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The Pomeranian Review April 1994
American Pomeranian Club, inc. Pnmrnmum ImruiPublished Bi-Monthly AprilMay, 1994Vi'ViIJmZvI -s 4 j______ ----- CH.FAME CHIP OF THE GREAT ROCKphyNER\ --3k u\,jMorenos Phyner Dolly BrownHer second 4-point major and BOS-This time under Mr. Emil Klinckhardt at the prestigious Portland Kennel Club ShowOwnersDolly B. Trauner JulieMorenoHandlersJeff Nokes Don WalkerAmerican Pomeranian Club8 jah-shAR1 BEST1 SWEEPSTAKES 11 AMERICANr-i 'X- Irr- '.i b- ^Ch. Jan-Shars I Feel LuckyPictured here with Judge Darrell Baker gong Winners Bitch at the NewYork Specialty.Lucky finishes her championship in six shows with four BOB wins and a Group 3.Jan-Shars Doc HolidayPictured with Judge Dolores Watts taking Best in Sweepstakesthe APC National Specialty in New YorkDoc also went Reserv Winners Dog in the Regular Classes unde Judge Darrell Baker.WINNERSBITCHAMERICAN aJSQ POMERANIANS^ CLUB fcY WawThank you, JudgesnBreeder OwnerSharon Hanson 304 497-2446HandlerJason LynchContents...ruiiiciaiiian ncvicvviidents Message Dolly Trauner...................4retarys Report Beverly Henry.....................5rd Meeting Beverly Henry...........................7rections............................................................9nbership Report Jerrie Freia.........................9cialty Report Judy Shearer.........................11xpstakes Critique Dolores Watts................15them Reflections Elizabeth Dupuis.............16ch Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet.. 17nming Barbara Young................................18ior Jots Sarah OBrien................................19pful Hints Margaret R. McKee...................20istrars Comer Jean Schroll.......................22inel Visit Fran Stoll.....................................305 Poms List Jean Schroll.............................42lind the New Titlists.......................................44formance News Linda Gallacher................46eking Anne Griffith....................................47iland Poms Derial Jackson..........................49s Yaps......................................................57C VIP Awards Judy Shearer.......................62ANNUAL STUD REGISTERhe next issue will feature the annual Stud Register for the American Pomeranian Club. Breeders wait impatiently for this issue. Dont be left out Send your ad today.The charge is 20.00 for one-third age plus 10.00 for the cut. Send a generation pedigree which need not e returned.June Kennel Visit...Carol Galavich August Kennel Visit...Erika Moureau4Ch. Fame Chip Of The Great RockCover StoryChips, bred and handled by Brenda Segelken, is a blend of Millamor, Van Hoozer, and Great Elms lines. A great-grandson of Ch Dixielands Rock of Millamor and Ch. Coys Top of the Mark.At ten months of age, Chips had several Best of Breeds, going over several beautiful Specials to Group II and Group IV. Recently, he won a Best of Breed at one of the prestigious Kentucky Cluster shows. Watch as Chips career soars in 94As our kennel is very limited, we are offering Chips for your consideration. Serious inquiries only, please. His attitude, looks, and structure are hard to top.OwnersRussell and JoAnn Kern 604 S. State Freeburg, IL 62243 618 539-3984Handler Breeder Brenda Segelken 4836 Jasko Road Percy, IL 62272 618 965-3278 Jtommmatt 18murof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.Officers of the ClubPresident....................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerFirst Vice-President....................................................................................................................Emily UntalanSecond Vice-President....................................................................................................................Jim ShearerRecording Secretary.................................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary............................................................................................Frances J. StollRural Route3 Washington, IN 47501Treasurer.......................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate................................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor........................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox416 Earth, TX79031 Phone 806 257-3817Business Manager......................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions..........................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.............................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription........................30.00Foreign................................................45.00First Class...........................................35.00Single Copy..........................................6.00NonMembersMembersFull Page.........................65.00..........70.00Half Page.........................40.00..........45.00Quarter Page....................20.00..........25.00Photos each...................10.00..........10.00Front Cover, BW.........120.00....... 150.00Color..............................375.00 400.00Back Cover, BW............80.00....... 100.00Color..............................250.00 275.00Inside FB Cover.............70.00..........80.00Color..............................195.00........200.00Center Spread................140.00....... 150.00Color..............................390.00 400.00Business Card ................10.00...........15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan......................Nov 15.......... Dec 15FebMarch..................Jan 15........... Feb 15AprMay.....................Mar 15.........Apr 15JuneJuly....................May 15...... ...June 15AugSept....................July 15...... ....Aug 15OctNov....................Sept 15...........Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPresidents Messageby Dolly TraunerThe worst snow storm in at least ten years blanketed New York and the entire eastern half of the US on Friday, causing travel problems of enormous magnitude. A special award ought to be given to those who refused to be daunted and made it to the show. Emily Untalan, our first VP and Wendy Feist, our TBR Chair, were hung up in Minneapolis. A1 Williamson, Treasurer, never got off the ground. Planes were held back at airports all around the country, since they couldnt land in the East. Planes already at eastern airports couldnt take off. Oh, it was a grand mess And, if you were in Manhattan, or trying to get in by car, you learned the meaning of instant gridlock Someone said Manhattan might get rid of the snow piled 6 and 8 feet deep at the curbs no place else to put it And nearly burying the parked cars caught there, perhaps by Memorial Day. The lucky ones got there on Thursday and could contemplate the beauty of the fresh snow from a warm inside-looking out.The LaGuardia Marriott was cozy, warm, and the staff as warm and welcoming as ever. How Jim, our Grounds Chairman and wife Judy, made it by car was a major miracle, but make it they did. Setup went forward Friday under Jean Schrolls watchful Show Chairmans eye she and Jim aided by hotel staff under the command of our favorite hotel "red coat" Mark, who greeted those of us who had worked with him before with hugs and kisses. He adores Poms and was often beside a pen talking to the dogs-close at hand to fill any request the hotel could provide.We again had the Presidents Suite for Hospitality, overseen by Ixis Hamill. She was on hand to greet the weary travelers and offer refreshments of cheeses, fruits and soft drinks. She has signed up for college courses toward a Masters Degree in the art and science of Archiving.Ill leave other details to those doing show reports and tell you about some of the plans for the Summer Specialty being hosted by the La Cajun Pom Club. The location is the Airport Marriott in NewOrleans the date Thursday, October t. A Sweepstakes is planned, but no Obedience due to inadequate space. The banquet will be a costume party-Halloween, yknow, so there should be plenty of witches and devils. On Wednesday night a Tasting Party will be tables loaded with NOrleans and Cajun Goodies, all cooked by club members from their favorite recipes. Replacing a TBR show will be a Crawfish Derby Youll buy the raciest looking crawfish, train and condition him to peak performance, and pit his its speed against the other entrants...Kentucky Derby, Belmont, and Pimlico move over If the prize for this doesnt excite you, maybe youll opt for the grand new gambling casino due to open before October. Of course therell be a night on the town in the Vieux Carre-Bourbon Street, and all that jazz...and a Dinner Cruise on Ol Muddy. More details later, but if youve any questions, contact Sue Goddard who, with husband Tim, will be in charge. Sue can be contacted at Rt. 2, Box 548 Opelousas, LA 70570-0540, or by phone at 318 543-6622.This issue of the Pom Review is purposely late. The APC Board has voted to advance publication permanently by one full month in order to avoid continuing conflicting publication dates with competing magazines. It will also allow more time for photos and show reports to be sent in following our Winter Specialty. The Board also voted to offer contract advertising as follows By paying in advance for five 5 full-page ads at the regular price, the advertiser will receive a sixth one free. Photos will still be charged at 10 per photo black and white only, no color. The ads must be placed within a 24 month 12 issues period. You are not limited as to the number of such full-page ads you may wish to place in one issue. It was announced during the show several times that Winners and placers at this recent Specialty could place a full page ad announcing the award just in this issue at the reduced price of 50 plus 10 if a photo is included bw only. You can used another photo of the same dog if one was not taken at the show. I hope you all heardthe announcement of this discount and have taken advantage of it. It should be a permanent policy for all future Winter Specialties.And Hey Wasnt it great to see a black Pom take the Breed at the GardenSecretarys Reportby Beverly HenryAnnual MeetingFebruary 12,1994President Trauner called the meeting to order at 8p and welcomed the members and non-members who had braved the weather to be there.Members in attendance were Suzanne Bemey, Jean Schroll, Sam Zaneoff, Sally Baugniet, Donna Megenhardt, Carol Galavich, Audrey Roberts, Elizabeth Dupuis, Dolores Watts, Arlene Benko, Pam Yongen, Warren Yongen, Donna Sinicropi, Jackie Klein, Irene Bennett, Donna Jean Wright, Lois Hamill, Mary Vickers, Evelyn Conley, Rollie Conley, Darrell Baker, Olga Baker, Carolyn Crockett, Donna Machniak, Jackie Rayner, JB Green, Rose Keller, Jim Shearer, Margaret McKee, Beverly Henry, Diana Downey, Julie Moreno, Judy Shearer, Emily Untalan, Dolly Trauner, Wendy Feist, Christine Caplan, Fran Stoll, and 2 whose signatures I cannot read, a Jim and a Richard. Visitors were Steve Cookston, Jill Cookston, Glenetta Le Glise, Valerie Landers, Judi Hurst, and "Roger" the cover dog.President Trauner said she had a list of members who have not paid their dues-these people cannot vote. Several of those on the list came forward and paid their dues. A quorum was established and Dolly continued with business.Dolly introduced the visitors and asked Judi and Harry Hurst to stand and be recognized for the fantastic job in rescue and rehabilitation of the 24 dogs dumped on them last fall.She then called for Committee Reports Fran Stoll gave the Corresponding Secretarys report. Beverly Henry gave the Recording Secretarys report, the highlight being the announcement that the Board had voted to donat 1,000 to the Pomeranian Club of Greater Michigan Rescue Committee. Dolly gave the Treasurers Report in Als absence. Sally Baugniet reported on the Judges Education Committee. Lois Hamill reported on Publicity and Hospitality. Sam Zaneoff reported on the recent AKC meeting, announcing AKCs new President, Judy Daniels. He asked Dolly to read his report on the proposed legislation changing age limits for dogs and bitches and limiting a bitch to six litters.Unfinished BusinessThere was no Unfinished Business.New BusinessDolly called for discussion on the proposed AKC changes in Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Rules Applying to Registration and Dog Shows. This section presently reads Section 5. No dog or litter out of a dam under eight 8 months or over twelve 12 years of age at time of mating, or by a sire under seven 7 months or over twelve 12 years of age at time of mating, will be registered unless the application for registration shall be accompanied by an affidavit or evidence which shall prove the fact to the satisfaction of the American Kennel Club.The proposed rule would read Section 5. No dog or litter out of a dam under twelve 12 months or over eight 8 years of age at time of mating, or by a sire under nine 9 months or over twelve 12 years of age at time of mating, will be registered. Further, no more than six 6 litters will be registered out of any dam registered with the American Kennel Club.Dolly called for open discussion on the subject.Darrell Baker, who is the AKC delegate for the Houston Kennel Club, asked to speak. He said that the reasoning behindthis proposal is to show the Anti-Dog groups around the country that the AKC is keeping its house clean. He did not personally feel that it would affect Toy breeders as much as they might think. He called upon everyone to read the Gazette and see how many people are suspended from AKC privileges for registration and record keeping violations. He also noted that he feels the proposal will pass. Suzanne Bemey said that her club has already voted to have their delegate vote against the proposal. Audrey Roberts said when she first read the proposal that she did not feel it would directly affect her, but after thinking about it decided that AKC already discriminates against Toy breeders with the litter registration application fees. It costs the same to register a litter containing our one Pom puppy as it does to register a litter of 12 Great Danes.Jackie Raynor felt that if we give AKC this concession that more and more will be taken away from us. She also thought it would give unscrupulous breeders license to breed one bitch and credit the litter to another bitch to keep within the 6 Utter limit Valerie Landers voiced similar concerns.Wendy Feist does not have a problem with the proposed changes. She feels millers are doing what Valerie and Jackie mentioned anyway this wont change things.Judy Green feels problems are not being caused by reputable breeders, and we are the ones being penaUzed. New rules wont help as the ones creating the problem are not playing by the rules anyway. Emily Untalan said she is a small breeder and has no problem with the proposal. She had surveyed several breeders in her area and said most of them do not breed a bitch more than 6 times anyway.94-02-01 Jim Shearer moves that we instruct Sam to vote AGAINST this proposal, seconded by Mary Vickers. Motion passed, 21 for, 8 against.Elizabeth Dupuis said she had not paid her dues and signed in as a guest because she felt that members were not being involved and there was a lack ofcommunication, having received only two pieces of correspondence. She said she had received nothing in regards to voting for the judges and she would like to have participated. Margaret McKee asked if she was implying that she was being discriminated against as a foreign member. She said that was not her intention. Margaret said we have no way of knowing if maiUngs have arrived, we can send them but cannot guarantee their arrival. Mary asked how many mailings were sent this past year. There were about 6 or 7 general maiUngs Club Roster, Judges selection, Jamboree Information Booklet, Jamboree Premium List, Winter Specialty Show Premium List, and Trophy donation sohcitation. Other members complained of apathy and lack of enthusiasm within the club.94-02-02 JuUe Moreno moved that the pubhcation date of the Review be changed to an alternate month so as not to coincide with the Registry pubhcation date, seconded by Jean SchroU. Discussion What happens next Does the year change Do we give an additional issue as part of the package Margaret McKee moved to amend this motion to state that because of the date of the Winter Specialty, the pubhcation of the Review be changed by one month. Seconded by Emily Untalan. The motion now reads Due to the date of our Winter Specialty, the publication date of the Review be moved ahead by one month. Motion passed. Ah in favor. Pubhcation dates will now be as fohows FebMarch, AprMay, JuneJuly, OctNov, DecJan.94-02-03 Audrey moved to reinstate Canadian membership dues to be the same as US members. Jean Schroll seconded. At this point Elizabeth Dupuis ran up with her dues money in hand, saying she wanted to vote on this motion. Motion passed. All in favor.94-02-04 Diana Downey moved that all APC Specialty winners and placers be offered a reduced rate in the Review, in the issue immediately following said Specialty.The rate to be determined by the Board and is to apply to both the Summer and Winter Specialties. Seconded by Jean Schroll. Motion carried.94-02-05 Wendy Feist moved that anyone who takes out 5 prepaid full page ads receive the 6th full page ad free. Amended to include wording that this will be on a trial basis for one year. Seconded by Elizabeth Dupuis. Motion carried, all in favor.94-02-06 Wendy moved to amend her motion to require the pre-paid ads be used within 12 issues, a two-year trial basis, seconded by Emily Untalan. Discussion Mary Vickers questioned who was going to keep track