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The Pomeranian Review May 2009
The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.zvjOome ZOOg^ i \iTm 'BIS Ch. Castile's Endless Love, HOFIntroducing onr new show hopefuls for 2009ALJENS TWILIGHT EMMETT EmmettALJENS TWILIGHT ROSALIE RosalieEmmettdifisyB7jirrr rr7jJup" A09'CH Band Of Gold Of Lenette ROM Cinderella Of Lenette Photo courtesy Jen Lapuz Lapuz PhotographyThese gorgeous kids were bred by Aljens Pomeranians, A1 and Jen Lapuz. Thank you so much A1 and Jen for Emmett. I cant wait for Emmett to be shown together with his litter sister Rosalie on the show circuits. As the proud owner of Emmett, I cannot hold back my excitement and feelings of heartfelt gratitude to you for entrusting me in owning this lovely little guy To our mutual friend Marissa Capelouto, myheartfelt thanks in helping me network with AlCongratulations Arlene, Hazel and Robin on your kennel visit Best wishesHappy Majors With much aloha,Amy Matsuoka, CHIC Petitite Poms, HawaiiAmy Matsuoka,Chic Petite Poms Al and Jen Lapuz, Aljens Poms www.aljenspoms.comI-MdCS 6Char's Poms at the National"Brandy" Chars Brand New Girl Friend goes winners hitch to finish her Championship "Stiletto" Chars Hell-on-Heels goes winners hitch the following day from the 942 class.And of course we were thrilled with our Award of Merit "Justin'' then goes on to a Group 1 and Group 2vvViV.m,\vk A AAAAAA'AA AAVAC Ofc-SPl 3710C fCF i. A'A^'A A A A AAyj1v, A A ATa'aJustin is exclusively handled by Lynn Meyer ICH. CHARS BRLXGLV SEXY BACKoam6APRICOT SWEET BONBON MAGIC POMSFANCY A MAGIC POMS. VETERAN t' BEST INSWEEPSTAKES ATIONAL SPECIALTYBEST OPPOSITE JUNIORSWEEPSTAKES ATIONAL SPECIALTYHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYMARCH 9 . 2009ITHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYMARCH 9 . 2009Best of Opposite Sex to Best Junior in Sweepstakes at the APC National SpecialtyBest Veteran in Sweepstakes at the APC National Specialty.Apricot's Peruvian Titles includePeruvian Champion Champion of the World Americas and Caribbean Champion Number 1 All Breed in 2005 Peruvian Kennel Club Multi BIS as Puppy, Junior PuppyFancy's Peruvian Wins include Three BIS in PeruBest Puppy in 2008 Peruvian Kennel ClubmO'Owner Luisa Leon, Lima, Peru - Breeder Luisa LeonPhone 511 999-9797-80 e-mail Handler Mr. Luis Mendoza JOJO BISA...iAyAIKSy ifi ImI ftBESTIN3831 SHOWBISA CH.WOODROSE'S CAUSIN' A COMMOTIONCH. Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance ROM X Woodrose's JenniShow Orchid Isle Dog Fanciers Club Date February 15, 2009 BIS Judge Dr. Harry Smith Toy Group Judge Mrs. Polly Smith"JoJo" is our 6th homebred BISA champion and 5 of them being Pomeranians.VJ I I9r- Mf'A 9flmN5K afirst in group sHILO SHOW.mike JOHNSON PHOTOCongrats to Arlene Otaguro and the Howlene Teahra gangWHERE QUALITY COUNTSwood rosehawaN.rn com Ph 808 235-8142Clarice Yvette Oganeku breederownerhandlerB_Howlene Teahra Drambuie Bu Mika Jordan MatsudaOn behalf of our humans Kenneth and Takako Matsuda, Bu and I would like to congratulate his beautiful sister, Ch. Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta and all the other Howlene Teahra dogs on their first kennel visit. Special mention shouldalso be made of their humans - Arlene Otaguro, Hazel Miller Bus whelpers and Robin Watanabe Bus 1 mommy Bubrings so much love, laughter and crazy energy to our home. We were so proud of him when he brought home the 1st place trophy in his obedience class. Hes still a work-in-progress but we hope to get a CD on him soon.We are eternally grateful to the humans at Howlene Teahra for entrusting us with Bus care. Many thanks for lovingly hand-scissoring Bu once a month. You make him look so good and cuteContinued success and may God bless you all - dogs and humans.Aloha, MikaNow can I have my dollar jtylfaeA fyvrrybeiCH Jaken's Splashing in the Rain atJanLe xCH Windsor's Darling DebutanteCongratulations to all the Winners and Placements at the 2009 APC Nationals .We are proud to announce Elton's 2nd place win in American Bred, Thank you, Judge Sandra Goose Allen.We would also like to Thank, Vikki Oelerich for breeding Elton, expertly grooming him for the Nationals, and her support.On a somber note I would like to Thank all the Owners, Breeders and Handlers who made Vikki Highfield's last National such a Joy for her. She was my dearest friend and show traveling buddy. She will be deeply missed by all.Wishing everyone a bright and successful future for the 2009 show season.Paulette and John Smith Byram, MSwww.litilkissesDomeranians.comCh. Howlene Teahra Almond Joy YukiOangralaJaljansArJ3j3a -js-zaJ ijd Robn on your I'.snrjI visit Ourrirjdship has andurad var man7 yaars aagjnmng in lha jyJjrjjalura PaadJa ring. Jjrian J mal yaur Pams and gal la knnjj iham, laa, jaJJ jn Jaya vyjlj laa araad. Thanks la aJJ af ya. 'V nalalifei isJten.lha graamjng AridHAWAIIAN DOG FANCIERS I J, ASSOCIATION ^[KSSS^- --------iiiiiJjJ I JTlJiWJGourmet Howiii Teahra Honeyrizoy1 iii JM Original designs. Each lead is different. Choose cord colors and shades of beads, and I will design you a lovely lead.15.00 each 2.00 shipping Multi packed up to SixtUJmj Hi utnihCongratulations toHowlene Teahra KennelsOur Aloha always.Pat Salvadormet KennelsSOUmz,KIN MEMORY ORVj' ^t-tr BEST 0F WINNERSgliMSOlrfWEl CtI., c onn7im XMay 5, 2007-.Robert J.WA ,Photography bv Rue BainesWiLmX I kkA 'On Friday, March 13 2009, Vikki Highfield died while having kidney dialysis, apparently from a blood clot. She had been on dialysis about six months and had trouble from day one. I think she knew she did not have too much time td live. She had surgery and was in the hospital around two weeks before she left for the APC National Specialty in Louisville.. I spoke with her just a couple of hours before her death. She was so excited that she had gotten to go to the Specialty. She said, "It was like being revived again." Vikki had a ball meeting people she never met a stranger when it came to talking Pom talk.Vikkis career in Poms started about three years ago when her beloved husband of many years died. She was having trouble coping with life and thought a new interest in dogs would help. Years ago she was a very successful Afghan Hound breeder and exhibitor. She acquired a few Poms from other breeders, but most of her stock came from Eleanor and me.I don't think I have ever had a client who impacted my life as much as Vikki. She and I just hit it off immediately. There were not many days that we did not talk on the phone, sometimes twice a day. Her life story was so interesting that Hollywood should make one or two movies about her family. I have never known anyone who loved Poms and loved to show as much as Vikki. Had she started in Poms at an early age, she would have been one of our premier Pom breeders.The shows will not be the same without Vikki. Everytime the phone rings I look to see if it is her Alabama number. I miss her terribly. She will always have a special place in my heart. I never had a sister, but if I had I would have wanted one just like Vikki. Over the next few years I will look down at the four lovely Poms I bought from her estate and think of her. Every time one has puppies I will think how Vikki would have loved to have seen them. When one finishes their championship, Iwill say, "This one is for Vikki."Ken and Eleanor GriffithoIPBreeders of fli^e Points slruce if sj1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Phone 704 938-2042 Ken and Eleanor Griffith^eaetteSQnHIGNFIELDI WALK THE LINE OF LENETIE DOB 112608Ch. Smoky Mtn. Rain of Lenette x Brenda Lee of LenetteIt is with much sadness we tell you the above puppy is now available for sale to a show home. He was bought by our dear friend Vikki Highfield and is now being sold by her estate. Please contact Scarlett King daughter - - 256-728-7001 or 256-293-4291For sale to show home only and someone who would special him if he turns out to be specials quality. This is what Vikki wanted. There are also several champions and nonchampions available for sale.Best wishes to the Hawaiian Howlene Teahra team of Hazel, Arlene and Robin on your kennel visit.ARNETTE CAUSIN A COMMOTION0 ^ \ IsII '"tow'-Akrrfcsr23-i.-C' ws_-Mbro rss W.GYSUn l5.BRED BY EXHIBITOR 2ND PLACE NATIONAL SPECIALTY MARCH 10. 20099 rkV TY.'T6 m5HOMASPHOTOGRAPHYIhomaspholo30iholinail.com__.ICH. STARFIRES DBL TROUBLE X ARNETTE DONE CRYINTHANK YOU JUDGE SANDRA GOOSE ALLEN FOR. THE NICE COMPLIMENTS ON CAUS.BREEDERS OWNERSGERI AND BILL ARNOLDGERIASMT-NET.COMGERI AND WM. ARNOLD DARLYS FLAATACUTm m iiVA .jvrV.'^JABEST OF BREED \mmATHLETIC association _V _ SundayFr 15,20091JUm .aHWASHBE^n- . ___CH Tabletop's Black Mail Sender X CH Rodi's AldeaPippin has started 2009 with a bang.Thank you to all the judges who awarded Pippin with a Best of Breed.I also want to say THANK YOU to everyone for the congratulatory ads on my kennel visit.And of course Congrats to The Howlene Teahra Hawaiian trio of frg Hazel Miller, Arlene Otaguro and Robin Watanabe. BreederOwnersHandlersJan Stachurski George LandryTableTopPomsverizon.nettfkiJyzh] will ShklslM. frwRAE2RALLYADVANCED B EXCELLENT BPRAE2RALLYADVANCED B EXCELLENT B 2ND PLACEr 9rv1ST PLACEW i10M AS PHOTOGRAPHY OY1AS PHOTOGRAPHY11ARCH 10. 2009 1ARCH 10. 2009" T VMalashel s IncredWlylrfesistibte CD. RAE. CGC. ToffiftOF Received FirsfPlacein Rally Excellent and Advanced,and received her 3rd RAE2 leg at the ARC NationalVl. lil , \ Great River's MegrRidesMalashel CD. RAE. CGCffbl, HOF Placed Secondin Rally Excellent and Advanced, to make her 4th RAE2 leg at the APC NationalThanks to Judge Mrs. Paula P. Barras and to my girls, who showed well, for making my trip to the APC National great fun Both girls will be taking a rest after the Maryland Specialty to have some beautiful babies.Elaine Wishnow718-891-3451 - 2351E. 17th St. Bktyn. W11229 - ma1asheltiepommsTi.com2ys The Pomeranian Club of Greater Des MoinesInvites you to join us in Des Moines on Friday,September 4, 2009 for our 32nd Annual FallSpecialty Show, Obedience Trial Rally Trial.Bonnie Hodson - subonnycrosspaths.netCi r. Y POMERANIAN H HARM S LEADm ^ A VI' k -'A vAX , . ' rs' w y t- , X____________BEST OF BREED OR VARIETY ' SOUTH ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB4BEST OF BREED AOR VARIETY SOUTH ARKANSAS I KENNEL CLUB FEBRUARY 2009I O GARDEN STUOIO. INC.PHOTO BY GREGA ' KENNEL CLUBv FEBRUARYI 2009i,^ O GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHSe PHOTO BY GREG VSR_erglows Chip Of Confection X Hylan Acres PaprickaAmBack to Back BEST OF BREED over SpecialsCamden, Arkansas weekend.tabThank you Judge Peggy Lloyd and Judge Bradley Jenkins. Thank you Daron Newcomb for presenting Packer to perfection.- CT.V--. . ILK.ji-. A, .. vf i mOwner Carol Kivch Handled 1Co-Owner Breeder Nancy Reedhttpwww.geocities.comcararaypomsHandled by Daron Newcomb870-930-7995The Pomeranian ReviewContents Front CoverAdvertisers Index.................................................. 110Anniversary Issue Info............................................ 111APC National Specialty Results.........................56-62APC Officers............................................................27APC Secretarys Record Kelly D. Reimschiissel..49-52APC Statement........................................................27APC Stats Joan Behrend...................................73-77Ask Us Anything Annette Davis.......................... 30, 31Back Issue Information......................................... 110Board Minutes.......................................32-35, 41-44Coming Events........................................................98Committee Reports............................................36-40Cover Story ............................................................ 14DVD 2009 Order Form............................................62Health and Genetics......................................78-83, 85Judges Critques..................................................54, 55Judges Education FredC. Bassett..........................84Kennel Visit .......................................................20-25Kennel Visits, Future Features........................ 99,106Letter To the Editor................................................. 97Membership Report Judy Green.............................26Memorial, Vikki Highfield...........................................8National Photos....53, 56, 57,63-69,91, 93, 94, 95, 100New Champions Joan Behrend.........................76,77Performance News Barbara McClatchey............86-91Pom Charitable Trust.........................................92,93Presidents Report Jane Lehtinen...........................29Purina Program.......................................................40Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis........................ 26Rescue, My Special Pom Corto..............................96Review Advertising Rates..................................28,99Salute to Our Armed Forces.................................101Secretarys Record............................................49-51Show Chair..............................................................35Subscription Card..................................................100SubscriptionReview Information.......................... 110Sunshine and Roses..........................................98,99Top 20 Results....................................................70, 71Ways and Means Donna Riehm........................44,72Website Address.....................................................27FROM THE EDITORThe complete 2008 APC Membership List is included in this mailing. Place this insert in the Pomeranian Review 50th Anniversary Issue on page 190. We apologize for the misprint. Anniversary Issues are still available, to purchase see page 111.THANK YOUI would like to thank the APC Board of Directors for the honor of my APC Life Membership. This means more than words will ever express.Happy Mothers Day and Happy Fathers Day.CHAMPIONCASTILES ENDLESS LOVE9mAPOLLOCASTILE POMERANIANS PRESENTS ITS FIRST AMERICAN BEST IN SHOW WINNER CH. CASTILES ENDLESS LOVE, APOLLO.THIS FEAT WAS ACHIEVED AT MAURY COUNTY KENNEL CLUB ON MARCH 22, 2009. I AM SURE DUCHESS WAS SMILING DOWN ON THIS DAY THANK YOU BREED JUDGE PAULA HARTINGER, GROUP JUDGE RAYMOND FILBURN, AND BEST IN SHOW JUDGE BEVERLY BONADONNA-VICS FOR THIS IMMENSE HONOR.THANK YOU TO ELLEN AKERS PERRY AND MATTHEW FOR THEIR PRESENTATION OF APOLLO, AND TO APOLLOS MANY FRIENDS AND FANS FOR THEIR CONTINUED SUPPORT.GENO SISNEROS CASTILE POMERANIANSMONTGOMERY, ALABAMA 3610T WWW.CASTILEPOMS.COM-J-Jtlk J-JWheres Patrickr- ' v- . - .' . 1f rw- -jf.."j1, .^v, V-i . ' .Je.M-.^..,- v Vfr3w\2jSiV ''4,. . . 'P'JZFU H-l - -.i -.'i- .V ISHere I amraCongratulations to Howlene Teahra Poms von their kennel visit.Wendy YokoyamaTo Arlene, Hazel and Robin,Thank you very much for Patrick and welcoming us into your family.We love youmacwenhawaii.rr.coma-j-J w-o\7inteivintagey poa illy i^I am proud to announce that "Greta" picked up her first points at the Tropieal Tog Bog fanciers of Hawaii how on tiundag, April 5, 2009. Mahalo to judge Mr. Miehael Heflin, for appreciating Greta's qualities.I had a great time at the HPC Nationals and it was so nice to see many old friends and make so many new ones. I just loved seeing all the beautiful poms there.Congratulations to the Howlene Teahra gang on their kennel visit. Mahalo for doing such a good job showing the poms I shared with you and keep up the good work Wmm on your own breeding program.Ch. hyaeres Oar Man damson x Vintage Blended MargaritaVinta 01 ln' rK jT B 3l'J,J -Ci-UriflfifrllES ld MmMJi your llSfJIJSJ Ml Mg JUU B'Jbumj mib pm m success mi your ousiarjdjrjrj foJgJig-Tgahra brad Pumaraiim Spsciril ihsirils fur your wmj pm m friswdship arid ior trig rscaui support canipaipk1 rJurrjrrisr irj Ham TrjaiJjS you rJsizsJ iVJiJJsr, ArJgjis Oiaguro, Rubio Waiarabs and I'osai Jnoua fur your s^quisiis handiimj of 1 RummanAnn It AoianiannaoiariiSiha waikMrjgr J . rl J r f r ' TfcQnT1-i7"i TZmmr\7f______Ch. Howlene Teahra TenajCongratulations Howlene TeahraYour kennel visit is well- deserved. Mahalo for your guidance, grooming and handling of "Tenaj". Who would have thought our little guy would be a champion and place in GroupsThanks to all of you,Helen YoshimiHonolulu, HawaiiHowlene Teahra Bar NoneCongratulations to Arlene, Hazel Robin of Howlene Teahra on their kennel visit Thank you for all your help with grooming of my Pom and your support of my Aussies. Most of all, thank you for my "Bed-Buddy".DJ only needs five single points for his championship.Good luck in 2009Lily BhalangAumoehoku Kennels Honolulu, HIi" - - vrx 'V'V.V-.' ' l"DJirkewJulyAug Pom Review Advertising Deadline June 4, 2009Christine Creasey Hollily PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send information to The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347- 5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comDompiatoiationefalette, "tiel cutd IQoittm yocn 'Kewtel'Iceit, Tioitie a s4mMri 7bate 74et to Tua. "Trotteie".'ITcuiT. you fan eTcncay. Dcutta. s4tll fafaut fafajl. '747 'DdCCCMClt farCn TtiHOcne. cuitTi aie.Myuitataticie fatom fifteen to Tice cUucyAtvi, 'Deice.Sfcstley-'s4tttt AeuP.0. Sox 423'BLUite. 'T-OcutOtifoii 2323 - 0493tipmwW iw-iiHowlene Teahra on your kennel visitr To My Aunties,Since lam a 151b Pom I know it isn't easy to groom me but thank you for making me always look handsome. Strangers will stop and tell me how handsome I am and I want to say Yes, I know' but I was raised to be humble.Loveya, ChachaATo Our Former Mommies,I moved out 6 years ago and "Shali" joined Chacha and I last year. We are having fun. We go on excursions and occasionally have gourmet foods.XOXO, DuchessRand Ch. Howlene Teahra Dab OShalimar "Shali" LCongratulations and THANK YOU I am so grateful for having met you guys and the helpadvice I received throughout the years. Knowing I'm not a show person, just a pet lover, thanks for accepting me into your 'family'. Arlene, due to your extensive knowledge and advice on 'Chit-O-Power' supplement, my health, as well as the dogs, really improved. I want to thank you for letting me support "Mikey" through the last 3 years. I was so proud of him during his reign as 1 Pom of Hawaii. From the 3 Cs chef, chauffeur and caregiver of the 3 Poms, BevCongratulations to Hellene Teahra2-1A heartfelt congratulations toArlene,Hazel and nobinon your kennel visit.Your record of many successes in the showring can attest to your accomplishments in your breeding program.Your mentoring and unstinting help you have given to so many people in and out of the showring is truly a tremendous credit to your character and humanity.I will always value and cherish your friendship.Wishing you all the very best and continued success.Judy Leadbeater m lulu. rawaiiCongratulationson your kennel visitArlene, Hazel Robin of HOWLENE TEAHRAL-R Robin with Ch. Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta "Dolce", myself with Bryelle Howlene Teahra I Hummer" 'L Hummer" and Arlene with Howlene Teahra Guinnevere "Win" at the Spring 2009 Hawaiian Kennel Club Show."Ch. Goumet Howlene Teahra Caviar "Denzel" Ch. Howlene Teahra Precious Cargo "Mikey"N-r m 9j xr l...TaVWEST OA1 KENNEL Cl5 In k i smm"Dolce" Arlene handling "Dolce" and myself with "Mikey"I appreciate your warm welcome for me and my family into your 'crazy and fun' group since we moved to Hawaii from Japan three years ago.I have come to admire your breeding program and am honored to handle your 'super' Poms.I look forward in continuing our friendship and having FUN at the dog shows.Also, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for letting us include Ch. Gourmet Howlene Teahra Caviar, "Denzel", to our family. He has brought us so much joyKosei InoueKahala Super Grooming Ph 808 735-9934fflowdene ^jfeafiraiffijjfmi QatarifM,rdene QtaauroIn^GfiarmezOur wannest Aloha to the staff of The Pomeranian Review and Pom lovers everywhere. Thank you, Brenda, for this honor. You are gracious, always willing to give a helping hand and we sure do appreciate your friendship.Howlene Teahra is really a partnership of three friends Hazel Miller, Robin Watanabe and myself, Arlene Otaguro. It has been a lasting union based on mutual respect, loyalty and common goals. Without them and our doggie friends, Id be lost.Well begin by introducing ourselves individually ending the feature with those wonderful bundles of joy known as Pomeranians.Arlenes storyI will be first, because, yes, I am the eldest of this trio. My initial introduction to the dog shows was in the mid 50s when I met one of Hawaiis first professional handlers.At that time they were licensed by the AKC and could judge and award points at certain shows. Junior handling was not in existence - they were titled Childrens Handling Classes and were not a formal part of the AKC. I even entered some of them with my first show dog, Polynesian Gay Melody, a Cocker Spaniel, who was the start of my obsession with the sport. She was my constant companion, always patiently listening to my school or boyfriend woes. I mourned her passing for years.Gay Melody was followed by a white Miniature Poodle named Bo-Peep.20 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewShe was a whiz at obedience, attaining her CD with very little training. She produced my first litter that I creatively prefixed with Arlenes remember, I was still young. I didnt continue obedience as my interest in dogs was switched to an interest in the opposite sex human.The prefix changed when I married and it became, again very creatively, Howlenes. You guessed it - his name is Howard. Our first and only litter human produced our precious son, Travis. Both father and son have been extremely tolerant and long-suffering of my involvement with this passion.In the late 60s, I imported a black Miniature Poodle puppy from the world famous Montfleuri Kennels in England. Hoo-ray Super became my first champion A beautiful Montfleuri female followed, but wasnever bred. She was struck by a car while in the company of an employee who begged to take her home for the weekend.In the 70s, I began breeding Toy Poodles. It was also then, that Hazel became a friend, then a partner of Howlenes and eventually a partner of my grooming salon. Robin, the baby of the group, joined us a few years later, when she groomed at the salon and had purchased a black miniature show puppy. She didnt know what was in store for herWe were very successful with our Poodles, however maintaining and show grooming them became too labor intensive. Over the years, I have met a host of people notable, knowledgeable, sharing, interesting, fun. They have taught me much.So much for me. Heres...Hazels storyFirst, I would like to thank the PR for the invite to this kennel visit.I was bom in a small town called Rahway in New Jersey and moved to Hawaii in 1969. I have lived with dogs all my life, but my only pure bred at that time was a St. Bernard that stayed with my dad when I moved to the islands.While working at a boarding grooming kennel in Hawaii, the owner generously gave me a 6-year-old Standard Poodle. Cissie was a retired show dog and my best friend, until I lost her at age 15.Before I got Cissie, I said I would never own a Poodle boy, did I have to eat my words I met Arlene at a show in 1973, where she was handling a beautiful black Miniature Poodle she imported from England. Arlene and I became very good friends and before I knew it I was the proud owner of 6 Miniature PoodlesIn the early 80s, I became a partner of Ar-Dans Grooming Salon, which had been established by Arlene in the 60s. Robin also started to groom at the shop and became the third party of Howlenes.For many years, we had the top Miniature Poodles and continued to show them until 1998. Grooming them was getting too physically difficult for us. Since Arlene still loved showing dogs, and since she had always wanted a Pomeranian, that became our chosen breed.Currently, I also work at nights at an animal hospital to make ends meet and to support my hobby, which of course, is showing dogs. I have been a vet tech for 37 years, 15 of those as an emergency technician.I was president of the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii for nine years and President of the Poodle Club of Hawaii for two. I am also an APC member. I do love both breeds, but I think my Poms have won over my heartOn to you, Robin.Robins storyI was bom in El Paso, TX, but, raised in Hawaii. As far back as I can remember, my family has owned dogs. We had a Boxer, a few German Shepherds and my sister raised Skye Terriers. But, a Bull Terrier mix named Skippy was mine alone. It wasnt until I started working at Ar- Dans, right out of grooming school, that I got my first purebred dog. It was then that I was introduced to the show world. Ch. Howlenes Midnight Waltz CD was an amazing first show dog. Velvet was a black Miniature Poodle, beautiful, but most of all, patient. She had to endure many hours of standing on the table while I learned how to groom a show Poodle. Thankfully, I had a great teacher in Arlene. Showing Poodles was a lot of hard work but now that we have Poms I sometimes miss it. I loved my Poodles, but, there is something about these Poms maybe it is because they are little creatures with big hearts.I worked at the grooming shop full time for seven years, until a fire destroyed the shop and tragically, Arlenes Toy Poodles. Because Arlene and Hazel are so well liked and respected in the dog show community, the fanciers held a special match to raise money so they were able to reopen in a different location. Currently, I work for a wireless company and only help out at the shop on Saturdays. I sure do miss working there all week long because we had so much fun. Many visitors claimed that we put glue on the seats because they ended up staying for hoursI was a member of the Poodle and Pomeranian clubs in Hawaii, am a member of the APC and a board member for the West Oahu Kennel Club, one of the three all breed clubs we have on the island of Oahu.Teahra means together and I have been working with Arlene and Hazel for many years now. We each have our own strengths and weaknesses, but, we have found a way to blend our talents. I am so blessed to be able to really enjoy this hobby because of these two great friends.Dogs StoryHere comes the section that is very boring to everyone except us, but, we are just so proud of their accomplishmentsMiniature PoodlesIn spite of a very limited amount of shows in Hawaii, we were elated to have some of our dogs ranked nationally several times. Our first BISA was won by Ch. Clarion Concert Master. His daughter, Ch. Howlenes _BISA Ch. Clarion Concert MasterMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 21Multi BISA Multi BISS Ch. Midnight FantasyMidnight Fantasy Mandy, became the top winning Miniature Poodle in all Hawaiis history Her wins included multiple BISAs, over 20 group wins and multiple BISSs. All of these wins were owner handled except for our last Poodle to win a BISA, Ch. Howlenes Spellcaster, who was expertly handled to this win by Poms own, Curtiss Smith.h -titIBEST 5-0..'fulkfiaKBISA, Ch. Howlenes Spellcaster with handler Curtiss SmithThe majority of our puppies finished, and Mandy was listed as a Top Producer ROM. We bred very sparingly, as we became too attached to our puppies and did not want to part with them.For a few years, we also enjoyed breeding and competing in bird shows with canaries and finches. It was interesting and the shows were full of camaraderie. In spite of our success with the birds, we decided to focus our time and energies on the canines.PomeraniansEnter the delightful Pomeranian At the end of 1997, we purchased a handsome puppy from Ellen Takayama of Vintage Kennels. Ch. Vintage Hot Edition of Howlene was co-owned with Ellen. Robbie attained his championship and went on to win a BISA as well as a BISS.WEST OAHKF.NNF.I. ClBISA BISSCh. Vintage Hot Edition of HowleneThrough the generosity of Roger Lau of Sandalwood Kennels, we acquired a female puppy. Ch. Sandalwoods GH Howlene Charm attained her championship in short order and became the love of Arlenes life. Extremely intelligent, funny and wonderful that was Charmez.We were looking for a female to start our breeding program and purchasedCh. Sandalwoods GH Howlene Charm. Charmez at her first showPinnacles Holly of Howlene, bred by Roger Lau and Joan Kaneshiro. Holly was a fantastic brood bitch, attaining the title of ROMX, and needs only two more champions for herROMS.Pinnacles Holly of Howlene ROMXIn the meantime, another female puppy was purchased from Ellen Takayama. Ch. Vintage Howlene Dresden Doll got her champion title at one year of age and was another BISS winner.With our first Pom litter in 2001, we added Teahra to our prefix to symbolize the dawn of our breeding program. Teahra, loosely translated, is an ancient word meaning together. This first litter produced two puppies. Ch. Howlene Teahra Impero HOF, GC,22 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian RetowyBEST OF BREED FEB. 26.2001 SPECIALTY SHOWwe jmni photoBISS Ch. Vintage Howlene Dresden DollmPero winning All Breed Best Veteran in ShowAll Breed for four consecutive years. His wins also include an All Breed Best Bred By Exhibitor in Show and in March 2009, an All Breed Best Veteran in Show. He was three weeks shy of age 8ROM and Ch. H T You Go Girl surprised us by going BOB BOS their first weekend out at 6 months of age The entry was large with several champions one of them being their sire, Robbie. Pero continued onaBISA Ch Howlene Teahra Impero HOF GC ROM pictured winning BIS at 11 monthsto an illustrious career, winning a BISA at 11 months of age and his multiple group placements placed him as Hawaiis 1 Pom and in the Top 10Pero with daughter Ch. Howlene Teahra JanteM3EST OF BREE0WEST OAHl SHOWCh. Howlene Teahra TenajLike father like son, following in his dads paw prints, Ch. H T Precious Cargo GC Mikey, was the 1 Pom for the next three years and has placed in the Top 10 All Breed twice. His claim to fame also includes an All Breed Best Bred by Exhibitor in Show, just like his dad.mmA ''L--WINDWARD HAWAIIAN DOG FANCIERSCh. Howlene Teahra Precious Cargo GC. Mikey pictured winning BOW at 9 monthsMikey winning All Breed Best Bred By in ShowCh. Gourmet H T Caviar, sired by Pero, was a pick of litter bred by Patricia and A1 Salvador. Denzel is a gorgeous black Pom whose wins include a BISS and a Toy Group BISS. His son AmCan Ch. H T Baccarat for Amours placed in Canadas Top 25MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 23Poms of 08. Donta is owned by Shirley Leu of Washington State. Congratulations, Shirley Denzel now lives with Kosei Inoue and family - all spoil him shamelessly Kosei is a professional handler from Japan who also owns a grooming shop in Hawaii. He enjoys working with our dogs and has been exceptionally generous to us in many ways, including, the handling of some of them.V\ s'--iAk-._tlHPBESTToy Group ShowMK CONBISS and Toy Group BIS Ch. Gourmet Howlene TeahraSPECIALTY SHOWCh. Howlene Teahra Dolce Meta winning Specialty Best In SweepsAnother one, that should be recognized for her achievements, is Ch. H T Dolce Meta. She was whelped in March 2006 and at 8 months of age won the Best in Sweepstakes at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii Specialty, then went on to Winners Bitch and BOS over specials. Dolce finished at 10 months of ageHowlene Teahra Guinnevereand has been the top bitch for the last 2 Vi years. She needs four more wins to be awarded the GC title In 2008 she was ranked nationally 8 in the Top 10 Breed Bitches and 6 in the Top 10 All Breed Bitches as published in the Pomeranian Review. So far this year weve had seven shows - Dolces record stands at two Group 2 placements and five BOSs.S.Kosei with our latest litter L to R Winn, Finn GalaWe were fortunate, indeed, to meet Pete and Patty Barnett of PJ Kennels at our first Nationals, and thoroughly enjoyed what little time we had together. We were lucky to obtain a male and a female from them. PJ Windfall of Howlene Teahra is the sire of our latest litter of three promisingpuppies whelped February 2008 H T Guinnevere Winn, H T Glorfindel Finn, and H T Galadriel Gala. We finished 2008 with a BANG Winn at 9 months of age, showed her little heart out and captured the BISS Sweepstakes. Amazingly, she also won BOW and Best Bred By. At the same specialty, Dolce won her third consecutive BOSS, she was still 2 years old Winn needs only one major to finish. Her littermates are waiting in the wings for their debut.