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The Pomeranian Review June 1994
\American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Jtomrranian SfeutMitPublished Bi-Monthly JuneJuly, 1994vM v 14V. ELANS DOUBLE ENTENDREftAmerican Pomeranian ClubJAitSHAR riVVAtJBEST OF BREEDCHARLOTTESVILLEALBEMARLEfK \_\ KENNELI c n club M APRIL 18.1894JOHNASHBTTt- ,, vy v .riCh. Jan-Shar For-Get-Me-NotCh. Jan-Shars Mountain Dew x Jan-Shars Something SpecialFergie is pictured here with Judge Ken Miller and Handler Jason Lynch.Congratulations to Barbi Kutilek for finishing our Ch. Jan-Shars Achey Breaky Heart better known as Reba.----- --------------OwnerBreedersSharon Hanson Sharon Hanson304 497-2446 Jeanne and Robert BlankPomeranian ReviewContents...embership Jerrie Freia.....................................4r Your Consideration Dolly Trauner............5Drthem Reflections Elizabeth Dupuis............8rformance News Lois Morkassel..................10acking II Ann Griffith..................................12uch Ado About Anything Sally Baugniet ..13hy Do Vaccinated............................................14snnel Visit Carol Galavich............................17le Miracle of Holly Carol Galavich..............21allasFt. Worth Report Mildred Patrick........ 42sgistrars Comer Jean Schroll........................443p Poms List Jean Schroll.............................45ehind New Titlists............................................48ips and Yaps..................................................... 57The American Pomeranian Club has its evised Information Booklet ready for listribution. If you are interested, contact he SecretaryFran Stoll RR 3, Box 429 Washington, IN 47501 BR'4CjjyjMElan'sDouble Entendre"Doubles" is bred and owned by Mr. and Mrs. David K. Dahlenburg of P.O. Box 1160 Loxahatchee, Florida 33470. Their phone number is 407 793-0975.He was sired by Ch. Elans Inferno and out of Ch. Elans Diabolique. His handler is the very capable Mrs. Erika Moureau.Editors noteThe Dahlenburgs have recently returned from Mexico where David was employed. Because of the unrest there, it seemed judicious for them to return. Melissa has promised to write an account of their travails to be published in the Review. I, for one, am looking forward to it.EditorialNOTICEThe Pomeranian Review is sent to Judges. Featuring your winning dogs in the National magazine will pay offSend your ads in now in support of Erika Moureaus Kennel Visit. Dont delayAugust Kennel Visit...Erika Moureau October...Marge KranzfelderI want to take this opportunity to thank all the super people who took the time to drop me a note and let me know that they do appreciate the Review. Nearly every aevertiser has said something kind about our efforts included with their ad.I apologize for getting off schedule. After this issue, I hope to be back on track. You have been very patient with me.I was disappointed in the Stud Register. We had very few ads for it. Perhaps next year it will be better.We do need pertinent, interesting articles. There are lots of you out there who are good writers and who have something to say. Write it down and send it to me.American Pomeranian Club Jhmunmtan Sflitoaof theAmerican Pomeranian Club, Inc.YNOfficers of the ClubPresident.......................................................................................................................Dolly B. TraunerRrst Vice-President..........................................................................................................................Emily UntalanSecond Vice-President........................................................................................................................Jim ShearerRecording Secretary.....................................................................................................................Beverly HenryCorresponding Secretary...............................................................................................Frances J. StollRural Route 3 Washington, IN 47501Treasurer.......................................................................................................................Al WillliamsonPOB 4207 Pineville, LA 71361-4207AKC Delegate....................................................................................................................................Sam ZaneoffBoard of DirectorsSally Baugniet Happeth A. Jones Margaret McKee Sharon Masnick Brenda Turner Mary VickersPomeranian ReviewEditor................................................................................................................................Dudley RoachBox 416 Earth, TX 79031 Phone 806 257-3817Business Manager.........................................................................................................Marie Carlough8 Rowland Avenue Blue Point, NY 11715 Phone 516 363-9524Subscriptions...............................................................................................................Brenda K. HuttonR102 Tudor Lane Lansing, Ml 48906 Phone 517 485-5183Back Issues.................................................................................................................Margaret McKee2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 Phone 804 556-3380Subscriptions 6 Issues per year3rd Class subscription....................Foreian..............................................30.00.... 45.00First Class................ ......35.00Single Copy.............. ......... 6.00NonMembers1MembersFull Page.................. ..... 65.00............70.00Half Page....................... 40.00............45.00Quarter Page............ ..... 20.00............25.00Photos each........... ..... 10.00...... ... . 1000Front Cover, BW.... ....120.00...... .... 150.00Color......................... ....375.00.... .... 400.00Back Cover, BW.... ..... 80.00...... .... 100.00Color......................... ....250.00...... .... 275 00Inside FB Cover...... ..... 70.00...... ..... 80.00Color......................... ....195.00...... .... 200.00Center Spread.......... ....140.00...... .... 150.00Color......................... ... 390 00...... ... 400 00Business Card ......... ..... 10.00...... ..... 15.00IssueDeadlinesAd Deadline DateDecJan.......... ............ Nov 15 .... Dec 15FebMarch................... Jan 15....... ....Feb 15AprMay.......... .............Mar 15...... ....Apr 15JuneJuly......... ............May 15....... ...June 15AugSept......... ............July 15....... ....Aug 15OctNov........... ...........Sept 15....... .... Oct 15Some flexibility possible in deadline. Prior notice required.Reservations and Deposit required on all CoversPomeranian ReviewMembership Reportby Jerrie Freia P.O. Box 2775 Morgan City, LA 70381618 684-4644 Sponsors Brenda Segelken Francis J. StollLetters other than those from sponsors ommenting on applicants whose names lave been published in the Review are to o Beverly Henry 2025 Sam Houston Carrollton, TX 75006. She needs them so hat she can convey the contents to the loard members being asked to vote on said ipplicants. If they go elsewhere, they may e delayed and not reach the Board before hey are to vote on acceptancerejection.New Members for 1994Beverly Bottoms1370 Ridgwood Drive Mobile, AL 36608 205 344-3851 SponsorsAdrian Alford Joel TaylorJessie K. Doyle 3222 Kabdtree Circle Orlando, FL 32812 407 281-3922 SponsorsArlene Benko Adrian AlfordRussell C and JoAnn Kern604 S. State Street Freeburg, EL 62243 618 539-3984 SponsorsBrenda Segelken Francis J. StollJohnny and Barbara Messmer 2249 Suwannee Drive Marrero, LA 70072 504 348-9150 SponsorsMrs. James Dupre, Sr.John C. LewisDonna Sue RiehmRR3, Box 652 Murphysboro, IL 62966Applications for MembershipCandi FreemanBox 9001Torrance, CA 90508 310 549-2707 SponsorsRuth Dotson Glenn Cruz BernardoValerie Landers835 NW 1st Paris, TX 75460 903 785-8667 SponsorsM. Dean Rinehart Linda GustafsonSarah Jean Nor ridBox 188Catawba, SC 29704 803 366-6089 SponsorsDorothy Martin Marlene Scott HalseyClaudia Pfeffer7809 Airline Hwy, Ste 215 A B Metairie, LA 70003 504 738-3431 SponsorsMrs. James R. Dupre, Sr.Sue Goddard Board Member Mary Vickers has a new addressMary Vickers P.O. Box 460 Beallton, VA 22712-0460 703 439-2239Kennel VisitsAugust-Erika Moureau-Texican October-Marge Kranzfelder- Forever YoursAmerican Pomeranian ClubFor Your Considerationby Dolly TraunerThere are at present two types of health registries collecting data on dogs. They collect data on dogs that are clinically normal as well as on dogs showing defects known, or suspected, be genetic as to cause.One type is called a closed registry. Data collected on dogs diagnosed as having symptoms of such a defect or disease is kept strictly confidential by the registry. The earliest registry of this type is the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals OFA. Another such registry is the Canine Eye Registration Foundation CERF.Any clinically normal dog registered with CERF is given a permanent number which the owner can use in ads. The number indicates that the dog was examined by a board certified veterinary ophthalmologist. It also shows the dogs breed, the year of the exam, and the age in months at the time of the exam.The OFA operates a little differently. Any veterinarian can take an x-ray of the dogs hip or elbow joints. The x-rays are sent to OFA along with identification infoimation. The x-rays are evaluated by board-certified radiologists, and are graded as to the degree of deformity of the joint if any is present.The other type of registry is called an open registry. The first such registry in this country is the Genetic Disease Control GDC. The GDC was patterned after open registries already operating in Sweden and Norway. GDC began primarily as an open registry for orthopedic disease, but has expanded to include other diseases known, or suspected, to be hereditary. Both normal and affected dogs are included in the GDC registry, and pedigree studies can be conducted to ascertain the likelihood of an individual being a possible carrier of a defective gene. The purpose of an open registry is to serve as an aid to breeders seeking to control and eliminate a specific hereditary condition from their own stock, and from the breed as a whole.The GDC was established in 1990 and began with data collection of hip and elbow joint diseases. It was soon approached by the Poodle Qub of America and theGenodermatitis Research Foundat GRF to start an open registry for si diseases, beginning with the Sebacet Adenitis occurring in Standard Pood Other breeds suffering skin disea resulting in hair loss have since been adc to the GDC databank. These now inch Irish Setters, Collies, Samoyeds, Standi Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Vizi Dobermans, Springer Spaniels, Bas Hounds, Old English Sheepdogs, Scott Terriers, Akitas, German Shepher Miniature Pinschers, Chows, Dachshum Weimaraners, Lhasa ApsiDalmations-and even mixed breedsAs more and more individuals in a giv breed, with known degrees of relatedness affected dogs, are added to the databank t information becomes more valuable as means to determine the likelihood of particular mating producing affect offspring. This aids the breeder to clean his stock of the defective gene, and 1 overall incidence of the disease in the bre as a whole.It is time now for those Pomerani breeders who have experienced skin disea and hair loss in their stock to recognize ti harm being done by continuing to u affected dogs in their breeding program and by selling as potential breeders tl offspring of affected dogs.For Your Further ConsiderationOnce upon a time the hereditary blindne occurring in a number of different breet was all lumped together as if the cause w the same in all breeds. Well, yes, it w genetic. But was it the same defective ger in all breeds, like the gene for the blackta coat pattern Or was it due to differei defective genes that produced an apparent similar result In some breeds such as Iris Setters and Collies, the onset of blindnes came on early, usually by 12 months of ag In others such as Poodles and Miniatui Schnauzers, it developed much later in lift A look at the tissues under the microscop showed that the changes taking place in th retinas were not the same in all breedPomeranian Reviewirther proof that blindness was caused by fferent genes in different breeds came by st mating a blind Norwegian Elkhound to blind Poodle-the offspring were all rmal On the other hand, test crosses ive now shown genetic blindness to be le to the same identical defective gene in xxiles, Labradors, and both the English id American Cocker Spaniels.What is my point, and how does this late to skin disease in Pomeranians here appear to be several causes for hair iss in Poms "Black Skin" disease, ypothyroidism, stress, and autoimmune isease. A genetic basis could be argued for ich of these causes either a defective sne, or a genetically caused heightened rsceptibility. Just as some people are more rsceptible to stress-related disorders than thers, even within the same family, so may jme of our dogs be less able to withstand tressful conditions such as weaning, e thing, whelping, or even going to shows.I dont think it really matters at this point hether all hair loss