of this. Elizabeth Dupuis offered to keep up with the record keeping of those contract ads for Dudley. Motion carried, all in favor.The President called for additional items to be discussed. One person commented that it was difficult for her to sit up front with all the smoke. Dolly thanked her for her observation, there being no further business, Mary Vickers moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 955pm. Board MeetingFebruary 12,1994The President called the meeting to order at 1015 pm. Present were Sally Baugniet, Beverly Henry, Margaret McKee, Jim Shearer, Fran Stoll, Dolly Trauner, Emily Untalan, and Mary Vickers. Visitors were Audrey Roberts and Jean Schroll.Unfinished BusinessDolly noted that it seems to her that the only item standing in the way of finalizing the By-Laws revision is the process in which we count ballots. She therefore offers the following motion94-02-07 Dolly moves that in addition to a smaller plain envelope marked simply "Ballot" there shall also be a 10 envelopebearing the name and address of thr member in the upper left comer and tht name and address of the Corresponding Secretary to whom the ^ballots are to be returned. The ballots are to be counted b the Corresponding Secretary and two 2 members nominated by the Secretary and approved by the Board. All ballots are to be brought to the Board Meeting immediately preceding the Annual Meeting if there has been no protest, ballots may be destroyed after the Annual Meeting. Ballots must be counted before January 15, and all candidates notified of the results by January 15. Seconded by Margaret McKee. Motion carried.94-02-08 Margaret moved to add the provision for a line for the members signature. Discussion Mary had no problem with this other than asking how would the signature be verified. No signature file is on record and even if someone had been a member 30 years, in all probability their signature has changed over the years. Emily was concerned that most people do not read instructions, therefore eliminating their ballot for lack of a signature. Margaret rescinded her motion, original motion stands.94-02-09 Margaret moved that we eliminate all geographic requirements from the Membership Application and to require a reference letter from each sponsor. Seconded by Jim Shearer, motion passed, all in favor.94-02-10 Sally Baugniet moved that the age for the Veteran Dog and Bitch classes and Veteran Sweeps be changed from 6 years to 7 years of age. Seconded by Fran Stoll. After much discussion, the vote was 2 in favor Sally and Fran, 6 against, motion defeated.94-02-11 Margaret moved that the Nominating Committee solicit resumes from nominees to be sent out with the Nominating Committees report. Those persons nominated from the floor may send a resume to the Corresponding Secretary tobe sent out with the ballot Seconded by Jim. Motion carried, all in favor.Annual Committee AppointmentsDolly reported that AKC has sent out a letter to the effect that they prefer to have the Delegates and AKC Columnists nominated for a 3 year term to maintain continuity as it takes time to learn the ropes and become familiar with AKC requirements.94-02-12 Sally moved and Fran seconded that the following appointments be made AKC Delegate, Sam Zaneoff Gazette Columnist, Olga Baker 1995 Show Chairperson, Jean Schroll 1995 Show Secretary, Beverly Henry.94-02-13 Sally moved that the Pomeranian Review be sent to the AKC Library, Fran seconded, motion passed, all in favor. Brenda needs to be aware of this motion.Jean Schroll showed the Board some towels with Pomeranians on them for trophies next year. Towels will be the same color as ribbons for placements and in graduated sizes.94-02-14 Dolly moves to substitute 94-01-01 to read that we send the JEC materials to anyone who has been invited by a Judges Group to present breed material. Seconded by Mary. Motion passed, 6 in favor, 2 against.94-02-15 Dolly moved that APC pay for reproducing JEC materials. Seconded by Mary, motion carried, all in favor.94-02-16 Fran moved that APC pays for the film and developing of the 35mm slides that AKC uses to produce the imaging to go with the Workshop materials. Mary seconded. Motion carried. All in favor.94-02-17 Beverly moved that the S15 Judges Workshop fee go to the Host Club instead of APC. Her reasoning was that it might be more of an incentive for Clubs to hold the Workshops if they get somethingout of it. Seconded by Margaret. Motion carried.Sally asked the Board to approve a seminar presented to the Iowa Judges Association.94-02-18 Margaret moved that we give approval for Sally to present a seminar to the Iowa Judges Association. Seconded by Mary, motion carried, all in favor.At this time 94-01-02 was presented for vote, Jim Shearer moved that APC allow the Awards Chair to give a Humanitarian Award to Judy Hurst for all the fine work she has done, seconded by Dolly Trauner, Motion carried, adopted without dissent. This award was presented to Judy at the conclusion of judging on Sunday.New BusinessMargaret expressed concern about the appearance of the Standing Rules. She feels the strike-outs ought to be eliminated. Beverly said Happeth Jones offered to update them for her as it is on her computer. Margaret asked the Board to get with Happeth and clean it up. Board approvals given as long as it is ready for Roster in April.94-02-19 Mary moved that a box be added to the dues notice indicating if that member is involved in Rescue. It will then be indicated in Roster with an "R". Margaret seconded, motion carried, all in favor. This provision will begin with the dues notice sent this fall and the Roster published in April, 1995.Mary suggested Diana Downey as National Rescue Chair for the AKC listing.94-02-20 Margaret moved that the Financial Guidelines adopted by the Board in Portland should be included in the Standing Rules. Seconded by Mary, motion carried, all in favor.94-02-21 Margaret moved that in the Standing Rules, Section V, Miscellaneous Item 4 be rescinded. This item now reads Any Member-supplied request forreimbursement of personal expenses should be honored at the time of presentation and be paid at the time of submission. Seconded by Mary, motion passed, all in favor.Emily moved to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 1225am.Board Continuation-Sunday, February 13,1994Present were Dolly Trauner, Jim Shearer, Mary Vickers, Fran Stoll, Margaret McKee, Emily Untalan, and Beverly Henry. Dolly called a short Board meeting to cover issues that we missed in our meeting the night before.We had been asked at the Annual Meeting to set the price for the reduced rate ads for Specialty winners and placers. Margaret said our cunrent regular page rate is 65 plus 10 for a photo.94-02-22 Mary moved winners and placers at both Specialties may have a full page ad in the issue immediately following the Specialty for the reduced rate of 50 for a full page, black and white ad plus 10 for a picture. Fran seconded, motion carried, all in favor.94-02-23 Margaret moved, Mary seconded a motion to restore the President to the list of those presently not allowed to exhibit at APC Specialties. Motion carried, all in favor.Dolly made a request that a copy of the JEC packet be sent to each Board member for review. Jim moved to adjourn. CorrectionsIn the last issue, the centerspread pictures were switched. Our heartfelt apologies to those advertisers.On page 42, "Behind the New Champions"...Ch. Xtasis Callie Calaber is owned by Gary and Elsie Hull.Membership Reportas of 31594by Jerrie Freia, Membership Chairman NEW MEMBERS FOR 1994Terry Toombs Blanchard701E Jefferson Park Avenue Jefferson, LA 70121 504 835-5013 SponsorsMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Audrey M. RobertsAshley and Gerald Miller102 Gettysburg Drive Pensacola, EL 32503 904 474-6277 SponsorsAdrian Alford Joel TaylorMrs. Stella M. Lizambri133 Camelot Drive Goose Creek, SC 29445 803 553-0188 SponsorsBenson E. Ray Ruth BeamFlorence and Carl Scott 604 Chouteau Granite City, IL 62040 618 797-6429 SponsorsJanice Young Brenda SegelkenD. Stephen Turner405 Rock Valley Road Holyoke, MA 01040 413 538-7683 SponsorsClaire Flesner Jessie W. YoungAPPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIPRobert Blank16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, MI 49107 616 695-7308 SponsorsRonald Feyh Frances J. StollPatricia M. Foxx 987 Loch Maree Hayden Lake, Idaho 83835 208 772-9618 SponsorsEmily Untalan Wendy FeistAngela Isbet 5050 Butler Road Canandaigua, NY 14424 716 394-1394 SponsorsRoberta Kerr Jacquelyn KleinDennis and Glenetta Leglise 1926 Carolina St. NW Dover, OH 44622 216 343-8192 SponsorsJames Shearer Carol A. GalavichPhyllis Martin17210 N. 17th Street Phoenix, AZ 85022 602 867-1078 SponsorsJulie Moreno Mrs. Dolly B. TraunerAnnette Rogers-RisterPO Box 50Corpus Christi, TX 78403 512 992-8233 SponsorsOlga Baker Carolyn Ann CrocketArthur and Niki Stevenson 1616 5th Street Salem, OR 97303 503 585-4312 SponsorsEmily Untalan Wendy FeistKelley and Karen Schwartz305 S. Wayne Street Piqual, OH 45356 SponsorsRonald FeyhCarol A. GalavichPatVarvaro347 Fairbanks AvenueStaten Island, NY 10306SponsorsDavid R. Edwards Jackie RaynerCrystaC PomeraniansCongratulate good friend Fran Stoll on her Kennel VisitJim and Judy Shearer 216 852-4136Specialty Reportby Judy ShearerThe 1994 APC National Specialty at the LaGuardia Marriott in New York was one tha will not soon be forgotten by the Fancy. For once, the drivers actually got there before thi fliers. Our Pom people were among the thousands stranded in various airports across thi country.The heavy snowfall in New York closed all major airports in the city on Friday night but by Saturday afternoon some flights were resuming. Many of our people arrived, san luggage, via two or three different airports, other than the ones they originally departed Treasurer A1 Williamson from Louisiana was refused a ticket to NY. They told him th airports were all closed and the motels and hotels were all full.Understandably there were many absent for these shows. None of the Obedience Poir people were able to attend, making a total of 79 absent from our total entry of 208.Scheduled for Saturday were the Obedience, Veteran Sweeps, and Puppy Sweeps.Obedience Judge Mr. Arthur Weiss found his assignment to be an easy task, as I had said, none were able to get there. For Judge Dolores Watts, a different story. Dolores had some of our most gorgeous specimens of the breed in her Veterans Sweeps. All looking just as beautiful now as during their show careers. Such a tribute to our breed and their proud owners or handlers.Veteran Sweeps1st...Ch Homestead's SpitN Polish 1st...Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann.......Veteran Dog 6-9 years......................BreederOwner Jean HurleyVeteran Bitch 6-9 years .......BreederOwners Fran Warren Wlargaret MckeePuppy Sweeps1st...Jan-Shar's Doc Holiday 1st...Starfire's Im Too Sexy.Puppy Dogs 6-9 months......................BreederOwner Sharon HansonPuppy Dogs 9-12 months .........................BreederOwner Jose CabreraPuppy Dogs 12-18 months1st...ldlewyld's Semi-Precious Gem............Breeders Margaret McKee and Fran WarrenOwner Margaret MckeePuppy Bitches 6-9 months1st... Glen Iris Brilliant Disguise...............................Breeders C Jackson, J TaylorOwners Jackson, Taylor, and Pat CarneyPuppy Bitch 9-12 months1st... Jan-Shars Coal Miners Daughter.................BreederOwner Sharon HansonPuppy Bitch 12-18 months1st...Dimondes Satin Sorceress...............................BreederOwner Diana DowneyGrand Sweepstakes Winner Jan-Shars Doc Holiday Best in Junior Sweepstakes Jan-Shars Doc Holiday BOS in Junior Sweepstakes Glen Iris Brilliant Disguise Best in Senior Sweepstakes Idlewyld Semi-Precious Gem BOS in Senior Sweepstakes Dimondes Satin SorceressJudge Darrel Baker, well known among the Fancy, was heard to say at one time, "Boy This is hard" I agree. I would have had to tack on reserves to my reserves, to my reserves. AKC would surely not approve.Puppy Dogs 6-9 months1st...Jan-Shars Doc Holiday..................................BreederOwner Sharon HansonPuppy Dogs 9-12 months1st...Jan-Shars Elvis Lives............Breeder Sharon Hanson Owner Clarice and Yvette OganekuPuppy Dogs 12-18 months1st... Blakes You Light Up My Life........................BreederOwner Evelyn BlakeBred-By-Exhibitor Dog1st...Silver Meadows Jus Crusin.............................BreederOwner Jackie KleinAmerican Bred Dog1st...Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe.................................................BreedersOwners Fran Warrenand Margaret McKeeOpen Dog ROCS1st... China Dolls Sudden Impact..................BreedersOwners John and Darlene BoydOpen Dog AOAC1st...ldlewyld Semi-Precious Gem.........BreederOwners Margaret McKee and Fran WarrenWinners Dog Silver Meadows Jus CrusinReserve Jan-Shars Doc HolidayPuppy Bitch 6-9 months1st...Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky...................................BreederOwner Sharon HansonPuppy Bitch 9-12 months1st...Peppipoms Creative Style..............................BreederOwner Loretta PedersonPuppy Bitch 12-18 months1st...Dimondes Satin Sorceress......................................Owner Diana DowneyBred-By-Exhibitor Bitch1st... Glen Iris High Five of Su-K................Breeders Katie Snyder and Cheryl JacksonOwners Katie, Cheryl, S. Snyder, and H KarschOpen Bitch ROCS1st...Chriscendo Classic Image ..Breeder Chris Heartz Owner Chris Heartz and R and D StrattonWinners Bitch Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky Reserve Glen Iris High Five of Su-KVeteran Dog1st...Ch Tim Sues High Lights.........................BreederOwner Tim and Sue GoddardVeteran Bitch1st...Ch Stolanne Mystique Starlet...............................BreederOwner Fran StollBest Brood Bitch1st...O My Starmist Minuette............................Breeder Opal Dumler Owner Fran StollBest Puppy in Regular Classes Jan-Shars I Feel Lucky Best in Bred-By-Exhibitor Silver Meadows Jus CrusinBOS Ch Chriscendo Classica BreederOwner Chris HeartzBOB Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain BreedersOwners Jeanne and Robert BlankAwards of Merit Silver Meadows Jus CrusinCh Chriscendo Classica Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy Ch Tim Sues High LightsCh Finchs He Walks On Water Won Breed at the GardenBest Junior Handler Elaine McKeeCongratulations to all and to Show Chairperson Jean Schroll and Obedience Chairperson Margaret McKee-well doneNeedless to say, there were lots of super little dogs there and I believe the Fancy can be quite proud of its accomplishments for the past year.There was no TBR show this year as Judge Wendy Feist along with her nice gifts for that event, didnt make it to the show until Saturday night.Grounds Chairman Jim Shearer had the ring set up in record time. Sans the placement markers that were snowed "out" somewhere.Ring Stewards Nancy Wharton and Beverly Henry kept everybody in line. Frances Stoll and Pam Yongen were in charge of trophies this year. These colorful and gorgeous statues were produced by someone in their area Indiana. Nice choice and well received.Lois Hamill did a fantastic job as Hospitality Chair and I understand she has offered to do this again next year.Although ribbons, rosettes, and trophies were awarded the winners, a very special little guy by the name of Roger won the hearts of everyone present. Roger and his special people, Harry and Judi Hurst, of E. Lansing, MI, attended the entire weekend and were the focus of many. Roger was the cover pom of the NovDec issue of the Review. One of 28 Poms rescued and loved by the Hursts.Following Best of Breed Competition, President Dolly Trauner and 2nd Vice President Jim Shearer awarded Judi Hurst with a special Humanitarian Award. Roger took his little turn around the ring to a nice round of applause and several teary eyes.Thanks so much, Judi and Harry, for sharing him with us this weekend and for the love and care you and your crew of Louise Crowe, Brenda Hutton, Karen Holder LaBonte, Donna Macbniak, Melissa Mellen, and anyone else I may have missed, have given. The care would not have been enough, without the love.Such fun we had at the banquet Wish everyone could have been there We had a good meal followed by comments from our distinguished judges and various committee heads.One thing I forgot to mention-for those of you who may not know, Judge Dolores Watts is sporting a cast on a broken foot. She commented that between her broken foot and the foot of snow in NY, she had a difficult time getting there. Glad you did, Dolores, and wish you a speedy recovery.Ways and Means Chairman Peter Galindo was unable to attend due to illness. We missed you, Peter Get well real soon.Steve Cookston, an Auctioneer from Texas, conducted the auction as he did in Texas for those specialties in September. Steve kept us all in stitches with his quick and witty remarks, along with several members who supported some of the bidders with contributions of money and silverware. Thank you Pam Yongen, for starting that and, thanks to Liz Dupuis for the fork. This particular item was being fought for by Vice President Emily Untalan and former President Mary Vickers. Emily finally outbid Mary for the item. Congratulations Emily on your priceless statue and thanks to all who made the auction a huge success.It was a super night and a super weekend Were sorry you missed it PostscriptHave you noticed that your Poms eyes sometimes tear excessively When it is dry and dusty, because these little dogs are so close to the ground, all kinds of irritant dust, pollen particles get trapped in their conjunctival sacs. Get a bottle of saline type irrigating eye wash. Flush across