-y'Arlene, Dolce and Winn taking a coffee break at the show--Hazelwith her arms full. Lto R Mikey, Denzel, Pero, Dolce and TenajOut of the 21 puppies weve whelped,11 have completed their championships. With 10 finishing from the Bred By Exhibitor class. Two others are major pointed, with only a few points to go. All of our Howlene Teahra dogs, whether kept, placed or sold, live as family members.We end our feature by thanking our extended Howlene Teahra family.24 - MatJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review-v xTSi___ LiCh Howlene Teahra Impero, Ch Gourmet Howlene Teahra Caviar and Ch. Howlene Teahra Precious Cargo in HiloWithout each and every one of you we wouldnt have accomplished or enjoyed our shows as much as we have.Mahalo to Beverlyn Kanakuri, Kosei Inoue, Wendy Vince Yokoyama, Noelle Sasaki, Ann Aotani, Eleanor Goto, Helen Burt Yoshimi, Lily Bhalang, Suzanne Matsuda, Patricia A1 Salvador and Shirley Leu.Aloha and Good Luck to all - Arlene, Hazel, and RobinrAt Hawaiis Annual Award Banquet for 2008. Lto R Hazel, Arlene and RobinaVi I1"Mikey groomed and ready to goRibbons Hangin Around at Ardans Salon OfficeDolce in the group ring. I love to showCh. Howlene Teahra Abodef__Joy. All dressed up and nowhere to go.Buddies. Koseis daughter, Julia, bonding with WinnDolce begs, PLEASE say you enjoyed our story.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 25Membership Report Judy Green_ _822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703 302 798-3023 membershipamericanpomeranianclub.orgLetters from Club members commenting on published applicants are sent to the Membership Chair at the address above.NEW MEMBERSWilliam Erika PavigliantiMargaret Jo Anderson Chuck Cyndi Kappus Linda O Meng Heidi C. TorreyAPPLICATIONSMolly Anderson SCSponsors Elaine Waugh, Joyce UrbanTina Bottorff IASponsors Jane Lehtinen, Randolph ArandColleen Beland BC CanSponsors Letitia Cannon, Brenda SegelkenDani Marie Davis WASponsors Anna LaFortune, Tammee FelixMelinda Mendy Hansen LASponsors Jane Lehtinen, Jessica ChristiansenChris Lewis TXSponsors Erika Moureau, Carolyn Crockett________f.Registrar Repot Carol LeemhuisL PO Box 23163 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 412 848-6987 Registraramericanpomeranianclub.orgGold ClubCH MACH Carleez Boom Boom Boom DOwner George Janice SmithCH Golden Stars Terminator DOwner Anake SanehmahakulHall Of FameCH Castiles Endless Love DOwner Dr Geno Sisneros Corey GatewoodRegistry Of Merit Supreme ROMSCH Glen Iris Duchess Of Castile B Owner Dr. Geno SisnerosNew Registry Of Merit ROMCH FinchsCharsSpellboundParti D Owner Charlotte MeyerBar-Net Abigail Of Oakridge B Owner Pat BarnettCH Pom Acres New Days Dawn B Owner Robert Juanita FiddickMembership ContinuedRoxanne Mellem ORSponsors Teresa White, Laura NewboldBarbara Meyer LASponsors Audrey Roberts, Rebecca JacksonArlene Oleartchick TNSponsors Jerrie Freia, Camilla KnightLori Solomon ORSponsors Teresa White, Laura NewboldDeborah Sullivan Ont. CanSponsors Rex Hopkins, Jessica SatallanteShelli Tradup MNSponsors Juanita Fiddick, Kathy LaundervilleDorothy M. Trosino ORSponsors Betsy Owens, Celeste SolanoDonald T. Verdi FLSponsors Geno Sisneros, David GilstrapKathy Tim Stuart TXSponsors Carolyn Crockett, Charlotte Meyer26 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewContinuedJane Marshall-Armstead TN Sponsors Carolyn Bonin, Jerrie FreiasmAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. OFFICERS YiPRESIDENT...............................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792 PH 218 744-1426 Fax 218 741-9435 presidentamericanpomeranianclub.orgFIRST VICE PRESIDENT.......................................................................DAVID GILSTRAPPO Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 PH 423 987-0266 dcgilstrapaol.com2ND VICE PRESIDENT............................................................................JUDITH GREEN822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703 PH 302 798-3023 razzledazzlepomsverizon.netRECORDING SECRETARY...................................................KELLY D. REIMSCHIISSELP.O. Box 156, American Fork, UT 84003 PH 801 756-2092 rec_secamericanpomeranianclub.orgCORRESPONDING SECRETARY....................................................CAROL LEEMHUISP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 PH 412 848-6987 corr_secAmericanPomeranianClub.orgTREASURER.......................................................................................ERIKA MOUREAU32110 Pattys Landing, Magnolia, TX 77354 PH 281 252-0333 treasureramericanpomeranianclub.orgBOARD OF DIRECTORSPat Barnett Betsy Owens Celeste SolanoVictoria Oelerich Linda Pelz Geno SisnerosAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 27The Pomeranian ReviewThe Official Publication of The American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Bren en Cheri McDonaldKathy NoremBeeonEditor................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, EL 62401 PH 217347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.........................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 PH 909 394-7923Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comProofreader......................................................................................................................Cynthia LankfordAdvertisement Manager......................................................................................Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630 PH 256 762-5958 springwoodpomsaol.comBusiness Card Manager.....................................................................................Kathym Norem0599N 650E, Knox, IN 46534 PH 574 772-3910 ecpomsearthlink.netSubscription6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.............................................45.00USPS Bulk.......................................................37.00CanadaMexico...............................................55.00Foreign...........................................................100.00Single Issue......................................................10.00Back Issues......................................................10.00Advertising PatesFront Cover Color........................................600.00Back Cover Color.........................................450.00Inside Front Cover Color............................ 300.00Inside Front Cover BW.............................. 125.00Inside Back Cover Color..............................300.00Inside Back Cover BW................................125.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 Color......................................300.00Page 3, 4, 5, 6 BW........................................125.00Center Spread BW......................................250.00Full Page Deluxe Color................................ 275.00Full Page BW...............................................100.00Half Page Color............................................ 150.00Half Page BW................................................ 60.00One Quarter Page Color................................75.00One Quarter Page BW..................................40.00Business Card 6.............Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1...........................OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1.........................................................MarAprilApril 1.............NATIONAL REPORT...MayjuneJune 1...................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1..........ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...SeptOctOct 1.....................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pomeranian Review..........official A. P. C. publication..........sent to Breed Group Judges..........reasonable rates..........quality reproductions..........only source of APC Archives..........provides APC news and reports..........APC Specialty coverage..........Regional Pom Club coverage..........obedience training information..........interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT TUP REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401-7460 Or Email fame62401yahoo.comMake all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.IIJaneLehtinen Presidenty i dnmuJG KAHUNA^Our National Specialty was a great success this year with so many beautiful dogs presented from all over the world. It was such a joy to watch all the wonderful dogs gaiting down the mat. Congratulations to all the winners and continued successes throughout the year. The Top Twenty Event showcased last years top twenty dogs. Each was presented individually and strutted their stuff for all to see.Now that the 2009 National Specialty is over and the winners have been crowned, it is time to plan for next year. We are excited that after 2008 and 2009 when we were not able to hold a Summer National, we have several clubs who have offered to host the 2010 show and also future Summer Nationals. These events take time and effort to organize and we appreciate all of the advance work that goes into hosting one.The karaoke night was one of the highlights of the week. Aly Bell and Christine Crane have two of the most wonderful voices heard. With your talent, why are you not singing on American Idol We had so much fun thanks to the effort of Bob Kennedy, Chris Lewis and Audrey Roberts. We hope you will be there next year to host this fun event. You should not miss it.Our Specialty volunteers outdid themselves and deserve a big round of applause for their great job. Thanks to Janice Russell for her great work as Show Chairman. Thank you to Wendy Donnelly, Obedience and Rally Chairman. She helped put on a great event by supplying our equipment. Thank you to Margaret McKee for taking the time to do the wonderful trophies. Christine Creasey and her committee did a wonderful job of putting on the Top Twenty Event. And last but not least Mary Latimer and Erika Moreau for doing the ring stewarding for all three days.Our Committees outdid themselves this year and we are grateful for their help. The board wishes to thank our Ways and Means committee chair, Donna Riehm, and her assistant, Marilyn Heestand for their outstanding job fundraising for our club. Without their help, events like this cannot take place. Thank you both. Our hospitality this year was provided by our wonder subcontractor Carlene Gilstrap who covered for Kelly while we were in the board meeting and did a wonderful job with the assistance of Charlene Waters when she and her husband Gregg were not manning the grounds. Thank you again to Carlene Gilstrap for doing a great job with the ads in the catalog. That alone is a major job. Also thanks to Committee Chairman, Joan Behrend for our Awards and Top Ten Awards. That takes all year to compile and Joan does a wonderful job. Our Judges Education Committee Chairman, Fred Bassett has taken on a challenge and came to the board with our illustrated standard and is going to rewrite it and get it on line. Thank you, Fred, for coming up with such a wonderful idea.Our board met for long hours and we worked our way though all the club business in record time. We now have a Health and Genetics Committee up and running chaired by Alane Levinsohn and are already a member of CHIC and we are already in the CHIC database. We have set up a Legislative Committee headed up by Geneva Coats to help keep us informed of pending legislation nationwide. We are starting a Fundraising Committee to help us raise money for various projects including health and rescue. We are looking for volunteers for this and other committees. Please look on the American Pomeranian Club web site and you will find the list of committees. You are also welcome to contact me and I will put you in touch with the Committee Chairman. We have many committees that need volunteers in this exciting time.Next year our National Specialty will be held in Fort Mitchell, Kentucky an hour and a half northeast of Louisville, away from the dog laws that kept so many from attending this year. Our new show chair will be Pat Barnett and if there is anyone out there that wishes to help please contact Pat at barneybamettl welcome new member Dawn Freeman to the American Pomeranian Club.Congratulation to George and Janice Smith on their being the first Mach Champion Pom In our breed. I watched them run in Louisville and the are a wonderful team.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 29Annette Davis, CNThe question for this issue is What is hypoglycemia and how can Iprevent my Pom puppy from experiencing itHypoglycemia or low blood sugar is a common problem with all toy breed puppies. Veterinarians who dont regularly treat toy puppies in their practice may mis-diagnose the condition as viral hepatitis or encephalitis. As a toy breeder or pet owner, it is important to recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia and know how to treat it. Hypoglycemia is easily treatable in the early stages, but fatal if allowed to progress. Many puppies are lost needlessly to hypoglycemia because of ignorance on the part of their owner or veterinarian.The first sign of hypoglycemia is the puppy slowing down and then acting listless. The puppy will then begin to tremble or shiver. This is a reaction caused as the brain is starved for glucose. The trembling is followed by a blank stare and the puppy lying on his side. He may also experience convulsions. After a time, the puppy will become comatose. His body will be limp, lifeless, and the tongue and gums will be a grayishblue color. The body temperature will be subnormal. The puppy may even appear to be dead.If caught in the early stages, treatment is simple. Rub Nutri-Cal or Nuri-Stat Karo syrup will do if you have no Nutri-CalNutri-Stat on the puppys gums, under the tongue, and on the roof of the mouth. Warm a heating pad or heating blanket and slowly warm the puppy to his proper body temperature of 101-102 degrees F. If the puppy responds, all is well. Feed a quality canned food right away you may want to mix it with egg yolk and then monitor the puppy to be sure that the condition does not recur. Be sure to eliminate the stress that caused the episode if at all possible.If caught in the more advanced stages, treatment is more complicated. Always assume that the puppy is alive. Rub Nutri-Cal, Nutri-Stat or Karo in the mouth, and carefully insert a small amount in the rectum. Slowly warm the puppy to normal body temperature and keep him warm continuously with light heat. If the puppy still does not respond, carefully eye dropper dextrose solution or Karo water into the mouth, a little at a time. Call your veterinarian and inform him that you have a hypoglycemic puppy. He will prepare a warmed dextrose solution to inject subcutaneously and may put your puppy on an IV drip.Request a fecal exam. Your puppy may have intestinal parasites such as worms, coccidia, or giardia that need to be eliminated immediately. A bacterial or viral infection may also be present and antibiotic treatment necessary. If your puppy has been given glucose injections, it is probably a good idea to treat him with antibiotics so that infection does not occur. Your vet will likely recommend a prescription canned food such as AD to give as your puppy recovers. You can finger feed the AD as is from the can and add Pedialyte to the drinking water. You must also keep the puppy warm at all times. Of course use prudence, and do not overheat or dehydration will occur. In severe cases you may need to force feed ad for a time and give Pedialyte with a dropper. Give B30 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Reviewvitamins to stimulate appetite. As your puppy improves he will begin to eat on his own and then you can gradually phase back in his regular food.It is important to understand that just because a puppy has an episode of hypoglycemia, it does not mean that the puppy is truly hypoglycemic. True hypoglycemia is a chronic condition caused by overproduction of insulin by the pancreas. Even though the pancreas may normally function properly, toy puppies can still have an isolated hypoglycemic incident in reaction to stress. Hypoglycemic incidents are almost always preceded by a stress of some kind. Some examples of common stresses include weaning, teething, vaccinations, a change in environment, shipping, over-handling, cold temperatures, intestinal parasites, infections, anorexia, etc. Puppies may simply play too hard and stress their system or forget to eat.Tiny dogs do not have the fat reserves to supply adequate glucose in times of stress or when they do not eat regularly. Hypoglycemia most often occurs when the puppy has not eaten for several hours. This is not always the case, however. A puppy can have eaten recently and still show signs of hypoglycemia if his system is stressed and the food has not been digested and assimilated. It is important to free feed toy puppies a high quality food. Toy puppies simply have too high of an energy level to be restricted to scheduled feedings. Most do fine if switched to scheduled feedings when they reach adulthood, but they must have access to food and water at all times when they are puppies. If you like to give your puppy canned food, you can schedule the feeding of the canned, but allow access to kibble at all times.A summary of important reminders is as follows1 Always keep Nutri-Cal, Nutri-Stat or Karo Com Syrup on hand. This is the quickest way to revive a hypoglycemic puppy. Caution Honey may contain botulism spores and therefore should not be given to puppies under 6 months of age.2 If you ever see your puppy becoming listless, or lying on his side and acting unresponsive IMMEDIATELY rub Nutri-Cal, Nutri-Stat or Karo on his gums, under his tongue, and on the roof of the mouth. Slowly warm him to normal body temperature with a heating pad. Feed him as soon as he responds. Call your veterinarian if the puppy does not quickly respond.3 Keep your puppy from chilling, free of parasites, and minimize stress.4 See that your puppy eats often and maintains a proper body weight.5 Do not over-handle your puppy. Be sure to allow him rest time and alone time. Like all babies, puppies need to have a regular schedule of rest, meals, play and potty.Our question for the next issue is What is open fontanelYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis, CN Certified Nutritionist 391 N. Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204 208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 31VAmerican ^omerantan Club, line.Board Meeting Minutes Conference Call 630 p.m. CST February 17, 2009 jjT KellyD. Reimschiissel6214 West 10150 North, Highland, UT 84003Present rec_sec americanpomeraniandub.orgMrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Airs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano.AbsentCindy Boulware, ex-officio PresidentThe meeting was called to order at 640 p.m. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present. Copies of the January" 20th meeting were made available to all Directors. The Board reviewed the minutes of the meeting and upon a motion made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis the January" 20th Board meeting minutes were approved unanimously.Presidents ReportA request that a certified letter be sent to Cindy" Boulware, certified and return receipt requested asking for a current email contact.1st Vice Presidents ReportNone2nd Vice Presidents ReportAdvised everyone impacted by board business, ordered new title ribbons, requested committee reports. Recording Secretary ReportTwo boxes of records were received from the previous recording secretary, Janice Russell which included the club records from 2005 through 2008, club contracts for Rau and The Pomeranian Review editor and the club seal. Standing Rules have been converted to Policy Procedures Manual. Board of Director job descriptions have been completed. The following committee chair descriptions have been completed Archivist Historian, AKC Delegate, AKC Gazette Columnist, and Annual Awards.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Green and it PASSED to accept the changes and additions to the Policy Procedure Manual making it effective as of February" 17, 2009. VOTED IN FAVOR Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, and Mrs. Solano. ABSTAIN Mrs. BarnettCorresponding Secretary Report - through February 15, 20091. Answered emails from the public2. Ongoing updating of the Membership database based on the changes sent in for members regarding addressesphone numbers emails3. Forwarded information regarding an old issue of an individual wanting a Top 20 ribbon from 2007 to the current Top 20 Chair to get prices on the ribbon4. Emailed the Florida APC members regarding the Animal Planet filming in Florida5. Forwarded emails received to the Board Lista. Toy" Club Of Greater Houstonb. Complaint regarding Pomeranian Review report from Judges Education with information regarding the Standard Revision Committee.Treasurers ReportA written report was submitted by Erika Moureau, Treasurer.32 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewCOMMITTEE REPORTSSrANdiNq Committees AwARdsA written report was submitted for the Annual Meeting by Judy Green on behalf of Joan Behrend, Chair.BREEd AdviSORVRElERRAlAn oral report was given by President Jane Lehtinen, Chair.HeaItIh GENEticsA written report was submitted by Celeste Solano, Director on behalf of the Health Genetics Committee.A motion was made by Mrs. Solano, seconded by Mr. Sisneros and it was VOTED unanimously to accept the recommendation of the HG committee and join CHIC by approving CERF, Patellas, and Cardiac as the recommended tests and including the optional tests both HipsLCP and Thyroid.HiSTORiCAl AwARdsAn oral report was given by Carol Leemhuis, Chair.JudGES EducAtioNAn oral report was given by Vikki Oelerich, Director on behalf of the Judges Education Committee. Vikki Oelerich was requested to contact the Chair, Fred Bassett to come up with a process to meet AKCs requirements to test individuals who do not meet the clubs requirements for mentors.MEMbERshipA motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Oelerich and it was VOTED unanimously to suspend the complaint process in the Policy Procedures Manual until further review.Performance EventsA written report was submitted by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Performance Events Committee.PoMERANiAN REViEWA written report was submitted by Geno Sisneros, Director on behalf of the Pomeranian Review.RescueA written report was submitted by Pat Barnett, Director on behalf of the Rescue Committee.Wavs MeansA written report was submitted by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Ways Means Committee. W'EbsiTEA written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair.SpEciAl Committees Audit Committee 2007A written report was submitted by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Audit Committee.CoNstitutioN BvLaws CommitteeA written report was submitted by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Bylaws Committee.StANdARd REVisiON COMMITTEEA written report was submitted by Erika Moureau, Chair on behalf of the Standard Revision Committee.Show SiTE CommitteeAn oral report was given by 1st Vice President David Gilstrap, Chair.r O J Continued.MatJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 33Show Committee Show ChAiRA written report was given by President Jane Lehtinen on behalf of the Show Committee.ObEdiENCE ChviRA written report was given by Corresponding Secretary, Carol Leemhuis on behalf of the Obedience Chair. GROUNdsAn oral report was given by Pat Barnett, Director on behalf of the Grounds Committee HospitAliTyA written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair.Top 20An oral report was given by Betsy Owens, Director on behalf of the Top 20 Chair. fRophy ChAiRAn oral report was given by Erika Moureau, Treasurer.ELECTION OF NEW MEMBERSA motion was made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel to go into executive session. It was reported from executive session that William and Erika Paviglianti were voted in as members.UNFINISHED BUSINESSA motion was made by Mrs. Moureau, seconded by Mrs. Barnett and it was TABLED until the March meeting and further discussion that we offer the position of Delegate to the American Kennel Club to Mr. Gilstrap, if Mr. Gilstrap refuses the offer then the same offer be made to Mrs. Green.Committee LiaisonAdvocate AssignmentsJane Lehtinen Show ChairDavid Gilstrap Show Site Committee, Breed Advisory Judy Green Membership, Constitution ByLaws, Audit Kelly D. Reimschiissel Website, Hospitality Carol Leemhuis Historical Awards Erika Moureau Standard Revision, Ways Means Pat Barnett Grounds, TrophyVikki Oelerich Judges Education, Performance EventsBetsy Owens Top 20, RescueLinda Pelz Awards, HistorianCeleste Solano Health Genetics, LegislativeGeno Sisneros Pomeranian Review, Gazette Columnist, DelegateWestminster Kennel Club PAA motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Moureau and it was VOTED unanimously to ask Chris Heartz if the photograph of Calvin Klein can be used for the Westminster Kennel Club Pomeranian page.NEW BUSINESSA motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Moureau amended by Mrs. Solano and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC form a Legislative Committee and appoint Geneva Coats the Chair.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC add a health page to the APC website.A motion was made by Mrs. Lehtinen, seconded Mr. Sisneros and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC purchase Adobe Acrobat 9 Standard for club use.34 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewTHANK YOUWe would like to congratulate all the winners of the 2009 Nationals and extend our best wishes to each ofyou for a successful show year.The Show Chair and Committees would also like to thank everyone who supported the APC National Specialty with your entries, trophy donations, catalog ads, hospitality donations, auction donations and bids. Without the support of APC members, friends, and Regional Pomeranian Clubs it would not be possible tohold this costly event each year.We extend a big THANK YOU for all the work of the many volunteers without whom the show could nothappen.Janice Russell, Show ChairA motion was made by Mrs. Lehtinen, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC hire Chris Dickey, Parliamentarian for 2009.