The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pomeranian Review February 1998
Table of Contents
Ask Us Anything (Annette Davis) 8Dolly Trauner Tribute 18
Health and Genetics (Marge Kranzfelder) 28
Membership Report (Jerrie Freia) 33
Around the Waterbowl (Linda Brogoitti) 33
Remembrances (Derial Jackson) 37
Yips and Yaps 44
MPC Specialty (Clara Schnoor) 44
Yeast Infection Update (Charlotte Creed) 45
Behind New Trtlists 45
Registrar's Corner (Jean Schroll) 45
Kennel Visit (Diane Finch) 48
New Champions 68
Humor 92
Second-Hand Dogs (Gina Spadafori) 97
BISA, BISS, AM, INT'L CH Majesties Willie B Steppn Up Front Cover
XT'tK.A SJGROUPFIRSTLONGVIEW KENNEL CLUB 1997PEGINIvtnwmwnvmwvm . BISA, BISS, AM, INTL CH. MAJESTICS WILLIE B STEPPN UP HOF, GCMade with your small breed dog in mind.EtOw.CWsi1v-.... -rf'-v. V'JI^ I. v"KtfgstKESSBFor the first time, a dog food manufacturer has introduced a complete line of ultra-premium dog foods formulated to address the unique nutritional needs of small breed dogs during each lifestage.Royal Canin Cynotechnique International RCCI SIZE Small Breed Puppy, Adult 1 and Adult 2 Dog Foods are designed for a small breed dog's size, age, body structure, growing patterns and energy requirements. We've tailored both the ingredients and the kibble size to each specific lifestage. And, RCCI SIZE is one of the most palatable and digestible dog foods on the market.So for your small breed dog, choose RCCI SIZE Small Breed Dog Food. It's just the right SIZE for the size of your dog.For more information on RCCI SIZE products, call 1-800-592-6687 or visit us on the World Wide Web at CkNINSIZE1997 Pet Products Plus, Inc. RCCI SIZE " is a trademark of Pet Products Plus, Inc.CONTENTS....Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................8Dolly Trauner Tribute........................................18Health and Genetics Marge Kranzfelder.........28Membership Report Jerrie Freia......................33Around the Waterbowl Linda Brogoitti..........33Remembrances Derial Jackson.......................37Yips and Yaps....................................................44MPC Specialty Clara Schnoor........................44Yeast Infection Update Charlotte Creed.........45Behind New Trtlists...........................................45Registrars Comer Jean Schroll.......................45Kennel Visit Diane Finch................................48New Champions.................................................68Humor................................................................92Every Which Way Dr. Al Grosman................96Second-Hand Dogs Gina Spadafori................97The Pomeranian sent to judges ...offers reasonable advertising ...has quality reproductions ...provides APC news ...contains Obedience information ...has interesting articles very colorfulKENNEL VISITSApriL...Diana Downey Dimonde PomeraniansCOVERBISA, BISS, AM, INTL CH. Majesties Willie B Steppn Up HOF, GCWe couldnt be more thrilled with the closure of 1997.Stepper completely enthralled with and giving his thanks to respected toy expert Judge Mrs. Mildred Bryant for this prestigious win. On his way to BIS, awarded that day by The Grand Lady Of Texas, Miss Dorothy D. Nickles. We also give our deepest thanks to all the other judges, friends and co-exhibitors who have faithfully supported him.2 Best in Show All-Breeds 6 Best in Show Specialty16 Group Is 8 Group 2s12 Group 3s17 Group 4sRANKED1995_81996.. ..31997.. ..1June_lose Cabrera and Fabian ArientiStarfire PomeraniansPage 1Stepper is at stud to approved bitches-my approval, not CLIB 'NCJCgK3lSS^\ SC fjJUu\.............I 3CCh. Clairmonts The Piano PlayerCh. Apples Traveling Diamond x Clairmonts Carolina LolitaOWNER Sharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 2G3 Renick, WV 24966 BREEDER Lance Bryson HANDLER Pam DziukPage 2LIL BIT LYNN....Multi-Group Specialty Winning Ch. Absolutes Mini Bike Ch. Jan-Shar's Harley Davidson x Jan-Shar's Madonna ROMXAfter a very successful career with Ch. Absolutes Harleys Son David, we are very pleased to announce that Lynn will now be campaigning Lil Bit Look for these two at ashow near youOur congratulations to Dolly Trauner for your many years of dedication not only to our breed, but to the entire Dog Fancy Congratulations to Diane FinchLil Bit is proudly owned byJeanne Blank, Sharon Hanson, Lynn Meyer, and Mary Lou LaflerPage 3VSacramento Kennel Club ShowApril 11,1998ConformationJudgeMrs. Toddie ClarkApril 12,1998ConformationJudgeMr. Chuck WinslowSpring "Eggs-travaganza" Sacramento, CaliforniaApril 11,1998Shows inhours24NCPC Specialty ShowApril 11,1998SweepstakesJudgeFran SmithConformationJudgeDr. Samuel DraperShow Chairman Janet Manuszak-Lucido 209 438-0556Show Secretary Diane Hildebrant 916 485-5950AT Cal Expo Fairgrounds, Bldg A 30 minutes after Best in ShowEntries close March 18, 1998JJ^omemninn specialtyhosted byNorthern California Pomeranian Club ffmnfnmran faintof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident...........................First Vice-President.........Second Vice-President...Recording Secretary.........Corresponding SecretaryTreasurer...........................AKC Delegate...................3910 Concord Place Texarkana, TX 75503Box 180, Earth, TX 79031..........Jim Shearer....Charlotte Creed......Linda BrogoittiMarge Kranzfelder ......Brenda Turner......Wanda Roach.........Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsTim Goddard.....Sharon Hanson.......Sharon HicksJane Lehtinen Margaret R. McKee...........Frances StollPomeranian ReviewEditor.............................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817 FAX 806 257-3760 For Special Delivery 823 E. Hwy 70 Earth, TX 79031 e-mail dudleyfivearea.comBusiness Manager.......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions............................................................................................................Brenda K. Hutton15755 Greenway Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues..............................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription.........................32.00Foreign................................................55.00First Class............................................40.00Single Copy...........................................7.00Full Page.............................................65.00Half Page.............................................40.00Quarter Page........................................20.00Photos each.......................................10.00Front Cover, BW.............................150.00Color..................................................375.00Back Cover, BW................................90.00Color......................,...........................250.00Center Spread....................................160.00Color..................................................390.00Business Card ....................................10.00Color Stripping on BW Ad................15.00Inside Color Page..............................150.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan.......................Nov 20... .....Dec 25FebMarch. .................Jan 20... .....Feb 25AprMay..... ................Mar 20.... .....Apr 25JuneJuly.... ................May 20.AugSept.... ................July 20.. . ....Aug 25OctNov......................Sept 20.... .....Oct 25Some flexibility passible in deadline. Prior notice required.eeeb surraGHiTi iikHMA STOLANNE'S LIGHTNING FLASHES 8 monthsCh. Stolannes Stormy Sequel x Pompuf White LilyCongratulations to Dolly Trauner and Diane FinchFran Stoll Breeder OwnerFran Stoll STOLANNE 812 254-3857Evelyn New^ear Co-OwnerEvelyn NewyearNEUJAHR yr MPuppy Pictures Taken at 3 Months of AgeBISABISS Ch. Finch's He Walks On Water x Ch. Sun-Dot's Galactic Dream]Top Hat--Black Male-Pominique N Noble Dark Vader WalkerT K T T V i 1 m 1 ^ T 1 1 i-N A . 1 1 TT PI Left Hat--Black Female-Nobles Queen of the Night Whitney Right Hat-Orange Female-Pominique Talking Waters BrookNoble and Pominique Poms take their hats off to Diane Finch. CongratsWe express our recognition of Dolly Trauners accomplishments and outstanding dedication to the Pomeranian.OwnerCo-Breeder NOBLE POMERANIANS Noble Inglett 818 349-8494 FAX 818701-7943OwnerCo-Breeden POMINIQUE POMERANIANS Cande Freeman 310 549-2707Page 7Ask Us AnythingByAnnette DavisDecemberJanuaryPlease note This article on coccidiosis is a re-print from the December issue. Part of the article was inadvertently left out.Our question for this month is What is coccidiosisAs long as you feed a premium food, normal Pomeranian stools are small, firm, and without foul odor. A change in normal stools is a red flag that something is amiss. A common intestinal disease among dogs in coccidiosis. Coccidia are parasitic protozoans single celled organisms found in the intestinal tract of many animals, including dogs. Coccidiosis causes severe losses of agricultural animals each year, especially calves and fowl. It is highly contagious and extremely difficult to eradicate. In dogs, the first symptoms are soft stools that contain yellowish mucous and have a characteristic sweet odor similar to freshly cut alfalfa. The infected animals eyes are often watery and the coat becomes dull and rough. As damage to the mucous lining of the intestines progresses, a secondary bacterial infection sets in and the stools begin to smell foul and often contain large amounts of mucous and blood. Infected dogs often eat each others stools. Symptoms are similar to the protozoan infection giardia, except that in giardia infections, the stools are light colored and have a greasy consistency. It is not uncommon for more than one species of parasitic protozoan to occur at the same time. Because cysts are shed intermittently, it can be very difficult to confirm protozoan infections by fecal examination.Coccidiosis is spread when an animalHingests infective cysts that are passed in the stools. Cysts may be passed by animals with an active infection as well as carriers that show no clinical signs but continue to harbor infection. There is a common misconception that coccidiosis is only a problem in filthy and crowded kennels. This is simply not the case. Certainly filth and overcrowding will accentuate any disease, but coccidiosis can become a problem in even the cleanest of kennels. It is best treated with the drug sulfadimethoxine brand name Albon. Give Albon liquid suspension - 14 cc per pound per day for 30 days. Give 2 doses the first day and then 1 dose per day for 29 days. The label directions say to give Albon for less time, however because coccidia run a 21 day cycle, best results are achieved by using a longer treatment period. If Giardia is confirmed, a good treatment is fenbendazole trade name Panacur 50 mg.llcg. given for three days in a row and then repeated at one week intervals until the infection clears generally 3 weeks. Please note Although University studies have shown that fenbendazole is an effective treatment for Giardia, it is currently licensed for the treatment of worms only.It is important to clean all fecal matter promptly and disinfect all kennel surfaces, bedding, and toys daily. Coccidia are not destroyed by Chlorox and many other disinfectants. It has been shown that they are readily destroyed by Ammonia and old fashioned Lysol Concentrate 1 part Ammonia or Lysol to 10 parts water. Do not use plastic food or water dishes. Coccidia can stay in the crevices. Use stainless steel, crock style, or glass food and water dishes. Change drinking water often and clean the foodwater dishes with a mild Ammonia solution regularly. Separate all infected dogs as much as possible. It is imperative that you do not allow the infected animal to become dehydrated. Supportive care and oral electrolyte solutions are helpful. Keep the animal warm and away from drafts. BPage 8Vitamins may not be given during the Albon treatment. Albon works by inhibiting folic acid, therefore B Vitamin supplements with folio acid will negate its action. Zinc and Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids may be given during treatment. One of the negative side effects of Albon is that it destroys beneficial intestinal bacteria leaving the animal more susceptible to pathogens. During and after treatment with Albon, it is important to give a high potency Probiotic beneficial microbial supplement. After Albon treatment has finished, continue the Probiotic and give B Vitamins, Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, and Zinc. To avoid future outbreaks, keep your dog in excellent health, free of worms and maintain scrupulous cleanliness. Immediately separate any dog that shows signs of the disease and treat accordingly."Ask Us Anything" FebruaryMarchBy Annette DavisOur question for this month is Can you recommend a good toy puppy formula and some suggestions for feeding puppies that need supplementationI have had excellent results using this puppy formula recipe given to me by Mrs. Julie Moreno.Julie Morenos Puppy Formula1 Can Condensed Milk 1 Tablespoon Mayonnaise Best Foods brand only, not low fat 4 oz. Plain Yogurt not low fat, Mountain High brand is good 4 egg yolksBlend well. Remove white membranes from the yolks so they dont clog your feeding tube. Refrigerate stays good 5 days in refrigerator. Warm to wrist temperature before feeding. For a 3-4 oz. pup, feed 1 cc every 2 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night If the pup is nursing on its dam but needssupplementation, feed 1 cc every 4 hours until strength improves enough to nurse exclusively. Diaper pups after each feeding unless dam is doing so. If pups are dehydrated or chilled, give 1 cc pedialyte every 2 hours instead of formula. 