the corneas every 2 to 3 days when the eyes seem irritated, being careful not to touch the tip of the bottle to the tissue of the eyes. This cleansing can bring great relief. If it does not, remember that tearing, redness andor closed eyelids can be signs of serious trouble. If a combination of these signs are noted, take your Pom to the Vet immediately.Best of BreedCh. Absolutes Magic MountainBest of Opposite Sex Ch. Chriscendo ClassicaVWinnersDog, Best of Winners Silver Meadows Jus CrusinWinners Bitch Jan-Shars I Feel LuckyGWathBrood Bitch O My Starmist MinuetteJunior Showmanship Elaine McKeeSweepstakes Critiqueby Dolores WattsI arrived a day early due to the possibility of a major storm and as morning broke, I didnt have to look out the window to see a major storm was indeed in progress. When the storm finally stopped, it left approximately 18-20 inches of new snow. Every mode of transportation was shut down. The old saying that goes around, "only dog people are that crazy," surely prevailed as most of the Pom entries did make it, and the show went on.I would have to say that the Pom puppies were lovely and I had few very strong classes, making my placements very difficult. I certainly wish we could have a tie placement allowed-but, as we all know, there can only be one first placement in each class. I found a few more undershot bites than I would have liked to see. The coats were very nice and the movements were pretty good. I judged all these puppies as they were presented to me that day, and not as I thought they might be in the future.As I approached the final class to pick my winners, I would have been very comfortable in selecting any one of them, but I went with the 6-9 month male for my Best in Sweepstakes, who went on the next day to Reserve Winners Dog. The little guy was very heavy in coat, a beautiful orange color and a gorgeous head piece and everything went together beautifully. My compliments to Sharon Hanson, his breeder and to Jason Lynch for his presentation of this beautiful puppy.I must say that if the puppies there in the Sweepstakes event are a sample of what the future holds for our breed, we are headed in the right direction.In closing, I would like to thank the entire membership of the APC for bestowing this honor on me. It was certainly one of the highlights for me in the dog world. I would also like to thank Dr. Hattori and lovely wife Marit, for seeing to it that I got to New York safely on the train to judge this prestigious event As luck sometimes goes, I broke my foot just 6 days prior to the Specialty. ftGrand Sweeps Winner Jan-Shars Doc HolidayTTBOS in Junior Sweeps Glen Iris Brilliant DisguiseBest in Senior Sweeps Idlewyld Semi-Precious GemNorthern Reflections - Ehby Elizabeth DupuisOH CANADA An incredible number of Canadians bobsledded to New York this year and joined in on APC festivities. With representation from coast to coast, the following personalities were spotted Robert and Doug Stratton, Loretta Pederson, Darlene and John Boyd, Matt Heindl, yours truly, Pam Dodsworth and Larry Fox, and Chris Heartz. Carolynn Berry was also there, in spirit, as she sent a lovely boy with Jeff Nokes. SUPERPOM "Cassie," co-owned by the Strattons and Chris Heartz, was chosen BOS now is a time for a typo and just switch that S to a B for a second year in a row Many others placed and even won their classes. Talk about Cross-Border ShowingBelated congratulations are certainly due to Pom Club of Canada National Specialty winner, Ch. Stolanns Highway to Heaven, owned by Fran Stoll and to the winner of the Regional Specialty, Ch. Pomhavens Rip Van Twinkle who is owned by Margaret Towell. Well done, ladiesHaving only attended one APC Specialty thus far in 94, Ill chat a little about Canadian and American show differences-as show results are sparse. The primary difference is the point system in Canada you only need 10 points for a championship and are not required to win majors. Our shows just dont have the entry volume most American shows have. Entry closing dates vary as well-most Canadian shows close 21 days before show date and can close as much as 24-25 days in advance. So keep that in mind when filling in those entry forms. Armbands are usually given out at the Secretarys table and are good for the entire show whether a one-day event or three-day weekend. However, there are the occasional exceptions to this particularly in the west where armbands are found ringside. Should your dog win a Breed ribbon red, white, and blue up here then you must compete at the Group level or youll lose any points won. Group judging is worth the wait because placements entitle your dog to more points The biggest difference, of course, is thatpuppies are given special awards...Puppy in Breed Puppy in Group and Puppy in Show. Puppy awards are those of prestige and not points.Crossing the border with your fuzzy friend...if driving, youll be asked for PROOF of vaccinations against Rabies and Parvo. If flying, youll require, in addition to the above, a health certificate dated on or the day before your departure date. The health certificate is good for 10 days. All vaccinations must be dated not more than one year or less than 30 days from your travel date. By the way, proof of vaccinations comes from a certified vet and not from your own vaccine stashed in the fridge So plan your trip well in advance so you dont have to worry about "red tape." No, its not a new kind of internal parasiteBOUQUETS BRICKBATS my little fun centerBouquets to all the spectators at the Winter Olympics who restrained their BOOS as Tonya Harding DIDNT do her thing How sportsmanlike of them. HABrickbats to whichever snow plow driver keeps knocking off our mailbox. Maybe a sign saying "Youre three for three will get the message delivered. Then again, he probably doesnt read eitherColleen Franks of BC is "Two for two" as she has been selected as Pom Breeder of the Year by Pedigree for the second time This award is given to the breeder who produces the most Champions in a year. Also, how refreshing to see "Yips Yaps back in use...keep those letters coming, people, as we have few "Comment Forums." So dont let silence guide you. Until next time-red, white, and blues to you allNOTICE ANYONE INTERESTED IN CONTRACT ADVERTISING IS ASKED TO SEND THEIR INQUIRIES TO Elizabeth Dupuis APC Contract Adv. RR1, Box 138 North Lancaster, Ontario KOC 1Z0Much Ado About Anythingby Sally Baugniet New York, New YorkDa Da DaDa Da-Oh yes Were you abl to get into it A lot of people went to a lo of trouble and grief to make it there almost like the song. "If you can make it here youll make it anywhere"During the Specialty week, at various times the airports shut down, the trains shut down, and if any ground traffic moved at all, it wasnt for long There were cars, trucks, cabs, and yes, even Police cars stuck on streets all over the city.When the plows were able to get through, all of these stuck vehicles were plowed in, leaving only one path in the street for any vehicle to move. That was the path the unloading trucks blocked when they got to their destination. Nothing got down that street until the trucks unloaded and moved on. Surrounding cities, and the whole Northeastern section of the states had the same problems that we encountered in New York.I was fortunate enough to get to AKC to see how another breeds imaging was going to be done. I spoke with Ron Bella, who is in charge of the new imaging process. He is also a former Toy Group judge and very eager to work with us on the Pomeranian imaging.The LaCajun Pomeranian Club will be hosting our APC Fall Specialty October 27. We will be holding a Judges Study Group October 26 from 500 pm to 700 to all who send in their 15 reservation fee to Sue Goddard. Ringside observation in a special roped-off section, will be set up for judges and appointed mentors only, the next day, the day of the APC Specialty. This will be the first time our new Pomeranian imaging from AKC will be seen. I am very excited about it BE SURE YOU DONT MISS ITThis will be followed the next day by the LaCajun Pomeranian Clubs first pointed show if approved by AKC. If it is not approved, they will hold a gigantic extravaganza A Match. Two All-Breed shows follow the two specialties. All ofhis, including New Orleans hospitality, sounds like another great one for our PomsFor those people who raved about the snack I brought to the hospitality room, the recipe followsOLD DUTCH CARAMEL CORNOne 8 oz. bag of "Old Dutch Puff Com Curls."Place in a large roaster pan.CARAMEL SAUCEIn a two-quart sauce pan, cook together for 2 minutes12 lb. butter not oleo1 cup brown sugar packed12 cup light com syrupTake off the heat, add 1 tsp baking soda. This will cause mixture to foam, so 2 quart sauce pan is necessary.Pour caramel mixture over Old Dutch Puff Com Curls.Stir until mixed. Place in a 250 degree oven for 45 minutes. Stir every 10-15 minutes. Remove from oven. Pour onto waxed paper. Break apart ENJOYIf you cant get Old Dutch products, tell your grocer to contact them in St. Paul, MN 55113. The Poms LOVE em. Try them for baitThought for the month Try being friendly against someone elses anger. Its difficult to be angry at a puppy wagging its tail. Trimmingby Barbara YoungReprinted from the Oct 1978 GazetteI have been asked to write an article concerning overtrimming. It is a subject with several "shaded" areas, and I shall try to give coverage to all sides without "taking sides."Overtrimming is a word that conjures different pictures to different people. To some, the Standard invites overtrimming to others, only a dog whose total silhouette has been altered is overtrimmed.Let us start with the primary reason for any trimming. A dog who has never beentrimmed is not easy to keep clean. His feet, with long strands of hair growing out from them, pick up more dirt. The long hairs around the anal area would be in constant need of cleaning. The Standard calls for "small" ears. Untrimmed ears could never look small, no matter how small the ear actually was. The same holds true for the tiny feet required of Poms. Thus, when the Standard was written, it allowed for trimming, to aid in basic cleanliness, and to provide a better visual definition of the breed.Todays Standard allows for trimming with these word "Trimming for nearness is permissible around the feet and up the back of the legs to the first joint trimming of unruly hairs on the edges of the ears and around the anus is also permitted." That is a straightforward, simple explanation of what is desirable in the Standard. For those who wish to abide by the APC Standard, that is the last word on what one may scissor, with no deviations.But the word nearness, like the word overtrimming, has many interpretations. After you have trimmed the unruly hairs on the edges of the ears, perhaps you notice more unruly hairs behind the ears. After you have trimmed the unruly hairs around the anus, perhaps there are other hairs along the tail which look tempting.There is another factor to be considered, that of Dog Shows. Anyone who watches Pomeranians at dog shows sees a variety of grooming "techniques." Grooming procedures are as unique as the people who groom dogs. What is standard practice for one person is appalling to another. But Poms are not the only breed in whose ranks the strict standard and reality are different. EVERY breed that allows trimming invites personal interpretation. When beauty is the main consideration, there is always the human temptation to help beauty out to create a better picture TO WIN.When people see a dog which has been "aided" by trimming win, some will follow suit, no matter what the breed. Trends come and go, and this will always be the case.English Poms have always been trimmed to shape the outline into a more circular form. To the English, American Poms lookstraggly and unkempt many Americans consider English Poms unnatural. Whichever opinion is correct depends on which side of the Atlantic you live.It boils down to this do what you believe. If you want to trim ALL the straggly hairs from your Pom, or want to cover up faults, you wont consider such scissoring overtrimming. If you believed in a more "natural" look, stick to it. Just remember the Standard and why it was written. Remember that grooming "tricks" help a mediocre dog win, sometimes, but that it is very embarrassing to be called down by a judge for overtrimming. Junior Jotsby Sarah OBrien 5869 Kingfisher Lane Clarkston, Ml 48346Junior Showmanship over the past year has meant many different things to me. The experience of showing, the frustration, the judges. But, showing my little Pom has also been very rewarding. All the other juniors always loved her. She was my "trademark."All of the other juniors had Golden Retrievers or some such breed that you would look down the line and see at least two of. But, not us. We were the only Pom usually, and the majority of the time the only toy dog At the last show I took in an English Springer Spaniel. When the others saw me, they asked, "Wheres your little Pom"If I would have to use one word to describe Junior Showmanship, it would be "inconsistent." What I mean is some of the judges dont have the slightest clue about how to judge a junior showmanship class. The reason is that they are all-breed judges. Once you become a breed judge, you automatically become a juniors judge. The results vary from judge to judge. Some judges are very good-usually, they are the ones who were former professional handlers. Others just dont seem to have an idea about how to judge the class. Since there is no set "standard," some judgesdont even have a guide on what to bas their evaluation on. But, you never knov what each judge is looking for, so you em up developing your own style. Somi judges may like it, and some wont.There is a junior book out, and the autho says not to show toy dogs in juniors. I bej to differ Whitley and I always have ai equal chance. Just as in a breed ring, judge may not like your "type," in juniors the judge may not like toys as a type so h wont give you a second look. However, i you show your dog to its best advantage its hard to penalize you for having a toj dogThere are a few "tricks" that can be usee to impress the judges so as to make yot stand out in the ring and on the table.1 The table This is absolutely requirec in the ring, unless otherwise specified b the judge. Always stack your toy dog on the table when the dog preceding you has begun to move in its pattern.2 Train your Pom to stay stacked on the table. Stand in front of your dog to the end of the leash. Stand like this when the judge is first looking at the dog. As he approaches the dog, move towards the table as he may want you to show the bite.3 Be very graceful when moving around the table Judges will count you down if as youre moving, you bump the table. This may be the reason people say its hard to show a toy breed.4 Always stack your dog on the edge of the table.5 This is very important When most junior judges go to make their final decision, its based on two things how smooth the dog and handler worked together and how lively the handler showed off the good points of the dog. But, be careful not to "over show." Just show what you have to and leave it at that. Judges hate busy hands.6 Always congratulate the winner when leaving the ring.7 Observe, listen, and learn. Watch the groups and Best in Show as much as you can. Have a mentor-dont flit from one person to another. Dont listen to gossip-be positive when you talk aboutothers. Most of all be a good sportsman. Remember, were there to have fun.8 Practice, practice, practice There is no greater feeling than to have your own Pom on the end of the lead, staring up intently at you, and the judge points to you. Youve wonI love showing and wouldnt want to one day just stop. No more weekends at shows, no more "dog people." No, that wouldnt be to my liking. I hope Ive given you some insights on Juniors. I only started in the "Sport of Dogs" 18 months ago. I attribute my success to having been able to participate in a wonderful 4-H group. Our leader has been showing and breeding dogs for over 30 years. Both her daughters and other 4-Hers have been top junior handlers in their respective breeds as well as at Westminster. Many are now very successful professional handlers. Thank you, Wendy and Mary.I also feel that having a dog that loves you, that will give its heart to you is another key to success. Thank you Patty for the gift of Whitley.Hug your Poms for me. See you at the shows.Sarah and Whitley Helpful Hintsby Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063Thanks to those who sent additions to the packing list in the SeptOct 93 column, especially Julie Moreno, who sent 2 printed lists. Fran Watten takes a 100 watt light bulb because she says that the bulbs in motel lamps are too weak for reading. Dont forget a travel alarm clock not all motels do wake-up calls.Ursula Taylor complains, and rightly so, that I didnt give her credit for two hints in a previous column. It was Ursula who told me about the "Untangler" comb and the Torus flea growth inhibitor. The latter works well and I do recommend it It is hard to find because one must have alicense to sell it. So show concessionaires generally dont have it, nor have I seen it in any of the usual catalogs. Ursula kindly compiled for her Prodigy friends a list of dog supply companies that have free "800" phone numbers. Here it is for your convenienceListed below are pet supply catalogs and their 800 telephone numbers you can call and get on their mailing lists. Some have minimum orders-many dont. Most will get you catalogs out right away and youll receive them in a week or so.Alpine Pets....................................1-800^424-7463leather accessoriesANI mail........................................1-800-255-3723American Pet Supplies..................1-800-255-0919Americas Pet Door Oudet...........1-800-826-2871Anicare Supply..............................1-800-476-2642ASA Pet Supplies, Inc...................1-800-465-5494Bass Kennel Equipment................1-800-798-0150Mike HendersonBloodline Vet Supply....................1-800-346-2675Vaccine suppliersBreeders Edge..............................1-800-322-5500Care-A-Lot....................................1-800-343-7680Outside VA-In VA 1-804-460-9771 Cherrybrook...................................1-800-524-0820Claws and Paws.........................1-800-274-PAWSThe Company Store.......................1-800-323-8000Custom Marketing.......................1-800-967-PETSDesigns by Gary Beeber................1-800-543-3470stationeryDiscount Doctor............................1-800-874-2233Drs. Foster Smith......................1-800-826-7206Dogs Weathervanes.......................1-800-635-5262Dog Outfitters...........................1-800-FOR-DOGSDog Owners Guide........................1-800-468-5867Dogs Unlimited..........................1-800-338-DOGSDynamite Spec. Prod.....................1-800-551-0342DistributorsDynamite Spec. Prod.....................1-800-451-4162Farmacy, Inc.................................1-800-733-4981kennel itemsFLEAS Never Again...................1-800-658-6699For Your Pet Only........................ 1-800-544-5865GADCO-Green Acres Dist. .....1-800-544-0944Jeffers...........................................1-800-JEFFERSJ J Dog Supplies...................... 