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it PASSED to amend something previously adopted to read all show committee members get lunch on the days they work at the Nationalbeginning in 2010. The ones who getbanquet tickets would be the judges and their spouse, president, show secretary, show chair, obedience chair, hospitality chair and Ways Means people who work the auction. VOTED IN FAVOR Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, and Mrs. Solano. VOTED AGAINST Mrs. Moureau. ABSTAIN Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Owens.A motion was made by Mrs. Oelerich, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC form a Fundraising Committee to work during the year for positive club and breed benefit.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Oelerich and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC form a Logo Apparel Committee and appoint Niki Wilde as the Chair.Upon a motion made by Mrs. Reimschiissel and seconded by Mrs. Green the meeting was adjourned at 835 p.m. CST.AdjournedAttestKelly D. Reimschiissel, Recording Secretarydfhppccxcsi, rfta.zch. 8, 2009 kdcIf an APC member has concerns regarding the aspects of an APC Committee, the member is to contact the Committee Chair with those concerns. Those concerns will be communicated by the Committee Chair within two weeks after receipt if possible, to the Boards APC Corresponding Secretary so that the Board is aware of those concerns.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 35American Pomeranian Club, MlCommittee Reports Conference Call 630 p.m. CST February 17, 2009AwARds - Joan BeI-irencIKelly D. Reimschiissel6214 West 10150 North. Highland, UT 84003 rec_sec americanpomeranianclub.orgEnd of year Report received for Annual Meeting.BREEd AdvisoRyREfERRAl - Jane IeIhtInenWe have received very few calls for breeder referral.HeaItIi Genetics - ALane IevInsoBnThe CHIC Chair and Committee have recommended the following tests to join CHIC OFA Heart, OFA Patella. The Committee also recommended the following optional tests OFA Hip DysplasiaLegg-Calve- Perthes same x-ray with two tests, OFA Autoimmune thyroiditis.The committee also would like to suggest adding an article to the APC website about using health testing to improve the breed by breeding with knowledge, not eliminating dogs from our programs based on tests alone.We currently have a dynamic group of 18 APC members from all walks of life who have an interest in the health of the breed. I am impressed daily by the wealth of knowledge our fanciers have and then- dedication to the health of our breed. Any board member wanting to drop into the list conversation is welcome to join, please e-mail and Ill sign you onto the list.Health StudiesUniversity of Tennessee Coat Foss - Dr. Finda Frank not currently working on a coat study. She will be working on something after this semester.University of Missouri Coat Loss - Dr. Gary Johnson is expecting some new technology in March or April 2009. He is ready to run the DNA on the Pomeranian samples he has received. He will be needing 20,000 to 30,000 to do this and I have put him in touch with the Morris Animal Foundation for a Pilot Grant 10,000 reminded him of the CHF grants due on 3109 and suggested an Acorn Grant from CHF. The Pom Charitable Trust has also been contacted for funding.University of Missouri DM- Dr. Gary Johnson has also identified a DM Degenerative Myelopathy gene in Pomeranians, however it is unclear at this point if it is a widespread problem. This is the disease commonly known as ALS or Lou Gehrigs Disease in people. We may put on an alert and request for samples from suspected affected poms and their immediate relatives.University of Bern Coat Loss - Sent a Reminder that preproposals for the Canine Health Foundation are due by March, 1, 2009.The University of Washington Cardiac - Dr. Kathryn Meurs is currently studying hearts Pulmonary Stenosis in poms. Thank you to APC member Julie Clemen for organizing a heart clinic in Washington for her. Dr. Meurs is open to conducting clinics in other areas of the country if there wifi be enough participation. This is a non-invasive test and would be a good study to do at either summer Nationals or another big show. It is too late to organize for this years NationalsThe Morris Animal FoundationThe Morris Animal Foundation contacted me and has funded several projects that may relate to Pomeranian health. The Health Committee wifi be looking into these to see if they relate to Pomeranians and if so, if they need familial DNA samples to assist with the research.D08CA-002 Year 1 of 2 41,94836 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewCanine Atopic Dermatitis-Relation to Epidermal Antimicrobial Gene ExpressionDr. Mark S. Rutherford Dr. Sheila Torres, University of MinnesotaAtopic dermatitis, which is skin inflammation caused by environmental allergens, affects many dogs and most will develop secondary skin infections that aggravate suffering and require antibiotic treatment. In addition to cost, repeated antibiotic use can lead to antibiotic resistance. The skins immune system contains small antimicrobial peptides that defend the skin against infections. Humans with atopic dermatitis along with secondary bacterial infections are deficient in expression of certain antimicrobial peptide genes. This study will investigate whether allergic dogs also lack these peptides. The findings could help veterinarians predict disease risk and monitor therapies of dogs with atopic dermatitis and secondary infection.Here is one of the studies that the Yorkshire Terrier Club of America and Foundation are cosponsoring D08CA-001 Year 1 of 2 106,949Genetics of Portosystemic Vascular Anomalies Microvascular Dysplasia in Small Breed DogsDr. Sharon A. Center, Cornell UniversitySmall, purebred terrier-type dogs are at risk of developing two genetically related disorders that cause abnormal liver function. These disorders, known as portosystemic vascular anomalies PSVA and microvascular dysplasia MVD, can occur either alone or in combination. Dogs with PSVA suffer from the livers inability to remove toxins from food and many are overtly ill, while dogs with MVD may only demonstrate intolerance to standard drug dosages. The researchers hope to identify genetic markers for these disorders and use these markers to develop a test for detecting at-risk dogs. This test would help breeders eliminate these disorders from affected breeds.Two heart studies which may be of interestD08CA-065 Year 1 of 2 16,837Polymerase Chain Reaction Detection of Bacteremia in Dogs with Bacterial EndocarditisDr. Allison M. Heaney, Washington State UniversityInfectious endocarditis is a serious infection that affects the valves of a dogs heart and can lead to congestive heart failure and sudden death. It is most frequently caused by a bacterial infection. Early diagnosis is critical to effectively treat dogs, but current blood tests have poor success rates in detecting infection. Researchers will explore a molecular biology technique that may improve the ability to diagnose patients, allowing veterinarians to treat dogs more quickly and with an antibiotic specifically targeted toward the bacteria that is causing infection.D06CA-059 Year 3 of 3 24,516Altered Intercellular Communications, Arrhythmias and Sudden Death in Boxer DogsDr. N. Sydney Moise, Cornell UniversityBoxers are highly susceptible to an inherited heart disease, called arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy ARVC, that causes an abnormal heartbeat, fainting, heart failure and eventual death.The researchers conducting this study believe a gene mutation in dogs with ARVC prevents the cells of the heart from communicating properly. Currently the genetic mutation is unknown in dogs, but a mutation that causes similar heart disease in people has been identified. This study will examine whether boxers that develop this disease undergo the same genetic mutation as humans. Understanding this mutation will help scientists develop more effective therapies for this fatal disease.HisTORiCAl AwarcIs- CaroI LEEMhuisReceived applications for awards via email and US mail. Verified validity of applications. Mailed eligible applicants a certificate of the award. Sent bi-monthly report to Editor of The Pomeranian Review for publication. Received reports from AKC of new titlists monthly. Preparing to begin the annual compilation of twelve AKC documents into one and then compiling that into the 1980 to 2007ContinuedMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 37spreadsheet. Once 1980 to 2008 is complete I can search for new ROMROMXROMS awards that were not applied for.JudqES EducATiON - FREd Bassett, NAdiNE HERSil, Vikki OElERich, CuRTiss SMhhDuring the past month I got all of the invitations out for Mentor candidates, modified the list to remove a couple of people that declined, and sent the list off to Kelly for updating the website. Goals for the next month are to get the website updates done, and to prepare for and present the Judges Education and Mentor Education presentations at the Nationals.MEMbERship - Judy GreenWe received three applications, one was withheld because it had not been properly filled out and signed. We will be voting on one household application tonight.Performance Events - Marqaret McKee Nothing to report.POMERANiAN REViEW - BRENdA SeQeILeNAll components of producing the MarApril 2009 Pom Review and 50th Anniversary Edition of the Pom Review are being completed in a timely manner to assure all deadlines are met. Please remind the APC Board to set up a time with Thomas Photography to have the group photo taken for the Pom Review in Kentucky. Board members who have reports published in the Pom Review are asked to have their photo taken separately, also.Rescue - LiNdA LEwisWe have a tiny ad coming up in the April issue of Dog World Magazine featuring Pomeranians. It readsAmerican Pomeranian Club supports Pom Rescue Adopt a Rescue Pom for Love Life www.americanpomeranianclub.org707 658 1486It cost 29.00 for one time. Just getting the word out that APC supports rescueThe number of individuals contacting us to relinquish a Pomeranian has remained steady. The largest number of requests are from the eastern seaboard states and Florida. I have referred them to our members listed under Rescue Contacts in the member directory. If there is no Rescue Contact in their area I have suggested that they search on Once on the Petfinder website I suggest they contact the rescue groups listed as currently having poms available for adoption to see if they will accept the pom in need of re-homing. I have also asked for feedback but received very little. So Im not sure if its working. The same suggestion is made for individuals looking to adopt a rescue pom. First sending them to the APC Rescue person in their area, if there is none then suggesting they go on and look for a pom to suite their needs and follow up with the fisted rescue group.The poms needing homes are about 2 for every 1 adoption request.I am continuing to contact by phone the members fisted under Rescue Contacts to determine if I should send requests their way or exclude them in the future.I had sent out a questionnaire back in October 2008 but only 3 were completed and returned. However after contacting members via phone and resending the questionnaires the responses have been immediate As of this writing I have responses from the following statesSan Diego, California its so big there are several groupsGeorgiaArkansasIndianaVirginiaOregonLouisianaTexas38 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewIm looking forward to continuing this outreach with the same positive results. I am also pleased to discover that most are operating in the same general fashionI would very much like to see public acknowledgement for the people doing rescue now and in the future. This is something I hope can be discussed at the Board Meeting.I find many of the members who are doing rescue are on their own out there I would like to try to find some way for our club to support them with getting help such as more foster homes for the poms waiting for new homes. I do believe this can be accomplished with a bit of free advertising and participation in the offers of free booth space at the dog shows.My local rescue group requested and received free booth space at the 4 day Spring in Solano dog show in April. We are very excited at the prospect of sharing information about rescue and having people meet some of our little rescue poms. I also received a great offer of free booth space from Trudy McLain at the Hampton Virginia Memorial Day dog show via the APC rescue e-mail address. I will be passing that on to the appropriate person in that area.As you all know we now have a Rescue Committee with me as the Chair and Pat Barnett as the Liaison to the Board and Alane Levinsohn as the single committee member Alane has set up a Yahoo Group for us to use to discuss and plan for the future of rescue. Im looking forward to having more members on this committee.WEbsiTE - KElly D. REiMSchiissEl, EliZAbETh HecRert, JennIFer Munn,The website was updated to include an email link to all board members, a button for pending motions, a link to the Westminster Kennel Club, committee reports uploaded, meeting minutes uploaded, page created for pending motions, and committee openings.Special CommitteesAudiT Committee 2007 - Cl-iRisTiNE Crane, EliZAbEiTi HecRert, JENNifER Munn,Bank statements have still not been received. Some paypal statements received.Constitution Bykws Committee -Judy Green, Marqaret McKee, KElly D. REiMschiissElThe committee has gone through the Bylaws sending and receiving input and should have them ready to submit to the board at the board meeting at Nationals.STANdARd REvisiON Committee - ERikA Moureau, JerrIe FreIa, KAThy Norem, TERRy RotIheII, Fran StoII I have rewritten the sections of the standard that needed to have the changes requested by the membership. I sent it to my committee members for comment. I have heard from 2 of them, still waiting for response from the other 2. When they all sign off, I will send it to Kelly to put on the website and put it in The Pomeranian Review.Show SiTE Committee - DAvid GUstrapWe are looking at sites and hope to have a recommendation in March.Show CommitteeShow ChAiR - JanRe RusseUThe Corgi Club is having their show following ours and will be sharing the expense for the plastic on the Grooming Rooms. They will take it up when they finish. Have made arrangements with Erika to bill them after the show. The Karaoke equipment and person to run it is going to run 595.00. The Hospitality Room has been extended to include Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday at 139.90 per day additional via email from Kelly Reimschiissel. The hotel room block has been reduced twice. I reduced it by 15 in January and again 10 February. The expected attendance for the banquet must be turned in 3 working days prior to function or we will be billed for 175 meals. The last changes for trophies sponsors, hospitality sponsors and the Presidents message have been sent for the catalog. Entries close this Wednesday February 18th. The last information I have on Top 20 is a few entries were in at that time. This report does not contain any Grounds or Trophies information since I saw you have made them separate committees.MatJdne 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 39PURINA PARENT CLUB PARTNERSHIP PROGRAMThe American Pomeranian Club is a participating member in the Purina Parent Club Partnership Program PPCP.Members of Purina Pro Club whose national parent club participates in the Purina Parent Club Partnership PPCP Program may earn funding for canine health studies, education andor rescue efforts that will benefit their breed. Since 2002, the first year of the PPCP program, there has been more than 710,000 generated for health research, education or rescue. As of 2005, there are 149 National breed clubs participating in the program.Heres how the PPCP Program works Pro Club members redeem weight circles from bags of participating Purina brand dog foods. Purina tracks these weight circle submissions, and for every 100 of qualifying weight circle points earned by Pro Club members, Purina donates 10 to the participating national parent breed club.Points are accumulated throughout a calendar year, and in February, a check representing 10 percent of the value of the submitted weight circles for the year is evenly split between the participating national parent breed club and the AKC Canine Health Foundation. The donation that goes to the AKC Canine Health Foundation is eligible to be matched up to 100 percent by the Canine Health Foundation if it meets the Foundations funding guidelines.ObEdiENCE ChAiR - WENdy DonneLIy Agility proposal letter received.GROUNds - Greqq WatersEverything is fine. We are receiving booth rentals.HospiTAlity - KeLLy D. REiMschiissElWe have received more donations for hospitality, rented a room for morning hospitality which will have coffee, donuts, etc. for exhibitors and will be less expensive than having the hotel provide coffee and donuts in the show room. David Gilstrap has generously offered to bring a 60 cup coffee pot. Banquet reservations are coming in a bit slowly this year with a total of 80 to date.Top 20 - ClHRiSTiNE CreaseyCatalogs are being printed, entries are coming in, everything seems to be going okay.TRopky - Marqaret McKeeErika noted that trophy donations were down this year.WAys Means - Donna RIeTimCurrently reminding all I can that we need donations for the National fundraising. Have several items already that have been sent or given to me directly. Need to complete the framing of the original logo art for presentation at the National. Completing all signs for our ways and means tables for the Silent Auction and Buy It Now and also the donation logs. Have confirmation that Marilyn will again assist on a daily basis so the booth should be covered. Received phone message from the Fiddicks that they would not be attending, which means we need a "talented" auctioneer to replace Bob.40 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Cameraman Club, 3ncSecretarys Record Holiday Inn Hurstebourne1325 S. Hurst Bourne Pwy, Louisville, KY Derby Room100 p.m.March 8, 2009PresentMrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano.AbsentCindy Boulware, ex-officio President VisitorsChristine Creasey, Margaret McKee, Brenda Segelken, Gregg WatersThe meeting was called to order at 120 p.m. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs.Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present. Copies of the February 17th meeting were made available to all Directors. The Board reviewed the minutes of the and upon a motion made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mrs. Leemhuis the February 17th Board meeting minutes were approved unanimously.As Mr. Gilstrap had to leave the meeting at 300 to attend the AKC Delegate meeting in New York, a motion was made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mrs. Solano to go into executive session, it was unanimously approved. Visitors left the room. Executive Session lasted from 125 p.m. - 255 p.m. The report from executive session is in Election of New Members.A break was taken after executive session and the meeting was reconvened at 316 p.m. with President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel present. Mr. Gilstrap was excused to leave for the AKC Delegate meeting and Mrs. Green was absent at the beginning of the meeting and arrived at the beginning of the Annual Awards Report.Presidents ReportI am very pleased with the way the board is working as a team and that the hotel will be resolved this week.1st Vice Presidents ReportExcused2nd Vice Presidents ReportExcusedRecording Secretarys ReportCopies of Reports were prepared for the board and annual meeting.Mrs. Solano made and Mrs. Moureau seconded a motion and it was PASSED that the APC pay for a P.O.Box for the recording and corresponding secretarys in their respective areas. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. GreenCorresponding Secretarys ReportAnswered emails received and sent letters requested.Treasurers ReportA written EOY 2008 report was submitted as well as a balance sheet. Balance as of March 6, 2009, 87,128.00. The Pomeranian Review Anniversary7 Issue is paid for.An amended report for January was submitted. A motion was made by Mrs. Owens, seconded by Mrs. Barnett and it was PASSED to accept the amended report. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Air. Gilstrap, Mrs. GreenCOMMITTEE REPORTSSTANDING COMMITTEESArchivist HistorianNewly appointed, no report submitted.AwardsA written report was submitted by Mrs. Green on behalf of Joan Behrend, Chair.A motion was made by Airs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Airs. Leemhuis and it was PASSED to amend a previous motion changing Policy Procedure Application section with the addition of Fly Ball and adding the NAFA running number and qualifying points to the required submissions. IN FAV OR Airs. Barnett, Mrs. Green, Airs. leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Airs. Moureau, Airs. Oelerich, Airs. Owens, Airs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Air. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Air. GilstrapA motion was made by Airs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Airs. Leemhuis and it was PASSED to amend a previous motion changing Policy Procedure Fly Ball section 6.5.9 to read The APC shall give a Certificate of Award for the Top Fly Ball Pomeranian. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Airs. Green, Airs. Leemhuis, Airs. Lehtinen, Airs. Aloureau, Airs. Oelerich, Airs. Owens, Airs. Pelz, Airs. Reimschiissel, Air. Sisneros, Airs. Solano. ABSENT Air. GilstrapA motion was made and amended by Airs. Solano, seconded by Airs. Reimschiissel and it was PASSED to donate 50 to for using their statistics. IN FAVOR Airs. Barnett, Airs. Green, Airs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Airs. Moureau, Airs. Oelerich, Airs. Owens, Airs. Pelz, Airs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Airs. Solano. ABSENT Air. GilstrapBreed AdvisoryReferralThe board has chosen to appoint the following individuals to serve on the Breed Advisory Committee. Jane Lehtinen, Chair with Deronda Sharp and Teresa White.Delegate Report No report submitted.FundraisingPosition is posted on the APC website and in The Pomeranian Review for members who wish to serve on this committee.Gazette ColumnistNo report submitted.Health GeneticsAn oral report was given by Airs. Solano on behalf of Alane Levinsohn, Chair.A motion was made by Airs. Solano, seconded by Airs. Green and it was PASSED that all Pomeranians qualifying for CHIC be published in The Pomeranian Review and on the APC Website with the names of the owners. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Airs. Green, Airs. Leemhuis, Airs. Lehtinen, Airs. Moureau, Airs. Oelerich, Airs. Owens, Airs. Pelz, Airs. Reimschiissel, Air. Sisneros, Airs. Solano. ABSENT Air. GilstrapThere was discussion on the Health Genetics article in The Pomeranian Review.Historical AwardsWritten and oral reports were submitted by Carol Leemhuis, Chair.42 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewJudges EducationA written report was given by Mrs. Oelerich on behalf of Fred Bassett, Chair.Logo ApparelStill waiting to hear back from proposed chair.Legislative Action CommitteeAn oral report was given by Mrs. Solano on behalf of Geneva Coats, Chair.There was discussion on having a Legislative article in The Pomeranian Review.MembershipThere have been no applications received this month. Three applicants were listed in the March April Pom Review and on the website. One application was incomplete no signature but I have since received it.Performance Companion EventsA motion was made by Mrs. Oelerich, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it was PASSED to change the title of the committee from Performance Events to Companion Events. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. GilstrapPomeranian ReviewA written and oral report was submitted by Brenda Segelken, ARC Review Editor.RescueNo report submitted.Ways MeansAn oral report was submitted by Brenda Segelken on behalf of Donna Riehm, Chair.WebsiteThe website was updated with committee reports, meeting minutes, for pending motions, and committee openings.SPECIAL COMMITTEESAudit Committee 2007An oral report was submitted by 2nd Vice President Judy Green on behalf of the Audit Committee. Constitution Bylaws CommitteeA written and oral report was submitted by Judy Green, Kelly D. Reimschiissel and Margaret McKee on behalf of the Bylaws Committee.There was discussion regarding adding Associate Membership to the Bylaws.Standard Revision CommitteeAn oral report was submitted by Erika Moureau, Chair on behalf of the Standard Revision Committee.Show Site CommitteeSeveral presentations were given to the board by several prospective hotels.SHO W COMMITTEEShow Chair No report submitted.Obedience ChairA written agility' proposal was by Wendy Donnelly, Chair.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 43imfc\"WSUIrts\1 r5 ' 'A motion was made by Mis. Lehtinen, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC hire Chris Dickey, Parliamentarian for 2009.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it PASSED to amend something previously adopted to read all show committee members get lunch on the days they work at the N ationalbeginning in 2010. The ones who get banquet tickets wouldbe the judges and their spouse, president, show secretary, show chair, obedience chair, hospitality chair and Ways Means people who work the auction. VOTED IN FAVOR Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, and Mrs. Solano. VOTED AGAINST Mrs. Moureau. ABSTAIN Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Owens.A motion was made by Mrs. Oelerich, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC form a Fundraising Committee to work during the year for positive club and breed benefit.