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The Pomeranian Review February 1994

Published Bi-MonthlyAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Styt ftommmtan iRfittnuJanuary February, 1994r IWr XXmrmBEST OF WINNERS V 4CORN BELT KENNEL CLUB MAY _-----1993DOWNEY PHOTO BY GREGmu VfgSBZBkLCH.MCGUIRES WISH UPON A STAR1 M CEk dim 3rtsEastle 3Rock-4V.MBEST^ vSHOWSIOUX VALLEY KENNEL CLUB OCTOBER1995^HOTODOWNEYfiTTOWBest in Show Judge William S. HouptCongratulations, Joel and Cheryl, on your Kennel VisitOwnerRose Ellen Fetter 419 221-0523BreedersCo-Owners Joel TaylorCheryl Jackson 205 328-6603HandlersNina and Michael Work 419 221-0046 m JAitsHAft'C'-WKC.J. went BOS and Harley Best in Sweeps under Judge Bill Henry shown by Jeanne and Robert Blank at the DFW Specialty. Harley also went Best in Sweeps under Judge Christine Heartz and Winners dog under Charlotte Patterson for a 5-point major.C.J. is co-owned with Sharon and Neil Ponte-Corvo and 1 Iarlcy is co-owncd with Jeanne and Robert Blank.Congratulations, Joel and Cheryl, on your Kennel VisitBreeder OwnerSharon Hanson Rt. 2, Box 263 Renick, WV 24966PhoneDays 304497-2446 Nights 304 497-2289Contents....Hover Story..........................................................2residents Message Dolly Trauner...................4Membership Report Jerrie Freia........................4erformance News Linda Gallacher..................5Much Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet.... 7breeders Receive More Negative Press David L Edwards...........................................................8rhe Pomeranian as a Therapy Dog Pauly lubbard...............................................................17lelpful Hints Margaret R. McKee....................22Lennel Visit Joel Taylor and Cheryl Jackson ...........................................................................29lop Poms List Jean Schroll..............................393ehind New Titlists............................................41Northern Reflections, Eh Elizabeth Dupuis .43Smo Elizabeth Dupuis.....................................43ifips and Yaps.....................................................473 ack Issues.........................................................48i6Ch.McGuires Wish Upon A StarCover StoryWhile in Florida, breeding two bitches to Ch. Coys Top of the Mark, Brenda Segelken, our handler, became acquainted with Goldie McGuire. Brenda was confident that Goldie had just the right Pom for us. After making arrangements, our dream came to us by way of the sky, TWA.The Pomeranian Reviewgoes to JudgesDont miss out on the opportunity to allow your dog to be seen not only by other Pom Fanciers, but by Judges as well.A small investment may very well be a profitable one for you.COLOR PAGES AVAILABLE IN THE NEXT ISSUES OF THE REVIEWDreamer has captured the attention of many judges and had many ring side admirers. He finished quickly this spring with four 4-point majors. Dreamers expression, soundness, correct coat texture, movement, and overall picture is what we all dream of in a Pom. Thanks to Goldie for letting him go, and to Brenda Segelken for making this dream come true.Pedigree in Behind the New TitlistsOwners Russell and JoAnn Kern 604 S. State Street Freeburg, IL 62243 618 539-3984Handler Brenda Segelken 4836 Jasko Road Percy, IL 62272 618965-3278Breeder Goldie McGuireMarch Kennel Visit...Fran Stoll Jtomwmuatt HUwwof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.v.Officers of the ClubPresident...................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerFirst Vice-President....................................................................................................................Emily UntalanSecond Vice-President....................................................................................................................Jim ShearerRecording Secretary.................................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary...........................................................................................Frances J. StollRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501Treasurer.......................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate................................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor........................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806257-3817Business Manager......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions..........................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription..................Foreign.........................................First Class.....................................Single Copy..................................Members IFull Paae .......................65 00......30.00......45.00......35.00.........6.00NonMembers......70.00HalfPage......................40.00............45.00Quarter Page.................20.00............25.00Photos each................10.00............10.00Front Cover, BAA........120.00..... .... 150.00Color............................375.00..... .... 400.00Back Cover, BW.........80.00.......... 100.00Color 250 00 275 00Inside FB Cover..........70.00...........80.00Color............................195.00..... .... 200.00Center Spread..............140.00..... .... 150.00Color...................... 390.00.. ... 400.00Business Card ........ .....10.00...........15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateJanFeb.....................Nov. 10......... Dec. 15MarApr....................Jan.10........ ...Feb 15MayJune...... .........March 10..... ....Apr. 15JulyAug....................May 10...... ...June 15SeptOct....................July 10 ...Aug 15NovDec..................Sept. 10....... ....Oct. 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly B. TraunerAs we approach the end of the current "tub year, we can look back on a string of lccomplishments by a Board whose nembers are dedicated, forward-looking, md decisive. Under its management the Club has been prosperous and productive. Committee heads, not all of whom are Board members, are deserving of our thanks and appreciation for their large contribution to the progress and improvements within their various areas of endeavor.Difficulty in registering dogs due to color was the first ongoing problem to be cleared away. An information booklet that is both current and truly informative was approved for publication. The Pom Review under its editor, Dudley Roach, has received much praise. More importantly, it has again shown a profit-the first in several years. The business end of the Review is being ably taken care of by Brenda Hutton, Circulation Margaret McKee, back issues and Marie Carlough, Business Manager.A method of selecting Breed judges for the Annual Specialties, in use by other clubs, was adopted and for the first time the entire membership was given a voice in making the selection from the complete list of eligible judges.Guidelines for a local club hosting the Summer Specialty have been updated, expanded, and clarified Guidelines for sponsoring a Judges Workshop have been adopted and copies will be distributed to all local clubs. The Bylaws revision is complete save for one small area still needing resolution before submitting to the membership for approval. Under Sally Baugniet, the Breed Standard revision is receiving wide and thoughtful consideration, with excellent input from individuals and local clubs.The two TBR shows chaired by Wendy Feist were both hilarious and profitable, as were the two voice auctions chaired by Ways and Means Chairman Peter Galindo. Suggestions from Jerrie Freia, Membership Chairman, have been adopted which are helping to streamline the processing ofapplications still other changes are being considered by the Board. The various Committee Heads for the upcoming Specialty report that plans are well in hand to insure a smooth-running, enjoyable show in February. Special thanks go to Jean Schroll, Show Secretary and Chairperson Lois Hamill, Hospitality Jim Shearer, Grounds and Brenda Segelken, Show Equipment.All during the year, Judy Shearer and Linda Gallacher compile the data upon which Breed and Obedience awards are based. Jean Schroll tracks Pom standings within the breed based on Breed and Group wins. This year Fran Stoll and the Indiana Pom Club are the Trophy Committee, and promise that their selections will please.The last issue of the Review briefly reported on the shocking and tragic case of abused and abandoned Poms. Special commendation is due to their rescuers who, by great effort and personal expense, have managed to salvage and rehabilitate most of these Poms to the point where they can be adopted out to loving homes. These are Judy Hurst, a Pom lover, on whom these dogs were literally dumped Louise Crowe, Chairman, and other members of the Michigan Pom Club Rescue, who rose to the immediate crisis to salvage and arrange for emergency veterinary care Brenda Hutton who helped publicize the plight of these dogs, thus helping to raise money toward the immediate costs of their care.Looking forward to seeing all of you at the Marriott in February Membership Report as of 110193By Jerrie Freia, Membership ChairAPC Membership dues renewal notices were mailed 110493. Please remit your dues as soon as possible, as we would like to have all the corrections for the 1994 Roster early. If a members dues remain unpaid as of March 1, 1994, hisher membership will have lapsed. It will then be necessary to fill out and submit a newwiuwapplication for your membership to be reinstated, as called for in our Constitution. Membership is effective fromJanuary 1, 1994 to December 31,1994.Sponsorship Requirements for Membership Your two sponsors must have been APC members for at least two years. Sponsors cannot be related to you, or to each other. Sponsors must live in the same geographic area as the applicant. Exceptions will be allowed in sparsely populated areas. Any member who knows an applicant for membership more than three years, and has visited the applicants home quite a few times, and knows the applicant as a friend, may use that personal knowledge in place of the "area requirement" in sponsoring an applicant.Applications for MembershipBeverly Bottoms1370 Ridgewood Drive Mobile, AL 36608 205 344-3851 SponsorsAdrian Alford Joel TaylorJessie K. Doyle 3222 Landtree Circle Orlando, FL 32812 407 281-3922 SponsorsArlene Benko Adrian AlfordRussell C. and JoAnn Kern, Sr.604 So. State Street Freeburg, EL 62243 618 539-3984 SponsorsBrenda Segelken Francis J. StollCarol Lee Magar3611 Division St., Mr. Washington Wes Los Angeles, CA 90065 213 258-5641 SponsorsGlenn Cruz Bernardo Connie HendricksJohnny and Barbara Messmer2249 Suwannee Drive Marrero, LA 70072 504 348-9150 SponsorsMrs. James Dupre, Sr.John C. LewisDonna Sue RiehmRR3, Box 652 Murphysboro, EL 62966 618 684-4644 SponsorsBrenda Segelken Francis J. StollPerformance Newsby Linda Gallacher 1990 Ridgeway Drive Eugene, OR 97401 503686-2316The Pacific Northwest is enjoying som beautiful fall weather. Here it is, the las week of October, and I am still picking rip tomatoes out of my garden. It was in thi low 70s yesterday I guess Mother Naturi is trying to make up for short changing ou summer which did not arrive until lari August.Tim and I have put our house on thi market and are looking for property witl small acreage. I keep saying its for thi dogs, which is silly because when the dog are outside they spend 99 of the timi staring in the window hoping to be let bad inside Well, at least it would be nice tc have room to train. My current yard is sc small I cant do directed jumping. It reall gets old packing up my jumps and hauling them all over the countryside.I will not report on the summer Specialty show in this column Im sure thebedience results will be printed with the ther show results. I would like to ongratulate Jimmie Lawrence, owever...she and "Cricket" took High in rialBarbara McClatchey writes..."I have news on "Tuffy" he has his CD n 8193, he earned a 194 on 8793, a 94 and on 8893, a 193 12. We are cheduled for Open in September oh me, ih my. Oh, on 81 Tuffy got High coring Pom. On August 14th and 15th, we howed at the Astrohall in Houston where Tuffy scored 187 and 189 12 and was igain High Scoring Pom Tuffy was still ecovering from a spell of botulism he got iy rolling on a dead snake and then licking rimself. The Vet said it would be all right o take him to the show at that point, but he -vas a mite shaky.Nice job Barbara and Tuffy Best of luck n Open. I had asked Barara how she taught he UKC Directed Marked Retrieve. She svrites..."The Directed Marked Retrieve is asy, after AKC, and requires no real teaching, just practice. The "Directed Signal Retrieve" I started by placing Anjing in the "stop and sit" position and directing her from a place immediately in front of her. I then gradually moved back to give the command and signal I use a different command for each glove in this one. Then I begin adding a "go out" with a mid-point "sit." My signals are not the same as for the jump. My directed jumps signals are "underhand" from low to mid-height my directed signal retrieve is "overhand" from chest out and the 2 signal is the same as the "go out signal."