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The Pomeranian Review January 1994
American Pomeranian Club, Inc.lf ftommmiatt SruimDecember January, 1994Published Bi-MonthlyaBEST OF WINNERSCYCLONE COUNTRY KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER 1994PHOTO BY DOWNEYAJAN-SHARS BAD BAD LEROY BROWNI-y4EISA, BISS Ch Absolutes Hafilc MountainMagic is pictured with breeder-judge Ken Miller winning his second NATIONAL SPECIALTY What more can we sayABSOLUTE Jeanne and Robert Blank 616 695-7308Ch. Jan-6har Harley Davidsonr vlwftSr52nnLouisianaKennel COTT ClubriContents....Residents Message Dolly Trauner....................4\KC Letter James Smith.....................................5iVhere the Money Will Be Going........................5Much Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet.... 5Membership Report Jeirie Freia........................ 6Ground the Water Bowl Linda Brogoitti.........10Performance News Lois Morkassel.................14lop Poms List Jean Schroll...............................28fCennel Visit Marit Hattori............................. 31Man Dies As He...Alexei Barrionuevo............34fips and Yaps......................................................353ook Review Lois Morkassel.......................... 363ehind the New Titlists.......................................37Registrars Comer Jean Schroll.......................37MC Summer Specialty Sue Goddard............ 43Central Carolina Pom Club Dot Martin.......... 483ack Issues..........................................................52The American Pomeranian Club has its revised Information Booklet ready for distribution. If you are interested, contact the SecretaryFran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 BRNOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges. Featuring your winning dogs in the National magazine will pay offSend your ads in now in support of Maria Kneislers Kennel Visit.Dont delayKENNEL VISITFebruary....Maria KneislerZl4AJan-Shars Bad Bad Leroy Brown"Lee" is shown winning a five-point major under respected judge Mrs. Lois White. He is capably handled by his best friend, Nadine Hersil.WOODROSEYvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744Science Diet FedFrom the EditorDuring a recent Board meeting, several changes were voted which affectthe Pomeranian Review.There will no longer be a member non-member classification-one price for all. There were also some price adjustments in some of the blackwhite ads. Check page 3 for specifics.In addition, the Review offers a full color inside page for SI50. For those of you who want to dress up your blackwhite ads, color stripping is available for 15 extra. There are some examples in this issue. We hope you will be pleased.American Pomeranian quid 3VN Jtomnwton jR^trt^utof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.W.Officers of the ClubPresident..........................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerRrst Vice-President.............................................................................................................................Emily UntalanSecond Vice-President............................................................................................................................Jim ShearerRecording Secretary.........................................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary..................................................................................................Frances J. StollRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501Treasurer.............................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate........................................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor................................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX79031 Phone 806 257-3817Business Manager.............................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions..................................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.....................................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription............................ 30.00Foreign................................................... 45.00First Class...............................................35.00Single Copy..............................................6.00Full Page................................................ 65.00Half Page................................................40.00Quarter Page...........................................20.00Photos each..........................................10.00Front Cover, BW.................................150.00Color.....................................................375.00Back Cover, BW................................... 90.00Color.....................................................250.00Inside FB Cover.................................... 80.00Color.....................................................195.00Center Spread.......................................160.00Color.....................................................390.00Business Card ........................................10.00Inside Color Page.................................150.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan........... .............Nov 15....... .... Dec 15FebMarch.....................Jan 15........ .... Feb 15AprMay........................Mar 15...... .... Apr 15JuneJuly......... .............May 15....... ...June 15AugSept......... ............July 15....... ....Aug 15OctNov........... ...........Sept 15........ ....Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly B. Trauner Dear MembersI Care About PomsI am very concerned that our breed is now 11th in numbers of individual registrations and 4th in numbers of registered litters. I will continue to encourage responsible breeders to spay and neuter Poms being sold as pets, or at least to put them on limited registration. I am greatly concerned about the ever-increasing numbers of Poms needing to be rescued. If I am re-elected, an APC Chairman will be appointed to coordinate rescue on a national basis.I Care About The Breed StandardI am continually getting complaints from Judges, Breeders, and Exhibitors that the Breed Standard is vague and incomplete, and that the Breed Standard and common practices regarding overtrimming are in direct contradiction. I am concerned that the Committee appointed two years ago to propose revisions that would present the Breed Standard in greater, more explicit detail has failed utterly to bring forth a single proposal. This is in spite of the great amount of input this Committee received in response to its early solicitation for input from members and non-members alike. This Board had hoped to present a Breed Standard that met the needs of Judges, Breeders, and Exhibitors, and that met AKCs request for an Illustrated Breed Standard. Some steps toward obtaining art work were proposed but could not be advanced due to lack of any action by this Committee. If I am re-elected, a new, vigorous, and responsive Committee will be appointed.I Care About Pom HealthThe problem of "Black Skin" disease seems to be growing exponentially. It is pointless to point fingers, useless to ascribe the problem to certain areas and lines. What is needed is financial support for research by professionals, or a program similar to CERF-the program I started and ran for 14 years and which is now accepted by AKCas an important addition to registration information for all breeds-If I am re-elected, I will seek to engage the interest and participation of Veterinary Dermatologists and Geneticists toward finding a solution to the problem through professional contacts I have already established.I Care About Regional ClubsIf re-elected, I want to improve their communications with the Parent Club, to our mutual benefit and exchange of information. I will seek their input on Breed Standard, rescue, and such other concerns as they may have.I Care About APC And What It Can Offer Its MembersIn the past two years, the Treasury has grown from 5,511.22 on January 1, 1992 to a current balance on September 1, 1994 of 29,519.20. The Pom Review has become successful and profitable despite aggressive competition from two other Pom publications that used not to be there. It has shown a profit of 5,000 this past year.I Care About Finishing The Jobs I StartThe APC Presidency is not a popularity contest It must not become an ego trip for self-promotion It calls for dedication to the high purposes set forth in the Constitution, commitment to the Code of Ethics, and the welfare of the Breed. I believe I have demonstrated that dedication and commitment. I greatly appreciate the companionship and support of people whose knowledge and experience I respect. Working for and with such people for the benefit of the breed and the Club has been my pleasure, and the only reward I want or expect. If I am re-elected along with a Board of the same caliber as the present one, many of whom appear on the Official Slate, I can promise another two years of progress, improvement, and growth.To quote from another members warning in "Yips and Yaps, please be very careful for whom you cast your votes. American romeraman oiudCongratulations to APC President Dolly B.Trauner for her well-deserved recognition by AKC. The following letter is self-explanatory.The American Kennel Club James W. Smith Chairman, Board of Directors November 8, 1994Mrs. Dolly B. Trauner 2025 Lyon Street San Francisco, C A 94115Dear Mrs. TraunerIt gives me great pleasure on behalf of the Board of Directors of The American Kennel Club to write you this letter of commendation.I am aware of few individuals who have contributed more to canine health than you. Your pioneering work for well more than two decades on canine eye disease has been an invaluable contribution to all purebred dogs. The founding of the Canine Eye Registration Foundation is an accomplishment of extraordinary importance. Even more significant, your effort on behalf of CERF during its formative years assured its continuation and success.For these reasons, and for your many more accomplishments not mentioned here, the American Kennel Club wishes to acknowledge and commend you. Please accept this letter of gratitude and our best wishes from everyone associated with the American Kennel Club.Very sincerely yours,James W. Smith WHERE THE MONEY WILL BE GOINGWhile a final determination has not been made by the Board it is more than likelythat the Board will approve th establishment of a Genetic Health Fun using at least one million of th accumulated "Holiday" dollars as its base. 1 will then work with all the Clubs urgin them to contribute to the Fund possibl with the thought of matching dollars in pat from the unused excesses of AKC "Holiday" surpluses. Who could possibl find fault with this Genetic Health Fun objective DOG NEWS supports this mov in very way possible. I^ets just hope th monies are real and not a figment of creative financial imagination.111194,Dog News Much Ado About Anythingby Sally BaugnietWhen I got home from school oi November 14th, there was a message on th answering machine, from a member it Sacramento, California, who had read rm article "on the tail-or what have you." Sht was referring to my article named "Tht Bone of Contention."Her message was, "The tail is not ar extension of the spinal column, it is part oi the "skeletal." Arent you being a little nit-picky about the President and the Officers I can be nit-picky too because the tail is not an extension of the spina column." I wrote a letter back to her because she did identify herself. This is the basis of my article.Dear,I find it hard to believe that any Clut member would condone anything done contrary to our Constitution and By-Laws Would you also condone stealing destruction of anothers personal property, copyright infringement, stifling the right ol free speech, etc., contrary to the US ConstitutionMy point is this...any constitution of clubs or countries is the law that governs that clut or country in all cases What happens when that law is broken What should happen when the President and some BoardDmembers allow the Club business to be conducted contrary to the APC ConstitutionDo you call it "nit-picky" to inform members, unaware of the situation, that the Constitution is being violated