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Oelerich and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC form a Logo Apparel Committee and appoint Niki Wilde as the Chair.Upon a motion made by Mrs. Reimschiissel and seconded by Mrs. Green the meeting was adjourned at 835 p.m. CST.AdjournedAttestKelly D. Reimschiissel, Recording Secretaryftppcovad, rfla.aJi. 8, 2009 kdn44 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewHmmran Corner a man Club, 3n t.Committee Reports Board Annual Meeting March 8 10, 2009STANDING COMMITTEESArchivistHistorian - Leesa MolinaNewly appointed, no report.Awards - Joan BehrendEnd of year report will be printed in the APC Roster. Pomeranians are doing quite a bit of performance. Please pick up your certificates while you are here.Breed AdvisoryReferral - Jane LehtinenThis year showed more of a decline in calls coming in for breeder referral. We are now being referral more by AKC for other questions pertaining to color, size and how to sell puppies. I have seen a increase in complaints from people buying dogs off the internet We average about 3 to 8 calls a week where as we use to get an average of 20 calls a week. More and more people are listing and selling dogs off the internet as more and more people are getting computers and looking for dogs on the many web sites that are out there.Delegate Report - Darrell BakerNo report submitted.FundraisingPosition is posted on the APC website and in the Review for members who wish to serve on this committee.The suggestion of several e-books was brought up of older dogs and pedigrees, and a book on Pomeranians to be available online when this committee is formed.Gazette Columnist - Olga BakerIt is going good.Health Genetics - Alane LevinsohnThe HG committee decided on a Mission Statement.Promoting the health of the Pomeranian through breeder education about health, health testing and genetic issues. Advocating research into genetic problems that affect the health of the breed.CHICTests have been submitted to CHIC and we are now a CHIC breed. Thanks to everyone who made this possible. We received a report of the initial CHIC dogs and will receive quarterly updates. We produced a FAQ style flier that explains CHIC to the membership. It was sent out in e-mail, to be posted on the APC site and submitted to the Review. I would like to request that dogs qualifying for CHIC be listed in the Review with their owners.Health ClinicsFor the education and information of our membership, we are posting available health clinics once a month on the Pomeranian lists. Health testing can be done at clinics at a reduced rate.Health SurveyThe health survey is in the final proofing stage. After it is checked over, it will be sent to OFA for feedback from them and put into an online survey. From there it will need to be advertised to get as much participation as possible from all Pomeranian breeders and ownersHistorical Awards - Carol LeemhuisI will go through and compile and add all the data from last year to find the new aw^ards that can be granted and wall write my report for the Review. If anyone has aw-ards they are eligible for please apply for them. Joan Behrend has permission to go to AKC Library and copy books. I went through the books Bonnie Stetson gotMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 45from Ruth Beam. I went through the AKC AWARDS from 1930 to 1980. The7 are not all there and I will donate them to Ways Means.Judges Education - Fred Bassett. Nadine HersiL Vikki Oelericli, Curtiss SmithWe had a particularly busy year this last year because the cycle of Pomeranians was in the Judging Seminars this year. I want to thank Vikki Oelerich, Curtiss Smith, Erika Moureau, Carol Leemhuis, and all of the members who have come and brought dogs to help me out with the seminars. Without their help we would be unable to do this. This year we wont do as many seminars because the judges organizations cycle through the breeds ever7 couple of years. At the Houston Seminars the attendees were asked to grade the performance of the seminar and out of a possible 55 points Fred got 50 points. End of year report will be printed in the APC Roster.Mentor CommitteeParent Club Approval. There is some confusion regarding mentors. AKC has specific requirements for mentors and the Parent Clubs were asked to also provide a list of Club approved mentors.The committee went through the APC Roster and chose the members that they felt were very qualified and they were sent invitations and published on the website. The committee will have yearly reviews. If you feel that you were missed please contact the committee member you feel you may know the best. You can still qualified by the process in the Standing Rules. We are trying to find the best way to handle the Mentor Seminar to help keep attendance up at Nationals. There are around 120 club approved mentors including breeder judges and life members. Mentoring is not just ringside. You can be contacted and do kennel visits for prospective judges to study the breed.Logo ApparelStill waiting to hear back from proposed chair.Legislative Action Committee - Geneva CoatsOur newly-formed committee is in the developmental stages.Some immediate priorities of the Legislative Action Committee areFormulate official mission statement or goal specific to our committee. Example Promote ethical and responsible dog ownership by working proactively with state and local legislatorsSolicit members from all regions of the country. The optimal membership roster would include representatives from all 50 states.The current members pending board approval areGeneva Coats Chair - California Becky Jackson - Alabama Jean Elting Rowe - California Sally Baugniet - FloridaWisconsin Cheryl Kerr - New Hampshire Kathy Norem - Indiana Debbie Carr - Colorado Celeste Solano - Washington Brenda Segelken - Illinois Sandra McCutcheon - Texas Kelly Woods - Kentucky Teresa White - OregonAppointment of an official legislative liaison between AKC and APC is also needed. We would also like to invite APCs AKC delegate to join the Legislative Action Committee.The eventual addition of some non-APC members to this committee may be beneficial in an advisory capacity, if that is permissible.Formulate position statements for APC. These can be similar to official position statements currently in use by AKC.46 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewConstruct letters based on these position statements to be sent from the APC to legislators in areas proposing restriction of dog ownership andor breeding. We will need access to an APC letterhead stationery. All such letters will be sent to the board for preliminary review and approval upon completion and prior to being distributed.Form effective channels of communication. This is needed for both information-gathering as well as dissemination of action alerts to all APC members in a timely manner. This could be accomplished via a contact page on the APC website, so that individual committee members can be consulted regarding activity in their area. Another idea is to post "action alerts in the Pomeranian Review. We would also like to request permission to consider the option of using the APC announcement list to post important information.Add to the page in the APC website entitled Be Proactive. We could add educational and informational pages on, for example, the threats to dog ownership by animal rights groups important pending legislation by region, information on how to be a responsible dog owner etc. We could also have some standardized letters available for individuals to click, print and send to their representatives.These are some of the ideas that we have discussed and hope to refine and expand as needed.Membership - Judy GreenThere have been no applications received as of this board meeting. Three applicants were listed in the MarchApril Pom Review and on the website. One application was incomplete no signature but I have since received it and it will be published in the next issue of The Pomeranian Review.Performance Events - Margaret McKeePomeranians do not participate in Performance Events - hunting tests and trials, lure coursing, etc. We do participate in Companion Events - obedience, tracking, and rally.Pomeranian Review - Brenda SegelkenThe Review has had its most successful year continuing to show a profit. I continue to have great writers and workers that work with me and dedicated advertisers. Numerous regional clubs ask for the Review for their specialties and I changed how I mail them out because USPS has a flat rate box and we save 5 per box. The Anniversary Issue showed a profit as of Thursday of 10,356.65 before anyone had even seen the issue. The issue will debut at 800 a.m. on Monday, March 10, 2009. Hardbound issue has 25 of everything to do another hardbound binding.The storage unit for the Review is working very well. We are third on a waiting list for a climate controlled unit. Anniversary Issues cannot be stored in the unit until we get a climate control unit. The printer is currently storing the Anniversary Issues for us. One-third of the issues were brought to Nationals.End of year report will be printed in the APC Roster.Rescue - Linda LewisNo report submitted.Ways Means - Donna RiehmThis year we ordered 400 less in t-shirts, sweatshirts and hooded sweatshirts than last year. We still should show a profit. This year we have collector bags. There was a donation for 15 and 100 for contents of the welcome bags which will include a bottle of water, tissues, and trash bag. We have also had 200 Pomegranate drinks donated. Brenda Segelken indicated she will be unable to do file logo items for the Nationals in the future.Website - Kelly D. Reimschiissel. Elizabeth Heckert. Jennifer MurrnThe website was updated with committee reports, meeting minutes, for pending motions, and committee openings, and JEC. End of year report will be printed in the APC Roster.SPECIAL COMMITTEESAudit Committee 2007 - Christine Crane, Elizabeth Heckert, Jennifer MunnMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 47Bank statements have still not been received.. Some PayPal statements received. Treasurer has sent all statements to the audit committee.Constitution Bylaws Committee - Judy Green, Margaret McKee, Kelly D. ReimscblisselThe 3 committee members have been working on the bylaws and have made significant progress. A preliminary copy was submitted to the board to see the progress that has been made. It has been a monumental job. When complete it will go to the board, then AKC, then the members. There are still a few changes to be made.Standard Revision Committee - Erika Moureau, Jerrie Freia. Kathy Norem. Terry RothelL Fran StollCommittee members were sent the revisions of the revision, size back to original size, a few other word changes so each could sign off prior to being published on the website and The Pomeranian Review. One member requested more description of anatomy. Still waiting for sign off from all. There is a rough draft on the website of what has been done. This is not a final version. The membership wanted the size left the same, the size was left the same. The color section is beginning and that is going to be a tough section. The standard needs to be written for the best dog we can all have.Show Site Committee - David GilstrapSeveral presentations were given to the board by several prospective hotels.SHOW COMMITTEEShow Chair - Janice RussellThe show is in progress.Obedience Chair - Wendy DonnellyAgility Letter and Survey sent out. Once licensed we can hold agility trials of any type in conjunction with the national special Single Breed, Toy Group, or All breed. The cost of application for the agility trials 100.Rental of Equipment if included in use of bldg 850 daily. Keep in mind this bldg has enough space for 3 rings. WTien not doing agility you can hold all events under one roof. Judge Fees Ribbons for all classes Standard, TWW, Preferred, Preferred WW, FAST Prizes you will save money on this if you ask if anyone wants to recycle trophy prizes. Agility folks mainly get dog toys. Keep in mind 1 judge can judge 330 runs for all classes in one day. Judges meal which would need catered exhibitors are on own for lunches and you can do a boxed lunch for relatively inexpensive.Grounds - Gregg WatersWe used all three rooms for grooming so we would have enough space. Wendy has the ring equipment. Plastic is down. Hotel has been very' helpful. Juanita Fiddick fixed the table topper for the grooming table.Hospitality - Kelly D. ReimschiisselOur banquet numbers are downthis year we have 115 we may not break even on the banquet. We have 10 comp dinners. Preliminary financials were given to the board. End of year report will be printed in the APC Roster. Hospitality' should overall cost us less than previously since we had a hospitality room instead of using hotel catering.Top 20 - Christine CreaseyThe rosettes are in, catalogs are in. Judges are a secret and cannot be revealed until the Top 20. A small candy- hand made flower for each board member. The catalog cover was shown to the board. We did not have sponsors this year. Christine agreed to chair Top 20 next year with Betsy Owens helping raise money.Trophy Chair - Margaret McKeeWe are all set. Challenge trophy is here as well Will need a sit in for when Margaret is in the ring.DVD Narration - Margaret McKeeWill need a sit in for when Margaret is in the ring if anyone will volunteer.48 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Out, MlAnnual Meeting Secretarys Record Holiday Inn Hurstebourne 1325 S. Hurst Bourne Pwy, Louisville, KY 730 p.m. March 10, 2009Board Members PresentErika Moureau, Linda Pelz, Celeste Solano, Betsy Owens, Judith B. Green, Jane Lehtinen, Carol Leemhuis, Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Geno Sisneros, Pat Barnett, Vikki Oelerich.Members PresentJoan Behrend, Charlotte Creed, Suzanne Bemey, Charlene Waters, Gregg Waters, Nancy Smith Olga Baker, Fred Bassett, Christine Creasey, Jan Stachurski, Linda Lewis, Sherri Alspaugh, Juanita Fiddick, Robert R. Fiddick, Kathy Launderville, Cheri McDonald, Beth Hawthorne, Jackie Youkers, Katy Stalnaker, Charlotte Meyer, Brenda Heimbach, Gina Williams, Nancy Coddington, Beck' Sabourin, Norma Smart,Carlene Gilstrap, Rebecca B. Jackson, Lloyd Franques U, Cathy Driggers, Mark A. Driggers, Margaret McKee, Christine Surtees, Larry Surtees, Lisa Goodman, Ron McKim, Ellen Takayama, Daniel Yona, Noble Inglett, A. Margo Koga, Bette Meredith, Judy Stone, Dawn Freeman, Kelly Woods, Lavonne Vonny Beard, Stephanie Pinault, Wendy Donnelly, Janice Russell, Fran Stoll, Marilyn Heestand, Audrey Roberts, Donna Riehm, Bronya Johnston, Barbara Moore, Lorinda Vasuta, Darren Lane, Linda Mulso, Nadine Hersil, Bonnie Harris, Carol Kivch, Curtiss Smith, Deronda Sharp, Cindy Onoskos, Patricia Inman, Brenda Segelken.Visitors PresentAmybeth Perry, George Landry, Shelli Tradup, Joanne Melbostad, Aly Bell, Kathy Stewart, Barbara Meyer, Carole Medige, Laurie Otis, Lisa Caudill, Bobby Caudill.The meeting was called to order at 734 p.m. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary- Mrs.Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present. Copies of the March 11th Annual Meeting were made available to all members via the Membership Roster. Upon a motion made by Gregg Waters and seconded by7 Christine Creasey the March 11 Annual Meeting minutes were approved unanimously7.Presidents Report - Jane LehtinenWelcome everyone to the Annual Meeting. The new board members were introduced to the membership.We are in the process of looking for a new place to hold our National. We have hotels coming to us this year providing us with presentations on their potential site to host our National. When we are finished going through the proposals, we still have a few left to go through, we will hopefully make a decision by7 the end of the week.We have new committee chairs and new committees that have been appointed and we are so excited. Our new Chairpersons areArchivistHistorian Leesa MolinaHealth Genetics Alane LevinsohnMembership Chair Judy7 GreenRescue Chair Linda LewisPerformance Events is now Companion EventsWe have the following new committeesRescue Program Committee Linda Lewis Legislative Committee Geneva Coats New Show Site Committee David GilstrapFundraising Committee If you are interested or know of anyone interested, please contact us.Logo Apparel Committee Chair has been asked and we are waiting to hear back.The AKC has approved that clubs can send their membership newsletters, meeting notices and dues notices by email with a signed waiver from each member. These can be revoked at any time. The APC dues notices had aMatJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 49waiver at the bottom. For those members that signed and sent the waiver back thank you. We will be sending out a waiver to each member so you can decide if you would like to receive email notices from the club. Copies were made available to members at the meeting.1st Vice Presidents ReportExcused2nd Vice President's ReportDuties are to let members and committees know what is happening on the board.Recording Secretary's ReportThank You to Janice Russell for the hard work she has done for the past years as the Recording Secretary. She shipped two boxes to me.Recording Secretary Records have been received, end of year reports have been copied for the meeting. A course was taken on how to take correct minutes by a recording secretary through the National Association of Parliamentarians. Minutes published from January 2009 forward are published using this format.Corresponding Secretarys ReportEnd of year reports were distributed. Roster were put together with the help of Kelly D. Reimschiissel. Rosters, ballots and letters were mailed. All changes requested for addresses and emails have been done. If there are any additional changes please send them in.Treasurers Report Income 155,388.58Expenses 147,790.02Balance 87,128.00Review Income 107,688.13 Taxes Paid on 14,598.56This included the cost of publication of the 50th Anniversary Issue.COMMITTEE REPORTSSTANDING COMMITTEESAnnual AwardsAn oral report was given by Joan Behrend, Chair that certificates need to be picked up. The Annual Awards end of year was also distributedDelegate Report No report submitted.Gazette ColumnistAn oral report was submitted by Olga Baker, Chair. She would like to continue being the Gazette Columnist.Historical AwardsAn oral report was given by Carol Leemhuis, Chair. The end of year report was distributed.Judges EducationAn oral report was given by Fred Bassett, Chair. The end of year report was distributed.Pomeranian ReviewAn oral report was given by Brenda Segleken, Chair. The end of year report was distributed.A motion was made by Firs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Owens and it was VOTED that the APC complete the 25 unfinished anniversary issues to hardbound copies unanimously.50 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewWebsiteAn oral report was given by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair. The end of year report was distributed.SPECIAL COMMITTEESConstitution Bylaws CommitteeAn oral report was given by Judy Green, Committee Member on behalf of the Committee.Standard Revision CommitteeAn oral report was given by Erika Moureau, Chair.There was discussion about the color section of the standard. It is noted that AKC helped write the color section for the last standard revision. AKC has said they will not add a letter to the registration number of merles because you can purchase a pedigree that shows the colors. We have to work with the membership and AKC as regards the Standard Revision.There was discussion about eye color.Show Site CommitteeExcusedSHOW COMMITTEE Show ChairAn oral report was given by Janice Russell, Chair.HospitalityAn oral report was given by Kell' D. Reimschiissel, Chair, End of year report was distributed.ELECTION OF NEW MEMBERSNoneNEW BUSINESSAny club interested in hosting the Summer Specialty next year please contact the Board.Life MembersThe following individuals have accepted Life Membership. Life members cannot hold office, do not pay dues, and have gone above and beyond for the club.Brenda SegelkenBob Juanita Fiddick who were presented with a 50th Anniversary Issue Hardbound copyUpon a motion made by Brenda Segelken and seconded by Betsy Owens the meeting was adjourned at 816 p.m.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 51American Pomeranian Ciuti, 3ncSecretarys Record Special Meeting Holiday Inn Hursteboume 1325 S. Hurst Bourne Pwy, Louisville, KY 430 p.m. March 12,2009PresentMrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Moureau, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano.AbsentCindy Boulware, ex-officio PresidentThe special meeting was called to order at 434 p.m. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present.Show' Site CommitteeSeveral presentations were given to the board by several prospective hotels. The board reviewed the information and had in depth discussion.A motion was made by Mrs. Leemhuis, seconded by Mr. Gilstrap anditwras VOTED unanimously to hold the 2010 APC National at the Drawbridge Inn, Ft. Mitchell, KY the wreek following the Kentuckian Cluster.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Owens anditwras VOTED unanimously to appoint Pat Barnett the Show Chair.Show Secretary will remain Jane Lehtinen.Upon a motion made by Mrs. Solano and seconded by Mrs. Owens the meeting was adjourned at 530 p.m.AdjournedAttestKelly D. Reimschiissel, Recording Secretary'L52 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Reviewmm . WELCOME TOT" .VJntucky^UNBRIDLED SPIRIT-^"..-Steven L. Beshear. GovernorBirthplace of Abraham LincolnSCO0X0mgs mK.mbm miiHR5^"5asgpvsflf'a 3a4rrSi_IJr-------8st5E'- tmmviai AS3i 3V.FCB0MASmat2009 Jtattonal gpectaltjgtoeeptate Jubge Critique - petsp tomsr r-N ^1 VACE2009 Sweepstakes Betsy OwensWhen I arrived in Louisville on Saturday it was a warm spring day. The hotel was very nice and the room accommodation was clean and spacious. I had a meeting that took most of Sunday.I got up early Monday morning had breakfast and everything was going as scheduled. I had looked forward to this day for over a year. Then it happened The zipper on my skirt broke, Ok no problem Ill just change. Well, it wasnt quite that simple. The zipper broke at the top and I couldnt get it to move up or down. A friend of mine Nancy Smith, and I were sharing a room, so I asked her to see if she could get the zipper to move. It didnt happen. Im running out of time, so I call the front desk and asked if they would send maintenance up to my room with a pair of pliers. There was this silent on the phone, so I said I broke the zipper on my skirt and I have to get out of it now. Maintenance brought up the pliers and we still couldnt get the zipper to move. We didnt have any scissors, so couldnt cut the skirt. I looked out in the hall and there was a housekeeper in the next room, so I go out and motion for him to follow me. I gave him the pliers and asked that he get me out of the skirt, break the zipper. About this time Celeste Solano walks by and Im standing in the doorway telling this man to get me out of my skirt. Im not sure if she heard us or not. Finally the housekeeper was able to break the zipper and I was able to change clothes. I walked into the ballroom with about five minutes to spare and found out Obedience was running a little behind, so I had time to take a deep breath and look around the ballroom. I was very pleased to see the size of the room and ring.When the Ring Steward Erika Moureau brought the first class in my hectic morning disappeared. The class was wonderful and my first thoughts were if all the classes are like this, Im going to have a fun day. Well, all the classes were like the first, quality throughout. Any of the entries could have taken home the ribbons that day.To the breeders and exhibitors, my hat is off to you. I saw beautiful bite, good coats and good head carriage. Good movement. So many improvements since 2002 when I last judged the sweeps. The one thing I would like to see worked on is higher tail set.My Best Junior in Sweepstakes was a lovely bitch from the 9-12 Class that I kept going back to. She was in beautiful coat, movement was good and lovely head. I checked when I was given a catalog and she was Animations Dragon.My Best Senior in Sweepstakes was from the 12-18 class. His name was Aphrodites Topo Gigio. As soon as this dog walked in the ring, I could not take my eyes off him. Beautiful sable with tiny ears and head that was beautiful. His side profile on the go around would make you stop and take a second look. I picked him for the Grand Sweepstakes Winner. This dog truly asked to be picked that dayIn the Veteran Sweepstakes, these dogs were out standing for any age with beautiful coats most still had all their teeth, and still loved to show. My pick for Best Veteran in Sweepstakes was Apricot Sweet Bonbon Magic Poms a lovely orange with a coat to make anyone proud to own this dog. Beautiful head with a soft expression, this dog could look at you and almost say Im the One.Best of Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes was Ch Darlins Birthday Wish, a beautiful sable girl and here again tons of coats with a beautiful head.I want to thank APCs membership for giving me the opportunity to judge this year and to the exhibitors for bringing me the quality of dogs I had, it was truly a pleasure to judge each.54 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review2009 PC Jtattonal ^pectaltp3Tiibge Critique - ibantira goose iHUenMarch 17, 2009Magnificent Awesome Fabulous The American Pomeranian Club, Inc. National Specialty show and the honor to have been selected to Judge the Specialty and the privilege of being able to go over so many beautiful Pomeranians was overwhelming.When I was first notified that I would be judging the Pomeranian Specialty in Louisville, KY, I was ecstatic.I have always believed judging a National, of any breed, especially one that I have loved and admired, is the pinnacle of a judges career. I took this assignment very seriously, and I knew ahead of time there might be some tough decisions to make. I was right The depth of quality was heartwarming.My sincerest gratitude to Janice Russell for asking me to judge this prestigious event. I will always remember her kindness. To my wonderful ring steward Erika Moureau who organized me throughout the two days. And a huge thank you to all the hard working club members for making my weekend a dynamic and never-to-be-forgotten one. I cannot truly convey what an incredible job these hardworking people achieved.And to every exhibitor who took my decisions in such a sportsmanlike way and were so kind and friendly to me - You have set a very high standard to show by Your sense of professionalism and commitment to your Pomeranians made this judging assignment one of my most enjoyable and one that I will not soon forget. Your kindness touched my heart The classes, specials and veterans class were deep with quality. It was a breathtaking group of sound, happy Pomeranians presented with skill by their breeders, owners and handlers.I dont think that an individual report on each dog, which I placed, would serve any useful purpose. First of all, every dog was full of energy and love. After having each Pomeranian taking a trip around the ring, I was able to evaluate the total dog as he presented himself. As I examined each dog on the table, I was able to judge each attribute to the Standard. From the bottom of the feet, I examined to find straight and parallel legs of medium length. I looked for a brisket that was fairly deep. I then examined for the correct shoulders and up to wedged-shaped head, dark eyes medium in size and small erect ears. Correct muzzle and bite were evaluated next. Moving to the side of the table, I was able to look and feel the neck and the important short, level topline. The tailset is sent high and carried flat. After examining the dogs on the table is was truly a treat to watch them move I enjoyed being able to put the whole package together as I watched each gracefully move up and back. I was impressed with so many with perfect stifles and rear movement. My top Pomeranians moved with grace and elegance. In many, the movement helped to show off their beautiful, double coat. This was an exceptional National show.Winners Dog - Foxworth Fair Play Roserve Winners - Windsor's Fasten UR Seatbelt Winners Bitch - Char's Brand New Girl Friend Reserve Winners Bitch - Hickory Bend's Camilla Best of Breed - CH Velocitys Shake UR Bon Bon Best of Winners - Foxworth Fair Play Best of Opposite Sox - Ch Reignings U Wish U Wore Mia Best Puppy - Foxworthy Fair Ploy Best Bred By Exhibitor - Springwoods Top of the Rock Best Veteran - CH Oakrose One For the Money Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran - CH Dartin's Birthday Wish--it'MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 552009 APC National SpecialtyJudge Sandra Goose Allen - Louisville, Kentuckyi y fBEST OF BREED NATIONAL SPECIALTY iMARCH 11. 2009ISTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYlhomasDholo30hotmail.comib.APHOTOGRAPHY IS.r^r r NATIONAL SPECIALTYCH. VELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BONCH. STARLIGHTS SMILE FROM SIAMVTHOMA". PHOTOCH. CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLAAWARD OF MERITm A MARCH 11. 2009THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYNATIONAL SPECIALTY k . ^CH. DOGGY PINKS DIAMONDS ARE FOREVEROF-fAWARD OF MERIT-yBEST VETERANBEST VETERAN MARCH 11.2009THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYU,d SHIGH IN TRIAL OBEDIENCE MARCH 9 . 2009 NATIONAL SPECIALTY.' TMNATIONAL SPECIALTY__CH. OAKROSE ONE FOR THE MONEY56 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewCH. MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN METOM KELLY AND ROYAL TEE BALL OFIRE, CDAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB 2009 National SpecialtyJudge Sandra Goose Allen - Louisville, KentuckyIbHiBEST OF WINNERS i\j \BESTPUPPYMARCH 11.20099 v-vi i' BEST OPPOSITE .'ATHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthomaipholo3aiiholmall.comNATIONAL SPECIALTYV FOXWORTH FAIR PLAYMARCH 11.2009t._THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYthoirnspholo30mtiolmJll.comNATIONAL SPECIALTYBITCHWINNERS 1 JNEW CHAMPIONMARCH 11.2009 JLTHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY NATIONAL SPECIALTYCH. REIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIAaCHARS BRAND NEW GIRL FRIENDrf7^ni d. - 7BESTBRED BY EXHIBITOR NATIONAL SPECIALTYH. XL BESTJUNIOR HANDLER ATIONAL SPECIALTY MARCH 10. 2009M MARCH 11. 2009 u W\I.ilSTEPHANIE HENTSCHEL WITH WYNDLOR TISHA DARLA DORIGHTSPRINGWOODS TOP OF THE ROCKQ 0 Okmw w.v_ ^ 2 t km nRESERVE.RESERVE WINNERS DOG JUCHWINNERS BEST5M56 viBITCHATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 11.2009ATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 10. 