1 part com syrup to 7 parts boiled water can be used in a pinch until pedialyte can be obtained. When hydration or body temperature improves, phase back in formula. Increase formula amount as weight increases. Important Do not increase too quickly or overfeed as colic and gastric upset will occur. If a feeding tube needs to be used, use a 5 French. Pups should be able to lap formula from a bowl by 3-4 weeks old.Suggestions on raising orphans by Lois Ciliberto RinehartRaising Orphans With an Adoptive DamIf there is a bitch around who has a great disposition and can adjust to simply loving the pups, curling around them to keep warm and licking them, then I would give that the best hy I could. Remember, adoptive dams need not be nursing moms. If you can supply the food, a non-nursing adoptive dam can take care of the rest of the burden for you. I have seen some who insisted taking over, others who warmed to the idea slowly, and yet others who would kill the pups sooner than blink an eye. First, know your adoptive mom, second rub a tiny bit of vanilla into pups to change their scent, then put butter on their rears, vaginal area and under chin. Avoid umbilical area so adoptive mom does not get too anxious and chew on that area.Slowly, holding a pup in hand, fingers curled around pup, back of hand up toward adoptive dam in case she snaps better your hand than the pup - see if the bitch has any sniffing interest. This can take time. Its all new to her, and patience is the guide. If she expresses curiosity, go one step further and let her really smell thePagB 9tF'V24BESTOFCOLUMBIA POMERANIAN CLUBWINTER 1998jj^jBESI or BREEDBISS Ch. Noble's Chewbaka of PominiqueCHEWBAKAS 2nd day as a Special-Best in Show Specialty at the Columbia Pomeranian Club on 11598 at Portland, Oregon. Thank you Judge C.P. Herendeen for this wonderful win. Chewbaka is the second male here at Nobles to earn a Best in Show Specialty award.Hope to see everyone at the Nationals.Owner NOBLE POMERANIANS Noble Inglett 818 349-8494 FAX 818 701-7943Handler Joanne ReedPage 10T'T r _ riSMA TT1^BISS Ch. Noble's Chewbaka of PominiqueCHEWBAKA at 15 months of age-his first day as a Special. Thank you Judge Mr. Timothy Catterson for the Best of Breed and Group I win over some Number One toy Specials.Hope to see everyone at the Nationals.Owner NOBLE POMERANIANS Noble Inglett 818 349-8494 FAX 818 701-7943Handler Joanne ReedPage 11pups rear. Let her lick at the butter, but be ready to pull hand back and say no like you really mean it if necessary. If this works, let her lick the butterunder the chin, being ready with your free hand every minute to interfere if there is animosity from the bitch.If the bitch is interested, you will be able to tell. Do not give the pup to her yet. Put all pups in a cardboard box near bitch who I will assume is in some kind of confining pen. My dams always shredded papers for their pups. If your bitch has shredded papers with pups before, use this system now. If she hasnt, use whatever system she had when she raised pups. We are assuming you are only trying this with an experienced mom Put some bedding in with the hopefully adoptive mom. See if she attempts to make a bed. Give her some time. Fondle pups to make them squeal a bit while this is going on so she can hear the pups, but cant really get to them. You can see by her head cocking more or less how interested she is. In many cases the bitch will be so encouraged, she will shred paper and dig into bedding trying to make a nest, stopping to listen to the pups every so often. If she establishes interest by this type of nesting behavior, the battle is half won. Dont get discouraged if the bitch does not nest at first. As long as she has interest and is not growling or squirming to get away, you have a foot hold. If this interest is expressed, keep those pups squealing a bit. It isnt going to hurt them to squeal a little and crawl about.Assuming you have a potential adoptive dam who is interested, proceed with some risk, exercising caution too, but the risk must be taken. Try the next pups the same way as the first one and see what the bitch thinks of them. She will know they are different pups. Then put butter on all pups and gingerly lay one down in the pen with the bitch - being ready to spring and cover the pup if the bitch gets upset. Now it is a waitseepraybe ready to spring to protect pupgame.If the bitch seems to want to help the pup, give her a little trust and encouragement, petting her with one hand, being ready to cover the pup with the other hand. If the bitch takes to the puppy and you can see that she has no intention of harming it, then give her a little slack and see what she will do with the puppy. She may go away from it for a bit an return and may look anxious - after all she has not had proper time to prepare a nest and so on. This sounds atrocious, but I always led with the scrawniest or weakest of the pups. If something was going to happen and the bitch was going to harm it before I could stop her, better to be with nature and go for the one best able to be sacrificed. If all goes well, do not wait too long to introduce the rest of the pups. Hang around as close as possible for half an hour to see what the bitch will do. Once she settles in and is warming and licking the pups, let her be, but also give her some latitude. If she likes her bed at the other end of the pen, let her have it here. I always say that mother knows best.With an adoptive dam, I always fed the dam away from her pups so there would be no lurking jealousy over the food - at least until I saw what the dam was like in that situation. For the first few days, keep butter on the pups rears to assure licking stimulation. After that, its home free except for feedings if your adoptive dam is not in milk. I have seen so many non-nursing substitute moms take pups, that it is well worth the effort to try it. The pups are happier, and you get more rest. But if you try, and they die anyway, dont feel guilty. In all probability, they would have died anyway as it is difficult to hand rear them successfully.Hand Raising Orphans With No Adoptive DamI used a cardboard box on the kitchen table, with a heating pad under the outside of the box, not in it. Too much heat kills as fast as too little. Place a towel in thePage 12bottom of the box and keep adjusting the heat until it is barely warm. I always kept a large paper towel section to toss over the pups as it gave them coverage and allowed air in. Do not tuck it down and it will move about somewhat as they do. Crying does not hurt pups. I always worry more when there is no noise. Dead quiet pups are about to be dead is my motto. Continual crying, of course, means dissatisfaction - usually not enough to eat which you can gauge by looking at the tummy. The pup may also need to be stimulated to have a bowel movement or urinate or be instinctively searching for the warm comfort of a mom. When she isnt around, they are going to cry a bit more than normal. When they draw their legs to their tummy, it is colic or worse.I also placed the old time honored method - a ticking clock under the towel in one comer as it does make the pups gravitate toward it and they will kind of curl up on it slightly elevating their heads as they do when sleeping on their dam. This helps the natural flow of blood and food. I never used a lamp of any sort, and when it came to nighttime, I kept overhead lights to a minimum so I could just see when I fed and pottied them. They need to instinctively know time, just as they would in the wild.In the daytime I fed 2-3 hours apart depending on how much they took at a sitting. Julies formula is the best for feeding. At night, every 4 hours is fine. I sometimes even missed the 400 A.M. feeding and never lost a pup because of it. A little sleep doesnt hurt the surrogate mom every now and then After every feeding, use a Kleenex - slightly wet with warm tap water to stimulate urination and bowel movements. A bit of butter on the rear and vagina now and then does not hurt. If they are doing well, weighing them is silly. It only keeps you stressed out and accomplishes nothing. You can feel full tummies and normal, undehydrated pups by hand. A once aweek weigh in is sufficient. If no gain, and they are otherwise eating and not in agony or cold and dying, everything willbe fine. You cant possibly expect an orphan pup who is not getting dams milk and normal dam attention to gain as much as one who is getting that benefit. Be happy they are alive, and weight gain can come later.Tube feeding is fine, and many practice it. 1 have used it, but it was never my cup of tea. Bemie patented a method that was great and it enabled one to know if the pup was really wanting to eat and thereby had the strength and will to live. A lot of times by tube feeding, we are going against nature and just keeping something alive that wants to die or that nature has decreed is going to die. If you wish to tube feed, use a 5 French tube and ask your veterinarian to show you how to do it. However, if you can get the hang of this other method, youll love it. You need a regular clean syringe with no needle. It must be kept moist so it doesnt dry up. Bemie kept it in the formula glass in the refrigerator. Warm the formula just to wrist temperature, then suck up the cc amount you have determined. Place the pup on a towel, belly down. Gently lift head between your fingers, put filled syringe into mouth. Tap slightly between roof of mouth and tongue and maybe squeeze very gently on syringe end so that a dab of milk comes out and the pup gets a taste. The pups little tongue will wrap around the end of the syringe. You just hold the syringe with your thumb on the end that injects - but not actually pushing down. Syringe plunge end down, not up If they suck, the end goes down as they nurse with your every so slight pressure helping.1 have never chocked one with this method. Once they do it and you do it, youll never want to use another method. They suck like little pros, and you can measure exactly what they took in by looking at the cc on the syringe. They have to suck to get the food, but not so hard to tire them. Many pups wither from tubePage 13MULTIPLE BEST OF BREED AND GROUP WINNING CH. NOBLE'S REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE0G-05-9B to 01-03-98J. D., you were taken so unexpectedly....I love and miss you.Love,DadOwner NOBLE POMERANIANS Noble Inglett 818 349-8494 FAX 818 701-7943Handler Joanne ReedPagB 14AmourUV 'STIIII'niiiriM I H.liSiSiliieli t i ttiMiiiiiieiniliiill'l'i'imaiaiMuhi Hriiaiaia Va a aiBiaai,Il 'aiaiaiai.....WEST OAHUkennel clubWINTER 1998I1 i ACh. Amour s That s Hot To TrotThank you noted Judge Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland for this BOB win at West Oahu on 11898.We would love to send sincere congratulations to our long time friend, Dolly Trauner. She indeed has done much with her knowledge and expertise in the Dog World.A farewell to our beloved C.C., our first Pom and the start of Amour Pomeranians. Thanks, Julie, for C.C.Breeder-Owner-Handler Shirley Ann K. Lieu 3655 Kawelolani Place Honolulu, HI 96816-3303Page 15feeding as they do not have the sucking exercise. 1 have never seen a baby bottle worth its salt. This method is a charm and kept many a Crescendo orphan alive and well. The syringe can be rinsed in warm soapy water, rinsed well, and easily re-used. Forgot all of the sterilization nonsense. As with human babies, a little natural exposure to a few germs in not going to kill them. We did have to change syringes a lot as they wear our when the rubber part gets too stiff to work, but that is nothing. Good luck You are certainly in for it hand raising a litter of orphans, and deaths can be experienced. You can drive yourself to the point of weariness and insanity, but there is also a great reward in the pups that do make itOur question for next month is What is the best way to potty train a Pom" You may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis 391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.stellarcom.comdavisItPresidentsMessage By Jim ShearerThis issue of the Pomeranian Review pays tribute to one fine lady, Dolly Trauner.The first time I heard Dolly in person was at an APC meting in New York. I thought, My, 1 never want to get this lady upset Well, after servingtwo years as a board member and two years as First Vice President under her, I am here to tell you she is a great leader. Her knowledge about the breed, her knowledge about AKC, her ways of running APC, and her business acumen can never be matched by one person. I also found by serving with Dolly for four years that she is a person who listens to both sides of an issue. She will go your way even if it differs from hers if the facts and majority go the other way. One other important thing, she was not as stoic as her first impression led many people to think.Dolly is a person whose ambitions were if it was for the betterment of the breed or club, she would run with it until something was done. She was always upset about how long it took to get something accomplished through the APC Board by mail. Dollys accomplishments for the Pomeranian and the Poodle are too numerous to mention. Read elsewhere in this issue for them.I miss Dollys calls at midnight she would sometimes forget the time difference and wish her well. I usually sign off with Nuff Said, but there can never be Nuff Said about the one and only Dolly B. Trauner.I hope everyone has a good time in Dallas, and I am inviting all of you to Ohio in August for a great show and a good time. The APC Summer Specialty will be held August 21, 1998 and the OVPC Mega Match August 22,1998 after the Ravenna Show at the Holiday Inn Akron South in conjunction with Agathon, Ravenna, and Western Reserve all-breed shows.PagB 16Dolly...For your contribution to the world of dogs WE THANK YOUFor your time and efforts on behalf of the APC WE THANK YOUFor your guidance and friendship WE THANK YOU For just being you WE LOVE YOUCongratulations to Diane Finch on your Kennel Visit Belated congratulations to Brenda SegelkenJim and Judy Shearer CRYSTAL POMS And Spanky tooftge 17lye American Pomeranian Club Pays tribute to Mrs. Solly 23. arauner, Past presidentwyj\A rPage IBA Tribute to Dolly B. Trauner... A Great Lady in the Dog WorldIntroduction and materials provided by Julia R Moreno.Dolly and I have traveled down many paths together. Through it all, weve shared good times and bad, fun andpromote recognition of the problem of inherited eye disease in dogs.In 1974, Mrs. Trauner established CERF. She worked as a full-time volunteer to run the organization from her home before finally entrusting CERE to Purdue University in 1988.fatality, and humourous times and heartbreaking ones. An extremely important accomplishment was the founding of CERF Canine Eye Registry Foundation which brough all of us involved a tremendous amount of gratification and pride.Dolly and I have shared "exhibits of Poms as well as shown against each other. Win or lose, we still hang in there as great friends. Its been almost 41 years now of a truly meaningful and cherished friendship. I feel fortunate for the knowledge and honesty in Dogdom Dolly has given to me in a personal way. It is priceless. I only hope that it can be said I will have helped others who seek knowledge and information which I possess.I could write much more about this great and grand lady and her accomplishments, but I will leave it others who admire her to say. Read on and remember that to know her is to realize why her name is DOLLYfor she truly is a DOLL.Her Poodle Years....James A. Baker Institute for Animal HealthGustavo Aguirre presented the North Award to Dolly B. Trauner for her selfless and persistent 25-year effort toAlan Warble, CERF Operations ManagerYou have already made such a profound impact on our world, and you have time to do so much more. I have always used you as a role model for what can be accomplished through clear thinking, sound planning, and persistent effort. You will always be one of my heroesDolly wrote a book in the early 50s entitled Speaking of Poodles which was published by Judy-Bemer, Dog World. It is a complete handbook for the new owner on the selection, care, training, and breeding of Poodles.W.F. Keller, Dean, Michigan State UniversityI would like to thank you personally for all you have done in our common quest to eliminate these disastrous hereditary diseases that we continue to deal with....I do believe that your program and our continuing program has made a significant dent in the problems....Bemie Dolen, PRA Research FundI was pleased when asked to write something about Dolly Trauner. Having known Dolly for many years,Page 19and serving on the CERF Board while it was still in California with Dolly, my first thought is that everyone who owns a dog or has owned a dog that has PRA and gone blind, or at some point in their life, will own a dog, should be ever grateful to Dolly. She started the eye clinics and CERF to try to find a cure for PRA. Each of us pray a cure will soon be found.There are not enough accolades in the Dictionary that would completely cover Dolly. She gave of her mind, body, time, and money. She spent endless hours working on CERF for years. Because of CERFs growth, it was decided to let Purdue University take it overDolly helped me set up the PRA Research Fund. We wrote to any and every person having to do with dogs. We sent thousands of letters telling anyone who would listen about PRA and that research money was needed. All money received went directly to Dr. Gus Aguirre for research. No matter was asked of Dolly, she somehow got it done.What we all need in this world is more people just half of what Dolly is. To copy a well known phrase, What a far better world this would be.From Lois Normi PlawchanDolly Trauner is a lady it has been a pleasure to share the love of dogs in so many aspects and varieties. She is a person who sat at ringside and learned to appreciate dogs other than those she considered her favorites.We shared the same birth month with several others each yearwe all looked forward to a favorite restaurant and an evening of sharing what had happened in the