in Poms is a disease ith a single cause or an assortment of auses. I believe we need to start gathering tiis information together in one big latabase. We need the pedigrees of dogs hat suffered hair loss. We need pedigrees m normal dogs that have an affected iarent, littermate or sibling, aunt or uncle, lalf-sibling or cousin, or who have iroduced it in their own progeny.All dogs are one species. Any dog mated o another can produce offspring. All mrebreds of one breed are inbred to a attain degree and could trace their edigrees back to a few common ancestors. iVe linebreed to preserve and enhance type, fhis is just a modified form of inbreeding, fhe degree of relatedness between two dogs f the same breed can be determined by row far down a pedigree each dog is from a lommon ancestor. There is even a mathematical formula that can be applied. The resulting degree of relatedness is called the inbred coefficient.Lets say a dog has 100,000 genes, and you plan a mating between two Poms. Both male and female share many identical genes in common. They share genes for "dog," not cat or rabbit. They share genes for "Pom,"not Maltese or Yorkie. They share genes they got from common ancestors for things like size, coat color and texture, eye shape and color, and probably for temperament and much else. If the common ancestor shared by this prospective mating pan- happened to have some undesirable genes, even defective genes, the chance is there for one or both of the mating pair to have also inherited those genes as well.The common ancestor may be so far back in the pedigree that you have no first-hand knowledge of whether or not he or she showed an undesirable trait or genetic defect. Nor can you know if that common ancestor produced such things in its progeny. You can presume or hope that if such was the case, those undesirables or defectives were not used for further breeding. But what about that ancestors progeny that were normal appearing in every way Were they carriers of a defective gene Though normal to all appearances themselves, did they produce any defective progeny So, down through the pedigrees of the male and female you look and wonder just what might be hidden beneath the dogs you know, or believe, to be normal.I once bought a Toy Poodle back in 1958. She was apricot, which was a very rare color at that time. I was able to compile an 8 generation pedigree on her before I found an apricot ancestor. Apricot is a recessive color. This was living proof that a gene for this trait could be passed down unseen for at least 8 generations. It could have continued hidden for an indefinite number of generations except that it met up with a like gene for apricot in her parents. There was only the one apricot ancestor in her pedigree, and it was not a common ancestor behind both parents. I was unable to trace where the apricot gene on her sires side had come from it was too far back.The moral of that little story is that even if you have personal knowledge of every dog in a 4 or 5 generation pedigree, it is not enough to tell you what may have been passed down through generations in hidden form and now lies hidden within the genes of the dog standing before you. American Pomeranian ClubrrV 7I4if i \- l1V ivOFBF.STVvl\HNEHSnbwb."CUioKtunaAXPWOV.- .Introducing....Absolute's Abra-ca-dabraCh. Absolutes Magic Mountain BIS, BISS x Ch. Jan-Shars Rich City WomanWhat a way to start a show career-at just six months of age-a 5-point major under Judge Sari Brewster Tietjenforever fours...Marge Kranzfelder 415 572-0149Pomeranian ReviewNorthern Reflectionsby Elizabeth DupuisVancouver, British Columbia, is the site Dr this years Pom Club of Canada lational Specialty show. For those of you ho arent heading for New Orleans, this enue might be closer for our Western riends. The show will take place on Jctober 29th in conjunction with the ower Mainland Dog Fanciers of B.C. Nationals for the following breeds as vell-Belgians, Min Pins, Chows, Collies, ind Pugs. In all, there will be five sets of oints for Poms For specialty information, tlease feel free to contact either of these adies Colleen Beland 604 594-3394 or "arolynn Berry 604 583-6768.Before leaving Vancouver, keep in mind here are a zillion things to see and do. Chinatown is almost as big as San Franciscos Beautiful Vancouver lsland...Fraser Park...the Rockies only a short drive away, etc. Dont miss out on this great cityWhos out and winning, you ask Several Poms are turning heads this year. But before we go any further, join me in congratulating last years Top Pom, AC Ch. Chriscendo Classica one of the top five Toys I assume and Number One Male, Ch. Chinadolls Sudden Impact. Well done everyone and our salutations to the owners, Doug and Robert Stratton and Chris Heartz and "Cassies" breeder Judy Green. As well as Darlene and John Boyd, breedersowners of "Corey" who is top male, No. 2 Pom. Out in the West, Pro-Handler, Carol Graham, is piloting AC Ch. Blakes N Marshires Renegade, who is owned by Gary Hazen of Calgary, Alberta. I believe this boy has already won several Group Firsts Two Best Puppy in Shows have been bestowed on Pomananias Minny Pearl who is owned and bred by Brenda Gibson of Ontario. Jumping from one end of the country to the other is the showgirl Ch. Chriscendo Classica, who is already tallying up Best in Shows I think that shes "record" hunting Best of luck to all exhibitorsthis year and remember to share your good news with me so that Review readers can continue to be such "worldly Pom folks"Let me share a little ringside story with you which is "canine" rather than "Canadian" oriented...while I was standing at ringside with a clients boxer, one exhibitor basically ridiculed me for even trying to show a boxer, let alone this boxer. I simply smiled and said to them that this wasnt exactly a racing Siberian and that my able, though chubby body, would do just fine. I took the class bitch in and won her class and Winners. At breed level, the exhibitor turned around and said how surprised heshe was. The cocky and arrogant when pushed person that I am, said to the person, "You aint seen nothing yet" My clients bitch took Best of Opposite over the top bitch special...I wasnt congratulated and needless to say, guess who happened to be on the defeated special Never give in to anyones attempt to intimidate you. You are the captain of your own ringship Isnt it amusing how often that ole Golden Rule gets bent And how those who do the bending get warpedBouquets Brickbats my little funcenterBouquets to the late John Candy, truly a Canadian treasure He graced the international big screen and had a place in every Canadians heart.Brickbats, how about another bouquet instead Congrats to my vet, Dr. Janet Lalonde, who with the wonderful Cheryl Hassen, co-wrote an article pertaining to mass importation and were so richly rewarded by receiving a Dog Writers Association awardWell, folks, I gotta go...Billy just got off his bus sporting his cap on backwards, his jacket tied around his waist, his jeans rolled up to his knees, and his laces undone deliberately. Hes only seven. Whatll happen when I have to add the teenRed, White, and Blues to you all American Pomeranian ClubCongratulationsEttrol SalafrtclrPresident 1993From all your Friends in theljT0 ffiziUzig dlxxbWyO 0 c0Watch for our November 6,1994, Mega Match inthe next issue1994 OfficersPresident...............................................................................Kelly Schwartz, Piqua, OHVice-President........................................................................Ron Feyh, Columbus, OHTreasurer..............................................................................Betsy New, Columbus, OHSecretary.............................................................Sharolyn Becker, Mt. Blanchard, OHBoardVicki Clendenin, Karen Schwartz, Doris WheelerSharolyn Becker Secretary 16230 TR 190Mt. Blanchard, OH 45867 419 694-7681Pomeranian ReviewPerformance Newsby Lois Morkassel 1412 Second Avenue SouthFargo, ND 58103 701280-1413 have enjoyed reading the columns by nda Gallacher, and I have admired what e has accomplished with her Poms. I nt wait to see what they do in the future. 1 like to meet her some day.One frigid January day, Linda called and ked if I would take over the column, and e would continue to supply the stats, fter I caught my breath-I agreed.For a bit of an introduction, I am Lois Morkassel from Fargo, ND. I have written Linda, and she has used some of my tters in past columns. I have 8 Poms. 6 ive AmCan CDs, one has AmCanU Ds and one has her Am\Can\U CDXs, SDAA AD, and ROM. All have CGCs. ande and I are now working on the UDs. have taught conformation, advanced eginners obedience and agility classes for ur local Kennel Club and a service dog rganization.I started out in conformation with a on-conformation quality bitch and later an versized dog. I became frustrated with the tandards description of no foreign ubstances and very little trimming and unning into a different reality. I still dearly oved my Poms and when I found out about bedience-we were back in the game.Our first experiences in obedience were vith the yank-and-jerk method. I pursued ther ways even though I was strongly liscouraged from doing so by my nstructors. I found methods more to my iking in Diane Baumans Beyond Basic Dbedience, in Karen Pryors Dont Shoot he Dog, and in articles by Dr. Ian Dunbar. Another wonderful book of enlightenment vas Ruth Hobdays Agility is Fun which lelped me to understand focussing. It was also clear about backward-chaining behavior to teach intimidating things like the dog walk and the teeter-totter for agility.A major breakthrough for me in my concept of obedience training was when it dawned on me that we were supposed to be in a partnership, and not in an adversarialIm going to try to make you make a mistake relationship. Dianes book showing footwork and discussions on body language and emphasis on teaching the dog the exercise helped me to see the difference. Training felt a lot better to me, and I am sure my Poms agree.Another major key for training is that focussing the dog is the handlers responsibility. If the dog makes a mistake in agility, it is usually because the handler has made an error in focussing the dog on the course or obstacle. I could see this happening in obedience, too. The handler has to take a greater responsibility to make sure that they clearly communicate to the dog what is wanted, and then be consistent with how they ask for that response. This is what determines how well the dog can and will focus to respond. We all have our off days.The third key that I have found is from the behavioralists. The learning process is tough. We have to make it as clear as possible to our Poms what we want them to do and to make this as stress-free as we can. In a learning situation, stress can be reduced by warming up with a known exercise, ie, "sit." Then the new information can be worked on. Then to help this new information "stick" and to reduce the stress, and with a known exercise again, ie "down." This is equivalent to taking an algebra test that starts with a standard multiplication problem, then has the algebra problems and ends with an addition problem. You know you had a good chance at the first one so your attitude is positive when you get to the hard stuff, and when you get to the end, it is such a relief to have a "freebie" that the test doesnt seem so bad.Making sure your Pom is learning what you think you are teaching it can be tricky. This can be what happens when you hear the infamous line "but he always does it right at home" In playing a shaping game at a Karen Pryor seminar, I found that what I thought I had learned was not what the "trainer" thought she had taught me. I was really surprised when we verbally communicated our different concepts. It has made me more willing to take time in teaching my Poms. It has also made meAmerican Pomeranian Clubmore willing to attribute an error on then- part to lack of understanding and not to defiance or being ring-wise. I recently saw this with Dande working articles at a match. In our practices she rarely made a mistake, but at the match she blew the leather article. By viewing the videotape of her working, I was able to see she was air-scenting and following where the judges arm had passed through the pile to pick up the article the judge had moved with her pen. I am not sure how I communicated that to her, and I am sure I couldnt repeat the process if I tried. However, I was able to communicate what I really wanted in a short period of time. The problem had been mineI have found inspiration from reading about Pom exhibitors like Diane Bauman, Mary Vickers, Linda Gallacher, Brenda Hutton, and more. Lindas articles will be missed by all her readers, but she has promised to contribute to this column. She said she will try to cover Poms in her area. I think she has earned a CHX Companion Home Excellent for her contributions.Anne Griffith writes"He is now Ollie Blue Bluster, CDX He did it in style...he had second place with a 196 on Saturday in Puyallup. And then HIT at the Puget Sound Specialty. On Friday at the Portland cluster he took second with 192. He