....Thanks Barbara. If I ever manage to get an AKC UD on Bizzy, Ill start my training for UKC.By the way, Bizzy has completely recovered from her surgery and is jumping full height again. I hope to show her at the January Specialties. Pogo has been retired...he is getting very arthritic and it is becoming painful for him to jump. Id like to start working on Tracking again. That way he will still have something to do Pogo loves to work.I also got a nice letter from Gloria Carlin. She is really enjoying living in Hawaiiwho wouldnt. I had asked about her dogs...."My dogs made it through quarantine just fine. However, Phoebe was injured on the plane coming home from Oahu. She was diagnosed having a broken back and a dislocated hip. Poor girl-no wonder she couldnt walk So following 4 months of jail, now to two more months of solitary confinement. At least she was home with us. We went to the vet last week for a follow-up x-ray. He gave her a clean bill of health. She is playing with the others now as if nothing ever happened."Gloria reports that she has not been to a show lately as they are few and far between, especially in obedience I am hoping to see Gloria at the Specialty show in Canada this month. She wrote that she would be there to watch one of her dogs be shown. A friend has been keeping the dog for her. I am going to try and put Canadian CDs on Pogo and Panda.New Obedience Titles from the September and October issues of the AKC Awards are as followsNo new UDsNew CDXSandys Foxy Baby owned by Sandy and Dan Fox and bred by Sheila K. Browning finished her CDX with 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placements from the Open A class Congratulations and good luck with your Utility training.New CDBev-Nors Ragtime Cowboy owned by Jean Barnes and bred by Bev Norris and Charlotte Creed finished his CD from the Novice B class with some very nice scores. Good job, you twoCaptain Pug White owned by Horace White and bred by Timothy and Horace White were burning up the Novice B rings with scores in the 190s and 2 lsts, 1 2nd, 1 3rd, and 1 4th placement Watch for this super pair in the Open rings.Ch. Lord Dragonslayer of Lenette owned by Dixieanne Bennett and bred by Ken Griffith finished his Cd from the Novice A classes with several class placements. This pair lives in Alaska where shows are very infrequent. Nice jobPritzis Honor owned by Gail Callahan finished his CD from the Novice A class with nice scores of 179 12, 185, and 186 12. Their first score was earned in May of 92, the second in September of 92, and they finished in June of this year. I hope to see you showing in Open one of these days, GailShannons Little Bit O Scotia owned by Karen Gray and bred by Joann Shifflett finished his CD from the Novice B class with scores of 177, 183.5, and 191 with a 4th place Dont quit, you two You keep getting better and better.Dyannes Whispering Sands of JJowned by Dyanne McElroy and bred by Julie Javemick earned his CD from the Novice A ring with scores of 189, 190, and 195.5 and 4th and 2nd placements Keep up the good workMolly May LV owned by Candy Janke earned her CD from the Novice B class in style with scores of 192.5, 198.5, and 194 with 2nd and 3rd placements. Well be watching for you in Open. CongratulationsNext issue, Ill let you know how we did in Canada. Please write and tell me what YOU are doingHappy Heeling__Much Ado About AnythingComplaints Anonymousby Sally BaugnietI cant remember a time before now, that I was called by a President of a club with a complaint that was received from some anonymous people. Anonymous to me, for I was not given the name of my accusers.First of all, it has been my policy, not hide behind anyones skirts. I expc anyone, with real concern, to personal speak to the person with whom heshe ha misunderstanding or complaii Second-hand information has a way gettii "screwed-up. Secondly-maybe, jr maybe, with a little explanation, tl complainant may come to understand tl intent of the writer. The only conclusion could come to is...there were three peop with a guilty conscience, thinking the dog mentioned at the end of my report of tl second Pomeranian cluster was theirs.From what I understand, it was "thei opinion that anyone sitting at ringside can see anything...not color, movemeii carriage, expression, head-type, tail set, coat. "They" thought my report was critique, which I should have left up to tl judge. I read the judges critique and in n way did my ringside observations confli with hers. My report of the APC Sunuru Specialty was just that...a report...a ringsid observation, which most people feel I ai qualified to do. Now, it is obvious to m that all anyone has to do to find out th results of a dog show, is look it up in th Gazette. I think that just listing the winner of a national specialty is dull and boring That is why I thought those persons unabl to attend, would appreciate a positiv comment in the Pom Review article, o some of the winners. Evidently thre people didnt.The whole article was positive, except fo the final paragraph about the special wit ALL of its guard hair cut off. There wa only one with all of the guard hair cut off The key word here is ALL. This is a ho topic for discussion right now, and a Judges Education Coordinator, it is my obligation to teach the Standard. Wliethei "they" know it or not, all Pom judges tha want it, receive the Pomeranian Review. Ii was not a critique, but a ringside observation. In fact, it was a Judges Study Group Ringside observation in an area sei up especially set up for learning judges and their mentors. I had THREE days to watch three Pomeranian specialties"They" obviously did not detect the difference between the many over-trimmedDms, and the one I referred to as the iccial with all of the guard hair cut off all ver its body, exposing the entire ndercoat. I, as a breeder, owner-handler, ldge, APC Board member, teacher, and jdges Education Coordinator, have the uty to educate and teach the Pomeranian tandard. I would hope that all Officers and iOard members feel it is their elected duty support and teach the Pomeranian tandard. When, if, or until the Standard is hanged, it is my hope we will all abide by t, like it or not. DREAM ON, SALLY. Thought for the month An unkind remark s like a killing frost-no matter how much t warms up, the damage has already been lone.Breeders Receive More Negative Pressby David R. EdwardsA dear old friend who seems to have no ife clipped out an article that was carried iy the Associated Press. It was written by Amy Westfeldt and was titled "Dog Breeding Is New Cash Crop for Amish."According to the remarks made by the author, Pennsylvania has turned into the puppy mill capitol of the world. I am certain that the more reputable breeders of that state are less than thrilled It is safe to assume that people from coast to coast now believe that buying a canine from Pennsylvania is a major mistake.Amy remarked that the dogs were housed two to three per cage, clawing frantically at the wire walls as they tried to perch themselves on the mesh floors, shaking uncontrollably and cowering to the human touch. All are bred twice a year. Quite a blood boiling picture, isnt it I only wonder what effects this piece of journalism will have on the "Powers That Be," come time to make the decision as to who, when, and where breeding of any kind will be allowedThere seems to be a campaign spreading across this country headed up by the local Humane Societies as well as many Animal Rights Groups to put pressure on the politicians to put a halt to the breeding ofcanines in this country as we sit idly by and watch it happen.We must all agree that the horrid conditions that exist in puppy mills needs change We also need to keep in mind that only through a progressive education program of Joe Public that there is the slightest chance that our rights to continue to breed for the betterment of our chosen breed will continue. We need to begin a progressive push to make available to the press a more positive side of the issue. There needs to be a coming together of ALL breeders to begin our own campaign for our rights to breed. It is through education not policing of breeders that a positive change can and will take place. Each time you meet with fellow breeders or one contemplating the purchase of a canine, discuss the topic of breeding Educate them as to the benefits of buying from a reputable breeder. Reinforce the negative aspects of buying from a Pet Shop or Wholesaler. If enough people stop buying from such places, a strong message will go out to the puppy mills saying STOP there is no profit to be made.I have often wondered why it has taken so long for breeders to get moving as a group. It could be that many of the smaller breeders breed as a hobby and do not claim profits are there such things on their taxes and therefore do not want to make waves, or could it be the larger breeders do not keep their dogs in the best conditions One has to wonderThe list of states campaigning against breeding is growing, and the time to act is at hand. AKC has begun changing registration rules and forms to help in the fight to curb breeding this should be a red light going off in your head, a warning if you will. Take notice, and by all means get motivated. VkToylapd PomeraniansToylands Legacy from CalvinToylands Designed by Calvin x Toylands Christian SpiritFLASH This boy just went BIM at the Ohio Valley Super Match Thank you Judge Dolores Watts.Glen Iris Brilliant DisguiseCh. Tim Sues Dandy Duke x Ch. Glen Iris Distant LadyCongraj-ula-fions -f-o Joel and Cheryl an^ all G-len Iris Poms on J-Keir Kennel VisrHPaf- Carney 309 Mb. bn RoadSpringfield, KY 4-00669 606 284-7759Southpawj.WINNERSJACKSONVILLE DOG FANC\ERS assoc\at\onjmWL.B\LL lPHOTO 1...........Ch. Southpaw Majik MomentsOwner handled to 9 points including both majors. Thank you to handler Rusty Howard for putting the other points on her. See pedigree in Behind New Titlists. Majik is bred to Southpaws Lethal Weapon an Evan son out of a Dizzy daughter. We would like to congratulate Mary Palmer on finishing Erin Ch. Southpaws Pistol Packin Mama and on Erin and her first litter of two girls out of Hallmarks City Slicker Am., Can. Ch. Cbriscendo City Lights son. Good luck with Erin at the 1994 APC and Westminster. Erin is pictured on page 17 of the September 93 Review.Pamela T. Walker 411 Cove Creek RoadE. Gadsden. AL 35903 205492-1178SouthpawThe Classpresents1ofaiVJVARIETY GROUP FIRSTANNISTON KENNEL CLUB FALL 1893 0 COP PHOTO BYSouthpaws Lethal WeaponBISA, BISS Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock x Glen Iris Distant CallerThank you, Don Rogers, for BOB over a group winning special. A Big Thank You to judge Jane Kay for Group I. Murphy is a dynamo who shows to win and is a real joy to show and love. Murphy congratulates dad on all his wins-"Way to go Dad"-and Glen Iris on this issues kennel visit.BreederOwnerHandlerPamela T. Walker 411 Cove Creek RoadE. Gadsden, AL 35903 205492-1178GouyudulcMoUCheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor our friends and mentors on their well-deserved Kennel Visit from Southpaw Pomeranianshome of Glen Iris Distant Caller a Dizzy daughter and Glen Iris Enchanted Moment an Evan daughter and breederowner of one son, two daughters, one double granddaughter, one grandson and one granddaughter and breederco-owner of Ch. Southpaws Pistol Packin Mama a daughter of multiple BIS A, BISS Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock. Evan was 1993 BOB at Westminster and First Award of Merit at the 1993 APC Specialty in New York.Thank you Cheryl and Joel for Callie and Beth and for sharing Evan with us. Also, congratulations on Evans many Best in Shows and other wins. May there be many more. Our condolences on the loss of Am., Can. Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland Schuyler.Southpaw Pomeranians Pamela T. Walker 411 Cove Creek Road E. Gadsden, AL 35903JIM JUDY SHEARER VST523MIILERAVE. ^ 4SuGARCREEK, OHIO 34681 V '2161852-4134MEMBERSAMERICAN POM CLUB ANDOHIO VALLEY POM CLUB POMSDaniel OntiveroswmMargaret OntiverosQohCsun Pomeranians"Home Raised"Ch. Stud Service 19 475-2531Poppies Occaskmslly 2981 Ctlle CumberCoke RedOmge Sm Diego, CA 92139504 384-7466 After 700pmJanes a s tPomsP.O. Box 2775Jerrie Freia Morgan City, LA 70381McKameys Sundown KennelsMrs. Norris McKamey 1112 Sycamore Dr Le Claire, Iowa 52753-9630 319 332-5809Puppies lo love, breed and show prospecis, state wants clearly.Bloodlines are Cavalier, Millamor, Sungold, Great Elms, Browns, Creider, Hoods, Emcee, English Preservcncs, Cynpeg and, HadleighWlo^al QeaaeuPomeraniansL-5".PAGE 13 Royal Legacy Shady LadyGlen Iris Natures Sunshine x Donaras Shadow of Old Ivy"Baby" has been shown on a very limited basis and recently took Reserve Winners Bitch at the Fall, 1993, Atlanta, GA and Montgomery, AL shows. She has produced two sons sired by EISA BISS Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock who will begin their show careers on the Southeastern Circuit in the Spring. Look for Royal Legacy Alabama Slammer Tequila and R L Diamonds Are Forever Rocky. Their half-sister who was sired by Glenwood Glen Iris Starry Sky, our "Steeler," died suddenly from an allergic reaction just after beginning her show career at Newman, GA show this Fall where she took Reserve Winners Bitch. Royal Legacy South Pacific, "Happy" to all who knew and loved her, was gone before she had the chance to get started. She will be missed.Congratulations to Cheryl Jackson, Joel Taylor and all the Glen Iris Poms on your well-deserved Kennel Visit. Nicer people just cant be found. Thanks so much for "Nathan" and for sharing your wonderful Evan with me. Your continuing friendship and advice are much needed and desired. Thanks for "being here."Condolences on the loss of your Multiple Group Winning Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland who was our Steelers sire and the grand-sire of our beloved Happy. He leaves behind him many "Stars" whose points of light will shine long after his has dimmed.Barbara Morgan Hubbard 920 Pine Cliff DriveOxford, AL 36203 205831-1345SEE YOU AT THE SHOWScmsm mm mmMany congratulations,Dudley,on your first anniverary as Editor of the Pomeranian Review Congratulations, also, to Joel and Cheryl,on the occasion of your Kennel Visit.It iswell-deserved.Ruth L. Beam P.O. Box 937Pineville, NC 28134 704 889-9233jposmnioa raraiCaiRichard and Sally Baugniet 411 S. State StreeetPhone414755-2994 Mishicot, Wl 54228Very Promising Youngsters AvailableWh. 62693, 2 orange males-one orange femaleDam pointed orange daughter of Am., Can. Ch. Pomirish Cr Puffs Only Chance light cream Specialty winner and multi-group winnerSire black and tan son of Ch. Pomirish Desirees G.E. ScooterWh. 71293, one orange sable male and femaleDams sire and dam, Ch. Pomirish Scooters Victory red sable multi-group winner ex Ch. Pomirish Jacks Thanksgivn Puf light creamSire same as above.Wh. 71293, one cream sable male Sire Ch. Scooters grandsonDam Ch. Chances grand daughter.Mmenuaii romeraman uiuu 1The Pomeranian as a Therapy DogMandys Storyby Pauly HubbardAs with all stories, one rarely begins with the individual, but is usually dependent on a forerunner. So, too, with Mandys story.KingIn January of 1991, I was looking for volunteer work that I would be able to do, and still be within the framework of my childrens school schedules. In the family section of our local paper, The Volunteer Center frequently posts information about positions that require volunteers. Since I particularly enjoy working with teens and young adults, I was looking for an opening that would enable me to help within that age bracket.On a particular day, I saw an ad that was asking for pet owners, so I decided to call. The lady gave me a little information and a number to call for more details. I called the number and left a message.When the lady called me back, she said that it was pet-assisted therapy, the dog must be at least one year old, all vaccinations current and have a basic obedience certificate.A screening would be held in three weeks time and if I was interested, she would send me the paperwork to get started. So I said yes.I was very sure that King, a large, black Standard Poodle, would be excellent in therapy work. He was three years old and exhibited a special charisma that reached out and touched all types of people he was current on his vaccinations and hed had basic obedience. So I scrambled to get all the requirements in by the deadline time.As this is Mandys story, I will just say here that King passed the screening with flying colors and the three training sessions as well. By March of 1991, he was a registered therapy dog.It is required of every dog in our organization to be groomed and bathed within 24 hours of entering a facility, so Iwould spend hours clipping and bathin King to get him ready for each session. one point when a coordinator called me lal one Friday night to ask if I could go to facility the next morning, I had to say n because it would take me most of the nigl to get him ready.Due to the disappointment I felt in nc being able to help her out on the spur of th minute, I decided it would be beneficial t have two therapy dogs. I wanted to fmd very small dog that would take less time t groom and bathe and would not require an clipping.Thirteen years ago, we had a Pomerania and I was strongly considering another on But that first Pom really objected to bein held snugly and was not fond of kids, so wasnt sure if the breed would be a goo choice. Well, I got on our computer to th online service and asked some Pomerania people what they thought about a Pom as therapy dog.MandyNow if you know very many Pom peopk and I assume you do or you wouldnt b reading the Pom Review, you know thr they are committed to the breed and the know all the good and bad about Poms, was assured by several people that though Pom is so little, they are extremely hard and versatile and they would make grea therapy dogs. For werent there Poms ii Agility and Tracking And some peopl even knew of Poms who were alread therapy dogs.I began looking for a Pom and callinj around, but couldnt fmd the right one. was working for a veterinarian at that timi and her motto was always, "If you wait, thi right one will come to you." So I waited.In the meantime, King and I were stil doing therapy and going to the fun event that our organization was involved in. ] was during one of these events that m waiting ended. While we were at th Special Olympics, a lady whose daughte was a participant approached me and sait her Pomeranian had just had a Utter of pup and they were marked in coloring like King Thats why she told me about them. Shiidnt know that I had been looking for a Pom or would even want one.After discussing them for awhile and telling her I was particularly interested n ne for therapy purposes, she gave me her name and number. My husband and I discussed it, then we went to see the puppies. She had two left and as I picked them both up, the one in my left hand struggled to get down and the one in my right hand cuddled into my neck.The choice was made and we went home with an eight-week old, cuddly Pom puppy.Life has never been the same since, for having a Pom puppy in the house was almost like having a new baby. I just love names that have significance, so in figuring out a name, I used from her mothers, a grandmothers, and her fathers names. We welcomed home Knacks Amanda Panda Bear and we call her Mandy, or since there is already a Mandy in our therapy group, we call her Mandy Bear to keep them separate.I was determined from the beginning to train her in such a way that she would be an even better therapy dog than her "big brother," King, so I took her almost everywhere with me to socialize her and I allowed my kids to play with her as much as possible, and she played with King and our cat, Crystal. We took her to my daughters class for Show and Tell and she had a wonderful time while she was being socialized.When she was six months old, we went through the agony of having her spayed and again I turned to the wonderful people on the computer for help. They told me to be sure to use a certain type of anesthesia and gave me reassurance that she would be fme-and she was. Mandy also started obedience training, and we went for 12 weeks in basic obedience. The instructors were very encouraging and wanted me to take her on to intermediate lessons. About this time, I was able to personally meet one of the ladies who lives near me that I had met on the computer and she has been a wonderful source of help and encouragement. She also thought I should go on with Mandys training, so we went for 24 more weeks in intermediate classes.During this training time, we did many unusual things to scare proof the dogs from being flighty in an obedience ring and because of this, Mandy was learning to obey in situations I knew she might encounter during therapy work.On February 24, 1993, Mandy turned one year old so was now eligible to try out as a therapy dog. The next screening would be May 29th and the next three months were spent in exposing her to as many unusual situations as possible to have her ready. I also spent that time worrying that she would not pass screening. Again, the folks on the computer were there to encourage me and give me confidence.Screening DayA years worth of planning and work and hopes were going to be tested on May 29th, not just a little black dog, so I woke up nervous that morning. Since I had already been through the screening with Kong, I knew what to expect and I was worried that Mandy would not do well. She seemed intimidated when several people approached her all at once or when they reached out to pet her and since that is mostly what occurs in a therapy setting, I wasnt sure how she would do.Two crises occurred before I even got out the door, so the screening didnt seem to have the same proportions in my mind as it had before.I walked down the hall to get something from the back bedroom and saw a dark object lying on the carpet. When I flipped the light on-there lay a snake Can you imagine the sheer panic and horror Thoughts of screening went right out of my mind. So did whatever I was going after in the bedrooms. To this day, I cant remember what it was.Well, I think that snake was just as scared of me as I was of it I didnt get close enough to see if it was a she or a he, the cat had brought it in and my son had "saved" it from her and we didnt even know if it was poisonous or not, so it turned tail and slithered back under my sons door. I knew it would be impossible to find it, for a teenagers room is always just as a teenagerlikes to keep it. I woke my son up by screaming, "Get that snake out of my house" and he started looking for it Somehow, knowing that a snake was loose in the house and he couldnt find it made me relax about the screening.The second crisis was not so heart stopping, but as I was loading the van up to go, my daughter yelled, "Mom, theres King at the neighbors" He had been in the back yard, but here he was now, two houses down in the front yard. I called him and let him in the house and left for the screening.Since I skipped over this part in Kings story, I want to go into more detail here. I will be quoting from a brochure published by our therapy organization, Paws Across Texas, Inc. herein called P.A.T.,copyrighted 1988 and used by permission of our director.To even have arrived at the screening, Mandy and I had to meet these requirements. "All potential P.A.T.representatives must have properqualifications, provide a completed P.A.T. application with a P.A.T. health certification form, provide proof of basic obedience training, and attend the P.A.T.screeningorientation program including required training sessions. In addition to being at least one year of age, all dogs must be of good temperament, obedient, in good health, and reliably housebroken."So, we arrived at the screening facility and got all signed in. We were issued a number that would designate the order in which we screened. As others arrived, we had some time to get to know each other while we waited for out turn.Our number was called, and the moment had arrived. My heart was beating almost as much as when I had seen that snake lying in the hall at home.The screening is designed to test the dog by using emulated situations that could occur in any type of a therapy setting. Indeed, I had encountered every phase of the screening at one point or another with King in actual therapy sessions. So I knew the importance of Mandy being able to pass each step.When the first lady greeted us and asked if her friends could say hello, Mandy gotfrightened, but one of the men picked her up and hugged her and from there on it went more smoothly. She proved what a trooper she is. As we proceeded to each step, Mandy continued to surprise me by accepting each unusual situation and taking it in stride. Many of the "scare-proofing" techniques we had used in training class proved valuable.We passed the first part of the screening and waited until everyone else had gone through so we could do the obedience testing. Once again the additional training helped us out and