year past and what we hoped would happen in our breed or inothers in the years ahead. Heres to you, Dollya memory one never forgets. Thanks for letting me share so many moments in your company.Her Pomeranian Years...Dollys Foundation Bitch... Ch. Phyner Black Queenaireby Dudley RoachWanda and I got acquainted with Julie Moreno, of Poodle fame, at the shows many years ago. Julie was mesmerized by Poms, and after a time, became a Pom breeder exclusively. Julie had a very close friend who was also a well-known Poodle personDolly Trauner. Dolly also became enamored with Poms, particularly black ones.Dolly commissioned Julie to find her a show and breeding black bitchno easy task in those days. She called us and we mentioned we had a black bitch pup which was to come back to us in payment for her mother, Patsy Lee. We had no idea what her quality was. Ill digress a bit to tell you about Patsy Lee.We were in contact with a breeder who had a cream bitch we really wanted, but the owner wouldnt let her go unless we took a black bitch she had as well. We agreed. We waited impatiently for the bitches to arrive. When they finally came, we picked them up at the airport and hurriedly drove home so that we could see what we had bought. I opened one of the crates, and out walked a big, ugly black bitch who promptly bit me. You might imagine we didnt start our relationship amicably, and it didnt improve greatly.Page 20We bred her to our white obedience Pom because I didnt want to breed her to one of our Champions. She had three lovely black babies. I didnt believe that any thing coming out of her could be good, so we promptly sold them as pets. Later, when they were grown, I saw them again. All three of them were exquisite and could have finished easily.One weekend a friend, Betty Evans Naps Poms stopped by our house on her way to a dog show. She saw Patsy and wanted her. She was in season at the time, and we bred her to one of Bettys young show prospects. So, Queenie was conceived.Now, back to the stoiy. When Julie called, Betty was to bring the puppy to Golden Gate where we would pick her up. Remember, this was 1968 and blacks of quality were unusual. At any rate, Julie stopped by our motel and liked the puppy very much. Julie took her home and Dolly came over to see her. Needless to say, Queenie never made it to Modesto.Under Dollys auspices, Queenie, Phyner Black Queenaire, was sent to Lorraine Heichel Masley where she quickly finished her American and Canadian Championships. Thus, Queenie became Dollys foundation bitch.Then it came time to breed her. There was a very nice black male in Northern California, Ch. Cin-Dees Tiny Tim, which seemed the obvious choice. A few weeks later, the breeding was accomplished and the future champion, Phyner Bumble Bee was bom. Bum was then bred back to her sire and Dolly got Phyner Chiquita Negrita who in turn was bred to Ch. Morenos Hot Off The Press. The resulting litter was two boys, oneof whom became Ch. Phyner Night Editor, call name Gordo.Gordo was campaigned by Marlene Scott Halsey. While with Marlene, he was bred to a black bitch and got a chocolate male puppy. Patsy Lee had chocolate in her background and now we knew she had passed it along to get Anyway, Dolly was elated because she knew she could add the chocolates she wanted to her kennel.Dolly wanted to add more females to her kennel so they could be bred to Gordo. The perfect combination came about in Phyner Kitchen Witch who was sired by Gordo and out of an orange bitch. Dolly also acquired a chocolate bitch which was bred to Ch. Queenaire Gambling Dude. The resultant puppy was Ch. Phyner Black SombreroSam. This cross would allow new combinations to work from while still keeping the foundation from Queenie. The black line was well on its way.The chocolate line was furthered with the help of Ch. Starlite Choco Bear owned by Gayle Griffin. Dolly leased Choco Bear, finished him, and used him to enhance her chocolate line. Ch. Phyner Tea Muffin was the first chocolate champion for Phyner.In all, 17 champions stem from Queenie.Page 21AC Ch. Phyner Black QueenaireWe dedicate this show to Dolly B. Trauner, to honor her contributions to the welfare of our Poodles.Dolly Trauner was bom in Evanston, Illinois and attended Northwestern University, where her life-long interest in the study of genetics was initiated. She and her husband, Lawrence M. Trauner, M.D., established their Phyner Kennels in 1957, and she proceeded to train and handle her own poodles in both breed and obedience. Dolly joined the Poodle Club of Central California in 1958, the Poodle Club of America in 1960, and was one of the founders of Mission Trail Poodle Club in 1966. In 1969 she added Pomeranians to her Phyner Kennel.In 1974, Dolly Larry Trauner, Julie Moreno, and a few friends established the Canine Eye Registration Foundation C.E.R.F. in response to the devastation of Progressive Retinal Atrophy P.R. A.. Said Dolly, "There was a need for eye disease to be diagnosed by people who knew what they were looking at." By establishing a third- party verifiable record, false claims could be virtually eliminated.1994 was a banner year for Dolly. She celebrated her 75th birthday, celebrated the victorious end of 6 years of anti-trust litigation against C.E.R.F., and received a letter of commendation from the AKC Board of Directors, applauding her accomplishment and her vigorous defense of C.E.R.F.Said then AKC Chairman Jim Smith, "I am aware of few individuals who have contributed more to canine health than you. Your pioneering work for well more than two decades on canine eye disease has been an invaluable contribution... The founding of the Canine Eye Registration Foundation is an accomplishment of extraordinary importance.""...Your contributions to the organized dog fanciers, and the attempt to improve the health of their pets eyes will always be remembered..." Kirk Gelatt, VMD, Univ. of Florida, College of Veterinary Medicine"...Your program... has provided a tremendous service to animal owners and breeders...I commend you on your many years of hard work..." W.F. Keller, DVM, Acting Dean, Michigan State Univ., College of Veterinary Medicine"...I have always used you as a role model for what can be accomplished through clear thinking, sound planning, and persistent effort..." Alan Warble, C.E.R.F. Operations ManagerThank You, Dolly\nuoOfThe Poodle Club of America, Inc.3n appreciation of Holly arauner Wtfo has contributed ^o mudf to tfe Bog Hlorld And mas life founder of Canine 3Eye Registry ^FoundationCharles Thomason Corresponding Secretary FAX 804 530-1338 Phone 804 530-1805Page 24iMission rail Poninlr Club, 3lnt.Mission Trail Poodle Club Acknowledges the accomplishments of DOLLY TRAUNER.Thanks for the MemoriesflfiS- I L' 1 3 mIPage 25HELLO, bOLLW . . .We are proud that you have been a member of the Poodle Club of Central California since 1958We appreciate that you not only recognized the P.R.A. problem in poodles - You helped to develop the Canine Eye Registration Foundation . which provided a method to test for and prevent this and other eye diseases in all breeds of dogsWe also appreciate your support for our Club when it was most neededAnita Antink Lyn Austin Betty Blankenship John Joan Buenfil Karen Cheffer Jacquelyn Cohen Janet Collins Patricia Desin Frank Joanne Finch Stephanie Gomez Dorothy Hageman Barbara Herrold Wendy Antink Hoover Jacklyn Hungerland Ann Lori Kauth Shelley LucasKatharine Mason Julie Moreno Deborah Murray Landi Nelson Kathleen OBrien Mary Olund Rita Perko Bonnie Prato George Prosser Jeanne Prouty Marie Ringrose Phyllis Sanders Kay SmithGenevieve Spalteholz Kathie Tietjen Robert Sally VilasPage 2GBest Wishes toDolly TraunerThank you for your service to all breeds generally, and Poodles specificallyRobert Sally VilasVilemo StAtibAt'b Poofcles Shih Tzu510-276-5521A BAG OF TOOLSIsn't it strangeThat Princes and kings,And clowns that caper In sawdust rings,And common people Like you and me Are builders for eternityEach is given a bag of tools,A shapeless mass,A book of rulesAnd each must make - Ere life is flown - A stumbling block Or a stepping stone.R. L. SharpeWELL DONE, DOLLY, WELL DONELove, AnitaPage 27IfHealth Genetics ByMarge KranzfelderMystery Food and Poly GenesSince the conscientious dog breeder and his veterinarian are often frustrated by a condition not responding to treatment, I want to pass on the following information taken from The Collins Guide to Dog Nutrition revised edition by Donald R. Collins, DVM. It is in no way meant to replace the attention of your vet, but is something to try when other treatments fail. Remembering that liver also loosens stools, take heed of the saying if a little is good, more is not necessarily better.Natures Mystery FoodLiverNewborn puppies, dying from the failing puppy syndrome, have a tablespoonful of chopped liver added to their mothers diet. Overnight, the pups snap out of it and start gaining again. Orphan puppies, stunted because their formula is inadequate, have a little liver puree added to that formula and those same puppies suddenly begin to grow and gain weight. A young, adult male, starting his second year at stud is listless, uninterested and underweight. A teaspoonful of raw liver daily returns the stud to his original luster and aggressiveness. A dog struck by an automobile fails to respond, even though surgery has successfully corrected its injuries. About a week after the operation a tablespoonful ofliver is prescribed three times weekly. By the end of the third week all of the dogs lost weight has been regained and healing of the external wounds appears complete.All of the dogs described above had one thing in commonliver was added to their diet Perhaps liver should be called a miracle food rather than a mystery food. But, whatever you call it, the recoveries were the result of liver, and whatever it is that enables liver to produce such miracles remains a mystery.For years veterinary nutritionists have referred to the unidentified liver factions and their seemingly miraculous effects. Whatever it is is in liver, known or unknown, few canine nutritionists deny that liver does something special when it comes to a dogs diet. If there is one single food that every dog should have in its diet, that food would have to be liver. It contains more nutrients in one package than any other natural food available to man or beast.As I have stated in my previous articles, we have been assuming that our Severe Hair Loss Syndrome is polygenic. To see if you agree, allow me to quote some ideas regarding this from Dr. Carmelo L. Battaglias book Breeding Better Dogs.Listed below is a three-step method that should make the alert breeder suspect that a genetic condition may existThe condition occurs more often among dogs which are related. The principle, of course, is that hereditary diseases tend to run in families. In other words, the condition is observed with a higher frequency within members of the same line as opposed to those less closely related.Page 28 The condition increases in frequency with inbreeding. The effect of inbreeding is that it increases the chances that an undesirable trait will occur when single recessive or polygenic conditions are involved. The disease occurs usually at the same age for most animals affected. Many genetic disorders behave as if they were programmed to occur at a specified age. When this condition occurs, the onset of the undesirable trait will begin to progress at a specific age in the life of the dog.Time out to think....Lets observe that at this point, we have no known statistics about our SHLS. For one reason, there is no definitive test for the condition. We presently define it by eliminating all other known causes. I recently have heard that a dermatologist believes the inbreeding coefficient is much lower than to be expected, and I am trying to track this down. If any of you have such data, please let me know. Do we need to conduct a survey to begin to answer this Are we ready to be as truthful as we know howTo press onward, lets assume it is genetic. Below is Dr. Batalglias synopsis of types of genetic transmission.Single Genes Causing Defects or DiseaseIf a single recessive gene is involved1. The affected dogs will be homozygous for the abnormal gene. Both genes of the pair will be recessive.2. Most affected dogs will be theprogeny of heterozygous carriei parents.3. Mating of two heterozygous carriers will produce 25 affectec progeny, 50 carriers, and 25 homozygous normals.4. Matings of two affected dogs wil cause 100 of the progeny to be affected with the disease or defect.5. The risk to male and female progeny will be equal.If a single dominant gene is involved1. The affected progeny will usuall be heterozygous.2. One of the parents will show the defect.3. Breeding one affected dog wit one normal dog will produce 50affected progeny.4. The risk to male and female progeny will be equal.If an X-linked recessive gene is involved1. Males will be affected and females will act as the carriers of the gene The female needs to be homozygous recessive for her to be affected.2. The breeding of normal males tc female carriers will affect 50 of the males produced 50 of the female progeny will be carriers.Multiple Polygenic Genes Causing DiseasesIf a Polygenic defect is involved1. There will be a wide variation ir the severity of the condition. Some dogs will be only mildly affected.2. Pedigree patterns will be useful ir explaining the condition wher inbreeding is practiced.29MOMMtv t111^ 1-e oi.ate asfe u aEGreat dog people are more rare than great dogs. DOLLY, it was a privilege to know you as a national and local leader in the dog world. It was a privilege for me to receive your encouragement And if I must pick one word to describe your unforgetable character-its INSPIRATIONAL.Marge Kranzfelder4Q8 623-9265 FAX 408 623-2612Page 30mzsrs POMERANIA r s^\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\irniiiiiiiiiiiiin77777n77Axxxxww- -Jmv.. M1WHNER'SDOGVETUMAT\Hkennel clubWKTER W98 v\v\r\ Wv-HiTyTiilHHi IV i'S8 aHWW I 'ilRi uIJ1Therese and John Reeder, Lt. Col. USAF Ret.916 726-POMS FAX 916 722-9045 24 hoursPage 313. The polygenic gene causing the disease or defect will not be like the single recessive or dominant genes. The single gene method makes the risk constant for all progeny, while the polygenic gene condition will vary from family to family.Environmental diseases are those brought on by bacteria, viruses, parasites, nutritional deficiencies, chemical, and trauma. Polygenic diseases are susceptible to modification by the environment. Nutrition is one of the environmental causes of a disease, and when the nutritional conditions of feeding are combined with the polygenicabnormal genes, the condition will begin to occur.The elimination of dogs displaying the disease from the breeding program is the single most effective method for controlling the disease.Time out to think....Elimination of dogs with thecondition or carrying the condition is correspondingly as difficult as identification of the condition. I will talk more on this subject in another article on breeding strategies.Note, that by definition, a polygenic condition can also be partially sex-linked. One, or more, of the genes involved might be on the X chromosome. And logically the statement that polygenetic diseases are susceptible to environment are conditions does not mean allconditions diseases affected by environment are genetic, let alone polygenic.Now, anyone out there have any reason to doubt that, for the sake ofthe search, that we can assume our Severe Hair Loss Syndrome to be polygenicHealth and Genetic Committee ReportWe have tried to contact a dermatologist acquainted with treating Poms with the SHLS. Now that the holidays are over, hopefully we will be more successful. If any of you have a suggestion of dermatologists who would be willing to share their experience with Poms, please let us know.Charlotte Creed was