Actually YOU, as a club member, are being violated. How does it feel How does the word "Sucker" sound It doesnt sound good to me I dont like being taken for a fool or played for a "sucker." That is one reason why I feel this must be called to the attention of the members. Do you still call that "nit-picky" That word sounds like a word someone might use, when caught with hisher hand in the cookie jar. Perhaps it was a word suggested to you, Nuf said about thatPlease acquaint yourself with the skeletal system of the canine. Most people have access to a dictionary. One definition of "tail" given in mine is..."a prolongation of the backbone." The definition of "spinal" is..."relating to the backbone."If you happen to have an encyclopedia handy, look up the word "spine." I did not refer to the spinal cord, which is protected by the spine, spinal column, vertebral column, backbone...or whatever you prefer to call it. All of these terms can be used interchangeably.We do need to be precise when looking at the Standard Revision. My committee will choose our words carefully. Thank you for your comments. Feel free to put them in writing and send them to me-or put them in "Yips and Yaps." Membership Reportby Jerrie Freia, Membership Chairperson 1072 A Landry Road Morgan City, LA 70380 504 384-7466Letters, other than those from sponsors, commenting on applicants whose names have been published in the Review are to go to Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TX 75006. She needs them soshe can convey the contents to the Board members being asked to vote on said applicants. If they go elsewhere, they may be delayed and not reach the Board before they are to vote on acceptancerejection.The Board has recently voted to approve a new membership application form. This one incorporates sufficient space for both sponsors to answer the usual questions and add additional remarks about the applicant There is no longer any geographical restrictions.Replacing actual separate letters from each of the two sponsors will be then- endorsements on the form inself.The new form is printed on buff paper to distinguish it from all older forms.Copies of the new application form are obtainable from the Membership Chair.New Members for 1995Darlene E. and John BoydRR Castleton Ont Kokimo, Canada 905 344-7206 SponsorsElizabeth Dupuis Chris HeartzElizabeth Russell344 Woodlake Drive Murphy, TX 75094 214881-0311 SponsorsGertrude A. Howell Annette Lynn HeiseDaniel and Bonnie Taylor 11363 Andrew Drive Garden Grove, CA 92643 714 537-9333 SponsorsGlenn C. Bernardo Connie HendricksApplications For MembershipCarmen Blankenship405 N. Shady Lane Southlake, TX 76092 817481-6485Conf d on page 11MULTIPLE GROUP AND BEST IN SHOW WINNERLA.AC Ch. Rock N Tradition of OakridgeShown in untrimmed coat.Jake wants to congratulate his kids that have finished this yearCh. Rock Music Box of Oakridge Ch. Kneislers Secret Tradition Ch. DeArtas Kewpie Doll of Falcor Ch. Nanshadows Mark of OakridgeAS WELL AS OTHERS NEARING THEIR CHAMPIONSHIPS. One boy lacks one point, a daughter lacks two point, and another girl lacks a three-point major. Others well on their way to championship. GOOD LUCK TO ALLNina K. Epps Route 5, Box 150Nixa, MO 65714 417725-5658w1V WINNERS DOGWINDWARD SHOWjLa SfJ Afrt. ..- 'Woodroses Short Circuit"Boxie" is shown winning a three-point major under Dr. Houpt at the Windward Show. He now has 11 points, including three majors. MAHALO to the judges who recognized his quality Darrell Baker, 4 points Dr. William Houpt, 3 points Frank Oberstar, 4 points.Congratulations to the Hattoris on their kennel visit.Breeder Owner Handler Yvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744WOODROSE 808235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967 Science Diet FedA-\l l ici iv^cai l i vji i ici cji iicai i viuu' iXA1i in'' a\lBEST of WINNERSvWINDWARD SHOWSandtowns Lovin Teaspoon"Teaspoon" is a new addition to our kennel. She already has 10 points including twc majors. We want to thank Dr. Houpt pictured and Mrs. Frances Thornton for her majors She is shown by our friend and handler, Kirk Ohira, who does a beautiful job presenting her.MAHALO goes to Lois Abjomson for allowing us to have her and the others that hav done well for us.Yvette and Clarice Oganeku 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967 Science Diet FedAround the Water Bowlby Linda Brogoitti 1011 West Campbell Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85013The cover of Cubby August issue looked great, but much as I hate to admit it, the story needs to be set straight. The sentence was to read "their Best in Show" but with my handwriting I guess it looked like "three Best in Show." Anyway, this time Ill type it out so you can read it. Maybe you could bury the correction way In back like our local newspaper does when they dont want anyone to see it Ha HaIve had some calls from members asking about how to start rescue programs and how to get their vets to help and what they need to start. Well, the last question is the easiest to answer. All you need to start is one needy Pom. Most of our dogs come from the County Rabies Shelter and the Arizona Humane Society.Our county shelter charges 65 for an adult and 45 for a puppy. A distemperparvo shot and a rabies vaccination and license are included. A voucher for spayneuter is included, and I fmd most vets accept this as full payment for small dogs. The county will dip all dogs as they are brought in, including those ready to give birth. This was my biggest worry when I began rescue, but I was assured these dogs were clean. WELL, GUESS WHAT My very first dog, Wonderful Wanda, came with fleas and shared with everyone so we learned to check them ourselves and have had no problems since.Some people like to leave a dog in the shelter to see if its adopted and will get it out when it comes up for euthanization. To each his own, I guess. I feel I can place that dog in a better home since I am familiar with the breed, I will evaluate each dog as an individual and only place it where I feel it should be. The shelters do not and are not allowed to screen potential adoptees. If someone has the money, he can have the dog.By adopting the dog, I know it will be spayedneutered since all are done before they are placed. If a bitch is up for adoptionat the shelter there is usually a drawing for her, so we all get together and go and put in our names. If a male is lost through a drawing, I am upset, but when its a bitch I try to follow up and see that they get her spayed. Many of the dogs are 5 years and older so when they are at the vet we also get their teeth cleaned and polished.I like to tell adoptive families the dog is all set for a year-just take it home and love it Also, its important to guarantee these dogs. I know some Rescues do not, but I feel if we dont guarantee these dogs, they could wind up in the same situation again. Paying 65 for a dog once is one thing-doing it again is something else. Every dog placed is guaranteed FOREVER. I tell them if something happens and you cant keep him, if he doesnt work out for your family, whatever happens he can always come home to Rescue. I try to refund their money-it depends on how many are in Rescue-and if I cant do it immediately, Ill get it to them as soon as I place a dog. You must remember that in Rescue, one dog placed pays for the next dog released from the shelter. Kind of like paying your bills when you first get married.I have never had a dog from the shelters bring in any disease. The only thing we do is give every dog and Intra-Trac n before it gets in the house. Every dog at a shelter has been exposed to kennel cough, and this should insure that if they do have it, it will be a milder case. Of course, before any Rescue is begun, have all your dogs current on their vaccinations. I never gave kennel cough before I started doing Rescue-now all my dogs are done on a regular basis and I have had no problems.Finding a vet who will work with you is a little more difficult but not impossible. If you know of other breed rescues in your area, ask who they use and how much of a break they will give to Rescue. A 30 discount is easy to work with, especially if you have any vouchers. If you explain what you are doing and that this is non-profit kinda like my regular dog stuff most vets are glad to help. Try asking the vet who does most of your dogs first and if that doesnt work, then ask around. Remember,American Komeraman uiudits not fair to all be using the same vet if a lot of Rescues are going to him. He needs to make a living, tooDeciding what fees to charge will depend on the dog and the economy. You heard me right-the economy-the fees you ask should be under what Poms in your area with papers sell for. After all, the whole idea is to find homes, not compete with the ads in paper. Our fees are between 85 and 150. This includes all shots, spayneuter, dental if needed, adoption fees from the shelters, and any medication necessary. Some dogs are brought to us already spayed so we dont have that cost or adoption fees to cover. Unfortunately, some come in with many medical problems and their bills may be way over 150 but it all averages out somehow. Sometimes you get lucky and a dog is returned with no refund asked for. I have a 6-year old mix back that was placed September, 1993, and she was returned two months ago because they were allergic to her thats what they told me. I placed her two weeks later and she coughed after they had her groomed and ALL HER HAIR CUT OFF. Im thinking of starting a RENT-A-POM the way she bounces back and forth. She walks in the front door, greets the others, and heads for the dog beds, completely unconcernedAll dogs going through Rescue also carry a tattoo on their inside rear leg saying P RSQ and their number. Questionnaires and contracts are filled out on each dog with copies to the owner of all medical records except prices-this between you and the vet feeding instructions, a weeks supply of food, leash and collar, and food dishes. NEVER, NEVER place a dog for free If you some people have nothing invested in an animal, they have nothing to lose by dumping him. Everything has a value, especially the little ones who need our help.Use some imagination when you place ads in the classified section. Some weeks there are 13 Pom ads in our local paper so mine has to catch their eye. My last ad read "Pom REQ. Pre-Owned Dogs, Low Mileage, Full Warranty, 85 to 150." I started the week with 6 dogs and placed 5 of them. Some callers just wanted to know what I was offering, but it gave me theopportunity to inform them of the ove population problem and hopefully mad them a little wiser about what to look fo and what to ask when looking for a dog Sometimes I really luck-out, and the persoi who wanted a Pom with papers, under months old, and must be a female winds u] adopting a Rescue male, no papers, and years old.I hope this answers some of the questions Think about Rescue. The fulfillment o seeing a bright, loving, and healthy Pon walk out the door with his adoptive famil instead of lying in a plastic bag at thi shelter should do it for anyone with a heartThanks for listening, Dudley. Keep up th great work and let me know if I can help. Contd from page 6FAX 214 259-1684 SponsorsCharlotte Creed Erika MoureauSteve and Jill Cookston 6509 Briarknoll Garland, TX 75043 214 226-2644 SponsorsMildred G. Patrick Olga BakerBecky Sabourin2814 Blackhurst Road Midland, MI 48640 517 832-308 SponsorsJeanne Blank Marge KranzfelderNeil and Sharon Ponte-Carvo2200 N. White Avenue Pomona, CA 91768 FAX 909 593-8915 SponsorsSharon Hanson Daniel OntiverosThistle Matic-x.ffBREEDBESTOFBESTOFaAtGlen Iris Dances With Wolves"Kevin" just needs a major to finish. Thanks to Judge J. Gordon-Alexander pictured.OWNERSWilliam and Roberta Kerr 346 Tremaine Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217-2536 716877-5886BREEDERSCheryl Jackson Joel Taylor 1038 16th Avenue Birmingham, AL 35205Pom-Powered by Science DietVMJWWWWWAmerican Pomeranian uiud 11IiBEST OF OPPOSITE SEXWESTERN RESERVE KENNEL CLUBDAVID RICHALVERSON PHOTO 994Tim Sues High Priestess"Suzy" charms everyone who meets her. She moves like a dream. [ Thanks to Judge C.C. Scott pictured.OWNERSWilliam and Roberta Kerr 346 Tremaine Avenue Kenmore, NY 14217-2536 716877-5886BREEDERSTim and Sue