Mandy did very well.After everyone that passed their screening was finished, we assembled for the orientation. We were told more about the organization. "Paws Across Texas" is a nonprofit, incorporated, charitable organization. Its purpose is to provide diversified therapy programs using trained volunteers representatives and their privately-owned companion animals registered therapy dogs.P.A.T. services multiple types of facilities which include psychiatric care and medical hospitals, nursingconvalescent-care homes, retirement homes, physical rehabilitation hospitals and special education schools.An orientation program with in-field training provides both dog and potential representative valuable techniques and necessary information for producing the therapeutic working team desired by P.A.T. to aid existing therapies physical, speech, etc. in various facilities. Therapy dog registry and representative certification is provided by P.A.T. through current membership.We were also told at orientation that as a team we would be re-evaluated every other year as a means of keeping our membership current. We were asked to schedule our three training sessions as soon as we could, remembering that we had 60 days to complete them in. After the third training session, if all went well, our dogs would be registered and we would be members of the organization.Some of you may be wondering, "Well, what IS animal-assisted therapy and how do you actually DO therapy" The P.A.T.brochure states it this way "This form of therapeutic modality is the introduction of an animal into the immediate environment of an individual or group, as a medium for interaction for the purpose of causing physical, psychological, or emotional responses. Research has shown that many humans have a natural love for animals. If properly utilized, this bonding furnishes a format for responsive interactions not otherwise possible by other human stimuli."Training Session 1Our first training session was at a nursing home and the people were so eager to hold and pet the dogs. Many spoke of their own favorite pets and as a result interacted with us when many times they spoke very little. It was so incredible to see their eyes light up as we came into their hall to see them.One gentleman was paralyzed on his left side but he wanted to hold Mandy and she snuggled right into his neck as he held her. When I told him she was giving him her special hug, his face just lit up.Another precious lady reached out to pet Mandy and Mandy "kissed" her hand. I told the lady she must be very special because she was the only one Mandy had kissed that day. The lady just glowed and showed another volunteer each finger that Mandy had kissed. So simple, yet bringing joy and a special moment to a hungry heart.Training Session 2"P.A.T. Animal-Assisted Therapy was established to address the individual needs of various facilities. The P.A.T. program promotes a trusting and bonding relationship in a voluntary and nonthreatening environment forpsychological and physical responses and interactions."How true this proved to be at our second training session. For this one, we went to a rehabilitative medical center and were able to work with five wonderful ladies. Each needed physical therapy due to a stroke or some type of trauma.The first lady I approached did not wantto hold or pet Mandy, so I just sat by her and continued to talk to her. Eventually, she reached out and shook Mandys "hand." A positive response after a negative beginning. At the very least, this same lady allowed Mandy to sit on her lap to say goodbye to her.Another lady only spoke Spanish, so we could not communicate in the same way I was used to. Though the aide spoke Spanish, she did not offer to act as interpreter unless the Hispanic lady spoke. I put Mandy on her lap and she cuddled and petted her until Mandy wanted down, so I just held Mandy on my lap while the lady continued to pet her. No words were spoke except I told the lady "good" because Mandy really liked the way she was petting her. Then the Hispanic lady said "pretty." Yet I felt such a companionship with that lady, more than anyone else weve worked with.Our second training session was a success as well.Training Session 3"P.A.T. therapy dogs are sociable and friendly, have a well-trained and mature manner, are well-groomed and exemplify a true companion relationship and bond with their human partners. The P.A.T. dogs are selected for their tolerance and adaptability in unfamiliar environments and compatibility with other animals. P.A.T. exercises are developed to be purposeful and are individually goal-oriented therefore, they should not be viewed as tricks.'This was proved out at our third training session. For our last session I had chosen a psychiatric unit and on this particular day, we were working with children about 8-11 years old. We had a large room with carpeting, so we were able to implement more activity from the young people we were working with.We had the boys get on their stomachs and then Mandy was to jump over them one at a time. This went real well as she could jump each one. Then we had them get on their hands and knees and I had Mandy go under each one by holding a treat on theirother side. She had never been taught to do this, but game to the end, she acted like a pro who had been doing it for years.After a half hour, we went to a different floor to see some other children. These may have ranged from 5 or 6 to 12 years old. Each one was allowed to hold Mandy. Sometimes, after only a minute or so she would want down. But there was one beautiful little girl that when she held her, Mandy just cuddled down and looked like she would go to sleep. It was really a special time to see how much Mandy Crusted her.After this session, we were a registered therapy team. The years work was worth itA Tricky TailI wanted to tell a little more about the "tricks" that aid in doing actual therapy. If a dog will do no more than lay or stand there and let someone pet or brush him, he will make and excellent therapy dog. But if the dog will do more, then more therapy can be done without the person even realizing it, so its more fun for them.One of our dogs will "dance" in circles, so by having a stoke patient hold the treat in the hand that needs worked, then making a circular motion to get the dog to dance, they are utilizing motor skills in that hand, even if the volunteer has to support their hand while doing it. Also, saying the command L"dance" to get the dog to obey utilizes speech therapy as well. This same dog and several others will jump over a stick being held by the patient, or over someones leg held out.Another dog is able to pick out a golf ball by scent, so the person is asked to choose their favorite color making a mental choice, they are to pick the ball up and rub it between both hands, motor skills and place it back with the other balls. Then the dog picks out the ball with their scent on it and takes it to the person, who then gives her a treat.King likes to catch ice cubes, so I have the person hold the cube, then they must call his name and say "catch," then toss it fairlyhigh towards him. This uses several capabilities.At one session, we had the kids on their finger tips and toes to have King run under them. It worked fairly well until we got to a smaller boy. As King went under him, the boy wasnt high enough, so he got a free ride on down the hall straddled over Kings back. The kids laughed and laughed and never forgot.When we work with our director and her dog, we will have King in a standstay position and Lady runs under him to fetch a ball that was thrown by a patient. She retrieves the ball and runs back under King to deliver it to the person. The biggest problem weve had with this trick is that Ladys tail curls up over her back and tickles Kings tummy. He really jumps then and the kids just love to laugh.Mandy will run and fetch a ball until a healthy persons arm is ready to drop off, so we will be able to use motor skills in tossing a ball. Also, I am working on several more "tricks" that we can enlist the aid of patients to help us perform them. Jumping through a hoop, or over a stick, to sit up and "ask" for a treat for a Pom is never a beggar and maybe even dance for people. I recently bought a pop gun that shoots out little colored balls about the size of a golf ball. She then chases them and brings them back. I think that will work real well, especially with little boys and maybe even a few bigger ones. The possibilities are endless and though there are many types of "tricks," each one is designed to use specific motor skills to aid therapy work.Tale EndSo, you have a better idea now of animal-assisted therapy and of one little Pom in particular. Many people have expressed interest in doing this type of therapy, so here are a few suggested ideas from the P.A.T. brochure. "Other sources in the community include S PC AHumane Societies, private dog clubs, groups associated with local veterinarians or pet stores, zooswildlife sanctuaries, farmsranches, or individual dog owners."Just in case you think therapy is all work nd no play, we go to various fun-day vents where we have a booth and talk to eople about pet-assisted therapy. We also o parades and walk-a-thonruns and as lentioned before, Special Olympics. Each nd every part brings its own rewards. Though this sounds like the end of the tory, it is really a beginning that I hope vill continue for many years. We have had ither therapy sessions since I first started vriting and each one has a special highlight o it I hope some of you are encouraged to ry therapy work, not only for the benefit it an bring to any number of people, but also or the rewards that one gets from helping ithers.In telling one little dogs story, it cam to ne that there are so many people who lelped us attain therapy dog status. The oiks of our computer online service were .nvaluable with their support and onfidence in us. Also, my husband and rids had to put up with me being gone for training classes and therapy sessions. King was very instrumental in paving the way for Mandy. I would like to extend a special thanks to the Director and people of "Paws Across Texas, Inc. for a caring organization that has helped forge lifetime friendships and to Beverly for all her help and encouragement with Mandys story. P.S. We never found the snake Helpful Hintsby Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Whether you show in conformation or obedience or go just to watch, specialties are wonderful In the space of less than a month this fall, I attended 5 specialties-the 3 Dallas Pom specialties, the Pom Club of Greater Baltimore, and the Greyhond National-and all were great fun. The best part of any specialty is getting to visit with wonderful friends, old and new, human and canine. Only a few can win in the ring, but were all winners outside the ring.Putting on combined specialties like theDallas cluster is a tremendous undertaking. It takes years of planning, work, and fundraising. It was obvious that the Texas folks had made a lot of effort to make these events wonderful and to give the participants a pleasurable experience. Oh yes, there were problems there always problems See the Great Pyrenees column in the October 93 Gazette. In preparing for a big event like this, committee members need to think of worst case scenarios and try to be prepared for anything. Most of the difficulties I experienced or observed were associated with poor motel management. It is difficult to say how much of that the committees could have foreseen. When doing long-range planning, I have found that there is a frequent turnover in hotel personnel and it is best to check with the hotel regularly to be sure that new people are aware of arrangements and agreements. Get it in writing I know the Texas people-all volunteers-worked very hard, and its unfair to heap excessive criticism on them.Why is it that dog show banquets are usually overpriced and the food is less than fabulous The Thursday banquet was typical. I kept asking myself, "Why am I paying 15 for fajitas" The service was poor. By the time we were served, wed have eaten cardboard. The salads were never brought, and dessert was a joke. But the company was great and the auction entertaining. Steve Cookston was pressed into duty as auctioneer and did a grand job. The Friday banquet was loads of fun, with tasty food, dancing, and pinata bashing.It was interesting to attend the following all-breed shows and compare them to the mid-Atlantic shows Im used to. I dont know if the Dallas and Fort Worth shows are typical, but the directions to the sites in the judging programs were awful. Grooming space was greatOverall it was an interesting, pleasurable, exhausting trip, and we are looking forward to going to New Orleans.One