finished his CDX on Saturday in Portland with a 191 and first place It was thrilling. He won a run-off against a very nice working doberman on Saturday. I showed him again on Sunday, but he and I were both tired, and he did an automatic finish of the Drop on Recall, followed by once again getting up to scratch on the long down. Oh, well."What an exciting way to earn a title Congratulations Dont our partners know how to keep us humble But they give so much to us, we have to love them anyway. Good luck with utility.UtilityCaptain Pug White UD dog is owi by Horace White and bred by Timothy a Horace White.Companion Dog ExcellentJesse CDX dog is owned by Jayne a Lavinia HoemkeOllie Blue Bluster CDX dog is own by Randall Morris and Ann Griffith a bred by Ray Mooney.Companion DogJanesas Rah Rah Rah CD dog own by Linda Baron and bred by Jerrie Freia.Pomirish Chances Sparkler CD bite owned by Mary and Elroy Jeske and bri by Sally Baugniet and Patricia Krause.TexSebastian Huggins CD dog own by Christina Huggin.Congratulations to the wonderful dog ai handler teams It is stunning to think of tl hours of commitment it takes to earn these titles. What special times the workir sessions are and how wonderful to earn tl titles after all the preparation.Please send any training tips youd like t share, any information about show scores other activities. We all like to see other success. We can all learn from other experiences. If the experiences are not whi we want or expect, they can still be positiv if we learn to figure out another way t explain to the dog what we want them t do. Other activities you do may give som else an idea of what they can do with thei dogs. Not everyone is competitive or want to be all the time. We could use ideas am suggestions to broaden our relationshi] with our Poms.Theres JOY in Pom-de-moniumUntil next time.... New titles from the March AKC Awards publication Pomeranian ReviewTracking With Your Pom IIby Anne GriffithWhen your Pom has successfully Mnpleted two successive 10 yard tracks, ty one 15 yards long using the same rocedure. Continue to extend the length in yard increments until you reach 75 yards, ou will also begin to extend your strides ntil you are walking a normal stride the 'hole length of the track. If your Pom is a ood tracker, which many are, you may xtend successive tracks by more than 5 ards at a time so your dog stays motivated. When your dog will successfully run a 5-yard double-laid track, its time to start . single-laid track. Lay a 20-yard track, ising the same procedure until you put in he second flag. At that point, walk back to he start in a wide arc, leaving at least 15 'ards between the track and your return oute. If your dog has any trouble, you can ay a short "shuffle" track, then gradually xtend your stride on successive tracks, [hen begin to extend the distance in 5 yard ncrements.When your dog can successfully run 75-yard single-laid tracks, its time to use he 40 lead. Tie a knot in it at the 10 mark, and tie a marker into the lead at the 20 mark. A marker can be a narrow length of pack nylon, half a bandanna, several pieces of surveyors tape, or the like. The marker needs to be visible to a judge who might be 50 yards away. It should be brightly colored and light in weight. If you live in a rainy climate, pack nylon is a good choice because it will not absorb water and get heavy.At first, you will be no more than 10 back from your dog. Youll run the same type of tracks youve been running, laying legs of lengths varying from 50 to 75 yards, and practice handling the lead. The excess should drag on the ground behind you. When the dog comes back to you, raise the lead up so the dog wont get tangled and reel the excess in, dropping it on the ground beside you. When the dog goes away from you, stand pat until you feel the knot at the 10 of lead, then go with the dog.When you feel comfortable handling the lead and your Pom is tracking well with 10of lead, its time to start using the whole 40 lead. Now youll disregard the 10 knot, and wait for the dog to run out at least to the 20 marker before you move forward.The next step is to turn the first comer. If youve done your homework well and laid a good foundation, your dog will probably handle the comer well, although it is definitely a challenge. A comer should be 90 degrees or more a right angle or open, not closed. Most dogs find a more open angle easier to handle at first. If you know from your obedience work whether your dog is right-handed or left-handed or pawed, lay the first few comers in the direction of the dogs preferred paw. To lay the comer, walk 60 to 75 yards, turn the desired direction and the desired amount, find a point of reference on the horizon, plant a flag, and walk about 20 yards. Then lay down the glove and finish the track as before.When your dog reaches the comer, it may just quickly find the track and go. Or it may become confused and do weird stuff. It may circle. If so, simply stand quietly, give it lots of lead, and let it solve the problem. It may get discouraged after awhile or perhaps right away. If it stops working or comes back to you, tell it to "find it" in an excited voice and walk slowly in the proper direction. It will probably eventually go back to tracking with sufficient encouragement. Again, resist the urge to point. Your Pom needs to be able to solve tracking problems on its own, so guard against being overly helpful. You need to be supportive, encouraging, excited, confident, but not helpful. Remember, only your Pom has the nose, and only your Pom has the ability to find that track.If your Pom really struggles on the comer, try triple laying the backside of the comer. Plant the flag, turn again and continue in a new direction. If triple laying doesnt work, try a food drag for about ten steps on the back side of the comer. Also, be sure the comer is very open. As the dog catches on, you can gradually make the angle sharper until you reach 90 degrees.When your Pom will turn that first comer well to the right or left at any angle down to 90 degrees, begin to extend the second legAmerican Pomeranian Clubuntil you reach 75 yards. Then add a second comer. Successive comers are not usually a problem. Your major challenge now is to make sure your dog will stick to a 600 yard five-comer track and not get tired, bored, or discouraged. If you run into that problem, try alternating long multiple-comer tracks with short single-leg tracks.To pass a tracking test, your Pom will have to be able to run a 600-yard track with three to five comers which is aged 45 minutes to an hour. Aging begins when the track layer puts the first flag in the ground, so your dog has been running tracks that are slightly aged. Aging should be done in five minute increments. Most dogs hit a wall at 30 to 45 minutes of age. You may need to use a food bounce or drops for a while, or lay short, straight aged tracks to get your Pom past the wall. Much Ado About Anythingby Sally BaugnietMany of my future articles will include some suggested options available to our Pomeranian Standard Revision Committee. Since SIZE, PROPORTION, SUBSTANCE is the first in the format after General Appearance I will give you some food for thought on that paragraph. In return, some of you may want to have your thoughts expressed in the Yips and Yaps column, or may prefer to submit your comments directly to me. I look forward to your input and your reasons for thinking the way you do. I thank those of you who have already expressed your thoughts on the Standard to our committee. Feel free to express any other ideas that may have slipped your mind.SIZE Many of you feel that a three pound Pom is much too small for whelping, too fragile for pet homes, and too fine boned for strong healthy legs and bodies. I think we may find exception to this, but in general, many times it is very true. It warrants serious consideration when revising the Standard. The variation of the weight of a Pomeranian mentioned in the Standard is two and one-half times theweight from the smallest to the laro Pom. Compare this to another breed.If the ideal weight for a male Irish Sei is 70 pounds, and the variance in the Ir Setter Standard was two and one-half t from smallest to largest male Irish Sel which it isnt, the Irish Setter might rar from 40 to 100 pounds which it doesn Can you imagine the difference in how 40 pound dog looks compared to a 1 pound dog It would be like a Britta compared to a Scottish Deerhound. \ allow that ratio in the present Pomerani Breed Standard Isnt it ridiculous Do i really want three pounds to remain in t StandardSome of the options we have are as follows Change the Standard to state "four seven pounds" with no prefern weight mentioned. Change the Standard to "four to sev pounds with five pounds preferred. Change to "four to seven pounds, ffr to six preferred." Change to "four to six pounds, wii no preference." Change to "four to six pound, fi\ pounds preferred." Change to "three to seven pound with no preference." Change to two-weight class, "thre and under five pounds, and five an under seven pounds," with weigl disqualifications other than thos weight classes stated in the Standard I dont think so Some breeds tha have weight disqualifications are no feeding their dogs properly, just t stay within a certain weight range Not a good idea Dont change it at all, leave it "thre to seven pounds. Ideal four to five pounds."PROPORTION The Standard does no give proportions, as such. Shouldnt it give length to height proportions For example Should the length from point of shoulder tc root of tail, be equal to the height fromPomeranian Reviewthers to ground Should the Pom be Jher than it is long from the above points measurements Do we get a deformed 3k andor very poor movement on a dog it is too short Can a Pom be too short I iow what some of you want Let us hear 3m the rest of youWe havent got to the color thing yet, but thought it might be interesting for you to iow what happened at the Pom ring in suisville. As usual, all four days of the uster were majors. I was only able to atch the Pom judging on Saturday and imday. On Saturday an exhibitor came up i me, as I was sitting ringside and told me le had entered her black and tan dog in the pen, Any Other Allowed Color class. The uperintendent put her in the Open, Black, town, and Blue class, should she go tell im I told her she should because it would ive time if the judge or someone else rould question it The Superintendent told er to just show it in the class they put her l. No one would know the difference. Sure nough, the substitute judge said nothing nd judged it in the class in which it was isted in the judges book.The next day she told me she was listed in he wrong class again. I told her to tell the uperintendent again. They have to learn ooner or later This time the boss came to he ring. There was a lot of discussion with he AKC Rep, Superintendent, and Judge. sTone were sure, but I knew the Rep who ntroduced me to the Superintendent as the APC Education Coordinator. The Superintendent had checked with the AKC Registration Department, and the only thing hey could figure out was, because on the Registration, the main color "black" was listed and under "markings," tan would be checked, he should consider it a black dog, and be in the "Black, Brown, Blue" class.I explained that the "Black, Brown, Blue" class was for those solid colors. The "Any Other Allowed Color" class was for Parti Color, Black and Tan, White, etc.I also told him that it was not required to have open classes divided. It was up to the show giving clubs to decide if the entry warranted the divided Open Classes. Some clubs are not aware of that Some area clubs are aware of it, and prefer to divide the openclasses. I guess the California people like it that way. We got a lot of Pomeranian education going at the cluster and as usual, it was an enjoyable experience Why Do Vaccinated Puppies Break with ParvoWhy do vaccinated puppies break with parvo This question keeps coming up again and again among dog owners. There are some good answers, but they arent the ones usually thrown out.When there is a break of parvo canine parvovirus or CPV in a vaccinated dog, it is natural to conclude that either the vaccine was not potent enough, or that the parvo vaccine strain caused the disease. The truth is that neither of these possibilities is the usual reason for such disease breaks. Parvo is a complex disease and one about which there is a lot of misunderstanding, even among veterinarians.Some facts about the disease, and how it is transmitted, should help clear up the misconceptions about it.Parvo is a highly contagious virus that primarily attacks the intestinal tract. Unknown before 1978, it is very similar to one that attacks cats, causing feline enteritis. But the feline parvovirus does not cause disease in dogs. The parvoviruses are primarily shed in the feces and are very resistant to the environment.Under certain conditions, the parvovirus may live several months or years outside the dog. Spread of the virus is usually by dog-to-dog contact, but any contact with virus-laden feces could certainly be a source of infection.Readily TransmittedSigns of the disease include loss of appetite, vomiting, severe diarrhea, dehydration, high temperature, and low white blood cell count Death loss in puppies can be quite high.The virus may be readily transmitted from place to place on the hair or feet of infected Continued on page 59American Pomeranian ClubCrystal and Lili-Rockcongratulate our dear friend, Carol Galavich, on herKennel VisitWe PROUDLY present Lili-Rocks FIRST ChampionCh. Lili-Rocks Bud Light See pedigree in Stud sectionCongratulations, Carol, on your new girl--co-owned with Donna Megenhardt and Evelyn Newyear.Crystals Ladypepper Cameo Ch. Crystal C Pepper Dust x Crystals Sparklin NovaCarol, thanks for all these years of advice and friendship.We appreciate you Wishing you continued success and "oodles" more champions.aTCrystal PomeraniansJim and Judy Shearer 523 Miller Avenue Sugarcreek, OH 44681 216852-4136Lili-Rock PomeraniansDennis and Glenetta LeGlise 1926 Caroline St. NW Dover, OH 44622 216343-8192Pomeranian ReviewdeuLj,lclproudly presents our newest championNEW CHAMPIONbest ofWINNERSALTIMORE COUNTY i KENNEL j CLUB \im -sfliE,'Ch. Idlewyld TourmalineCh. Great Elms Toby x Daybreaks Good VibrationsTJ is shown above finishing with a 4-point major under Keke Kahn at Baltimore County KC. Along the way he picked up several BOBs and BOSs over specials. Thanks to all the judges who liked him, especially Dawn Vick Hansen for the 5-point major. TJ was handled to many of his wins by his Junior Showmanship partner, Elaine McKee. See his pedigree in "Behind the New Titlists."This is the second champion for his dam, Noel. The first was the black and tan Ch. Idlewyld Basic Black N Pearls. Noels black and tan son, Phred April Review, page 45 is half way to his championship. Coming out in the fall will be Leroy, Noels son by the cream, Daybreaks Little Deuce Coupe.Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD congratulates his latest champion offspring, Ch. TomLins Ritz Bits and her owner Linda Rindock.Margaret R. McKee 804 556-33802426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063American Pomeranian ClubKennel Visit to Pixie Pomeraniansby Carol GalavichHi,Im AmCan Ch. PixiesButtons-N-Bows, GC and because Im the Pixie Poms Super-Star, I was chosen to introduce you to my home and family. I knew I was special from the start...Oh, Im getting ahead of myself. Ill tell you all about ME later.Carol and John Galavichs home near Powhatan Point, OhioIf you are weary of the hassle and hubbub of everyday life, take a journey to the spot where we, Pixie Pomeranians, make our home. You will think you got off the Exit marked "Heaven--5 Miles." Our kennels rest atop a grass covered hill, surrounded by even more rolling hills dotted with farms, grazing cows, and trees lazily waving in the wind. The blue sky seems to hug the hills as you make your way up the winding road from Powhatan Point a small, near-by town named for an Indian chief. This lovely spot is located in the Southeastern part of the state near the Ohio River in an area referred to as the "Little Switzerland of Ohio." Folks from Switzerland and Germany settled here because it reminded them of their homeland. A descendant of those early settlers, Carol, my "human mom" grew up here as an only child, with pets as her playmates, of which a large variety were tamed from the wild. Shedearly loved them and loved caring 1 them. Her rabbits would even go upsta and sleep on her bed Her only dogs we strays that were "dropped off' or mix breeds that were used on the farm to he the cows. They usually had long hair, aj Carol would comb and comb the pretending to be a dog groomer. Now doesnt like to groom half as much wonder how THAT happened Car helped around the house and farm like good little girl, but when her mom aske "Which do you want to help with, tl dishes or the milking" Carol always cho the milking.The first time Carol saw a Pomeranh was shortly after she and John we married. She fell in love right then ai there with the little cream beauty. She h to have one and scoured the loc newspapers until she found one for sale. C a very cold, snowy night, she went to g the little dog that was to become tl namesake of the Pixie Poms. "Pixie" was beloved pet and lived to age 17. Car didnt want to breed her even though si was bombarded by request for puppie Then one day Carols husband, Johi suggested she purchase a couple of Pon and raise a few puppiesthus, it all beganWith only three breeding dogs, a re kennel wasnt needed-the kennel was i the house. That soon changed as th number increased. John and Carol had metal garage standing a couple of yardOne side of the new deck addition on kennel buildingPomeranian Review. _Carol with AmCan ch.Pixies Tiptoe to Neujahrom the house which they turned into the rst kennel. With their own hands they lded all the things that made it nice for the 5ms. The lumber they used for the ceiling as from a nearby church that had been smantled. The Pixie Poms had a "special essing." The original kennel name was Hxies Hillcrest Pomeranians," but was nee then shortened to "Pixie omeranians."Two of the earliest show quality Poms lat came to live here were from Highland ennels no longer in existence. Another ame from Jackie Kleins Silver Meadows ennel named "Silver Meadows Jexander." Alex was a beautiful red sable ho lived to be 18 years old and was arols first champion. At the very first dog tiow she entered, her dog won a BOB and rroup IV. being a novice, when someone ommented on how well he did, she said, Didnt do THAT good-only went 4th" jlies Star Ben sired by BIS Ch. Models on of Fun was another Pom that helped et us off in the right direction. He sired ive of our early champions. Our first ome-bred champion was Pixies Golden arty Boy who won back to back 5-point lajors. The colors white, black, and hocolate were part of the program riginally. In fact, the first Pom baby bom or Carol was a black one called Pixies oy. Helping with all the dog chores in hose days were her husband, John, and hildren, Dennis and Darlene. Theirexcellent help enabled Carol to go to the dog shows and handle her own dogs. That has changed since the kids grew up.The day came when John and Carol decided to build a new home for their Pixies 1984. Because the best location was where the old kennel stood, they had to dismantle it to construct the 18 x 30 building that is the present kennel. It is a steel structure barn-red, trimmed in white with two walk through doors, doggie door, and cement floor. A ceiling fan and large windows on all sides provide good light and ventilation. It is well insulated, electrically heated and air conditioned. There is a grooming area with hot and cold water for bathing, TV, telephone, and radio. In the rear of the building is a large open floor area, partitioned off by chain link fence, the larger and more forward part of the interior is surrounded by a variety of metal cages, including three sets of stacked cages on wheels for easy cleaning. A wrap-around deck with a view you wouldnt believe has just been completed on the kennel. It encloses over 500 square feet and has a roof over the greater portion. It is gated into two areas, to allow for division of the younger puppies from the adults when desired. This will allow us to play outside even in bad weather. A sloping grassy yard surrounds the building where we Pixies play and run in and out of our "doggie door." Fruit trees give us shade and apples to play with. This exercise yard is securely enclosed with chain link fence and also divided into two r l Ch. Pixies Toni Tiger-One of our past favoritesAmerican Pomeranian ClubPixies Constant Joy of RJ 13 Pointsareas. I guess it is obvious that Carol doesnt want some of us to get togetherFlowers and shrubs surround the kennel and red brick ranch style home that John and Carol had built shortly after they were married. This all rests on a comer of the farm where Carol grew up across the hills you can see the old 125 year old homestead. The Galavichs house is ideally laid out with attached double garage on a one acre lawn. A brand new kennel sign completes the setting-a gift to John and Carol from friends Brian and Karen Fitzpatrick.The kennel population here usually averages 30 Poms of breeding age. Most are Champions, champion-sired, or pointed. Puppies, retirees, and the "just for lovin" like me add to the number. Puppies are whelped in Carols family room adjoining her kitchen, and live there with their Mommies until approximately 8 weeks, at which time they are moved to the puppy section of the kennel. Having the nursery next to the kitchen is handy for close watch over expectant mommies and socialization or supplementing the babies. Carol prefers liquid Esbilac as a supplement, and usually feeds it with the use of a 3 cc syringe with the plastic tip with NEEDLE REMOVED of course A hint from Carol for hypoglycemia is the use of subcutaneous injections of Lactated Ringers with 5 Dextrose every two hours amount depending on weight of puppy rather thangiving anything orally which can be chol on, vomited, or passed through the otl end.She free feeds us lams Mini Chunks a lams Eukanuba Puppy Food. Fro Bil-Jac mixed with raw deer burger a cottage cheese is hand fed if necessary nursing mommies.Over the 25 years Carol has be breeding Poms, she has worked w different bloodlines to develop her o "look." The Pixies are known for th beautiful faces and tiny ears. Carols effo have resulted in more than 35 champio four Canadian champions, and a Canadi BIS winner.Many friends have been of help, too. S met Rick and Donna Megenhardt in 19 while showing her first dog. They show her the ropes and have maintained th friendship over the years, sharing go times and bad, traveling togeth co-owning many champions, and oft competing with each other at shows.We extend appreciation and thanks Janice Luginsland, Thelma Dunn, Rc Keller, and Evelyn Blake for contributio to our breeding program. Ch. Post Seri Sparkle-N-Rock sired by Ch. Theldur Almond Fudge served as a foundati stud. He was a 40th birthday present f Carol from a friend.Now its time for me to talk about t subject I know best, ME "B.B.". Well was the only living child of a first tir mother, Pixies Double-Bubble doubled Promising "Pixie" type puppyPomeranian Reviewjr FIRST Pom "Pixie" and son Dennis 19681. Post Script Sparkle-N-Rock and iddy, Ch. Blakes Sir Robert John son of l. Annons Sir Kennor and grandson of i. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo. Since y real mom was doing a poor job, Carol ok over my care and feeding. We went on vacation or I think it was a dog show ith some of my Pixie friends when I was lly five days old I dont remember much out that, but I must have caught the how bug." When I was old enough just e first weekend past my six month rthday I was taken to the Michigan Pom pecialty weekend of shows. I had a BALL id won 14 points that weekend I finished ie following weekend with a BOB and roup Placement at just six months and 12 ays. I think that might be a RECORD FOR . GIRL, dont you I continued as a special id was BOS at the APC Summer Specialty seven months-lost to that "Prince" dog, iARNThe thing I remember most is what FUN I ad I was BORN TO SHOW I raced, artwheeled around ring comers, and did ccasional broad jumps over ruts when ecessary. I even raced a Suluki in a BIS ompetition once Oh, I kept my handlers, onna Megenhardt, Karen Fitzpatrick, and larlene Penney Canada on their toesI also kissed all the Judges whether they iked it or not or do they call it kissin up nd my fans, and I had many, all lined up or their "B.B." kisses. Carol was so proud if me and attended most of the shows. Iwas a Multiple Group Winner, have Gold Club honors, and was the NUMBER ONE BITCH IN THE US IN 1990 AND 1991.At the present time, most of the Pixie line is based on Great Elms and Showstopper. The newest addition to our kennels is a new stud dog, Ch. Heartlands Just a Dream, bred by Dianne Kieffer. He has Great Elms breeding that goes back to our roots, and a quarter Millamor. He is co-owned with Evelyn Newyear and Paula McBay. He quickly finished over BIS specials last summer in the hands of Donna Megenhardt and Paula, and went to work being a stud. He has now sired seven Utters in the past year 13 girls and five boys. His puppies are looking good. Be on the lookout for those "dream girls" lovingly trained and groomed for the ring by Evelyn and RolUe Conley, currently handling Pixie Poms. "Tipper" AmCan Ch. Pixies Tiptoe to Neujahr finished quickly last year and is presently being specialed. She has won several BOB and Group Placements."Charmer" Pixies A Charm For Neujahr is foUowing in her fuU sisters footsteps. Both are Pixie lineage and are bred and co-owned by our friend, Evelyn Newyear.Carol says she is not much of a CLUB person, but she has served as a Board Member of the American Pomeranian Club, is the past President of the Ohio Valley Pom Club, and holds membership in Michigan Pom Club, Western PA Kennel Association, and St. Clair Kennel Club.My busy Pom Mom has a very busy non-dog life, also. She likes to knit and crochet and she has always loved music. She plays the piano, organ, and accordion for weddings, "jamborees," and