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The Pomeranian Review March 2006
I6Pomeranian Club, Inc.Official Publication of the Amencan wTheSPECIAL EDITIONThe Toy DeJay Poms VoL 3GET INVOLVEDBy ZsaZsaBrooksviUe. FLAs your Lifestyles and Literary Editor for The Toy Tribune, I've told you about the smooth, the rough, the corded and the fluffy. Now, the Publisher of our great paper, BIS A BISS Ch. Tabasco Fiasco HOF GC Toby, to me, Darlings has asked me to share some of my most private and heartfelt thoughts with all of you - my adoring public. My column will bring you my worldly insights to help you survive this rough and tumble no. my pets, I won't say dog eat dog world we live in. I do hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it - I know you willOf course you recognize that gorgeous face in the purple boa It's me, Darlings And it took a lot of courage to come out from behind the velvet wall, so to speak. I never could have done it without the moral support and encouragement of my friends and loves. And now I want to help you do the same Whatever your Breed, whatever your Group, 1 know you have health issues and concerns don't I know all your little secrets, Dearies. It would be too marvelous if Breeds could work together on skin, heart, thyroid and patella - all hereditary issues. But we can start by working with our own Breeds. Get involved Find out what your health issues are, and what the Dog Fancy Community is doing about them Ask how you can help Donate the cost of one show entry to solving your health issues It wiD make a huge difference if you do. I'm putting my money where my mouth is by wearing last year's boa in New York But most importantly, talk, talk, talk and I don't mean catty gossip We have to admit our problems before we can fight them Thats what I think, and that's just ONE GIRL'S OPINIONTell me what you thinkZsaZsaPrincess aol.comnDonna Machniak HandlerOwner Dejay Poms517-546-7446a. ToyDana Coventry PartnerOwner Dejay Poms248-258-9259WHAT IN THE DOG LeB ON 5 kweLAyjmsehhfL... Tj TvUTO CGI INVOLVED WXICH77 tjeoLt \ ^lu. toatcl all tit tit, \_____lloulJ t"\\I Speca Cyfer'6ij zbsaztsd1234 PXWS AVENUE, WOOFVILLE, ID - 222 444-BARtAMs. Coventry provides legal counsel to select clients in the Sport of Dogs. 248-258-9259Present Our 2006 SpecialSAMCANMEXlljCH SHOWCA3HOT TOPICh. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Showcase Charmed I'm Suns-T' ' " ' -JBEST OF BREEIX \w li Ir' .Starlight Paws wants to congratulate Alane on her well-deserved Kennel Visit. Alane it a well informed, ethical breeder and exhibitor.It is a privilege to team with Showcase Poms this year.Bred By Alane Levinsohn Curtiss G. SmithExclusively Handled by Curtiss G. SmithOwners Ron Merilyn Smith Alane LevinsohnBetN Ona Sure Shot PartiFinch's \ r- xI LI soPo'rcBEST OF BREEDVARIETYXWICHITA KENNEL CLUB 2005photo by MELIAritIwould liketo thankjudgeRobertMoore forrecognizingtheoutstanding quality of this Parti boy.Finchs BetN Ona Sure Shot Parti, lovingly known as Shooter, hasoutstandingmovementandwonderfulconfirmation.Sire Ch. Finchs Chars Makin Waves Parti - Dam Finchs Bet I Can PartiWatch for Shooter and his half sister Kiki in 2006Thank you Karen Chisam for your expert handling, grooming and TLC for all my Poms. Congratulations to Alane Levinsohn and her Showcase Poms on your well-deserved APC Kennel Visit.BreederOwnerDiane L. FinchFinchs Pomeranians Ltd.515-769-2444www.finchspoms.comdfinchhuxcomm.netTLC handling by Karen Chisam Thank you Karen 660-885-5466TYLEAIt \wJroicIfGROUPatjj PLACEMENT NORTHWEST ARKANSAS KENNEL CLUB 2005V photo by MELIAr \CH. FINCHS BETTI1Tyler is one of our champions of 2005.Tyler is our special of 2006.In very limited showing in 2005, Tyler has had multiple group placings 5 Group seconds, 2 Group thirds, and a Group fourth.Looking Forward to 2006.I would like to Thank Diane Finch for this beautiful Parker son.NOOKIENEW CHAMPIONSANDY2005EBONY COPYLOUIEVi.V, MVuCh. Chars For Love Or Money Ch. Char's All That Jazz Ch. Chars I GetAround Ch. Char's Walkin N A Winnin Way Ch. Char's The Legend Bums OnCharlotte Meyer 906-466-9048PIT POMERANIANCs -VSiiJXm aGROUPFIRSTYMOUNT PLEASANT . MICHIGAN KENNEL CLUBmHOI Mil momC AtmDENNISMerlin Is The Top Winning Parti-color In The World Fastest, Youngest Finishing Parti-Color Pomeranian 2005 was a good year for Merlin, winning the toy group three times. This gives him a total of 5 toy groups and many other group placements. What's Up with Merlin for 2006Merlin babies to be bom this spring.NEW CHAMPIONS OF 2005KISSY RICHIE CODYLINRIBBONSbjCh. Finchs Chars Good Vibrations Ch. Finchs Chars Kiss NTel Parti Ch. Chars Strike N Gold Ch. Finchs Exceeds Code Ch. Oakrose Wrapped N RibbonsCharlotte Meyer 906-466-9048lAiutmLook for this gorgeous little parti in the ring in 2006 with his handler Bettyo PattersonCHGunnerKeeper is sired byCH FINCH'S PEA CEMAKER PAR TI Gunner. ..owned and finished by Elaine Wa ugh who already has 5 champion parti's towards his ROM1 CH Finch 'sChar's Spellbound Parti Merlin, 20032 CH Finch's Char's Makin Waves Parti Splash, 20043 CH Chelanes Simply Irresistible Chrissy, 20054 CH Finch's Bet on the Parti Nash, 20055 CH Chelanes Remington Steele Remy, 2005i. JanV\B' ia..,PUPPY GROUP FIRST_NNEL CLUB OF BfepALM SPRINGS HOLLOWAY PHOTOu ,BieecllE \ 1 Sire JliJan-SliarsFresliUH1 lDam Jan-Sliars Hu A j i H^ p4. .v 4 -rv7'f , TV t ,_________________ . . A- . . - - 'Hieonj9 rt 4.aV1 rE ^r1. '- .' i i- Lfir. Imi ,'' r.7',WWw-i WpW'tTWl . ,-t nUr-iwmKh'i'utt eVf...'852____ M,MMOR\N\NOWNERSBESTOFWandmil517,rse with four 3pt back-to-back majorspictured and W. Everett Dean, Jr. ed by Co-Owner Donna Megenhardtrirul fim iitiTHiTgfl itSSOftC-tfeC l i.irDe- ,C fciraeoyiVwyfy a no e-'r HCHandlerCo-Owner Donna MegenhardtCo-Owi Evelyn Ne\ Willoughby.mer - Carol Galavich German Hill Road l Point, Ohio 43942 Streetsboro, Ohio5S-1705 pixiepoms 1 www.pixiepoms.comProudly Presenting Our 4ttT Generation Championlfr^006CH DreamWeavers Cracklin Fire-a VJ ftn'- V . .rMMjrZ,mmri A4iPhotographer Ben KerrTl-Xu.Amlnt CH DreamWeaver Sparklin Firecracker x CH DreamWeavers Sparklin Fire RoseDustin finished his championship with a 4 point Major in Glen Rose, Texas. Thank you Judge Margo Klingler. Dustin is a our 4th generation Champion and 6th BBE Champion, finishing completely from the BBE class. Pictured above from left to right are his grandsire CH DreamWeavers Fire Dancer, dam CH DreamWeavers Sparklin Fire Rose our first BBE champion, and sire and grandsire Amlnt CH DreamWeavers Sparklin Firecracker.Congratulations to our good friend Alane Levinsohn on your kennel visit.Linda Pelz - Michael Liz Wellswww.dreamweaverpoms.comMakchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 9Zpfimdited tPommaniamuMJt1ervtoust gJLfto in. tfte. Hing, W 20000^02005 dfluxmfj ionsI am proud to introduce Aphrodites Heaven Sent aka Muffin. Muffin didnt want to show. I decided she had no choice After a bit of work she now will do what she is supposed to even without a lead. She has 7 points pretty much all owner handled.Now Seema, Aphrodites Blue Jasmine, was pretty much a natural from day one. In her short show career she has 6 points all owner handled. I want to thank all the people who encouraged me to show my own dogs.I want to send a personal thank you to Alane Levinsohn. Without Alanes on-line help I wouldnt have the knowledge I have today. She is a great person to know. She is always willing to help out. Congratulations on your deserved Kennel Visit.I also wish everyone who will be attending the Nationals the best of luck. Hope to see you there.OustA.VINNERSVWORCESTER COUNTY '.E H- CLUBSATUPOAT XCCVBEPX 3005FfllTZ NSeema2005 OAcurtpums in atdeGfi. CLpfvtadUs Jieepin JHe 3-aitfi Ok Lpfvtedits Maonotnuck oV i cCA ZpfcuuUtea annum ZDeapettado.vOA ClpfvuuUtea Siyen Aily,jSjtf - IBreederOwner - Linda DeCiccoZpfptadites ^ommcuiicuuWindham Me 207-892-6676fckh-,kIBrtidtrs,offiM. Poha-s sLia.cs iSy1440Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, North Carolina 28081 Ph 704 938-2042 Fax 704 938-7578 - K. G. Griffith - OwnerIri ZS-- , frk_____ __ _Ch. Band of Gold of Lenette X Anisinna of Lenette4444444JkLkWE CONGRATULATE THE FOLLOWING FOR FINISHING LENETTE POMS LAST YEARCh. Indys Cedona of Lenette - Noble Inglet Betsy Owens Ch. Mtn. Crest Qn Latifah of Lenette - David Carlene Gilstrap Ch. Abbapollas Winning Oscar - Tammy Moynihan Ch. Making A Splash of Lenette - Jackie Rayner Jane Lehtinen Ch. Julias Music Man of Lenette - Julia Smith Ch. Gone With the Wind of Lenette - Sandra Girth Ch. Phoebe of Lenette - Lauretta Flynn4444Jk We also finished the following last year, making a total of 10Ch. Unchanged Melody of Lenette Ch. Rueben of Lenette Ch. Noah of Lenette44Al, 4We have puppies available occasionally. We are a rather small kennel compared to the BIG KID S on the block.Check our web site or give us a call. 4Best wishes to Alane Levinsohn on being featured in this issue.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review -11DELMflY POMSfrteei'S S . \ecv 6JAa,i 'MOMSCH Sundown N Delmay's NY Skyline Sire CH Sundowns Keegan Xavier Dam Janesas Rotten to the CoreCH Del-Mays Ring Around the RoseyBISS CH Sundowns Hide N Zeke CD GC ROM t Dam Mustangs Delta WhisperWINNERSMUNCIE . KENNELCLUBMIG. M05-^WavWvvWBreeder Camilla Knight. 7820 Indian Hill Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45243 Owner Deborah K Barrett, 2035 Mapledale, Ferndale, Ml 48220 607 435 5325 dkb2035yahoo.comHandler Nina Fetter, PHA, DHG, Sirius Kennels, Inc.5350 Mowery Road Lima, OH 45801 nfetterwho.rr.comrF .r _V IN SiWINNERSBreeder Deborah K Barrett, 2035 Mapledale, Ferndale, Ml 48220 607 435 5325 Owner Dale Dennebaum, 1207 Sumner Ave, Niskayuna, NY 12309URSA MINOR DEL-MAY POMSfereents'j 1 eeo 6amMon^ Chili is a very happy pom and always has her tail wagging. Nina Fetter expertly handled Chili. Chili lived with Nina in July and part of August of 2005 during her show career. Thank you Nina, and to all the judges that appreciated her qualities. And thank you to Camilla Knight for letting me own this wonderful spirited girl.^ Chelsea was shown by her breeder during the summer of 2004 earning both of her majors and 11 points. She then went home to recoat and was expertly finished by Nina Fetter in October of 2005.s\\V. ^WINNERS SOUTHSHOREKENNELCLUBSATURDAY SEPT. 17.2005A.N productionstom NUTTINGV. if4tOH. Del-Mays Curious GeorgeSire CH Carleez Ollie Ollie in FreeDam Mustangs Delta WhisperGeorge was originally Co-owned by Sherry Lawall and Deb Barrett. Sherry briefly handled George during the last stage of her Cancer. After Sherry left us, Barb and Deb met and became good friends. Barb fell in love with George and a partnership was formed with plans to finish George. Thank you Barb and all the judges who appreciated George's fine qualities.Breeder Deborah K. Barrett, 2035 Mapledale, Ferndale, Ml 48220 607 435 5325 Owners Deborah K. Barrett and Barbara Krzewicki, P0 Box 610058, Newton Highlands, MA 02461 Handlers Sherry Lawall and Mary K DullingerSherry is missed very much. Sherry had a big impact on my life and I am grateful for the time we shared.This champion is dedicated to you Sherry and may you be at peace with all your companions that have crossed Rainbow Bridge. Mary did an excellent job finishing George and "Looking for Majors". Outstanding, and many thanks.The Pomeranian ReviewContentsAdvertisers Index..................................................................88APC Board Summary Janice Russell...................................43APC Membership Application..........................................81,82APC National Specialty Info................................................. 60APC Board............................................................................42APC Statement.....................................................................42APC Stats Kelly Reimschiissel..................................47, 50-55APC Summer Specialty Information.....................................27Ask Us Anything Annette Davis......................................30, 31Back Issue Information.........................................................88Charitable Pomeranian Trust Quilt.......................................60Closer Look Christine Heartz..........................................61-63Coming Events.....................................................................86Cover Story ZsaZsa............................................................. 14Eukanuba Results............................................................64, 65Health and Genetics Geneva Coats................................56, 57Just FUR Fun...................................................................44, 45Kennel Visit Alane Levinsohn......................................... 33-36Kennel Visits, Future Features.............................................22Letters to the Editor..............................................................23Membership Report Annette Davis......................................22New Champions Kelly Reimschiissel...................................55Obedience, Almost A Lost Venue II Marian Lazzara.............58Opps.....................................................................................23Performance News Barbara McClatchey........................66-69Pom Talk Roxanne Collins..............................................72-74Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana................................... 71Pomeranian Club of Texas Connie Zieba.......................70, 71Pomeranian Standard..........................................................80Presidents Report Marge Kranzfelder.................................26Progressive Kennel Club......................................................75Registrars Corner Carol Leemhuis......................................22Stud Card Example..............................................................59Subscription Card.................................................................86SubscriptionReview Information..................................... 77, 86Sunshine and Roses............................................................76Toy Dog Club of Florida....................................................... 27Ways and Means Walda Green........................................... 46Ways and Means Pom Shoppe............................................46Website Address and Notice............................................22, 43Westminster Kennel Club Joan Behrend.........................78, 79rrcnt Ccver SteryyiZsvcZsI hope you all remember me in my purple boa from the back cover of this fine periodical. Its fun posing in feathers and velvet and mink, but it would be great to have a full shiny coat of my own Now dont feel sorry for me -1 feel wonderful and this coat situation of mine doesnt affect my health or my good spirits. Even so, I think we should do all we can to see that we stamp out all the coat problems that plague Poms and other Northern breeds. We can do a lot if we all help a little - so GET INVOLVED Do what you canLove,Talk to me ZsaZsaPrincessaol.comPS. ZsaZsa and DeJay send Congratulations to Alane Levinson on her kennel visit ZsaZsa says Come for tea soon"DeJay PomsDonna Machniak Dana Coventry517-546-7446 248-931-5635Ms. Coventry provides legal council to select clients in the Sport of Dogs 248-258-9259Have you ever wondered how the Poms in the show ring and show pictures are trimmed so nicely and how it is done We are pleased to present this Pom grooming video, Pomeranian Grooming with Karen Crawford, by Karen Crawford of Xitable Pomeranians. This tape is not just for Pom show people, it is for all of you who have Poms and want to leam the professional but easy way to properly trim your Poms - from head to toe. For more information about Karen, the video, customer reviews and ordering, please visit our web site Video, Email Pauline atpaulinefoxxlanepoms.comor call Pauline at 304-813-1541.We would like to thank Mike Pomeranians for allowing us to Tatonka aka Tony as ourCongratulations to our dear Showcase Pomeranians on Best wishes to all and have funomwiCande Gordon of Pominiqueuse AMInt CH Pominique Chasing demonstration model.friend, Alane Levinsohn of your APC featured visit, at the Nationals.nin Ido JKaren Crawfoi^^abie Pd^JJanians John Pauline MeFarlane Foxxlan PomeranianPOMERANIAN OHAPEP SOAPHANDC-RAFraA CUSTOM MADEJllUST FOT^ yOH Designed and created by Pauline McFarlane, FoxxLane Poruerarda^s.Looking for a unique gift for yourself fliA,d your Pomeranian friends Ftyjoy the pure luxury of our fine, h and crafted glycerlnsoap. Make ijour bath a pleasant experience with our Pomeranian-shaped bath bars and guest soaps.M1-3All colors, and scents are cosmetic grade. These soaps lather beautifully, are nondrying, alcohol free and have great moisturizing and healing properties. Bach Is Individually wrapped, labeled with color and scent, and sealed for your protection and for gift giving.Soaps can be ordered from those I have In stock, or custovu made with the many scents and colors I have In stock,. For more Information and ordering, please visit our web site at httpwww.foxxla Soap, Bmall us at, or call us at 304-213-1541.Cv,inVl U5MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 15CR Princess of MischiefBISS AmCan Ch. Rodis CR King of Gondor x Shimmeree Northern LightsThank you JudgesMrs. Vickii Abbott left Mr. Larry Abbott belowUTRO v -C'-'.i'Back to Back WBBOW Major Wins X XCongratulations to Cheri McDonald on Ch. Bachmans Precious Diamond obtaining his championship. We were honored to be able to be a part of his successWe wish you all the best with Princess CR Princess of Mischief, and hope shemakes you proud as well.BreederOwnerHandlerCR Pomeranians Robert and Celeste Solano360-273-8722crpomsjuno.comwww.crpoms.comOwnerBachman Pomeranians Cheri McDonaldcheribachmanpoms.comwww.bachmanpoms.comAm. Ch. Showcase Got to Be MeBISABISS Ch. Sirius Its All About Me x Showcase Town FlirtBenjamin finished in style going BOB from the classes 4 times, taking a Group 2 and winning many admirers. He hopes to follow in his fathers pawprints. Watch for him in the specials ring near you.Benjamin test Normal ThyroidCardiacCerf.Alane Levinsohn, we wish you continued success with Showcase Pomeranians. Thank you for your generosity and friendship, and the trust you put in us with Ben. You are on a roll, and your future is looking BRIGHTOwnerHandlerCR Pomeranians Robert and Celeste Solano3600273-8722crpomsjuno.comOwnerBreederShowcase Pomeranians Alane Afina P omeramansWish to congratulate Alane Levinsohn of Showcase Poms on your kennel visitAlane you have been a fantastic mentor to me and I appreciate all the time and care you have taken to help me to learn and grow with this wonderful breed. A special thanks for trusting me with your lovely boy JustinDOGPHOTO.CORI 2005 r J mt I Z-Jk iAGROUPSECONDISAN JOAQUNKennel ClubjtCOOK____SHOWCASE JUST REWARDS"Justin" winning a group 2 - shown by Joanne ReedLinda LewisPetaluma, CA707 658-1486 - afina-pomscomcast.net18 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranwn ReviewQ Tabletops lack l^il rn'aAmericanKennel Clu^BBT.AWARDOFexcellencenational VpuM-W HAVmONSHIV-----'-JANUABYZOO^ MEYER PHOTOBy Donl \ 'rBy Hollilys Circuite Breaker x Tabletops Tahitian PearlThank you Mrs. Anne Katona for this coveted awardAKC Eukanuba National Championship Award of ExcellenceSpecial thank to the current APC Board of Directors for their dedication to the Pomeranian and to the APC Show Committee for putting on our National SpecialtyBreaderOwnerHandlerJaD J5tacf\irskijasustachaol.comn o i5Vd.