2009WINDSORS FASTEN UR SEATBELT HICKORY BENDS CAMILLA CH GLEN IRIS CASTILE IN THE SKYMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 57APC SWEEPSTAKES RESULTSLouisville, Kentucky - March 9, 2009PUPPY SWEEPSTAKES Judge Betsy Owens 6 months and under 9 months, Dogs1 FANCY A MAGIC POMS, Breeder, Owner. By Fidelinche Del Panades - Starfires Go Go Dancer. Owner, Luisa Leon.2 FOXWORTH FAIR PLAY, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Foxworth Five Card Stud - Ch. Finchs See Em Cornin. Owner, Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox.3 KOWBOYS 0 MY SPRIZE ME, Breeder, Carol Wittrock By Ch. Oh My Wham Bamb - Ch. Reba Mcentirley Allridge. Owner Gina Williams,Carol Whittrock.4 DEE LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME, Breeder, Christine Crane Robert Celeste Solano. By Ch. Chriscendo Communicado - Ch. CR Classic Charm. Owner, Christine Cindy Crane.9 months and under 12 months, Dogs1 HORIZONS A FLY ON THE WALL, Breeder, Laurie Otis. By Witt-Elles Shoot To Thrill NAJ - Ch. Horizons Wishful Thinking. Owner, Carol R. Leemhuis.2 JOLVIN WISKEY RUN, Breeder, Joan Mel Beech. By Ch.Sapphires Night Moves - Ch. Jolvin Crown Jewel. Owner, Beth Shattuck Joan Mel Beech.3 STARFIRES KISS ME BIG, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Showins Thunderball - Ch. Starfires Hot T Molly. Owner, Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti Natalie Roberts.4 ARN-ETTE CAUSIN A COMMOTION, Breeder, Geri Wm. Arnold. By Ch. Starfires DBL Trouble - Am-ette Done Cryin. Owner, Geri Wm. Arnold Darlys Flaata.12 months and under 18 months, Dogs1 APHRODITES TOPO GIGIO, Breeder, Linda DeCicco. By Ch. Aphrodites Thank You Daddy - Ch. Aphrodites Heaven Sent. Owner, Beverly A. Allen Linda DeCicco.2 STARLIGHTS SOMETHING SPECIAL, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Starlights Fun Time - Ch. Chriscendo Career Girl. Owner, Suradej Ekviriyakit.3 CHARS MASTER TITLEIST TIEGER, Breeder, C. Meyer L. Meyer. By Ch. LT Cherubs Meet The Press of Lenette - Ch. Chars Forbidden Fruit. Owner, Charlotte Meyer Lynn Meyer Kathleen Stuart.5 KARNANS RUB-A-DUB-DUB, Breeder, Karin Goad Nancy Reed. By Amberglows Chip of Confection - Kamans Momma Mia Mai Mai. Owner, Carol Kiveh Nancy Reed.6 months and under 9 months, Bitches1 MOUNTAIN CREST NO MISTAKE, Breeder, David Carlene Gilstrap. By Ch. Mountain Crest Rock Star - Ch. Moretoys Aint She Fancy. Owner, David Carlene Gilstrip Jeri Freia.2 CHARS IMAGE IS EVERYTHING, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Finchs Bettin On Chars - Ch. Chars Play To Win. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.3 SPRINGWOODS TOP OF THE ROCK, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Mountain Crest Hard Rock - Springwoods Grace Kelly. Owner, Rebecca B. Jackson.4 JAN-SHARS SHOP TILL YOU DROP, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Jan-Shars Deal Or No Deal - Jan-Shars Bippidi Poppidi Boo. Owner, Sharon L. Hanson.9 months and under 12 months, Bitches1 ANIMATIONS DRAGON, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Animations Rufus - Ch. Animations Comet. Owner, Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.2 CHARS HELL-ON-HEELS, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Chars Ail That Jazz 58- MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewAldens N Chars Sabrina. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.3 POMHAVENS TO CUTE TOO SHOOT, Breeder, Colleen Beland. By Jan-Shars Have Gun Will Travel - Pomhavens Sweet Summer. Owner,Lee-Ann Lambert Colleen P. Beland4 BRITISH LANE N FAME MZ ATTITUDE, Breeder, Wendy Chambers. By Ch. Music Maker of Lenette - Ch. British Ln Mz Liberty of Lenette. Owner,Brenda Segelken.12 months and under 18 months, Bitches1 CR DREAMS COME TRUE, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Bachmans Brightest Star - CR Tuff Country Girl. Owner, Robert Celeste Solano.2 CHARS I BELIEVE, Breeder, Charlotte Meyer. By Ch. Chars Strike N Gold - Ch. Chars Walk N A Winnin Way. Owner, Gail Bertran3 PANACHES INFALLABLE FALLON, Breeder, Laura Meineke. By Ch. Panaches Tresor Trove OJoayne -Panaches Barely Bashful. Owner, Wendy Lane Laura Meineke Charlotte Meyer.4 SUGARLAMBS NEXT TOP MODEL, Breeder, Lee-Ann Lambert. By Ch. Pomhavens II Divo - Daystar Lifes Little Pleasure. Owner, Nathalie Belanger6 Lee-Ann LambertBest Junior in Sweepstakes ANIMATIONS DRAGON Best of Opp Sex to Best Junior FANCY A MAGIC POMS Best Senior in Sweepstakes APHRODITES TOPO GIGIO Best of Opp Sex to Best Senior CR DREAMS COME TRUE Grand Sweepstakes Winner APHRODITES TOPO GIGIOVETERAN SWEEPSTAKES7 years and under 9 years, Dogs1 APRICOT SWEET BONBON MAGIC POMS, Breeder, Owner. By Starfires Timoteus - Eva Lache Viva Del Panades. Owner, Luisa Leon.2 CH. KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITY, Breeder, Owner. By Marbils Rock N Chicago - Kalos Sparkling Gemstone. Owner, Carolyn G. Brandenburg.3 CH. SUNDOWNS KEEGAN XAVIER, Breeder, Owner By Ch. Sundowns Little Casino - Ch. Janesas Southern Sundown. Owner, Camilla Knight.4 CH. OAKROSE ONE FOR THE MONEY, Breeder, Joan Rose. By Foxworth Frontier Spirit - Cinnakees Serenity. Owner, Joan Rose, Gail Stewart.9 years and over, Dogs1 CH. GOLDKIST ROCKIN KNIGHT, Breeder, Beverly Bottoms. By Ch. Fame Chip of The Great Rock - Whid-Dons Knighting Gail. Owner, Barbara Meyer.7 years and under 9 years, Bitches1 CH. DARLINS BIRTHDAY WISH, Breeder, Laurie Otis, Donna Machniak. By Ch. Jan-Shars TopsyTurvy-Ch. Heartlands Precious Gift. Owner, Laurie Otis.2 CH. CASCADE-LACUEVA PANACHES TINKER, Breeder, Doris Wheeler. By Ch. Lacuevas Peppered Palomino - Cascade Bev-Nor Black Velvet.Owner, Laura B. Meineke.9 years and over, Bitches1 IDLYWYLD CAMEO,CD,RA, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Twin Pines Chico - Idlewyld Rich Mans Gold. Owner, Margaret R. McKeeBest in Veteran Sweepstakes APRICOT SWEET BONBON MAGIC POMS Best of Opposite Sex to Best in Veteran Sweepstakes CH. DARLINS BIRTHDAY WISHAPC NATIONAL RESULTSLouisville, Kentucky REGULARCLASSES Judge Mrs. Sandra Goose AllenPuppy 6 months and under 9 months, Dogs1 FOXWORTH FAIR PLAY, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Foxworth Five Card Stud - Ch. Finchs See Em Cornin. Owner, Pamela Dodsworth Larry Fox.2 DEE LITTLE BIRDIE TOLD ME, Breeder, Christine Crane Robert Celeste Solano. By Ch. Chriscendo Communicado - Ch. CR Classic Charm. Owner, Christine Cindy Crane.3 RAZZLE DAZZLE PANIC AT THE DISCO, Breeder, Elizabeth Heckert Judith B. Green. By Ch. Chriscendo Communicado - Razzle Dazzle BlueGrassMusic. Owner, R. C. Solano E. Heckert J. Green.4 FANCY A MAGIC POMS, Breeder, Owner. By Fidelinche Del Panades - Starfires Go Go Dancer. Owner, Luisa Leon.Puppy 9 months and under 12 months, Dogs1 JAN-SHARS CISCO KID, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Daystars Little Red Caboose - Jan-Shars Women of Scandel. Owner, Sharon L.Hanson.2 HOTIZON CARLEEZ PICK UP STICKS, Breeder, Laurie Otis Carol Leemuis. By Ch. Sundowns Hide N Zeke - Edens Having A Blonde Moment. Owner, Paula Clark.3 STARLIGHTS STORM KICKER, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Starlights Fun Times - Venus of Hang Hang. Owner, Suradej Ekviriyakit.4 CHARS GOLD RUSH, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Chars Strike N Gold - Chars Looney Tune. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.12 to 18 month, Dogs1 APHRODITES TOPO GIGIO, Linda DeCicco. By Ch. Aphrodites Thank You Daddy - Ch. Aphrodites Heaven Sent. Owner, Beverly A.Allen Linda DeCicco.2 JAN SHARS STUD MUFFIN, Breeder, Sharon Hanson. By Ch. Jan Shars Code Red - Jan Shars Pick Me Pick Me. Owner, Howard Sklar Sharon Hanson.3 STARLIGHTS SOMETHING SPECIAL, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Starlights Fun Time - Ch. Chriscendo Career Girl. Owner, Suradej Ekviriyakit.4 SO FINES REPEAT PERFORMANCE, Breeder, Mary Latimer. By Ch. Damascusroad Dream Buster - Ch. Sofines Legally Blonde. Owner, Susan Lucas.Bred-by-Exhibitor, Dogs1 TRUDYS WORTH THE WAIT, Breeder, Nancy Robert Coddington. By Ch. Trudys Woody Win - Trudys Top of The Line.Owner, Nancy Coddington2 ARN-ETTE CAUSIN A COMMOTION, Breeder, Geri Wm. Arnold.By Ch. Starfires DBL Trouble - Arn-ette Done Cryin. Owner, Geri Wm. Arnold Darlys Flaata.3 LA CUEVA-DHCREW PRIDE-N-PREJUDICE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. DHCrew Ruff-N-Ready - LaCueva-DHCrew Pattis Legacy. Owner, Sherrilynn Rogers.4 STARFIRES KISS ME BIG, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Showins Thunderball - Ch. Starfires Hot T Molly. Owner, Jose Cabrera Fabian Arienti Natalie Roberts.March 10 11,2009American-bred, Dogs1 CHARS RENDEZVOUS ROMEO, Breeder, C. Meyer. By Ch. Finchs Chars Spellbound Parti - Chars Red Neck Parti Woman. Owner, Kathleen Stuart Charlotte Meyer.2 VIKTRES PUDDLE JUMPER, Breeder, Victoria Oelerich. By Ch. Jakens Splashing In The Rain At Jan Le - Ch. Windsors Darling Debutante. Owner, Paulette Smith.3 SHOWCASE N STARLIGHT ROYAL FLUSH, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Cheyennes Kodiak Bear Second - Showcase TQMEM Elizabeth. Owner, A. Levinsohn R. M. Smith C. Smith.Open, Red, Orange, Cream Sable, Dogs1 WINDSORS FASTEN UR SEATBELT, Breeder Shauna Jenkins. By Ch. Babydolls Buckle Up UR Jeans - Ch. Windsors Wild Orchid.Owner, Gail Bill Bertrand.2 TOKIE N DOME DOI TALKE NO PRISONERS, Breeder, C. Tangkaravakun. By Ch. Tokies Mercury - Tokie Teen Princess. Owner, Saree Vichitrphisal.3 STARLIGHTS DREAMS COME TRUE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Pufprides Sweet Dreams - Ch. Sunterra Supermodel. Owner, Suradej Ekviriyakit.4 SANTEES SINGULAR SENSATION, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. JJs Victorian Angel - Ch. Firebrooks Aim To Please. Owner, Stephanie J. Pineault.Open, Black, Brown Blue, Dogs1 REDHOTS EBONY ANGEL HAIR, Breeder, Cynthia Sickler. By Redhots Im No Angel At Sincity - Redhots Sweet Tootsie Roll. Owner,David T. Verdi Chadwick Stalvey.2 JANESAS CHOCOLATE SENSATION, Breeder, Jerrie Freia. By Ch. Heartlands Knight N Day - Janesas Sassy Also. Owner, Laurie Otis Geno Sisneros.3 HER-SHES WHAT WOMEN WANT, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Heartlands Knight N Day - Her-Shes Cocoa Kisses. Owner, Ann M.Berryman.4 BLACKJACK BAKER RAMIREZ, Breeder, Ownes. By Ch. Jeribeth Mostly Tim Sue - Ch. Jeribeth Lil Tazmanian. Owner, Olga Baker Humberto Ramirez.Open, Any Other Allowed Color, Dogs1 LIL-PONDEROSA DARE TO STARE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Rise N Shines Hes A Hottie - Lil Ponderosa Design OFlair. Owner, Sherry L. Cartwright.2 HER MAJESTYS EAT MY SMOKE, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Rodis Black Gold Majestys Princess Ellie Mae. Owner, Randy Houston Charles Whittemore.3 CHARS YOU AINT SEEN NOTHIN YET, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Chars I Wanna Talk About Me - Ch. Chars Wild and Free. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.4 EAGLE CREEKS CHOCOLATIER PARTI, Breeder, Kathryn Norem. By Ch. FinchsCharsMakinWavesParti - Heartlands A Flash From Heaven. Owner, Laurie Otis.Winners Dog FOXWORTH FAIR PLAYReserve Winners Dog WINDSORS FASTEN UR SEATBELTMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 59Puppy 6 months and under 9 months, Bitches1 ANIMATIONS FIONA, Breeder, Owners. By Animations Nemo- Animations Dory. Owner, Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.2 KACEES MIKA, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Mountain Crest Let Mikey Havit Ch. KaCees Gone With The Wind II. Owner, Katy L. Stalnaker.3 JAN-SHARS SHOP TILL YOU DROP, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Jan-Shars Deal Or No Deal Jan-Shars Bippidi Poppidi Boo. Owner,Sharon L. Hanson.4 DEE LITTLE DAISY DUKE, Breeder, Christine Crane Christine Heartz. By Ch. Chriscendo Call To Arms Ch. Chriscendo Come Closer. Owner, Christine Cindy Crane.Puppy 9 months and under 12 months, Bitches1 HICKORY BENDS CAMILLA, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Making A Splash At Lenette Hickory Bends Ideal Ida. Owner, Tom B.Davisdon David L. Lamb.2 ANIMATIONS DRAGON, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Animations Rufus Ch. Animations Comet. Owner, Lorinda Vasuta Darren Lane.3 POMHAVENS TO CUTE TOO SHOOT, Breeder, Colleen Beland. By Jan-Shars Have Gun Will Travel Pomhavens Sweet Summer. Owner, Lee-Ann Lambert Colleen P. Beland,4 CHARS HELL-ON-HEELS, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Chars All That Jazz Aldens N Chars Sabrina. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.12 to 18 month, Bitches1 POWER POM YOUNG LOVE,. Breeder, Owner. By Power Pom Special Edition Valcopy Marlene D. Owner, Pongsacorn Pongsak.2 SUGARLAMBS NEXT TOP MODEL, Breeder, Lee-Ann Lambert. By Ch. Pomhavens II Divo Daystar Lifes Little Pleasure. Owner, Nathalie Belanger Lee-Ann Lambert.3 RYMS W FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION PLZ, Breeder, Russ Martin Shelley Weimer-Martin. By Ch. Ryms W Focus On Fashion Greenetides Focus N On Janie. Owner, Lisa Stasiuk Shelley Weimer-Martin Michael Carbno.Bred-by-Exhibitor, Bitches1 SPRINGWOODS TOP OF THE ROCK, Breeder, Owner. By Ch.Mountain Crest Hard Rock - Springwoods Grace Kelly. Owner, Rebecca B. Jackson.2 POMHAVENS CASA DORA, Breeder, Owner. By CheyennesTimstoppers Buddy Pomhavens Tiger Lily. Owner,Colleen P. Beland.3 SERAFINAS CRY ME A RIVER, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Serafinas Luc Lessard Ch. Serafinas Torch Song. Owner, Margaret R.Nance.4 DREAMWEAVERS CREME BRULEE, Breeder, Michael Wells Linda Pelz. By Ch. Desert Thunder of Lennette Letitia of Lennette. Owner, Elizabeth Michael Wells Linda Pelz.American-bred, Bitches1 GEEBEARS DREAMIN OF RED N BLACK, Breeder, Gina Williams Lisa Goodman Linda Pelz. By Nans Echo In The Wind Rubys Dreamin of Black Gold. Owner, Cheryl Kerr.Open, Red, Orange, Cream Sable, Bitches 1 CHARS BRAND NEW GIRL FRIEND, Breeder, Owner. By Finchs Havin A Blond Moment Ch. Finchs Nicely Packaged Deal. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.2 CUDDLE INNS FASHIONABLY LATE, Breeder, Donna Smith. By Ch. Heartlands Knight N Day Sundowns An Eye For Fashion. Owner, Camilla Knight.3 CHARS TELL ME A STORY, Breeder, Owner. By Soldier of Fortune of Haase Ch. Finchs Chars Walk This Way. Owner,Charlotte Meyer4 PINECRESTS PRIVATE EYE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Pinecrest Smoke and Fury Ch. Pinecrests Shimmer. Owner, Catherine Paige Bolahood.Open, Black, Brown Blue, Bitches1 SIGNATURESWEEPAWSREMEMBRANCEOFAMIDNIGHT,Breeder, Gary Mullinax Karen Brooks. By LA-Normandie Ice Man Cody Boy Wee Paws Silk Stalkings. Owner, Karen Brooks.2 HORIZONS A FLY ON THE WALL, Breeder, Laurie Otis. By Witt-Elies Shoot To Thrill NAJ Ch. Horizons Wishful Thinking. Owner, Carol R. Leemhuis.3 CHARS SUPER MODEL PARTI, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Finchs Rockin Parti Chars Parti Illusion. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.4 CHARS I BELIEVE, Breeder, Charlotte Meyer. By Ch. Chars Strike N Gold Ch. Chars Walk N A Winnin Way. Owner, Gail Bertrand Charlotte Meyer.Open, Any Other Allowed Color, Bitches1 HI STYLES FANCY PANTS, Breeder, Carolyn Carge Diane Finch. By Ch. Mountain Crest Traveling Man Ch. Finchs Outa Sight Sweetness. Owner, Elena Turbina.2 PAUGH PRINTS MOONLIGHT MAGIC, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Moretoys Takn Care of Business Paugh Prints Dark Mistress. Owner, Sherri Alspaugh.3 CHARS FANCY THAT, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Chars I Wanna Talk About Me Ch. Chars Wild and Free. Owner, Charlotte Meyer.4 FAYRWYNES WE CAN AND WILL, Breeder, Owner. By Deness Trey At Pullimans Paradise Ray-Joys Painted Princess. Owner,Heidi C. Torrey.Winners BitchCHARS BRAND NEW GIRL FRIENDReserveHICKORY BENDS CAMILLAVeteran Class 6 to 9, Dogs1 CH. OAKROSE ONE FOR THE MONEY, Breeder, Joan Rose. By Foxworth Frontier Spirit Cinnakees Serenity. Owner, Joan Rose Gail Stewart.2 CH. SUNDOWNS KEEGAN XAVIER,. Breeder, Camilla Knight. By Ch. Sundowns Little Casino Ch. Janesas Southern Sundown. Owner, Camilla Knight.3 CH. KALOS ROCK N MUSIC CITY, Breeder, Owner. By Marbils Rock N Chicago Kalos Sparkling Gemstone. Owner, Carolyn G. Brandenburg.4 CH. IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM, Breeder, Owner. By Ch.Idlewynd Tourmaline Ch. Idlewynd Piper of Lenette. Owner,Margaret R. McKee.Veteran Class 9 and older, Dogs1 CH. GOLDKIST ROCKIN KNIGHT, Breeder, Beverly Bottoms. By Ch. Fame Chip of The Great Rock Whid-Dons Knighting Gail. Owner, Barbara Meyer.60 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewVeteran Class 6 to 9, Bitches1 CH. DARLINS BIRTHDAY WISH, Breeder, Laurie Otis Donna J. Machniak. By Ch. Jan-Shars Topsy Turvy Ch. Heartlands Precious Gift. Owner, Laurie Otis.2 CH. CASCADE-LACUEVA PANACHES TINKER, Breeder, Doris Wheeler. By Ch. Lacuevas Peppered Palomino Cascade Bev-Nor Black Velvet. Owner, Laura B. Meineke.Veteran Class 9 to 12, Bitches1 CH. BAR-JONS RAVE REVUE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Sun-Dots Command Performance Bar-Jons Summer Revue. Owner, Barbara Messmer.Best of Breed CH. VELOCITYS SHAKE UR BON BON, Breeder, D. Yona. By Ch. Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance Velocitys Simply Stunning. Dog. Owner, Margo Koga.Best of Winners FOXWORTH FAIR PLAY Best of Opposite Sex CH. REIGNINGS U WISH U WERE MIA, Breeder, Owners. By Ch. Babydolls Buckle Up Ur Genes Debonaires Cubby Bear. Bitch. Owner, Gail Bill Bertrand.AOMCH. OAKROSE ONE FOR THE MONEY, Breeder, Joan Rose. By Foxworth Frontier Spirit- Cinnakees Serenity. Owner, Joan Rose Gail Stewart.CH. MOUNTAIN CREST U DONT OWN ME, Breeder, David Carlene Gilstrap. By Ch. Damascusroad Dream Buster - Mountain Crest Just Perfect. Dog. Owner, David Carlene Gilstrip Ann Parman,CH. CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLA, Breeder, R. C. Solano L. Drew. ByCh. Rain Trees Tuff-E-Nuff Ch. CR Classic Attitude. Dog. Owner, R. M. Smith C. R. Salano P. Pongsak.CH. STARLIGHTS SMILE FROM SIAM, Breeder, Suradej Ekviriyakit. By Starlights Dream Comes True Windmist Copa Cobana. Dog. Owner,Louie Chan.CH. DOGGY PINKS DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER, Breeder, Somsak Kitcharoenpaisal. By Sunterra Style Stepper Ch. Finchs Tailored To Win. Bitch. Owner, Runchana Lertsirisumpun.Best PuppyFOXWORTH FAIR PLAY Best Bred-by-Exhibitor SPRINGWOODS TOP OF THE ROCKBest Veteran CH. OAKROSE ONE FOR THE MONEY, Breeder, Joan Rose. By Foxworth Frontier Spirit-Cinnakees Serenity. Owner, Joan Rose Gail Stewart.Best of Opposite Sex to Best Veteran CH. DARLINS BIRTHDAY WISH, Breeder, Laurie Otis Donna J. Machniak. By Ch. Jan-Shars Topsy Turvy Ch. Heartlands Precious Gift. Owner, Laurie Otis.Brood Bitch Class1 CH. GLEN IRIS CASTLE IN THE SKY, Breeder, Cheryl Jackson. By Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock-Thistle Magic Kira of Glen Iris. Owner, Geno Sisneros Cheryl Jackson Larry Myers Isabel Taylor.Brace Class1 SUGARLAMBS NEXT TOP MODEL, Breeder, Lee-Ann Lambert. By Ch. Pomhavens II Divo Daystar Lifes Little Pleasure. Bitch. Owner,Nathalie Belanger Lee-Ann Lambert.1 SUGARLAMBS RU PAYING ATTENTION, Breeder, Lee-Ann Lambert. By Ch. Pomhavens II Divo Pomhavens Dont Talk Back. Bitch. Owner, Nathalie Belanger.JUNIOR SHOWMANSHIP COMPETITIONOPEN SR. 15-18 CUSS1 WYNDLOR TISHA DARU DORIGHT, Breeder, P. Dieball B.Sabourin. By Ch. Heartlands Bosa Nova Dancer-Ch. Wyndlor Daisy Doright. Bitch. Owner, Becky Sabourine Stephanie Hentschel. Jr. Handler Stephanie Hentschel 73601236001.Best Junior Handler Stephanie HentschelOBEDIENCE TRIAL CLASSES Judge Mrs. Paula P. BarrasNOVICE CUSS BJudge Mrs. Paula P. Barras1 Score198 NB70 ROYAL TEE BALL OFIRE,CD, Breeder, A.Blocker. By Ch. Royal Tee Tucker of Lenette Royal Tees Keesha. Dog. Owner, Thomas Karen Kelly.2 Score194.5 NB74 CH. SUNDOWN N JANESSAS PERFECTION,RN, Breeder, Camilla Knight. By Ch. Sundowns Hide N Zeke.CD Darlins Love Me Love Me Not. Dog. Owner, Rochelle Fugate.3 Score192 NB72 BEAU JAMESFAE JOYOUSMERIT,RN,MX,AXJ, Breeder, Cynthia Wallen. By Underwoods Andy Pandy Beau James Ebony Tradition. Bitch. Owner, Chris Ellicott.4 Score191 NB71 CH. DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE,RN,CD,Breeder, H. Webster, Jr. By Ch. Dhcrew Ruff-N-Ready Ch. Dhcrew Elizabethan Agenda. Dog. Owner, Cindy Onosko.OPEN CLASS A1 Score 189 OA134 LITTLE MISS TURBO,CD,MX,MXJ,NAP,NJP,Breeder, J. Rentschler. By Ebanezer Sneezer - Rebtschlers Little Reese. Bitch. Owner, Mona L. Gitter.Highest Scoring Dog In Regular Classes ROYAL TEE BALL OFIRE, CDGRADUATE NOVICENQ GN501 SUNDOWNS MY TREND IS JANESA,CD,RA, Breeder, Camilla Knight. By Ch. Janesas N Jan-shars Chance Ch. Janesas Traditional Trend,CD. Bitch. Owner, Rochelle Fugate.VETERANS1 Score188.5 V530 IDLYWYND CAMEO,CD,RA, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Twin Pines Chico Idlewyld Rich Mans Gold. Bitch. Owner,Margaret R. McKee.2 Score188 V531 CH. DHCREW ROCK-N-RUMBLE,RN,CD, Breeder, H. Webster, Jr. By Ch. Dhcrew Ruff-N-Ready Ch. Dhcrew Elizabethan Agenda. Dog. Owner, Cindy Onosko.BRACE1 Score 392.5 803 CH. SUNDOWN N JANESSAS PERFECTION,RN, Breeder, Camilla Knight. By Ch. Sundowns Hide N Zeke,CD Darlins Love Me Love Me Not. Dog. Owner, Rochelle Fugate.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 612009 APC NATIONAL DVD ORDER FORM DVD 1Puppy Veteran Sweeps Junior Showmanship 20.00 each plus shipping DVD 2Winners Dog Winners Bitch Best of Breed 25.00 plus shipping DVD 3Top Twenty10.00 each plus shipping SHIPPINGUSPS 3.00 Foreign 8.00 FULL SETAll Three DVDs 55.00 plus shipping USPS 4.00, Foreign 10.00APC National Results Continued7YAX1 Score 392.5 804 SUNDOWNS MY TREND IS JANESA,CD,RA, Breeder, Camilla Knight. By Ch. Janesas N Jan-shars Chance- Ch. Janesas Traditional Trend,CD. Bitch. Owner,Rochelle Fugate.RALLY TRIAL CLASSES Judge Mrs. Paula P. BarrasRALLY NOVICE A1 Score99 RC5 JANESAS ROTTEN TO THE CORE, Breeder, Jerrie Freia. By Janesas Got A Tiger By The Tail- Sundowns My Trend Is Janesa,CD,RN. Bitch. Owner, Heather Saidler.2 Score94 RC8 JAN LES WIL-HE OR WONT HE, Breeder, Jane Lehtinen. By Jan Les A Time Will Come- Jan Les Just Dashit. Dog. Owner, Del Caro Mehlaff.3 Score85 RC6 KAMALAS IM NOT ONE OF THE BOYS,Breeder, Kathy Launderville. By Linetrees Dont B A Hero At Kamala - Kamalas Little Red Fireball. Bitch. Owner, Kathy Katelyn Launderville.4 Score78 RC7 CH. DESERT THUNDER OF LENETTE,Breeder, Ken Griffith. By Ch. Sourwoods Rambling Thunder - Macks Rambling Gypsy. Dog. Owner, Michael Wells Linda Pelz.RALLY ADVANCED A1 Score99 RE200 CH. ECO N SUNDOWNS CELIBRATION,Breeder, Elizabeth Cockrill Camilla Knight. By Heartlands Knight N Day- Ch. Sundowns Cmon Gimme A Chance. Bitch. Owner, Camilla Knight.2 Score96 RE201 ALI-MAES READY TO ROCK CINMAR,Breeder, Kelly Brandon Nichols. By Ch. DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble,RN,CD - Leaping Lizards of Lenette. Dog. Owner,Cindy Onosko.NAMESTREET ADDRESSADDITIONAL ADDRESSCITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE PHONJF NI JMRF.R F-MAIT ADDRFNRMail toThe American Pomeranian Club Erika Moureau32110 Patty's Landing Magnolia, TX 77354RALLY NOVICE B1 Score86 RK600 MALASHELS INCREDIBLE IRRESISTABLE, CD RAE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Casess Carbon Copy - Ch. Subers Indy Nile DMalashel, RN. Bitch. Owner, Elaine Wishnow.2 Score85 RK601 GREAT RIVERS MEG RULES MALASHEL, CD, RAE, Breeder, Owner. By Great Rivers Paint The Town - Prices Choc Smores Cookie. Bitch. Owner, Elaine Wishnow.RALLY ADVANCED B1 Score 93 RQ900 MALASHELS INCREDIBLE IRRESISTABLE, CD RAE, Breeder, Owner. By Ch. Casess Carbon Copy - Ch. Subers Indy Nile DMalashel, RN. Bitch. Owner, Elaine Wishnow.2 Score 91 RQ901 GREAT RIVERS MEG RULES MALASHEL, CD, RAE, Breeder, Owner. By Great Rivers Paint The Town - Prices Choc Smores Cookie. Bitch. Owner, Elaine Wishnow.3 NQ RQ902 SUNDOWNS MY TREND IS JANESA,CD,RA, Breeder, Camilla Knight. By Ch. Janesas N Jan-shars Chance - Ch. Janesas Traditional Trend,CD. Bitch. Owner, Rochelle Fugate.62 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBSweepstakes - Betsy Owens Louisville, Kentucky March 9, 2009a1r-i-.VTyAGRAND-C'SWEEPSTAKESl VSPECIALTYATIONALimmmLPHOTOGRAPHDMASAMARCH 2009r.\\\\KA 4i.[APHRODITES TOPO GIGIOf-Sff _ST OPPOSITE I .-''VBEST IN SWEEPSTAKESJUNIORSWEEPSTAKES ATIONAL SPECIALTY .JUNIORNATIONAL SPECIALTYW\I'J4 HOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYMARCH 9 . 2009HOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYMARCH 9 . 2009ANIMATIONS DRAGON FANCY A MAGIC POMS.THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYMARCH 9 . 2009V'-VETERAN BEST IN SWEEPSTAKES ATIONAL SPECIALTYAPRICOT SWEET BONBON MAGIC POMS^7 3' jL.T i^ BEST OPPOSITEVETERAN JSWEEPSTAKESATIONAL SPECIALTYFHOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY.MARCH 9 . 2009CH DARLINS BIRTHDAY WISHMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 63Illi9Mmm r146,mKA 4\ mMr-' 4se ' 7 iKSLT ivm- IS1k Ji -ICs.VicV -rr.1- -. --'VIkAAPC NATIONAL MARCH 9- 11, 2009 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKYV mV vAt5EW m mmm .... 3SV-s\3F4ras aeam-z\XTv5m-kBIS aN eSJi m-- - - rrjS-- tB4Si-WjiaMWas A'J i-Or- V 1 r' - v nmrSri- jKSs aazag 8Msss,m miHV s.Sy-v. 3eel ,iT0 1y-i4 'I BJ _rWwas -A 'a\ iA wi a- ,'aA ft lw im4aHImummwmM'AcK, ^3LrTV1v -.1m.VA,7ajr-\ft1^ asr mJ rftl3fc5me- m33 ii-sr M -A.\i v vyz w- z^mmM3m netriodfc'rPHOTOS BY THOMAS PHOTOGRAPHY, BECKY JOHNSON, BRENDA SEGELKEN BONNIE HARRIS i. 8 im x1 ImIM r M ft1 vXVn3 - _AThe Third American Pomeranian ClubChristine Creasey Chair Top TwentyThe colors were blue, silver and white.The Mistress of Ceremonies was Deena Simon.It was an honor to have as our handler judge, Nadine Hersil, our breeder judge Olga Baker and our judge judge Fred Bassett.This year, thirteen out twenty showed.Ch Chars Bringin Sexy Back Ch Cr Tuff Guy of Isabella Ch Delpoms Sir Nicholas of Lenette Ch Golden Stars Terminator Ch Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown Ch Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson Ch Kalos Rock N Music CityCh Lil Behrs Honey Nut Cheerio Ch Majesties Artistic Impression Ch Mountain Crest U Dont Own Me Ch Oakrose HighN Mighty Ch Pufpride Somewhere in Time Ch Velocitys Shake Ur Bon BonThe dogs were shown in alphabetical order so the judges would have no knowledge of their placements.The Peoples choice award was given to Ch Cr Tuff Guy of Isabella.The Top Twenty Winner was given to Ch Oakrose HighN Mighty.Thanking people always seems so inadequate. But, I do wish to thank the 13 dogs and their ownersbreeders handlers whom without this show would of course not take place.My three judges. You brought your vast knowledge of the breed to the table and I cannot thank you enough. It was an honor to have you there.Deena Simon, you were perfect and I thank you for your hard work keeping everyone in the waiting room informed and everyone out front entertained. Thank you. Lisa Aiello your design of the catalogue was the perfect touch. Thank you so much. And to Jackie, Joan, Betsy, Brenda, Jan, George, Amy and anyone else I have forgotten, thanks so much.While the event itself went smoothly, although late. I took notes on how to make it run much smoother at the door next year. And some new ideas. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.S3"-TAmerican Pomeranian ClubJudges Fred Bassett, Nadine Hersil, Olga BakerPeoples Choice Award Ch Cr Tuff Guy of Isabella2009 TOP 20 WINNERI^ .Ui. _TOTTWENTY 200 qn5^HOMAS PHOTOGRAPHYNonn80hoIo3Uhiltnll cm m]Ll3CH. OAKROS N MIGHTYI NT ' y i .[--Jf. . i HVL.