extremely helpful in sharing her experiences. If any one else has practical experiences, successful or otherwise, please contact us. Your right to privacy will be respected. But we should be collecting all information possible.And send us topics on this subject you would like to see us research and cover in future articles.NOTICECheck your REVIEW mailing label. Is your subscription about to expireRemember to utilize your VisaMastercard Privileges.See you in Dallas for the 1998 independent American Pomeranian Club Specialty.Page 32K.MembershipReportByJerrie FreiaMembership Report as of 013098 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors, commenting on the applications whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Marge Kranzfelder 821 Brown Road San Juan Bautista, CA 95045.Contact Jerrie Freia for membership applications.Sharon Hanson Barbi KutilekJanet McWhorter SCSponsorsEleanor Miller Sharon Hanson Linda L. Mulson EL SponsorsJuanita Fiddick Jeanne BlankCelda Santos PhilippinesSponsorsSharon Hanson Barbi KutilekTony Santos IndonesiaSponsorsSharon Hanson Barbi KutilekNEW MEMBERSMarion Dossinger WISponsorsSharon Masnick Nadine HersilDavid and Carlene Gilstrap TNSponsorsElaine Way Ruth L. BeamDr. Raul P. Javelona PhilippinesSponsorsSharon Hanson Barbi KutilekThomas Mclntire TXSponsorsDudley Roach Estelle McDonaldAround the Waterbowl by Linda BrogoittiMany years ago I was training my veiy first Pom in obedience. At our first class, the instructor was trying to impress us with the idea that dogs ARE NOT PEOPLE, they are merely dogs. Now that was fine for the others, but it certainly didnt apply to us I looked down at Muffin and told her, Dont you even listen to this darling, it could hurt your feelings She barked in response, and the instructor glared. I knew we were going to have FUNMy Muffin had a long, pointy nose, low tail-set, big ears, and the worst stifles Ive ever seen....and I loved her with all my heart. She had a veiy short attention span but did try to please me. When I asked about training during thePaolo Malvar PhilippinesSponsorsPage 33MAKIMG TRACKS AT HEARTLAMD.... ^ o 9 9 9 9 9 9Finch s Tough Gug At Sundown ToughieCh. Finchs A Noble Tradition x Finchs Ambrosa MysteryA special thank you to Diane Finch for letting one of the GOOD ones goCongratulations, Diane, on your Kennel Visit.A special thank you to those showing HEARTLAND dogs and to those who have bred to HEARTLAND studs. Much continued success in the New Year.Heartland PomeraniansDianne Kieffer 7523 N St. Rd. 101 Milan, IN 47031 dkiefferseidata.comSundown PomeraniansCamilla Knight Cincinnati, OH 45243 sundownflise.netPage 34Ch. HEARTLAMDS SHE WALKS LIKE AM AMGELmillJMw'to'jIm mwBrookeCh.Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Heartlands Almost An AngelThis lovely lady finished her championship on January 25th. All wins were from the Bred-by class owner handled.A very special thank you to the following judges for finding Brooke worthy of these wins Mrs. Anne Rogers Clark, BOB over specials for 5 points Mrs. Pam Peat, BOS for 3 points Mr. Luc Boileau, BOS for 2 points Mrs. CC McGowan, BOS for 1 point Mrs. Myron Gauger, BOS for 2 points Mr. Ken Miller, BOS for 2 points.HEARTLAND POMERANIANS Dianne Kieffer 812 623-2290 httpwww.geocities.coinHeartlandMeadows6819Page 35week, I was told to train in an unfamiliar area, not our back yard, so off to the park we go.My friend Molly decided to join me and work with her Lab. Now in our county all dogs must be licensed and have a current rabies vaccination. At that time you couldnt train on a leash longer than 6 feet which made recalls a bit difficult. So there we were at the park...Muffin was on a light 20 foot line so I didnt have to worry about her getting away. Her main problem was she would come about half way back to me and we were working on this when the Rabies Animal Control truck pulls in the park and the officer starts over to check us outNot knowing whether hes checking licenses or coming over because my leash is too long, I tell Molly to stay put until the officer comes after me then get her dog out of there. I grab Muffin and we take off running across the park, the RAC officer in hot pursuit. Good...finally something is working out the way I planned. We hide behind the restrooms, run toward the far end of the park and finally, as I see Molly driving down the street, stop and let the officer catch us.He pulls out his ticket book and says Im getting cited for no license. I said I certainly DID have a license and proceeded to pull it from under all the hair on Muffins neck. He looked it over very carefully to see that it was current, which it was. He then asked me why I took off since my dog was quite legal. I replied that I knew Muffin was current on her tags but unfortunately my friend Mollys doghad no tags at all so..........Luckily for mehe had a good sense of humor, and we both had a good laugh after we caught our breath.He did have some questions for me about the length of leash I was using, but since I no longer had it on the dog, we were home freeThe only other little quirk she had was on the long sit. She saw no reason to sit that long so as soon as I left, shed lie down and go to sleep This, of course, is not good so....after many attempts to stop this I came up with my own plan. I place her on the long sit and as I stood there keeping her attention on me, my friend quickly placed some carpet tacks in front of her and covered them with a light scattering of dirt. Confident that this would do it, I gave the command and left the ring. As I hid from her sight, I waited most impatiently for the order to return. All was silent. Suddenly I heard a little titter from the crowd...soon it grew to an uproar followed by applause I peeked from behind the curtain only to see dear little Muffin very carefully shoving the tacks over to the side. When they were all moved, she lay down and went to sleep Score Muffin 1, me 0.Muffin went on to finish basic obedience, and the graduation class included little graduation caps, tassels, and all. Of course being a Pom carries a little more responsibility during graduation exercises...allthe other dogs did a single recalL.not my Muffin She did 3 spins on her return with her tassel flying straight out to the side. Needless to say, she got the loudest applause. The instructor said we had been an interesting team but also mentioned that she really liked larger dogs better...some people have no taste at allMuffin lived for 18 years, made many friends and turned many big dog people into Pom lovers. Ive placed soPage 36Remembrances of Things Past ByDerial JacksonViola Procter and the Radiant Pomsf vRecently I was talking with a prominent Pom breeder about these articles on the background of our present-day show Poms and mentioned Miss Procter and Radiant Kennels. She had never heard of them yet all of her dogs go back to Miss Procters dogs.In the article on Inbreeding What Why How By Ky W. White, it was pointed out that as the pedigree extends the same ancestor appears over and over. Since most of our dogs are at least partly line-bred, then theiiiMiss Procter circa 1925Ch. Chiswick Beppo of Radiantnumber of ancestors double in each generation, but the number of individual dogs decrease example, how many times does Ch. Little Timstopper or Ch. Sealand Moneybox or Ch. Little Sahib appear in the extended pedigrees of Ch. Great Elms Prince Charming II Many. So its important to know something about the extended lines.Miss Procter began her interest in Poms before World War I. I have a picture of her taken in the 1920s with her first Pom, Ch. Sherwood Starbright II, at 13 years of age. During the teens and twenties, she imported top dogs from England. After the stock market crash in 1929, she was not able to do as much, but still brought over some great ones. Later, her sister, Melba Procter Boynton, became her partner. They were two extremely charming and cultivated ladies, and I had the pleasure of getting to know them personally.During the late teens and 20s she imported the black, Ch. Chiswick Beppo of Radiant, a BIS winner, Ch. Radiant Eastney The Gem which is back of so many of our Poms today. Ch. Perivale Golden Bracket was BestPage 37HEARTLAND'S BURIED TREASUREJadeCh. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition x Ch. Heartlands Classic Treasure4-point major awarded by Judge Zell Von PohlmanWMisews1In- iThis little girl started her show career with a bang by winning a 4-point major and Best Opposite over Specials from the Bred-by class.A very special thank you to Judge Zell Von Pohlman for recognizing her quality and finding her deserving of this winFLASH Jade went BOS over specials for a 4-point major under noted Judge Maxine Beam.HEARTLAND POMERANIANS Dianne Kieffer 812 623-2290 httpwww.geocities.comHeartlandMeadows6819Page 3B3-PEAT WEEKENDi K2 .112Kbi 'J'55SHOWCALEDONkennel assoc1.NOVEMBER CAN.CH. JOLVINS LEGACY OF GINGERCh. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition x AC Ch. Raglan Ginger SnapsShown winning one of three BEST PUPPY IN SHOWS on one weekend-Legacy of Ginger, son of Topper.OWNERSBREEDERSHANDLERS Melv and Joan Beech RR6 Aylmer On Canada N5H 0R5 519 773-2471_ e-mail beechjKanservu.caPage 39^ raU'mRadiant Tiny Memento IIPerivale Mintage Ch. Perivale Memento Happy GirlCh. Perivale Wee Memento Perivale Golden Arrow Perivale Red Shadow Ch. Private Yvonne Radiant Tiny Memento Ch Goldsun of Sunbright Dunscar Gold Sun Dunscar Delightful Perivale Dainty Jill Solid Chip O Mist Texo Marieof Breed at the Westminster in 1929 or 1930, Ch. Eastney Orange Pippin of Radiant also in extended pedigrees and from Canada, Ch. Young Black Gentleman of Pomona, the homebred Ch. Radiant Dream was a BIS winner. She also purchased from Mrs. Matta Little Rajahs Pearl which soon became a champion. She was sired by Ch. Little Rajah x Manola.After the crash, the two sisters moved to Wenham, MS, and continued bringing over Englands best. Ch. Sealand Career was a spectacular orange dog from Miss Henshaws Sealand Kennels. He was best toy at the Westminister in 1931 and Best of Breed in 1932 best toy,too, I think. He was the sire of eleven or more champions and appears many times in Aristic pedigrees. Mrs. Schoenburg was very impressed with the Poms she got from him. Later, she used Ch. Little Sahib regularly. Career was bred to Ch. Little Rajahs Pearl and produced in one litter, Ch. Little Sahib and Ch. Radiant Candida. She sold Sahib to Mrs. Matta, and he became one of the greatest Poms of the 1930s. Fortunately, Ch. Radiant Candida was a good brood bitch as well as a show dog and she appears in the Great Elms, Aristic, Model, and other lines. In these lines, Sahib appears many times as well.They also imported Ch. Kelvin Brilliant for an outcross to the career and Memento lines. So he became important. He was a very tiny, brilliant red-orange and imparted that color to many of the later Radiants.My first Pom was sired by Radiant Tiny Memento, imported from the famous Perivale Kennels of England. He was by Ch. Perivale Wee Memento x Perivale Dainty Jill, a full sister of Ch. Minette. Wee Memento was by Ch. Perivale Memento who was one of Englands greatest winners. He was the grandsire of Julo Happy Boy, so appears behind most of the Julo dogs. Radiant Tiny Memento was injured and was not shown, but the Procters used him extensively at stud. He appers over and over in the old pedigrees.Ch. Sealand Career and Ch. Sealand Moneybox were closely related. Career by Ch. Woodfield Diamond King x Sealand Caress. Moneybox was by Ch. Woodfield May King, a Diamond King son x Sealand Gold Lace. Gold Laces dam was a full sister to Sealand Caress. May KingPage 40fCh. Perivale Golden Bracketwas also a grandson of Ch. Perivale Memento. Mrs. Matta imported Ch. Sealand Moneybox to breed to Ch. Little Sahibs daughters and granddaughters. The result was Chs Moneybox Currency , Gold Coin, and Cashier.Ch. Sealand Career also appears in the later Julo dogs through Ch. Julo Career, his grandson, Ch. Perivale Golden Bracket appears in the Premier line and others. Golden Bracket is behind Ch. Little of Chasmont. He was the sire of Ch. Radiant Robin and Ch. Salisbury Bracket Gold, grandsire of two of the thirties greatest winners, Ch. Salisbury Sensation 2 BIS and Ch. Perfection of Emrose Hill BOB 1937 Westminster. Radiant Tiny Memento is behind the Adora and Adorable Poms and are behind lines of Queenaire through Ch. Adora Sir Gay, Ch. Kitch Tumble Lad, Ch. Leaders Moneybox Sonny, the later Ducal dogs through Ch. Ducal Red Flame. Also behind Ch. Dixieland Shining Gold, sire of Ch. Little Timstopper, Ch. Little Timsun, Ch. Little Timstopper,-.r1Ch. Little Tims Sunburst and later Dixieland poms.Speaking of line-breeding and out-crosses, Ch. Dixieland Shining Gold was to be a complete outcross for Moneybox, Sahib, Career daughters and granddaughters but low and behold in the 4th generation comes Radiant Lady Manya, a daughter of Sealand Career and Careers daughter Ch. Radiant Candida who was the sister of Sahib. So I guess its impossible to get a total outcross.Radiant Kennels continued into the fortiessee the article on Caimdhu and Premier lines Oct. Issue.There were so many champions over the years at Radiant. These are the ones I know of. There were probably more. Rockdale Emblem, Chiswick Beppo of Radiant, Radiant Career, Sherwood Starbright II, Radiant Billicoon, Radiant Candida, Little Sahib, Radiant Dream, Radiant Eastney the Gem, Perivale Golden Bracket, Radiant Lady Sandra, Radiant Princess Celine, Radiant Tiny Tim, Radiant Tiny Tim II, Sealand Career, Kelvin Brilliant, Lindys Beautiful Doll, Eastney Orange Pippin of Radiant, Radiant Golden Career, Radiant Red Glory, Young Black Gentleman of Pomona, and Ashbum Income Again.Ch. Radiant CandidaPage 41MERI-MISS KENNEL CLUB, INC.COTT,CH. HEARTLANDS CHRISDEN CONTENDERCh. Heartlands Top Gun Tradition x Heartlands Misty HeatherJENNY won the BREED and on to GROUP I at the Cen-Tex Fun Match over 58 dogs under jne McBride. He then went on to win his first points at his first show at Meri-Miss KC underMrs. E. DeBruyne.Superbly handled and loved by Bronya Johnston.Special thanks to Dianne Kieffer for sharing Denny with usOWNERS Dennis and Mario Litonjua email BREEDER Dianne Kieffer 812 623-2290 dkiefferseidata.comPage 42Heartland PresentsRADAR II IIIL 1 . Kadar is cutting comerswith excesave speed as he races to die finish fine with both majors from the puppy classknowledge.Sapphire Yorkies Pomeranians sapphire tir. comBeth Shattuck 4629 Jasmond Rd Goodrich, Mi 4843 810-797-3527Yips and YapsDear DudleyI received another call about rescue Pom inquiries, this time from Alabama. I must protest. It is nice to hear from Pom lovers, but I am NOT a rescue agent. I am allowed six dogs here county animal control rules and I cannot deal with other peoples throw away Poms. I have neighbors who mind my business rather than their own. I do not own a modem nor do I surf the net. Whoever put my name on it for rescuing Poms, please take it offThe San Diego Pom Club is holding an independent specialty on Saturday, October 10, 1998 at Magee Park in Carlsbad, CA, which is in San Diego North County about two blocks from the Pacific Ocean subject to AKC approval. It will be an afternoon show. Being so close to the ocean, the weather should be quite pleasant. The sweepstakes classes 6-12 months will be judged by Mr. Richard Camacho. The regular and non-regular classes will be tentatively judged by Mrs. Julie Moreno. For a premium contact Barbara Lowe at PO Box 255 Bonita, CA 92002. Phone 619 479-2233 late evenings.The officers for 1998 are President, Fern Rodrigues Vice-President, Daniel Ontiveros Secretary, Margaret Ontiveros Treasurer, Annaray Rhien.Margaret OntiverosMichigan Pomeranian Club Specialty November 22,1997 by Clara ScbnoorWe had a very successful specialty show at the State Fairgrounds on November 22, 1997. Congratulations to the winners.SweepstakesJudge