- X I--tBESTOF BREED OR VARIETY SPECIALTY CENTRAL ARKANSAS POMERANIAN CLUBOCTOBER2005RARfSN STUDIO. INC.iMPride Oakridgofiro Ch Nobles Born to perform ara Bar-npt Abigail of Oakridgoprido is oat of thp last litter that Nina 0pps and I produced. hpwasin such high hopos of bping ablp to sop him finish, shp was at pvpry show with us and was smiling all th timp.Prid Judgp ara Tiptjpnpridp shown going W,BOW, BOB ovpr many sppeials at a Specialty how, finished from thp Brpd by exhibitor Class, fl big thank you to thp following judgps who rpeognizpd pridp for his soundness and wonderful movpmpnt Mrs. Lorrainp tapplak, Mrs. Mi eh pip Billings, Mrs. Judy Wpbb, and Mr. Kpnt planpy.rhh]BEST OF WINNERSmici cin oTmttissw2005F. SOSA Judgp Mrs. Judy Wpbb-Iftam mite3ItA. JudgOMrs. borraino apolakI want to spnd a groat big thank you to Noblo Inglott for lotting as brood to pridos sirp Jag, a parkor son. tlo floats around tho ring liko his dad.Congratulations tllanp bpvinsohn on your konnol visit.00 you at tho Nationals and bpst of luck to ovoryonoPffld1 Judgo Mrs. Mieholo Billingss.ryjj-m _ dBEST OF WINNERSOZARKSKENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER2C05PHOTO BY OOWNEY C'Pat Barnett11 Wilson Covsz RcL, Morrilton, fPR. 72110 - 501 977-1600 - barns2ybarnizttlns2tzoro.ns2tMEMBERSHIP REPORT ANNETTE DAVIS391 N Mink Creek Rd.Pocatello, ID 83204 208-234-0932 infoavalonpom.comLetters other than those from sponsors commenting on the applicants whose names are published in the Review, are to go to Janice C. Russell, 3540 Kessler Blvd. N Dr., Indianapolis, IN, 46222. Comments must be received within 30 days of publication Standing Rule II 3. See the APC Web Site or contact Annette Davis for membership applications.NEW MEMBERSRonald L. McKim MASponsors Jan Stachurski, Barbara KrzewickiAngela Nisbet NYSponsors Margie Ehmann, Joyce BirksDarlene Davis-Thompson FLSponsors K.G. Griffith, Arlene F. BenkoIX - a' V \VjU\Jean Elting Rowe CASponsors Walda Green, Alice LessardKay Lyman VASponsors Margaret R. McKee, Maynard A. WoodREGISTRARS CORNER CAROL LEEMHUIS2318 Rose Garden Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 412 344-8257Register Of Merit Honeycomb of Lenette B Owner Ken GriffithAPPLICATIONSv-w-'yvs\13Heather McKim MASponsors Jan Stachurski, Barbara Krzewicki Sharon Wheeler FLSponsors Jose A. Cabrera, Arlene F. Benko Debra Lowman ILSponsors Mari Iffland, Catherine JessenCindy Onosko OHSponsors Jim Shearer, Hal E. WebsterAndy Gina Williams NMSponsors Laura Meineke, Linda PelzVisit the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website at httpwww.americanpomeranianclub.orgComing...KENNELVisitsMayJune M VReed and Kay Adams Kara PomsRon and Merilvn Smith Derrick and Deronda Sharp Starlight PawsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator and Advertising Manager, Jessie Klein, to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or -MarchAprh 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewIsd'Rajas tjollywoods Isil Oscar x Vintage Cabernet Maya Unnamed 4monlholdsCongratulations to fllano Isovinsohn of dhoweas Pomeranians on her well-deserved kennel visit. It was certainly a pleasure meeting you at theflpC Nationals in Louisville a few years ago. "'Hood lack to yoa and Curtiss with your beautiful Ozzie Ch. Showcase flot Topic in 2006.611gn Takayama - VJntagsz Pomeranians- Vintagehawaiiyahoo.eom -WVM ---------------- ------I--------------- I------------------ I Letters te the EditerI would like to thank you and your staff for providing copies of the Pomeranian Review magazines and the American Pomeranian Club for the permission to use the club flyer information that I requested with such a short notice.The club that Pat and I belong to, the Great Lakes Toy Club of Southeastern Michigan, signed on to man a booth at a Family Pet Expo. It required our members to volunteer their time to talk and present information to the public on our specific breeds and general toy dog questions. The first rule about this fair was that no dogs or any other pets could be sold at the expo. We were there only to educate and provide information. Pets that were on display ranged from most all AKC breeds, cats, birds, fish, snakes, alpacas and nearly every type of farm animal. The expo also featured rally type demonstrations, pet parades, a petting area for farm animals and numerous vendors of supplies, clothing and pet food. It occupied over 40,000 square feet of exposition floor space and drew a large cross-section of pet owners and potential pet owners over the three-day show.When we were asked specifically about our Poms we had the APC flyer to hand out and if they showed a sincere interest we had the Pomeranian Review to show them. Some people just asked iftheir children could pet the Poms we had brought along while others wanted to know specifics about care and products that we could recommend. Both days that we were there we had a black puppy and a sable adult and we were surprised that many of the people that we talked to did not realize the Poms came in colors other than orange and cream. With the magazine we were able to show them different colors and types of Poms.It was an interesting experience and armed with this exposure we, as a club and individuals, will have a better idea of how to set-up our booth and provide a better presentation package. The atmosphere is significantly different than at a dog show where you are there for a different purpose. We are looking forward to participating next year when will have more time to prepare.Thank you for your support. Fred Pat DieballThanks so much for doing the ad Tuffys memorial. It really was lovelythe photo of Tuffy was beautiful and the text was great too. It couldnt have been nicer. I just really appreciate you all doing that. What a nice way to remember a special little dog and his mom Barbara McClatchey. Sincerely, Barbara ProctormsvLs\J GeLMandy9V1Dawn Ellen StudiosMandys photograph was by Dawn Ellen Studios, Terre Haute, Indiana. Katrina Rescue Pom, JanFeb 2006 PR.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 23IgtTIBv.rOFBESTWINNERSMAJORI]RIVERNOLANCLLKENNELphotoRINEHART,^KAuhhiii0X0 MiMajestysPrince DaschaelCh Paughprints on The Mtn Crest X Benray's Sherri KayeThank You Bonya Johnston for a wonderful job handling Dash5100 Candies Creed Ridge Road Cleveland, TN 37312 423-728-0200 E-Mail MajestysPomsaoI.comWe have new kids check us outHey Alane congratulations on your Kennel VisitBISS Group PlacingRAZZLE DAZZLE HEAVENLY CHOIRThis little boy is so much fun to show At the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore Specialty on November 25, 2005, Vicar went BOB from the BBE class over several specials and then went on to win a Group 2 under breederjudge Mrs. Arlene Benko. He has had several other BOBs over Specials and just needs a major to finish.AXZA4i-- Ch Razzle Dazzle Hat Dance x Candlebrites Cuz Im Worth ItVicar has a beautiful face, short short body, lots of coat, beautiful side movement and a fantastic personality. He was bred to Ch Razzle Dazzle Wedding March and their first litter was whelped January 16, 2006 - two girls We also have a repeat breeding of Vicar bom on January 20 2 girls and a boy. We are looking forward to more litters from him and his father.Both boys are available at stud. For their pedigreespictures, check out my website at www.angelfire.comde2razzledazzle. I can be contacted at 302 798-3023 or email me at razzledazzlepomsverizon.netBig congratulations to Alane Levinsohn on her well-deserved kennel visit.We wish her continued success with all her lovely PomsJudy Green Razzle Dazzle PomsMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 2SFrom ThePresident1Xs.1,1, 1YfG KAHULMaree rranzfelderYippee, its that time of year again By the time you receive this issue the excitement of both the Eukanuba Invitational and Westminster will be just warm memories. And my hearty congratulations to those winners. It is an honor to be even an entrant to either.But now, you will either be packed up ready to attend the National or waiting to hear a friends first hand account. And what sets this event apart is that it offers for your pleasure Poms, Poms, and even more Poms. A lot of people work very hard to make this the exciting, fun and educational event that it is. And even if we applied a shoehorn to the three-day schedule, we couldnt pack all the activities we wanted into it. It is hard to believe it wasnt that long ago the National wasnt even a three-day event. It is also difficult to understand that seeds for the plans for 2007 need to be planted right now.Good in depth projects need time to organize properly. Now that the APCs new website has been launched, it will continue to grow. And the Pomeranian Charitable Trust will be developing its own web contact and information. You are aware that the PCT has the capability to assist financially with health research, but we also can develop it to assist rescue financially. Presently the Trustees need to work out guidelines in order to do so. The PCT web page will list contributors and those people and Poms that are honored. A donation can be directed toward a specific project you wish to have it applied to Pom health and research, education, or rescue. All areas affect Pomeranian welfare in one way or another.Ive personally tried out another good way to both help out all Poms and honor that very special Pom in my life. Have you had the problem of putting a fair price tag on a very special retired Pom I think it is easier to assess a fair market value for our available puppies, be they either going into a pet home or the show ring. And high prices for great show specimens and breeding individuals can be expected and justified. But what about that special retiree That one that was glorious in the ring or brood box, but now deserves all the special, quiet loving attention of being an only child. What is a fair price when it the right loving home that is the only way you would consider parting with him or her The Pom and the correct retirement are pricelessI have thought of a way that can honor this individual dog and yet stay reasonable for the person opening up their heart to this special Pom. Allow the new prospective owner to make a reasonable offer within their price range. And at that time explain that whatever amount you both agree on, half will be donated to the PCT in this dogs honor. That Pom has already contributed to the breed, but this would be a gift from himher that keeps on giving. This thought might make it easier for you to let go of the special one that has already made your life that much more fulfilled.Besides having fun at this Pizzazz Pom Party National, the APC will be listening to your ideas of what you would like the Club to do in its future projects. And whether you are able to attend or not, please let us know with what projects or type of projects you would like to assist the Club. On any topic, an exchange of ideas is beneficial.Until next time, Party On26 - MarchApril 2006 APC PomeranianReviewTA,APC Summer NationalOrlando Florida June 2930, 2006Sponsored byThe Toy Dog Club of Central FloridaTo be held at theOrlando Marriott Hotel Orlando, FloridaConformation only Indoor showBobii Earle Show Chairman Cindy Boulware SecretarySweepstates Judge Vikki Oelerich Specialty Judge Darryl ViceThere will be two 2 toy dog shows at the same location on July 1 and July 2, 2006. These shows will include Match, Obedience and Rally.For reservations call Orlando Airport Marriott 407851-9000Complimentary 24-hour airport shuttle.Be certain to say you have dogs and the reservation is with the Toy Dog Show Cluster. The hotel rate is 99.00 per night. There will be NO add on dog deposits.If you have any questions please contactBobii Earle407 647-5642 bobiipomcfl.rr.comMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 27KM\W\Aw, mrfc b It _BISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ x Ch. Sunray Riders Samantha RoseWe would like to congratulate our dear friend Alane Levinsohn and her beautiful Showcase Pomeranians on her feature this month. Alane is always willing to share her knowledge, and is a helpful and generous friend. We appreciate and treasure her friendship.We would also like to congratulate our dear friend Cheri McDonald on her newest champion, Ch Bachmans Precious Diamond. Diamond is a half brother to our Ch. Snickers.SunGlo PomeraniansDan Tammee FelixBreeder-Owner-Handled619' Ham IDoimrantaitsVK _____\Al ABritish lane N Fame Parti GirlBritish lane Pomeranians wish the Poms and their owners best of luck at the 2006 national.Jilly GIRL will be making her first ring appearence with friend and handler, Brenda Segelken.BreederOwnerilenbp Chambers815-360-3203 - Pomeranianfacesaol.comAnnette Davis, CNOur question for this issue is What type of information should I include in my puppy sales contractsWhenever a dog is sold, it is very important to have a well-written contract to avoid misunderstandings and occasionally even lawsuits. I was fortunate to have the help of my Dad who is an attorney to help me write mine. Below please find some important points to consider when writing your contract1 State the name and business name of the seller yourself and name of your buyer as followsThis agreement is entered into between John Smith, Buyer, and Mary Pomlover, d.b.a. Pomlover Poms, Seller. Seller does hereby certify that one AKC registered Pomeranian dog will be transferred to buyer as soon as possible after full payment has been received.2 State the purchase price of the dog.3 Describe the dog to be sold, state the birth date and AKC number or litter number. Although not necessary, I have found it helpful to take a photo of each pup with my digital camera and include a small photo on each contract.4 State any known faults.5 State whether the puppy is being sold as a pet, as a show prospect andor a breeding prospect.6 If the puppy is being sold with limited AKC registration or is not to be used for breeding, clearly state that in your contract.7 Advise the buyer to have their dog checked by a veterinarian within 72 hours. Describe your plan of action if the veterinarian finds a health problem or fault with the dogWill you offer a refund or exchangeWill you refund shipping chargesWho will pay for the return shipping8 If you plan to offer a satisfaction guarantee, address the followingFor what length of time is the satisfaction guarantee applicableWill you offer a refund or exchangeWill you refund shipping charges most breeders do notWho will pay for the return shipping generally this would be the buyer9 If you have sold a show prospect, describe your plan of action if a fault as described by AKC show standards occurs.Some breeders will offer a refund or exchange, some offer no guarantees. Either way, clearly state your policy.10 Include the following legal phrases to avoid later claims that you made verbal promises or warranties30 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewSept 2002 2005Graphics by CarolCh. Procs Minnie Pearl - sadly missed, always lovedProcs Pomeranians would like to congratulate Alane of Showcase Pomeranians on her kennel visit. Alane has been a good friend and we wish her great adundance in all her endeavors and personal life.Thanks Alane for always being thereDebi Procaccini - www.geocities.comdebprocAsk Us Anything ContinuedEntire Agreement. This agreement is the complete agreement between Seller and Buyer and no promises or guarantees are made unless contained herein in writing. Any changes or additions to this agreement must be in writing and signed by Seller and Buyer.Waiver of Warranties. BUYER WAIVES ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The only warranties given are those expressly set out herein.11 Include the following legal phrase to avoid you having to travel should a lawsuit occurJurisdiction, Venue and Attorneys Fees. The sole jurisdiction and venue for any suit filed by Seller or Buyer in any way connected with this agreement shall be in Your County, Your State. The prevailing party in any litigation shall be entitled to their reasonable costs and attorneys fees.Our question for the next issue is How often and until what age can Poms be safely bredYou may direct new questions or answers to these questions toAnnette Davis391 N. Mink Creek Rd., Pocatello ID 83204208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 Email infoavalonpom.comPrevious Ask Us Anything Columns may be viewed on line www.avalonpom.comPomCare.htmMxrchApwl 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 31AmCanMexFCI Inti7_ Q-fO 'oimaSo uM i Mos' 1 AfelVA,MltA_Ozzie is shown above in Thailand winning the first leg of his Thai Championship under Judge Mel Beech. Thanks to Curtiss Smith for taking him to Thailand and back and, of course, for his handling expertise.Owners Ron Merilyn Smith Derrik and Deronda Sharp Alane Levinsohn Breeders Alane Levinsohn Curtiss SmithgvfioweaAo PAmievanianAAlane 818 352-9536mini-t6WM1Z cAAMCANMEXFCI INTL CH SHOWCASE HOT TOPICSince 1998,Pomeranians have captivated me. After seeing my first show Pomeranian, I fell in love with the breed and never expected such a small dog to play such a big part of my life. In search of a pet for my stepdaughter, we found the San Diego Pomeranian Specialty listed in the newspaper and decided to go and see the dogs. I was handed a puppy to socialize while his owner was in the ring and I was smitten it was love at first sight At the time, I had no idea of how involved I would become and how much it would impact my life.At that point, I had shown and bred Arabian horses for years. When I walked onto the grounds of the specialty, it felt familiar and I was surprised and pleased to learn all of the similarities of showing dogs and horses. I soon began my pursuit of finding a show dog. Unlike horses where people are thrilled to sell a showprospect, I learned this was not an easy task, with many unanswered phone calls and months of frustration. I slowly developed friendships in the breed until one day I finally got a phone call that there might be a show dog available. I was elated.My background in art has been invaluable for seeing and understanding the subtleties of structure, type and conformation in both Arabs and Poms. I went to Art College majoring in fine art and illustration. I have worked as a fashion illustrator, a graphic designer and as a commercial printing sales representative. Most recently, I have been at a publisher who specializes in fine art prints for museums. I still draw and paint for my own pleasure, but have yet to put a Pomeranian on canvas, although I see that in the future.I joined the local City Of Angels Pomeranian Club as soon as I started showing. I feel that it is very important to be involved and believe we need to give back to the fancy as much as we enjoy the shows. Most recently, I was very honored to be elected to the Board of Directors of the APC.My first show Pom was Jamie, Can CH Sharians Jamison from Carolyn Brady. Less than a year after I got Jamie, Cande Gordon Freeman, at the time took a break from showing and sold me her dogs, who became the foundation and the first champions of Showcase. Walker, BISS CH Pominique N Nobles Dark Vader, a BISA BISS CH Finchs He Walks On Water son, and his sister Brooke CH Pominique Talking Waters are behind just about all of our dogs. The dam of these dogs, CH SunMarchAprh,2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 33Dots Galactic Dream, ROM went back to Ruth Dotsons Sun-Dot line. Ruth produced generations of Best In Show dogs and was known for her extreme type and beautiful heads. Unfortunately, her dogs are almost impossible to find anymore.To this foundation, I brought in new dogs that had qualities I wanted to add to my program. CH Starfires Show Me The Huny, HOF was a wonderful addition to the program and he produced some lovely girls for us. We loved the movement that Travis BISABISS CH Finchs He Walks On Water produced in his get and so we bred to Travis several times. Thanks, always, to Diane Finch for allowing us to use Travis in his senior years.I was looking for a new boy to add to our program when at the National Specialty in 2003 I spoke to David and Carlene