The below is strictly the text lifted via OCR from an issue of The Pomeranian Review. To view the actual issue please download the original PDF file.
The Pomeranian Review January 2010
Buster Boy99Thank youJudaeaVSteve Stealing, fane- Stvppela Michael olet r^7.''sf. BEST INlSHOWINTERNATIONALCHAMPIONI INTERNATIONAL kALL BREED CANINE 1 ASSOCIATION'SFM VOwned Loved by Nannette Ron WalkerHandled by Nannette WalkerBred by Mary E. LatimerrSVr s'.ffiwidmi Ut, Sou' dBest In Show Best In Specialty Show Winning Ch Finchs Bettin On Chars HOF GCLe-rm.'9355A sr1 Pomeranian 2006 Multiple Best In Show WinnerNational Specialty WinnerMultiple Group WinnerThat the next generation carry on the winning traditions set by those before him. Justin is now a third generation Best In ShowBest In Specialty Show Winning Pomeranian.Best In Show Best In Specialty Show Winning Ch Chars Bringin Sexy Back HOF GCSPONSORED BYPOMWONDERFULWWW.POMWONDERFlL.COMCharlotte Meyer Chars Pomeranians 906-466-9048, .. i-k orHandled by Lynn MeyerK-STARZ Pomeranians Proudly announces our newest championhampion Chars Rendezvous RomeoNEW CHAMPIONWINNERSWow This has been quite a year Charlotte Meyer and Lynn Meyer, thanks lor sharing my joy and excitementCharlotte, thank you lor having faith in me and my precious pomsLynn, you make my darlings shine like true STARZ in the ring.You both are blessings to meBreederOwner Charlotte Meyer www.charspoms.comOwner Kathy Stuart ckstuartcomcast.netHandler Lynn Meyer dzinnettfrontier.netftftfttCo-Owned by - Barbara Moore 3' ""F I -fCH Her MaiesTvs Rainbows End jtfA4- L'i9Presentingr-4kfiVSHAWANGUNKKENNELCLUB_0 ^rf. ciutf2009JOHN ASHBEY6S Ch. Eagle Creeks Ham in It Up x Ch. Great Rivers Hot TMolly___This handsome parti boy finished his championship from the Bred By classes with three majors, including two back to back 4 pt. majors... all with very limited showing. I have to thank Kathy Norem for letting me use her gorgeous Ham, and Sharon Yampiro for Picassos beautiful dam, Molly.Id also like to thank all of the judges who appreciated him, especially Mr. Alfred J. Ferruggiaro, Mrs. Lee Canalizo and Mr. David Kirkland for his majors.V I.1APicasso is my first Bred By Champion and my heart dog. His wonderful spirit keeps me smiling everyday.Bred, owned and shown by Lisa Aiello LiLis Poms lisalilispoms.comCo-owned by Sharon Yampiro Great River Poms'___ ____ __________ ' _ ___ ... J Lmt VClub Business Section^Pwsidmts MessageA New Year is dawning and as we look forward to the future in 2010, we look back at what we have accomplished in 2009. The new Board of Directors took their seats just a short year ago with the promise of the membership having a voice in running the club. A few of the changes we have seen are an expanded more complete Members Only website with unabridged minutes including motions and results of voting. It includes committee reports such as the treasurers report, updates on the standard revision committee, results of polls and results of elections so our membership can stay informed about what the club is doing. We have new concern about the health of our Pomeranians with our joining CHIC and have a health survey planned for the New Year. We now have a Yahoo list for members where any question to the Board of Directors is addressed and answered in a timely manner. Thank you to the Board of Directors for working so well together to accomplish so much in 2009. We arelooking forward to accomplishing so much more in the New Year.The Vomeranian Review has been completely revamped and the Board of Directors has worked hard to make this magazine a showcase of our breed that the members can be proud of. CeleAe Solano, acting editor of the Pomeranian Review has done a wonderful job of organizing and seamlessly transitioning the magazine into the New Year.Our National Specialty is fast approaching on March 15th to 17th at the Drawbridge Inn Fort Mitchell, KY. Pat Barnett, our Show Chair has been hard at work planning an eventful National and we hope to see all of you there. Our Trophy Chairs, Vickie Palmer, Deronda Sharp and Curtiss Smith have been working very hard on trophies and donations. Our Hospitality Chairs, Kelly Reimschiissel and David 8c Carlene Gilstrap are doing a fabulous job making our Specialty beautiful. Thank you all for your donations to help make this NationalSpecialty a wonderful experience for everyone who attends. Our members and non members have all pulled together in this time of little money to support our show and we truly appreciate your support.Our proposed standard is finished and will be in this issue so everyone can see what the standard committee has worked so hard on. The next step is to submit it to AKC for their approval and then it will be sent to the membership to vote on.Thank you to the Review staff and all of our volunteers for your help and dedication over the years, there is a Salute to the Review Staff and a thank you to our volunteers in this issueWe wish to welcome the new members to the APC, let me know if I can be of assistanceJaneAPC presidentDn the ComBISS Ch Mountain Crest U Dont Own Me Number 2 Pom All-Breed Top Twenty Toy DogsOwners Ann Parman David and Carlene Gilstrap Breeders David and Carlene Gilstrap Handled by Nina Fetter the one and onlywx4 .mJanuaryFebruary 2010zJabk ol ContentsPresidents Message..............................................7On the Cover.................................................... 7Officers and Board...............................................9Treasurers Report...............................................10Board Meeting Minutes....................................11Salute To The Pom Review Staff.......................ISShopper-tunity................................................... 19Historical Awards Report.................................. 20Membership Committee Report........................20Health Genetics Committee Update. 20 ACTION Companion Events News andViews...........................................................21Volunteer Tribute...............................................23AKC Statistics....................................................24September 2009 Champions..............................25October 2009 Champions.................................. 26Judges Education................................................28Ask Us Anything............................................... 29APC 2010 National............................................30Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club ShowResults..........................................................34Kennel Visit with Evensong Pomeranians36Tear Stains......................................................... 40Dial M For Merle............................................ 92Sfost ol f^AdnentisensAiello, Lisa................................................6Arienti, Fabian ....................................... 54Bertrand, Bill Gail..........................48,49Bottorff, Christina...................................62Buske, Randy......................................52, 64Cabrera, Tony.........................................54Caudill, Lisa 8c Bobby...........................45Clark, Paula............................................ 71Collins, Roxanne.................................... 91Crane, Christine......................................78Crawford, Karen.....................................80Dallas Ft. Worth Pom Club....................81Dyson, Michelle......................................46Finch, Diane............................................47Freeman, Bruce Dawn........................80Gatewood, Corey....................................95Gilstrap, David 8c Carlene............... CoverGoodman, Lisa....................................... 65Green, Judy.............................................41Griffith, Ken 8c Eleanor.........................77Hawthorne, Beth.....................................91Heckert, Elizabeth.................................. 82Houston, Randy and Chuck Whittmore.. 5Hryniuk,Jen............................................ 73Jackson, Becky........................................55Know Better Pet Food............................93Koty, Sheila............................................91Leemhuis, Carol...........................61, 68, 69Lehtinen, Jane.........................................62Leon, Luisa............................................. 54Lovely, Victoria......................................75Matsuoka, Amy...................................... 50McFarlane, Pauline.................................80Mellem, Roxanne................................... 59Meyer, Charlotte....................................3,4Morkassel, Lois...................................... 74Murphy, Christy..................................... 91Nilsson, Wendi....................................... 76Northern California Pomeranian Club.. 81Oelerich, Vikki....................................... 94Oganeku, Clarice Yvette 8c Ashley.....................56,57,58Otis, Laurie.................................. 60, 68, 69Parman, Ann..................................... CoverPelz, Linda.........................................42,43Pettersen, Peter....................................... 94Ricker, Richard 8c Linda........................70Roarke, Vicky.........................................66Sartain, Danielle..................................... 79Sickler, Cynthia......................................63Sisneros, Geno....................................60,95Smart, Norma..........................................44Smith, Ron Merilyn andKrystal Morris................................... 53Solano, Robert 8c Celeste...................... 43Solomon, Lori.........................................59Stachurski, Jan and George Landry....... 72Stekli, Donna..........................................91Stuart, Kathy.............................................4Walker, Nannette...................................... 2Way, Elaine.............................................67White, Kevin.......................................... S3White, Teresa............................Back CoverWilliams, Gina........................................65Yampiro, Sharon.......................................6Zech, Tom Diane................................52Zozzaro, Frances.................................... 51Back Issues - Many back issues of the Pomeranian Review are available for purchase. Please Specify the issues you desire. The price for back issues is January 1975, May 1979 and April 1980 20.00 August 1997 15.00 All other available issues 10.00For information or to order, contact the Back Issue Manager David Gilstrap, P.O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422, Phone 423-987-0266, Email Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club and mail to the Treasurer, Becky Jackson, 513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630.Publication InformationThe Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and copyrighted by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc., all rights reserved. Reprinting, in whole or in part is strictly prohibited without written permission of the Publisher. Reprint permission may be requested by contacting The Pomeranian Review Editor. Contact information may be found in the section titled Pomeranian Review" of the magazine.The American Pomeranian Club is not responsible for the accuracy or content of any article or advertisement herein, nor are any opinions expressed by any author or advertiser necessarily those of the Club, Editor, or Board of Directors. Advertisements and articles are accepted for publication at the discretion of the Review Editor, and may be rejected if deemed unacceptable for publication. All artwork and material printed herein are the sole property of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.mPomeranian ReviewcAmetieem ^Pometomicm Cfab, 3nc. Qfjfo.eeiQPresident..............................................................................................................................................Jane Lehtinen1517 8th Street S., Virginia, MN 55792 Phone 218 744-1426 Fax 218 741-9435 presidentamericanpomeranianclub.orgFirst Vice President............................................................................................................................David GilstrapP.O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone 423 987-0266 dcgilstrapaol.com2nd Vice President...............................................................................................................................Judith Green822 Parkside Blvd., Claymont, DE 19703 Phone 302 798-3023 razzledazzlepomsverizon.netRecording Secretary.............................................................................................................Kelly D. ReimschiisselP..0. Box 156, American Fork, UT 84003 Phone 801 756-2092 rec_secamericanpomeranianclub.orgCorresponding Secretary................................................................................................................Carol LeemhuisP.O. Box 23163, Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 Phone 412 848-6987 corr_secamericanpomeranianclub.orgTreasurer............................................................................................................................................Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35630 Phone 256 762-5958 treasureramericanpomeranianclub.orgBoard of DirectorsPat Barnett, Victoria Oelerich, Betsy Owens, Linda Pelz, Celeste Solano, Geno SisnerosAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc. website httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining the APC please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Judith Green, 822 Parkside Blvd., Claymont, DE 19703. Phone 302 798-3023 email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website httpwww. If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, Please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, P.O. Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923 email or fax 909 599-4692. You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.Officers and Board1 DavidGilstrap Linda Pelz Vikki Oelerich Pat Barnett Carol Leemhuis Becky Jackson-\SCeleste Solano Geno Sisneros Jane Lehtinen Judy Green Kelly Reimschiissel Betsy OwensJanuaryFebruary 2010cLUBBUsINESssECTIONtiEfmsuwits '-RepoitAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.Profit LossMay 1-Oct 26,2009Ordinary IncomeExpense Income3400 General Sc Administrative Income3401 BankFees-NSF Collected 3400 General Sc Administrative Income - Other Total 3400 General Administrative Income4000 Membership4001 Membership Dues Total 4000 Membership4100 Pomeranian Review4101 Pomeranian Review Subscriptions4102 Pomeranian Review Advertising4103 Anniversary Issue4104 Review Shipping4105 Single Issue Total 4100 Pomeranian Review4200 National Specialty4210 National Specialty-09 4201 Specialty Donations 4201.1 Shipping 4213-DVD4217 Trophy Donations Total 4210 National Specialty-09 4210.1 Centennial Natl Spec Show Fund 4220 Top 204222 Donations Total 4220 Top 20 Total 4200 National Specialty4500 Investments4501 Interest-Savings, Short-term CD Total 4500 Investments4700 Pom Shoppe 4701 APC- Pin 4704 Illustrated Standard 4700 Pom Shoppe - Other Total 4700 Pom Shoppe Total Income Expense60900 Business Expenses60930 Pay Pal Fees 60940 Credit Card Fees Total 60900 Business Expenses 6100 Pomeranian Review Expense6101 Editor Fee6102 Proof Reader Fees6103 Printing Fees6104 Subscription Mailing Costs6105 Storage RentalTotal 6100 Pomeranian Review Expense6200 National Specialty Expenses6210 National Specialty 6215 - Judges Expense 6217 Trophy Expense Total 6210 National Specialty48.00168.35216.351,645.001,645.007,198.0016,158.771,510.0018.50470.0025,355.27826.00S.00481.00575.001,890.0095.0062211 AKC Natl Spec Expenses 6230 - Ways and Means Expenses Total 6200 National Specialty Expenses 6400 General Sc Administrative6405 Insurance6406 Website6430 APC Corresponding Secretary6431 Postage Sc Shipping 6433 - Printing Copying Total 6430 APC Corresponding Secretary6450 APC Treasurer6451 Postage Shipping6453 Office Supplies6454 Banking Supplies Total 6450 APC Treasurer6460 APC Recording Secretary6461 - Postage6462 Software Computer Total 6460 APC Recording Secretary Total 6400 General Administrative 65100 Other Types of Expenses65161 EUKANUBA TROPHY FUND Total 65100 Other Types of ExpensesTotal Expense Net Ordinary Income Net Income48.2048.202,033.2034.8134.815.0090.0012.00107.0029,391.63Balance SheetOct 26,2009ASSETSCurrent AssetsCheckingSavings100 - REGIONS CHECKING101 APC-PAYPAL ACCOUNT102 REGIONS-MM SPECIALTY FUND Total CheckingSavingsTotal Current AssetsTOTAL ASSETS294.57335.24629.817,200.00150.0026,990.301,596.20-84.1335,852.37LIABILITIES Sc EQUITY Equity3100 OPENING EQUITY Net Income Total EquityTOTAL LIABILITIES EQUITY227.92165.02392.9460.0090.27543.21109.0020.001,124.232,030.893,155.12596.69109.76140.85847.300.00319.18319.184,450.60500.00500.0042,147.44-12,755.81-12,755.8170,515.938,207.8410,034.8188,758.5888,758.5888,758.58101,394.15-12,635.5788,758.5888,758.5810 Pomeranian ReviewCQoakd Meeting -jUinutcsAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.September 28, 2009 630 P.M. CST PresentMrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano.The meeting was called to order at 636 p.m. CST. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present. Copies of the August 24, 2009, regular board meeting and September 21, 2009, special board meeting were made available to allDirectors. The Board reviewed the minutes of the August 24th meeting and upon a motion made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mrs. Barnett the regular board meeting minutes were approved unanimously as amended. The Board reviewed the minutes of the September 21st special board meeting and upon a motion made by Mrs. Green and seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel the Special board meeting minutes were approved unanimously.Presidents ReportNothing new to report.1st Vice Presidents ReportNothing new to report.2nd Vice Presidents ReportNothing new to report.Recording Secretarys ReportCorrespondence received and forwarded to the boardSeveral emails regarding the editor and printer position for the Pomeranian Review.Correspondence mailed and cc'd to the board Sent out information for committee members to join the Show Committee list and the 100 Year Centennial list.A motion was made by Mrs. Green seconded by Mr. Sisneros and it was VOTED unanimously that all committee reports be included in the body of the meeting minutes.A motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and it was VOTED unanimously to amend Policy . Procedure Manual, Section to read and have attended an APC sanctioned Mentor Seminar or.Corresponding Secretarys ReportNothing new to report.Treasurers ReportProfit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports were received and reviewed. A stamp is being made for the Subscription Manager to deposit checks received. Treasurer records were shipped to Jan Stachurski, Audit Committee Chair. The Fed Ex charge of 16 boxes was Anniversary Issues that Erika Moureau sent to Brenda Segelken.Committee Reports Standing CommitteesCommittee reports were not received from the following committees Annual Awards, Companion Events, Delegate, Fundraising, Health Genetics, Gazette Columnist, Historian, Judges Education, Pomeranian Review, Rescue and Rescue Program.Breed AdvisoryReferralAn oral report was submitted byjane Lehtinen, Chair. Deronda Sharp and Theresa White need to be added to the website.Historical AwardsAn oral report was submitted by Carol Leemhuis, Chair.Joan Behrend is going to the AKC Library to get information.Logo ApparelA written report was submitted by Mrs. Reimschiissel on behalf of Niki Wilde, Chair.Waiting on artwork from artists that have been contacted for apparel.Legislative Action CommitteeA written report was submitted by Mrs. Solano on behalf of Geneva Coats, Chair.We're seeing a proliferation of Animal-Rights sponsored legislation sweep across the nation. We can expect a continued onslaught into the future. The Humane Society of the US has a legislative fund and I'm betting this fund is rather fatThe HSUS public relations taCtic is to state that their legislative campaign goal is to stop puppy mills.' They neglect to mention that there are laws already on the books to accomplish that goal, as well as may states with puppy lemon laws" that keep abuses at bay.These laws criminalize honest people and wont be effective to stop the actual bad guys". Gang members aren't going to line up to get their fighting dogs neutered. Honest breeders often cant meet the stringent requirements. They become afraid for their own dogs and breed less, or stop breeding altogether, but those who hide their illegal dogs will continue on, affected by any new laws.Do you wonder if perhaps all these newly- proposed laws might be good for dogs Excessive fees, fines and regulations result in increased shelter intakes and higher euthanasia rates. This effect is well-proven in all areas of the nation.Intrusive, extensive and expensive regulations limit the ability of most hobbyists to comply. Noncompliance can result in having your animals seized.Animal Rightists are tracking our websites. In California we have found that the State Board of Equalization has accessed various breed club websites to harangue breeders in our state about compliance with collecting state sales tax. Please be cautious about listing available puppies andbirthdates on your's not safe. Firstly, criminals have been known to pose as buyers and then return later to steal the dogs. Animal rights extremists have also been known to enter homes under the ruse of looking for a puppy, only to turn in the breeder to animal control after a head count is done. 4-6 month old puppies are usually considered adults, and counted as such.A MN law proposed last year required steam cleaned surfaces for homes. No dogs on carpet or wooden decks. Only cement. Whelping room required a floor drain. These are commercial requirements which are basically impossible in homes without separate kennel buildings. Your dogs could be confiscated in an unannounced inspection for being on a porous surface....carpet.The puppies would be sold the next day at a shelter, aspects of breeding and ownership are being criminalized, seizures are becoming more frequentWhere will the dogs of the future come fromWith hobby breeders less active, prices of dogs will likely increase. Excessive government fees and building requirements will make it so only the very rich, and profitable commercial breeders, will be able to afford to continue to breed. In many areas, animal control departments are taken over by breeder-hating animal rights activists. Some cities are refusing to issue any intact permits... even though they could be legally allowed. Perhaps we will soon see laws proposing that vets must see proof of ownership, registration, licensing, permanent ID etc, before they can treat a dogThis year over half the states had anti breeder bills. Some of the proposed laws, state by state...all with a goal of eliminating owning and breeding of animals.AL - 6 month old dogs spayedneuteredAR - limit of 12 dogs allowed. Warrantless searches CA - new crime of owning an intact dog- if over 50 , you must spayneutereuthanize.Seizure of property and distribution to private animal rights groups without waiting for proof of charges.CO - limit of 25 intact animals over 6 months.AR language replaces owner with custodian CT - provisions on how dogs sold in pet stores can be raised DE - HSUS - no profitable breeding allowed- limit of 25 animals FL limit of 50 animals - engineering standards impossible for homes if over 10 dogs aged over 4 months.FL - all catsdogs over 4 months old spay neuter with few exceptions HI - facility requirementsrestrictions etc.IA - state infections ofUSDA kennelsIL - 3 or more dogs is a commercial kennel - steam cleaning standards impossible for homes - 20 dog limit - seizures allowed IN - Pet dealer if you sell 5 animalsyr. Commercial 10 litters year.Continued on page 1211JanuaryFebruary 2010cLuBBUSINESSsECTIONmi^oatd jUeeting jUlnutes Continued Jtom page llStandards impossible for homes. 