1-800-642-2050JB Wholesale............................... 1-800-526-0388Jemar Pet Supply......................... 1-800-458-6598KDI Supply.................................. 1-800-442-5565dog collarsKV Pet Supply............................. 1-800-423-8211Mail Order Pet Shop.................... 1-800-366-7387Master Animal Care..................... 1-800-346-0749Morrills New Direction.............. 1-800-368-5057Morrills in Maine.................. ..... 1-800-649-0744New England Serum CO........ . 1 -800-NE-SERUMOmaha Vaccine............................ 1-800-367-4444Paw Pleasers............................... 1-800-243-PAWSPedigrees-The Pet Catalog ., ..... 1-800-5484786Pegasus Originals......................... 1-800-845-2427Needlework catalogPet Products Whlse...................... 1-800-243-9748Pet Prod rawhides no catalogPet Warehouse............................. 1-800-443-1160Petco Products Inc........................ 1-800-448-7734Pet Works................................ .... 1-800-356-3632Phydeaux Enterprises..................1-800-733-2439Dog toys, etc.Ray Allen Mfg.............................1-800-444-0404working dog itemsRay Allen Mfg-cust svs............... 1-719-380-0404Re-Viv-Al.................................... 1-800-786-4751Vaccine suppliersRover Vinyl Tech........................ 1-800-658-5925x-pens, gates other Vinly itemsRubber Stamp Ranch................... 1-800-728-9762RC Steele Co........................... .... 1-800-872-3773Scotts Dog Supply...................... 1-800-966-3647Star Pet Supply............................1-800-274-6400Summit Pet Products...................1-800-882-9401Tongie Vet Feed Sply.............. 1-800-642-9116Trophy Pet Care........................... 1-800-336-7087Twin City Pet............................... 1-800-685-8277Valley Vet Supply........................1-800-468-0059Vet Express.................................. 1-800-458-7656Wiese Vet Catalog........................1-800-869-437Vaccine SuppliersWholesale Pet................................1-800-444-040'Wholesale Vet Sply......................1-800-435-6941Woodpeckers Dist.........................1-800-597-634no catalogs carries TorusThese do not have 800 numbersDogs by the Yard PO 341Portsmouth, RI 02871Dogwood.......................................1-714-692-8225Ikon Outfitters Ltd.........................1-608-592-4397Harness and sledsKennel Vet Showroom..................1-516-783-3400PO 835 mail orders1811 Newbridge Rd Bellmore, NY 11710Maries Creations...........................1-407-483-438021665 Sutters Lane Boca Raton, FL 33428 dog cat T-shirtsSylvias Tack Box.........................1-309-797-90604333 11th St AMoline, IL 61265toy collars, leashes, obedience equipUPCO.............................................1-816-233-88003705 Pear St PO 969St Louis, MO 64502Aah, New York. Trips to New York in February for the National Specialty Show are always exciting, but a major snowice storm added an extra challenge this year. For weeks, my little inner voice had been saying that maybe this year wed have weather problems. So I had told my traveling companions to be prepared to leave a day early, just in case. We had planned to leave on Friday morning, but when I got up Thursday morning, the weatherman was predicting another big ice storm for the Richmond area that night. I called Fran and announced, "Lets get out of Dodge" Fortunately, Elaine was already out of school. We packed the van in record time, picked up Fran, and were on the roadby 215 pm. We sailed up the Interstate with no problems due to either weather or traffic, and reached NY in 7 hours. Boy, we were glad once we were unloaded and safely enscounced in our room. We felt pretty smug as we watched the snow pour down the next day. The total snowfall in Queens was 12.8 inches.Not everyone was so lucky. There was a grand total of 4 of us at the Board Meeting on Friday night Saturday morning the grooming area was almost empty and the show room was quiet as a church. None of the obedience entries arrived in time. Ever the trooper, Dolores Watts arrived in a wheelchair due to a broken foot, but gamely stood on Saturday to judge Sweeps. We kept asking each other, "Where is so-and-so" "Has anyone heard from him" "Do you suppose shell get here The hotel kept asking us to release APC reserved rooms as it needed them for stranded airline personnel. "Theyll be here." said Julie. "They are dog people. Theyd crawl 30 miles on their bellies with a crate strapped to their backs to get to a show" More and more people filtered in on Saturday afternoon, so we had quorums for the Annual Meeting and Board Meeting on Saturday night. Both meetings were positive and constructive.There were fewer absentees on Sunday. The Tack Box Rat show died from lack of interest probably due to the absence of its enthusiastic organizer, Wendy Feist. The banquet was tasty and noisy. The hastily organized auction, presided over by Texan Steve Cookston, was a huge success, adding over 1600 to our coffers.Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who contributed to this years show--especially Chairman Jean Schroll and efficient hospitality Chairman Lois Hamill.I was very disappointed in the small obedience entry this year. Why was it so small The trophies were wonderful, rosettes plentiful, the judge and stewards were competent. What can we do to attract a bigger entry in 95 We are going to again add the Non-Regular Classes Graduate Novice, Veterans, Veterans Open, and Brace. I know that obedience people areusually less eager to travel than conformation exhibitors. So what will it take to get you to the National Specialty My feeling is that your decision to come should not hinge on whether you think you can get a leg on a title. You should come to have fun, to show off your wonderful dog, and to socialize with your fellow obedience enthusiasts. Please write or call me with your suggestions. Registrars Cornerby Jean Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045Register of MeritMerrymont Cameo Keepsake LLL High Lights Classy Act Ch Homesteads Spit N Polish Ch Apples Traveling RamblerHigh In TrialPainters Passion Diamond, CD Ollie Blue Bluster, CD Bi-Mar Top Hat and TailsHall of FameCh Patricks Mr Larry Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster Ch Creiders Prince Dom PerignonGold ClubCh Patricks Mr Larry Ch Dupres Sparkling Gold Buster Ch Creiders Prince Dom PerignonVeggies PetsIf you want to become a vegetarian, fine, but dont try to turn your dog or cat into one, too. These pets dont have digestive systems designed to handle large amounts of vegetables, says C.B. Chastain of the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine.He warns that restricting pets to vegetables can give them vitamin deficiencies and really major-league gas.HEARTLANDCh. Heartlands Special Treasure Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Wee Hearts High SocietySkipper, at 8 months of age, won Puppy Sweeps, BOW, and Award of Merit at the National Specialty in 1992. Finished quickly from the puppy classes at 11 months of age in limited showing with 3 BOW, one BOS, and One BOB. Went on to multiple BOBs over specials before retiring to stud. First daughter being shown now, Heartlands Claim to Fame, won 5 of 8 shows with one BOS and one BOB over specials. Three girls out of Dias Lil Mis Conduct, owned by David Hogg, to be shown in the near future.9Ch. Heartlands Classic Treasure Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Wee Hearts High SocietyLaceys Show record13193...............WB, BOS, 4 Points21393...............WB, BOS, 4 Points22093.............BOW, BOS, 3 Points22193............BOW, BOB, 2 Points32293............WB, BOW, 5 Points32393....................BOS as SpecialLacey is currently being bred to Ch. Stolanne Stormy Sequel, a Thor son.Puppies available occasionally. Also breeder of exotics, blue and tan, chocolate, and white.Inquiries invited.Congratulations to good friend, Fran Stoll, on her Kennel Visit.Owner Diane Kieffer 812 623-2290AmCan CL China-Dolls Handle With CareBavanews Top Gun x Ch. Bavanews Jenny of ChinadollMany thanks to John and Darlene Boyd for letting us have Carrie. She finished in grand style in three shows-Orchid Island Dog Fanciers, Kona Coast Dog Fanciers, and Hawaiian Kennel Club.We especially want to thank Brad Odagiri for his expert presentation of her.OwnersMarit and Jim Hattori 808 235-8200Marit Hatton, Owner-BreederAmerican romeranian uiud zoI u\\\ i TViCan. CL Bavanews Anna AliciaBavanews Top Gun x Bavanews Cleopatra of CurioThank you, Matt Heindl, for this lovely bitch and for the breeding behind Carrie. Lissie is bred to Ch. Great Elms Little Demetrius. After her litter, she will be shown....from the snows of Canada to the beaches of Hawaii, Bavanew comes to Haiku....OwnersMarit and Jim Hattori 808 235-8200Marit Hattori, Owner-BreederunCL BJUin OLr't Clierubino "CLruBIS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor x Ballykin Roisheen DuveCongratulations, Fran, on your Kennel Visit and Poppa Thor for being Numero Uno in the gene department, Top Producing Sire for 1993. All beautiful champion girls, too Under this snow are four of the best legs anywhere, those came straight from legmeister Thor, plus an abundance of brains and joie de vivre.We are excited about an expected litter from Cherus sister, "Diamond" and AC Ch. Stolannes Highway to Heaven, "Haley," Thors nephew. "Diamonds" mother-in-law is the fabulous "Starlet," Group winning Top Bitch for 1991, 1992 Ch. Stolannes Mystique Starlet. "Haley" has emigrated to the United Kingdom and the kids expect him to pick up at least three more championships there Cherus black and tan son, "Ferdy" is expecting some BT kids soon. We just hope some of Great Grandpa Thors great genetic material gets expressed this time, too.We delight in all your achievements, Fran, and wish you continued success. Thanks for all the fun and friendship and for sharing the Great Gene Gang, those......Supreme Studs of StolanneR.JU\ WcQU 3VW, msmThe Winning Combination...7r,Wti'-.FIRST9-12 MONTHS DOGAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUB iFEB. 12-13. 199 1 ashBEY PHOTOBY TOM NUTIiNO '-L-' AJJart-J^ijars QiresCh. Doo-Shays Absolute x Jan-Shars Whitney"Alfie" at this time of writing already is major pointed and soon to finish with his friend and handler, Nadine Hersil.We want to thank Sharon Hanson for allowing us to own this lovely Pom. You will be hearing more about him as he is being shown.Mahalo to the judges, friends, and supportersCLARICE AND YVETTE OGANEKU 45-232 Lilipuna Road Kaneohe, HI 96744WOODROSE Phone 808 235-8142 FAX 808 247-4967 Science Diet FedWHERE QUALITY COUNTSJbTOP JUNIOR HANDLER 1093 't IMerrymont Kiss Me QuickCh. Merrymont Satrday Night Fever, ROM x Merrymont Nut N Honey wI would like to thank all who made 1993 a very successful year for Whitley and meEspecially Mrs. Susanne Burgess who gave Whitley and me our first Best Junior. Mr. Alan Harper who gave Whitley her first major Thank you. Mrs. Joan Alexander who gave Whitley her first Best of Breed over specials A huge thank you is due to Patty Griffin who without Whitley and her encouragement this feat would not have been possibleWhitley eats EukanubaSarah OBrien 5869 Kingfisher LanefrClarkston, Ml 48346 810620-1071....1noKoh-I-Noors Lai Bat OHeayenCh. Stolanne Classique Comet x Taffy of Wright WayCongratulations to Fran Stoll on her Kennel VisitThank you, Fran, for all your help, advice and encouragement. We wish you continued success for many years to come.Pam and Warren Yongen 21777 N. Cumberland Road Noblesville, IN 46060 317773-5912I IKennel Visit to Stolanneby Frances StollTIFran and Darrell Stolls home near Washington, IndianaDogs have always been an important part of my life but they were not always Poms. My first pet was a terrier mix named Peggy. I also had a Chihuahua and a Poodle before I had my first Pom. I was raised in a home with dogs my Mother had a small kennel and bred Chihuahuas. Of course, since I loved dogs, it was favorite chore to feed and care for them.I acquired my first Pom as part of a trade I had a Poodle for sale and traded it to a lady for her Pom puppy bitch. Although I knew nothing about the breed, I was very fascinated by her personality and appearance and was devastated when she became ill with distemper less than a week after I had her. I finally had to put her to sleep, but immediately began my search for another Pom and placed a deposit on a two-week old puppy.My first fifteen years with Poms included a small kennel where I bred a few good quality pets and became involved with the local 4-H dog club training obedience classes. My 4-H daughter trained several Pomeranians and won the county Grand Champion several years. She also placed very high withseveral rams in state 4-n compeuuon. While I enjoyed training Poms for obedience and raising pets, I dreamed of some day breeding my own champion and showing my Poms in conformation competition.The dream became reality when I was introduced to my late friend, Nancy Fry, by my veterinarian. She showed me a Pomeranian Review and I immediately became a subscriber, studying Pom types, the standard, and those owners who were breeding the type that I preferred. It was my lucky day when we planned a family vacation to Colorado, visiting near the kennel of Opal Dumler. It was the picture of one of Mrs. Dumlers stud dogs in the 1985 Anniversary Issue of the Pomeranian Review that had caught my eye, and I was delighted when Mrs. Dumler allowed my family to visit her kennel during our vacation. We came home with a beautiful bitch puppy, O My Starmist Minuette, who is the foundation of most of my show dogs and the dam of BIS, BISS Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thor and group winning Ch. Stolanne Mystique Starlet, as well as six other champions, making her an ROMX bitch.I began showing Pomeranians when Nancy bought a puppy that she promised to show, and invited me to "get one of my Poms and go along." I chose a black maleOne of the outside exercise areas._Fran in the showmg prior to a Group win with Ch. Stolanne Thunderbolt Thorfrom my kennel as well as the new puppy to go to the first show and eventually finished the black male, making him my first champion, Ch. Stolls Sambo Sylvester. He finished with four majors not bad for a beginner I found dog showing to be infectious and was hooked after my first day I just simply loved seeing the beautiful dogs and meeting wonderful new Pom friends. Since I started showing in 1986, I have finished 20 Poms and bred 16 champions. I primarily show my own dogs but have finished a few Poms for friends when my dogs were "blowing coat" and just not ready for the ring. The change in the Pom ring since I began showing is "more and better" of our breed I also find that most Pom people are friendly and good sports which just makes for more enjoyment for all of us. I want to take this opportunity to appeal to all of us in the sport to keep it that way and remember that no dog is worth ruining a long-time friendship.Although I prefer to keep my kennel size to no more than 20,1 found that when I started showing Poms, it was very difficult to part with the champions due to the relationship and rapport that was built with them during their show career. Thus, my numbers right now are more than I can easily care for, but my husband has "pitched in" and proved that he can be agood kennel hand as well as an electrician. I have several outside exercise areas that are surrounded with chain-link fence and have a concrete floor. We found that it was necessary to pour the concrete when one of my Poms was found standing in the middle of our busy highway after she had dug out under the fence. I have also found it much easier to keep the dogs clean and free from parasites when they are on the concrete. Bitches are allowed to exercise together in three large pens and dogs are exercised in separate runs. When the weather permits, the Poms spend much of the day outdoors, but are always inside in separate cages to sleep.Due to my work schedule, my Poms are fed in the evening. Many of them are fed dry food free choice, but for those who have a weight problem, their daily portion is measured, and those finicky eaters have their diet supplemented with a tasty canned food or cooked meat. I do not feed one brand of food exclusively, as I believe there are several good foods on the market and Poms tastes vary. My veterinarian was surprised that all of my dogs are fed individually, but I find that this is necessary for me to know the amount each one is consuming. A change in appetite indicates something is wrong and may the first symptom noticed.Each Pom has individual sleepingAFran with her first dog, a terrier mix namedPeggytCFIRSTT'^svVETERANBITCHER1CAN ERANIAN lub . 