church services. Another of Carols favorite hobbies is TALKING and boy is she good at it. Much of her talking on the phone involves giving help and advice to beginners interested in Poms. She is a great story tell, too, and her friends say she should write a book one story is in this issue of the Review.The newest asset to the household is a computer, the complexities of which are gradually being "figured out." Carol loves itAmerican Pomeranian Cluband is sure it will simplify her dog record keeping.When you come to our house, you will also see two beagles in the back yard, and two pets, Ch. Missy, and her daughter, Treasure, will greet you in the house. And canaries and tropical fish live here, too. Carol even tried her hand at breeding angel fish and whelped a litter of 842 and raised them successfully. And I mustnt forget to mention Carols two-year old granddaughter, Kayla, and who could forget her YikesWe want to thank the Review for this Kennel Visit opportunity, and Judy Shearer for suggesting us and Evelyn Newyear for her helping compiling this article. We hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we enjoyed having you. The Miracle of Hollyby Carol Gaiavich-Animals can talk if you know how to listenOnDecember 24, 1975, I could feel the Christmas spirit all around me. Something incredible happened, and I remembered how the "animals talked" on that night Christ was bom.This story really started in 1974 when we purchased a little female Pomeranian puppy from Jackie Kleins Silver Meadows kennel in New York. "Cinder," as we later named her, was such a shy little puppy. We knew she would definitely need to be raised in the house to help socialize her in hopes of showing her.She became a house pet and never did outgrow her shyness enough to be shown. When we bred her the first time, I didnt think it was right to put a pet in a cage to have her puppies. I do things differently now. I prepared a box in our bedroom in which she could have her babies and have her private time. She went into labor on December 23rd. Although she didnt care much for that box, she finally got into it and had a puppy, but it was dead and we removed it from the box. Cinder got veryupset and went ripping around the house search of it. Believe me, I was just as uf as Cinder We finally did get her back i the box, and this time she had a darl perfect little girl-so short that she fit into the palm of my hand. I thought that s was the prettiest little puppy I had e seen, and fell immediately in love with h She had such a cute little face and loot just like a little red holly berry. Hence, i name, Pixies Princess Holly.As soon as little Holly was bom, Cin jumped out of the box and decided her p was done She went into the living rot and forgot all about her baby. Well, I ji wasnt going to accept this behavior S had plenty of milk so I decided she v, nurse this puppy despite how busy I during the holiday season.So every couple of hours I would he little Holly and Cinder on my lap wh Holly nursed. This went on till Christm Eve when I finally decided I might as wi allow Cinder back up on to the bed wi John and me where she had be accustomed to sleeping before shes had h baby. I just didnt feel that there was mui of a chance she would return to the box ai feed her puppy anyway.I set the alarm to get up with Holly for h first feeding. Later, the alarm went off. O children were still quite young. I didr want to go into the living room, turn on tl lights and risk the children awakening i find that Santa had already been there, ar min their Christmas morning. So I took tl puppy to our bed to feed her. I force Cinder down and put the puppy up to her. sensed a change in Cinders attitude Fc the first time, she looked at her pupp smelled her, and kissed her, and the looked up at me. It was so sudden, and suppose this is going to sound crazy, but know I heard her say the words, "This is m baby" I swear on my life I really hear those wordsOh, I was so relieved that she had finall accepted her little Holly I lay there happil propped up on my elbow watching then and fell fast asleep Several hours later, woke with a start. Neither Holly nor Cinde were on the pillow beside me Cinder wa down at the foot of the bed, but the puppPomeranian Reviewisnt with her I was horrified to think it I had lain on that puppy, or she had lien onto the hardwood floor'John" I screamed, grabbing him and aking him. "Wake up Wake up Dont ove, dont move" John of course thought i lost my marbles. I said, "Holly is in this d somewhere, and we may be lying on r Weve probably killed her Feel ound and see if you can find her We felt ound frantically, but couldnt find her. re even looked on the floor-no Holly. I as just sick After all that fiissin around, id her mother finally accepting her, she as probably dead because I had fallen deep without putting her back down in her3X.After a long search, you cant guess here we found her. Snug as a bug, warm id toasty, under Johns pillow Needless say we put her back in her box with her lother. Cinder continued to spend most of er time in the living room though. Being ich a good pet, she took mothering duties ither lightly.Pixie, our old house pet and first Pom hen age 13 made many trips to the edroom when she would hear Holly fuss. I ally didnt care to have Pixie do that cause I was afraid that Cinder might eject Holly again if she smelled Pixies cent on her. Poor old Pixie with her tail Irooping would sneak down the hallway very chance she got, and I would be creaming, "Come back, Pixie Stay out of here."Time passed, and litde Holly grew up. he was, however, sweet and sensitive, just ike her mother. We worried that this would linder her success at the shows.Holly remained a house pet. At seven nonths I asked John and the children to go dong to her first show which was local. Fhey didnt share my enthusiasm, so we svent alone. She did really well, just like iny other dog show where my friends or family are absent, Holly took BOB and went on to win a Group III. I, of course, [lurried home to tell the family what they had missed.She finished quickly, and even though she was a little nervous, when we put her in the ring, she showed quite well. Her most prestigious win was at an APCSummer Specialty in Pennsylvania where she took a Best of Opposite Sex. Thinking she was too small, and seemingly delicate, we never bred her. She just grew old with us.When she was around 13 years old, like many Poms that age, she came up with a cough attributed to a heart condition, and required Lasix for the rest of her life. At age 14 she developed some more problems and had to be spayed. We were afraid, since she was so small and had the heart problem, that she would not survive the surgery. But all went well.When Holly was 15 we discovered some cysts that were best removed. This is surely it, I thought, as I took her to the vet once again. She just couldnt survive the surgery at this age She was hump-backed, feeble, had severe coughing spells, and was also deaf. I feared that this was going to be the end for her.The vet, knowing how much I loved her, suggested that we at least try the surgery, rather than put her to sleep. "Carol," he said, "go shopping for a couple of hours, and then come back." I assumed that he didnt think shed make it either.So, I held her, said my goodbyes with a heavy heart, and left. I returned later to find my vet standing there with a big grin on his face. "You can take her home now," he said.Once again, my little Holly baby had come throughHolly lived another two years, but the coughing spells and heart problem got progressively worse, i wondered if I should have her put down. When she had stopped eating, at almost 17,1 took her to the vet for the last time. She was put to sleep in my arms. Sadly, on April 10, 1992, we buried Holly under a big pine Christmas tree in our front yard.Now the time has passed, and we remember the miracles of the many years we spent together.... American Pomeranian ClubCongratulations toCarol and John Galavichand to all of thePixie Pomsthat lived with us during their show careersDonna and Richard MegenhardtPomeranian ReviewWERE BACK IN THE BLACKFLIRTPhyner Town Flirt5VVBEST OF OPPOSITE .SAN JOAQUIN KENNEL CLUBMAYCALLEA PHOTOWinners Bitch under these prestigious Judges at the following shows032794.................Dorothy Welsh.........................WB.........................Peninsula KC042294..................J.P. Cavallero..........................WB....................Wine County KC042394...............Lois Wolfe White....................... WB....................Chief Solano KC052994.................R.S. Pritchard.................... WB BOS............. San Joaquin KCHandler alwaysJeff NokesBreederOwnerDolly B. TraunerAmerican Pomeranian ClubSHES OUR JOYCH. PHYNER JOIE DE VIVRErBest of Breed under these prestigious Judges at the following shows031994................Mitchel Wooten............... Chintimini KC032094................Joseph Walton................ Willamette KC042394..............Lois Wolfe White.............Chief Solano KC052894..............Robert G. Schultz..............Hangtown KC052994................. R.S. Pritchard...............San Joaquin KC053094................... S.J. Hubbell............. Sierra Tuolumne KCAnd 5 times BOS between these dates under Elaine Young, Margaret Renihan, Dorothy Welsh, Dawn V. Hansen, and A.M. de La Vega.BreederOwnerDolly B. TraunerHandler alwaysDon WalkerPomeranian Review LJO^LEE 1 hfeUJMU tvcle1-Pixies Constant Joy Of R.J.Joy has done extremely well in the show ring. She only needs a major to finish. She is currently with Carol being bred.Congratulations and Best Wishes, Carol, on your Kennel Visit. We do appreciate your "midwifing" for us while we maintain a busy show schedule. ThanksJoy was bred by Carol Galavich and is owned by Evelyn Conley, Evelyn Newyear, and Carol Galavich.American Pomeranian ClubLJ^UEE EUJSfflSU PIXIE-ALEXSMITHphotography 1BEST OF BEST PUPPYf BREED IN breedforest citykennel cujb1994Pixies A Gem For Neujahr"Our new girl" is pictured going BOB over an AmCan Special the first time out at six months of age. She was bred by Evelyn Conley and Evelyn Newyear and is owned by Evelyn Conley, Evelyn Newyear, and Carol Galavich.Evelyn Conley 20075 Vining Road New Boston, Ml 48164 313 753-9245 Evelyn Newyear4478 River StreetWilloughby, OH 44094216 946-1226 Carol Galavich52821 German Hill Road Powhatan Point, OH 43942614 458-1705fA[eujaUrThe Pixie's at Neujahr Poms congratulatetheir Number One Mom, Carol Galavich,on her Kennel VisitMuch Love from.... Pixies Champayne Bubbles Pixies Eve of Neujahr Megs and Pixies Wild Bill Cody Pixies A Cheer For Neujahr Pixies A Charm For Neujahr Pointed Pixies A Treat For Neujahr Pixies A Gem For Neujahrand AmCan Ch. Pixies Tiptoe To Neujahr7ftEvelyn Newyear 4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 216 946-1226American Pomeranian ClubBeaujames90.606Bushelsof Lovem The Sextuplets congratulate Carol Galavich on her Kennel Visit White litter of sixWhelped 11493.Sired by Nabobs Wee Winter Wonder and out of Nabobs Winter FantasyCOLOR-BRED WHITE POMERANIANS- OUR SPECIALTYEvelyn Newyear 4478 River Street Willoughby, OH 44094 216 946-1226Cyndi Wallen 1692 St. RL 603 Lucas, OH 44843 419 892-3170Nan Shartel 409 N. Lincoln Condon, OR 97823 503384-5177Ch. Creiders Prince INumber 2 Pomeran-iGROUP FIRSTHAWAIIAN KENNEL CLU1994MARCH 13Peri has compiled a phenomenal record in just a short time having won 4 Best in Shows and 7 Groups since January, 1994.lom Perignon GC, HOFian Schroll Systemv o'^ 17rV3rr "aXCT-c1r vU6--BESTIN SHOWMARCH 12 _ _94HAWAIIAN KENNEL CLUB lb- r. ^N ^Bred by Norma Creider, he is sired by Ch. Great Elms Chip of Gold and out of Creiders Katy Marie. His very capable handler was Susan Fisher Buckel. We ar overwhelmed and delighted with Peris accompishments.Margo and Marvin Koga 123 Wailupe CircleHonolulu, HI 96821 808377-2318Pomeranian ReviewPOMSChrisdens Calanu B.T.J. WhizBISA Ph. Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Gee Whiz x Can. Ch. Tim-Sues Distant BellsStarting in QrandStyle at 7 Months Best Philipine Born in Show 1st Runner-up Best Philippine Born in GroupPCCI All-Breed Dog Show-April 16-17,1993Judge Mr. William Egan AustraliaThank you, Leslie Ramsay, for entrusting Bell to us. Thank you, Sue Goddard, for breeding Bell-a special girl-She is a consistent winner and producer.Breeder Owner Handler Capitol, PasigMario and Dennis Litonjua 15 San Juan Street1601 Manila 632 632-7025wmAmerican Pomeranian ClubMANILAPONSBISA Ph. Ch. Bi-Mar Sunnys Gee WhizBISA, BISS Ch. Bki-Mar Sundance Kid x Bi-Mar Tia Mariafinishing in QrandStyCeBest in Show All-Breed PCCI Dog Show-Dec. 18-19,1993Judge Mrs. Lynn Lee Malaysia No. 1 Pomeranian in the Philippines No. 8 Philippine Dog of the Year 1993Thank you, Mary Rosenbaum, for entrusting him to us-Gee Whiz-A great show dog and a proven producer.OwnersAMB. Antonio Magtibay Dennis Litonjua Manuel De Guzman15 San Juan Street Capitol, Pasig 1601 Manila 632 632-7025Pomeranian Reviewress Release'or Immediate PublicationNickers International, Ltd. has introduced a Vitamin E supplement for ogs and cats Vite-E-Pet.Vite-E-Pet is super concentrated with a minimum amount of carrier nd features the small serving size for which Nickers products are noted. Ite-E-Pet contains 227,000 IU of Vitamin E per pound as compared to lost other brands with only 16,000 IU per pound.Vite-E-Pet contains no fillers or additives and no artificial flavors or olors. Vite-E-Pet tastes good and is readily eaten by pets.Vitamin E is recognized by health and medical experts as the most nportant antioxidant for all living creatures. Antioxidants are agents that revent damage from oxygen free radicals. Oxygen free radicals are by- roducts of breathing and other processes that involve oxygen. Just as the asoline engine creates toxic emissions, oxidation creates internal pollution, mtioxidants such as Vitamin E are natures protection against the ravages f free radical "pollution." Rancid oils and air pollution also load the body ath free radicals. Free radicals can also trigger reactions that create more ee radicals. Free radicals have been implicated in certain chronic and teurological diseases and play a role in the aging process.Many experts recommend that the diets of pets be supplemented with itamin E to ensure adequate protection against oxidation. Vite-E-Pet omes in a 4-6 month supply with a suggested retail price of 7.95.Vite-E-Pet is available at select pet stores, or by contactingNickers International, Ltd., Dept. RR 12 Schubert Street,Staten Island, NY 10305, Tel. 1-800 642-5377 or 1-800 NICKERSAmerican Pomeranian ClubTogether again.The FOXRIDGE BOYSSon of Ch. Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo. Fievel is a BIS Champion and winner of the 1990 National Specialty. He is the sire of Champion pups of excellent structure and movement.A regal 4 12 poundsFIEVEL-FOXYCh. Dars Great Elms Fox is the sire of Dars Foxridge Mings Cendree, winners bitch at the 1993 National Specialty. Foxy consistently sires exquisite pups with great show potential.412 pounds of PridePADDYPaddy is a son of AC Ch. Chriscendo Calvin Klein. He has excellent bone and faultless structure which he is passing on to his gorgeous pups. His first son recently took breed over Specials, from the puppy class.A 4 12 pound DynamoDARS FOXRIDGE currently has pups sired by all three studs. Congratulations to Curtis Mack on his beautiful Revel litter, and we anxiously await our new show girl from Basilio Yap, Canton Poms.Rosemary E. Regoni 385 Loop Road Campobello, SC 29322 and Deena A. Swinney803 472-3002Pomeranian ReviewIt's HereIt's NowIt's Bigger than EverThe 4th EditionTHE CANINE SOURCE BOOKAfter two years of meticulous research the 4th Edition of this landmark publication is now available.Filled with VITAL facts and figures, this edition goes a whopping 234 pages. It is the ONLY source for Almost Everything You Wanted To Know about dogs.Priced at 24.95, plus 3.00 for shipping and handling, this tome is worth every penny.Reviews for the prior editions were outstanding. You can bet this one is every bit as good. You may use your Master or Visa card when ordering. A toll free number, 1-800-858-9055, is available for your convenience.mA- aitgf\w i' lNAME_______________________________________________________________ PHONE_ADDRESS_____________________________________ CITY_____________________ STATEI would like to order__________________ copies at 24.95 EACHCREDIT CARD_____________________________ EXPIRES _________________________DORAL PUBLISHING, INC2619 Industrial Street, NW Portland, Oregon 97210-1826ZIPAmerican Pomeranian ClubPUF-PRIDE POMERANIANSiUOCh. Puf Pride Tandilizing TrufleCh. Puf Pride Bit O Gold Chance x Ch. Puf Pride Tandilizing AngelTrufles is a fun little guy who finished very quickly even though he thinks this is all fun and games. We are pleased our Ch. Chance and Ch. Angel are passing along their good qualities, especially their movement. We thank the judges who recognized his quality.D. Wilson..................................3 pointsB. Lehnig.................................. 3 pointsM. Cohen..................................3 pointsD. Maltz.................................... 3 pointsR. Adamek......................1 pointJ. Hudspeth.................. 2 pointsB. Lehnig........................... BOBB. Camp.............................BOBThank you, Mary Allan, for handling him at the Arkansas Shows and for the wins both days--sendng him home a new champion. See pedigree in Behind the New ChampionsWe are proud to announce the arrival of a Puf Pride x Ch. Chriscendo Cloudbuster boy--watch for him out in the late summer. We have several new litters of which some will be offered for adoptions.We condition our puppies on Science Diet.Breeder Owner Handler Virginia and Warren Dimick 8 Burk WayOklahoma City, OK 73115 405 677-25111100a.m. to 1200p.m. pleasePomeranian Reviewtff31. IBraMetrWtSffiIt is with great sadness that we report the passing of Shirley I. Bradley. Shirley passed away on April 18,1994, after a brief but devastating illness.Shirley was a very well-known and respected breeder in the Northwest. She was a major focal point for many of us Pomeranian Breeders when we were novices. She was always willing to talk with anyone and share both her experience and knowledge, both of which she had a seemingly unending supply.As a BreederExhibitor, she had finished several Champions. As a friend, she had a never ending supply of wit and humor which could lighten anyones burden.Many hearts are heavy and share this great loss.Her work will be carried on by her husband, Leonard Bradley, and dear friend,David Jachalke.Shirley will be sorely missed by all who knew her.American Pomeranian ClubrrgjrgjrHaikus Visp of Swiss Mistm BEST OF NN\UHERSmWINDWARD HAWAIIAN DOG FANCIERS1 kPRitCttiEJ^ PROTO r,N_Chriscendo City Heat x Haikus Aussie Fox Glow"Koko,' bred by Marit Hattori and handled by Mike Thorstad finished his championship with three five point majors-always Best of Winners. He won his first at six months and his third at nine months. Thank you judges Isobel Stouffer, Sunny Dutton, and Jackie Hungerland. Koko is the youngest Pom champion in the state right now. He is orange sable, 4 pounds, and sings along with me.My very special thanks to Josephine Ching, my friend and teacher, and Koko's godmother. Thanks also to Marit and Mike for helping make Koko a champion.__Betty Wrixon 806377-5221LCj r.. i ts jn n n srti irn fei raPomeranian ReviewDallasFt. Worth Pomeranian Specialty Show Reportby Mildred G. PatrickOn Friday, March 25, 1994, the DallasFt. Worth Pomeranian Club held its 35th Spring pecialty Show at Amon G. Carter, Jr. Exhibits Building in Fort Worth, Texas.The Sweepstakes Judge was Claudia Pfeffer P.O. Box 10432 Jefferson, LA 70181. he Judge of the Regular and Non-Regular classes was Mary Arm Rosenbaum 38711 30 Avenue SE Auburn WA 98002.There were 58 dogs in the show with a total of 72 entries. There were 14 puppies in weepstakes and here are the results of Sweepstakes placementsPuppy Dog 69 monthst Creiders Time For A Tiger-............................................................... Owner Mrs. Norma CreiderPuppy Dog 912 monthst Sweetheart's Atom-.......................................................................................Owner Kathy CarrollPuppy Bitch 69 monthst Razzle Dazzle Music DElan-.................................................... Owner M. Dahlenburg, J. GreenPuppy Bitch 912 monthst Brynrose Memory of Jamel-.......................................................Owner S.W. and Brenda TurnerBest in Sweepstakes Creiders Time For A Tiger Best Opposite Brynrose Memory of JamelThe DallasFt. Worth Pomeranian Club has a very active rescue program. Chairperson ir this program is Cindy Boulware who has done an outstanding job. At the end of the uppy sweepstakes and before the regular classes started the Dallas Coalition of Animal wners put on a Show Case of our rescue Pomeranians. Mildred Patrick, President of the allas Coalition, was the presenter of bandannas given to each dog. Steve Cookston read tie biographies of each dog as it circled the ring and went up to get its bandanna. There ere not many dry eyes in the crowd around the ring. Different members of the club howed the dogs and as a result of the Show Case, we had several adoptions. Cindy howed a little black female that came to us wearing a collar with a bell on it, and she zent around the ring with her little bell ringing she was the star of the show case.After the Show Case we started our regular classes.Regular and Non-Regular ClassesJudge Mary Ann RosenbaumWinners Dogaxicans Robert Redfurred--...................................................... Breeder-Owner Erika K. MoureauWinners Bitcharousal's Candle in the Wind-......................................................Breeder-Owner Linda GustafsonBest of Breedh. Glen Iris Luckdragon-....................................................................Owner Tim and Sue GoddardBest of Winners Texicans Robert Redfurred Best of Opposite Ch. Southlands Toast to Bev-Nor Best Puppy in Puppy Class Creider's Time For A TigerOur after show dinner was held at the Jubilee Cafe in Fort Worth. This is a small cafe vith good home cooked food. We had the place to ourselves and the service wasAmerican Pomeranian Clubexcellent Claudia Pfeffer was very pleased with the Sweepstakes entry. She had seve outstanding puppies.Then Mary Rosenbaum spoke and gave us a picture of what it is like to live unc extreme Animal Rights Ordinances. She is living under the Seattle King Corn Ordinance which is more severe than the San Mateo Ordinances. Since the King Com Ordinance went into effect it will now cost her 3,000 a year to have her dogs. Afi Mary spoke, we had Raymond Tyra, a Dallas Attorney, Spokesman for the Dali Coalition, AKC Judge and breeder of West Highland Terriers to speak on how we c fight Animal Rights Ordinances. It is easier to fight these ordinances before they get the books than to change them after they have been voted on. After he spoke we hac question and answer session-after which we closed the party. We still had two me days of showing. Creiders Time For A Tiger Best in Sweeps, Best Puppy in ShowBrynrose Memory of Jamel BOS in Sweepssdm.Texicans Robert Redfurred Best of WinnersCarousels Candle in the Wind Winners BitchPomeranian Review' ' V. il wVi1Ch. Southlands Toast To Bev-Nor Best of Opposite SexKCh. Glen Iris Luckdragon Best of Breed .Registrars Cornerby Jean B. Schroll 12950 S. New Era Road Oregon City, OR 97045Gold ClubCh. Linchris Ghengis PomRegister of MeritCh. Tim Sues Just a Li Moonlight Ch. Sparkling Music of OakridgeMSCongratulationsCarol,on your ennel Visit Without you, 1 mould have given up a long time ago.your friendship, support, and caring means the world to me.Much success for the future.Mary Herr Northport Poms 6111 E-1000N Kenallville, IN 46755 219 347-5494American Pomeranian ClubTop Poms List 1993Group Pointsy. Dogs Name Owner lilGroup Breed,01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock............................ ...... FetterTaylorJackson. ....3455....... ..... 54902 Ch Creiders Prince Dom Perignon............ ................MM Koga................1752....... ....... 9603 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino.................. ....... D PlonkeyR Gem mil. ....1725....... ..... 10004 Ch Jan Les Willie Makit............................. .............Jane Lehfinen.............1375....... ..... 15705 Ch Treasured Dean's Hi Hierarchy............ ..............Dean Hebert.......... .... 1285. .17406 Ch HHH Texas Two Step........................... ................H Ramirez............ .... 1009...... ....... 9707 Ch Linchris Genghis Pom.......................... .................L Brogotti..................792....... ..... 12408 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy......................... .................J Cabrera............ ..... 744....... ....... 9709 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water................. ...............Diane Finch................ 629....... ..... 19110 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold............................................S Mulinax............ ..... 597....... ..... 10811 Ch VIPs Dixieland Delight......................................SmithGreedy.......... ..... 448....... ....... 7412 Jan-Shar's I Feel Lucky...............................................S Hanson............ ..... 397....... ..... 14313 Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz............................ ...........LucidoMachline........ ..... 385............... 7114 Ch Elans Devil May Care.......................... .......... MD Dahlenburg........ ..... 297............... 3215 Ch Jan-Shar's Doc Holiday........................ .............Dr BP Strand......... ..... 273............... 9016 Ch Mysticals I Dream of Genie................. ................JD Owens........... ..... 240............... 4317 Ch Starfires Armani....... ................... .................J Moreno............. ..... 222....... ....... 4518 Ch McGuires Wish Upon A Dream........... ...................J Kern............... ..... 206............... 1919 Ch Kneislers Maximum Limit.................... ....... C BreauxM Kneisler. ..... 188............... 3820 Ch Southlands Show Stopper......................................C Creed............. ..... 