of the high points of the Texas trip for me was getting to meet some of the local obedience folks, especially Jimmie Lawrence and OTCH Crickettes MidnightSong CS, our breeds newest OTCH. An OTCH is a huge undertaking. It takes a tremendous commitment of time, travel, money, training, and some luck. A friend recently finished the third OTCH Irish Water Spaniel. From the time she finished the UD, it took three years We should all be proud of and impressed by Jimmies and Crickettes accomplishments.Here are Jimmies comments, delivered at the Friday night banquet"I would like to thank the American Pomeranian Club and the DFW Pomeranian Club for giving me the opportunity to show my super star Obedience Trial Champion at your National Specialty.Crickette is a super star Obedience Pom. She is a multi High in TrialHigh Combined Winner and the 1 APC Obedience Pom for 1992. She is ranked 3 Toy and 6 Toy in the Shuman and Delaney Rankings for 1992. She is also the 1 Pom in both the Shuman and Delaney rankings for 1992 and also for 1990. She was the 1 APC Utility Pom for 1992. She earned a Dog World Award for her Companion Dog Tide and a Super Utility Dog Award in 1992. As you can see, she has accomplished a lot with many placements during her career in Obedience."1988 was the last time a Pomeranian earned the title "Obedience Trial Champion." Every year approximately 12,000 dogs of every breed show in Obedience trials held throughout the country. But, out of the approximately 12,000 dogs that are shown, only about 80 dogs earn the tide."Yesterday, approximately 26 champions were shown for Best of Breed, Crickette is only the fourth Pomeranian in the history of the breed to achieve the tide "Obedience Trial Champion." She is the first OTCH Pomeranian to go High in Trial at a National Specialty."An Obedience Trial Champion comes once in a lifetime if you are very, very lucky. They are as rare as the once in a lifetime outstanding athlete who wins the "GOLD." Crickette is one of those dogs. She is truly an ambassador for the breed and a true champion. She has been a delightto show over the past eight years. We have had great weekends and not so great, but she has always been my shining star exhibiting all of the wonderful qualities that make up a Pomeranian. Drive, temperament, intelligence, structure, and most of all, and unending love for her family and everyone she meets."Training and showing Crickette has been a labor of love. It took me eight years to train and show Crickette to her championship. Many hundreds of hours of training, lots of seminars, and friends who were always there to give me the answers to training problems have given me a devotion and love for my dog that can never be expressed in words. Without Crickette, I would never have made so many wonderful friends all over the world in breed and obedience. I am proud that she is a Pomeranian and that people everywhere in the world love her. She is beautiful in my eyes"Thank you Crickette for being that once in a lifetime dog. For giving me tremendous love for Obedience and the breed. When you go, a part of me will go with you. You are truly a champion in every sense of the word. Your life blood and energy flows through my body, and I love you with all my heart."According to the AKC, in 1992, there were 220 Pomeranians that finished bench championships. Poms earned a total of 57 obedience titles 43 CDs, 11 CDXs, and 6 UDs. Stats for a couple of other years 1990-250 Chs, 58 CDs, 10 CDXs, and 6 UDs 1989-212 Chs, 41 CDs, 17 CDXs, and 3 UDs.The number of obedience titlists has increased over the last 20 years, gradually. There is no limit to the number of CDs that can be earned. AKC keeps the number of champions stable because it controls the point system.Look at those numbers again. Now, Im not going to denigrate the championship Im very proud of my conformation champions. It is too simplistic to say that it is easier to finish a champion than an obedience degree. We all know that if you get the right handler and throw enough money at it, you can finish an unworthyrAv\ti V - dAPHY tr-INGROUP 2 ndwCOUNTYELGINakennelcujb1992AmVCan.Ch. Pixies Tiptoe to NeujahrAnother American Canadian Champion Tipper is pictured taking a Group III under judge Morley Thornton, from the puppy class. Tipper finished her American championship from the 6-9 puppy class, going BOW at both PCM Specialty and OPC supported entry for her majors.As a special, she has several BOBs.BreederOwner Evelyn Newyear4478 River StWillougby, OH 44094216 946-1226 Co-OwnerHandler Evelyn Conley20075 ViningNew Boston, Ml 48164313 753-9245Owner Carol A. Galavich 52821 German Hill Rd. Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614 458-1705i1riALEXSMITHPHOTOGRAPHYT41GROUP 3 rd.LONDONJtcanine association-SMI1993AmVCan. Ch. Pixies Buttons-N-Bows, GCWhat fun we had in Canada "BB" is pictured taking a Group II nder Judge Clover Allen, tandled to perfection by Marlene Penney. We came home with new friends and a new titleSpecial thanks, also, to Evelyn Blake for the use of Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John RJ and Ch. knnons Sir Kennor. They have made welcome additions to our breeding program."BB" is a multi-Group winner and the Top Winning Bitch in 1990 and 1991Carol A. Galavich 52821 German Hill Rd. Powhatan Point, OH 43942 614 458-1705lampion. The vast majority of obedience oms are owner trained and handled. These wners can be justifiably proud of their ties. They are part of a small elite group, hey are also rewarded with a close dationship with the dog, and with getting i meet and work with some pretty terrific eople.Is obedience for you Dont dismiss that lought too quickly. Take a little time to atch the obedience rings at the next show ou go to, especially if it is a Pom specialty, alk to some of the exhibitors about how nuch time they spend training and what ypes of training techniques they use. Im ure you realize that conformation and ibedience not only are not mutually xclusive, but complement one another. Lhere are folks all over the country-Alice xssard, Roz Goltz, Brenda Hutton, Judy jreen, Mary Vickers, Jerrie Freia, and lots nore-who do both. Two of the qualifiers at he APC Trial in Texas were champions. Sxe you missing out on some of the fun you ould have with your dog Congratulations,Joel and Cheryl,onyourKennel VisitSOUTHSTARPomeranianscongratulatesloel and CherylGlen IrisPomeraniansThanks for giving us our first star "Glen Iris Dancing Star"Greg and Frances Vogel4800 Lakeview Estates Drive Northport, AL 35476 205 339-3088sagpCJiIrir.yl ^BESOPPOSITE SEXMUSKOGEE KENNEL CLUB 1992PHOTO BY PETRULIS.0'7Ch. Glen Iris Castle SecretSecret would like to send a BIG CONGRATULATIONS to her half brother, Evan, on his many BISsAnd...I would like to send a BIG THANK YOU to Cheryl and Joel for all your help and friendship which youve given me over the past two years. Heres to your accomplishments and to the futureWe feed Science Diet.esOWNERHANDLEDMaria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington AvenueTulsa, OK 74137 918 492-0520I Izfmn .JHulitjrk P3IJ^A att^ h- Slot ,3rTS Castle PockTHANK YOU, MR. LOU HARRIS, FOR BIS...The Pomeranian That Meets The Standard....Co-OwnersBreeders Cheryl A. Jackson and Joel M. Taylor Glen Iris Poms 205 328-6603OwnerRose Ellen Fetter 419221-05231HandlersMichael and Nina Work 419 221-0046Kennel Visit to Glen Irisby Cheryl Jackson and Joel TaylorThe JacksonTaylor HouseholdPart l-Cheryls StoryWe have really procrastinated about writing this kennel visit. This is not unusual for us, since every Tuesday night during the show season we are down at Federal Express getting our entries off at the last minute. Besides, its not easy to explain why our house is filled with dogs-our relatives and friends ask that question each time they come to call, or heaven forbid phone us on a show weekend. Lastly, those of you who know us will understand that it is difficult for Joel and me to agree on anything and that we have different but complementary areas of expertise regarding our Poms. So I am going to try to explain how we got into this mess and where we hope to go from here, and Joel will tell you what weve done so far.Bursting with my new found knowledge of French Level I, I named my familys first Pomeranian Le Petit Chien. In retrospect, he wasnt such a bad dog-he had a great rear, pretty head, and tons of coat. When I struck out on my own, I always had a Pom of my own and dioughtId like to breed a litter in the future. So there we were, at the Birmingham Kennel Club show, trying to find a boy friend foi my pet Pom Shiva. As luck would have it, Mis. Polly Ferguson of Mee-Gee Poms had two males at the show-one that loved to show the indomitable Ruckus and another that did not MP. She cried the whole way home after selling us MP, thinking that she had sold him to a pair of hippies.We thought that Mee-Gees Masterpiece, or MP, was absolutely beautiful and eventually I started conformation training classes with him. In spite of our bumbling, a dog with his movement was not to be denied, and with Hiram Stewarts help, he did finish after all. MP was the sire of our first show litter, though I cant take all the credit for that. We had purchased a daughter of Ch. Chriscendo Western Express from Janice Young, and she came into season shortly thereafter. I put her in the kitchen and him in the laundry room with a baby gate between them. Imagine our suiprise when we discovered that shy, well-behaved MP could climb if he wanted to Two out of that litter finished, Ch. Glen Iris Ivanhoe sire of Evan, our current special and Ch. Glen Iris Autumn Masterpiece. MP is alsoL ^rCh. Glen Iris Stormy Weather 4 mosBEST OF BREED or VARIETYGREENVILLE KENNEL CLUB JULY 1990Cheryl with Ch. Janesas Glen Iris Sorceressour first obedience titlist, achieving his CD with our good friend Donna Hobart.In the following years we were very fortunate to acquire some wonderful dogs from a number of different people. One of those people, Eleanor Clark of Jamels Pomeranians, sold us our first two specials-Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland a Lil Toasty son and Ch. Jamels Texas Tornado a City Lights son. These two dogs were as different as night and day, and we found that we were regarded by many as just "flashes in the pan" trying to win with anything possible, with no plan behind our breeding program. These difficult first years taught us both to take advice and to learn by observation from those we admired or feared and to integrate this knowledge with our long-range plans.The success we have enjoyed in breeding our dogs has not been without considerable cost-Poms are still "the heartbreak breed" and quite difficult for a newcomer to raise successfully. Wequickly learned that one cant expect a vet to solve all of ones breeding problems It is necessary for the serious breeder to ask intelligent questions, to read, to do their homework, and be willing to listen really listen to what the vets and the other breeders have to say. It is absolutely necessary to be clear on things like the best anesthesia for C-sections, tube feeding techniques, and inoculation and worming regimens. Many breeders were unstinting in the time and help that they gave to us, and we hope that we can be as helpful to others in turn. Jerrie Freia scared us to death the first time that we called her, asking us all kinds of questions about our attitudes towards line-breeding, our plans for breeding two generations ahead and so on. No longer always the teacher, she is now a very close friend and we have the phone bill to prove it. Cassandra Evans has always had a new approach or idea to tell us about, and a trip to her house has always found us coming home with more than we startedMiircriudii rumeidiiidii Viuu oflCheryl in 1986 with our surprise first show litter.out with, much to Joels chagrin. Erica Moureau manages to balance the demands of her dogs and family life superbly and has served as the voice of reason in a way only a dog persongrandmother can. Sue Goddard, who has provided us with some wonderful City Lights children, including Ch. Tim Sues Evening Lights Evans mother and Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights, has taught us more than anyone else to keep all of this in perspective. She told us a story about how she was talking to a prospective Pom buyer at a show and mentioned the name of a prominent breeder from a few years back. The woman said, "Whos that Ive never heard of her." And that about sums it up. In the end our fleeting bits of glory in this game wont matter to anyone but ourselves, so we might as well savor it all-the ups and downs, the friendships and the mishaps for a least it is better to try your best than to sit at home and do nothing at all.Our desire in breeding a quality Pom is to