Gilstrap about CH Mountain Crest JJ and asked about the possibility of his visiting the West Coast. They agreed and JJ came to California a few months later and, less than a week after he landed, he was shown at the San Diego Pom Specialty where he went Best In Specialty. From that auspicious start, he went on to sire several champions for me and for my friends as well, and his sons became the next step for us. JJ proved to be a wonderful nick with the girls here and his sons are also siring well.I met one of my favorite dogs at the 2001 National Specialty. Professional handler Curtiss Smith came up with a young dog in huge coat and said, You need to bring this dog back to California. After taking one look, I agreed. However, since the parting words from my husband before I left for Kentucky were, Dont come back with any new dogs, I had him shipped directly to Curtiss, where he started his show career. This little dog started to exceed everyones expectations and life was going to start to get interesting. This dog was, of course, Ricky BISABISS Sirius Its All About Me. He started winning group placements from the classes and won back to back group firsts to finish his championship and became CH SiriusIts All About Me in a matter of weeks. When it became apparent that this dog could go far, Curtiss looked for someone special to campaign him and found Bonnie Bird, who did just that.Over the next few years, Ricky won the National Specialty, the Summer Regional National Specialty, was ranked as the No. 1 Pom in all-breed points for two years, and won 29 Bests In Shows. I retained breeding for the lifetime of the dog however, I did not have any puppies from him while he was campaigning. Since then, I have bred to him a number of times and his first Showcase son, CH Showcase Got To Be Me just finished with a group placement from the classes and multiple Best of Breeds over specials, following in his fathers footsteps.My handler Curtiss Smith has been a mentor, my best critic and, most importantly, a friend. Curtiss looks at the dogs with a trained eye for conformation and has moved me forward in the breed by teaching me to evaluate each and every dog against the standard. He evaluates the overall dog, not just by pieces, which many of us breeders tend to do. Curtiss is a coowner of several of my girls and together we have bred three Champions with several more co-bred dogs waiting in the wings.This year we are lucky to have Ron and Merlyn Smith and Derrick and Deronda Sharp as co-owners of our very special boy, AMCANMEXFCl Inti CH Showcase Hot Topic, known as Ozzie around the house. Ozzie finished his championship as a puppy and then went to Canada where Deena Simon put a Canadian Championship on him and then to Mexico where Michelle Paulin-Brown put a Mexican and FCI International Championship on him. Most recently he showed for one weekend in Thailand and is half way to his Thai Championship.Linda Lewis will be specialing Ozzies litter brother, Ch Showcase Just Rewards with Joanne Reed in Northern California and Celeste Solano will be specialing CH Showcase Got To Be Me, a Ricky son. Diane Luett will be showing ShowcaseCatch Me If You Can and Carla Lohuis- Smeehuijzen of Holland will be showing Showcase I Put A Spell On You. We are so excited to have so many dogs out showing and we wish everyone the best of luck with their Showcase kids. The local exhibitors have become great friends who we love to see at the shows. Karen Betz, Gina Bush, Tish and Orville Cannon, Geneva Coats, Marge Conway, Tammee and Dan Felix, Karen Huntsberger, Donna Johnson, Lindsey and Lori Kamrath, Cheri McDonald, Leesa Molina, Lana Price, Kay and Reed Adams, Linda Pelz formerly of California, Derrick and Deronda Sharp, Ron and Merilyn Smith.When I breed, I have a vision of the dog I would like to produce and actively work toward that goal by using my dogs and incorporating new dogs whose traits I would like to see in my program. I think of my breeding program as a work in progress and try to think not only of this breeding but what I will do with the offspring. I believe that dogs cannot compete at the upper levels unless they are sound, clean-moving dogs, so I am always looking for ways to improve what I have.I bring in a dog who has traits I am looking for and hope that it will mesh well with what I have. Sometimes it has worked out well and sometimes the results are not quite as expected. Using that strategy, we have bred or co-bred 10 Champions and finished an additional three who were not of our breeding over the past eight years.As breeders, I feel our greatest challenge is to combine conformation with health. For this reason, I have been actively health testing my dogs for patellas, hearts, eyes CERF and thyroid. I use the OFA forms for consistency and I have seen a marked improvement in patellas since I started to check for them. I would recommend that everyone start with the puppies as a base line and then OFA again at a year so the results can be submitted. While there are many things that we cannot test for, these we can, so it is only common sense to test for those issues.Like most of us, I have had cases of the coat loss problem and have been activeraising funding for research. My dogs have participated in several studies to determine the cause of the coat loss and are currently in the University of Tennessee study by Dr. Frank, which I hope will bring us one step closer to a solution for the problem. Also by sending blood samples of affected dogs and relatives to the University of Missouri study to find a DNA marker, I hope that we can contribute to a possibility of a DNA test to determine affected status early before they lose coat and to determine carrier status.As for the living accommodations for my dogs, they all live in the house. Most of my Poms have the run of a larger play room and I am adding a large, covered outdoor run so that can come and go out as they please. The males live in the kitchen, while the family room is for babies and weaned puppies that are too small to go with the bigger dogs. All of my dogs get rotated into the living room on weekends for one-on-one time and my husband plays constantly with the puppies. His title is Director of Puppy Socialization, and I will always be grateful for his support and his help with the dogs.I would like to extend my thanks to the Review for honoring me with a Kennel visit. Also, thanks to David and Carlene Gilstrap for allowing JJ to visit Showcase and sire some exceptional puppies to Diane Finch, for whelping a Travis litter for me when I became suddenly ill and for allowing me to breed to Travis during the last few years to Cande Gordon, for the start of our breeding program to Carolyn Berry, for my first show dog to Nina Fetter, for entrusting me with Ricky to Becky Sabourin, for her support and sound advice and for always just being there to Shalon Parrott, for her friendship to Tammee Felix for being a good friend and to Celeste Solano, for being such a good sounding board.Pomeranians have become so much a part of my life, I cannot image living without them.Show Case Kennel Visit Continued.1 r_ -. ^ BISSCffP5MONIQUE N NOBLES DARK VADER, WALKERCH STARFIRES SHOW ME THE HUNY, POOHMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 35CAN CH SHAR^N-S JAMISON1 JAM1 ne- St firCH SHOWCASE WALKING AFTER DARK, ROXANNECH SHOWCASE SLICK OPERATOR, SLICKch Showcase charmed i m sure, charmKENNY AS A PUPPYDYV-tfITY-, 3'A ' -CH POMINQUE TALKINGBRO- y3vi CLWATER, AMCANMEXFCI INTL CH SHOWCASE \ SROOKE HOT TOPIC, OZZIE AS A PUPPY g33JV VArx'j'-... _____ '- --- 36- MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewCoruyrXtedrteOYW terAlcings LevLribohncendtheShowcase Pamrrarilcereycmy over herenet vCCt.3ettwtihy cend contineted ^eiooe^y.Cander Mdce GordonPonvCnlquePowercemxweySfSan^yuUufcitUmA to trvtj. piienS,eAiinxdvrim Ui, iccmuef \lioAZ. Pfio orve vkydc move, difujtvtiy ^oi w, ^oo2l q^tPuen ijsQav. Eane, motj, of Jom.3'ieama conve. 'tuxeincwfij-, vJc-tTCAkX. Sovt'^DixerLLttp. ccraixTaetiAlane, we wish you continued success in all that you do and thankyou from the bottom of our hearts for sharing the beautiful AMIntl Ch. Showcase Walking After Dark with us. Roxie had a fabulous show career and was such a pleasure to present Roxie and Jocelyn recently took the Juniors ring by storm and got their 3 wins to move up in record time....She has been a great mentor to Jocelyn and lovely companion to our family. She is as beautiful and sound as a Veteran as when she arrived as a youngster...that says so much about the Showcase kidsTerry, Dick, Jordan and JocelynWOW Po mz560-025-3423Wyndlor Causin ChaosBISS Ch. Wyndlor Donf It Right X Ch. Trudys Wyndlor Causin HavocChloe and I would like to congratulate our friend Alane .Levi nsohn-of Showcase Pomeranians on the occasion of her kennel visit.See you all in Kentucky.Becky Sabourin2814 E. Blackhurst Rd. Wyndlorchartermi.netMidland, Ml 48642 989-832-3408MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 37S. AFRICANASIANTHAI CH MELENBRI SWEET TALKIN GUYTookeyes Talk of the Town x Bryandee Fine Romance with Melenbri Breeder Melanie Peacham Owners Karen Huntsberger Leesa MolinaYRetro Poms and Spirit PomeraniansWould like to congratulate their dear friend, Alane Levinsohn of Showcase Pomeranians on her APC Kennel Visit. We wish you continued success with your beautiful Pomeranians and we look forward to working with you in the futureRetro PomsLeesa Molina818 342-POMSElizabethRetropoms.comSpirit PomeraniansKaren Huntsberger 520 297-9204 KikiHuchaol.comPEACHS POMERANIANSrCh Puffpride Cloud Breaker XCh Mtn Crest Ugotme On My KneesThanks to judge loan Alexander for Kats recent Group 1 win.And congratulations to Alane Levinson on your kennel visit.Peachs Poms Bob Liz Pietzsch903.283.8676-beCh. Peachs Blues BreakerShowcase I Put A Spell On You Precious Of Petit Pomsm mPoCongratulationsAlane on your kennel visit. A heartfelt thank you for all you have done to help me. Thank you for selling me this beautiful boy, and allowing me to stay in your home. May you be blessed with many years of happiness and success as you follow your dreams.Carla Lohuis - Petit -^^-IntroducingJanea CommandPerformanceCM Janesa's Applause. Please v Mystic Treasur Of Oasis Odd"Oscar" is currently showing in Southern California, handled by Lindsey Lamrath. In only a few weekends out. Oscar took Reserve Winners Doe under Judge Joe C. Tacker at Cranee Empire.Congratulations. Alane. on your well- deserved kennel visit. Thank you for being an invaluable friend and mentor.Lori and Lindsey LyttleLynzieyahco.comLanas PomeraniansintroducesAnnieAnnie is pictured winning her first points under Judge Ms. Sandra Goose Allen. Thank you so much for appreciating a lovely quality black and tan.Huge thanks to Colleen Beland, Annies breeder, for parting with this pretty girl. She is so very special to me. Annie will make us both proud, I know.Congrats to my dear friend Alane Levinsohn of Showcase Poms on your featured kennel visit. Keep up the great workLanas Pomeraniansh ftpwww.lanaspomeranians Handled by Lana PriceAnnies breeder Colleen Beland Jan-Shars Have Gun Will Travel X Can. Ch. Pomhavens Tiger LilyPomhavens Pomeraniansomhaven s Savannah Sky' L .BEST OF WINNERSANTELOPE VALLEY KENNEL CLUBPhoioHolloway2005 HKeepsake Pomeranians would like to offer best wishes and good luck to all our fellow breederex- hibitors attending the APC national.Congratulations to Alane and Showcase Poms on your featured visitKeepsakePomeranians903-882-1950www.mykeepsake.netKeepsakes Steppin7 N CashmereKeepsakes On Stage x Keepsakes Steppin' N Shy AcresThanks FromMustang PomsThe support you all gave us or our JanFeb APC Kennel Visit is greatly appreciated.We are truely blessed to have so many wonderful friends. Bless you aliiWe also wish continued success to Alane Levinsohn and your beautiful Showcase Poms.Joyce Boh Birks Mustang Poms570-888-4195mustangclarityconnect.comJan Lar PomeraniansSire Firebrooks Chase Manhattan Dam Fan Cis Mary EllenOwen is pictured receiving Best of Opposite at the PCCI Specialty Sweepstakes. Thank you Becky Sabourin Thanks to Keke Kahn for his first major Shown exclusively in BBE ClassJanet WodrichBreederOwnerHandler Lindenhurst, Illinois S47-356-1307 ladyndnsbcglobal.netMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Revew - 41as'JA'Z5liSBM tAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB. INC. OFFICERSPRESIDENT...........................................................................................MARGE KRANZFELDER821 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA 95045-9676PH 831 623-9265 FAX 831 623-2612 EMAIL marge_kranzfeldersbcglobal.netFIRST VICE PRESIDENT..................................................................................JANE LEHTINEN1517 8th Street S, Virginia, MN 55792PH 218 749-1154 FAX 218 741-9435 EMAIL janlepomsnetscape.net2ND VICE PRESIDENT..............................................................................MARGARET MCKEE2426 Sandy Hook Road, Goochland, VA 23063-2508PH 804 556-3380 FAX 804 556-4107 EMAIL idlewyldearthlink.netRECORDING SECRETARY............................................................................JANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd. N. Drive, Indianapolis, IN 46222PH 317 924-9093CORRESPONDING SECRETARY.......................................................6450 Rolling Heights Circle, Kaufman, TX 75142 PH 972 962-3872 FAX 972 962-3872EMAIL BOULWAREEMAIL lovencountryearthlink.netTREASURER.......................................... .........................................................ERIKA MOUREAU21522 Rosehill Church Rd., Tomball, TX 77375PH 281351-9516 FAX 281 351-6620 OF DIRECTORS.................................Sally Baugniet Donna Riehm Alane LevinsohnJackie Rayner Fran Stoll Greggory WatersThe American Pomeranian Club, Inc. is devoted to encouraging the owning, breeding and exhibiting the Pomeranian dog and the protection and advancement of the breed. We are currently offering membership to all who are interested in these principles and aims. If you are interested in joining theAPC, please contact APC Membership Chairperson, Annette Davis, 391 N. Mink Creek Road, Pocatello, ID 83204. Phone 208 234-0932 or Email Membership applications also may be downloaded from the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Website http If you only wish to subscribe to the Pomeranian Review, please contact the Pomeranian Review Circulation Manager, Cheri McDonald, PO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773. Phone 909 394-7923, Email or Fax 909 599-4692.You need not be an APC Member to subscribe to or advertise in the Pomeranian Review.42 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Board SummaryJANICE RUSSELL3540 Kessler Blvd N. Dr, Indianapolis, IN 46222 Email indypomsbcglobal.netAPC Board Summary December 2005The Board created and approved a new Vendor contract.They also approved the APC Liability Insurance.A motion was made and passed that APC purchase ring gates for use at the Winter and Summer Nationals.A Motion was made and carried to amend Rule 14 in Standing Rules under Specialty Shows, to include lunch for the Ways Means Chairperson.APC Board Summary January 2006The APC Board was busy with normal business matters. There were no motions passed in January.REMINDERS to all Internet UsersHave you signed up to receive the APC newsletter If not, please take advantage of our new means to communicate information directly to you. Signing up is easy Go to the Home page of our new web site and scroll down to Join the APC Newsletter. This is a newsletter read only list. You will only receive updates from the APC - i.e. Review deadlines, Pom Sunshine, premium lists, etc.Are you listed on the APC website, in the APC Info section, Membership Roster page Please note that this list only includes APC members that have asked to be listed and sent in their permission signature to do so. Email your request to Jennifer Munn, The site will be discontinued. But stay tuned for the new and improved APC Members Only Site presently under construction.Annual Meeting NoticeThe Annual Meeting of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. will be held Tuesday, March 14, 2006 at 730 p.m. Members and non-members are invited to attend.MayJune Pomeranian Review ANNUAL STUD DOG ISSUE Layout example - page 59MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 43HoI2\\XVSLet it snow Julia Smithr-30jVicky. So many toys so little time. Sylvia Hessvs JAOne sleepy Pom Angelikav25Pony time Kim HerronA-Ah, shucks. - Aimee GladieuxM Dnique and candid Fora photos are .welcome. Its dust Fur Fun.V3_7One of a kind Pom blanket. Danielle Sartains mVr.Guess what the Easter bunny brought Elaine WishnowHappy Easter From Jackie Dieber6.'4In our Easter bonnets. Angelika LessnerinLove bunnies. Carolyn BrandenburgWANTEDI Oniqae and candid Pom photos are welcome. Its hast Far Fan.^ x . , v WaysWalda Green ChairpersonAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.and Means7s \T_________ IAnother National is here. The year in between seem to fly by a little faster each yearOnce again your response to our Ways and Means requests is fabulous. Thank you to all that have donated State Baskets. It will be exciting to see this grow each year I want to be sure to thank everyone that has promised to bring donations for the auction. Everyones generosity is appreciated. This is our chance to fund the APC for the year.Once again we have original artwork from Stefano Scullino. Come by and see it at the Ways Means booth. Very limited numbered prints 25 will be available for sale.The 2005 Specialty CD recording was a great success. We will have a new 2006 edition to offer you after the Specialty. It is a great way to keep a little bit of history We will be taking orders at the booth.Pictured below is a photo of the one of a kind Rocking Pomeranian donated by our own Bob and Juanita Fiddick and Albert Lusson. Who will be taking it home Also pictured is the Stefano Scullino 2006 artwork to be raffled off at the Specialty. The winning ticket will be drawn at the banquet. Be sure to purchase your tickets. This year is looking great, as usual it is because of all of you and your generous donations.Your donations are still needed. Bring them to Kentucky and drop them off at the Ways Means booth.Come by the Ways Means booth and say helloMake your purchases early...very limited supply2006 Black and white print 25 by Stefano Scullino 35.00 T-Shirts - Lime Green or Royal Blue M L XL 15.00 Sweatshirts - Royal Blue or Safety Green M L XL 25.00 Add 2.00 for XXL T-Shirts and Sweatshirts 2006 APC National Specialty Video DVD 25.001 A. J , III MX-.