Tip: Separate multiple keywords using a semicolon (;) for best results. If using proper names, try to use proper casing (although even in the text, it sometimes varies).
The Pomeranian Review May 2009

14 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Health Foundation if it meets the Foundation's funding guidelines.ObEdiENCE ChAiR - WENdy DonneLIy Agility proposal letter received.GROUNds - Greqq WatersEverything is fine. We are receiving booth rentals.H...

The Pomeranian Review July 2009

26 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...bedience ChairWendy Donnelly is the Obedience Chair.Wendy gave each board member a proposal to have agility. In order for our club to not be required to hold a sanctioned match for agility the email from AKC...

The Pomeranian Review September 2009

54 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... mission statement my wife wrote some years ago:Our personal mission is to promote participation in agility competition with the Fomeranlan breed in order to spotlight that magnificent combination of beauty ...

The Pomeranian Review November 2009

8 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ng. She also joined the Greater Muskegon Kennel Club in 1998. Liz trained her dogs in obedience and agility putting AKC titles on in both venues as well as finishing several Samoyed champions and one Havanes...

The Pomeranian Review January 2010

42 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Mrs. Solano. ABSENT: Mr. Sisneros)Nothing is reported out of executive session.Unfinished Business Agility PollA written report was submitted by Mrs. Lehtinen on behalf of Wendy Donnelly. I sent out the pol...

The Pomeranian Review May 2009

14 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Health Foundation if it meets the Foundation's funding guidelines.ObEdiENCE ChAiR - WENdy DonneLIy Agility proposal letter received.GROUNds - Greqq WatersEverything is fine. We are receiving booth rentals.H...

The Pomeranian Review July 2009

26 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...bedience ChairWendy Donnelly is the Obedience Chair.Wendy gave each board member a proposal to have agility. In order for our club to not be required to hold a sanctioned match for agility the email from AKC...

The Pomeranian Review September 2009

54 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... mission statement my wife wrote some years ago:Our personal mission is to promote participation in agility competition with the Fomeranlan breed in order to spotlight that magnificent combination of beauty ...

The Pomeranian Review November 2009

8 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

...ng. She also joined the Greater Muskegon Kennel Club in 1998. Liz trained her dogs in obedience and agility putting AKC titles on in both venues as well as finishing several Samoyed champions and one Havanes...

The Pomeranian Review January 2010

42 instances of keyword(s) found in this issue.

... Mrs. Solano. ABSENT: Mr. Sisneros)Nothing is reported out of executive session.Unfinished Business Agility PollA written report was submitted by Mrs. Lehtinen on behalf of Wendy Donnelly. I sent out the pol...