- f1 -^ I l' i r-1 ' 2 5iiMJLLiJLKanass-7' 1 -,v1 W \Jr . ' V . j.iiL-Vflnf . akmAfiAWays MeansAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.GreetingsIt is hard to believe that our National Specialty has come and gone. For all who could not attend, you missed a truly quality event. The new location proved to be very nice with plenty of room for all. Thanks to Greg and his team for all the hard work in setting up the ballroom. The Ways and Means booth is always configured and located just rightDonna RiehmWe had some fantastic donations and the items were of such a variety that there was something that would appeal to most everyone.A huge thanks goes to Brenda Segelken, who once again provided us with beautiful Specialty apparel. You just cant beat candy apple red with black. And, I have to add a second thank you to Brenda, as it was her logo art, as she had won for the year 2009.Check our website as we had T-shirts, Sweatshirts and Hoodies left and are now available there for purchase.Thanks to Marilyn Heestand, my right hand and partner who goes out of her way to ensure the Ways and Means booth is as successful as it can be. She is there before the opening anthem to the last ribbon given. Thanks so much MarilynAlso, the banquet auction would NOT be the same without our fantastic auctioneer Mr. Bob Fiddick. He makes the event so enjoyable. I found myself bidding on several items just because he made it sound like something I had to have. He truly helps the club so much as our auctioneer. And when Bob comes to Specialty Juanita always brings fantastic donations and wonderful homemade goodies for the Ways and Means booth. Thanks to you both, it is always a joy to see you at Specialty.I could not close this article without expressing once again to everyone, Brenda Segelken especially. The Anniversary Issue was over the top fantastic. If any of you have not purchased one you need to or you will be so sorry not to have this issue.AND, I would like to add that Brenda and the Review booth made OVER 6300.00 during the Specialty event.72 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewThat will go a long way in support of our club. Thanks Brenda and the Review teamThis is the recap of what your donations and purchases made for our Club and in support of our wonderful PomeraniansWays Means Booth sales Banquet AuctionTotal4723.002624.007347,00Never underestimate the importance of what you donate in support of the APC. It is one of our main lifelines in raising the funds to be able to provide you with a quality and fun filled National Specialty.Thanks to all,Donna Riehm,APC Ways and MeansRut Ci Fsi202009C.t0Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2009 and ending December 31, 2009For Events Processed Through Tuesday, March 10,2009TotalRank Name Sex BOB Defeated1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon BonOwner M Koga D 28 4332 CH Chars Bringin Sexy BackOwners C MeyerD 15 2335 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of IsabellaOwners R Solano C Solano R Smith M Smith D 17 2264 CH Castiles Endless LoveOwners G SisnerosC GatewoodD 9 1205 CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own MeOwners D Gils trap, C GilstrapD 8 966 Starlights Smile From SiamOwners S Ekviriyakit L Chan, A ChanD 7 927 CH Starfires Dbl TroubleOwners G AmoldW AmoldD FlaataD 4 918 CH Golden Stars TerminatorOwner A SanehmahakulD 4 599 CH Pufpride Somewhere In TimeOwners L BeardV DimickD 4 5210 CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of LenetteOwner L DelpD 3 4911 CH Foxworth Five Card StudOwners P DodsworthL FoxD 8 4612 CH Woodroses Causin A CommotionOwners C OganekuYOganekuD 4 4513 CH Nobles LL Engine That CouldOwners V Smidt N InglettD 3 4114 CH Dreamweavers Rockin RobinOwner L PelsD 2 3714 CH Majestics You DonT Know JackOwners A RisterC CreedB TumerT TumerSBemeyD 3716 CH Starfires Latin DancerOwners F StollD RiehmD 1 3517 CH Belstars Sweet Lil GuyOwners 1 StoffersC NelsonD 2 3218 CH Jan-Shars Elementary My Dear Watson DOwners H SklarS Hanson 1 3019 CH Reignings U Wish U Were MiaOwners G BertrandB BertrandB 1 2919 CH Sirius Another Chance At EaglecreekOwner N FetterAPC Member denoted by D 1 29Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using All Breed TotalsStarting January 1, 2009 and ending December 31, 2009 For Events Processed Through Tuesday, March 10,2009TotalRank Name Sex BIS I n III IV Defeated1 CH Velocitys Shake Ur Bon BonOwner M Koga D 3 13 6 0 6 6,3532 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of IsabellaOwners R Solano C Solano , R Smith M Smith D 0 1 4 2 4 2,4823 CH Chars Bringin Sexy BackOwners C MeyerD 0 1 2 1 1 8574 CH Mountain Crest U DonT Own MeOwners D Gilstrap C GiktrapD 0 1 1 0 2 7055 CH Castiles Endless LoveOwners G SisnerosC GatewoodD 0 0 0 0 2 3666 CH Woodroses Causin A CommotionOwners C OganekuYOganekuD 1 1 2 0 1 3507 CH Golden Stars TerminatorOwner A SanehmahakulD 0 0 0 1 1 3268 CH Mountain CrestelusivefreespiritOwner E PavigliantiB 0 0 1 0 0 2359 Starfires Kiss Me BigOwners FArienti J Cabrera NRobertsD 0 1 0 0 0 22010 Gucci Powderpuff Ala MaybellineOwner M GoucherE SmithB 0 0 0 0 1 21611 CH Pufpride Somewhere In TimeOwners L BeardV DimickD 0 0 0 0 1 19012 CH Delpoms Sir Nicholas Of LenetteOwner LDelpD 0 0 1 0 0 18613 Starlights Smile From SiamOwners S Ekviriyakit, L Chan, A ChanD 0 1 0 0 0 17814 CH Sincitys IM A Tuff Little DemonOwner MArvanitesD 0 0 1 0 0 16315 Bravos Traveling In StyleOwners K NowlandD 0 0 0 0 1 15216 CH Foxworth Five Card StudOwners P DodsworthLFoxD 0 0 0 1 0 14717 CH Howlene Teahra Dolce MetaOwners A OtaguroHMillerR WatanabeB 0 0 2 0 0 13018 Rhynstone Fools GoldOwners J UrbanD 0 0 0 0 1 12419 CH Whiteharbors Dubbed DesparadoOwners S LedfordV J LedfordD 0 1 0 0 0 12020 CH Nobles LL Engine That CouldOwners V SmidtNInglettD 0 0 0 1 0 117APC Member denoted by C op CmExlntutor, Pretiier, anti Junior ibltotomanMupmlmJanuary 1, 2009Joan BehrendTop Ten Exhibitors, Breeders, Sires, and Dams through February 28, 2009 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors3 Nina Fetter2 Diane F Finch2 Pat Dieball2 Sharon Hanson2 Barbara Moore2 Erika PaviglianiTop Sires2 CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It UpTop Breeders3 Diane F Finch2 Nina Fetter2 Pat Dieball2 Sharon HansonTop DamsNone with more than 1 titled getTop Junior HandlersAs reported by BestJunior.comRebecca Silverberg 28Stephanie Hentschel 25Hope Gould 17Karinina Bailey 12Amanda Seitzer 8Feslie Sullivan 4Camille Muir 3Tiffany Ploss 2Madison Paulus 1Rebecca Silverberg is currently ranked 13th and Stephanie Hentschel is currently ranked 15rh in the Toy Group.The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.J^eto CfjamptonsJanuary 2009 ChampionsCH Aljens Ichi Of Lenette D CH Magic Touch Of Lenette x CH Amber Glow Of Lenette. Owned by Kathy Launderville. Bred by K G Griffith.CH Cardinal Hill Anniversary Surprise B CH Texstar Dualin For Me x Cardinal Hill Sara Sunshine. Owned by Dawn Freeman. Bred by Dawn Freeman.CH Chars Cravin For A Parti D Finchs N Chars Parti Fudge x Chars Rockin Mocha Parti. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Chelanes Bringin Home The Bacon D CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up x Apt To B Alice In Wonderland. Owned by Elaine Waugh Nina Fetter. Bred by Elaine Waugh.CH Chriscendo Call For Rain B CH Chriscendo Call To Arms x Chriscendo Cloudy Image. Owned by Elena Turbina. Bred by Christine Heartz.CH Damascusroad Deepsea Elite D CH Chriscendo Coldplay x Damascusroads Lady Eleanor. Owned by Barbara Moore. Bred by Beverley Carter.CH Finchs Cut To The Chase D CH Finchs See Me Cornin x CH Damascusroad Dream Of Sarasota. Owned by Carole Moore Diane L Finch Scotty Moore. Bred by Diane L Finch. CH Finchs Lethal WeaponCoIite D CH Finchs A Noble Tradition x Finchs Blond Beauty. Owned by Tambra White. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Patriots Candy Man D CH Patriots Tucked In A Cloud x Patriots Keepsake Jewel Of Troy. Owned by Joanne E Rusk. Bred by Joanne E Rusk.CH Robcarys Gabriella B CH Mt Crest At Springwood x Starfires Robcary U Glowgirl.Owned by Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher. Bred by Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher.CH Sirius Another Chance At Eaglecreek D CH Eagle Creeks Hamin It Up x Siriuss Peaches N Cream. Owned by Nina Fetter. Bred by Nina Fetter.CH Siriuss Bubbling Champagne B CH Sirius Its Sable Adam x CH Darlinsumthintotalkabutsirius. Owned by Nina Fetter. Bred by Nina Fetter Dorothy Ashbey.CH Tishas YouRe Still The One B CH Tishas Raisin-A-Rukus x CH Tishas Mystique. Owned by Fred Pat Dieball. Bred by Fred Pat Dieball.CH Whiteharbors Dubbed Desparado D CH Paradise Valley Deputy Marshall x Promises Chance To Charm Ya. Owned by Susette Ledford Jerome Ledford. Bred by Susette Ledford Jerome Ledford.There was an error in the 2008 Top Dam Award reporting CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo had four titled get this year instead of the reported three, tying her for Top Dam for 2008. Congratulations to Zeekas owner Carol Leehmuis and apologies for the error. Her titlists areCH Carleez On The Catwalk CH Carleez Boom Boom Boom MX MXJ CH Carleez Crowd Pleaser MXJ OJP Carleez Command Performance RN NAJCH CR TUFF GUY OF ISABELLA, owned by R M Smith, C R Solano and P Ponsak, was inadvertently omitted from the Award of Merit 2009 Westminster Kennel Club results in the MarchApril 2009 Pomeranian Review. We apologize for this oversight.iSeto CframptottsFebruary 2009 ChampionsCH Cj-Sonador IM Magic Two D CH Cj-Peep Midnight Magic x Peeps I Love Lucy. Owned by Julia Smith Betsy Owens. Bred by Julia Smith Betsy Owens.CH Cr Point Taken D CH Starlights Fun Time x Rubys-Designs Tailormaid. Owned by Robert Solano Celeste Solano Deena Simon. Bred by Robert Solano Celeste Solano Deena Simon.CH Daystar Lifes Little Pleasures B CH Ksudas Major Expectation x Lyndor DonT Tie Me In A Knot. Owned by Lee-Ann Lambert. Bred by Jackie Sampson Karen Power.CH Exotic Rare Lily Of Ali-Mae B Exotic Raren To Go x Exotic LitN Maiden. Owned by Kelly Tracy Woods. Bred by Molly Mcdaniel Judy K Stone.CH Finchs Sweet Talkin Parti B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Bet I Can Parti. Owned by Carol Silverberg Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Her Majestys O No You Didunt B CH Damascusroad Dream Buster x Her Majestys Princess Victoria. Owned by Randy Houston Charles Whittemore. Bred by Randy Houston Charles Whittemore.CH Horizons A Fly On The Wall D Witt-Elles Shoot To Thrill NAJ x CH Horizons Wishful Thinking. Owned by Carol Leemhuis. Bred by Laurie Otis.CH Jan-Shars Bett Your Boots D CH Jan-Shars Its The Real Thing x CH Jan-Shars Miss Congeniality. Owned by Sharon Hanson Elizabeth A Molina. Bred by Sharon Hanson. CH Jan-Shars Flying First Class B CH Cassios Hot Shot x Jan-Shars Warm And Fuzzy. Owned by Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Joaynes Pop The Asti At Panache B Panaches Pop The Cork For Sundown x Thelduns Jesses Jewel. Owned by Joanne Norris Laura Meineke. Bred by Joanne Norris Ken Springer.CH Mabins Simply Scrumptious B CH Moretoys TakN Care Of Business x Mabins Simply Irresistible. Owned by Mrs. Marion Banding Mrs. Barbara J Moore. Bred by Marion Banding.CH Mountain Crestelusivefreespirit B CH Starfires Sexy Santino x CH Mountain Crest Extra Special. Owned by Erika Paviglianti. Bred by David Gilstrap Carlene B Gilstrap.CH Pinecrest Island Boy D Luxys Golden Bug x Pinecrests Shenzi. Owned by Erika Paviglianti William Paviglianti. Bred by Catherine Bolahood.CH Premas Toby Plays My Music D CH Music Maker Of Lenette x CH Clairmonts Angelique. Owned by Sherry Letson. Bred by Sherry Letson.CH Rain Beau N Mi Babe Brotherly Love D CH Rain Beau Vintage Hawaii x Mi Babe Rain Beau Tina. Owned by Babe Mccombs Jean E Cook. Bred by Jean E Cook.CH Tisha Wyndlor Stealin R Hearts D CH Heartlands Bosa Nova Dancer x Wyndlor Threes A Charm. Owned by Pat Dieball. Bred by Pat Dieball Becky Sabourin.CH Trudys Rock My World D Kayras Calif. Dream At Trudys x CH Trudys Club Paris. Owned by Nancy Coddington Robert Coddington. Bred by Nancy Coddington Robert Coddington.The Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.Health GeneticsTOPICS IN NUTRITION Part 2 Geneva Coats, R.N.FATFat is the most concentrated source of energy in the diet, providing nine calories per gram compared with four calories per gram from either carbohy- Geneva Coatsdrates or protein. Studies with sled dogs show that those dogs fed diets highin fat and protein outperform those fed a greater proportion of carbohydrates. Body fat itself serves a useful function fatty layers provide insulation from the cold, provide an energy reserve, and protect the nerve fibers in the body.Fats are part of the structure of the brain and cell membranes. Fat is required for maintenance of healthy skin, for regulation of cholesterol metabolism, and as a precursor of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that regulate many body functions.Fats in the diet are necessary for absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K. Fats improve flavor and payability of food. Fat is more easily digested by dogs than either proteins or carbohydrates.Is too much fat harmful Dogs do not develop atherosclerosis or heart disease from dietary fat as humans do. For overweight dogs, excess calories may be a factor, but it is recommended to feed smaller portions of high quality food including fats, rather than reduce the total percentage of fat in the diet. Fats must be limited for dogs with pancreatitis however, fats do not cause pancreatitis in dogs, they merely aggravate this condition if it is already present. For a healthy dog, fat in the diet is beneficial. Too much dietary fat, however, may result in suboptimal intakes of protein, minerals and vitamins.Bile is produced by the liver, and stored in the gall bladder until needed. Dietary fats are emulsified by bile in the small intestine. Digestive enzymes then break down the fats into glycerol and fatty acids. These components are then absorbed into the bloodstream through the walls of the small intestines. Glycerol a component of fat can be converted into glucose by the liver. If the liver is diseased and not producing sufficient bile, fats are difficult to digest, and fatty stools may result.There are several basic types of fats derived from foods cholesterol, saturated fat, monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. All polyunsaturated fats, including omega-3s and Omega-6s, are considered important fatty acids because they are critical for good health.FATTY ACIDSDogs cannot synthesize certain omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids they must obtain them from their diet. These fatty acids are essential for healthy nerves, skin, coat, kidneys, heart, and to prevent inflammatory disease.Omega-6 fatty acids are widely found in both animal and plant sources such as chicken, pork, beef, and vegetable oils like sunflower oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are less common, and are found in fish, flax seed and marine sources, such as spirulina and blue green algae. A high amount of omega-6 in proportion to Omega-3 promotes inflammation, poor coat, allergies and skin conditions, so it8 Os generally advisable to supplement with a reliable source of omega-3 fatty acids.There are at least eight different types of Omega-3 fatty acids. EPA and DHA are the most valuable. They are necessary for brain and nervous tissue function, and are useful in prevention and treatment of inflammation and allergies. Heart health is supported by DHA and EPA. Studies in humans suggest that diets rich in EPA and DHA are effective in relieving the symptoms of depression and psychosis. The richest sources of DHA and EPA are cold-water fish and their oils, such as salmon, tuna, and mackerel. Aside from fresh seaweed, plant foods rarely contain EPA or DHA.Other sources of Omega-3 fatty acids include plant oils such as flax, canola, soy, hemp, and walnut. The omega-3 derived from these plants is a type known as ALA. The problem is that ALA is inactive. It must be converted by the body with special enzymes into the useful forms of DHA and EPA. Dogs cannot do this conversion reliably and as they age, they become even less efficient at converting ALA. Unconverted ALA performs more like Omega-6 fatty acids in the body, and can potentially provoke inflammation and allergies.Many commercial dog foods manufacturers rely primarily on soy, flax or flaxseed oil as their primary source of omega- 3 fatty acids, due to its low cost. Flax and soy also contain high levels of phytoestrogens, chemicals which can substitute for estrogen in the body. This can potentially affect hormone balance. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a commercial dog food that includes fish oil instead of flaxseed oil or soybean oil.SALMON and FISH OILYou may have heard the saying that fish is brain food. This is one old wives tale with a basis in scientific fact. Fish, fish oils and marine greens contain the essential omega-3 fatty acid DHA, which is a component of brain, eye and nerve tissue. Salmon oil or fish oil is something that you should definitely consider adding to your dogs diet. The essential fatty acids these oils contain are not found in most other foods. Intake of the Omega-3 fatty acid DHA is particularly valuable during pregnancy, because it is a key component of neural development.Interestingly enough, in nature, fish themselves do not produce omega-3 fatty acids. They obtain them from their diet of algae, plankton and smaller sea life. Farm-raised fish are usually fed a diet of grains, not a natural diet of sea life. This means that farm-raised fish are not as rich a source of omega-3 fatty acids as wild-caught fish. Wild salmon have red-pink flesh. Farm-raised salmon dont obtain the same micronutrients in their diet as wild salmon. Their flesh is not pink, and farmers must use artificial dyes to give them a pink color When checking labels, look for salmon oil from fish that are wild-caught, not farm-raised.Before modern farming methods came into practice, foods used to contain more EPA and DHA than they do today. Beef in modern feedlots are raised on corn and grains, and dont contain any ALA or DHA. Grass-fed beef, bison, venison and other wild game will contain small measurable levels of DHA and EPA, but these levels are much lower than those in fish - 35 mg per serving compared to 1400 mg per serving of fish.One concern with fish oil is that fish may contain high levels of mercury, PCB, dioxins and other environmental contaminants. Wild caught salmon contain lower levels of these chemicals than farm-raised salmon. If the label doesnt say wild salmon, it is probably farm-raised. Mercury contamination is mostly a concern in larger fish, such as tuna, swordfish and king mackerel. Salmon, jack mackerel and sardines are all low in mercury. Also, the contaminants remain primarily in the flesh, and not the pressed oils.Pharmaceutical grade fish oil capsules can also be used if contamination is a concern. Serve the whole capsule, or you can poke a hole in it with a pin and squeeze the fish oil over the rest of the meal. Testing that has been done on avariety of fish oil supplements by Consumer Reports and found no traces of mercury, PCBs, or dioxins. Almost all brands regardless of price were reliable in the amount of Omega-3s they contained and were found to be fresh.EPA and DHAare easily destroyed by light, heat and oxygen, so fish oil capsules may be the better choice over fish oil jars with pumps available at pet stores. Whichever form you buy, store in the refrigerator until used. It is best to add these supplements immediately prior to feeding.Sardines can be used to replace fish oil supplements one small sardine has over 100 mg of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. Cod liver oil is not as valuable as other fish oils, because it is lower in omega-3s. Since it is derived from liver, it is very high in vitamins A and D. Excesses of Vitamin A and D are not beneficial and can actually be toxic, so cod liver oil should be used sparingly.Many kibbles include fishmeal. Oil is extracted from the fish before it is processed and dried into a meal. Processing and lack of beneficial oils means that foods made with fishmeals will not provide the same nutritional benefits as feeding fresh fish and their oils. Another concern is the fact that all fishmeals are required by the US Coast Guard to be preserved with ethoxyquin at their point of origin. This ethoxyquin is not required to be listed on the dog food label, since it was added to the fishmeal prior to its arrival at the production plant. The long-term health effects of ethoxyquin and other artificial chemical preservatives are largely unknown.VITAMIN EVitamin E was first identified in the lab in 1936. Its presence in the diet was found necessary for rats to maintain pregnancy therefore Vitamin E is also called tocopherol derived from a Greek phrase meaning to carry a pregnancy. Vitamin E is an essential fat-soluble vitamin. It protects cell membranes from the damage caused by oxygen free radicals and the products of fat metabolism.A diet high in fish oil also requires additional Vitamin E. Vitamin E is quickly depleted in the metabolism of omega-3 fatty acids. In the early 1960s, it was noted that cats fed large amounts of canned tuna were becoming ill. This happened because canned tuna isa rich source of essential fatty acids, but is deficient in Vitamin E. The cats developed a condition called steatitis or yellow fat disease. This is characterized by abnormal waxy fatty deposits. Other symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are hemolytic anemia, poor nerve conduction, muscle weakness and damage to the retina of the eye.Therefore, when adding fish oil or salmon oil to the diet, you will also need to add a good source of Vitamin E. Some natural sources rich in Vitamin E are wheat germ, eggs, spinach, broccoli, romaine, and various nuts and seeds. These foods also contain the mineral selenium, which is needed along with vitamin E.Vitamin E can also be added to food as a supplement. When shopping for a Vitamin E supplement, look for a source that states it contains natural Vitamin E, or d-alpha tocopherol. The supplement dl-alpha tocopherol is a synthetic form of Vitamin E that is manufactured from petroleum oil. There are other forms of vitamin E such as delta, beta and gamma tocopherols. A supplement that contains natural, mixed tocopherols is the best choice. A small dog should receive Vitamin E, 50-100 IU at least three times a week.These Vitamin E supplements are usually derived from soy. If your dog is allergic to soy, look for a cold-water dispersible or dry vitamin E. It is more expensive than vitamin E derived from soy, but is also more readily absorbed.Some commercial kibbles include Vitamin E as a preservative, since it has potent antioxidant properties. The amounts used are relatively small and are rapidly depleted by oxidation as the food sits on the shelf. Vitamin E is swiftly destroyed by heat, light and air, so it should be added to the food at the end of preparation. Vitamin E is considered nontoxic, but in high doses may prolong blood clotting.In the next issue, we will learn about carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables, prebiotics, and supplements. See you next time Topics in Nutrition Part 3 will appear in the JulyAugust Pomeranian Review.HeapGeneticsmGuest Writer Mary AllenGENETICS - PART FIVE - GETTING IT TOGETHERContinued from JanuaryFebruary Pomeranian ReviewThings that make you go Hmmmmm.......Q Why do you want to raise PomeraniansA To improve the Breed.There are probably no more than half a dozen people in any given Breed that, through the excellence of their breeding programs, have actually improved that Breed overall. The influence of their dedication is still being felt. The rest of us would do well to simply do no harm.Over the last few pages we have learned lots of facts. But facts, without a frame of reference, are not much use. As Breeders our frames of reference are our dogs. Every breeding should be made with the most careful consideration of what we want and how we are likely to produce it. The three basic systems are inbreeding, line breeding and outcrossing.InbreedingThis is generally defined as the mating of closely related animals brother to sister, father to daughter, mother to son, or half-brother to half-sister. Some people also consider grandparent to grandchild, uncle to niece, aunt to nephew and cousin to cousin as inbreeding, whereas others view these as linebreeding. Inbreeding is undoubtedly the fastest way to achieve maximum homozygosity, but it is very much a double- edged sword. You will double up on bad as well as good alleles. Faults you did not know you had - or wished you didnt - will appear with far greater frequency than with a less intense system. There is frequently an increase in infant mortality if a strong inbreeding program is followed, sometimes with a reduction in litter size. What inbreeding will NOT do is create these faults and problems they were there all along, just waiting for an opportunity to surface. It should go without saying that animals that are to be inbred should be of the very highest quality, with absolutely NO major faults and a goodly number of major virtues.LinebreedingThis is the mating of two animals that share common ancestors within usually five generations. It is undertakenin order to concentrate the genes of one or more outstanding predecessors and many prefer to linebreed rather than inbreed. Whilst this system is generally safer, in that there is less chance of undesirable alleles becoming homozygotic, the same holds true for desirable ones. Progress is made, but at a slower pace. Linebreeding does, however, allow the breeder to work with the desirable genes while giving a breathing space in between the appearance of the recessive faults. Successful linebreeding requires knowledge of the faults as well as the virtues of the revered ancestors - or a severe fault could be locked into a program before any real benefit can be derived.OutcrossingThis is generally considered to be the mating of two animals that do not have any ancestors in common within the last five generations, and could be better described if used frequently as a non-system. The least number of recessive faults will be seen in an outcrossed litter - the so-called hybrid vigor - but this is because many of their genes will be in a heterozygous state. The faults are still there, but masked. This does NOT represent an improvement in the Breed. Few serious breeders utilize outcrossing except to introduce a trait they need into their line. When doing so, of course, they run the risk of reintroducing faults they had worked long and hard to eliminate.Starting a Breeding ProgramAlmost all breeders will refer to their breeding program. This may mean much or little. If a program consists of no more than matching names in a pedigree, or worse breeding to Ch Current Top Winner that person really has no program at all.A Breeding Program is a Master Plan that starts with the formulation of what to us constitutes perfection. Every breeding we make should then be designed to take us closer to that ideal.The first step has to be the careful and painfully honest evaluation of the bitch. Pretend that she belongs to your worst enemy or greatest rival. Write down every fault, in red ink, in your breeding records. If you arent convinced that you should give up and start over, you havent been honest enough.Now reward yourself - list her virtues. Dont go overboard. Not too bad is NOT a virtue.By looking at these records you can see the strengths and weaknesses with which you will have to work. You now have to decide your priorities which features you need to keep which you have to improve which you would like to improve and which you can live with pro temp. The decisions you make will reflect your own individual preferences. One person will place a premium on a pretty head, another on superb movement, yet another on a glorious coat. As long as care is taken not to lose overall quality whilst fostering a specific feature, no one trait is more important than any other. The only exception to this is vigor. This should always be a high priority - who wants to be associated with a line of weak and sickly dogsOK. You now know what you have and what you want. You will know whether the traits you want to encourage or avoid are dominant or recessive. You have your list of priorities. You will need to concentrate on one major improvement at a time. No dog can be expected to correct several faults all at once. Now is the time to research available studs. This is where the experienced and successful breeders win hands down. They have seen many of the dogs from which the current Top Dogs came. They noticed what specific traits they were associated with, and they will be aware of which crosses worked and which didnt.If you are just starting a breeding program rather than purchasing a male of your own, you would do better to use an outside stud that is of a type and pedigree you admire, and who complements your bitch in both these respects. Nothing hones ones critical faculties better than paying out a fat stud fee Furthermore, that stud fee will be a great deal less than the purchase price of a truly excellent male even if such a paragon would be available for sale to a novice breeder. The male chosen should preferably have sired several litters in which were a good number of top quality puppies these should be old enough to properly assess - some, at least, should be finished or be doing well in the ring. This will not, of itself, guarantee you an outstanding litter, but will at least be an indication of his capabilities when bred compatibly. Do NOT be dazzled by a show record - its his sperm you are purchasing, not his ribbons. A less spectacular dog that has produced several show quality pups from only a few litters is a much better bet all other thingsbeing equal than Ch Big Shot who has produced as many, but has had a far greater number of reproductive opportunities. If you are not lucky enough to have an experienced mentor, you must ask pertinent and sometimes impertinent questions of the studs owners. Some examples areHas he been tested for the genetic problems associated with this Breed Do your research - know what all the problems are, and the tests that are availableWhat were the results of these tests Ask to SEE the results - if the stud owner is dedicated to the Breed, they will be glad to show test results. If they object to your enquiry - run.What are the owners criteria for accepting a bitch Hint ability to pay the stud fee is NOT the correct answer here How many litters has he siredHow many puppies are finished Pointed Show quality Out of what totalWhat were the most common good traits seenWhat were the most common faults seen Yes, he does produce faultsWhat percentage had good bites Good toplines Two testicles plus whatever you need in your programWill he match your bitchs good pointsComplement her shortcomingsMost of these owners will be glad to share information with you - after all, if you use their male it is in their interest for you to have the best litter possible. REMEMBER such information is to help you make a sound breeding decision. It is confidential and not for public consumption.Do not consider only one stud, or only one Breeder. Visit as many people as possible, making appointments to visit in advance. Explain that you are a novice and would like to spend some time there - a Breeder expecting to spend a few minutes with you will not be happy if you then take up half a day. Try to see offspring from every stud you are considering. Remember that the pet quality pups tell you just as much as the exciting show prospects about his capabilities. Remember also that every litter has both Do not dismiss a Breeder who is honest enough to show you the problem children - the next one may have just as many problems, but keep quiet about them. Beware the Breeder who never has any problems at all, or only ever produces show quality. They are either blind or ignorant Ask permission to make a video