-TFTAlbertLusson with grandaughter Taylor46 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Reviewas reported by the American Kennel Club, Inc.BREED DOGSJanuary 1, 2005 through December 31, 20051 CH FIREBROOKS TABASCO 1,042FIASCOOwners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry2 CH VALCOPY BATBOY 1,001Owners Ron Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Pardue,M. Pardue3 CH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN-N- 794NASTYOwners J. Heath, W. Cosby, Fabian Ariente,Jose A. Cabrera4 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS 620 OF MEOwners J. Paris, Letitia Cannon5 CH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOURS 541Owners Kathryn J. Norem Diane Finch6 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER 491Owners Linda Mulso, B. Wollman7 CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS 456Owners DianeL. Finch, NobleInglett8 CH FINCHSCHARSSPELLBOUNDPARTI 455Owner Charlotte Meyer9 CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM 415Owner Margaret R. McKee10 CH BOBUS RETURN OF THE KING 342Owner Bobii Earlellellp 20. iEdmiartjussiel, Stoarbs CfjairBREED BITCHESJanuary 1, 2005 through December 31, 20051 CH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE TOPOwners Nancy Coddington, Robert Coddington2 CH TERALEES ORNGE U MIS-BEHAVENOwner Leanne Wilkins3 CH MAJESTICS DREAM COME TRUEOwners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner, Terry Turner4 CH JAN-SHARS GRETTA GARBOOwner Sharon Hanson5 CH PAUGH PRINTS BLOND BOMBSHELLOwner Sherri Alspaugh6 CH LIL BEHRS HONEY NUT CLUSTEROwner Joan C. Behrend7 CH APHRODITES TIGER LILYOwner Linda DeCicco8 CH JAN-SHARS DADDY SAYS IM DARLINGOwners Katy Charles Stalnaker9 STOLANNES I WANNA TALK ABT MEOwner Fran Stoll10 CH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTYOwners Jose A. Cabrera, Fabian Ariente24811310670383734APC members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member forone 1 calendar year.CH. SPRIHGWOnnc CFM OF CUILEiNIThanks to all the judges that appreciated Hals wonderful structure, movement and great attitude. Hal finished very quickly with all points attained in the 6-9 month puppy class. Look for him soon as a special Special thanks to Larry and Cheryl for allowing me to have this wonderful boy. He has made showing so much fun.Breeders Dr. Lawrence Meyers Dr. Cheryl Jackson OwnerHandler Rebecca B. JacksonSpringwood PomeraniansRebecca B. Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634 256-757-9837 - SPRINGWOODPOMS.COM - 4aA Ml REST IT SPMICWMIr7.4L,VJ..VuwaGROUPFOURTHMEMPHIS. TENN. KENNEL CLUBOCTOBER 2005BILL MEYER PHOTO I Another Group win for Vinny. Thanks to Judge Michael Hefner for this wonderful placement.Congratulations to Alane Levinsohn and the Showcase Poms on the APC Kennel VisitBelated congrats to Trish Rowley on her kennel visit. I will always appreciate your sincere help and advice, especially your grooming tips.Breeder Carlene Gilstrap - Owner Rebecca B. JacksonSpringwood PomeraniansRebecca B. Jackson513 Springwood Dr., Florence, AL 35634256-757-9837 - SPRINGWOODPOMS.COM - Springwoodpomsaol.comaficas reported by the American Kennel Club, UtoarbgALL-BREED DOGS ALL-BREED BITCHESJanuary 1, 2005 through December 31, 2005 January 1, 2005 through December 31, 20051 CH STARFIRES WICKED MEAN- 14,773 1 CH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE 1,661N-NASTY TOPOwners J. Heath, W. Cosby, Fabian Ariente, Owners Nancy Coddington, RobertJose A. Cabrera Coddington2 CH VALCOPY BATBOY Owners Ron 8,914 2 CH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTY 1,204Smith, Merilyn Smith, J. Par due, M. Par due Owners Jose A. Cabrera, Fabian ArienteoJ CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS 8,638 oJ CH MAJESTICS DREAM COME TRUE JOJOwners Diane L. Finch, Noble Inglett Owners Annette Rister, Charlotte Creed, Brenda Turner, Terry Turner4 CH FIREBROOKS TABASCO FIASCO 7,121 4 CH TERALEES ORNGE U MIS- 270Owners Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana BEHAVENCoventry5Owner Leanne Wilkins5 CH JAN-SHARS YOURE NOT THE BOSS 5,314 STOLANNES I WANNA TALK ABT ME 252OF ME Owner Fran StollOwners J. Paris, Letitia Cannon6 CH POWERPOM CALL IN THE NIGHT 2386 CH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOURSOwners Kathryn J. Norem Diane Finch2,002 Owners Pongsakorn Pongsak7 CH JAN-SHARS DADDY SAYS IM 1857 CH COTTONTOP DOIN IT BETTER 1,933 DARLINGOwners Linda Mulso, B. Wollman Owners Katy Charles Stalnaker8 CH PATRICIAS GOLDEN BEE 1748 CH IDLEWYLD PRECIOUS GEM 1,339 Owner Patricia DanielsonOwner Margaret R. McKee9 DHCREW SWEET HORIZON 1409 CH LARAJUS COSMIC KIDOwner Audrey Roberts1,326 Owner Hal Webster, Jr. 10 CH LIL BEHRS HONEY NUT CLUSTER 10510 CH FINCHSCHARSSPELLBOUNDPARTIOwner Charlotte Meyer1,160 Owner Joan C. BehrendAPC members are noted with an . In order to be eligible for APC Awards and receive a certificate or trophy at the Annual Banquet you must have been a member forone 1 calendar year.IC Cop 3frnitor 0bebtenceSfuntor ^fjotomattsfjtpas reported by Cathy Jessen7YNovember 1, 2004 through October 31,2005 AKC AWARDS Issues January through DecemberfJ5r1 ^panielle Miller 53Haley Page 46Hunter Seering 35, Blake Armstrong 30V n Mariah Seering 29Miss Lee Amber Jessen 25Jessica Christiansen 24Jordan Rothell 20Jocelyn Margret Lusk 19Jessica Page 17op betitence PomeranianMIL-PINES MAX IN MOTION, CDowned by Margery SturmCop jSobtce PomeranianMIL-PINES MAX IN MOTION, CDowned by Margery SturmCop pen PomeranianSECOND CHANCE OLIVER TWIST CDX REowned by Barbara McClatcheyCop Utility Pomeraniannone in competition yearCop Sgility PomeranianMACH2 LORD PETER OF BRISTOL COURT, FGDCHowned by John David Connie ZiebaCop jflyhaU PomeranianMACH2 LORD PETER OF BRISTOL COURT, FGDCHowned by John David Connie ZiebaAll Obedience Pomeranians are owned and co-owned by APC Members. Juniors do not have to be members of APC nor show apomeranian owned or co-owned with an APC member.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 51Utoarbsias reported by the American Kennel Club, Inc.1. DIANE L. FINCH 23CH Char's For Love Or Money CH Finch's All The Right Moves CH Finch's Awesome Wave Parti CH Finch's Bet On The Parti CH Finch's Bettin' On Char'S CH Finch's Center Stage CH Finch's Chars Amazing Grace CH Finch's Char's Good Vibrations CH Char's I Get Around CH Finch's Char's Kiss N'Tel Parti CH Finch Schar's Numero Uno CH Finch's Char's Wendi's Lucy CH Finch's Dream Of Jacinda CH Finch's Exceeds Code CH Finch's Love At First Sight CH Finch's One Hot Mama CH Finch's Parti To Impress Me CH Finch's Red Sky At Night CH Finch's See Me Cornin'CH Finch's Steele Magnolia CH Finch's Tagalong On A Roll CH Finch's Walkin With Dasar Finch's Whirling Dervish CD RN2. JERRIE FREIA - 12CH Bar-Jons I'M So Happy CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown CH Janesa's Bar Jon's In Fashion CH Janesa's Don'T Kiss And Tell CH Janesa's Hip Hip Hurrah CH Janesa's Flavor Of The Month CH Janesa's For Lynns Sake Janesa's Rogue Gyration NA CH Janesa's The Places You'L Go CH Janesa's Wanna Play Jax CH Rivendell Applauds Janesa3. CHARLOTTE MEYER - 11CH Char's All That Jazz CH Char's For Love Or Money CH Char's I Get Around CH Char's Strike 'N Gold CH Char's The Legend Burns On CH Char's Walkin N A Winnin Way CH Finch Schar's Numero Uno CH Finch's Chars Amazing Grace CH Finch's Char's Good Vibrations CH Finch's Char's Kiss N'Tel Parti CH Finch's Char's Wendi's Lucy4. K.G. GRIFFITH-10CH Abbapoola's Winning Oscar CH Gone With The Wind Of Lenette CH Indy's Cedona Of LenetteIkeebersJanuary 1, 2005 through December 31,2005CH Julia's Music Man Of Lenette K. G. GriffithD. FinchC. MeyerD. FinchD. FinchD. FinchD. FinchD. FinchCH Making A Splash At Lenette K. G. GriffithCH Mtn Crest Q'N Latifah Of Lenette K.G. GriffithCH Noah Of Lenette K.G. GriffithCH Phoebe Of Lenette K.G. GriffithCH Rueben Of Lenette K.G. GriffithCH Unchanged Melody Of Lenette K. G. GriffithD. FinchC. MeyerD. FinchC. Meyer 4. SHARON HANSON - 10D. FinchC. Meyer CH Jan-Shars Briggette Jones S. HansonD. FinchC. Meyer CH Jan-Shars Code Red S. HansonD. FinchC. Meyer CH Jan-Shars Gretta Garbo S. HansonD. FinchC. Meyer CH Jan-Shars Lady Sings The Blues S. HansonD. Finch CH Jan-Shars Liza With A Z S. HansonD. Finch CH Jan-Shars No Rhymn Or Reason S. HansonD. Finch CH Jan-Shars Rembrandt S. HansonD. Finch CH Jan-Shars Rojo Kristal Ricky S. HansonD. Finch CH Jan-Shars Rush To Judgement S. HansonD. Finch CH Jan-Shars You Ought 2 Be In Pictures S. HansonD. FinchD. Finch 5. JOSE A. CABRERA FABIAN ARIENTI - 7D. Finch CH Starfire's Between The Sheet F. ArientiJ. CabreraD. Finch CH Starfire's Casanova J. CabreraF. ArientiD. Finch CH Starfires Go Go Dancer J. CabreraF. ArientiCH Starfire's Hello It's El Hottie J. CabreraF. ArientiCH Starfire's Nasty Nathaniel J. CabreraF. ArientiB. MesmerJ. Freia CH Starfire's Shining Star J. CabreraF. Arientinonmember 1C. KnightJ. Freia J. FreiaCH Starfire's Wicked Mary J. CabreraF. ArientiJ. Freia 6. CAMILLA KNIGHT 5J. Freia CH Sundown's Aurora Borealis C. KnightJ. Freia CH Sundown's Double Trouble C. KnightJ. Freia CH Sundown N Del-May's Ny Skyline C. KnightJ. Freia Sundown N Janesas Chance Event NA J. FreiaC. KnightJ. FreiaJ. FreiaCH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown nonmemberC. KnightJ. FreiaCarolyn BoninJ. Freia 6. SHARON YAMPIRO - 5CH Great Rivers Beau Tie S. YampiroCH Great Rivers Little Rascal S. YampiroC. Meyer CH Great Rivers Puppet on a String S. YampiroD. FinchC. Meyer CH Great Rivers Snugasabuginarug S. YampiroD. FinchC. Meyer CH Great Rivers Tb Ornot Tb Kisses nonmember S. YampiroC. MeyerC. Meyer 8. LEE D. COOK - 4C. Meyer CH Firebrook's Aim To Please L. CookD. FinchC. Meyer CH Firebrook's License To Bum L. CookD. FinchC. Meyer CH Firebrook's Sugar Plum Fairy L. CookD. FinchC. MeyerD. FinchC. MeyerCH Firebrook's The Heat Is On L. CookD. FinchC. Meyer 8. LINDA DECICCO - 4CH Aphrodites Donmar Desperado L. DeCiccoK. G. GriffithCH Aphrodites Keepin The Faith L. DeCiccoCH Aphrodites Moonstruck L. DeCiccoK. G. GriffithK. G. GriffithCH Aphrodites Tiger Lily L. DeCicco52 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Reviewas reported by the American Kennel Club, Inc. iHresJanuary 1, 2005 throughDecember 31, 20051. CH PUFPRIDE SWEET DREAMS - 23owned by Diane L. Finch Noble Inglett CH Char's Walkin N A Winnin Way 9102005 CH Cj-Peep Midnight Magic 11202005CH Finch's Bettin' On Char'S 722005CH Finch's Center Stage 652005CH Finch's Dream Of Jacinda 11132005CH Finch's Love At First Sight 11202005CH Finch's One Hot Mama 5212005CH Finch's Red Sky At Night 5282005CH Finchs See Me Cornin' 1012005CH Finch's Steele Magnolia 472005CH Four Sisters' Loki Lord Of Mischief 952005 CH Linetrees Whisteria Lane 9102005CH Luminesques In My Red Dress 7232005CH Luminesque Journey Thru Time 7172005CH Noble's Born To Perform 1302005CH Noble's Hardly Humble 862005CH Noble's Lil Robert Red Furred 8192005CH Peannete's Wave Of Dreams 4242005CH Silver Meadows T.J.s Danceaiot 932005CH Starfire's Casanova 5302005CH Starfire's Go Go Dance 3152005CH Starfire's Shining Star 3152005CH Sugar Rae's Caught On Tape 82820052. CH JAN-SHARS N SYNC - 6owned by Sharon Hanson CH Jan-Shars Briggette Jones 6192005CH Jan-Shars Gretta Garbo 872005CH Jan-Shars Lady Sings The Blues 6222005CH Jan-Shars Rembrandt 4102005CH Lanas Ain'T It Good To B Alive 9242005CH Strutting Imlouise 101620053. CH FINCH'S NICELY PACKAGED DEAL - 5owned by Diane L. Finch CH Char's For Love Or Money 2112005CH Chars I Get Around 1232005CH Clan Lasslyn Cut Above 9242005CH Finch's Char's Amazing Grace 7172005 CH Finchs Char's Good Vibrations 82120053. CH FIREBROOK'S TABASCO FIASCO - 5owned by Lee Cook, Donna Machniak, Dana Coventry CH Firebrook's Aim To Please 4102005 CH Firebrooks License To Burn 2192005 CH Firebrooks Sugar Plum Fairy 7292005 CH Firebrook's The Heat Is On 582005 CH Marbil's Rumor Has It 62520053. CH JAN-SHARS DUDLY DORIGHT - 5owned by Becky Sabourin CH Lana's Let Me Introduce Myself 3262005CH Mountain Crest Fridays Special 942005CH Saphire's One Night Stand 4242005CH Sirius's First To The Finish Line 2272005CH Wyndlor Daisy Doright 52120056. APHRODITE'S AUSTIN - 4owned by Linda DeCicco CH Aphrodites Moonstruck 5292005CH Aphrodites Tiger Lily 1022005CH Windkiss A Magic Spell 862005CH Windkiss The Devil Made Me Do It 52720056. CH AJ'S SMOKIN JOE - 4owned by Gerald Ashley Miller Aj's Wind Beneath My Wings NA NAJ 9242005 CH Bar-Jons 'N' Aj's I'm Smokin Too 322005CH Phoebe Of Lenette 1162005CH Rueben Of Lenette 52720056. CH CHEYENNES KODIAK BEAR SECOND - 4owned by Celeste Favilla Solano Robert Solano CH Cr Classic Creation 8132005CH Cr Classic Edition 582005CH Rise N Shine's He's A Hottie 7152005CH Rise N Shine's Hot Shot 62620056. CH MUSIC MAKER OF LENETTE - 4owned by K.G. GriffithCH Abbapoola's Winning Oscar 6192005CH Julia's Music Man Of Lenette 7162005CH Stolanne's A Song For Timothy 6262005CH Stolanne's Musical Nightrider 82020056. CH PAUGHPRINTS ON THE MTN CREST - 4owned by Sherri Alspaugh David Gilstrap CH Horizon Mayan Sundown 952005CH Moretoys Silly Girl 8272005CH Moretoys Tak'N Care Of Business 10202005 CH Showcase Just Rewards 932005All Top Sires are owned and co-owned by APC members. denotes tieMarchApre 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 533PC 10 a msas reported by the American Kennel Club, Inc. January 1, 2005 throughDecember 31, 20051. HEATHER'S SUNKISS BEACH BABY 4owned by Diane L. Finch Charlotte MeyerCH Finch Schar's Numero Uno 1112005CH Finch's Char's Good Vibrations 8212005 CH Char's I Get Around 1232005CH Finch's Char's Wendi's Lucy 111205FINCHS SEASONED JUST RIGHT - 3owned by Diane L. FinchCH Finch's All The Right Moves 942005CH Finch's Bettin' On Char'S 7232005CH Finchs Center Stage 652005CH JAN-SHARS BREWIN UP A STORM - 2owned by Sharon HansonCH Jan-Shars No Rhymn Or Reason 5302005 CH Jan-Shars Rush To Judgement 4232005CH LESSARD'S OOPSY DAISY - 2owned by Alice LessardCH Lessard's Boisterous Serafina 862005CH Lessard's Swing'N Serafina 4162005CH MONARC'S SHADY LADY - 2owned by Julie ClemenCH Monarc's Classic Butterfly 4222005CH Monarcs Your So Vain 1132005CH RISE N SHINE'S LEADING LADY - 2owned by Julie ClemenCH Jan Le's Come What May 3182005CH Powerpom Call In The Night 4302005CH RODI'S CR QUEEN OF STARS - 2owned by Celeste Robert SolanoCH CR Classic Creation 8132005CH CR Classic Edition 582005CH STARFIRE'S TABLE DANCER - 2owned by Tony Cabrera Fabian ArientiCH Starfire's Go Go Dancer 3152005CH Starfire's Shining Star 3152005CHESAI KATRINA OF ROBCARY - 2owned by Caryl Scrimpsher Todd Scrimpsher CH Robcary's Devil Made Me Do It 232005 CH Rob Cary's Frosted Image 8272005DARLIN'S LOVE ME, LOVE ME NOT - 2owned by nonmember, Camilla Knight, Jerrie Freia CH Horizon Mayan Sundown 952005CH Horizon-N-Janesa Indian Sundown 852005FINCH'S BLOND BEAUTY - 2owned by Diane L. FinchCH Char's Strike 'N Gold 9242005CH Finch's Love At First Sight 112020053. FINCH'S DANCING IN THE DARK - 2owned by Diane L. FinchCH Finch's Exceeds Code 6122005CH Finch's See Me Cornin' 10120053. FIREBROOKS BEANIE BABY - 2owned by Lee D. CookCH Firebrook's License To Bum 2192005 CH Firebrook's The Heat Is On 5820053. HONEYCOMB OF LENETTE - 2owned by K.G. GriffithCH Gone With The Wind Of Lenette 9172005 CH Unchanged Melody Of Lenette 32720053. JANESA'S N' KACEE'S KISS ME - 2owned by Jerrie FreiaCH Janesa's Don'T Kiss And Tell 342005 CH Janesa's Hip Hip Hurrah 111120053. JANESA'S ROTTEN TO THE CORE - 2owned by Camilla KnightCH Sundown N Del-May's Ny Skyline 942005 CH Sundown's Double Trouble 9220053. MUSTANGS DELTA WHISPER - 2owned by Deborah BarrettCH Del-May's Curious George 11272005CH Del-May's Ring Around The Roseyl 01620053. ROYALTY DESTINED FOR TIM SUE - 2owned by Tim Sue GoddardCH Tim Sue's Flying High 1092005CH Tim Sue's Hightailit 52220053. TAMMY'S IN LOVE OF LENETTE - 2owned by K. G. GriffithCH Rueben Of Lenette 5272005CH Phoebe Of Lenette 11620053. WOODROSE'S LADY TERESA - 2owned by Clarice M. Oganeku Yvette H. OganekuCH Woodroses Peppermint Twist 4232005CH Woodroses Snickerdoodle 102220053. WOODS SWEET SENSATION - 2owned by Maynard WoodCH Woodrose's Peppermint Twist 4232005CH Woodrose's Snickerdoodle 10222005Top Dams are awarded by the APC. All members names are noted. An denotes a tie.54 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewiSeto CfjampttmssiSobemberCH Abbapoola's Rikki Tikki Tivi D CH Pometto-Poms Nikki x Abbapoola's Pandora's Box. Owned by Karen L. Huff Tammy Moynihan. Bred by Tammy Moynihan.CH Bar-Jons I'M So Happy B Janesa's Got A Tiger By The Tail x Sheshe's Pennies From Heaven. Owned by Betty Carruthers Burns Robert Burns. Bred by Barbara Messmer Jerrie Freia.CH Bugaboo Lil Bit O Treasure B Mitzi's My-T-Fine Duke x Mitzi' Janee Delite. Owned by Lori Solomon.Bred by Barbara Raymond.CH Canton Curtain Call D Canton Rocketeer x Canton Buttons And Ribbons. Owned by Basilio Yap. Bred by Hannah Ruth Chua Esther Joy Chua.CH Chipawas Scouts Honor B Chipawas Coushatta Warrior II x Chipawas Rising Star. Owned by Jackie F. Hirshberg. Bred by Mark Ward.CH Cj-Peep Midnight Magic D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finch's Walks All Over You. Owned Bred by Julia Smith, JohnC. Landry Sue Landry.CH Classic's Can You Say Hemi D CH Pom Acres Basic Black x Creider's The Cats Moew. Owned by Roberta Tompkins. Bred by Pat Gross Amy Gross.CH Classics Wild Mountain Honey B CH Classic's Just The Ticket x CH Creiders Color Me Classic. Owned Bred by Pat Gross Amy Gross.CH Del-May's Curious George D CH Carleez Ollie Ollie In Free x Mustangs Delta Whisper. Owned by Deborah K. Barrett Barbara Krzewicki. Bred by Deborah K. Barrett.CH Doubletakes Glory Daze B CH Kilpatricks Midnight Rebel x Kilpatricks Glorius Gold Chip. Owned by Rachel Price ReenaD. Fair. Bred by Reena D. Fair.CH Doubletakes Johnny Angel D CH Kilpatricks Midnight Rebel x Kilpatricks I'm Teddy's Nutmeg. Owned by Michael V. Armstrong Christina L. Armstrong. Bred by Reena D. Fair.CH Finch's Char's Wendi's Lucy B Windy Hill Mite-E-Might Acts Up x CH Heathers Sunkiss Beach Baby. Owned by Wendilyn Aumann. Bred by Diane L. Finch Charlotte Meyer. CH Finch's Dream Of Jacinda D CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x CH Finch's Angel In My Eyes. Owned by Jennifer Falk Cindy Golden. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Finch's Love At First Sight B CH Pufpride Sweet Dreams x Finchs Blond Beauty. Owned by Wahyuni Wibowo. Bred by Diane L. Finch.CH Goldkist Rockin Knight D CH Fame Chip Of The Great RockxWhid-Don's Knighting Gail. Owned by Barbara D. Meyer. Bred by Beverly Bottoms.CH Great Rivers Beau Tie D CH Great Rivers Cupids Arrow x CH Great Rivers Shel'b A Star. Owned Bred by Sharon Yampiro.CH Itoba Miss Conduct B CH Itoba Know It All x CH Pawegre Outrageous. Owned by Joyce B. Winkels. Bred by Patricia Murk Joyce B. Winkels.CH Janesa's Hip Hip Hurrah D Jan-Shars N' Janesa's Hurrah x Janesa's N' Kacee's Kiss Me. Owned Bred by Jerrie Freia. CH Larajus Don Juan At So-Me D CH Jimcin's Larajus Johnny Friday x T-JS Dazzling Black Dahlia. Owned byRoxanne Mellem, Laura Newbold Lori Solomon. Bred byLaura Newbold.CH Lil Behrs King Crimson D Lil Behrs Valentine Candy x CH Corleah's Ever Ready At Weitoi. Owned Bred by Joan C. Behrend.CH Monarc's Just A Gigolo D Starfires The Lion King x CH Monarc's Mini Tornado. Owned Bred by Shari Shields.CH Monarc's Your So Vain B CH Tresstique's Weekend Warrior x CH Monarc's Shady Lady. Owned Bred by Sharon A. Shields.CH Phoebe Of Lenette B CH Aj's Smokin Joe x Tammy's In Love Of Lenette. Owned by Lauretta Flynn. Bred by K. G. Griffith.CH Pixie's Luv At First Bite D'Suber B Pixie's Miracle Boy x Pixie's Picture Perfect. Owned by Suzanne Berney. Bred by Carol Galavich Donna Megenhardt.CH Ransom N Dw Midnight Caper D CH Dreamweaver Sparklin Firecracken x Reginapoms Gator Princess. Owned by Linda Pelz. Bred by Anna Ransom.CH Serafina's Torch Song B CH Bi-Mar's Boogie Woogie x Velvet Touch Chablis. Owned Bred by Margaret Nance.CH Springwoods Gem Of Cuilean D CH Mountain Crest Hard Rock x Glen Iris Ceres Of Zenara. Owned by Becky Jackson. Bred by Lawrence Myers Dr. Cheryl A. Jackson.CH Wagner's Dainty Shalee B Tomho Paso Doble x Starfire's Manuela. Owned Bred by Ruth Wagner.CH Windkiss Aphrodites Tea Rose B Underwood's Little Son Junior x Karadam Dalila. Owned Bred by Linda L. Saball.JBecemberCH Bar-Jon's Rave Revue B CH Sun-Dots Command Performance x Bar-Jon's Summer Revue. Owned Bred by Barbara Messmer.CH Bar-Nets Pride Of Oakridge D CH Noble's Born To Perform x Bar-Net Abigail Of Oakridge. Owned Bred by Pat Barnett Nina K. Epps.CH Char's I Get Around D CH Finch's Nicely Packaged Deal x CH Heather's Sunkiss Beach Baby. Owned by Charlotte Meyer. Bred by Diane L. Finch Charlotte Meyer.CH Chelanes Remington Steele D CH Finch's Peacemaker Parti x Apt To B Completely Sassy. Owned Bred by Elaine Waugh.CH Jan-Shars Code Red D CH Jan-Shars Fresh Off The Farm x Jan-Shars Daisy Duke. Owned Bred by Sharon Hanson.CH Kayra's Canary Diamond B CH Kayra's Busting Out Diamonds x Dreamweaver N Kayras Sapphire. Owned by Kay L. Chaney, Reed Adams Geneva Coats. Bred by Kay L. Chaney Reed Adams.CH Pixie's Hot Lips D CH Marbil's Winners Choice x Pixie's Charming Countess. Owned by Carol Galavich, Evelyn Newyear Donna Megenhardt. Bred by Carol Galavich.CH Puff Balls-Pride To PuffB CH Pufpride's Milliondollar Baby x Puff Balls Pride Day Dream'n. Owned Bred by Keith Ruth Ann Neuway.New Champions are received from AKC and published as space permits. Corrections need to be submitted with a copy of the corrected AKC Championship Certificate to by January 15, 2007.