Larry Letsche, DVM Best in SweepsWyndlor Absolute Spell Binder owned byJeanne Blank and Becky SabourinBest of OppositeSweetheart Raven Beauty owned by JoAnn MilneRegular ClasesJudge Eugene BlakeWinners DogBest of WinnersJolvins Legacy of Ginger owned by Joan and Melv BeechWinners BitchJanesas Righteous Sundown owned by Camilla KnightBest of BreedCh. Nanzees No Idle Chatter owned by Nancy and Walter ZurekBest OppositeCh. Doo-Shays Sadie Bug owned by Sandy ToporThe Pomeranian afghanthrow which was made and donated by Gerri Olechowski was won by P. Gross from Parma, Ohio. The 14 caret gold Pomeranian charm for Best of Breed was also donated by Gerri Olechowski.We wish to thank the exhibitors, handlers, and fans in general for supporting our specialty. The club members enjoyed meeting everyone in the hospitality room.Page 44Behind New TitlistsUpdate on theYeast Infection By Charlotte Creed Ch Silver Meadows Jus PeacheyBright Orange FemaleAdded to the procedure Breeder. Jackie KleinOwner Jackie Klein Thoroughly saturate the entire dog with Goop hand cleaner. Use Goop only-NO SUBSTITUTES. Then wash the Goop off with Dawn dish detergent soap mixed 13 soap to 23 water. I use the antibacterial form. Probably any of the detergents would work. Follow this up with a bath with one of the above soaps, dips or resichlor. Also, I am disinfecting my grooming utensils between each dog.Amazingly, within a couple of weeks, normal hair was growing on both dogs at the same rate and in another one in the early stages. Dr. Jourbert believes getting the skin clean is a must. Goop helps accomplish this.I took the dogs to Dr. Jourbert and what he saw amazed him. He said, This is normal, healthy hair just as if you had clipped them down and it is growing back, not at all like you see with true elephant skin.Hair is coming inalmost overnight,I am excited it is healthy in appearance, feel, and color. I really believe that we have identified ONE of the causesand it is treatable.I will have these dogs at the shows in Dallas and would like for anyone interested to see them and discuss the issue. Again, we must talk and share information. Research and education with an open mind is the answer.Dr. Warren Jourbert 318 448-0219Ch Silver Meadows Scooter Star Ch. Silver Meadows SS Squeak Silver Meadows Ursula Ch Silver Meadows Jus A Lil TeddyCh Silver Meadows Pepr O Legacy Silver Meadows Tinkle Bi-Mar Rose MarieCh Great Elms Chip of Gold Queenaire Bright Banshee Ch Queenaire Bright Promise Silver Meadows Peaches BriteCh Silver Meadows Pepr 'O Legacy Silver Meadows Petite PeachCh Silver Meadows Love MeghanRegistrars CornerByJean Schroll12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045ROMXBev-Nors Sweet and SassyROMCh. Southlands Sir Impressive Ch. Doo-Shays Absolute Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan TatianaPage 45onei' 't 0f Xr i...I Jh----------gssiMms wsB8i imikCh. Heartlands Top Notch Tradition x Mountn Crest Miss HollywoodShown only three times from the puppy class, he won BOW, Judge Maxine Beam BOB under Judge Dorothy Hutchinson 4-points, pictured, and Reserve to a major. Thank you Judges and thanks to Dianne for letting us use Topper. Look for Peters paugh prints in a ring near you. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN CREST will follow in his brothers paughprints soon.BREEDEROWNERHANDLER Sherri Alspaugh 812 925-6477 paughprintspomsJuno.comPage 46m Ir10 CIOQaOBEST OFNNERSKTEXASCLUBKENNELA9fPETRULISePHOTOer4efl4 4Ch. BrynRose Southern SonnetCh. Rock Comet of Oakridge x Southlands BrynRose LaceMany thanks to SONNETS superb handler, Carolyn Crockett.We express our gratitude to Doly Trauner for her outstanding service to the APC and to the Breed as a whole.Congratulations, Diane, on your Kennel Visit.44 k.0Brenda and Terry Turner 3910 Concord PI. Texarkana, TX 75503 903 832-774PagB 47'INCHS POMERANIANSwapgrwBI-J 7- - ,y, . tDiane Showing Travis as a wooly caterpillar before trimming.-e-iI3mOil aIwfi JM illtillrrtoijn UTrJfl_The Finch home. Puppy play pens.Page 48A Visit to Fixiclis PomeraniansByDiane FinchIn 1964 my dream of owning a Pomeranian became reality. I found a small little orange female. I soon found I couldnt have just one. I had also discovered that they came in black, so I set out to find a black of better quality than the first little fine-boned orange female Id purchased. I found the black and her orange sister. As much as I wanted to take both home, I didnt think Id be allowed back in my home if I brought home two. I brought home her orange sister instead because she was slightly bigger than the little black. Apparently, I was destined to have that black female, because I later rescued her as an adult out of a family home where she was not well cared for. That orange female was my foundation - Van Hoozer bloodlines going back to English champions. She was gorgeous, even by todays standards, and if Id known then what I know now, shed have been my first champion.\BEST IN SHOWHNERKEWB.CUCMMS PHOTOTravisBut showing my first champion had t wait till I had pretty much raised m3 family, changed my marital status, ant built my home and show kennel. I had at ideal in the kind of Poms I was looking for. I liked the look of my foundation bitcl and liked her vigorous, sound backgroum so I set out to buy individuals that looket like her. I had also become a face freak falling in love with the Aristic bloodlim faces. I found an adorable face shot o Corns Duke Dragonfly and hung it up 01 my bulletin board as a reminder of thi facial look that would be my goal.I had already decided from breeding ant showing cattle and horses, that I would no inbreed, but that I would do a sort o inbreeding. I would pick a look I wantet choosing individuals from the variou bloodlines that had that look - rather that picking one individual from one line ant concentrating that. Besides breeding individuals from various bloodlines tha had the look I wanted, I liked thi linebreeding on my favorites so I did a lo of that and still do. Linebreeding for typ probably is closer inbreeding than thosi who actually do the bloodline inbreeding So many of my Poms represent a lot 0 different bloodlines, but the type has beei established by now after 35 plus years o breeding. It is a slower way, but I believi the get are sounder of mind and bod this way. I acknowledge this way isn everyones way, but it works for me and feel better about the soundness and vigor And since I live with my Poms Im happie with a wide range of character and broa intelligence and good health. Good minds soundness, and movement was al important in my horse showingPage 49Dream' came to IowaTravis'To meet 1 IdVIAnd the Dream Travis team was bornCalifornia here we areVwCh. Finchs He Walks On Water x Ch. Sun-Dots Galactic DreamThanks to Noble Inglett for believing in this pair-may your rewards be many. Thanks, too, to Cande Freeman for showing Travis granddaughter Finchs Petipom Enchantress. Best of luck with your black and tan girls-more Finch Poms and another Travis daughter.Paga 50Ch. Finchs The Legend ContinuesTrevorTT 1sIh iii rBESTOF WINNERS iCENTRAL IOWA KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 1997PHOTO BY DOWNEY'JCh. Finchs He Walks On Water x Finchs Black Lace TeddyDiane L. Finch Finchs Pomeranians 28453 530th Avenue Kelley, IA 50134-8549515 769-2444Website httpwww.prodogs.comdbnFinch e-mail dfinchpcpartner.netPago 51background so those factors are critical in my breeding program.People used to tell me in my horse showing that theyd like to have my horses brains in their horse. Humans can develop those brains. I like my Poms to be easy to live with. I strongly believe environment and mind conditioning from a very early age gives us marvelous animals to live and work with. Pomeranians are very intelligent little creatures and handling them from birth is extremely important. Opening their minds to challenges and adventuresome learning through environmental stimulation makes a big difference in the kind of adult they become. Animal breeders of domesticated pets can learn from human research that the correct handling and stimulation of newborns and babies can be strong, positive influences.My first champion was Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb. I fell in love with his adorable little face, huge coat, and bone and leg coat. He was shipped to me at 6 months and weighed only 2 pounds he waited to grow at 7 months he became a normal sized 4 pound show boy. His mind and body thrived on venturing out my front door to investigate the world he developed the confidence to do his'Happiness is a yard full of PomsCh. Apolloette Wildfirething in the show ring with Anna LaFortune handling finishing his championship very fast. Andy is a champion producer Ch. Finchs Raydeeo Dee Jay and Ch. Finchs Stealin The Show and the sire of many of my champion producing broods.Ch. Finchs One For The Record Annie is a half sister to Travis sired by Ch. Apolloette Wild Fire and is the dam of another black Finch champion, multiple group winning Ch. Finchs Passionate Kisses. Annie is also the dam of Ch. Finchs Stealin The Show who is sired by Ch. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb. Annie, with Bobbi Glaser handling, nearly finished with three 5 point majors her back to back 4 point majors lacked only one bitch each day to be a 5 point major.Marlene and Marlin Presser offered Apolloette Wild Fire to me when he was 14 months old. He was just starting to come out of his year old shed. Handler Jackie Rayner finished Fire in 9 shows. In the meantime, I was ownerhandling Travis Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water. I had 11 points two majors on him. Since I was already burned out on driving and traveling from 25 years on the horse show circuit, I was quite willing toPage 52ship him to Jackie to finish him. I wasnt trained in the art of properly trimming to show, so my little Travis was looking like in the words of another handler a wooly caterpillar. I loved his long thick coat, but I knew it was time to put him with someone who could trim to win. Travis finished from the puppy class at 10 months.It wasnt long after Travis landed on the east coast that I heard hes a best in show dog. Very intriguing since that was what Id been hearing from a dog show friend since Travis was 4 months old. Travis is my first home bred champion. Travis has won 9 all-breed Best In Shows, 3 Best In Specialty Shows, Multiple Group Wins, 1 APC top winning Pom, Hall of Fame, Westminister Award Of Merit, Gold Club Member, Westminister Best of Breed, and the most wins for a black pom in the history of the breed. His accomplishments doesnt stop with his individual wins. He has proven he is no fluke as some proclaimed. Any stud that can produce this many champion sons and daughters and grandkids to the point that judges recognize the look, attitude and movement and ask if the Pom they judged is a Walks On Water offspring, he is way too consistent to be a fluke. And when hes bred a few pet bitches that .A Parti hopefultSToughieproducechampions that look and move like him, thats not a fluke. His son Rudy seems to be carrying those potem genes too. Their contributions tc movement has been remarkable. Travis has 12 finished champions and three more needing only a major to finish. His champion get include Ch. Finchs Classic Creation black female Ch. Wynmors Black N Tan Beauty black and tan female BIS BISS Ch. Valcop Wakham Valentino black male and his great sister BIS, BISS Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip orange sable female Ch. Dover-Holihouse Rogos Wizard Ch. Juls Yes Indeed Im Walkin Ch. Golden Aires Walk N The Rain orange male Ch. Tresstique Black Magic black male Ch. Tresstiques Walkin Treasure black female Ch Finchs The Legend Continues orange male Ch. Finchs Black Lace black female Ch. Finchs Petipom Chances R orange male.One of his offspring went on to produce an Australian Best In Show dog. And BIS, BISS Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino has produced several champions. BIS, BISS Ch. Valcopy -Wakhan Hot Gossip was APC Top Winning Bitch.Travis dam, Finchs Ambrosa MysteryPage 53nrFinchs Classically CreatedFinchs Friendly Ghost Casper Reginapoms Patrick OFinchsQUALITY COMES IN ALL COLORSDiane L. Finch FINCHS POMERANIANS 28453 530th Avenue Kelley, IA 50134-8549515 769-2444E-mail Websitehttpwww.prodogs.comdbnFinchPage 54Diane, 6 years ago you saw something in a complete stranger, and you took her under your wing. Through heartache GREAT TIMES and 9 Champions all I can say is.... WfeVE ONLY JUST BEGUN- 1 \Weewyn Pomeranians...Cathy Anderson...Rockford, IL...815 397-2463 Parti and Champion Sired Black and Orange Puppies Available.kis truly a marvel. She produced the same look no matter what male I bred her to. She came to me as an 8 week old puppy with very little coat and high tail set, and her sweetness and cool just made her an instant love. Travis is a good combination of his mothers intelligence and charm and his fathers audacity and his ability to fly - barely touching the ground -from both of them.Ann Terry finished Ch. Wee Hearts Tight End Tee. I had been a long time admirer of Ch. Mullers Kazar Quarterback and was thrilled to get one of his sons. Tee produced Ch. Finchs Petipom Dark Desire owned by Pat Cummings.Jackie finished Ch. Finchs Just To Impress Justin one of the 6 offspring to make his sire, Ch. Tim Sues Moon Rocket, ROM. Moon Rocket went back to that pretty face Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly several times on his dams and sires pedigrees. Justin produced Ch. Finchs Fabulous Babe. Moon Rocket was the champion producer while Travis was away earning his Best In Shows. Moon Rocket produced Ch. Finchs I Still Believe In U. Ch. Finchs Rocket To The Moon, Ch. Finchs A Noble Tradition, Ch. FinchsFinchs Mighty Cool Parti and handler Cathy Anderson.'1 fI "11 ViV \YiAW\VNCh. Finchs Passionate Kisses CubbyExquisitely Obvious, Ch. Finchs Bodacious Ten.I had another very strong producer of many of my champion producing females. Chesai Touch of Magic is the grandsire of the last four champions mentioned in the previous paragraph. Magic is Bonner bloodline going back to that pretty face Ch. Corns Duke Dragonfly. Magic produced Ch. Finchs Pearls And Lace who has produced a black son sired by Travis that is very near his championship, Petipom He Aint No Saint. He is recognized as his sires son for his ground covering movement. Another non-champion who produced two of my champions also a grandson of Magic was Finchs Superstar Casanova who sired Ch. Finchs Passionate Kisses and Ch. Finch Song Ultra Light Aria.My good friend and handler Cathy Anderson and I met when she brought a parti bitch to me to breed. There was something about Cathy that told me she would love to show and that she would be good at it. When she made the return trip to pick up her bitch, I entrusted Finchs Fabulous Babe to her. She left thrilled Id trust her with Babe. Cathy didnt disappoint me she made Babe a champion. Cathy has finished nine of my champions. We are co-workers on Project Show Partis. There is a specialPage 56place in both our hearts for these fascinating color patterns with then- special personalities.Since I have been a breeder for over 35 years, Id like to share some experience and tips that work for me. I have never felt raising Pomeranians was easy. My vet tells me there are other breeds that are easier to raise. But Im not interested in other breeds - only Poms Often you have to will them to live. I have lost a few stress puppies, but I have saved a lot of them. I dont give them sugar water or honey AND stress puppies are not the same as hypoglycemia. I repeat, it is NOT the same Stress puppies need electrolytes the sugar or dextrose only adds quick energy I use a product called P.E.P. a powder to mix with water and strongly believe every Pom owner should have some electrolyte product on hand. It has electrolytes, vitamins