of the stud and some of his puppies make this request in advance of your visit - it is a rare Breeder that has every dog in show- groom at all times Remember that you are taking up a great deal of the Breeders valuable time, and be prepared for breaks and halts whilst she carries on with necessary routine chores. Take along a notebook and write down the pertinent information on the studs under consideration.On these visits you should have your bitchs pedigree with you, as well as some good photos. If you have been invited to take her along for evaluation be absolutely sure that she is COMPLETELY free of parasites. Most Breeders spend an enormous amount of time, energy and money keeping their dogs and premises parasite free.Eventually you should be armed with an overwhelming amount of information. Now you have to sift through it all, and decide who is Mr. Perfect. Be sure that he does not have a fault in common with your bitch, and that he complements her virtues. Both he and his puppies should appeal to you. You should have confidence in the advice received from his owner as to what you may expect from this breeding. Whew All set. Make the phone call letting the owner know when you expect your bitch to come into season, and asking if there is anything you need to do in the meantime. Be sure you understand the owners policy on receiving the bitch many will not accept a bitch that is already in standing heat, has parasites, is not accompanied by copies of results of required genetic tests, etc. Be clear on when the stud fee is to be paid, and what the owners policy is should the bitch fail to conceive, if she should abort or if the litter should die within a short time of birth. Now check her every single day so that you know EXACTLY when she came in season.It is several months later. You have been fortunate enough to breed your top quality bitch to an excellent male, and you have a litter on the ground. You will, no doubt, be sure that they are all destined to be multi-BIS winners.Unfortunately, most pups look stunning at eight weeks, many that are only moderately well-bred look good at twelve weeks, and a six month old Mega-Star can be very ordinary by the age of one year. Constant vigilance and frequent reassessment is essential if your breeding program is to go forward. If Little Superson starts to show faults you have decided you cant accept, then no matter what other fine qualities he possesses, he is not going to improve your program, and he should have no place in it. If a certain fault crops up time after time, then that is an indication that you need to be ruthless in your efforts to eliminate it. Your intent should be for each generation to be better than the last in all respects. This can only occur if you rigorously assess your goals and your results every single litter.Improvement of the Breed should always be our first priority. As individuals, we may not make a major impression on the Breed as a whole, but our little comer should be the best we can make it. Many Breeds today are plagued with severe faults, several of which could be eliminated, or at least reduced considerably, by careful breeding practices. We are the guardians of our Breeds. Everything we do will have an impact at some time in the future. We are the onesdeciding whether future generations will admire beautiful, sound and healthy specimens or despise our Breed as a genetic mess, with too many problems to be worth bothering with. Anything less than a total commitment to excellence is a betrayal of the Breed we purport to love.Info to put into a boxCoat color is composed of two basic pigments, either eumelanin black or phaeomelanin yellowAlleles known to exist at the 5 genes mapped in dogs using DNA. A agouti agoutio ay fawn cream to yellow to red with darker tips sable some solid black hairs intermingled amongst reddish hairso aw wild color of sable black tips on cream to red hairso a1 black-and-tan or brown-and-tan o a recessive black B browno B black eumelanin o b, including bs,b d,bc brown eumelanin E extensiono EM melanistic masko E eumelanin or phaeomelanin can be produced in hairo e only phaeomelanin produced in hair D dilutes or pales eumelanin pigment to blue, and phaeomelanin subtlyo D not dilutedo d diluted pigmentation K from black, dominant blacko K solid black, brown or blue eumelanin pigmentation onlyo Kbr brindle on body region that would be phaeomelanin pigmented otherwiseo k expression of agouti alleles that express phaeomelanin possibleflpC Judges 0daeationMarch 2009 Fred c- BassettI hope that all of you had as great a time as I did at our National Specialty gathering in Louisville. There is nothing quite like the fun of being with so many great Pom fanciers for a couple of days, enjoying the friendships and camaraderie and all the beautiful Poms. Many of us have been involved for a decade or more, so the longterm friendships are so much fun to renew. I also really enjoy the increasing international flavor that builds from year to year with so many wonderful Pom friends attending from outside the US. Many of these folks we get to meet for the first time, and others have attended multiple times themselves. This year we had people attending from all over Asia, with a good size group from Thailand, and others from South Korea and Japan. I also met fanciers from Spain, Peru, and Slovenia. As always we enjoyed the company of all our friends from Canada. What great funhI was honored this year to be invited to judge the Top 20 competition along with two of my favorite Pom buddies, Olga Baker and Nadine Hersil. We had such a good time during the event, both with the judging of all the beautiful competitors and just enjoying each others company. Olga almost didnt make it as Darrell had just been released from the hospital recovering from another hip surgery. Olgas family convinced her that she should come, and their Daughter took good care of Darrell while she was gone. I have only judged one other Top 20, which was for Dalmatians a few years ago. It was very enjoyable too, but I didnt know the other two judges nearly as well, and it wasnt set up as well as ours. Not nearly as much fun I hope that those who attended enjoyed it as much as I did. Congratulations to Ch. Oakrose High N Mighty, who was the overall winner, and to Ch. CR Tuff Guy of Isabella who was the Peoples Choice winner.APC again hosted two educational activities - a Judges Education Study Group, and a Mentor Seminar. Neither one was well attended this year, but the people that did come were wonderful participants. I appreciate the help that Nadine Hersil and Vikki Oelerich provided with getting things set up and bringing a Pom for us to use in the seminar. I also really appreciate the help of the many Mentors that spent time discussing our wonderful breed with the judges seminar folks at ringside.The Mentor Committee completed our work earlier this year, and we are very grateful to all of the APC Members that accepted our invitation to become approved Pom mentors. The website has been updated, and we now have over 120 names on our mentor list. This is on our website under Judges EducationCertified Mentor List - http www.americanpomeranianclub.orgmentors.htm Ive said it before, and will say it again here that we are very fortunate in our breed to have so many dedicated long term breeders who are willing to serve the breed in this way. The Mentor List is used by judges desiring to learn about our breed who will contact people in their area for many mentoring activities. The most common will be to set up a ringside mentoring session at a show, but they may also be interested in doing a kennel visit, or a meeting to discuss the breed, or just to meet up with the Pom fanciers at a show and have a good old fashion chat in the grooming area and a chance to go over a number of dogs. Many thanks to my committee of Curtiss Smith, Nadine Hersil and Vikki Oelerich for working on this with me.Upcoming judges education activities include a set of seminars I will do in Vallejo California March 21 in conjunction with the Northern California Pomeranian Club specialty show, the Oklahoma City Toy Group seminars in mid May, and another one in Southern California that will take place later this spring. I do not anticipate any seminar opportunities with large groups this year. The judges organizations Dog Judges Association of America, and American Dog Show Judges host the large ones, as well as AKC when they do their Group Institutes. All of those included Poms in 2008, and dont repeat the breeds usually for about two years.Until next time, enjoy the shows and enjoy your Poms84 - MayJene 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewGenetics ^HealthAlane Levinsohn, ChairmanCHICThe American Pomeranian Club Health Genetics Committee, is proud to announce that Pomeranians are now a CHIC breed.What is CHICCHIC is the Canine Health Information Center. CHIC is a voluntary breeder program in which a breeder or owner registers the results of health tests the Parent Club has selected into the OFA database. From there the tests are automatically entered into the CHIC database. Once your dog has completed all of the required tests, he or she is automatically entered as a CHIC dog and you will receive a certificate from CHIC. Every breeder and owner is free to participate. It is your choice. This is not a required program.What tests count toward CHIC in PomeraniansThe three required tests are CERF, Patella Luxation and Cardiac.Optional tests are hip dysplasia, Legg-Calve-Perthes and Autoimmune ThyroiditisAll tests must be submitted to the OFA on their applications located at httpoffa. orgapps. html and all OFA fees apply.Does the test have to be done by a specialistCERF eye exams must to be performed by a CERF approved optometrist Cardiac heart exams can be done by a general practitioner or a cardiac specialist.Patellas can be performed by a general practitioner or an orthopedic specialist.Hip X-rays can be taken at a general practitioner who is aware of what OFA requires for X-rays. The X-rays are sent in to the OFA for evaluation by several vets. They will certify for Legg-Calve-Perthes from the same X-rays.Thyroid must be submitted and evaluated by an OFA approved laboratoryDoes the test have to be done by recognized labYes, certain tests need to be screened though OFA recognized laboratories. Be sure to let your veterinarian know that you will be applying for OFA so that they submit your samples to the correct lab. Thyroid, an optional test, must be submitted to specific labs.Where can I get the tests doneThe most efficient and least expensive way to have testing done is through health clinics that are offered at local shows. There is a listing on the OFA website of upcoming clinics. We will include links to the OFA clinic calendar and to other clinics on the APC Health Page.What if my dog tests affected for a problemNo dog is perfect. To be a CHIC dog, you only need to do the testing, not pass. CHIC wants us to breed with knowledge, not eliminate dogs from our breeding program. Test results must be released to the public in the CHIC open database and the dog must have permanent ID microchip or tattoo to qualify for CHIC.Does this guarantee healthy puppiesNo, there can be no guarantee that the offspring of CHIC dogs will be healthy. You will have a better chance of producing healthy offspring by consistently breeding to improve the health of your dogs.Why is this importantEvery year the breed loses breeders and with them goes the knowledge of the health problems encountered in their breeding programs. This is invaluable information for our breed. Having a database that can compile and store this information will help ensure a healthier breed for future generations.QuestionsPlease contact the APC Health and Genetics Committee with any questions that you have. We would be pleased to answer them. E-mail healthngenetics americanpomerani anclub.orgAmerican Pomeranian Club Health and Genetics Committee, Alane Levinsohn, ChairmanPromoting the health of the Pomeranian through breeder education about health, health testing and genetic issues. Advocating research into genetic problems that affect the health of the breed.MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 85rfti ^1ifVT- ' 2_By Barbara McClatchey _______HERDINGDOGBarbara McClatcheyI train with a couple of friends once a week at a facility out in the country that is mostly for Agility training. The owner, Rachel Long, also has a few sheep and a goat, and lots of chickens she sells organic, free-range eggs. Her Border Collie herding dog has recently died.One afternoon in February, my friends having already left, I was putting my dogs and crates into the car one at a time. I had Crickett out pottying on leash, of course, with the other Poms already crated in the car, when I noticed that one of Rachels sheep was loose. There was a man there waiting for Rachel I assume he was an Agility student, who was trying to get the sheep back into the pen, but the sheep kept getting away. Crickett saw that sheep trotting toward her, and the rest is history. Pomeranian herding instinct kicked in, and she took off, pulling the leash out of my hand, with me behind her, shouting, NO, Crickett, NO Can we spell selective hearingThe sheep ran back through where the parking lot opens into the driveway, and the man reached down and grabbed Cricketts leash. He then explained that he had been trying to get the sheep back in the pen, but it wasnt working. I said, Lets see what Crickett can do. That little 5 lb morsel on leash now herded the sheep back to the gate, and the sheep was BEGGING for the gate to be opened. The man opened the gate, and the sheep ran in, the gate was closed, and Crickett said, Is that all No more sheep Big disappointmentThe student said, Rachel is never gonna believe this. I said, She will believe it all right. Her sheep were trained to respond to DOGS ok, if a Border Collie is a dog, and Crickett is a DOG, however small. Rachel told me later that sheep know which dogs consider themselves to be in charge, and that they wont respond to any dog, however big, that doesnt think it is a herding dog.Rachel had given me some pullet eggs that day, and Crickett got a bit of scrambled egg with her supper as a reward for being such a good herding dogYou never know, do youOBEDIENCE AT THE SPECIALTYKaren Kelly, AKA Toms wife, wrote for us about the Obedience Trial in Louisville on March 7.Actually, Karen says she merely took dictationshe doesnt say who the author really is, but it is86 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewrI FROM THE VIEWPOINT OF A DOGI March 7, 2009, eleven of us beautiful four legged people were entered into the Obedience Trial at the ' National Pomeranian Specialty in Louisville, KY. We hailed from AL, OH, KY, IN and VA. Mrs. Paula B. Barras from Shreveport, LA, was our congenial and fair judge.I The first brave soul in the ring was Little Miss Turbo Turbo in the Open A class. She brought Mona Gitter with her. She was full of energy and was happy to be in the ringthat is until it was time for long sits and downs. She talked to the judge the whole time telling her to get Mommy back in the ring. She qualified with a score of 189 and took 1st Place.I Next up there were five of us for Novice B class. First in the ring was Royal Tee Ball OFire Shilo and he brought Tom Kelly with him. People around the ring said Shilo was a hot shot in heeling. I\ guess he did everything else right too because his score was 198. CH Dhcrew Rock-n-Rumble Rummy came in next and had Cindy Onosko with him. He was so cute and kept his little face turned up toward . Cindy and pranced through the exercises. He got 191 for his score. Beau James Fae Joyous Merit brought Chris Ellicott with her. She looked so happy and loved running fast on the recall. She received [ 192. Then Little Miss Turbo made another appearance with Mona. Her exuberance would make a dog tired. On the long down she decided she wanted to stay with Mommy, so she didnt qualify. Last in theI class, but surely not least, was Ch. Sundown N Janesas Perfection Tonka who brought Rochelle I Fugate with him. He was so cute. Every time he was supposed to sit, he tucked his little butt next to her I leg and looked up as if to say Im in the right place, huh I guess he was, he scored 19412.There was only one dog in Graduate Novice. That was Sundowns My Trend is Janesa Mimi. Mimi , entertained the judge. On the down on recall, instead of lying on her tummy, she fell over onto her side. There were lots of chuckles around the ring. In the Veterans class there were two. First was Idlywynd Cameo Cammy, with Margaret McKee. She didnt sit a couple of times so the judge asked her if her sitter was broken. She will be 10 years old on I 914 and had fun today and got a score of 188 12. Another second appearance was Rummy with Cindy.I He will be 10 on 927. His Mommy had told him twice before at shows that he could retire and then she made him come to this show. He waited for a second command to let her know that this time was his last and he got 188.I Returning also for second appearances was Mimi and Tonka in the Brace class towing Rochelle along. The crowd loved them as they strutted their stuff side by side. Their combined score was 393 12. Shilo brought Tom into the ring to receive the H.l.T. Award for the second year in a row. He received I a Dolly. Rummy and Cindy were awarded the Highest Scoring AKC Champion of Record, receiving a I Mikasa Crystal Bowl.We all had so much fun that we cant wait until next year. I And Mona Gitter Little Miss Turbo reported, really enjoyed myself. The hotel is beautiful, but with an obnoxious carpet pattern. There was plenty of room to warm up the dogs and the ring was well run by Wendy. I got there Sunday afternoon planning to help set up, but they were done before we got there. The conformation people came and watched and clapped and complimented all the dogs. They were alsoPerformance ContinuedU JMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 87r nPerformance Continuedvery kind to my puppy Poodle- who is at a fearful age and gave her treats and welcomed her as if she was a Pom Of course, she does speak Pomeranian and even has a brogue when speaking Sheltie to \ her sisters.Turbo ran well in Open and got her 2nd leg- she was the only dog and found the single dog- group exercise a little stressful and had to yodel her displeasure, but she Oed anyway, She also got a first place J on Open A at Queen City in Cincinnati on Friday. So we are now committed to showing somewhere hoping for leg 3 and we start article and moving stand training tomorrowIf you have a dog who does obedience, you could actually show for 3 days inCincinnati over the weekend before the nationals if they have it again in Louisville. The Queen City Club has both obedience and rally all 3 days before Iour trial. Note the APC may be moving the National to Ft. Mitchell next year this is almost a suburb of Cincinnati.OBEDIENCE PLACEMENTSNovice B 1st placeRoyal Tee Ball OFire CD, Thomas Karen Kelly, 198.2nd placeCH Sundown N Janessas Perfection RN, Rochelle Fugate, 194 2 3rd placeBeau James Fae Joyous Merit RN MX AJX, Chris Ellicott, 192 4th placeCH DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble CD RN, 191 Open A 1st placeLittle Miss Turbo, CD MX MXJ NAP NJP, Mona Gitter, 189 Highest Scoring Dog in Regular ClassesRoyal Tee Ball OFire CD Highest Scoring Champion of RecordCH Sundown N Janessas Perfection RN [Non-Regular Class] Veterans1st placeIdlywynd Cameo CD RA, Margaret McKee, 188 2 2nd placeCH DHCrew Rock-N-Rumble, Cindy Onnosko, 188RALLY AT THE SPECIALTYElaine Wishnow wrote about the Rally day 1 arrived on Monday, entered in Rally on Tuesday. The ring was generous and the judge was lots of fun. Her comment was were here to have fun. I had my two girls entered in Advance and Excellent.I was coming off a show the week before where I had a brain drain and missed three signs with Abigail. The courses here were fair and the judge was open to a number of things to make it more enjoyable.1. She combined Advanced A and B since that made only four dogs total and my two made up the entirety ofAdv. B.2. We got an outside dog to work the Ex. class so that my dog would have someone to honor. I had twoof the three excellent B dogs. In all I had a great time. Abigail was First in both Excellent B and Advanced B. Meg was Second in both Excellent B and Advanced B. These results gave Meg her 4th RAE2 leg and Abigail her 3rd. I would have liked their scores to be a little higher they scored in the low 90s in EX. and the middle 80"s in Adv. This was not typical for them, but I chalked it up to their first time flying and stress.I was very impressed with the RN class and it was great to see a first time dog get a first leg, especially since I was told that the dog was 12 years old.J88 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Reviewr TlWe had an appreciative, if small, audience and the judge took time to explain what was happening and what it meant. I would have liked to have had the runs videoed with the availability to purchase them, but we were not offered that option.RALLY PLACEMENTS Novice A 1st placeJanesas Rotten to the Core, Heather Saidler, 992nd place-Jan Les Wil-He or Wont He, Del Caro Mehlaff, 94 3rd placeKamalas Im Not One of the Boys, Kathy Katelyn Launderville, 85 4th placeCH Desert Thunder of Lenette, Michael Wells Linda Pelz, 78I Novice B 1st placeCH Eco N Sundowns Celibration, Camilla Knight, 99 2nd placeAli-Maes Ready to Rock Cinmar, Cindy Onosko, 96 Advanced A 1st placeSundown N Janessas Perfection RN, Rochelle Fugate, 86 Advanced B 1st placeMalashels Incredible Irresistible CD RAE, Elaine Wishnow, 86 2nd placeGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RAE, Elaine Wishnow, 84 Excellent B 1st placeMalashels Incredible Irresistible CD RAE, Elaine Wishnow, 93 2nd placeGreat Rivers Meg Rules Malashel CD RAE, Elaine Wishnow, 91TITLES, WE GOT TITLESCompanion DogJ Rurouni Kenshin CD RN, Armando Esqueda Suruna Carlos, 212009, ILP Southpaws Cherish Every Moment CD RA, Nannette Walker, 2212009Companion Dog Excellent British Lane Sweet Surrender CDX, Corie Matt Gavin, 1112009 Shasta CDX, Diane Newsom, 2142009, ILPRally NoviceI Allores Geralein RN, Ernie May Allore, 1172009, ILP J Allores Verna RN, Ernie May Allore, 1172009Blue Moons Back In The Ussr RN, Lori Lindsey Kamrath, 142009 Rurouni Kenshin RN, Armando Esqueda Suruna Carlos, 1312009, ILP Babs Sable RN, Linda Nuezil, 2142009, ILP Jeribeth Artful Dodger RN, Nannette Walker, 2222009 Kleine Fraulein RN, Ernie May Allore, 2282009 I Sly Cooper RN, Velen Suarez, 212009, ILPYogi Parti-Animal RN, Jack Anita Northrup, 2142009Novice AgilityJ Boxwood Wannabee NA NAJ, Shelly Wallens, 1242009 Loverboy Fauntleroy NA OAJ, Sandra Disque, 132009, ILP Red Hot Samson NA NAJ, Cynthia Little, 1172009, ILP Novice Agilitv PreferredSusans Spice N Everything Nice CD NA OAJ NAP NJP NFP, Susan Pierce, 2142009Open AgilitvMocha Pickerill OA MXJ OF, Judy Stephanie Pickerill, 2282009, ILPU Performance Continuedl_______ _______________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------iMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 89r nPom Acres Copper Dragonfly OA NAJ, Lois Morkassel, 2282009Master Agilitv ExcellentMax MX MXJ, Barbara Timothy Gilligan, 1162009, ILPNovice Agility JumperSammy NAJ, Krista James Longfellow, 142009, ILP Steenbocks Dr Pepper NAJ, Nancy Jack Zolkowski, 1242009 Zip At Light Speed NAJ, Patricia M Young, 132009 Agape NAJ, Cassandra Paul Edgerton, 2142009, ILP Edens Sunshine Angel Bear NAJ, Beth Carlson, 2142009Open Agilitv JumperBoxwood Wannabee NA OAJ, Shelly Wallens, 1252009 Ziggy Zero Gravity OA OAJ, Cheryl Truskowski, 1112009, ILPExcellent Agilitv JumperBoxwood Wannabee NA AXJ, Shelly Wallens, 272009Agilitv FAST NoviceButters-Scotch-On-The Rocks RN NAJ NF, Roger Hill Janyes Lemons, 272009Agility FAST Novice PreferredSusans Spice N Everything Nice CD NA OAJ NJP NFP, Susan Pierce, 1172009Master Agilitv ChampionMACH Little Bear XF, Nancy Marmol, 1182009, ILPNancy writes that Little Bear, Is the first Pom to get a USDAAADCH-Bronze and a Bronze Lifetime Achievement Award. And, unless we hear differently, he is the first Pom to get championships in all 4 I venuesMaster Agilitv Champion 3MACH3 Cheris Popeye The Zailor, Gena Zglinski, 1162009Master Agility Champion 9MACH9 Little Polly Party Girl, Betsy Ryba, 2272009American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for annual awards. These awards include Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, Top Flyball Pom, etc., and they must be applied for by the owner. Now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame Now eligible for the APC Gold ClubThe Hall of Fame and Gold Club are Historical Awards available to any Pomeranian, but the owner must apply for them. To read about the requirements only some of which are based on titles for these awards, go to Eligible Poms are enrolled as HOF or GC in the records of the American Pomeranian Club, and their names are listed on the APC website.ILP or PAL dogs are usually rescues.Please write me at with your own performance news and viewsJ90 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review1mmimi V\nJjJ f'yr -,s^ ,c^ r- _xr vUP artHv5 35SSr^' KfeJ J3-sM. -..AffiS xjj5jn.uafeseate.JSC mSmss'^ms 43WHZmm3 rm mi '.r.^r _ .__ --j--W-- Z ---j s^ gccscx.vr r-7rrv HSB96OBEDIENCE URCH 9 . 2009 nnvEXnQOOSiK ASKSXK33C- mmMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 91Pomeranian Charitable TrustCynthia Boulware, Marge Kranzfelder, Margaret McKee, Janice Russell Trustees-__MyraSavant Harris Seminar Presented by the Pomeranian Charitable TrustOnce again the Pomeranian Charitable Trust was able to provide an educational seminar at the National. Myra Savant Harris RN presented the 2009 seminar to approximately 65 people on a topic near and dear to us whelping and neonatal care. It was a delightful, rewarding presentation from beginning to end. She concluded the seminar by answering individuals specific questions.Ms. Savant Harris discussed the prime breeding age of males. She expanded the male fertility topic by including information about chilled, frozen or fresh semen and its life span. Another prime important topic was the method to maintain puppies at the same body temperature as they were in utero. Myra cautioned not to discard puppies that you think have not survived delivery, but to lay them to the side after doing the normal lifesaving things and keep them warm. Many times they truly are still alive but without discemable life signs and given the time will come around. She demonstrated both the accordion CPR treatment, which gets the mucus out of their lungs, and the stuck puppy procedure.She provided a puppy formula which she said is also good for the elderly or convalescing dogs that need a boost or have gone off their food. She recommends after making it to freeze it in ice cube trays so that it will be ready whenever you need it. Myra mentioned Fenugreek obtainable from a health food store or her web site which will bring in milk for the bitches. When you can smell Fenugreeks maple odor on the bitchs breath, you know that you have administered the correct dose. Once the milk comes in, the dosing can be discontinued.Most left with many new and very useful ideas and information, even those who have previously attended her seminar felt they took away important additional or new material. She is in the process of completing a third book for release later this year. Check out her web site at Myra Harris www.myrasavantharris.comThe Pomeranian Charitable Trust announced the addition of trustee Margaret R. McKee and expressed deep appreciation to her for accepting this responsibility.The Trust is very grateful for the continued support of friends like the Pomeranian Club of Canada and Leon Luisa by their donations to the Alopecia X fund of 1,000 each. Erika Moreau donated a decorative metal canopy Pom bed that was auctioned with proceeds also going to the Alopecia X fund. The Trust also appreciated Chris Heartz applying her creative talents this year by designing and handpainting a Pomeranian themed martini set which auctioned proceeds also boosted the Alopecia X fund.We deeply appreciate those who donated, those who bought, and all the attendees at the seminar. People working together for the betterment of our beautiful Pomeranians will make the breed stronger and healthier. You enabled the trust to sponsor the Canine Health Foundation Grant of 6,480 in 2009 to Dr. Tosso Leebs DNA study.Y nA, Hfc7o I4\ ft47^ 5' t-----7J-1 a4I -vj0DON'T MISS voon Ci TnrsrABUious c DcrxcriNcrow CUIUS CANthink roino iriuc. l-O' i f VTINVAI. itMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 93stILAPC NATIONAL MARCH 9-11,2009 LOUISVILLE, KYW-nfc.StAPC NATNAL MARCH 9- 11,2009 4 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY- " IPHOTOR RY- p"mmic uappiqELKENm-, o.___95Ilx^ CixUrA WJiht 'nTi 5 A 5 V.