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 55eneticsMANAGING FLEAS WITHOUT POISONSMost of us have resorted to using commercial flea control products at one time or another. These products can present significant hazards. They are pesticides poisons which are intended to kill living organisms. Many pesticides affect a broad range of living things. For example, organophosphate and carbamatecompounds two classes of pesticides commonly used for flea control act on the nervous systems of insects and mammals in the same manner. When you use these chemicals, you can affect not only fleas, but your pet and yourself as well.If you think you or your pet has been adversely affected by a pet product containing pesticides, call your regional poison control center for immediate help and report the incident to the EPAs National Pesticide Telecommunications Network at 800-858-7378.Most pesticides are neurotoxic, meaning that they cause the nervous system to malfunction, thereby causing death. About 23 of available pesticides function in this manner. Flea products have also caused reproductive problems in laboratory tests. About half of the available products are classified as carcinogens by the EPA, while one-fourth is known to cause genetic damage in at least one test. Almost all pesticides have environmental concerns.Per pound of weight, small dogs breathe more air, drink more water, and eat more food than larger dogs. In addition, young puppies are more sensitive than adults, because they are growing and some of their organs are still developing. A lesser amount of toxic material per pound can poison a young puppy or small dog very quickly.There are several ways for chemicals to enter the body. They may be inhaled, and enter the bloodstream through the lungs. They may be ingested by mouth, and enter through the gastrointestinal tract. They may also be absorbed through the skin with direct contact.The good new is, that by understanding the fleas life cycle and targeting your management activities, an effective and least-toxic flea control program is possible. Fleas go through four stages of development egg, larva, pupa and adult. Warm, moist conditions 65-80 degrees F and 70 relative humidity are optimal for flea hatching and development. A female can lay up to 800 eggs in her lifetime. Eggs are laid both on and off the pet. Those laid on the pet later fall off and accumulate on the floor, in cracks, on furniture, and in dust. The eggs hatch within two to twelve days into wormlike larvae. The larval stage generally lasts one to three weeks, but can exist up to 200 days. The larvae then spin a cocoon and transform into pupae. Pupae remain dormant until they detect a host by warmth and vibrations and hatch out as adults. The pupal stage lasts from one to two weeks under favorable conditions but can extend to nearly a year. After emerging the adult fleas immediately seek a blood meal. Adults can live one to two months without a meal and can survive seven to eight months with just one meal. So, as you can see, when conditions of heat and humidity are favorable, fleas can emerge from seemingly out of nowhere to torture your pet. In addition to causing discomfort and skin lesions from allergic reactions and scratching, fleas can transmit tapeworm and bacterial infections.Vigilance and preventive techniques allow most pet owners to keep flea populations under control without using poisons. An effective program for control must address the flea at all four stages of development. Vacuuming areas your pet frequents, bathing your pet, washing pet bedding, and combing for fleas can effectively keep your flea population at a tolerable level.Fleas tend to accumulate where pets sleep. Try to establish a single, regular sleeping place with bedding that is easily removable and washable. Wash bedding about once a week to break up the flea life cycle. Pick up the bedding by the four comers so that eggs and larvae arent scattered throughout the area.Keep your lawn cut short and either very dry or very wet. Fleas dont do well in either extreme. Bathing your pet is an effective control measure. It is not necessary to use insecticidal shampoos, most soaps kill fleas. Use a comb to remove fleas from your dog. Keep a container of soapy water nearby to drown the fleas. Dish soap works well. Dont crush fleas with your fingers since they carry parasites and disease organisms.Vacuuming floors, carpets, furniture, crevices and cracks once a week is an excellent means of controlling the flea population. Vacuuming is especially effective at picking up adults and eggs. The vibration from vacuuming can result in the emergence of adult fleas from the pupal stage. The newly hatched fleas are vacuumed up prior to ever meeting you or your pet. Steam carpet cleaning kills fleas in the adult and larval stages. However, the steam can trigger the hatching of the remaining flea eggs a few days later. Vacuuming religiously will take care of most of the newly hatched fleas. Vacuum more frequently if the flea population increases, every two to three days during the peak season. After vacuuming, the bag must be dealt with immediately or the fleas will escape and reinfest the area.BIOLOGICAL FLEA CONTROLPredatory nematodes that prey on flea larvae and pupae as they are developing in soil are available commercially. The nematodes are mixed with water and watered in to lawns to reduce outdoor flea populations. Nematodes are available from Gardens Alive 812-537-8650 Gardens Alive is a wonderful source for environmentally friendly, nontoxic home and garden products. Another good company with information related to flea control on their website is Planet Natural, TOXIC ALTERNATIVES TO PESTICIDESDesiccating dusts, such as diatomaceous earth and silica aero gels, kill fleas by drying them out, causing the insect to lose moisture and eventually die. Always wear goggles and a dust mask during application to avoid breathing in desiccating dusts. Cover or remove equipment that can be damaged by dust. People with respiratory problems should not use diatomaceous earth. Be sure not to use glassified diatomaceous earth manufactured for use in swimming pool filters, it causes the lung disease silicosis.Some pest control companies are advertising a natural flea control through use of boric acid another desiccant material in cracks and crevices.Diatomaceous earth or silica aero gel can be applied to pets and their bedding. Both are desiccating agents. Work in using a brush or broom. Vacuum afterwards to remove loose dust.Use of brewers yeast tablets make your dog less attractive to fleas, as the smell is excreted through the skin. Adding a spoon of apple cider vinegar to the water bowl will make the skin more acidic and unpleasant to fleas. You can also use a 5050 dilution in a spray bottle and dampen the coat with the solution.Insect growth regulators are not pesticides, but rather chemicals that arrest the growth and development of young fleas. These include methoprene, fenoxycarb and pyriproxyfen and the popular lufenuron Program. Alternatives also include newer pesticide products sprayed or spotted onto pets, such as fipronil Frontline or imidacloprid Advantage. Particularly when used in combination with physical measures, the safety and effectiveness of these newer chemical products makes the continued use of pet products containing Organophosphates and their attendant risks for humans and pets alike unnecessary.You can make your own nontoxic flea repellents with some natural aromatherapy ingredients. These essential oils work well as repellents add a few drops of these, in varying combinations, in a spray bottle filled with water You could also make a flea collar by rubbing a few drops of these essential oils into a cloth collar or bandana for your dog. Be sure to refresh weekly.These may include eucalyptus, tea tree, citronella, lavender, geranium, neem, lemon, grapefruit, orange, cedar wood and sage.Some information reprinted with permission from the Journal of Pesticide Reform, Northwest Coalition For Alternatives to Pesticides, P.O. Box 1393, Eugene Oregon 97440, 541-344-5044, welcome your comments or suggestions. ALMOST LOST VENUE - PART 2Hope all of you have enjoyed Part 1 so much, that you ran right out, grabbed your Poms, and immediately started your training regiment. Now, your Pom is all trained, and you are so motivated to start showing, you can barely sit still. But, hang on, now. Where do you go from hereWHAT DO I DO FIRSTThe utmost, not to be ignored, simply must do, I cant stress it enough, very, very, very, most important thing to do first is to acquire an AKC rule book for Obedience Trials. This can be acquired by either contacting the AKC and ordering one, or by stopping by the Superintendent or an AKC booth at a show where there are usually copies available. In this book are the complete listings of all the exercises for a particular level and class type and how they are judged, rules on what classes you can and cannot enter, and guidelines on what you can, cannot, should, or should not do while you are in the ring being judged. This is a very important element in AKC competition, and EVERYONE, I mean, EVERYONE, no matter what venue you choose to compete in, be it obedience, agility, rally, tracking, field trials, and yes, even conformation should have one. Folks, when you send in your entry, your signature at the bottom means you have READ the rules and are ready to abide by them when you enter the ring. So, get the book I guarantee you cannot get by without one.OK. GOT THE BOOK. READ IT. NOW WHATLets start with the levels and classes. There are three basic levels in the world of obedience. Novice, Open and Utility, and titles must be earned in that order. The Novice class is compared to the grade school level. Classes are basic, containing Heel on Leash, Figure 8, Heel Free no leash, recall, and a group Sit and Down Stay exercise with handlers in the ring. The Open class is compared to the high school level. Along with a Heel Free, there is a Drop on Recall, where a dog must he down on handlers command while executing the Recall, a 20 foot Retrieve, and a Retrieve over a high jump, a Broad jump exercise, and more extensive Sit Stay and Down Stay exercises with handlers out of sight. The Utility level is the most difficult with much distance work involved. The Signal exercise requires the dog to execute heeling, plus a Down, Sit, and Recall, from 30 feet done with handler giving no verbal commands. Only signals. The Scent exercise requires the dog to retrieve two different articles, scented by the owner, from 20 feet away, and from a pile of eight other articles, scented by the steward. There is a directed retrieve exercise, where the dog must from his handlers side in the center of the ring retrieve the glove indicated by his handler from 3 placed 20 feet away. This is hard as the dog, with his back turned to the gloves, does not see them being placed. There is a Moving Stand where the handler must stand the dog, while heeling, by voice and signal only and continue moving another 10-12 feet, turn and face the dog, and after the judges examination, must call the dog to Finish which is returning to the handlers left side. The last exercise is Directed Jumping where the handler sends his dog 40 feet out between two jumps set 20 feet apart, commands the dog to turn and sit facing the handler and then take whichever jump the handler signals followed with a recall. This level is compared to a PhD and only about 10 of dogs will compete this level. This is extremely difficult for a toy dog where, because of their diminutive size, the ring and distances must seem twice or even three times the size as to a bigger dog.For each level, in order to receive a title, Dog AND handler must achieve what is known as a qualifying score. Each exercise has a total number of points allotted and each team must receive at least 50 of the points for each exercise plus an overall score of 170 out of200 the various points of each exercise will always total 200 in order to attain this qualifying score. Three qualifying scores at three different trials under three different judges will signify a title for that level. The team can then move on to the next level. The three different titles are the Companion Dog, or CD title for the Novice level, Companion Dog Excellent or CDX for the Open level and the Utility Dog or UD title for Utility. There are also two more titles a dog can earn, which can be compared to graduate classes. These are the UDX or Utility Dog Excellent title where a dog must qualify in the Open AND the Utility class 10 times at ten different trials. After that, you can still keep competing and for each time you earn 10 more UDX legs a qualifying score is known as a leg toward a title your title will be UDX2, UDX3, and so on and so forth. The last title is known as Obedience Trial Champion or OTCH and is based on points and placings earned from the Open and Utility classes. This is extremely hard to obtain especially here in the Midwest where the competition is the most intense of the U.S. The numbers of Poms earning these two advanced titles are less than 10 for the UDX and only 4 or 5 for the OTCH. There also has never been a Pom with both the CH and OTCH titles. Any takersWHAT CLASSES DO I ENTER AND WHYThere are two types of classes. A and B. The A classes are for dogs working toward that particular title. After a dog earns the title from the A classes, it may continue showing in that A class for 60 days. After that it may continue to compete in that class at the B level. Once you earn a title on a dog, you cannot ever compete in the Novice A class again. However, future dogs can be entered in the Open and Utility A classes provided they have not earned three qualifying scores, or have not exceeded the 60-day limit after earning their title for that class. In Novice B, however, you can only continue to compete in this class until you earn a qualifying score in the Open class or obtain a High in Trial after the 60-day limit. During the 60-day limit, you can earn an unlimited number of High in Trials. A High in Trial is awarded to58 - MarchApeil 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewPOMERANIAN REVIEW STUD ISSUE MAYJUNE 2006TITLE AND REGISTERED NAMExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx aAURJcxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxA6i6V.,KENNEL NAME CONTACT INFORMATIONXX X XXX X XXX X X X X X X X X XX X GXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxpkSxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxSHORT DESCRIPTIONthe dog with the highest score of all the scores for that particular trial Once a High in Trial is achieved after that 60 day limit, that dog may no longer compete in the Novice B class. A dog may compete indefinitely in the Open and Utility B classes. Once you have your three qualifying scores to earn a particular title, you can move- up to the next level after the closing date for a particular trial has been passed, the same as moving up to specials class once you obtain a dogs CH. Move-ups may be approved, provided the next level class and judge are available and the class has not reached its limit.Once your dog earns its UD, he can continue to compete in the Open B and Utility B classes to obtain two further titlesOTCH - Obedience Trial Champion In order to obtain this title, the dog must earn 100 points, plus a first place from Utility B, with at least three dogs competing, a first place from Open B, with at lease six dogs competing, and an additional first place from either class under stated conditions. All first places must be under three different judges and only one of these first places may be obtained at a Specialty show. Points are based on the number of dogs competing in the class, as in conformation, the higher the number of dogs competing, the higher the number of points available. However, unlike conformation, points are awarded for first through forth place, depending on the entry, and the scale of points remain the same for all the states, except Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico where the Utility class differs for points.UDX - Utility Dog Excellent Qualifying scores from BOTH the Open B and Utility B classes at the SAME trial constitute a leg toward the UDX title. Ten legs will earn you the UDX title.No matter how many titles you want to earn or whether you want to earn that title with a score, just to qualify, or shoot for one high enough for a placing or even High in Trial is up to you. However as in the conformation ring, or any other venue, the wonderful relationships we achieve with our Poms, the everlasting friendships with fellow exhibitors, and the extreme fun of going to Dog Shows far exceed the highest number of points or titles earned.In the next issue we will go inside the obedience ring. We will go through an actual pattern and see what you should or should not do in the ring, where you will lose points, what the judge looks for and how he or she will judge your performance. You will see how you end up with the score you do and what constitutes a qualifying or non-qualifying score. I will also answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to E-Mail me at Hope you are all having fun training your Poms and please make plans to watch the Rally and Obedience Trials and the National. See you there.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 59----- - Original Pom Art by Stefano Scullino, Italy.I. American' Pomeranian Club - . -.- r. ^ gzVEgjkS- 't0 2006 JNational y. _ J Specialty^SHOW SITE Executive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY.HOTEL INFORMATIONExecutive Inn, 978 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KYReservations Phone 800-626-2706JUDGESSweepstakes Mrs. Sue Goddard Junior Showmanship, Regular Non-Regular Conformation Classes Erika K. Moureau Obedience Rally Patricia Ray Krause COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Show Chairperson - Janice Russell Ph 317-924-6093 ObedienceRally Chairperson - Wendy Donnelly 770-753-2715 Show Secretary - Cindy Boulware Ph 972-962-3872 Trophy Chairperson - Juanita Fiddick Jane Lehtinen, , Janes Ph 218VS4 NZ29 PMl PmOWILouisville, Kentucky 741-2117,Juanitas Ph 319-989-2199 Advertising - Carlene Gilstrap, Ph 706-539-2355, dcgilstrapaol.comGrounds and Vendor Booths - Gregg Waters, 801-571-4959 Hospitality Chairperson - Kelly Reimschiissel 801-756-2092 Photographer - Judy Mehciz, Ph 262-544-1822, Chief Ring Steward - Cathy Gould Ways Means Chairperson - Walda Green Auctioneer - Robert FiddickSHOW SCHEDULE Exact times will be announced.Sunday, March 12 Board MeetingGrounds, Exhibitor Vendor Set UpHospitality - PubMonday, March 13Puppy SweepstakesVeteran Sweepstakes330 p.m. Mentor Seminar430 p.m. Reproduction Seminar730 p.m. Costume Contest - Its A PartyTuesday, March 14Rally Trial9 a.m. Judges Education SeminarParade of Titleholders, Junior Showmanship, AllMarch 13, 14 15, 2006Non-Regular Conformation Classes,All Regular Conformation Dog Classes730 p.m. APC Membership Meeting930 p.m. Wine Cheese Get TogetherWednesday, March 15All Regular Conformation Bitch ClassesBest of Breed CompetitionObedience Trial700 p.m. Cash Bar Opens730 p.m. Awards Banquet AuctionTrophy Sponsors are welcome, but cannot beacknowledged in the catalog. Drop your trophydonation off at the Trophy table in Kentucky.Donations may be made at the APC website.Ways N Means auction items are welcomed andneeded. Please hand deliver items directly to theWays N Means tables in the show room inKentucky.CPT Quilt - Raffle ticket donations for the Pomeranian Charitable Trust Quilt may be purchased at the Specialty. Ticket donations are 5.00 each or 5 for 20.00.Costume Contest categories areHalloween, Hoe Down, Valentine, Prom, AO AC Any Other Allowable Celebration.5.00 per entry. Entries may be made onsite. Pre-Order your Show Catalog NOW Visit the APC website for more details at americanpomeraniandub.orgcanhr.vf___________ _Pomeranian Charitable TrustRaffle ticket donationsfor this unique one-of-a-kind Pomeranian Charitable TrustAPC Historical Quiltmay be purchased at the APC Nationals in Kentucky,March 12-14,2006.This quilt, made with past and present APC National and Regional Pom Specialty T-shirts, was created by Ann Berryman.Ticket donations are 5.00 each or 5 for 20.00.60 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewThis series is copyrighted by the author, Christine D. Heartz, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part without her consent.t A CLOSER LOOKChristine D. HeartzRears - StandingpfWhen viewing the Pomeranian from the rear, one needs to view the dog from two angles, directly from behind and from the side. Each view will show different structural strengths andor weaknesses.n. 