and minerals in it. It can be mixed a half cup at a time and a packet will last a long time. I give it to pups before they are even weaned off their mothers weaning at 7- 8 weeks. I give care packages with each puppy with some of this in it with directions on how to mix it and when to give it and where to purchase it -1 call it a survival kit. Even if the puppies dont need it, it is a good preventive and it is good for sham. Once all the electrolytes are used up in any animal humans too, the animal dies. Cattle ranchers and swine producers have known this and have used electrolytes for years. I just like the P.E.P. because they will usually drink it over plain water. I dont stop at just the electrolyte replacement. If the pup isnt up and running within a half hour after giving the electrolytes, I use vitamin K in a very controlled minuscule portion and this must be used with extreme caution Nutrical or Dyne is a good high caloric product as well as the canned Hills Prescription Diet Canine AD dog food. Because puppies are prone to sometimes having soft stools with the weaning process, I feed them Prescription Eukanuba Low Residue 1 ImCh. Finchs Fabulous BabePuppy food and once a day they get meat mixed with pumpkin canned pumpkin you purchase in the grocery store. Ive been raising puppies all these years and just learned that special tip from my Swedish friends and my vet confirmed it sweet potatoes or carrots - pureed like baby food would also work, but it must be flavored with meat or they wont eat it. Does it work - you will be amazedI am a strong advocate of giving only half doses of vaccine to Pomeranian pups, especially to the tiny ones - possibly not to the bigger ones for one main reason - because a regular dose can kill them or at minimum send them into a stress mode that will make you work very hard to pull them out of it. I know vets who advocate this and some who strongly oppose this theory. What I do know is that since Ive started half dosing I havent lost one so I wont knock the theory since it is working for me. I switch to full dosing as soon as I feel it is safe.My veterinarian is a very important part of my breeding program. I believe that if your Pom needs intensive care particularly requiring an overnight stay, that the Pom needs to go home with the vet. Too many vets leave these Poms in their clinics overnight and they die. It is very tough to convince most vets that these Poms are notPage 57THE GlgfRISE M ShlhES STAR ATTRACTION StarlettRISE M SHINES PARTI MLSIC66 _ 5riapmonu tCOMGRATULATIOMS DIANE FINCH ON YOUR KENNEL VISIT. THANK YOU1 FOR YOUR SUPPORTRISE M SHIME POMSJulie Clemen and Capy 01 son, DVM 360.943.1010 pacific time E-mail Rise-n-sliinewopldnet.att.netWe are just establishing our parti line and do not have Puppies or stud service at this time, but we love to talk partisPage 58TRESSTIQUE POMERANIANSVm3T -'J vw.Ch. Tresstique Black Magicis sired by Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water x Golden Aires Billy Jean.He is owned by Marie Carlough.Ch. Tresstique Black MagicCh. Tresstiques Walkin TreasureIs sired by Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water x Golden Aires Billy Jean \rwesr Ch.Tresstiques Walkin TreasureCongratulations Diane Finch on your Kennel Visit. Thanks again for allowing meto breed to Travis. rBREEDEROWNER Bonnie Harris 19 Wheat Path Road W. Mt Sinai, NY 11766516331-3004Paga 59XVnormal dogs. Remember, you have to will them to live. If my Pom has to die, it will be with me and in my arms, not alone in a vets office overnight I am lucky, two of my vets have given overnight intensive care at their home and my current vet is one of them.Unless you have a stud that is a parti or has Bev Nor bloodline, youve probably discovered how difficult it is to breed your female. As a breeder, I teach my males to hand breed and I train my females to enable the male to enter more horizontally than vertically. I put a pet bed between her back legs, widen her back leg stance and drop her to her elbows by pushing her down at the withers. If it sounds like you dont have enough hands, thats right, but your females will learn to cooperate. I learned this from a veteran Pom show breeder who raised Poms for 50 years. She also told me to always have a vet Open the bitch before taking her to the stud.If you send your female away to a stud, I believe it is absolutely necessary to have a brucella AND vaginal culture. And yes, even virgin bitches can carry a bacteria that can prevent her from conceiving. My horse breeding days taught me how this happens to a virgin. Since the rectum is higher than the vulva, the mare contaminated herself with e-coli causing infection preventing her from conceiving. Yes, Ive seen the same thing happen with canines, same way. So this test is to help the bitch conceive. I prefer to keep an outside breeding female for three weeks after breeding before flying her back to her owner. I also require a female coming in for breeding to be thoroughly bathed and combed out. I dont loose my cool a lot, but sending me a dirty bitch will do it. It is also a very wise practice to have the rabies shot a few months before she comes in season since I dont believe in giving any shots or medications while in season or pregnant and she has to have a current rabies certificate before shipping.I am very much against whelping a bitch on newspaper or shredded newspaper. She should have a nice soft absorbent bed with a safe warm mat like a Lectro kennel underneath. Heating pads meant for human use have no place in a Pom breeding program theyre too hot and unsafe In the colder climates like mine an incubator environment can be fashioned by using one of these heating mats in a wire cage by covering it with a towel or towels with a plastic lid to ensure the comfort of the tiniest newborn for the first few days of life. With the advice of my vet I do not let mothers eat the afterbirth if I can prevent it and if they are a nervous whelper, all the babies are placed in an incubator environment till she has finished. If a baby needs to be supplemented with additional milk, I find a human premie baby bottles I find the pet nursers worthless to be the best and since they already have a hole in the nipple, flow is precise on each nipple. The liquid milk replacer is the only way to go since the powder always has clumps that clog the nipple hole. I used to tube feed and gave it up entirely.If an expectant mother has not delivered within two hours after the first waterbag appears, we are off to the vet for two views of pelvic x-rays - whether shes a free-whelper or first timer. Or if I feel a puppy in the birth canal and not making fast enough progress after the waterbag appears and it is before 2 hours, were on our way to the vet. If I have any doubt about if a female can free-whelp, I get two pelvic x-rays before I ever breed her. Why wonder or take a chance I want my bitches to free whelp - a c-section kennel is a dead end breeding program as far as I am concerned no matter how many champions it produces The veteran breeders know which bloodlines are c-section dead ends After having read the x-rays on several of my best broods, my vet says that puppies could fall out of them. That is the kind of inside structure I like to see.Page 60Finchs Pomeranians is proud to be the breeder of 20 champions.Ch. Finchs Raydeeo Dee Jay orange sableCh. Finchs He Walks On Water black Ch. Finchs One For The Record black Ch. Finchs Just To Impress orangeCh. Finchs Fabulous Babe orangeCh. Finchs I Still Believe In U orange sableCh. Finchs Rocket To The Moon orangeCh. Finchs A Noble Tradition orange sableCh. Finchs Classic Creation blackCh. Finchs Passionate Kisses blackCh. Finchs Bodacious Ten blackCh. Finchs Exquisitely Obvious orange sableCh. Finchs Pearls And Lace creamCh. Finch Song Ultra Light creamCh. Finchs Stealin The Show red Mexican Ch. Finchs Refried Dreams black and tanCh. Finchs Petipom Dark Desire black Ch. Finchs The Legend Continues orange sableCh. Finchs Petipom Chances R orange Ch. Finchs Hot Ticket orangeFinchs Pomeranians has finished four other champions from Marlin Marlene Pressers, Cassandra Evans, Robert and Regina NunnCh. Finchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb orangeCh. Apolloette Wild Fire black and tan Ch. Wee Hearts Tight End red sable Ch. Reginapoms Fresh Prince O WL orangeFour more black Finch Poms are nearly finished three of them needing only a major and the other one a Travis half sister needing only 5 singles to finish. That will make 10 black Finch champions. And you can be sure there are more waiting in the wings A black half brother dams side that looks and acts just likehis brother Travis is exciting - just like watching Travis grow up all over again When I look at him I believe Ive truly been blessed, not only with Travis, but now with a seemingly carbon copy. An orange half brother to Travis will debut in the Indiana area with Dianne Kieffer. It has already been said that if he grows up ugly, hell win with the attitude he hasThank you Pomeranian Review for this months spotlight on Finchs Pomeranians. Thanks to everyone involved with this months issue and the people who own andor praise Finch Poms.GcngiMtulaticnsDiane J-inck On yen Cennel "QuitMany thanks for the lovely Finchs Midnight Moonwalk Who is close to finishing. Many thanks to superb handlerCarolyn Crockett.Dean Dares 102 Westwood Drive Lafayette, LA 70506Page 61-^onis3 p pi pi p p p p p p p r 'vmVRandysElvis Dont Be CruelFinchs Hes A Moonwalker by Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water x Finchs Mystical Redd Lorelei by Ch. Pom Acres Atomic Fireball r10 m NL.Randys Mystical Bronco BusterFinchs Hes A Moonwalker by Ch. Finchs He Walks On Water x Finchs Mystical Redd Lorelei by Ch. Pom Acres Atomic FireballDiane, I enjoyed visiting with you at the 1996 APC Specialty. Thanks for your help and congratulations on your Kennel Visit.3 n eJ E' kI la cJ In cJ la cj E"Randy Buske 39225 264th Avenue, SE Enumclaw, WA 98022 360 825-2103Paga 62\ PINE POMS lvV CAPPYThank you, Diane, for Sara Lee and Kira. Congratulations on your Kennel Visit.Thats how I found you 6 years ago.Also belated congratulations to Brenda and Phil Segelken on your Great Kennel visit last month.Watch for Cascades Sunkist Captivator In the ring now.Helen L. Nelson 1035 W. Pine Avenue Mount Morris, MI 48458-1002 810 686-5330 ICQ6328754I PINE POMS lPage 63Pom Acres would like to congratulate Diane Finch on her Kennel Visit. We wish her continued success and send our Best Wishes for the future.We would also like to thank Dolly Trauner for all her contributions to the Pom World. She has given of herself for the advancement of the Pomeranian.Bob and Juanita FiddickVa ftli'S9POMOFCUUSmembers nf the Bnmentttran Qub ,_ctbratT extenh ti^etr marmest mnnH tnMmxh berp kmrfrilebaeable ml rauner, ftmaf iUlramter,__ts u ro^recamttittm nr Ijer ctttb cmrlrtbuttans , breeb mxb trje bag, fentqr1 nmermromPage 64mMANY thanks To Dolly for All your dedicated Years to the Pomeranian. God Bless,Therese and John ReederIn honor of Dolly TraunerFor the many benefits she has rendered to the Dog Fancy.Mr. And Mrs. Derial JacksonIn recognition of the manyaccomplishments of Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner For the Dog Fancy in General and the Pomeranian in Particular.Daniel and Margaret OntiverosPage 65nWINNERSKENNEL CLUB OF YORKVILLE I ILLINOISK.BOOTHPET1POM HE AINT NO SAINTCh. Finchs He Walks On Water x Ch. Finchs Pearls and LaceThis outstanding dog has soundness, extreme movement, correct coat, and personality plus....needs one major to finish.Congrats to Diane Finch on her Kennel Visit. What wonderful kids Travis isproducingBREEDEROWNER Pat Cummings Maryville, MO 660 562-2572dogs5aol.comHANDLER Betsy Owens 816 890-2255 Page 66SOUTHLANDm\It is with great pride that I present Ch. Southlands One Mo Time pictured with Judg Don Rogers winning his third 4-point major. Mo is the 30th champion sired by Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge Lil Toasty. What could he have done had he livedwhat producer he wasCongratulations to Diane Finch on your Kennel VisitSpecial congratulations to a very special lady, Dolly Trauner, on her well-deservec acknowledgement. You have done much for our club and our Poms. Personally, thank yoi Dolly for believing in me to carry out the task of fee revision of our standard and th development of an illustrated standard. I could not have completed this assignment wifeoui your guidance.And to Annette Rogers-Rister...a very special congratulations to you and Stepper or your achievement of 1 Pom and winner of fee Pedigree Award. You worked hard for ii and deserve this honor. Annette, you have come a long way from Can I show my owr dogs to Yes, I can Way to go You are an inspiration to all u breederownerhandlers.Southland_Rays of SunshineCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost Ridge Pineville, LA 71360 318 466-3456Page 67NEW CHAMPIONS from the AKC GAZETTEDecember IssueAmour's Prince Df Tides D] by CH Guysngals Bravo For Amour's x Amour's Legacy Of The Heart Breeder Shirley-Ann Leu. Owner Janet M. CoxAr-Bee's Little Dickens D by CH Ar-Bee's Shotgun Wille x Ar-Bee's Mia and My Shadow. Breeder Rodger K. Beaty. Owner Sylvia Shumake.Bobil s Valentino Magic Mini D by CH Starfire's Superman x Starfire's Folly. BreederOwner Bobii Earle.Brynrose Southern Sonnet B by CH Rock Comet Of Oakridge x Southlands Brynrose Lace. BreederOwner Brenda S W Turner.Busy B's Midge-it Diddit B by Kochis Sr. Bambi x Namees Foxy-Lady. Breeder Marla Etter. Owner Gary Linda Hartman.Finch's Black Lace B by CH Finch's He Walks On Water x Finch's Black Fad Fashion. Breeder Diane L. Finch. Owner Donna S. Hiehm.Gully's Waiting To Exhale B by CH Starfire's Superman x Grafenhorst's Miss Coquette. Breeder Guilly Coto. Owner Bobii Earle.Hi-Crest Pirate Red Treasure High D by CH Creiders Prince Dom Perignon x Haiku's Aussie Fox Glow. Breeder A. Hirahara. Owner Josephine Ching A. Hirahara.Itoba Rock N' Roll Legend D by CH Rock N Tradition Of Oakridge x CH Brilliant's Golden Glory. BreederOwner Jean H. Baker Joyce B. Winkels.Janesa's Hush Puppy D by Jan-Shars The Terminator Of Janesa x Jan-Shar Lucille Ball. Breeder Jerrie Freia Owner Marla Eneisler.Janesa's Maggie is Back in Town B by CH Weeheaifs Glen Iris Talisman x Janesa's Lots Of Kisses To Jan Shar. Breeder Jerrie Freia Sharon L.Hanson. Owner Bethe Carpenter.Page 6BMai-T-Toi's Jelly Bean D by Mai-T-Toi's The Candy Man Can x Mai-T-Toi's Doll Face. Breeder Angela Bisbet Bichard J. Gaudieri. Owner Angela Nisbet Carol Renon.Majesties Southland Assylee B by CH Southlands Mighty Impressive x CH Southlands Ms Ruth Of G E. BreederOwner Annette Hogers-Rister Charlotte Creed.Odyssey's Blackjack D by CH Odyssey's Keno Wiz x Odyssey's Scarlet O'Hai Ha. BreederOwner Janet Manuszak.Paradise Valley Royal Reward D by CH Golden Aires True Reward x Golden Aires Crescent Moon. BreederOwner Cindy Hokos.Primetime Glory Hallelujah B by CH Mac's Reach For The Gold x Creiders Julie Anne. BreederOwner Thomas Mclntire.Primetime Stan The Man D by CH Mac's Reach For The Gold x Creiders Julie Anne. BreederOwner Thomas Mclntire.Raine's Credit To JD's D by CH Janesa's For Pete's Sake x Pomarainey's Lovely Lydia. Breeder Gail F. Rainey. Owner Gail Rainey Bettie Carpenter.Regular's Mtn View Stars Shine by CH S'Wood Bricor Regina's Plan x Terimars Lookin Totaly Awsom. Breeder Terry L. Morrow Regina W. Nunn. Owner Pat Dague Roger Dauge.Southland's One Mo Time D by CH Southland's Toasted Fudge x Southland N Linchris Oprah. BreederOwner Charlotte Creed.Stolanne My Dad's Thor D by CH Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Stolanne's Sunrise. BreederOwner Frances J. Stoll.Weepawz Dancing Bear D by Bavanew's Weepawz Street Dancer x Bavanew's Tiny Bubbles. BreederOwner Margaret Jennings.January IssueClassic's Beboppin Sunshine [B] by CH Post Oaks Classy Show x Pom Acres Jessica Too. Breeder