Goddard Route 2, Box 540 Opel os as, LA 70570-0540Pom-Powered by Science DietPerformance NewsLois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue South Fargo, ND 58103 701280-1413Correspondence Lets start with orrespondence.Margaret McKee writes of her experience vith Charm during a nursing home visitAfter a Richmond Dog Obedience Club lemonstration at a nursing home, the ictivities director asked me if a couple of us ould bring our dogs to rooms of residents vho were unable to attend the demo. I left he Greyhound with a friend and followed her with Charm Idlewyld Charm Bracelet CDX. I was unprepared for what we found in the first room. A young woman had been badly injured months before in an automobile accident and was in a coma. I out Charm on the bed and told her to snuggle up, which she did. I then told the young woman that Charm, a Pomeranian was curled up by her side, and I described Charm. Then I told her I was going to help her pet Charm. I took one of her rigid, claw-like hands in mine. Did I feel it relax I stroked Charms fur with the hand and the patient opened her eyes. I continued to help her stroke the dog and talked to her. "look," cried the nurse. "Shes smiling" We left the room a few minutes later in tears. I never heard if that young woman made any further progress, but I like to think so.Thank you, Margaret, for sharing such an inspirational moment with us. When I first read Margarets letter, it gave me chills It is amazing what our special Pom friends can do.Marian Lazzara writes about Bobbys new titleBobby finally got his UD He finished May 21st with a score of 191 -3 points for dropping an article and first place in class. Although he still has a big go-out problem, we will finish up Utility A, take the summer off and try for that UDX in the fall.I was able to meet Marian and Bobby at the Des Moines Specialty. They are a fun team to watch and the crowd adores the small dogs. Pat Cummings, Kristine Whitney, Barbara Meyers and I were theIt other exhibitors at the specialty. It was great to see these poms performing at all the levels. There were 6 entries, so scores earned here counted as legs toward titles. At a specialty, 6 dogs showing in all regular classes meet AKCs minimum requirements for earning a title. See Chapter 3, Section 4 Chapter 4, Section 4 and Chapter 5, Section 4 of the AKC Obedience Regulations.There were lovely trophies offered in each class. Thank you to all the donors who recognize the dedication of the obedience exhibitors. It is a generous gesture that is appreciated by the exhibitors.A lot of effort has gone into making Obedience classes available at our specialties. Please support the show giving clubs with entries when you can. It can be a disappointment to enter and not have enough dogs show up to earn a leg. Let's support the Obedience portion of the specialties to give the entries a chance at legs and to show that our wonderful Poms can work for us.'V"J" and "Ursa" owned by Vicky LeitnerVicky Leitner writes about "Js" new CDMy black and tan boy, Lil Cherob's Courbette Json, attained his CD on June 11, 1994. "J" competed in 6 trials and qualified in 5 of those acquiring scores of 19512, 195, 193, 192, and 183 with a first, 2nd, and a fourth placement. Along the way, he won two High Scoring Toy in trials and two High Scoring Pom in Trial awards.JA-NEWBYintroduces"PEANUT"Q . . sVmALEXSMITHPHOTOGKAPirf.GROUP 4 ttiLONDONA199A__Can. Ch. Ja-Newbys Gold PeanutCh. Bi-Mars Whipoorwiil x Little Mistique GingerPeanut is shown finishing his Canadian Championship in style with back-to-back Group Placements from the classes over top Canadian Specials. Thank you Mrs. Wanner and Mr.Jenner.Were looking for majors in the US.BreedersOwners James and Betsy New 5565 Concord Hill Drive Columbus, OH 43213 614866-7563HandlersEvelyn and Rollie Conley 20075 Vining Road New Boston, Ml 48164 313753-0245"J" will be going to a Gaines Regional in 995 to compete with the "big boys." He ill also be coupled with Ch. Courbettes udge It Budget CD in a few brace bedience classes-should be a lot of fun tid laughs Of course, if he can train imself for open like he did for novice, Im are hell have a CDX behind his name ame day.I wish everyone who loves Poms could ave a "J" but he is one of those rare blends f beauty, brains, and heartwarming soul here are never enough of those to go round it seems. I would like to thank heryl Roseboom, Js breeder for letting me ave him. He is the ultimate companion ogCongratulations to Marian and Vicky with leir wonderful Poms on their new titles I link it is fascinating that both are not ssting on their laurels, but are already ocussing on the next goal Well be vatching for the next titles. Good luckAs I promised, here is my philosophy on iqing.I see nqing as a challenge.It is a challenge to figure out if the nq was lue to a handler error, the dogs error or ircumstances beyond control.Some handler errors are easy to fix, if you now what they are. Many handler errors tern from not studying the rules and egulations for the registry entered close nough, if at all. The rules for the specific lass entered need to be studied in detail as veil as the regulations in the front of the 100k and the definition of terms. When you ign any entry form, you state that you have ead and will show by that registrys rules nd regulations.The stress of showing or unfamiliarity vith the ring procedure can cause handler rrors. This is where showing in matches an help. If matches are used to familiarize i handler with the order of the exercises and he verbal formulas a judge uses, they can e a great help. Some stress errors can nclude giving the wrong command or using oth a hand signal and verbal command vhen only one or the other is permitted. Some handler errors can be difficult tofigure out because they are so subtle. The upper classes are more demanding in a handlers accuracy in following the rules. The more hand signals involved in exhibiting, the greater the chance for a handler to make an error due to stress. A signal that the dog responds to in class may be slightly distorted by a handler under stress. The signal "feels" the same to the handler, but the dog doesnt recognize it. Can you visualize the dog waiting across the ring for the handler to signal and not responding because the signal doesnt look the same to it This would seem to explain the phenomenon of the dog that looks straight at the handler in the ring and is accused of being defiant or ring-wise when it doesnt respond. The handlers time sense is usually distorted in the ring. A most common handler reaction is to snap out commands in the ring. Verbal and hand signals can be different under stress than when the handler makes them in practice, which would make them seem new or garbled to the dog. This type of handler error can seldom be determined by the handler. Careful observations outside the ring is needed to determine the change in the signal. Videotaping the handlers signals can help find subtle to us differences. The variation that the dog does not recognize usually occurs when the hand is still at the handlers side, during the beginning signal. Dogs are so keyed in to body language that the first 5 seconds of the signal which takes place at the handlers side is the critical point of recognition for the dog. This part of the signal is where the handler really needs to concentrate.If the nq is the dogs error, it can be because the dog doesnt really know the exercise, the dog is confused or concerned about some part of the exercise, an honest mistake or by choice. If a dog doesnt really understand the exercise, start at the beginning and re-teach perhaps teach for the first time what the dog is supposed to do. For example, if the stay is a problem in the recall, break it down and re-teach just the stay. Then put it back into the complete exercise. If the stay is not re-taught here, it can very well come back as a problem in the group exercises and the stand for exam.AI I ICI llQI I iwll Ivl Cl I IIC11 I VIUUkXALEXSMITHPHOTOGRAPHt,t .IytDC -K "' .-a .-, X TTcf'orpST PUPPY BREEDUNi^'aj COUNTS "1 CLUB1994. fCanadian Champion Mercers Flash DancerCh. Mercers Mostly Duke x Mercers MelindaCongratulations to Kay and Alan Fairbairn of McGregor, Ontario, Canada, on the championship of this ten-month-old male puppy.At ten months of age Dancer accumulated the following impressive wins14 Best of Breeds 15 Best Puppy in Breed One Best Puppy in GroupWe wish Kay and Alan the best with their two new Mercer additions, Mercers Utmost Dazzling Star male and Mercers Cookie Doll female. We hope all then- hopes and dreams come true. Its always a pleasure to have our Poms go to homessuch as this. XDan and JoEllen Mercer 308 889-3109ake time to make sure all the stays are sally understood from the beginning, ioing back to the beginning is one of the ardest things to do, but it is the surest way d find out if the dog has a problem with the oncept you have tried to teach him. Each xercise can be broken down into tiny steps, f the dog is asked to go through each step gain, as if it were being taught the first ime, and the dog has a problem with it, tien it didnt understand the exercise from tiat point on. The trainer would know to tart teaching the dog at the point where it acked understanding. If the dog can go all lie way through the training sequence, then erhaps the proofing needs to be more omprehensive.If the nq is an honest mistake on the part if the dog, then it should not re-occur, everyone makes mistakes, even the handler. If a dog has made a choice not to do the xercise, it may be a one time thing and ront re-occur. It may be a stress induced esponse, such as a sneeze or yawn or voidance of looking at the handler for a ignal. The handler will have to do omething to lower the stress levels such as hanging the pre-ring warm up, .ccustoming the dog to travel or the iresence of dogs, etc. Other handlers talk of ing-wise dogs that need correction, but I m not convinced of this. I think that a tress response is more likely the answer. Circumstances beyond ones control are rustrating. A loose dog that crashes hrough the ring and upsets the working dog o much that it cant pass even when e-judged is rare. The noise from hail hitting i metal roof during the pattern or group xercises is hard to proof for. Extreme heat r humidity at outdoor shows can also cause iroblems. Animals and insects can also be [uite unpredictable at outdoor shows. Ring et ups and L"luck" that would place two logs on go outs, into each other with only i rope between the ring is a "fluke." These ire nqs you have to walk away from and hrug off. It would be extremely unusual to eep running into the same circumstances except perhaps for the heat.The educational part of nqing comes in vhen trying to figure out where the error vas made, who made the error, why theerror was made and how the error is going to be fixed.The judge tells you where the error was made on the score sheet, but sometimes it is necessary to check with the judge to find out exactly why something was scored as nq or where the points were lost.Figuring out if it was handler error, the dogs error or a combination is the next step. Fixing the human error usually calls for research into the rule book and for careful observation by other people. Fixing the dogs error usually goes back to checking for the dogs understanding of what it is supposed to be doing. If the dog understands, then a more thorough proofing will usually fix it. Be really careful about corrections, because they can undermine the dogs confidence and cause incredible problems that can have you back to square one re-teaching the exercise and re-building the dogs confidence.If the nq is due to a combination of handler and dog errors, more ring experience can help. Matches can be a great help, if you dont correct the dog, but help the dog to give the correct response. Correcting at matches can help the dog to associate ring conditions with "bad things happen here." Positive experiences in a match setting will help both the dog and the handler relax in the show setting. If matches arent available, the handler may opt for entering shows, realizing that they probably wont pass, but that the goal is for the dog and handlers performance to improve. These improvements are what I refer to as "nqing better."If a