'Lfw.1Re' illW-4 A -MA correct rear assembly when viewed from directly behind the dog.Because a Pomeranian often has pants, heavy feathering on the backs of the legs, it will be difficult to properly assess the rear without actually feeling the legs. When viewing from the rear from behind, the hocks should be straight and parallel. They should not turn in cow hocked nor turn out barrel hocked. The legs should stand wide enough to form a good base of support for the body while giving an appearance of balance. The hocks should be short in comparison to the stifle bone and the upper thigh bones. Short hocks allow an animal to trot for an extended period of time without tiring.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 61A Closer Look Continued. Vi wrtut.iAn example of cow hocks. The hocks are touching, or nearly touchingclipAAn example of barrel hocks. The dog is wide behind and toeing in.A correct rear assembly when viewed from the side.62 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewFrom the side view, the ideal dog will have a moderate bend of stifle perfectly complementing the front shoulder assembly. Too much or to little bend will create movement problems by upsetting the required balance with the front assembly. A dog with too much bend of stifle may compensate in many ways depending on certain variables. He may side wind or crab in an effort to keep his front out of the way of his over-reaching rear. The animal with too straight a stifle will usually move in a more stilted, less fluid movement which untypical of the Pomeranian.I_An over-angulated rear. The correct rear for a Pomeranian.rL \itWeakrear, standing under, sickle hocks The correct rear for a Pomeranian.Next issue The rear in actionThis series of articles of details of the Pomeranian is a very valuable pictorial guide to understanding aspects of the Standard. To complete your set of articles you may order back issues at 10.00 each. A Closer Look will continue in the MayJune 2006 Pomeranian Review.Balance and Outline - JulyAugust 2005 The Head - SeptemberOctober 2005 Fronts and Feet November December 2005 Fronts Continued - JanuaryFebruary 2006.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 63mmnw KVV70.... i L BySkWSr3P9SallyBaugniet srb1copt^^2 'C- u. MlArCELI^NLBA INVITATICNAL 2CC6The AKC Eukanuba Invitational was held in various years, in either Florida or California. The first one was held in Sarasota, Florida. The last one was held in Tampa, Florida. For the next five years, California will be the host for this occasion.This year the Meet-The-Breeds-Booths were held on the lower floor of the Tampa Convention Center. Some Breed Booths were very elaborate. Others were simple, but imparted the message needed to give the General Public the idea of what then- breed was. Our Pomeranian booth imparted the later.The theme of our Pom booth was A FITTLE DOG WITH A BIG HEART. I was the Chairman in charge of this project and was not able to set the booth up by myself because of a recent surgery. I had many Pom People help with the set-up. I truly thank those who gave of their time and talent.The Pomeranian Club of Central Indiana brought their quilt made from the theme of various Specialty shows throughout the country. One of these show emblems was from Canada. This was our background. Several chances on the quilt were sold at the booth. Chances will continue to be sold until the drawing at our March APC Specialty in Fouisville, Kentucky. Proceeds will benefit our APC Health Foundation.We had hand outs on the Pomeranian breed, Pom, and Toy Breed Magazines for distribution. Several people became new subscribers of the Pomeranian Review right there at the booth. Thank you, Brenda Segelken. Many thanks, also to the others who helped set up the booth, brought their dogs, and talked Poms with the booth visitors. Thank you, Bobii Earle, Pat Murk, Joan Behrend, Carolyn Brandenburg, Mary Mullen, B and David Gilstrap.ffitIAMI-I.mU.realA 4Nj..W4fiWInHWiHft MilPhotos by Beth Shattuck, Audrey Roberts andBruce Behrend64 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewJudgesBest of Breed, Judge Anne KatonaBest Bred By Exhibitor, Judge Anne KatonaBBE Group 3, Judge Dr. Robert D. SmithBest of Opposite SexCH FINCHS AWESOME ON ALL FOUR Sire Ch Finchs Walkin After Midnight Dam Finchs Precocious Debutant Breeders Diane L Finch Owners Kathryn J Norem Diane L FinchJudges Awards of Excellence 4CH FAME LONE RANGER Sire Ch Wang Tsu Whopper Junior Dam Ch Great Elms Fame-Us Dolly Breeder Owner Brenda SegelkenCH TABLETOPS BLACK MAIL SENDER Sire Hollilys Circuit Breaker Dam Tabletops Tahitian Pearl Breeder Owner Jan StachurskiCH TRUDYS AIMING FOR THE TOP Sire Ch Jan Shars Dudly Do Right Dam Trudys Cream Delite Breeder Owner Nancy Robert CoddingtonOAKROSE CANADIAN CURRENCY Sire Oakrose One For The Money Dam Oakrose Summerland Breeders Joan Rose Owners Fabiana TakedaBest of BreedBest Bred By ExhibitorBBE Group 3CH STARFIRES JOSEFINA IS NASTY Sire Ch Starfires Wicked Mean-N-Nasty Dam Starfires Strawberry Marmelade Breeder Owners Jose A Cabrera Fabian Arienti 'ViTr.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 65r Tl' n..Cmirby Barbara McClatcheyATHE POMERANIAN REVIEWIm sure you were all as thrilled as I was with the wonderful performance issue of the Review JanuaryFebruary 2006. I know a number of people have ordered extra copies to give to their friends, trainers, and breeders.One of our Active Pomeranian discussion list members who lives in England has asked someone to purchase a copy and send it to her. Thanks to all who wrote special articles for the performance issuethey made great reading And the wonderful ads showed our Poms in action, which is always a joy.AKC NATIONAL AGILITY CHAMPIONSHIPSGail Donaldson and April, a.k.a. Turbo Pom, took 4th place in the 12 class at the AKC National Agility Championships in Tampa Florida in January. April is a rescue and is Gails first Agility dog. Gail also trains in Obedience. Gail and Aprils coach, Cindy Brick, says that April is very outgoing and happy to meet and greet everyone.On Saturday, Gail says, We ran Standardfirst and her lines were incredibly tight. We ran clean and took 9'h place. First place was 3302 our time was 3547. Jumpers with Weaves was much better. We took 2ndplace with a time of2583. The placements were very closeIs' place was 2552, and 3rdplace was 2584. So even hundredths of a second LITERALLY count For us it meant the difference between 2nd and 3rd place.After the two rounds, they combined your score and time to rank you. By the end of Saturday, we were ranked fourth. We had to run clean in round three on Sunday to make the final round. They took the top 13 dogs from the 12 class. So as long as we ran clean and stayed in the top 13, we would make the final round, and we did. It was a nice course with some tight handling and a place to really run. We finished in 9'h place with a time of3459 Is' place was 3186. That put us into 5'h place over all, enough to get us into the final round.That final round was very intense. You would not believe all the people and the lights. Lots and lots of lights There were cameras mounted on the floor next to the obstacles. I was worried I was going to step on one while doing a front cross. Another was mounted on the floor right on the other side of the tire. I hoped April wouldnt stop to check it outFinally it was my turn. The AKC rep told me while I was waiting to go in that she would tell me when to get on line and when to go. Well, in one ear and out the other I got the get on line part right. Once I got there, I set up April, took her leash off, scratched her under the chin and Im sure most of you know what happened after that. She started barking and barking. I looked around totally lost and forgot what I was supposed to do. I looked at the score board, saw my number and went. Oops I didnt hear a thing, but apparently they were sounding a horn at me66 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewJrto stop through the first 7 obstacles. Do you suppose I heard anything NO I kept running and running and running some more. We finished the course and I had no clue what my time was, or anyone else s for that matter I came off the course frantically looking for my leash to get out of there But I was held up at the finish line by Gail Storm, as they had to check to see if I had beaten the fastest course time to put me in the hot seat. The team with the fastest course time in that height class sits in a special chair at the end of the course until their time is beaten by another team. So for one run we got to sit in the hot seat. I still had no clue what had happenedthe TV crew hadnt been ready for me to goWe ended up in 4'h place in the 12 class. Over all, you could say we took 4,h place to 174 dogs. Not too badWe came home with a huge trophy, a 4"1 place rosette, a ribbon sash for April, a rosette for making it into the final round, a rosette for 2nd place in the class for JWW round 2, three qualifying ribbons, and a 50 gift certificate from J J Dog supplies. POMERANIAN FOOTBALLTeresa Connors writes that her Agility club has an Agility League in the fall and winter. Its like bowling league, but we do agility instead. You are on teams of four and the lowest score is dropped. We have a substitute list so if someone cant make it one day, someone else fills in. The top ten teams get a prize at the annual banquet.Each week you do one Standard agility run and one game. One of the games is called Partners. Each person does a piece of the course. You take turns, and each time you trade off, you get more points. Each obstacle has a point value, and you have to do the course in order. When you walk the course with your partner, you plan how to get to the next point while they are running their section. I usually just pick up my Pom, tuck it under my arm, and sprint like a quarterback to the next point. All the big dog people think it is quite hysterical, that fluffy tail bouncing under my arm as I try to beat my Border Collie teammate to the next trade off point.Last week I had to substitute for my sister on her team. I took both my Poms, Minot and Moody, instead of one of her dogs. I also had to take my 6-year-old nephew, and I forgot to bring a crate. My nephew was coached that it was his job to make sure Moody stayed tied up while I ran Minot on the Standard run. Moody doesn 7 really like this 6-year-old very much, so halfway into the run with Minot, Moody slipped his collar and came charging out onto the course. Minot was running beautifully, so I just scooped up the Moodster, tucked him under my arm, and continued running the course without a pause. You should have heard the laughter People were rolling on the floor laughing as I continued to direct Minot -with a Pommy Football under my arm TITLES, WE GOT TITLESAMERICAN KENNEL CLUBCompanion DogFinchs Whirling Dervish CD RN, 102205, Paula KerezsiRise N Shine Christmas Wish CD, 10805, Julie ClementsRally NoviceAspen Songs Rescued Nordic Luv CD RN, 102905, Erika Wilson, ILPBacco Torres CD RN, 103005, Nanette TorresCH Canefyres Tater Tot RN, 102205, Shari Fukuyama, Laurella Pang Lynn Kamiya Courbette Encore Summer Song CD RN, 102905, Erika Wilson Hallie RN AX AXJ, 10105, Suzanne Record, ILP LiT Buddy Budster RN, 102905, Kathy Knuckles Mtn.View Casino Lady Of Vegas RN, 102305, Helen Brinn New Moons Aurora Borealis RN, 10205, Amanda Reichelt Nina RN, 102905, Darla Hook, ILPPrincess Wiggles Vonsnifsnif RN, 101405, Lisa Sheffield, ILP Sassy Girl Sheffield UD RN, 101505, Lisa Sheffield Jennifer Gitter and BagelClemments Little Abu CD RN OANAP OAJ NJP, 11505, Karen R. Barth, ILP AKC EUK InvitationalPerformance ContinuedMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 67r Performance ContinuedElusive Toys Cherry Valarus RN, 112005, Barbara J. Proctor He Sent Tedi Of Tiny Tykes CDX RN, 112805, Gertrude M Adair Prys Shena Cheries Spitfire CD RN, 111205, Vemell Pry Joe Pry Susans Cinnamon Brandi CDX RN, 11405, Susan Pierce Rally AdvancedBug Bears Piper The Polar Princess CD RA, 101505, DiedreSchloyerRally ExcellentBug Bears Piper The Polar Princess CD RE, 102305, Diedre SchloyerMorgens Squirrel N Merlin CDX RE OA OAJ, 102305, Judi, John Rought Elizabeth BaughSecond Chance Oliver Twist CD RE, 112005, Barbara McClatchey, ILPRally Advanced ExcellentJanesas Tiffany Is an Angel UD RAE NA NAJ, 111905, Barbara McClatcheyNovice AgilityExtane Haleighs Fire Dream CD RN NANAJ, 10105, Crystal BrownNovice Agility JumperAbigales Prescious NAJ, 10805, Mindy Kirkpatrick Paris Da Bomb Pom Francine NAJ, 10205, Rhonda R Hamlett Ravens Chain Reaction NAJ, 101505, Kerry Lowrey, ILP Sacks Blackberry Moose RN NAJ, 10105, Elizabeth Sack Open AgilityCastaway ST. Elmos Fire OANAJ, 10205, Julie Vanoni, ILPPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly OA OAJ, 102205, Lois FaeMorkasselOpen Agility JumperKielys Miss Lilly Belle OAJ, 102905, Amanda V Kiely Koteris Skye Guy NA OAJ, 10205, Allison Holloway Frazee, ILPPomacres Iridescent Dragnfly OA OAJ, 102205, Lois Fae MorkasselMuku NA OAJ, 112005, Leslie Erickson, ILPValentines June Bug NA OAJ, 11505, Miranda Valentine TerriValentineOpen Agility PreferredStans Black Sky Is The Limit OA OAP OAJ OJP, 10205, Stan HalifkoOpen Agility Jumper PreferredMartis Mini Oreo CD NANAP NAJ OJP, 101505, Marti Halifko Agility ExcellentKramie Pendriss CDX AX OAJ, 101505, Peggy Mcgrath, ILP Our Little Indy Man AX AXJ, 111205, Carol Delton Mehlhaff Sparky The Charming Boy CD AX AXJ, 11605, Mary Sundholm,ILPExcellent Agility JumperKielys Honey Dew AX AXJ, 102905, Amanda Kiely, ILP Diesel OA AXJ, 111805, Lindsay Hamish, ILP Honeys Bouncing Bager Boy AX AXJ, 112705, Lou Ann Groth Agility Excellent PreferredAgility AKCEukanuba Invitational 2006v5LV0L-R Mona Gitter, Betsy Ryba with Polly Maya, and Jennifer Gitter with Bagel.Betsy Ryba and Maya 8 inchjL_ __________68 - MsechApeil 2006 APC Pomeeanmn ReviewTappy OAAXP OAJ AJP, 111906, Keiko Izumi,ILPExcellent Agility Jumper PreferredTappy OA OAP OAJ AJP, 100206, Keiko Izumi,ILPMaster Agility ExcellentEbony Spitzfires Autumn Breeze MX MXJ, 10 3006, Nadine HarmonLittle Miss Turbo CD MX NAP MXJ NJP, 1022 06, Mona Gitter Master Excellent JumperHoneys Wee Bitz Of Trouble MX MXJ, 112506, Lou Ann GrothMaster Excellent Jumper Preferred 2Kodiak Bear On Fowlers MT. MXP MJP2, 102205, Janet L SankeyMaster Agility Champion 2MACH2 Bubbis Beauty CDX, 102206, JenniferGitterMACH2 Lord Peter Of Bristol Court, 110506, John David Zieba Connie ZiebaI was thrilled recently when someone asked, Are there any Poms in the higher levels of Agility to be able to respond, We just had TWO MORE not the first MACH2 Poms Performance Poms are one of the best-kept secrets in the dog performance world. Just because they are cute and fluffy does not make them also air-headedDogs now eligible for the APC Hall of Fame, a Historical Award.Dogs now eligible for the APC Gold Club, a Historical Award.To read about the requirements for these Historical Awards and how to submit your dog, go to Pomeranian Club members are listed in bold print ILP dogs are usually Rescues. Only APC members for at least one year are eligible for Annual Awards Top Obedience Pom, Top Agility Pom, etc., and the relevant information must be submitted by the APC member. AU Poms are eligible for the Historical Awards.2006 AKCEukanuba Invational FinalistGail Donaldson and April 12 InchMaya, Polly and BagelCongratulations to all who train, show, and title their Poms in Obedience andAsilitvDont forget to send your own News and Views to Barbara McClatchey, 57 Poplar Court, Lake Jackson, TX 77566. Or call me at 979-297-7383. Or e-mail me Why not join our e-group Brags and advice available at ActivePomeranian-subscribevahoogroups.comMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 69CHRISTMAS SHEr 4a.