512-12. 13S4gY PHOTO O OU FJUTTJ.O ACh.Stolanne Mystique StarletStarlet loved being in New York again and really showed off for the crowd while winning the Veteran Bitch class at the APC Specialty.tolanne Pomeranians Frances J. Stoll R.R. 3, Box 429mW 1AV 'rrvV. .FIRSTBROOD BITCH VAMERICAN 5^ 0MERANIAN^5CLUS "VSS3K5Z i.C ft-BrandBitch ClassThe Stolanne Veterans still look good and won the Brood Bitch Class for their dam, C My Starmist Minuette. Thanks again to Opal Dumler who bred this very valuable ROMX bitch.Washington, Indiana 47501 Phone 812 254-3857- - ' -mCages and exercise area in the basementquarters with most cages in my basement. Newspapers cover the floors of the cages except for white or cream colored Poms and each has his own bed. The temperatures in the basement vary little with the seasons and seem to be conducive to good Pom coats. My husband installed several eight-foot florescent lights with day-light bulbs and during the days when the Poms cannot be outdoors, the lights are kept on from morning till bedtime.I try to completely bathe and groom at least two Poms each week in addition to the Poms I am showing. Although I really enjoy grooming and find that it is a great stress reliever for me, my job schedule just does not allow me to spend the time that I would like. A large deep sink and good lighting in my basement makes it a great grooming area. Nail-trimming and brushing is started at an early age with puppies to acclimate them to these procedures. I find that seasoned show dogs learn to really enjoy being groomed and are completely relaxed. I also routinely scrape and brush their teeth and usually do not have the anesthetized at the veterinarians for teeth cleaning.About two weeks before their puppies are due, pregnant bitches are completely groomed with nipple lines and hind quarters trimmed very short for cleanliness. They are placed in a largercage with a whelping box in a quiet room in the house. After fifty-seven days of gestation, I check her temperature twice daily for a drop that will signal whelping time, and usually inform my veterinarian of the temperature drop so he will be available if needed. With his office only five minutes away, he has been subjected to many 2 AM telephone calls and has always been there to assist. Having a competent veterinarian only minutes away is a necessity to Pom breeders and I am very fortunate to have found that doctor. There is mutual respect in that I respect his expertise as the doctor, and he respects my expertise as a breeder and a nurse it has made for a successful teamPuppies are raised in the house with the cages being placed in rooms of increased activity to enhance their socialization process. I handle and talk to the puppies several times daily and subject them to noises, activity, and guests. Their move to the basement depends upon the individual personality some go at five months and others may not go until they are at least a year old. Since I am not close to training classes, my Poms are trained on ring mats placed in a triangular patter in my husbands airplane hangar. Although I really resisted this building, it has become invaluable in doubling as a show ring training ground. I also find that matchesI VA promising puppy at the Stolanne kennelprovide a good first show experience for Pom puppies and a great place to renew andor initiate friendships.Since whelping a fitter can cause a long interruption in her show career, I always finish a bitch prior to breeding her. Most of my bitches are free-whelping, although there is an occasional surprise. I always assist my veterinarian with C-sections and episiotomies and find that both the bitch and I are calmer if we are together during the procedures. I treat most medical emergencies in Poms as we deal with the same problems in humans and find this to be a fairly successful philosophy. There is nothing more beautiful than a healthy Pom Utter, but as most of us have experienced, we lose far too many puppies due to the many problems with breeding.My reasons for showing Poms are several and varied. I find that I truly enjoy a challenge and dog showing is definitely a challenge. One of my favorite aspects of caring for my Poms is grooming, and so getting a dog prepared for the show ring is very enjoyable. I usually start several weeks before the anticipated show and train and groom until I am satisfied with both the way he looks and the way he acts. Then, the night before the show, finishing touches are put on the dog and the bags are packed. It is my goal to arrive at the show site an hour prior to show time, and use this time for both me and the dog to "settle down" before walking into the ring. If I have had the time to really work with my dog, I know how to show him to his best advantage. Using mirrors in my training area gives me the advantage of being able to watch how thedogs move at different speeds and to use this information when I present him to the judge.Of course, I love to win, but I can honestly say that it is not as important as having the dog look good and act good. I am probably enough of a perfectionist, that I will stay up all night before a show to be sure that my dogs are groomed to the best of my ability. It is also extremely important to me that I remain a good sport whether winning or losing after all, being upset is not part of a relaxed weekend.In all of my dog activities, it is a necessity to always remain honest I find that putting the terms of a deal in writing helps to preserve friendships and I believe that no dog deal is worth losing a good friend. Also, the news of one sour deal travels twice as quickly as the story of an honest deal.Finally, the friends I have made during dog showing are the most beautiful part of this story. There is no way I can express how much these people mean to me they have been there to assist me through all the tough times and to share the great times. They would do anything for me, and I just hope that I can repay them some day for all the happiness they have brought to me. Laughing with them around a big table at a restaurant after the show is the perfect conclusion to a dog show weekend, regardless of who won the purple ribbon.Thank you, Pomeranian Review, for inviting me to tell my story, and hurrah to my little fluffy friends who have brought me so much joy and pleasure over the past twenty-five years 'jfflavznazSince 1967Julie Moreno 415 583-4973CI-IEAUX POMSpresents...CASIEYti-srCh. Janesas Showcase C Iah-IaireCasey is pictured here with Nancy Burnett and Judge Ed Jenner. He finished his championship with 4 majors and 2 singles. Thanks to Nancy and handler, Linda Clark, who finished him in style.Casey is a correcdy marked black and tan and is throwing his type, color, and good movement He will be at stud in Tulsa, OK, half the year then in Seattle, WA, the other half. Caseys currently at stud in Tulsa with Maria Kneisler 918 492-0520. Pedigree in "Behind the New TitlistsWe feed Science DietCatherine Breaux Owner 17905 NE 13th Street Bellevue, WA 98008 206 641-1122Jerrie Freia Breeder P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381 504 384-7466'W 'W W 'W wAmerican rumerdiiidii viuuODYSSEYAnother Specialty Win Still Hot at Six'JftS'\rMulti-BISBISSCh. Odysseys Keno Wiz, HOF, GC, ROMBest of Breed from the Veterans class at the Northern California Pomeranian Club Specialty. Then on to Group 2 the next day at the Del Valle Kennel Club All-Breed Show.Thank you, Judge Mrs. Peggy Hogg, for his winsThank you, Dudley, for the wonderful job you have done in your first year as Editor of the Pomeranian ReviewLoved, owned, and handled by Co-Owned byJanet Manuszak-Lucido JoseMachline209438-0556LLeft Creiders Private Screening Right Creiders Time For A TigerCh. Sun-Dots Command Performance x Creiders Sweet Lu LuCongratulations to Norma Creider on her Best in Seepstakes win at the recent Fort WorthDallas Specialty with her Creiders Time For A Tiger. Watch for this puppy he promises to do great things Creiders Private Screening will make his show debut at the Amarillo shows the end of April.These puppies were bred by Norma. Private Screening is now owned by us.Congratulations also to the Van Gilders and their Commander daughter, Lady Bailey of Van Gilder. This 7-month bitch, handled by the very capable Maria Kneisler, won back-to-back majorsThank you, Judy Shearer, for your invaluable assistance with the Pomeranian ReviewCongratulations to Fran Stoll on her Kennel Visit.Dudley and Wanda Roach 806 257-3817nmci iuqii r vyi i ici at nai i viuuVan Gilder Pomsproudly presents...00 0W Oqx2 best ofWINNERS MOBERLY MOI kennel club march 1094dowmey photo bt cpeo I'O' \I0Lady Bailey of Van GilderBailey is pictured here taking a 5-point major under Judge Dr. Wm. Houpt The very next weekend, she was WB, BOS, and BOW for a 4-point major under Judge Sari Tietjan All of this was accomplished at the tender age of 7 months. Thank you judges for those nice wins. We would also like to send a big "thank you" to our handler, Maria Kncisler, for conditioning her and handling her to these winsBailey is a daughter of Ch. Sun-Dots Command Performance owned by Wanda and Dudley Roach.We feed Science DietOwnersRick and Kelly Van Gilder 1764 E. 14th PI Tulsa, OK 74104 918743-2458HandlerMaria Kneisler 9151 S. Darlington Avenue Tulsa, OK 74137 918492-0520[CONGRATULATIONS, FRANA 600V AND LOVING Rim...IN LOVING MEMORY OfCN. BEA MARY HAZY DAYTHELOVEOFMYLIFELIVES ONStolanne Hazy ImageCh. Bea Mary Hazy Day x Ch. Stolanne Mico RockelleHazyNCometCh. Stolannes Classique CometCh. Bea Mary Hazy Day x Ch. Stolanne Mystique StarletMary Keeling 7401 McNeil Alsip Paducah, KY 42003]POMERANIANS I 19'A 4A 4 WINNERS 4 BEST OF OPPOSITE SEX4 Ch. Stolannes Thoradora BellaCh. Stolannes Thunderbolt Thor x Dias Ballerina BearThoradora was Thors fourth daughter to finish her championship in 1993, winning for him the title, APC Top Producing Sire. She loved showing and finished with four and five point majors. Thanks to the judges who awarded her points Mr. Alfred Treen, Mr. Gilbert Kahn, Dr. Harry Smith, Jr., Mrs Lena Wiseman, and Mr. John Wood.Frances J. Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 812 254-3857Top Poms List 1993Group PointsBog^sName Owner01 Ch Cassios Rash In The Pan.................................R. Koeppel.............18755....02 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock................................FetterTaylorJackson.. .13842....03 Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain.............................R J Blank.......... ...9316....04 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water............. ...............Diane Finch.......... ...8568....05 Ch Southlands Mighty Impressive................J BaumgartnerSpelke. ...6129....06 Ch Morenos Perri Winkel..............................J MorenoD Trauner... ...4978....07 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy...........................D Hebert............. ...2733....08 Ch Rock N Tradition of Oakridge...........................Nina Epps............ ...2572....09 Ch Tim Sues Harbor Lights................... .................S Con lee............ ...2143....10 Ch TLC Bon Jovi................................................MD Ontiveros...........2058....11 Ch Ozarks Mighty Mite.......................................K G Crouch........ ...2035....12 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino......................D PlonkeyR Gemmill.....1710....13 Ch Jimcins Image of Friday.................................AS Alford........... ...1456....14 Ch Great Elms Little Demetrius................................D Watts.................1381....15 Ch Jans Willie Makit..............................................J Lehtinen........... ...1358....16 Ch Beltane Gold Digger.........................................P B Curry......... ...1065....17 Ch Starfires Totally Tempting...............................J Cabrera...................985....18 Ch Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday.............................S Shipek..................616....19 Ch Willowbred Vegas Monsoon...........................T J Reeder..............570....20 Ch Dixies Fox Sonny Money..............................H Pennington...............562....Bree1482 1353 ..544 ..776 .419 ..725 ..637 ..517 ..172 ..307 ..377 ..103 .. 164 ..244 ..231 ..132 ..227 ..234 ..111 ..127Breed Points01 Ch02Ch03Ch04Ch05Ch06Ch07Ch08Ch09Ch10Ch11 Ch12Ch13 Ch14Ch15Ch16Ch17Ch18Ch19Ch20ChCassios Flash In The Pan.................................R Koeppel.............18755..... ....1482Glen Iris Castle Rock........................ .......FetterT aylorJackson.. .13842..... ....1353Finchs He Walks On Water............................Diane Finch.......... ...8568..........776Moreno's Perri Winkle...................... ........J MorenoD Trauner......4978..........725Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy........ .................D Hebert............. ...2733..........637Absolute's Magic Mountain.............................R J Blank.......... ...9316..........544Rock N Tradition of Oakridge..........................Nina Epps............ ...2572..........517Southlands Mighty Impressive..............J BaumgartnerSpelke. ...6129..... .....419Ozarks Mighty Mite......................................K G Crouch........ ...2035..... .....377Glen Iris Luckdragon........................ ............T S Goddard............536...........335HHH Texas Two Step.......................................R Ramirez....................0...........314TLC Bon Jovi.................................... ...........MD Ontiveros...........2058..........307Jan-Shars Johnny Be Good..............................S Hanson............. ....268...........304Great Elms Little Demetrius...............................D Watts.................1381..... .....244Extane Vanilla Fudge Sunday.......... .................S Shipek...................616...........234Jans Willie Makit............................. ................J Lehtinen............ ...1358..........231Starfires Totally Tempfnq............... ................J Cabrera..................985...........227Southlands Im So Impressive...................L MeyersM Laffer........299...........194Tim Sues Harbor Lights....................................S Conlee............. ...2143..........172Jimcins Image of Friday.................................AS Alford........... ...1456..........164Final stats for Calendar Year 1993January 1 to December 31While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards.Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistwCh. Rock Iff Tradition of Oakridge"Jake" is home now and enjoying his retirement, taking care of all his girl friends. He sends congratulations to some of his pointed kids if others are out there, let me know.Rock Music Box of Oakridge Nanshadows Mark of Oakridge Valhallas Rock N Roll of Oakridge De Artas Kewpie Doll of Valcor Kneislers Keep the TraditionBest of luck to Maria Kneisler with her nine new Jake babiesNina Epps RR 5, Box 150Nixa, MO 65714-9006 417725-5658Behind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, owners name, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper. Please type or print legibly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.Ch Xtasis Callie CalaberOrange Sable Male Breeder Gary HullElsie Hull Owner Gary HullElsie HullCh Sun Rays Ambassador Ch Sun Rays Bat Man Sun Rays Li I Dovie Ch Sun Rays Riders TornadoCh Sungolcfs Casino of Kazar Riders Lady Bug of Sungold Riders Golden Peach Ch Scotia Quizmaster Billy Joe Watts Little Komander Jojo Ch Apolloettes Little Trixsee Xtasis Lady ShardeiScotia Ednas Birthday Special Watts Little Bijou ShamrockCh Scotia Shamrocks Sue EllenCh Janesas Showcase of Fan-Faire Black and Tan Male Breeder Jerrie Freia Owner Catherine BreauxSouthlands Tar Baby Image Doo-Shays Mystic McGyver Southalncfs Toasted Scarlet Ch Wee Hearts Glen Iris Talisman Annons Ebony Mark II Ch Wee Hearts Bearly An Angel Wee Hearts I'm No Angel Ch Theldun's Almond Fudge ROMX Ch Janesas Trendsetter Janesa's Sunkist Runner Janesas TantoCh Southalnds Toasted Fudge ROMX Janesas Southland Tanner, CD Janesas Bev-Nor TannerCh Whid-Dons High PerformanceOrange MaleBreeder Barbara T. Whiddon Owner Barbara T. WhiddonCh Millamors Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine Ch Tim Sues High LightsCh Jolly Wee Macho of Moon Rock Ch Tim Sues Sabrina Tim Sues Charlies Angel Ch Chriscendo City Lights Tim Sues Spark of Light Tim Sues Charlies Angel Whid-Dons Sanrito MuffleMcPhies Spit Fire of the Mt. Reflections MuffleSugar Lane Love N KissesCh Pomsprings Wild ThingOrange MaleBreeder Elizabeth Dupuis Owner Lorinda VasutaDarren LaneCh Edneys Moe-Best Special Order Ch Moe-Best Repeat Sinsation Ch Moe-Best Constant Attention Ch Watts-Scotia Willie WinksCh Zodiacs Cavalier Commander Ch Scotia Commanders Rockette Scotia Elexis Nautee Nanette Ch Chips of Diamond Ch Emcees Sparkling Chip Emcees Sparkling Hot Tamale Tynan Gentlemen Prefer Blondes Ch Hillsboro Golden Chip Tynan Orange Chiffon Tynan Golden Sol A TareViews expressed by individual members are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.We invite our Readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects.THIS IS PHREDiBEST IN 12-18 MONTHS SWEEPSTAKESfc AMERICAN FpOMERANIAN.