182...............17Breed Points01 Ch Glen Iris Castle Rock......................... ......... FetterTaylorJackson....... 3455...... ..... 54902 Ch Glen Iris Luckdragon......................... .................TS Goddard.............. ....97....... ..... 20303 Ch Finchs He Walks On Water.............. .....................D Finch.....................629....... ..... 19104 Ch Treasured Deans Hi Hierarchy......... .................Dean Hebert.............. 1285...... ..... 17405 Ch Jans Willie Makit............................... ...................J Lehtinen................ 1375...... ..... 15706 Ch Jan-Shar's I Feel Lucky..................... ....................S Hanson................ ..397....... ..... 14307 Ch Linchris Gengis Pom......................... ....................L Brogotti...................792....... ..... 12408 Ch Wee Paws Pure Gold........................ ....................S Mulinax................ ..597....... ..... 10809 Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain............... ....................RJ Blank................. ....97....... ..... 10610 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Valentino............... ......... D PlonkeyR Gemmill........ 1725...... ..... 10011 Ch Starfires Im Too Sexy...................... ....................J Cabrera................ ..744....... ....... 9712 Ch HHH Texas Two Step.... ...................H Ramirez................ 1009...... ....... 9713 Ch Creiders Prince Dom Perignon........ ...................MM Koga................ 1752...... ....... 9614 Ch Jan-Shars Doc Holiday.................... ................Dr BP Strand.............. ..273....... ....... 9015 Ch Nanshadow Mark Of Oakridge.......... ............. BurnetteEpps............. .. 146...... ....... 7916 Ch VIPs Dixieland Delight...................... ................SmithGreedy.............. ..448....... ....... 7417 Ch Odysseys Keno Wiz......................... ..............LucidoMachline............ ..385....... ....... 7118 Ch Valcopy-Wakhan Hot Gossip............ ....StrasburgGemmillPlonkey ..... 0....... ....... 6519 Ch Ozarks Mighty Extreme.......................................GK Crouch............... .. 150...... ....... 5420 Ch Star-K Frankie Doux Bonte....................................DB Stark................ ..... 0............... 54While we have compiled this report with care, we do not claim absolute accuracy. This is not the method for choosing the APC Annual Awards. Jean B. Schroll, ColumnistPomeranian ReviewWINNERSOWENSBORO'S 'RIVER CITYKENNELZjWr-Vh CLUB I [M^ulMAl.22.19Wibooth.L........iAmCan Ch. Nanshadows Mark of Oakridge "Dudley"Ch. Rock N Tradition of Oakridge x Ch. Sparkling Music of OakridgeDudley finished in six shows, going BB in four of them. One BB was the prestigious Louisville, KY show going over top specials for 5 points. The next day, BW for 4 points which finished him. I think the true worth of a top winning dog is exemplified by the quality of his offspring. Jake is proving this.Congratulations to Cindy Campbell on finishing Ch. DeArtas Kewpie Doll of Falcor, a Jake daughter I co-bred. Good luck also to Dee McNiece and Tom Davidson with their promising Jake puppies. Good luck to Jakes other pointed kidsValhallas Rock N Roll of Oakridge lacks 2 points Rock Music Box of Oakridge lacks 3 points Kneislers Makin Me Dance Kneislerls Keep the Tradition Kneislers Epic Rock Tradition Itoba Great Pumpkin.BreedersOwners Nina Epps Nancy Burnette 501988-2532Nina EppsNixa, MO 65714-9008 417725-5658 Mixa, MO 65714 417725-5658American Pomeranian ClubCh. J N Js Billy BobCh. DeArtas Pistol Pete x DeArtas Rock N DollyTHANKS to Nina Epps for letting me have Billy. THANKS to Diana Nolan for finishing Billy for me. Pets and show quality puppies for sale.OwnerJean Sullinger Rt 2, Box 110 Nixa, MO 65714 417725-1416BreedersNina K. Epps M.D. RinehartI Iff J KENNELSM ^.I lBEST VARIETY CHAMPIONBREEDNEWEMPIRESIOUX L'.rKENNELAPR994DOWNEYPomeranian ReviewBehind the New TitlistsThree generation pedigrees of new Pomeranian Titlists belonging to members of the American Pomeranian Club will be printed free if sent in by the owner. Please send the dogs name, sex, color, owners name, city, and state, and breeders name on a separate sheet of paper, typed or printed neatly. Please send copies of pedigrees that dont need to be returned. Mail all information to the Editor.n Kneislers Maximum LimitOrange MaleBreeder Maria and Matthew Kneisler Owner C. Breaux and M. KneislerCh Millamors Rock Concert Ch Chriscendo City Lights ROMX C Ch Chriscendo Chatelaine i Primrose City LimitsCh LLLMite of Gold Sunny Rosewood Gold Nite Brass Ring Sunsations Kliss of Gold Roxie Ch Millamors Mark Tradition ROM Allayns Rock RevivalCh LLL Dazzlin Gold Koquette CD neislers Top Notch NikkiGreat Elms Mark of Lenette Allayns Top Secret Cygals Love Affairh MNMs Mystic GolddustRed Orange Female Breeder Mary and Gene Wells Owner Mary and Gene WellsCh Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Ch Sun Rays Bat Man ROM Sun Rays Li I Dovie h Joarts GolddustCh Sun Rays Ambassador ROM Joarts Madonna Ch Joarts Camille Ch Jolly Wee Im a Pepper To Cobbs Chaps of Pepper To Bill's Tiny Tyke Cobbs Lutece of ChapsCh Jolly Wee Im a Pepper To Cobbs Babe of Pepper To Cobbs Easter Bunny of DanCh Puf-Pride Tandilizing TrufleOrange MaleBreeder W and V Dimick Owner W and V DimickCh LLLMite of Gold Deuce Puf-Pride LLL Tandilizer CD LLL Happy Twinkling Tange Ch Puf-Pride Bit O Gold ChanceCh LLL Charming Gold Brandywine LLL Bit O Gold JubilationRosewoods Gold Mite Legacy Ch Dixielands Rock of Millamor Tiny Sun Dancer of OakridgeCh LLL Charming Gold Buttercup Ch Puf-Pride Tandilizing AngelCh LLL Happy Twinkling Tippy LLL Happy Twinkling Tange LLL Lil Gold Copper PennyCh Allaynes Miss Dinah MiteRed Sable Female Breeder Mary Allan Owner Mary AllanCh Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Allayns Sinnerman Toast Ch Carousels Angel for Allayn Ch Allayns Feel the HeatCh Coys Top of the Mark Great Elms Becky of Lenette Great Elms Rosa of Lenette Ch Bev-Nor's Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch Allayns Celestial FudgeCh Precious Petites Gabriel Ch Carousels Angel for Allayn Ch Creiders JessicaContinued on page 58Views expressed by individual contributors are their own and not necessarily those of the American Pomeranian Club, Inc.We invite our readers to express their views on all pertinent subjects. jAmerican Pomeranian Club 0 2fotOtt3-. BEST or WINNERSNEW CHAMPIONHKC SHOW ivw mCh. Guys N Gals Bravo For AmoursCh. Wee Squeakie Of Lenette x Guys N Gals Renee Haikus FlirtBravo is a very special boy. He finished at one year of age with three 5-point majors-foltowing in the footsteps of his illustrious sire. We wish to thank the following Judges who found Bravo worthy of his wins West Oahu KC BW, 5 points Judge Gilbert S. Khan Orchid Island D. F. BW, 5 points Judge Mrs. Robert Forsyth Hawaiian KC BW, 5 points Judge Roland AdameckSpecial thanks to Jo Ching who let me have Bravo and Rick for his love and handling of Bravo.nOwnerShirley Ann K. Leu 3655 Kanekolani Place Honolulu, HI 96876BreederJo Ching Island Handler Rick Archuleta I Pomeranian ReviewSilver MeadowsCongratulations and Best Wishes to a very special lady, Carol Galavich, on your Review Kennel Visit We are proud that Silver Meadows Poms had a part in the ancestory of some of your beautiful little "Pixies." Even more important is the true friendship that has edured betweenus over time. If only the phone companies had been more understanding and lowered their ratesWe wish only good luck and continued success to you and yours, from all the guys here at the farm.Ron and Jackie KJein 4146 West Lake Road716237-5473 Silver Springs, NY 14550 We have a few select puppies express time. Give us a call, stating your needs to check availability. Several champions at stud, including the sire of the 94 APC National Winners Dog and Best of Winners. Dont miss out on Ch. TeddyLerntte. Pomeranians1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042We offer for your consideration101 Issues of the Pom Reviewbeginning with the very first issue of June, 1958, and going on into 1984. These will be sold to thehighest bidder, providing the winning bid is adequate. Get your bids in by September 1st.American Pomeranian ffilub, ilnr.Pomeranian ReviewPublished Quarterly June, 195Ch. Rider's Sparklin Gold NuggetIN THIS ISSUEJudge. Mrs. Viva Leona Ricketts Kennel Visit, Great Elms Kennels. Reg.Growing and Keeping a Coat on a Pom Behind the Xcw Champions Yips and YapsPoms Abroad Club News- Annual SpecialsAmerican Pomeranian ClubLenette Pomeranianstafever's Tradition ofLenetteCh. Merrymont Satrday Nite Fever x Great Elms Lydia of LenetteCapably shown by Diane Stevenson in Northern CaliforniaWe specialize in the Great Elms BloodlineCfu Wee Prince of LenetteCh. Great Elms Sweet Prince xCh. Challengers Susanna of LenetteExperly handled by Jackie RaynorPuppies and Grown Poms usually availableFree Price list upon request-01GROUPFIRSTMOHAWK X VALLEY Yft KENNEL U CLUB jN. JO, 104Lenette Tomer anions 1440 Pom Orchid Lane Kannapolis, NC 28081 704 938-2042Pomeranian ReviewThe Pomeranian Club of CanadaWould like to invite you to our 8th National Specialty to be held atThe Fraser Valley Trade Exhibition Centre Tradex Building, Abbotsford, B.C.conjunction with the Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of B.C. Three days of all breed judging as ell as the Group V Dog Club of B.C. Specialty. Also many other Specialty Shows, Obedience rials, and Sweepstakes. Five sets of points in three days of Shows.October 28.29.30,1994 Lower Mainland Dog Fanciers of B.C. October 29,1994 Group V Dog Club of B.C. SpecialtyOctober 30,1994 Pomeranian Club of Canada SpecialtySpecialty Judge Mr. Fred Bassett Broken Arrow, OK Sweepstakes Judge Mrs. Jessie Stephens Lynnwood, WAShow Secretary Western Dog Shows Ltd.P.O. Box 3070 MPP Kamloops, B.C. V2C6B7 Ph 604 573-3944 Fax 604 573-3574Pomeranian Club of CanadaShow Committee Colleen Beland 604 594-3394 David Berry 604 583-6768POM SHOPPE ITEMSQUANTITY01........................03........................06........................PRICE......... 2.50................... 4.00................... 3.00........ITEM....... Plaster Pom earrings orange pierced....... lAMs Pet Foods Grooming Aprons wpockets red....... Dolls wcrocheted dresses toilet tissue white green17........................ .........25.00.........rose and white, brown and cream, beige, green and white ....... Pedigree Books from Great Elms 141 pages01........................ ....... Prodigy Membership IBM compatible, v.3.215........................ ...........3.00......... ....... Note cards and envelopes wPom by Babe 8601........................ ...........2.50......... ....... Wooden Pom Figurine wsmoke mirror14........................ ...........5.00......... ....... Small key ring wPom head on white tile11........................ ...........6.00......... ....... Lucite full Pom figure key ring01........................ ...........7.50......... ....... Rubber stamp-full Pom wribbon in mouth52........................ ...........5.00......... ....... APC membership pens...........3.00......... ....... APC Decals setone large and two smallOrder fromSilverwood Pomeranians Bess P. Roberts 15802 Letcher Road Brandywine, MD 20613 301 579-6462American Pomeranian Club E1994 STUD REGISTER for theAMERICAN POMERANIAN CLUBCh Mullers Encore Ch Mullers CelebertiMullers Gypsy Tambourine Ch Bonners Celeberty Q O Crystal Ch Bonners Pendart Champagne Bonners Rosecharm CutieRosewood Costarlyn News ItemCh Lili-Rocks Bud LightCh Bi-Mar Sundance Kid Bi-Mar Sunny Red Robin Bi-Mar Starlyn Newsflash Crystal Cherie of CascadeCh Bonners Penwag Sundust Cascades Golden Bambi Cascade Golden GloOennis and Glenetta LeGlise 1926 Carolina St NW Dover, OH 44622 216343-8192Ch Millamor's Mark of Dixieland Ch Millamors Trademark Millamors Music Box Ch Millamors Mark Tradition Ch Millamors Rock Music Millamors Sparkling Music Millamors Molly Brown DAnns Special Tradition Ch Chriscendos City Lights Ch Tim Sues Brass Lights Tim Sues Brass Toy Ch DAnns Precious Brass Image Emcees Mickey of Linros Kra-Li-Mar Magwey Kra-Li-Mar GremlenInquiries to Jerry Bish Pemberville, OH 419 287-3278SV2 pound orange sable Siring nice puppiesJSr4-pound red Stud Fee 200 Bred and owned by Doris Pressley5 Pomeranian ReviewCh Great Elms Tlmstopper Again Ch Great Elms Timstoppers Image Great Elms Linda h Models Tlmstoppers Echo Ch Models Son of Fun Majestic April LoveBodas Topaze Merry Gold Ch Desirees Echo BrookeCh Thelduns Almond Fudge Ch Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Bev-Nors Sweet and Sassy [Desirees Rippling BrookeCh Great Elms Timstoppers Image Desirees Fancier Faith Sandee's High HopeRodger Beaty 10425 Rockwood Road Charlotte, NC 28215Wf,Orange 52787 AR-BEES POMERANIANSCh Great Elms Timstoppers Image Ch Model's Timstoppers Echo Majestic April Love Ch Desirees Echo BrookeCh Bev-Nors Fudge Ripple Desirees Rippling Brooke Desirees Fancier Faith Ch Arbees Shotgun WillieCh Bonners Pendart Challenger Chesai Poker ChipCh Chesai Starpuff Vignette Ar-Bees Daze of SummerCedarwoocfs Gold Nugget