have a certain look and attitude that we find appearing, and not necessarily to have a dog that looks just like whatever dog is winning at the time. Our outcrosses have been mainly between bev-Nor and Tim-Sue lines, with some Scotia and Great Erins mixed in from CassandraEvans. In evaluating our dogs, we look foi attitude first-a dog that says "Look al me" may be a better example of the spirit of the breed than a structurally perfect bul painfully shy specimen. Movement is an important aspect in determining a dogs quality in that a good moving dog tends to be a healthier, more balanced animal. We are not locked into a certain head or body type, although we do prefer a dog that is well up on leg with a good side profile even without trimming. One of the biggest problems in our Poms today, and one that is not easy to change is the quality of the coat texture. A correct coat must be bred for, not achieved only through spraying and trimming. Although some people dont trim their dogs, we most definitely do since we prefer a neat, polished appearance. Subtlety in grooming is important, though, since our dogs are not, after all, Poodles. We believe that the stiff competition in todays show ring is forcing intelligent breeders to acknowledge the strengths and weaknesses of their own breeding programs. The ease of travel and the burgeoning success of our national specialties which are a showcase for breeders and not just another dog show have encouraged many breeders to use dogs of differing backgrounds to enhanceWe table and lead train out in front of our house.PAGE 32Here comes dinnertheir bloodline when necessary.Our dogs are by necessity raised in our home. We live in a historical district named-you guessed itGlen Iris-and are restricted in the number of dogs that we can have. The majority of the dogs are housed in a room adjacent to the kitchen, while bitches in season or invalids are housed in the laundry room. Mothers to be are brought up to our bedroom a week or two before whelping, and the puppies remain upstairs until it is time for their first shots. Young puppies reside in the kitchen until they become nasty teenagers at which time they join the adults. Our back yard is divided into a dog yard lined with limestone gravel, and a grassy people yard now lined with toys. We gaze longingly at the wonderful kennels sported by many of our fellow breeders, but we love our house money pit that it is and we like having the dogs close by. Our children both adore the Poms and have been pretty good at the shows so far, but for the next few years we will be hanging back a bit to stay home and socialize them properly.Our breed attracts many people who have already raised their own brood and have taken on the Poms as a second family. They chuckle a bit as we swoop down to catch one child or another at theshows, and tell us that it will only get worse. Well, we did it all backwards and had the dogs first-its tough right now, but we kind of like it this way.Part ll-Joels StoryMy primary interest as a part of Glen Iris has always been in exhibiting. Whether it is a dog we bred or one belonging to someone else, if I like it, Ill show it. It hasnt always been this way, though. At first, when Ceryl bought her first show Pom, I was very skeptical of the whole thing. After several weekends of watching her, however, I said that I might like to try my hand at showing. On my first try I went winners dog, and Ive been hooked ever since. Weve been showing for about eight years now, and weve learned a great deal--its not as easy as it appears to be Theres a lot of finesse involved in successfully presenting a dog to its greatest advantage, and that can only come from close observation of those who seem to know what theyre doing. A good handler knows that he or she can always learn something new and useful from someone else. I certainly dont claim to be a professional handler, but I love to show and do the best I can, always willing to try new techniques.Regardless of the subtle nuances needed to really be good, though, there are a few things that everyone should know about and practice, regardless of background in dogsKnow what your dogs strong points are and take himher to judges who look for those things in particular. This can include things such as head type, color, coat condition, back length, front andor rear movement, side gait, length of leg, and showmanship. Sometimes it is necessary to travel some distance in order to show your dogs under the right judges to win.Know how to groom your dog in order to accentuate strong points and to detract from weak ones. Im very fortunate to have Ceryl to do this for me, as I consider her one of the best Pom groomers in thecountry. As an example, a dog that is long and low to the ground will be trimmed on the ruff and through the haunches to visually shorten back, and under the belly to give the impression of more leg. NEVER let your dog LOOK trimmed, except on feet, legs and around the anus. Body coat should always look as natural as possible. Only practice makes perfect in this area. Always present your dog clean, and layer brushed TO THE SKIN, with legs slickered upwards-this helps give the dogs coat a lush appearance. We try not to use much spray or powder because foreign substance in the coat has become such an issue.Walk into the ring like you expect to win, and be prepared to do whatever is necessary to show your dog off in the ring. This often requires a handler to get on the floor with the dog in order to do what is needed. For example, a dog with a bad rear needs to be stacked with the rear facing away from the judges direct view. A dog with movement problems should be moved n a manner that makes them look the best whether it be slowly, quickly, on a loose or tight lead. No dog is perfect, and something can be done to detract from most faults.Wear clothes that will not detract from your dogs, but instead will accentuate them. A woman should never wear a loose, flowing skirt, because it can frighten the dogs. Always look neat and comfortable, and try to appear calm. This can be very hard 1 know, because I still get nervous, even after eight years.Dont be afraid of judges-they are people, too. It is not a good idea, though, to ask a judge why heshe did not put up your dog in particular. It is better, in my opinion, to ask at another time what heshe looks for in a Pom and in a show dog in general. As long as you keep to theory rather than specific dogs, many judges are quite willing to share their opinions. It is important to remember that EVERYONE loses a certain percentage of the time-there are other dogs besides yours which are deserving of a win. This is one area where weve had the greatestchange in attitude. Were much more relaxed now about winning and losing.Ceryl and I have enjoyed a certain measure of success, but only because we have worked hard, gone to shows frequently, and truly immersed ourselves in the game. Weve probably finished 40 or 50 dogs in the classes, and have campaigned six specials to one degree of success or another, mostly owner handled. "Skyler," Ch. Jamels Fugicle of Southland, was the first, and was not owner handled. He was shown by Mike Kemp, and was multiple group winner and a top ten Pom at the time a real little pistol. "Torry," Ch. Jamels Texas Tornado, was owner handled to a top five position with multiple group wins-a beautiful dog. After Tory retired we showed Ch. Tim Sues Distant Lights for a short while, mostly shown by Nancy Burnette-very sound, and a lot of fun a real mover. Then came "Zac," Ch. Southlands Mr. VIP O Ida, our first really big winner. We campaigned him to 1 Pom and 10 Toy Dog in 1990, all by ourselves. It almost killed us, but we did it and we are proud of those accomplishments. We would drive sometimes ten hours after work on Friday just to hit a certain judging panel, and then have to be back at work at 900 Monday morning. We did this every weekend for almost two years with Zac, and he gave us our first Best in Show, which was a wonderful thrill. Zac was a sweet dog, a real show dog, and we were very close. It was very hard on us when he died. On and off during the last five years we have shown a great little bitch, Ch. Janesas Glen Iris Sorceress, "Sable." Sable is a multiple group winner and LOVES to show. Shes taken several breaks in order to whelp litters, and is a great producer. Our current special, bred by us and show by first Erika Moureau and then by us until our children forced a temporary semi-retirement, is "Evan," Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock. Evan is now shown by Mike and Nina Work, who do a great job with him, and is owned by Rose Ellen Fetter and co-owned by us. He went Best of Breed at Westminster in 1993 and as ofthis writing has amassed eight Best in Shows and a Specialty Best in Show. I have to say that winning at the Garden was one of the most exciting things that has occurred to me in dogs. It was as wonderful as the first BIS-and what an honor to win there under such a respected breeder-judge as Mr. Bivin. Naturally, we have high hopes for Evan in 1994.1 must also note that an Evan son, "Hans," Ch. Glen Iris Luckdragon, owned by Tim and Sue Goddard, is also making his mark in the ring, as a multiple specialty and groupwinner. Hans has the prettiest Pom head that I think Ive ever seen.In closing, Cheryl and I want to first thank the American Pomeranian Club and the Pomeranian Review for honoring us with this kennel visit We also want to congratulate all of those who have finished Glen Iris Poms andor who are currently showing them, and to thank those many who have helped us along the way. May you all have continued success in the Pom ring and the dog world VJsiagJoel and Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock at Westminster, 1993.All our Poms are Glen Iris PomsCongratulations on youHennel VisitAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC. ^NEW CHAMPION4^- ____ ^a .o,s SEXKOHLERSL 1ILEnCh. Glen Iris Charmaine DOrCh. Glen Iris Charlemagne x Ch. Wee Hearts Bearly An AngelBred by Cheryl Jackson and Joel Taylor, this girl finished her championship in a spectacular fashion by going BOW at the Houston Pomeranian Specialty for 5 points under Judge Charlotte Patterson and Best Opposite at the APC Specialty for 5 points under Judge Eve Smail.Owner handled by Katie Snyder and Cheryl JacksonIn Loving Memory of....UCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Glen Iris Poms 205328-6603Am., Can. Ch. Jamel's Fugicle of Southlandknown asSkyler"A GREAT SHOW DOG A GREAT PRODUCER A GREAT FRIEND1PIXIE-i.Glen Iris Star Diamond, CDX, CGCCh. Jamels Fugicle of Southland x Wee Hearts Carolina Callingyou Gotta Have HeartOnly 3.5 pounds but oh, what a heart Each time we walk into the ring, and I stand there trembling, "Pixie looks up at me as if to say, Relax, Mom, we can do this.' And we have by placing in the ribbons 8 out of the 11 times she has been shown"Pixie" is my first obedience dog but not my last, as I have requested a little sister for her from Glen Iris. We might have to wait a while as Cheryl is looking for that special sparkle and speed it takes for the obedience ring.Thank you, Cheryl and Joel, for giving me the opportunity to own this beautiful and very special little Pom. She fills all my days with love, companionship, and joy.We are now in Utility training. Wish us luckHer record is as follows CD in three shows 2nd, 191 1st, 193 3rd, 180 CDX in four shows 3rd, 193.5 190 187 2 Legs in Novice B, W.WK.C. 2nd, 195 3rd, 187 2 Legs in Novice B, U.K.C. 2nd, 197 3rd, 197OwnerHandler Patti Hecht650 North Eldridge Parkway Houston, TX 77079BreederCheryl A. Jackson Joel M. Taylor Glen Iris PomsLet George Do It...... ^f it f f 4 4 4 S S -A- J1JiJiJiJi1And....He Dider XKACHINABEST OF WISsJNERSKOHLERGlen Iris Mr. PresidentGeorge just started his show career in the West. So far his wins in the past month include Silver State KC, WD, BOW, Mrs. Ruth Davidson Superstition KC, WD, BOW, Mrs. Helen Lee James Kachina KC, WD, BOW, Mrs. Julie Moreno Scottsdale DFA, WD, BOW, Mrs. Myron Gauger Pom Club of Greater Phx, WD, Mr. Arley Hussin.Thanks Joel and Cheryl for letting GEORGE live with us. We are very glad we didnt have to call him Hillary. Puppies sired by GEORGE are expected early in January. Write for pedigree.Congratulations on your Kennel VisitCharock Pomeranians, Papillons, and Keeeshonds Jan and Richard Wilhite and Shannon Kelly 8535 N. 10th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85021-4414602 997-4042Top Poms List 1993Group PointsDogs Name Owner Group Bret01 Ch. Cassios Rash in the Pan...................................R Koeppel.............15535....... ..105102 Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain............. ...............R J Blank.......... ...8156....... ....48603 Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock...............................FetterTaylorJackson.. ...7789....... ....82004 Ch. Southland's Mighty Impressive.................BaumgartnerS pelke... ...5846....... ....34705 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water.... ....Diane Finch.............4034........ ....43806 Ch. Morenos Perri Winkle..................... ...........MorenoTrauner...........3897....... ....58307 Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge..........................Nina Epps............ ...2397....... ...43208 Ch. Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy.........................D Hebert............. ...1731....... ....37209 Ch. TLC Bon Jovi.............................................M and D Ontiveros .... ...1686....... ...22310 Ch. Ozarks Mighty Mite....................................Kand G Crouch............1291....... ....267A and S Alford.... .1225 10312 Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius..........................Dolores Watts......... ...1068....... ....22313 Ch. Beltane Gold Digger......................................P and B Curry......... ...1065....... .....9914 Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting............................Jose Cabrera................985........ ....22715 Ch. Jans Willie Makit..........................................Jane Lehtinen..............940............ 11416 Ch. Tim Sues Harbor Lights................................Susan Con lee......... ....651............ 15317 Ch. Ch. Willowbred Vegas Monsoon..................T and J Reeder.............570............ 11118 Ch. Chriscendo Classica...............................C HeartzR D Stratton .....499............ 13319 Ch. Fame Showtime..............................................Donna Reihm...............403............10120 Ch. Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday.......................ShipekPresser...............314............152Breed Points01 Cassios Flash in the Pan........................................R. Koeppel............ .15535..... ....105102 Ch. Glen Iris Castle Rock...............................FetterTTaylorJackson.....7789..........82003 Ch Morenos Perri Winkle..................................MorenoTrauner...........3897..... .....58304 Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain...........................R and J Blank.............8156..... .....486. Diane Finch.... ...4034.... ... 43806 Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge...........................Nina Epps............ ...2397..... .....43207 Ch. Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy..........................D Hebert............. ...1731..... .....37208 Ch. Southlands Mighty Impressive.................BaumgartnerS pelke... ...5846..... .....34709 Ch. Ozarks Mighty Mite....................................Kand G Crouch............1291..... .....26710 Ch. Starfires Totally Tempting...........................Jose Cabrera................985...........22711 Ch. TLC Bon Jovi............................................M and D Ontiveros .... ...1685..... .....22312 Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius............ .............Dolores Watts......... ...1068..... .....22313 Ch. Jan Shar's Johnny Be Good..........................Sharon Hanson.............268...........17414 Ch Glen Iris Luckdragon........................ ..........T and S Goddard............153...........16715 Ch. Tim Sues Harbor Lights...............................Susan Con lee......... ....651...........15316 Ch Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday.......................ShipekPresser......... ....314...........15217 Ch Southland Im So Impressive............ ...........MeyersLaffer.............299...........15018 Ch. Chriscendo Classica...............................C HeartzR D Stratton .....499...........13319 Ch Odysseys Shadow of Keno.............. .........A KossaihJ Lucido.........140...........11620 Ch. Jans Willie Makit..........................................Jane Lehtinen..............940...........114While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, Columnist4lmAJ VL_r Piii iV IJ0 MrtrttsMlueI000ICh. Koh-I-Noors Lil Bit OHeavenCh. Stolannes Classique Comet x Taffy of Wright WayPrudence was proudly owner handled all the way to her championship. To all the judges who saw her special qualities, my heartfelt thanks.BreederOwnerHandlerPam Yongen21777 N. Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 317773-5912Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Pleast type or print legibly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mai all information to the Editor.Ch Koh-I-Noors Lil Bit OHeavenOrange Female Breeder Pam Yongen Owner Pam YongenCh Bev-Nors Double Fudge Ch Bea Mary Hazy DayBea Mary Trinka of Early Day Ch Stolannes Classique Comet Ch Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch Stolanne Mystique Starlet O My Starmist Minuette Ch Dixieland Rock of Millamor Ch Flame of Wright Way Ginger of Wright Way Taffy of Wright WayTenos Sundance Jody Tinker of Wright WayDeuces Clamorous JaneCh Rhynstone Ultimate WarriorRed MaleBreeder Joyce Urban Owner David R. EdwardsGreat Elms Bobby Beam Ch Rhynstone Dodger of Lenette Great Elms Jessica of Lenette Ch Rhynstone the Main Event Tiperons Dandy Lion Ch Rhynstone Lady in Red Wyndmeres Terracotta Rose Janesas Lucky Chip Trievon Harbor Lights Song Tinka TooWyndmeres Chantilly LaceCharkens Little Dickens Trievon Satin RossTrievon Gretchen HopeCh Allayns Against All OddsOrange Sable Female Breeder Mary Allan Owner Maria KneislerCh Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge Ch Theldun's Almond Fudge Ch Southlands Happy Birthday Bil Ch Bev-Nors Fudge Delight Ch Morenos Critics Choice Morenos Singleton by Choice Morenos Phoebe Shamrocks Tarbubble V AllaynCh Shamrocks Little Image Maker Shamrocks Ebony Angel Olmage Gold Gem's Sabrina SunriseCh McGuires Wish Up On A StarOrange MaleBreeder Goldie McGuireOwner Russell and JoAnn KernCh Millamors Rock Music Ch Millamors Mood Music Millamor's Judy Brown McGuires Star of MoodyMcGuires Fantasy Super Star McGuire's Brittany Star Bobby's Cuddles Ch Millamors Mark of Dixieland Ch Coy's Top of the Mark Cedarwoods Linda Leigh McGuires Fancy MandyMcGuires Fantasy Super Star McGuires Little Missy Rasnak Cinnamon BelleView expressed by individual membersare their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects. 5h Southpaw Majik MomentsOrange Female Breeder Jimmy D. Williams Owner Pamela T. WalkerCh Moonshadow's Mica Ch Queenaire Pale RiderCh Queenaire Signature ROM lough Rider DudeCh Queenaire Coup DEtat ROM Queenaire Sweet Charlotte Queenaire Luvy Duk ROM Ch Pedrons Mark of the Dragon Ch Pedrons DragonmarkCh Pedrons Dragon Charmer Rosewoods Song of the Dragon Ch Jolly Wees Desert Breeze Rosewoods Desert Storm Rosewoods Desert Dawn'h Southpaw Pistol Packin MamaOrange FemaleBreeder Pamela T. WalkerOwner Mary PalmerPamela WalkerCh Mee-Gees Masterpiece, CD Ch Glen Iris IvanhoeCherokees Autumn Orange Ch Glen Iris Castle RockCh Chriscendo City Lights ROMX Ch Tim Sue's Evening Lights Tim Sues Brass Toy Ch Chriscendo City Lights ROMX Ch Tim Sues Distant Lights Tim Sues Duchess Sabrina Glen Iris Distant CallerCh Twin Pines Diamond Chips Wee Hearts Carolina Calling Wee Hearts Miss Poppin FreshCh Pixies Tiptoe to NeujahrOrange Female Breeder Evelyn Newyear Owner NewyearGalavichConleyCh Petersons Scamp of Lennis Ch Annons Sir Kennor Kennors Lady Tina Pixies Constant Sir PrizeCh Post Script Sparkle-N-Rock Ch Pixies Constant Comment Pixies Little Margie Ch Annon's Sir Kennor Ch Blake's Sir Robert John Jan-Shars Sherry at Blakes Pixies Eve of NeujahrCh Postcript Sparkle-N-Rock Pixies Glamour Girl Pixie's Geisha GirlCh Xtasis Callie CalaberOrange Sable Male Breeder Gary HullElsie Hull Owner Carol A. GalavichCh Sun Rays Ambassador Ch Sun Rays Bat Man Sun Rays Lil Dovie Ch Sun Rays Riders TornadoCh Sung olds Casino of Kazar Riders Lady Bug of Sungold Riders Golden Peach Ch Scotia Quizmaster Billy Joe Watts Little Komander Jojo Ch Apolloette's Little Trixsee Xtasis Lady ShardeiScotia Ednas Birthday Special Watts Little Bijou ShamrockCh Scotia Shamrock's Sue EllenCh Linchris on Second ThoughtOrange Sable Female Breeder Linda S. Brogoitti Owner M. MitchellL. BrogoittiCh Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southland's Happy Birthday Bil Ch Southland N Bev-Nor Nut E Fudge Ch Thelduns Almond Fudge ROMX Bev-Nor N Southlands Hope ROM Bev-Nors Missy Miss Randys Jolly Wee Lil Duke Ch Jolly Wee Tuff Stuff Randys Dandy Wee Sally Blanco-Gryder Heavens GiftCh Morenos Hot off the Press Queenaire Julianne Queenaire CharadeNOTICEColor pages are available for the next issues. Call today and reserve.Northern Reflections, EhBy Elizabeth DupuisBring on the Black and Tans Effective January 1, 1994, this gorgeous color will have its recognized position in the Canadian standard-no more fear of withheld ribbons Again, our thanks to everyone responsible for the change.As Im quickly preparing this issues column, Im also packing for Credit Valley, Canadas final show of the year and the biggest. So here are a few exciting wins to share with you...Michelle McDonalds homebred boy has made some impressive moves including a Group 1st and a Puppy in Show. His name is Hobbits Fast Forward. Two Poms participated at the Purina Invitational, for BIS winners, in Ottawa. Capturing a prestigious Group 2nd was AC Ch. Subers Blaze of Glory who was bred and is owned by Sue Bemey and handled by yours truly. Trust me, the honor was all mine-what a dog Congratulations to Rosie Varjassy and Ch. Pomsprings Emotion in Motion on their recent CD title Good luck to Rosie as takes over as the new editor for Poms in Canada-the official newsletter of the PCOC. In my last column, I reported a win inaccurately, my apologies to everyone. My source was mistaken. An American BIS was not awarded to AC Ch. Chriscendo Classica, however, she did win several groups stateside. "Cassie" will also be one of the top ten Canadian toys based on her incredible performance thus far for this fiscal yearWell, its that New York time of year again I can safely assume that once again Canadians will be represented. As we select which little treasure will accompany us on the jaunt southwards, our excitement and anticipation escalates. Maybe, just maybe, well see a couple of new "Northern" faces at the festivities Travel safe everyone.Bouquets and Brickbats my little fun centerBouquets to the Santa at my local mallwho didnt promise my six year old son i real live T-Rex for Christmas Heck, h doesnt need a Dinosaur, hes got me firs thing in the morningBrickbats to people who point their dogs off of one another. Those who double anc even triple enter dogs of the same sex iti non-specialty events. Hope thai championship is worth itSorry for a short report this time, gang, but, hey, good things come to those whc wait When all else fails, throw in an old cliche. Red, white, and blues to you all in 94 Kimoby Elizabeth DupuisOur family was always animal lovers with a tendency to lean towards dogs as our favorite mammal. Sure, we had had the occasional gold fish, stray cat, gerbil who enjoyed attacking innocent ankles and even a mutt or two. Heck, later on in fife Dad even tried his boardroom hand at being a hobby farmer. You know, one day you have four horses and the next morning there are five-but, hey, Dad figured we kids were pulling his leg. He could never figure out how that "gelded" pony ever bred those tall girls We ended up with eight horses before the little studs party was over. We were genuine city slickers-with a herdLets go back to the end of the sixties and the birth of the seventies...we were living in Montreal in a very respectable neighborhood where every second home had a gorgeous dog. Poodles, Danes, and Boxers-get the picture Status dogs for very hip folks. So, of course, the six of us kids wanted a dog too-a Malamute no less. I guess the part wolf theory was rather appealing to us. Thats what happens when literature class focusses in on Jack London novels Gosh, remember literature class....So we all approach "DA-A-A-DY," that was how we referred to him when we desperately wanted a YES, and popped the canine question. Much to our surprise,be was calm and rather emotionless until we told him how much the dog would cost. Youve never heard, "two hundred smackers" vocalized quite like the way DA-A-A-DY did it. Somehow the thought of spending that much money on a dog that was in Toronto 350 miles away made his blood boilTwo weeks later we all piled into, of course, "the royal blue station wagon"the spittin image of the one we had had before and the one which would inevitably follow. Dads mean machine Toronto was six hours away. This could be fun...with a