dog and handler team nq at a show in two exercises, but do better than they expected in one of the exercises, then they have "nqed better" and need to recognize that improvement for their mental picture of their performance. For example, the dog nqs on the stand for exam by moving out of position and sitting when the handler returns to heel position, but stayed during the exam which had always been a problem before, then the dog nqed better than expected. That is encouraging because the dog is gaining confidence in its understanding of what is wanted of it by the handler. The dog is also accepting aAmerican Pomeranian uiud i9Congratulations to Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori on their Kennel Visit.A charming couple whom I have the pleasure of knowingRuth L. Beam Pineville, NC 28134704 889-9233 P.O. Box 937 JCongratulations to im and 'YYlarit^Jdattori on your^JCennel Uiitdoth ofyou. have made it fun yoiny to doy shows, jood lucL with your new Lf, Worym, and all the other beautifulpomA at^Jdaihu.Jm loohina forward to sharing more yood timed.Betty Aona89-554 Farrington HwyWaianae, HI 96792 808 668-2543tranger going over it in a stress filled ituation. If the dog then nqs in the recall xercise on the stay, the handler can figure hat the stress of being left alone until the ommand to come is given was more than he dog could deal with. The dog probably mew the exercise, but wasnt comfortable nough with the situation to be able to emain in the stay until the command was iven. This is a confidence problem, and hould not be dealt with by correction. The landler can reduce the urge to correct in a uture training by noting the earlier success, ven though it was only a partial success in he total exercise.It is very important for a handler to be iware of these improvements for a realistic licture of what the dog and handler are iccomplishing. It is also important so that he handler doesnt place blame on the dog ind cause problems during future practices, rhese small improvements can also see the landler through nqs while showing to a itle. It is difficult and discouraging to ontinue practicing and showing if improvements arent recognized. People leed positive reinforcement too.Nqing can make a person a better landler, a more thorough and creative rainer, and improve the trainers ibservations of the dog and their ommunications with the dog.Nqs can cause a handler to re-evaluate heir goals. Maybe the goals were too high o be met at the time of showing. Maybe the log needed more time in training andor iroofing to be successful in the ring. Maybe nore in-depth research into the rule book vould help. Maybe videotaping the handler vould help to determine where the problem iriginates. Maybe the goals need to be idjusted to become realistic and attainable or this handler and this dog.Nqs can also help the handler see if they vant the title too much. A lot can be letermined by the intensity of the lisappointment the handler feels. If it is xtremely intense, the handler may have inrealistic goals and expectations. Perhaps he handler is pushing the dog or hemselves too hard. Perhaps the dog has lot been given enough time to understand vhat the exercise really is about. Perhapsthe handlers desire to qualify has caused them to lose perspective of this game. The handlers attitude may need to be adjusted back to thinking of the dog as a valued and respected partner.If the nq is viewed as a new challenge that the handler accepts, it can be a catalyst that can help the handler grow by causing them to figure out creative ways to train beyond the nq. The bond between the dog and handlertrainer can be strengthened as the dogs learning process becomes better understood. The handlers growing ability to communicate what is wanted of the dog can become a triumph that both the dog and handler can savor.Nqs arent fun. They mean a lot of work, but they arent the end of the world. I have yet to see the bloody wall where handlers who nq are lined up and shot Nqs can be a humbling experience. They are a common bond between almost all exhibitors.In 10 years of training and showing, I have only met one lady who is a first-time handlertrainer with her first dog, a Golden, who has never nqed. They showed 5 times in Novice, 3 times in Open, and 3 times in Utility. Their scores werent high, but solidly in the 180s. I asked to shake this Canadian phenomenons hand because I am not sure I will ever meet someone like her again. I guess she is the exception that proves the rule.So for the rest of us, nqs are a part of exhibiting in obedience. They are just another thing to be dealt with. Always keep in mind, the handler is the one who sends the entry in. The handler should know that they can qualify for sure. The day the dog sends the entry in and nqs then the handler has a legitimate reason to be upset with the dogAnd thats enough of THATDoes anyone have any educational nqs they would be willing to share Please include how you trained beyond the nq. These are usually methods that you dont find in books. Does anyone have any funny nq storiesNew Obedience TitlesUDAmerican romeraman uiudof mmWatch us "Jive" in 95i'y v-.hfJnj I A t aI1ViVfewFIRST in GROUPoHr '' aWINDWARD SHOW i Ourthanks go to Judge Dr. Bid Houpt for this prestigious winANDas always, beautifully presented by Newton Young of Kauai.Loved and Owned byBetty Wrixon 1904 Nuna Place Honolulu. HI 96821I.Driftwood Love That Bob UD dog wned and bred by Marian Lazzara. The ores come from Utility A 191, first 191, rst 186 12.cnxBifrosts See N Choco Spots CDX log owned by Jayne Hoemke and bred by atty Jensen. The scores come from Open 171, 3rd 180 12 193, first and 184 12, 2nd.CDBi-Mar Sampico Top Hat and Tails CD log owned by Marva Daniels and bred by lary Rosenbaum. The scores come from kmce B 173 178 171 12.Joals Charles of Kilmarnock CD dog wned by Joan Harding and bred by Phyllis isque. Scores are from Novice A 183 85, 3rd 196, 3rd.Lil Cherobs Courbette JSon CD log owned by Victoria Ixitner and bred y Cheryl Roseboom. Scores come from ovice B 195 12, first 193 192 195,4th. Mister My Little Silverleaf CD bitch wned by Ron Patton and bred by Connie rist. I have no scores for this little girl. Rockin Red Roxie CD bitch owned by lelly Renee and Brett Richards and bred by hristine Milton. I have one Novice B score f 14,4th place.Teri-Dans Big Mama Ginger CD itch owned by Doris Krevo and bred by .H. and Terry Wilford. Scores come from ovice B 191 12, 2nd 184 12, 2nd 192 94, 3rd 192,4th.Tinkerbelles Never Never Land CD ritch owned by Brooke Moore and bred y Deborah and Don Beer. I have one ovice A score of 190, 3rd place.Congratulations to all these new title aiders. The effort of training and lOtivating has paid offI was able to watch some of the times lyne and Cocoa showed. It was impressive see them work through problems. Cocoa ad a confidence problem with the group tercises. Because of Jaynes persistence ad tenacity, they were able to earn their tie.All of these title holders have had to setand meet their goals. There are always challenges along the way that have to be met and dealt with. These dogs and handlers are true partners. The time in the ring is so minute when measured against the training time. Some of the best times and some of the most trying times occur during training. It is awesome when everything comes together in the ring and all the work can be recognized with a titleCongratulations again and good luck on your next goal.Its New Years resolution time again. I try to make one realistic resolution that I can achieve during the year. For 1995, I resolve to try to appreciate the time I have with my 8 Poms, cat and husband to be aware of all the special everyday moments.Celebrate the year all year longTheres Joy in Pom-de-moniumCongratulationstoJim and Merit Hattori ontheir Kennel Visit May you continue togfew and prosper.Julie Moreno 415583-4973Pictured Going BW at the Texas KC for a hard to find majorThank you, Dr.Hungerland, and thank you, Lois, for your hard work andoutstandingpresentation.JBEST OF1WINNERSTEXAS ,1 kennel CLUB jjjjjphoto by petrulis-Guilci 5 Spartan KLsrryair2c.BEST OF BREED 'vFUN-TIER K.C.OF GRTR.KILLEEN FALL 1994 6COPR. PHOTO B^sa__Pretty Baby loved the Best of Breed almost as much as she lovedDorothy Welsh. Thank you, Mrs. WelshPretty Baby finished at Cen-Tex KC on1127 with a four-point major, but that is for anotherOWNER Chula Poms Norma C. Gad 5908 Upper Valley Road El Paso, TX 79932915584-0942HANDLER AND BEST FRIEND Mrs. Lois HankePO Box 386Elgin, TX 78621512 281-2502Owners Kellyfc.1mYou all met Nedd Jan Les C Me Badd in LA-now meet h little sister, "Tigger sired by Ch. Jan Les Willie M x Jan Les Quartrcup of Troi who is, of course, sporting th neat stripes of the brindle co She will be in New York with brother if his new handler, Er Moureau, makes it Nedd is n proven with two striped bo here at home-one orange brindle and one black brind The dam is solid orange breeding.Breeder Co-Owner Judy Mehciz 304 Morey Street Waukesha, Wl 53188Breeder Co-Owner Jane Lehtinen 218 744-5653 H 218744-2052 W'k lCh. Bea Mary Hazy Day x Ch. Stolanne Mica Rockelle"Hazy" was the winner of the Bred-By-Exhibitor Qass at both our National Specialty and at the LaCajun Pomeranian Club Specialty with tough competition. He has a great, harsh coat and nice movementFran Stoll R.R.3, Box 429BISA, BISS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Ch. Stolanne Texas TumbleweedWhat a thrill "Kisses" winning Reserve Winners Bitch at our National Specialty, her first show at six months of age. Watch for her. She has pizzazz and her sires great legs.Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857Top Poms List 1994Group Points Q Dogs Name Owner Group Breed 301 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock.................................... FetterTaylorJackson. ..10703...... ...106002 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water................ ..................Diane Finch........... ....5866...... ..... 51303 Ch HHH Texas Two Step......................... ...................H Ramirez............ ...5429....... ..... 49304 Ch Watts Little Nicodemus...................... ....................R Koppel............. ....3163...... ..... 29205 Ch Linchris Gengfiis Pom......................... ...................L Brogoitti............ ....2579...... ..... 29806 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy........... .................Dean Hebert........... ....2288...... ..... 35307 Ch Starfires I'm Too Sexy........................ ...................J Cabrera.............. ....2001 .......... 15208 Ch Creiders Prince Dom Periqnon............................M M Koga.......... ....I860....... ..... 10209 Ch Jain Les Willie Makit......................... ...................J Lehtinen............. ....1636 .. . ..... 21410 Ch Nanshadow Mark of Oakridge............ ............N BurnetteN Epps ... ....1083...... ..... 22011 Ch McGuires Wish Upon a Star.............. ...................... J Kern................ .....974...............9312 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold........................... ...................S Mulinax............. ..... 855...... ..... 16113 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday...................... ..............Dr. B P Strand....... .....791............ 27814 Ch Watts Little Socrates.......................... ..................... D Watts.............. ..... 703............ 13315 Ch VIP's Dixieland Delight...................... ................SmithGreedy.......... .....648 .. .. 16016 Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz........................... ..............LucidoMachline....... .....636...... ..... 14717 Ch Rodi's Mr Rocky Road........................ .................... D Solano................... 499...... ..... 12818 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino................ ..............PlonkeyGemmill....... .....492...... ..... 17319 Ch Phyner Joie D Vivre............................ ...................D Trauner............. .....425.... ..... 20220 Ch Wattles Legacy of Homestead........................McCrackenPurvis.............420...... ........33Breed Points01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock.....................................FetterTaylorJackson. ..10703...... ....106002 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water................ ..................... D Finch.............. ,...5866...... .... 51303 Ch HHH Texas Two Step............................................. H Ramirez............ ....5429 ....49304 Ch Glen Iris Luckdragon........................... ...............T S Goddard...............105...... ..... 35405 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy........... ....................D Hebert.............. ....2288 ..... 35306 Ch Linchris Genghis Pom......................... ................... L Brogoitti............ ....2579...... ..... 29807 Ch Watts Little Nicodemus...................... .................... R Koppel.. ....3163 29208 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday....................... ..............Dr P B Strand........ ....1083 ..... 22009 Ch Nanshadow Mark of Oakridge............ ............N BurnetteN Epps ... ....1083...... ..... 22010 Ch Jan Les Willie Makit.......................... ...................J Lehtinen............. ....1636.... .. 21411 Ch Phyner Joie D Vivre............................ ...................D Trauner............. .....425............ 20212 Ch Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky..........................................S Hanson....................412...... ..... 19513 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino................ ..............PlonkeyGemmill............492...... ..... 17314 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip............. ....StrasbaughGemmilllonkey.. 146.......... ..... 16715 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold........................... ...................S Mulinax............. .....855............ 16116 Ch VIPs Dixieland Delight...................... ................SmithGreedy 648 16017 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy....................... ...................J Cabrera..................2001 ...... ..... 15218 Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz........................... ..............LucidoMachline . ....636 14719 Ch Fame Chip of the Great Rock.................................... J Kern......................289...... ..... 13920 Ch Watts Little Socrates.......................... ..................... D Watts.............. .....703...... ..... 133While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistMeREVIEICHRISCENDO CENTRE STAGEWe had the BEST time in New Orleans\By CH. CHRISCENDO CALVIN KLEIN ex CAN. CH. RAZZLE DAZZLE CLASSIQUEBEST IN SWEEPS LA CAJUN POMERANIAN CLUB BEST IN SWEEPS APC SPECIALITY BEST OF WINNERS APC SPECIALITY WINNERS DOG AT THE ALL BREED SHOWThanks to judges Joel Taylor pictured. Erica Morreau, Kenneth Miller, and Anna Wanner for these wins.Matty thanks to all the members of LaCajun Pomeranian Club for making this the BEST Speciality everMany congratulation to Martt and Jim Hattort on thalr Konnol VlaltlCHRISTINE D. AND JOHN E. HEARTZ, P.0. BOX 189, BROOKFIELD, N.S., CANADA, BON1CO902 673-2446ChrgpendoAmerican romeraman uiud oKENNEL VISIT TO HAIKU KENNELSbyMarit Hattori'RJsV.l' The front view of the Hattori dwellingBoth Jim and I have been animal lovers since childhood he in Japan with German Shepherds and homing pigeons, me in New York and California with Dachshunds, Norwegian Buhunds, and horses. Once together and in Hawaii, we continued our love for animals with horses, poodles, a Siberian Husky, a Doberman Pinscher, and Labrador Retrievers. My son, Erik, and I went to look at a Pom specialty and fell in love with the beautiful little dogs. With the ever willing and helpful Josephine Ching, we began to research the breed. It was very important to me to have someone like Jo who would answer questions and take the time to impart her knowledge. All of us have been beginners and have been faced with the overwhelming sea of questions that invade our minds and reduce us to a mass of "I didnt-dont know." Then comes the problem of where do I find a puppy. Living in Hawaii has its limitations in that breeders are hesitant to send to us because of quarantine and the fact that we sit in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and must fly at least five hours in any direction to reach anywhere. Quarantine can be a plus or minus depending on how one attacks it but, I digress. We chose to look aroundAustralia and with the help of John Shepard, judge and Shih Tzu breeder, located a nice little orange bitch Trurer Show Girl-Sally. Sally came home with us and there started our career with Poms.Jim, an M.D., Ph.D., totally involved with medicine and Erik, a student who enjoyed obedience with his Lab and I found ourselves more and more involved with our little orange fluff. Sally streaked around our two acre expanse racing theVrvxJim, Erik and Marit Hattoriit.mmMl ' ''IUIiiView of the outside kennelsblack Labs, and took two points in a local show big deal, you would think we had a Best in Show we were so thrilled. Sally later whelped two puppies complete with C-section. Her grandson is Ch. Visp of Swiss Mist, proudly owned by Betty Wrixon.Sally was followed by Tiffany, a beautiful sable bitch purchased from Woodrose Kennels, followed by a few other puppies. By this time we were getting on our way. Jim was doing photography, Erik was handling, and Jo was helping us with the grooming, whelping, etc....I was filling in all the other spaces and Brad Odagiri, super handler, was also helping us out.We then started our search for a mainland kennel remember five hours to reach any land. With the help of Julie Moreno, we saw many puppies and were completely confused until we saw Dudley and Wanda Roachs Utters, where at that time we picked a couple of very young males. The Roachs with their usual kindness held on to these boys until they were old enough for quarantine. One of them was Queenaire Kamikazu of Haiku who finished easily and sired many nice pups including Haikus Fox Fire Kitsi Puppy. Multiple winner Kazu went toAustralia to become a top winner Down Under.We had been admiring photos of Chriscendo dogs in the Review and Registry. I wrote to Chris and John Heartz and then called only to be told that they wouldnt part with any pups unless they knew the buyers. What to do We hopped a plane and appeared on the doorstep of these dehghtful people. The rest speaks for itself. We not only received exceptional dogs but made wonderful Mends. Chriscendo Hard Rock took the group only a few days out of quarantine. Since then we have purchased two bitches from Canada-China Dolls Handle with Care and Bavanews Ana AUcia. Both blood lines emanate from Bavanew Kennels. Matt Heindl of Bavanew Kennels has since become a dear and valued friend.Erik is now cruise director on the Constitution American Hawaii Cruise Line. Jim has slipped even further into the showing and caring of our orange beasties. He has become a good handler and enthusiastic enough to work them into his busy schedule of professor with the University of Hawaii, Chief of the Anesthesia department at Kapiolani Hospital, and his practice. I am still fillingView of indoor outdoor kennelsAmerican Pomeranian ClubKazu and Kitsiegaps such as whelping and the rest Jim felt he spent too many years in medical school to be whelping and handling canine medical problems. Tami, our daughter, takes care of the Kennel bookkeeping and finances despite her job and studies. She is heading towards a Masters then Ph.D. in psychology.Jim and I travel a lot and manage to include a Pom function or visit wherever we go. Our Poms are responsible for an even greater cohesiveness-a unifiedredirection in our family. I think this i important as we live in an age of fami lie collapse.Our goal is to breed sound, beautift dogs with good temperaments and enjo ourselves in the process. We could neve attain our goal without the help an wisdom of people such as Josephin Ching, Wanda and Dudley Roach, Chri and John Heartz, Bradley Odagir Matthew Heindl, and of course, Tami an Erik Uattori. View of the back of the houseI'-y,K'aiZT-VcV'Chriscendo Hard Rock Morgan Morgan15rOHCLUBThe Pomeranian Club of Hawaii sends congratulations to Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori of Haiku Kennels on their Kennel Visit.We also send congratulations to Margo and Marvin Koga as proud owners of Ch. Creiders Prince Dom Perignon, Hawaiis top dog for 1994. Good luck and best wishes to Ch. "Peri," when he goes to New York in February to take a bite out of the BIG APPLEWan Dies As He Tries To Save DogHe drowns in lake pup swims to safetyby Alexei BarrionuevoStaff Writer of the Dallas Morning NewsJohn McLeod loved the water. He grew jp boating on the Ohio River. His current tome was just blocks from Grapevine ^ake and marina where kept his 19-foot pleasure craft.And a lifejacket was like a second skin, lis wife, Judy, said Sunday.But when his 4-month-old Pomeranian uppy leapt from his arms into the lake Saturday, Mr. McLeod, 51, dived in after he dog without a preserver and drowned, solice said.The dog, named Angel, swam back to he boat.Grapevine firefighters continued tosearch early Sunday for Mr. MdLeods body. He was a manager with Borden Foods packaging division in Arlington.Ms. McLeod, 49, and others at the marina where the Mclxods kept then- boat, said the accident is a reminder of how dangerous it is to jump into the water without a protective flotation device.But Ms. McLeod, who was with her husband when he dived over the side, struggled Sunday to understand why her husband did it"He just did this instinctively," she said. "He didnt turn off the motor. He didnt take it out of gear or anything. He just pulled his shoes off and dove in."I guess it was just his time."Their 24-year-old son, David McLeod, comforted his mother outside their home. He described his father, a district manager with Borden Foods Packaging division, as a devoted parent who loved spending time on the water.The family spent many an afternoon sunning and skiing on the lake, he said."We all know he loved every one of us," David McLeod said. "We cold always cont on him for anything that was needed no matter how small or big it was."The McLeods outing began about 3 p.m. Saturday, when they took two of their dogs out on the water.The couple got about 400 yards from the shore when the puppy, named Angel, slipped free of Mr. McLeods grasp, police said."He was driving the boat and holding the little one," Ms. McLeod said. "And somehow her collar thing broke, and she went in the water. And he jumped up, threw his shoes off and dove in."The dog got about 40 feet away from Mr. McLeod, she estimated. As he struggled, Ms. McLeod tried to turn the boat around to save her husband. She said she had never driven the boat before."I finally got it turned around," she said. "And I went to the back and got a life jacket and threw it to him...He just kept going down."When Mr. McLeod slipped below the surface, a woman from a nearby sailboat dived in to try to save him. Others in the sailboat threw out life preservers, too, police said.It was too late, said Carey Graves, a battalion chief with the Grapevine Fire Department. The lake was 30 to 50 feet deep where Mr. McLeod disappeared, Chief Graves said.Alcohol was not involved in the accident, Grapevine Police St. Sam Gladney said.Employees at Scotts Landing Marina, where the McLeods stored their boat, said the drowning brings home the necessity of life preservers."I get frustrated," said Ann Nielson, a marina employee. "I think its so senseless when its so easy to avoid."Bill Mentzer, a chief engineer of the Grapevine Sailing Club, also said people should leave their pets at home."He may have exhausted himself trying to save the dog," Mr. Mentzer said. "Thedog stays at home. This is not a norma environment for a dog."Mr. Mentzer added that many peopl fail to realize that dogs are goo swimmers and will swim to the neares shore.Before Saturday, the last drowning a Grapevine Lake occurred May 21, when Carrollton tax analyst jumped off sailboat for a swim and disappeared. Hi body floated to the surface several day later, officials said.As for the McLeods, they plan to sel their boat."I didnt like lakes anyway," Ms McLeod said. "I only went because h loved it and the kids loved it for skiing. I will be a long time before we get pas this."Yips and YapsDear EditorKeep up the good