^gA,iSLI have been in love with the Pomeranian breed my entire life. From my childhood fox-faced pet to my current crew retired from the ring, there has always been room for one more. Accordingly, I try to be supportive of Pomeranian rescue in any way that I can. Little did I know how my donations would pay off.It all began with an e-mail from Barbara McClatchey of Second Chance Poms in thanks for my annual holiday gift. The last paragraph caught my eye, You should SEE what I have here right now. Corto came in as a 3-month-old male with no tail, cryptorchid and with a deformed genital area. Parti-color, cute as a button ... Id better find a home for him FAST since I do not want to wind up adopting him myself.I had to know more about this puppy, and I asked Barbara to send me his picture. After seeing those beautiful eyes and endearing face, I fell in love with Corto right away and wanted to help. With Barbaras blessing, I collected information on Cortos medical history with the intention of seeking consultation at our local veterinary school. However, after discussing Corto with my son, a physician, he suggested that we forward the information to an old friend of his a veterinary internist at the University Of Pennsylvania.After a very thorough and helpful consultation, my sons friend suggested that Corto visit a theriogenologist, a veterinarian trained in reproductive health. We were fortunate to locate a theriogenologist in Houston, as they are rare and highly specialized. He agreed to see Corto, the visit was fruitful. After examining him and enjoying his cute antics, the veterinarian was able to provide a complete diagnosis. Corto had a mild case of spina bifida, which resulted in a short tail, hypospadia deformed genitals, and cryptorchidism. However, he was fully continent and his spina bifida did not impair his quality of life in any way.I was eager to bring Corto to Northern California, but concerned about how my regal seniors would take to a new puppy. When Barbara called and said that she was putting Corto up for adoption, I knew that I had to have him. I immediately told Barbara that I wanted to adopt him, and the paperwork began It was very thorough forms to complete, personal references, veterinary references, and pictures of his future home, yard and family. After all this was verified, I finally got the good news Congratulations, Its a boy. I was overjoyedI made arrangements to pick him up at the APC National in Louisville. To get him there would be an ordeal Barbara would drive him from Lake Jackson to Houston, where Shari Gangestad would pick him up, keep him overnight, and fly with him to Kentucky the next day. Only after all this would I finally get to meet my new little guyWhen I arrived in Louisville, I anxiously went to the ballroom of the hotel and found Shari setting up the Second Chance Pom table. Little Corto was peeking out from under the table-it was love at first sight I sat on the floor, hugged him, and played with him. I knew in my heart that I had given a special puppy a second chance, and I was thrilled to finally have the chance to rescue a member of my beloved breed. 90Letters te the EditorTo The EditorI thought this article would be of interest to our Pomeranian breed. It was printed on the Internet magazine . This could eventually affect and possibly already has the export of Pomeranians. Please seriously consider the dangers of falsely accepting merle Pomeranians. The other countries seem to be wiser than we have been. Let us not make the same mistake made by the majority of the Chihuahua Club of America membersSincerely,Sally Baugniet Breeder of Poms since 1968 APC member since 1972 AKC Judge since 1986WORLD BANS MERLE CHIHUAHUAS by Lesley Harger and StaffWorld votes thumbs-down on AKC Chihuahua bloodlines after Chihuahua Club Of America members failed to even DQ merle color whereas many international registries forbid it genetically.March 2008 TheDogPlace - You may not have Chihuahuas but if you have AKC dogs, you should be aware of the genetic and political ramifications of this historical debacle. The story behind the story is that many Chihuahua breeders say AKC Director interference with ballot resulted in chaos and loss of export opportunity. Complete background links below.Effective March 2009, The Kennel Club England General Committee banned registration of progeny produced by a merle colored Chihuahua. Taking the ban a step further than disallowing merles to compete, TKC seeks to eliminate the merle gene from the Chihuahua breed by essentially, forbidding the breeding of any Chihuahua of that color.No puppies will be Kennel Club registered from a mating of merle sire or dam. If European and Australian breedersare careful not to use American bloodlines, it is hoped the merle gene can eventually be eradicated from the Chihuahua, thus removing certain health problems associated with the merle coloration.Merle has been popularized as a rare Designer color by Chihuahua breeders accused of being more concerned with sales than health and type. Some breeders actually doubled-up on the color, breeding two merles together to strengthen the merle color. This practice began to prove disastrous, producing Chihuahuas with health defects such as blindness, deafness, or gruesome deformities as described in this article on merle color genetics by Gloria Lambert.I am sending this newspaper article as requested by a dear friend and well known International judge and top UK breeder Bob Brampton. AKC needs to see whats happening throughout the world with the breeding of the Merle gene into the Chihuahua gene pool. I also personally attended the World Dog Show Chihuahua Conference in Stockholm, Sweden in July 2008, where everyone who attended was very much concerned about the future health and welfare of the Chihuahua breed. Europe is working diligently to shore up its gene pool against the Merle gene, and the UK is leading the way with Australia to ban the registration and breeding of Merle Chihuahuas.I only wish that the USA would have followed suit as exporting Chihuahuas to other countries will now have far greater consequences to those on the receiving end. And to add the nail in the coffin for many American breeding programs, Genmark has halted testing for the Merle gene due to inaccuracies in test results.This can only lead to less and less exportations of American bred AKC Chihuahuas to other countries. Merle can . lay hidden in what is known as the phantom merle, so many of the UK and European breeders have seriously discussed not importing any American bred lines because it. AKC needs to take a deeper look at this, because the fragile purebred American Chihuahuas gene poolis in dire jeopardy, now, more than ever before. Lesley Harger fleurdelisy charter.netTheDogPress covered the story in early 2008 when AKC Board member Steven Gladstone interfered with the parent club ballot to disqualify merles from the ring. Story begins hereChihuahuas - Any Color Marked Or Splashed Gloria Lambert, Tanyas Toys, says absolutely not and explains the genetic deformities.Gladstone Letter to CCA Members. AKC Director, AKCCHF Board Member Steven Gladstone uses his position and AKC letterhead to interfere with Chihuahua Club Of America ballot to DQ merle color.Judge, British Chihuahua Club Chairman Graham Foote, on merle color gene, including Merle Gene Fact Sheet. One of the hottest international, genetics, and ethics issues in dogs.Chihuahua Breeder Rebuttal on merle colored Chihuahuas by G. Curran, who defends genetics, breeds, shows, and wins with the color and thanks Gladstone for his letter to Chihuahua Club Of America members.AKC Defends Board Member in series of communications between AKC Exec Secretary and Gloria Lambert, internationally respected Chihuahua breeder. Gladstone fires off at Denver Show in 2009, is he a loose cannon as readers are sayingAustralian Chihuahua Breeder-Judge chastises AKC Director on his letter interfering with Parent Club vote on the merle gene.World Bans Merle Chihuahuas many countries refusing to register dogs out of merle parents. AKC Breeders unable to export. Should another vote be taken or this this just overreaction to the BBC and U.K. VetsMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 97COMING EVENTSMay 21, 2009 - City Of Angels Pom Club California Specialty. Show Chairman Cheri McDonald 909 394-7923.May 23 and May 24, 2009 - Pomeranian Club of Central Virginias Back to Back Specialties, Hampton, Virginia. Contact Beverly Allen, 301 934-3216.June 2009 - The Sooner Pomeranian Club Oklahoma Specialty in conjunction with the All Breed 4 day Oklahoma Summer Classic show, at the Cox Center in Okla. City. For more info contact Virginia Dimick.July 25, 2009 AKC CHF Breeders Symposium - Location TBD, Tampa, FLSept. 19, 2009 AKC CHF Breeders Symposium, Chisholm Trail Pavilion, Enid, OKNovember 14, 2009 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PAFor More Information, Contact Ronald Rella, 212 696-8303 or e-mail or Erika Weme, 888-682-9696 or e-mail eawakcchf.orgDecember 12 and 13, 2009 - AKCEukanuba National Championship Long Beach, Calif. Judges Poms Grace Moran, Bred By Exh. Toy Group Sharon A. Krogh, Toy Group Judge William R. Taylor, BIS Robert J. Moore.December 17 and 18, 2011- Orlando, Florida - AKCEUKANUBA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP. Orange County Convention Center, Orlando, Florida.Regional Pomeranian Club Specialty coming events are published free of charge.For updates and regional club contact information go to the APC website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgSlum tine A RatePlease keep APC member Paulette Zecca as she battles cancer of the larynx in your prayers and thoughts while she is going through treatment.Sincere sympathy and prayers go out the family and friends of APC Member Vikki Highfield Highfield Poms who passed away while at dialysis. Vikki was at the Nationals and had the greatest time. Vikki was in high spirits talking to friends after she returned home before she passed away just days later.Prayers go out to two family members of Leanne Wilkins, Teralee Poms who are battling cancer at this time.Our deepest sympathy to Joe and Janette Dally, Whipstaff Poms. Joes sister Paula of Mystic Maltese passed away in late March due to cancer.Prayers of strength and courage to those who battle daily health challenges big and small.HUGE CONGRATULATIONS go out to ALL of the winners, breeders, owners, and handlers of the Poms who won at the APC Specialty 2009Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna MachniakPhone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members' addresses are published in the APC roster if you would like to send cards.98 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewSumhine,Italian artist and Pomeranian breeder, Stefano Scullino recently lost his Father. Our deepest condolences to friends and family.Prayers and sympathy go out to the family and friends of Deb Barrett, Del-May Poms on the sudden death of her brother from a heart attackLong time dog enthusiast and AKC Judge Esme Treen, former sister-in-law of Sophie Mayes, passed away in late March. Our condolences to the family.Condolences and prayers go out the family and friends of Shari Shields, Monarc Poms on the passing of her husband Ray who had been battling cancer.Our prayers are with Joan Rose of Oakrose poms, Canada, handled Zeus to the Top 20 win whose husband passed away after a massive heart attack recently.Rachel Page Elliot, author of Dog Steps and From Hoofbeats to Dog Steps died after a long battle with cancer. Rachel also put together a video of dogs moving while being x-rayed called CANINE CINERADIOGRAPHY. She will be greatly missed in the dog fancy.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna MachniakPhone 517 546-7446 or Email RATESFull Page Color 275.00Full Page Black White 100.00Half Page Color 150.00Half Page Black White 60.00Fourth Page Color 75.00Fourth Page Black White 40.00All ads include one photo.SUBSCRIPTION RATESUSPS First Class 45USPS Bulk 37Foreign 100Canada, Mexico 55Single Issue 10For advertising information contact 217 347-5731 Subscription information contactVKENJulyAug Pom Review Advertising Deadline June 4, 2009Christine Creasey Hollily PomeraniansPlease contact the Editor to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Send information to The Pomeranian Review, Brenda Segelken, Editor, 11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 or phone 217-347- 5731. Emailfame62401yahoo.comMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 99- VERSARYPOMERANIANREVIEIV 50 ISSUE DEBUTCEll MARCH 2J09The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.THE POMERANIAN REVIEWSubscription CardSubscription ManagerCHERI MCDONALDPO Box 3402 San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 Email cheribachmanpoms.comNAMESubscriptions Per YearPublished Bi-Monthly45 First Class USPS 37 Bulk USPS55 CanadianMexico 100 ForeignSTREET ADDRESSCITY. STATE. ZIP CODE. COUNTRYPHONE NUMBER EMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE CID NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATURE DATE100 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review Iftea JjjSf We salute the courageous men, women and their families of our armed forces. May they be safe and protected from all harm. Let freedom ringPom ReviewSubscriptions and Back Issues make greaT gifts, refer online today at americanpomeranianclub.orgSHOWBOATPOMERANIANSon the Coast of OregonrCH RAZ BERRIE, AOMKarleene L. Morrowwww.sltowbootpoms.comshowboatpomsholmail.comTABLETOPJan Stachurski21 Perry Avenue Brockton, MA 02302 508 587-6146 TabletopPomsverizon.netCHARLE^lSlvLTony Phillip2016 Vista View Roanoke, TX 76262 817-637-3533 www.KCPoms.comUVBABBI'SPOMERANIANSai^paio tAte^ei136 W. Queens Drive Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704 yippyvonworfexcite.com0 503 395-2225 Ranier, ORgeminipomspomsites.comhttpCeminiPoms.comt it0 oCa ve o iJte cSeeed503 429-8019 Vernonia, OR Christy bea vercreekpoms. com httpBeaverCreekPoms. comMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 101ain ]E ir- V355asm9IjiikumiiiKJMSrOTopwinningC e7cDor iidi'f'SSW. ' CM2 11maii s'ii ijiiiJi- -c n 110vPERFECT yy EVERY ANGLERandy BuskeBreederExhibitorMember American Pomeranian ClubPuget Sound Pomeranian ClubP.O.Box 2408 Buckley, WA 98321360 897-2163 253 740-5060 wwwtRandyspoms.comSCoCCify PomeraniansChristine Crease30 Short St., OahyiCCe, CT06779 CPhone 860274-7997 hoCRCypomssnet.netEvensong PomeraniansKevin and N' Teresa White'ft u Portland, OregonA^ t 503314-9026 www.evensongpoms.comCH EVENSONG WIN N FOR Z GIPPERWy o-vnAwtfBreederExhibitor - Norwood. Missouri 417 746-4740 nancy65centurytel.net102 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewLaCueva Kennel PomeraniansSherrilynn J. RogersBreederOwnerHandler Dayton, OH 45414 937 275-4062 937 386-1462 Cell Email lacuevaknlaol.comV_ ISm7.IBREEDING FOR QUALITY, NOT QUANTITYe rat0LDonna MachniakBreederHandlerGroomer517-546-7446wwAv.dejaypoms.comSacramento, CA parkavepomsfrontiernet.[ 1 s on iswum urn in.BIS, BISS CH. Firebrook's Tabasco FiascojfcleiLwid Semerauai6 TABeauty and brains in one well-balanced package home of record setting 8 duaHillist ar omerasmMargaret R. McKeeExhibitorBreederHandler Chel esSpecializing in Parti and Parti-factored PomeraniansGOOCHLAND, VA 804-556-3380ldlewyldearthljnk.nel AVrsrwww.idlewyldpomeranians.comQpmfaeiifodteCH Chrissy CH Gunner ROM CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti ROMi V J \ostShly 1O0 H-an,clUn,gmm 29J-4528Elaine Waugh www.chelanes.netCH Chelanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Chelanes Remington Steele CH Keeper CH RemyWWW.flsI ost.wm. \K VMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 103eHome ofBIS, BISS, Am, Can, Mex FCI IntiCh Showcase Hot Topic, GC, HoF2006 Number One Pomeranian, All BreedSalome'loumme -57 O'mmruam 818 352-9536 ShowcasePoms.com7Lfyce 314 397-5606no. Sox nxTtiacotcfaA, 9A 62255 iocet7iom1954^cfCiioo. coml\Where Type, Quality Soundness CountSiCh. Bachmans Precious Jewelwww.bachmanpoms.comBISS Ch. Bachman's Brightest StarCheri McDonald 909-394-7923\sJLHer Majestys PomeraniansRandy Houston Chuck WhittemoreCleveland, TN423-728-0200E-Mail www.hermajestyspoms.comCARLEEZ POMSCarol Leemhuis Pittsburgh, PA Hornj i-.oc-,rorUuaporfis.comrJzzzpofS.ssnIffPxiurad155 Ch. 5dndvxf' S Histe A Zitk, CtSpg'ilt ebijfbriiitrifSh u.C -iav1 QSa 0win 01nsSpecializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-Colored Partis and Occasionally other colors.5arbam Raymond A.ndrey Paywood503 864-2459 276 629-9483httpwww. showinpoms. com104 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewBI-MARPOMERANIANSBIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email 4X_r v-Ch. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avaionpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies.H \l\t. Linda Pelz - Tx254 420-1724Michael Wells - Ml616 844-4217Champion Stud ServicePuppiesAdults Occasionally Show Handlingwww.dreamweaverpoms.comaJR.l5CE.NDHJohn Christine Heartz P.O. Box 189242 Shartis Lake West Rd. Brookfield, N.S.CanadaBON1CO' mm tl - . ..r.i--1.5.-3-.C'rVI Vphone 902-673-2446web www.chriscendo.comemail chriscendonorthnovecable ' .did'n-'Mfi'. atusistisr. . aatixfrsA- '.I '41 I I 1 1-' 1 - I 1 I I J 1 I J I Belstar PomsMember American Pomeranian Club and Columbia Pomeranian Club Top 10 CH Belstar1 s Sweet November "Keanu" OFACERF Show Quality Whites 3 generations of OFACERF Champions Diana Cross Eugene, OR 541 543-4271 dianabelstaraol.comCCH.LaRajus Cosmic KioISgr. -I -IShyacres Pomeranians Audrey Charlie Roberts. _ , Santa Fe, www.snyacres.comMayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 105DamascusroadHome to four generations of champion bitches and breeder of the I Pom in Francelin 2005 and 200SBeverley A. CarterConception Bay Highway, Holyrood. NL. Canada. AOA 2RO 709-229-1783 pomsdamascusroad.cawww.damascusroad.ca1 ave Victor- and Tessa Riley Kelso. WA. [503] 887-6860Raised vvfch Love in our Honnehttpvoya5erpoms.comvoyagereskiesyahoo.comTe pmOuMoer Aw^edos Bdtfrder uhjo-uj. fQ-^cXtC5-m^ 'pvwstecd-. wet 256-586-0282 a-r 256-550 -2251Smifo, d-ds Lv-es yWi.In order to receive your Pom Review Subscription in a timely manner, please send as soon as possibleall ADDRESS CHANGES toCheri McDonald at cheri bachmanpoms .comThe Pomeranian Review is sent, upon request, to AKC Toy Breed, Group and Best In Show Judges.Contact Cheri McDonald at cheri bachmanpoms.comAm mu KENN^,JulyAug Pom Review Advertising Deadline June 4, 2009Christine Creasey - Hollilv Pomeranians106 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewMILLAMOR POMSUKen and Eleanor Miller870 Jersey Church Road, Lexington, NC 27292 Ph 336-245-9010 Email Breeding again. Puppies avaiCaCCe to Caving Comes.r. Ck Lil Iskrs rJous-ij't Hut r lnsjrio-Joan C. BetrenJ. Long Island, New JoanLilBehrsPoms.netHandling Services - Limited Boarding Available 631 366-2330Ayumi PomeraniansAmy Tsay BreederExhibitor PCCV - Recording Sec.434 589-3652 Lake Monticello, VAWWW.AYUMI-POMS.COMAYUMI.POMSGMAIL.COMFinch's Pomeranians Ltd.CH PUFPRIDE'S SWEET DREAMS CH FINCH'S CHAR'S MAKIN WAVES PARTICcHHSPPAShRAKSEHane L. Finch - www.finchspoms.comW -Aiirrj seech7AJLPINECREST KENNELSChampion Pomeranians andManchester TerriersCatherine Bolahood905 697-2488 2404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanvilie, ON LIC 3K4 www.manchesterterriers.caWee Bonny Bears Poms-rf4Bredfor beauty and soundness of 6ody and mindJanes a [l omeraniansi Jerrie ffreiaPhone 985384-7466 1072A Landry Laneiowio.janesa.eom dac 985 384-8628 Morgan City, LA 70380MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 107omeranianyarj. y^7eW 7f 3fNoKnox.IN46554 - 574-772-5910ecpomseart]aJin]-net www.ea^lecreekpoms.comrARivendellPomeraniansCarolyn BoninBlountsville, Alabama 256-931-4838 bonincotelco.netBISS Ch Rivendell Applauds Janesa "Baxter"Elaine Wishnow718-891-34512351 E. 17th St. Bklyn, NY 11229 Home of quality Poms and Shelties_TKatMfaut net'PoHenatiiatMulti Group Winning BISS Champion Mountain Crest JJDavid Carlene GilstrapP.O.Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423-987-0266 E-Mail . 9 hA. . i . " V , . 'VINTAGEEllen TakayamaP.O. Box 905Pearl City, HI. 96782-0905 Phone 808 488-8325vintagehawaiiyahoo.comc cM'DLT POMEEAN1ANSm. jr. aDKICGEKS765 CAS5ADAG \ ROADL \KE IILLLN. FLORID A 32744PHONE 386 846-7175FAX 386 218-5739E-M ML DKlGGERS,DLTPOMS.COM\\ "WW.DLTPOMS.COM108 - MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian ReviewBcIqQTSlSlQMSINCITy POMSMichele280 Hole N Rock Circle Central, UT 84722702 203-4790Ym-O^CowCene - ^JL eahra^PomeraniansJLrCene Otaguro tHazef fMiCCer Rjo6in Watana6eJlr-Dan's grooming Salon Pfione 808-593-2322 -yggcatsHawan.comA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSGreggory S. Waters Charlene R. Waters801-597-3869shimmeree.charlene Quality Pomeraniansc c.rr i^Lat cz-rr r irrmcr P^ace PPomsCWendi _P'isscn, fanajfacepomssfycfoM.netMember of the American Pomeranian Club and Nor-Cal Pom ClubWBjSSr.mLVaAKC Registered Pomeranians puppies available occasionallyValerie Crane3683 N. 1800 E. Rd. Clifton, IL 60927 rvcrane75hotmail.comLEE-ANN LAMBERT KINCARDINE ONTARIO, CANADA WWW. SUGAR LAMB. C A MCQTNT21 .COM 519-396-6464MayJune 2009 APC Pomeranian Review - 109Aotani, Ann.....................................................................16Arnold. William and Geri...............................................10Arvanites, Michele........................................................109Behrend, Joan................................................................107Beland. Colleen.................................................................7Bhalang. Lily..................................................................17Blocker. Angela............................................................106Bolahood. Catherine..............................107. Back CoverBonin. Carolyn..............................................................108Buske. Randy................................................................102Carter, Beverley............................................................106Caywood, Audrey.........................................................104Crane. Valerie...............................................................109Creasey, Christine.........................................................102Dally, Joe and Janette...................................................104Davis, Annette and Erik...............................................105Driggers, Cathy.............................................................108Finch. Diane..................................................................107Flaata, Darlys..................................................................10Freia, Jerrie...................................................................107Gilstrap. David and Carlene.........................................108Goto. Eleanor....................................................................7Griffith. Ken and Eleanor.............................................8. 9Gross, Diana.................................................................105Hanson. Sharon.............................................................102Heartz. John and Christine...........................................105Houston, Randy............................................................104Inoue. Kosei....................................................................19Jackson, Becky..............................................................106Kanakuri, Beverlyn.........................................................18Kivch, Carol.....................................................................1 3Lambert, Lee-Ann.........................................................Landry. George.........................................................11.WLatimer, Mary.. ............1Leadbeater, N^ Carol......................... ........... ...................104eon, Shirley..evinsohn, Ala MachniaMarsh.Matsuda17104103101104103011021070910'101101Miller. Eleanor..Miller, Hazel.Moore, Scotty and Carole..Morrow. Karleene.Murphy, Christie.Nilsson, Wendi.............................................................109Nonell, Ignacio..............................................................102Norem. Kathryn............................................................108Oganeku. Clarice and Yvette...........................................5Otaguro. Arlene............................................................109Pelz. Linda....................................................................105Phillips. Tony...............................................................101Pom Club of Greater Des Moines..................................12Pruden. Darlene............................................................102Raymond, Barbara........................................................104Reed. Nancy....................................................................13Reimschiissel, Kelly...............................................................103Riley, Tessa.............................................................................106Roberts. Charlie and Audrey..................................................105Rogers, Sherrilynn..................................................................103Rose, Aslynn...........................................................................103Rosenbaum, Mary...................................................................105Salvador, Patricia........................................................................7Sisneros, Geno..................................................Front Cover, 14Smith. Nancy..........................................................................102Smith, Paulette............................................................................6Stachurski, Jan....................................................................11. 101Stephens, Micky.....................................................................105Takayama. Ellen.................................................................15. 108Thompson, Darlene Davis......................................................106Tsay, Amy...............................................................................107Victor. Dave............................................................................106Watanabe. Robin.....................................................................109Waters, Gregg and Charlene...................................................109Waugh. Elaine.........................................................................103Wells, Mike.............................................................................105White, Kevin and Teresa........................................................102Whittemore, Chuck.................................................................104Wilson, Tom...........................................................................103Wishnow, Elaine................................................................12. 108Yokoyama.Wendy.........................................................15Yoshimi, Helen.........................................................................16Zech, Tom and Diane..............................................................107LAf r ISSUESTo order back issues, mail check pay to APC to The Pomeranian Review co Brenda Segelken 11139 E. Camelot Avenue, Effingham, IL 62401 Phone 217-347-5731, e-mail Order online at Please specify the issue.Jan. 75, Oct. 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00All other available back issues 10.00INFORMATIONThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, Illinois by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk and 45 per year USPS First Class. First Class rates apply to USA and APOs. Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico subscriptions are 55.00 per year U.S.A. funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and Editor are not responsible for the contents, accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Per APC Standing Rule The Editor can refuse any ad. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission from the editor. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.The Official Publication of the American Pomeranian Club. Incr rMyOff Anniversary iqjS ZOOS50th Anniversary Issue35.00 includes U.S. shipping Add 5.00 foreign shipping- j W ioveb'O -rwiiyAhcvis JjO't, tzns-yO-r\sC- i\. 'Po'rwi' AOsi'Cy rvvaSAei^yi'oe', veisy]r'yv0'i6e'JflsOrvC'Ao itz-cA.O'AiM'6' oC4A- C'cAAq Aveiwe'Oytf Ay- '^a^CAi^sA'ic' f7 V'cOr\^ cvri'A UyyL\^ vely_cbvLyHARD BOUND EDITIONS OF THE ANNIVERSARY ISSUELIMITED QUANTITY AVAILABLE - SPECIAL COFFEE TABLE EDITION 85.00 includes U.S. shipping, Add S10.D0 foreign shipping'7'^layo't' fAwclo-i'l 'TOst'Cy 7sha-CC jj vt''l'ct wCAA rva^ O^e'.O vestjfO'Ve^sAvui^vayAs' wo'iCct w't'cCe'.yOeAC eto ''STREET ADDRESSCITY, STATE. Z3PCODE, COUNTRYPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSCREDIT CARD NUMBER EXP DATE SECURITY NUMBERCARD HOLDER SIGNATUREOrder online at or pay through PoyPal to - or - Send name, complete address, phone number and payment method to Erika Moureou. 32110 Potty's Landing, Magnolia, IX 71354W - cR.O.C.S.4TH PUCE NATIONAL SPECIALTYMARCH 11. 2009pineerest "KeTineCskV [If rv\fVhVx y\ INTL. CAN. CHAMPIONPINECREST PRIVATE EYEfiUXentucky - SATC Nationals f ' March 11, 2009first female Champions Spitz Specialty Show Barcelona Spain - March 22, 2009Special thank you to Judges Sandra Gjoose Allen and fahian JArientii 'mmc-m' mf v0l MWv " M 4., ^- pineerest PertneCs Catherine iBoCaAoocC 905-697-8897