30 animal limit.LA - 75 dog limit.M A - 5 dog minimum - 25 dog maximum over 6 months. Limit2 Oof one litter per year.ME - 3 categories of kennels wexcessive licensing fees ME - 150 yearly intact fee over 6 months. Limit 10 dogs for a kennel. 500 license fee each animal in a breeding kennel. Increases pet shop fees to 650 per dog sold.MD - Limit of 50. Engineering standards impossible for homes for over 9 dogs.MN - commercial kennel is 20 intact Sc 5 littersyear. Adults are 24 weeks.MN - 40 animal limitMO - adequate resting cycles between breeding against many reproductive Specialists recommendationsMT - Unannounced inspections if you sell 20 puppiesyr.NC -15 dogs - commercial kennel, no breeding before IS months or after S years.NE - limit of 75 dogs NY - anyone who breeds 3 or more animals, impossible standards for a home, must feed twice a day.NV - 500yr fee for anyone who sells dogs. Standards include 'moral character' Qualifications for 6 animals. Bitches may only have 2 litters in a lifetime.OH - breeds 9 litters or 40 dogs and sells or leases animals. One litter per year per dog. no weeds in kennel areas...etc. Sanitized kennel flooring can't be done in home.OK - 35 animals sold or transferred limit. Out of state needs a license to sell in OK.OR - 25 intact dog limit. Over 9 dogs must comply with commercial kennel criteria.TN - Commercial breeder 20 dogs - max 75 TX - State wide spay neuter unless holding an intact license at 300 per year.TX - Commercial breeder at 11 dogs, limit 50 TX - anti tethering - no exemptions. No dog can be outside in inclement weather no exemption for hunting dogsVA - Licensinginspections at 30 dogs. Limit to own 50.WA - Possession limit 25 breeding dogs. StandardsinSpections begin at 10 dogs. One litter per year, dogs must be age between IS months to S years max.WV - 20 minimum - 40 maximum animals. Can only breed age IS months to S years. Fines 2500 year in jail or both.Some have passed, some were defeated. The defeated laws will undoubtedly be back in the next legislative session.If we are not vocal....we will lose our rights to dogs. And we need to watch all levels of government, up to and including the Federal level. The appointment of Cass Sunstein, an avowed Animal Rights activist, as an important advisor to the President, is a devastating blow with ominous overtones for the future.Please notify the APC legislative Action Committee of onerous legislation in your area... awareness is the first step to solving a problemMembershipAn oral report was submitted by Judy Green, Chair. There are 6 household and 4 single applications to be voted on.WebsiteA written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair. The website was updated with committee reports, meeting minutes, national information, membership change requests, and committee changes.Special Committees Audit Committee 2006 - 200SJan Stachurski was contacted and accepted the chair position.Constitution Bylaws CommitteeA written report was submitted by Mrs. Reimschiissel on behalf of the committee. The parliamentarian made suggestions to the CBL which are being integrated into the CBL.Standard Revision CommitteeA written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair. The standard was revised based on the poll results and member comments and forwarded to the board for their review.A motion was made by Mrs. Lehtinen, seconded by Mr. Gilstrap and it was VOTED unanimously to send a thank you to the Standard Committee members.A motion was made by Mr. Gilstrap, seconded by Mrs. Green and It was VOTED unanimously to review the Revised Standard and have a meeting to discuss it on October 12,2009.Show Committee 20X0 Show Chair - Pat Barnett Theme Festival of DreamsCommitteeObedience Chair - Wendy Donnelly Chief Ring Steward - Dorothy Ashbey Outside Ring Steward - Judy Stone Obedience Steward - Judy Stone Exhibitor Bags BanquetKelly D. Reimschiissel as ChairHospitality Room Carlene GilstrapGrounds - Gregg WatersHealth Seminar - Alane LevinsohnJudges Education Sc Mentor Seminar - Fred BassettTop 20 - Christine Creasey Sc Betsy OwensTrophy Chair - Vicky Palmer Sc Curtiss SmithWays Sc Means - Donna RiehmKaraoke Night was proposed for Sunday evening. Pat Barnett will check on liquor availability for Sunday.Puppy Match 2010 will be held on Sunday from 330 p.m. to 530 p.m. Pre-registration will be in the Premium List. Entry will be limited to 150. The income for this event will be to benefit the Centennial show.Premium List. A copy has been received by Pat Barnett.Trophies. Trophy money will be accepted via paypal. A general trophy donation button will be put on the website.Health Seminar - Pat will contact Alane regarding the seminar and health testing.Hospitality - 530 cash bar, 600 dinner. Tables12mof 10 can be reserved on a limited basis. Tickets must be purchased in increments of 10.2011100 Year Anniversary ExtravaganzaShow Committee 2011Chair Vikki Oelerich Committee Pat Barnett, Joan Behrend Christine Creasey, Judy Green, Christine Heartz, Brenda Heimbach, Brenda Segelken, Beth Shattuck, Betsy Owens and Peter Petterson.Theme 100 Year Extravaganza Colors Blue Silver CommitteeShow Chair - Pat BarnettObedience Chair - Wendy DonnellyBanquet - Kelly D. Reimschiissel as ChairJudges Education Sc Mentor Seminar - Fred BassettTop 20 - Christine Creasey Sc Betsy OwensTrophy Chair - Vikki OelerichWays Sc Means - Donna RiehmArtwork items for 2011 being available in 2010 was discussed. A bingo event was also discussed.Election of New MembersA motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Pelz and it was VOTED unanimously to go into Executive Session. It is reported out of Executive Session that the following applicants were voted in as membersLisa Bobby CaudillGail GarveyPaul Jean GatesCorie Matt GavinBonnie Hodson Sc Sue DittmerFran Kresich Sc Millie RozowJohn LeemhuisLaurie OtisDonna StekliUnfinished BusinessCopyrightTrademark InformationMrs. Reimschiissel reported that a Trademark attorney is reviewing the application prior to submission.The Pomeranian ReviewEditor - description will be done including advertising and subscription by Mrs. Solano.Compensation was discussed as follows regarding a percentage of advertising income 5,00010 7,50012.5 10,000 and above20. This will be reviewed after the first 2 issues are completed under the direction of the new editor.New BusinessThe following motions are reported from Executive SessionA motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and it was VOTED unanimously that a Vi page will be provided to any organization dedicated to Health or Rescue provided the organization is a 501c3 and provides financial information when requested.A motion was made by Mrs. Jackson, seconded by Mrs. Green and it was VOTED unanimously that the APC vote on judges every year.Pomeranian ReviewNext Meeting DateOctober 26,2009Upon a motion made by Mrs. Solano and seconded by Mr. Sisneros the meeting was adjourned at 916 p.m. CST.AdjournedAttestKelly D. Reimschiissel23, 2004 hcOl,October 12, 2009 630 P.M. CST PresentMrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano.The meeting was called to order at 638 p.m. CST. President Mrs. Jane Lehtinen and Recording Secretary Mrs. Kelly D. Reimschiissel were present.Standard RevisionThe Standard Revision was submitted by the Standard Revision Committee. The Standard Revision will be discussed section by section.General Appearance Original With DeletionsGeneral AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, a drive toy dog. He has a soft, dense undercoat with a profuse harsh-textured outer coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky, commanding, and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and addon.Proposed Changes General AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, adrive toy dog of Nordic descent. The double coat consists of a short dense undercoat with a profuse harsh-textured longer outer coat. The heavily plumed tail is one of the characteristics of the breed. It is set high and lies flat on the back. He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky, commanding, and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and addon.There were no proposed changes to the General Appearance Section.Size, Proportion, Substance Original With DeletionsSize, Proportion, SubstanceThe average weight of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show Specimen being 4 to 6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. The distance ffem the point of shoulder to the point of buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest point of the withers to the ground. The distance from-t-he brisket to the ground is--half the height at-thewithers. He-is medium-boned, and the length of hisTegs-is in proportion-t-o a well balanced framerJanuaryFebruary 2010When-eeta-nt-Htedrl'h2-feels sturdy.Proposed ChangesSize, Proportion, SubstanceWeight - is from 3 to 7 pounds with the ideal weight for show Specimens being 4 to 6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable however, overall quality should be favored over size. Proportion - The Pomeranian is a square breed, with the ratio of body length to height atwithers being 1 to 1. These proportions aremeasured from the prosternum to the point of buttocks, and from the highest point of the withers to the ground. Substance - Sturdy, mediumboned.When examined, he feels sturdy.There was a proposed change to the Proportion sentence. Proposed change is underlined.OriginalProportion - The Pomeranian is a square breed, with the ratio of body length to height at withers being 1 to 1.ProposedProportion - The Pomeranian is a square breed, with the ratio of body length to height at withers being slightly less than 1 to 1.IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. PASSEDHeadOriginal With Deletions HeadThe head is in balance with the body. The muzzle is rather short, straight, fine, free of lippiness and never snipey. His expression is alert and may be referred to as fox-like. The skull is closed. The top of the skull is slightly r-ounded, but not domed. When viewed from the front and-side o-nc-sees small ears which are mounted high and carried erect. To form- a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through thecenter of the eyes-and the tip of-th e-ears. The eyesdark, bright, medium i-n-s-i-se and almond- shaped, They are set well into the skull on either side of a well-pronounced stop. Tire pigmentation is black on the nose and-eye rims except selfcolored in braw-nrheayef-and blue dogs. Tire teethmeet in a scissors bite. One tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major Faults RoundT-domed skull under-shot mouth overshot mouth.Proposed Changes HeadHead - in balance with the body, when viewed from above, broad at the back tapering to the noseto form a wedge. Expression - may be referred to as fox-like, denoting his alert and intelligent nature. Eyes - dark, bright, medium sized, and almond shaped. Set well into the skull with the width between the eyes balancing the other facialfeatures. Eye rims are black, except self-colored inchocolate, beaver and blue. Bars - small, mounted high and carried erect. Proper ear set should be favored over size. Skull - closed, slightly round but not domed. Stop - well pronounced. Muzzle - straight, short, free of lippiness, neither coarse nor snipey. Ratio of length of muzzle to skull is 13 to23. Nose - pigment is black except self-colored inchocolate, beaver and blue. Bite - scissors, one tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major Faults- Undershot, overshot or wry bite. Disqualification- Evefsl light blue, blue marbled, blue flecked.There was a proposed change to the Ears section. Proposed change is underlined.OriginalEars - small, mounted high and carried erect. Proper ear set should be favored over size.ProposedBars small, mounted high and carried erect. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Solano. OPPOSED Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros. PASSEDThere was a proposed change to the Muzzle section. Proposed change is underlined.OriginalMuzzle - straight, short, free of lippiness, neither coarse nor snipey.ProposedMuzzle - rather short, straight, free of lippiness, neither coarse nor snipey.IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. PASSEDThere was a proposed change to the Major Faults section. Proposed change is underlined.OriginalMajor Faults - Undershot, overshot or wry bite.ProposedMajor Faults - Round, domed skull. Undershot, overshot or wry bite.IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mr. Sisneros, Mrs. Solano. ABSTAIN Mrs. Reimschiissel. PASSEDNeck, Topline, Body Original With DeletionsNeck, Topline, BodyThe neck is short with-it-s-base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is short with-a level topline. The body is compact and well-ribbed wi-th-bfhkct reach mg-the elbow The plumed tail is one of the characteristies of the breed, and lies flat and straight on the back.Proposed Changes Neck, Topline, BodyNeck - set well into the shoulders with sufficient length to allow the head to be carried proud and high. Topline - level from withers to croup. Body compact and well-ribbed. Chest - oval tapered extending to the point of elbows with apronounced prosternum. Back - short-coupled, straight and strong. Loin -short with slight tuckup.Croup is flat. Tail - heavily plumed, set high and lies flat and straight on the back. Major Fault- Low Tail Set.Continued on page 14Resignation ot Kathy Norem as Business L-ara Manager.Email from Marge Kranzfelder regarding CHF-DAF funds.Email from a non-member regarding a member.Morris Essex Kennel Club request. Correspondence mailed and cc'd to the board Emailed Breed Publications LLC, Officeware LLC, and the Reader regarding the publisher for the Review.A motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it PASSED to amend Policy Procedure Manual to read Members have thirty 30 days from the first day of publication to send in comments regarding applicants to the Membership Chair, i.e. JanFeb, MarApr, MayJune, JulyAug, SepOct, Nov Dec. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosCorresponding Secretarys ReportSeptember 29,2009 - October 26, 2009 Ongoing updating of the Membership database based on the changes sent in for member for addressesphone numbers emails.Prepared Mail Merge for 2010 Dues Notice MailingMailed Thank You notes, Rosters and everything else requested to mailAnswered Correspondence from Members and Non-Members Treasurers ReportProfit and Loss and Balance Sheet reports were received and reviewed. We have received 95 in donations for the Centennial.Committee ReportsCommittee reports were not received from the following committees Annual Awards, Companion Events, Delegate, Health Sc Genetics, and Gazette Columnist.The following committees had nothing new to report Breed Advisory, Historical Awards, Judges Education, Rescue, Rescue ProgramStanding CommitteesFundraising CommitteeA motion was made by Mrs. Reimschiissel, seconded by Mrs. Oelerich and it PASSED to amend the Policy Sc Procedure Manual 6.2.9 and 6.2.12 and combine the Fundraising and Logo Apparel committees. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosHistorianA written report was submitted by Mrs. Pelz on behalf of Leesa Molina, Chair.Field and Fancy 061309 pg 77 The First American-bred Pomeranian to become a Champion was Ch. Shadyside Billy5 pounds, run or quality, nas a piuiuse cuat, anu. was labeled a sure getter. His stud fee was 20.00 to approved bitches and to members of the American Pomeranian Club, 15.00.Jim and I will begin working on the timeline in 2010 we needed to take some time for researching.Legislative Action CommitteeA written report was submitted by Mrs. Solano on behalf of Geneva Coats, Chair.Update from California....there is L.A. County hearing October 28 regarding a proposal to phase out all breeding in kennels in that area within the next five years. Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed AB241 cap on numbers of intact dogscats that anyone may own, also vetoed AB 243 fines for animal offenses including prohibiting ownership of animals for a period of many years and the Governor also vetoed AB 1122 prohibits sales of animals in public venues. Thankfully our Gover- nator listened to our concerns about these HSUS- sponsored bills. SB 250, the statewide mandatory sterilization bill, was withdrawn and may be reintroduced in the next session. Action group We the People for Pets is sponsoring anti-HSUS rallies this week in San Francisco and Los Angeles at fund-raising appearances in those cities by HSUS president Wayne Pacelle. You may remember the We The People group for their genius idea of bringing Lassie to the state capitol to help defeat the mandatory sterilization bill, AB 1634. Massachusetts is advancing a bill that would make debarking illegal. This bill includes proposed huge penalties for veterinarians who perform debark procedures. Our committee is available to provide information and a letter of opposition if and when the members from that state request assistance with defeating this bill. Legislative updates are being sent to the membership via the APC official list, and in the future we hope to include some articles in the Review on Animal Rights and issues in legislation.MembershipAn oral report was submitted by Judy Green, Chair.There will be a vote for 2 family applicants tonight.The Pomeranian ReviewA written report was submitted by Mr. Sisneros on behalf of Brenda Segelken, Chair.The NovDec Pomeranian Review should be mailed before the first week of Nov. 2009. Once the issue drops, my editors responsibilities are complete.We have a huge supply of the Anniversary Issue. I recommend promoting sales now and at the 2010 APC National. Several Hard copy editions of the Anniversary Issue are available.Kathy Norem, Business Card Manager and Contract Ad Manager, has resigned. Cheri McDonald, Subscription Manager, has resigned as ofFeb.The following items, asked for by the board per Secretary's Report, will be submitted before the end of the month List of Articles and Authors,WebsiteA written report was submitted by Kelly D. Reimschiissel, Chair.The website was updated with committee reports, meeting minutes, national information, national shopping page, new members, membership change requests, and committee changes.Special Committees Constitution Bylaws CommitteeA written report was submitted by Mrs. Reimschiissel on behalf of the committee. The parliamentarian made suggestion to the CBL which are being integrated into the CBL.SHOW COMMITTEE 2010Show Chair - Pat BarnettPremium List is due November 20,2009Theme "Festival of DreamsCommitteeObedience Chair - Wendy Donnelly Chief Ring Steward - Dorothy Ashbey Outside Ring Steward - Judy Stone Obedience Steward - Judy Stone Exhibitor Bags BanquetKelly D. Reimschiissel as Chair Hospitality Room Carlene Gilstrap Grounds - Gregg Waters Judges Education Mentor Seminar - Fred BassettKaraoke - will be on Sunday, hospitality night.A motion was made by Mrs. Oelerich, seconded by Mrs. Solano and it PASSED that the club pay for Karaoke expenses up to 500. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosPuppy Match - Vikki OelerichThe judge for the puppy match will be Peter Pettersen.Top 20 - Christine Creasey Betsy OwensThe colors have been chosen. I have the breeder judge secured and am working on the other two. I have spoken with Ann at the Drawbridge Inn but, need to Speak more with Pat as to what rooms are going to be secured for the event. The Pom Reader as you know is going to host the open bar. I have obtained a menu from the website. We will be doing a 5050 the day and night of the top Twenty. Letters will go out next week asking for donations. On that note, can you see if Pat has a floor plan or an idea as to what room will hold the tables and ring. Lisa Aiello will be doing the Program.Trophy Chair - Vicky Palmer Curtiss SmithWays Means - Donna RiehmSHOW COMMITTEE 2011Chair Vikki Oelerich Committee Pat Barnett, Joan Behrend, Christine Creasey, Judy Green, Christine Heartz, Brenda Heimbach, Trish Inman, Brenda Segelken, Beth Shattuck, BetsyTomeranian Reviewtr ' rttluwl each other. The feet are well arehed, compact, and turn neither in no-r out. He stands well up on hisundercoat with long harsh-textured guard hair growing through, forming the longer abundantouter coat which stands off from the body. Thejraxtcins urmtuc cans. cross stripes oil any color or pattern. Parti - White with any color, sable or pattern, white blaze preferred. ExtremeTomeranian ReviewOwens and Peter Pettersen.Theme 100 Year Extravaganza Colors Blue 8c SilverCommitteeShow Chair - Pat Barnett Obedience Chair - Wendy Donnelly Banquet - Kelly D. Reimschiissel as Chair Judges Education 8c Mentor Seminar - Fred BassettTop 20 - Christine Creasey 8c Betsy Owens Trophy Chair - Vikki Oelerich Ways 8c Means - Donna RiehmSummer Specialties2010 Summer Specialty - Des Moines Pomeranian Club2011 Summer Specialty - Columbia Pomeranian ClubElection of New MembersA motion was made by Mrs. Green seconded by Mrs. Reimschiissel and it PASSED to go into Executive Session. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosNothing is reported out of executive session.Unfinished Business Agility PollA written report was submitted by Mrs. Lehtinen on behalf of Wendy Donnelly. I sent out the poll to all of the 20 agility APC members. I have received 7 of the 20 back so far. We have 2 people with no experience, 3 people with scribe, timer, and assistant course builder expertise. One that has course builder expertise and one that has 3 yrs of trial secretary experience. All of these are willing to donate time to help out that have experience. I have mailed out the poll today for those who have no email address or for some reason the email address in the current roster is not correct. I gave them a deadline of no later than November 2 so that I have enough time to give you the results of the final poll before the November board meeting.CopyrightTrademark InformationMrs. Reimschiissel reported that a Trademark attorney is reviewing the application prior to submission.The Pomeranian ReviewA motion was made by Mrs. Solano, seconded by Mrs. Green and it PASSED that a 20 discount will be given to advertisers in the JanuaryFebruary issue of The Pomeranian Review for a full page ad. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. OPPOSED Mrs. Jackson. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosA motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Jackson and it PASSED that the Review Editor Compensation be a percentage of advertising income 5,000 10 7,500 12.5 10,000 and above 20. This will be reviewed after the first 2 issues are completedunder the direction of the new editor. IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosA motion was made by Mrs. Green, seconded by Mrs. Oelerich and it PASSED to approve the Editor job description as submitted by Mrs. Solano. IN FAVOR Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Green, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel, Mrs. Solano. ABSTAIN Mrs. Barnett. ABSENT Mr. SisnerosSubscriber information and summary of issues sent out was received by Cheri McDonald, Subscription Manager.Standard RevisionThere was a proposed change to the Color SectionOriginalAll acceptable colors, shadings, patterns, and variations thereof are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Overall quality of the dog is to take preference over color.Acceptable Colors - Any solid color Red,Orange. Cream. Black. Blue. Chocolate. Beaver.White. Blue is light to dark gray. Chocolate islight milk chocolate to dark rich chocolate.Beaver is a dilute shade of chocolate. Chocolate.beaver and blue dogs have self-colored pigment.Acceptable Shadings - Any solid color withlighter or darker shades of the same color. Solid.shaded and sable dogs must be free of any white.Sables - Sable coats are defined as darktipping on a solid dog. The amount of tipping maybe light or heavy. Tipping may be shades of or chocolate. Blue sable dogs have an orangeshaded undercoat with blue tipping, pigment isself-colored. Chocolate sable dogs are chocolatewith dark chocolate tipping, pigment is selfcolored.Wolf sable dogs have a light grayundercoat with a deeper shade of steel gray guardhair ending in black tipping, pigment is black.Wolf sable must be free of cream or white whichwould classify them as cream or white sable.Patterns - Brindle - Dark cross stripes on any color or pattern. Parti - White with any color, sable or pattern, white blaze preferred. Extreme Piebald White with patches of color onhead and base of tail. Piebald White with patchesof color on head, body, and base of tail. IrishColor on the head and body with white legs, chestand collar. Tan Points - Any solid color or pattern with markings sharply defined above each eye, muzzle, throat, forechest, stomach, lower legs, the underside of the tail and skirt. Color may range from cream to rust.Disqualification - Merle Pattern. Classifications - The Open Classes may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream 8c Sable Open Beaver, Black, Blue, 8c Chocolate Open Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.ProposedAll acceptable colors, shadings, and patterns are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Overall quality of the dog is to take preferenceover color.Acceptable Colors - Any solid color, anysolid color with lighter or darker shadings of thesame color, sable any solid color with darkertips.Acceptable Patterns - Brindle - Dark cross stripes on any color or pattern. Parti - White base with any acceptable color or pattern. A white blaze with any acceptable color or patternother than white, covering both eyes and ears ispreferred on the head. Ticking is undesirable.Extreme Piebald White with patches of color onhead and base of tail. Piebald White with patchesof color on head, body, and base of tail. IrishColor on the head and body with white legs, chestand collar. Tan Points - Any solid color or pattern with markings sharply defined above each eye, inside the ears, muzzle, throat, forechest, stomach, lower legs, the underside of the tail and skirt. Color may range from cream to rust. The richer the tan the more desirable.Major Fault - Any acceptable color or patternon a dog with distinct white on a foot or on thefeet except white or parti.Disqualification - Merle Pattern. A basecolor with lighter patches giving a mottled orffieckled appearance.Classifications - The Open Classes may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream 8c Sable Open Beaver, Black, Blue, 8c Chocolate Open Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz. OPPOSED Mrs. Green, Mrs. Solano. ABSTAIN Mrs. Reimschiissel. ABSENT Mr. Sisneros. PASSED There was a proposed change to the amended Ears section. Proposed change is underlined.Amended SentenceEars - small, mounted high and carried erect.ProposedEars - small, mounted high and carried erect. Proper ear set should be favored over size.IN FAVOR Mrs. Barnett, Mr. Gilstrap, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs. Leemhuis, Mrs. Lehtinen, Mrs. Owens, Mrs. Pelz, Mrs. Reimschiissel. OPPOSED Mrs. Green, Mrs. Oelerich, Mrs. Solano. ABSENT Mr. Sisneros. PASSEDNew BusinessNoneNext Meeting DateNovember 23,2009Upon a motion made by Mrs. Reimschiissel and seconded by Mrs. Green the meeting was adjourned at 903 p.m. CST.AdjournedAttestKelly D. Reimschiissel, Recording Secretary '7'lwrsr23, 200^f AAJanuaryFebruary 2010Salute 0b he Pom q^eiiiew QtafjfMost clubs are run by members who volunteer their time and energy to doing something for their club. Cheri McDonald is no exception. Cheri has been subscription manager for the last 5 years, taking care of our subscription list and making sure everyone knows when they need to renew. Cheri is expecting her first child in April so will be resigning in February and we all wish her well. I asked Cheri some questions and heres what she had to say1. How long have you been in PomsI got my first Pom in 1991 and bred my first litter in 1994.2. How long have you been an APC memberIve been an APC member since 20013. How long have you worked with the Review and in what capacityI became the Subscription Manager in early 20044. What made you volunteer for this position with the RevewI noticed there was a need since the previous person who held the position was wanting to step down and I thought it would be a good way to help the APC since I knew I had the skills needed for the job.5. What was the toughest part of your jobThe toughest part of the job is getting calls at 4 am from people wanting to subscribe or wondering where their magazine is. Thankfully it doesnt happen very often.6. What was the easiest andor most pleasurable part of your jobThe nicest thing is when newsubscribers write who are excited when their first issue arrives.7. Anything else you would like to add re your tenure on the Review.Ive made some very close friendships because of my work as subscription manager and as Im about to leave the position soon I'll always look back at the time I've served with fond memories.skesiv 'Wcffiorva-idWorking as our Advertising Managero o ois Becky Jackson. Becky has taken on the daunting task of APC Treasurer and is finding that it takes up more time than she ever thought We wish her well as Treasurer but we have no doubt that she'll succeed at that as she has with everything else shes done.Well so long, everyone. That is Good- Bye in Southern. As the outgoing Ad Manager for the Pomeranian Review I must say I have had the best time e-mailing, meeting and getting to know all the advertisers and now friends from every part of the world. I have worked for the Review for a very short time compared to all the other volunteers who have worked very hard and long to make the Magazine something that every member and subscriber can be proud of. Being part of the Pom Review team has been an honor and let me thank everyone for the ads they have placed with me and the fun I had helping you get the ad you wanted. This job has allowed me to meet some of the finest Breeders and get to know some of the best Kennels and their dogs. What could be betterMost everyone knows me, I started showing and breeding Poms about 8 years ago with the experienced help ofCarlene and David Gilstrap, falling in love with the Breed from the very beginning, which was a long time ago. But that will be a secretLane, Julie and I can be seen almost every week-end at a dog show trying to finish a Springwood Pomeranian watching everything in the ring to be sure we are breeding the very best we can, hoping we will breed that really Special One. Springwood works hard to breed that sound, healthy, beautiful show dog, with Julie making sure they are well socialized.Another staff will be coming soon to make the Review yet even more beautiful and lovely. The new team will have the great honor to serve the American Pomeranian Club publishing this wonderful magazine. It is my wish that everyone will support the Pomeranian Review as this is the Magazine that represents our beloved breed and unites our Club. Good luck to all the new Review volunteers.Another Staff member we would like to thank is Kathy Norem who has been our Business Card Manager. Unfortunately, Kathy didn't comment for this article. We thank her for her years of service and wish her well in all her future endeavors.The resignation of the editor has opened up an opportunity for the Club to take the Pomeranian Review in another direction. We are looking for volunteers to help grow this beautiful magazine. With that said, please look through this lovely magazine and see what you thinkJudy GreenPomeranian Review01ie ^owetcmicmInterim Editor........................Celeste Solano, P.O. Box 15202, Tumwater, WA 98511 360 273-8722, PomReviewamericanpomeranianclub.orgSubscription Manager. Cheri McDonald, P.O. Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773, 909 394-7923, Fax 909 599-4692, cheri Back Issue Manager...............................................David Gilstrap, P.O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422,, 423 987-0266SubsCtiptlOHS 6 issues per yearUSPS First Class.............................45.00USPS Standard................................37.00CanadaMexico...............................55.00Foreign..........................................100.00Single Issue.....................................10.00Back Issues..................................... 10.00DeadlinesAd Deadline....................................... IssueNov. 25....................................... .Jan.Feb.Jan. 25.....................................MarchAprilMarch 25.................................... MayJuneMay 25........................................JulyAug.July 25........................................ Sept.Oct.Sept. 25......................................Nov.Dec.uAciettisifig QatesFront Cover Color.........................600.00Back Cover Color......................... 450.00Inside Front Cover Color..............300.00Inside Back Cover Color.............. 300.00Page 3,4, 5,6 Color....................... 300.00Center Spread BW.......................250.00Center Spread Color..................... 500.00Full Page Deluxe Color................ 275.00All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional hlack and white photos are 10 each.Full Page BW............................... 100.00Half Page Color............................ 150.00Half Page BW................................60.00One Quarter Page Color................. 75.00One Quarter Page BW...................40.00Business Card 6..... Small 70, Large 100Mail ad text, photos and payment to The Pomeranian Review Celeste Solano, Interim Editor PO Box 15202, Tumwater, WA 98511 360 273-8722 Make checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.fifioppet-fxmityThere are limited DVD's from previous years. The following package has been put together and is a one of a kind - there will never be another offer like thisThere is one WDWBBOB DVD from 2006 and one from 2007. We will combine the last one of those years with a WDWB BOB DVD from 2008 and one from 2009 making a complete BOB set for four years. THERE WILL BE ONLY ONE SET This premium offer is available for 110 includes SH in USA, CanadaMexicoForeign will be assessed actual postage.For a limited time only now until 33010 the American Pomeranian Club is offering the following Special buys.For those of you who are new to Poms or to exhibiting Poms, weve put together three different packages to help you further understand this wonderful breed. See which package best fits your needsGold Package Silver Package Bronze Pa15 Illustrated Standard X X XPom Review Subscription45 1st Class X37 Bulk X X35 Anniversary Issue X X X28 2009 DVD WinnersBOB X23 2009 DVD SweepsJrs X X13 2009 DVD Top 20 X XTotal Value 159 110 100SPECIAL OFFER includes SH in USA 125 90 85CanadaMexico add 15 Foreign add 55 for additional SHFor any of these offers, please contact Becky Jackson at and tell her you saw this offer in the JanFeb 2010 issue of the Pomeranian ReviewCheck this page every issue as we will be making fecial offers to our readers on a regular basis.19JanuaryFebruary 2010JUewbetsliLp Committee ^2epoit ^istoiicafi Awaridg ^RepoitJudy Green, Chair822 Parkside Blvd, Claymont, DE 19703 302-798-3023 membershipamercianpomeranianclub.orgApplications for membership can be downloaded from www. or you may request an application from the membership chair.Letters commenting on published applicants are to be sent to the membership chair. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication.We are pleased to announce that the following applicants have been successfully voted into the APC.New MembersKrystal Cliff Morris CA Cliffrose PomsSponsors A lane Levinsohn, Deronda SharpNew ApplicantsDottie Dunnigan CASponsors Sharon Hanson, Lori KamrathGeorge 8c Debra KailerWISponsors Pat MiUer, Wendy LanePat Dan Mappes IN CasimarSponsors Lauretta Flynn, Fran StollJill A. Blum NYPaps N PomsSponsors Joan Behrend, Sharon YampiroTim O'Harrah FLViva PomsSponsors Joan Behrend, Bonnie HarrisAndrea Noel ONSnoelSponsors Chris Heartz,Judy GreenTravis Vauris FL HoneyheatherSponsors Sherrilynn Rogers,Mari IffiandCarol Leemhuis, ChairP.O. Box 23163 Pittsburgh, PA 15222-6163 412-848-6987Gold Club GCCH Lanas American Icon D Owner Lana PriceCH MACH Carleez Front Page News BOwners Janice George SmithMACH Pomacres Iridescent Dragnfly RE BOwner Lois Fae MorkasselHall Of Fame HOFCH MACH Carleez Front Page News BOwners Janice George SmithRegister Of Merit Supreme ROMSCH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo B Owner Carol LeemhuisRegister Of Merit Excellent ROMXCH Jan-Shars Dudly DorightDOwner Becky SabourinRegister Of Merit ROMCH Tokie Mercury DOwner Toby TangkaravakunCH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown DOwners Ron Merilyn Smith and Krystal MorrisPomhavens Tiger Lily B Owner Colleen P. BelandBobiis Lalique of GR Elms B Owner Bobii EarleCH Rodi s CR Queen Of StarsBOwners Robert Celette Solano Jan-Shars Martina McBrideBOwners Ron Merilyn Smith, Derrik Deronda SharpStar Havens Countess GloryBOwner Diane L. FinchFinch's Blond Beauty B Owner Diane L. Finch^eaM Qe^etlcs Committee QlpdateHealth and Genetics - Research into Alopecia XWe are a very fortunate to have several research Universities working on the Pomeranian health issue, Alopecia X. While we do not have any answers yet, great strides are being made.Dr. Tosso Leeb's DNA study of Alopecia X at the University of Bern, Switzerland states that he has located a relatively small region of the Pomeranian Dog genome where he believes the causal mutation for Alopecia X is located. Ifthis is accurate, it means that Alopecia X is primarily caused by a single mutation and not several genetic risk factors. They have not yet pinpointed the exact causal mutation and he believes that it is an unknown gene which makes the search a little more difficult. Optimistically, there could be a test available in the next year or possibly a little longer depending on how the further experiments proceed.Dr. Linda Frank from University of Tennessee has applied for funding to do a study about coat loss dogs after thefirst of the year. She will be needing 10 dogs with Alopecia X, preferably neutered with thyroid and Cushings ruled out. Dogs selected for the study will need to visit her and her staff monthly for 5 visits so they would preferably be close to University of Tennessee or willing to travel there on a monthly basis.Alane Levinsohn, Chairperson Health and GeneticsPomeranian ReviewVCompanion Svents cJieuis uW QAewsBy Barbara McClatcheyA Title On Both EndsThere is a saying that A well-balanced dog has a title on both ends. I looked at our titled Pomeranians this time around and saw four dual-titled Poms, all owned by APC members CH Janesas Wanna Play Jax CD RA, owned by Jean Kroll Lily Mummert CH Finch s Walkin N Talkin RA, owned by Jayne Hoemke CH Carleez Front Page News MX MXJ, owned by Janice George Smith and CH MACH2 Carleez Boom Boom Boom, also owned by Janice George Smith. There are, of course, many other such dogs out there, but these are the ones who earned a Companion Events title during the months of September and October. It is efyiecially impressive to see two Poms with the same owners and the same breeder Carol Leemhuis who are well-balanced dogs. This says something for both the owners who put in the training necessary to progress so far in both Conformation and Agility, Obedience, or Rally, and for the breeders who produced dogs capable of doing it all. These dual-titled dogs have proved that they have beauty, structure, and brains.I asked Carol about her breeding program. She says that all three of the Champion Carleez poms Jan and George Smith have were over nine months of age when they were acquired. All had been socialized and had been to show grounds since puppyhood. They were very well traveled even as young puppies. Carol has been having all patellas checked on all of her dogs since she began in Poms herself. She has them checked at puppy checkupsJanuaryFebruary 2010and again before their first birthday. Sometime after the first birthday she has the OFA paperwork completed. Carol said she would prefer to breed all perfect 0 patellas, but in this breed it seems to be nearly impossible. Carol has also had hips x-rayed and OFA certified in boys that sire more than a few litters and girls that are successful having and raising litters. OFA Cardiac and CERF testing for eyes is also completed. All of the vet checks and certifications are very important, but in a breed with so many health problems engrained for so many years, Carol says that luck seems to be as important as anything else in having the resulting puppies physically healthy enough to compete for a long-term athletic career. In addition to the Agility Poms, there have also been several that have earned Obedience titles with their owners. She said trying to breed for good structure and good health, and making sure the puppies are well-socialized and well-traveled all seem to be important to the physical and mental health required for success in agility and obedience.Speaking of TitlesI asked recently on the Active Pomeranian Yahoo group list for which Poms might have the most titles. The most titled were Lois Morkassel's Flitter and Carolyn Smith s LeviUACHX UCD Pom Acres Atomic Dragonfly NA OAJ MXP MJP CDX RAE ThDesv BPDX O-V CGC HITx2 FFX-AP2 FFX-AG HOFOTCH UUD Gidget s Cinnamon Prince UDX6 OM1 VER RE [ASCA] CD CGC HOF GCExplanation of abbreviationsAKC AgilityNANovice AgilityOAJOpen Agility Jumpers with Weaves 2nd level above NAJMXPAgility Excellent Preferred 4th level at 4, above NAP, OAP, and AXPMJP Master Agility Jumpers with Weaves Preferred 4th level at 4, above NJP, OJP, and AJPUKC AgilityUACHXAgility Champion Excellent 4th level, above UAGI, UAGII and UACHAKC ObedienceCDXCompanion Dog Excellent 2nd level, above CDUDXUtility Dog Excellent a 4th level, above CD, CDX, and UD OTCHObedience Trial Champion another 4th level, above CD, CDX, and UD OMlObedience Master VERVersatilityNumbers after a title mean that the title has been earned that many times over.UKC ObedienceUCDUKC Companion Dog 1st level UUDUKC Utility Dog 3rd level, above UCD and UCDXAKC RallyRERally Excellent 3rd level, above RN and RARAERally Advanced Excellent 4th level, above RN, RA, and REASCA ObedienceCDAustralian Shepherd Club Companion DogMiscellaneous some are awards rather than titlesThD esvTherapy Dog specializing in elderly social visits Love on a Leash is the certifying organization and the specialty indicates over 50 hours of visits Above ThDContinued on page 22fLcLuBBUsINESSsECTION21jActiW Continued iom page 21BPDXBack Pack Dog Excellent Wet Dog 2nd level, above BPS0-V Outstanding Versatile CanineCompanion Clever Canine Companions, a working dog registry. 