^pTCLUB OI I .t3, 1994 mOTC "rM T murowt. WIDLEWYLD SEMI-PRECIOUS GEMIdlewyld Onyx x Daybreaks Good VibrationsAt the APC 94 National Specialty, Phred was Best Senior Puppy in Sweepstakes and 1st in Open AOAC. Thank you, Judges Dolores Watts and Darrell Baker We also thank Sue Woodle for the major at Skyline Kennel Qub on 123394.Our other APC Specialty winners Elaine McKee was 1st in Open Senior and Best Junior Handler, showing Idleyld Tourmaline TJ Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe, co-owned with Fran Warren was 1st in American-bred dogs. Idlewyld Tourmaline was 4th in BBE. Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann was BOS in Veteran Sweeps, also co-owned with Fran.Litters due in March Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe cream, ptd x Idlewyld Caitun sable TJ needs major to finish x Belle BIS Ch. "Houston" daughter Phred black and tan, major ptd x Happy Ch. Mark, CD, daughter Little Deuce Coupe x Daybreaks Good Vibrations major ptd dam of Phred, Ch. Elizabeth and TJIDLEWYLD Margaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Rd Goodchland, VA 23063 804 556-3380Performance Newsby Linda GaUacher 1990 Ridgeway Drive Eugene, OR 97401 503 686-2316Sad news to start us out this month...Barbara McClatcheys "Anjing" passed away. Barbara writes......I have found it very hard to write for awhile now. UCDX Dan Dees Ibu Anjing UD,CGC died a month ago, and Ive not been able to talk much about dog matters, except to look for a puppy. Anjing was just 5 years old. She had been a nursing home therapy dog for 3 years, and we had just begun doing a clown-and-dogs routine for the local nursing homes. I tried to adjust some of the usual obedience routines--the drop on recall was done by both dogs thats spectacular, even if they dont drop simultaneously "Tuffy" retrieved his dumbbell through a hoop and Anjing did scent on baby shoes Ive taught my dog to read numbers what number shall I have her get Three All right, Anjing, this is a three, remember it has two half circles one on top of the other...All right Anjing, dont forget what a three looks like...fmd three" great cheers all around. i would also tell the people that Id taught my dogs to do a backflip "All right, Anjing, backflip" nothing "Anjing, backflip" still nothing I hit my forehead with my hand and declared, "Youre giving me a terrible headache" which was her cue to race to my purse and retrieve a pill bottle. She loved it and so did our audience.Recent accomplishments Tuffys CDX came with a 191, a 193 12, and first place and a 191 12 and second place for his third leg. By this time Anjing was sick, so Im lucky to even know his score. Anjing, meanwhile, took 1st in open B at the Dallas Specialty, and just missed High Combined because when I called her "over" the jumps, both times she saw the metal strip on the carpet that hotels use to slide walls across on and jumped that instead. Now I know something else to proof for in Utility.I do have a new puppy now St. George the Dragon Slayer, "Killer" to his friendshe is putting me on the recovery list. Im probably going to get one more puppy...I dont ever want to a one dog household again"Thanks for the nice letter Barbara...we are all very sorry about your loss.New OBEDIENCE TITLES from the November and December issues of the AKC Awards are as followsNew CDXMosaic Ruff N Rowdie Rangier CDXowned by Carol Fatheree and bred by Mrs. Riki Barker finished their CDX with scores of 192, 188.5, 196.5, and 192.5 and all with class placements Well look forward to seeing them out in Utility. Nice job, CarolNew CDCyndies Sir Smokey Bandit Jr owned by JoAnn Guara and Steve Clark and bred by Jack Cranmer earned their CD from the Novice A classes with scores of 185, 182.5, and 193 and all class placements Super jobJLS Chiquita Tia of Aija owned by Joy Miller and Ingrida Gasaway and bred by Ingrida finished their CD from Novice B with nice scores of 183, 185, and 189.5. CongratulationsMar-Vics Stuffd Black Bear owned by Barbara McClatchey and bred by Mary Vickers. Thanks to Barbaras nice letters we reported on their CD in an earlier issue...and now they also have their CDX It takes me YEARS to get from one class to the next Super job, Barbara.Marya Libre Como El Viento owned by Ramona Remy and bred by Pamela Thompson earned their CD from Novice A with very nice scores and one 3rd place NiceMy Truly Scrumptious owned by Joan Bennett and bred by Jacqueline Rayner. I LOVE the name We hope to see you in Open in 94Babeyjays Precious Blue Jewel owned by Carla Heath and bred by Sharon Ewen earned super scores of 187, 194.5, and 194. All legs were with class placements-2 the and one 2nd. Nice jobDyannes Jolly Time owned and bred by Dyanne McElroy. This is Dyannes 2nd CD for the year, both home bred I believe. All legs were with class placements-one 1st, one 2nd, and one 4th Keep up the good work.Ch. Mar-Vics Dazzling Rascal owned and bred by Mary Vickers. This darling little guy finished his CD at the September Specialties. Nice going, MaryI need to cut this column short this month...there have been some family problems that have given me very little time for dog projects.I will be turning the column over to someone who can devote more time and effort to it than I have been able to. Please give the next columnist your full support. Without your letters there cant be a column. Thanks for all your support the last two yearsNew columnistLois Morkassel1412 2nd Avenue SouthFargo, ND 58103701 280-1413 Tracking Your Pom Partby Anne Griffith 14648 NE San Rafael Portland, OR 97230Tracking your Pom is one of the most enjoyable activities you and your dog will get involved in. Tracking is a good sport for any Pom, and is especially suitable for those who are unable to jump, who are bored with obedience, who have earned all their obedience titles and are facing retirement, or those whoe handlers want their Poms to do what the big dogs do. Puppies can track, and its a great confidence builder for the prospective obedience or conformation dog. Its alsoterrific exercise and a wonderful menta challenge for the handlersPoms have excellent noses and a higl desire to track. We all know Poms cai find the tiniest piece of liver at the botton of the biggest equipment bag. A goo tracking dog has to have a good deal o independence and a willingness to be th boss. Certainly Poms do not suffer from lack of those characteristicsTracking equipment is fairly simple Youll need two leather articles, ol gloves or wallets eight brightly colorei flags mounted on wooden dowels witl sharpened ends for pushing into th ground a toy-size tracking harness d not use any other kind of harness a 40 tracking lead if your Pom is tiny, you cat make your own with parachute cord o other lightweight cording a six-foo leather lead and your dogs favorite bai andor toy.Youll also need access to suitabk tracking ground, meaning ground which i relatively flat, covered with some sort o short green vegetation, mostly treeless and brushless, which is not walked or frequently by dogs, people, or livestock You can start in your own front yard, bu as your dog progresses, youll need t find bigger territory.A preliminary word about teachini tracking your dog has to want to track. Ii it does not want to track, it wont, and yoi really cant make it For that reason, yoi must always be motivational in you training methods. The vast majority oi tracking dogs, including Poms, will shu down and stop tracking if corrected while tracking. You should not jerk on the tracking harness or say "NO" to your doe while tracking. If your dog sticks its little face in a gopher hole while tracking, yoi can and should say "leave it" in a sterr tone, but that is really all the corrections you should ever deliver to a tracking dog.The first week, you get your Porr excited about the article. The dog wil track for the joy of it and for the joy oi fineiing the glove at the end of the track so your Pom needs to love the sight of its glove. Play retrieving games with thi glove, but DO NOT make it a retrievingexercise. Hide treats in the glove and let your Pom take them from the glove. Hide treats in the glove, then hide it in an easy place in the house and have your Pom find it and eat the treats. Put your Poms food inside the glove and let the dog eat the meal from the glove.When your Pom is excited about the glove, its time to start actually teaching tracking. Be careful when approaching the tracking area not to foul it by walking on it or allowing your dog to walk on it. Put the tracking harness on your Pom and put your Pom in a crate facing the direction you intend to walk. Youll need two flags and the glove with bait inside it. Take a couple of steps away from the crate, plant a flag, turn the direction you intend to walk, and find a marker on the horizon-a distinctive tree, chimney, bush, ete.-which you can use as a reference point so youll walk a straight line.Standing still, reach back toward your crated dog and shake the glove at the dog. Call the dogs name in an excited voice, show the dog the bait in the glove, and be sure the dog is excited. If it barks, great. Dont correct it for barking. Now start walking toward your reference point. As you walk, shuffle your feet so the grass is very trampled and full of scent. Walk about 10 yards, while shaking the glove above your head and calling your dogs name.At the 10 yard mark, look back to make sure the dog is watching. Dramatically throw the glove down directly in front of your feet, step on the glove, and take about five normal steps forward. Plant your second flag, then turn and walk directly back along the path you have just made.Take the Pom out of the crate and attach the six-foot lead to the harness. Keeping the lead very short, approach the starting flag. Hold your dog on your left and point at the ground where you walked. Say, "Find it" in a real happy voice and let your little guy go out to the end of the lead. Chances are excellent the dog will take off like a shot, headed for its glove and the big reward. Your job is to be quiet and follow.Stay BEHIND the dog, DONT TALK, and dont run. Your Pom needs to learn to pull on that harness, not only because you dont want to run a 600 yard track when you get to that point, but also when you get to comers, your Poms ability to pull hard on the harness to tell you he knows where he is going when youre not sure will make the difference between passing and failing.If youve done a lot of obedience with your Pom or its insecure, it may not be willing to pull. You can teach pulling as a separate exercise, having a friend use a lure to entice the dog while you encourage it to pull you forward.As obedience people, we are used to talking to our dogs to encourage them when they are learning a new exercise. You will set your tracking dog back by talking to it when it is tracking. For some reason which I cannot explain, dogs almost universally track better when the handler is silent. The only times to talk to your Pom are to give it the starting command to encourage it if it is working out a problem and is shutting down to get its head out of a gopher hole, not usually a problem with Poms and to order it back to work if it decides to do something else. Naturally, when it finds the glove you will say lots of wonderful things, but when the dog is working, you will be mostly silent.Sometimes they shoot down the track a short distance, only to decide to do something else before they get to the glove. You should immediately just stop, stand still, and wait for the dog to get back to work. If it fools around for more than a few seconds, command it quietly to "find it." If it fools around for several minutes, take a few steps toward the glove. Resist the urge to help the dog by using a hand signal pointing at the ground. There may come times when that is the only way to get the dog going again, but if you rely on the hand signal, so will the dog, and it is forbidden in a test. Most of the time, the dog will go back to work if you simply stand, wait, and quietly command it to find its article.At the 10-yard distance, your Pom may well look for the glove rather than use its nose. Dont worry. Your goal at this pointis to convince your Pom that there is something wonderful out there for it. Poms, as a breed, are not particularly visual, so when the distance extends, your dog will begin to use its nose to find the glove.When your dog finds the glove, be sure to make a really big deal out of it. Give it the bait or the toy, throw the glove, praise the dog, etc. If your dog follows the track perfectly but does not indicate the article, it fails, even if it walks right over the glove. One of my biggest challenges with my Pom was to teach him to stop at the glove. He loves to track so much he would just track right past the glove, no matter what bait was in it. I finally got him to stop by hiding his furry mouse in the glove.What to do if your Pom doesnt leave the starting flag, but just stands there or takes off wildly in the wrong direction and doesnt track no matter how long you stand there A food drag will probably solve your problem. Nuke a turkey leg or wing with some garlic powder. Tie a string around it and drag it behind you when you lay the track. At the end of the track, put a tiny piece of it in the glove and carry it back to the start. An alternative is to smear your shoe soles with liverwurst or cheese as you stand at the starting flag. When your Pom will track well with the food drag, begin to bounce the turkey on the ground at intervals, then eliminate it altogether. The Sealand Pomeraniansby Derial JacksonThe extremely small but important kennel of Miss F.E. Henshaw in England is closely connected with the Woodfield Kennels. Sealand Caress when bred to Ch. Woodfield Diamond King produced American champions Sealand Career and Sealand Distinction which were exported to the US. Miss Henshaw wrote me before World War II that she considered Distinction the best Pom she had ever bred. Sealand Gold Lace bred to Ch. Woodfield May King produced Ch.Sealand Moneybox. Other Sealand dogs that became US champions were Sealand Cash Book, Sealand Toy Baby, Sealand Gorgeous and Sealand Good Brandy. I dont have any records of the English winners from this kennel.Ch. Sealand CareerCareer was imported by Miss Viola G. Procter of the Radiant Kennels of Wenham, MA. Miss Procter had started in Poms somewhere around World War I and had imported the best England had to offer, plus breeding some top ones herself. Among the many early Poms she owned were Ch. Radiant Eastney the Gem, Ch. Sherwood Starbright II her first pom, Ch. Little Rajahs Pearl, Ch. Radiant Dream a BISA winner, Ch. Perivale Golden Bracket, Ch. Young Black Gentleman of Pomona and another black champion Ch. Chiswick Beppo of Radiant BISA winner. Career was a 4 12 pound clear, golden orange of almost perfect type. I saw him when he was 10 years old and he was, even then, one of the best poms Ive ever seen.He was a great winner including best toy at Westminster in 1931 and 1932. However, it is as a sire he is of interest to us. It has always seemed strange to me that many of todays pom fanciers are aware of the importance of Moneybox but seldom know anything about Career. Career sired at least 12 champions including Ch. Little Sahib and Ch. Radiant Candida litter brother and sister and is back of most of the famous poms of yesterday and today. The 1930s saw an improvement in transportation and it became safer to ship bitches to be bred distances that one would never have considered before, hence, Career and Moneybox were used almost nationwide. Mrs. Schoenberg of San Antonio used Career and later Moneybox often in her breeding program. Mrs. McCaskill of the Julo poms used Career. Her Ch. Julo Career is back of all the later Julo poms, including Ch. Julo Wee Wonder. Julo Career is a blend of Julo, Little Emir, and Woodfield Diamond King ancestry.The most famous of Careers sons was Mrs.Mattas Ch. Little Sahib, the greatest winner of his time. His dam was Ch. Little Rajahs Pearl, a daughter of Ch. Little Rajah. Sahib produced some fine poms and was the grandsire of the brothers Ch. Moneybox Gold and Ch. Moneybox Currency. Their dam was Little Lady Leonora a full sister of Ch. Sahibs Jewel of Emrose Hill. Jewel was a dark sable and, to me, simply gorgeous. Ch. Radiant Candida was the dam of several champions including Ch. Radiant Robin, a great winner and founder of the Kennelquest line. Candida appears in the pedigrees in most of the later Radiant, Aristic, Great Elms, and Dixieland poms. Ch. Radiant Career and Ch. Radiant Tiny Tim were both very successful in the ring. Unfortunately, Radiant Career was killed by a big dog and Tiny Tim was sold and never used at stud. Radiant Career was one of the most beautiful oranges Ive ever seen--a clear golden shade of unusual brilliance. Many of Careers get were of this intense gold color, including Sahib.Ch. Sealand MoneyboxMrs. Vincent Matta imported Moneybox in 1937 when he was already almost three years old. He had sired in England Ch. Ofleda Ulika and Sealand Cash Box so she was aware of his potential as a sire. She had been looking for some time for a really great dog to line-breed with Ch. Little Sahibs daughters. Moneybox turned out to be an excellent choice. Almost immediately, bred to Little Lady Leonora he produced Ch. Moneybox Gold Coin and Ch. Moneybox Cashier. Bred again, they produced Ch. Moneybox Currency.Moneybox