brother who thought he was Bob Dylan, absolutely no elbow space, and a car with no air conditioning Our pouting faces, because Dad had made us all chip in for the dog, must have been the highlight of Dads rear view Gosh, we had offered to buy the leash and bowl but Dad, the financial wizard of out time, embezzled our savingsFinally we arrived and there he was...KIMO A black masked face and all puppy ears. We were in Malamute heaven. Our determination had paid off, and we didnt give a dam about our empty piggy banks.We all sardined back into the wagon and headed east for home. I was the chosen one...I got to sit in the far back with the "wolf." At one of our numerous pit stops, Dad opened a bag of apples and started passing them out. We asked if Kimo could have an apple core. Dad bellowed, "Give him the ruddy apple and you eat the core. He cost me more than having you guys did" Remember when it was only fifty bucks to have your baby deliveredAs Kimo matured, he developed an incredible closeness to our mom. He was her shadow. Golly, Mom couldnt even close the bathroom door because hed stick halfway out into the hall. Poor Mom, it wasnt enough that each of us just had to talk to her when she was on the throne...but she had to listen to the dog, too. He went shopping with her and she used to joke about how she could leave her purse on the front seat because no one would dare to put their arms insidethe car. It was true, no one could go near Kimo except family. This was when we first began to doubt our giant sibling.Quickly approaching his second birthday, his temperament became a serious concern. He had snapped at neighbors at least it was those creepy sons and almost connected on one occasion. Mom, because by now she was the only one who could literally handle him, took him to the vet for a consultation. When the vet began his examination, Kimo nailed him After x-rays were taken, the vet disclosed that the dog had a severe case of hip dysplasia-which was a foreign tongue to us. Surgery was an expensive option and compete temperament reversal was questionable. After a lengthy family meeting, we decided to have him put to sleep. The next six months were painfully lonely, especially for Mom.Being the kind of family we are, we naturally ended up adopting an unwanted kitten from a neighbor. Mom put the teenie kitty in a box and took it to the vet for a check-up. While she waited in the lounge, she glanced up at a bulletin board, that was adorned with photos of families' pets. Centered was a snapshot of a malamute with two little girls draped over him. It was Kimo. Mom asked the attending vet, who was new at the clinic, whos dog was in that particular picture. The young vet briskly told her that it was the clinic owners dog. He proceeded to tell Mom how the dog had been brought in for euthanization, but how his boss had decided to give surgery a shot.Mom came home that day with a smile as big as her shoulders were wide and shared the remarkable news. We weren't mad or annoyed with the vet-how could we be. He had had the environment to give the dog a second chance. Kimo was alive and loved by a family probably a lot like usYears have gone by since we all lived together, and I often reflect back on our Montreal days. The arguments over who walked the dog and who got a window seat in that crazy royal blue wagon, are now wonderful memories to cherish. 'TUFFY HAS THE CDXmAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB, INC.^ CLASSWINNERKOHLERUCD MarVics Stuffd Black Bear, CDX, CGC, Therapy Dog, finished his Companion Dog title on August 8, and his Companion Dog Excellent title on November 7. Thank you, Mary Vickers, for letting me have this bright, eager dog.Tuffy is shown above taking 1st place in Open A at the APC summer specialty in Dallas, along with my orange Pom, Anjing, who took 1st place in Open B at this, her last show. Im even more proud of the work these dogs have done in pet therapy at a local nursing home, where kisses from Anjing made one bedfast young man consider her his "best friend.",31 rt globing ^ffemnrtrJdCiBN 39 an 3Bees 3lbu Attjtrtg, J339, KC, ,39ngSeptember 25, 198SJfobetnber 12, 1993There is sorrow enough in the natural way,From men and women to fill our day,And when we know there is sorrow in store,Why do we always arrange for moreBrothers and Sisters, I bid you beware,Of giving your heart to a dog to tear.-Rudyard KiplingBarbara McClatchey 409 297-738357 Poplar Court Lake Jackson, TX 77566MORENO'S PHVNER DOLLY BROWNPhyner Jubilee Brown^tudy x Ch. Phyner CarmelarLOn her way to joining her sister, Ch. Phyner Murphy Brown, to make it two out of two for Carmela's first litter.FLASH Second 4-point major at Portland Kennel Club.OwnersDolly B. Trauner and Julie MorenoHandlerJeff NokesMiner luan romeraman uiud 4FOR SALECH. LOVELY DEBONAIRE ENCORE 4 34 Lbs., Red Sable, proven stud. Whelped August, 92. Finished in 15 shows breederowner handled. By Ch. Rubys One Man Show Encore out of Ch. Lovely Lady Shawna-Debutante ROM.LOVELY LADY CACHET 5 lbs., clear orange. Whelped August 91, free whelper. Has 12 points, both majors. By Ch. Bi-Mars Son N Dance Man out of a light cream female.TWO SHOW QUALITY FEMALES 4 12 lb. clear red, one year old, pointed.4 12 lb. orange sable, two years old. Both have champion sires and dams.LOVELY POMS...OF CHAOS Vic Lovely and Blake Jones 1406 54th Avenue E, Suite D Tacoma, WA 98424-1284yips yapsDear MelissaYou certainly have my attention. Now you need to gain the attention of the ones responsible for placing these dogs in his care and I use the term very loosely.I find it most disturbing that people will call long distance to see if theres a shot at building a major, but when it comes to placing a dog, they cant or wont be bothered.Had any of the breeders of these dogs placed a call to his home area they could have found out that this is not an isolated incident. It has happened numerous times over the years and always the same pattern the dogs are left for a few months with no word or help from the owner, and then he shows up to reclaim them.The time to check references is before you sell, not after the dog is shipped and you start hearing stories. Dont check references from someone who as a monetary interest in the outcome. Call fellow breeders in the area and ask if this is a good home. Good show homes are hard to find, but the alternative should be a wonderful pet home, not a questionable show home.Of course, this will only apply if your mai interest is the welfare of your dog and not money o another dog finished for your kennel name Somewhere along the line we seem to have forgotte that we are responsible for every dog we bring inti this world, pet or show, and the responsibility doe not end because the dog was sold. The way it wa explained to me is that we are responsible for th' life of that dog, for the life of that dog End o soapbox.Good luck with your bunch. Hang in there i really does get better, Melissa. We received 12 dog in one day from a fellow "breeder" loaded with fleas ticks, tapes, tick fever, etc. We had to put two down but all the others found good loving homes after long R R. Good luck.Linda Brogoitti Linchris PomeraniansDear Board MemberI have just completed a short note and check tc Louise Crowe to aid in her rescue efforts^ and mj heart is heavy. There can be no excuse good enougl to justify what that horrible person s did to oui precious Poms I am grateful to the publishers of the Pom Reader and Pom Review for informing its readers of this tragedy. I hope that we will be kepi informed as to the punishment the guilty party receives.I, too, hope that breeders of the Poms that ended up as players in this terrible story have some egg on their faces. I, for one, would be interested in knowing who they are. I hope that this will not be a case of "protecting the guilty and punishing the innocent"I cannot believe that if the owner of these Poms was in attendance of a Pomeranian Specialty with all these dogs that no one saw or suspected the conditions of these dogs That is a scary thought Where are our breed's protectors Are the eyes of the agonized being overlooked by the eyes that should be guarding our innocent PomsThis incident certainly should motivate all responsible breeders to put their heads together to develop preventative measures. Sooner or later, I would like to see mandatory tattooing of all breedable stock. If a breeder were assigned a number to tattoo on their dogs, all dogs ending up in puppy mills, etc. could be easily traced. I am hoping the AKC will adopt this plan. We should push for it-its a start Whatever happensas a result of this Pom horror story, lets never stop trying to prevent a reoccurrence, and lets continue to assist Louise Crowe in her heroic effortVicky Leitner Courbette PomeraniansCOLOR PAGES ARE AVAILABLE FOR THE NEXT ISSUESBack Issues AdvertisersMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. The back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan75.... ... Oct77 ... ....May 79.... ...April 808.00 eachJul 77 .... ...Feb 80... ....Jul 81.... .....Oct 83Apr 86... ...Jan 80.... ....Jan 906.00 eachJul 80.... ... Oct 80... ....Apr 82.... .....Oct82Jan83.... ....Jul83.... ....Apr84.... .....Oct 84Jan 85.... ...Apr 85... ....Jul85............Oct 85Jul 86 .... ...Sept 86... ....Nov 86...........Jul87Oct 87... ...Jan 88.... ....Jul88.............Jan 89Apr 89... ....Jul90.... .... Oct90... ......Jan 91Mar 91 .. ...May 91... ....Jul91Issues from Sept 91 on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Modesto, CA, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.The Pomeranian Review is sent to judges.Kennel visitsMarch...Fran StollRichard and Sally Baugniet.................................16Ruth L. Beam.......................................................16Pat Carney..............................................................9Charlotte Creed.......................................InsideBCRose Ellen Fetter.....................................InsideFCJerrie Freia......................................................12, 15Carol A. Galavich..........................................CenterTim and Sue Goddard..........................Back CoverSharon Hanson......................................................1Patti Hecht...........................................................37Barbara M. Hubbard............................................13Russell and JoAnn Kem.......................Front CoverMaria Kneisler.....................................................27Victoria Lovely Blake Jones.............................47Barbara McClatchey............................................45Mrs. Norris McKamey.........................................12Barbara and Jonny Messmer................................14E. NewyearE. ConleyC. Galavich..............CenterDaniel and Margaret Ontiveros...........................12Jim and Judy Shearer...........................................12Katie Snyder........................................................35Joel Taylor Cheryl Jackson.........................28, 36Dolly B. Trauner..................................................46Greg and Frances Vogel......................................26Pamela T. Walker....................................10, 11, 12Jan and Richard Wilhite......................................38Pam Yongen.........................................................40AA Arr^m'WORTHDALLAS-FTOPOMERANIANINCCLUBBESTOPPOSITESEXKOHLERCh. Southland Toast to Bev-NorMy beloved "Poasty" who turned 10 in December thoroughly enjoyed herself in the ring one more time going BOS from the Veterans Class at the Houston and Dallas Pom Specialties under judges Betty Moore pictured and Charlotte Patterson. So many of you showed your support and appreciation of her-words cannot express what it meant to us. The many positive comments from the judges and participants on her condition and love of showing. Many came to me afterwards with tears in their eyes and sweet thoughts-all of which made this an experience we shall never forget.As Ive said many times, "Poasty" is what a show dog should be-type, movement, soundness, and attitude. And, yes, even at her age, she can still move, and her showmanship compares to none other. Thank you all again for your sincere appreciation of her.Congratulations to Joel Taylor and Cheryl Jackson on your Kennel VisitCharlotte Creed 6618 Lost RidgePineville, LA 71360 318466-3456SouthlandRays of SunshineTIM SUE welcomes ztoVAm. and Can. Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbusterfor a visit. Thanks so much. John and Chris.Tim Sue sends very special congratulations to another favorite couple, Joel and Cheryl, on their kennel visit, and thank you for our special guy Ch. Glen Iris LuckdragonTIM SUE POMERANIANSTim and Sue Goddard Route 2, Box 540111Opelousas, LA 70570 318543-6622