Juanita Fiddick x Patricia Gross. Owner Patricia A. Gross Amy E. Gross.Page 69Go-OwnerJudith flrdaiz flnahgim, Cfi 714 655-3560iiparadaiz pomsCan. Ch. Cheyennes Rosa SharianCan. Ch. Timmy Timstopper of Lenette x Can. Ch. Cheyennes Autumn RoseBEST of OPPOS TE SEXaJMV^ BECH KENNU CLUBPHOTOS by mtTEN4yrific Poms and Paradaiz Poms present Can. Ch. Cheyennes Rosa Sharian. Rosa is shown nning a 4 point major. Many thanks to Judge Mrs. Joan Alexander for this exciting win. We II continue to campaign Rosa toward her American championship following a brief maternity ive.ToyrificPomsCo-OwnerHandlerMaya Hunter Fullerton, CA 714441-0961e-mail toyrific.pomsjuno.comBreeder Colleen FranksCo-OwnerJudith flrdaiz flnaheiro, Gf 714 635-33601A Paradaiz si PoraBEST of OPPOSITE SEXVENTURA COUNTY006 PANCIERS ASSOCPHOTOS by KITTENToyrif ic Grey PoupomCh. Luv-n's Storibook Cupid x Sun Ray's Orange BlossomPoo Bear is pictured winning WB and BOS from the BBE class vrespected Judge Mr. Norman L. Patton. Thank you, Mr. Patton. SHES ON HER WAYToyrificPomsBreederCo-OwnerHandlerMaya Hunter Fullerton, CA 714441-0961e-mail toyrific.pomsjuno.comPage 71Dinumde Flynn's Ziegfeld Girl B by Dimonde's Hyirn Fire Crown x Dimande's Satin Seductress. Breeder Diana M. Downey. Owner Regina W. Nunn Robert G. Nunn.Finch's Hot Ticket B by CH Tim Sue's Moon Rocket x Finch's Shesa Fancy Notion. Breeder Diane L. Finch. Owner Pat Cummings.Forever Darin' To Dream D by CH Jan-Shars Bearcat x Samantha's Dream. Breeder Tracey Emswiler. Owner Marge Kranzfelder.Foxworth Five Star Tradition B by CH Rock N Tradition Of Qakridge x Foxworth Fantasia. BreederOwner Pamela Dodsworth Larry E. FoxJan-Shars Forever Henny Penny B by CH Absolutes Magic Mountain x Jan-Shars Bambi. Breeder Sharon L Hansen. Owner Marge Kranzfelder.Jan-Shars No Way Jose' D by CH Jan-Shars Absolutly A Master Piece x Jan-Shars Ashley. BreederOwner Sharon L. Hanson.Jan-Shars The Terminator Of Janesa D by CH Doo-Shays Absolute x CH Jan-Shars Pretty As A Picture. Breeder Sharon L. Hanson. Owner Jerrie Freia Sharon L. Hanson.Partner's Li'L Strike A Pose D by CH Mason's Shawn Of Millamor x CH Ka-Mi's Harbor Mystery GaL Breeder Karen M Crawford Michael A. Crawford Gaila Brickus. Owner Sonja Muhm.Teakwood's Wannabe A Redneck D by Tomho Rebel Lee x Teakwood's Echo Of Kitsan. Breeder Laureen Ivey. Owner Howard Skiar Laureen Ivey.Valcopy-Wakhan Black Pearls B by CH Valcopy Wakhan Valentino x CH Valcopy-Wakhan Hose Marie. BreederOwner Dana L. Flankey Handy Gemmil.Valcopy-Wakhan To Die For B by Hadleigh Super Man x CH Valcopy Wakhan Tatiana. Breeder Hideko W. Strasbaugh Dana L. Plonkey Handy GemmilL Owner Dana Plonkey Randy GemmilLPage 72THE MICHIGAN POMERANIAN CLUBCongratulates Dolly Trauner On this well-deserved And long over due Tribute.Dolly, of all breeds there are to love, Pomeranians are very lucky To have you as a fancier. Thank you for your years Of hard workAnd support of the breed AND Your years of service to the American Pomeranian Club.We salute youCHRISDENS OZARK TRADITION Hi IKl aBEST OF WINNERSMID CONTINENT KENNEL CLUB 199 7 .PHOTO BY PETRUUS6BISA, BISS Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Ch. Valcopy-Wakhan ScarlettLetterYogi started at the North Carolina Pom Specialties by going Reserve Winners. Now, he just needs 2 single points to finish in limited showing.Yogi is handled and presented to perfection by our good friend, Bronya Johnston.Special thanks to Karen Jolley and Nina Epps who reared Yogi for us. Youre greatBREEDER Dennis Litonjua Chrisden and Karen Jolley Ozark Fax 011-632 671-5085 Dennis Mario Litonjua 15 San Juan St7 Kapitolyo, Pasig City Philippines 1600Page 74CH. GOLDKIST HIGHLY DELIGHTEI[E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5E5Euu\IT LITITT.ITaaffl WA t_'-."LUT1IT BISA,BISS Ch. Tim-Sues Highlights x Goldkist Unchained Melody[UInIIIInHeidi finished in a flash with 3 majors in 3 weekends. BIG THANKS to judges who appreciated her. She was superbly handled, loved, and spoiled by Bronja JohnstonThanks again, Buddy[UInInSpecial thanks to Beverly for trusting us with her precious girl.Congratulations to Diane Finch on her Kennel VisitBREEDER Brnrarly Bottoms 205 344-3851 Fax 011-632 G71-5085 Dennis Mario Iitonjua Fax 011-632 671-5085 75wail. a___ _____ few Va7 - v imLcuCi^a oifes ana pms031MU.Tilly wins another major...., VJOR WIIVVKENNEL CLUBKurns photo DEC 97BY BWN'P-^uais Afsote StumerCh. Absolutes Harleys Son David x Creiders Evelyn by D-ZineShown taking a 4-point major at the Cleveland Crown Classic, this little girl is steppin out to follow in daddys paw prints. With 9 points and both majors BOS to Fame Paragon Starbucks BOW for 3 points at the Old Fort Cluster in limited showing, she has made being my first Pom an exhderating experience. Thanks, Lynn. A special thanks to Nina Work for that first exciting major.Belated congratulations to Brenda Segelken on her Kennel Visit.------------------------------------yviOrOWNERHANDLER Sherrilynn Rogers 5236 Pocono Dr. Huber Heights, OH 45424 937 236-2804 LaCueva Sibes and Poms BreederCo-Owner Lynn Meyer Co-Breeder Mary Lou LaflerPage 76ACME POMERANIANSProudly Presents....mIMai FTJTVx-CyACME'S ONE NIGHT STANDCh. Starfires Sudden Impact x Wee Hearts Western SierraWatch for LOOSY's ring debut in the spring.Ch. Starfire's Sudden Impact is siring some very promising puppies. Inquiries invited. Good luck Gary and Karen with all your "Nitro" kids. Good luck also to Tony and Fabian with Pee Wee, another"Nitro" son.Loosy was co-bred with Phydeaux Pomeranians Valerie Ogilvie 904 291-0438ACME POMERANIANS Jeanette Malle 4368 Prairie View Dr.. 5 Jacksonville, FL 32258904 262-5179 e-mail acmepoinsbellsouth.nBtPage 77brjjstnr fronts tf]PresentsHeidiGc31 . L.hktiR SSITCAWildwoods Hearts Desire HeidiValentine wishes to all my Pom friendsThanks, Dolly, for all youve done for the Pom World. Congratulations to Diane Finch on her Kennel Visit.OWNER HANDLER Christy Nichol Visalia, CA 209 798-2701 BREEDER Val Murray Wildwood Poms 209 787-23924Page 78moWc 1Watts^ Little Bi imxtm ^ merelit x Ch. Tishas Jammin SmorePXLWINNERSCENTRAL . OHIO 1 KENNEL 3 CLUB7 WKDAY K 16.1997K BOOTHJax is pictured winning his second major under Mrs. Sari Brewster Tietjen. Thank you Jax needs one point to finish.Congratulations to Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner for all that she has done, TishaSince1977Lhasas and PomsPAT FREDk\ DIEBALLpi K 2304 KOPER DRIVESTERLING HEIGHTS,MICHIGAN 48310 ^ 810979-6749Page 79WUUDKUt MAK.1N WAVEMOSTLYiiPjP fi- . rbiihiiSiaiinSi,i.i i SiaiiuiST I Iii.Si i --- muiaiB g^iniillijiaiifiiiaMostly has a wonderful and out-going personality, and he loves to show. He is exquisitely presented by Yvette Oganeku. At 9 months he has been very consistent in his wins.THANK YOU judges Mr. Larry Shinsato, Mrs. George Wanner, Dr. Jacklyn Hungerland for appreciating his qualities. Thank you .Yvette and Clarice for entrusting me with another winner.MOSTLYBreeder Co-Owner Yvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Rd. Kaneohe, HI98744Co-Owner Cynthia Edlao 235 Lepoko PL Wailuku, HI 96793Page 80fwflorosfoSuzie Q wins again-------------------VpwSlijfib WINNERS1 8 5rllllgiiiiigi i IMiiiBEST Of OPPOSITEWEST OAHUiiiffliiijIllKENNEL CLUB WINTER 1998 PP if 51 ' 3 iiSl I Vellow Pose Bl ack Eijed SusanSuzie Q is shown winning BOVO BOS under respected judge Dr. Jackie Hungerland at the WOKC show. She needs two singles to complete her championship.Clarice and Yvette Oganeku 808 235-8142 Fax 808 247-4967Page 81Ragdolls Baterys Not Ncluded Ragdolls No Assembly Requirdh - _We would like to thank Ken Griffith of Lenette Poms and Ken and Eleanor Miller of Millamor Poms for the opportunity to own some of their wonderful dogs.PUPPIES AVAILABLE2 nice male puppies are available sired by Ragdolls Tango of Sourwood. One is pictured above on the far left at 7 weeks and the other not pictured will be a clear orange. Please call. Pedigrees available on request.We are looking towards a bright futureichael and Shalon Parrott 7150 Dunbarton Dr. Horn Lake, MS 38637 601 280-8060Page 82Lenette PomeraniansBreeders of fine Pom s since 19572I ^jClairmonts Dylan x Sweet Minerva of LenetteCh. Millamors Dance of Sourwood x Macks Rambling GypsyWe have several top show prospect males available to good show homes. Our latest litters are Ch. Great Elms Mr. Chips x Ch. Macks Heavens to Betsy and Ch. Millamors Dance of Sourwood x Ch. Macks Absolutely No Regrets. Both have females.All of our bitches and the studs we breed to have Great Elms in their background.Write, phone or fax to be placed on our mailing list OUR BEST WISHES TO DIANE FINCH AND DOLLY TRAUNER.LENETTE POMERANIANS 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578Page 83Congratulations to Diane FinchDiane Finch was a good client. She never sent me any thing that wasnt a winning type. I knew they would have good legs and be ready to go into the ring.She has a very good breeding program.Best Wishes,Anna LaFortuneSUNGOLD POMERANIANSm J 'tChampions at Stud S Puppies for saleRay Anna La Fortune 13621 Kapowsin Hwv. Graham, WA 98338 206 879-5390A.K.C. U.K.C. Handling Ship SEA-TACCongratulations DOLLY TRAUNERAndDIANE FINCHrPage 84vmcAqem9rrr 0ii sir fcCh. Amours Thats Hot to Trot x Vintage Canadian MistVintage Pomeranians is proud to introduce our promising new hot litter. From left to right are Vintage Some Like it Hot Marilyn, Vintage Hot and Spicy Spicy and Vintage Hot Edition of Howlene Robbie. Special thanks to Shirley Ann Leu of Amours Kennels for the use of her male Hottsie. The puppies all have the word hot in their names as a tribute to their sire and we hope to make him proud at our first shows on March 7th and 8th. Congratulations to daddy Hottsie on his BOB win on January 18th at the West Oahu Kennel Club show. Good luck to my good friends, Arlene Otaguro and Hazel Miller of Howlene Poodles and Robin Watanabe of Velour Poodles with Robbie who I co-own with them.Congratulations to Diane Finch on her Kennel VisitCh.Finchs He Walks On Water Travis and her other lovely Poms are certainly a credit to the breed.Congratulations to Dolly Trauner on her special tribute. She is certainly deserving of recognition for the time and work she has given to the American Pomeranian Club as well as to the dog fancy.VINTAGE Ellen Takayama 98-643 Naali Street Aiea, HI 96701 808 488-8325Page 85KA-MIS POMERANIANSpresents...STPPYCH9WEEPSTAKESLOSENCINOS KENNEL ClCLUBmKITTENPHOTOSOm--I.SUN RAY'SDIVINE WIND CAMEOCameo is shown taking BEST PUPPY BITCH in Sweepstakes at Los Encinos Kennel Club with a big sweepstakes entry under BreederJudge MR. NOBLE INGLETT. Thank youOWNERHANDLER Michael and Karen Crawford 4149 Seattle Avenue Las Vegas, NV 89121 702 456-0189 Formerly Partners PomeraniansPage 86A7.VwnOUR HANDLER, CURTISS SMITH IS RELOCATING TO ANOTHEI PART OF THE COUNTRY, AND WE SHALL MISS HIM. WE WISH CURTISS MUCH HAPPINESS, GOOD FORTUNE, AND LOTS OFGOOD LUCKJOARTSSUPERHARLEEDAVISONIS SHOWNWITH HISINEW 1HANDLERLISANAVARRETEy ZCH. JOARTS DIAMOND DOLLY IS RETURNING TO THE RING WITH LISA AFTER HER MATERNITY LEAVIaw V ^a^tlerw 6854t^iwtvula arvtia^O' j92807-5404 744Page 87QUALITY DOG BOOKSis DifferentYourL.0 r iUg searchThe Magnificent Collie Ready The Training .. Wa^r and Rescue DogBes^0, The Versatile Labrador Retrieverhe Hijacking of th a r"T - - ,e ThMaqn.,ynit'centEnjoying Dog Agility - From Backyard to Competition- A Ston' of Love and Faithtom to Winwww.doralpub.comThe Norwegian ElkhoundStandard Book of Dog Breeding - lew LookBoViGriffon- Gun Dog SupremereB,^etji Pa7 SlackecTiveandMt"ngCatlttt SoUtCC Winning With Pure Bred Dogs - Success By DesignThe American Cocker SpanielQviv to Help Gun Dogs Train Themselves - dng Advantage of Early Conditioned LearningeQf-WenPooches and Small FryGo,Healthy Dogot ^'xCZto Fido, Come'9Sh tv.QPieThe Louisiana Catahoula Leopard DogDORAL PUBLISHING INC8560 SW SALISH LANE WILSONVILLE, OR 97070 ORDER BY PHONE 1-800-633-5385Ht-jnFile dii Vtw Go BookTiai.^ SpUonc' Ojsc'.oi.v Wirdo\-.' Help1 - I a w s a tfb O 18 f liorr-r Etffti S -JPriced 1 Opift FrJ 1Go ta htpe7w,AH'-'. pro doge conv^cnapcrndeK htrriVhat's New What's Coci DestnaSonr I Net Search People j Software______AI.O - VVAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.3.. it V V The American Pomeranian Club. Inc. is a non-profit organization. The APCon ru nierBrAd.iReferr redoClulaoh.inutsuinSEventsof omm Vo-elitePomeranianiReutciuNAME KENNELNAMEPHONENUMBERCOOESsec legend belowJBemiey, ScuMjim- IWtImJU. MbSeroeviSiiime comDowney, Diana M. -JvT Spring MIDraoadebiefetf comSuWi.tfexn410 55-3055303 3843953BP, EXBR.EX. H.Cr. RSassl Eas-i01. .S-jj.o.'Garvin, Jrtwha R.IrLiCi'J- LIE f'jJOl 53C-U64 o.sShields. Sharilanfcast, 2H 21 .I-rsr.eraaiaas 1 577-9 K Foc-tfOl f7 3-05 B5UETCRhttpwww.prodogs.comkcnapcindex.htmCh- Misty \iIS.V .' .BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX'' W \ -. .j sd" - . ,Cf MsoCute's Magic MistBIS Ch. absolute's Magic Mountain SOM X Lyngayle's Sizzlin Wizz idot to be outcCone by her daughters Ch. Tatty Mine and Ch. Summer, Misty finished in styCe winning si^out of eight shouts. Thanhs to Mr. Mprman L. Tatton major,Mr. . Stephen Shaw, Mr. CharCes C- Scott major, Mr. Med Bassett pictured,Mr. John Lusfand Miss Torothy D. Miches major.big TSHMAfhyOU to her friend Sue Male f who showed Misty to her finishing points.In an effort to remain smaCt, we have some promising puppies and young aduCts available. Contact either Jeanne or Techy.Wyndlor Techy Sabourin 2814 E. Blackhurst Toad Midland, Ml 48642-7862 517 832-3408 phonefarMsotute Jeanne Blanh B. O. Boc90 Buchanan, Ml 49107 616 695-7308 jrblanhqtm.netMultiple BISS, Group Winning....CH. CANDYFLOSS SHALL WE DANCEa . i x r' V ,K. 'jr GROUP SECOND.V -4 . i - '--OLYMPICKENNEL CLUB AUGUST 1997CALLEA PHOTO ^ TisK-V Our next generation of puppies will be in the ring soon... Congratulations to Diane Finch on the occasion of her Kennel Visit.OwnerTADAOMI TAKEKOSHIBreeder Co-Owner Handler CandyflossHideko W. StrasbaughFags 91Linchris PomeraniansHome of Best in Show, Best in Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITTI 14410 N. 71 st Ave.Peoria, AZ 85381-4752 602 979-5336 FAX 602 979-6299TKcmteen HOME RAISED POMERANIAWSHet TGzarti.3ki 7Ci rDueBajfbanLJihwin.OunrrJSrttArr1835 Qatlteit 7Ztad CfL 34748 352323-8301iOBENorsBreeder of quality Pomeranians since 1967Please call after 10 am Pacific timeVisits by appointment only c AH finite reservedMrs. Julie R. Moreno650 583-4973 FAX 650 583-6305CASCADE KENNEL POMERANIANSDoris Wheeler 3016 Hiawatha Dr. Dayton, Ohio 45414 937278-6071Am.Can. Champion Cascade's Sunkist GoldenrodGnsta PBomeranansJim Judy Shearer9995 Ragersville Rd SW Baltic, Oh 43804 Ph 330897-0720 Fax330 897-2101MemberAmerican Pom Club AndOhio Valley Pom Club504 384-7466 After 700pmJaneta 5 Poms1072 A Landry RoadJerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70380MILLM01 T094S7 t 'Eleanor iMiiUr35459SC 152 'East Salisbury, 'HC 28146 VH704-857-1197 ^704-857-9059 'Email9iUamorprodiyy. nr tS.W. and Brenda TurnerBrynRosePOMERANIANS3910 Concord Place Texarkana TX 75501 903-832-7742Page 94CH. STUD SERVICE QUALITY PUPPIES HOME RAISED LOVEDDaniel Taylor Jr.Bonnie McIntosh-Taylor360-458-POMS 7667 Yelm, WashingtonXafasic PomeraniansJulie Kallbacka 3703 Hancock Rd. Magna. UT 84044 801 252-1676Ch stud Mn ice Puppies occasionaliiitLJudy Sams 2815 N. W. 20th Oklahoma City, Ok. 73107ar.J- A405 947-0111If- uJeribeth's Pomeranians"With Planned Parenthood"Darrell Olga Baker281 337-00374916 43rdDickinson, TX 77539 Houston Area304-756-9356Sue HughesC RI ng A.V iHome of Ch. Avalons Valentino Starfire, Ch. Starfires Armani, Multi-Group Winning AmCan Ch. Morenos Perri WinkleCo-owned with Mrs. Julie MorenoAnnette Eric Davis 391 N. Mink Creek Rd. Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail web site www.stellarcom.comdavis Lovingly raised puppies occasionally. Reasonably priced, inquiries welcome.Page 95Every Which WaybyDr. A1 GrossmanLong ago and far away when I was a complete neophyte I dreamed about being a big success in the world of Pure Bred Dogs. I tried to list all of the objectives I wanted to master and the obstacles that stood in my way. Funny thing was the objectives list was much longer than the obstacles list, but the obstacles list was more difficult to scale.A simple objective will give you an idea. Objective 1 Breed the best show dog in the history of the breed. Obstacle How in the hell do you do this My wife and I soon realized that before we could start on the road to meeting any of the objectives, we had to learn more about breeding and exhibiting Pure Bred Dogs. O.K., that said, how to go about doing thisWe discovered another breeder in our small college town who had limited finances as we did but who had studied about the breed for quite some time and was well acquainted with its history and famous dogs of the breed. We spent hours with her drinking bad coffee and fastening on every word of wisdom she shared with us. We later discovered a large kennel about 70 miles away where we made the acquaintance of the owners. In exchange for spending long Saturdays and Sundays helping to trim and groom their dogs, they shared their knowledge and experience with us. As I look back upon those days, I realize they were a puppy mill, albeit a good puppy mill. Those were our mentors. After almost two years of learning and calluses on our fingers from the grooming scissors, we felt we were ready to procure our first good bitch. We had two wonderful pets, the 17" hairless wonder and the 17" long bitch. We loved them, and they were our companions, BUT they were not the dogs we wanted to go forward with.After studying each issue of the breed magazine, we came to the conclusion thatthere were certain bloodlines that produced our visual image of the standard. We wrote to a number of them and the silence was deafening. Finally, we received a reply from a kennel in the far west we were at the University of Georgia at the time telling us they had just what we wanted at a price we could afford. However, they would not ship by air so would put her on a train instead. 6 days later the train arrived at our little southern town and the most emaciated tiny boned creature emerged cautiously from her crate. By the time we finished with the Vet and nursed her back to health, we had a third rate specimen who was a spook. So much for buying Pigs in a Poke.It took us six months to recover financially from that adventure. This time we were gong to see before we bought. A trip to Chicago to a very famous kennel resulted in the purchase of a good foundation bitch. We were pleased with what we got, and the owner was helpful to us for almost our entire life in dogs. His knowledge and suggestions put us firmly on the right track. We were now ready to launch our study of Canine Genetics so we could understand pedigrees and what dominant and recessive meant. Luckily for us, the University had a wonderful Vet school, and I took courses in genetics and animal husbandry. Luckily too, I was a faculty member and could enroll in those courses at a very reduced cost. After a year we were ready to flyOur first litter was planned to the nth degree. We knew exactly what we would get, and they would all be champions. Sound familiar The breeding was made to the desired dog and, in the required 63 days, the litter arrived. What an education that first whelping was. Two breech deliveries out of five and a bitch who took her time from 2 a.m. to noon the next day. What a wreck we were. The puppies all looked healthy and nursed like mad. That part was OK. As they opened their eyes and started to try to move around, we began to question the all champion concept. Maybe two great ones. By thePagB 96time 8 weeks rolled around, we realized what we had from the very best bloodlines was 5 nice pets. We sold them off quickly and chalked it up to experience.We learned just breeding to the top winner with a good brood bitch wasnt enough. Top winner does not mean top producer. It also meant we had to improve on our bitch line if we were going to move ahead.Well, improve we did. In 24 litters, including the first debacle, we bred 25 champions. Among them were top 10 winners of BIS, BOB, and Group winners and dogs that completed their titles easily. Also among them were the almost dogs. I bet there were a half dozen wh acquired major points who never finished. Most because their owners did not know what they were doing. But thats another story for another time.Moral Go slow and easy and make sure of your knowledge before putting it to the test.Second-Hand Dogsby Gina SpadaforiEach year thousands of people buy a furry little purebred puppy, bring it home, change their minds once the pup becomes a reality, and then get rid of it. This all too common practice gave rise, nearly 20 years ago to the breed rescue movement, which complements animal-shelter efforts, receiving dogs directly from people who are giving them up, and taking others out of the shelter. Some rescue volunteers provide foster homes for the dogs, then solve their health and behavior problems and place them with new owners. Others end up keeping dogs that are difficult to place.Joan Gibson Reid of Elk Grove, California, corresponding secretary for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Club of America, has been breeding these short-legged herding dogs for almost 30 years. One of her dogs was the top Corgiin the nation for three years running, but shes just as proud of the pet that came into the rescue program old, blind, and unwanted, and lived with her until he died.He just learned where the furniture was, she says, explaining why she decided to add the old dog to her family. We never tried to place him.Most dogs dont have the same problems as the old corgi. Rescue volunteers say the typical purebred coming into rescue is young, healthy, and a victim of circumstances.For potential pet owners looking for a purebred, rescued dogs can be a real bargain. Although rescue programs vary widely in their policies, most dogs are placed in return for a donation that covers veterinary costs, typically for spaying or neutering, vaccinations, and parasite control.Seattle Purebred Dog Rescue SPDR has about 300 volunteers who foster dogs, handle paperwork, answer phones, or staff booths at community events. These include front-line representatives for more than 100 breeds, volunteers who coordinate taking in and placing dogs. A rep for a popular breed, like the Labrador Retriever, may volunteer up to 20 hours a week, says SPDR president Lyn Bingham. A rep for a Lakeland Terrier may get one, maybe two dogs a year.Seattle has one of the best breed-rescue programs in the nation in other areas, a little detective work is needed to find out whos working with what breed. Shelters often maintain a list of breed rescue agents in their area veterinarians may also be a source of referral. Perhaps the best way t locate a rescue program, though, is to call the breed clubs national referral contact to find regional clubs with rescue programs. The American Kennel Club lists national contacts for every breed. To get the list, call 919233-9767 or visit the AKC Web site rescue groups usually require prospective adopters to fill out an application and work with volunteers to find the dog thats right for them.Page 97LOVELY POMERANIANSVictoria E Lovely 1406-D 54th Ave E Tacoma,, WA 98424-1284 253863-8608 home faxE-Mail LovelyPomsAOL.comCh. Pitti Pom's Lil Sir Lancelot OFA Patellar Normal at 47 months'onaerlv Pitti Poms PomeraniansPuppies Occasionally Champion at studWendy Swimme PO Box 9604Chesapeake. VA 23321-9604 757 488-7117___________SHOW BROOD QUALITY AVAILABLE0573996-2942EXOTIC KENNELDedicated to breed improvement Chocolates Blacks Blues Whites Occasional Creams Oranges molly McDaniel P.O. Box 41 Doniphan, MO 639359 T-JSjump Special it WinnersTJfEtiSZ yCXtfXXDEtESLmss CH. T- 7.9 .t. Cof. lUSWJ Jct.Home 916 726-VOfMSWHS'LL s WHH IL 01KLLO'J 16 722-9045SHotii Puppies OccasionattyBonneils Linetree Pomeranians318 West Grahm Dixon, IL 61021CLCLCLCLCLFINCHS POMERANIANSFinchs He Walks On WaterFinchs Wee Heart Andy Gibb Appoloette Wild Fire Finchs A Noble Tradition Finchs The Legend ContinuesWhiteRedOrange and WhiteBlack and Black and Tan parti puppies. Stud ServiceDiane L. Finch 28453 530th Kelley, IA 50134-8549 515 and 7 pages on internet atwww.prodogs.comdbnFinchFbge 98HimNext time you're cruising the Net. Stop by and Enjoy the Adventure,fceilfliiieijofaiimaliCYBERPET of courseThe AWARD winning ALL breed "On Line" Pet Forum Reach MILLIONS of potential customers for a fraction of normal advertising costsOur missionTo explore strange new Cyber-Worlds....To seek out new Cyber-Life Information....To Boldly go where no Pet Fancier has ever gone before....J Breeder's Showcase Pet Products Services 'J Featured Monthly Articles S'S Rescue Organizations Breed Clubshttp www.cyberpet.comThe Ultimate in Internet Pet InformationJOIN THE LEADER"Just wrote to say how happy we are to be a part of CYBERPET.The response has been just great. Again Thank You for allowing us to be a part of CYBERPET. " Ron Elke Adair, EUR-AM KENNEL Bernese Mountain Dogs 1-719 347-2658"The quality of the contacts has been exceptional, mostly in the realm of intelligent questions, responsible owners and above average placement candidates. We also deal Quality instead of quantity and are well satisfied with the solicited response via your service so much so that we have canceled our advertisements in two canine publications due to the responses received via the CyberPet WEB site."Tom Irene Lecki, Bedlam Bull Terriers 1 610 689-4740"Three months ago, I placed an ad in Cyberpet's Breeder's Showcase. The response has been great and inquiries are increasing monthly. Cyber-Pet provides a much needed service for breeders and buyers alike. And they do it with style" Pat Burch Vaughn, Copper Mountain Kennels Beauceron l-505-536-9744XNOTE No computer required to advertiseFor Advertising Information CaUCYBER-PET1-800-523-PETS 7387 1-714-645-5035E-mail cybefpetcybeipet.comA f6 0K JPPage 99BACK ISSUESMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380 If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75. ....Oct 77....... May 79 ... April 808.00 eachJul 77.. ...Feb 80........ .Jul 81 .... ...Oct83Apr 86 ,..Jan 80......... .Jan 907.00 eachJul80.. ....Oct80........ Apr 82.... ... Oct 82Jan 83. ....Jul 83........ Apr 84.... ...Oct84Jan 85. ... Apr 85....... . Jul 85...... ...Oct 85Jul 86.. ...Sept 86....... Nov 86.,. ....Jul 87Oct87. ....Jan 88........ . Jul 88...... ...Jan 89Apr 89 ....Jul 90........ .Oct90,, Jan9lMar91 ...May 91 .... .Jul 91from Sept, on except Aug. 97 which is 15.The Pomeranian Review ISSN0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 32 per year 3rd class mail 40 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.AdvertisersAPC Website......................................................89Sherry Alspaugh................................................46Cathy Anderson.................................................55Olga Baker.........................................................95Melv and Joan Beech.........................................39Jeanne Blank........................................................3Mary Bonell.......................................................98Linda Brogoitti...................................................94Randy Buske......................................................62Julie Clemen and Gary Olson............................58Michael and Karen Crawford............................86Charlotte Creed..................................................67Pat Cummings....................................................66Cyberpet.............................................................99Dean Dares........................................................61Annette and Eric Davis......................................95Darlene Denton..................................................87Pat and Fred Dieball..........................................79Doral Publishing................................................88Cynthia Edlao.....................................................80Bob and Juanita Fiddick....................................64Diane Finch......................................50, 51,54, 98Jerrie Freia..........................................................94Sharon Hanson.....................................................2Bonnie Harris...................................................595Maya Hunter and Judith Ardaiz....................70, 71Noble Inglett.........................................7,10,11,14Derial Jackson....................................................65Julie Kallbacka...................................................95Dianne Kieffer.......................................34, 35, 38Camilla Knight...................................................34Marge Kranzfelder.............................................30Anna LaFortune..................................................84Lenette Pomeranians..........................................83Shirley Ann Leu.................................................15Dennis and Mario Litonjua....................42, 74, 75Victoria Lovely..................................................98Jeannette Malle..................................................77Molly McDaniel.................................................98Thomas Mdntire...............................................Back CoverMichigan Pom Club...........................................73Eleanor Miller....................................................94Mission Trail Poodle Club.................................25Barbara Moran...................................................94Julie Moreno......................................................94NCPC...................................................................4Helen L. Nelson.................................................63Christy Nichol....................................................78Clarice and Yvette Oganeku.............................81Daniel and Margaret Ontiveros.........................65Michael and Shalon Parrot................................82Pom Club of Hawaii..........................................64Poodle Club of America....................................24Poodle Club of Central California.....................26Therese and John Reeder........................31,65, 98Sherrilynn Rogers..............................................76Annette Rogers-Rister.....................................Front CoverRoyal Canine Size..................................Inside FCBecky Sabourin..................................................90Judy Sams..........................................................95Beth Shattuck.....................................................43Jim and Judy Shearer....................................17, 94Fran Stoll and Evelyn Newyear...........................6Hideko Strasbaugh............................................91Wendy Swimme.................................................98Ellen Takayama.................................................85Bonnie and Daniel Taylor..................................95Brenda and Terry Turner..............................47, 94Robert and Sally Vilas.......................................27Doris Wheeler....................................................94Page 100Primetime Poms presentsPrimetime Chip AhoyAnother 6 month old winner from the Primetime x Mac bloodlines.Chip has won 4 shows at 7 months. He will be handled by Estelle McDonald and is co-owned by Sandra Merck.Primetime also announces PRIMETIME NOW IM THE MAN, another winner at 6 months of age. JJ is co-owned by Tonya McClellan Show prospect puppies available now at reasonable prices.Thomas Mclntire 4482 Iberis Road Abilene, TX 79606 915 695-8639119Primetime Chip AhoyKENNEL VISITSApril....Diana Downey.Dimonde Pomeranians June....Jose Cabrera and Fabian Ariente... Starfire PomeraniansrW \\Vm 445,