3rd level, abovee VCC and VCCXCGCCanine Good Citizen AKC HITx2High in Trial 2 times. This is a UKC recognition at their agility trials FFX-AP2Front and Finish Award of Excellence Agility Platinum, 2 times earned on UKC agility scores and title completion requirements FFX-AGFront and Finish Award of Excellence Agility Gold earned on AKC agility preferred scores and title completion requirements HOFAmerican Pomeranian Club's Flail of FameGCAmerican Pomeranian Clubs Gold ClubTitles, We Got TitlesCompanion DogApaws She's A Bear-Bear CD RN OA OAJ NF, Susie Zemo-Letchworth, 10172009Carleez Thunderous Applause CD, Corie Gavin, 10312009CH Janesas Wanna Playjax CD RA, Jean Kroll Lily Mummert, 10242009 Phantom English Tanner CD RE, Barbara Proctor, 10252009Companion Dog ExcellentMACH Cayden R U Ready CDX RN NF,Patricia Mcmahon, 10312009, PALRally NoviceApaws Shes A Bear-Bear RN OA OAJ NF, Susie Zemo-Letchworth,9122009Castaway Supersonic D Hedgehog RN NA NAJ, Julie Vanoni, 9202009, PAL Princess RN, Kimberly Diane Dezellem, 9262009, PALSecond Chance Jumpin Jimminy RN, Barbara McClatchey, 9272009, PAL Trb Duke Indigo Blue RN, Tristin Lamberton, 962009 Frisco RN, Darla Hook, 10252009, PAL Libertys Blue Smoke Lightn RN, Pamela ONeil, 10172009Ma Merveilleuse Javachina RN, Alberta Smart, 10182009This Little Light Of Mine RN, Nancy Mary Wright, 10112009Rally AdvancedCastaway ST. Elmos Fire CD RA MXMXJ Julie Vanoni, 9192009, PALCH Finchs Walkin 'N Talkin RA, Jayne Hoemke, 9272009 Millamors Make Your Mark CD RA, Margery Sturm, 9192009 Robins Precious Zoey Bear RA, Robin Botelho, 9132009Apaws Shes A Bear-Bear CD RA OA OAJ NF, Susie Zemo-Letchworth, 10182009Rally ExcellentWanna Be A Morning Glory CD RE,Robin Botelho, 9122009Rally Advanced Excellent Lovepats CanT You Hear My Heart Beat CDX RAE, Helen Fonteneau, 9122009K Bar Js Klondike Bar CDX RAE OAOAJ NF, Carla Brown, 10182009Martis Mini Oreo CD RAE NA NAJ OAP OJP, Marti Halifko, 1092009 Wenkests Jewel CD RAE, Mrs. James Swimme, 10172009Rally Advanced Excellent 2 Pomde Firsthymn Grandquarry CDX RAE2 OA OAJ, Debra A Watson, 942009Shenanigans Jack Frost UD RAE2 AXAXJ, Debra A Watson, 942009Novice AgilityHeaven Sents Teddy Bear NA, AnnGolding, 10162009Nina CD RAE NA NAJ, Darla Hook, 1032009, PALPurplesage All Fired Up NA NAJ,Crystal Brown, 1032009Steenbocks Ruby Red Squirt NA NAJ,Nancy Jack Zolkowski, 10172009Novice Agility PreferredBeau James Fae Joyous Merit CD RNMX AXJ NAP NJP, Chris L Ellicott, 972009Open AgilityAbigales Prescious OA OAJ, Mindy Kirkpatrick, 9262009 Winjammers Hot Wheels OA NAJ, Donna C Anderson, 952009, PAL Edens Sunshine Angel Bear OA OAJ, Beth Carlson, 1032009, PAL Praline Dias OA OAJ, Annette Dias, 10242009, PALOpen Agility PreferredC Gs Mr. JJ OA OAJ OAP OJP, Cindy Dale, 932009MACH Funquests Surfin Usa OAP NJP NFP, Pritamo Kentala, 9202009, PALAgility Excellent Abigales Prescious AX OAJ, Mindy Kirkpatrick, 10252009Master Agility Excellent CH Carleez Front Page News MX MXJ, Janice George Smith, 9132009 Christannes CGs Jewel MX AXJ, Cindy Dale, 9252009Master Agility Excellent Preferred2MACH3 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi MXP2 MJP2 OF, Judy Thompson, 10162009Novice Agility Jumper Jan Les Wil-He Or WonT He NAJ, Carol Delton Mehlhaff, 9262009 Sassi NAJ, Patsy Needham, 9272009, PAL Extane Burnin It Up At Purplesage NAJ, Crystal Brown, 1032009 Nina CD RAE NA NAJ, Darla Hook, 1032009, PALSir Scoohy II NAJ, Kathy Lemmer, 1032009Novice Agility Jumper PreferredBeau James Fae Joyous Merit CD RNMX AXJ NAP NJP, Chris Ellicott, 972009Paughprints Perfect Match NJP, Victoria Leitner, 982009Pomhavens Ice Diamond Dancer NJP,Julianne Jeff Meyers, 9262009Open Agility JumperAbigales Prescious NA OAJ, Mindy Kirkpatrick, 9202009 Beau James Rotten To The Core RA OA OAJ, Kathryn Baumler,942009 Bella Renee OA OAJ NJP, Linda Terry Hall, 9192009Praline Dias NA OAJ, Annette Dias, 10172009Open Agility Jumper Preferred MACH Funquests Surfin Usa OAP OJP OFP, Pritamo Kentala, 1032009, PALExcellent Agility JumperC Gs Jr Boy OA AXJ, Cindy Dale, 962009Lucy TD OA AXJ NF, Terry Vanhook, 1032009Excellent Agility Jumper PreferredPrince Omars Pearlina RN OA OAJ OAPAJP, Rosalene Horner Wayne Carlson, 9122009, PALMaster Excellent JumperChristannes CGs Jewel MX MXJ, Cindy Dale, 9262009Master Excellent Jumper Preferred 2MACH3 Judys Itzy Bitzy Mitzi MXPPomeranian ReviewMJP2 OF, Judy Thompson, Michelle Klein, 1032009Agility FAST NoviceRed Hot Samson NA NAJ NF, Cynthia Little, 9122009, PAL Lucy TD OA AXJ NF, Terry Vanhook, 1032009, PALAgility FAST Novice PreferredPrincess In Training NAP OJP NFP,Marcia Messina, 9252009Agility FAST OpenWee Hearts Dancing Girl RN NA OAJOF, Jane Tom Benton, 10242009Agility FAST Open Preferred MACH Funquests Surfin' Usa OAP OJP OFP, Pritamo Kentala, 1032009, PALMaster Agility Champion 2 CH MACH2 Carleez Boom Boom Boom, Janice 8c George Smith, 942009Master Agility Champion 7MACH7 April May Wicket Moxon,Todd Moxon Gail Donaldson, 9202009Master Agility Champion 10 MACH10 Little Polly Party Girl, Betsy Ryba. 9202009Master Agility Champion 12 MACH12 Maya Mango Shes A Delight,Betsy Ryba, 9202009American Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for annual awards. These awards include Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, Top Flyball Pom, etc., and they must be applied for by the owner. Now eligible for the APC Hall of FameThe Hall of Fame and Gold Club are Historical Awards available to any Pomeranian, but the owner must apply for them. To read about the requirements only some of which are based on titles for these awards, go to www. . Eligible Poms are enrolled as HOF or GC in the records of the American Pomeranian Club, and their names are listed on the APC website.PAL [or ILP] dogs are usually rescues.Please write me at udxpomsbcglobal. net with your own Companion Events news and viewsAll APC Top Performance Awards Agility, Obedience, Flyball need to be applied for. Send your information and the award you are applying for to Joan Behrend, Awards Chair, at or Joan The deadline for applying is January 15th of next year.These are for the Top Awards only. Certificates will be provided for all performance titles to members of the APC for one year or more. Those certificates do not have to be applied for and are distributed at the APC Nationals, or mailed with next years roster. If you have questions as to these awards, please email Joan.Joan C. BehrendLil Behrs Pomeranianswww.lilbehrspoms.netru .The APC Board would like to give a very fecial thank you, on behalf of the APC, to the following members for their service to the APC.Annette Davis, Membership ChairErika Moureau, TreasurerDarrell Baker, AKC DelegateBrenda Segelken, Pomeranian Review EditorJanice Russell, Show ChairKelly D. Reimschiissel, Standard Revision ChairKathy Norem, Standard Revision CommitteeFran Stoll, Standard Revision CommitteeTerry Rothell, Standard Revision CommitteeJerrie Freia, Standard Revision CommitteeJudy Green, Constitution 8c Bylaws CommitteeMargaret McKee, Constitution Bylaws CommitteeKelly D. Reimschiissel, Constitution 8c Bylaws CommitteeChristine Crane, Audit 2007Elizabeth Heckert, Audit 2007Jan Stachurski, Audit 2006, 200SDavid Gilstrap, Show Site Committee ChairAlane Levinsohn, Show Site CommitteeBrenda Heimbach, Show Site CommitteeDonna Machniak, Show Site CommitteeGregg Waters, Show Site CommitteeNiki Wilde, Show Site CommitteeThere are many other individuals who have served the club in many positions. We wish to thank all of you for your service to our breed club.cIuBBUsINESSsECTIONgJanuaryFebruary 2010 23Pomeranians AKC TopDogssm Using Breed Totals Startingjanuary 1, 2009 and endingDecember 31, 2009 For Events Processed Through Wednesday, November 11, 2009Rank Name Sex BOBTotalDefeated1 CH Velocity's Shake Ur Bon Bon OwnerM Koga D 97 1,2322 CH Char's Bringin' Sexy Back Owners C Meyer D 71 9S93 CH Mountain Crest UDon'T Own Me Owners Gilstrap, C Gilstrap D 79 9134 CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time Owners L BeardVDinuck D 62 7975 CH Castile's Endless Love Owners G SisnerosC Gatewood D 5S 7346 CH Starlight's Smile From Siam Owner S Ekvinyakit D 3S 4897 CH Starfire'sDbl Trouble Owners G ArnoldW Arnold Flaata D 23 391S CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown Owners R Smith, M Smith, R MomsD 36 3669 CH Oakrose HighTST Mighty Owners J RoseG Stewart D 22 34210 CH Jan-Shars Elementary MyDear Watson Owners H SklarS Hanson D 3S 31511 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M SmithD 22 27512 CH Foxworth Five Card Stud Owners PDodsworth L Fox D 33 24113 CH Finch's You'Re So Special Nblk Owners C SolanoR Solano D 15 23814 CH Jan-Shars Cisco Kid Owners S Hanson D 15 20S15 CH Woodrose's Causin' A Commotion OwnersC Oganeku Y Oganeku D 16 19916 CH Majesties YouDon'T Know JackOwners A RisterVC CreedB Turner TumerS BerneyD 21 19717 CH Malashel's Mcdreamy Owner E Wishnow D 29 1S518 CH Tabletops Return to Sender Owners J StachurskiG Landry D 29 16719 CH Lanas American Icon Owner L Price D 12 15920 CH Aphrodites Topo Gigio OwnersB AUenLDeCicco D 14 152APC Member denoted by Pomeranians AKC TopTogssm Using All Breed TotalsStartingjanuary 1, 2009 and endingDecember 31, 2009For Events Processed Through Wednesday, November 11, 2009RankName Sex BIS I II III IV Total Defeated1 CH Velocity s Shake Ur Bon Bon OwnerM Koga D 9 42 26 9 7 17,4842 CH Mountain Crest UDon'T Own Me OwnersD Gilstrap, C Gilstmp V 0 14 IS 6 9 6,30S3 CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown Owners R Smith, M Smith, R Morris D 2 6 s 10 3 5,4314 CH Castile's Endless Love Owners G SisneivsVC Gatewood D 1 5 4 12 9 5,1775 CH Char's Bringin' Sexy Back Owners C Meyer D 1 9 11 7 7 5,1396 CH Pufpride Somewhere In Time Owners L BeardYDimick D 0 S 4 9 6 4,8707 CH Cr Tuff Guy Of Isabella Owners R Solano, C Solano, R Smith, M Smith D 0 1 5 2 6 2,9128 CH Jan-Shar's Elementary MyDear Watson Owners H SklarS Hanson D 0 4 5 3 6 1,9079 CH Oakrose HigtiN Mighty Owners]RoseG Stewart D 0 2 3 1 1 1,26710 CH Jan-Shars Cisco Kid Owner S Hanson D 0 2 2 1 4 1,16811 CH Starlight's Smile From Siam Owners S Ekviriyakit D 0 4 1 1 0 1,12212 CH Aphrodites Topo Gigio OwnersB AUenLDeCicco D 0 0 2 2 3 1,01213 CH Finch's You'Re So Special Nblk Owners C SolanoR Solano D 0 1 1 3 2 97414 CH Starfire'sDbl Trouble Owners G ArnoldfWArnoldD Flaata D 0 2 1 1 2 95S15 CH Rivendell Applauds Janesa Owners C Bonin D 1 1 1 2 1 8S716 CH Woodrose's Causin' A Commotion Owners C OganekuY Oganeku D 1 4 6 1 1 88517 CH Tabletop's Return to Sender Owners J StachurskiG Landry D 0 0 3 1 4 S2618 CH Bravo's Traveling In Style Owner KNowland D 0 4 0 0 3 77919 CH Majesties YouDon'T Know JackOwners A RisterVC CreedB Turner TurnerS BerneyD 0 0 2 1 3 70920 CH Foxworth Five Card Stud Owner PDodsworth L Fox D 0 0 1 3 2 621APC Member denoted by Pomeranian Review0op 06ft Qxkblt012, Sides, and cDawsJanuary 1,2009 through Oct 31,2009 as reported by the American Kennel ClubTop Exhibitors11 Diane L Finch10 Charlotte Meyer8 Sharon Hanson6 Celeste Solano6 Robert Solano4 Nina Fetter4 Carol Leemhuis4 Laurie Otis3 Colleen Beland3 Gail Bertrand 3 Nancy Coddington3 Robert Coddington3 Christine Crane3 Cindy Crane 3 Patricia Dague3 Roger Dague3 Michelle Dyson 3 Elizabeth Heckert3 Randy Houston3 Jennifer Munn3 Linda Pelz3 Lana Price3 Joanne E Rusk 3 Frances J Stoll3 Charles WhittemoreSeptewbei 2009 ChampionsCH Ali-Mae's Ready To Rock CinmarD CH Dhcrew Rock-N-Rumble CD RN x Leaping Lizards Of Lenette. Owned by Cindy Onosko. Bred by Kelly Tracy Nichols Brandon Zane Nichols.. CH Arn-Ette Nutin Sweet Bout MeB CH Starfires Dbl Trouble x Showin Butter Cookie Arnette. OwnedBred by Geri Arnold Sr William Arnold.CH E-Y Schoolhouse Rock DRhynstone Urban Legend x CH Rhynastone Intuition. OwnedBred by Kelley L Witter Sr Mary E Witter.CH Exquisites Sensational AdventureB CH Chriscendo Communicado x CH Exquisites Dream Adventure. OwnedBred by Wahyuni Wibowo.CH Finch's Parti In Your Dreams BCH Finch sChar sMakinWavesParti x Finch's In Your Dreams Parti. Owned by Cindy Golden Sr Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Foxworth Fair Play D CHFoxworth Five Card Stud x CH Finchs See Em Cornin'. OwnedBred by Pamela Dodsworth Sr Larry Fox.CH Geebear s Cross-Fire Hurricane DCH Nans Sit N Spin x Ruby's Dreamin Of Black Gold. Owned by Anne E O'Neill. Bred by Gina Williams Andy Williams.JanuaryFebruary 2010Top Sires7 CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams 5 CH Chriscendo Communicado 5 CH Music Maker Of Lenette 4 CH Babydoll's Buckle Up Ur Genes 4 CH Chriscendo Call To Arms 4 CH Heartland's Knight N Day 3 CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians 3 CH Eagle Creek's Hamin It Up 3 CH Finch sChar sMakinWavesParti 3 CH Patriots Tucked In A CloudTop Dams3 CH Amber Glow of Lenette 3 Star Havens Countess Glory 2 CH Chriscendo Come Closer 2 CH Her Majesty's Princess Victoria 2 CH Mtn Views Manhattan Promise 2 CH Windsor's Wild Orchid 2 Cr Tuff Country Girl 2 Finch's Blond Beauty 2 G-Town Stormy Lady BNT 2 Jorga Of Lenette 2 Mc's Heart's desire nikki 2 Patriot's Keepsake Jewel of Troy 2 Trudy's Top Of The LineCH Hickory Bends Give Me Sugar BCH Making A Splash At Lenette x Hickory Bend's Catcher Of Wind. Owned Bred by Tom B Davidson.CH Jan-Shars Studd Muffin D CHJan-Shars Code Red x Jan-Shars Pick Me Pick Me. Owned by Howard Sklar Sr Sharon Hanson. Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Kissami's Astarz Freedom Attraction B Kissami's Roadside Attraction x Kissamis Freedom To Do It Again. Owned by Donna Stelcli Roxanne Collins. Bred by Roxanne Collins.CH Kowboys Nu Ventre' D CH O MyWham Bamb x CH Reba Mcentirely Allridge. Owned by Carol Wittrock. Bred by Carol L Wittrock Sr Valerie Allridge.CH Lanas Western Romance At Runners B CH Daystar Cowboys And Indians x Lanas Its Gotta Be Love. Owned by Isabell Stojjers Sr Christy Nelson. Bred by Lana Price.CH Mtn. Views Rough'N Tumble BCH Wood's Que Cera Cera x CH Mtn Views Manhattan Promise. OwnedBred by Patricia Dague Sr Roger A Dague.CH Peperie Pop Star Of Lenette D CHMusic Maker Of Lenette x CH Amber Glow Of Lenette. Owned by Peter Pettersen Sr Victoria Oelerich. Bred by KG Griffith.QoQd Chb QmdmBred 5 or more titled poms in 2009 as reported by the American Kennel ClubDiane L Finch Ken GriffithSharon Hanson Charlotte MeyerCeleste Solano Robert SolanoThe Pomeranian Review includes all Pomeranian Exhibitors in their publication. American Pomeranian Club Members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards given at the Annual Banquet, you must have been a member for one 1 calendar year.CH Pomhaven's Casa Dora BCheyennes Timstoppers Buddy x Pomhavens Tiger Lily. OwnedBred by Colleen P. Beland.CH Pomhavens In Vogue B CHPomhaven's Tommy Hilfiger x Pomhaven's Carerra. OwnedBred by Colleen P Beland.CH Pon Acres Inchallah Bling B CHPom Acres Mr Hollands Opus x Pom Acres Eleanor. Owned by Heike Wehrle Sr Robert T Kopps Jr. Bred by Juanita Fiddick.CH Redhots Ebony Angel Hair DRedhots I'M No Angel At Sincity x Redhots Sweet Tootsie Roll. Owned by David T Verdi Sr Chadwick Stalvey. Bred by Cynthia A Sickler.CH Santee's Singular Sensation D CHJj's Victorian Angel x CH Firebrooks Aim To Please. OwnedBred by Stephanie J Pineault.CH Springbrook Some Kind Of Wonderful- Little Richard D CHLynnwrights Tony Soprano x Willowood Chloe's Passion Of Sb. OwnedBred by Darlena Rocca.CH Tidbit Of Lenette D CH Barbara Of Lenette xjorja Of Lenette. Owned by Clarice M. Oganeku Sr Yvette H. Oganeku. Bred by KG Griffith.Continued on page 26Septembei 2009 Champions Continued ftom pjteisious pageCH Trudy's Jewel With Dolly MadisonB Trudy's Hey Dude x Trudy's Comedy Act. Owned by Donna Nelson Charles Nelson. Bred by Nancy Coddington Sr Robert Coddington.Dctobei 2009 ChampionsCH Bahstoy Worth The Wait B CHBahstoy Scoot'N On Up x Designs Glory For Cash. OwnedBred by Linda Haggstrom.CH Beaver Creek Grand Slam ReggieD CH Jan Le's Don'T Be Silly x CH Jan Les Just A Dash Of Smoke. OwnedBred by Tina M Bottorff Sr Jane Lehtinen.CH Blue Moons I Am The Walrus DCH Janesas A Black N Tan Affair x CH Merimaur's Heaven Sent. Owned by Lori Kamrath. Bred by Lori Kamrath Lindsey Kamrath.CH Chars Hunky Dorey B CH Char's Hunka Burnin Love x Finch's A Classy Blonde. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L Finch Sr Charlotte Meyer.CH Chars Image Is Everything B CHFinch's Bettin On CharS x CH Char's Play To Win. OwnedBred by Charlotte Meyer.CH Cinbows Steppin Out In Style BRodi's Just A Dream x CH Cinbows Prim- A-Donna. OwnedBred by Cindy L Bowling.CH Destinees Sky Rider D Emcee's Golden Bearnabee x Destinee's Silver Lining. OwnedBred by Paul Gates Sr Jean Gates.CH Eaglecreeks One Sweet Babe BCH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Finch's One Tough Babe. Owned by Michelle Dyson Diane L Finch. Bred by Kathy Norem.CH Evensongs Back In The Saddle CDCH Larajus Paragons How D West Was Won x CH Evensongs Barbara Ann. Owned by Laurie Otis Sr Carol Leehmuis. Bred by Teresa White Kevin M White.CH Weebits Love Bug D Trudys Micro Might Grow x CH Weebits I'M A Piranha. OwnedBred by Kathlene McClain.CH Finchs Cream Puff Dream B CHPufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Blond Beauty. OwnedBred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Cute As A Button B CHPufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Finchs Born To Be Wild OwnedBred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs Flibbertigibbet Parti DCH Finch'sCharsMakiriWavesParti x Star Havens Countess Glory. Owned by Michelle D Dyson Sr Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Finchs You Bet IM Good D CHFinch's A Cut Above The Rest x Cascade s Sunkist Cassandra. Owned by Erin Zehm Sr Diane L Finch. Bred by Diane L Finch.CH Hannah Montana Of Lenette BCH Rueben Of Lenette x Dixie Crystal Of Lenette. OwnedBred by Neal Parlier.CH Indigo To Hot To Handle D CHJjs Victorian Angel x CH Indigos Talk Of The Town. Owned by Christine Johnson Jennifer Smith. Bred by Kevin Smith Sr Jennifer Smith.CH J-Das The Golden Boy D CHJ-Das Of Myth N Legends x Jan-Shars Don'T Bust My Bubble. OwnedBred by David Solis Sr Sharon Hanson Sr Jessica Solis.CH Janesas Chocolate Sensation DCH Heartland's Knight N Day x Janesas Sassy Also. Owned by Geno Sisneros Sr Laurie Otis. Bred byjerrie Freia.CH Lakeways Blondes Have More FunB Trudy's A Yankee At Lakeways x Lakeways Morgan. OwnedBred by Elaine Way.CH Woods Little Buckaroo D CHHoneykist Wood U Believe x CH Woods Float Like A Butterfly. OwnedBred by Maynard Wood.APC Members are noted with a .CH Mcs Cool J Shadow D CHDoubletakes Johnny Angel x Mc's Heart's desire nikki. OwnedBred by Christina L Armstrong Michael V Armstrong.CH Merimaurs Heaven Sent B CHGreat River Sonshine OKisses x CH Merimaur Milleniana. Owned by Lori Kamrath. Bred by Maureen Quinlan.CH Shadowhawk Spirit Of Cochise By Cinbow D Cinbows Free Wheelin x Oneoaks Winter Rain. OwnedBred by Mary Kelly Smith.CH Silhouettes Stop The Presses BCH Chriscendo Call To Arms x CH Lil Behrs Cinnamon Toast. Owned by Joan Behrend Elizabeth Heckert Sr Bruce Behrend. Bred by Elizabeth Heckert.CH Siriuss Who's Your Dads DaddyD CH Darlins Wildcard At Sirius x Siriuss In The Winner s Circle. Owned Bred by Nina Fetter.CH Sofines So You Think You Can Dance B CH Sofines Outta My Way x CH Razzle Dazzle Shall We Dance. OwnedBred by Mary E Latimer Judith B Green.CH Trudys Some Thing To Talk About D Trudys Hey Dude x Trudys Top Of The Line. OwnedBred by Nancy Coddington Sr Robert Coddington.CH Trudys Worth The Wait D CHTrudys Woody Win x Trudys Top Of The Line. OwnedBred by Nancy Coddington Sr Robert Coddington.APC Members are noted with a .Interested in AdvertisingContactThe Pomeranian ReviewCeleste Solano, Interim Editor PO Box 15202, Tumwater, WA 9S511 or email PomReviewamericanpomeranianclub.orgPomeranian ReviewCommittee '-Cepott 2006 S 2008American Pomeranian Club 2006 2008 Audit Committee Jan Stachurski - George Landry - Carol Medige November 18, 2009We, the APC Audit Committee appointed by the American Pomeranian Club, wish to make a few recommendations for APC bookkeeping.1. Appropriate backup should be kept with deposit tickets.2. Payments made should have a copy of the check attached to the invoicereceipt.3. PayPal receipts Credit Card receipts should be batched and noted with date of collection and bank account into which such deposit was made.We hope that our recommendations will be of benefit.Respectfully submitted, Jan Stachurski George Landry Carol Medige zPWjolr,American Pomeranian Club 2006 Audit CommitteeJan Stachurski - George Landry - Carol Medige November 18,2009We, the APC Audit Committee appointed by the American Pomeranian Club, have examined the treasurer's financial records and reports, for the calendar year of 2006, as submitted by Erika Moreau. We have found the book in good order without any evidence of impropriety. We have found all balances to be accurate and in accordance with bank statements.The ending balance for December 31, 2006 is 51,325.25.Respectfully submitted, Jan StachurskiGeorge Landry Carol Medige c.. ftAmerican Pomeranian Club 2008 Audit CommitteeJan Stachurski - George Landry - Carol Medige November 18,2009We, the APC Audit Committee appointed by the American Pomeranian Club, have examined the treasurer's financial records and reports, for the calendar year of 2008, as submitted by Erika Moreau. We have found the book in good order without any evidence of impropriety. We have found all balances to be accurate and in accordance with bank statements.The ending balance for December 31,2008 is 114,611.57.Respectfully submitted, Jan Stachurski George Landry Carol MedigeSupportYourFellowPomEnthusiastsMarchApril issue will feature Kennel Visit with Bob Juanita Fiddick of Pom Acres People in Poms with Christine Crane of Dee Little PomsThis issue will be sent out to the 2010 APC SpecialtycLUBBUsINESSsECTIONtJanuaryFebruary 2010 27Fred C. BassettGreetings of the Holiday Season to all of our Pom community. This is a fun time of the year, and I hope that you are all enjoying it with your family and friends, and your Poms. This is a slow season of the year in regards to judges education. We have not had any Judges Education Seminar activity recently, and none are scheduled in the next couple of months. There is one major session coming up that is scheduled for the first week of February 2010. This is a Toy Group Institute sponsored by the Senior Conformation Judges Association ACEF - American Canine Education Foundation, and will be held in conjunction with the Atlantic Coast Classic Cluster of doe shows in Wildwood New Jersey. Poms are tentatively scheduled for Wednesdayfudges EducationFebruary 3rd. I will be presenting this seminar myself and look forward to the opportunity.I would like to share information in this article about a judging topic that I hope you will find useful. I have been asked a question following judging recently by a couple of exhibitors that usually goes along the lines of why didn't you like my dog today You gave her Winners Bitch a couple of months ago at xyz show. This question illustrates an unrealistic expectation that if a dog wins once under a judge that they will always put it up. Obviously if I put it up I liked the quality of the dog on that day, and in that competition. At another show the situation may be very different. I know this can be confusing to some exhibitors so I want to share some thoughts on why a dog might not do as well at another show.First of all the dogs in competition may be very different. Dogs that were not exhibited at the first show may be better quality in the judges opinion at the second show. The mix of competition makes a very big difference in the awards on any given day. This is the most prevalent reason for failing to win the second time.Secondly, the condition of the dogs and their behavior maybe different enough at the second show to affect the outcome. Even if the same dogs are in competition they can look substantially different depending on how they are groomed andtrimmed, and how well they are behaving. With Poms the trim can change the appearance in a major way, and over trimming will be faulted by many judges including me. If the decision was close at the first show and you have chosen to take more hair off your dog before the second show that could be a deciding point the second time. Maybe your dog had a good day the first time, and has decided at the second show not to move as freely, or not to use his ears. Any of a number of factors can make the difference in good quality competition.The handler showing the dog can also make a big difference in the way a dog looks. Owner handlers may have multiple entries and need to hand a dog off to a helper, or a professional handler doesn't make it to the ring and has to have an assistant show the dog. Again, if the competition is real close this can make a difference in the way a dog looks.All of this being said, I don't want to leave the impression that a good dog wont win without great showmanship. Speaking for myself I will tell you that if I can see a dog doing things right for a brief moment during judging I will put it up if I feel it is the best quality. Most other judges do this as well because we want to reward quality and breed type first and foremost.Until next time, enjoy the shows and enjoy your PomsSubscriptions 6 issues pet yeaiUSPS First Class........................... 45.00USPS Standard..............................37.00CanadaMexico............................55.00Foreign......................................... 100.00Single Issue....................................10.00Back Issues AvailableSubscription ManagerCheri McDonald, P.O. Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773, 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheri bachmanpoms.comWe have anniversary issues of the Pom Review available. Please contact our Back Issue Manager, David Gilstrap, P.O. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN 37422,, 423 987-0266. For prices and more information.28 Pomeranian ReviewcAsfe Tfa c^nytkngBy Annette Davis, C.N.I w r 535XOurquestion for this issue is My Pom coughs a lot. What could the problem be and how can I best treat the coughWhile there are a number of conditions that could be causing your Pom to cough, the most common cause of coughing in dogs is Kennel Cough Infectious Tracheobronchitis.SymptomsDry, hacking or goose honking cough sometimes followed by vomiting.CauseExposure to a virus andor badteria, the most common being Parainfluenza virus and Bordetella bronchiseptica bacteria. Kennel cough is extremely contagious, and a high percentage of dogs will experience it during their lifetime.Parainfluenza virus generally causes mild symptoms that last for 10 days.Parainfluenza and Bordatella may appear together causing symptoms that last for up to 20 days.Canine distemper, canine adenovirus and canine respiratory coronavirus also cause kennel cough.Classical TreatmentIn healthy animals, kennel cough generally resolves itself without treatment.While your dog is experiencing symptoms, use a harness rather than acollar to avoid exacerbating tracheal inflammation.If your dogs symptoms are severe, or if he refuses to drink or eat, you should see your veterinarian. Young pups or immunocompromised animals may require antibiotics and possibly hospitalization.Complementary TreatmentA quality multi vitamin mineral supplement such as Pet Tabs Plus will help support your dog's immune system and help fyeed recovery.Herbal supplements such as PhytoBiotic and Echinacea help support the immune system reducing the severity and duration of symptoms.Anti-inflammatory supplements such as turmeric, ginger and fish oil can help reduce symptoms.High potency probiotics beneficial bacteria supplements can help keep pathogens in check, and support your dog s immune system.Respiratory essential oils such as Breathe Easy blend, Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Pine can be diffused or diluted in vegetable oil or lotion and massaged on the chest to help reduce symptoms and support the immune system.Cypress essential oil in an excellent natural antitussive cough suppressant. Mix one drop into a tablespoon a canned food and feed 3 times per day or as needed.PreventionAvoid exposing young puppies to other dogs.OFeed premium food and avoid junk food.Avoid exposing your dog to extreme cold, heat or other stressors.Keep your dog's vaccinations current. While vaccinations won't completely protect your dog against kennel cough, they can reduce the severity and duration of the disease.Ask your veterinarian to check a fecal sample for worms twice per year. Wormsrob nutrients from your dog and weaken his immune system. If worms are present, you should treat your dog accordingly.Other Causes of CoughingIf your dog's cough does not resolve within 20 days, another condition such as collapsing trachea, congestive heart failure, distemper, allergies, or parasites may be to blame. Consult your veterinarian for diagnosis and treatment.ResourcesBooksThe Nature of Animal Healing The Definitive Holistic Medicine Guide to Caringfor Your Dog and Cat by Dr. Martin Goldstein D.Y.M.Holistic Aromatherapy for Animals A Comprehensive Guide to the Use of Essential Oils Hydrosols with Animals by Kristen Leigh BellReasonably priced, reputable sources for pet vitamins and suppliesDrs. Foster and Smith 800-381-7179, www. drsfostersmith. comKV Vet 800-423-8211, www.kwet.comReasonably priced, reputable source for herbal supplements and essential oilsTime Laboratories 877-846-3522, www.timelabs.comOur question for the next issue is My Pom has a barking problem. Is there anything I can doYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette DavisCertified Nutritionist 391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932 e-mail infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htm29JanuaryFebruary 2010uWticcm ^Poweianian CQub 2010TAotfc QJoui Cafeticlaits JUmck 14-17, 2010 9M HktcMl dryEWene come tlie TomsThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc Invites you to Attend our National Specialty.Puppy 8c Veteran Sweepstakes JudgeBrenda Segelken Effingham, 11Regular Classes, Veterans, Juniors JudgeMrs. Jean Fournier Calhoun, GAObedience Rally JudgeJeffrey B Showman Berlin Center, OHShow SuperintendentJim Rau Dog Shows, LTD PO Box 6898, Reading PA. 19610 Ph 610-376-1880 Fax 610-376-4939Entries Close 500 Pm, Wednesday, February 24, 2010Show SecretaryJane LehtinenPh 218-749-1154Email janlepomsnetscape.netShow ChairmanPat Barnett 11 Wilson Cove Road, Morrilton, AR 72110 501 977-1600barneybarnettlsuddenlink.netThe show will be held at the Drawbridge Inn2477 Royal Dr, Ft Mitchell, KY Call for Reservations 859-341-2800Rooms are 89 per night for up to 4 people. Reservations must be made by 2142010.National Specialty ScheduleMarch 15 - 17, 2010 This schedule and all times are tentativePlease check the website for current up to date information at www. americanpomeranianclub.orgSaturday 500 pmAnnual Board Meeting - Newcastle RoomSunday, March 14, 2010800 am - 1100 am London HallShowroom and Grooming Room Setup330 pm to 530 pm Have to pre-register it is a limited entry to 100QUlte flippy JKatcfiBring Your New Puppies 3 months to 12 months Cost is 20.00 per entry630 pmVendor and Exhibitor Setup700 pm to 1000 pm - Suite 5110 8c Bedford RoomHospitality 8c KaraokeMonday, March 15, 2010 730 amObedience and Rally1230 pm - 530 pmSweepstakes1000 am - 1100 am - Ivanhoe RoomJudges Seminar100 pm - 300 pm - Ivanhoe RoomMentor Seminar700 pm - 900 pm - Tudor RoomTop TwentyTuesday - 8 00 am - 300 pmJunior ShowmanshipRegular Dog Classes, Non-Regular Classes300 pm - 600 pm -Ivanhoe RoomBreeding Better Dogs by Dr. Carmen BattagliaCost is 30.00600 pm BanquetCash BarDinner at 630 pmCost for Dinner is 27.00Wednesday800 am - 400 pmRegular Bitch Classes Parade of titleholders BOB Competition30 minutes after Best of BreedAnnual Membership Meeting - Monk Roomr -j - n 4... tii Drc.inm.f'C 'j . j r 1 A rZZc--mPomeranianReview100 PM - 300 PM - Breed Study Mentor Seminar - Ivanhoe RoomThe Pomeranian Seminar that is presented to Judges will be offered to anyone interested in attending. This is being offered for General Education purposes. The second hour will be for Mentor candidates to discuss details of the AKC Mentor and Ringside Observation program. Approved mentors are an essential part of APC's Judges Education program. APC Standing Rules require that anyone desiring to become an Approved Mentor must be an adtive Pomeranian BreederExhibitor for 12 years with 5 Pomeranian Champions and have attended the APC Sanctioned Seminar. There is no charge for this seminar. To make your reservations contact Judges Education Coordinator - Fred Bassett by March 1st. Phone 918 335T188.JEC MENTOR SEMINAR RESERVATIONNameAddressCity State ZipPhone E-MailThere is no charge for this seminar. Mail your reservation no later than March 1st to Fred Bassett, 737 W. Helena Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74012 E-Mail fredcbassettcox.neteduction QoidQ. --QoillQ. --Qonc PoiM eductions Monday, March 15th through Wednesday, March 17thOur auctions are always fun. It is fun to see what everyone donates, fun to see who bids and buys...and fun to see what it sells for. Now is the time to look around for some wonderful Pom Something" to donate. Look at home but also, look at the shows. We request that the donation be Pom or canine related. We have Buy it Now ongoing during the day and Silent Auctions as well with the more exciting items being held for the Live Auction on Tuesday, March 16th. Be sure to marktag your items with your name so we can say thank you and any information about the items. Please bring to the Ways Means tables in the House of York, London Hall, House of Stuart, House of Tudor rooms.CATALOGS - PRE-ORDEREDCatalogs can be pre-ordered for 10. A limited quantity of Catalogs will be available at the show for 12.00 each.ddC cAlational Specialty hVDsBE ONE OE THE FIRST to receive the 2010 National Specialty DVD's narrated by Margaret McKee. They are a wonderful way to save treasured memories of this once a year event. This year again we are offering a choice of three 3 different DVD's. DVD 1 23.00 - Puppy Veteran Sweepstakes and Junior Showmanship. DVD 2 28.00 - Winners Dog Winners Bitch Classes and Best of Breed Competition. DVD 3 13.00 - Top 20 Event. Order all three DVD's before March 1, 2010 and receive a 25 discount off the normal 55.00 price for a total of 44.25. Prices include shipping within the continental USA. Shipping outside USA please add 8.00 Pre-order your copys today. DVD's will be mailed following the National Specialty. Please include mailing address for DVD's on enclosed order form.heaM fi- Qenetics Seminai - ^Bteecfing bettert ^Dogs ^y hi. Camen BattagliaBreeding Better Dogs presented by Dr. Carmen Battaglia will include a wealth of information presented by well known breeder, Dr. Carmen Battaglia. Seminar will cover breeding principles, pedigree strengths and weaknesses, choosing the best puppy and many newer findings. 30.00 prepaid or 40.00 at the door room permitting. Sign up now - space is limited. Presented by APC Health and Genetics for the benefit of the American Pomeranian Club.hospitality SponsorshipsThe 2010 National Specialty Show Committee is looking for Sponsors for a multitude of events such as Morning Evening Hospitality, Exhibitor Bags, Banquet Gifts, and more.How can you do this Anyone can donate funds and anyone attending the National can donate their time. Clubs can donate and their members can Host" whichever event they so choose. Several Clubs can work together to sponsor an event.Dream Level Suggested Donation Donation BenefitsPower Nap 25.00 Listing in the premium and catalog on signage at sponsored event.Day Dream 50.00 Same as Level 1 plus Business card ad in the catalog.Siesta 75.00 Same as Level 1 plus 14 page ad in the catalog.Dream Journal 100.00 Same as Level 1 plus. 12 page ad in the catalog.Dream Catcher 200.00 Same as Level 1 plus. Full page ad in the catalog.i31JanuaryFebruary 2010^PatfeingRV Parking is allowed at the rate of 20 per night no hookups. If you have a room the hotel requires an additional 20 per night for your RV.Qemved SeatingThe APC is offering SO ringside seats for 50 per seat for all 3 days of the National. Seats are available on a first come, first served basis. A show catalog is included with your seat reservation. Free seating will be available.eXop 20 Staircase QventThis is a Semi-Formal event showcasing the Top Conformation Pomeranians of 2009. Everyone, including the audience, will participate. Ladies Dress will be semi-fancy to semi-formal. Gentlemen Ties are optional, although jackets are requested. Please no jeans, tank tops, shorts. The judging panel will consist of one AKC licensed judge, one Pomeranian breeder and one Pomeranian handler. Each judge will score the individual dogs using a Scale of Points. The Top Twenty Winner will be announced at the Annual Awards Banquet.Each ^jaectator purchasing a catalog will have the opportunity to vote for the Peoples Choice Award. The winner of this award will be announced by the Top Twenty Committee at the end of the event. A cash bar and light hors d oeuvre will be provided for your enjoyment. Ticket and catalog price will be 10.00 each.APC NATIONAL ORDER FORMOrder Form Must Be Received by March 1, 2010 Make your check or money order payable toAmerican Pomeranian ClubEvent Amt.OrderingPrice TotalAwards Banquet 27.00Banquet Table reserved 25.00Catalog pre-order 10.00DVD Set pre-order25 off set only 44.25DVD Sweeps Sc Juniors pre-order 23.00DVD Top 20 preorder 13.00DVD Winners BOB pre-order 28.00Health Genetics Seminar "Breeding- Better Dog-s 30.00Reserved Seats 50.00RV Parking 20.00Top 20 Tickets only 10.00Top 20 Tickets Sc Catalog 18.00Vendor Booth 3 days 100.00Hospitality SponsorshipPower Nap 25.00Day Dream 50.00Siesta 75.00Dream Journal 100.00Dream Catcher 200.00General Trophy Fund DonationExhibitor BagDonationGrand Total Mail Order Form and check or money order toBecky Jackson, APC Treasurer, 513 Springwood Drive, Florence, AL 35634NamesAddressCity State Zip CodePhone EmailRV Size NightsDate of Arrival License Handicap Space RequiredPermitPlease Include The Names Of All The Individuals AttendingOFor Banquet, Top 20, Reserved Seating - Thanks.32.Pomeranian Reviewfiftte tyuhbu Matchposted by Amends oh the JkcPC^eM in conjunction uoith the 2010 lA^PC cAlatlonal SpecialtySunday - March 14, 2010 330 PM Drawbridge Inn Fort Mitchell, KentuckyBest in Match Awarded 400.00Best of Opposite in Match Awarded 100.00Limited Pre-Entry held to 100 puppiesNO ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED AT THE DOORJudge Peter Pettersen, Peperie PomsCash Awards donated by - An Anonymous DonorClass Prizes and Ribbons donated by - Celeste and Robert Solano, CR PomeraniansEntry Form Entries Close March 3, 2010 Entry Fee 20.00 Pre-Ordered Catalog 2.00detach below and mail with your entry feeBREED POMERANIANELITE PUPPY MATCH ENTRY FORMFees Pre-Entry 20.00 Catalog 2.00 Entries Close at 500 p.m. Wednesday, March 3, 2010 Limited entry of 100 puppies Amount Enclosed SEX DogQ BitchClasses 3 - 6 Month Puppy 6 - 9 Month Puppy 9 - 12 Month PuppyCatalog YesPUPPY NAMEOWNERSBREEDERSSIREDAMDOB NoEMAILSignatureInstructionsMake checks payable to APC Mail entries to Show Secretary Carol Leemhuis PO Box23163 Pittsburgh, PA 15222All proceeds to benefit the American Pomeranian Club Centennial Show FundJanuaryEebruary 2010 33Clenttad Jktikm2Q2 ^PometCmLCm Chb - ctcben 22nd 24th, 2009The Central Arkansas Pomeranian Club held its 2 day ijoecialty show and puppy sweepstakes Show on Friday, October 23rd and Saturday, October 24th, 2009 and we had a howling good timeThe show was dedicated to Laverne Anderson, a member and AKC Delegate that helped organize many clubs in Arkansas.Friday, October 23rdIt started with some gorgeous puppies judged by our Sweepstakes judge, Jean Smith. Her selections are shown below9-12 Month Puppy Dog1 - JJs Autolycus, The King of Thieves2 - Litilkisses Puddle Splasher12 - 18 Month Puppy