Jackson - Member of AFC - sprrngwccfjpcmsecf.ccm513 Springwood Drive. Florence, AL 256 762-5958 vwv.springwoodpoms.comIntroducing....CH DLT s CodyWe would like to thank all of the wonderful judges who have recognized Codys beautyChAAfPCNCONYCTSHCAUG 2006 CLoTOSrBMNICrtHCody finished with a 4 Point MajorCH DLTs Cody - Heritage of LaBeau Proudly Finished From The Bred By ClassassFather Son Take The WeekendCody Takes Breed fbest OF breedCody and Kayden Both Get A Major iTyson Takes BreedDLT PomeraniansMark and Cathy Driggers765 Cassadaga Road, Lake Helen, Florida 32744 Phone 386 846-7175Fax 386 218-5739 E-mail\iKi LiBfii-IP 'mDLTS CBreeder 'Owner Mark 8 Cathy DriggerW W W .DLTPOM5.COM