work with th Pomeranian Review. What a wonderfu little magazine. I have had my first Pom Annie, for 7 years, but I didnt get intc subscribing to your magazine or joining your club until this year. I thought this sort of thing was only for Pomeraniai breeders. I only subscribed at the urging of a girl friend who breeds Rottweilers who told me that it would give me different health tips, etc. What I though would be a boring little magazine abou breeding Pomeranians put out by a buncl of "holier than thou" breeders has turner out to be one of my very favorite magazines. I love your articles "Performance News by Lois Morkasse and "Tracking Your Pom" by Anr Griffith. Yes, I do like your kennel visits The pictures of where the dogs are brec Im sure encourages other breeders tc either keep or set their standards high. Tc me, the buyer is very important.However, what I like most is showing us, that there is life for the Pomeraniar after the breeding. I belong to an all-breec club here in Illinois. We were talking tc one man who obviously was a breeder ol Chihuahuas. My friend had remarked ailow cute his puppy was, and he replied, 'Oh, shes not such a puppy, she has had ler third heat." I thought to myself, is that ill she can do. Rabbits can do that. Maybe Im wrong, but with all the new events hat are being created for dogs, in the uture and maybe Im hoping, dogs will e bred not only for their looks but also or their brains.One more good point for your nagazine, I was so impressed I showed it o one of my girl friends who owns Dollies. She used to subscribe to the DoIIie Review. She said she wished the DoIIie Review had been as good as the Pomeranian Review.Im looking forward to more good irticles. Please keep up the good work.etty DeClueBOOK REVIEWby Lois MorkasselCompetitive Obedience Training forthe Small Dog by Barbara Cecil and Cerianne DarnellThis is the book I have been searching for since 1984 when I started training my Poms in obedience. Most books and trainers direct their training methods to larger breeds since the AKC developed their rules and regulations around the Standard Poodle and German Shepherd Dog. Few if any books or trainers even mention small dogs and how to begin to idapt training methods for them.Competitive Obedience Training for theSmall Dog covers the advantages of owning a small dog and everything from puppy training to Utility exercises. The ruthors advocate teaching the dog the exercises before taking them to a beginners class. With all the dogs and people and a new environment, it is hard for the dog to learn anything, let alone have the confidence to not hide from all lie chaos. This chaos can later become a means of proofing what the dog has learned. It can help to build confidence between the dog and handler.A training plan is given so that the dogcan be trained from Novice through many of the Utility exercises before being shown in the Novice class. Other trainers talk about training through Utility before showing in Novice, but rarely if ever is the process illustrated so that a novice trainer can benefit from this bit of wisdom. Barbara and Gerianne show the reader how to train by categories which can be adjusted for each dog and handler team in the form of an illustrated training schedule. The categories group the type of exercises together heeling, stays, recalls and go-outs, retrieving, jumping, and scent. The great thing is having the overall picture so the trainer doesnt create a future problem by training a certain way at a lower level. The categories show how every level is interrelated and how each is a building block for the next level of competition.The methods for training the exercises are clear and easy to follow. Perhaps a bit more step-by-step approach could be given for the completely novice trainer. But with trial and error of the trainer practicing with the dog and referral back to the book, most questions should be answered.Another point that Barbara and Gerianne emphasize is that the handler needs to know what they are doing before involving the dog in the training. This is especially important for novice trainers who want to work with their dogs. By following these guidelines, a novice handler can avoid a lot of errors in training their first dog.With two authors, it is refreshing to see two points of view given on certain training methods. It can be a revelation to novice trainers that there are more than one way to achieve a goal and that both ways will work. The methods are well thought out and the illustrations are helpful in visualizing what the words intend. I dont agree with all their methods, but that is mostly from personal experience and researching what would work for me and my dog. For example, I dont wash the articles for scent work. I train "hot" scent discrimination and I Continued on Page 48Behind the New TitiistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titiists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Can OTCH, U-CDX Kassels Dandelion Down CDX, AD, Rom, CGCOrange Female Breeder Betty Jo Mason Owner Lois MoikasselPombredens BT Disciple O God Villamero Blue Boy Pombreden Pombredens My Blue Heaven Sir Szilagyi John BoyCh Purtee Skoshi Tom-Tom Gorrin Cute DannaCute Doll of Hadldigh McKamey Palmers Petro of Blossom View Ch Edans Firecracker Gold Gems Contessa Masons Baby DollCrones Dandy Andy Masons Lil Bit O Heaven Crones Bee Jay GirlCh Watts Little Corkie TooOrange Male Breeder Dolores Watts Owner Donna Lynn WrightCh Apples Traveling Diamond ROM Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROM Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch Great Elms FirestarterCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms DollyCh Cedarwoods Image of Diamond ROM Ch Great Elms MastermarkGreat Elms Sweet Candy ROMX Great Elms Little CeraCh Emcees Terrific Wee Chips Chip-A-Ways Terrific Lisa Chip-A-Ways Terrific Windy^ Registrars Corner 'by Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045 503 650-0023Register of MeritCh. Southlands Mr. Extraordinaire Ch. Idas Touch of Bev-NorHall of Fame^ Ch. Watts Little Nicodemus ^Linchris PomeraniansHome of Best In Show. Best In Specialty Show Multi Group Winning Poms Ch. Stud Service Puppies Occasionally Quality Dogs for Show Pet Fully Guaranteed Home of Pom RescueLINDA BROGOITT1011 W. Campbell Ave.Phoenix. A2 85013-2614 602 265-49461MUIUolU S Since 1967pheramwHSFor Your Information....The members of the AmericanPomeranian Club passed the proposal for the revised Constitution andMSS. JULIE R. MORENO jL .ByLaws. Be advised that they are not Please cal after 104a Avalid until the American Kennel Club aja.Padlkttaie. WWrvhas approved them. 415M973 All rights reservedJan-hars 6weet Georgia DrownA special Thank You to JudgeErika Moureau for awarding Georgie BOS inSweepstakesinNew Orleans.Georgie, sired by Ch. Jan-Shars Absolutely A Masterpiece x Jan-Shars Big Mama, was also awarded WB for a 4-point major at the Louisiana Kennel Club by Judge Virginia Sivori during that competitive week. QPOMSTAR POMERANIANSBreeder-Owner Sharon Hanson JAN-SHARHandler Barbi KutilekoAmerican Komeranian uiudInformation from the Premium List American Pomeranian Club, Inc.Member of AKC Indoors and Unbenched75th Specialty Show-4th Obedience TrialLaGuardia Marriott Grand Ballroom 102-05 Ditmars Blvd.East Elmhurst, NY 11360 Saturday and Sunday, February Hand 12,1995 Show hours 800 a.m. to 600 p.m.Entries close at Show Secretarys office at noon, Wednesday, January 18, 1995, after which time entries cannot be accepted, canceled, altered, or substituted except as provided for in Chapter 11, Section 6 of the Dog Show Rules. Note early closing date.AdvertisingDeadline for catalog ads is December 15, 1994. Camera-ready ads only can be submitted until January 6, 1995. Camera-ready ads must be no larger than 4 14x7 inches. Please include identification on all photos. Do not write directly on back of photo. Make checks payable to APC and mail to Pam Yongen 2777 N. Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 phone 317 773-5912.Prices Full page, 35.00 each photo, 10.00 Half page, 25.00 business card, 5.00.Judges and their assignmentsAll regular and non-regular classes, Mrs. Michelle Billings Regular and non-regular obedience classes, Mr. Arthur Weiss Sweepstakes, Mrs. Marlene Scott Halsey.For additional information, contactMrs. Jean Schroll, Show Chair 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045 Phone 503 650-0023.Assistant Show Chair Mrs. Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Circle Carrollton, TX 75006 Phone 214 316-1504.Hospitality Audrey RobertsWays and Means Mary VickersEntry Fees25.00 for first entry of each dog except puppy class which is 12.50. Each additional entry of same dog is 12.50. Sweepstakes is 12.50. Junior Showmanship only, 12.50 each additional class is 10.00MI BABE POMSPresents our latest Championi8wBESTOPPOSITE SEXOKLAHOMA CHI' KENNEL CLUB.PHOTO BY KTRutfoCh. Rain Beaus N Belles AahsThe first time I saw "Aahs," I fell in love with this beautiful red sable guy bred by Barbara A. Thomas with the great movement and adorable "look me over" attitude. He was nearly four years old, and had never been shown, but, with Sues consent, I decided to go for it The first time out, he got a reserve which gave us hope to go on. Next weekend out, he won the points both days under Judges Dawn Vick Hansen and Ken Miller. A short while later, he went to handler Lori Wilson in March and came home in April a Champion at the age of 4 12, finishing with 3 majors.Thanks, Sue, for sharing "Aahs" with meCo-OwnerMI BABE POMERANIANS Babe McCombs RL1, Box 1266 Ola, AR 72853 501489-5510Co-OwnerRAIN BEAU POMERANIANS Sue Jean Cook 6810 S. Magnolia Ocala, FL 34476 904237-1636American Pomeranian Club 4MI BABE POMSpresents "Aimee" and "Glamour"A"O'Mi Babe Aim For Fame and Mi Babe Rain BeausGlamourMi Babe Aim For Fame left, winner of the Bred by Exhibitor class, and Mi Babe Rain Beaus Glamour right, winner of the open bitch class at the American Pomeranian Club National Specialty in New Orleans, were owner handled. "Aimee" is sired by Ch. Rain Beaus N Belles Aahs and "Glamour" is an "Aahs" granddaughter. I am extremely proud of these two girls. Glamour is co-owned and co-bred by Sue Cook. Aimee is for sale. Call for price.Thanks to the La Cajun Pom Club of Louisiana for putting on these two Specialties. Your hard work and hospitality was greatly appreciated by all who attendedOwned and Bred by Babe McCombs Rtl, Box 1266 Ola, AR 72853 501489-5510RAIN BEAU POMERANIANS Sue Jean Cook 6810 S. Magnolia Ocala, FL 34476 904237-1636Quantity PricePOM SHOPPE ITEMSItem01.................. . 2.50........ ....Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced03.................. .... 4.00............. I AM's Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red06................. .... 3.00....... ..... Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white, green, rose white,17................. .. 25.00.......brown cream, beige, green white ..... Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01.................. .. 25.00....... ..... Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v. 3.215................. .... 3.00....... ..... Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe '8601.................. .... 2.50....... ..... Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoked mirror14................. .... 5.00....... ..... Small key ring wPom head on white tile11................. .... 6.00............. Lucite full Pom figure key ring01.................. .... 7.50............. Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52.................. .... 5.00....... ..... APC membership pens....3.00........ ..... APC Decals setone large and two smallBess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613Od ss an ansF BREED RtIETYWEST TOYMALTYU N ASMAN PHOTO T.BISBISS Ch. Odysseys Keno Wiz, GC, HOF, ROMOdyssey Poms offers a belatedcongratulations to Marge Kranzfelder on her recent Kennel Visit.Marge is a truly genuine person who keeps me going in good times and bad. Thanks for being my friend.We also offer sincere good wishes to Jim and Marit Hattori on their Kennel Visit They are very deserving of this honor.In a very brief outing in 1994, Keno won BISS win 8.Thank you, Judge Mrs. Isabell Staffers.Janet Manuszak-Lucido 209 438-0556American romeraman uiuuAPC Summer Specialtyby Sue GoddardThe La Cajun Pomeranian Club of Louisiana hopes everyone who came to our hosting of the APC Summer Specialty and our clubs first Specialty had as much fun as we did hosting the events.Everyone had a busy schedule starting with the Hair Loss Seminar conducted by Dr. Carol Foil, quickly followed by a well-attended judges seminar taught by Education Director, Sally Baugniet. Wednesday, October 26, was capped off by a tasting party with the special dishes prepared by our fabulous cooks.The show committee got a very early start on Thursday, October 27, as we did not have access to the ball room until 530 a.m. and were hard pressed to get everything ready for judging to begin at 800. The judging proceeded smoothly with sweepstakes judge Erika Moureau looking confident and conducting her ring like a pro. The regular classes were judged by noted Pomeranian authority and long time breeder, Ken Miller. The puppy classes accounted for almost one-half of the total entry and obviously, Mr. Miller found them the most challenging as he picked puppies for Winners Dog, Reserve Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, Reserve Winners Bitch, and a recently finished 6-9 move up, as his Best of Opposite Sex. Best of Breed went to the February Specialty Winner.Thursday evening was the Mardi Gras Banquet and most of the attenders were in costume. A hastily assembled judges panel was hard pressed to select the best lady and gentleman in costume.The committee, chaired by Chuck Nelson and ably assisted by Gene Garindano and Johnny Messmer, chose Ruth Wagner, dressed as a clown, and Mary Allans husband,we really didnt know he existed up until this point who was dressed as a gentleman from the Arabian Nights. A superb dinner was followed by an animated auction called by Steve Cookston, assisted by Wayne Moureau and Darrell Baker, which went very well for the club.Friday began at 800 a.m. with sweepstakes judged by Joel Taylor who chose many of the same puppies, in slightly different order, as those chosen by Erika. Joel was efficient and decisive in making his choices.The regular classes were judged by Doug Wilson who seemed to thoroughly enjoy his assignment and also chose puppies for the major wins of Winners Dog and Winners Bitch. These were not the same choices as Mr. Miller, but had been in contention on Thursday. Best of Breed and Best of Opposite Sex were lovely Champions chosen from 24 specials and on one absent special. Friday evening we transported everyone in three school buses to the wharf, where we all enjoyed an unplanned stroll down the dock to board a river boat for our dinner cruise. Since we had misunderstood the location for departure, the ships captain arranged for us to disembark closer to the waiting buses for our return trip, for which many were thankful.Saturday and Sunday were the all-breed shows and everyone was free to explore the French Quarter, Casinos, and the New Orleans area.I especially want to thank my husband, Tim Goddard, who was Show Secretary-Show Chairman. This was a job he had never done before and after he found out how much work it was, I imagine he regretted volunteering. Not using a superintendent did save us a large amount of money, but I think Tim would be glad to personally pay a superintendent next time.A BIG thank you goes to Tiny Nelson-Hospitality Chairperson and Barbara Messmer who assisted her. Most agree that hospitality is what people remember and Tiny and Barbara worked very hard to make sure everyone had a memorable time.My personal thanks goes to Jim and Marit Hattori who made the mistake of visiting us just before the specialty and generously agreed to haul a trunk load of trophies. BarbaraWhiddon and Jack ONeal made a trip to my house to cany the large boxes containing equipment given as prizes and hardly had room for their dogs and luggage.Ginny Dupre deserves special recognition for managing the auction items and displaying them.The art works provided for our specialty trophies was given to the club by its generous, talented artist, Sharon Dugas.From the time this club was organized, we had planned toward this event, and all the members have donated time, money, and talent, and so I think everyone deserves special recognition.We look forward to our next specialty, which we hope will be in conjunction with the Baton Rouge Memorial weekend shows and invite all of you back and those of you who could not come to put this on your list of things to do.Thank you everyone who donated to the trophy fund, placed ads, made entries, and supported our specialties. They were SPECIAL and so are youAmerican Pomeranian ClubOctober 27,1994 Sweepstakes Judge Erika MoureauPuppy Dog 6-91 ........... Chriscendo Centre Stage............................2 .............Jan Le's Maker of Fools............................3 ................La Cheries Sky King.............................4 ..........Jeribeths Prince Cherokee...........................Puppy Dog 9-121 ..............Chinadoll's Terminator................................................... Joan and Melv Beech2 ........Fan-Cs Rock Star's Playboy..............................................................Florence Scott3 ..............Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy............................................................Sharon Hanson4 ........Absolutes Harleys Son David..........................................................Jeanne BlankChristine Heartz ... Jane Lehtinen .. Dorothy Martin ........Olga Baker123412341234Puppy Bitch 6-9....Stolannes Burnt Sienna Kiss..............................................................Frances Stoll....Jan-Shars Sunny Side Up ........................................................... Barbara Murphy...Yellow Rose Ms America Parti...............................................................Lynn Heise........Foxfires Shy Girl Friday..................................................................Linda ParksPuppy Bitch 9-12Jan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown...................................................... Sharon Hanson..........Absolutes Biker Babe.................................................................Jeanne Blank...........Chestaras Fantasia.............................................................Bill and Bev Henry.............HHH Megan Rose...............................................................Peggy HendricksBest in SweepsChriscendo Centre Stage Best OppositeJan-Shars Sweet Georgia BrownRegular ClassesJudge Kenneth E. MillerPuppy Dog 6-9....Chriscendo Centre Stage............................................................ Christine HeartzMajestics Willie B Steppin Up..........................................AnnettB Rogers Rister.... Jan Les Maker of Fools...............................................................Jane Lehtinen........La Cheries Sky King............................................................... Dorothy MartinPuppy Dog 9-12....Chinadolls Terminator................................................... Joan and Melv Beech....Jan-Shars Mr Nice Guy............................................................. Sharon HansonFan-Cs Rock Stars Playboy............................................................Florence Scott.... Puf-Pride Cloudbreaker.........................................Warren and Virginia DimickBred by Exhibitor Dog.... Stolannes Hazy Image...................................................................Frances StollRolling Oaks Rowdy Rebel..........................................................Cindy Boulware...... Milos High Fidelity.......................................................................Lois Hanke... Jeribeth Prince Playboy.................................................................... Olga BakerOpen Dogs ROCSCreiders Time for a Tiger..........................Norma Creider and Lois AbjornsonWhid-Dons Dynamite Charge.......................................................... Sharon DugasBen-Ji Im a Little Salty D......................Judy Sams and M. Deanne Rinehart...... Macs Dark Image............................................................... Estelle McDonaldOpen Dogs, Brown, Black, Blue.Heartlands Park Avenue................................................................ Donna Riehm...... Elans Terminator....................................... Melissa and David DahlenburgOpen Dog AOAC. Forever Aspects of Love....................................................... Marge KranzfelderWinners DogChriscendo Centre Stage Reserve Winners DogChinadolls TerminatorPuppy Bitch 6-9Kneislers Nickis Tradition................... Catherine Breaux and Maria KneislerStolannes Burnt Sienna Kiss..............................................................Frances Stoll............Sunglds Venus....................................................................Anna LaFortuneCreiders Sweet Magnolia...........................................................Valerie LandersPuppy Bitch 9-12............HHH Megan Rose............................................................... Peggy Hendricks...........Chestaras Fantasia.............................................................Bill and Bev HenryJan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown....................................................... Sharon HansonValcopy-Wakhan Tatiana.................................. Strasbaugh, Plonkey, GemmillBred by Exhibitor Bitch... Mi Babe Aim For Fame............................................................Babe McCombsDupres Sparkling Gold Toy....................................................Mrs. James DuprePraizhymn Blest Be The Tie.................................................. Rebecca ODonnell....Absolute's Biker Babe................................................................... Jeanne BlankAmerican Bred BitchCarousel's Lil Ms Dangerous.......................................................Michael MarcottePuf-Pride Taunfg Tipper..........................................Waren and Virginia DimickTreasured Tenacious Tyke...........................................................Claudia WallaceDugas Delightful Endeaver.........................................................Mrs. Ted DugasOpen Bitch ROCSMi Babe Rain Beaus Glamour...........................Babe McCombs and Jean Cook........Tim Sues Hoity Toity............................................................Carolyn CrockettChulas Spartan Pretty Baby.................................................................Norma GadFoxfires Shy Girl Friday..................................................................Linda Parks-P. co ro - 4^ co ro ^ ^coro-- -p go r\ ^ w mWinners Bitch-Kneislers Nlckis Tradition Reserve Winners Bitch-Stolannes Burnt Sienna KissVeteran Bitch1 ..................Ch Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor...................................................... Charlotte Creed2 ................... Ch Stolannes Mystique Starlet.............................................................Frances StollBest of BreedCh Absolutes Magic Mountain owned by Jeanne and Robert Blank Best of WinnersChriscendo Centre Stage owned by Christine Heartz Best OppositeCh Kneislers Secret Tradition owned by Maria KneislerLa Cajun Pomeranian ClubOctober 28,1994 Sweepstakes Judge Joel TaylorPuppy Dogs 6-91............................ Chriscendo Centre Stage.......................................Jan Le's Maker of Fools................................... Stolannes Hurrah for Holey.....................................La Cheries Sky King...............................Puppy Dogs 9-12........Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy.................................Absolutes Hariey's Son David........................Jan-Shars Not For Love or Money...............................ChinadoHs Terminator.............................Puppy Bitch 6-9...... Jan-Shar's Sunny Side Up............................................................Barbara Murphy.........Foxfires Shy Girl Friday...............................................................................Linda Parks...... Kneisler's Nickis Tradition.................... Catherine Breaux and Maria Kneisler....Stolannes Burnt Sienna Kiss..............................................................Frances Stoll............Sharon Hanson...............Jeanne BlankWilliam and Pat Stroud ..Jean and Melv BeechChristine Heartz ...Jane Lehtinen....Frances Stoll..Dorothy MartinPuppy Bitch 9-12Jan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown.......................................................Sharon Hanson.............HHHMegan Rose...............................................................Peggy Hendricks.........Absolutes Biker Babe..................................................................Jeanne Blank....Waters Yellow Rose of Glory.................................................Annette Lynn HeiseBest in SweepsChriscendo Centre Stage Best OppositeJan-Shars Sunny Side UpRegular ClassesJudge Mr. Douglas WilsonPuppy Dog 6-9Majestics Willie B Steppn Up...........................................Annette Rogers Rister.. Jeribeths Prince Cherokee...................................................................Olga Baker....Chriscendo Centre Stage............................................................ Christine Heartz...... La Cheries Sky King................................................................ Dorothy MartinPuppy Dog 9-121 ..........................Jan-Shars Mr. Nice Guy...........................2 ....................Absolutes Harleys Son David......................Sharon Hanson ...Jeanne BlankAmerican romeraman viuu3 ............................. Puf-Pride Cloudbreaker.........................................Warren and Virginia Dimick4 .............................Jan-Shars Lover Boy....................................................................Lena NelsonBred by Exhibitor Dog1 ........................... Stolannes Hazy Image....................................................................Frances Stoll2 ......................Tim Sue Johnstoy Nite N Day.......................................Dick and Bronya Johnston3 .......................... Jeribeth Prince Playboy...................................................................Olga Baker4 ..........................Jan-Les Color Me Babe................................................................ Jane LehtinenOpen Dogs ROCS1 .......................... Yolandas Cod Breeze.....................................................................Jessica Doyal2 .............................Tim Sues High Rider................................................................... Darlys Flaata3 .........................Ben-Ji Im a Little Salty D......................... Judy Sams and M. Deane Rinehart4 ............................. Bi-Mar Grasshopper.................................Manuel Gonzales and Terry MillerOpen Dogs Black, Brown, Blue1 .......................... Heartlands Park Avenue................................................................ Donna Riehm2 ............................... Elans Terminator........................................Melissa and David DahlenburgOpen Dog AOAC. Forever Aspects of Love.......................................................Marge KranzfelderWinners Dog-Jan-Shars Mr Nice Guy Reserve Winners Dog-Yolandas Cool BreezePuppy Bitch 6-91 ......................... Golden Aires Bom Free............................................................... Sharon Masnick2 ........................ Jan-Shars Sunny Side Up........................................................... Barbara Murphy3 ....................... Kneislers Nickie's Tradition.....................Catherine Breaux and Maria Kneisler4 .....................Golden Wheats Smiling Lights............................................................ Mona WheatPuppy Bitch 9-121 .................................HHH Megan Rose...............................................................Peggy Hendricks2 ...................Jan-Shars Sweet Georgia Brown.......................................................Sharon Hanson3 ......................... Calcopy-Wakhan Tatiana...................................Strasbaugh, Plonkey, Gemmill4 .......................... Jan-Shars Kiss Me Kate.............................................................Sharon HansonBred by Exhibitor Bitch1 ........................Dupres Sparkling Gold Toy..................................................... Mrs. James Dupre2 ............................ Absolutes Biker Babe..................................................................Jeanne Blank3 ........................... Mi Babe Aim For Fame.............................................................Babe McCombs4 ............................ Allayns Saucy Starlet.......................................................................Mary AllanOpen Bitch ROCS1 ............................... Chestaras Fantasia.............................................................Bill and Bev Henry2 .....................La Cheries Tribute to Grt Elms.........................................................Dorothy Martin3 ....................Mi Babes Rain Beaus Glamour..........................Babe McCombs and Jean Cook4 ..........................Foxfires Shy Girl Friday.................................................................. Linda ParksVeteran Bitch.Ch Stolannes Mystique Starlet..................... Frances StollBest of Breed Ch Watts Little Socrates owned by Dolores Watts Best of Winners Jan-Shars Mr Nice Guy owned by Sharon Hanson Best Opposite Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip owned by Strasbaugh, Plonkey, and GemmillContinued from page 36dont use a tie-down board to teach scent work. The training methods they describe are widely used in the obedience community. I have already used some of their methods for clarifying things for my Utility dog.The manner in which the information is presented is clear and easy to read. There is a nice humorous feel to the serious training aspects of this book. A lot of the philosophy of these trainers can be summed up in their statement "Heeling with a small dog has nothing to do with normalcy."The authors also deal with the common problems that crop up when training each category of exercises. They cant cover all the possible problems that could arise, but they are realistic in realizing that problems will occur, no matter what method is taught. The way the book is broken into categories and subheadings makes it easy to refer to when looking for specific information when training or trouble-shooting.Anecdotes are set off in boxes. They are usually humorous, but always enlightening. They show the human side of the writers.At the end of each chapter are quotes that have to do with motivating the handler and developing a positive or "winning" attitude. There is a lot of fuel for thought in so few words.The appendices at the end of the book are very helpful. They cover AKC jump heights, list sources of training equipment for small dogs with their addresses and give a list of recommended reading. The reading includes the AKC Obedience Rule Book, obedience publications, other training books and the books the quotes at the chapter ends came from.Competitive Obedience Training for the Small Dog is only available directly from the publisher for 20.00 including shipping at the following addressT9E Publishing RR1, Box 176 10092 240th Street Council Bluffs, IA 51503Central Carolina Pom Clubby Dot MartinWe held our second successful sanctioned "A" match on October 8,1994. Sweepstakes judge, Christine Mullen selected 6 to 9 month puppy male, La Cheries Sky King, owned by Dot Martin, as Best in Sweeps. Best of Opposite went to Arbees Mia and My Shadow, owned by Rodger Beaty. Best in Match was awarded to Millamors Brandi Maker, by Judge Mary Dolde, and owned by Eleanor Miller. La Cheries Sky King was chosen Best of Opposite.We have applied to AKC for our license to hold Specialty Shows and hope to have our first Specialty in October, 1995. We are petitioning the APC to serve as hosts for the next available Summer Specialty.All our members wish everyone a prosperous 1995. i 15. VBIM-Millamors Brandi MakerABest In Sweeps, BOS in Match La Cheries Sky KingAmerican rumefaman viuu31WINNERSVSHENANDOAH VALLEY KENNEL CLUBJ1994 KERNANjPH0T0La Cheries Lil Luke SkywalterCh. Golden Aires Moonwalker x La Cheries Zest For FudgeThank you, Judge Ken Miller, for this major win His owner handler is Ed Martin.Om Special BoyEd and Dot Martin 5354 Bluebird LaneYork, SC 29745 803831-8086PROUDLY PRESENTSf-Wee Hearts SerendipityCh. Wee Hearts He Hung the Moon x Wee Hearts Smile SweetlyThe dictionary defines serendipity as "The ability or talent of making fortunate and unexpected discoveries by accident." I was not planning to purchase "Sarah, pictured above at 8 weeks old, when I visited Cassandra Evans in October. Sarah is one of four lovely bitch puppies from the above breeding. This is only the first Utter produced by Cee Jay and what a nice surprise Thank you Cassandra for being a good friend and sharing your good ones with me.Congratulations to Dr. Jim and Marit Hattori of Haiku Kennels on your well-deserved Kennel Visit. You have been a strong supporter of the Pomeranian Club of Hawaii by importing quaUty dogs, breeding lovely puppies, and showing your Poms, win or lose.Congratulations and best wishes to Margo and Marvin Koga and Ch. Creiders Prince Dom Perignon, Hawaiis top dog for 1994. Well be rooting for you in New York in February.-IEllen Takayama 98-643 Naalii StreetAiea, HI 96701 808 488-8325Noble Po PI eranians2kwtlCLACKAMASCLUBKENNELBESTOFbreedKOHLERBISS Ch. Jerbos Born To BoogieBi-Mar Mr. Bo-Jangles x Dacars Red Ruby of PattysThank you, Judge Jack D. Russell pictured, for the BB win and thank you, Judge Mr. C. S. Deer, for the BISS win at the Sooner Pom Club of Oklahoma City.Attention Noble Pomeranians is looking for a Bev-Nor or Southland bred bitch. Please send info, pedigree, and pictures if possible. Photos will be returned.Breeder Handler Jerry and Betsy Owens 32510 8th Avenue South A Roy, WA 98580 206843-1365Proud OwnerNoble Inglett 20908 Abalar Street Woodland Hills, CA 91364 818313-9813AdvertisersPhone 301 579-6462 Back Issues Betty Aona 19Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan 75....... Oct77......May79... ..April 808.00 eachJul 77.......Feb80... ...Jul 81.... .....Oct 83Apr 86......Jan80.... ... Jan 906.00 eachJul 80.......Oct80.... ...Apr 82........Oct 82Jan 83.......Jul83.... ...Apr84... .....Oct 84Jan85... ...Apr 85.......Jul 85.........Oct 85Jul 86... ...Sept 86......Nov86.........Jul 87Oct87.. ... Jan 88........Jul88... .....Jan 89Apr 89.....Jul90.... ...Oct90... .....Jan 91Mar 91...May91... ....Jul91Issues from Sept 91 on....The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. First class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.KENNEL VISITSFebruary....Maria KneislerJeanne Blank.........................Linda Brogoitti...................... ..............................37Nina Epps.............................. ................................7Nonna Gad............................ ..............................23Sharon Hanson...................... ................................1Jim and Marit Hattori............ ...29, Inside BC, BCJohn and Chris Heartz........... ...............................30Noble Inglett......................... ...............................51William and Roberta Kerr... .........................12, 13Barbi Kutilek......................... ...............................38Jane Lehtinen........................ ...............................25Janet Manuszak-Lucido........ ...............................42Ed and Dot Martin................ ...............................49Babe McCombs..................... ........................ 40, 41Dan and JoElIen Mercer....... ...............................17Julie Moreno........................ .........................22, 37James and Betsy New.......... ...............................15Clarice Oganeku.................. ..................... FC, 8,9Pom Club of Hawaii............ ...............................34Pom Shoppe......................... ...............................42Fran Stoll.............................. ............CenterspreadEllen Takayama.................... ...............................50Dolly Trauner....................... ...............................24Betty Wrixon........................ ...............................21FROM THE EDITORTake advantage of the 150 full pageinside color.Show your dog at its best advantage. Hr.mHPsinWiTijberv tmzxrv Elfristmas ^wV\.