Dog1 - Tiny Taylor of Samron2 - Ivon's Timeless Destiny6-9 Month Puppy Bitch1 - JJ's Oracle ofDelight2 - Reign-Mar Suzi Q_9-12 Month Puppy Bitch1 - LitilKisses Makin a Splash in Pradas12 - 18 Month Puppy Bitch1 - Reigning Cream BurleeBest of Sweepstakes - Reignings Cream BurleeBest of Opposite Sex to Best inSweepstakes - Tiny Taylor of SamronThe distinguished Mr. Robert Mooreojudged our regular classes following the Sweepstakes j udging.His selections are below6-9 month Dog1 - JJ's Autolycus, The King of Thieves Owned by Julie Javernick Jana Klein12-18 month Dog1 - Ivon's Timeless Destiny owned byLavonne Dwight Beard2 - Finch's Keeper of the Stars - Owned byMichael Christina ArmstrongBred by Exhibitor Dog1 - MiBabe I'm Da Boss - Owned by BabeMcCombs2 - Chas-T-Dee Come Fly With Me - Ownedby Charles Dee McNeice3 - Tiny Taylor of Samron - Owned byNorma Smart4 - Litilkisses Puddle Splasher - Owned byPaulette SmithOpen Dog1 - Viktres Puddle Jumper - Owned byPaulette Smith2 - Rain Beau Dusty Angel - Owned by JeanE. Cook3 - Showcase Boys Night Out - Owned byNancy ReedWinners Dog was Ivons Timeless Destiny -Owned by Lavonne Dwight BeardReserve Winners was MiBabe Im Da Boss- Owned by Babe McCombs6-9 Month Bitch1 - JJ's Oracle of Delphi - Owned by JulieJavernick Jana Klein2 - Reign-Mar Suzi Q_- Owned by GailBertrand Mary Valles12 - IS Month Bitch1 - Reignings Cream Burlee - Owned by Gail, Bill Kaleb BertrandBred by Exhibitor Bitch1 - Chas-T-Dee Dixieland Delight - Ownedby Charles Dee McNeice2 - Litilkisses Makin a Splash - Owned byPaulette Smith3 - Little Dot of Samron - Owned by NormaSmartOpen Bitches1 - Bar-Net Satin N Lace of Oakridge - Owned byjoyce BroussardWinners Bitch was JJs Oracle of Delphi - Owned by Julie Javernick Jana KleinReserve Winners Bitch was Reignings Cream Burlee - Owned by Gail, Bill Kaleb BertrandBest of Breed went to CH Velocitys Shake UR Bon Bon - Owned by Margo KogaJana KleinBest of Opposite Sex went to JJs Oracle ofDelight - Owned by Julie Javernick Jana KleinBest Bred by Exhibitor went to Mi Babe Im Da Boss - Owned by Babe McCombsFollowing the show on Friday we had sandwiches that were generously donated by Subway and many kinds of dip provided by the members of the Club with the tables decorated in the Halloween Theme. The show was provided with gorgeous exhibitor bags filled with lots of goodies by Bob Kennedy and Chris Lewis.Saturday, October 24THOur Regular classes was judged by Mr. Don Rogers on Saturday night after a meal catered by Larry's Pizza provided by the club. We had a silent auction with beautiful Pom items donated by the club members and a big kudos goes to Bo Tabor for taking charge of the auction table.O OAfter careful consideration Mr. Don Rogers chose the following6-9 Month Dog1 - JJ's Autolycus, The King of Thieves Owned by Julie Javernick Jana Klein12-18 month Dog1 - Finchs Keeper of the Stars - Owned byMichael Christina Armstrong2 - Ivon's Timeless Destiny owned byLavonne Dwight BeardBred by Exhibitor Dog1 MiBabe Im Da Boss - Owned by BabeMcCombs2 - Tiny Taylor of Samron Owned byNorma Smart3 - Litilkisses Puddle Splasher - Owned byPaulette Smith4 - Chas-T-Dee Come Fly With Me - Ownedby Charles Dee McNeice34Best of Winners went to JJs Oracle of Delight - Owned by Julie Javernick Pomeranian ReviewOpen Dog1 - ICU Watching Me of Reignings - Ownedby Gail Bill Bertrand and Bob Kennedy2 - Viktres Puddle Jumper - Owned byPaulette Smith3 - Rain Beau Dusty Angel - Owned by JeanE. Cook4- Showcase Boys Night Out - Owned by Nancy ReedWinners dog was Mi Babe Im Da Boss - Owned by Babe McCombsReserve winners dog was Tiny Taylor of Samron - Owned by Norma Smart6-9 Month Bitch1 - JJ's Oracle of Delphi- Owned byjulieJavernick Jana Klein2 - Reign-Mar Suzi Q_- Owned by GailBertrand Mary Valles12 - IS Month Bitch1 - Reignings Cream Burlee - Owned by Gail, Bill Kaleb BertrandBred by Exhibitor Bitch1 - Litilkisses Makin a Splash - Owned byPaulette Smith2 - Little Dot of Samron - Owned by NormaSmart3 - Chas-T-Dee Dixieland Delight - Ownedby Charles Dee McNeiceOpen Bitches1 - Bar-Net Satin N Lace of Oalcridge - Owned by Joyce BroussardWinners Bitch was JJs Oracle of Delphi - Owned byjulie Javernick Jana KleinReserve Winners Bitch was Reignings Cream Burlee - Owned by Gail, Bill 8c Kaleb BertrandBest of Breed went to CH Velocitys Shake UR Bon Bon - Owned by MargoKogaBest of Winners went to JJs Oracle of Delphi - Owned byjulie Javernick 8c Jana KleinBest of Opposite Sex went to JJs Oracle of Delphi - Owned by Julie Javernick 8c Jana KleinBest Puppy in Show went to JJs Oracle of Delphi - Owned byjulie Javernick 8c Jana KleinRespectfully submitted byPat Barnett Show Chairman. .aJ. Vn S. 0r"dAHiA,'MJanuaryFebruary 2010 35Teresa G. Whitefiiensong -Pometarn'cmsV AaBISS CH Evensongs Win For Z Gipper, AOMWhere does one begin a story when a person has lived for a smidgen over a half-century At the beginning when I was a small child and got bit by a Chihuahua In my pre-teen years when I was attacked by a German Shepard In my late teens when I fell in love with Irish Setters, or later in life when I was pushed into accepting a "small" Pomeranian as a pet for myself and my youngest daughterLet me start by saying that I disliked dogs of all breeds, especially small ones after the Chihuahua incident. For some reason, getting bit in the face by a Chihuahua was much worse then being scarred for life by a Shepard. Maybe, too, it was because I was so young when the episode with the Chihuahua occurred. Both occurrences, however, instilled in me a slight fear of dogs that was hard to overcome until I saw my first Irish Setter. Everything changed in my life following that first sighting. Dogs then ran a close second to horses, which were the love of my life for almost thirty years.With my own money I purchased my first Setter, Natasha of Irish Mist, CD, at the age of seventeen. I started with her in conformation thinking it would be a great way to bond with my doa. It didnt take Ions before I figured out that she was too smallo o ofor showing in the conformation ring, so we turned to obedience.O O'iI found a local class, and I worked with Natasha every single day. After finishing classes I entered my first obedience trial, and we placed second. Natasha finished her CD title quickly and placed in every trial, except one. That one was held next to a farm with chickens. I think you all can figure from here what she preferred to do. Yes, leave the ring to go check out the chickens. It was quite embarrassing.Natasha was my constant companion through a failed marriage and the birth of my first child. After losing her I didnt want another dog, but thats not what life had in store for me over the next eight years. Following an attempted house break-in by a stranger in the middle of the night, I decided getting a dog forprotection, or at least a dog that might dissuade an intruder was probably a good thing. So, what kind of dog did I pick You can probably guess... a German Shepard. It was time to put aside my fears and bite the bullet, so to Speak, and I did. Reyna was loyal and protective, and she made us feel safe. She lived for ten years until she had to be put to sleep after her hips gave out.After losing Reyna, my sister, who bred Pomeranians, insisted that I take one of her puppies. I resisted for quite some time because of my dislike for little dogs, but my youngest daughter, Jenna, wanted a puppy, so I finally gave in. Poms have now been a part of my life for the last twelve years. And I still have my first Pom. Her name is Baby shes a black and tan, and is twelve years young.It was my youngest daughter that pushed me into dating again, too, after being divorced for eight years. Without her telling me what I should do and not do - that must sound a little odd, but theres no better way to put it -1 would not be showing and raising Poms. I guess I can thank my youngest for a lot of things that have happened in my life over the past nine years.Following several events in my life including remarriage thanks to Jenna for pushing me into that first date, an early retirement from the Portland Waterfront where I had worked as a Longshoreman for 20 years, and a return to college for an Associates Degree, I decided I needed something different in my life. Returning to work was an option. I could certainly put my new degree to use, or maybe I just needed a new hobby.Both of my girls had participated in beauty pageants for the better part of 20 years, and I had been involved as a pageant mom, a contestant, and a director of my own system. However, when my girls started their own adult lives, I was ready for a change. I could have gone back to work and put that degree to use, but I was content with my small retirement pension and had no desire to return to work. I still dont, even though my husband thinks I should.After buying a second Pom, Susie, a blue and tan who was AKC registered, a small seed planted itself in my brain. I thought to myself, You know, I could show this dog." And as my mother later told me, We often return to our roots and what we love to do. So, it was back to showing, only with a different breed and in conformation.I showed Susie in an International show to get handling experience and to see if it was what I really wanted to do. The judges were nice and complimented my girl - maybe they felt sorry for me - but I think I was smart enough to realize that my Pom didn't look like the other Poms in the ring. Now, I could tell you that she is long, is flat coated, is undershot, and has big ears. The perfect pet, which she still isAfter two years of trial and error, and many hours of studying structure, learning the Pom standard, and joining my local36 Pomeranian Review7t tb jI KtiBISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh No. 6 Pomeranian 2005Pomeranian Club, I finished my first champion, LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh, CH Vinnie, in 2004. The following year I joined the APC, and I finished my first bitch, Finchs Chars Amazing Grace, CH Grace. Since then I've never looked back and have never doubted my decision to take on something new in my life.Several months after finishing Vinnie, I elected to fecial him. I started pedaling him in April of2005 and got him as far as No. 5. He finished the year at No. 6 and picked up a Best in Specialty show along the way. A fecial thanks to Mr. David Krogh for that honorOrBOSS CH Finchs Chars Amazing GraceVinnie also competed at Eukanuba in Florida, and I was pleased to make the cut with him. It was an exciting trip, albeit a more exciting trip coming back home. Bad weather in Texas made us miss our connecting flight, and an eight hour journey turned into 24 hours trying to get home. To top it off our luggage got lost. Thank goodness Vinnie flew with me in coach and not in cargo.My first attempt at breeding a show litter gave me two finished champions and one almost finished champion. This litter was sired by Vinnie and out of Beau James Whiter O Pearl Moon. CH Ronald - a cream sable - was the first to finish. He, JanuaryFebruary 2010too, went on to win a best in specialty show, and he qualified for Eukanuba from the bred-by class. He also qualified for EUK, as a fecial, by ending up in the top 25 with limited showing in 2008. Jen Clohessy, a young handler, showed him for me in Long Beach when I was unable to attend. He didnt win, or make the cut, but I heard he had his picture taken a lot, and it was fun to see him on television a couple of times.TBOSS CH Evensongs President Reagan, AOMRonald's litter brother, Reagan, was the second boy to finish with handler Jeff Nokes. I put his first major on him, but everyone that knows Reagan, knows that he loves me too much He thought showing was a game. He'd circle around me, jump on me, etc. With Jeff he was a perfect angel and finished in less than three months. I hadn't intended on showing Wilson, the third boy from the litter, as my husband wanted to show him however, my husband doesnt show much, so at the age of four, I took over showing Wilson. With very limited showing he needs two singles to finish. My husband and I call Wilson our old man, seeing that he will be the oldest of our Poms to finish.LV If wQkicSCH CR N Rodis Sapphires N GoldImMCH LaRajus Blame It On The Rain And because everyone asks why they have Presidential names...they were born on the day that President Reagan passed away. Reagan was my favorite president so it made for a perfect theme. Later it was fun going to shows with them at the same time and getting after them when theyd bark at the big dogs going by. People would look at me like I was a tad off when Id say, No bark, Ronald - Reagan.Since I started showing in 2003, Ive finished ten Poms with three more only needing singles to finish their championships and two others that are pointed. Finished champions to date include BISS CH LaRajus Palisades Van Gogh, Vinnie BOSS CH Finchs Chars Amazing Grace, Grace CH LaRajus Palisades Picasso, Petie Vinnie's litter brother BISS CH Evensongs Win N For Z Gipper, Ronald BOSS CH Evensong's President Reagan, Reagan CH CR N Rodi's Sapphires N Gold, Mouse CH LaRajus Blame It On The Rain, Milli CH Evensong's Little Deuce Coupe, Deuce CH LaRajus Paragons How D West Was Won, Howdy BOSS CH Evensongs Sugar Plum Fairy, Sugar BOSS CH Evensong's Barbara Ann, BarbieAll of these dogs, except for Vinnies litter brother, are either owned by me, or bred by me, and were finished by me, except for Reagan. And if my husband is Continued on page 3837fiilensong ^PometaMans Continued ftom page 37readme this, I have to include that he whelped Ronald while I was at a dog show. The litter came early, and I just made it home in time for the last two to be born, so Kevin says Ronald is his champion. He also doesnt let me forget that he put majors on Deuce and Wilson.r..iCH Evensongs Little Deuce CoupeMy second bitch to finish, CRN Rodi's Sapphires N Gold, CH Mouse, was bred by Celeste and Robert Solano, and Diana Solano. When I saw pictures posted of her on the Internet by Celeste, I knew that I wanted her. She's a beautiful blue and tan, with a show attitude to match. She finished her championship in 2007 with a five point major and has a blue sable girl showing now that just needs her majors to finish. Too bad there probably wont be any majors until April 2010, as we live in Oregon. Seventeen dogs and thirteen bitches for a three point major have been hard to come by this year. Traveling out of our division has definitely had its advantages this year with regard to picking up an extra four majors, but it isnt something I can do a lot of. With the economy the way it is, I hope that AKC will consider adjusting our point schedule here in the Pacific Northwest..iCH LaRajus Paragons How D West Was Won BOSS CH Evensongs Sugar Plum EairyOne of the things that attracted me to the Pomeranian breed was the variety in color. CH Mouse certainly was different in that a^jaect. Following her finish I once again made a decision to do something different - to finish Poms of different patterns and colors. I will always have orange Poms in the ring, but if you come ringside, you just might see a pointed chocolate boy, a chocolate and white parti boy, a parti-factored orange with white bitch that needs three singles to finish, and a beautiful little white bitch. That bitch, Ruffrydn' Biker Bunny, bred by Vicky and Steve Roarke of Ruffrydn Poms, just started showing and currently has four points, a reserve to a major, and several minor reserves. Talk about a crowd pleaser. Next up.. .a chocolate sable parti-factored bitch bred by Laurie Otis of Horizon Poms. Possibly in 2010, or 2011, a merle - that of course, depends on what the APC membership does when it comes time for a final vote on our standard. I really hate the thought of disqualifying any color or pattern, as the most important part of a Pom to me, is soundness and type.Vf _BOSS CH Evensongs Barbara Ann'AACH Evensongs Back In The Saddle Owned and Finished by Laurie Otis of Horizon PomsMy friends all know that I love a Pom with a little more leg, good reach and drive, a high head carriage, and a proper ear and tail set. I also love a lot of coat with a full, plumed tail I personally won't keep a Pom that isnt sound, and in my opinion, a sound dog with proper type shouldnt be penalized no matter what color or pattern it comes in. And as Ive said many times, if someone doesnt want merle in a breeding program, then dont breed it However, let those of us that enjoy striving to make something better a goal to work for and one that we can show off with pride in a ring. After all, we are supposed to be improving our breeding stock, and isnt that what the show ring was meant for To have our breeding stock judged Merles are here, and are here to stay, so let those of us who want to work with them be able to do so let us show what we have achieved in the ring. My stance on merle probably wont gain me some new friends, but we all have our differences of opinion, including those on politics and religion. Just ask one of my... 1 .Ruffrydn Biker Bunny Co-owned with Lori Solomon ofSo-Me Poms38 Pomeranian Reviewbest dog friends, and shell say, As long as we don't talk politics and stick to shopping and dog shows, we re good We agree to disagree.O1'r AnLogHome - Winter 2008Enough said on color, don't you think Getting back on track a bit, my husband and I moved in late 2008 to our dream home. Getting out of the suburbs was a must with the dogs, as we were pressed for room, so we purchased a log home on 10 acres in a dog-friendly county. The property came with a shop - for my husband to work on his hobby of restoring old cars - and an unfinished three car garage next to the house that is in the process of being turned into a dog" house. No need to call it a kennel, since I Send the majority of my free time with the dogs. Either that or I live in a kennel too.Three quarters of the garage is being finished for the dogs to live in. The inside will be finished with wood that will keep the rustic appeal of the log house and garage intact. The other one-quarter will be my grooming area complete with running water for doing dog laundry, a puppy area, computer corner, couch, \HPPoms in the Snownice enough - almost - for me to live in.I have to say that living in the country has been wonderful. It's nice waking up tosee deer in the apple orchard, having fresh fish from our creek for dinner, playing with the dogs with lots of room for them to run, and just being able to go to bed with no traffic noise. The only problem we have had is coyotes. We have to watch the Poms, as we did have one that was attacked by a coyote, but she luckily managed to get away. To help combat this problem, my husband brought home a Golden Retriever who has matured enough to bark them away, but I doubt he'd fight them off if needed. I went an extra step and purchased an LGD, a large guardian dog that is part Great Pyrenees, Maremma, and Akbash. When he matures he will do more than bark away the coyotes, he will also protect that which is his. We, of course, hope that that kind of protection will never be needed.Before this kennel visit becomes a book, which I could write if I had more time, I'll finish with a few thanks. Its hard, though, to know where to start since I've met and become friends with so many people. Maybe starting with my departed grandmother would be a good place, as she -Althea Burk - was my inspiration when it came time to pick a kennel name. I was literally stumped, because nothing appealed to me, and I wanted a kennel name that was personal - without using my own name. As I so often do, it came to me one day when I was thinking about my grandparents.My grandmother was a very religious person who passed away during Holy Week. She was someone that I could talk to and someone I could trust with my life. Her free time in the evenings was often spent playing hymns on her organ. Provided my grandparents lived on the same piece of property that we did, I grew up hearing beautiful organ music. I think everyone on our small, dead-end road could hear it, and no one ever complained. Guess they must have liked it as much as I did. Grandma's organ playing led me to choose the kennel name, Evensong. Its present-day definition is that of a song sung in the evening. Not only was it different, but it was, and is, a perfect reminder of my grandma who I loved dearly.There are so many people that I've become friends with since I started showing Poms that I don't feel it would be fair to mention names without running a chance of leaving someone out. I can't dothat, so to all of my friends THANK YOU for your support, advice, fun dinners out on show weekends, etc., etc., etc. You all know who you areI would like to thank the Pom Review for asking me to do a kennel visit. I felt honored when asked. And I do want to thank my husband for all of his love and support when it comes to the dogs. He takes great care of the dogs when Im on the road showing, and hes always available to lend an ear or helping hand. Right now, he's busy working on the dog house, which is something that I could never do.LGD Puppy - GrissomAnd I still do get him in the show ring on occasion.There's no better way to finish a short story then by going back to the beginning. Remember that I was bit by a Chihuahua when I was a little girl Well, Ive decided that I want to show a second breed. It has taken me a while to figure out whichObreed, except that I knew it would be another toy dog. Sometimes we go full circle, and that is what has happened to me, as I chose a Chihuahua as my second breed to show. I don't plan at this time to breed them, just show. The breeding can be done by my friend Lori Solomon of So- Me Poms who is going to be my partner and the co-owner of any Chis we buy and show I think a new adventure has begun. There is always a sequel to a first book isn't thereI wish everyone a wonderful 2010 filled with many purple ribbonsTeresa White Evensong PomeraniansJanuaryFebruary 2010 39D reamweaver Po meramansK r\- 9jissIiiVARIETYGROUP PLACEMENT- 2CYPRESS CREEK KENNEL CLUB2009 ______copOhotoby- LUIS Pi985- A t"yW,' iKCH Dreamweavers Ring Of Fire X Royaltee N Dreamweavers Into The WestThis has been a great year for "Robin. He has gotten Dreamweavers first BISS and now a group placement with limited showing and alwaysbreeerowner handled.Thank you Elaine Lessig for awarding "Robin BOB and a Group 4 in thetough Texas Toy Group.D reamweaver F msDreamweaver OR Pomeranians Proudly IntroduceW illow sjpm45'L1Jfvlsv5---Y'. v^ as MAJORWIN-31jrBEST OFI . WINNERSTd' TYLER, TEXASpk M KENNEL CLUBW OCTOBERff T 2009aJ a, a r-vr-M- l O Tl IT^\ IA IIt GARDEN STUDIO. INC.PHOTO BY JAY. 