^1Written by Connie Zieba Photographs by John CaglePOMERANIAn CLUB OF GREATER HOUSTONThe Pomeranian Club of Greater Houston held its annual Christmas party on December 9, 2005, at the home of Freeman and Lindy Mendell. Both members and guests brought along their Poms to visit with Santa Claus.A mouth watering potluck meal was enjoyed by all. After the meal, club president John David Zieba, conducted a short meeting. Then on to the highlight of the evening, Santa ClausDarrell Baker filled the role of Santa for our party. Santa was assisted by Mrs. Claus Olga Baker. All the Pomeranians and partygoers posed for pictures with Mr. Claus.The annual gift exchange follows Santas visit. The quality of the gifts was stupendous. Pom frames, Pom ornaments, Pom plates, Pom calendars, doggy dishes, treat jars, travel bags, and every manner of doggy and Christmas items were opened and7170 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewzV...1fPomeranian Club of Central Indiana membership Christmas party.stolen left and right. One of the most stolen gifts was a denim tote with a hand painted Pom. The tote was created by guest, Tamia Clyne. Barbara McClatchey raffled off the gift she received to benefit Second Chance Pom Rescue. Carolyn Crockett was the generous recipient of Barbaras dog carrier.John Cagle acted as the party photographer. John took wonderful Santa photos for everyone. After the party, all the pictures taken by John, Freeman Mendell and Connie Zieba were posted onto the Mendells website. To view these photographs go to present included Jackie Hirshberg and her Poms, MeMe and Scout Barbara Hunley with Pom Teetles Barbara McClatchey and rescues Hero and Hunter Ron and Carolyn Crockett accompanied by Drusilla, Happy, Smidgen, and Splish Sue Goddard and Talker David and Johnis McAden with Poms, J.J., Priscilla and Treasure Lindy and Freeman Mendell and Cuervo Mary Ann Starks and Lady and Suki Jennika and Stan Wasilewsky and Pom, Cherri Kim and John Cagle with Marco and Trevor and party hosts Freeman and Lindy Mendell and Poms, Annie and Sadie, and Poodle, Josh.Guests attending were David, Katie, and Jessica Mullin, and English Bulldog, Curly Donna Degani with Poms Holly and Mango and a Maltese puppy Norma French Alice and Don Savoie and Pom puppy Angela Dale and Poms Bronco and Mittzee Tim and Tamia Clyne and Punkin and Darrell and Vicky Isaacs.The evening ended with thanks all around for the great food, terrific gifts, and the photographs. Special thanks to our hosts and Santa Paws. Our club is privileged to have these special people as members and we are already looking forward to the year ahead.Please join us for the Houston Pom Clubs Christmas party 2006Regional Pomeranian Club events are published free of charge. Send your clubs latest news, specialty and match results, and coming events directly to the Editor.MaschAprh 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 71o y-mw\ru ROXANNE COLL\NS Pom Talk questions and comments may be found online at httpwww.MyFamily.comisapi.dll Members and friends may post answers and comments online or contact Roxanne Collins, 6405W.650N, FairOaks, IN 47943, Ph. 219 866-4464 or pommomnetnitco.netImpOur question for this issue is How long do you wait before pulling puppy teeth and whyThe amount of time I wait before pulling puppy teeth depends more on the puppys size, stamina and number of retained teeth than it does on its age. If I see retained teeth at 6 months I will give the puppy a fresh raw beef rib to chew on three times a week. I have found that the combination of tearing the meat off the bone and gnawing on it for an hour or two helps to loosen many if not all of the retained teeth. If there are still retained teeth at 8 months of age and I feel that they may cause misalignment of the adult teeth I will have them pulled. The exception to this would be when a puppy is extra small, under stress or in any way less hardy than I think he should be. In these cases I wait until I feel certain all is well. I would much rather risk having a couple of teeth out of alignment than gamble on loosing my puppy. Cindy BoulwareAt the age of six to seven month the puppy teeth will be removed to prevent bad bite. SusannI wait until the adult canines poke through, as puppy canines are the ones that usually have to be pulled. I dont want to have them under anesthesia twice. Usually they are about 6 months old. LindaI usually pull baby teeth around 5-6 months old but it depends on the dog. Lots of times I have to wait on the canines, but do the anterior teeth as soon as I see there may be a problem with crowding. BobiiI waited until I saw the permanent teeth come in, and then left it up to the vet. They were removed around 612 month old. ErikaI dont wait if I see that the bite is going off. The earliest Ive pulled puppy teeth is at five months yes, thats early. If the bite is correct and in no danger of going crooked or undershot I usually wait until I start showing the dog. MarieI prefer to wait until 6 months. My vet wont put them under anesthetic until then. JaneI personally pull baby teeth when the adult teeth buds are visible. The rest when the adult buds appear even if it is another trip or two back to the vet. For exceptional cases, see my article below. There has been a good reception to that teeth article because so few of us knew what to do. Im not a vet but I did get this information from a canine dental expert. DianeI pull the baby teeth once the adult teeth start to bud this is usually between 6-8 months. I also wait for the canines to start to bud before I pull the baby canines, and that usually happens around 8 months. The molars I check on frequently and pull them as they loosen and the adult molars are emerging. This stops them from having that really bad breath or being stressed when teething. If the teeth are just dangling I will pull them out with hemostats but if they wont budge I take them in and have the vet do it. LauraI watch the teeth closely and do not have a set age when I have them pulled. I usually wait until I see a second row, then rush to the vets to have them pulled. Recently, I was told that if they are good chewers the teeth would loosen and come out on their own. I recently tried this with meaty raw meat bones on two puppies. I suspected problems with one of the puppys teeth and had been monitoring them closely. Sure enough, the teeth became loose enough for me to get them out with my fingers. Of course it is too72 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Reviewsoon to see if this works for all dogs. The other puppy also lost all of the puppy teeth with no problem. I am now trying it with a third puppy. DebI wait, hoping they will come out on their own. I have had one who did shed all puppy teeth without intervention. By about the age of 9 months they were gone. Id say if they arent out by 7-8 months have them pulled. This could be done at the same time as spayneuter. For a show prospect you would probably want to consider having it done earlier, before 6 months. I dont believe that leaving the puppy teeth throws off the bite. I have observed that the permanent teeth come in behind the primaries. I have never had a bite go off due to retained puppy teeth, but have only been in Poms a couple of years. I suppose it could happen. GenevaI usually wait until they are 7 or 8 months old. Im in no rush to put them under anesthesia. If they can get the teeth out by themselves lots of chew toys, frozen carrots so much the better. MargaretSeems like all puppies are different and it just depends on the development of their mouth, their size and how the bite looks. If the canines arent out by six months I usually pull them around that time. I usually get the others out before then if needed. JanineIt is not so much an age as how the teeth are growing in. If the new teeth have started breaking through and the old ones are either in front or back without budging then it is off to the vet for teeth pulling. HeatherI usually wait until all four canines are poking through the gums. Sometimes the other baby teeth are still in as well. If there is no evidence that the baby canines are going to come out by themselves, then in they go to have their teeth pulled. This is usually about six or seven months of age. If you wait any longer, the adult teeth will not move forward and in place, as they should. I have always used this method and have ended up with good scissor bites. On another note, I never allow my vet to use pre-anesthesia sedation on my Poms. I insist that they just be masked down to prevent any anesthesia complications. Of course, the vet should be using isofluorine for anesthesia. PaulineWe wait until the majority of puppy teeth have come in. If they start coming in weird then we would go to a very knowledgeable vet and have the baby teeth pulled so that they wont cause any problems. We have heard of people going to vets with baby teeth to have them pulled and when the puppy was picked up they had pulled two adult teeth. Some times the vets are in a hurry and dont double check. This was a vet in our area that does a lot of dogs and has a huge business. The vet we go to will not pull a tooth if he is not sure if it is a baby tooth or an adult tooth that is only partially in. Also, there is always a discussion if pulling or not pulling teeth helps correct a slight bite problem. Our vet doesnt feel in the long run that it will make any difference. That is something up for discussion. KayWe just had our little show females teeth pulled Jan 5th. The vet we used is very good and has a specialized degree in dentistry of animals. I felt very confident about the procedure after he talked to me and told me everything that would be done. We had started looking into pulling baby teeth back in early December but he recommended we wait till at least the canine teeth had come in to see if the baby canines needed to come out. Cassie had 6 teeth removed 2 top incisors, 2 top canines, 1 bottom incisor, and a jaw tooth, all of which were puppy teeth. He said that all the other teeth came out perfectly fine on their own. The same vet called me after everything was done and told me how things went and even called the next day to check on Cassie. Check with the vet about the time teeth should start to come out. I check the teeth each day to see if any has come out or are loose enough to come out right then. Any teeth that seem very hard or resistant to coming out I let my vet know and he does a check up once again when canines come in. Then I go from there. AngelaI am relatively new to showing so no expert but here is what my vet and I do As the puppys adult teeth start to come in, I watch the bite. I dont pull teeth until the permanent teeth have pearled through the gums. Once the canines emerge and the bite looks good, my vet checks and out they come. Pulling too soon presents problems as much as leaving a double row and not giving the adult canines room to shift into place. LindaI watch the teethbite close at the 5 to 6 12 month old age. I rub the baby teeth and try to wiggle them loose and hope to not have to put them under anesthetic for teeth removal. I usually can wiggle loose all but the K-9s. If they are still there at 6 12 month I have the vet to remove them. The K-9s are hard to remove and if one does not know how to do it might break the jaw. AnonymousPom Talk ContinuedMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 73Satu him A SlewedSharon Maylens PCCI mother passed away due to cancer in January. We extend our sympathies.Terry Carpenter had sudden sight loss in December. We pray for him and his continued healing.Congratulations to everyone on their wins at the AKCInvitational Eukanuba and Westminster Kennel Club Dog Shows. Wishing everyone a safe trip to and from the APC National in Kentucky. May everyone take home fond memories and new friendships. Best wishes and congratulations to all class placements and the winners.Wishing a speedy recovery to Sandra McCutcheon from hip replacement surgery and second hip replacement scheduled in May. Our sympathy to Doris Wheeler and Colleen Scott on the passing of Ch. Roddy.Sincere Sympathy goes out to Benson Ray on the loss of his brother.Wishing a speedy recovery to Pat Miller. Pat fell while visiting her Son at Christmas and broke her left wrist and femur. Sending good thoughts and well wishes to Sue Philbrook, who had a house fire no dogs were lost. Thanks to all who helped care for, placed and adopted her animals.Wishing Mickey Stephens husband a speedy recovery after hospitalization.Congratulations to Mike and Roxanne Collins on their new granddaughter, Luci Lea.Beau, Donna Riehms heart-Pom passed away January 30. Our deepest condolences, Donna.Condolences to Cindy Rokos whose Father passed away.Our sympathies to Brenda Segelken. Gift, Ch. Fame Gift of the Spirit, passed away in February.Sunshine and Roses are published free of charge. Contact Donna Machniak Phone 517 546-7446 or Email APC members' addresses arepublishedintheAPCrosterifyou would like to send cards.Coming...KENNELMayJnne 2006 VisitsRon and Merilyn Smith Derrick and Deronda Sharp Starlight PawsReed and Kay Adams Kayra PomsContact Kennel Visit Coordinator and Advertising Manager, Jessie Klein, to nominate candidates for upcoming APC Kennel Visits. Jessie may be contacted at 13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704, Ph. 903 882-1950 or sweets are no treat for your dog. Xylitol, a sugar-free sweetener commonly found in candy and gum, could quickly cause low blood sugar, impaired muscle coordination, and seizures in dogs. Seek immediate medical attention if you suspect your dog has ingested this substance. To avoid a trip to the vet, keep bags, backpacks, and the other places you stash xylitol-sweetened treats out of reach.March 13-15, 2006American' v p ClubomeramanC c.ft.m.2006National 6 SpecialtyFor more information, see page 60 or the APC website americanpomeranianclub.org76 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewTOje ^Pomeranian HebtetoTHE OFFICIAL AMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. PUBLICATIONEditor.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Brenda Segelken11139 E. Camelot Ave., Effingham, IL 62401 PH 217 347-5731 fame62401yahoo.comSubscription Manager.............................................................................................................................................................................................................Cheri McDonaldPO Box 3402, San Dimas, CA 91773 Phone 909 394-7923 Fax 909 599-4692 cheribachmanpoms.comBack Issues.......................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................Laura Meineke7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227 PH 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comProofreaders......................................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend, Becky SabourinKennel Visit Manager........................................................................................................................................................................................................................Jessie Klein13107 County Road 470, Tyler, TX 75704 PH 903 882-1950 Jessiemykeepsakes.netAdvertisement Manager...............................................................................................................................................................................................................Joan Behrend6 Richmond Blvd, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 PH 631 366-2330 mzjoanoptonline.netSubscriptions6 issues per yearUSPS First Class............................................ ...45.00USPS Bulk...................................................... ...37.00CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico......................... ....55.00Foreign............................................................. ..100.00Single Issue...................................................... ....10.00Back Issues...................................................... ....10.00Advertising DatesFront Cover Color.......................................... .600.00Back Cover Color........................................... ..450.00Inside Front Cover Color.............................. ..300.00Inside Front Cover BW................................ ..125.00Inside Back Cover Color............................... ..300.00Inside Back Cover BW................................. ..125.00Page 3,4,5,6 Color........................................... ..300.00Page 3,4,5,6 BW............................................. ..125.00Center Spread BW........................................ ..250.00Full Page Deluxe Color.................................. ..275.00Full Page BW................................................. ..100.00Half Page Color.............................................. ..150.00Half Page BW................................................ ....60.00One Quarter Page......................................... ...40.00Business Card 6..................Small 70, Large 100All ads include one photo. Additional color photos are 25 each additional black and white photos are 10 each.DeadlinesAd Deadline IssueDec 1.............................OBEDIENCE... JanFebFeb 1................................................................MarAprilApril 1.ANNUAL STUD ISSUE...MayJuneJune 1...................COLOR FEATURE...JulyAugAug 1...................................................................SeptOctOct 1.....................MEMORIAL ISSUE..NovDecThe Pcmeranian Review.........official A. P. C. publication.........sent to Breed Group Judges.........reasonable rates.........quality reproductions.........only source of APC Archives.........provides APC news and reports.........APC Specialty coverage.........Regional Pom Club coverage.........obedience training information.........interesting, informativeSUPPORT THE APC SUPPORT THE REVIEWMail ad text, photos and payment toThe APC Pomeranian Review Brenda Segelken, Editor 11139 E. Camelot Ave.Effingham, IL 62401 Or Email Make all checks payable to the American Pomeranian Club.MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 77February 13, 2006 Judge Mrs. Shirley D. Limoges Madison Square Garden, New York, NYBy Joan BehrendRESULTS Photos by Bruce BehrendBEST OF BREEDCh Tokie The Legend ContinuesBreeder Chaivat Tangkaravaku Prakit ChularojmontriSire Ch Tokies MercuryDam Windmist Sunterra SelectraOwner C Tangkaravaku P Chularojmontri Margo Koga Noble InglettBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXCh Tokie N Dome The Way You Make Me FeelBreeder C Tangkaravakun P ChularojmontriSire Ch Tokies MercuryDam Tokie Teen PrincessOwner C Tangkaravakun P ChularojmontriAWARD OF MERIT 3Ch Valcopy BatboyBreeder Dana L PlonkeySire Ch Valcopy Wakhan ValentinoDam Ch Valcopy-Wakhan To Die ForOwner Ron Smith Merilyn J Smith Janice Pardue MPardueCh Fame Lone Ranger Breeder Brenda Segelken Sire Ch Wang Tsu Whopper Junior Dam Ch Great Elms Fame-Us Dolly Owner Brenda SegelkenCh Glen Iris Essence Of CuileanBreeder Cheryl Jackson Lawrence Myers GenoSisneros Isabel TaylorSire Fleartlands Too Close To CallDam Ch Glen Iris Castle In The SkyOwner Cheryl Jackson Lawrence Myers Geno Sisneros Isabel Taylor78 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewMy book,66 99just published by Kennel Club Books, is available now for sale. Very inexpensive.. Bookstores now have if, but if you would like an autographed copy, just fill in the blanks below. Send 9.95, Plus 2.67 postage. Total 12.62, andHI get one off to you pronto. My Pleasure.Not an earth-shakingly-wonder book... there are many excellent Pom-books out there... just my small effort for you Think you might enjoy having it.Olga Baker 4916 43rd Street c Ht Dickinson, TX 77539-6963Send toNAMESTREET ADDRESSBOX NUMBERCITY. STATE ZIPPHONE NUMBEREMAIL ADDRESSHave a wonderful New Year 2006Westminster Kennel Club ContinuedXXrn MlfV\\MaechApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 79POMERANIAN STANDARDThe 1997 Official Standard for the Pomeranian. Approved December 9, 1996, Effective January 31, 1997 General AppearanceThe Pomeranian is a compact, short-backed, active toy dog. He has a soft, dense undercoat with a profuse harsh-textured outer coat. His heavily plumed tail is set high and lies flat on his back. He is alert in character, exhibits intelligence in expression, is buoyant in deportment, and is inquisitive by nature. The Pomeranian is cocky, commanding, and animated as he gaits. He is sound in composition and action.Size, Proportion, SubstanceThe average size of the Pomeranian is from 3 to 7 pounds, with the ideal weight for the show specimen being 4 to 6 pounds. Any dog over or under the limits is objectionable. However, overall quality is to be favored over size. The distance from the point of shoulder to the point of buttocks is slightly shorter than from the highest point of the withers to the ground. The distance from the brisket to the ground is half the height at the withers. He is medium-boned, and the length of his legs is in proportion to a well-balanced frame. When examined, he feels sturdy.HeadThe head is in balance with the body. The muzzle is rather short, straight, fine, free of lippiness and never snipey. His expression is alert and may be referred to as fox-like. The skull is closed. The top of the skull is slightly rounded, but not domed. When viewed from the front and side, one sees small ears, which are mounted high and carried erect. To form a wedge, visualize a line from the tip of the nose ascending through the center of the eyes and the tip of the ears. The eyes are dark, bright, medium in size and almond-shaped. They are set well into the skull on either side of a well-pronounced stop. The pigmentation is black on the nose and eye rims except self-colored in brown, beaver, and blue dogs. The teeth meet in a scissors bite. One tooth out of alignment is acceptable. Major Faults Round, domed skull under-shot mouth overshot mouth.Neck, Topline, BodyThe neck is short with its base set well into the shoulders to allow the head to be carried high. The back is short with a level topline. The body is compact and well ribbed with brisket reaching the elbow. The plumed tail is one of the characteristics of the breed, and lays flat and straight on the back.ForequartersThe Pomeranian has sufficient layback of shoulders to carry the neck and head proud and high. The shoulders and legs are moderately muscled. The length of the shoulder blade and upper arm are equal. The forelegs are straight and parallel to each other. Height from elbows to withers approximately equals height from ground to elbow. The pasterns are straight and strong. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws may be removed. Major Faults Down in pasterns.HindquartersThe angulation of the hindquarters balances that of the forequarters. The buttocks are well behind the set of the tail. The thighs are moderately muscled with stifles that are moderately bent and clearly defined. The hocks are perpendicular to the ground and the legs are straight and parallel to each other. The feet are well arched, compact, and turn neither in nor out. He stands well up on his toes. Dewclaws, if any on the hind legs may be removed. Major Faults Cow hocks or lack of soundness in hind legs or stifles.GaitThe Pomeranians gait is smooth, free, balanced and vigorous. He has good reach in his forequarters and strong drive with his hindquarters. Each rear leg moves in line with the foreleg on the same side. To achieve balance, his legs converge slightly inward toward a centerline beneath his body. The rear and front legs are thrown neither in nor out. The topline remains level, and his overall balance and outline are maintained.CoatA Pomeranian is noted for its double coat. The undercoat is soft and dense. The outer-coat is long, straight, glistening and harsh in texture. A thick undercoat will hold up and permit the guard hair to stand off from the Pomeranians body. The coat is abundant from the neck and fore part of shoulders and chest, forming a frill, which extends over the shoulders and chest. The head and leg coat is tightly packed and shorter in length than that of the body. The forequarters are well feathered to the hock. The tail is profusely covered with long, harsh, spreading straight hair. Trimming for neatness and a clean outline is permissible. Major Faults Soft, flat or open coat.ColorAll colors, patterns, and variations there-of are allowed and must be judged on an equal basis. Patterns Black and Tan - tan or rust sharply defined, appearing above each eye and on muzzle, throat, and fore chest, on all legs and feet and below the tail. The richer the tan the more desirable Brindle - the base color is gold, red, or orange-brindled with strong black cross stripes Parti-color is white with any other color distributed in patches with a white blaze preferred on the head. Classifications The Open Classes at specialty shows may be divided by color as follows Open Red, Orange, Cream, and Sable Open Black, Brown, and Blue Open Any Other Color, Pattern, or Variation.TemperamentThe Pomeranian is an extrovert, exhibiting great intelligence and a vivacious spirit, making him a great companion dog as well as a competitive show dog.Even though a Toy dog, the Pomeranian must be subject to the same requirements of soundness and structure prescribed for all breeds, and any deviation from the ideal described in the standard should be penalized to the extent of the deviation.American Pomeranian Club, Inc.APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP Please type or print clearly5^J^NO TICE Except for patrons, applications must be endorsed by TWO members in good standing a who ha ve' been APC members for two 2years or more b who have known the applicant two 2years or more c who do not reside in the same household d who are not related to each other or to the applicant. Applications must be accompanied by the correct dues amount in US funds.V JThis application is for SINGLE HOUSEHOLD FOREIGN JUNIOR f PATRON see reverse Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Occupation_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________2nd Household Applicant if applicable_______________________________________________________________________________________Occupation_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Complete Address ___ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________Phone_______________________________________ Fax_________________________________ E-Mail______________________________URL__________________________________ Kennel Name____________________________________ Do you participate in Rescue________Were you previously an American Pomeranian Club member________________When___________________________________________Was prior membership under another name____________ If yes, what name_______________________________________________________Are you a if yes, please indicate breeder exhibitor obedience exhibitor AKC judge handler agility exhibitor flyball exhibitor How many showstrials have you entered in the last three 3 years___________How many Pomeranians do you own__________ Are yourPomeranians American Kennel Club registerable_______Have you ever been suspended from the AKC_________ if you have been suspendedfrom the American Kennel Club, please tell us why, when, and how long on a separate sheet of paper.__________________________________List memberships in any all-breed, specialty, or obedience clubs in which you now or have been a member. Give dates.List memberships in any local Pomeranian clubs. Give the dates you were a member and the club Presidents' namesDo you subscribe to the Pomeranian Review______Are you willing to support the goals and projects of the American Pom ClubSPONSOR REFERENCE 1How long have you known the applicant_______ Have you met the applicant in person_______ Have you been in theapplicant's home_____ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet ofpaper if neededPrint Name- Signature DateSPONSOR REFERENCE 2How long have you known the applicant______ Have you met the applicant in person_______Have you been in the applicant'shome____ Why do you recommend the applicant for membership Use a separate sheet ofpaper if neededPrint Name- Signature Date.APC Membership Application Revised 1004 Pg. 1MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 81loumAeamWMiicMA.xvefittoiia omemnlai 2oyi'ane ^euinAovjv'J,Icwecbe c omemniariA818352-9536 website ShowcasePoms.comWhip staffPomeraniansJoe and Janette Dally St. Louis, MO 314 389-3275 utrkaoss wb ell. netr Long Island, New York 631 566-2530httpwww.geocities.comlilbehr5_pom5 Handling Services, Limited Boarding AvailablePinecrest KennelsChampionPomeraniansandManchesterTerriersCatherineBolahood905 697-24882404 Reg. Road 57 Bowmanville, ON LIC 3K4www.pomeranians.cawww.manchesterterriers.catamerme jessen4165 E 100 NorthEl us iv e Toy s Rjby id 83442208 745-5267n Poms and ToyPoodlesrfLKeYtometoiucmsShari ShieldsOdenton, MD 21113 - Ph. -101-261-3727 ssMeldserol.ci3 jcJintan TonetauuWhere Type, Quality and Soundness McDonald909-394-7923 Southern California84 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review9TmA M- WiNWaldaA Green8120 Harvard Drive Ben Lomond CA 95005Phfax 831 336-8285 winstarpomssbcglobal.netS T A Rmouucrsup Application KCVlSeQ U004 Fg. 2BI-MARPOMERANIANSi'BIS, BISS, ROMX, HOF, GC CH. BI-MAR SUNDANCE KIDMARY A ROSENBAUM145 Fay Road Chehalis, WA 98532-9204phone 360 767-0104 fax 360 767-0105 email http www. bi-mar.coma'4Pom ReviewSubscriptions and Back Issues make great gifts. Order online today at americanpomeranianclub.orgMarbilPomeranians'J. AMari Iffland11290 Old Lake Road Benton, IL 62812 618-435-6127email pomsawaylegypt.netProfessional Handling Services Inquiries welcome.'Pomenavti4M 4Mountain View PomeraniansyMtn View Stars ShinePat and Roger DagueP O Box 209, Stuarts Draft, VA 24477 Phone 540-337-2965- 57 A-^Ch. Avalon's Prince Matchabelli "Monte" Starfire's Conan the Barbarian x Avalon's Queen NefertitiAnnette Eric Davis208-234-0932, FAX 208-234-0792 email web site www.avalonpom.comQuality, lovingly raised puppies. Inquiries welcome.VBonnie Harris20 Oakcrest Avenue Middle Island NY 11953 631-205-5223tresspomshotmail.comSC,warns'Profession^ 'Handling Audrey Jd. Ptoloerts\ ' 'AIngleside,Texas Phone 713 204-7225 Assisted by Jessica JohnsonMarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian Review - 85The Pomeranian ReviewAdvertisersBarnett, Barney and Pat............................................20, 21Barrett, Deborah................................................12, 13, 86Behrend, Joan.................................................................84Birks, Bob and Joyce.....................................................41Blanchet, Dr. Paulette....................................................85Bolahood, Catherine.......................................................84Carlson, Alice................................................................ 87Cartwright, Ron and Sherry...........................................86Chambers, Wendy..........................................................29Coats, Geneva................................................................37Coventry, Dana................................ Front Cover, 14, 87Dague, Roger and Pat.................................................... 85Dally, Joe and Janette.....................................................84Davis, Annette and Erik.................................................85DeCicco, Linda.............................................................. 10Dennebaum, Dale...........................................................12Falk, Jennifer................................................................. 83Felix, Dan and Tammee.................................................28Finch, Diane.........................................................3, 87, 92Freia, Jerrie.....................................................................87Galavich, Carol................................................................8Gilstrap, David and Carlene...........................................94Golden, Cindy................................................................83Gordon, Cande...............................................................37Green, Judy....................................................................25Green, Walda................................................................. 84Griffith, Ken and Eleanor..............................................11Hanson, Sharon................................................................7Harris, Bonnie................................................................85Hirshberg, Jackie........................................................... 93Houston, Randy..............................................................24Huntsberger, Karen........................................................38Iffland, Mari...................................................................85Jackson, Dr. Cheryl......................................................Back CoverJackson, Rebecca.............................................. CenterfoldJessen, Catherine............................................................84Johnson, Sandra............................................................. 83Kamrath, Lindsey and Lori............................................40Klein, Jessie...................................................................41Krzewicki, Barbara........................................................13Levinsohn, Alane.............................................2,17,32, 84Lewis, Linda.................................................................. 18Livezey, Teresa..............................................................87Lohuis, Carla..................................................................39Machniak, Donna............................. Front Cover, 14, 87McDonald, Cheri................................................16, 84, 89McFarlane, Pauline........................................................ 15Megenhardt, Donna..........................................................8Meyers, Charlotte......................................................... 4, 5Miller, Hazel..................................................................91Molina, Elizabeth...........................................................38Moonlight Magic Photography......................................90Myers, Dr. Lawrence................................................... Back CoverNewyear, Evelyn..............................................................8Norem, Kathyrn............................................................. 92Otaguro, Arlene............................................................. 91Pelz, Linda...............................................................9, 83Pietzsch, Bob and Elizabeth...........................................39Pomeranian Grooming Tape..........................................15Pomeranian Glycerin Soaps...........................................15Price, Lana..................................................................... 40Procaccini, Debi.............................................................31Reimschiissel, Kelly...................................................... 83Roberts, Audrey.......................................................85, 95Rack Issues------------- To order back issues, mail check toAssistant Back Issues Manager, Laura Meineke 7008 Grace Avenue, Cincinnati, OH 45227, 513 271-3983 panachepomshotmail.comAnniversary Issue, Oct 1988 25.00Jan 75, Oct 77, May 79, April 80 20.00August 1997 15.00Available Back Issues 10.00The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published and edited bi-monthly in Effingham, IL, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 37 per year USPS Bulk, and 45 per year USPS 1st class. First class rates apply to USA and APOs. CanadaMexicoPuerto Rico subscription rates are 55.00 per year. Overseasforeign subscriptions are 100.00 per year. US funds only.The American Pomeranian Club and editor are not responsible for the contents or accuracy of articles and advertisements, or the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the APC, publisher, or editor.Reproduction in whole or part is strictly prohibited. Permission to reproduce is available only from the publishereditor. Display advertisements consisting of typesetting, artwork and layouts may not be used without written permission of the publisher. Original artwork is sole property of the editor.Visit the American Pomeranian Club website americanpomeranianclub.orgRosenbaum, Mary.........................................................85Rothell, Terry................................................................37Sabourin, Becky............................................................37Segelken, Brenda.......................................................... 95Sharp, Derrick and Deronda............................................2Shields, Shari.................................................................84Sisneros, Dr. Geno........................................Back CoverSmith, Ron and Merilyn..................................................2Solano, Robert and Celeste......................................16, 17Stachurski, Jan...............................................................19Takayama, Ellen............................................................23Taylor, Isabel................................................ Back CoverToy Dog Club of Florida...............................................27Waugh, Elaine...........................................................6, 83Watanabe, Robin...........................................................91Waters, Gregg and Charlene......................................... 87Wells, Mike and Liz..................................................9, 83Whittemore, Chuck.........................................................24Wilson, Tom..................................................................83Wodrich, Janet................................................41Zech, Tom and Diane...............................................87, 90NEW CHAMPIONR E TAmtAi'J V9Ch. Bachmans Precious DiamondSire BISS Ch. Mountain Crest JJ Dam Ch. Bachmans Precious JewelThanks to the following Judges who found our Beautiful and Typey boy, Diamond, worthy of the win Mrs. Lesllie E. Hiltz Mrs. Loraine Boutwell Stephen J. HubbellMiss Dorothy M. MacDonald Mrs. Charlotte P. Patterson 5pt Major Larry C. Abbott 4 pt MajorDiamond was shown to his Championship by friends Celeste and Bob Solano who did a fabulous job. Thanks to David and Carlene Gilstrap for sharing their JJ with us and thanks to Alane Levinsohn for bringing JJ out to California. Alane, Congratulations on your Kennel Visit. Its been a pleasure to know you throughout the years and I hope all your dreams come true.BreederOwner Cheri McDonald 909-394-7923Bachman Pomeranianswww.bachmanpoms.comHandled by Celeste and Bob Solano 360-273-87220Showcase CAtcti Me If Von Camh\ YA special THANK YOU to Alane Levinsohn of Showcase Poms for helping to get Fujisupoms establishedDi^ric r\X Tom ZechPort Orchard, WA.360.871.8404 Website httpmembers.tripod.comfujitsupomsPortraits as gorgeous as your Pom...PHOTOGRAPHY,Professional creative images of your dogNow setting appointments ,,Kingsley' fMjthicalPomsfor the 2006 Pomeranian NationalCall Alan or Heidi at 1 -909-338-9862 or email infomoonlightmagicphoto.comwww.moonlightmagicphoto.comGretta - A Beautiful JanShar "Starlet"i VjAs featured in National magazines90 - MarchApril 2006 APC Pomeranian ReviewH CM Mm Up, d d 0UDoes it Jiaainl2 Toy 6 Ml Breed 25 AKC Top Pomeranians Breed TotalsGonuoryl- December 2Hawaii's 2005m r4"Perhas been Hawaii's 1 Pomeranian, placed in the top 10 Toy Group, and Top 10 All Breed for the last 4 years. Many Thanks to the following fudges lee Reasin, Robert Caviness, Lawrence Slanbridge, Reltie Krause, Houston Clark, Toddie Clink, Edd Riven, June Penta, Ralph Lemcke, William Russell and Don Rogers.Ttn^MiS iMiDli RDuMnSniArlene OtaguroHawlene Teahra PomeraniansHazel Miller 008-593-2322Robin Wafonabe yggcalsbawnii.rr.comzr jL A.rBISS CH Finch's Awesome On All FourEukcAKC^MERJCANennel Clubr I . .BEST OF OPPOSITEEukanuba NATIONAL-hampionshipfk'r'1- y v "jANUARY^OOe"MEYER PHOTOkiivvanetaEfHrrCifi Z7 -I- y'-ZiMIAMSCOMPANYIL ----------------' 1 \.---' 1' ,.vvA' e-^r'5rAzThank you Judge Anne Katonal A great start to the New Year for Sly and NiriaT4 Diane L. Finch - BreederCo-Owner Kelley, Iowa - www.finchspoms.comNina M. Fetter, FHA, DHG - Handler Lima, Ohio - www.ninafetter.comY y amQ MVr Kathryn J. Norem - Owner Knox, IN - www.eaglecreekpoms.comrr c tOPPOSITEMAJORNEW CHAMPIONCEN-TEX KENNEL CLUB NOVEMBER 2005AMBERf PHOTOIScout and I would like to thank the following Judges Mrs. Keke Kahn,Mrs. Lois Wolff White.Mrs. Doris Cozart,r. Steve Keating.[Bob] Dr. Harrg Smith,Mrs. Sharon Krogh.Mrs. Jacqueline Staceg,Mr. Robert Moore and Mrs. Helen Lee James.Thanks also to NUMEROUS friends [you know who you are] whose help and support made this wonderful experience possible.Most important, thanks to my husband, ALAN, whose continued support helps my Pomeranian habit live on.Jackie Hirshberg Tinkertoipams'Mountain Crest ftomsOnfroaiAuces r7 rr yj yyW\V77 ZVars-rWITLi V Ijr r-ic^S3-V t-rV A_______Thank you Judge Don Rogers for this nice win.Congratulations Alane on your kennel visit It has been a real pleasure to work with you.Good luck with yourJJ son Ch. Showcase Hot Topic "Ozzie". We wish him much luck in his specials wanene uiP. 0. Box 22442, Chattanooga, TN37422 Phone 423-987-0266 Email'TOitiL te cfteed lic^t. z cloud o duct uud a heanfy rti-'lfo Sdowif"BISA BISSi ll Fame Lone RangerHOF GC IRedec uopcUu cudtd,tucOieu TRdenfot. . m. - - - . ' -.A^ . i, V ' VfJV,-hFame,Shyacres, Dr. Paulette Blanchet announce a new teamBreederOwner HandlerBrenda Segelken Audrey RobertsFame Poms Shyacres toned for another thrilledpaele,d adventure with The, Tone,Co-Owner Dr. Paulette Blancheter Tanker rides aboundsweethomeas,, . V' WmicroCh.Glen iris Essence of Cuilean. GCCastile Pomeranians145 frederick ave, montgomery, aiabama 36104 www.castiiepoms.comMicro was bred and is owned by Dr. Cheryl Jackson. Dr. Lawrence Myers. Dr. Geno Sisneros and Ms. Isabel Taylor.Micro Is lovingly handled by Bronya Johnston and occasionally by bis owners.