was a 4 12 pound red-orange sable with the immense coat for which the Woodfield dogs were famous. His sire Ch. Woodfield May King was Englands most celebrated pom of the time. At his first show, the Westminster 1938, he was BOB and second in the group. He rapidly made his championship. During the year he was never defeated in the breed and 13 times Best Toy including the Morris and Essex the Morris and Essex show is an outdoor show held in June and sponsored by Mrs.Geraldine Rockefeller at her Morristown, NJ estate. It was the second largest dog show in the world, the largest being Crufts in England. At the first Morris and Essex in 1927 or 28, Mrs. Mattas Ch. Little Emir took BIS. Later, Ch. Little Sahib took best toy there in 1935, 1936, and 1937. Mrs. Matta then retired Moneybox from the show ring to be used at stud. Later she did the same thing for Ch. Dixieland Shining Gold, the dog she purchased to breed to Moneybox-Sahib bitches. Moneybox sired at least 27 champions, at the time a record. His line was soon evident in all sections of the country. It would be hard to find and American pom today that didnt go back somewhere to Career and Moneybox.Both Sealand Caress and Sealand Gold Lace were from the Ofleda kennel and from Blackacre and Dara blood lines. Both Career and Moneybox were descended from Ch. Flashaway of Dara on both sides. I dont know much about the Ofleda poms except they must have been very good. Ofleda Goldacre became a Canadian champion and appears in many pedigrees of top dogs not only in the Sealand line but in others too. Note that Ofleda Gay Lady, dam of Sealand Caress was a full sister of Sealand Gold Lace, dam of Moneybox.Moneybox has always been a favorite of mine, not only for his beauty, but also for his personality. I was there when he made his show debut. It was my first Westminster and I was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Matta--a thrilling experience for a 15-year old boy. Ch. Sealand CareerCh Sealand CareerOrange Male Breeder Mrs HenshawCh Rashaway Too Of Dara Erimus Re-Echo Warton Duchess ECh Wood field Diamond King Riverleigh Bijue Erimus Merry Dawn Erimus Golden Dawn Ofleda Rashman Ofleda Young Rashman Little Yellow Flower Sealand CaressCCh Ofleda Goldacre Ofleda Gay Lady Ofleda Daintinesstv iLCh Sealand MoneyboxCh Sealand MoneyboxRed Orange Sable Male 033135Erimus Re-Echo ECh Woodfield Diamond King Erimust Merry Dawn ECh Woodfield May King ECh PerivaJe Memento Wayntlete Coral Tina Topaz Old Bill of Blackacre CCh Ofleda Goldacre Betsy Blackacre Sealand Gold LaceECh Gold Speck Flashaway Ofleda Daintiness Ofleda QueenCONGRATULATIONSTOFRAN STOLLON HERKENNEL VISIT.THANK YOUFOR YOUR WILLINGNESS TO SHARE YOURKNOWLEDGEBUT,WORE IMPORTANTLY FOR YOUR FRIENDSHIP.YOU AREA SPECIAL PERSON,FRANCIN-JAN POMERANIANS Janice Russell Indianapolis, INPuget Sound Pomeranian Club, Inc.2 Specialties WObedience and Junior Showmanship Along W3 All-Breed Shows Brush Prairie, Washington Puget Sound Pom Club, Thursday, July 14th Conformation-Darrell BakerColumbia Pom Club, Friday, July 15th Conformation--Jean SchrollPending AKC ApprovalShow Secretary Patricia Kinser 503 658-5218 13690 SE Sunnyside Rd., Clackamas, OR 97015 and3 All-Breed shows July 16th-18th Jack Onofrio, Superintendent Contact Janell Reich 206 435-5978 or Shirley Fund 503 253-0586CONGRATULATIONS. FRAN AND THE STOLANNE POMSAs you know, my early thoughts and love of this breed was inspired by following the careers of your fabulous "Thor" and your beautiful "Starlet."You are a true professional and a great attribute to the further enhancement of our wonderful Pomeranians.Wishing you a great 1994Donna S. Riehm RR3, Box 652 Murphysboro, IL 62966a\i i ici luai i numeral nail uiuuM^Joreuer bjourSSasiP,Tv SWT V 1 L7" , p n -jtoreuer T5pecti of oLouewad to debut in flew VjorL but due to the lAJinter ddlizzarddaHijbmia.Jt" n.will open inWa^eJr^h 415 572-0149Silver Meadows70- 'BRED BY EXHIBITOR, AMERICANOMERANIACLUB MSilverMeadows Jus CrusinPictured is our precious "Cruise" taking the Bred-by-Exhibitor class, on his way to winning Best of Winners and an Award of Merit at the APC National Specialty-his very first show. What a way to start Our sincere thanks to Breeder-Judge Darrell Baker, and much appreciation for all enthusiastic comments received from fellow exhibitors. Thanks for your support-you made our day just about perfect.We offer the following Sundown-8392 male, 5.5 beautiful, sweet face wdisposition to match, big brilliant red-orange coat, absolutely sound legs....750 Bon Bon-92789 Female, 5 , Champion sired, proven free whelper and excellent dam. Has only been bred twice we are keeping a daughter. Investment quality....600 Cookies-72493 female, Orange. Still a puppy she shows lots of promise as a brood-show prospect. Probably mature 5 ....750 2 litters, both whelped 122693. A 2 males, one female sired by Ch. Teddy out of Tipper Brite identical pedigree to "Cruise" dams are litter sisters B one male and one female sired by Ch. Squeak out of Ch. Love Meghan granddaughter.Ron and Jackie Klein 414 West Lake Road716237-5473 Silver Springs, NY 14550ItlACIC"WINS THE NATIONALITaeMultiple BISA. BISS Ch. Absolutes Magic Mountain HOFThank you, Breeder-Judge Darrell Baker, for making our dream come true. It is an honor to represent our breed as the National Specialty Winner.Congrats to my best buddy, Sharon Hanson, on another winning Jan-Shar weekend, and to her handler, Jason Lynch, a job well doneCongrats also to a very special person, Fran Stoll, on her kennel visit a more dedicated and honest breeder would be hard to find Next time, Red Lobster...I promiseMany thanks for all the phone calls and notes after Magics winsTry Science Diet Mixit for finicky toysBreederOwnerHandlerJeanne and Robert Blank Buchanan, Ml 4910716060 Brookside Drive 616 695-7308WHID-DONS- ACh. Whid-Dons High PerformanceHigh Performance has produced very well for me. He passes along heavy bone and his special qualities to his offspring. Hiram Stewart took him with four points and finished him quickly in 10 shows.Thank you, Sue, for letting me breed to High Lights.Barbara T. Whiddon 4703 Monroe Hwy.PineviUe, LA 71360 318 640-3502 elss IA SHBEY PHOTOGRAPHY IN MOTION" N UTTING 239 East High St., Ballston Spa, NY 12020 518 8851927ProductionsAmerican Pomeranian ClubFebruary 12-13, 1994 021294-565 All of our tapes ar titled to identify each dog.To Order Fill out form below and forward to A-N PRODUCTIONS.FIRST TAPE-445.00 TWO OR MORE TAPES 35.00 EACH Tape A Veteran Puppy Sweepstakes Junior Showmanship---------- ___________Tape B Regular Dog Bitch Classes Best of Breed----------------------- ______Shipping Handling _______5.00[] Check [] MO [] MC [] Visa Sub-Total ___________New York State Res. include local Sales Tax. County______________ __________Available in all International FormatsPAL, or SECAM Add 20.00 per tape. Total- ___________Name_________________________________________________Address________________________________________________City__________________________________ State_________ZipCard __________________________________ Exp. Date______Signature________________________________Telephone______Yips YapsDear EditorThis is a thank-you note for running the article entitled "HypoglycemiaLow Blood Sugar...An Ever Present Threat in the NovDec 1993 issue of the Review along with a story about how it saved my Poms life. Thank you so muchIn August of 1993, we purchased a pretty little female Pom who weighs about 4 pounds, along with a beautiful champion male. These two had been bred before with fairly successful results, and it was out intention to try this match again.Ruby came into season about the first week of November. It was a little earlier than we had hoped, but since they seemed quite settled in to their new life, we decided to go ahead and breed them. She was bred in the second week of November about the same time I received my copy of the Review. I had been taking this magazine for some time and realized the worth of it but had no idea how important the article entitled "Hypoglycemia...." from the Vetcolumn would be to me. I read the article with some intrigue because, although I had heard this was a problem in Poms, I had never experienced it myself.Two or three weeks later, my husband and I came home from work at the same time. All our little poms came running to the door to greet us, as they always do, except for Ruby. She was sitting in the middle of the living room floor staring at us as if she really wasnt sure who we were. I picked her up, and she wet herself, then cried in embarrassment. I had never seen such strange behavior, and at first, it did not register with me. I let them all outside to relieve themselves, then went out about ten minutes later to let them in. Ruby stood at the bottom of the steps but did not run in as she normally does. I brought her in and gave them all biscuit treats. Ruby ate hers like normal, so I assumed she just did not feel very well due to being in the first few weeks of pregnancy. My husband and I decided to run out and get take-out food from a nearby place, and bring it home to eat. We were gone for about 20 minutes. When we returned Ruby seemed deeperinto a depression state. She simply lay in my lap while I ate, not the least bit interested in what I was eating most un-Ruby likeWhen I got up, Ruby was beginning to act limp. I then realized this was a serious situation, not just an upset stomach. I handed her to my husband and ran to get the article. Ruby had not experienced the drooling it mentioned, but she was definitely into the second stage, staring at us unblinkingly, imploring us to help with her eyes. We tried standing her up, and she fell over like a drunkas the article mentioned. She appeared to be slipping into a coma.I had never purchased Karo syrup before, but at Thanksgiving, I was asked to make a pecan pie, so I purchased it. I thank God I had it It took four doses of Karo rubbed on the gums, at about 15 minute intervals before Ruby was able to respond. I think she was quite gone, and if we had not acted quickly at that point, she would have been lost. When she began to respond, I was able to get food down her, and she ate a whole 6 ounce can of Science Diet for puppies. Once she got food in her, the change was instantaneous. She was up and running around in a matter of minutes.We watched her very closely for the next several weeks, and prepared her special meals. Fortunately, she never had a relapse.This story has a very happy ending as Ruby gave birth to two healthy male puppies on 11794.Debi CloppFuzzy Muzzles KennelFood for ThoughtHair loss Immune system failure Vaccine break-throughs Reproductive problems CancerNational Specialties provide the opportunities for Pom enthusiasts to enjoy each others company, display the cream of your breeding program, observe trends, and exchange ideas. Concerns still seem centered on coats.Coats are a product of two factorsgenetics and environment. As breeders, weve been concerned with genetic causes of alopecia. But, what environment conditions might we have over-lookedFirst, we eliminate all internal and external parasites, and fungal possibilities. Then, we try to feed "the best." Talking to people with well-coated dogs, I found one fed 100 home-cooked food another served canned food no added preservatives needed beyondthe canning process and one reported using food preserved naturally or with BHA.Yes, we have all heard about the ethoxyquin synthetic antioxident controversy. But, Dog World had a great series of articles on nutrition in issues dated July 1993 to January 1994. They were written by bio-chemist Susan Thorpe-Vargas, MS a microbiologist doctoral candidate and John Cargill, MA, MBA, MS statistician for Osier Institute in continuing medical education. The October issue is particularly pertinent. They present two graphs which show that 5 pound dogs absorb more ethoxyquin proportionally in their system than the 50 pound dogs that were used in the approval testing. Their proposed explanation of changes in metabolic and immune systems are very feasible. One issue relates to reproduction problems another to cancer. Their explanation of the interplay of inheritance factors and environment factors of cancer is the best I have ever read.Since September, 1993, there has been changes in the leading dog food products. Although some companies always provided ethoxyquin-free food Bijac, Natural Life, Anmar, etc. others now provide this option-Science Diet Custom Care, Nutro Lamb Rice Natural, lams Natural, ANF, etc. These Natural products are preserved with Vitamin E and Ascorbic Acid tocopherols.Why is the veterinary community still resistant to believing ethoxyquin cold be so unsafe Lack of scientific experiments they say. Could the large food companies have a monetary interest to not financially support these experiments Also, maybe it is easier for veterinarians to "pop" a thyroid pill than wonder what is causing the problem to begin with. Genetics is an easy answer on this part. Genetics probably accounts for the usual population variance, but we also know that thyroid medication given to a dog with a healthy thyroid can improve coat-for at least a while.Even though I was fortunate not to have hair loss problems in my household, I was convinced by these articles it would be worth a change to naturally preserved food. Remember, individual sensitivities may vary. Even dogs that had a normal coat experienced a cleansing process that included a major skin flaking. The new skin was soft and the coat became more dense and luxuriant. I recommend that all canine enthusiasts read these articles and comparethe ingredient labels of the food they use. This will explain at least some of the mysteries of our breed.Marge KranzfelderForever Yours PomsDear "Pom People"I have been showing dogs since 1954, Poms since 1964 30 years. I have been a Professional Handler since 1975, AKC licensed when you had to make out an 8-page application and be approved in the Breeds you wanted to handle. Not just anyone who just decided they were a HandlerAgent, but thats another issue not to be discussed here.In all this time I have never "spoken my mind," so to speak, but after what I observed at his years National Specialty in NY, I came home "talking to myself' and can no longer contain itI am sure I will have a lot of Pom people unhappy with me, to say the least, but I cannot be concerned about that any longer. All I can say to these people isif the shoe fits, wear itI saw so many lovely Poms so completely scissored and sculptured it was appalling The Standard states, "double coated with long outer guard hairs." What guard hairs They have all been cut off to the point that on some you wouldnt even know what color the dog was for all that is left is light under-coat. They look like bear cubs, not Pomeranians What was worse most of them won their classes. Thank goodness the WD did not have all his beautiful coat cut off. Hooray for you, Jackie leiNn, and WHY did all this scissoring start The Parent Club was fighting it in the beginning, writing letters to Judges, etc. Then they just gave up and now seem to have taken the attitude, "if you cant fight them, join them. How sad It has just become worse all the time.Whos to blame In my opinion and this ought to make me REAL popular the Judges are to blame for putting up these completely overtrimmed and sculptured dogs. If they judged by the Standard relating to coat, and penalized for scissoring, as the Standard states, it would soon stop. Even if they had to put up a lesser dog in full coat and TELL the exhibitor he was being penalized for gross overtrimming, it would soon stop. We would then have our beautifully coated Poms back in the ringinstead of cute little bear cubs So how about it, JudgesI believe in trimming, to a point, and presenting them looking like "rag bags," but it has gotten WAY OUT OF HANDI was also appalled at the sight of some of these tittle Poms being literally "hung by the neck" while gaiting, or running their tittle fronts hardly touching the ground. One Handler Handler strung a tittle girl up so tight she was choking all the way around the ring, but he continued to string her up, choking and all So completely unnecessary, but she won the class this way Even the top winning German Shepherd is gaited on a loose lead-this is because of knowledgeable training and a capable handler. You mean to tell me you have to string up a tittle Pom to the choking point OutrageousI saw TINY bitches. I dont think one could have weighed over 2 12 pounds Breeders, what are you trying to prove by breeding bitches smaller and smaller Its bad enough the males are down to three pounds. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how you can feel the Poms on a whole have progressed Cut off coats, tiny bitches, so called "baby faces" nothing in the Standard calls for "baby faces". All this may be "cute," but not correct according to the Pom Standard. If this is the kind of dog you now want, then change the whole Standard and have it read, no outer coat required, 2 pound bitches acceptable, short muzzles, baby faces, legs not required to touch the ground when gaiting, etc. Then, maybe you ought to think up a new name for the Breed while youre at it, for this certainly would not be a PomeranianGloria SetmayerParamos, NJBeware of AdoptersI am writing this to warn all dog people who at one time or another are forced to give an animal up for adoption.I learned this lesson the hard way. I have a small kennel and was forced to give up a few of my animals. I had decided not to sell them, but to be more selective and investigate people and find good homes for all my babies. My breed is Pomeranians, and they are just tike tittle children to me.I had started spreading the word through relatives, friends, and acquaintances that my pets were to be adopted to good homes only. Every applicant would be screened. There were two Poms that I found it especially hard to part with. Their color was brightorangy red. Pepper, the mom, was the first Pom I had ever purchased. Her daughter Nicki was identical in color and very tiny. The two were inseparable and had to be placed in a home together.A friend of mine highly recommended a single, mature woman who was a dog groomer by profession. Ill call her Debby.Debby worked in a grooming store not too far from my home. I spoke by telephone with her employer who gave Debby a marvelous recommendation. I made arrangements to meet with her she came to my home. I found her to be charming, down to earth, and absolutely loving to my pets. With a clear conscience and a few tears, I kissed my girls good-bye. That was the last time I ever saw Pepper. It was May of 1993.When Debby first adopted my girls, she called a weekly report on how well they had adjusted. I started to feel the perhaps they had a better life with her than they had had with me. As time passed Debby kept in touch less and less which I considered perfectly normal.In less than six months, my world had turned upside down. In November, I received a very disturbing phone call from a friend Ill call Sarah. Sarah had been in touch with me from time to time because she had missed out when my Poms had been put up for adoption. We had become phone friends. I suggested since she had wanted a Pom so badly that she leave her name in animal hospitals, grooming stores, etc. She had received a call from Debby, saying that she had a small Pom bitch for sale without papers. The price was to be negotiated. Upon seeing the Pom, Sarah asked Debby a few question about the bitch, such as age, color, general health, and the breeder. She also wanted to know why the bitch was being sold.After speaking to Debby, Sarah immediately telephoned me to find out why Nicki was now being sold. I was so flabbergasted, I couldnt speak. A million thoughts raced through my mind. What had I done How could I have been so careless What happened to Pepper It took quite some time for me to compose myself. I told Sarah I had absolutely no idea what she was speaking about. I hung up the phone and tried to think rationally. I explained the story to my daughter, Chrissy, who is a junior handler and had overheard most of the conversation anyhow. We had to sitdown and think of anyway possible to get the Poms back.My first step was to get in touch with Debby she assured me that Pepper and Nicki were sitting with her at that moment. Debby claimed that Sarah was a dissatisfied customer out to make trouble for her. Debby notified me she was soon to be leaving the state and her phone would be disconnected as would her beeper. She would also be leaving her position as groomer. There would be no way to reach her, and she was taking my dogs with her. How could I have been so wrong about a person Now I was sure Sarah was right. Sarah had spoken to a friend, Marge, who was involved in rescue work. We put our heads together and came up with a few ideas.I called the grooming shop and left a message with her employer stating I would involve her unless she located Debby and conveyed the message that I was prepared to take legal action immediately unless my Poms were returned. I wrote certified letters to the shop and Debbys home. I got results. Two days before Thanksgiving Debby called. She claimed Pepper had been hit and killed by a car, but if I wanted Nicki back, I was to sign a release promising to leave her alone and never press charges. She would then return Nicki safely. I agreed.Thanksgiving morning, I went with my husband and daughter to meet Debby in an isolated area 5 miles from my home. We exchanged the release and the dog. Chrissy and Nicki recognized each other immediately What a joyous reunion. As happy as I was at the return of Nicki, I was saddened by the loss of Pepper. Im still not sure that I did the right think by sacrificing Peppers life for the return of Nicki. I do not believe Debbys story of Peppers death.My thanks to Sarah for her help and also to Marge and her input and experience, and to my husband and daughter for their fortitude. I just hope this story helps someone to take extra time to research much further than I did to find a good home for your pet.Susan Lucatorto Floral Park, NYDear EditorDuring our annual meeting in New York this past February, much discussion was heard on the new rule AKC wants to put on limited litters per bitch 6.The remark was made that the toy breeder was being penalized. I agree. The remark was also made that someone believed AKC wason the right track to help the constant fight against puppy millers. I disagree whole-heartedly In all this discussion, not once was the one and only true way to stop this puppy milling mentioned EDUCATION AKC keeps coming up with all these various, silly rules and regulations that are in fact not doing anything but punishing the honest breeders.People, there are a lot of us out there Are any of you doing anything about education or are you too busy worrying about your next big Specialty or show If we are to stop puppy milling and backyard breeders, wed better do something now, before the AKC or the Humane Society do it for us, or should I say to usThere are many ways you can help without too much effort Check that limited registration box on the reverse side of the blue slip. Work with your vet on a reasonably priced spayneuter program before you sell a pet. Get yourself some copies of the APC Information Booklet. Pass them out to prospective puppy buyers, vets, or area All-Breed Clubs. Get copies of the AKC Educational materials from your Public Education Coordinator. Get them published in your local papers or weekly tabloids. If your club has no Public Education Coordinator, it should have. To obtain this extremely informative material, have your club secretary, on club stationery, send your coordinators name in to Noreen Rueben at the AKC in New York. This packet also includes a video called Best Friends that may be copied and used at your discretion 4-H, Scouts, Schools, etc..I have personally shown the Best Friends video at our local schools and have mailed out approximately 30 APC booklets to area vets.Remember, an educated person is not going to buy a puppy from a disreputable breeder if he knows what a disreputable breeder is. He is not going to breed that little pet bitch that is so adored by the family, just to show Junior the miracle of birth, if he knows the dangers to little Fluffy.Ive personally talked many people out of breeding their bitches by informing them of what they may be in for. Doesnt help get me too many stud fees, but at least I know those people wont be contacting me later for another pup because Huffy died duringa C-section. I have a tendency to cry rigl along with the caller when that happens.We have several Amish breeders in oi area who breed any breed of dog they thin they can make money on. Well, we all kno' thats not possible That is if youre doing right. These people produce puppies ths weigh 10-12 pounds at 4 months of age an look like anything but a Pom. But the pric is right 80 to 100 and most people don know any better, so theyre stuck.Ask these people the pedigree on thei dogs, and they will read you the names ol the registration slip. They dont know the they have to keep any kind of record. The are in this business for one reason only-1 make money. An AKC investigator visitin a Pom breeder here in Ohio, told how sh had to close down every Amish breeder sh visited because they kept absolutely m records. She said she felt sorry for ther because they didnt know. Yeah Sure Ir quite sure she would feel sorry for you o me given the same situation Oh, and by th way, that kennel inspection was last fall and I have yet to see one Amish name in th Gazette "Fines Column"The APC has instructed AKC Delegati Sam Zaneoff to vote against this nev proposed bunch of nonsense. Unfortunately this comes before the delegates for a vote oi March 8th. Hopefully, some of the other to clubs can help put a stop to it.Just this morning I had a call from a frienc who was extremely upset. She had sold dog as a pet to a lady who had become il and resold the dog to another person in ou area who plans on using this dog as a stud The reason she was upset was not that w were going to have more back yard breeder to compete with, but because the dog is no really of good enough quality to be used foi reproduction. Since my friend hac purchased the dog from a breeder in hope of being able to show it, the limitec registration was not checked therefore there is no way of stopping this lady fron breeding the dog, legally. But by talking tc this lady and supplying her with lots ol information on the breed, just maybe, she can do something about it. The lady whe purchased the dog for a stud made the remark that her husband didnt care if she had these dogs to breed if she made enougf money off the puppies to pay for their food Shes in for a shock, isnt sheWell, if Ive stepped on any toes with this article, sorry. But all of us need to realize that we must get involved with this business3f education if we are to seriously stop the breeding of inferior or unwanted dogs.udy Shearer rystal Pomshank youWithout the tremendous outpouring of both financial and physical support this monumental rescue could not have been acomplished. All the Poms are now on the road to recovery and each and everyone has gone to a loving and caring home.The final bill on this rescue is 5143.65.We are now in the process of finalizing the forms needed for any further rescue cases. Anyone wishing information on this may contact Louise Crowe 25601 Haskell St. Taylor, MI 48180 Phone 313 291-5747.Your continued concern and awareness are still needed to guard against future tragedysA special thank you to the Pom Review for making our story known.Again, we thank you all.Pomeranian Club of Michigan submitted by Donna MachniakAPC, 1993VIP Awardsby Judy ShearerFor those of you who may be interested in how the APC Awards system works, I present the following. Ill be more than happy to take any suggestions or answer any questions regarding such. Just give me a call or drop a line.Remember, all statistics are taken from the AKC Awards Books January through, each member shall receive one-half point, or whatever fraction.Exhibitor of the Year-awarded to the APC member finishing the most champions in the awards year. If there is a co-owners, each member shall receive one-half point, or whatever fraction.Example Jane and John Doe co-own a dog. Jane is a member of APC, John isnt. Jane receives only 12 point. If Jane and John were both members, they would receive one pointVIP AwardsChairperson Judy Shearer. Statisticians Linda Gallacher, Diana Downey, Mary Vickers, and Judy Shearer. Top Winning Dog-Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock Owners E. Fetters, Joel Taylor, Cheryl Jackson Top Winning Bitch-Ch Beltane Gold Digger Owners Paul and Barbara Curry Top Producing Sire-Ch Stollanne Thunderbolt Thor Owner Frances Stoll Top Producing Dam-Dimonde Solitaire of Emcee Owner Diana Downey Breeder of the Year-Sharon Hanson Exhibitorofthe Year-Sharon Hanson Best Junior Handler-Sarah OBrien Top Obedience Pom-OTCH Cricketts Midnight Song Cs, UD, HOF Owner Jimmie Lawrence Top Utility Pom-Lindsey of Dover-Holihouse UD Owner Bonnie Buchanan Top Open Pom-Pomirish Sugar Cane CDX Owner Marian Lazzara and Sally Baugniet Top Novice Pom-Sunswept Fifty Fifty Owner Linda GallacherTop Winning Dog-awarded to the APC member whose dog defeats the most dogs in all-breed or specialty competition.Top Winning Bitch-awarded to the APC member whose bitch defeats the most dogs in all-breed or specialty competition.Top Producing Dog-awarded to the APC members dog producing the most champions for the awards year.Top Producing Bitch-awarded to the APC members bitch producing the most champions for the awards year.Breeder of the Year-awarded to the APC member breeding the most champions published in the awards year. If there is aAn award issued for the first time, the APC Humanitarian Award, was presented to Judi Hurst, for her work with 28 abused and neglected Poms. The award reads "APC Humanitarian Award, 1993. Presented to Judi Hurst for time and talent above and beyond the call of duty to our breed."AnTAmerican Pomeranian Club 63HELPNo one has reserved 1995 for a Summer SpecialtySurely, some Club is interested.Contact President Dolly Trauner if you want to host the 1995 Summer Specialty.NSTUD ISSUEThe next issue is our annual Stud Issue. The last one was minimal in size.Lets go all out and advertise those stud dogs in this issueThe price is 20.00 for a third of a page plus 10.00 for the cut. Include a 3-generation pedigree that does not need to be returned.Send your ads in NOW3CiF"...a touch of humor...To spruce up a new office building, the company I work for purchased some art objects, including a pink ceramic dog decorated with green triangles and purple polka dots. Employee reaction was quick in coming. One person taped the word "boonDOGgle" to the pedestal. Another attached the drawings of flames to the sculpture and called it "hot dog."But the best laugh occurred when someone "borrowed" the statue and left this sign "Well, Ill be doggone"My mother often feeds pigeons in the park near her home. One day, as she fed the growing flock surrounding her, a man came over to her and said, "While you are feeding perfectly good bread to the birds, there are people starving in China."Mother, never one to back down from a fight, looked him square in the eye and said, "Im sorry, but I cant throw that far"The dog has got more fun out of man than man has got out of the dog, for the clearly demonstrable reason that man is the more laughable of the two animals.Taken from Readers Digest, March, 1994CONGRATULATIONS FRAN STOLL on your Kennel VisitThe POMERANIAN REVIEW64 rumeiciiiiciii nevievvBack IssuesMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back Issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. These back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct 198820.00 eachJan75.... ... Oct 77 .......May 79.... ...April 808.00 eachJul 77 .......Feb80... .... Jul 81.... .....Oct 83Apr 86.......Jan 80.... ....Jan 906.00 eachJul 80.... ... Oct 80... ....Apr 82.... .....Oct82Jan 83........Jul83.... ....Apr84.... .....Oct 84Jan 85.... ...Apr 85... ....Jul85............Oct 85Jul 86.... ...Sept 86... ....Nov 86...........Jul87Oct87... ...Jan 88.... ....Jul88.............Jan 89Apr 89.......Jul90.... ....Oct90.... ......Jan 91Mar 91.. ...May 91... ....Jul91Issues from Sept 91 on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Earth, TX, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.The Pomeranian Review is sent to judges.Kennel visitsJune...Carol Galavich August...Erika MoureauAdvertisersAshbey-Nutting Productions.............................57Robert and Jeanne Blank..................................55Catherine Breaux...............................................36Nina Epps..........................................................43Sharon Hanson....................................................1Marit and Jim Hattori..................................24, 25Mary Keeling.....................................................40Russell and JoAnn Kem....................Front CoverDiane Kieffer.....................................................23Ron and Jackie Klein........................................54Marvin and Margo Koga......................Inside BCMarge Kranzfelder............................................53Janet Manuszak-Lucido....................................27Renee McGrath.................................................26Margaret R. McKee..........................................45Julie Moreno.....................................................35Sarah OBrien...................................................28Clarice Oganeku................................................27Puget Sound Pom Club.....................................52Donna S. Riehm................................................52Dudley and Wanda Roach................................38Janice Russell...................................................51Jim and Judy Shearer........................................10Fran Stoll...................................Centerspread, 41Dolly B. Trauner..................................Inside F1CRick and Kelley Van Gilder.............................39Dolores Watts....................................Back CoverBarbara T. Whiddon..........................................56Pam and Warren Yongen..................................29Ch. Creiders Prince Bom Pengnon 1-BESTINSHOWCh. Great Elms Chip of Gold x Creiders Katy MarieTHREE BEST IN SHOWS IN A BOW...FOLLOWED BY A GROUP ANOTHER BEST IN SHOW AND ANOTHER OROUP"Peri" and the Kogas thank all the people who helped make this dream possible his breeder, Mrs. Norma Creider, Clarice and Yvette Oganeku, who found him for us, all the judges who admired him, and the handlers who expertly presented him.A special thanks to Mr. Fritz Rumpf for his expert touch and to his helper, Eileen Yamamoto to Dorinne Higuchi, Jo Long, Sherry Anderson, and all who supported him-a warm "Mahalo."IZ] Marvin and Margo Koga 808377-2318m POMERANIANSijitPCJarV ^AWARD OF MERITT HEW f S T MIN s T t Kennei Cub....'riomAsHBJHAm Can Ch. Great Elms Little DemetriusDemetrius finished among the "Top Poms for 1993. My thanks to Donna Wright for her expert handling of Demetrius.Dolores Watts 4800 Floral Part RoadBrandywine, MD 20613 301372-8782raH