'iDreamweavers Z.olor Of The SpritAmInt CH Dreamweavers Crackin Fire X Carleez Made To Order"Willow has taken Texas by stormThis bright, bubbly girl took a 3 point major her first weekend back in Texas.Thank you Janice Pardue for this win.Watch for more of Willow in the Texas show rings.Congratulations to Teresa on your Kennel VisitP feederCZoOwnerLinda Pelz Dreamweaver PomsOwners Robert Oeleste OlanoCRP omeraniansafy.SS-Si-li j lAliil 3ftO.SJIMRPJP0MS ^ESfELLT rr 40M A ^1m I[ ,V7Av IAka II BEST OF WINNERS it Jmsm -i mitrsAUAjQR v ^ \ wHny Taylor ofSamron ^jNSire Ch Music Maher ofLenetteDam firieCofLenette.He is having fun at the Benton fir shows. LhanRyou Judges Jean Smith, Dorothy Macdonaldand Lfnneth Berg at the Chichasha OJ^show.UlWjiiTmXTsiLittle Dot ofSamronDot rSire Dor-Net He's a Dandy Smart Dam Samron's Star of Lenette1Ihanhyoufor her Major and points Judge Bradley Jenhjns, Kenneth Berg and Kent Delaney.If I counted her many Reserves, she would most hfely hold the recordI have Seen enjoying my two little DredLBy-DdfiiSitors and appreciate it whenthe judges recognize them.Norma Smart, Samron Dorn's DO 80^132 Harriet, fir. 72639 870 448-2357 Q'm CA. \orizof\^ ffo^4ed Tjrxa^eV v -" 'X \Vm W X"V. \\ i- g -a i -l W w r ..I - V. -Ui IVV-.'IrI WINNERS9f-W-iirMAJOR WIN NEW CHAMPIONJ V S NOV.Yr T- 1 LIMA B 14 ---ENNEL Ji 2009BEST CWB OF \jf K. BOOTHOPPOSITE SEXBIS BISS CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown ROM GC HOF x Edens Connect The DotsEmmy won her first point in September and finished in November with four major wins. Thank you to Judges Timothy Catterson, Robert Ennis, Jacqueline Stacy, Dr. Daniel Dowling, Ruth Zimmerman and Sandra Goose Allen. Also, a big thank you to her breeder Laurie Otis for breeding such a beautiful girl, doing such an awesome job showing her for us, and being a very special friend.9tatted aaed ffifteedeLisa Bobby Caudill- Blissful Maltese Poms Laurie OtisFairfield Ohio Sidney Ohio513 858-1221 www.horizonpoms.netWith sincere gratitude to Diane Finch for allowing me the privilege to live with and love these little treasures. Special thanks to Carolyn Crockett and Bob Kennedy for all the mentoring and encouragement you gave along the way. To all the Pom admirers and people Ive met since beginning this journey, I appreciate the kindness you have shown me. Hope to see you ringside soon-Ui aCfi. TagCecreeks One Sweet Babet r ' Liz.3.liVft II would like to thank the following judges who awarded points to my three new championsDr. Steve Keating Carol Jean Nelson Mrs. Robert R Smith Mrs. Judy English Murray Mrs. Peggy Hauck Mr. Jon Cole Mr. James J. Ham Mrs. Margo Klingler Mr. Robert R Sharp Ms. Janet Allen Mr. William Usherwood Mr. Fred C Bassett Ms. Betsy Dale Mr. Bradley Jenkins Mrs. Arlene Benko Mr. Don Sutton Mr. Chuck Winslow Ms. Arlene Czech Mr. Danny Bussard Mrs. Marilynn Ellis Mrs. Stephanie Seabrook Hedgepath'f iTori7 FIWjI \chs 3-oCCywoocCTartiCfi. finch's jCiBBetigibbet TartuOwner Handled by Michelle D. Dyson League City, Texas 218 538-5425Finch's Pomeranians Ltd. pmudly presents new championsLJCh. Finch's Cute As A Button Buttons - handler Karen Chisam, Ch. Finch's Little Black Terror Terror - handler Karen Chisam, Ch. Finch's Cream Puff Dream Buffy - handler Karen Chisam, Ch. Finch's Parti In Your Dreams Milan - owner-handler Cindy Golden, Ch. Finch's You Bet I'm Good Gordy - owner-handler Erin Zehm, Ch. Finch's Totally Stunning Parti Stuner - handler Erin ZehmKaren Chisam.Thank you to all the judges pointingDiane L. Finch. 515-769-2444. www.finchspoms.comand championing all these poms\V\ ,ii iml'is.- 'sxy 1 ' - r __________ _ -V' ' '^VExcfusWef^ sfiovnf Cw qJRc J^oR cR2T'1BT5 ^ ^ "41 v yKi\ \ X \ j i''' V, - ''. Ml 17' vx M-V^T^ , SAMkW If s, ^ \ .S'^6- 't ''\\v- If jf ^'N. 'ff' Xx A . ' ' a y . V'V-." - fj . . . . . , .' ' -i-v' j[earzrF^tocTsot^s QuicRR[rcrw ufti^roup 3fra clientsGailB^eignigPomMcom yRe[g n]n g Po m s. co m1n v4K,S 1I -I-S -vi\ - \,- -.' Ai Icr Lr ki1 rrrC'203110uAfijeifis fimmettProud Owner Amy Matsuoka Breeder Aljens PomsCH. Band Of Gold Of Lenette ROM Cinderella Of LenetteNews Flash 11109Emmett wins BOS Sweeps and WD for a 4 point major at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii's Annual Sweepstakes and Specialty Show. Thank you Judge Kelly Reimschiissel and Mr. David Hoota Sweepstakes for the wonderful win. Photos by Darrell Toma. Agent Scott Yamane.\1mWC2 KA f WA "V '-'--I. ----v L- - w.In just 3 show days Emmett now has 6 points with 1 major. Emmett first showed in California on 8809 and won WDBOW with judge Mrs. Murrel Purkhiser and BBE Toy Group 4under Judge Mrs. Anne D. Bolus.Go Emmett GoAmy Matsuoka Chic Petite Poms thanks my dear friends A1 and Jen Lapuz Aljens Poms for my beloved and wonderful little boy named Emmett.Congratulations to Teresa White on your kennel visitZ-.oyyo's PomerflirtXaiisPI2^NIT6 BEoP 1]WINNERStJ IJLA PORTE COUNTY KENNEL CLUB IL BOOTH' -- JZorro's Just Call Me Superfly aka FlyFly is a beautiful and typey black boy who has done very well in the midwest show rings with Danielle Sartain .Thank you Danielle for all you did with Fly. Fly is now back home in New York and will be making his show debut again in 2010 with Deb Wheeler.Fly pictured with Judge John R. ShoemakerZorro's Designer Blue Jeans aka IrisThis girl is a perfectly marked and very typey BLUE parti bitch. Look for her at the APC Nationals and the show ring in 2010 with Vikki Oelerich.[W vl Vr 4n vm m XjMj.V ' mviP'- Y sJ'. rwmrrBreederOwner Frances M. Zozzaro www.zorropoms.comFujitsu Pomjs Presenttrf . ommze\ v F 4'\ Uk i\ VVA .r H r\AwinnersDogBest of Opposite Sex i\NMdbty WndKanmlCUb NonmbM4fc1,2MRoberts PhotosFndjr's TurnAf C7p TJig ffgat d FujitsuSir AAf CA FirqbrooJs Ffqt is On Dm.-ApolioqWitfcflGS For FndySaturday November 14 at Monroes Whidbey Island Kennel Club Show. Tommie won WD and BOS under Judge Peggy Dillard Carr.Randy Buske is the breeder of Tommie and his co owner. Thank you Randy for the opportunity to grow out such a pretty little pomCongratulations to Teresa White of Evensong Poms on her Kennel Visit.Tom Diane M. Zech Fujitsu Poms Port Orchard, WA ph. 360-871-8404 fujitsupomswavecable.comBIS BISSCK. Jorizon-K mic ora. fl' i h RO' ri AN- ItSw,ift r BEST IN SHOWSANTA ANA VAlLET KENNEL OLJBHollowayPURINA4S-i mi2j.-3 _CtfManfaifs Jjdijfil A,utyx 'Larkin's jjvaMt,uu^9^mIn a few short months this summer and fall. Indy has made his way to the top by winning multiple Best In Shows, a Best Toy In Specialty and Best In Specialty Shows. During this incredible journey he has earned the wins to be inducted into the APC Hall of Fame, the APC Gold Club and completed his Registry of Merit as a sire. He is among the top winners for Breed and All-Breed points for 2009. A special thanks to all the judges that have appreciated IndyCongratulations to Teresa White of Evensong Poms on their Kennel VisitMzjiidJy J-JiLridlbd iijj LLirili SjjjjItjbyi Uj'bjJ I r_a snarpOwners ion Merityn Smith Krystal MorrisBreeders Laurie Otis Jerrie Freia Camilla KnightHOO- BDAPRICOT SWEET BONBON MAGIC POMSNUMBER ONE ALL-BREED IN PERU FOR 2005PERUVIAN CHAMPIONGRAND PERUVIAN CHAMPIONARGENTINE CHAMPIONLATIN AMERICAN CHAMPIONCHAMPION OF THE WOIMULTIPLE BIS WINNI BREEDER LUISA LEON PHONE 511 99997 97 80 LIMA - PERU 2009 THWINNlfCIMAGE.C0MOWNERS FABIAN ARIENTI TONY CABRERA LUISA LEONSPRINGWOOD POMERANIANS4 WINS TERRIFYINGLY BIG IN MARIETTA GA AT THE Spoo ALL HAT LOWS CLUSTER's AMk. jJulie Jackson with Springwoods Too Close to CallLane Jackson x Becky Jackson Ch. Mt Crest at Springwood x Springwoods AnnieItSpringwood Pomeranians wants to thank the Judges that appredated Julie's wonderful costume and her fun attitude. Julie won Best Single Dog Costume in Show. The ribbon was longer than she was tall. Thanks also to everyone that stayed and cheered this young lady on, it was great fun. What a great time for our SportCongratulations to Teresa White on your well deserved kennel VisitAll the Springwood Pomeranians along with Julie, Lane and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Wonderful New Vear. May Happiness and Joy be with you throughout the coming year. Also wishes for Purple and GoldSpringwood Pomeranians - Becky Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634256762-5958 www.sprmgwoodpoms.comHandler Julie JacksonBeloved DaughterWOODROSE POMERANIANS PRESENTS HAWAII'S 1 POM FOR ZOOS-J- MITI 'i^ ^ .ATUKALD'Wlm 'C Lt,,DtTiiITBISA, BISS CH. WDDDRDSE'S CAUSIN' A CDMMDTIDN CH. Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance RDM X Woodrose's Jenni - Jake granddaughterJdJd" shown winning BDB at the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii specialty show under breederjudge Kelly Reimschiissel.Congratulations to Teresa White of Evensong Poms on your kennel visit."WHERE QUALITY COUNTS"CLARICE, YVETTE B ASHLEY OGANEKU our poms are always handled by Yvette or Ashley WDDDRDSE 45-232 LILIPUNA RD. BDB 235-8142KANEOHE, HI BB744 woodrosellhawaii.rr.comGroup IKona Coast Kennel Club Judge Mr. Hubbelltrim himRST IS QfKAJP\wKONA SHOW I-IV - .wVr- yIII071vvers Cl4nTTi [ , fife fji first in group I tAJ mc rs I [ IM11H fe 111i lUiHILO SHO"Wl JOHWfN funtl Nitik^kanubgv jiiiiirBeyonce wins big"Beyance" wins Best In Sweepstakes, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex at our Pomeranian Club of Hawaii specialty. She now has llpts., 3 majors at B months old Nin ^I vurwflpjI WOODROSE'S PEPPERMINT LATTE IIWoodrose's Mistletoe Magic major ptd. x CH. Woodrose's Peppermint PattyamBeyonce show winning Best In Sweep stakes under Mr. David Hoota MiMAK 5PIlntroducina...."Ford"4^ V. BEST OF WINNERSIK C M SHOW MIKI """"V' f 4 i WDuDROSES COLD CASEChriscendo Casual Affair x Wee Wyn's The Devil Wears Prada"Ford" shown winning a 4pt. major under Mr. Keith Brown at the Hawaiian Kennel Club show. He also went RWD at the PCH specialty."WHERE QUALITY CDUNTS"CLARICE, YVETTE ASHLEY DGANEKU our poms are always handled by Yvette or Ashley 45-232 LILIPUNA RD.KANEDHE, HI 9G744WDDDRDSE 8D8 235-8142 woodrosehawaii.rr.comN \V^csijvsG^kttrlirist'CSlplS1a^2.1sr.vcr.-v-r553sheso-MeThe whole lA0Congratulations Teresa White of Evensong Poms on your kennel visit. We wish you many more years of happiness success.Lori Solomon Roxanne Mellem www.So-MePoms.comua\i r'j.. r r rr i A1 ^13 iiiNl4a MAJOREC---V.PION vmVARIETBREEDri--4-OH -aiirsldfdu ilrjfejj^JL^ JigjJqP ^tSSraM ii.. 3^,.Rolo finished quickly, and for a chocolate pom that is an accomplishment. He was shown by Dr. Geno Sisneros, Laurie Otis, and Corey Gatewood to his wins. Thank you to Judges Raymond Filbum and Robert Ennis for awarding this outstanding chocolate pom his Major Wins.Congratulations to Teresa White on her Evensong Kennel Feature.a Breeden JerrieFreia Owner Dr. Geno Sisneros Owner Laurie OtisMorgan City, Louisiana Montgomery, Alabama Sidney Ohio1 horizonpomsearthlinh.neti985384-7466 334 265-3916 937638-8203JCH Carleez Hot Damm Here I Am' 'T^7r^' \T'f v V 7'77' ' ' '"Amierah"w ' \t. -, - va .. .W' X 'r - .' " .VJ - ' Am if - - -,1 .. . V .'' .."'r,' 'C2Sfc, - . . '' " ' ' Vasm..^Lr. 7" 7 .-.7'' 7.v.. W\\ . If . - - v -... -r. ^ _v^.^ \ y-5 JiB' v T'V 'v.-' fi- 'A- V'. .' - -ji _yc WEfSmkm 'V m i33lBvrmountaineergKENNEL CLUB-rK-oFnsPwrnsRtfHY-co 06-19-09 nPNCklBISBISS CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown ROM GC HOF x CH Gar-Vs Zeek-A-Boo ROMSAmierah finished her championship from the Bred By Exhibitor Class.Thank you to Judges William Cunningham and Charlotte Patterson for her Major Wins, as well as Jean Fournier, Jacqueline Stacy, Dr. John Shelton, Toddie Clark, Elizabeth Muthard, Desmond Murphy and Chuck Winslow for her singles and Best Of Breed wins.Watch for her major pointed black tan son Bandif Carleez Cops Robbers in the ring now.Congratulations to Teresa and Kevin White of Evensong Pomeranians on their Kennel VisitBreederOwnerHandlerCarol LeemhuisPittsburgh carolcarleezpoms.com412 848-6987CL ^Qeavei Cmk Qttmd S iej PWAY ' \igAw m mrBEST OF WINNERSMASON CITY KENNEL CLUBby ME LI APHOTOV.hBred by Tina Bottorff and Jane Lehtinen.Shown only from the Bred By class to finish.Sire is Ch Jan Le sDont Be Silly Dam is Ch Jan Le s Just A Dash Of SmokeA combination of Bev Nor and. Glen Iris with some Millamor thrown in. Reggie is Tina s pride and joy and we at Jan Le wish her all the best with him and his new girlfriend from Jan Le kennels.Tina BottorffBeaver Creek PomeraniansJane Lehtinen Jan Le Pomeranians janlejanlepoms.com629Pomeranian ReviewRedhot Pomeranianswould like to extend our heartfelt Congratulations To Teresa White of Evensong Pomeranians for her well deserved Kennel Visit.Teresa you are truly an inspiration.Redhot PomeraniansBreeding for Excellence in Color^ aidy s Pomsrr Randy's Paper Money, Dollar Ch. Rodi's Aspen x WOWs C Note 4 RandyRandys Make-N Wampum WOW Ch. Firebrooks The Heat Is On x WOWs C Note 4 Randy Best Puppy In Sweeps, Pointed.Diane looking forward to Parker, Dollar and Oney puppies in 2010- h nj i 1 -M' VA.Ch. Firebrooks The Heat Is OnHenley has been an outstanding addition to my kennel, siring many wonderful puppies for me...2010 holds many more outstanding puppies for Henley and his new owner Diane Finch.. Wish you both the Very BestTeresa White, Evening Song Poms. Congratulations on your well deserved Kennel visitRandys Poms Randy Buske Buckley, \Geebears Poms and Northmoor Poms mourn the passing of our beloved Echo. He was such a large part of our lives and breeding programs. We continue his legacy in his children and hope to have his ROM title soon. We are both ever so grateful to Nancy Reed, Echos breeder, for lovingly sharing him with us.rxUfVfi l Vfi ItSJiV.i Y' ' IEcho is the sire of the following titledpointed kids Ch. GeeBears I am Sooo Naughty NaughtyCh. Northmoor Wind Dancer Dani Northmoor Riverstone Intel Inside, OA, OAJ, NAC, NJC GeeBears Listen To Your Heart Kisses pointed Northmoor Wanna Win Em All Emma pointedGina Williams-GeeBears New MexicoLisa Goodman-Northmoor Coloradon n^csijnsQtiPith^hilstrCongratulations to Teresa White of Evensong Poms on your kennel visit Best wishes to Lori ant Teresa for continuedIn showing RuffRytm Biker Bunny.ccesssitart My HeartdnPoms.comCK. LafiewaysBlonde's Have More TunrBEST OF WINNERSSPIRIT OF THE HEARTLAND KENNEL CLUB MAY2009Q GARDEN STUDIO. INC.] mom by w .rThidys J Yankee at LahewaysLakeways MorganShe seemed to five up to her name and have fun at every show. I sure hadfun showing her.IHJWK^YOV to the judges that hhedher.Im sure our new Pomeranian Review editor widdo wed hut Brenda you are ready missedBreeder, Owner, Handler Caheways.comEfdine'Way 615-444-0183CH EVENSONG'S BACK IN THE SADDLECOWBOYrr-.jwGROUPDANEMMETT KENNEL , CLUB iulyh 200 P BOOTH PHOTO[CH LARAJUS PARAGONS HOW D WEST WAS WON X CH EVENSONG'S BARBARA ANN Cowboy won the Toy Group from the classes earning a five point major win under Judge Rose Ellen FetterWhat an exciting way to pick up a second major.Many thanks to Teresa and Kevin White for letting Cowboy come to Ohio.Congratulations to Evensong Poms on their Kennel Feature.BREEDERSTeresa Kevin WhiteSt Helens Dregon 503 366-7001OWNERHANDLER Laurie OtisSidney Ohio 037 638-8203OWER Carol LeemhuisPittsburgh Pennsylvania carol 412 848-6087CH EVENSONG'S BACK IN THE SADDLECOWjBOVrvftL'J --ff l. i"i CH LARAJUS PARAGONS HOtf D VST WAS WON X CH EVENSONG'S BARBARA ANNUpon arriving in Ohio "Cowboy" picked up his first major his first show out under Judge Beth Sweigart. Thank you to her and the other judges that recognized Cowboy in the ring during his short journey to his championship David Krogh, Peter Green, Jacqueline Stacy, Rose Ellen Fetter and pictured finishing his championship under Judge Terry Stacy.Congratulations to Teresa and Kevin White of Evensong Pomeranians on their Kennel Visit.OWNERHANDLER OWSEffcLaurie Otis Carol LeemhuisSidney Ohio Pittsburgh Pennsylvaniawww.hnrizonpoms.netwww.carleezpoms.comBREEDERSTeresa Kevin WhiteSt Helens 5DS 337 BS8-82D3carol 412 848-B987Present8Pippin and fopDickpoms 5 'Pal 'Trigger of JporelandPippin " fas earned multiple Best of Winners and Best of Opposite Sex this past summer. 'Pfanfs to fauretta Piynn of foreland Pomeranians for petting as started in tfis fascinating ffobby.Pippin s parents are forelands Piver of Dreams X Sweet Patie of foreland' ^ 'T\ATDAIHMLTTKCELCU'3I V1Ir4 ISacx"Vf BEST OF BREED OR VARTY MNM-xSoys parents are Of - Pise X Sfine's ffot Sfot X Bi-Mar s fady BugcBi-Tflars Treams Come True 1i- Soy won fer first major and our first Best of Breed wfile giving us a good time traveling and meeting new friends in tfe summer of POOP. Tfanfs to all tfe Judges wfo fave felped mafe tfis a fun " fobby.Piefard and find a Pie ferExpressions Pomeranians PresentsHorizon Carleez Piet Up Sticks Styx VAMAJOR WINBEST OF WINNERS"41ATLANTA KENNEL CLUBSEPTEMBER 2009BILL MEYER PHOTO BISS CH SimdoTvns Hide N Zeke CD ROMX GC x Edens Ha\ing A Blonde MomentStyx is pictured winning his first major win. Thanh you to respected Judge Richard Bauer and to Camilla Knight for handling him to this win. Thanh you to his breeders for letting Styx be a part of my breeding program.Congratulations to Teresa and Kevin White of Evensong Pomeranians on their Kennel VisitOwner Paula Qarh Patriot Ohiowww.expressionpomeranians.comBreeder Laurie Otis Sidney Ohio www.horizonpoms.netBreeder Carol Leemhuis Pittsburgh Pennsylvania www.carleezpoms.comHandler Camilla Knight Georgetown sundownpomsyahoo.com740709-9460 937638-8203 412848-6987 937 375-3790BISS Ch Tabletops Return to SenderAaGROUPPLACINGSOUHEGAH ' KENNEL,vnc1^PippinBy Ch Tabletops Black Mail Sender X Ch Rodis AldeaThank you, to all the judges who awarded Pippin Best of BreedAnd also his Group placements.Pictured here with Judge Mrs. R Ellen Fetter receiving a Group Second.Ered, Owned and dandled by Jan Stachurski George httpmysite.verizon.netTabletoppomsJENUWANE POMERANIANSPROUDLY PRESENTS2-\w I Y - Island f Doe ClubOctober 200---------BESTPUPPYIN GROUPJROUP SECONDn \, iiZ-Js.2009NATIONAL SPECIALTYTYCO HAS BEEN TURNING HEADS AND BURNING UP THE RINGS EVERYWHERE IN THE EAST COAST EVERY WHERE HE HAS BEEN SHOWN AS A PUPPY SPECIAL AND IN ONLY THREE MONTHS OF SHOWS HAS WON12-BOB11-BPIG 1 BPISS AT THE PCOC SPECIALTY 6-BPIS 1 GRP 1 2 - GRP 22 GRP 3 1 GRP 4TYCO ALSO WON BOB AT THE PCOC BOOSTER AT 7 MONTHS OLD UNDER BREEDER JUDGE NATALIA DUNFEEJEN HRYNIUK 506-894-2225JENUWANEHOTMAIL.COMTYCO IS ALSO PROVEN WITH ONE LITTER OF THREE PUPPIES BORNOCTOBER 18,2009 1 BT MALE, 2 ORANGE FEMALESI ALSO HAVE FOUR MORE LITTERS DUE BY TYCO IN DECEMBER AND JANUARY2010Girls RuleHitter Shimmer V- ffjsrW V iyv""HfllriFlash In Earned her MACH on November 8,2009MACH UACH PomAcres Iridescent Dragnfly RE ThDeav BPS O-V CGC HC FFX-AG2 HOF GC'At ' -is .'. l - -Vl . J . vV.i Flitter"UACHXUCD Pom Acre's Atomic Dragonfly NA OAJ MXP MJPCDX RAE ThDev BPDX O-V CGC HITx2 FFX-AP2 FFX-AG HOFVJLjIiShimmerUAGII Pom Acres Copper Dragonfly AX AXJ RN ThD CGC HITx3 FFX-AG FFX-AP HOFOwner Lois MorbasselThanh you to the breeders of our very special girls Juanita and Bob FiddichJloveCy P orner cinxcinsI u-tkv.ks-s-Vt^-5\Lovely"All colors, patterns, and variations thereof are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis."'Victoria, ILoveCy SM iCton, VVJA CoveCypom eran.ians.c.omruthutrleomsfancy face TomsOur CittCe giri brings home her first win... fancy face Cameron JJeeazz CamiCJi. 'Si-Mar's Soogie fVoogie x Inti CJi. CR JAfina's Jfoney Sear CuddiesViM v riUllSAN LUIS OBISPOKennel ClubSaturday 14 November 2009AfCOOKThank you to Judge Ur. Jolin Seeve-Jiewsomfor this awardThanh you to Brenda SegeChen of ttie Tomeranian Review, your Cove ancCtireCess dedication to this magazine wiiihe missed. Test wishes to you in aCC your future endeavors.AVendi fancyfacepomsshcgiohai.netw jlmette 'PontenamcutAbreeders of-fme Poms simot i5J1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081Ken and Eleanor Griffithr- i.m1E' W-ftCh. Kitty Karr of Lenette Keisha of LenetteKitty is our newest champion here at Lenette. We would like to thank Clint Taylor and Vikki Oelerich for finishing Kitty for us.Keisha is being shown by Joan Behrend. She lacks her majors to finish.Both girls are bred to Ch. Great Rivers Tur-Beau Charged. He is a lovely black and tan owned by Sharon Yampiro. Thanks Sharon for allowing us to use your boy. Needless to say we are hoping for black tans from both litters.We also have two girls bred to Ch. CR Tuff Guy of Isabella, and are expecting reds oranges from them. Thank you Celeste forallowing us to use Macho.Best Wishes to Teresa White on your Kennel - lenettectc.netark Lasting Legacybrought to you by Ch, Chriscendo Come CloserJust 3 years old, Talia has already left a lasting legacy here atLee LittleToms, A champion and free mhelper in her ocon rightincluding her most recent letter of 40 she has also proven to bea consistent producer of quality Introducing her 3 Championsfor COOL,,, all from her very first litter, a little orer a year ago,da, Dee Little Daisy Duke fenished coith 0 majors\Ch, Dee Little Tonka Truck her latest championoconer Tom DavidsonCh, Dee Little ijho'sjfc.rzf wIt , , ... 