RBs Sweet Sassy Brandy Misty Henna TuckerRodger Beaty 10425 Rockwood Road Charlotte, NC 28215 704 598-6073Ch Great Elms Timstopper Too Great Elms Tiny TimGreat Elms Sweet Candy Ar-Bees Cody Bear of Lenette Ch Desirees Echo Brooke Ar-Bees Vivian of LenetteRB's Sweet and Sassy Brandy Ch Ar-Bees Shadow DancerCh Great Elms Tlmstopper Too Ch Great Elms Models Timstopper Models Sweet Leilani Ar-Bees Highland Heide Ho Desirees Smokey Mt. Boy Desirees Smokey Mt. Model Desirees Model Brooke ShieldRodger Beaty 10425 Rockwood Road Charlotte, NC 28215 704 598-6073TT\ j,..Orange Sable 1992 AR-BEES POMERANIANSOrange 111092 AR-BEES POMERANIANSAmerican Pomeranian ClubCh Bev-Nors Statesman Ch Rhea-Na's Country DJ of Jan-Shar Rhea-Nas Rhapsody in Red Ch Jan-Shars Mountain DewCh Models Timstoppers Echo Great Elms Mountain Mama Great Elms Woods Don Ch Absolutes Magic Mountain HOF Ch Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge Ch Bev-Nors Toastmaster Bev-Nors Missy Miss Jan-Shars MadonnaCh Bev-Nor N Southland Rambo Jan-Shars Semi Sweet Shell Barks Jessee CoulterJeanne and Robert Blank 16060 Brookside Drive Buchanan, Ml 49107 616695-7308BISS, BISA-National Specialty winner 4 pound Orange. Siring gorgeous pupsDear EditorIn the AprilMay 1994 edition of your "Yips and Yaps" column I read Ms. Setmayers column with interest. It seems she hit the target with her views. Overtrimming, shaping, sculpting, etc. is rampant. I, too, fault the judges for failing to "heavily penalize" overtrimming.Gloria also correctly pointed out that stringing Poms up while gaiting should stop. This is where proper "handling" comes in-peihaps we should have more adult handling classes.Gloria Setmayer has seen fads come and go and can probably teach us a few things about dog shows but, to have her speak out on overtrimming, it must really be becoming a problem. I feel it is detrimental to our beautiful breed.Please note a correction under new member applicants. Angela Isbet should be Angela Nisbet.Roberta KenDearEditorTo Marge KranzfelderThank you for sharing your knowledge regarding the effects of ethoxyquin when used as a food preservative. We are eternally grateful to you. Our beautifulFievel is now back to normal-lookir every bit the Best in Show dog he wa His coat is gorgeous, and he is runnir and playing like a puppy Although have no way to prove this, I am als certain that I have had fewer reproducti\ problems since that chemical preservativ has been eliminated from the diets of a of our Poms.To Gloria SetmayerAfter reading your courageous letter i the Review, we would simply like to sa "Hurrah, Gloria" We have a beautifi male with a very correct coat, defmitel not too overbearing, who lacks 2 points t finish his championship. This dog took 5-point major as a 7 month old puppy. Aa show last week the judge gave him 2n place and remarked, "You have beautiful Pom here why dont you trin his coat" In many cases Pomerania judging seems to be only a contest t determine who is the best barber amon the entrants. I must say there are som excellent hair-cutters exhibiting Poms.Rosemary E. RegoniDARs FoxridgeDear EditorAfter reviewing the video from APCebruary, 1994, I had to write to see if I m alone in my feelings of disappointment nd frustration. Am I the only one out lere who saw one too many fuzzy images f our Poms There were so many that re re out of focus, and for the reedersowners of these, I truly ympathize. Luckily, my dogs were okay, ut that is not the point. For the price we ay for these videos, can we not expect to ee our Poms in good focus I am a real ear movement fanatic, and there were a any that I could not see. This should be a ireeders showcase, something we can efer to in years to come in guiding us in seeding programs. I was truly lisappointed.Is there not a better alternative I would ersonally be willing to investigate other jossibilities and Im sure there are others vho feel the same. Perhaps I am being too aitical, perhaps this is a tough task to video these Poms in action. But...there were several in sharp, clear focus. Is it too much to expect to have all in focus How frustrating to order the video, and to see your Pom as a frizzy ball Other than that, and the snow, the National was splendid as usual, the prizes were wonderful, and yes...I did get the challenge trophy home...In pieces, in different pieces of luggage. It looks very dignified in my living room. Thanks, APC, for a wonderful weekend.Jeanne Blank Absolute PomsPomeranian Review Behind the New Titlists ContinuedCh Allayns Hotiips HoulihanRed Female Breeder Mary Allan Owner Mary AllanCh Bev-Nors Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southlands Toasted Fudge ROMX Ch Southland Happy Birthday Bil Ch Allayns Sinnerman Toast Ch Precious Petites Gabriel Ch Carousels Angel for Allayn Ch Creiders Jessica Ch Precbus Petites Gabriel Ch Macs Top TuneCh Macs Beaux of Scarlet Allayns Flamenco Cancer Ch Coys Top of the Mark Great Elms Becky of Lenette Great Elms Rosa of LenetteCh Idlewyld TourmalineDark Orange MaleBreeder. M. McKee and F. WarrenOwner Margaret R. McKeeCh Apples Traveling Diamond Ch Cedarwoods Image of Diamond Cedarwoods Pitti Patti Ch Great Elms TobyCedarwoods Gold Nugget Great Elms Woods Don Great Elms Dark Sweety Ch Idlewyld Lavalier CDX Ch Idlewyld Marquis Cut Diamond CD Idlewyld Hope Diamond CD Daybreaks Good Vibrations Ch Idlewyld Star Coral CDX Ch Daybreaks Barbara Ann Daybreaks Bruiser of IdlewyldGREAT ELMS EMCEE BEV-NOR MILLAMORELLIOTTS POMERANIANSAKC Show Pet Quality1255 Hclccmi Rosd FREDA ELLIOTTJefferson. Ohio 44047 21 B-57S405JHorextasSince 1S67Julie Moreno 415583-4973American Pomeranian Club 5dogs, or by contaminated cages, shoes, or other objects. Many kennels have parvoviruses present which are carried by dogs not showing symptoms of the disease.Thus the virus may be shed by the mother dog even though she is apparently healthy. While her puppies are nursing, their hair coats may be mechanically contaminated. Since the virus is so stable, it may remain a source of infection to the puppy for many weeks after weaning.Stress-including inadequate nutrition, presence of internal parasites, extreme temperatures, and surgery-increase susceptibility to parvo. It also enhances the diseases severity. A few breeds of dogs seem more susceptible than others.A new strain of parvovirus is being recognized. But research at Cornell University has shown that the current commercial parvo vaccines are just as effective in preventing the new strain as they are the old strains.Back to the original question, then Why do vaccinated puppies break with parvoThe answer involves something called "the natural antibody interference phenomenon." And the fact is that all vaccines, whether canine or feline origin, can have problems overcoming maternal immunity.If the mother has had an infection or has been vaccinated, she will carry antibodies against the parvovirus. She will pass antibodies through her mild to her puppies. As long as the weaned puppy is carrying antibodies from the mothers milk, the antibodies will interfere with or block the vaccine from stimulating immunity in the puppy.Parvovirus is unique in that it has been shown that the maternal immunity may last several weeks beyond weaning. In fact, there are reports that vaccine interference may occur as late as 18-20 weeks of age. Most puppies seem to lose the maternal antibodies at about 12 weeks, but it will vary by litter and even within a litter by a few weeks.Estimates are that at 9 weeks, 35 percent of puppies will be susceptible toeffective vaccination at 12 weeks, 50-6 percent and at 15 weeks, 75-90 perceni This means that beyond 15 weeks of age there still may be as many as 10 percent o puppies not susceptible to effectivi vaccination. Research at the noted Jame Baker Institute for Animal Health a Cornell indicates this to be true whethe one uses feline-origin parvo vaccine o canine-origin parvo vaccine.Critical PeriodHere comes the catch about matema immunity it may block the vaccine from working, but will not be strong enough tc prevent actual infection by the parvovirus the puppies may come in contact with. Therefore, even a strictly followed vaccine program may fail when the virus invades during this 1- to 2-week transition period.Researchers at the James Baker Institute recommend that, starting at weaning time, puppies should be vaccinated against parvo every two weeks until they are 16-18 weeks of age. Adult dogs should receive a booster each year.Keeping new puppies indoors and away from any exposure to other dogs until they are 16 weeks of age is also a good precautionary measure."Commercial vaccines have been tested to be sterile, safe and efficacious in susceptible dogs," says Philip W. Widel, DVM, senior staff veterinarian for an animal health firm."The key to the whole matter is susceptible," he concludes. "Unfortunately there is no easy, practical way to determine if and when puppies are susceptible to effective vaccination.Reprinted from Poms on ParadeOn the Value of YogurtWhen your Pom has to be on oral antibiotics or if you have a picky eater, a half to one teaspoon of plain, low fat yogurt daily can be very beneficial.P.S. Renee930 Pomeranian ReviewBack IssuesMargaret R. McKee 2426 Sandy Hook Road Goochland, VA 23063 804 556-3380If you want earlier issues of the Pomeranian Review, order back issues from Margaret R. McKee, Assistant Circulation Manager. The back issues are still available25.00 EachColor Anniversary Issue, Oct. 198820.00 eachJan75.... ...Oct77... ....May 79.... ...April 808.00 eachJul 77 .... ...Feb 80... ....Jul 81.... .....Oct 83Apr 86... ....Jan 80.... ....Jan 906.00 eachJul 80 ....... Oct 80... ....Apr82.... .....Oct82Jan 83.... ....Jul83...........Apr84.... .....Oct 84Jan 85.... ...Apr 85... ....Jul85............Oct 85Jul 86.... ...Sept 86... ....Nov 86.... .......Jul 87Oct87... ...Jan 88.... ....Jul88.............Jan 89Apr 89... ....Jul 90.... .... Oct 90.... ......Jan 91Mar 91.. ...May 91... ....Jul91Issues from Sept 91 on...The Pomeranian Review ISSN 0744-8546 is published bi-monthly in Modesto, CA, by the American Pomeranian Club, Inc. Subscriptions are 30 per year 3rd class mail 35 per year 1st class mail. 1st class rates apply to USA, Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and APOs US funds only. The editor is not responsible for the contents or accuracy of advertisements, nor the opinions expressed by authors. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editor.The Pomeranian Reviewis sent to JudgesKennel VisitsAugust...... Erika MoureauOctober.__Marge KranzfelderAdvertisersMary Allan........................................................ 33Roger Beaty.......................................................56Jeanne Blank..................................................... 57Evelyn Conley............................................. 26, 27Mr. and Mrs. David Dahlenburg.....................FCVirginia and Warren Dimmick......................... 39Doral Publishing............................................... 38Freda Elliot........................................................58Nina Epps.......................................................... 46Norma Gad........................................................53Carol Galavich.............IFC. IBC, BC, 26, 27Sharon Hanson....................................................1Mary Herr..........................................................44David Jachalke..................................................40Jackie Klein.......................................................50Marvin and Margo Koga..................CenterspreadMarge Kranzfelder..............................................7Dennis and Glenetta LeGlise.............................15, 55Lenette Poms............................................... 50,51Shirley Ann K Leu............................................49Dennis Litonjua..................................................34, 35Margaret R. McKee...........................................16Donna and Rick Megenhardt............................23Julie Moreno...................................................... 32, 58Evelyn Newyear............................. 26, 27, 28, 29Nickerson International.....................................36OVPC.................................................................. 9PCOC................................................................ 54Pom Shoppe.......................................................54Doris Pressley....................................................52, 55Rosemary Regoni..............................................37Jim and Judy Shearer........................................15Jean Sullinger....................................................47Dolly Trauner.....................................................24, 25Betty Wrixon.....................................................41Lyn-Lee Neujahr Pvye.VMicI s JiLJlAmCan Ch. Pixies Tiptoe to Neujahr"Tipper" is pictured on her way to another Group placement handled by Evelyn Conley. She is currently being shown in both the United States and Canada. This lovely bitch was bred by Evelyn Newyear.Owned byEvelyn Conley, Evelyn Newyear, and Carol GalavichMtttttV VBMW W WLLE'I ftENNLL CLUB \NCOCT \