9The BossBoss toon breed orer specials for a5 pt major at 6mos old Join be is finishing 2OCR bt turning group placements as a speciat tie mill see you at OJestminster in 2010Talia is currently tied for TPC Top Dam as of November COOLj, Vj And that's just die beginningTicutred at left are tcoo of Talia'sr 'll-Ticutred at left are tuoo of Talia's first grandpuppies sired bi Boss,OJe hope he'll follouo in mom's patoprints, OJatch for therepeat litter of 4 sired by Ch, Chriscendo Call to Arms TOAD in 2010 Thanks so much to Christ John tteartz for "Talia", coho has made so many dreams come true,Dee Little Toms - Christine Crane - Cflen Men, ft - 60060, deelittlepoms, comDs^r P2r^rNNSCanadianChampionDasar s Good Qd Gone Bad'Fiesty"American Canadian ChampionCarleez On The Catwalk"Tyra"American Canadian ChampionHorizons Fashionably Load'Trendy"11r\4 tr 4-W.WiFSSDITCHii.r KS1Cf .amnAvi.i Jb_"Ills17group viv-af. i . t\K Gh.Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown ROMxDasar's Dreamin Of LeneiteFiesty finished in Canada [with a Group 4 and 2 BP1G wins. Fiesty only needs a few singles to complete her American Championship.After winning RWB at our 2008 Specialty Tyra finished her Canadian championship with back to back Group Placements.Trendy finished her American Championship with 3 majors. She also finished in Canada with 2 BPIGwins and a Group Placement.23red by Danielle Sartam Dasar hmeramans"Bred byGarni Leemhms Garleess jPometamans23red byLaurie Otis htorhson IPomemniansCongratilations to Teresa and Kevin on their Kennel VisitSrtoN L.V.T.WWW.drp9N'.C9N'PomeiwithWe would like to thank Mike Cande Gordon ofPominique Pomeranians forallowing us to use AMIntCH Pominique ChasingTatonka aka Tony as ourdemonstration model.Congratulations to TeresaWhite of Evensong Pomson your Kennel Visit. Bestwishes to those attendingthe Progressive Toy DogClub WestminsterNEW DVD NOW AVAILABLE IN NTSC PAL FORMAT WITH FREE SHIPPING[oming trim Your pom like a show pomird Have you ever wondered how the Poms in theshow ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, "Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford," by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This video is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to learn the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe.For more information about Karen, the video, preview video clips, satisfied customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web sitehttpwww.foxxlanepoms.comVideo,Email Pauline McFarlane,or call Pauline at860 674-9151.KAREN CRAWFORD, XITABLE POMERANIANSPAULINE MCFARLANE. FOXXLANE POMERANIANSPREVIEW VIDEO CLIPS BEFORE YOU BUYFREE LEAFLETS INCLUDED WITH EACH VIDEOGROOMING TIPSEQUIPMENTNEEDEDWHERE TO BUY IT,HOW TO TRIM EARS.Cardinal Hill Kennel Frankston, TXHome of International UKC American Champion Cardinal Hill Anniversary Surprise"S . "iwwueBruce Dawn Freemanwww.CardinalHillKennel.comml903-876-2265 HAPPY HOLIDAYSFROM BI-MAR POMERANIANS- .liXJU8583r85PUPPIES SIRED BY CH. BI-MAR'S ALL THAT JAZZ AND CH. RISE N SHINE HOTSHOT AVAILABLE.BRED FEMALES.CONTACT US FOR WHAT IS AVAILABLE3MARY ROSENBAUM WWW.BI-MAR.COM 145 FAY ROAD CHEHALIS, WA 98532 360-767-010454- 'r-O'o -- ANThe Northern California Pomeranian Club 1We are offering Cash prizes 100 for Best Bred By 100 for Best PuppyIs holding ns 50th Anniversary Specialty on March 27, 2010.Judge is Dr. John C. Shelton The show closes on March 10, 2010 at Noon PST Entry is limited to 50 Pomeranians.The Specialty wiu. be held at Solano County Fairgrounds 900 Fairgrounds Drive, Vallejo, CA.Come and celebrate our Golden Anniversary We hope to see you at our SpecialtyFor additional information, please contactShow Chair, Walda Green at Event Secretary Bonnie Pratto at hanashihzuyahoo.coml Intmd Sk Wiagkd d WaarnCD, RN, NAP, NJP, CGCJigglezOwnerHandlerTrainer Lesley PettengillBred By Anita Farrn.-.T1 - www knstod'oop conAKC Multiple Breed Winner Novice Jumpers PreferredNJP AKC Best In Match Novice Agility PreferredNAPUKC Best In Show AKC Rally NoviceRN wPiacementsEukanuba - 2 time Invitee Canine Good Citizen Certificate Westminster Exhibitor 2007 Certified Therapy Dog AKC Companion Dog TitleCD placing 4th in 2007 National Toy Obedience rankingsCONGRATULATIONSWe tone you and WiggleProof that Poms can do it allThe Dallas Ft Worth Pomeranian Clubcx^e,VM 00^f ^iMvoweffle \T\ -'- '7'lew yhwvpiys BISS Ch. Razzle Dazzle Panic at the DiscoBred by Judy Green Liz Heckert Owners Breeders Celeste Bob Solano'7lw -oj 'WvtfAmCan Ch. Chriscendo Communicado ROM Chad is now the sire of 10 AKC champions and is among the top sires of 2009. Co-owned by Jennifer Munn'TZew 'Th-cvi, skew.BISS AmThai Ch. Silhouette's SpeakeasyGibson spent 6 months in Thailand then returned to Virginia and won BOB at his first show back in the USASgPiP SSL- 'T'ZwCh. Lil Behrs Cinnamon ToastBred by Joan Behrend Cinnamon's daughter finished also.I'T'Zew Obwvfviory'Ch. Silhouette's Stop The PressesZoe also racked up 8 points in one week in Canada Owned handled by Joan Behrendnw C'bcisrvvpix'Can Ch. Silhouette Surrender to ChriscendoDarcy was BOW at the Canadian National finished by w inning Group 1st. Co-owned with Chris and John Heartz.00, Uve we oorvveWe're looking forward to the newr year w ith some exciting puppies sired by AmCanThai Ch. Tokie The Legend Continues one is pictured at right AmCanThai Ch. CR Tuff Guy of Isabella. We are hoping for some Gibson and Chad puppies later in the new year.Elizabeth Heckert - - 757-224-03714ai iISJ- 'Vl \trf- 9f tiWV .' nTcir^a c Ch VznniG winning Bg zzl SpGdzIty ShowYour 1 fanLove your husband^ Kevinw^n, . a a 0 0 0 0 e o c O C fi '. O ^ ' ' o O f, - e o a P ', . . r O J - 3 Q - ,. C, O 'IY VJ dl 10 V - . . - - - - . - - . o 0 - - t C e - v 6 ' 1 ' Charlene Marsh 0 0 0 r, j . Tony PhillipsJ '.. . -, r - . - ^J - '.. , - .. , _ o a ' S . , j i O o-'3' "2016 Vista View Roanoke, TX 76262 817-637-3533 www.kcpoms.com2 8prvus0uwer A'^ecu Bfo-cJeruHJ-oo-. rd-yyx'ep5-m-s. cS-m^ rfrcv'ep^-mstecd-. net 256-586-0282 ^r 256-550-2251Srvu, d LV-es Yd-Us1 Pomeranian 200ty JTpp Winning Parti inbreed,history.AvalonPomeranians77anHome ofCh. Avalons Prince Matchabelli Monte Starfires Conan the Barbarian x Avalons Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932infoavalonpom.comwww.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies since 1992. Inquiries welcome.7 C^7 1meranians. . . - j uw J C3C2 798-3023 www. RszzieDazzieP or.i. cs r.Wy 'g-Q MSmm - Bark'River.906-466 -rtC V'JJS'JiUJJUL-------- - DamascusroadHometo four generations of champion bitches and breeder of the I Pom in Francelin 2005 and 2008wBeverley A. CarterConception Bay Highway. Holyrood. NL. Canada. AOA 2RO 709-229-1783 Zancu '.ftace l i emsGyendxmowjancijfacepcms. com WncyJacepomssSta^^aL netMember of the American Pomeranian Club and Nor-Cal Pom ClubQOh omn 6msSpecializing in Wolf Sables, Whites, Creams and Tri-Colored Partis and Occasionally other colors.Qitrkint Aatdny cortavd503 864-2459 276 629-9483httpwww.showinpoms. comQ Dom rWaasmi] EBam assQTimcrest XennefcChampion Pomeranians aCatherine Bolahood 905-697-2488Bowmanvide, ON. Canada www.pomeramans.caM-- National kfjnninp Cnnei Bred-Bp BchilitorJL]Be,cp Jacison513 Sprinpwood Dr, Fdor-cncc, Ad 256-757-9837sprinpwoodpOMS ao1. com uiuui. spr-injpuoodpoms. comBABBFSPOMERANIANSa ft 5 a ft a Aiey,eft136 W Queens Dr Slidell, LA 70458Phone 985-649-3136 Mobile 985-788-4704'9mlruin- iErika and William PavigliantiCape Coral, FL. or ArticalpliafoxaoLcom www.Elusivepomeramans.comA REFLECTION ON THE WATERSPARK AVENUEPOMERANIANSBlacker Ton PomeraniansTOM WILSON916-689-1222parlcavepomsfrontieriietnetGreggory S. Waters Charlene R Waters 801-597-3869Quality Pomeraniansshimmeree.charlenegmail.comMalashelPoms and SkeltiesElaine Wisknow 748-891-3451 2351L 17th St SkmMgn, JVty 11229Home of quality Poms 5" Skelties maaahetiepommanxomChriscendov John E. Christine D. Heartz P.0. Box 189,242 Shortts Lake West Rd Brookfield, N.S. Canada B0N1C0902-673-2446 Web www.chriscendo.comEmail chriscendonorthnovacable.caFinchs PomeraniansLTDCh. TravisCh. Finchs Bet on the Parti Ch. Finchs Totally Stunning PartiCh. Pufpnde Sweet DreamsCh. Finchs Chocolate Obsession Ch. Finch's See Me CorninDiane Finch 515-769-2444CLoCLu esiIuSpecializing in Parti amf Parti-factoredPomeranians ' r r- H t 3,k Cn^urmerCXM.-OuCCb. Cbe lanes Simply Irresistible Cb. Pincbs Peacemaker Parti RgXM.Elaine Waugh www.chelanes.net0i Cbetanes Peace Keeper Parti CH Cbelanes Remington SteeleCH Keeper CH cRemymt I5iplene - WeaivaPomeraniansXArlene Otagura Hazel IVliller Robin WatanabeAr-Dans Grooming Salon mhinjaol.comCfL DTs CodycDLfT PomeraniansMark 6 Cathy Driggers 735 Cassadaga Rd. Lake Helen, Florida 32744Phone 38B 84B-7I75 Fax 386218-5733 Email DriggersDLTpoms.cDm www.DLTpoms.comDonna MachniakBreederOwnerHandlerGrDDmerRescue5I7-54B-744GAPC member since 1931Ik Dreamweaver Pomeraniansrfom iwww.dreamweaverpoms.comlida P-TX254 420-7724Mib hz hcffig -Mf 676844-4277f a[ANESASOMERANIANSCh Janesa's Applause Please "RDM BravoBred tor.Beauty and Soundness ofBodv 4- MindJerrie Freia1072A Undry Une Phone 985 384-7466 Morgan Cnv, LA 70380 WWW.JANESA.COM- ^caMountainCrest PomeraniansDavid Carlene Gilstrap PO Box 22442 Chattanooga, TN 37422 Phone423-987-0266, f ' sty, p 'J f y , 1'Email dcgilstrapaol.comF Jan-Sfiar TomsXTerfection at every angCeI fSharon 3-Cans on ^ j9omsjanshar.comSoFine Poms979-690-7179maryllmac.comwww.sofinepoms.comnomevmmGCJ Q^UyJ rjtfc jj'ffrre\ i I4I Sugar LambPomeraniansLeeAnnLambertmcqtnt21.comsugarlamb.ca519.396.6464PoiHr.yUPE 01 DIE OFBi-MarPomeranians BIS,BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC Ch. Bi-Mar Sundance KidMary A. Rosenbaum145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204Phone 360 767-0104 Fax 360 767-0105Email in Show, Group, and Specialty Winning Pomeranians Home of BIS, BISS. AmCanMex. FCI. Inti Ch. Showcase Hot Topic818 352-0538ShDwcaseFDms.comCarleez PomeraniansCarol Leemhuis Pittsburgh. PAHome 724-899-3672 Cell 412-848-6987carolC3rleezpoms.comwww.carleezpoms.comHome of picturedBISS Ch. Sundown's Hide N lake, CD, ROMX, GCSpoiled companions, conformation, obedience agility Poms 5 PmamsPomflarfme 1PmfmvAvw.pmdenspoms.compmdenspomsaol.comQjmahzbv in chocolate pcm II HTabletopPomeranians21 ^eny 9be cBroddon 0Q30Q 503-567-6146Ta6etopPonLsverLzoTL netori TafeuzesBeauty and brains in one well-balanced package - home of record-setting 8 dual titlists.Margaret R. McKee vExhibitorBreederHandler Goochland, VA 804-556-3380 idlewjddearthlintnetymEvensong PomeraniansBOSS di Evensongs Sugar Plum FairyKevin Teresa White Sb Helens, Oregon503 366-7991 503 eromiTrisb 3n4 Brent Inman Rainier, Oregon5055952225 www.geminipoms.comWee Benny Bears Perns 512 29_9-52SCarole Moore j aslyiA^u'osynlnoD.toK.Asly IAIA, RiSe 0328-537-8880 'WwEEbDnnybEarslcablEDnE.netPO Bdx 2435. Shaw Lpw..AZ48r5302TtiA-der Lovti^g can for your Toy www.nsLy vererost-corA. Agent code 305]L e 'ge n d ary P o innt 4wfWf Nancy S SmithBreederExhibitorNorwood, Missouri 417-746-4740 Nancy65centurytel.netMILLAMOR POMS TrIAKen Eleanor Miller A,foU4t6ne iea,ecf870 Jersey Church Rd Ph 336-245-9010Lexington, NC 27292 millamortriad.rr.com30 Short St, Oakville, CT 06779 Phone860274-7997 hollilypomssnet.netRANDY buskeBreederExhibitorMember American Pomeranian QnbMrand'"5P0Bqx2408 Buddey.WA 98321360597-2163253-740-5060ww.Randyspoms.comRaralyRaixlyspomsxonipornfullym1angledweb.cxnTiaaTvegas^SINCITT POMSJohn Michele ArvanitesNorth Las Vegas, NV 702-363-8458 sincitypoms.comBIS. Ch. Castile s Endless Ldve. HDFCastileApolmPOMERANIANS10iuul Zebt in Gtio ike. viaoteuGena Sisneros 5 Carey GatewoodMontgomery, ALcastilepomsaoLcomwww.casrilepometanians.coinAll Natural Pet Foods for All Life StagesWant to Advertise HereContactThe Pomeranian ReviewCeleste Solano, Interim Editor PO Box 15202, Tumwater, WA 9S511 or email crpomsgmail.com360-273-S72290C. f503 395-2225 Ranier. h ttpCeminiPoms. comthe iJe503 429-8019 Vemonia. OR httpBeaverCreekPoms.comSMILEY'S TRAVELING TED AT MTN CREST Our first Bred By dog., working his way toward his championshipilRle smileypupsbellsouth.netWishing Teresa congratulations on your Kennel Visit.Best of Luck with your future ^csigxsQtfithhrvtyThank you Roxanne for allowing this pom girl with lots of attitude and show ring presence to live with us She has the heart of a true show bitch She thinks she is "all that" and we love her We have over 60 homebred champion Kees and this is our first champion Pom.Jazzy" was handled to all wins by her owner, Donna, in tough East Coast competitionOwnerHandlen Donna Stekli in MarylandAstarz Kees 2 poms,www.astarz.comBreederCo-Owner Roxanne Collins in Indiana Kissami Pomshttpwww.angelfire.comWkissamikennelCH Kissaroi's Astarz Freedom Attraction"Jazzy''m r\^DiaC jU cfot Jlietik By Lori Kamrath Alane Levinsohn"I didnt know they came in that colorFor owners of the more rare colors of Pomeranians, this statement is all too familiarbut always a pleasure to hear. After all, the variety of coat colors is what attracted many fanciers to the breed in the first place.And luckily for companion dogs, color is of little consequence Pomeranians were never expected to blend in with their surroundings or be easily spotted from a distance. Throughout the century, breeders have taken advantage of this by creating exemplary specimens of the breed in a broad Spectrum of colors.The upcoming revision of the Pomeranian standard has given fanciers the opportunity to condone or condemn the plethora of colors and patterns, among other things, that are permissible in our current standard. The American Pomeranian Club should be proud that its members take such pride in their standardand their breedto want to make the most informed decision they can. For this reason, were presenting additional information on one of the most hotly debated topicsthe merle gene.What Is a "MerleAs stated in last issues article on the subject, merle is not actually a color but rather a pattern. The gene works on the base coat color reducing pigment in certain areas, causing patches of color in random placement.To put it simply, think of the merle gene as bleach and your dog's coat as a black jacket. If you splash bleach on the jacket, the deckles of bleach are visibly apparent and wash out the color randomlycreating a mottled, marbled, absolutely unique pattern in each individual dog. The merle pattern is most visible on a black or brown coat, creating the stunning color you'd see in Shetland Sheepdogs, Australian Shepherds, Corgis, and multiple other breeds.The merle gene sometimes affects eye92 As stated in last issues article on the subject, merle is not actually a color but rather a pattern. The gene works on the base coat color reducing pigment in certain areas, causing patches of color in random placement.color, creating a sky-blue eye or blue flecks in a brown eye. These merled blue eyes see and have CERFed normal.Blue GenesGenerally Sneaking, there are two ways for traits to be passed down dominant and recessive genes. A dominant gene is a single gene in a given pair that causes a trait or condition to be apparent. On the other hand, a recessive gene is a single gene in a given pair that needs a second recessive gene to express the trait or condition.For example In humans, the gene for brown eyes is dominant. If you carry the gene for brown eyes, you must have brown eyes you only carry the gene if you have brown eyes. The gene for blue eyes, though, is recessive. A brown-eyed person can carry the gene for blue eyes, but in order for blue eyes to be expressed, both parents must carry the blue-eyed gene two genes are needed for blue eyes to be expressed.In this case, the merle gene is an incomplete dominantbut for all intents and purposes, it acts like a dominant gene. Because of this, the only way to tell if a dog carries the gene is if the pattern is visibly apparent on the animal. Identified by a capital letter M,' a dog needs only one copy of this gene in a pair for the pattern to express itself Mm. The recessive gene for nonmerle is identified by a lowercase'm'in other words, a dog who carries two recessive genes for nonmerle mm will be solid-colored.Producing the PatternOne of the advantages of working with dominant genes is that only one dog needs to carry the gene for the trait to be produced. In addition, unlike the elusive recessive gene, dominant traits cannot behidden for several generations and, with the right match, appear unexpectedly.A merle can be produced a couple of ways. The safest, most acceptable way is by breeding a merle Mm to a solid mmthis breeding has a 50-percent chance of producing merle Mm offspring. The puppies who carry the merle geneas in, the merle pattern is visibly apparentare referred to as heterozygous merles. For the purposes of this article, we will refer to these as single merle, since only one M gene is present.Breeding a merle Mm to a merle Mm can increase the likelihood of merle offspring, but only by 25 percent. Puppies who inherit the merle M gene from both parents are referred to as homozygous merlesor, as commonly referred to, double merles MM. Because double merles inherit a "double dose of the gene, their already-diluted coat is lightened further.A Controversy ClarifiedMerle-to-merle breedingas with any other aspect of breeding dogs-has its risk. Cases of deafness andor blindness have been known to occur in doublemerle offspring However, this does not always occur. Dr. George M. Strain, professor of neuroscience at the Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine, says, Many MMs are not mostly white and most do not have hearing or vision problemsthis is breed- specific. Please keep in mind that the defects that could possibly affect the double merle MM are color-linked and have no effect on the normal-colored offspring of that double merle.The potential health risks involved with double-merle breeding have caused much confusion, resulting inPomeranian Review^Dia^ JU joi JIMe Jtom pteutoug pagemisinformation about the gene. Many mistakenly believe that if these color- linked defects can occur, they will occurthis is simply not true.Additionally, many assume that all dogs who carry the merle genesingle or double merlesare somehow adversely affected by it. Dana Quinney, biologist and Sheltie breeder, says Colobomas, deafness, blindness, etc. do occur in the doubles, but they don't occur in dogs with the single merle gene and no other dilutors.An additional statement on the merle gene by C.A. Sharp, president of the Australian Shepherd Health Sc Genetics Institute, Inc., is available at www. common misconception is that the merle gene, when combined with piebald or spotting genes, can cause hearing defects in single merles. Dr. Strain rejects this statement as well It has notbeen shown that dogs with piebald are more likely to have problems with merle. According to Dr. Strain it has not been proven or disproved.Responsible Merle BreedingAvoiding the color-linked health defects of breeding merle is no different than avoiding any congenital health issue, selective and responsible breeding practices are the key.Most of the health issues associated with the merle gene can be avoided by only breeding single merles Mm to solids or non merlesmm.It is recommended to only breed merles- to the dark coat colors black or brown, with or without the tan pattern so that the merle pattern is most visibly apparent. The merle effect on lighter colors such as cream, orange, or sable can be seen at birth, but the mottling often fades and blends as the coat grows and matures. Thegoal of the merle breeder is to produce a very obvious coat pattern with a nice rich variation of colors.Please remember, any time you breed anything to anything, you run the risk of genetic abnormalities. That is just a fact of breeding. Does it mean we should stop breeding Of course not. It does mean that we as breeders need to make informed, intelligent, responsible choices in our breeding programs.Members of the American Pomeranian Club are fortunate to have a code of ethics that provides safe guidance on breeding the pattern. With education and an understanding of the gene, Pomeranian fanciers can enjoy safely breeding the stunning merle pattern.For additional information, articles, and photographs of merle Pomeranians, visit the homemade diet is essential...KNOW BETTERPET FOOD0'v'VaBetter in the Raw U-StewMake it easyProvide optimal nutrition for your pomeranian for less than 1 a day.Nurturing the Canine Companion To learn more about us please visit www toll free 1.866.922.6463Holistic Veterinarian Approved Made in USA CanadaCSf. 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